#[also you guys get to see my adorable son!]
missmarveledsblog · 3 days
It's only pretend right? ( Bucky barnes x reader) part two
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summary : the morning the two get to the ranch only to discover the stay is longer than intended , Bucky meets her family some great and some honestly pissed him off , as if the seeing her judgemental family her ex was also there but still in all that she ignored it ready to show bucky they things that made her love coming home shitty extended family or not
warning: majority of this is fluffy some shitty people but bucky is there to keep her smiling
(previous part )
“ wakey wakey kiddo” Clint's voice boomed throughout the room sending her startled form out the bed. “ we’re leaving in 20 minutes. I was also informed to tell you that  Bucky will have food and coffee  on the jet” he chuckled seeing her on the floor glaring up at the man.
 “ gotta ask laura if she would enjoy the widow life , ” she grumbled heading towards the bathroom .
 “ nah she loves me too much and so do you ,  just not like how you love  bucky” he teased .
 “ Everybody knows I like bucky?”she came out a minute later.
 “ everyone but bucky , enhanced sense my ass” he muttered. 
“ it’s 5 am even steve knows to not wake me up so early bird man what is your deal ” she whined looking at the phone. 
“ Get dressed, you can sleep on the jet” he called, pushing her back to the bathroom with the clothes the girls were so kind to pick out for her the night before.
“ when did you become so bossy?” she growled 
 “ Oh shut up , get dressed,” he chuckled . 
“ told you she doesn’t like to be woken up , she didn’t stab you either that good” nat assessed. 
“ she didn’t get a chance” he winked.
 “ Nat Your MALE best friend is going to be visiting the bermuda triangle so say bye bye” she walked out rubbing her  eyes and yawning before shooting the man with another glare.
 “ Nice knowing you barton , you grumpy sit down” she saluted the man before taking the hair brush in her hand. She sat as nat tackled the bird nest that was her bed head eyes dropping slightly  .
 “ Ten more minutes” she mumbled before Clint lifted her up, making her yelp before walking out the room and down the hallway , Nat following after.
 “Are you excited to see your family kid?… Y/n … is she .. she’s asleep” he turned to see nat standing trying to suppress her laughter as the woman on his shoulders let out soft snores .
 “ oh this little shit”he grumbled heading out to the jet . 
“ hey doll” bucky smirked seeing  clint carrying her onto the jet. 
“She’s still asleep” he grunted, placing her down on the chair as she stirred , waking up again. 
“ Here's some coffee doll,” the man smiled .
 “ hey thank you bucky , good morning” she beamed before taking a generous gulp. “ Where was my goodmorning “ Clint looked to her, arms crossed.
“ back in the room when you scared it out of me” she took the tupperware filled with food.
 “ Just friends my ass” he turned, seeing the two filled with adoration for each other . 
The trip wasn’t long enough when Clint landed the jet near her family's ranch before rushing them out .
 “ Enjoy , have fun  and I'll collect you guys in two weeks” he called a mischievous smirk as the two spun around.
 “ Did  he just say two weeks?” she asked.
 “ he did and apparently we weren’t told” he held up the phone to see the team texting them to enjoy the time off.
 “ I mean I have Stark's black card so the second week doesn’t have to be here” she held the black plastic up and a devious smirk on her face.
 “  I mean I could use a vacation” he chuckled, both turning to see her mother and father coming out smiles painted on their faces as they walked up the drive. 
“ Natasha just told me we have you both for two weeks isn’t that exciting,” her mother cooed.
 “ she is not getting that prada bag.. Hey mama , pops where is everyone” she smiled softly hugging them. 
“ Nice to see you sir , ma'am,” bucky smiled, shaking their hands.
 “ Son, call me frank” her father pulled him into a hug . 
“ and me beth , your aunt owes me fifty  for this” she giggled, hugging  her then him . “So good to see you both  but i must say seeing her smile this hour of the morning is strange, you must have the touch mr barnes” her father chuckled. 
“ Please call me Bucky or James, please both of you and I didn't wake her. It is my secret” he laughed.
 “ I aint that bad” she grumbled. 
“ doll loki is afraid to go near your room in the morning and i think Clint learned his lesson” he nudged her softly.
 “ he’s not wrong , i mean you nearly stabbed jack” her mother nodded.
 “ Well my dumbass brother shouldn’t have worn a mask” she rolled her eyes.  
“ Speaking of Jack , he  and Helen and Izzy and Maya are staying at a hotel along with the rest of the family.”  her mother smiled as she and her father cheered.
 “ oh give it up to you two , grandma is still staying here” her mother rolled her eyes. `` which one?” she whispered to her dad while Bucky smiled at the close bond the two seem to share. 
“ Her mother ,  so the evil one” her dad winced. 
“ Bucky ..baby you’re catholic right? '' she asked .  
“ I mean I was back in the 40s” He almost melted at the pet name. 
 “ She's going bingo Thursday  so Izzy will propose to Maya then  it will be just us as a family rest will be out ” her mother sadly smiled.
 “ Why do we have to entertain these assholes?” Y/N asked.
 “ Because they are still family, '' her mother shot back . 
“ Well they don’t treat us like that,” she shook her head.
 “ it's not even for the full week we can do it kitty” her dad wrapped his arm around her as they approached the house. “ your mama set your room up for both of you so bring your bags up and join us for breakfast” he smiled as she froze turning to her friend.
 “ Sorry I didn’t think we’d have to share a room for a week, nevermind two” she winced. 
“ it’s ok we bunked together on a mission and sleepover in the compound” he brushed it off pretending his prayers weren’t just answered and frankly he thought his acting skills were Oscar worthy at that moment .
 “ ok we can do this” she nodded before taking his hand in hers . 
“ Show me the way, little cowgirl” he winked, making her burst into laughter.
Thankfully the rest of the morning was quiet once they finished breakfast ,she helped her mom with preparing lunch while Bucky offered to help her father with some of the chores on the ranch. 
“ My , my a  little kitty has gotten into the kitchen” she heard the voice before she felt him lift her up swinging her in a bruising hug.
 “ Jack in the box” she laughed excitedly. 
“ Where is this fella who thinks he’s good enough for my little sister?” he puffed his chest and stood a little taller.
 “Behind you” her father chuckled as the two walked into the kitchen .
 “ holy shit that’s sergeant james barnes' ' her brother's tough guy act fell instantly.
 “ aww shit i owe mama 50” her sister izzy pushed past the men before hugging her sister tightly. 
“  Who else owes you money?” She turned to her mother. 
“ A couple of your uncles and aunts,” she shrugged, heading back to the food. 
“ So where are my future sister in laws?” she asked quietly. 
“ how good at you with controlling that little gift of yours” jack stood back shooting izzy a worried glance. 
“ Why are you asking?” she crossed her arms as the man gulped. 
“They’re outside with Eli. '' Izzy called  hiding  behind jack.
 '' as in the cheating ,  dick of an ex left me alone in a big city alone , that eli '' she felt the heat on her finger tips til a sudden coldness snapped her back to reality  .
 “ I got you, '' Bucky whispered in that voice, instantly melting the annoyance.
 “ fuck please never leave” izzy patted the man on the back 
.” yeah took us forever to grow out our  eyebrows last time  , he’s my best friend and helen's brother” he smiled sadly to his sister . 
“ KITTY” her head whipped to see the two women pulling her to their arms. 
 “ good to see you Y/N” his voice had the hair on her body standing like bucky could sense it pulling her to him and wrapping his arm around her waist tightly.
 “ See my sister the avenger pulled sergeant james barnes” Jack smiled brightly.
 “ Please, it’s bucky” he waved to them .
 “I'm a big fan, Bucky,” Eli smiled.
 “ Mr. Barnes to you son” he turned, ignoring the outstretched hand pulling the knife out of his back pocket . " i forget i had this , hey beth why do i help you with lunch my knife skills are almost criminal " he smirked seeing the man pale .  
“ I like this one,” her father beamed.  
“ Me too” Helen chuckled before shooting her own brother a glare. 
“ So how did y’all meet?” Eli asked, taking his seat across , most of the family arriving. 
“ work dummy” Helen rolled her eyes. 
“ oh yeah your mom told us you took to being an avenger , what are you the secretary? '' her uncle joked.
 “ No, she is part of the team , she beast on a mission.. But always safe, super cautious "Bucky spoke up ,then he added seeing the worry on her parents' faces . 
“ I mean she's always been a spitfire,” Jack chuckled.
 “ yeah she beat up those boys that picked on you when we were kids” izzy high fived her little sister.
 “ You allow her to do that,” another uncle scoffed. 
“ I don't own her so she’s free to do what she wants ma’am” bucky laughed thinking it was a joke but from her expression , he wondered what else she hid from the team when it came to her own family.
 “ We thought it was made up, “ her aunt laughed as her shoulder tense. 
“ Is  your son  out of rehab yet oh sorry i wasn’t supposed to say that was i? is he out of that college for drugs ” her father asked as she and her sibling hide the giggles. 
“Hey bucky wanna see my horse? '' she asked, feeling the man's jaw clench and tension build throughout the table .
 “ Sure doll” he smiled softly when his eyes set on her . Almost pulling him out the door as they all watched judging like always . she barely got out the door before he pulled her to a halt .
 “ ok what the hell was that” he asked with an almost sad tone in his voice. 
“ I may be the black sheep of a judgmental as hell family. I know I should've warned you,” she let out a sigh, wringing her hands.
 " Is this why you don’t visit home much?” he asked softly.
 “ You cracked that code huh?, i mean even if she can be bitchy i still write to my grandma and my folks visit and i ring siblings regularly but the rest i avoid because i’m never good enough and I thought maybe with a boyfriend and great job would help nope” she sighed. 
“ How long are they staying for?” he asked, wrapping his arms around as she melted in his embrace. 
“ They leave in a couple of days which is too long” her father's voice rang out. “ you ok kitty?” he asked softly.
 “ I'm fine papa , we're going to bring bucky on my trail ” she smiled sadly. 
“ What is this kitty I keep hearing?” Bucky asked, smiling as her cheeks heated. 
“ oh she ain’t told you that one yet , ” her father chuckled . “ After the madness i’ll tell you “ he added before walking into the house.
 “ Let's go see these horses” she rushed off before he could ask her more.
 “ Oh no back here doll face ” he chuckled, chasing after her as her father watched from the front door with a smile so wide he couldn’t remember the last time he saw it so free on her face not a force one as she took the battering of their words  . 
“ he's a bit old for her, no? '' her fathers eyes rolled walking in they barely waited til she was out the door before the nit picking started . 
 '' yeah isn’t he like a hundred or something” eli added.
 “ he was frozen doesn’t count” her brother shook his head 
“ he makes her smile i don’t care if he is a thousand years old” her father almost snapped at the guest at the table. 
“ That job is so unsafe, people are gonna know she one of those thing ” her aunt shook her head. 
“Well ain't we lucky you ain’t doing it , she could be a lunch lady and you’d find a problem in it and ain't nothing wrong with her ” he looked at the woman .
 “What is your problem with Y/N? least she not a junkie or a dim witted whore like your kids '' izzy asked hating how it was alway y/n they would attack or show disgust at . 
'' You know what our problem is? She’s not even … ''. 
“ everybody stop yelling and eat your food” the elderly woman yelled, instantly shutting them up, eyeing the sneaking touches from her eldest granddaughter before the two went to eat their food. “ Sorry mama” and “ grandmama” were uttered around the table as the woman looked out the window  at her granddaughter running around smiling . “ she is very happy” she murmured as the rest ignored her words, bragging about their fake lives .
“ Here bucky bear is star , she is the best horse in the state nah in the whole of the US although i might be biased”she winked as she patted the mare’s side. 
“ she is a pretty one, star nice name ,it's cute ” he mused but  a black mane caught his eyes . “ Who's this?” he asked, walking toward the one across. 
“ Oh moon,  he's the new one , my pops rescued him , the previous owner said he ain’t nothing good but my dad sees the best in everything i think i get that from him” she smiled . 
“ he seems ok to me” he patted the horse .
 “ he’s misunderstood like someone i know” she mused only for the horse to kick the stall . “ You must be fed up there huh buddy” she mused.“ What do you say bucket wanna  see my childhood being little cowgirl and all that ” she walked towards the saddles.
 “ Lead the way doll” he smiled as she handed it to him but the minute the stall opened the jet black stallion made its way toward the almost stark white mare's head rubbing hers.
 “ oh you dirty dog come kicking a fuss for the ladies huh ? ” she chuckled pulling them apart as she led star out both getting them ready before she hopped up with ease.  
“ you make that too easy” he chuckled before not so gracefully getting on the stallion before she took head.  Bought passing the window as her father and brother almost fell over each other seeing bucky easily walk by . 
“ catch me if you can” she giggled before taking off down the trail as his horse followed  after .
  “ Hey, this guy is doing the work” he called.
 “ That's because I think he is  in love” she giggled, enjoying the feeling of the wind in her hair , taking full advantage given she didn’t get to do stuff like this back in the compound. 
“ he’s not the only one” he sighed following after her. Watching her so free and smiling wider wondering if he could get tony to get something like this on the compound just to see her look like that more often .
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hellflcmes · 2 years
I don't normally do mun stuff but...I've been holding onto this piece of art my bf got done of us for my birthday last year...And I love it and want to show everyone. But I'm also a shy panda so throwing it under a readmore.
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weeknd-ogoc · 3 months
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SUMMARY: in which logan feels like you're the only one who believes in him.
(inspired by nessa barrett's song, american jesus)
FACE CLAIM: nailea devora
CONTAINS: spanish!reader, o'ward!reader, lando being messy, small smut scene; unprotected sex, missionary, praising & a small angst scene due to an argument.
AUTHOR'S NOTE: hope you guys like it!! 💙
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liked by logansargeant, elbaoward and 129,356 others
yn_oward his blue jean little baby 🫐
tagged: logansargeant
comments limited
username my NEW favorite couple!
username honey forget about him and look at me, this isn't u!
logansargeant my very pretty girl 💙
yn_oward 😚😚
username how i'm announcing my man
elbaoward FINALLY! welcome to the family logan! 💙
patriciooward you knew?? elbaoward ofc, soy la hermana favorita! (i'm the fav. sister) logansargeant can't wait to meet you guys!
username nah this can't be
williamsracing can't wait to see you next weekend!!
liked by yn_oward
landonorris 💔 you still have time to delete
max_fewtrell he's kidding landonorris not kidding oscarpiastri is kidding
username why is there so much hate?? you guys are adorable!
liked by logansargeant and yn_oward
"god, i don't deserve you." logan quietly whispered as he hugged your sleeping body just a bit more tighter.
every now and then he would think back to the day the two of you had met — it was really love at first sight for him but you on the other hand, it took you a good while to really notice him.
he was just a rookie and you were the younger sister of pato o'ward who was in the mclaren indycar team, zak brown had invited you to the mclaren garage every now and then so you were hanging out with people like lando and your brother's good friend, checo.
soon enough you were hanging out with oscar and he found this as an opportunity to finally introduce himself to you.
"they're good friends..." oscar told him as they ate and at the table in front of them sat lando and you. "pretty sure lando has a thing for her but she's hard to read so i'm not sure if she does."
logan was ashamed to admit that this moment was when he sort of became jealous of lando.
oscar knew him for years now so he knew how to easily read him, he had a crush on you. "just talk to y/n, she's really sweet so it's not like she's going to ignore you or something."
so when it was time to go logan held the door open for you and you smiled at him.
"such a gentlemen, thank you!" you smiled and turned back around to lando who was eyeing the whole interaction between the two of you. "you've never opened the door for me."
as time went on he saw you show up to more races — you never went into the williams garage but he still managed to bump into you and you guys even exchanged numbers at one point.
"captain america!"
alex and lily saw the little smile that appeared on logan's face when he saw you walking towards him.
they both thought you guys would be so cute together.
"congratulations on getting your first points!" they overheard, also seeing the hug you gave him and how quickly he was to wrap his arms around your waist and gently twirl you around. "i told you that you had nothing to worry about!"
logansargeant recently added to his story
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viewed by oscarpiastri, yn_oward and 223,211 others
[caption: my future wife and my son 💙]
[tagged: yn_oward]
replies to your story
username omgg are you guys engaged??
yn_oward pls i look like death 🤠
logansargeant hush! you look beautiful as ALWAYS!!
username cuties!
username break up with her
oscarpiastri wow you're a dad before me
patriciooward slow your roll brother, you haven't met me yet.
logan sargeant was known to be quite the gentleman but all chivalry leaves his body when he had you sprawled out and trembling as his dick drilled into you at a steady pace.
his confidence in himself had gone significantly down since they chose alex to drive his car in australia this weekend and now there was rumors of a certain boy from formula 2 possibly replacing him.
"tell me again." he whispered as he pulled himself out of you, leaving his tip right at your entrance.
you whined from the loss of the feeling. "log plea-"
"tell me again." he pressed light kisses onto your cheek. "please, i need to hear it from you, always you."
aside from alex placing eleventh in his car and the rumors, lando had gushed to you about his pole position and decided to go find you after he placed p3 just to give you a hug, giving him a smirk right after letting you go.
"i love you and i believe in you."
he pushed back into you right after those words leading you to scratch down his very toned back and lock your legs behind his waist.
"god, i really don't deserve you." he said right before picking up his pace and hitting your sweet spot continuously soon leaving the both of you to see stars.
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liked by yn_oward, patriciooward and 30,342 others
williamsracing home soil hits different 😮‍💨 #f1
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yn_oward i pledge my allegiance to this man 🫡
logansargeant really babe yn_oward ilyyy !!
username replace him already
alex_albon my captain america 🫡
yn_oward amen logansargeant i hate you guys
username good luck in qualifying!
username 🦅🦅
patriciooward you got this!
"i'm such a dumb fuck!" you overhead logan say as he placed nineteenth in qualifying for the sprint.
it completely broke your heart listening to him say that about himself because you knew he had what it took to get into a good position but since the team was always prioritizing alex it was making him lose his confidence.
so it left him feeling uneasy for the next two days because he really wanted to get points in and make everyone proud of him, make you proud of him.
the day of the race you made sure to give him a good peptalk and he nodded along to your words, kissing your forhead. "you're right i got this, what am i even worrying about?" and just before he could tell you that you were his good luck charm, alexandra was calling you due to the girls wanting to meet up to see the puppies together on the paddock. "go. i'll come get you before we have to go back into the garage."
after a good fifteen minutes of girl gossip and the puppies playing together — you had noticed a blue and an orange figures talking in the distance, you knew how lando was towards logan so you decided you should go stop their conversation incase it wasn't going well.
"ugh they're adorable, maybe i should tell pierre to get us one." kika said as she looked at both yours and alexandra's puppies play around.
just a few minutes before that logan had just ended his small discussion with alex and james, he was looking for you but instead bumped into lando instead.
"logan! i was looking for y/n, do you know where she is?"
"she's with the girls showing off our dog." logan emphasized the word our to him.
"oh right, oscar told me about that." he popped a chip into his mouth and patted logan's shoulder. "so when did you guys become a thing? we used to talk all the time and she never even mentioned you guys talking."
logan knew he wasn't the best liked on the grid so he knew you weren't going to get the best support through social media and you knew how protective your brother was over you that you guys decided to keep your relationship a secret for awhile.
"right, i actually asked her out during the mexican grand prix last year and we just decided to keep things quiet."
"so that's why she cancelled our date over there." lando popped another chip in his mouth and nodded. "keeping a girl like her a secret mus-"
"hey babe should we start heading to the garage?" logan felt a pair of arms wrap around him and felt his building up anger, wash away. "hey lan."
"hey, i was looking for you but we can talk later..." he smiled at you and looked back at logan. "well see you on the track and good luck out there."
he rolled his eyes as soon as lando walked off and began walking with you towards the garage to get ready before the race started — you knew that interaction probably bothered him because he was being extremely quiet which was rare for him.
he felt his hands a bit clammy after you handed him his helmet and before he could put it on he gently kissed you. "quit being nervous, you're going to do great."
he nodded kissing you once more. "see you in a bit."
once the race began, you had been watching him through the screen nervously since he was doing pretty good — you had hope he would do good so the both of you could be in high spirits to move into your new condo in new york.
"are you sure you want to move in with me? i drool sometimes." you giggled as logan twirled you around. "and your son tends to snore sometimes."
"i know, you've drooled on me a few times already." he chuckled and nodded. "i don't know i'm going to get any sleep around you guys but i'll manage."
as you focused you attention back into the race you saw kevin magnussen make logan spin out of the race and you knew it was going to be such a hard week for him.
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liked by sebastianvettel, alex_albon and 121,311 others
logansargeant we're new yorkers now or whatever 🤎
tagged: yn_oward
view all 1,113 comments
username happy for you guys!!
patriciooward i think its rude, you guys never show off my beautiful fur nephew
yn_oward you can facetime him and see him chewing up our shoes patriciooward smh you guys always make that litte man out to be a menace 😭
username i think i bent my phone a little
alex_albon lily is asking for a sleepover
logansargeant y/n said come asap in pajamas
username im glad to see a smile on your face after sunday!
username bye you're so lucky to have her logan
logansargeant i know 🙂
after only four days since moving in, logan and you had already had your first fight which resulted you giving him the silent treatment that afternoon.
even though logan tried to put on a happy face you knew what happened on sunday was still bothering him but he didn't want to talk about it. "quit asking, i am fine!" he didn't mean for it to come out as loud as it did and he sighed looking back up to you. "look i-"
you didn't let him finish his sentence and walked into your shared bedroom with the dog following behind you — he pretended that your silence didn't bother him but it did and with all this silence he found himself thinking about the dnf and how this was most likely the end of his career.
he remembered you wrapping your small arms around his waist as he watched the rest of the race in silence. "it wasn't your fault amor."
at least he still had you right?
"it's a landmark day for lando, lando norris wins for the first time in formula one!" he scoffed as he overheard and excused himself from everyone. "it's victory in miami for norris and mclaren!"
he couldn't help but to think about lando — i mean he had a good team an even better car than him, he had the looks, his best friend and he knew the british boy wanted you.
but then he thought lando could never have you because you had eyes on him only and he was always letting his jealousy get into his head that he kept forgetting.
so the next morning you finally decided to leave the room quietly to walk your puppy and saw logan with a pout on his face. you had expected him to come crawling into bed some point at night but he never did.
he watched as you grabbed the blue leash and usually he would tag along but he thought you wouldn't want him around at time time.
and it was his own fault for missing out on it.
"be careful baby." he called out as you start heading for the exit but you just give him a small nod which causes him to slouch a bit. "have fun?"
your silence left him pouting once more and just as you were about to open the door, he sprinted towards you. "please tal-"
“logan, i'm giving you your spa-”
he groaned before grabbing onto your hand. "no. i want you to be in my space and i'm sorry for even shouting, it was so stupid and i did not even mean for it to come out like that."
before he could continue, you had placed a soft kiss on his cheek and nodded. "i know."
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liked by logansargeant, alexanderrossi and 102,540 others
patriciooward our monthly family game night was hosted by our baby sister for the first time, 10/10 will be doing it again sometime. 🎲
tagged: yn_oward, elbaoward
view all 3,900 comments
username my favorite trio ❤️
patriciooward p.s. if captain america tells you he's a better monopoly player than me, he's a big liar!
logansargeant p.p.s if the duck tells you he beat me in monopoly, he's a big liar! elbaoward please the both of you lost! 😭😭 yn_oward I WON!!! patriciooward yeah cause you're a cheater 🙄
username i should've been your cuñado
username you snooze you lose, get a life!
username lols why was she mad?
patriciooward she wanted to take the picture 🙂
username never thought her siblings would like logan
elbaoward 10/10 aside from her dog being a real menace it was great1
yn_oward told you guys but you guys didn't believe me
username bye i love you guys all hanging out!!
at the beginning of your relationship with logan, he was super patient with you after telling him he had to wait before you could introduce him to your siblings because of how protective your brother was over you and your sister.
"i just don't think lando is boyfriend material, he's like a diva..." you remembered your brother showing up to your room one early morning after pictures were posted of you and lando at a club.
"first of all, we're just friends i don't like him and please get out so i can continue my beauty sleep."
you had the biggest fear that your siblings wouldn't like him as much as you did but after some time you told your sister. "he's adorable, i'm glad he makes you happy."
just a month after lando had gone to tell pato about your relationship and your brother insisted on meeting him but you kept making excuses on why it wasn't the time yet.
"y el guero?" your brother asked the next morning and you guys giggled at his morning hair. "you guys don't look any better." (and the white boy?)
you scoffed throwing a pillow at him. "he went to get us bagels and coffee."
your sister braided your hair as she did since you guys were younger. "i like him, he's really nice."
ever since you were little pato had chased off boys that got too close to you and your sister but when elba had found her now husband, he became a little less annoying about who you were hanging out with.
he even tried setting you up with his other teammate david malukas before he knew about logan and you politely declined. "fine but you are missing out cause he's really great and i would approve instantly!"
pato nodded as he rested his head onto your lap. "yeah he's cool i guess."
by the time logan got back he caught the three of you having a pillow fight — he loved how close you guys were so he should probably get used to almost always having them around from now on, not that he had a problem with that because they were actually really fun to hang around.
he even planned to go fishing with your brother next week and your sister had invited you guys over for a sleepover the following week so he could meet her husband.
"i'll tell you what i told alba's husband the day i met him..." he remembered pato drunkly tell him last night. "she's a big girl and i know she can protect herself but i promise you te mataré si la lastimas." (i'll kill you if you hurt her)
right before he could even ask what that meant elba smacked her brother's arm. "he's kidding, he won't actually kill you."
logan chuckled nodding but with the look he was giving him right now he knew he probably wasn't joking. "i would never dream of hurting her."
later that afternoon everyone decided to watch a movie so you were setting up the snacks and logan stopped you, kissing your forhead as he always did.
"you're amazing." he whispered before giving you another kiss. "you're the greatest love of my life."
you smiled and before you could kiss him, pato cleared his throat. "sorry to interrupt this little nasty moment but your dog just peed on the carpet."
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𝐦𝐲 𝐦𝐨𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐬𝐩𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐬 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭!
© 𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐤𝐧𝐝-𝐨𝐠𝐨𝐜 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟒. 𝐝𝐨 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐦𝐨𝐝𝐢𝐟𝐲, 𝐫𝐞𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭, 𝐨𝐫 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐳𝐞 𝐦𝐲 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐤.
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i-cant-sing · 11 months
Okay but I need yall to help me figure out the character(s) for the following scenario:
Imagine a romantic yandere falling for reader, and ofc reader isn't in love with yandere for obvious reasons like red flags. Maybe they did try dating, Yandere is a charmer, comes from a rich family, he's smart and hardworking and oh so head over heels in love with you. He's always taking you out on best dates, HAS to get you the largest fucking bouquets (excellent taste in flowers) and buys you expensive but well thought out gifts.
But for whatever reason, things dont work out and you break things off hastily and most likely over the phone before leaving the country. And yandere just- breaksdown. I mean my man does not have a good mental health as is, but you leaving, actually leaving him just breaks him down and he has a full blown panic attack.
I'm talking about yandere falling to his knees, clutching his chest and gasping for air, tears streaming down his face as he screams your name like a mad man. His family, they love him, they adore their son/brother/grandchild sm, it pains them to see him in such a miserable state. Yandere man is so delirious that he has to be sedated, tranquillised by medical professionals because he's just losing his fucking mind, babbling your name over and over again like a mad man. His condition only worsens as time passes, and so his family decides to take drastic measures because they can't see their beloved son/brother/grandkid so fucking dead and depressed and a shell of a once bright man. They love him so much, they only want ti see him happy, so they use their money and influence to track you down and try to convince you to return and take yandere back. When you refuse, they take the high way and force you to come with them, dragging you kicking and screaming to their private jet and fly all the way home, where yandere is.
You're in a dishevelled state, tears running down your cheeks as you struggle to free yourself from their grasps as they take you to yandere. And when yandere sees you... for the first time in months, his family sees the light return in his eyes as the yandere reaches out for you, scared that you're just his mind playing tricks. When he finally touches you, he is immeadiately pulling you into a hug, arms tightening around your body like a gilded cage as he cries into your shoulder and thanks his family for bringing you back. His family only smiles with tears in their eyes as they lock the door behind them when they leave, so that you don't go running away. Meanwhile, yandere has pulled you into his lap and he's looking at you with such sad eyes, staring at each feature of yours over and over again as if to memorise it all again. He can't help the tears that continue to slip out of his eyes, maybe he's crying that you're finally here, or maybe he's crying for all the time that's been lost when you weren't here. You fall asleep soon due to exhaustion, but yandere doesn't sleep a wink that night because he continues to stare at you and play with your hair very gently, finally closing his eyes when morning comes and he wraps his arms around you and traps your legs with his.
By now, you guys realise that the yandere's family is not only yandere for their son/brother/grandson but also for you. They are yandede for you too, but they're not allowing you to leave them or their son or even make him unhappy ever again. Some members are willing to let all you "tantrums" slide, while others are not so kind. BUT one thing is for sure, you're ALWAYS safe with yandere s/o, no matter what.
Now, for the characters I've had in kind for this scenario are:
Halim Mehmet Shah and the Shah Family (my ocs)
Dabi/Shotou and Todoroki clan (I am the OG creator of Yandere Todoroki Clan)
I wanna say Naoya or Toji but the Zenin clan hates them both....
Dick Grayson/Jason Todd and Batfam
What do you guys think?
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Mood board for this scenario^^^(I love Pinterest)
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sinning-23 · 5 months
Hot Tatted Uncle Pt.2 (Uncle!SukunaAu x Teacher!Reader)
Thanks so much for the love and support on pt.1 you guys are the besttt lol, honestly might be a 3 parter we'll see! ANyway, enjoy :0
Also pleaseee excuse any spelling errors yall
Link to Pt.1
You stared at the text message, throat tight with excitement but dread. It had been a few months since the last incident with Yuji and his Uncle. The roguish male often picked up the young boy, tagging along with Yuji’s father. You’d usually just give Jin a rundown of his son’s day, ever so often catching Sukuna’s gaze as he leaned against the door frame. And every time it happened, you’d choke, clearing your throat and focusing your attention on Yuji and his father.
It didn’t help that he was always texting you, asking his his nephew was behaving. Even though it was cordial and polite, you still felt giddy getting texts from him.
This comes to the next point, why you’re sitting here practically gawking over the most recent message request from Yuji’s father.
Hello Miss Y/n! Do you babysit? I know Yuji loves having you as a teacher and I was wondering if you’d be interested in babysitting for him along with his Uncle while me and my wife go on vacation. Of course, you will be paid as well.
-Jin Itadori @ 6:28pm-
You wait to open it, pacing for a moment, thinking, first of all if you were available for the weekend and second, why couldn’t his uncle handle it?!
Well, given the man’s track record maybe an experienced hand in childcare could be useful. With a heavy sigh, you respond and you'd have to quickly come to terms with the fact that you would be essentially babysitting over 2 days with your students' hot uncle.
It's Friday now, and arrangements for you to simply drive Yuji back home and meet up there with his uncle were already in place. You were trusted with a spare house key, and their precious baby boy, who so seemed to be happier than a fly on shit that you would be spending even MORE time with him.
You gather your things and a few activities to pass the time, loading them into your car. Yuji insists on helping, carrying a small container of building blocks with his chubby hands. And god damn does he not stop talking while he does. It's adorable really, whatever comes off the top of the boy's head simply flying free.
"My-My uh uncle, he doesn’t have no girlfriend." He speaks, the statement making you choke.
"Ahaha is that so? He tells you to say that?" You joke, setting the pink-haired toddler in his car seat, and buckling him in with ease.
"MHM! My uh-" He coughs, quickly covering it with his elbow as you give a small 'good job' seeing as he's learning to keep his germs away from everyone, including you.
"My Uncle says uh he says that you got pretty eyes." He explains, your heart fluttering.
You sit in the driver seat finally, the boy still rambling on and on about what his uncle thinks about you. Though all you can do is respond with a simple, "Oh that's very kind, or a awee", Yuji is nonstop.
It’s quiet for a moment and as you’re pulling into the driveway when he says it, clear as day.
"Uncle says your ass is fat too."
You slam the brakes, the car jerking a bit when you do. What. The. FUCK-
The culprit is already awaiting you, arms folded over his chest as they flex. He’s got a white tank top on and a pair of black basketball shorts paired with slides and ankle socks.
Yuji squirms, growing ever more excited as Sukuna takes him out of the car seat and lightly jabs his knuckles to the boy's sides with a 'Rahhhh', as if he were some kind of tickle monster. Yuji of course laughs and if ALMOST makes you forget about what he'd just said a moment ago.
"Wanna help Miss Y/n put this inside?" Sukuna asks the small boy, handing him the block container from before. Yuji is quick to nod and scurry to the front door.
"I can bring the rest of this, Jin gave you the housekey right?" He asks, leaning against the frame of the car, your neck snapping towards him as you swallow thickly. Fuck you can see even more of the tats now in that shirt.
"U-Uhm yes, yes. I'll go get the door. I can get some of this too I-" You speak, fumbling to find the key. He only puts his hand up and shakes his head, the silver chain around his swishing a bit.
"Nah I gotchu. Yuji knows how to turn the TV on so he can watch his lil show for a bit.”
Sure enough, the minute you unlock the door, Yuji crawls atop the couch, using the remote to try his best to navigate. It takes a while, and he mispresses a few buttons but after about 5 minutes he manages to play something entertaining for him.
Sukuna had finished bringing your bags in as well as the one with activities in it, setting it on the stairs. He rolls his shoulder, pointing at Yuji who was immersed in the show.
"See." Sukuna hums, leaning against the countertop next to you, also skimming over the note. His body heat is practically radiating off of him, just standing by him is warming you up.
You nod in response, looking over the brief note Jin left for you both and according to what it said, your next step was to head up some leftovers for Yuji and then run him a bath.
"There’s two bathrooms so I can get the boy.” He offers, resting his hand behind his neck as you give a nervous laugh. FUCK this nervousness was most likely only on you. There’s no way he could be just as filled with anticipation as you were?!
You take the offer, giving a small thank you before fishing the shower and taking one considering you did just get off of work. Packed away in your bag was a set of comfortable clothes and a book with you figured would help pass the time once Yuji went to sleep.
You could hear footsteps and Yuji fussing back and forth with his Uncle.
“Hush man you’re making me look bad.” Sukuna groans, throwing the toddler over his shoulder as he giggles but continues to thrash, pounding tiny fists against the older male's back.
“No! NO BATH! I don’t wanna!” Yuji whines, his Uncle only growling in response.
“I’ll give you candy if you stop.”
And just like that it was quiet.
The night had gone smoother than you thought, you and Sukuna both interacting with Yuji as it’s beginning to be time to wind down. His eyes were beginning to get heavy and before you knew it he was slumped against the couch, clutching an unfinished sucker in one hand and a white puppy plush in the other. You smile, scooping him up and patting him when he stirs.
“Be right back, let me tuck him in.” You whisper, seeing Sukuna look up from his phone and nod, one arm slung over the sofa while he practically manspreads
Turns out, Yuji took a bit longer to fall asleep when he realized he was being put down and so you had to sit and pat him for an extra 30 minutes. And once you returned to the living room, there was Sukuna, still scrolling. Well, that was until you came in.
“Sorry, he wouldn’t go back to sleep.” You explain, sitting at the farthest end from him, picking up your book in the silence.
“So you like working up there? At the school?” He asks, putting his phone down to hold the conversation with you.
It takes you by surprise for a second but you are quickly to respond.
“Well yeah, I love the kids and I love working there and teaching them things. Yuji is a sweetheart and it’s definitely kids like him that make it all worth it.” You explain, a smile making its way to your lips.
“You got kids?” He asks, eyes on your frame as you laugh a bit in response
“Nah, don’t really plan on it right now either. Kids are difficult.” You answer, now facing him a bit more, body relaxed.
What was there to be so scared of?! He’s a chill guy who just so happened to be hot as fuck asking you about your career and life?!
“How about you? Kids? Working?” You flip, seeing him shift a bit uncomfortably.
“Hell nah. I see how Jin deals with Yuji and I’m not really cut you to be a dad. And for work well, I’m a priest.” He states, smirking at the surprised look on your face.
“R-Really??” You question definitely surprised.
“Nah I’m just fucking with you.” He laughs and you do the same, trying to keep your volume down since Yuji did just fall asleep.
It was crazy to believe you’d spent about two hours just talking back and forth, with him about his past, his brother, and his nephew. You about your own life and current living situations. Somehow the conversation took…a turn.
“Y’know, it’s funny because Yuji keeps telling me about these things you say and I think it’s so funny. Like he’s tone little wingman.” You laugh, seeing him grin right back at you.
“Yeah like what?” He asks, more teasing than anything.
“Well he said that you said I have pretty eyes and on the way here he goes, ‘uncle says your ass is fat’” you explain with a laugh that he doesn't return.
Instead you see his lip tuck between his teeth after he licks them.
“I did say that.”
Suddenly the room is hot, and you’re very aware of how sharp his canaines look in that stupid grin. How his hand is grinning the back of the couch cushion. And for some goddamn reason you just had to look down, that fucking print so visible against his inner thigh.
Your breath falters, eyes wide and you swallow back any doubt. So he had said all that stuff and it want just Yuji repeating something or just talking.
“I-Well I…Thank you? I-I mean I’d be lying if I said hadn’t looked at you too.” You admit, his body shifting to face you more, almost caging you in on the couch.
“I figured. Every time I come to pick up you can’t seems to form a sentence correctly .” He notes.
“Ryo.” He corrects. Lifting the strap of your nightshirt over your shoulder, playing with the fabric for a moment.
“Ryo.” You test, hearing his exhale heavily.
“Let’s stop pretending there’s nothing happing and has been happening here. No rule against fooling around with me is there?” Sukuna tests, his hand trailing up to rest no on your neck, his thumb pulling your lower lip down.
And with that your make the hood move to connect your lips, his arms immediately going to lift you up ans set you against his lap.
Damn does that bulge feel to much better resting between your legs than just looking at it.
Authors note: OKAY YEHA ITs gonna be a 3 parter with smut in the next one I cant resist lol yall know smut is my specialty! LMK if you wanna be added to the taglist shawty!
Taglist: @manikosii @ya-boi-v @tergyri @ninacutebee16 @minaloq @kriegsumire-blog @samisfunky @peachhiz @teupaidecalcinhasblog @khaotic-luca @gurutoru @molita111 @snail-squasher @rowrowrowyourboat13
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squiddy-god · 1 month
Hello!! I just read your twst x chubby S/O and I thought it was amazing! Could I request Third Years x S/O who's into crocheting and crochets them plushies or keychains as random gifts? Plus a bonus when they admit that after they graduation Night raven they want to start a small business on it after hiding it if you want >w<
Hehehehe i love this so much because i crochet! It is one of my many house husband skills, personally my favorite things to make is these little octopuses but i should really branch out lol, this reminds me of those manhwas where the mc starts a business that booms 
Cw : tooth rotting fluff, mc has a successful side hustle to make that bag, gn reader, bonus grim because i love my cat so much, my son, grims is obvi platonic, rsa mention because vil is petty
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Oh hes bragging 
His human henchman is the best because they make him cute gifts 
The skrungly
I wanna make him little kitty outfits for every occasion
Making grim cat toys and he acts like he doesn't like them at first but he literally wont sleep without the crochet tuna fish you made him 
I think he needs a little kitty bag to wear and put his stuff in (mostly tuna) 
He would taunt the others because clearly he is the most special kitty with his very cool bad and fish 
He is and i won't stand for anyone telling me otherwise, i love our bastard cat son
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Hes obsessed 
If you make him a keychain then he is adding it to his growing collection on his phone right away
I hc that hes a big fan of stuffed animals so he adores anny that you make him and they sit on his bed 
He names all of them
He helps you start the small business during school actually! At first its his suggestion to run a magicam page for all your creations 
Soon the comments are flooded with people asking if you sell, one thing leads to another and boom you now have a successful side hustle 
Rsa is honestly a big seller they love this kind of stuff
He loves everything you make him and never stops posting about his love for it
Very supportive of your small business ventures 
His favorite thing you've made him is a little bag for pens and pencils that is shaped like a playing card because he thinks its just the cutest thing in the world 
And the keychains that he gets to show off whenever he whips his phone out (often)
Some of his favorite candid photos of you are when you’re crocheting peacefully 
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Dometic bliss pt.1
Trey is,,,such an old man- he like baking and the simple domestic little things like making you coffee/tea in the morning 
He loves to watch you crochet because he thinks its very cute and wholesome to spend time when you are doing activities together that are calm 
He adores the set of frilly doilies you made him and the cute potholders are always in use
He is 100% in support of your dreams of making that bag, honestly he really thinks you should get a start now to make extra cash on the side since 7 forbid crowley pay you for the work you do
He smiles every time he sees a tart cooling on one of the doilies you made him, seeing the little pattern always makes him happy
He trades you baked good for the things you make him so i hope you enjoy sweet treats
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Cat…big kitty…
Oddly captivated by any balls or skeins of yarn that are out and about but hes fighting the urge to play with them 
He is not beating the house cat allegations 
At first hes pretty neutral on it honestly, he likes the gifts you give him because they are just his but hes not a big keychain guy, or stuffies
Then you make him a blanket and hes gone 
He claims to be neutral about it, saying he likes the gift but dont be fooled by his aloof act he sleeps with that blanket everywhere 
He is bringing it to class if he doesn't just skip the class 
It is his favorite blanket and he almost lost his shit when ruggie took it to wash it- he's kinda territorial about the blanket 
Gives 0 fucks that its some cutesy blanket with little lions on it
Also a big fan of pillows/pillow covers 
If you make him multiple blankets he loves them too but the first one is extra special to him 
Hes neutral about you starting a business during or after school/graduation because well,,,he's a whole prince,,,
You make cheka a matching blanket and leona gets a very happy letter from his brother on how much the mini lion loves it, leona rolls his eyes but is secretly very proud of you 
Regardless if you want to start the small business he is happy to support you making that bread 
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Vil in crochet clothes my beloved 
Hes charmed by your little hobby and the adorable stuffed animal you made him, a little crochet owl that sits on his vanity so he sees it when he does his makeup and night routine 
Vil does not post a lot of personal stuff on his magicam/socials, but he does wear anything you make him, he has a folder in his gallery dedicated to photos of the two of you, dates or candid photos either he took or rook took and sent to him. 
Most of these pics he's in something you crochet for him even if it's just a simple keychain it's a staple of his 
He is very supportive of your dreams of starting a business for your crochet, he admires the drive and discipline and encourages you to pursue this work 
Ironically if you start a side hustle soon to be full business, neige of all people is a big customer as he's fond of cute stuff like this 
This is where vil gets petty 
He sees a photo post of neige’s where he’s in a new outfit, not odd at all, what catches vils attention is that the cardigan and hat he's wearing is oddly similar to a piece he saw you working on for an order- anyone watching can see the twitch in vil’s eye when he sees the shoutout to you in the caption
The next 5-8 posts of vil’s are a mix of his regular posts and pictures of him in your clothes or with the keychains, all with captions along the lines of “my beautiful s/o @[your name here]”
He even posts the owl
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If you were to make him a keychain he calls it his lucky charm for hunting and always had it on him. 
Really he's just fond of anything you make him
a lot of his photos are of you when you are deep in a project and not paying attending, candid photos like this are his favorites and he looks at them often 
He really likes any little animal stuffies you make because he thinks they are just the cutest 
“Hunts” your plushies aka he will sneak up on you making them or sorting them out and act like he caught them 
He is very supportive of your business ventures, he loves to see you so passionate about wanting to eventually start a small business and be able to sell your creations 
He definitely encourages you to sell a few things in sams shop, afterall he sells anything and everything anyone could ever need
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The outfits you make grim are his faves 
He is a cat man at heart and cant help but coo over every new thing you make grim because it makes the kitty so so so cute and as a cat he was already uber SS+ cute levels 
He is also a big fan of any keychains you make him or even stuffies
The stuffies either are on his bed so he can cuddle them or they are with the rest of his game/anime figures on his shelves so its a horrific mix of like neon genesis mechs and crochet 
I think it would be funny to make him doilies to put the figures on because when hes gaming and people are like “dude why is your [super cool limited edition game figure] on a doily???” hes like “haha L+loser+lonely+my super cool s/o made them for me lvl10 affection” and is it cringe as hell? Yes. can those normies suck it because hes no longer forever alone? Also yes
They are demanding proof or it didn't happen 
Ortho is also a big fan and has a lil keychain you made hooked on him <3
idia would actually combust if you made anything themed after a game or show he watches/plays because that is SS+ max lvl affection with full hearts right there 
You have unlocked the super secret route and that is unlimited discord nitro and a new pc because he is so happy 
He also would support your business during and after school 
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Domestic bliss pt 2
Genuinely you are breaking this guy. Like he cannot take it anymore 
I feel we all can agree malleus is prone to casual proposals because hes just,,,kinda like that
He pictures a future with you by his side and you aren't making it any better by being so endearing 
When he sees you doing something as simple as sitting down and crocheting his draconic heart is filled with sweet domestic love, makes him feel like an old married couple and he can't take it lmao 
At first he's a bit weird about accepting gifts as it's a big deal in fae culture to just,,,get a gift out of nowhere
But he does accept them, he simply gives you something he sees as equal value (this is how you end up with several big ass gems)
He considers all of your gifts his most precious items, his favorites however are the following 4 gifts he has received 
A keychain that looks like his gaogao-drakon-kun tamagotchi witch he keeps on the same keychain as said virtual pet
A gargoyle plushy that he considers to be one of his most treasured gifts, in a similar light he has a plushie of your fave animal and you have a dragon plushie that match (this almost killed him)
And a little crochet bracelet that you match (he never takes it off unless he has to) 
Your desire to start a business throws him for a loop at first because in his mind you are happily by his side in the briar valley, (he is very male lead coded) but he quickly re-adjusts to account for your business plans and he is the most supportive dragon you could ever hope for 
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Old man (affectionate) 
 I like to think lilia knits and is simply overjoyed when he finds out you crochet 
You exchange little gifts 
It makes his very old fae heart happy to sit around the ramshackle fireplace and crochet/knit with you while chatting about your day/week, simple things like this make him feel like hes back in the old days with a baby silver 
He loves anything you make him and happily wears any keychains or items he is gifted
Stuffies are named and placed around his room without a hint of shame 
And he loves that you have such good goals and dreams like a business 
I like the idea of meeting general lilia and also making him something 
At first he is confused, almost indignant that you would have the gaul to give him a gift- of all people he would never accept such a token
Maybe its something simple, a granny square on the lacy side that resembles something akin to a handkerchief, something small you explain as a favor, something youd give a knight 
He claims he is disgusted by such human customs but his grip on the crochet piece is unmistakable, and the way you wake up the next morning to a small green gem-the same that adorns his armor, tells you all you need to
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yandereunsolved · 2 months
More Self aware HOTD cast because I love you😘
Reader, knows the hotd cast is sentient so might as well: *watching that one scene where Vhagar bites off luke and his dragon* DIVE BOY AT HIGH SPEED!
Luke: *makes his dragon dive downwards without a question* *avoids his death as Vhagar bites air* .....
Reader: very good *turns to look at a bewildered Vhagar and Aemond* I WILL FIND A WAY TO REACH THROUGH THE SCREEN AND STRANGLE YOU MYSELF IF YOU HARM THE BABY!
Vhagar: *recoils in fright*
Reader: bad dragon! I am disappointed!
Vhagar: *looking like a kicked puppy*
Vaemond, on screen: HER SONS ARE BASTARD-
Reader: Boy shut the fuck up
Vaemond: ....
Rhaenyra: .....
Daemomd: ....
Reader: do you wanna get beheaded?! Apologise you uncultured swine-
Syrax: *appears on screen smiling like a kitten with a heart necklace made of gold around her?his?their neck*
Reader: baby, beautiful baby
Seasmoke: *flying to a running Addam*
Addam: *is running for his life*
Reader: boy calm down, you have a dragon now so sit your ass
Addam: *is scared but sat his ass on the sand*
Rhaenyra, wasn' suppose to appear much later but appears earlier: ....
Reader: Seasmoke I know he looks like Laenor but for the love of dragons, don't scare the guy even if its just a prank
Seasmoke: *huffing like a child who got told no*
Luke: *returns to his mother safe and sound*
Reader: on second thought I'll just fuck either Rhaenyra or Daemond, im disappointed
Aemond: ....
Rhaenyra: *feeling smug*
Daemond: *also feels smug*
Aegon: how come I don't get a chance and those two could?!
Rhaenys: *upset she couldn't be the queen*
Reader: If only I could reach through the god damn screen I will strangle the man for not giving you your birthright just because your a woman
Jaehaerys: ....
Reader: Shame! Shame on you! If it were me I will treat her the queen she is! Dishonour on you fiend!
Rhaenys: *just existing*
Reader: mommy?😍
Baby jaehaerys: *existing*
Reader: *in a small voice* baby!
Blood and Cheese: *appearing*
Reader: I WILL CUT YOUR DICKS OFF IF YOU LAY HAND ON BABY! *stands up abruptly from the sofa*
Blood and cheese: ....
I don't know what to put here it became limited🙁
😒 Stupid Tumblr ask box. Anygays, thank you. 😳 I have been fed. 🍖
More yandere self-aware hotd thoughts for the soul—
Aemond: "It isn't fair. First they wanted to... be intimate me. They do not want me to bed them anymore." muttering to himself.
Reader: "Killing children isn't sexy! Strip! Beat the shit out of your brother! Order some guards to do something. I like it when you command people... your naked body is hot too..."
Addam: "I love you."
Reader: "What?"
Addam: "I-I love you so much."
Reader: "Wow, uh—okay."
Daemon & Rhaenyra in the corner with their dragons.
Daemon: "I told him to keep his mouth shut."
Rhaenyra: "We can't just outright kill him."
Daemon: "Send him into battle and get him killed?"
Rhaenyra: "Exactly."
Aegon: taking care of baby jaehaerys.
Reader: "Mhm... so adorable."
Aegon: "Me?"
Reader: "Jaehaerys."
Aegon: "Oh."
Reader: "You're a total dilf."
Aegon: thinking: I feel like that's a good thing. smirk.
Reader: "Aww, such a cute dragon~!" to Vermithor.
Sees Vermithor's scene.
Reader: "Bad boy!"
Vermithor: growls and flops on the ground.
Reader: "No more massacres!"
Vermithor: whines and pouts adorably.
Criston: "I—"
Reader: "Shut the fuck up. On your knees. You need to drink your respect women juice."
Helaena: covered in blood. she just killed someone for reader.
Reader: "... Are you okay?"
Helaena: crying. "Do you love me?"
Reader: "My baby! I love you so much. I want to reach through the screen and cuddle you so badly."
Helaena: thinking about killing someone again just for her darling's approval.
The yandere self-aware hotd characters when darling reader loves them back—
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gadriezmannsgirl · 8 months
fermin seeing his gf interacting with the other players little kids after a match win and getting baby fever
A small blurb for this cute scenario with Fermin getting Baby Fever💖
Celebrations were amazing and mostly when it was your team doing a celebration, they had won a 5-0 against Athletic Club and were more than excited because it meant good news on that table.
"Y/N, can we go and play?" Aitana, Araujo's babygirl said cutting your conversation with Pedri, Ferran and your boyfriend, Fermín
"Lo siento, Y/N/N. Que le he dicho que estabas ocupada pero es que te adora" (I'm sorry, Y/N/N. I told her you were busy but she adores you) You smile softly at the Uruguayo.
"No worries, you know I love being with her. Venga, Aitana" You gave her your hand "Vamos a jugar" (C'mon, Aitana. Let's play) "Excuse me, guys"
You went ahead and walked a bit further where Lewandowski's daughters were playing as well with Raphinha's wife Natalia and her son, Andreas's wife Katrine and her son along with Frenkie's fiancé, Mikky and her son, Miles. You sat on the grass with Aitana on your lap and played with her and her dolls for a while.
Without your knownledge, Fermín had zoned out from the conversation he was having with Pedri and Ferran to look at you, interacting so well with his mates children. You were laughing, joking and playing with the kids, freely rolling on the grass. Picking the kids up in your arms and swinging them from side to side.
He wanted that with you.
He wanted a half him and a half you running around your future house. He wanted to see you care and love your kid, born from the love you felt for each other. He wanted you with him always. And he wanted to go through all of his life with you by his side as his girl, as his fianceé, as his wife, his best friend, his rock, his everything.
"We get you're in love with your girl but stop looking at her like a freak" Ferrán said jokingly
"I wanna marry her and I wanna have kids with her" Fermín blurted out
"Wow" Pedri said laughing softly "We knew that but everything to its time, you know?"
"No, I mean... I know that but- I can't help but watch her with Aitana and Miles and Laura and... I don't know. I just- see my whole life with her already"
"Let's hope she thinks the same" Ferran said as Pedri hits his head
"She definitely thinks the same, Fer. No worries"
"How'd you know that?"
"Because she looks at you the same way you look at her" Pedri said shrugging and Fermin blushed
"You're in love" Ferran teased
"Shut up, cabrón!" They laughed "I would love to see you whipped for your girl"
"Shark's alone right now" Ferran smiles
"Deja la tontería que los tiburones también se enamoran" (Stop speaking nonsense Sharks also fall in love) Fermín joked
"But maybe you can start by getting a dog" Pedri said and the three of them laughed
"Yeah... We can start with that" He said watching you smile your hands into Miles hands as you walk softly with him and in that moment you turned your head around to watch him already looking at you.
You smile at your boyfriend as he smiled back and mouthed a small "Te quiero", you blushed and sent him a kiss. His heart feeling full of love and happiness.
°°° °°° °°° °°°
Taglist: @gaviymarcsbride @stuckinaf4nfiction @elijahslover @azzpenswrld @http-isabela
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cutielando · 6 months
dating headcannons | c.l.
synopsis: in which you describe your relationship
my masterlist
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you both lived in Monaco, practically in the same neighborhood 
best friends since birth, hands down
you supported him from his very first races, always cheering him on and attending his races whenever you could
you’d always loved each other, but were far too stubborn and blind to admit it
which is partly the reason why you only got together after his father passed away
you had been there for him, helping him move on and get better at dealing with his loss while also having to continue racing
he realized that he would never want to be with anyone else because he was convinced that nobody could take care of him better than you could
kissed you in front of everyone when he got a win 
pulled you to him as soon as he was out of the car, not caring about anyone seeing you guys
you would live like royalty, let’s be honest
you moved in with him pretty early on in the relationship, already being familiar with his home from the times you had spent there with him
he would bring you flowers every single day, always your favorite ones
would spoil you rotten, buying you everything you could ever dream of having
whenever you two wanted to get out of the house, you would go on bike rides around Monaco, late at night under the stars
he would come up with the most beautiful dates, almost all of them including being under the starry sky 
attending every single race of his, Charles having insisted that you quit your job so he could take care of you
his fans adored you, having shipped you guys from when you were children
you would always give them a glimpse of what Charles was like behind closed doors, feeding them content which made them appreciated you even more
training with him and Andrea, albeit much less intensely than he did
being besties with Joris, spending so much time with him during the week
you would be a regular person on his Instagram feed and in his vlogs
the fans almost always insist that you stream with him, loving the playful banter and competitiveness that you both showed when playing games together
Arthur would always tease him for being a simp
Charles would literally never stop talking about you
he was in the car? he was talking about you to his engineers. he was working out? he was bragging about you to Andrea
Pascale absolutely adores the shit out of you
she never had any girls, so she was delighted when she found out you and Charles had got together because she finally got the daughter she had always wanted
you went out to lunch with her every week when you wouldn’t travel with Charles, always making sure to keep in touch and keep her updated on how her son was doing
most famous and loved couple on the grid
you loved being in the Ferrari garage, the team having accepted you as one of their own 
would make you tag along on his skiing training trips but wouldn’t actually make you train with him, preferring to keep you safe and warm inside
always makes time for you, no matter how busy his schedule would be
if he was late, he’d never forget to call and let you know. communication was key for him
fairytale love story
let’s be honest, you would never break up
you were it until the end
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comments and re-blogs help us grow!
much appreciated!!
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dc418writes · 1 month
Welcomed Distraction
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Summary🪄: Both you and Frankie need comforting after a tough day
🚨: 18+ NO MINORS, happy adult fun times (be safe out there!), breeding kink, unprotected p-in-v, language, unclothed female-semi clothed male, mention of pregnancy/trying for baby
A/N🎤: Hello🌸 long time no see (*ahem sorry🥴) lol. So firstly, this is my very first Pedro boy fic and I’m v nervous (then again when am I not 🙃). Also, this is my submission for the #hotdilfsummerchallenge by @hellishjoel and I’m hoping you guys enjoy what I came up with, as well as read the other works (or even submit something yourself!✨)
*DISCLAIMER(S)!: I DO NOT CLAIM OWNERSHIP of pictures used as they all were found via Pinterest. Although my works are typically imagined with a black!reader, everyone is welcome to read*
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At the sound of your sigh as you locked the door behind you, Frankie knew what kind of day you had. Not to mention the way you took off your shoes.
If you gently toed them off next to the others, taking your sweet time, you were exhausted and would more than likely crash on the couch once you eventually sat down. Left them scattered making your own little trail from the door? You were excited about something. He was man enough to admit that although he knew you were very happy to see him, - flashing your bright smile before pecking his lips and updating him on what your day entailed - that excitement was mostly for his son. “How was your day huh?,” you’d ask the adorable eight month old making him giggle from all the kisses you’d leave on his juicy cheeks. “I missed you!”
When you’d kick off your shoes though, not caring when they’d knock against the wall - like you did tonight - you were pissed. And Frankie just hoped it wasn’t something he’d done or forgotten to do.
“Everything alright?,” he asks over his shoulder while he mutes the football game currently on tv.
“I secretly hope that place burns down overnight so I won’t have to step foot in it ever again.”
“So no,” Frankie states as you finally make it to the couch with a beer in hand. A much needed smile curls along your lips - and in turn loosens a bit of the tension still plaguing you from earlier - noticing the boxes of takeout from your favorite restaurant on the coffee table in front of him. Before you can say anything, his strong hands are gripping your hips guiding you towards his lap. Both sets of your lips automatically being drawn towards each other as you settle in your favorite seat.
Well second favorite.
“Francisco Morales I’d marry you right now if I could.” He only chuckles leaving a chaste kiss on your temple.
“Tell me what happened.”
“Well, first it started with a couple calls from patients upset they needed to be seen before getting a refill. Like I’m sorry you haven’t shown up for your appointments in two years!” A grin spreads on his pink lips as he gently shakes his head of envy inducing chocolate curls.
“Then for a while now I’ve been getting calls when the phones are supposed to be on downtime. It’s also happened to the lady that sits next to me a couple times, so she decides to say something. My manager just says ‘well if you’ve given your extension out or if it’s transferred to you, then the phone’s gonna ring’.”
“But if the phones are down in the first place, either way that shouldn’t happen,” your boyfriend finishes practically reading your mind.
“Exactly! But nooo it has to be something I’m doing, it can’t be the shitty phone system.” Frankie knows you’re angry - and reasonably so- but he can’t help the way his stomach flutters at your cute little groan. How he wants to kiss that pout away until you can’t remember why you were mad in the first place. “Maybe he’ll listen to you since you have a penis.”
“Just tell me when and I’m there baby,” he murmurs against your neck trailing kisses from your pulse to your jaw. His mustache prickling your skin and making you softly giggle.
Even if you didn’t say, you wouldn’t be surprised if he made a little visit to the clinic within the coming week. Standard manners and gentle smile to everyone else as if he was just innocently coming by to see his girl when you both knew he was liable to strangle the slender, uptight man once he set his eyes on him at the mere mention of making you upset.
“Then, as the cherry on top, the last call I get today is this guy getting mad at me because his results aren’t ready, which I have no control over since I don’t work with that doctor,” you explain taking a quick pull from the sweating bottle in your hand. “I keep trying to tell him there’s nothing I can really do, but then he has the audacity to say ‘You’re not understanding me. I need this for another appointment and now I’m not sure if I’ll make it!’ Sir I understand fine; don’t insult my intelligence. Still won’t get you your results sooner.”
The stranger’s words and harsh tone repeats in your mind only making you upset all over again. And not only could Frankie see it, but he could feel the effect such a short interaction had on you. Your back practically going rigid with tightness and prompting him to rub soothing circles over your shirt trying to relax the muscles there. That vein near the pulse in your neck on full display as if standing in solidarity with you.
A stream of frustrated air leaves your nostrils trying to remind yourself that everything was in the past now. How tomorrow would be a new day with, hopefully, little to no rude patients. “Sorry, I know that’s probably my ego talking-,”
“Still doesn’t give him, or anybody else, the right to talk to you like that.” So two men he now needed to hunt down. No problem. “I’m sorry you had a rough day.”
You simply shrug - your attempt to brush it off feeling like you need to be strong and just forget - as his lips softly press against your temple. “Comes with the territory. How was your day though? Hopefully better than mine.”
“It was alright. Elaine came by with ‘hot shot’ to get Isaiah.” Hot shot being her new fiancé that was some fancy lawyer based out of Los Angeles. They met a few months after she broke up with Frankie and got engaged not long after.
“And how did that go?”
Now was Frankie’s turn to shrug taking the offered beer from your hand to get a pull. “Fine. Said hello, made sure she had everything, then left a few minutes later. Short and sweet.”
Although they’ve had this arrangement since baby Isaiah was just a couple months old, it always hurt Frankie having to let his son go. The apartment was uncomfortably quieter without the little babbles and gurgles, and no longer felt like home. Given he’d see him again next week, but he’d began to worry if his ex would move away now she was engaged. Wanting to start fresh with the ‘man of her dreams’ and start their own family.
And if that happened, who knows when he’d see his son again.
The thought’s kept him up plenty of nights unknown to you, but his solemn mood is easily read looking into his brown eyes. Your palm caresses his cheek bringing his attention back to you on his lap. Thumb softly tracing over the worry line between his brows before leaning in to tap your nose against his. “Hey, it’s gonna be okay.”
Your boyfriend just nods flashing a glimpse of a soft smile. A quiet, “I know,” falling from his lips after pecking your full, bottom one.
“If it’d make you feel better, I’ll give you one.”
Any time you said that in the past, he’d just chuckle and shake his head. Maybe even click his tongue before he’d reply with, “let’s focus on this one for now.” It’s not that you were trying to give him a replacement kid, you just hated to see him sad. And similar to how Frankie was willing to do anything for you, you were easily as smitten for the former military pilot.
His larger hands - slightly rough from years of work - grip your hips gently moving you so your thighs now straddle his hips. A glint in his darkening eyes that surprises you, but also has a familiar sensation building between your legs. “You mean it?”
The husky way he whispers near your mouth has an embarrassing moan slipping past your lips that even catches you off guard. A wet patch growing in your panties already as you nod nearly dumb just from his voice alone.
His lips crash into yours rhythmically moving together as if one was complimenting the other. Your fingers tangle in his silky strands while his tongue glides over yours and hands knead at your lower cheeks. You can’t help but grind and shift trying to find some sort of friction as your core throbs incessantly.
“Frankie please,” you pant. His mouth descends to your heated neck nipping at your skin while his hand moves to toy with your achy nipple through your top.
“Have to tell me what you want baby.” He sounds nearly gone himself - hardness poking you through his jeans - but he chooses to tease instead. Any other time you might play back with a smart reply, maybe a little edging, but tonight your need is too strong and mind too hazy with lust and the man beneath you for games.
“N-Need you in me..now Frankie.”
A deep groan vibrates in his chest when you bump against the now prominent bulge becoming painful from the quick rush of blood. “Can’t say no to that now can I?”
In a flurry of movements, Frankie’s removing your scrubs and underwear between deep, hurried kisses, and soon you’re bare; quickly unlatching his buckle to remove his stiff and reddened member leaking and more than ready for you. The mess between your thighs makes it easy to slide down, taking him inch by inch until you’re both connected and moaning from the tightness.
“Fuck don’t think I’ll last,” Frankie grits shifting to taste one breast while his hand plucks and squeezes the other making you whimper. “Feels so good baby.”
Adjusted enough, your hips begin to move and bounce filling the living room with slaps of skin and moans. You try to contain yourself - worried about being that couple - but when Frankie plants his feet on the plush carpet below bucking up into you so hard you have to grab the armrest while your other hand grabs his broad shoulder, you can’t control what leaves your mouth.
“Wanna give me a baby huh? Want me to fill you up?”
“Want everybody to know you’re mine?” His grip on you is sure to leave bruises in the morning. “That I’m the only one that makes you feel this good?”
“Yes!” The faster you both move, you can see and feel stars. Feel hundreds, maybe thousands, of them tickle and prick your skin that have you believing you have to be experiencing something other worldly. Your spirit ascending to some sort of nirvana that you’d never want to come down from.
“Shit - might have to just keep you on my cock. You like that idea?,” he grins biting at your earlobe.
You frantically nod. “D-Don’t stop, please baby! Mm there..Frankie..Frankie!”
Gripping the back of your neck bringing you as close as he can, Frankie buries his face in your neck letting your noises and babbling spur him on. You’re both painfully close - panting and sticky with sweat - just needing that extra push only you could give each other.
“Shit, feel you squeezin’ me. Cmon let go I got you.” Shifting to the edge of the couch, he angles just right where your swollen nub gets the nudge and pressure that has your back arching and toes curling. You feel teeth and curses growled against your neck along with the spurts of his release inside you as his pumps become staggered and slower.
All that can be heard now is you both catching your breaths and holding onto each other as if afraid to somehow float away from the post orgasmic high.
“You okay? Still with me?,” Frankie asks tracing his thick fingers up and down your spine. You merely hum in response making the man you love chuckle. His pride loved how sleepy and clingy you got in the midst of your afterglow.
“Alright let’s get you cleaned up.”
His strong arms easily keep you attached to his sturdy chest as he stands ready to take you to the bathroom. Your nose automatically nuzzling and running along the side of his neck loving the smell of his cologne mixed with his sweat. “Wait!”
He halts just before stepping into the hall. “What’s wrong?”
“The food,” you sleepily reply making him grin kissing your shoulder.
“I’ll take care of it.”
“M’kay,” you yawn comfortably closing your eyes as you’re gently rocked from him beginning to move again. “Have a baby.”
He knew it wouldn’t happen that quickly, especially with you still actively on birth control, but the thought of you carrying his child had a warmth spreading along his bones. He could vividly see you with a hand on your extended belly smiling and glowing like the sweetest angel. Isaiah would nearly be two, but walking around keeping a close eye on his sibling.
Did it also make Frankie nervous? Of course, but he couldn’t lie that his excitement of seeing a bright eyed bundle that looked exactly like you outweighed the fear.
“Yea, we’re having a baby.”
Loosely inspired by the rough day I had at work some time ago🥲 lol. But again I hope you guys enjoy and please let me know if I missed any warnings!
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dearhargrove · 6 months
Sink or swim
summary When the tsunami hits you're at the pier, watching in confusion and shock as the huge wave nears. You're swept away with a dozen others but gain back consciousness with a weirdly attractive guy and his.. son?
tags medical inaccuracy (I made everything medical up pls ignore it), blood and injuries, one POV change, cursing
word count 2831
a/n just watched the episodes with the tsunami and oh my god? I’m so in love with Buck, Chris and Eddie. These three are adorable. Also these episodes were just good as hell, wtf? Andddd I hope I didn’t make any of them OOC (out of character) but if I did forgive me yall 🫶🏻 also English isn’t my first language, so… 🥹
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Maybe you should've guessed what it meant when the sea started retreating and a huge wave built up more by the second. But somehow it seemed so surreal that you didn't. You clung to the thought that it was an optical illusion, after all there was no way a tsunami would hit that one time you're at the pier.
Now moments later you regret not running faster, earlier or simply finding a spot to hide. You're pulled under the surface every few seconds, swallowing mouthfuls of salty seawater that makes your nose burn and eyes blur.
You're choking when you're swept against a hard object, it's sharp edge digging into your waist. “Fuck!” you curse, though it ends in a gurgle when more water sweeps over you.
When you resurface you're facing an object that turns out to be a sunken fire truck. The red is striking against the blue and Grey around you and you could cry at relief when you manage to hoist yourself onto it.
You're exhausted, your side hurts and you're dizzy. Your phone is useless, the water having destroyed the technology. Cursing, you pocket it again and lean back. You're about to relax, aware that it could take hours for emergency services to reach you when you hear high pitched screaming. You look up, just in time to see someone with a yellow sweater being pulled towards you with the current, screaming at the top of their lungs.
“Jesus,” you swear and crawl to the edge of the truck, yelling to get their attention with your arm reached out as far as possible.
You almost faint when the person turns around and a small child looks at you, red glasses full of water and messy brown hair. He's crying, reaching out as he's struggling to stay afloat.
“Hey! I'm here, grab my hand!” You yell and lean over the ledge as far as you could. As soon as you saw that little boy you knew you'd jump after him if he couldn't grab your hand now.
“I got you, sweetheart, come on!”
Your assurance seems to help and he kicks his legs, managing to move closer to where you are. In a split second you grab his hand and pull him over the railing and onto the truck, holding the little boy close to your chest in relief.
“Thank you,” he mumbles, coughing a little as he adjusts his glasses. You try to look as calm and collected as possible, gently smiling at him and beckoning him further away from the railing and rushing water.
“Are you okay? Does anything hurt?” He shakes his head, biting his lip as he looks out at the water again. He must've been with someone else, you guess when he sits up at every piece floating by.
“Are you looking for someone?” You ask gently and he nods. He slowly speaks, hands fidgeting in his lap, “B-Buck. He's a firefighter.”
You stop yourself from cooing at this adorable child and nod, “We're gonna find him, okay? Just stay here and it'll be okay.”
He looks worried but slowly nods. You go back to sitting between him and the railing, looking out for anyone else.
Just as you spot someone, the small boy moves rapidly and pulls your shirt, “Buck! It's Buck!” He stutters loudly.
You whip your head back around to the rushing water and try thinking of a way to save him too. You couldn't just grab his hand, he would probably just pull you off the truck and you wouldn't risk leaving the kid by himself.
“Shit,” You mumble as you look for a way to help the man, the boy desperately crying out for ‘Buck’ behind you.
It seems you don't need to do much when something slams into the truck and seconds later the man pulls himself up and next to you.
And, damn. He was attractive. His dark blonde curls stick to his forehead as his blue eyes fixate on you and then the boy, strong arms holding him up as a smile builds on his lips, “Christopher!”
You move a bit as the two reunite, the boy- Christopher throwing his arms around the man's neck and giggling wildly.
You watch with a smile, the adorable sight momentarily distracting you from the tsunami keeping not just you but these two strangers trapped on top of a fire truck.
He turns around after a minute, keeping Christopher in his lap as he looks at you. He clears his throat and nods, “Thank you for saving him.” You shake your head and wave your hand in dismissal, unsure how to deal with compliments.
“No, really. I was going crazy when I couldn't find him,” his eyes are fixed on your face and you blame the heat creeping up your neck onto the temperature changes from the water and sun, smiling nervously. “It's all good. Your son is a sweetheart.”
He chuckles, “He definitely is. Though he's not my son,” he mentions, poking the boy's side when he mumbles something. You quickly nod, embarrassed. “Sorry, I shouldn't have assumed-” he shakes his head and a relaxed smile sets on his face.
“It's fine, don't worry. Did you have any luck reaching 911?” You shake your head and hold up your broken phone, screen flickering sadly as you do. He sighs and brushes a hand through his hair (you try not to stare at the hot sight because wow, what are the odds of meeting such an attractive man in the middle of a tsunami?).
“We're probably just gonna have to wait. It'll take time to get boats and units here. It probably looks like this everywhere,” he explains and you tilt your head in surprise before remembering that the kid had mentioned he's a firefighter. Meaning he knew the protocols.
“Right. Christopher mentioned you're a firefighter.” You smile when the boy perks up, a seemingly never faltering smile on his face. “Guess I'm lucky to be stuck with you. Safest I could be.” You shrug, a bashful smile on your face.
“Buck will s-save us all,” Christopher proclaims proudly and you coo at the cute boy. The man now seems a bit uneasy and sighs before his eyes widen, “Shit, right, I'm Evan. Everyone just calls me Buck, though.” You shake his outstretched hand and introduce yourself in turn, biting your lip as a nervous habit.
“So you're a firefighter?” You prompt curiously.
“It's a bit complicated right now…” He sighs, a frown setting on his forehead. You're about to apologize for overstepping when Christopher speaks up again, “He threw up blood.”
Your eyes widen and Evan- Buck pinches the boys’ side in reprimand. “Blood clots,” he elaborates as he looks at your slightly shocked expression. You hum sympathetically before realizing something. “Wait. You were the one trapped under that fire truck? On the news?”
He chuckles (which makes him even more attractive, what the actual fuck?) and nods, “Yep, that's me.”
You grimace in sympathy at the memory and automatically glance at his leg, “Is it all healed? You don't have to talk about it, it's fine if you don't-” he waves you off assuringly, looking relaxed.
“It's fine, don't worry. Yeah it healed fine, had some physical therapy and stuff but now I have blood clots kicking my a- butt.” He stops himself from cursing with Christopher on his lap and you almost smile at the adorable expression of confusion on the kid's face, when Buck presses his hands over both of his ears and whispers what he was originally going to say.
You laugh at the two and a relaxed and almost light atmosphere surrounds the three of you, momentarily disregarding your situation.
“It's kind of ironic isn't it?” He starts and you tilt your head in question. “You saved me, a firefighter, by pulling me onto a fire truck,” he elaborates and you can't help but chuckle, “Right. It should've been the other way around,” you sarcastically add and he holds up his hands in mock surrender.
You relax back against the railing, your eyes drawn to Buck again just to notice him already looking at you. You cock your head questioningly and he bites his lip before grinning, “Sorry, you're just- like, really beautiful.”
Your jaw drops momentarily before you compose yourself and hide behind your hands, “Stop! Geez,” you laugh and he does as well. You exaggerate a shake of your head as you look at Christopher who giggles happily and exclaims, “He likes you!”
Now both you and Buck fluster as he continues, “He's always angry but n-now he's happy.” You notice the small struggle of getting his words out but you couldn't care less, you'd wait hours for this sweetheart to finish a sentence if you had to.
“Oh, really?” You ask in mock surprise and he eagerly nods before Buck intervenes, “Woah, Woah. I'm not always angry. Just.. grumpy.” Christopher makes it a point to look at him and then at you, rolling his eyes and shaking his head which makes it hard to refrain from laughing.
When Christopher busies himself with leaves floating around them Buck lowers his voice a bit as he speaks to you again, “Don't get the wrong impression it’s just, it’s hard. Not being able to work, saving people and all that.”
You nod quickly, “No worries. I’d go insane if I was in your place. I’m guessing they’re keeping you from really doing anything ‘dangerous’?” You ask, careful in case of him wanting to change the subject.
He nods and drops his head back against a siren light, “It is. They’re trying to put me behind a desk! I mean, I’m supposed to be out here, saving lives, fighting fires. That’s my purpose.” He frowns and you hum to show that you’re listening.
“I know they just want me to recover, but…”
“It feels like they’re holding you back?” You finish for him. He chuckles in surprise at the accuracy of what you said and nods.
“I’m probably in no place to tell you this, but trust me, it’s worth it. Get better, do the light work and sooner than you think you’ll be back doing what you love. But if you start now and ignore your health.. it’s going to catch up with you. And it’ll be way worse than a few weeks behind a desk.”
He looks thoughtful for a moment before slowly nodding, “You're right. Thank you.” You smile and put a hand on his leg, making sure he doesn’t mind before adding, “I mean look at you, crushed by an entire ladder truck and you’re up and running already.”
“I’m just that great,” he sarcastically pats his own shoulder and you both break into laughter.
You don't know if it's been minutes, seconds or hours when you wake up, laying on top of destroyed concession stands and other things. Something is digging into your back, your leg is awkwardly bent and your ears are ringing.
Groaning you sit up, wincing in pain when a sharp pain strikes through your back at the movement.
Around you is just more trash and destroyed cars, you see an arm laying on one of the cars and decide to avert your eyes as quick as possible for your own sake.
Every step hurts but you keep going; walking through the flooded streets with your eyes looking for either of the two boys you’d spent earlier with or other survivors.
The sun is starting to set and you’re starting to get hopeless. You have no clue where you were, completely disoriented as you pass houses that look entirely the same. Your phone is useless and you’re alone. Shouldn’t you have met at least one person by now?
Your back has gone practically numb, same as your leg, when you see faraway lights in the distance. Your steps get quicker as you see people and to your utter relief firefighters. You don’t know if the tears in your eyes are of joy or utter despair from what happened but you couldn’t care less when a man with short, brown hair spots you and approaches.
You’re trying to walk closer when a small voice somewhere close stops you. You’re not sure if it’s your imagination but you turn around, squinting your eyes in the darkness. And then you see it. A small boy, waddling your way with his arms stretched out like he couldn’t see.
Could it be..?
“Christopher?” You see his head perk up and he tries going faster, stumbling over his own feet. Your heart drops in relief and you gather your last strength to run to him, “Hey, you remember me right?” He nods and you note the missing glasses.
“There’s help, come on,” you point out but he doesn’t look happy. He looks almost angry, “Buck.” You had almost forgotten about the charming firefighter. But your priority right now was Christopher.
“We’re gonna find him. Let’s get you help first,” you say with fake enthusiasm in your voice. He doesn’t look okay with that but stays silent and you awkwardly wrap your arms around him after making sure he’s okay and lift him into your arms.
It’s hard to avoid any obstacles while walking but you manage, seeing the brown haired man from a few minutes ago still there.
“Hey! I need help! It’s a kid!” You yell.
He waves you over while walking towards you and as soon as you can actually see him you’re once again surprised. What was it with these firefighters and their good looks? Jesus.
When he’s close enough you nudge Christopher, “There’s help, he’s gonna make sure you’re okay,” you nod at the man and he stands still before running the last feet over to you, basically ripping the child from you.
“Chris!” He cries, clutching the kid with all his might. Oh, this must be his father.
You smile, relieved that they found each other. He looks up at you with gratitude, “Thank you so much. Thank you.” You just smile.
“He’s found us himself. I couldn’t find him after..” you don’t even know what happened- you just know you passed out and woke up alone. Sighing you rub your temples and shake your head.
“You should get checked out, too. You’re barely walking,” the medic (you guess) advises. You take in the people behind him, the full cots and stressed professionals. “I’m okay. There’s people that need more help,” you nod.
He frowns and shakes his head, “I could tell you at least two injuries of yours that need treatment. Come on.” He nods his head in the direction of one of the tents and you chuckle but follow him. At least you try to. Four more steps and your legs give out, you clutch a random person's arm to prevent your fall, mumbling a sorry when they just barely catch you.
The ringing in your ears is back and you groan when you’re laid on one of the cots, your back protesting painfully.
Your vision is blurry and you can’t understand what’s being said - what the hell was happening to you?
“Wait, she’s- she was with me and Chris.” Eddie looks up in confusion as he hooks you up to an IV, checking your pupils with a small torch. “What?”
Buck nods, “Yeah, she saved Chris and then me. When the last wave happened she was swept away- we were all swept away.”
Eddies brows furrow and she looks down at you, your hair a damp mess, clothes dirty and bloody. “She saved Chris?” His best friend nods and crouches down next to you - Eddie notes the pained groan he tries to conceal as he does so - extending a hand and awkwardly patting your shoulder.
“Will she be okay?”
Eddie's answer is interrupted when you open your eyes and wince at the lights surrounding the tent.
“Hey, you feeling okay?” Buck asks before Eddie can get a word out, and you almost faint again seeing these two fine men looking down at you with concern. Great first impression, you think.
“Feel like I was in a tsunami,” you grunt and both of them laugh a bit. A third voice pops up next to you, “We were in one, silly.” Leaning over your head and looking upside down at you was Christopher, a smile on his face.
You huff a laugh and hum, “You’re right. Smart boy.”
Eddie looks at Buck at the exchange and he just shrugs with a grin. Chris walks to Eddie and leans into his side, eyes still on you.
“Is there something on my face, or..?” You ask half joking as three pairs of eyes stay trained on you.
“Just beauty,” Buck grins and there’s a second of silence before Eddie gags and rolls his eyes, “That’s so creepy, díos.” You laugh as Buck tries defending himself, simply looking just as cute to you as earlier.
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yuri-is-online · 8 months
Daytime TV Dreaming (A Fyuuture Kid AU Drabble ft. Heartsabyul, Savanaclaw, and Octavinelle)
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While camping in the mountains during Camp Vargas, you encounter a monster exactly like the one you fought off with Ace and Deuce at the beginning of the year. While trying to fight it off again, a strange portal opens up in the mine and a person jumps out of it to your rescue. He says he doesn't remember much, but it's clear when you bring him to Crowley that this boy is also from your world, despite being a mage, and until the headmage can think of a better solution, he assigns "Yutu" to your dorm.
Something a certain someone has an opinion about.
notes: When I was re-working my masterlist I deleted a fic that I meant to be the start of a series where Yuu’s child travels back in time to try and prevent the destruction of Twisted Wonderland and their parent's untimely death. For some reason I wrote that child as having been born after Yuu was forced to leave Twisted Wonderland with modified memories, so he doesn't actually know that much about his dad until he gets iseakaid just like Yuu did to attend Night Raven in a much more dystopian setting. Anyway if I ever go back to that concept I'll probably re work it, but I thought it would be fun to share my notes about the guys reaction to this newcomer who gets sorted into Ramshackle Dorm. They/them used for Yuu as always but they are implied to be afab, "Yutu" is not meant to be the child's real name, and he is meant to be wearing a disguise to make his identity less obvious. Actual fic can be found on my masterlist.
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Ace- is legitimately worried about the intentions of this weird newcomer but it comes off as him being a jealous brat so no one takes him seriously. Look, something just doesn't feel right about this! Your world doesn't have any mages but now one shows up? And he's weirdly familiar with you? Cmon someone other than him start asking some questions please! Tries to have "a talk" with Yutu, who is trying really hard to understand what his parent saw in his dad and... just not getting it at all. RiP Ace you have been assigned cringe before the kid has even been born.
Deuce- only concerned with making a good impression because if this person is from Yuu's world then they might value his opinion on.... things. Also an honor student would try to win over his crush on his own merit and not by intimidating potential competition. Actually ends up befriending Yutu and really liking his vibes, which gives the boy a lot of guilt because he knows his dad would probably feel very guilty if he knew what his son's life has been like.
Trey- he is slightly worried about how Yuu will handle having to take care of an actual person and not just a monster, but he also feels like it is none of his business so he doesn't pay too much attention. But then Yuu mentions that Yutu is a pretty talented baker and that's why they haven't been bugging him for sweets as much. Well isn't that just ADORABLE??? Trey isn't upset about this at all nope, not one bit. He's extremely upset and Yutu is stirring the pot because he thinks making his dad angry is funny.
Cater- oh look, another person who won't be a part of his life eventually. He doesn't get any weird vibes from Yutu so he doesn't worry about what his appearance might mean too much, but there is something about the way the newbie insists on trying to be his friend that reminds him a lot of Yuu and isn't helping with this whole "denial of the crush" thing he is trying to do. If he didn't know any better he would think Yutu was doing it on purpose.
Riddle- immediately starts butting into Yuu's life more to give them advice about being a proper housewarden. Not that he didn't already see them as one, it's just disciplining a human student and disciplining Grim are a bit different and no he is not using this as an excuse to spy on the Prefect how dare this brat suggest his intentions are impure?!?! (Ah but you see Riddle you can't just take Yutu's head off in front of their Prefect because you want them to liiiike you and he is so going to use that against you.)
Leona- understands that something is not quite right as Yutu's explanation of who he is doesn't quite pass the sniff test. Literally, the brat smells like Yuu with his magic and since Leona was one of the people who got a good look at the portal Yutu came through he pieces things together pretty quickly. Not that he immediately goes and pulls a Vader on the kid, he just makes it clear he knows there is some time travel involved and demands to know what his goals are. He can leave the family shit for after he's secured the kid's existence.
Ruggie and Jack- while they have different opinions on the new kid, Leona's sense of smell still tells him Yutu's identity and as their dormleader he feels the need to take them aside and mention what he knows... sort of. He tells them that he's pretty sure time travel is involved and that Yutu is related to Yuu, but he neglects to mention the whole bit about who he thinks the father is... which drives them insane in completely different ways.
Ruggie thinks that since you clearly have a thing for beastmen anyway he would be stupid not to shoot his shot. He doesn't give two shits about whether or not Yutu is his kid, time isn't real so he can just rewrite it a bit.
Jack is determined to treat Yutu fairly and protect him since you are his friend and that's what friends do for each other's kids. Has a full blown panic over whether or not this might give the kid an identity crisis and takes him aside to reassure him he doesn't want to replace his real father, and that he will be happy as long as Yuu is happy. que the world's most awkward conversation
Azul- Oh? Ramshackle has a new dorm member? And he's a mysterious mage... allegedly from the same world as Yuu... something doesn't make sense here but while he is figuring that out. Capitalism ho! This is a great money making opportunity he is observing and scheming and thinking about the perfect contract to get Yutu to spill all his secrets. Unfortunately, Yutu seems to be afraid of him for some reason? Not Floyd or Jade, just him. He can't say he dislikes it... but it is a bit odd, at least it gives him something to talk about with you???
Floyd- Also saw the portal that Yutu came through and thinks something must be up with how close the guppy seems to want to be with Yuu. Starts calling him baby shrimpy as a joke because of how clingy he is to you, but he really really hates it. He can't fight baby shrimpy because that will make you not like him, and he can't scare baby shrimpy off with a deal because he's weirdly smart with those sort of things. He also seems to really look up to Floyd... like that one spiderverse meme, and Floyd hates it! he already had a hard enough time getting Yuu alone when Grim was around he doesn't need a second baby unless it's actually his >:CCC
Jade- a new mage? How delightfully unpredictable. He's probably the only one genuinely happy Yutu is around because of how funny the story of his arrival is. The only upsetting thing about this is that he wasn't able to go camping with Yuu himself. Like Azul he senses something is wrong with Yutu's story, but he doesn't intend to press him until he has the new kid's trust. He's just here to help after all, there's nothing to be afraid of so long as there is no need for him to be jealous.
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kenananamin · 11 months
I LOVED your girl dad nanami hcs. This isn't a request but I was wondering like, imagine (I whole heartedly agree he's a girl dad) reader and nanami they had three sons. Don't get me wrong. Nanami LOVES his boys so much. And all of them are such gentlemen. He's raising them so good. Exact copies of him in manners and in looks some ways. The eldest son has his blonde hair, the middle son has his eyes and the youngest one has his highschool emo hair. BUT (now to the fun part) Reader is pregnant again and this time it's a girl.!!!!!! How would he react? And the boys too. Secretly they've also been wanting a little sister (that's so cute 😭)
Now, how do you think Nanami would react? I think he would cry, like legit he would. He's always wanted a baby girl. This is like a dream come true for him. And and the baby girl after being born looks exactly like him, hair, eyes, nose EVERYTHING.
While the boys take more after Nanami regarding their personality, meaning they're mature for their age and very well mannered. But his baby girl takes after reader's playful nature and is just so so precious and sweet. Of course she has good manners too. But she's like everyone's princess in the family.
Her brothers love her and are protective of her. And she's just so playful and adorable that no one can get mad even if she pulls a prank or messes something up at home.
It's like, even when Nanami tries to scold her (he never would) or discipline her, she would just giggle and and grab his arms and legs and just hold onto it (IM LITERALLY.. THIS IS TOO SWEET) A heavy sigh escapes Nanami and he smiles knowing his daughter has him wrapped around her fingers and he can never ever even try to talk to her in a stern manner. She's just so innocent.
Sorry sorry this was so Long 😭 even if you don't reply to it, I hope you enjoyed reading this at least.
i'm so happy you liked my girl dad nanami hcs!! thank you for reading it! 😭 and honestly while writing it, i was thinking of the exact opposite too, boy dad nanami but he finally gets his little princess at the end 🥹
so here are my hcs for nanami as a boy dad while secretly hoping the next one is a girl, and the boys praying their next sibling is a girl
is excited to have a boy as their first born, he thinks about the things he will teach him and how nanami plans to show his son how to treat women RIGHT
tells you that he's got this covered and his fiery passionate eyes tell you he indeed does got it
decorates the baby's room with old action figures and comic books/manga from his childhood
rewatches his old cartoons and shows to make sure they're appropriate for his son to watch with him
tells everyone how he has your eyes and his hair and lowkey brags that it's the prettiest combination
is excited to buy mini sneakers and baseball caps but stops with the shoes bc baby outgrows them in 0.2 seconds
likes to carry his son like a football bc it makes him giggle his heart out and nanami knows you're looking at his bicep 👀
is ECSTATIC when you're pregnant again and immediately wants to know the gender. he's excited for his son to have a partner in crime and is happy you saved all the things your first son used (nanami is very very pro-hand me downs and wants to see those tiny sneakers used again)
tells his son to kiss your tummy throughout your pregnancy bc he wants them to be super close from the beginning
on that note, nanami kisses and hugs his boys all the time to start to show them they can be a tough guy and like hugs and kisses just like daddy and not be embarrassed about any of it
is brought to tears almost every time he passes by the baby's room and the eldest is holding the baby's hand through the crib railings telling him "i love you baby"
likes seeing the eldest's patience when the baby is learning how to share and rewards the eldest with ice cream and tickles
tells his boys to open every door for mommy and hold it open if there's someone behind them
plays a little rough with the boys when they're play wrestling but they're all scolded by mommy when someone ends up crying (nanami was poked in the eye by a tiny finger and the boys thought they made their daddy cry)
buys his boys barbies so they can create a realistic fantasy world when they play. the eldest eventually puts the barbies in charge most of the time
nervous when you're taking the next pregnancy test and quietly hopes it's a girl. the eldest wants a girl too and the soon-to-be middle child just thinks it's another regular thursday aka he does not care yet lol
sighs when the doctor says it's another boy, he's happy bc they have everything they would need for another boy but he really was hoping for a girl since this might be their last child
last boy ends up being the blend of both kids, patient and quiet, but can be excited and loud if he's really into something
dedicates special quiet time w the boys to teach them to listen and appreciate quiet activities
takes his boys out to play sports every weekend to give mommy a break from so many boys and chants random phrases with them in the car
make his boys help with dinner, clean-up, and laundry bc he wants them to appreciate everything that's done for them
tells the boys to come into the room while you get ready for date night so they can see everything you do from deciding what to wear to hair to makeup, etc etc. this is when the boys get a front row seat to seeing how much dad appreciates and loves mom
then pulls them into the closet to show them everything he does to get ready bc a man needs to put in just as much effort
has coffee dates w his boys where he'll get his tea or black coffee and the boys will get a lemonade and their cake pops and they can drive around
hugs and kisses each one of his boys when he gets home which in turn makes the boys get used to being affectionate with each other
buys his boys flowers when he takes you yours. he wants to be the first one to ever them their flowers. this leads to the boys going outside to bring back a flower, dandelion, leaf, or rock to their dad. dad now has a collection of random things in his spot of the garden
weekly sit-down w the boys to talk about emotions to teach them how to put their feelings into words
does not explicitly tell his sons to kneel for women but his sons see how dad always kneels for you if you're sitting somewhere low (CUE TO EP 12 W NOBARA AND NITTA, THIS IS CANON)
is in shock when the boys come in for an intervention-like meeting asking why they don't have a sister yet and when they can get one
is impressed with how the eldest pulls him aside and shows him the plan to have a younger sister now so that he can have enough time w her before he leaves for college (eldest is not older than like 10 lmao but he's a planner just like dad)
shows you the plan and is in love with how everyone wants a girl
is very happy to keep trying 🫣😮‍💨
all the boys go w you to get the letter w the gender of the baby and start to plan a big gender reveal bc they all have a "feeling"
all start to cry uncontrollably when the inside of the gender reveal closet is full of pink clothes, blankets, and toys. someone's on the floor (eldest), someone is running laps around everything and everyone (middle), someone is carefully touching your tummy (nanami) and another is asking if they can name her like their favorite anime character (youngest)
all start reading and researching how to raise a girl and are visibly stressed yet excited
nanami starts creating lists of cute clothes and can stay up all night imagining a giggling little girl on his shoulders
cries if he's by himself and in his feelings bc he's so overwhelmingly happy w his life and kids, feels like the luckiest man
goes to lowe's to get paint to prepare his princess's room and the boys are in overalls and ready to paint when he gets home
imagines a little girl joining their coffee dates and the boys giving her their mud pies and holding her hand everywhere they go
sees the most beautiful little girl and is blinded by the love his kids have for each other
will pass by the baby's room in the middle of the night to see all 3 boys sleeping on the floor right next to her crib. grabs his pillow and joins his boys on the floor
buys a new baby kangaroo for the boys to decorate and carries their princess EVERYWHERE
has to break up arguments the boys start to have over who gets to push the stroller this time
the boys dress her up in their old sneakers and baseball caps
all wear tutus and tiaras while they patiently wait for her to pour them their cup of tea during tea time
the two youngest boys teach her how to get someone in a headlock to defend herself and nanami and eldest have to step in
eldest then secretly teaches her men's weak spots and plans to take her to a self defense class eventually
babygirl is always giggling and is so playful, her and mommy have got these boys wrapped around their fingers
nanami is always swaying whenever he’s standing still bc babygirl attaches herself to his leg and he swings her back and forth for as long as he’s standing straight. making a sandwich? swinging the baby on his leg. brushing teeth? swinging the baby on his leg. working on his standing desk? swinging the baby on his leg.
the bros get defensive if someone tries to scold her but they’ll pull her aside themselves and tell her why it was wrong. nanami stands outside the door and listens to them
nanami still asks his boys to go out and at least two suggestions from the boys include the little princess
nanami and boys for sure stare at mommy and princess in awe at random times
they all know the girls have the deciding vote and they run the whole house. and they love it 😌
nanami is so girl dad coded BUT he would be the best dad in general. he for sure needs a little girl somewhere in the mix but he’d win the fatherhood award for sure
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bones4thecats · 7 months
What Are They Like As Parents? - Hazbin Hotel
Type of Writing: Random Idea Characters: Vox, Valentino, Velvette, and Alastor Name: What Are They Like As Parents? Idea-Gifter: Random Thoughts
A/N: This is basically an AU where they married their S/O in real life and had a child with them back then. But, due to issues with birth, their S/O died with the child. So there will be trigger warnings when it comes to that. Also, the type of demon the reader is is listed below! Have a nice rest of your days/nights, my lil bubbles🫧
P.S: The Reader goes through birth, so they're headcanoned as female, but a gender is not fully noted
⚠️ Trigger Warnings: Death, Swearing, Miscarriage, and mentions of Assault ⚠️
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Technological-Demon! Reader ; Medical Technology
📺 Vox and you were very close when alive. Growing up together and eventually falling in love and marrying
📺 Sooner rather than later, you were expecting a baby boy, in which you two decided to name him (M/N). Unfortunately, due to difficulties during birth, Vox had lost not only his unborn child, but he lost his spouse
📺 Ever since that day, the man had driven himself further into his work, trying to push the memories of you both with your bump past him, he didn't want to remember how you smiled so gently at him as you died, or how the doctors tried saving you as blood erupted around your form
📺 It was because of how he held himself to such a low-degree that Vox had passed away, and due to his actions in life, he was banished to hell
📺 He believed he deserved it, but now he could start anew, and that was where he grew back into power and eventually met a fairly new Overlord, one that had your same name
📺 Once he asked you and learned that you and your son were transferred to hell, he grew upset, why on Earth were you, the sweetest being he had ever known sent to hell? And why was his son, who never did anything in life, get sent here?!
📺 Every other Overlord, besides Alastor, was on-edge when your small son crawled out from your hand, being nothing but small shocks before turning into a mixture of Vox and your's demon forms
📺 He just smiled lightly and kneeled in front of his child, patting him on the head and declaring how he'd protect you guys till the end of time, in no way was he going to allow you guys to slip from his grasp again
📺 Now, as your son was made into the form of a young child (4-6), Vox always tried to keep his anger on the down-low. He didn't want his son to only see his father angry and full of rage
📺 While he may seem like a horrible father at first, once he got used to the fact that your child was interested in your occupations, you being a medic of the Overlords and him being the head of VoxTek, he smirked at Valentino and Velvette before holding his child and gloating about his company
📺 Speaking of the other two Vees, they adore your child. Valentino loves to help your son with his social skills, and he tries keeping his business on the down-low around him, he doesn't need to get shocked or nearly have his wings amputated by Vox and you again
📺 Velvette on the other hand, she loves to test her outfits on your child, from helping him find the most suitable outfits to having him listen to something on her phone as she speaks to her two main allies during a meeting, she is honestly a decent aunt
📺 Vox also has a wild obsession with watching Alastor fail, so if he were to ever see the Radio Demon talking to you or his son, he'd lose his shit, not caring who was there to watch
" I swear to fuck, you old-timey shit-stain, if you ever try touching my S/O or my son again, I'll fucking kill you and drag your corpse all around hell for the all people to see. "
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Insect-Demon! Reader ; Rosy Maple Moth
❣️ Valentino and you married quite early in life and had a very active life
❣️ It was due to your shared actions that you found of you were pregnant quite early, which made him try calming down from his actions and begin to coddle you
❣️ Unfortunately for him, your body couldn't quite handle the stress of birth, resulting in your demise, along with your daughter. And due to this event, he was driven mad
❣️ This was where he developed his abusive personality, constantly yelling and assaulting his workers, including Angel Dust when he first arrived and signed a contract
❣️ It took a while, but one he had heard about a new Overlord that looked a lot like Valentino (in terms of species) with a daughter that looked nearly identical, he decided to attend the next meeting without his fellow Vees
❣️ It only took a quick glance for him to know exactly who you were, in life you loved to mess around with roses, so it only made sense that you'd become a demon in relation to that plant
❣️ Once the meeting ended, Valentino walked up behind you and hugged you, wrapping his larger wings around your form as he felt your tiny orange-yellow antenna tickle his chin
❣️ Valentino also loves his baby girl a lot, spoiling the young girl with everything she could ever want
❣️ Once you and her walked back into his life, everyone within his studio learned who you were quickly, you were the long-time spouse of Valentino's, and the father to his young daughter
❣️ They also took notice of how more collected he was, and while he did have his moments of anger, he rarely ever laid a hand on his employees, unless he got angry enough
❣️ Valentino also swore on his afterlife that he would never touch anyone in the ways that he would touch you or your daughter, which allowed your new friend, Angel Dust, to be more free with his time
❣️ Much like Vox, he doesn't seem like he'd be a good parent. And they're kinda right, but only with certain situations
❣️ Valentino doesn't know what to do when it comes to certain scenarios, like when your daughter asked where children came from and you had to wrap your pink and yellow wings around his mouth to silence him from giving a very detailed story of how she came into existence
❣️ Vox and Velvette are also fairly involved with helping him raise his child, Velvette loves to help her dress, from giving her small clips to put in her hair to giving her full-fledged outfits, she spoils her just as much as Valentino does
❣️ Vox also spoils her, but he also knows when to be strict, he mostly just watches her whenever Valentino and you get busy with running the studio in V Tower. He's been declared the 'Godfather'/'Uncle' of your baby
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Bird-Like-Demon! Reader ; Peacock
📳 Velvette and you agreed that you'd raise your child together, despite knowing that it wasn't her own, rather, it was your ex-husband's
📳 He had abandoned you with your unborn baby a few months prior to you and Velvette married, and it was on your honeymoon that you went into labor
📳 Sadly, you had lost the baby, and eventually lost your life due to internal injuries just a few months later, prompting your wife to go a hint overboard with her actions
📳 When she died, she never expected to see you sitting across from her at an Overlord meeting, your long tail feathers falling onto your lap where a small boy sat, playing with them
📳 She looked up in shock as you told her of your son, how you both were banished here, your son due to the fact that he had the potential to due just a horrid things as you, and that angered her
📳 Velvette loves to mess around with your feathers that laid behind your head, the ones that only flare up when upset or feeling any kind of strong emotion
📳 She also adores to have you carry her, since she was fairly short when it comes to sinners, and you were very tall when it came to the species
📳 Now, when it comes to your son, she loves to dress him up, acting as if he was a small mannequin that she needed to make look as gorgeous as possible, and thankfully he looks a lot like you, meaning if something looked good on you, it would no doubt look good on him as well
📳 If your ex-husband ever came by to take his son back, she would straight-up ruin his life, literally. She'd post everything around to make him lose his title, and if that didn't work, she'd just kill him, she doesn't care which he chooses
" I swear to you, (R/N). If you ever, ever, try to come here and demand to have the son that you abandoned in the first place, I will do two things. I'll ruin your fucking afterlife by stripping your title away, and I'll make sure during the next Extermination, you get a very long and fucking long death, try me, bitch-boy. "
📳 Velvette also is a fairly good step-mother to your son, she loves to give him small trinkets she finds around. One time she came home with a small present from the store, and when your son looked at the tiny necklace that opened to show holographic photos of you three together, you couldn't help but fall for her even more
📳 Much like with the other Vees, she does involve Valentino and Vox with her step-child's life
📳 On average, she has Valentino just help watch him, leaving Vox being the head of watching him, she doesn't need to have you on her ass about how Valentino took her son to the studio to observe his work
📳 Vox is the official 'Grandfather' of your son, while Valentino is more like the 'Funcle' of the two
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Mythical-Creature-Demon! Reader ; Wendigo
🔘 Alastor and you shared a lot in common during life, from your cannibalistic and murderous crimes, you both bonded over the fact that you were able to keep it all away from people's eyes, despite your high-ranks in society
🔘 He was the head of his own radio broadcast, while you were the head of a small orphanage that took in any child that was needing a home without any problems
🔘 Ever since Mimzy introduced the two of you and you learned of your situations, you decided to 'help' one another out, and by that, I mean by covering for one another
🔘 This teamwork led to you guys falling in love, in a twisted way that is. He loved you for how you would just casually keep a smile on, and you loved him because of his owl personality
🔘 While many didn't expect him to ever fall in love, due to him being a canonical aromantic, they did find it funny to watch him just smile and treat you like a member of royalty
🔘 He never really did find a need for intimate actions, but one drunken night and a lot of pregnancy tests later, you found of you were carrying his child, alerting him to keep you away from your previous crimes. He didn't need you or the child getting harmed
🔘 Alastor may not have shown it, but he was very heartbroken when the doctor released the news that you had lost your baby, and eventually your own life
🔘 Knowing due to your crimes that you'd end up in hell, Alastor would sit at your grave and speak of how he'd see you sometime soon
🔘 And he was right. He had found you once again during his first Overlord meeting, what he did not expect was seeing your young son sitting on your lap while gnawing on a small hunk of deer meat
🔘 He knew that this was your shared child, and he welcomed the youngling with open arms and a fully-fledged smile, his sharp teeth matching his son's
🔘 Speaking of your son, he loves to spend time with his father, learning how to play the piano and singing old songs with him as you stood off to the side with Husk and Niffty, watching the boys have fun
🔘 Alastor only allows you and your son to really touch him without many warnings, and while it took a lot to get used to, he loves watching him randomly grab his staff and try singing in the microphone
🔘 Much like his father, your son can use tentacles and use his powers to make his voice radio-sounding, and it is the funniest thing to watch members of the Hotel go nuts hearing so much of the noise
🔘 Due to being the son of the Radio Demon and the Wendigo Overlord, many don't even dare trying to touch your son, well, except for Vox and Lucifer
🔘 Vox one time had decided to try holding your son without permission, resulting in him being sent flying across the meeting room by your husband
🔘 And when Lucifer first arrived and began to tickle your son to make him laugh, he stood off to the side with his ears pushed backwards in irritation, watching his son smile by such a fatherly action not being made by him was annoying
🔘 And, because of your declaration, you named the members of the Hotel as your son's 'Godfathers'/'Godmothers', only having Husk and Niffty as the 'Siblings' of your son
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ln4author · 9 months
𝖳𝖧𝖤𝖸 𝖣𝖮𝖭'𝖳 𝖪𝖭𝖮𝖶 𝖠𝖡𝖮𝖴𝖳 𝖴𝖲 — Charlie Bushnell fanfic (parts of instagram and chat au)
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liked by iamcharliebushnell, walker.scobell, tomsturridgeofficial, and others
ellarue Is it a LONG way to where our brother is?@tomsturridgeofficial (thank me, I made him create an account here)
↳ See comments
tomsturridgeofficial No. Not fair. Are you happy now kiddo?
↳ ellarue Yes, I'm big bro <33
↳ tomsturridgeofficial <33 (I learned how to do it)
↳ dior.n.goodjohn You already have the last name, when will our wedding be??------
walker.scobell So this is the profile of the much talked, Miss LaRue?
↳ ellarue It's a pleasure to meet you too, Mister Jackson
iamcharliebushnell I love sandman.
↳ dior.n.goodjohn Said the guy who watched an entire season in a day after a CERTAIN news came out...
↳ iamcharliebushnell I said I LOVE the series <33
↳ aryansimhadri I swore I heard that he had never seen the series before this CERTAIN news @dior.n.goodjohn
↳ leahsavajeffries "Please, be discreet" he asked
↳ iamcharliebushnell THANKS LEAH!!!!!!!!
↳ user2 GIRLLL!!!!!! I think the news about her being Selena is true!!!!!!
↳ user1 AAAAAAAAAAA PLEASE NO! I need Ella as Thalia.
user4 A DELÍRIO PERFEITA JURO. Não posso esperar a hora para te ver como ela (THE PERFECT DELIRIUM I SWEAR. I can't wait to see you like her)
↳ ellarue Muito obrigada meu bem <33 FALTA SÓ UMA SEMANA, NEM EU AGUENTO MAIS (Thank you so much my dear <33 ONLY ONE WEEK LEFT, EVEN I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE)
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liked by iamcharliebushnell, dior.n.goodjohn, leahsavajeffries, and others
↳ See comments
↳ momonatamada Calling her a bestie, but I'm the one who will go to premier...
↳ momonatamada YES I SAID
↳ _xochitl.gomez YOU KNOW WHY I CAN'T GO
iamcharliebushnell OPENING NETFLIX NOW.
↳ ellarue aaaaaa this is so cute, tysm <33
↳ aryansimhadri @dior.n.goodjohn @walker.scobell @leahsavajeffries @lin_manuel @rickriordan SHE ANSWERED HIM!!!! RED ALERT!!!! SHE ANSWERED HIM!!!
↳ leahsavajeffries Okay, even I'm surprised by this
↳ dior.n.goodjohn I CAN'T BELIEVE IT, CHARLIE JUST PASSED OUT!!!!!!!
↳ lin_manuel THIS IS MY SON, GET THAT GIRL!!!
↳ ellarue WTF HAPPENED???? (I trust you, Tio Rick)
↳ iamcharliebushnell I'll kill myself... ☠️☠️☠️
tomsturridgeofficial I love how chaotic your friends are
↳ ellarue Me toooooo, that's why I'm friends with these freaks
↳ tomsturridgeofficial how adorable <33
user1 Bro... Is it just me or does our crush have a crush in our ANOTHER crush?
↳ user2 Yesssssssss, our crush literally has a crush on our crush LMAO
↳ user3 Wait, so our crush is having a crush on our other crush?
↳ user4 This makes sense, since we have crushes on both of our crushes
↳ user5 Does our crush also have a crush on our crush, back?
↳ user1 Why did I start with this????
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liked by ellarue, leahsavajeffries, iamcharliebushnell, and others
dior.n.goodjohn WE FINALLY MEET, MY GIRLS!! @ellarue (my bride) and @leahsavajeffries (our daughter) 💞💞
↳ See comments
ellarue Bride??? We need to get married immediately.
↳ leahsavajeffries You guys wanting to adopt me, even though you're not even married yet
↳ ellarue PERFECT, WHY NOT?
iamcharliebushnell your bride is our bride *insert that communist rabbit*
↳ dior.n.goodjohn Really, Bushnell? REALLY?
↳ walker.scobell He's unstoppable bro, unstoppable.
↳ aryansimhadri @lin_manuel Look at the things your son says
↳ iamcharliebushnell Aryan, please stop tagging him every time, he is THE gossip girl, he will tell everyone
↳ lin_manuel AM I THE GOSSIP GIRL, SON?????? THE GOSSIP GIRL?????
↳ iamcharliebushnell WHAT A HELL??????
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liked by walker.scobell, dior.n.goodjohn, ellarue, and others
iamcharliebushnell NO, I'M NOT A LOST SON OF POSEIDON
↳ See comments
ellarue Luke Castellan = bonitinho, mas ordinário kkkkkkk
↳ iamcharliebushnell Is the translation correct?? Did you really say "cute"? AGAIN???
↳ ellarue In fact, it's more "beautiful" or "pretty boy"
↳ ellarue I'm not lying, am I?
↳ dior.n.goodjohn Yeah, now he's dead, great Ella
↳ lin_manuel Being called "pretty boy" is one thing, now being called "BONITINHO", congratulations, son, you won.
↳ leahsavajeffries Take note of today, gossip sites, because today was the day he died.
↳ user3 Eu não acredito que tô shippando eles, sério, não tem como não shippar (I can't believe I'm shipping them, seriously, there's no way not to ship them)
↳ user5 I don't ship them, but I think their friendship is cute
Hey darlingss, these were just some spoilers of what's to come in this story and I took it very lightly... I didn't even mention the fights... wait, did someone say something? <33
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gisellecnz · 9 months
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summary. You left Satoru and the kids at home to do some grocery shopping, which means that Satoru will have to take care of two babies at the same time.
contents. Fluff, reader is fem, gojo having troubles at the end
authors note. I requested something similar to this from another author, so if they did my request and posted it please don't get the wrong idea! I also wanted to write about it too now 😭
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You and Satoru have Two kids, the first one is Satoshi, he's the oldest. He just turned two 5 months ago. Then next was Satoko, she's younger than Satoshi. You gave birth to her around 4 months ago.
You found it cute how your kids got Satoru's genes the most, they have his white snowy hair and those blue ocean eyes that you adore a lot.
︵͜⏜͜︵ ︵͜⏜͜︵  ︵ ︵͜⏜͜︵  
Once, you had to go grocery shopping alone, leaving Satoru and the kids at home.
Satoru wanted to come with you, but you refused and told him to stay at home to take care of the kids. You assured him that it would be fine and no curses would start attacking you, plus you also reminded him that he expanded his infinity to you.
(Gojo fully knows that you're a strong sorcerer, he just suddenly became much more of a worry wart after you gave birth to his baby girl months ago.)
right now you're about to leave the house, but Gojo is looking at you with those big puppy eyes, begging you to bring him grocery shopping with the kids as well.
Well... There were plenty of reasons why you couldn't bring Gojo with you, the first one was that you're still kind of a first-time mom, and you don't know how to handle two babies at the same time in public. And of course, you and Satoru can't leave the kids alone at home, you guys don't trust any babysitter to look out for them since they could be bad guys or curses in disguise.
"Please y/n? I wanna come with you!
"Satoru you're being a baby! You do understand why you can't come right? You have to take care of the kids, it's just some grocery shopping! I swear I'll be alright! Now let me go! "
BANG! the door shuts close loudly.
Satoru pouted and looked down at his baby, "Your mama really is a meanie..no? "he cooed and looked down at his precious daughter who was sleeping in his arms, booping her nose. He's surprised that she didn't wake up from the commotion earlier.
"Ah, I'll just get your brother, 'kay? Don't pull any pranks on daddy when he's back. "- acting as if his 4-month-old daughter could stand up on her legs and start setting up pranks.
He kisses her forehead and places her on a nearby crib beside the sofa and heads towards Satoshi and Satoko's shared nursery room.
As he entered the room, it turned out Satoshi was already wide awake, bouncing and giggling in his crib at the sight of his father.
"Hey buddy, did you miss me that much? Is that why you're excited to see me?" A warm smile spread across Satoru's face as he scooped his son up.
"Pa-pa! Pa-pa!"
Satoru grinned, heart warmed by Satoshi calling him "papa."
"No wonder you're so cute; you look so much like me." And, well, you'd agree. Everyone else does too. Satoshi and Satoru could practically be twins.
Satoru picked up Satoshi from the crib, he checked his diaper for poop. "Oh no, you need a shower, bud." He chuckled, Satoru carried Satoshi to the bathroom, and Satoko too just in case.
After a good 20 minutes of bathing Satoshi, they returned to the nursery. Satoshi, now fresh and clean, rested on Satoru's left arm, while Satoko peacefully slept in her bassinet.
Everything was peaceful, not until a cat from outside accidentally knocked over a metal item which made a loud noise, good thing Satoshi didn't get scared by it, meanwhile, Satoko over here woke up from the noise.
Satoru started panicking when he saw that Satoko's eyes are starting to well up in tears.
"Oh my god- Satoko please don't cry, please don't cry.. "
He started to panic even more when he heard her whimpers, he tried to calm Satoko down by caressing her chubby cheek with his right hand.
"Nonono, not right now please Satoko... "
then boom, Satoko is now crying.
"Oh my goodness." He palmed his face and sighed from failing to prevent his daughter from crying.
"Alright, just a second Satoshi." He couldn't grab Satoko from the bassinet with one arm only, since he was carrying Satoshi in his left arm, So he had to put Satoshi down first. But as he was about to put Toshi down, his son gripped his shirt tightly,
"P-papa..... No..."
Then Satoshi started crying, he didn't want Satoru to put him down. The children's wailing filled the room, Gojo felt like he wanted to cry too.
"Aiyaaa..... Y/n...please save me.. "
Satoru didn't know what to do in order to stop the children from crying at the same time.
end: you arrived home 20 seconds later, you went to the nursery room to check what was the commotion about. When you saw Satoru very exhausted you couldn't help but burst out laughing. But don't worry, you told him that he did a great job and gave him plenty of kissed as his rewards after.
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☞ note. this was inspired by that one kbs world tv episode, idk how to make my writings longer 😭 this was so annoying cuz I worked so many times on this fix then when I saved it to my drafts it had an error THEN HALF OF IT DISAPPEARED SO I HAD TO REDO EVERYTHING 😭😭😭
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