grey-rowan · 4 years
A fantastic adaptation!
Heathen Prayer for Meals in an English Futhark
From @grey-rowan​‘s ‘For Meals’ prayer.
We give thanks to the beast for the life that was ended, We give thanks to the hands for the work that was done, We give thanks to the gods for the gifts that are given, We give thanks to the Earth which is generous to all.
English Futhark:
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grey-rowan · 5 years
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grey-rowan · 5 years
Presenting, a non-binary couple dilemma:
"You know, I refer to you as my partner to other people because it's gender neutral, but I feel like it doesn't properly convey just how GAY it is."
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grey-rowan · 5 years
As a polyamorous person who specialized in second language acquisition, this metaphor is beautiful.
Almost all of us were raised monogamous in a monogamous culture, and monogamy is, whether we like it or not, our mother tongue. And hey, maybe you make grammar mistakes, or you find yourself struggling to find the words to express yourself, but you've been taught how to function in the world using it.
Non-monogamy has entirely new grammar and structure and language and spelling that you've never used before. Maybe it has sounds you've never made with your mouth before. At first it might well feel uncomfortable. Some people can pick up new languages instinctively, but most people have to study, and throw themselves into the culture. And study. Put in the effort, and you'll be able to express yourself in an entire new language, communicate with people you'd never have met before. Some of the learning is going to be from studying, and some of it is throwing yourself out there and learning as you go, but you're learning from scratch here. Be patient with yourself when you're not fluent on day one.
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grey-rowan · 5 years
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Knock once for the Hound of the Sun.
Knock twice for the Hare of the Moon.
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grey-rowan · 6 years
Shared with r/ennnnnnnnnnnnbbbbbby and got an amazing response.
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*fellow non-binary friend and I looking back at early signs in our lives*
Me: Oh man, I remember when I was really young when people would ask if I was a boy or a girl, I’d say “I’m a tomboy” - in my mind it was a separate thing.
Them: I have this vivid memory as a kid of this person in a Payless shoes, they were so completely androgynous, I was so in awe and all I could think was “Wow… I want to be THEM!”
Me: … … Mine was in Wal-Mart.
Them: … What?
Me: When I was 11 or 12. My mom and I had split the shopping list. While I was getting the stuff there was this person next to me - they were so beautiful, but I had no idea what I was looking at. When I told my mom about them later, she told me they probably did it on purpose and some people don’t want to be seen as either a boy or girl. I was floored. It changed everything.
Them: …
Me: …
Me: … Is… Is there some minor androgyne deity just out there wandering low budget retail stores to help crack the eggs of non-binary trans kids?
Both of us: WHOOOOAAA
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grey-rowan · 6 years
*fellow non-binary friend and I looking back at early signs in our lives*
Me: Oh man, I remember when I was really young when people would ask if I was a boy or a girl, I'd say "I'm a tomboy" - in my mind it was a separate thing.
Them: I have this vivid memory as a kid of this person in a Payless shoes, they were so completely androgynous, I was so in awe and all I could think was "Wow... I want to be THEM!"
Me: ... ... Mine was in Wal-Mart.
Them: ... What?
Me: When I was 11 or 12. My mom and I had split the shopping list. While I was getting the stuff there was this person next to me - they were so beautiful, but I had no idea what I was looking at. When I told my mom about them later, she told me they probably did it on purpose and some people don't want to be seen as either a boy or girl. I was floored. It changed everything.
Them: ...
Me: ...
Me: ... Is... Is there some minor androgyne deity just out there wandering low budget retail stores to help crack the eggs of non-binary trans kids?
Both of us: WHOOOOAAA
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grey-rowan · 6 years
Skál! Germanic cultures, particularly the Vikings, brought in objects, ideas, and people from pretty much every culture they came into contact with. If they could use it to their own advantage, they'd adopt it. This idea of racial purity in the spectrum of old Germanic mythology was an idea perpetuated by Nazi occultism, NOT historical heathenry.
Conflating the two ideologies doesn't even make contextual sense.
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grey-rowan · 6 years
Sometimes I forget that flirting can be a thing with people that just met me.
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grey-rowan · 6 years
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grey-rowan · 6 years
oh to be a powerful lesbian sorceress living in the snowy evergreen forests of some slavic country, reviled by village elders as a wicked, seductive temptress for spiriting their wives and daughters away to come live with me in my log cabin where we pick berries and mushrooms and roast them with meat over campfires and sleep together on piles of bear and deerskin furs
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grey-rowan · 6 years
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Sometimes your gods know exactly what you need even if you don’t want it.
Haven’t made a comic in a while, but I’m still around for the most part.
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grey-rowan · 6 years
does anyone else browse cool pride gear but then get frustrated about what flag stuff to buy because so many of them apply to you that if you got them all you'd look like a one-person united nations of queerness?
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grey-rowan · 6 years
Don't use the wheel of the year myself, but as a tea loving pagan... 💜
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Wheel of the Year
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grey-rowan · 6 years
Trancing Tea (AKA Dreamer's Tea)
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This blend can be used before lucid dreaming, trance work, or meditation. (The best outcome may depend on time of day when consumed.)
2 parts mullein flowers
1 part poppy flowers
1 part mugwort
2 parts spearmint
Remember that herbal tea should be brewed with fully boiling water and steep for at least 10 minutes. Because most of these herbs are known to help with sleep, don't drink before potentially risky activities, like driving.
(If anyone knows the source for this art, please let me know.)
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grey-rowan · 6 years
I use "partner" in my daily life for 3 reasons:
1. I'm non-binary, and have other non-binary people in my life. I like having a term that is gender neutral. It also adds the nuance that relationships generally shouldn't be assumed as heteronormative.
2. I'm poly, and as mentioned above, this provides a more egalitarian way of referring to multiple relationships.
3. It also has a stronger connotation of long-term commitment than boyfriend/girlfriend, without all the complex baggage that can come with husband/wife.
Also: you can tell them "You are the Yee to my Haw."
Unpopular opinion: straight people using “partner” to refer to their SO actually helps normalize the term so that lgbt folx can use it without automatically outing themselves to strangers. It also helps other straight ppl get comfortable with the fact that strangers aren’t entitled to information about other people’s gender or sexuality.
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grey-rowan · 6 years
Appalachian Folklore, Wives Tales, and Superstitions
Brought to you mostly by my grandparents, but also by my family at large. These are all things I heard growing up in the northern region of Appalachia and wanted to share with y'all. The lore and sayings may vary based on location, family tradition, and other factors, but this is just what I’m sharing from my experiences!
• Give the first pinch of a freshly baked loaf of bread to the Good Men to keep them happy. • Deaths and births always come in threes. • Spin around in a circle three times before you walk in the front door to confuse any spirits that are following you. • Don’t throw your hair out! If a bird builds a nest with it, you’ll have migraines. • “Red sky at night, sailor’s delight. Red sky at morning, sailor’s warning.” • If the leaves on trees are flipped over with their backsides showing, rain’s coming. • If you hear a dog howl at night, death is coming. • If you’re giving someone a wallet or purse as a present, put money in it to ensure they’ll never financially struggle. • Spirits can’t cross running water. • Cats and dogs won’t enter a room where spirits are present. • Carry an acorn in your pocket for good luck, a penny for prosperity, and a nail for protection. • If you’re having nightmares, put a Bible under your pillow. They’ll go away. • Take a spoonful of honey to keep your words sweet. • Keeping a pot of coffee on ensures a happy home. • It’s bad luck to walk over a grave. • A horseshoe hung above a door ensures good luck. • A horseshoe in the bedroom staves away nightmares. • If your right hand itches, you’ll soon be receiving money. If the left itches, you’ll be paying it. • Wishing on a star works. “Star light, star bright, first star I see tonight. I wish I may, I wish I might, have the wish I wish tonight.” • When you have a random shiver, someone just walked over your grave. • If smoke from a fire rises, expect clear skies. If it rolls along the ground, expect storms. • Rosemary near the door provides protection. Lavender provides peace. • “A ring around the sun or moon, rain or snow is coming soon.” • Wind chimes and bells keep spirits away. • Seeing a cardinal means unexpected company. • For that matter, so does dropping silverware. • Rubbing a bit of potato on a wart helps it to go away. • If the soles of your feet itch, you will soon walk on strange grounds. • Black eyed peas, greens, and/or pork and sauerkraut should be eaten on New Year’s Day to welcome good luck and good fortune. • Driving a nail into a bedframe or crib will drive away curses. • If your ears are burning, someone’s talking about you. • If you dream of fish, you are or will soon be pregnant. • Listen to the wisdom of children, they see and know more than we think. • To dream of death means birth, to dream of birth means death. • To cure a headache, crush some mint leaves in your hands, cup them over your mouth and nose, and breathe in a few times. It should help. • Placing a fern or ivy on the front porch protects against curses. • In a vegetable garden, never plant the same plants in the same spot two years in a row. Rotate where they are, and you’ll save your soil. (Note: this is a real thing called crop rotation, and is actually kind of important) • A black bird (Raven or crow, doesn’t matter) on the roof or a windowsill is an omen for death. To avoid it, you have to scare it away without using your voice before it caws. • Say a prayer when you pass a coal mine for the lost souls still in the mine. • Thank the land and the Lord with every successful hunt or harvest you have, for nothing is guaranteed.
These are a few of the folklores, wives’ tales, superstitions, and sayings that I’ve heard growing up (and still living in) in Appalachia! I encourage other Appalachian witches, cunning folk, and general inhabitants of the Appalachian region (and just the mountain range at large) to share whatever bits you’ve heard over the years! I just wanted to share a bit with y'all to give you an insight into some Appalachian lore, my own practice, and maybe give you some things to research and incorporate into your own practice! 🌿✨
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