#~do you have room for one more troubled soul~sirius black
saintsenara · 16 days
Asenora, authority on all things Voldemort and Black… were Walburga and Orion affected by the presence of Voldemort’s horcrux in their house? Did it impregnate the house with the proverbial “bad juju”? Or is that slander and superstition?
thank you very much for the ask, anon!
canon is clear that horcruxes don't inherently corrupt the people who are in their vicinity:
"While the magical container is still intact, the bit of soul inside it can flit in and out of someone if they get too close to the object. I don’t mean holding it for too long, it’s nothing to do with touching it," she added before Ron could speak. "I mean close emotionally. Ginny poured her heart out into that diary, she made herself incredibly vulnerable. You’re in trouble if you get too fond of or dependent on the Horcrux."
and since the ability of a horcrux to influence someone depends on the establishment of an emotional closeness, it's fairly easy to presume that they can't affect the general environment of the places they're kept.
indeed, dumbledore is clear that he isn't able to sense the ring horcrux when he goes to little hangleton - he finds it by searching "for traces of magical concealment". harry is able to sense the presence of other horcruxes, but the text makes very clear why that is:
Deeper and deeper into the labyrinth he went, looking for objects he recognised from his one previous trip into the room. His breath was loud in his ears, and then his very soul seemed to shiver: There it was, right ahead, the blistered old cupboard in which he had hidden his old Potions book, and on top of it, the pockmarked stone warlock wearing a dusty old wig and what looked like an ancient, discoloured tiara.
the locket has no effect on anyone living in grimmauld place during order of the phoenix. nor does it have any effect on umbridge [she can still produce a patronus while wearing it, whereas harry - presumably because it gains a modicum of power over him via him knowing what it is - can't].
grimmauld place's vibes are because it's three different gothic literature tropes in a trench coat - the rotting house, with its madwoman in a portrait rather than the attic, which is gradually driving sirius to despair with the weight of griefs and memories he thought he'd escaped, only to find himself trapped like the child he once was, having outrun nothing.
its sinister aura has nothing to do with dark magic and everything to do with the much more mundane horrors of unhappy families.
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padfootagain · 1 year
Where We Kept Our Magic (I)
How We Met
Hello everyone ! I know what you are all going to think ‘holy shit, Carole is back with a new series AGAIN how many of these does she have?!’ The answer is simple : a) I have no self -control whatsoever hence the numerous series, b)there is no excuse, I’m simply a very messy writer. However, so far, I’m keeping up with all the series, so… let’s see!
This series is a little peculiar, because it is not meant to be a real series. This will be made of scenes and snippets that are independent from one another (more or less) taken at different moments in an AU. But there isn’t one major plot binding the whole series together. The concept is simply to explore the idea of Sirius dating a muggle reader, nothing more. Each chapter = one moment in their lives. I’m starting off with how they’ve met, but the following chapter might not even be posted in chronological order, we’ll see. The idea is really to just have a collection of moments, that’s all.
Also, a huge thank you to @damalseer and @reg-arcturus-black because we’ve talked about this fic together, and I have listened to their amazing concepts for this.
Now, that being said, I hope you all like this cute concept! Let me know what you think!
Pairing: Sirius Black x Muggle!Reader
Warnings: none for this chapter (one mention of weed and none of the characters smoke) except for extreme fluffiness that might lead to cavities or a melting of the heart.
Summary: You and Sirius meet when you’re still young, and yet you fall head over heels for each other. But everything gets complicated when you learn that Sirius is a Wizard! Now, your whole world has to be reimagined. -This series is made of many independent snippets taken from Sirius and Muggle!Reader’s lovestory –
Word Count : 3747
Masterlist for the series - Sirius Black's Masterlist - Main Masterlist
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The music is loud, maybe too much so. Banging your head under the neon lights, you get dizzy after a while. It’s hot, full of people, an underground concert somewhere in Soho. Your friend has dragged you here, and you’ve sneaked out of your parents’ house to come. They will kill you if they notice your absence.
You’re sweaty, but you can’t say that you care. Your make up is smeared by now, eyeliner getting away from your eyes, and you don’t mind. You bang your head to the music still, some rock band you didn’t know before coming here. Still, they’re good enough, they make you jump up and down like a mad woman and that’s exactly what you need. You’re seventeen, you’re young, you want to be free. And as you let the music in, let it shake your body and echo with your heartbeat, you do feel like you’re breaking barriers, even if it can’t last beyond this night.
Your friend is shouting, and screaming along the song even if she doesn’t know the lyrics, and you laugh at her. It feels good. It feels liberating… Rock’n roll and Soul and the blurred scent of weed.
“I told you it would be awesome!” Jackie shouts, sending a wink your way through her pink heart-shaped glasses.
“It is!” you nod in agreement, screaming above the music while jumping up and down some more.
“Worse getting in trouble?”
“I’m not thinking about that right now!”
“Right now, I’m enjoying myself! I can worry on my way home!”
“Now! That’s the spirit! You know what? You deserve a beer, rebel girl!”
You laugh at that, and let Jackie disappear through the crowd to get some beer from an illegal bar at the back of the room. You’re seventeen, you’re way too young to drink, and you don’t give a damn.
The beat drops, it makes your ribcage tremble, it shakes your brain, you’re dizzy again. You don’t wait for Jackie to be back, instead, you jump and clap along to the rhythm of the song. You only slow down when you have a strange feeling, like someone is staring at you…
And indeed, when you turn around, you notice a guy looking at you, a couple of rows behind.
Tall. Long dark-hair. Even from afar he seems extremely handsome, but the cold kind of beauty that fits better to a statue than to a living thing. Unreachable. Yes, that’s what is painted all over his features. Someone to admire from afar. A leather jacket, a Queen t-shirt. You can’t see his legs, but you bet on some dark jeans. He looks like trouble. An awful lot of it… And as he stares at you, you can’t help but find him intimidating.
But then, he notices that you’re looking at him, and his lips curve into a small, crooked smile. And you kind of like it.
You turn away again, though, and Sirius averts his gaze as well. This is ridiculous, anyway. He’s in Muggle London, at an illegal concert, getting drunk with James, Remus and Peter and this… You’re probably a Muggle, like everyone around him except for his fellow Marauders. He’s spotted you through the crowd: with your woollen crop-top, your flared jeans, and the bandana in your hair, you look like a hippie.
But he’s a Wizard, you’re off-limits. Too complicated, especially for him.
Instead, he raises his cup to drink some beer, but he finds the glass empty. He mumbles some insult under his breath.
“I’ll get some beer,” he tells James, his friend nodding but too busy dancing to properly answer.
And Sirius smiles bright at the sight of his best friend, his brother, grinning and having the time of his life, sweaty and hair even more dishevelled than usual, glasses lopsided upon his nose.
They’ve been back from Hogwarts for a couple of weeks, it’s their first night out since they’ve come back to the Potters. It’s Sirius’s first summer having a real home. And so far he loves it, and tonight more than ever. They’ve sneaked out of the Potters’ house to get on the Knight Bus and travel to Soho for this concert Remus had heard about through a Muggle friend of his. And Sirius loves it. Every second of it. His friends, the beat of the music through his ribcage, the lights, the shouts, the guitar screaming, the banging of his head to the rhythm… He loves it. He feels free. He’s been feeling that way since he ran from his parents the previous summer. It hits him with full strength now that he’s out of this mess, that he can be whoever he wants. He’s broken free, it feels a lot like flying, same exhilarating feeling.
He moves across the crowd to get a drink. He’s seventeen, too young to drink, but he doesn’t care. He doesn’t care about anything tonight. Tonight is for fun, only. His problems, the struggles of his world… that can wait for tomorrow.
The bar is at the back of the same room as the concert, the music is still as loud as it was when he was in the middle of the crowd, dancing. He points at his empty plastic cup while mouthing another beer to the waiter. The middle-aged man doesn’t ask questions. He’s smoking something, and Sirius isn’t sure it’s a mere cigarette. Sirius admires the tattoos on the man’s arms, intricate details painted with black ink. He wants to look like that. He wants to be tattooed, he’s been thinking about it for a while. He’ll get his first one during the summer, it’s decided…
He thanks the waiter and pays for his beer, but Sirius doesn’t get very far. He’s barely turned towards the stage again that someone bumps into him, and half of his beer is now wetting his favourite t-shirt.
“Oh fuck! Dick! Can’t you watch were you’re…”
But he looks up and his voice dies out when he falls into your eyes.
He’s only looked at you from afar, but he recognizes you in an instant. It’s weird. Like… like he knows you already. Like he’s drawn to you, for some reason.
His voice is much lower when he speaks again.
Your eyes are wide-open, you apologize profusely. You almost seem afraid of him.
And you are, for a part. Sirius is even more intimidating up-close. And his voice is deep and cold, and yet you love it. You love the deep, tumultuous sound. And his eyes are of a deep grey, like a summer sky before a thunder-storm, almost black under the blinking light of the concert. He’s much taller than you, it doesn’t help with the cold calmness that oozes from his frame, a feeling of something dangerously beautiful, almost aristocratic.
“Sorry, I’m so sorry…” you keep on saying that, and it takes Sirius a moment to finally react. He has to blink a couple of times before that.
Because you look beautiful like this, under the blinking lights. You are a hippie, you have the complete set of clothes, and he loves it, you look adorable. There’s something wild and determined in your gaze too, he doesn’t really know what it is, but it makes him feel safer anyway. You’re almost intimidating, in a way…
“No, it’s me. I’m sorry,” he mumbles, and he wonders why he’s acting almost shy now, he can feel a blush spreading across his features.
You notice his reddened cheeks, and you can’t refrain a smile. He looks cuter this way, almost kind.
“I… I’m sorry, I’m clumsy as fuck, sometimes,” he speaks, but the music is too loud, you can’t catch all the words.
“I’ll pay you another drink,” you offer, speaking loudly so he can hear you, but he shakes his head.
“No, no! It’s fine.”
“I’ve ruined it.”
“Not at all. I mean… kind of. But it’s fine. You didn’t mean it.”
You’re staring at each other, and it is very strange because… because you can feel that he’s trouble and yet you can’t seem to look away. He’s a good kind of trouble, you reckon. Not the classic bad boy, there’s something more layered into these dark eyes, and you want to know what it is all about. You don’t know why you feel like you know him, already. Like… like you’re drawn to him.
He's opened his mouth to speak again when Jackie shouts your name, grinning as she spots you, and you turn towards her.
“I was looking for my friend over there. She went to get us drinks.”
“I see.”
“Sorry again for the beer.”
Before Sirius can add anything you’ve turned around and you’re disappearing through the crowd, following Jackie, and Sirius remains standing there, with his glass half-empty and his wet t-shirt stinking of beer…
It takes him a moment to shake himself out of his thoughts, to look for the guys in the crowd again, to join them once more.
He’s barely reached the group that James turns to him with a mischievous grin that clearly means trouble.
“So… found a pretty lady, Padfoot?”
Sirius rolls his eyes.
“She bumped into me and now…”
He shows his drenched t-shirt, but James is not fooled, and neither are Peter and Remus, who are shaking their heads at their friend.
“That’s why you were blushing, of course,” Remus teases him, earning himself a punch in the arm.
“Fuck off, Moony!”
“He’s right, though,” Peter adds with a chuckle. “You were mesmerized!”
“I was not!”
“You should ask her out!” James encourages his friend. “She’s over there!”
Sirius follows the direction his friend is pointing, and you’re there alright. You’re dancing again, struggling a little because of your drink. You throw your head back as you laugh at your friend… you’re charming, really, even from afar…
But Sirius shakes his head, drinking some beer instead.
“Muggle,” is his only answer, barely audible above the loud music, as Sirius is more careful now.
But his three friends roll their eyes in unison.
“Come on, Pads!” Remus encourages him as well.
“Too complicated,” Sirius shakes his head.
“It doesn’t have to be anything serious! It’s summer! You could have a fling, for a couple of months,” Peter argues.
And Sirius is hesitant now. His friend is right. It doesn’t have to be complicated. It can merely be a fling… nothing serious…
“Besides, maybe she isn’t even nice!” Remus jumps in again, still rubbing his painful arm. “You should talk to her, while you still can.”
While you still can… Why does Sirius feel such an urgency all of a sudden? As if… as if he has so much to lose, when he hasn’t, really. You’re a stranger. He doesn’t even know your name…
He wants to know it though.
He heaves a sigh, one last hesitation, before he downs his drink in one large gulp, and strides across the crowd towards you.
His heart is beating so fast, and he doesn’t even know why, because… he doesn’t know. There are no stakes whatsoever. So, why is he nervous?
You don’t notice him until he’s right by your side, and Jackie frowns at him, wondering who the hell he is.
You freeze when you turn to him.
Your voice is too shy, he can’t hear you, but he guesses what you said by the movement of your lips.
“I… I was wondering… would you like a drink?”
He’s cursing himself for not looking as confident as usual. He’s never stuttered like that in front of a girl before.
You seem to hesitate, and he shoots you a crooked smile. It’s charming, but it still looks a little shy. You really love that…
“I’ve kind of changed my mind about the beer,” he jokes, and it’s enough to make you smile.
Behind you, you feel Jackie’s finger poking at your side, and you know what she means without looking at her. You can hear her voice, what she would say, her exact words.
Handsome bloke who seems to be our age. You’d better say yes!
And you’ve come here tonight to feel free. No consequences for now, no trouble, you’ll think about those once you try to sneak back into your parents’ house. For now, you’re in this crazy concert, under blinking neon lights, this guy is gorgeous and there’s something pulling you to him and… and it’s enough. At least, it’s enough for a drink.
“Alright, but I’m the one who owns you a drink. So, I’m buying.”
He grins at that, agreeing with a nod, and you walk towards the bar again.
You buy Sirius his drink, but the music seems even louder than before, and when he tries to speak to you, you can’t hear a thing.
After a second try, he leans closer to speak into your ear. So close, you can smell cigarettes, leather, beer and something of citrus on him. Your head spins a little…
“Mind stepping out for a minute?”
He reads on your face that he’s scared you away. You look up at him with worried eyes, and he curses himself for it.
After all, he still looks intimidating, with his cross earing, the pentagram pendant around his neck, his charming smile…
Is he simply a teenager? Or a psychopath? No one can know, after all… and you’re just seventeen, and he’s a stranger, and you ought to be careful.
He leans closer again, and you force yourself not to breathe his scent too deeply, not to close your eyes when you feel his breath graze the skin right behind your ear.
“We can stay by the door. But it’s too loud here.”
As if to prove a point, he points at his ear, then his throat. And he’s right, of course. If you want to talk, even for five minutes, you can’t do it here.
You slowly nod, going on your tiptoes. He bends a little to bring his ear to your level.
“I’ll warn my friend then.”
He nods with a smile, lets you cross the crowd.
You warn Jackie, she tells you she’ll check on you in ten minutes, just in case. And you’re grateful for it.
Meanwhile, Sirius throws a glance towards his friends, and they all give him some thumb-ups and some ridiculous grins, and he rolls his eyes.
You come back after a mere minute, and you let him guide you upstairs again.
It’s the end of spring, the beginning of summer, but the night is still fresh, cooled down by a small breeze. It sends shivers across your skin, but that’s a nice feeling. It clears your head a little bit. After the loud sound of the concert, the lights, the crowd, the shouts… it feels good to step outside in the quiet of a night in London.
A car drives by, there’s the rushed whisper of the wind in nearby trees, but that’s about it, really. A few people are taking a break from the show too, gathered in small clusters all along the backstreet where you stand now. As a reflex, you step closer to a lamppost, looking for the light. A lost moth in a dark street…
Sirius takes a pack of cigarettes out of his jacket, and offers you one, but you decline. He lights one up for himself.
“Do you like the concert so far?” he asks after taking his first drag.
“Yeah, it’s fun! I didn’t know the band before tonight though, so… not great to sing along!”
“Didn’t know them either. I came with a friend, he’s the one who knew the band. They’re good, though.”
“Yeah, they are.”
“You came with a friend too, right?”
“Yeah, with Jackie! She kind of… dragged me here, to be honest.”
“I’m grateful she did.”
There’s flirt in his tone, and you can’t help but shy away. And you look adorable like this, Sirius loves it. But then again, you don’t seem comfortable yet, and he wants you to be so.
“We can go back whenever you want, you know? It’s fine if you prefer to find back your friend,” he offers.
And you genuinely consider accepting, walking back inside and run away with Jackie but then again… you don’t really want to. Because Sirius is beyond handsome like this: smoking, tilting his head to the side a little as he waits for an answer, his face bathed in the golden light of the lamppost.
And you love his voice. Deep, much warmer than before. More welcoming. Charming…
“It’s okay, I’m just… not really used to going to concerts like that and… this…”
He smiles at that, a smile more earnest, brighter too, and you like it. He doesn’t seem so scary now…
“Neither am I, to be honest.”
“You look like the part, though,” you joke, pointing at his leather jacket, his t-shirt, his combat boots. He laughs at that, and you find that you like the sound. It’s brighter than you expected it would be.
“True but… let’s say that I didn’t often have the opportunity to come to this kind of things. Besides, I’m still young. Plenty of time to catch up with that now.”
“How old are you?”
You seem to relax at that.
“I’m seventeen too.”
He raises an eyebrow, his smile crooked again, near a smirk, and you like it. You really do.
“Are you still in high school?” you ask him, and he nods.
“Yeah, huh… boarding school.”
“Oh, I see. It must be nice to see your parents during the summer.”
But he merely smiles, and doesn’t answer. You silently curse yourself for obviously touching a nerve.
It’s alright though, Sirius doesn’t mind. He doesn’t reckon that it’s a conversation fit for such a night though, so he changes the topic and guides it towards you again, and finally asks for your name.
“Y/N,” you answer with a smile, and he finds that he adores the sight of it; it’s infectious, he wants to smile too now. “What about you?”
“Sirius. Sirius Black. I know, weird name.”
“Pretty though.”
You exchange a grin, but the gesture is shy for both of you.
Damn, Sirius’s throat tightens, and he’s a ball of nerves, really. He doesn’t know what it is about you that just… makes him lose his cool. But he loves it. It’s endearing. And you’re worth it. He can feel it.
He guides the conversation towards you again, and ten minutes fly by, and you forget all about Jackie who’s supposed to check up on you. Sirius is on his second cigarette, and you don’t even notice her when she smiles at the sight of the two of you and decides to leave you alone and head back for the end of the show.
You talk for a long time, actually. You’ve relaxed as the minutes flew by, you feel good now. You don’t cling that much to the light of the lamppost, you’re turned fully towards Sirius instead. Another source of light, even if this one seems more complex.
You talk for a long while, so long that people start flooding the street as the show ends. You’re both running out of time… and neither of you want to say goodbye just yet.
But it’s late. Very late, the night is heavy and the moon is declining. You must go home, and so does he.
He takes a deep breath, before diving.
“Would that be too much to ask for, if I wanted to go on a date with you?”
But you’re not so hesitant anymore, and you grin up at him.
“That would be nice.”
Sirius grins, his heart skipping a few beats.
“What about some dinner?” he offers, remembering an Italian restaurant where Remus has taken them before. “On Friday?”
But you can’t afford to take the risk of your parents saying no, and going out with a stranger on a Friday night is a lot to ask for…
“What about lunch, instead?”
Sirius merely shrugs.
“Sure. Okay. Let’s do that. There’s an Italian restaurant a couple of streets away. Let’s meet there at noon.”
The two of you exchange a grin, that turns into shy chuckles.
“Alright, I’ll see you at noon next Friday, then, Y/N. And… thanks again for the drink.”
“I owed you one.”
“Still nice to be offered drinks by such a pretty girl.”
He expects you to shy away but you laugh instead.
“Wow, what a lousy line!”
He’s a little taken aback, but he likes it. You fire back; he likes that.
“It was an amazing line!”
“No, it was terrible. All it was missing was a good old wink…”
Sirius shoots you a grin and flirtatious wink in response, and you hate yourself for letting your heart miss a beat at the sight, but you can hardly help it. You laugh harder still, the sound infectious, so much so that Sirius chuckles too.
“Well, for our date, please, work on your flirt,” you tease him, and he decides that he adores this side of you…
“Very well, ma’am.”
You exchange one last smile, but you can’t buy yourself more time. And Sirius knows that he’s staring a little too much, but he can’t help it. He just wants to remember you perfectly, waiting for this date.
“Goodnight, Y/N. Be safe to go home.”
Your smile grows fonder.
“Thank you. Same to you, be careful, it’s very late. Goodnight, Sirius.”
He wants to bend down and kiss your cheek, raise his fingers to the edge of your jaw to touch your skin, judge how soft it is by himself. But he’s afraid to go too fast, to scare you away again, so he doesn’t. He looks at you as you walk towards Jackie instead, as you walk down the alley and disappear by the corner. The boys are waiting for him, amused smiles on their lips, but Sirius doesn’t notice them. He merely stares at you instead.
And you want to go on your tip-toes and kiss his cheek, rest a hand on his shoulder to see if it’s as strong as it seems to be. But you’re afraid to go too fast, to scare him away, so you don’t. You turn around instead, looking for Jackie, and you walk away, leaving Sirius alone under the light of the lamppost. But then you disappear, and he steps out of the light.
Taglist : @reg-arcturus-black @hells-escapees @omgrachwrites @wolfmoonmusic
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lovely-peace · 1 year
The Power of Orion and Walburga Black
The power of Orion and Walburga Black Part 1 (Sirius Black x Reader I am very sorry for my bad English!! English isn't my first language and this is my first fanfiction so I hope you can forgive my bad writing style :'))
The letter
Sirius Black was a difficult man. A person who you cannot tame. A free soul. His parents were never really phased by that. They still tried to make him the person they wanted him to be. But they always failed and he was proud of that.
Well, that's what he thought.
His parents were not shocked when he ran off. "Good", they thought, "now is that problem out the way. " But their pride was damaged even though they would never admit that. Their first born son just ran off to the Potters of all people.
Gryffindors. Even though Blacks were always in Slytherin.
They knew he would be trouble when he was sorted into Gryffindor.
" What will the people think of the noble house black?? The pureblood prodigy! The proud Slytherin estate! Lost their son to a muggle friend… To a Gryffindor…"
Tough times for such pride and stuck up human beings. But Sirius couldn't care less. He learned from his best friend James Potter to be proud of himself that he was in fact a Gryffindor. He hated his parents. He hated the place he was forced to call home for the first 11 years of his life. He hated the Black lifestyle. So he decided to go to the Potters. Because James was his light in the pitch Black atmosphere of the pressure which was on him.
The marauders. James Potter, Remus Lupin, Peter Pettigrew and Sirius Black. Four Gryffindors.
Some would call them troublemakers but for Sirius they were home. No pureblood idealogy, no pressure to be a heir. Just him and his friends doing silly pranks.
The letter arrived.
It was his birthday. He turned 17, was finally an adult. It was his 7th year in Hogwarts. He hadn't heard from his parents since he moved to the Potters and he was happy about it. Sirius got presents from his friends and from his new family. The day started so good.
But then the owls came.
The great hall was a magical place. The food was good and the four friends always fooled around. Well, Remus maybe not always but he had at least a smile on his face. But all that seemed like a dream to Sirius when he saw what was coming.
The black family owl.
At first he was sure it would fly to Regulus. With a letter in which it would remind him not to be like Sirius.
It came his way. To the Gryffindor table.
When the owl landed on his table he couldn't move. The owl spatted the letter in front of him and looked at him with big eyes. Like it was waiting. The conversation of his friends stopped. They didn't know what was going on. Sirius was frozen in his place. He didn't know what to think, what to do, hell he didn't even know how to breathe in that moment.
"What's wrong, Padfoot?" asked James. His hand was in his hair, like always when he was nervous. Peter took the letter and wanted to take a look at it, but the owl poked him before he could open it. It seemed to glare at him. "Ouch, what is wrong with this owl?!" he said. "It doesn't want anyone to open the letter except me. It was raised to bring letters only to the worthy ones. The Blacks. That's what my parents think." Sirius explained with a monotone voice. Remus looked at him with a confused look in his eyes. "Why aren't you opening it then? It's your birthday, it can't be that bad." Remus tried to reason with him.
But he didn't know what he was talking about. It will be bad.
Sirius was shaking when he opened the letter. This time the owl didn't move. The 3 friends of his waited. There was a tense atmosphere in the room.
Dear Sirius, Your mother and I decided it is finally the time you will be more than a nuisance to our family. You are a man now. As our first son, you have a duty to forfill. As your parents we decided you will be marrying (y/l/n y/n). The parents of her already agreed to the ceremony. It will be on her 17th birthday.
You can be relieved that anyone was willing to marry you, after all the shame you brought upon our family. We expect a heir from you two after you graduate from hogwarts.
You will meet her on Christmas. YOU WILL COME HOME FOR THIS OCCASION.
Sirius didn't even realize he was holding his breath until he breathed again. His friends were all waiting for him to explain what was written in the letter. But Sirius was to shocked to say anything. He was angry. So, so angry that he didn't have any control over his own life. His parents still had this influence on his life even though he left them behind. He was still just a Black. Nothing more to anyone else except for his friends. Nothing more to his future wife. Why would she agree to marry him, when she didn't even know him, if it weren't for him being a Black?
So he made a promise to himself. He wouldn't make it that easy for his family.
Little did he know…
… That y/n received a similar letter to his across the great hall. Her parents hadn't talked to her about any marriage. She had no problem with marrying Sirius Black. She had a problem with being arranged to marry him, just for money and a pureblood heir.
She always liked him. Since year 1 when he picked up her stuff and smiled at her after she let them fall.
But she didn't believe her parents knew or cared about that. And that frustrated her. She always wanted to talk to Sirius. But now she wasn't sure what to do. She was sad that they won't be able to be a normal couple. That he will never see her as a normal human being.
Only as an example of the power his parents had over him.
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katmoonz · 3 years
Tell Me Your Dirty Secret
Pairing Bill Weasley x Fem!Reader (slight Sirius Black x Fem!Reader)
Word Count: 4.5k
CW: Smut, Jealousy, choking kink, possessive!Bill, Dom!Bill, Sub!Reader, use of pet names, aftercare, slight degradation, oral (male receiving), vaginal sex, slightest bit of violence, unprotected sex. if I’ve missed anything out plz let me know!
It’s midnight and there is not a soul in sight. Spending the holidays with the order in Grimmauld place sure was exciting from Sirius’ drunken shenanigans and Molly's incredible cooking to the twins' pranks, there was never a boring moment within the household.
Currently, you were sitting in the kitchen nursing a cup of hot chocolate thinking about your boyfriend Bill Weasley. You had met Bill through his brother Charlie, whose year you’d been in at school, the crush you had on Bill started from the moment you met him but you waited until you had left school before trying to get closer to him.
At the moment Bill was away on order business he was due back in the morning, this left you unable to sleep out of concern for his safety and with time to collect your thoughts.
Bill is the most handsome man you’ve ever met, his piercing blue eyes and his strong muscular form are all perfect but his kind and charming personality made you even more attracted. Bill is the sweetest boyfriend you could ever ask for, always checking up on you asking about your day, complimenting the meals you make, running a bath when you don’t feel well. His warm embrace makes you feel so safe and secure among other things... The sex is amazing Bill is always so attentive, always taking care of you first before carefully making love to you but it wasn’t enough. For the past few weeks, you had been wanting him to be a little rougher with you but you didn’t know how to tell him what you wanted.
It started one morning when he’d walked into the bedroom to find you struggling to tie your shoes, he’d bent down and tied them for you. You watched as his fingers, which were laden with rings, quickly but efficiently tie your laces before he stood up to kiss you on the cheek.
That was only the start of your fascination with his rings, he would often massage your shoulders for you after a long day at work before retiring to bed. When he kisses you he often holds your face in one of his hands, the cold metal of his rings against your face would cause butterflies in your stomach.
But you also wanted him to choke you. You’d started imagining him choking you after going out to a bar with him, a guy had been harassing you and you’d been trying to ignore it but he grabbed your arm tightly within his hand in a bruising grip trying to talk you into going home with him. You could smell the alcohol on his breath and before you knew it the man was being held up against the nearest wall by Bill, his hand around the pervs throat as he gave him a gruff warning to leave you alone.
Since that moment you’d constantly been fantasising about what it’d be like to have Bills hands around your neck whilst you had sex. The only problem with this being that Bill was ever so gentle whilst having sex with you, he’d never been rough in the bedroom.
You sigh as you finish off your hot chocolate before walking over to the sink with your mug to wash it out. *there must be some way to get him to be rough with me* you think longingly, suddenly the idea strikes you like a lightning bolt *Bill only had his hand around that man's neck because he pissed him off, perhaps if I make him jealous enough and then try to seduce him he will be rougher*
With that thought in mind, you decide to head up to bed not wanting to wear yourself out before tomorrow’s order meeting which would be the perfect opportunity to put your plan into action.
The weekly order meeting at Grimmauld Place was due to start in a few minutes, the house bustling with order members. Bill spots you from across the room and starts making his way over to you, “y/n” he shouts over the crowd.
Looking around you, you notice that the seat next to the owner of the house Sirius Black is free so you quickly seat yourself next to him.
“Alright love,” he says arching one brow before taking a sip out of the goblet in front of him.
“Yeah good,” you say looking around the kitchen for Bill, you spot him speaking to his mother who must have accosted him before he could get to you.
“trouble in paradise?” he asks before leaning back in his seat.
“No, no, nothing like that” you hastily reply, “I just um…” you look him up and down before taking a quick glance at Bill across the room.
You decide to give in and ask Sirius for help with your plan considering that he seems to be one of the few people in the room who would agree to it. “Would you help me with something?”
“Sure doll, what?” he asks, leaning in closer to listen to you.
“I need to make Bill jealous”
Sirius smirks before looking over your shoulder for Bill, he turns back to you and looks you up and down “what’s in it for me?”
You consider backing out for a second but at the thought of potentially having Bill's hand around your neck, you decide to go for it. “I’ll get you a bottle of firewhiskey”
Sirius smiles before taking your hand in his “deal” he doesn’t release your hand and whispers “don’t turn around he’s watching us, play along.” He raises your hand to his mouth before placing a chaste kiss upon your knuckle, you giggle both out of nervousness and to keep up the act.
You place your hand on the table and continue your conversation with Sirius.
“Why are you trying to make him jealous? If you don’t mind me asking?”
You look into his eyes and contemplate whether you should tell him or not. “I just want to piss him off,” you say, batting your eyelashes innocently.
“Mhmm, so you don’t just want some rough passionate make-up sex” He replies cockily picking up his goblet again.
You look at him sheepishly “how’d you know?”
He places his goblet back on the table before putting his hand on top of yours, “you don’t look like an angry woman trust me I’d know from all of the women- well also men that I’ve angered in my lifetime and every time you look at him you look as if you want to jump his bones.”
“I um-“
Sirius cuts you off, “it’s okay, you don’t need to explain yourself, maybe give me a few details tomorrow if you’re still able to walk, oh and my firewhiskey but I’m glad to be at your service doll”
You hit him on the shoulder before letting out a laugh, a tear falls from your eye as you laugh.
Dumbledore walks into the room getting ready to start the meeting, “Let's hope that Bill sits reasonably close to us” you say getting visibly excited.
Sirius lets out a chuckle, “Have fun I suppose but don’t come crying to me in the morning when you need a pain-relieving potion”
Bill walks over to you and leans over your shoulder to kiss you but you dodge him at the last second so that his kiss lands on your cheek. “Hello love, you look like you’re having fun” instead of turning around to speak to him you continue to look at Sirius, “mhmm,” you say dismissively. Bill gives you a look of confusion before walking away, he sits down at the opposite side of the table to you just as Dumbledore starts the meeting.
The meeting is relatively boring. It mainly consists of Albus talking about the upcoming patrols, you can feel Bill's eyes on you as you try to concentrate on the meeting and decide to shift your chair closer to Sirius’. Your hand is still on the table and after a few seconds of sitting closer to Sirius you can feel him place his hand on top of yours, he starts to stroke your knuckles with his thumb. You look up at him offering him a smile, he smirks back at you and leans into your ear. “We’ve barely done anything and he looks irritated already, follow my lead” he whispers before he leans back into his chair he strokes your cheek lightly with his free hand.
A couple of minutes pass by before Sirius shifts his chair even closer, he takes one arm and wraps it around you, you lean into his side with your head resting on his shoulder. You hear an angry huff from the other side of the table and take a glance up to see Bill with an angry expression upon his face.
Mad-eye starts giving his report on the happenings in Hogsmeade and you can feel yourself start to drift off to sleep as he continuously rambles.
You open your eyes at the feeling of someone lightly shaking you, “y/n love, you fell asleep the meetings finished” you look up to see that you have fallen asleep on Sirius, the rest of the order are starting to get up out of their chairs. Bill walks Molly and Arthur over to the floo giving yourself and Sirius a minute to yourselves.
“I don’t think we’ve pissed him off enough,” you say whilst trying to think of what else you could possibly do.
“You’re staying for drinks with us aren’t you? Perhaps we could flirt a bit more or you touch me up” suggests Sirius and before you can put up even the slightest protest at his suggestion Bill returns to the table with Charlie, Remus, Tonks and drinks in tow.
For a while Bill ignores you but you can see the slight frown upon his face every time he looks down your end of the table.
After a while of sitting back and listening to Charlie's stories about his encounters with dragons, you hear someone’s stomach rumble. Tonks giggles “sorry, I guess I’m still hungry”
Bill stands up “I’ll see if I can find any food, I’m sure Mum left some cookies a couple of days ago”
As Bill walks around the table you reach out to Sirius and put your hand on his thigh. You hear Bill let out a low growl as he notices how close you are to touching Sirius’ crotch. Before making his way over to the pantry he leans down over your shoulder, you can feel his warm breath behind your ear. “What are you doing?” He asks angrily.
You turn around to look at him and notice the red tinge on his face. It almost matches the shade of his hair due to how angry he is. “Nothing babe, I’m just talking to Sirius, am I not allowed to speak to my friend?” You reply innocently.
Bill lets out a huff before wiping a hand across his face trying to calm himself down, he proceeds to walk over to the pantry to find the cookies and upon returning he practically throws the plate onto the table. Everyone bar yourself and Remus takes one. After a couple of minutes you reach out to grab a smaller one but Sirius stops you by grabbing onto your hand. “I’m not sure you’ll want one love, they’re a few days old so they are quite hard.”
“That’s okay, I like it hard” you reply cockily before grabbing one.
There's a stunned silence for a moment before everyone starts laughing, that is everyone except Bill.
Sirius stretches in his seat before standing up, “c’mon let’s go sit in the library it’s much warmer up there” Sirius reaches towards you taking your arm in his before leading the way up to the library.
Upon reaching the library, Sirius backs you into a bookshelf and cages you in with his arms. “I’m sure you’ll get what you want soon, love” he whispers down into your ear. Instead of withdrawing after whispering into your ear, he keeps his face close to yours so that if anyone were to walk into the room it would look as though the two of you were making out.
Sirius has the most breathtaking eyes you’ve ever seen, you can feel your breath hitch as you gaze into his face. Sirius due to his lineage has sharp aristocratic features upon his face, his lips voluptuous and full. If you weren’t already with Bill you definitely would have jumped Sirius’ bones.
A couple of minutes go by, you hear the sound of the floo signalling that someone has left. Another minute flies by and you feel your heart flutter in your chest with anticipation. A stomping noise comes from the staircase before the door is abruptly opened,
In a matter of seconds, Sirius has been roughly pulled away from you and pinned into the wall by an angry Bill.
Bill has his hand wrapped around Sirius’ throat and you can feel the anger radiating off of him. “Hands off my girl” he growls. You whimper but Bill ignores you so that he can focus on Sirius who is currently pinned to the wall smirking.
“Trust me I’m not interested in your girl” replies Sirius cockily despite having a muscular hand around his throat.
“Then why were you all over each other?” Asks Bill, his hand on Sirius's neck slightly loosens
“Because she asked for it” Sirius replies cockily. Bill tightens his hand around Sirius’ neck yet again and you whimper even louder than before. Your panties are completely soaked and you’re rubbing your thighs together to try and relieve some of the arousal that you are feeling. Both Bill and Sirius hear your whimper and look over to you watching as you non-discreetly rub your thighs together.
“She planned this Bill, look at her, she’s getting off on it,” Sirius says with a hint of laughter in his voice.
Bill watches you for another second before letting go of Sirius.
“Is that true princess? Did you plan this?” asks Bill, with a strange look on his face. You don’t respond to him so he walks over to you and tilts your head up to look at him.
“Answer me when I talk to you” he growls dangerously, his eyes have darkened slightly, possibly due to his anger or arousal. You whimper again before nodding. “come on love, let’s go to bed” he firmly grasps your arm and marches you over to the door, he stops and turns to speak to Sirius from across the room “we still okay to stay tonight?” He asks gruffly.
“Sure mate” replies Sirius leaning against a bookcase with a smirk on his face. The last thing you see before you are dragged out of the room is Sirius winking at you.
With a tight grip on your arm, Bill marches you up the stairs of Grimmauld Place towards one of the guest rooms. You can feel butterflies in your stomach both excited and nervous at the prospect of getting what you want. Bill drags you into the guest room and closes the door. Bill turns around to watch you for a minute before beckoning you forward with his finger. “Come here love”
Cautiously you walk towards him till you are standing right in front of him.
“Why did you do that?” asks Bill, the strange but intimidating look remains on his face.
“M’sorry” you reply, slightly embarrassed.
“No love, I didn’t ask you to apologise. I said why?” He steps forward so that there is no space between you. You can feel his breath on your face.
“Just wanted to make you jealous” you reply, sheepishly.
Bill puts his hand under your chin and tilts your head to make you look at him. “Why’d you want me jealous princess?” his mouth is right next to your ear and you can feel his warm breath against the side of your face.
“S’hot” you reply putting a hand on his chest
“Mhmm, and what else?” Asks Bill, starting to kiss and suck on your neck.
You let out a quiet moan, “want you to be rough”
“Rough? how’d you want me to be rough?”
You pull back from him slightly to look into his eyes, his pupils are wide with arousal, “Well?” He asks arching a brow
“Want you to fuck me hard,” you say breathlessly, you can feel the tingle in your pussy from just admitting to your desire to be dominated.
“Good girl” he whispers before kissing you, Bill brings up one hand to start massaging your breast as he backs you up to the closest wall. Bill presses you up against the wall and softly bites your lip before backing away from you. You whine, Bill stands in the middle of the room with his arms crossed looking slightly amused at how desperate you are. “strip” he orders. You look up at him and don’t make a move to take off your clothes.
“Are you dumb princess? I said strip” Bill gives you a stern look as he orders you to take your clothes off. After a few seconds more of staring at Bill blankly, you start to remove your clothing. Just as you are about to remove your panties his voice reaches your ears again. “Leave them on”.
You look at him and rub your thighs together, your panties damp with arousal. Bill comes closer to you and puts one hand on your shoulder to push you down “Be a good girl and suck my cock”
You get onto your knees and wait patiently for him to unbuckle his belt, you watch as his ring laden fingers pop open the button on his trousers and push them to the floor alongside his underwear. His cock, long and hard now revealed to you.
The sight of his cock has what one might describe as a Pavlovian effect on you, your pussy throbs with excitement and your mouth suddenly feels as though it has too much saliva. You lean forward and spit on your hand before enclosing his length in your fist, you run your hand up and down it, getting him harder with your hand. You bring your face closer and look up at Bill, his face expectant. “Well?” He asks.
You bring out your tongue and give the head of his cock a lick, Bill shudders and lets out a pleasurable moan, you grin before taking him slightly into your mouth, sucking on the tip like a lollipop. Bill starts to moan a bit louder, you take him deeper into the warm cavern that is your mouth. You bob your head up and down whilst using a hand to work the rest of him off as he has a rather generously sized cock. Bill puts a hand in your hair, his eyes are shut revelling in the pleasure that your mouth is giving him. “Yess, good girl” he hisses, trying not to succumb to the urge to just cum in your mouth.
After a few minutes, Bill pulls on your hair, you release him from your mouth and look up at him before whining in disappointment. “Up,” he says, you stand up slowly trying to adjust to the blood flow getting back to your feet after being on your knees.
Bill reaches down to help you and pulls you into his chest as you rise, “are you gonna be my good girl?” He asks with a smirk on his face, without giving you a second to reply he lifts you off of your feet and carries you to the bed, throwing you down and settling himself over you. Roughly, Bill pulls down your panties before chucking them across the room, he brings himself back up to your face grasping your jaw in one hand. Your pussy throbs as you stare into each other’s eyes.
Bill has the most beautiful blue eyes you’ve ever seen, the blue orbs a stark contrast to his ginger locks which are tied back in a bun at the back of his head. As you distract yourself with your boyfriend's beauty he sneaks a hand down to your pussy. You gasp as a lone finger suddenly fills your aching core, he pumps it in and out a few times before stopping causing you to squirm, “Bill, please” you whine.
Bill smirks and leans down to take a nipple in his mouth, he waits until you let out a little moan before releasing your nipple with a pop. Not wasting another second he pushes his cock into you, letting out a groan at how tightly you are gripping him, he starts with gentle thrusts before steadily speeding up. You can feel the tingle in your pussy and let out little moans every time Bill pushes back in.
As you get closer to your release Bill starts to slow down, he slows till you start to whine having been pulled away from the brink of orgasm. Bill moves one hand to rest next to your neck and continues slowly thrusting, he leans down and takes your ear lobe between his teeth for a second before letting go and pulling back to look into your eyes.
“So princess,” he starts “did you think it was fun to make me jealous?” he punctuates his sentence with a hard thrust causing you to let out a gasp.
“M’sorry” you whisper back at him.
“Sorry? So you don’t want me to be rough with you?” He asks with a smirk on his face, this time he ceases all movement. You whimper and buck up your hips to try and get him to move, he chuckles. “Look at you, acting like such a desperate slut” he starts to move again, this time with slow, hard thrusts.
“Is that good baby?” he asks
“Not enough” you whine back at him
“Not enough?” he asks “maybe my desperate whore would get what she wanted if she asked for it”
He wait to see if you respond before continuing, he looks you dead in the eye, “Tell me” he whispers huskily “tell me your dirty secret”
Without thinking you end up blurting out what you want, “want your hand on my neck”
Bill takes one hand and gently wraps it around the front of your neck, pressing down lightly at the sides. Bills rings feel cool against your skin, the cold metal a stark contrast to the heat of your sweaty body. You moan loudly and your pussy clenches around his cock drenching it even more.
Bill feels himself getting close from the grip you have on him so he starts to thrust harder “good girl” he hisses.
It feels like a dream, how could this delicious demanding man be your Bill, you are in such disbelief at how easy it was to get him to be rougher with you that the next words that fall from his mouth seem almost unreal.
“Touch yourself” he huffs out mid-thrust
You reach a hand down and start frantically rubbing your clit, desperate for release. You feel the tingle in your navel grow and your moans get louder. Bill senses that you are about to cum and presses down slightly against the sides of your neck pushing you over the edge. You see white and feel Bill release your neck as he gives a few more thrusts before releasing inside of you, he manages to stay on his arms long enough to pull out and drop down next to you.
Half asleep from the powerful orgasm you hear someone moving around the room, you let out a groan and shift slightly to get more comfortable.
“Shh baby” Bill whispers, he moves your legs to start cleaning you up and you let out a whine at being moved from your position. Bill gently strokes your cheek, “it’s okay, I’m just cleaning up the mess, good girl” He takes a wet cloth and carefully wipes up the mess between your legs.
The mattress shifts slightly as Bill returns to you, he pulls you into his chest and softly kisses your forehead, “my good girl” he whispers into the top of your head just as you drift off to sleep.
The soft glow of sunlight coming through the dusty old curtains is the first thing to greet you upon awakening. You stretch out your limbs which are sore from last night and try to roll over but find that you can’t due to the strong arm that Bill has wrapped around your torso.
Bill softly snores and you peer up at his face over your shoulder, his features even more beautiful in the glow of the morning sunshine. His skin has a pretty sheen to it, the freckles on his arms and face stand out against his pale skin.
Carefully so as not to awaken him, you slip out from under his arm. As you stand up you almost lose your balance and have to hold on to the edge of the bed to steady yourself. You notice Bill's shirt from the previous day abandoned on the floor so you pick it up and pull it on buttoning it up before shuffling out the door.
You head to the restroom and then start to make your way down to the kitchen, the trip taking almost twice as long as usual due to your aching muscles.
Finally, you get to the kitchen which is empty, you make yourself breakfast before sitting down. After a few minutes, you hear the floorboards creak signalling that someone is approaching the kitchen. The door creaks open and you are greeted by Sirius who is grinning from ear to ear, “morning love, wasn’t expecting to see you today”
You roll your eyes and finish your breakfast. You slowly stand up and make your way to the sink with your dishes, you lean against the counter after ridding yourself of them. “Soooo” begins Sirius, “how was it?” He leans against a nearby wall and takes a sip of his coffee waiting for your answer.
“Good” you respond not giving anything away
Sirius looks you up and down before putting his mug down and crossing the room to stand between your legs, he’s so close that you can feel his breath upon your cheek. You close your eyes as he brushes a strand of hair away from your face, you feel him shift away from you and as you open them again you find him softly smiling at you his eyes have a mischievous twinkle.
Sirius walks back towards the door pausing before turning back towards you. “I have a present for you” he reaches into his pocket and pulls out a bottle, he throws it to you, you catch it. It’s a bottle of pain-relieving potion. He winks at you before leaving the room.
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quindolyn · 4 years
General Relationship Headcanons || Sirius Black
”Request: hi, love! i adore your new remus headcanon and i was wondering if you could write a general relationship headcanon with sirius black? if not, that’s completely fine. have a good day!
Notes: Happy Valentine’s Day! I’m sorry this took me a little longer than I anticipated but I also went really over the top, it’s twice the length of my Remus Headcanon I just got really into it. I was once again inspired to write Dad!Marauders so maybe I’ll get around to that. I wanted to thank you all for such positive feedback on my Remus Headcanon. I hope you enjoy this. Also thank you anon, I love you.
Warnings: fluff, smut, a bit of angst, canon can go fuck itself, Sirius Black deserves to be happy, not proof read because I wrote most of this in one sitting and didn’t have the heart to go back and reread. The ending is a little choppy
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Sirius Black was never shown enough love as a child
Even at age 11 you were able to pick that up, when you were dragged into a train car with four other first years. James Potter, Remus Lupin, Peter Pettigrew, and Sirius Black
He seemed nervous, he kept on looking out the window of the train car and fiddling with his fingers
James tries desperately to get everyone to talk, he feels likes he’s responsible for forging your guy’s friendship
Remus, Peter, he, and you hit it off immediately and you see Sirius smile at some of your jokes out of the corner of your eye but he’s nearly trembling
When you guys start talking about what houses you want to be sorted into he turns green
And when James says how he doesn’t want to be sorted into Slytherin he looks like he’s about to vomit
“Are you alright?” You ask him, placing a delicate hand on his shoulder
He seems uncomfortable with the contact so you move your hand away
“I’m just a little nervous” He admits that he comes from a long line of Slytherins, you offer to hex James for saying that for him, but he lets out a quick laugh and tells you it's fine
He’s actually really worried that he’s going to be sorted into Slytherin whilst simultaneously being terrified about what would happen if he gets sorted into another house.
Ravenclaw could be one thing
Hufflepuff another
But Gryffindor, that just couldn’t happen
You don’t touch him this time because you saw how he reacted last time but you reassure him that it will all be fine and no matter which house he gets sorted into you’ll still be his friend, no matter what
That earns you a real smile
A smile that takes your breath away
And even though you’re too young to understand what you’re feeling that’s when you start to fall for him.
You hold your breath while he gets sorted
Like him you feel very conflicted, you’re glad he’s not in Slytherin because of what he shared with you about his family
But at the same time you’re afraid for him
You might’ve only known him for a couple of hours but you have an inexplicable attraction to him and the idea of him being so scared breaks your heart
If you’re a Gryffindor he sits next to you and the others but doesn’t really say much because he’s too busy trying to figure out what he’s going to do
If you’re in a different house then you send him a smile across the Great Hall and go to find him after the feast
“How are you doing Sirius?”
He brushes you off, tells you he’s fine but you can tell he’s not, you let it go though and decide to give him his space, telling him that if he ever needs to talk you’ll listen
The next day in the Great Hall he receives a Howler from his mother, telling him how much of a useless disappointment he is. He plays it cool like it doesn’t really bother him but you can tell that he’s hurt and it makes you unbelievably sad
Your first lesson that day is together and though you sit with one of your dorm mates and he sits with James, you watch him the entire time, you just can’t seem to pry your eyes off of him.
As the year goes on and he starts to come to terms with what his life is going to be like now, he starts to come more and more out of his shell
Answering questions in class, laughing boisterously with his friends during meals, hexing people in the corridors, pranking Slytherins for shits and giggles
But it’s almost as though he’s forgotten about you, he smiles at you when he sees you in the halls or in classes but he doesn’t actively seek you out like you wished he would.
And you’re too scared to because you told him that you would always be there if needed someone to talk to but he hasn’t come to you yet
So that obviously means that he doesn’t want to talk to you
And that’s fine
You’re not going to force a friendship
You still study with Remus in the library
And talk with James about his day when you bump into him
And help Peter if he’s having trouble in a class
But you and Sirius don’t seem to click the same as you do with the rest of them
This continues through your second year until about 5 weeks into your third year.
At this point he’s starting to physically mature a bit, not a lot, that doesn’t come for a few more years, but his shoulders get a little broader, he gets a little taller, his legs start growing hair.
Girls start paying him attention, and more attention than the harmless crushes from previous years
His blossoming looks paired with his wit and sarcasm have every single person in his grade and younger turning their head to take a second look
Sirius being the humble soul he is-
No I’m just fucking with you
Being the little shit that he is, all of this just goes to his head
And he becomes even more insufferable than he was
But you’ve never found him insufferable, not really
You just told yourself that because it was easier than confronting your feelings for him
One day he, James, Remus, and Peter pull a prank that ends up with you covered in quill ink while on your way to Herbology
You weren’t their intended target
You still spoke quite a bit with three of them
It really was just a prank gone awry
But it still sucked
You stalked back to your dorm abandoning your friends in the hallway, not making eye contact with any one as you passed by
Sirius noticed this
He couldn’t stop himself from watching as you jogged down the hallway
Head down
Trying to evade people’s gazes
He’d barely talked with you in 2 years but he was hit by a tremendous feeling of guilt
He hadn’t meant to upset you, he really hadn’t
So he told the others that he wouldn’t be attending History of Magic that day (what else is new?)
And instead took off for you down the hallway
Never mind your house, when you come back down into the common room after taking a shower there’s Sirius Black, lounging on a sofa like he owns the damned place, looking around the room, taking in every little detail if it's not his common room. If it is the Gryffindor common room then he’s staring up at the girl’s staircase, waiting for you to come down.
When you see him you blush
“Si-Sirius, what are you doing here?”
Immediately you become more aware of your appearance, fixing your hair and straightening out your skirt.
“I just wanted to apologize (Y/N) we didn’t mean for that prank to backfire onto you, we’d never do that to you, it was meant for Snivileus-”
“Yeah sure, whatever. What’s important is that you know that I didn’t mean for that to hurt you, I’m sure the other boys will apologize too I just wanted to tell you that I’m sorry”
Does Sirius Black look… nervous?
“It’s fine Black, really I was just having a bad day.”
He doesn’t know why but your usage of his last name is like a knife to the chest, why wasn’t he just Sirius?
Then he remembered, because he’d barely spoken to you in the past 2 years
“I’d like to make it up to you though.”
You turn him down, telling him that that’s not necessary, you’re fine
But he’s not having it, so the next day when you sit down for breakfast you find yourself surrounded by not only Sirius but all of them
They’re acting like this is completely normal but you’re lost
What the hell are they doing?
“Making it up to you of course”
Suddenly they’re everywhere, he’s everywhere
The others were already friendly with you so its not as much of a difference
But all of a sudden Sirius Black is everywhere
Eating meals with you until you relent and come sit with him and the other Marauders at their spot at the Gryffindor table
Suddenly he’s hefting the bag off your shoulder and slinging it around his
The year seems to fly by with him at your side
Sneaking you guys food from the kitchens
They show you the invisibility cloak
Pitching the idea of the Marauders map
And all of a sudden it’s the end of your 3rd year and the care free, witty Sirius you’ve come to know over the past year had morphed into someone far more reminiscent of that scared little boy you first met on the Hogwarts Express
The night before the last day of the term you find yourself alone with Sirius in the Gryffindor common room
You ask him if he’s alright, the past few days he hasn’t been acting like himself
He doesn’t have the energy to try and lie to you anymore, he lets it all out, he tells you about all the backlash since he was sorted
He tells you about Regulus
And how they don’t even talk anymore, “I can’t talk to him (Y/N), I want to but if our mother knows that he associates with me then he’ll be punished, and punishments in the Black house aren’t getting grounded they’re, unforgivable”
You gasp at the implication and reach out to touch his shoulder, but then you’re thrown back to the train and remember how uncomfortable it seemed to make him
But it’s too late, by the time you realize your hand is already on his shoulder
You start to apologize and pull it back but his hand wraps around your wrist which brings your eyes to his
They’re brimming with tears
“Don’t leave”
You pull him into your arms, raking your fingers through his hair, whispering sweet nothings into his ear
Explaining that you just didn’t want to make him uncomfortable
He tells you it's fine, he likes it when you touch him
You two sit there in silence until you think Sirius had calmed down
You tell him you’ll write to him every day
He tells you that you don’t have to do that
You still insist that you will
You two sit there for Godric knows how long but eventually you yawn and that alerts Sirius to how late it's gotten
Tells you he’s sorry that he’s kept you up so late
You tell him it’s fine, it was worth it to make sure he was okay
He blushes but its too dark for you to be able to tell
He walks you to the staircase even though it’s literally 5 feet away
“Good night Sirius”
“Good night (Y/N)”
The next day on the train back to King’s Cross you purposefully sit next to Sirius so you can keep a hand on his arm the entire time
It’s so subtle but doesn’t go unnoticed by the other Marauders
Though they decide not to mention it, he’s having a hard enough day as it is
You hate watching him trudge over to his parents when you arrive at the station, you and James exchange an understanding look.
You both care about him so much, watching him be this wretched physically hurts you
As soon as you get home you sit down and write him a letter
He told you that he probably wouldn’t be able to respond to most of your letter
And that’s fine, but every now and then you get one back
And your heart soars
You count down the days until September 1st, when you finally get to see him again
When you’ll know for certain that he’s okay
You nearly have a heart attack when you can’t find him on platform 9 ¾, but he was just already on the train with Remus and Peter, waiting for you and James to show up
As soon as you can you ask him how he is
He’s doing better than he usually is after an entire summer with Walburga and company
He thanks you profusely for the letters
You tell him not to sweat it
You’re just glad you could help
Once you know he’s okay you allow yourself to relax a little and that’s when you notice that he’s grown up quite a bit since June
His shoulders continue to broaden, his hair is longer, but he looks thin, too thin
And you want to hug him again, but you stop yourself
The sexual tension between the two of you 4th year is unbearable
And borderline uncomfortable
Poor Peter doesn’t know what to do with himself
You write to him again every single day over the winter holidays when he’s forced home to his wretched blood family
When you’re both back at Hogwarts things are even weirder than they were before
Sirius clams up every time you get near him and goes vermillion in the face
You’re sitting in the library the second Monday of the term when he approaches you
“What do you want, Sirius?” You ask without lifting your head
“You sound frustrated.”
“I am Sirius! You’ve been acting weird for a week and I’m sick of it. What do you want?”
He just sort of stands there looking at you, because he didn’t expect you to yell at him.
He’s not sure if he’s ever heard you raise your voice in his entire life.
“I should leave”
“Just tell me what it is Sirius!”
Everyone is looking at you
“This was a bad idea!”
“What is it!”
“I like you!”
This wasn’t how he imagined telling you how he felt about you
Yelling it in the library
Which a bunch of 2nd years gawking
“You what?”
He suggests you guys leave the library for somewhere more private
You agree, and he takes you down to a tree by the Black Lake
When he first told you he liked you in the library you couldn’t believe it, this boy, whom you’ve harbored a crush for for literal years, likes you too
And this isn’t just any boy, this is Sirius Black
And that’s when you remember, shit, this is Sirius Black
“This isn’t a prank or something is it?”
He starts denying it before you can even finish your sentence, it stings a little that you would think that but he understands why.
When you tell him that you return his feelings his his  face breaks out into a smile and he lifts you into his arms and spins you around
“Yes really, now put me down please”
He sets you down but he pulls you so close to his body you can almost feel his pulse thrumming through his body
He asks to kiss you and you let him
From that day forward Sirius always has an arm around your shoulders or around your waist
He likes to pull you into his side so he can whisper things into your ear
He likes it when you perch yourself a top his thigh when he sits down
He also likes you sitting in between his legs
And he likes to sit in between yours too so he can smooth his hands up and down your calves
As you get more comfortable with touching each other, he’ll like to slink down so that his head is right in between your thighs so he can just turn his head and kiss them
Having his hands on you reminds him that you’re there, and if you’re there with him then everything is going to be fine
He’s going to get through that History of Magic Lesson
He’s going to finish that Potions essay
One day James might finally stop talking about Evans
He’s not going to bite Snape’s head off
Everything is going to be just fine
He takes you on dates to the Black Lake, you guys like to sit on the dock and dip your toes in the water, especially when it's warm and sunny out
Sirius will slip off his shirt so he can tan a bit and you’ll set your head on his chest, with your toes brushing up against the water
By the time the two of you finally got together you’d already spent multiple nights in the Marauders dorm room
But you usually slept with Remus in his bed because his was the cleanest
But now that your Sirius’ he sleeps with your head tucked under his chin, your body pulled flush against his chest, his arms have an iron grip on you, you couldn’t get out of bed even if you wanted to.
Waking up with him when he’s had a nightmare and the two of you lie there, chests pressed together, fingers tangled with each other’s, whispering about whatever you can think of
When he can’t sleep he’ll lay his head on your chest and listen to the beating of your heart to calm him down
He loves to do this with your shirt off, not in a sexual way he’s just like a baby and skin to skin contact is good for him
It centers him
He really likes sneaking into the astronomy tower with you at night to look at the stars
You murmur into each other’s ears about everything ranging from the your purpose in the cosmos to the color you should paint your nails next, he always votes red and gold, no matter your house
Painting your nails the colors of your house in spite of him if you’re not in Gryffindor
He volunteers to paint your nails once and does them in red and gold
One year for his birthday you give him a bunch of old muggle magazines your parent/guardian sent you when you wrote requesting them
The two of you lay on your stomachs, elbows bent, legs tangling with each other in the air as you skim through them
You point out the different muggle contraptions and what they do and how to use them
When you get to a mechanic magazine you have to explain to an overly excited Sirius what a motorcycle is
He becomes absolutely enamored with them and begs you for more magazines and reading materials on them
For Christmas that year you get him a miniature motorcycle that you charm to fly around his dorm room.
If you’re on your house’s Quidditch team that idiot is there every single one of your games, decked head to toe in your house colors
He also frequents your practices bringing you water and food for when you’re done
Sirius can get pretty jealous
He’s always been insecure in himself so seeing other people get to friendly with you just hits all of his buttons
He never takes it out on you, because he knows how it feels to be the object of misplaced anger
Instead Sirius will come up behind you when you’re talking to them and loop him arms around your waist, pulling you close to him
Or if you’re sitting down he’ll put his hand on your thigh
He doesn’t go overboard, it's not like if you’re talking to someone he’s going to challenge them to a duel
He just needs everyone to know that you’re his
And he doesn’t share
Letting you do his makeup once after you begged him and now he’s the one who’ll beg you
“Please Princess”
He looks so hot in eyeliner
Like no one has the right to be that good looking
And the mother fucker knows he looks good
You and James plan extravagant gifts and parties for his birthday every year because no one on this planet loves Sirius Black more than the two of you and you’re dedicated to making up for so many lost years
You and Remus bake him a cake every year and he loves blowing out all of the candles, he insists their quantity matches his age, none of that cop out bull shit where its just candles in the shape of numbers
He wants to blow out all of them
Your first birthday together Sirius has no clue what to get you, because it’s not like previous years, you’re together now so this gift has to be special, it has to be perfect
He consults everyone he can think of
Your dorm mates
Hell, he even writes to your family asking what he should get you
In the end they all only make it worse because he has all of these wonderful ideas and can’t choose because what if he chooses wrong and you would have preferred something else instead
So he gets you everything he can think of
You told him 3 weeks ago how you wanted to try a new quill, he’s bought you 7 different types to try out
He can’t decide whether you’d be prettier in rubies, emeralds, or diamonds so he buys you each
You wish you could say that it lets up as years pass
And it does
But only slightly
When his parents kick him out of the house James floos you instantly, tells you its Sirius and that he’s going to be fine, but he needs you
When you get to the Potter’s he’s bloody and bruised and looks like Hell
You have to stop yourself from sobbing at the sight of him
No one gets to hurt Sirius that way
Absolutely no one
When he sees you he starts crying and opens his arms for you to come to him
You help bandage him up and wipe away the dried blood
Once he’s clean and in new clothes you take his face in your hands and press your foreheads together
“I love you Siri, I love you to the moon and back.”
That’s the first time either of you have said “I love you” to the other
He starts sobbing
You pull him into your arms with his head on your chest and you pet him hair, telling him how much you love him and that he’s safe, you’re never going to let anyone touch him ever again
James comes into his room that night, neither of you are asleep, Sirius is still crying only now silently and less violently into your top
Wordlessly James slips into Sirius’ bed on the other side of him and both of you hold him all night long, telling him that he’s safe and that he’s loved, and that he never has to see his mother ever again
That he has a family right there and neither of you will ever make him feel like this
You spend the rest of the summer at the Potter’s
You and James were already good friends but you spend the rest of the holidays bonding over your love and protectiveness of Sirius
Sometimes he jokes that his girlfriend is trying to steal his best friend, but he really doesn’t mind
He loves it actually
The love and protectiveness you feel for Sirius goes both ways
He will not hesitate to kick someone’s ass for you
He often forgets that he’s a wizard at these moments and throws a punch instead of a hex
Cleaning him up after he gets into a fight and scolding him for not thinking, a professor could’ve seen him, he could still get in trouble
When you graduate Hogwarts together the Potter’s come for both him and James
He cries when they congratulate him and tell him that they’re proud of him
Your family also tells him how proud they are of him and he hugs every single person there
You guys move in together, you live a 5 minute walk from James and Lily
He doesn’t wait 2 months before he’s proposing to you
You accept of course
Engagement sex
The man was virile when you were still at Hogwarts but when you first move in together he insists you christen every single room in the house
He loves to make you scream out his name as he overstimulates you
He’s not as hard of a dom as Remus but he’s meaner, he doesn’t just mock you
He degrades you (as long as you’re comfortable with it)
He calls you every dirty name in the book
He loves to put you in barely there lingerie and make you touch yourself as he watches
Will mock you while you do it
“What puppy, your fingers aren’t making you feel good enough? Course they’re not, you’re a desperate little thing aren’t you? Need my cock in order to stretch you, make you feel good. Look at how small your fingers are, how are they supposed to do anything?”
He loves to punish you
To the point where he’ll set expectations that are impossible for you to meet so he can punish you for them
You’re both very open with what you do and do not like and try experimenting a lot
He is so kinky
Loves to edge you and watch you squirm in his grasp
Won’t let you cum until you’ve begged long enough
He loves ruining your orgasms, especially as punishment after you’ve broken one of his rules, but sometimes he does it just to be mean
He has very talented fingers and can make you cum in a matter of minutes if he wants to
Loves eating out, your little whimpers and whines make him want to just destroy you
Enjoys watching your cunt clench around nothing
Will laugh at this and smack your clit
Gets you a collar that says “puppy” or “slut” on it
He’ll tug on it with his finger to get you to look at him
Back to the engagement sex, as soon as you say yes he is on you
You jerk him off onto your tits so he can see the ring on your finger while your hand is wrapped around his dick
Breeding kink breeding kink breeding kink
Especially when Harry is born
The minute he sees you holding little baby Harry in your arms he feels the overwhelming urge to take you there
When you get home that night he tells you how gorgeous you looked with Harry and how much he wants to have a little “pup” of his own
“Gonna fill my puppy with my pups”
Makes you lay with your ass in the air once he’s cum inside you to make sure none of it gets wasted
Will plug you full
“How’s that feel puppy? Good?”
He’s always been able to get you to subspace but now its like he barely has to try, loves calling you his good girl and telling you how well you did for him
You guys don’t get pregnant immediately, which Sirius does not take well
In his mind there’s absolutely no way that you’re the problem
It must be him
He sees his inability to impregnate you as his first failure as a father
Gets really sad
You tell him how much you love him and that this isn't him failing, it could very well be you who is making it difficult to conceive
You have very soft, passionate sex that night as you ride him
He runs his hands up and down your body as you tell him how good he’s making you feel
Maybe it was that night, perhaps it was a different one but a month and a half later the Healer at St. Mungos tells you you’re pregnant
He’s ecstatic
Sirius literally can’t stop smiling
Not that he wants to
But his face almost hurts from how much he’s grinning
Sirius is the best person to have with your when you’re pregnant
He’s always making sure you’re comfortable and that you have everything you need
He’ll try out all your weird pregnancy cravings with you
Especially if you’re feeling a little shy about asking for weird combinations
He loves kissing your belly
He’ll sing French lullabies to it as he moves his hands in circles on your skin
Man never slows down as you progress through your pregnancy, watching you swell just makes him fuck you harder
At first the prospect of decorating a whole room for an infant seems mundane to him
But as soon as you and Lily are pulling out the paint swatches and wallpaper samples he gets so excited and loves helping out
He has to have James and Remus come over to help him put together the crib, he just can’t do it
When he learns he gets to buy clothes for his kid he’s so excited
He and James spend hours going through baby clothes and like with everything Sirius has a very strong opinion about this too
“No Prongs, I’m not putting my child in that, I actually like them”
When the Healer tells you you’re having twins he loses his mind
He’s so excited
Twice the clothes to buy
Twice the toys
Twice the cribs and diapers
He’s thrilled
When the baby comes he doesn’t let himself freak out because this isn’t about him
It’s about you and your baby
He holds your hand the entire time and lets you squeeze however hard you’d like to
Kisses your knuckles and tells you how good of a job you’re doing
You’re in labor for 15 hours
And it nearly kills him
Seeing you in so much pain makes him physically unwell
He wishes he could take away all of your pain for you
But he can’t, so he does what he can
Feeding you ice chips
Massaging your back
He read somewhere that orgasming can help speed along labor
So he does what he does best and makes you cum a few times on his fingers
It's possible that that’s what actually worked
It could’ve also been something entirely different, but he will claim it was making you cum, that finally worked
Your son is born first, and as much as Sirius would’ve been happy with whatever sex, his heart swells with pride to know that he just produced the first half-blood heir to the Ancient and Most Noble House of Black
Next is your little girl
He cries when he sees her
She’s so beautiful, and looks just like you
The two of you sit there kissing and doting on your children for hours until you eventually pass out because you just pushed two humans out of your body
Fast forwarding a bit, the first time his daughter, who has him wrapped around her finger, calls him “Dada” his heart swells and he looks over at you but you’re already staring at him, tears in your eyes you whisper to him
“You’re doing a good job”
tagging: @randomoutsiders​
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Oohhh I have one, hope you enjoy
Warning: 18+
You don‘t remember how it happend, but one second you were downing shots and the next you found yourself on a table, smack dab in the middle of the Gryffindor common room, dancing. Not just dancing, but grinding your hips against Lilys, your front pressed against Marys back.
The crowd around you was cheering you on, everyone going crazy, horny prats trying to look under your black leather skirt. By now you were sure that everyone had seen your red lacy panties, but you couldn‘t bring yourself to care. There was not even space for air left between you and your girls, your mind in a haze, blood hot in your veins and the only sound you heard over the bass of the speakers was your own heartbeat, thumping in your chest.
Sirius returned with Remus and James, laughing and playfull shoving each other until the other boys jaws dropped. Confused Sirius turned to look at their direction as well and immediately regretted ever letting you join the party. Not that you would have listend, but still.
He was frozen with shock for a few seconds, before he pulled himself together.
„Oh no you don‘t little girl“, he muttered through gritted teeth, pulling his hair into a bun, as he strode in your direction.
Hot white rage burned in his blood, his eyes blazing with anger when he saw just how many people were touching your bare legs and hands, touching what was his to touch. Your skirt was so short, ridden up from all the dancing, that he could see your underwear even from a safe distance.
Sirius lost it when someone slapped your ass, grabbing the asshole by his shoulder and ripped him to the floor. Ringed fingers punched his face before Remus toon over, dragging the guy to the entrace to teach him a lesson. Remus is protective over his friends, and right now his anger issues came in handy. James had already pulled Lily and Mary down, dragging both of them to their dorms to make sure they were safe. You were still dancing, on your own now, a dazed smile on your face and squealed loudly when you saw Sirius, making grabby hands at him.
„Siri, dance with me!“
Sirius cracked his neck, moving in your direction and grabbing you by your hands to pull youon the ground. When he saw that you couldn‘t hold yourself upright, he took his leather jacket off and bound it around your waist to cover your ass. After that he picked you up, throwing you over his shoulder and stomped towards his dorm, fucking pissed.
Bursting through the door he barked out an „Out!“ and the boys hesitated. James gave his friend a calculating look, before his asked him, voice unsure.
„Pads, you‘re really angry right now maybe we should stay-“
„James“, Sirius sneered after he put you on his bed, turning around to glare at his friend. „Get the fuck out right now and never tell me what to do with my girl ever again.“
Sighing James gathered his stuff and followed the other boys, locking the door behind him.
Turning towards you Sirius grabbed your hair and pulled you up, face only centimeters away from yours
„Care to tell me what the fuck that little performance was, little girl?“
You might be intoxicated, but you weren‘t exactly drunk. You still understood the gravity of the situation, which is why you jut put your bottom lip, eyes tearing up, ready to beg for forgiveness.
Sirius’ glare only intensified, as he let out a disbelieving chuckle.
„You really thought that you could dance like a whore and get out of trouble by crying?“
Leaning incloser he spoke harshly, „You should know by now that I don‘t care about your fucking tears. Get the fuck up. You want to be a whore, fine by me, I‘ll treat you like one.“
He stripped off your clothes as he spoke, pulling his pants down only enough to pull his cock out.
You tried to speak but he covered your mouth with his hand, the other one securing your arms behind your back. He slammed you against the wall, cock forcing its way into your wet cunt, not giving you time to adjust. He fucked your in a merciless pace, your head banging against the cold wall with every thrust. He wasn‘t fucking you, he was teaching you a damn lesson.
„Did you enjoy it? Was it fucking worth it? To put yourself on display for the entire house to see?“
His own words riled him up even more as he thought of all the people who had seen you in that state.
Growling he pulled out, picking you up by your thighs to slam you back against the wall again, the position allowing him to slipn in deeper. You were screaming with every thrust, holding onto his shoulders for dear life, his cock grazing your sweet spot with every push.
„You probably wanted them to fuck you like this, didn‘t you? To slam you against the wall and fuck your slutty cunt? Huh?“
You babbled nonsense, whimpering when he bit your lower lip hard to shut you up.
„I don‘t want to hear it bitch.“
He pulled out again, forcing you on your hands and knees, hand keeping your face pressed against the matress.
„I have news for you little girl. This. pussy. is. mine.“ He fucked into you with every word, hands gripping at your ass and hips, leaving hand shaped bruises all over.
„You belong to me. Body and heart and soul.“
Turning you around he pushed your legs against your chest, slamming back in again with his cock, holding in his groans. With one last hard thrust he came inside of you in hot spurts, so much cum that it leaked out, running down your slit.
He pulled out, four fingers slamming into your cunt, the other one rubbing your clit fast. You started to shake, legs quivering as you mewled and trashed around. With one last thrust of his fingers you came with a deafening shriek, legs clenching around his forearms.
„You better not forget this little girl. Don‘t make me fuck you infront of them. Because I fucking will.“
Taking his cigarette pack he tucked himself in, slamming the door shut as he left.
You tried to calm your breathing, legs still shaking with the force of your orgasm. You felt the cum leak out of your cunt and bit back a smile.
God, was he hot like this.
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siriusmydeer · 3 years
can you do young sirius black x reader fic where him and the reader are dating the reader has really awful parents that make them feel like shit all the time
the promising potters
sirius black x gender neutral!reader
summary: sirius offers you a better position then one you’re already in.
word count: 1.2k
warnings: mentions of child abuse, mentions of self insecurity/doubt, crying, guilt, hurt/comfort, mentions of feeling unworthy/useless, angst but only if you squint, bad parent-kid relationship bonds
a/n: so i combined this with another request bc they’re so similar.
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there was a familiar recurrent amount of anticipation weighing like a tipping scale in your subconscious, simply waiting for it to tip too far. it was a circadian never-ending cycle of thoughts, of venomous thinking that had immense potential to swallow you whole if you’d allow it. the recurrent malignant thoughts were never-ending.
as the sorrowful day continued, it felt like an eternal chain of events that would never cease, the recurrent thought pounding in your psyche similar to an alarm without a snooze button. the burden on your mind, the letters upon letters barricading your every thought at the disappointing words scribbled upon the parchment. there was only feeling that was a considerable emotion among the others that were struggling to afloat,
how could you be good enough for yourself if you couldn't be enough for the people that brought you into this world that was supposed to love and cherish you? it was quite a familiar question that rapidly came and went in a vicious cycle swishing around your mind almost making your perception an obscuring fog that regarded any other thought.
your bottom had been sprawled upon the carmine stitched duvet, that belonged to sirius, for the past several hours. the small parchment clutched between your trembling digits from recurrent gazing at the wounding letters sculpted into the paper by your parents following their signatures. the letters becoming a jumble of words that you could no longer read due to the tears obscuring your vision.
there's a stutter of words that spill off your tongue in the sense of dejection, a faint cough escaping your lungs through your trachea before you spoke again. “sirius— i just can’t do this anymore.” you spoke desperately, the slight jut of your lip quavered whilst you spoke in sorrow. there was an erratic palpitation soaring through your chest every millisecond at the uneasiness strumming through every minuscule blood cell that your body could possess.
your fingers slightly trembled while you clenched them deeper into the creased parchment from your steady and unwavering grip. “hurts so bad.” your words slightly muffled from the tears that were bound to spill over your waterline. your sentence was almost disorganized from the congestion that had formed in your throat due to the number of tears you had shed then less than ten minutes ago.
he began to soothe you with his tranquil fingers that began to trace bemused shapes down your spine, feeling the balmy touch of his finger pads through your shirt ventured into the beginning of tranquility in his endeavor to comfort you. his chin had been resting on the curvature of your shoulder whilst his nose slightly prodded at your clavicle, seeking to conciliate you further.
how could a parent reject their child? what could that child have done so wrong that suddenly they’re unworthy of a parent's love?
who is deserving of that treatment?, not you, certainly not you.
there was a cycle of questions that remained prominent in your mind that only swirled down for a few moments as you were distracted by sirius’ soothing touch, your subconscious yearning for the answer since you had been a young child pondering why you felt so dejected by them. if you were given the opportunity you could've to plead on your knees for an answer as to why.
your respires were beginning to elevate tremendously as you thought of the answers to your ignored questions. whilst sirius began to notice the heaving movements that trembled in your chest, he placed a soothing palm on the bend of your spine— he was adamantly trying his best to comfort you in a situation he had been incredibly familiar with.
“i know baby, i know,” he spoke with a small quiver in his voice. an empathetic sense beginning to acquire over the planes of his sensorium, feeling the uttermost affliction that had been radiating off of your body now melding into his own.
“i wish things were different.” you sighed. your neck began to crane to the left in an attempt to glimpse at the boy. sirius’ chin remained on the curvature of your shoulder and the movements of his palms never faltering, he peered his eyes at you. the familiar pearl-hued irises covered in a clear glaze of empathy towards your slouched figure that was sat upon his bed.
he nodded as a sign that his attention remained on you, observing the way you brought your hand, with a slight tremor now enabling its way from the exertion of stress your body had to endure, and bringing it to wipe across the streaks engraved its way down your cheeks; letting your hand flop back onto your thigh in exhaustion.
“i’m here, m’love. ‘m here,” he whispered into the pulse point of your neck along with a small kiss, identifying how your jugular began to quiver faintly at his consoling words.
he pondered for a moment in silence. if his next words were worthy to be sputtered out in the despairing aura that remains present in the room since you had trudged in his dormitory. james wouldn’t have the slightest problem, euphemia nor fleamont either.
‘the more the merrier.’ they would say, sirius’ mind depicting their exact voices.
“i feel so useless.” you broke the silence once more, wiping another tear whilst expressing your concerns to the gryffindor. “like there’s nothing else i could do, besides disappointing them,” you spoke without an ounce of dishonesty in your voice.
the murmur of your honest confession was enough to bring tears cascading down his pallid cheeks.
sirius’ hand had paused and his chin had lifted from your shoulder, his brows contorting into a broad emotion of perplexity. bewildered at his sudden actions your eyebrows began to crease at his movements. “listen to me,” he began to speak in nobility, “you’re not a disappointment nor useless, you hear me?” he chastised sternly.
“and i don’t ever want to hear you think like that again.” he proceeded to lay his hand on your dampened cheek feeling the familiar searing burn of embarrassment rise to your face, sliding the pad of his thumb against your skin in a comforting motion. “stay with me, and james, and the potters.” he offered, your eyes shooting rapidly into a widened state at his request.
“i can't, it’s—“ you began to deny his offer with the shake of your head, feeling a barricade of guilt. you hastily cut yourself off while attempting to put together your disfigured thoughts. “s’not worth it, ‘m not worth it. to ruin everything you have going with the potters.”
“you aren't ruining anything, love. ‘m gonna talk with james, you don't have to do with it alone.”
you gaped at him, wide eyes glistened with glaciers of despair and dejection while your lips were adamantly trembling attempting to not let a flow of tears overcome you once more. simply not wanting to disturb the atmosphere that had been built in the potter household since sirius had arrived, as well as having no desire to burden them with the faults that had been weighed upon you. but sirius would have none of that, the potters had adored you since the first christmas you had to spend with them in second year.
there would be zero troubles taking you in, and he was going to make sure of it.
“everything’s gonna is alright, i promise you.”
taglist: @fific7 @wisedreamcatcher @kittykylax @ronbrokemyheart @aspiringsloth20 @georgeswh0re @amourtentiaa @msmb @fangouria @five-cups-of-coffee @dracofknmalfoy @emmaev @serenitywilderness @i-love-scott-mccall @artemis1orion @miss-starkov @siriusbarnesslut @inglourious-imagines @famdomhideout @hufflepogue @kirascottage @luvvninaz @miraclesoflove @black-like-my-soul @slytherclawbitch @90steaology
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embrassemoi · 3 years
Surrounded by the Moon and Stars ✷ 34
Pairings: Sirius B, F!Reader, Remus L    Warnings: DARK THEMES, heavily implied domestic abuse (the Black family) A/n: I’m editing this in a restaurant rn. Nobody can say that I’m not committed! Anyway, if there’s more errors than usual, it’s bc I’m on mobile. Sorry!
【 Masterlist | Previous Chapter | ao3 】
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Chapter 34: Secrets of Our Souls
Meet me at our place at midnight. Be careful. Make sure nobody follows you.  R.A.B
Y/N read the letter several times before folding it in half while her eyes glazed the crowd of students in the Great Hall in search of Regulus.
A no-show.
Since the start of the term, she’d been trying to get hold of Regulus but her attempts were futile. He was as finicky as a shadow, never staying still long enough for her to grasp, to spot.
Everything about his inconspicuous disappearance and the peculiar letter left her deeply unnerved. He'd even gone as far as using a different owl to respond to her letters; not the usual Black family owl.
In many ways, Regulus was mysterious; highly unusual — dare she say frightening.
“Oh!” Marlene exclaimed. “A secret admirer?”
“Give it back!” Y/N said indignantly as Marlene pried the letter from her hand, unfolding it. Before she could read the contents, Y/N nearly tackled it out of her grasp, snatching it back while Marlene pouted. “It’s private.”
Continuing to sulk, Dorcas smiled at Marlene. From between the sliver of space from under the wooden table and their bodies, she watched as Dorcas held Marlene’s hand; thumb grazing over her knuckles. Y/N eyed them questioningly.
“What are you not telling us?” Dorcas mused, leaning on the table with a sly smirk.
Marlene snapped her fingers. “Oi! Ginger snaps!”
Lily peered over, smile vanishing, placing her fork down. “Did you just call me a…?”
“Would you prefer traffic cone then?” Mary teased.
“I like Carrots more.” Dorcas added, shyly.
“Anyway, you two are pretty much attached,” Marlene said. Had she known better, she would have recognized Marlene’s tone for jealousy. "Who sent that letter?”
Lily shrugged but her face turned downwards at her uncomfortable body language. “She said it’s private. Leave it.”
The conversation ended at that.
Y/N felt a little nudge under the table and as she looked up, Lily’s head was tilted, conveying the silent question, ‘are you okay?’ She didn’t answer as a couple of first years bounced up to Marlene, tugging down on her sleeve. She turned to them, flicking her blond hair out of her face with a wide smile.
One first year was close to tears, another one standing on their tippy-toes to whisper something in her ear.
“Please can you come to the common room? It’s scary and I-I miss my dad!” One of the first years cried out.
Marlene cooed, hugging them lovingly. With a nod, she stood and pressed a kiss to the side of Dorcas’ cheek. She managed to make it seem like she was whispering in her ear before turning back to the group. “See you tossers later!”
Dorcas watched Marlene walk away. First years jumping, hanging off of her while Dorcas’ fingers grazed the spot on her face where she kissed her. She dazzled radiantly.
Before midnight, Y/N left her dorm, heading to the Marauder’s room and knocked on their door. She vaguely heard footsteps approaching before it opened.
She smiled before she could even register it. “Moony.”
He grinned widely. “Whiskers,” Remus said pleasantly, leaning against the door frame, his hair falling slightly over his eyes. “How may I help you?”
“Seeing you has already helped a lot.” She joked while Remus blushed madly. She laughed at his reaction. “I need to talk to Bambi.”
Remus had his eyebrows raised but opened the door wide and beckoned her in.
She noticed a bed pushed far to the left, isolated from the other beds. The curtains were almost nearly closed aside from the sliver that was still open. Black was there, book in hand with a few pieces of parchment laid surrounding him. He was already looking up at her.
They truly isolated Black from them in every way possible.
“Oh hey, Y/N.” Peter smiled before throwing her a small wrapped sweet her way. “Greetings!”
“Thanks, Pete!” She caught it. And dropped onto James’ bed. His glasses were strewn, laying on his bedside table as he flicked through his book.
“To what do I owe this pleasure?”
“Do you mind if I borrow your invisibility cloak tonight?”
James surprisingly didn’t push further as he simply went through his trunk and threw her the cloak, only asking that she would be careful with it.
She hopped out of the room, rushing out to the cold corridors and threw the cloak over her head. As she passed through various hallways, she finally opened the door to her and Regulus’ small hideout. A couple of candles were lit and the familiar Slytherin and Gryffindor blankets clashed together.
Huddled in the corner of the room on the couch, small and curled with his legs pressed against his chest and chin perched on his knees, Regulus was there, shaking.
She rushed up to him, keeping her hand visible and only touching him when he realized it was her. Consoling people was always a challenge in itself.
“What happened?”
Regulus’ voice was strained and tired. “C-can you hug me? Please?”
Her heart could have shattered as she roped him into a large, crushing hug. His aching sobs crashed through her chest. Y/N’s arms were tight around Regulus, his head face pressed against her shoulder and she could feel his tears seep through her shirt. Doing the best she could, she soothed him, petting his hair.
She couldn’t tell just how much time had passed until Regulus’ snuffles calmed down as he harshly wiped his tears. It was the first time she was able to truly get a close-up of how he looked.
To put it lightly, Regulus looked like shit.
Any of that regal, youthful glow of his diminished. And she realized it only faded whenever he went home. His skin was dull and grey, eyes sunken. Even his long hair was cut lopsidedly.
“Do you want to talk about it?” She asked.
“I… It’s…” Regulus trailed off, face full of worry and trouble. “It’s…”
“It’s okay,” she rubbed her hand up and down his shoulder. “You don’t have to tell me.”
But something caught her eye. Regulus’ trousers rode up in his shaking state. A large bandage was wrapped messily on his leg. The skin around the bandage was red and a few scars peaked out. But as soon as she realized, he had too and quickly pulled the fabric down.
“... What is that?” She asked softly. She didn’t know what it was, but something heavy sunk in her chest — the feeling of sickening, frightening dread.
He refused to answer.
“You have to get that checked out —”
“No!” Regulus shouted, complete panic filtering through his face.
“Whatever that is, it isn’t going to heal properly if we don’t.”
Regulus debated for a while and she saw the conflict on his face before relenting. “I’m embarrassed by it…”
She mustered up any kind of energy left and smiled. “I won’t judge you.” She managed to catch his eye and held it. She went over her options quickly.
1. Leave Regulus?
Option one was already tossed out the window. The weight of the situation was far too grave to continue to let it slide by again and again.
2. Press further?
But how?
3. Make him feel comfortable?
If he was ashamed by his scars, then maybe if she showed hers…
She turned to Regulus, lifting her sleeve. A scar ran across her forearm from Snape’s attack during the Quidditch match.
“I got this a couple of months ago in a nasty fight.” Then she pointed to the small scar on her leg from when she was dragged by Moony. "I got this from an accident."
But then, she sucked in a deep breath, mustering up all her bravery and courage, pushing down every bit of insecurity. She tugged down the collar of her shirt a bit, just enough to reveal the top of a much more faded scar that travelled down to her sternum. “And I got this from a heart surgery.”
She fixed her shirt to sit properly again. “I was born with a heart defect. It went undetected until my mom found me, hardly breathing and had to perform open-heart surgery on me. I was supposed to die but here I am. Healthy and alive and I haven’t had a problem since.”
Regulus looked up at her wide-eyed and his body became less stiff.
“I used to be so… ashamed of it. Maybe I still am, I never talk about it… Only you, my mom and someone at Ilvermorny knows. But my point is, I am more than my scars, and you are too.”
She swallowed her fear, now cursing herself and resolved to shut up. Waiting, she wondered that since she showed him the scars that perhaps he would too.
Regulus considered her, almost astonished, finally moving to pull up his trousers and peeling off his bandage, wincing while doing so.
It felt like a cold bucket of water was splashed all over her body. She desperately tried to keep her face blank as the overwhelming urge to cry while combating the wave of nausea hit her.
His skin was butchered — fiery red. They weren’t neat, like what a surgeon's scalpel would be like, but messy, crisscrossed and viciously deep. It had hardly healed and they were old enough to be a little over a week or two old. And undoubtedly painful.
Whoever did that to him was enraged, furious.
“Shit… Regulus… who did this?” She asked quietly, more to herself than him as he remained silent. She stood, commanding, “We need to get you fixed up.”
“It’s not that b —”
“Stop lying.”
“Just don’t take me to the hospital wing.”
Wanting to know more, she was too afraid that any more prying would result in Regulus completely shutting down and withholding more information. Instead, she picked up the invisibility cloak, threw it over him and wrapped an arm underneath Regulus' arms to help him walk out of the room.
She went to the only other place she knew she would be able to offer any resemblance of help.
Once reaching the Potions classroom, muttering Alohomora, Y/N helped Regulus sit down comfortably at one of the extra tables and immediately got to work. All sorts of magic went around as she grabbed an extra textbook and flipped to the Essence of Dittany page.
Shelves, jars and cabinets opened and closed on their own accord, all taking ingredients as they fell into a boiling cauldron.
“What are you doing?” Regulus questioned, nervously drumming his fingers on the table.
“Making you something.”
It was still between them. She didn’t know what to say, only what to do. Everything went through her mind like a step-by-step process, like a robot categorizing its own emotions.
Because what was the right response to something like this?
She stared at the bubbling cauldron, slowly stirring to avoid eye contact. “You don’t have to tell me but… you didn’t do this to yourself —”
“No,” Regulus said, calmly and steadily.
“Then… to the person — people who did… will they bother you again?”
“Probably not… I’ll be okay.”
It wasn’t the answer she was hoping for.
Once the potion was completed, she poured it inside an applicator and made sure to cast a quick cleaning spell. A soft blue glow emitted around his leg until disappearing. She looked up to him, fisting his shirt and shoved it inside his mouth. “I’m sorry, this is going to hurt.”
She took the applicator, pouring a couple drops onto his wound. A greenish smoke billowed around them as it bubbled on his skin. The skin was stitching itself back together and over his wound. Regulus moaned in pain, fist banging on the wooden table.
She finally pulled the cloth from his mouth once down and ran across the room to find more clean clothes to dab off the sweat from his face. Y/N thought for a second he was going to faint.
“I’m so sorry Reg… Sorry…”
He didn’t say anything for a while, only nodding in response meanwhile she monitored his condition. She gave him the wrapped candy that Peter gave her, hoping that it would help him regain some energy. She was beginning to grow worried that she might’ve brewed it incorrectly as her mind mulled over possible counter potions.
“I know… you said... you don’t talk to my brother much…” Regulus croaked out. She closed the book, rushing up to him. “But... you are in the same friend group… right?”
She chewed the inside of her cheek. A white lie wouldn’t hurt.
“Things changed. We’re friends. Why?”
There was a long pause. “Is he okay?”
A million questions went through her. Even if they were estranged, wouldn’t he know?
“He’s okay.” Lie. “He’s just been… stressed as of late.” True.
“Is he still staying with the Potter’s?”
He smiled, eyelids drooping but everything about it told her something wasn’t right. “I’m glad.”
Regulus refused to let her help him walk back to the dungeons and left with his wound almost fully healed. And she was left with more questions than any answers as she slithered into bed.
What was he not telling her?
But then she thought about the summer with Matthew. Why had he been so surprised that she had been with a member of the Black family? Or how did he even know them? What was it about them that commanded so much respect and international recognition?
A couple of footsteps padded her way and Y/N felt her bed dip, a weight sliding beside her.
“Are you okay?” Lily whispered. “Been worried about you these past couple of days.”
“Yeah,” Y/N said, turning to the side to look at Lily through the night. “Jolly.”
“You sure? It can be our secret?”
She remained quiet and it gave Lily her answer. She turned onto her side before mumbling. “Feel free to stay tonight.” When she didn’t feel Lily leave, but she wiggled around to become comfortable, she sighed, forcing herself to sleep.
There was certainly far too much happening in her life at the moment for her to fully care about Lily’s bizarre and avoidant behaviour. She just wanted the next day to come.
The next few days were uncomfortable and Y/N was beyond exhausted.
Breakfast was nothing more than her sipping on a glass of water, studying the Slytherin table, worried for Regulus.
Was he being bullied? Was he… no… the wound was a bit too old for it to have taken place at Hogwarts.
She spent most of the day in the library, simply reviewing her Herbology and Advanced Potions textbook.
Much to James’ dismay, all the free periods they had in sixth year were due to the overwhelming work and increased difficulty in lessons. Fortunately for Y/N, Potions was partially a free class and she never had to worry about it aside from the essays. It was far too easy.
During class, she would figure out new techniques, tricks, but to her dismay, Slughorn had really enjoyed how both she and Snape performed together and often paired them up during potions. She hated to admit it, but there was a reason why Snape was a favourite student of Slughorn. He had talent. Although, he was in a permanently vindictive mood around her which made him even more unbearable.
The tip of her eagle-feather quill moved across the pages of the textbook and she pulled back momentarily to review her book.
Nightshade… Powdered silver… Stewed Mandrakes… Slughorn had said it helped werewolves… What if Remus —
“Whiskers! There you are!” James said, strutting up. He sat down on the couch beside her, both tucked away in the corner of the library.
She gave a little wave of her fingers before closing her book. James suddenly became slightly dejected at her reaction. She couldn’t force herself to put on a show.
“Something wrong?”
Y/N felt like there were no answers to everything that had been happening recently. Only if Matthew was there.
But James was.
“I need to ask you something.”
His head swivelled around to see if anyone with prying ears was listening in before nodding.
“Could you tell me about the Black family?”
She had never seen James go so rigid. His cheek hallowed as he chewed the inside of his cheek and waited for her to elaborate.
“I know I don’t talk about it but Regulus is a friend of mine.” She didn’t miss the way James stiffened further at that. “And he’s… worrying me. He’s… god, I don’t know what to say.”
James threw up a silencing spell, encircling them. “It’s okay, go on.”
“Regulus’ leg was butchered. I think he’s being bullied or it’s darker than that.”
James’ skin, which was usually a warm, rich look, seemed as if it paled, almost giving him a gray appearance. “Did he say anything about his family?”
“No. But he never talks about them. Is that the reason why Black stays with you?”
“Even with the non-existent respect I have for Black, I feel like I can’t tell you much,” James said and she understood why. “But the Black family — they’re fucking insane. Their Pureblood mania is probably one of the worst I’ve ever seen.” James took a moment to look at her reaction after mentioning blood purity. “He has a reason to be scared of them.”
“So you’re telling me that his family… they hurt him?”
James looked down, the gravity of their conversation finally hitting him. He took off his round glasses, rubbing his temples. “I’m not sure. Maybe? It was probably another Slytherin. His parents… love him — I don’t see them laying a hand on him. He didn’t mention running away? Did he?”
She heard James curse under his breath as he grabbed his hair out of habit. “I’ll talk to him.”
“About what? You can’t tell him I told you, he’ll —”
“Relax. I won’t. I’ll ask him to move in with me.”
Y/N felt like she could faint there and then. Everything in her body felt wobbly, weak as she grappled with the idea of Regulus and his home life. Then Black… did he also go through what Regulus has been through? The thought made her sick.
James’ voice tugged her back to reality. “Promise me something.” She waited for him to continue.
“I know Regulus is your friend and that he’s going through a rough time but…” James struggled with his words. “But… be careful around him. He’s not much of a threat but his family is. There’s a reason why Black lives with me; no matter how angry, how much I hate him, I would never let him go back there. To them.
“The war is approaching and they have eyes all on Regulus — watching everything he does.”
Goosebumps covered her entire body. Everything James said sounded more like an underlying threat of sorts. She wondered if that was the reason why he refused to be seen with her publicly. “Are you saying that he’s a Death Eater?”
“No,” James responded briskly. “But it’s not to say his parents won’t force him to. If you knew his family, you would understand —”
Both students snapped their heads up from the figure slowly approaching them as James eased off the silencing charm.
Professor Elway was there, holding a large leather-bound book and a stack of parchment, most likely essays she had to grade. She only gave a small nod to James before smiling widely at Y/N which caused James to mutter something vaguely familiar that sounded like ‘favouritism.’
“Ms. L/N! How wonderful to see you!” Elway was enlivened. “I was just thinking about you.”
“Oh! Erm — thank you?”
Elway laughed, “Your work has been incredible! I’m very impressed.”
She felt James nudge her under the table.
“Oh!” The professor exclaimed. “There’s a Duelling club session tonight I’m supervising. I’d love to see you there?”
“I’m sorry, but we have a paper due in Transfigurations.” James helped, cutting in for her. She felt herself relax into her chair.
In no time, Defence Against the Dark Arts became Y/N’s favourite class and duelling was incredibly fun, but all she wanted to do was sleep. Perhaps another time…
Professor Elway gave a little sigh but nodded her head. “Then I’ll see you next session! Have a good day, Ms. L/N and Mr..?”
“My apologies, Mr. Potter. Have a fine day!”
While they watched her leave, both students were left with a similar deep, icy trepidation that clawed at their soul and a single question heavy in their hearts.
【 Next Chapter 】
© gotkindabored 2021. Do not repost, translate or modify
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lucky-katebishop · 3 years
What I Read in September 2021
It's been a stagnant month, but I did find a couple favorites :) as usual, composed of mainly Harry Potter fics but there's a spare Modern Family fic in there and a couple crossovers. I think I read about 27-28 fics :)
Harry Potter
Family Relations by OxfordOctopus
Plot: In which Harry realizes that not even he's exempt from how interconnected magical families are.
Characters: Harry, Pavarti, Hermione, Ron
Relationships: Hermione & Harry & Ron
Warnings: implied/referenced child abuse
Tags: Desi Potter Family; Desi Harry; Hogwarts third year; red-haired Harry Potter
Talking to Thestrals by OxfordOctopus
Plot: In a world where Voldemort well and truly died in ‘81, where there are no Horcruxes, where Harry is sequestered off by a man in a flying motorcycle when he's six, and where the only legacy the most feared Dark Lord left behind was his politics and a heavily scarred child, nobody quite realizes that Harry isn’t okay. Nobody but the leathery creatures at the lake, and the girl who looks at them.
Characters: Harry, Luna
Relationships: Harry & Luna
Warnings: anxiety, dissociation, suicidal thoughts, bullying, implied/referenced child abuse, child neglect
Tags: Sirius Black Criticism; Hogwarts second year; Sirius Black Never Went to Azkaban; AU - No Voldemort;
My Notes: Now, I love Sirius just as much as the next girl, but this is such an interesting look at a man raising a kid when he wasn’t ready and the consequences of that (I relate a tad too strongly)
Slytherin Politics by OxfordOctopus
Plot: Abused children don't respond well to power plays.
Characters: Harry, Draco, Theodore Nott, Daphne Greengrass
Warnings: graphic depictions of violence
Tags: violence, broken bones, Slytherin Harry, bullying
My Notes: Harry is so truly terrifying in this fic, it’s wonderful
rotten on the inside by cassiopeia721
Plot: Harry's boggart isn't Voldemort, or even a dementor. It's something much worse.
Characters: Harry, Snape, Hermione, Ron
Relationships: Hermione & Harry
Warnings: implied/referenced child abuse
Tags: Hogwarts third year; boggarts; angst; protective Hermione; Hermione is a Good Friend
Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell by IamShadow21
Plot: Questions asked, questions unasked, secrets told and secrets kept, trust, devotion, empathy and love. Ron and Harry's friendship, from that first day on the Hogwarts Express, right through until after the Battle. Can be read as a friendship fic, or a ship fic. It's open to interpretation.
Characters: Harry, Ron, Fred, George, Hermione, Arthur
Relationships: Harry/Ron
Warnings: implied/referenced child abuse
Tags: canon compliant; canon-typical violence; friendship, hurt/comfort; protective Ron; Protective Fred; Protective George; gen or pre-slash; platonic cuddling; POV Ron
My Notes: now this could be read as pre-slash, as a relationship, or just good friends, but I am so completely head over heels in love with the idea of Harry and Ron! Best friends to lovers!
Best Served Cold by enchantedsleeper
Plot: “C’mon, Freddie,” George says suddenly, sotto voce. “Sooner the four of us get out of here, the better.” It hadn’t been the right moment, as they were exploring the Dursleys’ comfortable house in the dead of night, to plant a well-timed trick or a trap and risk blowing the whole operation – and getting Harry into even more trouble with his sadistic relatives. Better just to get Harry out and away from that place. But two years later, Fred and George got their chance for revenge.
Characters: Harry, Fred, George, Ron, Arthur
Relationships: Harry & Ron; Harry & George & Fred
Warnings: implied/referenced child abuse
Tags: Book 4; Harry is an honorary Weasley
east, west, home’s best by taizi
Plot: You can never have too many brothers, Ron decides, for the very first time in his life. And there's always room in the Burrow for another Weasley, even if only an honorary one.
Characters: Harry, George, Ron, Fred
Relationships: Harry & Ron
Warnings: implied/referenced child abuse
Tags: Chamber of Secrets; families of choice
live for today, hope for tomorrow by Vennat
Plot: Professors are Hogwarts are a little more observant and a little less likely to allow their students to be in harms way. OR A canon rewrite starting from book two, featuring friendship, angst, and a severe lack of oblivious characters.
Characters: Hermione, Harry, Ginny, Ron, Luna, Fred, George, Snape, Draco
Relationships: Hermione & Harry & Ron; Harry & George & Fred; Harry & Ginny; Luna & The Golden Trio; Harry & Snape; Draco & Harry
Warnings: implied/referenced child abuse; PTSD; panic attacks; blood; vomit; injury; food issues; depression
Tags: friendship; Harry has a saving people thing; mentor Snape; BAMF Harry; Smart Harry; canon rewrite; angst; Dumbledore bashing; Book 2; Harry is a Good Friend; Harry is Bad at Feelings
*complete* [part of a series; hasn’t been updated since 2020]
The Closest Distance Between Two People by StartledStarfish
Plot: In Harry's third year, no dementors boarded the Hogwarts Express in search of Sirius Black. Remus Lupin, the new defense professor, slept the whole way there. He did not wake to cast a patronus. Harry never passed out. Never heard his mother scream. Never saw the flash of green light. Never felt the unspeakable cold drain all the happiness out of him. So when Harry’s turn came to face the boggart, his greatest fear could not be a dementor. Harry blinked and looked up into the smiling face of Albus Dumbledore.
Characters: Harry, Ron, Remus, Dumbledore, Vernon, McGonagall
Relationships: Harry & Ron; Harry & Remus
Warnings: implied/referenced child abuse; childhood trauma, child neglect
Tags: boggarts, dementors, Dursley Family Bashing; Dumbledore Bashing; healing; angst with a happy ending; Ron makes sure nobody’s sad for long; friendship; laughter
Grey Space by noaacat *favorite*
Plot: In 1991, Harry Potter begins his time at Stonewall High, unaware that he is anything more than a boy prone to freakish accidents. When he turns fourteen, he will receive a letter that will change his life. He will learn he is Harry Potter, and be invited into a world where belonging is his birthright. Until then, he stumbles on, two steps forward and one step back, out of the cupboard and into the life he was never meant to have.
Characters: Harry, The Dursleys, Dumbledore, lots of muggle OCs
Relationships: none
Warnings: implied/referenced child abuse; implied/referenced homophobia; child abuse; child neglect
Tags: AU: Hogwarts Starts Late
My Notes: This one! Is so good! The worldbuilding alone is amazing and the author really did make me immersed in the small sleepy town of Little Whinging. Please, if you read any fic on this list, read this one! It’s so good! Instant favorite!
Iron by belleslettres
Plot: Draco also has a penchant for shirts with fiddly collars and cuffs and will not even entertain the notion of going anywhere looking like anything less than perfection. But Harry, who will do almost anything for Draco, refuses to iron them. “My aunt used to make me do all the ironing,” Harry says. “I hated it.”
Characters: Harry, Draco
Relationships: Draco/Harry
Warnings: implied/referenced child abuse
Tags: fluff and angst; post-war; Epilogue what Epilogue; fluff; domestic fluff
All That Stands in its Path by thebiwholived
Plot: "An old soul, people might say, and Molly has never quite been sure what such a person would look like, until the day her family meets the Boy Who Lived in a dingy train station on the way to school." Molly Weasley's perspective on the summer Harry Potter comes to stay.
Characters: Harry, Molly, Weasley Family
Relationships: Harry & Molly Weasley
Warnings: implied/referenced child abuse
Tags: canon compliant; book 2
To See More Clearly by JellyShark
Plot: Harry didn't make it out of Privet Drive after blowing up Aunt Marge. He is alone, locked away, forgotten. To make things worse, his magic is changing, morphing into something unknown and terrifying. Harry returns to Hogwarts a changed boy, unable to hide the effects of his time with the Dursleys. His Third Year dawns, bringing with it a man who feels like home, a Hufflepuff Prefect, and a dog who reminds Harry of a time when he was loved.
Characters: Harry, Remus, Ron, Snape, Sirius, Hermione, Luna, Cedric, Neville, McGonagall
Relationships: Sirius/Remus; pre Cedric/Harry; Remus & Harry; Hermione & Ron & Harry; Cedric & Harry; Sirius & Harry
Warnings: implied/referenced child abuse
Tags: Harry Needs a Hug; Harry is an Empath; Smart Harry; Magically Powerful Harry; Mentor Remus; flawed but well-meaning Dumbledore; book 3; book 4; Snape gets worse before he gets better; angst; hurt/comfort
*incomplete* [last updated August 2021]
Holidays by diogxnes
Plot: While his housemates discuss the upcoming holidays, Harry cannot help but think of how he never experienced a real Christmas with the Dursleys. Ron notices.
Characters: Harry, Ron, Lavender Brown, Seamus Finnigan
Relationships: Harry & Ron
Warnings: implied/referenced child abuse
Tags: book 1; missing scene; canon compliant; emotional hurt/comfort; hurt/comfort; Ron Weasley is a Good Friend
Closing In by silver_fish
Plot: Harry supposes he’ll never know how they learned about the cupboard under the stairs. He also supposes he’ll never know how they managed to make him so afraid of it, all these years later.
Characters: Harry, Hermione, Ron
Warnings: implied/referenced child abuse, claustrophobia, implied/referenced torture, codependency, trauma, panic attacks, PTSD, therapy
Tags: post-war; hurt/comfort; touch-starved; guilt; Harry centric; false memories
My Notes: This one made me emotionally exhausted but it’s written super well
Adjustments by Velvet_Riptide
Plot: With the Second Wizarding War over, Sirius is more than excited to put everything behind him and raise Harry as his own. However, he and Remus begin to notice odd and troubling behaviors from Harry. Without answers from the source, Sirius turns to Harry's previous guardians--Molly and Arthur Weasley--and learns Harry is still making adjustments from his time with the Dursley's.
Characters: Harry, Sirius, Remus, Molly, Arthur, Hermione, Ron
Relationships: Sirius/Remus; Hermione/Ron; Remus & Harry; Sirius & Harry
Warnings: implied/referenced child abuse; childhood trauma; PTSD
Tags: hurt/comfort; coparenting; Harry lived in the Burrow for several years with the Weasleys before moving to 12 Grimmauld Place;
Two Things by TheDivineComedian
Plot: Harry is only four years old and the Dursleys are already mean.
Characters: Harry, Petunia, Vernon, Dudley, imaginary Lily, imaginary James
Warnings: implied/referenced child abuse
How to be happy by TheDivineComedian
Plot: The Patronus charm requires a happy memory. Harry Potter doesn't have many, and the Dementors get Sirius, after all. But the story is far from over.
Characters: Harry, Remus, Sirius, Ron, Hermione
Relationships: Harry & Sirius; Harry & Remus; Remus & Sirius
Warnings: major character death; implied/referenced child abuse
Tags: creepy; heartwarming; dementors; Hogwarts third year
My Notes: this one is a fucking doozy good lord (the tags say heartwarming but w h e r e)
Knowledge is a Rose by Magi_Silverwolf
Plot: When Harry discovered that he had a name, he clung to that information and all that it entailed. After learning more information about his past, nothing and everything changed.
Characters: Harry
Warnings: implied/referenced child abuse; physical abuse; verbal abuse; mental abuse
Tags: emotional hurt; identity issues
No Love for the Wicked by VigilanteVampire4311
Plot: Harry Potter was the Boy-Who-Lived. The Golden Boy. The Chosen One. But it turns out when you run head first into an unknown magical artifact and end up in a void, none of that matters. Now he's in a different time with familiar strangers who just can't seem to understand the new transfer student, Harrison Miller. With a Defense teacher he can't let his guard down for a second around, the Marauders hounding the 'mysterious' new Slytherin, and his housemates who cannot fathom a muggleborn being among them, Harry has to wonder whether fate hates him or if he is really a trouble-making freak like the Dursleys always said.
Characters: Harry, James, Lily, Sirius, Remus, Regulus, Snape, Tom Riddle, Pomfrey
Relationships: Harry & James; Harry & Lily; Sirius & Harry; Remus & Harry; Regulus & Harry; Harry & Tom Riddle; Pomfrey & Harry
Warnings: graphic depictions of violence; implied/referenced child abuse; possessive behavior; depression; non-consensual touching
Tags: The Veil; Slytherin Harry; Marauders are kinda assholes; Tom Riddle is not Voldemort yet; Severus is so done; alternate universe; angst; hurt/comfort; bullying; time travel; Marauders Era
My Notes: so far with 7 chapters in, we haven’t yet gotten to Harry interacting with anyone from the past but it’s still written really well
*incomplete* [last updated September 2021]
The snake in the daffodils by SpicyReyes *favorite*
Plot: Harry follows Sirius through the Veil of Death, and stumbles out on the other side of the Mirror of Erised, under a strange spell and stranded in an unfamiliar Hogwarts.
Characters: Harry, Remus, Regulus, Harry, Ron, James, Lily, Sirius
Relationships: Regulus/James; Sirius/Remus; Draco/Harry
Warnings: graphic depictions of violence; discussions of suicide; discussions of self-harm; suicidal ideation; implied/referenced child abuse
Tags: universe jumping; Hogwarts fifth year; misunderstandings; miscommunication; basically everyone thinks harry wants to die but he is actually just hella confused
My Notes: so, so good! And if you like this one I recommend The Devil’s White Knight which is really similar in concept
*incomplete* [last updated 2020]
been waiting a lifetime (to be with you) by justprompts
Plot: The next time he woke, Potter was shaking him awake. Just, just not the right one. He had hazel eyes for one, and class. This was not Harry Potter. This was - Well, he had just woken up and who accepts the delightfully altering time-related facts of life right as they wake up?
Characters: Harry, Dumbledore; Peter Pettigrew; Prewett Twins; Marlene McKinnon; Sirius; Remus; Lily; James; Draco; Alice & Frank Longbottom; Regulus; Draco
Relationships: Draco/Harry; James/Lily; Sirius/Remus; Marlene McKinnon/Dorcas Meadows; Alice/Frank Longbottom; Regulus & Sirius; Regulus & Draco
Tags: time travel fix-it; Marauders Era; Horcrux hunting; everyone lives/nobody dies; master of death Harry; light-hearted; POV multiple; Harry doesn’t need to be dark/evil to be master of death; irregular and slow updates; mutual pining
*incomplete* [last updated May 2021]
The Gospel Truth by twentysevensummers
Plot: When Harry arrives at Number Twelve Grimmauld Place with a black eye, he has more trouble than expected keeping the truth from Sirius.
Characters: Harry, Sirius, Remus
Relationships: Sirius & Harry
Warnings: referenced/implied child abuse; child neglect
Tags: book 5; hurt/comfort; angst; Harry needs a hug; good godparent Sirius Black; number 12 grimmauld place
o children, lift up your voice by orphan_account
Plot: "i don't know if they could've put a flap in the door of the cupboard, now that i think about it," harry laughs nervously. "dunno if it would've fit onto it. since it's smaller than the bedroom door." hermione and ron's heads both shoot up. "what?" ron asks. "excuse me?" hermione says.
Characters: Harry, Ron, Hermione
Relationships: Hermione & Harry & Ron
Warnings: implied/referenced child abuse
Tags: friendship; slight canon divergence; character study; second war with Voldemort; physical affection; lots of hugs
My Notes: this one is so good and if you can get past the fact that the author doesn’t capitalize anything, you’re good to go (although it was difficult to get past that at first for myself)
Muggle Management by LadyWinterlight, NerdyKat
Plot: What happens if Hermione notices signs of abuse in Harry during first year? The Wizarding World may not have laws against it, but the Muggle World certainly does...
Characters: Harry, Hermione, Mrs Granger, Mr. Granger
Warnings: implied/referenced child abuse
Tags: family
Harry Potter & Other Fandoms
Masked Men and Where to Find Them by tinyrose65
Fandoms: Harry Potter & Daredevil & MCU
Plot: Harry Potter moved to Hell's Kitchen because she wanted a fresh start: time away from the spotlight, where she could focus on being the best Healer she could be. Trust the unconscious man in her dumpster to go and complicate things.
Characters: Harry, Matt Murdock
Relationships: Harry/Matt; past Harry/Draco
Warnings: past domestic abuse; implied/referenced child abuse
Tags: female!Harry
My Notes: this is the first in a series and the second one is also incomplete but they’re both very good and the second one has Jessica Jones!
*incomplete* [last updated 2016]
Magic and Masks by Akoia
Fandoms: Harry Potter & DC Comics
Plot: Harry Potter is anything but normal, thank you very much, he just didn't hold such nonsense as that. Follow him on his adventures through the Wizarding world and muggle world as he struggles to understand who he is, and fight the destiny that's been chosen for him.
Characters: Harry; Dick Grayson; Jason Todd; Bruce Wayne; Alfred Pennyworth; the Dursleys
Warnings: implied/referenced child abuse; canon typical violence
Tags: fluff and angst
My Notes: this is a series with six parts!
*incomplete* [last updated 2020]
Modern Family
Breaking & Entering: (The Start Of) A Love Story by dollsome
Plot: "Oh my God," Mitchell says, "this is insane." It is, for the record. It is actually ... insane.
Characters: Mitchell, Cameron
Relationships: Mitchell Pritchett/Cameron Tucker
Warnings: none
Tags: none
25 notes · View notes
salazarslytherin · 3 years
player, heartbreaker (wolfstar)
requested: nope! written for @acosmis-t ’s writing challenge! send in your own request here
summary: in which sirius breaks remus’ heart- not for the first time, but definitely the last.
prompts: 6. “i love you.”, “no you don’t” 8. “how was i such an idiot, to believe that you, out of all people, could ever love me?” 13. “maybe they were right. you never did change.”
cw/tw: angst, cheating, just tears, and a whole lot of em
word count: 2.4k
🃛 masterlist!
a/n: if you enjoyed this oneshot please consider reblogging and/or dropping me a follow! it’ll help me out a lot :)
I love you.
Those three words meant so much to Remus. Shunned by so many throughout his life, coming to Hogwarts and feeling the warm embrace of friendship and the overwhelming amounts of love that came with it made him lightheaded, feeling as if he were floating on air.
Those three words had made Remus excuse so much. Times he’d gotten in trouble with McGonagall because of a stupid prank Sirius had pulled and blamed on him.
“She’ll pull me out of quidditch for this! You’re the perfect student, she’ll let you off the hook! I love you Moony!”
Remus wasn’t let off the hook, but he never held it against Sirius.
Dangerous and idiotic pranks were forgiven- like the Full Moon Incident with Snape in fifth year. The Black heir had grovelled and apologised, spending many nights on his knees, begging for Remus’ forgiveness.
“Moony I’m so sorry, I was just, infuriated by the sheer audacity of Snivellus. I know I don’t deserve your forgiveness, but I love you, and I would do anything to prove to you that I can make it up to you.”
It took another full moon for Remus to forgive him, but he never forgot the heartbreak and betrayal that the incident had brought him.
Yet, he didn’t hold it against him. Because it was Sirius Black.
The first boy to show him friendship, the first boy to show him affection, the first boy to show him love.
Not long after the Incident, the love between the two had blossomed- growing from a platonic, brotherly love to one that was more complicated.
One was the Prince of Gryffindor; the biggest player and heartbreaker that Hogwarts had seen in decades. Flirting and fucking girls and boys alike, Sirius Black left behind him a trail of tears and heartbreak. Yet he was never resented for it, because that’s just who he was.
Sirius Black, the serial heartbreaker.
The other was quiet. The most unassuming member of the Marauders- studious and always willing to help others regardless of house and year. A Werewolf littered with scars, but the gentlest person you could ever meet. Remus Lupin was the kindest soul you could find, but vicious when you needed him to be. Although quiet, he was charming and outgoing, the kind of person you could have a beer with, but also come to for your troubles.
Remus Lupin, the kindest boy at Hogwarts.
The two were best friends, but perhaps there was always a little bit more.
Sirius was openly bisexual, flamboyant and flaunting of his sexuality, he flirted with anyone and everyone.
Rumour has it he tried to flirt Filch out of detention once.
Remus was gay, but only told others when asked. He didn’t think his sexuality was anyone’s business, perhaps except his and his partner’s only.
As a result of these two polar opposites that were too similar for their own good, there was always an underlying sense of attraction. Remus would watch Sirius from behind a book, smiling at his jokes, laughing at his antics.
Sirius always admired Remus’ scars, equating them with bravery and beauty.
One day, the attraction had just clicked, and the words “I love you Moony” became “I’m in love with you, Moony.”
The stolen glances turned into shared, lingering looks in classes after a make-out session in an alcove- Remus turning red when he realised he was wearing Sirius’ shirt instead of his own, one that was just a tad bit too small for the Werewolf, then vermillion when someone pointed out a hickey Sirius had left on his neck.
Nights were no longer lonely– neither of the two was plagued with nightmares anymore as, much like the year before, many nights were spent with Sirius on his knees- albeit under very, very different circumstances.
Not long after they had gotten together, Gryffindor won yet another quidditch match against Slytherin, and a Marauders party had exploded in the Common Room. Students from every house, save for Slytherin, partied the night away with bottles of firewhiskey and cake from the house elves, which ended up more on people’s faces than in their mouths.
Remus, not one to “party hard” like Sirius or James, found himself sitting on the window seat, chatting with passersby, sipping on a cup of firewhiskey while watching his friends on the dance floor.
“Hey there Lupin. Not out there with the rest of your marauders?”
Lily sat herself down next to Remus, clutching her own firewhiskey as she watched her boyfriend dance with Remus’, Peter bouncing awkwardly between the two.
“Not really feeling up for it. Why aren’t you out there yourself? Thought you’d be out dancing with James, you two seem awfully close these days.”
A blush graced Lily’s face, coughing slightly to cover her embarrassment as she turned to face her fellow prefect.
“Well, you and Black seem awfully close yourselves. Are you actually dating him?”
From anyone else, Remus would’ve thought the question rude and blunt, intrusive, even. But over the years, he began counting Lily Evans a friend almost as close as the Marauders, so he shrugged, and let it slide.
“Maybe. What’s it to you?”
The redhead shrugged, looking out onto the dance floor where a Ravenclaw had grabbed onto Sirius, grinding onto his front as the Gryffindor seemed to welcome him, holding his hips close to his own, the pair lost in the music.
“I just worry about you, Remus. I know you two are best friends, and you should always trust the people you’re with, but, we all know what Black’s like. I don’t want to see you become one of the ones he leaves behind.”
Remus clenched his jaw at the sight of Nathan Sulzer grinding on his boyfriend, his heart clenching slightly as Sirius did nothing to stop him.
“I’ll be fine Lily.”
James wandered towards the two of them, pressing a kiss to Lily’s lips as he shoved Remus lightly on the shoulder.
“Alright, Moony?”
Remus felt his heart break slightly as Nathan peppered kisses on Sirius’ neck, the same spots he had kissed that very morning before the quidditch match. James followed the werewolf’s gaze as he failed to reply, his own fist clenching in response.
“Merlin Moony, I’m so sorry. I swear I thought he would’ve changed for you. I love that man but I swear he can be so thick somedays.”
Remus shook his head, feeling tears well up that he willed away, putting down the cup and pushing himself off the seat.
“It’s fine. I’m going to head upstairs first. G’night you two.”
“I love you Moony.”
“Love you too Prongs. Night Lil.”
That was not the night Sirius Black broke Remus Lupin’s heart for the last time. Later that night, the beater had come up, small hickeys staining his neck and collar overturned as he begged Remus for his forgiveness.
“I was so drunk baby I didn’t even realise what he was doing. Just celebrating, I didn’t even know who I was dancing with! I love you so much Re I’m so sorry. It will never happen again.”
Remus forgave him. He always did.
After all, this was Sirius Black he was faced with.
And if we know anything, it’s that Remus Lupin always forgave Sirius Black.
Later that week, when Nathan Sulzer came to Remus to ask for help with a transfiguration essay, he merely turned and walked away, causing Nathan to wonder what he’d done to earn the ire of the kindest boy in Hogwarts.
It was the last day of exams in sixth year. Remus and Peter, being the only ones in the Marauders to take NEWT level Ancient Runes, were the last to finish their exams. Excitedly discussing what was to come in the summer as well as the final weeks of school, the two made their way back to Gryffindor tower.
“So what are you doing over the summer Wormy? Have your parents settled on a vacation spot yet, or are you going to finally stay around for once?”
Peter smiled softly, shrugging as he clutched his books to his chest.
“I’m not really sure, but I think we should be around for the last few weeks. You’re staying with Prongs and Padfoot for a while, right? I think I’ll probably be able to join you if you’re still there by the time I get-”
The pair’s conversation was cut short as they ascended the stairs to their dorm, hearing a piercing feminine moan coming from their room.
“Merlin, never pegged Lily for the vocal type.”
Peter frowned, uncomfortable.
“Clearly you’ve not been around the Potter household when she stays with Prongs during Christmas. ”
Shuddering, their soft laughter was cut short as footsteps thundered up the stairs behind them, muscular arms landing on the two Marauders’ shoulders.
“Alright, lads! Finally finished with your exams?”
James Fleamont Potter stood behind his two fellow Marauders in all his glory, making the boys freeze in their actions.
“I- you-”
Remus’ mind was moving a mile a minute, the reality clocking in but he refused to admit it. This had to be some sort of a sick prank.
“If you’re out here, then who’s that in there having sex with Lily?!”
Peter pointed at the door, the confusion and adrenaline running through the three boys making them miss the soft moan of ‘Sirius’ coming from behind the doors.
“What?! Nobody better be having sex with my Lily!”
The heavy wooden doors flew open as James kicked it with all his might, revealing Emmeline Vance naked and on top of the one and only, Sirius Black.
“Padfoot?!” emerged out of Peter’s mouth at the same time as the words “That’s not Lily!” came from James’, before reality dawned upon the two, turning to face the werewolf.
“Get out.”
“Moony I-”
For the first time in a long time, Remus felt a fire rise in his stomach, his temper snapping as he threw his books on the ground.
“All of you, get out!”
The werewolf’s head snapped up at the naked boy on the bed, who was stealing fearful glances at the girl quickly redressing next to him.
“Except you, Black.”
Sirius had awkwardly finished putting on his clothes as Remus stood beside his own bed, feeling nothing, his previous anger had sizzled out and left him hollow.
“Moony I-”
“I don’t want to hear you speak. I don’t, I just,”
A memory flashed by Remus’ mind, that party after Gryffindor’s first win of the year. Lily’s words echoing in his mind: we all know what Black’s like.
“Maybe they were right. You never did change.”
A cold laugh emerged from the prefect’s lips, looking up at the ceiling he’d become so familiar with over the past year. The one he’d studied night after night with Sirius in his arms, the one he’d memorised when he wondered whether he did anything wrong when Sirius apologised to him for this thing or that, breaking his heart bit by bit, day by day.
“How was I such an idiot, to believe that you, of all people, could ever love me? Sirius Black, prince of Gryffindor. The biggest player Hogwarts has ever seen, the biggest heartbreaker there’s ever been!”
Remus continued laughing his emotionless laugh, one that made Sirius wince and shudder. It was so unlike him, so hollow, so cruel.
Nothing like his Remus.
“Of course I love you Moony. I love you.”
Sirius made his way over to Remus, his calloused hands reaching out towards Remus’ scarred ones.
“No you don’t.”
Remus’ hand was enveloped for a mere second, the familiar warmth begging him to stay before his sinking heart reminded him of the hurt he was pushed under by those same hands, and ripped himself away.
“If you loved me, you would never have done this. If you loved me, you’d never have made me doubt whether you really wanted to be with me. If you’d loved me,”
Remus looked at Sirius for the first time since James and Peter left the room. As their eyes met, Remus felt the tears welling in the grey eyes he loved so dearly pulling at his heartstrings, clenching his jaw before continuing, willing his own tears not to fall.
“We wouldn’t be here. I was in love with you, but you were in love with the idea of me. The chase, the excitement of a relationship you couldn’t flaunt all across the halls.”
Muted ‘no’s and soundless protests were made as Sirius fell to his knees in front of Remus for the umpteenth time that year, but this time out of desperation, an attempt to salvage something that couldn’t be salvaged.
“But you got tired, and you found the excitement in sneaking around with others. Pushing the boundaries to see how far you could get without being caught.”
Tears fell freely from Sirius’ eyes now, clutching onto Remus’ trousers as he cried out.
“That’s not it. Please Re, I love you, I love you so much. You’re everything for me, my home, my only. Please don’t do this.”
Remus’ own eyes flew shut, but he continued, tears escaping as rapidly as the words did.
“And now you’ve gotten caught. I hope it was worth it, because I’m done forgiving you. I’m just so, so done. I’m tired of not being good enough for you, I’m tired of second guessing myself and wondering why you end up in other people’s arms.”
Sirius shook his head fervently, incoherent words and sobs wracked from his throat as he hugged Remus’ legs with more strength than he knew he had, shaking his head at the werewolf’s words.
“You know, I would’ve done anything for you. I forgave you each and every time you crawled back to me. No matter how many times you broke my heart, I turned to putty in your hands every time you told me ‘I love you’.”
Remus’ hands landed on the boy’s shoulders for the last time, a motion so familiar, yet so foreign at the same time, pulling him away. He took Sirius’ chin into his hand, tilting his head up to meet his tearfully hopeful eyes.
“I love you Remus.”
Desperation dripped from the animagus' voice, his eyes searching Remus' face for one last bit of mercy, one last "I love you".
“I love you Sirius. But I don’t want to love you any longer.”
113 notes · View notes
cedricslover · 4 years
Pairing: Cedric x fem! reader
Pt.1 Pt.2 Pt.3 Pt.4 Pt.5 Pt.6 (Final)
Series summary: A very unfortunate situation happened and it resulted in very unfortunate events. You had everything, a good boyfriend that everyone dreamed of, best friends that you got in a twin pack, and a loving school. It was a calm before a storm and in your sixth year the storm came. You faced the consequences your deceased parents run from, you were only left with your only family, your little brother. What would you do in order to save him? The answer is, everything, even if it means joining a terrorist group of wizards, joining THE DEATH EATERS...
Chapter summary: School already started, the triwizard tournament and everything. Your boyfriend Cedric Diggory was the champion of your school, you didn’t want to be a burden for him therefore you never told him what was bothering you. The damn dark mark.
Note: there is no specific house so enjoy:))) i can make requests if y’all have one Warnings: SMUT, sad, frustration, idrk sorry... oh but there is fluff, i guess
Word count: 2.3k
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“Hey” someone called you from the back, but before you can even take a sight of who it was, a warm kiss was planted on your cheek while an arm wrapped around your waist. You chuckled and grabbed his face for a nice short kiss.
“Ced, what do you think?” You asked while smiling and turned to him who was now sitting beside you and continued your homework. Your brows furrowed and your lips became a straight line. You grabbed the parchment and looked at him.
“I thought we agreed on not doing each other’s personal work unless they asked for help?” You said, disappointment and anger was heard from your voice. “I know- I know, but love, the thing is-” you interrupted Cedric and stood up. “You told me that you don’t want me to help you before because you can handle it. I told you I don’t want other’s help unless I asked, because I will think of it as a way of you looking down on me. Ced, this is just an alchemy homework, do you think I’m dumb to even answer this?” you’re trying your best to not shout since you two are at the library.
“Love, of course not. But, I heard the professors, Snape and McGonagall. They said that it’s almost a matter of time before you fail your classes and-” you interrupted Cedric again “Then let me fail” you declared and removed Cedric’s hand that was holding your arm and walked away.
You headed straight to your common room with that annoying disappointed feeling. You hated this feeling every time, you just had enough of it.
You stood in front of the mirror in your dorm and observed every single inch of yourself. Except for your arm. You slowly removed your tie, emptied your robes, and changed into your casual clothes. You were about to go out when you looked at what you were wearing, it didn’t cover your arms that made your heart drop. You bite your lip and sighed, trying the best not to let out a tear.
Once again, you were so desperate, you got an eraser and started rubbing it in your forearm, you felt the heat from the friction but you never cared, you aggressively rubbed it, again and again until that part of your forearm turned red but the thing that you wanted to be gone was still there. Your breathing was heavy and you looked at yourself in the mirror once again. You were unconsciously crying, it was out of frustration. You tried everything, even the thing that your muggle-born friend gave you, they call it concealer, still nothing. You searched every spell and even managed to sneak in the restricted section, but it was still nothing.
You can’t make that damn dark mark disappear.
“Good morning lady” two voices filled your ears. “Morning, twins” You greeted the Weasley twins back with a gloomy voice, not the sarcastic or energetic one that they got used to. They were your bestfriends since your first year, you knew them through and through and they also knew you through and through or so they thought.
“Is something wrong?” George asked and blocked your way, you looked at him and just shook your head. “Are you sure?” Fred was now the one asking you, two of them blocking and towering you. You closed your eyes for a moment, took a deep breath, and opened them again. You raised one of your eyebrows and said sarcastically “Oh no, I’m not bloody fine, I should tell my bestfriends right away” you acted very devastated that made the twins look at each other. “If I’m not fine I should've told the both of you right away” you answered like it was very obvious. “Gits” you muttered under your breath that made the twins’ faces light up, you managed to convince them that everything was fine, that you are fine.
 “How about we go to honeydukes on weekend? What do' ya think?” Fred asked the both of you while you were headed to your class. “Everything's on you?” I asked, that made him laugh. “No, of course not. I did not have a twin for nothing. Right Georgie?” he looked at George who was beside you, he chuckled and raised both of his hands acting like he was surrendering. “All right, fine, everything's on us. Besides, we got plenty from selling our products, eh Freddie?” George answered and both of them high fived each other while you just laughed while shaking your head.
You missed this feeling, a very carefree moment with the twins. After everything that has happened, Sirius Black and the dementors, it was seriously a mess.
You and Cedric haven’t talked yet, after what happened yesterday. The truth is it's not because you never wanted his help, you wanted it very much because right now, you needed him more than ever. But with the whole triwizard tournament clouding his head, you don’t want to be a burden for him, he was already too much for you to deserve yet he was still there.
“Y/n” a manly voice called your name from behind as you walk towards your next class. You didn’t have to turn around to find out who it is, you already know. A warm hand has touched your wrist and slowly walked in front of you.
“Can we please talk?” Cedric asked, you looked at his face and noticed the dark circles under his eyes and his hair was now messy, very different from his very clean hairstyle. He was a hot mess. You said nothing, you can’t word out how you felt, you were so guilty, you started blaming yourself because these past few days the two of you didn’t talk much, a supposed to be a nice talk will just turn into an argument. You shook your thoughts away and started walking, you were now dragging Cedric by the hand.
“Pine fresh” you said the password for the prefects’ bathroom, it opened up and you dragged Cedric to the further corner that even the portrait of the siren mermaid won’t notice the both of you. “What is it that you can keep after giving it to someone else?” You read the riddle in the door, after a few seconds of thinking you answered “Your word” and the door opened.
You still held Cedric’s hand tightly as you roamed your eyes, it was just a small room. No one ever knew this room hidden in the prefects’ bathroom, it has no definite password, just like the Ravenclaw’s common room you have to answer a riddle before you can enter. There’s not much in that room, only a four seater sofa, small table, a hanging cabinet and a fireplace. All the things here were vintage and the first time you discovered this was when you saw Cedric enter here in the Marauders map.
You sat in the sofa while Cedric leaned in the table, he knew you wanted space while talking to each other.
"I-" "Look-" You both started talking the same time that made you two look at each other.
Stared. You both just stared at each other for a minute until Cedric opened his manly arms, inviting you to a hug, you smiled, stood up and walked up to him.
You heard his heartbeat while leaning to his chest, it was in sync with yours. "Ced, I'm really sorry. I just really didn't want to be burden for you. With all these triwizard thing I just don't want to add to your plate" you said and tightened your wrap on his waist.
"You will never be a burden to me love, never" he answered that made you look up to his face, those gray eyes that can melt your soul.
"Of course, I'm an angel, why would I be a burden? That's so silly of me to think I'm a burden for a guy that literally asked me out" you teased that made the both of you laugh.
You just looked at each other's eyes, deeply, deeply, and the next thing you knew your arms were wrapped in his neck, you were tiptoeing while he crouched to reach your face. His hands were sliding back and forth from your waist to your hips while you were pressing your body to his.
Your kisses went deeper and deeper. He picked you up from your waist and made you sat in that simple wooden table he was leaning to earlier. You felt that raging hotness and craving for him and he was too. He was also wanting you.
Without breaking your kiss you wrapped your arms and legs to him, he walked to the sofa and laid you there.
He kissed your neck, slowly, while his hand roamed your thighs, you felt his soft but also rough hand due to the callouses.
"Shit" you let out a breathy moan as he hit that spot in your nape. He smirked and continued exploring your body. You started kissing again, it was aggressive this time, your tongues swirled each others', you can't get enough of this sensation even from the first time.
Your hands traced his back while you two continued to press each others lips, his soft lips you loved. You were too turned on that you bit his lip. He chuckled between your kisses as his hands started massaging your breasts.
"Do you want to?" He whispered in your ear as you kissed his neck.
You pulled away and nodded. He was about to kiss you again when you stood up.
"How about we do it with our uniforms on?" You asked teasingly as you sat on his lap. "Someone wants to try something huh?" He answered you and tucked your hair to the back of your ear. You nodded despite the different reason.
You don't want him to see it.
"All right then, your wish is my command" he replied and you grabbed his hufflepuff tie to seal a kiss. You were messing his hair while he was just there, opening a few buttons of your shirt for him to have access to your breast.
"Oh my, Ced" you moaned as he sucked your nipple while his one hand was caressing the other nipple. You started rubbing in, you can feel your underwear getting wet, but you can also feel his cock hardening. You rode, back and forth, rubbing your pussy to his cock while he sucked your boobs, and honestly, you would never get tired of this, of him.
You two were pressing each others lips again when you suddenly felt a hand was rubbing your clitoris,
"Your moan is something I can listen to everyday" he whispered again to your ears that made you more horny, his breath made you shiver, his hand in your clitoris was really giving it all.
"Put. It." You ordered when you can't take it anymore, you wanted him inside you. Now. "Calm down baby" he said as he slowly kissed your lips and just right after he licked his middle finger that he used to play with your clit. He loves seeing you wanting him so bad, he wants you too, so so bad.
"Bloody fuck!" You shouted as he entered you from behind, "I'm sorry!" Cedric panicked and was about to remove his dick from your inside but you said "Continue please…" with a breathy moan.
It was your idea, you didn't want to sit anymore, you wanted him to fuck you while you faced the wall.
The sound of your butt hitting his body made you feel something more, you wanted more. That sound of clapping did it, you were so turned on, so horny.
Cedric's hand was supporting you by holding your waist, while your hands were at the wall.
"Fuck! fuck!" Cedric moaned breathily while thrusting inside you. You can feel him inside you, it was like a fuel to a torch.
"I'm coming love!" You shouted when his thrust went rougher, "Me too, I'm taking it out alright?" He answered while squeezing your butt cheek, you nodded and you felt he let it out.
You expected dripping heat to your legs but what surprised you was Cedric's tongue swirling around your opening.
"Y/n…" he moaned as he explored your pussy, licking all that orgasm that made your eyes roll upward and after that you just looked down to be greeted by his gaze, enjoying your turned on face on your uniform.
"Make it quick Ced, my legs are losing its energy" you said while feeling your legs weakening from earlier round. Right after you said that, Cedric inserted his middle finger inside you, up and down it goes, and minutes later another orgasm was down to Cedric's throat.
Both of you never realized how long you made love inside that secret room with your uniforms on, but it was hella good.
"I love you, so much" Cedric whispered during your kiss, but this time it was pure, innocent, and full of love. "I love you more" you replied as you two ended the kiss.
You both leaned your forehead to each other while you closed your eyes. Both of you were panting.
“Dragons, that’s the first task” you said and sat beside Cedric at charms class. He looked around trying to be cautious if someone heard you. “What do you mean?” he asked you while you arranged your books.
You tucked some of your hair that was in your face behind your ear and stated “Ron told me earlier, it seems like everyone knows it already. I mean Harry, Fleur, and Viktor.” and you saw his confused face.
“Are you serious?” he wanted to make sure, dragons are not a joke, but also this triwizard tournament too. “Deadly” you declared and took a deep breath, now you have many things occupying your mind and it felt so overwhelming.
You felt Cedric’s hand wrapped yours beneath the table. “Everything’s going to be fine, don’t worry” he whispered and smiled sweetly to you. He must have noticed your troubled face.
And you wished, you wished that everything’s going to be fine but deep down you knew, it won't be.
You wanted to tell him everything, every single thought, but you can’t and you chose not to, even with the urge telling him all you just smiled at him and replied “I hope so”.
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futurewriter2000 · 4 years
Heartless - pt. 4
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A/N: Finally finished this at 1am in the morning. I can’t wait to go to bed. All the love <3
Oh, you had to love James. You really had to love James, hadn’t you? 
“JAMES!” you wanted to barge into the room but they were locked, so instead you started slamming your arm against it. “OPEN UP YOU GORMLESS WANKER!” you continued to slam as James on the other side widened his eyes at Sirius who was staring at the door, then at James. 
Sirius grinned and put down his book. “What did you do?” 
“I- uh-”
“I WILL B-B-BLOODY MURDER YOU!” you continued to scream.
“Bloody hell, mate.” Sirius laughed. “She’s seriously pissed.” 
“She’s delicate on the topic-” he stopped as he heard the door knob jiggle, widening his eyes in fear as you slammed the door open with a deadly look in your eyes, darted only to James and James only, who was backing away behind his bed. “Heeey... you look......clean.” 
Your eye twitched. “I am on my bloody period! I have back pain! AND YOU LEAVE ME WITH A FREEZING COLD WATER!?!” you bellowed through the room as Sirius only continued to look at you, wrapped in a large towel and your hair up in a bun. He hadn’t seen you like this before, not only half naked in front of him but also burning red from anger and screaming so loudly. “WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?! DO YOU HAVE A GOLDEN COCK OR SOMETHING TO USE THE WHOLE GODDAMN HOT WATER?!”
“I was shaving...” 
“Hey-” he pointed his finger at you as Sirius laughed, letting out small giggles. “I like to take time- you know I’m cold a lot of times... plus I told you I’m going to shower-”
“YOU ROTTEN SPOILED CHILD- LITTLE FUCKER-” you gripped your wand and pointed it at him as he did the same.
“You know the rules, (y/n)! No wand fighting! We promised mum. She’ll kill us if we break another wand-”
“She won’t have to kill you BECAUSE I WILL!”  you threw the wand away and started chasing him around the room with your hand tightly holding up the towel. 
The chase didn’t take long as your back started to hurt again, making you let out a small whimper and then with your hand losing the grip on the towel, you just stopped chasing him in general. 
“I’m telling dad.” you said as you made your way to the door.
“NO!” James ran after you, pulling you by the arm that held on to the towel around your naked body and pulling it with him.
“JAMES! GOD!” you tried to hide your naked body as James felt confused.
“I’ve seen you naked plenty of times when we were kid- OH!” he remembered that Sirius was standing right behind him. He wrapped  the towel around you as you grabbed it away from him.
“YOU BLOODY PILLOCK!” you slapped him on the back of the head.
“YOU’RE THE ONE STORMING INTO MY ROOM HALF NAKED!” he shouted back at you. “You know Pads-” he pointed at Sirius behind him, finding him looking at your legs. “HEY!” he snapped his fingers in front of Sirius and catching his attention. “Eyes up here, mate.” 
Sirius couldn’t help himself but back away with his hands up in defeat, looking at James, then glancing up at you with a small blush under his eyes. 
That same blush caused one to appear on your own cheeks but you tried to hide it behind the anger you were feeling as well. 
And just before James could say anything else that would put Sirius into more embarrassment, you crossed your hands over your chest and cut in. “I’m telling dad, James. He has the right to know that you’re using all the hot water-”
“UUUUHHHHHHHH!” you all heard a shout from the bathroom. “BLOODY HELL!”- it was your father taking the shower and you could never see fear spread faster in James’ eyes as it did that moment. “JAMES FLEAMONT POTTER- YOU BLOODY TWAT.” 
“I think he already knows.” you smirked, backing away from his room and giving Sirius one last glance before you disappeared into your room. 
James ran to his bed and started pulling out his things- most importantly, his cloak. “If he asks, I went for a run-”
“At 11pm?” 
“YES!” James shouted before looking at the source at the footsteps that approached and covered himself with the cloak. 
Fleamont made his appearance- not wrapped in a towel like you did but in black underwear and a shirt over. His eyes were filled with murder just as yours were before- now he knows who you get that feisty anger from. 
“Where is he?!” he roared through the room. “JAMES!” he shouted through the room. “I know you’re in here and I know you’re under a cloak. You can’t leave without getting past me.” 
“Can I leave?” Sirius asked uncomfortably, rubbing the back of his head but Fleamont didn’t budge, focusing on slight movement in the room that would give James up.
Sirius slipped out and grabbed his jacket, making his way out of the house before any yelling would start. 
He hated yelling in the house- for plenty of reasons. That was why it was best to just stay out of it. So he told Euphemia that he’s going for a short walk and be back soon. She gave him a comforting smile and nodded. 
He was walking along the trail, leading far into the field of nothingness. He preferred the grass touching him, hugging his shoulders and brushing along his fingertips as a tender summer breeze blew placidly against his face. 
And he smiled, throwing his head back to the day the two of you were standing together, holding together so close- the closest the two of you had since the two of you had known each other. He could still smell he coconut on your skin and the fresh shampoo from your soft hair. 
‘ “If you want to win her over- let her talk about what she loves and encourage her doing it.” he whispered in Sirius ear as he passed him by, gesturing a pencil between his fingers as he let out a laugh and left the three of you at the tree. 
Sirius looked up as the last rays of sunshine washed over your skin. Your hair was let down in wonderful waves- you put effort into your hair as much as you did into your light makeup, laying there and talking to James, observing him with adoration. 
You were stunningly graceful- always had been. “This is pretty good.” ... ‘
He didn’t even know where these thoughts and feelings for you were coming from but they seemed so pleasing to him. To think of you and smile, to see you and feel his heart flutter, to hear you and make his soul dance. Oh, he knew he was in trouble when he saw your naked body and feeling the need to tear that towel off as soon as you wrapped it back around yourself. 
He sat down on the grass and started rolling himself a cigarette, his mind on you during that whole process. When he lit it up, he laid on his back and let his eyes wander on the stars. 
‘It’s sure peaceful.’ - he thought to himself, inhaling and letting it scorch his throat before letting it out slowly. ‘You know there is something in our dynamic, me an you-’ he continued to think, imagine he was talking to you as an image of you appeared in front of his eyes. ‘- to be able to be so blunt to one another and still be there because of James and I know she hates me most of the time because of it but to see that frustrated look in her eyes; to see that nose wrinkle on its bridge and the way her cheeks rise up to her eyes, flooding with redness. The way your anger would wash over you, speak all the things nobody would- with her sharp tongue, cutting my heart every time but it feels good- being hurt by her and I don’t know why. Am I crazy to think that? Or is the way she hurts me the only hurt I want in my life. With her I know what to expect- I know she won’t hold back on words to call me but sometimes just to see her talk to me, to give me attention feels good-’
“I don’t know.” he sighed outloud, covering his eyes with his arm. “We’re so toxic for one another.”
‘But what about that night when she held you? Didn’t you feel it?’ - the voice in the back of his mind started speaking. ‘She’s not bad. It proved she’s not as heartless as she pretends to be around me. She was gentle for the first time towards me that time and it’s like- I loved it. I loved the way she held me and the way she smelled. I wanted to stay in that embrace of hers forever but I can’t think like that. She doesn’t fancy me. Plus she’s James’ sister. He would never be alright with this- not that it would ever happen.’
But the way you looked at him that night couldn’t get out of his head. He thought that maybe... maybe but you couldn’t. He was imagining this. You could never... you were just being a friend, just like James. Just because you are a girl doesn’t change anything. James probably looks at him like that all the time.
No, Sirius. 
“Yeah, no.” he let out a laugh, grimacing a bit then thinking of James again. “I mean... no.” he stopped thinking, smoking the entire thing and shoving it into the grass. 
He stood up and started making his way back.
When he entered the house, he immediately looked up at the clock that told him it was almost midnight. He closed the door gently and went to hang his jacket on the hanger but as he did that, as quiet as possible, he heard some clattering in the living room. He peered in and saw you rocking on the sofa, holding over your stomach and shaking a bit. 
“Hey.” he came close to you as you shot your head to him. “Are you alright? You’re shivering.” he put his hand on your shoulder.
“Oh, yeah. It’s just cold and I’m waiting for the water to boil for my  hot-water bottle.” you smiled. 
“Hot water-bottle?” 
“It’s for my cramps. It’s really helpful.” you continued to smile, despite the fact how much your cramps were clenching you from the inside. 
He made his way to sit next to you, pulling his sweater off him and offering it to you. “You know you’re really pale from the pain?” he offered you a gentle smile as you eyed the sweater. “Oh, come off it, (y/n). It’s just a sweater.” 
“I know- it’s just. I’m not used to it. Caring Sirius, I mean. ” you took the sweater from his hands and put it on yourself, finding the long sleeves fall off your arms and making you let out a giggle. “I can totally smack you with these.” you started flopping them around, causing him to laugh. 
“What happened to James?” 
“He’s pouting in his room.” you glanced at the stairs. “Dad told him that he’s going to work with him on the garden for mum. Some hard labor.” 
“James and hard labor?” Sirius laughed. “I’ll believe it when I see it.”
“Exactly!” you let out a laugh, letting the conversation die into the silence.
“How’s your back?” he asked and you looked at him.
“Oh, fine. I didn’t take the pills today, if that makes you happy?”
“Oh, I’m quite jolly as you can see.” 
“Like you were when James pulled the towel off me?” you eyed him and saw his cheeks sunk into a pool of roses. You let out a laugh and pushed him a bit. “I’m just teasing you.” 
“Don’t.” he rubbed the back of his neck and tried to laugh it off by looking away. Before anything else could be said, the water started boiling and Sirius jumped to his feet. “I’ll get that.”
“It’s not a doorbell, you know.”
“I know!” he shouted from the kitchen and fanning his heat from his cheeks. You can’t know. It’s just embarrassing. He looked at the water and around the kitchen. “How exactly does a hot water bottle look like?” he asked, still looking around. 
“It’s like a sock with a purple owl knitted in!” you shouted from the other room.
“What?!” he exclaimed, furrowing his eyebrows and looking around the room until he saw a sock and a purple owl knitted in. “I can’t pour this into a sock- oh!” he let out a laugh, seeing as the sock was holding a bag made of silicone. “Nevermind.” he said and grabbed the sock, hearing you laugh in the other room. 
It made him smile, hearing you laugh- especially if he was the one making you laugh. It made his heart flutter like it did before. 
He was falling in love with you. This was far from good. He has to stop- stop romanticising you. 
He came back into the living room with the sock and found you curled up in the sofa, with his sweater and your hair let down, which weren’t before, he felt water get caught in his throat. 
He licked his dry lips and smiled. “Here you go, madam.” he placed it into your lap and plopped himself down on the sofa casually. 
“What a gentleman.” you smiled, placing the sock on your uterus and then looking at him. “You should serve me more. It makes being pissed at you a little harder to manage.” 
“Don’t get used to it, Potter but you’re right. We should enjoy this moment of us being normal for once.” 
“Normal, yes.”
“Wouldn’t believe we could ever manage that- if you asked me this a month or so ago. I think I’d just laugh.” 
“Yeah... it’s kind of exhausting though.”
“Yeah. We had to rest a bit.”
“We’re getting old.”
“Speak for yourself, Black.”
“You speak for yourself- you with your back in the age range of 80.” he mocked and you laughed.
“That’s because of you.” you poked his shoulder and he looked at you confused. “You threw me on the floor, you twat.” you poked him again.
“That’s why your back hurts?” Sirius tone got a bit lower and his eyes filled with guilt- guilt you didn’t see.
“Well, let’s hope it’ll stop before school starts. I really do feel like an 80 year old woman at times.” you laughed, getting on your feet with your sock. “And this grandma has to go sleep soon. You should too.” you turned to him and found him watching you there. “You alright, Sirius?” 
He twitched, getting back from his thoughts and looking at you, getting his broad smile back on. “Yeah... yeah. Goodnight, (y/n). Sleep well.” 
“You too.” you smiled, feeling your heart flutter as he smiled. “Goodnight, Sirius.” 
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Love - Sirius Black
Pairing - Young!Sirius Black x fem!Reader
Requested? - Yes, by Anon 
Word Count - 1.6k
Warnings - A few swear words? James is a bit mean,  
A/N - Thank you for your request! I had a lot of fun writing this
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At the end of sixth year was when Sirius had fallen in love with Y/N. And not just some sort of silly crush, or love that doesn’t mean anything. He was properly in love. He had never felt this way about anyone before. His reputation as a womaniser precedes him, everywhere he went he was constantly judged for his prior actions when he was younger and dumber. However, in Sirius’ mind, there would be no other. No next girl he could move on to once he was done with Y/N. Y/N was the one, he was sure of it. 
Sirius had barely seen Y/N over summer, him and James had been so focused on what mischief they could get up to in their final year at Hogwarts. He made sure that he saw Y/N a handful of times, they went on a few dates throughout the break to various places, but this was the first time they could be around each other for a prolonged period of time. 
To the surprise of most of the school, Y/N and Sirius arrived at the annual sorting ceremony/welcome back feast together. Most people had assumed that Sirius and Y/N has broken up, due to his track record with women, however when they entered the great hall they were holding hands, a demonstration of their stable relationship. In preparation for the new year, girls had already started lining themselves up for Sirius’ affection, yet then they learnt they wasted their time. He wasn’t interested. They glared daggers at Y/N, for living a life they could only wish they had. 
It was coming up to the end of September. Outside of class hours, James, or any of the other marauders for that matter, had barely seen Sirius in the past month. He had been spending all his free time with Y/N, sneaking out late at night and arriving back in his bed in the early hours of the morning while the other boys slept. Obviously he was glad to be around his friends again, he just wanted to spend as much time as he could with Y/N. He was well and truly smitten, there was no denying that. 
James couldn’t help but feel some sort of jealousy. Like he was losing his best friend to Y/N. This was ridiculous, of course, but James could be attention seeking and missed Sirius. They had spent so much time together over summer due to Sirius living with him, that he almost forgot that Sirius had other people in his life that he cared about. He wouldn’t have minded so much, it just seemed that Sirius was so preoccupied with Y/N that he was abandoning his friends, he was abandoning him. 
Sirius and Y/N were by the black lake having a picnic when James approached the lovers. Y/N had her head in Sirius’ lap, while he stroked her hair softly. Idle chatter between them lost in the mid autumn breeze. The approaching footsteps, made apparent by the crunching of the red leaves, caused Y/N to sit up in surprise. 
‘Hi Sirius, Y/N, it’s good to see you both’ James said, irritation blatantly appearing on his features. His tone of voice was harsh, not too much to cause alarm, but it was hardly subtle either. 
‘James, we’re sort of in the middle of something, can we talk later?’ Sirius asked, looking up at his best friend.
‘No, Sirius. No we can’t. None of us have barely seen you in the past month, you’re sneaking off and spending all your time with Y/N. It’s like you’ve forgotten we exist, since you’ve had her.’ James stated, his eyes staring into Y/N’s soul on his final few words. Y/N became incredibly uncomfortable, tensions rising around the three of them. Sirius shot James a look of disapproval, begging him not to get Y/N involved. James, understanding what Sirius meant through his actions, decided to ignore him. He was so jealous, so full of anger that his best friend had been ripped away from him.
Looking at Y/N again, these words fell from James’ mouth before he could even comprehend what he was saying. ‘When are you going to get sick and tired of her Sirius? We’re all waiting for you to leave her. If she’s anything like the others then she’s just one of your whores who you don’t care for, right?’ 
Before Y/N could even understand what was said, Sirius had punched James in the face. ‘Don’t you dare speak to her like that, now piss off, we’re busy’ he said, grabbing Y/N by the wrist and pulling her away, leaving James on the grass, stunned at the whole ordeal.
When James arrived in the Gryffindor common room, a small amount of blood coming from his probably fractured nose, he looked around for any sign of the marauders. He noticed Remus sitting in a chair by the fire reading a book. Sirius was nowhere to be seen, and Peter was probably sleeping in his room. With no choice but to talk to Remus, James approached him apprehensively, hoping he was unaware of the entire situation. Unfortunately for James, he was not. Sirius had already come by the common room to talk to Remus about the entire ordeal, hoping he could talk some sense into James.  
Remus closed his book, the sound of the pages fluttering together as they were firmly shut. He looked up at James, disappointment evident on his features. 
‘Do you know how utterly imbecilic you are?’ He asked, his voice sharp and displeased. James looked down, embarrassment upon his face, as if he were being scolded by his parents for misbehaving. Remus continued, ‘Not only do you have the audacity to confront Sirius about his whereabouts, but you also insult his girlfriend’ Remus stood up, coming face to face with James. ‘I don’t know if you’ve noticed, probably not being so wrapped up in your own self entitled existence, but Sirius is in love with her. He stopped drinking heavily and relying on cigarettes to get him through the day. All because of her’
James felt so stupid. How had he not noticed? Sure, he realised Sirius was a lot less reliant on alcohol and cigarettes to function, but it never occurred to him to wonder what inspired him to make this change. 
‘I know he’s not been around as much as you’d like him to be, but he was so worried about you not liking Y/N that he decided it would be easier to keep their romantic endeavours separate to our friendship with him’ 
James let out a deep breath. Everything made sense. Merlin, he was an idiot. He gave a quick thanks to Remus and headed out, attempting to find Sirius and Y/N.
Once they noticed James picking himself up and walking back to the castle, Y/N and Sirius returned to their spot by the lake. Sirius noticed how troubled Y/N was by the whole situation, so he decided the best thing to do was pull her in for a hug. 
‘I’m sorry for what he said, it really isn’t true. It’ll all be ok, my love. I promise’ Sirius whispered into her ear, feeling tears stain his shirt. He closed his eyes, resting his chin on Y/N’s head, the lovers falling into a steady rhythm, breaths synchronised. 
They lay there in each other’s arms, until a figure loomed over them, blocking out the sunlight. Sirius opened his eyes to be met with the image of the last person he wanted to see right now.
‘James. What do you want?’ He grumbled, understandably annoyed. 
‘I wanted to apologise for what I said. I didn’t mean it and i’m sorry. I guess I was just jealous of not seeing you Sirius, and I shouldn’t have taken that out on the both of you. I can clearly see how happy the two of you are and I wish I could take back what I said’ He mumbled out, taking a seat next to the couple on the fresh grass.
Y/N nodded her head, a small squeak of ‘I forgive you’ coming out of her mouth. 
‘You do?’ James asked, his curiosity peaking.
Y/N mumbled something which sounded like a yes, which caused James to sigh out of relief. 
‘Good, because i’d quite like to get to know you Y/N. I hope we can put this behind us and become friends one day’
As the afternoon progressed into the evening, the three sat together under the glaring sun, learning more about each other. Y/N and James discovered they got along far more than Sirius could have hoped for. He was a little intimidated by how well they got on, both of them deep in conversation about the best way to prank someone. But he was grateful that they did get along. 
When Harry was born, there was only one choice in James and Lily’s minds of who should be the godparents. It was obvious. Sirius and Y/N had been there throughout every major moment of their adult life so far. They were there at the wedding, as the best man and maid of honour, it was only fitting they were now the godparents of his first born. They trusted the couple with their life, it only made sense they did the same with their son. If there ever came a time in the future  where something happened to James and Lily, they knew Harry would be safe with Sirius and Y/N. 
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tricksters-captain · 4 years
Weasley Twins/Cedric Diggory Imagines - Accidental Meeting - Part 4
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AN: As you read this take into consideration that things are changed from the books/movie plots in order to fit my storyline together. This chapter is quite short but I’ll have another up soon!!
Overall Summary: (Y/n), is a young witch who always kept her head down due to her complicated past; one day she bumps quite literally into one of the most popular boys in Hogwarts, Cedric Diggory, and that’s when (Y/n)’s plan of keeping her head down seems to go up into the air. Things only seem to worsen when two redheaded twins start to take notice too...
This Chapter: Remus tries to talk to (y/n) about her Boggart experience but  when news is out that Sirius Black is inside the castle there are other problems at hand...
Pairing(s): Cedric Diggory x Reader, (Eventual) George Weasley x Reader, (Platonic) Fred Weasley x Reader, (Platonic) Oliver Wood x Reader
Word Count: 2,606
Warnings: Some language, angst 
Lupin guided you to his office, his arm comfortingly wrapped around you still. 
He offered you a seat and a glass of water which you took. 
“Now, (y/n), I’ll admit I was curious to see what the boggart would turn into for you but I didn’t expect to see what I did.” Lupin confessed, sitting on the edge of his desk as he folded his hands on his lap. 
“What? My mother?” You scoffed, taking a sip of the cool water. 
“Not exactly.” Remus’s eyes flickered from his hands up to your face. “I believe that what you fear is not your mother or your father, (y/n). I believe you fear becoming like them.” 
“Excuse me?” You were taken back by the professors bold confession. 
“The boggart may have taken the shape of your mother but it was very clear that the arm that the boggart reached towards you with was the arm that usually bares the dark mark.” Remus started to explain his theory. “I may be new (y/n), but I do hear the whispers that go around the students. Now, your parents were very impressive dark wizards and they did terrible things but just because you are their blood, does not mean you are like them.”
“It’s easy enough to say that but people don’t understand. They hear my name and all I see is fear.”
“You are in charge of your own path, things may happen that will change things sometimes but at the end of the day, when it all comes down to it, you are who you choose to be.” Remus’ words only passed through your head, you were still too shaken from the experience to really absorb his advice. 
“May I be excused, sir?” You didn’t know how to respond to his previous speech and wanted to just be alone for a little while. 
“Think about what I said.” Remus opened his office door for you, leaning on it as he waited for you to walk out. “Your parents are far away from here, don’t let them control your life, (y/n).”
You sent the professor a forced smile as you left. 
You didn’t want to be around anyone which didn’t exactly help as everywhere you could go people would be; the common room, your dorm, the library etc. 
“Miss Seyler!” McGonagall’s voice echoed down the staircase as she saw you start to descend them. “Miss Seyler, may I have a word?” 
You slowed and waited for your head of house to reach you. 
“What can I do for you, professor?” You asked her politely even though you just wanted to run off across the grounds to avoid any more confrontation. 
“It’s not what you can do for me, Miss Seyler, it’s what can I do for you...” She corrected you, “I heard about the incident in class with the boggart from one of your fellow students and I wanted to know if you’d like me to speak with the other professors about talking to the students and telling them to stop discussing your kin?” 
You knew she meant well but the last thing you needed was for students to think you were weak and pathetic by getting the teachers to practically ban any talk about your parents.  
“Honestly, Professor, it wasn’t that great of a deal. I’m fine.” You tried to convince her but her glasses shifted on her nose as she scrunched her brow in disbelief. 
“Miss Seyler, now I know you prefer to keep your head down and out of things but it’s becoming increasingly obvious that your fellow students are talking about you, spreading false rumours and if I’m being honest almost scaring the younger years and I won't have it.” McGonagall confessed. 
“Professor, whilst I appreciate the fact you care about what’s happening. I’m sure it won’t be long until somebody else takes the limelight for a little while. Most likely, Harry Potter and his two friends.” You were trying to sound positive but you weren’t sure it was working. 
“I’m going to discuss this with Albus and mark my words, Miss Seyler, this bullying will not be tolerated.” And with that McGonagall excused herself. 
You audibly groaned at the thought of Dumbledore suggesting that students should be told not to discuss your family but you had some relief in knowing that Dumbledore would be the last person to stop people having conversations especially about people they should be worried about like your parents and the Dark Lord. 
You watched McGonagall rush down the stairs most likely to try and grab Dumbledore before supper. 
You tightened your grip on your book bag as you decided where was the safest place to avoid people for the next couple hours and you settled on one of the archways near the schools entrance. No one would be leaving the castle with supper so close and it was a weekday so students would have to return to their common rooms afterwards to study for the evening.
You swiftly found a place inside an arch, pulling out your uncles letter and reading it again. 
You sighed, lowering the letter as you thought about your uncle and the stress he must be under at home all alone. You looked out across the grounds as the wind softly blowed past you, it was cold with it being the end of October but you weren't bothered too much by it as the arch sheltered you somewhat.
The smells from the kitchens and great hall filled the wind and made your stomach rumble. You knew you’d have to dig into your stash of treats later on and possibly harass Wood for some of his trunk full of snacks.
 As you scanned across the grounds, you spotted a large black dog off to the side of the school.
You thought it must've been one of Hagrid's new adoptions but Hagrid was no where to be seen. 
You watched it sneak along a wall until it stopped and looked towards you. 
You knew it was looking directly at you. You could feel it. 
The black dog narrowed its eyes at you before slipping round a corner and disappearing. 
A strange shiver rolled down your spine but you shrugged it off as you tucked your letter away and pulled out one of your potions books. 
“Blimey, Miss Seyler, what are you doing out here? Shouldn’t you be in the great hall for supper like everyone else?” Hagrid’s voice brought you from your book and as you looked towards the clock tower you saw you had been sat there for an hour already. 
“Guess I just got sucked into my book.” You lied, you didn’t need to tell him you didn’t want to be in supper. 
“Well, you best run along, it’s getting dark out. Don’t wanna be getting into trouble now.” Hagrid gestured towards the sunset and you gathered your things to do as he said. 
“Hagrid?” You suddenly remembered the large black dog, “Do you have another dog? Besides Fang?” 
“No, why?” Hagrid shook his bushy head, 
“Its just I saw a large black dog on the grounds earlier. I just thought he was yours.” You explained, pointing to where you saw it. 
“It’s prob’ly a creature from the forrest, I suspect. Sometimes, they get too close to the castle, I’m sure Dumbledore will sort it out if it happens again.” Hagrid didn't seem too bothered by the news so you felt more relaxed at the sighting. 
“Okay, see you later, Professor.” 
“I’m still not used to the sound of that.” Hagrid beamed as you bid him goodbye.
As you went further into the castle you could hear the chatter and footsteps of students leaving supper so you just took yourself back to the common room. 
When you started to climb the stairs, you noticed some kind of backlog. 
“What's going on?” Harry Potter stood in front of you with his friendship group. 
“Probably Neville forgot the password again.” Ron grumbled, 
“Hey.”Neville Longbottom spoke up from behind the boys.
“Oh, you're there.” Ron didn’t exactly apologise for the remark.
“Let me through, please. Excuse me! I'm Head Boy! Get back, all of you. No one is to enter this dormitory until it's been searched.” Percy Weasley announced from the top of the stairs by the common room entrance.
“The Fat Lady! She's gone!” Ginny Weasley, the twins youngest sibling, rushed through the crowd to tell Ron, Harry and Hermione. 
“Serves her right. She was a terrible singer.” Ron remarked, 
“It's not funny, Ron.” Hermione scolded him. 
“Keep calm, everyone.  Be quiet.” Percy continued shouting above all the muttering. 
“Excuse me.” Dumbledore passed you as Percy announced his arrival. 
“Make way. The headmaster's here.” 
You watched the headmaster reach the top of the stairs to see the painting was torn and the fat lady really was missing. 
“Mr. Filch? Round up the ghosts. Tell them to search every painting in the castle to find the Fat Lady.” Dumbledore told Filch as Filch clung onto his cat, scanning around at the surrounding paintings. 
“There's no need for ghosts, Professor. The Fat Lady's there.” Filch found her quickly as he pointed up the wall. 
There was a sudden commotion of people rushing to see followed by Dumbledore dodging his way through students to reach her. 
“Dear lady, who did this to you?” Dumbledore asked as she hid behind a hippo in a safari painting. 
“Eyes like the devil, he's got, and a soul as dark as his name. It's him, headmaster. The one they all talk about. He's here, somewhere in the castle!” She rambled, still frightened out of her wits. “Sirius Black!” 
The name sent ripples through the surrounding students as they began to panic. 
“Secure the castle, Mr. Filch. The rest of you, to the Great Hall.” Dumbledore summoned all students to the great hall. 
“There you are, I’ve been looking all over for you.” Oliver grabbed hold of your arm as he squeezed his way through some third years in the great hall. 
“I was––”
“Silence! Now, as you may have heard, Sirius Black has been sighted inside the castle. Now, the castle is going to be searched by the staff but for now, I wish all students to remain in here until further notice.” Dumbledore waved his wand and all the benches began to stack themselves to the side as a stack of sleeping bags and pillows piled in the corner. 
“Guess we are spending the night in here.” One of the third years whispered to their friends. 
“No one shall leave this hall unattended. Anyone who requires the use of the bathrooms will be accompanied by a teacher or prefect.” Dumbledore finished his announcement before leaving the great hall with Snape, McGonagall and Filch.
You noticed Percy and Penelope had taken it upon themselves to start handing out the sleeping bags and pillows so you and Oliver got in line for one. 
“Why weren’t you at dinner this evening?” Oliver didn’t waste any time with the questions. 
“Something happened, I didn’t feel like being surrounded by gossip.” You muttered to him, keeping your voice low so no one could eavesdrop. 
“I heard something about––” 
“––Can we not discuss it right now?” You cut the boy short, sending him a look of warning. 
You took your bedding and made your way over to a space in the hall. 
You pretended not to notice the small gatherings of people discussing both your classroom incident and Sirius Black from each corner of the hall. 
“Are you actually going to tell me what’s going on with you or do I have to get the twins to annoy you so much you have to come and talk to me?” Oliver cocked his eyebrows at you as he laid his sleeping bag down and sat on top of it. 
“It’s a long story.” You sighed, doing the same.
“Well, it looks like we are gonna be here all night so I’d start talking now.” 
You were thankful you still had your book bag with you as you dug through it and pulled out Demetrius’ letter. 
“Well I guess we’ll start with the beginning of the day.” You handed him the letter so he could read it whilst you eyed around the hall to make sure no one was paying too much attention to the two of you. 
“He thinks your parents could escape? Do you think the Ministry could be hiding something from him?” Oliver whispered, handing back the letter. 
“I’m not sure. He’s always been paranoid but it doesn’t seem quite right. I feel like they could be lying about their new security being so high.” You put the letter away quickly before anyone could spot it or someone nosey like Snape.
You quietened down when the twins came over with several other Gryffindor boys to join you and Wood. 
You were thankful you had a book with you so you could ignore anymore conversations. You didn’t want to think about Sirius Black or how he even got into the castle in the first place. It only made you feel more nervous. 
As the hours passed, the chatter died down and soon the snoring started. 
You lied beside Oliver, both of you still awake but tucked into your sleeping bags. 
“I heard about the boggart.” Wood whispered, moving onto his side to face you.  
You pursed your lips into a thin line and sighed quietly, moving onto your side to do the same. 
“It was her. My mother.” You whispered back, “It seemed so real.”
“That’s why they’re scary bastards but it was just a boggart.” Oliver reassured you. 
“I know. Professor Lupin spoke to me after I ran out of the room. He was telling me something about how I shouldn’t listen to what everyone says about me being like them. He told me the boggart wasn’t even my mother but the fear of being like her.” You leant closer to Olivers pillow to speak as the light snores of surrounding students weren’t quite loud enough to hide your discussion.
“And what do you think?” Oliver asked, 
“I don’t know. I just know I never want to see her in front of me again.” You confessed, your eyes growing dark with anger and concern. 
“You won’t have to.” Oliver tried to say confidently but after Sirius Black, who really knew what could happen. 
Both yours and Olivers heads turned when one of the doors opened, letting in the light from the corridor outside. 
You spotted Cedric guiding some first year out of the hall and towards the bathroom. You almost forgot he was a prefect.
“You know what I also heard today?” Oliver had more amusement in his voice now. 
“What?” You whispered, turning your head back to face him. 
“I heard that Diggory walked you to charms earlier. I also heard you two were tucked away privately in a corner of the library.” Oliver wiggled his eyebrows at you and you reached across to pinch him. 
Oliver hissed, rubbing his arm before laughing quietly at your actions.
“He’s not who I would pick for you but at least, he’s a good quidditch player, I’ll give him that.” Oliver’s comment made you roll over with a quiet groan. 
“Who said you even get any say in who I choose to spend time with?” You whispered over your shoulder. 
“Well I am your closest friend after all.” Wood swiftly replied. You couldn’t help but know that was the truth. 
“Goodnight Oliver.” You didn’t want to admit he was right so you ended the conversation there. 
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@viirgobbyy​ @itsfangirlmendes​ @obsessedunicorn24​ @rye-li​ @thealienplace​
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startanewdream · 4 years
A (last) bit of hope
Summary:  In which Remus laments over his requited love and Sirius comes to give him some sense, one last time, as the best friend he is. Set during Order of the Phoenix, missing moment of them discussing relationships and what it should mean to be alive.
Read on AO3 or below the cut:
'You are hiding'.
Sirius's voice echoes in the room, but Remus doesn't turn to him, same as he didn't move when the door opened and the bright light from the hall illuminated the small room he is in.
His hand continues to carefully brush the feathers of the sleeping hippogriff, just as he'd done for the last fifteen minutes.
'You can't hide here', Sirius continues, when Remus doesn't answer. His voice is light and teasing. ''That's my hiding spot. Go find somewhere else'.
It's supposed to be a joke and Remus thinks he was supposed to find good that Sirius' humour is better, but he doesn't laugh.
There is another moment of silence.
'Are you going to ignore me?', asks Sirius, sounding annoyed now. He was always sensible about people not noticing him..
'I am not', Remus assures distractedly. 'I am just concentrating on my task'.
'Merlin, you sound like a prefect all over again. " I can't go, Prongs, I need to finish these reports, they are soooo important"'.
This brings a small smile to Remus' lips.
'From what I remember, I used to go with you anyway'.
'You were just playing hard so you didn't feel so guilty. You obviously wanted to come with us'.
'Yeah, but then I had to wake at dawn to really finish those reports', Remus points out, raising his eyebrows to stare at Sirius, but Sirius doesn't seem impressed.
Well, he never really managed to make Sirius feel guilty, and, in any case, Sirius knows him well enough to know Remus doesn't regret his choices in school.
He'd trade any report for one more night with his friends. There weren't enough of those nights.
Sirius comes to his side, stroking gently the hippogriff’s head; even in his sleep, the animal seems to relax at Sirius' touch. There is one of the strangest friendships Remus has ever seen, and he once knew of a group of a werewolf, a dog, a stag, and a rat.
'Moody and Tonks have arrived', Sirius says in a nonchalant voice that doesn't fool Remus for a second.
He also knows Sirius very well.
He just nods, careful to avoid looking in Sirius' direction so it's more difficult for Sirius to read him. Won't work, Remus thinks, but he can try.
He just doesn't want Sirius to see that Remus already knows they've arrived - that she arrived. He'd heard the sound of noise in the hall, had heard Mrs. Black's cries echoing through the house and he had known Tonks was there - she always kicked the umbrella stand, so charmingly clumsy. It was fourteen days since he'd last seen her - he wonders if she still keeps her hair pink, if she had asked about him, if she...
He shakes his head, admonishing himself for letting his thoughts roam free. He'd promised himself he wasn't going to think about her - no matter the fact she still appeared in his dreams, where he couldn't control - hadn't wanted to control, because in his dreams there were no problems and they could be together, and if dreams were all he had...
'You got that look, mate'.
Remus' head snaps in Sirius' direction, but Sirius isn't even looking at him. He's smirking, though, like a cat that knows it caught the mouse.
Or rather a dog with a wolf, in their case.
'I don't know what you mean', says Remus with all the dignity he can muster, hoping his tone is enough to let Sirius drop the matter for once.
It's not, but then again Sirius was never one to drop the bone.
'The wolf-in-love look', Sirius explains helpfully. 'That one that makes you look like a puppy, or, well, more like a dog that needs to be neutered, you know, when the dog is all over the place with his -'
'I get the idea, thanks, no need to go on'.
Sirius chuckles.
'Well, that look. And considering the reason for your lovesickness is downstairs, I don't know what you are still doing here'.
'I am just busy', Remus whispers without any conviction. 'Since Buckbeak isn't flying outside, most caretakers recommend -'
'Moony, I appreciate your top grades in Care of Magical Creatures - we seemed to find it rather ironically, if I remember correctly -, but you are avoiding the subject here... Merlin, you were really hiding, weren't you?'
Sirius is staring at him concentrated now, and Remus wishes he'd thought of another place to hide. Well, not to hide , he wasn't doing that; he was just in search of a safe place to be while he avoids a beautiful temptation in the form of a twenty-three years old woman who has (most of the time) bright pink hair and makes his heart beat faster.
Also, a place where he doesn't have old friends that know him too well.
'What's going on?', Sirius asks at least. 'Two weeks ago you were offering to do anything if it were with Tonks - you took the Knight Bus to Scotland to be alone with her, for heaven's sake - and now you don't even want to see her?'
'I wasn't -', he begins but Sirius' lifted eyebrows make him lose his courage to lie. 'I just need some time alone'.
'Remus -', now Sirius' voice is sounding really concerned, and for a moment Remus is taken back to the Hospital Wing in Hogwarts in his Third Year, waking up to see James and Sirius around his bed, looking at him worriedly after one of his worst nights. They had refused to leave his bedside then. 'I thought it was just the full moon last week, but it's something else, isn't it?'. Sirius pauses, then he looks troubled as some thought crosses his mind. 'Did she - I thought Tonks was also - are you hurt?'
Remus shakes his head, denying it. That's the problem, really, he is not hurt. He is the opposite of it, because he is in love and he never felt that exhilaration before, never believed in it really, even though he'd seen people fall in love before.
It just had never seemed like something that could have happened to Remus.
It can't happen , he says to himself, you and her, it can never be . You can't be in love.
Except Remus never really had a choice in it. It had just…Happened.
'I'm going to call her here if you don't tell me, Moony'.
'She fancies me. We were on this mission together a couple of weeks ago, she was saying that you are still handsome even after everything, and I lost control, I got jealous and stupid and then Tonks - she - she told me if I stopped being sorry for myself, I’d see it was me that - that she fancied’.'
The words slip out of Remus' lips without him controlling it, and the only thing he thinks is that he isn't really telling the truth.
She told him she is in love with him. Not just fancying him.
In love.
Still, Sirius beams.
'Good hippogriffs, that's great! I’m glad to know I’m still handsome, but I’m so happy for -'
'It's not "great", Padfoot. It's… it's bad'.
'But you fancy her too' says Sirius confused, and Remus wishes that his feelings for Tonks hadn't slipped out in a drunk confession to Sirius when they were overcelebrating New Year's.
'My feelings don't matter'.
'Of course they do', Sirius says critically. 'You've been pinning all over her, with that gentle sad smile that's your charm, and now that Tonks actually reciprocates your feelings, they don't matter?'
'I never… I never thought -'
'That she could like you back, I know, but guess what? She does’..
'She shouldn't, I mean, look at her and - and look at me'.
He shrugs.
'Kind of opposites attract maybe. She is lovely, you are a git'.
'I'm being serious'. When Sirius opens his mouth, his eyes already shining with the joke, Remus raises his hand to stop him. 'Not now, Sirius. I mean it, look at me and tell me what you see?'
He sighs.
'A very fine gentleman, with greyish hair that looks actually distinguished, lines of experience in his face and, as James once said, deep green eyes that can see your soul'.
This distracts Remus for a minute.
'I think he was talking about Lily, Padfoot'.
'No, pretty sure it was you. He didn't have that goofy face he had when he was thinking of Lily. But he was actually pissed, so who knows -'
'My point is that what you see is an unemployed thirty-six years old man who lives in his friend's mother's house with no perspective of life… and I'm a werewolf'.
As he expected, the last phrase makes Sirius scowls, annoyed.
'Except for your age, none of it is your fault'.
'Doesn't change the fact it's true'.
'Well, true or not, she doesn't seem to care'.
'But it does. Me and Tonks - we - we can't be together'.
Sirius looks at him as if Remus had grown another head.
'I don't get you, Moony. You spent one year getting to know her, finding any excuse to be here when she returns from her watches, volunteering to missions that sounded boring even to me who would do anything to get out of this hell… and for what?'
Remus resists the urge to grab his hair and pull it out. None of his friends - none of the Marauders - seemed to ever truly understand what he was; they always seemed to put Remus on a pedestal that reality would crush.
'It was supposed to be platonic. It was supposed to be me letting myself just dream and enjoying her presence until - until she would meet a nice young handsome Auror and then -'
'How much firewhiskey did you drink?'
'You must be drunk to be so out of your mind. My cousin has been smitten with you ever since she fell the first day and you offer her your hand, like a prince'.
'But I'm not the prince, I'm the mons -'
'Don't you dare, Remus', Sirius cuts him off, with a growl that makes Buckbeak wake, nervous. 'We forbade you a long time ago of calling yourself a monster'.
Remus thinks of their Second Year, of the night he came back to the Boy’s dormitories to hear his friends telling him they knew of his secret - he'd been so ashamed and scared, unable to meet anyone's eyes, promising them he would leave and telling them he was sorry for being a monster.
('You are not a monster!', Sirius had said, grabbing him by the shoulders and making Remus look in his direction. 'Don't ever say that again!'. And then James and Peter were there too. 'You just have a furry little problem', James had added, with that easy crooked grin that had first drawn Remus to him. 'And above all, you are our friend. If you ever want to define yourself, remember what you are. A Marauder')
'A half-breed, then', he says tiredly.
'That's Umbitch talking, and I refuse to hear anything that cow says, Moony'.
'I'm not human, not really'.
'Give me your hand'.
Remus blinks, puzzled, but he offers his hand anyway. Sirius puts his hand over his.
'See? Very much the same. Five fingers. Normal skin. Human'.
'Once a month -'
'Once a month I used to turn into a dog. How normal is that? Tonks changes her hair colour twice a day . Talk about normal, who wants to be normal?'
Sirius sighs.
'You are boringly normal, Remus. You are just a typical guy that once a month becomes intolerable, but if I could bet Tonks also has this kind of day'.
'I am too old for her'.
'I would say that age means experience, but you are so old-fashioned that it wouldn't even be true… so I'll say wines are better the longer they are left alone on the barrels'.
Sirius seems very satisfied with his metaphor, but Remus doesn't smile.
'She is too young'.
'She is a grown-up adult, you know that, right? Tonks can make her own decisions, even if it means falling for old grumpies such as you'.
'Not helping, Sirius'.
'I'm trying. You were the one who was good at helping people feel better - or was it James? Both of you were better than me, anyway. What I mean is that you are both adults, so anything you consent to is valid'.
'I'm too poor'.
'I've heard Aurors are paid well, so she can totally support you both… Ok, not helping, I know. But I mean it, stop being old-fashioned in this at least. Money is not an issue, and once this is over, you will get a normal decent paid job with three days-off every month'.
That surprises Remus, making him stop and smile for real now. He can hear the optimism in Sirius' voice, and after one year in that bloody house, with Sirius being more and more recluse and upset, it's nice to see him hoping for once.
Even if it's a vain hope, one that Remus cannot see himself.
'Now can you stop hiding? Do you know what James would have said if he saw you like that?'
' "If you want to hide you should have taken my Invisibility Cloak, Moony"?'
Sirius laughs loudly, even if there is a hint of sadness in his tone, the same one that is always there when he is thinking of Prongs.
Almost fifteen years later and it's evident that Sirius still misses his best friend like if he died taking a part of him.
It's a feeling Remus shares, but he thinks it's easy for him. He feels grief, not guilt.
'He'd have kicked you in the arse', Sirius says when he stops chuckling. 'And tell you that if he had the nerve to ask Lily out when it was more likely she'd rather hex him than date him, you can face a girl who already fancies you'.
'Well, that paid him off in the end'.
'That's 'cause Lily would never resist his charm', Sirius says playfully, copying one of James' most presumptuous voices. It was one that had seemed to drive Lily mad, but in hindsight, Remus thought it was because she actually enjoyed it; and, after all, James had used that tone more as a joke than anything in the end.
Thinking about them makes his heart heavy with longing. They had shined so brightly together…
'They were perfect together', Sirius says suddenly, his thoughts in synchrony with Remus'. 'I think about them all the time, of how… how they made the right choices'. A shadow crosses his face. 'Well at least until the end'.
'What do you mean?'
'They didn't lose time. The moment they knew that they loved each other, nothing else mattered. None of James' past mistakes, none of her insecurities. They would fight in the war, and they would be together for as long as fate would allow it. Even Harry, you remember how -'
'They were so scared, I don't think I've ever seen James so terrified before'.
'He didn't even flinch before suggesting we became animagi, but talked about a baby and he was afraid', Sirius chuckles briefly, before looking beyond Remus. 'What I mean is… They lived. Shortly, not enough as they should, but they lived more than me and you'.
'We are alive, Padfoot'.
'Are we really? I'm back in this godforsaken house and sometimes I'm mad because James promised I'd never step foot again here, but he is dead, and I… I am a ghost'.
'You are alive', Remus insists and now he is the one taking Sirius' hand. 'See? Warm. That's because your heart is pumping blood through your body. While your heart is beating, you are alive'.
'That's my point!', cries Sirius. 'If this poor excuse of a human that's me gets to be alive, then it should have a meaning, right? I won't live to see my end in this house. You and me both, we deserve a chance to really live, and we can do it. As James did'.
If it were anyone else, Remus would think of denying it, and would list again all problems he has. But this is Sirius talking; Sirius, who once told him he wasn't a monster, who hugged him after his mom died, who is his best friend, to whom Remus promised he wouldn't ever mistrust again.
Sirius, who spent twelve years alone in Azkaban, who suffered more than anyone Remus has ever known but has come to grace him now with that little bit of hope that Sirius never seems to grace himself.
'Okay, I can work with that', Remus says finally, smiling, and that makes Sirius grin.
'So can I prepare for the wedding? I've got really good recommendations -'
'James had to lock you before his wedding', Remus remembers in a false severe voice, and they both share a smile. 'Something about a real stag party?'
'In a zoo, yeah, he wasn't amused. So no wedding yet?'
'No, just… just be less eager. We'll start slow. I will - I will ask her out. On a date. One that doesn't involve us hiding behind bushes'.
'Oh, if it's your kink, don't be shy'.
'A very fine one I have, yes', jokes Sirius and Remus can't help but chuckle freely for the first time in two weeks. Sirius watches him thoughtfully. 'I mean it all, Remus, do you know that, right? I'm a poor bastard, but you should be happy. You deserve to be happy. Promise me you won't forget this'.
There is something soberer than usual in Sirius' eyes, some urgency that takes away Remus' sudden desire to just joke about it. There is a cold feeling in his spine that he forces himself to ignore.
'I won't', he says. 'But try to do -'
He stops when he hears someone coming up the stairs - the sound is rather erratic as if someone is missing a few steps now and then, and it is a sound Remus recognizes so easily that he can't help but sigh fondly.
Sirius grins knowingly to him, seeming more at ease, and Remus almost expects him to start winking and giving them his blessing…
'Wotcher, guys', Tonks says, her pink hair reddening slightly when her eyes meet Remus. Ignoring the nudge from Sirius in his back, he grins to her, for once letting his imagination flow free.
A date, yes, that would be nice. He doesn’t have the money for a nice dinner, but he could cook for her - but where? Not in Grimmauld Place, for sure, and he wouldn't suggest her house for a first date (Sirius is right in calling him old-fashioned). Maybe a picnic then? He cooks here and then they go to a nice park in London, somewhere no one would recognize them, where they could be just two lovebirds sharing chocolates and then, if he dares to hope, a kiss -
'Looking for someone?', Sirius asks innocently, and Remus wants to smack him. Sirius is never innocent, which is obvious even for Tonks, who throws a brief shy glance at Remus.
Guiltily, he remembers he never answered her when she told him she was in love with him.
He’ll make it right, he promises, and for once, instead of feeling concerned with the knowledge she likes him back, Remus lets this thought fill him with hope .
It can be okay. It will be.
'Actually, you', Tonks says, sounding a little puzzled as she looks back to Sirius. 'Snape just sent a patronus, he said the most unbelievable thing, for some reason Harry thinks you are in danger…'
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inkandpen22 · 4 years
Somewhere (3/?)
Pairing: Sirius Black x Female!Reader  
Warnings: None
Part Summary: After the dramatics at the disco, Y/N is left gloomy. Then, she receives a miraculous visit with a gift.
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Not soon after Sirius and his friends got kicked out, we left. I pleaded to stay, considering it’s still my birthday. Brady, Jay, and the rest of the boys were in a bad mood, they still are. We all came back to the house and they gathered around the kitchen table discussing the evening. I excused myself upstairs, tired, and gloomy from the whole experience. I’ve never dealt with the conflict between us and the wizards like my brother. He and Jay deal with it daily in politics, especially lately with the tensions growing. 
As I remove my makeup, I see Brady appear in the doorway of the bathroom out of my peripheral vision. He knocks on the frame, “can I come in?” 
“I suppose,” I mumble while I remove my makeup from the evening. He moves to sit on the edge of my counter. “Is everyone alright?” I ask, genuinely worried. He hums, nodding his head slowly. 
“You know, I didn’t want to ruin your evening and I’m sorry if that’s what I did,” Brady apologizes. “And I’m saying this now so that you understand. I just… I just couldn’t stand seeing that wizard-freak near you! They’re not good people, Y/N. They can’t even keep their own sort in line, despite having all the magic in the world! Now, they wish to live amongst us and spread their problems to us!” 
Despite Brady’s educated opinion, I can’t imagine Sirius doing any of that. He didn’t appear threatening or anything else Brady can describe his kind as being. He looked like any other boy, who just happens to be a wizard. He just so happens to be more remarkable than anyone I’ve ever met. 
Brady hops down from the counter and plants a kiss on my temple. “Good night, you should get some rest.” 
“How long will everyone be here?” I question, knowing how loud they can get. 
“Lauren is staying over,” he informs me casually. Lauren is over here half the time anyway. “Everyone else should be heading out soon.” 
That really means they’ll still be here when I go down for breakfast. They’ll all be crashing in the living room. I suppose that’s a benefit of not having parents and being the legal guardian, no rules.
“Good night,” Brady nods, turning to leave my room. 
“Night,” I mumble absentmindedly. 
I hear my door click behind Brady and I relax, no longer being under his watchful eye. Looking into my eyes in the mirror, I find myself wondering where Sirius is at this moment. What is doing right now? Will I ever see him again? I can’t begin to imagine how riveting it must be to be a wizard. I mean, the limits are nonexistent!  All the world is at his feet, all he has to do is reach out and touch it. Maybe I am a little crazy to be so interested in it. I just don’t understand how a world that is so remarkable could possibly be as dangerous as the others claim. I should be content with what I have and what I am, but I’m certain I’m destined for more. The human way of things is so boring and lacks luster. Wizards and witches, they can do anything, be anything! What I would give for one day, just one day experiencing their world. I would ask them a million questions and learn as much as I could. They look like us, speak like us, other than magic, what makes us different? 
Deep inside my own thoughts, I prepare for bed, changing into shorts and an old concert t-shirt. I hope I dream of Sirius and the wizarding world tonight, it’s all I’ve been thinking about for hours. I hear my floor creak as I shut my closet door and I’m guessing it’s Brady checking on me again. It could also be Lauren peeking in to say ‘good night.’ Suddenly, I feel a warm hand glide over my shoulder and down my arm. Hot breath brushes against my neck. I jump, spinning around swiftly in a panic. My sight lands on jet black eyes, Sirius. 
I gleam, “Siri-” 
He covers my mouth, holding a finger over his lips as he listens for any movement downstairs. When there’s no sign of anyone hearing me, he releases me with a sigh of relief. 
“What are you doing here?” I whisper, practically bursting. “How did you find me?” 
“I used a tracking spell,” he explains simply, leaving me in awe. 
“How did you get in?” I ask next. 
“Apparated,” he shrugs, as though I know exactly what that is. 
Taking my hand, he guides me over to sit on the bed. “So, you’re happy to see me?” 
Look at him as if he has three heads. Why wouldn’t I be excited? He’s here, that’s all I wanted! “Of course!” I gush, giving his hands a comforting squeeze. 
“I wasn’t sure after what happened if… if you hated me now,” he stammers, a gloomy expression plaguing his features. He glancing away from my eyes at the floor, clearly, a thought troubling him. 
Slowly, I reach up and caress his cheek. Subtly, he leans into my touch as his eyes fall shut. He’s so beautiful, the sight of him nearly makes my eyes well with tears. In my chest, a strong urge to protect and comfort him swallows me up. Leaning forward, I rest my forehead against his shoulder. Sirius’s hand rests against my knee, his thumb rubbing across my skin softly. 
“I saw you and everything else became irrelevant somehow,” I describe quietly, remembering the moment as if I were experiencing it now. 
His touch makes me feel so safe and warm. I can’t help but yearn for us to be closer if that’s even possible. I’ve never felt this way for anyone. I can’t imagine a life without him now. 
“I knew the moment my eyes landed on you that we were meant to meet tonight,” Sirius mutters. His hand tucks under my chin, leading me to look him in the eye. His gazes pour into me, reaching every depth of my soul. “You are my world now, Y/N,” he confesses, making my heart stop. 
A breathless laugh escapes me, I can’t believe it. Everything is too good to be true. “And you’re mine. From now on, I’m yours, always.” 
“Forever,” he nods, taking my hands in his longing. “Y/N, I wish to never be parted from you.” 
“But, my brother, your friends-” 
“None of them matter,” he claims, pretending to wave them away. “All that matters is you and me.” 
“If only there were a way we could get out of here, run away, even for a little while!” I wish, wanting nothing more than there to be just us. There would be no outside forces trying to keep us apart. 
“Let’s do it!” Sirius declares as enthused than me, if not more. He leaps up from the bed beside me. Taking my hands, he brings me along with him. “We can go anywhere! We can see the world!” 
I giggle, he sounds like a child. These sorts of things don’t just happen, especially for an ordinary human like me. 
“There’s a whole world out there, Y/N! It’s just waiting for us!” He illustrates the most incredible visions for me with a bright smile. 
“It’s a lovely dream,” I express, not fully convinced we could do it. There are so many factors we have to consider. “But it’s impossible…” 
He narrows his eyes with a mischievous smirk, “you forget a very important point.” 
I snicker, “And what is that?” 
“You’re talking to a wizard,” he reminds ever so confidently. His hand gestures up to my bedroom ceiling with a subtle wave of the wrist. “Look,” he instructs, flicking his attention to my ceiling. 
When I peer up toward my ceiling, I’m met with a clear starry sky. My jaw drops, how is this possible? It’s as though there’s no ceiling at all! 
Sirius leans over my shoulder, “it’s an enchantment. It’ll appear every night, so when you go to sleep you’ll be sleeping under the stars.” Amazed, I can’t pry my eyes away from it. 
“Let me give you anything you desire, everything and anything,” Sirius whispers in my ear, wrapping his arms around me as I feel his chest against my back. I rest my head back against his chest, admiring the stars. “I can take you far from here, far beyond anywhere you could ever imagine, to the heavens! Everything you would ever wish for I could give to you. Every day will be filled with extraordinary things and each day will better than the last!” 
I turn in his arms, resting my arms around his neck. “I want to see the universe with you, Sirius! Spend every minute from now on in your arms.” 
The edge of his lips rises to a smirk as his hand cups my face. His eyes flicker between my eyes and my lips. He leans down and I reach up to kiss him. Then, there’s a sudden knock at my door before we have the chance.  Sirius and I jump apart, staring at the door anxiously
“Y/N?” I hear Lauren in the hallway. “Are you awake?” 
I look to Sirius worriedly, “you have to go!” 
He takes my hands in his, “but when will I see you again?!” 
I press my lips together. I hardly have any alone time. Brady will be suspicious if I disappear for a while. “Brady and the others are spending the day at the park tomorrow. Come by here around one o’clock!” 
“Okay,” he grins, caressing my cheek softly as he towers over me. “I’ll be counting down the hours. 
“And appear or whatever you call it like you did tonight!” I instruct urgently. “In case they don’t leave on time!” 
He snickers at me, “yes, alright. I will apparate.” There’s a pause for a moment and his face falls. “I don’t want to leave you…” 
“I don’t want you to leave,” I confess sorrowfully. 
“Y/N?” Lauren knocks again. 
“But you have to!” I urge Sirius along swiftly. 
“Yes right,” he peers at the door, his eyes wide with anxiety.
Meeting my gaze, he starts backing away from me. Sirius holds onto my hands for as long as possible until I’m too far out of reach. “I’ll see you tomorrow,” he assures me. Then, in a blink, he whips away into thin air. Flashes of colors weaving through air, I’ve never seen anything like it. 
The door to my bedroom creaks open slowly and I whip my head in its direction. Lauren appears in the doorway, the lights from the hall pour into my otherwise dark room. My attention briefly flickers up to my ceiling, the stars lingering above us. Oh dear, I pray to God she doesn’t notice. Lauren leans against the doorframe, wrapping herself with her sweater, having changed into her pajamas. 
“I just wanted to say goodnight and a happy birthday one last time,” she explains with a soft smile. 
“Oh uh… thank you!” I stammer nervously. 
“I know your brother can be… well, a hard-ass sometimes,” she laughs at Brady’s expense. “But he means well. He absolutely adores you, I hope you know that.” 
I nod, hoping I don’t appear frantic. “I do! Yes, I know!” 
She hums, nodding her head slowly. Visibly, she doesn’t appear suspicious and I start to think I’ll get away with this without a problem. “Are you joining us tomorrow at the park?” 
I shake my head, “No uh, no I don’t so.” I struggle to come up with an excuse, then one pops into my head. “I have to return the dress from tonight. Yeah, Brady won’t let me keep it so…” 
She sighs in understanding, pushing off the doorframe, “oh well, alright. I’ll see you at breakfast. Goodnight, sleep well,” she waves before reaching for the door handle. 
“Goodnight!” I rush outright as the door clicks. 
Once I’m in the safe zone, I fall back onto my bed with a sigh of relief. My heart pounds in my chest as though I just ran a mile. I doubt I’ll get much sleep tonight. Then again, if I dream I may dream of Sirius and the hours will go by faster. I stare up at the starry sky Sirius conjured for me. My heart gleams at the sight. Then, I notice it, the Sirius star placed ever so perfectly right above my bed. I giggle lightly, he certainly did that on purpose. It’s utterly perfect, just like Sirius himself. The two best birthday presents in my life.
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