#'and they're kissing' as an additive and not as the full meal
detectivenyx · 1 year
broke: sayaka was a bitch who deserved what she got still broke: sayaka was completely innocent! celestia's the TRUE bitch who deserved what she got my massive galaxy brain: both sayaka and celestia were deeply flawed individuals and entirely different people from entirely different walks of life before hope's peak beyond the fact both girls had extreme ambitions for their life. both were ultimately shoved into a corner by simultaneously an uncaring world that only cared about their output to the point where both were doing horrible things to continue meeting that quota, and by its literal end by a master manipulator who pulled the right strings to cause the fragile broken system to completely collapse and cause the actual fucking apocalypse. and ultimately neither of them would've lifted a finger against their classmates and alongside the rest of them, did not deserve to be shoved into a life or death scenario where they both died trying to save their lives from a force that had already ended their lives as they knew them. both characters are flawed to the point where murder is something they will consider or do if it's the only way to keep their dreams alive - and to some degree they consider it in order to keep THEMSELVES alive, especially in celestia's instance where just about everyone left by time she was committing her murder could've overpowered her. neither of them are perfect innocent little angels because both of them are human fucking beings just as subject to vice and temptation as the rest of us. my massive galaxy brain, adding on: and also they're kissing :)))
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ssahotchnerr · 1 year
nothing more domestic than grocery shopping with hotch 😍 he comes off so disciplined but he’s definitely the type to add stuff to the cart that wasn’t on the list like cookies for the kids. also what type of food do you think hotch likes? I can see him loving Chinese takeout (probably from having it so much when he doesn’t have time to cook). like if reader was gonna make him his favorite meal, what do you think it would be?
sweet additions
AH okay this is just gonna be a lil blurb about shopping together hehe cw; mentions of food, so so so much fluffy banter
you and aaron had been in the grocery store, for maybe fifteen minutes now, and the two of you had definitely set a new personal record for how quickly you had managed to fill the cart.
prior at home, you had created a list of items to allow shopping to run more smoothly. for example, it consisted of aaron's coffee creamer, bread, macaroni and cheese (jack's lifeline), the kids' favorite cereal, and other miscellaneous things- just the everyday necessities your family ran out of fairly quickly.
likewise, it allowed for each trip to be a quick in-and-out, avoiding creating a collection of things you didn't really need. there had been numerous times you had been cleaning out the pantry or fridge, and came across various items that had been merely picked at.
however, and surprisingly so, aaron wasn't as dutiful to the list as you were. he usually referred to it as "a useful guide for suggestions".
you peered into the cart, your eyebrows drawing into a line- your husband's signature expression had without a doubt rubbed off on you after all these years.
"yes darling?" a rush of cold air met you as aaron opened a freezer door, selecting a bag of broccoli, and tossing it in.
with an arch of an eyebrow you reached inside, grabbing a package of dessert cakes and holding it up. "what are these?"
he made play at intently observing the object in question, narrowing his eyes quizzically. "i think they're exactly what you think they are."
"aaron!" you laughed, rolling your eyes teasingly. "we're sticking to the list!"
"then just add it to the list." he said in an amused, nonchalant manner, as if it were that simple. and to be fair, it was, but you'd never pass an opportunity to give him a hard time.
"you can't just add things to the list!" you whined playfully, causing him to laugh. his eyes met yours, a look of adoration within them. "that's why there's a list to begin with."
he exhaled a dramatic sigh, "fine, i may... or may not have promised a certain daughter of ours cupcakes."
you laughed, "oh honey, you're such a pushover."
aaron shrugged, a smile tugging at his lips. "she has your eyes, i can't help it."
"softie." you mumbled, poking his side and causing him to jump slightly. one thing very few people knew- aaron hotchner was ticklish.
"i don't want to hear it, i saw you sneak those eggrolls." aaron countered as he leaned down against the handlebar of the shopping cart, a smirk replacing his smile. "are those on the list?"
"they are, actually." you mimicked his expression, and to prove your point, you held out your phone for him to see for himself. "and i got them for you, mr. i-live-off-of-chinese-food. so, i think a thank you is in order, don't you think?"
"ah, my bad." aaron readjusted his posture, allowing him to peck your lips easily. again, his eyes and smile were full of nothing but adoration, like there was no other place in the world he would rather be. "how'd i ever get so lucky?"
"i ask myself the same question every day." you joked, granting him another kiss but prolonging it for a few seconds more this time. "and i love you, you big softie."
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m-musings · 4 days
Headcanons: The Arcana Characters Love Languages
A/N: probably gonna do this for all the fandoms i write for so expect a lot of the same stuff in the coming times. anywaysss enjoy! :)
Word Count: 761 Warnings/Other Notes: no warnings!
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Asra's love language is Gift Giving/ Receiving.
Anytime they're away from the shop, they always manage to find something that reminds them of you,
Whether it's a trinket of some sort or a food you may like, they're buying it as soon as they see it.
No matter what it is, there is always some thoughtfulness behind the gift that warms your heart.
And if you get them something in return? Asra's admiration of you grows tenfold.
if that gift is small enough, you can bet that they're bring it along with them on all of their travels. They love having something to remember you by when not physically with you.
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Nadia's love language would be Acts of Service.
After running a country essentially by herself, she finds herself most comfortable when doing things for the people she cares about.
If you were to need anything, she would help you get it in anyway she could.
She has her servants run errands for you, she'll help you clean the magic shop, or she'll even cook your favorite meal for you.
Even if you insist that she doesn't have to go to those lengths, she'll sweetly reassure you that she enjoys doing those thing for you.
And she's eternally grateful when in exchange, you offer to take care of some of her own duties when she needs to take a day or two off.
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Julian's love language is definitely Words of Affirmation.
This man is so genuine and charming, even his casual comments can have you swooning into his arms.
If he notices you're feeling down or you've done something you're proud of, Julian is always sure to compliment you to raise your spirits.
Even if you're just lounging around on a comfy chair, he's quick to tell you how much he loves you.
You just mean so much to him, it's hard for him to keep his thoughts to himself when he's near you.
And when he's silently dealing with his past doubts about himself, he really appreciates when you come around and remind him how far he's come since then.
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Muriel's love language is Quality Time!
He's never been the most talkative person or the most touchy-feely, but he enjoys spending a quiet moment with you.
After a long, stressful day, his favorite thing to do is sit in front of the fireplace with you and Inanna to decompress for a bit.
If he has things to do around the forest, Muriel loves when you're right there beside him, even if he doesn't need help with his tasks.
He does have his moments where he will distance himself from you for a bit, but he always comes back to you, happy that you like being around him even on the bad days.
Even if he doesn't always say it, you know Muriel adores you just by how much time he spends around you.
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Portia's love language is also Gift Giving!
She loves to bake and craft, so anytime she can manage it, she's making you something filled with all the love she can put into it.
She is so in tune with all of your interests that she is always able to give you something that she knows that you will enjoy!
On the rare occasion that she buys you something, she'll always find a way to add a personal touch.
When you make or purchase a present for her, you're also sure to get a treat for Pepi.
It makes Portia cry tears of joy every single time, she loves the fact that you thought of her best feline friend in addition to herself.
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And finally, Lucio's love language is Physical Touch!
He is one touch starved son of a bitch, I'll tell you that much. With his mother being the way she was, he craves the loving embrace of another person.
Any chance he can get, he's scooping you into his arms and dropping the both of you onto his bed for a long awaited snuggle session.
Even if you're busy with something else, he will find any way to stick to you, be it with a single kiss on the cheek or full on pulling you into his awaiting lap.
On days where he's not feeling like his usual self, he seeks you out and when he finds you, he's pulling you to a comfortable surface to plop his head onto your thighs.
If you run your fingers through his hair, you'll find him humming contently after a while, relishing in the warm gentleness of your touch.
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fangirlyness · 3 months
Tsukutabe favourite scenes - Episode 3
Tagging as #TsukutabeFaves in case anyone wants to filter out these long posts. Other fave scenes by episode.
#3 Kasuga smiling
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I still don't really understand why Kasuga smiled here but it's so cute, I don't care!   Kasuga's embarrassment and Nomoto's gentle ribbing about it?  It's so playful and sweet!  Whaaaaa!!!  I love how Nomoto leans in as Kasuga turns away.  Don't be shy, Kasuga!!!
#2 Watching each other eat
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When Nomoto watches Kasuga eat, nothing else matters.  Her initial surprise gives way to amusement, which gives way to HEART EYES.  Her face adores Kasuga and "LOVE?" starts playing.  I am so giddy with the Feels.   The first time I saw this, I could not contain my excitement!  It's Lesbian Activity of Significance! And I love how stunned Nomoto is when Kasuga calls her name.  Caught giving heart eyes!  Ahhh!  (Chef's kiss). 
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And Kasuga watches Nomoto too, in a different, more careful and subdued way.
For Nomoto, the adoration was so full-hearted, she had to be snapped out of it.  
At this stage, I can't quite place it for Kasuga.  I'm thinking maybe she might feel safe and warm with Nomoto? 
Kasuga has an aversion to alcohol through a bad experience, and hasn't touched it since.  She shares this with Nomoto who gets it, and who questions what people get out of putting others down.  We've seen others controlling what Kasuga consumes - the rice portion, the beer.  And we've seen the opposite from Nomoto.  Nomoto just... Lets Kasuga be who she is, and actively encourages her to have more of what makes her happy.  Kasuga's had a fearful, stifling childhood, and she's spent her adult life finding and being who she is.  And Nomoto honours that. 
Kasuga's got a serving of alcohol too, though there's no pressure to drink it.  And while watching Nomoto, Kasuga feels safe enough to try a sip, and a second. And Nomoto's mouth-full-of-food smile at Kasuga is just! so! darling!  
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Everything about this meal - from the making of the gyoza, the cooking, and the eating - has been a partnership and shared experience. They're equals all the way.
It's such a treat watching these two watching one other while they discover who they are to themselves and each other.  
#1 Nomoto's squee!
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That's it. 
That's my analysis. 
Runner up: Preparing food together for the first time.
It's practice for when they DO live together, hehehehehehe. (This scene is my Real #3 but I didn't have the brain power to give it the write up it deserved. So it's a runner up).
Additional theme: Kasuga observing and remembering what Nomoto says 
I love the way Kasuga quietly notes what Nomoto likes and wants.  She's always watching and listening, and it shows how she values Nomoto.  They've known each other a short time, yet the impact they've had in each other's daily lives is apparent, and beneficial.
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Kasuga saw Nomoto's joy for the sauce plates, and how much she wanted to go to the farmer's market in the last episode.  Kasuga is attentive and thoughtful, and shows her care with actions.  Some people might keep notes on their phone whenever their partner says they like something, except Kasuga would probably just remember the 2743 items in her head.  
Thanks for reading!
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mandobatemans · 1 year
nsfw corinthian headcanons
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warnings: sex obvi, biting, knife play, blood, spanking, choking mention, degradation, dom/sub dynamics, slight exhibitionism, hair pulling, it’s The Corinthian he’s full of warnings, NSFW UNDER CUT
word count: 707
also posted to ao3
A/N: I tried to keep this gender neutral, but if I missed a pronoun/accidentally used gendered language, please message me and I’ll fix it right away!! <3
• ok we all know the corinthian is kinky as fuck. let’s just get that out of the way
• he’s a dom (not shocking) but part of what makes it intimate is that you trust him
• you're fully aware of what he’s capable of, but you trust him enough to give yourself to him fully during sex
• his expression of trust is when he’s comfortable enough to take his glasses off because you've proven you won't judge him
• you love him and aren't scared of his appearance
• you do still have sex with his glasses on, though, because ngl they're sexy
• this guy is into biting. not even making a teeth joke here just trust me on this one
• if you're making out and you bite his lip…Instantly Hard
• if you bite hard enough to draw blood…you will not be walking for 24 hours
• sometimes if he's taking you from behind he’ll bite down on your shoulder
• lowkey into exhibitionism. like if he’s taken you with him on his little eye-stealing journeys, there’s so much adrenaline pumping through his body that he’ll fuck you right then and there
• while covered in blood
• he probably is into knife play too if we’re being honest with ourselves
• if you’re not into it though he won't bring out the knives
• and if you are, but don't want him to draw blood, he’ll respect that too
• he’s a Nightmare, not a jackass.
• if you are, however, into the knife thing, he’ll trail it along your jaw as foreplay
• he’s been known to draw blood from right beneath your collarbone mid-sex, and because he’s a Freak, lick it up, the blood mingling with the sheen of sweat on your skin
• licks his teeth before kissing you like you're a meal he's about to devour
• you’ll be bratty, but only because you know it’ll end with you over his knee and him spanking you until your ass is red, making you count each spank
• wipes your tears with his handkerchief and kisses it better
• he can be down for choking if you're into it, but surprisingly it's not really his thing
• the most he’ll do on his own is grab your jaw without applying any additional pressure to pull you in for a kiss
• yanks on your hair during sex and loves when you yank on his
• despite all of that ^, he can be gentle
• if you’re not super into something, he won't do it anymore. ever.
• he’d never actually say that he wasn't doing it on purpose, but you know it’s his way of showing he cares
• LOVES dirty talk. LOVES IT.
• he loves to whisper in your ear when he’s fucking you or praise or degrade you while your mouth is around his cock
• “c’mon, baby, i know you can do better than that. is that all you can take?”
• he’ll even talk when giving YOU head, telling you how good you're doing or bragging about how easily he can make you fall apart
• and with that slight southern drawl, you can't really complain
• besides talking, he doesn't really make any sounds while having sex
• once or twice, he’ll let out a grunt, and he notices the reaction it elicits from you, so he makes a note to start being a little more vocal
• wants to cum everywhere on your body that he can
• on your stomach? done. on your thighs? done. on your back? done. in your mouth? absolutely done.
• if he comes in your mouth, he’ll tell you in his smooth, even tone to swallow, then gently pull down your jaw with his hand to make sure you've listened
• if you have, he’ll smile that wolfish grin of his and tell you: “good job, darlin’. looks like you need a reward, hm?”
• he’s much better at aftercare than you'd expect
• he makes sure you're cleaned up, happy, and comfortable, and if you're not, will not relent until he's positive you are
• he can’t give his sweetheart anything less than the best
tagging some of my fav corinthian writers on here: @clints-lucky-arrow @auroraborealyss​ @angelsxwords​ @lis-likes-fics​
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Might come off as a tad selfish here hehe but
SDV/SVE characters knowing the farmer is having period cramps, but they have absolutely no clue on how to help them. They remembered the farmer loves eating, so they searched on the internet and see the first thing that popped up: dark chocolate helps in relieving period cramps. So they got a bunch of chocolate from Pierre's and showed up at the door -
To find the farmer sobbing EVEN HARDER at the sight of the chocolates in their hands because they're allergic to chocolate and they're sad why did you bring me stuff I can't eat I'm already miserable and you bring me this??? 😭
I feel your pain, dear anon. I have a similar story, but with citrus :(
I only made a few characters, I hope you don't mind. If you want others feel free to ask again.
Also, I did not understand exactly what relationship the Farmer and characters are in, so I did it differently. Hope you like it and thanks for asking! 🫶
Oh Yoba... Baby, Sam's so sorry!
He didn't want the Farmer to get even more upset. No, please don't cry or Sam will cry too.
They love eating, and Sam though it was the best solution... Omg, baby please 🥺
Fuck that damn chocolate! The poor fellow immediately searches the Internet for what else can be from food to relieve cramps BESIDES chocolate.
Oh, bananas and blueberries. Bingo!
Sam rips the chocolate out of his beautiful s/o's hands at the speed of light, throws it in the trash, and runs back to the store for fruits and berries.
Luckily, Farmer wasn't allergic to it, and Sam made her a tasty and healthy smoothie. This helped the Farmer, they no longer cries, and Sam with a blanket and hugs goes to the Farmer on the sofa.
The young musician ran so fast that he managed to get a little hungry, but he won’t go into the trash for that chocolate. Besides, the hugs from his s/o are so cozy that he doesn’t want to get up soon.
Oh man, she understands the Farmer very well. Sometimes her own menstrual pains are so unbearable that she already breaks down on everyone.
But she has a solution to her problems that she wants to offer the Farmer - dark chocolate, which her dad always gives her when she gets her period. She will also give them some, plus it is delicious!
Oh, is Farmer allergic to chocolate? Oops... Sheesh.
Ok, no need to be upset, Abby will come up with something else. Damn, where is her smartphone?!
While Abby was trying to find information in a panic, Caroline, upon learning about the Farmer's problem, also reminded her that in addition to the chocolate her father gives her, she always brews fresh green tea, the leaves that are grown in their sunroom.
"Mom, you are a genius!"
Abby, Caroline and the Farmer have a threesome tea party in the kitchen. The homemade green tea was amazing and really helped Farmer with spasms. Abigail is very pleased because her friend is no longer sad. And Caroline noted that the three of them had a pleasant time drinking tea and chatting.
That was very tactless of him, wasn't it?
Lance was embarrassed. The Farmer is his partner, the love of his life, and he forgot about his loved one's allergies.
The sight of an even more upset Farmer hurt Lance more than any monster he had to fight.
But the adventurer did not lose his composure, and was determined to correct his mistake.
With a wave of his hand, he made all the elite dark chocolate disappear into the air, and told the surprised Farmer that he would be back in a minute, and also disappeared after casting the spell.
As promised, Lance returned in a minute, with ginger root, tea leaves, and vegetables to prepare for the Farmer.
After an incredibly quick dinner (not without the help of magic), Lance offered food to his partner, kissed the Farmer gently and asked if they needed anything else.
He understands that menstrual cramps can be very painful, so he is not offended when the Farmer begins to act up and cry.
But after a healthy meal full of magnesium and vitamins, as well as care from their spouse, the Farmer and the evening felt much better.
The real mystery was where all the chocolate went. But it will forever remain an unsolved.
Searching, searching, sear- Oh, there it is! "Dark chocolate contains antioxidants and magnesium, a mineral that has been shown to help relieve the following symptoms of PMS: bloating, fatigue, depression, and irritability."
Maru searched the Internet for about half an hour to find out what kind of dark chocolate with cocoa content is the most useful and will help the Farmer with spasms.
She found it. Perfect! Now she just need buy this particular chocolate in Pierre's store and return to her s/o.
Maru was a little confused as to why the Farmer got even more upset at the sight of the chocolate.
And she felt like a complete fool when the Farmer told her the reason. What's the point of her being an engineering genius if she couldn't account for her partner being allergic to chocolate?!
At least a fruit salad with apricots and plums will not let her down. These fruits will also help, as will chocolate. Maru this time asked the Farmer if they were allergic to them too.
The fruit salad turned out to be a good decision, but Maru is still upset that she miscalculated and made such a mistake that makes her loved one sad.
But the Farmer gave her a kiss and gratitude for the care and love she gave them, so that Maru's expression relaxed, and a soft smile broke out on her face.
Poor Farmer! Olivia experienced similar spasms in her youth, and the constant stress of her job at Joja only made it worse.
Yoga was a great way to reduce the manifestations of period cramps, but Olivia did not stop only at the exercises, but also changed her diet: vegetables, fruits, salmon fish, there were many options.
Dark chocolate was one of the foods that worked best for her, so she bought some expensive chocolate bars for the Farmer.
"Here, sweetie! This will help you, plus it's a luxurious dark chocolate, you won't find in regular stores and it's very delicious!"
"What, allergies? Oh, goodness..."
Olivia didn't lose her composure even when she saw the Farmer cry at the sight of the chocolate. There is no problem that cannot be solved.
Fortunately, there were plenty of other foodstuffs in her house.
Salad with salmon, avocado and walnut - healthy and tasty - came to the aid of the Farmer!
Olivia really knows how to cook well.
The Farmer apologized for crying over the chocolate, but Olivia insists they don't need to apologize. After all, the Farmer is her close friend, and she perfectly understands their situation.
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kaeyachi · 1 year
I just finished the interdarshan competition event!
you have been warned :)
additional warning:
tw: suicide mention- Please note that it was directly stated by a character during the event
I'm so happy my babygirl Architect Kaveh won!! GOOD FOR HIM!!!!!!! LET'S GOOOOOOOOOOOO
I can understand why he would rather donate said money though. I was worried the diadem could corrupt people and we'd have to attack him for a moment there...
I'm not sure about other cultures outside of asia, but where I'm from, money gathered from negative sources ( in this case, said studies caused the researcher pain and suffering which at the end caused the researcher to...well... unalive himself) would only make you miserable should you take it for yourself, and the best course of action is always to donate it or spread that wealth around to counteract that negative energy. Niceties and strong belief in justice aside, everyone who knows him could not see Kaveh ever agreeing to using said money.
Bless Cyno for insisting on paying Kaveh for the limited edition card. He managed to convince Kaveh to take it! GET THAT MONEY SIR.
Perfect representation of how hobbyists are a bit hard to understand from other people's perspectives. We see Cyno explaining that he works hard and earns up that money and that he really wants it and would willingly pay a large sum for it. He knows Kaveh doesn't understand that card's worth, and thus, he insisted on paying, despite Kaveh not seeing the worth of said item. I'm imagining the total estimate of Cyno's entire card collection at the moment... if one (1) limited edition card is worth 1 million mora......and he has a ton of it according to Kaveh...... s i r!
Ah, well, it makes him happy, and he seems to have more than enough funds!
Is it a translation issue or does Kaveh have large bills to pay? Kaveh said that the 1 million mora is enough for him to pay his bills for that month and treat Cyno, Tighnari, and Collei to 1 dinner... he also mentions that he already has it budgeted... 1 million mora is a lot so I'm hoping the rest actually goes to his savings or at the very least a portion of his debt.
Quick rundown for the rest of the dialogue post competition!
Dehya and Candace not wanting to do what Faruzan thinks is fashion. Nilou is nice to help balance the 2 different generations out (thanks Nilou). Also, Faruzan also got herself a student! Good for her!
Layla getting hyped up by her fellow darshans in rtawahist was so nice. She's getting treated to a meal! They did not let her bring herself down, we gotta stan them for doing that.
Dinner with Cyno, Tighnari, Collei, and Kaveh definitely gave us nice information. Tighnari cares a lot for Kaveh ( we could tell from voicelines before, but its really nice to see). In fact, having Tighnari be the first to raise concerns for Kaveh during the final round was so nice, and we also find out that Cyno and Tighnari frequently treat Kaveh as well. We also find out that Kaveh can't stop talking about Alhaitham in those said frequent dinners lmao. Alhaitham truly does live rent-free in Kaveh's mind (in our hearts according to Cyno, but Alhaitham isn't dead yet Cyno omg stop talking about others like they're dead)
Cute information about home life for Kaveh and Alhaitham shows how they care for the other. Alhaitham knowing Kaveh would bring him the leftovers and Alhaitham figuring out that Kaveh's father and Sachin met long ago and informing Kaveh about it was very nice to see. They seem to have a thing where they dole out backhanded compliments to the other. I can see why everyone would find this amusing.
Speaking of Sachin having met Kaveh's dad... the butterfly effect of that happening which led to Kaveh's father's death, to Kaveh's misfortunes in life, to the diadem ending up with Kaveh at the end, making him win this year's interdarshan championship was *chefs kiss*. It's like a story has come full circle. You could make a movie out of this plot.
Auntie Nahida signing up nephew hat guy to literally everything just to get him to interact with others is hilarious. We now have Wanderer as a college student. Wonderful (he's having fun hehe).
All in all, I enjoyed this event! I feel like the actual finals felt a bit rushed to compensate for the dialogue post championship though. I think I want to see more of them competing.
I found it a bit weird as to how out of all the contestants, only Tighnari was left to ask about Kaveh's well-being at the end. Where were the others? And at the awards ceremony, only Cyno was there...
Other than that, the 3 days of this event has been incredibly fun and I've learned so much about our Sumeru characters. Sumeru is so wonderful, I'm gonna miss it when we leave for Fontaine *sobs*
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gotham-rat · 4 years
BRO since father's day is nearby, how would the batfam celebrate it with bruce and alfred (alfred takes care of them sm and deals with their shit on the daily, he's technically a father too imo!!) and how would they celebrate it when they're in quarantine and before when there's no quarantine?? I love reading your stuff anf it genuinely makes me happy and hope u have a great day! ^___^
this made me so happy!!! and wow it’s an amazing ask so thank you anon :)) here we go, it’s a pretty long one:
batfam + father’s day
bruce, without fail, always forgets about father’s day. it creeps up on him every year and every year he’s surprised by his kids. the very first father’s day gift he ever received was from dick-his second year of being robin. it was a very colorful card, with a drawing of a small robin and a big hulking batman. young dick also included 46 cents in change because he thought money was a very high end addition. bruce cried later, softly while in bed. he couldn’t stop thinking about just how much he cared for richard. his little boy. dick, of course, carried on the father’s day gift tradition. cards accompanied by long hugs, cheesy fake trophies for “#1 DAD”, awkward pictures of bruce on patrol in big frames, his gifts remained light, always poking a little fun. bruce keeps every single one.
jason’s first father’s day with bruce felt a little tense. jason wasn’t sure if he could celebrate it with him, he didnt know if bruce liked that type of thing, even though jason himself wanted badly to spend the day with him. so when dick showed up, bearing gifts, and jason saw bruce’s grin, he ran upstairs and pulled out a letter he’d written but wasn’t planning on giving. every year until his death he’d write bruce a long letter. post-death jason doesn’t usually show up, but leaves a small package on the front step every father’s day. it’s addressed to both bruce and alfred and is normally random things. a polaroid of him and a bad guy he tied up, a batman themed card deck, an old batarang he found in a street once, etc.
tim woke up really early his first father’s day, and replaced every picture in the house with one of bruce that had been used as a meme all that year. (it was him at a red carpet event, doing The White Man Pose, awkwardly facing the camera). every year he does something like that, TPing the house, putting googly eyes on the food, etc. bruce finds it absolutely delightful even though he pretends to be annoyed.
damian didn’t really understand the concept of father’s day, so upon waking up and finding the whole crew there, he was pretty confused. when he found out what was happening, he quietly excused himself and proceeded to cry in his room. he felt embarrassed and guilty for not knowing. he wanted to express his great love for his father but he had no idea how. bruce came into his room, quietly shutting the door behind him, and dami wrapped his arms around him and they sat on the bed hugging for a long time. bruce kissed the top of his head and said “thank you.” when damian heard that he asked “for what? I didn’t get you anything.” and bruce said “you’re here. you’re my kid. I’m thankful everyday for that.”
cassie punches bruce in the arm as hard as she can every year. she leaves a tiny fist shaped bruise that hurts way more than bruce will every admit.
barbara always swings by, and takes a pic of bruce and her own dad when she sees him, and then cuts each person out and pastes it together on one picture to give to both of him. on the back she writes “love you dads!” or “batdad and copdad” or “why do you both look so stiff? xx”
father’s day makes stephanie uncomfortable. highly uncomfortable. she certainly loves bruce, but doesn’t quite see him as the father figure most of the others do. she calls him every year though, at 6 o’clock on the dot. sometimes she cries. she thanks him and tells him she’s so grateful to have him in her life. bruce wants nothing more than to hug her, but he knows she doesn’t like being around him on that day, when her mind is filled with thoughts of her own father.
when it comes to alfred, bruce organizes the whole thing with his kids. alfred doesn’t really do much butler work anymore, but he definitely gets the whole day off, dami and bruce cook whatever he asks for, for each meal (and he likes to mess with them and ask for difficult things to make) and tim puts on a suit quite similar to alfred’s and talks with a bad british accent. damian likes giving him father’s day gifts and writing “grand” in front of “father” which alfred absolutely adores. he’s completely showered with gifts, in fact he gets more than bruce does. last year they distributed nerf guns and had a full pillow fort war with him. alfred kicked all their asses of course.
for quarantine this year, things were a little different. these members are quarantined in wayne manor: bruce, alfred, dick (he couldn’t be alone in his apartment), tim, jason (where else could he go), cassie, and damian. (stephs in cali and babs is self quarantining). dick got the wonderful idea of putting on a talent show for bruce and alfred, as a way of celebrating how well the two have raised them. it took a lot of convincing on his part, but finally everyone agreed. dick did a dance number that’s was entirely too long. tim solved not one, not two, but three rubix cubes in under a minute. damian did a little magic show where he was supposed to *cut* off jason’s finger and restore it, only he accidentally did cut into jason’s finger, and there had to be a pause in the show for jason to get gauze and wrap. damian is now banned from doing magic. jason reanacted the door scene in titanic by himself. cassie dares anyone to challenge her to a staring contest. she won everytime.
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onceuponaloonatic · 4 years
the triplets love their baby sister very much but after her birth misatzu are too busy to play with them anymore. Eventually the girls stop looking for attention and just go to their rooms and do their homework until dinner and go back to sleep. Misatzu may be busy, but they know something's wrong with their girls and get them to talk. They're really disappointed in themselves when they realize they've been making their daughters miserable by neglecting them :( -💜
nico was a very welcome addition to their family. a bit unexpected but the best things in life were unexpected sometimes. everyone in her family loved her and was so happy she was with them. but the triplets weren’t prepared for how attention stealing their baby sister was going to be.
mina sana and tzuyu had made sure to have a long chat with their daughters about how nico was going to need a lot of attention after she was born and how they were going to have o understand they won’t get the same amount of attention from their parents as before. the triplets all were prepared for that the day their baby sister came home.
but they weren’t prepared for how much attention the baby really needed. mina sana and tzuyu were pretty much always with her or so tired from taking care of her they were asleep or barely awake. they had never seen their parents so sleep deprived before, mina had one time taken the triplets to work with her before realizing she was supposed to take them to school. and that was after drinking her morning coffee.
so basically, their parents had no time for them anymore. between work and the new baby and sleep, there wasn’t any time for three six year olds. at first, they were fine playing amongst themselves. when they were really lonely they could go play with the baby and get time with her and their parents at the same time. and then mina started limiting their time together because nico’s weak lungs meant she was very weak against sickness, and since they went to an elementary school they were covered in sick germs. she made all these crazy rules about when the kids could play together and how much they had to wash their hands and shower. and they were allowed around her unless they had just taken a shower and even then they weren’t allowed to touch her. so their only full family play time was ruined.
even their family meals got ruined. they would send one adult to make dinner and they would eat with them while half asleep. it was usually tzuyu or mina. sana spent pretty much all her time with nico. the triplets hated it. they just wanted their parents back.
they all just gave up after a while. sae and saki would drag saya away from sitting outside nico’s nursery in hopes on of their mommies would come play and make her do homework with them. afterwards they would play together until they all fell asleep, usually without goodnight kisses, in one of their beds. they always slept together, wanting to have the comfort of at least each other.
mina sana and tzuyu realizes it slowly. they were always tired around the triplets but they suddenly weren’t as tiring and were much more quiet and withdrawn. they slowly realized their daughters were upset. they just couldn’t figure out what.
until they found all three of them crying past their bedtime. sana had just woken up from and nap and the baby was fast asleep so they decided that it would be a good time to check on their older princesses. they didn’t expect them all to be crying in sae’s room.
their hearts broke when saki sobbed while explaining that they felt like they weren’t loved anymore. and that they didn’t have time for them at all anymore. they all felt terrible when saki explained this. they all rushed to hug their babies and tried to tell them they still loved them just as much. all the girls fall asleep in their arms, and not long after they fall asleep the baby starts crying. they knew she was hungry so they had to send sana, but sana couldn’t let go of the sleeping sae. so she brought her with her, carrying her and holding her on her lap as nico nursed. it brought back memories of when the triplets used to nurse, sae loved laying on her chest back then. even if she wasn’t nursing, she just loved to lay on her chest. it seemed nico was the same way.
after that they put in more effort to spend time with the triplets. they loosened up their restrictions with nico and spent more time with the triplets. they even started having family dinners together. it was an improvement and the triplets were just glad to have their mommies back.
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