#//color setting on layers is actually so so sick i never knew that !!
keeps-ache · 7 months
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candy vision!
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henchy5824 · 5 months
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My newest project is a scene inspired by the #666 live on air series from the amazing @prince-liest Go check out their stuff!
SO I've never done lighting before. I live in perpetual darkness. I don't know what light looks like, can't you tell??!
I've had to actively hype myself up to draw Alastor and I kept putting it off. The intimidation factor with the strawberry pimp is pretty high....
Alt version below
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"something violently teal-colored", you say? "fluorescent purple cap", you say? Say no more fam ❤ Of course it would be Nuka-cola-quantum. What else is there?!
They both have a bad day, I feel like. Vox is wearing the most scraggly looking shirt that was not yet chucked in the laundry and he doesn't even care that it's buttoned unevenly. Val is on a date without him, after all.
Alastor has one of those bad hair days. He kept going through his hair all day. Not sure about the ghostly sensation of Vox scritching his ears the day before.
Also: I don't know why Vox would have pcb patterns on his arms on the outside of his body but the idea seemed hella sick, so I had to draw it.
So headcannon time:
-Vox would be the type to have the most designer- and bare-looking kitchen in the history of Hell. Velvette designed it for him and he didn't mind.
-He's got a Potoro Marble countertop and he uses it to eat takeout straight out of the cardboard box and microwave meals straight out of the tin they came in.
-If the appliance isn't fisher price-coloured, it's not VoxTek and therefore has no place in his kitchen.
-The most used appliances are the coffee machine and the microwave.
-He has more barstools but the only one he uses is the one Alastor is currently sitting on. Vox only lingers in the kitchen to scroll on his phone while his meals are heating up or the coffee is brewing.
-He does own a knifeblock and several high-grade kitchen knives but they are still in their packaging in one of the drawers under the counter. He only uses his claws to perforate his microwave meals.
-He does own pots and pans....somewhere.. They are also VoxTek branded.
-Of course he would choose the most retro-50s-looking wallpaper possible. It drove Velvette up the wall but he insisted.
Things I've learned while doing this piece:
-How to use colour swatches
-Being sensible about layers and which layers will interfere with others
-Using light gradient boxes and swatches (omg so helpful)
-Actually using a colour pallette
-The perspective tool!
-Creating a colour filter by applying opacity. (yea, as if I actually knew what I was doing!)
Thanks for reading my brainrot and sharing in my continued effort to draw somewhat adequately looking stick figures and badly lit settings!
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iraprince · 2 years
TIME FOR A PROCESS POST let's talk abt getting from this (client sketch - which, btw, i know other artists have talked about this plenty, but i LOOOOOOVE a client sketch as early direction on a commission. LOVE it)
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to this!
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at first we didn't know if the title was going to go across the desk, or over the central figure (emara's) head against the back wall. so there was a 1st version where we were favoring a higher title, then we started favoring the desk so we scrapped the clutter + centered it more
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i used clip studio's 3D models (particularly for the chair, guard, + weapon crates) and perspective rulers to help with laying everything out at this stage, tho i abandoned the 3D pretty early on bc it's a bit too clunky for me. maybe i'll find it quicker to use w more practice!
(the rest under the cut!)
once the basic layout was approved, i threw together a value study to explain how in the final image all the clutter of the bg detail would be unified and pushed back. lately i find myself thinking abt value earlier + earlier in the process; planning ahead saves me a lot of time!
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i fiddled with starting to refine things digitally, but then i got A BRAND NEW LIGHTBOX delivered in the mail with perfect timing (lmao) so i just ended up printing off the digital sketch, finalizing in pencil, + scanning back in
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then comes five billion different steps of locking in values, again. i did everything greyscale first, but i didn't worry abt getting things super polished at this stage bc i knew color would factor in a lot to later decisions
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this is the point at which presenting these wips "step by step" is kind of misleading; i didn't do these stages one at a time, but rather had a BUNCH of different lighting/shading layers that i kept toggling on and off as i worked to make sure everything was coming along well.
(to get some of these caps i actually went into the main file again and turned a bunch of stuff on/off just for the sake of getting specific examples, because actually when i was actively working on it there was rarely a point where i was actually working on something with "all lighting turned off and just the shading on," or anything like that; but i AM interested in showing what effects different lighting/shading changes had on the base colors, even if i wasn't really making these changes in a rigid order.)
i.e., just for the sake of interest, here's how the flat colors look without those adjustments!! but i honestly never looked at it like this on its own for long...i had all the shading/lighting turned off so i could see what i was doing while flatting, but i was constantly checking back and forth.
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then tones added on top (which were actually just two copies of the tone folders in the above posts, set to linear burn and overlay) -
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which makes it get HORRIFYINGLY dark, but that's when we go in and add a bunch of lighting adjustments.
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the most obvious lighting change above is the big burst of hot pink light from the corner, but there was also some masked overlay + burn layers to pop out the guard + emara and make sure they were pulled out from the bg. if this were a standalone illustration, i maybe would have let the bg (and all that painstakingly drawn detail..........) stand out a little more, but a cover functions differently, and i wanted to make sure the eye goes to the title first. that means sacrificing bg detail even if it looks sick lol
then final touches! a lot of my very last touches are things that are close to invisible; gradient maps on very low opacity, noise, a little bit of scribbling on upper layers. the typesetting was all by the client, except for the lettering for "emara king's," which i did myself!
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finally, here's a comparison of ⬅where i left off one night close to the deadline thinking "it's probably done, but i'll sleep on it just in case," then all the adjustments i made the next day with fresh eyes.➡ and that's it!!! phew!!! that's how i make a cover!
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s1ater · 3 years
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my boy. adam banks x reader
summary 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨: in which adam is neglected and doesn’t know how to act when he meets reader, a very sentimental and touchy person.
warning/s 🪓: swearing, rushed and trashed
slater’s note ☎️: adam is bae and i want to marry him :)
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all adam banks wanted was to be wanted himself. growing up with parents that resisted the urge to provide any physical touch and were emotionally unavailable reverberated off a son with the same exact emotional unavailability.
all his past girlfriends gave up on him too quick to realize so. it always ended rarely without any goodbyes and a big ‘fuck you’ along with a considerable unkind amount of words that always meant and said the exact same thing.
you don’t care.
he always felt bad, no matter how hard it was for him to feel sympathy at times, his heart always dropped to his stomach when he heard harsh words like those, but he could never say sorry.
that was until he met you. the first thing he noticed about you were your eyes and how bright they were. full of life, excitement, and so much general emotion that swallowed him up whole simply just by glancing at you.
eden hall academy had done many good things for him, as well as introducing him to you through your biology class. he had noticed you weeks before you transferred to his terribly boring science class taught by a ninety year old man on the verge of a heart attack from how much yelling he did.
you had practically fainted the day you were all set to dissect frogs, it was hard enough for you to keep your breakfast down let alone keep conscious.
he sat across from you and your partner, closely watching all the differential emotions that crossed your face as you watched your rather overly curious lab partner stab away at the dead slimy green corpse. you looked like you were about to hurl once she had sliced open the creature
“i think i’m gonna be sick,” you got up quickly and he could see it a lot quicker before you yourself even realized what was going on. your face turned pale as a ghost and your eyes turned a lighter shade than they usually were.
“whoa there, girl,” he caught you before you could even bend your knees and hit your pretty head against the cold blue tiles of the old biology room.
from then on you found it hard leave his side. not a lot of boys at eden hall were very nice nor went all the way to catching you before practically cracking your skull open. a boy you barely knew had somehow reached his way to your heart faster than any boyfriend you had ever had. just by the things he did simply made you smile.
and he was easy. easy going eyes, surprisingly easy to talk to but yet there was something about him that sent you off in a spiral of thought every time you looked at him, wondering what layers filled his mind and soul
the ducks were shocked to say the least.
“since when do you give a shit about the female population?” fulton would poke fun at adam as they’d sit at lunch, watching you carefully while you made through the lunch line with the rest of your preppy cheerleading friends.
“when a female looks like that, yeah,” luis scoffed, also checking out while nodding his head in a satisfied manner, “nothing bad to look at there.”
“hey,” adam lightly slapped him, “don’t be looking at her like that, mendoza. she’s got enough shit going on she doesn’t need to be dealing with some perv starin’ at her ass.”
“you calling me a perv?”
“yeah, i’m calling you a perv.”
many sounds of amusement echoed throughout the group as they got a look of luis’ face that dropped from amusement but now of slight embarrassment.
“fuck you, banksy.”
the first time you shared a kiss with him was also the first time you had actually took a step on the ice.
he had held your hand to keep you from falling, something he never did with anyone, while the other would shift from your hand to your lower back, guiding you into the smooth circles and tricks, drawing into the ice like it was a coloring sheet.
his lips were chapped but gentle with the way he slowly pressed his red lips against your own. he seemed hesitant at first, wondering whether if it was right or okay.
“just kiss me, banksy,” you mumbled, your head slightly tilted so you could see his dark blue eyes better. he smiled lightly but out of nervousness before lightly scraping his lips against yours.
you had to fully initiate the kiss, pressing lip against lip roughly and fully, full of emotion and passion for him to be finally comfortable.
he was surprised, he was never used to not having to initiate the first kiss. he smiled lightly against your pretty lips, moving his hands around your waist tightly to steady you against the slick ice.
“you falling in love with this chick, cake eater?” julie walked by the boys side two days after the shared kissed, her eyebrow quirked and filled with genuine curiosity as they made their way to their usual lunch table.
charlie shook his head once they sat down across from him, “if he is, he sure has a funny way of showing it.”
“what do you mean?”
“adam here hasn’t called her back. apparently he’s been ignoring her.”
adam’s cheeks slowly grew red as he shook his head beginning to open his milk carton. it was always a faze he went through every time he shared a personal and close moment with a female. he had to check himself, make himself wonder if he was willing to carry out with everything that entitled to a kiss, a kiss that meant a lot to the both of you.
“i’m not ignoring her, man.”
“really, tell that to her then.”
“why not, pussy?”
“i’m not about to fall to some peer pressure from some junior varsity hockey player.”
“shut up,” charlie rolled his eyes, knowing adam’s words were only a joke, “just call her before some other varsity hockey player does.”
adam was wrong. he did fall to charlie’s peer pressure, hesitantly calling you with his head practically falling off his shoulders due to never having done this before... calling girls first.
“hello?” your voice sounded sweet but had a lowness to it, something that made him think you were sad or tired with hurt and loneliness.
it made him feel guilty that he almost didn’t say anything but his mouth still slightly hung open with his jaw clenched, “hi..”
“hey, y/n..”
you fell for the softness of his voice, rubbing your eyes for a moment before exhaling, “you finally decide to call me, pretty boy?”
“thought it was about time,” he hummed, scratching the back of his neck in a nervous manner, his mind beginning to sink in on him as patronizing and contradicting thoughts attacked his brain, “you busy tonight?”
it doesn’t take long for you to overcome your upset terms, quickly attaching to adam just as much as you had the first time you had the two of you had hung out. it only seemed that this time you felt closer and more attached to him than before.
it took awhile for him to ease into it, get used to the fact that someone was there for him, someone who cared and seemed to be there more permanently rather than temporary.
you held his hand, kissed his cheek, always had some kind of hold on him to keep him in the mindset that you cared. in return and over a large amount of time he held you close, taught you how to skate and stay on your feet.
you made him feel finally cared for, eliminating all the shitty girlfriends that gave up on him before he could even make a move of appreciation and get used to all the tension of being cared for.
he’d run his fingers through your hair, twirling strands around his fingers as he looked at you quietly, admiring your calm face full of happiness and love for him.
“you’re my girl,” he’d whisper before leaning in, pressing his lips against yours, “you make me happy.”
and you’d smile, close to his face before whispering back, “my boy.”
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chewiedon · 4 years
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request: Reader is known to be the most beautiful woman in the village. Douma got intrigued by the word 'beautiful' from rumors that he tried to find the reader to see how beautiful she is and probably eat her soon. But when he saw how beautiful she really is. He hold off his hunger and kidnapped her. After that, Douma locked her in one of a special room for Queens (idk). The reader was upset and wanted to escape. As soon as she got the chance to, she run endlessly through the deep forest. A demon jumped out and attacked her, but before it could. Douma was there to kill it himself. The reader was threatened to be punished after that. But she doesn't care anymore. She knows she is safe with him from now on.
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You woke up on the rough surface of the tatami mat with a thin comforter over your figure. Waking up with confusion plaguing your mind, you quickly raised your body and turned your head left and right trying to find something familiar in your strange surroundings. Immediately you tried to remember what you did the night previous, did you get drunk and accidentally sleep with someone? Did you end up being kidnapped?
The last thing you remember was laying down comfortably in your futon and going to sleep, not being able to recall the ingestion of any intoxication. The thought crossed your mind that someone might have drugged you asleep, that way you wouldn't have woken up. You weren't that heavy of a sleeper.
Morning rays of sun seeped through the cracks of the shoji doors, a body sized mirror in the corner or the small room reflected the little light it could catch. Standing up on your feet you got a better look at the room you were in, your gaze stopped at the sliding door which you immediately grabbed.
Sliding it open you were welcomed with long halls containing wooden floors, a man in a light colored kimono flinched when he saw you as he rushed to you.
"Madam, please wait in that room! The Lord is currently speaking to worshippers, I-" You cut the distressed man before he could continue.
"Where am I? I've never been here before," You were confused at the formality, sure men were usually formal to you but never like this.
"You're within the Lords' Chambers, if you're refusing to stay in there I'll have to lock you in there, madam!" You disliked his tone of voice with you, you were looking why and where you were and he was trying to lock you inside a room?
The rules of being a good guest flew out the window, you were in this strange house against your will and you don't want anything to do with it. You raised your voice, anger and frustration beginning to surface.
"I don't give a rat's ass about your "Lord" or whatever! Why am I here, I wish to leave!" You could feel the heat surface to your face as aggression rushed through your body, your foot stomping on the floor in frustration as if you were some child.
"Ma'am please!" The man pleaded.
"I had a feeling I heard a commotion~!" A masculine voice sang, a man dressed in colorful layers of kimonos with shining blonde hair.
He looked like he didn't long for this world, he was so colorful. A top his head he wore a crown as if he were some kind of God, in this case you could even say he was that. It explains his majestic appearance.
"Pardon the trouble, but please get back into the room, I'll be with you soon~!" You could hear the facade behind his tone, it was disgustingly obvious and he was disgustingly good at it.
The colorful man reached out to touch you, likely for some kind of comfort. You swatted his hand away, and took a step away. Your emotions were going haywire, who do these people think they are? Kidnapping you? Before you could even blink, a large hand had grabbed your jawline and pulled it forward.
"Keep this shit up and I'll punish you. I'll be with you soon," His tone turned cold, his smile wiped off his face- he looked like a different thing entirely.
Your stomach sank as fear had set in, this man standing in front of you was much bigger than you and clearly had power over people. There wasn't much hope for you, was there? You swallowed the lump in your throat and nodded with a small whimper, you could feel your forehead dampen with sweat.
He removed his hand slowly and put a friendly pat on top of your head, his cheery disposition had returned. He walked down the hallway, the same way he came from originally.
"I'm so happy my wife is so understanding~!" He sang, "Takeshi-san please take good care of her in my place!" He sang before disappearing around the corner, leaving you in shock.
The servant, now dubbed as Takeshi shouted back, "Y-yes Douma-sama right away!" Before nudging you back into the room.
Douma was a name that rang in your ear, your mother often talked about him with the other housewives in the village about his cult. Despite the warm demeanor that followed the Eternal Paradise religion, you'd stayed far away from it. Something felt always off.
And now that you were stuck inside this small room with no reason why you were in the first place. A rock had settled in your stomach, a very large and immovable rock. You sat on the rough tatami mats on the verge of tears, choking back sobs.
Minutes turned into hours, hours of a sore throat and quiet crying. You were stuck, and nobody would think to look for you in here.
"Crying? What's wrong?"
The voice you had dreaded resonated throughout the room, your gaze was fixated on your crossed knees. His hakama pants made way into your view as he stood right above you.
"My... You didn't even use any of the gifts I got for you. I was sure you would like them."
"Why am I here?" Your voice was cold, trying your best to keep yourself from shaking.
Something was wrong, so very wrong. A sinister edge came off of Douma, he almost reeked of impurity. Simply from the way he presented himself to you, his facade made the rock in your stomach only grow. Your evident helplessness only made your anxiety spike.
His hand was cold, he cupped your cheek. Douma's multicolored eyes seemed to leave you in a trance, they were beautiful. Before you could even process what was happening his lips were on yours.
You've never felt more disgusted by something than right now.
Douma didn't have any body heat, his skin held a chill to it.
Shivers danced up and down your spine, you didn't dare to break the connection. He broke off and kissed your forehead while you stood frozen.
His breath smelled like blood.
"Was that your first kiss? Well don't worry, when we get married I'll make sure to kiss you plenty~!" He sang out, a bright smile on his face and his cheeks red.
"Married?" you had started, "I can't get married, my mother says I must wait until I'm 18 until I choose a suitor!"
"Your mother, oh the nice older lady with (h/c), right? No worries, I ate her just last night when I took her!"
Ate? What the fuck?
Was he the leader of some sick cannibalistic cult? Worshippers of the devil? Your voice was caught in your throat, unable to properly process the words that had spilled from Douma's lips. Was it a metaphor for something?
Douma sat down, your gazes at a similar height as you sat up straight. His back was slouched to look you straight in the eye.
"I'm unable to stay long, I'll make sure to keep you lots of company tomorrow though! It's simply just bad timing, my master has requested a very impromptu meeting. I'll be back, darling~!" he skipped around the room and flung the shoji door open, revealing the engawa.
Taking a deep breath, allowing the night air to fill his lungs.
"The night is beautiful," Douma commented, "But you're even more beautiful."
In less than a blink of an eye he disappeared. As if he was never there in the first place.
Douma didn't lie to you, he did have to leave to see his higher ups. But it was a trap, a test. He had known you were jittery, and he could feel the rushing adrenaline from the moment the two of yours' lips had met. He knew you would try to run away, and as such he could provide protection. Humans' minds were simple and delicate, and he knew how exactly to get you on his side. You were such a delicacy, he's never felt drawn towards someone like he had with you.
It may have been the way other men had talked about you. Or the way you had presented yourself to others. Those meager humans didn't deserve you in his opinion. You presented yourself as some kind of goddess, an inhuman being and giving your attention to mere maggots.
Back inside the estate, you didn't even look to see if Douma had actually left. Some fucked up shit was happening here and you didn't want any part of it. Not even looking for your shoes you had dashed out of the house. Ignoring the stinging of pine needles and small rocks against the bottom of your feet, you forced your legs to carry you through the forest.
Even though you didn't get a good look at your surroundings, nothing looked familiar in the slightest. You didn't care if you were running to the middle of the forest, you just needed to get away from him. The loose kimono restricted your movement, you twisted the obi off and lazily knotted the string around your waist.
Eventually, your adrenaline and stamina had given out. Your burning muscles only got weaker until they eventually gave out and knocked you on your knees, your lungs on fire from running. You had no idea how far away you were from the house, you could still see the dim light over the array of bushes and trees.
The song of the crickets was loud in your ears, as well as the snapping twigs and the rustling of the life around you. You had tried your best to muffle your heavy breathing, not wanting to cause any abnormal disturbances that might hint to your disappearance. Putting one hand over your wheezing mouth and another over your chest in hope to help calm yourself down. You could feel the blood pulsating all over your body.
"Ohoh? A human?"
Your heart sank, everything in your body completely refused to move. Ruled by the exhaustion and terror. It wasn't Douma's voice, but the choking stench of death made your throat close up.
"A woman too, luck really is on my side tonight!"
The demon stood above you from the withered log you had been hiding against, he twisted his body downward inhumanly. Grabbing your shoulder and digging his claws into your flesh, the stinging pain invading all your senses as you tried to wiggle yourself out. You tugged desperately at the hand, screeching and crying until your vocals were sore.
"How troublesome."
Before you could even begin to process the bloody image in front of you, your body had slammed into the rough ground below you, almost knocking the wind out of you. Scurrying backwards, seeing the attacker now in bite sized pieces. Decorating the grass below him with his insides.
"You disobeyed me."
Douma stood on the log above you, moonlight highlighting his figure. Godlike. Just what was he?
"I'll have to punish you."
The shaking in your body ceased, as soon as he had stepped on the ground before you your arms were latched around him.
You didn't care how he'd punish or hold you captive, you knew you were safe.
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Laurel Wreaths & Animal Teeth (2)
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(c!Technoblade x fem!Reader)
(a/n: a handful of people seemed to like this story so here’s part two! same as with the first chapter, if this one gets some interest then i’ll do part 3.)
Like every night of sleep here you woke up after what felt like no time at all. But at least you felt rested instead of tired still. Either way, it was time to get up and have some food before fixing up this village. Which was in dire need of it from what you saw the day before.
After eating some bread you got to work scoping out the village, jotting down in a book (with a damn QUILL) what problems needed to be fixed first and which could come later. Once that was done you started evening out the land so it wasn’t one hill after another with a ton of dark spots. 
Figuring out how to just make blocks and items disappear was weird. And seeing it happen in real life time was even weirder. You just put your hand on a block or anything not alive and with a twitch of your fingers the item just… ceased to be. All you got was a quick breaking sound followed by a particle effect that lasted a half a second, then nothing. 
You got used to it. You’d have to, that’s just what humans do. Adapt.
You’d been so focused on terraforming that you’d gotten a little spooked when you suddenly heard a voice behind you. After turning around you saw some villagers watching you. You blinked and after a couple seconds of silence you said,
They just watched you and gave murmurs that didn’t sound like anything negative, and you didn’t wanna make things awkward so you just went back to doing what you were before. You chalked it up to them being curious about the new person in their village changing stuff. So you gave them a smile before getting back to work. 
They stayed and watched you for a bit longer before one by one leaving to do whatever it was they’d been doing before coming to scope out what you were up to.  You figured they were just checking to see if you were dangerous or not. Which was understandable so you paid them little mind.
You got lost in the zone after that, just working diligently to smooth out the land and fill in parts of the river so it wasn’t bisecting the village and making it hard to get from one side to the other. Hours passed without you realizing, you didn’t have a hunger bar so no growling stomach to snap you back into focus either.
In the back of your mind you noticed the sun had set because you had to pull out some torches to make seeing easier. But aside from that you were oblivious to the world around you. At least you had been until the sound of pained grunts made you look up from what you were doing for the first time in nearly 10 solid hours.
Your eyes widened when you saw a villager cornered between some hay bales and the side of a house, getting attacked by a zombie. Like in the game his whole body sorta flashed a red tint to show he was taking damage. You didn’t even really think before you reacted, you just saw someone getting hurt so you yelled loudly,
To your surprise the zombie halted and turned to look at you. But then seemed to disregard you and started to turn back to its violent task, intent to ignore your call and you felt just enough outrage to start rushing over, yelling at the undead as you did. This caught both zombie and villager’s attention. 
The villager edged back as you came over and started smacking the zombie back, making him grunt and stumble slowly backwards. After you dealt him a couple hearts damage he turned and shuffled away from you both. With you hurling colorful commentary at him as he slowly feld. Once he was gone you turned to the blinking villager and put your hands on your hips and scolded him,
“What are you doing?? It’s night time! Get inside and go to bed!”
The villager looked alarmed as he rushed to hop up the short steps to the house he’d previously been wedged against, hurrying inside and slamming the door closed behind him. You sighed, a little annoyed with how hard your heart was beating from the adrenaline of having to essentially break up an attack. 
With one last huff you turned and headed back to your previous task. But half way there you stopped and glanced around the village before sighing again and deciding it wouldn’t hurt to check to make sure all the other villagers were safe inside right now. 
This would become a routine for you, making sure the villagers were safe indoors after sunset.
Days turned into weeks and before you knew it you’d terraformed the land the village was on into a much more manageable and easy to navigate space. You’d even started upgrading the villager’s houses and stuff. You did this mostly because all their houses were like 3x3 inside and looked beyond cramped. 
Also you disliked cobblestone when used in the construction of Minecraft houses. It just looked ugly in your opinion and stone looks way better. So you used that and different colored terracotta and pretty lamps instead of plain torches in some spots. It all gave the village a more cozy vibe you think. But either way your construction drew the villagers’ attention once more.
The villager whose house you started with hadn’t sounded happy when you built up and began to break the roof. He’d grunted and walked around watching you but stepped back when you called down and told him you were fixing the house and making it stronger and bigger for him. He hadn’t seemed fully convinced but he didn’t sound as upset so you continued.
It was when you were putting on the roof that you discovered that you didn’t take fall damage…
You’d stepped back to put the top point of the roof in place and miscalculated how much roof was left to stand on behind you and ended up slipping off. You barely had time to register what was happening, much less scream, before you were just… standing on the ground. You looked up and saw the unfinished underside of the roof’s edge…. a good 15 feet up in the air above you…
You looked down and mentally checked yourself over and you were fine? Not a scratch or ache anywhere in your legs. Which should be the bare minimum someone should have after falling off of a nearly 2 story roof. But you were perfectly okay, and honestly… sorta curious. And at this point you were more curious than cautious so you actually went back to the edge of the roof and just.. jumped off. You were incredibly lucky the first safe fall hadn’t been a fluke..
You landed nice and soft again this time. Only now you were able to watch what happened as you fell since you were looking down and not up (or having your brain lag in fear). You fell normally at first but once you got about 3 feet from the ground you slowed before landing about as hard as if you’d taken one step downward. The wind rushed past you and fluttered your clothes but aside from that you were unaffected by the high fall.
“Well…. I suppose that’s one less thing to worry about?” you sort of stated with a questioning tone because honestly you’re just trying to roll with the punches at this point.
You noticed there were only TWO profession blocks in the whole village, a farmer compositor and the weaponsmith’s grindstone. Which wasn’t great village wise you were sure. So you started to just… add professions to pre-existing houses. Like one house you converted into a two story with a balcony and added a library and lectern to it before bringing a villager over and showing them. 
Honestly you weren’t totally sure they would be interested but to your delight their clothes changed after they were surrounded by some green sparkles, signaling they’d taken up the role of ‘Librarian’! You clapped happily and said this was great, to which the villager responded with a happy sound. You left them to their studies and went to add more job site blocks!
You’re not sure how much time passed since you’d found this village. But you can say it definitely looked different these days, in a good way. You’d renovated (or outright remodeled) all the homes and now each villager had a job. Well, except for one who, for whatever reason, didn’t want any of the jobs. You’d tried showing him each option and he just gave unhappy grunts for each one. 
Finally you’d asked if he wanted a job and he gave a negative ‘hrm’. So you’d figured it was his choice at the end of the day so you shrugged and got rid of the career blocks and told him that was okay. You told him his job could be to Not have a job! And he seemed perfectly content with that so you just left his home a regular one and went about your day. So really, a happy ending for everyone.
And once the village was all set looking nice and prosperous you finally stopped and realized… you’d never made yourself a house? Though to be fair you’d sort of hyper focused on building up the village and all the villager’s professional skills so you’d not had much time to think about yourself. And now that you think about it.. you’re not sure when the last time you ate or slept was.. Like, at all! Which would be concerning if you were starving or about to pass out but you mostly felt normal? You could eat or go for a nap but you could also just.. not? And you’d be okay you think.
“This is all super weird.. I need to go to sleep I think…” you sort of mumbled to yourself.
You looked around and noted the time of day, which meant no sleep yet. Then you surveyed the large village and noticed a nice hill one of the four main crossroad paths in the village was leading towards. It was too far away for any more villager houses so you’d left it alone in your building spree. But now that you were walking around it you saw it would be a great spot for a place of your own! All you had to do was remove a couple trees, widen the top layer of dirt and move the path a little to the left and you’d be golden.
But you were pretty much sick of looking at oak logs, grey stone bricks, and terracotta so you decided to forgo using them in whatever design you settled on for your house. Instead you open your ‘expanded’ inventory of all the building blocks and began looking through them idly, searching for something nice looking that wasn’t too bland or contrary too flashy. Like sure a diamond block house SOUNDS cool and also very pretty but actually making a house out of diamond blocks seems like it’s just asking for trouble.
You couldn’t help the chuckle you let out at the thought of someone actually building a house of diamond then going mining or whatever and coming back to their whole house being gone save for their bed. But you pushed those silly thoughts away and finally ended up choosing some quartz stone for now. It was a good looking stone, nice and smooth. As you looked through the other blocks you thought about what your house should look like. You didn’t want to build any more of the standard villager houses at this point, you were sorta burnt out on that. 
Vaguely you recalled a handful of house and building tutorials you’d watched on youtube. But honestly it's been such a long time since you watched them that you really only remembered the final products. Although you reason that that shouldn’t stop you from trying anyways! Because what’s the worst that will happen? It’ll look ugly? Then you can just take it down and try try again! You’d start building slow and see what you liked and what looked cool. 
So with that decided you grabbed one of the quartz blocks and some stairs to match then got to work on your new house.
@salinesoot​ @lady-bee-fechin​ @kacchasu​ @putridjoy​ @lunawritesstories​ @galaxypankitty3030​ @paradigmax​ @zachariethememerie​ @killmewithafanfic​
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Idk about you but that trope where a giant gets angry and accidentally scares a tiny and feels bad abt it afterwards makes me go absolutely feral,,
So, originally, I was planning for this scene to be in a future chapter of This Is Nothing Like The Disney Star Wars Trilogy, but I could never really think of a full story arc around it, even though I still really really really love this idea. In any case, if I happen to brainstorm a better plot and find a way to squeeze this in I might edit it into the main story, otherwise enjoy some classic Giant Catboi and Twink Solider fearplay >:3c
“Do you have any idea how dangerous that was!?”
As expected, the little one did not respond to his rhetorical question, though his tone certainly helped snap it out of its previous stupor as it released its death grip on his shirt in favor of squirming as soon as the bedroom door slid shut behind him. His aggravation at the situation was clear as day even without the usual language and cultural barrier that impeded any sort of deeper relationship Edix tried to form with the human. Red ears were still folded back against his curls and his shoulders tense, the stiff posture traveling down to his hands were they gripped the earthling to his chest perhaps just a touch more tightly than usual, not that it prevented it from trying to push and wriggle itself out of his overprotective hold.
Fuck no, he wasn’t ready to let it go yet, not when flecks of blood were still smeared against his knuckles as a result of an impromptu rescue mission. The satisfying snap of cartilage under his fist after one good sucker punch to Talan’s smug face still echoed in his mind, blood gushing from the surely broken nose while the biologist stumbled backwards into the shelves. Edix wondered if he would be reprimanded for that by the directors later, or if Talan would be too proud to report the ass kicking, maybe even taking the lesson to heart to not fuck with his things in the future. And yes, that included trying to vivisect his sweet little pet.
How was I supposed to know the stray belonged to you? He had asked with sarcastic innocence, as if the human in question hadn’t been seen with Edix a thousand times before, and wasn’t drenched in his scent, and didn’t have his ID code printed on the back of its little suit, Maybe if you weren’t such a wuss and actually put it on a shorter leash-
Asshole. He was lucky Edix’s only goal at the moment was to get the little one off the table and back to the appropriate sector rather than rip Talan to shreds with his own tools. A taste of his own medicine, perhaps. Still, he admittedly did have a point about the human, what with how much it would run off and get lost and damn near killed. He simply couldn’t figure out what was so terrible about staying in his company that the little one would risk injury and mutilation in a foreign environment as opposed to the safety and comfort he so desperately tried to provide for it. They might have had a bit of a rocky start, sure, but stars above that was far in the past now. There’s nothing either of them can do to change the facts so why not accept things as they are and make some type of effort to be happy in this new life? By all accounts, Edix was a great owner!
And yet, the little one still fought him every step of the way. Even now, having just saved it from a fate of having its tiny organs sliced while it was wide awake, it made it known it did not want to be near him anymore. It might have been clinging to him the entire walk back to the bedroom, but it must have remembered it was supposed to be oblivious to the notion of genuine love and safety because now it started to stutter out little squeaks on top of struggling. Normally, Edix adored any and all of the sounds it made, especially when it was directly trying to talk to him which only served to give him the mental image of a pup mindlessly babbling before they managed their first few words. This time, however, it only worsened his irritation.
“Stop.” He ordered, which the human somewhat complied with, though it probably had more to do with his harsher tone and the fact that he was already lowering his hand towards the bed to set it down. As soon as it was free of his hold, it scrambled back, looking at him with those wide brown eyes that were full of so much fear it made him sick. Why did it have to be so afraid of him? What could he have possibly done that even now, almost a cycle later, it was still overtly wary of his intentions. All he ever did was care for it. Feed it, pet it, cuddle it, protect it, and still nothing was good enough!
With a tired sigh, he rubbed his hand down his face and resisted the urge to tug at his hair. “I just don’t understand,” he pleaded, begging some cosmic being out there to suddenly grant the little one the power to understand what he was saying, “what can I possibly do to prove to you that I’m not going to hurt you? I’m trying to keep you alive and it’s like...I don’t know, you resent me for that or something!”
The sweet thing looked more confused at his words than anything, but he could tell his body language and voice were making it uneasy. The human was used to soft words and purrs and slow movements, rarely any agitation in his being. After a beat of silence marked by an intense stare down, Edix gave up on hoping the earthling would miraculously explain itself and open up to sharing its thoughts on the matter. He reached for it and it instinctively back up, flinching when a growl rumbled in his throat in response.
“Stop running,” it was a fruitless endeavor, but like hell if he wouldn’t stop trying. That was how new pups learned how to understand a language anyways, wasn’t it? To repeat certain words over and over until they got the idea? Maybe that’s all he needed to do here, maybe by now it already knew the Venandi words for no, stop, be good, and so on. He reached for it again and it did the same thing as last time, always sure to stay just out of the most convenient reach. Not that it mattered how much it inched away seeing how it was trapped on the bed with Edix directly in front of it, but it was the principal of the matter.
And it was then that something inside him snapped. Something primal as a result of dealing with an unruly pup far too long for his nerves to handle at this moment. He wasn’t even aware of his actions, belatedly realizing how he pounced on the bed in a flash, the human scrambling to get away but only having enough time to turn around before being roughly pinned on its stomach against the mattress. His teeth were bared and pressed tightly against its back, fangs scraping against the layers of its clothes to no doubt bruise the tender flesh underneath, though thankfully they didn’t break the skin. A loud growl reverberated though its entire body, shaking it to its core.
“Enough.” He hissed against its back, keeping his teeth pressed into its skinny frame for a moment longer before pulling away. The second he did, his glare softened, all the anger he felt gone in an instant as soon as he saw the sight underneath him.
The poor thing was absolutely petrified.
It was probably the worst it’s ever been scared, arguably. Not even the first time they met, when it had so gracefully tumbled down that hill and landed face first in front of him, compared to the level of fear that radiated off it. A split-second thought had Edix wondering if he had legitimately scared it to death. Soon enough, though, he was able to pick up the minute tremors that shook through it, almost like an aftershock of the warning that it felt more than heard. It was pale, baby face devoid of color not unlike that time before when it had been sick with fever. But its eyes...those sweet little doe eyes he loved so much were wide and wet with a sheen of tears that refused to fall, locked in a blank stare straight ahead towards the wall and refusing to look at him.
A small, choked hiccup made its body twitch every couple of breaths, but it refused to open its mouth to allow any of these sniffles to turn into cries. Shit, it refused to move at all, too terrified of Edix’s threat display that if it did anything he didn’t like there would be dire consequences to pay. He supposed it worked exactly as intended, in that case. It was still, it was quiet, it was technically obeying him after he just forced it to behave via alternative punishment. That didn’t change the fact that he felt absolutely, terribly, extremely awful about what he just did.
It was just a pup, as he always said, regardless of what Ylva would tell him about human adolescence and such. It didn’t know any better, it had never been raised in these situations before and needed much longer than a measly cycle to unlearn all of its prey behaviors it needed to survive on its home planet. Besides, it wasn’t that it didn’t fully know that it was perfectly safe with Edix, it was smart enough to know he was at the very least the safest option when presented with any other Venandi. Edix had been upset, and it knew he was upset, so of course it would want to avoid a potentially hostile predator before-
--before it snatched the little one in its teeth.
Fuck, fuck, he was an idiot. Maybe he wasn’t as cut out for this as he thought, not like Ylva who was the very essence of motherhood. No. Now wasn’t the time for self doubts and pity, not when the human was in such a state. Slowly, hands cupped around its shaking form, mindful to make sure his fingers were in its view so it wouldn’t be any more startled when he lifted it up, not that he was completely sure it was actually seeing anything in front of it. The little one hardly reacted to the movement, laying limp when he pressed it against his chest and moved to sit up against the headboard of the bed in a similar fashion to what he had done the first night the poor thing was on the ship.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry, it’s okay,” he whispered to it, rubbing his thumb along the curve of its back just how it liked whenever it dozed, “you’re okay, we’re fine, it’s okay to cry. I’m sorry I scared you, I’m so sorry.”
Normally in these types of instances, he’d be purring and shushing the little sweetheart until he was able to get it down for a nap, but he had little confidence that any other types of chest vibrations would have its usual effect of making the human drowsy currently. When it finally started blinking again, the tears that had welled up ran freely down its cheeks, quickly biting down on its wobbling lip to prevent any sobs from escaping and get it in trouble for misbehaving. He softly clicked his tongue at it and cooed, anything to put it at ease with a softer demeanor. “I know, honey, I know. I won’t ever do that again, I promise."
Well, if nothing else, at least the little one’s apprehension of him wasn’t unfounded anymore, much to his dismay.
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raibebe · 4 years
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Genre: Mystery? Thriller? Slightly gore? With some fluff? And eventual smut? Words: 13.315 Prompt: Warlock Yuta, familiar Ten, female reader Warnings: mentions of abuse, mentions of death, mentions of religion, blasphemy (our warlock doesn’t like the church and made a deal with the devil), blood, devil summoning, murder with magic, actual murder
A/N: This has a couple of darker themes, if you’re sensitive to any of them, please be careful or just sit this fic out and don’t read it. The abuse is only implied and is not happening to any of the main characters. This seriously went out of hand and holy fuck I love warlock Yuta?? Thank you so much for requesting this @def-sol​! Ruby I loved this idea so much, I hope you enjoyed this. The beautiful moodboard is by @min-inu as always, thank you darling! Another big thank you to @burtonized, Jo you’re the real MVP for listening to me whine all day long.
Warlock: A male practitioner of witchcraft. The word comes from the Old English word wǣrloga meaning “oathbreaker” or “deceiver”. The terms were associated with witches and warlocks as they were seen as someone who made a pact with the devil and thus had betrayed the Christian faith and broke their baptismal vows.
It was a rainy autumn afternoon, the clouds had sunken into the valley your hometown was located in and covered everything in a layer of grey fog, washing away every color. You adjusted the hood of your cloak to shield yourself from the moisture after you stepped out of the little bakery you worked at when you heard the hooves of multiple horses on the beat up street that lead to the little town. Knowing that nothing good ever came from those horseman, you quickly hid the loaf of bread in your ratty coat and headed to the town square. A small crowd had already gathered when one of the knights pulled loose what seemed to be a lump rolled into a cloth from his horse that fell to the ground with a low thud. Only when it started to move, you felt the horror creep up your back. A couple of people quickly scrambled to see what was inside the cloth, even though you all already knew it. Beneath the thick linen, a girl’s face was revealed. You hadn’t known her when the knights had taken her with them just a couple of weeks prior but you could feel nothing but sincere pity for the girl. Her face was unnaturally swollen, her skin more the color of violets than her actual skin tone, blood clinging to her features and she was shivering in the arms of one of the women, completely silent. You turned your back towards her, not wanting to see the state the rest of her body must be in. The last girl that had come back from the royal court had only lasted a week before she had died due to the multiple injuries she had. She also hadn’t spoken a single word. But everyone had known what that men of the court must have done to her in the castle that overlooked the little valley, sitting high up on a nearby hill.
The knights just kept sitting in their saddles, completely unfazed. How could a person be this cold? How could they just follow the orders from their sires to keep taking girls away from their families to bring them back broken and beat, unable to continue to live a normal life? And how was no one doing anything against this? Why were the lords of these lands above the law? Why didn’t the priests do anything with all the power they had? The sight made you sick to the stomach and you couldn’t stand to look at the scene even a second longer, walking back to your home, trying to ignore the screams of the girl the knights must have picked out to take with them. You grabbed the cross hanging around your neck tightly and spoke a prayer to protect the girl from the worst.
That night you couldn’t fall asleep, your thoughts twisting and turning inside your head. Your anger towards the royals only grew more and more with each girl they took with them and you were sick of everyone just accepting their fate. The girls lived in fear that they would be the next one taken and the fathers and mothers were desperate to keep their daughters safe, praying every evening inside the small church. But with every day that passed you lost faith in your god. How could a just god let all of this happen? And the people of the town alone couldn’t do anything to stop this abuse. If they would speak up, they wouldn’t even be able to finish their words because their head would be rolling from their shoulders as soon as they opened their mouths.
Sighing, you rolled onto your back, staring at the holes in the ceiling. You refused to accept that you should patiently wait until the knights unfortunately picked you to take you to the castle where the royals would completely break you, shattering your being to the core. There must be a way to stop all of this. To put an end to the injustice that was happening. When the new lord had been initiated, he had sworn with his hand on the Sacred Scriptures that he would protect the people caring for his lands. If this was what him caring looked like, you didn’t even want to know what it would be like if he was turning a blind eye. It really seemed like you and your town needed some supernatural help or otherwise the royals would just keep playing with the lives of their subjects like they meant nothing.
That was when an idea shot into your head, making you sit up in your bed. After the last girl had come back and the healers of your village hadn’t been able to arrest her bleeding and the prayers of the priests hadn’t helped either, her mother had sneaked away to find a man that lived alone in the woods who was rumored to be gifted with certain powers that allowed him to give and take life. Of course the mother had to do it in secret; if the priests ever found out about that man, he would be burned on the town’s square just like the red haired woman who had wanted to travel through the town. Sometimes you could still hear her screams when the flames ate away her flesh. The next night you had seen a figure wearing a dark cloak sneaking into the home of the family. Curious as to what was going to happen you had sneaked over as well, watching the scene through a crack in the back door: The man had sat down on the bed of the girl and took off his hood to reveal long unruly strands of a red brighter than you had ever seen. He had spoken a couple of words in a language unfamiliar to you, keeping his voice level and his gaze down towards the girl. After a while, the girl had begun to shake and thrash only to suddenly stop mid movement before deflating back onto the mattress. The man then had let out a deep sigh before he put the hood of his cloak over his head again. He only said four words to the parents on his way out: “Her struggle is over.” When the parents ran to the body of their daughter, he had picked up a bundle the father had set up on the desk and left without looking back. That night you could hear the mother cry until the sun crawled over the trees of the forest again and the nature came back to life to cover her pain with beautiful symphonies.  
That man had liberated the girl from her injuries and pain by taking her life just from talking to her. He must have some special powers people attributed to witches and warlocks. He must be powerful enough to help you. And if the family of that girl was able to pay him to use his abilities in their favor (even if it hadn’t turned out how they wanted to), he must also have a price for killing the royals. Or at least send them a warning. You had to find this man and at least try to win him over. As far as you were concerned he might be your only chance to put an end to this.
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After a rough night of twisting and turning in your scratchy sheets, you got up more determined than ever to find the mysterious warlock. You quickly got dressed in your warmest cloak and left the house you had rented your room in, sneaking past your snoring landlord who smelled like he had spent his night in the tavern yet again, drinking too much and then lusting after the skirts of women that were way too young for him. You couldn’t help but feel relieved when you left the house and could breathe in the fresh air of the morning. Once your lungs were filled with air smelling like a mixture of freshly cut grass and baked bread, you turned to leave the town. You had no idea where exactly you could find the man. But rumors about him had traveled around the town since the day you were born. Coming to think of it, he seemed to have been around for as long as you could think which didn’t match with how young he had seemed to be when you got that glimpse of him a couple of weeks prior. But the priests always preached that those who had broken their vows and abandoned the right path had many different wicked tricks to disguise their true form.
Mindlessly you followed a trail that lead deeper into the woods and away from the fields where the workers were cultivating different plants both for themselves and for the damned royals. If the priests had never bothered to pay the man a visit, he must live in a place they couldn’t reach, up higher the hill where the paths were narrow and steep. So those were the paths you were taking, paying attention to never lose your footing and keeping your eyes open for anything suspicious.
You were about to give up when the underbrush became thicker and thicker, clearly untouched when you heard the jingle of what seemed to be a little bell. Why would there be a bell ringing in the middle of the forest? Cautiously you listened and crept closer to what seemed to be the source of the noise. It wasn’t long until you found the cause: A small black cat was rubbing its head against a branch in what seemed to be an attempt to get the collar off but it was wrapped too tightly around its throat. “Do you need some help, little one?” You softly asked as to not startle the feline. The cat immediately stopped whatever it was trying to do and stared up at you from big, amber eyes. You carefully approached it and kneeled down, slowly extending your hand towards it so it could see that you meant no harm.  After it carefully eyed you up and down, the cat crawled over to first sniff your fingers before it pressed its head into your palm. Giggling you scratched it behind its ears which earned you a loud purr. “Let me get that collar off of you,” you murmured, carefully tipping the cat’s head so you could examine the leather band the bell was fastened onto. With nimble fingers you undid the intricate knot and the cat could slip out of it. Once it was free, it curved its back and hissed loudly at the little object resting in your palm. “You really didn’t like that bell, huh?” You smiled. “Who do you belong to, little one? I’m looking for a man with red hair. I was hoping he could help me with a problem.” Why were you talking to a cat? It wasn’t like it could understand and lead you to the warlock.
Strangely enough the cat crooked its head as if it was listening to your words and thinking about what it should do. “Do you know him and can take me to him?” You asked carefully, eyeing the cat carefully. It meowed loudly before it got up to disappear deeper into the underbrush. You sighed deeply. Of course the cat had neither understood you nor would it be able to help you. Whether you liked it or not, you might had to ask the family who had lost their daughter where you could find the warlock. It was useless to stray through the forest like this, hoping to stumble upon a house or the man himself. You were about to turn around when another rather annoyed sounding meow tore through the sounds of the forest and a pair of amber eyes looked at you from the bush the cat had jumped into. “Are you trying to help me find him?” You disbelievingly asked the cat who actually rolled its eyes at you. When did a normal cat ever roll its eyes? Could cats even roll their eyes? What was happening? Before your thoughts could spiral any further, the cat made its way through the underbrush again, and you scrambled to follow the black creature, not taking chances of losing it between the bushes and trees.
Soon you reached a clearing the cat eagerly crossed, climbing onto a big stone surface in the grass where it curled up in the sun. Further back between a couple of big oak trees sat a small hut that surely had seen better times. “Where have you taken me?” You quietly asked the cat. Of course it didn’t respond, it just lazily turned its head towards the house where a figure clad in black clothes just emerged, their red hair reflecting the light of the sun that was peeking through the trees. “You little shit!” The person called, clearly a male voice, “How did you manage to get it off?” The cat didn’t even react to the screaming, just stretching its lithe body in the sun. “And who are you?” The man asked when he came closer, his green eyes so piercing it made you shiver. “I- Your cat showed me the way,” you stuttered. “That’s not what I asked, woman.” The warlock angrily crossed his arms in front of his chest and arched one of his eyebrows, waiting for an actual answer to his question. Taking a deep breath, you explained your situation to the man: Beginning with the story of how the knights kept kidnapping girls from your town and in which state they brought them back, if they brought them back at all. Then you told him how helpless the people were, how everyone with a daughter lived in constant fear that she would be next. You told him that you had seen him all those nights ago when he took the girl’s life to rid her from her suffering. Through all of it his face remained blank just the cat got up from where it was curled up, walking around its owner’s feet. “I need your help. We all do,” you ended your speech, “I know it’s within your powers to take lives. We need help getting rid of these royals. We can’t keep living like this, they will keep taking girls until there are no more left and I can’t just watch and wait until they take me. Please, we have no means of doing anything against them.”
“No.” “What do you mean no?” You asked the warlock who had scooped up his lithe cat into his arms and turned to walk back into his house. “I’m not doing it. It’s no use to interfere with royals, they never change.” “But you could help the whole town. We are being terrorized, every week the guards come and take another girl with them and they either never come back or they are so traumatized they can’t even speak about whatever has happened to them and we can only tend to their wounds. I am begging you,” you pleaded but the warlock didn’t turn back around, only his cat seemed to listen who had climbed onto his shoulder, looking at you from its big amber eyes. “I’ll do anything. Take me, take my body, I don’t care. I just don’t want them to break me.” “Anything you say?” The man asked, stopping in his tracks. “I don’t want them to have control over my body,” you whispered, “You can’t do anything worse to me than what the royals are doing to those girls.”
After a beat of silence, the cat meowed loudly, jumping down from the man’s shoulder to walk over to you again, cocking its head as if it was evaluating you. “I’m not going to do it,” the warlock repeated but before you could protest, he turned around again, locking his piercing green eyes with yours, “But I am going to teach you so you can do it yourself.” “It’s not going to be nice or easy,” he continued, looking you up and down once, then twice, “Take that thing off, we won’t need it where we are headed.” He motioned to the cross you had dangling around your neck; your only possession of any worth. “It has protected me from evil up until now,” you protested, closing your fist around it. “Woman. What did the priests tell you where me and my brothers and sisters have gotten our powers from?” The warlock asked, his green eyes almost glowing. You had never heard a man saying the word ‘priest’ with so much hatred and disgust. “They say you’ve made a deal with the... With the devil,” you stuttered. “For once that is a piece of truth that those fat men are speaking,” he snarled, “We are not born with these powers, we have to offer Satan a piece of ourselves in exchange for the powers he grants us with and he won’t be pleased to see that symbol of lies and oppression around your neck.”
For a while you stood still in front of the warlock who had come so close to you that you could count every single chain link on the chain that was hanging from the cartilage of his ear. “How badly do you want to make those good-for-nothing-royals to pay for what they have done?” He spoke lowly, lifting his hand to slowly caress your jaw. You took a shaky breath and met his eyes again. “More than anything in my life.” “Then this shouldn’t be a problem,” he rasped before he grabbed your necklace and ripped it straight off, throwing it into the woods. Shaking off the shock, you quickly followed him and his cat into the little house that seemed to burst from its seams: Herbs, candles and different bones hanging from the ceiling and sitting on almost every available surface.
“Just sit on the sofa and don’t distract me,” the warlock said, starting to rummage through drawers. “Are you going to tell me your name?” You carefully asked after you had sat down on the only free space of the sofa, the cat quickly joining you, “In the town they just call you ‘the outcast’ if they speak about you.” The man snorted loudly. “I like that title but you can call me Yuta.” Yuta. You had never heard that name before. “You aren’t from around here, are you?” “I am not. Not that it is any of your business. I am just going to help you to get your revenge on those royals. Nothing more, nothing less.”
You nodded, idly stroking the black cat in your lap who had started purring loudly. You hadn’t expected the warlock to act like he did. You had come here expecting to bribe him with either money or even your body. It hadn’t fully sunken in that Yuta would turn you into a witch by making a deal with the devil. But you had a mission. You couldn’t just watch another girl getting taken by the knights to become a toy for some royal asshole that would throw her away like a broken shield. You really hoped that the whole process wouldn’t take long. The longer you needed to wait with your revenge, the more girls would get taken and never be the same again.
“What’s its name?” You asked curiously after you had been stroking the cat’s fur for a while. “He’s called Ten,” Yuta answered while grabbing different stones and skulls from the drawers of his giant cupboard that was covering the length of a whole wall. “Like the number?” “He’s the tenth child of a tenth child. Don’t underestimate him just because he looks like a cat.” “But what could he do?” You were confused. “A lot more than your mortal brain could imagine,” a smooth voice answered instead of Yuta’s and it took you a second before you realized it had been the cat who had spoken. “Did the cat just speak?” You squeaked. “I didn’t hear anything,” the warlock grinned and left the room to search for more ingredients. “He did just tell you my name, don’t go around calling me ‘the cat’ now,” the voice spoke again. You looked down to the cat that was curled up in your lap to find him looking right back at you with a stare that should have been way too intense for a mere cat. “How do you do that?” You whispered. “Does he know you can talk?” “You think he would survive out here on his own for years on end if he didn’t have me to talk to?” “But he said he doesn’t hear you.” “Because I am talking to you right now and not to him,” Ten stated as if this was the most normal thing in the world while he was cleaning his fur.
“Don’t believe anything he is telling you. Everything he’s telling you about me is made up,” Yuta said when he came back to the room, a dagger in his hands.  “I sincerely hope you aren’t scared of blood because otherwise this is going to be difficult.” You swallowed dryly, looking at the size of that dagger, but slowly shook your head. Yuta’s green eyes fixated on yours for a couple of moments before he nodded, wrapping the dagger in a cloth with multiple questionable stains. “I’m assuming you have saved your virtue?” You felt the heat rise to your face at his question, never had you met such a man who would ask questions like that so directly and unashamed. “I- I have,” you stuttered, feeling the need to cover your burning cheeks. “That saves us a lot of trouble,” Yuta nodded, grabbing some more things that he had scattered around the house.
“We need to walk for a bit, I am not opening a gate to hell in my garden again. The smell is horrible to get rid of,” the warlock called after he had found everything he needed and had rolled it into a cloth for transportation.   “The smell?” “Have you ever been present at a burning of a supposed witch? That’s the smell. But amplified,” Ten provided from his space on the sofa cushions. “Already scared?” Yuta asked with a smirk on his plush lips when he saw your scandalized expression. “No,” you answered, squaring your shoulders, “I’ll do whatever it takes.” “You better,” he grinned and opened the door of his home, leading you into the forest, further up the hill.
Soon you reached a little clearing where the soil seemed oddly burned where Yuta dropped his bundle of supplies. “You do this here often?” You asked curiously, looking around the area. “Opening a gate to hell? No. But sometimes it is fun to mess with demons,” he answered, winking mischievously, making your heart skip a beat. “Demons are a thing?” “Of course they are,” the warlock giggled, wiggling his eyebrows while pulling a smaller sachet from his makeshift bag, “Just stand in the middle of the burned area and don’t move.”
Nodding you followed his orders and watched him paint a perfect circle around you with the white powder from the sachet. After he had finished the circle, he painted lines through it, creating a pentagram. Satisfied with his work he pulled candles and crystals from his bag next, placing them at the edges of the pentagram and lighting the candles with a mere flick of his wrist. Next he grabbed a skull from his bag, placing it at your feet. “Now to the less comfortable part,” Yuta mumbled, pulling the dagger from its wrappings, “Hold out your arms and don’t move whatever happens. Your innocence is what keeps this whole thing from falling apart.” Slowly you held up your arms and he rolled up your sleeves. You prayed that he wouldn’t notice how you were trying to fight the way your arms were shaking but of course it didn’t slip his sharp eyes. “Nervous?” He grinned. “You are about to summon the literal devil, telling me I am what makes or breaks this ritual. Of course I am nervous,” you stammered, balling your hands to control the shaking. “Cute. Nervous about the ritual and not about losing your humanity for a petty revenge,” the warlock laughed. Before you could reply, he had quickly pulled the dagger across his palm without even batting an eye. “Now brace yourself.” He walked along the perimeter of the circle again, speaking in a language you couldn’t understand, his voice carrying a different weight than before, like he was speaking with multiple voices at once. When he had completed the circle, he closed off his wound with another flick of his wrist before walking towards you, still chanting the foreign words. Once he stood in front of you, he slowly raised the blade, locking eyes with you once before he dragged it over your exposed arms, making your blood seep from the cut.
You bit the inside of your cheek to keep the whimper inside that was trying to fight its way past your lips. You were not showing the warlock any more weaknesses than you already had; you could do this. Yuta kept his eyes to where more and more blood was coming to the surface, watching the droplets come together to drip off your arm. As soon as the first droplet hit the ground, the atmosphere around you changed: There were no more birds singing or wind ruffling through the leaves of the trees and it seemed to have gotten darker, almost unnaturally so, the candles supplying the only light on the clearing. A heartbeat later, the flames shot up high into the air, causing you to flinch. You fought your instinct to turn on the spot to run away. You needed to do this. Needed to do this for the sake of your town’s people. “Relax,” Yuta whispered into your ear, slowly turning your arms so the cuts were facing down, making more blood drop, “The devil is a lot nicer than the priests make him out to be.” You took a deep breath to calm your furiously beating heart which turned out to be a mistake: Your lungs were filled with the smell of burning air and sulfur, the smell so overbearing that you felt like you were suffocating. “Even breaths, in the mouth and out the nose,” Yuta whispered when he sensed your panic, gripping your arms tightly from where he was standing behind you. You squeezed your eyes shut tightly, trying to even out your breathing while the scent of fire and burnt flesh got stronger with each breath you took. “Yuta, I can’t”, you heaved. “You can and you will,” he replied, voice stern, his nails digging into your skin. You tried to focus on the pain he was inflicting on you, the way the cuts stung and the way the blood was seeping from your flesh. You had no idea how much blood you had lost but your head was getting dizzy and your legs weak. “Don’t quit on me now,” you heard Yuta hiss through the fog that started to cloud your brain, “We’re almost there.” His grip on you tightened significantly when a loud crack resonated in the air not unlike to when a strike of lightning had hit its target. If it was possible, the smell only became more potent and the heat the candles gave off intensified tenfold. When you heard a deep rumbling laugh, Yuta turned your arms back around so the wounds on your forearms were facing upward again.
“My lord,” you heard the warlock speak, addressing whoever he had just summoned with the help of your blood. You couldn’t bring yourself to open your eyes, it was all too much: the heat, the smell and the stinging in your arms. If you were to see whatever was happening right in front of you, you were sure your brain would either forget how to breathe or how to keep holding your body up. You were already resting most of your weight on the warlock. “You brought me a new lamb,” a deep voice filled the space around you that seemed to come from every direction at once, covering you like a cloud. “Her cause is a noble one.” The voice chuckled. “Ready to give yourself over to me?” When you didn’t reply, Yuta pinched you again and you managed to squeeze out an affirmation even though your throat felt as if it was made out of sandpaper, your voice sounding gravely and foreign to your ears. “It’s over soon, my little lamb,” the voice rumbled, “I take good care of what is mine.” Whatever who you assumed to be the devil did next, filled your body with excruciating pain. It began from the cut in your arms and it felt like he had filled your veins with liquid fire that burned its way through your every fiber, taking over every thought in your brain. A silent scream left your lips and all you could remember before passing out were a pair of piercing green eyes and the smell of sulfur.
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When you regained consciousness it was in the comfort of a soft mattress beneath a thick blanket. You carefully blinked your eyes open a couple of times, trying to get the herbs hanging from the ceiling into focus. Once you could make out the little flowers on the branch of lavender, you let your gaze wander. Opposite of you stood a big mirror in front of what you assumed was a closet made out of mismatched wood with intricate carvings. Yuta must have brought you back to his cabin. Which meant that you were currently laying in his bed. The thought made blood rush to your head and you instinctively hid yourself in the softness of the blanket even though no one was around to see you. Like this his smell invaded your senses. It was earthy yet spicy. Dangerous. You sighed and let the smell comfort you, closing your eyes again.
Your limbs still felt heavy but after checking quickly, the wounds on your arms were gone, not even the smallest scar left. How long had you been unconscious for?  With how tired you still felt, it couldn’t have been for long, but the sun that was shining through the curtains told a different story. Outside you could hear birds chirping and if you focused just enough you could hear a cat meowing, probably Ten. Smiling you let your mind wander, letting the sounds of the animals relax you. But while you were counting your breaths to empty your mind, you couldn’t help but think that something was wrong. With every breath you took, you mind didn’t become more empty, instead you were feeling more and more: First it was just the way the blanket was scratching your bare arms and legs. Then you thought you were able to feel the herbs that were strung up to dry above your head. And somehow you could tell that Ten was no longer meowing in the garden, probably talking to Yuta but that he was walking towards the window of the bedroom.
You quickly opened your eyes and sat up straight in the bed just as his paws met the windowsill. “You’re awake,” his voice filled your head. You could just nod, staring at the cat in disbelief. How had you been able to predict that he was jumping into the room the exact moment that he did? “Feeling different yet?” Ten asked on, smoothly jumping onto the mattress. “Not really but you do,” you confessed. From up close he still looked the same but something was different. He felt bigger? Older? You couldn’t quite put your finger on it. But what you knew for sure now was that he wasn’t just a talking cat. Yuta had been right, Ten was much more than his body made it seem. “I’m still the same,” he chuckled, neatly folding his tail around his sitting form, “But you certainly are different.” “How can you tell?” “Just take a look at yourself.” Both scared and curious you looked up and met your reflection in the mirror but the eyes that were looking back at you, weren’t your own. Your image in the mirror eyed you with deep emerald green eyes and if the light was not tricking your eyes, your hair had changed color as well. It wasn’t as vibrant as Yuta’s but it was definitely red. “So it is true that witches have red hair,” you mumbled under your breath, raking your hands through your hair to feel the strands. “Most witches have red hair but not all with red hair are witches and warlocks,” Ten confirmed.
Just with Ten before, you had a feeling that Yuta would enter the room before the door moved to reveal his body. “It’s about time you wake up, little witch,” the warlock grumbled. Today he had his hair tied back in a messy ponytail, strands of his unruly hair escaping it and curling at his nape. His piercing eyes scanned over your body quickly before he met yours. “Do you feel them yet?” “Feel whom?” “The energies around you,” Yuta replied as if it was a self-explanatory thing. When you kept quiet and just looked at him from big, unknowing eyes, he groaned and ran a hand over his face. “This is going to be a lot harder than I thought it was going to be.” “It would probably be easier, if you didn’t speak in riddles,” you mumbled under your breath but he must have caught it anyways. “Don’t give me this attitude or you won’t learn anything at all. I might be responsible for you now but I won’t feed you your lessons with silver spoon, you have to work for it. Starting now. Get dressed and meet me outside,” Yuta clarified and turned to left the room but halted in his steps. “And you won’t help her either, Ten. She needs to do this on her own.” Ten just meowed loudly and for some reason you could tell that he did not agree with how Yuta planned on training you. Were this the energies Yuta was talking about?
Once both the warlock and his companion had left the room, you quickly got dressed and headed outside only to find out that you were alone on the clearing. “Come on, this isn’t funny,” you groaned, looking around the house, “I didn’t come here to almost bleed out in a stupid ritual and then to be mocked.” But no one answered you. Yuta and Ten kept hiding. Wait, hiding? Why would they be hiding? Where did that thought come from? You let out a frustrated groan again and sat down on a patch of grass right in the middle of the clearing. “This is stupid, Yuta. I don’t know what to do,” you grumbled, picking at the grass and ripping out little pieces. But that did nothing to calm you down, it only got you more worked up for some reason.
“Take a deep breath and listen to your gut,” you heard Ten’s gentle voice resound inside your head. When you didn’t react and kept ripping out grass, he added: “Yuta is just as stubborn as you, he’ll not come out and I don’t fancy sleeping out here.” “This is so stupid!” You groaned again, letting your body fall back into the grass. When Ten didn’t answer, you took a couple of deep breaths to calm yourself back down. Why were you so irritated anyways? It really wasn’t like you. Closing your eyes, you started to count your breaths to calm your temper. That was when you felt it. Like a flame burning inside you: Bright and flickering wildly. Carefully you reached out to the flame and strangely enough it didn’t burn you, it felt welcome. Like coming home and you couldn’t help but smile. “Are you going to help me find Yuta and Ten?” You whispered. As if the flame was answering, it twitched slightly and calmed down a little. In turn you also felt calmer than you had been seconds ago. Taking another breath, you kept your eyes closed, focusing on the light your little flame shone and from your peripheral vision it seemed like there was another flame. It was a different color and seemed bigger than yours from what you could tell. Opening your eyes again, you quickly got up and walked over into the treeline where you had felt the flame.
“Are you going to throw a temper tantrum every lesson?” Yuta called you out when you had found him, lounging high in a tree eating an apple. You couldn’t fight the heat that crept up your neck, it had been rather childish in retro sight. “You gave me zero instructions,” you tried to rationalize it. “I didn’t have much more to go off from either when I gained my powers,” he argued and jumped down, “So lesson number one.” He patted down his pants once which did exactly nothing for the stains in the fabric before he placed his palm flat on your chest, making your breath hitch. “That in there is your energy. Get to know it. Learn how to read it. It’s where we draw our powers from, where every living being draws their energy from, they’re just not aware of it. If you concentrate and learn how to utilize it to your advantage, you’ll be able to feel other’s energies much more clearly and you will be able to manipulate them.” You nodded along with Yuta’s words even though you couldn’t quite grasp what it all would mean for you. “It’s overwhelming at first,” the warlock smiled, patting your chest before dropping his arm, “But I am here to help as long as you are willing to work with me and not throw a temper tantrum.” “Thank you,” you mumbled, smiling back at Yuta. “It’s thank you, master now,” he grinned. “Now go find Ten, I can tell he’s getting irritated.”
Nodding, you took a deep breath and closed your eyes. “His hiding spot is a bit far away, I’ll guide you,” Yuta promised, taking one of your hands in his and you felt warmth spread through your body, comforting you. Smiling, you took another breath. You could do this, if Yuta was there to guide you, you could learn to use your powers.
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Over the course of the next days and weeks, you stayed with Yuta and Ten. The warlock taught you how to handle all the new things you were able to feel and how to manipulate the different energies around you. At night while you were lying on the little old mattress Yuta had dug up somewhere, Ten often joined you for some ear scratches and told you stories about old witches and warlocks who had become mad in their hunt for power or about incredible pioneers that had written the big spell books Yuta had yet to show you. You had gotten somewhat close with your master as well but you never quite understood him completely. One moment he seemed like he’d rather be literally anywhere else when you were struggling with molding the energies like he had both explained and showed you and the next moment he told you the most shocking made-up stories only to laugh at your face when you had actually believed him. But since he was the only other human you had contact with in a while, you grew attached to him quickly, always gravitating towards him even when he was doing mandatory tasks like cooking or cleaning (which admittedly wasn’t very often).
One rainy afternoon though, the warlock seemed more grim than usual. He had yet to teach you anything today; he had just asked you to grab a few herbs he was running low on. When you had asked Ten what was going on with Yuta, he had only given you a very cryptic answer before he had disappeared. “Something is different today,” you tried to initiate a conversation when the warlock wouldn’t talk to you while he was stirring something in a small cauldron over the fire. “What makes you think that?” “You haven’t taught me anything yet and refuse to talk to me. Ten is also nowhere to be found and he hates the rain.” “Wrong answer,” Yuta cut you off, “You’re still thinking like a regular human.” “I am still human,” you argued. At that your master just snorted, closing the lid on the copper cauldron louder than he needed to. “You’re so much more than just a human; you just need to finally acknowledge it. You came here seeking revenge on those who wronged your people and who abused their powers.” “And I still want them to pay for what they did to those girls.” “You want them gone.” It wasn’t a question. Yuta locked eyes with you: Piercing green meeting yours that were a little more muted. “They don’t deserve to keep living their lives like that. They need to be taught a lesson.” The warlock slowly nodded before he lowered the heat of the fire with a flick of his hand. “Get your cloak.” “Where are we going?” You asked, slipping on the thick fabric and following Yuta outside.
“You tell me,” he answered, motioning for the forest. “Stop toying with me.” “Use your senses, woman,” he spat, “Figure it out.” Huffing in annoyance, you closed your eyes, concentrating on your own energy that swirled inside your chest, feeling it like a small flame before you turned your eyes outward, feeling Yuta’s energy right next to you. His flame was bigger and seemingly less controlled than your own, a little deeper in color and burning hotter than yours. “Stop spying on me,” he spoke lowly, sounding almost amused. Slowly you expanded your sight, feeling the animals hiding from the rain beneath the leaves of the trees and in little caves, feeling the power of the stream that lead into the valley, feeling... Feeling something that was not right. “What is that?” You asked, trying to pinpoint where this energy was coming from. “You tell me,” Yuta spoke lowly, careful to not break your concentration. “Something isn’t right. Near the stream.” The warlock hummed, slowly approaching you to place a hand on your shoulder. Bit by bit you could feel the warmth of his powers mingle with your own, sharpening your senses, his energy guiding yours in the right direction. The uneasy feeling in your stomach only intensified but the comforting warmth of your master made you push further, looking for the source. “See it now?” “It’s a man,” you gasped, your senses almost recoiling when you found him. He was unlike any energy you had ever felt before. His energy felt off, you couldn’t quite describe it. “How does he feel?” Yuta’s low voice calmed you down again, encouraging you to look closer. “Wrong. Something is not right about him. His energy is small but it feels like it’s too warm. Like he’s about to burst.” “Do you know where he is?” “Near the bridge that leads to my town.”
“Alright,” Yuta spoke, sounding content with your analysis and you could feel his energy leave you, signalizing you to come back to the little house as well. Slowly you blinked your eyes open. “What is wrong with the man?” “He is not a good man,” your master spoke, “We’re going to kill him.” You wanted to protest, to tell him that you couldn’t just kill a man. But something, maybe a voice in the back of your head, told you that you could. And more importantly that you should. Wordlessly you followed Yuta to the path that would lead you towards the bridge.
“Remember what I told you about energies when you first felt them?” “We can neither create energy out of nowhere nor can we just make it disappear. We can just change the nature of the energy,” you recited dutifully. “And what does that tell you?” “We can’t rule over life and death.” “Not exactly,” Yuta agreed. “But you took that girl’s life when you came to heal her,” you argued. “I used up all the energy her body had left in it to heal the wounds that were hidden beneath her skin. I killed by healing her. After all her energy was used up, her heart stopped beating just like that.” “Is that what you’re going to teach me?” “No. that man’s body is healthy as far as I could tell,” Yuta shook his head, halting in his steps so you could meet his eyes again. “You might recognize him when we meet him. I need you to keep a level head and do exactly as I say or you might never get the revenge you want to get so badly.” You throat suddenly felt dryer than it had ever been and you tried to swallow down the feeling of fear that had begun to crawl up your spine.
“Swear that you’re going to do as I say,” Yuta pushed, holding out one of his arms. From what Ten had told you, Yuta was asking you to make an oath and those were not to be taken lightly. But you trusted Yuta. You trusted your master. He might have questionable methods to teach you certain things but he was a capable and strong warlock. Nodding, you held out your hand as well and he forcefully grabbed your forearm which you quickly copied. You could feel energy coming off of him, weaving around where you two were connected. “Say it.” “I swear I will do as you say as soon as we meet this man,” you said, your voice sounding deeper than it usually did, carrying a weight it only did when you tried to cast a spell. “And I will in turn swear to protect you and guide you through what we’re about to do,” Yuta promised, squeezing your arm tightly before his energy recoiled and he loosened the grip. “You’re going to make me kill him,” you breathed into the silence that stretched on. “I will,” he confirmed and turned around to keep making your way towards the strange man.
To say you were absolutely terrified was an understatement, your heart was hammering wildly inside your chest and you were sure Yuta must feel how unruly your energy was becoming. “Calm down,” he spoke, “Once you see him, you will feel differently.” “Can’t we start with something a little less drastic?” You pleaded. You weren’t ready for this. “What use does it have? You have learned everything you need to know about manipulating energies. The energy in humans is no different than the energy in a fire or in a plant and you’re doing well manipulating those. You’re ready for the next step.” “Yuta, I can’t,” you begged, swallowing down the taste of bile you suddenly had in your mouth. “You can and you’re going to,” he replied, a tone of finality in his voice, “Now be quiet, we’re almost there.” You had half a mind to scream so the man would run away when there wouldn’t be this voice in your head telling you that this man was no good. Taking a deep breath, you quickly followed your master until you arrived at the bridge, hiding between the bushes.
“He’s not far,” Yuta promised, “I’ll explain it once, listen closely: You will wait for him on the bridge. Make him stop so it’s easier for you to get a grasp on his energy. Just like you do it when you’re putting out a fire, you’re going to tug. Expect resistance because while every energy has the will to exist, human energy usually resists a little harder than just fire.” “What am I going to do with his energy?” You asked, proud that your voice wasn’t breaking. “It’s going to be a lot more energy than you can hold unlike with fires. You need to release it. Find something you can direct it to.” You bit your lip and nodded shakily. Sensing your discomfort, Yuta reached out and grabbed your hands in his, rubbing soothing circles with his thumbs. “I’m right behind you. I swore to protect you. If you fail to redirect it, I’ll do it before it eats you alive. But I do not want you to not try. Keep a level head.” Taking a couple of beep breaths, you tried to calm down. Yuta must have his reasons he wanted you to kill this man. He wasn’t unjust. You trusted your master. “Now go out there and wait for him. Maybe stretch your senses to find something to redirect the energy to,” he smiled, making your heart flutter for completely different reasons.
Following your masters orders, you stepped out onto the bridge, pulling your hood further into your face so it would be obscured to the man and briefly stretched out your senses like Yuta had suggested. You could feel the weird energy of the man approach, accompanied by another energy that might belong to his horse. Other than that you couldn’t feel much. The safest way was probably to redirect the energy to the water flowing in the stream. You couldn’t think about any other possibilities because the sounds of hooves approached quickly, revealing the horseman. He abruptly stopped his horse when he saw you blocking his path. “Move!” He yelled but you didn’t budge. In fact you were frozen in place when you recognized the man.
He was one of the knights of the king. But not just any knight. Images from summer flashed your mind: The man had stayed at the inn when it was too late to make the travel back to the castle after he had laughed at the girl he had brought back. In the inn he had drunk enough for three men and boasted about what a great lover he was and that the women could never get enough of him. You felt rage rise inside you. This man was rotten to the core. Yuta had been right, he had no rights to live a comfortable life after he had destroyed the life of so many girls and women. “Move!” He called again but you stayed right where you were, slowly lowering your hood so he could see the dark red color of your hair. “A little witch bitch,” the knight spat, dismounting his horse, a big grin on his face, “The lord will be delighted when I bring you to him.” “You disgust me,” you growled, feeling your energy burn brighter inside you, itching to rip the rotten flame from this poor excuse of a man. Behind you, you could feel Yuta’s own energy shift but you paid it no mind. He wouldn’t interfere. This was your test.
The knight slowly approached you, step after step and you could already smell that he reeked of alcohol. “Stop right there,” you demanded, focusing on his energy. Against your expectation he actually halted in his steps before he started to laugh at you. That was it. You wouldn’t allow him to harm another person anymore. Determined, you reached out with your own energy, gripping his firmly and tugging just like you had learned it. The man promptly choked on his laugh, clutching his chest tightly, looking at you with wide eyes. His lips moved with silent pleas and it only made you feel more disgusted than you already were. How did he have the audacity to beg for forgiveness after all he had done? “You disgust me,” you spat before you tugged for a last time, feeling how the energy separated from his body that limply fell to the ground. A great sense of satisfaction filled you and you couldn’t fight the laughter that bubbled from your chest. You could feel his energy course through and around you, seemingly growing now that it wasn’t trapped anymore, latching onto your body as it was the closest living thing. The feeling was indescribable. To feel this much energy coursing through you was incredible but after a moment you knew that you couldn’t hold it, the foreign energy trying to force itself inside you alongside your own energy.
Redirect. You had to redirect it before it ate you alive. Your eyes flickered from the trees to the end of the bridge to the sky above you, covered by dark storm clouds. Without thinking too much, you balled up your own energy, giving the foreign one a firm push upwards, forcing it out of your body and towards the clouds instead. Like a thread that suddenly snapped, the energy left you, making you stumble and fall to the ground.
A loud rumbling noise could be heard from above and you knew that you hadn’t made the smartest decision with where you had redirected the energy to. The next thing you felt was a firm chest that you were pressed against and the smell of burning wood and static filling the air. “My little apprentice,” Yuta whispered fondly, gently cupping your cheek. His green eyes were sparkling and if you didn’t know better, you would say that he looked proud of what you had done. “Did I do good?” You asked, looking around his shoulder to see the damage on the bridge. A flash of lightning must have hit it exactly where you and the man’s corpse had been just moments prior, the wood now black and burning. “You did better than I had ever whished for,” Yuta answered, pressing your shivering body tightly against his chest, whispering words of praise into your hair as the reality of what you had just done came crushing down to you, making your body shake with the sobs you let out. You hated yourself for crying. But you weren’t crying for the man. He had deserved what had happened to him. You were crying because it was you who had done it. You weren’t just a human anymore and Yuta had forced you to accept it. You weren’t what was considered normal. You had special powers now, dangerous powers and the only other person that could ever understand and shared the weight that came with those powers was holding you in his arms right now.
“Let’s go home,” Yuta gently spoke, pressing a kiss to your hair and you could only nod and try to not get lost in his eyes when he loosened his grip on you.
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“You’re ready.” Puzzled you looked up from where you were reading in one of the big spellbooks in the armchair in front of the fire, Ten curled up in your lap. “You’re ready to get your revenge. You know all you need to know,” Yuta explained himself, crossing his arms in front of his chest where he was leaning against his kitchen counter. When you still couldn’t find the words to tell your master how you were feeling, he continued: “It’s not far to the castle from here. The lord is having a banquet in the evening; all of the royals will be gathered. It’s a great opportunity. You shouldn’t miss it. Ten can show you the way.” “You’re not coming with me?” You asked in a small voice. As much as you still wanted the royals to pay, you had thought that Yuta would help you when it came down to get your revenge. The castle was filled with guards and knights after all. How were you supposed to get in and out of there without being seen? Especially when your plan was to kill the rotten men in charge. “I told you I wouldn’t kill anyone for you. I promised to teach you everything you needed to know so you can get your revenge. And I have done that. There is much more to our powers than just this but I did what I promised and now it’s time for you to do what you need to do.” Before you could argue or voice your concerns, Ten stretched his body in your lap so he could glare at Yuta, a disapproving sound leaving his throat. “Shut up, cat,” Yuta just growled when Ten wouldn’t stop complaining, angrily hissing by now. “I don’t care what you think,” the warlock exclaimed, throwing on his cloak, “Take her to the castle.” After taking a deep breath, he turned to lock eyes with you, a sad smile playing on his lips and added: “Make me proud my little apprentice.”
With that you were left alone in Yuta’s house that had become your home as well. You couldn’t understand the words he had just said. He was throwing you out. Had it all just been this to him and nothing more? Was he just trying to fulfill his promise all these weeks? Did you mean nothing to him? “He is a headstrong idiot,” Ten sighed, his smooth voice like honey for your soul, “You belong here with us and he will realize that eventually.” “Thank you,” you whispered, scratching Ten behind his ears until his purring filled the silence of the room. “And I am not just saying that because Yuta can’t seem to get that spot right there,” he added. You couldn’t hold your giggle, fondly smiling at the cat that you had gotten so close with. “He is right about you being ready though. We should leave soon.” “I have no idea how I should get in and out though. The place must be bursting with guards,” you voiced your concerns. “You would be surprised by how careless the royals are sometimes, they think they’re invincible.” Taking a deep breath, you felt out your own energy, feeling your fire burn brighter with excitement that you could finally give the royals what they deserved. “I’ll show them just how vulnerable they still are,” you said, your voice sounding more determined than you could have wished for. “That’s my girl,” Ten cheered you on, jumping from your lap onto the floor. “I’ll bring you to the castle but I won’t be a big help in this body.” You just nodded, gathering some things you had wanted to take with you: A couple of charged gems and the little dagger Yuta had given you a while back with a slender blade but sharpened to perfection. Lastly you got your cloak to conceal your red hair and green eyes that were a dead giveaway of your true nature. “Ready?” Ten asked, waiting for you outside. “As ready as I’ll ever be,” you answered, following the creature inside the forest.
When the castle came in sight, you said your farewell to Ten, squeezing his lithe body against your chest to his great dismay. Many people were bringing different things through the big gates and carriage after carriage brought in more supposedly rich and important people. For a while you just leaned against the big walls that surrounded the castle, feeling out the different energies. Of course there were the ordinary energies from the servants and most of the guards that were patrolling mostly on the high walls but the deeper you felt inside the castle, the more rotten energies you could feel, making you sick to the stomach. Your rage was only fueled when you carefully made your way into the courtyard and you could feel distressed and terrified energies further into the castle as well, some of their flames so terrifyingly small that they must belong to some kidnapped girls who were barely holding on to their life.
Waiting for a chance to slip into the more private rooms of the castle, you watched the servants scrambling around behind their masters who for the most time either ignored or scolded them and when a lady screamed at a little boy who had tripped and let some of the stuff he had been carrying drop to the floor, you couldn’t help yourself but to give her energy a quick push only enough to make her heart stutter once before she lost her footing and fell herself. The secret smile the boy quickly hid behind a blank expression was enough thanks for you.
“When is this fortune teller coming around?” One of the guards suddenly asked another one who had just come out of the castle. “She should have been here since the morning and the lord is getting restless, he is snapping at every servant who is coming into his chambers.” A fortune teller? That seemed almost too perfect to be true. Pulling your hood further into your face, you slipped from the shadows and made your way towards the guards. “Good afternoon,” you greeted the guards, honey dripping from your voice, “The lord of this castle sent for me, he wished to know about his future.” The older of the guards slowly let his gaze wander over your form before he reached out a hand to lower your hood. “Don’t,” you hissed, taking a step back. “Come on, leave her alone,” the younger groaned, “I can’t take the lord’s bad mood anymore.” The older one gave you one last once-over before he deemed you no threat and shrugged his shoulders. “You bring her to him, I’m going to the kitchens.”
If you had known how easy it would be to see the lord, you wouldn’t have been this nervous before entering the castle. “Wait in here for him,” the guard told you after he had dropped you off in a small saloon that was just filled with a big sofa and a vanity that displayed big jewels. In the middle of the room stood a small table with a crystal ball on top and you could only barely hold in your laughter. The only problem with this room was that there was nothing you could redirect the lord’s energy to once you had killed him. No fire or plants. This was anything but ideal. Hastily you sat down in front of the crystal ball when you felt the lord approach. You needed a different plan. Either you needed to let this perfect opportunity pass and try to kill him later or you had to do it without your powers. Suddenly the dagger in your pocket felt like it was as heavy as a bag of stones, the handle digging into your hand. You couldn’t let this opportunity pass. You had to take it. Even if it meant that you had to kill him like this. You could do this. This was no different than the guard you had killed.
When you felt the energy of the lord approach, you took another deep breath, searching out your energy for comfort. “Leave us alone,” the lord’s voice commanded the guard who had lead him inside and just like that you were alone with him in the room. You had never seen the lord in person and you didn’t know what you had expected but you thought that his appearance suited his energy: He was a rather small man with greasy black hair. His stomach was rounded and he smelled like he had bathed in perfume to gloss over how bad he smelled. “Finally you are here,” he spoke and even his voice was unattractive, his tone nasally and off pitch, likely from too much alcohol. You just wordlessly nodded your head, not deeming him worthy for words of greetings either. “Sit down so we can get started.”   “I don’t like your attitude woman,” he snarled, looking down at you from his reddened eyes, “You are different than the last one that came.” “I have my special ways to see what the future holds for you,” you simply answered, dragging your dagger from your pocket and placing it onto the table. At that the unruly eyebrows of the man shot up. “Are you threatening me?” “I would never dare to,” you gritted, fighting the sarcasm from creeping into your tone, “But nothing is purer than what your blood could tell me.”
The lord seemed to think about your words for a while, if he was even capable of that. But his energy seemed to calm down after a while when he sat down opposite of you. “Very well,” you smiled, pulling out a couple of the gems you had and placed them on the table, “Please hold your palms up.” When the lord did as you asked, you took a deep breath and willed your hands to not shake when you were grabbing for the dagger. It was rather small in comparison to Yuta’s favorite ones but it should do its job just as good as any other dagger he had in his collection. You really hadn’t thought all of this through. But you needed to do this. For all the girls living on this lord’s lands. You weren’t close enough to him to hurt him much with the dagger and if you weren’t quick enough and he’d sense your true intentions, he would call for the guards. And when you had nowhere to redirect their energy to, you were basically helpless.
“I don’t have all day,” the lord complained when you hadn’t moved after a while. “I was concentrating on your energy, you disgusting piece of shit,” you spat out, making an on-the-spot decision to stop the charade. Quickly, before he could even completely fathom your words, you gave his energy a push to render him breathless for a while which gave you just enough time to leap over the table to ram your dagger into the fat of his neck. With a furiously beating heart, you watched his eyes widen and his throat gurgle with the blood that was flowing into his lungs and seeping from the wound when you pulled your dagger back out. Unable to move your body, you watched him convulse in pain until he stopped moving altogether, his eyes open wide and unseeing. Slowly you could feel his flame getting smaller and smaller until you couldn’t detect it anymore. You had done it. The lord was dead.
Just like the last time when you had killed, the reality came crashing back down to you after the adrenaline had seeped from your body and you felt your hand shaking that still clutched the dagger tightly. When you looked down and saw it covered in the lord’s blood, you instinctively let the dagger fall, the noise unnaturally loud in the silent room.  Your breathing picked up and you felt panic rise in your chest. How were you going to get back out of here? You were drenched in blood and people would surely start to miss the lord soon. Yuta had been wrong, you weren’t ready for this. Bile rose too your mouth and tears were collecting in your eyes. You were done for; they would burn you in the courtyard while laughing at you for your foolish plan to take all the rotten royals out.
“My little apprentice,” a voice said behind you and through your tears you looked up into Yuta’s familiar face. “What are you doing here?” You sobbed, balling your blood smeared hands to fists, your nails digging into your palms. “I thought you had left me.” “Watching out for you, what else?” He smiled, pulling you away from the lord’s corpse and against his chest, not minding that you were staining his cloak with blood. His calming energy engulfed you like a cloud and slowly evened out your own untamed energy and eventually helped you to even out your breathing. “There are a lot more people here than I expected,” you mumbled when your tears had stopped falling, growing basically boneless in Yuta’s hold. “We’re going to take care of them together,” Yuta promised, pressing a kiss to your hair before he loosened his hold on you and took a look around the lord’s room, picking up some of the expensive looking jewelry that was laying around.
“The banquet has already begun,” you spoke after you had felt out the remaining rotten energies, all bundled up in the big hall, “They will become suspicious if he’s not coming down soon.” “I have always had a thing for dramatic entrances,” the warlock grinned, loosening his cloak so it fell to the ground, “How about we interrupt this boring dinner they are having right now and heat this place up a little? There is this nice little fire in the fireplace to keep them warm but I feel like it could use a little more energy.” His words made you mirror the wicked grin that had started to spread on his lips. “Lead the way,” you spoke, ready to teach all the rotten royals a lesson. With Yuta by your side, you knew that you couldn’t fail.
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Together you stood in front of the burning castle, a little further up the hill and hidden by trees, listening to the people screaming in agony. When you turned your head to look at Yuta, the orange flames of the fire beautifully illuminated his features despite the ashes that were clinging to his cheeks and the fact that he was missing half an eyebrow that must have gotten burned off, his lips crooked into a cocky grin. “Nothing more beautiful than the chaos some little flames can cause,” he spoke before he tore his gaze from the castle and looked at you instead. Tenderly he reached out to wipe the splatters of blood on your cheeks away, just smearing them further onto your skin in the process. “You look beautiful like this,” he whispered, his green eyes sparkling dangerously. “I’m a mess,” you argued, feeling how the blood on your hands was slowly drying. “The most beautiful mess I have ever seen.” Before you could argue any further, the warlock connected your lips in a bruising kiss, pressing your body close to his. He tasted of smoke, blood and danger but to you it tasted like the most intoxicating drink you ever had the pleasure of tasting.
“What are you doing, Yuta?” You breathed against his lips when his hands had slipped beneath your shirt, nails raking over the skin of your stomach. “Unleashing your full powers,” he groaned, all but ripping the garment over your head before roughly connecting your lips again. “What do you mean?” “Stop asking so many questions,” the warlock growled, sucking harshly on the skin of your neck, obviously not bothered by the blood clinging to your skin. You could just mewl and desperately clutch onto him, afraid your legs would give out. Once Yuta was satisfied with how dark the mark on your neck had turned he gripped your hair to yank your head back so he could kiss you again. Still high on the adrenaline from before, you shamelessly moaned into his mouth when he kept your strands of hair in a firm grip to angle your head just how he wanted. Grinning against your lips, he used his chance to slip his tongue between your parted lips, turning the kiss downright filthy. “Yuta,” you sighed when he parted from you, both of you panting heavily while staring into each other’s green eyes. Blood was smeared onto both of your faces now and you had stained his shirt with the blood clinging to our hands. “Tell me you want this,” he whispered, his hands wandering to where the wrappings around your chest were fastened, “Tell me to unleash your full potential, my little witch.” Before you could answer, he leaned in to steal another kiss while he tugged on the cloth that had kept your breasts covered. “You don’t even know how fucking hot you are like this,” he groaned against your lips, roughly grabbing your boobs to massage the soft flesh, sending sparks of pleasure down your spine. “Do it,” you moaned, arching your back towards the warlock, “Do it, Yuta.”
A deep growl came from his chest and with quick movements he rid himself of his singed shirt and stepped out of his pants to stand before you completely naked safe for the ashes and blood clinging to his skin. His cock was already hard and hanging heavy between his legs. With a dangerous smile on his spit slicked lips, he crowded you against the trunk of a tree, the bark digging roughly into your back. With only so much as a flick of his wrist, the warlock had you naked as well and raked his widely blown eyes over the exposed skin. “My little witch, so beautiful,” he rasped, pressing his lips to the mark he had created on your neck, making you hiss in both pain and pleasure. Chuckling he grabbed one of your thighs to wrap it around his waist, exposing your most private part to him. But before you even had time to think about what you were about to do and how improper it was, Yuta had snaked a hand between your bodies to cup your sex, slowly grinding the heel of his palm in your clit which tore a loud moan from your lips that mingled with the screams you could still hear in the distance.
A grin spread on Yuta’s lips when you threw your head back and moaned unashamed when one of his fingers played around your entrance, teasing but never slipping inside, making more and more wetness seep from your core. “You want it?” He asked, pinching the skin of your thigh that he still held tightly to get your attention. “I already told you to do it,” you whined, grinding your hips in an attempt to finally make his finger slip inside you. “When will my little apprentice finally learn to answer my questions properly?” He sighed, bringing his hand down on your wet folds, creating a wet slapping noise that brought blood to your face. The mixture of pain and pleasure made your head swim even more than the adrenaline had minutes ago. “Answer your master,” Yuta growled, bringing his hand down a second time, causing you to jolt in his hold. “Do it already,” you groaned, burying your hands in his unruly red hair to kiss him again, wasting no time to lick into his mouth. If anything you were a fast learner and tried to match Yuta in the kiss. While you were distracted with kissing the life out of him, he finally slipped one of his fingers inside you, making you gasp and break the kiss. “Feels good?” He grinned as he began to move his finger at a steady pace before quickly adding a second one, stretching you out. “Yeah, feels good, master,” you breathed. You could feel Yuta’s breath hitch against your lips before he let out a row of colorful curses, speeding up the motion of his fingers. “Say it again,” he growled. “Say what again?” You hiccupped, holding onto his shoulders tightly, the pleasure making your head swim. “Call me your master,” the warlock growled, crooking his fingers inside you so you saw stars behind your eyes, punching all air from your lungs. “Master, please,” you choked out, burying your nails in his shoulder to drag them down his back, leaving angry red lines and a trail of smeared blood.
Cursing, Yuta pulled his fingers from your core, making a distressed mewls leave your lips. He just chuckled breathlessly at your reaction but before you had the time to even feel ashamed, you felt the blunt head of his cock slip inside you, the feeling so foreign and overwhelming that you had to close your eyes. Yuta slowly pushed inside deeper and deeper until your bodies were as flush together as the position was allowing you to. “Fuck you’re squeezing me so tightly,” Yuta cursed and breathed heavily into your ear. You could only mewl instead of answering properly; you had never felt like this in your entire life. You felt your energy bounce around wildly in your chest, slowly expanding and turning deeper in shade. But before you had any chance to take a closer took, Yuta pulled his hips back and thrust right back into you, pulling loud moans from both of you. “You feel it?” He groaned, slowly picking up his pace, “Feel how your powers grow?”
“I couldn’t care less about any of my powers right now,” you whined, yanking Yuta close by the hair on his nape to crash your lips together to stop yourself from moaning out loudly. “So feisty,” he breathlessly chuckled against your lips, “Hold on tightly.” In a heartbeat he had twirled you around to lay you down into the grass instead. Watching your expression closely, he thrust back inside you, causing you to moan loudly with how deep he was inside you now. The feeling was so overwhelming that you clamped your thighs tightly around his frame and threw your head back with a loud moan. “That’s it, let me hear you,” the warlock moaned, caging you between his arms before he started to move his hips in quick thrusts that made stars spark behind your closed eyelids. You didn’t have any brainpower left to even remotely feel embarrassed by how loud you were being, instead digging your fingers into Yuta’s shoulders to pull him back down into a messy kiss that was more tongue and panting into each other’s mouths than anything else.
“Look at me my little witch,” Yuta panted when his trusts were getting erratic and you felt like the energy inside you was ready to burst and explode in thousand little stars. Just when your emerald eyes met his piercing gaze and you saw how his eyes were filled with so much more than just lust, you couldn’t help yourself anymore and let go of the coil inside your stomach, letting the pleasure overwhelm your body while moaning your master’s name. Seconds after you heard Yuta moan your own name while he pressed inside you for one last time, his back arched and lips parted. Around you, the air was buzzing with energy, almost singing with how potent it was. For a while you just looked at each other, breathing heavily, silly smiles on both of your lips before Yuta leaned down to connect them in a tender kiss.
“You two disgust me,” a familiar voice suddenly broke the delicate silence but this time it wasn’t inside your head. When both Yuta and you looked to the side, you saw a slender man with jet black hair sitting in the grass not far from you, looking back at you with familiar amber eyes. “But I can’t say I hate what you managed to do,” Ten added, looking at his delicate hands. “Go stare at some other people fucking, you creep,” Yuta growled, covering your body with his. “But I finally had something different to see than you sadly beating your meat or trying out questionable spells,” Ten teased, poking out his tongue. “If you don’t leave right now, I will find a way to trap you inside a frog next time.” “I’d love to see you try, honey,” Ten laughed before he actually left to give you some privacy.
“This is so embarrassing,” you mumbled into Yuta’s chest where you had hidden your face that must have the same color as his hair at this point. “Don’t mind him,” Yuta smiled, kissing your forehead, then your nose and both of your cheeks before pecking your lips. “I can’t look Ten in the eyes anymore,” you groaned, making the warlock laugh. “Let’s not talk about him when I’m still inside you,” Yuta whispered, grinding your hips together to prove his point. “Let’s make him wait for a bit longer.”
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dustofbrokenheart · 3 years
The Covenant: Presents and Kisses
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Reid Garwin x Reader
Word Count: 1,858
Summary: It’s reader’s birthday and Reid has some surprises up his sleeve. Dedicated to the lovely @saviorsong​. Happy Birthday! 
The café was a small, single room operation so sound from both the dining area and the kitchen traveled throughout. And everyone heard when your boyfriend came out of the bathroom, throwing the door open with such force that a bang rang out from where it hit the wall.
The poor barista almost dropped a drink they were making out of surprise.
“Babe, that was the biggest shit I’ve taken this month,” Reid practically shouted as he made his way back to the table.
You didn’t bother to acknowledge that particular comment and kept your attention on Tyler who had also tagged along with you guys. It was better to not entertain poop talk seeing as how you were in public.
“Babe! Did you hear what I said?”
“I think everyone did,” you replied pointedly. He dropped into his chair, hands clutching at his stomach.
You continued chatting with Tyler about a class you were taking and Reid still kept fidgeting and groaning. He was normally dramatic but he was really hamming it up.
You turned to him with a raised brow. That was all it took for him to increase his complaining.
“I think it was the food. It’s gotta be food poisoning, I feel so sick.”
“But we ate from the same plate.”
A glance at the table showed a shared plate that had long been eaten with not a drop of sauce left on the it after you both had all but cleaned the dish. If he actually had food poisoning, shouldn’t you be feeling it too? Your stomach felt perfectly fine, if not satisfied.
“Everyone reacts differently to these things, you know.”
Tyler nodded seriously, corroborating Reid’s claim. Those two were thicker than thieves, always ready to back each other up.
“No telling how bad this could get. I’m gonna head home but you should stay, Ty can hang out with you,” he said.
“Really?” Your tone was colored with incredulously. “Today of all days?”
He completely ignored that and bent down for a kiss. You were extremely tempted to turn away but ended up giving in. Reid may be an idiot, but he was your idiot. Keeping up with the sick-as-a-dog routine, he gingerly hobbled out of the café.
And since he was your idiot, you knew something was definitely up. You didn’t claim to be the smartest person around but Reid wasn’t exactly subtle.
Immediately, your attention turned towards Tyler. If one was plotting, then the other would know.
The brunette raised his hands as if to keep things peaceful. “Okay, okay. Don’t be upset.”
“It’s my birthday and my man just ran out under suspicious circumstances. I have every right to be annoyed.”
“Exactly! You’re the reason why he left!” He paused for an awkward second. “Wow. That came out totally wrong. What I mean is that he’s setting up something nice for you.”
“He is?” you asked suddenly touched.
Reid was a romantic sort. Maybe not always so smooth about it, but a romantic nonetheless. And he did do things for you often, even if a good number of things were in an attempt to apologize for something stupid he did, but he had never done a birthday surprise.
Well, not one where he had kept it a surprise for this long. Normally he couldn’t keep quiet about his plans so you were a bit impressed that you hadn’t noticed until his terrible acting just then.
Tyler nodded again, this time in excitement. “Yep. He needs a few hours to get it ready though…we can either stay here or walk around. Your birthday, your choice.”
His methods may be, well, unconventional, but your heart beat a little faster knowing he was planning something. Your mind wandered, thinking up various possibilities. Two hours couldn’t go by fast enough.
It ended up being close to six o’clock before you returned home.
You closed the door gently and toed your shoes off. The quietness seemed that much thicker with anticipation weighing heavily.
A trail of rose petals wound around the living room and trailed down the hallway, presumably to the bedroom, but you got distracted by a tantalizing aroma. 
You followed that into the kitchen instead and found a skillet filled with something delicious. Other bowls with other fantastic side dishes were arranged randomly around it on the countertops.  
And then you noticed the cake. Unlike the others, the cake was displayed on the table, a package of candles lying next to it. You walked closer to get a better view and couldn’t the grin hat spread across your face.
Clearly, he had made the cake himself. Not that that was off-putting to you in any way. It was really quite cute.
He had made a small two-layer cake which in of itself didn’t look too bad. The sides were not traditionally frosted so, the parts that were visible, you could see that the shape and the softness looked about right. Kind of. 
In lieu of normal frosting, he had attempted to coat them with a crumb frosting of some sort. Despite his best effort, the crumbs didn’t hadn’t spread evenly with some parts having barely any and others having too much.
It looked like he also had issues with the frosting on top. You guessed that he had tried to apply it while the cake was still warm because it was thinner than it should have been, almost glaze-like. Some had even started to leak over the sides before it was cool enough to harden up again.
Even with flaws, it was still the sweetest, frumpiest birthday cake you could ever remember someone making for you.
You stuck out a finger trying to taste the crumb coat when you felt a sharp smack to your ass.
“Oww!” Rubbing it, you saw Reid standing behind you with a towel in his hand. “Did you really just spank me with a towel?”
“It’s not time for cake yet,” he said. He was shirtless, tattoos on display, baggy cargo pants riding low on his hips. There was a hint of tiredness in his eyes but it was mostly irritation. “This part was for last. You were supposed to follow the roses first.”
Ah. He was irritated that you messed up the plan. But you were so excited to see what else he had in store that you didn’t answer back with a sharp quip of your own. “Then lead the way.”
With a sigh, he put his hands on your shoulders and walked you out of the kitchen. His grip was gentle though so you knew he wasn’t seriously frustrated with you.
The path of rose petals came back into view and you realized they were from a real flower and not plastic. A warm feeling spread through you and it only grew the closer the closer the path drew you to the bedroom. Reid stayed just behind you the whole way, your gentle guide.
“The flowers are beautiful, Reid.”
“I know. And a normal person would’ve followed them from the start.”
“Sorry,” you giggled. “The food all looked really good though. Three Michelin stars across the board.”
“Yeah, yeah. Just open the door, would ya?”
You pushed the door with your fingers, thoughts racing. What were you going to find? That fancy stationary set you’d been eyeing online? A fluffy, tail-wagging puppy? A chest of kinky toys?
With Reid it could any one of the three. Maybe even all three.
Tons of balloons were inflated and rolling around the floor, so much so that you had to kick a few out of the way to be able to step in. Even a birthday banner hung over the bed when he had thumbtacked it into the wall.
But the gift was unmistakable.
The large woven basket was sitting on the dresser, fibers dyed your favorite color was hard to miss.
Then came the stuff that was practically overflowing from said basket. You rummaged through it like a old woman at a yard sale, pulling out something new with every handful.
Jewelry. A soft blanket. Cans of your favorite type of drink. Hand painted ceramics. Some hard cover additions you’d been meaning to add to your personal library. New head phones. Dozens of origami creatures. A tee from your favorite team. Coffee mugs and several blends of beans. Hand-held tools  to replace your old ones with. And not only a stationary set but a wax letter stamp seal as well.
And everything from the basket to the last gift followed the same theme: it was all in your favorite color.
You jumped into his arms and he caught you. “I’m—this is…this is…”
“What?” he said, his breath tickling your ear and fingers gripping your thighs tightly. “Impressive? Inspiring? The best goddamn gift you’ve ever seen?”
“Touching,” you whispered.
You couldn’t see it, but you could sense the soft expression on his face.
“How did you even manage to find some of this stuff in this color?”
“It wasn’t easy, let me tell you…”
He went on explaining how he started with the just the stationary (you were right and he had noticed you looking at it) in your favorite color.
Then he added the headphones, also in your favorite color.
Then he’d painted the ceramic pieces himself.  
Eventually thinking up even more potential presents to get, he’d come up with the idea to do everything in that color. The tools were the hardest but he was very proud that he’d been able to pull it off with the help of a custom order from a local business.
“This is super touching. Thanks for putting in this much thought and effort,” you said finally lifting your head up to give him a kiss.
It was meant to be a quick peck but Reid’s lips followed yours when you tried to pull back, turning it into something more passionate. He even managed to lick his way into your mouth before you finally parted, panting for air.
“Mmm,” he breathed, lips back on yours. “You’re eager to get to the next event.”
You made a confused sound in your throat which he swallowed. One of his hands traveled up your leg and over your hip to come to a rest on your lower back. He turned you and that’s when you noticed the bed.
The comforter was already pulled slightly down and more rose petals were scattered all around. He laid you down on the mattress and prowled up your body. The petals were even more fragrant now that you were closer to them.
“What’s the next event?” you asked coyly although it wasn’t hard to guess.
“One kiss for every year you’ve been alive,” he said with a cocked smile. “It was either that many kisses or that many orgasms—I figured all those orgasms might be too much for you though.”
You bit his bottom lip and snuck your fingers under the waistband of his cargo pants suggestively. “How about both?”
He watched in rapture as you removed your shirt, eyes glued to your chest.  
“Anything for you, babe. Happy Birthday.”
Yay! Thanks for reading. I hope this was alright. 
In my mind, Reid is the type of romantic to make you things, hence the food, origami, and ceramics. But sensual time will also be included just because. 
Honestly, he probably heard what Caleb did for his s/o and, in typical competitive fashion, decided he could do better. He roped in Tyler to keep reader distracted and spent a few hours cooking, decorating, and assembling the massive personalized gift basket. 
They likely did reach fulfill the birthday kiss count but how many orgasms they managed to achieve is up to your imagination. 
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muffinlance · 4 years
You know that herbalist who lives in the woods near the frozen frog swamp? The one with the cat named Miyuki. Consider the idea of herbalist!zuko
Thirteen-year-old Zuko was dumped in the colonies with a days-old bandage over his face and his name stricken from the royal records.
He doesn't remember much of the Between. Between when his father--
And between when he wakes up, for real this time, feeling bone-heavy and muscle-jittery and actually awake. And there's a cat on his chest. Not a catopus or a cat-snake or a dog-cat. Just a cat.
Oh. So he's dead and this is the spirit world.
...Zuko goes back to sleep.
Recovery is slow and fairly ephemeral, and the old old lady that belongs to the cat is not helping to convince him that he's not dead. Not when she talks whether he says anything or not, and sometimes she answers questions he hasn't asked, and sometimes she doesn't answer things he did ask.
Not when she's equally unafraid of both Fire and Earth. Of the soldiers in either color that drag their comrades through her doors, and some of them are polite but some of them threaten and yell. Zuko knows he should be more scared of the ones in green and brown, they're the enemy, they'll hurt him if they know--
"Oh," an Earth soldier says, having found him hiding under the table because he wasn't quiet enough wasn't out of the way enough wasn't good enough, "I didn't know she had a... son?"
"I'm a spirit," Zuko says, with all the seriousness of his latest fever relapse.
"...Definitely her son."
The cat is simpler. Zuko's first (allowed)-out-of-bed task is learning to prepare Miyuki's food. He gets it wrong. She lets him know, with an upturned nose, and no claws at all.
He starts helping more. With other things, like dragging in the bundles of goods that people leave as payment, because the old old woman's back makes bad noises when she leans over too far and she needs to let him do this. Also he's reorganizing her cabinets and she can't stop him, why is the feverfew in five different places.
Mistress Miyuki inspects his new system. She falls asleep in the soup pot on the second shelf, which is an endorsement the old old woman can't dispute.
He starts feeling less like the world is spinning. He hasn't had a fever relapse since autumn, and it's almost the spring again. He had to stay while the snow was so deep, the old old woman couldn't leave for supplies so someone had to (had to go down to the town past Pohuai Stronghold and not panic at all the people, all the red, all the casual displays of fire to keep warm in the cold and he couldn't couldn't couldn't--
"Oh, you're the Herbalist's... apprentice? Goodness, we were starting to get worried about her. Here, you'll need more flour, and some of these, and why don't you have mittens--"
Zuko comes back with way more than he set out for, and thick mittens muzzling his fingers, and no one seemed to think it was strange when he talked or when he didn't or when his voice stopped working half-way through. This would be strange for a prince, but was cheerfully tolerated in the maybe-apprentice-maybe-son of the old old woman.)
But. But winter was done now, and all her other patients left when they got better, so he should go too.
He would.
Once he fixed the leaky roof ("Kid," a Fire soldier said, as he lay bandaged up in the sun on the porch because sun was good, even if Zuko had to drag his whole futon out because he wasn't supposed to walk, the old old woman had said so. "Kid, I don't know what you're doing up there, but it is not fixing a roof. Just... wait until my partner comes back, okay? I'll guilt him into helping.")
(His partner didn't know how to fix roofs either. But he did know a lot of swear words that no one had ever dared impart upon royal ears. And he knew firebending katas, and didn't notice Zuko copying him from the shadows at all.)
(He must have switched to the easier ones as a cool-down, that's all.)
But Zuko was definitely leaving. Once Sargeant Maihun stopped being an idiot, this was a place of healing and if he tried earthbending their other patients into the ground again Zuko was going to slam this door on his face and never let him or his people in again.
"Spirit," the Sargeant said, slow and patient like Zuko was stupid, "they're firebenders."
"So am I," Zuko scowled.
Which led to less immediate dying than Zuko probably should have expected in retrospect, but he was leaving soon anyway and he didn't know where he'd go so it wasn't like it mattered--
Miyuki curled up in his lap. Zuko sat between the recovering Fire soldiers on their sunny porch and the not-injured Earth soldiers the old old woman had smilingly bullied away from her new patients. Everyone was glaring at everyone else but Zuko's glare was the best.
"If you wake up Miyuki, I'm kicking you all out."
The cat dozed quite peacefully.
And then somehow it was winter again, and he was sitting in the front of a Pohuai supply cart as its komodo-rhino trudged through the snow.
"Thank you," Zuko said, when they got to town.
"Don't mention it. Remember, Pohuai's closer if the weather gets really bad. We can spare some supplies for you two."
And it was spring again and is was two years since Before and Miyuki spent That Day knocking everything off the counters whenever he started to think too hard, because she was definitely a spirit, possibly one of chaotic good.
Then it was winter again. The snow was late this year. And Zuko had a hard time telling red and green apart, but bright orange was new.
"That's Miyuki's dinner," Zuko scowled. "And you can't just say 'my friends are sick,' what are their symptoms?"
Which is how he ended up chipping through the ice layer on an old laundry tub behind the greenhouse, and fishing out frozen frogs, and following an airbender up the mountain to an abandoned temple.
"What's your name? I'm Aang!"
Miyuki let him go with only a final dismissive sniff, as if terminating an adequate but ultimately replaceable servant. Which shouldn't have been prophetic, but was.
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petitelepus · 3 years
White Tigress And Purple Panther, Part 1
This was commissioned from me by my dear friend who has lately been sick, @y8-tiger!!! I hope you get better soon my friend. I’ll probably publish next chapters in AO3, let’s see how many like it here. Meanwhile, guys, please enjoy this first part of the FELINEFORMERS STORY.
"Any last words?" The huge tom above you growled and you bared your fangs back at him in defiance. You'd be damned if you would let yourself be killed just like that. Damn these toms surrounding you, you would die fighting.
How did you exactly end in here and in this kind of dire situation? It's a long story so let's make it short. It started as soon as you were born all those years ago. You were born in an everyday Tigers family, but you were anything else than an ordinary.
Your snow-white fur with darkest stripes set you apart from your orange, red, and crimson siblings the moment your carrier and sire saw you. You might have been beautiful, but your looks didn't help you. You were the runt of the litter, the one that was never meant to survive the first night and even less until your eyes opened finally opened.
Even from the moment of your birth, you had to fight so you could survive. Be it your sister and brother pushing you away from your source of milk or little animals that your sire brought to you little cubs of his to eat. Others learned to hunt by playing with each other, but you used your play-time to forage little things like bugs, frogs, mouses, and birds for you to eat.
Your siblings, old and new never stopped teasing you about your size. Tigers were supposed to be big and strong so why were you so small? Heck, if you knew you would have answered them, but you just focused on your little hunting trips and getting stronger.
As your siblings grew into fine fighters you grew to become a carrier. You absolutely hated it, you hated your body and how your siblings had spikes and you had valve. Your carrier wanted you all to continue your family line but you weren't exactly the carrying type. You trained and hunted like a fighter, but you were destined to carry someone's litter. At least that's what your sire kept trying to drill into your head.
One day you wandered further than ever before but it was worth it when you caught this absolutely delicious rabbit, but your meal was interrupted by the smell of smoke. You looked to the skies and saw huge dark clouds of smoke rising from your home.
Distraught, you abandoned your rabbit and ran as soon as you could, but you were late. You had no idea what set the fire but you didn't stick around to mope. With your home, prey, and family gone, you had no reason to stay at South. You set a strong pace and kept on walking until you would grow hungry. Then you would hunt, eat and continue walking.
There were suitors pawing after you here and there, but with a quick swipe of your claws, the weak toms would turn a tail and run like there was a fire under their tails. Your journey started around a year, maybe half ago and it had brought you from hot climates to cooler ones filled with snow. This time around the year, you resided in the exotic yet very wet forest.
You were no stranger to rainforests, but your coloring certainly made it hard to blend into the greenery. This often cost you a well-earned meal. That is why you often found yourself a nice puddle of mud and rolled in it so you could actually camouflage into the forest surrounding you. It was a shame that you needed to cover your beautiful fur, but survival was your main concern.
You were often overlooked by other cats because of your dirty fur, but what else could you have done? Starve but look good while dying? No, you rather sucked it up and rolled in the mud. Besides, there was no way you would submit and become just some common carrier.
You had just gotten your fur coated with a new layer of mud thanks to last night's rain. The rainy season left the forest feeling hot and damp, but you needed to eat and quickly. After prowling for a good hour after mice, reptiles, and birds, you hit a jackpot.
A beautiful plump bird, as colorful as it was chubby. A delicious delicacy that came down to the forest floor just to tease you. Or that's how it felt having it wave its feathers at you when you would usually fail, but you had a good feeling you were having bird for dinner.
You were just about to jump at the bird when suddenly-!
Your jump failed as you were distracted and the fat bird flew away. You growled under your breath but then you heard the sad cry of help again so you abandoned your dinner plans and ran through the greenery towards the sound. You could hear water streaming somewhere, but the loud cries for help also got louder.
Finally, you jumped out of the greenery and saw you had made it to a strong stream with a waterfall just around the corner on your right. Your eyes darted from left to right and then you heard it again.
You flicked your head to the left and saw maybe the smallest turquoise kitten you had ever seen, stranded on a boulder in the middle of the stream. It was a miracle you managed to hear their crying over the raging water. You ran to the point where the kitten was and the two of you locked eyes.
"Please! Help me!" They cried and you looked at the stream. It was strong, but you knew you were stronger. "Hold on, I'm coming to get you!" You called and without any further waiting jumped straight into the water.
Oh scrap, the stream was stronger than you thought, but the little kitten's cries pushed you to push your frame to its limits. You swam to the kitten and just as the water was about to take them you snatched them by the back of their neck with your mouth and you started to swim back to the land.
As soon as you made it to the land, you dropped the kitten on the ground so you could catch your breath. Frag, that was exhausting... But the kitten was safe. You looked at the little one and saw them shaking water from their fur. You took notice that they were a little femme and that for a kitten she was... Cute.
You glanced down at yourself, only to see that the hard current had washed your white fur clean once again. You would need to find a new mud puddle to roll around in.
The kitten must have noticed you staring because the little one turned her bright blue eyes at you. You weren't sure how to exactly react so you tried to go with the caring route. "Are you alri-?"
"What the frag took you so long!?" She hissed at you and you blinked. What did just happened? The little one shook her fur dry before she bared her fangs at you. "I could have drowned!"
"I- I-" For once, you had no clue what to say. You had met tomcats ten sizes larger than her and none of them stayed around to find out what you could do to them if they crossed you. So how come this little one could order you around like that? You must be nicer than you thought you were.
"At least you heard me..! So you aren't completely useless." She said as she started to lick per hand. You started at her until she took notice of it. "What are you looking at?"
You blinked and shook your head, "Nothing." You said and quickly added, "Are you alone? Where are your-?"
"My pack is resting on this side of the stream. If you just help me get over I'll be out of your fur." She said and you blinked. She was awfully mature for such a small kitten. You looked around and saw a long vine hanging from the tall trees just by the stream. You got up and caught the vine and looked at it. It should be long and sturdy enough to carry the kitten over the stream.
You turned to address the kitten. "Do you think you can hold onto this or should I carry you over the stream?"
"I'm old enough to cross with the vine." She said before getting up and walking to you. You just stared as she grabbed the vine from your hand and got ready to bounce, but you stopped her before she could cross. She turned to glare at you, but you weren't shaken by it. "What?"
"Just say a word and I'll carry you over. You don't need to be ashamed or anything." You said and you meant it. Despite being a tough cat, you still had a heart... And apparently soft spot for kittens. The little cat stared at you before scoffing and suddenly jumping. You blinked in shock and turned to look, only to see that the little one had crossed the stream with ease.
You could see her smirk from your spot on the other side of the stream. "Told you I can do it!" She was smug and for a reason. You had to be impressed. You weren't sure if you had made that jump at her age. So you smiled and called, "Be safe and stay dry!"
The kitten frowned at your obvious jab, but just as you were about to turn and start hunting your meal-!
"Hey!" The kitten called and you turned to look at her. She nodded, "Thanks. I won't forget this."
Despite her being so sassy and rude, she was a kitten after all. So you smiled and waved your hand at her, "Get back to your pack and we can call it even!"
You saw her nod before she disappeared into the thick forest. You smiled but it was a bitter-sweet smile. As fun as it was to meet her, she had her pack and you had your own company. You two came from two different worlds. With that in mind, you started to seek out your next meal.
A week or two went by when you decided it was time for you to change your hunting grounds. As juicy as some animals were, you had seen deers, hogs, and such on the other side of the stream.
Yeah, there might have been some other cats, but you were confident in your ability to survive and fend them off. You had seen the animals that gathered by the stream where you rescued the little kitten from. Those animals would fill your aching belly in no time.
So one day you swam across the stream and set out to hunt.
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ushidoux · 4 years
Look at Me, Senpai - Hinata x Reader x Daichi (Pt. 2)
Summary: Reader starts to see Hinata in a different light once he returns from Brazil. It turns out Hinata’s inability to give up isn’t just something restricted to the court. (~1.9k words)
Warnings: fem!reader, nsfw, infidelity, a touch of the yandere
A/N: Man even my evil heart was a little bothered by this lmfao. Turns out it needs another part, so expect that sometime this week?
Part 1|| Part 2 || Part 3 || Part 4 || Part 5
“You can stay if you’d like to.”
You paused for a split second in the middle of redressing yourself, your gaze settling on Hinata’s impressive body, now glowing with the thinnest layer of sweat and perched on the edge of the bed, maybe a little bit too eagerly. While his voice remained steady and neutral, his eyes showed just a hint of pleading, the sentiment also threaded in the way his knuckles whitened as he steadied himself in place. He appeared as though he were holding himself back from saying more or doing more. 
For a moment you were almost angry - in fact, furious that he would suggest that you’d stay over on the very first night, almost like he thought he was somebody important to you, like you weren’t simply taking out some sort of repressed frustration out on him.
However, the extremely recent memory of being folded and pressed into the plush hotel mattress, legs dangled over his shoulders, fingers tangled in his wild hair, filled so wide and so deep that you knew you’d probably think about it for the rest of your life if all of this somehow miraculously blew over, flashed in your mind and your irritation was replaced with another wave of guilt. 
No wonder he spoke with this sort of unchecked boldness. You had allowed it. He probably could smell the lust on you from the very moment he lay eyes on you at the restaurant.
You left the hotel without another word, but when he sent you a message to see if you had gotten back okay, you begrudgingly accepted that you would see him again. You couldn’t help it.
And so you continued to meet, with the securing of your engagement ring in a tiny pocket in your purse a new routine before you entered Hinata’s warm embrace for a couple of hours many more nights than not. Hinata, as usual, was all too happy to receive you, his brown eyes lighting up the night. In the dark, whenever he closed his eyes and let himself focus on your staccato breaths as he pulsed inside you, you were his and his only.
Soon your encounters progressed beyond you ending up crumpled up in an overstimulated mess to candid conversations over earnestly made and surprisingly decent meals. Hinata was a very good listener and hung on every word you said, making you realize how little you expressed yourself in the daytime.
Even creating art was different when he was around. You started to bring your sketchbook with you when you visited now that you didn’t solely leave under the cover of night, doodling quietly in the setting sun that matched the locks of his hair as you sat on his couch. The first time you’d decided to do something other than fuck for hours, he’d asked you what you did for a living. 
“I, uh, draw.”
The shout of genuine awe Shoyo let out was almost overwhelmingly embarrassing.
“What??? You get to do that all day?! Incredible! Do you paint too? What do you draw? Still life? Scenes? Can you draw me?” As Shoyo asked these questions, he only inched closer and closer to the couch, crowding your space and while you still retreated from him naturally, you could feel your heart drawing closer.
It had been literal years since someone was excited about what you produced, and while Daichi appreciated your creations around the house, you could tell he thought of them nothing more than decoration, not expressions of your soul.
Everything you make is beautiful, was your fiance’s compliment of choice but what you would have preferred to hear was Everything you make is meaningful.
But you were Daichi’s little housewife, not an artist.
Like his little pet, Daichi continued to kiss you on the forehead before the crack of dawn before he went off to work and drape a protective arm over you late into the night once he returned, and you continued to pretend you never ever took off your engagement ring and work through wedding planning as though you weren’t making a mockery of your wedding vows night after night.
The ninth - or maybe eleventh time (?), you’d lost count - you met with Hinata, you asked him a bold question of your own.
“S-Shoyo..,” you started, trying your very best to ignore the winding coil in your belly as you tried to talk past Hinata’s deft fingers pumping in and out of your quivering cunt. 
“Mm?” His eyes were on you but his fingers continued to move, making it hard for you to remember how to formulate what you wanted to say, and it didn’t help that his other arm hooked around your waist pressed you against him just a little too firmly as usual.
“Why-,” your breath halted as he found the correct spot and you closed your eyes and bit your lip, but you pushed through the pleasure to speak, “why did, or.. why do you like me?”
“I don’t know.” His answer was both shocking and unsurprisingly candid. “I don’t think it matters, though.”
The glint in his eyes and the wide grin as he took in your varied expressions of pleasure reminded you that it truly didn’t matter why, and especially not for someone like him.
“Stay still for me, ____,” he whispered, diverting the subject, as he kissed your mouth softly to put your questions to rest then planted kisses in a trail down your belly to your lower lips.
A few months pass and your wedding preparations slow almost to a halt.
You don’t admit to yourself that it’s because you know now that you are falling out of love with Daichi and you ignore the fact that Hinata continues to permeate your mind almost all the time. You can’t exactly say that you’re in love with him because you aren’t. After all, you have enough self-awareness to understand what it means to be in love with the idea of someone new and to be seen as somebody different. 
When Hinata lets you know he’ll now be traveling for matches, he kisses your forehead, caresses your face and assures you he’ll be back soon to see you. He sends sweet texts and pictures as if he really is your boyfriend, and it’s sick how quickly you react to your phone every time it buzzes or how you now wake up as early as Daichi to walk around your neighborhood as the sun rises just so you can hear Hinata’s voice on the phone.
You’re not in love with him though. You could never fall that quickly.
As you start a pot of coffee before putting on your running shoes, Daichi cups your face in his hands and presses his lips to yours, pulling back to look at you with adoration.
“What could I do without you?” He says before he goes. Your heart wrenches.
Your frustration mounts when you find yourself recreating Hinata’s features on paper and considering the complements of colors that would best convey his spirit. You tear out the sketch, crumpling up the paper in a ball before you toss it across the room and now you are crying because what the fuck are you actually doing?
Were you really this fickle?
You were - when your front door knocks in the early evening and it’s Hinata, not Daichi at your doorstep (because of course he wouldn’t knock to enter his own home), your first impulse is to hiss Whythefuckareyouhereareyouaninsanepersonleaveimmediately but when he says he missed you, you instead find yourself melting into strong, anxious arms.
And you forget that Daichi sometimes comes home before 7pm when Hinata hoists you up so that your legs wrap around his waist. You forget that this is your and Daichi’s living space while you are entirely consumed in Hinata’s kiss. You forget that the dining room is a place where you and your fiancé share meals together when Hinata bends you over the oak table, drags down your pants and panties so quickly you hear them tear, and enters you impatiently at full length and girth. He lets out a sigh as he settles inside you, and as you feel his cock pulsate within you, you forget the fact that Hinata is now pounding into you with reckless abandon like a cheap whore and that the legs of the table are slowly scraping along your wood floors, threatening to leave marks.
You can’t come up with the last movie you watched on the living room couch with Daichi when Hinata is laid across it, his face contorted in pleasure as your head bobs up and down his saliva coated shaft.
When Hinata is fucking you against the wall just beside your bedroom door, you’re unable to think about what it would mean for Daichi to find you and Hinata marking up every part of your home with your infidelity. All you can hear are his soft grunts with every upward thrust and all you focus on is the way you are filled so completely by him, how warm you feel and how it feels to hold on to him for dear life.
“You feel so, so good, ___,” Hinata whispers as his forehead presses to the hard surface behind you and he pushes even deeper, forcing another moan out of you that intensifies when he bites down on the soft flesh of your shoulder.
“P-please be mine,” he suddenly begs, and you’re horrified, but at that very moment your coil snaps and your entire body clenches around him, your arms, legs, the walls of your vagina, your fingers, your desires… and then he comes as well and you can feel him with every jet that coats your insides.
You’re limp in his arms and he leans further in to keep you even steadier against the wall so that you don’t slip out of his grasp. His face is sweaty and sticky and he’s no longer smiling. His eyes are dark and desperate and you truly don’t understand why he wants you so badly but you know he won’t tell you because really does it matter?
Your heart all but stops.
This is wrong and evil and all types of awful but his eyes…
“Please, ___?”
Your mouth falters. Your breathing is heavy and even though there’s a haze clouding your thoughts, you still have enough panic to cut through the dizziness of it all as your heart now thumps rapidly in your chest, fueled by the adrenaline running through your veins.
What could you even promise him? You didn’t have time to take your ring off this time, and you weren’t completely sure you wanted to. It would mean a sort of defeat, that you really were this type of woman who played with others’ feelings to fill her own emptying heart.
You could feel Hinata growing soft inside you and him inching even closer to you as though he couldn’t bear to feel your body rejecting his.
You were still at a loss for words, and your eyes finally flitted over to the front door and maybe for a split second, you actually hoped Daichi would see you and make the decision, any decision for you. Anything that would end this nightmare of watching Hinata’s façade start to crumble before you.
“Dammit, ____.” Hinata’s voice suddenly breaks, and he pulls back to you and you steadily find yourself standing alone on your own two feet and look at him to see those eyes shining bright with tears.
He knows what you’re going to say before you say it, and you don’t want to break his heart, but you have anyway.
“Shoyo, I’m getting married.”
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annab-nana · 4 years
Birthday Buddies - Colby Brock
You and Sam share the same birthday and Colby conjures up a plan for the party to be perfect for the both of you.
Requested by @sam-xplr-colby 💙
Warnings: some curse words
Word Count: 1.8k+
November 27th, the big day. It was your birthday, and it was Sam’s too. Colby’s two favorite people were born on the same day and he made sure to make it special for both of you each year. He would throw the best party that had both of your interests tied together for the theme and they were always the best. Right now, he and the gang were decorating the trap house for the event of the double birthday and you and Sam were wandering aimlessly around the mall.
“What do you think he’s doing this year?” you asked the blond before taking a sip of the coffee you had gotten earlier.
“With Colby, there is no telling what he’s got planned,” he snickered down at you. He watched as your mouth dropped open in surprise and you let out an excited shriek. Sam’s eyebrows drew together before he followed your line of sight to see what had gotten you so excited only to see it was the Disney store.
“Look at the little baby Yoda plushie, Sam!” you squealed as you grabbed his hand to drag him towards the shop. He about tripped over his own two feet, but thankfully he made it there safely. “It’s adorable!”
“He is a cute little fella,” Sam agreed as you two awed at the tiny green Jedi master through the display window. “Wanna go inside? We have a lot of time to waste.”
“Sure,” you nodded your head at the blond and followed him into the store. After a few hours of walking around the mall slipping in and out of shops, you two went to the krac house to get ready.
“It’s cute how you guys do this every year,” Cassie muttered softly as she remained focused on blending together the colors of your eyeshadow.
“Do what?” you inquired. You had slipped into the routine, barely even noticing that it was a common reoccurrence.
“How Colby and Kat decorate the house and throw a party to some theme that Colby has been planning for months and while they do that, you and Sam get to hang out all day and celebrate each other’s birthdays. You can’t tell me that isn’t adorable,” she lightly giggled as a small smile tugged at your lips. It was kind of a cute idea. The love of your life and best friend throw a whole party for you and your other best friend while you two get to have fun.
“Yeah, and it’s nice to hang out with just Sam. I almost never get to because Colby is normally there or Jake or Corey too. He’s a pretty cool guy when it’s just him,” you told her while she dusted off the setting powder that rested below your eyes.
“Yeah, the only person who really gets a good bit of alone time with Sam is…” she started.
“Colby,” you two chorused before giggles flew from your mouths.
“Okay, you’re all done, birthday girl,” Cassie announced before letting you look at yourself in the mirror.
“Damn, Cassie! This looks good,” you complimented as you stared in awe at your own reflection.
“That’s all you, y/n,” she grinned at you through the mirror while she spoke.
“Stop, you are the sweetest. I love you, Cass. Thanks,” you told her before pulling her into your embrace. Her laugh sounded in your ear as she hugged you back, but she soon pulled away.
“Now, let’s get you dressed,” she stated excitedly which caused you to groan. You loved getting your makeup done. It was super therapeutic for you but realizing that you were going to be dressed up all night was not something you were looking forward to. “Stop whining. Colby will love it.”
And love it he did.
“Y/n, baby, you look amazing!” Colby told you as he took your hand in his and spun you around before pulling you close. “Happy birthday, love,” he muttered before pressing his lips to yours. Your moment with him was cut short by the clearing of someone’s throat nearby.
“As cute as this is, can we go in? I really wanna see what it looks like in there,” Sam stated, his words followed by a grin. You pulled away from Colby a bit and let your hand slide down his arm and into his hand, your fingers intertwining with his.
“I wanna see inside too,” you giggled as you looked at the front door of the house you knew all too well.
“Right this way,” Colby joked as he ushered you and Sam towards the door.
“Are you ready, birthday girl?” Sam asked as he stuck his arm out for you to grab. You giggled before linking your arm with his.
“Yep, birthday boy.” Sam turned the knob and pushed the door open to reveal where all your friends stood, cheering and recording the moment to save.
“Happy birthday guys!” they shouted in unison as white, green, blue, and orange balloons and confetti were thrown in the air above you and Sam. You turned into the blond to help shield yourself from the falling pieces of paper and glitter as you both laughed to each other.
Once it had all fallen on top of you two, you both pulled away from each other to look around. You noticed the balloons that were on the ground. The white ones had storm troopers on them, the green had Yoda, the blue was R2-D2, and the orange ones had BB-8 printed on the latex.
“It’s Star Wars themed,” Sam grinned at you. You nodded your head eagerly before turning to Colby who stood behind you both with a sheepish grin on his face. Your feet moved quickly to him and you wrapped your arms around him.
“It’s perfect, babe. I love it,” you muttered in his ear before pulling away to press your lips to his. After the kiss, you backed away so Sam could talk to him and as they spoke, you ran to Katrina.
“You did so good at decorating because I know Colby couldn’t do all this, so thank you Kat!” you said as you pulled away from her embrace.
“Yeah, he can’t decorate, but the idea was all his and it was honestly his best idea ever. You both are Star Wars nerds,” she teased to which you playfully shoved her away.
“Wait until you see the cake. Sam, come here!” Kat squealed before Sam and Colby turned their heads towards her and followed you two to the kitchen.
“Oh, I love it!” you awed at the decorated dessert. The bottom two layers were BB-8, and it had a baby Yoda on top. “It’s adorable!”
“Looks sick guys,” Sam added from behind you and Kat.
“You did amazing, Colby, with everything,” you praised the purple-haired love of yours as your eyes looked around the kitchen at all the decorations. Your lips met his quickly in a small thank you kiss as his arms slid behind your waist and clasped together at the small of your back.
“Yeah, thanks man,” Sam stated as he nodded at Colby, his arms wrapped around his own girlfriend, “and thank you too, baby.” As soon as the words left his lips, he pressed them to Katrina’s in a heartbeat.
“Well, isn’t it just a love fest in here,” Reggie joked when he entered to room, noticing how close and wrapped up the two couples were.
“Ewwww,” Jake dragged out the word when he caught sight of what his older brother was talking about.
“Oh, shut up, Jake. I’ve seen you and Tara and y’all can be plenty affectionate,” you scolded the childlike boy who showed you his dimpled smile.
“I’ve almost walked in on them being hella in love if you know what I mean,” Corey popped into the conversation, causing laughter to fill the room.
“Let’s get this party started!” Tara shouted when she walked in with a plastic kazoo placed between her plump lips before blowing into the instrument.
“Kazoos?” you asked Colby when you turned to face him.
“That was actually Kat’s idea,” he informed you before your eyes met hers.
“What? I thought it’d be fun,” she shrugged innocently as she giggled against Sam’s chest.
“You must’ve forgotten we’re friends with them,” you joked, pointing towards Tara, Jake, and Corey who were having a contest to see who the loudest kazoo player could be. Well, Jake and Corey were in each other’s faces playing loudly while Tara stood between them playing her own rendition of a Harry Styles song on her kazoo.
“Maybe it wasn’t such a good idea,” Kat admitted while she watched the competition go down across the counter.
“As long as they’re having fun, then what’s the harm,” you spoke as a chuckle fell past your glossed lips.
“I love you, you know that, right?” Colby whispered in your ear before your attention was turned back towards him. The corners of your lips turned upwards in a grin as you nodded at the boy.
“How could I not know that? Look around. Someone does not do all this for someone he kinda likes. You did it for two people you love, and we love you too. I love you so much, Colbs.” He could not resist kissing you again, the combination of love radiating between the two of you and with how well Cassie had dressed you making you completely irresistible in his sapphire eyes.
“Come upstairs. I want to show you what I got you,” he mumbled as he slipped his hand in yours and led you up the flight of stairs. “It’s on the bed.”
“Are you serious, Colby? Sam and I saw this earlier! Did he tell you I was in love with it?” you asked in shock when your eyes fell upon the baby Yoda plushie sitting between the dark pillows.
“No, I got this a while ago,” he told you when you picked up the soft stuffed toy, cradling it in your arms.
“This is perfect. All of it is perfect,” you muttered as tears brimmed your eyes at how happy you were in that very moment.
“You’re perfect,” Colby commented before pulling you closer to him. You dropped the plush toy on the bed as your arms found their place around his neck. Your lips connected once again that night since it seemed the two of you could not get enough of each other. The kiss deepened when you slipped your tongue in after tugging lightly at his hair.
“There’s a party going on downstairs just for you,” Colby reminded you before rejoining his lips with yours.
“I’m sure they won’t miss us for a little bit and anyway it’s Sam’s birthday too so they can celebrate him until we get back down there.”
“Sounds like a plan, princess.”
tag list: @curlyhairedbrock
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miss-writes-a-lot · 3 years
Ozpinweek2021 Day 7: Free Day : Happy birthday Professor Ozpin!
(@ozpinweek day 7! Didn't get them all but I got some of them! Hope this was entertaining or something. Happy Ozpinweek everyone!)
One Spring morning, Nora had gathered teams RWBY, CFVY, SSSN, and JNPR in the common room and announced that she had apparently found out that Professor Ozpin's birthday was the next day and they were going to throw a surprise birthday party in his office.
Now every single one of them were sceptical of this proclamation. Very few people knew when Ozpin's birthday was. Uncle Qrow never disclosed the date because Ozpin apparently didn't like to celebrate his birthday and would have much rather celebrated other's special days. But - Nora was sure in her knowledge and somehow had convinced the group to help her out.
The plan was perfect. Team RWBY knew that Garnet would have to go to her monthly treatments in the bunker for a good chunk of the morning, and Oscar and Maylea didn't have school so they would be joining them as well.
So, they would sneak into the tower around the time they would all head down to the bunker and set up inside of his office. Ren made the cake - Nora argued that a pancake cake would make a much better choice of cake but quickly changed her tune once she saw the many layered cookie cake.
Pyrrha, Fox, and Velvet kept watch outside until they were certain they were in the clear. Once they were, they snuck inside with the supplies and got to setting up.
Yatsuhashi, Sun, and Sun's clones hung the banner, Nora, Velvet, and Blake blew up the balloons (Weiss supervised Nora so she wouldn't pop or suck the helium out of the balloons) Jaune, Yang, and Coco hung up the streamers while everyone else stuck party games and other decorations from the discount bin at the bargain market.
Ruby squealed happily as she looked around the room, "This is gonna be so cool! I hope Professor Ozpin likes it!"
"I'm sure he'll enjoy it, " Pyrrha said, "Though I still feel uneasy about all of this. "
"Well if anything goes south, we can always use Ruby's super speed before we get caught. " Neptune said.
"Relaaaaxx you guys!" Nora exclaimed, "We're not gonna get in trouble!"
"Easy for you to say. How do you even know if he even wants a party? Or that it's even his birthday?" Weiss questioned, crossing her arms.
"Come on, Weiss. Have a little faith in Nora!" Sun exclaimed, "She's doing this for a good cause!"
"Yeah Weiss. Have a little fun!"
Weiss rolled her eyes, opening her mouth to speak but being cut off by the sound of the door of the office opening. Everyone froze in place.
'Oh no! He's here early!'
A heavy boot stepped in, followed by a pale hand, and then a pale face. It was Garnet.
Everyone sighed in relief.
"Oh, thank the brothers. It's just you, Garnet." Pyrrha sighed.
"What are you doing?" The youngest Pine asked, scanning the room.
"We're setting up for your old man's birthday!" Sun said.
Garnet raised an eyebrow, "What are you talking about?"
"Ozpin! His birthday!"
"It's not his birthday."
The room fell silent. Everyone exchanged a look with one another.
"His birthday is in the fall. Some time in the third week of September or something."
The color drained from their faces. Weiss whipped around and shot an icy glare at Nora, who ducked down behind a table.
"Crap!" Yang exclaimed.
"We have to take this down before they get here," Coco said.
"They're actually coming up the elevator now -"
"On it!"
"Wait, no-"
Ruby took off, flying around the room and sucking everything into her tornado of petals.
The teams began to lift off the ground and fly into her petal burst along with her.
"Ru-u-u-uby! Put us do-w-w-w-wn!" Weiss yelled.
"I think I'm gonna be sick." Jaune exclaimed.
"Don't you dare, Vomit boy!" Scarlet yelled.
The red head finally took notice and stopped, making a not so smooth landing on the office floor.
"Ugh...never...never again." Blake moaned.
"I'm seriously going to be sick…" Jaune added.
"Sorry guys…" Ruby said, rubbing the side of her head.
The door to the now destroyed office clicked open. It was too late to run. Ozpin, Qrow, Professor Goodwitch, General Ironwood, Oscar, and Maylea all entered and all taking in the destruction around them.
"What in the world happened here?!" Glynda shouted.
"Ah! We're sorry, Professor - er, Professors! We -"
"It was Nora's idea!" Yang exclaimed.
"Is not!"
"Is too!"
"Is not!"
"Is too!"
"What is happening right now?" Maylea asked.
"I have no idea." Oscar replied.
"Enough! Ms. Rose-" Professor Goodwitch pointed her wand at Ruby, "Explain."
Ruby took a breath. "We were trying to plan a birthday party for Professor Ozpin, but we got the date wrong and when I tried to clean it up, this... happened."
Ozpin stepped forward, picking up the plate that once held the now smashed cookie cake.
"We're so sorry, Professor Ozpin. We'll clean it up! Right guys?"
"And we take full responsibility for what happened here."
Ozpin said nothing. He continued to examine the plate.
"Uh... Professor Ozpin?"
"September 23rd."
Everyone exchanged a look of confusion.
"Uh, come again?"
"My birthday is September 23rd. A day or two after the first day of autumn. It's... it's not something I tell many people. Doesn't have positive connotations. It's…" Ozpin paused, a small smile tugging at his lips, "It was nice of you all to do this. I appreciate it. I mean that."
Ruby beamed, "You're welcome, Professor Ozpin -"
"That being said, I'd appreciate it very much if you all put the same effort into fixing my office."
"There it is."
"There's a sizable custodial closet in the main building. Should have everything you need to get started."
Everyone groaned. "Yes Professor Ozpin…"
"Good. Now, come along now, Garnet. Let's get you home."
"G-give me a minute…"
Qrow sighed, going to pick up the disoriented child. "C'mon Nettie. A good nap'll fix you up."
Qrow chuckled. "Let's go home."
"Wait! Uncle Qrow! Take us with you!" Yang pleaded.
"Sorry, rules are rules."
"You said you were allergic to the rules!"
Qrow shrugged. The others followed him out, Glynda stomping ahead of them in frustration. Ruby looked back at Ozpin. He smirked as he followed the others to the elevator. She smirked back.
Overall, it wasn't a bad party.
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deijnar · 3 years
The only one who makes me nervous
Incredible but true - I wrote something! And am posting it!
This is my piece for the great @mysme-rbb and I got to collaborate with @braincellbank, definitely check their artwork out! The CMC used in this is theirs ^-^
You can also find the fic on Ao3!
So here goes a lot of fluffy, cute Jaehee pining~
With suspicion, Jaehee squints her eyes at the ingredients on the countertop of her and Lila's brand new cafe. After months of preparation and an almost breakdown when she asked them to become her partner for this adventure, Jaehee's dream finally comes true - a cute, domestic yet elegant cafe that she owns with her best friend.
"There was more chocolate."
Lila's eyes widen and they furrow their eyebrows, looking at the potential crime scene as well. "Huh? What do you mean?" They check the scale. "It's the exact amount we need for the recipe."
Jaehee shakes her head, looking at the pieces in the bowl. "I could have sworn I put more in there…"
"You're probably just nervous! We're about to bake our very first cake for the cafe, isn't it exciting?" 
The way they beam at Jaehee makes her chest feel warm and her knees go a little weak, causing Jaehee to forget what she was just thinking about entirely.
"That must be it, I'm sure you're right. This is what I've dreamed of for a very long time, I feel all… fluttery inside." To hide her soft chuckle, Jaehee turns her head away a little and shields her mouth with one of her hands. Showing emotion is still… foreign to her and she is still shy about it.
Lila clicks their tongue in disapproval. "Now come over here and let me see that stunning face of yours, we have work to do! I'm all excited for this too but I'm waiting for the proper view." Demanding, they motion to the space across from them, followed by a little wink.
As all of Lila's teasing does, their comment makes Jaehee's heart hiccup in her chest, a too familiar heat already painting her cheeks in a soft blush. There’s only one way to deal with them when they get like that…
Speaking Korean, especially if the sentences are long and spoken fast, is the only way for Jaehee to feel like she is still somewhat in control when she is around Lila. Given that Korean is not their first language and they’re still learning, they tend to get really sheepish when they don’t understand something. And, for Jaehee, it’s the only weapon she has to not let Lila’s boldness knock her out. 
Normally, she speaks English around them or slow, easy Korean. But not in moments like this.
“If only you knew what you’re doing to me with such behavior…” 
Jaehee keeps her voice low and talks fast, even a fluent speaker would have had trouble to understand her.
“What was that?” The cocky grin on their face immediately shrinks to a shy expression and Jaehee can’t help but feel a little guilty, although relieved. 
Of course she hates it to make her friend feel insecure, she wants to make them feel just as strong and support them just as much as they do for her. But sometimes she has to do this, only to not combust due to the hidden feelings in her heart.
“Oh, nothing. Let’s start baking.” With a somewhat apologetic smile, she walks up to Lila and stands on the other side of the countertop, looking at the instructions in front of her. Now, she has to fire Lila’s confidence in themself again. “How about you start with the dough while I try out these decorations? Your doughs always turn out amazing.” The proud gleam in Lila’s eyes that Jaehee likes to see so much is back immediately. “They do indeed. What are you making?” Curiously, they get to their tiptoes, trying to get a peek of the picture she is holding. “Some flowers.” Calculating, she leans her head to the side, inspecting the pictures as well, lowering the piece of paper so it's easier for Lila to see. “I’ve never tried to make these before but I wanted to set myself a challenge. Hopefully, they’ll turn out fine.” “I’m sure they’ll turn out perfect. Like you.” One of Lila’s hands lands on Jaehee’s cheek, presumably for encouragement, and Jaehee can practically feel their chuckle as she straightens as if the touch burned her skin. Which it really seems to do, given how hot she feels all of a sudden. “Y-yes. I… Maybe. Yes, I’ll do my best.”
Not knowing what else she could possibly say that wouldn’t give away how fast her heart is beating, Jaehee gets to work. She presses her lips together and tries to ignore Lila’s gaze she can clearly feel on herself as she begins to knead and color the fondant. 
Luckily, Lila decides to be merciful and not make any more comments that get Jaehee out of her concentration, maybe so they can get to work as well. 
It doesn’t take the young woman long to forget everything around herself as she fully focuses on the task at hand. She gets lost in the thrill of trying new, challenging things and the rewarding feeling when an experiment with one of her utensils works out, giving the flowers as they are described in the instructions her own twist. One petal after the next is formed and, after some time, Jaehee finds a routine, the activity having a quite calming and almost meditative effect on her. 
Her thoughts wander.
And, as they do so very often, they wander to the wonderful person standing in front of her right now. 
It’s been a few months since they’ve met, got to know each other and even ended up as close as they are right now. Not much, in Jaehee’s opinion, and yet she can barely recall a time where Lila hasn’t been in her life, much less can or does she want to imagine a future without them. They have saved her from her monotone, stressful life that never would have gained her any kind of happiness and turned it upside down. They have turned it into an unpredictable, exciting adventure, the only goal being to chase their dreams and find joy. Together.
Never again does Jaehee want to be without Lila’s stirring presence that doesn’t only bring spice but also light into her life.
Of course it hadn’t been easy for Jaehee to admit to herself that she’d fallen in love. Of course she had been scared of rejection, of the possible heartbreak. Of the risks that come with loving someone so deeply, even after such a short period of time, only falling deeper for their captivating soul more and more with every passing day. 
But no matter how strong her fears had been, by that, they only became the evidence for her feelings for Lila. And finally, after multiple sleepless nights, Jaehee had not only faced the truth that she’s helplessly lost her heart to the best friend she’s ever had, she also came to the conclusion that all of this turmoil is worth it. That the nagging fear is nothing compared to the exciting tingle that runs from the center of her stomach through her entire body as soon as Lila walks into the room. That a possible heartbreak is a price she is willing to pay, as long as she gets to feel the way she does for a little while longer every time Lila smiles at her, only her.
And now, they’re working together, they’re partners. Maybe they’ll never be more than that, friends and partners, but Jaehee knows that, at least, they will always be together. Even if she should slip one day - Lila won’t just leave her for the way she feels. In that, Jaehee trusts unconditionally. In Lila, she trusts unconditionally.
Before she knows it, she’s used up the last bit of fondant, has created the last flower for the day. Proudly, Jaehee looks down at the decorations in front of her, all kinds of blossoms in many different colors, shades and sizes spreading out on the table. 
"I did it!" The excitement in her voice is very clear and maybe, normally, she would try to conceal it to keep her countenance. But right now, she's way too happy and feels way too safe and comfortable with Lila to even care.
"I knew it!" There's some flour on Lila's cheek as they grin at Jaehee. "I told you they'll look perfect. You did it!"
Far from sick of looking at her own creations, Jaehee smiles down at the sugary decoration in front of her again. Then, she turns her head up to look at Lila again, unaware of the fact that her friend had just started leaning forward to peck her cheek. 
Lila's lips land on the corner of Jaehee's mouth and she freezes. Time seems to stop and so does her heartbeat.
As to be expected, Lila isn't fazed by it at all. On the contrary, they seem to enjoy it quite a lot judging by the amused grin on their face and the fact that they stay much closer than they'd need to. They're not even saying anything and yet Jaehee feels like she will be reduced to an inarticulate, blushy mess in mere seconds. 
There’s nothing she can do but pointedly look to the side to stop her brain from short-circuiting. No matter how much she wants to look at her stunning friend, she can’t, knowing that, if she would, she couldn't rip her eyes off the lips she so badly wants to feel on hers.
And at that moment, there's just one thing Jaehee can do.
"While investing in the stock market, it's very important to maximize the possible outcome for your transaction while simultaneously minimizing the risk you take."
Although she's speaking her native tongue, Jaehee stumbles over her own words with how quickly she is saying them. Also, she's not even sure if what she just said actually makes sense.
Yet, the words have the effect she was desperately hoping for - Lila softly shakes their head, the threateningly teasing expression on their face making way for utter confusion as they subconsciously draw back a few inches.
Jaehee hates it as much as it makes her feel relieved.
"Nothing!" Quickly, Jaehee turns to face the table again, unnecessarily starting to sort the flowers still laying there by size. If she's confronted with that gorgeous face any longer, she won't be able to hold back anymore. "We should-"
Before she can bring up her suggestion to give the cake more layers than they'd originally planned, Lila gently places their hand on hers on the table between them. 
If she is honest to herself, Jaehee knows that she wants nothing to be between them anymore, to separate them.
At first, she still refuses to look at Lila. Even without getting lost in those lovely eyes of the person that saved her from the miserable life she has been living - the speed of her heartbeat is already concerning. 
But the light caress of their soft fingers on her skin makes her slowly, carefully, look up at them again, bringing her even closer to the figure she wants to embrace and never let go. 
She really wants the piece of furniture gone.
"Do I truly make you this nervous?"
Lila's voice is low and raw, not hiding the emotions behind their words. They sound surprisingly hopeful and… a little scared?
Not trusting her voice to do what she wants, Jaehee just nods. Shouldn't Lila know about the effect they have on her? With how much they've been playing around with it, Jaehee has been convinced they know.
But Lila shakes their head.
"I mean, is it me who makes you nervous? Or is it the flirting, the teasing? Would you get flustered by anyone acting like this?"
Trying to calm down her rapidly beating heart, Jaehee shakes her head. She swallows, wanting her words to be audible and the truth in them to be apparent. 
"I get flustered because it's you, Lila. It's not just the teasing. Everything you do makes me nervous somehow. But at the same time, you're the only person that can truly calm me down."
As to prove her statement, she nervously averts her gaze. She doesn't know much about friendship and how it works, she's worried she's said too much. And Lila is so close… Concentrating is impossible.
Time seems to be standing still. 
This may be because Lila stands still, a thing they usually never do. It makes Jaehee feel a bit uneasy, she isn't sure what to think of this or what to expect, it's so atypical for her friend.
Her thoughts keep running, trying to figure out what exactly is happening right now and how to act further. Eventually, after not finding any satisfying answer, Jaehee decides to slowly turn her head back to look at Lila again. 
The intensity in Lila's eyes keeps her in place as soon as their gazes lock. Now both of them seem to be frozen in time, just staring at each other.
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(by @braincellbank​)
Jaehee has no idea what this means or what step should be taken next, let alone by whom. She just knows that she doesn't want to look away.
When Lila finally moves, it happens suddenly and fast. 
Jaehee's eyes widen when they suddenly jerk forward, and they widen even more as Lila presses their lips to hers.
It takes Jaehee's brain a moment to catch up to what's happening, to understand it. To understand that this is real, that what she's secretly dreamed of and fantasized about for weeks and months truly is happening, right here and now.
But as soon as it sinks in, her eyes flutter closed and her free hand, the one Lila isn't touching, finds their cheek.
The kiss feels like heaven.
Soon, Lila relaxes into Jaehee's touch and the frantic, nervous hectic of the firm pressing of their lips shifts into a soft, loving exploration.
In no time, Jaehee is entirely captivated, forgetting that the world exists around them and even if she would remember, she wouldn't care. All she cares about is Lila. 
Lila's touch, their warmth, their scent. The fact that this kiss feels even better than she could have ever imagined it. 
Her heart beats so fast it seems like it's trying to fly out of her chest to catapult itself into the sky to rejoice.
And Lila's lips taste so sweet…
Too sweet.
With a gasp, Jaehee breaks the kiss.
"You did snack on the chocolate! I knew it!"
Throwing their head back, Lila laughs, their earlier stillness nowhere to be found anymore. Their smile is just as wide as Jaehee's and they look just as happy as her.
Jaehee couldn't care less about the chocolate.
"Guess you've caught me." Another sly smile makes it to their lips. "Guess I'll have to make up for it…"
A quiet, displeased noise slips over Jaehee's lips as Lila draws back. But soon, they've made their way around the table and Jaehee finds herself in their arms, embracing them as well on instinct. 
"I don't think I want to bake anymore today." 
They're both grinning at each other before their lips meet in another kiss.
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wthtorke · 4 years
In Flight
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Asa liked soft things.
It was strange, but he did.
Not as soft as in texture only. He found that he admired soft people, colors, and aesthetics. He always found himself drawn to the delicate, even though he had fun in breaking it whenever he had the chance.
It was no surprise when, even after two failed attempts, he chased after some dancing academy two towns over.
His interest in dancers was always memorable. There was something about the movement and knowing his hands could stop all of that in a heartbeat. That alone had him savoring every second.
Asa got into the backstage crew effortlessly: 'We need more people,' 'There's a big play coming up.' How sweet. Asa got to both setup and observe his prey with minimal trouble. He learned their set up, memorizing where each dancer would stand when the trap he had in mind did its work. It was perfect.
When paying attention to the lead dancer, however, Asa fell.... quite hard for him.
And while people thought dancing was 'different', for 'interesting people'. Asa sure saw more empty heads here than he had in his classes. But this person was different, Asa knew it.
He moved with grace, determination, more fluidity. As if he didn't have bones at all. And for the first time, Asa didn't want to see them, at least not right away.
He was tall, all lean muscle and grace. Long, tight brown curls cascading down his shoulders, resting against his chest, always covered by that sheen layer of sweat from dancing nonstop for hours.
Asa caught bits of the play here and there. Only focusing when it's about him, in particular. 'I haven't cut my hair in over a year and a half now because of this,' he'd laugh, saying he didn't plan on cutting it after it was over either. It looked good on him, and Asa liked it. He'd help tend to it if he found it hard to keep back at home.
The director, however. A harsh middle-aged woman. Went hard on him all the time. She went hard on everyone, but even harder on him.
Unlike his peers, he'd perform with his hair down. The whips and movement of the hair were a part of his character and the story at hand. It had to be beautiful; it had to be perfect.
"From the beginning, now!" She'd shout as he'd finished his final bow. Barely having time to breathe before getting up, dashing back to his original spot. Hands trembling slightly, arching up as he started again.
Between the time Asa got the job and the premiere night, Asa had seen him faint twice. Overworked and overheated, dropping to the ground. His chest struggled to pull air in, eyes disoriented.
Dehydration both times.
Asa never wanted to blow a plan up like he had that time. They were ruining him. She was ruining him.
Still, both times he begged to stay in the role. Promising to do better, as if he was nothing but an amateur. As if he wasn't already perfect.
He was sweet and lovely. So very gentle. So educated and polite.
Asa wanted to steal him away.
And he was going to.
Premiere night came and one of the lead dancers was sick, they couldn't make it. And instead of just casting someone else, the old woman turned to him, barking at him to do his routine and theirs.
He paled at the words.
“Buy time! You'll cover your time and theirs! It's just pointe!”. “The backing dancers will change, you won't. Stay on the stage and just go along.”
He agreed.
More likely, he didn't have a choice.
“It’s the chance of my life,” he heard him say once.
The show started. Asa climbed up the railings behind the light set up to watch him, gaping as the curtains opened.
He stood there in full makeup and costume. Dressed in the colors of a monarch butterfly, a see-through butterfly mask rested over his features, hair down, framing his face, completing the overall aesthetic.
Asa almost lost track of time watching him jump, turn and glide through the stage so gracefully.
He was one of a kind, his butterfly.
Asa felt tense as the music shifted, the dancers at the back changing as he took another spot, breathing deeply and then standing on the tip of his toes, gliding around the stage. His arms did careful, gentle movements of a soft flap of wings, up and down, at the very pace of his “tiptoeing”.
He did this for almost 25 minutes, with minor breaks except for jumps and twirls, before resuming his tiptoeing as the back dancers carried on with the plot.
As he did his last bow, Asa noticed just how shiny his eyes looked.
Unshed tears.
Asa rushed backstage as the curtains closed, hunting for his butterfly amid the mess of dancers getting ready for the second act of the night.
He found him in a corner, getting talked down by the same old woman.
He was crying.
Getting closer, with the excuse of moving a prop. Asa heard what made him angry for the second time that night.
"My toes are bleeding," spoken in a wet, sad, tired voice. Followed shortly by the bark of "Dunk them on some ice and be ready for the finale," the woman said as she turned around and headed back to her directing place. The curtains opened again at the front of the stage.
Soon enough, it would all be over. But first, he needed to catch his hurt butterfly.
Asa moved the ice buckets farther to the back, where he was sure no one would be. His butterfly followed him, limping a bit, too polite to just yell at him to stop, as predicted.
The loud music prevented anything from going wrong, it was perfect.
"Sir? Excuse me-, can I have one bucket, please?"
Asa turned around and had to control himself not to just grab him, he was so beautiful.
"I... I hurt my toes badly," he said, as if he had to explain himself.
Asa nodded, hauling one bucket up and handing it to him, watching as he set it down close to a chair, sitting down with a soft huff before looking at his feet.
Hands coming down, Asa's eyebrows knitted together softly as he saw him hesitate, clearly afraid of undoing the lacing and seeing the actual state of his feet.
If Asa had a heart, it sure broke when he tried pulling the shoes off. A startling, pained cry and a fresh batch of tears coming down his pretty face. Muttering a soft, barely audible "Oh God..." as he sat back.
Asa acted before he thought, getting a step closer to him, "Do you need help?"
His butterfly's face shot up, hands trying to dry the tears without messing up the makeup he thought he'd still need, "No-, I-, I'm sorry, I just-, I messed up, bad, I can't, I can’t take them off-"
He didn’t, but Asa would not tell him that.
Asa crouched down, looking up at him when he gently grasped one of the strained ankles, the other hand grabbing the underside of the shoe, "Just breathe," Asa found that he didn't mind talking to this one, he'd never let him go.
Asa started pulling the shoes off, one by one. Gently forcing it downwards and then back to his chest, so they could set the toes free. The pained cries and whimpers of his butterfly fueling his wrath for every single person on that stage and crowd.
He busted his toes open, blood staining the white shoes into a reddish-pink on the outside, vivid blood on the inside. His butterfly cried freely as Asa gently placed the battered feet into the ice bucket. He shivered a bit when he heard the pained cries turning into pained moans and then soft sobbing as the clear water turned swirling red. Asa mumbled gentle, “shhhhh”s out of habit and the need to comfort him somehow.
A soft "Thank you" made Asa look back up at him, watching him take the mask off, shoulders shaking now and then with the soft sobs that bubbled up his chest.
Asa smiled a bit, hand reaching into his back pocket for the cloth he wetted with chloroform before leading him here.
In one swift move, Asa got up and pressed the cloth to his face. Locking his neck with his other arm as his butterfly thrashed, feet kicking the bucket and wetting the surrounding floor with bloody water and melting ice.
He slowly relaxed his grip as he also went lax, whimpers dying down as his eyes closed. He had brought the nicest trunk he had for him; it had a butterfly painted on the side. He opened it and walked back to his butterfly, taking him in his arms fully for the first time.
Asa couldn't help but look at him for a second. His head leaned against his chest, face relaxed, and body limp in his arms.
Asa gently kissed his forehead, breathing in a lungful of the scent of his hair before nuzzling into it briefly. He walked to the trunk, gently placing his butterfly inside, promising to take care of his feet once they got home.
Closing the trunk, Asa turned around, placing both the mask and shoes on top of it before grabbing the remote control from his belt. Climbing the ladder again, he smirked as he pressed the button, hearing terrified screaming not a second later as he watched everything unfurl from up.
Taking great satisfaction in watching the old witch die the most painful way.
Asa remembered all of this as he made his way to his butterfly's room, a food tray in hand. As he opened the door, his butterfly sat up on the bed, bare feet touching the floor.
Asa set the tray down on the vanity before locking the door, walking to him, and kissing his forehead again. He smirked as he heard the soft sigh from his butterfly.
Asa crouched down to have a look at his feet. Despite them being healed for months now, Asa could never get over checking them. He always remembers the hardship it was to keep his butterfly calm while he bandaged them back in the first few days.
Asa chuckled as his butterfly lifted one of them, his foot touching his cheek, making him look up at him again. His butterfly’s smile melted him into oblivion as his hand came to rest at the foot playfully scratching his growing beard. He pushed all shaving thoughts aside as he kissed the healed toes, then the beautiful arch of his foot, until he was kissing his thigh. Skipping the rest to meet his smiling lips, arms wrapped around his butterflies as they fell back into bed, the food forgotten.
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