#'it's not a child' yes it is and if you are too deluded to see that you have no place debating at the grown up table
muneca-lemon-steppa · 10 months
Mooooo ! I love you so much bby 💕 my I request one with Alfie with the touch starved prompts “you never have to earn my affection-not now, not ever” and “I’m never more at peace than when I’m in yours arms”? Thank you lovely❤️❤️
My baby girl!!!!!!! Ugh thank you so much for sending this in. Did my heart ache writing this? Yes. Did my stomach hurt? Also yes. Am I sorry for it? NO. WE DO NOT APOLOGIZE FOR EMO HOURS IN THIS HOUSE. Hehehe Anyway I love ya so much I hope you enjoyyyyyy.
100 Follower Celebration: Your Love is Enough
Alfie Solomons x Fem!Reader
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There were many perks that came with being Alfie's woman. While there was certainly a good deal of danger lurking around, there was an undeniable air of safety you had due to all the eyes watching. You got access to all the hot goings on around the city. You lived comfortably. And above all, you got to love Alfie Solomons fully and purely and unabashed. There was only one downside really... the talk.
It was no secret that you were significantly younger than Alfie. It was something you and Alfie never shied away from and didn't feel a need to. Regardless of any age difference, you and Alfie understood each other on a cosmic level, a way no one else could. You loved him with your whole heart and soul and Alfie would burn down the world if you asked him to. You were one. And anyone who truly knew you and Alfie knew that this was true love. That this was the type of love and devotion that epics were written about and empires crumbled over. But there were always going to be people who didn't know. Always going to be people who didn't understand.
You were perusing fabric patterns in the shop down the street one early afternoon, looking for the final pattern to add to a quilt you were making for Ollie's soon to be born first child. You delicately touched the cotton blends along an aisle, imagining how it would look along the squares you had already picked, taking mental note as to what was available.
"I just cannot imagine what he sees in her. I mean... she is a child isn't she?"
Your ears perked up to the tone. It was Mrs. Vorsed from down the corner, the one you waved to every morning without even a smile in return. Another voice responded, "You know how men are. They just want a little toy to play house with until they find a wife."
Who on earth could they be talking about?
"Mr. Solomons needs a real woman in his home. My Portia knows what it means to be a lady of the house, and knows her place. I mean that girl he is shacked up with... I can hear her shouts and laughter from down the street! What does she know about keeping a home, much less keeping a man?"
A snicker erupts, "Well I'm sure she won't last long. He'll tire of her eventually when he realizes what he truly needs. Then Portia can swoop right in!"
The cackles fade away with the sharp chops of heavy footed steps. Despite your efforts, the knot in your throat never went down. You lungs refused to take in breath as the words spun in your mind. How could they say those things so confidently? They didn't even know you. They never even stepped foot into the house, how could they know how you keep it? Alfie never said more than a good morning to Mrs. Vorsed. How could they know anything about you or Alfie? Yet their words kept spinning and spooling around in your mind. What if... what if they were right?? What if people saw something that you couldn't see? What if you had deluded yourself into thinking that Alfie was truly happy and in love with you? What if he was unhappy but didn't want to tell you out of duty. It all became too much in your chest, and you left the store without your fabric, but the weight of the world on your chest.
That evening Alfie could not wait to get home to you. Every evening Alfie nearly buzzed at the prospect of coming home to see your face again, and wrap himself around you, getting as close as possible. You made his day better. You made his life brighter and joyful and meaningful. It made all the business and badness worth it. Stepping through the threshold with a press to the mezuzah, Alfie calls out, "Sweet girl! I'm home! You in the kitchen darling?"
He hears you call back and smiles wide, stomach growling hungry for supper and you. Taking off his coat and hat he ambles into the kitchen, watching you stir something magical in the massive soup pot. "My dove ,my angel, my joy, what are you doing? Making food for the Royal Navy are we?"
You turn to him, and he can clearly see that something is wrong. Your lips are quivering and poorly attempting to portray a smile, and your eyes are glassy and red rimmed. He feels a stab in his chest, "Now wait a minute treacle... what's got you crying?"
You wiped your cheek and turned away, "I'm not crying."
With a scoff he grabs your chin gently, turning you to face him, "I thought we didn't lie to each other my sweet. Especially since you're the worst liar since the Garden of Eden. Why are you crying? Come on now confess."
You shrugged as Alfie's hands moved up and down your arms, "It's nothing. Stupid really I shouldn't be crying."
"Nah nah. It ain't stupid if it's got my sweet girl crying like that. Out with it."
The tears kept falling, though you tried to keep an even tone, "I just... I heard some women talking. Mrs. Vorsed and another lady."
Alfie rolled his eyes, "Always a bad sign. C'mon what else."
You sniffled, "And... well... they said that... I wasn't good enough for you. That I didn't know how to be a good woman to you. And that you would be better off with someone else. That you would soon grow tired of me. That I'm not deserving of you, and Portia Vorsed would be a better match for you."
The tears started coming harder, and you couldn't help the shaking of your body. Alfie's stomach dropped, and rage replaced it. Alfie shook your shoulders a bit in his passion, "What the fuck is wrong with them? Treacle, Mrs. Vorsed is the worst gossip in Camden, and doesn't know anything about anything. She hasn't got anything better to do but talk absolute shit. Portia, right? She is the silliest woman in town, she can't even do basic arithmetic because she's too busy being an idiot. I mean fuck me treacle I can barely say good morning to Mrs. Vorsed without getting proper fucking agitated!"
Alfie kissed your forehead and brought you to his chest, "YOU are the one for me. I don't give a shit what Mrs. Vorsed or what any other decrepit woman or idiot man thinks. You are my life. You are my stars and my moon and my sun alright? You don't have to be 'good enough' for me. Fuck you just are. You never have to earn my love. You've always had it. Even before I knew you my old and brittle heart was yours. You got that?"
You nodded, the tears pooling in his shirt. Alfie pulled you away from him to look into your eyes. "And treacle I don't even think Mrs. Vorsed can see more than a meter in front of her so she probably has no clue who she is talking about."
You laughed despite the tears and Alfie grinned. All he wanted to do every day was to make you smile. He was convinced that was what he was put on this earth to do. You put your hand to his face, feeling him lean into the warmth of your palm. "I just want to love you and care for you like you do me. I just worry that I don't do enough sometimes."
He grabbed your hand, kissing your fingertips, "Ah my sweet. I'm never more at peace than when I'm in your arms. I'm never more at home than when you're next to me. The whole business could go to shit and I'd still be the richest man in the world because I have the greatest treasure in you. And I mean that my love. You believe your old man right?"
You nod. The lump in your throat finally dissapated and the weight melted away. There was truly no love like Alfie's and yours. People could talk all they want. People could make any assumptions they wanted. That didn't change what was true. And what was true was that you and Alfie belonged to each other and would for all of eternity.
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sugar-grigri · 5 months
analyze the ball kicking scene 🫶🏼 (out of joke, love your posts <3)
Yes, even kicking balls has symbolism in Chainsaw Man
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You're joking, Anon, but I wanted to do a post about it yesterday, and now you've given me the opportunity. Everything in this chapter is about the symbolism of kicking balls, yes, even the beginning!
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Haruka Iseumi flicks through several TV channels, rather blasély, until he comes across a woman whose speech seems to resonate with him, a woman who seems to feel betrayed, disoriented like these teenagers who have been put in danger by an institution that has never seen their good, the church. But this girl only talks about her disappointment following a scandal surrounding over-mediatized stars.
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What Haruka is going through right now is disillusionment, believing that his problems would have been taken seriously, his situation as an escaped high school terrorist, would have interested the public. But people prefer not to face up to these kinds of problems; an epidemic of people turned into demons is as commonplace as wars. To avoid jeopardizing personal comfort, people prefer to focus on other problems. Because people literally don't have the balls to face reality.
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But contrary to what Haruka thinks, he's not so different: he's also an angst-ridden child who had totally surrendered to his idol, Chainsaw Man, to the point of convincing himself that he was bound to him, even pretending to be him for a semblance of trust. What the chapter seems to show is that Haruka is more down to earth than that girl on TV, but what it really shows is that he's exactly like that girl, but no longer admits it to himself.
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No, Haruka, you're not dreaming, or rather you have been until now and now you can't do it anymore.
Because you've reached his idol, you have literally reassembled his image, you've seen the boy you have no interest in behind that reassuring mask.
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What this chapter is about is the illusion into which we accept to insert ourselves in order to better resist our fears and existential ills.
Denji doesn't have to exist to shatter the illusions he needs to survive; even his awakening and his speech are too much, as his image no longer matches the one he wears as a universal puppet. He's literally cuter when he's inanimate, because that's what he's made for. At least, that's the only way we accept him. He's made to fill your person, and it's impossible for Chainsaw Man to be a person in his own right.
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As proof of this, when Denji wakes up, his first reflex is not to discover that he's complete again, for he exists only to fill others, hence his question to Asa as to where her arm has gone. Unknowingly, Denji has accepted his role.
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For Katana Man and Yoru, Chainsaw Man is a goal, a dream to be achieved. Seeing the person behind it, the other half, disturbs them. Considering it might even make them reconsider their choices.
Katana Man has deluded himself into believing that Denji no longer has the heart of a man, that he was his grandfather's tormentor and not the child who was the victim. He needs this revenge to move forward, just as Yoru, as a war demon, needs to fight an unattainable adversary to continue wreaking havoc.
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But what's that got to do with it? What does this have to do with beating Denji's balls off?
Who kicked Katana Man in the balls? Aki and Denji. If Chainsaw Man is the metaphor for the comforting illusion of others, Aki is the symbol that revenge (often impossible) is a long-term, survival goal for hearts scarred by resentment. Beating the balls off? The meeting of the two.
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When Aki and Denji beat up Katana Man, the illusion of a proud, virile, traditional man who swore by his honor had been shattered. What Katana Man represented to himself and to the readers, this formidable adversary, had been dismantled.
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But above all, this was a gentle, more accessible form of revenge, one that would allow us to survive, a way for Aki to avenge Himeno in her own way, without actually avenging her. It's about beating your opponent while admitting you've lost in some way.
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Similarly, when Katana Man and Yoru defeat Denji, they lead to a renewed desire to dismantle Chainsaw Man's image. To bring it together as their long-term goal of revenge. But despite this balance of power, this gesture symbolically demonstrates that they are not certain of their victory.
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Above all, the important answer in this chapter is once again in the background.
Fami continues to eat undisturbed. She eats all the time, but in this chapter, she seemed almost to be regaining her strength.
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Why was that?
Her plan was clear, to make people fear Chainsaw Man as well as the war, to make Yoru and Chainsaw Man champions. But what about the media? They prefer to do what's most profitable, keeping viewers entertained for as long as possible, so that they forget about the real issues.
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People prefer to delude themselves, to dream dreams, rather than focus on reality, so will Chainsaw Man and Yoru have their strength increased to the point where they'll be potential opponents for death?
because people are already escaping the fear of death through entertainment, which is even the best champion.
Instead of thinking about our existential crises, we flood our brains with unimportant information.
As the philosopher Pascal would say: "Since men have not been able to cure death, misery and ignorance, they have decided, in order to make themselves happy, not to think about them. Notwithstanding these miseries, he wants to be happy, and only wants to be happy, and cannot not want to be happy".
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But let's close this loop of questions: if Chainsaw Man allows this comforting disillusionment, Denji is the opposite, something we refuse to see, if Chainsaw Man is a dream, Denji is reality. Let's get back to our main subject: beating up balls.
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When Aki first beat Denji up, he wanted to disgust him enough to prevent him from signing up as a public hunter. Literally, he preferred to spare Denji from reality, by killing the symbol that is Denji (did you miss the headaches I caused?). But when Denji retaliates, to insist that he wants to enlist, it's the other way around: it's the harshness of reality that Denji fully accepts that will prevail over Aki's attempt to protect him.
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When Katana Man and Yoru beat Denji's balls off, in reality they're trying to fight the reality of what Chainsaw Man is, this mixture between a boy, reality, and the bloodthirsty enemy, the dream, Chainsaw Man. Beating up Denji is an attempt to avoid the harshness of life. It's that illusion.
So when Denji helped Aki beat up Katana Man, he allowed him to escape his survival mechanisms, his revenge, his illusion, by enjoying the present moment, pure reality. But when Denji defeated Aki, it was also the announcement of the reality of Aki's fate, which would outweigh this illusion - the success of his revenge.
That's why Pochita, the dream and illusion, prevents Denji from opening the door. When Denji sees reality, he can't help opening it. Just as Makima concentrated on her Chainsaw Man dream without seeing reality, Denji right behind it. Just as the dream allows Denji to escape reality, the contract between Denji and Pochita has allowed Denji to become someone else, escaping from himself, himself a victim of the dream without being able to know exactly what he is.
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But don't forget, beating the balls off is Denji's tactic.
Why is that? Because no matter how hard you try to escape it, reality will always prevail.
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wasawattpadkid · 2 years
Part - 11
Summery: Billy and Stu have been planning these murders for quite some time. Everything is going to plan until you show up. What happens when they meet someone who is just as mentally deluded as they are?
Pairing: Poly! ghostface x fem!reader
Warnings for this series: murder, blood, smut (will be more in depth on smut chapters), power dynamics, a dash of sexism, knives, stalking, perverse behavior, cheating, homophobic slang
Part 1
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Billy slammed his bedroom door after yet another fight with his dad. His father wasn't keen on his son skipping school and being a victim of a brutal attack wasn't a good enough excuse. He pulled out his phone dialing Stu's number. It rang and it rang which was unusual. No one answered. 'Maybe he wasn't home?' Billy wondered quickly realizing Stu had no place to go. He dialed again hearing the mind numbing ring. Finally Stu picked up.
"Hello?" A woman spoke. "Uhm is Stu there?" The voice on the end belonged to his mother. A person Billy only met twice. "No, Stu went... Oh shit honey where did Stu go? What's his little girlfriend's name?" Billy listened closely trying to hear all of the conversation. He could barley make out a man's voice in the back which he assumed was Stu's father. "No not that one she died remember." Billy raised his eyebrows in surprise. Even he wasn't that insensitive and he murdered her. "Y/n, Stu is staying at Y/n's." Staying?
Billy laughed nervously. "No I don't think I heard you right ma'am. Did you say "staying?"" She rubbed her forehead wanting to hang up on the strange child. "Yes he moved out while we do renovations. Goodbye now." The line died leaving Billy to piece all this together. It was almost laughable. He managed to lose the only two people he cared about on this horrible planet and both of them were probably fucking without saying so much as one word to him. Billy grabbed his things deciding to pay you and Stu a visit.
The drive back to your place was nice. He had a plan and things always ran smoother with a plan. He parked a block down the street deciding to walk the rest of the way. Your bedroom light was on making it easy for people like Billy to see into your life. He was ready for the worst. Maybe he'd break in like a scorned lover and kill the both of you. It'd be poetic but it would easily trace back to him. With your fragile little heart it'd probably stop knowing you'd been caught.
He lifted the binoculars he brought up adjusting the lenses so he could see. You walked into the room wearing some nightgown that resembled something he's sure his grandmother wore. You were holding a bowl handing it to Stu who sat on the floor. Once you sat down you were completely out of view. Billy cursed under his breath as he thought up a new plan.
"You can't hog the m&ms asshole." You threw a blue one which he caught like a seal. Stu raised his eyebrows surprised he actually caught it. "I'm impressed." You clapped and he did a half bow sitting on the floor. "This is one of my favorite's." You said pointing towards the movie that just started. Stu rolled his eyes. "Everything is your favorite." He passed you the bowl of candy. "What is this again?" Stu asked only paying attention to long haired actor.
"Benny and Joon. I saw it when it came out with my ex." Stu was interested in that story but he let it go knowing how much you wanted to watch your movie. "Billy should grow his hair out like that." Stu said before he popped a handful of candy in his mouth showing you the mashed up contents. "Why are you so nasty?" He laughed looking back towards the TV. "No, long haired boys have too much power over me. He keeps playing though I'm going to buzz off what hair he does have."
You were oblivious to the man in your home and Billy was scared for you. No wonder you needed someone to protect you. The key was still in the same place it was Saturday after they left your house. He wished he could relive that day. Billy heard his name so he stopped moving trying to hear what Stu was saying. He thought you were furious at him but you talked about him like he was still your friend.
Stu laughed. "In that case I'll grow mine out." He was only half joking. "I think you could pull it off. Grow it too long though you run the risk of looking like Shaggy form Scooby Doo." You teased tossing a m&m up letting your friend catch it. "I'll keep it like it is then. I have thought about dyeing it though." You squinted picturing him with different colored hair. "What color?" Stu scratched his head in thought. "White or maybe frosted tips." You cringed at the thought of frosted tips. "Fuck I'll make sure never to play poker with you. Damn." He laughed at the obvious face you made.
Billy crept up the stairs just enough to be able to see in your room. "Oh shhh. I think blonde hair would look good on you but frosted tips is just too gay even for you." He gasped as he brought his hand up to his forehead like he was about to faint. "Yeah you're probably right." He dropped the act eating more candy. "Besides once we graduate we'll pack our shit and leave. You could dye your hair whatever color you want. What's your opinion on cottages?"
You sat on the bed with a big bowl of candy while Stu sat in the floor at the end of the bed. Billy was relieved and a little disappointed there was no sinful act happening. Where did this leave him though? Were you both just waiting for him to make a move? You didn't tell him how to fix things and that bothered the hell out of him.
"You're worried about frosted tips being gay but you want me to live in a cottage with you? I might as well wrestle naked with Billy outside just to show off to the neighbors." You pursed your lips. "Include baby oil and I'll be there." Stu laughed scrunching his face. "You are an absolute freak. Me too." You both laughed eventually focusing back on the movie.
It was nice to know Stu was still his usual self but it was odd seeing you adapt to who you were around. The baby oil comment which Billy did not want to unpack is something you'd never say to his face. You were carefree around Stu and it felt like for the first time since he met you he was seeing who you actually were.
"Someone's at the door." Stu said pausing the VCR. You groaned knowing Billy was showing back up to either kill you or try some stupid attempt of convincing you that you need him. "I'll get it. Stay up here I don't want a fight." Stu nodded laying back on your floor. You walked to the front door trying to prepare yourself for whatever was about to happen. "What do you want Billy?" Billy had a small window of time to back out.
"May I come in?" He asked and you knew he was about to put on an Oscar worthy performance. "You may." You said bemused as you moved out of the way letting him in. "Can you tell Stu to come down here I need to talk to him too." Your blood ran cold. Billy knew and you were both likely dead. "How'd you know?" The door locked in placed once you shut it. "I called his house and his mom picked up." You sighed nodding your head. "Hey Stu, can you come down here?" You called out worried for the both of you.
Stu was terrified. He felt like a child in trouble. The walk of shame down the steps was especially embarrassing seeing Billy at the end of them. "Hey Stu." He said sending the boy a small smile. Your new roommate shot you a look saying something along the lines of "what the fuck?" Billy knew he had to choose his words very carefully. "Um can you both just sit down for a second?" Oh yeah the cops were sure to find you and Stu tomorrow.
Both you and Stu sat on the couch looking at your friend stand in front of you. "I'll be the first to say I'm not good at this." He looked to the floor only looking up once Stu spoke. "No kidding." He joked but you looked at him with eyes that could only tell him to shut up. Billy chuckled before talking again. "I'm sorry." You analyzed those two words over and over in your head. They sounded genuine but they couldn't be coming from Billy, could they? "I am sorry for what I did to both of you. Stu I'm most ashamed about what I've done to you."
Billy was walking on eggshells here. His eyes darted over at you reading you expression. You weren't mad. Stu has suffered Billy's wrath way longer than you've known him. "I really do care about you, I'm just scared of what people think about me. I hate the way people stare at us when we're out in public it makes me want to peel my skin off. I shouldn't take that out on you or make you feel as awful as I do. So I really am sorry." Billy's words worked on Stu you saw it in real time. You still couldn't figure out what was genuine and what was bullshit.
"Y/n." It was a good start but how was he going to finish it? The moment he tried to put the blame on someone other than himself you swore you'd beat his ass. You and Stu would have a body to dispose of. "I was and still am a horrible person. I never once thought about how you felt or how what I did affected you because I never cared." It hurt but it was honest. The way kids stared and whispered about him today, he couldn't begin to imagine what you went through on a daily basis.
"I'm going to change." You laughed dryly turning your head away from him. Billy dropped to his knees in front of you holding your hands in his. You were losing. He knew what he was doing and it was working. "I'm going to get better because I can't imagine a world without you and Stu in it. I know you can make it on your own but I can't. I need you a million times more than you need me and I know that. Not just to cook or clean but I need you to squeeze my arm when you watch a scary movie. I need you to call me out on my shit when I'm obviously spinning a story my way."
"I need you Y/n." Stu looked at Billy never seeing him open up like this. "You don't even know me." You quipped trying to be the voice of reason. Billy's voice cracked as he spoke. "Then teach me. I'll take notes if you want me to. This whole thing was to start over. We could bump into each other somewhere and we will meet for the first time all over again. I just need you Y/n, whatever version you give me I'll be happy to have." You lost. "Will you two excuse me for a moment?" You politely stood up going up stairs to your bathroom. Shutting the door you then turned on the faucet to full blast. The sink was going and eventually so was the tub. "Is she running water?" Billy asked worried he had done something wrong. You screamed so loud Stu honest to God thought the neighbors would call the cops. "Is she okay?" Billy asked standing up to go check on you. Stu stuck his arm out stopping him. "She does this."
You calmly returned, both the boys worried you might pass out from the length of the screams. "What do you want?" You asked Billy as you leaned on the door frame. "What do you mean?" This time he just wanted your forgiveness. He wanted to try again. "I accepted your apology. What do you want from us? Do you want us to go upstairs so we can some a threesome or are you actually wanting to figure this out?" It was sarcastic but you saw the brief second of consideration pass your friends faces. "I want us to be friends again at least. Did you know some bitches sat at our water fountain today?" He looked at Stu starting a whole new conversation. "Are they blind we sit there everyday?"
You snapped grabbing their attention. "I'm not fucking around. If we do this we do it right. I'm not getting hurt again and if I do I'm cutting someone's balls off." Stu put his finger to the tip of his nose quickly. "Not it!" He shouted making Billy smack his arm. "Ow man I was joking." He wasn't joking. "Am I understood?" The boys looked at each other not sure if they should feel this way about you right now. "Understood." Billy said as Stu echoed him. "Great! Now who wants dinner?"
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Taglist: @katie-tibo @agustdeeyaa @bowlofceral @gonnapermashift @tati-the-fangirl @kozumewhore @tatijoestar @illyanam1011 @c4rved-pumpk1n @msghostface @gojosbucket @sammanna @lokigirlszendaya @reneki @fetusharryluvr @kadu-5607 @pumpk1n-writes @lovekeeho @tojisblood @zeysartzone @bluedevilss @life-of-music3 @flyestvenustrap @littleblondesoprano @loomiscorpse @nicciekawegosblog @reneemunson @miss-puregotti @ksgsfsgaj @zoleea-exultant @briefwinnerpersonaturtle @mistydreamscape @l4venderia @nex-crowley @ashreblogsnow @brynaa223 @your-desire666 @billyloomiswhore4 @holyladyofsorrows @megluv1 @ellieswifeiya @yoluvrz @forallthstarsinthesky @madsothree @youcantbesirius @lubunnii @captainhowdysseptum @geekygremlin @madneedshelp
Part 12
A/N: I am absolutely in shock by how much love this series is getting. I just wanted to let everyone know that the taglist is now closed. Thank you all so much for being so kind and supportive. 💕
(if your name has a line through it Tumblr wouldn't let me tag you.)
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obsessive-clown · 2 months
I hope I am not too late to ask for hcs. Can I please get hcs Yandere Nanami on how unhinged can he get when it comes to his darling
HI ANONYYYY. 🤭 I see you think like I do.
We like our men a little ✨wild✨. So allow me to feed you.
I believe Kento has a few rules set in place. Maybe not for you, his darling. But unspoken rules for other people.
‘Look, don’t touch’ is as obvious as it gets. People can look at you, but touching you? No. Kento can’t stand the thought of someone else touching you. If they touch you, clearly they want you in some fashion, right? And he certainly can’t have that. He loves you. And he most definitely loves you more than anyone else will. If the person that touched you, or god forbid, grabbed you, is a non-sorcerer, Kento has a chat with them. Which likely ends with the person losing their hands. Or arms. He doesn’t want to hurt the people, it’s not like they know the rule(s), but he can’t have what’s his become tainted.
Don’t know ‘em? Don’t talk to ‘em. It’s so silly to hear, especially if you’re older than a foolish child… But it’s a rule that works to Kento. Strangers talking to you makes his skin crawl. What the hell could they be talking to you about anyways? He wants you to be happy, he’ll let you have a little socialization with his friends. Friends that he know won’t make advances on you. But even then, he wants to be there for those little chats. If a stranger makes you uncomfortable with their conversation, he’s waiting until you’re back home to track the person down. And the next thing you know, there’s a body being found with its teeth, jaw and tongue missing, being reported on the news.
Obviously, for you, you don’t get to contact your friends. Kento simply cannot risk losing you. But his friends? Yes, maybe, when you’re calm enough to go out with him. However… Some of his friends can be a threat to your ‘relationship’. In Kento’s deluded mind, that is. Even the ‘Strongest Sorcerer’ isn’t excused from Kento’s anger or from repercussions. Kento will go absolutely out of his way to keep you. And that’s what makes him dangerous. If Satoru were to ‘threaten the relationship’ in Kento’s mind, there’s a special box he’d gladly help his white haired friend into. He would go as far as to find out weaknesses his friends or acquaintances have, just to be able to use them if he gets angry over how they act towards you. He can’t lose you. He can’t go back to the place he was at before he had you with him. He cannot bare the thought of it. So, he’ll take the risk of practically burning the damn world down, just to keep you safe with him.
I apologize for getting to this oh so late, but I was struggling this summer… either way, I’m glad to have finally got this out and I hope some of, if not all of you, enjoy it.
Also, I apologize for only thinking of three rules, but hey, it’s better than none!
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a-998h · 7 months
Aska nd ye shall receive!!!!!
SAGau idea!
Reader almost always plays on co-op since they unlocked it alongside their three friends at scheduled intervals when they all have the time.
Said reader can also code, and to make up for the fact that not all their friends can buy or pirate (cuz of lack of cash or storage) games they have, they make mods they add in, then add out, alongside lots of solo beta testing.
(if this isn't possible IRL, suspend your disbelief)
Also theres no NSFW in this ask or being requested it's just jokes a la "3AM challenge gone wrong! Gone sexual"
also there's one implication of catholic trauma
plus capital letters
Sorry if anything makes no sense
The Backrooms
*insert law & order audio*
Reader, playing Aether. "I added the Backrooms."
The Kaeya Main "Oh God."
The Childe Main "You added the what??"
"Same." «== they're playing and want to adopt Ferminent
"The Backrooms, this fictional idea that even an infant hitting their elbow wrong has the .000001% chance of—this is not mathematically accurate—teleporting you to this uncanny infinite realm, and the only way out is to somehow repeat what got you in there. And I don't think doing either on purpose is humanly feasibly."
"I understood none of that but okay." The four laughing ensued.
"okay but" wheezing "how— how are we gonna get in if you can't do it on purpose??"
"yeah that sounded like a little bit like an oversight."
"a LiTtLe BiT"
"literally just click that button that wasn't on the screen before."
"oh "
"oooh god. I'm getting catholic flashbacks!"
"oh shit you okay? Do you need a break or—"
"no. No I'm good"
"oh good"
"Any monsters to worry about?"
"yes." They all start laughing "Unless it's bugged in co-op because I only play tested this on single player!"
"backrooms gone wrong! We died! Gone sexual!"
"cops called!" "sixty nine hospitalized!"
"no!" Laughing continues and as it dies down: "we're escaping the backrooms, and I'm using the version with clues to reaching the next levels so we're not stuck here all day."
"so are you gonna help us oooorrrr . . . "
"you're alone, I'm gonna be following you around as you screw around!" The dying laugher peaks again
"you put us in this mess!" "you allowed me too!!!"
And then the loudest inhumane scream ensued, alongside theirs as they scattered.
"Kane pixels monster is real! Is this the Kane pixel backrooms? Oh good we're all fucked!!"
"and the wikidot!" Now only reader was laughing
"are you speaking a different DIALECT?!"
"pretty much" gasp "it's chasing meee!!"
"you deserve it! Daaance deluded puppeteer daaance!!" And then the reader ran in their direction from behind "you used me as a meat shield!"
"to demonstrate we all get four lives! If we die a fifth time, we start at the first level again, repeat!"
"yeah that reassures me" they say sarcastically, now controlling Zhongli "wait first level—?"
"there's arrows on the walls" "tell me where, I'm gonna carry this team"
"What the heeellll, I can't even see any damage on the monsters" "you can't kill what cannot be killed"
"oh crap." Dies. Xiao takes Zhongli's place
"disorder? In MY backrooms??"
"it's more likely thank you think!"
"Since when did you change from Kaeya to Ayato?"
"since when did you die all the way back to Freminet?"
"I didn't I got gooood!!" Spinning circled around them "Aahh!! Friendly fire! Friendly fire!"
Freminet is replaced with Gaming "I literally hate you"
"I love you too <3 AAAAAA—"
"guys help! I clipped into the walls!"
"you reap what you soooowww, fucker!" A sword strikes them "AAHHH!!"
"I think this is what the abyss feels like"
"I think that's an insult" "you've never been in there"
===many deaths & respawns later===
"you're a monster you know that right"
Giggling, "yes yes yes!!"
"we should do that again" "as the one with arthritis from carrying you idiots, I veto it."
"veto denied :D"
The Wither Storm
Playing Kokomi "what is it this time"
"Wither Storm :)" Reader, playing Fischl looks up at them
Playing Xinyan "uh oh"
Eula "on a scale of one to backrooms, how difficult will this one be?" "Collateral damage"
"and that's ignoring the proximity voice chat!"
Fast paced breathing "oh thank God that wasn't a thing in the Backrooms, we were just using discord"
"yeah it's a shaaaame"
"wait, we couldn't lay a finger in the Backrooms"
"you can kill the wither storm and still engage in friendly fire"
"thank goodness!!"
"so what's in store?"
"I'm gonna teleport us to another plane—because we don't want Teyvat harmed in the process—and we're gonna summon the wither storm and kill it."
"let's do it blind."
"did we not learn from the backrooms???"
"no we did not!"
"blind it is! Let's go!"
The Wither Storm is summoned! And like a standard wither simple shoots out skulls that destroys where it hits and inflicts withering on any living being.
"guys get building materials—!" Xinyan is replaced with Lisa who is far, far away from where the death was "And I withered away. And I'm away from everyone
"wow, I can't hear anyone!"
Beamed up by the Wither Storm: "guys help"
"one I barely heard you, scream next time, two it's already to late for you." Eula is them eaten in one piece by one of the storm's mouths
"oh my fucking god it has a halo . . . It has like four of them" Looking up, far away from the group with Yae Miko, running away after a head faces their way
Far far away, Kaeya takes Eula's place in the plane
(Google image "crackers wither storm" to get what I mean in the last paragraph)
"bestie!!" Reader controlling Hu Tao walks up a small hill
"Oh my God! Bestie!" Another Hu Tao looks in their ideection, they run towards each other "regroup! Regroup! We gotta regroup cuz the next phase is gonna begin!"
"we did all that work and never even got a nether star" Sitting down with Heizou
"says who?" Back with Fischl ":O"
"the inventory . . . " They habitually jump with Kazuha
"oh, what's this I see?" sticking to Hu Tao after the Wither Storm
"who wants to read the description?" By now everyone opened their inventory to find a fourth of a white, purple tinted four-pointed star
"As testament to your suffering, a piece of the Nether Star joins you growing treasury!! A Devastation reduced to a mere chapter in your life"
"look, I get that after we're done you just remove the mod forever and leave it to gather dust, but at least, at least let us keep this even after removing the Wither Storm mod."
"and let us make a beacon while your at it!"
"sure why the hell not!"
"what the hell is a beacon and will I want in?"
"you all will!!"
"yes we do!"
"you don't even know what it does!x
"and neither do you!"
Personally I imagine that Teyvat is a bit split on this.
On one hand, their Grace is far too happy with their friends who Teyvat deems as fellow Creators they play around with and they're playing around with their divine powers.
On the other hand, making mods and bug testing is time consuming and both of these take attention their Grace could be giving them instead.
They've heard plenty times the Creator complain about their world's spaghetti code, the Reader has cursed the creator—"who the hell made this?"—many times and Teyvatians interpret this as either the Creator having lost their memories or an act of self-hatred or a blend of both.
It doesn't help how Reader curses themselves whenever they find an error in their own code
Though I wonder the thoughts of Vessels from four worlds being used for four gods to meet in scheduled meetings either during normal gameplay or modded gameplay.
No but imagine some vessels doing things their code supposedly shouldn't allowed but it gets brushed off as a mod glitch 😭 lmao, like say, Kaeya muttering "Cataclysm . . ." To himself during the Wither Storm and only barely not being noticed
That's all I have in me today
feel free, not but pressured, to add your own ideas, add onto my ideas, etcetera, etcetera as you please, you got my absolute blessing
take your time as needed
Hope your having a good day!!
Thank you for sending me this.
This is awesome on its own and it must be shared.
But seriously, you're right. Teyvat wants you to be happy, but only with them. So they come up with a plan.
They're going to not work and basically annoy your friends off the game. They know I'll make you sad, but you have them to make you feel better.
If you friends are extra stubborn, then more extreme measures are but in place. Like bugging out, not ascending but taking the materials, and stuff like that.
Eventually when your friends quit the game, you go back to solo mode. Now you spend your time with them. While it makes them sad to see you upset about being able to play with your friends anymore, they'll be your new friends and be the best characters they can for you.
After, you'll be with them soon.
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Al Haitham x GN!Reader [hinted hanahaki au, slight angst to fluff]
"You're so mean, you know? If you hadn't looked at me like that, if you hadn't been so kind to me… to just me, maybe I could've kept on living unaware. Naive to this- this tightness in my throat, and swelling in my chest. You've always been so cold to everyone, but those small smiles you offer just me make my blood rush to my head. If I hadn't known your warmth, I could've kept my heart whole, but I can't. And I can't run away, either, because I love you, Haitham. My heart has chosen you to call its home. You are my home."
"I- can't," he choked, eyes wide with panic, "I just-"
"I know," they interrupted, a soft smile painted on their lips, "I'm just a little disappointed that I managed to delude myself to the point I actually thought you might like me back."
"I'm sorry," he raised his hand, stopping before he let himself cup his friend's tear-ridden cheek.
"Don't apologize," they stepped forward, pressing their forehead against his chest, hiding their tears from his sharp eyes, "that's not the type of person you are."
He let his outstretched hand drop gently onto their head, staring straight ahead.
"I almost wish you had been cold," a pitiful laugh, "it would have been easier. Though, I admit it would have hurt far more. I suppose I should thank you."
"Thank me?"
"For rejecting me so kindly. For giving me the chance to experience this wonderous feeling I used to ridicule. I'm happy I met you."
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"Yes, dear?"
"Do you think, if I see him again, I could fall in love all over again?"
"How romantic."
"Are you ready?"
"As ever."
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Al Haitham startled, after disappearing for two weeks, they'd suddenly reappeared in his path, humming along to a song only they could hear. It was a habit he hadn't even realized he had missed, the silence permeating his office more off-putting than it had ever been before. He called out, and they froze midstep, looking up like a child caught with their hand in the cookie jar.
"Um... hi?" their voice pitched with nerves, "I'm sorry, do I know you?"
His eye twitched, and he decided to play along with their little game, "Of course, we're the best of friends after all. Don't tell me you've forgotten me so easily after all we've been through."
A blush tinted their ears pink, head sinking embarrassed into their shoulders, "Friend? Oh dear, I seem to have such an awful memory. This is so embarrassing."
He frowned, this was no longer just a joke, they had truly forgotten him completely. "No problem," he compartmentalized that upset for another time. Right now it was important he learn exactly what had happened in these past two weeks.
"Well," they hesitated, clearly trying to make up for their forgetfulness, "from your robes, I assume I know you from the Academiya. Are you a researcher?"
"Yes, that is how we met, however, I'm actually the Academiya's Scribe."
"Scribe?" His hands reached out on instinct to catch them, the shock of the revelation having caused them to trip over their own feet.
They chuckled nervously, pushing themselves off him gently, "Well, you can't blame me for making such a fool of myself. After all, I seem to have forgotten an attractive gentleman such as yourself."
"It can't be helped," he smiled wistfully, "you've always been quite a clutz."
"Have not," they grumbled, childishly. Then, turning back to him, "I'm actually quite graceful, it just so happens that beautiful people turn my knees to jelly."
"Well then," he held his elbow out for them to grab, "how about I take you to lunch so you can rest those jellied legs of yours."
"I think I'd quite enjoy that, old friend of mine," they took his arm, grinning widely, "and while we're at it, you can tell me how exhausting it must be to be such an important and gorgeous man."
"If you continue with this flattery, I may think you're only interested in my face."
"Not at all, your arms are quite nice, too."
Considering writing pt.2 of Al Haitham POV learning about the disease but I didn't even do very well on this part. The idea was much angstier in my head.
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anamericangirl · 4 months
It drives me kind of crazy how often I see you having to argue the same points over and over with people. It seems to me as if I should just be able to scroll your blog a bit, get a good idea of your feelings on things, and then know everything I need to know about how you'll answer. How do you deal with this strange, perverse popularity you've garnered? How many times do you think you'll have to tell people that an unborn baby is a person and entitled to all the protections any other person should be? Every other 'gotcha' and nice and narrow circumstance that someone could possibly ask about abortion should be a 'don't make me tap the sign' moment, right? Yes, aborting a child conceived of rape is bad because the baby is innocent. Yes aborting a child because the mother's circumstances changed is bad because the child has a right to life too. Yes, when you fuck someone you're consenting to the risk of bringing a new life into the world, and you don't get to revoke that consent later for any reason. I can't help but think these people keep trying to mental-backflip their way into a position where their beliefs aren't barbarically monstrous has to be coming from some feeling of guilt. At some point in their lives they coerced someone to kill their baby, or maybe they killed their own baby, and if they confront the idea that they took part in killing an innocent person they will burst into flames or something. They're desperate to try to convince people that they're actually a good person, that they're not monsters, and that they don't need to repent for the lives they've ended.
I'm convinced that most people are motivated by compassion, but it's so devilishly easy to trick and coerce people in misdirecting that compassion towards evil means. Change the lens and perspective on a situation and you can find someone gullible enough to believe what they're advocating for is good and righteous. When compassionate people are confronted with the notion they've been tricked and used for evil, I think they tend more often than not to break. They have to twist themselves back up into a deluded mindset to defend their minds and souls from the pain of admitting they were used, and in the process they only perpetuate more evil...
Anyway, I think you're great. The only thing we seem to be able to do with these people is to be a wall they can't break down or climb over. We have to be like concrete, so when they slam into us they only cause themselves pain. There can be no bending or breaking in the face of people that will take any sign of weakness as an indication they are right. If there's any chance of them coming back from where they are, then walls like you need to help guide them along the right path as they seek to slam through you.
I think you are pretty much right. Some of it might be guilt, some of it's misguided and warped "compassion" and some is just straight up indoctrination. That's why for the majority of them, once they make their initial argument they can't engage with you in an intellectual discussion after you challenge it. All they know is the line but they can't rationalize it because they surround themselves in echo chambers where they don't have to rationalize things. They're not used to engaging in discussion with people who don't just nod in agreement with them or don't accept what they say at face value.
And, like, yeah it does get a little tiring to have to say the same things over and over again when it's not hard to find my answer by taking a quick glance at my blog. I've literally addressed every single pro-abortion argument in existence at this point I think lol. But on the other hand I don't mind especially if it seems to be someone who I haven't interacted with before and is genuinely curious (even if it's something I've answered before) versus someone who keeps asking me the same things over and over again and is just completely ignoring my answer or thinks if they slightly change the scenario my answer will be different. And sometimes it's hard to differentiate between those two types of people lol.
For whatever reason, they just can't accept that there's never a time where you have to kill a baby. And that might be where a little bit of the guilt comes in. They see me and others say that and they immediately start trying to invent scenarios (some completely outlandish) where it's necessary to kill a baby. Because if they can't find an exception then that means they have actually been advocating for something truly horrible this entire time and none of them want to admit they've been doing that.
Thanks so much!!
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helenofsimblr · 15 days
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Lyra: I WOULDN’T?!! Fucking try me, Cedric! TRY ME! I have got my life back. You don’t know what I’ve gone through, what horrors I’ve endured and if you try to take my family’s happiness away… *she wildly flails the gun around in his face* If you try to make my husband and kids miserable… POP! Have I made myself abundantly clear?
Cedric: Yes…
Lyra: If you call the cops, I have half a dozen alibis. I’m pregnant, I can cry on demand, if necessary. Nobody will believe a dirty, drug addled,in-denial depraved little faggot like you over me; a published respectable author and wife of a veteran, who is pregnant with her 4th child. Now where is my fucking tape!?
Ceric: You’re crazy…
Lyra: Crazy? You don’t know what crazy is, Cedric. You don’t know what Crazy really is! But if you test me, you’ll find out. 
Dream: Crazy is not what I would describe you as, Lyra. I see desperation and a deep rooted desire to squash your enemy, to hide your truth… but no matter how hard you try. This may not be enough? Will you do more? Will you go all the way, I wonder?
Lyra: Now Cedric, the tape. 
Cedric: You think, you can just waltz into my home, attack me! Punch me in the face, and threaten me with a weapon and I will just cooperate you are deluded Lyra! You think you’re the first person to ever try and bully me, and pick on me?
Lyra: Spare me your sob story, just give me the tape.  
Cedric: No. 
Lyra: Cedric!! Do I appear to be in a gaming mood? The fucking tape Cedric,  NOW!
Kyleigh: It's in the bedroom, in one of the cabinets, just grab it and lets get out of here, I’ll point out which one. He has an entire collection of different women, and men! 
Cedric: Get out of my house you psychopath.
Lyra: No need, I know where the tape is hidden in your bedroom. 
Cedric: When you and I first hung out you were nothing. Just a blonde trophy wife for your manly man husband. You think those crappy books you wrote would have sold if it weren't for the fact you’re a woman, how many blow jobs did you give to the publishers to get them out there huh? We all know your tongue can polish a helmet real good! 
Lyra: Cedric… I’m warning you…
Dream: I would think that pain of dislocated fingers would surely bring sense enough to stop talking, but alas, Cedric… you do not know when to shut up and do as you’re told. She warned you and you did not believe that she was capable of things. You’ll believe too late to save yourself. 
Cedric: The fact is, you’re only ever worth a damn when you have somebody strong and successful in your life, be it your mom, your husband, or me…You’re nothing but a second rate whore trying to live above her level, and you always will be!
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lost-batarang · 2 years
Bruce, on twitter, exactly 26 seconds after seeing 'The Gray Ghost' movie: The recent Gray Ghost movie was a total disaster and character assassination. As someone who has read & owns every Gray Ghost comic, (Yes, that includes spin-offs.) I'm disappointed. They made the Gray Ghost push away everyone in his life to make him a stereotypical 'cool' loner type character- which the Gray Ghost isn't. They have made the once loving character an abuser, and his butler, an enabler. The Gray Ghost would not look at his greatest failure, the boy whose death almost crushed him, and say "I never should've trusted you." And to the directors who allowed this movie to be made,; Shame on you. #NotMyGhost
Jason: @ BruceWayne, I believed the Gray Ghost film to be an accurate depiction of the Gray Ghost; you've just deluded yourself into thinking he's nice, without looking at his kid's pov. Clearly, the Gray Ghost favours his other kids over Rason Rodd, his second child, and hates Rason Rodd for failing him. Fuck you, Bruce Wayne. #BoycottBruce
Dick: @ TheAngryWayne, cmon buddy. This film is really important to Bruce, it's not everyday you find a character you can relate to, and this movie completely butchered that. Bruce still loves you, Jason. We all know that.
Jason: @ TotalDick Easy for you to say, Rikard Grason. Rikard got the favourite treatment in the movie and was clearly depicted as Bruce's golden child, despite not deserving it. Fuck you, Grayson. #BoycottBruce
Tim: @ TheAngryWayne 'Bruces Golden Child', really, Jason? Someone projected too hard they forgot Gray Ghost isn't Bruce. Plus, in the comics, Gray Ghost did grieve his son, infact it almost tore him apart. Gray Ghost hated to see his son become a villain, unlike in the movies.
Jason: @ TimDayne Pfft. The movies were the only accurate depiction, and Imothy Rake was a total bastard for becoming Gray Ghost's sidekick after Rason Rodd died, and it was completely correct for Rason to beat the fucking shit out of him. Oh, and mixing the last names Drake and Wayne for your @ is fucking dumb. Fuck you, Timothy. #RasonWasRight #BoycottBruce
Some Gothamite: @ TheAngryWayne, @ TimDayne, @ TotalDick, @ BruceWayne, wtf are you guys talking about? rason rodd, imothy rake, and rikard grason weren't characters in the comics or film....wtf. starting to think @ NightLight is the only sane wayne, lol.
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lovingherrscher · 1 year
Taenia memoriae
Ft: Dazai Osamu x Reader.
Notes: Happy birthday, my dear love. This is an old work of mine, I decided to translate it for this year bc I lack the time and I'm still working on another fic for him.
Taenia memoriae means "Ribbon of memories"
Warnings: Mentioning of suicide, breaking the 4th wall, slightly angsty. This may come off hard to understand without these following medias:
Puella Magi Madoka Magica - Rebellion
Higurashi no Naku Koro ni - Saikoroshi-hen.
Other keywords: talking to yourself, isekai.
Best with: Taenia memoriae - Puella Magi Madoka Magica.
"Please see me again and then, if you dislike me, say so plainly. The flames in my breast were lighted by you; it is up to you to extinguish them. I can't put them out by my unaided efforts. If we meet, if we can only meet, I know that I shall be saved."
-The Setting Sun - Dazai Osamu.
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You seal the letter with wax and put it in the drawer, where other letters suffer the same fate. Once written, forever sealed away.
"Now ain't that a waste?"
"Mind your own business. He wouldn't reply them anyway."
With that said, you stood up, stretching a little before glancing at the clock, only to realize it's been three hours since you sat down. Shouldn't you be preparing for dinner? Nah. You ate a little too much at lunch so you can skip dinner anyways.
You are an ordinary person to say, except for the fact that you are a little well, "deluded", at least that's how the world sees you. But no one can forbid you from dreaming, right~? Yet from the world's perspective, you are anything but a sane person. A human being ought to love another human being, then get married, have children, like any other 'normal' human being. But in your case, you had faintly realized that you do not belong in this world. You don't have any connections to it it or whatsoever, like a living ghost wandering.
You love someone who isn't real, to the point you're not only head over heels for him, but you worship him like a god. You once said that you deems yourself very much alike to that Akemi Homura girl. Met someone, and that person completely changed your life upside down. And you will do anything for that person's sake. Even if it means burning down the world.
To you, he's like a drug you can never get enough of. You never know when is it that he captured your heart, all you know was that the moment you realize this, he had you wrapped around his fingers already. You know that this man will be the death of you, but you still chase him like the moth chasing flame anyways. The flame of love started out flickering like a small candle, and by time it gets stronger, to the point it's like a monster lurking around, waiting to strike you down. Yet you accept it nonetheless, for he had became your shining beacon of hope.
There were times you dreamed of him, dreams where you two can finally unite. You know that you and him are like a lost child who keeps crying, waiting for someone to soothe them, to pick them up and take them back to a place they can call home. Your souls are like shattered glass that's being kept together with mere glue and duct tape, unstable and can be broken again any minute now. And you, you have a strong belief that you two are the only one who can heal each other. Or perhaps you two are just licking your own wounds?
"Y'know, sometimes I think you might be someone who got their ass whopped and isekai-ed here."
"Speak some decent human language, would you?"
"C'mon, I'm just playing with you! Don't do such a scary face!"
"Glad that I was able to scare the shit outta you."
"Motherfucker... I wish I could wipe that shit-eating grin out your face..."
You simply smiled at them and put on your headphones. Let's see, what should you listen to today~? Ah yes, it's gonna be his character song. You've been missing his sweet voice after all.
"If I can’t even grasp the meaning of life,
then I’ll say to this worthless night, goodbye.
But even though I think so… I’m still here."
This line reminds you of yourself. You've had countless thoughts about being able to rest in peace from the moment you awared that you've been living a life of shame. The thought of being dead haunts you like a ghost, it keeps whispering to you day or night, sleeping or awaken. But you can't just do whatever it said, because you are one hell of a coward. You're scared of pain. You don't want to bother others. For that you've become a living ghost wandering this world. What a twisted joke coming from fate.
That night when you almost took your own life, he had appeared and gripped your arm. It's natural to say that thanks to him, you had reborn, for the truth that since the day you two met, you've changed so drastically you can merely recognize yourself. And that moment was when you decided you'd give him your life. Until this body of yours wilt away, you shall forever be with him, and offer everything you have to him.
You've gone crazy for love, that's what people say. But to you, it's crazily beautiful. So you'll show the world how great your love is right this moment.
"Ah... The breeze feels so good here."
You don't know when did you fell asleep, and all of the sudden you felt an arm wrapping around your waist. You jolted up, looking at the person. It was none other than Dazai, Dazai Osamu. This fluffy chocolate hair, this bandaged hand, and that mesmerizing face you've been looking at all over and over again. You can't stop tears from streaming down your face as you tackle him to a rib-crushing hug, forgetting the fact that he was still sound asleep.
"Ouch! Can you wake me up more gentle next time? Maybe with a kiss~?"
He was going to go on, but the scene of you crying as you cling onto him tightly like this caused his smile to vanish. Instead of fooling around like everyday, he returns the hug and pat your head gently. No words needed as you two kept clinging onto each other for that familiar warmth you longed so dearly.
It took you a lot of time to finally calm down. Dazai decided to break the silence, "What's wrong, (y/n)?"
"I had a sickening dream."
"A dream where I was dead?"
"No. Worse. I saw that I was in a world where you aren't real to begin with, yet I still love you with all my heart and soul nonetheless, and that torments me. I was so close to you, yet so far. Even if our souls are connected, wouldn't it be meaningless if we can't touch nor feel each other's warmth?"
"And then... I killed myself. Hoping that I'll finally be able to see you.", your voice was hoarse, it almost feels like you're going to burst out in tears again.
"It must have been hard for you...", he mutters quietly. It felt like his arms around you squeezed tighter in a brief moments. Does that mean... Your dream was real..?
"Say that you love me, Osamu."
"I love you. I really love you."
"Thank you..."
Your lips met. His lips and embrace feels so soft and warm. They feel like 'home'. And that brings your soul to ease. His hands felt a little rough and calloused, probably from holding guns, presumably from when he was a mafioso, yet to you, they feel softer than any kind of silk, and so gentle, as if he's treating a glass doll.
Love. That's the pinnacle of emotions. Warmer than hope, deeper than despair, that's what love is.
"You know..."
"In my dream, you were a writer, but you were also a detective, and you even existed as a character in a game."
Dazai became quiet upon the words. "Writer, huh...", you know that he was reminiscing of his deceased friend, who dreamed of becoming a writer, where he can write novels in a room that look out to the sea. He was delving into his own memories, about those days he was still drinking at Lupin with that friend. That was the only place he can drop the facade and expose his true self.
"I don't think that was a dream..." you mutter inaudibly, as you lean your head against his chest, holding him close to you.
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vivilingriphyn · 10 months
Love the art!
Though I must know, why is Skybound your favorite season?
Reasons why Skybound is my favorite season.
It has stood up to the test of times, especially in my mind in the most unhealthy way possible.
It's the only season where it has STUCK to me since I was 6 and to this day it was only season that keep popping back up and the season where it pulled something in my child brain and the start of my spiral on thinking more fudged up Scenarios in my heads, alternate possibilities and more way to make the season even more messed up than it actually was and as a kid back then that watched cartoon 24/7 and watching that season of Ninjago felt fresh and something I couldn't properly understand back then and that uncertainty of what the fudge was happening made me eat up that season out of pure curiosity and need to understand what was happening, quickly spiraled into an obsession.
That even my child self became quickly aware of and never spoke of Ninjago ever again since and stopped watching but it NEVER made me stop thinking about Ninjago ever since then if I see a lego my brain would immediately think of Skybound and begin to delude myself that, that lego piece was Jay and my brain would spiral once again into my internal world of fanfics, and even when I finally first joined fandoms like undertale, mdzs etc. if I have enough time to myself, my brain would quickly turn to Skybound every chance it gets.
My obsession turned to annoyance but also began to turn to fondness once more and into acceptance, that I just accepted I will never escape Skybound, that the first ever fandom I ever joined wasn’t undertale but Lego Ninjago before I even understood what fandoms were. And Skybound will forever be stuck with me for the rest of my life just like how Jay's trauma from Skybound will forever be stuck with him for the rest of his life.
Nadakhan might've not succeeded in breaking Jay entirely, but definitely succeeded in making me give in and accept that I will never escape from Skybound in the 10 years that I been obsessed with it to an unhealthy degree but it will still forever hold a precious place in my heart, because I wouldn't be the self aware fudged up person that prefers fanfics over canon that I am today.
Thanks a lot Nadakhan :)
Also this is just the major reason why it's my favorite season. Because I have such a goldfish memory but Skybound has clung to my brain for so long that it can just become my favorite JUST because of pure resilience alone. Also because I've been fighting to forget about Ninjago but Skybound and my Brain said no so it's the season that takes the number 1 spot for me when it comes to Ninjago.
And I honestly wanna say more but also can't say more as to why It's my favorite. I feel like I need to rewatch the season after 10 years just to refresh my memory. And ask that question to myself. Just why?
And finally answer questions that my child self couldn't ask others out of fear of being too out of place and being teased and bullied for something I held strong feelings and passion towards back then and now I'm coming back to this now and of course my immediate thing that I do the moment I walk a back into this fandom is to go I went to Ao3, went to filter, and immediately typed in “Jay Walker” and “Nadakhan”
And God I never felt more happy reading fanfics of these two for the first time. In 10 years of my obsessions finally coming to fruition and I will EAT UP every skybound fanfic, headcanons etc. out there.
Also Skybound was the season that securely made Jay my favorite character. And yes I've also been obsessed with him for over 10 years ever since I first watched Lego Ninjago, like a fudging yandere that has no other reason to love their senpai just to be able FEEL something.
Wodnwkdnas I'm probably just spouting out pure nonsense, and an empty meaning and reasons as to why I love Skybound but, eh people love things for various of reasons so I might as well tell as to why since you asked, also gave me an opportunity to rant so… Thanks! ^^
Also here's a WIP for a Skybound Drawing I'll be doing, that'll maybe be posted in the future along with some of my personal Headcanon that's related to skybound, cause when you've been obsessing with a season for over 10 years without rewatching it and basing everything from you goldfish memory, make you think a lot, especially a lot of headcanons ╮⁠(⁠.⁠ ⁠❛⁠ ⁠ᴗ⁠ ⁠❛⁠.⁠)⁠╭
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sukirichi · 3 months
can i just say, while rereading to form my ultimate theory, ive realised i don’t think rintarou truly knows what love is. i don’t think he’s deluded himself into loving iris, i just don’t think he realises love isn’t transactional and that what he has with iris isn’t love. i noticed he also refers to the reader as “[his] woman.” as if she’s an object or his property. she’s been referred to as a pawn too. an object, something used to guarantee protection, he just hasn’t realised the pawn was the queen and he was the king about to be in a checkmate. i think ive noted three or four instances where he’s called her his woman now, it’s making me realise she was only ever that. not his lover, not his wife, just a woman he cared for and cared to use.
i’m sure now as the story has progressed he’s more infatuated with her, and that he did feel genuine feelings for her over the years, i just don’t think he knows love beyond what he’s observed. he was never raised with his brothers (reference to the drawings excluding him), he was the crown prince and so his mother saw him more as a work in progress for the future than her beloved child who she must care for — what the ring is to yn is what rintarou was to his mother, proof that SHE had the king at the end of the day and not his concubine. she’s determined in making rintarou king not because ushijima would be a bad ruler but because it would be letting her competition win. the queen and yn are two women on different sides of the same coin. rintarou also knows only of lust, his father was never loyal as seen by the fifty princes bro decided to spawn.
but back to the queen theory, cuz lowkey im popping off with that me thinks. she knows yn is powerful, “i would not take her wrath lightly” - (chapter 2) is essentially foreshadowing everything that’s about to happen, i can’t remember the exact quote but the queen warned him that yn CAN rip the throne from under him. rintarou doesn’t realise, the queen isn’t just saying this because yn is incredibly smart and strategic, she’s saying it because it’s something she’s almost witnessed first hand. the queen speaks from wisdom — age + experience.
i also retract my statement about iris’ mother being the reason she’s (iris) trying to be concubine. i think rintarou genuinely thinks he’s a fucking genius and that his plan is going to work. i do however still believe iris’ mother pulled a lot of strings to get kiyoomi and her married, there’s definitely something behind that, and put ontop of the fact that iris’ mother was in love with the king - or like wanted to be queen (delusion runs in the family ig) 💀💀💀
anyways i’ll keep rereading over the next few days, i don’t think there’s anything major in the latest chapter that gives away massive clues, but reading between the lines during the second read through might make me realise somethings.
- shhh anon
alright let’s finally dig into it 🧎🏻‍♀️ long response ahead
!! shhh anon cooking again !!! are you like, studying psychology or something because you got their characterisations on point. firstly yes, rin does not know what love is! he grew up without loving parents - he was neglected and left to fend for himself - and it was instilled to his mind that to be loved, to be seen as worthy, he had to work hard for it. like you said, love did not have to be transactional, but that’s how his mind works ! he goes along with iris smoking and drinking to get to her good side, so she would like him. he courted reader for two years, so she would fall for him. but at the end of the day, does he really see them people? maybe yes, maybe not - it’s hard to tell. like you said, he refers to them like iris and reader are his objects, his pawns, and in a way, that’s technically how he sees them.
reader is a doll for him to dress up and manipulate to make himself look good and great as a candidate for the throne. iris is his ‘woman’ whose purpose is to make him feel less lonely. AND YES OMG i love you for noticing that detail that rintaro (subtly) is materialistic ! he was seen as a ‘work in progress’ like you said, just another man to wear the crown. and their ring is exactly that too - the objects and material things they have are nothing but proof of their titles and power. in the literal sense, everything is a symbol, whether its a person or a material object. a symbol of loyalty, a symbol of protection, a symbol of “at the end of the day, i’m the legal wife!” which makes you think that since everything is a symbol to the royals, it makes sense how iris is also hesitant around rin because what can he give her? genuine love and pure feelings? she doesn’t want any of that
‘the fifty princes bro had to spawn’ HELP 😭 no but you’re so correct. the queen is speaking from experience, she wouldn’t stay as queen for that long if she lowkey wasn’t doing shady business, too. the difference between the queen and reader is that YN would go to the extreme to do what she thinks is right, while the queen would go the extremes to keep her power. they are two sides of the same coin 👑 that’s why the queen is hella pissed off because she did not endure her husband’s affairs and every horrible thing that comes with the crown just for her dumbass son to pull this 😭 anyways i loved reading this, you hit the hammer right on the nail! will not confirm or deny other theories that might be a spoiler though ;) but ah thank you as always for the interest in DTD and taking the time to share with me your thoughts 🥹
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bleue-flora · 8 months
@cleofast300 hope it’s ok if I respond to your tags from my essay (linked here) and lol no need to apologize for writing lengthy paragraphs as far as I am concerned. I certainly can’t judge and am always happy for more discussion. :)
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On that note, you are very right it is more so about what c!Tommy himself believes. His perception is not that of the audience or at least it really shouldn’t be that of the audience, while as you said he can believe he is the hero and justified that does not make him one. And the difference between audience perception and character perspective is what I kinda talked about in the essay that came out before this one (linked here). Where I try to highlight how it is less about what the characters think about themselves and others and more about what we think of them, which can be derived from a variety of factors... anyways straying off topic.
While I would say he is certainly not self aware and that does play a role in his character, I’m not sure I would say it is his biggest flaw. For one, it is not the cause of all of his conflicts, though I supposed you could argue that is it the underlying problem for which the rest of his flaws spur from. But I’m not so sure. he is certainly not the only character without self awareness. Most importantly though, I do not think his character arc revolves around self awareness. Because he doesn’t over come that in the end. He becomes aware that c!Dream has feelings and emotions, but he doesn’t recognize what he did to hurt those feelings. He doesn’t gain awareness for the part he played. There is no remorse. As you said, the ‘sorry’ was about the nuke not for how he hurt c!Dream. For self awareness to be his biggest flaw and the one he over comes, he’d actually have to gain awareness for how he hurt people. How he hurt c!Tubbo, how he hurt c!Dream, how he hurt c!Punz… etc. He’d have to gain awareness for the part he played in the mess. Instead, we have a ‘sorry’ that is about the future. About realizing they wanted the same future all along and that it’s too late for that.
You are right of course, it was about him learning to see the world in its complexity and not as the black and white - hero and villain- one he wanted it to be. Though he is hardly unique in that viewpoint, so I’m not sure it is a strictly child perspective as much as it is just a naive and deluded one. Plenty of other characters share this perspective of the world and it is less about age but actually about the stages of psychological development (but thats a discussion for a different time). In fact, the main theme of the dsmp as a whole is about realizing that the world is complex, that people have different perspectives and things aren’t always cut and dry like we want it to be. It is easier to believe you are the hero and everyone who hurts you is the villain. But I will say, although c!Wilbur exasperated this ideal, he did not create it. The disc wars were already a thing. C!Tommy had that belief long before c!Wilbur arrived, he just used it to manipulate him, but that mindset was already there. That idea that he was the hero of the story was already set. So yes, c!Wilbur used him to be his little soldier pinning him up against c!Dream. Yes, he was abused and manipulated, but that only makes him a victim not the victim.
But just because in the end he realized that c!Dream was not one-dimensional, doesn’t mean he becomes self aware. It broke the cycle of violence, yes, because he realized they wanted the same things and the violence this whole time was actually useless. But that doesn’t imply that he feels remorse, realizes he hurt people, that he plans on being better and changing his behavior, that he no longer sees himself as innocent, that he is aware of the things he caused, that he no longer thinks he’s justified, that he realizes how Wilbur used him. It only showed that he realized that people are complex, with feelings and emotions and motivations, who are flawed, who can be hurt just like him. His views on people changed, but honestly we don’t even know how far that ratified his world view. Whether it just changed his perception of c!Dream or others as well…we just don’t know…
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clwhowrites · 3 months
A Rant
Warning there is going ti be swears in this, if you are offended, grow the fuck up! You are a fucking child! There is no excuse to be offended by "fuck" or "shit," they are just fucking words! Grow the fuck up you child!
As I sit here, fireworks going on all over this city I can't help but think: I hate this country. I hate the politics, I hate the culture, I hate the ramped anti-intelectualism, the fake democracy, the media, the disrespect for facts and truth, the ramped religiosity, the capitalist religion, the corporate socialism that is what the economy actually is, the constant lying, the lionization of people who were no smarter or more moral than anyone else their class and time, and the synthetic divisions. When I look at this country I see a country of corruption and lies.
We have a presidential debate and all the democrats freak out, as if this debate will be remembered when election day comes. What did you democrats think would happen? Biden is a stupid old man, a shit president and a shit person. And I'm not being ageist here, he was a stupid young man, a stupid middle ages man and now he is a stupid old man. Did you people think a shit stain of a person who 81-years-old would do any better than what he did? Are you that fucking deluded?
If Trump wins it will be the fault of the democrats. Why is he the nominee? Why didn't you get rid of him months ago? Why the fuck was Joe shit stain of a human being Biden the democratic nominee in 2020? Of all the people who were trying to be the 2020 democratic nominee why was he selected? He was and is literally the worst of them all. Why was Hillery selected in 2016? She was unelectable! And Bernie wouldn't have been any better of a candidate, he is an out socialist in a country that hates socialists (and yet is a corporate socialist country, the third worst kind of socialism). Why were they even in the running for the democratic nomination!? Because democrats are fuck ups. The democrats fucked up repeatedly, because you are fuck ups. It should be stupid easy to defeat Trump, it is stupid easy to defeat Trump. Trump won in 2016 because the democrats fucked up and if Trump wins this time it will be cause the democrats fucked up.
You republicans are not safe here, the democrats are fuck ups but you are stupid. Trump is a lying idiot and sex offender who failed his way to the top. He is not a moral man, a good man, he is not even a man as he has the mind of a fucking child. He is a shit stain of a human being too, and you people voted for that shit stain of a human being. He doesn't care about you and will not do anything that will help you, he is a selfish narcissistic sociopath that surrounds himself with yes men, and if he thought raping you and your children would benefit him, he would do it and never regret it.
The best example of republican stupidity isn't even the lying narcissistic sex offender Trump, it is the fake culture war. The "culture war" was made up by Roger Ailes and Rupert Murdoch, the two multibillionaires who started Fox News. There is no culture war! It is all a distraction as the oligarchy economically rapes you and your family. Politicians talking about trans "predators" using bathrooms, a distraction while they economically rape you and your family, people complaining about a black Little Mermaid, a distraction while they economically rape you and your family, "this or that is woke," a distraction wile they economically rape you and your family, "illegal immigrants coming over the border," a distraction wile they economically rape you and your family.
"Well if you don't like this country leave it." Fine, you get me a work visa, find me a job, a place to live, and pay to move my shit from here to there. You don't want to do that? If it was so easy I would have done it by now, I would have abandoned this country long ago if I could but I can't, I'm stuck here. You are stuck with me. Open borders could solve this but would mean more brown people coming over the borders and you are scared of them because shitty politicians keep claiming they are smugglers, criminals, gang members, and rapist, all while these same politicians economically rape you and your family!
You are both fucking morons. You both vote for stupid shit stain people while letting the oligarchy fuck your lives and your children's futures. Fuck both of you!
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lcftyambiticns · 6 months
Alright, forgive me if this is stated somewhere on your blog already but I am curious: why do you think he has such a big inferiority complex? (If you also think he has one, I think I did see it in your hc somewhere) And if you don't think that's the reason, what do you think caused him to be looking for outside admiration so much?
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No worries and thank you sm for this ask!! <3
He has a superiority complex. But to be fair, the difference lies mainly in the symptoms and behavior, from what I understand. However, I don't want to delve too deeply into the psychology of it all.
In a nutshell, yes, the way I see it, Lorroakan harbors feelings of inferiority, which he doesn't acknowledge and copes with by overcompensating in the other direction: putting others down to elevate himself, having an exaggerated sense of self-importance, entitlement, and superiority over others.
While he claims not to care about the opinion of others, that's not entirely true. He craves admiration and worship, especially from people he deems his peers, such as city patriarchs/matriarchs, fellow wizards, etc.
Impressions matter greatly to Lorroakan, as they serve to validate his inflated ego and reinforce his (deluded) belief in his own greatness. Also... connections, you know? It's a means to elevate his social status, get support for his endeavors, influence, and so on.
It's one of the reasons Ramazith's Tower is so important to him (wealth and power aside). Lorroakan relishes in his newfound prestige within the arcane community as his (wizard) peers now flock to him, seeking access to the knowledge and artifacts that are now his. The canonical fact that he won't share any of this knowledge is very telling imo.
As for what caused this (and this is entirely my HC, though it kinda makes sense for him, doesn't it?); growing up in the Slums of Athkatla in a household with a drunk father and being the middle child of six siblings wasn't exactly a great start.
Imagine growing up dirt poor in one of the most wealthy cities in Faerûn, while you have nothing and feel like a second-class citizen. You catch glimpses of that wealth almost daily, yet it remains just out of reach. This sucks. But I also think this really stoked his ambition. I want to live like this one day.
Aside from that, his family life wasn't great. His father was a mean drunk who mocked Lorroakan's ambitions to become a wizard and make something of his life, because a) It's forbidden and you're going to get us in trouble and b) Just accept the harsh truth that you're a poor wretch like the rest of us, and you'll never amount to anything.
His father was miserable and seemed intent on spreading that misery to everyone around him. It's easier to wallow in self-pity than to actually try and fight for something, which is precisely why Lorroakan has zero tolerance for it. Except when it comes to his own, naturally. He is allowed to whine as much as he wants, HOWEVER he is a fighter, a hustler, amibtious af and when he's done whining, he'll adjust his crown and get off his ass. Anyway.
Then there was his older sister, a sorceress, the only one in their family. She wasn't allowed to practice magic either, of course, but Lorroakan's family respected her a lot more simply because she was "gifted". She could easily do what Lorroakan had to study hard for, and she belittled him for it. A lot. She also got a lot of attention. Lorroakan didn't get much attention at all unless he was being told off for getting in trouble.
Phew. That's a long read :,)))
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ewanmitchelll · 2 years
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Imagine you are Osferth's childhood best friend and you two finally admit the feelings you have for each other.
Inspiration: "Don't Go Away" by Oasis
You hate to be hurried, to make your tasks in a pace that is more that you can handle. You are a peasant who happens to hate when people tell you what to do in a frequency that makes you somehow doubt yourself.
Or maybe that is just the chaos your mind plagues you after feeling like you haven't given your best. You wish you could just run away, stay silent without wishing to please every one around you.
To worse matters, you are a damsel and unmarried. As you sit by the lake hugging your knees, you don't see him coming. Osferth was looking for you in this day he managed to come back to the capital and he wanted to visit you. He came to realize in the days he went off with Uhtred how you have always been his sweetheart.
You two were raised together in a monastery, but you did not feel like becoming a nun so you asked Osferth to help you find a family who would take you as you were--an orphan who was most likely an illegitimate child of a nobleman like Osferth was a natural son to King Ælfred.
Well, he did. And you were raised decently well, even he knows that. He always thought you of sweet disposition, often cheerful and funny, pious...and beautiful. Gorgeous, truly, with your y/c skin, y/c hair and those y/c eyes!
Osferth at first hesitates in telling you how he feels, but Uhtred encouraged him ("What is the worst that could happen?", he said, "If she is sweet tempered as you claim, she will not be unkind"). He even feels like going back home until seeing how upset you look.
Now he is leaving aside the desires of his heart for you. He wants to see you well, to make sure that whatever is distressing you shall pass.
"Oh hi Osferth!", you smile instantly when seeing him there. Your heart skips a beat. You often asked yourself if you were too deluded for nurturing the hope of being loved in return, because yes you love him. "What are you doing standing there? Please have a seat."
You pat the grass for him to sit and Osferth hates how easily he blushes at every word you say. But he sits with you nonetheless and is taken by surprise as you hug him.
"I missed you", you tell him.
Osferth smiles, holding you back, tightly so.
"Did you?"
"Aye. You took a very long time to come back, Osferth", you blush when realizing how obvious you sound. Yet when you look away, Osferth is inspired by you--and Uhtred's urge to be finally bold--and gently makes you look at him.
"Do excuse my behavior, dear Y/N. I should have sent you a letter but... I was afraid you'd not read it."
He too blushes. You, however, are slow to understand what is going on.
"What are you talking about, Osferth?"
"I was afraid you'd be...married when I returned", he whispers shyly, looking down at his hands and praying you'd not listen.
But you do.
Could it be?
You beam. It's your turn to make him look at you.
"If there is someone God allows me to marry, and please excuse my forwardness, sir, this ought to be you."
As Osferth looks up at you and finds a smile on your face, his heart skips a beat. He gently takes hold of your face, resting his forehead against yours.
"Be my wife and I swear to God that your days will no longer be disappointing."
"Being your wife is the holiest gift I could ever feel blessed, Osferth. Silly man, I've been waiting for so long."
"I love you, Y/N."
You smile at each other.
"And I you, Osferth."
It is then he finally takes the courage to pursuit your lips and never again unhappiness found solace in your heart.
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