#'I tried so hard to make the ‘mr stark i don’t feel so good’ quote into a cat pun but i wasn’t strong enough. im so sorry boss'
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wordynerdygurl · 4 years
The Guy
Author’s Note:  Hello my lovelies!  I have to say, I love writing requests and taking part in Challenges.  It helps me sharpen my skills!  But, with the insane way the world is right now, I offered to participate in one... then lost the details.  So, with my sincere appreciation for @lancsnerd​ ,who kindly sent me a reminder about my missing “assignment”, I present the following! Summary/ Prompt:  A quote of “He’s the guy” and my boy, Loki Pairing:  Female Reader x Loki Warnings:  Swearing, Implied Smut, Fluff, Soft Loki
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“Are you gonna tell me what I want to know?  Or… do we have to do this the hard way?”  Gravel filled and low, the Winter Soldier had you pinned against the rough brick wall, his metal arm holding your wrists together.
“Ooph!  Bucky!  Get off!”  “Make me, princess!”  
Kicking your legs free, you swung around Bucky, locking him in a bear hug from behind.  Squeezing him with your thighs, your forearms wrapped around his strong neck, “Tap out, Buck!” Wheezing, staggering back, Bucky tried spinning you around but even his metal arm was unable to grab you, “Never!” Applying more pressure to his windpipe, you grunted, “Give me the win!” “No way”, you felt his hard hand grip your thigh, breaking your hold.  Suddenly you were untethered, above your feet was the ceiling of the gym, and then there was no breath in your lungs.  Bucky had managed to flip you over and slam you down onto the waiting mat with reverberating force.  Gasping loudly, you curved up to meet Bucky’s waiting hand, “You alright, doll?”
Shaking your head, sitting up, “That was a dirty trick, Barnes.  I had you and you know it.” “Yea… but you still haven’t answered my question, so I couldn’t let you win.”  Pulling you to your feet easily, Bucky threw his arms around you, his warm hug an easy way to make sure there would be no lasting damage from your sparring session. “Why do you want to know so bad?”  Lowering yourself to the workout bench, forearms resting on your knees, you kept a close watch on your sparring partner. Tossing you a towel, Bucky grabbed both of your water bottles, sitting down on the mat in front of you.  Wiping the sweat away from your forehead, slugging down the cool water, you kicked at the super soldier sitting criss cross applesauce.  Leaning back, resting his weight on his arms stretched behind him, “Because...  I worry about you.  I want to make sure you’re safe… and I want to believe this guy is good enough for you.” Considering his words, you snapped your bottle shut, nodding, “I get it, Bucky.  I really do.  I’m just… not ready to talk about it.” Sensing your hesitation, Bucky patted your knee, “Just know that I’m here when you are ready.  And if he fucks up, I’ll kill him.” Laughing, you stood up with a groan, “Thanks, I’ll keep that in mind!” At dinner that night, Steve knocked into your shoulder, “Hey kiddo.”
“Hey Stevie!  How are you?” “It’s spaghetti night, what more does a guy need?”  It was an easy exchange, making you chuckle as he loaded a plate high with pasta and sauce before settling himself into the chair next to you. Unfolding a napkin to lay over his trousers, “Bucky told me you’ve met someone?” Flicking your eyes to the Winter Soldier, who all of the sudden was very interested in something Tony was saying, you munched on your garlic bread.  Swallowing thickly and patting your mouth clean, you turned to Steve, “Oh, he did huh?” “Yes… but he says you won’t give up this guy’s name?”  Concern was present on your friend’s face.  While you appreciated Steve's sentiment, it wasn't necessary, not entirely.  You knew what you were doing and you didn't want to be talked out of it, even by your well intentioned friends.
"I don't know why everyone cares so much.  He's a guy… I'm a girl… it's traditional and boring."
Swirling a fork through his saucy plate, lifting those dutiful blue eyes to yours, "So why the secrecy?"
Chewing, thoughtful, you considered Steve's question.  It was valid.  You were quick to acknowledge that, answering, "Um… because we're still in that love bubble.  Ya know?"
Chiming in, Bucky curious now, "Love bubble?  I don't know what that is… what does that mean?  Love bubble?"
"It's that time in a new relationship when… um… it's like…" words failing, you desperately tried to give structure to your argument.
Interrupted by Loki, sulking at the end of the long table, "She doesn't want to share her paramore.  Greedily, she wants to keep the pair in a love bubble.  Separate and safe from any interference.  Unpopped, if you will."
"Is that true? You don't want us to bug you?"  Bucky's eyes widened at the thought.
Shrugging, you dug around for another meatball, "Kinda… Look, it's not that I don't love you, Buck.  Or that I don't trust you, Steve.  It's just… all of you can be a lot to deal with.  And-" looking at the faces of each of your Avenger friends, "-my… guy… I really, really like him.  I don't want to scare him away."
Admitting it out loud, that was taking a lot of your courage but you were being completely honest.  This guy, he was just about perfect and you didn't want to blow that by bringing him around your overprotective people so soon.  Natasha, the group's mama bear, smiled.  "Seems reasonable to me.  Give her some time, fellas… if he's half as great as she says, we'll like him well enough."
Steve, smiling a little in your direction, "I don't know who he is… but it seems like he makes you happy!"
Bucky, over protective, kept hounding you, "When will I get to meet him?"
"Soon, Buck.  I promise." 
"I wonder who it is… this man you care about so much that you're protecting him from us, your dearest friends!"  It was Loki, musing from afar that made the observation, his sharp eyes on you.
"I told you-" It was Tony’s turn to interrupt, loudly calling, “FRIDAY?”
“Yes, Mr. Stark?” “Start a pool.  Five dollar buy in, guesses on who this guy is… whoever has the winning answer gets the kitty!” “Tony!  Not cool!  And, not necessary!  You guys don’t really need to do this!”  But your protests went unheard as chatter erupted and a round of bills were flung on the table. Steve, murmuring to Bucky across the table, “What was that guy at the coffee shop?  Cameron?  Carson?” Snapping his fingers, Bucky answered, “Carlton!”
“He’s my guess, Tony.”  “Shit, Steve.  That’s not fair… but, ok.  Ok, my guess is Matt.  That guy from the pizza place who kept bringing extra chicken fingers for you!  You’d never admit to a date with him!”  Bucky, smug and pleased, sat back content with his detective work.
“Natasha?  Thoughts?”  Tony was typing away, his interface with FRIDAY recording all the back and forth, compiling the list of possible boyfriend candidates. Tapping her lip, Nat watched you, “Hmm… Is it Warren?  The kid from China Star who rode the Kawasaki and always wanted to take you for a ride?”
Clint leaned over you, grabbing a breadstick as he threw down a ten, “I want to put Charles, from the IT department on the list… and Juan, the recycling rep.  Both of those guys follow you around like puppies and I could see you taking pity on at least one of them!” “Nope.  No way!  She went out with Charles once already.  He was the guy who ate her french fries at dinner.  Big No-No!”  “Rhodes, how do you remember that shit?  Fine, not Charles then.  What about Frankie?  The dude from the diner?”  Clint asked the assembled team, looking for someone to back him up.
Mortified, hiding behind your hands, you grimaced.  The list, it kept growing, and you could feel icy eyes of judgement lighting you up from across the room.  You knew you’d have to answer questions later.
Jane, having joined Thor at the table, was getting caught up on your situation.  Conspiring with her Norse God of a boyfriend, she chuckled, slapping a bill on the table with the announcement, “Our money is on Loki.”
Silence overtook the room.  Everybody stared at the small, brunette scientist, evaluating if her suggestion was real or a joke.  A guffaw broke out of you and quickly gathered steam, propelling you directly into a hiccup filled giggle fit.  In a flash everyone joined in, the idea of you and Loki being together was at once so hilarious and unbelievable. It was also diverting enough that the talk of your love life died completely.  Grateful and satisfied, you finished dinner without any other questions, even offering to do the dishes.  While you were scraping remnants into the compost bucket, you felt the room’s temperature drop, noticing that Loki had slid into the room, "Love bubble is it?"
Dropping the plates into the sink, plunging your hands into the soapy water, his strong ones glide over your shoulders, "Yes.  I'm really enjoying our little bubble of love."
“Me too.”  Pressing a small kiss to the curve of your neck, Loki pulled your body close, hugging you tightly from behind.  As Loki was nearly a foot taller than you, it was nothing to tip your head up, his welcome mouth finding yours for a soft kiss.  Curving your back, your bottom rubbed against his pelvis, his desire already rising. “Although, they had a lot of suggestions, my innocent little kitten.  Should I be worried?” Shaking your head, “No.  None of those… meatballs compare with you, Loki.” “Good.  That makes me glad… and I’m pleased to know how coveted you are, my pet.”  Roving hands took the liberty of sliding under the hem of your shirt, fingertips just grazing over your bra covered breasts.
Sighing into Loki’s loving touch, “Not that you were much help!"
"What can I say?  I like seeing you squirm"  his lethal voice purred, warm against your ear.
Pirouetting in his arms, your damp hand brushing back a strand of dark curls, "Jane almost gave us away.” A small smile, almost sad, pulled down Loki’s lips, “Is the idea of you loving me so hilarious?”
“Not to me.”
His head dipped, lowering those pink lips to your own, almost colliding… when laughter, drawing near, broke your moment of connection. Effectively ending your private chat, Thor stomped confidently into the room unaware of the way Loki jumped back as if scalded, or the way your hands trembled at the possibility of discovery.  “Brother!  I need to speak with you!” Flicking his desire filled eyes to yours, Loki smirked, “Of course… to what do I owe the honor?” “I have asked Jane to be my bride!” “Brother!  It’s about time Jane made an honest man out of you!”  Loki, more than a little surprised but genuinely pleased for his sibling, hugged Thor close.  “YAY!  That’s so exciting!  Have you guys picked a date yet?”  Wiping your hands dry, leaning against the sink, you were happy to hear all of Thor's big news. Shaking his blonde head excitedly, “We shall be wed in three months time… and I was hoping that Loki would play for our special day?” 
Loki, blushing a deep rosy pink, “Thor… It’s been years.” 
“So?  What of that, God of Mischief?  You always find a way”, wagging a finger at his dark hued brother, Thor’s teasing grin was sweet. Piling on excuses, trying to gently defer his brother’s marital request, Loki added, “I don’t think I have a suitable instrument.”
That was enough for your mouth to hang open, “Wait… you want Loki to perform?  Like play music?  At your wedding?”  “Of course!  He’s the best chamber musician in Asgard.  Possibly the entire Nine Realms.”  Pride filled Thor’s words at Loki’s accomplishments, something you found impossibly charming, even if you couldn’t quite believe what he said was true.  
“Thor, really… I don't think-" Clapping a broad hand onto his younger brother's shoulder, Thor’s tone changed, “Music from home, Loki. It would mean so much, especially since… Mother and Father-”  
Loki held up a hand, stopping Thor from going further into emotional sincerity, unable to bear the rawness in his brother’s words.  Closing his eyes, agreeing, “Fine.  Ok, I’ll… I’ll do it!’  Loki could sense your watchful eyes on him, curious and questioning, as he gave into his older brother.    
With his easy smile spreading, Thor’s joy pushed the cloud of sadness away, “Our special day will be filled with music!  And flowers!  Jane has a whole… Pinterest board?  I don’t know what that is but she’s filled it with ideas-” spinning around to grab you off your feet, Thor continued, “And you’ll be invited too!  All of the team must come, not just my wayward brother!” Getting swept up in Thor’s passionate excitement, you laughed, offering up more congratulations and promises of attending.  As your toes touched the floor, Thor pulled Loki away, “Jane says you will take Darcy as a date for the ceremony.” Tilting his head, Loki shrugged shyly, speaking loud enough for you to hear, “Uh… actually, I already have a date.” Gripping Loki in a rib smashing hug, Thor squeezed his little brother tightly, “That is marvelous news!  Jane will be so pleased!  So, who’s the lucky girl?” Smiling, you watched them go, happy to see the pair so connected.  You didn’t need to hear Loki’s answer.  You knew who he’d be taking to Thor’s wedding.
That night, as you were toweling dry your cropped hair, a pop of green light signaled the arrival of your secret boyfriend.  He was positively electric, grabbing you by the terry robe covered hips, and kissing you swiftly.  Loki's hands rubbed over the soft fabric on your back until they cradled your smiling face, "Hmm… you smell so clean that it makes me think dirty thoughts."
Giggling, you rose up on your toes, curling your hands into his tangle of dark hair.  You bent his waiting mouth to your own, savoring the sensation of shared breath, as your tongue flicked over Loki's lips, “Dirtier than that?” Nodding, his heated look hungry, “Oh yes.” "How dirty are we talking?", you teased, resting your cheek against Loki's chest.  His rich laugh, rumbling through his core, joined your own.  Pressing his forehead to yours, Loki sighed sweetly, "I missed you…"
"I just saw you at dinner!"
"But it's been too long.  I… I need more."
Turning to hang up your towel, over your shoulder, "More what, my prince?"
"More of you."  Having gained on you while your back was turned, Loki was behind you now, wrapping his long arms around your waist.
Squealing, delighted, "LOKI!  Someone will hear!"
Dropping you quickly on the mattress, Loki shimmied up beside you, toying with the open collar on your robe, "So?"
"So… they'll find you here."
Thoughtfully, Loki’s proud look captured your own, "Maybe I don't care.  Not anymore… Maybe I don't want to keep you and me… us, a secret."
Swallowing hard, your gaze trapped by Loki's earnest expression, "Really?  You're ready to pop the love bubble?"
His fingertips brushed over the thin skin between your breasts, "Yes?  I… I think so.  Are you?"
Biting on your bottom lip, scrutinizing his handsome face, "Loki, I…"
Freezing, his hand stalled, and Loki sat back on his heels.  Looking out your window, shoulders slumping in resignation, "You don't want to tell anyone.  You are ashamed to be with me."
Swiftly sitting up, cupping his face with your hands, crooning, "No, no, no, no, no, no!"
Shrugging away from your touch, "You don't care for me, not like you claim to, if you won't declare your feelings for all to hear."
"Loki!  That's not it at all."  
Letting you tug him closer, Loki's tear filled eyes still refused to meet your own, "Loki… I… I love you.  And… I just don't want to share you.  Not yet, anyway.  That is-" putting your arms around his neck until you were nose to nose with the red-rimmed eyes of an emotional Odinson, "-my only reason for keeping our romance quiet."
Whispering, Loki was too shocked to shake you off, "You… love me?"  His voice wavered, as if the idea of being loved by you had never been a real possibility, as if something impossible was occurring right here and now.
On your knees, sighing, you started pressing tiny kisses along those sharp as knives cheekbones, "Yes.  I am crazy in love with you, Loki Odinson."
Loki had held you tightly before; in the night when terrific dreams haunted his sleep, in the night when he claimed your body for his own.  But this embrace, after telling the dark Prince the truth in your heart, had no equal.  
Still taller than you, even though you were both kneeling, Loki's right arm wove around your waist forcing your hips flush with his own.  His left supported your back, his hand cradling the nape of your neck, helping him kiss you soundly.  It was conquering.  
You were his.  Body and soul.  What's more?  He was yours.
Coming up for air, panting from the work of loving you, "My dove, my dearest one… I love you too."
Shucking your robe was easy and Loki savored the lavender soap scented skin he exposed.  If a spot of you wasn’t kissed, it was licked. If not licked, nipped.  If not nipped, it was caressed.  And Loki was very thorough. When you mewled, weak from forced pleasure, “Loki… please.  Make love to me.” he was eager to comply. “Look at me, darling girl.”  Puffing out your pleasure filled breath, skin dewy with perspiration, you met Loki’s eyes with your own.  Resting his hand over your heart, he lifted your own, letting you feel the pattern of his pulse.  “It beats for you and for you alone.” In the afterglow, laying in Loki’s arms, you stifled another giggle.  Groggy from exertion, Loki opened one eye, “What’s so funny?” “You never told me you play a musical instrument.” “You never asked.”
“Are you any good?”
“You’ll find out when you accompany me to Thor’s wedding.” --- With his heavy cello, Loki took a seat on the edge of the dance floor, taking just a moment to get settled.  A beautifully strange combination of concentration and relaxation mingled over the features you loved so dearly.  Fiddling with strings, taking a moment to tune the instrument, you admired his long, talented fingers as they took their place on the frets. The din of conversation was silenced when the first low note of Loki’s song echoed through the ballroom.  Everyone paused, entranced at the melody weaving its way through the throng of well wishers.  Many were surprised, but not you, not entirely. You knew how long Loki had been preparing for this moment.  It wasn’t all about making Thor’s day special, although, that was surely part of it.  No, he planned to seduce every single person with sound.  Giving all of the attendees a taste of what being loved by Loki was like, he hoped The Avengers would see that he was worthy of you in all ways. Mesmerized, the bow danced over the strings, each note perfectly played.  It wasn’t hard to picture those shapely digits dancing over your skin in the dark of night.  Sending a shiver up your back, you sipped at your champagne, unwilling to take your eyes off of Loki. “I didn’t know he was so talented.”  Bucky, stiff in his tuxedo, sidled up to you with Steve in tow. “Me either.  Look at those fingers fly!” “Guys… hush.”  Shooting a silencing glare their way, you let the music transport you, swaying just a bit at the soothing sound. Too soon, in your opinion, the last lingering note of Loki’s song filled the hall.  Rising swiftly, Loki bowed at the applause, then turned to the happy couple.  Thor hugged his brother close, while Loki kissed Jane’s hand with a gentlemanly air.  Conversations started again, quiet at first, then gaining strength as Loki strode across the room.  Snagging a glass of champagne from a passing tray, his eyes trained on you, Loki accepted accolades as he moved ever closer.  Another server took his empty glass as Loki finally made his way to you.
Scooping you up, Loki spun you slowly in a circle, your gown snapping behind you in an emerald wave of chiffon and lace.  “Loki!  Come on, put me down!” “As my lady commands”, when your mouth passed close enough to his own, Loki kissed you as if you had never kissed before.  You pushed your hands through his dark locks, a hand on each side of his face, “You were amazing, babe.  Just amazing!”
“You really think so?” “Absolutely!”  His arm settled on your waist, keeping you tight to his side, as you were handed another glass of bubbly.
Bucky, leaning against Steve, wore a look of wide eyed shock, “Um.  Loki… what the fuck are you doing?"
"Agent Barnes, do I really need to explain?"
Mouth dropping open, Bucky gaped, "He’s the guy?  Really?  You’re telling me Loki is the guy?” “She’s not telling us, Buck… she’s showing us.”
“But Stevie…?  Loki?  You?  You’re the guy who makes her happy?  The one who she’s been covering for?” Pressing a chaste kiss to your forehead, just a touch guilty, “I am.  And, I’m madly in love with her.” “I’m happy Bucky.  Stevie… really.  Loki is… he’s my everything.  I love him, too.”  
As your secret was outed, the group formed a circle around you and Loki.  Questions were shouted, congratulations extolled, Loki was clapped on the back more than once.  Natasha gave you a wink and the "ok", which was really all the approval you needed. 
“So, who won the pool then?”, Clint couldn’t help asking. “Me… and Thor”, the bride stepped right up to Tony with her hand out ready to take the prize money. “No fair!  He’s your brother in law now.  He probably told you!”  Rhodey chimed in, unsatisfied with the final results. Defending her methods, Jane spun in her wedding dress, “No way!  I used my powers of scientific deduction.  I knew she was head over heels for Loki the night we announced our engagement.” Wondering, you looked at Jane, “You did?  How?  I mean, I didn't tell anyone.  We didn't tell anyone ” “You didn't have to!  You two wouldn’t look at each other.  Dead give away.”  Counting her cash, Jane smiled at you. “That may be true, but I promise you this, Odinson… break her heart and I’ll kill you.”  Bucky shook Loki’s hand good naturedly, if a little too long, stopping only when Steve pulled him away. Gazing down at you, adoration evident in his face, Loki husked, “Not to worry, Agent Barnes.  She has my heart you see... and I plan to be her guy as long as she’ll have me.”
Tagging my Minxes:  @lancsnerd​ @vodka-and-some-sass​ @just-random-obsessions​ @brokenthelovely​ @lots-of-loki​ @thefallenbibliophilequote​ @sammy-jo1977​ @queenofmischief​ @iamverity​ @iluvsumbucky​ @unadulteratedwizardlove​ @wolfsmom1​ @procrastinatinglikeabitch​ @mizfit2​ @shxdowofdarkness​ @nonsensicalobsessions​ @ahintofkiwistrawberry​ @jessiejunebug​ @rorybutnotgilmore​ @crystalizedcaramel​ @lokislittlecorner​ @scrumptious-finicky-illusion​ @capcapcapsicle​ @jamielea81​ @caffiend-queen​ @thenatalie @otakumultimuse-hiddlewhore​ @is-it-madness​ @jenjen8675309​ @alexakeyloveloki​ @poetic-fiasco​ 
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doitwritenow · 4 years
IronStrange Starter Kit - Master Fic Rec List for all Y’all Because You’ve been Asking and I’ve been Avoiding
Hi! All you anons and askers, I made a list!!! Hopefully some of these are what you’ve been after. :D
(Please reblog this, lol, I spent too much time on it...) 
General rules: These are complete unless indicated otherwise, and end happily unless indicated otherwise. There’s a variety of ratings, as I have no qualms against smut, but I don’t usually read it outside of a larger plot. So I don’t think there’ll be many explicit stories on here. Word counts vary; I indicate general length but don’t go into specifics. What else, uh... Bold stuff is the headers and general subjects. I link the titles. Block quotes are author summaries. Enjoy!!
Okay so first off, there are a couple of Fandom Staples who just have leagues worth of good short stories, and if you haven’t read them, then definitely treat yourself to the array:
A Thousand Futures of Me and You - VisionaryGalaxy (Vishanti, what a legend, ily so much). This is a series of unconnected one-shots, each their own and covering a variety of tropes and moments and themes and AUs. They’re so fun (and/or painful and/or thought-provoking and/or tense and/or sexy)! In-character and amazing, consistantly. 
Prompt Collection -  amethyst-noir (Arbonne). (Also a legendary human). This is exactly what it sounds like: a series of prompt fills in all sorts of tones. You’ll almost certainly find something here that feels like it was just made for you!
Alright, onto the individual stories and series!
Long fics/series:
The of overqualified hands and pi figures series - lantia4ever. (This was my first Ironstrange story, and it is no less magical now.)
A series of one-shots, all set in the same alternate verse in which Tony and Stephen first meet following the events of the first Avengers and then continue to meet after that throughout the canon up until Infinity War and eventually beyond it. Becoming friends - and more along the way.
Time After Time - fancylances. (I love love LOVE this one. Highly recommended.) 
Tony Stark is unstuck in time. Stephen Strange might just be the only person in the universe qualified enough to help.
Citizen Erased - Imagined. (This author. Just... such a wonderful, talented, stunning person who makes wonderful, talented, stunning works. This story is masterful.)
What do you do when no one in the world ever manages to remember you?
Anyone who sees Tony Stark promptly forgets he ever existed after mere seconds. When everyone he has ever cared about has lost their memories of him, he goes to Stephen Strange, possibly the only one who can help him lift the curse. But a terrifying danger is coming, and saving the world isn’t an easy job to do when no one can remember who you are.
if only the gods had mercy on us and it’s sequel a soul too deep - orphan_account. (Vishanti, this series...  It’s so beautiful and emotional and heart-breaking and heart-warming. And it has so few views for so many words! One of my absolute favorites, VERY highly recommended.) 
Tony Stark loved Stephen Strange. He loved him more than anyone could ever imagine. But then a terrorist group attacked the convoy. Then there was a car accident. In the middle of it all, there is tired, battered love. (And, maybe, a little bit of genius)
From the Top - lucifersfavoritechild. (Everyone reads this fic. Written by the blogger Monarch Of The Ironstrange Ship, it’s an MCU rewrite around the relationship. Very fun.) 
“Stephen, if you’re . . . there somewhere . . . when I drift off, I’ll be with you again. I can’t wait.”
|| Personally, I think the MCU would be much better as a love story between Stephen Strange and Tony Stark. Don't you?
Starting from Iron Man, and going all the way to Endgame, with all the appropriate stops in between. Let's take it from the top.
UNFINISHED: Skin Deep - Mystical_Magician. (Super cool premise, and super interesting to read! The dynamic here is very fun.)
A battle that should have finally killed Stephen instead launches him into a parallel universe. Exhausted from centuries as Sorcerer Supreme, he chooses instead to explore this new world in any animal form except human. Having hoped for peace at last, he can't stand to be looked up to, to be responsible for others, to have the world on his shoulders.
If he'd hoped to avoid excitement, however, he really should have stayed away when he noticed an enormous explosion and a falling metal suit of armor as he passed through Afghanistan.
UNFINISHED: The End of Infinity - FriendlyNeighborhoodFangirls. (Self rec. Very long, very slow-burn. Canon-compliant Endgame fix-it. I’m trying so hard, lol.)
In 2023, the battle for the universe has been won. At a cost no one can forget, the fight is over—for all but one. Stephen Strange has an idea. An impossible idea spanning dimensions and timelines, life and death, and the lines of good and evil. But he's played impossible odds before—perhaps he never stopped.
All that Loki wanted was to fight, one last time, for the fate of his universe. So when he finds himself fighting for another, crashing into the past, he has a few intended words for the wizard that forced him there. But not before he finds a boy. Or, more accurately, before the boy finds him.
Peter Parker had been waiting for the next mission. He just doesn't expect it to come from the future, armed with a ridiculous story demanding a ridiculous quest. And he doesn't expect not to be able to tell Mr. Stark.
Tony Stark is trying to rebuild from the Civil War, knowing that someday, something will come that he needs to be ready for. And he doesn't know it yet, but two universes are trying to rebuild around him, and that something is already here.
Seven Stones. Five dead. Two universes. And one impossible quest to tie it all back together.
UNFINISHED: Sunrise in Exile - Ragdoll (Keshka). (Another fandom favorite! And for good reason. This is really really good!) 
Tony does the math and realizes their best chance to save the universe is by... not confronting Thanos on his own turf.
So he steals a wizard and a spider and a space ship. And he runs.
(Three humans and an A.I in space, the alien friendships they make along the way, and discovering how science and magic might coexist in a universe where they can be one and the same.)
Shorter plotty ones: 
Out of Suffering - Mystical_Magician. (So this author??? THIS AUTHOR??? Very very good, much yes, very good.) 
Stephen Strange does not like people, but 14,000,605 lifetimes of fighting and dying alongside this small group have worn down his walls. He likes them, gods help him. He might even consider them friends. It’s really for the best that they all go their separate ways once Thanos has been defeated. In their eyes, he’s barely even an acquaintance.
Now if only Tony and Peter would stop surprising him.
moros - spookykingdomstarlight. (Almost got a spot in the angst section. Very good). 
There were fourteen million universes Stephen had birthed into existence and let die and, in far more than he cared to count, the visitor standing before him had become something… dear.
Shaking is Caring - mariadperiad20. (This is just STUNNING. Highly loved.)
5 times Stephen's hands would shake, +1 time they didn't.
It's Kinda Chalky - DestielsDestiny. (This one’s pretty short, but definitely worth it.) 
You can live an entire lifetime by looking into someone’s eyes. His sister used to say that all the time. Stephen never gave it much thought back then. These days, he can think of little else.
Something Magic - Imagined. (Beautiful!)
There is only ever one rule that matters:
do not fall in love with the enemy.
An Idiotic Theory - FriendlyNeighborhoodFangirls. (Self rec! I tried to be funny.)
His wizard has been cursed, again, and Tony's already used up his luck for the day.
(Stephen says it's not a curse. He says Tony's whole daily-allotted karma-based luck theory has minimal merit, citing the fact that Tony had come up with it while he was drunk.)
Tony really should have saved his miracle.
Love Through Time - babywarg (morphaileffect). (I love this one. It sticks with you.) 
Tony discovers an old drawing of, and finally remembers, his invisible friend Stephen from when he was a child.
Alternates - doobler. (Super cool!)
After being punked by a lowbrow magician, Stephen finds himself falling through doors to otherwordly dimensions. How will he ever get home?
132 - 28ghosts. (Soulmate AU! Very fun, incorporates Stephen’s time-loop with Dormammu.)
Ninety-nine point eight percent of humans have a soulmate mark that tells them the age their soulmate will be when they meet them. Tony Stark has a mark. It's just that his is...different than most people's.
(Or: six people who aren't Tony Stark's soulmate, and one who is.)
and when the world falls (I will fall with it) - HeavenChild. (Another multichap soulmate AU. Absolutely lovely.)
Tony will give anything to those he loves.
People will take everything he gives before leaving him in shambles.
Rhodhey, Pepper and Vision have had enough.
Or the five times Tony had his heart broken and the one time he didn't.
i saw the end of the world - JumpToConclusions. (Why has no one read this fic??? It’s so good!!! Stephen knows the future since he saw it on Titan, and things grow more complex from there.)
Tony and Strange are trying to make this work, this being remaking The Avengers. ...And maybe they'll stumble into something else along the way.
Tiresome heart, forever living and dying - Mystical_Magician. (R e a d  t h i s  p l e a s e. The mythology is so cool and the symbolism is so beautiful and the prose is so satisfying. One of my absolute faves.) 
As a fledgling crane, Stephen was too curious for his own good, and it was this curiosity that led to Eugene Strange finding and stealing away his feather robe. Trapped in human form, cruelly forged into the perfect son, not even his father's death freed him when his robe was so well hidden. He only managed to break his father's mold after breaking completely in the aftermath of his accident, and slowly gluing those broken pieces back together at Kamar-Taj, but not even magic could find what had been hidden. Enter Tony, after the defeat of Thanos.
Fluffy ones:
From The Outside - Live. (Hilarious.) 
Being a sentient life-form surrounded by humanity can be hard. Especially when said humans just can't admit their feelings for each other.
Sleeping Iron Man - Golden_Asp. (Another fun one. Perfect balance of ridiculousness with a touch of angst to make it interesting.) 
Stephen Strange stared at the Avengers on his doorstep, Tony Stark flung over Steve Rogers' shoulder like a sack of potatoes. "He touched something, didn't he?" "Yuup." or The one where Tony touches Sleeping Beauty's spindle, is put into an enchanted sleep, and everyone, even Rocket Raccoon, take their turn kissing him. But Tony only has one prince charming.
Doctor Ob(li)vious - lantia4ever. (One of my very favorites. So cute.) 
Stephen starts getting some weird looks from the Avengers, spanning across disturbed, confused and even scared all the way to curious. He dismisses it at first until weird turns into knowing.
And knowing turns into realizing...even if the scheming teenagers had to all but paint it on the walls for him to do so. Oh wait...
Applied Combinatorics in Two-Player Games - 28ghosts. (Short and fun and full of snark.)
After a battle, Tony Stark and Stephen Strange argue about games.
“Chess is not a solved problem.”
“Has been since ‘97, Kasparov versus Deep Blue. Kasparov, 1; Deep Blue, 2; three draws.”
“Chess is a game, not a problem.”
The Courtship of Peter Parker's Father (Figures) - flyingonfeatherlesswings. (Peter plays matchmaker! Adorable.)
Peter couldn't stand to sit by while Tony and Stephen danced around each other any longer. Something had to be done.
Speaking Eyes - Vrishchika. (Not Steve Friendly. Tony is amazing in this. And Stephen is so fantastically dramatic.)
Tony has always had expressive eyes.
The Signs of Sleep Deprivation - FriendlyNeighborhoodFangirls. (Another self-rec. <3)
"Tony said to put the potato in the dishwasher, so that's what I did."
Sometimes, Avengers just show up to say hi. Sometimes, they all show up at once, and Tony makes an party out of it. Sometimes, he invites the snarky, oblivious, somewhat insecure wizard because, and Peter quotes: "everyone else is coming".
Sometimes, something needs to be done.
Show Me Your Scars (And I'll Show You Mine) - Imagined. (Adorable. Lovely. Imagined does it again.)
The worst part is that Stephen keeps tucking his hands away, just as Tony wants to hold them. He keeps hiding them, surreptitiously, no matter what they’re doing. It’s only when Tony kisses Stephen, or hugs him, that he feels the hands settle on his back, uncertain, ready to pull back within seconds.
It only makes him want to cuddle up to Stephen even more, but he backs away, not sure if it’d be welcome.
Promise? Promise. - sharonscarters. (AU, kidfic, absolutely adorable.) 
A four year old Tony Stark runs away from home and finds his Guardian Angel.
What The Doctor Ordered - wakandan_wardog. (Post CW. Kind of not Rogues friendly? So fun, makes me smile. I re-read this one a lot.)
The Rogue Avengers are called back to New York because the heavy hitters are going to be needed against Thanos. Of course, there are some truths that Steve Rogers will need to accept sooner rather than later. Tony Stark has moved on and Stephen Strange will not suffer fools lightly.
Hurt/Comforty ones:
Among The Chaos of The Stars (You're My Safe Harbour) - ShootMeDead. (Oh my vishanti. OH MY VISHANTI. So so so so SO good.) 
Stephen has always been able to hear the stars. Tony is the only one who can silence them.
each night like a white noise frequency - Phierie. (I ADORE THIS FIC. OKAY. I LOVE IT. READ IT.)
Stephen is no stranger to making hard choices. He doesn’t regret his actions on Titan, but months later they weigh on his mind heavier than ever; the cracks begin to show.
Just An Accident - CucumbersInGold. (I really like fics with Stephen’s hands and the difficulties thereabout. Idk, just one of my favorite things. This is beautiful). 
Stephen's hands act up.
Learning, Unlearning - Caaaaaaas. (More character study than anything else. Really good.)
Whatever Stephen wanted with life, life just didn’t seem to know what to do with him.
In which Stephen learns and unlearns some very important lessons.
your eyes have their silence - doctortwelfth. (Oh look it’s another scars fic. I told you I liked them.) 
Tony is gentle with Stephen’s hands even when Stephen forgets to be.
Burning Lines Into The Snow - petroltogo. (Not very Steve friendly. Short and sweet.)
Post CW: It's not just the team that's so broken they are barely able to comprehend how many parts they're missing now, how many have been ripped and twisted and torn. It's Tony as well, right down to the core, the damage so far-reaching even he doesn't know how to fix it.
And then there's Strange, who has his own way of covering the cracks.
Old Bones - CJtheWeeb. (Owch. Dumb geniuses trying to be invulnerable.)
Sometimes Stephen Strange has great days, where he was nearly pain free and his hands still enough to where he could pick up a cup of water and barely spill a drop.
Today was not one of those days.
something taken, something new - meowrails. (So in-character. The premise was a little off to me, but I’m so glad I decided to read this one. I really really like this fic.)
The ChronicConnection implement and app allows a person that lives with chronic or illness-induced pain to transfer their burden temporarily to a willing loved one.
Tony and Stephen sign up as beta testers.
Angsty ones (happy ending unless otherwise mentioned):
Three days in Stark Tower. Stephen must be in bad shape if he just agreed to this.
His Merlin - babywarg (morphaileffect). (This author keeps showing up on this list because they are A LEGEND. A LEGEND I TELL YOU.) 
As a child, Tony imagined himself a Knight of the Round Table. Little did he know he would grow up to be a king. And that he would have a wizard by his side to lead him to either glory or destruction.
there is no heart for me like yours - turtle_abyss. (Soulmate AU! Wonderful. <3)
Being able to feel your soulmate - a phantom touch, a bone-deep awareness - is a divine torture. To know, but not see. To seek, but not find. To feel someone holding your hand and not be able to hold theirs.
Grace - StrangeMischief. (*cries in beautiful fic* Happy ending!)
“Pain’s an old friend.” 
Us...Me - StrangeMischief. (This will hurt you. So melancholy. Pepper and Tony live their life, and Tony remembers. Not a happy ending.) 
“I don’t believe in happily ever after.” 
One-Thousand Cranes - FriendlyNeighborhoodFangirls. (Self rec, sorry. Hopeful ending.) 
After it all, a man with shaking hands makes a wish.
courtesy - deathofglitter. (Dealing with the fourteen-million futures. So good.) 
Stark looked at him like he looked at the amulet that rested on his chest like a steady promise - dutiful, a bit burdened, and trying to hold a profound lack of personal emotion whatsoever, still personal enough to protect as anyone would a precious object.
La Douleur Exquise - BananasofThorns, StrangeMischief. (More pain. Pepper and Tony, and Stephen watching and trying not to wish. Very good, no happy ending.)
The before was easy. There were fewer boxes in their minds and no chains around their hearts. There was no hurt. No tears. No dreams.
But those days were long gone.
Stigmata - babywarg (morphaileffect). (AU! Soulmates again. Very interesting, beautifully done.)
Since Stephen was little, mysterious wounds have appeared and disappeared on his body, leaving mysterious scars. His mother says it's because he's one of a Pair, and he's absorbing pain meant for someone else.
*wipes brow* PHEW! That gotta a little more in-depth than I first intended... Have fun, my MysticIron friends. Happy quarantine. 
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starshipsofstarlord · 4 years
Spider On The Wall | Peter Parker
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Request:  Hey :) could you write something about the reader having a major crush on Spiderman and being Peter's friend, but not being aware that he's spiderman, so she's like: fuck he can destroy me with that super strenght and Peter gets a boner cause damn he would love to destroy you as well? lol - Anon
A/N: It might not be great, but I hope you like it anyway. Feel free to send me some feedback, it’d be much appreciated. And don’t forget that requests are open xx
Warnings: It’s a lil smutty (handjob, blowjob)
The thing was, when Peter had became Spiderman, he spared no thought on how you would react to the webslinger in that moment. All he wanted was to fight crime, and get justice for the victims in Queens.
Perhaps he hadn’t thought about your reaction to the boy in red and blue because you had never been one to hype up the idea of superheroes. He could quote, once you had supposed, that you had ‘zero attraction’ to anyone from another planet or someone with superpowers. 
And so he hadn’t suspected you to be spending your time ogling at an ass kicking vigilante, if you could even call him that. Falcon said that he spoke too much when they were fighting, but in all fairness, he still kicked his ass...
That was a few months ago now, that whole hero on hero fiasco. And to his luck, the secret of his identity was safe, from those that he fought against and his loved ones. Except Aunt May... and Ned... Okay, only you. But he was afraid that your boredom of anyone genetically exceptional would dictate the way you felt about him, or didn’t. And in all fairness, those two finding out his truth had been an accident.
Those seemed to be happening too much lately. The only thing to keep him preoccupied was the Stark internship, what wasn’t what it sounded like at all, it was a cover. Even today, when he had been shadowing Mr Stark, he broke a test tube when trying to explain how he makes the suit’s webbing, and then he got stuck in an elevator because FRIDAY was being reprogrammed, and she mistook him saying ‘stop’ as a message to her.
But actually, he was on a call with you, listening to you making fun of a song a lady of the street had played. It was about the Spiderman, being able to apparently do whatever a spider could do. So when he returned home, he had not been expecting to hear the music coming from his room, speaking about him.
He smirked as he opened the door, watching as you laid on his bed, eyes closed, rocking your socked feet to the tune. “I thought you said it was annoying.” He counteracted your earlier statement, making you jump at the sound of his voice.
Aunt May had went out for her weekly shop, so you had expected to have the place to yourself after she had let you in for an hour or so. But Peter was early, and clearly enjoying the redness that was growing on your face.
“It is!” You defended yourself, not wanting your friend to find out your little secret. “But admittedly it’s catchy, so...” You dragged out, hoping that would be enough to make him shove off and leave you alone.
When you realised that the song was still playing, you grabbed your phone, stopping it. “Did you download it?” He asked seriously, astounded by the fact. He saw that it was in your music app, so you must have.
“Well who knows, maybe it will get me to soften up to the idea of a hot guy swinging around the neighbourhood in blue leggings.”
“They aren’t leggings.” He whined, disregarding the other thing that you had said for a second, until, “you think he’s hot?” Peter couldn’t believe it, but if that was the case, then he was feeling jealous at the thought of himself. The only thing was, that you didn’t know that he was that guy.
“I’m optimistic.” You smiled, shrugging your shoulder, trying to not be too open with your opinion. If he knew that you had a thing for Spiderman, you would never hear the end of it. “And plus, everyone thinks he is.”
“They do?” He knew that all of your peers at school perceived him as some sort of god, at least practically, even Flash. But the fact that they found his ulterior attractive gave him some sort of silent confidence. The only problem was, that you seemed more interested in his disguise instead of the real him; your friend.
“Yeah, I mean fuck, he could totally destroy me with his super strength and I wouldn’t care if I was incapable of getting up in the morning. Or the morning after that, or... well, you get the picture.” Yes he did, and it was very vivid. His mouth was gaped open at your confession, and he tried to think of anything that would get his mind off the images that were blurring through his mind.
He couldn’t help it, he was a teenage boy. So he as he thought, he came to one conclusion that would change the topic, although not really. “But you’re a virgin!” He squeaked.
No that didn’t help. Right now, he felt like he knew too much about you. And just the idea made him sigh in frustration, and then he felt it. He had gone hard, and as he dreaded to look down, your eyes followed his gaze, clamping a hand over your mouth, covering your amused giggles.
“Don’t tell me that you have a thing for Spiderman too!” You laughed, making Peter shuffle and try to tug down his shirt, but to no avail did his efforts cover much.
“I don’t.” He wasn’t that vain. In respect you tried to look away, but you just couldn’t, it was practically right in front of you! And so you continued to laugh at the cost of his dignity, feeling bad for your friend at the same time.
“Then what gave you that?” You went to point at it, but you were too close. Your fingertip grazed the bulge in his jeans, making Peter’s eyes widen in shock as he let out a whimper. “Shit, sorry.”
His whole body had gone stiff at the contact, not just that one limb. He was frozen, clearly, and as you knew, had never had anyone touch him there, or really anywhere for that matter.
“Do you want me to leave, so you can, y’know, fix yourself up?” On instinct, you bit your lip, slightly nervous in this situation. As Peter had said, you were a virgin, this was all new territory to you too. “Or... do you want me to maybe, I don’t know... help?” At that thought, you shook your head, ashamed at your own offer. “Never mind, that’s stupid, why would I-”
“Would you?” He was sheepish, and with good reason. He didn’t want to cross a line, he knew that if you left right now, things would be awkward for a while, and then you would never get the real answer of why he had gotten a hard on.
His question had you struck with shock. Yes, when you said it you had been serious, but you had never expected him to actually agree with that condition. “You sure?”
You needed his consent if you were going to go ahead (no pun intended) and do anything to his body. This had to be what he wanted, because these first steps were things that you could ever retake, they weren’t like drafts in class.
“Yeah.” His composure had relaxed from how it had paused. At that he let out a deep breath, relieved that he had even managed to answer you with words. The nervousness that he was feeling, you could relate to.
The two of you were friends. Nothing more, as much as either of you unknowingly wanted to be. Sure, a couple years back you had kissed, but that was just to get the heat of the first kisses off of the both of your chests. And since then, you had never paired your lips with each other’s, let alone another’s.
At his answer, you stood, looking expectedly, dragging him by the sleeve to switch places with him. “Sit down.” You motioned at the edge of his bed with a nod, and he looked back at the portion of covered mattress, before he complied with your command.
You wanted him to be comfortable, you cared about him, a lot. Possibly more than a friend should. Clumsily, you shuffled onto your knees, feeling the carpet through the rips in the knees of your jeans.
You reached towards his belt, but the proximity that your hands were on made his hips buck up in the air. His body was eager, excited. But nevertheless, your fingers continued their route, grabbing onto the pleather and unbuckling it, until you had a free path towards his zipper.
Dragging the closing of metal down, and shimmying the rest of the fabric a little ways down his thighs, you were left with one layer. His boxers. It was dawning on you that this was all happening all so suddenly. Peter noticed the anxiety painting your face, and so he spoke up about it.
“Are you okay?” If you had changed your mind, that was okay. If this wasn’t the position that you were wanting to be put in, then you wouldn’t have to continue. Although you were the one about to do the dirty work, it was still half about you and your emotions.
“Yeah.” Nodding your head, you reached up and began toying with the blue plaid that was covering his nether region, running your fingers below the elastic band slightly. “Just settling into this, it’s new and everything.”
A small smile played at your face, and Peter reached down and began to play with your hair, but not with a sexual intention. He often noticed that when you were tired, or even scared about an oncoming exam, you would do so yourself. And his attempt at calming you worked, and as a result, you dragged the blocking material down, leaving his lower half exposed.
This was the first time that you had seen a penis in person, and at the sight alone your eyes widened. You guessed he was average size, perhaps he was more, but at the end of the day, you had nothing to compare it to. It wouldn’t matter whether it was or not, after all, genitals didn’t define a person.
But still, it was weighing on your mind as you reached forward and took a hold of it in your dominant hand. At your light grasp, Peter threw his head back, clenching his jaw. It felt so much different when it was somebody else’s hand, he realised.
You began moving your hand in soft jerking motions, leaning your head towards the action in interest until a thought appeared in your mind. Sure, hands worked, but so did your mouth, and so you brought the tip to your lips, engulfing it out of curiosity.
The feeling of having something so filling and warm in your mouth was strange. But it wasn’t bad, and so you suckled around the head, letting your eyes roam until they landed on Peter who had now began fisting his own hair and sheets.
“Fuck.” He breathed, with sweat collecting upon his face. It felt so good, possibly even too much. And then you attempted to take him a little further into your mouth, in the direction of the back of your cheek, and with that, he was plunged into pleasure. “I think I’m gonna -” He tried to warn you, but he cut himself off with a groan.
You hadn’t pulled away, instead you had rested your chin upon his thigh, taking everything that he had to give you. Swallowing, frowning at the unusual taste, you pulled him out of your mouth, extensively breathing, surprised with how you had handled the situation, and well, him.
His breathing was still pretty heavy too, but he gave himself a moment to laugh euphorically. “So... you like Spiderman?”
Wiping your mouth, you shook your head at his comment. Of course he had to bring that back up.
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otterskin · 4 years
Inverted Mobius, Mr. Tesseract and The Avatar of Truth
The mystery of the weird collar has deepened, thanks to @nebulousfishgills​ - by which I mean they totally solved it.
To those just joining me, I noticed this in my previous breakdown of the Loki trailer here.
Mr. Mobius, played by Owen Wilson, has an ‘inverted suit’. His collar is an indentation in his suit, rather than going on top of it.
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So, first, a scene from Endgame that I seriously did think of when we learned there was a character called ‘Mobius M. Mobius’ in Loki (played by Owen Wilson). And yet I didn’t put this together. Thanks again to nebulousfish for making me realize that these things might not be coincidences.
When Mr. Stark is inventing time travel, he asks his AI to create a depiction of a Mobius Strip, inverted.
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Which gets him this:
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Anyway, what is a Mobius Strip, and who is Mobius M. Mobius? (Not to be confused with Morbius the Living Vampire, though wouldn’t it be funny if he was mistaken for Mobius M. if this show gets big first?)
I am not a quantum theorist or comic book aficionado by trade, so let’s do a Wikipedia-Fu on it.
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In mathematics, a Möbius strip, band, or loop (US: /ˈmoʊbiəs, ˈmeɪ-/ MOH-bee-əs, MAY-, UK: /ˈmɜːbiəs/;[1]German: [ˈmøːbi̯ʊs]), also spelled Mobius or Moebius, is a surface with only one side (when embedded in three-dimensional Euclidean space) and only one boundary curve. The Möbius strip is the simplest non-orientable surface.
An example of a Möbius strip can be created by taking a strip of paper and giving one end a half-twist, then joining the ends to form a loop; its boundary is a simple closed curve which can be traced by a single unknotted string. Any topological space homeomorphic to this example is also called a Möbius strip, allowing for a very wide variety of geometric realizations as surfaces with a definite size and shape. For example, any rectangle can be glued left-edge to right-edge with a reversal of orientation. Some, but not all, of these can be smoothly modeled as surfaces in Euclidean space. A closely related, but not homeomorphic, surface is the complete open Möbius band, a boundaryless surface in which the width of the strip is extended infinitely to become a Euclidean line.A half-twist clockwise gives an embedding of the Möbius strip which cannot be moved or stretched to give the half-twist counterclockwise; thus, a Möbius strip embedded in Euclidean space is a chiral object with right- or left-handedness. The Möbius strip can also be embedded by twisting the strip any odd number of times, or by knotting and twisting the strip before joining its ends.
A Möbius strip does not self-intersect but its projection in 2 dimensions does.
Uh....right. Well, that clears everything up, doesn’t it?
Let’s crib off someone else’s work. Thanks to Thomas Wong on Medium, I was able to understand this a little better.
A Möbius strip is just a strip of paper, turned and taped together. It it only has one side, so an ant walking along the strip eventually returns to where he started. If we metaphorically interpret the ant, not as returning to a point in space, but a point in time, then it alludes to time travel.
As previously discussed, after a measurement, the quantum mixture (half born and half never born) becomes a definite state (born or never born). Finding the “spectral decomposition” is to find all the possible energies (eigenvalues) and states. Using these, one can determine how a quantum object evolves with time.
Combining this with the metaphoric interpretation of the Möbius strip, it could be that Stark found how to make quantum objects evolve such that they revisit a point in time, hence time travel.
Okay, that’s a little easier to understand. So how does this relate to the character Mobius M. Mobius, aside from him being named after the strip and the (apparently antiquated) ideas about time travel?
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Well, he was based on Marvel Comics Legend Mark Gruenwald, a guy known for his passion for the lore of the comics, which he knew in innate detail. He even wrote the Official Handbooks and whatnot. Likewise, Mr. Mobius is a stickler for detail and one of the few members of the TVA even allowed a face - although it is off the rack, as he’s one an infinite number of clones (god I love the TVA so much already, it’s heaven for a Douglas Addams fan like me).
Despite being a clone, he rose through the ranks and is nearly the top guy, serving only underneath Mr. Alternity (and I am not familiar with these comics so feel free to correct me). Mr. Alternity has almost no comics history, but is based on editor Tom Brevoort.
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There are several other misters, all of them near-identical to ‘Moby’. Mr. Orobourous, Mr. Paradox, Mr. Tesseract (!) and Mr. Oburos. They are also minor characters, but let’s look at all these names.
Clearly they are named after quantum theories of some-sort or another.
Mr. Mobius: Mobius Strip Theory - the idea that, essentially, is about the shape of time itself and the theory of traveling along that shape.
Mr. Alternity : Alternative universes
Mr. Ouroboros: A divine figure representing the beginning and the end of time in an endless cycle of death and rebirth.
Mr. Oburos - I’m not sure, but I think this is a variant of Ouroboros. 
Mr. Paradox - Temporal paradox, causal loops - ex. The Grandfather Paradox
Mr. Tesseract - An object that exists in 4 dimensions. Time is often called the fourth dimension.
Obviously that last one is interesting, considering how the Tesseract will be the start of our adventure. The Cosmic Cube was renamed for the MCU, and in the comics has no relation to this minor character.
But what if it now does?
What if Tony has caused a change in the very appearance of Mr. Mobius when he inverted the Mobius Strip - literally inverting his clothing because he changed the shape of the Mobius - does that mean that these seemingly human-looking misters are in fact some sort of avatars for aspects of time itself? And if Mr. Tesseract is representative of how space and time intersect in the fourth dimension, wouldn’t a rogue god twisting space and time with the device that shares his name cause him some affect? Perhaps why the TVA noticed something was amiss to begin with.
This would be a departure from the comics, but the characters have almost no history there. They are ripe for new ideas.
Or, then again, since Loki will be working for the TVA - perhaps he’s the one who becomes ‘Mr. Tesseract’?
But continuing with that ‘Avatar of Aspects’ idea, let’s get away from this sausagefest for a second and visit my next newest favourite character -
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I’m guessing she’s one of the Justices of the TVA. What gives it away? The imperious look, the giant oaken table, or the fact that I’m suddenly self-conscious when she looks at me? It’s the last one, of course. She’s a natural judge.
Of the named TVA judges, there’s :
Justice Goodwill, Justice Hope, Justice Liberty, Justice Love, Justice Might, Justice Mills, Justice Peace and Justice Truth.
Could they also possibly be avatars of their respective aspects?
If I had to guess, I’d say this is Justice Truth, as pairing up Loki with an avatar of Truth seems like it’d be a smashing good time, similar to how he was paired with Verity Willis in the comics. She might even be a composite character with Verity.
Verity’s power is detecting and seeing through all lies and illusions. I think this powerset will be given to Justice Truth, except instead of deriving it from a magic ring that she swallowed, she’d simply be the actual ‘Embodiment of Truth’ - and let’s get real here, when I said ‘Avatars of Aspects’, I was using that clunky phrase because the more obvious one - God of - is already ‘taken’. So Justice Truth may well be the ‘God of Truth’, as it were.
I think she’ll end up in something of a buddy-comedy with Loki, giving him someone to bounce off against who literally cuts through his carefully crafted veneer.
I’m reminded of a great quote from Taika Waititi when he was talking about what he wanted to do with Loki in Ragnarok:
“(He’s) someone who tries so hard to embody this idea of the tortured artist, this tortured, gothy orphan...It’s too tiring trying to be like that,” he says. “And, most humans, we get over ourselves, we get to that point where we’re like, ‘man, being a tortured artist is actually, like, a lot of work. Maybe I should just be real and present, and just be me, and I don’t have to be a tortured artist to be interesting, I can just be a f*cking weird New Zealander and that’s enough.”
...I think Taika is a living Loki, tbh, ha ha. No wonder he gets it.
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Waititi, Yost, Pearson and Kyle did great work to cut through Loki’s illusions, both with dialogue and the visual allegory of his projections being dispelled by handy thrown objects, culminating in the very sweet ‘I’m here,’ scene at the end of the film. Loki seems to be much more open and expressive at the end of that film, and it seems like a weight has lifted off his shoulders.
But while this new Loki (Loki 2.0? Loki’s Show’s Loki? Loki II? Lokii? Lokii.) is shown a clip show of Ragnarok (one I previously theorized will be deliberately incomplete), that’s quite different from actually experiencing it, and he’ll be as performative as he was in Avengers and Thor 2. Instead of processing that ‘lack of presence’ as he did in Ragnarok, which came about as a result of Thor finally seeing through Loki’s illusions (guess he doesn’t fall for it anymore) as a result of their long history together, I suspect the band-aid will be torn off much more harshly by a total stranger who nonetheless simply sees through him.
Loki in general has a bad relationship with the truth (see the famous Vault Confrontation scene), and literally putting him on trial before the Truth Herself would certainly be enough to get him to switch from this phony expression:
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To this one:
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That’s not much of a facade there.
It’s not the same character arc as Ragnarok, but it does get us to a similar place, albeit in a darker and less healing way for Loki. I mean Lokii.
Anyhow. That’s what I got out of this thing.
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kitkatwinchester · 4 years
Hooray! My first little drabble on Tumblr! And it’s all thanks to @misinterpretedmythology​ and this amazing incorrect quote! Thank you for letting me write this fic! <3 
Hope you all enjoy! <3 
It had seemed like such a good plan.
Being the billionaire in the group, Tony’s always been in charge of the grocery shopping. But no matter how many people check his list before he leaves, someone always has a last-minute request that he forgets, or doesn’t like the particular brand of cereal he buys, or needs a bigger box of crackers--whatever it is, it’s always something. 
So it only made sense, in Tony’s mind, to finally put his foot down and make everyone come shopping with him. 
He should’ve known. 
Nothing’s ever that easy. 
“Three dollars for eggs?!” Steve exclaims from a few feet away. “How is that possible?” 
Tony runs a hand down his face, groaning. 
“I already explained this to you, Cap--”
“Then explain to me again why milk is four dollars a gallon!” Steve interrupts, clearly increasingly frustrated. 
“Inflation, Steve,” Tony tries again, despite having already had this conversation on the way here. “Prices rise and fall as the economy changes. It’s been seventy years! Did you really think prices weren’t going to change in all that time?” 
“Yes!” Steve says, angrily slamming the door to the milk. “I never would have been able to afford that!” Tony sighs in response. 
“Again, people make more money now, so things are more expensive. That’s how this--” Tony doesn’t get a chance to finish his sentence as Peter comes racing down the hall, riding on the back of a cart filled with--is that instant ramen? 
“Mr. Stark, they have a new shrimp flavor!” Tony looks at Peter, then back down at the cart. Sure enough, there are a good forty packets of shrimp instant ramen stacked on top of each other. 
“Kid, that has no nutrition at all. I can’t let you get all of those. Your aunt would kill me.” Peter frowns at him, putting on his best puppy dog face. 
“But Mr. Staaaark, it’s shrimp! I’ve never had that flavor before!” Tony raises an eyebrow at him. 
“Okay, but since when do you like shrimp?” 
“Since it was a flavor for instant ramen.” Tony gives him his famous “really” look before responding. 
“Wow, that totally convinces me,” he says, voice laced with sarcasm. Clearly, Peter doesn’t hear it, because he looks up at him hopefully. 
“No,” Tony immediately responds. “Put them back.” Peter frowns at him, and the dejected look on his kid’s face almost makes Tony back down, but he stands his ground, pointing down the aisle. Eventually, Peter obliges, turning the cart around and moping back to the ramen aisle. Tony rolls his eyes, but he can’t help the fond smile that makes its way onto his face before he turns back to Steve. 
“Now, as I was saying--” 
“Who wants bacon?!” Nat’s voice calls from several aisles down, interrupting Tony yet again. 
“What the fu--” he starts to whisper before the rest of the Avengers chorus “mes” from various parts of the store. In response, Tony sees several other customers turning their heads in various directions, clearly trying to figure out what the hell is going on.
Me too, people, Tony thinks to himself, mumbling apologies at the few people he passes as he tries to find Natasha. Just as he gets close to the aisle he thinks she’s in, another voice rings out even louder than hers. 
“I’M A SLUT FOR BACON!” Clint practically screams, and Tony freezes in his tracks, facepalming so hard his forehead stings. 
Why on earth did I think this was a good idea??
He picks up the pace again, turning the corner to see Clint and Natasha giggling to themselves as they grab package after package of bacon. 
“Are you crazy?” Tony grumbles, stomping his way over. “This is a public place. There are other people here! You two are spies for crying out loud! I’d expect you to be a little more inconspicuous!” 
Nat and Clint look at him, then at each other, and then Nat turns back to him with a smirk.
“You’re one to talk, Stark.” Tony looks at her, annoyed, but eventually just rolls his eyes. 
“Fine. Point taken. Just...grab the bacon and let’s go, okay?” Tony makes his way back down the aisle, and just as he turns the corner, he practically runs into Bruce. 
“Oh, Tony, hey,” Bruce greets, arms filled with several boxes of tea. “I was just about to come find you. Which one of these do you think I should get?” He lifts up the load in his arms. “I mean they're all good, but this brand is cheaper,” he continues, nodding to the two boxes in his right hand. 
“Billionaire, Bruce,” Tony replies with a sigh. “Just, pick one.” However, he can’t help the smile that settles on his face. At least somebody is slightly manageable. 
He barely finishes that thought when Thor comes barreling down the aisle, holding two carts above his head. 
“Friend, Tony! We shall feast tonight on the Pop of Tarts!” Tony stares at him, then at the carts swinging precariously above his head. 
“What the--why do you have two carts of poptarts?! And why are you carrying them? You’re supposed to push the carts!” Thor looks at him and gives him a confused frown. 
“But I can carry them. Why would I push them?” Tony groans and runs a hand down his face again. 
“You know what, forget it. Where did Peter and Steve go?” As if on cue, Steve and Peter both simultaneously call out from several aisles away. 
“Tony, how do you get milk from an almond?” 
“Mr. Stark, can we get cheese sticks too?” 
Before Tony can answer either of them, there is a cacophony of sound as everyone starts talking at once. 
“What about pudding?” Nat. 
“Fuck your pudding!” Clint. 
“But it’s chocolate!” Nat again. 
“Mr. Stark cheetos are on sale!” Peter.
“Can we afford tea cookies too?” Bruce.
“Almonds don’t have milk, do they?” Steve. 
“There are so many flavors of these Pop of Tarts! I must get more.” Thor.
“Okay well what about fruit snacks?” 
“What are you, five?” 
“Mr. Stark Mr. Stark! Buy one get one free for cookies!” 
“We can afford tea cookies. I’m sure we have a coupon somewhere.” 
“How do I carry a third cart?” 
He can’t take this. 
“EVERYBODY SHUT UP!” he screams, and to his surprise, the chatter stops, and all heads turn his way--including several heads that do not belong to his very annoying team. 
“Look,” he starts, not wanting to waste their attention while he has it. “Whatever you want, fine. Get a cart, a basket, whatever and just put the stuff in, and bring it up front. I don’t care what it is, I don’t care how much it costs. Just do it and go.” He can already feel the protests and the questions, and he quickly addresses everything. 
“Nat and Clint, get separate carts if you have to, but if you’re gonna bicker, do it quietly and while making your way to the check-out line. Peter, I really don’t wanna condone unhealthy eating, but if you insist on getting chips and cookies, at least try to find ones that you know other people in the compound will eat. And whatever you do, don’t tell your aunt. Yes, Bruce, we can afford tea cookies, and please do not worry about the coupons. Just put them in the cart. Thor, you really don’t need three carts of poptarts, but if you really really must, have Peter help you push the third one. And Steve--almonds do have milk, but they have to be soaked in water first. I don’t really know the process, but if you wanna try the milk, put it in the cart. If you don’t, put it back. Everyone got that?” 
By the time Tony finishes, he is out of breath and even more frustrated, but to his relief, there are several nods before everyone eventually disperses, grabbing various items and putting them in their own carts and baskets. Tony takes a few wonderful minutes to collect himself, but it’s quickly interrupted by a small voice from behind him. 
“Mr. Stark?” Peter mumbles, clearly trying to be as conscientious as possible, and despite his frustrations, Tony doesn’t have the heart to be mad at him. 
“What’s up, kid?” Peter responds by holding up three packs of cookies, a sheepish grin on his face. 
“Do you think everyone would like chocolate chip, oatmeal raisin, or peanut butter more?” Tony can’t help the chuckle that escapes him, and he reaches down to ruffle Peter’s hair. 
“You know what, bud, just get all three. What the hell?” Peter grins happily and tosses them in his basket before happily skipping in the direction of the check-out line. 
Alright, Tony thinks to himself. Maybe this whole endeavor wasn’t so bad after all. 
But, of course, as Tony turns the corner to the check-out line, he sighs yet again at seeing the chaos that is the rest of the team, fighting over who gets to have their items scanned first while the poor sales clerk looks on in confused horror. 
With a lot of yelling and even more pushing, as well as several comments of “stop being such a dad, Tony,” he finally manages to get all of the groceries scanned and paid for and all of the Avengers out of the store and as far away as possible. 
As they make their way out the door, the chatter starts almost as quickly as it had stopped, and Tony pauses, stopping an employee as she’s walking towards one of the counters. 
“Please tell me you guys have a delivery service,” he says, and to his relief, she nods, pulling a small card out of her pocket with information on how to order groceries. 
“Thank you,” Tony says gratefully, giving the paper a once-over. 
Never again, he thinks to himself as he pockets the card. I am never ever doing this again. 
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thekillingjoke-haha · 4 years
What You Want
Marvel & Supernatral Bing, Spnquotebingo
Squares: Love Triangle and quote
Stucky(established)x reader
Warnings?: Slight reckless endangerment,poly hate(fuck you Karen),mutual love,ect.
Note: f/d=Favorite drink
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Steve and Bucky have been a item since kindergarten and nothing has changed. Sure their older and they no longer needed yo hide it,but the love hasn’t faded a bit. The only time they questioned their relationship was when a shield against walked into the base and saved them all on her own. Y/n is a last call agent and that means when shit really hits the fan and not even the best can handle it she swoops in to finish the job. Seeing agent L/n is a rarity and they’ll never admit it,but they’ve been taking riskier missions to see her. “Mr.Rogers and Mr. Barnes you’re needed in the meeting room. Immediately.” The Irish voice brought them out of their slumber. Steve was the first to get dressed and in the briefing room and froze up getting pushed forward by Bucky.
There she stood next to Fury in all of her glory. The blonde’s throat went dry as she made eye contact with him as he looked down at her lips and saw they were moving,but the captain’s mind was to preoccupied with how her uniform was instead replaced with causal clothes that fit oh so well. It was Nick’s voice that snapped him out of it. “Roger…Barnes take a seat.” He said nodding towards the table. Both of them sat next to each other in the closest chairs.
“We need to speak to you about resent missions. It’s clear to me that not only has success levels dropped,but that your team is unable to work flawlessly.” The dark skinned man said. Steve was about to defend himself and the others,but was cut of by Y/n as she stepped forward to speak. “That’s why I Captain Roger’s is joining the team as your superior. ” Her voice caused the duo to freeze. Bucky was the first to get up. “Welcome to the team,doll.” He said kissing her hand with a smirk. This was the start of something great.
TWO Months later~
It’s been two months since Y/n joined the team and to say it was crazy was a understatement on its own. Her mind was often clouded by thoughts of the two super soldiers,but doubt and denial soon chase them off. The 40’s men are together and are open about their relationship she didn’t stand a chance. Y/n was so confused with her friendship with them both. Bucky was a flirt and always would throw a pickup line followed by a sweet pet name. Steve was the complete opposite he was shy blushing whenever they were in a room together,but he showed that school boy crush vibe by the drawing her and rambling when he’s caught.
Y/n couldn’t be falling for both of them she’s work so hard to get where she was today and that alone got her more hate then love. So admitting her love to them was definitely not an option. What if they regretted her? Their work and personal relationships will be destroyed. What if the media found out? Reporters almost disbanded the Avengers on multiple occasions and almost had the two soldiers benched with the anti-lgbtq+ community which was a hefty amount.
She hated to do it,but she tapped into her training and shut of her emotions and boy did they notice that. Bucky walked up to her as she was hitting the punching bag. “Woah,doll. Punch that bag any harder I would think you’re trying to hit on me.” He said with a smirk within seconds it went away when he didn’t hear a snarky come back or even a giggle. The brunette looked closer and saw she wasn’t wearing ear buds of any kind. ‘Is she just ignoring me?’ He thought to himself. It stared that way for a week before he went to talk to Steve.
Steve wasn’t having much luck either. Whenever he tried to talk her he was shot down and every picture her drew for Y/n ended up back in his room within hours of dropping it off. She was cutting them out of her life faster then they could react. Now they only saw her in mission briefing not even the missions themselves anymore. The other members didn’t notice a change in her behavior towards them,but they did see the emotional shut down towards the 40’s men. “What did you two do?” The flaming redhead asked them alone.
“We didn’t do anything! She just started to ignore us and acts as if she doesn’t even know us.” Bucky defended himself and his husband just as lost as everyone else. “Can you talk to her Nat? You guys are best friends she’ll open up to you.” Steve suggested causing the women to sigh and nod. “Whatever we talk about it will stay between us. She’ll tell you when she feels like it.” She stated and held up her hand when they tried to deny. Natasha turned around and walked off to the agents floor to talk.
The ex assassin knocked on the door not even waiting for a response before going in. There sat Y/n drying off her hair with a towel. “Oh hey,Nat. Did you need something?” She asked the women looking at her through the mirror. “Just some questions.” She said with a serious undertone causing the h/c women to turn around. “About?” L/n was no dummy she knew a interrogation when she saw one. “Buck and Steve.” Y/n tried her best not to sigh as she nodded. “What about them?” She played dumb avoiding the question as much as possible. “About how one minute your all heart eyes for them then it like you don’t know them!” Natasha snapped causing her friend to run her face. Her feels for them were so obvious Nat saw it a mile away.
“That’s the problem Nat. I shouldn’t be giving both parties of the happily married couple heart eyes! It’s not right their my best friends I shouldn’t feel this way.” Her throat felt dry with her confession. “And who told you that load of crap?” The Russian rolled off her tongue with a venomous hissed. “At the party two weeks ago. This group of women I guess saw the way Bucky flirted with me and how Steve blushed when I complained him. When I went to the bar they came up to me asking all these questions and saying all these horrible things about them…”
This party started of not so crazy,but leave it to Tony Stark to get the music bumping to max level and people to get drunk of their asses to match that energy. I was wearing a dress,but I wasn’t in just casual clothes either. Bucky stood to my left his voice was coming out clear enough for me to hear. “If the music didn’t beat me to it I would have knocked you off your feet!” He flirted causing me to covet my mouth so I didn’t spit the [f/d] on the floor. “Buck stop your gonna make me choke.” I coughed a bit heat immediately rushed to my cheeks at the wiggle of his eyebrows. “Get you mind out of the gutter,James!” I said as I smoked his shacking shoulders.
Steve bushed up against my side as he slid back into his place to my right. “Sorry n/n that I had to leave you to soon. Sam wanted a rematch at pool.” He said with a sheepish smile. “Did you beat his ass again?” I asked with a grin. He rubbed the back of his neck looking down. “Well…he’s not the one fifty dollars richer.” This caused me to laugh and give him a peck on the cheek a light lipstick mark left in its place followed by red blush. “I’ll never doubt you again Mr.America.” The smile on my face not faltering as a tap on on my shoulder made me turn around. “Wheres my cheek kiss,doll?” Bucky faked a pout. “None for you,hun, just for Stevie.” With that the pout intensified with a small giggle I bring my drink to my lips only to be met by nothing. “I’m out you boy’s want anything?” They both shook their heads their glasses still decently filled with asgardian ale.
The bar was open not many people their since most of them were trying to get in Tony’s good graces or his pants one of the two. Leaning on the bar next to a small group of middle aged women no older then forty conversed loudly next to me. “God did you see the arms on Thor?! If I wasn’t a married woman.” The youngest in the little click said in a lustful daze. “Those super soldiers though are something else.” I wasn’t able to tell who said that,but all of their eyes turned to the duo. “You know their married to each other right?” I’m not a nosy person,but dammit I had listen in. “I think it’s just a front. Why would the symbol for America a fag?! Their just probably covering up the fake that their sharing that slut that’s been seen on the team. What was get name?” The clear leader said and it pissed me the fuck off.
Harshly tapping on her shoulder she turned around and her eyes widened to match the size of dinner plates. “Hi,the names Y/n L/n or as you said ‘slut’ also known as…” I said with a smile that made the women shiver,but she cut me off. “T-that’s not w–what I meant!!!” She shuddered,but I held up my hand. “I wasn’t finished introducing myself. As I was say known as the most deadly assassin with the largest kill count in the world. So unless you want to live your pathetic life to it’s natural end I suggest you and your posy take a hike.” With a slight lift of my blouse I reveal a handgun along with so knifes. “Off you go.”
Without hesitation they all ran of not even caring that some of them were tripping up on their cheap heels. “What was that about?” Looking at the redhead behind the bar I give a convincing smile. “They had to leave. Lives they wanted to live.” With that I left without a drink and to my floor. It didn’t bother me in the moment,but her words sunk in. Did the public really see me like that? It was already hard when the great Captain America came out as bisexual to the world that had a closed mind. The thoughts made me think if I remove myself the picture all together and slow I did. First we didn’t hang out as much,then I started making myself more busy with solo missions, then last week it was just getting to hard so I tapped into emotional disconnection training.
“And it was working I think it’s best they’re a item and I’m that third wheel. It’s just better for me to leave them be.” Y/n finished speaking with her hands rubbing the tears that ran down her cheek. Somehow they were on the bed now and Nat was rubbing her back in soft circles. “Oh, n/n. Don’t let anyone ever make you feel like you don’t deserve what you want.” She said in all honesty. Natasha saw the way the boys were acting the first time they say her best friend after they were striped of their weapons and restrained in a hydra base they say her in a different light then she saw herself.
The redhead assassin stood up and kneeled in front of her. “Talk to them. The three of you are adults sure their a little stuck in the 40’s,but their moving along with the times. You think Steve knew what bisexuality was he was conflicted so just explain to them about how you feel.” Nat said holding her friends face in her hands rubbing her cheeks with her thumbs. “You got this. Don’t let those judgmental assholes,but you down.” With that she stood up and left. It was time for action and possible rejection…how fun!
The super soldiers stayed on their shared floor for hours stressed. What the hell did they do to drive her away?! Were they coming on to strong?Not strong enough and their stuck in the friend zone. Oh God. Steve sat on the couch while Bucky paced in front of him they were about to break the silence that fell before them,but was immediately cut off by the ding of the elevator. Y/n walked out once the metal doors opened and was greeted by the sight of them before her. She cleaned herself up after her talk with Nat not wanting her appearance to give away anything was wrong. “Hello,boys. I normally would want to be woken up from a nightmare,but it seems I walked in on a daydream.” She said with a smile as she sauntered over trying to seem more confident then she felt.
Y/n didn’t even get a response as she was pulled into a giant hug from them. “Doll we’ve missed you so much!” Buck was the first to pull away. “Hey!!! Cheesy pickup lines are my thing.” He said with a smirk. “I couldn’t let you have all the fun,handsome.” Everything felt so much better talking to them the mindless flirting it was just so right. “W-what happened?” Steve was the one to ask the question I was honestly dreading. “That party just someone said something that got me thinking. How can a girl like me ever get not one,but two guys like you to love me?” Y/n looked down at the floor. “I mean…first I appear out of nowhere, take Steve’s role as captain,and get cozy with two super soldiers the married couple. No wander the public seems me in such a light.” A hand gasped her cheek lifting her face up to look into beautiful blue eyes.
Steve looked into her gorgeous e/c eyes with hope. “You love us, n/n?” He asked wanting to make sure he heard right. She gave a wet chuckling as rears slipped past her eyes. “I just gave you reasons to hate me and that’s all you get out of it?!” Y/n sniffles as she brings hers to wipe her eyes. “Cause that’s all that mattered. Why should you give a shit what they think when we can tell you now that we both feel the same way about you.?” This caused the agent to freeze up. “Y-you both l-love me?!?” She didn’t know if it was a question to them or herself. “Of course we do,doll. You’re strong enough to give us a run for our money,more intelligent then the two brainiacs in the lab,so much sass it renders Stark speechless, everything about you is perfect to us. You are literally everything we ever wanted since we were kids.”
Y/n was now chocked up by happy tears as she looked into the two sets of blue eyes that held nothing,but love. “What do you want?” A smile graced her lips as she brought both of them into a kiss each equal as passion. “All I want is to be yours. Both of yours is what I want.”
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Another in the bag lets go!!! 2 more coming out this month hopefully.
Tagged : @thisismysecrethappyplace and @spnquotebingo
Quote: “Don’t let anyone ever make you feel like you don’t deserve what you want.”
-10 Things I Hate about You
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mca-attack21 · 4 years
Too Late
A/N: This is sad, but that’s okay. There is character death and also a car accident. There will be a part two, named AFTER, coming out very shortly.
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“When you can do the things that I can and you don’t and then the bad things happen, they happen because of you”
That quote was Peter’s answer when Tony had asked him why he was Spider-Man. He knew that he could use his power to do a multitude of things, but he had decided to use it to help people, to protect his community, to be a hero.
But what was the point now? What was the point of any of this if he couldn’t save you?
Every time he closed his eyes he was back in that car. The two of you were on your way to celebrate your two year anniversary. You were talking about your plans for college and your graduation that was right around the corner. Peter had been planning everything out about this night for weeks. He was nervous that he had gone slightly overboard, but Mr. Stark and Pepper assured him that it was going to be perfect.
He looked over at you as you were singing along to one of your favorite songs on the radio. His chest filled with adoration and eased any nerves that he had. He was about to continue the conversation when his spidey senses went off. He quickly looked for the source of danger but was cut off as a car collided with your own on the driver’s side.
The next thing he remembered was the smell. He couldn’t tell what it was exactly, maybe the car’s fuel, maybe the airbags. Then the pain. He reached up to feel the side of his head which was covered in blood. He seemed to be pinned to the seat. He was extremely disoriented and found it hard to focus. That was at least until the panic set in. He remembered where he was and who he was with. He looked over and realized that you weren’t in the car.
He struggled through the previously unrealized pain in his shoulder to reach his phone. He called the one person who could help him, the person who had always been there to help him.
“Hello Pete, how’s the big date going? Give her the ring yet?” 
“Peter what’s wrong? Where are you?” he cut him off already summoning one of his suits.
“We were- there was a car- and I-” Peter tried but he was freaking out.
“Friday track Peter’s location and notify 911” Tony said to his AI.
“Peter, it’s okay I’m on my way, are you hurt?”
“I’ll b-be fine. No-nothing worse than I’ve dealt w-with before,” he answered.
“And how’s Y/n?”
“I-I don’t know. She’s n-not in the car and I can’t g-get out,” he replied as his breathing started to get faster.
“It’s okay Pete, just try to calm down. I’m almost there and help is on the way,” Tony reassured.
“Thanks, Mr. Stark,” Peter breathed,
True to his word, Tony touched down moments later. Seeing the state off the two cars he was surprised that anyone was going to be walking away from the accident. He quickly went to where Peter was and started to get him out of the car.
“No, go find Y/n first. I’ll be fine. Just go help her.” he pleaded. 
Tony moved around to where you were laying on the ground. He immediately knelt down and had Friday scan your vitals. You were seemingly unconscious with a large piece of glass sticking out of your chest and blood from where your head met the cement. Friday’s scan showed that you had multiple broken bones and were in critical condition with almost no chance of survival. Tony knew that he couldn’t risk moving you, especially since he had no way to stabilize you. He also knew that while help was coming, that it wouldn’t get there in time. Silent tears fell from his eyes as he returned to Peter. 
“How is she? She’s okay right?” Peter asked hopefully.
“Kid- she,” Tony started. 
Peter didn’t even need to see his face to know. That tone is the same tone every adult used when they told him devastating news. It was the tone from when his parents died. The tone from when his uncle was murdered.
“No, she has to be okay, she-” he started crying. 
“Pete, she’s not-, I need to get you out of here so you can say goodbye,” Tony tried, his own emotion taking over. 
He used the strength of his suit to pull the door off of the mutilated car. He then carefully readjusted Peter’s seat to free him. He had Friday do a scan to see the severity of his injuries. Besides the shoulder and concussion, he had bruised ribs and was experiencing multiple symptoms of shock. Tony helped him out and supported most of his weight as he led him to you.
Peter immediately sunk down and was debating the best way to hold you. He wanted more than anything to pull you into his arms, but he was so afraid of making things worse. Tears were gliding down his cheeks as took your hand in his and called your name. Despite how much he wanted you to be okay, somewhere deep down he knew Tony was right. This was it. He was drawn out of his thoughts as he heard your quiet voice.
“Hey, I’m right here,” he said as he leaned over you so you could see his face.
“What happened?” you asked struggling through your thoughts.
“We were in a car accident, but it’s okay help is on the way,”
“Peter, you’re bleeding,” you say taking in his appearance. You made the mistake of trying to sit up and grimaced in pain.
“Easy Y/n, just try to lie still,” he all but whispered.
“I’m so sorry,” you said as tears escaped your eyes.
“You have nothing to be sorry for,” 
“I ruined our date,” you tried
“What? This? This is still not the worst date I’ve been on,” he tried to joke.
You smiled. God he loved that smile. He wanted to spend the rest of his life making you smile. This was so unfair. Why? Why did this have to happen to you? Why now?
“Peter, what’s wrong?”
But even as the words left your mouth, you knew. You knew that you weren’t going to be okay. That this was how it would end. And, you realized that Peter most know this too. You didn’t want to go, you didn’t want to leave him. It was supposed to be the two of you against the world. You were supposed to graduate together, and go to college, and get married, and have kids, and make the world a better place. There was so much that you were supposed to do. But none of that mattered now did it? You braced yourself and decided to make the most of the few minutes you may have left. 
“I love you so much, Peter Parker,” you started.
“Y/n, please don’t,” he cried.
“Pete, you are the bravest, kindest, person I know. You’ll be okay. It’ll take time but-”
“Stop it!”
“It’s okay Peter,”
“No, it’s not, I can’t lose you too,” he cried.
You were at a loss for words. The excruciating pain you once felt was numbing. You knew that you were running out of time.
“Peter, tell me you love me,”
“I do, I-I love you so-so much,” he sobbed.
“Promise- Promise me- you’ll move on. That you’ll be happy,” 
“Y/n I-”
“Promise, that you won’t shut down. You have so many people who love you. Let them help you,” you struggled as it became harder and harder to breath, unconsciousness - no, death- was creeping in.
“I promise,” he replied.
“Good,” you whispered eyes closing and chest falling for the last time.
“Y/n? Y/n wake up. Come on I don’t want to do this with out you. Just-just stay with me. Help is coming. I-I love you. I love you so much.” Peter cried pulling your lifeless body off of the ground and craddling you in his arms. 
Tony, who had returned from helping the people in the other car, minimized his suit and went over to Peter. He honestly didn’t know what to do, his heart broke for the kid. He gently went to his side putting his hand on Peter’s shoulder.
“She’s gone,” he whispered.
“I know Pete,” he said sadly.
“We should really get you back to the tower, to the med-bay, I can have Happy go pick up your aunt.” 
“I don’t want to leave her.”
“The paramedics are here, they’re going to take her.”
Peter looked up for the first time since it had happened. The road was now blocked off. The police and ambulances were here. People were trying to see what had happened. He knew Tony was right. It was time for him to leave. So he hugged you one last time placed a kiss on your head and laid you down on the ground, pausing to close your eyes. He took once last glance before allowing Tony to guide him away.
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petersasteria · 4 years
The Forces of Nature || Ch.4
Pairing: Peter Parker x Superhero!Reader
Summary: “There’s this kid out there that can control the wind or something. I think she’s a great addition to the team. Let’s recruit her.”
Click the pictures for better quality and I still can’t believe I actually did this chapter with maximum effort lmao bc I actually studied so yeah have fun learning
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Today was the day of Y/N and Peter's presentation about Queen Elizabeth I and Y/N wasn't nervous at all. She was confident about their presentation. Plus, their slide designs looked really cute and refreshing to look at. Y/N's outfit that day was a modernized version of a dress from the Elizabethan era. She designed it herself and she was proud of the outcome and that she got it done in time. Eunice helped, of course.
The sleeves were short and slightly puffed. The skirt went until her knees and it had layers underneath to make it puffy as well. The body of her dress was tight fitted because of the corset. The dress had a boat neckline and her only accessory was a pastel choker. In fact, her whole dress was pastel colored and her hair was styled in loose curls.
When Peter entered the room, Y/N was reading her book in her seat. Peter sat next to her and sensing his presence, Y/N turned to him and smiled, "Good morning, Peter."
"G'morning, Y/N." Peter gave her a tight-smile as he set his bag down. Y/N continued reading and without looking up from her book, she said, "C'mon say something about my outfit. I feel like you have something to say about it. You always do."
"How did you know that?" Peter asked. Y/N looked at him and smiled, "I can tell. Just say it. No hard feelings."
Peter cleared his throat and took a good look at her. He didn't have anything insulting to say. However, he said, "You look like you came out of a Melanie Martinez music video."
"She was part of the inspiration for this design." Y/N chuckled. "She's amazing."
Peter didn't get to say anything because Mrs. Johnson walked in the room causing Y/N to place a bookmark on the page she was reading and putting it in her bag.
"Who will present today?" Mrs. Johnson asked. Peter and Y/N raised their hands and Mrs. Johnson smiled, "Ahh, the geniuses. I expect a great presentation. The floor is yours."
Y/N took the flash drive from her pocket and handed it to Peter which was a subtle way of telling him to set it up. Mrs. Johnson walked to the back of the classroom and sat on the chair where observers usually sit. Y/N patiently waited as Peter sets up the whole thing. When it was ready, Y/N mouthed a small 'thank you' to Peter who just smiled and nodded.
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"Hi everyone! Peter and I will be talking about Queen Elizabeth I's early life until she became queen. We were told not to tackle her reign as queen because someone else will be presenting that." Y/N introduced and explained.
"Yes, please proceed." Mrs. Johnson smiled.
Peter clicked the next slide.
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Peter cleared his throat and racked his brains for what he remembered. He and Y/N agreed that he'd explain the basic ones and would pipe in if he could remember some parts of her life.
"Queen Elizabeth I was born on September 7, 1533. She was the only child of King Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn. If you don't know who Anne Boleyn is, she's Henry's second wife and she got executed for treason." Peter said. "Anyway, since Anne Boleyn got executed before Elizabeth's third birthday, Elizabeth was left discarded and removed from succession of the throne."
"It was kind of complicated because Elizabeth and her sister, Mary, were due a certain level of care and they'd be in and out of favor depending on King Henry VIII's mood and marital status. I mean, what kind of father would do that?" Peter said with so many emotions. Y/N was in shock that he actually read everything, but she was also proud that he did so.
"Eventually, they realized that Elizabeth was a 'highly prized potential wife'." Peter said in air quotes. "I air quoted 'highly prized potential wife' because spoiler alert to those who don't know: SHE DIDN'T GET MARRIED. She's not called The Virgin Queen for nothing, guys."
"And because she was a 'highly prized potential wife', she was well educated and her education was first rate. She excelled in languages! She was intelligent, articulate, and open-minded. In short, she was ahead of her time. I mean, that's my opinion, of course." Peter said.
"Why do you think she was ahead of her time, Mr. Parker?" Mrs. Johnson asked.
"Because she was open-minded before anyone else. All of us have already evolved and we all keep evolving and growing as a society and yet there are people who are still so close-minded about things. If Elizabeth was open-minded since the 1530's, why aren't we all open-minded now?" Peter answered which made Y/N smile. It made Mrs. Johnson smile too and nodded for Peter to continue.
"And because she was well educated and stuff, she grew up quickly. It was great that she matured so fast but it suddenly didn't feel great when her brother, Edward VI, became King of England in 1547." Peter started. "Henry's widow, Catherine Parr, married soon after Henry's death. She married Thomas Seymour."
"It was reinstated under the terms of Henry's will that Elizabeth would be Edward VI's successor. She was under the care of Catherine Parr and living in her household. At the age of 14, Elizabeth first attracted male attention." Peter said.
"Not much is to be known about Thomas Seymour except for the fact that he was power hungry and in my opinion, a pedophile. I based that opinion from the fact that Thomas Seymour, in his late 30's might I add, engaged in appropriate behavior with Elizabeth. When Catherine discovered that, Thomas assured her that it was all innocent. One day, Catherine found Thomas and Elizabeth alone together in an embrace and because of that, Elizabeth was sent away in May 1548."
A classmate named Cindy raised her hand. Peter looked at her and said, "Yes?"
"Was Elizabeth okay after that?" Cindy asked. Peter grinned, "Good question."
"Yes, she was okay. Being sent away made it easy for her to move on from all of it, but only for a short time." Peter answered. "It was only a short time because when Catherine Parr died in... October, was it?" He looked at Y/N for help.
Y/N continued where Peter left off, "When Catherine Parr died in September 1548, Thomas Seymour tried to renew his relationship with Elizabeth. Of course, he failed. So, he manipulated Edward VI."
"Why did he do all those things?" Flash asked.
"Well, he was power hungry and he wanted to secure his authority that's why he did what he did. Thomas was arrested in 1549 for his inappropriate behavior towards Elizabeth and plots to overthrow his brother who was the Lord Protector of England. That same year, he was executed." Y/N shrugged as Flash nodded. Peter clicked the next slide.
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"Being Edward VI's sister, she caused little trouble compared to her sister, Mary, who went against the King's orders. When Edward VI fell ill in 1553, he went against Henry VIII's wishes and disinherited his sisters. Although his main issue was with Mary because of her very Catholic beliefs, disinheriting her would mean that he'd have to disinherit Elizabeth as well." Y/N reported.
"Well, that sucks." Flash commented.
"Indeed." Y/N said in agreement. "Anyway, when Edward died, Lady Jane Grey became queen... only for 9 days, though."
"A queen for 9 days? Why only 9 days? Did she die too?" Austin asked.
Y/N shook her head, "Nope."
"Who is she, anyway? She came out of nowhere!" Nadine exclaimed. "It's like she came there unannounced or something."
Y/N went to the board and grabbed a chalk and drew a chart of the Tudors for their classmates to understand. Peter stared at her in awe. "This girl knows her shit." Peter muttered under his breath as he crossed his arms out of habit.
Y/N turned to face everyone and started explaining, "Okay so let's start at the beginning. Henry VII and Elizabeth York are married and they had four children, namely: Arthur, Henry, Margaret, and Mary Tudor. Henry VIII and Jane Seymour had a son; Edward VI. Unfortunately, Jane Seymour died during childbirth."
"Anyway, Henry VIII's sister, Mary Tudor, married Charles Brandon the First Duke of Suffolk. They had a daughter, Frances Grey which makes her and Edward VI cousins. She married Henry Grey and they had a daughter who we all know as Jane Grey, the nine-day queen. In short, Jane Grey is Edward VI's niece." Y/N explained. "I hope that answers your question, Nadine."
"It did, thanks." Nadine said.
"I think it's weird that she's his niece." Allison mumbled.
"Now to answer Austin's question," Y/N said as she put down the chalk and rubbed her hands together to remove the chalk dust. Peter offered her a hand sanitizer which she gladly took and put some on her hands before giving it back to Peter and rubbing it on both of her hands.
"When Edward VI was dying, he disinherited both of his sisters and made Jane Grey his successor. So when he actually died in 1553, Jane Grey became queen. She was only queen for 9 days because the public basically didn't want her, they wanted Mary, Henry VIII's eldest and Edward VI's sister, to be queen instead. When Mary became queen, she wanted Jane Grey to be executed but she was spared upon the wish of the ones in the Holy Roman Empire. She was still a prisoner in the Tower, of course. Then she actually got executed when she refused to convert." Y/N explained. Austin nodded and took notes, "Thanks, Y/N."
"Okay so, now we all know that Mary became queen because the public wanted it. Elizabeth's life changed once again when her sister became queen and she now lived with her sister at court. Mary decided to reinstate the Catholic faith and of course it caused an uproar and such. Then this man named Thomas Wyatt started a revolt against Mary and it all just went downhill from there. In stark comparison to her irrational sister, Mary, Elizabeth became a figure of reason and enlightenment."
"Elizabeth was removed from the throne once more and after the rebellion was quashed, Elizabeth was interrogated because Mary suspected that Elizabeth took part in the said rebellion. There was no proof that Elizabeth had taken part in the rebellion, but she was taken to the Tower of London where she stayed for two months. In there, she was repeatedly interrogated and questioned. She never wavered from the protestations of her innocence and her love for her sister. Then Elizabeth left her prison for Woodstock and she was in house arrest there for nearly a year and the public was beginning to side with Elizabeth because Mary was getting crazy and out of hand. Elizabeth remained under house arrest until Mary came up with something to remove the threat."
"What was the threat?" Angelica asked.
"Elizabeth's ever-growing popularity was the threat." Y/N answered. "That's why she was sent to Woodstock."
"As Mary was thinking of a way to get rid of Elizabeth, she fell pregnant or she was already pregnant. If Mary had a healthy child, Elizabeth wouldn't become queen. But being pregnant is not easy so, this meant that Mary had to find Elizabeth a place for succession if she were to die in childbirth."
"She ended up not giving birth because her pregnancy was just a figment of her damaged imagination. In short, it was just a phantom pregnancy. Mary's health declined and she died on November 17, 1558."
"If Mary didn't bring her back in line for succession, how did Elizabeth become queen, then?" Brad questioned.
Y/N smiled, "Elizabeth became queen under the terms of Henry VIII's will. Now that she's queen, she already knew what to do and what not to do based from her family members. She learned from them and used it as stepping stones to be a great queen."
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"Thank you for listening!" Peter and Y/N in sync. Mrs. Johnson and the rest of the class clapped for them. Peter took the flash drive and gave it to Y/N as they went back to their seats. Mrs. Johnson got up from her seat and went to the front of the class, "Thank you, Mr. Parker and Ms. Y/L/N. That was an astounding presentation! Both of you really did you research and I'm proud of both of you. You guys didn't disappoint."
Peter and Y/N smiled at each other and gave each other a high five. The bell rang signalling that class was over. The students put their things away as they prepared to leave the room.
"To the ones presenting tomorrow, my expectations are high!" Mrs. Johnson called out. "Bye class!"
Everyone left the classroom and Y/N left ahead with Peter running after her. "Hey, Y/N!" Peter shouted as he caught up with her. Y/N stopped walking and looked at him. Peter reached her and said, "Thanks for backing me up in there. I have to admit, we were amazing."
"Yeah, we were." Y/N smiled. "We make a great team, huh? I'll see you in the next class. I have to go to the library."
Peter nodded as he watched her walk away. What they did in class was great; they were great as a team. Perhaps it wasn't so bad to include her in the team after all.
After the last class, he went to the compound to report to the rest of the Avengers. When he arrived in the meeting room, everyone was already there and he was late.
"There you are, Peter! Sit." Tony said. Peter didn't hesitate to sit down at the only empty seat. Everyone looked at Peter expectantly.
"So, how's recruiting going?" Steve asked as he looked at Peter intently.
"It's alright. We did a report together and we were great. I have a feeling we'll get a high grade on it." Peter smiled.
"Does this mean that you finally agree to adding her to the team?" Scott asked with a giddy voice.
Peter shrugged, "It doesn't hurt to add one more person with powers, right?"
* * * *
:)))) I hope y'all are proud of my fucking research
𝐏𝐄𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝐏𝐀𝐑𝐊𝐄𝐑 𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓: @myblueleatherbag @harryismysunflower @buckys-little-hoe @justanothermarvelmaniac @itstaskeen @sandystoriess
𝐆𝐄𝐍𝐄𝐑𝐀𝐋 𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓: @marvelousell @justasmisunderstoodasloki @rubberducky-jrr @petersholland @osterfieldnholland @miraclesoflove @god-knows-what-am-i-doing @perspectiveparker @hollands-weasley @itstaskeen @call-me-baby-gir1​ @the-panwitch​ @iamaunicorn4704​ @chloecreatesfictions​ @holland-styles​ @halfblood-princess-505​ @spidey-reids-2003​
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96thdayofrage · 3 years
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An Alabama jury on Friday convicted Huntsville Police Officer William Darby of murdering a suicidal man in April 2018. That man, Jeffery Parker, 49, was holding a gun to his head in his own home while talking to another police officer, according to a report by local CBS affiliate WHNT-TV.
Parker told a 911 operator that he planned to kill himself, the report said. Darby maintained that he fired on Parker to protect his fellow officer from a dangerous situation.
Prosecutors disagreed. They maintained that Darby was the aggressor. The jury agreed with the government.
Deliberations began in Madison County on Thursday but needed to resume anew on Friday morning, the station said. A juror with a medical issue had to be replaced by an alternate. The final jury reported about two hours before issuing a guilty verdict.
Jail records cited by The Huntsville Times and reviewed by Law&Crime indicate that Darby left the Madison County Jail after posting a judge-ordered $100,000 bond at 2:15 p.m. Friday — two hours and eighteen minutes after he was booked. Such a post-conviction, pre-sentencing release is contemplated by Alabama’s bail rules, even in murder cases.
“We believed in this case,” District Attorney Rob Broussard said after the verdict. “I’m not saying it’s a pleasant day for us in the office, but it’s a day that justice dictated . . . the facts of the case bore out that there was nothing justified about this encounter with Mr. Parker, and justice was served.”
“I think everybody always talks in their living room about, ‘I wish I was on that jury; I wish I could weigh in on that,’ but when people are put to it, you realize kind of the gravity of the moment for all involved, and I really do commend the jury for the hard work they’ve done,” the prosecutor continued. “It’s a different dynamic than what we normally have to encounter because you have had a police officer who is a defendant in this case. But we, up here, we don’t push any particular agenda. We’re in pursuit of justice, always, no matter who the character involved is.”
“I’ve been in this business for 33 years, and for 33 years I’ve bragged on local law enforcement in the area . . . and we have as good a law enforcement as any community could ever hope to have,” Broussard added. “And because this particular case involved a particular law enforcement [officer], it is absolutely no reflection on the quality of law enforcement that we have here. And there’s a lot of good men and women who have done wonderful work in this community for many years, and I could not be more proud of them.”
An attorney representing the victim’s family thanked the prosecutor for “pursuing justice.”
Huntsville Police Chief Mark McMurray released a statement to several local media outlets which said his department was “in the first stages of shock.” McMurray also directly disagreed with the jury’s verdict in a a thinly softened rebuke.
“While we thank the jury for their service in this difficult case, I do not believe Officer Darby is a murderer,” McMurray said. “Officers are forced to make split-second decisions every day, and Officer Darby believed his life and the lives of other officers were in danger. Any situation that involves a loss of life is tragic. Our hearts go out to everyone involved.”
Huntsville Mayor Tommy Battle reciprocated those feelings.
“We recognize this was a hard case with a lot of technical information to process,” Battle said. “Officer Darby followed the appropriate safety protocols in his response on the scene. He was doing what he was trained to do in the line of duty. Fortunately, Officer Darby has the same appeal rights as any other citizen and is entitled to exercise those rights.”
The missives stand in stark contrast to those issued by other officials who have been confronted with high-profile cases, most of whom simply state that they respect the jury’s decision — even if (and especially when) their side lost.
The right to a trial by jury is enshrined in both the Alabama and the U.S. Constitutions.
Defense attorney Robert Tuten promised an immediate appeal and predicted that this case would be a game-changer for police officers in the Heart of Dixie.
“Everyone is shocked by the jury’s verdict,” Tuten said. “While we appreciate their hard work and will give their verdict the respect that it deserves, we still disagree with their decision. Officer Ben Darby will appeal this verdict. Once reviewed at the Appellate level, this verdict will not stand. Officer Darby’s case is extremely important to all Alabama Law Enforcement. This case will clarify Alabama law regarding on-duty police shootings and will impact the way law enforcement protect Alabamians and perform their duties. We look forward to the appeal of this case.”
Darby remained on the force while he was on trial, but he was assigned to handle administrative work only.
The city council voted to shell out money for Darby’s defense while saying Darby was “within the line and scope of his duty” — but hadn’t even seen body camera footage of what happened, the local newspaper reported.
Officer Genisha Pegues testified at trial that she and officer Justin Beckles arrived at Parker’s home before Darby arrived on the scene. Pegues saw Parker holding a gun to his head. She testified that she tried to “de-escalate the situation” while “standing in a doorway,” WHNT reported (quoting the station, not the testimony verbatim). Her gun was “drawn but not pointed at Parker.”
Darby arrived with a shotgun. According to Pegues, he “yelled at Parker to drop his gun” and “yelled at her to point her gun at Parker,” the report continued (again, quoting the station, not the testimony).
Body camera footage quoted by the newspaper said Darby ordered Pegues to “point your fucking gun at him.”
“Pegues said Parker remained calm after Darby arrived and kept his gun pointed at his own head,” the TV station’s reporting continued. “She testified that she told Parker to lower his weapon because she didn’t want anything to happen to him, and Darby shot him in the face seconds later.”
Darby said in an official statement to his department that he initially believed Pegues didn’t have adequate cover and wasn’t properly protecting herself. He said in that internal interview that he wasn’t going to “second guess” his actions.
According to WNHT, Darby testified that he believed Parker was an “imminent threat” to all three officers on the scene. He said he “made the conscious” decision to take over the scene. When he ordered Parker to put down the gun, Parker said no; when the gun moved, Darby fired.
Jurors watched Parker’s body camera video of the confrontation and the fired gunshot.
According to NBC affiliate WAFF-TV, defense experts testified that even with officers’ weapons trained on Parker, if Parker wanted to shoot first, he would have been able to done so. Jurors apparently discredited that testimony.
Darby tried to claim he was immune from prosecution because he was acting in self defense. At an immunity hearing, a judge disagreed and bound Darby over for trial.
Seven men and five women were on the jury.
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comingtothetree23 · 4 years
What Kind Of A Doctor Are You?
Paring: Peter Parker x Reader
Warning: swearing probably...I’m new at this.
Words count: 3.2K 
Summary: “What kind of a doctor are you?” “Not the one your thinking about, that’s for sure.” 
A/N: I think the last one was pretty good. Let’s try this again, shall we?
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Peter looked around the tower confused, Why did everyone look so ....Annoyed. When he entered the living room he had just one question.
“Why is there a telephone box in here?”
"Strange brought it here." Nat answered with a tired look on her face. Not something you see often. 
"because a 'friend' is gonna pick it up." Tony answered, using air quotes around 'friend', "She's been around. She comes around once in a while. Usually when a problem happens." 
 "What kind of problems," Peter asks looking around at all the avengers in the room. 
"Problems that we don't need to know about." Nat answered before looking over at her watch, "She should be here soon. Never know with that girl." 
"Honestly." Tony rolled his eyes. The elevator suddenly beeped loudly and the doors opened, "Welcome to the party." 
"Feeling welcomed." a younger voice answered, much younger than anyone expected. They all looked over to see you standing there, looking 16 years old. You had (H/l) (H/c) hair with bright (E/c) eyes, You wore a much different outfit from last time you were here, "You have my box?"
"Yep. right here, better than ever." Tony tapped the blue box a couple of times, making you give him a hard look.
 "Don't touch my box again." You rolled your eyes as you walked over to it. You opened one of the doors when Nat spoke up, making you pause.
"Looking a lot different from last time you were here." nat spoke up, smirking lightly at you, "And a lot shorter." that caused you to scoff at her. Peter looked over at you confused, not realizing what you meant.
"You know, being shot five times change a look." You scoffed at her, closing the door, "But hey, I like this one  waaaay more than the last one." 
"Shot? Changed a look?" Peter asks, looking over at you. You looked over at Peter and stopped dead in your tracks. You suddenly smile at the spider.
"Oooh, You got a new one." You walked over to him and walk around him, observing him, "He wasn't here last time I came to visit." You held up one of his arms to look at it, "So, tell me, Why are you here?" 
"That's none of your god-damned business, Doctor," Tony spoke up, glaring at you. You scoff and drop the boy's arm and walk away from him. 
"Doctor?" Peter looked over at you before asking, "What kind of a doctor are you?"
"Not the one your thinking about, that's for sure." You smirk at the boy, "I don't know any medical things or anything, so don't ask me. They will die." You nodded toward the boy.
"Then why doctor?" Peter asks, looking at you before everyone else in the room. You look at him for a moment before slowly turning toward the group.
"How new is he?" was all that you asked, "Or have you guys just not been talking about me?" You put a hand on your chest, "Cause that kinda hurts." 
"Too be honest, I kinda forgot you existed until the moment strange came in," Tony explained to you, making you roll your eyes but showed no sign of that hurting your feelings.
"Strange, my best bud. How he doing?" You ask leaning against the blue box looking over at Nat for answers. It was not hard to tell who was your favorite. 
"Annoyed that his favorite doctor has made another mess." She explained, making you smile sheepishly at her. 
"Okay, okay. It's just one thing." You held up one finger with a sheepish smile, making everyone raise a brow, "I just need to get rid of some angels." 
"Angels? They aren't on earth, still lady-Doctor." Thor laughs to himself, knowing how hard it is to find angels nowadays. You sighed and rocked on your heels.
"Not that kind of angel."
"What kind?" Peter asks looking over at you, you both shared a look. Peter didn't know what that look meant but he knew it probably wasn't a good thing. 
"Weeping angels." You answered looking grim, when no one reacted you sighed and explained, "Okay okay, Their angels but you can't look away from them. If you do and they touch you, you disappear." You made a wild hand gesture.
"Disappear where?"
"I don't know, no one knows." You explained, looking down at your feet. Peter could tell that you lost people from these angels. You suddenly look back up at them, "But good news! I know how to defeat them." 
"Then why didn't you?" Sam asked with a raised brow, You went a look his way. You actually didn't like how everyone is here, listening to you. their all really judgemental.
"Cause I needed my box!" You pointed your thumb toward your blue box, "Cause they can't get into my box!" You walk toward your box and opened the door looking at them, "Now if you excuse me, I have a problem to fix." You waved at the group before saying, "Buh-bye!" And as soon as it appeared, it was gone.
"so, who was that?" Peter asked as soon as the box was completely gone. he looked around the room to his mentors who all looked tired.
"She's the doctor, kid. get used to her barging in." Tony sighed as he took a long sip from his coffee. 
"What's her name?" Peter asked, wanting to know more about you for some reason. You seemed like a chill and fun person and maybe a new friend.
"Her name? No one knows her real name, I just assumed it's Doctor." Nat explained before she starts a conversation with Steve.
"Listen, Kid," Tony walks over and puts a hand on his shoulder, "She's a wild one. Many people has gotten hurt with her and we don't want you to be one of them." 
"No buts kid, don't go near her." Tony finished, patting his shoulder before walking toward the couch to sit. Leaving Peter to think about you.
You couldn't be dangerous.
~~ Peter woke up in his room, he spent the weekends at the tower. That was what they agreed on until he finished high school. May and Tony both agreed Peter needed to focus on school. He heard a sound, it sounded familiar. He stood up and walked out of his room in the hall, where he was met with (E/c) eyes.
"I need help." You rasped out, Your hair was a mess and Peter could tell something happened to you, "Get some clothes on and please help." You looked at him and he knew you needed help. And Peter was all about helping the little guy.
"Give me a minute." He spoke before a gaint smile lit your face.
"Yes! Thank you! Thank you!" You hugged him tight making Peter blush before letting go of him, "Now, Go get dress." Peter smiled before running in his room.
"Okay, We have to leave the tower." You explained walking inside your box. Peter stared at the inside in awe, it was-it was, "Bigger on the inside." Peter looked at you in shock, "yes, I get it a lot. Now we can't let the angels in the tower, everyone is asleep and they'll be lost in time." You started to press buttons making the box leave the tower. Peter watched what you did in awe, it was until he noticed something.
"why not go somewhere abandoned?" he asked pointing to one of the buttons, making him look at you, "This thing can teleport yeah? Why not just teleport someone safe?"
"They really didn't tell you about me huh?" You giggle at him, making him look at you confused, "This is a time machine. Yes, I do teleport places but I teleport to places in time." you let it some giggles before going back to the machine.
"Time travel? T-That's impossible!" he looked at your smirking face, "Time travel doesn't exist if it did Mr. Stark would-"
"Have done it first?" You finished his sentence, doing a half-shrug, "He tried, oh boy did he try. Until I came and kinda explained the dangers of it. Which are a lot, don't need to make any other universe or whatever Strange said." 
"What?" Peter looked at you dumbfounded, a real-life time traveler asked for his help. His help, Peter Parker's not Spider-man's which was new.
"Look, I mastered the ability to travel through time without breaking anything. It's hard but I know how." You explained, nudging Peter's shoulders a bit, "Now, Pick a time." You smirk a the Spider.
"1977?" He asks nervously, He really hoped you don't ask why he picked that year. That would be embarrassing. 
"Ohh, Nice choice, Parker." You smirked at him before working on the controls of the box. Peter turned toward you, he never told you his name.
"H-how did you?" He was able to stutter out. 
"Tony talks about you a lot, Not gonna lie I thought you guys were related when I first entered the tower." You explained making Peter's eyes widen, "He really cares about you. Appreciate that." You give Peter a sad smile before going back to work.
"O-Okay." Peter gave you a smile as he watched you work. You looked like you did this a million times, which you probably had. Peter made a small note to himself that you were really pretty actually. You suddenly smirked as you stared at the screen,
"1977, Here we come!" You smirked before pulling down a lever, making the sound go off. You looked over at Peter to see him looking around, "You'll get used to it." Peter looked at you before you corrected yourself, "If you're here all the time, you get used to it." You smile nervously at the boy, making him smile.
"Are you normally alone?" He asks looking at you making sure you won't get mad or anything. You made a face as you looked down for a second before Peter could apologize you spoke up.
"I had people with me before. They all stay for a while but they always leave, I don't blame 'em." You looked up at the screen as you landed, "This is fun for a bit before it gets dangerous then they leave. Which I'm okay with, I'd rather them be safe than in danger with me." You avoided Peter's eyes as you stand up straighter, "We're here, 1977. Don't do anything stupid or noticeable." Peter nodded at you as you two walked out.
"So, What do we do now?" Peter asks looking around, not seeing anything really amazing. 
"Your lucky your pick was correct, man." You explained looking around, "the Angels have been following everywhere my box does. Which is why I needed to get it fast from you guys." 
"Why did Strange get it?" Peter asks looking (Up/ Down) at you. You have him shrug as you walked next to him passing people on the street.
"I left it somewhere, trying to trap the angels but Strange got it to it first before I can explain and made me go get it instead of giving it back nicely." You rolled your eyes, feeling Peter's eyes on you, "He doesn't admit it but e's my best friend." 
"I feel that." Peter spoke before looking up at a weird statue, "Look at that weird statue." He nudged your shoulder, making you look up at the building and gasps. Peter looked down at you confused before you took his hand and backed up a little, keeping your eyes on the thing.
"Pete, That's the weeping angel." You whispered at him, making his eyes widen, "If one is there, more should he around here." You shook his hand as you say, "You have to lead me toward the blue box while I keep my eyes on it. They're mad at me they always are. so they'll follow." 
"Alright, A-alright. Y-yea." Peter started to lead you back toward your box, You keep your eyes on the angel the whole time. When he reached where you were, there was one problem, "hey Doctor, the, uh, Box isn't here." 
 "What!?" You looked toward the spot, completely forgetting about the angel. The box was indeed gone, "God damn it, Strange!" You put your head in your head, "You have to talk to me!" You groan.
"Watch out!" You suddenly felt something cold of your hand, you were suddenly pulled into a hard strong chest. You look up to see Peter glaring at something, you looked over to see the Angel.
it was about to touch you. 
"T-Thanks." You smiled up at the boy, He smiled but kept his eyes on the angel, "Okay, Okay. Strange has to be around here somewhere!" 
"Strange is up there," Peter answered, pointing to where he was. You looked up to see him moving your boxes in a way no one would notice. Unless you were the Doctor and Spider-man.
"God! Damn you, Strange!" You yelled in the distance. You looked back at the angle to see that it had moved, Peter looked away when he saw Strange, "C'mon, We gotta go!" You took his hand and started to run.
"I gotta a idea!" Peter yelled when he heard the angels run after you two.
"Okay, Okay! Do it!"
"Alright," Peter quickly put his mask on, making sure no one saw him. He picked you up bridal style and started to swing. You gasp and held on tighter but watched as the world started to move around you.
"T-This is amazing!" You laugh as you watched him swing, "Did you make those yourself?" Peter nods at you, "That's awesome! I-I mean-" You cut yourself off, laughing.
"Where to now?" Peter asks you, making you think.
"Honestly anywhere! We just need to get away from the angels." You answered honestly making Peter nod as he looked at a destroyed warehouse.
"Will we be safe here?" Peter asks as he gently lets you go, weird as it was be actually liked helping you as he swings around the old town.
"For now yes, Pete, I am so sorry I brought you into this." You sighed as you laid against the door, making Peter frown, "I should have never asked you to help me, Strange is right, I am reckless." You leaned your head against the wall.
"Hey, Hey." Peter sat down next to you, putting a hand on your shoulder, "I'm the one who agreed to help you. You're not reckless, You needed help which is okay. You can't deal with this by yourself." You look over at him with glossy eyes, "If you need it, I can stay for a bit?" He smiled nervously as you started to blink fast. Suddenly you were hugging him tightly, shocking him a lot.
"Thank you." You whisper to the boy. Peter smiled and put his chin on the top of your head. 
There was a faint sound of wood breaking, making you both jump and back away. You pulled out what looked like a screwdriver from the future as it glowed (F/c) - (Favorite color).
"It's the angels!" You stood up quickly making Peter stand with you. Suddenly there's more sound of wood breaking, "There's more! Crap!" 
"W-What do we do!?" Peter asks, looking around the small room, he swore he could see the wood started to break. You leaned against Peter's back as he did the same. 
"I have an idea!" You yelled,
"What is it!?" Peter asks as the wood started to break.
"Close your eyes!" You yelled as you closed your eyes, making Peter look at you like you were insane before looking back at the angel, who was in the room now. 
"This is a terrible idea!" Peter yelled looking around at all of the angels now, there were four in the room. 
"Just trust me, Peter!" You yelled, Peter looked at you for a moment before closing his eyes. His senses screamed at him to move but he didn't. 
"Duck!" You yelled as you tackled Peter to the floor. At that sudden moment, Everything went silent, "There we go." You spoke up, standing up.
"w-what was that for?" Peter asks as he opens his eyes, looking right into yours.  
"Look around, Pete." You open your arms wide, motioning toward the frozen angels. Peter stood up looking at the angels shocked.
"What happened?" Peter looked at you, "What did you do?" He didn't expect you to actually fix the problem this quickly. You smirked at him and poke him in the chest.
"Actually, we both did it." You look back toward the angels, "They can't look at each other if they do. They freeze, I wouldn't touch them though. Just to be safe."  You smiled toward the boy, you help out a hand for him to take, "Should we get going?"
"Yea, This day has been crazy awesome." Peter smiles as he takes your hand as you lead him out.
"Wow." You said as you looked at your blue box, It was right outside the warehouse. You walked toward it as you looked at the note.
"I thought Doctor Strange had it?" Peter asks as he walked next to you, watching you read the note.
"He did." You explained as you showed him the note that read 'This belongs to you. Don't get the kid killed - Doctor Strange' 
"He really doesn't trust you," Peter notes, making you laugh. Making Peter smile at you, Peter really liked your laugh. he really likes that he can make you laugh
"No one trusts me." You gently punch his shoulder, "C'mon, we should bring you back home." 
~~ "So, You wanna head home after suck an 'Awesome' day." You put air quotes around 'Awesome' this kids was an adrenaline junkie you swore.
"You know, I kinda wanna stay for a bit," You looked around at him shocked, "I told you earlier." He shrugged at you before smirking at your reaction.
"I-I thought you were just being nice." You explained sheepishly at him before taking your hand off the controls, "Do you mean it? You actually wanna stay for a bit?"
"Yea, sure what could go wrong?" Peter joked, making you give him a look, "Okay, a lot can go wrong. But c'mon this is a time machine. How can I pas this up!?" He waved his hand around, making you laugh.
"What?" Peter looked at you confused as you held out your hand for him to shake, at least he assumed so. He looked down at your hand before looking back at your eyes.
"My name is (Y/n). Pleased to meet you, Peter Parker." You smiled as Peter shook your hand with a big 'ol dorky smile on his face. You could get used to having his kid around.
"Nice to meet you, Doctor (Y/n)." Peter smiled before looking around the box again. Admiring how it looks and everything else. You smiled as you looked around the box too.
"all of time and space everything that ever happened or ever will - where do you want to start." 
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thran-duils · 5 years
Haunted House
Summary: For @sherrybaby14 ‘s Halloween challenge. My prompt was the quote, “That costume is becoming on you. Of course, if I were on you I’d be cumming too.” I mean the plot is that an Omega gives into her nature to two hot Alphas. Oh, and the house may or may not be haunted. :D Pairing: Omega!Fem Reader x Alpha!Tony x Alpha!Steve Rating: Explicit Words: 2,698 Warnings (for the whole fic): Smut, ABO dynamics, dub-con, some horror
You walked up the stone staircase to the house, eyes flittering over all the windows. The house loomed, as if it could see through your very being. It was gorgeous in architecture, weaving stone and stained-glass windows. But, you knew there were stories about it being haunted. It excited you that you were going to be able to stay the night here.
Heels clicking on the stairs, you adjusted your bag, clearing your throat. You had been invited to come here by your employer, Tommy. He said the owner had requested you specifically and you had not asked questions when you saw the first part of the payment. It was lofty and you needed the money.
All that had been required was you to come with a bottle of alcohol, two days’ worth of clothes – although you were not required to stay for the two days –, and a risqué Halloween costume. A sexy, maid is what you had gone for; it seemed appropriate in this house. All lace with a nice black bow at the small of your back.
Suitcase at your side, you threw your coat off, hanging it on the coatrack by the door. You were getting overwhelmed as your eyes traveled the ceiling and walls of the mansion.
You knew that voice all too well and crossed your arms when you turned around, facing the billionaire pouring you a drink. He was dressed suave as always, even in joggers and a sweater. He was always effortlessly attractive.
How could your employer not have told you who had requested you specifically?
Smirking at you, he sauntered over, holding out one of the drinks to you. “Serving others seems to be your niche. That costume is becoming on you. Of course, if I were on you I’d be cumming too.”
No matter how much you found him attractive, you were not going to let him forget last time. You could not forget last time… mainly how you had had a hard time with not liking how he had handled you before. Even now, you felt a pull towards him… desire blossoming.
“Really? Again, Mr. Stark?”
“Please, Tony. But, at least you can remember some manners,” Tony stated, stalking closer. You stiffened and he smirked at you, holding the glass out. “Babydoll, come on. I’m sorry I got handsy last time.”
“Handsy?” you scoffed. He had handcuffed you to the bed and fucked you relentlessly.
“You’re too tempting for me,” Tony stated. “I was in a bit of a rut and you drive me a little insane. And I’m always a little rougher when I’ve imbibed too much. And I had that night. I’m sorry. Really. I wanna make it up to you.”
Narrowing your eyes at him, you asked, “By inviting me to a creepy mansion?”
Tony cocked his head and said, “Come now. It’s not that creepy. Sure, some people have died in here but you’re gonna find that in most houses older than 1900.” You did not look amused and he said, “Yes, yes. There are stories about it being haunted. People have seen stuff they’ve said. But, really. It’ll be fun. Just you, me, and Cap.”
You rose your brows in surprise. “Cap?”
“He’s aching for some companionship.”
Taking a long sip of your drink, you turned from Tony to examine the room a little bit further. “Didn’t think poster boy for American family values would be going after a prostitute.”
“I don’t want you to be a prostitute.”
“What do you want me to play as then?” you asked coyly.
“Okay,” you sighed, turning to face him again.
Tony was at your side suddenly and you leaned away from him, unsettled by the fire burning in his eyes. He pinned you up against the counter, his breath hot on your ear.
“All mine. Omega,” he breathed.
You froze, staring at him as he pulled away, a self-satisfied smile playing on his lips. How did he know? You were on suppressants. Always had been when you had been around him.
Trying to play it off, you forced yourself to shake your head. “You want me to be an Omega? Bit of an odd roleplay. But I guess…” You reached out to touch his shirt, but he stopped your movement with a tight grip on your wrist. Wincing, you said, “Tony, what—”
“We both know you don’t have to pretend with that one.” He leaned in and inhaled deeply against your neck. “I know you’ve felt that ache.’ His lips gently brushed your skin and you shivered underneath his kiss. “I can taste it.” Involuntarily, you leaned towards him and he smiled against your neck. “Placebos. The last two weeks.”
Your blood ran cold. You knew something had been off about the way you felt. You had felt more desire for your customers than normal.
No no no no.
You tried to jerk away but he held tight.
“It was easy to pay Tommy to switch them out. You know having you employed is a risk for him. Even with the suppressants, you still smell and taste that much different than others. Probably why he only usually lets you take high end jobs. Worth the risk if the price is right. Doesn’t want you getting hurt for a small pile of change.”
How could Tommy have agreed to that? Your mouth was dry. There was a reason Tony was getting under your skin as much as he was now… any Alpha like him. And with Cap in the house too… it was no surprise you would react.
“I think this will be a more exciting experience if we turn this into a game. You like games, don’t you, Y/N?”
Breathing erratically, you decided on a whim to try to play his game. He was in charge after all… an Alpha. He was riled up; you felt his erection against you. Wanting to please him, you got out, “Depends on the game.”
“You run. We seek you out.”
You had not even seen Steve yet.
“You’re joking, right?” you asked him, holding your glass tighter to your chest.
“Do I sound like I’m joking?”
He came closer again and laid a gentle hand on your waist. “You’ll be perfect at it.” He leaned in, pecking your cheek. Subtly, you leaned towards him, your mouth open slightly. His eyes were darker now, no doubt him arousing himself thinking of the hunt. His hand slipped beneath your skirt, cupping your ass. This time he gently kissed you, reaching up to you take your glass from you. “Won’t you, babydoll?”
Averting your gaze from his, you nodded. Heart hammering, you were wildly thinking about what you should do? Play his game? Try to hide for the night? Try to scale the fence outside? No. That would be rude.
He drew you from your thoughts, cupping both sides of your face, his thumbs caressing your cheeks. “Steve’s ready. Been more than ready to hold you and fuck you right.” Tony drew in his bottom lip slightly, his eyes raking over you. “As have I.”
Thumb tracing your lip, you shivered as he said, “I know you’re not in heat. But, you like my attention, don’t you? Want me to hold you tight? I didn’t think you’d look and smell so fucking good but I’m not complaining.”
You did not trust yourself to speak, starting to feel frightened about how you were reacting to him scenting you all over your skin, wishing for more. You had not reacted to an Alpha for more than a year since you had started your suppressants. Losing control was scary.
His lips pressed firmly against yours and you responded in like.
“Figure the kitchen table is as good as any place. But I think you’ll be more comfortable on a bed.”
Your breath froze instinctively again as he leaned in. His lips brushed your ear as he whispered, “This is the part where you run.”
Your footsteps pounded in your ears as you ran down the hallway. You did not know where you were heading and you panicked, knowing damn well Tony knew the layout of this house and he had probably told Steve as well.
The halls were winding. You knew going up only trapped you, but you would not go up to the top floor. You would find a place on the third. If only the wood floors were not so goddamn creaky! You would be able to conceal yourself easier.
Any bedroom was as good as any and you bolted into one and into its bathroom.
Breathing shakily, you crouched in the tub, holding your knees close to your body. The curtain was mostly closed but there was still visibility. Luckily, the window was over the sink and the light from the moon would not cause your silhouette on the curtain.
The house was quiet.
Besides your breath as you tried to calm from the running.
It was too quiet.
Until you heard a squeak on the floor below it sounded like. They were circling in. Excitement was coursing through you, your mind running through the possibilities of what they would do to you when they found you. And worried too. If you had been off your suppressants for two weeks…
Suddenly, a shadow moved across the wall near the tub and you gasped, your hand coming to your mouth. There had not been any noise, no sound of anyone even entering the bedroom. You were unsure if anyone was actually in there with you.
You kept your eyes trained on the wall where the shadow was – not a solid figure but an outline, nonetheless. Perhaps there was something outside the window… but you were three floors up.
Moving cautiously, you pulled the shower curtain back further.
Revealing an empty, dark bathroom. Your eyes scanned the room frightened.
A new shape caught your eye in the corner.
Maybe you were playing tricks on yourself. This was because tony had frightened you with telling you people had died in here.
Then the shape flexed in size.
A scream erupted and you bolted out of the tub.
Running blind, you escaped the bedroom heading for the stairs.
Strong hands gripped you around your waist, yanking you to the side.
You cried out and grasped at the door frame. Your hands were ripped away and you were at the mercy of the grasp on your waist.
“Shh,” a voice whispered in your ear as they drug you back further into the room. “No need to be afraid.”
The hair on the back of your neck rose, scenting the Alpha holding you close. Especially him, without his shirt, his bare skin touching you. You mewled involuntarily.
“That’s it, darling,” he husked, turning you around to face him, keeping a tight grasp on you.
Steve had to help! The three of you needed to get out of this house.
“There was a ghost! A demon!” you gasped out, trying to look over your shoulder but he forced you to look at him again.
“No, no,” Steve purred, burying his nose into your neck. “You’re safe, Omega.”
Your breath hitched at the title and you relented for just a moment, forgetting why you were afraid. You were safe of course. Steve could protect you.
Snapping out of your haze, you shook your head.
“No,” you protested, your fingers digging into his arms. “You don’t understand. Upstairs –”
Steve nipped at your ear and pressed you against the wall. “Come now, I can calm you down, darling.” You tried to argue but he kissed you deeply, cutting off whatever you were going to say. You began falling into it, following his lead. Against your lips, he praised, “Good girl. You’re so riled up. Let me take care of you.”
You were falling victim to your hormones. You had to stay above water.
Again, you tried, “Steve, I swear –”
He hushed you again, his hands at the bow at your back. “Quiet, Omega. I promise we’ll protect you.” He untied the bow, moving his hands to the straps at your shoulders. “You’re so beautiful. Soft. Perfect.”
You melted under his words.
“Put her on the bed, Steve,” you heard Tony state from the doorway.
Steve chuckled against your lips and said, “You really don’t like foreplay, do you Tony?”
“I like foreplay plenty. I just know how to get the girl wet.”
Steve picked you up suddenly drawing a gasp out of you. As soon as you were on the bed, Tony flipped you onto your stomach, his hand pressing down on your back to hold you in place.
You felt the fabric at your pussy rip, leaving you exposed.
A rapt smack on your ass caused you to yelp. His fingers delved between your lips and you gasped.
“Let’s present ourselves nicely, Y/N. You have such a tight, welcoming cunt. Let’s not give Cap here the wrong idea.”
Tony added another finger and your own dug into the comforter, biting your bottom lip. His thumb worked your clit and you keened, grinding gently.
You whined when another blow landed, grinding harder.
“Steve, you like what you see? She’s well behaved, isn’t she? Fucking perfect.”
You were empty and you looked over your shoulder, seeing Tony licking his fingers.
Steve’s fingers traced your hips, a soft exhale leaving his mouth. You mewled when his fingers brushed your pussy, playing with your wetness.
Tony cupped your chin and he cooed, “Look at that. How wanton you are, darling. I gotta say, I’ve been wanting to fill you for a while.” His thumb entered your mouth and you sucked earnestly. His pupils were blown wide, looking hungry. “You can take as many suppressants as you want but kitten, I could see right through you and your need to be fucked and taken care of was glaring.” He kissed you, his tongue slipping past your lips. Groaning, he promised, “And you’re going to get it.”
Suddenly, Steve hiked your hips up and he entered swiftly.
You cried out as he pounded, feeling his cock hit your core.
“So fucking tight,” Steve grunted, his fingers digging into your hips.
Over the noise, you heard Tony let out a laugh. “I knew she could get you to drop an f bomb, Cap.”
Turning your head, you saw Tony pleasuring himself, watching the two of you. You could not wait for him to take you too.
Your head was swimming with arousal, wanting Steve to finish inside you. You needed to make him happy, allow him pleasure. His thrusts grew ever more sporadic, his pants becoming shorter.
“Alpha,” you whined.
That was enough to send him over the edge, coating you.
Tony’s arm wrapped around your waist, pulling you up. He crawled onto the bed with you, holding you close. You gasped when his finger found your clit, stimulating you.
“Let’s get you off again, baby. Make you that much wetter for me.”
He had you crying out, his arms holding you tight as you saw stars.
Tony filled you and you cried out at the intrusion when you were still so sensitive.
“You’re going to be amazing,” he husked against your ear. “I’m going to keep you all for us. You’ll never have to work outside this house again.”
Driving himself up into you, his hand closed around your neck. You groaned against the sensation, drowning in your pleasure. Your skin was on fire, electricity shooting through you.
“Alpha. Please,” you begged.
“Beautiful, Omega,” Tony moaned, his thrusts becoming faster.
When the two of you came tumbling down again, you all but collapsed in his arms.
His hands were gentle as they repositioned you, laying you softly onto the bed. Coming down beside you on one side, Steve on the other, Tony pulled the blanket over you all.
“We have all night, babydoll.” He leaned down and placed a soft kiss on your forehead. whispered in your ear, “You’re gonna love it here with us.”
You snuggled in closer to them, knowing they were going to protect you. You did not ever have to worry about being safe again.
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anika-ann · 5 years
Hands Too Cold, but Heart of Gold - Pt.2
The Partnership
Pairing: Steve Rogers x reader, Matt Murdock x reader (no SR x MM x r)
Word count: 2250
Summary: Avenger!reader AU, love triangle. Daredevil is so-so warming up to the team... some of its members anyway. Steve is too busy being furious with you. Or is he?
Warnings: pissed off Steve, mentions of violence, swearing, fluff, mild angst…? 
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Story Masterlist
────── ·❆· ──────
If anyone was watching, they probably thought they were high and hallucinating. The quinjet basically landed on water, opening precisely for you to just leave the pier and enter the ramp lash entrance without faltering in your steps. You walked in, the Devil of Hell’s Kitchen on your tail, the tension in his shoulders obvious.
“Hi, Elsa. Looking as good as ever. DD, good to see you again,” Tony’s voice welcomed you, confirming your suspicion. Everyone was now here, probably. Wonderful.
“Mr. Stark,” Daredevil acknowledged him with a nod.
You, on the other hand, ignored the greeting. If he was starting with Elsa, you were not about to speak to him unless necessary, even when he told you that you looked good – hell, it had been like an hour since he had seen you. Jerk.
“Wow, look at you, kiddo. Good job. Daredevil, we haven’t met yet-“ Clint stood up from his seat, hand extended.
“Meaning you haven’t stalked me and tried to get me to join your team?”
Clint wasn’t surprised or concerned about the distance the masked man kept, withdrawing his hand easily. “Yep. Name’s Clint Barton.”
The Devil just nodded again, not giving up his own name. Shocker.
“Daredevil. Welcome on board. Hey, our new recruitment expert.” Tasha gave you a significant look saying ‘brace yourself’. You picked up on it immediately.
“Hey, Natasha. Is Steve mad?” you asked innocently despite knowing the answer for sure.
“Yes,” sounded from behind you quietly, a brief warning from the Devil, as the man in question appeared, his footsteps heavy and angry.
“You are in so much trouble, missy!”
You made a face. “Steve, do not call me ‘missy’. It’s the on the top of the bad words list, seriously, who the fuck taught you that?” you teased him lightly, the humour leaving you when you found yourself under his strict gaze. Not just strict; worried. Hurt. “I’m not sorry for turning it off. You weren’t exactly helping.”
“I appreciated it,” Daredevil supported you unexpectedly and you eyed him, fighting a smile, unable to resist the warmth of satisfaction in your chest.
“Yeah, well, the job is done. Congratulation. Now turn it on again, or so help me god, I’ll cuff you with powers-restrictors and you’re sitting this mission out,” Steve grumbled, spinning on his heels, returning to the cockpit without another word.
You blinked in surprise at the harshness, heavy guilt settling in your stomach. Surely it wasn’t such a big deal? No, there hadn’t even been a real danger; Steve wouldn’t be so pissed about something like this, not normally. Something was wrong.
You left Daredevil’s side, making your way after Steve.
���Leave him. He’s just a grumpy old man,” Tony hummed, drinking some energy drink through a straw.
You ignored him. This wasn’t grumpiness, this was anxiety. Steve was anxious about something and it wasn’t you turning off your comms.
You entered the cockpit, hearing Clint trying to socialize with the Devil while Natasha interjected with the plan so the Devil would be brought up to speed.
“I don’t want to talk to you right now, Anderson,” your captain growled, pretending to be perfectly focused on piloting a plane that could just easily run on autopilot. The tendons in his forearms were so tightened he could cut something with them.
You gulped. Anderson. The spy name you were given by S.H.I.E.L.D. after your real persona had to die. No one on team called you that. Ever.
Crap. This is bad.
You sat down next to him despite his protest.
“That’s too bad. Because-“
“I don’t care about apologies.”
You scoffed. “Good, ‘cause you’re not getting one.”
His statue-like posture shifted and his eyes turned to you for a fraction of a second before returning to staring ahead blankly, pretending to see what was in front of them. He didn’t say a word.
You bit your lip, covering his right hand with yours gently. His fingers twitched, but otherwise he didn’t react to your gesture. You ran your thumb over his knuckles.
“Wanna tell me what’s going on? And don’t try that bullshit about being angry because of me cutting you off. You knew it was a good move. Talk to me, Steve,” you whispered, observing his hard expression, wondering what he was hiding behind it. Steve had always been good at perceiving your emotions – and thanks to the way he had opened to you, it went both ways. But now, he was closing off and you hated it. “Please.”
Steve remained silent. It might seem he didn’t even listen to you, but you could tell he was struggling with something. Steve was… a sweetheart. A kick-ass serum-powered stubborn reckless sweetheart. He cared for people. He worried. And he thought the serum had not only made him the most famous American hero, but also transformed him into Atlas – he believed he needed to carry the weight of the world on his shoulders and protect everyone else. You knew that this was why your crush was pointless – he would always saw you as the newbie, as the little sister who needed protection and couldn’t bear the weight of what he was carrying – like for example right now.
“There’s something out of place,” he said quietly and you supressed the rush of joy into your abdomen at his honesty. And silenced the ‘you mean beside the fact the daughter of the Secretary of the Treasury was kidnapped from her private school together with three other girls, taken by a human trafficking ring?’, knowing now was not the time. The Secretary was out of his mind. This would be a STRIKE team mission, but he demanded Captain America and the Avengers. “Something just doesn’t feel right. Maybe paranoia is to getting me-”
The Secretary demanded the Avengers; for some reason, Steve didn’t think it was enough and wanted the Devil on it too; because he had a bad feeling about this. It all made sense now.
You squeezed his hand and he turned it up to catch your hand in his and reciprocate the gesture, not caring he let go of the controller – the plane was still on autopilot then. He really had been sitting here only for show. You mentally rolled your eyes.
“Well, you’re old enough for that, but I don’t think it’s paranoia, Steve.” His blue eyes met yours, allowing you to glimpse at the unsettling uneasiness inside of him. “You have good instincts and you have every right to trust them. I know I do.”
His posture slightly relaxed, the corners of his lips rising just inconspicuously. “Thank you.”
“I’ll keep the irresponsibility to minimum. Even smaller minimum than usual. I promise. I’ll be on the highest alert,” you reassured him softly, sensing his stiffness resolving completely. Oh dear god, this man worried for others so much. He needed something light in his life.
You squeezed his hand one more time, rising to your feet and patting his shoulder, determined to light up the mood by quoting him. “If they hurt me, I’ll hurt them back. And I’ll walk it off if they kill-“
“Don’t say it.”  
His hand shoot up to your wrist, stopping you before you could finish and leave. You met his eyes once more, curling your fingers around his own wrist.
“I’ll be careful, Steve. I promise. Just try to do the same, okay?”
He smiled at the open display of care; it was nothing rare, yet, he would probably always find it precious. He was Captain America, he was meant to worry about others; you could understand why he was moved by someone else taking the role of the concerned friend.
“Go meet the Devil properly. You’re paired with him.”
You blinked in surprise, tilting your head to side. “Why me?”
“ ’Cause he seems to trust you enough to join the mission,” Steve stated, sounding as if it was obvious.
Oh. Okay, you could see his point.
“Are you saying the others don’t trust me then?” you demanded, pretending to be wounded. Maybe not completely pretending. You were the newbie after all, you would understand if they would be reluctant to do so even after the missions you had had together.
“Oh come on, Snowflake. You know we do.”
────── ·❆· ──────
You entered the larger space only to find Daredevil in the company of Clint and Tony. Tasha had probably run him through the basics of the mission and now was getting ready, while the guys were trying to interrogate the temporary addition to the team.
The Devil shot you a brief smile as you appeared and the other men noticed you too.
“But seriously. Is it Lucifer? Or is something like Raphael, like the archangel, and you’re trolling everyone?” Tony demanded and you snorted, the corners of Devil’s lips rising higher.
“No, Mr. Stark. It’s neither. Give up.”
You pated the billionaire’s shoulder. “You should suit up. We’re almost there. Plus I need to talk strategy with my partner.”
Clint grinned at Tony’s shocked expression. The man to be Iron Man gaped at Daredevil, pointing at him accusingly. “That’s not fair! Why do you get to be with the cool one?”
You rolled your eyes at the lame pun while Clint just snickered, getting up to prepare his gear.
“No, seriously. I bet I’m paired with the old man again.”
Daredevil shrugged. “Birds of feather flock together.”
You burst out laughing at the daring man who pointed out Tony’s age.
“Language!” you called out, your voice supported by three more, including one from the cockpit. Tony raised his chin, his hand imitating an offended diva gesture, which somehow activated his suit that started wrapping around him.
“Savages, all of you.” He turned his back to you and you approached the Devil, sitting next to him.
“That okay? You being paired with me?” you asked quietly.
“Of course. I get to be with the cool one. Can I ask what your abilities are exactly? Just to know-“
“Sure. Though you pretty much experienced it. I can create and manipulate ice, lower temperature of anything to almost absolute zero. It… can get nasty, but I’m trying to avoid that.”
“Understand. I don’t kill either.”
“I know.” He huffed out a laugh, less wry than you would expect from someone who just found out you had done a lot of reading on them. “You have a very good hearing and you kick ass. Anything else?”
He licked his lips, wavering. “Pretty much everything is amplified. Not just my hearing.”
Your eyes went wide in surprise. What? How— as in everything? Like his vision, sense of touch, sense of smell, taste too? “I’m not sure-“
“Would you like a demonstration?” You nodded without thinking. “Alright. Uhm… your heartbeat-“ just stopped, you wanted to say, because what the fuck- “is slower than average. You’re using a shampoo with… lilac, but there’s something I can’t really place. It’s adding to your aura, which is somehow colder – not because of the temperature, that’s normal, I guess maybe the device under your right ribs has something to with that – but… something cold, fresh.”
You felt your mouth fall open. Holy shit. He… how the hell did he perceive all that? Including the device that kept your body temperature in check?
He extended his hand and hovered over yours on your thigh. You wanted to ask what was he doing, but the answer came before you found the courage.
“Your hands, they are a bit colder and I can feel them… bursting with energy even when you’re not doing anything. It’s— I’m sorry. I’m scaring you. I didn’t want to-“
“It’s okay,” you blurted out, your voice unnaturally high and in stark contrast to his quiet and measured. He was scaring you a little, okay, but you had practically asked him. And you lived with a bunch of strange people, this shouldn’t freak you out, and it didn’t, it was just… “Surprising. But okay. Shocking, maybe. Fascinating. Terrible – how do you live like this? Knowing so much about people?”
You were glad he didn’t mention he could probably see every pore on your skin and- “Jesus, wait, you don’t have an x-ray vision too, do you?”
He chuckled, relaxing as he realized you weren’t scared or offended. “No. No, I don’t have an x-ray vision. And I promise I wouldn’t peek… without your permission.”
You let out incredulous laugh. Did he just… flirt with you?
“Good to know you’re a gentleman, Daredevil.”
“What do I call you?” he asked softly, tilting his head curiously. It was incredibly cute.
“I know you heard me.”
You shrugged and settled with honesty and light joking. “Anything you want, I guess. Frostbite. Snow Queen. Really, there are number of options.”
“But not Snowflake,” he suspected, his voice falling even lower, sending your heart racing.
“No… uhm, I would rather if you didn’t call me that, yeah. It’s…”
“Too personal. I understand. Anderson?”
“Fake last name. Agent Anderson. What I became after I… died. You can go with that,” you offered, pushing down the unpleasant feeling it gave you.
“You don’t like it.”
“I don’t,” you confirmed with a shrug. Then you offered him to call you your first name, because that made the most sense really.
He just smiled, a boyish smile you wouldn’t expect on a face of man who beat up people in back alleys on regular basis. Then again, you really should know better by now, considering who you worked with.
“I’ll think about it.”  
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Part 3
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Tags: @mermaidxatxheart​ @murdermornings​ @elisaa-shelby​
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Thank you for reading! Tagging remanis the same; you want in or out, just lemme know. Kudos to you :-*
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fourdaysofrain · 5 years
A Short, Sharp Shock
Prompt:  “You just called me Dad.” 
(This is my gift to @aslanscompass for the IronDadGiftExchange! I had a lot of fun writing it, I hope you enjoy!)
Read on AO3
Peter would have to wear sunscreen next time he came to the lab. That, or convince Tony to buy some curtains. The summer sun cut perfectly through the window and beat down on the back of his neck as he leaned over his workspace. He rubbed it absentmindedly. There were too many small parts on the table in front of him to move to another area if he wanted to escape the heat. Besides, he only had to wait another hour or so for the sun to set past the window. He shook his head, trying to ignore the heat as he continued to take apart his drone. 
If he ignored his uncomfortably hot neck, it was actually turning out to be a good day. He got out of school a week earlier, and this was the first of hopefully many days spent in the lab while May worked a shift at the hospital. Even though he spent most of his free time taking down criminals with no back-up, May still didn’t want him to be by himself in the apartment for too long. Thankfully, Tony was willing to step in and babysit (his words, not Peter’s). 
Tony was working on the table behind him. If Peter were to describe this to himself from a few years ago, he would have been sure it was a dream. As it was, the only way Peter knew he was still there was from the intermittent clinks of tools being picked up and placed down. Their companionable silence was only broken by the soft music playing through FRIDAY’s speakers. It took Peter a while to admit Tony normally played music that was too loud for his enhanced senses, but once he did, Tony made sure to keep it at a comfortable level.  
They had just finished with their lunch break and Peter had snuck in another couple of slices of pizza back into the workshop despite Tony’s only-semi-joking glare. He continued to eat them as he worked on his project. His suit’s drone had been a little jerky the last time it flew, so he was hoping to get it back into working order by the time the night was over. A drop of sauce fell onto one of the bigger pieces and, without thinking, Peter licked his thumb and swiped it across the spill to clean it off. As a reward, he got a short, sharp shock from the piece. He hissed through his teeth.
“Bad…” he scolded, rubbing his thumb and forefinger together to try and get rid of the buzzy feeling. 
“Yeah, Pete?” Tony called from a few feet away. Peter looked up at the mention of his name just to see Tony freeze. 
“What’s up, Mr. Stark?” Peter cautiously asked, his forehead creasing. 
“You just called me Dad,” Tony spoke as if he was talking down a wild animal. Peter’s eyebrows flew upward. 
“I--” Peter blinked a few times. His brain was having a difficult time processing the words Tony said. He shook his head a bit, hoping to make sense of the situation. “No, I--”
“It’s okay kid, I know it must be weird having me be so involved in your life. I can back off if you want me to.” Tony took off his tinted glasses as he stood from his chair. 
“No, Mr. Stark--” Peter was about to say he wanted anything but that when Tony interrupted him, continuing with his rushed speech. 
“I don’t want you to think I’m replacing your father for you. Or your uncle, for that matter. I figured it was only a matter of time before this happened.” Peter felt like he was going to get whiplash from this conversation. Tony was starting to pace around his desk and Peter could tell he was getting anxious. 
“Only a matter of time? Listen, Mr. Stark--” Tony was a freight train. Peter couldn’t get a word in. 
“If you want to call me Dad, I’m okay with it. Really. It’ll just take some getting used to, but as I said, I’m trying to break the cycle of shame. There’ll be some ribbing from Rhodey, but I can handle that. I’ll make sure I get the brunt of it. Wait ‘till he sees me tell you about the time I caught him cuddling his pillow like a--”
“Tony!” Peter’s shriller-than-usual voice finally got his attention. Tony’s head snapped to Peter, his mouth hanging slightly open before he shut it with a click. Peter huffed out a breath before saying, “I didn’t call you Dad.”
Tony’s eyebrows drew together as he said, “No, you did. I just heard you say it.”
“I said bad, with a B. Droney shocked me.” Peter looked back over his shoulder at the offending piece of tech. This was all Droney’s fault. 
“I definitely heard Dad. FRIDAY?” They didn’t have to wait more than a second before FRIDAY came online. 
“Peter’s right, boss.” FRIDAY’s Irish lilt washed over the room and Tony slumped back into his chair. 
“Oh. Nevermind then, forget I said anything.” Tony cleared his throat and put his glasses back on before returning to the tools laying on his desk. 
Peter turned back around and looked at the drone guts in front of him. He tried to remember where he was at in the process, but couldn’t stop thinking about the way Tony looked at him when he thought he had called him Dad. For just a moment before he closed it off, Peter saw a look of pure affection and pride on his face. He could count on one hand the number of times he’s seen Tony look like that, and he wouldn’t need most of his fingers. 
The same piece shocked Peter again while he was lost in his thoughts. He made sure not to say anything out loud this time, instead just letting the slight zing make its way through the tip of his finger. 
Tony was the main male adult in Peter’s life. It didn’t help that he had looked up to him since even before he saved his life at the Stark Expo in 2010. Peter did see him as a father figure, but he couldn’t just say that to him. Tony’d probably be weirded out by the creepy Spider-Kid that’s overstepping his personal boundaries. He sighed. 
They had to talk about this. Peter knew how Tony avoided anything to do with emotions. If he didn’t say anything now, they would both just ignore it and never bring it up again. He had to bite the bullet. It was the mature thing to do-- May would be proud of him for being so adult. He chewed on the inside of his cheek as he thought about where to start. 
“Mr. Stark,” Tony looked up from his hands at the sound of Peter’s voice, “do you want me to call you Dad?”
There’s a dull clang as Tony loses his grip on the screwdriver he was holding. 
“Give a guy some warning, Pete,” he finally sputters, his voice reedier than normal.  
“You’re avoiding the question.”
“Yeah, I’m avoiding the question, it’s a big question!” Tony sputters out nervously, and Peter tries to hide his discomfort at the slight increase in volume. 
“That’s-- I’m not mad at you.” He lowers his voice back to a normal level. He sighs and runs a hand over his face, removing his glasses in the process. “Listen, you can call me whatever makes you comfortable. I just assumed that at some point, you’d call me Dad on accident. I did it to Jarvis a few times when I was younger, it’s nothing to be ashamed of. Plenty of tykes call their teachers Mom or Dad, and I’m certainly teaching you enough.”
“I’m not ashamed. I just haven’t called anyone Dad in almost a decade, so it’s not going to happen by accident.”
 A beat of silence. Peter hated the sad look that crossed Tony’s face when he alluded to his dead parents. There was only so much pity he could handle in one day. He pretended to be focused on the hem of his shirt so he didn’t have to look at Tony. 
“You still haven’t answered the question,” Peter murmured. 
He didn’t know why he was pushing this question so hard. What did he want Tony to say? It’s not like Peter wanted to call him Dad, he just… wanted some validation, he supposed. It was so hard to get a read on Tony. 
“I don’t know, Pete. I don’t know. Calling me Dad is a lot of pressure and I’m definitely not the ‘Dad-type.’” Tony punctuated his words with finger-quotes. He looked away from Peter and added in a lower voice, “For a while, I thought that I could be.” 
Peter looked back up to Tony to see him leaning over his desk. He looked tired. Peter had read the articles online about him and Captain America. He’d also read a few of the many stories published about Tony’s life. He knew that the people close to him kept slipping through his fingers. Peter didn’t want to be another name on that evergrowing list.
“I mean,” Peter let the words flow slowly out of his mouth, feeling the curve of every vowel, “you don’t have to be called Dad to be a big part of someone’s life. I never called Ben my dad and I don’t call May my mom, but they both still mean a lot to me even though I call them by their names.” 
He let his nervous words hang in the air, hoping that Tony would understand what he was saying without him having to explicitly say it. Tony was his family in a way that didn’t have a label on a standard family tree. He was paternal in an estranged uncle sort of way, with just a dash of older brother. Peter could already picture him being there for his graduation, his wedding, the birth of his child… But he’s only been actually spending time with him for a handful of months, so he couldn’t shove all of his emotional orphan-baggage onto him. He glanced up at Tony, expecting the worst. 
Tony was looking at him with warmth in his eyes. The tension in his shoulders had finally started to dissipate and he looked away with a small grin. Whatever message Tony had interpreted, he must have liked it. Peter found himself smiling in return. 
“Alright kid, back to work.” If Peter didn’t know better, he would have thought Tony was ignoring what he said. But he knew that Tony kept his cards close to his chest; he showed the majority of his affection without words. “I want that drone to be in ship-shape before you go on patrol again. Can’t have Queens’ favorite vigilante going around with a faulty suit, imagine what the press would say.”
Peter couldn’t suppress his smile as he turned back around and started working again. He was finally able to focus clearly on it. As he continued searching for the fault in the electronics, Tony started to hum along to the music. 
After a few hours had passed, Droney was finally flying smoothly around the lab. Peter was busy piloting it around the machinery when he felt Tony clap his hand on his shoulder. 
“Good work, kid.” Tony’s words caused a flush of pride in Peter’s chest. He mumbled a thank you. “And for what it’s worth, I like having someone else around in the lab. I’m looking forward to the rest of the summer.” Peter tried to control his inner child at being praised by Iron Man. He knew a statement in passing like that was the Tony Stark equivalent of singing praises from the rooftop. 
“I am too. I’ve just got that Decathalon field trip to MoMA next week, ‘cause they scheduled it for after school got out for some reason. But after that, I’ll be over here practically every day. I mean, if that’s cool with you. I don’t want to--” Tony cut him off with a slight squeeze on his shoulder.
“Kid, May and I already talked about it. You can come over whenever you want. God knows she deserves a break from putting up with a certain spiderling.” Peter huffed dramatically as Tony took his hand off of his shoulder and leaned against the desk. “Speaking of a certain spiderling, we need to take a break so you don’t get scoliosis, hunched over the table like that. What do you want to do? Your choice, as long as it involves a bit of movement.” 
Peter thought for a second before lighting up with an idea. 
“Do you want to go patrolling with me?” He hoped he didn’t come off as too excited. He leaned back in his chair casually (he hoped). Tony smiled knowingly at him. 
“I was thinking of something more along the lines of walking to the freezer to get some ice cream, but huh. Saving kittens from trees, helping with directions, returning bikes? I certainly don’t have anything better to do.” He gave Peter’s shoulder another pat before walking back to his own workspace where his nanotech housing unit sat. Peter couldn’t stop a grin from spreading across his face. 
“Go get your suit, Underoos. We’ve got some petty criminals to scare the bejeesus out of.”
Peter wasted no time in grabbing his backpack and finding a bathroom to change into his suit. Once it was on, he gave himself a moment to bask in the state of his life. He thought he would never recover from losing Ben. But now, about to fly around New York with Iron Man, he felt happy. Genuinely happy. He grinned at himself in the mirror from behind the mask before rushing out to meet up with Tony. He hoped summer would never end. 
He had all the time in the world. 
Tag List:  @ironfamjam @addi-is-amazing @mysterio-is-a-little-bitch
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mca-attack21 · 4 years
A/N: This is the second part of Too Late. 
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Peter went back to the tower and received the needed medical attention. His aunt would show up and be so relieved that he was in one piece. She would hold him as he cried and tell him that everything would be okay while silently cursing the world for being so cruel to the young boy who deserved a break. After a while, she would have to leave with Happy to start sorting everything out. Other Avengers would come in and offer Peter their condolences, promising that they would be there for him if he needed anything. Tony practically moved into Peter’s room, not wanting to leave him alone. The worst part came when Y/n’s mother showed up. He expected her to scream at him for killing her daughter. But instead, she just told him how relieved she was that he was okay. She cried, he cried, she explained to him that the funeral would be held a week later and asked that he speak if he was up for it. She reminded him of how much you loved him and told him that he could come by any time. 
Two days later he went back to his Aunt’s apartment. Everywhere he looked he saw you, memories flashing. He remembered the countless movie marathons (and maybe make-out sessions) on the couch. He remembered disasters in the kitchen and the flour fight you had when he discovered you trying to bake his birthday cake last year. He remembered chasing you through the halls, both of you laughing, him kissing you when he caught you in his arms. He slowly made it up to his room trying to keep it together. But, that was honestly pointless. As he opened the door, he saw the multiple shirts he had tried on before your date sprawled across his bed. He pushed them on to the ground and laid down just wanting everything to stop for a minute. But his mind refused him such pleasantries.
Instead, he thought about the nights you had spent studying together. The time that you had discovered he was Spider-Man. He replayed multiple conversations the two of you had had. He remembered the day he asked you out, your first date, the times he went to your house after a particularly bad night whether it was to be patched up or just to talk. His mind continued on like that until he eventually drifted off to sleep.
The next morning Aunt May came in and brought Peter breakfast which he hardly touched. She sighed as she was at a loss for what to do. He stayed in his room all day, only getting up to use the restroom. He just wanted to be left alone and she tried to respect that, no matter how hard it was to watch him push her away again.
After two more days of refusing visitors and ignoring the outside world, Peter’s aunt informed him that your mother had called and asked him to stop by. He honestly didn’t want to, but he figured he owed her that much. So he forced himself to shower and get dressed. He then proceeded to walk the too familiar path to your apartment, which again was accompanied by various memories that caused his chest to hurt. He didn’t know how he was supposed to do this. He eventually made it outside your door, thinking about the first time he kissed you, right there in that hallway. He hesitated, and finally knocked softly.
Your mom answered and Peter could see how upset she was, not that anyone could blame her. She invited him to come inside and take a seat on the couch. He still didn’t know exactly why he was here.
“I went today to get her stuff- from the car. This- I think it belongs to you,” she said handing him the small ring box with the promise ring he planned on giving you that night. As he took it, his eyes closed as he tried not to cry again, not in front of your mom. She too was on the verge of tears as he pulled something else out of the bag. “Th-this was in the trunk, it was her anniversary gift for you, she’d been working on it for weeks,” she said taking a deep breath and handing it to him. It was very neatly packaged in blue wrapping paper with a red ribbon. He turned it over in his hands.
Noticing his hesitation, your mother reassured him that he didn’t have to open it now. He just stared at it. 
“Can I get you anything, Peter? Maybe something to drink? Or to eat? People keep dropping off casseroles,”
“I’m good, thanks,” he replied clearing his thoughts.
“You can go up to her room if you want, I like to go in there. It makes me feel closer to her,” she added.
“Yeah, I think I might do that.”
He absentmindedly walked up to your room. It looked exactly the same as it had when he had last seen it. He looked over your photo wall, glancing through the pictures mostly of the two of you. You were smiling and/or laughing in 99% of them. Seeing them brought a smile to his face. He walked around the rest of your room thinking about the time the two of you had spent together there. He took in your familiar scent and felt if only for a moment at peace. 
After a while, he made his way back downstairs. He thanked your mom and told her to reach out if she needed anything. She asked him if he planned on saying anything at your funeral on Saturday and he told her that he would. Though to be honest he had forgotten that that was even a thing. Not the funeral, just the speaking part. He would have to start thinking about it.
When he returned to his apartment, he wasn’t entirely surprised to find one of Tony’s cars was parked around the corner.
“Hey kiddo, how are you doing?” Tony asked as Peter entered.
“As well as can be expected,” he replied setting down the boxes from your house before sitting across from Tony.
“I wanted to check-in, and bring you this,” he said handing him a small shoebox,”
Peter was confused, to say the least. “Mr. Stark you didn’t have to get me anything,”
“I didn’t, it’s from Y/n. She gave it to me a few months ago, made me promise to hold on to it just in case something ever happened,” he explained waiting to see how Peter was going to react.
“She’s unbelievable,” Peter chuckled, the stopped was he thought. 
“Have you eaten anything today?” Tony asked most likely at Aunt May’s request.
“Not really, but I’m fine,” 
“Are you sure, I can have Happy can go pick something up and bring it by, he’s been worried about you,”
“I’m good, thanks though”
“Peter I’m sorry, I can’t imagine how hard all of this is for you, especially right now. You know that I and everyone else are here for you. If there is anything that any of us can do, all you have to do is say the word and we’re here.”
“I know Mr. Stark, thank you,”
“Okay kid, I’m going to give you some space so you can open that -when you’re ready. Make sure you eat something, if not for you, do it for your aunt who’s worried about you. Let me know if you need anything. Otherwise, I’ll see you Saturday.”
“See you Saturday,” Peter mumbled before taking the three boxes upstairs to his room. 
He sat and stared at the anniversary gift and the apparent contingency plan. He debated which one to open first or whether he wanted to open either of them. Okay, that was stupid, obviously, he was going to open them. It was just a matter of when and in which order. After some thought, he made up his mind and picked up the blue box unwrapping it carefully. Inside, was a scrapbook. It had pictures from kindergarten to the present, but that wasn’t all that it had. It also contained some of your artwork and small memorabilia. For example, there were tickets from various movies, the receipt from your first date, the ribbon from the science fair the two of you won, and other things that Peter had absolutely no idea that you kept. His favorite part though was your handwritten additions. Small notes, song lyrics, quotes, and memories that you used to embellish the pages. You had narrated the entire story and it was beautiful. He spent hours going through it carefully, not wanting to miss anything.
When he finished, he put it back in the box and set it aside. He debated whether he wanted to also open the shoebox tonight as he had just been on an emotional roller-coaster. He hesitantly pulled it closer to him and pulled off the lid. There was a note on top which he read first.
Dear Peter, 
I hope that this note never has to be read. However, it needs to exist. So, here we go I guess. In this box, you will find two things, first a Funko Pop! and secondly a flash drive with a video that I recorded for you. 
The Funko Pop! is Kylo Ren. And you may be asking yourself why out of every character in existence, I would choose him. So here’s my reasoning: 1. You love Star Wars 2. I’m guessing that the world seems a little darker than normal right now, so I figured that he could serve as a reminder that no matter how far into the “dark side” you go that there is always redemption and light.
I love you Peter Benjamin Parker.
Forever and Always,
Y/f/n Y/l/n 
Peter took out the Funko Pop! And set it on his desk as he retrieved his laptop and queued up the video. He tried to mentally prepare himself for it, but it was no use.
Hi Peter,
So if you are seeing this something happened to me. I don’t know whether it was Spider-Man related or not. I guess it really doesn’t matter. I just wanted to tell you not to blame yourself. And believe me, I know you well enough to know that you will try to. Even if I live to be 102 and die peacefully in my sleep of natural causes you’d still be looking for a way to blame yourself. That’s kinda your thing, putting the weight of the world on your shoulders. Anyways, no matter what happened, it wasn’t your fault. I knew exactly what I was getting into when I agreed to be your friend, partner in crime, and your girlfriend.
You are so good Peter. You are truly a breath of fresh air. While others actively ignore the pain and suffering in the world, you go out of your way to make a difference. You protect those who can’t protect themselves and you never expect anything in return. Your life has presented you with so many challenges and so many reasons to turn cold, but instead, they made you kind.
Please keep fighting. Don’t lose hope, find something that inspires you, and use it to make you better. Make the most of every minute because life is unpredictable, beautiful, and ephemeral. That’s kinda the whole point isn’t it?
I could keep talking to you for hours, but at the same time, I feel like there isn’t much more to be said.
I love you Peter, and I know that you will get through this. I believe in you and know that you will do great things in life. There is nothing that you can’t do if you put your mind to it. Keep fighting the good fight. Or should I say keep swinging the good swing. Maybe I should go for, ‘May the Force be with you’? Hopefully that made you laugh or at least smile. God, your smile can save lives. So I feel that it is my personal duty right here and now to remind you to smile everyday. More importantly be the reason someone else smiles.
The world can be dark and scary and cruel. But there is so much beauty and goodness. You just have to seek it out. I wish you the absolute best this world has to offer. I love you, always and forever.  
Oh by the way, just in case there is any doubt, I am totally okay with you move on. In fact I want you to. Find a girl that makes you happy, who makes you more, and then allow yourself to enjoy it. Absolutely under no circumstance do I want you to use me as an excuse to stop living. 
Stay Gold Spider-Man.
And with that, the camera clicked off and the video ended. Peter replayed it again, taking in your voice and smile. This whole thing felt so surreal, like a bad dream that he had simply yet to wake from. That video though, it was something he hadn’t realized that he needed until he had seen it. It was like the fog was beginning to clear and he knew that everything would be okay.
When he woke up, he ate half of his lunch, which satisfied Aunt May. He then sat at his desk to do the impossible task before him. He had to figure out what it was that he wanted to say at your funeral the next day. He must have written and deleted at least 10 speeches. Nothing was good enough. It needed to be perfect. He would sit there in front of that computer for hours. When he finished, he was entirely shocked to see that it was after 2 am. 
May woke him up so that he had plenty of time to get ready for the service. The drive there was silent and Peter was thinking over his speech. When he arrived, Tony came to greet him. He wasn’t surprised to see many of the avengers in attendance. You were always with him at the tower and had become close to several of them. The service was short and sweet, your mom spoke, and then she asked for him to come up and say a few words. 
It was in the moment that he reached the podium that he decided to entirely disregard his speech. And instead, speak from his heart. 
“From the time I was a little kid, I always wanted to be one of the avengers. I wanted to have superpowers and make the world a better place. Y/n taught me that you don’t have to have powers to change the world. You just have to make a choice to be kind and do the right thing. She was one of the bravest and most beautiful people I have ever met. She always saw the best in people and went out of her way to make a difference in the lives of others. She radiated kindness, and inspired those who knew her. She always was there for me and never gave up on me. She taught me how to find the good in everything. She was the love of my life, my best friend, and my hero. She taught me how to become something more than I ever thought I could be. She saved my life in more ways than one and I will carry her with me every day of my life.” he finished quickly returning to his seat.
After that, you were buried and everyone went their separate ways. The following Monday, Peter finally went back to school. It wasn’t easy, but he had to start somewhere. It would take him three more days before he was able to put the Spider-Man suit back on. From there, he took it day by day. Some were harder than others, but he persisted. He walked at graduation and then swung by your grave to talk to you about his future plans. He was sure that you were proud of him. He spent most of his summer in the Avengers tower with Tony. In the fall, he’d be attending college. And from there who knew what would happen. But whatever life threw at him, he would remember to seek out the good and to do kindness recklessly as you had taught him.
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starkerforlife6969 · 6 years
Tony isn’t exactly surprised when Norman gets a much younger boyfriend.
The man isn’t hideous, and he’s rich, so really- there are lines of eager young men desperate to find a man like him.
Obviously, Tony is rich too. And much more handsome than Norman, but that’s all really besides the point.
The point is, even though Tony isn’t surprised by the fact Norman has a new young boy, he is surprised by the sight of him.
Peter Parker.
He’s almost obscenely pretty. Too pretty for his own good, really. With those fluffy chestnut curls and bright eyes. He’s small and slender and moves like a dancer and with the way he’s always clutching books to his chest and has a fucking backpack, Tony guesses he’s still in college.
Makes sense. College students are majorly in debt- they need rich men like Norman to help them out.
Except- it’s infuriating.
Norman and Tony are…not friends, exactly. But not enemies either. Cordial and beneficial to one another when the gain is mutual, and dismissive when there’s nothing of interest. It’s a relationship Tony likes a lot. They both live in one of New York’s tallest, most expensive, most luxurious apartment buildings. Tony has has the top floor penthouse, because of course, and it’s ten thousand square feet right on top of the world. Norman lives just below him. It’s a fact that gives him endless pleasure.
This all means that he’s had the pleasure of meeting Peter Parker.
He’d expected another snotty little brat because, why wouldn’t he? Everyone else Norman has ever fucked has been one, and how could someone so pretty and so young not be a little bitch?
Turns out, Norman’s struck gold. When he’s introduced to Peter, the boy waves happily, and babbles about how he’s read about Tony’s research into gene-technology and how he thinks that’s amazing. Norman grits his teeth, but Tony doesn’t notice because he’s too busy being drowned in earnest compliments from the young man.
And what’s worse is- Peter seems to genuinely like Norman. In a way that suggests that maybe he’d be with Norman without the money which is…mind boggling, really.
Tony’s string of lovers starts to pale in comparison to young Peter Parker.
“Mr Stark!” Peter greets, hurrying to the elevator where Tony’s holding the door. He’s starry eyed and breathless and flushed lovely and pink. He’s dressed in jeans that look like they’ve been painted on and a mesh top that leaves absolutely nothing to the imagination. He smells faintly of tequila and Tony tries not to laugh at how he has to squint at the buttons carefully before pressing floor 98. Once he’s accomplished it, he turns to face Tony with a little twirl. “Hi!”
“Peter,” Tony grins, already amused. “You had a good night, kid?”
“Oh, it was the best!” Peter sighs, leaning against the wall for support. “It was MJ’s birthday, you know? She’s the best.” He sniffles and rubs at his nose, trying to warm up and it’s the cutest thing Tony has ever seen. “But Norman says always be back by midnight, you know? Like Cinderella!”
Fucking Norman. He had to get to the princess first. Tony glances at his wrist. “You’re cutting it close.” He points out and Peter pouts.
“You don’t think he’ll be mad?” He asks, words slurring a little.
He looks like he’s been fucked nice and slow, a little dizzy and pliant and ripe for the taking. “No,” Tony says thoughtfully, taking him all in in that delicious picture that he makes. “I don’t think he’ll be mad.” Not as soon as he sees you.
“Good!” Peter beams, before hiccuping. “What about you, Mr Stark? Did-did you have a good night?”
“I spent most of it working.”
The boy nods, like this is what he thought. “You work so hard. You’re amazing.”
Tony’s cock twitches. “I am pretty fantastic.” 
“The best,” Peter agrees whole-heartedly. “I wanna be just like you when I’m older,”
Tony wants to press up against him and take.
The elevator doors open and Peter stumbles in surprise, before realising this is his floor. He waves to Tony and hops off like a bunny into the woods.
Still. Tony is a man who does work hard, and he doesn’t have the time to spend lusting after his not-quite-friend’s lover. So, a few weeks pass and everything’s fine. Tony has sex with a few young, eager brunets but none of them smell as sweet as Peter and he ends most nights unsatisfied.
The first inkling that there might be trouble in paradise comes on a weekend. 
It’s a Saturday, and he’s sitting in the lobby waiting for Happy to pick him up when Peter comes in from the bright afternoon sunshine.
Tony’s taken immediately by the sight of him. He’s in black leggings and white boots, with an oversized white sweater. He’s gorgeous. Everything’s expensive and very clearly a gift from Norman, but- but Peter’s crying. He’s got his phone pressed to his ear and he keeps rubbing harshly at his face like he’s ashamed anyone might see him sobbing. “You- you said you’d be there, though,” he insists, voice hitching and Tony wants to get to his feet and come over.
Peter listens to the other person on the phone, and it has to be Norman, doesn’t it?
“I know, I know you’re busy b-but you promised.” He says, crying earnestly now, as he gets to the elevator and presses the button. He hasn’t noticed Tony and his shoulders shake with silent tears. But Tony’s noticed him. “But Norman…you…I waited for you, and this is the third time and…and…”
It is Norman then. Fucking Norman. Whatever he says on the other side of the line makes Peter quieten down, and then the elevator opens and Tony watches as he disappears from view.
He knows then that he’s in a bit of trouble. Because he may be a busy man, but he’s also a smart man, and he knows the way he felt seeing Peter cry…it’s a little more than lust he’s feeling then. He must like the boy, at least a little.
It seems that fate likes to torment him a little though, because he runs into Peter in the elevator more and more often. Each time, Peter showers him with compliments and talks about his classes and Tony falls a little harder with every conversation.
It’s one such day when Tony’s been riding the elevator a few times- for no reason at all, you can quote him on that- when Peter gets in. He’s leaving floor 98 and he looks surprised to see Tony, hurriedly wiping the tears from his eyes.
“Oh-oh! H-hi, Mr Stark,” he says quietly, shuffling inside and clutching a heavy rucksack.
Oh. “Hey, Peter,” he murmurs, equally gentle. “Did you and Norman have a fight?”
Peter swallows hard and nods once. “I think maybe- maybe we should just have some time apart.”
Tony shouldn’t ask. He knows he shouldn’t ask, but it slips out in desperate hope anyway. “What happened?” He prods.
Peter looks like he’s gonna burst into tears and he hides his face behind his hands. “He-I- I must’ve been doing something wrong. I tried- I tried so hard, but I guess I wasn’t-I just-“ he cries, tears streaming down his red cheeks that Tony can see through his fingers. “He- there was someone else and-“
Tony sees red. Norman fucking cheated? Cheated on- on Peter? That’s the most moronic thing Tony’s ever heard. He says as much, with such ferocity that Peter blinks up at him in bewilderment but Tony barrels on. “That son-of-a-bitch won’t ever find anyone as beautiful, as loving and as sweet as you, kid. He’s made the biggest mistake of his life.”
Peter wipes his tears, torn between flushing with the praise and crying again. “No, I just- I wasn’t good enough and-“
Tony pushes the emergency stop and the gears crank to a sudden stop. Peter squeaks in alarm and watches as Tony comes forward and crowds him into the corner of the elevator. He towers over the boy and his voice is a low, sincere timbre. “He doesn’t deserve you.” He says, in a low husky voice, and Peter shivers. It’s enough to make Tony duck his head a little, and let his ears ghost over the shell of Peter’s ears. “You deserve someone better for you. Better than Norman. Someone like...someone like me.”
Goosebumps fly along his neck and Peter blinks up at him owlishly, eyes dark with lust but hesitation. “Mr Stark,” he breathes, “I...I’d be lying if I said I didn't...t-think about you sometimes, but...- Norman and I- we haven’t even really properly broken up, Mr Stark, I don’t…I don’t know if…”
Tony shuts him up. It’s a rough, passionate kiss and the kid melts into him like he’s wanted this for years. Tony wouldn’t be surprised. Peter’s been awe-struck since the second he saw Tony in the flesh, and Tony’s been the same way. How do you resist such beauty and kindness in the body of someone who utterly adores you? The kid tastes like chocolate and tea and Tony nips hard at his bottom lip and Peter mewls submissively.
When they pull away for air, a voice is asking them questions from the panel and Tony ignores them for Peter. “Mr Stark,” Peter gulps, sucking on his bottom lip like he can’t get enough of Tony, and that makes him so fucking hard, “Norman can’t-he can’t know, and-“
“Send us back up, Jerry,” Tony says to the intercom. “Floor 99.” After a moment the elevator starts moving again, and Peter’s staring up at him in wonder and Tony smirks. “Don’t worry, sweetheart.” He growls, “he never has to know we started before the two of you broke up officially.” Christ, the kid is cute. Like he’s still in high school. Tony’s more than prepared to burn the bridge. 
But Peter is a goody-two-shoes right down to his soul and he insists on at least calling Norman to say that their little break should be more permanent. Tony lets him, handing him the phone on the condition that Peter does it while stuffed full of his cock.
Really, it’s an offer the kid can’t refuse.
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