#& i broke my gifs rule but i make exception for these two
paulkariyas · 2 years
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↪ 12/02/2022 ― mika & chris ( the hustle continues ) 
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amell333 · 4 months
His own personal desk pet. S.R
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HELLO this is my fist ever fic pls Iwould love to hear what you guys think and i hope you will like my first ever fic! enjoy!
!!English is not my first languge!!
summary: Spencer like having you sitting near or on his desk, he like being able to have you close to him so he can hold you, but sometimes forgets you're not the only onse there. but can you blame him he loves having his own personal desk pet. especially one as cute and pretty as you. but just bc you can doesn't mean others can.
pairing: Spencer Reid x Reader
Content Warnings: none really just dr Reid being cute and needy. And reader being a litte embarrassed. just fluff yk.
Spencer had never really liked the idea of physical contact with another person. He didn’t like handshakes nor sitting too close to people where they were almost touching. Going his way out to mostly avoid having to touch another person. You could say he is a bit of a germophobe if you would.
But that was before you.
Everybody at the BAU knew Doctor Spencer Reid had a massive soft spot for you, ever since you walked in the doors at the FBI, the moment he laid his eyes on you he knew he was hit, Spencer had fallen for a person he didn’t even know the name of at the time, hell even the whole FBI knew how much he liked you, everyone except you. For a member of the BAU you had an extremely impressive knowledge on criminals and murder, but when it came to love you were facing a wall almost stupid on the subject of love.
You were so oblivious that you never noticed how all of his rules was thrown out the window the second you it came to you. You never noticed how his touches would linger on you’re shoulder when explaining something to you or how he would scooch closer to you when you all set at the round table going over a case, or in the jet how the seat next to you was always reserved for him. You never saw how he would stare at you with his adorable big brown puppy dog eyes like if he didn’t, he would be striped of all life.
Being the same age and having common interests made the two of you inseparable from the start, oh and ofc Spencer’s massive crush on you. You two had been best friends for almost 6 years now and in these last 6 years Spencer’s crush had only been grooving bigger and bigger.
“Earth calling Doctor Reid! You there pretty boy? Or are you too busy making lovey eyes to you’re crush over there?” Morgans voice snaped Spencer out of the spell like trance you had put him in.
“What?” not really hearing what he said, Spencer only then looked back at Morgan, locking eyes with him. Spencer’s eyes getting used to looking at something closer again needed some time to adjust. “Sorry? what did you say again? I didn’t quite hear you.”
Snickers could be heard from not only Morgan but also JJ, Emly and Rosi, “Man she got you hooked pretty boy huh? You sure that shot to the leg didn’t effect your braid as well?” spencer still confused didn’t  get time to answer before the sound of  JJ’s voice broke the laughter.
“Guys Hotch just texted we got a case”
And only a few minutes later there they were sitting around the round table explaining the case. You sitting next to Spencer, like always. No one really had seats around the table that was theirs, but you and Spencer did no one had ever mentioned it or even talked about it, but everyone on the team knew it. it was an unspoken rule. No one sits next to Spencer unless it’s you.
Spencer scooted closer to you while the quick briefing was happening, not really completely listening but enough to drop his point of view on the different point’s of the statements on the murders here and there, before randomly info dumping something only just related to the case at hand, no Spencer was far to busy loving the heat you’re  body gave off you’re arm touching his. He loved how warm you were. But once again he was broken from his thought’s by a voice.
“Ok guys wheels up in 20”
Spencer turned his head to you. You’re pretty face already looking at his face. “So see you on the jet. Save me a seat ok” it wasn’t really a question because you know he would he always did.
And like always there you were sitting next to him, you where almost sitting on his lap with how close together you were sitting, but neither of you minded, his hand around you’re waist and chit resting ever so gently on you’re shoulder.
You didn’t fly for long before landing and getting of the jet. The drive to the small town station wasn’t that bad either, it was a small town on a big land a lot of desert with not so much town. When you and the team walked in Spencer’s hand still hadn’t left you’re body it was still ever so gently resting on the small of you’re back.
Having been introduced to the sharif and the people you were going to work with. Next thing was splitting into teams on who were going where and doing what, and with Spencer’s injury it was not hard to see he was going to have to work from the station.
“So who’s staying with Reid at the station?”
Darek was quick to shot a look between you and Spencer before saying. “actually I think Pretty boy is going to be most comfortable staying here with Y/N here more then any of us others” Spencer stopped and looked over at you expectingly.
The other’s looked over to you. You feeling and uncomfortable feeling having all eyes staring at you waiting for an answer Hotch’s voice sounded “Y/N? you’re ok with staying here with Dr Reid?”
“Of curse I’ll stay here with Spence! Can’t have him getting lonely now can we.” You said with an adoring smile on you’re face. “Grate you two stay here and see what you can find on victimology and see what’s may connect the victim in any way’s. sharif could you find a desk for the two of them they can use as work station?”
“Sure yeah of curse, I’ll go find 2 desks for the two of you-“ he was quickly cut off by Spencer. “No one will be fine, we have no problem sharing a desk.” Quick looks was shared between the team. You’re voice rung out. “yeah one is fine I have no problem sharing a desk with Spence.”
“ very well then, I’ll go find and clear a desk you guys can use. In the meantime you can just wait here.” The sharif went off to find a desk you could use. Not even a minute later he came back, and showed you and Spencer to the desk. “well we should get started now huh?” you asked Spenser. He responded with a nod and a dorky smile.
Hours later you were sitting on the desk with you’re legs crossed with a Spencer leaning up against you’re thigh. The news had in someway slipped out to the press and the phones were going off like crazy. “ We know who his next victim is. I’ll go outside and deliver the news to the team.” And with that you hopped off the table and walked out the back door.
and around 5 minutes later a female cop walk up to the desk you only 5 minutes ago were siting on. “So I se you’ve been working hard huh you deserve a teat here I brought you some coffee from the coffee machine.” Handing the Warm cup To Spencer he thanked her knowing damn well he wasn’t even going to thing about drinking it.
Spencer didn’t pay much attention to her or what she was saying to be honest, that was until she leaned half sat herself on the desk not only that but a little too close to him touching his arm. Spencer almost panicked but calmed himself. “please don’t touch me nor sit on my desk I’m a bit of a germophobe.” He said as calmly as he could
“A germo-what? But you let that other girl full on sit on the desk and she was touching you? That doesn’t make any sense buddy.” She said almost offended. “ yeah but she’s different. She’s so much different then you.” With that said she stormed off. And didn’t approach the team again especially not Spencer or you.
 But at the end of the day you caught the killer. And was packing up to go back home. You and Spencer was the fist in the jet. “spence?...” Spencer was confused by the tone and turned around. When he did he did see a smile on you’re face like always you’re expression was impossible to read. It scared him. What if he had did something wrong? Had he done something to make you sad or mad? He didn’t know and he couldn’t read you. It scared him.
“spencer am I different to you then others?” the question made him panic. “Wh-what are you talking about of course not-“ he was quickly cut off by you’re voice. “Spence I heard what you said to the female cop.” Silence the only thing there could be heard was the steps you took to take you closer to him.
“ you- you heard that?! I can explain ok! It’s no because you’re different! I mean you are diff-“he was cut off by the soft touch of you’re lips on his. He was surprised but quick to kiss back, scrabbling with his hands to hold the sides of you’re face. “I like you Y/N. I like you a lot, I would even say I love you but I would want to scare you away like that.” “I like you a lot to but..” he was quick to think of the worst. “but?...” “ but I would love you if you took me on a date.” The smile returning to his face. “of course! Of course I will” hugging you with a smile.
The happy little session you had was cut off with a loud “fucking finally!” you and Spencer turned around to see the whole team standing there. You were embarrassed. Realizing they had probably seen it all or at least most of it. “my man! So you finally got the girl” ohh man this was going to be a long flight home for you and Spencer.
AGHHHH MY FIRST FIC!!  I really hoped you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. and I wish you beautiful ppl a good morning/afternoon/night:33333
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happy74827 · 8 months
Cool Rider
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[Steve Rogers x Female!Reader]
Synopsis: When another date ends in disaster, and Steve shows up in an attempt to “cheer” you up, you’re instantly against everything. But it’s Steve, and you should know by now that he never takes no for an answer.
WC: 3859
Category: Fluff
A lot of people liked my other Steve fic, so I felt inclined to make another. This time with a lot more fluff (you’re welcome @summerrivera777777).
Needless to say, you were shocked when you heard the roar of a motorcycle.
You didn’t do well with dates. In your 24 years of life, you had a total of one boyfriend, and he was the absolute worst. So, in the last six months, you have been avoiding all social activities like the plague and focusing solely on yourself and your future.
That meant that you had become very comfortable being a hermit and avoiding any and all contact with other human beings. You were happy that way.
So why was a man who looked like an absolute God sitting on a motorcycle at the front door of your house?
Well, because you broke that rule a week ago.
In all fairness, the man was cute. A nerdy, awkward kind of cute. And he was a gentleman. And you were lonely.
So, when he asked you for your number, you were too lonely to turn him down. You hadn’t expected him to call, and you certainly didn’t expect him to ask you out on a date. But you also didn't think you would have the willpower to say no.
So you accepted, and it turned out to be the biggest regret of your life. The “nerd” was actually a complete dick, and after 30 minutes, you just wanted to go home. But you couldn’t because he refused to pay for the meal, so you were stuck there with him.
The worst part of the night was when he got into his car and tried to follow you home. He kept insisting that he just wanted to be a good guy and make sure that you got home safely, but you were sure that he just wanted to see where you lived and probably get in a few gropes along the way.
Luckily, you were able to lose him about three blocks from your house. It was a good thing, too, because your phone had died a couple of blocks ago, and you were afraid that if you got caught by him, you wouldn't have a way to call for help.
The next day, you made an executive decision to stay the hell away from men, with the exception of a few nice, safe friends. That was how you ended up here, seven days later, hiding in your room and ignoring your doorbell.
The bell kept ringing, and you knew that whoever was out there wasn't going to go away anytime soon. Groaning, you threw your covers off of your body and stomped towards the front door.
You threw open the door, ready to rip someone a new one, when your angry speech caught in your throat.
Steve Rogers was standing on your front porch.
He was a friend from work, to simplify a very long story. You met him two years ago when you started at SHIELD. You were a tech genius, and you worked closely with the Avengers to keep their equipment running.
Steve was always sweet and funny. You had a lot in common and were very close. After a while, you started hanging out with him and his friends, Natasha, Sam, and Bucky. It was great.
As exceptions to men go, he was definitely a big one. He was a walking god, with the physique and the looks to prove it. And here he was, on your front porch, holding keys that belonged to the motorcycle parked out front.
You looked at the motorcycle, then back to Steve, before your face went blank.
Steve cocked an eyebrow. A smile tugged at his lips as if he were amused. "No?"
"Nope. Whatever you're trying to sell, I'm not buying."
"Why would I be trying to sell you something? I’m not even selling anything."
"It’s an expression, Steve, Jesus." You said, throwing your hands up in exasperation. Steve might’ve been your best friend, but the guy was such a 90-year-old sometimes. "If you think that I'm going to get on that thing with you, you're wrong. It's death on two wheels."
His eyes widened in surprise, a laugh bubbling in his throat. He looked over his shoulder at the bike, then back to you.
"That's... a little dramatic, don't you think?"
"I'm serious, Steve. It's not happening. I don't trust that thing, and I'm not going to die in some freak accident."
He crossed his arms over his chest, the sleeves of his leather jacket tightening over his biceps. His smile didn't fade as he spoke, which only annoyed you more.
"It's not going to kill you. I’m quite insulted that you would think that I would put you in danger."
"You're an Avenger. You put me in danger just by existing."
His lips twitched, and you had the feeling that he was holding back a comment.
"Look," he said, leaning against the door frame. "You haven't come out with us in weeks, and I'm worried. It's not healthy to lock yourself in your house all the time. With the job we have, there's never a guarantee of tomorrow, and if I were you, I'd want to spend every day living it to the fullest."
His words caught you off guard. He was right. It had been almost two months since you had gone out with the group. You just couldn't find the motivation. You were content being at home, alone. You had gotten a little lax in your friendships, only going to work and coming straight home. And now, with the… issues… with your date, you just didn't have the heart to try again.
You could feel your resolve starting to crumble, but you tried to stay strong.
"That's a low blow, Rogers." You grumbled, crossing your arms over your chest. "But my answer is still no."
"You think that was a low blow?” He scoffed as he pushed himself away from the door and took a step forward.
He was so much taller than you, and his presence was overwhelming. With the added tightness of his clothing and the confidence in his eyes, it tricked your eyes into seeing him as bigger than he really was. He was big, of course, but right now, it felt like he was towering over you.
Your heart began to race, a flush spreading over your cheeks.
"You clearly never played football because if you did, you'd know that this was a real low blow."
Without warning, he grabbed you by the waist and threw you over his shoulder.
"Hey!" You squealed, slapping your hand against his lower back. He was wearing a black shirt and jeans, and you could see the muscles ripple in his back with every step that he took. "Put me down!"
"You're going to have fun today."
"Steve! Put me down right now! I swear to God if you don't-"
"You'll what?" He laughed, the deep rumble making your stomach flutter. "Punish me?"
You huffed as you pounded on his back with your fist. You weren't mad at him, really; you just didn't know how to respond.
Steve practically dragged you outside. You were sure that you looked ridiculous, but you were thankful that you lived far enough away from your neighbors for no one to witness this. When he finally set you down next to the motorcycle, you gave him a glare.
"You're an ass, Steve Rogers."
He gave you a smirk as he swung his leg over the bike, his leather jacket tightening around his arm as his muscles flexed. Personally, you hated leather, but the way it fit him...
"Steve, I’m not wearing the right clothes."
He was quiet as his eyes swept over you. You were wearing shorts and a tank top since it was the middle of summer and you were hot, but he was looking at you like you were covered head to toe in leather.
"We can go buy something and change in the bathroom or something."
He seemed to think for a moment before he gave a single nod.
He started the bike and motioned for you to get on behind him. Goddamn it, Steve.
Sighing, you swung your leg over the bike and wrapped your arms around his torso. It was an incredibly intimate position, with your body pressed up against his and your faces mere inches apart. For a moment, you didn’t even realize when he swung a helmet down in front of your face.
"Put this on, Scaredy-Cat."
"Shut up, I'm not scared. Just... concerned."
He raised an eyebrow at you, his smirk still ever-present. You rolled your eyes before slipping the helmet onto your head.
The engine rumbled beneath you, and Steve revved the engine a couple of times, laughing when you squeaked in surprise and gripped him tighter. You could feel the laughter in his chest, his muscles moving under your fingers.
"Hold on tight, princess. Wouldn't want you falling off."
"You're a dick."
"I will push you off this bike."
Steve didn't say anything; he just pulled the kickstand up and eased the bike into drive.
You squealed when the bike began to move, tightening your hold on Steve and burying your face in his back. He didn’t seem to mind; he just chuckled and sped up a bit.
You tried not to scream as he maneuvered the bike through traffic, weaving in and out of cars. It was a terrifying experience, especially since you had the distinct impression that Steve was taking advantage of the situation and driving recklessly.
You felt the wind on your legs and the constant hair strands whipping into your face, but you refused to look up. The speed, the closeness of the cars, and the fact that there was nothing keeping you on the bike except for Steve made it impossible to even think about moving.
When Steve finally stopped the bike, you had your eyes closed tight, and your body pressed completely up against him. Your arms were wrapped around him so tightly he was surprised you could breathe.
He took a moment to enjoy the feeling before gently prying your hands off of him and stepping off the bike. He turned and reached out a hand for you, waiting patiently for you to move. When you didn’t, he moved back towards the bike and took the helmet off your head.
You were breathing hard, trying desperately not to show how scared you were.
"It wasn’t that bad."
You shot him a glare, which made him grin.
"Just... shut up."
He laughed and helped you off the bike, wrapping an arm around your shoulders and pulling you close. He was a gentleman, of course, and you couldn’t complain about the feeling of his hard body pressed up against yours, but the sudden closeness was a bit overwhelming.
"Ugh, I think I have whiplash."
"Liar," said Steve with another laugh, be dramatic. You liked it, admit it."
"Whatever, why are you even kidnapping me, anyways?"
"I told you. It's not healthy to sit in a dark room, alone, all day, every day."
"First, rude.” You said, giving him a nudge in the side. He let out a small sound, which made your eyes widen in surprise.
"Did that hurt you, oh Captain, my Captain?"
"It didn't hurt," he grumbled, rolling his eyes. "And second?"
"First, rude," he mimicked in a high-pitched voice. "Second?"
"Oh! Yeah, why are we actually doing this?"
That’s when Steve paused. Your heart instantly dropped at his hesitation. Steve only hesitated for two reasons. The first reason would be if he were completely at a loss for words, and clearly, by his recent attitude, that wasn’t the case. So that left the second reason: because he knew something that he either didn’t want to tell you or something he wasn’t supposed to know.
With recent events, it wasn’t difficult to guess what was happening.
"Natasha told you, didn't she."
You were already pulling away from him, ready to go back home and hide in your bed for the rest of eternity, when he caught your wrist.
“Hey,” His voice was softer, and there was a hint of sadness in his eyes. “It doesn't matter. What matters is that you have a good time today, alright? So, forget about what happened, forget about what Natasha said, and just focus on having a good day. Okay?"
“I don’t want a pity date, Steve. It’s nice that you care and everything, but-”
"I'm not pity dating you." His voice was firm, and his face was hard, the complete opposite of the way it was just moments before.
"Then what do you call this? My actual date sucked, and I've been cooped up in my house, so you thought, 'Hey, why not take her out and show her a good time?'"
Steve let out a sigh and shook his head, his fingers loosening around your wrist. "No, no. That's not... I'm sorry."
The change in him was drastic. He seemed to shrink in on himself, and his head drooped like a kicked puppy.
He lifted his head and looked at you, his baby-blue eyes filled with guilt.
"You have no idea how badly I want to punch that guy for treating you like that.” He spoke softly as if the words were only meant for him to hear. But, as the saying goes, the walls have ears, and the parking lot was pretty damn quiet. “But that's not what this is. You're my friend, and I hate to see you sad. I'm not here just because of a stupid date. I'm here because I care about you."
There was a pause, a heavy silence hanging between the two of you. He was looking at you expectantly, a pleading look in his eyes.
"I'm not going to make you talk about it if you don't want to."
"And I'm not going to bring it up again unless you do.”
"And, I'm not going to ask you for anything in return, maybe a little more conversation, a smile, maybe a laugh, but other than that..."
A smile slowly crept onto your face. He had the uncanny ability to make everyone else smile, regardless of their mood, and he was the only one who could do it. It’s not that his jokes were particularly funny because they weren't, but it was the way he said them.
He was an awkward, nervous mess most of the time, but when he was confident when he was in his element, there was no stopping him.
"You sure you want to waste all your energy on me, old man?"
His lips twitched at the nickname, his eyes brightening. "For you, doll? Anything."
And there it was. That goddamn smile that made your heart skip a beat and butterflies erupt in your stomach. He was just too sweet, and it was completely unfair.
"Come on," he said, wrapping his arm around your shoulders and tugging you close. "Let's get you something nice."
You smiled as you walked next to him. As much as you hated the motorcycle ride, it was nice to spend some time with Steve. He parked outside a Target, and the two of you walked in, immediately making your way to the women's section.
You took charge almost immediately, going to the racks and picking out different things. Steve followed behind you, carrying your armfuls of clothes as you added more. You went through rack after rack, throwing the things that caught your eye into his arms.
After about the tenth outfit, you turned around and saw him standing there, his arms filled with clothing and a smile on his face. You ignored it or tried to, as you turned back around and went to another rack.
When you finally finished, you had an armful of outfits, and Steve was practically weighed down. He didn't seem to mind, though, and you had the feeling that he had enjoyed his role as a pack mule. When the shopping was done, you ran to the bathrooms and changed into the outfit while Steve waited outside.
A pullover hoodie and a pair of jeans, the closest thing that Target had to leather. Not exactly what you wanted, but it would work. When you stepped out of the stall, you found Steve sitting in one of the chairs, flipping through a magazine. Such a 90-year-old, again.
He looked up when he heard the door open, his eyes sweeping over your form.
"Where to now? The ditch?"
Steve rolled his eyes, a smile spreading across his lips. "You’re an avid book reader, right? What's the biggest bookstore in the area?"
"Are we going to Barnes and Noble or something?"
"If that's what's closest."
You paused, watching his expression. There was no sign of teasing, no hint that this was a joke.
"…Really? Barnes and Noble?"
"Is that an issue?"
The disbelief must have been written on your face because Steve gave a loud laugh, throwing his head back.
"Oh, come on. I can be spontaneous!"
"Sure," you mumbled, trying not to show how happy his statement had made you. He remembered a stupid fact about you that you had told him months ago. And he had stored it, not forgotten it.
You felt like you were in the twilight zone, but you weren't complaining.
Steve bought the outfit and threw the tags away, and the two of you got back on the motorcycle. It was easier, this time, with the knowledge that he had cared enough to listen to your ramblings. Maybe he cared enough to calm it.
You had your face buried in his back, not out of fear this time, but out of comfort. You couldn’t see him smile as he sped up, but you could feel it.
At Barnes and Noble, he sat and watched as you wandered the store, a smile on his face. He didn’t say anything, didn't pressure you into talking, didn’t even try to join in; he just sat and listened as you read him the summaries of the books. You didn’t even mean to; it just kind of happened.
One moment, you were looking through the books; the next, you were reading the synopsis out loud to Steve. He didn’t say anything, didn't make any indication that he was listening, but you could tell by the way his head would turn towards you when you spoke. And once again, Steve was your personal pack mule, carrying the books that you were interested in.
By the end of the night, he had an armful of books, a satisfied smile on his face, and you were laughing. You couldn’t remember the last time you had laughed this much, the last time you had felt so happy.
When you got home, the sky was dark, and the moon was high. Steve followed you inside and set the books down on the coffee table. He had refused to let you carry them, insisting that they would get ruined in your hands. You didn't bother fighting him on it and allowed him to carry them.
"Do you want a drink or anything? Something to eat?" It was obvious you were slightly nervous now, but Steve didn’t seem the notice… or even care at this point.
"No, thank you. I should probably be getting back."
"Oh." You paused, not really wanting him to leave, but you couldn’t ask him to stay. You were friends, that was it, and nothing more. "Okay, yeah."
"Well," he started, his fingers flexing by his side. "I'll see you soon, then?"
"Yeah," you said, giving him a smile. "See you soon, Steve."
He looked like he was going to say something else before he gave you a soft smile and walked out.
Once he was gone, you shut the door and let out a sigh. Today was perfect, and you hated yourself for it. You hated yourself for enjoying yourself, hated that you were able to push away all thoughts of him. It was like the universe was taunting you, dangling the perfect guy in front of your face, and you couldn’t have him.
"Why him, huh?"
"I can still hear you." Steve's voice echoed through the house despite his absence in it, and you internally groaned as you got up to stare out the window. Damn, his super hearing.
You pulled the blinds aside and watched as Steve got on his bike, his helmet still in his hands.
He paused, turning his head towards the house. He couldn’t hear what you were saying now that he was by his bike, not with the closed windows, but he could see the silhouette of your body against the curtains. You lifted it up in an instant, an invitation.
"Steve.” You repeated, and this time he heard it. Loud and clear.
"Did you really mean it? That this wasn’t a pity date?"
Steve paused for a moment, his lips slightly parted. After a moment, he rested his helmet on the handlebars and made his way back to you. He stopped inches from you, slightly bending down through the window.
A smile and a simple glimpse at your lips was his only answer. He looked back in your eyes, his expression soft, waiting. He was leaving it up to you, not wanting to push, not wanting to scare. He wanted it, but he wasn’t going to force it.
It was all the incentive that you needed.
You reached through the window and grabbed his jacket, pulling him forward and crashing your lips together. It was desperate and slightly awkward since you were halfway through the window, but neither of you seemed to care.
Steve reached forward and grabbed the side of the window, pushing it open even further and lifting you through. You let out a surprised squeak, which quickly turned into a moan as he pressed you up against the house.
His lips were warm and softer than you expected. You wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling him closer and deepening the kiss.
After a few moments, Steve pulled away, his forehead resting on yours and a smile on his face.
"Okay, this wasn't a pity date."
Steve let out a laugh, the breath puffing against your face.
"Good. Glad we established that."
"What was this, then? I've been told that Captain America wasn’t one to put out on the first date."
"Oh, yeah. Definitely not. I'm a gentleman."
"Then what's this, Steve? What was today?"
His arm tightened around you, and he pressed his lips against your forehead, taking a moment to gather his thoughts.
"Like I said, I can be spontaneous."
"Spontaneous," you mumbled, letting out a laugh.
"And," he continued, pressing a kiss to the tip of your nose. "It seems good girls like a little bad every now and then. You especially, given your choice of dates."
"So, is that what this is? Captain America showing me a good time?"
"No. This is Steve Rogers showing his girl a good time."
"Your girl, huh?"
"Yeah," he murmured, his lips inches from yours. "My girl."
And when his lips met yours again, all you could think about was the leather jacket, the motorcycle, and the promise of more.
And a whole lot more bad.
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insxghtt · 2 years
the rage of a mother II — aemond targaryen x reader
You once told Aemond that you cannot escape the rage of a grieving mother. He wished he had listened.
warnings: angst, blood, grief, death, i honestly don’t know what this is but it’s sad.
this is a “part 2″ of this request. idk if i’m gonna turn this into a fanfic but i was just feeling it. it’s small, there will be another part if you guys want to. english is not my first language so i’m sorry if you find some mistakes. hope you like it!
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One month had passed since the night the two men broke into your home and tried to take your daughter away from you. It took Rhaenyra one month to come up with a new plan. This time was different because now she knew what you were capable of doing just to protect your child.
The rules did not seem to matter anymore. At least, not for Rhaenyra. She had to play with new cards. You would never let anyone get close to your daughter except for yourself and your husband. It would take more than two men, more than a whole army. She needed the gods to help her.
It didn’t matter if those gods were not from the light.
Part of Rhaenyra didn't believe the witch of the woods would be able to bend the rules of nature enough to enter your castle. The other part knew that, if she did, she’d be selling her soul to the darkness. But what difference would that make? The pain of losing a child already seemed to swallow all the light inside of her.
Aemond could still hear you crying. The maids had warned him about his wife’s delusions. You were screaming next to the crib, where your child was lying. Her body that was so warm just minutes ago was now freezing cold.
“The witch!”, you yelled with thick tears streaming down your cheeks. “The witch took my baby!”
He’d spend the rest of his life remembering that moment. The day he had his daughter taken away from him.
She was dead. An innocent little girl killed because of her father’s mistakes.
But that night he didn’t just lose his daughter, he lost part of his wife too. Some said you've gone mad being in the presence of something so evil and powerful. You heard your baby crying inside the walls of the castle, like she was asking for help.
You also heard what your husband’s family said about you. “There was no witch. The grief makes people see things.”  
The only one who believed you was Aemond and he had to see you become just as cold and angry as Rhaenyra Targaryen. And, suddenly, the war was not about a throne anymore. It was about two mothers with thirst of blood.
“You cannot escape the rage of a grieving mother”, you said once.
He wished he had listened.
part III
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igotanidea · 2 years
Cemented: Ajax Petropolus x fem!reader
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request: Ajax x reader in which he’s afraid of hurting/stoning them and believes they deserve someone better. So he starts distancing himself and he keeps going until reader finds him crying and hugs him and reassures him that they love him.
A/N: reader is twin sister of Xavier with lie detector abilities. I cut the crying part, but everyting else is just as requested :)
“How does it feel to be in a relationship with a creature that can hurt you?”
Wednesday Addams, in her dark attire and with equally dark and gloomy expression stood before me with eyes fixed on my face. Since she was a bit smaller than me, I had to look down and it brought some ironic humor to the situation. Intimidated by such a tiny figure. In my defense, however, it seemed like she had such an effect on the entire school, cut Enid, but there’s always an exception to a rule.
“What are you talking about Wednesday?”
“Do you know that gorgons can turn people into stone?” she did not even flex a muscle on her face and the longer you look the creepier it became.
“Well, that’s the point of calling them the stoners” I mocked “and apparently unlike you, I took some mythology lessons. So yes, I’m fairly aware of the gorgons capabilities.”
“And yet, you got involved with one of them.”
“Careful, Addams. If you keep this topic up I may think you are concerned about my well-being.”
“Not really. I’m rather curious of your masochistic tendencies. That is something that makes you a bearable company in this school.”
“Bearable?” I let out a sarcastic laugh “I’m flattered.”
“It was not my intention to toady you.”
“I’m well aware. But now, you have to live with the fact that it came up this way. And as for your question, I’m fairly aware Ajax would never stone me. And even if so ….”
“So, you see that possibility either way.” She was quick to point out. Damn it! I forgot to be careful with words around her.
“There’s always a risk of getting hurt, in every relationship. In this one, at least I know where it might be coming from.....”
“Hello my wonderful friends!” Enid busted through the door  with the force of nature, rushed past me and threw herself on the bed with a dramatic thud. Honestly, Enid always had the perfect timing, this time saving me from the necessity of explaining the relationship rules to Wednesday, not that  Addams would understand any of them. “What are you two babbling about?” Ok, I take that back. She did not save me at all.
“Suicidal tendencies.” Wednesday explained and Enid’s surprised expression was just absolutely priceless. Honestly, at this point she should have get used to Addams’s sense of humor.
“Just ignore her, Enid. She’s in the mood today.”
“Whose suicidal tendencies?”
“Oh, come on. Tell me. I need to know!”
“Y/n’s. She’s involved with gorgon like she did not know better. She’s wasting her potential for boys.”
“Oh, now you are flattering me, Addams.”
“Oh, oh, you mean Ajax?” Enid finally caught up on the conversation “speaking of the devil, he seemed a bit sad and overwhelmed when I saw him in the quad. Maybe you should talk to him Y/N. It might be because he stoned himself by accident and …..”
“WHAT?!” I yelled and Enid involuntarily crouched “sorry” I grunted and started again “what happened to him? And how do you even know that? Why didn’t he tell me….” My voice broke at the last sentence as I got overwhelmed with all the pain and feeling of betrayal. Why would he tell Enid and not me?
“He didn’t really tell me. I found out by myself.”
“Of course you did….”
“He was walking out of the school hospital so obviously I had to ask if he was alright. He didn’t want to admit what happened, but …..”
“I know, you have your ways. It’s fine Enid. I;m not mad at you. I’m not even that mad at him. Rather disappointed.”
“Go talk to him, than. It will clear the air.”
“Yeah, yeah, I will.”
“Go now!”
“Ok, fine. Better sooner than later, right?” I smiled sadly and went on to find my boyfriend having this feeling like this would be a hard conversation for both of us.
“Like I said, wasted potential” Wednesday muttered as I was leaving.
I knew gorgons had the capability of stoning every living being, but what was beyond my comprehension was that they were good at hiding as well. It was impossible to find him and that given the fact I had the access to the Nightshade’s hideouts. He just vanished into thin air. Thankfully, if anyone would know where he might be, it would be Xavier and he was more than present, scribbling on the school wall.
“Xavier!” I creeped behind him silently and almost gave him a heart attack.
“Y/N! How many times do I have to tell you, don’t do this!”
“Sorry my dear brother, but it’s an emergency. Have you seen Ajax?”
“I did.” He eyed me and went completely silent.
“Oh, come on, Xavier, don’t play around with me!”
“You asked me…..”
“I know what I asked you!”
“Well then, all things considered, you know I told you the truth.”
“You know what? Fine. “I rubbed my forehead in frustration with his attitude  “Do you know where Ajax is? Like at this moment?”
“Y/N….. “
“Please, Xavi. You don’t want to see me sad, do you?” I pouted
“No. Sure not. But if you just turn around, you might notice him eyeing you like crazy. You know it still feels weird, right? My little sister and my best friend?”
“We are twins Xavier!”
“I’m still ten minutes older.” he shrugged but I just left him be, while chasing after Ajax.
“Ajax!” given the volume of my voice there was not a chance he did not hear me, but decided to ignore me, rushing out the quad.  “Really?” I muttered to myself in disbelief of his foolish believe he could escape me. Of course he could not. Once I caught a glimpse of him I could sense him anywhere. In such circumstances my skills were useful, even if my father thought I was a disgrace to family, not fitting with the vision part of our family.   
“Y/N” yes, there were useful, provided no one was distracting me from my purpose. Like Yoko was doing now “I need your help.”
“Like now?”
“Yes, like now.”
“Ok, fine.” I scoffed. Maybe giving Ajax a bit of space would do us both good.
“What is going on with you?” I finally got to confront with him after fencing classes “why are you running away from me?”
“Jax, come on. It’s me. You can tell me.” I grabbed his hand, forcing him to look at me. “ Is this about your…. Accident?”
“Accident?” he frowned trying to comprehend what I was referring to. Once the realization dawned on him, his eyes went wide “Who told you about that?” he drew me out of the curious eyes and ears of other students to the secluded corridor. “Was that Enid?!”
“It’s not her fault. And besides, you should have told me!”
“It’s embarrassing.” he looked down ashamed.
“No. No it’s not. It’s who you are and I love you like this.” I moved a bit closer to him.
“Well then maybe you should not.”
“What does that mean?” this really took me by surprise. “You don’t mean it.” I pulled away.
“I don’t know what I mean at this point!” He lashed out, acting so not like himself. What was going on with my sensitive, soft and shy boyfriend?
“Jax? Are you breaking up with me?”
“Well, maybe I am! I don’t know! I just want to be alone now!” with such words he left me completely transfixed, unable to continue this conversation and chase after him. And it did not take his snakes to do so.
It’s been three days since our banter.
Three awfully long days that seemed like forever.
Three days during which he wasn’t talking to me, avoiding me for dear life and twirling around every time he saw me approach him in the quad, Or rather attempt to approach him since I quickly gave up on that, not wanting to embarrass myself in front of the whole school.
We usually sit together at Thornhill’s class but due to his erratic behavior I was now forced to sit alone since he did not even bother to show up. There was something wrong going on with him, but given all the circumstances, even if my heart was screaming at me to go clear this shit up and give him comfort and consolation, I doubted I was the right person to do so. Looking at that empty seat next to me, his seat left me feeling heartbroken and with guilt creeping inside my mind. And once again, distracted.
“Y/N?” of course Thornhill took exactly that moment to ask me a  question I did not hear and did not know the answer to.
“I’m sorry, Miss Thornhill, I’m not feeling very well today.” I sighed deeply, not even caring enough to pretend I was interested in what she asked me about.
“I can see that. Maybe you are going down with something .”
“Yeah, maybe” I shrugged. It was nice enough of her to act like she did not know what really was going on. She was smart, she was aware of the real reason of my mood.
“As an exception, I’m going to let you go. Just today. Go rest. You are in need of that.”
I just nodded, as a sign of silent thanks, grabbed my things and left the classroom, followed by all my classmate’s eyes. I couldn’t care less since that one person, whose attention I desperately wanted decided to isolate from me.
I was done with waiting. I was done with doing nothing. I told myself Ajax would come around and I was the one humiliating myself to reach toward him, but I was also the one who was slowly cracking down. And well, he was too. I felt this.
Weekend was coming and some of our friends were planning to take some time off and go to Weathervane.
“Are you going with us Y/n?” Enid asked in the middle of the lunch and I was hesitant to answer right away. Ajax, who was sitting a few places away and heard everything raised his head and looked straight at me. “Everyone’s gonna be there.”
“I think I might join you then.” I smiled lightly toward my wolf friend and she smiled back.
“Well, I’m going to stay at school” Ajax muttered and it was like a sting straight to the heart. He did this intentionally. He was still distancing himself. I felt like crying, but held it back.
“Oh…” Enid face dropped, but not for long “How about you Xavier?”
“I’m staying as well. And to say the truth I might need my sister’s help with what I’m planning.”
Ok. That was not suspicious at all. If he wanted some attention on him he definitely got it, leaving everyone, me included, wondering what he was planning. No one asked, however, blaming his behavior on the whole artist style.
 “So, what did you wanted with me? And why do I have a feeling it’s not really about me helping you?” as everyone left I was finally able to confront my twin.
“It’s not. It’s about Ajax. You need to talk to him. Really.”
“Come on, Y/N. I can’t really watch you two like this.”
“Like what?”
“Pushing each other away. I know it hurts you both.”
“And you got that from your poor attempt at chasing Wednesday?! You are only smart because she’s the one pushing you away!”
“Sorry. That was a low blow . I did not mean to say it.”
“You did. But since you are my sister I can forgive you for that.”
“Such a relief” I rolled my eyes playfully “but fine, I’ll talk to him.”
“See. It’s always good to listen to your older and smarter brother.” He smirked
“We are twins!”
*** I found Ajax in his dorm, sitting on the bed, back to door. He did not even hear me coming and if it wasn’t to the squeak of the door I would reach him unnoticed
 “What are you doing here?” he jumped and faced me. His sad expression killed me on the spot. I have  never seen him being so down. “You know it’s against the rules.”
“Since when do you care about the rules?” I slowly took a step towards him, testing his reaction. He did not move away and it encouraged me to move forward more, up to point when I was just a feet away from him. “Why are you avoiding me?” I whispered looking at the ground.
“I….I was scared.”
“Of what? I know it’s hard to open up to people, but you know me, I won’t ever hurt  you.”
“That is the whole point.” He blurted “you wouldn’t hurt me, but I can’t guarantee the same to you.”
“What are you talking about?” I searched his eyes for an answer and the longer I was staring at his face the more obvious it all was getting. “You mean….”
“Yes. It’s not safe for you to be with me. What if I stone you? What if I hurt you? What if I lose you? What if….?
I cut him off by connecting our lips and he finally stopped spinning. I felt his arms close in on my waist and pull me closer, his lips chasing mine in an instant. It was just an instinct for him to reciprocate my action.
“I missed you.” I whispered pulling away after a while
“I missed you too” he rested his forehead on mine, closing eyes, breathing me “and that’s why I fear I might lose you for good.”
“Ajax. Listen to me, you fool. I feel utterly safe with you, all right?”
“But I stoned myself! What if….”
“Stop with the what ifs!”
“No buts! It’s my choice, all right! I love you. I want to be with you. I don’t care about being stoned if that’s the risk. It’s temporary after all. So the question is, do you want to be with me? Because if not, I will retrieve and won’t bother you again….
This time he didn’t let me finish as he leaned in and pressed our lips together. This kiss was slow and gentle, almost like I was a glass figure in his arms, that he was scared of breaking. Well, I wasn’t afraid as I locked my hands on his neck pulling him closer and deepening the kiss, careful not to touch his beanie and not set his snakes free by accident. I really did miss him and judging by his actions he was too. It was a good feeling knowing someone wants you, ready to give and receive love and affection.
“I’m glad we have that one settled”  I grinned pulling away.
“Oh, I’m not done with you” he smirked tackling me to the bed and holding tight “you’re staying with me.”
“I can live with that” I whispered putting my head on his chest listening to his heartbeat and just simply enjoying this little moment of peace. Just the two of us.
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dreamingomens · 1 year
for me?
CW: mentions of blood/murder, manipulation and gaslighting
this is my first actual piece of writing so bare with me if it sucks 😩
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a quick blossoming romance is a nice way to describe the situation that occurred with you and ethan. from the moment you two met, everyone could practically see the sparks flying. he followed you like a lost puppy for weeks until he had the actual courage to ask you out on a date. ethan was a great boyfriend, he truly was. he did everything in his power to make you happy. you were his top priority, even if it meant to suffer his happiness. he would do ANYTHING for you.
if someone told you in three months that the love of your life would be standing in front of you and your friends with a bloody knife that was dripping in chads blood, you would think it was a sick joke.
as the curly brunette took his mask off, a sick smile displayed on his face.
"hi, honey." he smirked. he was eager for this moment. he was finally going to get the recognition he deserved for all his hard work he did for you.
as tears brimmed your eyes, you couldn't help but take in the facial expressions displayed on tara and sam's face. they were hurt, but certainly not as hurt as you.
this is the same boy you helped make a cardboard knight costume with at two in the morning. the same boy who used to organize his comic books in alphabetical order. how was he capable of such gruesome murders?
the gears in your brain started to turn as the puzzle pieces slowly started to fit. it all made sense.
the professor that gave you a failing grade who was found days later butchered in the ally.
poor anika who spoke negatively on your relationship with ethan.
chad who expressed his concerns about the friend group falling apart if anything were to happen with the relationship.
"you.. YOU did this?" your shaky voice croaked out.
"not alone." quinn spoke out from her hidden spot behind her father. "you seriously didn't see this coming, y/n?"
in quinn's eyes, she was getting revenge for her brother- richie. ethan begged for his family to spare you. he broke the one rule his father put in place.. don't get attached. ethan clearly didn't want to listen. he never had someone have genuine feelings for him. how could he let this opportunity slip from his hands? he might not have this opportunity ever again. he needed to keep you in his hands forever.
"you tricked me..."
ethan flinched at these words. he did have genuine love for you. couldn't you see that? would he have gutted your professor in an alley if he didn't? did you see him differently? how couldn't you be happy knowing he did all of this for you!
"tricked you? no.. no i SAVED you." he explained. "if it wasn't for me, quinn would've killed you when she had the chance. did you ever think how EVERYONE in our lives were targeted except you? that's because of me, honey. i did that for YOU. for US. we can be happy now without anyone getting in the way!" he didn't see anything wrong with his actions. how could he?
"you're a monster" you croaked out
"great. we kept your little bitch alive for nothing." quinn rolled her eyes. "i told you she wouldn't understand or appreciate it."
"well.. you know what to do." wayne bailey kicked at his feet and looked at the ground.
"get them."
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billys-pretty-babe · 1 year
Billy Hargrove x Fem!Reader
Summary : A night alone leaves you and Billy doing some physical activities but can your bed withstand his stamina?
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Warnings : Swearing, smut (giggly sex because that's what Billy deserves), uh bed breaking
Word count : ~ 2k
A/N : I have no explanation for this, I got bored. Hope you enjoy ;) requests are open :)
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Your parents decided to leave you alone for the night, that was the biggest mistake they could have made. Being 18, you still had rules living in their house and you abided for the most part except when it came to your boyfriend, Billy.
You were inexperienced when the two of you got together but now, you could confidently say you know about three times as much as you did going into the relationship.
Here the two of you were, really testing the planks on your bed, hearing them creak, the legs of the bed moving, the springs whining in protest, begging you both to slow down.
"Billy," you whined as he spread your legs wider, going as deep as he could, making your back arch and he chuckled. "That feel good?" You nodded, "You know it does, you ass." He laughed and quickly pecked you on your lips, smiling against them. "You still okay?" You nodded, holding his face.
"Yeah, I'm good." He smiled and kissed you as he rolled his hips against yours and you did your best to keep kissing him but it was hard, you had to remember to breathe when he fucked you like this but now you also had to kiss him, you swore you were going to die but you weren't complaining.
He laughed against your swollen lips, "Struggling there?" He still managed to be a sarcastic ass while being in an extremely compromising position with you. "Shut up," you said, lips brushing against his. He began to go harder, your body moving up the body as you grasped onto his arms.
His curls were stringy and you were hoping his stamina would deplete soon, being an athlete and a workout junkie was a bonus for the two of you in moments like these. His pendant swung between the two of you and you snickered. "What's so funny," he asked, going slightly harder and you dug your nails into his arms. "Your pendant, it's kinda ironic in this situation." He laughed and put one hand on the top of your skull and you felt the thump of the headboard hitting his hand and he winced.
"Switch." You nodded and sat up, both of you sweaty and out of breath as he laid down, hands behind his head as he smirked. "Come on cowgirl," he said, slapping your ass with his ringed hand and you winced, "Ow." He chuckled and your eyes looked behind him at your wall.
"Uh oh," you said quietly and he turned, seeing the paint had scrapped off of the wall. "Damn, I'm good." You rolled your eyes, "You're mediocre at best." He grumbled, mocking you as he swung his head and you laughed at him. "You're gonna hit me with your big ass head again, you almost broke my nose last time you did that." Billy laughed, "My apologies for my big ass head." He got comfortable again.
He grabbed your pillows and put them behind his back as he sat up, spreading his thighs slightly. He put his hands out, helping you straddle him. His hands left yours, scaling up your thighs, up your back until they held the back of your neck gently and he knocked his forehead on yours gently, making sure he didn't hurt you in anyway.
"I love you." You smiled and leaned in slightly to peck his lips, "I love you too, B." He smiled and kissed you again, moaning as he felt you grind your hips on his. He pulled away and watched your face as he saw you slide down his cock, watching your lips part, your brow furrow slightly and your eyes going glassy.
This was one of his favorite looks on your, satisfied and high on pleasure, you looked absolutely ethereal. You touched down on his thighs and Billy moaned, hands quickly going to your hips, his thumbs rubbing little circles as he waited for you to adjust. He hissed as he felt you clench and you moaned feeling him twitch.
"Ready?" You nodded, moving slowly at first, still trying to adjust to this position. You held his shoulders before moving your hands to his upper back as you intertwined your fingers. "I need help." He softly laughed. "Okay, hold on." You nodded and moved in closer and moaned at the slight change of angle as you held onto him, his forehead on yours as he crossed his eyes and you both laughed.
You put your head on your arm as he began thrusting up into you, the mattress dipping with each movement as you both moaned, him moaning different profanities and you moaning his name. He quickened his pace, hands now on your ass, pulling you on his lap with each thrust.
The springs were crying, wanting the two of you to slow down or stop completely and you moved your fingers into his hair, pulling the hair at the nape of his neck, his head tilting back with the pull, baring his neck to you completely and you latched your lips onto his pulse, gently sucking and nipping and he squeezed your ass, moaning your name, making you clench around him.
"Faster." He chuckled, "Jesus, I'm not a machine." You pulled his hair again and he groaned in pleasure, "Fuck, feels so good." He moved faster, your skin echoing in the room, the sound of your wetness sticking to him slightly louder than your moans, groans and pants.
Two of the wood planks snapped where the two of you sat, making the mattress sag. "I told you I was good." You grumbled, "You broke my bed." He laughed, moving some of his hair. "Baby, it was bound to break. I don't exactly go slow with you."
He tried to keep moving and the bed creaked again. "How many orgasms did you get?" You laughed, "Three." He nodded, "Alright, your bed can't take anymore. We're gonna call it a night on this." You nodded and he helped you off of him as you winced slightly and he rubbed your back.
He took the condom off, tying it off as he plopped it into your trash can, finding tissues and throwing them on top just in case one of your parents found it. He helped you up, laughing as you stumbled slightly as he helped you to the bathroom, turning the shower on. He leaned down slightly and kissed you, "Go to the bathroom and I'll be back so we can shower." You nodded and he left the bathroom and you quickly did your business and looked at yourself in the mirror, noting the love bites on your chest and neck, some on your stomach, hips and thighs.
You smiled and shook your head as you washed your hands. Billy came back with towels and clothes as he helped you in the shower. He held you close to him as he bathed you as you basked in the intimacy of it all. "My poor bed." He laughed, "I'll fix it, just not tonight." You nodded and hummed as he gently rubbed the soap on your skin, easing your achy muscles and he put his head on your shoulder as he held your hand with his right hand.
"I love you," he said as he pressed a kiss under your ear and you smiled. "I love you too, baby." He smiled against your saltwater scented skin, using his soap on your body, knowing how much his scent comforted you at night.
He rinsed you off and you turned and washed his body as he washed his hair, trying to put it into a soapy mohawk and you laughed at the failed attempt as his hair fell onto his face. "Ew," he gagged, "it's in my mouth, it burns, my eyes." You laughed at him, your whole body shaking as you moved his hair and you wiped his eyes with a clean cloth.
He opened his eyes, his lashes were stuck together and his waterline slightly pink and his face screwed up. "This tastes so bad." He fought the urge to spit out the soapy taste, knowing you'd get onto him if the spit got onto your clean skin. He rinsed his hair and you shoved the conditioner into his hands and he groaned. "You always complain that it's dry." He put the conditioner in and reached up as he moved the shower head so the hot water was hitting him.
"Hey, I'm cold now." He laughed and you turned around so your head was on his chest, your back being hit by the water. He looked at your neck, tracing the patter of the bites. "Did a number on your skin." You nodded, "It's okay, I can cover them if they bruise." He nodded, holding you tightly as he leaned down and kissed one of the bites, feeling the indent of where his teeth had been, against his lips and he hummed.
"Let me rinse this out and then we'll go to sleep." You nodded, not even having the energy to protest, knowing you'd fall asleep within ten minutes with the way his warm body was pressed against yours in addition with the hot water. "Okay." He rinsed his hair, making sure there was no product life in it before the two of you got out and he helped you dry off, your eyes heavy with exhaustion.
You got dressed, slipping on underwear and a shirt as Billy dried himself and dried his hair as best as he could do before tying it up and slipping on boxers. "Come on, bedtime." You nodded and followed him, turning the lights off in the bathroom as you shut the door.
He laid on the broken side of the bed and you cuddled up to him. He rubbed your temple gently. "Do you need anything? Water, snacks, need to talk, anything?" You shook your head, your eyes shut, lashes softly fluttering on the side of his chest and he smiled, feeling the little tickles that reminded him of the little butterflies in his stomach.
"You sure?" You nodded, letting out a yawn. "Just need some sleep. I can eat in the morning." He nodded. "Are you okay? Anything hurt or sore?" You shook your head, your lips pulling up for a mere second before they fell again. "I'm okay. Are you?" He nodded as he tried to pull you closer, wishing he could attach you to him, needing you on him at all times.
"Love you," you said against his skin and he smiled, hand rubbing your temple again. "I love you too, get some sleep. We have a busy day tomorrow." You furrowed your brows, never opening your eyes, "I'm not fixing it," you slurred out, words barely making any sense. He laughed, "You're going to get more wood with me, I'll fix it, you're just gonna keep me company." You nodded and tired to move closer and huffed, your breath hitting his nipple and he squeezed his eyes shut.
"Should just tie you or cuff you to me." You hummed, "You'd like that, you kinky fuck." He laughed, "Yeah, I would." You both laughed before you yawned again. "Okay, go to sleep. We'll get breakfast if you wake up early enough." You nodded, holding him tightly, He rubbed your back, lulling you to sleep as he followed you into his own deep sleep.
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oc-challenges · 8 months
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Ciao! It's almost that time of year again, when love is in the air and heart-shaped boxes of chocolate are in every gas station, which means it's almost time for the annual oc valentines challenge!
Once again, we begin on the seventh of February and conclude on the 14th. Except from now on the valentines challenges are gonna be a little different: we're going to focus on a certain theme. This year it's tropes, next year it's AUs or prompts. So take a look at the tropes and choose your oc ship it fits to make a graphic, video, web weave, gifset, drabble, aesthetic, playlist, or drawing for!
DO NOT copy others edits, if you feel someone has stolen your edits, follow these guidelines!
If you are doing crossovers, PLEASE make sure that the creator of the other oc is okay with crossovers.
If you want your post to be reblogged onto this blog, it must contain the hashtag ovc24.
Feel free to ask any questions, as long as your kind about it.
Everything is up to the creators interpretation, although I have tried to include some examples for help!
Have fun!
Day One: First Love
For the first day of the challenge, we've gotta do first love! Make something for your oc and their first love.
Day Two: Second Chance Romance
For day two, we're looking at the one who got away but came back. This is a ship that we're together at one point, broke up for some reason, and then decided to give their relationship another try.
Day Three: No Second Chances in Romances
On the other hand, just because there was love before doesn't mean there will be love after. This is when you realize the one that got away wasn't "the one" after all. Make something for a ship that were together at one point, broke up for some reason, but decided not to give the relationship another try whether that be because of a new love, unrequited feelings, or any other reason.
Day Four: Friends to Lovers
My personal favorite, when they go from friends to lovers. Their enemies know their worst sides, the heroes know their best, but their friends know both and fall in love with them anyways. Show off an oc ship that were friends before lovers.
Day Five: Enemies to Lovers
There's a thin line between love and hate, and sometimes that line gets crossed. For day four, show us one of your oc ships that this happened to.
Day Six: Almost Love
Sometimes loving someone isn't enough. Whether it's because that love is unrequired, the protagonist is torn apart from their love interest in some way, the ship decide their better off as friends, or they can't get past their differences, we're showing off those couples that could've been but never were.
Day Seven: Forbidden Love
Romeo and Juliet, Maria and Tony, even Coriolanus and Lucy Gray-- all star-crossed lovers who took a chance despite their love being forbidden. Today, we sympathize with those lovers that nobody loves (at least in the canon of their stories).
Day Eight: Give Me Love
Give love to other creators by making them a gift with love by signing up for the valentines ocpotluck challenge!
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dany-is-my-queen · 2 years
A Question Of Loyalty II
Rhaenyra Targaryen x reader, Alicent Hightower x reader
Word count: 6.8k
Note: First of all, I cannot thank all of you guys enough for the love you’ve given to this story. To be completely honest, I don’t know how many chapters are left, maybe 2, maybe even 4. After the 1 season of House of The Dragon ended, I’m in blank really. I’m currently reading Fire & Blood, where “The storm broke and the dragons danced”. So, I don’t want to spoil you, therefore I’m unsure on how much to include in futures chaps… I already have a few ideas though, solid ones that you’ll read soon. Anyways, sorry for my rambling lol. Enjoy! These are flashbacks, to give context of what occurred before the part I.
Part 1
Summary: When dragons of green and dragons of black dance, you have to choose the color that suits you best.
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Oh how you rejoiced in taking off to the mountain tops to liberate your mind for a while. You didn’t take after your father, not being a big fan of the sea and sailing, instead, you fell in love with the skies. Silverwing was the best dragon you could ever dream for. Not having hatched one of your own, unlike Laenor, you claimed the she-dragon when you were only nine, you almost gave Rhaenys a heart attack when she was told you’ve been seen soaring the skies atop of her. “Your great grandmother would be proud. But don’t be hot-headed, Y/N.” The Queen Who Never Was remarked. You wore a grin of satisfaction when your mother praised you.
You admired Queen Alysanne, you’ve read all about her contribution to the Realm in the ruling of her husband, King Jaehaerys I, therefore, you aspired to become like her, that’s why you gathered the courage to mount the silvery beast. She was relatively docile and friendly to strangers, so it was natural the bond that bloomed between you.
You lodged in King’s Landing since then, with Silverwing residing in the Dragon Pit with the rest of the dragons.
“Care to join me for a ride, cousin?” Rhaenyra offered beaming.
“Today is your nameday, my Princess. Do you want to spend it with me?” Rhaenyra was turning ten and five, you were the same age and that aided you to feel comfortable around one another. And you found common ground on flying. She nodded eagerly, grabbing gently your forearm.
“Nothing would make me happier.”
How could you refuse the Princess of the Kingdom? You were being reckless and selfish, to say the least. King Viserys and Queen Aemma were hosting a huge feast and jousting to celebrate the “Realm’s Delight”, but she had other plans in mind. You tagged along without a second thought.
“Where are we going?” You asked once you were ready to take depart.
Dragonstone was a short flight from the Capital, the dank island was forsaken, except for a dozen servants that kept the Castle in good conditions. You landed ashore, unsure on why Rhaenyra would want to be there.
“We could move here. Just the two of us.” The Princess’s voice unwavering. You modestly chuckled. After all, it is rightfully mine”
“It would get a bit lonely, don’t you agree?” You demurred, she shook her head.
“Not really, we have Syrax and Silverwing. They can keep us company.”
“Would that suffice, my Princess?” She looked you straight in the eye, you had never felt so intimate with anyone before.
“It would, for me. I’ll never be the son my father so desperately seeks. There’s no place for me there. Not one that will lead me to a happy ending.” The confession staggered your heart, the princess felt so alone, so isolated, under the shadow of an unborn male child. “We could visit Driftmark from time to time. I know you’d miss your family.” She insisted, you contemplated this absurd notion for a minute.
“What about Alicent?”
“What about her?”
“Wouldn’t you miss her?”
“Would you?”
“Yes. She’s our friend.”
“She’s way too dutiful. She will marry soon and forget about us.”
“You reckon?”
“We could do as we pleased here. I needn’t worry about you marrying some fat Lord. We could wed instead, I’ve read about the ancient Valyrian ceremonies. I would make you happy.” There was no malice, nor ambition, solely innocence and hope. You were bewildered, couldn’t believe what Rhaenyra was professing, she was not jesting. Her stomach knotted, worried you’d look at her with disgust, but you cupped her face in your hands. The moonlight shone on the water and on her blue eyes. Rhaenyra has never looked more beautiful, her hair waving gracefully in the blowing wind, her lips so inviting, flushed cheeks.
The naive, ingenious part of you wanted to seal your consent with a fiery kiss, your first kiss. To affirm to her that you would marry her to the tradition of your Houses. Then that vision faded in your mind, she was the Princess, the only child of the King & Queen. That hunch… telling you she was destined for something greater than breaking the rules and committing this kind of madness. It could never be.
“Nyke’m isse jorrāelagon rūsīr ao. (I’m in love with you) Even if for some bizarre reason my father decided to make me his pronounced heir. I would give it up, I’d give everything up to be with you. In a heartbeat.” In this moment in time, Rhaenyra bared her deepest desires and dreams to you. Despite this, you balked off. Fixing your coat and climbing on Silverwing before she could stop you, dodging her face. This was the right thing to do, the wise action. They wouldn’t let you be together, she was more than you deserved. You felt like an absolute coward, you were. The silver dragon flapped her wings into the night sky, heading back to King’s Landing.
Syrax hopelessly yowled. Which meant she was feeling her rider's heartache.
There are days… where you find yourself wishing you had said yes to Rhaenyra, to had carried on with her unhinged proposal. Your parents haven’t urged you to get married, for which you were grateful for. After the incident with the Princess at Dragonstone, you grew asunder. She avoided you like the plague, barely granting you a word when in the same space. Whereas with Lady Alicent, you only grew closer. You enjoyed her company, and making her laugh.
“Do you get homesick?” Alicent asked while reading a book with you laying on her lap.
“Of course. Being apart from my siblings is hard. But being here allows me to spend time with you. That’s a fair exchange.” You missed the way Alicent blushed. “Do you?”
“Yes, I miss my brother Gwayne. My cousins. Hightower was warmer… I felt closer to the Gods. And to my mother.” You knew she still had a difficult time recalling the demise of her mother.
“Let’s pay a visit to Oldtown then.” You bluntly suggested, attempting to lift her spirts. Alicent giggled.
“It’s a prolonged way from the Keep. It’d take months… my father won’t let me be absent for that long.”
“Lucky for you. I happen to know someone who could take us there in no time.” You smirked, Alicent understanding now who your carriage was.
“Y/N, are you out of your mind! I would fall off Silverwing somewhere across the Roseroad and my body would never be located.” You chuckled at her overemphasis more so cause she possessed a serious look on her delicate features.
“Don’t be dramatic, Alicent. You’d be clutching my waist the entire flight. I’ll have the dragon keepers saddle her properly for your safety. It would be an unforgettable quest. C’mon, my lady. Picture it, instead of reading old tales and histories we can have an experience of our own. We can even make a quick stop on Highgarden, have you been there?” Alicent did want to go, it felt like a lifetime opportunity. If only she wasn’t terrified of mounting a dragon…
“The many rivers, the canal crisscross and its cobbled streets, the breathtaking mansions. I wish to see the place where you grew up. Please?”
It didn’t take much to convince Alicent, she was surprised herself. She was willing to overcome her fear for those beasts… if it meant to share this voyage with you.
Alicent approached your dragon with dread creeping in. “Touch her.” You encouraged her, she delayed, you guided her fingers to the long neck of Silverwing.
“Promise me if I die you’ll say to my family that I’m sorry and that I love them.” Alicent quipped but did mean it. You pressed a peck to her temple to soothe her.
“I’d never let anything happen to you.” That was all the reassurance Alicent needed.
“May I?” You asked gently.
“You may.” You helped her climb, following behind, she cleaved steady your lower back. “I still don’t know how I persuaded my father to let me go.”
“He was in a good mood, I guess. Now, don’t make a hasty move cause if you do Silverwing might toss us away by accident.” You tried to feign a serious tone. She stiffened and tighten her grip, you bursted out laughing again and she nudged you softly.
“Y/N! Don’t tease.”
“Sorry sorry. You’re stuck with me. Sōvēs, Silverwing!” The ride to her home was pure bliss. She never would have wager that she’d enjoy riding in dragonback. She wasn’t sure if it was the thrill of it or the mere fact that you were the one with her. That was the very journey that showed her what true love felt like. Disguised as adventurous friendship, she realized she was head over heels for you.
It hasn't been long since you returned to the Capital from your excursion with Lady Alicent. You sat next to her at the tournaments, this time celebrating the upcoming birth of the King's first son. Rhaenyra watched you from her seat. You felt quite uncomfortable, more so because that fire inside you kept burning wildly whenever she was around. There was a new knight in town, Criston Cole, you overheard, the Realm’s Delight seemed smitten by him, and you suddenly felt sick, jealousy twisting in, you paid no attention, Alicent was gossiping about the other participants.
Queen Aemma died in childbirth, you wished you were there for Rhaenyra, but she built her walls higher than they have ever been.
Rhaenyra was proclaimed heir by the King, as you once suspect it would happen. She’s destined for greater things. The same tape replaying in your head. The Lords from all across the Kingdoms swore fealty to her, your House among them.
A few moons passed and Alicent was betrothed to the King, news that surprised Rhaenyra, though not you. It relieved you, for he wasn’t to take you nor little Laena to wife. Alicent has told you about her private visits to Viserys, solemnly swearing it was his father’s goal all along.
“My interest for men is as dull as dishwater.” She commented one day. Gaining your curiosity.
“Whatever do you mean? I know you desire not to marry him. Does that…-“
“I’m not going to elaborate. Just… remember this. I will always be yours.”
“I need to prepare. See you at the ceremony, lady Y/N.” She ran out, leaving you very, very confused.
It’s been four years since the royal wedding. Four years since you decided to leave court to be with your family and stop pondering about her, or rather, about them. Then proceeded to head for the fighting on the Stepstones, aiming to bring some help to your father and brother, only to be dismissed upon your arrival. You argued with your sire at the Valeryon camp on Dwarfstone. “No, Y/N. Not a chance.” Corlys rejected you. There was no bargain on the table. “This is no playground, no training yard. This is a dangerous zone. I cannot and will not risk your life.”
“But father- my dragon can make the difference, I’m capable of fighting as well-“
“I know, sweet daughter. I know you are. Even more capable than half my men here, but you are no soldier, Y/N. You have no practice in these things. I would never forgive myself if anything were to happen while you’re in this bloodshed.” Your father finished explaining his concern. You were upset about it, by all means. How were you to learn if not by being in an actual war.
That didn’t halt you though. Laenor disagreed at the beginning. Unhappy to oblige to your request, you implored for his help on this one. And so he gave it. He unfolded the plan of supposedly surrender to the Crabfeeder and the Triarchy, proposing a desperate gambit, using Daemon as bait to lure the Crabfeeder's forces into the open to eliminate them all at once. “Gods be good, if father kills me after this, know that it’ll be on you.”
You ready yourself, locating on the top of the highest peak, standing by until further signal from Laenor.
It was time when you spotted Seasmoke emerged. You trailed behind them, setting ablaze the Triarchy soldiers astride Silverwing, wiping out the archers overlooking the battlefield. A lost arrow almost hitting you, you dodged it effectively. As they forced reel, Corlys and Vaemond leaded a brutal counterattack against the enemy, while Daemon pursued Drahar into the caves. As the Velaryon forces claimed victory, Daemon dragged the upper half of Drahar's bisected corpse behind him. Your father’s vassals gazed upon the skies to find you and your she-dragon roaring with strength.
You were back at Driftmark. Your father scolded you, and Laenor. But it was worth it, you knew deep down he was proud of you. Quite the woman you were becoming, what did you need a husband for?
Your mother welcomed you with a hug that lasted for hours, she also reprimanded you though, “Still hot-headed.” And Laena hugged you as well. “I can’t believe you went off to war to escape your feelings from a certain Targaryen princess.” Your sister hissed, mocking you.
“I can’t believe you claimed Vhagar.” She smiled warmly at you. “I’ve missed you, little sister.”
“So have I.” Then you proceeded to visit your dragons.
“Rhaenyra flew in here weeks ago. You were on the Stepstones. She seemed to be in a hurry. Like she sought rescue.” Laena nonchalantly depicted. Why would she?
“What did she want?”
“Other than to say hello to her favorite cousin, I have no idea. She said something about the King organizing a tour for her with the most noble lords in the Realm. At this time, she is to continue holding audiences for her hand in marriage.”
“Oh?” Rhaenyra on the search for a husband… that didn’t sit well with you.
“She’s to be here too.” The youngest Valeryon added.
“I doubt that she’ll find her golden knight here.” You scoffed, you couldn’t face her, not yet. “However, none of my business.” Laena looked at you incredulously but didn’t push it. “I will go to King’s Landing to check on the Queen. I didn’t even say goodbye the last time. Accompany me?”
“I’d love to, but I don’t want to leave mother. And you will surely be wrapped up.”
“Off with me then.” You said your farewells to your parents & siblings and set your route to the Capital.
It was perfect timing, you thought. The Princess was touring the Realm, therefore she wouldn’t be any near the Keep, you could visit Alicent without fretting of seeing Rhaenyra.
You still loved her, that was very much true. It was different now though… you felt braver than you did those days back in Dragonstone when you fled and abandoned her. You owe an apology, to both of them really. “I’ll always be yours.” What did Alicent mean with that? Always be your best friend? Did she was enamored by you? Was that another reason for the girls to be in odds with one another? Were you to blame?
You arrived at the gates of the castle, you were nervous but masked it pretty well, then proceeded to greet the King, “Lady Y/N! So good to have you back. Your non-appearance hasn’t gone unnoticed.” Viserys hospitably welcomed you.
“Thank you, your Grace. I’ve missed it as badly. How’s Princess Rhaenyra?”
“She’s… disobeying me as usual. Don’t know if you are aware but we arranged a tour for her to choose her own consort. Yet she came back earlier than scheduled, moons for it to be over.” You opened your eyes in realization of what that meant, fortunately Viserys didn’t notice it.
“I see, your grace. That sounds a lot like her.”
“You’ve grown distant. That saddens me. Since her fifteenth nameday she’s hasn’t been the same, she’s upset and depressed. Perhaps you could rekindle your relation with her now that you’re both around.” He encouraged you, you played the part.
“You’re right, you’re Grace. That would warm my heart, hopefully hers too.” Rhaenyra did remember what happened that evening, it still burdened her, guilt swamping all over.
The tide was set the other way around. But you longed to see her, them.
Daemon was there, as expected. And you were invited to the gathering held in the goodswood to the younger prince’s honor. The King got somewhat drunk, and was sharing stories of his teenage years along with Daemon, who had a smirk on his face. The Queen and the Princess were there as well.
“Oh lady Y/N. Glad you could join us.” Viserys alluded to you in such an effortless manner, you approached them, situating in between him and Rhaenyra. “You know, this is also for you. I heard about your bravery on the latest war. You did brought fire and blood to the enemy. What is it you want as a reward for your courage? Never would expect you were a warrior but you are very much like your sire Lord Corlys.” Daemon sniggered under his teeth, and Alicent was blowed.
“It is not glory I’m after, nor a reward, your Grace. But I truly appreciate your nice words.”
“How modest. You’re one of a kind, my lady. Lucky the man that gets to keep you.”
“Yes, indeed very lucky.” Daemon mocked. You paid no mind. Viserys spoke again. Did the prince was always this annoying?
“My lady wife has told me about the trip you once ventured in together. Wandering the skies on dragonback. If I had a dragon myself, I could take her on a similar adventure. Just like my grandparents once did.”
“Yes, husband. I had a great time with lady Y/N. We visited the Citadel also, it was magical. I cherish it dearly.” Alicent reminisced fondly, so did you. The Princess shifted awkwardly.
“If you excuse me, I’ll go see the new tapestries displayed in the gallery.” She excused herself and dashed from you. Daemon tracking after her.
Shortly after, you requested to speak to the Queen alone.
“Before I start apologizing, let my tell you. You look stunning in that dress.”
“I was not sure that the Targaryen colors would fit me.” Alicent bashfully answered the compliment. You admired her under the afterglow.
“They certainly do. Red and black highlight your skin, your Grace.” She was as red as the morning sun, feeling like lady Alicent Hightower again, not “The Queen.”
“You flatter me. But what is that that I heard that you went to war? You didn’t even say goodbye, Y/N. I was left alone.” You felt bad, too selfish really to stick around Alicent’s side, but living in the same place that the silver-head was way too intoxicating, you wagered she hated you, not realizing you had hurt Her Grace along the way. “I…- realized that I have few friends lately.”
“I’m sorry, Alicent. I needed time away from court and also, you had your duties. Tending to the King, looking after your children. I can’t wait to meet the little princelings.” She softened, albeit, it was true, she had limited time to spare yet she would have found it for you.
“It’s okay, Y/N. You came back.”
“The King requests your presence, my Queen.” Rhaenyra declared, faking a courtesy.
“Thank you, stepdaughter.” She barely spared a glance to the Princess. “We will resume our conversation later.” You bowed and she was gone. Rhaenyra was walking away from you.
“Princess… may I speak with you for a minute?” You attempted. Rhaenyra didn’t stop her pace. “Rhaenyra.”
“My uncle is waiting for me.”
“How long are you going to ignore me?” The question coming more like an accusation. She turned around.
“I? You were the one that brushed me aside years ago. You didn’t care about seeking me out. You then left the city. You return and launch into her arms first. I do not owe you anything, Y/N” You didn’t have a reply, for it was the truth.
You did jilt her, and she was far from being over it. But you fairly did leave because you loved her, more than your heart could admit, and the fact that you couldn't be with her was too much to bear. Little did you know that that was all she wanted, even though you spurned her once you were younger, she still wished to court you, woo you. You were dying to tell her she swept you off your feet a long while back.
A big terrible lack of communication set your paradise ablaze, the two of you burned and turned to cinders, but… where there were fire, ashes remain, right? You were a wine stained gown, one Rhaenyra could no longer wear.
Did Rhaenyra resented you? Or did she harbored her old feelings for you? She was a mystery, one you wanted to unravel. You love her, not past tense. You love her in the present.
Unfortunately, you couldn’t resume your talk with Her Grace, a servant girl came shyly to inform you that she was nursing her newborn daughter Haelena, and later the King might “need” her. You didn’t dwell on the last part, as it was a duty she had, yet in her face was written her distaste for her obligations.
Later that evening you derived in a lengthen bath. You lit up some candles, wrote a couple of letters meant for Driftmark and leaned on the big window frame that had a gorgeous view of the city. The Dragonpit and the Sept could be spotted from there. Averting your thoughts as far as possible from the Targaryen Princess, to no avail, then back to the young Queen, “Alicent must be exhausted, the King ought to let her have a break” you pondered.
When slumber was finally kicking in, all of the sudden, you listened loud thumps on your door, it startled you. One, two, three times in a row. You rose and unlocked it to find the culprit of your insomnia. The Princess was wearing common page-boy’s clothes. Her hair was messy, her lips slightly swallowed? She was trying to catch her breath.
“Ummh…-“ She studied you for a lingering moment.
“Are you not going to let me through?” You stepped aside while you closed the door. Puzzled and doubtful of her abrupt appearance.
“The hour is quite late, Princess. Are you lost?” You cursed and cringed at the dumb question you had just made. “Are you tipsy? And why are you wearing that?” Rhaenyra seemed overwhelmed by your interrogation.
“Nyke’ve missed ao, ao kostagon’t imagine skorkydoso olvie.” (I’ve missed you, you cannot imagine how much) The Realm’s Delight blunted out, you hardened. It does something to you when she starts speaking in Valyrian… “Skoro syt haven’t ao sought issa hen? (Why haven’t you sought me out?) Ao jikagon naejot zȳhon, se dōrī rūsīr issa. Skoro syt?” (You go to her, and not to me. Why?) Rhaenyra inquired with bitterness in her airing. You focused on your feet, a coward you were.
“Nyke…-“ (I…) What the hell were you suppose to say? She horned in, stepping closer to you. The atmosphere growing thicker and thicker.
“Ao fucking gūrotan zȳhon isse Silverwing. (You fucking took her on Silverwing) She snarled. Gaomagon ao jorrāelagon zȳhon?” (Do you love her?) Mere inches from your mouth, Rhaenyra stood dangerously near, not being cautious at all. You were to give in. “Daor, ao don’t. Ao jorrāelagon issa.” (No, you don’t. You love me) That was an statement. Her body was calling on you. You melted under her fiery, powerful gaze and grabbed onto dear life to her waist, splashing your lips with hers with pure desire.
Those embers rising from the dead, turning into raging flames. Rhaenyra shoved you roughly to your bed muttering no more word, she unbuttoned her shirt, removed your own garments just as rapidly, you were now completely naked.
“Take off my pants.” She commanded, you unfastened the zip and she climbed to your lap, tangling herself onto you, kissing you again. “I want your fingers inside me, your mouth, I want you.” She impeled, a wild animal ready to attack their prey. “I need you.”
Rhaenyra mentioned nothing about loving you that night, nothing about running away together or anything of the sort. Her hunger and thirst for you the only things present in that room. She was intoxicating, addicting, all your cares in the world gone once you were inside her and she you. Nothing else mattered.
You’ve been up in the clouds with her, and now you understood what it felt like to be consumed by dragon fire.
The aftermath of such events have not left consequences, but what you learned afterwards stirred your feels.
In the morrow, the sun rays were making their way in, you found a small letter under your pillow, you unfolded it and peeped at Rhaenyra’s fancy handwriting. “Rhaenagon issa rȳ Rhaeny’s Hill, nyke jaelagon naejot show ao mirros.” (Meet me at Rhaeny’s Hill, I want to show you something)
You were beyond content for the night prior, Rhaenyra was all you ever wanted, the love of your life, you naively convinced yourself. Mayhaps this time around you could declare your love, flee to Dragonstone and wed. Fuck them all, you thought. We will make our stand if anyone should dare oppose. Surely she would leave it all behind, like she said those years ago.
There was already another potential heir, Aegon, Alicent’s son would be accepted, all Viserys had to do was change the proclamation. Rhaenyra and you could have your happy ending.
You were on your way to assemble with her, but halted on the way to glimpse at Rhaenyra and Alicent seemingly arguing. You’ve never been one to eavesdrop, yet curiosity got the best of you.
“What happened last night, Rhaenyra?” Alicent bluntly asked, she was taken aback. So were you. Alicent was angry no doubt. “My father made worrying allegations, that you’ve been with your uncle.”
“Well, yes. I haven’t seen him in years. We went out to have some fun in the city. What of it? Other than sneaking out of the castle and drinking wine. I did not do anything serious.”
“He said that you fucked Daemon in a pleasure house!” Alicent lowered her tone and curtly exclaimed, you made sense of the sentence. Your heart sank at it. Did she? she was with you…
“That is a vile accusation.” Rhaenyra retorted.
“You Targaryens do have queer costumes.”
“Daemon took me to several taverns, we got very drunk, yes. I wanted to go home but he wished to continue. He was my escort and without him I couldn’t head back, we ended up in a brothel, we did see a show there but I was solely a spectator. Then he ran off with some whore therefore I had to make my way to the Keep on my own anyway.” She concluded by embellishing word-for-word that "Daemon never touched her" at all and swore this on her mother's memory. If that was the version she had explained to you, would you actually believe it? Nothing else happened… Something was amiss.
“How do you think Y/N will react to these news?”
“She need not to find out.” Rhaenyra was now… planning on deliberating keeping secrets from you. Not from your protection but to save face. She went to you the way she did, because she WAS to have sex with Daemon but he got cold feet, so she then went to her alternative, to satisfy her own needs, ones aroused by another person? Your eyes were welling with sour tears. You were only a second choice, she didn’t miss you, she didn’t even love you anymore. You were merely a vessel, one she needed to find release, no love was involved.
“Why do you keep behaving like this, after me and the King have strived to find you a good, suitable match, you go putting yourself in a position where your virtue could be call into question. Spitting the ones that care?”
You ran off, unable to keep listening to the bickering, you climbed onto your dragon as fast as you could, shrugging off the one belonging to the culprit of your crying. You didn’t show to the Hill, for obvious reasons. Leaving Rhaenyra waiting until sundown with your favorite flowers and the same unhinged proposal.
A couple of days have passed and you barely have spent time in the castle, instead riding all day. Alicent haven’t told you what she has learned, yet the rumors were all around like flies. You knew she didn’t because she was trying to shield you, to spare you the pain, not to save Rhaenyra of shame.
On the the third day since the conversation between them, it was announced that you would be traveling to High Tide, to propose the marriage between your brother Laenor and Rhaenyra. It hasn’t even been a week yet and now this? Rhaenyra was becoming your sister? The Gods were being cruel to you, punishing you for your sins, most likely. You knew of Laenor’s nature, as he did yours. As a matter of fact, your parents also knew, Corlys only to waved it off describing them as “phases”.
Lord Lyonel Strong has been made the new Hand of the King, surely Rhaenyra had Ser Otto dismissed from his rank for filling her father’s ears with his denouncements. He has always been calculated, he wants a Hightower on the throne.
It was good to be back, home always offering some fresh air. Laena politely invited the guests in, in the courtyard was Laenor with Ser Joffrey Lonmouth, a good friend of yours too, and his closest “companion”. You hugged them tightly, no welcoming party for your father was one to hold grudges, since the King rejected both his offers to marry their daughters a rift has been set between House Velaryon and the Iron Throne, you never would have wed His Grace though, thanks the heavens he didn’t persuade it nor ponder about the it too much.
“It is so rare to see you on a boat.” Your mother jested. “You never grant Silverwing a break.” You tittered warmly.
“Wherever has Laena gone to?”
“She’s with Rhaenyra. They’re having breakfast. Wanna join them?”
“No, no. It’s fine, I’m not hungry. How’s Meleys?” You shifted awkwardly and changed the subject, staring at the sea.
“Are you okay, daughter?” She looked at you expectantly. “I know that your love for her runs deep. I’m your mother, dear. A mother knows her children’s heart. Don’t shun your emotions, my darling girl. There’s nothing to be embarrass of. This is what’s best for our Houses, for the Realm. Your brother will do a good consort, your father may take advantage for his pride, know that I do not. I care about your happiness as well, you’ll find a pretty lady, or a maiden, you’ll find someone for you to spend your life with. That in my bones I know. And your mother will support you no matter what.” Rhaenys embraced you firmly, pecking your forehead. How lucky you were to have her.
Laenor encountered you nearby the beach. He approached you.
“I’m not enthusiastic for this marriage, Y/N. Not more than you, or her. It does not mean anything, I have just talked to her… we’ve come to a mutual arrangement; we will perform our duty for our families, produce heirs… but otherwise we will both continue having our own private romantic relationships. It will be hard, painful even. I am sorry, Y/N, so so sorry.”
“If I was a man, I could wed her instead of you. Everything would be perfect. Everything. A secret behind close doors…- I don’t know if I can do it.”
“Joffrey agreed to it. Better than nothing, better to lose you. She is very keen to you, she claimed to love somebody, genuinely… she did not say who. But she assured it, she was referring to you, Y/N.”
“It is not your fault, Laenor. I… I’m doomed to feel the way I do. I wish I could get over her and go on with my life.” There was resentment in your voice, hurt.
He gave you an apologetic smile, and squeezed your hand in a comforting manner. You would care not for the Throne nor political station, but for taking her to wife, a sad, sad reality.
You were prepared to set sail, this time your whole family attending the latest royal wedding. You couldn’t find sleep as usual and headed to the balcony of the castle. A turmoil, one you so wretchedly wanted to get rid of.
“You are very, very elusive, my lady.” Rhaenyra’s voice startled you, your only exit was jumping off the cliff. “I’ve been trying to locate you.”
“Princess.” Again, she looked gorgeous, her hair down on her shoulders.
“You didn’t show up. Are we back here again?” We shared that night together, we were one. And yet… I’m once more a stranger to you?” She spat, wounded by your actions as if you were the one to blame.
“You got what you wanted, Rhaenyra. You have no use for me now.”
“What? What are you talking about? I need you, Y/N. Now more than ever.” She strolled closer, attempting to caress you. You deflected, her touch would only ignite a further wildfire.
“You needed somebody to fuck with!”
“Has Alicent uttered her gossips again? She does that to tear us apart, she’s always aiming for that.”
“No, Rhaenyra. Alicent has nothing to do with this, drop it.”
“My lady… I’m so confused right now. I came to you because I did miss you, we were separated for too long it was time we reconciled. I still want you, Y/N. As much as I did when we were fifteen. Things have changed, I’m the heir to the Throne, I’m to marry your brother, who would have visualized any of this? There’s a role I got to fulfill now, something that’s bigger than both of us. But that does not mean that we cannot still be intimate, I spoke to Laenor about it and he’s agreed.”
“You want me as what, as a lover? A friend? A companion? A whore?” The last noun was a whack to Rhaenyra, a punch to her heart and an insult to her alone.
“You’re unbelievable.” She stormed out from the rooftop, leaving you sniveling, for the hundredth time.
The long-awaited royal wedding ceremonies finally began; first a grand feast in the Red Keep, to be followed by seven days of tournaments and spectacle, culminating with the marriage ceremony. The Velaryons arrived on their dragons, Laenor on Seasmoke, Laena on the older Vaghar, and your mother Rhaenys on the Red Queen, Meleys. Meanwhile, your father Corlys, yourself and the full Velaryon fleet rolled in the harbour, (Silverwing was nesting on the Dragonpit) as the city's bells tolled out to greeting you for the festivities. Alicent saluted you warmly, taking in your accent, you reciprocated.
At the Great Hall; Viserys and Rhaenyra sat at the middle of the high table set up in front of the throne's base and received each group of Lords with their respective families. You decided to contrast your sibling’s outfits by wearing an imposing golden dress. At the high table you sat beside Rhaenys and Laena. Daemon appeared out of nowhere, but you paid no heed to him.
Shortly after, Alicent entered through the main doors, intentionally interrupting the King in the middle of his speech. She was dressing in a green gown, her features cold as ice.
You engaged in a cordial chat with some of the Tyrell acquaintances you’ve made while visting Highgarden, Rhaenyra and Laenor were on the dance floor sharing the first ball, couples following behind.
“May I have this dance, my lady?” The youngest son of Lord Tully submitted his hand to you, he was being a total gentleman, but the glare Rhaenyra sent his way shot to kill.
You flown graciously side by side to her, cursing your pace, she saw this a good opportunity to whisper with audacity; Issi ao naejot sagon bisa āeksio’s, līve pār? (Are you to be this lord’s whore, then?) Rhaenyra taunted you, thanks the Gods no one there understood Valyrian, you didn’t get the chance to defend yourself at her boldly rudeness when you were swapped to dance with Laenor.
“You’ll have dozens of suitors after my wedding, dear sister. I bet none of them will be as infatuated with you as the Green Queen herself.” You poked him softly, he chortled. From across the room, Alicent was staring at you in awe, she was drooling and she care not to camouflage it.
However, you got distracted when you observed Rhaenyra and Daemon speaking to one another awfully close, it angered you, how dare them? Your blood boiling ever hotter when he grabbed harshly her cheeks, in an attempt to kiss her. The entire Hall was interrupted by a piercing cry from a different part of the feast floor.
A brawl has broken out in the packed room, but it became clear that at the center of it Criston Cole has begun pummeling Joffrey Lonmouth. Your brother managed to struggle his way through to them and tackled Criston off Joffrey, but Criston rose and punched out Laenor, resuming his aggressive punches. You watched from afar, having reached the high table, you spotted Rhaenyra being carried in the arms of Harwin Strong, you sighed but worried for your brother. That fucker murdered your brother’s lover and no one did nothing to seize him.
As the result of it, some hours later, all of the guests have been ordered out and King Viserys has cancelled the seven days of festivities and games leading to the wedding ceremony. Instead, determined to finish this as quickly as possible, Viserys called in the High Septon to wed Rhaenyra and Laenor in a private exchange of vows in front of their respective parents and close advisors, you among them of course, too shocked for the queer behavior of that “knight” (if he can be considered as that anymore). They were proclaimed husband and wife, Rhaenyra pretended you were not there, your heart breaking for the whole situation, and for the loss of your friend and your brother’s paramount. Alicent in the other corner with Viserys, he dropped to the floor in a full faint. They are not to consummate their marriage tonight, that was unquestionable.
You felt nauseous, tossing and turning, you wanted to go flying but Silverwing was most certainly napping, you didn’t want to bother her just because you were a mess, again. The way Daemon and Rhaenyra were interacting with each other, you were repulsed by his fucking cockiness in her fucking wedding, her disrespectful and degrading comment. Recalling not so long ago she was in a brothel with him doing the Gods know what, jealousy, anger, sadness… all flooding you. And to make matters worse, she was officially married to Laenor, how were you to endure it? She didn’t fight for you, didn’t show you more than lust. It was too much, simply too much.
You got out of your chambers and found yourself on the Queen’s quarters, fortunately the King was beyond worn out from today to request her, you didn’t bother on waiting for Ser Harold to announce your presence, you shouted for her. “My Queen! My Queen!” You alarmed her and she was confused as to why would you be yelling her name this tardy.
“Ser Harold, you may go. Lady Y/N, come on in.” He did as instructed, you walked inside, she scowled, was she angry now too?
“Would you slap me if I were to kiss you right now, your Grace?” You cut to the chase. “May I?” Already breathing her in.
“You may.”
You pulled Alicent to you, pressed her mouth to yours, she was indeed mad, for Criston has told her he eavesdropped the night the accusation of the Princess and her uncle transpired, he longed for her as well, so out of range, by the brief chat he had with Ser Joffrey, and the constant rejection of the Princess, he had a breakdown. Alicent’s heart broke too, but in all honesty she saw it coming, she was only relived neither of you could get the other one with child, yet her hatred for Rhaenyra only grew darker. Alicent loathed Rhaenyra, but she did not despised you, on the contrary, she adored you with all her might, she was sick of being repressed by her feelings, by her “sins”, that she bursted and kissed you back like she’s never kissed anyone before.
She undressed more than her body to you, she demonstrated all the things she’s been feeling since you were on dragonback together, not a speck of regret in her. She was shy at first, way too unexperienced unlike the Princess, altogether she find out women are the only ones that make her feel this way. Never one of breaking vows, that night she stopped being a wife, a queen, she was a teenage girl making love with the one she loved, and you, you took her as she was, a mother of two, the consort of the King, a childhood friend. You were to discover your feelings for her, and it wasn’t like you were using her to get the Targaryen Princess out of your system… for it was impossible. It was all connected, but that night you made sure to reciprocate all that Alicent felt for you, and it wasn’t one sided at all.
509 notes · View notes
anniflamma · 1 year
Rating the most gayest King David adaptions
For the past few weeks, I have been watching and reviewing ALOT different adaptations of the story of King David from the Bible to determine which ones are the gayest.
But first, let me provide you with a recap of David and Jonathan's story.
David and Jonathan were two central figures in the Hebrew Bible, with their story primarily found in the First Book of Samuel. David was a ruddy shepherd boy who became famous for slaying the giant Goliath with a stone and a sling. Jonathan, on the other hand, was the son of King Saul, the first king of Israel. Jonathan's heart was captured instantly upon seeing the striking young hero. As the Bible says, “The soul of Jonathan was knit to the soul of David.” Shortly after their first meeting, David and Jonathan expressed their commitment by making a covenant with each other. This significant moment is vividly portrayed in 1 Samuel 18:3-4: "Then Jonathan made a covenant with David because he loved him as his own soul. Jonathan removed the robe he was wearing and presented it to David, along with his armor, sword, bow, and girdle." David and Jonathan grew so close that it appeared they might one day rule Israel together throughout the following 15 years. However, they faced numerous challenges when King Saul grew jealous of David's popularity and success, fearing that David might take the throne from his family. Saul attempted to kill David multiple times, while Jonathan consistently came to his friend's rescue through various means. However, they were eventually forced to part ways. "And as soon as the lad was gone, David arose out of a place toward the South, fell on his face to the ground, and bowed himself three times. They kissed one another and wept, one with another, until David exceeded." Tragically, Jonathan lost his life in battle against the Philistines, leaving David in deep mourning. He composed a heartfelt lament known as the "Song of the Bow" (or what is famously called “How the Mighty Fallen”) to honor Jonathan and Saul's memory. "I grieve for you, Jonathan my brother; you were very dear to me. Your love for me was wonderful, more wonderful than that of women."
So, as you can see, I will rate each adaptation based on its portrayal of three specific moments:
Jonathan removes his clothes and makes a covenant with David.
When they have to separate from each other, as they embrace, kiss, cry, and David exceeds.
David's lament that he loved Jonathan more than women.
If these three moments are faithfully retained in the adaptation without altering the text, it will be considered queer in my evaluations. Naturally, there may be exceptions if the adaptation deviates significantly from the original material or if it primarily focuses on adapting specific aspects of the story while still hinting at or incorporating subtexts. In such cases, they may also receive points.
Disclaimer: Some of these "reviews" will sound professional, while others I will act like a gremlin, because these movies actually broke my brain cells. So if you get whiplash from how my behavior suddenly changes all the time, consider yourself warned.
Another disclaimer: Don't be like me and do something similar to this... I don't think this was healthy for my brain.
Jonathan what now..? 1/5
So I'm going to be kind and bring up that the story of King David is long, especially if you make an adaption of his whole life. It's reasonable to expect modifications to accommodate the chosen medium. And frequently, this leads to Jonathan's character being sidelined, either because he's deemed less important or because there's too little time to delve into his role in the story.
Due to that, I won't delve deeply into those adaptions because of that.
Superbook Reimagined (2011) - CBN
Jonathan doesn't exist in Superbook... That all. I WONT TALK ABOUT THE SUPERBOOK.
David and Goliath - Animated Stories from the Bible (1985) - Rich Animation Studios
So this one is pretty interesting. Apparently the same studio that made The Swan Princess (1994) made the series called Animated Stories from the Bible. And I weren't aware of this while watching this episode, however I did noticed, that yes, this had a very low budget but you could tell that it was made by professionals. I have one thing I need to comment on this movie. Eliab and Jonathan looks pretty goooood...
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I mean LOOK AT JONATHAN! FFF***KING HELL! HE LOOKS LIKE A HOT VILLIAN AND I LOVE IT! The character designs are sleek! Expect for David. David was trash. So why is this one so low down on my ratings? You see the episode only focus on the upcoming fight between David and Goliath. In a sense, the episode's emotional core are more about David and his brother Eliab, with the brother not believing that David could defeat the enemy. Jonathan has a really small role, and he doesn't really interact with David that much. However there is a scene, when Saul gives his armor to the shepherd and it doesn't fit him cuz he is a smol bean, Jonathan comments on that the boy is going to get killed while having this frustrating / angry tone. Indicating that Jonathan don't believe that David and of course get astonished once he triumph. But that is all we get. I wished I could rate this higher simply to I just love the character designs.
David - A Musical by Sound & Sight Theater
Alright, I'm going to say it. This is probably the most campiest and "we need to tell you about Jesus" - musical there is. The songs are freaking great, very modern, almost anime-ish and very EPIC! But then they suddenly they strike you with, "Hey do you know who Jesus is?" Anyway, my favorite songs of this musical is Never Back and Psalm 24.
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I only listened to this musical on its recorded album. Overall, I found it very enjoyable! However, I was quite disappointed that they didn't have Jonathan none of their songs. There were no solos for him, and all I could do was imagine if there was a strip covenant scene or not between each number. They didn't even have a "We are best bros" song! They also removed a lot from the emotional core when David mourned the loss of Jonathan. David sings the song "How The Mighty Fall," which is very short, but for some reason, I really liked it. Even though it's short and David only repeats Jonathan's name over and over again, I could feel that sadness. Still, the musical also left out several scenes from the original story, possibly because it aimed to be more family-friendly and was very sanitized so no one would get upset. AND WHY IS THIS MUSICAL ENDING WITH JESUS?!!
David “the straightest man” and Michal his truest love that has ever existed before Bathsheba came into the picture and a lot of Shoulder Taps for Jonathan 2/5
Superbook (1981) - Tatsunoko Productions
I can't believe that I watched three episodes of Superbook... Can I explain this mess without dying inside? So, this is a Japanese anime from 1981. The series covers the events of the entire Bible in its 52-episode run. I watched the English dub, and yeah, what else can I say? It's probably the best dub I've ever heard, with genius acting, including their screams. You can tell they aren't really screaming because they know it will break the mics. To get straight to the point, their relationships are just good friendships, and they see each other as brothers. However, they do follow the story very faithfully, pun intended. But, of course, they add in more scenes with Michal so her relationship with David looks romantic, and Jonathan takes on a wingman role. There is no stripping scene, which is understandable since it's an animated series for kids. Instead, they merge the covenant scene with their separation. To sum it up, they shake hands and repeatedly tell the audience that they are only friends. Okay, we get it!
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But then we have the Lament scene: "Oh Lord, may you have mercy on his soul. Your glory, O Israel, has been slain. How the mighty have fallen in battle. I grieve for you, Jonathan, my brother… My brother…" THEY WERE SO CLOSE! They looked at the rest, "You were very dear to me. Your love for me was wonderful, more wonderful than that of women," and then they were like CUT! But the best delivery line in this adaptation must go to Saul: "How stupid to believe he could murder a hundred philistines without being murdered HA HA HA HA!" I can't do this anymore…!
King David (1997) - Mondo TV
This Italian animated movie features child actors who can't seem to deliver a line without mumbling and speaking at the lowest decibel levels imaginable. Thank goodness that Kid David and Kid Jonathan grew up after… Let me check… The first 15 minutes of this movie… Well, they are childhood friends in this one, so I guess that's a win. Michal is from Sweden. Saul repeatedly tells his (also Swedish) wife to stfu in every scene he's in. Storywise, this movie shakes things up a bit. When David is chased into the wilderness, both Michal and Jonathan join him…? It's really confusing what's going on because the next moment Jonathan is back with Saul, hearing his plan to attack David in the mountains, so he runs back to David to deliver the news. All of this happens in about 3 minutes. But when they finally have their farewell scene, they, of course, do the Shoulder Tap! However, they hug with an animation that lasts for like 3 frames, and… you know what, I'll just let you witness this…
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And then we have the Lament. It's pretty faithful, but as you guessed, they changed the last line from "You were very dear to me. Your love for me was wonderful, more wonderful than that of women." to "I loved Jonathan as a brother. We rode together, his hair flowing free in the wind." …I don't know if they made it worse or better…
King David - A musical by Alan Menken & Tim Rice
I acted like a fangirl when I realized that Alan Menken and Tim Rice had created a musical about King David! I was so hyped and really thought it was going to be really gay... I think I expected too much...
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The musical premiered in 1997 and was a grand and ambitious show. While it may not be as well-known as some of Menken and Rice's other collaborations, such as "The Little Mermaid" or "Beauty and the Beast," I was blown away that this musical even existed in the first place. The music itself is really good. It reminds me of "The Hunchback of Notre Dame" but more campy. My favorite is the song "The Death Of Saul." Genius! And of course, "Never Again," sung by Judy Kuhn. There are so many Disney stars in this show! It's insane! However, this musical is not without its flaws. The story's scope, which covers many events, can at times feel rushed or disjointed. The mistake that the creators made was trying to cover it all. So the musical has 2 acts. The first is about David in his younger years until he becomes king, and the second act covers everything from Bathsheba to Absalom's revolt, ending with kid Solomon singing about Jerusalem. This results in Jonathan becoming like a background character, and this makes me really angry. So almost every scene that David and Jonathan have together, Jonathan is replaced with Michal. TIM?! ALAN?! What are you two doing??? You are basically telling us, without explicitly telling us, that the relationship of David and Jonathan is queer by having Michal instead. Like... what..? This is the same guy who made "Jesus Christ Superstar," and that show is definitely "not straight", so I have no idea what's going on in his head. Anyway, Jonathan has only 1 song/melody called "You Have It All." It's when Saul shows that he's going crazy when David becomes popular, and Jonathan takes David away from the palace to a safe place. Sigh... You can tell by the lyrics that Tim is trying to be cheeky but immediately backtracks by having both David and Jonathan overly articulate the word "friend" in the song. (I seriously recommend you to listen to the song, just so you understand what I mean.) DAVID "I love my friend!!! as I love life and both I cherish. Uncompromising and unfailing. I swear this covenant we make will never perish. In any circumstance prevailing" JONATHAN "It's very hard when things come easy. You start to fear a bitter end. I promise you, you have a friend!!!" However, Jonathan gets a reprise again in the separation scene, but then Michal suddenly pushed Jonathan aside and takes it over with her own song. Then we have the Lament. The song itself is really good and beautiful. It's like a sad Disney song. But the lyrics themselves have this uncertain tone on who David is singing about. But they do reveal it at the end. "Jonathan... Jonathan... Who loved me more bravely than you, whether harlots or wives!" We can clearly see that David mourns over him. But for me, it feels so awkward...
They are just friends..? 3/5
The King: Story of David (2004)
I felt like I was on shrooms watching this. There's this three-minute scene where David sings to Saul... I can't even explain it, it's just horrible. Poor Saul looks absolutely horrified when this abomination of character design from a different show enters the room and sings with the voice of an adult woman.
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AND WHY IS MICHAL PURPLE?! They also switch her name’s pronunciations like 5 times in this movie... Well, about Jonathan. So they took the approach that David is a literary child and had Jonathan as an adult… What the hell am I supposed to say about this? Oh god... I hate this.
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Then David grows up, gets the same artstyle as the other adults and instead of Saul nagging David to marry Michal, it's David himself that asks Saul to marry his daughter, just to make sure that we know that he loves her soooo much. This results in Saul wanting to kill him, which leads to the separation scene. So maybe you are now asking me, why is this movie up here on the list? Looks like they made sure that David was the straightest man that has ever straightening. Oooh, I’ll get there. So we get to see a jpg of David and Jonathan look at each other for like 10 seconds, then tap each other on their shoulders, look at each other eyes and David says with the most sultry voice ever “Jonathan…”. Surprisingly, hug each other and weep. huh… didn't expect that. That voice that David used was enough to make the whole freaking movie a gay so that's why it's up here. If I ever have to watch this again, I need to get paid.
The Bible (2013)
Ah, yes, I remember this one. I watched it when it aired on TV, and I was just a wee little teen falling in love with the guy who played Samson. But we'll be watching the fourth episode of "The Bible Series." This episode was a speed run through the whole story of David, with a lot of stuff cut. Yet, the subtext in this adaptation is gorgeous! We have David walking to Goliath and Jonathan looking on with worry in his eyes—MULTIPLE TIMES! And miraculously, the actor managed to hit Goliath despite having the freaking sun in his eyes at full blast. That poor actor with his nonstop squinted eyes couldn’t see shit on set. Once Goliath is defeated, Jonathan and Saul run to David and are proud of him. All we get from the Covenant Stripping scene is Jonathan taking David's hand and telling him to come with him and fight the enemies, like best bros! Then a montage arrives, and David and Jonathan are older. Saul is jealous and touches David a little too much for my comfort. Meanwhile, Jonathan is just sitting on the floor eating figs. Wat?
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And then Saul proposes the idea that David should marry Michal, and Jonathan's face falls. Gasp! David gets sent to kill 100 Philistines, and we get this wonderful scene with Saul and Jonathan. Saul: "You love him like a brother, don't you?" Jonathan responds with a warm, soft smile, looking at David riding away. "I do..." Saul gives off big "My son is totally straight" vibes. Sadly, this episode neither has the separating scene nor anything that resembles a covenant. And yes, they also skipped the majority of the Lament. Maybe I am projecting... I am probably projecting.
They are friends! I PROMISE! 4/5
King David (1985) - Paramount Pictures
This movie provides a different angle on the biblical story of David and Jonathan. The film includes a line that suggests a strong emotional connection between the two characters, though it doesn't explicitly delve into romance. It doesn't say that David and Jonathan are in a romantic relationship, but it makes you think that they have deeper layers to their "bond." In other words, I really ship them in this adaptation! They didn't have the strip scene, but they did have a scene where both of them are at a lake, water sparkling in the sun, looking into each other's eyes. Jonathan softly cups David's cheek and says, "I love you as I love my own soul."
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... Wait, he touched his shoulder softly, not his cheek... Forget it. But they are very tender toward each other. However, we can't have great things because the separation scene was very weak. All we get is that they are both on horses, and then they just say goodbye, and that's it. No hugs, no tears, no kissing, and no exceeding David. But I can add that Jonathan's death was very heartbreaking. After watching awful animated death scenes, it was a breath of fresh air. The Lament, for some reason, had a spooky tune, not really like a man grieving for his soulmate. Why is this adaptation so high up for me? Well, Jonathan said "I love you" while looking into David's eyes with a beautiful natural background. That is enough for me.
Ancient Lovers 5/5
Beloved King: A queer bible musical
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(There mentions of SA)
You can already tell by the name of the musical... "Beloved King" follows the young shepherd David as he is thrust from rural fields into the royal court. After his sudden rise to prominence, David finds himself the object of affection of both the heir to the throne, Prince Jonathan, and his father, the domineering King Saul, forcing David to re-navigate his relationship to love and power as he tries to follow the path laid out for him by a mysterious entity called God. The first-ever staged readings of "Beloved King," complete with all songs and live accompaniment, were scheduled for March 12th and March 13th, 2020, at Oberon, the second stage of the American Repertory Theater, in Harvard Square. Both events sold out well in advance, but they were canceled the day before opening due to COVID-19. However, the team rallied and quickly pivoted to film a dress rehearsal in an empty theater just before lockdown. One of the most hilarious things about this musical is that the characters are dressed in simple linen garments that look like they belong in a children's nativity school play, only to have David and/or Jonathan strip and expose their flashy sparkling spandex briefs. Undeniably, it fits perfectly with the nightclub-inspired atmosphere that this show has.
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This musical feels like it's straight from the Archive of Our Own. Jonathan and David are dating, and we have a jealous Saul who is not jealous of David's popularity, instead, he desires him sexually and tries to bang him. When David denies Saul, that's when Saul tries to kill him instead.
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The musical has all three scenes checked. The covenant scene, with Jonathan stripping and "more." There was a scene of their farewell, however, they haven't released that one song, so I can't really say anything about it yet. Lastly, the lament song in its full glory. Sadly, the whole musical isn't out yet. They have only released six demo samples, and let me say that "ADONI" is THE MEET-CUTE SONG!
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This musical was the very thing that made me nerd out on the Bible again. So maybe I am biased, but how can I be biased if they depict David and Jonathan's first meeting with them banging each other in Jonathan's tent?
David et Jonathas: An opera by Marc-Antoine Charpentier
This one was a hidden gem I didn't know existed. Thank you @alatabouleau for the recommendation! It's an opera from 1688. It's all in French, so I was worried that I would have missed all of the lyrics, but I found a translation pamphlet and found one of the concerts on the live-opera Versailles website. All I can say is it was beautiful and so, so, so queer.
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The prologue starts with Saul, disguised as a visitor, consulting the Witch of Endor to learn his fate in an upcoming battle against the Philistines. The Witch summons the spirit of Samuel, who predicts Saul's downfall, including losing his family and crown.
In Act 1, David, banished by Saul, seeks refuge among the Philistines. He returns from a victory and is praised by warriors, shepherds, and freed captives. David only wishes that, whatever may come, Jonathan should be spared. The Philistine king tells David that a truce has been arranged between the Philistines and Saul to discuss whether there shall be peace or war.
In Act 2, during the truce, David and Jonathan reunite. And then they both sing the song “A vostre bras vainqueur,” and it's the most beautiful harmonic song I have ever heard. It sounds so romantic, even if they are only singing about them being best friends. However, jealousy brews as Joabel challenges David to combat, leading to a plot against him. Joabel convinces Saul that David is a threat, leading to David's exile again.
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In Act 3, Saul accuses David of treason, and David is forced to leave. However, Jonathan follows David into the wilderness so they can sing their goodbye, “Vous me fuiez!” Don’t forget this is an opera, so everyone is really dramatic, and I'm loving it. JONATHAN “You flee from me!” DAVID “You always follow me!” JONATHAN “May I not share my grief with you?” DAVID “See into what danger my misfortune leads you. Let us forget one another.” JONATHAN “Cruel one!“ The song continues with them singing about not wanting to be apart and if they see each other in the battlefield, they won’t fight, but instead save the one they love. And then the song ends with David trying to leave again, and Jonathan begs once more, only to be told by David: “Would you now wish to add to my torment with your tears?”
This song… I want to make an animatic of it...
In Act 4, Saul prepares to battle the Philistines and David. Both armies are eager for war, fueled by Joabel's manipulations. David promises to save Jonathan and his father.
And lastly, in Act 5, the battle unfolds, with Saul's defeat. Then the song “Qu’on sauve Jonathas” starts. Jonathan is mortally wounded, and David finds him. He believes that Jonathan is dead and mourns for him, which wakes Jonathan up to be able to speak to David one last time, asking: “What sad voice is calling me?”. David begs Jonathan for him to live, but the prince tells him that he can’t. And with his final words, he kisses David and then dies in his arms.
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“Despite the harshness of my fate, At least I can still tell you that I love you. ” David is to be declared the new king of Israel, but he still grieves for Jonathan, ending the opera with his final line: “I have lost what I love. My Lord, to me all is lost.”
Well, I cried in my bed.
I didn't know that I needed a story where David was by Jonathan's side in his last moments in life. And the kiss! THE KISS! Though the kiss depends on which adaptations you see. If it's 2022, then there is no kiss, but if it's the 2012 version, then there is one. However, with or without a kiss, it's still romantically tragic.
Here is PDF links to pamphlets with english translations:
English translation (2009 version)
English + German translation (1998 version)
The Prince's Psalm: A novel by Eric Swan Quinn
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So here it is, Beloved King: A queer bible musical was the one that pushed me down into the rabbit hole but The Prince's Psalm was the one that got me stuck here. I highly recommend this book, and it leaves me speechless how it isn't more popular! So The Prince’s Psalm is a queer and romantic retelling of the story of David and Jonathan from the Bible. The book begins with David's childhood, providing perspectives on his early life and relationships, especially with Micah and David’s family. Micah and David had a deep friendship that grew into young love and they became each other's firsts. A core theme that comes up regularly in this novel is about being treated and viewed as equal in a healthy relationship. Micah held a weird place in my heart. I enjoyed “not liking” him. I could immediately see his immaturity in his relationship with David. Of course, I understand they were both young  and immature, yet this was important to emphasize the message, which I believe it’s about being equal in a relationship. Micah loved David, but he saw him somewhat beneath him due to David not fitting the stereotypical masculine man image. And every time they "play" with each other Micah calls David "My Slave" despite David's irritated and uncomfortable of it. So the moment when Jonathan is introduced, the first thing he calls David is "My Prince" and do everything that David wishes Micah would do for him but wouldn't. If we are going to compare Jonathan and Micah, it's pretty obvious which one are the right choice. But who cares about Micah, we are talking about Jonathan and David now! So the plot follows Jonathan summons David, hoping on his musical talents to aid King Saul's from being tormented by “evil spirits”. David's initial experiences within the palace only reinforce his sense of inadequacy in the eyes of those he admires and cares for. He plays tirelessly, day and night, in an effort to soothe the king's troubles, ultimately healing King Saul's fears of God’s abandonment. From that moment forward, Jonathan can no longer resist David's charms, leading the two to become inseparable. As they spend a winter together, their bond deepens, uniting their bodies and souls. The novel doesn't delve into explicit sexual scenes, instead, it focuses on the emotional connection between the two characters. Nevertheless, they do have quite a lot of intense passionate sessions, it just written with a flowery language. So their oath, the exchanged rings, the beautiful yet sad promises, is heart moving. Every moment felt perfect and captivating! Jonathan's death left me shattered. I cried a lot. And cried even more when the book included the whole Lament. After devouring all 480 pages, I found myself wanting the story to continue. Eric Shaw Quinn made a wonderful job in reimagining the familiar narrative yet adding new in depth layers to it. I wholeheartedly love this novel! So is it gay? Yes.
Finally, I have finished everything. There was more, but there is no way in hell I will continue.
What did I learn from this experience?
Nothing really, except that the people whose arguments claim that David and Jonathan's relationship isn't romantic at all, yet in the same breath, they can replace Jonathan with Michal, and suddenly it is romantic. I learned that their arguments are worthless at the core.
But despite with the pain and cringing, I loved nerd out about my favorite David and Jonathan adaptations! And I think I did this just because of that.
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leo-gold-hotchner · 7 months
Unfortunate Reunion Party - pt.11
Hi, I can't apologise enough about my absence, especially with the series. I myself hate the discontinued stories, and here I am, doing it.
I started my PhD this year and broke my foot and going crazy at home.. I made a new GIF of Aaron tho XD
Aaron Hotcher X BAU G.N. Reader
Word: 1K-ish
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It felt like waking up from a drunk night. But without a crazy hangover as the best buddy. Suddenly, I became so conscious around me. Everyone was looking at me worriedly as I finally looked up. I didn't know I was back at the temporary BAU office. Only the BAU members were there, and the blinds were all closed over the windows.
“You alright?” Rossi asked gently.
I stared blankly at him. Was I alright? My heart was racing as if I had run a marathon.
“Am I alright?” My voice sounded like a broken radio. My voice echoed throughout the room like a ghost. It was hoarse and hollow. Even to my ears, it sounded like someone who had lost all hope and light in the world, as if I was the only one left in the pitch-dark hole. The bottle I was holding tightly in my head was broken into pieces. I would never be able to pick up the pieces. I would never be okay. I would probably psychoanalysed as soon as I returned to Quantico and kicked out from the bureau. I would be holed in my home and never meet everyone—even Aaron.
The first unvoiced rule of the BAU was ‘do not ever profile a teammate’. But I knew everyone already knew the answer. It was the elephant in the room. Everyone knew my state.
“No, you’re not alright,” Aaron said sharply. Of course, Aaron would be the only one who would break the silence. Given a chance, Rossi would’ve said something first to point out my obvious distress, but he let the leader of the team do it. “You’re exempted from the case until we finish.”
Everyone except Rossi looked at the Unit Chief worriedly, then me. I already knew Aaron would say that.
“But can I stay here?” I whispered. I wanted to see how the case will end.
Aaron’s jaw tightened. After a minute of silence, he gave a curt 'no'. "You will be returning to Quantico tomorrow. I'll contact HQ for the ride."
Without glancing at my way, the leader of the BAU left the office. I winced at the slamming door. He left probably to take care of the aftermath I created with Johns.
I sat silently, not daring to look at the faces of my colleagues.
"It's better than bottling up," Morgan finally said. I blinked at him. "At least you didn't punch him in the face," he grinned to make me feel better.
"I would've punched him in the face," Prentiss chuckled.
"I nearly did," Reid shrugged nonchalantly.
"'We' nearly did," JJ corrected the younger man.
Your hands swept your face. 'We'. It was like lightning had struck in my head.
"We." Everyone looked at me strangely as I blinked dumbfoundedly. "We. Us. Plural."
"F/N?" JJ called me worriedly.
Yeah, I was talking like a broken robot. But everything was jumbled in my head.
"All of us." Eric's words echoed. "It's the town." I looked up at my teammates. "We're against the townspeople."
"You think people are hiding UnSub even though they know who?" Morgan frowned. His eyes quickly skimmed through the list of names and checked their alibies that were written next.
"That and even helping UnSub find a way to access their places." I stood in front of the whiteboard full of photos. I skimmed through the front and turned the board. There were lists of people who attended School Reunion. Next to each name, there were photos of them, including the bullies and mine. 74 attended, and 46 still live in the town or near the town.
"We have alibies for all of them?"
Reid stood next to me. "Each number," he pointed 1,2,3 and 4 next to each name, "means the time of the victim's death. If the number is crossed, it means they don't have an alibi." Each of the 46 names had an alibi or two for each case.
"28 of them didn't return to the town after the reunion," I muttered as I went that through with JJ. "Did we check if the witnesses of them were outside of the town?" I turned to JJ. I felt guilty asking. I felt I was too absorbed with self-pity during the case rather than helping the team.
"Yeah. Many of the witnesses were from workplaces."
"You think the town is covering for each other," Rossi hummed as he leaned towards the whiteboard.
"It feels like the McElroy case from 1956. The victim was a known criminal but bailed out. Later, someone shot him to death," Reid said. "No one was found guilty, but a relative of the victim sued the town. They say the townspeople's attitude was that 'he deserves to die'," he finished.
"It's a possibility. But if that's true, unless we crack someone, we'll have more bodies."
I looked at the second whiteboard where Prentiss drew a relationship between bullies and important figures. I really should refer to them as 'victims', not 'bullies'. Maybe if I had done that in the first place, I should've distanced myself from the case and focused on it more when Aaron suggested. Oh, the ship had sailed already, even if I regret it now.
"Let's say your theory is correct," Prentiss tapped the name of a man under Thomas Kirvy. "Logan Kirvy, the father of Thomas and Eric brothers, once worked at Wilson Security Service. So, he could've helped the UnSub easily to kill Williams."
"Do you think he might have had a key or code to access the security?" I asked, not really knowing how the security company works.
"The company told us they have to submit every key that was provided and checked thoroughly. If they worked with passwords or other forms of encryption, the company changes so retired workers wouldn't abuse it," Morgan explained how the security worked with the retirees.
"Now what?" I pulled my hair in frustration.
I flinched as Rossi put his hand on my shoulder. "Now we start with the witnesses and crack their alibies. While doing so, now we 'officially' know Johns and Rodriguez were friends with the victims, we warn them."
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TMR Rewrite - Chapter One - The Greenie
Author: @thelibrarianintraining
Title: "The Greenie"
Word Count: 814
Warnings: None
Main Masterlist
Series Masterlist
Book One Masterlist
Chapter One | Chapter Two
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Once a month, the box in the center of The Glade came up with fresh supplies and a new face to add to our numbers. Every month, I hoped that this Greenie would be another girl so that I could stop thinking that the people who sent us here had made a mistake. Every month, I was disappointed and I became exceedingly curious about my purpose in The Glade. Was I even supposed to be here?
Being the only girl wasn’t so bad, I guess. I had my pick of the guys, except, I’d already picked and being the only girl meant that there were rules. I was off limits, whether I wanted to be or not. The Gladers took their original three rules very seriously and the punishments were harsh. The fourth rule about me was not an exception. And of course, I had fallen for The Glader who cared the most about the rules. He never broke them, not unless he was sneaking into the Deadheads to meet me, anyway.
I leaned against the doorframe of Frypan’s kitchen as I watched Gally boss the other builders around. Frypan and I had just finished cleaning up from breakfast and were taking a short break before we started making lunch. Frypan had wandered off to take his break somewhere else, but I had the perfect view of my Glader from where I was. It was hard to miss him though. He was tall and mostly muscle, something he was well aware of. I grinned at him and blew a kiss when he looked my way. He glanced around to make sure that none of the other boys had seen and then shot me a glare, shaking his head, which I giggled at.
We both turned our gazes to the center of The Glade when we heard the unmistakable sound of the box rising though. Then everyone in The Glade started to make their way to the box, where we’d wait until the box came up and the new greenie would inevitably freak out. Then all the supplies would be moved to their respective places and we’d all return to our work.
I pushed my way through the crowd to stand next to Gally at the edge of the box. As we waited, I subtly brushed my hand against his and when I glanced up to see his reaction, he was smiling slightly. It was a rare sight and when one of the other boys gave him a questioning look, he scowled at them and barked out, “What’re you looking at, Shank?”
The box jolted to a stop beneath the doors. The boys pulled open the doors and we all looked down into it to see our new Greenie, shielding his eyes from the light. Gally was the first to drop down into the box. Admittedly, they probably should’ve sent Newt in first because although I couldn’t hear what Gally said, I could see the expression on the Greenie’s face and he looked terrified. Gally was none too gentle when he picked the new boy up and tossed him onto the dirt outside the box either.
The boys crowded around the Greenie, pushing and shoving each other out of the way to get a better look. I’d already seen him though and I kept out of the fray. He was dark-haired and dark-eyed with a tall lanky build and a very confused look on his face. I felt kind of bad for him, the boys seemed to forget how horrifying and confusing their first day had been as they all leaned over him. They apparently couldn’t remember what it was like to wake up in a box unable to remember their own name and then be surrounded by four dozen people that they’d never seen before in their life. Well, they couldn’t remember ever seeing them in their life before, because they couldn’t remember their life before The Glade. They woke up in a box and it was basically like their first day on Earth.
The Greenie was suddenly on his feet and he shoved past the boys closest to him, making a run for it. He was doing pretty well, well enough to be a runner, until he tripped over his own feet and toppled to the ground, rolling a few feet before coming to a stop. The boys all laughed at that and I stifled a laugh myself. Poor guy.
That was when the Greenie seemed to notice his surroundings and we all watched as he pushed himself to his feet and spun around, finding nothing but the giant walls in every direction. They took his moment of stunned immobility to grab him and throw him into the pit, where Alby went to speak to him alone. Then the rest of us started to put the new supplies away and head back to work.
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veronicaleighauthor · 9 months
Embracing My Inner Marian Brook
First of all, Praise Jesus, we’re getting a Season 3 for “The Gilded Age!”
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I can’t believe Season 2 of “The Gilded Age” is over. Why did we get nine episodes in Season 1, but only eight in Season 2?!?!?! Not that another episode would have been enough for me. The costumes, the snobbery, the grandeur, the upstairs/downstairs relations – I love it all. It may even surpass my love for “Downton Abbey.” I think it’s because I’m American and this is based in America, and we just don’t have the period dramas that Britain has. We had “Mercy Street” for only two seasons – I’m still not over the cancelation of that show. Anyway, I can easily get lost in the show’s world, even though my ancestors of that era were farmers, laborers, and factory workers in the Midwest. There’s a derogatory comment made in Season 1, that in the past, Bertha Russell dug her own potatoes before she married George and they made their fortune. My people would be closer to that than anyone else on the show.
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Last season, I was really drawn to Peggy Scott’s character. I still adore her, but during my rewatch of season one and watching this season, I’ve realized something. My personality is closer to Marian Brook’s. According to a Myer-Brigg’s personality test, I’m an INFJ-T and though I’ve searched around on line, I found only one site that claimed Marian was an INFP. We’re not twins, but I really feel I’m closer to her in personality than I am with any other character on the show. Except maybe Gladys Russell. I might be similar to Gladys…Poor girl.
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We’re introduced to Marian Brook in Season 1 when her father dies and she learns she’s left with nothing. Her world is turned upside down. She receives a letter from her Aunt Ada in New York; it contains a train ticket and encouragement to come live with her and her older sister, Agnes van Rhijn. Marian accepts, arrives in the city with Peggy Scott who helps her on the journey, and she is thrust into New York society. Since Agnes married into an Old Money family, Marian is considered part of that family by connection. She makes friends with the Russell siblings across the street, who are New Money! She is also friendly with Mrs. Chamberlain, who broke the rules and is ostracized. ::gasps:: As she navigates society, an attorney friend from her hometown in Pennsylvania, Tom Raikes (who lives up to his surname) shows up and much to Agnes’ disapproval, he pursues Marian. She is persuaded to believe she is in love, and maybe in a sense she was. Maybe it was a first love kind of thing. The audience, and Aunt Agnes especially, knows something isn’t quite right. Tom proposes, Marian accepts, and an elopement is planned and attempted…Well, Marian follows through with the plan, Tom fails to show up and later dares to show his face at Mrs. Russell’s ball. ::boo, hiss, boo:: Marian is brokenhearted, but she’s young and resourceful, she will heal.
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Season 2 opens and as the Opera War is being waged, we discover that Tom Raikes is newly married and though Marian is a little affected, she is moving on. She has taken a position teaching water colors painting at a school. ::gasps:: Aunt Agnes is horrified. No one from an Old Money family works. It’s not done, it’s not genteel. While Marian loves her life in New York and the society she belongs to, she finds purpose in teaching her class. It eventually involves into teaching other pupils how to read and write. Just when she finds her place in the world, a cousin of hers (or is it a nephew) by marriage, Dashiell Montgomery arrives on the scene. Newly widowed and the father of a daughter, he soon sets his sights on Marian as a prospective second wife. Marian appreciates his company and likes him and his daughter (despite them insulting her by saying “she’s not a real teacher” and making an off-handed comment that the poor people can wait to learn to read, her attendance at this fancy gathering is necessary). Dashiell is…not a bad man, and in Aunt Agnes’ eyes, he’s a good catch. I have a hard time getting past the Tsar Nicholas II beard that he sports (I swear, whenever he was on the scene, all I could think of was Tsar Nicholas II). But when he puts Marian on the spot by proposing to her in public, to be kind and show compassion to his daughter who desires the match, she accepts…
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When the van Rhijn’s encounter financial troubles, I feared Marian would be pressured to continue with the engagement. Thankfully, she waited for a private moment to part ways with him. Aunt Agnes reminds Marian she must be careful – her reputation has taken two hits, society won’t accept a third. But she is free. Free to teach, to help with social causes, to perhaps find love with the Russell boy.
The internet seems divided about Marian’s personality type. One site claims she is a INFP and that’s close to what I am. In my recent binges of the show, I have seen parallels between our personalities. She seems more traditional at first, relying first upon her father and then Aunt Agnes for support. She and Peggy Scott befriend and support one another, yet it is not without some troubles. Though Marian believes all people are created equal and treats them as such, she originally thinks Peggy is poor and calls on her at the Scott family home bringing a “charity bag.” Thankfully their falling out only lasts an episode or two. We are horrified when she misses the racism Peggy faces at a shop she likes to buy from. A well-meaning person, she misjudges Tom Raikes. The audience can see he’s more in love with New York society than he is Marian herself. This nearly leads her into scandal. When Dashiell obviously begins to pursue her, rather than bluntly dissuade him, she permits his attentions because he does some kind things and he’s closely connected to her aunts. For me, that one hits close to home. Marian is nice, but when compared with the more dynamic Bertha Russell or force of nature Agnes van Rhijn, she doesn’t stand out.
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A Collider article criticizes her for being the “least interesting character.” I initially overlooked her too. Maybe it was my acceptance of that I’m closer to Fanny Price of “Mansfield Park” than say Elizabeth Bennet of “Pride and Prejudice,” encouraged me to give Marian Brook of “The Gilded Age” a second look. Marian is more introverted; she often has her nose in complicated books like Henry James’ “The Portrait of a Lady” and she doesn’t make waves until she really has to. She enjoys fashion and pretty things, wishing for a fancy fan, that Bertha later gifts her. When pressed, she will stand her ground and fight for herself and others. The criticisms she’s received from articles and online comments, reminds me of the criticisms I received over the years. That I was too shy, not outgoing enough, that I rarely talked, that I could be a Miss Priss. I don’t always have the best judgment about people and I can be swayed into doing what others wish. I prefer to handle things privately.
You know what, there’s nothing wrong with being shy, introverted, reserved, traditional, etc, etc. Shy girls deserve a place in the narrative too. Marian Brook is this “least interesting” girl’s favorite character. I can’t wait to see what Season 3 has in store for her. ::sighs:: 2024 is going to be a long year.
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Who is your favorite character from “The Gilded Age?”
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orenjikaraka · 2 years
Shattered hearts
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Il Dottore x reader angst
Summary: In 3.2, Dottore takes both gnosis, the electro and the dendro, and ya’ll know all his segments are dead 💀; but what if this happened, Dottore made his deal with Nahida, but he made a exchange for Nahida’s assistant (reader) instead of the electro gnosis, the exchange was for the deaths of his segments, Nahida didn’t want too, but reader insisted; She insisted because she wanted to protect her hometown and Nahida. Nahida was sobbing but she excepts your offer. Reader said her goodbyes and went with Dottore. Two years has passed as you being his assistant; through those two years. Reader notices his routines and how he noticed how a nice and beautiful woman can change someone perspective; they both got fairly close; but the fatui are not on point with these new notices and closeness, so they have to take it by hand… (Also there’s an age gap in this AU, Dottore is 41 and reader is 28; thats a 13 years age gap, i do like my older men 🥺 also Dottore sometimes speaks in lab terms.) also also, i think Dottore looks amazing like this beautiful art that how he gonna look like in this AU and go follow the artist by the way they’re amazing!
Suggestion of a song I was listening to while writing this.
Warnings: deep angst, blood, blood lose, starvation, cursing, depression, soft Dottore, spoilers for Dottore real name (Zandik), deep guilt, character death, and sad ending
Word count: 5279
(Y/n)’s POV
“GET AWAY FROM HER!!” Dottore said
Everything felt heavy around You, the astrosphere of your surroundings were slightly blurred from the tears and crimson blood that was flowing out of your body, your chest felt like a burning sun was going right through you, (Y,n) tried to move her eyes to look at Dottore, he was being pulled down, by two fatui guards, he was trying to break there strong grip, but no budge, (Y/n) tried to move her hand forward, but got crushed by a boot, “AAAAAAAAAAA-“ the boot move fairly quickly to (Y/n) mouth to shut her up.
“Shut your mouth princess, we don’t want your boyfriend to get anymore feisty then he already is-“
“I will fucking dissect you and use your organs as fuel for my fucking fireplace if you, LEAVE HER FUCK ALONE.”
The fatui member just laughed because he knows damn well, Dottore can’t do shit, they took his special abilities away, his knifes, his living space, EVERYTHING, the only things he has is what he’s wearing when (Y/n) and him first meet at Sumeru…
“I’m soo scared Mr Dottore, OH WAIT, your not in the fatui anymore, no more 2nd class fatui harbinger, NO MORE Mr doctor to be called, because you broke a rule!”
Dottore felt deflated because he just lost all his progress because… because of me, ‘why… did- why did i insisted. he lost everything, his work, his segments, and… just- everything just gone…” While Dottore looked to the ground, he then looked up, “no, I haven’t.”
“And what makes you say that?”
“I still have my assistant.” He looked at (Y/n) through his mask but his lips was quivering.
“Aww how disgusting… HEY YOU” the fatui member pointed at the member that was holding Dottore down on his left. “Take his mask off, he doesn’t deserve or have the right to wear that mask. Also I just wanted to see what he looked like.”
The left fatui member yanked Dottore mask off in a harsh way, he threw it across the room, “damn your a lot older, I thought you were in your early 30s”
Dottore just looked at him with burning hatred.
“Welp enough chit chat, time to put this sick puppy to sleep.
(Y/n) never knew that a man that's been called a psychopath or a monster, can have so much emotion to someone. The man moved his boot to your arm, and faced a shotgun, right on the tip of your skull. The cold tip of the gun gave shivers down your spine, soft whipping came from your gentle voice and it frightened Dottore to the bone.
“No- no please I beg-“
“Wow, I've never seen such a sight.”
A deeper and much rougher voice walked in the room.
“Let her go, I have orders to execute her.”
The fatui member moved his feet off (Y/n) and gave the shotgun to Captaino and ran off. Captaino saw how (Y/n) was trying to get up, but Captaino put the cold tip of the shotgun on your head again. And you paused.
“I suggest you don’t get up… crawl instead.”
“Do you want to die?”
(Y/n) started crawling slowly to Dottore, Captaino was watching from afar but he was counting.
“Stop— sto- stop please” to Dottore cry was out of this world. “Dottore… help-“ “sweetheart- please just-“
Dottore try to move out again, squirming to break free, Captaino was slowly walking up to (Y/n), he saw how much blood was on the floor, painting crimson all over the concrete flooring. Dottore was panicking because each time Captaino got closer, he felt like he'd be a nobody without you, "please pick me— not her- I’ll do anything- please!!!” Captaino put the shotgun on the tip of her skull… “Nahida… I’m sorry— I’m sorry, I failed you, I’m sorry Zan-“
“Shut your mouth, you rat!”
“PLEASE— please just pick me- leave her be-“
Everything felt more heavy, your body felt slightly colder than before, your eyesight is fading slowly, ‘please…’
Dottore POV
Dottore eyes were clenching shut ‘NO- NO- NO, please oh archons please…’
Suddenly he felt cold, frostbite cold, his body was slowly getting colder by mere seconds, he opened his eyes and saw a cryo vision, the right fatui member saw it too and tried to grab it but right when he let go of Dottore. Dottore snatched it, ‘I’m such a fool.’ Then he found out he can have fast cryo speeds and swoop up (Y/n).
‘Fuck what else can this mechanism can do!?!?”
As Captaino was inches from the both of you, you both teleported; leaving an icy debris where they were at.
“Find them now!!!”
—- time skip —-
When Dottore opened his eyes he was laying on the ice cold snow, snow was slowly falling from the sky, which made him panic and stopped him from his calm trance, he sat up and looked below his chest and saw (Y/n). “Sweet Thing-“ he immediately checked your pulse and your heart was fine? You were breathing normally but.- he checked your stomach region and it was covered in snowy ice, “how long was I sleep-“ Dottore heard a whipper and look at your face, you were crying softly and he just now noticed you slightly shaking, “I-
Dottore is sweating bullets now, he looked to his left and saw Captaino screaming for murder. “Fuck- ok ok.” He looked back at you with panic, “don’t worry I- I got you- just… Shezhnaya to Sumeru, just- *gulp* fuck…”
His heart was racing like a wildfire, “just Shezhnaya to Sumeru-“ “KILL THEM.” “Just- FUCK- just Shezhnaya to Sumeru” Dottore was holding you tighter and tighter from each step the fatui took, “just Sumeru please-!”
“They got away sir-“
The agent’s body fell limp to the ground, blood spewing out of his skull leaving a crimson snowflake to the ground.
“Dispose the body, his family won’t be very happy about the news. That he failed to do a simple order.”
— time skip —
Dottore was holding (Y/n) and Fell to the concrete ground on his back, “physics…” then he got a spear above his face, it was a Sumeru guard, he was shocked that he made it to Sumeru but felt so lightheaded and drained, “how the hell did you got here, and stand up!” Dottore tried but he felt like he was gonna puke, “please- I just need her to be at- a medical station or a doctor- she’s bleeding badly-“ the guard kept his spear at him and moved his head to see (Y/n) and fear was his eyes, “(Y/n)!?” The guard dropped his spear and picked (Y/n) up brittle style, and ran to the big green palace, “good- *sniff* fuck-“ tears ran down Dottore eyes, weak sorrowful tears that just won’t stop, he put his gloved hands on his eyes, to hide his shame from everyone, the two guards that were around protecting Nahida palace were shocked, Dottore just remembered he has trackers on his vest and boot, so his “fatui friends” would “help” and find him, he got the one in his left side of his vest and frosted it and smashed it in his palm and try to sit up again because there was one under boot, ‘“tch”, and slowly got up, and took it and frosted that one and smashed it, one of the guard’s from the palace; walk up to Dottore and point a spear to Dottore’s face, “why did you destroy those-“ “how idiotic can you simpletons can be, I destroy my trackers so no- no one get… fuck… hurt” the guard noticed Dottore was clutching his stomach region, “how did you- teleported here?”
Dottore couldn’t care less so he showed the guard the cryo vision, “a delusion?”
“No, my vision…”
The guard tried to speak up again but Dottore shut him up.
“I got it, from saving (Y/n), she was dying, and…”
Suddenly Dottore felt prickles in his abdomen, small roses spikes that were stabbing his insides, it felt like it was growing up fast, slowly going up his throat, “aa— *cough* *cough*” rose petals were coughing up from his throat, the guard was worryingly confused until Nahida came into view. “Leave.” The guard walked back to his post, “didn’t I tell you were banished from coming here.”
“Yes— but- *cough* I was banished from Shezhnaya too—“ “So you think you can just come back-“ “No—“
The prickles were getting to his lungs, it was hard to breathe, “I— *gasp* I wanted to save— fuck— I can’t—“ “CANT what Il Dottore!” “I— COULDN'T LEAVE HER- OK—“ Dottore was trying to breathe but couldn’t, with little strength he had he punched his chest to try to break the prickles, but that just made it worse, he just coughed out some more blood and crimson petals, his lightheaded head was turning to a migraine, “please— I’m- *gasp* sorry I took her from you—“ Nahida was shocked… hearing a man that use to have so much pride and thought everything was a sick joke; begging, begging for his life, Nahida sighed, and killed off the roses that she made his body, Dottore gasped for air and had some coughing fit but at least he was breathing again…
“When you feel alright I want you out, out of this region, you are banned from seeing (Y/n), i hope you rot in the abyss.”
And Nahida just walked back to her palace not even looking back.
Dottore laid on the ground for a while, waiting for his dear (Y/n) to recover…
— time skip (3 hours past) —
After he felt recovered, by using his cryo elements, to put some ice on his wounds, he waited by the stairs, while his wounds slowly heal, he felt so exhausted, this migraine isn’t helping either, he growled in frustration; he started to stare at his gloves again and put his gloved hands to his forehead, and a ice coolness cooled his head, a sigh of relief came out of him, until he heard one of the guards from the palace coming near him, “scram…”
“I should be the one saying That to you.” The guard spoke.
“Hey don’t ignore me. Leave and leave-“
“This region I get it…”
Dottore slowly got up, he felt dizzy, ‘fuck’ “leave!” “Tch…” and slowly walked down the long steep walkway, the sun felt hotter than usual, ‘I hope I’m not having a fever… Well lots of blood loss, open wounds, using cryo to close them up, having an awful migraine, and out of breath.’ He slowed his pace and made it to the bottom, food stations were everywhere, Dottore was breathing heavy; he sweating bullets, “fu— *breathing heavy* where’s a chair or bench—“ as Dottore was panting while looking downward , a woman came up with concern, “sir are you-?” While Dottore looked up just the slightest, she had a horrified look, “sorry- I must go!” Dottore felt miserable, ‘stupid face, stupid scar, stupid people…” when he felt less dizzy, he straightened himself up but hid his face with a hand when someone looked, he slowly walked through treasures street and passed the grand bazaar entrance, ‘damn this heat’.
Everyone was staring daggers and disgusted looks, he sighed in a shaking breath, and walked to the fence and leaned on it, two people were talking behind the blacksmith building and saw Dottore, and ran off.
Dottore just groaned in disappointment; ‘Not a single person is gonna help me, hehe , why wouldn’t they, I murdered countless of people, test subjects thousands or maybe even millions over the years, strangled men and women’, he put his gloved hands over his face, he shakily soft laughed, ‘how do you care for someone like me, you were afraid of me at first, but you just had me wrapped around your sweet little finger, showing the equivalent of love in a short while of time, how touch starved, I can be around you, I always wanted to try to get close to you but the law and the act in Shezhnaya is to not get close to someone, show no emotions, no love, just pure rage, and arson, everywhere you walk; you were afraid of Shezhnaya, terrified of me… but you stop being fearful, instead of fear, you were concerned and worried about me, why— why were you concerned about me, is because to torment me, to change my motives, for the good and not for the rotting evil of a harbinger’, his hands were freezing up slowly, ‘why— was it because it took me a year to finally understand what you were doing to me… how— you just…
No, no— what am I saying, you were a woman that got tooken away from your homeland, so of course, she needed someone else to talk to… and you just talking to me, made me feel vulnerable, haven’t felt that in years, being slightly immoral, can be so lonely and trapped, but you changed that, which— fuck.. god damn it!… Hehe—‘ his lips started to quiver; and he slowly turned his back to the fence and sat down on the concrete floor, he put his head back with his eyes closed… ‘What am I gotta do with you, oh (Y/n)…’
—- time skip —
The small nap was interrupted by there royal fucking guards again, “didn’t I tell you to scram.”
“Didn’t I tell you, I have no were to go…”
“I don’t care, you need to leave.”
“I can't leave this place that far anyway, I’ll be dead in mere seconds…”
“I’m already dying anyway, I’m using my ice to repeatedly covering up my wounds, I feel unsteady when I walk, I’m just stuck here with no medical attention-“
“Don’t you have your own medical supplies, you are called the doctor.”
Dottore looked like he was about to murder this man. “They took my supplies at Shezhnaya and I can’t get any, because everyone is afraid of me…” he said while gritting his teeth.
“Yeah, because you're a murder and a freak.”
Dottore’s anger turned to disappointment because of hearing it again or just several times. “Tch” the guard left with annoyance, ‘just leave me the fuck alone… I’ll skin you…’ Dottore sighs and lays his head on his knee. After some minutes his stomach growled, ‘I can handle this later’ and rest his migraine away…
— time skip (the next day) —
Dottore woke up from his stomach growling again, but it slightly hurt this time, ‘hmm how long was I asleep…' ' he felt undizzy, his wounds felt a lot better, but they felt they might reopen again, if he doesn’t be careful. So he slowly got up and rubbed the dirt off, and looked up and saw the dark blue sky filled with stars, he looked back at the stalls and saw people still working, he walked past the blacksmith and went to his left, and arrived at the first food stall.
“May I-“ the person at the stall, put a close sign up and rushed to the back of his stall. “Fine.”
Walked to the next
“Can-“ and did the same thing but covered his shop up.
He walked to several others but they all said no, the last one was the bar and they locked it, before he even knocked on the door, “FINE.” He walk up to one of the tables and sat down on one of the chairs, it was more comfortable then, sitting on the concrete, he put his arms on the table and rest his head on them, trying to ignore his stomach even though it hurts, each time it growled, he sucked his stomach in to stop the pain, the guard from either was walking passed by and saw Dottore, he shocked his head walked away to his spot again.
‘Darn this body’ Dottore put his head back down. A couple minutes passed and a brave young waitress came up to him.
“Sir, you-“
“I need to leave, I get, but I can’t go anywhere, because…” he puts his head up with annoyance, “If I leave, I die, I have a bounty on my head, from the fatui, I can’t go to liyue, mondstadt, Shezhnaya, or any other regions, you can think of, because apparently I’m still fatui to everyone but I’m not.
“Why is-“
“Why you might ask, because a archon I made a deal with, to take her assistant instead of the electro gnosis, because I thought I NEEDED an assistant because all my segments were dead; so I did. And what did that get me?”
“A change of perspective in life…”
“And that’s a bad thing, why?”
“It’s not… I just… I don’t know, I lost all my work, because of a single person…”
There was an awkward silence. Not until Dottore’s stomach was craving for food once more, it made Dottore look away from embarrassment. She saw how he slightly tense up each time it craved.
“Do you… have mora?”
“I do…”
“I'll.. try to negotiate with my boss, and give you one of are menus”
Dottore looked back dumbfounded, “you're not scared of me?”
“No, well maybe a little, everyone knows what you did in the past was terrible, but you definitely changed, when you got down here you didn’t even attack anyone or hurt anyone, even when the other stores faked out they were sold out or they were closed, you just walk off… I saw you when you first walked down the walkway; when I was doing food deliveries…so don’t beat yourself up… I’ll be right back…”
She went back inside, and tried to negotiate with her boss. It took an hour in a half but she came back with not a menu but a well down steak, with potatoes and fish fries on the side and also put down a glass of water, “sorry, we argue for awhile, so while we argued I made a meal for you, I hope you like it. If not, I can change it.”
Dottore was so focused on the food in front of him that he forgot the waitress was there, he shook his head and looked at the waitress, “sorry dear, and the food looks delicious so no changes but here.”
Instead of giving mora he gave a gold coin, it almost looked like a gold nugget, but it was certainly not mora. She was shocked, her eyes were slightly puffy, “also this is for your boss, for hiring an amazing chef.” He gave yet another gold coin. He was about to pick up his fork, but she hugged him. “Thank you— so much—“ his body tense up, but she let go, “ *sniff* also you're not terrifying as people say you are; having a massive scar on your face doesn't make you look scary, you're actually quite handsome- well thank you again, have a good meal!” And she left.
‘I’m not terrifying’ he touched his face with his left hand, and touched his scar. ‘Handsome…’ he put his hand down and was about to eat again until he heard her boss cheering with joy from inside the bar.
“You're welcome.”
And started to eat his food.
— time skip (the next day) —
Dottore felt at ease, walking around Sumeru, less stares happened around, some people pity him, some of them stare with hatred, and some look with sad looks, the little waitress incident probably brought the whole town on a good note. Even some nurses or doctors ask for medical facts, which was surprising. Nahida was still a bit, spectacle on Dottore, so she made Al Haitham have a close eye on him.
While he was walking he was thinking back to what you said, when you both were at his lab.
“Why do you test on humans anyway?”
“To check what was their cause of death, to see their blood cells can generate more blood cells than any normal human being, to see if their soul can go into mechanical matter, or you might say a robot or droids.”
“Has.. anyone healed much faster than a normal being?
“No. Haven’t got anyone to heal much faster than anyone, I would say only archons can do that, not unless you kill them fast enough.”
(Y/n) kinda tense up from that. Dottore noticed this. And looked back on his notes.
“Sorry dear, I know if I frighten you but I’m not thinking of hurting lesser lord kusanali, or have her dead, I haven’t killed an archon in years so you're fine.”
“You killed archons.”
“Some but very few, couldn’t get samples. I was planning to help with my segments but that’s a long waste now.”
“What if… you found someone with that ability?”
He finally looked back up with a questionable look, “if I did I would’ve been more immoral than I already am?”
“You're immortal?”
“Not really, but I can age once every 50 years.”
“That’s pretty short compared to archons.”
“It is… but why do you ask?”
“Umm… I used to have a friend that was half archon, she lived half the life span as an archon does, but that’s still more than any other humans, she meant.”
“Is she-“
“She passed away years ago from a spear to the heart.”
“But she could've lived longer, if the spear missed her heart by some inches she would’ve lived, they said when she was comatose sometimes the only way you knew she woke up or fully healed is when it rains…”
“Was her mother, Amphitrite.”
“And her father?”
“A human of course, but unknown.”
“Maybe… nevermine.”
And he went back to his studies.
When he was walking up to the green palace to see if he could check on (Y/n) , it started to rain… it started to drizzle, but when he got closer to the last steps. It was pouring, his coat was getting soaked but he couldn’t care less…
“Shot it’s pouring hard…”
“Yeah…” Both guards said; they both walked back to the palace.
Door slam open
“Your- your a-“
Before he could say anything else.
She flew right in his arms, he had to take aback what happened, ‘you have wings, you have hydro vision, you— you're the half archon?!?!’
“I’m— sorry I didn’t tell you, who I was-“
“You were terrified (Y/n), I wouldn’t doubt you for telling me before either…”
She just softly giggled, they both hugged for a while until Nahida stepped out, she was frustrated, she didn’t even notice Dottore, , “(Y/n)! You're still healing-“ she saw Dottore, she wanted to stop him, but after she saw (Y/n) genuinely happy, her frustration cooled down, she had a sad but forgiving smile, she walked down gently. Little music notes each time she stepped, the rain was lessing out, to a soft drizzle.
Dottore looked down at (Y/n) and (Y/n) looked back, she had shuck a gentle smile, then he looked at her wings, they were like blobs of water, but as shiny as sapphires, gentle gemstones that can shatter in a simple touch. He put his hand through her wings, they were warm, “your hands are cold even through your gloves”, “sorry… still new to these visions…” “hehe”, her laugh was generally cute… “is your vision really next to your heart…”
“It is…” she made her vision glow; her skin glowed slightly where her heart was located. “I’m very fragile; when there’s no rain out; I’ll be shattered like a glass heart; lefted like dirt and grime; lefted like the abyss.”
“But when there is rain, your power grows like a sunflower, looks beautiful, when it consumes sunlight, but mellows down when there isn’t…”
(Y/n)’s cheeks blushed, which made Dottore chuckle; closed his eyelids and delicately kissed her forehead, “then I’ll treat you delicately like a sweet little sunflower, love…”
The drizzling was just near drips.
Dottore's eyes shot and looked to the stairway that was leading downward and saw Captaino, he had a gun that had a large harpoon at the end of it, pointing at (Y/n). He moved her behind him, and the drizzle slowly went back to rain.
“Sorry to cancel your plans, but oh Dottore, we wouldn’t want your poor princess to be hurt don’t we…”
“Back. Off.”
“So demanding. when it comes to her, I wonder… is it because she is a half-archon.”
Dottore was about to speak up, but…
“Oh I knew from the very start; when she arrived to are quarters, when the harbingers and I saw you stepped in with her, we thought you were going show some murderest game, that was going to a irrupt, but we got it all wrong, that little glass heart was your assistant, how she hid behind you, when we had other meetings, I did some digging and found out that she’s a little straight angle of a archon, her other half is a mere human; I kept silent for so long, because i was wondering, what in the world are you toying with a half-fucking-archon.”
“Hehe, but you weren’t toying with her, your cold shivering heart, couldn’t seem to understand how a kind and beautiful sunflower can change your reality…”
“Hmmp, I guess that’s why they put me as the 2nd harbinger; I’m well known for my facts that… how should I say it… oh! That love can show more meaning than some garbage gadgets.”
Captaino was silent and pointed the gun at Nahida. He shot the harpoon at Nahida, Dottore put an ice wall before the harpoon could hit her.
“Clever… oh so clever…”
“Miss Kusanali! Are you ok-“
Captaino clicked something on his gun, and the harpoon grappled back, the edge of the harpoon sliced the throat of the Sumeru guard.
“Kaasska—“ the guard was gagging, crimson blood was pouring out of his neck and mouth, he was looking at Nahida for help.
“*sigh* So annoying…”
Captaino moved his left arm up and revealed the shotgun from before.
“See that wasn’t hard was it… Now.”
Captaino Pointed it at Nahida, but before he can shoot Nahida, Dottore teleported Nahida and the other guard into the green palace and blocked the entrance with solid ice.
Captaino growled with anger in his veins. “You-“
“Me what! You're not killing any archons or any more of Lesser lord Kusanali’s people.”
“Well that’s a shame… because… that half-archon is more valuable…”
Dottore grabbed a hold of (Y/n)’s wrist and teleported them to the akademiya back entrance that leads to the green palace.
“Zandik?!?! What about Nahida-“
“She’ll be fine! Capitano is aiming towards you; as a rock of captain he is, he’ll do anything for that person to be dead…”
Dottore picked up (Y/n) bridal style and ran into the akademiya building, “everyone get the hell out of here! There’s-“
Captaino broke the door to the back entrance, everyone screamed in panic and ran out. Dottore ran next door to the library, he closed the door and blocked it with yet another solid ice wall.
“Everyone up the elevator now, there’s a murderest fatui harbinger in this building!”
Everyone went up the elevator, it was cramped but everyone got up… apparently they turned off the elevator so no one else could enter. When Dottore got close to the elevator the lower floor was wide open because the power was off…
“Zandik don’t-“
Dottore dropped her down the elevator shaft and blocked the entrance with solid ice before she could fly up quickly.
Her voice was slightly muffled because of the ice. The door behind him smashed open. And the man himself; Captaino, has walked in.
“am I interrupting something…”
It made Dottore fist curl, and he turned around to look at Captaino.
“Let’s just get this over with…”
“My pleasure…”
— time skip (I suck at writing fight scenes 🥸) —
Al Haitham POV
I ran into the akademiya, I looked to my left and saw Dottore looked like he was at his limit; Captaino looked like he was unflinched but with bleeding deep cuts.
Al Haitham heard (Y/n) from the elevator shalf and ran to it.
“Al Haitham?”
“Don’t worry, I’ll get you out of there!”
Al Haitham used his sword to crack the ice. “Cover your eyes!” (Y/n) covered her eyes with her hands, Al Haitham was about to break the ice, “damn it…” and with one final hit, it broke.
(Y/n)’s POV
When the ice broke, (Y/n) flew up, and saw Dottore, he was on his back, looking afraid and powerless.
“Well… it was nice knowing you Dottore”
“Sleep Well… old friend…”
Before Captaino shot Dottore with a harpoon, (Y/n) swoops in and got shot straight through the heart by pushing Dottore out of the way.
Before Captaino would say selfish remark, with the last of her powers she used the water from her wings and made it to a thin line, to cut right through Captaino’s neck, it was like she cut through paper…
Captaino’s body fell limped and his head moved just slightly away from his body.
Dottore’s POV
“No— no, why—“
Dottore crawled up next to you. At the tip of the harpoon had your slowly pumping heart and the poor shattered vision was clinging on it, grasping for life but can’t.
“Stop— I can fix this—“
(Y/n)‘s body was slowly starting to shake, her eyes were blurring up because of the amount of tears there were.
Dottore tried to touch her heart that was slowly decreasing by the second, but with little strength she had left she held his wrist weakly.
“Zandik- it's no use—“
“No- I can fix this—“
“Zan— just stop—“
Dottore looked back at her, then at her heart one final time; her heart stopped, her vision didn’t have that beautiful glow anymore.
“Za- remember when I said— *cough*
She coughed out some blood, crimson droplets dangling from her mouth.
“Remember— how I said… you can do so much in so little time— when you're close to someone…”
“Don’t say—“
“I’m— glad that I get… to meet someone like you— in such little time I had…
“Sweetheart-“ Dottore hold her right hand, “your— fuck— FUCK—“
“Yes- sweetheart—“
She moved her hand that was holding his wrist and moved her hand to his soft cheek.
“Stay strong for me, ok…”
“I— I can’t- I’m nothing; nothing, without you.”
Everything felt blurred, her soft hand fell limp to the ground, her chest stopped slowly moving, her eyes was lifeless, her bright delicate smile was nowhere to be seen… Nahida ran in and sobbed what she witnessed, Al haitham quietly sobbed too.
Dottore had clumps of tears falling down on (Y/n)’s face.
“I’m sorry—“
Dottore slowly lowered his head and placed it on yours…
“I’m sorry— my little delicate sunflower…”
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When a bird is alive... It eats ants. When the bird has died... ants eat it. One tree can be made into a million matchsticks... but only one match is needed to burn a million trees…
Circumstances can change at any time... Don't devalue or hurt anyone in this life... You may be powerful today but time is more powerful than you…
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gamma-rae-bursts · 2 years
Back Home
Alex comes back home after a long case.
Pairing: Alex Blake x Reader
Warnings: None, I think
Genre: Little Fluffy Blurb
Word Count: 600+
A/N: Little blurb I wrote for @nightmarish-fae a while back. The prompt was "you smell nice". Contains canon dialogue from season 8 episode 22 "#6". Posted before but I accidentally deleted my old account lol
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*Ring, Ring* 
“Hey, you” you said as you answered your phone, a wide smile plastered on your face
“Hey,” You heard Alex’s soft voice as she replied, “Remind me why did I think working at the BAU was a good idea?” 
“Because you’re an exceptional profiler and even better agent?” you said, chuckling a little at your girlfriend’s question. “Just a guess.” 
Alex has been away on a case for close to two weeks now, and this was the first time you have spoken since she left. You don’t tend to make phone calls when she’s away, not often at least. Occasional text messages to let you know that she’s okay are what she prefers, and as much as you missed Alex, you understood her need for independence. But this was a nice exception to the unspoken rule between the two of you. 
“How’s the case going?” You asked, full of hope that the investigation was progressing at a faster rate. “When are you gonna get home?” 
“Who knows,” Alex said with a hint of sadness and exhaustion in her voice. “all the leads we’ve gathered in the past few days led us nowhere, each being a dead end”
The hope in your eyes was instantly replaced with sadness, as you realised that this is going to be, yet another night spent alone, curled up in your shared bed holding tightly onto Alex’s pillow pressed against your chest. In the moments when you especially missed her, you’d often spray some of her perfume, the smell of which brought you comfort and reminded you of the woman you loved. 
*Doorbell Rings*
“Are you expecting someone at 11pm on a Wednesday night?” Alex questioned softly.
“Um, no, not that I’m aware of.” you said, slightly concerned as you truly didn’t remember to make any plans for the evening, your mind starting to spiral in all possible ways
“Maybe you should go and check it out?” the linguist said in a much more enthusiastic way.
Your eyes filled with hope, you ran to the door to open it as soon as possible. Would Alex really not tell you she’s coming back? She never did that, somehow, she was never good at keeping secrets and surprises, always being so excited she couldn’t hold it in her. When you finally reached the door, you looked through the peephole, almost not believing the sight in front of you. There she was, as beautiful as ever, standing with a huge smile on her face. The same smile that you found yourself get lost in so often. You immediately opened the door, almost jumping at the gorgeous woman standing in front of you, wrapping your arms around her neck. Never wanting to let go. You felt her smile as she pulled you closer to her, leaving soft kisses on your head. 
After what simultaneously felt like hours and seconds the two of you broke the hug, Alex placing a gentle kiss on your lips. 
“I’ve missed you” she whispered, smiling at the realisation that she can finally hold you in her arms again. “If I ever get the idea to work for the FBI again, please shoot me.” She added, both of you chucking a little. 
After chatting for a while, Alex decided to take a shower, the exhaustion from the previous days slowly taking over her. You waited for her in your in your bedroom, happy to have her back.
“You smell nice,” the linguist whispered as she joined you in the bed and wrapped you in her arms. “Is that my perfume?”
“Mhm, maybe.” You said in a barely audible whisper. She slightly chuckled, pulling you even closer to her, you let yourself melt in the warmth of her body as you both drifted off to sleep.
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hxney-lemcn · 2 years
The Guardian Angel Pt. 2 — John Ward x gn! angel! reader
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summery: Sometimes, rules are better broken.
tw: uh...being in a mental hospital? Idk.
a/n: Is this chapter even good? I feel like I keep trying to make it deep but I do NOT know how to do that properly lmao.
wc: 0.7k
Master List
Part One | Part Two | Part Three
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I watched John in silence. It hurt, seeing someone you care about treated terribly, but there wasn’t anything I could do. I already broke a rule, even if it was an accident. I felt truly helpless at the moment. 
“Angel?” John called out into the padded cell. “Are you still with me?”
My heart broke. I was tempted to answer, oh so tempted. But for all I knew, if I answered I’d be stripped of my rank, then I wouldn’t be able to help him. Lifting my hand up, I gently stroked his cheek. For him, it would feel like a light breeze, so I hope he understood what it meant. 
John turned his head towards me, and I felt my breath hitch. If I didn’t know any better, I’d think that he actually saw me. His eyes, devoid of their usual light, seemed to shine, even if it was just a bit. At that moment, I felt a temptation no human has made me feel before. I just wanted to toss God’s rules out the window and reveal myself, if it brought back that beautiful shine of hope in his eyes. 
“I feel like I’m going crazy,” John spoke out.
I frowned, not sure what to do. I looked around, trying to calm myself down. Looking down at my hands, I finally made my decision. I bit my lip, hoping that I wouldn’t regret my next actions. And I knew I wouldn’t as John looked at me with awe. 
“You’re not,” I whispered, smiling softly in hopes of it being comforting. 
John only stared, and I couldn’t help but chuckle at his reaction. He was…cute. I rested my head on my knees, watching him recollect his thoughts. 
“I…I didn’t believe my own eyes when I last saw you…” John stuttered slightly. “I…still can’t find myself to believe it.”
I looked off to the side, trying to think of a way to comfort him. Looking back at him, I finally replied, “I understand, us angels haven’t been allowed to talk to humans in thousands of years. And with your situation specifically…” I looked around the padded cell.
“Am I an exception?” John asked. 
Once again, I looked away. I can’t lie, but I also don’t want to tell the truth. I don’t want him to feel worse than he already does. I notice John lower his head from the corner of my eye.
“God is merciful,” I said, not sure if I’m trying to comfort John or myself. “I’m sure he’ll understand.” 
This did not seem to comfort him, as he seemed to grow tenser. Maybe this wasn’t the best course of action. I internally berated myself, realizing my actions may have come from a more selfish nature. I pursed my lips, and I knew at that moment that whatever God decided, wouldn’t be as merciful as I thought. For I have chosen a selfish path, and I must atone for breaking God’s trust. 
“I’m sorry,” I apologized. “I have overstepped my boundaries.” I started to hide myself once more, only to be stopped.
“Wait!” John cried out desperately. “Don’t leave me alone…please.” 
My gaze landed back on his face, mapping every detail of it in my memory. If this will be my last moment of being an angel, I wouldn’t want it to end any other way. 
With a bittersweet smile, I agreed to stay, letting him lean against me in the cold white room. I wrapped my arm around him, gently messing with his hair. 
Yes, my actions were selfish, but even angels aren’t perfect. Is it really so wrong to indulge in something so soft? Finally being able to embrace someone was such a pleasant feeling. Like I said before, being an angel was a tough job. There was no time for anything other than your purpose, your job, your mission. Constantly moving from watching person to person. People think so highly of angels…but our job isn’t as glamorous as it seems. Yes, working for God was a beautiful and honorable thing, but it leaves no room for yourself. 
This was what made humans beautiful in my eyes. They had a chance to be an individual, their own being with their own purpose that they could choose. My gaze didn’t stray from John, wrapping one of my wings behind him. This time, I chose my purpose.
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