#//cue the snark ... again
autistichalsin · 3 months
Halsin's autism coding really jumps out in his camp confession scene
Both the romantic and platonic one. Starting with the romantic one:
He thinks asking about his past lovers is a sign of interest (I notice a lot of autistic folks like us tend to never get it "right"- when we guess that someone might be interested because of cues we were told were romantic, we get it wrong, whereas when someone is showing certain cues, we think it's just friendly!)
The way he feels the need to explain why he thinks you're interested in him before you accept or reject. This one isn't explicitly explained, of course, but it is very easy to read it as an autistic person afraid of being harshly rejected/told they're insane to think there was a connection, so he puts out an explanation first in the hopes of softening the blow if he turned out to be wrong.
Halsin completely, and adorably, misinterprets the player if they tell him "maybe your heart stirs easier than you think"; he doesn't understand that the player is partially slut-shaming him (which is rude af on the player's end, but he misses this because he's honestly un-slutshamable, so he would never be offended here) and partially asking for clarification- how can you have had many lovers yet your heart doesn't stir easily? Not understanding this, Halsin goes on to tell stories of his past exploits, which are hot and very welcome, but also very much not what the player as getting at.
If the player is an absolute asshole and mocks him by comparing him to a deep rothe, he is crushed, but stays calm, simply telling them that they could have just said no- he doesn't call the player a jerk like they deserved. Just feels very true to the 'tism experience.
This line alone could stand as proof, I think: "Nature gifted us our desires, and the means to act on them. But we muddied its beautiful simplicity with rules, social strictures... clothes." He hates social structures for their complexity, and prefers something simpler. The dislike of social structures, of their nebulous nature, is a core autistic experience.
If the player says they only helped because he's a useful ally, he once again misreads; he misses that the statement was a rejection, and responds earnestly that he sees them as much more than an ally.
For the new platonic path:
If the player tells him they just want him to carry heavy things for them, he responds differently based on his approval levels to them (I.E. based on how close they are and how kind he feels the player is); at low approval, he is deeply hurt by this, and sadly muses that "perhaps not all friendships are destined to be balanced and reciprocal." Yet... he still considers it a friendship, even though that is in practice no friendship at all. A lot of autistic folks have this experience of being friends with people who don't share the same level of affection, or even outright mistreat, us.
In fact, the same thing happens in another variation: if the player snarks about Halsin inviting himself along (a way of saying "get lost"), he laughs and warmly says that he guesses he did invite himself along, and that he will be "more tactful when trying to make friends in future." Declaring oneself friends with others is such a classic autistic experience, but even MORE so is declaring yourself friends with someone who only tolerates, or even actively dislikes, you. It's quite sad- but also very endearing, because I feel so SEEN in that moment.
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pls pls pls pls give us headcanons about the scara x katheryne crack ship or i will literally die bc i am a sucker for robot love too and i need this in my life :D
Okay so... I may have actually gotten way too invested in this and started writing a fic about it. 😅 But just in case that never comes to fruition, here's my more in-depth, canon-compliant(ish) thoughts:
The Katheryne in Sumeru was possessed by Nahida enough times that some of Irminsul's influence rubbed off on her and made her sentient. This only began to manifest after she was skewered by the Eremites, repaired, and then sent back to her normal Guild duties.
Scara visits the Adventurers' Guild for one reason or another and makes one of his usual snarky remarks, then is surprised when Katheryne briefly breaks character to snark back at him. Intrigued and slightly annoyed by the fact that a supposedly non-sentient "inferior" puppet has roasted him, he resolves to keep observing Katheryne and find out what's going on.
Meanwhile, Katheryne is new to this whole sentience thing and isn't quite sure what to do about it. She tries extra hard to go about her job as usual but finds that some weirdo in a big hat is always hanging around & disturbing her for some reason. She resolves to find out what his deal is and why he gives her pesky feelings in her chest sometimes.
Cue shenanigans, bonding over puppet troubles, themes of figuring out together how to make their own purpose in this world, etc. etc.
My headcanon for Katheryne's personality is that she has spent her entire existence working in customer service and has Seen Some Shit. As a result, she is usually unflappable, but can be taken aback by new or strong feelings. She's also very attached to / protective of the Adventurers' Guild and its members.
By contrast, Scara has the emotional fortitude of a wet paper bag, but he is technically more experienced with having feelings (and he has Nahida as his personal therapist). So he's able to help Katheryne adjust to being her own person & get her to explore the world a little more.
Also Scara's tsundere shit totally fails to land with Katheryne. He'll be like "Tch. As if I could ever do anything as embarrassing as spend time with you," and she'll just say "Okay, goodbye. :)"
I feel like Nahida would know exactly what's going on and would be bemused by it at first, then start actively trying to get them together. At some point she would definitely tell the Traveler to sub in for Katheryne at the Adventurers' Guild one day so Katheryne and Scara can hang out. (Of course the Traveler would be comedically overwhelmed and this arrangement would never happen again.)
If Katheryne gets a Vision in this version of events it would probably be Dendro. Her voice lines in combat would be variations on her standard canon dialogue, ex. "Compliments of the Adventurers' Guild!" or "Here is your reward!" while beating the living daylights out of some Hilichurl.
That's my take on it, anyway! There may or may not eventually be more from me on this because people seem to like it way more than I expected, ha ha 😂
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002yb · 8 days
Damian going to Jason when his Robin suit needs mending.
Which is fine, but it catches Jason off guard because they don't necessarily have a close relationship anymore. Not since Jason left the League. They haven't talked about it ever since reuniting.
So Jason asks, "Why me?"
And Damian grimaces in this way that so clearly reads that he went out somewhere he shouldn't have been and wants no evidence left behind. Instead of explaining that though, Damian grumbles, "Pennyworth would expose me in an instant."
Which would make Jason snicker because really - Alfred should.
And Damian would bristle because Jason is to be on Damian's side always and his side alone, Todd. He forgets himself. )<
Which provokes Jason's ire, so he scoffs and takes the suit and takes the liberty of customizing it a bit.
Cue Damian, confused about the small loop at his back. It's a hazard.
To which Jason would snark that the only hazard is Damian. And remember when--
And Damian would go pale, because no.
Only Jason is already holding the leash and cackling because what was it Damian said before? Don't forget himself, right habibi??
It's all sarcasm in that term of endearment, but behind the wicked smirk is affection and it sends a thrill of excitement and dread up Damian's back
A scuffle ensues with Damian squawking indignantly and Jason snickering, but Damian ultimately loses the battle and is made to walk around on a kiddie leash
Damian complaining about how undignified it is. Being absolutely mortified that Jason gets a picture somehow, too.
Only Jason smiles so brilliantly as he pulls out another photo of a younger Damian in a similar position. And when Jason admits to missing it (them), Damian relents some and bumps Jason's shoulder. A brief moment of contact and connection; the slightest of smiles on his lips because Damian misses it too.
Dick gets hold of the pictures and sets them as his phone's lock screen and background, much to Damian's chagrin
Dick, teasing Damian about if he'd like to have a sibling
Which Damian gets catty about because he's positive Bruce is geriatric at this point and medically cannot
(Cue indignant and offended Bruce in the background)
And Dick snickers as he nods to Jason before looking back to Damian with a raised brow and wicked smile and Damian flushes and bristles and tamps his foot down at the implication because lay not a hand on him lest you want it removed, Grayson!
(Cue again: indignant Bruce in the background, ready to throw down for his babygirl's virtue)
Jason playing along with Dick's game because riling Damian (and Bruce) is hilarious. Forget the fact that they both know that Dick's not knocking anyone up in this lifetime and that Jason is a man; it's the principle of the matter!
Extra extras:
Something something Dick pressing the softest of kisses to Jason's navel and resting his head to Jason's abdomen
And Jason holding him there because he's thinking it, too: maybe in another life - one that's kinder.
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wintaerbaer · 4 months
icebreaker (jhs)
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summary: When you get stuck in a walk-in freezer with your work nemesis, he has a rather...unconventional idea to ensure the two of you get through it without being frostbitten.
pairing: Hoseok x Reader
rating: generally sfw (mentions of ass and boobs though)
genre: enemies to ??
word count: 1.3k
prompt: Hobi + "Would you for once stop being a bitch!" + close quarters trope (for @animeniacss! <3)
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The metal of the door is painfully cold against your fingers where you scramble at it, desperately trying to force it open.
It should be unsurprising–given that you’re literally in a walk-in freezer–but the panic setting in at the prospect of being trapped in here (and with him no less) is absolutely scrambling your brain.
No, no, no, no. This cannot be happening.
“It’s stuck?” Even the mere sound of his voice makes your blood boil on cue. If he keeps it up, you could probably survive in here indefinitely.
“Nooooo.” You draw it out as sarcastically as you can, pairing it with a dramatic eye roll for maximum snark. “I’m keeping us here for fun. Because there is nothing I would rather do than be locked in a freezer with your stupid ass.”
Hoseok levels an annoyed look your way but doesn’t respond, sidling up to try the door himself. It doesn’t budge even a hair, and he pulls back with a shake of his hands, trying to circulate heat back into them. “Shit.”
This being a shit situation might be the first thing you’ve ever agreed on. Ever since you both started working at the restaurant a year ago, you as a waitress and he as a bartender, you’ve been at odds–trading verbal jabs, dirty looks, and loathing the times when, like now, you either open or close together.
Honestly, you don’t even remember what started it at this point.
Your breath comes out in a thick cloud, fogging the space between you. “When is Namjoon coming in?”
“I don’t know.” He rubs at his arms; the thin, black cotton of his button down is likely doing close to nothing as far as warmth goes. “Maybe fifteen minutes?”
“How long does it take for frostbite to set in?”
“Why the fuck would I know that?!”
The annoyed expression he aims at you is downright lethal, and you find yourself jumping on the defensive. “That big, dumb brain of yours has to be good for something, right?”
His eyelids drop, disappointment painting his face more than anything. “Wow. Good one.” But somewhere in his posture, you think you might see…
No. No chance.
He whips out his phone, holding it up towards the ceiling as he peers at the screen. “I don’t have any service, do you?”
A tiny “x” sits in the corner of your phone where there should be bars. “Nothing.”
The vapor of his own breath billows between you as he turns, inspecting the confines of the freezer. “Do you think there’s a hole or something you could squeeze through?”
“What?! Why me?!”
“Because it’s your fault we’re in here!” he exclaims, raising the pitch of his voice in a poor, hyperbolic imitation of yours. “Waaahhhh, Hoseok, I can’t reach the bins on the top shelves because I’m short!”
“I am not squeezing through a hole,” you sneer. “You’re just looking to get a nice view of my ass.”
He laughs, but the tips of his ears go pink, too quickly to be from the cold. “You wish.”
With no other options for escape, you try the door again, bracing your shoulder against it and leveraging all of your weight. Hoseok quickly joins in, pressing both of his hands at the space next to you, biceps bulging.
The two of you fall back with a huff when the door continues to refuse any kind of movement. You shiver, curling your arms around yourself as he frowns.
“What do we do now?” you ask.
He sighs. Runs a hand through his dark hair. “I guess we have to wait it out.”
“We’re going to fucking freeze.”
“I…” He falters, gazing at you with nervous eyes. “I saw this thing one time. Tips on staying warm in subzero temperatures…”
His eyes fall to the floor, and you snap your fingers at his hesitation. “And?”
He gulps, shifting on his feet. “Skin-to-skin contact.”
“No!” you shout. “No, no, no, no. Now you’re just trying to get my clothes off.”
A toss of his hands as he groans in exasperation. “Would you for once stop being a bitch?!”
You feel yourself flush at his use of the word, hot rage climbing up the threads of your veins. If you had a dime for every time you’ve taken a verbal shot at each other, you’d actually be able to afford to see your favorite band in concert. But never, until now, has he dared to call you a bitch.
“Look, I know it must be hard having to go through every minute of your life with an entire tree up your ass,” you snap, “but that doesn’t give you the right to call me a bitch, asshole.”
He flinches, the movement rippling its way through his body like he’s resetting–teeth clenching and joints stiffening before he sheepishly rests his hand on the back of his neck.
“Look, I’m…sorry. Okay? You’re right. That was out of line.”
Suddenly, you’re not frozen because of the literal freezer you’re standing in, but because you never thought you’d hear those words leave his mouth.
He’s sorry?
“I know we got off on the wrong foot and that you hate me, but I am truly just trying to look out for both of us here.” He nods his chin at you, a hint of cavalier mirth slipping back into his expression. “That being said, I need you to take off your shirt.”
You’re still incredibly suspicious, but his apology has taken you off-guard. Could it be that you’ve partially misjudged him this whole time?
Could there really be a scrap of a heart somewhere underneath all that ego and contempt?
You suck your teeth, accepting the inevitable as the chill begins to work itself deeper into your bones.
“You first.”
Hoseok chews on his lip, looking unsure of his plan now himself. But then he’s reaching for his collar, winding his fingers in a downward line to undo each button of his shirt until his torso is bared to you, goosebumps erupting over his skin.
“Fuck, it’s cold,” he gasps. “Okay, now you.”
You grit your teeth against the chill and the fact that you’re really doing this, raising your hands to undo the top button, then the second and the third and then–
A woosh and a cough.
You whirl around to find Namjoon standing in the doorway, looking utterly disgusted.
“In the freezer? Really?” He clicks his tongue at you, shaking his head in disappointment. “You know, we keep food in here.”
A horrified gasp leaves your mouth as both you and Hoseok hurriedly button your shirts back up. “It’s not what it looks like! We were–”
“I know what you were doing,” he scoffs. “Do us all a favor and save it for outside work hours, okay? Now get back out here. I need help checking our liquor stock.”
And then he spins on his heel and leaves.
You rush to catch the door before it closes, Hoseok only a step behind. The warmth of the restaurant envelops you like the toastiest blanket, and the two of you stand there for a moment rubbing the heat back into your skin. It’s such a relief that you don’t even feel entirely horrified over Namjoon thinking that you and Hoseok are sleeping together.
And speaking of Hoseok–
“Well,” he says with a clearing of his throat.
“That was fun.”
“Not in the slightest,” you reply. “Though I can’t believe I got you to say sorry.”
He winks. “That was just to get your shirt off.” You stand there, frozen, as he strides off down the hallway, spinning back towards you at the last second.
“Nice boobs by the way.”
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a/n: as always, please consider liking, reblogging, replying, and/or dropping an ask if you enjoyed! :)
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rottenpumpkin13 · 4 months
Angeal, Sephiroth, we all know how Genesis can be... Genesis... so, what are some of the things you and the others do to... tune him out without someone shooting him (Cloud), fist fighting him like a child in the schoolyard (Sephiroth), trying to whack him with anything they can get their hands on (The Turks), or sicking their pet on him (Rufus)
• Cloud can't really do much besides stand there and listen to Genesis's complaints, gossip, and poetic prattle. He's his superior, and Cloud is an infantryman who doesn't have the luxury of being able to walk away from him. So he stands there, smiles, and nods, agreeing to everything Genesis says. He lets his mind wander while occasionally muttering an "uh-huh" "yeah" or "wow"
• Rufus has no relationship with Genesis. Rufus is friendly with Zack⏤like the other Turks⏤and Zack is friends with Genesis. That's it. So whenever the grating redhead finds him at events and parties and starts a conversation, Rufus simply excuses himself and quickly walks away.
• Sephiroth and Angeal have been friends with Genesis long enough to know that arguing and teasing isn't enough to shut him up when his prattling and snark become unbearable. They've come to realize that all Genesis wants is attention, so if they refuse him theirs, he will simply go away.
• Genesis starts acting like a bitch for no reason? They flat-out ignore him. Genesis starts going off about his latest Loveless musings? Sephiroth tunes him out and hopes his silence when Genesis asks him a question will be the redhead's cue to leave. Genesis is sharing the latest gossip fresh off the rumor mill? Angeal knows to keep quiet and occasionally rolls his eyes to show his disapproval.
🔓 Angst Route Unlocked ↓
Genesis gets a new book one day, a novel with a mystery he's actively trying to solve while reading. He's with Sephiroth and Angeal in the conference room waiting for Lazard to show up, and he can't sit still. He's flipping through his book, showing Sephiroth the cool map designs on the inner cover, and telling Angeal about the plot of the story.
It's the first time he notices that they aren't listening. Sephiroth is busy on his laptop⏤rolling his eyes at every snarky comment Gen makes, Angeal is staring straight ahead trying to tune him out, and Genesis....he's being a bother, isn't he?
So he puts his book down and lets his words gradually fade away into silence. When he does, he hears Angeal sigh in relief. The sound hits Genesis like a slap to the face. Sephiroth squeezes his eyes shut, as if thanking whatever entity for the silence.
Genesis presses his book against his lap, his reddened fingers digging into the pointed corners. His eyes well up with tears.
Genesis feels a sudden heaviness in his chest. The vibrance that usually cloaks him is now replaced by a defeated stillness. He had been so engrossed in sharing his excitement, oblivious to his friends' disinterest, that he hadn't realized how grating his voice began to sound.
His bare fingers tremble against the edge of the book. Genesis blinks back tears, the sting in his eyes distracting him from the sudden paper cut.
A wave of self-awareness crashes over him. Was he always like this? A bother, an unwelcome addition to every room he entered? The realization cuts deeper than the one on his index finger, slicing through the layers of his demeanor.
As he gazes at Sephiroth and Angeal again, Genesis feels an ache in his chest. They're wholly unaware of his realization, but certainly welcome the silence.
He has admired Sephiroth since he was a child⏤the same child who's only first and only friend was Angeal. He doesn't want the two people he respects the most in this world, his only friends, to find his presence a bother.
An hour later, Genesis sits at his desk in his office. He's long abandoned his work in favor of caving to his negative thoughts. Quiet sniffling is the only sound in the room. His eyes are red-rimmed and a bit sore, and his nose is swollen.
And then comes an excitable figure breaking the door open. It startles Genesis, the door swinging open being enough to snap him out of his daze.
Zack has a grin on his face and smells of rainwater, wet dirt, and blueberry soda, which tells the older Soldier that Zack has been out in the elements. He gently shut the door⏤probably realizing how roughly he had opened it, and strode in.
"Hey!" he smiles. "Guess what? I completely wrecked a Malboro today! You should've seen it⏤I got a clean hit and only my sword got caked in the gunk. Oh, did you hear that Sergeant Stevens was a total ass to the new group of cadets today? I swear, the dude walks around all high and mighty as if he's not Scarlet's footstool on his downtime."
As Zack continues to talk, Genesis slowly sits up straight, unfurling himself from his curled-up position. Zack is the only one who's patient with him, the only one who gives him endless chances and forgives his teasing. Genesis has only ever seen him as Angeal's puppy who was always around them.
But now that Genesis looks at him, he looks different ⏤Zack looks like a friend.
Zack plops himself down on the chair in front of the desk. "I had a steak bowl for lunch today. It was really good, but they were all out of rice so I had to make do with quinoa⏤keen-wa, is that how you pronounce it?"
Zack's eyes land on the book on top of the desk. "Woah, new book?" he asks, picking it up and immediately paging through it. "What's it about?" He looks up to see Genesis staring at him. "Ah..." Zack awkwardly closes the book. "I'm sorry. Is this a bad time? Do you want me to go?"
Genesis shakes his head slowly, brushing away the stray tear from his cheek. "Only if you want to."
Zack pauses, taking in the response with a tilt of his head that makes him look every bit the puppy he is. "Why would I? So," Zack starts flipping through the book again. "How was your day?"
Genesis cannot contain the small smile that reaches his lips. He leans over and reaches out, ruffling Zack's hair and ignoring the boy's protests.
"My day was fine, puppy."
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sitp-recs · 8 months
Hi! I was wondering if you'd already given recs for Hogwarts romance drarry fics? If you haven't could you please guide me to some? I don't have a particular preference for the type of fic I'd just like their relationship to be one of the main points. Thank you!!
Hi anon! I have many rec lists for 8th year fics but I don’t think I’ve done a specific list for Hogwarts romance. Happy to share a few recs!
Nice Things by aideomai (M, 22k)
The first thing that happened was Theodore Nott came back from France.
Strange Bathfellows by @bixgirl1 (E, 27k)
It started with a bath. Or a potions accident. Or maybe it started before that, but who can tell anymore.
On Our Way by dynamic (E, 30k)
Draco is trying to spend the summer keeping his head down, but a repair project and a certain snowy owl have other plans for him.
Eager for the Sky by @oknowkiss (M, 35k)
It was announced, just as the Triwizard Tournament had been, at the start of term feast. A year-long, international Quidditch varsity match — the inaugural Wizarding Academy Cup.
Inside Your Mind by @lazywonderlvnd (E, 36k)
Goyle's taken it upon himself to act as Malfoy's personal, one-man guard and Harry can't help but feel like it's only making the bullying worse.
Lumos by birdsofshore (E, 41k)
Harry never expected to spend eighth year listening to Draco Malfoy wanking.
Like Lightning at Your Fingertips by potterwatch (T, 43k)
The problem with living with another insomniac is, eventually, they find out you’re one, too. When Harry and Draco return for their eighth year, they think they’ll see very little of each other. Then McGonagall assigns them to room together. And the castle starts breaking. And there’s that thing with Potter’s magic.
The July Tree by @oknowkiss (E, 51k)
Neither rain, nor snow, nor sleet, nor hail… nor well-meaning friends, nor questionable communication skills, nor seven years of hating each other’s guts can keep Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy from falling in love.
The Promise of Summer by Omi_Ohmy (M, 66k)
How was Harry supposed to know that coming back for eighth year would be so confusing? Everything is the same, and yet not the same. And nowhere is this more obvious than with Draco Malfoy. Harry finds himself once more watching and following Malfoy, trying to work him out.
Right Hand Red by @lqtraintracks (E, 73k)
Harry felt Malfoy's breath on his lips as they came together over the bottle, hands firmly planted on the floor as though they each needed their familiar soil, refusing to cross into enemy territory. Except that Malfoy no longer felt like his enemy. Malfoy felt inevitable.
Inertia by @cavendishbutterfly (E, 83k)
It’s three months after the war. Harry has already mucked up all his plans. Draco is no longer the prince of Slytherin house. And they sure as hell didn’t both mean to go back to Hogwarts at the same time. Cue snarking, long conversations…and unexpected snogging.
Reparo by amalin (E, 85k)
Voldemort's final defeat does not mean Harry Potter's troubles are over; far from it. In the aftermath of war, he returns to a Hogwarts that is fractured and divided, but this is no break that can be fixed with a spell. New owls, fading scars, surprising alliances—and along the way, the hardest task of all, to live with it.
Helix by Saras_Girl (E, 92k)
Seven months after the end of the war, Harry is feeling lost. Fortunately, he is about to be offered an unexpected and sparkling chance to find himself again.
At Your Service by Faith Wood (E, 95k)
Hogwarts students are in danger; Harry is determined to save them all. There's only one thing he knows for certain: Draco Malfoy is somehow involved.
Far From The Tree by aideomai (E, 112k)
The arrival of Harry Potter’s children—snapped back in time, the children themselves guessed, twenty or so years—was the most interesting thing to happen at Hogwarts for years.
Written on the Heart by who_la_hoop (E, 114k)
Unnerved by the attention he’s attracting from everyone – the Slytherins are the least of it, to be fair – and struggling with a raft of changes to Hogwarts itself, Harry wishes he could be happy that one constant remains: Draco Malfoy really fucking hates him.
The Changing Lights by @lazywonderlvnd (E, 142k)
Harry returns for an eighth year following the end of the war and realises that although he's put his own animosity towards Malfoy aside, no one else seems to have done the same. When a hex leaves his oldest rival in the body of a female and ridicule doubles, Harry discovers that his hero complex is a difficult thing to fight.
Things Worth Knowing by Femme and noeon (E, 164k)
After the Battle, Harry thinks he's left Hogwarts for good, but Minerva insists that all students return for an Eighth Year if they wish to sit for NEWTs in the spring, and Harry needs those NEWTs to go into the Aurors. Draco's just grateful not to be in Azkaban. Or the Manor.
Mental by sara_holmes (M, 186k)
Harry has had quite enough of sharing his mind with someone else, thankyouverymuch. A miscast Legilimecy spell says otherwise.
Twist of Fate by Oakstone730 (T, 300k)
Draco asks Harry to help him beat the Imperius curse during 4th year. The lessons turn into more than either expected. A story of redemption and forgiveness.
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themetalvirus · 9 months
i wish i had more of a handle on knuckles i wanna do serious character analysis on knuckles.
easily embarrassed. easily angered. full of love. trusted too easily and now doesn't trust anyone (except for like 6 people). poor guy's first friend was eggman and like it or not it informs a lot of who he is today and how he interacts with people. super awkward from being isolated for so long (knuckles and silver solidarity). obviously cares deeply about his land and culture, loves it and mourns for it in equal measure every day. protects his true friends and is always there if you truly need him, despite his insincere grumblings. scared of company, grateful for company, longs for company.
great forager and gardener. bad with technology, overstimulated by bright lights and a lot of noise, is generally a guy who Wants To Go Home (his autism....). uncomfortable in positions of authority (The War) but still likes to Have A Say. does not tolerate nonsense unless he's in on the nonsense (sonic and him shoot each other out of cannons for fun i think). skilled weaver, skilled at making jewelry, skilled with survival, awkward around chao but is still very very good with them because he's lived with them his whole life.
adventurous, though not great at adapting to new situations (the autism). likes exploring / learning about other ancient cultures, languages, and peoples. curious about the nature of the world (where the master emerald came from, general existential stuff). likes a challenge. shows affection via mutual snark and/or deep talk about the universe. doesn't know much about planes but likes listening to tails talk about them.
is so hard on himself that he seriously contemplates ending his own life if he feels like he has failed his duties. feels like he exists for one purpose, despite his value to the world being much more than that. fears leaving his post because of multiple terrible experiences around leaving the master emerald unguarded, making him paranoid and wary, but his initially justified fear ends up isolating him and stunting him further. good thing his friends are so insistent on visiting and getting him out to see the world - he needs that.
again, is always there when you really need him. isn't good at emotional stuff but is a great shoulder to cry on nonetheless. heart achingly honest and genuine. will say what he thinks. doesn't pick up on social cues very well (autism). doesn't like admitting when HE needs a shoulder to cry on, but his loving friends are there for him even if he doesn't say anything - they know him well.
pushes people away to make himself feel safe and protect his squishy center - some of his best friends annoy the shit out of him because they insisted on being best friends with him anyway. great company once you get to know him. makes people laugh - time spent with sonic has honed his sense of humor.
precise, steady hands. great spatial awareness and reasoning. knowledgable about traditional medicine. is very clean and smells good. punches real good. good at conserving ancient artifacts and ruins - cleaning them, protecting them, maybe even retouching them or making some of his own.
he's so scared of being wronged. he longs for company. he's lonely. he's hard on himself. he's so full of love. he looks amazing in hats. and his song lied he DEFINITELY chuckles
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thelreads · 2 months
I am back to ramble about Chloe again 🥰 Tumblr eater of messages YOU SHALL NOT DEFEAT ME
Anyway so I was gonna say what really got to me about Yuri and Chloe is that Yuri actually apologised to her. I was stunned. I don’t think he’s ever (sincerely) apologised to anyone but Yor. The fact that he cares enough about her—about her opinion of him— left me absolutely gobsmacked.
Like, them bickering in the car about calling each other by name and who’s the senior? That was adorable. It was super shippy. But it also felt kind of one-sided because you could tell how close Chloe felt to Yuri, but you weren’t sure if that was reciprocated. Though, to be fair, it’s pretty hard get a read on how Yuri feels about other people in general, since he pretends to be apathetic about everyone besides Yor on principle (more on that later).
But when she slapped him and called him out? I was expecting an explosion. I was expecting self-righteousness and stubbornness and screaming. I was NOT expecting to see Yuri Briar, of all people, genuinely apologise while looking like a remorseful puppy. That shook me to my core.
Because the fact that Yuri actually cared enough to apologise shows that he actually likes Chloe. He genuinely cares about her opinion of him. And not only did he apologise with real remorse - he even asked her for advice on what he should do like??? For all his snarking and quibbling, he genuinely respects her. He cares about her opinion. Like. This is Mr Yor-taku over here. This behaviour from him is so genuinely mind blowing.
Because, again, Yuri pretends to be apathetic about everyone besides Yor on principle. That whole ‘I can’t let her see me cavorting with you’ line isnt a sis-con joke. That is genuinely the way Yuri thinks. I think Yuri believes that he owes Yor his life. Life, his entire life. He operates on the belief that giving any of his time/interest/energy to anyone other than Yor would be a betrayal to her and everything she sacrificed for him. In his head, she devoted herself to him when they were kids, so now he has to devote himself to her. It’s as if the only way he can honour her sacrifice is by making one of his own. ‘This is the woman who put aside her own happiness to raise me!’ That’s why, for Yuri, finding his own happiness is completely out of the question.
Of course, it’s a messed up way to think, but it perfectly illustrates Yuri’s character, because, like everyone in SpyxFamily, Yuri is a liar. He can pretend to have Yor-vision all he likes. He can snarl and scowl and deny it all he wants. But the truth is, whether he likes it or not, Yuri does care about people besides Yor.
He looked genuinely worried when he heard Anya got kidnapped, but immediately tried to rationalise it away by saying he’d be happy if she was out of the way. He immediately focused on how Yor would feel if something happened to her, but used that to justify him meddling to keep her safe. And what happened when the adrenaline wore off? Did Yuri croon about how taking a bullet was nothing for his sister’s happiness? Nope. In his pain, he blurted out the truth: I can’t believe I took a bullet for chihuahua girl!
Similarly, for all his hatred of Loid, he should have been driving them to the court house the minute Yor said she had gripes. Instead, he acted like a child taking his mother’s side in her first fight with his stepdad. He actually told Loid to apologise! Even later, when Yor couldn’t say she loved him, that should have been Yuri’s cue to get rid of Loid Forger once and for all. And yet. Even though it’s so easy for the SSS to make up charges and arrest citizens, Yuri has never and will never do so for his brother-in-law, who he supposedly wants gone asap.
(Also ch 89 has a slight mistranslation - the English version makes it out as if Yuri is planning to make up some reason to get Loid arrested. This is not the case. He actually thinks ‘But wait — let’s say he actually was guilty of something and I got him arrested. Wouldn’t that still end up making my sister sad…?!’ That moment of shock on his face was supposed to be a moment of realisation - that he shouldn’t want Loid to be guilty of being twilight or an adulterer or anything else, because Yor cares about him, and him getting arrested would upset her. Of course the next panel he immediately dismisses this and says nah there’s no way my sister would be sad over that. Again, Yuri is lying to himself. And he knows damn well he’s lying to himself, because he still won’t touch Loid with any charges, real or false.)
At the end of the day, for Chloe to even momentarily get past Yuri’s psychological Yor-barrier is HUGE. That he apologise to her is HUGE. That apology wasn’t for Yor’s benefit. It was solely for Chloe. Also, amusingly enough, in that panel when she calls him a self-serving hypocrite and he gasps - the suffix that is used is ガーン which is the suffix equivalent of 😨 and is usually used for Twilight when he’s dismayed because he thinks Yor hates him. Again, it wasn’t Yor calling him a hypocrite there. It was Chloe. And yet, it got to him. Mr Yor-taku. Enough for him to apologise.
All in all, I am expecting great things from Chloe. She is literally Yuri’s only hope for rehabilitation at this point. For all that Yuri pushes everyone away and refuses to ‘officially’ let himself care about them, he has clearly slipped up with her and I cannot wait to see the continuation ☺️
As a final note I will add - I think Chloe’s analysis of self-serving hypocrisy is spot on, and to truly cover all aspects of Yuri being a lying liar, it should be noted that Yuri did not have to dedicate his life to Yor - he chose to. And I think there’s another self-serving aspect to his sacrifice, besides alleviating his guilt - at the end of the day, it is much safer to devote yourself to your one remaining family member, rather than to risk loving and losing anyone else. Yuri may keep everyone at a distance while claiming it’s to honour his sister’s sacrifice, but I think the truth is that he’s just too afraid to open his heart to anyone else.
And so Chloe has both my blessings and ✨highest expectations✨ to get my boy his own life and happiness, even if she has to drag him there kicking and screaming.
oh hell yeah, thank the heavens you managed to get this post through. Tumblr is always a pain in the ass when it comes to long asks, or sending more than one ask in short of span of time.
Functional website.
Anyway, I liked that. Yeah, Chloe is his friend, he trusts and respects her a lot, but he'll never admit to it since he also is a FUCKING TSUNDERE. Seems that every character in the story refuses to be honest about their feelings for others. Twilight can't admit he loves his family, and also can't admit that he sees Franky as his best friend. Franky, likewise, can't admit that Twilight is his best Friend. Yor can't admit that she wants to bang Twilight until she pulverizes all bones on his body. Melinda can't admit her own love and hatred for her kid. Damian can't admit he likes Anya, and Anya refuses to even let the thought she might like Damian cross her mind.
like, jesus christ Endo
And yeah, I also have high hopes for her. Honestly, she feels like the wacky and nonsensical comedic sidekick to Yuri, which himself is already the wacky and nonsensical comedic butt of the the story, but she shows that when push comes to shove she has her head on the right place and she's not afraid to put Yuri's ass back into it's place.
just hope she not revealed to be an agent from Garden put there to keep an eye on him, since the group seems to want to keep Yor right where she is.
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thedrarrylibrarian · 11 months
Hi do you have any fics where they break up and get back together?
Your holds have arrived!
Yes! I found so many great break up/make up fics, that I had to make it into two lists! The drama! The misunderstandings! The apologies and forgiveness! The make up sex! All of that sweet, sweet angst and resolution can be found in these awesome fics!
Check back next week for part two of this list!
Break Up/Make Up
time-tied by @wheezykat (154 words, rated T)
It's funny how everything seems to come back to this.
Alternatively, moments in time that tie Draco and Harry together.
Paris in the Rain by @drarrily-we-row-along (1,047 words, rated T)
Harry had really fucked up.
Fireflies by @gallifrey1sburning (1,144 words, rated G)
Over the quiet chorus of crickets and rustling leaves, he hears soft footsteps approaching, muffled by the loamy ground. Or maybe he feels it, more than hears it. Feels the presence of the person as they move to sit cross-legged next to him. Knows who it is, despite the fact that it’s been a year since he’s felt that buzzing awareness, that focus that warms the back of his neck but somehow also makes him want to shiver.
Slow Motion by @vina-writes (2,357 words, rated T)
He thinks about knocking on Harry’s door—about doing it four months ago, when Harry would press him into the wall and kiss him slowly enough that his legs turned to jelly and his mind went blank.
But Harry doesn’t miss him, because they don’t do kisses by the door anymore. After all, they were just fucking.
if the world was ending by saltwatergarden (4,238 words, rated M)
The world is ending again, but it's far less dramatic this time. Harry Potter tries to save the day. Draco wishes he wouldn't.
Nothing Left to Burn by @skeptiquewrites (5,134 words, rated E)
Over ten years after their fling crashed and burned, Harry runs into Draco and finds embers still burning bright. Sometimes your ex-lover is (metaphorically) dead. And sometimes it's summertime in Montreal and the past won't let go.
Take the Moon by @tackytigerfic (15,192 words, rated M)
Harry Potter has always wanted a family of his own, and when a deadly blood curse forces him into a marriage bond with his best friend Draco Malfoy, it looks like he might just have found one. It's just a shame they’d always planned to break up after a year…
The Ghosts of Hogwarts Past by @writcraft (30,071 words, rated E)
Draco has hardly had time to bask in his promotion to Head of Slytherin House when he gets news of Harry Potter’s return to Hogwarts. With his increased workload, the reappearance of the ex he never got over, the ghost that won’t let him sleep, and some curious coded diaries, it’s shaping up to be a hell of a year.
Inertia by @cavendishbutterfly (83,116 words, rated E)
It’s three months after the war. Harry has already mucked up all his plans. Draco is no longer the prince of Slytherin house. And they sure as hell didn’t both mean to go back to Hogwarts at the same time. Cue snarking, long conversations…and unexpected snogging.
This is the story of how Harry and Draco put their past aside. And then it's the story of how they finally learn to listen to it.
❤️ As always, if you find a fic you enjoy, please remember to leave the author a kudos or a comment! ❤️
Lots of Love and Happy Reading!
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nerdasaurus1200 · 10 months
Day 5- Forbidden Love
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Obligatory Tags: @our-newdream @autumn-sundrop @seadrreams @the-writer1988
For today’s prompt I decided to do a small drabble! This takes place in an au where Eugene was pardoned, but isn’t allowed to date Rapunzel or be in the palace. For now at least, Frederic wants to try out a few suitors for Rapunzel. It was inspired by this particular concept art, because it’s really cute and I love it XD
“Let me guess, date with Prince Bradley didn’t go like you hoped?” Cassandra asked as she glanced down at the full cup of tea.
“Oh, nono, it was fine!” Rapunzel quickly reassured, “Well..until he called Pascal a salamander.” Ahhh, so that’s why he’d been red all day.
“Could be worse. Your dad could be setting you up with one of the princes from the Southern Isles.” Cass tried to cheer her up.
“I know, but I don’t want a prince from the southern isles. I don’t want any stuffy old prince.” Rapunzel replied, “They’re nice and all, but I….they just don’t understand me. And they’re WAY too interested in my hair. I keep telling them, it doesn’t heal anymore.”
Cassandra frowned, her heart breaking at her friend’s misery. She didn’t like this any more than Rapunzel did, but neither of them had any choice. Rapunzel had to find a suitable prince to marry, and Cassandra had to act like she was in full support of it.
“I just wish I could be with someone who loved me. Not the princess.” Rapunzel sighed, falling down onto her bed. Without even looking, she reached her hand under her pillow and pulled out a small flag. The flag Eugene bought her for her birthday. He’d given her the kindest smile when he handed it to her, and chuckled when she held it up to the light.
“It’s no lanterns, but any true devil may care rogue makes sure to get the birthday girl a present, Blondie.” She recalled him saying.
“Yeah I know, Raps.” Cassandra responded, “But…sometimes life doesn’t always work that wa-“
“Oh, Rapunzel! Let down your hair!” A familiar voice sang out.
“Lance! I told you not to sing!” They heard Eugene mutter. Cassandra and Rapunzel gave each other a look and headed outside to the balcony. To their surprise, they found a familiar pair of faces scaling the tower to Rapunzel’s room, bickering to each other about a dramatic entrance.
“Eugene! Lance!” Rapunzel cried out happily.
“And there’s the someone, right on cue.” Cassandra snarked, “Looks like he was preening a little extra today.”
“You know what Cassandra?” Eugene started to retort, but his voice died in his throat a little as he laid eyes on Rapunzel.
“Hey..” he whispered.
“Hi!” She chirped, her smile shining brighter than the sun. Eugene couldn’t help but find himself smiling back. She looked So beautiful with the sunset behind her like this, practicality bathing her in a halo of light. From up there she looked like an angel. That stunning dark purple dress that brought out her beautiful eyes. Those gorgeous freckles that perfectly painted her rosy cheeks. Short bubble sleeves like the one on that dress complimented her so well. She should wear them more often.
“What brings you and Lance out her?” Rapunzel asked.
“Damaging stone that’s hundreds of years old…and breaking into the palace…again.” Cassandra added dryly.
“Well a little birdie, or rather frog, told Eugene that you had a bad day.” Lance explained.
“So I brought a picnic!” Eugene announced. He moved his arm to grab the basket so he could show her, but then his arm flew right back to the arrow lodged in the wall as soon as he felt himself falling.
“And I’m here for musical ambience!” Lance announced proudly.
“And I’ve also got some candles too!” Eugene added, “And lanterns in case you wanted those instead of candles. But both are very romantic.”
“Exactly how long have you guys been scaling the wall like this with all this stuff?” Rapunzel asked.
“Uhhh….2 hours?” Eugene answered, “But don’t worry, my arms aren’t tired at all.”
Rapunzel barely stopped herself from giggling, “Do you want to climb my hair?”
“…Yes please, this is killing me.” Eugene finally whimpered, looking up at her like a kicked puppy. Rapunzel let the giggle out this time, and let her hair fall down from the balcony. Eugene quickly abandoned the arrows and grabbed on, now climbing much quicker. Rapunzel couldn’t help herself from leaning over the railing as Eugene finally made it to the balcony. Her heart soared as their eyes met and they smiled at each other. He must’ve gotten closer without her realizing, because before she knew it his lips were on hers. She giggled once more and happily kissed him back, her hands rising up to hold his face.
“Hey.” He purred when she pulled away.
“Hi…” she whispered, her cheeks flushing.
Lance chuckled to himself as he saw the scene, walking over to Cassandra as the two love birds pulled their picnic out.
“I doubt the King will ever approve of this.” Cassandra warned him quietly, “He’ll never allow them to be together.”
“Are you gonna say anything, goody two shoes?” Lance teased, but the twinkle in his eyes gave him away that he already knew the answer.
“I won’t say anything if you won’t.” Cassandra said anyway, “Besides, what they do when the king isn’t looking is their business.”
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vampcubus · 2 years
KISS HCS | markus & the jerrys
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a/n: say lesssss 😩 dbh is on the brain rn y’all so expect more of these.
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Markus (RK200)
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— When you first kiss Markus it’s like time stops, the type of kiss you hear about in cheesy romance novels where the world fades away around the two characters. When your lips meet it’s like suddenly he’s your whole world, he consumes your thoughts, your senses, like he’s wrapped himself around you. And when you come to, having forgotten you were in the middle of a literal battlefield, he’s gone as quickly as he came.
— You feared for him so much that day, because if he died before kissing you like that again you’d never be the same.
— Markus likes to take his time, savoring every moment in your embrace. Kisses deeply like he wants to feel your lips against his for eternity, and when he does pull away he looks at you like you’re the moon.
— A sap, in short.
— Smiles into kisses! He can’t help it, you make him so incredibly happy.
— Cradles your face in his hands, the type to tug at your leg and encourage you to hop up so he can carry you while he smooches you. Fairytale romance king.
— Likes it especially when you wrap your arms around him from behind while he’s cooking and you pepper kisses from his shoulder up his neck. Sighs happily and tilts his head for better access, of course not without a bit of snark. He does like to tease you every chance he gets, deliberately turns his face when you lean in to kiss him on the mouth so you miss. Laughs when you pout but blushes furiously when you grab his jaw and force his face the way you want it so you can slot your lips over his.
— Markus is fighting for his life not to burn meals because you’re always distracting him, and you’re always so tempting…
— You like to take his fingers when he’s deep in thought and raise them to your lips to kiss, which never fails to make him melt. He likes it even more if you do it when he’s pulled his artificial skin away to reveal the white plastic. He says it feels “more” underneath but refuses to elaborate.
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The Jerrys (EM400s)
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— Enthusiastic and clueless! Kissing isn’t necessarily a part of their programming so they aren’t the best at it, however they enjoy it very much. You kiss one and the experience is shared with the entire “hive” and the next thing you know you’ve got a single file line of Jerrys wrapped around the carousel for a turn.
— They’re always so excited to see you, so oftentimes they really can’t help but pile onto you and smother you with kisses wherever they can reach.
— You’ll have to be a bit of a teacher to get them to kiss you “properly” but luckily their hive mind mechanics means you only need to give one of them a really good lesson and the rest will have absorbed the information from the experience. That said they all become very good at it, and figure out ways to get more kisses than the others. There’s rarely infighting amongst the Jerry’s but a little competition never hurt anybody right?
— They’ll come running to you after completing tasks for their “reward” and you start to feel a little like a kissing booth. They are very much like excitable children running up to ticket counters to redeem their prizes. You’d complain if it weren’t so endearing. You explain that they don’t need to do anything to earn kisses from you and that you do it because you love them. Cue to the whole park sobbing happily what have you done?
“Really, Y/n? You mean it?”
“We don’t have to do anything at all?”
“We just have to ask? Truly? 🥺”
“We love you too!”
— Very smiley during kisses, sometimes you have to remind them to move their lips with yours because they’re smiling too wide. They just- ugh they love you so much and you make them immeasurably happy. Overall 10/10 kissers with proper guidance, would recommend. Your lips are gonna be bruised as hell tryna keep up with them all, however.
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billlydear · 1 year
Can you do a billy Hargrove x reader and the reader kinda just gives off this : https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRqVRPgo/
Vibe but can you maybe do it as he sees her on his first day and just knows she’s different
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W.C 612 - INBOX (please request) - GIF CREDIT TO OWNER
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Every single cheerleader at Hawkins High looks like a cookie-cutter mold to Billy. Perfect hair, perfect clothes, perfect shoes, perfect boyfriend, perfect life. Looking at them is like looking at a row of dolls in a store, each packaged properly and unattainable to any passersby.
It isn't until he catches you smoking behind the gym that he takes notice of other details: one of your white shoelaces is singed, blackened from what he assumes is a cigarette burn. There's a loose string on your skirt, and your cardigan is slipping off of your shoulder. There's a stain in the white fabric of your top, a deep red like wine.
He'd already been fumbling with his pack of cigarettes when he'd stepped out of the gym but he freezes for a second when he sees you, eyes flitting over your lit smoke.
You loll your head lazily to the side and it showcases a sticker on your cheek, a purple star. You glance down at the cig between his fingers, "Need a light?"
He wordlessly offers the cigarette to you, watching as you dig through your handbag. You pull out a pink, glittery zippo, and a flame bursts to life where your primly manicured nails pry at the wheel.
"Thanks," He murmurs and side-eyes you while you put the lighter back. There's a tube of lipstick in your bag, right next to a dime bag.
"Shouldn't you be in there with the basketball team?"
Your foot is propped up against the brick behind you, and you stare up at him with a raised eyebrow that's perfectly shaped.
"Shouldn't you be in there with the cheerleaders?"
You scoff and it yields a puff of smoke. "They won't notice I'm gone."
"Yeah, well, neither will the basketball team."
"That's 'cause you're new," You blow out your lungful of smoke less aggressive this time, "The cheerleaders just don't like me."
"Yeah," Billy snorts, "I bet your burnt shoelace ruins that picture-perfect thing they've got going on there. And the weed smell."
You shove at his shoulder, and he's surprised when it knocks him slightly off balance.
"Jesus," He hisses, rubbing at the sore spot through his leather jacket, "You've got an arm on you, sweetheart."
You hum, "And a knife. So mention the weed again and I'll cut the tires on that Camaro of yours."
"A knife? What are you, fucking crazy?" Billy slides away from you against the wall, staring at you indignantly.
"Just prepared." You delve into your bag and retrieve the lipstick tube, digging your thumb into the bottom to reveal a blade that pops up instead of makeup.
"Shit," Billy breathes, "I pity the next guy to lose a hand after he sticks it up your tiny little skirt."
“A hand won’t be the only thing he loses,” You vow, your sweet voice muffled by the cig in your mouth, “Tell your friend Tommy that if he tries it again he’ll never reproduce.”
Your snark draws a laugh from Billy that he almost regrets, because he doesn’t want you to know he isn’t on the greatest terms with Tommy. But he can’t deny that the other boy is audacious to say the least.
“Will do.” He promises, hearing a rousing shout from the crowd that probably means he’s supposed to be getting back, “That’s my cue. Don’t get caught.” He stomps on his cig, “And if you do, don’t tell ‘em I was here. Or that I'll be out in twenty minutes for another smoke. See you then?”
“See ‘ya.”
Your eyes trail him as he turns on his heels and ducks back into the gym, a soft smirk curling over your lips as his scent lingers around you where he stood.
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ctitan98official · 3 months
Alcina blinds Y/N in one eye and kidnaps them angst part 4
Alright, here’s part 4. I don’t think this is quite as dark as the last part, but it’s not much better lol. Unhealthy relationships ahoy! Read part 3 here! Let’s get into it!
You wake up after what feels like a long time. Your arm is throbbing painfully. You look down and see it’s red and swollen. Pus has started leaking out of your wounds. You are so hot despite the frigid temperatures of the dungeon. Your body is burning up with fever. You also notice that you’re drenched in sweat. Although, it’s hard to tell what’s sweat and what’s the filth of your cell clinging to you.
You sit up, but your head spins and you immediately lean over to throw up. You end up only vomiting bile because your stomach is so empty. You lean against the bars of your cell and enjoy the coolness of them on your heated flesh. You are very sick, but all you can think about is Hope. You refuse to go out like this. You won’t leave your daughter all alone.
As if on cue, the door to the dungeon opens once again. Who the hell is it? You look over to your cell door and huff. Of course, it’s Alcina. You lazily lie your head back on the bars. “Go away,” You say quietly, not in the mood to deal with her shit.
Alcina is about to reprimand you for being rude to her, but she can almost feel the heat radiating from your frail body. Your skin is pale and you look so exhausted. Are you sick? Her heart hurts to see you in such bad shape, even if she is punishing you right now. “Draga…” She says and opens the cell. She kneels down and places a hand on your forehead. You’re burning up. “Baby, you’re sick. Let me get a better look at you,” She says.
You chuckle humorlessly. “It’s your fault. Why do you care?” You snark and turn away from her more.
Alcina feels a deep pang of guilt. Maybe she has been too hard on you… But, she thought it was necessary. A means to an end.
She just couldn’t stand to let you move on without her. She is… Obsessed with you. She craves your presence. She needs you. She was hoping that she could just… Break you to get you to stay. No matter the consequences, that was her goal. She knows it wasn’t the perfect plan, but when she is determined, she will stop at nothing to get what she wants. However, she is really starting to regret her actions (Something she didn’t think would ever be a possibility).
What if you don’t… Make it? What if this was truly a bridge too far? She can live with you hating her, but she can’t live… Without you. She can’t even fathom it. She feels a stab of panic as she thinks of your fragile life hanging in the balance.
She takes a breath and stuffs down her anger at herself momentarily. She gently scoops you up and gasps as she sees the infected wounds on your arm. She… Did this. She really is the reason you’re so sick. She was just trying to teach you a lesson, but… You are so weak. She didn’t mean for it to go this way. She cradles you against her chest and rocks you. “Shh, shh, draga. You’re okay. I’m here. I’ll make everything better,” She tells you. She hurriedly takes you back to her room and lays you down on the bed. She sets about running you a cool bath, knowing that she’s got to get your fever down.
You close your eyes and sink into the softness of the bed as Alcina bustles around and gets things ready for you. But, you’re starting to hallucinate and it’s hard to tell what’s real and what’s not anymore.
Alcina comes back in and her eyes water at how drained you look. She sits down next to you and runs her fingers through your sweaty hair. “I’m so sorry, my love,” She apologizes. She had been too blinded by rage to see the true impact her actions were having on you.
Your eyes suddenly pop open when you hear her voice and you turn to look at her deliriously. “Alcina?” You ask in confusion.
Alcina chokes back a sob but looks down at you and gives you a smile. “Hi, baby. I’m going to make you feel better, okay?” She asks.
You are so groggy that you just nod your head before your eyes close again. You are really out of it. So out of it, that you aren’t recoiling at the very sight of her.
Alcina bites back a wave of nausea at this realization. She has become the most feared figure in your life. And for good reason. Damn, she is so fucking selfish. But… Seeing you so calm around her right now is… Making her feel like this was still all worth it. Like you two are on better terms than you really are. It reminds her of the love you both shared before… She needs a drink.
Alcina carefully picks you up and brings you to the tub. She sits on the ledge with you on her lap, but realizes that you won’t be able to sit up on your own. She decides to get in with you. She takes off her dress, carefully maneuvering you so you don’t fall, and steps in before sitting down and holding you.
You whine in your sleep at the cool temperature of the water but Alcina shushes you and gently hugs you closer. “Here we go, draga,” Alcina says calmly and begins washing you. She’s ashamed at how dirty you got while you were down in the dungeon. She has to scrub you vigorously to get all of the grime off of you, but she carefully avoids getting your injured arm wet. She’s dreading cleaning it. She knows it will be excruciating for you.
Finally, Alcina finishes bathing you and you feel a bit cooler than you did before. She softly dries you off and wraps you in a towel before bringing you back into the bedroom. She carefully slips you under the covers of her opulent bed and tucks you in.
She retrieves a first aid kit from her desk and gets all of the supplies she’s going to need out of it. She takes a deep breath, steeling her resolve, before cleaning your wounds.
As soon as Alcina starts, you wake up and begin to holler in pain. It’s tortuous and you don’t even know what’s going on.
Alcina’s heart breaks as she works and sees your reaction. “I know, my darling. I’m so sorry,” She says and kisses your cheek. “You’re so brave, draga,” She praises.
You continue to bawl in agony, but Alcina’s voice is actually helping. You are so sick, that now you don’t remember that it was Alcina who let you get so bad in the first place. You are seemingly under her spell again.
After a few minutes, Alcina finally feels confident that your wounds are sufficiently cleaned and begins to bandage them up.
As you feel Alcina stop rubbing your sore gashes, you open your eyes and… Admire her. She looks so beautiful. Why does it feel like… It’s been so long since you’ve seen her?
Something in your brain has clearly… Snapped. Lumping together your illness, the blinding pain you are currently in, and the sheer trauma you’ve been through, your brain has decided to put a lock on the recent misery you’ve been subjected to. At least, for the moment.
Somewhere, deep down, you know that your relationship with Alcina is not the same as it once was, but… You’re tired and… The warmth of her arms encircling your weakened body is intoxicating. You decide to deal with all of these confusing feelings later when you wake up. But, for the time being, Alcina seems like a pretty safe place to rest your weary head.
… How very wrong you are.
Note: I really wanted to tackle some of what Alcina was thinking and feeling in this one :) I “Hope” You liked it! … Hehe, Hope. Get it? Alright, I’ll see myself out.
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helluvabossrewrite45 · 11 months
Helluva boss rewrite - the pilot pt2
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*cue its always sunny in Philadelphia music
Recently i got a critique on including the fatphobic joke in my rewrite for the pilot. I do understand this since fatphobia is so normalised in media (including helluva boss itself) that it is true that it should be more blatantly pointed out as wrong for more people to understand. Though as someone who is also chubby, i kept it just to show that these guys (especially loona) are assholes or at least non morally good people. Helluva boss in episodic form like here, takes on a 'its always sunny in pheliadelphia' approach, where the characters are assholes and in turn, get consequences for it. Here is like when the characters get called out for their problems by normal people (like the kid, even if he himself is pretty brash) and how they dont succeed in the end as the kid escapes before they can finish the job. These will be quite the formula for helluva boss since i think it just fits it more when episodic (and even when they succeed, they will still have consequences like dennis sleeping with the girl he lied to about knowing her grandpa that one episode but then had to live with the fact that his grandpa turned out to be a nazi this whole time)
However, i do understand that i didnt make it more blatantly clear in my last post (like maybe adding moxxie's reaction/making a snark remark like 'petty' could possibly help maybe? I'd appreciate some suggestions) and i do see how it can still be used as an excuse to be fatphobic or even make people fatphobic given again, the ridiculous normalisation in fatphobia throughout the years. That i do apologize for and will improve my writing on.
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dewitty1 · 11 months
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Fic Recs Wrap Up - June 2023(ノ゚∀゚)ノ⌒・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*☆
A day in your life by shushu_yaoi_lj @orange-peony
Harry sees it straight away, the white trail of the comet so bright despite the lights of all the buildings surrounding him. He feels a lump in his throat as he stops and stares at the moonless sky. Is he supposed to make a wish or a prayer? He checks that no one is looking his way and then he takes his wand and points it at the bright comet in the sky. He wishes to feel whole again. To feel happy and not so bloody lonely all the time. He wishes for a new life. Rec Post
Then Comes a Mist and a Weeping Rain by Faith Wood (faithwood)
It always rains for Draco Malfoy. Metaphorically. And literally. Ever since he had accidentally Conjured a cloud. A cloud that’s ever so cross. Rec Post
Most Arrogant and Loving of Men by Lomonaaeren
Harry knows very well that he’s showing the mask of the Savior to everyone around him—his friends, his lovers, his enemies—but he doesn’t know how to stop. The part of him that wants things to be different is selfish and greedy. He doesn’t see any way to express it and not have his life explode…until Draco Malfoy, of all people, realizes it’s there. Rec Post
the complete idiot’s guide to losing your entire mind by oknowkiss @oknowkiss
A primer, by Harry James Potter, age 34. Qualifications: lived experience. OR: Draco Malfoy, Ministry of Magic Being Resources representative, accidentally invents No Nut November. Rec Post
Where I see things right by InnerLilith
When Harry finds himself unexpectedly pregnant after a one-off with Draco Malfoy, he knows he isn’t keeping it. But when actually getting the abortion turns out to be more complicated than Harry expected, he finds himself turning to Malfoy for help through the process. And that’s actually much less complicated than Harry expected. Rec Post
When Trust and Truth Collide by silvergalaxy
Harry meets Draco for the first time in the employee break room on a boring Wednesday morning and they immediately hit it off. Chance encounters turn into dates, and dates turn into feelings. Oh, yeah. Draco’s also Harry’s boss. Harry has no idea. Rec Post
Debts and Desire by Craftybadger1234
Harry thinks they are dating. Draco thinks he’s serving a life debt. Hilarity ensues. Rec Post
Sweet is the fortune you give me by toutcequonveut  @cequonveut
Draco has worked hard to overcome his post-war struggles and is now the successful and proud owner of his own chain of Potions shops. Who cares if he’s lonely? Certainly not him! Then one day he comes across Harry Potter, Saviour of the Wizarding World, do-gooder to outshine all gooders and hero of the people—on the street without a Knut to his name. What else can Draco do but take him in? Rec Post
Here are a few more fics I've read recently that y'all might like to check out as well! (ノ^ヮ^)ノ*:・゚✧
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Fool Me Twice by iota @sorrybutblog
The case seemed simple: follow the corruption, bring down the source. Draco just didn’t anticipate Harry Potter crashing in, taking a break from red carpets and nudey-rudey photoshoots to make a giant mess.
Or: Draco is an Unspeakable. Potter is an (unfairly attractive) thorn in his side. Featuring: spies, action, disguises, forced proximity, pining and more!
Inertia by cavendishbutterfly @cavendishbutterfly
It’s three months after the war. Harry has already mucked up all his plans. Draco is no longer the prince of Slytherin house. And they sure as hell didn’t both mean to go back to Hogwarts at the same time. Cue snarking, long conversations…and unexpected snogging.
This is the story of how Harry and Draco put their past aside. And then it's the story of how they finally learn to listen to it.
Eager for the Sky by oknowkiss @oknowkiss
It was announced, just as the Triwizard Tournament had been, at the start of term feast.
A year-long, international Quidditch varsity match — the inaugural Wizarding Academy Cup.
In which Harry is Hogwarts' star Seeker, Draco is on the bench, and they both have a thing or two to learn about playing for the same team.
Once Upon a (Wet) Dream by InnerLilith
Once a year, Harry has a very strange dream. Meanwhile, in real life, he’s falling for Draco Malfoy.
The Faeries, the Prince, and the Cupboard by makeitp1nk @makeitp1nk
In 1967, Roy Disney made a deal with a rare species of fae to build his brother Walt’s dream on their land. Forty-seven years later, that deal will change the lives of two wizarding families forever.
A story about stories, family, dreams, and love.
The Wonder of You by Ladderofyears @ladderofyears
A Family Man AU. In the year 2000, Harry left Draco behind in London, intent on America and Quidditch fame and never looked back. Thirteen years later, Harry gets the opportunity to see what his life could have been like, had his life unravelled in a different way. Nothing in Harry’s world is the same, but Harry soon comes to realise that fatherhood, marriage and the biggest, laziest Crup in Hogsmeade add to up a life he enjoys more than he could ever have imagined.
( •ॢ◡-ॢ)-♡ I hope you enjoy these fics as much as I have! Happy reading, y’all! xoxo Carey  (◍•ᴗ•◍)♡ ✧*💜💙💚💛❤💗💕💖
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sitp-recs · 1 year
Hiii!! I was wondering if you knew of any hogwarts era long fics (like 50k onwards). I read survival is a a talent and chaos theory and honestly fell in love with seeing both of the boys grow up and fall in love during their hogwarts years. Thank you sm for everythingyou do!💫
Hi anon! Absolutely, here are my favorite 8th year long fics. Enjoy :)
The July Tree by @oknowkiss (E, 51k)
Neither rain, nor snow, nor sleet, nor hail… nor well-meaning friends, nor questionable communication skills, nor seven years of hating each other’s guts can keep Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy from falling in love.
Orbit by HenryMercury (E, 52k)
They don't like each other. They're not friends. There's not even a ceasefire of any sort because they're fighting as much as ever—but there's definitely something different about it. An added layer of self-awareness they don't dare identify, but which colours every Scared, Potter? and Do your worst; each You wouldn't dare and Then prove it.
Seeker, Chaser, Keeper by VivacissimoVoce (M, 59k)
Rumor has it that a wealthy investor is starting up a brand new professional Quidditch team and he’s looking for players. Harry and Draco both want to make the team, but there can be only one Seeker. Will competing for the position bring them closer or drive them further apart?
The Promise of Summer by Omi_Ohmy (M, 66k)
How was Harry supposed to know that coming back for eighth year would be so confusing? Everything is the same, and yet not the same. And nowhere is this more obvious than with Draco Malfoy. Harry finds himself once more watching and following Malfoy, trying to work him out. When they are drawn together to heal the castle, Harry doesn’t just find Malfoy - he also finds himself.
Right Hand Red by @lqtraintracks (E, 73k)
Harry felt Malfoy's breath on his lips as they came together over the bottle, hands firmly planted on the floor as though they each needed their familiar soil, refusing to cross into enemy territory. Except that Malfoy no longer felt like his enemy. Malfoy felt inevitable.
Inertia by @cavendishbutterfly (E, 83k)
It’s three months after the war. Harry has already mucked up all his plans. Draco is no longer the prince of Slytherin house. And they sure as hell didn’t both mean to go back to Hogwarts at the same time. Cue snarking, long conversations…and unexpected snogging.
Reparo by amalin (E, 84k)
Voldemort's final defeat does not mean Harry Potter's troubles are over; far from it. In the aftermath of war, he returns to a Hogwarts that is fractured and divided, but this is no break that can be fixed with a spell. New owls, fading scars, surprising alliances—and along the way, the hardest task of all, to live with it.
Azoth by @lol-zeitgeistic (E, 88k)
Now that Harry is back at Hogwarts with Hermione for eighth year, he realises that something’s missing from his life, and it either has to do with Ron, his boggart, Snape, or Malfoy. Furthermore, what, exactly, does it mean when one’s life is defined by the desire to simultaneously impress and annoy a portrait? Harry has no idea; he’s too busy trying not to be in love with Malfoy to care.
Helix by Saras_Girl (E, 93k)
Seven months after the end of the war, Harry is feeling lost. Fortunately, he is about to be offered an unexpected and sparkling chance to find himself again.
At Your Service by Faith Wood (E, 95k)
Hogwarts students are in danger; Harry is determined to save them all. There's only one thing he knows for certain: Draco Malfoy is somehow involved.
The Silent World Within You by Femme and noeon (E, 95k)
Harry only wanted Malfoy for one night, one birthday. It wasn’t meant to be anything more.
Far From the Tree by aideomai (E, 112k)
The arrival of Harry Potter’s children—snapped back in time, the children themselves guessed, twenty or so years—was the most interesting thing to happen at Hogwarts for years.
Written on the Heart by who_la_hoop (E, 114k)
Unnerved by the attention he’s attracting from everyone – the Slytherins are the least of it, to be fair – and struggling with a raft of changes to Hogwarts itself, Harry wishes he could be happy that one constant remains: Draco Malfoy really fucking hates him.
Things Worth Knowing by Femme and noeon (E, 164k)
After the Battle, Harry thinks he's left Hogwarts for good, but Minerva insists that all students return for an Eighth Year if they wish to sit for NEWTs in the spring, and Harry needs those NEWTs to go into the Aurors. Draco's just grateful not to be in Azkaban. Or the Manor. He's hoping he can steer clear of Potter this year and grapple with his own problems. Unfortunately for him, Potter appears to be one of those problems.
Mental by sara_holmes (M, 186k)
Harry has had quite enough of sharing his mind with someone else, thankyouverymuch. A miscast Legilimecy spell says otherwise.
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