#young people for older men
toonztown · 6 months
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Mafia husband! x (GN) reader Part 1
How did your life get this like, slaving away for a man you don't love? it started 10 years ago, back in high school.
you remember being in class writing a particular topic you had been assigned in your notebook when you were called the principal's office, when you reached your eyes landed on your parents faces. they were crying.
tears streaming down endlessly as they wept openly, with red faces and puffy eyes. It seemed they were shedding tears for a long period of time, you were bewildered. Your parents especially your father never shed a single tear, not even when we had to bury the family dog after it succumb to old age.
your eyes scanned the room, besides your parents were scary men dressed in black suits covered head to toe in tattoos and piercings that was when your eyes landed on him.
a tall gentleman with slick back hair was sitting at the principal's desk, like the others he also had numerous tattoos and piercings, but this man had more jewelry than the others and was more well built as well . you assume from the cold dead gaze he gave you when your eyes met, he was the leader.
the corners of his lips curled to make a smirk as he looked at you up and down, looking back you wish you could have slapped that damn smirk off his face hard enough to leave a bruise.
"a fair price to pay, consider your debt cleared Mr. Vincent," the leader said, smirk widening into a grin*
Your father, Vincent Harvey, finally looked into your eyes. the words that came next would ruin your entire life. Well to explain, you father had always had a tiny bit of a gambling addiction, him and your mother often fought about him spending the rent money to 'test his luck' at the pub, he never once won.
he looked you in the eyes, and there was silence momentarily before he finally spoke, his voice was so soft that it was just above a whisper
"..looks my gambling finally caught up to me, i uh- borrowed a large sum of money from some very dangerous people to gamble, i lost it all in a matter of moments and.. you have to understand- they were going to kill us. it was the only way, my dear (Y/N) Mr. Capone here, asked for your hand in marriage.. in order to clear my debt."
after he finished speaking, i couldnt say anything. It was like words were stuck in your throat. your heart beat was pounding in your ears like big drums.. your entire life forcibly taken from you, just like that.
over the loud noises you could hear your parents try to explain the situation to you.. you didn't want to listen, how can they be so selfish to sell their own blood.. their only child to save their own skins.
the next few moments after were a blur, Mr. Capone and his cronies escorted you out to the car. Reluctantly you got in, looking out the window as they drove off to your new life.
you remember feeling a hand on you shoulder, you turned your head to see Mr. Capone who was smiling at you. Maybe this wouldn't be so bad, maybe you'll learn to love him? what a foolish thought that was.
the next moment his nails were digging into your shoulder causing you to wince
"why the long face my betrothed? after all, your getting wed in a few days, like it or not." he said, his grip on your tightening to the point your sure a bruise will be left, a small pool of blood started to stain your white uniform. No matter how hard you pulled he wouldnt let you go, he seemed to be getting immense joy from your torment.
they finally pulled up into the driveway for a big mansion, he got out and opened the door for you . As you looked around your unfamiliar surroundings fear was carved into your face, looks like your life as a mafia's spouse had just begun.
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thesesoldierboysarebi · 4 months
Will mostly be reblogging for a while I think, but I’m gonna be real, 70 percent of my reason for making this blog in the hopes of writing was that I noticed a big chunk of CoD x reader posts on this hellsite have readers with like…concerningly low ages. There’s a lot of reader character minor-coding going on, and it’s weirdling me out (no shade to young writers, I know a lot of the reason is that a majority of CoD fanfic writers are 18-25 here, which, yk, fair that you wanna see self-inserts with similar ages).
But as I said, it gives me the ick, so if/when I end up writing x reader, I wanna go ahead and make it clear that I will not be writing a reader character in a romantic/sexual position BELOW the age of 25 at most. Most of the Call of Duty men are, like, 28 at the youngest, and I’m more inclined to write reader characters with matching ages, especially afab readers.
In other words? I’m gonna write milfs and dilfs. I’m gonna write top!reader. I’m gonna write unhinged women that leave the various men of TF141 screaming crying throwing up. I will NOT be writing virginal, innocent, or overly naive reader characters; I do not do minor-coding. Y’all have been warned.
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nobodysdaydreams · 1 month
Giving a complicated tragic childhood backstory to your favorite character is all fun and games, until you realize you need to account for how old all the other adult characters would have been at the time and realize that scenes that would work perfectly if one character was twenty three and the other was fourteen stop working when you need other characters who are played by adult actors clearly younger than they are to be in college at the same time so your story beats line up thematically.
#Don't worry. I made an excel document for this over a year ago#Was that unhinged? Yeah. But this is harder than you think it is#In unrelated news it is now reasonable to have a child in your 20s 30s or 40s depending on when the plot needs the child#Also people in their early 20s can be in grad school have already established careers and adopt children now. I've declared it.#Also: Hollywood stop trying to trick me into believing women in their 30s are the same age as men in their 50s. It's never gonna work.#I'm fighting for my life to make these age gaps normal even on a platonic level#Don't worry I aged the girls up and the boys down#But still this is a bit ridiculous#If you use the actors' ages it doesn't work. Garrison's actress is 16 years younger than Curtain. Why?#I mean I like the casting. But SQ is a teenager. We know Curtain has had his evil plans at least since SQ was born and lost his bio dad#and if the Whisperer is Garrison's invention that means she and Curtain were working together when SQ was born#If SQ in the show is 16 (the actor was older I believe) and Garrison is 37 (that's how old the actress is now she was younger at time)#That means Garrison was only 21 and Curtain was well into his 30s. And that's after you age SQ down and Garrison up for the calculations#So Garrison was likely (according to the shows' casting) even younger than that which begs the question what was Curtain doing?#Was he spending his 30s lurking around college campuses and high schools looking for a kid whose inventions he could steal?#What in the Marcus Cutter is that about?#All these jokes about Garrison being SQ's uninvolved divorced stepmom but nah she's really his estranged big sister#also this is very frustrating because the irl age gap between the actress who plays Number Two and Tony Hale only 7 years#but they're the ones for whom a 16 year age gap would have actually made sense because he adopts her in the books!#but now since Garrison is clearly so much younger than Number Two Curtain and Benedict I have to deal with this#(Don't worry I figured it out and made the age gaps normal. You just now have to believe Number Two is only a year older than Garrison)#It was the stress of living with her family that aged her and Garrison just looks naturally super young that's what we're going with.#And don't get me wrong:#I do like the actresses and actors they casted they're great but sometimes I google the ages and I'm like oh you cannot be serious#But we've (more or less) figured it out#Rant over#writing#writing struggles#tmbs
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punkeropercyjackson · 9 months
Thinking every character would be into older men is a weird ass assumption to make actually,especially when the characters in question aren't even adults
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adhderall · 16 days
well as you can see besides being ugly as all fuck I'm also extremely bitter so that doesn't help at all in making me appealing. but it also comes with the territory you see, being treated as a hideous freak of nature for your whole life kind of does things to your psyche.
also going into shit in the tags as an extreeeemely jaded individual who's been on every side of the discourse and KNOWS it all VERY PERSONALLY so I know many people will find all sorts of different reasons to hate me (if they want ig) because I'm ~politically homeless~ at this point because I'm sick and tired of everything but whatever
(also fuck I ran out of space in the tags so another post maybe idk. )
#so. i get why people are against children transitioning i really do. and i have my own nuanced complicated feelings about it#but honestly. im beginning to believe id be more well-adjusted by now even if just a bit if i had started larping as male by 15.#would it fix all of my problems? no. but it would make a lot of things in my life much smoother and easier.#but i was sooo deep into raddie/gc shit that i had this fucking. complex about not wanting to troon because its ~cheating~#and 'omg all the butches are leaving!!1 butch flight i cant be one of them!!!1'#'i MUST be a good example for all the young girls!!!1' a weird sort of almost martyr-like complex if you will.#but as i get older im like... honestly man fuuuuccckkkkk this.#barely anybody expects straight or even bi women to abstain from dating men forever For the Good of Womankind#its not seen as Expected but rather Exceptional and Wow Amazing if you do.#and anyone who Expects it is seen as a ~crazy extremist~#meanwhile lesbians and especially HSTS are almost fucking Expected to sacrifice themselves for the ~greater good~#and ngl other lesbiams perpetuate this shit too.#oh you CANT transition even if you feel it'll make your life easier because because because#[arguments that would really only apply to OSA females transitioning]#[strawman] [misinterpreted stats] [unverified reddit posts]#and if all else fails 'think of how the very act of doing so will HURT ALL OF WOMANKIND'#no fucking wonder dysphoric lesbians develop an fucking insane martyr complex and start to treat hrt/transitioning like its fucking crack#'ill give into the temptation if i see a happy trans person ohh nooo so nobody should be allowed to troon'#like thats not fucking normal! you realize thats NOT FUCKING NORMAL right?#youre acting like a deranged christian who is so afraid of sinning by wrongthink#and disclaimer no. i dont inherently hate being female or a lesbian but with the way i am physically and mentally#i would have/have had a Much easier time integrating into society as a ~man~. just because of how i am physically and mentally.#now i wont say internalized homophobia/etc. NEVER has anything to do with transition or etc. but im gonna be real#for HSTS (which are extremely rare in the first place) thats often only a very small part of it at most.#its often more about making our lives easier and integrating better without having to completely remold our entire personalities.#thats the reality.#would we not transition if society have patriarchy/gender roles/sexism? perhaps. i wont deny that possibility.#the fact of the matter is however#that it wont be happening any time soon. so we just want our lives to be easier.#'oh but youre lying to yourself' not necessarily. i dont have a ~gender identity~ and im well aware of myself and my situation.
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azurecoffin · 2 months
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Different style practice dood with Catseye!
I haven't read stuff she appeared in yet but I really love her design! Also wtf she's like 14? Why is she so sexualized?
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amaryllidaceaee · 11 months
Having a body suckss
do u ever think abt how ice king pretty much canonically has body image issues like
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(thats your brain lying to you and saying stuff)
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droughtofapathy · 2 months
Note to self: make a post ranking the best and worst types of people to share a table with at a cabaret.
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sophisticatedheart · 5 months
Sad news mika nation today was the first day in months I was misgendered at work :'(
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iwaasfairy · 1 year
some of you know that i don't like tiktok n it has many reasons but i have had a rant brewing in regards to it for a while and it's definitely extremely prevalent on tiktok
it is not your place to judge people's relationships, even the toxic ones
i know we all go like "yeah duhh" but i want you to actually take in what i'm saying. it's not your place. just because they exist in an age where things can be found online, doesn't mean it's your place. people are allowed to have the human experience. people are allowed to fall in love with the wrong people, and people are allowed to have toxic experiences and people are allowed to be stupid and make mistakes, even public ones
definitely if the person in question is a young woman. like genuinely, i think there is nothing more disrespectful and ironically, anti woman than determining for some young woman that she shouldn't be in a relationship with some older dude. it's not up to you. yea maybe she's making a mistake and will regret in in 3 years, and so fucking what? that's life. young women are able to choose, for themselves, even if the choice is stupid.
billy dating that goofy fucking dude and getting so much shit for it bc what? she whose wrong? yea, i'm pretty sure she made a conscious choice, so stop. she'll survive her mistake. trying to keep young women from experiencing life, even the bad parts of life, isn't doing anyone a fucking favor. its just dismissive of the fact that they can make their own choices for fuck sake.
some nineteen year old ending up married to her high school teacher because they wanted to, getting called out because it's weird and creepy? they're living their lives. who are you to criticize random people? even if it is weird. even if it is true. it's not your fucking place.
a thirty year old woman married to a seventy year old guy and they are living their life and existing in a space where people can see it, but now suddenly it has to be called out bc that's toxic and gross. ok, it's also not your fucking relationship. stop butting in where you're not asked. it is so unbelievably disrespectful and honestly, i'm sick of seeing it. everyone needs to keep their nose in their own business
the easy access of drama on tiktok has made everyone believe that everything is drama that you should stick your nose into. it's not. other people's lives and mistakes shouldn't be your entertainment. young women making bad choices for themselves isn't a hill you need to die on. you aren't being an ally. you aren't being a feminist. you aren't being appropriate.
it isn't your place. it isn't your place. i'm sick of it
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gillianthecat · 9 months
Viki said "Try Something Different! >" and I said, "sure, why not," and so I clicked on Pale Moon.
AND OMG YOU GUYS I AM OBSESSED. I've been struggling to focus on anything but I was captivated. If you enjoy fascinating middle-aged women, and an elliptical, sometimes film-like approach, I highly recommend it to you.
I just finished the first episode, and only read the first few lines of the synopsis, so in many ways I don't know where it's going, and it's beautiful. (Please don't spoil me on anything! 🙏) Our protagonist is complex and subtle, and played by an actress with incredible presence, but everyone else around her is also fascinating and real in their own right, and I'm so curious to see the directions all these relationships develop.
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It's 10 one-hour episodes, and came out last spring, but I don't remember seeing anything about it until now, so I don't know if it went under the radar, or I just missed that conversation. Perhaps it goes downhill after episode 1, but it's hard to imagine given how carefully everything is being set up so far.
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maddy-ferguson · 1 year
i wish the internet had never learned the term prefrontal cortex because people use it to make 25 the new 18 which is so strange
#like is 17-19 predatory no and it's stupid to say you have to wait until midnight on the younger person's birthday to be in contact with#them even if you're only 366 days apart. and now people are like someone who's 20 can still be taken advantage of which yes obviously but#they're like it's because their brain is not done yet. at 24 you are a baby and at 25 you're a grown woman. but actually not really because#chris evans married someone who's 26 but that's close to 25 so she's not old enough. her brain has only been done for five minutes so it's#actually terrible that they're together. like there's saying that young adults are still vulnerable and...young and then there's pushing#the idea that women are just little girls forever lmao.#and it's just so weird that people use the brain thing so much i can't say why exactly but it rubs me the wrong way#i'm not saying this because i'm only 22 and people who say that would talk about me like i'm 14 because i wouldn't even date anyone who's#significantly older than me or anyone who's like under 20. but yeah😭#and i'm not even saying that the phenomenon of men always dating younger and women always dating older (even if it's just like 2 years)#and not vice versa isn't worth examining i'm literally a sociology student i'll be the first to say everything's interesting. but like#what's the end goal here#even in more extreme cases when a 25-year-old woman marries someone 40 years her senior i'm always like well i would never do that#but what are you random person on the internet gonna do.#and the thing is there's always potential power dynamics like you would have to be dating yourself to avoid it and even then#and like i say: brf slt
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lord-squiggletits · 6 months
The fact that the general Tumblr reaction to JRO saying "yeah Drift is around the same age as Megatron" was incredulousness/amazement really makes me wonder what it is about Drift that makes people think he's young for some reason.
I mean in a way I don't even like applying the label of "young" to any Cybertronian who was alive pre-war, because that group of people is literally 4-5 million years old and so the fact that some of them might have a few thousand/ten thousand years on each other doesn't really make a meaningful generation gap for a species that's basically immortal.
But why do people think that Drift is some young adult when he's literally the same age group as some characters called "old men" by fandom.
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theood · 9 days
A thing that's been on my mind recently is how lots of people will try to convince you being trans is a death sentance to your overall happiness and that you'll NEVER be accepted in society and everyone will be able to tell.
But, the longer I spend outside, the more I have those random everyday encounters with people, the more it becomes very obvious that's just... Not true. 90% of people do not care. They just don't. I was so worried about passing all the time and even with a beard I convinced myself people would know. And some of that is because I grew up during t.rusc.um times where it was just absolutely drilled into me even when I wasn't in those circles I would NEVER be a real man and I could only hope to BARELY pass. But everyday people gender me correctly. No one pays attention to the way I walk, or my height or how I carry myself or how this way I do x is so girly.
And, even when I run into people who don't know what trans is, or what it means, more often than not they're not... Actually mean about it. They just don't know. And they're like anyone when they see something they've never experienced. They ask questions cautiously not sure how to approach the topic. They're not TRYING to be mean or invasive. They've just never met someone like me.
And of course this isn't to say everyone like this or every experience will be like this. But I think it's nice to hear that it isn't really like what everyone wants you to think. What "the other side" says. More often than not people are just going about their day and won't give you more than a passing glance. Life's ok
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idiosyncraticrednebula · 10 months
A boytoy doesn't serve any purpose other than being a masturbatory object as that's precisely what the other person, usually an older woman, wants him for. He is fine with it as long as she rewards him with money and all sorts of material gifts in return (most of the women in these types of relationships are sugar mamas). All he has to do is be young, physically attractive and have a functioning penis.
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fnvbennygecko · 1 month
im going to be honest im sort of an insane person about age gaps even when it comes to like straight up adults i know it's like fine at that point or wahtever but idk im fucked int he head and i dont like it
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