#// i wouldn't be surprised if they did this as an easter egg
demonsfate · 7 months
I think the anon that said Julia is with a Street Fighter character is referring to this: https://www.reddit.com/r/Tekken/s/PV7xH4Wztq they look very similar but apparently this is another Julia
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HUH... that is funny. But according to the comments, this "Juli" is a German. So... probs not. Even though I'd wish. Maybe Ganryu would be forced to back off. Maybe Ganryu would get his ass kicked - this dude definitely looks like he can kick Ganryu's ass.
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lemon-koii · 4 months
•|Sad TWST headcanons
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𝑅𝑖𝑑𝑑𝑙𝑒 𝑅𝑜𝑠𝑒ℎ𝑒𝑎𝑟𝑡𝑠
If his mother calls him before or during eating a strawberry tart, he'd have a hard time finishing his tart after their conversation even if it has no relate to it. He would clutch his hands and just stare at his strawberry tart for a few minutes and eat it slowly. Still remembering the first day he tasted a tart, but not a good way
𝑇𝑟𝑒𝑦 𝐶𝑙𝑜𝑣𝑒𝑟
Doesn't like it when people yell at him when mad as it reminds him when Riddles' mom yelled at him and his family for 3 hours straight. Although, he wouldn't react much if you yelled at him, but he will definetly hold a grudge
𝐷𝑒𝑢𝑐𝑒 𝑆𝑝𝑎𝑑𝑒
After Riddles' overblot, he'd not only get nightmares about it, he'd also get nightmares of Cater getting impaled with a spear from Riddle. In some dreams, Cater died, right infront of him and his roommates would have to wake him up. He pleaded them to not tell Cater but one of them slipped(It wasn't Ace. I refuse to believe he's THAT much of a jerk and clumsy)
𝐶𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝐷𝑖𝑎𝑚𝑜𝑛𝑑
Whenever his sister would call him, he'd just stare at it ringing. He doesn't want to talk to them but he also don't have the heart to reject it. Sadly, he can only do this when he's alone since people will point. But when he gets close to the prefect, he'd ignore the ringing and tell you to do the same. Just don't pester him and point at it more than 3 times
Comforts Deuce in a non-obvious way whenever his roommates accidentaly told him that Deuce had nightmares about his impalement
𝑅𝑢𝑔𝑔𝑖𝑒 𝐵𝑢𝑐𝑐ℎ𝑖
Tons of bite and scratch scars from his childhood due to fighting over food with another group of hyenas. As a male hyena, he's pretty tall in their book so he's the one to mostly go out to hunt and fight for food
Sometimes has to give up his food to female hyenas
𝐾𝑎𝑙𝑖𝑚 𝐴𝑙-𝐴𝑠𝑖𝑚
On the outside it looks like he trusts his siblings a lot but deep down he doesn't. He loves and trusts his baby siblings but once they reach the age of learning about the hierarchy, he'll start to doubt them but won't show it. So when they do end up trying to kill him, he'll be heartbroken but not surprised
𝐽𝑎𝑚𝑖𝑙 𝑉𝑖𝑝𝑒𝑟
He was 14 years old when he first killed someone to protect Kalim. One of the most traumatic event in his life but as he got older, it bothered him less and less. When he looks back at his first kill, he'll cringe. Thinking, "God why did I cry and puke that time? I should've expected it"
𝑂𝑟𝑡ℎ𝑜 𝑆ℎ𝑟𝑜𝑢𝑑
Somehow got a hold of a file full of old pictures and videos of H!Ortho and when he has nothing to do, he'd watch it privately. Observing how past Ortho acted and will try to recreate does actions.(It gives Idia tons of flashbacks)
𝐿𝑖𝑙𝑖𝑎 𝑉𝑎𝑛𝑟𝑜𝑢𝑔𝑒
Back when Silver wad a kid, he'd give Lilia every egg he found during Easter. But the moment Lilias' eyes spotted a black egg with bright green designs on it, he'd go quite and just stare at it. Remembering Meleanor and egg Malleus
𝑭𝒊𝒓𝒔𝒕 𝒚𝒆𝒂𝒓𝒔
After overblots, they really want to vent to their parents but they can't. Crowley pressured them to not tell anyone or their grades and the schools reputation will be at risk
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mj-iza-writer · 6 months
Caretaker excitedly set an Easter basket beside Whumpee.
Whumpee watched as Caretaker sat down across from them, then side glanced the backet.
"I made that up for you", Caretaker grinned, "you can open it."
Whumpee cautiously looked at it, then at Caretaker.
"It's okay you can take all of the time you like", Caretaker smiled.
"My abuser did this for me last Easter", Whumpee's voice caught in their throat, "every surprise was a torture idea or tool they were going to use on me that afternoon."
Caretaker quickly realized, "oh no, I am so sorry Whumpee, I didn't reali...."
"It's okay, you didn't know", Whumpee weakly smiled, "thankyou so much for doing something like this for me", they tried to be appreciative, believing Caretaker wouldn't hurt them.
"Aww, you're welcome", Caretaker stood, "how about we open it together. I think you will like this basket."
Whumpee nodded, "okay."
Caretaker reached in and pulled out a few plastic eggs. They popped one open and showed Whumpee what was inside.
"Cho-chocolate?", Whumpee pulled out the item.
"Yes", Caretaker chuckled, "I waited until after lunch to do this so you could have some sweets without ruining your meal. You can pick a few to eat after we finish opening the basket if you... like.
Whumpee had already opened the treat and was excitedly biting into it.
A few more eggs were opened before one was found hiding a piece of paper.
Whumpee looked at it timidly.
"I wouldn't have done it this way had I known", Caretaker stated apologetically, "I promise nothing from this basket is meant to hurt you."
Whumpee shook as they pulled the paper out of the egg and opened it.
"This present waits on your bed. They love cuddles", Whumpee read out loud.
"Would you like to go look?", Caretaker smiled.
Whumpee nodded before sliding off of the couch.
Whumpee opened their room and saw a giant stuffie on the bed.
"Is that for me?", Whumpee turned to Caretaker.
"Yes that is for you", Caretaker smiled, "your nurse brought it by earlier while you were napping", Caretaker grinned, "they thought you'd like it."
Whumpee squeezed the stuffed toy.
"It's so soft", Whumpee smiled.
"Would you like to open a few more? I brought the basket", Caretaker smiled, "may I sit here", Caretaker walked to the edge of the bed and sat, then handed another egg to Whumpee, "there is two more eggs with papers in them. Just a warning."
Whumpee nodded as they cuddled the toy.
"May I take a picture of you to send your nurse. I think they would love to see you cuddling it."
Whumpee nodded and smiled for the picture.
The egg was popped open and Whumpee pulled out a necklace and a piece of paper.
"I believe this necklace will match this perfectly", Whumpee read out loud again, "look in your closet", they looked at Caretaker weirdly.
Caretaker pointed at the closet and smiled when Whumpee got up to look.
"This is that one... they didn't have the color in my size though", Whumpee pulled it out and looked, "this is the color I liked."
"Yes, I went back the next day and asked. They were able to find it for me at a different store, and they held it for me", Caretaker smiled.
Whumpee excitedly held the clothing in their hands, "thankyou so much Caretaker."
"You're welcome", Caretaker watched Whumpee happily, "do you want to do these last few eggs?"
"Okay", Whumpee looked into the basket and bravely pulled out another egg.
Caretaker handed the last egg to Whumpee.
"I'm pretty sure this one has the last paper", Caretaker smiled.
Whumpee nodded and popped it open.
Inside was the paper.
Whumpee read, "Caretaker definitely bought the giant one. I'm hiding in the kitchen because I didn't fit in the basket."
Whumpee glanced at Caretaker.
"Do you want to go look?", Caretaker stood.
"Yes please."
Whumpee walked into the kitchen and looked around for a second.
Caretaker stepped in and watched.
After a few minutes Whumpee noticed a note.
"I didn't want you to walk in too early and see it. I'm hiding in a cupboard. Come find me", Whumpee read it, "by the way, are you thirsty?"
Whumpee didn't quite get the hint and started to check all of the cupboards.
"Whumpee", Caretaker whispered.
Whumpee stopped for a second and looked.
"There's a hint in my note", Caretaker smiled and watched them go back to read it, "why do you think I asked if you were thirsty?"
Whumpee thought for a second before going to the cup cupboard.
They looked at Caretaker for reassurance.
"Go ahead and see", Caretaker leaned on the counter.
Whumpee opened the door and was shocked to see a giant chocolate bunny there.
"That's for me?", Whumpee looked at Caretaker.
"Yes it is", Caretaker chuckled, "I bought a second one for myself. You can't go an Easter without at least eating one chocolate bunny."
Whumpee pulled the box down and looked at it.
"C-can I, uhm, may I have some?", Whumpee thought they may drool.
"Remember what I had said earlier", Caretaker nodded, "you can have a few pieces of your prizes now if you like, and I'll put the rest in your snack basket. You can have some of that if you like, but not all of it. I don't want you to have a belly ache. You've had one piece of candy already, and I saw you sneak a jelly bean earlier. If you want we can have a piece of that and a bag of chips."
Caretaker knew Whumpee would overindulge with the snacks. They had bad eating habits because of their abuser starving them.
"Okay", Whumpee excitedly set the box down and opened it. They attempted to break a chunk of chocolate off, but they soon remembered they hadn't regained enough strength yet.
"May I have help please?", Whumpee frowned.
"Yes absolutely", Caretaker pulled out a cutting board and set it on the counter, "I find this to be the best way to control how much comes off... I need to grab a knife. Are you okay if I do that?"
"Uhm", Whumpee whimpered.
"Do you want to show me how much to cut off then step out of the kitchen while I cut for you", Caretaker looked at Whumpee, "it's completely fine. I know you don't like knives."
Whumpee showed the piece they wanted and stepped out.
Caretaker went to work. They cut the chunk Whumpee wanted and set it aside. They decided to also cut the rest of the bunny so Whumpee could grab some more easily.
"Okay Whumpee the knife is put away, you can come back", Caretaker called.
Whumpee came in and excitedly looked at the chunks.
"I did it this way so you could grab it easily", Caretaker smiled, "this is the chunk you wanted."
Caretaker chuckled as Whumpee took the piece.
"So I am going to go and grab all of the snacks", Caretaker went to the doorway, "I'll put the snacks in your basket, and you'll have access to them when I have them out."
Whumpee nodded.
"How is the chocolate?", Caretaker grinned as they came back in.
"Really good", Whumpee smiled with a mouth full.
"I'm glad. Do you want some chips?", Caretaker handed them a bag.
"Thankyou", Whumpee looked the bag over.
"So how was this Easter? Did you enjoy yourself", Caretaker watched Whumpee struggle onto the couch holding their new stuffed toy. They also wore the new clothing Caretaker had gotten them.
"This was so much fun", Whumpee grinned as they finally got situated, "I was so nervous when I saw the basket, but I was surprised by everything."
"I'm glad you trusted me and had some fun", Caretaker smiled.
"It was so much fun", Whumpee laid down.
"Are you going to take a nap now?", Caretaker watched them get comfortable.
"I-is that okay?", Whumpee suddenly payed attention to what they were doing, "if you don't want me.... I was excited to cuddle with."
"That is absolutely fine if you want to take a nap", Caretaker stood, "would you like to be covered up?"
"Yes please", Whumpee nodded.
Caretaker grabbed Whumpee's blanket and covered them.
"Nice and comfy", Caretaker tucked in the blanket.
"Yes", Whumpee smiled widely, "thankyou again for today. I had so much fun."
"You're welcome Whumpee, I'm glad you had fun", Caretaker sat down across from them, "I'll let you know when dinner is almost ready."
Whumpee squeezed the stuffie close and listened to Caretaker quietly hum while they laid their. After a few minutes, Whumpee's eyes slowly closed.
Caretaker looked up when they heard a few moans come out of Whumpee. Whumpee was out. Caretaker smiled at the faint smile on Whumpee's face.
"Sleep tight Whumpee..... I'm glad I planned this today. You deserve so much", Caretaker smiled before going back to what they were working on.
Taglist. As always please let me know if you want to be added or taken off of the list. It's not a problem at all. @villainsandheroes @the-beasts-have-arrived @sacredwrath @porschethemermaid @monarchthefirst @generic-whumperz @bloodyandfrightened @freefallingup13 @notpeppermint @cyborg0109 @idontreallyexistyet @thebejeweledwatercat @painfulplots @whumpbump @everythingsscary @skittles-the-whumpee @expressionless-fr @theforeverdyingperson @legendarydelusiongoatee @candleshopmenace @whumpanthems @lavndvrr @ivymyers
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weasleyreidstyles · 6 months
Serendipity; Invisible String
series masterlist
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i was going to include this in chapter seventeen to break up the angst a bit...but then i thought i'd just do it as its own separate piece so that they have a chance to explore their love without there being as much (because i couldn't help myself) angst overshadowing this pivotal moment for meadow and matty....there is also an important (not very subtle) easter egg regarding the storyline that will be delved into in a later chapter....anyway this takes place between chapter 16 & 17 xxx
warning: 18+ content, fingering, piv, soft smut, declarations of loooove!!
After the Order members had left, with plans of meeting privately to discuss Professor Dumbledore's funeral and what they were supposed to do in the wake of the harrowing battle, Madam Pomfrey had made her way over to you to check on the wounds that littered your abdomen, and with a flick of her wand, they became faint lines of jagged silver as they scarred over. Shortly after that, she'd declared you okay and insisted that you get some rest in a proper bed. It was probably also to make space for the students, part of Dumbledore's Army, who had also been injured in the battle.
You and Mattheo left shortly after that, but not before Ron came up to you and wrapped you in a hug, tears leaking from his dull blue eyes. No words were needed, you knew what his actions meant. You held him tighter, even as his parents beckoned him to his brother's bed.
The castle halls are eerily silent as you walk hand in hand with Mattheo. Even the portraits don't stir at the harsh glow of his lit wand, as if they were grieving for the loss of Dumbledore in their own way. The two of you are the only disturbance in the still atmosphere, your soft breathes and light footsteps echoing loudly on the stone floor.
Neither of you had wanted to venture near the Astronomy tower again, afraid that the sight of the now spotless hallways would spark harsh reminders of the bloodshed and carnage that had swept through them like a petulant disease only hours before. So wordlessly, Mattheo had begun leading you towards the dungeons, his body heat sheltering you from the chilly bite in the air.
The Slytherin common room was mysteriously desolate when you entered behind him. Not a soul to be found under the dim glow of the Black Lake's murky waters; only the sound of the crackling fire in the hearth and the gentle ripple of the current against the windows could be heard over your mingling breathes.
"Where is everyone?" You ask, cringing instantly as your voice becomes agonisingly loud in the silence, despite your words being spoken with quiet cadence.
"In bed I assume, or gone." Mattheo responded with a low rasp. "It wouldn't surprise me if news has already spread and parents are collecting their children to return home."
You respond with a soft "oh", as you follow him up the stairs to his dorm.
"Draco's gone." He continued as he unlocked the dark oak door leading to his dorm. "So are Blaise and Pansy. Enzo and Theo are still here, but they'll leave soon too."
"Why didn't you tell me anything before? I deserved to know that my friendships started out as a means to an end." You ask him as you enter his room. He's silent as he observes you from the threshold, brows creased in thought.
"I would've told you eventually. There was never a good enough time though. And it wasn't a means to an end, love." Your about to retort but he continues as if you hadn't opened your mouth to speak. "It felt like the right thing to do, to tell you when I did."
"To gain The Order's trust?" You ask, running a hand through your hair.
"Exactly. Though I doubt it's done much to sway them."
"What happens now?" You ask hesitantly, reaching and squeezing his hand.
Mattheo gently guides you to where his bed sits in the corner of his room, allowing you to find a comfortable position before he finds his own one behind you. He pulls your back to rest snugly against his chest, cradling your body to his own with strong, protecting arms as your heartbeats synced as one.
"I don't know, darling. But we'll face it together." He says as he presses a soft kiss to the crown of your head. The two of you rest in stagnant silence, unsure of what tonight's happenings meant for the world as you knew it.
A little while later, you turn to face him, restless anxiety clawing at your insides. Mattheo's curly, deep brunette hair has fallen haphazardly across his forehead and his onyx eyes, framed by glorious lashes, shine bright, despite all that they had witnessed in the past few hours. He has a soft smile painting his face as he admires you in tandem, although you can see his poorly hidden concern for you reflecting behind the tenderness. Each breath you take, he mirrors and your racing heart slows to a relaxing lull in your ears. Unhurriedly, you bring a hand up to his face and brush the loose curls away from his eyes, a tender look overtaking your fatigue.
"I meant what I said in the ward." He mumbles, voice betraying how exhausted he was, too.
"Yeah?" You ask, your smile widening imperceptibly. You fingers caress his face with featherlight strokes as you trace the freckles and scars that are scattered across his cheeks. Your eyes are now alight with teasing mischief as if daring him to say the words aloud, all sense of tiredness having left your face in the wake of it.
"Yes, Meadow." He responds with a quiet snicker as he pokes your side. His eyes glow with serene happiness as he watches you squirm and giggle, watches the despondency leave your pretty face. "Did you ever take me for a liar, sweetheart?"
"No." You say breathlessly as he continues to stroke at your trouser covered hips. "Never."
I want to hear you say it. You implore wordlessly. Please.
He kisses you then. It's not hard and rough and passionate like his caresses always are. Instead, it's soft and slow and entirely all consuming, like the very first time, but infinitely better. Every emotion he's ever felt for you coarses through your veins as his tongue clashes against your's.
"I love you." He says breathless and low against your lips. You kiss him with a newfound fervour, pouring your every thought and every emotion, intertwining your soul with his. Your magic practically explodes around you, casting a warm indigo glow about the dorm room, illuminating his features; guiding shadows in a dance across his face.
He looks at you in awe as you both admire the way his own magic seems to tangle seemlessly with it. Whorls of indigo and silver flicker in pretty patterns that seem to pour out around you like a smattering of a million tiny stars.
My incredible, smart girl. He tells you with a wide smile on his face as he looks at you, admiringly. You flush under his intense stare.
You undress each other with practiced fluidity until you are both blissfully nude; no barriers separating you from the other, all vulnerabilities splayed out in the open. He rolls on top of you and presses your hands above your head with one of his as his other trails lightly down your stomach, tracing the new lines of scars which seem to twinkle under the faux starlight. He presses soft kisses to the marred skin, words of love and adoration melting into you as he presses away the new insecurities without even trying.
He eventually works one finger, and then two inside you as his thumb strokes idle patterns against your clit. You mewl at his practiced ministrations as he fingers you, slow and rough, in the way he knows you love, despite never having said it out loud before.
The noises you make bring a delighted smirk to his pretty lips and he speeds up his movements almost unnoticeably to bring you close to release; teasing you through one orgasm before letting a second rush through you, all while drinking in every sound; every expression that you let overcome your flushed face.
It feels like an eternity later that he finally sheathes himself inside you, every ridge of his cock brushing sensually against your most sensitive spots as he sets a leisurely pace – starting slowly before he finds a particular rhythm that has the both of you moaning in unison. His arms are braced at either side of your head, careful not to snag on your hair which is haphazardly fanning out on the pillow beneath your head. The muscles in his biceps flex with every push and pull of his body, his core tense with the exertion of making you feel like you're walking on clouds.
Your own hands are on a journey of their own, travelling along the defined muscles of his abdomen and across his strong hips, until a particularly deep thrust from Mattheo causes you to claw at the soft skin of his back, willing him to come closer to you. The scars that litter his skin are blissfully joined by marks of your making, marks that he wishes could stay there forever in place of the others.
Where he's left love bites on your skin, you eagerly return the favour as best as you're able. Leaving deep purple marks across his chest and clavicle with your kiss-swollen lips that happily migrate from his body to his own lips as much as possible.
"I love you." You whisper against him and he lets out a barely restrained groan as he thrusts even harder into you at your admission. Satisfaction thrummed through his veins at the whiny sound you let out in response.
"Say that again." He says, pressing hard kisses to your chest, leaving more delicious marks in his wake.
"I love you, Mattheo Riddle." You repeat, a moan catching in your throat as you begin to reach your peak for a third time. "You have my whole heart. Break it. Crush it. Decimate it. Do what you must, but please know that it's yours. It will always be yours. I love you."
The both of you are pushed over the edge at that, clinging to eachother's bodies, which are slick with sweat. The euphoria causes your intertwining magic to surge around you again, and you both feel how it sparks at your very souls, the feeling never ceasing, only growing as you allow your love to manifest and flourish like its very own entity.
Neither of you want the intoxicating feeling to end, content in basking in the sensation, if only to prolong the immense amount of love that radiates from your magical cores.
"I love you, darling." He mumbles into the skin of your shoulder, exhausted and spent, breathing in the scent of you; the soft floral hint of your perfume that seems to linger despite the raging battle you'd been in and the musky scent of the sweat that clings to your skin.
You press a kiss to his own shoulder as his body flops to land beside your's on top of ruffled emerald sheets. Your interwoven magic still permeates the air, seemingly in no hurry to dissipate any time soon and you can feel it, along with Mattheo's deep in your chest. By the look on his face, he's feeling its affects too.
"That was–" You mumble with a breathless giggle, fingers trailing patterns across his marked skin.
"All consuming." He agrees with a lethargic chuckle of his own before he's pulling your body into his again, magically rearranging the sheets so that the two of you are modestly covered.
"Can you feel something-" You start, but are unable to put this new sensation into words as he gazes down at you with soft eyes. "I don't know how to explain it."
"Different? Like my magic isn't entirely my own anymore?" He wonders aloud and you find that he's voiced your exact feelings.
"Yeah. Precisely like that, actually." You say. "It's like I've unconsciously absorbed your magic again. I'm sorry-"
His lips against your's prevent your apology from fully forming and he's looking at you with such a tender expression that makes you melt.
"I'm not sure it is your siphoning, love. It's different. I can feel your's too." He says with lightly furrowed brows.
"How strange." You mumble, a yawn escaping your lips. Mattheo manoeuvres you so that you're practically chest to chest as he lies on his back, letting your aching nipples brush against his strong pecks as he wraps his arms around you.
You breathe out a content sigh that causes a shudder to rush through him as it ghosts over the sensitive skin of his neck. The impact of your shared love and intertwining cores feels like a supernova swirling inside you.
The fate of the wizarding world, and your own fate, is a haze of unknown territory, but you were entirely certain of one thing; Mattheo held your heart in his hands, and he had no intention of ever letting it go.
(striked out users are ones that i couldn't tag)
@camille-1019 @lovelyygirl8 @xluansstuff
@babeylover @thejadeazalea @undercover-smutlover @adhxmoony
@dreamingofonceuponatime @thepassionatereader @urmomsgayforme5 @aphroditeisamilf
@devotedlycrookeddonut @purplegirls-posts @nofacenonamelikekira @foxboyapologist @lafrone @lovely-maryj
@nromanovaswife @leeknows-wife @dracygf @wildlyobserving @ravenclawprincess33 @melllinaa @vellicora @lantsovheiress @emiliahoward @stunkbiggu @vcosette
@prongsprincessworld @mattiesgirl
@rachmmb @x-kermit-x @sun-fiower-seed @cas-planet @certaindreampost
@weirdowithnobeardo @mikalovesicecream @benwadsworthsgf
@rainy-darling @faeriepigeons
@lovely-blackinnon @hiireadstuff
@gimalo135 @elsafromcabinsix @moonlightreader649 @blueshome
@nopedefe @spencerreidsthings
@navs-bhat @agent-tempest
@magimtz23 @y0urm0m12
@sbrn0905 @leona-hawthorne
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accirax · 19 days
Danganronpa: Despair Time Chapter 2 Episode 12 Dissection
And in the vein of what many others have being doing since the episode came out, I will here be posting my thoughts on what this latest episode has brought to the table. This post will be a mixture of pointing out things I found fun/interesting and more serious theorizing about the murder and the events of the surrounding chapter. I also tried not to read too many other people's opinions or theories before writing my own post so that I hopefully wouldn't have my immediate opinions swayed, so I apologize if I've missed any critical easter eggs that others have pointed out or if I'm just beating a dead horse.
Let the episode commence!
SPOILERS for Danganronpa: Despair Time through Chapter 2, Episode 12!
Really important/long stuff will probably have a header-y title under it as well. I also might skip around in time a bit to put relevant pieces of evidence together? IDK, I'm kinda winging this for this first episode.
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The Whole AM/PM Thing
Charles: The evidence against David-- in fact, our entire line of reasoning hinges on the fact that Arei must have been killed at around 7:30 PM last night. But the primary reason we believe the murder occurred at that time is because of the fish found at the crime scene. From that, Teruko concluded that since the killer accessed the relaxation room for water, the murder couldn't have occurred during night time. So, unless I'm missing some other piece of evidence that could explain it... Why couldn't the killer simply have taken the water during daytime and stored it for later use?
Well, by this point I think that pretty much everyone (on Tumblr, at least) was in agreement that Arei was killed in the morning rather than the evening, no matter who their personal choice of killer was. So, the murder happening in the morning isn't much of a surprise.
For all my talk of trying not to look at others' theories, I did talk with my sister @venus-is-thinking in person after we watched the episode, and she brought up a really good point that I'd like to reiterate here. Sorry for stealing something that you'll certainly bring up in your post as well! I just want as many people to be aware of it as possible.
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During the investigation, Nico says that they fed the fish last night after they ate dinner, and didn't notice any fish missing at that time. To be fair, Teruko tries to press them for a specific time, and Nico responds that they don't remember at what hour exactly they fed the fish or ate dinner.
However (likely relevantly to the murder) we do have specific intel about last night's dinner to get a better sense of some timing. When Teruko is talking to Charles and Whit in the Computer Room, Whit remarks that it's "past dinner time," and Teruko's stomach growls. This is likely using Whit's internal clock and sense of when dinner time is as opposed to a MonoTV-mandated meal time, but given that no one else is in the Kitchen besides Teruko, Charles, Whit, and David when the former three enter, and we know that Nico must have had dinner before the Relaxation Room closed at 10 PM, we can probably assume that Nico also ate dinner around a regular "dinner time."
However x2, we also know that, after Teruko, Charles, and Whit go to the Kitchen, Whit sends David to the Relaxation Room, and Teruko mentions that she was planning to eat there as well. That means that we have three accounts of students believing that the Relaxation Room was open at that time, so we can assert that the terucharwhit dinner scene occurs before 10 PM.
So, what does this mean? Well, we'll start by assuming that Nico ate dinner at, like... 6:30? Hu says that she and Eden have a tradition of cleaning up after dinner together, starting at 7 PM. I'm ballparking that eating a meal might take about 30 minutes, so that would mean everyone is done at 7:00. Therefore, Nico probably fed the fish at around 7:00 as well.
We'll also set egg dinner (that's what I'm calling terucharwhit + David dinner now) at, like 9:30. Once again assuming that someone could eat dinner in about 30 minutes, that means either David or Teruko could comfortably eat their dinner before the Relaxation Room closed. It also gives the culprit basically the widest possible amount of time to steal the fish, and I like to be as all-inclusive as possible.
To return to the main point for a moment, Venus' argument was that, because Nico interacted with the fish at night and didn't notice any of them missing, the culprit still must have taken the fish at night (but before 10 PM), not just at any point of the day. Based on my time frame, that means that whoever killed Arei (or someone working with them) must have gotten the fish at some time between 7:00 and 9:30. Let's run through who that could possibly be:
Teruko: There's a small window of opportunity for her to have done it before meeting with Charles and Whit in the Computer Lab, but we didn't see her do that, so I'm gonna say no.
Xander: He was dead.
Charles: I'm pretty sure Charles and Whit have claimed to be together all day, and they were at least already together in the Computer Lab working together on something before Teruko entered. Assuming they weren't in on this together, I'm going to give him a tentative no.
Ace: So, assuming that Ace was telling the truth about overhearing David and Arei on the night of Day 7, he would have been in the Gym at ~9:30 on the night the fish were taken. That is to say, if he had just taken the fish (and potentially even hid them in the Gym fridge), he absolutely could have gone to the Gym afterwards. I don't remember him having any sort of alibi otherwise. Easy yes.
Arei: Given that, other than Ace (and David) claiming to have seen her at 9:30, no one is admitting to have seen Arei since lunchtime, Arei did have a window of opportunity to take the fish. Obviously, why she would (inadvertently or not) help her killer to kill her is still a huge question mark, but we're talking possibility, so it's a yes.
Rose: Rose has no alibi ever because she's asleep. Yes.
Hu: Hu and Eden claim to have a continuous alibi together between 7 and 10 PM. Again, unless they're in on it together, tentative no.
Eden: Same as Hu. Tentative no.
Levi: Levi was "doing his laundry," which even he admits is shaky at best. He's a yes.
Arturo: J says that Arturo was by her side from the entire time between 7:30 and 10 PM. Third time's the charm-- unless Arturo and J were in on it together, Arturo is a tentative no.
Min: She was dead.
David: David entered the Kitchen for egg dinner at ~9:30, but we don't know where he was before that. Similarly, we don't know what happened at the end of Ace's story, which leaves David a window of opportunity to have taken the fish just before the Relaxation Room closed. Either way, definite yes.
Veronika: Veronika was with Teruko at the end of the night, but we don't know where she was before that. She had an opportunity; yes.
J: Arturo's alibi goes both ways. Tentative no.
Whit: Same as Charles. Tentative no.
Nico: Nico both had ample opportunity to have taken the fish before 9:30, and could have been lying about the timing of the fish despite that. Another easy yes.
So, what does that tell us? Well, it likely means that either the killer has to be Ace, Arei, Rose, Levi, David, Veronika, Nico, or someone who has one of those seven as an accomplice, or I/the students have something wrong about the timing. Venus' other point was that it's weird that that hasn't come up at this point in the Trial, so don't be surprised if we come back to it later. Or we're wrong.
And those were my notes on... the first two minutes of the Trial! That whole ramble that probably could have been a whole theory post by itself! God, I need to pick up the pace...
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Dang, what a cool detail that literally none of us picked up on (as far as I remember). Seriously, how did nobody even throw that out as an off-the-wall possibility? Anyways, if the body was still swinging, that means the murder-- or at least the hanging-- was recent recent. Sadly, given that no detail is given as to who arrives in the Motive Screening Room when, I don't think we have any further evidence to pin down who this might have been at the moment. Keep it in mind, though.
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Okay, so I believe that J is right about "answering her own question" here, but that does therefore lead us to the conclusion that the body probably was drenched in water at some point. I do not know why. It'd be interesting if it was to clean blood off of Arei's body, although Artruro-not-being-the-killer pending there weren't any cuts or scrapes on her body. It could have also been a mistake, it's just weirder to have a mistake that covers the entire body in water. Or, it could be a failure in Arturo's alibi, which is obviously a major point of the episode.
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I literally said exactly this while Ace was talking. Thank you Charles <3
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First point that I feel people have commented on already: we now know that the DRDT cast believes that they are about 18! This makes sense, given that they believed that they were about to enter their first year of college, which, in the United States, happens at about 18.
Arturo: I started studying medicine when I was twelve. Twelve! All that amounts to is six years of medical training!
Arturo: I was only able to get this far in such a short amount of time because I specialized in plastic surgery, and nothing else. I neglected everything that wasn't immediately relevant to my goals.
Felicity is 3-4 years younger than Arturo. Therefore, she was 8-9 when Arturo started studying medicine. I don't think we have enough info at the moment to speculate as to when Arturo might have left home to pursue being a doctor, other than that 14 is generally the minimum possible age of employment in the US, while the legal age to live alone is 18. I'd love to dive into this more, but I don't think we've been given enough to complete a full timeline. Still, important to keep in mind.
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A certified W for verturo shippers. "Adorable" is such a word choice.
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Oh, so that's where that came from. Convenient that it doesn't seem to be relevant to this murder, because I have no explanation for it. I wonder if it'll be relevant in the future, though, or if it was just a funny gag that DRDTdev wanted to include.
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As much as I've tried to refute Whit mastermind theory in the past, I have to admit that this moment was pretty suspicious for Whit. "Because it was funny" could easily be a coverup for "that's an executable offense but I'm programmed to not want to kill my mastermind so I let it go." It's still not concrete proof by any means, but I can tell that I'll be seeing this screenshot more in the future if I try to argue against Whit being the mastermind again.
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Mechanisms, you say? 👀
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I have been thinking so much about what the fuck this line means ever since Whit said it. Did they actually spend the night together, and Whit is just framing it in a subversively funny way? Is he saying that he's so sure that Charles doesn't have any friends other than him that there's no possibility that Charles could have been with anyone else other than him? Is he secretly the mastermind, and knows that Charles was alone through watching a security camera? Was he just saying that to be random and banking on being correct? Sir, I do not understand you. You're the best <3
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Are J, David, and Veronika Telling the Truth?
Given how popular of an option J being the killer is (and to a lesser extent, David as well), I'm sure there are plenty of people out there right now wondering if this alibi, which seemingly clears J, David, and Veronika of being the blackened, could possibly be untrue. That's what we're going to attempt to examine right now.
For starters, I'm going to eliminate the possibility that all three of them are co-conspirators in Arei's death. Like, yeah, it's possible-- I guess-- but I don't understand what any of their motivations would be, or even if they did all have corresponding motivations, why any of them would have shared them with each other prior to the Trial. It also seems like a mess narratively, with three largely unconnected characters coming together to pull off an unsupported major stunt. So, I don't think this was a planned lie to conceal their teamwork.
All of them do also have plausible enough reasons for being out early in the morning. J shared hers with the Class-- she was hoping to have an Arturo-free breakfast. David makes lots of sense, as he was probably looking around hoping that there would be a body so that the secrets wouldn't be revealed. Veronika might have been awake for the same reasons; looking around for a body in hopes of having another exciting Class Trial. Or, maybe she was just so excited about seeing all the motives that she couldn't sleep. Either way, it doesn't seem too unbelievable to think that any of them would be awake in the morning, so I'm not inclined to believe it's a lie.
The only way I think you could get out of this disqualifying these three is if you say that all three of them, but especially J, are exceptionally quick on their feet.
For this to work, J has to realize ahead of time that David was trying to draw votes to himself in order to purposefully fail the Trial, bank on the fact that this is true, and throw this fake alibi out to him, hoping that he'll accept. If J could win the Class Trial as a blackened, this would also end the killing game early, which is David's stated goal. Veronika is an easier get, given that she might agree to a chaotic lie if she found it interesting enough, but it's still a gamble.
However, this situation is incredibly niche, and still really only works if J specifically is the killer. I think we can pretty officially take David and Veronika out of the running with this. Personally, trying to see things from DRDTdev's point of view, I think he just wanted a clean sweep to remove David from killer contention, and added J and Veronika as collateral as two people who aren't the killer.
I would personally take this alibi as concrete proof that J isn't the killer, but I understand if anyone still thinks there are enough holes in its suddenness to keep J in contention. My deepest condolences to J!culprit truthers-- I'm sure that alibi must've stung. (/gen)
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"Harm yourself for fun" secret go brrrrrrr.
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I'm making this my new tumblr header.
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Yeah, seems in accordance with his actions to me.
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Oh my god another "good person" name drop AAAAAAAAAA--
Being good corresponding to sacrificing something is super interesting. Whether he's a culprit or an accomplice or what, I can't help but feel like this theme might apply to Levi in the near future.
But also, David is saying that the sacrifice is being seen as a good person, not that you have to sacrifice being seen as a good person to do good things. That part seems like it relates to David's career. He doesn't seem to like being around people very much, but he's seen as a paragon of motivational speaking because he thinks that those speeches, will, overall, do some good. David would rather be a nobody, but he'll sacrifice himself to do some good for others. Or, at least, that's the charitable reading.
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And, the other "good person" jumpscare. This brings our "good people" counter up to 6, including Teruko, Eden, Arei, David, Levi, and Xander.
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What the Fuck is David Talking About?
David: After all, it's still unbelievable to me... That I'm the only person here who remembered him. Even if you all lost a year of memories for this killing game, there's no reason you shouldn't have recognized who he was.
Alright. So! This was one of the biggest reveals of the episode. Probably unrelated to the Trial at hand, but very intriguing for the story overall.
I went back to rewatch some of the most prominent David/Xander scenes. From David's introduction, here's everything he says before Xander runs off to grab the pen and paper for the autograph. All of these are said directly to Xander.
David: Woah! (chime sound) Sir, is everything alright? You gave me quite the scare.
David: Yes, that's me, although I don't believe we've met before.
David: Ahaha, you flatter me. But yes, it is my goal to inspire others. I wish to make everyone realize that their aspirations are within grasp; all they have to do is find the motivation within their hearts to inspire them.
David: O-oh, wow. I'm incredibly honored, I suppose? Sorry, I don't really know how to respond.
Interestingly, there isn't actually anything to directly contradict the idea that David remembered Xander at this point, if you get a bit creative with it. Just because David "doesn't think they've met before" doesn't mean that he doesn't know who Xander is, and being "genuinely honored" could have been more genuine than most people interpreted.
There are only two points of contention, the first of which being that David calls Xander "sir." That does read more as David not knowing who he is-- he doesn't call Xander "Xander" even though Teruko already said Xander's name. However, depending on how highly David thought of Xander in the past-- because he certainly seems to think highly of Xander in the present-- David might have wanted to call him "sir" at first as a sign of formality and respect, before getting Xander's permission to be on a first name basis. Even if Xander still calls him Mr. David.
(Goddamn I typed Xander so many times in that paragraph)
The other weird point is when David says "anything for a fan" in response to Xander asking for an autograph, but that's far more excusable. Like, Xander is a massive fan of his, so calling Xander a fan is reasonable. David might have been happy that such a cool guy as Xander was a fan of his, and was stressing that fact out of delight. Or, this is after Teruko caught him slipping, so he could have also reverted into default customer service mode and said that in a more scripted mindset.
Meanwhile, in the scene where David approaches Teruko and Xander after Nico flees the lunch table...
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Do you see that? Do you see where David says "in person"? That strongly implies that David knew Xander not in person prior to the killing game. Good god, it's been there all along.
Other than that, the scene is full of David being embarrassed at Xander speaking highly of him, David speaking highly of Xander, and, of course, the mutual "you're my idol" moment. Dude, I thought that David was just gaslight gatekeep girlbossing here. You're telling me that everything he was saying about thinking that Xander was the coolest guy on earth was legit? Unreal.
Anyways, I don't have the time to rewatch, like, the entire first Trial to check up on every little comment David makes, but I find that comment about knowing Xander in person definite enough to conclude that David knew who Xander was since the very start of the killing game, not that he remembered something about Xander along the way.
How exactly David knew about Xander is still up in the air. I know that Microphony has a theory that David remembered Xander from their time together at Hope's Peak, and while it's a great theory and I don't doubt that the two did go to Hope's Peak together, I have a bit of a hard time believing that. My only holdup is that I feel like letting David remember Hope's Peak would be too powerful, and having him remember being with Xander at Hope's Peak while remembering nothing else about his time there is too... like, specific? Nit-picky? I don't have the word, but I hope you understand what I mean.
Instead, I think that David might remember what Xander did in response to the North C and Chariton incident that presumably earned him the title of Ultimate Rebel. That makes more sense to me as something that would make David idolize Xander in the same way that Xander idolized him-- if David just remembers their time at school, he would probably remember Xander on more friendly terms. It would also be super convenient to have David still be alive with memories of, say, Richard Spurling, to share with the class in future chapters, now that Xander is too dead to say anything more on the subject.
Sadly, I don't remember if there's any information in Literature Girl Insane to point theories in either direction. I'm gonna have to rewatch FF's video again sometime fr.
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Is David Telling the Truth?
David: We're... in a television show, after all. That's... what MonoTV said, right? "Entertainment" is an ongoing show. If Min successfully got away with the very first murder and escaped while we all died, then isn't that way less interesting for a TV show? What's the point of roping 14 other people into one murder, only to kill them all off immediately? The killer is supposed to fail and be executed. We're all supposed to catch the killer, again and again, and participate in trial after trial. You're supposed to try to survive. All of you who are trying to survive these class trials to continue living on are playing straight into MonoTV's hands. As if I'll accept that. I don't care how low I'll sink, or how despicable I'll have to become. I'll do anything to carry on Xander's ideals by ending this killing game, even if it means that I have to dirty my hands.
Firstly, I'm so glad that we're returning to the fact that this is a televised killing game! It seems like it has to be really important to whatever the lore is, so I'm glad that the students haven't artificially forgotten that fact until Chapter 6.
Secondly, I phrased this part as "is David telling the truth" because, initially, I thought that David had a different reason for lying about killing Arei. My thought was that he thought that pathetically advocating for himself would only make himself look more guilty, so he switched up tactics by making it look like so easy of a victory that people like Teruko would wind up proving his innocence themselves. Because that seemed plausible, I wanted to examine if David could have come up with this explanation on the fly. He's known for lying and should be socially savvy, so it's possible that this argument was just a red herring to conceal his true intentions.
However, given the prior section in which I argued that it really does seem like David knew and admired Xander prior to the killing game, I'm more inclined to believe that this was the true reason. Furthermore, this was a really interesting scene, and it'd be a shame to introduce such a fascinating character idea to toss it away for an "actually, he was just trying to lie about this Chapter 2 Trial."
There's also the good ol' Literature Girl Insane, for real this time. This plan reminded me so much of the "tallying votes" scene that I had to check it out for myself.
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[12] “Majority rule” is known to be the fairest method of making decisions for a group. That's why murderers never complained when we voted for them to die.
The voting results definitely sound like David's plan. If he successfully made himself the killer, everyone would be executed, and while he would have "victory" over the killing game, it would certainly be a hollow one.
The 16 vote tally is still a bit more confusing, but I think you could relate it to David's plan as well. If you assume that David is the one getting all of the votes, you could say that his plan to end the killing game no matter the cost (throwing away his career, being hated by everyone, possibly even killing someone himself) might make him guilty of a crime/worthy of being voted for, whether he literally kills someone or not. Therefore, if the majority hates him and he achieves the closest thing to "victory" that he can, there's no reason for him to complain if it means he has to die. It could be his justification for why he has to fill out his mission, even if, in his heart, he doesn't want to.
I don't know if that's the explanation of footnote 12 or just an explanation with the new scenes given, but I think it's a possibility. There's also certainly far more to dive into regarding both David's worldview and the motivations behind the killing game, but if I started looking into that now, I wouldn't publish this post until way later. I'll have to leave that analysis for another time and/or another person.
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Love Hu for this. At least for someone like me, who finds David's mindset sort of relatable at times, it's important to have someone around to point out the flaws of compulsive martyrdom and give a reality check that doing something wrong in the pursuit of what you think is right is still (sometimes) an utterly fucked up thing to do. They're both such good characters, and they work off each other so well.
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Furthering the above point, even if David is doing it for what he believes to be "good" reasons, he's still ultimately manipulating people! You know, like his secret said!!! You don't have to believe that everyone is stupid to believe that you're smarter than them and you know what's best. But there's also the delicious irony that, despite Hu being the one to say this to David, she's also the one talking over Nico.
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I am so sorry to all the whitvid shippers in the crowd. Unless this is the dynamic you crave, idk.
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I wish that this line was voice acted just so that I could hear Ace's "uhh umm" Nico impression.
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Are Hu and Nico Lying?
We're back at it again.
Needless to say, this is way more suspicious than J, Veronika, and David's alibi. First of all, Hu and Nico are only two people, which makes it far more believable that they could conspire on the murder together. Second, unlike the former random group of characters, this latter pair are very intertwined. And third, this supposed breakfast occurred in a private location that only Hu and Nico could have possibly seen, as opposed to J, who said she was in a public location. If Ace or whoever had been in the public Dining Room at 7:30 AM, he could have called J out for lying, whereas no one can contradict the idea of Nico and Hu being in Nico's room.
However, for Hu to be lying and for Nico to not oppose her (despite pointing out the fact that they were interrupted) would strongly imply that they'd have to be in on the plan to murder Arei together. The easiest way to get there would be to assume that they were also in on the plan to murder Ace together. Understandable enough; I'm sure we're all aware at this point that Nico and what appears to be Hu's wire were both found at the scene of the Gym crime. They could've tried to murder Ace, got caught, and then switched targets to a different bully because Ace was too on guard? Nico would have been able to grab the fish, so there's no issue there.
I'm inclined to believe that Nico and Hu are telling the truth just because I personally don't believe either of them to be Arei's blackened, and I don't understand what either of their motivations to be an accomplice specifically would be in this situation. It would be pretty hypocritical of Hu to go off on David for trying to control whether everyone else lives or dies if she was currently the blackened trying to get everyone else to die so she could live. Or, even worse, if she was an accomplice trying to get everyone else to die so that Nico could live. That'd basically be what David was trying to do with a different coat of paint!
However, this could easily be a lie, especially given how suspiciously late it was compared to what J said. We had a whole David monologue in the middle. Those things last for ages.
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Okay, so, obviously, I could try to go over the implications of this, but with the next episode only a week away (I cry tears of joy), I think it's in my best interest to leave whatever I'll have to say about what Levi is doing until we have more information about his mindset. What a cliffhanger, though. Levi accomplice nation, it's currently looking... iffy.
Anyways, that was a fantastic episode! I loved getting a chance to learn more about Arturo, David, Xander, and the rest of the gang, with promise of more interesting things to come in the near future. I can't believe that they still haven't talked about the actual murder method at all. And that there were literally no trial mechanics in this video. Who needs 'em?
I hope you enjoyed my perspective on the episode. If you have any additions or questions, feel free to send me a comment or an ask. There's also a chance that I'll add onto this myself after seeing other people's ideas to respond to them. But for that, I'll have to read other people's ideas. I'm off to see what my mutuals have to say >:D See ya!
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alicethepiper · 6 months
here's the counterpart to my other post about the desks in the s.t.a.r.s office. there's audio this time, but no music unfortunately. you can hear the mr. raccoon bobble head thingy in the background though. i'm dumb and didn't know that was making the noise. oopsies.
so the desks in og2 are all one desk, but in remake they're two desks pressed together into a row. everyones looks basically the same. we have two additional desks in the back, though, near where rebecca's desk in og2 is. i didn't see any of rebecca's boxes specifically (there were a lot of boxes everywhere) but the green satchel health kit first aid thingy (that i assume is hers) is on the wall. idk which desk is supposed to be hers, but i think it's the one with the cds.
Jill's desk is different here too - in og she had a picture of some guy on her desk but now it's a picture of a dog. the beret/hat is still there, so i'm guessing that desk is hers. the desk next to hers has a lot of cds on it, though. it looks like piano music to me, and we know jill plays piano because of the first RE game (from what i remember) but that's about as far as my knowledge on it goes. i think rebecca can also play piano but i could be misremembering the 10 seconds i've played of RE0. idk who that desk belongs to, but it's the only additional desk that actually has any stuff on it, so i think it's rebecca's. all of the bravo team stuff is pretty much packed up (which could be because they're all dead, minus rebecca). so following that logic, the desk with the cds would be rebecca's - all of the other desks are packed up (and all of the other desks, coincidentally, belong to dead people). and i can see rebecca being put next to jill after bravo got wiped out (or even before, since i believe they're the only two girls in s.t.a.r.s and that feels like something the dudes would do. like a whole "lets put those two together so they can bond about being women or something" idk. im rambling. idk who that desk belongs to but i think it's rebecca). i can also see rebecca requesting to be put next to jill. idk too much about chief irons (except for literally all of the bad stuff he does in the game) but i wouldn't be surprised if he was a fucking creep towards jill and rebecca (he also may have only targeted rebecca, since she is a rookie and is also pretty timid, in comparison to jill who is simply not, therefore making her an easier target. i literally have nothing to base this on, i'm just speculating).
wesker's desk just has a lot of books on it. it seems like in remake everyone has their own desk rather than sharing, so i don't think enrico's stuff would've been in there (meaning, i don't think he was the one who had been holding onto a picture of rebecca). ultimately, i agree that the photo of rebecca is just an easter egg and not anything to do with canon as far as capcom is concerned, but if it were to be looked at that way then: in og2, wesker probably shared a desk with enrico, so it could've been either one of them (maybe both?) who had a sus photo of rebecca. and in remake, it's just wesker who has the photo, since enrico probably has his own desk (since everyone else does, and also there are two new desks added in the back - either of which could be his). i would say that remake puts it there just to stay faithful to the original, but the remake version of the photo is significantly worse (somehow??? like, why did you go in THAT direction??) so capcom didn't improve. good job.
conclusion: wesker had the photo of rebecca for sure in remake. he may have shared that photo in og. everyone has their own desk in remake, they shared in og. and in remake, i think rebecca is the desk next to jills. also that photo looks nothing like her so i'm just gonna pretend that wesker used one of those ai thingies and typed in: "rebecca is the new rookie. pls put her in green basketball clothes. also put her in sexy pose, thx" and just printed off the one that either didn't have fucked up hands or didn't show her hands at all.
that's it. thank you for coming to my ted talk. (it isn't even mine) (it was an ask that @highball66 got) (i'm just the private investigator hired to take the photos lol)
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skygemspeaks · 1 year
I finally got to sit down and finish episode one, and i've got some thoughts!!
I think that introducing garp as a big player right from the get go is a really great idea. His presence at the execution made sense, and his dynamic with roger did well to help establish both of their characterisations
Roger's actor did a phenomenal job with the eerie laugh and his complete irreverance in the face of his own death. I love how he delivered the wealth fame power speech!
It was a bit surprising to me that they showed roger actually getting killed, but honestly i'm in total approval of this direction they're taking with the live action. I really like the more brutal approach, especially because oda's refusal to kill anyone outside of flashbacks pre-marineford is one of the biggest complaints i tend to hear from people. Seeing zoro dragging around the top half mr 7's corpse was so jarring, but it was a good choice
Ilia's perfrmance as alvida was absolutely amazing. I like that they changed her catchphrase from the most beautiful woman on the seas to the most powerful
Overall, i really like the different transitions between plot points, and how this episode set things up in future arcs. All the different things that go on in shells town feel so much more better interconnected than they did in the manga. I'll go into this more in another post, but like one example of what i'm talking about is how the reason zoro allowed himself to be tied to the post was because morgan threatened that if he didn't agree to it, he wouldn't be able to collect any more bounties from any marine bases. It also gives zoro mire of a reason to join luffy - he knows that at this point there's no eay he can continue being a bounty hunter now that morgan has it out for him. So how else is he going to meet other strong swordsmen? By joining a pirate crew of course.
The shanks flashback was awesome! His dynamic with luffy was really endearing, and again i do like that they didn't have higuma attack shanks. That's one thing that never really made sense to me in the manga - i get thst yoy don't have to solve everything with violence, but there's no reason for shanks not to have fought back against someone who was attacking him, even if he did know they couldn't possibly hurt him
Also on shanks' flashback - the scene where he found out luffy had eaten the devil fruit was AMAZING. What a fantastic idea to have little luffy framed in sunlight! And the utter heartbreak on shanks' face as he realizes that there's no way luffy will ever be able to have a normal life now...
Of course, we gotta mention the snippet of Binks' Sake we heard in the scene where shanks is stitching up luffy's cut. I recognized it instantly and it made me really emotional. Love all these little easter eggs they have for long time fans of the series. In addition to this there was alsp the cavendish, foxy, and bellamy wanted posters which we knew about from the trailer
Speaking of wanted posters - what a COOL way to introduce the other pirates!
Morgan going on his monologue about capturing kuro is SO funny know what's gonna happen on a few episodes. Oda played it a lot more subtle in the manga but i like that they came right out and said it here.
And while we're talking about foreshadowing, it was a fantastic idea to include the mr 7 fight in this season! I really hope we get a season 2, just sp we can get the payoff for this great setup.
I'm a little sad that we didn't get to see the luffy and koby hug that was shown in the behind the scenes video (i think that was the one?). I really hope that wasn't cut because i loved that little scene. Maybe it'll happen later in the season?
Buggy's introduction at the end of the episode was SO good. I loved his whole vibe, with him lounging so confidently in his chair, his creepy laugh, everything. I'm excited to see the next episode! They better not have cut chouchou out 😭
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creedslove · 6 months
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Dave York x f!reader
A/N: just what I picture spending this day with Dave would be like 🐰 Happy Easter besties and Dave apologists™
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�� Dave's got a sweet tooth and nothing will ever convince me otherwise; he loves sweets, candies and above all, chocolate but his job demands him to keep fit and in shape under any circumstances, so besides all the working out he does nearly everyday, he also keeps himself in check, controlling his eating habits which means he restrains himself from eating too much sugar on regular basis
• but Easter he doesn't have to keep himself from enjoying things too much, quite the opposite, it's the day he actually allows himself to eat whatever he wants and you take the opportunity to spoil your handsome boyfriend. So you start by making him pancakes and chocolate chip cookies for breakfast, Dave loves it! He's excited to see you care so much for him, and he eats everything up
• of course you will exchange chocolate, just like the Easter tradition says, but it's not just any chocolate, it's BELGIUM CHOCOLATE 🤌 and he's immediately thrilled by it, you know how much he loves it and it warms your heart to see Dave's eyes sparkling over something so simple such as a chocolate
• but Easter Sundays aren't just a picnic either, because of course he's gotta visit his girls, even if it's just to drop by their gifts, but you know it always takes a toll on him, because Carol makes sure to annoy the hell out of him, and worst of all: using the kids for it
• ideally, Dave would prefer to spend some time with you and the girls, working on some bonding time and have fun as a family, but since the girls were little monsters towards you, acting up and being impolite, plus how Carol reacted afterwards, you both got into an agreement you wouldn't do it again, so he goes out to spend time with them and then comes back to you
• however, you both know it will probably be a disaster but what could he do? He missed his girls and he had made - with your help - a lovely Easter basket with some chocolate eggs, some of their favorite candy, a lip gloss each and a plushie bunny, just like when they were little, and he was hoping they'd be happy with it
• they weren't; and they didn't even try to hide it. They just got disappointed because Carol said if Dave spent too much on you, then he should give them new iPads for Easter and that's what they expected so when they saw the basket, they both rolled their eyes
"thanks dad"
"did you like it, baby?"
"yeah, whatever"
• and let me tell you: Dave kills people, he's rough and tough but those girls have the power to gut him, and after spending a lunchtime and mid afternoon clearly being told he's just bothering them or he's lame, he decided to take them back to their mother's and head home to you, regretting not spending Easter with someone who really deserved it
• when he got home earlier, you were surprised, thinking he would be home only later for dinner, but judging by his upset face, you could tell those means girls had to do with it. You hugged him and told him you'd make him great dinner, but he said no, instead, he told you you should both go out to eat at a nice restaurant
• you agreed, picking one you knew Dave loved and going with him to try and cheer him up. Easter was such a nice date, you hated he got upset because of his daughters' behavior and wanted him to have a special evening, so after the delicious dinner, you and him got home, telling Dave to wait for you in bed, you showed up to him in bunny ears and a bunny tail butt plug
• it was enough to cheer him up and make him excited, especially when he pulled you to him and you bounced on him like the naughty little bunny you were
• once you were both done, Dave held you tight against him, caressing your skin gently as you nuzzled his chest
"you know, honey... I've been thinking... Why don't we have a baby?"
• he casually said it, truth was: Dave missed being a dad, but above all, he missed having a child who actually loved him as a father and he knew things would work out with you this time because unlike his first marriage, your relationship with him was based on mutual love, passion and respect 💗
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shitpostsandanime · 15 days
Been listening to The Magnus Archives again, and am on Episode 134. This one is when we start to learn about The Extinction properly from Dekker and also what Peter Lucas' goals, mostly, are.
It got me thinking about what Peter tells Martin - about how only two of the Fears had never attempted a ritual, one of those being The Web. I know that Protocol is supposed to be it's own separate entity with only passing connections and easter eggs relating it to the Archives universe.
But tgis episode DID get me wondering if, at the end of Archives, if perhaos the Web did in fact perform a ritual of some sort. The world we kniw WAS remade, into this new universe, where everything is so similar but so different. Or perhaps by transferring everything to a new universe, The Extinction was accidentally brought intk being? My logic isn't exactly solid, mind you, but Dekker described The Extintiin as ultimately th fear of change, of humanity doing something so irreversible to itself that we no longer exist as we currently are.
One of the biggest themes we see in Protocol is alchemy, and what is not alchemy fundamentally but an attempt to change something from one state to another.
Again, my logic isn't sound and i wouldn't be surprised if i'm incorrect and Protocol really does have nothing to do with TMA universe and the Fears proper, but it's a neat little idea and just a fun nod to the original lore!
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sharpth1ng · 7 months
So I rewatched scream recently after having read debaser four times (since November last year no I am not okay) and idk if you've already been asked this but: if you could write scream without making changes to the pov and stuff like that what would you change (if anything at all)?
Because when I was watching it I realised that I like the plot of debaser better (not necessarily because of the romance, but just on the murders and everything) and idk if that's just because you're an amazing writer (which you are BTW your writing is literally perfect I don't even know how you do it) or if it's because of how you made small details of the story make more sense or even because the killer pov works better? Idk
So yeah I'm really curious on how you would do it both on a story and on a cinematography level!!!
(also sorry if that did not make any sense I'm mostly rambling 'cause I have a lot of thoughts)
Hey, first off thank you that's so, so sweet! Second, this is a really interesting question.
Honestly theres not a whole lot I would change about scream, a lot of it is little stuff that wouldn't necessarily be a big difference in the final product. I wouldn't change much about the cinematography really, so many of the shots in this movie are made in homage to other horror movies and I love those. They feel like easter eggs.
Some examples:
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Gale nearly hitting a blood-drenched sid and swerving around her matches the scene in Carrie (1976) where she almost gets hit by a car and they swerve (a bunch of the shots in these scenes are pretty matched to each other)
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Caseys hanging and Pat's hanging in Suspiria (1977)
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Casey's phone call and like, all of When a Stranger Calls (1979)
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Billy sneaking in Sid's window and Glen sneaking in Nancy's window in A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984) - especially because Skeet was partly cast for his resemblance to Glen
This isn't even a fraction of the shot references in the movie, let alone references in dialogue, cameos from other horror movies (Linda Blair has a cameo as a reporter and Sherrif Burke is also Sargent Parker in Nightmare on Elm Street), or just movies and pop-culture references seen in the background. Like it would take me forever to list them all. I honestly can't express how satisfying and dense Scream (1996) is as a fan of horror. It goes so much further than the movies actually explicitly mentioned.
ANYWAYS. All that was just to say I wouldn't change a lot about the cinematography.
A lot of what I would change has to do with tightened plot elements. One of the things that does frustrate me about the movie is how vague Billy and Stu's alibi's are after Casey's death. I don't need them to be perfect, but we know the cops talked to them the next day at school, and later when Billy is at the police station they seem surprised to find out he left his house that night. The fact that he either lied about that or left it out would have been a major red flag for the cops, and it just seems like something you would want to consider if you're planning to get yourself arrested and betting on being released. Basically I think that should have been something he revealed when questioned by the cops at school.
A number of other details I would change mostly have to do with off-screen events, but they would alter minor stuff on screen in a way that I think would make the plot more satisfying as it unfolds. Basically I just wish Kevin Williamson had decided who did which kill. It's obvious that he decided that it didn't need explaining since it was off screen and the protagonist wouldn't have access to that information. I don't even need it to be shot that differently, I don't need Skeet or Matt in the costume instead of a stunt man to give us a sense of who is who, I just want it to be physically possible for them to get around in a way that makes sense. It should be something that can be reasoned out in a consistent way if you pay enough attention.
This is particularly a problem for me with Himbry's death and hanging, and with the chase sequence at the house. Like Ghostface kills Kenny, watches Sid run away... doesn't chase her? Like he would be behind yeah, but also she's the main target and she seems to be running down the driveway. Instead he hides Kenny's body and goes back into the house? Why? Where did Randy go and why didn't he leave through the front door? Was Ghostface just waiting inside the house for Dewey instead of going and trying to find Randy or Sid? All of this feels a little sloppy to me since we know the phones in the house work. Any of those people could be calling 911.
Another moment like this is the one where Sid gets attacked in the washroom. A lot of people take that to be Billy given the fight they've just had in the hallway, but the timing of the scene seems to follow directly after that fight. Sid walks away from him, so if she's walking directly to the washroom he's behind her, how is he going to get into the washroom and hide in on of those stalls without her noticing if he has to come in after her? This also just seems unnecessarily risky for him, given how cautious he is otherwise.
I prefer the idea that this attack isn't actually a real ghostface, it's one of the ghostface copycats we see running around (one of the two dudes we see Himbry disciplining). In the original script the scene in the washroom comes directly after Billy and Sid's fight in the hallway, with the scene of Himbry yelling at the two fake ghostfaces following after the washroom instead of the hallway fight. To me this suggests that at least in the original script, these two likely got caught harassing Sid in the washroom and thats what Himbry is disciplining them for. I really don't know why the order of those shots was changed for the movie.
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(side note could these dudes be more intentionally Billy and Stu coded? Lmao like my man on the left is literally wearing Billy's same plaid shirt)
Also as a side note- some people use the matching shoes as evidence that it was Billy in the washroom, but the movie deliberately shows us that several people have those shoes, one of the others being Sheriff Burke. These shoes are actually a red herring, so we can't use them as evidence.
So yeah basically some of what I would change is the order of certain scenes. I also wouldn't mind a better indication of the timing of things, some clocks in the background of certain shots would go a long way for me. I also would have liked for the movie to do a better job laying out the geography of Stu's house, so that we know where everything is in relation to everything else before the chase. I just think that works better for a movie like this with multiple moving parts.
Oooh another big one for me is the call that Randy gets to let him know Himbry has been killed. Who does he think is calling him like that? Why are they calling the house? It obviously has to be Stu, Billy has his hands full ( 💀 ) and it would be too much of a risk to bet that people in the house would find out in time to clear out when they need them too. Basically I just think the writing of that moment could be improved, but I also think it's likely written way it is because Himbry's death scene was a later addition pushed for by executives who thought the movie needed a higher body count.
Final thing I can think of (and its pedantic as hell) is that some of Randy's movie references don't make sense. Calling Billy Leather face? Bringing up Prom Night to argue that the killer isn't Sid's dad (when the killer in prom night is a relative of the original victim)? It would be fine if the movie was pointing out Randy as being a little full of shit but the franchise positions him as the Movie Guy who knows all the Movie Stuff, so they should at least make his references work better.
Lmao ok, thats probably enough, i've written an essay. Possible there's more I would switch up but thats the stuff that comes to mind right now!
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fleckcmscott · 7 months
Frills and Thrills
Summary: A typical night becomes anything but typical.
Words: 1,398
Warnings: Swearing
A/N: This piece was inspired by the below behind-the-scenes photo; the cinematography of One From the Heart (thanks, Lawrence Sher!); and this very 80s song. No, I am still not looking forward to the sequel - but I will take a hot Arthur Fleck anytime. 😎 Please enjoy! Special thanks to @sweet-nothings04 for her help and support! A very tardy Christmas piece is on the way!
If you have any thoughts or questions, please comment, feel free to message me, or send me an ask. Requests for Arthur and WWH are open!
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"That'll be $43.67."
Arthur counted out the bills in his wallet. Before transferring his three prescriptions to Groves Pharmacy - a brisk nine-minute walk from his Burnley address - he'd called for the beige and blue tablets' prices. With his lack of Gothamcare, he'd hoped they'd be cheaper than at Helms. "Disappointed but not surprised" was that night's journal entry.
He'd try the new insomnia pills first, get a fourteen-day supply of the other two whenever he could. See if a good night's sleep in the bed he was almost used to would encourage positive thoughts, lighten black moods to grey. After all, they'd improved since Y/N. Still there, still a teeter on the edge of an abyss. But with a guide rope in the shape of a woman's hand.
Leaving $2.41 in his pocket, he surrendered exact change. Took the white paper bag with blue lettering. Offered a quiet thanks and sidestepped from the pharmacist's counter.
Y/N waited in the cosmetics section, purse on her shoulder, a passive expression on her face. He recognized the creams on the top shelf, a flicker from when he'd shopped for Penny. The silhouette logo, the black label, the rounded corners of the jar. Anti-wrinkle Oil of Olay, then, when money was too tight, the knock-off poured into her Oil of Olay jar. His subtle subterfuge had gone undetected. Wrinkles continued to form in the usual fashion. He'd continued to save a quarter and make the swap.
As Y/N picked up a pink compact, Arthur slinked behind her to speak in her ear. "You're already pretty."
Giggling, she hung the rouge in its spot between concealer and cream foundation. "You make me blush enough already. Did you get what you needed?"
A crooked half-smile. "I think so." He entwined their fingers and started towards the exit, an attempt to halt any further questions that might lead to med and money talk.
Aisle three's endcap had an Easter display, a thousand plastic wrappers crying out for attention. Jolly Jack chocolate bunnies and Cadbury mini-eggs, pastel baskets and cellophane grass. The plush baby chicks were awfully cute, perfect the kids at the children's clinic. He'd jot a reminder to come back after the holiday, grab some plastic eggs and props at half price.
"My parents used to dress us up and take us to our grandparents for a picnic and Easter egg hunt," Y/N said, crouching to browse a set of die cut decorations. "Do you want to do anything for Easter?"
In spite of his mother watching a televised mass and sharing a bag of jellybeans, the day hadn't ever been personal. The Fleck household was anathema to miracles. Even with the miracle he was currently living, he had no desire to celebrate a victory he didn't believe in. "No. Why?"
"You've got a heavy eye on the Peeps - my little sister likes to put them in cocoa. And I thought you were Catholic. Or at least raised Catholic, with all the prayer candles and icons in your apartment."
The answer came firmer than intended. "Those were Penny's."
"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have assumed. You wouldn't have hung a Madonna over the bed. I bet you weren't responsible for that ugly cat candle, either."
Snorting, he rolled his eyes, recalling all he times he'd dusted his mother's knickknacks. The sculpted candles were the worst. They'd developed a weird film sticker than nicotine stains, and grime stuck in every crevice. On bad days he'd been tempted to throw them out. On good days he'd care for them, because Penny loved them so. Inklings of whimsy in a life of indifference.
The never indifferent woman at his side rose to walk with him. Grove's automatic doors opened and they spilled onto the busy sidewalk.
Two blocks up, a light sprinkling began, lent the pavement a velveteen sheen. With each step that sprinkling grew heavier. From a drizzle to a patter to an outright shower. Puddles formed beneath their feet, threatening shoe seams with leaks. Arthur crumpled his paper bag, shoved it in his tan jacket's pocket, and jerked his hood over his head.
The toe of Y/N's kitten heel skidded past a pool as she hopped to the right. "The weather report didn't mention rain!" she cried, ambles escalating to a jog.
A fierce gust sent sheets of water sideways, whipped the hem of her pleated skirt to flash her thighs. Arthur looped his arm through hers, pulled her into an alley to take refuge under the canary, corner awning of Mott's Spirits. Cigarette smoke drifted from the crowd gathered along the storefront. Her wrinkled nose kept him from lighting up himself.
She gathered the collar of her wool coat. "Well, I'd like us to do something small, if that's all right. It's been years since I've celebrated anything, really. I want to put all that behind me again, like last Christmas. Easter Parade's playing at the Majestic this week. I haven't seen it but the summary sounded like you. A song-and-dance romantic classic."
How could he argue with the sweetness of her reasoning? That he was the reason she wanted to celebrate? He gave a little nod. "I think Tuesdays are half price."
Just then, a bell rang out, crisp and clear despite the downpour. A bicycle messenger sped their way, a dozen plastic bags hanging from the ten-speed's handles. Arthur darted in front of Y/N, sought to protect her from the incoming splash. She yanked him tighter, out of the menace's path.
But it was no use. Muddled water pelted the back of his trousers, liquid ice soaked through white socks. He jolted to his tiptoes, teeth clenched against the stinging cold.
Y/N bent to survey the damage. A groan left her, which quickly became a laugh. "What an asshole," she said, then laughed all the harder. The warmth of it loosened his stance, and he found he had no choice but to join in. She settled back against the shop's window, stuck out her lower lip to blow a damp lock of hair from her forehead. The lock remained in place. "If only I'd had my umbrella."
Neon light from a Gotham Lottery sign spilled across her face. "Winners aren't born. They're made!" was the lotto's slogan, and Arthur had finally found a winning ticket. Orange accentuated the tawny flecks of her irises, rounded the curves of her cheeks. A perfect frame even an imagination as vivid as his couldn't improve.
A drop trickled down his scalp, skimmed the side of his neck, sneaked beneath his collar. He'd caught Easter Parade on television years ago. Studied Astaire's steps, how he'd slipped a diamond ring on the leading lady's finger. What would Y/N look like, Arthur wondered, in a lace bonnet, its ribbons tied under her chin? A hat he could loosen while they kissed, hold as a shield against prying eyes?
A couple of swells like them would make a beautiful pair, better than any Vanderbilt or Wayne.
When his thumb traced her jaw, her full lips parted, as if about to ask for a dance. Dark brows raised, her pupils dilated, full of unquenchable life. The affection in them, the openness. The caring curiosity and eager readiness to accept all of him made him tremble. Her love felt like rain on his skin, and for once he understood why someone might sing in it.
He leaned closer, until her breath brushed his lips. "Kiss me."
Her arms wound about him in an instant, a sudden, welcome pressure on his ribs. He cupped her face. Guiding, following, bracing. Their mouths a messy collision of desire and devotion and dreams. Her frame vibrated against his, the pulse under his fingertips beating to the rhythm of his heart.
At last, a wave of giggles broke them apart. Arthur pushed himself to stretch beyond his shy nature towards the forward, confident instinct he was learning to polish. His eyes flitted between hers, a demure smile adorning his cheeks. "I'd like to make love, if you wouldn't mind."
The blush he caused so easily crept across her face anew. "Last one home is on top," she said, and pressed the tip of her nose to his. "Give me a head start."
With that, Y/N held her purse horizontally above her head and sprinted into the deluge.
Tag list (Let me know if you want to be added!): @harmonioussolve​​​​​ @ithinkimaperson​​​​​ @sweet-nothings04​​​​​ @stephieraptorr​​​​ @rommies​​​​​ @fallenstarsabyss @gruffle1 @another-day-in-chuckletown​ @hhandley80​​​​​ @jokerownsmysoul​​​​​ @rafaelbottom @ralugraphics​​​​​ @iartsometimes​​​​​ @fleckficgirl
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elliespuns · 7 months
Love your thoughts on how they got back from Seattle. Must have missed the file you’re talking about. The one that says they stole a car. But yeah, I agree with them having time to recover in the theatre, but also wanting to get home as fast as possible. They’ve probably got doctors in Jackson. I seem to remember that it took 2-3 weeks for Dina and Ellie to get to Seattle? On horseback. Probably faster with a car. in any case, it must have been a difficult trip
I think that stealing a W.L.F. truck would make the best sense. They needed to get to Jackson as soon as possible, given how Tommy was injured and Dina was too. (talking about this post)
I actually have no personal experience with finding that file either. But there have been people talking about it on the internet, and since there are many of them, the file must exist. First, I thought that people were just repeating what they'd read online (because that damn note is not to be seen anywhere online), but I believe that you can find it in the farm part of the game. I think someone mentioned it, and maybe if you searched Ellie and Dina's house better, you'd be able to find it somewhere. There are so many Easter eggs in this game; I wouldn't be surprised if we had never noticed it before, and only a few of us did.
Plus. When you think about it, Abby's group drove to Jackson in W.L.F. trucks too at the beginning of the game (you can see one of them parked in the garage when Tommy and Joel bring their horses inside). So the roads between Seattle and Jackson are passable. I also thought about the fuel, which was hard to find. But thinking back to when Ellie and Dina were in Hotel Serevena, there was a lot of it. Ellie pointed that out, and Dina was like, "Well, if we ever need more, we know where to get it from."
They'd definitely be in Jackson faster by car. They had to. Otherwise, a lot of things wouldn't make sense at all. Tommy wouldn't have probably survived the head shot; Dina would've probably had serious problems with her pregnancy too, and they would've had to actually leave Jesse behind. Which is unlikely because on the farm, there's this letter from Jesse's mom that Dina received, saying she doesn't blame her and Ellie for what happened to Jesse and that she's always been a family to them. She also says that they are always welcome to come back to Jackson and that she can't wait to visit to see JJ. So, I assume that Robin (Jesse's mom) got to bury her son.
Here's a cute picture of Robin and Dina with JJ who has been probably just a few weeks old.
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sofasoap · 2 years
Thank you for everything.
Pairing: König x  f!Reader ( OC aka "Mini" MacTavish ) + Simon " Ghost" Riley + John " Soap " Mactavish
Summary: Time for Mini to introduce her new boyfriend to the family. Breaking Ghost's heart a little bit. and new found family for him.
Warning: M To E rated. mention of sexy time! Safe sex people! swearing, fluff? angsty in places? any geography and facts are made up a bit regarding to Scotland etc. For fictional purposes.
A/N : Character of Mini MacTavish is from @saltofmercury fic “ “The Favorite MacTavish” ” which she graciously let me borrow and write bit more expanded universe. Please go read her wonderful story to get bit of background.
 “masterlist” for more stories to this Mini MacTavish expanded verse.
Note: I have FINALLY found my beautiful König
By the amazing artist @egg-ball. This is my perfect image of König. * cry *
Also this is my drool worthy Ghost “Simon/Ghost” - Credit to : @shkretart
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" What you doing here. "
" What are YOU doing here, this is my parent's house of course I am here!"
" Your mum invited me to come."
" Since when are you good friend with my Ma? "
" Since a while ago."
Soap sighed. Don't think he is going to get anymore information out from Ghost's mouth, he let him in.
" Hi Simon! welcome welcome. " Mrs MacTavish rushed up to him as he walks through the front door of their estate.
".. Hello Mrs MacTavish."
" Johnny, be a nice boy and show Simon the guest bedroom."
Rolling his eyes, " Come on. this way. " Soap reluctantly lead Ghost towards the bedroom quarter of his parent's house.
MacTavish farm has been around for few centuries, famous for quality crops and recently as one of the big investors for up and coming Speyside Whisky. Although Ghost is more of a bourbon whiskey guy, but he wouldn't say no to a good quality alcohol.
"Where is Mini."
" She's gone to the airport and picking her boyfriend up. Should be back within an hour or so."
" .. Do you know who this guy is." Ghost ask as he put down his duff bag in the corner of the room.
"No idea. But he better be decent." Soap puffed.
Soap seen you smiling like a dork few times while texting, when he ask you about it you always wave him off and tell him to mind his own business. Makes him even more suspicious that you are trying to hide something from him.
"Ma! Da! I'm home!' Soap and Simon can hear from the back of the house as you yell. Hearing another muffled male voice greeting, Soap and Ghost look at each other, and walk back towards the front door.
A very tall figure was awkwardly bending down giving Mrs MacTavish hug and turn to MacTavish senior a handshake, both Ghost and Soap froze as they suddenly recognise who the mysterious man was.
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Chewing your lip, you typed and deleted and typed and deleted, before you decided to press sent.
--- Hello my teddy bear, are you free in April?
Few minutes later, you her a DING as the message sent through
-- I should be free, unless we get deployed again, is there something you need, Liebling?
-- I told my Ma and Da about you.. and they would love to meet you in person, they are inviting you to spend Easter this year at the family farm up in Scotland.
An hour. No reply from him. You heart dropped. Have you pushed a bit too far?
--- ONLY if you are comfortable with it! I can decline if you are not up to it or if you are planning something with your family!
You quickly typed up.
... Still nothing.
After the Piccadilly Circus incident, you and König got even closer. He came and visited you in the hospital day after the incident. Bringing you flowers and some Kaiserschmarrn.
" Wow, König, where did you get this from?"
" I.. I made it."
"... YOU made it?" This man really surprises you, he can carve like a professional, and now he can bake like a pro? What can't this man do????
" I rang my Mama last night and ask for recipe.. I borrow the kitchen at the Emergency centre to make it..." he replied shyly.
Trying to imaging a big tall Austrian man baking in a tiny little kitchen makes you giggle. You took a bite of the pancake and moaned. It is GOOD. Probably one of the best sweet you ever tasted in your life.
"I hope it's to your taste.." König wrangle his hand nervously.
" OH GOSH You better make this everyday.. It's SO DELICIOUS."
" I .. I can make you other stuffs too."
" Do you plan to open a dessert shop after your life in military König? If you do, I will be your most loyal customer."
König look down on the floor, twiddling his thumb, said nothing.
Due to his work commitment, you two only get to see each other when he is in London. But both of you communicate as much as possible through text, and in some occasions through phone or video calls.
It's a slow courtship. But you don't mind. Good things takes time, you remind yourself.
You can really see him making a real effort to slowly slip out from his comfort zone. Bringing you little gifts each time, little carving he made himself, desserts he made, little hand crafts his Mama and his Oma made especially for you.
You also can't resist teasing your boyfriend from time to time.
“ And MAYBE you can show me later how good you are at… RAMMING into people. My big teddy bear.”
" You know, I miss my big teddy bear in winter, no one to keep me warm in bed."
Everytime you tease him with these hidden innuendos, you swear you can see the imaginary steams coming out from his ears.
He is always hesitant to hold your hand, those big callous hand. Wrap around yours, making you feel safe.
First time he initiated a hug was when you two were walking down the street, in freezing cold weather, he saw you shivering. Silently he open his trench coat, look at you asking for permission, and proceed to pull you in and wrap you up. He is like a human furnace. You inhale. Smell of his cologne mixed with gunpowder. This is home.
You realise you are slowly falling in love with this big , gentle man.
First time you saw his face, and first kiss, without the mask, was when you two * FINALLY* spend a night together. ( The Holy trinity, you dubbed it later on when you recall the event to Emma. )
Emma was away visiting her family for her long overdue holiday.
" GO ON Mini, invite him to stay over, MAKE A MOVE, push that boy into bed!" She urged you after she told you about her holiday plan. " You can make a much as noise as you want with him and I won't be here to yell at you!"
You smack your good friend on the arm, " EMMA!!!"
" What, I am telling the truth, besides, ' she pointed at you ' how long you guys been going out for? over a year. yet you still haven't kiss him properly, let alone seeing his face in full."
You know she's right, at same time you don't want to push him too much. As if by chance, König rang you the next day informing you he is coming over for the long weekend.
"Have you book your accommodation yet? If not... Um. Emma is away at her family for the week.. Um. Do you want to... stay over at my place?"
You heard him choking, coughing and someone else in the background asking him if he is OK.
" I .. I ... I..."
" Yes or no König."
"... Yes."
" Right! that's sorted. I'll see you then!"
You feel like a teenager, all giddy and nervous. For fucks sake, you are an adult! it's normal to ask your boyfriend to stay over. You convince yourself.
He showed up at your doorsteps few weeks later, and you two go on your usual routine. Out for a nice walk, go out to local bistro and have a good meal, window shopping.
Slowly you two stroll home. You two took turn taking shower. You brew some nice herbal tea and sat in front of the TV, winding down.
You lean over and put your head on his shoulder. You feel him lifting up his arm, starting to stroke your hair, gently.
you shuffle into his space bit more. He stiffens. Thinking you made him uncomfortable, you pulled away slightly. He immediately pulled you back in.
You look up at him, searching for something in his eyes. Lifting one hand up, silently seeking for permission, his eyes drop down and look back up at you, you slowly pull his black mask off.
And there he is.
You smiled, " There's my handsome teddy bear." You whispered. With tears in your eyes, you trying to take his features in. The scar across his nose, across his cheek. the little imperfections. Tracing his features with both of your hand, König close his eyes and sighed.
Feeling bold, you swung leg across, straddling him. Tilting your face up towards him, he look down with dark hooded eyes, and close the final gap. Shy and tentative at first, it soon become heated.
You moan into his mouth as grabbed your backside, pulling you closer to him. You can feel his arousal. Grinding against his lap, you heard him taking in a sharp breath, and broke the kiss.
" ... Are you sure."
You nodded your head, totally out of breath to reply.
As if a switch has been flipped, he lift you up, like you weigh nothing, you hook your other leg across his hip, he marched towards the bedroom.
Despite both of you are inexperienced ( Hell, you never went past second base with the boys you were seeing in the past thanks to Soap, your cockblocking brother!), everything seems to progress naturally. He certainly make up for it .. somewhere else. and oh BOY. It was GOOD. You know you going to be very sore the next day.
He was an excellent lover. Gentle after care. He turned back into the shy König after the deed was done. " Did I hurt you Liebling? I am sorry if I was too rough... OH der Scheiß, YOU ARE BLEEDING!" He quickly jumped off the bed. You pull his arm to stop him.
" Hey love, calm down. It's normal.... after um.. the.. first time.."
" Still... I hurt you.. " He shook his head. He left the room, and came back few minutes later with warm towel, gently wipe you down.
Afterwards, he pull you into his chest, him being the big spoon, the warmth enveloped you as he whispered into your ears.
"Ich liebe dich"
Back to the present. You were still waiting for his reply two days later, when you begin to think its a very bad idea. One big step forward, rolling back down to the bottom of the hill, you think to yourself.
You finally got a reply after a week. He apologising but didn't give a reason for his late reply, and ask you for the details. You let out a big sigh and proceed to give him the dates and travel details.
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Quiet chit chat as everyone sit around the dining table. Your Ma and Pa politely asking him question about his family and how he comes to know Ghost and Soap.
Ghost and Soap just stares at König as he answer the questions quitely, with you smiling at him.
" What is your intention with my sister König." Soap asked all of sudden.
You shot Johnny a look, Jesus fucken hell, does he have to make the atmosphere so awkward?
König gave your hand slight squeeze underneath the table.
" I will not hurt her. I love her very much. In fact, I am here today to ask for permission for marriage in the future."
Your look at your boyfriend with disbelieve, Is this the socially anxious König that you know? And what is this about marriage? Ah?
Soap was about to stand but Ghost press him down by the shoulder, shaking his head.
Everything was slightly blur after that. You vaguely remember your Ma and Pa gave both you and König a hug, welcome him into the family, even Johnny and Simon shook his hand , begrudgingly.
You suddenly thought, why is Simon here anyway?????
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" I am sorry Liebling.. I should have ask you first.. " König apologised profusely after everyone retired for the night. You smiled at him and pat his chest, comfort him,
" It's ok.. took me out by surprise... " jabbing him a little, " I expect you to make up for it later." You chuckled. He grabbed your hand and nodded.
3am, you toss and turned, with König lightly snoring away beside you. You decided to go into kitchen to get a glass of water.
You jumped slightly when you saw a figure standing by the window.
" SHIT Simon... you really gave me a fright."
" sorry. "
Walking over to the fridge you pour yourself a glass of cold water, looking at Simon, he shook his head as you silently ask him if he want some water too.
Taping on the glass, you decided to ask.
" Why are you here anyway Simon? Not that we don't want you here.. you are welcome any time.. "
" Your Mum invited me.'
" Since when are you good friend with my Ma... "
" Since a while ago."
You rolled your eyes. You took another sip of water. Simon turned towards you, looking at you. You can see there's sadness in his eyes.
Putting the glass down. You walk over to him, pull him into a tight hug. Burying your head in his chest, you mumbled.
" I am sorry Simon.'
Ghost's heart ached You knew. That little bit of feeling that he is trying to hide away deep down, and it shattered when he saw you looking at König lovingly during dinner. The way you smiled at him, the way he take care of you. He knows he had no chance. You only love him as a big brother.
".. You are like a brother to me and Johnny.This will always be your home. I want us to stay as friend. I am so sorry."
He wrap his arm around you. Tight. Gave you a light kiss on the top of your head.
"You have nothing to apologise for." He murmured.
" I know... but.. "
" It's ok. I'll get over it." he sighed.
" Johnny can take you out and introduce you to some ladies?" You suggested timidly.
" I seriously wouldn't trust him."
You laughed.
Giving you a pat on the head, he left your embrace.
" I am happy for you Mini... I truly am."
" OH! I know this lady doctor at work.. She use to be in the military .. she's from New Zealand... "
" No sis... Don't trust YOU either to set me up with anyone." Ghost huffed.
You giggled as he called you sis. It will take time. but that's a start.
"My Ma and Pa really loves you as an adopted son you know.. maybe they will introduce my cousins to you."
" Mini MacTavish. Please no."
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Poor Ghost got his heart broken. it's ok. he will have someone in near future that suits him. I just want to give him a family he deserves.
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hxzxrdous · 1 year
Hi! I really liked the we have each other again story. I was wondering if you could do an alternate timeline in the story when reader and lesso don’t have their reunion until later when reader is an adult. But readers going through their villain era and returns to try and destroy lessos life bc they’ve been angry for so long. But like after they have a fight they have a happy ending. Sorry if it’s worded weird it’s hard to put it into text😭
Eeeeek, thank you for the request and I hope I did it some justice :333 😩 </333
Lady Lesso x daughter!reader
TW: Angst, hurt/comfort, some fluff
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First your biological parents didn't want you and then you moved from a foster family to another foster family. You started thinking that you might be a problem and not them.
Until you came to the next couple - The Jones'. They were extremely kind the first few months, after they adopted you however, their masks came undone. They took advantage of your situation just so they could get their monthly payment, just so they could provide for their own six kids while your needs were completely neglected. On top of that you had to help with the kids and the farm work. They even made you discontinue your school by the time you were fourteen years old. You started working in a nearby market place in the square, selling the crops of vegetables and batches of bread from your farm.
And you waited.
And you hoped. You hoped that your parents will come back to you once you turn an adult.
Maybe you were a burden and you wouldn't be a burden now that you'll become an adult?
But you knew in your heart, they'll never come and get you. They never sent a single letter. Perhaps they just didn't care? Perhaps they were dead? You didn't know which possibility was worse. The latter one?
Your 18th birthday was getting closer, day by day. And you were hoping that maybe, just maybe... you real parents were on the way, thinking of you, coming to save you. But they never were.
Then you turned eighteen. And nothing happened. Then you turned nineteen and then twenty and twenty one.
You lost all hope. You stopped caring. Maybe it was meant to be for you to rot in this godforsaken place.
You wanted to escape the farm and Gavaldon. No matter how hard you tried, you couldn't. Like a magnet pulling you back. Until that one day.
It was a warm spring day. Easter. Your 'siblings' were running around, playing on the backyard after you hid the easter eggs that they coloured it the day before.
"Don't hit your sister, Adam." You pointed to the blonde kid. "Stop stealing the eggs from your sister, Meredith." You ordered the youngest one. "Come inside, it's getting dark!" You yelled out of the window.
"Alright, Ambrose, I see you found the most eggs," you kneeled infront of the freckled child. "Your seven eggs..." you held out the basket as Ambrose put the eggs inside, "for my seven chocolate eggs," you pointed to the bowl with the chocolate eggs. After the kids exchanged their eggs you walked back outside. You haven't finished the laundry yet and your 'parents' wouldblet you go to sleep only until after you finished all the chores.
You just hung the bed sheet on the string when you fell to the floor from surprise as it started moving in the wind. It took you a couple of seconds to figure it out there wasn't any wind at all and suddendly the air around you got colder.
"Y/N Jones," a voice came from behind the bed sheet, so you lifted it up, only to see a man standing right infront of you.
"Excuse me sir, you shoul- How do you know my name?" You tilted your head.
"I finally found you, my child, I've been searching for you," the man spoke, despite his icy voice, you couldn't help but feel warm inside.
"F- father?" Your eyes widened and you froze as he nodded. You immediately knew he was your dad. Feelings never lie. But he felt so frightening. Maybe because you didn't know how it felt to have a parent. Maybe because the feeling was so different.
"What about my mother?" You asked, your voice shaky. "She left you. Her career as a Dean was more important." The man spoke. "You love me? Can you take me away from this place?" You asked. You waited for this moment for such a long time.
"Actually, I have another plan..."
As he continued speaking, you felt a burning fire in your heart. He told you all about your mother, how she hated you, he told you about some School for Good and Evil. He convinced you to take you there and apply for a job as a Never professor. It was time for revenge. Your mother will have to dance on your tune.
It was your first day at the school. You  taught Special Talents. You knew how to deal with group of kids already, so it wasn't hard for you to control the class full of hormonal teenagers. You heard about the Doom Room that the students were sent to. You learned how she hated the students. She hated children. No surprise she left you. She was cruel and vile.
A few days later you were making rounds through the dormitories when you walked by Lady Lesso's office. You peaked through the slightly opened door and you noticed Lady Lesso behind her desk. Professor Bilious Manley showed you the Mimicry spell the other evening and you quickly learned it yourself. So you stepped inside... as none other than Lady Lesso.
"You." You grinned as she noticed you. "Me? You?" Lady Lesso was confused as never. "What is this some sort of joke?" She barked. "I'm you, Leonora. Your conscious." You replied, sitting down on the chair, playing with her stuff on the desk and looking down at the papers she was grading. 
"Mmm, so much red. You aren't doing a really great job as a professor, Leonora," you raised an eyebrow. "I-" Lesso let out a deep sigh. "Does the Doom Room even help? You drag the students inside when they are failing. Perhaps you deserve the Doom Room too?" You smirked. She was quiet. The usually load woman was speechless. "You aren't failing as just a professor though. You are failing as a Dean. Not once did Evil defeat the Good." You continued, standing up, walking around her desk. You stood right next to her, leaning down. "You failed as a mother." You whispered in her ear, backing away later.
Tears streamed down her cheeks as she shook her head. "N- no- T- that was Raf-" when she paused, noticing you didn't have a cane like she did. "Who are you?!" She turned towards you when you revealed yourself. "Ms Jones, explain yourself-" Lady Lesso sneered. "Well, dear mother... Father told me everything." You turned towards the door when she stopped you. "Rafal? No, YOU listen to me now, Y/N." She stood up. "Whatever he told you... was a lie. He's a manipulative asshole, I bet he didn't even tell you his name."
You stopped in your tracks, thinking for a moment. "It doesn't mat-" "But it does. Y/N, he took you away from me when he found out I was trying to hide you from him. He's abusive. He's cold. He's evil. Did you even trust him when you first saw him? Feelings never lie, Y/N." Your mother tapped her cane standing up. You looked at your mother. And when you looked at her... you felt loved and safe. "Feelings never lie?" You repeated and immediately grabbed onto her, hugging her. "My, my, you have grown into such a beautiful young woman, my darling." The redhead whispered as she held you close. "I'm sorry." The older woman's voice shook with sadness and happines. Proper childhood was stolen from you. You were stolen from her. You were both grieving. And now she finally found you. And this time, she'll never let go of you.
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You should do Miguel and Si hcs (Weathering Feelings VN)
Since idk how many people have played it I’ll suggest doing so before reading this post since it’ll contain spoilers!
Hcs under the cut!:
This one’s a little more interesting than most to me due to the nature of the game and Miguel looking at the PLAYER and less so the stand-in he has for you in game, gets a little meta in the best ways in my opinion. UwU
Si would find the general idea for the game really cute assuming the download page is a little different from the irl itch page and doesn't include any spoilers. It would be neat if the moment he downloads it the page is gone since it's meant for him and no one else. (though this is an open mc headcanon even if it wasn't Si, I just think it's a neat idea). While he knows games aren't the same as getting real therapy, sometimes it's nice to harmlessly vent to a game just to get it out.
I think he'd play a "normal" route where he wouldn't notice anything off about the game just yet, not hitting the right flags right away and putting the game down for a day or two before booting it up again to try and get a new route with one of the other Doctors before going back to try and do a better route with Dr. Nubloso....only to get him again even after picking different answers. Weird...but he thinks "maybe I have to hit a flag first and clear his route first." He does better the second time around, but now things are getting...weird, and he notices that the game sprite seems to be looking directly at him.
Once he gets to the part where things get really weird and Dr. Nubloso starts talking about going into the game files before the route ends, Si gets really spooked and closes the game again. He's surprised and a little shocked at the change of pace in the story, but he also can't help but be a little curious about what would happen if he did delete the file. It's also around 2-3 am at that point of time, so he also thinks that maybe he fell asleep or misread something in his sleepy state. He sleeps on it, opens the game again, and plays through one more time to make sure, once again giving different answers, and once more getting the Cloudy Day therapist.
Once he confirms the weird ending and the request of deleting the file, Si looks around in the game files before finding it. His curiosity gets the better of him after a little debate with himself, and he does. Now....When he boots up the game again he is NOT expecting to see Miguel at all, and he certainly wasn't expecting to be talked to directly. He almost yelps and turns off the game again, but something pulls his attention to the new development and tells him to stop and hear him out. Maybe he's overacting and this is just really good...specific writing? So he plays on, almost exhausting each available line of dialogue Miguel has for him, even replaying them a few times before Miguel acknowledges what he's doing and gives him the whole 'oh, you're testing me and my loyalty' speech. And...he has to admit, he does feel a little bad for the character by that time....that is until he hits the nsfw route and gets WAY MORE flustered than he should've been. And yes....he played both routes. ovo
By the end of it, he gets the ending where Miguel resolves to break out of the game for him, and he's left confused when all that loads after is a glitched screen. He does some more digging in the files and finds some "easter eggs" from Miguel, getting flustered at two of the special pictures hidden in the files. Curiouser, Si- seemingly out of a whim- decided to read the game's script...and his stomach drops when he notices little notes hidden in the game's files from Miguel- even down to the nsfw scenes. Before he can really react or fully process that this could be real, there's a knocking at his door..... Miguel came to find him just like he said he would. :)
That's all I really have for now since it's been a hot minute since I thought about how this would work given what we have with the current demo, but as you can see it's a really fun premise to play with!
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tryingtimi · 2 months
Author Questionnaire Tag Game
Thank you for the tag @tc-doherty, this is going to be fun <3 Apologies in advance because I tend to ramble about random stuff besides the answer when I get personal questions, so it might get long.
About Me
When did you start writing?
If we count the bad horror story we created with my cousin then since I was 6 years old, lol. On and off mostly, though I dreamed about being a writer when I was around 8 or 10, so around 2005. After that I kind of strayed to painting and drawing more, but got back to writing at the age of 16. Then a little gap again, and around 19 I took up writing again and never stopped since (just turned 27 this may, so a while now).
Are there genres/themes you enjoy reading different to the ones you write?
Literary fiction for sure. I wasn't the person who started reading very early, though my family is full of bookworms and always thought me weird when I said I don't like reading. Then, I found the perfect book (The Man With The Golden Touch, a hungarian classic we needed to read for school), read it in one sitting almost, and fell in love eventually. My teenage years books were satires and serious family dramas alongside the heaviest stuff that connected to real life and you could find it on the market. I just realised recently (when I finished a litfic book in two days again, after not reading any for years) that litfic is probably my go to, or palette cleanser if you will. But I wouldn't be able to write in it for the life of me. Otherwise I'm an omnivore genre-wise, reading what gives me inspo for current projects plus trying out every genre I haven't read yet.
Is there an author you want to emulate, or one to whom you're often compared?
Usually I would get compared to an author who's work I'm currently reading, because I'm too naturally absorbing style when I'm invested. Not always, but frequently enough. Once a friend said my writing is a bit Brandon Sanderson-like and that made me happy because he's one of my favourite authors and writing icons. (another gigantic praise would be telling me it reminds them of Fonda Lee’s writing hehe)
Can you tell me a little about your writing space?
It's literally anywhere, lol. I live in a very small space (two half rooms), so I have a small desk and an armchair (yes, not an office chair or anything, no it's not comfortable even though you'd think so) where I sometimes write. If I can steal my partner's gaming chair, I use that space, but most times I write on the bed, lying on my stomach and putting something under my chin to keep my head higher lmfao. Also going to cafés if I really can't focus at home or using our foldable bed when it's in sofa shape. Our space is always insanely dusty because of it’s size, so that annoys the hell out of me and makes me incapable of focusing on writing so I can't start working on anything at the desk before I cleaned it thoroughly.
What's your most effective way to muster up some muse?
Going through my pinterest boards. I have separate boards for could-be characters, weapons, items, places etc. But it's really rare that I need to find a muse or inspiration. If I can't write it's mostly because of burn out or irl stuff that take up my emotional and creative energy, not the lack of ideas, haha. That, I have way too many.
Did the place(s) you grew up in influence the people and places you write about?
Yes, definitely. Even when I thought they didn't, I needed to realise they do, very much so. Since then, I try to do it consiously enough. I love realising stuff about real life people or our dynamics and whatnot throughout my writing. Plus learning about places, workings of our world help me build up mine coherently. And I’m a sucker for family dynamics so I put a lot of “Easter eggs” in it that was inspired by my family/ childhood.
Are there any recurring themes of your writing, and if so, do they surprise you at all?
Giving dead parents to the protagonists count as a theme? Because that is what I noticed once, and suprised me for sure. Since then, they get parents but then the whole story is more like a family drama than anything else. Plus emotionally distant/unavailable parents (especially mothers), finding your place in the world and found family are definitely topics that will appear in all my stories.
My Characters
Would you please tell me about your current favourite character?
Given that I'm neck deep in Project Sasin, my east asian-inspired urban fantasy mafia story, I could go with all of the main family members. They're all favourites, but if I really need to choose one, then it would be always Grey Fang, who is the head warrior woman of the clan, and the clan leader's right hand. She's a gigantic woman, a true amazon, bestest fighter of the clan, and great at managing the lower ranked warriors. She's blunt, confident, charistmatic and always have a harsh but helpful advice for the main kids. Most of the clan look up at her (not only because she's 190 cm), admire her skill and recite her achivements, and even the enemy clans whisper her name a bit warily. For the main kids though, she's also a fun aunt. As much as she is serious, and can be outright dangerous, she is easy to deal with if you're not acting too shy around her (she believes being shy is always either poor parenting, or a straight up act to gain something, therefore not honest and trustworthy), or breaking any tradition openly. As the clan, she is very fond of traditions and the way of life their ansestors have lived for hundreds of years, but she can be convinced that development is necessary, if someone is determined enough or a master at persuasion. Her first and foremost goal in life is to preserve the clan's good reputation, and prevent corruption or downfall – at all costs. Therefore she would break traditions, or go behind anyone's back if that would achieve it.
Which of your characters do you think you'd be friends with in real life?
Not many lol. Most characters I write are fun to work with and explore but mostly because I wouldn't even go near them irl. I think I would be on friends term with Kil, the main borther who wants to be like Fang, and maybe Yune who's a fairly anxious and talented healer with little confidence yet. Plus, Fang herself, obviously. But both Kil and Fang are extroverted like hell so they would adopt my introverted ass, which I don't kow if counts. I have other works where are some characters I could be truly friends with (Avelyn from Metalsea for example but she's a similar category like Yune). I could probabyl go to those lengths only with my fellow introverted characters whom are the MC's usually, but not the majority of the characters lol.
Which of your characters would you dislike most if you met them?
Every living mother, uh. It sounds horrible, but it's true. All the mothers who were likeable or fair at being mothers are dead in my stories. Plus most of the men too, maybe. I have a sci-fi story where the MC (Dane) is a scientist with a very ambitious but definitely arrogant and sharp tongue, whom I would probably hate if I met him. (Though it takes a lot for me to truly dislike or hate someone.)
Tell me more about the process of coming up with your characters.
I usually come up with one key visual trait for them lol. I kind of go backwards, because I first figure out how they look, and vaguely know why they look like that, then create their personality, their story, the world. My mind craves visualisation, therefore I revolve my characters' personalites around visible marks of their experiences.
Do you notice any recurring themes/traits among your characters?
What would be a recurring theme is that they’re emotionally closed up most of the time. There’s also hidden but constant anger inside them. Not many likes to talk about themselves and if something is too personal they just shut down and either go away, or stay silent until the conversation strays to somewhere else. There are also the very open, very easy but dangerous and madly loyal person too who is there for these previously mentioned ones. I also tend to give a dynamic to love intrests that is the "silent understanding" type. They just know each other enough, I guess.
How do you picture your characters?
Fairly clearly. I need visuals to keep working on my stories, so that's why I have so many stuff on my pinterest. Also sometimes I try to draw them, paint them, but I don't have the skill YET to completely bring them to life. But I will one day.
My Writing
What's your reason for writing?
I just love it. I can't picture myself not writing, and I also recently realised that how all my mental health and overall life improved since I accepted that this is what I need to and will always do.
Is there any specific comment or type of comment you find particularly motivating coming from your readers?
Look, I'm already owing you my life if you've read anything I've written. I'm very grateful and happy from that simple thing. Though, keysmashes and caps shouts are one of the bests, and if someone throws a little analysis or theory of why the character does, says what they did my way, then I'll propose them on the spot. That's a rare one, but a treasure for me for sure.
How do you want to be thought of by those who read your work?
I don't want to, lol. Please don't keep me on the same page as my work, because as much as my heart is in it, it's still my work, my baby, but not my life or personality. It has it's own value without me, and it should be.
What do you feel is your greatest strength as a writer?
Creating atmosphere and showing emotions. Since my ideas are very vague and mostly feelings during my process, I think these also intangible concepts I can thrive in. I can't tell you a city's political standing but I can tell you how it smells, tastes, sounds, how your dreams will change if you move there, how people swear and look at you, and how it feels to have a bad and a good day there.
What have you been frequently told by others is your greatest strength as a writer?
I got more than a few times now that I write fight scenes well, haha. They said it's exciting and well paced. I'm glad because I love them (big martial arts enthusiast here), but also friends said that I can create atmosphere well too. What stayed with me was when they said that they felt like they were at that place I wrote about.
How do you feel about your own writing?
Depending on the day. I'm my bigget critique too, as I imagine all of us, so when my mood is a bit low, I feel that it's gods awful. Sometimes it is, and that's okay. But most of the time (especially recently) I really like the results. I write what I want to read, after all.
If you were the last person on earth and knew your writing would never be read by another human, would you still write?
Without question. As I mentioned before, it's just something I'm not able to abandon. Probably because I'm bad at articulating my feelings and thoughts so writing is just essential for me to communicate, even if only with myself. Personally, though, without anyone reading it, it would be so much easier to be honest, lol.
When you write, are you influenced by what others might enjoy reading, or do you write purely what you enjoy? if it’s a mix of the two, which holds the most influence?
Tricky question for a recovering-people-pleaser. Recovering because I grew a lot the last two years thanks to some bad but valuable experiences, so I was way worse earlier in my life. I got back to writing by writing fanfiction for a friend because she ran out of the stuff she liked, so I offered to create stories tailored especially for her taste. And as more people started reading my stories (because of course I shared them after a while), I tried to appease for the most enthusiastic readers to show my immense gratitude. External validation is a dangerous thing for me, so yes, if someone seems to enjoy my work very much, I will unintentionally go directions that they seem to enjoy. However, readers are readers, they are not entitled to finish a story or like it, so they disappear at some point (which is fine), so when there was no one left reading my stuff, I learnt to continue for myself instead. That's why I'm less and less online, or sharing specifics about my writing, because I want to write purely what I enjoy. Be a tiny bit more private with it. So now, I'd say I do that, but external validation is a bitch that will hold on to you with tooth and nail, so I will probably still go directions people enjoy if I get any input. But I'll manage it better, because now I can catch myself before I form a fully different story just for others.
Tagging @bloodlessheirbyjacques, @the-void-writes, @aninkwellofnectar, @dyrewrites, @aalinaaaaaa, @forthesanityofstorytellers, @bebewrites, @barbex, @circa-specturgia, @odysseywritings, @italiangothicwriteblr,
No pressure, though I love these questionnaires so would love to see anyone's and everyone's.
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