#youre here for ME BITCH!!!!! look at my anime boy or die
goldiipond · 2 years
maybe i was hyperfixed on tpn before my rewatch last year bc i literally binged the entire manga in 2 days after my first watch and cried over ray multiple times but i didn't post abt it bc i had been a mario blog since i started using tumblr and i knew my followers wouldn't really care and feeling of being ignored fucking kills me its the worst feeling ever to me. but then my s1 rewatch was like ok ive amplified your mental illness by about 50 times. good luck you autistic fuck
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alexxncl · 5 months
masterlist | drabbles/hcs
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so we all know the boys have familiars, right? idk if i'm blanking ot stupid or just don't remember, but i literally don't know what more than half of them are 😭
lucifer has peacocks ?
mammon has his crows
levi has lotan...i think
satan ??
asmo ???
beel has flies ig ????
is belphie's a cow ?????
like was this ever mentioned bc i feel like i'm losing my mind
ok but imagine a big ass peacock following you around in the human realm, but you're the only one who can see it bc of your pact with lucifer. like you're out with your friends, and then the bitch pops up out of nowhere and you have to act like nothing's happening
mammon's crows would always find a way to perch up on your shoulder or your forearm or your head. you'd wake up to them standing on your nose or your chest with a little note or smth. and mammon wouldn't even have to tell the crows to follow you, they'd do it on their own bc they love you like he does and they hate seeing their demon's favorite human being lonely
lotan...terrifying in theory. but i feel like he's just a big puppy idk. just give him treats and a note for levi and he'll cooperate. there should be some kind of spell to make him portable so he could follow you around like a tiny snake, or erap himself around your shoulders or arms or smth
maybe satan has a bird too? he's technically very intertwined with lucifer given the circumstances of his birth (are the feathers on his boa from the wings lucifer ripped off??? more on this here)
maybe asmo's is a snake. yk how the serpent tempted adam and eve or whatever. temptation and lust go hand in hand, i think it'd be interesting if his familiar had some kind if symbolic attachment to lust or temptation. what other animals could it be??
accidentally swatting one of beel's flies without realizing and seriously injuring it (idk i feel like they cant die easily) and then beel being all sad when you come back like "i just wanted to make sure you were ok 🥺"
but a cow ??? i feel like that'd be more annoying than anything 😭 getting whipped with its tail on accident and your friends looking at you like you're insane for flinching and jumping out of nowhere. or waking up to the thing mooing in your face
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UPDATE i now know satan's familiar is a unicorn and asmo's is a scorpion
a unicorn following you around would be hilarious but also surreal ??? like imagine almost being late to work or an appointment and then satan's unicorn pops up out of nowhere and just flies you to your job sndhdjdhh
idk about y'all but the idea of scorpions scare me...i feel like asmo's would be cute tho. like a tiny, bright pink scorpion with a bedazzled tail that protects you from creeps whenever you're out partying or bar hopping with your friends. it'll stab them with its tail and the weirdo will leave you alone
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luverine · 5 months
Caged Animal
Yandere (M) Hybrid x (F) Reader
0.8k words Part 2 Part 3
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TW: bad writing, abuse, old men, drugs?, hunger, blood
(This was some nonsense I came up with bored at work nothing serious!!)
ID: 187904 (Zaki)
Age: 23-27
Gender: Male
Species: Lupinian
Height: unturned 5’9 / turned 6’8
Weight: unturned 175 lbs / turned 260 lbs
Description: Medium tan skin, dark brown overgrown buzz cut hair, dark brown/ black eyes, scar from cheek to chin on right side of face, scar from mid waist around to mid back, missing left pinky finger, lean build.
Triggers: Men, loud noises (beeping), black lab coats.
Note: Violent against men, especially older men. Wears muzzle for appointed checkups and while being fed.
Removed from the environment when cleaning the room.
Always have a shocker on you while handling patient.
Doesn’t talk.
Never give eye contact.
“You get all at’? The son of a bitch’s a handful.” An overweight man puffing a cigarette says. “Annoying too, We’ve gone through every caretaker in rotation and nothing he nearly killed all of em”
Looking down at the paper skimming over its contents. You nod “I never worked with any of the projects here though, I prep medicine and surgical equipment. What made you think I could take this on?” You asked unsure.
“We're runnin’ outa options it’s either you or the custodians. At least you have some experience.” The man puffed out.
“Well, does my pay increase? Concerned for your life you ask.
“Nah, we don’t have enough funds sorry girl.” He replies
You huff a little annoyed you're probably going to die for minimum wage. “What’s his room number I’ll go there at dinner time”
“First level of quadrant C, 316. Can’t be missed.” The man says. “Make sure he gets extra for dinner; he's been a good boy.” The man chuckles, placing the cigarette back in his mouth.
“Ugg gross!”
The raw meat is slimy, smells fishy, and a deep brown color.
“This has to be rotten” You make a disgusted face at what you're about to feed this poor experiment.
Room 316.
You walk towards it with your cart of meat, water, and a small fluffy blue blanket.
You give the door operator a nod. The door unlocks and you wheel inside to another door. You wait a moment and tap the door three times and card swipe the door open.
Inside is a man curled up in the corner. His arms and legs, at least what you can see, are covered in bandages. The bottom of his feet are caked in blood. You step in the room and he growls.
Sighing you grab his tray of food and a water canister. You set the items on the metal table that extends from the wall. You slide back over towards the door, it opens and you step out back into the little hallway. You grab the small fluffy blanket and card back into the room.
His back is to you it’s obvious he doesn’t want you in here. “187904” He lets out a deep growl.
“Here, take the blanket. You’re going to have to get used to me at some point I’m going to be your caregiver, I guess” you mutter.
“Don’t call me that…” the wolf man replies, his voice deep it unsettles you.
“Call you what? 187904? ” You ask.
“…” He sat up with his hand held out expecting you to drop the fluff into his hand.
Extending your arm out to hand him the small blanket. You back away immediately when he snatches it and pulls it toward his face. His nails are sharp with a black tip that you can’t make out to be dried blood or not.
“Uh…here you go guy..?”
“Zaki.” He grunted out.
“That’s um… nice name Zaki.” You say to the wall. His eyes were burning holes into the side of your face, but you knew better. He’d tear you to sheds if you looked into them.
He grunts, turning away from you once more you take it as your queue to leave.
The door slides closed and you shuffle the cart out of the room and into the actual hallway.
I sniff the air. “Hmm”.
Getting up off the floor, I walk to the table.
Everything is rotten, the meat has turned to brown jelly . The smell is taking over the whole room and suffocating me.
Growling I pick up the rotting slime and slam it into the camera covering it from being visible. Wiping my hand on the wall. I huff and lay back into the corner curling around the blanked. “She smelled good” I murmur, trying to ignore the growing hunger and just sleep it off.
“Good to see ya alive. Report to me, how was the big bad wolf?” The man asked, puffing out smoke.
“It was fine, I admit scary, but he didn’t do or say much.” You say
The man chuckles “It’s either that or ya become his lunch, be glad he ignored ya it means he likes you.” Huffing out more smoke and shooing me off with his hand.
You walk out of his office “what a dick” I murmur. Heading to the main building to go to your locker and pick up your bag.
You head home knowing the same bullshit will welcome you tomorrow.
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A/N: Bullshit mentioned!!! I have really bad writers block so I’m posting this old work. Let me know if you want more of this dope. The monster fic is taking wayyyy longer that I thought (sorry and cya)
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miscfandomwrites · 10 months
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A/N: Little Drabble I've been working on that I figured was good enough to post. And yes, Konig will be in here because I say so and also because I have a huge little crush on him. Easiest way to describe sunshine is that while she doesn't do active field work (unless absolutely necessary) she is still very scary and cute at the same time.
Pairing: Poly! Shifter! Tf141 + Konig x Rabbit Shifter! F Reader
Warnings: Language, dude being a creep, r being a little creepy.
Words: 507
Tagging: @tyler-t0t
Located: Under MW2 -> Sunshine Series
“Oh really? That’d be really cool! I bet Gaz would love to come too! He’s been wanting to see that movie for ages!” I told Gavin as he slowly stalked towards me, something akin to a dark smile on his face. 
I held my hand to the side carefully and made my palm flat, the sign for stop as I could hear the boys slowly getting up and walking towards me. Perks of being a rabbit, I guess. 
I smiled at him as I turned my body a bit and opened one of the kitchen drawers, sliding out the chef knife I loved so dearly. 
One of the many things I learned from culinary school: Keep your knives sharp, and your enemies unaware. 
I was forced against the counter as he stood in front of me, licking his lips as if he was a wolf eyeing a delicious meal. 
“Oh bunny, I don’t think you understand, I’m telling you that I want to-”
Before he could finish the sentence, I held up the knife to his neck, starting to force him backwards.
I put on my cheerful voice and the bright face that I used when typically dealing with animals or small children, and smiled at him.
“Oh, I understand completely! Y’know, right this is your windpipe, “ I said as I lightly traced the knife down and up his throat, using small enough pressure to leave slices but not enough to make him react more “And here is your esophagus, Oh! And right beside them are your main arteries that lead to your brain! If they were to get a small slice in them, You could die within two minutes! Isn’t that pretty neat?” I grinned at him, successfully backing him out of the kitchen as I dug the knife a little harder into his neck. 
“Y-You fucking bitch-” he stammered, I tsked and drug the knife across to the other artery, and did the same to it. 
“You really should know better than to mess with a girl in her own kitchen.” I told him. 
“Let alone in front of her pack.” a deep, german-accented voice spoke from behind me, and without having to look I knew it was Konig. 
At that point, I saw Gavin cower, his ears flattening against his head as he quite literally turned tail and ran. 
“Great, now I have to wash the blood off of this.” I sighed, heading towards the sink. 
“That was fucking creepy, lass.” Soap spoke up, arms crossed his chest as he tried to calm himself down from fully shifting. 
I shrugged. “Hey, he asked for it. There’s a reason I’m called Sunshine after all!” I told him with a smile. 
As soon as the adrenaline wore off my temper dropped, still with a smile on my face I carefully hand washed and dried off the knife before sliding it back into its drawer. 
Straightening out my apron, I turned back to the boys with my hands clasped in front of me. 
“Now, who wants dinner?”
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were-wolverine · 11 months
teen wolf as b99 quotes
*lydia’s party in s2*
lydia: why is no one having a good time? i specifically requested it.
isaac, to lydia: derek told me not to let him get hurt tonight, so i’ll keep him away from you.
stiles: have you seen lydia?
isaac: lydia died eight years ago.
derek: oh, are you and allison no longer…
scott: smushing booties?
derek: …yes that’s exactly how i was going to phrase my sentence, scott.
stiles: we gotta get to hospital and we gotta get there fast.
jackson: then i should drive.
scott: why you?
jackson: i have nothing to live for and i drive like it.
stiles: …okay, let’s do it.
stiles: all right, give me your hair-dryer.
allison: what?
stiles: don’t you carry one in your purse?
allison: have you ever met a human woman?
stiles: …*calls lydia*
lydia: hey, stiles.
stiles: hey. do you carry a hair-dryer in your purse?
lydia: of course. i’m not an animal.
stiles: you think you can just bully people, but you can’t. it’s not okay.
stiles: i’m the bully around here. ask anyone.
erica: i’m not a stone cold bitch.
erica: i’m a natural, beautiful presence.
stiles: do you know how many basic bitches would kill to have the same personality as me?
peter: we can go to my apartment. no one knows where i live.
derek: i thought you had stiles over once.
peter: yeah, it was fun. i moved the next day.
peter: he would way too easily use that information against me.
stiles: he’s right, i would.
scott: stiles, i screwed up, big time.
stiles: scott, given your daily life experiences, you’re gonna have to be more specific.
kira: ‘writing things down’ is nerdy!? what do you do?
malia: i just forget stuff like a cool person.
allison: you are disturbingly good at this.
lydia: i grew up forging report cards.
lydia: if people knew how smart i was, it would have been harder to control them.
stiles: are you a minor? how old are you?
liam: i’m 610. i’m a highlander.
stiles: okay, you know what? i’m gonna put that in there.
stiles: and then you’re gonna be tried as an adult highlander, and they’re gonna cut your head off.
erica: what do you look for in a guy?
stiles: i don’t know, real stuff. shape of his ass.
erica: yeah that tracks
scott: i straight up drove him off, big screw up on my part.
scott: i’m trying this new thing, where i just own my mistakes. i like it, do you?
derek: i did. until you bragged about it.
boyd: you searched for ‘cheapest date possible’.
stiles: and i wear that search like a badge of honor.
scott: wow, your handshake is quite firm.
kira: i took a seminar.
scott: where?
stiles: a parsec is actually a measure of distance. that’s one of the many inaccuracies in the ‘Star Wars’ universe.
malia: and what’s ‘Star Wars’?
stiles: oh boy.
scott: okay- no big deal, five days is nothing. i’m not afraid to be alone with my own thoughts.
scott: my thoughts are awesome. die hard 6 on a cruise ship… pizza bagel restaurant…
scott: my father never loved me, i’m gonna die alone.
scott: oh boy, that escalated quick.
stiles: well, remember when you told me not to burn down the precinct?
sheriff stilinski: you burned down the precinct??
stiles: no, i had the fire put out almost immediately. this is a success story!
stiles: peter, this isn’t High School Musical.
scott: yeah, peter, this isn’t High School Musical 2.
stiles: yeah, and it isn’t High School Musical 3: Senior Year.
boyd: i’m fine at parties.
boyd: i just stand in the middle of the room and don’t say anything.
derek: i only feel one emotion, and it’s anger.
isaac: last night you drunk-texted the whole pack a bunch of heart emojis.
derek: …out of anger.
stiles, to jackson: no hard feelings. but i hate you.
stiles: not joking. bye.
lydia: give me the ring.
stiles: ha, you sound like Gollum.
lydia: that means nothing to me.
lydia: i don’t see those movies, i’m too pretty.
stiles, walking out after a pack meeting ends: sexy train is leaving the station.
stiles: check out this caboose! later, sluts.
scott: look at me. do not blow this for us.
random dog that allison hit with her car:
peter: i really miss these people, the whole pack. stiles, scott…
peter: …i forget all their other names.
derek: *judgemental eyebrow raise*
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Hiiii bonten Rindou hc???? Pleaseee. Love him frr
To be honest, I intended for this to be almost exclusively for haikyuu… BUT FOR YOU MY FRIEND! *pounds chest* I SHALL GIVE YOU THE RINNY OF YOUR DREAMS. Also you didn’t specify what kind you want so ima give you my finest shit, which happens to be my head cannon prowess. (Totally not because I hate writing dialogue, no,no, that’s so stupid 😳) Also important side note: I aint spend days finishing the Tok rev manga not to use it tf outta here. Tokrev and Jjk content is welcomed proudly.
idk if I’ll make a part 2, but on the off chance I do, look foreword to girldad Rinny content.
status: unedited
warnings: cursing, slightly sexual situations (but no smut), mafia bs, blood? Fluffy bullshit, Rindou being a dick hole, the ick, my bad Spanish
💜Bonten Rindou Hataini. Headcannons~💜
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The first thing off the bat, I definitely think he is on the demisexual spectrum. I know everyone else be saying that he would be all about just sleeping around like that, but to be honest, I think that that’s more of a Ran thing. I feel like the only reason he would go to strip clubs and shit like that for work, and would actually be really grossed out when people would coddle him. If he was to have a significant other, it would have to be someone he has known for a long time, or from his old delinquent days. My best idea would be a calm friend who would give him the notes from his skipped classes. And in return he’d take them out for food or some shit. Somewhere along the way y’all would just be like, “we’re totally together right?” “Duh, why else would I put up with you.” Yeah he a lil bitch.
Any way, as for him as an adult, all I gotta say is “Mmmm Papí ¿quieres una besito?~”. Like Jesus Christ man has no right being this freaking fine. Sexy Jellyfish ass boy
Yakuza Daddy🥵. This man will spoil the everlasting shit outta you, and go to Walmart for his own shit. But had does it in the most obnoxious way possible. He gets you a necklace? “Hey babe, gotchu this, your old one was musty af, take better care of your shit.” Awww you want a new dress? “Sure babe, but just know that thing barely covers shit, and will be gone by the end of the night.” You want something just random? “Wtf am I a walking ATM? No, pick it tf up, I’m buying it, you can’t stop me. Quit arguing before I buy you 3 more.”
But when it comes to himself? Yeah he only indulges in suits and Jordan’s. Other than that, he has an avengers shirt he had since he was 12 and a pinball machine. That’s the extent of his possessions. Well that and the watch you got him for his birthday, but shhhhh he can’t let you know he cares ewwwww.
Man is literally the biggest (for lack of better word) Tsundere. Like Top three in anime. Like you got 1.Kageyama 2.Sasuke 3. Him. Like manz would rather die than say he cares. His love language is quality time and gift giving, so he’s more show you he loves you, but won’t say it first. The kinda mf that when you say I love you to them say, “Yeah I know, I love me too if only there was someone out there who loved you.” Like manz is so obvious I wanna kiss him to shut him the fuck up. (I think I have a type.) like bro the me love you tf?
In terms of icks there is one thing I no for fact. This mf wears socks to bed. And not the cute fluffy kind. The musty ass crusty socks he wore all day, then stepped in water, and now you gotta deal with it while yall cuddling. I hate this mf.
On a more serious note, because of his Bonten Bs, he doesn’t have a lot of time for us. So we make time. His time. We just barge in during his meetings, lay across his lap, watch TikTok’s, while everyone (him) are just looking like “is this bitch serious!?” >:|
Anyways, because he’s so busy all the time, the majority of what he wants to do when he gets home is just to sprawl out on the couch and just stay there. You can cuddle with him too or whatever he doesn’t mind🙄. But fair warning, he’s the kinda dude who is only ever in the mood for either ww2 documentary’s or like deep sea documentary’s. Like mf has the same movie taste as my dad, I can’t with him. It’s a good day when you can convince him to try something actually entertaining. And you know what he picks? The Fucking exorcist. He’s an asshole. The kinda dude to pretend he’s unfazed, but his left leg physically won’t stop shaking.
speaking of movies, I know I say this every time, but scream Halloween costumes. Yes. Give me Rinny as ghostface please, I’ll freaking sell my soul. Especially if it’s not the robe but one of the like dry fit and leather harness- *incomprehensible pterodactyl noises* 🥵
anyway back to cuddling, his go to position is literally the Hakari and Kirara thing. Like this mf will always have a hand on your ass. He doesn’t like PDA but this? Yeah you can’t stop him. He is an ass guy, it’s just where his hand naturally gravitates.
I cannot explain the urge to play daddies home by usher every time I see him. Like he and my baby daddy Gojo have partial custody over that song. Like bro. Yes.
Tbh I don’t see him having a big wedding. Or any wedding. I think his thing would be just handing you his debit card and saying “pick some shit out. No, don’t worry bout the price I’m rich for a reason.” And after that yall just elope to some tropical place across the planet for like a month.
speaking of travel it’s a pretty common thing for you. Just that it’s always last minute. Like bro don’t even give you time to brag to the your friends. Man just pulls up 10 minutes before y’all need to go to the airport and says, “get ready, we’re going to France. How long? Idk a month? Boo hoo bitch. Stay home then. Mhm that’s wtf k thought”. Manz is such an ass but you gotta love a walking wallet.
My last thought I’m gonna share is how he physically won’t use nicnames. Like babe is the physically most he can bring himself to do. Maybe baby. He gives himself the ick every time he thinks of doing anything else
all in all, he’s the one who is always there for you, and expects the same. He’s a great guy, under all the stress and yakuza bs. Treat him well, or I’ll treat him better😤
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ sorry this took me so long to write, I’m working on another request too, and more importantly, my final exams for collage, love that. But even do, if you liked this, please like and request something, and I will definitely be posting. Love y’all so much, I’ll see yall later.
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bootyhoe-123123 · 6 months
I promise
summary: Owen and reader work together with the velociraptors. When the two find Claire and her nephews in the forest with the van she happens to attract one of them.
Disclaimer: Readers 18 so like 2 years older than Zach, Zach does not have a girlfriend in this so like he’s nawt cheating guys I swear, cursing, gun use, dinosaurs 😋
“Hoskins you can’t do this! Once Owen finds out what you’re planning he’s gunna get over here and beat your ass, you want that? Huh?” I confront Hoskins with my hands on my hips. He’s got some crazy plan to use the velociraptors to hunt down the escaped dinosaur.
“Sure he will (name), that is, if he gets here. How d’you know that dinosaur hasn’t gotten him already?” He laughed at me.
“Are you kidding me right now? How are you so sure it has?” Then, a jeep pulled up outside of the velociraptors enclosure. Owen stepped out of the drivers side. “Well would you look at that!” I threw my hands in the air and made my way to Owen, Hoskins trailing behind me. “I-I tried to stop him Owen I did, but he wouldn’t listen to me,” I explained frantically, my voice cracking. I already had a rough time with the people seeing me as someone who could be in control one day, and Hoskins will be my breaking point if I waste anymore time talking to him.
“You’re fine (name). I know what happened.” Owen held a hand up at me and I walked beside Claire. I had only met her a few times but I know she had something going on with my boss.
“Hey Claire, how you doing?” I looked behind me into the jeep and saw two boys. One that looked like he wasn’t even a teen and the other maybe a year or two younger than me. “They yours?” I looked at her.
“Uh- no,” she stifled a laugh, “ they’re my nephews.”
“Oh, alright,” we then turn around and watch Hoskins make his way up to Owen. Owen barely lets him speak before socking him right in the jaw. I let out a gasp and put my hands up to my mouth.
“Get the hell out of here, and stay away from my animals,” Owen spat at him, a stern look painting his face. He valued the raptors health more than his own sometimes.
“Hoskins you wanted this to happen, you son of a bitch,” Claire stepped in next to Owen, I went on the other side of him.
“Oh, Jesus. How many more people have to die before this mission makes sense to you?” Hoskins looked at all 3 of us, a disgusted look on his face.
Barry came over to us, “it’s not a mission, it’s a field test.”
“This is an InGen situation now. Okay, there are going to be cruise ships, that show up here at first light, everybody’s gunna get off this island, you’re gunna watch a news story tomorrow, about how you all saved lives. No, no, no, better yet, how your animals, saved lives.”
It was my turn to step in now, “Hoskins, letting the raptors out of containment would just put the people in even more danger. They have never, EVER, been let out of there. Letting them free would just be a whole other problem.” Barry looked at me, then Owen.
“She’s right. It’s crazy.” Hoskins then tells his people to move it out. Then he turns back around to Owen.
“This is happening, with or without you.” Owen then looks down at me on his right. I have my moment to think about it, then nod my head.
“Owen with you working with it, the raptors will be more under control than if this lunatic were to do it alone,” I pointed at Hoskins.
“Okay, come on then.” He grabbed my arm and we went with Hoskins and Barry to the tent across from the raptors enclosure. Once we were in there, there was a whole bunch of armed men. I was next to Owen as he pointed at a map, “We know that shes in sector 5, this is a game we call hide-and-seek, it’s a scent drill, we’ve done it about a thousand times with these animals. When they get on target, and they will get on target, wait to engage. Velociraptors are pack hunters.” He nods on to me for me to continue.
“They like to herd the animal into a kill zone, that when we can make our move.” Owen smiled at me then gave me a fist bump.
“That’s right, get a clear shot, wait on my command, and give her everything you got. We got one good target gentlemen,” he turned to me, “and lady,” I give him a cheeky look, bowing my head. “Do not shot my raptors. Please.” We then make our way over to the raptors. I handle Charlie. She had always favored me, just like Delta was fond of Barry, and Blue only really listened to Owen. (A/n I dunno if Charlie’s a girl or boy so I’m just making her a girl sorry if she isn’t 😞)
“Easy babydoll, I got you,” I rubbed under her chin, “settle for me,” I then disconnected her head piece. I cooed at her and scratched her chin, she groaned at me in return, “Good girl! Good job Charlie!” I turned to look at Owen with Blue, “Look Owen!” he smiled at me and gave me a thumbs up.
“Good job kid. I’m lucky you work with me. She’s always been easier when you’re around.” I continued to mess around with her when I heard a voice.
“Owen!” I turned around and it was Claire’s nephews. Owen walked over to them. I felt the older of the twos eyes on me and wagged my fingers at him, and his cheeks dusted a pale pink, slowly waving back. “Are they safe?” The little one asked. I had forgot to get their names from Claire. I walk over alongside Owen, and give a face splitting grin at the boys.
“No, they’re not.” Owen looked at him seriously. The older one then spoke up.
“What are their names?” He looked at Owen, then turned to me. Owen looked at me.
“you can tell them.” He nudged my shoulder, making me laugh.
“That’s Charlie,” Owen cut me off.
“She listens to her the most. Which is surprising honestly. She’s always been more aggressive but when she started working here, Charlie changed her whole attitude around.”
“Well obviously,” I shrugged my shoulders, “anyways, that’s Echo, then Delta, and lastly Blue.” I put my hands in my hips then looked at Owen.
“She’s the beta.” Owen said. The little one spoke again.
“who’s the alpha?”
“You’re lookin’ at him, kid.” This caused them to smile at him. I waved at them both as they went to their aunt Claire. The older one looked at me, as if he were in a daze, and slowly waved back. ————————————————————————
Time goes by and Owen and I took the headgear off of the raptors and put them in their personal cages. Owen holds up a pound or so of meat from the Indominous rex.
“Sooo, do I get a gun?” I leaned on the wall next to Charlie’s cage. Owen looked at me.
“Yeah, probably, go ask them to give you a rifle or something.” I push myself off the wall and go out to the men with guns.
I tap one on the shoulder. He turns around and looks me up and down. “Can I get one of those guns? Maybe an AR or something?” He laughs at me.
“A girl like you? How old even are you?”
“18 and old enough to handle a man-eating dinosaur. I’m sure I can take a gun.” He looks surprised at me. “You gunna give me one or what?” He smiles and nods his head at me then leads me to the guns. “Alright, little girl, take your pick.” I pick up an AR and nod at them, putting it on my back. I leave the tent and see Claires oldest nephew looking at me again.
I smirk at him and wave. He’s cute. I peer from side to side and begin striding over to him. “Hey,” I stop infront of him.
“Hey.. what you do is pretty cool. For the raptors and everything.” He fiddles with his finger for a quick second before looking back up at me.
“Thanks, babe! You gunna make sure your aunts safe without Owen here?” I pop my hip out and tilt my head at him.
“yes, yeah for sure.” He leans back against the van, hands in his pocket.
“Alright, stay safe yourself hun.”
“you too,” he mutters quickly, I lift my chin to him and place my hands behind my back, before going to find Barry in front of the jeep. There was a four wheeler then two motorcycles. I get on one of the motorcycle. Owen comes over not long after and gets on the other. He looks up at the new guy, then nods his head. New guy nodded back, then pressed the button to open the cages and the raptors ran out.
“Aw here we go,” I said and rode right after Owen and Barry. The raptors had night vision cameras on the side of their head that I’m sure Claire and corporate could see.
“(Name)! You follow me alright?” Owen called out to me.
“Gotchu!” I raised a thumb at him, and raced quickly after, separating from Barry and the others. We managed to keep up with the raptors, me riding behind them, Owen between the four of them. ————————————————————————
(Quick) Zach’s POV
Gray and I looked through the window from the back to where Aunt Claire sat in the drivers seat. I looked over her shoulder at the I-pad in her hands where she could see Owen and the other girl riding with the raptors. “Your boyfriend’s a badass, and that girl too. What’s her name?” I reached out and pointed at the girl.
“That’s (name). She’s a few years older than you Zach,” Aunt Claire looked at me and raised her eyebrows.
“Yeah, alright I was just asking.” I held my hands up in defense, she rolled her eyes at me, smiling, but I quickly looked back to the girl, I now knew as (name).
(Names) POV
I looked ahead at the raptors and Owen. “They’re slowing down.” Barry said. I looked over at him and started coming to a slow myself. Then Owen stops. He holds his hand up in a fist and the soldiers get out of the cars with their weapons up. I get off my motorcycle and take my AR off my back. The soldiers rush ahead of me, Barry, and Owen and I follow quickly after looking around. We hide behind a fallen tree, me between Barry and Owen. I hold my gun up. The raptors wait. I can hear large steps being made and the Rex eventually travels itself from the trees.
“Holy shit-“ I whisper.
“Something’s wrong. They’re communicating.” Barry says as the Rex and Raptors make small roars at each other.
“I know why they wouldn’t tell us what it’s made of,” Owen says as he stares at the Indominous Rex.
“Why?” I say, and look at him.
“That things part raptor,” my eyes widen and I look away from Owen at the Rex. It starts backing up and the raptors turn around and look at us all.
“What are they doing?” I ask. Owen doesn’t respond. A soldier yells after I ask.
“Engage!” We start firing st the Rex and it backs away. A soldier lets off a rocket(I dunno what else to call it 😭) and the Indominous falls over. Everyone stops shooting. I stand up next to Owen. We keep firing and it ends up running away.
“On your six! Raptors got a new alpha!” Owen yells as we follow after the Indominous. I turn, back and forth looking for the raptors. They could come out at anytime. Then a soldier behind me yells, a raptor on top of him. I run close to Owen, soldiers around us getting attacked by the raptors. Owen and I stay quiet and we see a raptor eating someone. Becuase of the darkness I can’t make out which one it is. It looks up and stares at Owen and I. None of us make a move. Behind the raptor though, a rocket comes through the trees, blowing it up. I go flying back from the impact and shout.
We run towards our bikes and I see that the one I rode in was taken by a soldier. “Owen! My bikes gone,” he looks at me and pats the back of his bike. I climb on and we look ahead. I can hear Barry yelling but I can’t see him, he’s in the log I think. Blue is on top of it, trying to get to Barry. Owen starts revving the bike, distracting blue from Barry. He whistles and rides off, Blue filling after us. I hold on tightly to Owen. I turn around a few times. After one I noticed Blue stopped following us. “Blues not behind us anymore!”
“Alright, keep an eye out for her!” I nod my head and look around for her. I never see her but I also don’t see the other raptors. I eventually hear the raptors. The more we go the closer they sound. Then, I see the bright lights of a van, “isn’t that the van Claire and her nephews where in?”
“I think so.” Owen speeds up behind the van.
“Owen!” I hear 2 people yell. I look from behind and wave at them. They wave back and whoop. Owen rides up next to the drivers side.
“We gotta get indoors! Follow me!” He yells to Claire and drives in front of the van. We stop in front of the big volcano building. I get off the back of the bike and take my AR off my back. I run next to Owen and look behind me at the others. We then go inside the Hammond Creation Lab.
“Control room! That way!” Clair shouts as we make our way there. When we get in I stand in front of with Owen. I hold my gun up as we hear glass breaking in one of the lab stations. “They evacuated the lab.” Claire said. I looked at her and stayed behind as they walked forward so we had weapons in the front and back. When we got in the station, we looked at all the small reptiles. Then a door opened and people came out looking something away. “What are you doing?”
“I’m afraid that above your pay grade, honey.” Hoskins stepped out.
“you’ve gotta be kidding me,” I roll my eyes.
“Where’s Henry?” Claire asks as Hoskins walks closer to us.
“Dr. Wu works for us,” he smiles at us.
“That’s not a real dinosaur,” the little boy speaks up as he looks at the monitor screen.
“No, it ain’t kid, but somebody’s gotta make sure this company has a future, imagine: that one, a fraction of the size, deadly, intelligent, able to hide from the most advanced military technology. A living weapon, unlike anything we’ve ever seen. See, millions of years of evolution. Nature is the gift-“ he was cut off by a roar. “Oh shit!” A raptor comes out. “Easy, easy boy! Easy,” Hoskins was backed against a wall. I made sure the boys were behind me as Owen backed us up, away from the scene. “We’re- we’re in the same side, right? Right? Easy, easy, I’m on your side,” he held a hand out to the raptor. Slowly he pushed it forward but the raptor went to bite his hand. I gasped and turned to bring the little boy closer to me. Hoskins let out a bloodcurdling scream.
“Go, go,” I said as I pushed the little boy out from the room. We started running towards the center. The raptor is thrown out of the glass room and blocks our way from getting out. Claire turns us around and we go the other way. The little boy taps a hologram to distract the raptor so we can get out. We manage to get outside again but when we get out there Blue stops us, along with Delta. Then we have all three on each side of us.
“so that’s how it is huh?” Owen asks. He puts down his rifle. He holds his hand out to Blue. “Easy.” He undoes the strap along her head, “that’s it,” I smile. She seems to calm down. I nudge the older boy.
“Think you can do that?” I smile. He skates his head.
“No ma’am.” This caused me to laugh. Then the Indominous comes roaring from behind Blue. Blue looks back at Owen, away from the Indominous and starts chittering, almost as if she were talking to him. She then turns and roars at the Indominous. She roars back, much louder. She slams Blue away and Blue slams against a building. Owen starts backing us up and I grab into the older ones arm. He looks at me l, but quickly looks back ahead. Delta and Echo start roaring at the Indominous. Owen whistles and the raptors start running at the Indominous. They hop on top of her and while they distract her we run around them. Claire and her nephews climb into the window of an item shop while Owen and I stay out to shoot at the Indominous. As I reload my gun I turn around and see Claire running. I look at Owen, who sees her as well. Owen runs towards the boys in the item shop. I run right after him and hop inside. Owen shushes the boys while I reload just in case.
I look up and see the Indominous. She starts slamming against the item shop and breaks one of her arms in, clawing at the little boy. I shoot at its arm while the others go against a wall. It claws at the others and I run out of bullets, “Shit!” One of its claws gets ahold in the little boy. The older one reaches over and uncles his fanny pack and it the claw releases from the little boy. I crawl over to him. “Are you ok? Did it cut you anywhere? What’s your name?” I hold his face, and wipe away his tears.
“Gray, I-I’m okay.” I hics as he speaks.
“Ok, I’m (name). I’m so sorry that happened I promise I’ll try my best to prevent anything from happening to you again alright?” He nods his head. I look at the older one.
“And what’s your name?”
“Zach.” He says.
“Zach. Okay Zach. Great job. I saw you unclip his fanny pack.” I tap his leg. I look at Owen. He nods. He knew I was better at dealing with emotions than him. Then a red flare hits against the Indominous. I look outside the window of the shop. “It’s Claire! She just brought a whole ass T-Rex here!” I said laughing. Owen, Gray, and Zach come up next to me to look out the window. They start fighting and the Indominous slams the T-Rex around. She grabs the T-Rex’s head and slams it into the shop we were in. I hold onto Gray and Owen holds onto Zach. The T-Rex roars into the shop. And bites at us. I let go of Gray and look over at Claire.
“Run!” She shouts at us.
“Go, go, go!” Owen push’s us all out of the shop and we run to Claire. The Indominous holds the T-Rex down and is about to bite its neck before we hear another roar. it was blue. She jumped onto the back of the Indominous and saved enough time for the T-Rex to get up and but the Indominous, ramming it into the building. We ran into another building, the Dino’s fighting close to us. As we run through, the T-Rex and Blue seem to be dominating the Indominous. They get close to the mosasaurus’ enclosure and it flies up out of the water, biting the Indominous, dragging it underwater.
“Oh, shit!” The T-Rex and Bkue remain, staring at each other. We walk out from behind the building and Blue looks at Owen. He shakes his head, and she runs after the T-Rex. We walk out and look around. I walk next to Zach.
“oh, wow.” He says. I look up at him and reach for his arm.
“You alright?” I ask.
“I’m alive,” he chuckled. I smiled up at him.
“Yeah.” I rub his arm then let go, looking at his forehead. I lift his hair up a little bit, “just a little cut right there,” I brush over it and he holds my arm lightly. “Alright I’ll see you later alright?” I then walk over to Owen.
Claire took Zach and Gray to the shelter where all the visitors were staying. Owen and I worked around the shelter, making sure people got what they needed, be it water, food, bandages, etc. in the morning, Zach and Grays parents showed up. I was with Owen and we were working with an old woman when he looked over at Claire. I noticed him looking. “Let’s go over there,” I say, “I’m sure Zach and Grays parents wanna meet the hero that helped protect their kids the whole night,” I punch his arm lightly.
“Alright, come on,” we head over to their cot. Owen stays behind with Claire and they talk while I go get to Zach and Grays cots.
“Hey,” I say, their parents looking at me. Gray stood up and hugged me tightly.
“(Name)! Mom, dad, this is (name) she helped protect us with Owen and Aunt Claire yesterday. She’s also the one that helped us patch up our injuries,” Gray told them as he continued to hug me. I laughed and looked at Zach
“I didn’t do to much,” I rubbed Grays back and he let go of me.
“Oh my goodness, I can’t thank you enough just for being there with them,” their mom came over and embraced me in a hug, their dad following suit. When they let go I sat next to Zach.
“Hey babe,” I rested my arm on his shoulder.
“Hey (name), uh can I talk to you, somewhere else?” I look up at him.
“yeah sure come on,” we went to a more private place so we could talk. “What’s up?”
“(Name)… I think you’re really cool and I wanna get to know you more so could I uh- could I get your number?” he held my hand while he spoke softly rubbing it. I smiled and bit my lip.
“Yeah sure. I’ll write it down for you.” I pulled out my mini notebook from my shorts and the pen I always have attached to it. I wrote my number and my name down then tore it off and handed it to him. I grabbed his shoulders and stood on my tiptoes giving him a kiss on his cheek. “Bye Zach. Call me when you get the chance alright?” I waved bye to him as he was left with a smitten smile on his face. ————————————————————————
Hi everyone! This took me a day or so cuz like I had to rewatch the movie for it to make more sense like what was happening I was thinking abt a part 2 but idk how to so if yall do want a part to lmk 😊😊😊💕
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seattlesea · 4 months
Lorien Legacies Characters as Things My Family and I Have Said (part five)
Nine: God the smell in here is making me want to die John: Then go outside Five: Then die --- Maggie, writing a book: Can your breathing get cut off if there's a heavy weight on your chest? Adam: Yeah Maggie: Cool Adam: That's how they killed people in the old days, by stacking a bunch of rocks on their chest and suffocating them Maggie: Okay a 'Yes' would've been fine --- John: Finish your food Nine: I'm going to go home and take the fattest shit you've ever seen do not make me eat more --- Eight: I'm psychic, I can see into people's futures. I see in your near future that you're going to get sick Eight: *coughs in Nine's face* --- Adam: Did you eat? Maggie: Yeah. A strawberry Adam: That's it? Maggie: Two strawberries --- Six and John: *talking about spirit animals* Six: You'd be a swan John: Because I'm so graceful? Six: No cause you're white --- Sam: I was actually really good at orchestra in school, I was first chair on the cello Six: *puts her hand to her chest and gasps* Oh my god! Sam: What? Six, sarcastically: What a cool story! --- Six and Marina: *having a normal adult conversation* Eight: My black olive just rolled across my laptop --- Nine: Dirty mother... John: *giving him a dirty look with Ella next to him* Nine:...Of...Jesus --- One: Hey what're you gonna be for Halloween? Adam: I dunno yet what about you? One: I was thinking of being a witch Adam: Oh that's cool One: Yeah maybe you can be my broomstick so I can ride you all night Adam: WHAT- One: What, is that bad? Would you rather I be a pirate and you be a sword so I can stick you in me? Adam: *screaming* --- Ella: *touches a gross blanket* Ew Marina: What? Ella: It's giving me the ick Marina: The what? Ella: I'm acoustic --- Six: Bitch, I do NOT lift to be called a lipstick lesbian --- Five: *staring at a candle* Eight: What are you doing? Five: Trying to light myself on fire with my mind --- Nine, in public loud as hell: Yeah I'd fuck young Elvis Strangers passing by: *giving him grossed-out looks* Nine: What? You would too Nine, muttering: Prudes --- Sam: Look at my skeleton animal collection. I can a bat, I got a rat, and I got a cat Hannu, sadly: But no hats --- John: *celebrating his birthday and opening gifts* Five, silently crying: *places a couple wadded-up singles in front of John* That's all I got --- Six: You know it would've been easier if you just took the highway Marina: But...the trees... --- Adam: I'm gay John after taking Adam to a Fall Out Boy concert and watching him sit on the floor with three empty couches: Cool --- One and Six: *Talking about the ped@ at their job* Six: He's the reason there's an 18+ age limit --- Five: Despite popular belief, I will be going to Heaven because Satan will be jealous someone has a fatter ass than him --- Sam teaching the Lorics to make cereal: Okay first gather your things Lorics: :) Sam: Then, you put in your milk Daniela: Huh? Lorics: :) Sam: Next, you add your cereal Daniela: Hell no Lorics: :) Sam: Then drizzle in your honey Daniela: Bro WHAT Lorics: :) Sam: And finally, put it in the microwave Daniela: WHAT THE FUCK Lorics: :) Sam: And then you have cereal Lorics: Yay Daniela: I'm going to kill you --- Marina: So what is credit score? Sam: *ten minute explanation of credit score, payments, debt, and loans with examples* Marina:... Sarah: The loophole so the bank can't lend poor people money to stop being poor Marina: Ohhhh --- Nine: Damn, dude, I really don't know anything about you. I only know like your favorite color and animal, the music you listen to, your favorite movies, how you dress, your favorite coffee flavor, your personality, your deepest fear, your address, your entire backstory, all the people you like and hate, and your habit of needing to use a straw with every single drink or it doesn't 'taste right' John:... --- Eight: Damn I'm thirsty Adam: Then go drink water Eight: I can't, I'm fasting Adam:...Well I think you're supposed to drink water if you're running around all the time Eight:...
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stocious · 3 months
thank you for tagging me @energievie and @jrooc!🖤🫂
Name: kakakkak
Age: 33 (eek)
Location: swedenland
And now...
What is your DJ name? i don't know?
If you were a genre of music, what would it be? ideally, metal. lemme scream over loud guitars any day.
What would you title your biography? wtf is going on?
What are the first three things you'd do if you were invisible? i'd snoop! sneak into places i can't be!
What subject do you wish was taught in every school? like actually managing home economics? how do i buy a house? i don't need math formulas no one remembers, i need basic life skills.
When was the last time you tried something for the first time and what was it? i ate a whole lot of food i didn't know if i'd like in greece and that was something. i've become a very picky eater with the years (forgive me mother).
What is the most underrated city you have ever visited? ya bitch don't travel.
What day in your life would you like to relive? can i relive some days to make better choices? because i'd do that. like not get together with that guy would spare me so much agony.
If you could eliminate one thing from your daily routine, what would it be and why? eating! i hate cooking and i suck at it and it just doesn't bring me any joy. i don't care about food. a fancy food experiance? get outta here.
How long would you last in a zombie apocalypse? i'd like to say i'd survive for a while, but i'm not sure. i am kinda tough but i can't run anymore so idk, a little bit but i would sadly not be final boy.
What would be the most surprising scientific discovery imaginable? we're all just living in someones sims game. i kid, but really, i don't know.
If you could have any view out your office window, what would you choose? i would wither and die in an office, but i'd like a forset view. look at te trees and the animals and whatnot. that sounds soothing.
Tagging from my notes, get ready 🫂
@transmurderbug @transmickey @deathclassic @creepkinginc @heymacy
@spacerockwriting @mickeym4ndy @iansw0rld @lee-ow @thepupperino
@metalheadmickey @roryonic @iandarling @spookygingerr
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cosmicstarlatte · 2 years
Stripper songs (Obey Me!)
minors/ageless/blank blogs dni or get blocked :c
HC: songs I imagine your fave demon dancing to at a club that he somehow secretly ended up working at.
This was a self indulgent shitpost I guess lol. I also have a [stripper mc and their reaction] somewhere in my notes.
P.s. do you know how hard it was to not list just Lady Gaga songs
anyway, song names = youtube, artists = spotify instead. In case anyone bored was curious to check some out.
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Lucifer: Secrets - P!nk
I imagine him absolutely killing it with this song. Its mesmerizing. Patrons can't take their eyes off this sexy mysterious dancer. They came for fun and left wanting to know more about him. If you see him, you'll spend all you got. No regrets.
Mammon: Mood Swings - Pop Smoke, Lil Tjay
...this song is so dirty and I love it. I always hc he has this song on his playlist whenever I listen to this song. Like, you can't take this away from me. Anyway he's a crowd favorite especially when he dances to this. I also loved the beginning of Glamorous by Fergie bc its definitely something he would choose to play.
Levi: With Love - Hilary Duff
He's cute and sexy on stage. I know he's shaking his ass and hips in such a cute way, he's moving just right. The crowd goes while for this cutie, his interactions are to die for. He treats his regulars well.😭
Alternatively I love the idea of him completely switching to a stage persona and throwing it back and twerking to Bad Ass Bitches by Wiz Khalifa. 😭
Satan: Rude Boy - Rihanna
I thought this one was fun. It's got a lot of energy and I'd die if I saw him dance to this in some sexy kitty costume.
Asmo: Telephone - Lady Gaga
This is the one. This one is perfect. This one just screams Asmo to me. I 100% know he strips to this song.
Beel: Lollipop - Lil Wayne
What a fucking classic, throwback frrrrrr.
God this big cutie knows how to rile the crowd. He knows what he's got. I wanna see him strip so bad. If I could animate this- nvm. You guys wouldn't see me ever again. alakskalslfkgsl
Belphie: The Hills - The Weeknd
He takes his time and you still think it's way too short. The way he winks and he slowly grinds his hips near your face...
I'm not even a belphie stan y'all but this hc makes him a little more tolerable now. You saw it here first guys, my possible belphie redemption arc. AHAHAHA.
Diavolo: Paparazzi - Lady Gaga
He's working that pole. * Working it.* He is bringing that energy. He's making the crowd fall in love with him. He's coming off cute and sexy.
Barbatos: Casual Affair - Panic! At The Disco
Oh your eyes are completely glued to him. Oh he's taking his tie off. He wraps it around you. You cannot look away. He knows it.
You end the night penniless.
For shits and giggles, Simeon: Unholy - Sam Smith 😌
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mydarllinglover · 6 months
Stars Collided || Sixteen
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The three were blindfolded, as they were escorted to a new place.
"Ani, Snips." Lovisa spoke, hurriedly. "Thank you, for being the first friend's I've ever had, and caring about me more than who I am to the Kingdom, but for me, you have no Idea what it means to me, and I... I love you, both, I'm so sorry you're in this, because of me-"
"It's not because of you" Ahsoka cut her off, with a snappy tone. "Don't do that to yourself."
"We're not going to die, M'lady, we'll figure it out, I know it, don't embarrass yourself by admitting your inner thoughts, too soon." Anakin told her, a slight teasing in his tone
"It does not matter to me even if you both are paid to be in my presence, you have treated me with so much kindness and humility, than anyone ever has."
"Lovisa, stop it, I can not have my last moments with you being... sentimental, don't ruin my image of you."
"We're not going to die" Anakin repeated.
"Shut it!" A guard told them, as he took off their blindfolds, and they were dragged along, by their chains, into what looked like an large arena, stands full of people shouted and jeered, chucking things down, as they walked below them.
Four pillars stood, in the middle, and that's when they spotted someone chained to the first one.
"Obi-Wan?" Anakin asked.
"Anakin? What on earth are you doing here? And the Princess, Anakin!"
"I was protecting her, Master!" He defended, as they were also chained to the pillars.
Lovisa quickly ran her fingers through her hair, grabbing a clip, from her thick curls, just as the guard walked over to chain her, between her two friends.
"Good job." The man nodded, with sarcasm.
"Death to the royals!" The crowd had started to chant, upon noticing Princess Lovisa, in attendance.
"Ignore them, Lovey." Ahsoka told the girl, who looked around, a worried look on her face.
"Who- Is that the handmaiden?" Obi-Wan stretched to peer at the last pillar. "Anakin, you had strict instructions!"
"This isn't the time, right now!" The boy cut off the man.
"Ladies and Gentleman!" They looked up, where a group of people were stood, Count Dooku, General Grievous, the man who had captured them, a boy by his side, and Jabba the Hut, a large round man, who referred to himself as king, among the people of his small occupation, though, he was no such thing. "We have a somewhat special guest for you, tonight, though, not as special as her sister. The spare, Princess Lovisa Amidala, of Naboo!" Jabba the hut, introduced, as a bright light shone down on her, almost blinding the girl.
"Cunt!" Voices roared.
"Kill her!"
"Down with the Royals!"
The people were angry, as their voices carried, some were hoarse, as they strained their vocal boxes.
They continued to throw things, at her, as she attempted to shield her face, with her arms.
"...Let the show begin!" Jabba bellowed, after allowing the crowd to finish their threats, a wide smirk plastered to his gruesome face.
A large bell was rang, announcing the beginning of their end.
"I've got a bad feeling about this." Anakin commented.
Without waiting to see what was at stake for her, Lovisa got to work on needling the clip into the lock of the chains, breaking it from the inside, a skill she had mentally thanked Padme, for teaching her, many times.
"Oh my god!" She heard Ahsoka gasp, beside her.
Lovisa spared a look, over her shoulder, as she wiggled her hands free.
An gate was being raised, as a mass variety of all sorts of animals walked out, letting out a range of different sounds, causing goosebumps to raise along her skin.
She got to work of undoing Ahsoka's chains, as she could hear Anakin and Obi-Wan conversing their own escape.
"Up, go up!" Lovisa rushed, as she marched back to her own podium, using the chains to hoist herself up, so that she could stand on top of it, and far out of the way of the beasts, that looked hungry.
Ahsoka copied the girl, as she also got to the top of her own.
"Just relax, concentrate." Obi-Wan told his Padawan.
"But, what about the girls?" He asked, looking at his master.
"They seem to be on top of things." Obi-Wan shrugged, looking at the two, as they stood, assessing the arena.
"What?" Anakin looked over, to be amazed at the sight, how had they done that?
An large animal, with horns along its nose, charged at Obi-Wan, and he used this to his advantage, dodging out of the way, allowing it to pierce his chains, setting him free from his pillar.
Another went for Anakin, and using the force, as well as his own chains, he hoisted himself up, jumping into the air, and flipping onto it's back, breaking the connection of the metal, to the pillar.
An white catlike animal had claimed Lovisa, as it attempted to climb the pillar to get to her, but she used her chain, as a whip, to beat it down, seeming to anger it more.
That's when it jumped once more, just managing to claw her back, leaving deep scratches, as she wailed in pain.
Ahsoka watched, as Anakin was dragged off of his ride, being pulled along in the sand and dust, as the animals began fighting each other.
She waved her own chains down, grabbing the attention of two of the animals, as they both hurtled towards it, and just in time, she yanked them up, letting them collide into each other, dragging the animal that was attacking Lovisa, into their fight, taking the focus off of her.
Anakin, somehow, had managed to tame his, being able to hop back onto it, using his chain as a lasso, before turning It into a harness, for his beast, as Obi-Wan, continued to taunt his own, even managing to get it to knock down his pillar, as he claimed an long electric shocker, from one of the guards, who had been leering the animals over towards their captees.
Lovisa stood tall, as Anakin rode his beast towards her pillar, halting to just below it.
"Jump!" He shouted.
She braced herself, before doing just that, landing behind him, her arms instantly wrapping around his waist, as she kissed his cheek.
"What about me?!" Ahsoka called.
"Hurry up, Snips!" Anakin called to her, moving closer.
Ahsoka took a deep breath in, before throwing herself down, and landing behind Lovisa.
Obi-Wan had managed to get on top of his own beast, as he rode it over towards them.
"What now?" Lovisa asked.
A group of large looking scorpions, rolled from the gates, circling the two beasts.
"You just had to ask." Ahsoka breathed out.
They watched, as Jedi swarmed the arena, unsheathing their swords, and that's when they spotted Master Windu, speaking with Count Dooku.
Guards ran into the new battlefield just as the Jedi had, battling each other, as Anakin and Obi-Wan avoided the crossfire, on their beasts.
"Here, found these, thought you may need them." A Jedi shouted, as they tossed swords at the two, who were quick to grab them, cutting all the existing chains, and joining the battle.
"Gimme that!" Ahsoka demanded, shoving a guard, and taking their sword, she was glad that Colo had took pleasure in teaching the handmaiden tricks and defensive moves, as they waited for their dear princess to finish her lessons for the day, something that she had been unaware of.
Lovisa crawled along the floor, keeping low, as she avoided the many people, rubble, animals, and gunfire.
She found a lone gun, jumping up and shooting at anything that didn't resemble a Jedi.
As they continued to fight, Lovisa and Anakin had found themselves pushed together, assessing the battlefield.
"You don't seem so helpless." He commented.
"I always said I could protect myself." She raised a brow at him, shooting down a guard.
The corner of his mouth raised, as he watched her, before forcing himself back into defence mode.
"Wait- Is that?" Lovisa gasped, and they looked over, to see all three puppies were among the fighting, the three of them were chewing at the trouser leg of one of the guards, knocking him down, as they continued to attack him.
"Artoo!" Anakin called, excitedly.
The Jedi, as well as the Princess and the Handmaiden, were forced into a circle, as the guards kept coming, surrounding them.
But then, they had come to a stand still, dropping their weapons, as they stared at the Jedi, waiting on orders.
The Jedi had also lowered their swords, as they looked around.
"Master Windu." Count Dooku called down. "You have fought gallantly... worthy of recognition in the archives of the Jedi Order. Now. It is finished. Surrender and your lives will be spared."
"We will not be hostages to be bartered, Dooku!" Master Windu refused.
"Then, I'm sorry, Old friend." Count Dooku nodded, and the guards had raised their weapons, once more.
Anakin twirled the sword in his hand, as he prepared to resume the fighting.
"Look!" Lovisa shouted, noticing what others hadn't.
Hundreds of soldiers, being led by Master Yoda, marched into the arena, as they shot down the guards, surrounding the Jedi, spurring them on, to join the fight.
One, on top of a horse, rode over to Anakin and Lovisa, blocking them both from the battle.
"I have strict orders to get the princess out and far away from here." He said, to Anakin.
"Go." Anakin told her, as he grabbed her waist, to lift her up on top of the horse.
"No! I will stay and help!" She demanded.
"You will not, you will get on this horse, and let..."
"Rex, sir." The man introduced himself.
"And let Rex take you to safety, understood?"
"Don't argue with me." He told her, as he put her on top of the horse. "Rex, do not let any harm come to the princess."
"I won't sir, I'll bet my life on it."
"Good, get her out of here!" He smacked the back of the horse, making it cry out, before galloping away.
"Where are you taking me?!" Lovisa yelled.
"Base, your highness, they'll meet us back there."
Lovisa looked behind her, watching Anakin fight against the guards, it was almost like a dance, how graceful and persistent he was, her heart swelled at the sight, as he got smaller, and smaller.
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barrenclan · 7 months
Given that you’re a fan of Crazy Ex-Girlfriend, do you have any ideas for a song/songs that would fit any character/s?
OH BOY! Absolutely! :D Here's a few;
"You Stupid Bitch" is obviously a perfect Slugpelt song; that kind of self-deprecation, especially the kind of sardonic hatred that it personifies. With the lyrics about Josh I can also imagine it taking place directly post-Cashew abandoning her.
"You ruined everything You stupid bitch You ruined everything You stupid, stupid bitch"
"Yes, Josh completes me, but how can that be When there's no me left to complete"
Hilariously, I can kinda imagine "After Everything I've Done For You" as a Ranger to Rainhaze song? Although not all of the lyrics fit I really like the tone of Ranger singing 'how dare you be so ungrateful, for me ruining your life'. It'd also pretty Dustfeather pretty well.
"After everything I've done for you (That I didn't ask for) Do you have any idea The work you're undoing?"
"What's that look on your face? You're horrified You think I'm a monster For doing your dirty work You think love is stainless and pure But beneath all the fantasy There's filth and there's gore"
And then as a complete joke how about "Let's Have Intercourse" with Deepdark. What a charmer! He's so early-season Nathanielcore.
I'm not adding lyrics... just listen to the song.
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Yes, The Nowhere King is already on the PATFW playlist!
I do appreciate a good FNAF song, especially since Pizzaria is my second favorite game. (SL is first.) Hm, this one is interesting! I can see it fitting Rainhaze pretty well...
"It's a bright new day, and it's your time to shine Time to take your career into your own hands Spend all your money and the stars, they will align"
"Wait, I hear voices on every side And I wonder where And I wonder why Where do they hide?"
"I'm sorry, you've been misinformed This is just a never-ending labyrinth and nothing more Endless circles of fear Chasing cries of children that seem so near Out of reach, you will never find them Don't you see? This is where your story ends"
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I can see it!
"Can't pick them out Can't press them in I'll never hide my scars"
"One unsheathed knife must glint In an alternate timeline's light One rust-ridden blade juts out Of a friendly moonstruck shape" <- I love this turn of phrase
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We got a sleep motif reference boys! Pack it in!
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Oh yeah! I've seen this song used for good PMVs before. I like this kind of music with Rainhaze, too; that stomp-clamp indie kind of sound.
"If they find the body in the basement In the very house that she was raised in" <- ohh......
"So when we get the sign From God I'll be the first to call them I'm taking back the number of the beast"
"Should I choose a noble occupation? If I did I'd only show up late and sick And they would stare at me with hatred"
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Oh gosh yeah I do remember being a little confused by that ask. So ominous! But I agree, it's fitting for him.
"I roam these halls, search the night In hopes that I may see A remnant trace, a glimpse of you"
"There and then, I should have known It was me all along Nevermore to leave here Nevermore to leave here My love is the killing kind"
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Rainhaze has this wonderful effect on people's brains where instead of Thoughts there is Rainhaze. Definitely adding "Her Sinking Sun" to the playlist.
"Torn apart from everyone Her sinking sun I watch it die"
"Animals begging to eat They can't survive Not meant to be"
"Flowers of skin and bone We're all alone Waiting to die"
"Water rushes through my heart It's torn apart By yr trusting eyes"
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That's a cute idea, I like it! Well, not cute all the way, but you know what I mean. Or in another way... Pinepaw looking for Asphodelpaw after she disappears. A shorter timeline, but maybe more accurate to the song.
"Have you seen my sister, Evelyn? Dang, she's gone and wandered off again! I've been lookin' high and low Where oh where'd my sister go?"
"Is she studyin' Kabala? Did she win a million dollars? Or is she dead in a ditch somewhere?"
Boooo I ran out of links fuck you tumblr
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solunstell · 9 months
Notes I've taken from the Beast light novel:
Right off the bat, Akutagawa's autism is showing lmao. He just like me fr
Akutagawa was already known as the "Silent Mad Dog" or "Heartless Dog" pre-mafia
Describing akutagawa's ability in combat: "as if he were mowing grass with a scythe." Atsushi was right, he is a lawn mower.
Akutagawa bit through an enemy's neck. Insert vampire comparison
I'd love to see an analysis of the parallels between chuuya and akutagawa. Both were in a group in the slums that relied on their ability, both were taken into the mafia by dazai, both have abilities that have an incredible destructive potential but can also make then near-invincible...
"Akutagawa glared at his foe - one of the men responsible for his friends' deaths - then smiled with evident satisfaction...and collapsed face forward." Insert comparison to his death
I think there can also be a comparison In this whole fight to avenge his dead friends to Oda's death. Both were orchestrated, both knew that they were probably going to die, and both were at peace after defeating the enemy.
Okay adjusting mental image I always saw it as dark brown (yes the anime is brown canonical but in my heart I hold priority to the manga and novels. Same reason I draw the hat chain on chuuya and red eyes on dazai)
Dazai points out how akutagawa's foolish death would leave behind his little sister. This also reminds me of oda leaving dazai and ango behind.
Akutagawa is really out here saying stuff like ergo lmao
Akutagawa's skill evolved into the beast-like form when Dazai mentions his sister coming to harm
Dazai quote as he decides not to take in akutagawa: "I think I'll go with that other guy for my right-hand man." Does this mean that main timeline dazai saw akutagawa as his right hand man?
Things akutagawa is called or compared to in this novel: Silent Mad Dog, Heartless Dog, Cerberus, a slide (by the orphan kids), Former Disciplinarian and Current Ambassador of Paper Shredding
Naomi calls Junichiro "Jun"
Kunikida and Junichiro communicating through looks
Canon bitch face
Oda is described as unpredictable and he is late. Ty asagiri for more blorbo characterization crumbs
Akutagawa: king of purple prose
Atsushi is afraid to die
Even in the Mafia, atsushi is described as innocent looking, not sadistic, and respectful
Kyouka is extremely pale, and has a childish voice
Chuuya still wants to kill dazai, and won't let anyone else do it
Dazai is still cracking jokes!
The Port Mafia is more successful under dazai, and there are so many assassination attempts against dazai that he never even uses the windows in his office.
Akutagawa grew potatoes behind his home in the slums
I love that akutagawa's first choice when embarrassed is always denial. "No. No. No."
Akutagawa is a light sleeper and a morning person
"Oda, who was always late because some lady in the neighborhood stopped him for a chat..."
"...destruction was (Akutagawa's) go-to answer for everything."
Akutagawa. Ate. Paper (probably in the slums but it doesn't say so explicitly)
"Akutagawa is supposed to be filing paperwork right now, but he's nowhere to be found! He must have used his skill to remove the restraints around his wrists and ankles, then ran away..." kunikida, did you tie him up?!?!
Oda just kept collecting kids in beast! I love that
"It's your job to look after the kids, as the oldest one there." Oda also collected akutagawa
"It was Parent's day at one of the orphan's schools, so Akutagawa participated on behalf of the child's guardian." So normally, oda would go?
Another parent said he looks like a hitman. Boy do I have news about the kids actual guardian!
Akutagawa raised Sakura's hand cuz she's shy and was proud when she got the question right
Akutagawa hates guns
Akutagawa has been using lots of farming metaphors
Atsushi puts three sugars in his coffee, and akutagawa put four in his tea
Akutagawa saved up 300 chocolate bars, ate them for days on end, and collapsed of malnutrition
I really like the emphasis in this novel that they're really just kids who grew up too fast
"...but a vermillion line appeared on his throat..." ch88 flashbacks
Gin spends every waking moment with dazai. I want to know abt their relationship more. Does dazai treat her like he does the agency in the main universe? Or like chuuya, perhaps? How does gin see him? I wanna know more abt them in beast and the main timeline.
About akutagawa: "'I can't believe such a powerful skill user has gone undetected by our network for so long.'" That definitely has to be due to inside interference. Was it Dazai? Gin?
Apparently, Demon Snow wears a mask, and that isn't actually her face
Dazai is now using his windows.
Oda in this universe joined the agency in the place of dazai, solving solving azure messenger/apostle case. However, he doesn't see himself as a detective. Tanizaki told akutagawa a few pages ago that you become a detective the moment you believe it.
Oda gambles
Apparently the headmaster abused all of the kids, not just atsushi. He didn't even let them have clocks.
The scene between atsushi and the headmaster here is so phenomenal. The way asagiri portrays trauma is *chefs kiss*. A normal interaction from the outside, but with context and with atsushi as the narrator, it's completely different. It's very similiar to the headmaster death in the main timeline
Atsushi looks up to the headmaster in a similiar way akutagawa looks up to dazai. And in beast, he has both of them as negative influences in his head
"There was a researcher who came to the orphanage to secretly investigate the tiger, but it killed him. He had long hair the color of white mist and eyes as red as apples. Had his death gone public, the military police would've intervened and killed the dangerous tiger - me. / But the director covered up the accident. He threw the researcher's body into a river and burned his belongings. He then got the teachers together so they could coordinate their story: "No researcher ever came here." Then, after checking if I had any memory of what happened when I was a tiger, the director locked me in a basement cell. He continued handling the aftermath every time the tiger went berserk going forward. He locked me in the basement in seclusion so there wouldn't be any victims - so I wouldn't hurt anyone." Dead apple makes much more sense now.
The jazz playing in Lupin is a about "a heartbreaking farewell."
Oda sits one seat away from where dazai gestures.
Dazai excitedly informs Oda that he finally defused a bomb and had been waiting to tell oda. In the Dark Era novel, Dazai says he's jealous of oda cuz oda gets to do cool stuff at work. On that day, oda had defused a bomb, which he mentioned to dazai, prompting dazai to say he was jealous. My heart can't take this.
Next thing dazai informs him is that he's perfected his hard tofu recipe. Another throwback to dark era, where the hard tofu was going to be a suicide attempt, but ended up only cutting his cheek.
Oda about dazai: "He may have been an adult, but his boyish voice made him sound far younger. He smiled like a lost child who had finally found his house."
Dazai has crystal clear eyes when speaking with oda here. Reminds me of when he was fighting with chuuya against rimbaud in fifteen
Dazai looks like he about to cry when oda mentions they've just met
Dazai really seems to want to tell oda the truth about the world. But he can't.
Akutagawas skill can keep going after he loses consciousness
Akutagawa really likes going on revenge-suicide charges huh
"'You're not evil... you just don't know who you are yet.'" Common kunikida w
Akutagawa saying to atsushi "'My job at the detective agency does not include helping those with a death wish.'" Two things this illustrates: one, akutagawa doesn't hold vengeance above his morals anymore. Two, akutagawa isn't like atsushi in this way. Atsushi would help people escape their death wish, such as with kyouka and sigma.
Dazai says abt this fight between sskk, "That was just as good as match fight on the ship..." This is a reference to the main timeline
Dazai tells atsushi to go with kyouka to a "world of light."
The fact that dazai dies even though three people can know the truth abt the world makes me think he plans for them to tell someone else
"'From now on, allow me to handle any job that involves soothing children.'" Stark contrast to the beginning of the novel, where he threatens a child about a kidnapping
Akutagawa still helps kenji w the farm
"Whenever a document needed to be shredded, he gave it to Akutagawa, who would shout with a bit more cheer than usual, 'I will tear you to pieces!' before reducing the paper into fine scraps." And does he make a salad with it afterwards?
Elise is a beautiful woman of about twenty years old in Beast, which means she either was never a girl here or she was turned into a woman at some point. If the latter, I imagine it would be when mori is put in charge of the orphanage
Atsushi aimlessly wandered the country side after dazais death. I want an au where he finds kenjis village instead
Dazai saved moris life four years ago
This breaking the watch scene is just as good as the killing the headmaster scene
Mori, here, understands that using violence and fear to teach is wrong
Mori wishes he could have save dazai
In mainline, atsushi challenges akutagawa not to kill anyone and then they'll fight. In beast, akutagawa challenges atsushi to move forward
"'Until then, you can live here as my student - no, as my son.'" ILL CRY
I like the side theme of akutagawa being assigned as evil by not only the enemy, atsushi, but by gin as well. I think the way the ending wrapped it up was perfect, by having him decide to prove to *himself* that he is not evil.
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meguwumibear · 1 year
Let Not the Lord be Angry
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Summary: Nai contemplates the bible. A human interrupts his quiet contemplation.
Word Count: 1,200
Warning: minor character injury (mentions of blood), knives (obviously), egregious and probably inaccurate biblical references, nai and his homicidal ideation, i think that’s everything but let me know if i missed something!
Notes: Pre-July incident. Implied future unhealthy Nai x reader relationship. Experimented a bit stylistically with this.
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Nai’s reading the bible again. The one that woman gave him. The one he used to read on the ship.
He favors the book of Genesis. The beginning. Creation. Let there be light. And there was light. Let there be people, forged in the image of their creator, who shall have dominion over the sea, the land, the air. They may eat from every tree but one. They know they are naked. Have they eaten from the tree? Send them forth. Drive them out. Protect the plants.
Now command a great flood to wash away the humans for their crimes against both the heavens and the earth. Rain for forty days and rain for forty nights. When the humans can settle again, confound their speech so they can do nothing but babel.
Two angels sent to Sodom and Gomorrah. There are not ten righteous people in these lands. Destruction by fire. Destruction by brimstone. She who turns back turns to salt.
And, here, now, a human, standing before him. An ugly thing made uglier by their journey. Sunburned and sweating. Panting like a bitch in heat.
He summons his knives.
“That a threat?” the human spits, throat hoarse with thirst. “Think I’ve never seen a blade before?”
“I think you’ve never seen something like me before.”
“I’ve seen you before. A face like yours is hard to forget. You stole from my town, so I followed you here. I am not afraid.”
That’s amusing. A human? Unafraid? You are surely a liar. A liar, or a pissant who’s yet to fully grasp their own cosmic insignificance.
Before he kills you, he will become your teacher. Your master. Your guide. You will learn your limits. You will taste the fruits forbidden.  Come let him show you. Let him open your eyes. Learn what becomes of women who look back and bite off more than they can chew.
A pathetic little human who couldn’t even survive without leeching off his brethren, who would die without the nourishment they provide. Feeble and weak. Fragile as a flower. Wilting and withering away without the water your kind oh so desperately needs. Petals falling one by one. Stem sagging. Roots rotting. You were not meant for his new Eden. You could not survive there.
Yet you survived here on the inhospitable planet Gunsmoke. For days you lived on. Without proper food and drink. Without shelter from the sun. Flesh burning. Skin reddening. You persisted. You searched. And finally, you found.
What will you do now?
“What are you doing with the plants?” you demand. There’s a ferocious look in your eyes. Something feral and beastly. Pure anger. Pure animal. Nothing human in them at all.
“I doubt a stupid thing like you could understand.”
“You underestimate humans. That will be the death of you. My mortality makes me privy to things beyond your comprehension.”
A sound. Quick and sharp. Then pain. Quiet and stinging. On your left cheek. Just below your eye. You lift a finger to the wound and it comes away bloody. He cut you. With one of his knives. Split your flesh and bled you. When you look up into his eyes you see not a monster, but a boy, frightened and alone.
“What set you against us?”
“Corruption and cruelty. You are ravenous little beasts. Your sins exceedingly grievous. Your kind stole knowledge of good from the garden of Eden and still choose to be anything but.”
You stare at him. Unflinching. Even as ribbons of crimson unfurl across your face. “My people cultivated this land. We built something from nothing. Churches and orphanages and homes. In elementary school my class learned to make paint from the elements. We painted a mural on the wall of our school. It’s still there today. By taking our plant you’ve doomed both the righteous and the wicked alike.”
“All of that you did at the breast of my kin!”
“Has no one ever helped you? Surely you did not enter this world alone.”
He thinks of his mother. He thinks of Rem Savrem. He thinks of the snake in the garden of Eden. Mother Rem. Mother snake. Rem the mother. Rem the snake. Mother seductress. Mother temptress. Enchanting. Enticing. Beguiling serpent. Bewitching snake.
He thinks he understands Vash a bit more now.
His ticket to the future is supposed to be blank. His future is supposed to be waiting there for him. That’s what that wicked woman always promised him. Something next. Something still to come. Was Eve’s future blank or was it always written that she’d be driven out of that paradise? Was her story always meant to end that way? Cast out from the garden. Cursed with a womb. Could she ever have been something more?
Could you?
Humans die so terribly. No matter how they go. Plummeting out of the sky as their spaceship crashes to the earth. Struck down by a torrent of blades. He’s never seen one die of natural causes before. Never seen one succumb to starvation or thirst. He imagines somehow that of all the ways to die, naturally is the worst.
A sick part of him wants kill you this way. Or, rather, he wants to watch you die this way. He wants to watch your fat and muscle slough off the bone. Wants to watch as your belly bloats with air. There’d be so little to you he could count all of your ribs. They’d be so brittle he could break one off for himself.
He doubts you’re going to last much longer. 
You’re well past your expiration date.
You’ll die without him.
Your eyes widen. He’s said that last thought aloud. Those beastly eyes of yours are frustratingly unreadable. He expects fear but is met by fears distant cousin. Acceptance maybe. Or understanding. You know you’re a dead girl walking. This was a suicide mission.
There’s no pleasure in beating a dead corpse. How cruel would it be if you were to live? Crueler still if you were kept alive by his murderous hands. The thing about Nai is he’s good at being cruel. It’s familiar to him. And, yes, how cruel it would be for him to let you live. To sit you in his lap and force food down your throat. To punish you when you bite fruitlessly at his fingers. To shove his fingers deeper into your gaping mouth.
He thinks of Tesla. The first. The lab rat. He thinks of all the poking and prodding the humans subjected them to. Pumped full of poison. Pickled and preserved. All that’s left: an arm, a brain, some eyes. Not feeling. Not thinking. Not seeing. Hidden away, but not discarded. Rem’s dirty little secret. The team’s guiltiest pleasure.
What could your body handle? Just how long could it go without food? Without water? Without air? What if he gave you just enough to keep you going? What if he forced bite after agonizing bite down your throat? What if he wrapped his fingers around your neck and squeezed and squeezed and squeezed?
What if he used you all up? What if he sucked you dry?
What if you learned what it was like to be a plant?
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ladyloveandjustice · 4 months
The Liveblogyssey! (Part 2)
It's been a little while but it's time for more liveblogging The Odyssey! See the liveblog from the beginning here.
So what’s happening with Penelope while Telemachus is off gallivanting around?
Well the suitors are plotting to kill Telemachus as soon as he gets back, which Penelope’s house boy informs her of, and to which she responds “wait a fucking second, he LEFT? Without telling me? And none of you said anything?”
And everyone says "well in our defense he didn’t want us to tell you because he thought you would stop him” and she’s like “YEAH!!! I WOULD HAVE!”
I love this one guy who’s just like “well he’ll either come back home or he’s met his fate”. Super comforting, thank you for your contribution.
Penelope goes to her room to cry and pray to Athena. So Athena decides to show up in Penelope’s dreams in disguise and use that opportuniy do a shameless self plug. I’m not kidding it's like
Athena (in disguise): Don't worry about your husband, girl,  he’s got Athena in his corner. She’s a helper many men have prayed to have! She has great power! She’s the COOLEST god, the BEST god perhaps--
Penelope: Uh. Are you actually Athena? Because I feel like you’re Athena. Athena please tell me where my husband is”
Athena: who knows. Bye.
Athena then goes up to Zeus and is like “okay so Telemachus is going to die if we don’t do something, do you feel like helping out. At all.” And Zeus is like “daughter, this was all your idea in the first place??? You wanted him to go on a heroic quest right??? Figure it out” But he does send Hermes to tell Calypso to stop imprisoning and raping Odysseus.
Calypso points out this is a fairly hypocritical thing for Zeus to scold her about (true), and why is it okay for Gods like Zeus to rape mortals and toy with them but when Goddesses do it SUDDENLY IT’S A BIG DEAL? HASHTAG DOUBLE STANDARDS.
Calypso is literally the shallow lean-in type feminist who wants women to be equal simply so we can be corrupt CEOS and oppress more people like men get to do and that’s so funny. Some things are timeless.
I mean yeah, she’s technically right that it’s unfair, but girl, is Zeus what we want to aspire to here? Can we not aim higher?
She also mentions that every time a Goddess takes a mortal lover people kill that man and cites Demeter and Iason (saying Zeus killed him because double standards) and Dawn (Eos) and Orion (saying Artemis killed Orion because double standards).
So of course I had to look them up! The thing with Zeus definitely does reek of double standards, Demeter slept with a dude (CONSENSUALLY TOO! Amazing!) and Zeus got jealous and immediately killed him with a lightning bolt. He and Hera really do have some things in common!
But while there are several myths about Orion and Artemis, I don’t see any ones where her killing him had anything to do with him being a lover of Eos. In fact her reasons for killing him are either extremely justified or she does it accidentally. She either killed him because he raped this girl (valid and correct), she can kill him because he tries to assault HER. A GODDESS. (Dumb bitch definitely deserved to die for that).
Then there's the second-funniest version of Orion’s death. Basically Apollo notices Artemis has been hanging out with him too much when she should be spending time with HIM, so while Orion’s swimming, Apollo points to the dark shape in the distance, is like “bet you can’t hit that with your arrow! bet you can’t!” and Artemis is like “Yes the fuck I can!” and then kills Orion. Siblings are always pulling those silly little pranks!!!
(The absolute FUNNIEST way Orion can die is when he’s hanging out with Artemis, brags he’s going to hunt and kill every animal on earth,Gaia’s like “bitch no you won’t” and kills him with a giant scorpion)
Anyway, where was I. Yeah so Calypso’s assessment of why Artemis killed Orion appears to possibly be inaccurate.
Calypso goes down to Odysseus who’s just been sitting there on the beach sobbing about how much he misses home. Apparently he's been doing this every single day but Calypso just now decided to notice. He also talks of “not wanting her even though she still wanted him” Definitely rape!
There is an possible implication it might have been consensual at one point with the specific phrasing in this translation “she no longer pleased him”. Doesn’t matter if it was since you can take back your consent at any time, so it IS rape now regardless, but boy the people who are like “he never cheated on Penelope how dare you imply!!!" are going to hate me acknowledging this ambiguous phrasing, huh.
So when Calypso tells him he can get on a raft and go home, he’s like “yeah. So. I don’t believe you. You’re 100% going to murder me on that raft, lady.” and can you blame him?
Calypso gives him clothes but before he leaves she makes sure to be like “I don’t get why you’re so into your wife. I’m definitely hotter than her. Look at me. Look at my sexy body. Also I’m taller than her too.” (It comes up a couple time that women being tall is apparently desirable in Ancient Greece, which is an interesting reminder that beauty standards are fake and change constantly throughout time and cultures).
So Odysseus goes sailing off but Poseidon sees him while hanging out with his horses and says “nuh uh” and makes the sea all deadly. Odysseus is just ready to give up, going “I seriously wish the Trojans has killed me at this point, it’s better than having gods torturing me endlessly at least I would have gotten a funeral.” Poor guy.
Fortunately a passing goddess Ino takes pity and helps him. And! She says! “Why does enraged Poseidon create an odyssey of pain for you?” That’s right! Even Ancient Literature know the art of the title drop! And that’s a good place to pause for now.
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clonebrainrot · 4 months
Aftermath Season 1 episode 1 rewatch
A live reaction
The bad batch aftermath
So we begin
I completely forgot that they had a clone wars intro for this
Ah Kanan sounding like a 40 year old man
And here they come!
Ah POV shot my beloved
God they are so badass
God I am already getting emotional over fucking nothing lol
Tech no you can’t say the C-word
You gotta appreciate all these battles where they are working together it only happens like 3 times in the entire show
God captain grey sucks
lol Tech doesn’t even look up from his data pad when he is introduced by Kanan. He is literally me.
Any orders or shall we do what we do? God what a great line
Oh yay! Order 66!
And everything continued to go down hill from this point onward
smh rebels was contradicted in rebels he said her last words were run not Caleb! I can’t believe they would get this wrong. My day is ruined
Also I am literally just writing all my thoughts out as they happen I’ll have a lot more succinct post later.
Even this early I cannot get over how good the animation looks
You have orders from the chancellor? Wrecker doesn’t give a shit lol
Hunter saw Kanan and he wanted to adopt him immediately
Crosshair is an amazing shot anytime he isn’t shooting a good guy. Then he misses a lot. Although you can argue that he is subconsciously resisting the order if you want
Poor Hunter he is trying his best to
God I am so tempted to writer a the bad batch protests Kanan fic. I think Omega and Kanan would have such a fun dynamic.
God the scenery shots all look gorgeous I wish I knew how to take screenshots of Disney plus or else I would show you
I forgot how often Tech talked. I don’t know why
Remember when people said the dead Jedi here was shaak ti? Cause that made no sense. She literally has a green hand.
Also every line of dialogue between Tech and Wrecker is just hilarious
“Oh they seem the same to me” I love you tech
My exceptional mind! Another great line
Info dump more Tech I will enjoy every piece of dialogue you give me
First appearance of Omega!
Interestingly Omega notices when Hunter looks up at her. Hmm makes one think doesn’t it. Tap this one down as the first of “omega is force sensitive” (I won’t let this theory die”
There she is. She is just the best.
Also Omega has the worst haircut ever.
I love all of Omega’s weird little waves. She’s so socially awkward sometimes I love that about her.
Oh boy. Tarkin here he comes to ruin the day
lol the Kaminoasn really are like “bitch what are you talking about”
Oh my man soup clone is gonna steal the scene
I like to blow things up because I like to blow things up. You always know your ways with words tech
I can’t get over how horrible omega’s haircut looks it is so bad
Soup clone or should I say CX2!
I love that this food fight is a regular occurrence
Regular clone coming in With a metal tray!
I wish they had done more with Echo’s PTSD
I will leave you to process the shock of this revelation
Maybe this empire thing isn’t so bad after all (it was)
I just realized what happened to Lama Su? He just dipped out of the shows lol
And wrecker is shot for the first time. First of many. I think it might be four total. Wrecker takes an absolute beating throughout the show
What we did on Felucia. Well now I need a whole show about that
Tech riding the proto dark troopers is such a video game moment
I completely forgot how little Omega is in this first episode until like well over half way through
Crosshair’s knife shot may be my favorite of the entire show.
Ah the fetus room my favorite one on Kamino
I completely forgot Tarkin has met Omega.
Squad does not make a squadron. I thought squadron was just for aircraft and naval vessels? I know this is a nitpick and doesn’t really matter but it stood out
I love how Hunter always goes to Omega’s eye level. I love that about him.
Oh oh! Oh no! Kid you aren’t a soldier. Damnit I am crying now. She grew up to be a soldier! Ah I hate it I am going to bawl my eyes out for the rest of the episode
Saw you complicated man. I don’t hate you like some, but you always go about it the wrong way you drove so many people away you indirectly killed one of the brightest minds on Star Wars, but your heart was in the right place. It’s just how you fight. That’s what is important
I love how Tech knows who Saw is on sight. He knows literally everything I love that about him
Saw also does it. He gets to eye level when talking to children. I love this detail. Not talking down always talking directly.
Crosshair always the contrarian with “not that you know of”
Wait how did Tech know about the conversation with Tarkin where he talks about the five clones. He wasn’t there. There are a few instances throughout the show where characters know things they really shouldn’t
Someone is coming we need to go. That’s two strikes for force sensitive omega (again not letting this die)
God the wide shots on this show are stunning
Do you think it’s a problem that I can recognize all the trailer shots as they appear? lol
Strike 3 for Omega being force sensitive. Although this one you can excuse as just her knowing about the inhibitor chip. There is one that will be coming up that you can’t read as anything other than force sensitive IMO
Oh did I ever tell you how when I first saw Omega in the trailer I thought she was a boy lol.
I love Omega copying her brothers it’s so cute
I can’t get over how bad her hair is. I hate her original hair style. It’s just so bad lol
God even in this episode so early the music is absolutely banging.
Omega knows crosshair is coming before he actually comes. And then she’ll make this amazing shot. Omega is force sensitive. Nothing says she isn’t in the show. And so I will go to my grave believing it. Canon be damned
Also why is the Coruscant guard on Kamino? What happened to the gray colored Kamino police clones?
That’s a second shot for wrecker. Dude just keeps getting beaten the shit out of. Already planting the seeds for that inhibitor chip activating later
And there is the shot. Followed by shots that go completely off the mark. Makes one think doesn’t it…
Also Nala Se you sneaky sneaky. I hate you for fives and also love you for helping Omega in the end.
So begins Omega’s adventure. And so begins the beginning of the end for theirs
Next stop Cut Lawquane
God I am excited to go through these episodes. It’s like it’s starting all over again even If I have watched this show a collective 4 times lol.
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