#“if you're going to be bad. be bad with purpose or else you're not worth forgiving”
fanaticforlife · 10 months
TVD - Damon Salvatore Tribute
“-Why don't you let people see good on you?
-Because when people see good they expect good. And I don't wanna have to live up to anyone's expectations”
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azrielbrainrot · 5 months
Fire on Fire
Pairing: Eris x Reader
Description: Being female in the Autumn Court was hard enough before you got engaged against your will. You try to avoid your fate at any cost.
Warnings: none
Word Count: 3966
Notes: Writing Eris is hard, I hope this isn't too bad. Also meant for this to be so much shorter but oh well. Feedback is always appreciated! (unless you're mean about it)
Fire on Fire Masterlist
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You watch elegant gowns in all shades of green and orange against tasteful brown and scarlet three piece suits flowing to the music. Your own floor length gown is a muted burnt orange that complimented your figure enough not to be considered provocative. The dress is undeniably beautiful but you would have liked it more had you been allowed to choose it for yourself, it was only upon arriving that you realized the color was meant to match your fiancé's. Orange and burgundy, symbolizing the fire in your hearts, burning for each other. Such a shame you didn't choose him either.
Lively music and laughter can be heard all around the extravagantly decorated ballroom. A proper celebration fit for… you can't even remember what the purpose of this ceremony was. Just another in a long list of mindless parties you aren't allowed to fully indulge in, celebrating people you don't like or traditions you'd rather never participate in.
In any other situation you might have loved to take in the beautiful decorations around the room and lose yourself in the music, dancing and laughing to your heart's desire. But, as you stare at the same intricately decorated chandelier, with magical flames swaying to the beat, you can't take your mind off the people around you.
Your engagement ring clinks against your wine glass slightly, both useless props. You were only allowed a couple modest sips of the wine before putting it aside, as no female should indulge in such a thing, let alone an unmarried one. And the ring seemed more like a mockery than anything else. It symbolized your purpose in this life, to be someone's trophy wife just as your parents had raised you. You think a noose around your neck would feel less haunting.
Thankfully, your parents had left you alone shortly after arriving, letting you sit by one of the tables while you watched the celebration from afar. They must have been content with your demure act, the promised beauty standing off by the side while the married and unclaimed fae reveled in the center of the room. You wonder if you approached the table filled with deliciously smelling goods your mother would winnow to you, lest you look fat in your already too tight corset. It's not even worth the effort for a simple bite of food, you'd rather starve until you're alone.
With a soft sigh you let your eyes wander away from the chandeliers, if you stare at them any longer you might blind yourself with the flames. Pretending no one else was here was an impossible feat anyway. As much as your room feels like a prison sometimes, you'd give anything to go back home right now.
Your eyes meet your future husband's and a chill immediately runs through your body. Eris looks as impeccable as ever in his intricately decorated suit, not a line or hair out of place just as it was expected of the Autumn Court Heir. There is no doubt that he is an exceptionally handsome male, you don't even want to imagine how many fae would kill to be in your place. It's just a shame that his personality is less than desirable, and so is his attitude towards you, and his manners when no one is looking, and that he was the final nail on the coffin that is your stupid fate.
You knew an arranged marriage would eventually become your reality ever since you were a child and your father had told you not to bother with romance, he'd pick someone suitable to marry you and all you had to do was be good to him. In his eyes love is not worth it. You wonder if he even believes it exists, he's certainly never felt it, not even for you, his own child. It makes you feel more at ease knowing no one has ever loved him either, as cruel as that might make you.
For a while you didn't pay your future too much mind, you'd have secret crushes, read romance books behind everyone's backs and even had fleeting affairs when you were a teenager, but it came to a point where you couldn't ignore your fate anymore. When you were freshly seventeen, your mother started intensifying her lessons on how to be a good wife and a good mother - this was the biggest irony since she had never been anything but cruel to you - and your time was consumed with preparations for a future you'd rather run from.
Shortly after, your father put you officially on the market for a husband that would compliment the family's powers, and the High Lord himself came forth, interested in having you marry his eldest son. You knew your family's power was coveted in the Autumn court, your fire was only second to the Vanserra line and the current Lady of Autumn, but this still came as a surprise for you and your family as the High Lord never appeared interested in you. There was no point deluding yourself anymore, your fate as a glorified brooding mare was staring you right in the face.
You had briefly thought of escaping, but the chances of succeeding were slim and you had nowhere to go. You knew the other courts didn't operate on such archaic rules, for the most part at least, but you were also aware that none would accept an autumn court noble female. Your High Lord had burned every bridge with the other courts a thousand times over. You didn't blame any of them for being wary of anything that crawled out of this sickening court.
Words cannot describe how much you hate Beron and everything he stands for which is a good thing because you'd be burned alive in public for speaking those words out loud. Still, you know your feelings of hatred could never hold a candle to Eris' distaste for his own father, and this is how your bargain came to be.
Upon hearing that your future husband would be the heir to the Autumn Court, you had only felt fear like never before. Eris had a reputation of cruelty that preceded him, he was a favorite for the throne among the despicable nobles of this court for a reason after all, but following your first meeting, you had seen a side of him that you'd bet not even a handful of people had glimpsed before and had ultimately came to an agreement that benefitted both of you: you'd push back the date for as long possible while playing the role your fathers expected of the both of you and, if you were lucky, you'd be able to avoid the marriage altogether when Beron wasn't High Lord anymore.
Eris wanted to dispose or Beron, burn down the ruins of this old-fashioned, cruel court and have Autumn be reborn from the ashes. You never intend to call him your husband, but you would gladly help him so you could, one day, come to call him your High Lord.
He observes you for a few heartbeats before downing the content of his glass and setting it aside. In the next moment he's walking straight to you, not ever letting his eyes stray or giving you a moment to breathe.
You can't help but think he looks every bit the High Lord in this moment, with his suffocating power untamed and wicked gaze trained on you. Eris walks to you in slow, intentional steps, like a predator would walk to his prey. His three piece suit was clinging to his frame perfectly, showing off his physique with every step. The pushed back hair only made the intensity in his eyes more noticeable and the strands he left out were framing his face perfectly. Eris looked extremely handsome from afar but he's suffocatingly entrancing when he stands in front of you.
You barely exchange pleasantries before he holds a hand out to you. You can feel everyone's eyes on the two of you, observing every interaction in hopes of finding any detail to gossip about. They all know your marriage is arranged but they're under the impression that, as a female, landing the most sought-after bachelor in the court was your endgame. And there are plenty of people who would go to extreme measures to ensure that they or their family member would be the one becoming the next Lady of Autumn. You're not sure if they'd spare you even if you told them you didn't want anything to do with the title.
“Time to put on a show, doll.” Trying not to let your face show the distaste of the petname he chose for you all those years ago, you take his hand and let him lead you to the middle of the dance floor.
The music changes right before you start, the band knows this is one of the highlights of the evening - the heir and his fiancé. People will be talking about this moment for the next weeks, it's not often you and Eris interact in public after all, just enough for him to show his claim on you as your father so eloquently put it.
Eris leads you through the dance effortlessly, your body following instinctively in turn. You've yet to see him be less than amazing at something. You wonder what kind of picture the two of you paint, moving together so gracefully to the music, orange against burgundy, fire on fire.
“How are you enjoying the evening?” You'd rather he was quiet and ignored you in these moments you have to show up together in public like so many husbands and fiancés do. Eris loves to fan the flames and it's just your luck that they're usually yours. He might not have as much as to lose if you snap and let your fire show, but Beron wouldn't let him go unpunished if his fiancé caused a scene.
“Lovely,” you make sure your gaze is both timid and kind, avoiding his gaze as if you were inferior to him. As he spins you around and brings you in closer, you add in a hushed tone, “Haven't been allowed to eat since this morning and my hair is pulled up so tightly I can barely think.”
“You females sure have it rough.” He means it as a sarcastic comment but you've known him long enough to identify the distaste behind his words. Eris doesn't have the liberty to speak his mind so he's learned to do it behind mockery and sarcasm over the centuries. He knows how rough you have it, unfortunately he's seen it first hand.
“Oh I'm sure you have it so much worse,” you say in a tone you hope matches his, “It's not like you don't spend your mornings walking your hounds around the forest and nights only the Mother knows where.”
You see something spark in his eyes, something akin to satisfaction, before he's tightening his grip on your waist and bringing you in closer. He looks around the room first, as if daring anyone to keep staring while he talks to his soon-to-be wife. Of course, no one does.
“Spying on me, little doll?” Your breath hitches and you know he hears it because you can feel his smirk grow. You'll blame the blush spreading through your flesh and chills moving through your body on your performance later, but in this moment you know they're very much real.
Eris has an effect on you. The male is undeniably attractive, you doubt you'd find any fae or human who wouldn't think so, and that wicked tongue of his only makes him more enticing. You like to blame your body's response to him on your lack of experience, but you're not sure it would be possible to not feel at least tempted to indulge in Eris even if you'd already made your way through the entire court.
“I wasn't trying to,” you swallow, fighting to keep your tone steady and not show any more reaction to his proximity. This much was true, you could barely sneak around to find time for yourself, let alone spend it looking for your fiancé. “Maybe you're just easy to find,” you tilt your head slightly, “This doesn't bode well with all your plans.” You swear you can feel a small chuckle coming from him but he's hiding it before you can be sure.
The song rises in tempo and Eris takes this opportunity to spin you around again, effectively putting some space between you. It's hard to keep a pleasant smile on your face while spewing venom filled words at your husband to be, but letting anyone overhear you or find any little crack in your performance would only bring trouble, and this is routine for you after all. You'd never admit it but with his hand in yours the stares are easier to digest, even if your arrangement was involuntary, at least you weren't alone for once in your life.
The song finally comes to an end. You rush to bow to him slightly so you can go back to an emptier corner of the ballroom and escape everyone's prying eyes, but Eris takes your hand before you can. He takes it up to his mouth, kissing it softly before whispering in your ear.
“Meet me at the cabin later.” It must be an important subject for Eris to even bring this up at a place like this. Though you're sure it had simply looked like he left you with some teasing parting words.
The rest of the ceremony is uneventful. You go back to the same place you had spent most of the night in and ignored the whispers around you. Aside from your mother coming by to ask you what Eris told you - to which you promptly lied and feigned bashfulness - you sat in the corner quietly wondering what your fiancé wants to talk to you about.
As soon as you walk into your room you let out a loud sigh. You wish you could just fall into your bed and not emerge until the sun is high in the sky tomorrow. Unfortunately, you still need to let the maids bathe you and get you ready for bed. Your mother insists on having them help you, especially on days like these, as if you could drown in the bath.
It takes what feels like hours to go through the whole routine, getting you out of the too small corseted dress was a feat in itself. If you had been alone you probably would have already burned it off your body in frustration, it's not like you'll be allowed to wear it again either way.
You lie down in bed as soon as the maids leave, keeping an ear out for everyone else in the house. Trying to leave before everyone was asleep was too risky. They had no reason to think you would leave in the middle of the night like this, but you couldn't help being a little paranoid. There's too much to lose.
When you think it's safe, you climb out of bed quietly. You look down at your nightgown and contemplate changing into something warmer. It barely reaches your knees so you'll definitely be cold, but you were already late and it would be easier to just get back into bed like this. You decide to put on some boots and throw a green hood over it.
Taking one more look around, you winnow to your meeting point. No one knows you have this ability, which is how you can sneak out as often as you do. You've kept this secret from everyone but Eris, though you didn't intentionally reveal it to him either.
He'd shown you this place when you first made your bargain years ago. You're not entirely sure what the cabin was used for before but it was probably only meant for storage. Eris must have found it deep into the forest and decided it was a good place to hide, you can only imagine the things he's gotten up to inside these walls.
As soon as you materialize into the cabin you see Eris standing by the fire. He's changed out of his suit but it doesn't look like he was getting ready for bed with the black ensemble he has on. Yours is probably not the only secret meeting he's having tonight.
“You're late.” Incredible how Eris always strives to be the nicest person in the room.
“I had to wait for everyone to think I was asleep so they didn't see me,” you start as you push the hood off your head, “Excuse me if I took a bit longer making sure no one followed me.”
“You're perfectly excused, doll.” The flames in the hearth climb higher, fueled by your anger that only escalates when you see the familiar smirk on his irritatingly beautiful face. “Oh my. How have you managed to hide your powers with such a fiery disposition?”
You ask yourself that same question often. Fortunately, he might be the only person who can make your temper boil so easily. You don't even want to think what would happen if your father found out how powerful you could be.
Not wanting to give him the satisfaction of seeing you lose your composure, you take a deep breath and walk closer to the fire. The cloak is doing little to ward off the cold of the autumn forest, you hope he at least ends this conversation quickly.
“I was hoping you'd keep the dress on,” he takes on a seductive tone and looks down at your bare legs before locking eyes with you once more, “but this might be even better.” You will never understand why he insists on playing this game with you, you're more than aware that he has no such feelings for you. You also know you probably look ridiculous.
“Well I was hoping you'd get eaten by a wolf on the way here,” you give him a sweet smile, “but we don't always get what we want.”
The disinterested hum he sends your way in lieu of a response is somehow more infuriating than anything he might have come up with. The fact that Eris managed to live over 500 years with this personality might as well be one of the biggest mysteries in Prythian.
“What did you want to tell me anyway?” You just wanted to get this over with and go back to your warm bed so you can finally sleep the day off.
“Our marriage will take place within the year.” The world fell silent at his words. You always knew this day could come, that Eris could only delay it for so long, but hearing the words makes your heart sink.
“Beron hasn't talked to me about it yet but he told my mother to start preparations for my wedding.” He runs a hand through his hair, you hadn't noticed how messy it already was. He's as worried about this as you are. “She warned me he'll probably announce it soon. I thought it would be tonight.”
You don't know how to process this. It may have been foolish but you had hoped this would never actually happen since Eris was on your side. You sit on the bench and Eris follows suit. Your masks drop in the small comfort of the secluded cabin, there's no use pretending now.
“What about your other plan?” This was your last chance: if Eris was High Lord he could simply call the engagement off and your father wouldn't be able to argue against it.
“I will need more time.” You close your eyes tightly, wishing you could just disappear. “I'm trying to move things along as fast as I can but I won't be able to finish all the preparations before the end of the year. There's too much at risk.”
“We will be married by then.” It's over.
“It can't be helped.” You'd give anything to see Autumn rid of Beron, if the price has to be your freedom so be it. Still, you can't help feeling defeated, it feels like you're mourning a life you never even had the chance of living.
You don't know if Eris had any hope of finding love like you did but, even if he didn't, you know he didn't want to be chained to someone he didn't choose either. He had witnessed how awful his parent's marriage had been just like you did yours so he must have at least hoped for a companion of his choice or to stay alone.
“I've thought of sending you away,” you look up at him, surprised at his words, “but my father would order me to find you, and I'd have to obey him. Failing Beron's orders brings too big of a punishment for me and my family.” His gaze moves from the fire in front of you to meet yours, “I would hate to ever hurt you, doll, so I need to keep you here.”
If there was one thing you could respect about Eris was his commitment to keeping his family safe. You're not actually sure if any of them are aware of the sacrifices he makes for them - from what you've heard the family dynamic is interesting at best - but it tugs at your heart strings. You used to pray for someone to care for you that much, to protect you like this.
You wonder how things ended up like this. Maybe thinking you could have avoided this future when it was written for you when you were born had been simply a foolish delusion. At least Eris was one of the best options, as much as you hate to admit it. You'd at least not have to worry about him being violent with you or treating you like you were less than an animal.
“Well,” you sit up straighter and stare right into the fire, feigning nonchalance even through your shaky voice and teary eyes, “I guess we'll have to get used to each other.” No use crying over spilt milk. It was better to accept this reality sooner than later. “Being Lady of Autumn might still bring me some perks in the end.”
You might have to give up on your chance at love and to build a life for yourself, but you can at least help Eris change this court for the better. When you turn your head and meet his amber eyes you find an intensity you weren't expecting, if you didn't know any better you'd think he was proud of you.
“Already thinking of ways to rule my court?” The smirk on his face wasn't quite as cutting as usual. “How ambitious of you, doll.”
“Our court,” you clarify, “What's yours is mine, husband.”
He studies your face for a few moments with a glint in his eyes, noticeable even through the reflection of the fire. You're not sure what he's searching for. Any signs you'd back down or try to run away despite his warnings? Whatever it was, it seems he reached a conclusion.
“We'll rid this court of Beron,” he extends his hand towards you, holding his palm up, “and give it a new worthy ruler.” Another bargain. He wants to add to your former agreement, that one would disappear the moment you got married anyway.
“We'll make this a better place to live, a court we can be proud of.” You have nothing else to lose. You take his hand and feel the magic instantly. You're now bound to Eris in an oath you intend to fulfill at the cost of your life. You'd make him High Lord or you'd die trying.
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demonvibez · 9 months
[Yandere] Mammon ♡
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Rating: Mature [MDNI] Tags: dark content, possessiveness, fighting, stalking, implied murder, smut, gn body parts, penetration mentions, cock warming, semi public sex, changed canon events Word Count: 1.4k+ A/N: I love yans and I love Mams soooo...here we are lol. Happy Birthday to my favorite greedy demon ♡ Mammoney!
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♡ Yandere Mammon, who has been by your side since the very first day you dropped into the Devildom.
-> He didn't think much of you at first - a mere hassle dropped onto his plate by his Prideful elder brother. But it doesn't take long for the Avatar of Greed to become completely obsessed with you.
-> He actually made Lucifer give him your file ahead of time, wanting to size up how much trouble you'd be and see what kinda wealth you'd be bringing him. When his golden eyes landed on your picture though, a new sense of greed wrapped itself around his heart, and he knew he just had to have you.
♡ Yandere Mammon, who is a hell of a lot smarter than his brothers give him credit for.
-> He's the one that actually planted the seed in Leviathan's mind that you should make a pact with Mammon in the first place. Paying his debt to the Third Born was worth having the chance to cement himself as your first pact mate - which he always uses to his advantage.
-> Any situation you find yourself in, Mammon manipulates his way to get access to you - whether it's his usual antics (like him 'whining' about being your first man), or even some of his more greedy tricks like bribery, you'll always find him right next to you. There are even times he uses the pact to summon himself to you, and convinces you that it was subconsciously your idea because you always need him by your side - 'Ya know I was tasked to protect ya after all, treasure.'
-> On the rare occasion that Mammon can't be with you at the moment, he sends his murder of crows to look after you - especially even when you're with one of his brothers. His feathered familiars keep an eye on you no matter the realm, and they diligently report back to their Master with any findings.
♡ Yandere Mammon, whose greed for you knows no bounds.
-> Whenever you're with one of his brothers, he finds a way to squeeze himself in. He gives them a look of warning - he wouldn't necessarily kill one of his brothers, but they might find themselves befalling serious misfortune if they don't back off from you. 
-> He doesn't afford that same luxury to strangers, though. Sure, he may start off with the warning of bad luck, each demon that gets too close to you suddenly finding themselves penniless. But if they still don't get the hint between that and Mammon's death glare, then he'll be sure to follow them home and have a nice chat with them later - just be sure to kiss his bruised and bloody knuckles when he comes home and lies about it.
♡ Yandere Mammon, who wants nothing more than to hoard you to himself like a rare Devildom treasure - because that's what you are to him.
-> He absolutely took Beelzebub's custard on purpose, knowing your room would get demolished in the process. Before Lucifer could make you move into Beel's room however, Mammon spots Satan and ropes him into the scene, knowing he would get triggered by the First Born and escalate the situation worse. Fists get thrown between Pride and Wrath, and Mammon uses the opportunity to steal you away to his room.
-> You pretty much live in his room now - he's replaced your destroyed belongings and given you space in his own closet. You don't notice a few of your things still going missing occasionally - and you definitely don't notice the secret door in the back of his closet, leading to the shrine he's made of you, your missing items adorning the altar.
-> Something else you fail to notice, is how he prolongs the reconstruction of your bedroom. It first started with him just tearing down the current work being done to rebuild it - that is, until he got the idea that if he started picking off the construction demons one by one, it'd surely slow down production. It was quite messy work at first, until he remembered his little brother was the Avatar of Gluttony who has never left a scrap of food behind.
♡ Yandere Mammon, who despite wanting you all for himself, still loves to show you off as 'His' to any and everyone.
-> He may be the Avatar of Greed, but he absolutely loves making people jealous - he wants them to covet what he owns, especially when it comes to you. He buys you revealing outfits that cost a pretty Grimm, just to dress you up and parade you around the city on his arm.
-> His public displays of affection for you are constant - there's not a single being in the Devildom that hasn't seen the way his hands grab your body, the way he presses his lips to your neck. And when he gives you gifts, he makes sure to do it in front of other people, so they can see the way you look at him and kiss him on the lips so lovingly. 
♡ Yandere Mammon, who toys with how much luck you have in order to keep himself as close to you as possible.
-> Some days Mammon feels you aren't giving him enough attention, and you suddenly find yourself having the worst luck - bad grades, failed cooking, accidental injuries. And there Mammon is, right there by your side with open arms, ready to care for you like the perfect boyfriend that he is.
-> Other days, Mammon spoils the hell outta you - with all that good luck on your side, you suddenly find that you won a ton of Grimm from some Devilgram contest you don't remember entering, and he's convincing you to go away to the beach for a week, just the two of you.
♡ Yandere Mammon, who infects those around him with greed in order to move along his own hidden agenda.
-> He talks his way into going to your meeting with Lord Diavolo, despite Lucifer also being there. All it took was a little greed and a few well placed words to convince them to give you a permanent citizenship in the Devildom, despite all of their earlier reservations. The elder demons later side eye Mammon, but he just throws his hands up, insisting he couldn't possibly be that powerful and doing his best to hide his smugness.
-> He uses this ability on his brothers as well - usually either on Satan, Asmodeus or Belphegor. Whenever he isn't getting his way, he infects one (or multiple) of them with his greed, standing back with an arm around your shoulder and his signature smirk on his face as he hears his brothers argue with Lucifer for him - his brothers already love you, so they don't think too much about it.
♡ Yandere Mammon, whose obsession with you fills him with an inherent need to mark you as his.
-> He needs everyone to see that you belong to him. It starts off innocently, with him giving you gifts of jewelry and insisting you wear them. Some of the jewelry very obviously brandish his sigil and symbols, but little did you know, the other pieces have secret inscriptions to let other demons know that you're his.
-> And of course he put his pact mark somewhere obvious, in a spot you couldn't hide it. 'Why would ya wanna hide it, anyways?!'
-> He also loves to bite - why wouldn't ya want his adorable fang marks on the side of your neck? He'll take any chance he can get to add another permanent little mark of his on you - without hurting you too much, of course.
♡ Yandere Mammon, whose greed seeps into every fiber of his being as he passionately fucks you into his mattress.
-> You don't miss the way he chants 'Mine' over and over like a prayer as he roughly thrusts into you - the way his rings dig into your flesh as he holds you too tightly through your shared orgasms, silently vowing to never let you go.
-> He pours greed into your pact in order to hear you beg for him - your own avarice causing you to cock warm him even after you've both fallen asleep, so full of his sin you can't stand the thought of separating.
-> Sometimes he's so needy for you that he can't wait until the two of you get home - he'll pull you into a storage closet or an empty classroom and start having his way with you - he doesn't even care if someone hears the two of you, in fact he almost wishes they would. Knowing he's the only one that can have you this way makes him want to pound you against the wall that much harder.
♡ Yandere Mammon, who will stop at nothing to keep you forever.
"Ya don't know just how much ya mean to me, treasure. I'm never lettin' ya go."
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· demonvibez ♡ 2023 · do not copy, repost or modify · · likes, comments and reblogs are deeply appreciated! ♡ ·
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screeching-bunny · 1 year
Part 2 on the yandere General hcs
Yandere! General pt.2
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Warnings: Obsessive Behavior, Yandere Thoughts, Bad Writing, Stalking, Possessive Behavior, Reader is Referred as ‘You’
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Pt. 1
Yandere! General is a battle-hardened leader with a reputation for being unyielding and fierce. An unapproachable force with a bloodthirsty aura present in his mannerism. So it’s no surprise that he’s out of place in the king’s banquet filled with joyous laughter and people waltzing onto the dance floor.
He feels repulsed by just being there, who cares if the royal family personally invited him, he should have stayed home. There were just too many people with ulterior motives for approaching and it didn’t help that the princess had a crush on him. God how he hated her, she just never seemed to want to leave him alone. She is a selfish little brat who whines all the time and always seems to balance others for her atrocious actions. “Please stay the night with me, I promise I’ll make it worthwhile? I’ve just missed seeing your face, I want to spend more time with you.” Yep, he really wished he stayed at home today.
Deciding that engaging in conversation with the princess was not worth it, he simply just ignored her and made his way outside to the royal garden. There, he sees a figure dancing in the moonlight. The way you moved had him transfixed and in a daze. He silently stares at them and waits for them to finish their performance. This dancer is actually you. Now the question arises, why are you dancing and in the royal garden no less? Well the answer to that question is quite complicated, actually.
Your father is a low leveled noble in the aristocratic society. Who is power hungry and strives to raise their social standing no matter what. Everyone in your family hates you and rarely acknowledges you. The reason for this is because your father cheated on his wife with a lowly maid working in his manor and conceived you. His wife, now your stepmother, was enraged by this and ended up murdering your biological mother. She was, however, never caught or tried. The only reason why she kept you around was because she thought that you would be useful for future purposes. Your family never really paid much attention to you and you have an older half sister who absolutely despises you. She treats you as if you were a dog or some common slave.
Your life was extremely miserable but the only thing that seemed to bring you happiness was dancing. You first learned to dance when you were eight. When one day you decide to sneak out of your father's manor and go visit town. Luckily for you, it was during that time that a festival was being held and you couldn’t take your eyes off of the dancers and secretly copied their moves. It wasn’t until one of them noticed you and asked if you would like to join them. Ever since then, you have been secretly going to town to learn and improve your dancing skills. It’s not like your family even cared that you were gone, heck they didn’t even notice.
Many years have passed and your love and passion for dance is still the same. This tranquility, however, did not last for long because the moment you turned eighteen your parents agreed to sell you off to be engaged to a rich but very old nobleman. No amount of begging and pleading could convince your parents to change their minds. It was always met with the same response of “Don’t you know we need the money? Why are you being so selfish?!?! How else could we raise our social status, don’t you know your sister needs this in order to have a chance with the crowned prince?!?! Just be lucky that you're alive and that we feed you!” You have never been more depressed. You’ve always dreamed of marrying for true love, you didn’t want things to end up this way.
The news of your engagement broke in high society which had helped boost your family's prestige. You had briefly met your soon to be husband and had to force yourself to not cry. After the meeting, your father severely scolded you and it was decided that the next time the two of you would meet, would be on your wedding day. Due to your family’s higher social status you were all invited to the royal banquet that was created to celebrate the country’s tremendous victory in the four year war. You’ve heard rumors about it and how it was mostly won due to the general who easily sunk ten battleships in one day.
The moment that you stepped foot into that room, you immediately felt as if you did not belong. You were so out of place and everything was just so suffocating for you. You had to go outside and take a breath of fresh air. When you made your way outside you noticed a beautiful path filled with followers and decided to follow it. There you saw a beautiful flower garden, none like you’ve ever seen before. Being there just felt so peaceful and relaxing. You couldn’t help but just live the moment and dance in the moonlit sky. During that time, everything just felt so right in the world.
After you finished your performance, someone coughed in order to get your attention. Looking to the right, your heart almost shot due to fear, it was Yandere! General. He starts to compliment your dancing and the way you shined brighter than any of the stars that night. You both chat for a few moments when he just randomly asks out of nowhere, if you wanted to marry him! You honestly could not believe this man, why would you want to marry someone you just met. Without batting an eye you quickly reject the offer and before he could say anything, one of his men went to inform him that the king wanted to speak with him. Clicking his tongue in annoyance he agrees to go and tells you that he’ll be back.
Watching him leave, you swiftly make your way to exit the garden and decide to hide out in one of the restrooms. When Yandere! General gets back and immediately tries to find you but to no avail because you successfully manage to avoid him and leave undetected. This does not deter him because he has been there to find you and orders his men to help his search. By the time that the sun starts to rise he learns almost everything about you. Your age, your family, and your engagement.
That same morning Yandere! General makes his way towards your house and demands for your hand in marriage. Your parents are unsure about what to say, on one hand you being married to the general would bring many benefits but, on the other, they already agreed to you being married to the old nobleman. Your father tells him about your engagement and Yandere! General responds calmly with, “Don't worry, I’ll handle it.” In the afternoon he mails the head of your fiancé to your parents. Welp problem solved, guess you’ll just have to marry him.
Running away in this situation is useless, the only thing that you can do is to just accept your fate. With a heavy heart, you interact with him everyday getting to know your future husband.
There were of course many protests from the upper class of society. How could someone like him marry a person of lower status? It just wasn’t right. These complaints mainly came from the princess who was the most vocal about it. She loved him so much how he could do this to her. She tried to stop the wedding of herself but Yandere! General threatened to kill her. When that didn’t work he told the royal family directly that if she tries to interfere any longer, then he won’t hesitate to rebel against the royal family. After that, all attempts were stopped.
Your wedding day is very grand, there is not one speck of dust to be seen anywhere. Everything seemed so perfect, with the best of items that only money could buy. There, in one of the rooms stood you, putting on your wedding outfit with many maids swarming you like a pack of bees. As you walk to the altar you are greeted with the smiling face of your fiancé. It felt like such a blur to you, that you could hardly even comprehend what was going on. It was as if some sucked all the air out of you.
“Do you take Yandere! General to be your lawful husband?”
“… I do.”
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neerons · 2 months
Some of Clavis Lelouch’s best quotes + Cyran's bonus quotes
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"Tell me, Emma, what do you think is the best way to wake someone who's really bad at waking up? (...) That's right, you stab them." (—Clavis talking about Chevalier to Emma)
"Finding such a handsome man in your room is enough to leave anyone breathless. Take your time. I know I'm easy on the eyes. (...) Oh, nice reaction! There's nothing like a good AHHHHH to get me in the mood."
“I didn’t do anything. But next time, don’t be intimidated by these status-crazed nobles. You don’t owe them anything—not even a smile. If someone looks down on you, look down on them in return. Otherwise, your self-worth will start to plummet. Never abandon your self-respect just to calm the situation. I know you’re a wonderful person—I wouldn’t have chosen you as my wife if not.”
"You succumbed to delusion."
"You weren't paying any attention to me at all. I got so lonely, I almost died!"
"...I want to make love to you."
"I'll tell you a secret about Chevalier. You want to know right? I bet you do. (...) He likes romance novels, but the reason for that is... Me. (...) One day, I secretly added to his pile of books... I put a book that boasted its dewy, spicy romance in the pile."
"Haha! When you're as handsome as I am, you look good no matter what state you're in. You just need better understanding of aesthetics." (—Clavis to the "Obsidianite soldier")
"Haha! You don't need to apologize. Who says only kids are allowed to be bouncy? What's wrong with adults being genuine about loving the things they love?"
"Oh, the things you say! Don't you realize you threaten to unleash the beast that hides behind this gentleman's visage?" (—Clavis' thoughts about Emma)
"What a fool I was to think I was done falling in love with you. The depths I could fall for you seem endless."
“We can do it on the table, or by the windowsill again, if you like. Ah, but I don’t recommend the floor—not unless you’re into that.”
"Wait, wait, wait! (...) Chevalier, you cannot possibly be trying to replace the words 'I love you' with that one kiss. (...) Why else would Emma have dressed up so beautifully? It's all so she can hear you say those three words! (...) Yes, not all things need to be said, but there is a purpose in giving words to feelings. That's how you can bring them into the real world. Chev, you can't let Emma guess how you truly feel forever. Just tell her. (...) The average person can't read minds like you do. Don't assume that Emma knows everything just because you do." (—Clavis to Chevalier, in Chevalier's route)
"I would never allow my lovely fiancee to live a life of fear. And so I must take it upon myself to indulge her in a life of joy." (—Clavis' thoughts about Emma)
"I'm charming, aren't I?"
"Here you are, alone in a secret room with a handsome prince. Why are you only interested in those lifeless husks? (...) That's a little offensive, you know."
"Haha! Go to hell." (—Clavis to Chevalier)
"Goodness, I've never visited that bookstore, and to think it was hiding a gem all this time..." (—Clavis' thoughts about Emma)
"Dear me, it looks like they started running the second they spotted me. Haha! That's optimistic of them. " (—Clavis talking about Yves and Licht to Emma)
"You could at least call it artistic. My handwriting conceals talent that would surpass that of a genius artist. (...) It's readable. So long as you take the time to decode it! Haha!" (—Clavis to Jin)
"Ah... Hahaha! I can't believe you headbutted me! You should've slapped me, at least."
"There's no rule that says you have to drink alcohol once you come of age. That said, it might be more romantic to let you get drunk and then take care of you until you sober up. Wait here, I'll just get some—"
"Of course, I'm not trying to criticize your own personal standards for good and evil. But throughout our lives, we're constantly being confronted by our perceptions of good and evil. And there are times when we might regret it later, if we decide to be critical of something simply because 'it's evil'. Our own individual standards for good and evil may not always be aligned with the kingdom's standards for good and evil. And if that happens, wouldn't you want to remain true to your own standards? To what you believe is good and right?"
"So you're comfortable drinking. I'll keep that in mind." (—Clavis' thoughts about Emma)
"(...) I'm well aware that of all the princes, I was the one most loved by his mother. Although I suppose it's not really a surprise, given how adorable and cute I was. (...) Haha! Why are you apologizing? There's no rule that says we can't talk about the deceased. And there's no need to feel guilty, either. I'm not some silly child who gets all worked up just from thinking about her." (—Clavis talking about his mother to Emma)
"I love drawing attention to myself, you know that. I wanted everyone in the palace talking about me, so I made it seem as if I'd gone missing." (—Clavis to Sariel)
"...You're surprisingly sweet on Emma, aren't you?" (—Clavis to Chevalier)
"Well obviously, because I like rabbits. And from what I know of rabbits... They may seem aloof, but they're actually very sweet and loving, and if you're lucky, they'll even let you see that side of them. I think they're adorable. And despite being delicate and easily frightened, they won't run from anything—they'll stand their ground and put on a brave face. I can't think of any other creature that instills in me such an urge to protect them. You see? Everything about them is lovable." (—Clavis talking about Emma secretly)
"But that's why Rhodolite is so well-balanced. If we all agreed with Leon, the kingdom would constantly be in danger from outside. If we all agreed with Chevalier, it would end up a dictatorship."
"You're about the only person who willingly visits the brutal beast's lair."
"Just so we're clear, this doesn't even count as a setback to me. I've tasted defeat countless times at the hands of a brother more beastly than anyone in Obsidian. I've never once made the right choice. I'm a loser, constantly making mistakes, and constantly being laughed at for them. (...) When you fail, it's easy to give up. It's easy to think your ideas are wrong, and yield to the right choice. But this is what I do. Every time I fail, I get up again, and I fight even harder, so that next time, maybe I won't fail. I don't care about what's right for the kingdom. I stay true to what's right for me, and that's the only way I've found any meaning in my life. Even if what I believe to be right and true is actually wrong, and even if I'm called evil and wicked for doing what I do... I'll fight against the brutal beast's methods with everything I have in me. And I'm not going to die until I've made him kneel before me, and accepted that my beliefs are just as righteous as his are. (...) And since I've spent my life tasting nothing but defeat, I think I can declare this with some certainty. So long as you go on living, you'll never really be a loser. Because there is no such thing. Even if you lost this time, you just have to win next time to be the winner. And if nothing else, you'd be able to die a prouder man than you will now. (...) Today's failures will lead you to tomorrow's hope. Always, as long as you don't give up. And that's why I'm going to get up and try again. What about you? Are you going to die a dog's death here?" (—Clavis to the "Obsidianite soldier")
"What a shame... Were my hands not bound right now... I'd already be making love to you."
"Haha! Not a chance. I adore her." (—Clavis denying disliking Emma to Gilbert)
Cyran's bonus quotes:
"(...) Prince Clavis lies incessantly, so feel free to ignore everything he says. (...) Everything. You've no need to be worried about his feelings, or even keep him company. And it might be in your best interests to refuse to eat any of this." (—Cyran talking about Clavis and his cooking to Emma, in front of Clavis)
"You're still half-asleep, aren't you? You're a disgrace." (—Cyran to Clavis)
"When we finally catch up to him, I think we should team up and give him a good scolding!" (—Cyran talking about Clavis to Emma)
"Since you left me behind like that, I've decided to hold a grudge against you forever. (...) Do it again and I'll throttle you, master or no. Just so you know." (—Cyran to Clavis)
"My Lady, I'm afraid that Prince Clavis's plan is truly stupid. A prince in his right mind would never even plan such a thing, and the average person would recoil in shock at the very idea of it."
"Prince Clavis, you can't just go casually tossing your head in her lap like that. My Lady, you're more than welcome to slap him awake at this point."
"(...) despite all that, there was one fool prince who stormed into the camp where the prisoners were being held. Yep, I'm talking about the idiot prince currently sleeping like a babe in your lap."
"From the way he acts, it's easy to mistake him for a fool and a scoundrel, but... at heart, he's the kindest, most compassionate man I've ever met." (—Cyran talking about Clavis to Emma)
"...So where is he, this handsome man? (...) ...You're a total mess right now, you realize. You look dreadful. Want me to get you a mirror?" (—Cyran to Clavis)
"My Lady, I truly am sorry, but... I've been ordered to inform you that, and I quote, 'your prince is in grave danger and needs you to rescue him! Ahaha'! (...) ...He insisted I include the 'ahaha' at the end." (—Cyran delivering a message from Clavis to Emma)
"Very well. I'll inform him that you said to die in pain and agony." (—Cyran talking about Clavis to Chevalier)
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vaguely-yandere · 2 years
i adore the "mean to everyone but you" trope and i think we need to see that more in our little community here but in a slightly different way than you might expect. (CW: nsfw and degrading)
what i would love to see is the Big Bad Yandere who acts like they're going to chop off your fingers, your toes, beat you black and blue, anything to keep you with them, turns out to be the most pathetic, submissive little thing you've ever had the pleasure of meeting and boy, are you lucky!
they were rude to you at first, immensely so, to the point where you avoided them at all costs. meeting together? need to get there at just the right time so you don't have to sit next to each other. lunch in the same area? you'll eat later. if you see them in a room you're about to enter, you turn right back around and head out, no matter how badly you need to be in that room.
but you have no idea how desperate they are to see you, how hard it is for them to focus when you're sitting next to them, how they adore staring at you and pretending you're eating together when you eat in the same area, how they relish seeing your nose scrunch up a bit, your nostrils flare, your jaw tense, your fists clench, all for you to take a deep breath and keep smiling. (how disappointing. you really should learn how to stand up for yourself, it's fucking pathetic.)
they love you and they hate it because they don't understand it. you're perfect but weak, small, pathetic and for those reasons, they should despise you. you aren't worth their time or anyone else's time! you're useless! but just when they work themselves up enough to hate you until they drop dead, you say a kind word to them or accidentally brush against them and they're right back where they started, hyper aware of every inch of skin covering their body, how hard they're breathing, how fast their heart is racing and how little control they have over their volume. (i have you. i hate how you make me feel. i hate how desperately i want- no, NEED to please you, fuck.. it drives me insane. i fall asleep dreaming of you smiling at me and sometimes, even that thought is too overwhelming. what is wrong with me..?)
they just can't stop themselves! this is the first time they ever felt completely out of control of their body so their first instinct is to be rude and defensive, trying not hard not to let you see just how much you effect them, how they feel their heart pound when they accidentally get a whiff of your scent, how they can hear their pulse in their ears, STRAINING to hear every single noise that comes out of your mouth, how their blood rushes to so many places when you accidentally brush against them and if you touch them on purpose? (touch me! touch me! touch me please, please, you feel so good i- fuck! what is happening to me?!) they smack your hand away and try to hide their face while squeezing their legs together, knees trembling a bit.
doesn't matter how big and scary they are, how strong they are, how cold they are, something about you just melts them and it drives them insane. they're unbelievably confused and head over heels, nearly reduced to tears from pure pleasure when you're around them for longer than a few minutes. (it's not fucking fair! I'm the best, how the hell do you have so much fucking power over me?! how are you doing this?! is it poison?! mind tricks?! tell me!)
if they have a tragic backstory, everything is 10× worse for them. when you touch them they have to tense every muscle in their body to refrain from making a mess in their pants, when you call for them or, god forbid, say their name they whine oh so sweetly and for just a second, you can see the desperate, depraved look on their face before they snap out of it and snap at you. they're whipped for you. addicted. devoted. infatuated. obsessed. even just thinking about you makes them whimper involuntarily and get red in the face, and you fucking bet they're a crybaby. yelling, screaming, fighting, battling, those never make them even tear up but the one time your leg brushed against theirs(fuckfuckfuckFUCK please oh god please please do it again, i need it, i- oh god PLEASE ill do anything, please please PLEASE!), they spent hours in the bathroom, touching themselves and sobbing from pleasure, hoping that you'd come in and see them all pathetic but also terrified their dream would randomly come true.
their emotions quickly start ramping up and up, they're addicted to you. unlike some yanderes, the small things slowly stop satisfying them, they're craving more and more at a rapid rate. they start taking things. pens, pencils, used tissues, left over drinks, thrown out plastic utensils, if you donate clothes then they'll go in and buy them (with a healthy amount of guilt), if you try on clothes at a store, they'll buy them, if you sit down and eat somewhere, they'll sit in the exact same spot when you're done just to try and feel your left over warmth. if it's hot and your wearing shorts, it takes an embarrassing amount of strength not to lick the seat when you leave (i can't stalk you in jail.. besides, when i do get to taste you, i want it to be magical.. fuck that was so cheesy) and when they feel tempted to follow you into bathrooms to truly get closer to you that's when they decide they've had enough.
they'll make you theirs if it's the last thing they do and hope you don't ever realize just how much of a whore they are for you.
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iceinwhb · 29 days
Oh my God please I will definitely give you more!!
One of my ideas is:
Mammon dolling you up just to bring you to a fancy party full of wealthy devils ;)
You know the one, where he shows you off like some exotic pet.
Sitting in his lap as devil's eye you like a piece of meat. But they know they can only look not touch.
Woah... This... I got to write it quickly. But I know it's going to be very short… Let me see.
﹅ contains ;; what in hell is bad, Mammon, sfw.
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You had never been to a similar party, not even remotely close.
The glamour of the room was more than impressive; if it wasn't for the fact that you were already more aware that gold was a material they used for every single thing that could enter into the mind of a rich man with a lot of money and desire to spend.
But what you were still not able to understand, was the reason why Mammon invited you there in the first place, and if he was aware that all those looks would be glued to your body, and they would covet you, because you were the last descendant of Solomon.
He smiled all the time, never moving away from your side, and never letting you out of his touch, almost like a precious object that no one else could access, only him.
You could even say he took pride in your presence, as he drank a strange and exotic type of liquor that you would never have imagined seeing on earth, or anywhere else but there, as he relaxedly enjoyed the ominous atmosphere.
Since you arrived, the demons were making a restless circle, with the purpose of greeting Mammon and taking a closer look at their companion, at every part of you, as if assessing at a glance your value.
And after overwhelming you with undue attention, he lifted you in his arms, and solely cared for you, too comfortable to realize his intentions. He wanted everyone to see how precious you were, too much to consider anything else.
He sat you on his lap, and kissed you gently, before caressing your hair, and your neck. His hand traveled to your waist, and made circles over your thigh.
“Having fun?” you whispered, almost in a playfully accusatory way, as your head fell to his chest, and you basked in his scent.
“They were never bad, don't you like it? We can leave whenever you want.”
“Opulence, looks that consider me a piece of meat, and expensive liquor were never exactly something I wanted to try to the extreme.” You laughed, and denied. “As long as you don't sell me out to anyone here, so much the better.”
“It has never crossed my mind to give you to anyone else, but if you want to know how much they would give for you…” Fingers slid to your ass, instinctively. “You know I'd give everything I own for you, and that's already yours.” He whispered, as his nose rubbed against your cheek. “No one could ever give you what you're really worth.”
You had no words for it, except a laugh.
“Later, you'll have to pay for that.” You let him manipulate you any way he wanted, while internally you adored the excitement in his eyes, which not was too short-lived because he didn't want to wait for the party to end.
Actually, it's very short, but I can't imagine what kind of things the non-sectarian rich people. do (Sorry, the movies).
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luveline · 1 year
Hi id love to send u a request but I just can't match your genius mind, id looooveee more zombie!au Steve!!! 🥺🥺🥺🫶🏻🫶🏻 maybe smth about r or Steve almost being bitten by a geek?
hi!! thank you angel!! zombie au steve x fem!reader, 3k
"Sneaking around with your boyfriend would've been considered sort of scandalous a few years ago," you think aloud, eyes skipping over medication labels slowly. "Now it's the norm."
"We are the opposite of scandalous," Steve says. 
You push pill bottles aside to meet his eyes through the gap in the shelves. He narrows his gaze. "You know how you saw me naked, like, a week after we met?" 
Steve's glare turns playfully salacious. "Yeah?" 
"Did that make it less, uh, important? Not important. Was it less intimate for you when I was naked on purpose?" 
Steve returns his eyes to the pill bottles. "No." 
"Is that weird for me to ask you?" 
"No, that's not weird, why would that be weird?" He looks up again. His expression softens. "Don't worry, it's not weird. It's a normal question. You're wondering if I was… desensitised." 
"Yeah, exactly. Were you desensitised?" 
Trust Steve to say something snippy and then feel bad enough afterwards to immediately backtrack. There's no need for him to feel guilty because you'd known he was joking, and if he weren't it wouldn't matter to you —you know being outside of camp makes him nervous, and tightly strung. You aren't expecting him to be all smiles, especially when you're asking peculiar questions. 
"If anything," he says, his voice a murmur that evidences shy affection, "it was way more special. I knew you back to front already, but the first time you showed me you, on purpose, it was different." 
You grin at him. "Like a look don't touch scenario where you finally get to touch?" 
"I'm trying to be sweet on you." 
"What was it like?" you ask. Your smile is audible. 
"Like fucking relief." He reaches through the shelves to squeeze your hand. "You're being slow." 
You take your hand back and return to the task. You're looking for anti-seizure medication for one of the children at camp. It's an important mission and neither of you had hesitated when Joyce asked you to go, but you can't say you enjoy being out here. Talking to Steve makes things better. Easier to cope. Talking to Steve about loving him and being loved by him could make you forget a pike through the chest. 
You move to the next shelf below. 
There aren't many drugs for epilepsy. You aren't sure the child even has epilepsy, but no one has the knowledge to identify anything else. Sarah (Robin's fast friend from camp) read in her field medic journal that a seizure can be caused by lots of things, and she also said that sometimes what looks like a seizure isn't a seizure at all. What is it, then? you'd asked. 
The page was missing. 
You're working through a mental list of four drugs methodically, scanning and rescanning the labels on the bottles in the back of a pharmacy. This is the raw stuff, the kind that sometimes needs to be ground and poured into capsules with filler, so if you do find the right meds you'll also need to find a pestle and some other equipment. It's a hassle, but it's worth it completely if it helps. 
"Clonazepam," you read. You lift your head. "Steve, that's the right one, right? Clonazepam?" 
Steve's head snaps up. "Yeah, that's the last resort one. Where's that?" 
He rounds the shelves to be on the same side as you, seemingly hoping for similar medications to be in the same place. His hand drops casually to your shoulder as he bends, reading each label with a determined brow. 
"Valproate," he says, relieved, hand closing around another bottle. "Okay, two options. Thank god." 
"Do they have the side effects on the bottle?" you ask. 
Steve turns the bottle but there's no second label.
"The side effects are usually worse than the original problem," he says, frowning, "remember those migraine pills we found, the leaflet?" That's how bored you and Steve had become at one point in your isolation, you'd started reading medical pamphlets. "I'd rather have a headache than lose my sense of smell." 
"Depends on how bad the headache is. You keep looking for the, uh, the carba-Tegre one. I'll go scout the equipment." 
"Tegretol," he corrects lightly. "Carbamazepine, brand name Tegretol." 
You're impressed by his memory. He sees that, and he lifts his hand to you. Palm your way, you can see he's written the names of the medication as you'd been advised to find by one of the camp members, a retired carer who worked bedside for a lady who suffered from epilepsy. 
"Your spelling is terrible," you say. 
"Whatever," he says flippantly. You're barely ten paces away when he adds, "I love you." 
"I love you too," you say. There's no need to call. The building, this entire town, is silent. You'll hear a geek a mile away. 
You poke at dusty equipment sceptically. You don't need filler, you don't think, but it affects absorption, maybe? You're not a pharmacist nor a chemist, whoever's watching knows you didn't have time to become much of anything, you're just doing as the retired carer advised. There's a press contraption with what feels like hundreds of caplet sized holes toward the front. You put it in your bag and lament its weight as you search for a pestle. 
"I've found the filler," Steve says. "There's a huge container of it. Lactose. And another of starch."
"Starch, like potatoes? We could put her medicine in mash potato."
"I think we just need a pestle and a weighing scale now. And some hand sanitiser." 
"I'll have the scales and the sanitiser, what about Robin's deodorant?" you ask. 
"At the front. I'll get it. You'll have another one?" 
"Please tell me they have that Carribean Crush one again, it was lovely." 
"You're lovely. I'll find it." 
The weighing scale must get its name from how ridiculously heavy it is. That along with the pestle has your bag feeling like a boulder attached to your neck. Maybe Steve will be willing to share the load with you. Actually, there's no need for maybe. If you tell him, he'll carry it with you happily. 
You scan the room for useful things. Batteries, food, things you've trained your eye to pick out of a bomb site if necessary. You pocket a pen for Steve and leave the rest where it lays, stepping out into the slightly bigger medications room before rounding a plexiglass wall to the pharmacy counter. Steve crouches down the aisleway, rejected roll-on deodorant on the floor beside him. 
You're about ten feet away from him when the geek lunges for him. 
You can't even tell it's a geek at first, it moves quickly, quietly, smooth as a living human. They've become diverse as the infection thrives, and you should've been thinking about that fact. You should've been standing at the front of the room. 
You freeze. You freeze and you waste time. 
"Steve!" you shriek. 
Steve's flat on his side, kicking with the entire force of his body. The geek actually bounces back with the force of each kick, but he's persistent, and stronger than he should be, a mottled hand on Steve's shoulder and decaying teeth snapping with a sound like cracking marble near his face. Steve tries to scramble from under the geek and its face falls down by Steve's ribs and upper arm. He yanks his arm away, and there's an odd ripping sound. 
You run so fast down the aisle to protect him that you can't slow, the entire weight of your body and the heavy bag you carry throttling the geek with a horrid slap against the glass door. It flies open and you topple out onto asphalt, sliding across the geek's body and taking the brunt of your rolling in your hands and the top of your face. Steve shouts a war cry and barrels after you. You go on knees, hands trembling and rushing as you grab for the knife in your belt. Steve lands on top of the geek and drives the blade of his pen knife straight into the crease between its brows, grunting as he goes, his breath coming too fast. 
You've clipped your head on the floor, the warmth of blood trickling down your brow. It doesn't concern you. 
What concerns you is the sizable tear in Steve's coat. 
He almost cuts you with his knife as you run at him, yanking the sleeves of his coat and jacket down. 
"What– what are you doing?" he asks. You tug at his sleeve like you've been possessed, panic a coil that won't loosen in your throat. "What–?" 
If he's been bitten, you'll have to saw his arm off. It's the most horrible thing you can think of, hurting someone you love, hurting the one person you love most. Your breath is half sob as you finally get his outerwear off of his arm. You don't know how to do that to somebody and especially Steve, how could you ever sever a limb? But if it will stop the infection, if it would save him—
You push the long sleeve of his t-shirt up his arm and stare down at his arm. Bruised near the wrist, pale, threaded with dark-green veins, his skin is unbroken. He hasn't been bitten. 
You pull his arm to your chest and almost break down there in the street. Steve stands with his coat hanging off of his one shoulder and doesn't respond to your actions for a long, heavy second. 
"You thought it bit me," he says. 
Your breath catches. 
"It didn't bite you." 
"No," he says, "it didn't bite me." 
"Your coat." 
Steve pulls you back inside of the store. He looks around the room twice, and then leads you to an empty corner to hug you. 
You're frenetic and frantic at once, hands sliding up and down his arm, eyes tracing his light skin like an injury might materialise. 
"It didn't bite me," Steve says, "but you're bleeding." 
You hiss as his fingertip locates your cut forehead. It must be a very small cut considering how little it bled. You've had head injuries that wept for hours, leaving you dizzy and disorientated from the subsequent lack of blood. This one's a wimp. 
You've also seriously hurt your shoulder from the backpack's weight and your small skirmish. You're not going to tell him that, not now, not when you've been dropped face first into the horror of potentially losing him forever. 
Steve eases out of his jacket. He takes your hand from his arm and pushes both sleeves up, bearing both arms in front of you. 
"It didn't get me, honey. Try to calm down." 
He says it softly, with no judgement or condescension. Only concern. 
"I'm fine," you say. 
It's strangled, you'll admit. Steve turns his arms to show you both sides before he tilts your head up and toward the meagre filtering sunlight, analysing your head injury in detail. 
"Did you hurt yourself? When you fell, did it feel like you hit it hard, or was it something sharp?" You don't answer, and he gets snippy. "Y/N, tell me. Did it hurt?" 
"Steve, you're the one who almost got bit." 
"And you're the one who almost died of a fucking concussion not that long ago, in case you forgot. Sit down. I'm not kidding, sit down." 
You blink, mildly startled by his hissing, and sit on the ground. He's being snappy because he's panicking, that's all it is. You hold back an unhelpful comment that your concussion had been months and months ago, so it kind of was long ago. 
He lets his coat and jacket fall to the floor and jogs back up the aisle to the bandages and gauze. He takes a detour for antiseptic, and then he sets himself down in front of you. 
"Did you hit it hard?" he asks. 
You shake your head. 
He doused a piece of gauze in antiseptic. "Sting," he warns, washing the length of your forehead with his makeshift wipe. He quickly swaps the bloodied one for a clean one. "Hold this." 
You hold it. He gets back up, scouring the shelves by the bandages until he plucks out a small box. He crushes it with his hand and the medical tape inside falls into his waiting palm. He sits again, tears two strips, and lines the edges of your gauze with them. It would all be much easier if they had big band-aids. 
"Show me your pupils, baby," he says. 
Steve, for his street smarts and survival skills, used to freak out about injuries. But Steve freaking out freaks you out and he guessed that soon enough, so every cut and bruise these days is met with a silent approach. It's the opposite of your reaction. Embarrassment starts to creep in. 
You widen your eyes and let Steve check your pupils. 
"Same size," he says. 
"It's just a cut." 
Steve shuffles across the floor so his thigh is pressed to yours, rather than having his back to the store. He breathes out slowly, breathes in quick, and then forces the bottom of his palm into his thigh cruelly. 
"How the fuck did that happen?" he asks. If he weren't being hyper vigilant, he'd be scrubbing his eyes in a tell tale nervous tic. "We haven't had something like that in months. We swept this whole place when we came in, where the fuck was he hiding? I feel sick." 
"You do?" you ask, terrified. 
"It didn't bite me," he assures you again. Thankfully without any annoyance. 
"It ripped a chunk out of your coat with its teeth. Forgive me for thinking your skin was less hardy than pressed plastic." 
Your acidity shocks you both. 
Things are awkward for a split second, 'cos it's difficult to feel awkward around someone who you've spent every second of the day with since you met. You feel for a moment that you could just take him by the shoulders and shake him. You love him, you could never hurt him, but he has to see sense: he doesn't understand how much you need him. Not to keep you alive, but to give you a reason to do it yourself. If he got bit, you'd die. Plain and simple. Internally first, but surely the heartbreak would murder you in the end. 
"I didn't know you were so disagreeable," Steve says. 
"I didn't know you knew a word that long."
Steve laughs, startled. You want to be mad, but you're so thankful that he's not dying and so suddenly wiped you can only laugh with him.
"I forgot how quick you are when we fight," Steve says. 
"We don't fight anymore." 
"That could be amended. Especially if you're going to get fresh with me."
"You started it." 
"I always start it." Steve flicks your shoulder."Let me see your head," he says. You turn your neck so he can see the outermost side of your head. "You swelled up like a helium balloon when you fell through that floor. It was right at the back of your head and I could tell something was wrong… This is fine. It bulged out last time." 
"It what?" you demand, pulling another rare laugh from him.
He winds down, clasping your knee. You cover his hand, and only then do you realise it's shaking.
"Steve, you almost died." 
"But I didn't die, I'm fine, and you need to stop freaking out because high blood pressure is definitely bad for a concussion. You could die yourself if you don't relax, seriously." Steve clears his throat. "Sorry, for getting heated. And thanks for knocking that guy clean off of me, what was that? You holding out on me when we wrestle? That was clean." 
"That was like, a mom's adrenaline thing. No, not 'cos I'm your mom, idiot. Loved one's adrenaline. I thought you were gonna die and suddenly I could've run for fucking gold in the Tokyo Olympics." 
"How did I get some of that? Whenever you're hurt I just feel like crying." 
"I think the crying bit comes after. Maybe if you tried getting to me quicker you'd have enough adrenaline to save me." 
He smiles before he talks, so you know it's going to be bad, "If a geek eats me during an adrenaline rush, am I a human Red Bull?"
"Okay, you have to keep an eye on the store because I need to be hugging you," you say, giving him little time to disagree as you climb on top of his lap. 
It's not comfortable nor sexy, but for once you don't care how heavy you are. You wrap your hands around the back of his neck and cradle his head, his face hooked over your shoulder so that he can still see your surroundings. He slides his hands underneath your coat and hugs you in turn. Your heart's still racing, and his hands are still shaking, but you lived. He lived. You've defeated danger for the hundredth time. 
"This really doesn't get any easier, does it?" you ask, petting his hair.  
He pats your back. "No, I don't think so. S'why I need you with me." 
"That's why I need you." 
Steve dots a quick kiss against the column of your throat. When he puts his chin back atop your shoulder, it's with a heaving sigh. 
"I can't believe you almost got bit," you say. 
"Yeah, well. Nobody has any manners anymore." 
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(HCs) When they found out your ex was abusive
joel miller, miguel o'hara, jake lockley, bucky barnes
reader is: female
warning: mentions of past abuse
tag: @evyiione
HC Masterlist
Joel Miller
Silent treatment. And then Joel's gone. He's out the door, God knows where. He probably went to cool off, not wanting to yell at you and accidentally say hurtful words. He's wiser anyway, he knew better. But you're worried. Worried that what you did was so stupid it broke the most important relationship of your life. Worried that you'll lose Joel and he'll hate you. So you spent the day cleaning the house, cooking, baking, doing everything that could show Joel that you're still worth it. Once Joel was back, he's surprised by the cleanest house he's ever seen, an incredible meal ready, and you, looking beautiful. Beautiful, but there's fear in your eyes. "Sweetheart, what's happenin'?" He asked. "I.. I cooked. I cleaned the house too.. oh, here," You walked up to him and took his coat. "Let me get that." It reminded Joel of the 70s, where women were still expected to do these things. He didn't like it one bit. It's not you at all. "What are you doing?" He whispered, concern filling his voice as he stopped your for a second. You blinked a few times, before the tears started. "Please don't leave me, Joel. I can be a good partner to you, I promise, I- I'll do anything you ask, just say it-" "Oh, sweetheart." Joel hugged you tight. That's when he realized something bad probably happened to you in your previous relationship. "I'm not leaving you. Ever." "But I- I thought-" "We were fighting, yea, but it's okay. Couples fight." He said, wiping your tears away. "And always remember that when we do fight, it's never me against you, okay? We're fighting against the problem."
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Miguel O'Hara
He never realized it; the way you'd flinch every time he'd raise his voice. Miguel raised his voice a lot, that's just who he is, but he does get extra heated when he's angry. And you're a fighter, you're not soft, so he didn't expect it from you. It wasn't until Lyla pointed it out that he started noticing. "Cariño, I.." You turned your head towards him. "What's up?" Miguel shook his head. "Nothing." Miguel made a note after that to never raise his voice at you. If you're having an argument, he'd figure out another way to get his point across. This didn't go unnoticed by you. You realized Miguel suddenly was more reluctant to argue, took a few beats before replying, and taking deep breaths. One would think he's taking anger management classes. "Miguel, are you okay?" He looked at you and blinked. "Yes, why?" "You're... quieter." "Uh-huh." You frowned. "Like on purpose. Why?" Miguel sighed, knowing you're not about to drop this topic. "You flinch whenever I raise my voice, so.. I'm working on it. I don't want you to be scared of me." You softened at his reply and jumped into his arms. "Ay, mi Miguelito. You've gone soft on me." "Mm," He hummed in agreement. "I don't mind. As long as I've got you, mami."
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Jake Lockley
Jake always found it odd when you'd ask him permission for everything. It wasn't as ridiculous as going to the bathroom, but it would be when you're about to go out, grab a drink, buy something, hell, even the way you dress. "Jake, is it okay if I go out tomorrow? Maggie wants to catch up." "Hey Jake, I found a nice dress online I want to buy. Look. You think it'd be okay to buy it?" "Do you think this dress is okay for me to wear? Yeah? Are you sure?" He found it endearing at first, wanting to include him in every single thought of yours, but then he started thinking if something else could be the reason why you're acting this way. "Amor," Jake sat you down, but truthfully unsure of how he's going to talk about this with you. "Can I ask you a question?" "Sure." He held your hand, rubbing it a few times. "Why do you ask my permission for everything?" He then saw your face wince, and he wanted to kill himself then and there. "I'm sorry," You apologized. "I wanted to make sure you're okay with everything, and I'm not stepping on your toes.. I.." "..Did your ex use to do that?" You nodded slowly. "I know it's a problem, and I'm working on it with my therapist, I swear, but it's hard and I don't know if you'd-" "Amor, amor." Jake calmed you down before you went into panic mode. "How about this; every time those questions pop up in that beautiful head of yours, I want you to answer it with 'This is my decision, Jake respects it'. Because I truly do, amor." You gave him an appreciative smile. "Okay. I'll try."
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Bucky Barnes
There was a meeting with FBI, for some reason. You're dreading it already, but at least Bucky was there with you. Bucky was acting as your guard and you were representing the Avengers, despite not being an Avenger yourself. "Sorry to keep you waiting, gentlemen, I-" "Well, well, well." A familiar voice started. "How have you been, sweetcheeks?" Bucky frowned at the nickname. You clenched your jaw. "Harvey. Why'd they send you here?" "I volunteered," He said with ease, "Figured I'd visit my girl." You sighed, trying not to let him get to you. "We're over, Harvey. Now let's just talk about what the FBI needs and be done with it." "The FBI can wait." He smirked. "Winter Soldier, right? Mind giving us some privacy?" You took in a sharp breath. "I'm staying." Bucky sternly said while keeping a worried eye on you. "Alright." Harvey scoffed. A series of snarky comebacks were exchanged, but the meeting was finally over. You kept your distance from Harvey, even refusing to shake his hand. And now he's making it a problem. Again. "Come on, sweetcheeks." He approached you, and Bucky immediately stood closer to you. Harvey then reached his hand out for a handshake, and when you refused again, he tried to grab your chin. But Bucky was faster and stopped his hand. "Back off, right now." Bucky glared. Once Harvey flicked his hand away and left, you finally exhaled. It felt like you were trapped in his house all over again and you couldn't escape. "Baby," Bucky caught you as you were about to fall. "I got you. I got you. You're okay. You're safe." Bucky didn't know what happened between you, but it's never good. Especially not if Harvey's looking back at you and had a big smirk on his face.
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dragon-chica · 2 years
Enid Sinclair NSF W headcanons!
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Fandom: Wednesday
Since no one is giving me requests I must make my own.
Completely gender neutral! If I missed anything, don't forget strap-ons.
This girl is vocal. She's loud and makes sure you know exactly how much she's enjoying what you do to her, it's mostly whines and cute moans and "Oh" "Yes" on repeat getting higher and higher as she's closer to climax.
Giggly sex! fun sex! she's not bothered by a joke mid-go and her ADHD has definitely spouted some random things that just popped into her brain and right out of her mouth.
She likes surprising you with cute underwear and will show you different ones while out shopping to see if you think she should buy them.
She never wants to be 'unfair' but definitely prefers receiving oral, it just feels so good with your tongue inside her and is always down for it.
But like said, she will return the favor! She's very eager to please and wants you to feel just as good, and even if she's not very skilled with her mouth she's very eager and looks so cute.
She's very down for quickies! She has a high libido but not super horny? She wont be thinking of sex but if you mention maybe ducking away for a few minutes she'll be the one pulling you there.
Enid really likes quickies in public. She has so many cute skirts that it's extra tempting too- take her to a secluded little spot when no one's looking or finger her quickly in an empty room.
If you're ever on your knees for some reason her head's already filled with dirty thoughts, just glance over at her and she'll be clenching her thighs and biting her lip waiting for an opportunity to take you away for some relief.
If you're busy or purposely trying to ignore her and do something else she'll "innocently" climb onto your lap and start getting herself off on your thigh by herself until you can't take it anymore, her breathy moans and slick on your leg, and just how cute she looks.
You are covered in SO MANY claw marks. If you're into that, good for you because it's happening either way.
Your back and shoulders especially and you're between feeling pride and laughing because you look like an angry cat's scratching post.
One time you were looking at all your scratches and joked "I bring you pleasure, you bring me pain." and Enid felt SO bad and kept apologizing and covering you in band-aids while you tried to calm her down.
Her favorite position is missionary because she enjoys it and having you so close and holding you against her (ei: why your back is always raw.)
Also down for doggystyle "Not because I'm a werewolf! This way I can't scratch you." she pouts but also enjoys it, don't worry.
Enid usually is bottom/submissive, she likes you taking care of her. But if you're too slow or teasing her too long she will flip you over and take what she needs to ride out her high then collapse on you panting.
It's really hot how she'll go from whining beneath you to a deep growl and suddenly on your back being used for all your worth while she stares at you with wild eyes and clenched teeth, her nails digging into your shoulders.
She can easily go multiple rounds and prefers to until she is spent but will okay with less if she notices how much she's tiring you out.
Give her a few extra orgasms with your fingers or mouth first and she'll be tired and content to snuggle up in your arms, practically purring.
For the most part in the way of kinks she's pretty vanilla, but is willing to try most anything if you want to! She wants you to have fun with it too!
In hopes of not 'clawing you to bits' you've tried multiple types of bondage on her but she always gets too into it, plus wanting to touch you, and breaks free. She gets a little embarrassed afterwards seeing the broken restrains and/or headboard.
Wednesday even suggested manacles and Enid went so wolf-strength they ripped through a beam.
She can easily go multiple rounds and prefers to until she is spent but will okay with less if she notices how much she's tiring you out.
Give her a few extra orgasms with your fingers or mouth first and she'll be tired and content to snuggle up in your arms, practically purring.
Uhhh, this got long. Reminder: SFW and NSFW alphabet requests open for Wednesday
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lezzball · 8 days
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Diana Taurasi party headcanons
(UConn era)
∞ Partying is not Diana's default setting. She will not go out and party unless you invite her out. But once you invite her out, you're unleashing an unlimited amount of chaos into the world
∞ Diana is elite at partying. She puts the same energy, enthusiasm, and focus into partying as she puts into basketball. If she's going to take time away from basketball to party, then she wants to be efficient with it. She wants to get the most partying out of every single second
∞ If you go to a party with Diana, she won't leave your side. She'll bring you along with her on all her adventures and introduce you to everyone she knows and doesn't know
∞ Diana makes it her mission to find every loner at the party and make them smile. She'll find the most awkward person at the entire party and make them her new friend for the night
∞ Diana is the drunk girl in the bathroom who becomes best friends with every random woman there
∞ Even while hammered, she's still better than 99% of people at most games and sports. If anyone puts money down on beer pong or pool, that money is hers. But cards are different. She loves playing cards and she's terrible at it. And she'll lose all the money she won playing beer pong and pool after a few card games. So she ends the night with zero net profit
∞ Diana is always up for a round of drunk wrestling
∞ Diana is tone deaf and can't remember any lyrics to any songs but she will still attempt karaoke anyway
∞ Diana's default dance move is twerking. She finds a way to rub her ass on someone at all times. If there's a dance circle, she's probably crip walking in the middle of it. It's also impossible to stop Diana from stripping off her shirt and dancing on the counter at house parties
∞ Diana is competitive about drinking and competitive about smoking. She gets so drunk and high that you need to make sure she doesn't fall down a flight of stairs
∞ In her mind, since you invited her to the party, you're responsible for taking care of her. She will poison herself and then place her life in your hands. You get the sense that she does this on purpose as some kind of toxic trust ritual. If anyone else in your life did this, it wouldn't be worth it and you wouldn't put up with it. But with Diana, it's impossible to say no to her sweet nature and funny banter. And that's why you end up holding her hair back while she pukes
∞ The upside to this toxic trust ritual is that you can talk to Diana about absolutely anything. Usually, the fall-down drunk chick is not the person you should go to for advice. But Diana is the exception to that rule. She's a great listener and she really cares about what you're going through
∞ Diana has a poor sense of direction and gets lost easily while sober. And while drunk, it's about 100 times worse. But she has a positive attitude about being lost and everything usually ends up okay. She relies on friends like you to make sure she doesn't end up dead in a ditch somewhere
∞ Diana can party till 2am and still get up early the next day for training and practice. It works out fine because she just sleeps through class
∞ Diana definitely has a binge drinking problem. But since she's extremely successful in life, no one is that worried about it. And she doesn't think she has a problem because she parties less than her sister. And she only goes to parties when people invite her. So how bad could her problem even be? Well, it's bad
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qqueenofhades · 7 months
Do you think part of what makes people feel like voting isn’t worth it because things don’t get better under democrats is because we can’t see what would have happened? Like I see a lot of people saying “well biden hasn’t made america much better so there’s no point” but it’s like they don’t understand that under a republican they would actively do everything they could to cause more harm. It’s like they don’t understand that 1. The president can’t do much, and 2. IT WOULD BE WORSE. like they don’t understand the possibilities. Idk people just frustrate me
I'm sorry, as I know you're just relaying what these people think and not claiming so yourself, but the whole "things don't get better under Biden/Democrats" line to which we are subjected so very, miserably often is a lie!!! It is demonstrably a lie! It is peddled by people who deliberately live in their echo-chamber leftist misinformation bubbles and either don't read the news, don't accept anything less than the Magical Socialist Revolution Now, and don't think partial or incremental progress (aka the only kind of progress that exists) is valid. "Biden hasn't single-handedly fixed everything wrong with America and the world after the most damaging presidency ever to exist and 250+ years of flaws, while other countries actually are their own actors with agency making complex choices, so we shouldn't vote for him" is a bullshit lie and I'm tired of it!!!
(Again. Sorry. This is not directed at you. This is just my frustration with this entire ridiculous situation speaking.)
We have had multiple elections now where people voted for Democrats, which resulted in abortion protections, protections for LGBTQ people, the biggest climate legislation ever to pass Congress/be signed into law (the Inflation Reduction Act), vast improvements in the job market, executive actions both large and small, improvements in labor and the economy, a general democratic system, a defense of the rule of law, a warning against fascism, and everything else that Trump trampled on in 4 years and will finish the job of doing if this godforsaken country is either right-wing-zealot or left-wing-zealot enough to put him back into office. (Like, people. Google is free. You're welcome to look up the improvements Biden has actually made, but that would harm your Narrative.) So much of this misinformation is also peddled by people who are proud that they don't have a clue how the American government works and/or deliberately lie about it: see all the claims that it was Biden's fault for not magically stopping a Trump-stacked SCOTUS, selected for the express purpose of overturning Roe, from overturning Roe. Because the president could just unilaterally overturn the Supreme Court with no problems at all if He Really Wanted To, I guess. Even if that is literally not the way it has ever functioned in history.
All the noxious Republicans in state legislatures passing anti-trans/anti-abortion/anti-voting laws ARE NOT SOMETHING BIDEN CAN STOP. If you're going to criticize him for not doing something, for God's sake at least make it for something he can do (like not calling for a ceasefire in Gaza, though I would argue he's already taking a more nuanced approach than the entirety of the American establishment during the War on Terror). And then vote for him when/if he follows it up, not just throw your hands in the air and scream about how you Can't Possibly Sully Yourself (especially when there is some very selective support going on here and a deliberate white-washing of how many orders of magnitude worse absolutely everything else in America and the world would be under Trump. So.)
I'm tired of it. I'm really, really tired of it. I've been trying to cut back on my politics posting because my mental health is bad right now and I often feel like a broken record screaming into the void. But. Yeah. Anyway. Whoof.
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mshroom1e · 1 year
ೃ⁀➷ Trust Fall
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type: headcanons
how the twst characters would react to the reader suddenly trying a trust fall on them
1.4k words
Characters: NRC Students
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╰┈➤ Riddle
He'd be so caught off guard, he just freezes.
Prolly shreiks too.
You fall on the floor right away.
You get an "off with your head!"
He's just embarrassed and ends up feeling bad for letting you fall.
From then on, he refuses to walk behind you so you don't pull the same stunt again.
╰┈➤ Ace
He let's you fall.
But on purpose.
You fall flat on your back and he just laughs at you.
He helps you up though.
He's still laughing.
╰┈➤ Deuce
Panicks but manages to catch you somehow.
He thought you fell backwards by accident.
Stop you almost gave him a heart attack.
He asks if you're okay afterwards, and you tell him it was just a trust fall, and he's like "oh".
╰┈➤ Trey
He knows what you're up to.
Figures it's one of your usual antics and catches you with a fond chuckle.
Warns you not to try the same thing with Riddle though.
He can't help but to tell you to be careful so you don't get hurt if the person fails to catch you.
He's happy that you trust him enough to try a trust fall, though.
╰┈➤ Cater
He's actually quite quick to catch you.
Like Trey, he knows it's a trust fall.
He laughs and asks you to redo it but this time let him pull out his phone and record you do it.
Posts it under #friendshipgoals
(pls idk how to write this young man)
╰┈➤ Leona
He's like "dafuq" and sidesteps you.
Watches you fall.
It's not out of malicious intent. He just cannot be bothered to use any energy to catch you.
Looks at you on the ground, laughs to himself and walks away.
Calls you an airhead.
Congratulations, you played yourself.
╰┈➤ Ruggie
He's got swift reflexes, so he's another quick one to carry you.
Pay up, since he just saved your life.
You explain it was a trust fall but the cost still stands.
You pull out some madol from your pocket and hand it over to him while grumbling the entire time.
There goes your money for the next month that you managed to scrape together with blood, sweat, and tears. (no thanks to the silly bird man)
He smiles and does his little silly laugh when he gets the money off you, so maybe it was worth it.
╰┈➤ Jack
Goes to catch you but ends up fully lifting you off the ground instead.
He's ended up holding you up like Rafiki and Simba
Like Deuce, he thought you fell over and is hoping you're okay.
He's so nice 💔
You tell him it's a trust fall and he furrows his eyebrows.
Kinda feels embarrassed that he fully lifted you up now.
Awkwardly and silently puts you back on the ground with a straight face.
╰┈➤ Azul
He screams and jumps back
Or am I?
Jokes aside, he's got really good arm strength, so even if he's late to catch you, he still manages to hold you up.
He's so shook his glasses almost fall off and his face is going red from confusion.
Pretty quick to recover and uses it as a business opportunity.
He saved you from falling, so now give him your dorm building.
Theres no friends in the world of business
Sigma grindset haver /j
Mainly uses the businessman front as a cover.
He's still shook but trying to play it off.
Yk how he tries to appear smarter in front of teachers? Well, he's doing the exact same thing but tryna appear calm in front of you.
╰┈➤ Jade
He catches you pretty solid
You hear an ominous "fufufu..." from behind you.
Is disspointed you didn't pass out since now he can't use you as mushroom fertiliser /j
He flashes his usual butler style smile and stands you back on your feet.
Sorry but Jade always seems to be plotting something so I suggest you escape now.
He's already figured it was a trust fall, so no need to explain.
╰┈➤ Floyd
His reaction depends on his mood ig
If he's default Floyd, he fully picks you up and the next thing you know, you're trapped in a warm but gut crushing squeeze.
Picks you up simba style pt. 2 but it's intentional.
Pls tell me someone else also thinks his hugs would be comfortable.
He laughs with you coz ur so silly.
Puts you on the ground after a bit and ruffles your hair if you're shorter than him (he does that daily and you can't convince me otherwise)
You end up laughing too.
Watch out though, since he might pull the same stunt on you when you least expect it.
Start doing some arm workouts coz he's gonna be a hefty number to lift.
╰┈➤ Kalim
His carpet catches you.
You happen to be in his dorm and its nearby.
His younger siblings do stuff like trust falls all the time so he isn't surprised.
He's also happy you trust him enough to try one with him.
He smiles so brightly it hurts to look at.
After all, it hurts to look at the sun when it's shining.
╰┈➤ Jamil
Is so sick of your bs
Contemplates letting you fall, but he isn't feeling that mean today, so he guesses he can catch you.
Ends up catching you, but it's definitely not willingly.
Don't try it with him again coz next time, you're falling.
╰┈➤ Vil
bombastic side eye
criminal offensive side eye
He gives you the most judgemental, critical look that you even forget why you approached him in the first place.
Bro didn't even give you a chance to test out the fall on him.
Like that one auntie that silently judges you for existing.
He is not wrinkling his perfectly ironed clothes.
You do the walk of shame as you retreat.
╰┈➤ Rook
Man's already caught your before you start to fall.
He chuckles with his usual smile.
"Tres bien, Trickster!"
You tried to catch him off guard (an impossible task), but you're the one who got shocked instead.
╰┈➤ Epel
A quick, confused noise slips out as he catches you.
You almost hit the ground but he tried his best.
Tell him it's a trust fall and you left him so lost he needs the map.
Since there aren't many kids in the place he's from, he'd never heard of a trust fall until now.
He's glad you trust him, though, and has a small smile on his face for the rest of the day.
╰┈➤ Idia
He isn't even there.
You fall with nothing but thin air behind you.
╰┈➤ Ortho
He catches you right away and it's startling how strong he is.
You knew he'd be pretty strong, but you're still surprised a little.
He also thought you fell by accident but he's happy when you tell him it wad a trust fall.
Watch out though, since there's a close to 40% chance you'll fall on the floor if you tried it on somsone else.
He's just hoping you don't get hurt.
He's such a sweet little gummy worm <3
╰┈➤ Malleus
He instantly catches you with magic.
Genuinely thought you lost your balance.
Well done, now he's walking behind you for the next week to make sure you don't fall and hurt yourself.
You tell him it's a trust fall and he's so lost he needs the map 2.0
But he's intrigued
You're quite strange, Child of Man.
You explain its only done with people you trust (usually) and he's smiling for the rest of the day.
There's no storm clouds for the next week.
You've singlehandedly made his day.
╰┈➤ Lilia
Watches you with a knowing smile.
He knows what you're doing.
Still catches you anyway while chuckling.
Says something about how funny kids are these days and leaves to go do Lilia stuff. (idk I haven't read book 7 yet lmao)
╰┈➤ Silver
You're the one catching him.
He fell asleep mid conversation and now you're left to drag him over to a nearby bench so he can rest comfortably.
bro is majestic
Watching him sleep so peacefully makes you sleepy too and you end up falling asleep as well.
Your trust fall plan ended in a joint napping session.
Idk about you but that sounds like a win to me.
╰┈➤ Sebek
He catches you.
Thinks it would be a disgrace to his training if he didn't.
You tell him it's a trust fall and he gets all smug.
"Ha! You think I can be caught of guard by the ambush of a mere human??" He says but on the inside he's happy you trust him.
Won't say it out loud though so you're left with him talking your ear off about how humans are too reckless.
That's his way of telling you to be more careful next time.
He just didn't want you to get hurt either.
After all, he does care (I hope)
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addicted-to-dc · 2 months
If your still taking requests can you write an platonic Bruce and Damian x Female reader.
Summary: Reader is working at a coffee shop one day,until bruce takes his son Damian out for coffee and meet the reader that was taking their order. They start acting strange when meeting her because she looks like Bruce's late wife Talia(Damian mother). They end up stalking and kidnapping her.
Ooooo I love thissss. I'm inspireedddddd. Okay, imagine this:
You switched shifts with your work bestie. It was well worth the sacrifice, especially since it's an oddly dull day. Rain was no stranger to Gotham, but this storm is something else.
The door's blown open multiple times, the entire front nearly flooding in an instant until you shoved it shut. At least you have something to do now. Your mind wanders to what the hell you're having for dinner tonight. Should you steal a muffin before leaving and catch up on the show you're watching? Maybe a movie would be better, less chance of binging multiple seasons throughout the night-
Turning around, you move to close the door, but you're shocked to see a large person (?) enter the store. The father is completely soaked, black hair flat against his head despite the hat he's wearing. Then he pulls his coat open, revealing a completely dry boy.
Your heart melts instantly. That's so adorable.
"Welcome in! Glad to see you survived the storm," you joke, hoping to lighten the mood. The poor man looked like he needed it.
"Barely," he smiles, placing his coat on the rack. "London fog for me, with milk, and he'll have-"
"I will have the same, but with oat milk. Whip cream on the side... extra whip cream," his son interjects. His father raises a brow. "Please and thank you."
"You are very welcome," you smile, crinkling your eyes so they can see it behind the face mask. You lean forward, pointing to the table in the corner. "That's the warmest spot in the front. I'll bring out your drinks soon."
"I didn't-"
"On the house, now go warm up," you say, shooing them both off. "You'll get sick."
The boy goes to roll his eyes, but they catch yours. There's a flash of recognition in his green orbs, a hint of sadness dripping into it before he recovers. He nods dutifully and sits in the corner.
His father on the other hand stays put. He places a twenty in the tip jar, and you can only huff out a laugh.
"Defeats the whole purpose of 'on the house' but I won't stop you."
He chuckles, "Consider it a thank you. Our driver's stuck in traffic and you're the only one open."
"I'm surprised you can see the open sign at all out there. I haven't seen a storm like this since the defrost from that Freeze attack a few years back."
"I remember that one, pretty sure we had to renovate the sewage system."
"It's a good one. We haven't had a bad flood since."
There's a lull in the conversation. You look to your right. His son's staring at you from afar, that same haunting look in his eyes. Your heartstrings tug at that. What does he see that makes you familiar?
"Your little man over there is looking lonely. I'll get these drinks started."
"I'll leave you to it."
He steps away, his stormy blue eyes lingering on you for a bit too long. He joins his son at the table, their conversation hushed. Not like you can hear it anyway with the rain.
The London Fogs... check, but your mask got drenched when water splashed all over you. That was your last one, too. It's fine, not like you'd be interacting with a lot of people today anyways.
Now, this last part is really going to make or break this kid's day. Grabbing a small dish, you take out the whip cream and create a HUGE swirl of it. He's going to love it.
Minding the still wet floor, you place their tea cups on the table. "Here you are, and last, but not least, your extra whip cream. Hope you like it."
They remain in the shop for the rest of your shift, waiting out the storm until you have to close. Walking back to their table, you collect their dirty dishes. "I'm closing early. You still have some time, but I hope your driver arrives soon."
You smile at the boy, but as soon as your eyes meet the man's you finally recognize him... Bruce Wayne? Man, the storm did a number on him if it rendered him unrecognizable.
He shakes his head. "Multiple accidents, everyone's stuck until the rain clears. How're you planning on getting home? I hope you're not driving."
"No, no, I don't think I can be trusted to drive in this city," you joke, taking a step back. "It's only a little walk."
"More like a swim today," the little one snarks, wrenching a snort out of you.
"Good thing I'm here 'til close."
The air shifts at that. You're not sure why, but the warmth from the vents disappearing tells you everything right before the lights go out.
"Great," you sigh, blindly placing the dishes back onto the table. "Give me a moment, let me check-"
You feel a sharp pain in your neck, stumbling into the next table over as the rain becomes deafening. All it takes is a simple shove and your balance is gone, the floor raising to hit you in the face. Or was it you falling into it?
"She looks just like her."
"Yes, Damian, she really does."
BOOM and I thought I couldn't write anymore. Couldn't really fit the stalking in here, but c'monnnn use your imagination. Bruce and Damian probably saw this as a chance to finally get you.
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hoes4hoseok · 6 months
enhypen as midnights
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txt version ☆ folklore version ☆ masterlist
it feels like it's been ages (because it's been nearly NINE MONTHS) since i've done an enhypen x taylor post but here it is! i feel kind of nervous posting this but whatever, i just gotta hit the button at some point.
sunghoon as snow on the beach
"you wanting me tonight feels impossible, but it's coming down, no sound, it's all around, like snow on the beach"
falling for sunghoon would feel so tragic at first because you'd think there's just no way he likes you back?? 😭
&& it'd consume a lot of your time just thinking about what it would be like if it did
so when you'd realize that he does when he finally tells you?? it'd feel magical
&&, not to be extremely literal, but a kiss on a snowy beach with sunghoon?? that WOULD be magical
initially, i considered having sunghoon being maroon instead of this song, so tell me what you think!
jay as midnight rain
"he was sunshine, i was midnight rain"
jay is ambitious. so for the record, i'm not saying that he isn't.
however, if you were dating him while he was already successful (aka now) & you weren't where you wanted to be, i think it'd naturally cause a rift like this song describes
&& sometimes, you'd look back & think about the life you would've had together
but ultimately, it may be for the best that you broke up because you wouldn't have been able to pursue your dreams together
(i do not wish this fate on any of you.)
ni-ki as question...?
"i don't remember who i was before you painted all my nights a color i've searched for since"
seeing ni-ki after you broke up would f with your head
not because he did anything on purpose, but because it would be really freaking hard to see him and think about him being with someone else
&& you'd hope that no one compares to what you & him had for him, because that's how you feel
but in reality, you'll never know
&& eventually, hopefully you'd move on. or run back to him? there's no moral of the story here.
sunoo as karma
"karma's a relaxing thought, aren't you envious that for you it's not?"
this song focuses on good things karma has brought to him rather than bad things it’s brought others
&& i think that’s a mindset sunoo would/does share
sunoo minds his business & good things come to him (in this case, you! you're the good thing that came to him!)
it’s been happening since i-land era we KNOW 👏(idc he was popular for a reason)
jungwon as sweet nothing
"outside, they're push & shoving, you're in the kitchen humming, all that you ever wanted from me was sweet nothing"
is anyone surprised by my choices for jungwon anymore? because these are so predictable i swear LMFAO
so i chose this song because jungwon seems like the type to not hold you to the same high standards that everyone else does
&& you'd be able to do the same for him, especially since he probably feels a lot of responsibility as the leader of the group
he'd give you that feeling of it not mattering what everyone else thinks because you have each other 🤧
heeseung as paris
"romance is not dead if you keep it just yours"
having a private relationship with heeseung is probably in the top 10 most romantic things ever 🫶🏽
so romantic that it feels like everything else fades away when you’re together & you’re somewhere else 😭
&& you wouldn’t have to put a ton of work into keeping that up because yeah, sometimes the relationship doesn’t feel like paris
&& that’s okay. it’s worth it for the good times :)
jake as glitch
"a brief interruption, a slight malfunction, i'd go back to wanting dudes who give nothing"
falling for jake when you're used to people who treat you like trash would feel so unreal
because that man would be such a good boyfriend <3
&& when that happens you'd kind of second guess whether you deserve to be treated that well
&& it would feel like something that isn't supposed to happen & you'd suspect that you'll return to the pattern of trash guys "after him"
but you deserve him & you deserve to be happy,, & he'd make that very clear to you in his actions and words
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txt version ☆ folklore version ☆ masterlist
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sporesgalaxy · 10 months
updated a little flashback Vladlence script thing that I started writing in like 2020. some of you may remember this comic
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Smile :)
[The year is 1990-something-- before Vlad betrayed and temporally displaced Silence that one time. Vlad and Silence (in human disguise) are at some kind of businesspeople shindig. They've stepped outside for some air and are basically alone. Vlad has a glass of wine.]
S: Lord. I'd forgotten how tedious these are.
V: They're really not worth it unless you can drink. It was so much worse when my parents would drag me to these as a child.
S: Hm. I didn't mind my father's business functions, but my ex-husband's were insufferable.
V: [chokes on wine] "Ex-husband?"
S: Well... "Ex" in that my untimely departure left him a widower, yes.
V: ...is he a--
S: [rolling eyes] NO, he is not a ghost.
V: Still! How have you not mentioned him once?
S: [shrugs] It didn't come up.
V: That isn't fair! I've spilled my guts to you for your research. You HAVE to tell me something!
S: You're being ridiculous.
V: ...That's it. I've decided.
S: Decided what?
V: The favor you owe me for bringing you along as my plus-one tonight!
S: Oh, please! All I've learned this evening is that you're still capable of being intoxicated by normal amounts of human alcohol.
S: Now, you've learned that I had a husband once, a very long time ago. I'd say we're already even.
V: [pouts]
S: Why does it even matter to you?
V: .........if I say, will you tell me more about your human life?
S: I--! Oh, fine. Whatever. Yes.
V: Because marriage is--! It's--! Marriage is everything! It changes your whole life! You finally have someone to always be there for you, in sickness and in health and all that.
V: How could you just...[mimes swatting something out of the air with his free hand] move on, after that? It makes no sense!
S: [tuts, rolls her eyes] You're insufferably romantic, you know that?
S: Marriage is not "everything." My marriage had everything to do with finances, and precious little to do with anything else.
V: ...Oh.
S: That's less common these days, I'll admit, but forgive me if I still feel you're overselling it.
V: ...Well...Still, he was there, right? At least you had someone.
S: [annoyed] Sure. Can we talk about something else now?
V: Did you have a family? [leans against the balcony, resting his chin on a hand, smiling expectantly]
S: [frowning] ...Not the change of subject I was hoping for.
V: [just keeps looking expectantly]
S: [sighs heavily] [trying to be annoying on purpose] Well, I had a mother and father, two siblings-- both of which died in infancy-- and on my mother's side, my cousins--
V: [impatiently] I meant with your husband!
S: [twitches] ...No. It was just he and I, and then I died.
V: Oh.
S: [snarky & bitter] ...Then, he remarried a nice young lady who got to keep all of our money. They, I believe, had several children together.
[Silence is quiet in a sort of uncomfortable angry way. Vlad, oblivious, gets lost in his own thoughts.]
both: .......
V: [CLEARLY thinking about Maddie. a bit dreamily] ...do you ever wish that you could do it all over?
[Vlad is looking at the sky, and doesnt see the judgemental, incredulous look Silence immediately shoots him]
V: That you had more time to make it work?
S: [humorless laugh] HAH! No!
V: [snapped out of his reminiscing, looks at her, surprised] No?
S: [like its an uninteresting, obvious fact] My life didn't have anything worth going back to.
V: [disgust directed at the percieved failure of the faceless husband figure] He was that bad?
S: [waves dismissively] No, no. Our marriage wasn't bad. It just wasn't--
S: ......well, it wasn't much of anything, I suppose.
V: [furrows eyebrows] Hm.
S: [after a short pause] I much prefer this.
V: [for some reason, his heart skips a beat] This?
S: [a bit frantically] My research! In the Ghost Realm. The achievement, the influence, you know. Much more fulfilling.
V: [nods, a bit spacey because of a weird inexplicable feeling he's having] Ah. I see.
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