#✦ connection // salazar & godric. ✦
lionmythflower · 6 months
Evan scoffs. "'Does he know?' he asks. Yes him and the whole fucking school knows."
Regulus' eyes go wide and he opens his mouth to respond but is cut off by Evan continuing his rambling.
"No, he doesn't fucking know are you crazy? I didn't even know for merlin's sake! And gods help you if they find out, because it's not gonna be me helping. Even Pandora didn't think twice about it until the quidditch match last fall! Jesus Christ, you are an IDIOT. An absolute fucking idiot. I hope you know that. Him. HIM, OF ALL PEOPLE. Salazar, Rowena, Helga and Godric are rolling in their graves laughing at you. I guarantee this is not what McGonagall meant when she said we need more 'House Unity' goddamn. And gosh let's not even mention-" Evan continues ranting.
Regulus' head was spinning. 6 years of knowing Evan Rosier and he still hasnt gotten used to his rambling. At least not these kind of ramblings. He could deal with ones about school, or Evan's lastest hyper fixation, or the random things that Evan would think of and just go with. Those he could deal with. Evan's angry rambles made his mind work overtime. He somehow managed to talk even faster when he was angry.
At least with Regulus. With anyone else he didn't let himself get too angry. Regulus didn't care how much Evan rambled though. He knows that he doesn't mean it. In reality Evan is just trying to work it all out in his mind, trying to connect the dots and fit the pieces together. Regulus is fine with it. In fact he encourages it. With anyone else Evan either stops himself mid rambled or gets interrupted. With Regulus, Evan doesn't stop himself, and Regulus doesn't interrupt. When he does stop, he looks over to Regulus and Regulus gives some input.
Talking isn't one of the things regulus is best at. He either doesn't think before he speaks or things too long about what he's going to say and then it's too late. With Evan that's not a problem. Regulus can blurt out the most nonsensical thing that comes to mind without having to think about whether Evan will find it weird. Regulus can take as long as he needs to think about the answer to something without worrying that Evan will get annoyed with having to wait.
Regulus looks up and realizes that Evan has stopped talking. "You done yelling at me now?" Regulus says with a slight smile.
Evan sighs and lays down so that his head is in Regulus' lap and he's starring up at Regulus.
"yeah," he mumbles. This is normal how most of his rambles end; with Evan finally having run out of things to say and going silent.
Evan looks like he's about to say something and then hesitates.
"What?" Regulus asks.
Evan starts tapping his finger tips on his stomach nervously.
"Was that too much? Sorry I didn't mind to react badly I'm not mad at you and your not an idiot, I'm just trying to process this for a minute and I didn't know what to say, sorry." And this is normally how Evan's 'angry' rants end. No matter how many times Regulus tells him that it's fine.
Regulus smiles and reaches over to put his hand over the one anxiously tapping on Evan's stomach. "It's not too much, your fine," Regulus promises.
Evan nods slowly. "Okay." He whispers.
Regulus nods too. "Okay."
Evan sits up and fidgets a bit before asking, "Can I hug you?"
Regulus almost laughs. Instead he just smiled again and hugs Evan gently. The other boy takes a few seconds before relaxing into the hug and hugging back.
Evan has never been one for physical affection. His parents never gave him any and he grew to not be a physical person. Which also led to him being severely touch starved. He hadn't even realized it until a few of this very very close friends expressed physical affection towards him. And he realized he was ok with it as long as it was someone he completely trusted. That didn't mean he wasn't still hesitant and slightly tense about it.
Regulus hadn't ever got any form of affection from his parents either. But he was fine with physical affection. Holding Pandora's hand, hugging Dorcas, resting his head on Peter's shoulder, leaning against Remus, coming up behind Barty and burrowing into his side, cuddling with Lily, being held against Emmeline, playing with Mary's curls when he got bored and more. He was able to tell that Evan didn't like physical affection too much. He was fine with that and respected it. The first time Regulus hugged Evan, he was having a panic attack, and Regulus panicked and had hugged Evan. Evan had tensed so badly at first that Regulus almost let go. But right before he made the decision to let go of Evan, the boy hugged him back and cried into Regulus' shoulder.
Another thing that Regulus was constantly had to reassure Evan about was that he didn't have to ask if he wanted a hug.
Evan let out a quiet sigh as he burrowed into Regulus' chest. Regulus pulled him closer. He would remind Evan as many times it took for him to accept it. To accept that he was loved and accepted and welcome. Regulus didn't care how many times he had to tell Evan.
Evan's breath eventually slowed to an even pace , that signified that he was asleep. Regulus stared at the boy hugging him for a while before he slowly drifted asleep.
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coolbeans32 · 4 months
Echoes of Destiny: The Serpent and the Phoenix
PAIRING: Tom Riddle x F!Reader (OC)
SYNOPSIS: Back at Grimmauld, tensions rise with the presence of a Horcrux, as Harry, Hermione, and Genevieve figure out the rest of the objects that Tom turned into vessels of his soul. Ron, feeling the rouse of the darkness of the Slytherin locket, starts an argument leading toward a scuffle between him and his best mate. Ron leaves to head back home, leaving Hermione and Harry devastated. Genevieve comforts the two as she figures out the next location to search for a Horcrux and goes on a mission to enter Bellatrix Black's vault to successfully find and retrieve Helga Hufflepuff's Cup.
WARNINGS: This chapter contains scenes of dark magical objects, arguments, scuffles between friends, trauma, loss, guilt, and the use of an Unforgivable curse (Imperius Curse).
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Chapter Eleven
Hufflepuff's Cup
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Back at the library, Genevieve had placed the locket in a safe place, knowing how dangerous and dark the object was. Now the trio and Genevieve were investigating the next set of horcruxes they needed to find. It was obvious that the Diary and Locket were the first two, and Genevieve had suspicions of Tom’s ring to be another horcrux due to his connection with them. The other four were going to be the mystery to solve.
"We need to think like Tom," Genevieve murmured, her eyes scanning the pages of an old grimoire. "He wouldn't choose just any object for his Horcruxes. They must hold significance to him. Aside from his lineage, I know Hogwarts is very important to him.”
Harry, his mind racing, asked, "But what kind of objects would he choose to represent Hogwarts? It’s not like there is much aside from the castle."
Hermione's eyes lit up as she rifled through a stack of books. "Wait, the Founders of Hogwarts…They each had treasured possessions, didn't they?"
Genevieve's gaze sharpened as she considered Hermione's words. "Yes, you're right. Salazar Slytherin's locket was already one of them, and represented Tom and his family. Aren’t there others as well?"
Hermione reached for a large tome titled "A History of Hogwarts" and began flipping through its pages. "According to this, Godric Gryffindor had a sword, which Harry fought the Basilisk with, Helga Hufflepuff possessed a cup, and Rowena Ravenclaw always wore a diadem."
Harry's eyes widened with realization. "So, aside from Slytherin's locket, the other trinkets most likely became Horcruxes."
Genevieve nodded in agreement. "Exactly. And given that Gryffindor's sword only presents itself to someone with courage and in need of the sword, it's unlikely to be a Horcrux. That leaves us with Hufflepuff's cup and Ravenclaw's diadem."
Hermione's fingers traced the words on the page as she read aloud, "Helga Hufflepuff's cup was a treasured artifact passed down through generations of her descendants. And Rowena Ravenclaw's diadem was said to enhance the wisdom of its wearer."
Genevieve's eyes gleamed with determination. "Then those must be our next targets. We need to find Hufflepuff's cup and Ravenclaw's diadem before Voldemort does."
Harry clenched his fists, his resolve hardening. "Agreed. We'll search every corner of the wizarding world if we have to. We can't let Voldemort succeed. Then the three heard something and in an instant, saw the lights go out, making the three jump only for Ron to come with the Deluminator.
"One problem, we don’t know where the trinkets are." Ron said and he put the lights back on. "Yeah, I'm still here. But you three carry on. Don't let me spoil the fun." Ron told them and Harry gritted his teeth. Genevieve took a step back to observe what was going to happen and noticed that he had the locket around his neck. She asked herself, How the hell did he get it? I locked it in the desk drawer.
"What's wrong?" Harry asked him.
"Wrong? Nothing's wrong. Not according to you, anyway." Ron told him.
"Look, if you've got something to say, don't be shy. Spit it out." Harry  said to him, irritated.
"Alright, I'll spit it out. But don't expect me to be grateful just because there's another damn thing we've gotta find." Ron said and Harry narrowed his eyes at him.
"I thought you knew what you signed up for, Ron." 
"Yeah. I thought I did too." Ron told them. 
"Well then Ron, I'm sorry but I don't quite understand what you're trying to say to me." Harry exclaimed sarcastically to him. "What part of this isn't living up to your expectations? Did you think we were gonna be staying in a five star hotel? Finding a Horcrux every other day? Thought you'd be back with your mum by Christmas?"
"I just thought, after all this time we would've achieved something. I thought you knew what you were doing." Ron mouthed to Harry, and Hermione exchanged looks to Genevieve with worry. "I thought Dumbledore told you something worthwhile. I thought you had a plan."
"I told you everything Dumbledore told me. And in case you haven't noticed we found a Horcrux already." Harry told him with anger.
"Yeah, and we're as close to getting rid of it as we are finding the rest of them." Ron retorted back to me.
Genevieve went towards Ron. "Ron. take the Horcrux off. You have no idea what you’re saying. Just give it to me.” She said with her hand stretched toward him. 
"Do you know why I listen to that radio? To make sure I don't hear my mum’s name, or my dad’s or Fred or George or Ginny." Ron said frustrated.
"What, you don't think I'm not listening? You think I don't know how it feels?!" Harry shouted at him in frustration.
"No, you don't know how it feels! Your parents are dead! You have no family!" Ron shouted at Harry, like a slap to a face. He felt extremely angry and dived and started hitting Ron. A brawl had started. Genevieve rolled her eyes at the immaturity of the two boys. Merlin help me if I have to deal with this shit all over again, she thought of as she recalled how Tom and Malfoy would do the exact same thing back in her time. 
"Stop. Stop!" Hermione shouted at them.
"Fine, then go!" Harry shouted at him with anger. "Go, then!" 
"Fine." Ron said and took off the locket as he grabbed his bag and scowled at Hermione and Harry.
"Ron." Hermione said to him.
"And you?" Ron asked Hermione. "Are you coming or are you staying?"Hermione just stood still, conflicted.
 "Fine I get it. I’ve seen the both of you recently.” Ron jabbed.
"It's not like that." Hermione  said to him. "Ron you're angry and I get it but you have to calm down." Hermione said but Ron walked out, and Hermione moved to reach him. Hermione ran out for him when they heard a WHOOSH. Ron was gone.
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In the quiet solitude of Grimmauld Place, Genevieve found Hermione sitting alone in the dimly lit library, her eyes red-rimmed from tears and her expression drawn with sadness. The tension in the air was palpable, a lingering reminder of the argument that had just unfolded between Ron and Harry.
Approaching her with a gentle smile, Genevieve took a seat beside Hermione and placed a comforting hand on her shoulder. "Hey there, Hermione. Are you okay?" she asked softly, her voice laced with concern. Hermione let out a shaky breath, her eyes still glistening with unshed tears. "I don't know, Genevieve. Everything just feels so... complicated right now," she admitted, her voice trembling with emotion.
Genevieve nodded in understanding, her gaze warm and empathetic. "I know, Hermione. It's been a rough day," she replied, her tone soothing. "But you're not alone. We're all here for you, no matter what." Hermione offered a weak smile, grateful for Genevieve's comforting presence. "Thanks, Genevieve. It just... hurts, you know? Seeing Ron and Harry fight like that. I hate seeing them at odds with each other."
Genevieve squeezed Hermione's shoulder gently, her expression filled with compassion. "I understand, Hermione. It's never easy when the people we care about are at odds with each other," she said softly. "But remember, Ron and Harry have been through so much together. They'll work things out eventually."
Hermione nodded, her features softening as she took comfort in Genevieve's words. "You're right, Genevieve. I just...I just wish Ron wouldn’t have left like that," she admitted, her voice tinged with sadness. Genevieve smiled reassuringly, her eyes shining with understanding. "Horcruxes tend to do that. They’re vessels of the darkest parts of one soul. And in the meantime, if you ever need someone to talk to or just a shoulder to lean on, I'll be right here," she promised, her voice filled with sincerity.
Hermione's smile grew more genuine, a glimmer of hope returning to her eyes. "Thank you, Genevieve. I really appreciate it," she said, her voice soft with gratitude. With a comforting squeeze of Hermione's shoulder, Genevieve offered her friend a reassuring smile. "Anytime, Hermione. We're in this together, remember?" she said, her voice warm and supportive. As they sat together in the quiet of the library, Hermione found solace in Genevieve’s company, their bond growing stronger with each passing moment. And amidst the turmoil and uncertainty, she knew that Genevieve was someone who she could count on to unbear the weight she’s carried all along. 
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The darkness of the night cloaked in an eerie stillness as Genevieve made her way through the dimly lit corridors. The weight of the day's events hung heavy on her shoulders, and she couldn't shake the feeling of unease that gnawed at her insides. As she wandered the ancient halls, her thoughts turned to Harry, wondering how he was coping with everything that had transpired. Turning a corner, Genevieve spotted a faint light emanating from the Black Tapestry room. Curiosity piqued, she pushed open the door and stepped inside, her gaze falling upon Harry pacing back and forth, his expression clouded with frustration and sadness.
"Harry?" Genevieve called out softly, her voice breaking the silence of the room.
Startled, Harry turned to face her, his eyes tired and weary. "Genevieve," he said, his voice heavy with emotion. "What are you doing up at this hour?"
"I could ask you the same thing," Genevieve replied, her tone gentle as she approached him. "I couldn't sleep. And it seems like you're having trouble too."
Harry let out a weary sigh, his shoulders slumping with exhaustion. "It's Ron," he admitted, his voice barely above a whisper. "Our fight earlier, and I just can't shake this feeling of guilt."
Genevieve placed a comforting hand on Harry's arm, her eyes filled with empathy. "Harry, it's not your fault," she said firmly, her voice laced with conviction. "Remember what I said about the Horcrux? It has a way of magnifying our darkest thoughts and emotions. Your fight with Ron was a result of that influence."
Harry nodded, but the guilt still lingered in his eyes. "I know, but... it's hard not to blame myself," he admitted, his voice wavering with emotion. "Especially after everything that's happened."
Genevieve took a step closer to Harry, her expression softening with compassion. "I understand, Harry. But you have to remember that you're not alone in this. We're all here for you, no matter what," she said earnestly, her voice filled with sincerity.
Harry looked at Genevieve, his eyes brimming with unshed tears. "I miss him, Genevieve," he confessed, his voice cracking with emotion. "I miss Sirius so much. And every time I think about what happened... it just hurts."
Genevieve pulled Harry into a comforting embrace, holding him close as he let out a choked sob. "I know, Harry. I know," she murmured softly, her voice a soothing presence in the darkness. "But you have to remember that it wasn't your fault. You did everything you could to save him."
Harry clung to Genevieve, his shoulders trembling with emotion. "But it wasn't enough," he whispered hoarsely, his voice thick with tears. "I failed him."
Genevieve shook her head, her heart aching for his pain. "No, Harry. You didn't fail him. You fought for him with every ounce of your being," she said firmly, her voice unwavering. "And even though he's gone, his memory lives on in you. You carry his legacy with you, always." Harry buried his face in Genevieve's shoulder, seeking solace in her comforting embrace. For a moment, they stood together in the darkness, finding strength in each other's presence. And as the weight of Harry's grief began to lift, replaced by a glimmer of hope. 
She says softly, “It's late. You should get some rest.”
Harry said, “I know, but I can't seem to quiet my mind.”
“I understand, but pacing around won't solve anything. Sometimes, you just need to let go of your worries and trust that things will be better in the morning.”
“Easier said than done.”
“I know, but you need to take care of yourself. You've been through so much already. You deserve some peace.”
“I just can't shake this feeling of uneasiness.”
“I get it. But worrying won't change anything. Right now, what you need most is rest. Trust me, things always look better after a good night's sleep.”
“Okay, you win. I'll try to get some sleep.”
“That's the spirit. I'll be right here if you need anything. Goodnight, Harry.”
“Goodnight, Genevieve.” Harry says as he yawns. He moves to head back to sleep, leaving Genevieve standing in the room with her own racing thoughts.
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As Genevieve stood before the Black Tapestry, her gaze fixed upon the intricate threads that wove together the history of the ancient family, her mind was a tumultuous whirlwind of conflicting emotions. The dreams haunted her still, vivid and unsettling. Two children, innocent and full of life, torn away from her grasp in a cruel twist of fate. 
And then there was Tom. His anguished outcry, his desperate plea for her return, echoed in her mind like a haunting refrain. The memory of his pain cut deep, a sharp reminder of the bond they once shared, before everything fell apart. But amidst the sorrow and the uncertainty, there was a flicker of determination burning within her. She refused to let despair consume her, refused to succumb to the darkness that threatened to engulf her.
For she knew that she had a purpose, a mission that transcended her own pain. She would bring Tom back, no matter the cost. She would defy fate itself if she had to, to see him standing before her once again. The path ahead was fraught with danger, filled with obstacles she could scarcely imagine. But she would face them head-on, with unwavering resolve and unyielding determination. For Tom was her everything, her reason for being. And she would not rest until she had him back by her side, where he rightfully belonged.
As Genevieve's eyes scanned the intricate patterns of the Black Tapestry, tracing the lineage of the ancient family through the ages, her thoughts swirled with a mixture of curiosity and unease. The most recent additions to the tapestry caught her attention, the two Black sisters standing out amongst the myriad of names and faces of Bellatrix and Narcissa. She also seemed to notice that someone had been blasted off the tapestry. Genevieve closed her eyes and hummed. She touched the blasted hole and let her magic run through her fingers and not a second later, she saw that she fixed it. Another sister appeared before her, Andromeda Black. Genevieve couldn't help but wonder what had happened. 
But as her gaze lingered on their names, a sense of foreboding washed over her. The sisters were entwined in a web of darkness and deceit, if she knew the Blacks at all, and she sure did. Their lives were shaped by forces beyond their control. Genevieve tore her gaze away from the tapestry, feeling a sense of disquiet settle over her. Leaving the room behind, she made her way through the corridors, her steps guided by a sense of purpose. She sought out Walburga, the matriarch of the Black family, hoping to glean some insight into the secrets that lay buried within the ancient walls.
As she approached Walburga's portrait, she braced herself for the inevitable confrontation. She had questions that needed answers, truths that needed to be uncovered. And she would not rest until she had unraveled the mysteries of the past, and perhaps, a glimmer of hope for the future.
Genevieve stood before the imposing portrait of Walburga Black, her former friend and confidante. The stern-faced woman in the portrait regarded her with a mixture of suspicion and disdain, her lips drawn into a tight line.
"Walburga," Genevieve began tentatively, her voice echoing softly in the quiet hallway. "I need to speak with you."
Walburga's expression softened slightly at the sound of Genevieve's voice, a flicker of recognition crossing her features. "Genevieve," she replied curtly. "What brings you here?"
Genevieve hesitated for a moment before pressing on, her curiosity outweighing her apprehension. "I wanted to ask you about your nieces – Bellatrix, Andromeda, and Narcissa. What happened to them?"
A shadow passed over Walburga's face at the mention of her nieces, a mix of sorrow and regret clouding her eyes. "Ah, my dear nieces," she murmured, her voice tinged with sadness. "They were once the pride of the Black family, shining examples of pureblood heritage." She paused, gathering her thoughts before continuing. "Bellatrix, the eldest, was always the most fervent in her devotion to the Dark Lord. From a young age, she showed a ruthless determination to prove herself, to earn his favor at any cost." Genevieve listened intently, absorbing every word as Walburga recounted the tale of her nieces' descent into darkness.
"Andromeda," Walburga continued, her voice tinged with regret, "chose a different path, one that led her away from the family's traditions and into the arms of a Muggle-born wizard. She betrayed our bloodline, shaming us all with her disgraceful actions." \Genevieve frowned at the harshness of Walburga's words, sensing the pain that lay beneath her facade of disdain.
"And Narcissa," Genevieve prompted, her curiosity piqued by the mention of the youngest Black sister.
"Narcissa," Walburga sighed, her voice heavy with sorrow. "She too was ensnared by the machinations of the Dark Lord, but her motives were driven not by loyalty, but by love. She sought to protect her family at all costs, even if it meant aligning herself with forces beyond her control."
"And now," Genevieve murmured, her voice barely above a whisper, "the family is but a shadow of its former self."
Walburga nodded solemnly, her gaze fixed on Genevieve with a newfound respect. "Indeed," she replied. "But perhaps there is still hope for redemption, for a chance to reclaim what has been lost." Genevieve nodded, feeling a pang of sympathy for Andromeda and the difficult choices she had been forced to make. The conflict between family duty and personal desire was a familiar one, and she couldn't help but admire Andromeda's courage in following her heart. For it was never an easy feat to defy family beliefs and tradition.
However, hearing that Bellatrix was devoted to Tom drew suspicions to Genevieve’s mind. To give up your freedom and to follow his counterpart entirely at such a young age only made her wonder, if Bellatrix was as loyal as Walburga said she was, and knowing Tom, he would give only his few and most loyal followers the most important tasks. Tasks, that could mean protecting a horcrux. Genevieve’s eyes widened at this idea. However, she would need confirmation from both Walburga and Harry and Hermione before anything. 
With one final question, Genevieve asked Walburga, “Whom did your nieces marry?”
Walburga said, “Well…Bellatrix married Rodolphus Lestrange. Andromeda married a Muggleborn…believe his name was Tonks or something along those lines. Narcissa married Lucius Malfoy.” Genevieve’s eyes narrowed at the mention of a Malfoy. She despised the Malfoy lineage, especially Abraxas. She recalled the times that he would torment Tom, only for him to be a slimy git and later on wanting to follow Tom for his power and his connection to Slytherin himself.
Genevieve thanked Walburga, “Thank you dear friend, you have helped me a great dear.”
Wlaburga nodded, “Not a problem my dear but I must say, you never mentioned how you are alive.” 
Genevieve smiled, “Like I said, it’s a long story. Nonetheless, when time is on our side, I’ll tell you all of it. Think of it as a favor I owe you for your insightfulness.”
Walburga smirked, “Once a Slytherin, always a Slytherin. Very well, good luck Gen. Toujours Pur.”
Genevieve replied, “Toujours Pur. Goodnight Walburga.”
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As the morning sunlight streamed through the windows of Grimmauld, Genevieve bustled around the kitchen, preparing a hearty breakfast for Harry and Hermione. The aroma of sizzling bacon and freshly brewed coffee filled the air as she moved about with practiced efficiency. Harry and Hermione soon entered the kitchen, their tired expressions brightening at the sight and smell of the delicious spread laid out before them.
"Morning, Genevieve," Harry greeted with a warm smile as he took a seat at the table.
"Good morning, Harry, Hermione," Genevieve chimed, returning the smile as she set down plates of eggs and toast in front of them.
"Wow, this looks amazing," Hermione exclaimed, her eyes lighting up with delight as she took in the array of food.
Genevieve chuckled, pleased with their reactions. "Well, I figured we could use a good breakfast to start the day off right." As they dug into their meal, the conversation flowed easily between them, filled with laughter and camaraderie.
"So, any plans for today?" Genevieve asked, taking a sip of her coffee.
Harry shrugged, "Not much, really. Just going to try and decipher more of that mysterious note from R.A.B. and see if we can get insight to track down the next Horcrux."
Hermione nodded in agreement, her brow furrowed in concentration. "Yes, and I was thinking we should revisit some of the books in the library. There might be some clues we've overlooked."
Genevieve nodded thoughtfully, "Harry, I've been meaning to ask you," she began, her voice gentle. "How exactly did you acquire the diary that turned out to be a horcrux?" 
Harry paused, setting down his fork as he recalled the events of his second year at Hogwarts. "It was Ginny Weasley who had the diary first," he explained. "Lucius Malfoy slipped it into her cauldron when we were shopping for school supplies at Diagon Alley. Ginny became attached to it, but then strange things started happening. I found the diary in the girl's bathroom on the second floor. That's when I started writing in it, and that's when I met Tom Riddle." 
Genevieve listened intently as Harry recounted his encounter with the memory of Tom Riddle trapped within the diary. She could sense the weight of his words, the lingering trauma of facing Voldemort's past self. "And then," Harry continued, his voice tinged with determination, "I destroyed the horcrux with the basilisk fang from the Chamber of Secrets. It was the only way to stop Riddle from regaining his power." Genevieve's eyes widened at the fact that maybe she was right. If Lucius had a horcrux with him, then Bellatrix would as well, being the protectors of objects of such dark magic, she knew that Tom most likely gave it to them without them knowing what they were hiding. 
“That must have been extremely difficult. Destroying dark magic is extremely difficult and dangerous.” Genevieve said softly. 
“It was,” Harry replied, “But at the time, I didn’t know what it was. All I knew is that I had to save Ginny.”
Genevieve smiled, “You are extremely brave for that.”
Harry slightly blushed. “Thanks, uhm…I guess.”
Genevieve then asked curiously, “So Lucius Malfoy, is he a follower of Tom’s exclusive gang. Is he a Knight?”
Harry and Hermione were confused and furrowed their eyebrows. Harry said puzzled, “Uhm, no he’s a Death Eater. He was there when Voldemort came back to life.”
Genevieve furrowed her eyebrows now, “Death Eaters?”
Hermione interjected, “Yeah…those are what Voldemort’s followers are called. They bear the mark of a snake and skull.”
Genevieve eyes looked like they were going to barge out, “A mark? With a snake and skull? Where the snake comes out of the skull’s head?”
Harry, fumbling with his words said, “Yeah…wait how do you know that?”
Genevieve sighed, “I drew something once of exactly what you described. I was going to get a tattoo, like the ones Muggles have. I thought they were fascinating and I thought it would be a perfect way to rebel against my fathers. I never expected Tom to make it a mark for his followers…but I know if I was there still, none of this would happen. I think he became lost but I don’t think it was just because of me.”
Hermione, curious, asked, “What do you mean?”
Genevieve, slightly frustrated at herself, “I don’t know…I remember many things but there are still some things I can’t seem to recall…like if I am missing memories.”
Harry, concerned, wondered and asked Genevieve, “Do you think you lost some of your own memories?”
Genevieve turned to Harry and took a deep breath, “No…but I think I might need time to recall them.” Harry and Hermione merely looked at her and wondered how much more suffering she would endure. Genevieve turned to them, and softly smiled, “Don’t worry about me. It’s most likely because I was asleep for so many years. Why don’t you guys freshen up and we’ll meet in the library later.” Both Harry and Hermione smiled and finished their breakfast before moving to get ready for the day.
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Draped in dark robes that the great Bellatrix Lestrange would wear, Genevieve strode through the marble halls of Gringotts Bank with an air of authority. Her features shifted and morphed with each step, her magic disguising her true identity flawlessly.
"I wish to open my vault," she barked at the nearest goblin, her voice a chilling echo of Bellatrix's own.
The goblin hesitated, eyeing her warily. "You must show your wand," he insisted, his voice gruff with suspicion.
Genevieve's lips curled into a cold smile as she met the goblin's gaze. With a flick of her wrist, she cast the Imperius Curse upon him, bending his will to her own. "Lead the way," she commanded, her tone brooking no argument. The goblin obeyed, leading Genevieve through the twisting corridors of Gringotts until they reached the imposing door of the Black vault. As they approached, the goblin spoke in hushed tones, moving to bang the bell to distract the Dragon that protected the vault. Genevieve told him to stop what he was about to do.
Genevieve smirked, her confidence unshaken. She stepped forward and hissed in Parseltongue, her words laced with ancient magic. 
“I mean no harm oh great Mother of Snakes.”
The dragon, startled by her ability to speak its language, rumbled in surprise. “A Ssspeaker, there isss very few of you left.”
“Yesss there are few left of usss. I only come to retrieve what is rightfully mine. If you allow me to passs of courssse.”
“Go ahead, my child.” Genevieve is able to head to the vault as soon as the dragon moves aside for her. Entering the vault, Genevieve's sharp eyes quickly scanned the dimly lit chamber. Galleons lay scattered across the floor, each one cursed to multiply upon touch. Ignoring the tempting glint of gold, she focused her attention on her objective.
There, nestled among the glittering treasures, she spotted it: Helga Hufflepuff's cup, gleaming with ancient power. With steady hands, she reached out and plucked it from its resting place, cradling it gently in her grasp. Safely stowing the cup in her satchel, Genevieve turned to leave the vault. But before she departed, she paused to bow respectfully to the dragon, gratitude shining in her eyes.
"Thank you Mother," she murmured, her voice sincere.
With a regal nod of its head, the dragon watched as Genevieve made her way back through the winding tunnels of Gringotts, her mission accomplished. As she emerged into the daylight, she allowed herself a small smile of satisfaction. The next step in their quest was complete, and she was one step closer to bringing Tom Riddle back from the darkness.
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Harry and Hermione pored over dusty tomes and ancient scrolls, searching for any clue that might lead them to the remaining Horcruxes. The air was heavy with the scent of old parchment and the weight of their mission hung over them like a shroud. Harry slammed another book shut in frustration, causing Hermione to glance up from her own research with a concerned frown. "Any luck?" she asked, her voice gentle.
Harry shook his head, running a hand through his tousled hair. "Nothing," he muttered, his frustration evident. "I can't believe we've been at this for hours and we still don't have a clue about where to find Hufflepuff's cup or Ravenclaw's diadem."
Hermione's brow furrowed in thought as she turned back to her book, flipping through the pages with a sense of determination. "We just need to keep looking," she insisted, her voice unwavering. "There has to be something here that can help us."
Harry nodded, though his frustration still simmered beneath the surface. "I just wish we had more to go on," he admitted, his tone heavy with frustration. Just then, Hermione's attention was drawn back to her book, her eyes scanning the words intently. But as she tried to focus, thoughts of Ron's well-being began to creep into her mind, distracting her from her research.
"Have you seen Genevieve?" Harry's voice interrupted her thoughts, causing her to startle slightly.
Hermione shook her head, her expression troubled. "Not since breakfast," she replied, her voice tinged with concern. "Do you think something's wrong?"
Harry shrugged, though his worry was evident in his eyes. "I don't know," he admitted. "But I just have a feeling that we could use her help right now." As Harry moved off to search for another book, Hermione turned back to her own research, trying to focus her attention. But the weight of their mission, coupled with her concerns for Ron, weighed heavily on her mind. Unable to fight off the exhaustion any longer, she let her head fall onto the pages of her book, succumbing to sleep as the words blurred before her eyes.
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Genevieve wandered through Grimmauld, her footsteps echoing softly against the ancient walls as she made her way to the library. She had been on her way to give the exciting news to both Harry and Hermione when she stumbled upon Hermione, fast asleep amidst a pile of books. Gently, Genevieve reached out and shook Hermione's shoulder, rousing her from her slumber. Hermione jolted awake with a gasp, her eyes wide with confusion before they softened with relief upon seeing Genevieve.
"Genevieve!" Hermione exclaimed, her voice filled with joy as she moved to embrace her friend. But before she could, her expression shifted to one of reproach. "Where have you been? Harry and I have been worried sick!"
Harry entered the library just in time to catch Hermione's scolding, his brow furrowed with concern. "Yeah, Genevieve, we've been worried about you, you just disappeared" he added, his tone matching Hermione's. Genevieve smiled softly at their concern, holding up her hands in a gesture of peace. "I'm sorry for disappearing like that without saying anything," she began, her voice gentle. "But I needed some time to clear my head and think things through."
Hermione opened her mouth to protest, but Genevieve held up a hand to silence her. "I promise I'm okay," she reassured them. "And I think I may have found a lead on where to find Hufflepuff's cup and Ravenclaw's diadem."
Harry and Hermione exchanged a glance, their concern giving way to curiosity. "What did you find?" Harry asked, his voice eager. Genevieve beckoned them closer, her expression serious. "But first, we need to make sure we're all calm and focused," she said. "Because what I'm about to tell you is going to require all of our attention." Harry and Hermione nodded.
Genevieve stood before Harry and Hermione, a triumphant smile playing on her lips as she moved to show them Hufflepuff's cup delicately in her hands. The room fell silent as Harry and Hermione's jaws dropped in astonishment, their eyes widening in disbelief at the sight before them.
"H-how... W-when…Where did you find that?" Hermione stuttered, her voice barely above a whisper as she struggled to comprehend what she was seeing.
Genevieve's smile widened as she glanced between her two friends, excitement bubbling within her. "It's a long story, but let me explain," she began, her tone filled with confidence. "Remember how you told me that Lucius Malfoy had Tom’s diary and put it in Ginny’s cauldron?"
Harry and Hermione nodded, their attention fully focused on Genevieve as she continued. "Well, it got me thinking. If Lucius had it and it was a Horcrux, then surely another member of his inner circle must have been entrusted with a Horcrux as well, without even knowing it."
Harry's eyes widened in realization, his mind racing to piece together the puzzle. "Bellatrix," he whispered, the pieces falling into place.
Genevieve nodded, her smile turning knowing. "Exactly. Bellatrix was one of the youngest followers of Voldemort and was fiercely devoted to him, just like Regulus. It got me thinking of the possibility that she was given a Horcrux to protect without even realizing what it was, especially if her cousin knew about them and Malfoy beared a Horcrux as well"
Hermione's eyes sparkled with curiosity as she leaned in closer, hanging on Genevieve's every word. "But how did you know where she hid it?" she asked, her voice filled with wonder.
Genevieve's smile turned mischievous as she recounted her daring adventure. "I had a little chat with Walburga," she began, her eyes twinkling with amusement. "The Black family always protected their most prized possessions in their vault. So, I disguised myself as Bellatrix and retrieved the Horcrux from the Black vault."
Harry and Hermione exchanged a look of awe, their admiration for Genevieve evident in their expressions. "That's incredible," Harry breathed, his voice filled with admiration.
Genevieve nodded, a sense of satisfaction washing over her. "It was risky, but it was worth it," she said, her voice tinged with determination. "And now, we're one step closer to bringing Tom back and destroying Voldemort."
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Taglist: @wheenerrr @jillian2003 @secretkittydreamland
Tom Riddle Masterlist
© coolbeans32 2024
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chaoticfandomgirly · 18 days
Hiii, if you send me some of the scenes in your fic I might see if I can draw somthin! I do love drawing things for people's fics! Just send me a msg and I'll see what I can do. Sorry if I'm slow to respond tho I'm (trying) taking a brake from posting for a bit cus of a personal loss
Oh my god! I never had a fanartist give me an offer like this...I mean, I have never approached one before (I'm always so intimidated).
Also, I hope you're well. Please take all your time.
As for my fic, I had been working on a Hogwarts Founders fic, with Godric/Salazar pairing. Helga and Rowena have OCs for their pairing. Though, I had taken a break from writing it because of how swamped I am with work, and the story has too much world building.
I don't have a specific scene as such, but I think I would love Salazar and Godric on the roof of their home while Salazar teaches him about the stars. It's kind of like very central to the fic. I can DM you the specific para....although, what I would totally love is for you to like my fic to draw something because it's a really niche fandom. I don't want you to draw something that not a lot of people would see (though I hope that this fandom grows with time) and something you didn't really connect with in the first place.
So, I will DM you and then it's totally your decision. Thank you so much for your offer. I can't tell how elated I am! It's like a dream come true.
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you and me in this ageless thing (told me I belong in this place) (Sentient Hogwarts- fight me jkr)
The fact that Hogwarts is a magical building is not a strange fact. Most wixes accept it without a second thought. 95% never think to question the wards that have soaked into the building’s foundation over the years, the magic that has drenched its hallways over nearly a millenium. Very few realize that Hogwarts- building of moving staircases and talking tapestries and a giant squid and rooms that respond to wishes- is sentient.
Of all of the students and teachers and house elves that have entered the Room of Requirement- the Room of Wishing Things- most have thought of the room as its own piece of magic. A complex spell, to be sure, but a singular one.
Maybe one or two students in a generation connect with the school as the original founders might have intended.
(Rowena would have rejoiced to know that someday, at some point in between decades and centuries, Magic itself had made the school not only a place of learning knowledge, but a place that carried knowledge itself. Helga would have welcomed the knowledge that the school itself is invested in protecting and supporting its residents. Salazar would have wondered at the full scope of what magic can do to inorganic stone. Godric would have enjoyed the way that Hogwarts has created her own wards, completely separate from anything that any wix has set up in her walls over the years.)
The Marauders are the closest to discovering the truth in their generation. They actually manage to tap into the school’s mind, its heart, with their map. They come up with the idea, the original piece of magic, but it is Hogwarts that not only allows it but allows some of her own magic to seep into its parchment, imprinting her soul onto it.
Three of the boys don’t question it. Only one- a little muggleborn werewolf in raggedy clothes and a craving for knowledge- does, and even he never gets all the way there. He doesn’t understand that the school allows them to create their map- not because of curiosity, or permissiveness. Hogwarts isn’t as calculating as the Sorting Hat.
No, Hogwarts does it because she loves them. She’s always had an affection for pranksters, for troublemakers, for those who test limits and innovate to their heart’s content. It is those kids- the girl gang that called themselves the Serpentine Six in the 1880s, the Marauders, the Weasley twins- that Hogwarts wraps her heart and her magic around, enhancing their endeavours, her magic cheering them on.
It is George Weasley who puts the pieces together for the first time.
It’s number of things that leads him to the conclusion.
It’s the Map, with its extensive and limitless knowledge of nooks and crannies, things that no student could ever find out on their own.
It’s the fact that stairs always seem to bend and shape in just the perfect way to let Fred and George get away with their pranks without professors getting caught.
It's the fact that when he makes out with Harry after his victory in the Second Task, the stones warm behind George's back, softening to provide them a soft space to lean against, comfort to have fun.
It’s the fact that the Room of Requirement doesn’t just shape itself to the inhabitants’ wills, but also seeks to protect whoever is inside. The reason why Umbridge didn’t manage to blast her way through before all of the members of the D.A. could get out was because the walls charmed themselves against her.
It’s the fact that George always seems to be able to find a room, a classroom, a closet, an alcove, to take kids to after Umbridge gets to them with her blood quill. Even if it’s not the Room of Requirement, it’s somewhere to take care of kids, to whisper reassurances into ears, to smear essence of murlap over wounds.
It’s the fact that when Harry comes out as Harry, as a boy instead of a girl, the Room doesn’t just provide a room to train in but supplies to transition. Magical binders and facial-hair-enhancing potions and the like. Hermione always gets somewhere private, safe, and tucked aside to make her prayers to Mecca. Dean gets a quiet place to go to light his menorah. Neville gets a soft closet and a spontaneous book of tricks to deal with anxiety, while every room that Angela enters becomes soundproofed, the air filtered around her ears to help her deal with her audiosensory issues.
THe school gives safe spaces. For trans kids, gay kids, religious kids, mentally ill kids. Its magic curls around them, takes care of them, loves them.
George sneaks out of bed one night while Fred is busy making out in some back hallway with Angela. He heads not for the Room, not for any logical location, but up to a random corridor on the Sixth floor, away from the kitchen, away from the towers, away from any dormitory.
He places a hand on the wall. "So," he says, voice an excited whisper, "You wanna tell me you're more than just a school? That you've got as many tricks up your sleeve as us Weasleys do?"
The stones warm beneath his touch. The lights glow around him and George smiles. "Thanks for seven years of fun."
Something curls around him, a hug from a ghost, a warm embrace by magic. George's soft smile turns into a beam and he can't help the laugh that spills from his lips as he reaches out, fingers entangling with a sense of pure magic that swirls through the corridors, an affection that is impossible and yet-
George knows, all the way down into his bones, that the school loves him. It loves all of them, all of its students, but him and Fred and all of the troublemakers that have entertained Hogwarts over the years-
It loves them the most.
The corridors move for him and Harry when they're sneaking around. The school gladly opens them new passages to avoid the crowds, ways to sneak out to Hogsmeade, ways to get around and find new ways to stick it to Umbridge.
(One thing that George realized, even before he put the pieces together about the school and its sentience, was that Hogwarts detests Umbridge's presence. There are only so many times that she can trip over a rug that magically gathered a crease or miss a step on the stairs or even just find a random bird following her through the hallways, cawing in her ear, before George notices what's going on.)
The school's magic, its heart, rejoices in George's veins. Now that he knows her, knows her truth, she is far more open about showing him love, showing him her secrets, revealing her soul. She doesn't just want to show off for George- she wants George to be able to show off to the boy he likes.
In return, George takes care of the school. He whispers cleaning charms whenever he sees someone leaving mud tracks from Hogsmeade, adjusts tapestries that are starting to list to the side, even repairs burn marks from his and Fred's pranks. It's not entirely needed, but it's a kind of extra care no one has given the school in centuries.
The school loves George and George loves her back.
No one will ever know that the fireworks that go off when George and Fred dip from Hogwarts were not planned by the twins. Sure, that's what George will tell Fred, what the world will assume, but the truth will sit between George and Hogwarts, in between the school and her boy.
After his brother dies in the final battle, after the battle wins in favor of Harry Potter and the Order, George finds himself not in the burnt out Room of Requirement or next to the rows of bodies in the Great Hall but rather back in his sixth floor corridor, leaning heavily against the wall, his wand dangling listlessly between the fingers of his right hand while his left hand braces itself against the school's singed wall.
There is a sorrow in the air. The school, broken and bleeding, is not grieving itself, but all of the children it has lost.
And George is grieving too. His brother, his other half of his coin, his mirror, is gone.
George has never existed without his twin brother. He has never had to. George has always been the planner, not the showman. What will he be without Fred to be loud, without Fred to cover up all of the ways in which George is not flashy, not showy, without Fred to make him laugh?
A sob is forcing itself from between George's teeth, tearing itself out of his throat. He has not given the tears permission to come, but now that the adrenaline from battle has dissipated, he cannot keep his self-control in place anymore.
Someone places a hand on George's shoulder. George glances upward to find Harry standing there, exhaustion in his eyes and sorrow on his bones.
"The school loved him," is the nonsense that babbles out of George's mouth, and he expects Harry to look at him weird. To question what kind of grief and stress and trauma drove him to talk about Hogwarts like this.
But instead Harry just nods and sits down on the floor in front of George, leaning against the wall behind him. He has always been understanding of difference, kind to things he doesn't know about yet.
George wishes he could think about how fun it was to make out with Harry. How so often D.A. meetings turned into dates after everyone else left. How they had so much fun sneaking around other Gryffindors and Weasleys and even Molly herself, back at the burrow.
But he can't. The words stick in his throat, trapped by his own grief and by Hogwart's sorrow.
Harry leans forward and offers out his hand. "Tell me about it," he says, and he is as weary as George, more exhausted than anyone, but there is still a love in his eyes, a desire to hear George's story.
George's tongue loosens as he lets go of his wand, letting it drop into his lap. He reaches forward and wraps his fingers around Harry's, entwining their hands together, and then lowers their hands to the ground, grazing the floor with their palms as he begins to speak.
The school sings under their fingers. It's not a happy song, but it is a kind one. A reminder of hope.
The school will rebuild, and George will be here for it. Harry will too. They'll both rebuild themselves along the way.
A school and her boys. George and the boy that loves him and the school that loves him.
Magic curls through the air, warming George's chest, and a smile lifts the corners of his lips the smallest bit.
He may have lost Fred, but he has not lost everything. He is still loved deeply, unconditionally, incredibly.
George Weasley opens his mouth and he begins to tell his story to his boyfriend and his school and the ghosts that will forever live in these walls.
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darkcrowprincess · 1 year
Fair warnings to Harry Potter fans that follow me:
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I'm a snape and marauders fan. I like both get over it.
I hate Ron and Ginny Weasley as characters and love interests.
I'm very anti jk rowling but still a harry potter fan. I just the series is my everything.
I'm a drarry fan with a soft spot for harmony/harmione. But overall drarry is my otp
I'm a slytherin on the inside while looking like a hufflepuff on the outside.
Slytherin and proud of it. Just because your a Slytherin doesn't make you dark and evil and I'm living proof.
Dumbledore was the real villian all along but I appreciate his character. Have a love hate relationship with Dumbledore. Sometimes I hate him. Sometimes I love him. But one things for sure he's got style and terrible taste in men.
Luna Lovegood is my spirt animal.
I love Emma Watson version of Hermione more so than the books. Just Emma is such a wonderful actress and I love her. Her version of Hermione feels more true to me than Jk Rowlings, which basically feels like a self insert version of herself looking back now. Overall Emma is and will always be my Hermione Granger.
Reminder, again drarry is my otp, I'm a sucker for enemies to lovers trope.
Reminder I love Severus Snape. He is one of my favorite characters.
Reminder I also love the marauders.
The gryffindor and slytherin feud is so stupid and I headcanon that Salazar and Godric were lovers.
Dracos dad was an abusive asshole.
Draco deserves a redemption arc.
Draco is a mama's boy, and has a badass mom.
Narcissa and Lily probably would have bonded over their firce love and protectiveness over their sons, that's my headcanon and I'm sticking to it.
I ship jegulus.
I also ship snily.
In general I just love gryffindor x slytherin forbidden love pairings. Give me that romeo and juliet level drama bullshit that I'm always a sucker for.
I'm all for the family drama that is the Nobel and most ancient house of black. It's fucking hilarious and gives me vc andrews vibes and I love the drama. Wizards witches magic and old money family drama! I love it!
I love Voldemort as a villian. He is the best villian ever. I headcanon him as not believing in the pure blood bullshit though. Voldemort hates muggles of course. But he doesn't buy into that bullshit. Plus Voldemort only cares about power and himself. Easy way to get followers, pretend to care about those beliefs. That's my opinion and how I see the character.
I hate the Christian religious symbolism in harry potter that I can spot now that I'm older. And 100% ignore it. Love aus that explore into dark and gray magic. Bringing pagan or other other Wiccan type magic beliefs into harry potter aus to explore is always my favorite.
All witches and magic movies, cartoons and shows are just all connected to me in the harry potter universe. Its a multiverse of witches and I'm loving it.
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tktsunami · 2 years
I need more Salric, so I'm writing Part II
(English is not my mother language so beware :D And this are only shorts and moment for an AU. Also I can't decide which turn to take in the second year. This is just one of two xD)
In his second year Godric was sure he could hold his promise he made to himself. Never get other students involved in any dangers around himself. He still saw how Ron got hurt last school year, because he couldn’t stop them to help him. It would be hard, because they were his friends and he could understand that they wanted to help him. But he was an adult - at least in mind - and he had more experience - thanks to his life before - than them, so he should not involve them in his mission to help Hogwarts.
And he knew Hogwarts was in need of his help. He still couldn’t believe how some professors were still in Hogwarts and teaching! Professor Binns was a ghost and every student slept in his lessons. Even Hermione said it was difficult to stay awake! And Defensive against the dark arts? Every year there was a new teacher in this subject and everyone was teaching what they thought was the right learning stuff. There was no guideline in this subject. It was his second year and he still thought they should have learned more in their first year. And now there was this Professor Lockhart who was incompetent and a fraud. Really, what did they do when they hired a new professor?!
Godric was frustrated with this. When they found Hogwarts, they wanted their students to receive the best education possible and not… this!
But still… Even if the education in Hogwarts - and how the professors treat their students - could be improved, he was sure it was not the reason why the spell to reborn him was activated at this time. Could it be Voldemort? Maybe, but maybe because there were more than he had seen so far. Well, he might find out this year.
This has to be a joke. It has to be. “Well you could be.”
Godric wanted to laugh, but Hermione was right. He didn’t really know if the Potters were descended from Slytherin. It would be really ironic if he was reborn as an heir of Slytherin. Salazar would laugh at that and be delighted. It would be… nice to have at least one connection to him in this life. But he didn’t open the chamber. That he could speak Parseltongue… Well could be because he was an Horcrux of Voldemort and he was sure that at least Voldemort was a Parseltongue. Well he could try a spell which would show him, if he would be a descendent of Salazar. He only needed something from Salazar and he was in Hogwarts. Salazar lived thousands of years ago, but his magic was still running through Hogwarts and it could be used for this spell. In the night he channeled the magic of his younger magic to cast the spell. Salazar's magic came through Hogwarts. The magic touched but never connected. So he wasn’t a descendant of Salazar. 
Godric sighed and lied down, thinking. So, at least he wasn’t Salazar's heir. 
But because he could speak Parseltongue he should go into it and ask Sahlia what happened. He should have done this in his first year, but he didn’t know how to reach the chamber without alerting someone. Because he knew that in the office of the headmaster was an entrance which could be opened by any founder. Every other entrance could only be opened with the language of the serpents. He was sure that it wasn’t Sahlia - Salazar’s basilisk - who was the culprit. She was at Hogwarts to protect the students should all other defenses fall. So why should she hunt others now and turn them into stone? A basilisk could be only claimed and tamed by one person in their life.
So McGonagall's claim that the 'monster' could only be controlled by the Slytherin heir was invalid. A basilisk could be tamed by every Parseltongue as long as it wasn’t already claimed. Maybe Sahlia wasn’t alone? It could be.
Well he would only find out, if he would ask, right?
He had been blind, weak and incompetent. Godric hissed as the pain went through his nerves. He could only watch helplessly as the daughter of Salazar’s basilisk cried out in pain and died. The poison was already in his body and weakened him quicker than his two magic cores who tried to destroy the other. He would die here… But before… he had to rescue the youngest Weasly. With his last strength he walked to her, ignored the young version of Voldemort and looked at the diary.
As soon as he had held the diary he knew what it was. An horcrux like him. He wasn’t fooled when Tom showed him what he wanted him to see. Hagrid couldn’t even speak Parseltongue and a spider as a ‘monster’. Pathetic.
But he thought he could find out a little bit more about Tom, about Voldemort but then someone stole the diary and he didn’t know who it was. And that was his mistake. He should have destroyed this damn diary as soon as he found it! But he didn’t and so he had to kill a basilisk - a basilisk which fought against the commands of the one who had it claimed, a basilisk which was going insane because it was suffering. It was only fair that he would die through the poison of a basilisk. It was his mistake only.
He called his sword - which he had let loose after the kill - and took the diary from Ginny.
“What are you doing?”, said Tom confused with a slight concern in his voice.
“Killing a monster.”, Godric replied and stabbed the diary with his sword.
The diary got destroyed and with it Tom. As soon as the rest of the vision of Tom vanished, Ginny opened her eyes.
“It is okay, Ginny. I know he made you do it. Go. Go to Ron, he is waiting for you outside. I… I have to do something else first. Go.”
She shouldn’t see him die.
“Harry! You’re bleeding!”
“Not much. Go.”
She hesitated, but then she went her way. Godric sighed and closed his eyes. He remembered the first time he was here.
“Doesn’t really look comfortable.”
“That’s the outside area. Come. I will show you the hiding rooms. There is space for beds and also a room for potions to heal students who could be wounded.”, explained Slytherin.
Godric smiled.
“Sounds good. I think it is a good idea to have space for Sahlia and a safe place for the students if Hogwarts should be attacked.”
“Thought that you would like it.”
Salazar smiled and showed him the rooms, also the storage room for potions.
“There will also be phoenix tears and antidotes for basilisk poison. Just to be safe.”
Godric opened his eyes again. Wait… The antidote could still be there. Groaning, he rose and staggered to the hidden rooms. Shortly before he reached the storage room he collapsed. Not good. All his strength had left him. But his magic was still there. Weak and still fighting but maybe…
“Accio basilisk antidote…”
His voice was only a whisper, but his magic reacted. The door jumped open and the vial with the antidote flew straight into his hand.
It was fair that he would die through the poison but Salazar would be sad and devastated if he would still live. His friends would want him to try to live as long as he could, fighting for Hogwarts. So he took the antidote and waited. 
After a few minutes he felt better. Slowly he rose again and walked out of the hidden rooms. His sight stopped at the dead body of the basilisk. Sahlias offspring. He could not leave her like this. Sahlia would come sooner or later and if she would find her like that…
~”What happened? Godric?”~
Too late.
He took a deep breath and closed his eyes.
~“I’m sorry Sahlia… A student was here… The horcrux tried to kill her, so that he could live again. He…forced your daughter to kill me…”~, he answered in parsel. 
His voice was shaking in grief. 
“I.. my magic didn’t respond as it should have been and only my sword answered my call. I’m so sorry…”
He could hear how Sahlia reached her daughter, hissing in grief.
~”Don’t be sorry Godric…”~, she said after a while: ~”You were the one who held the sword, but it was not you who killed her. It was him. He forced you to defend a student and yourself against her. He forced her to kill the ones we swore to protect. She was never the same after she killed that one student 50 years ago. I just hope… she can be at peace now.”~
Sahlia touched him with her snout and Godric felt the tears of his own. Crying he collapsed again, shaking trying to hold her. 
Even though she said it wasn’t his fault, he couldn’t believe it. He should have done something. 
~“You may be Godric Gryffindor, one of the best duelists that ever lived. At least in my eyes… But you’re only twelve years old at the moment, Godric. And you have problems with your magic. You did your best at that moment. Don’t think you should have done better. You couldn’t and I know you tried to save my daughter as well.”~
He did. He was climbing that damned wall not to reach her head. But because he hoped she would hit herself strong enough to lose consciousness. It hadn’t worked and so he was out of options…
”I’m still sorry. I couldn’t save her.”
~“Nobody could. Not you, not me, even Salazar could not have done it.”~, she whispered.
Slowly he opened his eyes and looked again to her daughter.
“My magic is okay again… I think… I can at least… try…”
Sahlia had her eyes closed, held still as he took his wand and cast the spell. The words came out of his mouth without thinking.
The dead body rose and crystallized. She would not rot here like some thrown away body. She tried everything she could and like him she lost this fight. But she tried and he wanted to pay her respect with it. The crystal was her grave and monument at the same time. He closed his eyes again.
~”I closed my eyes. Is this okay?”~
Sahlia was silent for a few minutes, before she nudged at him.
~”It’s beautiful and more than any of my kind had ever had after we died. Thank you, Godric.”~
He smiled, but then spitted blood. Too much. His magic cores were fighting again.
It was the last thing he heard before he lost consciousness.

He came out a few hours later than Ron and Ginny. After they left the chamber it had closed and no teacher had reached him. Sahlia had watched over him until he woke up.
After everyone was sure that he was okay, everything got back to normal.
Dumbledore came back and called him to his office. 
Godric didn’t show how displeased he was that Dumbledore stored his sword in his office. The professors took it from him, after he left the chamber. But he couldn’t say that it was his and as Dumbledore asked him how the sword came to him, he only said that he found it in the chamber. Dumbledore didn’t really believe him, and Godric felt how he tried to look into his mind. He showed him a fantasy memory, not the truth, tricked him. Salazar had taught him how to do that. Godric used okklumentik in an instinctive reaction and was really good at it. But Salazar wanted to be sure that Godric could also trick others to believe they could use legimantik against him. It was easier if the enemy thought they were successful. 
So Dumbledore believed him. 
He hated it to call him that. Dumbledore didn’t teach anymore, so why should he call him that?
“The basilisk… I don’t think she was there to purge the school.”
“Why do you think that?”
At least he could try to repair Salazar's reputation.
“She was angry at herself and repeated that she didn’t want to attack me. She fought against the commando of Tom. He said she has to kill me, but if she could she bought me time to avoid her attacks. Everyone was turned into stone. If a basilisk wants to kill, it will. But there were more than one incident where the person turned into stone. No One was killed. I also found a safe place for students in the chamber. I guess… the basilisk was there to protect us, not to hunt down muggleborns, Sir. Maybe the history we know is wrong. Since I heard the story I asked myself: Why build a school with someone who is like Salazar was described?”
“That is an interesting question Harry. But sometimes the true self of someone shows after time.”
Godric remained silent at that. No one said it would be easy to repair Salazar’s reputation. And when Lucius Malfoy entered the office, he knew the topic was finished. Now he had to help Dobby and he had an idea how.
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A One-Shot connected to A Broken Quill, but not necessary to read
Each drop fell, matching the rhythm of his lover’s heart. They knew this was the last time either would see the other.
One would go to the South, where muggles had gathered in their rage, and the other would stay here, in the castle, ensuring the safety of the students.
Neither knew which of their lives might come to an early end, but both were willing to grasp it tightly with both hands.
Two men. Virtues as opposing as Ice and Sea. Their hopes form the bridge that connects them. Now, their ritual would as well.
One was clad in green, armed with a sword and a buckler, and the other was in red, armed with a book and a thousand serpents.
Both were furious.
Both were mourning.
Both were striving to achieve a better future for their heirs.
Neither wanted to leave.
*A/N: Yes, this is about Salazar and Godric. The lore behind this one-shot, and others like it, is that they're visions of Harry's. Frankly, there are too many visions I hope to write so I'll be uploading them all here for ease of access. I'll probably gather them all into an AO3 work later on, but I hope y'all enjoy this until I post the next chapter for A Broken Quill*
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Aricka Potter, Draco, and the Philosopher’s Stone: the boy at Madame Malkin’s
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Aricka could hardly believe it. Just hours before; she’d been expecting a perfectly boring birthday, sitting with Harry on the dirt floor of the shack they’d all ran away to, trying to keep out of sight of the Dursleys.
Now; she’d been thrust into a whole new realm of magic and wonder, and she was to attend a new school with her twin at her side. Currently; they were both at a robe fitting, and next she wanted to get a pet- she’d already decided on a cat; much to Hagrid’s dismay.
There was another boy with them, standing there with a bored expression on his face. When he noticed the twins entering, a mask instantly seemed to go up around him; and the twins exchange a subtle glance.
With a bright smile Aricka walked over and stood on a footstool next to him. “Hiya,” she said.
“Hello. Hogwarts, too?” He asks. She nods.
“I’m a bit nervous. We have no idea what we’re getting into. I’m Aricka Potter. You are?”
“I’m Malfoy; Draco Malfoy,” he says; and offers his hand to her. She smiles a bit brighter.
“Pleasure. So- you seem like you have a lot of knowledge and expertise when it comes to Hogwarts- would you care to share with myself and my twin? We were raised by muggles who- ah-,” she scratches the back of her neck, “didn’t care much for magical folk.”
Draco stares at her for a long moment. “The Boy Who Lived and the Girl Who Survived- not know anything about magic?”
“Guess we didn’t all grow up with a silver spoon in one hand and all the money we wanted in the other,” Harry spoke up for the first time the whole conversation. Draco gives him a look.
“Quite right,” he says. “I’m willing to give you my help, but we might not end up in the same houses. That complicates things a bit. Especially if you end up in Gryffindor- and if I’m in Slytherin. There’s a huge rivalry between those two.”
Aricka and Harry exchange another glance. “Could you start with explaining the houses?” Aricka asks. “As non biased as possible?”
Draco nods. “I can do that. I’ll start with Hufflepuff- personally I don’t want to end up there but it’s not as bad as people say. Founded by Helga Hufflepuff, it’s the most inclusive among the four houses, valuing hard work, dedication, patience, loyalty, and fair play rather than a particular aptitude in its members. If you end up there; you probably have a strong moral code, and a sense of right and wrong. They wear black and gold, and have a strong connection to earth. They’re represented by the badger. One of the more famous graduates of Hufflepuff was Newt Scamander, a Magzoologist who published Fantastic Beasts and where to Find Them.”
“What’s the others?” Harry asked.
“Next is Ravenclaw. Founded by Rowena Ravenclaw, characterised by their wit, learning, and wisdom. If you end here; you’re academically motivated and talented. They wear blue and bronze, and have a connection to air.” Harry stands on a footstool for his fitting on the other side of Draco so he could hear. “After that is Gryffindor. Founded by Godric Gryffindor, who championed courage, chivalry, nerve and determination. If you’re placed in that group; you’re generally regarded as brave, sometimes to the point of recklessness. They wear red and gold, and the element they’re affiliated with is fire.”
“And Slytherin?” Aricka asks, looking as though she was leaning toward that one and she hadn’t even heard of it. Draco grins at her.
“That’s my favorite,” he says. “Founded by Salazar Slytherin, he valued cunning, resourcefulness, leadership, and ambition. If you’re here, nine times out of ten you’re a Pureblood, but sometimes a halfbloods or muggleborn ends up there too. Those who end up in Slytherin typically clique together-acquiring leaders- showing their ambition and determination. They wear silver and green, and have a connection to water.”
“What did you mean by pureblood, halfbloods and muggleborn?” Harry asks.
“Right: blood purity. There’s three categories of Wizard blood- your Pureblood- the ones who were born from two full blood wizards. A half blood is a child born of a wizard and a muggle- a non magic person. A muggle born is someone born of two parents who don’t have magic. They inherited magic from somewhere in their family line.” Draco pauses as Madame made another measurement of his arm. “Some say that magic should be kept in the Pureblood families only. But if you ask me, that would make accidental magic happen more often.”
Aricka nods. “Thank you for your help. You can count on me for anything you might need.”
“Make that two of us,” Harry said. Draco glances between the two of them.
“You understand… certain families have roles to play- so if I say something that sounds the complete opposite of what I just told you-,”
“We know the truth,” Aricka said. “We won’t hold it against you.” The blond smiled. Harry held his hand out to Draco.
“I’m Harry.” The boy grins, and takes it, shaking it firmly.
“I’m Draco.”
And thus was the first alteration of a timeline of events.
@astralshipper @rosieshipper @hyperionshipping @yeehawselfshipping @letsgofoletsgo @tsundere-selfship @callsign-revenge
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hollyparker · 3 months
Harry Potter - TVD au (I think that’s what you would call it) prompt
So, It was way late at night and I had this random Harry Potter (AU?) fanfic idea. What if someone made a HP/TVD (TVD stands for “The Vampire Diaries” and it takes TVD elements/aspects and puts it in HP, so it’s still HP and not a crossover) fic? It’s also fem!Harry. There will obviously be a lot of changes to the story, and rebuilding, but I feel like if done right, it can be really cool.
Disclaimer: I’m a big fan of both TVD and HP, but I am by no means an expert on either. I don’t know everything about these franchises or much about their world building and history. My knowledge is very limited. So, please bare with me.
Anyways here are some points and stuff I had in mind for it:
The time period would be very different. It either follows the TVD timeline (or it somehow mixes both) or it’s more modern time (like HP cursed child). So, a lot of the characters birth years would have to change and be pushed back and/or forward. If it follows the TVD timeline, than Harry would be born in the year 1992-1993 (instead of 1980), and it should take place in 2003-2004. If it follows the modern timeline, then Harry would be born 2005-2006, and it should take place 2016-2017. Note, it should only start at those years IF (and only if) you want to start the story from the beginning, when they were 10-11. If you want to start it where they’re 16-17, then depending on which time period you chose to follow you would start off in the years 2008-2009(TVD)/2022-2023(Modern).
It can either be realistic to our real life world or semi-realistic, where some of the events and things that happened in real life happen/happened in there, but not everything (so maybe Covid would not have ever been a thing and so on).
The Potter family would be the Bennett family of the universe. Harry would be Bonnie (the character, not the name). This is mostly because of the whole Bennett witches being so connected with death and “the other side” (bc of Bonnie’s ancestor, Qetsiyah) and then Bonnie becoming the anchor to the other side. Then we have the Potter family also being connected with death and the whole Master of Death thing (bc of Harry’s ancestor, Ignotus) and then Harry becoming the “Master of Death”. Since the Bennett family is mostly dominated by the women, you can do the same with the Potter family and just make up some more Potter witches if there’s not enough canonical or you can just make it where it focuses on both Witches and Wizards in the family.
Squibs would be the Siphoners. You could keep Squibs as they are, magically born people with no magic themselves, and though they can still see magical things, they can’t really interact with it or they can be all that but actually have the ability to siphon (draw out) magic from magical beings/things (obviously with limits) to use.
For the werewolves (or Vamps), you could keep them as they are in HP or you can change them completely to TVD werewolves (and Vamps) or just keep them as they are in HP but they have some TVD aspects (like the werewolves being able to control their transformations with Moonlight rings and vamps being resistant to sunlight with Daylight rings but without giving them any superhuman abilities or immortality).
The founding families could either be the Pureblooded families (the sacred 28) or the founders of Hogwarts (Helga, Rowena, Godric, and Salazar).
The elixir of life in HP is literally just the immortality elixir in TVD (they’re literally the same thing, only, where the HP one has limits/is not forever and you have to drink it regularly, the TVD one is forever just from one drink.
How death(s) and ghosts are handled can be a mixture between both franchises or you can decide on which one you want it to lean towards more.
Vampire Hunters & any other Supernatural Hunters could be made relevant, and actually be (somewhat) important figures in the story. You can do a mixture of both or decide whether you like the TVD or HP version better.
For sirens, you can keep them as they are in HP, mix them up, or make them as powerful and important as the TVD sirens (or maybe you can change it up and make the Veela’s into what the TVD sirens are instead, since the sirens in HP live in water, have no legs, and thus can’t come out to land. So Veela’s could just be the sirens of the land (land sirens).
To be continued -
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pickon7 · 2 years
Harry potter characters quiz
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Harry potter characters quiz Harry Potter is a series of seven fantasy novels written by British author J. K. Rowling. We watched many wondrous series but one movie ascended among all is Harry Potter. In this blog we talked about the beginning of the series chapter 1 - Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (2001) plus to refresh your mind you can play short Quizzes given in the last ..have fun.
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (2001)
Movie begins with two wizard persons  named Albus Dumbledore and Mcgonagall who was carrying a wretch little soul later named as Harry Potter . Both persons left the boy at the door of his uncle's house because of any reason. Read More: Oscars 2022 nominations , winners & History Wondrous letters After years when Harry Potter is 10 received wondrous letters which were torn by his uncle everytime. His uncle and his family's behavior wasn't good at all towards him. Later we see the entry of a giant man and he introduced himself as Hagrid. He disclosed about all the letters to Harry that all these letters are sent from Hogwarts (school of magic in Wizarding universe) and you are not any ordinary boy but the child of magicians and he himself supposed to be megician as well and his parents killer name Voldemort. Train to Hogwarts After knowing his true identity Harry is now ready to go to megical world. He entered the train where he finds his would be friends Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger, they three get along really well. After getting into the Hogwarts they encountered with different mysterious things like invisible clothe, unicorns, flying broomstick and among all of them one thing attracted them was the Stone. The Stone Hermione who was really into books successfully able to find about the Stone. They three find out that the Stone can make anyone immortal and the stone is protected by Professor Snape. Further the story continues and later events disclose about Stone plus Voldemort. Also Read: The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power TV Show, Review, Movie Quiz All the Harry Potter series connected to each other.
The Hogwarts House
Young wizards who receive their letters at age of 11 years old from Hogwarts. Before starting their school they have to be selected to their respected houses. Hogwarts was founded by Godric Gryffindor, Garud dwar, Rowena Ravenclaw , Helga Hufflepuff, Salazar Slytherin in 10th century. Houses were named by their last names.  Every individual who enters into these have same traits like the founders. - Godric Gryffindor - Garud dwar - Rowena Ravenclaw - Cheel ghaat - Helga Hufflepuff - Mehnatkash - Salazar Slytherin.- Naag sakti This movie series available on: - Katmoviehd - Vegamovies - Yomovies - soap2day Find the Harry Potter characters by their eyes: Also Visit: - Guardians of the galaxy 3 | upcoming marvel movie - All of us are dead where filmed this amazing netflix tv show Best Most Popular Netflix Shows Ever Interesting Facts About Ben 10 Web Story Read the full article
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sophsicle · 2 years
guys i’ve connected the dots it’s between godric and salazar
All things are possible (I sound like a magic eight ball)
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headcanonhasfired · 2 years
I'm so sorry, but I must share this brainrot
Every time I listen to the Hamilton soundtrack, I morph it to fit a vision of a near-identical play about the founding of Hogwarts.
Rowena Ravenclaw (immigrant, orphan, daughter of a whore) writes like she's running out of time, putting together her vision of a place of education for young witches and wizards.
Salazar Slytherin keeps his plans close to his chest, waits to see which way the wind will blow. His ambition and rivalry with Rowena drive them both to incredible things...and to a tragically violent end.
Helena Hufflepuff, secret lover of Rowena, puts herself back in the narrative. She tells their story. And holds her own as the moral compass of Hogwarts's founding.
Features occasional appearances from Godric "needs to fight every single battle in the wizarding world rather than just focusing on the school" Gryffindor and mentor figure Nicholas "let me tell you what I wish I'd known when I was young and dreamed of glory" Flamel
Idk I do not claim to be mentally well. Pls help me come up with more connections for this in the comments.
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slytherinnbitch · 3 years
Day 7: Proposal
Since this marks one week, this is going to be extra long!
"Goodbye love," Draco says as he leaves Grimmauld Place a little late.
Harry was dressing when he left him in the room, he casts a tempus charm just outside the door. It's almost noon, Salazar knew why Harry didn't even bat an eyelid at his late morning.
He apparates to the Maya Magal in London, it's apparantly the best place to get engagement rings and both Pansy and Hermione vouch for it.
A handsomely dressed woman, probably Draco's age, greets him at the door and takes him inside.
"What would you be looking for today, sir?" she asks politely.
"Engagement rings, thank you."
"Do you have any choice or maybe a reference picture?"
"No, just something light and simple would do. He doesn't like heavy jewels or jewels for that matter." Draco says, belatedly realising that he used the masculine pronoun instead of the neutral one, Hermione had told him that Muggles didn't always see eye to eye with same gender relationships like Wizards and Witched did.
But the lady doesn't even hesitate before giving him a smile and leading him towards the middle of the store. She starts showing him a myriad of rings- all of them elegant and classy with intricate designs but nothing that would suit Harry.
After almost four hours of looking at almost each and every ring in the shop, he picks a simple band which a mixture of platinum and gold with tiny diamonds adorning it's edges. He immediately knows that this is it.
The lady smiles at him again, not a single sign in her face saying that she is frustrated or annoyed that Draco took such a long time.
"Would you like to engrave something on the inside?"
"Yes sure." Draco replies, he instantly knows what he wants. In the end, the lady- Lara tells him to come back in two hours for the ring to be ready and he thanks her and gets going.
A tempus charm shows him that he has about three hours to get home before Harry starts to suspect anything and that's plenty of time. He apparates to the cementry in Godric's hollow.
"Hello," he greets James and Lily as he sits down beside their grave on the ground, "So I wanted to ask you for Harry's hand. I know it's an ancient practice and well, you are dead but I want to do this right. I was raised this way and I'm rambling."
He takes a moment conjure some flowers before he starts talking again, "So I want to marry your son. Why should he marry me? I don't know that. Merlin, I don't even know why he loves me. Me, who is an angry arsehole to everyone and who never smiles. Weasley's definition not mine, just so you know. I can tell you why I love him though? Maybe that will be enough to convince you both. Harry, he has always been my guiding star. I don't know how but even in school when we were at each other's throats, he had been someone constant, someone always there. No matter in what way, just there. And afterwards, the war where well you know things happened and I was so bloody naive but he was there as well. He had been my only hope back then, that Harry might be able to save all of his from the doom which was Vol-voldemort. And he did, he even initiated the house unity in Eighth year and then we got seperated because of our careers and look at us now. Both working at the Ministry and even our departments are connected, somewhat. I'm an Unspeakable, you see. You would know that Harry is Head Auror but not about me. I don't know when that star, that hope became my everything. Slowly, but consistently. We grew closer and I can't imagine a day without him anymore. At the end of the day, I need to be around him else I can't fall asleep.
It's been almost twelve years since the war but some scars remain. I'm really hoping that you would look past those and forgive me and accept me as your son's husband-if he says yes that is. Maybe this is all in vain, Harry might just say no and that will be that. But I'm trying not to focus on the negatives right now. Thank you for your sacrifices and thank you so much for giving this world such a kind hearted, selfless person. Thank you for my Harry." He finishes at last, his eyes are slightly tinging but that's alright. No one's here to see him like this anyways.
He talks to them somemore, about everything about him and Harry and how much he loves him and how he would never let Harry feel like he did throughout his childhood and how he plans on proposing Harry on the anniversary of their tenth year together.
Its about 6pm when he leaves the graveyard and goes to pick up the ring.
As soon as Harry hears Draco call out his goodbye, he takes out his notepad from under the socks in the drawer and checks everything he needs to do in order for everything to be perfect tomorrow.
Pick up ring
Ask the parents
Check in with Hermione and Pansy
Order the flowers
He makes goes to the Wizarding Jewelry Place first and asks for the ring.
"Yes, Mr. Potter. The ring is ready and just how you asked it to be. I'll bring it right out," the old man says, who Harry got to know was the owner of the shop from Pansy.
He comes out after several moments and in his hands is a small jewelry box, with intricate golden work over the black satin. The man opens the box and shows Harry the ring, it's perfect with its platinum and gold band and a heavy diamond in the middle of it, he checks the inside and yes, the inscription is just how he had wanted it to be.
He thanks the man and hurries to Wiltshire after making his payment.
He apparates just outside of the Manor gates, after all these years it's fairly easy to enter. The Manor has transformed drastically, and Narcissa and surprisingly, Lucius's warm welcome behaviour had helped immensely.
He had been shocked when he met Lucius as Draco's boyfriend for the first time since the war, it had been after two years of dating Draco and he had been invited over. Gone was the bigoted, slimy bastard he knew, this Lucius was still as much of an arsehole but not the same one. They were not friendly exactly, but he liked to think that he and Lucius got along nowadays. Well it's almost been eight years so he guessed with time anything was possible.
The gates opens to him without any sort of hindrance. Just as he was going to knock on the door, Mipsy opens it and pokes her head out.
"Mipsy is here to greet Harry Potter. Who does Harry Potter like to meet? Master Draco isn't here today."
"Yes, Mipsy I'm aware that Draco isn't here. I'm here to meet Lucius and Narcissa actually." He explains, Mipsy nods her head and vanishes with a small pop, only to return twenty seconds later, and asking Harry to follow her to the parlor.
"Harry, dear. What do we owe this pleasure to?" Narcissa asks as he enters the room.
"Sure you haven't lost your way here? Draco doesn't live here any longer." Lucius says at the same time.
"Yes, Lucius I haven't lost my way and I know Draco doesn't live here any longer, since you know, he lives with me now," he retorts back- Merlin it's weird enough calling Lucius by his name in his head, it's weirder when he says it out loud. "I actually wanted to ask for something."
"See Cissa, I told you he had ulterior motives after all," Lucius says as he looks over Harry suspiciously.
"Oh Lucius, why don't we hear out the young man before you start with all your nonsense." Narcissa says and she waves her hand towards Harry in a way to tell him to continue.
"I want to ask for Draco's hand in marriage." Harry blurts out, the silence that follows is deafening. He looks from Malfoy to the other, both of them seem to be in an intense conversation which is being spoken through their eyes.
It's Lucius who breaks the silence at last, "Why do you want to marry our son? Why should we allow you?"
"Because I love him, I know it can't be as simple as that but that's the gist of it. I love your son with my whole being. I can't imagine a day where I can't see his face or without his insults which have somehow become a constant as well. I tried to find the many reasons for which I should deserve to marry him, I can't find one. But I want to, I want to be deserved enough to marry Draco Malfoy. I want to make him happy for the rest of his life and I want to do this right for once, that's why here I'm asking permission for his hand because even though it doesn't matter nowadays. Draco loves tradition and for him, this is of great significance and I want everything to be right this time." Harry finishes and when he looks over at them, because he had said most of that looking at the carpet, Narcissa's eyes a bit glassy and Lucius who never shows emotion, is actually beaming at him.
"Very well then, Harry. You have both our permission to marry our son and we both would be honoured to welcome you into the Malfoy family. I...I might have been wrong about you afterall." Lucius says and coming from him it's high praise. He is glad both of them and he tells them so and both of them smile fondly at him. They make him stay for tea and afterwards wishes him luck as he floos to Diagon Alley to meet Hermione and Pansy at the new cafe.
"So you got the parents blessings then?" Pansy asks as she takes a sip of her firewhiskey mixed coffee.
"And you have the ring?" Hermione questions as she sets down her wine glass. Seriously is this a cafe or a pub?
"Right here!" He shows them the ring and they coo over it for a minute. "Is this place even a cafe or is that just for the name?"
"It's a cafe and bar, of sorts. They provide a mixture of normal drinks but add alcohol to it. You should try the vodka and peach drink. It's absolutely perfect." Pansy answers as she calls over a waiter.
"No thank you, Pans. I have to go back to my boyfriend who shouldn't even suspect that I have been anywhere but work today. Do you have anything non-alcoholic?" He directs the last question to the waiter who has come.
"Yes, right about everything can be non-alcoholic or purely alcoholic as well. The mixtures are just out speciality."
"Oh then....you know what give me a vodka and peach drink. I deserve it after spending an entire afternoon with two Malfoys." Harry says. The waiter suppresses his amusement and goes to get his order.
Pansy and Hermione snicker at him, "Oh shut it. As if you both wouldn't do the exact same."
They are still chuckling as he discusses the details of the date he had set up for tomorrow. Nowhere public because neither of them liked that, so instead he had picked up a picnic spot for tomorrow night. It would be great fun to propose in the middle of night with only the moons and stars providing them light.
Pansy and Hermione were incharge of setting everything up and they would also be telling Draco that it was a joint anniversary gift to them and they had informed Harry as well. It was the perfect ploy and no one would suspect a thing.
"Alright, the two of you. Enjoy your night, go home safely. I need to get going if I want to make it home before him." Harry says as he gets up and kisses both their cheeks one by one.
"Ron and Blaise will be here shortly so you need not worry about it, darling. We'll be alright on our own till then." Hermione says back and Pansy adds,"Draco never comes home early so you needn't worry about it."
Seriously these two are in so much sync that it terrifies him at times.
He steps out of the cafe and on a impromptu decision apparates to Godric's hollow instead.
Draco apparates directly inside the Manor Gates after picking up the ring.
Tabota greets him and tells him that his parents are in the third floor parlor. He makes his way quickly-he doesn't have much time left, he needs to be quick now.
"Hello, love. What a pleasant surprise!" Mother says as he enters.
"Hello Mother," he says and then nods towards his father, "Father,"
"Actually I'm in a bit of a hurry right now. I wanted the Malfoy signet ring." Draco says, getting to the point quickly.
"But I can see you wearing yours, son." Father says.
"Yes I know. I'm- I'm proposing Harry tomorrow." He announces and he is confused by their identical expressions of surprise and then repressed mirth. He didn't except that.
"Is that so?" Father says as he tilts his head, "Very well then, I'll go get it." He leaves the room and Draco is left with his Mother.
"I'm so happy for you, my darling." She says as she comes closer and hugs him.
"Well, I hope he says yes, else..." Draco replies as he hugs her back.
"Oh I'm sure he won't." Father replies as he enters the room. That was surprisingly quick.
"Here you go, son. I'm sure Harry would be quite delighted." He hands Draco the ring and engulfs him in a rare hug as well. Draco can't believe it, his parents approve. Not that he didn't know that, but it's different to know that so explicitly.
"Thank you. I need to get going now. Goodbye." Draco says, his parents murmur their byes and he apparates directly to Grimmauld Place.
Harry's yet to be home, so he decides to hide his ring and take a long bath.
Tomorrow is going to be perfect!
@cupofsquirrelfan hope you like this!
Day 6: Braid || Day 8: Tattoo
Part 2 and Part 3 of Proposal
Requests open || Let me know if you want a part 2 of this
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dracosathenaeum · 4 years
Soulmates i
Summary: Fate was cruel enough to make your soulmate Draco Malfoy
Pairing: Draco Malfoy x Reader
Warnings: None
Word Count: 1,320
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Every witch and wizard once at the age of 16 will be eligible for a soulmate, this was common knowledge. Once the both of you are of age, when you first connect eyes with them, their name is printed onto your right wrist. It is cruel though; you could’ve met them any day before your 16th birthday but would never know until you met them again.
The Triwizard tournament wasn’t just for fun, but for soulmates to meet too. It was all everyone would talk during 5th year, the anticipation clear the second they stepped onto platform 9 and 3/4.
Every young witch had dreamed about the day they locked eyes with their soulmate across the great hall, or in a lesson. Usually 70-80% of witches and wizards found their soulmates during their school years, only a few were unlucky enough to have to spend their adult years searching too.
The most famous couple to date? James and Lily Potter, the Hogwarts sweethearts who died to save their son, what greater love story was there? Well other than Salazar Slytherin and Helga Hufflepuff or was it Salazar and Godric? The history books weren’t so clear about that.
Unfortunately for you, your birthday was in August during the school holidays and so it wasn’t until you returned to Hogwarts during your 6th year that you would get to meet your soulmate. You had spent all of 5thyear watching most of your year group pair off and get all lovey dovey, you were more jealous than anything, that you could admit.
Now two months into your 6th year, you stood next to your broom, ready for your match against Slytherin. You weren’t by any means a child prodigy, you just enjoyed Quidditch and practised hard enough to be able to make the team by 3rd year. Watching from the side-lines as your team got thrashed every year wasn’t enough for you, if Slytherin were willing to play dirty every game, you’d give them a taste of your own medicine.
Sitting on your broom, you waited for the whistle to blow, adrenaline coursing through your veins. Your eyes search the skies for the flash of gold that would signal the end of the game; your one and only goal. The whistle blew and the game started, you were hovering above the rest of the team, eyes scanning the air for any sign of the snitch.
It wasn’t until about the 20th minute that you finally caught sight of it, flying in front of your team’s stands. Your eyes locked with Draco Malfoy’s across the field, he was closer to it than you were, almost right behind it. Luckily it looked as though he hadn’t seen it yet, the Slytherin seeker had been watching you and not the snitch, probably just too lazy to find it himself.
You acted fast, racing towards the snitch; giving no time for Malfoy to catch up to you as you flew through the air. Soon enough he was hot on your trail, the wind blowing against the both of you. This is why you loved the game; the rush, the adrenaline, the satisfaction of finally spotting the golden ball. You were not letting Draco win this, with the scores tied up, this snitch would win you the game. And any chance of beating snotty Slytherin’s, you would take even if it was still early into the game.
The second your fingers closed around the tiny thing, you thrust your hand in the air, snitch visible between your fingers. Throwing your gloves to the ground, you kissed the snitch, the win allowing your house to go to the finals.
“Congratulations to Y/H for winning this match but a bigger congratulations to the new pair! Draco Malfoy and Y/N Y/L/N have just received their soulmate marks! I think we can all agree that no one saw this coming, but we wish you happiness for the rest of your lives! What a thrilling ending to the qualifiers!”
Your eyes practically bugged out of your head as your vision focused on your right wrist. Draco Lucius Malfoy was imprinted onto the smooth skin there, looking as though it was always meant to be there. Malfoy? Malfoy who you’d never even spoken a word to in the last 6 years? Malfoy who you watched bully countless students and that Potter had convinced everyone who would listen that he was a death eater? No, there had to be some mistake.
You flew to him, grabbed his wrist between your fingers and removed his gloves. This was the first time you had ever been so close to him, having never even shared a class together before. He was being oddly quiet though, nothing like the loud, cruel boy you often scoffed at in the hallways.
Taking off the glove, and him being surprisingly cooperative, you saw your own name scrawled across his wrist, the same font as his own name on your wrist.
“This has to be a mistake. I- I have to go.” There was no way, no way, fate would pair you up with Draco Malfoy. How could the gods be this cruel, they must have made a mistake? Someone like Draco Malfoy deserved someone like Pansy Parkinson, someone equally as horrible him. Not you, not you who was simply a quiet student who kept her head down and studied, never a foot out of line (well if you don’t count quidditch).
You landed on the grass and immediately ran towards your changing rooms, needing to get out of there as soon as humanly possible. It really didn’t help that you had the entire school as witness, you couldn’t hide forever, you knew that. But you sure as hell were going to hide for as long as possible.
Avoiding Draco wasn’t as hard as you first thought it might’ve been. Avoiding your friends, however, was impossible.
“None of us are really thrilled that he’s who fate paired you up with but give him a chance! I mean he’s your soulmate, you’re stuck with him whether you like it or not, you might as well start trying now.” You were going to throttle your friends. You loved them, you really did but they’d all found their soulmates last year, and none of them were notorious bullies or suspected death eaters. They were nice lads who got on with all of you well, you couldn’t imagine adding Draco to your comfortable little group and him fitting in.
“You guys don’t understand! It’s Draco Malfoy? The one who’s been hexing first years and who’s a massive blood supremacist? How could I possibly fall for him?” You didn’t know if you were more upset or angry, out of everyone why would fate pair you up with him? And why was Draco even trying, why wasn’t he just upset as you were. You weren’t blind, you caught him staring at you in hallways, at every meal in the great hall and at each Quidditch game. And in each place, you would bolt as fast as you could once you saw him start making his way towards you.
“Uh Y/N you might want to-“
“No! Look I love you guys and I really appreciate that you’re trying to help me but you’re asking me to do the impossible. How could anyone love him?” You had said your piece, feeling slightly guilty for shouting at your friends but at the same time it was as if a huge weight had been lifted off your shoulders. “I’m sorry for shouting at you guys, I'm just frustrated.”
“It’s not us you should be apologising to, love.” Liam pointed behind you and you turned to see a blonde figure walking away, hands balled up at his sides, head hanging low. Suddenly the weight on your shoulders that had just left was back, but heavier and it weighed down on your heart too.
#A/N: credit to that one percabeth fanfic I read years ago where percy was famous and this was the soulmate trope. This will probably be a mini-series, only like 2 or 3 chapters long.
Taglist: @bbeauttyybbx @pipppaaaaalouisee @theslytherinprincessworld @fangirl-3d2y​ @tttyrus @scriptingslytherin @justmimithings @purpleskymalfoy​ @minigigglybabi @malfoyquinn @secretaccshh @obbrssession @whatwoulddracodo @thatoneniceslytherin​ 
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tktsunami · 1 year
Harry is Godric Part III (This is a series now I guess? XD)
(English is not my mother language so beware :D This one is the second idea for the second year. I also post it now here too: https://archiveofourown.org/works/45932554/chapters/115611712)
In his second year Godric was sure he could hold his promise he made to himself. Never get other students involved in any dangers around himself. He still saw how Ron got hurt last school year because he couldn’t stop them to help him. It would be hard, because they were his friends and he could understand that they wanted to help him. But he was an adult - at least in mind - and he had more experience - thanks to his life before - than them, so he should not involve them in his mission to help Hogwarts.
And he knew Hogwarts was in need of his help. He still couldn’t believe how some professors were still in Hogwarts and teaching! Professor Binns was a ghost and every student slept in his lessons. Even Hermione said it was difficult to stay awake! And Defensive against the dark arts? Every year there was a new teacher in this subject and everyone was teaching what they thought was the right learning stuff. There was no guideline in this subject. It was his second year and he still thought they should have learned more in their first year. And now there was this Professor Lockhart who was incompetent and a fraud. Really, what did they do when they hired a new professor?!
Godric was frustrated with this. When they found Hogwarts, they wanted their students to receive the best education possible and not… this!
But still… Even if the education in Hogwarts - and how the professors treat their students - could be improved, he was sure it was not the reason why the spell to reborn him was activated at this time. Could it be Voldemort? Maybe, but maybe because there were more than he had seen so far. Well, he might find out this year.
This has to be a joke. It has to be. “Well you could be.”
Godric wanted to laugh, but Hermione was right. He didn’t really know if the Potters were descended from Slytherin. It would be really ironic if he was reborn as an heir of Slytherin. Salazar would laugh at that and be delighted. It would be… nice to have at least one connection to him in this life. But he didn’t open the chamber. That he could speak Parseltongue… Well could be because he was an Horcrux of Voldemort and he was sure that at least Voldemort was a parseltongue. Well he could try a spell which would show him, if he would be a descendent of Salazar. He only needed something from Salazar and he was in Hogwarts. Salazar lived thousands of years ago, but his magic was still running through Hogwarts and it could be used for this spell. In the night he channeled the magic of his younger magic to cast the spell. Salazar's magic came through Hogwarts. The magic touched but never connected. So he wasn’t a descendant of Salazar. 
Godric sighed and lied down, thinking. So, he wasn’t Salazar's heir. 
But because he could speak Parseltongue he should go into it and ask Sahlia what happened. He should have done this in his first year, but he didn’t know how to reach the chamber without alerting someone. Because he knew that in the office of the headmaster was an entrance which could be opened by any founder. Every other entrance could only be opened with the language of the serpents. He was sure that it wasn’t Sahlia - Salazar’s basilisk - who was the culprit. She was at Hogwarts to protect the students should all other defenses fall. So why should she hunt others now and turn them into stone? A basilisk could be only claimed and tamed by one person in their life.
So McGonagall's claim that the 'monster' could only be controlled by the Slytherin heir was invalid. A basilisk could be tamed by every parsel tongue as long as it wasn’t already claimed. Maybe Sahlia wasn’t alone? It could be.
Well he would only find out, if he would ask, right?
Asking Sahlia was more difficult than he had imagined. First he still had to find one of the secret entrances, and second Sahlia wasn’t alone. And untamed wild basilisks were dangerous. Luckily, no basilisk had attacked him. Sahlia had teached her mate and children to not ever harm a student or professor of Hogwarts as long as the latter wouldn’t hurt the students. Her task was to protect the students and if one of her kind would be a danger for them, she would hunt them. So he had reached her. She was surprised about a student in her chamber and even more when he told her he knew her, who he really was.
~”I can’t believe it.”~, she hissed.
It was so strange that he could understand her. 
~”I know. I couldn’t believe it, if I didn't remember. But… I can prove it. When Salazar learned that I was terminally ill, he came to you not to yell at me for hiding it for so long. However, I sought him out, so in the end he did yell at me. He was so mad and desperate and didn't understand why I just accepted it, why I didn't say anything since I had the vision of my death. You were there trying to comfort and calm him, while you were shivering because you were also mad at me, too.”~, he explained in parsel, even Sahlia could understand the human language. 
At least English. The basilisk nudged at him.
~”It’s really you… How?”~
~”There are ways to survive, even if your body dies. You part your soul and hide in an object. With a ritual, you can restore your body and put the hidden soul back. But your soul will be terminally damaged. I chose the other option. In order for my soul not to have this fate, I had to fulfill a few conditions. First, not to tell anyone about it, second, to bind my soul to Hogwarts and then wait. The spell would reincarnate me as soon as Hogwarts was in need and needed my protection. In theory, I shouldn’t remember my former life. My magic core of my old life should merge over time with the new one of this body, and my memories would awake after I turned 17 years. But I was attacked as a toddler and my old magic protected me and I awoke.~
Sahlia was now lying around him.
~”You’re dying.”~
It was no question. It was a statement.
~”Yes. My old magic is fully developed. Both cores are not merging, they’re fighting.”~
Silence filled between them. Godric stroked gently over her scales.
~”Please don’t tell anyone. It is better they just think I’m Harry Potter. I’m famous enough. I don’t want them to know who I truly am…”~
He had pleaded the ghost of Hogwarts the same. The people consider him already enough as a savior. They saw in him only the boy-who-survived, and they expected great things from him. How would they react if they knew him as Godric Gryffindor? Since he was back in the magical world, he learned that people say things like ‘By Godric’s heart’. It was too much. They saw them as greater beings. Not gods, but it felt already like they would worship him, if he was both. The boy who lived and the lion of Hogwarts.
When he was young he had loved to be recognized by people, but at some point it was even too much for him. And now? People had their picture of him, and he knew he couldn’t ive up to that. He would only disappoint them.
~Who should I tell?”~, asked Sahlia.
~”Please… Just promise me.”~
In the end, she promised, and he found out who was behind the attacks. A Gryffindor who was in the possession of something from the one who claimed Sahlia’s daughter. A small girl, her scent new. So one of the first years, maybe.
It seemed like she was possessed by a horcrux. Something like this should be found quickly. It was dangerous for the student, and it seemed like it would force the basilisk to attack. So with his invisible cloak, he snuck in the girls bedroom. He was a founder, there was no room except the rooms of the other founders, who wouldn’t let him in.
He found a book, a diary, in Ginny Weasly’s trunk. He knew who the owner of the book was, which soul was hidden in there. It was a part of the soul that was also hidden in him. He took it with him, but was not so careless to hide it in his own bedroom. Well, he should destroy it if he was honest with himself, but he couldn’t. His instinct told him not to destroy it. So he brought it back to his own chamber. No one could enter the chamber of a founder without permission. Even the ghost. The only exception were house elves, and they would never take anything as long as the owner of the chamber did not order it.
But should he write in it? He guessed that Tom - or maybe Voldemord, whatever name the soul called themselves in there - could possess someone as soon as he knew more of the person that wrote in it and had the book. Maybe he couldn’t possess Godric, because he still knew how to not let someone in his mind, but still. It was a danger he should have in mind. What should he do? Sahlia’s daughter told him that the man who claimed her was young and ambitious, arrogant, but kind to her. He was curious but only met her, never her mother. So he was never told who Salazar really was, and knew only the lies about him. Because it was a diary, the chance was high that this Tom - he was calling him Tom now, Voldemord was just a funny joke of a name -, was still young and didn’t know better. Maybe… he could try to reach out to him, to find a better way, to use his power to help and protect and not to hurt and kill. The soul part in himself was only a small part, a shattered soul and not able to communicate anymore. But Godric could feel the feelings hidden in this piece of Tom. Anger, Hatred, Madness and loneliness. The dark lord hadn’t the best childhood. Godric knew it because of his connection to him. Tom was a descendant of Salazar. For their friendship, he should try to rescue his descendant, right?
With a sigh, he took his quill and began to write.
°Helga Hufflepuff hired house elves two years after the founding of Hogwarts to keep the castle clean without spells and help her out in the kitchen.°; he wrote down.
He wouldn’t get personal first. First he would get Tom curious to learn more about the founders, to learn the truth. The ink vanished into the pages and soon after, an answer came.
°Who are you?°
Oh, and he'd be rude.
°I found this book. Didn’t know someone could answer. I want to write down facts about the founders. True facts. Is it possible that you could show me my research when I want to read it again? Thanks. So next fact: Rowena Ravenclaw chose an eagle as her emblem because she had a pet eagle who was highly intelligent. And also because the crows she trained use their knowledge to tease owls.°
°How did you? Why should I show you your research?°
Good, Tom seemed to be confused.
°Why not? I could just put the book away, and it would be forgotten. So let me write in it? Next fact: Salazar Slytherin's crest symbol isn’t really a snake. It is a female basilisk, which is a magical creature which is distantly related to snakes.°
There was no answer to that first, so he just wrote again.
°Godric Gryffindor was able to train and ride griffins. Salazar disliked them, and they disliked him. Gryffindor had to get between them more than once.°
°Wait. You want to tell me that Salazar really chose a basilisk and no one noticed?°
°If you look closely at the crest of Slytherin you can see the horns and spikes which have only basilisks. Also, there is the rumor that he claimed a basilisk, but I couldn’t find proof yet.°
°Why didn’t I see that before?!°
°Guess people just assume it is a snake, and most people don't even know what an adult basilisk looks like. Breeding is forbidden, and it is rare in the wild.°
°Makes sense… So you could tell me now why a snake basilisk and an eagle. What about the other house crest?°
And he was curious. And maybe tried to get him more into a conversation.
°Godric Gryffindor’s family crest was already a lion (head) and he was associated with a lion, so it is not surprising he chose this animal. He could have chosen a griffon based on his family name, or that he had a connection to them. Helga Hufflepuff chose a badger because a dead friend of hers had one who helped them in the garden and was really loyal and protective till the friend died.°
°Where did you get that information?°
At this point, he had to lie. Because he knew it from his memories.
°I found it written in a book about animals. The book also named some famous animals of the kind it was describing, and there it was mentioned.°
He had the feeling that Tom had done his research on the founders, but he guessed he would never have looked for information about the crest animals.
°About Godric you can find more, because he was not only a founder but a knight as well. I was researching more about his family history. Gryffindor was the only one who was inspired by his family crest, so I wanted to know why. More facts later.°
He closed the diary and took a deep breath. He didn’t want to write much about himself. But sadly there was really more information about him, it was better documented. Shame.
Because he had the diary, there were no more attacks. Ginny seemed distressed, but with time she calmed down a little. The whole school calmed down. It was a relief for Godric. But his friends seemed to be getting more distressed. At least Hermione.
“Why should the heir stop, now?”
What could he answer? Nothing he could say would calm Hermione down. Ron tried to come up with some explanation, but nothing convinced Hermione.
She was not the only one who caused a headache. Dobby was still believing he was in danger. It was nice that he tried to protect him, but not how. He couldn’t tell him who he really was, because he was not a house elf from Hogwarts. He should figure out how to free the elf and then hire him. So that he could tell him that he was able to protect himself. But how? He didn’t know from where Ginny had the book or which family Dobby had to serve. And because he had no idea how to get Dobby to say the name of his family, he had to ask someone to help him. A Slytherin would be really helpful, but he couldn’t ask one. Except Tom, but he still didn’t want to give him some information about his current life. So a Ravenclaw maybe? He asked Helena. To his surprise, she already knew which family Dobby served. The Malfoys. This family were at some point followers of Voldemord so it would make sense that they would be tasked to protect a horcrux. But why give it Ginny? Maybe because the houses got searched for objects of dark magic? Lucius Malfoy sold some dark art objects. He saw that at the Knockturn Alley. So Luius couldn’t risk that someone found the diary of the dark lord and not wanted that someone else knew he had owned it. When they met him in Flourish and Blotts he snuck the diary in Ginny's cauldron. At least this was his theory. Good, but how to free the house elf? He had to trick Lucius, but how without meeting him?
Oh, he had an idea. Salazar would be proud.
° Salazar's and Godric's first meeting was because Salazar's basilisk rescued the latter from falling down a cliff. Salazar then introduced Godric to Helga and Rowena.°, he wrote in the diary.
Tom's answer was a laughing smiley. It surprised him that he knew smileys, but it makes sense. He wrote a while with Ginny.
°When Hogwarts was founded, Rowena and Helga were both 23 years old. Salazar 22 and Godric 21.°
°So young? How long did it take for them to build the castle? Or was it already built, and they just took over?°, asked Tom.
°They founded Hogwarts at this age. The castle was finished after two years.°
°They have my respect. As far as I know Hogwarts only got renovated and only the green houses were new buildings and not of the era of the founders.°
°Godric Gryffindor was afraid of deep water.°
He never told anyone. Except Salazar after he had a panic attack. This was caused thanks to Salazar, who had pushed him into the lake. His fear was still there. The crossing over the lake in his first year had been an absolute horror for him.
°Guess it was a common fear. Not everyone could swim at that time.°
°True. But it’s weird to know this man could feel fear.°
°Bold to assume he couldn’t feel it. Who can be brave without feeling fear?°
°… You’re right.°
°Salazar Slytherin feared that the parents of the muggle-borns would attack Hogwarts if they had a chance. This caused a lot of discussion with the other founders. Gryffindor could understand his point, but didn’t want to exclude muggle-borns because of it.°
How would Tom react? There was no answer, so he wrote again.
°Godric Gryffindor died at the age of 30.°
°How? In which battle? And do you know when Salazar left the castle? Must be before.°
Godric gulped. He still could remember the silver eyes who looked so sad and pleading at him when he took his last breath. It was hurting so much. His last memory of him…
°No battle. A sickness. No one could heal him. He died in Hogwarts, and Salazar left after that.°
°What? I don’t believe you. In the history books, it is written that Salazar left after a big fight with Godric.°
°It’s wrong. I was asking someone who still could remember.°
°Who? They must be lying!°
°Peeves? Yes, he could. But why should the gray lady, Helena Ravenclaw and the bloody baron? Both were not in Hogwarts at that time, but soon after. The History books are most written a hundred years later. They also told me how old the founders were, and I could get the truth with the family tree from Gryffindor. The mosaic glass window in the history classroom is also wrong with the appearance of the founders. Godric’s hair was golden like the fur of a lion, Salazar had long black hair and wasn’t bald. It is really hard to get the truth because most sources aren’t often correct.°
°So, you want me to believe that Salazar and Godirc were not enemies?°
°There is no proof that they were. Why should Salazar leave his school after Gryffindor died? Why let his daughter into Hogwarts after that when he was so disconnected to the other founders?°
°But he left a creature for his heir to kill muggle-borns!°
°Did he? Or is it just a rumor? If you asked me, the one who wrote History of Hogwarts was hating Slytherin. He never acknowledged his brilliance. Salazar Slytherin was a dark wizard who used his dark arts to protect and even heal others. He was the best potion maker and a lot of his recipes are even now still used. The founders KNEW about his basilisk. Godric was rescued by it, remember? Tell me, why not remove house Slytherin, after he left? I just hate it. I hate that everyone is thinking Salazar Slytherin was a muggle-born hater, that he was an asshole and ‘bad’. That is not what you hide after years of friendship. The founders were friends first for many years! It just doesn’t make sense. It also makes no sense to celebrate Gryffindor as some shining knight. Yes he was a knight and yes he seemed to be the best duelant at his time. But is everyone forgetting what that means? He was a killer. He killed for the crown, fought battles and killed a lot of ‘enemies’ who weren’t taught how to protect themselves.°
He stopped before he would give himself away.
°Wow… Are you in Slytherin?°
°No. I’m a Gryffindor. But I can see how this idolization is. Some mad wizard came from Slytherin, so Slytherin must be bad, right? A Gryffindor could also turn bad, so could a Hufflepuff, or a Ravenclaw. So could be a fucking CHICKEN!°
°Are… are you okay?°
°I’m fine, just a little bit upset. You know someone had opened the ‘chamber of secrets’ and threatened to kill muggle-borns. So everyone was avoiding the Slytherins and a few students got turned into stone. And that made me think. If a basilisk really wants to kill, it would kill. But turn someone to stone without killing? It’s harder for a basilisk. So someone just wanted to play a prank, or the basilisk was fighting the command. After it is claimed, it has to follow. So, what do we know about basilisk?°
°Salazar had one claimed. A basilisk can only be claimed once. So this basilisk had to be bred by someone or is a descendant of Salazar’s basilisk and got claimed.°, Tom answered.
°Correct. Assuming the basilisk is a descendant, it would probably be told not to hurt any student. So if someone wants to kill muggle-born thanks to this fucking believe, it would try to go against that.°
Tom didn’t answer. But that was fine.
°Then a boy in my house was speaking Parsel one day and since then everyone believed he was the heir of Slytherin and let loose the ‘monster’. How fucked up is everyone. Yes, only a parselmouth could claim a basilisk, but it just didn’t fit. His best friend is a muggle-born, his mother is a muggle-born AND he is not a descendant of Slytherin. I found it out. It’s just… One bad rumor and the mass is turning against someone, and I can imagine this happened to Salazar or at least his reputation over the years.°
°So you believe the founders were friends till they died? And that the basilisk is…what? A protector?°
°It could be. But for the last one, I have no proof… yet. I can’t just ask them? I guess Salazar’s basilisk could still be alive. Basilisk can be over a thousand years if they don’t get killed.°
°… Give me another random fact.°
Godric smiled. Maybe Tom would be more open now, but he needed time to overthink that information.
°Godric Gryffindor was living on the streets before someone recognized his crest and took him back to nobility and brought him into knighthood. Helga Hufflepuff came up with the name Hogwarts after Rowena told her about one of her dreams. Salazar Slytherin didn’t like the king. He had nothing against him, he just didn’t like to follow orders of someone just because they were born into this role. He found always loopholes in the rules of the king if he didn’t want to follow them Godric turned a blind eye on that, even he was a devoted knight to the king.°
°Sounds like a true Slytherin thing.°
Yes. It was also a reason why he turned a blind eye to students who found loopholes in their roles. But he would tell the others about that, so they could work together to get rid of the loopholes. Good old times.
°Did you found out if Gryffindor had any descendants?°
°He was never married. So, at least no legal descendants. But it is also never mentioned that he had interest in someone. Could be that he had none. Rowena Ravenclaw had only Helena as her heir, and Helena died before she was married. So both lines died out very quickly. Only the bloodlines of Hufflepuff and Slytherin survived till this century, but the last descendant of Hufflepuff died without children a few decades ago. Slytherin is a little bit tricky. We know someone claims to be the heir, but not every parselmouth has to be a descendant of Salazar. The line ends with the Meropes, but it is rumored that the last female with the family name ran away with a muggle and got a child. That’s also a few decades ago. Would be nice if everyone had descendants and their descendants would go to Hogwarts again… But that’s not possible.°
°So there could be a Slytherin, but his blood isn’t pure anymore….?°
°Good thing to happen, if you ask me. It is told that the magic of the Merope was getting weaker over time, so fresh blood could help to not lose the magic.°
°Why? It's the blood of a muggle. Where should that help? And why was the magic in this family getting weaker? There were pure, or not?°
°I’m surprised that a lot forget how magic cores develop or work… Okay, some science now. Everyone has a magic core, even muggle. Every human is born with it. Wizards can use magic, because their magic cores are stronger than the core of a Muggle or a Squip. A magic core develops until the age of majority. So until you turn 17 years, your magic core is still developing. Most cores develop stronger between the ages of 6 and 11 if you have the talent to be a wizard. It’s rare that a core has this development later, but it can happen. That’s why there are some people who are believed to be squibs, but then show magical talent at the age of 15 or even 16. If you’re 17 years old and can’t use magic, then your core isn’t powerful enough to provide you with magic. These people we call Muggle, or Squip.°
°I didn’t know that even muggles have magic.°
°They haven’t. You only have magic, if your magical core is strong enough for that.°
°Ah. So even a muggle has a magical core. But a weak one.°
°Yes. So, and at this point it’s getting tricky. If a woman gets pregnant, her magical core and the magical core of the men give both a spark of their magical core. These sparks are merging together, and the fetus is developing its own magical core with this. So even siblings have different magic cores, even twins. It’s like the same reason why siblings look different and yet quite similar. So every magical core is unique and different in power. It’s like two elements have a reaction while merging. Like the reaction of iron to air and water. It begins to rust. Some ‘sparks’ are reacting more as others. So a couple of wizards could have two children, one with magic, one without. It’s not controllable. But the chance is higher that children from wizards will be wizards, because of the cores of their parents, than a child of muggles. But it could be that both muggle parents still have a good foundation and the right mix of spark can be the reason why a wizard is born in a family of muggles. Do you understand?°
°Yes, I can follow that logic.°
°Perfect. So what happens, if there is inbreeding? Here in Britain, every pureblood family is at least distantly related to each other, because these pureblood families are rarer than muggles. The Merope family was very focused on staying pure, and were really skeptical of the blood of other families. The Meropes were proud to be descendants from Slytherin and feared that their blood would be getting thin if they’ve blood of others.°
°So their inbreeding was even worse than in other pure blood families.°
°Yes. Not so much in the beginning, but in the end it was getting worse. Back to our question: what happens to the development of a new magical core with inbreeding? Easy. There is a high chance that both sparks of the parents are nearly identical so there will be no strong reaction. So if the child is lucky and both spark are different enough it can develop well, but this chance is getting low with each generation and the magical core can’t grow stronger anymore, because the reaction is getting weaker. Some theories say that it can even happen that there will be no magical core developing at all, but that would mean the fetus will not survive. So, if one of the Meropes had a baby with a muggle, it means there is new fresh blood and most important a fresh magical core, a higher chance for a reaction and a more healthy child than as one with inbreeding.°
Rowena came up with this Theory about magic cores, and her theory was proven in the last century. There was still a lot unknown, but it explained a lot. His magic cores should have merged together over time, and he would have a new magic then with 17 but still enough from his ‘old’ one to get recognized as a founder. But now… he could use both magic separately and it was his curse. But… he has to say if he could choose one, he would gladly take his ‘Godric’ core.
°So the child could have been more powerful than his ancestors?°
°Could, as long as both sparks were a good match. How powerful your magic is dependent on your ancestors, yes, but mostly it is really random. We don’t know what ‘a good match’ is. This is till a secret of mother nature.°
°Interesting. I’m surprised I didn’t know that. Thanks for sharing this information.°
°Thanks for listening to my random facts about the founders. I’m happy that I can talk about that.°
°? No friends you could share it with?°
°I could but… I don’t know if it feels personal. And I don’t know your name or face, so it’s okay for me to share. I don’t even know if you’re a just a memory in this book or are a person sitting in front of another book and waiting that I write something in it.°
°Do you want to know?°
°I’m curious, but I don’t want to pray.°
He was a goddamn liar, but it wasn’t the time to be honest with Tom.
°My name is Tom Marvolo Riddle. You could say I’m a memory: It was lonely, but now you give me company. Thanks.°
°You’re welcome.°
°Another fact?°
°Last one for today. I still have homework. Godric Gryffindor was a seer. He had only visions in his dreams, and sometimes he didn’t recognize them. It is said, he foresaw his own death.°
The year ended and he could free Dobby. He had copied the diary. At least its form, but damaged it with his sword and threw it in the water. Then he hid a sock in it and sent it to Malfoy with a note.
°This book can’t open the chamber anymore. Try again to threaten Hogwarts and its students, and the same will happen to you. G.G°
He gave the delivery to a house elf with an owl. The house elf should wait till Dobby was alone with Lucius Malfoy and then send the owl. It worked. Lucius Malfoy was so mad that he gave the book to Dobby. In Dooby's hand, the title of the book changed to ‘Open me. H.P’ and as he did, he saw the socket. So Malfoy gave Dobby clothes, and so the house elf was free. Godric knew it because Dobby was visiting him soon after.
“Dobby is free!”
“Harry, what did you do?”, asked Hermione and Dobby wanted to tell, but Godric gave him a sign to not go into detail.
So the elf only told, that Harry tricked him with a package to give Dobby clothes. After that, Dobby got hired into Hogwarts, and he told Dobby shortly before departure, who he truly was and that no one should know. Dobby was excited and promised. As well as not protecting him again like that.
Godric was relieved. This year, he had been able to protect his friends and prevent worse. What would have happened if he had never taken the book? Would students have died then? Would he have had to kill Sahlia's daughter? Well, he didn't have to worry about that. The petrified students were okay again, and Tom might have had a chance to change. He glanced briefly at his suitcase. He would sneak the book out of the suitcase later, so Vernon couldn't lock it away. He would not leave Tom alone. Not for that long.
I had two ideas for the second year. So I will post both. But I decided to follow this idea and I guess I will write in more detail in the coming years now. But I don’t have much free time, so please be patient with me.
I know the crest is not a basilisk, at least not in the movies or any other Slytherin crest I saw. But I like the idea that Salazar was like: My familiar is a basilisk. I love her, so this will be my crest symbol!
The facts are not real facts. Just my own head canon. Hope you like it.
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siswritesyanderes · 2 years
I am rather perplexed by my reactions to your yandere founders headcannons like it makes me feel like as when I step into the shoes thier darling which I tend to do when reading these I feel invalidated and hurt and angry. But most of all betrayed like it is not even rational like I don't mind being kidnapped or gradually isolated by some of the other yanderes you write like it doesn't make me feel angry betrayal like yeah wouldn't want in real life but when just reading it as an escape kinda crazy comfort thing it is hot and honestly love the protective vibe lol. But with the founders maybe it is the fact that they made compromises and talked it out and made a treaty that directly impacted the readers life with little to no regard for what they may or may not want and even if Helga and Godric made some compromises and made the others promise not to do certain things read Rowena and Salazar tampering with readers memories of her ex partner in the headcannon where she was already married as an example it could be interpreted as selfish on their part with little actual regard to protecting reader they just want to be seen as the hero by the reader or thier sanctuary in Helga's case away from the craziness of the others like no matter what they are getting something by making the others compromise and the reader may benefit from it but it wasn't the sole reason they did it. Like I feel like they see reader as an object without feelings or desires and don't even give the slight illusion of being an equal to them. I feel like as the reader I would feel most connected with and betrayed by Rowena followed by Helga. I am quite the bookworm and while I don't chase all knowledge for the sake of it I adore and can sit and read and study and consume certain topics like history, physics, and marine biology and various other topics for many hours and not get the slightest bit bored love weird facts too. I also like to read fantasy and science friction a lot to so I think me and her would connect with a love of reading at the very least. And well I don't think I would do well with hiding these feelings especially with Rowena wanting to be in my head which generally I don't see anything super wrong with yandere telepaths being in my head like wanda or Jean grey (weird I know but maybe I am just obsessed with the idea of unconditional acceptance and love and if they see the worst parts of your mind and still want you that is the one and I kinda headcannon them as being very warm and pleasurable presences in your mind like they want you to want them there especially jean) I feel like I would be even more upset by her entering my mind like no traitor stay away I am upset with all of you. Probably insane but thanks for reading my rambling if you got this far and I love your writing. Just had to verbalize the way the founders made me feel wouldn't get out of my head bet they would love that if they knew😂 wasn't critzing your writing or anything to clarify.
All of this is totally valid, lol. One of the interesting parts of writing yanderes is seeing the different circumstances under which some people will be super angry at the yandere in question and others will feel comforted. Yanderes can be enticing and infuriating, and the subtlest changes can tip it from one to the other or both at the same time. (And I think I mentioned feeling similarly about the yandere telepath dynamic in one of my yandere Aro posts! So I'm definitely with you on that one, lol. I'm not sure about Jean Gray, but yandere Wanda could be pretty choice.) I can definitely see how the dynamic of "We made agreements amongst ourselves and you're pretty much just along for the ride" could make you pretty indignant, especially when there's four of them. Thanks for sharing your thoughts!
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