#[ andromeda tonks ]
deathnguts · 3 days
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Tedromeda btw
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starlittragedies · 2 days
ik we’ve had headcanons that the black family is of french descent but what if they were of greek descent??? that would clear up their obsession with naming their sons and daughters after stars, not to mention how their lives are just one big greek tragedy.
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ellemisc · 3 months
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The Black Sisters, as girls
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moonyswarmsweaters · 3 months
waiter: Kids under 5 and cops eat for free
Sirius: *nudging a 6 years old Nymphadora*
Her: I’m police
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not-rab · 3 months
regulus who dyed his hair from blonde to black to look more like sirius
narcissa who dyed her hair from black to blonde to look less like andromeda
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lilyerida · 3 months
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Narcissa, Bellatrix and Andromeda
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maluceh · 9 months
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and ode to mothers, Andromeda and Tonks
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i periodically enter my tedromeda phase where i can’t stop thinking abt these two idiots like…i love them
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sweetnnaivete · 4 months
bellatrix plays the cello, regulus plays the violin, narcissa does ballet..
and then there's andromeda and sirius who started a garage band called something stupid like "we are the ones who tread across the vast desert of despair"
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hxuse-xf-black · 2 years
[Bellatrix's first ride on the Hogwarts Express] Bellatrix, leaning out the window: Bye Reg! Bye Cissy! Bye Andy! Bye Reg! Bye Siri- Sirius: You said bye to Reg twice. Bellatrix: I like Regulus best.
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cabin07slytherinblogs · 6 months
I’ve been doing a lot of research on the wizarding world and here are some canon things I have found out that I didn’t know
Molly and Arthur did not go to school with the marauders. They started in 1961.
Gideon and Fabian were between the ages of 31-41 when they died, I thought they were young like James and Lily. Molly is 2 years younger then them.
Bellatrix, Narcissa, and Andromeda all went to school with Molly and Arthur but they were sorted into Slytherin while Molly and Arthur were sorted into Gryffindor.
Bill was born in 1970, Charlie in 1972, Percy in 1976, Fred and George in 1978, Ron in 1980, and Ginny in 1981.
Molly and Arthur didn’t know that they were having a daughter until Ginny was born.
Hermione Granger is the oldest out of the three friends.
Rowling confirmed Dumbledore’s sexuality
Grindelwald and Voldemort weren’t fighting for the same things
Tom Riddle was conceived under a love potion. Some even say that’s why he can’t feel love.
Hermione became minister of magic
James and Lily had Harry at 19/20 years old
Molly and Arthur married right away after Hogwarts not wanting to waste time. They’ve been together for over 50 years (honestly goals) They also had 12 grandchildren. 5 grandsons and 7 granddaughters.
Hermione’s name means messenger.
The original timeline for the original 7 books/8 movies is 1991-1998
Remus Lupin was bitten by Greyback at age 4 (which I knew) but he was bitten because his father, Lyall, said some pretty nasty/hateful comments about werewolves in front of Greyback so he snuck into Remus’s room and attacked him as revenge
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cocotamarindo · 7 months
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The Black Sisters 🖤
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vulpes115 · 6 months
Narcissa, specifically the Marauder’s fandom take on her, makes me want to sob and I need her to be appreciated more. Just, imagine you are the third daughter of parents that only wanted sons. A flower in a sky full of stars. A flower, an object only meant to be looked upon and be pretty. You know your parents never loved you, will never love you, you who is not the long awaited son they asked for. But even still, you can’t help pushing yourself to fulfill the mold they expect from you, beautiful and perfect. But even still you receive love from your family, just in the form of your older sisters. Your eldest who tries so fiercely to protect you and your sister but is clearly starting to slip into insanity. The middle starting to slip away, finding comfort in a man who’s kind you were poisoned to hate. Still, you love them. No matter what you love them, you have so little else. The only other one you have is your baby cousin, made in the same mold as you, who you try so desperately to protect.
At Hogwarts you are expected to be a good mark on your family, prefect, ace student and quidditch player. Willing to drop it all as soon as graduation to be a wife and mother. You only let yourself break the rules once, for her, the one decision you made that goes against your family wishes, the girl whose kisses taste like powdered sugar, whose natural kindness and beauty shines like a candle in your otherwise dark life. For years you let yourself indulge it. For years you pretend. But you know it must end.
The end comes quicker than thought. Your middle sister comes to you, she’s going to elope with her own secret love, she’s going to escape the family and the rot it contains. She asks if you want to come with. You want so badly to say yes. But you have been the perfect daughter for so long, being anything else scares you. So you say no. So you close the door. So you marry the fiancée that sister left behind. So you accept it when your lover breaks up with you, unwilling to be just a mistress. So you tell yourself you’re better without her, all the while knowing you will never find love like her again. Never stop loving her. You say as much when your cousin asks you if it ever gets better, heartbroken over his own Gryffindor. But still you made your choices and well, your fiancée is…fine, as pure-blood men go. He loves you but you don’t love him, can’t ever love him but you’re ok playing your part, even if it’s never him you picture when you play it, not even on your wedding night.
Before you know it, war is at your doorstep. Your eldest, no, only sister and your husband both pledge allegiance to the Dark Lord. So does your youngest, no, only cousin. Your cousin, so young, so naive. He dies, you never find the body, he was only eighteen and you couldn’t do anything to protect him. And the only person you ever loved? Well when you first realized she was going to be fighting on the opposing side you figured she’d be ok. Her and her new husband were powerful, well respected aurors, true Gryffindors, if anybody was going to be ok it was them. You were wrong, oh so wrong. Death would have been kinder with the fate they suffered. A fate brought on by your sister. The only one you ever loved as much as the love of your life. A love now only matched by hate.
You watch as your sister is dragged off in shackles, trying to hide any expression behind an icy mask. You watch as your lover looks back at you with distant lifeless eyes, eyes that don’t recognize you. You visit as often as you can but it’s hard to get away from your duty as mother and wife, even harder to see your lover permanently near death like this. You don’t mean to, but you stop visiting as often.
You only have one thing left to hold on to now, your son. Your darling boy. As a second war fast approaches you fear for him. You saw what happened to your cousin, you fear history is doomed to repeat itself. You do everything you can, extract whatever vows are needed, you do not believe you can survive if he too is taken from you. Then the pivotal moment comes. You have no idea if your son is alive or dead, but the chosen one is lying on the ground and he tells you he’s alive. In that moment you make a choice, you lie, you lie to the most powerful man alive, you lie to a mind reader, you lie to save your son, and you never admit it to yourself but you lie to avenge your lover he stole the sanity of, your cousin he stole the life from, and your sister he stole the soul of.
When the war is over, your action lets your family escape consequences. For the first time since the war began, you find the courage to come and visit your old lover. You apologize for not visiting more, and tell her about your sons, how her son had finished what she started, how your son had done what you never could. It takes several years longer until you make a visit to a different ghost of your past, knock cautiously on the door, a door opened by your sister, a woman you haven’t seen in almost thirty years. Things are awkward at first, of course they are, she is resistant, she’s lost so much to this war and she is slow to trust again, but eventually you two are having a heart to heart over tea, apologizing to each other about old wrongs. It’s not much, but it’s a start. As for your boy, he finds comfort in, of all people, the chosen one, the boy your whole family was supposed to hate, the boy who you helped save the life of. You are glad he is happy, you saw how miserable he was during the war. But a small part of you can’t help but feel envious, that this is a happiness that you could’ve experienced, that your cousin could’ve experienced, if you had made different choices, better choices, found your voice earlier, instead of being left with just an empty shell. Still, you made those choices, had made your bed, and now you must lie in it. But, maybe it wouldn’t be so bad, if you get to see your son smile, if you get to hold your grandchildren, if you get to see your sister for monthly tea, if you get to hold your old lover’s hand once in awhile and pretend for just a minute that everything turned out ok between you two.
That’s something your parents didn’t know when they named you after a daffodil, that even after a harsh cold winter, they can make a comeback.
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andromeda black wouldve absolutely destroyed her gorgeous curly hair by straightening the FUCK out of it
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meemoop · 7 months
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”Malfoy keeps looking over this way, but he’s yet to ask for a dance. Do I look odd, Andy?”
“He adores you, I can tell. He is probably just shy.”
(whoever asked me to draw them…. I’m addicted now, thanks)
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not-rab · 6 months
whatever u do don’t think about how Nymphadora Tonks was killed by a woman who looked just like her mother
just don’t think about that
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