#{ he's fantastic i hope he knows i want soup now
hidrogenium · 1 year
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#corrchoigilt#;saved#saved#S.KELLY?!?! THE WAY UR COOKING A WHOLE ASS MEAL HERE?????#NOT EVEN SOUP IN A POT ATTHIS POINT; SOUP IN A WHOLE ASS CAULDRON!!#<- the face of h.yde when he knows he will be able to extort j.ekyll over his feelings#LISTEN- if j.ekyll is not willing to let him out more often then he'll find a way o u t regardless#even if that means mentally destroying his other side#NONONO BUT HANG ON I WANTED TO TALK ABOUT#holy sh it how interesting this is ohmygod-#'idealistic daydream' U PUT IT IN WORDS SO PERFECTLY!!!#WHEN U PUT; 'he is in love with the idea of /being/ loved' U GET IT S.KELLY!!! U GET ITTTT#j.ekyll is an idealist; yet at the same time; a man on the verge of loosing all hope in one jump#he is constantly threading across this very thin line that is his sanity so its also why#its so easy for him to cling onto anything no matter how absurd or fantastical it seems#he wasnt like this before he got into this whole experiment on himself; or well; not in such an extreme lenght#but now its like;; anything that feels like could save him; he'll cling onto that desperately#the idea of love; love as something that could save him; which leads to putting cú into this high pedestal; like he's an angel to him#and also why its so easy to get to him; why its so easy for him to fall under fantasies#my mans is desperate for a thread of light even if its at the cost of being delusional to himself#not a v nice place to fall into;#love as salvation; as a last bit of hope; the last thread he can think of that could keep him from falling into despair#ur so right; theres just a lot of tragedy on all this ffrfr-#bc how could the purest emotion to humans (love) fail him? it must be the answer surely (is running around like a headless chicken)
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vidavalor · 3 months
Hello! I brought leek and potato soup this time! Hope you like something hearty 😊
Not a question but an observation: in the pub in s2, when Aziraphale admits heaven is sending someone to check on the 25 Lazarii miracle, and that he told them he made Nina & Maggie fall in love because that’s the first thing he could think of, Crowley says: “Do a little miracle, wiggle your fingers about, Nina falls for Maggie, problem solved.” And Aziraphale replies: “Ah, miracles don’t work like that.”
So. I guess this means that he tried, and found out the hard way that it doesn’t work, because heaven clearly doesn’t seem to be aware that miracles don’t work like that 😬
Who do you think he tried to cupid into being together? And also, I don’t think Crowley has such a huge knowledge gap about miracles that he wouldn’t know this already, so do you think he’s saying something else in ineffable husband speak here, too?
Allo @procrastiel 💕 Thanks for the soup! It sounds amazing. Coffee? Banana bread? *shares* It's fantastic, if I do say so myself. 😊
I think the scene you're talking about is saying something a little different if you look at two words the show is messing around with in this and other scenes-- passion and miracles-- so, let's do that for a bit...
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In the pub scene, Crowley and Aziraphale actually don't have a gap in their understanding of "how miracles work" when it comes to love. They're actually just, initially, speaking of two different types of emotions: a pash versus a passion.
Because of Aziraphale's use of the word pash to describe his impression of Maggie's feelings for Nina-- and his tone when he does so-- Crowley mistakenly believes at the start of the scene that Aziraphale isn't very invested in Maggie and Nina having an actual relationship. Because of this, Crowley correctly states that doing a miracle would solve their issue. Miracles, in this case, do actually work like this. They can influence-miracle someone to replicate infatuation if they wanted to, which is what Crowley is suggesting, only because his impression from how Aziraphale has phrased Maggie's feelings versus the direness of them keeping Gabriel hidden for everyone's sake has led Crowley to think that such a miracle, while not really advisable, would solve their problem.
Crowley was not present for the scenes Aziraphale had with Maggie prior to the pub scene so he doesn't know how Maggie and Nina came to be roped into this whole 'miracle to protect Gabriel' mess. Crowley, in that moment in the pub, doesn't yet understand that Aziraphale wants to do more about this than just solve the issue when the angels show up to verify the miracle.
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He doesn't know that Aziraphale has this other problem happening where he unintentionally hurt Maggie and now he is trying to fix it so he really does ship the shop lesbians now and he wants them to get real deal love.
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Aziraphale isn't eager to tell Crowley the details about this at this point because, in doing so, he would have to talk more about his own emotions that led him to say the wrong thing here and he's not ready for that. Instead, he clues Crowley into the fact that he wants to see if they can help the women to fall in actual love without telling Crowley at this point the whole saga of how he messed up with Maggie by rejecting the influence miracle idea with:
"Miracles don't work like that."
By this, Aziraphale means what they both know to be true-- that love doesn't work like that.
Love isn't something they can miracle into existence. They can make someone appear infatuated with someone-- that is within their powers-- but they cannot make anyone actually fall in love. They can miracle up something of a manufactured pash but they cannot miracle up a true passion.
Once Crowley understands that Aziraphale is more invested in this relationship and how it plays out, he is then immediately into playing Cupid-- and also into using coming up with ideas as a way to seduce Aziraphale, romantically suggesting that they try to create a scenario like their own first kiss for Maggie and Nina.
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To which Aziraphale, who was just not long ago listening to Maggie-- who barely knows Nina-- sob about a failed attempt at giving Nina, who already has a partner, a record, replies: "Doesn't seem likely," which he means as if to say: there is no way these mortal young ladies who barely know each other and who don't have the slightest idea about romance could ever vavoom the way we did and do and which Crowley playfully takes as Aziraphale jokingly rejecting Crowley's narrative of their romance that has them both dead set, made-for-each-other gone on each other ever since that moment. He grumbles and insists that it's true that if you get humans (them lol) wet and staring into each other's eyes, that it's vavoom, sordid/sorted, and pretends he "saw it in a Richard Curtis film" when they both know exactly what he's talking about.
There is some wordplay in "doesn't seem likely" itself. Seem is homophonic for seam-- part of seamstressing as sexual euphemism-- and likely is of the word like, which can refer to the body (as in, someone's "likeness" and, uh, the like.) Both words are in other scenes as well--("O, Flour of Ssss' Cot Land/When will we see/sea your likes again" 😂)-- but the word choice is mainly just underscoring Aziraphale's whole tone of: um, I wouldn't get your hopes up, dear, I know you love your rainstorms but I'm not sure they are capable of vavooming like us-- it might actually kill them. Please don't break my shop lesbians.
Their initial confusion over this comes from Aziraphale using pash-- British English for an infatuation, or what we in the U.S. refer to as a crush. It's first blush of attraction and not really fully developed. It's puppy love or just thinking someone is attractive without a lot of substance or developed emotion or intimacy. The word comes from passion but, bizarrely, means kind of the opposite of it in many ways, which is part of the wordplay around the word in GO.
Passion was originally a word developed as a result of high up members of Christian theocracy specifically to describe one thing and one thing only: the crucification of Jesus Christ.
It comes from the Old Latin root pati and the Old Latin passio, which mean to suffer and to endure. This word that was originally quite literally created by humans specifically and intentionally to describe the martyrdom of the pivotal figure in Christianity? It is the Grand Dame of Crowley & Aziraphale words because, as we know, it has then been further evolved by humans to also become the foremost word to describe erotic love.
Passion in the erotic, sexual love sense is also in the scene with talk of pash and miracles-- just in synonym form:
Vavoom: Alternatively, va-va-voom: Voluptuously sexy; of, or pertaining to, sensual pleasure; passionate.
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It is primarily these definitions-- the erotic and the religious-- that Good Omens is contrasting but the other meaning of passion is part of the wordplay as well. For instance, as we know, there is a non-religious, non-erotic definition of passion and it is just to have a strong emotion for-- or interest in-- something.
If you are reading this post, it could be said that you are a passionate fan of Good Omens. In S2, Mr. Arnold and Mutt are both convinced by Aziraphale to come to The Meeting Ball based on their passions in life-- Mr. Arnold's love of Doctor Who and Mutt's love of the history of magic. Passion, in this definition, can refer just to things about which we are wild but that are not necessarily an erotic pursuit or that have any religious connection.
It's the erotic love definition, though, that is being most directly contrasted on Good Omens with the religious definition. It began in S1 in the 1.03 Cold Open with the Golgotha scene. Here, we had Crowley and Aziraphale in discussion as they watched the beginning of what would become called The Passion-- the suffering and death of Jesus.
As Jesus is being nailed to the cross, Crowley and Aziraphale discuss him and, in the process, the subject of Crowley's name comes up. It remains the most significant thing in the scene and on where the scene ends because the reveal of it-- something we do not fully understand until S2-- is the other definition of passion in the scene.
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What we can see in S1 is that Crowley has gone by many names and Aziraphale is well-aware of the reputations associated with those personas that Crowley has been adopting. He sounds a bit jealous over Asmodeus, in particular, whom he-- and we-- know to be the Demonic Prince of Lust. While further story indicates that this is largely something that Crowley is play-acting to make everyone think that he's something that he's really not, it is a thing and Aziraphale is pretending to sound like he's not envious of the idea of Crowley's attentions being elsewhere.
It's off of that pretty terribly disguised jealousy lol that Crowley tells Aziraphale what name he's chosen for himself and it's the one we recognize that he has still in the present. We see that the name seems significant to Aziraphale in some way but we don't yet understand why. As a result, we don't fully understand this S1 scene until after 2.02, because we hadn't yet seen the Job minisode that came chronologically before Golgotha:
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As a result of the Job minisode, we now more fully understand that Crowley's confession of sorts was really here, back in 33 A.D.. He changed his name to something with meaning to only himself and Aziraphale and we know now the circumstances that led to why. In doing this and telling Aziraphale, Crowley is admitting to Aziraphale that he's mad about him. The scene is visual wordplay around passion-- The Passion of the Christ and the passion of the Crowley.
So, there's the religious Passion that might become ever more important in a potentially Jesus-oriented S3; there are the passions-- the interests and hobbies of all of the characters; and there's the new pash of Maggie and Nina and its contrasting parallel-- the very old, romantic passion of Crowley and Aziraphale.
So, if Crowley and Aziraphale's language around pash got them mixed about miracles at the start of the pub scene...
...what are miracles to them, exactly?
We've already seen evidence that Aziraphale used the word basically interchangeably with "love" in his "miracles don't work like that." The two of them can perform supernatural miracles so there's always that level of it and there's the human understanding of and definition of miracles in play as well.
To us humans, a miracle may or may not be a word with a religious connotation. Either way, it is an event that is seen as supernatural or divine in its lack of a concrete explanation and its likely inability to be achieved through understood human means. It is always a welcome, positive event. It inspires a sense of joy and wonder in people. It is something magical.
Additionally, if you take apart the word a bit, as remains our strongest wordplay suggestion in the series from its opening war-in-warning shot, you have two other words of note: mir and acle.
Mir is a Russian word meaning peace and also a commune. In the West, it is most familiar to people as the name of the Russian space station in the 1980s and 1990s, which Crowley and Aziraphale probably liked. An acle is a kind of tree... which we could then add to the 'words related to the vavoomy canopy' list.
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In true Good Omens form, it's actually the scene after the one in the pub that underlines the fact that the word miracle is part of their vocabulary-- and it makes not only the pub scene make more sense retrospectively but also some moments in S1 (the "real miracle" bit in 1941, Part 1, in particular.) The scene that shows them being a bit arch about the fact that they mess around with the word miracle is The Clue:
As Aziraphale explains the whole "Everyday" record thing happening with the jukebox at the pub in Edinburgh, he says to Crowley with dramatic flourish that is intentionally over-the-top-- even by Aziraphale standards-- that the mystery: "...is, as you might say, 'a miracle'" to which Crowley replies a dry: "Ooh."
Part of the wordplay is that the more usual way to say what Aziraphale says to Crowley here-- even if flirting with someone-- would be to say that the record mystery "is, as one might say, 'a miracle'". Aziraphale said "as you might say...," a joke on Crowley himself and both of them using miracle to mean more than the supernatural actions they were once assigned to perform.
The amusing thing is that we will learn that The Resurrectionist jukebox mystery actually really is a miracle, in all of Crowley and Aziraphale definitions of the word. It's a romantic action-- Gabriel's miracle for Beez-- that parallels the miracles Crowley and Aziraphale do to romance one another.
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So, what's magical to the magical Crowley and Aziraphale? What's miraculous to these two who can perform literal, supernatural miracles?
Miracles are a kind of magic that inspires wonder and brings about feelings of communion, joy and peace. That definition is, arguably, what a lot of people would call the positive emotions associated with being in love.
To Crowley and Aziraphale then, miracles and the miraculous do not just refer to the supernatural but to the romantic.
If love is miraculous, then talk of miracles can also be talk of love.
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If love is miraculous, then talk of performing miracles can also be talk, on one level, of making love.
You know what was a 25 Lazarii miracle? You and I the other night. We raised the damn dead, old serpent...
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If love is miraculous-- and if talk of performing miracles can be talk of making love-- then performing supernatural miracles can be a form of flirtation and romance.
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If love is miraculous, then expressing how precious the peace you find with your partner is to you is reiterating how much you love them-- especially poignant when spoken in the middle of a disagreement.
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If love is miraculous, then to use supernatural miracles to alter your partner's space-- really: your shared space-- can be a way to tease or a way to comfort.
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If love is miraculous, then performing a joint supernatural miracle together to protect each other and the contentious family that is currently staying in the guest room is basically getting engaged.
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If love is miraculous, then all phrases people have that are related to miracles of any kind can also be phrases related to love.
For instance: Real miracle.
A "real miracle" in the human world is a subjective thing, based upon an individual's level of belief in magical thinking but, to humans open to it, something considered a "real miracle" is something both wondrous and true and, if love is miraculous in Ineffable Husbands Speak, a real miracle would be a way to describe true love.
Since Crowley and Aziraphale can perform literal miracles, though, and since they have a wordplay thing... there's also that real is homophonic for reel.
A reel, in this case, being the part of the fishing rod used to reel in caught fish.
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A real/reel miracle (in Ineffable Husbands Speak): A supernatural miracle performed by one of them only for the purpose of romancing the other; an action the equivalent of expressing love for each other.
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If love is miraculous, though? A miracle does not have to be a supernatural one. Aziraphale, in particular, is especially good at miracles-- acts of love-- performed only with human magic.
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Finally, if love is miraculous, then:
"How about The Ritz? I believe a table for two has just *miraculously* come free."
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Prompt || Bucky and Reader getting sick at the same time. — Requested by @raqnarokr <3
Pairing || TFATWS!Bucky x Female!Reader
Word Count || Around 600
Contents & Warnings || Mild Angst — Bucky and Reader being kind of mean to each other.
Random prompt event || Masterlist
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Usually, when either Bucky or you were sick, the other would be all healthy and good to take care of the other—making warm and delicious soup, giving the best snugs and cuddles. And just overall, be the most fantastic caretaker that would, to the best of their abilities, nurse them back to health.
But this time was the first where you and he were sick simultaneously as you'd both come down with a nasty cold. It proved to be quite challenging and annoying for both of you to be sick as you and he would, most of the time, have different needs for how to stay comfortable and for taking care of your symptoms. And you would snap at each other constantly.
Despite the thick fluffy sweater you were wearing while bundled up in a blanket on the sofa and cuddling close and tight to your sick boyfriend, you still shivered profusely and desperately clung to everything for that little bit of extra warmth. And Bucky was starting to complain that he was burning up.
“Doll, I feel like I'm in a furnace and dying,” he whined in a hoarse voice as he pushed himself away from you with his weak strength to sit on the opposite side of the sofa.
“No, please don't leave me,” you uttered weakly, “I'm so cold.”
“I can't. Just let me be. I'm so hot,” he said rather annoyingly as he situated himself on the other end and took off his warm sweater.
Luckily, Alpine jumped up to you and snuggled with you instead in the bundle of warmth while your grumpy boyfriend sat all cold and alone.
Bucky was coughing and sneezing like crazy for the last hour, and with the raging headache you were having, each noise from him was like an extra aching punch straight to your head.
“... ugh why is this happening to me?” Bucky whined after a violent coughing fit, and not a second later, he went straight on to have a sneezing fit.
You were absolutely losing it, almost at the brink of tears due to how in pain and uncomfortable you were. And since you had no energy to move, you had to endure Bucky's fits, but now, you've honestly had enough of it.
“Can you please just shut up, Bucky! My head's killing me! Please, can you just be a little bit quiet and more considerate,” you sobbed.
“I'm sorry, doll, but what do you want me to do? It's not like I can help it!” He uttered before he continued with his fits.
Taking one of the decorative pillows, you clamped it around your head and over your ears to block out his sounds.
After a week, you and Bucky were starting to feel much better and return to your true selves. And you both acknowledge that you'd been quite mean to one another while sick.
So after you both had a refreshing and much-needed shower, you apologized to each other.
“Bucky, I'm so sorry that I was so mean to you and yelled when you were having your fits,” you said while getting ready for bed, “I hope you know I didn't mean any of it. I love you.”
“Hey.” He made you stop what you were doing and turned you around to face him, palms cradling your cheeks. “It's ok, doll. We were both sick and not ourselves. I love you as well, and I'm sorry for leaving you all alone when you needed me the most.”
“It's ok,” you replied as you stood on your toes and wrapped your arms around his neck, your noses brushing, “let's just try and not get sick at the same time again, ok? It was not fun.”
“Definitely not,” he chuckled as he pressed a long and loving kiss to your lips, a sensation you’d both missed and craved for the past week while you were both sick.
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Thank you for reading 🖤 Feedback through a comment is highly appreciated! Or let me know through an anonymous ask if that feels more comfortable. As well as a reblog to share my work with other people!
Follow @bucky-barnes-diaries-library and turn on notifications to never miss out on my writing!
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racfoam · 1 year
What are your top 5 favorites ff in the whole Harry Potter Fandom?
Oh boy, anon, this is a much broader answer. I'll try to sort them out. Ranked in no particular way. Most of these are M-rated.
Harrymort (M/M)
Entwined by @purplewitch156
AN: Voldemort tries to find Harry who went missing during the Hogwarts battle, and a beautiful ending paired with a wonderful sequel. I love it with all my heart. Voldemort crossed space to find Harry. Literally. Those snowflakes at the end of Entwined are forever in my mind, like a moving photograph.
Retreat Series by Lomonaaeren
Such wonderful characterization and story, of how they grow closer in their marriage. Voldemort is fantastically written.
Two Words in Green Ink by @riddleandpottersittinginatree
Soulmate AU. Harry has Avada Kedavra on his wrist. Voldemort finds out.
Speechless. Please go read this. It’s beautiful.
Love in the Dark by @shouldertallabyss
This is the Voldemort Wins that I need, starring snake-face Voldy. This is where it's at. Beautifully written slow-burn. It sucks you in and doesn't let go, just like Voldemort doesn't let go of Harry. I want to give Harry a big hug and wrap him in a blanket.
I Can't Carry This Anymore by lemonchase
Voldemort's Soup Delivery Service by @duplicitywrites
In Due Thyme by @rudehellion
Voldemort and Harry are married but Voldemort avoids Harry because he’s bad at feelings. Harry decorates for the holidays hoping to give a message across and there is wonderful symbolism. Such a heart-warming one shot. My heart melted.
Run Boy Run by @youknowmevj
A full 5k words of a hide and seek and chase scene, predator/prey of Harry trying to escape his snakey husband (they're married, your honour, Voldemort put a ring on it!) who enjoys the chase. The strategies Harry uses are so well-done and well thought of. The hiding and running are so well done and so wonderfully described in detail, I was holding my breath the entire time. How Harry hides and how intense it all is, and when Voldemort finds him it gets deliciously steamy. It ends with the married couple going back to bed with Vee holding Harry’s hand. There are even details about the current wizarding world sprinkled in how it is under Voldemort's rule. The best hide and seek Harrymort fic ever written. Wonderful one-shot.
Mirrored by brainstorm1001
This fic is the Harrymort treasure trove. The first chapter starts in the Malfoy Manor Scene and Voldemort manages to make it before Harry escapes. And Harry, the courageous, feral, favourite Gryffindor... punches the Dark Lord in the family jewels. The Heir of Slytherin sure won't be making any more Heirs of Slytherin now. xD If that doesn’t get you reading the fic, I don't know what will. It's a classic.
- recommended by @leafiloaf
Thank you, @leafiloaf for reminding me of it. ❤️
The Cave Incident by brainstorm1001
Another classic in the Harrymort fic treasure trove. Harry & Voldemort get trapped in a cave and have to work together to get out.
Tomarrymort (M/M)
draw me after you (let us run) by @toast-ranger-to-a-stranger
Harry runs. Voldemort chases. They fall in love in-between.
A wonderful trip around the world while a Dark Lord chases Harry and ends up vying for his hand? Beautiful. It has lore, it has great plot, side characters are interesting, it has magic, it has tension, Voldemort is a flirt, Harry is adorable when he blushes and his ears go all red, and my heart skips ten beats when I see an update e-mail on this fic because I am being fed very well.
Haunted and Hunted by @obsidianpen
Canon Divergence from 6th Year. Voldemort finds out Harry is his Horcrux after 5th Year and tells Harry he will come for him. Harry, bless his impulsive brain, leaves the safety of the wards and is captured and put into enchanted sleep. This is a Tomarrymort treasure trove.
Bring tissues for the sequel. You’ll need them.
Heir Apparent by @monsieurclavier
Harry time travels and crashed into Voldemort’s home. He speaks Parseltongue so Voldemort assumes that Harry is his son. After all, only his heir could speak Parseltongue. Harry goes along with it. Daddymort is very touchy with his son and is also a big sugar daddy to him, and a SIMP to boot. Also, Abraxas is lucky to have Morgane as his wife. Morgane Malfoy, ladies and gentlemen, slays in this fic. Absolutely. Slays. Queen. Also, Bellatrix vying for Harry (I think she'll jump him at some point, actually physically jump on the poor lad) and Vee being jealous and possessive is hilarious. A detail I love in the fic are the wizarding clothes, I love their descriptions.
(the world) and its quiet turning by @tommarvoloriddlesdiary
A cease of conflict is reached. Voldemort makes sure Harry is okay. They gravitate toward each other after that. It is such a sweet, lovely, heart-warming series and each fic is just wonderful. I love it very much.
Tomarry (M/M)
Terrible But Great by @isalisewrites
My boooys. Isa's Harry has me in a chokehold, I would do anything for him, I would brush his hair, I would cook for him, I would give him shoulder massages, I would wrap him up in a blanket and I would fight Voldemort for him. Nobody hurts him. They have to go through me. Tom is an oblivious baby Dark Lord and keeps underestimating Harry. I love them, your honour.
like a parasite (kill my butterflies) by @tommarvoloriddlesdiary
Tom finds himself dangling off the ledge. Literally. Harry offers a helping hand.
Female Harry (Tomarry, Harrymort, Tomarrymort)
she walks in beauty by @mayfriend
The Soulmate AU fic with soul marks that has me in a deadlock. My favourite Female Harry and the one that I re-read to this day.
I have three words for you all: Avada Kedavra and LIAR.
“Give me the stone, Harriet, and I will make you a queen. Give me the stone, Harriet. You were meant to be mine.”
I am in shambles. This line will haunt me to my grave. Do you know what it means, that a sentence is so in-character and that I can hear Voldemort say it to Harry, that it will follow me to the grave? Do you know how brilliant that is, that it will stick with me to the grave? I love you, mayfriend. Thank you.
Precious Horcrux by @loneamaryllis (Harrymort)
Me to Precious Horcrux: “I have crossed oceans of AO3 to find you.”
Voldemort Wins AU, Female Harry with snake-face Voldy (finally, finally, finally) hot smut, wonderful plot, everyone is in-character, Voldemort is horny for Harrie and Harrie only.I cried of joy when I found this fic. I'm not kidding. I cried with JOY. I needed this fic since the beginning of the Female Harry cave I fell into. I have been searching for this fic since forever. Thank you, author. Thank you.
for love is always with you by @cordeliawrites (Tomarry)
Another Soulmate & Soul Marks fic. I think most of the fandom knows of this one.
Voldemort finishing the words to Harri left me sobbing at 11pm. I need an AU with them ruling together, screw morals. Voldemort deserved to have his chance, too. Brb, I need to cry. My Tomarry heart was happy, but my Harrymort heart was shattered into pieces, and I'm still trying to find them.
(dishes out my credit card) Do you accept bribery? I will pay. I'm not kidding. I will pay.
Appetence by @elysian-drops (Tomarrymort)
Voldemort finds out Harri is his Horcrux on the graveyard. He wants her back to his side.
I've been following this one since the first chapter! It's amazing!
the one where she is head over heels for him by @latteloves (Tomarry)
🎶A little bit of fluffy Tomarry in my life, a little bit of Harry being absolutely in love with Tom by my side, a little bit of James & Lily alive is all I need, a jealous Tom is all I see, a little bit of Tomarry in the sun, a little bit of blushing Harry all night long, a cute kiss makes me a happy Tomarry shipper. 🎶
When Harry Met Tom by The_Carnivorous_Muffin (Tomarry)
This fic. This fic. This fic! I LOVE IT SO. Harry time travels and meets Tom. They spend a year at Hogwarts together. The fic is on-going.
To Become A Dark Lord by Blood_Stained_Fingers (Harrymort)
Boss ass bitch Harry wants to become the next Dark Lord, and all the schemes she schemes and the friends/allies she makes. A bit of dark Harry, I love it very much. At the end, Voldemort is very interested in helping Harry along. A wonderful, enchanting one shot.
To Be One by wynnebat (Tomarrymort)
Female Voldemort with Canon Harry
Closer the Better by @youknowmevj
Lady Voldemort takes her handsome, human Horcrux Harry Potter into her care after finding out he is her Horcrux. Harrymort shenanigans ensues, including Harry carrying other Horcruxes. What do they all have in common? Wanting to be atop Harry, of course!
I need Voldemort atop Harry. Vish! (rattling the bars of my cage) Vish, when is Voldemort gonna top Harry? I need it, Vish! Pleaaaase!
Voldemort Adopts Harry
Methods of Humanity by local_doom_void
DADA Professor Harry
Invisible Man by RenderedReversed (Harrymort)
Hogwarts, to welcome you home by gedsparrowhawk (FaceChanger)
“You understand, Professor,” Harry began, after a moment, “that I don’t have my N.E.W.T.s. I never even finished seventh year. Between everything, I never had a chance the first time around, and then afterwards there didn’t seem to be much point. Hermione argued for it, of course, but I was so tired of Britain. So technically, I am completely unqualified for the position.”
“Quite a way to begin an interview, Mr. Potter,” McGonagall said, dryly.
Or, three years after the war, Harry Potter becomes Hogwarts' newest Defense Against the Dark Arts professor.
Princeps by Lomonaaeren
Harry makes a plan. He time-travels to the 1970s and becomes the DADA Professor, keeping an eye on the Slytherins and trying to keep them out of trouble. The trouble being joining Voldemort’s ranks.
There are other ships, but for now this is for the Tomarry/Harrymort/Tomarrymort since they are my OTP. If you want, send me an ask for other ships.
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kandisheek · 3 months
SERIES: The Foodieverse by copperbadge, scifigrl47
Pairing: Steve/Tony Rating: T Words: 164,406 Tags: Chef AU, Food Truck, Hipsters
Summary: It's an AU where everyone works in the food industry. That makes total sense and is definitely not wildly irrational on any axis.
Reasons why I love it: This AU is chicken noodle soup for the soul. It's funny, fluffy, makes me hungry and happy, and generally is something that I consider a cornerstone of this fandom. If you haven't read it yet, do yourself a favor and get right on it, because it's amazing! There are 22 fics and podfics in this series, so while I'm not going to list all of them here, I'm going to rec some of my favorites. But really, you should read all of them front to back, because they're fantastic and deserve all the love.
This series consists of:
Feed The Body, Nourish The Soul
Pairing: Gen Rating: T Words: 6,542 Tags: Hipster Steve, Humor, Cook-Off
Summary: Steve Rogers just wanted to sell good, nourishing, cheap food from his food truck. Now the crazy fusion chefs from TOBRU are calling him a hipster, the avant garde restaurant "Shield" across the street has declared war on chains, and...well, then there's Thor, who thinks Steve's habit of licking food is weird.
Reasons why I love it: The one that started it all. I love all of the different restaurants and the choices of who runs them, it feels very in character. Also, the dialogue is hilarious, and I really, really want to try one of Thor's crunchy crab thingies and Steve's rhubarb-pie-on-a-stick, but alas, I guess some things must remain in the realm of fantasy. Also, Steve the Hot Foodie going viral is the best thing ever. Definitely check this one out, it's great!
Hot Potato
Pairing: Steve/Tony Rating: G Words: 2,251 Tags: Food Trucks, Cooking Show, Potatoes
Summary: Potato Rescue is the hottest new food truck nobody knows about. Steve is determined to make Sam Wilson king of all potatoes.
Reasons why I love it: Yaaaas, bring in some Sam! I love the hints of Winterfalcon here, and Steve pretty much becoming the leader of the Sam Wilson fanclub after eating his food once is my favorite thing ever. I adore this fic, it's so much fun!
Pairing: Steve/Tony Rating: G Words: 2,245 Tags: Comic-Con, partly RPF, Humor
Summary: Tony's idea of a food truck is...interesting.
Reasons why I love it: I would pay good money to see Chris Evans in that Hetalia cosplay. I love how Tony can't help but go completely overboard in everything he does, and how everyone has become a little culinary family. This fic is super funny and sweet, as is this whole series, and I really hope you check it out!
A Movable Feast
Pairing: Steve/Tony Rating: T Words: 74,388 Tags: Road Trips, Kidfic, AU Crossover
Summary: The epic road trip of food truck hipster Steve Rogers, chef Tony Stark, and self-propelled trouble magnet DJ Fujikawa.
Reasons why I love it: Alright, so, if you're a fan of scifigrl47's OCs, specifically DJ Stark, then you'll probably be like me and squeal with joy when you realize that this fic is a fucking Foodieverse and Tales of the Bots CROSSOVER, oh my god, this is the best thing ever!! I'm so goddamn happy this exists, and even if you haven't read TotB, you'll definitely still enjoy this fic, so I really hope you give it a shot!
A Taste of Home
Pairing: Steve/Tony Rating: T Words: 24,066 Tags: Domestic Fluff, Comfort Food, Sick Tony
Summary: Tony Stark runs one of the most celebrated molecular gastronomy restaurants in the country. Steve Rogers parks his food truck on the curb outside, with food that's no less brilliant and well made, but possibly more filling. They end up at Tony's place almost every night, and while he's not objecting, Tony's starting to wonder just why that is.
Reasons why I love it: This fic is just fantastic. The food porn is food porning, the humor is superb, and the hint of angst is like a little cherry on top. I love the entire part where Tony is sick, Steve is adorable and Isaiah and Eli have my entire heart. Plus, Bucky is a menace, as usual. I love everything about this and the whole series in general, and I really hope that you go and check it out for yourself, if you haven't already!
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cologona · 5 months
If you won some sort of lottery contest and DC allowed you to write a comic run for any character, any topic, no limits, what would your comic be like?
What kinda plot and characters would you want to etch into official DC canon? (Or would you prefer to write an elseworlds kinda thing?)
-redhoodinternaldialectical from the "main" blog
Sorry it took a while to answer this, I got pretty carried away! Jason is my favorite character and the character I know most about, so of course I'd write about him. This is going to be pretty long winded and fanfic-y, hope you don’t mind!
First things first I’m making both UTRH and Lost Days mostly canon again. Jason was a crime lord who did Mean Crime Lord Things for a while and that’s what I’ve decided everyone is referring to when they gesture vaguely to his villainous past.
I’m also bringing back the original “big boob” backstory where Jason makes Bruce laugh on the anniversary of his parents’ death. Catherine was an opioid addict due to illness, Willis was the person who taught Jason about cars (and thus how to jack tires) and Faye Gunn is no longer Jason’s grandma. (I really disliked Ma Gunn’s “redemption” in RHATO.) Just in case, I’m also reiterating Sheila’s role in Jason’s death.
Here’s a few lines I came up with for the Todds:
Jason keeps the letters Willis sent him from prison - the ones Ma Gunn hid- in the same picture frame that holds his Robin graduation photo with Bruce. He loved and resented Willis in equal parts, but mostly he regrets not having gotten more time. It’s all the same with fathers.
Catherine is curled up in bed, her expression is half a grimace. She asks Jason, who is reading a picture-book by her side, to get her ‘medicine’ for her. Jason doesn’t know how else to help her feel better so… that’s exactly what he does. In a moment, he returns with a small heart shaped box and a cup of microwaved soup.
If I can imply in some way that Catherine is in denial about the possibility of her dying I’d like to do that too.
I’m also doing a total overhaul of the All-Caste.
Essence is getting proper Tibetan braids, Ducra is going to wear a khampa chuba instead of her current old coat, and the Acres-of-All are getting reimagined as a towering Ziggurat with all the murals, pillars, curtains, and ornate trim befitting a monastery! The All-caste of memory will be bright and fantastical, but the ruins of the present will be dark and spooky.
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Some references for what I'm talking about.
I’m also reframing the “Absolute Evil” part of the All-blades’ description to be an epithet for the Untitled. The sword is not literally judging Goodness and Evilness anymore; now they cut through negative psychic energy Jujutsu Kaisen style. I don’t think I need to spell out a justification for Jason being able to summon them whenever, but for any sticklers I’ll just say it’s because Jason- like the Untitled- has a lot of bad feelings and trace amounts of Dionesium in his system (among assorted other chemicals.)
Since Lost Days is being brought back that means instead of spending an entire 3 years with the All-Caste, Jason only spent a few weeks with them during his world-wide training arc. Ostensibly because a little magic would give him an edge over Batman. Ducra wouldn’t normally just give away powerful magic weapons to any chump with a free weekend, and she knew Jason was dangerous, but since the All-Blades are so specific and the ritual to attain them nigh-unsurvivable she saw an opportunity to use Jason. Sure she's one of the Good Guys, but she's not called a conniving old witch for nothing hoohoo!
Now a few plot ideas for a vague overall mini-arc.
First, Jason goes to ugly lengths to protect or prevent consequences from finding one of his family. Maybe someone threatens their secret identity…? The ‘opponent’ should be someone innocent and/or noble but not easily bought or fought. Maybe Vicki Vale, another Hero, or some kind of wealthy heir. The point is to cast doubt on if Jason’s return to the Bats is really so unquestionably redeeming. Jason has pretty much chosen to betray his morals for them after all.
Then, Jason chooses not to kill a villain who shortly afterwards victimizes more people and skips town before he can get caught. Basically a rehash of Diplomat’s Son except the Garzonas figure gets away. It’s technically a win for Batman- his presence kept Gotham safe after all. But it doesn’t feel like a win, especially not to Jason.
And finally, Jason frames himself for various murders committed by victims against their abusers. Maybe kick the story off with one of Ma Gunn’s boys killing her and telling the cops it was Red Hood in a desperate bid to avoid jail.
Obviously Jason can’t be allowed to do this long-term. It’s a bad precedent to set, an obstruction of justice, etc… Jason hasn’t broken The Big Rule though, and Bruce can only act so sanctimonious when those same complaints could be are made about him as well. There’s no way this ends any other way than Batman running Red Hood out of Gotham again and they both know it, but neither deviates from the path set before them.
One or two “monster of the week” issues where Jason fights various assassins and bounty hunters sent by his more influential enemies might be good- one should occur right after the above story. A consequence for his “return to form” so to speak. Batfamily fans may appreciate a scene where Bruce says something indicating that he ran Jason out for his own safety as well as Gotham’s. Batman may be able to hide in Bruce Wayne’s skin during the day but Jason’s only identity is that of Red Hood, and at times that makes him vulnerable in a way other heroes aren’t. This + some panels contrasting the generic mercenary look of Jason’s guns and equipment with the Bats’ spandex future-tech will be great for showing how separate Jason is from the Bats.
Now while Jason’s out of Gotham again there’s this detail in one of RHATO’s flashbacks that I want to expand on- that being how he used to be able to summon a lot more All-blades.
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Red Hood Outlaw 34
“I had a lot of soul back then” - implying that he has a lot less soul now…!?
Jason’s been through a lot, in life sure but also more recently. Fight scenes where the All-blades take the form of daggers would not only be cool and evocative of the wavy dagger Talia gifted him way back when, they’d be good visual sign of his declining emotional state.
Later on as his soul ‘shrinks’ further, I’d give him a pair of mystical guns through which he can channel his All-blades into bullets. If it’s another gift from Talia I’m thinking dark brass revolvers with paisley filigree and a red Endless Knot charm hanging from each handle. If they’re from Essence or S’aru I’m thinking black lacquer and silver cloud-patterned ornamentation, with red coral embedded on either side of the gun. Beautiful Bayonetta-style guns with glowing red veins and a cowboy flair!
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antique guns which inspired me
As for what he’s using the All-blades (All-bullets?) for, I think it’d be fun to have Jason exorcising some ghosts. He can solve various murder mysteries, figure out why this place or that person is haunted, and get into fights with horrific otherworldly creatures. Jason is an interesting character to do this premise with because he might just determine that some some spirits should get their revenge, and act on behalf of a ghost rather than erasing it.
I’m not sure whether I’d want to have Essence join him or not… On one hand it only makes sense that Jason would help Isabel and Essence find a way to free themselves from the Blood Blade, and that goal would provide his character with some direction. Then again, Essence/Isabel could be cool as antagonists. Jason might see some ghosts as valid but Essence probably wouldn’t see any merit in appeasing manifestations of lingering resentment. She’s similar to him in that she also turned her back on her family, but she’s different in that she did it because she believed so wholeheartedly in their cause. She’s old and sort of a Jedi, but she’s hot-blooded and she’ll never not be Ducra’s daughter in the same way it seems Jason can never escape Batman’s shadow. I bet she has some real juicy sunk-cost fallacy type thinking too, that’d be fun to dig into.
Anyways I think this is a pretty good set-up to explore the politics/morality of forgiveness. What makes the difference between an injustice and a hatchet that ought to be buried? When is forgiveness empowering and when is it coerced? Who is it that must forgive? Justice vs Revenge, that whole kind of thing.
Other than the supernatural stuff I want Jason working with Talia, and I’m reintroducing Sasha to the post-52 continuity. Duela is getting nixed.
I don’t really have any specific plot ideas for Talia, but I would like to establish Jason as one of her associates. With Lost Days back they have basis for an actual relationship again. They’re not always on the same side but Jason can sometimes do tasks for Talia (outside the purview of Ra’s and the LOA), and Talia can occasionally support Jason with various social power-play type moves.
An instance of Jason getting into a fight with one of the Bats because he’s doing a favor for Talia would be great! I wouldn't write Talia as an evil evil bad horrible dragon lady, so it shouldn’t be a huge blow to Jason’s status as a Good Guy. Also I like the idea of Jason and Talia’s relationship mostly being inferred through their actions supporting one another, rather than directly showing much ‘on-screen’ interaction between them.
Also it’ll be interesting to go into Bruce, Dick, and Damian’s reaction to finding out that they’re not the only ones Jason is loyal to. Bruce thinking Talia was a bad influence on Jason (like fanon), silently frustrated because what he really wants is for Jason to be a full Bat-Believer (like the good old days…). Dick being fine with Jason never falling fully in-line with Bruce, provided that at the end of the day his loyalty belonged to his family.
-brief topical detour to talk about Sasha-
The new timeline of events is that Jason and Sasha met as fellow patients while Jason was in his Vague Villain era. They escaped the hospital building together (Sasha in her bloody dress, and Jason naked save for his skimpy hospital gown dhoti) and having no one else they stuck together. They got close but at some point Sasha lost her memories, giving her a chance at a fresh start. This was around the same time Jason “redeemed” himself and so just like Max Dawkins, ‘Numbers’, and Gabby Christiensen -Sasha became another person from Jason’s past that he didn’t let himself have a relationship with.
Sasha was just old enough that she didn’t have to be sent into foster care, so with some help from Wayne Foundations she got her GED and her feet underneath her. Now… she goes to work, goes to her physical therapy appointments, fights with her mother over the phone, and yes- sometimes she goes to the club.
The new Sasha still has spiky red hair but her face looks entirely normal save for a subtle scar tracing around her jawline and chin- the edges of where her mask used to sit. She wears dark makeup and even darker clothes. She’s prone to false memories and dissociation. She’s lost most of her ability to feel pain. She can’t watch certain shows she used to love anymore because they trigger her. She never returned to Russia. She doesn’t have many friends.
Since this is comics, her reintroduction will come by way of a dramatic fight. Sasha will regain her memories one day and show up out of the blue to fight Jason, angry and heartbroken that he abandoned her. He tries to explain himself but she just says look what they did to my face, referring to the facial reconstructive surgery she was given while amnesiac. She’ll be difficult to fight, not only because being a partial Dollotron gives her enhanced strength but also because she’s being reckless and the longer they fight the more strain and damage her body accrues.
After Jason apologizes and they reconcile (they will both cry) Sasha can become a recurring side character that Jason visits, keeping him grounded and up to date with Gotham. I think it'd be cute for her to bid him farewell by saying she’ll hold the city hostage until he comes back. (Is Sasha going to become Jason’s love interest? No. If I give Jason a love interest it’s going to be Numbers.)
--Going back to the previous topic, I want Sasha’s return to be part of this greater arc of Jason addressing his "shrinking soul" problem. My brain is a little fried now so I’m not exactly sure how but she is related. I think she ought to be.
Jason wants Bruce to be right. He would like for his problem to be fixed by going home and saying sorry. But at the end of my run I want him to face the reality that it’s not about that.
...Perhaps it should be about Jason 'abandoning' Gotham? I don’t really want the final thesis of my run to imply that Jason’s soul would just be fixed if he killed Rogues though, and Jason always came back whenever a big disaster was happening so it doesn't quite fit anyways… Jason does believe in the value of “pure” heroes it’s just not what he’s supposed to be. Whatever his problem's “about” , it ought to prompt Jason to stop taking Bruce’s shit. I'm saying the man is literally breaking Jason's spirit.
I’m sympathetic to Bruce but I wouldn’t write him as a nice father. I would also have scene where a younger Bat accuses Jason of being overdramatic despite 'not even having it the worst’. I don't know who 'has it the worst' but I want to make a statement that you don't need to win the pain-race to be fed up.
Ah anyways, now my brain is really fried. I hope this post was coherent all the way through, I neglected to edit and organize my thoughts as much towards the end. Thank you for asking me such a great question, I had a lot of fun thinking about it! :D
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whumpshaped · 8 months
Stray 4
prev masterlist
tw institutional/systemic pet whump, second person pov (and you're the pet!)
You stare at the bowl for a while, contemplating. Technically, he didn't do anything to prevent you from eating it. However... if he comes back, would he still let you have the better food if you ate the paste? You have no idea. And now that he left the cat food, you probably won't lose out on anything if you just give him a moment to bring whatever he wants.
But that doesn't mean you have to leave it out in the open for any real stray cat to snatch up either.
You quickly walk over to the bowl and grab it, then scurry back behind the dumpster. You find yourself fantasising about better food despite yourself. In the shelter, you have been given bread with a crunchy exterior and soft middle, topped with the tastiest cheese and wonderfully fresh vegetables. They have given you warm soup with soft potatoes in it, and sometimes, on really special days, they have even allowed you to have a cupcake. They never told you what the occasion was, but it must've been something good.
It's so easy to romanticise your life from back then. So easy to regret running. So easy to think that maybe, maybe this man will treat you as gently and lovingly as the staff in the shelter have.
You stare at the cat food paste, the stench of it almost as bad as the taste. You close your eyes and try to imagine a bowl of soup instead, something that would warm you up from the inside out even in this harsh, cold weather. You really hope he brings you soup. There is nothing you want more than soup.
You can't help flinching when you hear footsteps from the open end of the alley, but the familiar voice puts you at ease. "Hey, love. I'm back." The man is panting, but he's clearly doing his best to sound as soothing as possible. "I brought lots of stuff for you... You're... still here, yeah?"
You poke your head out and he lets out a relieved sigh. Your eyes widen at the array of food in his hands. And is that—
"I have some soup here... Well, it's just some instant noodles. But I thought you might appreciate the warm stuff... And I also brought some crackers, in case you didn't like the noodles... These are kinda plain, but uh, I don't know what you like, so... Oh, and I had this pre-packaged sandwich too, so I brought that as well... I even threw in an apple in case you liked none of the other options— I'm sorry, I got a little carried away. I hope there's something here that you like."
You're practically vibrating with hunger. Your stomach is rumbling so loudly, there's no way he can't hear it. Why won't he put those down and go away? You really, really want to have at them.
"The only issue is... I'm kind of holding them very awkwardly," he says sheepishly. "I'm afraid I'll drop the soup if I try to put anything down. Can you, um... Can you please take that from me?"
taglist: @whumpsday @the-scrapegoat @project-xiii @justletmereadmywhump @sariadragon @sowhumpful @books-are-everything @littlespacecastle @captain-bo-bob-bobby @morning-star-whump @a-formless-entity @nyooom @100percentevil @catnykit @whumpinthepot @snakebites-and-ink @expressionless-fr
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lemonsprite · 1 year
𝐘𝐮𝐥𝐞𝐭𝐢𝐝𝐞 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐬 || 𝐁𝐢𝐥𝐛𝐨 𝐁𝐚𝐠𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐬 𝐱 𝐓𝐡𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐧 𝐎𝐚𝐤𝐞𝐧𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐞𝐥𝐝
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Summary: idk Yule something something something bro I don't know what to write it's just a bunch of fluff and tiny Frodo content
Word count: 2K
A/N: This was cross-posted on my ao3!
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Dearest Thorin, 
I regret to inform you I won’t be able to spend the winter months with you this year as much as I’d like to. Unfortunately, my dear cousins the Brandybuck-bagginses have passed in a terrible boating accident and as much as this time hurts for my family, they have asked that I may take in my cousin's only son, Frodo. Of course, I have agreed as is right to do. Poor lad lost both his parents in one day, I can only imagine what he’s going through right now. 
Yavannah knows this is the last thing I’d ever want but I must take care of the boy for now. I hope you can understand. Perhaps I can visit in the summertime, I’m sure Frodo would love to see Erebor someday. 
Your burglar, 
Bilbo Baggins
Bilbo looked down sadly at the sealed envelope in his hands. He’d been looking extremely forward to spending Yule with Thorin. Yet that was all a distant thought now, He has a boy to look after. Frodo sat next to him, only nine years old and inexplicably quiet. Bilbo had given him one of his books he’d picked up on his journey to the lonely mountain. Some sort of elvish novel filled with fantastical fairy tales and stories of yore. 
When Frodo had been younger he’d used to jump for joy when Uncle Bilbo came bearing gifts of books to family gatherings, now he sat staring at the same page for the past fifteen minutes his face emotionless and his eyes distant. 
Bilbo sighed and ran a hand through his curly hair, turning his attention back to the letter in his hand. 
“I’ll be right back, Frodo.” He said, giving the boy the biggest smile he could muster at the moment.
Frodo blinked in response, not even turning to look Bilbo in the eye. 
The hobbit pursed his lips and tucked the envelope into his waistcoat pocket. 
It was snowing hard outside and the windows of Bag-end rattled with the force of the wind. It was a true blizzard in the making. Hopefully, the bird would be able to make it to Thorin. 
Barely half a month had passed since Bilbo sent his letter. Frodo seemed to return slightly to his younger self. He’d begun asking Bilbo questions about his journeys once more, the young hobbit would stop in the hallways of Bag-end and pester Bilbo until he told him the story behind the map hanging on the wall or the set or dwarven battle armor sitting in the corner, long forgotten. 
They sat together at the dinner table two bowls of beef stew lay untouched before them, it was getting late. 
“Don’t you want your soup Frodo?” Asked Bilbo. “It’s one of your favorites.” He encouraged, attempting to get his picky-eater of a nephew to eat. 
Frodo scowled, poking at the meat in his stew with his fork. 
Their silence was broken by the loud noise of Bilbo’s bell signaling there was someone at the door. Bilbo cleared his throat and sat up from his seat. 
The elder hobbit walked gingerly to the front of Bag-end, wondering who in their right mind would be pestering a hobbit this late during supper of all times. 
Decades ago the last time his bell had rung at this hour he’d become an unwilling party member on a long and quite bothersome adventure. 
Bilbo threw open the door to reveal a quite serious-looking dwarf. Yet that was not the source of his surprise (He quite expected this to happen if Bilbo was being truthful, he had a tendency to attract unwanted visitors) What really shocked the hobbit was that the dwarf was none other than Thorin Oakenshield himself. 
“Thorin?” He gaped, staring wide-eyed at the dwarrow in front of him. “Wha? Huh?” 
“Where’s the little pebble, hm?” Asked Thorin a serious glint in his eye, trying to peer past Bilbo’s shoulder into the den. 
“pebble?” Asked Bilbo still trying to work out why Thorin was here in the first place. He raised his hands to back peddle their conversation. “Hold on- aren’t you supposed to be at Erebor?” 
Thorin waved his hand dismissively. “Fili’s got it under control, it’ll be a good experience for him.”
“Good experience? Thorin, that's an entire kingdom to run by himself!” Exclaimed Bilbo, flabbergasted at the dwarf’s carelessness. 
“And he has Balin to take care of him, he’ll be fine,” explained Thorin, putting a hand on Bilbo’s shoulder. “Besides, you need more help than him right now.” 
“I don’t think that's a very even comparison.” Laughed Bilbo, looking at Thorin as if he’d just magically turned into a monkey. “Look, come inside, I don’t want you catching a cold out in the snow.” The hobbit sighed, opening the door further for the dwarven king to enter. 
Thorin shook the snow off his thick fur coat and turned to Bilbo, giving the other a stern look. 
“It may not seem like that hard of an ordeal Bilbo but raising a child is no laughing matter.” He tsked. “When my brother-in-law died I helped Dis out with the boys every day, I essentially became like their father. I know what child-rearing is like.” 
“So you’ve come all this way to help me?” Asked Bilbo, looking Thorin up and down curiously. “Not to mention how fast you got here, I didn’t even know it was possible to travel from Erebor to the Shire in less than a month.” 
Thorin's face turned red, he looked everywhere but Bilbo’s eyes, muttering something unintelligible. 
“What was that?” Asked Bilbo, a smile pulling at his lips. 
“I also may have wanted to spend Yule with you,” Thorin grumbled, his voice deep and gravely, like a bear. 
Bilbo grinned at Thorin, the tips of his pointed ears turning red. 
“Uncle Bilbo, why is there a dwarf in our parlor?” Came Frodo's voice from the doorway, his curly head peeking out from the corner. 
Bilbo opened his mouth to speak but Thorin beat him to the chase.
“You must be Frodo.” He smiled, wrapping his arm around Bilbo’s shoulder and pulling him close to the dwarf’s side. 
Bilbo coughed, clearing his throat, denying the feeling of warmth that spread throughout his body at Thorin's touch. 
“Frodo, you recall Thorin from my adventures, hm?” He asked, waving a careless hand in the general direction of the dwarf. 
The younger hobbit's pointed ears perked up and he stared up at Thorin in awe. “The king under the mountain?” Frodo exclaimed in astonishment. 
“At your service,” Thorin replied, a soft smile spreading across his face. 
Frodo’s excitement was basically tangible, he was practically bouncing off the walls as he ran up to Thorin, the young hobbit twiddling his fingers in nervousness. 
“Did you really fight a dragon?” He asked in amazement, looking up at Thorin as if he’d saved his life instead of Bilbo’s. 
Thorin was about to answer when Bilbo cut him off. 
“Good little hobbits finish their dinner first, you can bombard him with all your questions after you finish your stew.” 
Frodo grumbled, frowning hard as he glanced back at Thorin. 
“You know…” Said Thorin looking around the room as if he was afraid someone would overhear him. “I brought all these toys from Erebor… But I was strictly told by my advisors to only give them to shirelings who finish their suppers.” He glanced at Bilbo, shooting him a small smile. 
Bilbo rolled his eyes in obvious annoyance, yet his smile told another story. 
Frodo gasped, looking back and forth between Bilbo and Thorin before making a mad dash for the dining room, determined to eat all his soup. 
“How about I show you around a bit? Before the little devil inhales his stew I mean…” Added Bilbo, his eyes still on the doorway Frodo had just sped through. “It's been quite a while since you last visited… Four years if I remember correctly.” 
“Four years far too long.” Sighed Thorin, pulling Bilbo even closer to his side. “If I had my way I’d visit you every year.” 
“You have a kingdom to run.” Rationalized Bilbo. “Besides, it takes three months to travel from Erebor to the Shire… Usually.” He continued glancing up at Thorin. 
The dwarf met him with an exasperated shrug. 
“I would like that tour, however,” Thorin added as an afterthought, looping his and Bilbo’s arms together. “Show me where I’ll be sleeping, hm?” 
“I see you’ve gotten a lot more books in your study since I last visited.” Observed Thorin as Bilbo led him into his office. 
“Elrond half-elven gave me them as gifts since I’ve learned to speak Sindarin and Quenya. told me they’d help expand my knowledge.” Bilbo smiled, patting Thorin’s arm which was still entangled in his. 
Thorin scoffed, rolling his eyes. “Damn elves, next thing you know they’ll be coming to Bag-end to join us for Yule.” 
“They might as well.” Added Bilbo smugly. “I’m told we bagginses are quite good at making foreign friends.” 
Thorin rolled his eyes playfully at the hobbit's remark as Bilbo continued. The hobbit led Thorin through a circular door into his bed chambers. 
Bilbo’s room hadn’t changed much since the four years of Thorin’s absence. A new quilt sat neatly on top of his bed, illustrating the shire and its surplus gardens. On the hobbit's nightstand was an assortment of parenting books stacked to reach a combined height of an average elf. One of Bilbo’s coats (An extremely well-made dwarven garment) sat draped over a cushioned armchair that hadn’t been there previously. Thorin had given the coat to Bilbo as a Yule present eight years ago, part of him melted seeing it displayed. 
“I assume you’ll be staying here with me…” Bilbo dawdled on, looking anywhere but Thorin, the tips of his ears turning red. “That is- if you want to.” He added hurriedly.
Thorin nodded his head furiously. 
“I want to.” 
Bilbo smiled sheepishly, tugging nervously at his copper curls. 
 A silence fell between them and Thorin faltered, grabbing Bilbo’s hand. 
“We need to talk, my burglar.” 
Bilbo stared back at the dwarven king, his smile hesitating. 
“I agree.” 
Bilbo busied himself by straightening invisible wrinkles on his bed sheets and sat down with Thorin next to him. The hobbit sighed, he’d had a feeling they’d be having this discussion one way or another. 
An uncomfortable silence filled the air with thick tension. Thorin was the first to speak. 
“Our original plan isn’t going to work now, isn’t it?” He asked, rubbing his thumb over Bilbo’s knuckles, making the hobbit's face flush and his ears ring. 
“I suppose Frodo does change some things…” Replied Bilbo, his gaze finding the ground much more interesting than Thorin at the moment. 
“Do…” Thorin faltered. “Do you wish to end our courtship?” 
Bilbo didn't waste a second to respond, his eyes darting up to Thorins within milliseconds. 
“No! Not at all! I still want to marry you, Thorin!” He exclaimed, anxiety filling his stomach. “It’s just, a lot changed with the addition of Frodo…” Bilbo pursed his lips. 
“We… Just need time to figure it out.” He sighed, turning to smile slightly at Thorin. “I swear I’ll never leave you. No matter what.” 
“I as well my burglar.” Thorin sighed contentedly, happy with the conclusion of their discussion as he cupped Bilbo’s face with his rough hand. “Aulë I love you.” 
They sat there for what felt like eons to both of them but was most likely a matter of a few fleeting moments. Both content to be held in each other's arms.
“Did you actually bring dwarvish toys?” Whispered Bilbo, almost unbelieving. He shifted in the dwarf’s arms, breaking the dramatic tension that had filled the air almost suffocatingly with their discussion. 
Thorin pulled away from their embrace and opened the pockets of his big coat, revealing a plethora of small (most likely enchanted) children’s toys, ranging from tops to stuffed animals, and dominos. 
“Don’t worry.” He smirked. “I’m planning to make his Yule present myself.”
Bilbo knew Thorin and Bilbo knew the dwarf was most likely to make something that would get Frodo in lots of trouble with their ever-nosy neighbors. 
“It better not be any hopefully safe and small Dwarven battle gear.” He scolded, looking the dwarf king in the eye. 
“How did you guess?” Asked Thorin with a devious smirk. 
“I had my suspicions.” Bilbo’s annoyance did not last as he laughed shortly, rolling his eyes and returning to Thorin's arms. 
The dwarven king brought his attention to the small trinkets in his pocket. “They were my nephews' favorite nick-nacks growing up. Now that they don’t need them I thought they could be put to good use again.” He explained shyly. 
“That’s an excellent idea Thorin.” Sighed Bilbo contentedly, restraining himself from burrowing deeper into the dwarf’s warm chest. It’d been what felt like decades since he was last able to embrace Thorin like he was currently. 
A harsh knock came from the door to Bilbo’s bedroom, interrupting their moment. 
“Uncle Bilbo, I've finished my soup!” Rang Frodo’s voice from behind the door. “Is Mr. Thorin in there?” 
Bilbo gave Thorin a knowing look as he got up from his arms to answer the door, readjusting his wrinkled clothing as he did so. 
“All of it?” He asked the little hobbit, raising a suspicious eyebrow. 
Frodo nodded violently, his eyes looking expectantly behind him to the dwarf still sitting on Bilbo’s bed. 
“Alright- But if you’re lying so help me Yavannah…” The hobbit sighed, opening the door further for Frodo to dash in, running straight to Thorin. 
Bilbo had a feeling this was going to be the best Yule yet.
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I love them (༎ຶ⌑༎ຶ)
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drpeppertummy · 8 months
Morty cleaning plate from every restaurant?
Hell Yes Get Him
[post-stuffing stuffing]
"Y'know, you don't have to finish the whole thing if you're full," said Angela.
"What am I gonna do with the leftovers?"
"I don't know. You could just leave 'em."
"With what we're paying for it? No way!"
"Well, you're gonna give yourself a bellyache if you keep eating like this!"
"I'll be fine," said Morty with a dismissive wave of his hand. Angela gave him a skeptical look, then went on eating her lunch.
By the time they left the restaurant, Morty, who Angela often joked was about the size of a Polly Pocket, was absolutely stuffed. With the enormous size of the sandwich, he'd have been stuffed even if he hadn't insisted on cleaning his plate. Fortunately, his oversized sweater did a good enough job of concealing his bloated tummy; he just hoped he'd be ready when dinnertime rolled around. The two friends were on a weekend vacation together, and, with no space in their cheap hotel room to store leftovers, Morty had been determined at each meal not to let his food go to waste.
Right now, he had a big breakfast and lunch weighing his guts down, and he'd still felt bloated from the previous night's dinner when he'd woken up that morning. While the sweater managed to hide his tummy--for now--it felt unbelievably taut, and the snug waist of his pants had been digging into it all day. Sighing softly, he rested a hand on his belly as they walked, and Angela gave him a concerned look.
"You alright?" He nodded.
"Well, I'd sure hope so. That sandwich was bigger than you are."
Full was an understatement. Morty felt like his tummy was about to pop. By the time they were getting ready for dinner, full had become a more accurate descriptor, but he wasn't going to let that stop him. The two were planning on going to a nice Italian restaurant that evening--they'd skimped on the hotel room just to fit it into their budget--and he had every intention of enjoying it.
Angela, who was considerably bigger than her scrawny little friend, hadn't been quite as heavily impacted by lunch as Morty had been and was plenty hungry when they sat down. She ordered them an antipasto platter as an appetizer, and it didn't take much picking at it before Morty was stuffed full once again. He still had soup and an entrée on the way, though, and he tried to ignore his tightly-stretched stomach as the waitress set down a hot bowl of clam chowder before him. It tasted as good as it looked, and his appetite had yet to falter, but it was becoming harder to find space in his belly.
"You gonna have room for your dinner? You look like you can barely handle the soup," remarked Angela. He nodded. He took another bite, then, reluctantly, he set the spoon down. He was already beyond full; he knew he wouldn't be able to enjoy his chicken marsala at all if he finished the chowder.
"You want some? I'm really full," he admitted, nudging the bowl towards her.
"Maybe a little." She dipped her spoon into his bowl, and he leaned back in his seat with a sigh, resting his hands on his belly. It was noticeable even under the sweater now, poking out against the soft fabric, and Angela raised her eyebrows at the sight of it.
"Sheesh, you really are full," she said.
"Not gonna stop me," he replied with a sly smile, and she laughed.
"You better not make yourself sick," she warned, still grinning. "You still gotta do half the driving tomorrow."
"I'll be fine," he assured her.
When the waitress returned with their dinners, Angela happily dug in, but Morty found himself moving slowly. The chicken looked and smelled fantastic, and upon taking a bite, he was pleased to find that the flavor held up to the appearance, but his stomach was packed to the brim. Still, knowing he wouldn't be able to save any leftovers, he was determined to enjoy as much as he could. Slowly, he forced himself to keep eating. The pressure in his belly was immense. His stomach felt stretched to its absolute limit, and it pushed out hard against the waist of his pants, threatening to pop the button open if he made the wrong move.
Finally, with a soft groan, he gave up, falling back against the seat with his hands on his tummy. He was too full even to suck it in, not that he cared enough to try, and it bulged conspicuously from his skinny frame. Angela did her best to stifle a giggle, and he tried and failed to look annoyed at her, unable to hold back a smile at the ridiculous situation.
"I'll admit, I'm impressed you got that far," she said, and she meant it; she hadn't expected him to put away more than a few bites. Against all odds, he'd managed to eat half of his dinner, but it was taking its toll. His stomach felt like it might burst if he so much as inhaled too deeply.
"I don't think I'm gonna be able to eat for a week," he sighed, rubbing his aching tummy.
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amethystfairy1 · 9 months
(Buckle up, this is gonna be a long one.)
Hi! Hello! How are you? :]
Let me just say, your work is simply incredible.
I've been binge-reading your TTSBC series for a few days now, as you can probably tell from all the kudos (you deserve them!), and I have been going crazy
First of all, I think this was the first Hermitcraft ship fic I've read. Conclusions/thoughts;
1) You've made me a flower husbands fan, great job, I am now obsessed with them
2) the relationship between Scott and Martyn is so precious to me, you have no idea
3) I am now a fan of ALL the relationships you've written; flower husbands, treebark, desert duo, Tango/Zed, Lizzie/Joel, Shelby/ Katherine, Etho/Doc (I hope I didn't forget anyone)
4) PEARL IS A MENACE AND I LOVE HER. SHE IS MY FAVOURITE, YOU HAVE NO IDEA. She is the big sister™ and she is the best
5)Scar is a sweetheart and that is a FACT. HE WAS SO SWEET TO CUB?? AND TO GRIAN?? I LOVE HIM
6) I absolutely love mom Cleo, her and Bdubs are so kind and thoughtful and caring to each other, I will simply explode
8) I need more Scott as a journalist. I need to see his hunger to get all the details. I need to see him use his silver-tongue skills on someone, and I need to see Jimmy(or anyone) be scared but also fascinated. I need to see more Scott and Pearl fighting for the best interview.
I don't even watch cc!Scott, and now look at me. Im obsessed with his character.
10) I also,,, kinda,,, want to see someone react a bit badly to seeing their partner being from the under-city. Maybe,,, Martyn being angry with being lied to? Maybe,,, Scott screaming at him that what he's doing is helping no one? Maybe, maybe,,,,
(im secretly an angst-girlie at heart, what can I say. I love me some good hurt/comfort)
12) please let zed and tango have a happy ending pleasepleasepleasePLEASEPLE-
13) also the titles have all been so cool! I saw a post of yours that said you use terms of endearment, and I thought that was really cute :)
In conclusion, I am crazy for your work, please feed us more.
To show you how crazy I've been over this series;
I went completely nuts, explaining to my friend some basics about it the moment I was sure I've read everything, and Im probably gonna make them read it too. I've already sent them the link to the series.
They are not even a Minecraft fan. They don't know what Hermitcraft is.
Anyway, this was all to say; you're amazing, your work is truly fantastic, your writing style is one of the best I've ever seen/read (and I've read a lot of fics, do not doubt me)
Please don't feel forced to write anything I've said! I'm just throwing ideas that came over my head when reading!
(your traveling thieves series is also amazing! Im just currently full of ttsbc thoughts rn, its eating me alive /pos)
Hope my spam liking was not annoying!
Have a great day!
It was not annoying in the SLIGHTEST!
Hello hello, thank you, thank you! I'm so glad TTSBC has been so enjoyable for you and that you've had fun binge reading all of it!
I am delighted and honored to be the first author you've read that has written Hermitshipping and that you've enjoyed it and it's caused you to love all my ships! That's a great day for a fanfic author!!!
FLOWER HUSBANDS ARE MY FAVORITE! More people who like Flower Husbands? HAPPIER I AM! It is a DIRECT correlation!
Someone commented at some point that they reminded them of drunk girls comforting each other in the bathroom after a party, and I think that's exactly accurate 😆
Pearl is the Big Sister ™️ of the group and if anyone hurts any of her little siblings it is game over!
Scar is SUCH a sweetheart in this AU! He's a superhero, he's a boyfriend, he's a best friend, he's a professor, and he's just doing his best to juggle it all!
Zom-Mom and Sentient Glowstick. Only the best combo!
Katherine said "Wait crap I think that was the love of my life!" and dove back in!"
Journalist Scott will be making a return in several pieces of the future, don't you worry! We'll get to see him strut his stuff! I'm very glad I've gotten you to love c!Scott even if you don't watch cc!Scott, that's just the best!
ooooo there's an angsty take. Hm. Well, there is certainly more angst on the docket for everyone, I assure you, and while I can't promise that brand of angst in particular, there is other stuff left to unpack! Please look forward to it!
Zedango will return! That is all I shall say!
I'm so glad you like the titles! I think it's very cute but I have to admit I'm starting to struggle to come up with terms of endearment I haven't used before 😆
I'm so glad you're trying to get your friend into TTSBC! The nice thing is I don't think it's too terribly difficult to spring into without context of watching any of the CCs because the characters all pretty much explain themselves within the AU. Maybe looking up some fanart for what everyone ought to look like, but it's not the worst thing!
Glad to hear you also like Traveling Thieves! I was gonna point you that way when you said you were an angst girlie so good that you're already there!
Thanks so much for coming by! 💖
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levi-supreme · 2 years
Levi's Love Languages
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Characters: Levi x gender neutral!reader
Genre: SNK!canonverse
Warnings: SFW, fluff. Reader insert (y/n), however no nicknames and physical descriptions are being used. Established relationship. Reader is part of the Levi Squad.
A/N: It's D-28 to Levi's birthday!!! 💚 I know most of agree that Levi's love language would be acts of service, but honestly this amazing man is capable of showing love in every way possible!!! So please enjoy these lovely scenarios and let Levi shower you with tender loving care 💕
Event master list | Event taglist | Rei’s taglist
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Acts of service
Not again. You groaned, clutching your stomach in agony. Your stomach grumbled in defiance as another wave of gastric pain took over you. Begrudgingly, you got out of bed and dragged yourself to the kitchen to make yourself a simple meal. Hot soup and bread sounded fantastic right now, and your stomach grumbled again.
Tiptoeing your way to the kitchen, you lit a few candles and tried to look for some ingredients to cook yourself a bowl of soup. It was pretty late, and you hoped you didn't wake anyone up with the noise and light.
"Oi, what are you doing?" You heard a familiar voice and your head whipped to the back. Your lover was standing by the entrance of the kitchen holding a teapot and tea cup in his hands. "Why are you still up?" You let you a little squeak.
"O-oh, um, it's n-nothing. I was just going to cook myself some soup..." you replied sheepishly. You quickly looked through the cupboards and took out some carrots, potatoes, and leeks. There wasn't much, but it was good enough to make yourself something decent. Levi watched you fill a pot with water and bring it to a boil. You were washing the vegetables when your stomach grumbled loudly again and Levi saw you wince. Levi came over to stop you.
"Sit," Levi said while you gave him a look of confusion, "I'll do it." Listening to your lover, you took a seat by the small dining table, watching Levi wash and slice the vegetables. The rhythmic sound of Levi's chopping and the soft bubbling of the pot of water was somehow comforting your queasy stomach.
"Didn't know you knew how to cook, Levi." You commented, now watching Levi as he threw all the vegetables into the pot to boil.
"I used to do it a lot back in the Und—" Levi paused for a while and you understood what he meant, "food was hard to find there, so whenever we found anything that can be eaten, we would throw them all in a pot and make a stew. It would last us for days without going hungry." Levi continued without looking at you. You knew he was thinking of Farlan and Isabel, and you felt a pang in your chest. Silence soon filled the tiny kitchen while Levi took a seat beside you. He poured you a cup of tea as well to ease your gastric pains.
"Didn't you eat dinner earlier?"
"Uh, y-yeah, I did. But maybe I'm just extra hungry tonight. You know... sometimes it happens." Levi hummed and sipped his tea without a word. The fragrant smell of leeks started to fill the kitchen, and Levi served you a bowl of piping hot soup. You gratefully took the bowl from Levi, taking a long whiff. It smelt amazing and you couldn't wait to dig in.
"Thank you, Levi," you smiled while Levi just shrugged, "don't you want to have some too?" Levi shook his head and continued sipping his tea. You looked down at your bowl and took a sip of soup. Maybe this was bringing back painful memories. You quickly drank your soup. Levi glanced at your direction.
"You know what," he muttered and stood up, "maybe I will." Levi came back later with a bowl of soup as well, sitting next to you while silently enjoying his soup. You looked down at your bowl again, but this time, a small smile appeared on your face. The soup Levi made was delicious, and you helped yourself to seconds and thirds. Levi helped to wash the cutlery and utensils, and he wiped the counter and table as well. The both of you left the kitchen and he walked you back to your room.
"Thanks for cooking for me, Levi," you thanked him again when you were at your doorstep, "I really appreciate it, espe—"
"Shh. It's fine. Now go back to sleep. Training starts in four hours." Levi hushed you without another word. Levi reached out his hand and softly ruffled your hair. "Good night, y/n." He whispered before walking in the opposite direction back to his office. Looking at his retreating figure, you smiled and decided that you were going to make Levi a bowl of stew next time.
Words of affirmation
"Ahhhh!" you winced as Levi hit another sore spot, "y-yes, oh! Yes... right there, Levi," furrowing your brows, Levi continued massaging your shoulders while you laid prone on Levi's bed, feeling the sores and aches overwhelming you. As you let out another grimace, you muttered begrudgingly into his pillow. "You meanie, you really didn't cut us some slack while training huh?"
"Be glad I only made you all do strength conditioning exercises today. Hange and Mike made their squads run 10 laps on top of all those exercises," Levi continued without a pause, moving his hands down your back to massage your glutes, "I don't hear the rest of my squad complaining, so I don't see why you should."
Using his knuckles to press deep into your glutes, you let out another painful moan again, clutching Levi's pillow tighter. You knew the next expedition was coming up, and there was no way Levi or the other Section Commanders would slacken during training. The stronger everyone becomes, the higher the chances of survival, and the more likely everyone will make it back after. Yet, today's physical training seemed to take a huge toll on your body, and you were feeling the aches from doing all those pullups, planks, and sit ups. Perhaps it was the lack of proper sleep, or maybe because you skipped breakfast today (you didn't tell Levi, of course). Or maybe you didn't stretch enough before doing those exercises, or you didn't cool down properly.
"You did really good today, by the way," Levi uttered while massaging your calves, "you managed to do more compared to last week, and your form was a lot better than before." You whipped your head to the back so quickly you thought you might have sprained it.
"Levi? Did I hear you wrongly?"
"... what?"
"You said I did 'really good today'. Not just good. But really good." You gawked as Levi let out a cough, walking to the other side of his office to grab a glass of water. Sitting back down on the bed, Levi was avoiding your eye. You pushed yourself upwards and huddled close to Levi, poking him playfully in the ribs. Levi kept trying to avoid your fingers.
"Did you just praise me, Levi?" Your eyes were practically shooting hearts out of their sockets. You knew Levi was the perfect epitome of 'tough love' and he hardly praised anyone, not even you. You didn't really mind though, not everyone is capable of singing praises anyway. Levi still refused to look you straight in the eye, as though he just realised what he said, and was pretending he didn't say anything earlier.
"Oh come on, Levi, you did praise me! Just admit it already," you laughed, hugging his midsection tightly, "say it again, won't you? Please?"
"Pretty please? Aww, say it, 'you did really good today', it's not that hard."
"I don't like repeating myself." Levi took another sip of water, avoiding your eye again. You refused to back down though, and you took the glass of water out of Levi's grip, surprising him enough to push him down on the mattress. Yet, he still didn't want to look at you.
"I wanna hear it again." You gave Levi a soft smile, letting him know that you weren't going to tease him again. Levi finally turned his head towards you and locked eyes with yours, his grey eyes staring deep into yours.
"You did really good today, y/n, I'm proud of you." Gingerly, Levi reached his hand upwards and gave you an awkward pat on the cheek, smiling hesitantly. You suddenly felt fireworks erupting in your heart, and you kissed Levi swiftly on the lips.
"Thank you," sitting upwards, you pulled Levi up as well, giving him another hug. Levi didn't know what were you thanking him for, but the both of you just remained on the bed in silence, hearing the fireplace cackle a distant away. You released Levi from the hug and looked at him cheekily, "now say it again." You tried your luck, only to feel Levi flick your forehead.
Quality time
It was a rare off day for the Survey Corps, and you didn't know what to do with your free time. Your boots were polished, your uniforms were washed, and even your horse was cleaned, groomed, and fed. You went to look for your fellow Squad members, but you remembered that they all had plans. Petra and Eld were going back home to visit their families while Oruo and Gunther were out doing errands for Levi.
You decided to find Levi in his office, and you weren't surprised to see his office door wide open. Levi would do that when the weather got too hot, and when he knew no one would be around. Standing by the door, you weren't surprised as well to see him buried nose-deep into his work.
"Why are you working, it's our off day," you frowned as you walked into his office uninvited. Levi briefly looked up from his work to acknowledge your presence before he continued writing again.
"I have off days, but my reports don't," he simply said, rubbing his eyes wearily. Levi looked over to his tea cup and was dismayed to find it already empty.
"Leave it. Let's go out. You can afford to take a day off, Levi." You knew he was about to go get himself another refill, but you were not letting it happen. Off days were meant to be for resting and relaxing, not to finish up work. "C'mon, let's go out. It's a nice day."
Levi rubbed his eyes again and looked at you. He let out a small sigh before giving you the 'okay'. You gleefully dragged Levi out of his seat and made sure he changed his clothes before the both of you left the Headquarters.
Levi and you went to the centre of town today. The town square was bustling with people, families bringing their children out, people doing their errands, and children playing with their friends. Levi asked if you has any place you wanted to go, and you pulled him into a bakery.
The fragrance of freshly baked bread lured you over, and you excitedly stepped inside. Looking around, there were many different types of pastries and baked goods for sale, and the bakery had an area for dining as well. In the end, you settled for a butter croissant while Levi had a herbed tomato bread. The croissant was really tasty and you were tempted to get seconds. Levi promised to get some bread back for the rest when you make your way back, and you cheerfully nodded.
Strolling along the cobbled streets, you passed by a small stall where an old man was selling flowers. It wasn't even a store to begin with; he was seating at the corner of the stairs of a shophouse and he only had a sign with 'fresh flowers for sale' written on a flimsy piece of cardboard.
"Oh, look, Levi. Flowers! Let's go see them," before he could respond, Levi was dragged to the stall by you. "Your office could do with some colour." You added while Levi shrugged.
The old man didn't have much variety of flowers, but there were pretty. In the end, you bought a pot of begonias with Levi's nod of approval. You excitedly told Levi you were going to check on this plant every week to make sure he was taking care of them well, while Levi just pat your head affectionately.
You and Levi strolled along the town square, occasionally meeting a few familiar faces. The both of you spent the remainder of the afternoon looking at the different stalls selling different products and trinkets, and you two had a nice quiet time together alone as well, one where you two wouldn't be interrupted.
As the sun began to set, Levi kept his promise and walked you to the bakery where you got pastries for the rest of the Squad. You both made your way towards Headquarters.
"Thanks for coming out with me today, Levi, even though you had work to do." You smiled as you placed the pot of begonias near his desk where the plant would get a nice amount of sunlight. The vibrant colour of the flowers did add a nice touch to Levi's bare office.
"Mm. It was nice spending time together like this." Levi admitted as he watched you arrange the pot. You kissed him on the cheek before excusing yourself, wanting to share the pastries with the rest. Levi took his seat by the desk and stared at the pile of paper. It would have been done by now if he didn't go out earlier. But as he recalled your happy face, the pile of work suddenly didn't seem as significant anymore. Seeing your smile and spending time with you was more important. With a shake of his head, Levi started working on his papers with a slight smile on his face.
Today's training was once more as bad as ever again, with long arduous hours of training under the sun, practising and perfecting your skills on the ODMG, and sparring and physical conditioning with your fellow Levi Squad mates.
Even though you and Levi were a couple, he wasn't going easy on you as well. In fact, he would give you extra sets and training, because he wanted you to be better than the rest so that you can come home safely to him after every expedition. You didn't blame Levi for his harshness, because you knew he meant you well. After the day's training, Levi dismissed the squad for their break before dinner. Levi and you had a small chat before he had to go back to his office to settle some work.
"I'll see you for dinner," he whispered into your ear before leaving for his office. You nodded, and headed back to your bunk as well. Upon entering, you saw a small package on your bed. You walked over curiously, wondering who gave it to you, and what the package was.
The package felt a little heavy when you carried it, and there was a handwritten note on it as well. Your heart leaped when you recognised the familiar handwriting.
'It's nothing much, but I hope you use them well.' was written in a slightly slanted and thin penmanship. You recognised Levi's handwriting, and you wondered what was inside the package. You excitedly ripped the brown paper, and inside was a box. Opening it, there were a few items.
Levi got you a few sachets of chamomile tea and lavender tea (where did he get it from? Floral teas were expensive) as well as a new teapot, saucer and tea cup. There was also a bottle of ointment, a heating pack which doubles as a cold compress, some fragrance pouches, and also a few boxes of cookies (where did he get this from as well?). There was another note at the bottom of the box, and you took it out.
'I know I've been working you too hard recently, so here's a bottle of ointment for you to use when your muscles are aching. Throw the heat pack into hot water if you need it, or throw it into ice and use it cold.' the note read. You opened the bottle and took a whiff. It smelt a little minty and warm. You rubbed your shoulders and you couldn't wait to use it tonight after your shower (maybe you can get Levi to do it for you). Closing the bottle, you continued reading the note.
'I heard from Gunther that you've been sneaking to the kitchen in the middle of the night. Here are some cookies and tea in case you get hungry. You should be able to sleep better. And if it isn't working, put one fragrance pouch in your pillow case.' the note continued. Opening the box of cookies, there was an assortment of butter, chocolate, and sugar cookies. The fragrance pouches smelt like sandalwood and rose, and you felt your heart warm up.
'Let me know if you need anything else, and I'll get it for you. And no, I'm not getting you chocolates and sweets. — Levi.'
Flipping to the back of the note, there was a little postscript written as well.
'If you can't sleep at night, come to my room.' was all it said. You felt your cheeks heat up, and you felt a rush of appreciation for Levi. Chuckling to yourself, you quickly kept the contents inside the box and happily took your shower, looking forward to dinner and seeing your lover.
Physical touch
Levi wasn't one to show physical affection—no one in the Survey Corps could ever imagine the stoic and rigid Captain Levi showing any hints of physical affection to anyone. Yet, unbeknownst to others, was a softer side of Levi that you know no one else could see, except for you.
It was common knowledge that you were dating Levi, and it was also not rare for you to stay over in Levi's office sometimes. Somehow his bed just seemed more comfortable than yours, and you always fall asleep within seconds of lying down on his pillow. Was it the faint scent of tea lingering in the air? Or was it the fact that Levi's office was on a higher floor so it was colder?
Yet, tonight seemed a little different. You weren't sure what the reason was, but you just couldn't fall asleep. No matter how you tossed and turned, or counted sheep in your head, you weren't sleepy at all. Should I? You thought to yourself. In the end, you wore a sweater and walked to Levi's office, not surprised when you saw some light coming from the inside. You knocked thrice before entering.
"Something wrong?" Levi asked without looking up from his stack of papers. Levi had a feeling it was you visiting, because no one in the right mind would dare to visit him at such an ungodly timing. Levi looked up and saw you dragging your feet into his office.
"I can't sleep..." your voice droned off as you sat down on Levi's bed. Somehow, being in his office just made you comfortable. "I'm just going to lie down here, yeah? You can carry on with your work, I don't mind the candles." You pulled the blankets higher and let out a sigh, closing your eyes and trying your best to fall asleep. Unlike your insomniac lover, you needed your rest, and not getting them made you cranky and sick.
Levi looked at you covering your eyes with your forearm trying to sleep. Looking back at his stack of paper, he sighed before extinguishing the candles in his office. After a while, you felt a dip next to you, and you could smell Levi's familiar scent. Levi pulled you into his chest, letting you lie on his arm.
"Don't you have work to do?" You muttered through closed eyes, feeling your heart thumping louder.
"I can't work with you here, anyway. Plus,"—Levi faked a yawn—"I'm sleepy." You sniggered, knowing Levi was just acting. Levi laced an arm around your midsection, slowly tapping your back.
"Mmm, feels good, Levi..." ahhh, Levi's warmth, Levi's scent, and Levi's comforting touch. You could feel yourself getting a little sleepy already. Wordlessly, Levi pulled you even closer to him, hugging you tight. You could feel his breath on your skin and hear his heart beating. "Levi, I—"
"Shhh," Levi muttered softly as he continued to pat your back, "go to sleep. I'm here." Levi pressed a fleeting kiss to your forehead. It felt like it was barely there, yet you knew you weren't imagining things. You closed your eyes and smiled, relaxing into Levi's warm embrace. It was only then when you understood that the reason why you always slept better in Levi's room, was because Levi was by your side.
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Tagging: @ack3rlady @cinnamonlevi @imkumichan @kristinecharmm @jean-prettyboy-kirschtein @sweet-assh0le @hannie2kay @levislovingwife @galactict3a @hauntedhousecat @sckerman @thesimpsstuff @notgoodforlife @ackermendick @greenfurret @evas-leslas @levisbrat25 @chaotic-nick @lilshades @svftackerman @youre-ackermine @jayteacups @laccey @nuri148 @carriesblenders @lucysarah-c
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vyncentevelyn · 11 months
“Fuck…” Astarion mumbled, putting his hands on his hips, and staring at the ingredients in front of him. What the fuck was he doing? Had he ever actually cooked anything? Certainly not in the last 200 years, but before that…
He closed his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose. This was pointless. He should walk away from all of this and count his losses before anyone…
“Oh, hello there.” Gale’s voice sounded behind him, “I didn’t expect to find you here considering your condition.”
“The same could be said about you, Gale.” Astarion sighed, his thoughts flitting through the multitude of excuses he could use as to why he was here but none of them sounded believable.
“Well, I still eat food. Especially since Elminster visited. And aside from that, I always cook.” Gale said.
Astarion could hear Gale approach and just stood there like an idiot. Frozen to the spot staring down at his haphazard ingredients for the recipe he did not know. Gale stood beside him and looked at the tabletop.
“Hmmm.” Gale muttered.
Astarion dropped his shoulders, “What Gale? Just say it.”
“It’s just curious. What were you planning on making with horseradish, a fish head, a carrot, and,” he picked up the last ingredient, “hmm…this is a rock Astarion.”
Astarion’s blood runs cold, naturally, but at this moment it felt as if his blood had caught fire. He blinked as Gale stared back at him; the rock still clutched in his hand. Astarion swallowed and then finally muttered, “I thought it was a potato.”
“I see.” Gale replied, still watching him with those deep brown eyes.
“This!” Astarion hissed throwing his arms up and taking a step away from the table, “This is stupid!”
Gale tilted his head and raised his eyebrows, “There is nothing stupid in wanting to learn a new skill. No, no, no.” He shook his head, “You just need a good teacher, you have the initiative, and that, Astarion, is half the battle. Luckily for you, I happen to be an excellent cook and an even better teacher – if I do say so myself.”
Astarion frowned. A part of him wanted to walk out and ignore the wizard. The other part though wanted to learn…wanted to succeed…
“Now, what were you trying to make?” Gale asked looking back at the ingredients, minus the rock which he tossed over his shoulder.
“I…” Astarion hesitated, “Iseult is sick…and she needs to eat.”
The answer hung heavy between the two men. Gale nodded slowly but his focus remained on the table, “I am aware.”
“I thought it would be nice, since she feeds me, if I fed her given that she is unwell.” Astarion said, hoping his tone sounded as nonchalant as he intended.
“That,” Gale started, his usually pompous cherry tone missing from his voice before he paused but when he started talking again his typical inflection returned, “that is a very nice thing to do. And I think I have a recipe we could make to help achieve this goal.”
Astarion blinked, “You do?”
“I think I do, granted it will not include rocks,” he looked up with a teasing grin on his face, “but it will rock.”
Astarion closed his eyes, “That was terrible Gale.”
“It was fantastic, and you know it.”
“What are we making Gale?”
Astarion opened his eyes and met Gale’s gaze. Gale winked and picked up the carrot and the horseradish, “Are you ready to learn?”
Astarion sighed and rolled his eyes up to the sky, “Let’s get this over with.”
Iseult looked up miserably from her bed roll. Astarion stood in the tent’s doorway carrying a tray.
He studied her with those mesmerizing ruby eyes and let out an exaggerated sigh, “You look like shit.”
Iseult smiled, “Aw, you missed me.”
Astarion said nothing but placed the tray down by her bedroll before sitting cross legged beside her. Iseult sat up slowly and looked at the tray. A bowl of soup, a plate with a chunk of bread, and a glass of water sat on the tray beside a wilting daisy. Iseult looked at the vampire, but he refused to meet her gaze and just gestured to the tray, “You need to eat.”
“You made me soup…” Iseult’s voice was soft.
“I can’t have my favorite vintage killing over.” Astarion offered.
Iseult cradled the bowl in her hand and took a bite of soup. It was spicy and warm, potato and carrot with a hint of something hot. It was delicious. She put the spoon down and looked over at Astarion, “This is delicious. You did a great job.”
“Thank you. I, uh, I just learned how to make it.” He fiddled with the leather strap on the bed roll as he mumbled, “Gale taught me.”
“Really?” Iseult tried to keep the shock out of her tone, but she could tell from Astarion’s face she had failed.
“Yes,” he leaned back on his arms and looked up at the tent’s canvas, “yes. That damn wizard must poke his nose into everything.”
Iseult smiled, “Well, I appreciate you both. Thank you.”
As she took another bite, she noticed Astarion studying her in her peripherals.
“You like it?” He asked.
She nodded as she put the bowl down on the tray. She tore a chunk of bread and dipped it into the soup before popping it into her mouth. Then she turned and looked at him, “You are a magnificent cook.”
That devilish smirk pulled at his mouth, “Magnificent?”
“And clever.” Iseult replied.
“And?” He asked sitting up.
“And sweet.”
“Sweet? I’m not sure that’s the right adjective, darling.”
“You brought me a flower. You made me soup because I’m sick even though you had to work with Gale. You are caring.”
“Mmm.” His voice was hoarse, and he leaned into her space, “Tell me I’m beautiful.”
She leaned forward, dropping her weight onto her left hand so that her neck became bared to him. She whispered in his ear, “You are beautiful, Astarion.”
“And you,” Astarion whispered back, sending chills down Iseult’s spine, “are a damn tease. Put your neck away my dear, I will not be feeding on you while you have a fever.”
He leaned away, a smirk still in play. His eyes flashing between hers and the bare skin of her neck.
“Can you even get sick?” Iseult asked as she sat back. She tore another piece of bread and dipped it into the soup.
“In a sense.” Astarion said, turning his attention to the nails on his left hand.
Iseult swallowed, “Explain.”
He rolled his eyes, “It’s all so boring.”
“Nothing is boring to me when it concerns you.” she said, before taking a drink of water her eyes focused on his face.
He studied her for a second before saying, “If your blood is tainted with like poison or if you’re drugged or drunk, that could affect me. But I can’t catch your cold.”
“Then I can still feed you, if you want.” Iseult shrugged.
He leaned forward and looked her dead in the eyes, “I’m not making you worse. You’re keeping your blood until you are better.”
Iseult nodded; her eyes wide as she stared back at Astarion.
He returned to his original position, “Good. Now eat. I’ll be sure to make up for our lost time together once you are better.”
Iseult looked down quickly, but she was certain he noticed the blush painting her face. She finished her meal in relative silence. She lowered the empty water glass back down to the tray and picked up the daisy. She smiled down at the wrinkled petals, he must have picked the flower earlier in the day.
She looked back up at him. She wanted to ask him so many things. She wanted to learn everything about him. Instead, she smiled and let the longing to read all the stories buried deep in those bright red eyes stay buried.
Astarion nodded then and said, “Get some rest darling.”
He stood up and grabbed the tray before slipping out of the tent. Iseult laid back in her bed rolls and let out a sigh. She rolled onto her side. Goodnight, Astarion.
Astarion set the tray down on the riverbank and knelt into the wet earth beside Gale. He started washing the bowl, ignoring the wizard’s quizzical gaze.
“She said thank you.” Astarion offered when Gale had finally looked back at the dishes he was washing.
“Oh.” Gale nodded, “Well she is most welcome.”
Astarion bit his lip and then released it, “Thank you, Gale.”
Gale sat up and looked at Astarion, “Not a problem." Then he added, "I have more dishes I think you’d enjoy learning.”
Astarion finally met his dark eyes, “What?”
“You are not that good of a cook, but I feel hopeful for you.” Gale smiled, “Plus, I don’t mind having company.”
Astarion let out a chuckle. He rinsed the water cup and sighed, “On occasion, I suppose I could help you.”
Gale’s own laughter echoed out across the dark river, “Only if you feel like it, but the invitation is there.”
“I am certain the novelty of it will run out quickly. You’ll be retracting that invitation the moment I down a quart of pig’s blood.”
“That sounds fascinating. How much blood can you consume? Like in one sitting?”
“I…” Astarion paused and looked up at Gale, “I actually don’t know. Before the whole tadpole,” he gestured to his head, “I fed on what I could, but it was never enough. Recently though, I have fed on Iseult and then drained a whole bear in one night.”
“A whole bear!” Gale exclaimed, his eyes wide with wonder instead of judgement. “I’d wager that’s got to be at least 60 liters.”
“How do you even know that, Gale?”
“Ah. A wizard has to know a great deal of information, and I may have needed some bear blood for an experiment of sorts once.”
“Of course.”
“You sound like you don’t believe me, Astarion.”
Astarion shook his head, “I’m just impressed you killed a bear.”
“It took me month to recover,” Gale admitted.
Astarion bent over in laughter.
“Keep laughing Astarion, but at least I know the difference between rocks and potatoes.”
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curlyjohnlock · 1 year
Hello everyone! ❤
I'm curlyjohnlock (but you can call me by my first name, Lisa), and I'm super excited to share my fanfics with you all!! 🎉
I mostly write in the BBC SHERLOCK fandom, and my stories tend to focus on angst, romance/slow burn, whump and sometimes even fluff.
I've been writing stories since I learned how to hold a pen and, for many years, I focused on fandoms like Harry Potter and Sweeney Todd [or something related to Johnny Depp's movies (the fantastic years 2005-2012 🥰)].
At the time I was posting them on another site, but I may decide to expand those stories and maybe bring them to ao3! Who knows!
But anyway! Here’s a little preview of what you’ll find on my ao3 profile:
🔗 curlyjohnlock on ao3
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Current Count: 6 stories, 2 series.
♧ Tango Between Broken Hearts
“Sherlock needs to see that there is still something worth fighting for. Otherwise we will lose him forever.” “Are you sure it’s not too soon? What if all this pushes him deeper down?” asked John, quite concerned. Mycroft hesitated, his gaze betraying a hint of concern that he rarely let slip. “At that point, we will have done everything in our power.” John nodded again, determined. “All right, then. I'll be there. I’ll always be there for him.”   Serendipity brought Sherlock and John together, but a terrible incident tore them apart for ten years. Now that fate has thrown that card back across the table for them to play again, they're both carrying the incurable wounds of their past. Will they be able to overcome the past and rediscover the love they once shared, or will half truths and too many lies continue to keep them forever apart?
Word Count: 50k - still posting
Chapters: 13/25
Tags: Sherlock Holmes/John Watson, Romance, Slow Romance, Angst, Emotional/Hurt Comfort, Bearded John Watson, Happy Ending, Family Secrets, Unhealthy Coping Mechanisms, Introspection, Emotional Roller Coaster
♧ A Soup Is Best Served Warm
Sherlock and John, both feeling a little sickly, find themselves in a situation where each is convinced that the other is the one who is sick and must eat the soup to feel better. Obviously, neither of them really wants to admit that they might actually be the one who’s ill. Mrs. Hudson will make them understand who’s in charge of the whole situation.
Word Count: 4k
Chapters: 1/1
Tags: Sherlock Holmes/John Watson, Sleepy Kisses, Slice of Life, Romantic Fluff, Cuddles, Sharing a Bed
This one is Part 3 of TUMBLR MADE ME DO IT
♧ A Taste of the Forbidden Fruit
London, 1949. Sherlock Holmes, a young homosexual tormented by the conservative beliefs of his family, seeks comfort in Father Watson, hoping to find refuge from his internal conflicts. But he never expected that the priest would exploit his authority to satisfy his own sexual desires...
Word Count: 4k
Chapters: 1/1
Tags: AU - PRIESTS, Rape/non con elements, angst, Catholicism, religious guilt, emotional hurt, Dark John Watson, Bearded John Watson, abuse of authority
♧ When We Were Infinite
John made a vow: he promised he would never forget a very special day: the day he married Sherlock. Despite his promise, John's memory begins to fade. As his memory slips further away, Sherlock desperately tries to find any way possible to preserve their precious memories. But, most them, are heartbreaking.
Word Count: 6,5k
Chapters: 1/1
Tags: Sherlock Holmes/John Watson, Slice of Life, angst, memories, self-hatred, despair, last kiss, major character death, sad and sweet, grief/mourning
♧ Herring Hiccups and Rainy Rambles
In the middle of a raging thunderstorm, Sherlock finds himself trapped in 221b. It would be a great occasion to have some peace of mind, but Rosie isn't of the same opinion.
Word Count: 3,5k
Chapters: 1/1
Tags: Sherlock Holmes/John Watson, moonlight, cute ending, family, fluff, parentlock, sherlock holmes has feelings
This one is Part 2 of TUMBLR MADE ME DO IT
♧ Tea, Butts and Sherlock's Doctoring Disaster
An unexpected event disturbs John's ordinary life. It isn't a case, a criminal, or Sherlock. No, it's something entirely different and, dare we say, discomfortingly ordinary: constipation.
And Sherlock finds the right solution for it.
Word Count: 1,5k
Chapters: 1/1
Tags: Sherlock Holmes/John Watson, missing moments, season 1, awkward sexual situations, enemas, fluff, hurt/comfort
This one is Part 1 of TUMBLR MADE ME DO IT
26 notes · View notes
agirlwithdemonblood · 2 years
Hi 🥰 may I please request a Jensen x reader where the reader feels all alone and she has bad anxiety is an over thinker and always thinks someone is mad at her, she’s not good enough for anyone, etc. just the voices in her head telling her lies and Jensen is there for her when she’s really down and low and wants to give up?
Btw, You’re a fantastic writer. my mental health hasn’t been the greatest and I’ve felt alone. This would really make me feel better 🥰
You’ll never lose me.
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Pairings: Jensen x Reader
Warnings: Anxiety, depression, self doubt, thoughts/mentions of unaliving, lots of angst and crying, lots of fluff too. Mental health awareness.
Check out my masterlist here!
A/N: Hi sweetie! ❤️ I hope this is what you wanted and asked for, I added some little humour to hopefully put a smile on your face. I know I don’t know you anon, but I hope you know that I love you. No matter who you are or what those voices are telling you, your perfect and I love you. Thank you for the request lovely, I hope it helps. ❤️
Another day, another nightmare.
That's how it has been feeling for the past two weeks. You dreaded waking up. Hated the sight of the sun, hated the cool air flowing through your apartment, hated all the noises and you were exhausted from the voices flooding your mind.
Sometimes you could handle it, you could pick yourself up and brush yourself off but lately it's been getting harder. You've been alone for the past two weeks, nobody coming over and you certainly weren't leaving.
And that was fine, you thought. You'd rather be alone than be a burden to others, bringing them down with the constant sour mood you were in. That's what you thought for the first couple days until the voices got louder, the weight got heavier and you felt like you were suffocating.
It's been two days since you have decided to lay in bed and not get out. You stopped answering your phone, apologizing internally to your boyfriend who would send you a message and not hear back.
You wanted to answer, you really did but the weight on your shoulders was too much, you couldn't put that on him. You needed him, every part of your body was aching and exhausted, and you needed help but were too scared to ask for it.
If you ask for it, you felt like your mind was right. The voices telling you that your a burden, nobody cares, you just want attention, they would be right.
You vowed to stay in bed all day, no matter what. You didn't have energy for anything else anyways. You weren't hungry, weren't sleeping well and honestly you were giving up.
Jensen, your amazing boyfriend, thought you were sick. That's the excuse you told him. You had the flu, and you didn't want him to get sick considering his career and lifestyle, he had to stay away.
And he did, he stayed away. Daily, he sent one or two messages checking in on you and you'd lie, saying you were a little better but not perfect. He was sweet and supportive. Even dropping off soup that you failed to eat.
You didn't deserve him.
Your phone started ringing and you sighed, pulling the blanket over your head tighter. It rang a few times before it finally stopped, you didn't even want to check who it was, but you had a feeling it was Jensen. He worried, he cared. He shouldn't, you thought.
Closing your eyes once again, you let the tears fall. You were suffocating, breaking apart piece by piece and soon, there would be nothing left. You didn't even want to be here anymore which was a scary fucking thought.
You didn't matter, at least that's what you thought. Nobody was miss you. Right?
Jensen’s POV
I frowned when the call was sent to voicemail, worry and anxiety filling my chest. I knew something was wrong. I knew you weren't sick, you barely got sick. In all the months I've been with you, I've only seen you sick once and you were so unaffected by it, you still went to work and hit up the gym. It was impressive, but it just shows that you weren't telling the truth now.
I know about your mental health, we have talked about it. We made a deal. You come to me if anything is wrong, I'll be there, and same goes for me.
But you weren't speaking, you weren't reaching out, you were pushing me away, well-trying. I'd never leave you.
I gave you as much space and time as I could, the first week was nearly impossible, I sat outside your house watching, trying to see if you were okay. Your car was in the driveway, lights were off, it's like nobody lived there and it scared me. The only time I’ve seen you come out was a couple days ago, when I dropped off soup. You barely opened the door, your head sticking out for a moment before you grabbed the food and shut the door. I hope you ate at least but I know how your appetite shuts down when your like this. It scared the shit out of me even more.
You'd text back sometimes, saying that everything was fine, lying about your sickness but I let you, I didn't care about you lying if that's what you needed, I wanted you to come to me if you need help.
But your messages stopped a few days ago. My heart stopped with it.
I knew it was getting worse and I couldn't wait anymore, I could feel it inside, you needed me.
I wasn't going to let you drown in the voices, I needed to save you.
--Back to you--
You started drifting off to sleep, the sound of knocking on your door causing you to jump slightly. You frowned and pulled the pillow over your face, silently begging for whoever was at the door to leave.
The knocking stopped and you sighed in relief. But the noise of somebody unlocking the door caused your heart to stop beating in your chest. There's only one person that could be.
The footsteps got closer, than the sounds of keys being placed on the counter, before a light knock on your bedroom door echoed through the room. You stayed hidden underneath the pillow, biting your lip to stiffle the sob that begged to escape.
Even the thought of him here with you, made your heart clench. You needed him, but the voices were echoing in your mind. You were a burden.
The bed dipped in front of you and than you felt hands on the blanket, gently pulling it down to try and see you. You shook your head and covered your face with your hands.
"Honey, it's me." He whispered gently causing tears to form in your eyes. He sighed and got up, you thought he was leaving, sick of your mood but the bed shifted behind you, long warm arms wrapping tightly around you, pulling towards his warm chest.
He kissed your head, and you could feel the frown on his lips.
See? You are upsetting him. Told ya.
"Y/N, Talk to me."
You shook your head and wiped your eyes, fighting back with everything inside to keep the walls up, don't let it show.
He sat up and turned your body, his eyes finally catching your face. You swore you could hear his heart shattering as soon as he caught the tears in your red eyes, your face was white and your lips were chapped. You avoided his eyes and closed yours tightly. "I-I'm sorry." You whispered nearly inaudibly.
His finger moved to your chin, forcing you to look at him. He smiled sadly and shook his head, "You have nothing to apologize for baby, tell me what's going on in that pretty head of yours."
Shaking your head, you tried to turn away but his hand moved to your cheek, keeping you in place. He knew you better, sometimes you needed a little push. "Baby. Please."
You hesitantly looked up, regretting making eye contact because as soon as you saw the concern and love in his green eyes, you couldn't hold it back anymore. You felt so awful, so guilty for doing this to him.
A loud sob escaped causing Jensen to flinch before he let go of your cheek, pulling you into his chest tightly. Your breathing was becoming rapid, your cries shaking your body like a earthquake. You couldn't do it anymore, you didn't want to.
Your breathing wouldn't settle, and you started to panic thinking that you'd never be okay again. Jensen's eyes widened in concern before he sat up, pushing your head lightly back. He noticed the way your cheeks were burning red, your chest heaving. You couldn't breathe.
He pushed himself up on the bed, sitting against the headboard before he dragged you between his legs, back to his chest. He lifted your arms to open your airway, his lips kissing your cheek over and over as an attempt to sooth you but nothing was working.
"Okay whoa honey, whoa, breathe for me. Slow it down."
You shook your head and gasped, "I-I can't."
"Yes you can baby, yes you can. Count to five and breathe out with me, c'mon." He counted out loud, watching in worry as you tried to take a deep breath but failed. His hand brushed the hair from your face and he frowned, "Let's try it one more time okay? You got this."
This time, he placed his hand on your chest, feeling the air seep through slowly, lightly. It was enough for now, and he was proud of you regardless. "That's my girl, your doing great baby."
Your breathing slowed, but your cries didn't. The voices were everywhere, screaming at you. Telling you awful awful things.
You don't deserve him.
He's such a good man and look how he has to spend his day.
Your nothing.
You should give up.
Leave him alone.
He noticed you zoning out and he knew you well enough to know your demons were attacking you, telling you things that weren't true.
He needed to get you back.
He couldn’t help the tears that formed in his own eyes as he watched you come undone. Your eyes darted everywhere, your entire body shaking so hard that he could feel it throughout his own body. You were cold yet hot and even though the breathing slowed down, he knew you were one second away from having another panic attack.
He moved away from behind you, regretting his mistake instantly when your breathing sped up, your hands trying to reach for him. He let a tear fall as he sat in front of you, hands on either side of your face. Trying to reach you.
“Nono sweetie I’m right here, I’m here. I’m not leaving.”
Your hand clutched your chest like it physically hurt and he panicked. This was the worst he’s ever seen it.
His own chest was becoming tight as he watched you, unsure of what to do and how to help. As soon as you noticed the tears in his eyes your cries got worse, shaking your head at yourself for being so selfish.
“J-J-Jensen…” you whispered between cries.
He inches closer and kissed your head, “Yes baby.”
“I’m broken.” You sobbed in defeat and his heart shattered for you.
Because you were the furthest thing from broken. You were everything to him. You were the reason he woke up happy, you were the reason he slowed down drinking, he was never lonely anymore, he was motivated and so god damn in love. You were the reason why he believed in love songs and happy endings.
He shook his head and held you tight. Holding all the pieces of you he could, he feared if he let go he would watch you break completely in his arms and it would be too late.
It took forever, way too long, but your crying finally decreased into light sniffles. Your body was still trembling but he didn’t mind. He would hold you until you were still again.
When he felt like you were calmer, he sighed and kissed your head. “Your not broken baby.”
You moved to sit up in front of him, fear still apparent in his eyes. “I am. You don’t need to lie.”
He shook his head and tried so fucking hard to keep the tears at bay, but he was failing. He felt like he was failing you, he’s supposed to be strong and be there for you and he just couldn’t handle you thinking that you weren’t the most perfect person in the world.
You raised your hand slowly, placing it on his cheek and wiping his eyes. “Im sorry I made you cry. Im so sorry Jensen. I don’t deserve you.”
And that. That made him fall apart. His tears rushed faster and he shook his head, watching how shocked you were at the sudden turning of tables.
“Y/N. You are… fuck. You’re everything. I wouldn’t be where I am or who I am without you.”
You sighed and pushed your head down, sniffing becoming more constant as you tried to hold it together for his sake. “Jensen, look at what I’m doing to you. It’s not the first time either, it is the first time since you’ve cried, but I know internally it kills you. I can’t stop it. I can’t stop the voices. I can’t stop the weight on my shoulders but you don’t need to carry it for me.”
He quickly wiped his eyes and lifted his head to face you. “You know what I need? I need you. All of you. Your happy days and sad days. And even the days where I piss you off so much, you scream your head off at me. Never, not once have I ever looked at you and thought I’d be better without you. Never once have I thought of anybody else but you in the morning, the night, hell-all the time. I don’t matter without you. I’m not happy without you and it just kills me that I can’t silence those fucking voices for you, it kills me that you are such a perfect person stuck in a loop of unfair torture going on inside that head. That’s the only reason why I’m upset, but nothing you did hurt me. You never hurt me.”
Tears made their way down but this time it was silent cries. You wanted to hear that. You needed to hear that. But the voices that dulled down were still telling you that you weren’t good enough.
He leaned closer like he was reading your thoughts and smiled sadly. “What would you do if the voices were a person, and they were saying that stuff about me in front of you?”
You thought and frowned, “I’d tell them to fuck off because your perfect.”
He smiled ventilated this time. “Exactly. That’s what your voices are, a person. A monster invading your space. Don’t let them. Put a face or a name to those assholes. Tell them to fuck off.”
“It’s not that easy.” You whispered.
He leaned closer, hands grabbing your cheeks gently. “It is. Try it. Fuck off Karen.”
He knew that it indeed wasn’t easy, you’d still listen and hear it. You’d still believe half of what their saying but that was an issue for later. For now he just wanted to see you smile. Hear you laugh. It was his goal.
“Fuck off…..Karen?” You smirked lightly and he finally took a breath.
“I don’t know, it was the first name I could come up with plus you see all those Karen videos on the internets, they sound like these damn voices. Annoying and unnecessary.”
You shook your head and giggled, your heart melting when you saw him relax a bit when your laugh came out. He was seriously perfect.
“Okay okay Cmon. Try it again. Fuck off karen!” He shouted loudly causing you to laugh and wipe your eyes.
“Fuck off Karen.” You spoke and he frowned, rolling his eyes at you. “What was that? Is Karen a mouse in your head?” He joked.
Laughter filled the room and you forgot about the situation you were in a few moments ago, Jensen and you took turns yelling Fuck off Karen until you both were out of breath.
You laid your head on his lap and a slight frown came up. “I am really sorry Jensen.”
He leaned lower, kissing your nose gently. “I meant what I said earlier, you don’t ever need to apologize to me. I’m always going to be here for you.”
You smiled sadly and looked up, “I didn’t mean to push you away.”
He shook his head and smiled bigger. “You thought you pushed me away? Girl you couldn’t push me away if you had a damn bulldozer.”
You laughed and stared into his eyes, seeing that he was being genuine. He kissed you gently but passionately enough to show you he was being truthful. There’s nothing you could do to ever push him out of your life.
“I love you Jensen.” You whispered, feeling the weight come off your shoulders, at least slightly.
He smirked back and nodded, “Your cool too.”
You gasped and went to sit up, but he quickly pulled you tightly on his lap and laughed loudly. “I’m just kidding, I love you so much honey. Please remember our deal and come to me next time okay? I won’t wait as long as I did today to come break in and save you.”
You smirked and nodded, “I promise I won’t. As long as you promise to yell fuck off Karen every time my thoughts enter from now on, it was funny.”
He chuckled and shook his head, “You got a deal.”
After all the heartache you went through, all the loss of hope, you knew finally that you’d be okay. Jensen loved you more than anything, and he would never let the voices win.
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hezuart · 1 year
Are you a shipper?
I ??? I suppose- I guess so??? Yes?? ///
Here's a list of ships I like that no one asked for
List of ships I think should be canon due to story setup & chemistry (But I also appreciate that the story would focus on plot more than a relationship. Don’t always agree with how these characters are written at certain points though)
Rukia x Ichigo (BLEACH) Two misfits with a death wish from different worlds who find each other and learn how to live. Rukia gives Ichigo closure and reconnection with his estranged family that kept secrets from him, along with giving him closure with his mother. Ichigo teaches Rukia, a soul reaper who never got a chance to live IRL, a soup reaper part of the cold-blooded Kuchiki family, how to live. While Rukia teaches Ichigo about the new aspects of death and all the ghosts he’s been surrounded by as a child that he’s never understood before now. They’re two sides of the same coin. The hero and the heroine of the series.
(Also Orihime x Uryuu from BLEACH because they both lost a beloved family member when they were young and have been living alone ever since. They're both fantastic seamstresses, they believe in each other when no one else does, they've protected each other, and they spend a majority of a season together. Uryu drops everything to save her in season 2, and he has the most chemistry and reason to do so outside of anyone else. Orihime often compliments him and makes him blush too.)
Blake x Sun (RWBY) Both faunus with somewhat opposite personalities that play off each other. Blake is a broody book worm while Sun is almost a literal ray of sunshine. He has a few flirty moments with her. He follows her home knowing she tends to run off by herself, challenging her fear of hurting others I think? He spends a good season assisting her in tracking down her old terrorist group and even meets her parents. She kisses him on the cheek after they depart. Good friends with the potential for something more (If they were written a little more consistently.... its been a while since I watched RWBY so I might revise my opinions later)
Ruby x Oscar (RWBY) It's Red Riding Hood’s silver eyes (aka silver slippers) for Dorothy’s salvation. To help her get home. The analogy and parallels behind their stories are fascinating. They’re both the youngest of the group with the heaviest burdens on their shoulders. So far they’ve been pretty cute, wholesome, and over all supportive of each other.
Izuku x Ochaco (My Hero Academia) Not a big fan of this show but it's the first canonical (?) shounen pairing that has actual chemistry to me. Izuku is a good friend to her and gets flustered when she's close to him. They both give each other great Christmas gifts to showcase they know each other well. Where Ochaco is actually useful and supportive and has a crush on Izuku but has goals and friends outside of him, and both of them prefer to focus on a career rather than have time for a romance during the series.
Charlie x Alastor (Hazbin Hotel) I won’t disrespect Charlie x Vaggie, but Vaggie shoots down Charlie’s ideas and personality. She doesn’t partake in the singing, dancing, or the hopeful and innocent attitude. She’s bossy and nonindulgent of Charlie, albeit simply because she wants to protect her and reel in her ideas. Alastor on the other hand is just as eccentric and carefree. They’re both charmers, centers of attention. Performance artists. Alastor has the potential to corrupt Charlie while Charlie has the potential to purify Alastor. We could see a relationship develop onscreen, where as Charlie and Vaggie are pre-established and unlikely to get attention drawn to how they actually ended up as a couple. Even Viv herself initially claimed it “just happened over time as they started out as friends”, even though Vaggie was originally Angel’s girlfriend, believe it or not. Charlie and Vaggie are the main and only ship for Hazbin though. I just don’t care about them as much as I would if Charlie had something develop with Alastor.
Stolas x Blitz (Helluva Boss before season 2) Scumbag disasters. Prince and the Pauper. Cheaters. Liars. Unhappy guys with romantic baggage issues. Start off as work-fuckbuddies but start falling in love and then at that moment, everything falls apart around them. It's messy, its bloody, its angsty, there were staKES, I'm SO SMAD-
The Harry Potter series isn’t something I’m a dedicated fan of, especially after Rowling, but Harry x Hermoine made way more sense to me from the movies. Scorpius x Albus in the Cursed Child was rectified; the subtext hints it's now canon which thank god they fixed because Scorpius x Rose was terrible. Albus had a crush on Delphi which, yeah, who wouldn’t have a crush on Ebony Darkness Dementia Raven Way? But I prefer those two probably as a brotp. Delphi has lesbian vibes(and she’s over a decade older than Albus, so). Albus Potter befriending his dad's enemies? Like it's great. It breaks the cycle. It's a new beginning. A new family. All the HP kids being gay/LGBTQ+ is just really funny to me. Fuck you, Rowling (There’s an HP crackship I actually like a… lot, but I’m too embarrassed to say what it is aloud. It's a spicy angsty unhealthy ship...)
Otherwise crack ships: White Zangetsu x Black Tensa (BLEACH) Angel God vs. Devil God enemies turned roommates. One is feral and the other is reserved but both are equally dangerous and creepy in their own right. (used to like Ichigo x Zangetsu but now I’ve kinda lost interest because Ichigo’s personality changed. Otherwise interchangeable GrimmjowxZangetsuxIchigo I guess. And Harribel x Neliel. Sweet & silent level 3 Espada girls. Neliel is the gal Harri’s missing for her group. She deserves another queen at her side!)
Roxas x Vanitas (Kingdom Hearts) Also don't mind these two also just being a platonic brotp. But Roxas and Vanitas are both remnants of Sora & Ventus with faces that aren't their own. They both can summon monstrous beings, they've been through pain, and they've always been second to someone else. They were both manipulated and lied to. They both wanted access to Kingdom Hearts for power, for a wish to be whole again in one way or another. They're both half of someone else and this makes them struggle with their identities. Roxas however has a joy for life. He has friends and jobs to keep him busy. Vanitas on the other hand hates life. He has nothing to live for because he's always in so much pain and thinks friends would drag him down. Roxas wants life and freedom. Vanitas wants death and/or fusion. Two kins with opposite desires. Could they save each other or destroy each other? There's so much dramatic potential here. Literary gold.
Namine x Xion (Kingdom Hearts) Wish these girls had more personality and chemistry, but I think they've got a gothic x pastel prep vibe going on. Xion was a puppet controlled by the Organization and Namine was controlled by the same Organization, just a different branch and for a somewhat different reason. Xion can copy & steal powers and Namine can rearrange memories, making them both potentially scary if they were to fight back together. I think they are the only two that would ever understand each other.
(Dib x Zim ..??? or just Brotp because of reasons like Roxas x Vanitas. Basically two opposite beings with similar upbringing or social status, both arrogant hotheads with unmatched intellect. All they want is approval, acceptance, and praise. Which they will never receive from their worlds that reject them. They are the only ones who take each other seriously. When Dib gives up on paranormal hunting, Zim becomes depressed and rots away in his house until Dib returns. Zim even seeks Dib’s help with sabotaging Tak & the Planet Jackers. They could be great friends, if they weren’t on opposite sides. If they joined forces, they’d be unstoppable. Jack Frost x Pitch Black (Rise of the Guardians) Also don't mind them being just brotp. Both lonely and lost in their bleak immortal lives, rejected by everyone else around them. Their powers can be dangerous to children if given the wrong influence, like Pitch's. In the books, they both share a similar past. Both were warriors of light. A light that flickered out and changed them into what they are now due to a tragic loss of some kind. Jack is youthful, silly, but observant while Pitch is old, dramatic, and charming. It's like giving your old dog a new puppy. At first they're annoyed, but then they slowly start being more active to play with the puppy? Not sure that's a good analogy. But Pitch said what goes together better than "cold and dark", while "fear and fun" work just as well together. Thrill rides & Halloween? A lot of adrenaline junkies out there would love what these two could come up with together.
Lost my mind at the Jevil x Spamton (Deltarune) shenanigans, implying they’re divorced exes. It’s so funny. Otherwise Jevil x Seam, estranged magicians is pretty nice too.
Other honorable crack ship mentions I won’t explain: Peridot x Lapis(SU) , Pearl x Bismuth(SU) though honestly I even wonder if that's considered crack cuz.... them ladies.... they like each other... so obvious..., Charlie x Helsa (Hazbin Hotel) , Hiccup x Jack Frost (HTTYD & ROTG crossover) , Nicole x Sally (Sonic Archie) , Mettaton x Papyrus??? for some reason?? (Undertale), Also not crackship but Marceline x Bubblegum I’m just not a big fan of Adventure Time to mention it, not crackship but Chat Noir x Ladybug… if they were written well … , Gaz x Tak because why not… goth girls that slay (Invader Zim)... Also not crack ship probably some ships from Star vs the Forces of evil but I haven't watched that show in a long while and the ships got out of hand at the end.... also like Kallen x Lelouch (Code Geass) but genuinely think Lelouch is Aro Ace and therefore think he's perfect alone... and probably a handful of others I’ve forgotten about or just am not a big enough fan of the series or ship to really name
Though I was hanging out with @ciipher-arts the other day and we just??? Discovered??? An incredibly rare ship??? Sonia x Mina? (Sonic Archie x Underground) I feel like I just had my eyes opened. Omygod the internet is sleeping on this crackship. genius
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Anyway u h
dont judge me too hard pls or i will cry
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observeowl · 1 year
Her Assistant | Chapter 24 - The Ballroom
Summary: After losing her family, Natasha Romanoff builds her company from the ground up. During the rise of her company, she decided she needed an assistant, one that works in her office and her house. That's when she saw your resume. After working five years for her, how was it like working for her? Or more importantly, how things progress?
Series Masterlist
Second POV For the duration of the entire day, Yelena would always be in Natasha's sight. Though in order not to raise suspicion so easily, we had a rotation going on. Someone would always be together with Natasha. However, Wanda and Pietro had no idea what they were doing, they were only told to accompany Natasha for an hour before changing with the next person. You thought it would be better to have fewer people knowing what is happening so that they were able to look more natural hanging out. Though you were sure that Bucky already knew what was going on the moment he walked in with the way Natasha was staring at her sister.
Right now, they were together eating dinner, choosing from the buffet. Seeing how Natasha was holding the napkin to control herself, you went forward to ask. "Do you want me to approach her?"
Finally, she pulled her eyes away from Yelena and looked at you. "... No. It would be too dangerous." Following her words, you continued eating and drinking the soup of day served by the dining crew of the cruise.
When you finished whatever was on your plate, you stood up to get more. Free flow, why not right? Make the most out of the money that was definitely not yours or Nat's that paid for this trip. I went closer towards the woman trying to get mac and cheese for the third time. "Are you on a vacation?" You asked casually.
"Yes, it's been a while since I got a vacation like this."
"You're here with friends?"
"No, I prefer to be alone."
"I see. I'll leave it to you then. Have a nice day."
You took your plate and went back to the table where Nat was furiously glaring at you. "You went against my orders! And weren't you the one saying we shouldn't approach her?" She whispered loud enough for the sibling at the table to hear us.
"You suggested, not ordered. Besides, I only said you cannot get closer to her, I never mentioned anyone else." Your defiance was not well appreciated by her as she turned away angrily. "Calm down. I know you are getting impatient. I just needed to stir the nest a little in order to get things moving."
For the rest of the day, Natasha reduced contact with you and stuck with Bucky instead. You didn't complain but it would have been better if she stuck close to you in order for your plan to work to perfection. You wanted to let whoever sees her there know that they are being targeted and that they should act quickly.
"The Campania is celebrating their first day of sail with a formal ball. Those interested can let the crew know your room number along with the number of guests attending. Thank you and we hope to see you there!" The announcement sounded.
"Please, I know you're still mad at me for approaching Yelena but please wear this suit on for the ball." You pleaded for Natasha to change as everyone was trying to get ready. You tried pushing your three-piece suit into Natasha's hands but she was not having it.
"I don't understand what's wrong with my current dress?" Natasha made a valid point there and she looked great wearing it but you wanted her to change regardless.
"Nothing is wrong. You look fantastic in them. But can't you just wear my clothes?"
"When you put it like that, how can I say no?" Finally, she relented and went to change as you got the others ready for what's to come as well.
At the door, you told the crew your room number and they directed us to our table. "Ouuu, I wonder what the organiser has in store for us!" Wanda excitedly said as she sat down looking at the exquisite decor.
Slowly, the ballroom was getting filled up and it was getting noisier. You leaned closer to Natasha and whispered. "Your sister looks really good dressed up." While looking in Yelena's direction. It turns out she has sat in a group, but we aren't sure if they knew each other.
The lights dimmed, signalling the start of the event and you could tell that Wanda and Pietro were getting excited about it. With the darkness, it was easier to look at others without raising suspicion, checking to see if there were any familiar Hydra faces, especially Rumlow. The room is huge, and it's hard to see the other side of the room. Signalling to Bucky, he stood from his seat in the faux pretence that he was going to the washroom. You did the same things on the other side as Natasha stayed behind keeping watch on Yelena.
You didn't see anything wrong with the audience, but rather there were suspicious things lying around outside the ballroom. Taking a closer look, you realised it was a bomb and immediately called Bucky to make him check his side. There were many lying around and you knew you wouldn't be able to diffuse them all.
Heading back to the ballroom as calmly as possible, you told Natasha your discovery. As we are in the middle of the ocean, it would be hard to evacuate large groups of people without causing distress. Eventually, she told Wanda and Pietro to head out and disarm the bomb at the back of the boat first. You didn't see a timer attached, so you assume that there has to be a detonator around.
There are only two choices to choose from.
1. Disarm the rest of the bomb
2. Find the detonator
While you were calculating the probability of succeeding for each choice in your head, Natasha noticed some movement from other tables and was about to leave when you stood up abruptly and screamed for the audience to evacuate. They looked at you like you were some sort of a mad woman. While all eyes were on you and some were whispering among themselves, they failed to make any inclination of moving. Enraged by their action, you took out your pistol from behind your back and started shooting above your head.
Crew members were about to step forward and reprimand you for your actions, but you showed them evidence of the bomb, and they finally understood what was happening. The evacuation code was announced, and crews were directing passengers to the nearest exit.
Surveying those that went in the other direction, Natasha and you ran to catch them but weren't able to in time as they pulled the lever of a machine. All of you froze and stared at each other. Crates breaking can be heard over the panic screams of the passengers.
"It seems like you were too late." Rumlow said as his companion ran out behind.
"You're going to pay for this."
"Let's do this, Romanoff. Only one of us is going to leave this ship." He pulled out his gun from behind his back and started shooting. Of course, Natasha wasn't going down easily, returning a few shots of her own.
"I order you to Bucky and the others and tell them to help the crew to evacuate with the rest." Natasha ordered you, and you have no choice but to leave her here alone before finding them.
Finding Bucky and the rest was difficult. There was a sea of people to search from, and he never seemed to be there. My heart was pounding out of my chest as I wasted more time searching for him.
Where could he be? He would head to where the bomb is. Think! Where would they plant the bomb? The engine room!
I searched for the nearest map of the ship before realising that it was at the back of the ship where Natasha told them to head to. "Bucky! Wanda! Pietro! Are you guys down here?" I shouted when I went below the deck and was met with lots of water and gas pipes. As I ran down the path, there were traces of bombs being disarmed, and I knew I was on the right path.
"Bucky! Pietro!" They couldn't hear me above the noise of the engine, and I didn't know how much longer I should be hanging here to search for them.
Suddenly an explosion occurred, knocking me off my feet, and I knew time was running out. I only hoped that none of them was caught up in the explosion. Water was seeping in at an alarming speed, and it was getting hard to move around. "Wanda!" I shouted when I saw something moving.
"Y/N!" It was indeed her, and I heaved a sigh of relief, knowing at least I had found one of them. "What's happening?"
"Is Pietro with you?" I ignored her, more focused on rallying people first. She nodded before pulling Pietro up to show me, I assumed he must have been trying to disarm the bomb.
"Alright, new orders. Head up the deck and follow the others to evacuate. If you encounter any zombies, hit them on their heads. It's their weakest place."
"Evacuate? What about you?" Pietro asked.
"I have to help Natasha. If you find Bucky, tell him the same thing. Evacuate, and we will regroup later." Water was rising quickly, and we could not afford to stay below the deck anymore. I tried to find Bucky to the best of my abilities, but he was so freaking hard to find when he wanted to be.
Natasha POVAfter sending Y/N off to find the rest, I was left to face off with Rumlow and Eleanor Crowder. We pulled out our guns, and a noise behind them caused them to turn behind. I should have taken this opportunity to shoot, but Yelena was there, and I froze.
I dodged out of the way when Yelena raised her pistol and I became 1 vs 2 vs 1. There were plenty of places to hide but I could hear the screams of people outside getting louder and louder. The sooner we can deactivate the machine the better. I'm not sure how much Yelena is helping me here but I can only hope.
I have no idea where they placed the crates that contained all the undead but they must have placed them far away from here because they have yet to show up here. I only have one spare magazine for the pistol left and I am fighting against three people. Hopefully, Y/N is able to find them and come back quickly.
"When are you going to stop hiding and come out?" Eleanor shouted. "Or are you going to wait for Y/N to come and save you again?"
"I have no idea what you are talking about." I shouted back as I checked the area before moving. Yelena was the only one unaccounted for as I haven't heard anything from her. I came out of my hiding position and aimed my gun at Eleanor who is very slippery for her own good.
This is the calm before the storm. Who knows what and where Rumlow's hiding. If there was another of such a machine, I'm going to throw hands.
If they are not going to attack, I'm going to push ahead.
Kicking the table down, I stood up and I started shooting at where I knew Eleanor was hiding. This was only a trick to get Rumlow to come out thinking I have shown my hands. Once I had located where he was, I shifted my focus on Rumlow since he was the bigger dog of the two. It definitely felt like fireworks were going off with the sudden amount we were shooting. This ship isn't going to be accepting new passengers after this.
Things were getting tough when Eleanor decided to be a part of this. There were times when I was close to getting killed but the brain just moves faster than you think. Also thanks to the fact that Yelena decided at this moment, which side she was going to choose. It was hard to reach for the machine and flick the switch. Each time I try to get closer to the machine, there would be someone shooting at me, preventing me from doing so.
Luck runs out though, as I end up getting shot by Rumlow while focusing on Eleanor. Y/N came in at the same time as I hit the floor. The horror on her face was not something I wanted to see. Especially not when it was because of me.
Second POVSeeing Natasha fall to the ground made you glare at the others. Lifting up the guns in your hands, you took over Natasha's place and started shooting at them. You didn't know Yelena was on Natasha's side though, so you fired a shot at her in a fit of anger. "Hey, I was helping. Fire at them, сука."
Fighting someone who was angry was not a good thing, they shoot better but end up taking more risk. You ran directly at Rumlow since he was the closest to you and emptied your magazine at him. He tried shooting at you too, but at one point, his magazine went out faster than yours. His body lay in a pool of blood as you stood before him, raising your gun the final time. "Always confirm your target." You muttered before firing a shot through his forehead.
You didn't get to do much else though, as another shot rang through before you collapsed to the ground.
Natasha was sure she was shot, she felt the bullet hitting her but she was fine in the end. She didn't quite understand how it happened. After sitting up, she realised the suit you had given her was bulletproof. The bullet was sitting right at the place where she was shot.
After standing up, you had just finished the shootout with Rumlow, but Eleanor, who was hiding behind a pillar, aimed a gun at you just enough to let Natasha see the ends of her gun sticking out. This time, it was her turn to shoot at Eleanor.
"Anyone coming to save you?" She sneered as she stepped closer to Eleanor who was clutching her pouring wound. "I won't blame them, who wants to save a worthless person like you anyways? Someone who is disposable, only waiting for instructions." Natasha whispered next to her ears before taking her gun out of her hand to confirm the target.
"You might wanna come and save your girlfriend." A familiar russian accent caught her attention. Her eyes drifted to you still laying on the ground, barely able to keep your eyes open.
"Y/N! Where did you get shot?" She looked at the blood staining multiple locations of your clothes. There's not enough hands to cover your wounds and in the middle of the sea with zombies everywhere.
"T-the.. switch..." You barely whispered. Natasha gave a pleading look towards Yelena, not wanting to leave you alone.
"Fine." The screaming got a lot quieter after but now people were desperate to get off the ship.
"You're going to be okay. You're going to be okay. We are going to get out of here and get you to a hospital. You're going to be fine." Natasha told you desperately and herself. But it was going to be hard to fight against hundreds of people for a place in the lifeboat which is going to take a long time to reach the shore.
"The keys... in my p-pocket." You spoke so softly that Natasha almost didn't hear it if she wasn't leaning close to you. She moved her hands quickly and reached for the metal in your pocket.
"What- what do you want me to do with this?"
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