#;;thank you all for granting me the chance to see your writing art and other talents in action!
catmiemy · 4 months
Another Chance to Live Final Part (Ana Maria Crnogorčević x Reader)
Summary: Ana and you are facing some big changes.
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5
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A/N: I'm actually very proud of myself for finishing this story relatively fast. And it was a lot of fun to write :)
Thank you to everyone that stuck around till the end. I hope you enjoy this last part!
Of course you didn’t just trust your parents to respect the boundaries you had set in place; that had never been their strong suit after all. Once you had successfully weathered the first onslaught of emotions, you thought about it more carefully and together with Ana put a few precautions in place.
For one you informed the staff at Real that none of your family members should be granted access if they came by to see you. A wise decision, as it turned out. Only a few days later your mother showed up, arguing for so long that she had to be escorted off the premises by security personnel.
You also basically moved in with Ana. No one from your family knew where she lived, so they couldn’t just drop by like they could at your apartment. Another good call as you learnt when your neighbors told you that they had almost called the police because a man fitting your father’s description had been standing in front of the house for so long.
All of this made your guilt kick into overdrive and you were grateful for your girlfriend’s support. She never told you what to do, she was even hesitant to tell you what she would do in your place, but Ana was always there to listen and help you keep apart what you truly wanted from what you felt you should do.
While things with your family were at an all time low, you were incredibly happy with Ana, and practically living together was a welcome change in pace. Both of you were committed to making each other smile with small gestures, so your everyday life was filled with much more happiness than ever before. 
Ana loved to start your day off with a big smile by turning your coffee into a small piece of art, constantly trying out new foam designs. And it didn’t matter if they turned out right or not, you appreciated the effort, and attempting to guess what your girlfriend had been going for was half the fun.
You knew Ana felt the same about something you were doing to brighten her day: learning some Swiss German words. Which wasn’t easy because you couldn’t just use any old translator, you had to invest some time to find the correct words. And often times you failed horribly at pronouncing them, making your girlfriend giggle while she was trying to decipher what you were saying. That in turn always got you laughing as well, which made it even harder to pronounce anything properly.  
The biggest laughing fit set off by your Swiss German attempts occurred when you very proudly asked Ana if she could give you a Schmützeli. You didn’t get quite the reaction you hoped for, a kiss; instead your girlfriend was staring at you, and you couldn’t tell if she was amused or annoyed.
“Wait, does it not mean kiss? Did I mess this up? I’m so sorry if I said something offensive,” you apologized frantically, already pulling out your phone to look at your sources again. You had been so sure, you had even double-checked this.
At that point Ana began laughing, so hard that she couldn’t even say anything. Now it was your turn to stare at her, wondering what was so funny. It was a huge relief though; it couldn’t have been anything too bad if your girlfriend found it so amusing.
After a moment you couldn’t help but join the laughter. You didn’t know what you were laughing about, but Ana’s laughter was simply infectious.
Once your girlfriend had calmed down, she explained it to you still a little out of breath, “Okay, so it’s not even really that funny, but Schmützeli isn’t a word you would use with a partner. At least not where I’m from. It’s more for like small kisses between family members or friends. And it just really caught me off guard.”
You silently agreed, this wasn’t really that funny, and you were still a bit confused why it had made your girlfriend laugh so hard. Then again you were always happy to make Ana laugh, so you weren’t going to complain. And you definitely kept using the word again every once in a while because it amused her every time.  
There were other things you did for each other, like Ana playing the guitar for you, sometimes even singing a song you requested, which made you all chocked up whenever she did. Or you taking pictures of small beautiful things you saw in your day to day life to show to your girlfriend in the evening, eager to share the beauty you had encountered with her.
You also did your best to make your everyday life as special as possible, savoring the time you got together. A part of this was ensuring that you weren’t just spending time together by being around each other, but also by doing things and actively spending time together whenever your crazy schedules allowed it. And sometimes even if they didn’t, carving out time when you didn’t necessarily have it.
It was a good thing your personal life brought you so much happiness because the same thing couldn’t be said about your work. To be honest thinking of football as merely that, work, was painful enough by itself. Sure, it was, but it also always had been so much more than just a job.
Sometimes you still debated if you should just retire and try to find something else that would spark some sort of passion again. However, at the end of the day you weren’t ready to give up on what had been your life’s biggest passion so far.
So you resigned yourself to this reality, where the joy you once found in football only showed itself on very rare occasions. And whenever it did, you clung to it with ferocity to tie you over until the next minuscule moment.
Then, completely out of the blue, you got an offer from another team. It hadn’t even crossed your mind to look around for another club; leaving Madrid had never been something you considered. It hadn’t been something you thought you would ever want to do.
But when you were approached by the managers of Tigres Femenil, you realized all of the sudden that it might be exactly what you wanted. It helped that it was the team Jenni was playing for, so you knew if you actually decided to go through with this, you wouldn’t be totally alone on another continent.
That wasn’t the appeal though, that was merely a helpful factor. What really made you want to do it was the fact that it would be your choice, only yours and no one else’s, not your family’s and not your club’s. It would be you deciding what to do with your life, instead of rolling with the punches others kept throwing at you.
Was that a good enough reason to move halfway across the world, though? Especially since there was one obvious reason keeping you in Madrid, Ana. The thought of not seeing her daily was hard to bare. Then again it probably wasn’t healthy that she was the only good thing in your life at the moment, that was too much pressure to place on one person. So perhaps it would be better for your relationship in the long run if you decided to do this?
On the other hand, Mexico was a long way from Madrid. Would Ana be okay with doing long distance or would this be the end of your relationship? Because in that case you wouldn’t do it.
As was in your nature you drove yourself crazy thinking about every possible outcome either of your choices could have. You did your best to not let on that something was bothering you, but Ana must have noticed anyway because she began acting a bit odd herself, switching between being weirdly distant and overly clingy.
You had almost reached the point of finally broaching the subject, when your girlfriend took the first step. In the morning before leaving for your respective training sessions, Ana nervously asked if you could talk later that night. Of course you agreed, thinking that she wanted to ask you what had been on your mind lately.
Consequently you spent the entire day agonizing about how you could put your thoughts and feelings into words. You made countless drafts in your mind, even though you knew that you wouldn’t be able to remember them in the moment. At least they made you feel a bit better prepared.
Ana was back at your apartment before you and she set everything up nicely with candles and flowers she had gotten for you. You appreciated how she went out of her way to make sure you knew everything was okay. Every once in a while you still got in your head, worried that your girlfriend would leave you if you made on small mistake.
Once you had both settled down, Ana took a deep breath, blurting out, “There is something I have to tell you.”
This took you by surprise. You had been under the assumption she had set this all up to get you to talk. And you instantly began wondering what your girlfriend had to tell you. Naturally your first thought was that she might break up with. However, even you had to admit that preparing a romantic candle light dinner would be a very strange move if you wanted to break up with someone.
“Oh, what is it? I actually have something I need to tell you as well,” you replied, trying to keep your worries out of your voice.
“Really?” Ana exclaimed in surprise. This in turn surprised you, you didn’t think you had been doing a good job at keeping your over thinking a secret.
“You can go first,” your girlfriend quickly offered.
Normally you wouldn’t have accepted such an offer, especially not when Ana had been the one to set all this up to talk to you about something. However, something in her tone sounded almost pleading, as if she desperately wanted you to go first. And begging from your girlfriend was something you could never resist.
“Well, I’m guess I’m just going to come out and say it,” you started, taking a deep breath, steeling yourself for whatever might be Ana’s reaction, “I’ve gotten an offer from another club. And I didn’t think it was something I would be interested in, but now that I have it, I realize that I really am. You know how I feel at Real, so this might be my chance to enjoy football again. But then I also don’t want to leave you alone here because I love you and…”
Ana had been listening to you rattling on for a moment, her face unreadable, until she interrupted you sounding oddly excited, “Wait, you’re thinking about leaving Madrid?”
You frowned at her happiness. It was one thing to be excited about something good happening to your partner, but being so happy about them moving away seemed weird to you, and a little painful.
“Wow, no reason to be so happy about getting rid of me,” you mumbled, avoiding your girlfriend’s eyes.
“What? No!” Ana cried out, reaching over to grab your hand. “That’s not what this is about at all. The thing is that I too have gotten offers from other clubs and I didn’t really consider them, but then a few days ago Atleti told me that they wouldn’t renew my contract, so I have no choice but to leave.”
“And I have been feeling so bad about it because just like you said, I didn’t want to leave you behind here either. But if we’re both leaving, it’s a totally different scenario. Sure, long distance is going to suck, but it won’t be forever and at least this way we hopefully both end up in places where we feel happier than at our current clubs.”
Suddenly Ana’s behavior over the last few days made a lot more sense. You had thought she was acting weird because she had picked up on your distress, but really she had been dealing with something herself. Being dropped by yet another team and faced with having to upend her entire life again.
“Ugh, I didn’t think I could hate Atleti more than I already do! How stupid of them to let you go,” you grumbled.
Your girlfriend blinked a couple of times, a smile appearing on her face, “That’s what you’re focusing on right now?”
“Yeah! I’m really annoyed with them! But also…Why didn’t you tell me?”
It wasn’t something you could really complain about since it was very much exactly what you would have done in Ana’s position. Your girlfriend was much better though, when it came to opening up and discussing her struggles. So the fact that she hadn’t told you before didn’t sit right with you.
Ana sighed, rubbing her forehead. “I made up my mind so many times to just come right out and say it, but every time I lost my courage in the last second. Because at it turns out it’s not so easy to tell your girlfriend who you love very much and who has a hard time at work and with her family that you’re moving to another country.”
You understood that, it was the thing you had been worried about, that Ana felt too much pressure to bring joy to your life because so little else did. Under different circumstances this might have been harder to swallow, but in the current situation it actually helped. It left not a single doubt in your mind, that leaving Madrid was the right choice.
“So, what are your options?” You asked to move on the conversation.
“There are different clubs in Switzerland I could go to, but I don’t really see myself doing that. It would be nice to be close to my family and maybe I should do it to help further women’s football in Switzerland, but it feels more like something I should do, not something I want, you know?”
You knew precisely what she meant. In fact for so long you had made all decisions based on exactly that feeling of ‘I should’, so you were happy Ana didn’t plan on making the same mistake. And you tried to show her that by nodding encouragingly.
“However, the other option is pretty far away, so I just want you to know that no decision has been made yet, and I really want to know what you think. Because if long distance on that scale is a deal breaker for you, I won’t do it,” your girlfriend continued.
Again you nodded, hung up on the fact that you had been having exactly the same thoughts. So as far as distance went this would either work out well for the two of you or Ana would really end up on the other side of the world. What even was on the other side of Mexico? You cursed yourself for your geography knowledge that was clearly lacking.
“Okay, so, the other option is Tigres Femenil. Jenni’s team in Mexico,” your girlfriend rushed out, her eyes flicking between you and the table, as if Ana was torn between wanting to study every miniscule reaction you might show, while also trying to avoid jus tthat.
This had to be a joke! Ana probably learnt about your offer from then and decided to play a prank on you. Maybe Jenni had heard about it and told your girlfriend to do this, that would be a Jenni thing to do.
Except not really, though. Your older friend was known for playing pranks and amusing herself at the expense of others, but there was a clear line that she never crossed. And playing with someone’s heart and feelings was on the “don’t”-side of that line.
“I’m sorry! Like I said I haven’t decided yet and if it’s too far then I’ll go to Switzerland. I’m sure that will be great,” Ana apologized frantically. 
“No, wait, that’s not why I reacted like this. The thing is my offer is also from Tigres Femenil, so it just seems a bit unbelievable? People don’t get this lucky in real life,” you explained, disbelief still coloring your tone and set firmly on your face.
“You’re joking right?” Your girlfriend inquired, apparently also having some issues fully accepting this miraculous coincidence as true.
“No, I’m not. They offered me a one year contract with the option for additional years if I like it there and fit well into the team.” Hopefully the added details would make it easier for Ana to believe this was actually happening.
After that the two of you stayed silent for a while, your hearts and minds needed some time to let themselves open up and accept that you were getting much more than you ever hoped for.
You reached that conclusion almost at the same time, huge grins spreading across both of your faces and then there was nothing holding you back anymore. Ana jumped up from her chair first and you swiftly followed suit.
Mere seconds later you basically jumped into your girlfriend’s arms, thinking in the back of your mind that this was exactly how you would celebrate a goal if you would play for the same time. Your heart jumped happily when you realized that you might get a chance to do precisely that next season.
“I’m so happy!” Ana squealed into your ear and you echoed that sentiment.
Moving abroad and playing for another team had sounded excited, but doing so with your girlfriend? That seemed more like a dream than anything else.
Ana and you stayed wrapped up in each other’s arms for a good while, just basking in the happiness. It was a welcome change from the usual reasons you spent so long in each other’s embrace. Normally you did so because one of you, more often than not you, was sad and needed comfort. Now there was not an ounce of sadness present, the air was electrified by excitement and the possibility of everything that was to come.
Of course you didn’t decide that night to accept the transfer, not legally at least, but emotionally you definitely did. Still, like the reasonable adults you were, you thought it through, gathered some more information before officially making the choice you had already made the moment you learnt both of you could go to Mexico together.
You called Jenni together to tell her the good news and she was overjoyed. Although if the amount of teasing you had to endure during one measly phone call was anything to go by, you were going to have to put up with a lot next year. You didn’t mind, though. Also you were aware that Ana would put a stop to it if she thought it was getting out of hand. You could as well, Jenni would listen if you seriously told her to stop, but you knew yourself well enough to know that you wouldn’t.
After that Ana and you focused on wrapping up everything in Madrid, sorting out your apartments and such. There was one particular subject you avoided like the plague, your family. You couldn’t leave for Mexico without at least telling them and try one more time, but you also weren’t ready to face them again in the slightest.
Finally you reached a point in time where you could no longer postpone it. Your girlfriend offered multiple times to go with you, but you declined every time, much to Ana’s chagrin. In the end she decided that she would at least drive you and wait for you in a nearby parking lot. You gladly accepted that suggestion.
“And please leave if it gets too much, yeah? Or call me and I will come get you,” Ana reminded you resolutely, still reluctant to let go of your hand.
“Don’t worry, tesoro, I’ll be fine. I don’t think much will come off today, but I just have to try one more time before we leave,” you explained. And it was true; you didn’t have high hopes for your conversation with your family. But even so you ended up being disappointed.
It started with a very frosty greeting, your father leading you into the living room where the rest of your family was sitting. You had chosen that day specifically because you had thought no one else would be over, but apparently you were out of luck. All of your aunts and uncles were assembled, staring at you disapprovingly.
You swallowed roughly, wetting your lips nervously when it became apparent that you would have to lead this conversation. This had been expected, you had even practiced a bit at home with Ana, but now in the moment your mind felt terrifyingly blank. With everyone glaring at you the only thing you could think of was to apologize. And that was the one thing you remembered you didn’t want to do.
“Did you just come here to stare at us?” Your mother questioned unfriendly.  
“No, I…This isn’t so easy. You’re making this really hard for me,” you muttered
“We’re making it hard for you? Do you have any idea what you’ve done to us? Just completely cutting us out of your life because of some random girl you met a few months ago,” your mother accused you.
The guilt and self-doubt threatened to consume you, but you tried to focus on your anger instead. At least the anger would allow you to say what needed to be said, even if you couldn’t lay it out as calmly and clearly as you wanted.
“See, this is what I mean. Everything is always my fault and you never listen to what I have to say,” you defended yourself. “And Ana isn’t just some random girl. I can’t stand that you talk like this about someone I love, someone who I’m pretty sure is the love of my life.”
Your family exchanged meaningful glances, the sentiment on their faces clear as day; they thought you were being ridiculous or childish or dramatic. Three adjectives they loved using to describe you.
“You’re getting too emotional again, niña, that has always been your problem. How do you expect us to take you serious like this? And think about this, you say we’re always acting as if you’re the problem, but in reality it’s you doing that. You always blame everything on us, your horrible family. Poor you with parents, aunts and uncles that support you!”
Condescension was something you were used to, and it had always made you feel very tiny and incredibly mad at the same time. You were an adult for crying out loud, not a little kid. And still in that moment you felt exactly like that.
“Fine, you know what, I can see that this is totally pointless! I don’t even know why I thought I should try again. So I’m just going to tell you the one thing you need to know; once this season is over I’ll go to Mexico to play there. So I guess, see you never?” You yelled, turning around and stomping out of your childhood home, without giving your family any chance to reply. What was the point?
Tears were already streaming down your face as you ran down the street to where Ana was waiting. Your girlfriend saw you coming; she had been keeping an eye out for you practically from the moment you had kissed her goodbye.
When she saw you rushing towards her, Ana’s heart broke. She had hoped this would go better, but your demeanor and the fact that you were back so soon told her everything she needed to know.
Ana quickly clambered out of the car to meet you with open arms. You fell into them, allowing yourself a moment to completely lean into your girlfriend and absorb some strength from her. Not too long though, you didn’t want to risk anyone catching up with you.
“Come on, let’s go,” you requested, already moving to the passenger’s side.
The drive home was mostly silent, your girlfriend held your hand whenever she didn’t need both of them to drive, and only asked you in the very beginning if you were ready to talk. You just shook your head in response. First you would have some more crying to do, before you could even hope to use words.
And you did exactly that, once again safely tucked away in your girlfriend’s arms. You couldn’t wait to get to a point in your life where you didn’t need so much comfort anymore.
“How are you feeling?” Ana prompted once she noticed you were ready to talk. She had seen you biting your cheek, contemplating how to start the conversation and decided to help you out with questions.
“I didn’t have much hope to begin with, but apparently I still had some that could be crushed. And also…,” you stopped, uncertain if you should continue. It felt like you kept bringing up the same things; shouldn’t you get over them at some point?
There was nothing but love and concern on your girlfriend’s face. You didn’t have to worry about her judging you, this was a safe space.
“I’m so annoyed with myself. I couldn’t even say much before I ran away. I can just hear them calling me a dramatic little girl who runs away as soon as things get though”, you gritted out.
Ana tensed at your harsh words towards yourself and she forced herself to count to three before answering, not wanting to sound too intense. There was however nothing she could do about the emotions lingering in her voice.
“Please stop listening to their voices in your head. I don’t think removing yourself from a bad situation is running away, that’s a smart move really. You need to take care of yourself.”
You nodded thoughtfully, “You know I’ve been thinking about that and realized I often put their needs and wants over mine. But I guess putting others first only works if they do the same. Otherwise if I always put them first, but they never put me first, I’m just always going to end up last, right? I think that’s what’s been happening all my life and I’m done with it!���
“Absolutely! If anything your parents should be putting you, their child, first. That’s what my mom said when I talked about it with her. She also said some other things, but I’m not sure if you want to hear them or if it’ll just make you sad.”
Ana studied you carefully, every sign of pain embedded in your body hurting her as well. She hated how that you had to deal with this, so the last thing she wanted to do was to add any pain to it.
“No, please, tell me. I think it will be helpful, hearing what an actual good parent thinks about all of this,” you requested.
You had only met Ana’s parents twice before, but they had been everything you wanted your own family to be. They were excited to see their daughter, but expressed that without making her feel guilty for not being around more. And they had welcomed you with open arms, clearly very pleased that Ana had found a special someone to share her life with.
“She also said that nothing makes her happier than seeing us, her kids, living our best life. Not some life my parents pictured for us, but the life we choose. She can’t really understand why so many people try to force their kids to be something they’re not. According to her slowly getting to meet your children’s truest self is one of the biggest joys of them growing up.”
Your eyes filled with tears again causing your girlfriend distress. You had been sitting opposite each other, hands intertwined in between you, but now Ana pulled you into her embrace again.
“See, I knew I shouldn’t have said anything,” your girlfriend cried out.
You shook your head, “I wanted to hear that, I needed to hear that. It makes me feel less unreasonable and ungrateful.”
Ana gently kissed the top of your head, rubbing comforting circles on your back. “You’re anything but, you’re absolutely amazing.”
The longer you were with your girlfriend and the more she told you things like these, the easier it became to believe them. It wasn’t easy or natural yet, but you found yourself questioning your old beliefs much more often.
You didn’t speak more about it that evening, indulging in some self care instead. However, a few days later you recognized that it was still bothering you. There was no way you would try again, but it also didn’t feel right to shut the door to your family completely.
Surprisingly when you brought it up to Ana, one day after training when you were cuddling on the couch, you practically on top of your girlfriend, she informed you that she had been thinking about that as well.
“How about you set up an email account just for them? This way you can check it every once in a while when you feel up to it, or I can even check it if you prefer. That would allow them to contact you if they have a change of heart, but you aren’t constantly bombarded with unwanted messages.”
A huge weight was lifted from your heart when you heard this suggestion. That was precisely what you wanted, some small gap left open, but nothing that would affect you in your everyday life. The last thing you wanted was to constantly get attacked by hurtful messages.
You placed a few kisses everywhere on your girlfriend’s face, uttering one word between each kiss,”You. Are. The. Best. Girlfriend. In. The. World. And. I. Love. You. So. Much.”
Ana happily accepted your kisses. “So, no second thoughts about moving to Mexico?” She inquired cautiously.
“Not a single one, I’m so excited for it, and I won’t let my family ruin it. Plus it would be the same if I stayed here. If anything being not only in another country, but on another continent might actually be good for me.”
“Good, because I’m very excited about it,” your girlfriend announced with a big smile.
“Me too,” you agreed.
In fact you couldn’t wait to start that adventure with Ana. You had never allowed yourself to be an adventurous person, telling yourself, or really being told by your family, that you were anything but.
However, now you realized that you did have an adventurous streak and it was high time you used it. For too long you had lived the life everyone else wanted you to live, but now you were getting another chance at life, at the life you truly wanted.
You didn't even wait until you moved to Mexico. A few days before leaving, you dragged Ana to a hairdresser, stating that both of you should change up your look to start over fresh.
What you didn't expect though, was for your girlfriend to decide she wanted to color her hair pink. You had thought about something more along the lines of cutting your hair a little shorter.
But then Ana announced with a big grin that she was going pink, and you made a split second decision, telling the hairdresser to whip up some purple hair dye for you.
And that's how the two of your started off your new life, one of you pink haired and the other one purple. You loved the way it looked and couldn't care less when pretty much the first thing out of Jenni's mouth when she picked you up from the airport was, "Where are you two going? A five year old's birthday party?"
"Shut up, Jenni, you're just jealous of us," Ana retorted.
Jenni rolled her eyes, "Maybe, but I get a feeling you're going to help me get over that by annoying me with your lovey-doveyness."
"Absolutely," you agreed, pulling your girlfriend against yourself and kissing her passionately.
"Fine! I'll stop if you stop!" Jenni exclaimed, grabbing one hand from the both of you and marching you towards the exit. "Bienvenida a México, chicas!"
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pluckyredhead · 3 months
For your Fourth World reading do you have a reading order you could share with us? Or recommendations on where to start? Sorry if this has been asked before
No need to apologize! I've been meaning to write up my Fourth World recs so thank you for the reminder. Also it is unfortunately a short list lol.
The Fourth World by Jack Kirby:
Superman's Pal Jimmy Olsen: Kirby wrote and drew issues #133-148. This is where he launched the Fourth World, and where we first saw Darkseid and a number of other characters and concepts. It is a little tangential to the main Fourth World storyline (and some of it, like the two Goody Rickels issues, is REALLY weird and not necessarily in a good way). I would say if you are interested in the Fourth World from a comics history perspective, you should read Kirby's Jimmy Olsen, but if you are interested from a blorbo perspective and just want to read about Orion or Scott or whoever, you can skip it.
New Gods (1971): This is Orion's series. An absolute must, this is the heart of the Fourth World. The original run is issues #1-11 (there are a couple series that pick up the numbering, but the first 11 issues are the real deal).
Forever People (1971): I would say this is the other book that is really central to Kirby's magnum opus and the themes he was exploring. Again, less interesting from a blorbo perspective (I'm sure Mark Moonrider is someone's blorbo...) but it's only 11 issues so I would recommend reading it for the historical/thematic value. Do it for Kirby!
Mister Miracle (1971): The other blorbo! Kirby's original run is #1-18.
New Gods (1984) #6: In 1984 DC reprinted the original New Gods run as double-sized issues (so #1 contains the original #1 and #2 from 1971, etc.). Issue #6 reprints the original New Gods #11 and then adds new material to "conclude" Kirby's story. But you'll want to continue and read...
The Hunger Dogs (also called DC Graphic Novel #4): This was Kirby's conclusion to the Fourth World saga. It's not his original vision, but it's the most DC would allow him. He is not quite at the heights he was in 1971, but it's nice to see him get a chance to conclude his tale, and it's a must-read if you ship Orion and Lightray.
The Fourth World by people who aren't Jack Kirby:
New Gods (1991): This is Rachel Pollack's run and it's excellent. The art is extremely 1991 but the writing makes up for it. The last three issues of the series are written and drawn by John Byrne instead, and they're fine - you can read them or skip them, doesn't matter.
Orion (2000): Walt Simonson's run, AN ABSOLUTE MUST-READ. RUN DON'T WALK. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE READ THIS. Orion suffers so much and it's so delicious to me.
Solo #7: There are only two pages of Fourth World content in here but it's Orion betting Scott he can come up with a death trap Scott can't escape and then literally just trying to kill him for fun while Lightray has a panic attack. Orion and Scott are both lunatics and I love that for them. Brothers of all time.
Both of DC's YA graphic novels about these characters, Mister Mircle: The Great Escape by Varian Johnson and Daniel Isles and Barda by @ngoziu, are excellent.
AND UNFORTUNATELY THAT IS IT. Scott and Barda are in JLI which I will always recommend, but it's not strictly speaking a Fourth World book. Orion is in Grant Morrison's JLA which is a classic, but he doesn't have a huge role in it as I recall. You should already be reading Kelly Thompson's current run on Birds of Prey because it's perfect but Barda is especially perfect in it.
The nice (?) thing about the Fourth World is that every writer basically completely ignores all previous writers except Kirby so there's not a lot of continuity to track. If you read Kirby, you can encounter the characters anywhere else and know everything you need to know.
Happy reading!
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ramenwithbroccoli · 5 months
when i was 13, i gave up on drawing. after years of being the dedicated "art kid" of the family and telling everyone i'm going to study in art school, i quit. my art didn't feel good enough and i didn't see the point. there were others better than me, and i would never achieve the same as them. so i gave up (for a very stupid reason. don't be like me)
but then i got into spg. granted, i still couldn't draw, but i posted doodles and edited pictures. i tried different artforms, like when i made hatchworth out of felt. it was good to make something with my hands.
and then the newest thing - fanbots. i had some murky ideas, some sketches, but it felt silly to just post them liek that. but when fanbot avalanche shook the fandom and my one project was almost finished, it was a perfect chance to share it. and i found people enjoyed what i created. then - other characters came around, and i was drawing them too - either as a thanks or to show people how much i adored their concepts. and it felt wonderful.
what all of those paragraphs mean is: thank you all. for creating your art and characters who may inspire others, for writing elaborate stories, for adding funny tags, for sticking around. all of that resulted in the urge to create outweighting the self-consciousness, and i'm sure glad it did because it feels lovely to make something. it's not about perfection. it's about having fun and trying new things and love.
so thank you <3
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fanboyzuko · 2 months
Ty Lee is such a good narrator! I love the dynamic between the three girls, none of them willing to reveal their true feelings even too each other.
Who was Master Intira? Something about her description has me thinking of airbenders. Her peaceful acceptance of her coming death, and building a legacy of joy. Also in the Gyatso installment it’s mentioned that Ty Lee’s teachers (possibly Master Intira?) had likely mastered their chakra, the same practice that Gyatso learned among the air nomads.
What are the chances that if Ty Lee learns more about airbenders from Zuko’s letters, she’ll start recognizing things her mentor taught her? (Maybe her choice to leave had more reasons than what’s already been stated?)
<333 thank youuu!!! Ty Lee's POV really made writing so easy gosh she's so fun my best girl <333
Do you mean guru pathik? I think that's the only time I've mentioned Ty Lee's mastery of chakra. But yeah! Master Intira is Ty Lee's chi-blocking teacher :3 how her path goes ohoho i like your theories nwn
for now, here's Master Intira's introduction! A lil treat <3
That fateful summer festival changed the trajectory of Ty Lee’s life in a way she never could have known. 
While everyone else was amazed by the techniques of a non-bender martial arts school in taking down any bender bold enough to challenge them, Ty Lee was mystified by the older woman watching the matches from the shadows with a critical eye.
She was pink. 
Pinker than Ty Lee. Pinker than Ty Lat, who had more of a purple undertone. Pinker than anyone Ty Lee had ever seen, adult or otherwise.
Mystified, Ty Lee snuck away to approach the stern looking woman who smiled so beautifully when Ty Lee admired her aura. 
Master Intira was picky about the students she accepted. But there was no deliberation on whether she would teach Ty Lee or not. Right then and there, she followed Ty Lee to her parents and invited her to join Master Intira’s school. Her parents hesitated at the suddeness of the situation, but quickly granted their permission under Ty Lee’s wide, pleading eyes.
Under Master Intira, Ty Lee learned about chakra, the flow of chi, more about human anatomy than she knew possible, and auras. Although Master Intira could not see auras, her grandmother had shared Ty Lee’s ability and told Master Intira all about them. Ty Lee likely would have figured out everything by herself eventually. Her childish theories and suspicions were on the right track to understanding her ability, but it was nice to have a teacher guide her path.
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kaphzzz · 9 months
i love your art so much! your bio says that your work is not created to be references, does this mean you don't approve of their use as such? i've referenced your art in the past, but i'll stop doing it if it's not what you want. keep up the great work!
tl;dr: I appreciate anyone wanting to use my work for reference but please ask me for permission before you do because i own it and it's basic artist etiquette. (also i may not grant it.)
hello again :)
ah! perfect opportunity for me to explain this whole thing! that was me throwing a tantrum in response to one particular case which was an artist copying one of my photos exactly as it is and was like hmm i'll sell this as a print, and i saw it by chance and was like no wtf thats not ur work to sell... and granted they did credit me but this, along with a few others things both recent and long bothering me, pissed me off enough I put that in my bio. like. there are ways to respecfully create something based off other ppl's work and ways that don't. also ways that just straight up aren't technically legal. i get walked on so much i forgot my rights to my own work.
with that said tho as long as my work is credited or its noted that the art is reference practice and not original art, and not like... further edited or interpreted in the same way an artist wouldn't want their art to be tampered with, especially the fake cgs i sold my soul to make, im mostly fine with it. also ask me for permission before hand bc there are things i don't want other ppl touching. i think i know what ur art blog is and im pretty sure you've been crediting and being very supportive so im okay with it :)
i could write a whole thing about how originality and effort and creative ownership in VP is overlooked but in short, my work are all individually a complete photographic piece that i intend for to be viewed as is. if, say, i blur an image or have little lighting or only include half a subject's face or whatever these are all intentional choices i make in attempts to create emotion and atmosphere etc. idk if i managed to communicate that clearly. basically what im trying to say is, judge me if you will, but i don't think it's selfish for me to want my work to be viewed the way i want it to and for ppl to recognise the effort i put into making it a creative original piece.
now this is just me rambling but in general, while i do appreciate that others will look at my work and think the composition or lighting or whatever is good enough to be a reference, i'm still bothered when thats all they can see (i.e. sees a vp work and think oh hey look what a good ref for my art!!1!), especially if they like see it reposted on pinterest and think its free for the taking…? baffles me how some artists are so aware of the ownership of their own work but fail to give others credit where its due.
a few links for anyone interested enough:
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anyway wordspew over. sorry if this whole thing sounds angry but like. i'm angry. have been for a year ever since i started doing vp. mostly bc of the resposting but still. but yea anyway thanks again for this ask and for being considerate and the support! <3
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adrienneleclerc · 2 years
can you write an xavier thorpe x reader who is native and a witch. i never see any native readers on here and im native, black and latina. and although i'm also latina and black i barley see any native and i want my native besties to feel incluced.
Although it definitely would be better for you and your native besties and more accurate for an actual native to write a fanfic like this, I WILL TRY MY BEST!!!! Sorry if it came out too Scooby Doo/Supernatural/Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Spooksville, I hope you like it though.
Paring: Xavier Thorpe x Native!Reader
Summary: There is a new monster in Jericho that has replaced the Hyde.
Warning: Maybe spelling errors. Since I am not native, please correct me on ANYTHING that you find wrong or inaccurate
A/N: the lore of the monster has been taken out of Native American lore and little bit from Supernatural.
Like many witches, Y/N used herbs to make potions and follow spells in her spell book. She was following the steps correctly and was about to say the incantation when Enid comes bursting in her dorm.
“Y/N, Y/N, you would not believe what happened.” Enid said, out of breath.
“What happened? Did the Hyde escape?” Y/N asked.
“No, but now there’s a new monster. People have gone missing, no one knows what it is but these people have started going missing when we were on break. I swear if Jericho starts blaming Nevermore again, I am going to die.” Enid said.
“Okay, relax, does Wednesday know about this monster?” Y/N asked. That’s when Wednesday came in with Enid’s laptop.
“I started looking at Jericho’s news website, trying to find any other missing persons report, so far we are dealing with a Hyde, they haven’t killed. So far, they’re just missing.” Wednesday said.
“If they’re just missing, then how do you know it’s a monster instead of it being normal?” Y/N asked.
“27 people have gone missing, Y/N. 27 people. All 27 of them had families who claimed they were going on hikes or walks in the woods at night, claiming it calms them.” Enid said.
“Who the fuck goes to the woods at night?!? Like common sense people!” Y/N exclaimed.
“It’s Jericho, I don’t think these people have common sense.” Wednesday said and Y/N shrugged, agreeing with her, “I say we head to the woods and see what’s out there.”
“You have learned nothing from the Hyde, have you?” Y/N asked Wednesday.
“Try living with her.” Enid said.
“Well I’m obviously not going alone. I’m not dragging Eugene with me again, you two are my closest friends, if you bring it up again, I’ll deny everything. Y/N, Can you ask Xavier to come with us?” Wednesday asked.
“Sure, hopefully he says yes.” Y/N said.
Now in the art shed.
“Absolutely not!” Xavier shouted.
“Oh come on, Xavi, please come with us.” Y/N said.
“I mean nom there’s no way you’re going on a an adventure with Wednesday Addams, Eugene almost died.” Xavier said.
“But he didn’t! Come on, just come with us.” Y/N begged.
“Alright, fine.” Xavier said and Y/N kissed him thank you.
“Perfect! So here the backstory: people have gone missing, almost 30 people in the last 3 weeks have gone missing in the woods. Granted, they’ve gone at night so that’s their fault, but there’s no way it’s a coincidence.” Y/N explained to Xavier.
“Fine, so are we going tomorrow?” Xavier asked. Then Wednesday and Enid entered the art shed.
“We’re going tonight. We’ll hide in the trees so we could see the creature.” Wednesday said.
“I’ve been working on an invisibility potion, maybe we could use it too, better our chances.” Y/N said.
“Alright, Let’s go, here are some flashlights.’ Wednesday said, taking out four flashlights from her backpack. They decided to walk to the Jericho woods. Then a twig snapped. Enid held onto Xavier’s arm.
“Did you hear that?” Enid asked frightened.
“You stepped on a twig, Cupcake.” Y/N said. They walked further into the woods when there was a loud growl.
“What was that?” Enid asked.
“That’s definitely the monster, quick, drink the potion and climb the trees!” Y/N exclaimed. Each person drank the potion and climbed different trees. When Y/N made it to the top, she saw the monster. It’s bones were showing, the monster looked like an ashy gray color, the footprints it left behind were bloody. “It can’t be.” Y/N whispered and the monster growled again and walked away, everyone got off their tree. “We need to go, now.”
“No way, we need to follow it.” Wednesday said.
“You Don’t know what it is Wednesday!” Y/N shouted.
“Oh, and you do? Enlighten us, Y/N.” Wednesday said,
“It’s a Wendigo, okay? My parents have told me stories about the wendigo back on the reservation, now let’s go before it comes back.” Y/N said,
“What’s so bad about a wendigo?” Xavier asked.
“It’s a cannibal! And if you haven’t noticed, it’s about 13 feet tall! It will kidnap us, take us to its cave, and feed off us, now please, let’s go back to Nevermore.” Y/N said. They walked to Nevermore and stayed in Xavier’s art shed to talk about the wendigo.
“What’s the story behind the Wendigo? When I was searching the book of outcasts, it never mentioned a wendigo.” Wednesday said.
“It’s from Native American folklore, according to the lore, Wendigos should be out in Canada or the Great Lake Region, even Minnesota. I don’t understand how a wendigo can end up in New England, though.” Y/N commented.
“If Wendigos are not supposed to be in Vermont, then how come there’s one here?” Enid asked.
“I Don’t know, maybe this person turned into a Wendigo, I don’t know what else could have happened.” Y/N said, pacing back and forth, she have heard of Wendigos, but she never knew they existed. Doesn’t matter if she was a witch or not, Wendigos are a completely different territory.
“How does someone turn into a Wendigo?” Wednesday asked.
“Okay so back when there were super cold winters and people such as native Americans and settlers were stranded, there was no food, they could build a fire, they couldn’t hunt. They got extremely hungry and resulted to cannibalism. Of course there are myths that say if you eat human meat, it gives you…abilities. Like you’ll be superhuman technically speaking. The only problem is, once they resulted to cannibalism, it’s hard to stop and then the more you eat human flesh, you become something nonhuman, ergo, the Wendigo.” Y/N stated.
“I’m gonna be sick, how can someone result to cannibalism?” Enid asked.
“How should I know. Wednesday, do you think you can use your psychic power to see how this Wendigo came to be?” Y/N asked.
“I’d have to touch something. Xavier, you must have at least a sketch of the Wendigo or where it may be hiding.” Wednesday said.
“I’ve been having dreams about a monster, I just never knew what it meant, never had dreams this intense since the fucking Hyde. Here’s some sketches, look at them and see if you can find anything.” Xavier said. The girls looked at the charcoal sketches and Wednesday could identify a cave.
“This cave, I know where it is. Back when Tyler was helping me, before I knew he was the Hyde, we were in this part of the woods. If the Wendigo is there, my visions could tell.” Wednesday said.
“Great, now Let’s go to our dorms and try to sleep, we’ll have to go tomorrow morning to the cave,” Y/N said.
“Why the morning?” Xavier asked.
“Wendigos only come out at night, obviously. Wednesday touches the cave, she gets a vision, we kill it.” Y/N said, they went to their dorms but Y/N went to spend the night with Xavier.
“I’ve been thinking about the Wendigo, how are we going to kill it?” Xavier asked.
“Well according to the lore, they can be killed by silver.” Y/N said.
“Like werewolves?” Xavier asked.
“Okay technically anything Can kill a werewolf because they’re fucking human, but yeah, silver kills most supernatural creatures.” Y/N said.
“And how do we get our hands on a silver bullet?” Xavier asked.
“They’re Kinda pricey, we also need our hands on a gun and I don’t think anyone will sell us a gun.” Y/N said.
“We’ll figure it out tomorrow. Good night.” Xavier said.
The next day, Wednesday got up early and went with Enid to the woods.
“Why could Y/N and Xavier come with us?” Enid whined as she was treading through the woods.
“Y/N is sleeping in Xavier’s room, I am not interrupting that.” Wednesday said,
“Okay but Y/N actually knows about the Wendigo.” Enid said.
“I researched about the Wendigo as well. She’s right, morning is our best option to find it’s cave. While Things is off doing his five finger discount thing to get us a gun and silver bullets, I’ll do my vision, and we can fill them in when we get back to relax.” Wednesday told Enid. They made it to the cave and Wednesday had her vision. In the vision, it showed how the Wendigo came to be.
A Vermont winter, before the outcast burning. The person was with other people, they were very cold, it was windy and snowing, many people couldn’t take it anymore. Those who passed out from the cold, was sadly victim of the man. He built the fire, roasted them, and ate them. Weeks later, though winter has ended, the man still craved human flesh, he continued to kill and eat more people until meh because the Wendigo. Crackstone blamed Goody Addams for creating the monster when she had nothing to do it. Wednesday came to.
“Well now i know why there’s a Wendigo in Jericho. Let’s go before it notices we’ve been here.” Wednesday said. Enid and Wednesday quickly went back to Nevermore by Uber and came bursting into Xavier’s dorm, startling Xavier and Y/N awake.
“What the fuck?” Xavier asks, rubbing his eyes.
“Thing is getting the gun and the silver bullets, I hade a vision about the Wendigo, this creature is really old, Crackstone old, we need to kill it before other people go missing.” Wednesday said.
“Okay fine. So Wendigos hibernate every few years, it’s still winter so Wendigos are active right now.” Y/N comments, sitting up.
“And since they were hibernating when the Hyde was in town, the Wendigo woke up very hungry.” Xavier commented.
“Hence the 30 missing people. But if it’s winter, does that mean all those people are actually dead?” Enid asks.
“Yeah, they’re dead now.” Wednesday said, “but how do you know it hibernates every few years?” Wednesday asked.
“If they only hibernated for months like bears do, then Sheriff Galpin would have been on high alert, there would be a town curfew, and there would have been missing persons reports every year but the oldest missing persons report I could find online was 2010, saying they have gone to the woods to catch fireflies or some shit like that.” Y/N said.
“So we either kill the Wendigo now or..”Enid started.
“Or let some other group of Nevermore kids kill the Wendigo in 13 years.” Y/N said.
“Better today so the Wendigo doesn’t kidnap other people.” Wednesday said. Right on queue, Thing entered the room with a plastic bag, with a gun and silver bullets. “This is what we’re going to use to kill the Wendigo. I know how to shoot.”
“I could distract the Wendigo if necessary. Especially since you have to be within close range of the Wendigo to shoot it’s heart with a silver bullet.” Y/N said.
“Why do you need to be close?” Enid asked
“The density of silver bullets are not as heavy as a lead bullet, therefore don’t have as much power, closer range means better chances.” Wednesday explained. “And we’ll go tonight.”
“So get up and get dressed, we have to go to class.” Enid said, leaving the dorm with Wednesday. Y/N used magic to out on her uniform.
“I’ll meet you downstairs for breakfast,” Y/N said, kissing Xavier goodbye.
The school day was normal, Y/N was sitting next to Xavier, they were good, when it was lunch time, the four of them sat at a table together to discuss the plan. When the time actually came to execute the plan, everyone was very nervous. Even Wednesday was nervous about what would happen tonight.
“Okay, I have a spell book full of defensive spells, also some healing spells in case anyone is hurt. Hopefully we don’t need those.” Y/N said
“The monster is 13 feet tall, we’re in the trees. Enid can’t wolf out on command which is very disappointing, Xavier has silver tip arrows, Y/N have magic, I have a gun. We go in different trees, Enid can stay with me.” Wednesday said.
They go in trees, a perfect height for Wednesday to shoot it’s heart, they heard the Wendigo roar. The Wendigo was far away from Wednesday tree so she couldn’t shoot it. Y/N had to use magic to try and push the Wendigo closer to Wednesday. When that didn’t work, Xavier used his arrows. So Y/N and Xavier were both attacking the Wendigo until it was close enough for Wednesday to shoot it and the Wendigo fell, causing the trees to shake. They all got down from the tree.
“What do we do with the body?” Xavier asked.
“We burn it. Incendio.” Y/N said and everyone stepped back as the Wendigo was set on fire.
“We’re never going to have a normal school year, are we?” Enid asked.
“We’re outcasts who go to a school for outcasts, school will never be normal.” Y/N said.
“Will people notice if we just leave it burning?” Xavier asked.
“Probably, but who cares, let the police take care of this, let’s go.” Wednesday said and they went back to Nevermore. “Thank you for helping me by the way,”
“Wow, the Wednesday Addams thanking us, I can’t believe it.” Y/N said and Wednesday shoved her. “But no problem.”
“I’m definitely going to have nightmares about the Wendigo, it’s face is so, deformed.” Enid said.
“Welcome to my world,” Xavier said. Enid and Wednesday went ti their dorm while Xavier and Y/N went to the art shed. “How was your your first time fighting a monster?”
“Awful. I like the research portion, hate the fighting.” Y/N said,
“Hopefully this is the last monster we’re facing…until next year anyway.” Xavier said.
“Not funny. But thank you for agreeing to help us.” Y/N said.
“Like I was going to let my girlfriend put herself in danger without me.” Xavier said,
“Anyway, it meant a lot. You gonna sketch the monster again?” Y/N asked.
“I’m thinking about sketching you.” Xavier said.
“Oh, am i your muse?” Y/N asked jokingly.
“You are actually, yeah.” Xavier said, leaning in to kiss Y/N softly but passionately.
“If we keeping going like this, you won’t stop.” Y/N said. Xavier began sketching Y/N and then showed his finished product to Y/N. “Looks beautiful.” Y/N then kissed him, it was nice to have a soft moment like this after risking their lives tonight.
The End
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elshells · 2 years
Welcome, Traveler!
Hello! Ella here, it's nice to meet you. Thanks for stopping by my blog!
I've only been on Tumblr for a couple of years, but I've been sharing original stories online since 2018, and writing for fun even before that. Mainly, I dabble in science fiction, fantasy, horror, and everything in between. If you read or write within these genres, we'll get along great. And even if you don't, hit me up! I'm always looking for another good read, and I'm pretty easy to please.
In the writeblr community, I welcome asks/tag games and am always looking for an excuse to talk about my beloved characters. Granted, it takes me forever and a day to respond to literally anything, but I'd love to get to know you and your WIPs!
If I'm not writing, I'll hop on to see what y'all are up to, and sometimes I'll chime in with whatever's on my mind. Usually late at night when I should be asleep. As one does. You know how it goes around here. And if I happen to say anything hilarious, there's a 60% chance it was unintentional. I rarely think I'm funny in real life.
The bottom line is, if you enjoy my WIPs or just wanna be friends, please don't be shy to reach out! I'm often afraid to make the first move, but no matter how I end up on your feed, I hope I can make you smile!
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—‌Currently pursuing a degree in English creative writing and gender sexuality, and race studies, with minors in publishing and printing arts and music performance. So, naturally, I can be a busy gal.
—‌My dream is to be a published author (looking into the indie route), with the goal to debut before I graduate. I also have aspirations to be an actor in community theatre and/or voiceover work; we'll see how that goes!
—‌I've played the flute for almost ten years, and am slowly learning piano and guitar. Eventually I'd love to learn my way around a drum set as well, if I ever find the time, money, and discipline. Maybe I'll even write my own music one day, who knows?
—‌I love to swim, do yoga, and I rode horses for several years. Beyond that, I'm pretty much hopeless at sports, especially the ones that involve throwing around a ball.
—‌Occasionally I'll find the motivation to make some doodles. I haven't been that dedicated to the craft lately, so I've lost a lot of my mojo, but I hope to get back into drawing some day and maybe share some of my art!
—‌As a teenager, I volunteered at my local zoo and aquarium—‌and I would still love to go back one day—‌but for now, I work as a lifeguard and swim instructor.
—‌PFP is my current DND character, a tiefling bard named Enyo. If you're interested in learning more about her, check out this post (which includes a full-body artistic interpretation!)
—‌Like I mentioned before, I'm here to make friends! I'll talk to anyone about anything, as long as the conversation stays friendly, safe, and respectful. I won't tolerate hate in any form.
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If you enjoy a chapter, please consider letting me know by reblogging and leaving a comment! I welcome anything you have to say, so long as you're kind to me, yourself, and others. Useful and constructive criticism is always encouraged if you catch something I didn't, so feel free to share any feedback, opinions, or questions you have. I'm always looking to improve and I appreciate all the support I can get!
THE HARMONT HEROES SERIES —‌A fusion of science fiction and urban fantasy told through the dual POV of two sisters on opposite ends of society. This saga features mystery and intrigue, thrills and chills, and an array of LGBTQ+ characters. -BOOK ONE: Agent Ace -BOOK TWO: TBA -BOOK THREE: TBA -BOOK FOUR: TBA
EMBR OF THE EARTH (Standalone)—‌In the far, unknown future, the world is overrun by human survivors, robot scouts, and hostile, alienesque creatures that came from nowhere. A ragtag group of teens choose to leave the safety of their satellite and return to Earth, determined to discover what happened to planet and if there's a way to save it. -ON INDEFINITE HIATUS -The current draft is still available on Wattpad; read it here.
ENCORE (Standalone) —‌An eighteen-year-old girl is rescued from a deserted island as the lone survivor with an unbelievable story. Twelve years later, the girl, now a struggling musician who's still tortured by the past, is given an opportunity to go back in time to save the others. But with such high stakes to succeed, the price may be too much to pay. -A twist on the Final Girl trope in classic horror. -COMING TO TUMBLR SOON! Get started with the first five chapters here.
Am I a poet? I don't know, you tell me!
Water Nymphs
Alley Cat
Sea Urchin
* * *
Wattpad: @ persephonehale
AO3: @ elshells *In the meantime, thanks for saying hi!*
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shytastemakerthing · 2 months
Hello! Could I get a romantic matchup for twst? I understand that there might be a ton of other requests, so take all the time you need :))
I'm an INFJ 1w9, Libra! I tend to change the way I act depending on the person I'm talking to, and I have this bad habit of saying what others want to hear instead of saying my own opinion,, I'm also quiet reserved most of the time— but with the people I end up being more comfortable with, I'm a lot more enthusiastic! I end up being the one rambling about my interests to them and apparently I mess around a lot with them. During school breaks I prefer staying in my room hanging out by myself. I get very tired of interacting with people (not that I don't like them, i just get tired!) and I need time to recover. I'm also a pretty hard worker and people say I push myself too hard sometimes 😅 I'm generally someone who's calm and not very prone to anger, but once I do get angry everything just starts to spill out
In my free time, I like making art and do creative writing! . And if I'm not doing that, then I'm probably busy reading a book, playing RPG/Rhythm games or watching anime :) I also like to indulge myself in new knowledge? For example if I don't know much about Chinese mythology I'd end up just researching and learning more about it for hoursssss until I get a good grasp of it I really like well-written stories, RPG + rhythm games, all kinds of animals, coffee, art supplies, museums, aquariums, libraries/bookstores and shopping. I dislike overwhelming situations (like a loud party or fireworks) and people who are rude and inconsiderate for no reason,,
As for a partner, I'd like someone who's wits can keep up with mine, have a great sense of humor, and is willing to listen to me and understand me without judgement either— A sense of security would be nice. My love language is gift giving + words of affirmation, while I'd prefer to receive quality time and acts of service!
I'm so sorry for writing so much 😭 thank you in advance!
A/N: Hello and thank you so much for your request and for your patience! I really appreciate it! I hope that you enjoy your match-up and have a wonderful day/night!
Request: Romantic Twisted Wonderland match-up
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I match you with........
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Idia Shroud
Honestly, the perfect break that this man has is staying in his room at all times....granted he does that anyways, but still
So count on either him being with you in your room and the two of you binge games
Or you are in his room, quite possibly doing the exact same thing... with a better set up
Let's face it, this man certainly has the better set up and chances are he built it
Also Ortho may be there, he's the support, Idia is still questioning how he got in this relationship so Ortho is the voice of reason until this man has the right amount of confidence
His wits can certainly keep up with yours, if his dorm uniform vignette is anything to go by
This man will give you a run for your money on that, that's for sure, but it's rather fun to see the banter going back and forth between the two of you
Another man who who is not a fan of being in an overwhelming situation. He can see it before it even happens so it's rather nice to have him around because he can always help you avoid it entirely
Idia is not a fan of public spaces, this much is known
But if it is possible to go to some of your favorite spots during the time with the least amount of people, or even finding a way to have it only be the two of you, you may be able to convince him
Yeah, he'll go, only because Ortho begged his brother to bring something back for him
He can't say no to that
Congrats, the man is whipped enough for you to go out into certain public spaces
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Thank you for your request!!
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tomdutch · 6 months
Hey um I know there's a large chance that you most likely won't see this, but I just have to say this. When you had first spoken up about leaving the fandom I was confused as to why because I didn't really realize how dry it was becoming. I just wanna say how utterly correct you were. It has declined even moreee since your leave (not saying you caused it or anything). I sometimes find myself comparing the notes/reblogs from Tom!peter fanfics to the tasm!peter ones and the difference is astounding ( it has me wondering if anyone even knows that Tom!peter exists). It's really sad, the fandom honestly can't be revived, like where is everyone??? I have so many questions about the decline of content in the fandom ( I know the interactions from the readers played a huge part, but I also feel like there may have been other factor that lead to this.) Did everyone in the fandom just grow up or something?? Anyways, I miss you lots and hope you are doing well and your new fandoms are treating you right.
wow this was a doozy to read but in a good way 😭 the delusional main character side of me wants to think my absence had an impact of any kind lmaooo but to be honest, the fandom was already in really bad shape.
lack of reader interaction personally wasn’t that big of a factor for me, i was incredibly lucky and am still grateful for the consistent feedback and love y’all gave me and i still sometimes look through reblogs on my fave fics for writing inspo :”) it meant so much to me and i look back with so much fondness on all the fun times we had with more interactive series, especially break my heart.
not to sound like i’m giving a ted talk, but what drove me away more than anything was the toxicity of the fandom. granted all fandoms have a certain level of it, but this one was really, truly bad in 2021-2022. there’s only so much consistent harassment and suicide bait a girl can overlook while still feeling welcome and excited abt this space 😭 when i look back at that stuff now i’m honestly shocked so many people stayed as long as we did.
rabid shipping culture aside, i personally feel like the mcu spiderman franchise took a big hit in no way home that drove a lot of ppl away. obviously they couldn’t keep going forever with a 30 year old guy playing a 19 year old, but their creative decisions in nwh are questionable at best to me. the end of mcu peter’s story was so final and abrupt that, combined with how flip-floppy the writers were abt a follow-up trilogy with new characters and a time jump, didn’t leave much room for fanfic to carry on. they quite literally erased mcu peter as a character and individual from the mcu itself lmao it would be pretty hard for people to write copious fanfics about a guy who has no one bc no one knows who he is and his family is dead as hell.
that being said, i really am sorry you feel like it’s difficult to enjoy and share your passion in this space. that feeling sucks and i hope that, if you write fanfic, the lack of engagement and content doesn’t stop you from being creative and sharing what you wanna share. trends and fandoms come and go in waves, you never know when a piece of media or an actor has a revival in the general public. i don’t know what roles tom has going on but if you feel inspired to engage in them when the time comes, i’m sure there will be ppl there to interact. you’re never too ‘grown up’ to enjoy fandom, especially not one as iconic and timeless as spider-man in all variations. if there’s a character, there’s ppl out there creating art for them.
in the meantime, i hope life treats you kindly as well and thank you for your ask :”) if you ever wanna chat with me, i’m still active on my main, or if you’re more comfortable here i still check in on this blog every other month 💛
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ask-de-writer · 1 year
WIND MEETS THE ROM : Part 2 of 27 :
MLP Fan Fiction
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Part 2 of 27
De Writer (Glen Ten-Eyck)
Cover art by @wind-the-mama-cat
54212 words
© 2023 by Glen Ten-Eyck
Writing begun 06/01/18
All rights reserved. This document may not be copied or distributed on or to any medium or placed in any mass storage system except by the express written consent of the author.
Copyright fair use rules for Tumblr users
Users of Tumblr.com are specifically granted the following rights. They may reblog the story provided that all author and copyright information remains intact. They may use the characters or original characters in my settings for fan fiction, fan art works, cosplay, or fan musical compositions.
All sorts of fan art, cosplay, music or fiction is actively encouraged.
New to the story? Read from Part 1, here!
As Wind was getting up she commented, “You are really good at not answering questions, aren't you, De Writer?”
Nodding agreeably, the old unicorn smiled, “Yep. Got lots of practice. About three thousand years of it, actually.”
As they strode across the grass, towards a woodland, Wind automatically searched with her eyes and other senses for possible dangers.
De Writer noticed it, too. “That is good, Wind. Always be on the lookout for dangers. Speaking of which, I have a Pro Tip for you. When facing down a good sized manticore, don't forget that the critter's tail is not there just for show. Not sure if you would have won, if you had not forgotten that, but your chances would have been a lot better.”
Wind paused to give the blue unicorn a long studying look. Shaking her head, she offered, “I don't know how you knew about that. Not even Penny or Mama Dragon knew about the manticore's tail getting me first.” She relaxed a little as she said doubtfully, “I am not sure why, but I sort of feel safe around you. Almost as if we had met before, but I am sure that I would remember a talking unicorn pony.”
The old one nodded agreeably, “You would certainly think so, wouldn't you?”
Topping a rise, he pointed. “See that road? Just where it goes into that copse of trees is a nice shady rest area complete with water and free firewood. There is a band of mostly horses camped there. The majority of the horses are actually unicorns with long horns, some straight and some with a little curve to them. They also have some Equestrian pegassi in the group. They are led by an old donkey.
They all speak Equestrian, which I know that you are fluent in. They also speak a second language called Gyptian which I am aware that you do not know. I would advise you to seek your rest cure there with Marchhare's band. They will probably seem a bit odd at times, but they are actually fine horses.
“Oh, second Pro Tip. As far as they are concerned, they are ALL HORSES. Even the ponies among them say the same. They regard being called ponies to be a bit of an insult.”
As she was striding down the hill, Wind nodded. “I will bear that in mind. Thank you, De Writer.” A few strides further, Wind turned, her eyes going wide with surprise. There was no obvious sign of the old blue unicorn. Trained examination of the grass showed his tracks and hers. Then, abruptly there were only hers.
Shaking her head, she muttered, “And, he knew where I was coming through and which way I would be facing. I wonder just how dangerous he would be if he was angry?”
While she was pondering that question, Wind came to the road itself. It took only a cursory look to realize that though it appeared to be a simple gravel road, it was actually far better made than any such road of her experience.
While she was strolling along the roadway, Wind was contemplating the sort of civilization that would put so much effort into a road. It was strong enough not to fear invaders taking over the land by usurping the roads. It was well connected internally and relied strongly on commerce.
She heard the music and laughter before she found the turn off for the wayside rest area. The sign, in the Equestrian that she knew, said
Royal Road
Red Branch Section
Wayside #7.
The music had two unique sounds to it. The solid ringing underbeat was clearly a smith hammering iron. The other was from flutes, some kind of stringed instruments and drums. Besides matching the rhythm of the smith, they had music going in scales and beats that Wind had never heard of before.
She entered the wayside area and paused to watch first. Basic adventuring skill, there. Try to understand a situation before getting involved in it. Four pegassi with the familiar pastel colors and patterns that she knew from Penny's world were getting some sort of dancing instruction from two big horse sized unicorns, one pure black with a snow white mane and tail and the other, slightly bigger was a chestnut brown sorrel. She noticed the donkey that she had been told of. He was in the group providing the music. He was working a pair of drums to produce a complex beat.
Apparently whatever the mares were telling the pegassi was done. They positioned themselves carefully and listened for a cue in the music. They lifted their wings and with perfect timing, gave a powerhouse of a down stroke that lifted them all into the air. It was easy to see that each move of the pegassi was not only made in time to the music, each of the dancers, no other term would do, was making a cohesive whole pattern with the other dancers.
The dancers touched the earth in a four part pose, the two at the rear had each raised a wing toward the other and fanned the opposite wing toward the audience. The other two dancers had alighted with inside forehooves pointing to the old donkey, and kneeling the other foreleg. Their wings were folded close.
All of the assembled, um, horses, leaned their heads back and trilled loudly when the performance ended. Realizing that this was applause, Wind felt like doing the same. The airborne dance was an amazing performance.
She noticed that the pegassi were luxuriating in the hugs given by the magic from the horn of a red roan mare who had gathered them close. The more that Wind observed, the greater the differences from any pony that she was familiar with became apparent. These, even the ones that were dancing in the sky, ALL wore brilliant colored sashes of amazing fabrics. There were satins, brocades and even plain looking cloth, all sorts of colors, cuts, sewed designs and embroidery. Even the foals, off to one side from the rest wore them.
Another thing that caught her eye were the harnesses worn by every one of the horses, even the foals. Besides being solid workaday harness, they were beautifully tooled and dyed. Even the donkey wore one.
She had been advised that they all could speak the Equestrian that she was familiar with but none were. The language that she was hearing was a fluid, almost musical tongue. Sourly, she remembered that the old blue unicorn had mentioned that, too.
The nearby foals were playing some sort of game involving chasing a ball about. It appeared that they were not using any magic, though most had horns. A miskick sent the ball hurtling toward Wind! Compared to some of the battles that she had been in, this was slow enough for her to think and override the impulse to use her now missing arm. Realizing from her observation that they did not hold the ball, Wind batted it from the air and sent it back to the pursuing foals with a well aimed kick of her own!
Foals charged after it, continuing their game.
She did notice that one of the foals left the game and trotted over to the old donkey.
After a brief conversation, the foal returned to the game, sashes catching the sun.
Wind decided that the time for concealment was over and walked in along the entrance road toward the camp.
The black and white unicorn mare left the dance group and trotted up to Wind. In delightfully accented Equestrian, she greeted, “Are you the Wind Whisper that old De Writer told us to watch for? If so, please feel welcome in our camp.”
Wind made a moue. “You were expecting me? Does that old blue unicorn tell everyone what I am doing?”
The black and white unicorn giggled behind her hoof before replying, “Not at all. I know that he spent a bit of time with my father Marchhare. He often does. They have been friends for something like 800 years. Dad told me to welcome you when you were done watching us from the shadows of the trees.”
Formally, the mare held forth a forehoof and said, “In the name of Marchhare, Rom of the band of Marchhare, I, Black Lotus, offer you, Wind Whisper, the hospitality of our band.”
Wind held out a hand and took Black Lotus' extended hoof and sniped back, “I, Wind Whisper, on behalf of myself, accept your generous invitation.”
Black Lotus's eyes twinkled as she offered, “You are just in time for lunch. Since we knew that you were coming and a carnivore, we caught a couple of bunnies and pulled some trout out of that stream over there. We baked them up into pasties along with eggs and some cheese. They should keep well.
“We did not know how you liked sweets or spices so they are pretty plain, right now.”
Pretending shock, Wind asked archly, “What, De Writer didn't let you know something that important?”
The old donkey had joined them, his elaborately tooled headstall complimenting his harness design excellently. He brayed, “Nope. He doesn't tell us everything. Very irritating of the old pony, too.”
Wind was sort of taken aback. “Um, how long have you known him?”
The old donkey replied seriously, “Me personally, about 800 years, give or take. For the rest of this crowd, all their lives. For the Rom as a whole, around 800 years. They ran into him shortly after I rescued their ancestors from the desert of Celestia's Anvil.”
The mare Black Lotus tapped the donkey between the ears and suggested, “Father, be a dear and go cast your shadow on the serving line for lunch. It is all ready. Do caution the others about the meat and fish pasties that I put up for our guest.”
“Go cast . . .” The old donkey looked down. He seemed sort of embarrassed as his shadow slowly appeared where sunlight had been shining. Directly through him, apparently. “Right, I will go help serve.”
Wind stared after the old donkey. He was casting a shadow now. The only giveaway that something about him was off kilter was the simple fact that he left no tracks.
Black Lotus calmly suggested, “I will tell you about father in a little. For now, let us go and get some food while there is any left!”
Wind glanced at her hostess with a snicker and suggested, “Race you?”
Black Lotus shook her head. “Not yet. Not with those injuries. Right now, you need to take it easy, unless you want me, dad, and mom repacking your guts. You were lucky that those claws didn't quite open you up.”
Instantly soured, Wind griped, “De Writer tell you that, too?”
Suddenly she felt herself wrapped in the softest of pale blue magic. It was like no hug or hold that she had ever experienced before. Black Lotus was carrying her in it without any apparent effort. As she did, she explained, “No, De Writer is innocent of that particular thing. I am a good surgeon. Mom is better and dad, with a little help from either of us, is even better. I shouldn't have, but I peeked inside you to see how well you are healing. That is why I am carrying you now.”
Wind very suddenly became still. In a small voice, though still defiant, she asked, “What did you find, Snoopy?”
The mild reply was, “My name is Black Lotus. What I found is some inflammation at both the surgical work and some in your nerves. The surgery was really well done, if that helps. The inflammation came later. I am pretty sure that we can treat it, though. If we can, you will just have to take it easy for a while to let things heal up properly.”
They came to the lunch serving line. Black Lotus said something in the lovely fluid language that Wind decided that she was going to learn if she stayed long with these . . . horses.
Both the chestnut sorrel and the odd donkey left the serving line and joined Black Lotus, who was still holding Wind. There was a brief conference in the fluid language. The chestnut sorrel slightly tipped her horn, which glowed with an amber magic aura that matched her eyes perfectly. The magic flowed into Wind and bridged down to the donkey named Marchhare.
He nodded and spoke Equestrian to the brown mare, “Thank you, Hoof Dancer, my dear. Black Lotus was pretty spot on. We can treat this easily but Wind will need carefully supervised rest and light exercise.”
Wind pointed out sarcastically, “I am right here, you know. Would it be too much trouble to tell ME exactly what the problem is?”
The old donkey nodded agreement and sat. Gesturing expressively with his long ears, he stated, “Right you are, my dear Wind. As Black Lotus informed us, your original surgery was quite well done. Unfortunately a bit of infectious inflammation has begun to progress up some nerves that were severed.
“Right now, if we can keep you properly rested and LIMIT your exercise, we can stop the problem. If we do not try to stop it or you choose not to follow our directions you will either die or be permanently paralyzed in about two days time.
“The critical issue is to prevent the inflammation from reaching your spinal column. If it does, there is little to nothing that we can do to save you.
“So, now that you know what the problem is, will you let us save you or not?”
Wind retorted, “I have to. Mama Dragon would never forgive me if I died after all of her work to save me.”
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recurring-polynya · 2 years
Writing/Art Update 3/7/2023
What even was last week? I don't know. It's gone now. I spent a lot of time putting medicine in my dog. The children had a three-day weekend. (The dog is recovering very well from her surgery, thank you all for your kind wishes).
I continue to write sentences. This fanfic. I don't know. Remember when I said I expected it to be between 5 and 10k? Well, it's over 12k now. Granted, a couple hundred words of that is working-scrap text that'll get deleted when I get a few of the scenes finished up. On the other hand, it's not done. This is not one of those fanfics that has such a sophisticated thing as a plot, so it's just... whatever I put into it, but I would like it to have some sort of narrative progression, and I'm not even sure I'm there yet. Have I even told you what it's about? I don't think I have. It's about the two weeks Rukia and Renji spent at the  District 70 Consolidated Shinigami Recruitment Station, waiting for approval to travel north to take their entrance exams. It's weird and rambly and it's kind of a break-up story and there's a old dude shinigami who noped out of the Gotei who teaches them a bunch of world-buildy stuff that I made up. I usually don't mind when my stories go long, because usually my writing is funny or at least enjoyable to read, but I am really questioning whether anyone wants to read 12k worth of Renruki doing SAT prep. Truly, I am in my weird art era.
I was able to tally up what I think is left to do, which is as follows:
4 partially written scenes I need finish
2 scenes to port over from the original story (how have I not done this yet???)
6 scenes to write completely
3 more optional scenes
Anything else i come up with in the interim
Edit edit edit edit edit
This seems like about two weeks of work, but I'm sure it's more like three, and maybe more than that. I'm kind of counting it to all magically come together in the end, but I think it may need a little more work than that. I'm also mentally preparing myself for a longer trip to the beta than usual. I can see my way to the end, though, and that's pretty exciting! I even have a title! I've thought about giving you some preview bits, but I think it's still a little too early for that. Maybe next week!
Ahhhh, also this week I started writing a porno. I'm sorry. You know how it is. The urge hits and I grab catch the wave or it just passes by. Don't get too excited. If you've followed these updates for any amount of time, you know that if I start writing an adult fanfic, there's about a 50-50 chance I'll get 1/3 of the way into it and just give up. It's 1500 words at the moment. Working on the porno does not count towards My Sentences, so I'm sort of using it as a bribe for myself to work on once I've already met my daily goal on the other one. It takes place in the Advanced Team Arc and they Do it in the Urahara Shouten storeroom. Unfollow me if you want, it's not like there's a glutted market of spicy Renruki stories.
I did not draw anything last week. I should draw something this week.
5500 words this week! I haven't had a 5k+ week since last November! I need to get over the fact that that 10k weeks aren't things that happen to me anymore, and this was a really good one, actually!
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The Elephant in the Room
There is no way to sugarcoat this, because a lot of people have a visceral reaction to it: I'm working on a mixed-media project, and it is going to involve AI.
There are many complaints people have about AI, and I'm going to address some of them. If you want to stop reading now, I won't hold it against you, but I'd a) appreciate if you hear me out, and more importantly, b) implore you to give the new stuff a try before deciding it's not for you:
I think complaints about models being trained, without consent, in violation of copyright law, on people's photos, art, and words by for-profit companies are valid. I don't know how much of that, over the course of billions of data points in a training set, means I am "stealing" when I make a photo of a curvy gender-swapped Ronald McDonald. Granted, I'm not a lawyer, but that to me is parody and fair use.
Regarding copyright and whether generative AI is theft, lots of things on the Internet play loose with intellectual property rights. Memes? Reaction GIFs? Fan fiction? Songs in the background of your video? All legal gray areas. (If the rightsholders for Supernatural filed enough DMCA charges, they could take Tumblr down overnight.) My point is not to derisively say you are a hypocrite; I like these things too. It's that I don't see generative AI as being markedly different.
Environmental impact is important to me in real life. There are some alarmist numbers about power consumption and carbon impacts. I read (ok, skimmed) one of the studies and they used an 80 GB VRAM A100 SXM4, which is a 400W card and a tremendous amount of overkill for Stable Diffusion. I can do 4 draft images in about 15 seconds and 1 "finished" image in 30 on an RTX 3060. But I'm also not cranking those out without stoppping like a robot. It's much more reasonable to compare it with other leisure activities like PC gaming (its the same hardware), a PS5, or watching an HDTV. 1000 images (which for me, is A LOT - 3 or 4 hours) might use 0.05 kWh which puts me in line with watching a TV sitcom on my 50" 4k LED TV (which uses 87W in normal conditions).
People are overwhelmed because there is so much AI "art", and a lot of it is shitty. And I get ya. Many people are only using what they know and what they can find, which are online generators, and a lot of them suck. I don't want to sound like an ass, but I did spend a lot of time learning Stable Diffusion prompting and training, so I think my stuff will look better than people expect. (Or at least consistent, which is what I was aiming for.) What I hate though is people who post generated AI images and don't label them. So you get from me a promise to at least try to label all my images in tags, in the description, and in the alt description as AI (soft promise here because ADHD). Then you can block those tags to your hearts content.
I was already thinking about trying to use an AI writing tool, then I saw today that people are losing their shit about NaNoWriMo. So I am putting my thoughts about that in another post.
There you have it. Thanks if you made it this far. The goal here is not to convince you am I not just some AI techbro (I'm not) and that AI is not NFTs 2.0, but to give this project that I have worked (and am working!) so hard on a puncher's chance.
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stitchedstatic · 5 years
@ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @
THATS A LOT- so lets get this show on the road-
@ask-thepuppeteer-idv - Dia is so sweet and her art style is so adorable! She makes the best memes and honestly the best stories too for her charas. Not just her IDV ones either, she has so many amazing characters with some of my favorite designs. Not to mention she’s a literal goddess with MMD and the stuff she’s made has genuinely blown me away! I look forward to see what she can come up with!
@ask-human-hastur - Hands down, some of my fave human hastur designs- especially Ancient’s. Not only that, but I honestly think the way all the hasturs have their own personality is so neat? I love it! I also truly adore Jere’s art as well with the softness of it, but also how it also can be something truly terrifying-- which I love seeing in all honesty- Vianda is also one of my fave OCs in terms of design, she’s so pretty I think I’d cry-- 
@killing-spree-iv-idvau - AAAAAA one of my FAVE AUs! The watercolor art goes wonderfully hand-in-hand with the dangerous atmosphere of the au, and honestly makes me wanna give painting a shot some time. I frankly adore Chrysophillia’s direction with everything and look forward to it all! I love it~
@seer-is-here - One of the cutest Elis out there and has one of the sweetest muns in the world! I still remember first seeing Eli eat Uno cards before making this blog and being like “ELI ARE YOU OK-” XD I wanna give both Jaff and Eli big hugs and cookies-
@ask-idv-roleswap-au - Role swap aus? OH GOD MY WEAKNESS- Their take on survivors as hunters and vice versa is incredible! Their designs and what they did with the characters is extremely interesting (gotta say- survivor! gamekeeper is my fave only bc of the deer- i love caramel) and I really can’t wait to see what they’ve got in mind for the others!
@gurkhasblade - ICARUS’S ART IS SO AMAZING? And their hunter Naib design? I love it so much! I haven’t interacted with them very much, but they’re also a wonderful person and has made me laugh before in a disc server. A huge inspo- (Also I’m glad to see someone else liking Kamen Rider-- I still need to catch up on Zero-One gdi)
@ask-cynical-green-friends - Cherry’s one of the most direct people I’ve met, I truly appreciate her honesty and not being afraid to speak what’s on her mind. I think I’m still a bit scared of her for that, but I also genuinely appreciate that as it’s rare to really find people who aren’t afraid to speak their mind. Not only that, but I adore how her art style can range from :3 faced Luka to something INCREDIBLY breathtaking! 
@ask-idv-embalmer - One of the most insanely inspirational art styles out there, as well as one of my fave Aesop blogs. Faca is extremely amazing when it comes to art from the body structure to the shading. I always love seeing how much care they take into their work!
@theunconcernedembalmer - SASSY AESOP FTW-- Ok, in seriousness- Toko’s one of the nicest people I’ve spoken to! Insanely intelligent and def has a good head on her shoulders. I also just LOVE her Aesop and Count Joseph? NICE- I really like how even Claude’s included! He needs more love-
@askidv-the-seamstress - NINIIII one of the biggest sweethearts in the fandom as well as one of the most amazing singers for sure! I love her outfit designs and love seeing so much care being put into making them special for whoever they’re for. Did I mention she’s a really amazing writer? Seriously, everything she writes is like poetry! It’s just as elegant as Aurie herself, it’s so fitting!
@ask-sculptor - Winter’s sculptor was perhaps one of the first OCs I saw before entering the fandom. Charlie’s antics are honestly hilarious, I love seeing the nonsense he gets into as well as learning more about him as a character. Winter’s got so many memes up her sleeves-- but she also knows how to make me suffer with her charas (and thus, I’ll continue to make Alex suffer! //NO)
@ask-the-idv-magus - Izu’s OC designs are amazing and I really adore Lu! A lot of care was put into Lu and it truly shows between her story as well as how Izumi depicts it all. Aside from that, Lu cracks me up and is genuinely hilarious at times! It shows that Izu has a blast being Lu’s mun!
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apompkwrites · 3 years
Hi, hello 👉👈
I really love the streamer AU and would like to request Albedo, Xiao, Tartaglia and Kaeya's reaction to reader's possible death theories
Just like the theories we have about them, I wonder how would they react to their favorite character possibly having a "bad ending" in the game
Like how Mona said that Kaeya's fate would catch him soon, or about Xiao's karmic thing
Sorry for bothering and thank you ✨
reader impact || fan theories
series masterlist characters: albedo, childe, kaeya, xiao genre: angst? is that what you would call this?? i don't know. summary: with so much backstory and lore, there are bound to be fan theories on the different characters in genshin. what happens when our streamers read some... unfortunate endings regarding you? notes: i normally don't look at theories... ugh mihoyo why. anyway, i made the written portions before the bullet points act as a theory fic or something similar to that :)
albedo -
"i have the utmost faith in you, traveler," you mutter as the star on your neck seems to crack. your neck begins to split apart and light pink light glows from underneath it. the cracks travel throughout your body.
your hands are pitch black and your upper arms are pink with a soft gradient connecting the two colors. you shake and tremble in what remained of your dragonspine camp. several chemicals and glass shards are scattered across the dirt floor.
"please. as my... former assistant. stop me."
albedo almost closed the tab right there.
the only thing stopping him is his chat, who is just freaking out about the fan theory comic sent to him.
the notebook on his desk, which still had a camera pointed at it, was filled with frustrated scribbles and illegible drawings.
he almost broke his pencil.
he just wants to leave.
he's been streaming his reaction to plenty of fan theories about genshin's universe, such as paimon's origins and possible endings for the other characters.
he thought that you would have fun happy theories.
not at all.
remember when i said he would pretend nothing bad is happening to you during his first meeting?
yeah, he held that denial until now.
now he's forced to confront the (very possible) idea that you will be a boss he'll have to fight later.
he absolutely loves the person who made the art.
he absolutely hates that this idea is the only thing he'll think about for... at least half a year.
childe -
"this... this is it for me, huh?" you heave, your body sprawled out on the bloodied grass and dirt. your weapon has long been abandoned, tossed to the side like trash. "you... fought valiantly as always, sweetheart. i'm... i'm proud of you."
it wasn't supposed to end like this. you were never supposed to die here, surrounded by the remnants of your enemies and comrades. you were supposed to go home.
to your family. introduce them to the otherworldly traveler you lovingly dubbed sweetheart.
"ah, i broke my promise, didn't i?" you hum, staring up at the sky through half-lidded eyes. "i told you i would introduce you to my family. my siblings would have loved you... i guess i'll be thrown on the ice for breaking it, won't i?"
he can and will ugly cry at this theory.
he doesn't even care he's caught on stream crying.
it just hits too close to home, especially as a big brother himself.
he'd call his siblings into his streaming room.
and once they come inside?
he'll hug them.
and hold them.
he'll promise to you that if that day ever did come in the game, he'd find a way to get to your siblings and meet them.
it doesn't matter if the game doesn't let him.
he'll either find it on his own in-game (which would probably grant him an achievement) or commission someone to make fanart/write a fic about this encounter.
and until then, he'll make sure to treasure you in his party.
kaeya -
"this soon, huh?" you chuckle dryly. your brows are furrowed as you stand alone. you knew this day would come. why wouldn't it?
fate was always cruel like that. coming to mondstadt for your people then growing close to the outsiders there. it was always cruel. it didn't matter if you were good or bad, fate always had a plan for you.
"what should i do?" you mutter, seemingly weighing your options in your hands. "take revenge for my people... abandon them for a new home... what would be the best choice?"
there wasn't one. and you knew that all too well. you knew you had to make a choice or else the universe would make it for you.
and if you left it up to chance... neither home you had grown with would survive.
can we go back to the simpler times, please?
all he wants is to go back to the beginning of the game when he was oh so naive.
he wanted to boot up the game again and just flirt with you until he passes on.
this theory... will actually be the death of him.
thinking you'll be forced to choose the future of mondstadt, or even teyvat, is an idea he wants to abandon entirely.
he wants to give you a glass of your favorite drink and get wasted until the sun comes up.
he takes this as a personal attack and will refuse to believe it.
but sometimes he does.
and when that happens, it's time for a drink.
just like you.
he'll join you in drinking your sorrows away for all eternity.
xiao -
"it's been years since i last heard the song of the dihua flute," you growl, clutching onto your cracking mask. the object is permanently stuck to your face. the only way to see your strained face was to look closely at the cracks, which allow a sliver of your skin to escape.
it's been a millennium or so since you started protecting liyue in secret. it's been a millennium or so since you started carrying the heavy burden of karmic debt on your shoulders.
"i have promised you that i would strike you down if you were ever taken by the darkness," you comment as your body involuntarily grabs your weapon. "i only wish for you to do the same for me. allow me... to peacefully... join their ranks."
he hates how probable this is.
and he hates how he actually believes this will happen.
he doesn't want to.
but there's too much evidence pointing to it.
all of your lore and the patterns the other yakshas followed...
he'll end the stream right there because he is not dealing with all of these emotions in front of a bunch of people.
he doesn't need that right now.
what will he do when he ends the stream?
probably contemplate everything he's known until this point.
and then look for fan content about you.
happy fan content.
he's the type of person to read fanfics about you.
be it reader insert or just general stories, he'll read it.
he just wants to think about you having happy endings :)
please, he's desperate for some fluff.
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artzee-bee · 3 years
Devil’s got a weak spot | Lucifer Morningstar x reader
Fandom: Lucifer (Netflix)
Request: ”Can you do this please.Lucifer is vulnerable around the reader ,And Lucifer loves the reader. Lucifer is wounded to defend the reader. reader bandages his wounds and blames him because it happened to him for her.And they have been friends for many years and the reader knows that he is the devil ,And asks him why he is vulnerable and injured and finally lucifer confesses to her how much he loves her . Thank you. Your writings are wonderful. ”
Genre: angsty with fluffy ending
Warnings: canon typical violence and bad writting probably
You laid back the seat of Lucifer’s car as much as you could, hoping to get lost in the shadows. Without wanting to, you got sucked into one of his and Chloe’s investigations, but because you weren’t a cop, you had to stay in the car while they took care of business. Well, Lucifer at least. Decker promised that she was on her way with backup but Lucifer couldn’t wait, so he ventured into the old house alone.
You two were on your way to an art exhibition when Chloe called, all but pleading Lucifer to go investigate this specific house, saying she’d be on her way as soon as possible
“Our guy is there!”
“How could you possibly know that, detective?”
“Lucifer, right now is not the time! Please, you need to go!”
As instructed, he turned the car around and drove straight to the location. He didn’t have time to drive back to the other side of Los Angeles to drop you back home, and you were too terrified to be left alone on the streets like that, so you went with him. He was the devil after all so what bad could happen? He’d take care of you! Lucifer didn’t seem too worried either, as he kept telling you that everything would be taken care of in no time and you two could go on with your night, but the further away you got into the woods, the more unsettled you felt. You didn’t want to alarm Lucifer so you kept to yourself but as soon as he got up and left to look inside the building, you felt your heart beating out of your chest in panic.
You stared at the car ceiling, trying to remember the breathing exercises a friend taught you long ago, to no avail. With every deep breath you took, you could hear your heart beat louder and louder in your ears, until you heard something else. Different. Shuffling.
You tried not to move, knowing the safest thing for you would be to stay where you were, concealed by the darkness, but you had to know what was going on outside! Maybe it was just some animal, rummaging through the woods. You couldn’t be sure it was anything threatening at all unless you took a look!
Standing up in your chair slowly, you peek out of Lucifer’s window and see a man dressed in black, digging a hole in the ground. He seemed to be about your height, but much more buff. Broad shoulder with a thick beard. You pulled out your phone, thinking this is crucial evidence that Chloe and Lucifer must have! You recorded every move of the man, from the car. Your flashlight wasn’t on, obviously, which made the quality of the video pretty sucky, but it was definitely readable. You watched slowly as the man dug out what looked like a backpack or a small luggage. He quickly grabbed it and walked away, down the street you and Lucifer had come from. You tried to follow him with your camera as much as you could but eventually, he left your view. In a spur of curiosity and bravery, you opened Lucifer’s door just slightly. Enough to be able to peak your camera out and continue recording the man! It felt like an important job, like you were part of the team and, curiously, you found the feeling of panic diminishing, replaced instead by power and pride!
The car door swung open suddenly and your phone was snatched away by a tall blonde man, dressed in all black. He quickly dragged you out of the car and gagged you with a cloth. All of this happened so suddenly, you barely had time to react or fight him off. He was much stronger than you anyways, so when he slammed you face first onto the hood of the car, you could resist him in any way that mattered.
“Y/N!!” you heard Lucifer come from behind you. He must have just exited the house. 
Everything was so confusing and you could barely process your surroundings. You got yanked away from the car, and turned to face Lucifer.
His hair was messed up and his nice shirt, the one he had bought just last weekend and had been so excited to show you, was now ruined with blood and gunk and mud. He looked out of breath but his fists were clenched, ready to fight.
“Not a single step further!” the blonde man said, as he glued the barrel of his gun to your temple. Your knees went weak.
“I’m not going to do anything!” Lucifer said, raising his hands in surrender “Surely we can come to an agreement!” “I highly doubt that!”
“There must be something that you want! That you’ve been dreaming of for years now! I can make it happen!” you saw right through Lucifer’s act. His voice was calm and somewhat conspirative, as it always was when he was granting people favours, but his eyes spoke of fear and uncertainty. Uncharacteristic of him. 
“Tell me, what is it you truly desire?”
You repressed a smile as you felt the man slightly relax his grip around you. He fell into the devil’s spell. Eventually, the words flew out of his mouth.
“I want my mom back”
“Oh, well that can be arranged! Just let me know where she is and I can guarantee that…”
“She’s dead”
“Oh…” Lucifer’s smile faded
“Yeah, I’d love to see how you’re gonna do that!” you felt the vulnerability of the man translate into his body language. As you were still pressed against him, you felt his grip loosen significantly and decided this was the one chance you got. You kicked your foot back, hitting the man right in between his legs, forcing him to let go of you completely. You took off running towards the woods behind the car but you didn’t have a chance to get far before you heard Lucifer attack the man. You looked back at the fight, only to see the blonde fire his arm into your friend’s leg. For the first time ever you saw something on Lucifer’s face that you had never seen before: pain. He screeched in agony as he pulled away from the man but before the fight went any further, another shot was fired, hitting the blonde man in the shoulder. This one came from behind you. Chloe had arrived at the luckiest of moments. You were sure that had it not been for her, you would have been dead and the guy would have probably gotten away again. Now however, he was in the back of a cop car, on his way to the precinct. Decker and the rest of her team began scouting the place for evidence while you sat outside with Lucifer, carefully tending to his wounds.
“What do you mean darling?” “Oh, where do I even begin!” you joked, but could feel tears brimming in your eyes “First, why did you get hurt like this? You are invincible! You always have been, I mean hell, I’ve seen you get caught in a crossfire before and walk out of it just fine! What was it about this guy and this guy's weapon that made the DEVIL bleed!” you said, showing him the bloody cloth you had been using to clean off the wound “And second, why did you attack him like that? That was reckless! I mean you got SHOT for fuck’s sake!”
Lucifer took a deep breath before answering “ It wasn’t him or his gun. It was you! I am vulnerable when I am around you”
“How is that even possible?! “ “Amenediel had some ideas about that…” he tried to laughed it off
“Like what?” you could tell he was avoiding the subject but you weren’t having it! You were deeply concerned for the safety of your friend and him keeping secrets from you was not something you could tolerate any further
“He thinks I choose to be vulnerable when I’m around you…”
“Why would you do that? That’s ridiculous!”
“For the same reason that I attacked that man Y/N” he said, meeting your eyes for the first time since you had been left alone “Because I love you. And you aren’t just a friend to me”
You looked at him in astonishment and were unable to suppress the giggling fit that took over you. You shook your head lightly before leaning up to kiss Lucifer’s lips. He tasted of black coffee and cigarettes and fit perfectly against you. He kissed you back shyly, as if he wasn’t sure if he was allowed to.
“You should have just told me instead of taking a bullet in the leg, you know? I understand how some people would find that more romantic. Risking your life for the other person and all that, but I prefer you safe and healthy. Understood?”
“Yes ma’am” he said with a smile
“Come here!” you replied, leaning back into him for another kiss.
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suns-out-sleeps-in · 2 years
everyone sit down shut the fuck up and listen to me because I have a mouth and I will scream
Theories and Spoilers for Twisted Wonderland/Kingdom Hearts series ahead! Don't say I didn't warn you!
Yuu/MC/The Player is a Twisted version of Sora.
Alright so preface Kingdom Hearts is canonically linked with Disney canon and Twisted Wonderland is based on Disney movie lore so I can mix the two and no one can tell me otherwise I'll explain later
So chapter 6 apparently just finished when I'm writing this so chapter 7 will be next with Diasomnia but will the story continue past 7? Will other students overblot or maybe will the staff? Possibly Grim too? I heard a rumour about us meeting some more RSA students but I'll believe it when I see it.
So I got an idea.
Other people have written about the MC overblotting in fanfics right (psst @wolken-himmel has a really good overblot fic go check it out) and I've seen some art of a potential Grim overblot which looked really cool but I raise you this.
If the player/Yuu/MC were to overblot, I imagine it looks pretty similar to Anti Form Sora from Kingdom Hearts 2
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Yeah this guy. Remember playing KHII and you try to use a drive form and this monstrosity pops out instead so you just run around killing enemies like a damn feral monkey?
And what if their overblot monster was like Darkside? But like more Twisted-like.
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Now the logistics of overblotting state that it's caused by severe distress and overuse of magic, but because I say so what if something happens to us and we suddenly gain the ability to overblot?
@wolken-himmel hopefully you don't mind me referencing your Overblot!MC fic but they came up with MC eating one of the black stones that gets left behind after the overblots and then can use magic.
So what if something like that happened to the MC? They just get so fed up with everything and finally lash out but instead of still being able to talk and communicate with people they just turn into pure corruption and malice and rage. There's no light left in their eyes as they thrash around like a wild dog until someone subdues them or they eventually run out of juice.
Look if Donald Duck can technically be the most powerful white mage in Square Enix lore than I can bring Kingdom Hearts to Twisted Wonderland okay I will not stop until Disney themselves bust down my door.
So back to my point of us the player being a Twisted!Sora.
We got yoinked into Twisted Wonderland by complete chance, right? The same thing happens to Sora in KHI on the Destiny Islands, which he then travels to the Disney worlds and helps the characters go through their story. We have lived through the events of;
Alice in Wonderland
The Lion King
The Little Mermaid
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs
The only Disney stories we haven't played through yet are
Sleeping Beauty
(tbh I don't know what Crowley is meant to be based on someone help me)
101 Dalmatians
Beauty and The Beast
Princess and the Frog
All of these (except for PatF) have been used as worlds and/or featured in a KH game. We can also argue that since we cannot use magic that Grim can be argued to be a de facto Keyblade since any magic is performed by him as a proxy. And in the first game Sora couldn't use magic at all without the Keyblade before he learned how to use his powers.
Now granted Sora himself didn't go through every Disney world by himself since Ventus was the one to travel through Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, and Snow White in Birth By Sleep but they are connected by Sora's heart. So he's done so in spirit through Ventus since they share the same heart.
I really haven't seen anyone take this approach yet (unless it was in Japanese but I can't read japanese so I don't know) but I know I haven't seen it in English. (Unless someone else did write it and I'm just stupid) but for now I will claim this theory.
Thank you for coming to my TedTalk.
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