#/i've had the time of my life when writing it & need more of the doppelganger rons
agirlandherquill · 4 months
oc interview tag
thanks @willtheweaver for the tag!
this one looks like fun!
i'll be using Edeva from Ruin's Reprisal for this one,
Were you named after anyone? - "Well, my middle name comes from a distant relative - Maenaire, I think there was a legend written about her once, I never had the chance to find out her story but my mother clearly saw some similarities between us."
When was the last time you cried? - "Ah, that. Do tears of anger count? I cried enough while I was screaming at Fenley for being a mangisen - that's a pig, in my native language. I think he got the message, tears or not."
Do you have any kids? - "No. I never considered children, and I don't think motherhood is a suitable role for an Exilza. I would never subject a child to this life, but if that ever changes... I don't know, maybe I would, if I found someone - someone that was right."
Do you use sarcasm a lot? - "More often with Fenley than not, I don't know why he just- Brings something out in me."
What is the first thing you notice about people? - "...In the old days, I would have said their faces. Faces can change, they can hide things, but I always looked at the eyes - These days, I notice whether someone is armed. I know more dangerous people than not at present and... It can never hurt to be safe."
What is your eye colour? - "Blue. Though Fenley would have many other things to say - He pays far more attention than I."
Scary movies or happy endings? - "I need no tales to know fear, and though I have yet to know one, I'd prefer a happy ending."
Any special talents? - "I can silence the most fearsome man the country has ever known with a single word, does that count? Oh, and please don't tell Fenley."
Where were you born? - "Vitaire Manor, right here in Aliria."
Do you have any pets? - "I was too preoccupied with the goings on of Court to take responsibility for anything other than myself, sadly. And in the wilderness now, I would wish that upon no animal."
What sort of sports do you play? - "Something of a verbal sparring match with Fenley, though sometimes, rare times - things almost turn violent. He never lets me harm him or myself in the process, which is nice. And despite what he says - I do win our arguments."
How tall are you? - "As much as I would love to call myself average, Fenley's laughter can be heard from here - I know, I know, I'm not as tall as I think I am."
What was your favourite subject in school? - "I seldom had proper lessons, aside from personal tutors but... I learned to dance, with Arden. That was one of the lessons I enjoyed the most."
What is your dream job? - "I've never had a job. I've always had an expectation - my engagement to Arden decided most of my life, until our wedding day - Well, I won't say being engaged to a Prince is simple, but it was certainly easier than being an Exilza."
now for the tags! i just updated my tag list so here goes! no pressure of course, looking forward to getting to know some other people's characters! - also open tag!
~ ~ ~ tags ~ ~ ~
@the-ellia-west @tildeathiwillwrite @drchenquill @365runesofthesystem @coffin-hopping
@godsmostfuckedupgoblin @a-mimsy-borogove @frostedlemonwriter @i-do-anything-but-write @r-u-living
@thatuselesshuman @lead-to-code @sunflowerrosy @theaistired @phoenixradiant
@autism-purgatory @corinneglass @tiredpapergirl @patheticexcuseforawriter @missmisanthrope
@your-writing-motivation @littlestchildofthemoon @morganxduinn @thebrownleathernotebook @rmhashauthor
@lamuradex @fantasy-things-and-such @glasshouses-and-stones @hattonthehatman @humbly-a-doppelganger
@hopecreatesstuff @ramwritblr @s-pendragon7 @thelastneuron @heartreactor
@ihauntmyhouse @shiningstars-world @scaewolf @mehxis @just-emis-blog
@joeys-piano @ramitola @thestoryteller8 @yrndrgn @riveriafalll
@lawrencespen1777 @theverumproject @zackprincebooks @ansanity2 @justjariel
@orion-lacroix @jupiter---daydreams @vinniehorrible @stars-forever @thewritingautisticat
@whatwewrotepodcast @anaisbebe @appleandsnow @urnumber1star @chaotictravelerrants
@andagii-projects @dragmewithyoutonirvana @a-bi-cat-with-books @fearofahumanplanet @just-a-domesticated-cryptid
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potterandpromises · 3 months
the LA plot for omitb has the trio in hollywood bc a movie is being made about them and based on the onset pic with their actor counterparts (they were wearing what the trio was wearing in the pilot ep), part of the movie theyre making is set during s1 which theo is an integral part of so most likely there might be a character based on him in the movie too. do you think they'd have theo in s4 in any capacity? id honestly be upset if theyd drop theo the way they dropped oscar
I am at least 95% certain Theo will be in at least one episode of season 4. Mostly because they wouldn't have brought him back in season 2, fleshed him out, then brought him back and fleshed him out again in season 3 if they didn't want him around for the long haul. They especially would not have had Mabel move in with him. In other words, the writers seem more invested in his character then they ever were in Oscar's or Lucy's.
The ≈5% is in case there was a scheduling conflict/other issue with James Caverly (which I think is unlikely, just based off of interviews and what I know of his career.) My understanding is that they wrote Oscar out at least in part because of a scheduling conflict, though I'm not actually sure. Or I could maybe see Theo skipping a season if they star-packed the cast so tightly they decided they didn't have time for him. But season 3 had a similar set up with a bunch of new faces and they still made time to have him come in, help out the with case, sweep Mabel off to his apartment and then peace out, so I'm expecting season 4 will likely be similar in that regard.
Side note: I don't think we'll get a Theo and Will story line this season, because of the aforementioned star-packing. Which is too bad! I'm predicting James Caverly and Ryan Broussard will be in another One Killer Question together where they'll talk about being brothers and I will have to silently scream about how we're deprived of seeing them together in the show. One day!
Anyway, as to whether Theo will get a doppelganger, I'm agnostic. He is an important character in season 1, but I don't know that the in-universe OMITB movie will end up getting made, and thus get to the point of the story where Theo would need to be cast/shown (wow, this is getting too meta, I don't know how to write that sentence.) The script leak I saw indicates that the counter-trio will be following our trio to New York, for research, I'd assume. In real life, many adaptations start pre-production and don't end up getting made, so we won't definitely be seeing that adaptation. It's also possible the plot will diverge significantly from the podcast, like the Brozzos reboot, and he won't even be a character. Though the clothing and method acting would suggest that's probably not the case, at least not at first. Again, I'm agnostic as to where that whole thing will end up.
I'm expecting lots of meta comments on Hollywood and writing. Like aging-up Mabel's character so there isn't such an age gap between her and the guys (because audiences "won't believe" their friendship otherwise? for romantic possibilities?) but still not casting an old women, because misogyny. If they do have a Theo in the movie, I wonder if they'll address disability erasure when it's seen as too difficult or not narratively interesting, or the issue of casting abled actors as disabled characters.
Also, and this is a side note to the side note: Selena was seen filming as Mabel in the courtyard while the wedding set was up, wearing a baby blue sweater and mini skirt similar to the one she worn in 2x07. Mabel only wears blue in (or directly before/after) episodes where she's with Theo. Climatically it's about matching his color scheme/apartment, emotionally it's about getting closer to him. Now, this could be a stretch. I've tried to think of ways it could be stretch, like it could be to match someone else's color scheme, I guess. But the pattern is real. So that might put your mind at ease a bit, too.
The too-long-didn't-read of it is that while I think we had real reasons to worry last season, the writers keep committing to keeping him around and Theo has multiple storylines set up for the future. So I wouldn't worry. As for an OMITB movie counterpart, I have no idea, but wouldn't hold my breath.
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corvidae-corvus · 10 months
My Spiderman & Batman Fanfic (WIP): Not a prompt just from the fanfic I'm writing. Check Pin
Ideas #1:
So anyways, I started to think rlly hard about the fanfic and I realized that Instead of Peter going to Gotham right after NWH, I decided that he would die by the Inheritors instead.
I thought about this for a couple reasons:
• I needed to age Peter up a bit so it'd be easier for Peter and Jason to be in a relationship. This also helps with the timeline. So I decided that Peter will be 20 when he dies. Jason will also be 20 or 20-22 yrs old. (Still not sure how I want to write his relationship w/ the bat-family)
• I wanted to give him time to be on his own. I like the idea of him having support and a family but I needed to get him alone first. And since his parents will also be resurrected in the DC verse. His loneliness in those 2 years will play a VITAL role in his story. So 2 years will pass since NWH. I wanted him to still be fresh in his grief for May cause angst, but not too fresh because I want complicated feelings lol. And angst.
• I wanted him to be more experienced in crime fighting. I've read fanfic where he's just so unprepared for Gotham's harshness that he's really fucking struggling. And it kinda makes me go eeeeehhhhhhhh. And as much as I love it. (Cause I do, I like the angst) I also wanted to make him competent AND more dangerous. This is a Peter who's lost HIS WHOLE FAMILY!!! And then he gets them back!? Yeah Peter's morals bend so easily for them. And he's not gonna let a city bring him down. He's gonna live and protect his family, no matter what. What I'm trying to say is that Peter's gonna be a bit more overpowered. Not too much obv. And angry. Rlly fucking angry.
• I wanted Jason and Peter to be together in a romantic relationship and so I wanted to age Peter up instead of having him be with Jason when he's still angry with Batman
I just realized that In my fic Richard Parker and Dick are the same person just different variants of one another. Like they LOOK EXACTLY THE SAME!!! (In my fic that I'm working on)
Like. What age did Richard die!? My head cannon is that he had Peter when he was 25. So he dies at like 30. And Dick is like 5-8 years older than Jason right??? So like Dick is around 25-28 years old during this time!?
Would this make Peter/Jason weird??? I need to know. Should I make like Richard and Dick be only a quarter related??? Or not related at all!? AHHH I DON'T KNOW!? I mean I want Peter/Jason cause it's an easy way to connect Peter to the Bats but also cause I think Peter/Jason would be rlly fucking cute??
CAUSE LIKE- wouldn't it be weird to date a guy whose biological dad is related to your adopted brother??
Fuxk- should I just have it that Richard and Dick aren't actually related and Richard just looks like him (doppelganger) so that they can date or that Peter and Jason never date?
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kurosurintomasu · 1 year
How did giegue become brain damaged giegue?
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[Writer's Note: This post took forever to friggin write. It's written in-character as this Purple Guy. Also, it may have a bit more than the answer you'd want. It's very text heavy. If you're using a screen reader, then you're gonna have a bad time, especially whenever there's images. Have a friend read this to you instead. There's gonna be a lot of shit explained, from DG's origins to Gen's life outside of this. So, press Keep Reading if you interested in those sorts of things. Here we go.]
Before I can answer your question, I have to give you a bit of backstory.
My name is Sangen Demoli, but my friends call me Gen. I am a demon. I live in hell as its (technical) ruler. I'm 13.8 billion years old, as I was one of the seven demons that were created along with the universe. My father is BUBBA. Here's a picture of him.
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[Writer's note: Bubba (the big black one) and Herbert (the small white one), creators of the Universe. Image dated July 22, 2020. Drawn by @bowbi.]
I'm an easily entertained guy. I created Earth, and some of its inhabitants, such as the Colormen, who were created in my image. For 4.5-ish billion years, I've essentially done nothing but sit on my ass while the current actual ruler of hell, Lucifer, tortures all those sinning souls. Even though I created Earth, and along with it, Hell. Why does he get the awesome giant castle while I have to live in a shitty fucking mobile home?! It's bollocks, I say, bollocks!
(ahem) Anyways, it was only until the mid 80's, Earth years, that I decided to do something with my life. I decided to keep watch on a small, rabbit-ish type creature throughout its life, watching it grow old, and eventually die. It lived in a village, located in a cave, which itself was situated on a floating island. And a couple years later I learned it was actually a he, not an it.
The rabbit-thing's name? I uh. I forgot. All these years going by makes me forget a lot of things. I remember what he looked like though! Lemme just....
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There, this is what he looked like. This is... um... the small rabbit-ish guy. I also remember he had a crush on a girl rabbit-y creature for all of his life... her name was... um... Toroko, I think. Can't remember for the life of me what she looked like though.
Anyways, I was like a sort of... guardian angel (guardian demon?) to the little dude. Watched him grow into a fine young man.
But then... disaster. Sometime in Earth year 2003, he was murdered. In cold blood. By... I don't remember, but it was either a red ogre-type thing, or some megalovaniac- I mean megalomaniac scientist wearing an evil hat. I can't recall.
But, he was dead. I grew so attached to this little goober's life, that when I saw his mangled corpse on the ground, I couldn't help but cry.
I also felt like I failed as a guardian. I just. I needed to do something. So started the first of my many "experimental projects". I dubbed this... "Project Doppelganger."
Here's a very basic re-enactment of what I did in the project.
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Of course, this is just a basic re-telling. There was no "remake person" machine that I've made... or at least, there was one, but Project Doppelganger took so long to finish because of me having to design, program, and use the machine. And it finally finished... on Earth date July 10, 2003.
It was called Project Doppelganger due to the fact that I basically remade him in my image. Thing about it though, was that while he had his previous personality, he had essentially no memories of his past.
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He didn't even know who he was, so I had to make up some sort of fake backstory for him (which I will not get into, as the Project you now know as DG learned exactly who he was back in Earth year 2022, much to his dismay. He hated me for months lmao) just to make him... less confused as to who he is.
What does this have to do with "Giegue?" though? I'm getting to it.
Essentially, after Project Doppelganger, I never experimented with these sorts of "Creation/Recreation of life" projects. I've made strange inventions, such as a Shard Finder, but nothing as massive as Project DG.
That was, up until earlier this year. DG was playing this game. It was called EarthBound. I saw him get up to the final boss. The little runt on the screen in the spider mech, Porky Minch, unleashed what I can only describe as a horrorterror found in a childrens game from the 90's.
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I asked DG what this whole deal was, and he just... started explaining all of the lore. Like, all of it. From the whole "George and Maria" bullshit, to whatever the "Seven Needles" plotline is, and even treating a fanmade project known as "Cognitive Dissonance" as if it were official canon, and basically explaining that as well.
When I asked him what was up with the horrorterror on my screen, he lit up even more and started gushing about this "Giygas" character, as I know know it is named. He continuously talked about his species, and continued to gush on about how it was underutilized canonically or whatever.
So, after all that, he told me "Man, I wish aliens were real," sorta like that Splatoon "I wish squids were real" meme. But... that gave me an idea.
I went home, and started brainstorming.
Now, lemme ask you this. Have you ever heard of an "alternate universe" before? Of course you have, this is Tumblr, for crying out loud.
Basically, there are multiple universes held in one entire Multiverse. Millions upon billions of them, even. And each of those universes have multiple alternate timelines. Think Homestuck. Doomed timelines, and allat.
So, I did a bit of research, and found an alternate universe, much like the universe the MOTHER series takes place. And in it, an alternate, doomed timeline where...
The chosen four, Ness, Paula, Jeff, and Poo. They were all dead. Killed before they could pray the Universal Cosmic Destroyer out of existence.
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And tens of thousands of years passed by with Giygas being this... amorphous brainless horrorterror, not knowing what he is doing, having no control over his actions....
What did I do about it?
I put him in a bag. Like, a tote bag or whatever. Just, shoved him inside.
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So, I had Giygas now.
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Kept him in a jar, like a bunch of preservatives, or pickles, or other... unsavory fluids. What was I gonna do with him now? I had no clue.
Then, DG's words echoed through my brain. He's only like this because he "...was torn to shreds, molecule by molecule, due to high amounts of stress, anger... and PSI power."
I then knew what I had to do. I asked myself, "Y'know what'd be funny?", and started work on my first "Creation/Recreation of life" project in 20 years, "Project: Reconstruction," named after the "Reconstructed X" enemies from Mother 3.
I gave myself two rules for the project, however. The first one? NO PSI. If PSI was one of the main factors of him becoming the UCD, then I'd think I'd rather prevent that from happening to the VOIDLANDS.
Rule 2? No prior memories. Mostly because I don't want some evil guy roaming around punching people or whatever just because he doesn't have PSI. Also, those daddy-issue memories are one of the other main factors of his... self-destruction. Once again, better safe than sorry.
Anyways, I essentially had no point of reference on what he used to look like, so I basically went on the internet and cross-referenced a whole lot of shit, like the Spriters Resource, Giygas-based Tumblr blogs such as askgiegueandcrew, and... well... Highly unsavory artwork posted on that one furry art site (you know the one) just to get a basic reference for what I wanted him to look like.
[Writers' Note: askgiegueandcrew was/is my main point of reference for whenever I draw Gieegs (though it now has a major touch of my own art-style put in it whenever i do draw them)]
I even drew a blueprint of what I wanted out of Project: Reconstruction.
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Here it is. Now, if I had the vision I wanted perfectly fine, then by the project's completion, Earth Date July 10, 2023, it would look a lot like this, now wouldn't it? Then, why don't you tell me...
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I kid, of course, I know exactly why.
I took a lot of shortcuts.
A lot of them, in fact.
As I was putting him back together, molecule by molecule, I wanted to be pretty lazy, so I took a lot of them, but just enough to get it to this sort of "acceptable" state. These shortcuts led to a lot of the things you Hellsite Browsers know him for, his dead/blind left eye, his... being shorter than I thought he'd be... the fact that some of his limbs are still very... Giygas-y, red mist-type stuff... And, to answer the original question, his major high-functioning autism. (Though, to be fair, there were also no mind pieces to be found, so I had to make do with other pieces.)
None of these disabilities hurt him, per se, he's living pretty happily I'd say. But, I'm getting ahead of myself.
What did I decide to do to celebrate this "successful" project?
Give him to DG as a gift! I mean, it was the 20th anniversary of Project Doppelganger, wasn't it?
I'll let the following images speak for themselves.
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Needless to say, DG was not at all happy with me. But then I explained what I did and, while still sort of pissed at me for BRINGING WHAT WAS ONCE THE UNIVERSAL COSMIC DESTROYER TO HIS HOUSE AS A BIRTHDAY PRESENT, he calmed down a bit. They live together now. I dont wanna say DG's happy about it, but I think he's happy about it.
And now, to answer your question, for realsies this time...
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nebulousfishgills · 1 year
let's talk about Diplopia!
what prompted you to write it initially? How did you come up with the idea to have them cross into another dimension? Why Twilight and not another of JCB's roles, like Shadowhunters or Sweeney Todd?
would you write another universe-crossing fic like that, either still with JCB or with other actors?
what was your favorite chapter or scene to write in Diplopia? Was there a scene you especially struggled with? Did writing it come in bursts of inspiration or a continuous stream of motivation? Or with the idea, was it a bolt of inspiration or a gradual build?
If, instead of Emily, you'd chosen to create a new OC to complement Caius, what characteristics would you give them? (Emily is fantastic and I love how she works into the story, but I'm curious to see what a "from scratch" Twilight OC would look like)
Do you like Emily's relationship with Henry or Caius better? Which relationship does SHE like better? Does she ever regret leaving Henry behind? If she were to encounter another of their "doppelgangers" (Jace Wayland, Anthony Hope), would she consider a relationship there too?
Ah yes, the strangest thing I've ever written that turned into one of my most complex fics to date... yes, let's absolutely talk about it! Thanks for the ask!
There will be more shitposts because I want to share my stupidity.
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How it Began
I think most people know that I hadn't ever planned on touching Twilight with a thirty nine and a half foot pole. I'd grown up hearing about how god awful it was and that it had no redeeming qualities. For god's sake, the final battle never even actually happened! What are the stakes?? What's the point??
Then, of course, Summer of 2022 comes along and we all know what came with it. The further I fell down that rabbit hole, I came to realize that the pretty (fucked up) blonde I was starting to get eyes for... also happened to be in Twilight, among other things. I told myself, quote, "I'm not breaking my No Twilight streak over this."
Then, my roommate and I made the executive decision to celebrate our first week of college by watching Twilight since neither of us ever had. That was a very strange week and I remember having mixed emotions watching all five movies... the main one I remember was watching New Moon and then realizing that this is where that one meme came from:
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Fast forward to that Sunday, I had finished Breaking Dawn (roommate dropped out after New Moon, I don't blame them) and was ready to move on with my life. But of course I can't leave well-enough alone. I was talking with a friend over snapchat about just how awful the movies were, providing examples such as the horrid cgi used when Caius' fake death happens and the Denali's rip his jaw off (I'll spare you the imagery). This friend knew about Emily and was very enthusiastic about her, and that's when this happened:
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So that's how it was born. A friend from high school theatre gave me the idea, and it all went back to the arson. In fact, she gave me the idea for the fact that Emily had red eyes at this point in time could be a consideration.
The very original idea I had was a lot less serious and more goofy than it actually ended up being. In fact, one of my very first incarnations of the idea was essentially akin to (and this is such a niche reference) the Goof Off from that one episode of My Little Pony where Pinkie Pie and Weird Al try to one up each other to win over Rainbow Dash to prove who's the better Party Pony:
Except, of course, it's Caius and Henry trying to one-up each other to impress Emily. A flower, new clothes, human souls, arson, you get the picture. And Eddie was always going to be there to bear witness to this insanity, keeping essentially a tally of who was "winning" this asenine contest.
Of course, however, a fic like this needed research. I know, it wasn't supposed to be taken super seriously and I could have probably gotten away with using the bare minimum characterization and knowledge the movies gave me, but I don't know how to half ass fics. So, I just opened the wikis and started reading. The information I discovered was... actually a lot more fascinating than I had expected. In fact it taught me more than I had thought to ask.
I remember laughing stupidly hard at Marcus' "death" because I genuinely thought he was just so over everyone's shit that he was like "thank fuck get me away from these weirdos" but NO, this dude's story is so fucking tragic I sort of feel bad for finding that scene as funny as I do. That, and I realized that my central focus, Caius, was just a, quote, "Trigger Happy Wife Guy" who just wasn't fully realized... which of course brought up said wife, but that's a later issue.
Armed with more knowledge, I needed to figure out how this was supposed to go. I couldn't just plop Henry, Emily, and Eddie in Volterra and have this pseudo Goof Off without rhyme or reason. How did we get there, how did this happen, why did this happen, and so on.
I can't put into words how far this fell from my original dumb idea. I repeatedly say even now that the original joke got lost in translation along the way. The primary source of comedy was supposed to be these two guys with almost identical faces fighting over Emily... and then that posed the question. Why would Emily even consider Caius at all? It's a contest of who's in theory the better lover, but why would Emily give Caius any thought other than the uncanny resemblance and maybe the shallow, superficial gifts he could give her?
Answering this question in the place where all my big writing ideas come from (the shower) could arguably be considered my biggest mistake/triumph.
She and Henry had to get into some kind of fight.
It took me a while to figure out what that was about, but eventually the 'joke' helped me figure it out. Diplopia (I was always proud of the cleverness of the title. It's the medical term for having double vision/seeing double) takes place after the events of Stranger Things 4, so by all rights Henry should look like Vecna, right? No, because then the joke wouldn't land the same way. So, you know, for the sake of the story I came up with an explanation. Consuming enough human souls allowed Henry to shed this gross, viney, fleshy skin, which probably meant Emily not only had to work double time to help the effort, but give up sustenance she could have used. Then it all just fell into place, her insecurities about her own Upside-Down modifications, some simmering issues in their relationship they hadn't dealt with, all that shit.
And suddenly pure comedy turned into an angsty valliant effort on Henry's part to win Emily back because he accidentally fucked up. There are still elements of the original idea in the fic, the gifts Caius gives Emily when she's giving Henry the silent treatment, and the tally board Eddie uses is seen when they're trying to figure out how Henry can fix his oopsie...
Which leads me to the fact that the very original one shot I had uploaded to my Stranger Things one-shots book on Wattpad had a different ending.
(Side note, my character arc has been all but abandoning Wattpad except as a means to store drafts. Friendship ended with Wattpad, now AO3 is my new best friend. It only took so long because of interface familiarity; I stopped reading any fics on there aside from my friends' years ago)
Originally, Emily realized all the effort Henry was going through to make her happy again was proof he was the one who knew her the best, her perfect match despite the fact that Caius provided her things she could also find the appeal in... and then I decided to be cheeky and say the entire one shot was a vision Emily had like how Breaking Dawn 2 ended. Armed with foresight, she could decline Caius' offer for them to stay for dinner and she and her two companions could just go home.
So I posted it and left it alone for about... three months.
Then I watched Breaking Dawn 2 again with, actually, @ohitshoneybee and before I knew it, I felt the familiar horrible tendrils forming.
A new hyperfixation.
Of course, before this I had once in a while thought about what would have happened if Emily had just... decided to stay with Caius, but I never went much further with it than small ideas. But NOPE, my stupid ass decided to write a whole continuation that went through all the movies just to see how they would change if Emily became a factor. That became a small winter break project, writing what I called "The Director's Cut" and posting it to an untagged story on Wattpad because originally I just wanted close friends to read it.
This allowed me to get more extensive and creative with the lore. I had The Wife Problem to deal with, sure, but I fixed that quickly and then could proceed with fully weaving Emily into this... frankly mediocre story and making my own improvements (namely trying to make Bella seem less... you know, flat faced and stupid by making her knowledgable about Hawkins, for example). Now Emily could wreck shop and I could get revenge on the franchise that had begun to ruin my life by taking a fat piss on it and putting my OC into it to make it better.
That original version of the longer story had multiple endings, like video games. A Bad Ending, A Neutral Ending, and a Good Ending. The Bad Ending was basically if Alice's vision was a reality and Emily really had lost Caius, the asshole she gave up everything for... it doesn't end well for anyone, lemme tell you. The Neutral Ending was the closest to the movie, the entire battle being a vision and the Volturi just walk away (not without complaints from Emily and Caius of course)... and then because I really wanted to be an asshole, suddenly Emily woke up back in the Upside Down, none of it having ever happened in the first place.
Once I finished the full story, I waited a bit and then decided I'd be brave and not only upload it to Archive of Our Own, but clean it up and try my hand at smut since I figured I was about to turn 19 and I'd wanted to put on big girl shoes for a while at that point... of course it had to be this fic, but you know. I chose to just use my original Good Ending since I had always viewed that as the "canonical" ending, with the Volturi kicking Cullen ass.
So, now here we are, several months later, and I have a sequel in the works. What started as an idea for a comedy one shot has now become arguably my most notable fanfic series with emotional gut punches and general weirdness.
And that's that.
So, that was a lot, but let's keep going with your other questions.
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Why Caius?
I can't really provide an honest reason that sounds clever or complex. It's not like I spent hours deciding to go this route out of several others. I suppose the least complicated way to put it is just that Twilight was my first step into branching out to Jamie's other works and the idea grew because of that specifically. Diplopia was always written to make fun of Twilight and because I noticed that both Caius and Emily had this shared trait of liking fire. That's literally it.
Also I think one of the other reasons was the slowly budding desire to expand upon these characters that Stephenie Meyer, frankly, half assed. I've had the discussion with many people about the wasted potential these characters had and how I, in particular, take offense to it beyond the superficial reason that I think Jamie's more talented than such a one note character like Caius was written like displays.
The Volturi is literally a coven of dramatic, theatre kid, art and science nerds that also happen to enforce vampire laws. Since they stand in opposition to the Cullens, naturally that makes them The Bad Guys since what kind of Monster would stand in the way of Bella's happiness? So why should they get any depth?
Thing is, the few traits Meyer gave to the Volturi are traits that describe me exactly. She created the bones for characters that seem specifically curaited to me and my tastes. So their lack of depth and information bothers me excessively because I want to know more and she won't give me that information.
I'm serious, this is part of Caius' page in the Official Guide Book she wrote herself
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"Sometime before 1300 BC" "Unknown" "Unknown" Ma'am this is your official guide book that has everything one needs to know about your series, you can fill in these unknown dates! Not to mention the utter lack of respect she gives the wives. They get ONE sentence, and it just says who they're married to.
Stephenie Meyer, you named Caius' wife after Athena (side note, always been my favorite of the Greek Pantheon, another reason I feel a very strong connection with these characters), she's obviously a badass, not a trophy wife who gets high.
A pet project I wanna start is to write my own guide book about the Volturi using the bones she gave, but adding my own ideas, giving these characters depth, including ideas from fics and blogs that also feel the same way as I do.
All this to say, aside from the main reason I gave, I chose Caius because, in a sense, he and his wacky, weird coven chose me. I feel very protective over these characters and I want to give them their dues. I don't claim to be the ultimate say in this since I'm a baby in the fandom and others have wonderful ideas I subscribe to, not the other way around. But still.
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Other Universes?
I don't want to rule out the possibility, but Diplopia/Necrosis really feels like a one-of-a-kind phenomenon. I don't think the same effect could be felt if, say, they ran into Alicent Hightower for some reason.
(Ironic, considering I did actually find a fic shipping Alicent with the Three Stooges Kings... unfortunately it's written in Spanish soooo...)
This has been a trope I've liked to at least play with a little bit in the past, though. I remember a long time ago I thought it'd be a funny idea if my Avengers OC ran into Thomas Sharpe from Crimson Peak, a character played by Tom Hiddleston aka Loki (who she's shipped with). I never did anything with it beyond a few texts with a friend discussing the idea of Olivia and Edith duking it out.
However as of right now, I don't really forsee another forray into the Doppleganger Crossover realm anytime soon.
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The Actual Writing
Favorite Scene/Chapter - Honestly I love many scenes in this fic for many different reasons. There was a certain satisfaction that came with writing Henry and Emily's big arguement and inserting Emily into the events of the actual series was wildly fun.
Although I think my favorite scenes to write in this story are as of yet unpublished scenes in its sequel, Necrosis, that I can't talk about for spoiler reasons but have been written because I'm impatient. There are two chapters in particular there that I'm immensely proud of, one where Emily is a complete girlboss and the immediate aftermath where she has a long talk with another character about her past, why she did what she did in the previous chapter, and her feelings about everything she's done as a whole, it's a very touching scene...
That's probably cheating, though, so for the sanctity of the question, I think my favorite scene in Diplopia is either the scene where the secretary has to find plane tickets to get the coven to the Cullens and the computer is infuriating everyone or the scene where Caius and Emily are talking, ah, "post coitus" about their pasts and, specifically, what happened to Athenodora.
Struggles - The smut, for one, since I'd never written smut to actually post before, and I hadn't even written anything smutty at all in a very long time. I'm getting more comfortable with it since it's something I want to include in my writing, this one in particular. It just takes me a whiiiiiile to hype myself up enough to do it. Plus, I know there's the question of whether smut is "necessary for the plot," but trust me, for Necrosis in particular any spicy scenes are important. The reason why will become more obvious as the story progresses.
Also, writing Henry and Emily's goodbye was extremely hard. I'm very protective of them and their relationship and it's something that's very important to me. I think the goodbye made the situation more real to me. I wanted to do it because then I could move on to the fun stuff later in the story, but that scene was very hard on me emotionally. I suppose that brings up the question as to why I did this in the first place, but the only real answer I can give is "shits and giggles." I'm not ashamed to admit I was crying while writing it, and the fact that "Slipping Through My Fingers" from Mamma Mia happened to come up on my shuffle while it was happening...
Motivation - The motivation was strange for sure. Nine times out of ten when I write my fics the motivation to write comes in bursts after days or even weeks being absent. Diplopia was no different. I remember it took me a while to get the original one shot done, but that wasn't necessarily a motivation issue, more like a... "once I go through with this, I can't go back, I'll have officially written Twilight fanfiction" and it was... kind of a battle to come to terms with that, and then overcoming my motivation wave.
This also brings up how I plan my fics... usually I don't plan aside from mentally, but for this one, once I decided to go full send on the Director's Cut, I knew I had to somewhat shape what I wanted to do and have it written down. So I started my trend of writing long messages to myself on a Discord server with only me in it devoted to sending myself stuff or writing down ideas. There are pages worth of notes on Diplopia and Necrosis in there. And when I get more ideas, I just add to it. The idea train never stops with me.
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Emily vs. Another OC
Being honest, there were a few times where I had an errant thought or two about coming up with a whole new OC to ship with Caius aside from Emily. I never went anywhere with it other than an idea or two about a backstory or a personality, though, and I don't plan on going further than that. Here's why.
By far, Emily is my most developed, well-rounded OC. As a Twilight OC, she has an entire, fully fleshed out backstory that comes from her "past" as a Stranger Things OC. She works incredibly well as a match for Henry, but she's also very compatable with Caius. My ability to ship her with both of them very seamlessly just feels natural and my best route to go with. For all intents and purposes, Emily is my OC for Twilight just as much as she is my OC for Stranger Things.
The only thing I can think of that makes her Stranger Things ties... we'll say stronger is that she can exist as a Stranger Things character without her additional Twilight lore, but she cannot exist as a Twilight OC without at the very least her base level Stranger Things lore...
I say "base level" and I mean basically everything up until she meets Henry (so her mother giving her up, her shitty orphanage she eventually runs away from etc). I have another one shot planned where Emily manages to avoid the trauma of HNL entirely and skips right to Italy with Caius... and an additional detail but that's another conversation.
So, wouldn't it be easier to come up with a whole new OC without those Hawkins ties?
Well, maybe, but the thing is that she wouldn't be nearly as developed as I would like. And I feel like at a certain point she'd just feel like Emily, just without the baggage. It's just not in my interest to do such a thing.
There are some ideas that I have that just don't quite work with Emily. She's so developed that there are things that just aren't in character for her. Her personality and presence is so unique that at a certain point there's no room for additional base level nuance. She can only change slightly with a "hypothetical" character development, and emphasis on the "slightly."
But you know who could benefit from this base level nuance that Emily can't use? Who is in desperate need of some filling to her character?
Let's get something clear, Thena is Stephenie Meyer's character, I'm not saying I'm just straight up stealing her character and calling it an OC. But remember how I said I wanted to make it a project to expand upon these near empty husks of characters with my own ideas and headcanons?
All the traits I can't use with Emily I could in theory give to my revamp (no pun intended) of Athenodora. I mentioned a few asks ago how I had a one shot idea cooking that doesn't involve Emily. That one shot is basically going to be me writing out Athenodora's story. Who she was before, where she came from, how she was turned, how she met Caius, and so on. All the stuffing that could have gone into a half assed OC can be added to Thena, a character with bones who needs meat.
So, tl;dr, Emily is the defacto Twilight OC for me, but any and all energy that I could hypothetically put into a from-scratch character would be much better utilized in giving substance to a character that needs it much more.
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Team Henry vs. Team Caius
Oh boy! Well, this is the real question for sure. I knew at some point I'd be asked for my opinion on the matter. And after a long, hard debate with myself, my answer is...
I can't pick.
I know, it's such a cop-out answer, but I genuinely cannot decide who's the better match for Emily at the end of the day. It's a cliché but it's like asking me to pick a favorite child. They both have pros and cons, and it's a completely subjective opinion based on the individual which of those pros and cons hold more weight. For example, I know you seem to prefer Emily with Henry for any number of reasons, meanwhile my best friend has a certain preference for her being with Caius for other reasons.
In an ironic twist, this is my Team Edward or Team Jacob in more than just the love triangle object. When it came to Bella, Jacob was the childhood friend who came with what was familiar and Edward was the vampire who came with the family that Bella had lacked to a certain degree.
Sound familiar?
For me, my preference changes with my mood on the situation, and that mood can change in seconds, back and forth.
Sometimes I re-read His Tenebris Moenibus or the other associated one shots and I feel like the absolute worst for taking away, quote, "the only thing [Henry's] ever loved" and how he wants to reshape the world for both of them just so he can make Emily truly happy because of that love he has for her. And I made her break it off with this man because I got the urge to create chaos?? The trauma bonding, the shared goals and ideas, the willingness to literally destroy the world for each other, it's endearing.
And then I take a look at the other side of things. I sometimes forget the base level circumstances as to how this happened in the first place because, to me, Emily falling in love with Caius also has a certain natural way about it. It feels like a legitament, viable option. Similar to Emily and Henry, they're damaged individuals who help each other essentially patch each other up. I think the only reason this fact can fall through is the fact that I just haven't been able to show just how badly Thena's death had affected Caius before Emily showed up since one, the aforementioned under-developing of their characters and relationship by proxy, and two, it's very hard to not only create that from scratch, but blend that in when I have to balance so many other more important plot threads.
Not only that, but as I said, Caius came with a family, something Emily's been without but secretly longed for. She has so many siblings and friends, "more than [she] know[s] what to do with," who help support her and provide a different sort of love to her. Aro's her strange older brother who she fights with, sure, but also sees somewhat of herself in (namely the fact that they're both batshit insane at times and have... spotty pasts). Sulpicia's her matronly sister who in many ways is a rock for Emily to keep her from going too wild, but also can act as another woman who can understand her. Marcus is... just there, unfortunately. He has his own issues and typically Emily's too haywire to pay much attention to him.
And the Guard of course! Her relationship with Jane is I think what Emily wanted her relationship with Eleven to be like. Even if Jane is much older technically, their older/younger sister type bond is incredibly special to Emily, Alec is just a bonus. And we have characters like Heidi, who help Emily branch out and be her own unique self or even yet unseen dynamics with Felix or Demetri. It's a whole support system and Caius is just the cherry on top, someone who genuinely cares for her and wants her to be her best self... even if they light things on fire along the way.
Now as for what Emily thinks...
I think like me, she's not entirely sure who she truly prefers at the end of the day. She knows and understands everything that I said a second ago, just much more personally which makes it an even harder choice.
What I do know is that she never regrets the relationships she had with either of them. She knows they both provided things she needed and she helped them in her own ways as well. Though, and I've said this before, when Emily's with Caius, a small part of her always will long for Henry because of the fact that she's essentially frozen in time still feeling that love for him. Nothing is going to change that. So by proxy sometimes she feels regret for leaving him, but that's not mutually exclusive to also regreting her relationship with Caius. She can regret leaving Henry while also being very happy as she is with Caius at the same time.
Caius also knows that Emily has this deep seeded love and longing for Henry and he will never ever try to erase that. He knows how much Henry meant to her and will never ever say Emily should never have been with Henry. He knows she loves him, and she also loves Henry. He can live with that.
I can't exactly speak on Henry's feelings since I don't exactly know what they are. That's not me just avoiding the question. Since I don't have season 5 to guide me, I don't know how his story wraps up. It seems odd considering this is fanfiction so why should I care about canon, but I feel like I need to know how Henry's story wraps up in season 5 so I know how it wraps up when Emily is with him, and then I have to remove her from that new equation. I'm making it harder than it needs to be, but that's how my brain is choosing to operate.
At least in part though, he feels like if she's happy, then he's happy. In a way, he did give her happiness like he promised, now that I think of it that way.
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Some other possible Jamie Variants?
As I said, this story was very curaited to pitting Caius against Henry because that's just how it developed from the start. But I have thought about this question a little bit since clearly Emily Has A Type, so why shouldn't we think about Jamie's other characters?
I think the next most likely candidate would be Jace. Personality wise, he and Emily have similarities. Their snark, their I'll say off-putting demeanors, among other things. That, and their aesthetics are similar. Emily's got tattoos and dresses alternatively, same as Jace. Plus, I think Emily would also be Jace's type since Emily and Clary have some similar traits like their red hair colors and brown eyes.
The primary problem I see with this is kind of a big one, though. Jace is a part-angel demon hunter. Emily is quite literally, for all intents and purposes, a demon. It would make for an interesting variant of the "two lovers on opposing sides of a war" trope, but that seems like a reaaaaaalllllly hard thing to bypass... oh but goddammit Emily as a Shadowhunter sounds like such a badass concept.
I'm gonna move on.
Sweet little Anthony Hope I feel like is a much lower candidate. Emily doesn't quite fit in his world, nor does Anthony fit in hers. Emily's far too much of a psychotic bitch for him. Plus, this would have to be like, a younger version of Emily since in Diplopia (our baseline), she's 38, a whole 20 years Anthony's senior. That, and there would also have to be time travel used since Sweeney Todd takes place 159 years before that. I shouldn't really factor in these logical aspects since nothing about Diplopia was logical in the first place, but I can't help consider it.
They don't seem that compatable to me. Anthony should just stick with Johanna.
This one is more for fun, but let's analyze Kit Marlowe. I'll get the obvious out of the way, but there's a slim chance Kit would even be looking in Emily's direction in the first place. If we bypass that, I feel like if we put these characters on a spectrum of hypothetical compatability, Kit would be somewhere in the middle. He and Emily have some similarities, but I feel like if they spent too long with each other, they'd butt heads often. Emily's clingy and Kit pushes people away. That's not very conducive to a good relationship. But they do have a shared interest in more macabre things and both see themselves as damned and irredeemable creatures.
If I'm being honest, the most likely outcome for this, provided Kit is willing to have relations with women in the first place, is a friends with benefits situation more than anything.
In fact, let's have fun. If we put Henry and Caius on a shelf and let Emily play the bachelorette, we have a very clear cut game of Fuck, Marry, Kill for her. None of the options are perfect like with most games of FMK, but if we really break it down, Emily would...
Fuck Kit, Marry Jace, Kill Anthony
But I feel like now is a good time to mention that at certain spots in Diplopia and Necrosis, you can see small influences and references to these other characters.
Emily mentioned a girl from Saint Valentina's that she lit the mattress of on fire. Her name was Clarissa and she "thought she was basically an angel" which is me referencing Clary, and Jace by proxy.
This one is more loose, but to a certain degree, on Caius' part, I feel like in his mind there's a certain "I'll steal you, Johanna" element to how he feels when first meeting Emily. You can take that as you wish, but Johanna was the first "Every Breath You Take" regardless of who's singing it, iconic and adorable as that scene is.
Lastly, this is moreso in Necrosis, but I very specifically call out how in one scene Caius is wearing a black dress pants and a black Elizabethan blouse that was open in the front with his hair slightly wavy and touching his shoulders. This is me describing Kit Marlowe in essence, specifically that scene when he's talking to Will about ambitions and then they kiss (jcbbby would know what scene I mean for sure). Frankly, the Twilight budget was strained when it came to wigs, especially in Breaking Dawn for the Volturi, but to me, if you made Kit's hair Targaryen silver-blonde and he had the red eyes of course, that's my ideal Caius, full stop.
In a few ways I tried to make Diplopia/Necrosis a sort of melting pot for Jamie characters, some elements more subtle than the others, so if you really think about it Emily gets to have all these characters.
And all of this is without mentioning the fact that Emily is also attracted to women, but that's a conversation for another day.
Phew, that was a lot! Thanks for the ask and I hope this isn't too exhaustive of a read!
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descaladumidera · 1 year
“Nobody Asked About My Writing” Meme
I got tagged by the wonderful @amethyst-noir, so you all get unnecessary infos about my current WIPs thrown in your face. And as I am, currently, able to write and share my fics, I shall even do this meme.
Answers below the cut, 'cause this got long.
 1. what are you currently working on?
I have three WIPs right now that I'm actively working on. Which. Is insane. 'Cause usually I have one and then I might throw a one-shot in-between writing chapters. But. Yeah. So, today I've finished the next chapter of like lead in my heart and I'm about to edit it. I've also started the sequel to give it 'til i beg (give me some more), so … I'll hopefully finish that at one point, so my Fratt peers get more juicy dom/sub action. And then I have started to actually write a little something that I've only thrown into a Discord before in the form of a quick idea. It's titled Five Times Frank Fucks Matt From Behind and One Time He Wants to See Matt's Face. Yes. That short. So. Yeah. I'm currently writing the first chapter, but have outlines for all the chapters.
2. summarize your current project
like lead in my heart: NWH rewrite with a twist. Local horned vigilante takes on a more prominent role in Peter's life during the events of NWH and after. give it 'til i beg (give me some more) sequel: Matt tries to avoid Frank after what happened in the first part. He is not very good at that. Five Times: Exactly what it says on the tin. Frank fucks Matt five times from behind and the last time he wants to see his face.
3. summarize your current project poorly
like lead in my heart: Local horned vigilante gets too involved in teenager's life. And then he fucks the teenager's doppelganger. give it 'til i beg (give me some more) sequel: Too embarrassed to function and also too horny to function. Five Times: Too much fucking, not enough talking.
4. describe your favorite character or characters
Matt Murdock: Gets fucked over by life and personal bad choices again and again and again. Needs some hugs and lots of therapy. He also has very interesting alternate versions from other dimensions. Frank Castle: Got fucked over by life royally, meaning his wife and kids died in front of his eyes. Decided the best coping mechanism is killing the scum of the earth. Also needs therapy. I don't recommend hugging him, though.
5. post a line from your current project without any context
like lead in my heart, chapter 8: Peter needed Tony Stark, not Matt Murdock. give it 'til i beg (give me some more) sequel: And then he had jumped out of the window, like the mature adult he was. Five Times: Things like this were never planned.
6. how do you get through writers block?
7. would you want to live in the world of your current work?
Abso-fucking-lutely not! The Marvel universe gets attacked approximately every 0.2 seconds by something or someone that can kill me and my loved ones with one thought and I would rather eat chalk.
8. briefly discuss your outlining process, if you outline
I do not outline. Outlining means that my brain goes, "Oh! So we're done with this one, onto the next idea!" and I'll never write it. The only "outlines" I do are when I ramble on about an idea in a Discord or to friends and then decide to flesh it out and write it.
9. what is the aesthetic of your current project?
I. I don't know what that means? I mean, like lead in my heart is kinda action and found family and romance and everything all in one, I guess? The other two are basically PWP, more or less. Maybe there is a bit of plot.
10. what song sums up your current work the best?
like lead in my heart
give it 'til i beg (give me some more) sequel
Five Times Frank Fucks Matt From Behind and One Time He Wants to See Matt's Face
Tagging: @atypical-snowman, @jeromesankaraao3, and @kimmycup. And whoever else wants to do this!
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iodotsys · 2 years
What's the most unexplained thing that has ever happened to you?
Weeeeellll actually I have a few!
I apparently have a doppelganger? It tends to pop up whenever I'm very stressed or emotionally strung out. My friend @bananazim said they saw me staring at them at the foot of their bed a few times when I was very much not there. Around that same time, I would wake up in fits like something was trying to choke me. I had vivid feelings of a creature staring at me from the corner as I couldn't breathe or it crawling over me and cutting off my airway. For context, I am extremely cognizant whenever I just wake up. I know my surrounding in an instant, so the fact I felt like something was there is hard to write off as lucid dreaming.
Eventually, the whole thing just suddenly stopped. I think it was a demon, I dunno. -shrug- It was annoying.
Second unexplained thing, I tend to have this ability to know when things are going to happen. Like, knowing when people will call me, knowing if we're gonna be getting into a car accident, knowing when people will be dying, etc. Its a strange sense of just...knowing? Like there's no emotional attachment to it, like fear or anything. Its like reading ahead in a book. One time I got in a car and my brain told me "You're going to be getting into an accident." I just accepted it like, "Oh, okay." 30 seconds later a tree fell on our car as we were driving down a highway and crushed the roof of the car onto my head. A few months before my mom was diagnosed with the cancer that took her life, I had this ITCHING feeling I absolutely had to talk to my mom more because there wasn't much time left to do so. She had zero signs of illness at the time. Those are just two examples, really. I have countless examples of stuff like that happening, things I just can't explain. It always a VERY particular feeling I get too, not like paranoia or anything. Its emotionless and matter of fact.
Also I'll have dreams about people I haven't talked to in years and then the next day they contact me out of the blue.
And one more thing which might be the reasoning for my weird ESP or whatever. My mom's friend, who is a psychic, saved my life. So, my mom was about to give birth to me, but was at my aunt's house for a party, not knowing she was going in labor. The psychic friend, who wasn't there mind you, got the feeling that something was horribly wrong with my mom and NEEDED to find her. So, she did and then begged my mom to go to the hospital. After convincing my reluctant mom to go, she had to convince the nurses to check on my mom's pregnancy and lo and behold, I was already coming out. So, everyone scrambled and it turned out I was dead. Not breathing, completely purple. They had to resuscitate me. Had my mom's friend not gotten that feeling she NEEDED to talk to my mom, I would've been born at my aunt's and never gotten the lifesaving care I needed.
I like to say I was never born, but resurrected.
Needless to say, I've had an interesting life.
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unboundwanderers · 2 years
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@kemikorosu sent in: ✍️ || APOLOGY LETTER MEME || ACCEPTING
               At the current time I'm writing this, a lot has occurred since I left you. I figured, that if I'd survived the final day- I'll have gotten around to sending you this letter, sooner rather than later. It's much easier to write out here, so I'll tell you... when I left you, I was on my way to destroy my people. If you're reading this, it means I've done what I have to do. If The Doctor is still out galavanting across the stars, and you're not with him- I'm sorry, I wish there was something I could do... but I think I understand why he chose that.
               I am not writing this letter to speak for The Next man who comes after me. I understand my role, as a soldier. That's all I'd like to write this letter as, the Soldier who fought with you. What I will say, is that The Doctor is ashamed of me and ashamed of himself. That is why he has not returned because he's in pain- and until he conquers that pain, he won't be able to face you. I know it's hypocritical for me to say that I won't speak for The Doctor, only to speak for him- but I felt the need to explain his actions- I cannot say for certain how long it will take him to face you.
               I was under the impression that the goodbye we shared was truly goodbye- and for you, it probably was- but for me... I fell through a pocket of time. Moments before the end of The War, I was sent through to a pocket universe, a mirror one. I told you about my mission for timelords when you were left in their custody on Gallifrey. They had sent me to another pocket universe. What I neglected to mention was that I had encountered your doppelganger. She was in a position similar to your brother, ruling over the abyss. It brought me great pain to see that woman in that position,
               That's where I've been stranded, but at the time of writing this- I am trying to get back home... to finish what I started, to end the war... once and for all. However, it has proven quite difficult. I have been blasted back to a point in time before The Time War started, and in this universe... I am on my own. There are no timelords, and while there are Daleks, they aren't as advanced nor are they as powerful... but the forces they command are certainly overwhelming, as is much in this universe. I conclude that when I return to the war, on my side of the wall- in our universe... that destroying the nexus of the war should restore any and all damages in this universe.
               I was just... well. I'm writing this because I'm scared. I'm scared of what I have to do. For once, I consider the possibility that I might meet my end... and fear arises because I feel as if that's something I want... that living might be more intense than dying. However, I know in my heart of hearts... that what I'm doing is right. If I don't, I'll let all the people we fought with, the people who died with us... you... I'll let them all down. I can't do that, I can't give up. Not here, not now. I have to do the right thing, even at the cost of what I fear most.
               I wanted to tell you that the time I spent with you during the war was one of the happiest moments of my life. Throughout this incarnation's life- I have felt that my only purpose is to fight and die for someone else. I am a soldier, through and through- but whenever you brought me up, well... I truly felt like The Doctor again, even if I said I wasn't. You brought that out in me, and now- I have to do what I think The Doctor would do. I know that I am not him, but I stand by this choice. Something was said to me, recently- Great men are forged in fire. It is the privilege of lesser men to light the flame. Fighting with you with a privilege, an honor. You are the brightest star in the universe.
                                                                                                                              The Doctor.
               THE WINDBLUME FESTIVAL... He'd stopped by, wearing a denim jacket, wool mittens, jeans, and high-top sneakers. With shaggy brown hair and young eyes. He stood by the statue of Barbatos, POLICE BOX parked not too far away from it. Flowers and offerings were given out during this ceremony... and THE DOCTOR found himself looking up at the sky for a moment, looking for shooting stars past the daytime blue sky. He inhaled deeply, pulling something out of his jacket pocket.
               The Apology letter. He looked down at it and knelt down on the ground, leaving it upon the pile of windblume flowers that had posed as offerings for the god Barbatos. He then stood up and clenched the straps of his bag. He just... couldn't face her- not yet. He was still cracked from the pain, the pain of THE WAR. However, he felt a howling in his heart that demanded he finally takes the letter to her...
               So... he left it, in the home she frequented and at a place he knew there'd be a gathering. He hoped for once that the universe would do him a favor, and make sure it got to the right place. His hands slid into his jacket pocket and he exhaled softly... and that sound of THE POLICE BOX vanishing... echoed out across the wind, carried through the air... and hopefully...
Someone who'd follow it to the letter.
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cosmicmote · 9 months
A World So Full of Inversions and Something Else
makes for a lot of wasted potentials
though maybe not wasted for all,
too many people get off on that.
it's still day one and we'll talk about care
health care and treatment, repeatedly denied and
actively blocked as a kid, routinely
for example I was taken to emergency room as a kid
at 13, gut pains and they went away but
the doctors recognized all the signs of abuse and I didn't
after all they didn't hit or touch me, but they were right all along and
they wanted to keep me, just for one night of course and
a couple years before that I was getting stitched up and a nurse said the same
but the doctor interjected that the parents were always right even when they're not
but he knew and I knew
that much at least
I remember quite clearly, my heart as well
the nurse said that's why she could never be a republican whatever
(it's a false paradigm in a cage with sinks aplenty)
other good points they had, positions, she was angered and stormed off
the two of us helpless, and disillusioned
never to be seen again
if only temporarily, see that's how it works
from the age of 3 maybe sooner
self-medicating had to come later here, bound to
learned, I bought a book on editing, just tonight, it looks old and good but
hopefully it helps me make me a better writer
how to write Gertrude had had the rhythms of life
far down better than Wu Tang not to slag but they were over rated
there was the golden era before, without and without modernities
did I spell that write
I'll mention care and self care again while I'm here a broken clock
it's not a clock as it doesn't tell time, it's just a noxious noise maker and
it has its hands
it carries over onto its owners or vice versa, keeping it around so long but
it tunes at christ mas oh the so little important happy things in life
so much is unrequited, then there's the wrong number woman whom
I've never responded to, but I do genuinely care I do she's
just not that very savvy, and the rest is something else
it has been over three years now and more and
it's not that the number is wrong but
that it doesn't belong to who she thinks it does
I'm under the impression some guy was looking to get rid of her and
she lives not far from him and looks for him there but
me I could say I'm somewhere else entirely but
there are mirrors in this world that don't show illusions and
the voodoo comes through in her voice, presumably ex smoker too
I hear the British are banning that or some such
in George Michael's finally year, go figure
every fire has its own desires which
explains the sun and middle earth and all the hells
hell fires sure are bright and shiny but their needs
they'll be met, somewhere along the way of time and
there's that doppelganger paranirvana too
which Kerouac drank himself to obtain
like wise he was quite wise
too much so for his own good or
at least everyone else's like Allen's
like later in life the cards he was carrying
nobody listened or heard nor really wanted to have it published either
words ©spacetree 2024
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thedetectiveofinaba · 6 years
Tumblr media
Naoto calling out her friend/relative on having a crush.exe is probably the best thing she’s done this year and I can’t stop laughing at it :’D 
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weebsinstash · 5 years
Brooo me toooo!! I feel the exact same way abt pregnancy so again, am I the doppelganger??? I personally don't DISlike children, but they make me nervous when they're my responsibility bc? I hardly take care of myself? I have a really aggressive anxiety disorder(can it be described as that?) so like putting me in charge of kids for longer than 30 minutes makes me Nervous. And the smaller they are the less time I can spend with them. Plus i don't want to mutilate my body w childbirth :/
Yeah, legit. I didn't even know until the last year or so but the country I live in, America, is actually number 1 in the entire world with documented maternal mortality, which tells you a lot about how "developed and sophisticated" we rlly are tbh. They dont teach you in school that childbirth can be fatal, or that a baby's kick can break your ribs, or that giving birth can literally break your pelvic bones, or that certain birth control doesn't even work over a certain weight, or fuck, what a venous air embolism is, which is extremely fatal. Dunno what that is? Neither did I until the internet! But it's caused by a fairly common sexual practice!
You know, I found out just within the last year, but when my own mom was 16, she was on birth control but somehow, it failed, and she got pregnant. She had an abortion and I don't judge her for it even a single bit.
Honestly a good part of my negative views towards motherhood and pregnancy come from how heavily stigmatized abortion has become in my country, and the concept of not having kids at all. Would you call that spite? I was never a big fan of having kids, but seeing enormous groups of people treat women like animals and incubators just cemented the need to have control over my own body. Did you know in America, 9 times out of 10 you can't get a hysterectomy until you're 35 because "you might change your mind" and something called medical paternity, which is a fancy way of saying your doctor personally doesn't want to do it? It's horrifying. I find it legimately frightening and the way my country treats reproductive rights alone makes me wish I was born a man (though tbh I've felt before I sometimes skirt the nb border but fkgkfkfnf irrelevant)
To be honest when I've considered writing pregnancy in my yandere fics, it's usually in some sort of coercive manipulative way, which I guess closely mirrors how I personally think the subject is often used. I can hardly care for myself, but I'm expected to care for another life because of, what, obligation? No thank you. I strongly feel any child of mine would be very unhappy for too many reasons to even count.
People should never feel pressured into being parents. I remember reading a reddit thread once full of people who regretted becoming parents and you know what? It's sad but something we need to normalize. Having children shouldn't be the default. People shouldn't be shamed for focusing on themselves. We need to stop saying "just put them up for adoption then" when just the process of birth can be fatal, traumatizing, and extremely painful.
Is my Democrat showing? Maybe I'm just really cynical for my age. I just strongly believe people's lives should be within their own hands.
Gkdjkdjfjj anyone please let me know if this is a triggering subject for you and I can tag it but yeah. I hope no one is hurt by what I've said as I've tried to be gentle with the subject. I just dont ever see myself having children and i... Simply don't like being around them. Also for how many people preach "just put it up for adoption" my country has shockingly low adoption rates which just leads to more suffering and only adds to my pregnancy-fear
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thebootybitchdragon · 7 years
So, first of all, I am super excited to have found somebody as excited about the clone as I am. I've been thinking about it a lot since Butch posted his video. But, I'm confused, because I thought this was ten years into the future? Wouldn't original Danny be older? Like 24 I think? Aside from that, you guys got some really good ideas about this character, and I've been laughing at some of the comments for a good few minutes.
AHHHH someone else who likes the clone!Welcome friend!!! 8) lmao, I was browsing the Phantom tag yesterday waswas so disheartened by how many people were irritable at all of thedesigns or downright kicking them to the curb. Which, isunderstandable, everyone has their tastes, and I agree that most ofthem are just…..Put Them Back embodiments, but it was still sad tosee so little interest in the Clone.
Because its such a good idea ripe withpotential, both for TUE levels of darkness and for hilariousscenarios. For once (ONCE) Butch has done okay by me.
And now to actually answer yourquestion, lmao: Yes, you are correct, the original concept was Vladfor ten years into the future, with a teenage Danny clone (I do admitthat’s super squick, like Vlad do you have no other hobbies besidesbeing fucking creepy? Go outside and play some tennis my dude.) sincethe video was a part 2 to the original Phantom concepts for the tenyear anniversary. However, at least in the ideas and concepts I’vebeen talking about and personally throwing around, I’ve gotten rid ofthe ten year span.
Because it literally doesn’t makesense.
I have contempt for the officialPhantom timeline bc its so inconsistent, but a majority of peoplehave it taking place over a two year time span, based on the twosummer episodes. (This is something I personally don’t agree with,but I have no evidence to argue it so I’m stuck like a petulantchild grumbling in the corner) and Vlad gives Valerie her gear in S1Ep10, Shades of Grey. I cannot recall if it was specifically statedin canon Vlad was using her to get Danny’s DNA, but I’m trustingthe wiki bc I really don’t want to endure re-watching Kindred Spiritsand D-Stabalized. If we assume that this had been Vlad’s goal fromthe start (something I disagree with and will touch more aboutbelow), that means that he’s been gathering Danny’s DNA for about ayear to two years if we estimate heavily with the nonsense timebetween the episodes.
In that time span, he figured out howto do the cloning, built the equipment, went through countlessprototypes to figure out all the bumps and snags, made severaldecently “functional” clones (Dani and the one he fucking murdersas a display), made the “perfect” one, and figured out exactlywhat he needed to stabilize an artificial hybrid of ghost and humanorigin.
In two years max.
It would not take him ten fuckin yearsto recreate a successful perfect clone. Even if everything wasdestroyed twice and he lost Valerie’s “assistance”. And thereason for that is because he already knows how. The hard part isdone. Once you know how to do something through so much trial anderror, you know what not to do and what you should do the nexttime around. Vlad doesn’t need to re-figure out how to make astable, perfect clone again, he can just get the equipment, the DNA,whatever and just do it.
Which he was most likely attemptingto already do in D-stabilized.
[Edit: I neglected to look on thewiki before writing this entire thing bc I was confident I know thematerial and apparently I need to get a reality check on my ego bc Iwas completely misremembering D-Stabalized. The fallowing should betaken with gratuitous lumps of salt bc I’m salty at this discoveryand also I haven’t changed anything in it.]
Why do you think hewas going after Dani? Why would he want that information of “Whyare you so stable?” if he wasn’t trying again? If he wasn’t at thepoint that he NEEDED to stabilize something? For future knowledge?Please. If Vlad was truly going to make another perfect clone, hewould not wait several months after loosing the first doing literallynothing but tormenting Danny and being an ass, nor until after he’sfigured out Dani. He was working on the Clone project for a long timeunder everyone’s noses in the first place, so who’s to say he wasn’tagain?
I’m saying Vlad wasliterally within inches of succeeding in D-stabalized. That healready had a second Clone ready to stabilize.
[Edit: I was incorrect in thinkingVlad only wanted Dani to learn why she’s stable, he wanted to use herto make another perfect clone. I was close, but not close enough. Iam still standing by my theory, however, canon can suck it. It’sstill at least feasible.]
Hartman suggestedin the video, as I’m sure you know, that the Clone (I call himDaniel bc there’s literally no way he’s not namedDaniel.) has some of Vlad in him. And this, my friend, melds so well with where canon dropped off.
Vlad wanted andattempted to stabilize the clones with Danny’s full DNA, probably soit would be 100% Danny, enough to the point he was willing to murderDani to figure her out/use her. However, after failing to get themid-morph from Danny (failure 1) and failing to get anything fromDani (failure 2), Vlad would be unlikely to try the same thingsagain. I would also like to think he’d also be unlikely to continuing to announce “OI I’M CLONEING YOU” to Danny, but it’sVlad so you never know.
He would be forcedto think of something else.
There is nothing incanon suggesting that Vlad couldn’t use his own mid-morph tostabalize a clone. He never brings it up, never explains why themid-morph is the critical link aside from the fact that it just is.There’s very little info about just how these clones are made, sothere’s no known rules to what could work and what wouldn’t. A possible reason this might not work is that it could function likebody parts or blood types, where you need a match in order for it tobe properly accepted. In that case, however, its just figuring outwhat you need to tweak in order to force an acceptance, somethingprobably made easier to do when you’re in control of the entiregenetic sequence you’re fiddling with.
This would not taketen years to do. None of it would. It would take at most, I think ayear. Maybe two, but that’s pushing it. I also have a theorythat Vlad was being so obtuse in Season 3 was to purposefullydistract Danny, but take that as you will.
This is all of myfancy way of explaining why my personal ideas are set so close to theactual canon and kicking that gross ten years to the curb.
As for my forgotten notion about why Idon’t think Vlad started cloning from Valerie’s beginning was becauseVlad was still mostly focused on Maddie up until Maternal Instincts,which occurs 6 episodes after Shades of Grey. Shades of Greyis only three episodes from Bitter Reunions as well.That’s a pretty small amount of time for someone still (reasonably)sane to go “I liked that kid, I want him to be my son. I shouldclone him.”
I’d also like to state that in the fourepisodes Vlad appears in before Kindred Spirits (not including TUE)but after Maternal Instincts, not once is his main goal Danny.Nor is it ever Maddie, either. Danny becomes a factor in MillionDollar Ghost, however his main goal is still stealing the portal. InReign Storm, he’s more inclined to use Danny than to try to make himhis son, bc again: his goal is the artifacts. In Secret Weapons, Vladisn’t even interested in Danny when he’s dropped in the middleof his lab. Tbh, I can’t for the life of me figure out what Vlad’sgoal was in the whole sibling battle thing, he really just fucked hisplans up himself in that one. In Masters of All Time, his goal wasthe cure, and again, had no problems using Danny as a pawn.
Kindred Spirits is the first place inthe entire series where we see the extent of how far he’s willing togo to get Danny to be his son. The first episode where it’s his maingoal.
I just realized how close MaoT andKinSpirits are, I wonder if Vlad triggered the Ectoacne flare workingwith the ectoplasm for the clones? Hmmm, interesting.
Anyway, the point is: Vlad kept hiscloning stuff a secret, but for how long remains a mystery. Mostlybecause there’s no point in time where it becomes obvious just howdesperate he is to have Danny. Is it when he saw an opportunity withValerie? Or is it after Danny ruins his attempts to get the Ring ofRage back from Pariah by blowing up the ectosuit so he was just like“Well fuck, now what do I do to keep myself busy?”
Getting back onto the topic of Cloneand Original Danny, there’s a second, lesser reason I’ve personallybumped the time skip, and that’s because there would be literallyZero conflict between a 14 year old and a 24 year old.
OlderDanny would kick his ass, trainingfrom Vlad be damned.
OlderDanny would also not be fazed asmuch as a younger Danny as his identity being perverted by a clone.This is because the age gap would automatically render them as beingtwo different people. OlderDanny would not see the clone as himself,at least not fully, because he’s already a mature adult. The clonecould not torment Danny with the fact that he’s him, that he’sstealing anything, that he’s threatening his notion of being andsense of self. Because OlderDanny has nothing to fear about a youngerversion of himself; he’s stronger, wiser, and different enough. Thedynamic simply doesn’t work. This is why Danny could be okay withDani: he doesn’t see himself in her. He doesn’t think of her as aclone, as the doppelganger. Because she’s a girl, she’s younger,she’s different. She isn’t him in his eyes.
With an identical copy, that’s notsomething you can avoid or ignore. Can’t deny that its not your facetwisting into that evil smirk that looks so wrong because itsfamiliar but not. Its you, but its not, and its uncomfortable,its an invasion of privacy, the ultimate identity theft. Its a personthat wears your face, sees with your eyes, speaks with your voice,thinks with your brain, and bleeds with your blood. And yet its notyou.
The closest thing Danny had to this wasDan. But Dan could be defeated. Dan could be made so that he neverexisted in the first place, completely avoided.
Daniel could not.
Daniel’s creation is out of Danny’scontrol, his existence never takes into account what Danny wants orcares, because its done at Vlad’s whims. And that’s the worstpart: the lack of control. To know that an identical yet completelywrong version of yourself exists against your will and you haveabsolutely no control over it is torture, especially for someone whoalready had cause to fear himself once before. Sure, Danny can fightDaniel, suck him up into a thermos, and maybe kick it into the ghostzone to try to be rid of him forever, but he would still existand he could always come back. Unlike Dan.  And there’snothing Danny could do about it.
What even could be do? Try todestabilize him? Ask clockwork to erase him from existence? Lock himin a thermos and bury him deep in the ice caps? Kill him?
Would Danny truly be the person to tryany of those?
In other words, the closer Daniel is tobeing like Danny, the worse effect it would have. So its all aboutmaximizing that to get the full potential of the conflict. Dannyneeds a reason to see Daniel’s creation as the ultimate line crossed,the “This has gone too far” moment. Danny needs a reasonto not only despise, but fear his clone.
There are some….problems, with this,and I’ve already used them in my argument: the fact that it another you is too different, you stop seeing it as yourself. AndDaniel is not an identical copy. He has aspects of Vlad in him.There’s a very fine line to be walked, between Daniel being similarenough that it hurts Danny while being different enough to count as adifferent character. The design alone might already doom it. But fuckit, you people can pry my inverted skunk haired baby from my colddead hands.
I realize that this is a very longresponse, and very little of it pertains to what you asked. However,I hope you enjoyed my analysis and my explanation of my personalreasoning. This was a lot of fun to talk about (I can’t remember if Igot into some of the things in other asks or if I’m recalling themfrom a thing I was gonna post but hasn’t gotten to yet. If thereare repeat things, I’m sorry! My memory is v bad.) and I thank youfor the ask!
I also realize that a majority of thisask talks about making Daniel Danny’s worst enemy, which goes againstthe “They slowly become bed buds” ask I got earlier. I receivedthat ask before I really had any ideas of what to do with Daniel, andsince I’m loving this worst enemy idea, the conflict isunderstandable. The friend idea is still on the table tho! All itneeds now is a climax, a trigger, a turning point. Something thatchanges the dynamic to start that “I hate you, but not as much as Idid, and I kinda sorta enjoy your company a little bit.” ball a’rollin.
Fuck if I know what that is tho lmao
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I read your previous answer about Stefan being a martyr or a hero (I agree with everything you wrote, thank you for always answering so throughout and thoughtful, it's a joy reading your metas) and I noticed you wrote "lost my soulmate to a coma" in a part of it and I just wonder, do you really believe stelena were soulmates? I do and I've seen other people discuss it, but it'd be fun to read your opinion on it too... if you'd like to share it of course (:
You’re welcome! I’m so glad you love reading my metas, because I always love writing them.
In answer to your question, of course I believe Stelena were soul mates. Of everything pertaining to their relationship them being soul mates is one of things that can never be denied or taken from them. Kevin Williamson has explicitly called Stelena soul mates, Nina has said Stefan feeds Elena’s soul and even Caroline Dries described their relationship after their break-up as being a soulful friendship.
Since you’re already familiar with my metas, it should be no surprise to you that I’m putting the read of my response under the cut, since it’s so long haha.
I think the concept of soul mates is one that’s different for everyone and there are no clear cut definitions or answers, but the most basic definition I can find is from the Oxford dictionary which is:
A person ideally suited to another as a close friend or romantic partner.
I don’t even feel it’s necessary to give examples of how Stefan and Elena fit this definition. It’s pretty obvious for everyone to see that they were ideally suited both as a couple and friends. The problem with that definition is that it’s too simplistic and unfeeling, so I’m gonna go to Urban dictionary instead. I would usually never do this, but since soul mates is more about personal interpretation I wanted to get an idea of some of the common things others perceive it to mean. A few definitions say:
A person with whom you have an immediate connection the moment you meet..The first time you glimpse at each other you are immediately drawn to each other…
A soul mate is someone you meet and the instant your eyes meet you feel these incredible feelings that you never knew existed…
This is a crucial element, that I feel ultimately solidifies Stefan and Elena as soul mates above any other couple on the show. They are the only couple who had an immediate connection from the moment they first met, which is a crucial attribute of soul mates. The reason for this is that the idea of soul mates, comes from Folklore and is the idea that when a soul descends to earth it splits in two, each half of the soul inhabiting a separate body. These two halves are destined to wander the earth until they find each other and only then will they be complete. And since these two people are essentially  two halves of a whole, there is an instant recognition and connection, which is also where the idea of “love at first sight” is born from.
Another definition of soulmates is the following:
It’s the love that survives anything and everything, that struggles and pulls through, that even when it seemed hopeless and out of control it still beat strongly. It’s the love that is not superficial, a love that transcends not only the physical world but time itself.
This fits Stefan and Elena perfectly. There seems to be an impression that just because Stefan and Elena broke up their love ended or they stopped being soul mates, which is completely incorrect. Stefan and Elena’s love transcended their break-up, transcended Elena falling in love with Damon and being in a relationship with him, transcended Elena being in a coma for 3+ years and transcended Stefan’s death. In 6x22, 6 years after they met and after everything they’d been through (individually and together), Elena stood before Stefan and said, “I love you so much” and in 8x16 she sat outside Stefan’s resting place 10(?) years after his death remembering him and devoting her life to his memory. Their love was eternal and survived through everything, even death.  
A common theme I also see popping up in these definitions as I’m scrolling through is the unwillingness to live without your soul mate in your life, which again describes Stefan and Elena. Even after she broke his heart in season 4, Stefan never stopped wanting Elena to be a part of his life and in season 5 he pushed through his personal feelings in order to establish a friendship with her, because he knew she was so important to him that he’d rather have her in his life as a friend than not in his life at all. In addition, in season 6 when Stefan had moved to Savannah, Elena refused to leave Stefan alone to get on with her life and he told her that he was avoiding Mystic Falls not her. This shows that even when they weren’t living in the same town and their common connection (Damon) was gone there was still a connection between them and a desire to remain in each other’s lives. Similarly, Stefan’s reaction to Elena’s “death” in 7x12 and Elena’s reaction to Stefan’s death in 8x16 showed all the signs of people that couldn’t bear to live a life without their soul mate.
I’ve also found an article that outlines 10 elements of soul mates (x) which I’ll go through systematically.
1. It’s something inside. This is an ambiguous definition and one of the reasons discussing soul mates is so difficult. But I feel like Stefan’s quote from season 5 of, “When we were together, every single atom in my body told me that it was the right thing, that we were the perfect fit,” pertains to this. It’s something that’s deep and profound, a love that makes you feel something you can’t quite explain.
2. Flashbacks. Now, this one is very interesting regarding Stelena, because of the issues revolving around them being doppelgangers. There’s no denying the doppelganger story line developed in season 5 is incredibly flawed with plot holes left right and center, but ultimately, I feel that what it was doing was implying the idea of soul mates. The doppelgangers were born as a direct result of Silas and Amara’s love, they were literal copies of them and therefore destined to meet and fall in love. As Tessa said, she watched versions of Stefan and Elena find each other and fall in love century after century. And when you take away the idea that each doppelganger is an individual person/character these doppelgangers throughout the centuries can surely represent various past reincarnations of Stefan and Elena?
3. You just get each other.“I know you, Stefan, better than anyone.” “You know me probably better than anyone else.” “You knew me better than anyone, you always have.”
4. You fall in love with his (or her) flaws.This is referring to the acceptance of one another’s flaws. I can say with complete confidence Elena accepted Stefan for his flaws and she took this a step further by having faith in his ability to overcome them. The poor writing in the later seasons means that Elena’s flaws were hardly acknowledged by the writers let alone by Stefan or any other character, but the fact he remained a faithful and loyal friend to Elena until the day he died suggests that he did indeed accept every part of Elena.
5. It’s intense. Again I feel like I don’t really need to explain this. From the very beginning their relationship was intense and although the romance ended, whenever Stefan and Elena had an emotional or romantic scene together it was incredibly intense (e.g. almost kiss in 5x04, goodbye in 8x16)
6. You two against the world.I think this definitely applied to Stefan and Elena when they were a couple. Whenever they faced an obstacle they faced it together, they were a team. When Elena was dealing with finding out she was adopted/meeting Isobel, Stefan was right there by her side, when Katherine came back and tried to tear them apart they fought to face her together, when Klaus was hunting Elena they worked as a team, even though Elena becoming a vampire broke them up, they still very much faced that together in the early episodes, and even in the hunt for the cure they were united. Let’s just put it this way: Stefan and Elena have always been on each other’s side, always fighting the same battles and for the same cause.
7. You’re mentally inseparable.This is without a doubt a trait of Stefan and Elena’s relationship. It’s why Stefan’s humanity was so rooted in his love for Elena, why Elena instinctively knew Stefan was looking at her in 3x02, it’s why no matter what happened they remained in each other’s lives, it’s why in his final moments the person Stefan saw was Elena.
8. You feel secure and protected. Again, no explanations necessary. In 3x22 Elena clearly stated that part of the reason she fell in love with Stefan is because he made her feel safe. Whenever Elena was in danger, it was always Stefan that she sought and when he held her in his embrace, you could clearly see how safe she felt just for knowing he was there. With Stefan, I think the safety he experienced with Elena was not so much rooted in his physical safety, but his emotional/mental safety. Elena was the first person since Lexi to keep him grounded, to connect him to his humanity and keep him sane. When he was with her he felt safe knowing that she gave him the strength to conquer his demons and overcome the darkness.
9. You can’t imagine your life without him (or her). This goes back to what I’ve already mentioned about how Stefan and Elena could never completely leave each other’s lives. Even after his death, Elena was finding a way to weave the memory of Stefan into her daily life. Stefan and Elena from the day they met were always going to be in each other’s lives and that is just a fact.
10. You look each other in the eye. Stefan and Elena did this all the time, even after their break-up. Their eye contact, the way in which they looked each other (8x16 is particularly coming to mind here, but also 6x21 and 6x22) was always intense, soft, adoring and easy. You could see the familiarity and comfort that was between them just by seeing the way they looked at each other.
So, by the definitions I’ve found and outlined above, Stefan and Elena seem to be confirmed soul mates.
From a personal perspective, I have never doubted that Stefan and Elena were soul mates. The reason for that is that my perception of soul mates is simply two people that upon meeting form an instant and profound connection and that connection grows and blossoms into a very meaningful relationship that is inexplicable and unbreakable. Whilst the characteristics above do describe soul mates to an extent, for me it really comes down to the fact that Stefan and Elena had such a life-altering impact on each other. They’re two people who brought each other back to life and who quite literally transformed each other’s lives forever. Stefan and Elena’s lives took the paths that they did because they met, because they fell in love, because they knew each other. Even though they broke up Elena reconnected Stefan to his humanity in such a deep way that he was able to continue to grow and move forward with that and loving Elena is an experience that enriched his life and made him happy (even if only for a short amount of time). For Elena the impact was so much bigger because not only did he save her (literally and metaphorically in season 1), but she actually ended up living her entire life through Stefan. She devoted her life to his dream career, chose to live her life a certain way and to be happy in honour of Stefan and what he’d given her. That alone makes me wonder how anyone could say that Stefan and Elena weren’t soul mates, because really, is there anything more profound than that? Another significant reason as to why I perceive Stefan and Elena as being soul mates is because of something which has already been mentioned - their emotional/mental connection. Particularly emotionally, Stefan and Elena had such a instinctual and natural understanding of one another that continued throughout the seasons. As always I feel like the concept of an emotional connection can be very misunderstood by people, so I took the liberty of doing a quick Google search and found a site that I feel explains it very well (x). The first basic definition it gives is:
An Emotional Connection happens when two (or more) people knowingly feel and perceive the same thing at the same time.
I feel like this definition alone really hits the nail on the head and clears up the how/why Stefan and Elena developed such an intense and deep emotional connection. In fact, it also actually explains why/how they connected so quickly, since they were both feeling lost and as Kevin said “dead inside” and they knew they were feeling that way. When Stefan found Elena’s journal, it suggested that she was feeling certain emotions that she couldn’t express in any other way except by writing them (just like Stefan), when they sat in the Grill and Stefan explained that he lived with his uncle, there was an immediate connection on the basis that they’d both lost their parents (obviously the circumstances were completely different, but that’s irrelevant) and particularly at the end in 1x01 when Stefan showed up on Elena’s door with blood shot eyes and they had that conversation where Stefan asks Elena if she’s okay and she says that’s all anyone seems to ask her and he says, do you ever really mean it? That conversation just confirms that emotional connection that was already being built in the earlier scenes by portraying two people that were clearly at a low point in their lives and looking for that emotional connection they found in each other to appease their loneliness and give their life meaning and purpose. The examples that the site gives are also great for going deeper with what it means to have an emotional connection:
Two lovers holding hands while gazing out together at a beautiful sunset - hello, this is already a canon Stelena moment.
A mother and a baby feeling scared together after the baby falls over into a coffee table - comparable to pretty much every scary event Stefan and Elena experienced throughout the season (and let’s face it there were a lot haha) where both of them shared the same fears
A husband and a wife discussing and forming a shared commitment to financial goals - comparable to Stefan and Elena’s shared vision for the future (a human life, children, marriage, careers as doctors etc.)
Two friends laughing together over an old teacher’s funny walk - the entirety of 5x21 comes to mind (they had so much fun and laughed so much together in this episode).
As you can see from these examples and the definition, an emotional connection is really rooted in sharing emotional experiences, negative and positive. Throughout all 6 seasons Stefan and Elena consistently shared similar emotional experiences at the same time (a few of which are outlined above).The next essential part of an emotional connection is empathy:
Empathy is the ability to understand and share the feelings of another person.
This is something I feel like Stefan and Elena did brilliantly. For all of their common feelings/thoughts on certain subjects, there were also a multitude of things that made Stefan and Elena different from each other. They went through experiences emotionally that the other hadn’t, yet they always displayed understanding and empathy. When Stefan was struggling with his blood lust towards the end of season 1, Elena was completely supportive and empathetic, despite being human and not being able to necessarily fully understand what Stefan was going through as a vampire and the same happened in season 3 when Stefan had no humanity. Stefan was empathetic towards Elena in season 2 when she was suffering through the pain of being coveted by the most powerful hybrid of all time. There’s the whole line from Stefan in season 4 of, “You’re in hell, which means I’m in hell” line from Stefan which really sums this up (x). Whatever Elena felt, Stefan felt and vice versa. That is a very powerful thing which is reserved only for the deepest of loves and relationships. However, as the article says, empathy is not enough in itself, it needs to be communicated.
Feeling empathy is a necessary ingredient for emotional connection. But it is not, by itself, sufficient; in order for an emotional connection to be created, the empathy needs to be communicated.And that is where validating feelings comes into play.
Again, Stefan and Elena had no problems in this area. There have been endless conversations between Stefan and Elena where they demonstrate understanding and empathy for one another, even if it’s just simply saying, “I know” and hugging each other. Look at what Stefan said to Elena in 2x20, “Hey, it matters. It matters.” A prime example of Stefan validating Elena’s feelings and showing her his empathy towards her. An example of Elena showing this to Stefan would be in 2x05. “Just a few drops every day, right?” Elena is so empathetic towards Stefan’s struggle with blood and his dilemma between not wanting to lose control, but also wanting to be stronger that she changes her perspective to see Stefan’s POV and then willingly agrees to allow him to feed off her. If that is not a clear example of both empathy and validation, I don’t know what is.
The article ends by explaining that the reason why so many people struggle to establish true emotional connections with others is a discomfort at the prospect of being vulnerable, which is essentially a completely natural human fear. Once more, Stefan and Elena demonstrated the extent to which they were able to be vulnerable with each other. An emotional connection cannot exist if the two people involved are unwilling to drop their walls and be completely honest about their feelings. Here are examples where Stefan and Elena did this with each other (these are just off the top of my head, there are probably more):
1x19: Stefan tells Elena the truth about his struggles with blood lust and openly cries and shows his frustration in front of her
1x20: Stefan cries and admits his guilt, pain and turmoil over the terrible things he’s done in his past
2x09: Elena cries in Stefan’s arms and expresses how she blames herself for her friends being hunted by Klaus to break the curse
2x20: Elena opens up to Stefan about not wanting to be a vampire and cries in his arms
3x14: Elena tells Stefan how she’s feeling about the uncertainty of their relationship and encourages him to open up to her in return
3x20: Elena cries in Stefan’s arms and admits she feels she has no one
4x01: Elena cries in Stefan’s arms openly as she suffers through the transition, later on in the episode Elena and Stefan talk about their love for one another, the situation with Elena nearly dying and cry.
4x02: Stefan admits to Elena he feels insecure that she chose to turn to Damon for help instead of him and Elena opens up about the heightened grief she’s experiencing
5x18: The two discuss how they’re feeling about their visions openly and honestly and get very emotional with each other.
6x22: Elena cries as she tells Stefan how she feels about him.
8x16: Both of them openly cry and discuss how they’re feeling about Stefan’s death and hold each other.
There are so many more examples, particularly in the later seasons that I’ve skipped because I’m just too lazy to write them out haha, but the point has been made anyway. Stefan and Elena were able to be very vulnerable with each other and they had complete trust that neither of them would use that vulnerability against the other as a weapon.
Proof of this emotional connection manifests itself in so many ways throughout the series. The fact that Elena was consistently Stefan’s connection to his humanity, that Stefan was the connection to Elena’s (I will not have anyone tell me any differently on this matter, 4x19 and 4x21 just proved this), that even when she was in a dilemma about Damon Elena sought out Stefan for advice/comfort (even after Damon’s death in the beginning of season 6) and that they knew each other better than anyone else. All of these aspects of their relationship stemmed from this emotional connection that was between them.
Although there are many other smaller factors that contribute to it (such as their general compatibility as people, which I’m sure I’ve discussed in another post somewhere), the depth of this emotional connection Stefan and Elena shared combined with the long-lasting impact they had on one another’s lives are really the main reasons I believe Stefan and Elena were soul mates.
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moodforanime · 5 years
Lately, I've been thinking how awesome it would be, if SOMEONE were to write a little story about 104 (including past!Eren), Levi squad & the veterans meeting future!Eren (up to 121). I mean, can you imagine how all these people would react, when they meet future!Eren... Like, they know that Eren from season 1&2 and suddenly they get to meet such a different version of him. And how would past!Eren himself react, when he finds out how much he's changed. Would you consider writing it?
A/N: Hi! Thank you for your patience with this. I really like this idea, and I had quite some fun writing it, although hit by a few minor writer blocks here and there. Anyhow, here we are! I hope you enjoy this.
Warnings: None
Word count: 1.4K
The enemies were on the other side of the sea, he knew that for sure. And it was his responsibility to destroy them all. Just like he said about Titans only a few years ago, it was a greater enemy’s turn to suffer. One by one. It was them who caused his people only so much suffering for the past few centuries. They were probably the greatest enemy of humanity, and they deserve the punishment they deserved. For ruining not only God knows how many people’s innocent life, but enslaving people just like them to a seemingly endless, killing nightmare for the sake of experiments and a so called justice the unknowing living could do nothing but  just try to survive and blame God for.
Eren didn’t understand. Nobody did. It’s what government and people with power do, they said. They take, take and take without stop, addicted to this taste of ruthless, growing power everyone feared to challenge. If nobody would stop them, how is humanity supposed to ever reach justice? The question bugged Eren for more than he would ever like to admit. 
'Eren.' A familiar female voice said, trying to catch the 16 year old boy's attention. 'Eren.'
'Hm?' Eren hummed with a raise from his head, snapping out from his thought process. 'Sorry, Mikasa. What is it?'
Mikasa sighed, before sitting down next to the boy, leaning her back on the wall that kept them shadow. Nowadays, a person could go outside the walls without being at risk.  After finding out the truth behind the demons called Titans, they managed to raise humanity’s chance to live. Well, their humanity. Not the ones’ on the other side of the sea. Most Titans were gone, leaving very few to wander freely outside the walls, none larger than ten meters. Yet, something was off.
‘You haven’t really been yourself lately,’ Mikasa said, looking over the seemingly endless meadow before them.
‘What do you mean?’
‘You zone out more often than usual, you’re tired, and you’re talking nonsense when not paying attention sometimes.’
Eren pursed his lips, thinkingly. ‘Maybe I’m just tired from training with my Titan form. That must be it.’
‘Eren, you’ve been training before. You were never in a state as bad as this.’
‘So what do you suggest?’ Eren snapped, with light snort. ‘A break? You know I can’t have one.’
‘Seriously Mikasa, you always act so protective of me-’
‘Eren, listen-’
‘No, you listen, Mikasa, you always act like you’re my mother or older sister, but-’
‘Eren.’ Mikasa said slowly, shooting a threatening look. For one thing, Eren knew the girl for long enough to know how dangerous her threats could be. ‘Look.’
Eren followed slowly the invisible line to where Mikasa pointed to, only to find a group of people on horses. They weren’t too far away- only a few hundred meters away from them. It took him a second to realise that he needed to squint- they weren’t just some horse riders. They were Survey Corps.
‘What’s wrong with them? Look, Captain Levi’s there-’
Eren choked on his own words. As he talked, one of the riders turned a bit around, allowing his face to be seen. A roughly 15 year old Eren stood there, anxiety making itself present with each movement and word.
‘Mikasa.’ Eren said, quietly.
‘I know.'
Silence fell, as the two watched the small group. They didn't seem to make any sudden movements. In fact, they didn't seem like they noticed them. Or any difference, in fact.
Before he could do anything, one of the Corps accompanying Levi's Team, Hange, seemed to notice them. Locking her eyes on them, she said something to her group, turning their attention to the other Mikasa and Eren.
'But I'm right here…' the younger Eren whispered.
'Stay back.' Levi commanded, coldly. 'Both you and Mikasa. Don't make any funny move. The rest of you, come with me.’
A number of obedient hn’s were heard from the group as they followed their commander. Seeing them approaching, the present Eren couldn’t help but feel tense. What was the meaning of all this? 
‘Hello.’ Eren said quietly, as the group reached them.
Mikasa looked at the boy and it was enough for her to hear the boy’s toning in his greeting to realise his feeling at the moment- he was not only tense and shocked, but scaredly confused. She wished she could find a way to comfort him, but she was in no better state. The only difference between them on that matter was, however, that Eren had a mass of emotions he never learned to suppress.
‘Skipping formalities,’ Levi said as he got off his horse, ‘I’d like to know how you did it.’
‘Did- I.. I don’t… I didn’t do anything.’ Eren stuttered.
Levi exchanged looks with Hange.
‘Then why are two of you? This isn’t normal.’
‘I know, but-’
‘Hold on.’ Hange said, coming closer to the boy. ‘Eren, what year is this?’
Eren gulped. ‘Year 851.’
‘Then I think we have something clear.’ Hange said. ‘There was some sort of time alternation that caused us to appear a year in the future.’
‘But… how?’ Someone in the group asked. ‘We don’t have any technology so advanced to let us do such things!’
‘Um, I have a theory.’ A quiet voice said, from Levi’s team.
Turning around, Levi noticed how one of the freshly absolved training corps fidgeted quietly, something clearly on his mind. ‘What is it, Armin?'
'Um. We don't know much about them, but maybe it was some sort of Abnormal that accidentally interfered with the normal chronology of time, and we got caught in whatever disturbance the Abnormal made.
'It is an option,' Levi nodded, 'but unlikely. We never came across such Titans. Did we, Hange-san?'
'No,' Hange shook her head, 'but that doesn't mean we have to scrap the idea. It's a quite good theory. Hey look, that's me on the wall.'
Everyone looked up to see, indeed another Hange, talking to someone.
'I wonder what I'm like a year from what I know myself, but I have a bigger curiosity.' Hange said, turning her attention to Eren. 'How did you improve?' 
'Um- I, well, I can control my Titan powers better.' 
'But still as impertinent, I see.' Levi commented.
Eren bit his lip, stopping himself from snapping back at the man. 'I also found out that I have the power to control Titans.'
'You what?' Hange demanded, curiosity filling her as she jumped off her horse. 'Tell me more.'
He did. Eren explained as best as he could what his abilities were, and the group was fascinated, not to start with Hange. Absorbing every word, Hange listened to the boy's rambling, not caring how she couldn't understand some stuff.
'Don't you know what this means?' Hange squealed excitedly, grabbing Eren's hands. She laughed. 'This is amazing! This means… this means… this means we can get rid of Titans once and for all!'
Eren looked at Mikasa, hesitantly. Technically, Hange wasn't wrong. But the people from the other side of the sea made the Titans. All of them. Who knew how many more they could make. At a closer analysis, the enemy had the right hand. Yet, his heart wouldn’t let him inform the young woman about the detail.
‘Hopefully, yes.’ He said, eventually.
Hearing his words, joy overflowed on the group. There were cheers and gladful statements of how it was at last time, cheers that preached Eren and thanked God for him. All good until an odd feeling fell upon the group.
‘Hm? I can’t feel my legs.’ Hange mumbled. Looking down, she had to cover her mouth in shock. ‘Better question, where are my legs?’
Looking down, everyone noticed how pieces from their and their horses limbs disappear slowly in thin air.
‘I think we’re returning back to our time.’ Someone said.
‘Probably.’ Levi sighed. ‘Hopefully. Wouldn’t want to get stuck with a one year gap and a doppelganger.’
Within a few minutes, as the group disappeared, a thick fog surrounded them. When it finally cleared, Titans were surrounding the area, and there were no visible copies of them.
‘So we’re back, huh?’ Hange asked, quietly.
‘Yes.’ Levi answered, quietly.
‘Commander Levi!’ A familiar voice called out urgently, behind them. ‘What happened?
Levi sighed. He didn’t have the energy for this. ‘Armin, please explain to them the incident. If you would be kind, everyone, I’d like us all to forget that this happened. No mention to anyone. It would be better.
‘Yes, commander.’ Various voices within the group obeyed.
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