themannic · 3 years
Spider-Man: No Way Home - Who is the Sinister Sixth?
What ho Mannics! Tobias here with a ponderment... who will be the sixth member of the Sinister Six in SPIDER-MAN: NO WAY HOME?
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The internet has been buzzing since the first teaser trailer dropped, with fans clawing over every inch of footage, attempting to make sense of the chaos once Doctor Strange's spell goes wrong and rips open the multiverse.
What becomes very clear is that Sony's longterm endeavour to assemble the villainous sextet has finally come to fruition.
The trailer only really outrightly shows us one.... Doctor Octupus. Of course, the important thing to note is that Otto Octavius is once again played by Alfred Molina... who portrayed him in Sam Raimi's SPIDER-MAN 2. In fact, this is that version of the character. Very exciting.
I must admit, me personal feelings are torn. On one hand it is indeed very exciting to have this Molina back in his iconic role.. (I mean, we can all agree here and now that SPIDER-MAN 2 still remain the best webflick, right?)... but I also feel slightly robbed of the excitement for a new actor stepping into the role.
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It's not just Molina returning either because, whilst he's only hinted at in the trailer, we've known for a while that Jamie Foxx is returning as Electro... from THE AMAZING SPIDER-MAN 2. I found the news of the casting a surprise to say the least. It's known that the movie was so far from 'amazing' that it scuppered Sony's plans for sequels and resulted in the reboot that brought Peter Parker into the MCU... now played by Tom Holland. The third actor to play the webslinger within a decade.
It's not known if this version of Max Dillon is exactly the one Foxx played previously... we presume he is because of Molina's Doc Ock, but word is this Electro won't be blue, so could be a variant.
The trailer also highly signposts the return of Willem Dafoe's Green Goblin. Well, it's safe to say Norman Osborn is back, but we still need confirmation that it's Dafoe behind the classic cackle. At this stage though, I think it would be a bigger surprise if it wasn't!
Two more villains are also hinted at with blink-and-you'll-miss-it moments. Both the Sandman and the Lizard are thought to be back. Again, it's not known for use if these are the same iterations of the characters previous seen in spiderflicks.... fans are now only guessing (maybe hoping?) for Thomas Hayden Church from SPIDER-MAN 3 and Rhys Ifans from THE AMAZING SPIDER-MAN, respectively.
If all this is true, then we have quite a cast forming. Molina, Foxx, Dafoe, Church and Ifans resurrecting their characters from previous (non-MCU) movies is quite a big deal. Maybe the characters are back with new actors playing them, the LOKI series on Disney+ showed a character can have many different variations - perfectly setting uo recasts where necessary.
Either way, one thing is certain... the group is not called 'The Sinister Five,' so who is the mysterious sixth member of the gang? Naturally, the fans have their theories... and below are some of the options it could be:
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Could Jake Gyllenhaal retunr as Quentin Beck? He is the one responsible for revealing Peter's identity to the world, which started this mess. It's certainly possible... but for me, Mysterio's presence will be felt throughout due to his revelantion at the end of the previous movie, that he doesn't need to actually be present and his place on the team could be given to a different MCU villain...
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Adrian Tooms was the MCU's Peter's first 'super vilain' as it were, and judging from the MORBIUS trailer, Sony are keeping Michael Keaton in the loop. I think it makes sense to bring back (our) Peter's first antagonist into the mix. Whilst I was largely underwhelmed by the character in SPIDER-MAN: HOMECOMING, seeing Keaton alongside the likes of Dafoe and Molina would seem fitting. To that end, I'm actually going to predict this is the way they go, someone the MCU Parker already has history with. But just because I think this who the sixth villain will be doesn't mean we stop guessing. I could be wrong and it could be...
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In SPIDER-MAN: HOMECOMING, we saw Michael Mando play Mac Gargan. Now he never became the Scorpion in the movie, but he could have since, or may already be in a different version... plus it might be nice to have a villain comic fans have yet to see realised in live action. Speaking of which...
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Felicity Jones played Felicia Hardy in THE AMAZING SPIDER-MAN 2 but didn't get as far as being Black Cat. If the writers decide the group needs some girl power, then Black Cat may be the go-to. Jones could fill that spot again, but internet rumours suggest Sony are eyeing up Jennifer Lawrence for a BLACK CAT movie. Mind you, that might gel with the other rumours that Marvel are looking at Lawrence as a potential Susan Storm for their FANTASTIC FOUR reboot. Whilst I've included the character in the list, I actually don't think she'll be involved, in fact she's probably the least likely inclusion. Even less so than...
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Urg. Whilst I do rate Paul Giamatti, Rhino was easily one of the worst elements of THE AMAZING SPIDER-MAN 2. Thankfully he got very little screentime... but that might be what prompts Sony to bring him back for this. The MCU could give him a do-over that improves him... or (as I would hope) they could just leave him well alone in favour of...
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Oh Ned. Everyone loves Pete's best mate Ned Leeds, he's cleary become something of a fan favourite... but fans are all to aware that Ned becomes the Hobgoblin in the comics. Now certain fans are convinced we're going to have to deal with Peter being forced to put down his best-mate-turned-villain Ned. Could be emotional. I just think, with so many villains in the film, this might just be a fan wish that there won't be time for. As a fan, knowing what's happened in the comics, I've fell victim to thinking I know where something is going... for it not to. Just think how wrong people were when predicting WANDAVISION. I won't be surprised if Ned does die in this film, you need jeapardy and he's certainly a potential victim, but I doubt he'll turn bad.
Although, if Sony really want to connect their own films to the MCU, there's certainly one big name they could bring in...
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And I don't mean the poor-man's venom from SPIDER-MAN 3. I mean Tom Hardy's Eddie Brock from VENOM and the upcoming VENOM: LET THERE BE CARNAGE. For me, I'm not sure it gels, as Venom is the anti-hero of his movies, and I'm not exactly sure why that version would have reason (yet) to turn against Peter Parker, nor allign with Osborn etc... but it would certainly add to the enormity of the project to bring another big name. Since the first VENOM film was released fans have asked how/if the film was connected to the MCU... including Hardy's Venom in NO WAY HOME would answer that call.
Of course, there are lots more options Sony could call upon I think it'll be one of the above. My money is on Michael Keaton as Vulture returning... but what do you guys think? Answer below with your predictions?
Season 4 of The ManNic Podcast begins on Wed 15th September whereever you listen to your podcasts!
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themannic · 3 years
The ManNic Reviews: Cinderella 2021!
Good Evening ManNics!
It's Liam here, I realised that it's been a while since we reviewed something so I'm stepping in to fill the void.
What do you get if you take a classic fairytale, add a star studded cast, a jukebox worth of musical numbers and then remove almost everything that makes the classic a classic?
Amazon Primes Cinderella!
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We all know the story of Cinderella, The orphan who lives a modest life designing elegant dresses in her stepmothers basement, dreaming of one day owning her own fashion business!
Wait sorry no, that's not the story of Cinderella is it? Well strap in because Amazon's latest original is many things but Cinders it aint!
Now, before I really get into the many things that make this film so cringy I would like to acknowledge the cast which is made up of some of the biggest names from film, theatre, tv & music. I'm also more than aware that they are all brilliant, capable and fabulous at what they do....sadly this film isn't a good example of that for any of them, I can only assume they all lost a bet!
I think the best way to break this film down is by looking at the different elements that combine to form it, they are the following:
1- Casting 2- Music 3- Script
CASTING The movie world is no stranger to singers, wrestlers & sportsman dabbling in the world of acting.
Space Jam, Guardians Of The Galaxy & Men in Black are great examples of when this has been successful but there are also countless times it's gone the other way (We all remember Arnie in Batman & Robin).
So we know that it can be done well but the problem seems to come when they cast personalities based on the wrong thing.
for example Camilla Cabello is a brilliant performer, I for one have spent many afternoons dancing around my living room singing Havana into a hairbrush, but was her casting as Cinderella based on anything other than the fact she's a current singer... I highly doubt it and it really does leave the film at a loss for it.
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Another miscast for me is the inclusion of Billy Porter as the "Fabulous" stepmother, I have no problem with Billy Porter generally, I've seen him previously in American Horror Story & I'm sure I would have loved him in Kinky Boots. Sadly Billy's fabulous godmother felt forced & over the top.
As a quick side note on casting I feel we should have a checklist that I can tick every time James Corden appears in something now, It might just be me but it feels like he is in everything.
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My mother used to say that if your going to insult someone, then you should do it first and close with a compliment no matter how small, that way the insult feels cushioned.
So with that in mind I would like to say that Idena Menzel as Cinderella's step mother is great casting, she brings her powerhouse vocals to the films best numbers.
So compliment done, lets move on!
MUSIC This film sells itself on being a modern musical adaptation of the classic tale and so it's no surprise that it's filled with a heavy mix of old and new tunes. The issue for me with the musical numbers is that most of them are dull and filled with autotune and the film seems to prioritise the songs before any actual plot.
This film would be more accurately described as a long music video with some dialogue dotted throughout.
But to follow my mums advise I will say that I did enjoy "Somebody To Love" sung by Prince Robert, Everything the stepmother sings and some of Ben Baily Smith's "town Herold" bits!
Also we are lucky enough that we didn't have to hear Pierce Brosnan sing again, I'm still getting over Mama Mia!
SCRIPT Right off the bat I can tell you the main issue with the script is the decision to veer so far away from the classic story we know.
I understand that in a world full of remakes, reboots and remastered versions, films need to find ways of standing out. The problem is that in order to stand out from other Cinderella films this version has chosen to change every familiar thing they could find.
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Firstly, Cinderella's core family base is less evil stepmother & ugly sisters and more flawed mother trying to survive and barely seen sisters.
Idina Menzel gets a decent amount of screen time but the the two sisters spend so little time on screen that there's no more to their characters than one is a bit dim and self obsessed and other is quirky in a dark humour kind of way...that's it...there is no more to them!
So that's the family ruined now lets move onto Cinderella herself, her sole dream isn't to have freedom and get out from under her evil step family, instead it's to open her own dress shop.
Frozen got allot of praise for having strong female leads who didn't need a man to solve all their problems and instead got by on sisterly love.
Disney's female leads have always been portrayed as damsels in distress and this is a stereotype that does need fixing but the issue with Amazon's Cinderella is that they've changed too many core elements, at what point does it stop being Cinderella.
Spoiler alert, this film ends with Cinderella turning down marriage to tour the world making dresses for a queen and denouncing the name Cinderella for simply Ella!
On top of all the changes the dialogue is clunky and feels like it was written by an adult trying to be "woke".
I'm trying to think of something good to say about the script for this film....but they didn't even turn a pumpkin into a coach!
Sorry mum!
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I understand that this may come across as a harsh review of the film but I promise that as a huge musical fan it doesn't come lightly!
I really wanted to like Cinderella and the thing that really stings is that I now have the films opening number stuck in my head so I am finding myself singing it out loud!
Well, that wraps up my review of Amazon's Cinderella.
I'd love to know what you thought about it.
Did you like or hate it? Let me know in the comments!
The ManNic Podcast is due to launch its fourth season this coming Wednesday (15th September 2021) on Soundcloud, Spotify, Apple Podcasts or wherever you get your podcast fix!
Thank you for taking the time to read the musings of one ginger theatre geek!
Stay Safe Everyone & Stay ManNic!
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themannic · 3 years
Casting the Fantastic Four in the MCU
Hello ManNics! Tobias here, and by jove it's been a while! So... how are you? How have you been? Been up to much? Weather's a bit iffy, isn't it. Can't make up it's mind, can it. /sigh/ Anyhoo, that's the smalltalk out of the way, onwards to geekdom! A little while ago my colleague, Liam, posted his casting choices for when the Fantastic Four finally land in the MCU. I've been itching to do my own, so here it be! If you're interested to see Mr Mandy's choices, scroll back to his post, but behold my choices for Marvel's first family...
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Reed Richards has previously been played by Ioan Gruffudd and Miles Teller in 20th Century Fox's attempts to bringing the FF to the big screen.
I don't mind Liam's pick for this one, but I've had an actor in mind for the character for a while. Fans seem hellbent on THE OFFICE star John Krasinski playing the role, but that currently doesn't seem likely. Also, with the recent casting of Jonathan Majors as Kang (a supposed descendant of Richards) some have figured we might be looking for a person of colour for Reed, although I've stuck with what I consider comic accuracy.
Patrick Wilson was once cast in ANT-MAN, whilst Edgar Wright was still in the director's chair. Once he moved on, so did the actor. Wilson is probably best known for his part as Ed Warren in THE CONJURING movies, whilst his comic book credentials include WATCHMEN and AQUAMAN.
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For me, his exit from a bit-part in ANT-MAN (he was due to play Paxton, a role filled by Bobby Cannavale) is our gain as he is perfect for Richards in my opinion.
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It seems Susan Storm has been a problematic character to cast for Fox. A character that is very much a combination of beauty and brains, the previous iterations seemed to choose a side with Jessica Alba (beauty) and Kate Mara (brains).
I trust that the MCU will cast her correctly and get the right mix. Fans have been pushing for Emily Blunt - who just happens to be Krasinki's wife in real life. I guess fans like the idea of a married couple on and off screen. As with Krasinski, it seems to be a pipe dream. Mind you, Blunt was original cast as Black Widow in IRON MAN 2 before pulling because another film over-ran. She was then offered Peggy Carter but turned it down, and more recently was a fan favourite for CAPTAIN MARVEL.... it kinda seems like Blunt just isn't destined for the MCU.
More recently there's been rumbles of interest in Jennifer Lawrence in the role, and it does make sense that Marvel would want such a popular actress for the part. Liam's suggestion was sort of underwhelming for me though... although I may not be able to improve the options. I'm actually even going against one of my own rules - *do not casting someone already in the MCU*.
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Alice Eve. That's my pick. I feel she's right for brains and beauty and the only real obstacle for me is that she's been part of the MCU already. Or has she? Since the beginning of the Disney+ series it seems all previous MCU series have been discarded as "non canon" or at least alternative timelines etc (we are in the multiverse now, after all). So, Eve's role in IRON FIST on Netflix shouldn't exclude her from taking part. I mean, it hasn't stopped Mahershala Ali, nor Gemma Chan (and both of her appearances are through-and-through canon MCU). Other than IRON FIST, Eve's geek credits include STAR TREK INTO DARKNESS where she played Dr Carol Marcus, and I think should have been included in STAR TREK BEYOND, but wasn't. Rude. Bubbling under - Rosamund Pike
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Sue's younger brother, and an interesting one to casting. Johnny Storm is the younger and excitable brother and has previously been played by Chris Evans and Michael B Jordan - both of whom ended up with key roles in the MCU!
I've seen a few fan picks for this one included STRANGER THINGS actor Dacre Montgomery and THE AMAZING SPIDER-MAN star Andrew Garfield? If the SPIDER-MAN: NO WAY HOME rumours are true, I think Garfield will already have his place in the MCU.
I like who Liam has picked, although I feel he may be lacking the charisma needed for Johnny, so I have my own idea for this one... Sam Claflin.
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I first saw Claflin in THE HUNGER GAMES: CATCHING FIRE as Finnick. I've seen a lot of him since, and I feel he has the right energy and temperment for the Human Torch. I also consider him a good actor and would be a great addition to the MCU. He recently played a darker role in PEAKY BLINDERS but has also appeared in things like ME BEFORE YOU, LOVE, ROSIE and whilst getting geek credits in PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN: ON STRANGER TIDES and as Mycroft in ENOLA HOLMES.
As a nice addition, his wife - Laura Haddock - played Peter Quill's mother in GUADIANS OF THE GALAXY
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I'll be honest, Ben Grimm is the toughest casting for me. The two previous outings went different ways... first we had Michael Chiklis in his practical body suit, and then Jamie Bell with all the CGI. I think Marvel will go with the CGI, but I trust it'll be better CGI than the Fox film.
With the notion that it will be CGI, it's almost harder choosing an actor because they'll likely not be seen for the majority of the movie. If at all. We dont think if this film with deal with their origins again, but plunge the audience right into them already established as the FF.
I do like Liam's option for this one, but naturally I want to go my own way... Dwayne Johnson. Yep. That's right. I just like the idea of The Rock playing... essentially... a talking rock. And, I know he's all signed up as BLACK ADAM in the DCEU but y'know, Marvel can choose to just use his voice or use the actor physically as much as they want and he can do. It's not like Vin Diesel is on set to play Groot!
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So there you have it my lovely ManNics, those are my choices for the MCU Fantastic Four... Patrick Wilson as Reed Richards / Mr Fantastic Alice Eve as Susan Storm / Invisible Woman Sam Claflin as Johnny Storm / Human Torch Dwayne Johnson as Ben Grimm / Thing What do you think? How do you think my choices compare to Liam's or do you have your own suggestions? Jon Watts (director of the three MCU Spider-Man outings) has been tapped to helm the FANTASTIC FOUR movie, which is likely to land in cinemas late 2023, so filming will take place next year... official casting announcements might not be that far off!
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Now head over to Spotify, iTunes or Soundcloud to listen the latest episodes of The ManNic Podcast and The ManNic Film Club, maybe you'll even consider subscribing to us on Patreon so that you can talk to us in real time on our discord server.
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themannic · 3 years
Good evening all you lovely ManNic's. It's your friendly neighbourhood ginger here (Liam if you weren't sure.) and I've come to sprinkle a little joy into your day, or at least try to.
Firstly I'd like to apologise that The ManNic Tumblr hasn't been that active since mid Wandavision. Tobias has been a very busy boy and I may or may not have had a small heart attack... but less about my failing organs and more about the geekiness that we promise to deliver.
The reason I've gathered you here today is because I am putting together a team. Nick Fury I am not but just bare with me.
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The Fantastic Four used to be a well respected component of the marvel universe but in recent years it feels like they've almost become the butt of the superhero joke.
I do think that the 2015 Josh Trank film adaptation has allot to answer for when it comes to the franchises downturn but we can all relax a little bit now that Marvel have their (so far) capable hands firmly back on The Fantastic Four.
So with their MCU debut looming over the horizon I thought I would put my casting hat on and offer my suggestions for a fantastic line up.
I've given myself the usual ManNic rule of not casting anyone who is still currently active within the MCU but other that everyone else is fair game.
Let's get fantastic!
Reed Richards is the leader of the fabulous foursome and balances his genius intellect with a level headed charm.
So far we've seen Ioan Gruffudd and Miles Teller take on the role of Mr Fantastic to varying degrees of success. Miles teller lent a new youth to the role we hadn't yet seen but for me Ioan Guffudd was a better balance of maturity and charm (we'll forget the drunk dancing ever happened).
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The first thing to point out is that I am not casting a young and fresh origin story version of the Fantastic Four.
The MCU has already given us a ton of origin stories so my plan is to bring in a older group who've already seen their fair share of combat and villains and can step straight into the action.
It may be because I'm currently seven seasons in to Greys Anatomy but I think that at the age of fifty five Patrick Dempsey would be a more stoic and battle scarred Reed Richards.
We know he can do serious, dramatic and intellectual from his stint as Derick Shepard of Greys but we also know from projects such as Enchanted and Will & Grace that he can do fun and comedic.
It's only right that we move from the Reed Richards to his wife & partner in fighting crime Susan Storm.
Her abilities of invisibility and force field creation make her a turning force in battle. So with this in mind I find it hard to justify why the 2015 version (Kate Mara) was basically side-lined Susan for no real reason. the 2005 version played by Jessica Alba was a more accurate portrayal but still lacked something for me personally.
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At 44 Diane Kruger is younger than her potential super spouse but I think she'd fit into the role of The Invisible Woman well.
Diane has a a variety of roles under belt ranging from light hearted action films such as the National Treasure series but has also taken on harder dramatic projects such as Inglourious Basterds and The Kellyann Conway.
She is more than qualified to join my line up.
Now we move onto the live wire of the team. Johnny is the fun member of the team, he takes life less seriously than Reed and is often seen as a party animal or lady's man. So far we've seen Michael B. Jordan & Captain America himself Chris Evans take on the hot headed role. Both portrayals offered a different view on the character. Evans leant into the lady's man/hot heated approach while Jordan was a more grounded and gritty version.
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Anyone who listens to The ManNic Podcast main series wont be a stranger to the fact that I adore the superman origin series Smallville.
In season six Smallville introduced the dark and broody Billionaire Oliver Queen portrayed by Justin Hartley.
The character soon became one of my favourites alongside Michael Rosenbaum's Lex Luther.
Hartley brought a serious and darker tone to the series but later softened to show us a lady's man who loved to party...sound familiar?
Not all member of The Fantastic Four were lucky enough to get cool powers that also allowed them to blend in with society.
Different adaptations have taken different approaches to how Ben gains his abilities but the end result is always the same...Ben emerges from whatever event befalls the group as an enormous rock man (Think Thor's Korg but with a really bad attitude) Known as The Thing!
So far we've seen The Thing portrayed by Michael Chiklis & Jamie Bell (yup, light footed Billy Elliot played the heavy handed rock giant).
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Due to the heavy visual element that goes along with playing The Thing (again, he's basically rock Hulk) the actor needs to be able to portray the anger and aggression that goes with the role, while also being able to deliver a softer emotional side.
Dean Norris came to my attention as Hank Schrader in Breaking Bad, The DEA agent constantly on Heisenberg's case. Since breaking bad I've also seen Norris in Stephen King's tv adaption of Under The Dome.
He is more than capable of giving us the classic clobbering time we've been waiting for.
So that's my Fantastic Four!
Patrick Dempsey as Mr Fantastic Diane Kruger as The Invisible Woman Justin Hartley as The Human Torch Dean Norris as The Thing
Do you agree with my choices or can you offer a better line up for a even more Fantastic Four.
Thank you for taking the time to read through my musings, it's always appreciated!
If you have any suggestions for future castings you'd like to see me put my mind to just let me know in the comments.
We now have a Patreon account where you can become a ManNic Patron.
Doing this gives you access to a ton of exclusive content including access to our discord server, extended and exclusive episodes of The ManNic Podcast, Watch-Along episodes, creative group projects & for top tier patrons we are going to be running a series of one shot sessions of Dungeons & Dragons.
The best part of the ManNic Patreon is that the base level is a mere £1 a month!
The link to our Patreon as well as all our social media is in the Linktree.
I'm off now to microwave myself a precooked Spaghetti Bolognese, with any luck I'll develop super powers from the radiation, I'll keep you updated on that!
Stay Safe & Stay ManNic
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themannic · 4 years
WandaVision - Which other characters could be expect to show up?
Hey ManNics, Tobias here and I’ve got a bad case of.... WANDAVISION. Naturally, if you’re not up-to-date with the new Disney+ series (episode 5) this will likely contain some spoilers.
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Now if you HAVE seen the first five episodes of WANDAVISION you’ll likely still be reeling  from the appearance of a certain someone... Pietro Maximoff!   A big deal in itself, sure, as Pietro was killed in AVENGERS: AGE OF ULTRON.   This was a bigger deal, however, as it’s not *that* Pietro... with Evan Peters stepping forward.
Now this isn’t a simple case of recasting.  Peters hasn’t ‘replaced’ Aaron Taylor-Johnson, he’s reprising his role from the X-MEN films, and that’s massive.   The X-MEN films were part of 20th Century Fox and completely separate from the MCU.   This was very apparent when the two franchises both had their own versions Quicksilver.
Once Disney took over Fox, fans immediately got excited over the likes of the FANTASTIC FOUR, DEADPOOL and the X-MEN ‘coming home’ to the MCU. Whilst it became clear a new cast would be chosen for the Fantastic Four, but Ryan Reynolds would continue as the Deadpool, it was unclear how the mutants would be handled. Would they be recast?  Would the existing cast be used?   Or would Marvel cherry pick?   Evan Peters’ appearance may be our first clue.   There are many options going forward and the Multiverse could be the key. 
I’m not here to talk exclusively about the X-Men coming to the MCU though.   I’m here to have a think about who else may turn up in WANDAVISION.   Fans of the first Disney+ STAR WARS series THE MANDALORIAN were treated to a surprise appearance by Luke Skywalker (something nobody had been spoiled on, a rarity these days - something noted by Mark Hamill) and recently Elizabeth Olsen (Wanda) teased that fans of the series will be treated to a cameo on a similar scale.
But who could that be?   Some people are guessing it’s Evan Peters, but actually a lot of fans knew he was part of the series.   We didn’t have confirmation they he would be playing Pietro, even if that’s what many assumed, with some misdirection insisting he’d be playing the adult version of one of Wanda and Vision’s children. The fact he has been revealed as this ‘alternative’ to Wanda’s brother certainly opens up the possibilities on who we might expect to show up on the ambitious series.
Here are some options...
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Just because Evans Peters is in the show doesn’t mean Aaron Taylor-Johnson won’t be.   We’re dealing with a fake reality and possible the multiverse so anything is possible.  I don’t think will surprise that many though.   Taylor-Johnson has been suspected for the series since it’s announcement. He might not show... but if he does, only some viewers will be shocked.
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We were told that WANDAVISION would lead into DOCTOR STRANGE AND THE MULTIVERSE OF MADNESS.  We know that Elizabeth Olsen will appear in that film in a big way, likely due to the events in this series.   Now that doesn’t confirm Benedict Cumberbatch will appear, but it suggests he could turn up in the final act.   Again, whilst cool, how many viewers would be surprised if he does?
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Monica Rambeu has a connection to Carol Danvers, and something ‘odd’, a rift possibly, has been alluded to already.   Now this could actually be a reason to keep the character out, but knowing actress Teyonah Parris will appear in the sequel, that could be set up with an appearance by Brie Larson.  I don’t know how much this would surprise fans either, perhaps more so than Taylor-Johnson or Cumberbatch.
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SWORD have a big presence in the series with ‘real world’ staff including Darcey Lewis (Kat Dennings) and Jimmy Woo (Randall Park)... but the last time we saw Nick Fury was as part of SWORD.   Samuel L Jackson as acted as connective tissue throughout the franchise thus far and again I would imagine most people would almost be expecting Fury to show up, if only for a minute long post-credit scene.
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Okay, so I’ve not seen this rumoured anywhere, this is a suggestion I’m legit throwing into the ring myself.   Tom Hiddleston will be headlining his own LOKI series this year, but this version is from an alternative timeline in AVENGERS: ENDGAME.   It’s also been suggested that series may link to the DOCTOR STRANGE sequel, so I’m putting forward that Hiddleston could put in a mischievous appearance at some point.   I don’t know to what end, but I doubt too many people would be expecting it.
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So, here it is.   This is a big suggestion popping up online, and could carry some weight to it thanks to the Peters appearance.   In the comics Magneto is Wanda and Pietro.s father.  That is pretty much confirmed in the X-MEN movies, but not the case in the MCU, so it would be an interesting route for the series to but again we have to say.... alternative reality, multiverse... they could get away with it.   Who plays the character would also tell us more about Marvels plan for their Mutant characters.   Michael Fassbender played the Erik Lensherr relevant to Peters’ Pietro, but recently Patrick Stewart noted Marvel had talked to him about playing Professor X again, so that could - in theory - mean they’ve contacted Ian McKellen too. Or we could have a brand new actor playing him. In any form, Magneto’s first appearance in the MCU would be a big deal.
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Now, whenever you mention the X-MEN people immediately jump to Wolverine.   For me it wouldn’t make any sense to the story for Logan to appear other than ‘a cool moment,’ so whilst I’m noting the character here, I’m shooting the idea down right now.   It would be a very cool OMFG moment if Hugh Jackman reprised though role again though - I admit that.
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Much like the Wolverine rumour, I don’t get why this would be.   There’s no actual reason for Peter Parker to show up in WANDAVISION as all, let alone the Tobey Maguire version.   Recently Tom Holland denied Maguire and Garfield’s appearance in the third SPIDER-MAN movie, and considering the time this series is taking place, it just doesn’t figure.  Sorry!
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Let’s be honest, Wanda and Clint seemed pretty close, with key moments given to them in AGE OF ULTRON, CIVIL WAR and ENDGAME... it would make sense for Jeremy Renner to pop up at some point to try and talk Wanda down is she becomes full Scarlet Witch. It would also serve as a reminder that the character has his own series coming in the not-too-distant future.  
But what about this...
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I don’t mean Sam Wilson or any of the current (potential) Caps... I mean, Chris Evans as Steve Rogers.   There’s been a bit of hooha, suggesting Evans could be signing on for one or two more films in a supporting role... but what if it’s already a done deal and he’s already filmed his first bit.   Next to Clint, Steve also had a mentor role over Wanda and what his Wanda’s warped mind somehow brings young Cap back?   I’m not saying I absolutely believe this is the case.... but if you think “Luke Skywalker level cameo” I think this could be a good shout.
That’s ten suggestions for you to digest.   Do you think we’ll see any of these characters pop up in the remaining four episodes of WANDAVISION, or any I way off?   Maybe there’s a known/existing character you think will that I’ve missed?   Let us know. Meanwhile, tune into our podcast - The ManNic Podcast - on the likes of Spotify, iTunes and Soundcloud where we discuss this stuff all the time!   You can also sign up to our Patreon for access to community discord and exclusive content!
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themannic · 4 years
Jodie Whittaker quitting Doctor Who? Here’s who should replace her!
Hey ManNics, Tobias here!   Happy New Year, and for those of you in England... Happy third lockdown!
So, the internet is a  buzzing with news that Jodie Whittaker may have quit her role as DOCTOR WHO!  Now, without official word from the BBC or Jodie herself, this is still just a rumour, but it’s certainly a realistic one.   She’s currenlty filming her third season, and previous Doctors David Tennant, Matt Smith and Peter Capaldi all departed the from after their third season.
So... now begins the fun in predicting who might be chosen to replace her?  Below are ten suggestions, most I’ve seen been tossed around the web, with a few I’m throwing into the mix myself.
Now, before we get started, I will be suggesting some actors that may have already appeared in the series.  Normally I would exclude known faces to a show, but DOCTOR WHO has proven this is is not an obstacle.  Both Peter Capaldi and Karen Gillan has previously appeared as guests before being given their regular roles, for example.   So with that out of the way... bring on the ten options for the 14th Doctor:
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Before Whittaker was cast, Marshall was my pick for the role.   Coincidentally, the day after I publicly voiced this, Marshall left his role in DEATH IN PARADISE and suddenly the internet was also championing him for the role.   Oddly, I’m not sure if I still want him for the role.   I think he would have been perfect to follow Capaldi, but I’m not sure he’s right to follow Whittaker.   That said, should he be announced as the next Doctor I will be happy, if only because I know I was one of the first to openly push for him in the role years ago.
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Now Sheen has definitely been in the show previously but, as noted, that won’t rule him out.   I really like Sheen in just about everything I’ve seen him in, and actually his friendship with Tennant makes it even more fitting that he should take on the Timelord mantle himself.  I’m convinced he would make a great Doctor, to the point of saying he’s probably my favourite choice on this list. 
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I can’t take credit for this one, I was talking about potential new Doctor’s on my TikTok livestream and it was actually suggested by one of my followers.   It was a good suggestion.   Between goofy, farcical roles in comedies like BLACK ADDER THE THIRD, and his more dramatic turns like Dr Gregory House in HOUSE M.D. Laurie would certainly dominate in the part - although his Doctor would most likely be closer to that of Capaldi than Tennant... which could be jarring following Whittaker’s turn. 
Of course these options assume the next Doctor will return to being male, but the BBC may choose to continue with a female Doctor, so let’s look at some options there...
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I’ve noticed Phoebe coming up in a few wish-lists, so of course I have to include her on this list. I’m sure she’d do very well in the part too, but I actually have a different job in mind for Waller-Bridge!  I’ve made it clear that I dislike showrunner Chris Chibnall’s tenure in charge and would like him swapped out for someone... well, better.   I’d like to suggest Phoebe Waller-Bridge as the showrunner rather than the role.
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I remember a few years back someone asked Atwell whether she’d like to be the Doctor’s companion, and she said she’d rather be The Doctor.    Now that was before there’d been a female Doctor, but now... I’m sure Hayley would make for a brilliant Doctor, but with a busy schedule in theatre and movies, would she be able to dedicate the time to the timewimey role?
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Smith has become something of a nation sweetheart of the years and could be at the right level of fame to fit nicely with The Doctor.  The downside would be whether her Doctor would be different enough to Whittaker’s?   I guess though, If it’s Whittaker’s decision to leave, and Chibnall didn’t want her to go, getting someone similar might help a transition?
Of course, it’d not hard to see the six options presented so far are all white, where I actually believe the next Doctor is likely to be cast by a PoC. 
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Now, don’t get me wrong, I get why so many people want Richard for the role, if anything the multitalented Ayoade comes across as a real-life Doctor.   I can’t help but feel his casting would come off as gimmicky and whilst he may ‘fit’ the part, the BBC need someone amiable and publicity friendly - for a broad range of ages - whilst Ayoade is known for being dry and a bit too difficult to fulfil the commercial necessities that come with playing the iconic role.
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Now I had to admit, the last time I saw Akthar in something it was the mini series of LES MISERABLES and he was playing the less than favourable Thenadier,but he was a scene stealer, and if Capaldi can go from Malcolm Tucker in THE THICK OF IT, I’m pretty certain Adeel would be accepted as the Doctor too. 
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Okay, so this might seem like an unlikely one but stay with me.   If you’re not sure who Fagbenle is, you might recognise him from THE HANDMAID’S TALE, or his recent series MAXXX, he will soon be seen in the MCU’s BLACK WIDOW movie.   He may not seem like an immediate choice but he’s a rising talent that I think you should keep an eye on - especially if Chibnall, or a new showrunner wishes to broaden the appeal and freshen up the series.
And then there’s an existing character waiting in the wings...
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So, we’ve already been introduced to Martin as The Doctor during the show’s twelfth season.   Of course, the character is at the centre of a mystery for the show... is she a future Doctor, a past Doctor or an alternative thirteenth Doctor running parallel to Whittaker’s?   Was her entry a plotline that cements Jodie’s exit?  Time will (literally) tell.
So, there we are.  Those are ten suggestions for the next Doctor, but what do YOU think?  Who would you like to see step into the TARDIS next?
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themannic · 4 years
Star Trek: Discovery - Who should be Saru’s First Officer now?
Hey ManNics!  Tobias here, chatting on about one of my favourite subjects - STAR TREK!
If you’re up-to-date with STAR TREK: DISCOVERY - episode 3.6 “Scavengers” -  you will have seen Michael Burnham disobey orders (again) before being demoted (again).   Whilst entirely within her personality to do so, considering how DISCOVERY began in the first place, I must say I was disappointed with this turn of events.
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Commanding Officer Captain Saru (Doug Jones) and First Officer Commander Michael Burnham (Sonequa Martin-Green) have a great dynamic, and one that felt right in DISCOVERY’s third season, as we see the 23rd Century ship and crew adapt to life in the 32nd Century.   After a couple of seasons switching crew in and out with a roster of mirror universe counterparts (Lorca) and temporary stand-ins (Pike) it felt like we now had a status quo we could depend on through upcoming seasons. 
Alas, this was not the case it seems.   Whilst Saru attempts to prove the Discovery’s worth within this new future Starfleet, he cannot tolerate untrustworthy behaviour from his First Officer, so was was left with no option but demote her back to Chief Science Officer.
Which leaves us with a new question... who will this new Captain assign as his Number One?  Burnham’s only been in the position for three episodes, so could easily back back in the role by the end of the season, so whether this is a short-term or long-term move, someone will need to fill the spot for now...  let’s look at some options!
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Actress Sara Mitich originally played Lt. Commander Airiam during the first season, but was moved across to Lt. Nilsson for the second, whilst Airiam was recast with Hannah Cheesman.   What initially seemed as a slight towards Mitich turned to a blessing as Airiam was killed off, whilst her new character was promoted to bridge crew, replacing Airiam as Spore Driver Ops Operator.
I’ve noted that Nilsson has been left in command of the bridge when the senior officers are absent, and this might be a clue to the character receiving a promotion to Executive Officer? With a promotion to Lt. Commander to boot?   It’s certainly a possibility, the only thing getting in the way possibly being Mitich’s billing as ‘co-star’ which seems to be reserved for the supporting cast rather than principals.   You’d imagine the first officer would be main cast, but there’s not necessary the case, and certainly not with DISCOVERY which does tend to buck the trends laid out in previous Treks. 
I would certainly keep an eye on Nilsson as a potential first officer.
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Whilst being another ‘co-star’, actress Vanessa Jackson is a new addition to the DISCOVERY line-up, who’s character is not yet a member of the USS Discovery crew.   Lt. Willa is the Chief of Security for Starfleet, which poses the question whether  a move to Discovery’s First Officer would be an upgrade or downgrade.  Again, just a Lieutenant, she’d likely be pushed up to Lt. Commander for the position. 
Willa (and Jackson) have only appeared in two episodes thus far, and has been been a focal point of any scene she’s appeared in, as she guides the crew through their 32nd Century upgrades.   With the troublesome Burnham out, it might make sense that Admiral Vance (Oded Fehr) might wish for someone he trusts on the ship - in the same vein T’Pol was assigned as Archer’s first officer on STAR TREK: ENTERPRISE. 
I think Willa could well be a temporary first officer, but maybe we should have a look at some of the show’s main characters!
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Originally, Nhan was an engineer on Pike’s Enterprise, but crossed over to the USS Discovery to be its Chief of Security, choosing to stay with the ship as it time travelled.   With actress Rachael Ancheril’s addition to the opening credits for the show’s third season, it seems odd that the character would then choose to leave the ship only the fifth episode.  She’s got to return, surely?   A main character, with the rank of Commander - Nhan is absolutely a prime candidate to become Saru’s first officer.... if she’s actually still in the show, of course. 
Personally, I don’t feel we got even close to getting under the skin of this character, and we’d certainly get to do that if she became the XO.    Has she actually gone?
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Now this is an odd one, because there’s been nothing about Stamets that points to him taking a command position.   Stamets is a scientist, more precisely he’s an Astromycologist, and responsible for the spore-drive jumps unique to the USS Discovery.   Now that Adira Tal has rejigged the process, with the gel podiums, is Stamets the only officer that make the jumps now?   Can anyone?  The character has felt a little lost at times, with the writers not always certain what to do with him - whilst Dr Hugh Culber, Stamet’s partner - is becoming more an essential character week by week. 
Despite not being the most obvious choice, Stamets is a senior officer with the rank of Lt. Commander,   and actor Anthony Rapp is one of the four main actors, in from the beginning.   I don’t think we’ve had any true interaction between Stamets and Saru though....this would give us a chance to examine that dynamic.
I’d be interested by the decision, but I’m not seeing this one. However there is someone proving a popular choice with people I’ve spoken to...
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Ensign Tilly (Mary Wiseman) has made it clear it’s her dream to become a commanding officer, being placed on the command programme end the end of the first season.    The show has been paving the way for a very nice dynamic between Tilly and Saru, and this could push a promotion in her favour....
... but what a promotion it would be!   Tilly is only an Ensign and still early on in her Starfleet career, it would be usual for such a young officer and low rank to leapfrog over officer that much senior to position of first officer. 
That said, it has to be noted the showrunner of DISCOVERY is one Alex Kurtzman, one half of the writing team that brought us the 2009 STAR TREK movie, which did see a young (Cadet) James T Kirk bizarrely squeezed into the first officer role under Spock at the orders of an exiting Christopher Pike.   Kurtzman has history of this, so maybe I should dismiss Tilly as my instinct tells me to?
Right now, of the characters we have established on the show right now, I believe the ones I’ve mentioned are the best options for Saru’s first officer.   Culber is too busy being a doctor, and Jett Reno just doesn’t quite fit the bill, so unless the show intends on bringing in a brand new character for the position, I’m sure Nilsson, Willa, Nhan, Stamets and Tilly are the most likely candidates.
But who do you think?   Do you think it’ll be one these, someone else?   A new character?  Maybe they’ll fudge over the role and go without until Burnham is ready for it back?
Share your thoughts below!   Whilst your at it, go and check out our latest episodes of The ManNic Podcast, available on Spotify, ITunes and Soundcloud. 
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themannic · 4 years
TV Comebacks: Should The End Be The End!
Salutations & happy lockdown to you!  Its’s your friendly neighborhood Liam here and as I start write this it’s the day after Halloween, the pumpkins are starting to look sorry for themselves and the children are still very much on a sugar high, one that I fear has no end in the near future.
Earlier today while the children (almost literally) climbed the walls I took the a  blessed moment of solitude to pop some network television on. I flicked past “Nightmare Tenants & Slum Landlords”, quickly skipped past a blur of noise that I believe to have been an episode of “Keeping Up With The Kardashians” before settling on a episode of Dexter (a season four episode, the best season in my opinion).
Watching Michael C. Hall as the murder driven Blood spatter analyst again made me think about the recent news of the shows return and what that could mean for TV shows of yesterday.
Now I feel it’s important to note that I am not going to discuss Dexter in a “spoiler” kind of way as I do genuinely believe it’s a show that should be experienced without prior knowledge, that and the fact that I know Tobias hasn't seen it yet and I’d like him yto be able to read this
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When a show has run it’s natural course, it’s either met with rapturous applause (Friends jumps to mind) or a mixture of emotions ranging from disappointment, confusion and anger (Lost, I’m looking at you). One thing that either outcome guarantees is an emotional hole where that show once took up residence inside your head.
On 22nd September 2013 Dexter packed away his plastic wrapping and said goodbye to an audience of 2.8 million people (US) to a very mixed bag of emotions, some thought the send of was well executed (sorry, couldn't resist a murder pun) and then there was a large number of people who felt massively underwhelmed and betrayed. So when it was announced the show would be making a comeback, as you can imagine it was met with very mixed emotions. On one hand there were those  who took the “When a show is done it should stay done” and then theres the  hopeful people who look at the shows resurrection as a chance of giving the show a better ending. I can honestly say that I fall soundly in the middle of these two positions as I have no real issue with the original ending but am looking forward to seeing more Dexter generally. The real question that Dexter's revival brings to the table is what does this mean for TV show gone by. 
I think we can all immediately conjure several canceled or finished TV shows to mind that we’d like to see make a comeback.  whether thats to give it a better ending, tie up loose ends or just see more of the characters you’ve grown to love and hate.  So after thinking about it, I’ve assembled a list of five TV shows that I think deserve a second lease of life. These shows are a mix of shows that came to a natural end and shows that have been canceled before their time! DISCLAIMER!!! I will be discussing each show and therefor spoilers are likely. Each section will clearly state which show is being discussed followed by a large picture. So if you haven't seen or finished one particular show simply scroll down until the next one appears. Lets get nostaligc! Number Five - LOST
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In 2004 Flight 815 crash landed on a mysterious island. 
Polar bears, hatches, Flashbacks & smoke monsters were just a few of the mysteries that awaited anyone who went along for the six season journey. One thing that fans massively hate are cliches, such as “It was all a dream” and so to be hit with the “They were dead all along” trope was a very controversial and widely hated outcome. 
The creators responded to fans predictions of how the show might end early on with comments along the lines of “It’s not going to end the way you think” & “We have a plan to end it” so for the show to finally come to a close with something that had basically been told to everyone in season two and then adamantly denied by the creators, felt like a massive slap in the face.  For reference the season two episode in particular that basically told us everyone was already dead was Episode 18 titled DAVE. In the episode Hurley starts seeing a bald man from his past around the island. The man (named Dave) keeps telling Hurley he’s dead and that none of what he’s experiencing is real. So nothing at all like the “it was limbo all along” ending that we got... can you sense my sarcasm?
Lost is the first on my list to have been given an actual ending (even if it was widely hated) and so the question is...Would bringing it back change the outcome or improve the story. The answer, No, I don’t think it would. In reality the only reason ive included it on my list is because Lost’s ending left fans bitter and sparked controversy.  To be honest I never really got over the whole “Not Pennies Boat” thing....Lets move on! NUMBER FOUR - SANTA CLARITA DIET
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Have you ever woken up feeling so bad and short tempered that you lose your cool with the annoying guy from work and ultimately end up eating his flesh just to satisfy the new and strange undead cravings your having? No?  Well thats exactly what happened to Sheila Hammond in Santa Clarita Diet. At first glance Santa Clarita Diet may not be the first TV show to spring to mind when your looking at things “gone before their time”. 
The show is a a tad over the top and can feel quite in your face at times to the point of I think our very own Tobias would struggle with it because of the “In your face” styling. 
It was for this exact reason that on my first attempt at watching it I made it roughly 20 minutes into the first episode before switching off and walking away. It wasn't until I saw a trailer for Season three that I decided to give it one more go and found myself falling for the shows charm. So when I finished Season three on a huge cliff hanger only to find out that Netflix had just canceled the show I was beyond devastated. 
Would the kids get together, will the mysterious company come back, will Joel be turned and create his own Mr spindly legs ball thingy?!
Santa Clarita Diet is the first on this list to fit into the “gone to soon” category and is a prime example of why I strongly believe every show deserves a final season upon cancellation to tie up any loose ends and close of stories.
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Pushing Daisies follows pie maker Ned, who has the unique ability to bring people back from the dead with one touch and then send them back to to their eternal slumber with one more touch. Along with Ned we meet Chuck and her two strange aunts as well as Kristen Chenoweth’s Olive Snook and Emerson Cod the private detective in search of his lost daughter. What follows is two fun seasons of quirky death defying investigations with Ned helping Emerson Cod by reviving murder victims just long enough to help solve their cases.
Pushing Daisies is a rare example of my fiance Amanda introducing me to a new show which fully reverses the usual situation of me enlightening her with my TV picks. I watched the two DVD box sets that I was handed and then excitedly asked for a third to be told the show had been canceled long before I’d ever started viewing episode one. Unlike Santa Clarita Diet, Pushing Daisies had the advantage of it’s final episode actually tying up some of its many subplots despite the creators not knowing it would be canceled when they penned and shot the scenes. The problem with the show being canceled mid season is that even with it’s  “Make Do Ending” the show doesn't feel complete and many fans felt the show’s ending was rushed. 
On hearing they were being canceled the shows creator Bryan Fuller did announce that they would finish the shows story lines in a comic book based third and final series. But due to the closure of their publisher it never made it to print. Fuller has said in interviews that he would happily drop everything and jump at the chance of bringing Pushing Daisies back for a proper ending and has stated that he’d love Starz to produce a revival after seeing how they handled Torchwood.  I do personally believe that pushing daisies should be given the chance to close it’s story off properly, maybe in a solo film venture. Especially when one of the quotes about it’s cancellation mentioned it being “too cute”... Can something be “too cute”, and if so is that really a good enough reason two cancel something!? NUMBER TWO - DEAD LIKE ME
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The second Bryan Fuller show on this list Dead Like Me is another death focused series (are you sensing a melancholy theme to my viewing choices). It follows Georgia Lass the unfortunate soul unlucky enough to find herself struck and killed by a falling toilet seat only then to find herself in undead servitude as a Grim reaper.  The show managed to be funny and light while still delivering emotional scenes and mysteries to keep you hooked. Despite this it still found itself canceled prematurely in 2004.
It was lucky enough to be given a second lease of life with “Dead Like Me - Life After Death” a TV film made solely to close off the story.
When I started watching Dead Like Me, it had already been long dead and gone, so I didn't experience the crushing blow of cancellation. The show just ended when I finished what I had access to. 
It wasn't until several years later when I stumbled across “Life After Death”  Amazon Prime, that I suddenly got excited to see more of the characters I’d grown to love. So when I started the film only to find that one of my favorite characters Rube (played by Mandy Patinkin) the leader of Georgia’s group of reapers had (badly) been written out off screen I was less than impressed, and I struggled to brush off this early blow.
“Life After Death” wasn't by any means terrible and did manage to keep some of the originals charm, The problem is that without the chemistry of the complete original cast it just felt flat and didn't quite leave you with the same feeling as it’s predecessor. 
I know that technically “Dead Like Me” has already been given a second chance, but I do think if they managed to get Mandy Patinkin back they could basically ignore “Life After Death” and do a final series, therefor giving the characters time to move on in a way that felt honest to the origina run.
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What revival list would be complete without talking about Firefly? 
In 2002 Joss Whedon created a Western/Sci-fi styled show following the crew of a transport ship called Firefly. A show that would go on to have one of the largest cult followings in all of geek history. 
Firefly manged to secure itself an average of 4.7 Million viewers per episode but  despite these numbers the show found itself canceled after airing only eleven of it’s fourteen episodes. 
The cancellation of Firefly is still to this day a sore subject and you will struggle to find a true geek who doesn't long for a proper ending to the series..
I am by no means the in house Firefly expert, that position is easily held by Tobias. I have seen every episode and would love to see more though.
To shed a glimmer of hope on the king of “Gone to soon” shows. Fox’s president of Entertainment Michael Thorn has shown interest in a potential revival, publicly speaking on the subject as recent as January 2020 saying “I loved Firefly, personally, and I watched every episode. I didn't work on it, but I loved the show.” and compared it to The X-files Limited series with regards to potentially returning it to our screens. He also stated that a revival’s main obstacle was the fact they already has a spaceship based series airing in the form of The Orville and it may not be ideal to have two series airing with the same core premise. Will we ever see any more of the beloved crew members we came to know, love and sometimes hate or was the film serenity the last voyage for the Firefly crew, 
no matter how unlikely it may be I will hold on to a small amount of hope that one day Firefly will fly again! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Now i know that there are easily loads more shows that were gone before their time and deserve another shot at glory.
Please keep in mind that the five shows listed above are simply my personal choices. I will also follow up with the fact that I massively resisted the urge to put Smallville on this list as it does have an ending (that I didn't hate) even if it was a bit underwhelming.
So thats it, those are my thoughts on bringing shows back from the dead.
What are your thoughts on shows like Dexter & Prison Break being given second and sometimes third chances?
What TV show or shows would you like to see more of and why? Let us know down bellow.
(It is currently 3.15 am as I finish writing this, so I hope it’s readable and at the very least makes sense.)
Thank you for taking the time to read my musings. Liam Out
Stay ManNic!
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themannic · 4 years
The ManNic Casting Couch: X-Men in the MCU
Hello ManNics, Tobias here, posting in the hiatus between seasons two and three of The ManNic Podcast.
Over the second season, my favourite segment was when we got to pick who we’d like to see cast as the X-Men when they finally arrive in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.  
For eighteen weeks, Liam and I chose four actors that could play a particular character, and then I put those options into a poll over on Twitter for the lovely public to decide which of the options should be cast.
Here are those 18 castings!
Charles Xavier / Professor X
Our first casting, and believed to be one of the first characters we see introduced into the MCU.  Previously played by Patrick Stewart and James McAvoy, it’s rumoured that Xavier may appear in the post-credits of DOCTOR STRANGE IN THE MULTIVERSE OF MADNESS, with the initiation of The Illuminati. Between us, we have cast someone that we fits between the Stewart and McAvoy... Mark Strong (SHAZAM!).
Scott Summers / Cyclops
Next we cast the captain of the X-Men, a role that was maybe short-changed in the 20th Century Fox movies, as played by James Marsden and Tye Sheridan.   We believe the MCU will utilise the character more efficiently and wanted an actor up to the role... so we decided to cast Taron Egerton (KINGSMAN)
Jean Grey / Phoenix
Unlike Cyclops, Jean Grey did get quite a lot of screentime under Fox, with both versions of the character (Famke Janssen and Sophie Turner) getting a version of the DARK PHOENIX saga told. I should imagine Marvel will avoid that saga but still give Jean a fair amount of screentime.  For this we chose Saoirse Ronan (LADY BIRD)
Dr Hank McCoy / Beast
Kelsey Grammer and Nicholas Hoult played Hank for Fox, and the character was bought to screen with a mix of practical makeup and CGI respectively.   I think Marvel will treat Beast in the same way they do Hulk or Thanos.   No rumours yet on when Hank may appear, but he *could* be introduced as part of the Illuminati alongside Charles.  I think both myself and Liam count this as one of our weaker castings, as we chose Cole Sprouse (RIVERDALE) for the role.
Bobby Drake / Iceman
Iceman is typically one of the youngest X-Men, and was played by Shawn Ashmore for the Fox films.  There are rumours that Marvel/Sony  could have big plans for the Iceman character, with thoughts that there could be a live action version of SPIDER-MAN AND HIS AMAZING FRIENDS, meaning a team up with Tom Holland’s Spider-Man.   I’m not convinced on our casting for this but we went with Dacre Montgomery from STRANGER THINGS for this cool role. 
Warren Worthington III / Angel
Considering Angel is one of the original characters from the comics, he’s been considerably under-cooked in the movies thus far.  First played by Ben Foster and then later Ben Hardy, I believe Marvel will do something a bit more worthwhile with the character.  For this Liam and guest star Emily, chose Jensen Ackles (SUPERNATURAL) which proved to be a very popular decision on Twitter.
Erik Lensherr / Magneto
We started 2020 casting the leader of the Brotherhood, Magneto. Following Ian McKellen and Michael Fassbender will be a tough job, and we chose to go with THE WALKING DEAD alumni Jeffrey Dean Morgan for the part. Rumours have it that the MCU will actually go with a PoC for both Magneto and Professor X, with rumours of Denzel Washington and/or Giancarlo Esposito circulating.
Ororo Munro / Storm
Of all the X-Men, we might have the best idea of when Storm could be heading to the MCU.  In the comics Ororo is the Queen of Wakanda, married to T’Challa.  So there’s naturally the theory that she could show up in BLACK PANTHER II, due in 2022.   For this part we chose STAR TREK: DISCOVERY lead Sonequa Martin-Green, following on from Halle Berry and Alexandra Shipp for Fox.
Kurt Wagner / Nightcrawler
The little blue teleporting demon is easily one of my favourite characters, and was a highlight in the Fox films (as played by Alan Cumming and Kodi Smit-McPhee).  I’m not sure if he’s a character who will pop up too soon in the MCU, but the actor we’ve chosen for when he does is.... Bill Skarsgard.  You know, Pennywise from the IT films. 
Remy LeBeau / Gambit
Another character that has deserved more screen time, all we’ve had from Gambit thus far is a single appearance in the inadequate X-MEN ORIGINS: WOLVERINE played by Taylor Kitsch.  Channing Tatum was then cast for a standalone movie for the character, but it just didn’t materialise.  When coming up with our own options, we did include Tatum in the list just to see if he’d get picked, but instead we went with Aidan Turner (BEING HUMAN) to play the mutant Cajun.
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Raven Darkholme / Mystique
Initially, Fox had Mystique as something of a sidekick/goon to Magneto, whilst she was being played by Rebecca Romijn, but this changed when they recast with Jennifer Lawrence.  The last few films had Raven as a key player, with a lot of screen time.  It’ll be interesting to see which way Marvel go with the character.  For our casting, we went with Kate Beckinsale (UNDERWORLD) suggesting we think a bigger role for the shapeshifter.  We’d also like MCU to actually acknowledge that Nightcrawler is her son!
Logan / Wolverine
We’re pretty sure we made a mistake with this one.  It was always going to be a tough job to replace Hugh Jackman, who has appeared in 9 of the movies over the last twenty years.  Somehow we ended up with Norman Reedus from THE WALKING DEAD.  To be honest, my personal opinion is that Marvel shouldn’t rush into introducing Wolverine.  With so much screen time already given to the character, it might be nice to spend some time with the other characters like Cyclops. 
Victor Creed / Sabretooth
Once we’d cast Wolverine it was time to cast his nemesis, Sabretooth.  Only two appearances from this character previously, and both quite different to each other.  Tyler Mane may have had the look, but was essentially window dressing, and Liev Screiber at least had some personality if the visuals were all wrong.  Unlike Logan, I believe we’re improving the situation with Jason Momoa (AQUAMAN).
Anna Paquin played Rogue in the first set of movies, and the character was quite different to that from the comics and 90s animated series.  We wanted to cast someone that could maybe fuse the two takes on the character.  We decided to go with Katherine Langford from 13 REASONS WHY. Langford has previously been cast in the MCU, but as her role an older Morgan Stark in AVENGERS: ENDGAME was cut, we decided it wasn’t canon, so Katherine’s casting was fine. 
Nathaniel Essex / Mr Sinister
The only character we cast that has yet to appear in a live action movie.  Mr Sinister  was hinted at, and was apparently intended to be the main villain in a GAMBIT movie.  With no big screen adaption, Sinister might make the character a priority for the MCU.   For this role we went with MAN OF STEEL star Henry Cavill, who might like a turn at a villain. 
Kitty Pryde / Shadowcat
Whilst the role was played by a couple of supporting artists initially, Ellen Page played the part most prominently.  We decided that Shadowcat would likely be the youngest of the X-Men, so we went with STRANGER THINGS star Millie Bobby Brown.  We know that she’s been on Marvel sets in the past, and has been rumoured for a few roles already.
A popular comic and cartoon character, but so far with only a single appearance in a movie with Omar Sy in DAYS OF FUTURE PAST.  Whilst we don’t think Bishop will appear anytime soon we decided to cast KHARY PAYTON.  Yep, another actor from THE WALKING DEAD, shush.
Jubilation Lee / Jubilee
For the last episode of season two, we actually gave our followers on Twitter a chance to choose which character we’d cast.  The voters tossed aside the likes of Toad, Pyro and Havok and chose Jubilee.   This character had appeared in quite a few of the movies, most recently played by Lana Condor.  We chose to go with Jamie Chung (ONCE UPON A TIME).
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And there we have it.  18 X-Men cast.   How did we do?  Do you agree with our choices or do you have any better suggestions?  We will surely revisit these casting decisions and Marvel begin to cast the characters for the MCU.  
I wonder if we get any matches?
In season three we’ll continue casting roles from different films.  Head over to Spotify, iTunes, Soundcloud and our Twitter to find out future castings.  Until then - stay ManNic!
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themannic · 4 years
Star Trek: Picard - Which characters will appear in Season 2?
Hey ManNics, Tobias here again, and this week I’m looking ahead at characters we might expect to see pop up in the second season of STAR TREK: PICARD.
It goes without saying that Patrick Stewart will return as Jean-Luc Picard, and I think it’s safe to say the majority of the first seasons principal cast -nAlison Pill (Dr Jurati), Isa Briones (Soji), Evan Evagora (Elnor), Michelle Hurd (Raffi) and Santiago Cabrera (Rios) - will be back.  The only real question mark there is Harry Treadaway’s Narek, as his story may well have been told.
As well as the new characters the first season brought back characters from both THE NEXT GENERATION and VOYAGER series.  Whilst some of those characters didn’t make it out alive, some did, and fans are asking which familiar faces we meet get updates on when the series returns.
Below is a list of actors and characters which have been discussed, either by the cast, writers or fans. 
JERI RYAN as Seven of Nine
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Ryan featured as a ‘special guest star’ in season one, but was pretty heavily featured.  Whilst previously never having anything to do with TNG, it made sense for Seven to appear in PICARD due to both characters having been liberated by the Borg which was a key storyline running through the season.  By the last episode she seemed to be part of the crew which begs the question whether Ryan will be promoted to main cast for the second run.
JONATHAN FRAKES as William T Riker
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You could probably include Marina Sirtis’ Deanna as a side-note too, as the two basically come as a pair now, but it’s hard to deny seeing Riker rock up as the Captain of a ship (and fleet) was a highlight.  Frakes is prepped to return to direct an episode or two, so it’d be quite easy for them to find a reason for Picard’s former Number One to be involved, even if just a cameo.
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Picard and Guinan had a longstanding friendship in TNG, a respectful connection, and it makes sense the two friends would still be in touch - especially considering Guinan’s long life as an El-Aurian.  The actors have pretty much confirmed Guinan’s presence but now involved she’ll be.  Personally I reckon a one episode focussed on the pair rather than an ongoing story.
KATE MULGREW as Kathryn Janeway
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Continuing the growing paring of TNG & VOYAGER, it looks pretty likely that Janeway will be making an appearance.  I get the feeling this one will be more than a one off too, her appearances tying in with the over-arcing plot. Mulgrew’s involvement will, of course, unite the Janeway/Seven dynamic that ran through the latter half of VOYAGER, but be the first time she’s interacted with Picard either, as Admiral Janeway popped up in STAR TREK: NEMESIS.
LEVAR BURTON as Geordi La Forge
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Burton has been talking for a while about appearing and it would be natural for him to pop up in some respect, although I can’t imagine he’ll enter as an integral character for the season.  I quite like the idea he’ll turn up in Picard’s vineyard much like he did in the TNG finale.
GATES MCFADDEN as Beverly Crusher
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Considering one (or more) alternative futures for the crew had Crusher and Picard marry, it’ll be interesting to see (should they bring in Beverly) what their relationship will be.  There’s nothing to say they haven’t married, but it didn’t last?  Like Geordi, I’m not sure if Crusher’s potential appearance will be key role or a stop off from the main narrative.
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There’s been a bit of chatter recently about the possibility of Picardo appearing as the Emergency Medical Hologram.  Fans seem disgruntled that there’s no actual talks going on, but to me that makes sense.  Similarly to Brent Spiner’s Data, it’s difficult for them to excuse the aging of the actor when playing a character that doesn’t age.  It would be an easy out for them to get Picardo to play a human Zimmerman character, but that in itself would be a cop out? We’d want The Doctor from the ship, surely?
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Dorn has long touted the idea of a ‘Captain Worf’ series, and you have to wonder if they could use an episode of PICARD as something of a back-door pilot for one?  Probably not, but it’s not unthinkable for Worf to appear if all the others TNG alumni are.  Of course Worf does pose a bit of an issue, in that STAR TREK: DISCOVERY featured a heavy visual reboot for the Klingon’s.  Would Worf have to be designed to fit with that?  I actually don’t think so, I think they’d want the character to look how we remember him, but older.   That said, I’m not sure they will include him, as it’s not actually a TNG reunion, it’s a PICARD series.  Maybe if there’s a third season...
AVERY BROOKS as Benjamin Sisko
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I saw a rumour suggesting that, with them having Janeway, there’s hope they can bring the three Captain’s of the era together.  Sisko - due to how he ended DS9 - could a problem, but I’ve already seen a solution. it’s just not one I like. There’s the idea that if Brooks doesn’t want to reprise the role, they use the characters disappearance to de-age him, and have Cirroc Lofton (who played Jake, Sisko’s son) play the returned Benjamin. For me that’s a horrible idea, and I think if they can’t get Brooks, they should let that idea go.  It would be nice to see the three former Captain’s onscreen together though.
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I saw this put forward by a fan, and it’s one I like a lot.  I’m a fan of Michelle Forbes, and Ro was a favourite character of mine.  There was a connection, but also a betrayal when Ro joined the Maquis and if she survived, it would be an interesting plot point to see if they continued a friendship later of if there’s still bad blood.   I would say Forbes doing it is probably unlikely, and it’s probably the least likely to happen out of the options in the list.  I just wanted to include it, as a kind of bonus.
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Considering Q started the TNG ball rolling in the pilot, carried through the series, appearing in DS9 and more-so in VOYAGER, almost all fans can agree Q should put in some sort appearance, even if it’s in the closing minutes of the very final episode.     It would be a fitting end to Picard’s story if Q were to visit him one last time.... but also, imagine this... a scene with all three captains AND Q.  That would be pretty amazing. 
Any character’s you’d like to see pop up on STAR TREK: PICARD?  Feel free to comment!
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themannic · 4 years
It’s Canon, Deal With It.
Hey ManNics, Tobias here, and I’ve got a bee in my bonnet. 
I consider myself a member of several ‘fandoms’.  STAR TREK, STAR WARS, and DOCTOR WHO to name but three.
Within those fandoms I discuss the franchises with many fans, and there’s one particular viewpoint from a fan, that I just cannot stand.  When they decide what is ‘canon’.
A ‘fan’ of a franchise does not get to choose what is canon.  The creator, or studio, decides if a film or TV series is canon (by releasing it to the public) and a fan gets to choose whether they like it or not.  That fan can absolutely despise that new product, but that doesn’t suddenly magically make it non-canon.
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If you’re a fan of STAR TREK, one of the long-term fans, since THE ORIGINAL SERIES or (like me) THE NEXT GENERATION, you’ll be getting used to anew burst of shows like DISCOVERY, PICARD and the newly announced STRANGE NEW WORLDS, and you’ll find they don’t quite ‘feel’ like the Trek’s you grew up on.  The stories are now ongoing, slicker and a look a bit more cinematic. Some fans believe that these new Treks have been dumbed down somewhat, and quite a few fans don’t like how certain visual elements have been changed from what they know (that Klingon redesign, eh!)
Over in the STAR WARS films you may not be thrilled with certain elements like characters ‘flying’ in space, iconic characters dying, certain bloodlines of characters.  In DOCTOR WHO we’ve got a whole situation with  ‘Timeless Child’ which really has set the cat amongst the pigeons.
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Choices are being made in these fandoms which don’t always sit well with fans, but they seem confused, and feel the fact they don’t like these decisions that they now have the right to tell other fans that these things aren’t canon.   That’s just not how it works.
Recently I’ve seen Trek fans try and dictate to others that the Kelvin films aren’t ‘real’, that DISCOVERY ‘doesn’t count’.  Wars fans are just as vocal about how the sequel trilogy will be struck off canon due to fan backlash, but none of this is true.
When it comes to Trek, CBS has given Trek a visual reboot, but it’s still set in the same universe as the shows that came before.  The Kelvin films are an alternative timeline, but were initiated by events from the Prime timeline (something that has been bolstered by PICARD).  Anything that is made by CBS is canon. There are also tie-in comics and books that now also count as canon, where old books don’t anymore.
For Wars, when Disney took over they stated that all the tie-in material was no longer ‘canon’, but anything they made would now be, and (of course) anything onscreen (The Skywalker Saga) naturally counts.  
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A lot of the time ‘canon’ can simply differentiate what the studio/creator makes from what is essentially ‘fan fiction’.
Now, in the view of a fan, a fan-made series (like Star Trek Continues) could be deemed ‘better’ than a studio made series (like DISCOVERY), but that opinion doesn’t mean Continues suddenly becomes canon, and DISCOVERY is exiled.
Now, really, I guess what I want to say at this point is, it’s okay not like everything, feel free to only watch that earlier stuff... but be mindful that there are fans that like, and even love these new additions.  These new shows and movies that you can’t stand and don’t value are bringing in new viewers that are then taking the time to watch all the other stuff - the stuff you do like.  If anything these newbies are getting a fuller experience by not closing themselves off to something they’ve decided “isn’t canon”. 
Speaking personally, I like the new Sequel Trilogy in STAR WARS.  I think it’s messy in places and I might do a whole blog on why I think that is, but I accept it as part of the franchise.  It’s my least favourite of the the trilogies, but that might change over time.  Nostalgia plays such a part in these matters.  In STAR TREK I absolutely love the Kelvin movies, I’m enjoying DISCOVERY and you can read my thoughts on PICARD with the review I wrote a while back (have a scroll)... and I’m also super excited by STRANGE NEW WORLDS. I still consider th TNG era as ‘my’ era, but I love that the Trek universe is vibrant once more.  As for DOCTOR WHO, well, I’ve been quite vocal myself how I’m open to Jodie Whittaker as the Doctor, but I don’t think Chris Chibnall is a good showrunner.   I do however accept his stories are now part of the tapestry. I wouldn’t dream of telling a fan of the last two seasons that they ‘don’t count’.  They’re just not my favourites. 
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themannic · 4 years
ManNic Film Club: The Ultimate Video Game Adaption Battle!
Good evening you lovely manNics!
Liam here...I want to talk to you today about Gaming!
With over 2.3 billion gamers world wide, playing video games is no longer just a pastime for nerds and basement dwelling hobbits. 
In fact with the industry being worth a whopping 28.7 billion dollars just in Europe, The Middle East & Africa alone it’s no wonder the big wigs of the movie world would want a piece of the action.
Over the years We’ve been treated/tortured with an array of live action video game movie adaptations to varying levels of success, dare I mention the car crash that was “Super Mario Bros”.
Luckily such failed attempts haven't managed to stop people from trying again and again to find that magical formula that bringing a video game to the big screen requires. It’s been over twenty years since the release of “Super Mario Bros” and with time comes better and more capable technologies and greater minds. 
So, with multiple video game adaptations in the pipeline I thought now would be the perfect time to find out what everyone’s favorite video games are and see which ones you would like to see hit that big silver screen.
Cue the dramatic music.....
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I have compiled what I will refer to as my “Uber List” of video games, this list is compiled of 128 classic, famous, popular, obscure and iconic games from the last 30 years.
Starting tomorrow (Monday 29th June 2020) I will be posting daily polls on our twitter page (@Themannic) where four randomly selected games (from the uber list) will fight it out in a knockout round style championship to see which game will be crowned “The Ultimate Adaptee”.
there are a couple of things to note when it comes to the polls and voting.
1: Voting should be based on the films you would most like to see adapted into a large budget film/movie.
2: the games have been selected to cover a whole brand/series. So if one day “Elder Scrolls”” is one of the poll options. It represents the whole collection and not necessarily a singular installment in the series and the end adaption would be based on the general idea/concept of the games.
3:Over the last 30 years there have been multiple video game movies and there are currently several in the pipelines. For the purpose of these polls we are going to assume that the winning game would be adapted into a brand new film and wouldn't be a continuation of an existing film series. (For example, if Sonic gets drawn and ends up winning it would be a self contained film and wouldn't be related to the 2020 film).
Now, even though 128 games is allot I guarantee that there will be some titles that haven’t made the list, I just realized that Tomb Raider isn't on there. So apologies now if your favorite game has been missed, but I have tried to included a wide variety of games.
Check in each day @Themannic on Twitter to see that days selection.
You can check out The ManNic Podcast on iTunes & Spotify (or wherever you get your podcasts) where we will keep you all updated on recent winners and eventually announce “The Ultimate Adaptee”
Stay ManNic!
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themannic · 4 years
5 Questions for you (and a little rant about Tom Cruise)
Hello you lovely ManNics you!  Tobias here with our regular little something.  This little meeting we have every Friday, this little experience we share.
This week’s little experience is going to be a little shorter than normal.  I’m multitasking, and you know what they say... Jack of all trades, master of none.  So I’m watching my movies (It’s a Tom Cruise themed week, we’ll come back to this), I’m currently on TikTok and I’m replying to each and every comment I get.  Now I don’t have a mass of followers but I have enough that this particular mission has become very timeconsuming.
I’ve still got time for you lovely people though, and as you’re here, reading this, I thought I’d just ask you a variety of questions? One thing that we at the ManNic Podcast are striving for in interaction with our listeners (and readers).
Question 1 - Do you listen to the The ManNic Podcast, or our new show The ManNic Film Club?
Question 2 - If you do listen to us, where do you?  Spotify, ITunes, Soundcloud?  Somewhere else?
Question 3 - Where did you find this blog - straight from tumblr or via the link on Twitter?
Question 4 - Do you have a TikTok Account?
Question 5 - If there was a ManNic TikTok would you be interested in following us?
That’s it for now, literally those five questions - we’d appreciate it if you took the time to answer honestly.
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Just returning to the matter of Tom Cruise.  There’s a lot of people that just don’t seem to like him.  Why?  He’s not a bad actor?  I mean, He’s actually my favourite.  Whenever I state that, I do always follow it up with saying I know he’s not the best actor, but I like him, and more than that, the movies he’s in.  I mean, the MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE franchise alone is great, but add to that other films (that I enjoy) like MINORITY REPORT, EDGE OF TOMORROW, JERRY MAGUIRE, OBLIVION and INTERVIEW WITH THE VAMPIRE.  There’s more to name, but those are good examples of a good career, so why the hate on poor TC?  As an actor I like to hear that’s he’s nice to work with and he’s very giving of his time to his fans.
Anyway, that’s all by-the-by.  I was just wondering.  Next week I should have a more in-depth look at something... I intend to do a piece soon on the current Star Trek shows as well as more DC and Marvel features. 
Thank you all for reading, and hopefully for answering those five questions.
Tobias... out!
0 notes
themannic · 4 years
Casting Christopher Nolan’s Next Movie
Hey Mannics!  Tobias here with my weekly update, and this week I’m going to find my inner-psychic and make a prediction!  Ohh aaah!
We are edging closer to the cinematic release of TENET, Christopher Nolan’s eleventh movie, and despite the fact we don’t really know much about that movie, I’ve decided to try and predict the cast for Nolan’s twelfth movie...
Why?  Well, why not!
The fact is, Nolan has shown a tendency to bring back actors that he enjoys working with.  The most notable of these has to be Michael Caine, who has appeared in every film Nolan has helmed since BATMAN BEGINS.  
I have seen articles in the past, citing the likes or Gary Oldman and Morgan Freeman as his ‘frequent collaborators’, and to be fair, they’ve both appeared in three of his movies, but those movies are THE DARK KNIGHT trilogy, and you’d expect those actors to appear in all.  It’s more telling who Nolan likes working with when he casts them in different movies that aren’t related.
Of course, just because he may ask an actor back for another film, doesn’t mean that actor will return for a third... it might just be they’re right for a particular part, and then you have to factor in scheduling. 
But I’ll ignore those little technicalities, and enjoy a little bit casting predictions... care to come along on this very, very short ride?  Sure you do. 
Behold - the cast for Nolan’s 12th movie! Well, 7 actors I reckon might show up, anyway:
Well, obviously.  He’s Nolan’s “lucky charm”, and I think it’s pretty safe to assume - as long as Caine’s in good health - he’ll pop up somewhere, whether it’s a main part or just a cameo.
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Next to Caine, Murphy seems to Nolan’s next go-to guy.  The Scarecrow didn’t necessarily have to appear in all three parts of the Batman trilogy, but he did, plus Murphy appeared in INCEPTION and DUNKIRK.  He doesn’t appear in all Nolan’s films, but he keeps coming back.  He doesn’t appear to be in TENET, and I think that mean’s he’s more likely to be in the next one.  Maybe?
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I’m literally just basing this on the fact Branagh appeared in DUNKIRK and features in TENET.  That’s the two most recent films from Nolan, so I’m running with that.
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So far, Hardy has appeared in 3 Nolan films.  INCEPTION, THE DARK KNIGHT RISES and DUNKIRK.  Like Murphy, Hardy’s not appearing in everything Nolan doesn’t (skipping INTERSTELLAR and TENET for example) but they clearly are happy work-mates.  Plus, if Murphy does appear, as I suspect, it’s cool to keep the two PEAKY BLINDERS actors together. 
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Okay, so this is me taking a bigger punt, because Debicki is in TENET and that’s it so far, but I’m working on the theory that Nolan *sometimes* roles his actresses from one film to the next.  Marion Cotillard went from INCEPTION into THE DARK KNIGHT RISES, with Anne Hathaway going from THE DARK KNIGHT RISES to INTERSTELLAR.  Debicki seems to be the most prominent actress in TENET so it’s worth a shot.
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This is where I start taking bigger risks with my predictions, because you might recall Cumberbatch has not appeared in a Nolan film thus far.  So why put him in the list?  Well, I just think BC would fit well with Nolan's style and the two would compliment each other. I’ll be honest, I had a few options here including Taron Egerton, James McAvoy and Tom Hiddleston, but I decided to go with Benedict as he was my gut instinct for this list.
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and finally
Don’t ask me why, I just felt like she’ll pop in a Nolan film soon. I’m running with it.
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Honestly I could have put a load of actors names in this list, but wanted to keep the number down. I wanted to include the likes of Idris Elba, Michael Fassbender, Letitia Wright, Emma Thompson, Brad Pitt even Tom Hanks.  As yet, Nolan hasn’t really had a female lead, I was potentially going to suggest a return from Scarlett Johansson (from THE PRESTIGE) or Hayley Atwell, and there were rumbles that Nolan could even take on Bond, but said he’d want to shake it up.  I’d love to see a Nolan bond film, and frankly, if that ended up being his next film (he could do Bond 26, although I should image that’ll be a way off seeing as 25 has been released yet) I wouldn’t mind taking a stab at who he might cast as Bond, M, Q etc..
But for now, Caine, Murphy, Branagh, Hardy, Debicki, Cumberbatch and Mirren are my prediction.  Check back in a couple of years to see how right I was.  Let’s be honest, you won’t.  I’ll probably forget I’ve made these predictions myself!
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themannic · 4 years
The ManNic Film Club - Movie Day Themes
Hey ManNics, Tobias here, and quite honestly, I have no idea what I’m about to write.  Since lockdown, I’ve made an effort to write SOMETHING each week, but right now I’ve got nothing. Nadda. Zip. 
It's Thursday, which I’ve designated as my ‘Movie Day’.  At the time of writing, I’m watching CLOSER.  I’ve always enjoyed this film.  I don’t know if it’s based on one, but it feels like a play. I’m a playwright, and I’ve often considered using the formula used in the movie for one of my productions.  I haven’t (as yet) due to my determination to be original.   Each scene depicts two of the four main characters either in their first meeting, or their last.  It stars Julia Roberts (PRETTY WOMAN), Jude Law (MATCH POINT), Natalie Portman (THOR) and Clive Owen (KING ARTHER). I would definitely recommend giving it watch, although it is quite wordy.
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The first movie of the day was 2001: A SPACE ODYSSEY.  Stanley Kubrick’s ‘masterpiece’.  I must admit, I’ve only watched it a couple of times, and the end of the movie confuses me as much now as the first.  I want to watch the sequels, to see if they make an sense of it. 
I watched CLOUD ATLAS next.  I do like films by the Wachowski’s, ever since THE MATRIX.  Of course a fourth film in that franchise is being made, and I’m pretty excited for it.  CLOUD ATLAS is based on a book, and it features quite an impressive cast, in a story that sprawls across eras in time from the past through to the future, with each cast member playing multiple roles (in some cases their own descendants). I feel the movie is underrated, but even if the plot loses you seeing the likes of Tom Hanks (BIG), Hugh Grant (LOVE ACTUALLY), Jim Broadbent (MOULIN ROUGE), Halle Berry (X-MEN), Hugo Weaving (THE MATRIX) and whole bunch of others share screen-time in some weird and wacky characters is worth the viewing.
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AMERICAN BEAUTY is one of my favourite movies.  With what has happened to Kevin Spacey and his career it almost feels like you should say anything good about his work, but honestly, Spacey was one of my favourite actors, and this one was my favourite of his works. I love plots where the opening tells you ‘I’ll be dead in a year’.  Once again, it’s got a great cast (Annette Bening, Thora Birch, Wes Bentley, Chris Cooper) and features some iconic moments, such as the rose petals. 
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Once CLOSER as finished, I’ll be watching one more to cap it off. IDENTITY.  Another favourite of mine, again a whodunit of sorts. I won’t get into the plot, because I’ll end up giving away what makes the film great.  I’ve already noted that I’m a playwright, and one of my usual themes is that of ‘identity’ so it should surprise no one that’s seem more than a couple of my plays that a film called IDENTITY should appeal to me.
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I may never use CLOSER’s structure, but I will undoubtedly use the theme of identity again.  I realise that most of my productions feature someone pretending to be someone else, or something they’re not.  When I started touring my country professionally, we had photos taken of the actors, and still on our website (and our Instagram) we use an recreation of the CLOSER poster.
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2001 is clearly the odd-one-out in the bunch, as it’s missing the identity theme and doesn’t focus on character dialogue, it’s more a conceptual and cerebral experience - but then I do love my Sci-fi, so it’s not a surprising inclusion from that point of view.
Last week I just watched a bunch of films starring Isla Fisher.  Alas I’ve not been able to get her into one my plays yet... but once day... maybe?
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themannic · 4 years
Battle of the Movie Directors - The Grand Finale
Hey ManNics!  Tobias here, and we’re nearly there!  If you’ve been following our Twitter, you’ll know that we’ve been whittling down great movie directors down to one triumphant winner.
As you read this, we now just FOUR directors left, and it’s over to you guys to choose your favourite!
So who do we have left?
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JJ Abrams’ Bad Robot company is responsible for a number of hit TV Shows such as LOST, ALIAS and FRINGE, but he’s helmed such movies as MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE-III (starring Tom Cruise and Phillip Seymour Hoffman), STAR TREK (starring Chris Pine and Zachary Quinto) as well as STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS and THE RISE OF SKYWALKER (featuring Daisy Ridley and Adam Driver).
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Gunn hit mega-popularity when he brought us GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY (starring Chris Pratt and Zoe Saldana) for the Marvel Cinematic Universe.  Before that he gave us SUPER (starring Rainn Wilson and Ellen Page) and SLITHER (starring Nathan Fillion and Elizabeth Banks).
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Nolan will likely be best known for giving us THE DARK KNIGHT Trilogy (featuring Christian Bale and Michael Caine), whilst also helming MEMENTO (starring Guy Pearce and Carrie-Anne Moss), INCEPTION (with Leonardo Di Caprio and Joseph Gordon-Levitt) and the upcoming TENET (with John David Washington and Robert Pattinson).
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Reeves’ next film will be THE BATMAN (starring Robert Pattinson and Colin Farrell), but will be best known right now for the recent two PLANET OF THE APES movies (featuring Andy Serkis) and found-footage monster film CLOVERFIELD. 
This is it ladies and gents, with a lot of big named directors having fallen by the wayside, these are our final four.  They’ve knocked out the likes of James Cameron, Ridley Scott, George Lucas, Tim Burton, Joss Whedon, Quentin Tarantino and Steven Spielberg and in less than 48 hours you guys will have crowned one of these the BEST MOVIE DIRECTOR!
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So get your movie loving backsides over to Twitter and getting voting for your favourite!
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themannic · 4 years
The Battle of Movie Directors Continues...
Hey ManNics, Tobias here to give you an update on how our series of polls are going over on Twitter.
As you may recall, I had made a list of 64 (living) Movie Directors with the intention of whittling them down to one triumphant winner.   Each day I put up a poll featuring four helmers, leaving it to you lovely people to vote for your favourite.  The top two choices then go forward to the next round.
Well here we are now embarking on the Quarter-Finals!  So far we’ve managed to reduced 64 down to just 16, and the next four polls hold some tough decisions!
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At the time of publishing, the first poll is up ready for your votes and features JJ Abrams (STAR TREK, STAR WARS: THE RISE OF SKYWALKER), Tim Burton (BATMAN, BEETLEJUICE), Alfonso Cuaron (GRAVITY, CHILDREN OF MEN) and Guillermo del Toro (HELLBOY, PAN’S LABYRINTH).
The next poll will see Jon Favreau (THE JUNGLE BOOK, IRON MAN), James Gunn (GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY, SLITHER), Duncan Jones (MOON, SOURCE CODE) and Richard Linklater (BEFORE SUNRISE, BOYHOOD) all battle it out.
The third Quarter-Final will see Baz Luhrmann (MOULIN ROUGE, THE GREAT GATSBY), Christopher Nolan (THE DARK KNIGHT, INCEPTION), Sam Raimi (SPIDER-MAN, THE EVIL DEAD) and Matt Reeves (CLOVERFIELD, the upcoming THE BATMAN film) face off.
Poll#4 The last poll of this round will pit Steven Spielberg (JURASSIC PARK, ET), Quentin Tarantino (PULP FICTION, KILL BILL), James Wan (THE CONJURING, AQUAMAN) and Joss Whedon (THE AVENGERS, SERENITY) against each other for the final spots in the semi-finals.
As you can see, some big names there, but only two directors poll may advance.  Who do you want to see reach the final?  Some big names have already fallen - the likes of James Cameron, Ridley Scott, Peter Jackson, George Lucas and M Night Shyamalan are all gone.  
To get your favourite to victory you need to head over the @themannic​ on Twitter and place your vote! 
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