#''you make my days brighter'' i straight up SCREAMED
deadsetobsessions · 2 months
Sea Cryptic! Danny- pt. 10
[Pt.1] [Pt.2] [Pt.3] [Pt.4] [Pt.5] [Pt.6] [Pt.7] [Pt.8] [Pt.9]
“This you?”
Danny glanced at the stone tablet in Spoiler’s hands and groaned, Phantom form flickering with embarrassment as his face got even more neon green. It was indeed him.
The first Atlantean and Ghost King encounter went something like this:
Imagine Danny, sleep deprived. Easy enough. Now, imagine Danny, trying to corral a ghost that had a penchant for sea life.
“Alabastor, I swear to Ancients, if you don’t get back here, I’m gonna make you into ghost sea-food boil!” Danny yelled as he chased Alabastor through the ghost zone. The crustacean shaped ghost cackled, skittering along the Zone.
"Make me, Phantom! You have not seen the might of the sea!"
"That's it, soup-time, crabby!"
Danny dove after Alabastor, chasing him face first into a temporal portal and right into the sea.
"BEHOLD!" Alabastor rumbled, claws raised and sea churning around him. Danny flew at him, noticing the screaming people below. He quickly raised a dome of clear ice to protect their entire city before returning his attention back to the giant crustacean. The distraction cost him, as Alabastor blasted him with a beam of his power. "THE MIGHT OF THE SEA!"
"SOUP!" Danny bellowed back, Alabastor's power forcing him into a giant crab form, aside from, hilariously, his head. Danny, always quick to adapt, slammed a massive claw straight into one of Alabastor's eyes and popped open the Fenton Thermos with a feral grin. In but moments, Danny manages to soup Alabastor but not before slamming him down onto the unbreakable ice Danny had just made.
Carefully turning by skittering sideways, he unmelted his ice.
"Sorry about that," he said sheepishly to the gawking civilians below.
"Suh-ree? What is suh-ree?" A brave woman asked.
"Oh," Danny uttered as he realized that he should probably switch languages. His giant crab body and small itty bitty human head swayed in an unsure motion. "Sorry means "my apologies." I had not meant to involve you. I am Phantom."
"It is alright... thank you for protecting us... God Phantom?"
He grimaced. "Not a god."
"King, then." She stepped forward. "May I ask of the ice?"
Spoiler, sensing weakness like the Riddler to a riddle, leaned in. "Did you know they have a traditional dance to honor the god that gave them the unbreakable ice that protects Atlantis to this day? It goes like this," Spoiler stepped back and did the dance, complete with exaggerated arm movements and, embarrassingly, the scuttle walk Crab!Danny was forced to learn with his new crab form.
"We shall never speak of this again," Danny huffed.
"But King Phantom, the God of Eternal Ice and Protection, how could we not celebrate your iciness?" Spoiler simpered, Black Bat not too far away and shaking with laughter. The purple donning vigilante did the scuttle dance once more, picking up bottles as she went a small circle around one of Bludhaven's rock beaches.
Danny scowled and plucked the tablet away from her, hair flowing an a more agitated direction. His jumpsuit burned brighter. "Why are you two menaces in Bludhaven? I thought your territory was in Gotham."
"Nightwing asked for back up and we were in the area." Spoiler, blessedly, stopped the walk to answer him. "By the way, are you and Danny dating?"
"Pardon?" He asked, insulted but highly amused.
"Oh, you know, he has your number, and you only ever talk to him outside of us, and how you guys have a high level of communication." Spoiler said leadingly.
Oh, Danny knew what this was about now. He found out their identities and now these two are interrogating him because he liked them best. They thought they were so clever. Well, they clearly haven't gotten to know Danny at all if they thought he was going to make good decisions.
Danny tilted his head, making sure his face gets as eerie as possible, shadows elongating and eyes burning just that much brighter. The neon green of his face shone even brighter against the suddenly dark landscape of the place. Black Bat stood up, laughter seizing immediately. Spoiler tensed.
"I have a riddle for you. You are good at those, are you not?"
Spoiler blinked but gamely said, "Bring it."
"What do these things have in common? An arguing couple, papers on a stranger's desk, and Star City's robbers."
"..." Spoiler slipped into her solving mode. "Stolen goods. Stolen hearts?" She guessed.
"No. The answer is that they're all none of your business," Danny snarled. His form flickered. "Keep your questing away from Danny- Daniel, vigilante. Your duty is to protect your city and help her," Danny swept an arm out. "Stick to that instead of inserting yourself into places you are not wanted."
Then, with a toss of an ecto-crossed recorder that held the verbal report he'd promised Nightwing towards Black Bat, Danny blinked out of the visible spectrum and flew above the two.
"... Shit, I think I pissed him off."
Black Bat nodded. "He was defensive."
"Yeah... did you hear that slip? Oh, they are so dating."
Danny grinned. He couldn't wait for Tim to interrogate him soon.
"You're kidding."
Danny shook his head, maniacal grin still on his face hours later. He'd taken the liberty to call his best friends before classes started for the day.
Tucker groaned. "Danny, I can't believe you're messing with Batman. Why are you like this."
"Look, I need your help."
"Oh no, keep me out of your dumbass plans, Fenton," Sam pointed at him through the screen, immaculately painted black nails threatening.
"Okay, if you go along with my plan, I'll give you Dr. Isley's number."
"Deal," Sam said immediately, changing her tune at a drop of a hat. Or, at a drop of a number.
"What about me?" Tucker asked, offended. "I deserve compensation for my work too, dammit!"
"I'll give you Tim Drake's number and persuade him to let you have a crack at Wayne Industry's tech basement."
"Deal, what are we doing?"
Danny's grin spread even wider. "We're dating. And, you two? You're Phantom's exes. Tucker, you say good stuff about me. Sam? You make up terrible things about me. But we're all dating each other and I'm dating Phantom on the side."
"I hate you," Sam deadpanned. "But fine, it's not that hard. I've got tons of embarrassing stories about Phantom. You better get me that number, Danny, because you know Dr. Isley was my gay awakening."
"For Tim Drake, I'd be willing to puff up your ego." Tucker said solemnly.
"Perfect. I'm cleaning his brother of ectoplasm today. so expect a call later! Love you guys!"
"Yeah, yeah, whatever, boyfriend." Sam clicked off the call.
"Think Tim Drake would be interested in a date?" Tucker asked Danny.
"Nah, I think he's got his heart on Benard."
"Damn," Tucker sighed. "Guess I'll have to mend my broken heart with the tools of a state-of-the-art lab, right, Danny?"
"Yep, see ya!" Danny hung up. Today was going to be a good day.
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vintagexherry · 1 year
5 ways to say "I love you" without words.
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Serial Killer!Miguel O'Hara x Reader
//Multiple Scenarios, Both reader and Miguel are unhinged, heavy Gore, blood, murder, torture, expirements, possessive themes, graphic depictions of wounds, Fluff, Suggestive themes
A/N: This is a collection of scenarios of you and Miguel's married life, heed the warnings
[Way #1: Gift Giving]
You exhaled a breath of relief once you enter your house, removing your shoes and replacing it with house slippers.
You sigh as you set down your bag and groceries on top of the kitchen counter.
Today's work wasn't that busy but the amount of meetings made you tired. Atleast that pesky co worker wasn't there to harass you to date him.
You look up to the clock seeing it's perfectly time for dinner and a few minutes till your husband comes back from his work. You can't wait to eat and sleep at the arms of your husband.
Gabriella was still at her friend's house, having a sleepover. You chuckled at the memory of her painting his dad's nails. You wonder if she's doing that with her other friends right now.
"Y/N? Are you home?" Miguel called from upstairs.
"You're home early today?" You watch as Miguel comes downstairs to greet you with a kiss while you hung up your coat.
"Yeah, leaked gas occured, and all of us got dismissed early today. How's yours?" Miguel asks as he unloads the ingredients of today's dinner to the counter.
"Well, wasn't that busy aside from meetings." You kissed his cheek as a thank you while you put on your apron.
Miguel smiled as he went back to the living room, wanting to check the news while he waits for dinner.
You nodded and headed to the fridge, but as you opened the fridge, you froze.
There sat a decapitated head of that one pesky co-worker you always told Miguel about, his head was inside a jar full of unknown liquid, his eyes wide open, almost making his eyeballs pop out and his jaw slacked open wide as if he was killed before he could even screamed.
"Miguel!" You called from the kitchen and Miguel arrives a second later.
"Si, Mi amor?"
"You shouldn't have~" You cooed
Miguel smirked at your reaction.
"Surprise" He went closer to you, kissing you on the forehead.
"No wonder my day at work is brighter than usual." You kissed him back on the lips.
"Cualquier cosa por ti mi amor" (Anything for you my love) Miguel smiled.
He's glad that you enjoyed the gift he got for you.
[Way #2: Acts of Service]
Miguel was at work today while it's your day off today.
Not wanting to feel bored, you decided to clean the house since dust started to gather.
You changed the bedsheets in yours and Miguel's room, dusted the bookshelves, arranged the items of Miguel's home office table, and finally sanitized the kitchen counter.
All of these chores don't compare on what you're about to clean next. All of these chores didn't even made you drop a sweat.
But you know what will.
You prepared your mop, your cleaning chemicals, your mask, and elbow length gloves so you don't inhale or touch unnecessary bacteria.
You bring all these items downstairs until you reach your basement.
You hummed a tune while you opened the basement lights.
On the bed, you saw was a naked woman near your age. Her ankles and wrist were strapped by leather belts into a metallic bed table. Her body is covered in cuts, some dried and caked with blood, while others look like it's been stitched.
The basement got renovated to look like a hospital room, complete with a medical bed, cabinets of surgical equipment, a table by the side, and a bookshelf full of thick medical related books.
An IV was plugged into her arm, keeping her alive, while a monitor next to her shows her heartbeats.
She seemed to be awakened by the harsh bright light and her panicked wide eyes landed to your form.
"Pl-please, I do-I don't know... Who you are but please, help!" Her voice wheezed out, and you could just hear the dryness of her throat.
You ignored her pleas as you headed straight to the table next to the bed, arranged with medical tools like scapels, a kidney tray, and some forceps, but what caught your attention was a cup of empty Starbucks coffee.
You sigh. How many times have you told your husband that there's a trash can for a reason? For a medical type of expirements he's running he doesn't seem to know how to keep a station clean.
You grabbed the coffee cup and swayed it to the face of the lady.
"I swear! He never listened to me when I told him to throw his trashes properly. Husbands amiright?"
You chuckled at the end while you threw the cup away.
The woman seemed to be taken aback by your carefree attitude to the whole situation, talking as if it's just another Friday afternoon.
"Ple-please!" She tried begging again.
"You gott-a to he-help me!"
"'fraid can't do that hun, that's what you get for not teaching your child any manners."
You held yourself back from slapping her.
Miguel took the opportunity to kidnap her at the dead of night, when both of you found out during yesterday afternoon that Gabriella got reportedly bullied by some kid during soccer practice.
He left the kid sleeping on his bed, unaware that his mother was here bleeding out. He also tried to find the father, but found out they were divorced and the dad is living in another state and could only take his child during holidays due to custody reasons.
You and Miguel only met the dad a few times, but he seemed to be a better role model than the mom, so maybe taking her out of the picture will be better for the child.
You turn your back from the woman and decide to clean the floor, which you could see a few dried droppings of blood.
You started to hum again while you pour chemical solutions on the bucket and dipped your mop into it.
"Ple-please I-Im sorry!"
You still ignored her, continuing your moping duty.
Your thoughts start to drift off to what lunch you could make before Gabriella returns from school.
While you drag your mop on the floor, your eyes land on the wall of the basement where you can see framed pictures of your family, and so is a few drawings of Gabi.
Your heart always melts at the sight. How could you get so lucky with a man like that?
"I beg you ple-"
You groaned, getting tired of her incessant whining.
"Look, sweetie, my husband always tells me not to touch with his work, but you're making me break that rule." You said as you turned to face her.
She whimpered, You wonder if she could feel the pain of her wounds, but knowing Miguel, he probably didn't give her anesthetics.
Her hands started wiggling around the straps around her wrists.
"I suggest you stop doing that, Im not a doctor, but you might reopen some of those wounds." You suggested as you put back the mop on the bucket and turned to the wall so you could wipe the framed pictures.
While you back is turned, you didn't notice the straps on her wrist loosened. You didn't notice her sudden silence. You didn't notice her taking the scapel from the table. And you didn't notice her quiet steps towards you.
"You bitch!-" She shouted, and that gave you enough to turn around in surprise and move out of the way, but the scapel still grazed your cheek, leaving a bleeding cut on its way.
You wince from the sudden sharp pain on your face, but there's more important things to worry about, like a naked bleeding wounded lady coming at you with wobbly yet swift steps with a scapel.
You immediately stepped back and grabbed the forceps off the table.
"Fuck you! and your daugh-"
She didn't get to finish that sentence since you drove the sharp end of the forceps to her left eye.
Blood sprayed on you while she screamed loudly from her throat while stumbling back, holding her eye that's still has the forceps dangling from.
You quickly gathered your bearings and ran up to the lady, pulling out the forceps out of her, making more blood spray onto the floor and onto you.
"Don't you dare talk about my daughter!" You angrily spat. The nerve of this woman.
Both you and that woman started to go at each other's throat.
You dodge the upcoming scapel that was aimed at your neck and she dodged the forceps too.
You gotta admit, for a heavily wounded woman this bitch got spirit.
"Fuck you!" the woman swung the scapel, cutting a tear from your dress. Dammit Miguel just brought this one for you.
While she moved desperately to kill you, her stitched wounds reopened one by one. Her movements started to become wobbly due to blood loss, but that didn't deter her from leaving another cut to your exposed forearm.
You swinged your forceps to her other neck.
This time you were successful.
You seemed to hit a vein since blood sprayed everywhere, some to your face up to your body.
Her screams sounded bloody while she started to choke on her blood, and her legs started to move backwards, making her trip on her own foot.
She fell backwards, and that seemed to deal with her enough. Her body started swimming with her own blood, and her one eye showed no light.
You started to breathe heavily, the smell of blood with chemicals made your head foggy, so as the event that transpired.
The straps on her wrists seemed to be loosened, and you hated yourself for not noticing it sooner, but right now, anger is still coursing through you. The fact that she tried to talk bad about Gabriella seemed to make you move automatically to her dead body.
dropping the forceps, you kneeled and took the scapel next to her and started stabbing her chest even more. Anger did nothing but blind you that you didn't notice Miguel coming down.
"....amor! I heard screaming what happe-"
You froze.
You turned around and immediately stood up, dropping the scapel. You somehow forgot the words of Miguel about touching the expirements.
You looked at Miguel, who froze at the sight of the bloody scene, the while porcelein walls were covered with speckles of blood and the floor wasn't any better.
But his attention was mostly on you, covered with blood all around, especially the new dress he got for you. Your arm and cheek seemed to have cuts but weren't that deep.
Miguel's gaze made you nervous. This is the first time you have broken a rule. You felt nervous about what's to come. It grew more as he started approaching you.
"Mi-Mi-Miguel, Im-im so sorry, I know what you told m-me but-"
Your words were cut off when a pair of strong lips covered yours in a passionate deep kiss.
Your eyes widened at the action, taken a back, but his lips continued to lick and bite yours, the taste blood seemed to spur him on, and you felt something twitch between his legs.
He finally let go of your lips, his eyes looked at you with nothing but admiration, your name fell from hips in whispers, as if calling you like a mantra.
"Oh mi amor, mi amor....You...I...I love you." He breathed out while he smiled down upon you, his hands caressed your face lovingly, and you melt from his touch, relieved that he isn't mad.
Miguel froze at the sight of you since this was the first time he ever saw you covered in blood, he usually does the dirty work but seeing you all bloodied up with a corpse behind you just seems to do something to him.
"How... Did I ever get so lucky to marry you, huh?" His eyes seemed to be still in daze.
You were about to say something but was cut off when you yelp, seeing that he carried you over his shoulder, heading straight back up the stairs and to your bedroom.
Safe to say, that you had to clean both basement and bedroom all over again.
[Way #3: Quality time]
You and Miguel have been busy with work and "other things" (depends on you how you interpret that.)
So when the weekend came, it was finally time to enjoy each other, especially with Gabriella.
Miguel couldn't wait to pick her up from school to finally bond more without distractions from work.
During the drive, Gabriella excitedly talked about her biology class.
"Oh?, and what did you learn?"
"The anatomy of human beings! Our teacher said we have this upcoming contest, and the best project gets to have their work displayed."
"Project? I can help with that."
"Thanks, Papa! And after that you and Mama have to come with me to see the winner."
Few hours has passed and Miguel and Gabriella were doing the project.
What he didn't expect was it's supposed to be clay.
After buying supplies and planning the entire thing out, Miguel didn't expect to work with clay to be harder than disecting a full-grown adult.
So he did the best thing he could think of.
Call for your help.
Now, all of you three are on the floor, moulding and sculpting organs of the human body. You mould the kidneys, Miguel moulds the heart and Gabi the lungs.
Having a husband that specializes in the human body, he made sure each organ looks the best they can be.
And both you and Gabi think it's too much. The way Miguel stares down at the model of the heart his creating, the way he moulds each aorta, and the way he mixes clay to get the right tone of red. Whatever he's making, it could pass enough to be the real thing, and you know for sure Miguel has experience with the real thing.
Time passes by, and after moulding the kidney, heart, lungs, and other organs you all need a human cutout to place and glue the clay models on.
And what better model for the cutout other than Miguel O' Hara himself.
You and Gabi giggle as Miguel spreads his body out on a flat piece of cardboard, and both of you start tracing an outline of body. After tracing and giggling in the process, Miguel took the responsibility to cut out the cardboard.
After molding more organs, tracing the model and cutting the cardboard. The three of you arranged it accordingly.
Once done, Miguel placed it upon the wall for all of you to see the final result.
"Woah...It looks real," Gabi admired the project.
"Maybe not real. We could put blood on it."
You chuckled at his words, you admired the finished product and the organs done by Miguel looked too real, making it stand out like a sore thumb.
"I'm sure it looks real enough." You mused.
But Gabi seemed to like the idea of blood on her project, you laughed.
Like father like daughter.
So with that, you took the food colouring off the kitchen shelf and gave it to Miguel, who coated the organs with as much red he could put, Gabi cheering him on the process.
The next day came by, and everyone was on school showing off their projects. Once you and Miguel arrived, Miguel puffed his chest in pride when he saw other projects don't compare to the ones you three made.
You were glad Miguel made (threatened) his job to give him a free day so he could attend. While the school staff displayed each work and judges picked the best, Gabi went off to find her friends while Miguel entertained you on criticising the other work done by others, and you can't help but be amused
"Psh, That liver isn't even big enough"
"Tsk, that one didn't even try on the brain."
"Someone get this person a proper reference. That kidney looks like it got murdered. And that's saying something from me." He whispered the last part to you, and you had to cover your mouth to hide your laugh.
Time passed by, and while Gabi sits with her friends, the parents sit at their designated chairs.
The announcer applauded everyone of their hard work (Miguel rolls his eyes) and proceeded to announce the winner.
Everyone applauded as Gabriella's name was announced first place, and you and Miguel excitedly stood up to give her the medal.
Miguel could admit he enjoyed the time he got to spend with both of his loved one.
[Way #4: Physical Touch]
Miguel is fully aware that he isn't a people person.
Miguel is fully aware his mouth spits nothing but fire to his co workers.
Miguel is fully aware his eyes aren't meant for looking for affection, always set in a permanent glare to whoever looks his way.
Miguel is fully aware that his hands aren't meant for soft caressing and touches.
Yet here he is.
His mouth sings a soft lullaby for the newborn in his arms. Something that he once heard from his mother.
His eyes looked at admiration for your hard work to bring a new life to your and Miguel's already perfect life.
His hands cradled you and his daughter in his arms, his world in just the palm of his being.
He never thought how he would get to this, never thought he could be a better man. Never thought redemption was a thing until you came.
His calloused hand, rough from his work, rough from the murders he committed. As of right now, he used to feed the baby that babbles incoherently at him.
"Si, si mija. Here you go"
In one swoop of his hands, the spoon arrives at the destination of Gabi's mouth, and she babbled happily.
He finds himself smiling, something he thought he stopped doing since forever.
That night, Miguel and you put the baby to sleep, admiring her peacful face, her nose just like his father.
You two prepare for bed, but Miguel wants more time with you. The day has been hectic with work and duty to care for the baby.
During the bath, his hands scrubbed your body gently, contrasting the way he scrubs himself off the blood of his victims.
Miguel dries the both of you off, and after some persuassion, you let him choose your clothes for the night.
That should have been it.
But Miguel is a selfish man, always wanting to get what he wants whenever he wants to.
His hands looked for his phone and automatically played a soft and sensual music.
His hands lead you to dance with him while you chuckle at his invitation. The song progresses, and Miguel leads you to spin, to dip and to sway.
The song progresses even more to a romantic tone, but both of you didn't notice when the two of you were busy touching and caressing each other's naked body.
His hands roamed around yours, his lips kissing each scar and beauty mark he could find. He found all of them,for his eyes memorise the dips and curve and every inch of skin he could caress.
He thought he would never be close to a person this much, sure there were women who warmed his bed. But that's only temporary, temporary feelings and temporary touches that would soon be replaced by another.
This felt different, intimate even. The way you held his both in both your hands after an energy draining night felt different. And his glad its permanent this time.
He has someone to wake up to, look for, touch with and to talk to.
And with Gabi in the image?
He couldn't ask for more.
[Way #5: Words of Affirmation][this has inspiration from Corpse Bride]
Large church bells, a grand cathedral, bountiful amount of guests, a three layered cake.
And don't forget the Bride and Groom.
This day was the day you felt true happiness. You felt as if the world did revolve around you, at least just for this day.
People watch in awe as you walk down the aisle, a flower girl leading you in, leaving pink colored petals on the floor.
Your dress flows behind you eloquently. Your veil hides your face, but everyone knows you're the happiest you could be.
You look forward, and you see your soon-to-be husband, standing by the altar, watching you with awe more than the guest, and his eyes speak of emotions no great poetry could describe.
Everything that transpired that day felt like a blur.
You said your vows, and he said his
The priest declared both of you husband and wife, and Miguel didn't waste time holding your veil and gently yet swiftly put it behind you and kissing your lips.
Reception came in, and it was time for you and Miguel to have you a moment by dancing together and cutting the cake.
Miguel would sometimes mingle with other guests but would mostly stay by your side and you did the same.
You both had fun dancing, eating, talking, and throwing the bouquet as you and Miguel drove off to your honeymoon place.
That was a year ago, and now both you and Miguel are placing boxes on top of boxes in your new home. Where memories could grow.
After your honeymoon phase, Miguel surprised you with his own wedding gift, a house both of you could live in, three rooms, an island type kitchen, a backyard and a basement, You couldn't ask for more.
More years passed by, and you felt yourself living the dream.
But something feels off.
You would sometimes blame it on the passing of the honeymoon phase, but it feels bigger than that.
He would come home normal.
Tired but normal.
But instead of going to the bathroom to freshen up, he would head to the basement.
At first, you brush it off, thinking he was redecorating the basement to his liking of some sort. You asked him about it, but all he said was for you not to go down due to dangerous equipment.
But now you feel like as if you're missing something. Something that tells you that your husband isn't saying something to you.
You first feared that maybe he was cheating, but after making sure, he doesn't go home late, and if he does, he would tell you, second, there's no foreign smell of perfume or a stray lipstick mark. Third, you trust him, perhaps as deep as the pacific ocean and he trusts you too.
You decided maybe he's still renovating the basement and doesn't want you to see and wanting it to be a surprise.
Headaches start to form when you think about it deeply so once again you brushed it off.
Until one night.
You and Miguel were sleeping in your bedroom.
Until you thought Miguel was sleeping.
Your body jerked away when you heard a distant scream of a woman downstairs.
It was loud and sounded desperate.
You felt scared and it increased more when you didn't see your husband next to you.
The screams would continue, and you got concerned. You put on a robe to cover yourself and head downstairs cautiously. You quickly head to the kitchen to grab a knife in case something bad happened.
You start to notice the screaming would continue down to the basement and you hesitated.
Your husband isn't with you, there's a woman screaming and he told you not to go down.
But more pressing matters made you ignore that rule and went downstairs, clutching the knife tightly.
You winced at the volume of the screams, and the more you descend, the more the screams sounded choked.
But all that attention to the sound was immediately thrown out the window when the sight in front of made you freeze.
There stood Miguel slicing and cutting a woman alive, her torso covered in so much bloof you don't know which cut it orignated from. Her eyes are bloodshot and wide, and her throat sounds choked from the screaming.
The basement seemed messy with empty boxes scattered and the walls covered in dirt, grime, and dried blood. The odour didn't help much since all you could smell was iron and rotting bodies.
He seemed to be focused on what he's doing, and you didn't realize that the woman was an ex of Miguel who started bad mouthing you when she found out you two got married.
"te mereces esto perra" (you deserve this you bitch) you hear him murmur himself over the choking woman.
Yet your focus was still straight to your husband, who seemed to not notice your presence. His face held anger you had never seen, his eyebrows turned down, and his mouth formed a deep frown.
The woman seemed to die when her screams suddenly went to a full volume to wet chokes, and then finally nothing. Yet you felt no remorse for some reason, no guilt when you realized your husband killed a person.
"Mi-Miguel?" You stammered, testing the waters.
Miguel's body jerked up as if he got electrocuted. His body turned immediately to face you, and he froze.
"Mi-mi-Vida...." He stammered, his body shaking in horror as if he was the one who found you killing someone instead of him.
"Kill me."
You paused, taking in his words. You realized his eyes were set on the knife you were grasping.
"No I-"
"I... You...Mi Vida, you weren't supposed to see this, I..."
"Mi amor if it makes you feel better, please." He shouted, and you froze, confusion set in on you when he demands for you to kill him.
You waited for him to finish.
"Listen, I-I know you're confused, but por favor...." He seemed to be holding back tears
"Don't leave me, please... You can kill me, report me to the police but please don't leave me mi amor.."
You didn't say anything, but your feet find themselves walking straight to Miguel.
Miguel's eyes seemed to beg you. He never wanted you to find this side of him, and if you did, he swore to never forgive himself. You were the best thing to ever happen to him. You accepted his perfection so as his flaws, but he fears you will never accept this. He can handle being killed by hands, thrown behind bars by your order, but you leaving him? He couldn't bring himself to accept that.
"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, mi vida, just please kil-"
His words were interrupted when he felt a pair of lips pressing onto him, your hands on each side of his face. Feelings and promises seemed to fill out from that kiss, and he couldn't help but melt.
After a while, you paced back a bit letting go his lips, and he held himself back from grabbing you again.
"Do you... Do you remember our vows?" You asked as you grasp both of his large hands on your palm and carresed the wedding ring. The knife long forgotten on the floor.
He seemed to pause for a while. You don't seem to be scared nor hesitant to talk to him. Which is good.(?)
You chuckled.
"Well...Do you remember when I said."
"I, Y/N L/N will promise to take all weaknesess and make them your strengths, I promise to take your soul either be it perfect...."
"....or flawed." Miguel finished the sentence for you. His eyes seemed to glisten with tears. And you smiled. it seems like he remembered
Everything felt as if it's your wedding all over again. This time, it was in a basement with a dead body. But just like your wedding, both of you only focused on each other and nothing else. His eyes find yours, although a bit blurry from the tears his holding back he still looks at you, and you look at him.
"Y/N...." His eyes bore into you with a longing gaze, His hand took your hand with the ring.
He paused for a while, seeming to take in everything, and you watched him with tears already flowing down.
"With this hand, I will lift your sorrows. Your cup shall never empty for I will be your wine...." He paused for a moment. He felt a tear coming down while yours started streaming slowly but surely.
".....With this candle, I will light your way to darkness...."
"With this ring... I ask you to be mine."
His hand lifted yours to kiss your ring, after, he lifted his head,awaiting your answer.
Your words are choked due to the tears flowing down, and Miguel smiled widely at you.
"I-I do.." You continue to cry happily.
Miguel didn't waste time lifting you up to his height and kissed your lips as deeply as he can, both of you closed your eyes, and tears were streaming down. Everything felt like your wedding day, except this one felt lighter, even better. A weight on his shoulder has been lifted with you.
The two of you always find different ways to say "I love you" without words.
The End
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kamstinycorner · 1 month
a wig and tie.
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— minghao x afab!reader
— fluff and angst. LOADS of fluff and loads of angst. but it's super cute you'll like it, I think.
— contents : arrange marriage, complicated relationship with parents, chaebol au, afab reader, unclear endings.
The view of the moon shining over the glassy water looked as if it was was straight out of a movie scene. The clear sky with just a couple of clouds surrounding the large full moon, to give it a theatrical effect.
Y/n just wished her life was also straight out of a one and half hour rom-com, that ends with everyone being happy.
She leans off the edge and starts to make her way towards the bench situated at the middle of the balcony, tucking her hands under her thighs to warm them up and hide them from the chilly november air.
A tear drop tickles her cheek and she nudges one of her shoulders up to wipe it away. "ah— fuck" she whispered, the sequence in her dress had snagged her skin and left a scratch mark.
Y/n sighs, a heavy breath escaping her lips. She could still hear the music faintly coming from a couple floors below her. The reception party was still going strongly even without the presence of the bride or the groom. Her reception party. She was the bride.
The groom. She heard him enter their suite a couple minutes after her. She heard his steps follow her to the balcony, and for a minute she was afraid he would join her, but then she heard him walk away and small thud of the bathroom door closing. He hasn't left the room since.
Another gust of wind passed her, and she felt her scalp start to itch from being trapped under the stupid wig all day. She brought her hands to press against her eyes to stop another round of tears from escaping.
"You need to stop rebelling against things, it is not proving anything, just making me angry." She said, pacing infront of me and trying to control her voice from reaching a loud volume.
The hair dresser did not pay any attention to her and continued her process to cover my short hair so that it would look presentable for my wedding.
I bit my teeth to stop myself from screaming. "I did not cut my hair for your reaction, my dear mother." I said, trying my best to sound nice and obedient, "I did it for me—"
"THAT." she faked a cough while I recovered from my flinch caused by her loud voice, "That. is. not. the point." She said. Her body was shaking from anger. "I expect you to look presentable and traditional. Short hair in not traditional." Her nose touched the air.
I bit my tongue and decided to lose this round. It's not like she would ever listen to me anyways.
Y/n roughly ran her finger nails all over her scalp to loosen the wig glue and disrupt it from its perfect placement. She felt anger coursing through her veins and her blood felt hot and bothered. I hate her. She thought.
I hate the way she raised me. I hate the way she forced me into marriage. I hate the way she hates my hair. I hate the way talks about my body. I hate the way she loves me.
A sob escapes her lips. She leaned back against the bench and looked at the moon again. It had witnessed everything, and it was still shining brighter than ever. That made her wipe all her tears away and pull her legs up to sit criss cross on the bench.
She knew that she had to go to bed soon. She would have to face her husband, and she would have to talk to him. Sooner or later she would have to meet him.
Suddenly she heard the bench next to her squeak with another person's body. She turns, "Minghao..?" She whispers in surprise. How did she not hear his footsteps?
Minghao does not look at her. He continues to stare at the moon. Y/n smiled in relief and turned back to the moon too. Atleast he wasn't speaking to her right now. She did not have the mental strength to converse with him right now.
"Y/n." He spoke, and every bone of relief from her body jumped off the roof. "This is the first time I've been to a party for the bride, without the bride" he chuckled.
She turns to him and raises a brow. He had a smirk playing lazily on his face. "The party is yours just as much as its mine," she said.
Something unknown flashes on his eyes, but before she could investigate he closes them and laughs loudly. Y/n felt her heart skip a beat.
"Touchè, Ms Xu" he said with a lovely smile on his face. "Are you not tired?" He asked.
She turns away from him and faces the moon. "I do not want to share a bed with you" y/n replied, she was proud of herself for not expressing any of her emotions in her voice.
Minghao presses a hand on his heart. "Ouch, that hurt." He said in a dramatized manner. Y/n rolled her eyes and stands up to leave the balcony, but he is quick to grab her hand "I'm kidding. Do you really think I would force a girl I just met to sleep in the same bed as me?"
When y/n doesnt answer, Minghao presses his lips in a straight line and stands up. "I know what your mother expects you to do tonight." He said, and for the first time that entire day, he was serious. "I need you to know that I don't have any of those expectations" his eyes searched her face for any sort of emotion, when he didn't find any he sighed in defeat.
He gently dropped her hand, "Please come to bed and get your rest, it's been a long day for you" he says and then turns to walk away.
Minghao makes it to two steps before his wife grabs his wrist. "Wait." She voiced.
He turns around to face her, his brows raised in surprise. Y/n's face was unreadable, but her eyebrows were furrowed. She took a step closer to minghao and starts to fiddle with his tie. He watches her is slight awe as she smoothly took off the accessory and threw it on the bench.
"You look better without that wretched thing choking your head off" she said, when his lips would not move to form the question why?.
She saw me he thought.
"You are receiving the name, the title, the status, the money and you still do not understand the importance of this union? Tell me son, do you care for me at all" father asked, throwing his arms in the air very excessively.
"Oh please stop with the melodramatic outbursts dad." I rolled my eyes. "I already have everything" I said while making exaggerated hand gestures.
"This girl your setting me up with, does she even know whe she is getting into? Does she know she is basically being sold—"
"DON'T" father yelled. He stops and forces himself to take in a deep breath and stabilize his volume. "Don't you dare" he said in an appropriate volume but a fuming red face.
My face did not betray any of my emotions. And my father took that the wrong way. He pressed his fingers to his forehead and walks away towards the corner of the room. "I can not talk to him, my dear." He whispered in a defeated voice.
My mother leaned off the corner wall and stalked towards me in calculated steps. On her way she picks up the boring black tie that was to be tied around my neck to make me look like a ceremonial sacrifice.
She silently stood infront of me and tied a complicated knot. When it came to lightning the knot she made sure to push it up all the way and remove a strangled sound from my throat.
I looked at her in shock and a little bit of fear. She holds my gaze and harshly pushes me back on the couch. "You will not loosen that tie. You will walk out of this room and feel it clog up you throat and remember how it's a punishment for dishonouring your family." She said in a simple monotonous voice.
She turns around and grabs her waiting husbands arm, " one day you will understand that I am doing this for your own good, minghao" she said to me over her shoulder, and then she left the room.
Out of the corner of my eye I saw a small shadow move away from the window, I just hopes the shadow made it out before my parents.
"It was you" Minghao whispered, half stunned and half relieved.
Y/n gives him an apologetic look and tilts her head to the side. "I didn't mean to eavesdrop" she said, "I was just trying to hide"
Minghao laughs lightly, "I get that, and it's okay I forgive you" he smiles at her. Then his eyes have that mischievous look again. Y/n furrows her eyebrows suspiciously and he says, "since we are all coming clean and I think I have to say something," he said with a million dollar smile.
"Um okay, what is it?" She asked with shrug. Minghao doesn't answer immediately, he grabs her hands and pulls her towards the bedroom. He stops her infront of a large mirror and held her gaze in the mirror.
Y/n looked confused, and slightly concerned. She flinched lightly when she saw minghao lift his hand to her head. He pauses and says, "it's your hair. I promise I'm just gonna touch your hair"
Minghao waited for her nod of approval before he continued his feather light touch to remove the wig and undo all the bobby pins and other nonsense that held her real and shorter hair back.
As means of protest, y/n had box dyed her hair red and cut it just above her shoulder at home, precisely a day before her wedding. She smiled at the memory of her mother screaming when she found out.
When she felt minghao's fingers glide through her hair she sighed out contently and close her eyes. For the first time that day she felt safe, and relaxed.
Minghao blushed light at her sound. He clears his head and softly pats her when he's done. He smiles at her through the mirror and leans down to her ear and whispers, "you look cuter with your short hair"
Y/n was thankful for her makeup, it was doing a very good job at hiding her reaction to his words. She turns around to face him. "I get it, okay? we are both nosy" she rolled her eyes with soft smile, "You peeked into my conversation and I peeked into yours."
Minghao laughs lightly and walks back to sit on the edge of the bed. Y/n turns around and leans against the vanity table, her arms folded across her chest.
"So, who gets the bed cause i call dibs..." she starts to say but her voice falters away when she saw that minghao was already picking up his belongings and walking towards the door.
"Don't worry about it," he said, giving her a quick look. She couldnt catch the look in his eye since his face was only partially seen but something seemed off.
"I booked a second room, I just wanted to make sure you were okay." He says, but doesn't wait for her to respond and leaves, closing the door behind him.
Y/n felt a strange feeling course through her body. Something that felt an awful lot like rejection. She turned back towards the mirror and looked at herself.
I'm so stupid. She thought, as she proceeds to remove her jewelery, I let my gaurd down infront of him.
He didn't actually care about her, why would he? They had just met. He just didn't want his wife to be a sad moping mess for the public. He couldn't mess up his image, he had a reputation to uphold.
Y/n went to sleep that night with a growing feeling of resentment. He made me look like a fool. She thought, and she had never felt that embarrassed before.
Maybe it was the betrayal she felt, or just the sour mood that accompanied her since the wedding, but by the next morning, the wig was back on.
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intotheseas · 2 months
Heartbeats - SebastianxF!Farmer 🔞🔞
AO3 Link here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/57572299
Rating: Explicit
Tags: Light bondage, Fluff, Smut, Vaginal Sex, Facefucking, Fingering, Multiple Orgasms, Praise Kink, Very Very Light Hair Pulling, Subtle Dom/Sub, Biting, Aftercare, Loving Sex, Enthusiastic Consent, Established Relationship
Word Count: 2,510
Sage wakes up to a winter wonderland settling over the Valley. Of course, she and Sebastian can't resist messing up all the pristine snow. After they've had enough of the cold, Sebastian discovers a very fun use for his scarf. One thing leads to another, and a very cold day turns very steamy.
This is an incredibly belated entry to @stardewfanficwriters' 1.6 fest! Prompt: Winter Clothes
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Intricate patterns cover the corners of Sage’s picture window, tiny fractals of frost spreading over the glass. She touches them, marveling as they melt beneath her fingertips. Winter has well and truly arrived in the Valley, along with a heavy blanket of snow. 
Fog appears as Sage breathes, admiring the view. It's beautiful, really. Far too pretty to appreciate alone. 
Burrowing into the blankets like a heat-seeking missile, Sage pokes her cold nose into Sebastian’s cheek and laughs as he yelps. 
“Shit!” He tickles her ribs, and she cackles, scrabbling at his chest. “What if I did that to you?” 
“You do every night with your frozen toes!” Sage whips a pillow at his torso. “Wake up, Seb. It’s beautiful outside.” 
“Urrghh.” He groans. “Caffeine first, okay?” 
That does sound good. “Okay.” Sage stretches and stands. “You work on regaining consciousness and I’ll start the caffeine machine.” Wrapped in a blanket, she pads to the kitchen. The coffee maker burbles to life. On the opposite wall, the picture window lets in dazzling light, bathing the room in a brilliance that makes her eyes twinge. 
Sebastian shuffles from the bedroom, his jaw split in a wide yawn, drawn to the two steaming cups on the counter. He inhales, leaning against her. “Love you, Sage.” He glances at his mug. “Love you, coffee.” 
“Still working on waking up, huh?” She stands on her toes, pressing a kiss to his jaw. “I’ll get dressed.” 
After wrestling her ancient dresser’s drawers open, she paws around until she finds a long, heavy woolen skirt, fleece-lined tights, and a chunky sweater. Sebastian kneels behind her, grabbing a pair of jeans and a turtleneck. They giggle, a jumble of hopping feet and near-falls as they dress. 
Together, they open the front door, wincing as chill bites through their clothes. Sage’s coffee is a welcome burn, and she gathers the mug to her chest, savoring its warmth. Their breaths form clouds that dissipate into a million bits of fine mist, merging with the frigid air. 
It’s picturesque, straight out of a greeting card. Clean, unmarked, and sparkling. Today’s one of those cloudless winter days where sunlight bounces off snow and makes everything ten times brighter. Sage squints, shielding her vision. 
“It’s pretty.” Sebastian hugs her waist. “Winter’s so quiet.” 
Sage hums. “Yeah…the silence is deafening. I mean, doesn’t it look a little too perfect? Don't you have the urge to just…fuck it all up?” 
A wicked grin flashes across Sebastian’s face. “You read my mind.” 
Sage shudders as a blast of freezing wind forces its way into the house. “Okay, but first more clothes.” 
“That’s the opposite of what you usually say.” 
Grinning, she leads Sebastian inside. “Well, we don’t normally fuck in 0 degree weather.” She fetches his leather jacket, worn soft from years of use, smelling faintly of him. “Here.” He shrugs it on, rolling his shoulders. 
Darting to the dresser, Sage digs in her bottom drawer. Somewhere, there’s–there it is. She grabs a black and gray striped scarf, one she hasn’t seen since her days in Zuzu. It was a thrift-store find, a thing she bought without thinking to keep her warm on the walks to and from work. But there’s something about it that screams Sebastian. 
“Here.” She loops it around his neck and pats his shoulder. After an appraising look, she nods. “Very Gerard Way. Suits you.”
He bends to kiss her. “So, can we fuck things up yet?” 
“Just let me put on an extra layer.” Sage pulls on her black peacoat, buttoning it with clumsy fingers stiff from the cold, and tugs her knee-high winter boots over her legs. “Ready.” 
They race out like children, rocketing into the untouched white, the temperature so icy it steals the oxygen from their lungs. The flakes are powdery soft, glittering as they catch the sun. 
Sage spins, her skirt flaring as she dashes off. As she ducks behind the shed, she packs snow between her palms, her fingertips flushed with frost. Lobbing her newly created projectile at Sebastian, she screeches with glee as it hits his arm. 
He whirls, sputtering, and before Sage can gloat, another whizzes her way. She leaps to the side and throws her own, missing him by inches. Soon, the once-silent farm echoes with raucous laughter and dull whumps as snowballs hit their targets. 
After a narrow dodge, Sage huffs, abandoning the shed. She sprints at Sebastian, tackling him into the cushioned ground where they roll, leaving gouges in the pristine drifts, until Sebastian lands on top of her. Crystals collect on their eyelashes and cheeks, and he kisses them, the heat of his lips melting both the ice and her heart.  
He rubs his nose on hers. “Had enough? I have a good idea on how to warm up.” 
“Oh? Do tell.” 
He brushes his mouth to her ear, his whisper sending chills that have nothing to do with the cold cascading. “Was thinking, I dig this scarf a lot. Would really love to take you inside and use it to tie you up, have some fun. Thoughts?” 
A jolt of desire shoots through Sage. “No thoughts. Brain static. Inside now.” 
He chuckles, helping her to her feet. “Inside it is.” 
Sebastian’s lips are fire on her skin. They skim beneath her jaw, little burning brands. He pushes her into the kitchen counter, lifting her sweater and tossing it to the floor. The rush of cold air takes her breath away. Shivering, she yelps as he moves to her nipples, hard from the chill. His warm tongue is a wonderful shock. 
“Too much clothing.” He tugs her skirt off.
“T-thought that was my line?” 
Back at her nipples, Sebastian bites, earning a drawn out moan. “Well, I’m taking it.” She’s left in nothing but her fleece-lined tights, chilled yet burning under Sebastian’s stare. He traces the outline of her hips with a finger. “Leave these on for now.” 
Guiding her into the bedroom, he presses her into the mattress. He licks a long, slow line from the plane of her stomach to her neck. Goosebumps erupt over Sage's skin. 
Shedding his jacket, he eyes Sage. She squirms, parting her legs. His thumbs, tracing shapes into her inner thighs, send sparks rocketing up her spine, a veil of haziness rendering her pliant and eager. 
It truly is the sweetest surrender. 
Moving on his knees, Sebastian slots between her legs. Slowly, he grinds against her, his hard cock sending heat pooling into her center. He gathers her fists, tying the scarf around them. Watching her closely, he waits until she nods at him before affixing the other end to the headboard. “You sure you're okay with this?” 
She melts at his concern. “That’s an understatement.”
“Do you trust me?”
“With my life.” 
His breath hitches. “Fuck. I love you. Tell me if this gets uncomfortable.”
She lies there, restrained, chest heaving with anticipation. There’s something oddly freeing about giving herself up to his whims. Knowing he’d stop the moment she asked. Trusting him enough to have her best interests in mind, to make her feel good. 
Giving herself to him. A gift. 
Sebastian’s fingers skate down her body, tracing lazy strokes on her covered pussy. She whines, writhing into him. Grinning, he bends and nips at her thighs, his hot breath seeping through the fabric as he massages her. He hums, studying her reactions. “Not sure whether to tear these or take them off.” 
Sage merely whimpers, squirming, the restraints soft on her wrists. The delicious torture of being so exposed, so aroused, and unable to touch herself leaves her dizzy with need. She rubs her thighs together, biting her lower lip.
Seeming to read her mind, Sebastian smirks. “Need some help?” He dips below her waistband and yanks the tights off, her panties joining, leaving her completely bare. 
A sigh flows from his lips as he drinks in her naked form. “You doing okay?” At her nod, he shucks his shirt. 
Sage admires his torso - lithe and slender, his wing tattoo painting the side of his neck with delicate strokes. She likes his shoulders the best. They're dusted with freckles, and she's muffled her moans into them more times than she can count. 
He crawls over her, the bed creaking under their weight. One hand cradles her cheek while he nuzzles her, the other brushes languidly around her clit. It's electric and she bucks, whimpering. 
Sebastian rolls onto his side. He guides her face to his and kisses her. Their tongues meet, and Sage’s brain fuzzes. There's only him, and her, and this tiny infinity stretching between them. They moan into each other while she writhes under his caress. 
Gripping the base of her hair gently, Sebastian pulls her back. Sage loses herself in his eyes, locked on hers and unwavering. “Baby.” He increases the pressure at her clit. “Look at me while I make you cum.” Sage shakes, her core aflame, holding Sebastian’s gaze - a lifeline as he brings her closer to the edge, rubbing circles that send her higher with every pass. 
He tightens his grasp and Sage cries out, pleading, babbling nonsense as she hovers at the precipice of her orgasm. Sebastian grins. “There’s my girl. Just let go, it’s okay, you’re doing so well.” 
As waves of euphoria carry her, Sage moans Sebastian’s name, her expression glassy with bliss. Words sweeter than sugar and truer than truth pour out. “I love you so much, you make me feel so good, I feel so safe with you, even tied up, fuck.” 
Her entire body convulses as she reaches her peak. Sebastian leans forward hungrily, capturing her mouth with his. Their tongues connect and slip over each other and Sage lets out another moan as he slides two long fingers into her. “You’re so fucking soaked, Yoba.” He flattens his palm on her clit and rocks it back and forth, inserting another finger. “Think you can cum for me again, baby?” 
Sage nods, whimpering. The stretch is so lovely, so wonderful, so many things she can’t begin to name because her brain is floating somewhere above them, lost to bliss, lost to the pressure building in her abdomen. Sebastian bites her neck’s sensitive flesh as he rocks his hand against her mound. The combination of pleasure and pain leaves Sage reeling, barely aware of her moans filling the air. Only Sebastian’s voice tethers her. “Cum for me, Sage. C’mon, know you can. Want you ready for me.” 
And who is she to disappoint? Sage’s whimpers turn to gasping cries as his relentless motions undo her frayed edges. She trembles into the mattress, shaking, her arms held by the scarf in a satisfying stretch. Stars pop in her vision as bliss overtakes her, and she’s undone, completely undone.
Sebastian guides her down, wrapping an arm around her, murmuring. “There you go, good girl, you got it…take a minute to breathe, baby.” 
Sage pants, floating in his embrace. She tries to speak, but it makes no sense, a nonsensical babble. Chuckling, Sebastian bumps his forehead to hers. “You okay?” 
She nods. “F-fantastic.” 
“Do you want me to untie you?” He examines her wrists. “Does it hurt?” 
“No, and no. I want you to fuck me.” 
His laugh takes on an edge. “Eager girl.” Standing, he removes his shorts and boxers. Sage swallows as his cock springs free. Her jaw pops open, and he doesn’t miss her eager expression. “Do you…would it be okay if you sucked me?” 
“Yes. Please come here.” Her voice is ragged, a little desperate.
He moves to her side, tilting her head toward him and pushing into her mouth. Sage gulps as he enters slowly, then withdraws. “Sage, kick your feet if you need me to stop.” 
Her muffled affirmation blends into a moan as he moves into her. His stomach touches her face. Sebastian fills her pussy with his fingers again, pumping lazily. “Two holes at once, holy shit, Sage.” Having both her mouth and cunt filled leaves her so pliant, so blank, she can think of nothing but more. 
Panting, Sebastian sets a careful pace, never thrusting too deep. Sage relishes the lewd sounds falling from his lips. His eyes don’t leave hers, countless unsaid promises flowing between them.
Sebastian grunts as he slides past her tongue a final time before pulling out. He wipes a bit of saliva from her cheek, giving her a sloppy kiss. “Don’t think I can resist any longer.” 
She lies, bare and stretched as he climbs on the bed and kneels, lining his cock up with her soaked pussy. Sebastian hisses as he inches into her, and Sage sighs in relief. 
It’s home, the way he fits in her. Home, the way he thrusts and fills her so completely. Home, the devotion spilling from him, whispered tattoos on her skin. Sebastian grips her waist with one hand, her breast with another, their hips meeting in a frenetic, desperate union. Sage whispers a single request. 
“Harder, please?” 
His gaze darkens. “You asked for it.” He snaps into her, and Sage gasps, filled with him, filled with love, filled with pleasure. He bends at the waist, their kisses reverent and urgent as he fucks into her at a frantic pace. Sebastian straightens and watches as he presses a thumb to her clit, rubbing in circles, his face a mask of adoration and satisfaction as she falls apart beneath him for the third time, spilling obscenities into the air. 
Reaching his limit, his thrusts become jerky, and with a final push he buries himself, growling incoherencies as he pulses in her, emptying himself with everything he has. He remains inside as he collapses onto his elbows, then flattens his chest against hers, their heartbeats a twin staccato. They lie together, breathing, trading muffled words of praise. 
“Let’s check on your wrists. Are you in any pain?” Sage shakes her head, her eyelids fluttering. He loosens the scarf and Sage stretches her arms, then embraces him. 
“Doing just fine, Seb.” She nuzzles his neck. “Feeling fantastic, actually.” 
He grins, then stands. “Give me a minute. I’m gonna grab a couple things.” Sebastian disappears and the sounds of rummaging and water float to the bedroom. Sage snuggles under their comforter, a blissed-out smile stretching her features. She hovers between sleep and wakefulness until he brushes her hair aside. “Here, can you sit up?” 
Sage leans on the headboard as he gives her a glass of water. She drinks, and he runs a warm, damp rag over her thighs and lower half. She blushes, both touched and embarrassed at the level of care. A moment later, he crawls beneath the blankets and pulls her close, curled around her body. “Thank you for trying something new with me.” Sebastian’s voice is quiet, a bit slurred with fatigue. “I love you so much. Before I pass the fuck out, do you need anything?” 
Laughing softly, Sage snuggles into him. “Just you.” 
His arms encircle her, and they drift off, their heartbeats slowing and thrumming as one. 
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catsukiiee · 9 days
౨ৎ tenya iida x fem!reader fic.
season one of doves.
arranged marriage trope.
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wordcount ; 1,565
paragraphs ; 35
sentences ; 92
reading time ; 6:15
songs used
— wedding opening song / walking down the aisle.
— the kiss + following scenes.
tropes ; arranged marriage, slowburn.
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tenya iida is twenty eight instead of his canon age of twenty four.
readers age has been set to early or mid twenties for this fic (ofc you can make it any age you want, as long as it's not illegal.)
due to both of iida's parents being unnamed, i will figure out names for them in later chapters.
author's note: because i love my poc girlies, i will be writing reader to have brown skin. all brown girls can have any texture of hair, including straight/slightly straight. i never see character x reader being described as poc in this fandom so here we go!.
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The weather today was soothing. The sun shone brighter than usual, with not a single cloud in the sky. It was an ideal day to be outdoors. You couldn't help but wish your life mirrored the warmth of the sun. Unfortunately, your existence was far from serene, born to a mother who would go to any lengths to satisfy her husband and daughter to a man who was consumed by his thirst for power.
In your father's eyes, you were less than human, a truth you eventually came to accept. However, the realization that your mother viewed you similarly was a painful blow.
As you sat in front of the mirror, your throat tight from suppressing tears, you caught your reflection. Your mother stood behind you, delicately placing a stunning wedding accessory in your hair.
A word that typically evokes joy for those who dream of uniting with their true love. Wedding days are meant to be filled with happiness, laughter, and tears of joy.
Yet all you felt was a sense of impending doom.
f l a s h b a c k..
“You are to marry the second son of the Iida family! I will not tolerate any more of your tears!” Your father's voice echoed through his cramped office, his weathered face contorted in rage, turning a deep shade of red.
“I don’t want to marry! Not him! Not anyone!” Despite your desperate protests and screams, your father's resolve remained unshaken. The sharp sting on your cheek from his slap left your ears ringing and your face burning, but you stood your ground, facing the man who had turned your life into a nightmare.
Your mother stood at the doorway, doing nothing to help as you struggled for control over your own life. When you turned to her, desperation in your eyes, her expression was icy, barely meeting your gaze. Your hands clutched hers, but she didn’t return the grip. Instead, she directed her attention to her husband. “The Iida family will cover the entire cost of the wedding.” Then she finally turned back to you, squeezing your hands, but the gesture felt anything but reassuring. “Stop acting like a child. It’s time for you to get married and contribute to this family.”
End of flashback.
“You make such an amazing bride.” She whispered, her eyes brimming with tears as she smiled, smoothing her hands down your arm before moving them up to give your shoulders a light squeeze. When you were a child your mother’s touch and gentle smiles used to bring you nothing but peace and comfort, but now her touches and gentle smiles left you disgusted, filled with anger.
Your hair was thoroughly brushed then pinned up into an elegant bun by a hairpiece that resembled doves. Your dress was a striking white, your shoulders and back was exposed, the silky lace gently tickled your shoulders and legs, your veil laid against a chair beside you, matching the same striking white lace of your wedding gown, little white doves decorated it.
You should’ve felt beautiful, the dress and your makeup was truly beautiful but all you felt was the tears threatening to spill and ruin your makeup. The gentle smile your mother offered you slightly wavered at your expression, her hands that were once gently squeezing your shoulders grew hard, her nails slightly digging into you. “Remember, you’re a grown woman, there’s no need to cry like a child.”
Her words pricked something deep inside you, your legs pushed you up before your brain could catch up to your movements. For a moment, a flicker of fear flashed in your mothers eyes as you stared at her down. “Get out.”
She was out the room within seconds, not sparing you a glance as she closed the door. For the next few minutes, your thoughts consumed every inch of your brain till they were shattered by the door opening. “I said I wanted to be alone! Why can’t you-” You paused in an instant, your yell silencing in your throat.
There stood Mrs, Iida with a wary look, her hands clutching a small white box. “Hello dear.” The corner of her eyes wrinkled when she smiled, softly closing the door as she walked further into the room. “I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to..” Her fingers circled around your wrist, silencing you once more. “There’s no need to apologize, I understand this whole…thing can be frightening. I just wish I could’ve changed the outcome.”
You both fell silent, the only sound being the soft rustle of the box being unwrapped by Mrs. Iida. “This was a gift to me on my wedding day, I want you to have it now.” It was a pretty pearl bracelet with a dove charm attached to it. “I added the dove, very fitting for your wedding theme.” She chuckled lightly, sliding your wedding dress right sleeve up to put the bracelet on before giving your wrist a comforting squeeze. “You look stunning, dear. I’m truly sorry that neither of us were given a choice in love.”
For the first time in months, you felt comforted by a mother’s touch, nuzzling your face into her shoulder as you pulled her into a hug. “Thank you.”
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“Calm.” Mrs. Iida’s voice was gentle as she held your arm, giving it a reassuring squeeze while you both stood behind a large white door. The soft murmur of conversation filtered through, barely audible. You took a deep breath, but it did little to calm your nerves. Instead, you placed your hand over hers and closed your eyes, waiting for the soft notes of a song to begin. As the doors slowly opened, the chatter faded into silence.
There stood your husband, dressed in a crisp white tuxedo, save for the red tie that matched his eyes, his hands neatly clasped behind him. Since the announcement of your engagement, you had barely spoken to him.
Turbo Hero: Ingenium was finally getting married after years of insisting he wouldn’t settle down while there were still villains to defeat. The media was eager to uncover the identity of his bride, shattering the quiet you once cherished with their flashing cameras and intrusive questions.
Even at your wedding, their cameras flashed as you walked down the aisle strewn with white rose petals. Your gaze remained locked on his, your hand resting on his mother’s trembling slightly, your breath unsteady.
And for some odd reason, when he smiled, you couldn’t help but smile back.
A warm tingle spread from your fingers to your hands and up your arm as Mrs. Iida placed your hand in Tenya’s. His smile remained steady, though yours faltered for just a moment.
“Hello,” he whispered, tilting his head slightly, causing a few strands of dark hair to fall over his eyes. You bowed your head slightly before meeting his gaze again. “Hi.”
The priest cleared his throat and began the ceremony. You found it hard to focus on his words, instead getting lost in the depths of Tenya’s eyes. It wasn’t that you admired his gaze; it was just the only thing that kept you grounded amidst the sea of eyes and flashing cameras.
“Now, Tenya Iida,” the priest began, a jolt of anxiety coursing through you. You had been so absorbed in his eyes that you hadn’t realized the priest was nearing the end of vows. “Do you take this lovely woman to be your bride?”
For a moment, your breath caught in your throat as Tenya’s gaze shifted from yours to the priest and back again. A part of you feared he might say no, and you almost wished he would. “I do,” he finally said, and a wave of emotion washed over you. If it weren’t for his hands holding yours, you might have collapsed.
Now it was your turn to face the priest as he asked you the same question, pausing to await your response. Your heart raced, feeling as if it might burst from your chest. Tears brimmed in your eyes as you opened your mouth, your voice trembling. “...I...I do.”
The priest smiled at you both before continuing. “Then may the Lord’s kindness strengthen the consent you have declared before the Church and graciously fulfill His blessings within you. What God has joined, let no one put asunder.” He paused, placing a white cloth over your joined hands. “In the sight of God and these witnesses, I now pronounce you husband and wife! You may now kiss!”
In that moment, you completely forgot about the kiss. So when Tenya lifted your veil and cupped your face, your body froze. The guests erupted in applause and the cameras flashed, capturing the brief, sweet kiss that sealed your vows.
Tenya held your face for a moment longer before releasing you, taking your hands in his as he turned to face the audience, pulling you closer until your back pressed against his chest. The bright lights of the cameras momentarily blinded you, making you blink rapidly as tears spilled down your cheeks. You lowered your head slightly, dabbing at your tears.
Tenya’s hands moved to your waist, leaning down so his lips brushed against your ear. White petals drifting down around you both, and the applause of your guests faded into a distant hum. “It’s nice to finally meet you, Mrs. Iida.”
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it's finally here! i rewrote this chapter so many times y'all.
enjoy this short-ish first chapter!
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thenighthekate · 1 year
could you do an angst to fluff with tom based off the way i loved you by taylor swift? if your comfortable with it or have time!! <3.
The way I loved you ( t.k. )
And my heart does not beat. It is still inside my chest. My tears keep on falling and my head will not rest.
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There were many ways to love someone. Stolen kisses, morning hugs, late night dinner. The bond between two people only growing stronger with every conversation they had, but ours only seemed to crumble. With every forceful peck, strained embrace, silent meal, the bond in between us quietly disappeared.
He wasn't bad, wasn't the best, but neither was I. We had our problems and once we got out of our honeymoon phase they only seemed to worsen. With every day our arguments grew stronger, louder, the fire in our eyes glowing brighter as our voices raised. It was our new life, we loved each other, just not the same way we used to.
In all honesty I was getting so used to our new reality that when it all flipped I could only cry.
I missed our contact, even when all of it resulted in screaming and crying. Driving down the highway with music blasting just to avoid each other, toxic, but we atleast saw one another. Now it was like we didn't exist, just two separate people living together in what felt like far too small of a house.
The moon was shining that night, rays of silver breaking through the heavy rain that hit the cars windows. It was silent, no obnoxiously loud music that could cover our thoughts, only our breathing filling the empty spaces.
I was staring straight ahead and with a few stolen glances I figured that Tom was too, his brows scrunched, hands tightly gripping the wheel as he looked down the road. He was deep in thought, whatever clouding his mind making him softly shake his head. I didn't pay any attention to it until the car slowed down, drifting to the side of the street and rolling to a stop.
Silence indulged us two as I looked around for any clues, anything that would tell me if something was wrong. " Did something happen to the car-"
" We need to talk." His hands let go of the wheel slightly, his gaze still fixated in front of him. I knew what those words meant, I knew that he wanted to go deep on anything that was bothering us, anything that made us be where we are. " We can't keep going like this. I'm tired of living in this hole, I mean we don't talk, we live two separate lives. We sleep in the same fucking bed, but yet we're different." His rant was pretty short, half of which he looked me in the eye. I could see the sadness behind them, the clear desperation to make things work, fix whatever was broken.
" I don't know what happened to us." There was no cheating, no huge arguments, the lust between us jost slowly seemed to burn out. My fingers played with each other, anxiety filling my brain as it poured out into my words. " I love you, but we can't fix anything if we don't even know what started it."
We stared at one another silently, our eyes in a way almost communicating. " It's either this or we break up."
I knew it, he knew it, but yet something was tugging on both of our hearts, not letting us go with the latter.
In a moment of what felt like a spell was put over us we leaned in, our lips connecting and fighting against each other. This was the first real kiss in a while, no small peck or a smooch presented in front of family to make them know of our so called love. Minutes were shared as our hands traveled bodies, skin blushing and heat rising, I missed this. I missed moments like these, our love for one another just spilling past our edges making us swim in the softly sweet feeling. I missed our dancing in the rain, laughter coming straight from our throats as we got drenched from the water above. I missed us.
We separated with deep breaths trying to catch air back into our lungs, his hands holding mine as we stared into each other's eyes. His palm while clenched around mine raised up, his soft lips planting a sweet kiss on top of my knuckles. " I love you. I promise that whatever was fucked up will be fixed." And for the first time in months I could actually see a light for our future.
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nonstoplover · 2 years
a reason to stay ~ sebastian vettel (sv5)
my masterlist | my f1 masterlist
pairing: sebastian vettel x fem!reader
song inspiration: reason to stay ~ brett young
summary: just a small drabble about sebastian not wanting the love of his life to get up and leave for work in the morning
words: 2.08K
a/n: this song is literally one of my all time fave songs, brett's genius lyrics can always reach very deep into my heart. i always wanted to write about the situation depicted in the song, and when i listened to it yesterday, i accidentally looked at one of the pictures i have of seb on my wall, and i just knew that it's got to be him i write this about. this song screams sebastian vettel for me. anyway, enjoy!
please, don't be a ghost reader, leave a comment or rb! any feedback is well appreciated!
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Saturdays are Sebastian's favourite days since his retirement from Formula One. You may ask, why? It's simple. Those are the days when his wife finally doesn't have to go to work, those days he can have her all to himself. The whole damn day. And without any stupid housework coming up that she just needs to do, as it always is with Sundays.
It's not like he hasn't tried to convince her to stop working, at least for a while. Or okay, fine, just do part-time. He has enough money for them to lead a comfortable life for now. And then he – or they – will figure out the rest in time.
But she loves her job, so what can he really do? She doesn't want to stop, or even go part-time. She enjoys waking up early in the morning, sip her morning coffee while swiftly skimming through the news on her phone. She doesn't mind getting dressed and then leave for work – leaving him alone for the rest of the day, right up until she comes back in the late afternoon. It isn't nearly enough of her for him. He wants more time. He needs more.
But today isn't Saturday. Not yet. It's just a regular Friday, nothing else. One more day of suffering at home, by himself.
Sebastian softly groans to himself, trying to come up with a new idea to keep himself entertained. There are days when he just can't seem to find anything that he would enjoy doing. The days when his mind keeps on straying back to driving race cars, and almost regretting his choice to retire. But only almost. He knows it was the right decision at that very moment. He always wanted to leave the sport when he's still at the top, and who is he kidding? These past seasons he's never had a car capable to win the championship. And anyway, he wanted to spend more time with his wife finally. The only time they have for themselves, just the two of them, are the weekends, and when he was still racing, sometimes those very weekends have been taken away from them just the same. As his mind – mind you, still half asleep as he's just woken up – slowly spins with thoughts, his eyes stray to her sleeping form right next to him.
A beam of early morning sun is sneaking in through the crack in the curtain, casting a glowing, golden orange line on the pillow, leading straight to her face. She's facing him, thankfully, so the light doesn't shine right onto her closed eyelids, waking her up. She's told him so many times to be careful when closing the curtains in the evenings. It's just one of those tiny things she can not stand – waking up to the sun shining in her eyes. 'That's why there's a curtain there in the first place', he can hear the gently scolding tone of her voice in his ears still.
But as the sunlight creeps up onto her laying body, he can't help but notice how it looks just like a halo, as it makes her (y/h/c) strands glow beautifully. She looks like a real life angel – and it's only further proof to what he's already been suspecting. That she's been sent from heaven only to make his life brighter, lovelier, calmer, and in general, more perfect than he ever expected his life to ever be.
He concludes to himself that he just really likes waking up before her as it gives him the chance to watch her sleep looking so peaceful and trouble-less. It must be one of his all time favourite sights. He'll never admit it to her though, he knows well enough that she doesn't like it, when he's watching her sleep. Even when it's in the car on a long journey and they stop at a red light and he turns to find her sleeping soundly by his side. Even when it's in a hotel room that he arrived back late to from a meeting on a Saturday night of a race weekend back when he was still racing. She seems to think she looks ridiculous when sleeping, which eventually led to him having to try his best to keep all his photos of her sleeping a secret.
In the calm silence of the room he can hear all the tiniest of sounds coming from their surroundings – the birds already chirping their morning songs on the other side of the windows, the manual clocks ticking away the precious seconds. Sebastian glances at the clock as his mind registers the sound coming from it, and internally groans with a roll of his eyes as his eyes take in the time. Just five more minutes left before it goes off. He dreads that very moment. The harsh ringing of the alarm breaking the quiet and the peace, ruining everything, ruining these sweet moments he can enjoy without her knowledge.
Out of nowhere a new thought pops in his head. Maybe he could convince her to stay. He has very good ways to do just that. He can be very convincing if he wants to be, and he knows it.
She stirs in her sleep, and his eyes snap back to her face, just in case her eyes flutter open. He loves watching her wake up, even if it means that the dreaded moment came. But no, she just moves until her head rests on his shoulder and her arms over his waist, then lets out a tiny whimper – something that sounds vaguely like his name – and then continues sleeping just as calmly as she's been doing up until then. He got a few more precious minutes.
His hand softly moves to rest on her upper back, unconsciously twirling a strand of her silk-like hair around his fingers. His own eyes close lightly again, enjoying the gentle press of their heads together. If he could, he would stay like this forever.
But then the alarm clock actually goes off, making Sebastian think one or two swear words in his mind as his arm shoots out in the direction of the device to make it silent again, while shifting his head a bit to be able to see his lover better. Her fingers twitch, he can feel it on the skin of his waist, and then her eyes eventually open – just for a second, before they close again, only to repeat the same notion a few times in the following seconds. Her body fights against waking up.
A smile makes its way onto his face, just as her eyelids open for the last time, revealing those sparkling (y/e/c) orbs to him, the ones he could easily get lost in every time she flashes them at him. Her lips lazily curve similarly to his as she takes in the sight of him.
"Morning," her slightly raspy voice fills the air of their bedroom in a whisper.
"Good morning, angel."
"You been awake for long?" she tightens her arm around him for a second, making him press a peck on top of her head in return.
"No, just woke up at the alarm." Small white lies like this never hurt anyone – especially if it means he doesn't have to stop watching her sleep and take pictures of her while doing so.
Then her fingers leave his skin, and he can feel her start moving further from his body. His arm doesn't loosen though, not even a bit, trying to keep her where she's been. "I gotta make my coffee, Seb," she lets out a giggle, feeling his hold remain on her.
"No," comes his simple reply.
"What do you mean, no?" her giggle grows into a somewhat louder chuckle.
"If you have your coffee, you will just leave sooner."
"Darling, I'll have to leave sooner or later, and you know it."
"I don't want you to."
Her body shifts in his arms, resulting in two things. His arms tighten around her torso even more, and her face turns entirely towards him, to be able to gaze into his eyes deeply and comfortably.
"We've been through this, Sebastian, please," she smiles. "I have to go to work."
He pouts, eyes boring into hers with an unspoken plead.
"You're behaving like a baby again."
Her words are familiar to his ears, since not more than two mornings prior they had a conversation almost exactly the same as this one. With a sigh he lets the muscles in his face move back to their natural state, just watching her with adoring eyes. "Okay, I stop. In exchange, can I at least kiss you?
Attentive icy blue orbs snap down towards her lips just as she bites into the bottom one, the cheeky, flirty grin painted on all his features. She nods, and that's all it takes for the man to lean in, capturing her in a breathtaking kiss. He pours all his thoughts and emotions into the action, letting her feel it in the taste of his lips, in the small gasps of air leaving him, in the way his eyelashes brush against her cheek every once in a while.
He's determined.
He wants to make her get lost in the kiss like she did so many times before. To get so lost that she completely forgets where she is, what their previous conversation was about, and most importantly, what time of what day it was. He kisses her to make her think it's already Saturday.
At her still mumbled words, he admits defeat. His kisses didn't work. Not this time. With a sigh audible enough to make her feel just a tiny bit guilty, he lets his arms slacken around her and his upper body to fall down, his back reconnecting with the mattress along with the sound of a soft thud.
With the help of his arms, he presses her warm body tightly into his, entirely engulfing her in his embrace. This is all he ever wants to do.
"Seb," she mumbles against his lips after a few minutes pass by. He pretends not to hear her, just keeps on stealing the oxygen from her lungs, hoping that just these few more moments are going to be enough to get what he wants. "Seb." Her voice comes louder and more certain the second time, as she tenderly forces her hands in-between their upper bodies to apply pressure to his chest, trying to push him off of her. "I really do need to get up."
"Oh, come on, love, don't look so heartbroken. I'll be back at five," she reaches out to caress his cheek before moving her legs from where they were tangled with his all throughout the night. "It's not the end of the world."
"Maybe to you, it isn't," he grumbles, knowing just how childish he sounds right now.
She shakes her head with another giggle, cute and angelic as always, making his heart skip a beat, and all of a sudden he can't help himself, just got to steal another kiss from her lips. He crashes into her with such force that this time it's her back that thuds against the mattress, and a surprised gasp of air leaves her lungs, right into his mouth. She kisses him back with just the same passion still, getting over her surprise in a short moment.
Another few minutes pass in relative silence – only the sounds of their lips moving along each other can be heard.
"Sebastian, you can't make me late," her weak attempt comes once more not to his surprise.
"Says who?" he mumbles back without a skip, not moving the tiniest bit further away from her, instead just pressing his knee right into the space between her legs, technically sticking her to the mattress. Only when he can feel their position being secure is when he lets their lips disconnect, just to be able to properly look into her eyes with a mischievous glint. "I bet I can make what you just said a lie."
"Do you?" she raises an eyebrow, knowing full well that it's enough for him to feel challenged. And when he smells challenge, there's nothing that can stop him or make him back down.
Sebastian nods, his nose brushing against hers in the process. "I'll give you a reason to stay."
And maybe now, just this once, she can call in sick to work.
.::the end::.
taglist: formulapierre
my masterlist | my f1 masterlist
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guqwrvte · 2 years
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make it three | three
⨽ summary: everything made sense to you, until it didn’t. you expected the name of your soulmate to appear on your shoulder the day you turned twenty one. and on the day of your twenty first birthday, that happened, but instead of one name, there were three.
⨽ pairing: vminkook x reader
⨽ genre: fluff , soulmate au , slow burn (?)
⨽ warnings: strong language
⨽ word count: 3.5k
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Alright, so the names are Jungkook and Taehyung, right?" Yeonjun asked, and you nodded. "And what's the name of the group Jimin's part of?"
"BTS. I think…" you said, and he hummed in response before he began to type in their names.
"Jungkook, BTS…" He muttered before he pressed search.
You anxiously bit your lip as the search results slowly began to show. You didn't know what to expect.
"Okay, so apparently, he's turning twenty-six this year! It says he's about 1,79m tall, and his full name is Jeon Jungkook," Yeonjun read. "And oh my gosh, are those real?"
You shifted closer to Yeonjun and rested your chin on his shoulder so you could look at his phone.
"He's so handsome, oh my gosh. The tattoos, the piercings, oh my," Yeonjun gasped as he scrolled through the many pictures that appeared once he clicked on images.
In some pictures, he looked like a bad boy straight out of a teen romance movie, mask up, dressed in all black and chunky shoes. Not to mention his sleeve of tattoos and multiple piercings. And in others, where he wore a simple hoodie and sweatpants with a backpack on his back, he looked like a typical student.
The man had pretty doe eyes, and in the photos where he wasn't wearing a mask and could see his smile, his smile that reminded you of a bunny.
When he's dressed in brighter colours and his sleeve of tattoos is covered, Jungkook's entire appearance screams adorable. Until you see other pictures of him. You'll realise that despite his round face, he had a sharp jawline, and suddenly he isn't so adorable.
"Your soulmates were blessed with looks. If Taehyung is this handsome… girl, the universe favours you," Yeonjun commented before tapping the search bar to type in the other name on your shoulder.
The two of you were in the student lounge, using google to find out about your other soulmates while waiting for Yuna's photography lecture to end.
"Now, let's see if Taehyung is part of BTS or just Jimin's friend group," Yeonjun said. "Taehyung. BTS… and search!"
Again, you were nervous because you didn't know what to expect.
"Okay, so his name is V… but it says it's just his stage name!" he told you. "His real name is Kim Taehyung, around the same height as Jungkook, and he's turning twenty-eight," he read before clicking on images to see what he looked like.
"Holy shit… is this man even real," he gasped as he scrolled through the images.
Your eyes widened when you looked at one of the pictures.
The man's visual screamed royalty. His piercing eyes, sharp jaw and angular features reminded you of a cold prince. In some of the pictures you saw, he had a stern and mysterious look, and if you hadn't seen a picture of him smiling, you definitely would have thought he was a cold person.
In the pictures where he was smiling, Taehyung's rectangular smile was bright. And like Jimin, his eyes seemed to disappear when he smiled.
"Holy shit, he's just as beautiful as the other two-" Yeonjun muttered as he stared at one of the pictures. "The universe favours you. Like, how are all three of these handsome guys yours?"
"Actually, we don't know that yet. My soulmates Jungkook and Taehyung could be different from this Jungkook and Taehyung." Your friend rolled his eyes at your words.
"Oh, come on, y/n. I can google Taehyung without putting BTS, and the same guy will show up."
"He might not be famous," you mumbled. It was hard for you to believe that all three of these men could… well, be your soulmates.
"What are you two talking about?" You and Yeonjun glanced over your shoulders around to see Yuna.
"Hey, Yuna. We're talking about y/n's other soulmates and looking at pictures of them," Yeonjun told her before looking back at his phone.
"Really? So did you find out if Taehyung's part of BTS?" she asked as she made her way to the seat next to yours.
"Yeah, he is. Also, because of what you said earlier, y/n doesn't want to believe that these two handsome guys are her soulmates," Yeonjun told her.
"Why don't you ask Jimin? I'm sure he'll give you the answer you're looking for," Yuna suggested, and he hummed in agreement.
"Why don't you do that? It's not like he can say no. Those guys are your soulmates, too," Yeonjun said.
Unbeknownst to you, your soulmates were having a conversation similar to yours.
"Do you think y/n's curious about us? Like what we look like and stuff?" Jungkook asked as he closed the now-empty water bottle
"I don't know, but I think she is. She's probably googled, you guys. Just like she did with me," Jimin chuckled.
"I wish y/n was an idol or something, so we could just google her too. I want to know what she looks like." Taehyung softly whined as he rested his head on Jimin's shoulder.
"We should add y/n to the group chat," Jungkook said. "I don't think I'' be able to wait until we meet in person to talk to her."
"So you want to text her first?" Jimin asked, and Jungkook nodded. "You don't want to call her anything like that? A video call, so can she see your faces?"
"I feel like a call would be awkward," Taehyung muttered. "Unlike you, we've never talked to the woman."
"Yeah…" Jungkook sighed. "I feel like we should connect with each other over text first. I don't want her to see me like this."
The three soulmates had just finished practising choreography and were taking a break.
"I think you look hot, though," Jimin joked. "I'm sure y/n wouldn't mind seeing you like this."
"But I do mind," Jungkook whined. "It's the first time she'll be seeing me. I can't let her see me like this…"
"I agree with Jungook. It's too early for y/n to see us like this," Taehyung chuckled before opening a bottle of water and taking a sip.
"Okay. I'll add y/n to the group chat," Jimin told them before opening his phone to add you to their exclusive soulmate group chat.
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You looked at your phone with wide eyes before excitedly trying to show one of your friends your screen.
"What? For me to see your screen, you'll have to stop shaking it in my face," Yuna sighed before taking your phone from your hand.
"What is it?" Yeonjun asked, trying to look at what you wanted to show them.
"Looks like y/n's going to interact with her other soulmates."
"Really? What did Jimin say?" He asked with his eyes slightly opened wide. "He added her to a group chat called Corei3 and sent a text saying that they, which I'm guessing are her other soulmates, to somewhat introduce themselves. And now an unknown number is typing." Yuna explained.
"What are you doing? Give y/n her phone back so she can talk to them!"
jimin has added you to: corei3
jimin: you two can somewhat introduce yourselves or whatever.
unknown(1): lemme change the name first since it’s no longer the three of us.
unknown changed the name to corei4
unknown(1): now i can introduce myself. hi, i’m jk!
unknown(2): we’re introducing ourselves to our soulmate, not some people in the crowd of people at our interviews 🤦‍♂️
unknown(2): i’m taehyung by the way. kim taehyung.
unknown(1): jk stands for jungkook which is me. i’m jeon jungkook.
you: i think you guys already know who i am.
taehyung: you could say we kind of do. we know your name and your age, just not what you like.
jungkook: only jimin knows what you look like :(
jimin: i don’t think y/n know what you two look like either.
you: i do know what they look like because i kind of googled them too 😅
jungkook: hoping you didn’t come across any of my old embarrsing pics 😩
you: out of all the pictures i saw, i don’t think any of them are embarrassing. you looked good in each one. including taehyung.
jungkook: o///o
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"Why are they all staring at their phones like that? And Jungkook's all red in the face, too," one of the members commented, cringing as he watched their younger members.
"Didn't you hear, Yoongi? Jimin found their last soulmate while he was out one night," another told him. "So, I guess they're talking to her right now. I mean… we've only ever seen them smile like that with each other."
"I hope I don't look or act the same when I find my soulmate," Yoongi muttered, shaking his head.
"I honestly feel like you're going to be ten times worse than they are," The leader said with a chuckle.
"Nah, nothing can beat whatever the fuck that is. We're witnessing a lovesick soulmate but times three."
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"How are her cheeks not sore? She's been staring at her phone with that stupid smile for the past fifteen minutes," Yuna said, causing Yeonjun sighed.
"You wouldn't understand what she's feeling right now, Yuns. You haven't found your soulmate yet."
core.i4 groupchat
jungkook: now we know what we look like, and y/n knows who’s who, let’s go out or something 😩
jimin: you do realise going out will be hard for us, right? no one outside of the company knows we’re soulmates, imagine if they catch us with a girl?
taehyung: we can just say she’s a friend? i mean it’s not like we’re going out as just me and her or just jungkook and her. it’s all three of us going out with her.
jimin: fine, but we need to ask one of the managers first. we might need to book out a place too, and make sure y/n’s pretty covered up.
you: why? 🧍‍♀️
jimin: i can’t afford to have you exposed to the public so soon.
jungkook: life as an idol is tough. people are almost always in our business. if anyone gets a glimpse of you with one of us… you’ll be all over the internet in a couple of hours.
taehyung: right… i didn’t think of that.
you: so… we won’t be able to go out?
jimin: we can still meet up… it’s just going to have be an indoor date.
taehyung: something we’re used to.
jungkook: i think we can still have an outside date! we’ll just have to be cautious.
jimin: i managed to go to a club yesterday without getting caught. being able to go to a restaurant will be easy.
taehyung: don’t forget you’re not going in and out alone. you’re going in and out with three people. two men and a woman. 🧍‍♂️
jungkook: slipping in and out won’t be an easy task, my love.
jimin: we’ll make a plan 😭
"What're you guys talking about?" Yeonjun asked as he tried to peek over your shoulder.
"Jungkook wants us to go out," you told them. "But it's going to be tricky since they're famous, and them being seen with me could cause problems."
"So, are you just going to have an indoor meeting?" Yuna asked, and you shrugged.
"Jimin says they're gonna make a plan, but I don't know…"
"This is why I lowkey wish my soulmate isn't famous. Or at least, isn't a kpop idol because I know how ruthless the fans can be," Yuna sighed, shaking her head, which caused you to frown.
"Are their fans that scary?" You asked, and she nodded.
"Very. Well… the delusional ones who think the idol shouldn't be allowed to date anyone else but them," Yuna explained.
"People actually think that? In a world where your partner is determined by the soulmate system?" Yeonjun asked, sounding as equally shocked as you are. She hummed in response.
"Yep, they can get dragged and cancelled for falling in love if the fans are insane enough. But don't worry, not all the fans like that. Many fans know their place, and some even route for their idols to find love," she said.
Yuna managed to answer your silent question about whether all of their fans were like that.
"I don't know much about your soulmates' fandom, but I'm sure majority of them are chill. I mean, I've only bumped into one or two crazy ones. The rest were cool. But then again, I haven't met a lot of BTS stans."
"So those guys are right for wanting to take any precautions. Wait, but does anyone know that they're soulmates?" Yeonjun asked, and Yuna shook her head.
"Not that I'm aware. I don't remember seeing any articles or posts about the members' soulmates when I looked into the group. Meaning y/n, the members, and probably some staff know about the three being in a cluster."
"And us. We know that too. Wait, OMG, I just realised I have to keep such a huge secret! Oh… but that means y/n can't let other people know who her soulmates are," Yeonjun said, causing you to sigh.
"To be honest… I don't think I mind," you told them. "Sure, it would be nice to go out publicly and post about them like I've always wanted to, but I don't mind."
You were just happy to have found them.
"I'd rather be with them in secret than not be with them at all," you smiled.
You looked at the time and sighed. "I need to catch the bus. I have to go home since I have an assignment to finish."
"Right," Yuna said, getting up. "I need to meet some people in my cinematography class for a group project."
"So we're all just going home?" Yeonjun asked, and the two of you nodded. "Alright."
"See you two tomorrow!"
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"I feel bad y/n has to keep us a secret," Taehyung muttered while Jimin groaned, running his fingers through his hair. "Even though we have to hide our relationship, at least I can be seen in public with both of you."
"As much as I love my job and our fans, sometimes I wish I wasn't an idol. Sometimes I wish I was a regular person who wasn't part of a popular boy group."
"Same here," Jungkook said, closing his eyes. " I wouldn't have to hide the actual kind of relationship we have. I'd peacefully go out without worrying whether dispatch might see me."
"Hey, but at least we got permission to go out with her," Taehyung said.
The three members came from a meeting with some of the managers and told them about you, their last soulmate.
"I know. Even though avoiding the public eye will be difficult, I can't wait to go out as a complete cluster of soulmates," Jungkook said, happily clapping his hands.
"What do you think you wanna do, though? Should we have a typical first-date dinner? Go to an amusement park and have the kind of date you see in romance movies?" Jimin asked.
"Let's ask y/n. I mean, the girl is the reason we're going out, right?" Taehyung said.
taehyung: y/n~ you there? 👀
jungkook: we have something to ask you!
jimin: we got permission to take you out and we wanna know where you’d like to go.
taehyung: and what kind of date you’d like to have.
jungkook: a formal dinner date or got to out to an amusement park? or even something more fun?
y/n: i’m not the kind of person who enjoys going to fancy dinners and that kind of stuff, but how will be able to go to an amusement park? they’ll be too many people 🧍‍♀️
jungkook: we can book it out or something.
jimin: yeah, as if the managers would let us do that.
jungkook: it’s our money we’re spending though.
jimin: yeah but that’s a lot of work. too much work when it’s just going to be four of us. Plus, it’ll also just ruin the whole amusement experience it’s the only the four of us who go there.
taehyung: you’re the one who brought up the idea of going to an amusement park, though 🧍‍♂️
jimin: i didn’t think it through, shut up👨‍🦯
jungkook: since you don’t like fancy dinner where would you like to go?
y/n: how about an arcade? i haven’t been to one in a minute.
jungkook: i love playing games so why not?
jimin: an arcade is definitely easier to book out.
taehyung: but what about food? are we just going to play games? :(
jungkook: no, we can probably get some street food if we want something to eat.
y/n: ooo, i love street food. 😋
jimin: you guys are forgetting the whole avoid public eye thing. 🤦‍♂️
taehyung: to be honest, i kind of want to be around people.
jungkook: lowkey same… 🤸‍♂️
y/n: i’m used to be being around people 😅
jimin: fine, we might as well as go to an arcade without booking out the place since you guys want to be around people so bad 🚶‍♂️
taehyung: but will they allow us?
jungkook: we’ll just have to beg.
jimin: and if they do agree, we’re going to have to make sure we’re pretty disguised but not too much. we need to blend in after all.
y/n: so, we’re going to an arcade?
taehyung: that’s the plan
y/n: okay, when are we going and where should we meet?
jungkook: most likely thursday, it will be a weekday so they won’t be that many people and we’re pretty much free on that day.
taehyung: and just send us your location, we’ll pick you up.
y/n: uh sure. xxxxxxxxxxx
jungkook: wait that’s not so far from our personal house.
jimin: he’s right. it’s like a ten minute away from ours?
y/n: personal house?
taehyung: it’s an apartment where just the three of us live. the rest of them members live in the main house one or with their soulmates.
y/n: oh, your other members have found their soulmates?
jungkook: just namjoon, actually. but yeah.
jimin: anyway, is everyone okay with thursday, from 5 pm to around 8 pm? i don’t to send y/n home late and we have a busy schedule the day after.
y/n: yeah, that seems perfect to me.
jungkook: yeah, that’s fine.
taehyung: that’s perfect.
jimin: great. see you tomorrow
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"Looks like I have a date with my soulmates tomorrow," you told your friends as you turned off your phone.
"So they made a plan?" Yeonjun asked, causing Yuna to roll her eyes.
"y/n just told us her date is tomorrow. So if they're going on a date, doesn't that automatically mean they made a plan?"She asked.
"Jeez, sorry," your friend scoffed. "Anyway, is it a formal or casual date? And- wait, since your relationship has to remain a secret, will your soulmates book out a whole restaurant or something? I heard that's a thing famous people do."
"One question at a time, Yeonie. Give the poor girl a chance to speak," Yuna said.
Yeonjun muttered a soft apology as you chuckled.
"I'd say casual since we're going to an arcade," you said.
"Arcade? Are they actually going to book out an arcade?" Yeonjun asked with wide eyes.
"At first… they were, but Taehyung and Jungkook wanted to go out and be around people. And I don't really mind," you told them. "You know… since I'm used to being in public places without having to hide."
"Ah, it's the kind of date I've seen kids in high school teen romance movies! Omg, that's super cute!" Yeonjun squealed.
"If I lived the kind of life they did, I would want to be around some people other than my members and staff too. Anyway, so tomorrow is the day, right?"
You hummed in response.
"Great, so we have enough time to find an outfit for you then," Yuna said.
"I hope you don't think you're going to be the one to pick out an outfit for her," Yeonjun said, causing your friend to scoff. "And why not?"
"With the way you dress, there's no way I'm going to let you pick out something for y/n."
"Really? What makes you think y/n would be better off with someone who dresses like you as her stylist?" Yuna asked.
"Someone like me? What's that supposed to mean?"
"I'm not going to deny that you dress in many different styles, but you dress in your dark street style the most, Yeonjun. Dark colours, oversized clothes and fucking stompers. y/n is going on a date for the first time. She's trying to end up in one of those fashion in japan tiktoks."
"You're one to talk," Yeonjun scoffed. "You dress the complete opposite of the way to act. You act so cold, mean and boring, but then dress like a unicorn decided to empty its stomach on you. Make that make sense."
You couldn't help but chuckle as they continued to quarrel.
"Guys… you know I'm capable of picking an outfit for myself, right?" You asked, and both of them scoffed.
"Yeah, there's no way we're letting you do that. You have the worst fashion sense," Yuna said, and Yeonjun hummed in agreement.
"I agree. We can't have you go out looking like the basic bitch you like every day."
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taglist !! (inbox me or send me a message to be added) :
@bluemooncnblue ; @emu007 ; @malewife-supremacy ; @4evahevah ; @xx-sikki-nixx-xx ; @ayoo-bangtan ; @morklee02 ; @taeeflwrr ; @svrcegi ; @brit97 ; @thereaderwholovesyou ; @potaetopic , @yoonabeo ; @doublebunv ; @daphnxy ; @jinsquishes ; @tinyoonsblog ; @i-dont-know-me-either ; @teti-menchon0604 ; @chanscase143 ; @bangtans-momma ; @bxcndd ; @m1sss1mp ; @maggie-jane16 ; @amararosesblog ; @drissteele​ ; @jnghs ; @ze-yan ; @danielle143 ; @rinkud​ ; @openup-yourmind​
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neyswxrld · 5 months
Wrecker & Tech
summary: Wrecker and Tech meet in the afterlife.
warnings/vibe: it's not something that is all too sad i guess; there's an explosion, some clichés (the light in the darkness, force ghosts, you know the drill!)
words: ~1490
a/n: happy final bad batch eve! 🖤❤️🧡🖤
ok, hear me out - i don't want to fuel or believe in any theories before the final episode tomorrow. this is just for myself, for comforting and assuring myself that no matter what, everything will be okay eventually! of course, i absolutely hope nothing bad is going to happen, but for the case that wrecker dies ((and tech actually is dead)), i needed something to hold on to. and i'm sharing this because maybe someone finds some comfort in this one, too.
p.s.: english isn't my mother tongue, sorry for mistakes!
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The last thing he sees is a bright fireball.
The last thing he feels is that burning heat all over his body.
The last thing he hears are Crosshair's frantic screams for him.
And then there's nothing.
Everything is quiet, peaceful.
There aren't any aches, or pain.
He isn't hungry, thirsty, too hot or too cold.
Everything feels content and for a short moment he thinks he's flying.
Floating around, weightless. Which is funny, because due to his mutations, he's always been the biggest of his brothers. And the heaviest. But he didn't mind, as long as he was able to protect them. Keep them safe.
He almost feels comforted by the nothingness surrounding him.
Everything seems balanced. Okay.
For the first time in a long while, he doesn't even feel scared. Just... indifferent. Good indifferent.
But suddenly there's that small light in the distance.
It's almost sparkling, whirling around, and he almost feels like it's calling for him.
Slowly, he starts to float towards the light.
It seems to be warm and bright, a huge contrast to this foreign quietness surrounding him, but it's not unwelcome.
It kinda... feels like home. Like he needs to go to that light. He needs to touch it. Feel its warmth, its energy.
Carefully, he reaches for the light.
The warmth emitted from the ball suddenly swarms through his body, reaching every inch, every hair, every scar. Inside and outside.
It's so good... It feels so good. Like he has to be here.
The longer he touches the light, the brighter it gets, filling up all the surrounding space.
He has to close his eyes, the light is getting too much, and... and-
When Wrecker opens his eyes for the next time, he looks into the googled face of his brother.
This one looks down at him with a confused frown plastered across his face.
He looks... Just like on the day they lost him.
"Tech?" he asks, confused, worried.
Why is he here? Is he dreaming? Tech was... Tech is... Tech is dead. How could this be?
"Wrecker," Tech says, adjusting his goggles.
"What's goin' on?" he asks, groaning slightly as he sits up.
But it's more a reflex. Nothing... hurts. He feels fine.
"How long was I out? Has to be for a long time, I feel good, nothin' hurts. At all," he raises his arms over his head, stretching, "I- I dreamed you died. Stupid plan 99, should've never came up with that, you'd never leave us like that, right, Tech? Wouldn't just... do that," Wrecker rambles and scratches his neck with his hand, looking up to Tech.
His older brother looks at him with a weird look on his face.
"I indeed executed plan 99. It was the only way out for the majority of the squad. I kept you safe," Tech says, pulling his lips into a straight line.
"W-What?" Wrecker asks confused, before shaking his head.
For the first time, he looks around and sees some sort of space shuttle. Maybe Phees ship? Or was it the one Rex arrived with? He had no idea.
"What can you remember?" Tech asks next, shuffling on his feet a bit.
He stands in front of the bunk Wrecker lays in. The rest of the room was empty, quiet. He could hear some muffled voices outside the room, but he couldn't make out any words.
"We were going in on Tantiss. There was this massive animal kicking my ass. Hurt like hell... But I still made it. I'm not made of sugar, right? Then...," Wrecker stops for a second, thinking about everything. His memory starts to get sloppy.
"Just remember meeting Omega somewhere. She freed that zillo beast. It was huge! And then... There's something about an explosion. Crosshair almost got caught in it. I shielded him, I think," Wrecker murmurs and takes another deep breath as the memory of that burning pain around his body catches up with his brain.
But that's all - just a memory... Nothing hurts for real.
"Is he safe? Are the others? Where are they? Why are you here? Tech, I'm really confused right now," Wrecker shakes his head and looks up at his older brother again.
Tech swallows before nodding.
"They made it out fine, Wrecker," Tech assures him, before swallowing for a second time.
Why is he acting so weird?
"Great!" Wrecker exclaims, at the same as Tech says, "But you didn't."
They look at each other, keeping quiet for a while.
"I didn't?" He asks, "What do you mean by that?"
"You blew up, Wrecker. I think... you died," Tech states.
"I'm dead?" he echoes, before adding, "You think?"
"It appears that the explosion you shielded Crosshair from was a lot heavier than anticipated. While you saved Crosshair's life, you... you lost yours," Tech explains, breaking the news to him.
Wrecker looks at him for a few seconds, speechless.
That would explain why there isn't any pain. Or why he's able to talk to Tech.
They're both dead.
"I-I don't... Where are we? Why are we here?" is the next thing he wants to know, not fully able to understand how he should approach this new... situation. Everything's so strange.
"Currently, we are on a shuttle with the others. I dragged you up here. It appears that we are some kind of ghosts. At least we're in a state after life, which takes part in either some kind of parallel universe or in a temporal upheaval. I am not certain about that," Tech says, adjusting his goggles again.
Wrecker looks at him with raised brows, a huge question mark forming in his head. "You don't know?"
"In all that time I've been here, I wasn't able to fully conclude the whole extent of this... situation. But I've met some other clones, following their loved ones around in this state. So I assume it's a part of life, or, more precisely, the afterlife," his older brother sighs a little.
Wrecker pulls his feet over the edge of the bunk so he's fully sitting now, holding his head in his hands.
"Can the others see us?" Wrecker asks and Tech looks at him like he just lost his head.
"Of course not."
Wrecker feels like he just lost his head.
"It takes time getting used to. I'll leave you alone so you can think about it," Tech says.
Wrecker thinks he still acts a little odd. Not like the Tech he used to know. Not like the Tech that... was alive.
Tech seems to be honest about the fact that it takes some time to get used to the new situation. Wrecker isn't sure if his brother even got used to it by now. Not with how he's acting. And now... He's here, too.
"Tech," Wrecker starts and reaches for his brothers' wrist, gently laying his fingers around it and pulling him towards him.
"I-I don't want to be alone. Can you stay?" he says and moves to the side a little.
Tech nods and carefully sits down, unusually close to him.
"Have you been alone the whole time since..?" he wants to know, but Tech just shrugs.
"I was following the squad around," Tech murmurs and sinks into Wrecker's side as he lays an arm around him.
They haven't 'cuddled' like that in so, so many years.
"But now you have me," Wrecker whispers almost. He doesn't know if he's glad or sad about it.
Sure, he saved Crosshairs life. He helped his brothers. He had Tech again. But he'll miss the others. So, so much.
Tech has had to go through those first steps alone. He must have been so lost in the beginning. So lonely.
"Are we going to see the others again when they... When they die?" he wants to know after some time.
"That seems to be very likely," Tech answers, and Wrecker nods again.
That means he could still watch over them, be with them, and meet them again. And now, neither him or Tech, or the others will be alone for a while. Hopefully.
They freed Omega, they made a run for their lives.
They lost brothers, gained friends and family.
They settled down on a remote planet.
Quiet and peaceful.
They made a life for themselves, far, far away from the empire and all the evil in the world.
They saw Omega grow up.
They saw the others growing old.
They saw the others live the life they never had the chance to. And they were happy for them.
When Hunter joined them one day, they welcomed him with warm hugs and reassurances that everything would be fine.
As soon as Crosshair was with them, they almost felt complete once more.
When they followed Omega to Rex and his remaining brothers, they met Echo again.
Together, they kept watching over their baby sister, never forgetting their promises of staying with her.
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@isthereanechoinhere96 @trixie2023 @freesia-writes
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dyrewrites · 3 months
Six Sentence Sunday
Okay, I have too many of these now. Thank you to @lychhiker-writes here @the-golden-comet here @kaylinalexanderbooks here @fortunatetragedy here and @songsofsomnia here
Have this snip from Before Deluca, I am tagging my taglist (muahah)
We didn’t sleep long. Whether worry or simply what we were, sleep rarely lasted when needed—yet often when desired. He woke before me to plan and prepare...and cover every inch of the room in silk and satin. I sat up under a pile of jackets, “My love.” “Mm?” He may have been answering, or he may have been cooing over the rosy ruffled monstrosity in his delicate hands. I asked more clearly, “Are we to wear our entire wardrobe today?” Breeches joined the jackets covering me, and a few shirts slapped against my face. Laughing for them, and his glee in throwing them, I kept teasing, “I will need more skin, and a few extra limbs, to make use of all this cloth.” “It is our first day out in decades,” he scolded, sudden and close, hands and knees on the mattress beside me—to pull the shirts off and see me, “I want to make a—” “Statement?” I finished, smiling wider for his huff, “if we leave this room in so much silk, the statement will be, ‘good morning, London scoundrels, my purse is oh so heavy won’t you please unburden me’.” “As if we couldn’t handle any who’d dare,” Pouting too sweetly he crawled closer to kiss my neck, “and what are we to wear on such an occasion if not our finest?” “The men before we docked,” I reminded, continuing with shorter breath for his teeth as he tried evermore to distract, “the revolutionaries,” He continued to ignore me, stealing my tongue with his, relegating me to thoughts, the soldiers intent on slitting our throats for the grandness of our ship? French soldiers, he reminded, fingers rubbing down my bare chest. Difficult as it was, I shoved him—gently—away to regain my breath and sense, “French soldiers who did not attack in French waters,” again those teasing fingers, drawing circles on my chest until I took hold of his wrists, “whose sentiments might be shared by the English we’re surrounded by.” “You want us to dress down,” more pouting, leaning again for my lips, “present ourselves as roturiers,” soft his kisses, too soft and sweet—deliberately so, “my perfect treasure, what have I done to earn such cruelty?” I’d managed until those last words to keep a fairly straight face, but the pitiful way in which he spoke them broke me. My laughter was met with rougher kisses, and his weight on my lap. But I escaped him, earning more clothing tossed at me—and more of his rich, heady laughter—for it. We settled on casual—still far too layered—that didn’t scream ‘wealth’ so much as suggest it in a soft, if haughty tone. Blues for him, reds for me, but instead of the cream, or white, or warm grays he often paired it with... “Black?” I asked, enjoying the softness less than that of his skin as I spread his covered fingers with my bare ones, “you never wear the black.” Snatching his hand away, he set it on my arm and pulled me out of the room, “You don’t wish to match, to compliment?” It did, compliment that is, shirts and socks and trim. All black. The dark color made my reds brighter, his blues lighter, and worried me to no end, “Last you chose black, we—” “None of that,” he cut without shushing, tapping our crew’s doors with the handle of his parasol as we passed them, “everyone up, we’re going out!”
No, I'm serious you're all tagged, share some sentences =P
→Before Deluca Taglist<-
// feel free to ask to be added or removed ^.- //
@watermeezer @starbuds-and-rosedust @thespacelizard
@your-absent-father @mr-orion @cowboybrunch @olliexwrites
@rowanmgrey-author @the-golden-comet @wyked-ao3
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fear-and-delight-l · 2 years
IMAGINE where rhea ripley has a championship match, and the reader goes out to ringside with her but when the reader takes a punch for the love of her life, Rhea explodes and finally comes out with her true feelings.
WARNINGS: none. Slight swearing? Erotic fluff? no smut but feel free to request it.
ALSO I TAKE REQUESTS, so if you have an idea, let me know and I'd love to make it come true! Love you guys and thanks for reading!
I take a deep breath before we step out into the arena. Rhea is full of adrenaline, I can feel it radiating off of her, but I am all nerves. Rhea might have gotten too far ahead of herself this time.
We step out into the light.
Rhea’s theme music plays and the crowd is crazy. I don’t let anyone see my anxiety on my face. I change my expression to true brutality.
“You ready for this, babe?” Rhea cries, her eyes burning bright. 
Babe, babe, babe, babe, babe…
“Hell yeah” I say and we head down to the ring, Rhea pinching my arm with a grin on her face.
She climbs up the ropes, fists in the air. (It’s a damn shame that she doesn’t pummel me with those fists.) Her lips are painted black and her hair is slicked back yet looser than usual. It's gotten a little long, and I must say that I want nothing more to put my hand in her hair and pull it, just so I can hear her gasp.
Her smile is brighter than all the lights in the arena and I can’t help but smile at my thoughts. Rhea Ripley is by far the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. Her body is toned and muscled but everything about her is graceful and sleek. And really I just can’t get over her damned smile-
Part of me is grateful that the rest of The Judgement Day didn’t come out to ringside this time. I’m so selfish for wanting her all to myself…
The music changes. 
Bianca Belair walks into the arena. 
I have to give it to Bianca. She has made a name for herself and makes everyone turn their heads and stop what they are doing. She won her Raw women’s championship belt fair and square and has defended it well. Rhea said so herself. 
But when Rhea challenged her for it, I couldn’t help but think that the only way Bianca would give up the title is out of her cold dead hands. 
As Bianca makes her way down to the ring, I look up at Rhea and she gives me one last look. She winks at me and turns back to the E-S-T.
I am not sure if my heart is racing because I think Rhea is going to take the loss or the fact that she winked at me.
Bianca has only managed to pin Rhea once. My nerves have settled a bit because Rhea really has the upper hand in this match. Bianca is strong. HELLA strong. But not as strong as my Rhea. I never should have doubted her. 
Rhea hooks Bianca’s arms between her legs and hoists her up. Yes, yes, yes!!! Riptide–
Where’s the ref? 
Rhea slams Bianca down and I wince at how hard Bianca hits the mat. Where the hell is the ref? Rhea has had her down for more than a count of three…
I realize the referee wasn’t at the count because Alexa Bliss had made her way into the ring and tried to interfere. The ref turns around and looks in horror that he missed a vital moment in the match trying to get rid of Alexa. Bianca kicked out before he could count. 
Oh, I was not letting this happen. 
I run over to where Alexa stands laughing. I reach across the apron and grab her by her ankles. She slams to the mat and I drag her out. 
“You wanna screw up this match, bitch? Not gonna happen with me.” I say. “So come and face me if you even have the balls to.”
Alexa stands up and screams, running straight into my midsection and slamming me into the post. The back of my head throbs, practically on fire. No way I am letting this blonde bitch beat me. 
Trying my hardest to ignore the pain in my head, I push Alexa off of me and grab her by her hair, dragging and slamming her into the barricade. I hear her groan. It’s not enough. I get her on her feet again. I shouldn't try to steal Rhea's move, but I've been practicing just for her. I silently pray that my next move will work. 
I hook her arm around my neck. 
I pull her other arm between her legs. 
I hoist her up. 
And with all my force–
Alexa hits the floor, immediately writhing in pain. Her back took the full force of the hit…
I look up and Rhea rushes down from the ring and towards me, her hands grasping my sides. Bianca still lay lifeless in the ring. Rhea looks at me up and down and begs to know if I’m okay. 
“I’m okay, I promise. My head just hurts a little…”
“That riptide was so good! Have you been practicing somehow?” She asks, her thumbs rubbing circles on my skin. I reach my hands up and grab the sides of her face. Her skin is warm from sweat but I want to kiss all over it anyway. Her smile her smile her smile oh my god I can't breathe....her eyes crinkle in delight at me and I think I am more breathless than she is.
“How else would Dominik have all his bruises?” I laugh. Her hands squeeze just a little tighter on my waist as she grins. 
Damn it, her smile! I can’t ever resist it–
It only takes me a split second to notice Bianca barreling towards Rhea. I shove Rhea out of the way just as Bianca raises her fist to strike. 
She makes direct contact with my eye. 
I feel my body still and I slump to the ground. 
Y’know, that kinda fuckin’ hurt. My second hit to the head.
The edges of my vision dance with black spots, and I can hear Rhea’s screams of rage. I reach my hand up towards my eye and wince at the sting. I look for Rhea, and she’s starting to corner Bianca towards the ring, yelling in her face. 
“You wanna mess with my girl, huh? You wanna hit my girl? I don’t fucking think so!”
Rhea grabs Bianca’s ponytail and uses it to slam her face into the apron. Bianca groans as she is thrown back into the ring. I sit up, a little dizzy, and watch as Rhea screams at the ref. 
“You gonna watch this one, huh? Yeah? You gonna watch this?  You gonna do your damn job? Watch this!” 
Rhea drops onto Bianca, straddling her. And she starts to lay the punches onto Bianca’s head. She tries to kick out from under Rhea but to no avail. I get to my feet and get on my belly to slide in the ring.
The Judgment Day music plays and Damian and Finn and Dominik run out. Why are they out here? If they try to interfere, Rhea will be disqualified! 
 I won’t interfere either. I know that it could get Rhea in trouble but I also know that she doesn’t want me to interfere because she knows what she’s doing. 
Damian leans onto the apron and screams, “Rhea, stop! Just finish her!” 
“Finish her, mami!” Dom cries. 
Finn is shaking his head and muttering “She’s gonna kill her, she’s gonna kill her…”
I realize why they are so upset. With the way Rhea is beating Bianca, she is getting too violent and it’s possible that Rhea could get banned from wrestling. Bianca's lip has busted open and little drops of blood scatter onto Rhea's hands.
I look at Damian. He’s got worry etched all over his face.
I stumble to the corner, and I watch Rhea pick Bianca up and slam her back down. 
Rhea is rage. 
She is anger. 
She is graceful yet harsh. 
Quick on her feet and fast with her hands. 
She is beautiful. 
She is a nightmare. 
An eradicator. 
True brutality. 
She beats the shit out of Bianca for a little longer and then she does it. 
Arm around her neck. 
Leg tucked between the thighs. 
Bianca is out. I know it. 
The ref doesn’t miss the count. 1, 2, 3. 
Rhea gets up and shouts with joy. I run up to her and she opens her arms to me and I jump into her, putting my face into her neck. She’s spinning me and she’s screaming about not how she won but we won. We won. 
I’m back on my feet again and a little disappointed that she won’t hold me on her hip so I can wrap my legs around her. The ref  hands her the belt and she screams in delight as she hoists it up in the air. Damian and Finn and Dom rush into the ring and suddenly we are all screaming and whooping and crying out our war cries. Victory is ours. No one can hurt us anymore.
Dominik takes my face in his hands and inspects my eye, 
“te golpeó muy fuerte, mi amor.”  [she hit you pretty hard, my love]
“dominik, estoy bien, lo prometo.” [dominik, im fine, i promise]
He grins and Finn picks me up in excitement. I laugh and Damian laughs with me. Finn sets me down and I turn back to Rhea. 
She stares at me, her beautiful, wicked smile gone. She’s breathless and she’s looking at me as though I am her prize instead of the belt she holds in her hand. 
Rhea drops her belt. 
She rushes to me and grabs my hips harshly but kisses me gently.
Oh. Oh, oh, oh, oh…
Rhea’s lips kiss me so gently but her grip on me is like iron. The only thing separating me and her is our ring gear. I grab the sides of her face and press my lips against hers, begging for more, more, more. 
I realize that we are so  close that our hips are smashed together and she is enveloping me in her embrace. Her arms snake around to my back and she pulls me even closer. 
There is no way for us to be closer but I want us to be closer. I want to be molded into her so me and her are one. I pull away for a moment and I look into her lust filled eyes. I want more, more , more of her.
“I can’t believe you dropped your title belt,” I say with a laugh.
Rhea puts one hand in my hair and says, 
“No championship could ever be worth as much as kissing you.” 
She strokes my hair and leans down to give me a soft peck that has me trembling and aching for more of her. 
“My girl,” she says. “My girl.”
I smile and kiss her again. I don’t care if her black lipstick smears all over me. I don’t ever want to stop kissing her. 
“I’m so proud of you,” I say, a kiss between each word. She smiles at me with her teeth and I melt into her. I love when she’s soft. 
I look over at Finn who is clapping like the rest of the audience. Dominik is cheering and Damian is wearing a smirk. I can tell that they knew this would happen eventually. I hear Rhea laugh and she picks up her title belt and then picks me up, wrapping my legs around her waist. She is my champion and I am her prize. She looks up at me, her eyes twinkling with pride. She is not ashamed of me. She would never be ashamed of me. I lean down to kiss her, my hands resting on the sides of her neck. 
She raises her belt in victory, and I throw my head back in laughter. 
My brutal, wicked, graceful, beautiful champion. 
im super proud of this one. IDK i just think its neat. Remember, i take requests and i am very flexible with characters and such.
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willesredlights · 2 months
Simon's month 2024 - "Memories" series
A post season 3 young royals fanfic by @willesredlights (sariscribbles on ao3) where every chapter is another prompt for Simon's month, an event hosted by @youngroyals-events .
I wanted to make this masterlist where I link up all the chapters of this fic. Although it's a fanfic and the chapters follow each other, you can read them apart as they are just little stories that happend through the summer after Hillerska closes. It's a collection of Simon's memories throughout the summer.
I still have a few prompts to go which I will finish when I can!
Much much much thanks to @youngroyals-events for organising these kinds of events! This was really fun to participate in and I really had a lot of fun writing these!
Memories I hold to keep safe
Day 1: Pencil case: a feeling of the past living under the summer sun (G)
Day 2: Food: Engraved that day and smile, you gave into my memory (G)
Day 3: Dodgeball: Payback (G)
Day 4: Beach: You're the only one for me (G)
Day 5: Towel: I love the way you're screaming my name (M/E)
Dat 6: Sara: I'd love to have somebody never filter what they say (G)
Day 7: Purple: A new flavour (G)
Day 8: Identity/Discrimination: Don't apologize for crying, I will always hold you space (G)
Day 9: Anime: Hold me close until the end (G)
Day 10: Travel: I feel a little bit lighter when I'm with you (M/E)
Day 11: Revolution: Let them see you for who you are (G)
Day 12: Music: You were singing straight from your heart (G)
Day 13 + 14: Hoodie + Senses: The colours shine a bit brighter when I'm with you (G)
Day 15 + 28: Secrets + Birthday: 17th birthday
Day 17: Friendship: I got the best friends in this place (G)
Day 19: Fish: Yellow and Blue (G)
Day 20: Nightmare: Are you having a bad dream, baby? (G)
Day 21: Red Light: You and I forever (G)
Day 23: Parents: Childhood memories (G)
Day 26: Dancing
Day 27: Physical Touch
Day 29: Stars
Day 31: Photos
I'll give you the best years (sequel)
Day 16: Venezuela
Day 18: Pride
Day 22: Labour Day
Day 24: Winter
Day 25: Soulmates
Day 30 Home
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bep1erfics · 1 year
zhanghao - stargazing 🌠🌌
synopsis: the guy who you met on the beach after sneaking out shone brighter than the stars.
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after being dragged to the road trip your parents had planned, you snuck out of the hotel room and went straight to the beach once the clock hit 12am.
you took your shoes off and ran like a maniac through the sand. after feeling restless, you took a seat on the ground and watched as the waves eased off in the distance .
finally, the scent of the ocean calmed your enraged self as you wished you were still in the comfort of your home. the subtle waves were melodic to your ears, it felt consoling. as it was midnight, nobody was on the beach.
or so you thought.
you opened your eyes and heard a yawn coming from the right side of your shoulder. quickly, you turned and glanced at the young man who was dosing off to sleep.
“hey, wake up. who are you?”
the young man opened his sleepless eyes and rubbed them to get a clearer view of you.
you could easily tell this boy had been here for a long time as the bags around his eyes were visible.
“i should be asking you that. i was here first, so mind your own business and leave me alone.”
the young man took a deep sigh and then walked approximately five steps away, sitting himself on the concrete block next to the stairs.
did you just piss this short-tempered guy off?
you kept glancing at the young man and finally mustered up the courage to apologise, even though you never said anything wrong.
walking to the young man, you started to lose track of where you were headed towards. you lost your balance and slipped near the concrete block. to your surprise, a strong pair of arms grabbed you tightly, placing you back on to your feet.
“idiot, how can you trip on sand?”
the boy grinned slightly and patted the empty space next to him, signalling you to sit down.
at that moment, you got lost in his eyes and forgot all about apologising. silently, your feet started to move and you sat next to the mysterious guy.
he gazed up at the sky and smiled sadly. why was he frowning?
“are you alright, what’s wrong?” you asked, curious to why he had a distressed look on his face.
“i wanted to pursue a career in music, but my parents think otherwise. why is it so hard to do what i love?”
the boy had frustration written all over his face. you weren’t good at comforting people, but how could you let him be alone on this cold night?
you both sat in silence as you eventually rubbed his back, trying to calm him down.
“what’s your name?”
the boy faced you. in his eyes, you could see and sense his sincerity.
“y/n. what’s yours?”
“zhanghao, but everyone calls me hao.”
“hao are you?”
you tried to make a joke to get rid of the awkwardness, but instead of laughing, zhanghao put his hands over his eyes, trying to contain his embarrassment.
he was pretty cute now that you looked at him up close. his hasty remarks earlier made you think he was quite cocky, but in reality he was a sweet guy.
“i’m sorry, that wasn’t quite funny, was it?”
zhanghao straightened himself up and smiled.
“to be completely honest, i think that if your parents don’t want to support your choices regarding your career, let them do whatever they want. if it makes your happy, do it for you and put yourself first.
zhanghao stares at you endearingly, making you blush.
suddenly, zhanghao stands up and pulls you towards the sand. his hands were holding yours, making your heart beat up and down.
“let’s watch the stars”
you both were laying down on the sand, losing track of time as your conversation went on for what seemed like days. stargazing with zhanghao made you realise maybe this weekend getaway wasn’t so bad after all.
that morning, you woke up completely covered in sand, embracing the stranger you met on the beach.
zhanghao’s coat was draped around your shoulders. once your realised, you could feel your cheeks burning up.
you exchanged numbers and parted ways. during the drive back home, your parents were screaming at you, but all you could think about was zhanghao.
just as your mom was yelling at the top of her lungs, you get a text from zhanghao.
“could we perhaps grab a bite later? i’ll come pick you up ❤️”
from then on, the boy on the beach became infatuated with you. he was the boost of serotonin and you were the medicine that mended all his problems.
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travellingarmy · 2 years
Hiii I was wondering if you have any time could you write a brother’s friend trope where reader is the little sibling of Kalim and while she’s visiting during the VDC she meets Vil and falls in love with him all while being really shy. Of course if it’s to much trouble you don’t have to
Have a wonderful day <3
║Vil Schoenhit║ Brother, I’m in Love!
Reader: She/her pronouns + titles. 
Warning(s): Slight changes to canon.
All rights reserved. Do not steal/copy and paste it anywhere else.
The sun is just barely peeking out when Scarabia’s dorm is making a huge ruckus. If the seven dorms were any closer, it’s a sure that Crowley will be receiving noise complaints day in and day out. They were rowdy, sure, but that is just the energy that the dorm always has.
The same, slightly high-pitched voice screams for Jamil further down Scarabia’s dorm hall and by the sounds of it, it was drawing ever the nearer with every second. “Jaaamil!”
The voice stops short right at the entrance of the kitchen. “Oh, Jamil! I knew I’d find you here, hehe.” White hair as bright as the moon and red eyes brighter than the gems who share the same colour skips inside the kitchen with glee, snickering excitedly. “Anyway, Jamil, Jamil—“ 
“Just spit it out, Kalim! Stop screaming my name for Seven’s sake!” Jamil rubs the bridge of his nose, showing how annoyed he was. His head had been ringing all day long but it’s only still early in the morning; just a quarter to seven. This is what was meant when the other dormitories would be annoyed to be hearing ruckus from Scarabia, especially Savanaclaw and their lazy, always-seem-to-be-sleeping dorm leader. Ah, but there’s also Pomfiore. Can’t forget Pomfiore students who prioritize their “beauty” sleep. Maybe Diasomnia will forgive them.. Their dorm leader and vice dorm leader are nocturnal creatures anyway. 
“Have you prepared it? Have you? Have you?” Kalim’s eyes turned into stars as he waited for the answer, his words were vague but nothing that Jamil couldn’t understand. Jamil could only sigh at his master’s silliness, “It’ll come later today, but still today just as requested. The item is particularly rare so delivery is taking a longer route to avoid the item being stolen.” He crossed his arms. 
“Haha, I knew I could count on you, Jamil!” The white-haired male grins and pats Jamil’s back proudly. As annoying he is being right now, Jamil felt that he was slightly restless before. He understands where this is coming from. After all, the one he cherishes the most is coming tomorrow and Jamil knew that Kalim wants nothing but the best of gifts. 
“Hehe, I can’t wait for the VDC tomorrow!”
Both the old and new alike, all sorts of transportation vehicles from modern cars to carriages were entering through the school’s gate one at a time. Of course, there’s those who walked and others who flew (or just straight up teleported there). 
VDC is usually packed with all sorts of people and this year was no different. Giants, faes, humans.. All walks of life were gathered in one place to see what this year has in store for their hunger for some entertainment.. Aaand there were also those agents scouting for talents. 
“Do you see her? Do you? Do you?” Kalim scans over the ocean of heads excitedly, looking for a particular head that he knew O’ so well from one of the school’s balconies. “Calm down. She’ll come so stop yapping, will you?” Jamil crosses his arms and leans back on the wall adjacent to the railings. Kalim looks behind him at his companion and slightly pout. “But what if she doesn’t come?”
“She will. She said in her letter and you know she doesn’t lie,” he says confidently, but secretly still praying anyway that she really does show up and nothing bad has happened along the way. 
“AH!” Kalim slams his hands on the concrete rails which alerted Jamil. “What? Hey, don’t just suddenly scream like that, you idiot!” He uncrosses his arms and lectures him. “Wait, hey— What are you doing!? Hey—!!” Before he knew it, Kalim threw himself over the rails over a height that could kill a person on impact. Jamil runs towards the rails and looks down, stomach churning at the possible thought of seeing his body around a pool of blood and on VDC of all days too! And before anyone knew it, the event would have shut down before it even started all because of this fool—
“Hehe!” Just below, Kalim sits atop a magic carpet and heads in a particular direction. “You idiot!” Jamil’s teeth grinding on each other. He nearly had a heart attack because of him for Seven’s sake! “My life has been shortened..” He says as he feels a part of his soul leaving him.
“[Naaame]!” Kalim shouts from over the heads of many, causing onlookers to look up in curiosity. 
You were standing at one of the stalls, looking on with sparkly eyes just before someone had yelled out your name. You blink, registering that it wasn’t just your head messing with you and wiped away the drool pooling at the corner of your mouth. The aroma of the corndogs is making it too hard to resist for your never satisfied stomach. 
Nevertheless, your head looks around for the source of the voice. 
“[Naaame]!” This time, your heads were drawn to the sky at a speedily approaching figure. “Is that.. EH!? Kalim, wait! You’re going to— BONK!” He collided with you head first and sent both of you toppling down on the ground. 
“Urgh.. Kalim..” You push yourself up with your arms and rub a growing pain on your forehead. “What was—“
“Hehe! [Name], [Name]! You really came!” Kalim pushes himself up (though still on top of you) and grins an all too familiar grin. Seeing him again and that familiar of a smile, whatever lecture you were about to spew died on your tongue.
Even though he was older out of the two of you, he was much like the younger sibling than you did. He acted more excitable like that of a young child rather than a young adult that he is. Nevertheless, you loved him as his sibling. “Of course I’d come,” you say softly, so soft that it could be considered a whisper. “Why, did you think I wouldn’t show up?” 
He got up and extended a hand out for you, that signature grin still smeared on his face. “Hehe, I knew you’d come!” He says cheerfully. You returned a smile of your own. You looked around and over his shoulder, noticing that something was amiss. “Oh, Kalim, where is–” “Kalim!” Before you could proceed with your sentence, a shrieking voice drew ever the near quickly. 
Pushing people aside, Jamil parts a wall of bodies until he got to where you both were. “Do you have any idea how reckless of a stunt that was!? Have you gone mad!!?” There was Jamil with a scolding on his lips. “Hehe, sorry! I saw [Name] so I went up to her!” He laughs. 
“Went up to her, how!? You threw yourself off the balcony and nearly gave me a heart attack!” He had so many things to say which you found it to be something to laugh at; how Jamil acts is like a mother hen to her chicks and you found it endearing. 
“Ah, [Name], it’s good to see you here,” Jamil finally says, now acknowledging your presence. “Sorry about that outburst.” You giggled with a smile, “It’s fine. I’m sure Kalim has given you a handful of problems leading up to today.” 
He rests his hands on his hips and sighs deeply, shaking his head with a defeated look. “You wouldn’t believe..” 
Kalim butts in with an elated look and pumping both of his fists up and down in front of his chest. “Ah! [Name], [Name]! I got you something!” he said and looked toward Jamil with a look of expectancy. “Oh right..” You just now noticed that Jamil had been holding a small, rectangular box when he extended his hand out to you. 
You look at both men– Kalim was bouncing excitedly on the spot and Jamil nodded– before taking the gift. Inside was a necklace with a huge orb and two slightly smaller ones on each side. It had the colour of the desert– a raging, orange fire. There was some gold too that held the entire piece beautifully and would rattle like coins in a pouch. 
“These are the eyes of a queen scorpion that have been torched into glass,” Jamil said. “It was difficult to find but Kalim wouldn’t stop nudging me.” Kalim gives a toothy laugh and you couldn’t help but smile even more. “Thank you both.” 
“Aww, [Name]!!” Kalim sees the adorable smile on your face and couldn’t help but pull you into a bone crushing hug. “See, Jamil! I knew it would be worth it! Did you see how cute she was?” He rubs his cheeks against yours as if he can’t get enough of your physical touch.
It was like that for a while until an announcement came on that the main event would start soon. “Ah! Kalim, hurry up! We have to go or else Vil will have our heads.” 
“Hm? Where are you guys going?” You asked. “Ah, [Name], it was going to be a surprise but you see, Kalim and I are one of the performers,” he quickly explains, already grabbing onto Kalim’s arm to pry him off of you. “Oh, I see! Good luck to you two!” Were the only things you said so that you wouldn’t keep them too long. 
“You’ll come watch us, right, [Name]?” Kalim asks, although probably already knowing the answer. You nod and smile. “Of course, I will!” 
Now by yourself in a massive crowd, it was pretty easy to push you around without Jamil or Kalim. “Excuse me.. Excuse– oh!” Amidst the pushing and shoving, you were pushed all the way to an archway that led inside the school building. One more forceful shove and you lost your balance. 
Your eyes closed shut and were expecting pain in your butt that would send straight up your head but however, you didn’t. Your eyes opened and blinked a few times. You were halfway your fall when firm arms hooked underneath your armpits so now you were in that awkward position. 
“Are you alright?” A voice drew your attention over your shoulders and thereupon you felt you’ve been deprived of oxygen as you held your breath at the sigh of a man. The word ‘beautiful’ couldn’t even hold a candle to him. And it seems like he was awe-struck too with how his eyes widened slightly and eyebrows raised a bit, but you didn’t need to know that. 
He asks again if you were okay and this time, you push yourself on your feet, a growing blush dusting your cheeks. “A-ah yes.. I, I’m okay!” You smile awkwardly and hope you didn’t stare too long and eye him like a candy. 
He nods and was about to say something until a voice the became louder as it came closer drew his attention away. “Roi du poison! Oh how I had searched for you, roi du poison!” Now, a blonde man wearing a hat entered the conversation- if it could have been called that. “Roi du poison, i had worried you had been taken or worse, suddenly getting the blue and thus cannot perform anymore!” 
“As if I’d lose the opportunity to outshine Neige,” the beautiful man was now having a full conversion with his friend and you just stood there awkwardly. Just as they began to turn to leave, he stopped and looked back at you, now just remembering he had helped somebody. You straighten your back which he found silly. “Pfft.” He contains a laugh, disguising it as a cough behind a hand. “I hope to see you around.” He smiles one last time before joining his friend that awaited him just a little bit away from you two. 
You were left there in a confused state all the while your face being flushed pink. You were repeating the last thing he said to you and deep down,  you were silently praying that you’d get to meet him. Was it a spell that he casted, to make anyone be enthralled by him? 
The speakers came again, snapping you out of a daze. You once again joined the crowd– that was fortunately and unfortunately less crowded– and sat at the furthest row from the seat since the front rows were very much full. 
Like the rest, you were excited but more so to see Kalim perform. But what you weren’t expecting to see when he did come on was that the man from earlier was also on stage alongside him. “Ah.” Suddenly remembering the moment that just passed, you did recall him wearing the school’s uniform. Well, what were you expecting? It’s not like someone like him who possibly could be a supermodel to not go to such a prestigious school. 
Safe to say that your attention had been diverted away from Kalim. 
“[Name], [Name]! Did you like my dance?” Kalim now joins you by the hip after the performances have been finished. Jamil was there too, standing close by. “Hm? Oh, yes, I did!” You smiled and chuckled a bit. You sweatdrop at the thought that he knew that you hadn’t been paying attention to him at all and thus would make him pout. 
“Ah, that performance is making me hungry.. Let’s go eat, [Name]!” Kalim drags you by the wrist and Jamil follows. He sure is energetic despite him being hungry and probably tired from the performance. “Ooh! Look, look! Shawarmas!” Kalim halted in his steps when he was parallel to a food stall selling shawarmas. There were stars in his eyes as he eyes them. 
“Let’s get some, [Name]!” He says and turns his head towards Jamil since he forgot to bring money. Jamil sighs, fishing out a pouch of coins. “Just 2, and some packet of hot sauce,” Jamil says to the vendor. “Hm? You’re not getting any, Jamil?” You ask. He shook his head, saying that he’s not hungry and he doesn’t have a big appetite unlike Kalim. 
“Hehe, these are so good!” After getting your food, Kalim was the first to take a big bite out of his. You look on fondly at his childlike manner before taking a bite out of yours. 
“Hm? Kalim, do you know her?” Just then, a voice steps in to join the small group and you turn your head to see the same person that had saved you from a fall and you began to choke on the food. “[Name]!” Jamil was quick to aid you and grab a bottle of water to down the food. 
“Hm, of course!” Kalim grins and rests an arm around your shoulder. “She’s my little sister, [Name]!” 
“Little sister?” His eyebrows raised but quickly returned to its natural, resting  position. “Roi du poison, isn’t this the little maiden from earlier?” his companion was there too. “I must apologize for not having the chance to introduce myself and swiftly taking him away from you earlier.” He takes off his hat and places it on top of his heart and dips down slightly. So elegant, you thought. 
“Hmm? You know them, [Name]? Your brother looked at you and you nodded. “Well, not really.. He was there when I was about to fall and helped me..” You corrected. 
“In that case, why don’t I introduce you to my friends!” Kalim beams with excitement, so happy that you’d be getting to know more students from NRC. “This is Rook,” he points to the one with the hat first, “And this is Vil!” He points to the one whom you have been enchanted to meet. So his name is Vil, you thought, your face slightly feeling warm.
“Hehe, and this is [Name]!” Kalim hugs you tightly, making you embarrassed how he babies you so much. You were telling Kalim to stop but you overheard the soft mention of your name, drawing your attention to Vil. “[Name].. It’s a beautiful name,” he says and looks at you with soft eyes. “It’s been a pleasure to meet you and I’m sorry to cut this short but I have to go now.”
“O-oh.. Okay..” You were disappointed at just how brief the moment was, but at least you got to know his name.
Later that evening, when you returned home, what you didn’t expect to see on your phone the moment you got to relax was a notification– a notification that Vil had followed your Magicam account. Suddenly remembering him, your cheeks became the colour of a rose. 
You opened the app in order to follow him back but was surprised at the huge number of followers he had. “Oh wow..!” You followed him back and began to stalk his page. The pictures were all well polished as if he was someone super popular. “He might be..” You mumbled. Just then, a notification popped up that someone had messaged you– it was Vil. 
You panicked, not sure what to do but before you could do any of that, you first checked what he even sent. 
I hope to know more about you. Let’s talk some time. It reads. You became giddy that you had possibly gain the attention of someone so beautiful. With a smile that no one could ever see, you began to type away.
If you noticed I got lazy at the end, no you didn’t. 
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casualwriters · 6 months
The Suprise Visitor Afab Black Reader X Halsin
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Summary - You have always been of the Grid and living freely but one day you found an injured Bear and took him back to Your place but in the morning, you found a man in its place.
Warning - Nudeness, Shapeshifting, Mid gore and blood.
A/n I had no ending idea, but I enjoyed making this ♡
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It was past sunset around where the moon would come out to play, and now it was the time to get a flower that only bloomed at night. walking barefoot through the wet grass the white dress sleeves fell loose around her arms the basket was being held up the herbs and stranded flowers loose in the basket.
You forgot to grab some flowers and herbs earlier that day you were busy helping some older woman healing their wounds, at times you will help people for gold. That was a rare occasion only when tight with coin.
The Wind pushed her loose hair back when she decided to walk deeper in the woods you knew you were not going to get lost of course, not you knew the woods like the back of your palm.
You had to thank your mother for that at such a young age she had made sure every aspect of the woods and the hidden places that you knew off so if you got lost you knew the way back.
Branches snapped under your bare feet, the dirt sneak into your skin and you never did mind you were always taught to embrace what nature gave you Lathander had sacrifice many things for you to be happy where you are.
Walking further in the wood, there was a gruesome scream. In a blink, you bend down, grabbing the dagger that was tied around your thigh. Standing your ground, you had followed the scream many things were telling you not to go over there, but your worship as a cleric was saying to help anyone you could.
"Hello?" You said walking to the area where a waterfall was falling down behind the gore that you saw, setting the dagger back not seeing any threat around you.
"Oh, by the Gods." Mumbling, your eyes fell over to the Iron Fist dead body. Why were they here they never crossed into the woods their territory was in the lower city? And they were never hostile. Why did they attack.
Walking closer to the Waterfall you could see an animal cover in blood your instincts took over mumbling a chant to Lathander a blue aura went around the bear who was bleeding the wounds that came from the iron fist swords healed up.
You hoped it worked, and when the bear eyes open, you fell from a crouching position to flat on the floor. "I don't mean you any harm." Your voice wavered from fear to anxiety, your hands held up in surrender. The beast could barely get up even with the chant that was spoken, your stomach fell in your throat, and you frowned, seeing the pain in the bears eyes.
"Is it okay if i take you back to my place?" you said sitting on the ground you hand went to brush over his round ear, he didn't fight agents it he nodded his head, and you knew it would be the best to bring him back that were all your herbs was, so that what you did.
The night fell to midnight, passing out agents the table where you normally did a lot of your potions and medicine.
Leaning agents your hand that was holding your head up, your eyes fluttering open from hearing a sound forgetting that you had saved a poor bear the day before.
Hearing the crash from your shelf you walked over about to grab the Mace that she barley use but right now sounded like a good time to use it.
Holding the Mace in one hand you walked closer to where the noise was it seemed liked, they were robing her herb shelf she wasn't sure.
"Oh gods!" Yelping and before she covers eyes, you saw the tall man his brown hair was tucked in a ponytail in the back, some scars more like scratch's going straight down his back.
"Oh, by the Oak farther!" his voice ranged out and when he turned around you cover your eyes before anything else could be shown, cheeks brighter than tomatoes.
"Are you okay?" your voice rang out like a mouse compared to his own voice. The silence spoke and when he spoke again a small smile grace your face. "I am so sorry just clumsy.''
you snicker and walk over to the Wardrope picking up some male cloths for him.
The Druid turned his body and walked closer to your small frame, his scent smell like Pine and Peppermint.
"Did I scare you?" he says his voice deep and sweet. You open your big hazel eyes and nodded seeing him put over the shirt you gave him, the gash up his rib's barley healing.
you turned around and moved to the herbs and table that was filled with random toxic plants healing and much more healing herbs.
you could still see the gash that was on his stomach.'' A little bit but i was excepting you just as a bear" you teased and he laughed.
"Is it too late to tell you i am druid my name Halsin" You nodded moving around the tables and grabbing the grinder to grind the herbs as you gave him your name snickering at his humor.
It was silenced has you were working around the table and making a herbal medicine "Thank you for saving me" Halsin said.
Shaking your head "Why wouldn't I you were helpless and alone " You walked closer "can you lift up your shirt" Halsin had to look down at you to look at your eyes, no one made you nervous when you first met them, but he did.
Your small hand scoops the medicine in your hand running the cold substance on the gash "how do you know so much about medicine?"
Smiling and pushing the loose strands of hair that fell from your face "My mother was cleric, and my father was a druid" He hummed "maybe i should get injured more often" he chuckles, and you laugh.
"Just let it dry, okay?" you walked over to the fireplace. "If you're in no rush, i am cooking like to stay." Halsin walked as he slipped over the shirt."Only if you have me, I love too."
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hughessdemon · 1 year
OH , to see you again || J. Hughes PT 1 .
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friendly reminder - I literally have never written a blurb or any kind of fic since I was twelve so please bye 😭.
Flash back -
JUNE 21 , 2019
sitting in the arena nervously— I was to hooked on Jack , watching him smile and laughing along with the other nhl drafts. He looked comfortable and confident tonight his arm around Ellen , making talks with everyone around him . I wasn’t so worried about Jack as much now unlike this morning . I made small conversation here and there with Quinn and Luke beside us .
I’ve been part of the Hughes family since the day I was introduced to Luke in middle school, us in 6th grade ; meanwhile Jack was in 8th grade , I’ve always had a crush on Jack I never thought he would but he indeed was crushing on me , so ever since we’ve been together 24/7 . it took a while for Luke to even like the idea his best friend was dating his older brother , but he indeed liked the idea of having her around more ; so needlessly he never complained about it. But tonight was important to Jack , his whole family necessarily . I was grateful for tonight .
I knew he was going to be drafted off to Jersey , I wasn’t happy with him leaving us like that . But I was prepared somehow knowing he was NHL first pick - i don’t want him to go but this is his dream he had since a child I can’t stop him…. knowing he’s gonna be busy for the next few weeks with his debut , I didn’t mention to him I was leaving forever tonight….. I wasn’t going to ruin his day nor do I need him hurt more . My parents as well have no idea neither Luke ; I was invited to California to debut as an actress / singer , I guess this was my only chance to run away from my heart before Jack breaks it . ….
Everyone in the stadium screaming , listening , and camera flashing every minute as Nhl has announced, Jack’s name for the New Jersey Devils . tears overflowing out everyone eyes , you hear Jack screaming “LETS GO BABY!!” as he goes to hug you tightly with the happiest smile on his face . He left his jacket with you as he went on to the stage for his jersey … you were so happy for him screaming “LETS GO HUGHES BABY” . after few words here and there , you needed to leave but Jack wasn’t in sight due to multiple interviews, who knew when he would come back . You couldn’t miss your flight ; if you did there’s no you would ever leave Jack …. you walked up to Quinn who looked so much brighter then few hours ago , giving him a hug telling him “I’m going back to the hotel I need some assignments to finish tonight .” as you pass him Jack’s jacket as you lied straight to Quinn’s face - holding your tears back . He asked you “aren’t you going to say goodnight to Jack he’ll back soon ?” holding onto your purse shaking your head , no that you won’t say bye to the person you love the most .
“You arrived to your destination madam” as your Uber driver pulls up to your hotel , you thank her and you leave her car . Rushing into your room collecting your belongings and everything , cleaning out your and Jack’s hotel room making it look like you never were here with him . Tears flowing down your face as you zip up your luggage . Almost heading out you looked back once , debating if you should leave a note for Jack , but you didn’t at the end fear of hurting him more then what you’re doing now …..
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