#→ accepted.
cypopps · 2 years
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Do autistic kids "grow out" of their autism? Why does it sometimes seem like there are so few autistic adults?
For Autism Acceptance Month, I covered this topic in this comic to help explain this disconnect! YouTube | TikTok | Instagram | Twitter
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lowpolyanimals · 2 years
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Water Snake from Team Fortress 2
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newtsoda · 2 years
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There has been a lot of research about autistics over the years, but this one really took the cake!
This is what happened when researchers attempted to compare the moral compass of autistic and non-autistic people...
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solspurv · 2 years
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“The focus on cis white male presentations of autism creates a massive diagnosis barrier for marginalised people. Our actions are viewed differently depending on our race / gender etc. We need better representation in media and we need academics to understand and embed cultural nuance, not seek to further restrict diagnosis.” (@girl_unleeshed on Twitter)
Here’s the second comic I worked on for Autism Acceptance month! This comic is a collaboration with Leesha (@girl_unleeshed). Please check out her Twitter to read more of her awesome and thoughtful writing!
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emathevampire · 2 years
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apparently this meme didn’t actually exist, I just imagined it so vividly I was convinced I could google it, but i could not, so i made it myself.
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neep-neep-neep · 2 years
you are good even when you are unemployed.
you are good even when you need to rely on others’ help.
you are good even when you are depressed.
you are good even when you are hurt.
you are good even when you are scared.
you are good even when you are overwhelmed.
you are good even when you are not tidy.
you are good even when you are confused.
you are good even when you have difficulty performing tasks.
you are good even when you feel like you’ll never measure up to being an adult.
symptoms are not morality.
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writethatdown · 2 years
forgive yourself. forgive yourself for all the versions you couldn't become. forgive yourself for the wrong things you said. forgive yourself for not knowing any better at certain point of your life. for fucking things up so much that the grief still haunts you. forgive yourself for the darker and shadowed parts of you. you have to learn to integrate all parts of you, even the ones you desperately want to disown. it'll be alright.
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brachiosaurus-on · 2 years
I like to imagine that at least once during the clone wars someone sent a report to General Kenobi and a very tired Master Kenobi just graded it and sent it back.
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wheresernie · 2 years
Happy autism awareness month to high needs autistic people. People who use AAC or sign language. People who don't communicate at all. Nonverbal and semi verbal autistics. People who got diagnosed early. People with developmental delays. Autistics who also have intellectual disabilities. Autistics who are also physically disabled. You are an important part of this community. I hope April treats you well.
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If you accidentally hurt someone or cross their boundaries and they make you aware of this, literally all you have to do is apologize and stop. You don't have to beat yourself up internally for months. You don't have to hate yourself for fucking up. You don't have to feel like a horrible person. No one benefits from any of that - and at worst, such an extreme reaction will make the person in question less likely to speak up around you in the future, cause even if your negative reaction is directed at yourself and not at them, it's still unpleasant for everyone involved.
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yourhealingjournal · 2 years
you can always start again. clean up your socials, make new playlists, donate clothes you no longer wear. try out a new recipe, move to a new city and make new friends, pick up new hobbies you never thought of before. there is no limit to how many times you can press the reset button. it's okay to change and start over. you don't need anyone's permission to do it.
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kittensouls · 2 years
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mymarifae · 2 years
sorry for attacking you all with autism. except not really at all
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artsyarrowl · 3 years
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Cinderella marries the Prince, part 1/2
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spocksjuul · 2 years
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Planetary survey 💖 insp
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liptonrm · 2 years
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The dinosaur is gay.
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