#“Is this anything to do with bananas?”)
summerthefairy · 2 days
Add a dash of sea salt, lemon/lime juice, or electrolyte packs to your water.
Eat watermelon, yogurt, bananas, cucumbers, kombucha, coconut water. Please have a snack with essential minerals.
Your body cannot stay hydrated if it does not have electrolytes to balance. Drink lots of water but you NEED minerals with it.
Please take a multivitamin.
There are cheap bottles for 10 bucks at CVS. Anything works to give your body nutrients.
3. PROTEIN 🥩🍗🍳
Aim to eat a high quality protein source AT LEAST once a day. Plain lean meat or even a boiled egg is low cal.
I love plain chicken with rice and soy sauce, eggs on a snack plate, chop up some tofu with a miso soup or ramen pack, or any kind of meat.
Try to eat a carb or fiber with your protein. Rice, carrots, even an apple will help your body digest better 🍚🍎🥕
Eating some protein every day will lead to faster weight loss than fasting / starvation mode, making the body preserve cals, and will prevent a binge.
Weigh yourself once a week.
Take progress pics once a month.
Any more often than this is not good for mental health. Weight fluctuation throughout the day is NORMAL and not good to obsessively check on.
I try to stop eating after 9pm. It's better to let your body fully rest while sleeping rather than digest food. Don't stǎřve all day and binge at night, eat healthy snacks and stop eating before bed.
Don't go on extreme fasts. Let your body fast naturally over night and you can wake up and eat breakfast. It's called breakfast for a reason, you're literally breaking your nightly fast.
If you need a snack at night that's totally okay too! I just think it's a good rule of thumb to allow yourself energy throughout the day and save the fasting for bedtime! <3
6. DON'T OVER EXERCISE 🧘🏼‍♀️🏃🏼‍♀️
Walking is my favorite exercise. It's low intensity and easy to keep up with. Create a walking routine. Yoga is amazing as well. Stretch before bed, follow a tutorial on youtube.
I walk my dogs every night around 8pm, even if it's just for 10 minutes.
For a low cal diet you do not have enough protein or cals to sustain weight lifting or high intensity exercises. Take it easy.
A daily walk and a yoga video is enough.
I love weight lifting to build muscle but I eat well over 1.5-2k cal a day. Only do this if you are eating enough.
Extreme fasts or heavy restriction will lead to binging. It's better to eat nutrient dense foods every day like meat or fruit and veggies.
Same goes for exercise. It's better to create a consistent, mellow routine that's easy to follow every day. It shouldn't be a huge dreadful task. It should be part of your daily routine that you can keep up with.
I love you! Please be safe and take care of your body 💜 Stay beautiful and healthy <3
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widebruh · 5 months
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dduane · 10 months
Current mood
Parent ego state: "You're getting behind on this [REDACTED THING]. You should be writing."
Writer brain response:
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Adult ego state: "Honestly, come on, you genuinely should be writing."
Writer brain response:
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Child ego state: "C'mon, you oughta be writing."
Writer brain response:
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...Still small voice almost lost in background noise:
"You could always write that bit of smut you've been saving."
Writer brain:
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lovelessrage · 11 months
Inspired by the last post I reblogged but people need to accept some aroallos will have traditional relationships with one or more people, with whichever labels they want to use for said relationship[s], and some won't. Some aroallos do fit the stereotype of no-commitment hookups, and that's ok! Some don't at all and that's ok too. But to really, REALLY support aroallos, you have to support aroallos in whatever relationship or lack thereof they pursue. Sex isn't an immoral action, it's just a thing to do with one or multiple people. It is a neutral activity that means different things to different people. You don't have to have any love [romantic, platonic, etc] for someone to have sex with them. You don't need a fwb or a partner. You shouldn't have to justify your relationships [if you have them] to allos. You just need what works for you and the person[s] you chose to do it with.
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monsterhugger · 3 months
i'll always prefer manga canon banana fish bc i think setting it in the 80s means there are a lot of things present that add to the story that are absent when it's set in the 2010s (homoerotic 80s action movie outfits, griffin being implied to have been drafted vs joining the military by choice, general lack of cell phones or computers usable by the general public, etc) but i think there's something to be explored in the idea that ash is going through all this during the AIDS crisis AND the satanic panic. like obviously there would be fallout in the 2010s but we get like two pages in the manga about the government's reaction to dino's operation being exposed and like. oh my god it would be fucking insane. it would be so much more fucking insane than we ever see
like i think yoshida made a very conscious decision to avoid mentioning any real politicians so the president is kind of this like. nebulous fictionalized US President character but like. imagine if it was fucking Reagan denouncing a pederasty ring with ties to the republican party. like. what even.
ash makes like one mention of "if i had [an STD] it would have spread through half of congress" and that hits like a ton of bricks. there were already cases of right-wing politicians found to be HIV+ from presumably consensual gay sex, imagine the added wrinkle of credible connections between the US government and a gay child trafficking ring. like. oh my god being gay in the banana fish universe would suck even more absolute shit
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l3irdl3rain · 7 months
How can you tell a cat has a potassium deficiency from how they walk??
A potassium deficiency causes weakness. My old man Anders had a potassium deficiency and he had this awkward wobbly shuffle when he walked. The new guy has a similar gait. I could be wrong and it could be completely pain, but it reminds me of Anders
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genericpuff · 1 year
LO comes back next month and the chance of another time skip not being zero terrifies me. I'm not strong enough to go through it again.
I'm right there with you pal. If the comic comes back and it opens with "it's been 10/100 years since the dawn of winter and the return of Ouranos" I will deadass throw a shit fit the likes of which no one has ever seen before, it'll probably actually give me a stroke ╰(‵□′)╯
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undead-potatoes · 10 months
Neil Newbon really did an amazing job with Astarion, and I'm sure he deserved that best performance award, but I am a little sad how the hype around him tends to overshadow everyone else. The general standard of voice work in this game is SO GOOD, and I feel like the other VAs whose work feature heavily alongside Newbon's deserve to be talked about more too.
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aquanutart · 1 year
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I made this because I didn’t know how to remove wearables from my pets
(Quiggler views all clothing with the same excitement as someone about to hold up two donuts over their eyes)
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kosmicsandshoes · 3 days
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levitanias · 11 months
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yeah !
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hms-incorrect-quotes · 9 months
Heart: Do you think different paints have different tastes?
Soul: They do.
Mind: ...Why did you say that with such certainty?
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the yellow + blue lately has been SOOO angel princess coded of her
(from nymphia’s instagram story 09/07/24)
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mossolantern · 1 year
Grabbing you by the shoulders. I see youre always taking doodle requests so,,,
YAS CroKri,,,, please,,,, i beg of you,,,, the idiots (affectionate),,, - BB
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the idiots <3
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3416 · 6 months
do you remember that one clip of mo making fun of mitch bc mitch was sad mo wouldn’t go out to lunch with him lol
i don't rmr the clip, but i remember the athletic article mentioning it...... another thing i love abt him fbmdnddm
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Transgirl Yut Lung? Transgirl Yut Lung seeking revenge?? I need more of her!
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