#'marvel where's our marvel sitcom show'
feathersofvibranium · 2 years
y’all thought sam was sassy when he met bucky. just wait until bucky meets okoye.
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haleyboook · 1 year
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The Marriage Pact
When Sloan and Chris become reunited and get more than a few drinks in their systems they remember something from their past, and it includes a marriage pact they made a decade ago. But the two decide to follow through with the agreement and get married!
warnings: mentions of sex, drinking, and swearing
word count: 2,750
“When I say birthday you say bitch!” My best friend Corrine shouts to the crowd of men at the bar
I shake my head at her as she remains standing on the bar stool across the way from me
I stare at the weird colored cocktail in my hands that she insisted I have
It’s extremely strong and very disgusting
“When Corrine texted me last week with an invite to celebrate your birthday I was honestly surprised.”
I look behind me quickly, seeing a very old friend that I haven’t spoken to in years
Chris smiles and hugs me tightly as I stare at him confused
“She invited you?”
“She invited a lot of people, clearly. How many of these people do you actually know Sloan?”
I look towards the groups of people and say “Probably about a fifth of them I’m acquainted with.”
His eyes widen as he laughs saying “Typical Corrine.”
“She sends out mass text messages, for all her parties. That’s where you come in, you must’ve accidentally been grouped in.”
He looks to me suspect saying “What you wouldn’t invite me by choice?”
I sigh saying “I don’t know, it’s been awhile.”
“Yeah it has, from what I’ve heard you’ve basically stopped acting?”
Shaking my head I say “Who told you that?”
He waves his phone saying “The internet. Your last show is going to be that sitcom? Really?”
“I need a break from acting. The roles I get are undeveloped and unenjoyable. I’m tired of playing the female arm candy in an action movie.”
“You’re done with Tom Cruises movies?”
I roll my eyes saying “Unless I get my own spin off, yeah.”
“That’s a shame. You’re so good at what you do, you need a better agent.”
Narrowing my eyes to him I say “It’s been at least 2 years since we’ve talked and this is what you want to talk about? What are you filming? Still at Marvel’s beck and call?”
He grumbles saying “funny. When you get a multi million dollar main character role you can have an opinion on my role but yeah I am still doing the marvel thing.”
“I can tell, you’re only in this good of shape when you’re filming marvel.”
I sigh and say “I also want a break to start a family or something. I’m ready to settle down.”
“Ah I see..”
“You want something to drink?” I ask
He nods saying “Yeah sure. What are you…having? Jesus what is that?” He motions towards the glittery glow in the dark drink in my hand
“It’s called a Sloan. Don’t ask me how Corrine thought of it, it’s nearly toxic waste.”
Chris looks over in the direction of our somewhat mutual friend getting men to shout in unison with her “I see she still has men wrapped around her finger.”
“She wouldn’t be Corrine if she couldn’t get men to wrap around her finger.”
“What’s she been up to in acting terms?”
I finish my drink and say “She’s in a new movie with Margot Robbie and Will smith.”
“Interesting pairing, I’ve gotta admit.”
I walk with him to the bar and the bartender says “What can I get you both?”
“Two more Sloan’s and also something drinkable.”
He smiles to us and Chris says “I’m not drinking that glittery toxic waste.”
“It’s my birthday are you forgetting that?”
“I hate when people leverage that. I already got you a gift. It’s in that disgustingly tall pile of gifts.”
“You owe me. It’s been 2 years since we’ve talked, you owe me.”
Grumbling he takes a sip as I carry the other drinks in my hands
He makes a face saying “It’s gross.”
I smile saying “good. Finish it.”
Shaking his head he says “this would kill my street cred y’know.”
“I’m sorry, what street cred?”
He scoffs as he finishes the drink and sets the glass down. He grabs the beer from my hand and says “I’m a beer guy, you know that.”
“And I’m a tequila gal, doesn’t mean Corrine cares.”
He nods and says “no family here today?”
I narrow my eyes to him saying “Surprised you didn’t read about that in the news.”
“What? What happened?”
Sighing I say “it is my birthday you know, and I really would like not discussing my family.”
“Fine, deal. No bringing up ex’s then.”
I smile saying “good. I was hoping you’d say that.”
“Does that mean you broke up with Garret??” He asks dumbfounded
Groaning I say “Don’t make me bring up Minka and Jessica.”
He groans loudly and says “I need more beer.”
He walks away and I follow as I laugh at his avoidance of the topic. I nudge him saying “Still want to ask about Garret?”
He narrows his eyes to me in annoyance as he pushes cash towards the bartender annoyed
“I’ll just ask him myself.”
I make a face and say “And Minka happens to go to the same spin class as me.” I smile to him
He huffs in annoyance and says “They wanted more and I wanted more time.”
I shake my head and say “Sounds about right.”
“Is that why you and Garret broke up?”
I scoff saying “No. Far from it. I wasn’t pushing him for more, he fell for his costar. She’s 10 years younger than me and she worships the ground he walks on. He told me about her and we were done. I threw his things off my balcony.”
His eyes widen and he says “Jesus.”
I shrug and say “There, you’re caught up on my romantic life.”
He laughs as I sigh, he says “I’m sorry. I was just curious. You guys were serious, at least I thought so.”
“We were, then I got swamped with work and he sought out comfort elsewhere. Fucking asshole..”
Chris and I laugh as I motion to the bartender for more tequila shots
“I have work tomorrow.”
“This should do nothing to you. Come on lightweight.”
The drunkenness quickly came over us as we just kept drinking together, the surroundings around us melted away as we caught up
“How’s your mom?” I ask as I squint at the beer in my hand
“She’s doing great. How’s yours?”
“Not going there right now.” I hum as I reach for my beer
“I think I’m drunk.” He says aimlessly as he stares at the ceiling that’s dimly lighting up the bar
“It feels great. It’s been too long.”
He smiles widely as my head hits his shoulder as I laugh and smile to him
His head rests on mine and he says “Another round please.” He motions towards the bartender
I spin the shot in my hand saying “This is the real Sloan! a shot and a beer to wash it down with… you know me so well.”
I smile to him as I turn my attention to him, he smiles saying “I’ve missed you so much.”
“Right back at you Evans. I’ve missed having friends that actually know me.”
We click our glasses together and say “Cheers to our reunion.”
He nods saying “Cheers to you, happy birthday Sloan Sloan.”
I smile and say “Ah I was wondering when that nickname was going to come up.”
I shoot back the shot and he follows after me a few seconds later
“Remember that stupid list we made?”
“When I was 22, i hadn’t met Garret yet and you were with Jessica. We wrote so many stupid things on that page.”
“Can’t remember what the paper even had on it.”
“We both wrote things we didn’t want each other to know for 10 years remember?”
I laugh and say “I remember.”
“God I wish we still had that paper.”
We both laugh as we sigh in defeat. I spin the liquid in the beer bottle as it dawns on me and I repeat “Under the three willow trees in our favorite park.. where the dog shit can’t be smelled from..”
He looks to me surprised and says “We buried it!”
I nod and he stands up quickly as I tumble out of my barstool from his sudden movement.
He steadies me as he holds my shoulders tightly
“We have to go.”
“What..?? This is my party!”
He nods saying “We have to go get it.”
I smile and say “Well okay I guess. But you owe me a cake I am going to miss my cake.”
An Uber was called, we stumbled into the back seat as the woman says “You two alright back there?”
“Jimminy crickets we’re amazing! Oooo all this is for us? Okay… I see you.”
I grab the free candy and water she has set up for Uber guests
She pulls up to the park saying “You two going to be alright?”
Stumbling and basically rolling out of the car we laugh and i give her a thumbs up
“We’ll be perfect, thank you!” He thanks the driver as we approach the very dark park at this late of an hour
“I just love scary parks at this hour.”
“It’s not that late. It’s only like 1:30am or something like that.” He reassures me
As soon as we got to the trees I fell to my knees and struggled to dig at the grass. He laughed as he stumbled as he laughed so hard he fell over
I shush him and he laughs louder screaming “Who’s going to hear us out here!”
I crawl towards the play structure and steal some kids plastic pale and shovel
I dig at the grass and he grabs it from me saying “No, no let me.”
I sit back and watch as he digs with the weak shovel as it bends from his strength
He hits the box and I quickly push the shovel away as I impatiently pull the box that’s slightly damaged out
The dirt has eaten at it and the plastic bag hasn’t lasted very well
I guess it has been a decade
I pull the papers and read the list in my hands confused
I don’t remember this being in there
He pulls the bottom papers and reads them as I look through this written agreement that we signed
“Get this, I wrote that in ten years I hope I’ll be a more respectable actor and work on a award winning movie.”
He flips the page as he reads “In ten years I want to be married with a baby and a successful career. But all I really want is to be happy, whether that means giving up acting or not.”
His frown deepens as he looks to me as I read the list
1. Don’t let work get in the way of our friendship
Well clearly we didn’t follow up on that one
2. Help each other anytime it’s needed, career wise or otherwise.
He can’t help with things he doesn’t know about.
3. Always be each others backups, in any date scenario
That one was a stupid add, he only added that one because he knew he needed a date to his sisters wedding the next week. But I obliged.
4. In ten years, or less if we haven’t settled down and gotten married we’ll get married to each other
What the fuck ?!
I stare at the list of shit we wrote and I feel the stinging of a headache hit me as I go back to the first page
He pulls the other page from me as I go mute on him and he stares at me in confusion as I don’t respond to his questions
He reads through them with a smile and it only falters when he gets to number 4 and he looks to me as I stare at the agreement
He smiles and says “Ten years, huh?”
“Take this written agreement as a verbal and written contract that we are obligated and honored to marry the other if both see fit in their very single lives. Rules that may exempt the agreement would be a. A relationship b. A baby and a relationship c. A sexually transmitted disease d. a change in sexual orientation.”
Chris chuckles at the last two rules and I roll my eyes as I say “If not met with that criteria we are morally obligated to relieve each other of the embarrassment of being married too late in life.”
I scoff in annoyance saying “who wrote this shit oh my god.”
Chris smiles saying “I think it’s hilarious.”
“I think it’s- it’s… I don’t know!”
“I think we should listen to our twenty-something selves and follow up on this.”
I stare at him in shock and he nods saying “We promised, we’ve gotta follow up on this pact, we fell through with every other agreement, not this one too, come on.”
“We just started talking again,”
He nods saying “I haven’t had fun like this in years.. I feel like me when I’m with you. I haven’t felt like me in too long. Let’s go get our shotgun wedding, c’mon.”
I slowly warm up to the idea and my smile slowly widens as I begin to nod in agreement
He smiles back at me as his arms snake around me and lift me off the ground. Spinning around as we laugh loudly leads to us tumbling over again
“You call the Uber, I’ll look up a place to get married.”
I feel my fingers move but my mind not catching up as I proceed with our plans of marriage.
It seems completely rational to us and he shows me the 24/7 chapel only a city over and I smile widely as I nod saying “deal.”
He presses his hands to the sides of my face as his thumb brushes down my nose and he taps the top of my nose saying “deal.”
The Uber drive consisted of me sitting close to Chris with his arm wrapped around me as my hands held tightly to his other arm
Pulling up to the chapel the Uber driver didn’t say much but there expression wasn’t indescribable
But it irked me.
I straighten up my dress and lick my hands as I press them to Chris’ stray aways
He groans as he attempts to squirm away from me as I insist on fixing his hair
I nod as I smile saying “perfect.. you look perfect.”
“Thank you, you look beautiful.”
We enter the establishment and the lady behind the podium welcomes us and gets us on the fast track to getting married
“We have a selection of rings to pick from if you haven’t purchased one yet, we offer a character wedding, Elvis, and a few other options. There’s a tropical wedding, a traditional-”
I cut her off saying “traditional.”
Chris smiles saying “no Elvis?”
I push his shoulder as I shake my head. We are brought to the ring area and he immediately picks the ring that sticks out to him
It’s what stuck out to me, it was surprisingly beautiful for the other options they had
I shook the fake ministers hand as we met him 2 minutes before we were to be married
“I need you both to sign this document.”
I squinted my eyes as I read the words on the document and it was a basic marriage document and I flipped the page and signed my name across the bottom quickly
Chris scribbled his name quickly, not taking a second glance and says “if the misses says it’s safe to sign I believe her.”
The minister walks us down the isle as the director of the weddings clips a waist length veil onto my hair
I nod to her in appreciation and the ceremony proceeds as the alcohol was still very influential in the ceremony even happening
The pictures were taken as the minister asks “This is both of your opportunities to say something about the other.”
Chris nods and squeezes my hand saying “You’re my best friend, Sloan Sloan. I felt incomplete without you in my life and having you back in my life means everything. I can’t wait to navigate this new adventure with you as my wife.”
My cheeks redden as I blush and my heart flutters and does back flips.
He tilts his head to me as he admires my smile and he pulls my hand to his lips as he kisses them delicately
I swallow thickly as I say “There’s no one else I could possibly do this with, it’s only you that could put me at ease like this. You are my best friend and I can’t wait to be married to you. I love you, Chris.”
He smiles and the officiant smiles as they say “do you take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband?”
“I do.” I nod as my brain is still foggy
“and do you take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife?”
“I do.”
Chris smiles widely as the man says “I pronounce you husband and wife.”
Before the man can continue Chris kisses me, and once we got started kissing we didn’t stop
His arms wrapped around me as he dipped me into the kiss and the officiant shakes his head muttering “Jesus..”
The wedding director smiles widely and pats our shoulders saying “A few more pictures.”
We take our pictures and are handed glasses of champagne and a bottle as we are directed to the restaurant next door
Chris says “Hello wife.”
I smile as I look to him saying “Hello husband.”
We both laugh as we stumble towards the Italian restaurant next door
“What would you say to skipping the dinner and going home?” I chime
He looks to me and says “Sounds like a square deal.”
The second we got into the Uber his lips were pressed to my neck as the driver visibly cringed
The car ride was fast as the man clearly wanted us out of his car.
Chris lifted me as he stumbled in step up to my house. I laughed as I hung off his shoulder and he patted the back of my legs as he sang everlasting love by natalie cole
“This will be… an everlasting love..!! Ooo..yes it will be!”
He is hilarious and I haven’t laughed this hard in too long
He jingled the key into the door and shifted me in his arms as soon as the door was open.
He carried me through the door frame bridal style and says “Now it’s official!”
The door is kicked shut behind us as he walks like a blind mouse through the pitch black house
We laugh loudly as we bump into every object in my house as our lips are glued together
His teeth pull on my bottom lip as I mumble “Past the guest room. And laundry… keep going.”
We hit the wall again and he releases my lip as my lips press to his cheek
“You’ve almost got it.”
And victoriously he finds my bed and we fall into it slowly as he lands on me carefully, keeping his lips attached to the exposed skin on my neck
“We should’ve done this years ago.”
I hmm in response as I can’t talk through the blissful tingling I feel throughout my body
“Y-yeah.” I say as his lips trail down the exposed skin around my dress as his hands reach behind my back, searching for the zipper
The zipper breaks through his impatience and I grumble as I grow uncomfortable with the heat between my legs
“Just rip the dress- Chris..”
He didn’t have to be asked twice, the dress was ripped from the fabric at the zipper and he pulled it off me roughly as I mumbled into his skin as he hovered over me “oh finally…”
He pauses for a minute as his eyes retreat down to my exposed chest, my back arching at his hands moving down to my waist, the exposed skin quickly showcasing new goosebumps
“didn’t need a bra with that dress- did-did you?”
His fleeting eyes look to mine as I produce a furrowed look, my expression asking him what he’s waiting for
He slides his hands up to my face and says “Are you okay? You alright?”
I nod quickly and say “I’m perfect. I’m happy.”
“That’s all I want for you, lo.”
I nod as I heave a breath saying “Are you okay?”
“More than okay. I’ve wanted this for a long, long time. Is this- is me doing this, is it okay?”
I nod in agreement quickly saying “Not if you wait any longer, you’re killing me…”
I squirm while I’m under him, in near desperation as his grin runs wide and his eyebrows pop
“Oh… I see..”
He laughs as I hmm in response, patience is not my strong suit
“I got you, as your husband, I’ve got you all taken care of.”
And he does, he easily does. My eyes flutter in relief and the rush of adrenaline hits me as my hips rise up in response to him
“good job, honey.”
AAAAAAAAHHHH new story alert!!! eeeeeekkkk!!!! I’m so excited for this one! It’s already a bit steamy haha. I feel motivated to write this story so that’s exciting!!
I’m happy to introduce you guys/people to Sloan! She’s great and I hope you all end up liking her! she is different from Jules in the best ways, at least I think so??
I hope you like the story!!
Reply to be added to taglist!!
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acircusfullofdemons · 4 months
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It is, officially, the 7 year anniversary of when I made Eternal Labyrinth. Yippee! So, to celebrate, here's a hopefully coherent introduction to the shit that's taken over my life for. seven goddamn years holy shit.
Eternal Labyrinth is the overarching name for my main 3 paracosms: Phantasmagoria, Mad as a Crow, Fractured Fables. They are all connected thanks to Multiverse Bullshit! The 3 also have AUs  that are semi-canon, in which they have crossovers and the characters interact with each other. The AUs are:  the Mad Rabbit AU (MaaC/FF), the Tamagotchi AU (Phantasmagoria/FF), and Constellations (Phantasmagoria/MaaC).
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A quick rundown of what each paracosm is about: 
Phantasmagoria: VRVerse || Major oddcore/weirdcore/dreamcore vibes, literally almost anything can happen. Behaves like a video game most of the time, I suppose.
Mad as a Crow: Superhero Universe || A terrible DC/Marvel crossover that’s trying to have one coherent storyline with consistent characters.
Fractured Fables: FairytaleVerse || Fanfiction I don't feel guilty for writing because all of the source material is in the public domain. Quite literally my city now.
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You can find me talking about each paracosm on these blogs: 
For Phantasmagoria only content, go to @acircusfullofdemons.
For Mad as a Crow only content, go to @madasacrow.
For Fractured Fables only content, go to @fractured-fables.
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Each paracosm exists inside each other, if that makes sense?? It’s kind of like the Nickelodeon Sitcom Universe. They are both real events and also taking place on a reality show at the same time.
Phantasmagoria is a video game, Polybius, that can be played at JoyHall Arcade.
Mad as a Crow is a comic book series/company, Mad Crow Comics (similar to DC or Marvel).
Fractured Fables is a tv show, Toybox Tutors, aimed towards children.
When doing crossovers, the general vibe is “oh hey, this is like that [media] I like, just slightly to the left”. The only exception is for things like the APOCALYPSE AU, where the ‘cosm they’re from doesn’t really matter as they’re all put in a Situation.
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The (Dimensional) Hub — All dimensions are tied together due to “The Hub”, aka Earth I. The Hub is an endless void that often takes the form of an empty arcade or mall. Each dimension also has its own unique door and key.
Player Hub — A mini version of the Dimensional Hub, except now it’s suited for a singular person. Everyone that has played Polybius has one.
Holius — Space, primary home to Aliens.
Heaven — Primary home to Angles, mirror of the Netherworld.
Earth I — The original earth. Used to be full of animals before Vitalis added humans.
Earth II — Thisverse/our earth, no magic or supernatural creatures. Mirror of Arcadia.
Earth III — The apocalypse, technical ‘sequel’ to Earth II.
Earth IV — Magic exists, but only in specific locations. Supernatural beings also exist in secret.
Arcadia — Supernatural beings are the majority. Mirror of Earth II.
StoryBrooke — Where various fairytale & classic lit characters live.
Avalon — Fae realm.
Cyberspace — Dimension made by Genesi H. Voltrian. Only Computer Errors can enter.
Mirje — Dimension made by Myriam Travers/Bloody Mary. Only Spirits can enter.
Netherworld — Primary home to Demons. Mirror of Heaven.
Afterlife — Specifically the Arcadian afterlife. Primary home to Spirits.
The VoiD — A pocket dimension that people can clip into on accident, basically the Backrooms. Often used for storing unwanted stuff/trash. 
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Aliens —Extraterrestrial/celestial beings.
Aquaentians — Aquatic supernatural creatures.
Computer Errors — Sentient Errors that spawn within Cyberspace. They can only be created if an existing CE kills you AND takes your Soul into Cyberspace — the process won't work otherwise. Because of this, some may see them as a subtype of Spirit, though as they're still relatively new classification is still being debated. Their appearance is very upsetting, often giving people headaches, and they make circuit-like markings under their eyes / neck / shoulders.
Dragons — A now extinct species.
Gods — So, this one brings up the concept of religion in Arcadia as the Gods are a part of their own pantheon and such, but that's not really related to this topic. They are omnipotent & omniscient in their specific domain (ie; the god of nature knows everything about nature, but very little about space). Gods can be either born or given their powers from another God.
Onerioi — Personified dreams & nightmares.
Puria— Angels, Demons, & Faed.
Avians — Humans with wings.
Cambions — Hybrid between Human & Demon.
Dhampir — Hybrid between Human & Vampire.
Elementalists — Humans that can control an element.
Empaths — Humans that can control an emotion.
Halflings — Humans that can turn into animals, basically werewolves / werecats / shapeshifters.
Regular / Purebloods — Humans with 0 magical ability or Zaryis DNA.
Seers — Humans that can see Spirits.
Witches — An old term used to refer to a Human that uses magic. By now this is the standard / expectation.
Reapers — Zaryis that takes Souls to the Afterlife.
Grim Reapers — Reapers that take anyone.
Ritions — Reapers that take those who died of famine.
Valkin — Reapers that take those who died in battle.
Pestis — Reapers that take those who died of sickness.
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I’m gonna…try and keep this brief, but y’know. I’ve had this for about 7ish years so it’s kind of a Mess.
ORIGINS — Everything on Earth I was fine and chill until Vitalis (God of Life) introduced Humans. After some conflict between the Humans and Sentient Animals that previously lived there, a pair of twins get separated from one another. Theia (Goddess of Death) and Vitalis take in a twin each: Theia with Shadow, and Vitalis with Lumi. Ketrill (King of Shadows/Darkness) & Eloise (Queen of Light) are also made by the Gods, in order to protect the twins. Ketrill cares for Shadow, while Eloise cares for Lumi. Each twin is cared for by their patron until they almost die. Shadow is revived and Lumi is made immortal. The twins manage to reunite, and all is well until Vitalis grows jealous of their friendship, because he and Theia can’t really be together. So, he sets out to kill the twins. With Emory’s (The Librarian/God of Knowledge) help, Theia, the twins, Ketrill, and Eloise manage to escape Earth I. Unfortunately, they all get separated. 
CROSSFIRE — Shadow, now named Nox, winds up on Earth II. His memories have gotten wiped, forgetting about his supernatural origins, and lives a normal life until Emory finally finds him, where he’s then taken to Earth IV while Emory searches for the rest of their little family. While there, Nox meets Jake, an Angel shoved into a Human body as an experiment of sorts. The two team up to unravel the mess of supernatural shit going on. 
FAUX PIXIES — Lumi, now Lucien, and Eloise, wind up in Neverland together with their memories intact. They live as Fairies in Pixie Hollow, with Lucien longing for her twin, wondering if he even made it out alive. Despite her oncoming depression, Lucien befriends Captain Hook, and helps him ward off Peter Pan from time to time. After helping Wendy attempt to get her brothers back, Lucien discovers that Fifi (Goddess of Time) has trapped StoryBrooke in a time loop thanks to a deal she made with Blake Grimm. Unfortunately, Lucien doesn't have the power to stop her. So the loop keeps going and she's kinda scared her & Eloise will get stuck in it and lose their memories. 
REUNION — Thankfully, the two wind up reuniting with Emory after arriving in StoryBrooke. He takes them back to Earth IV, where Nox is. While Emory was away, Nox had managed to get most of their memories of Earth I back. He also reunited with Ketrill! After Emory gets Theia from Arcadia, the gang's all back together and helps Nox piece a few more things together. Of course, there’s still the problem of Vitalis, who’s been mainly focused on Nox but now that they’re all together? Yeah he’s not gonna be happy.
THE FIGHT — The twins get the idea to take the fight to Vitalis. Theia tries to advise against them, but basically everyone agrees that he needs to be stopped sooner than later. The only problem is, how do you kill Life himself? The answer: with Death herself! Though Nox and Lucien did most of the fighting against Vitalis — with Ketrill & Eloise’s help — Theia is the one to land the final blow. Her and Vitalis exchange some words, he basically apologizes and explains he just wanted to be with her, but clearly he did it all wrong. Theia extracts his soul/essence and becomes the Goddess of both life and Death. Earth I, and the rest of the multiverse, can finally know peace. Kind of.
CURRENT — Upon Vitalis' death, Nox and Lucien are granted godhood, with Nox becoming Entropy — god of chaos — and Lucien becoming Harmony — goddess of order. As Harmony, Lucien now has the power to order Fifi to stop the time loop in StoryBrooke, which she finally does. Still concerned over StoryBrooke, Harmony asks her family to help keep everything, well, harmonious. Without the time loops, then the Fables will have children and more Tales will take place. Given that she used to be Tinkerbell, this is a valid concern for her. Emory, too, as he was Cheshire. Not wanting his role anymore, he gives it to Entropy, who is ecstatic to be one of their favorite literary characters. Harmony, meanwhile, decides to settle into Neverland, so she can keep an eye on Peter Pan and help any other Lost Kids who wind up there.
tldr: life & death get a divorce and have a custody battle so bad it becomes the entire multiverse's problem
And that’s it! I guess. I know that doesn’t seem like much, but y’know. Side-stories and multiple other paras that don’t have anything to do with the actual plot … well, this is all technically going on in the background of all my other paracosms. so. really, THIS has nothing to do with the plot lmao.
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watchnrant · 20 days
WandaVision: A Genre-Bending Exploration of Grief, Identity, and Superhero Storytelling
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WandaVision is a bold, genre-bending triumph that redefines what superhero storytelling can be. The series opens with a surreal plunge into classic TV sitcoms, paying homage to I Love Lucy and Bewitched—a bold move that quickly proves its worth. WandaVision reminds us that emotional stakes can hit the hardest in a universe of super-powered battles.
Elizabeth Olsen is mesmerizing. Her portrayal of Wanda Maximoff is a masterclass in character evolution, as she moves effortlessly between sitcom whimsy and gut-wrenching emotional depth. Wanda’s desperate attempt to control her unraveling world is heartbreaking and terrifying, and Olsen makes you feel every ounce of that pain. Paul Bettany matches her performance with a comedic brilliance that brings new layers to Vision, turning their shared scenes into captivating emotional duets.
But WandaVision is far more than a love letter to nostalgia—it’s a fully immersive experience. Each episode meticulously recreates a different TV era, from the black-and-white charm of the 1950s to the neon flash of the 80s. The period details, from set designs to costumes, are spot-on, giving the series a rich visual texture. You’d be forgiven for thinking you were watching an episode of The Dick Van Dyke Show—until the cracks in the facade start to show, hinting at a far darker reality lurking underneath.
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Visually, WandaVision is a feast. The shifting aesthetics aren’t just clever flourishes but integral to the story. As the series moves through different eras of TV, the visual style mirrors Wanda’s emotional unraveling. The glossy perfection of early sitcoms begins to fracture, reflecting the way grief and trauma distort her perception of reality. This isn’t just a fun gimmick—it’s a profoundly affecting metaphor for Wanda’s internal collapse, making her unravel something you feel as much as you see.
At its core, WandaVision is about grief, trauma, and identity. Wanda isn’t just mourning Vision—she’s grappling with who she is after everything she’s lost. Her immense power allows her to bend reality to her will, yet she’s unable to confront the emotional wreckage inside. The show visually represents this struggle, with each glitch and shift in her constructed reality as a metaphor for her fractured sense of self. WandaVision brilliantly captures a woman at war with her identity, trying to reconcile her past, pain, and future.
This identity crisis shapes Wanda’s every decision. Unable to let go of her trauma, she creates a world where she can hide from it. But as the cracks in her illusion grow, it becomes clear that even her immense power can’t protect her from the truth. The show’s layered narrative and visual style turn Wanda’s story into a poignant meditation on how trauma reshapes our sense of self and how running from grief only deepens the wounds.
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One scene that perfectly encapsulates this tension is the dinner sequence in the first episode. What starts as a lighthearted sitcom fare quickly spirals into something unsettling as Wanda struggles to control her reality. The laughter fades, the lighting shifts and the discomfort is palpable as her carefully constructed world teeters on the edge of collapse. In moments like these, WandaVision masterfully balances its tonal shifts, moving from quirky homage to psychological thriller with a deft touch.
The series is a slow burn, but that deliberate pacing makes its emotional depth possible. WandaVision takes its time, allowing the audience to sit with Wanda’s grief and confusion. This might feel jarring for some, especially for those expecting the fast-paced action Marvel is known for. But this slower pace is essential to the show’s impact—it gives the emotional stakes time to breathe, and the payoff is worth the wait. As Wanda’s world unravels, the tension builds not through action but through her illusions’ slow, steady collapse.
Marvel’s decision to prioritize emotional complexity over explosive action in WandaVision significantly departs from its usual formula. This shift signals a broader evolution in superhero media that embraces introspection and character-driven storytelling. WandaVision shows that superhero stories can be just as much about our internal battles as the external ones, setting a new standard for what the genre can achieve.
While Olsen and Bettany are the heart of the series, the supporting cast also shines. Kathryn Hahn is a standout as Agnes, bringing comedic flair and a sinister undercurrent to her role. Her shift from a nosy neighbor to something far more ominous is one of the series’ most thrilling transformations. Teyonah Parris, as Monica Rambeau, adds emotional depth to the broader MCU connections, grounding the story while bringing her vulnerabilities to the forefront. Monica’s own experience with loss, having been snapped away and returning to find her mother gone, mirrors Wanda’s grief, adding layers to the show’s exploration of trauma. Both actresses enhance the ensemble, making WandaVision a rich tapestry of performances.
Matt Shakman and Jac Schaeffer deserve immense credit for crafting a show that blends absurdity with emotional resonance. The tonal shifts—from sitcom pastiche to psychological horror—could have easily derailed the narrative, but instead, they heighten the series’ complexity. Shakman’s direction and Schaeffer’s writing push the boundaries of superhero storytelling, resulting in a series that feels as innovative as it does intimate.
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Another scene that stands out is Wanda’s confrontation with Agatha Harkness (Kathryn Hahn) in later episodes. This moment exemplifies the total collapse of Wanda’s illusion, and Agatha’s role as a manipulator intensifies the tension. The scene is a high-stakes emotional showdown that strips away Wanda’s defenses, forcing her to confront the pain she’s buried under layers of sitcom facades. This confrontation highlights the show’s seamless ability to shift from personal drama to supernatural spectacle, all while keeping the emotional core intact.
Of course, WandaVision isn’t for everyone. Its experimental structure and slower pacing may alienate viewers expecting the fast-paced, action-heavy fare typical of the MCU. But for those willing to embrace its reflective nature, the series offers a more profound, more emotionally charged experience. It’s a gamble that pays off in ways that redefine what superhero television can be.
WandaVision isn’t just a standout in the MCU—it’s a standout in modern television. Its blend of genres and experimentation with form transcends the superhero genre, positioning itself alongside Legion, which uses genre as a framework to explore deep emotional and psychological territory. WandaVision proves that superhero stories can be as rich, layered, and complex as any prestige drama, showing that sometimes, the most compelling battles are the ones we fight within ourselves.
So, is WandaVision a triumph? Absolutely. By blending sitcom nostalgia with emotional depth and mind-bending twists, WandaVision redefines what superhero storytelling can be. Marvel has set a new bar for its TV future, and if this is the direction they’re headed, count me in.
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mostlymarvelsstuff · 2 years
Flufftober Day 10
Love Language- WandaNat
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Word count: 748   WandaNat Masterlist     Marvel Masterlist   Flufftober
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After you return to your room after your nearly two week long mission, your first order of business is to greet your two girlfriends. And your second was to shower, you desperately needed the hot water to relax your muscles. 
   As soon as the door to your shared room is opened Wanda practically tackles you. You laugh as she wraps her arms around your neck, nuzzling her face into you. Your arms quickly wrap around her waist.
   “Hi baby” You greet, kissing her forehead
   “Hi dorogoy(sweetheart), we missed you.”
   “I missed you guys too. ” you reply
   After a few more moments she lets you go, but you quickly cup her face and give her a soft yet passionate kiss. You let her go only for Natasha to take her place, wrapping her arms around you as she rests her head on your shoulder.
   “Hi krasivaya(beautiful), It's good to have you home.”
   “It’s good to be home.” you admit, sinking further into her embrace
   Eventually she pulls back, allowing you to cup her face and kiss her as well. She smiles as you pull her and then Wanda against you in a strong hug. And the brunette lets out a giggle as you squeeze them.
   “As much as I’d love to keep standing here holding you both, I desperately need a shower.” you announce as you pull back from them. You smile as you hear Wandas whine of displeasure and see the frown on Natashas face, “Don’t be upset my loves, I won’t be long at all. Why don't the two of you get comfy in bed with a show or movie while you wait for me?”
   They nod in agreement, moving back over to the bed as you grab your change of clothes. You quickly head for the bathroom, not wanting to keep your girlfriends waiting and also not being able to wait long yourself. Your fairly certain its the fastest shower you've taken since your SHIELD days and you easily find yourself dressed and heading out of the bathroom in mere minutes, not even caring that your washed hair wasn’t dried all the way.
   You smile as you see both women resting their backs against the headboard, their eyes glued to an episode of Bewitched they've most certainly seen dozens of times by now. Your smile widens as you see they left a space for you, right in the middle of them.
   “Wow Y/n, that was fast. You must've really missed us.” Natasha says with a smirk
   You roll your eyes, “Yeah, and I’m starting to wonder why I did.”
   “Hey!” Wanda buts in, “I haven’t even done anything, how is that fair?”
   You and Nat chuckle at her outburst as you crawl over to your spot. You relax with a sigh, looping one arm around Wandas waist, pulling her close as you do the same thing with your other arm and Natasha. They both lean into you, resting their heads against your shoulders as you hold them.
   “I really did miss you both. A lot.” You admit after a few moments of silence
   “Oh dorogoy(sweetheart), we really missed you too. So much.” Wanda replies, grabbing onto and squeezing your hand on her waist
   Natasha nods in agreement, “You're never going away for that long again. At least not without us.”
   You chuckle, “I’m not sure if fury would approve that.”
   “Frankly, I don’t care.” she replies, “Where our girl goes, we go.”
   Wanda agrees, “We hate being away from you. We always worry”
   “And we all know we're the best equipped to keep you safe. It’s only fair we get paired with you from now on.” Nat adds
   You give both of them a kiss on the cheek that leaves them both smiling softly at you, “Well, I can’t and certainly won't argue with that.”
   You all settle back into the sitcom, and as a few more hours pass you're happy to find both women relaxed fully into you. You knew that after so much time away they were in desperate need of this. Yes they had each other, but you were also their girlfriend and so they craved and needed it with you as well. 
    And you were always happy to give them what they needed. So you'd sit here all night to give Nat her quality time and Wan her physical touch, because as long as they were happy, you were happy too. And where else would you rather be?
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Taglist: @wandaromamoff69​​ @when-wolves-howl​​ @danveration​​ @sheneonromanoff​​ @sayah13​​ @likefirenrain​​ @nighttime-dreaming​​ @just-a-torn-up-masterpiece​​ @chaoticevilbakugo​​ @crystalstark02​​ @wackymcstupid​​ @lovelyy-moonlight​​ @blackwidow-3​​ @mistressofinsomnia​​ @that-one-gay-mosquito​​ @yomamagf​​ @yourfavdummy​​ @justarandomreaderxoxo​​ @scoutlp23-blog​​ @whoischanelle15 @lissaaaa145​​ @eline03 @wizardofstories​​@imthenatynat 
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emblemxeno · 2 years
Localization Changes: Takumi #ProtectThePineapple
Paging @theeeveetamer / @teaveetamer 
I love Takumi! Easily Top 5 favorite Fates characters, probably number 2 after Xander if we’re being honest. The complex machinations of his self esteem issues, imposter syndrome, desire to be loved by his family, among many other aspects, is what makes him very endearing and loveable to me.
His antagonizing actions and harsh words made him divisive, especially when Fates first released, but to me that only made him that much stronger of a character. Raw anger and bitter resentment paints a wonderfully contrasting color to his heartfelt and even downright cute moments.
However, I feel like there are instances in Fates’ localization that kind of cheapen Takumi a bit. Moments where he lashes out are made into quippy one liners and can make him seem bratty and immature first instead of genuinely upset. His xenophobia gets amped up to a point where, while present in the JP script, it now became a trait that’s associated with him the most due to localization changes. Most of all, there’s even some instances where his agency and character growth within the story are, I feel, completely erased or blurred to the point of being unrecognizeable.
I wanted to detail stuff about Takumi that was changed, so this is what I could find. I get these things from this JP supports Pastebin , a Fates translated playthrough (all routes are on the channel linked) and Pegasusknight.com (the latter of which I do my best to interpret from translation tools, which is very subject to me being wrong lol). Keep in mind I also took a few liberties in writing down the lines from the JP version. I trust that the translators got the message across well enough, but the English major in me couldn’t help but clean up some things here and there to help the translations come across less stiff.
The rest will be under the cut! Any instance of me referring to Corrin, I’ll be using he/him, and I’ll be using the JP version of the character names when applicable and appropriate. Also, if you want, give a watch to the Fates Drama CDs! The first two volumes deal with Takumi’s thoughts, feelings, and character in regards to Corrin’s return to Hoshido during chapters 4, 5, and 6! While I won’t be citing them here, they give extra insight to his character and are very cool!
JP Version
Hinoka: What!? The river dried up...!? Did they use the power of the Dragon Vein...?
Takumi: ...It looks that way. The enemy is drawing near...
Takumi: Pull yourself together, Kamui. The enemy... The Nohrian royal family-they’re strong. If we don’t stick together, we’ll... ...No. Right now, we have to work together. You let me know if you have any ideas.
Hinoka: Good, you’ve defeated the enemy! Kamui, Takumi, great work! This is the power of the bond between siblings.
Sakura: A-amazing, Big Brother...
Takumi: It went well thanks to someone’s well-planned instructions. If we join our powers together, we may actually win this war...
Hinoka: Well then, let’s hurry back to Ryoma!
Hinoka: The Nohrian army used a Dragon Vein to dry up the river! But I thought only royals held that power...
Takumi: Yeah, which means there must be some real big shots over there. Suit me just fine. I've always wanted to use a Nohrian royal for target practice!
Takumi: Hang in there, Corrin. The Nohrian royals are not pushovers... We'll have to work together to beat them. As the eldest, I guess you're in charge. Tell me what to do and I'll do it.
Hinoka: Corrin, Takumi, good work fighting off that ambush.
Sakura: You were amazing, Corrin.
Takumi: That went well. Probably because SOMEONE gave you good advice. ...And you're welcome, by the way.
Hinoka: No time to talk! Let's see how Ryoma's doing.
I’m glad that memes surrounding how characters sound in Marvel movies and Disney channel shows exist, because now I have something to describe how Treehouse makes Fates’ cast sound: right out of a sitcom. The whole “he’s right behind me, isn’t he”, tryhard ironic vibe is everywhere in the localized script, and it can suck the tension out of certain scenes. Takumi’s “I’ve always wanted to use a Nohrian royal for target practice” line is an example of this. I think it’s funny, tbh, but it evokes a different feel of his character, especially since this is the first thing the player sees of him. What I find more egregious though, is that Treehouse replaced his more sincere words of worry and doubt with cockiness across the board. While this can be charming in its own right, again, it changes the first impression. It gives you the idea that he’s genuinely overconfident, rather than finding out later that he’s compensating hard. 
I didn’t include some context, but in the ‘well SOMEONE gave you good instructions’ line, the JP version of the archer tutorial just has him tell you how he fights rather than it being him telling you exactly what to do. Small changes, but it causes a ripple effect that extends to the line being changed, because what was intended in the original was him complimenting Hinoka (or maybe Corrin?) on her planning and how working as a team of siblings will get them through the war, but Treehouse changed it to him saying that it was him that saved the day.
Chapter 5, in the plaza.
JP version
Kamui: It’s just like you and Sakura said, the Hoshidans are all good people. Everyone seems to enjoy themselves here.
Aqua: I’m glad you like it. I love it here, too.
Takumi: Aqua. And Kamui…I mean, Brother. Mother wants me to start calling you that, now.
Kamui: ...
Takumi: Don’t get carried away, though. I don’t trust either of you.
Aqua: Takumi…
Takumi: Don’t speak my name so casually. You’re a Princess of Nohr, the kingdom that killed Father. There’s no way I can trust you. Kamui, you’re the same. You’ve been a Nohrian Prince for so long, after all...
Kamui: No…You’re contradicting yourself, Takumi.
Takumi: What?
Kamui: Aqua has been in Hoshido for as long as I’ve been in Nohr. By that logic she should already be one of your comrades, right?
Takumi: ...Hmph. Either way, I don’t trust you two. I just wanted to let you both know that.
Sakura: Big Brother, if it suits your taste... These dango are very good. Here!
Corrin: Everyone really is friendly here. And it’s so…bright…and open. It’s quite a contrast from the fortress I grew up in.
Azura: I’m glad you like it. Like I said, I’ve always been happy here.
Takumi: Just don’t get too comfortable…BROTHER.
Corrin: Pardon me?
Takumi: I don’t trust you. Shouldn’t you be heading back to Nohr soon?
Azura: Takumi…
Takumi: Hey, who said you could call me by name? You haven’t earned that privilege either.
Corrin: That doesn’t even make sense.
Takumi: Excuse me?
Corrin: Azura has been in Hoshido for as long as I’ve been gone. Shouldn’t that be enough to consider her part of the family?
Takumi: I don’t care. I don’t trust either of you. I just wanted to tell you that to your face.
Sakura: I apologize for Takumi’s rudeness. He’s a bit of a hothead. Anyway, how’d you like to try a sweet rice dumpling? It’s a Hoshidan specialty!
He’s giving his feelings towards the situation of Azura and Corrin both being Nohrian, but the way it’s written between versions conveys differences. Now from what I know of the logistics of the Japanese language, lots of context can be missed or hidden. The JP version can probably be seen as him being just as rude as he is in the Treehouse script, but from what’s here he does come off more... immature? Plus some context as to why he doesn’t trust Azura or Corrin gets cut, and Sakura calling him a hothead gets added in.
I considered putting the after battle conversation from Chapter 5, too, but there’s not enough significant difference between the JP and Treehouse’s version of Takumi’s lashing out to really warrant it. Though one difference is that when Corrin gets the Yato, Treehouse has him just say “Impossible.” whereas the JP version has him say nothing. The drama CDs do go more in depth into what he’s thinking, and given how Takumi’s written later in the game, it makes sense why he would stay silent rather than continue talking shit. But again, I don’t wanna cite the CDs too much, cuz I don’t know how much they can be considered canon even though I think the same writers (sans Kibayashi I’m guessing) wrote them. 
Chapter 6 Birthright (After the Nohrian siblings react to Corrin’s choice)
JP version
Takumi: I will do it... For my fallen kinsmen, and for Mother’s sake as well...
Takumi: Stupid Nohrian jerks! I'll kill all of you!
Once again, a more thoughtful reaction was changed into a more juvenile anger. Not completely surprising coming from Takumi, but makes him a bit more one dimensional, imo.
Chapter 10 Birthright (Takumi shows up possessed)
JP Version
Hinoka: Ugh!? Why did you do that, Takumi!?
Kamui: Takumi, stop! You could’ve shot Hinoka...!
Takumi: Kill...
Kamui: Huh...?
Takumi: Me... everyone should only... appreciate me...
Hinoka: It’s as if he’s a completely different person...!
Sakura: B-brother... What’s happened to you!?
Takumi: I’m strong... I... have a divine weapon... But even then... all everyone talks about is my siblings... all everyone talks about is Kamui...
Kamui: What are you saying!? Takumi, please come back to us!
Takumi: There’s no need for people who don’t look at me... there’s no need for people who stand in my way... why don’t you all just... DISAPPEAR!!
Kamui: Takumi!?
Hinoka: Gah! What's wrong with you? That arrow almost hit me!
Corrin: Takumi, what are you doing?!
Takumi: Kill...
Corrin: Um...
Takumi: I should have been the chosen one...
Hinoka: This is creepy...
Sakura: *sob* Takumi... What h-happened to you?
Takumi: I am ignored...alone...forgotten. But I am more powerful than they can imagine!
Corrin: What are you saying? Snap out of it, Takumi!
Takumi: Ughhhh... I will not stand in the shadows any longer... They will all see me for the first time! I will make them pay for what they've done. I will make them...I will make them... DIE!
Corrin: Takumi?!
The JP version of this exchange centers around Takumi’s own inheritance of a divine weapon as well as his inferiority complex in regards to not only Corrin, but his other siblings as well. This is important, because it was never only Corrin coming back that caused Takumi to feel left out and ignored, but also Ryoma’s natural talents making Takumi feel inferior and Hinoka’s unintentional aloofness towards her siblings as a result of purely focusing on her training (these are things that are touched on in his supports with both of them btw). Sakura is exempt from this sentiment though.
Chapter 10 (Azura cures Takumi’s possession)
JP version
Takumi: ......
Aqua: Takumi... your eyes, and that gaze... Maybe, just maybe... If my hunch is correct, my song can do something about this. I can only hope it’ll be enough...
Takumi: No one...no one... looks at me... No one at all...
Aqua: Wait, Takumi.
Takumi: You are...
Aqua: Listen. You're being controlled by an unseen force. How awful... This isn’t you. Which is why... Please listen to my song...  (Sings Lost in Thoughts)
Takumi: Ugh...! Gaaaaaaaah!!
Aqua: ......
Takumi: Ungh... ! Aqua...?
Aqua: Thank goodness. You’ve come back to us.
Takumi: Come back...? What do you mean? W-where are we...?
Aqua: I’m sorry, but we don’t have time to discuss that right now. The people of Fuuma have ambushed us. Can we count on your assistance?
Takumi: Oh... okay. I understand.
Aqua: ...Hey, Takumi. 
Takumi: What is it?
Aqua: I can always count on you. You are very strong and intelligent. You have a charm that your other siblings don’t have. That’s what I think.
Takumi: H-huh!? What does-
Aqua: Hmhm, well let’s be off. Standing idle won’t do us any good.
Takumi: Hey, wait up! ...Hey, Aqua! ...... (smiling portrait) ...Well it can’t be helped. All right, time to show them what Prince Takumi can do!
Takumi: Unnnhhh...
Azura: Look at the color of his eyes... Could it be? There's only one way to find out. I'll have to sing to him...
Takumi: No one...notices me. No one...cares. Die. Die. Die. Die. Die. Die.
Azura: Takumi...listen to me.
Takumi: You... You are...
Azura: It doesn't matter. I'm someone who can help. You're being controlled by a dark force. This is not who you are! You don't have to give in. You can survive this! Listen carefully... (Sings Lost in Thoughts)
Takumi: Ugh... Gyaaaaah!
Azura: Takumi, can you hear me now?
Takumi: Ohhhh... Azura? Is that you?
Azura: Yes, it's me! Oh, thank goodness.
Takumi: Uh...where am I?
Azura: Unfortunately, we're right in the middle of a battle. I don't really have time to explain. Are you in any condition to defend yourself?
Takumi: I...I think so. I feel OK.
Azura: Very well. Just remember.. You're strong and intelligent. There's a certain something about you. I believe in you, Takumi.
Takumi: Um, OK...
Azura: That's the Takumi I remember. Now, come on! You'll need to focus to make it through this battle.
Takumi: Wait! Azura! Ugh, I'm still a bit woozy. So many questions... (angry/cocky portrait) I guess I'll just have to stay alive to get them answered.
I touched on this in my general Birthright script changes post, but I thought I’d bring up the overall tone shift here. Takumi’s genuine happiness in the JP version was replaced with an awkward reaction and a cocky response in the Treehouse version, hence why I also noted the portrait change. Not out of character per se, but I think Takumi having his first real establishing moment of joy being replaced does a disservice to both his character and the player getting to see it.
Chapter 10 (after battle)
JP version
Sakura: Takumi!!! You... you’re back to normal...!
Hinoka: (voice clip of her crying) Moron...! We were... so worried about you...!
Takumi: H-hey, quit crying. Aren’t you both too old to be doing that?
Sakura: I don't care about that! You’ve come back to us, so I’m fine with crying!!!
Hinoka: Me too! I love you too much to care about things like that now!
Takumi: Sakura, Hinoka... Thank you. I’m sorry that I worried you this much.
Kamui: I’m curious to know what’s been going on. What happened at the border battle, Takumi?
Takumi: That battle... it was a struggle. We fought by Izumo’s border at first... But before long the battle extended all the way to the Infinite Chasm. During the march there, I got separated from Ryoma.
Kamui: I see, so you don’t know where he is either...
Takumi: During the battle, the enemy’s attack triggered a massive rockslide. I got caught up in it... and fell into the Infinite Chasm.
Kamui: The Infinite Chasm!?
Hinoka: But... you’re alive. How did you manage to come back?
Takumi: That I still don’t know... Everything after that is a blur... I can’t remember anything before I woke up here.
Hinoka: I see... Well, at any rate, I’m relieved that you’re back alive. It’s a miracle you were able to survive that bottomless pit.
Takumi: Hey... what have I been doing all this time?
Aqua: It's best not to worry about it, Takumi. Some horrible magic took hold of you and brought you here against your will. That’s all it is.
Takumi: No... that can’t be it. Hinoka’s arm has been grazed by an arrow. It looks like it was cause by the Fujin Yumi... I attacked her, didn’t I?
Hinoka: Well, that’s... 
Takumi: Tell me... what did I do in front of all of you?
Kamui: ...... ...Takumi. When you met us here, you immediately started attacking us. Until your sanity came back, you were fighting Hoshidan troops.
Takumi: !! That’s...! Attacking my own countrymen... Unforgiveable. I don’t think I’m qualified to be a part of Hoshido’s army after doing that...
Kamui: No, being qualified doesn’t matter. I was in a similar situation, being raised as a prince of the enemy country... but even so, you all accepted me without hesitation.
Takumi: No... I wasn’t like that... 
Kamui: Er, well, be that as it may... What matters now is you’re here with us. If you feel you’ve made a mistake, you can make up for it from now on. I’d really like to fight alongside you, Takumi. Do you feel likewise?
Takumi: ...... I will, if you can forgive me for the harsh words from earlier.
Kamui: Of course. Those are things of the past. 
Takumi: ...Thank you, brother. And thank you too... Sister.
Aqua: ...No, it’s quite all right. ......
Kamui: ...Aqua, are you okay? You look kind of pale...
Aqua: ...I’m fine, just a little tired. Don’t worry, I’ll get better soon. 
Kamui: Um, okay...
Sakura: Brother! I'm so glad you're back to normal. We were all so w-worried about you.
Hinoka: (voice clip of her saying “I won’t allow it!”) Yeah. Don't ever do that again, OK?
Takumi: Whoa, guys! Stop crying. You're making me all embarrassed.
Sakura: I don't care. We didn't know if we'd ever see you again. And then when you showed up all weird like that...
Hinoka: Yeah. We didn't know if you'd ever be the same Takumi we know and love again.
Takumi: Well, it's definitely me guys. Thank you for your concern. And I'm sorry I made you all worried.
Corrin: It's good to have you back, Takumi. But as much as I would like to savor this moment. Ryoma is still missing. Can you tell us anything about what happened to you two?
Takumi: Yeah. It was insane. We ran into Nohrian troops just outside Izumo and began fighting. Ryoma and I were separated in the early stages of combat, before we had to retreat. We were outnumbered...and pushed to the brink of the Bottomless Canyon.
Corrin: So we still have no idea where he is...
Takumi: No, I'm afraid not. Something triggered a massive landslide, and I was caught up in it. That's how I fell into the canyon.
Corrin: You actually fell into the Bottomless Canyon? How are you still alive?
Hinoka: I've never heard of anyone returning from there before.
Takumi: I...I have no idea. All I remember is falling. There was a period of darkness, and then I woke up here.
Hinoka: Well, I'm just glad to have you back. It's a miracle you survived a fall like that!
Takumi: So, um, can anyone tell me how I ended up here? Or what, exactly, I was doing before I woke up just no?
Azura: It's best you don't worry about it for now. Just get some rest.
Takumi: No, I need to know. My Fujin Yumi was in my hand when I came to. And some of you have wounds in your backs...
Hinoka: Well...
Takumi: Tell me! What did I do?
Corrin: Takumi...you must have been under some sort of spell. You stumbled out of the woods and started attacking our party. Please, try not to worry about it. We know it wasn't really you.
Takumi: Oh, what have I done? A prince attacking his own men? How can I show my face in Hoshido again?
Corrin: Please! Someone... or something...was controlling you. We know you were not in your right mind.
Takumi: That's small comfort right now, I'm afraid.
Corrin: Well, I'm sorry you feel that way, but all that matters now is that we're all here. Will you join us in the search for Ryoma? Perhaps something along the way will jog your memory. Can we count on you?
Takumi: Yes. If you can forgive me for all the hurtful things I’ve said and done.
Corrin: Of course. We must move forward—not dwell on the past.
Takumi: Thank you, Corrin. I also need to thank you...Sister.
Azura: Oh! You called me— I mean...you're quite welcome, Takumi. Ahem... *cough* *cough*
Corrin: Is everything OK, Azura? You don't look well.
Azura: I'm fine. I think I'm just a bit tired. Please, don't worry about me. I'll be better in no time.
Corrin: If you say so.
Hinoka was made kind of... less concerned over Takumi in the localization. Or at the very least, less worried like how an older sibling would be, where her crying is replaced with more of a reprimand. 
In the JP version, Takumi specifically mentioned attacking Hinoka and her having an arrow wound to signify it, the localization changed it to a general “some of you have wounds in your backs.” 
The instance of Corrin comparing his own situation to what just happened with Takumi was cut and replaced by talking about the possession (even thought it’s been talked about already), meaning a nice moment of character bonding and calling back to previous scenes was cut. 
And lastly, there’s another instance of Treehouse Corrin in Birthright acting like an douchebag that I actually missed in my general Birthright post. In the JP version, when Takumi says he wasn’t as accepting of Corrin at first, Corrin tries to just shift the conversation to something Takumi can be more positive about. Treehouse replaced it with Corrin basically saying “well, I’m sorry that you feel that way, but can you help us now” which is such an asshole thing to say to someone who’s just now realizing he hurt his sister and has lost his memory up until this point.
Chapter 11 (before battle)
JP Version
Kamui: ...Phew. We made it to a ship just before it set sail. I never thought there’d be Nohrian soldiers at the port. We haven’t been attacked since Fuuma (Mokushu), so my guard was down.
Sakura: Yes. But somehow we managed it. Big Brother... you should probably rest a little bit, at least.
Aqua: I don’t understand... how did those soldiers track us down in the first place? No one should know that our party is crossing into Nohr.
Takumi: Don’t tell me... there’s a spy in our mix, isn’t there?
Aqua: Spy?
Takumi: Yeah. Haven’t you considered it? There could be a spy among us working for the Nohrians, reporting our movements. That mage... he’s especially suspicious.
Zola: H-huuuuh!? I am!?
Hinoka: ...Well, you are suspicious. Very much so.
Takumi: Big Brother Kamui said... before joining you guys, he tried trapping all of you. I wouldn’t be surprised if he tried something again.
Zola: W-what!?
Hinoka: ...Right, then. As promised, I’ll strike to kill.
Zola: Eeeek!
Kamui: ...No. Please stop, everyone. It’s not good to doubt your comrades.
Hinoka: Kamui...
Kamui: All right? There’s no proof that he’s a spy. Once we decide to believe someone, let’s keep believing them.
Takumi: Brother... Even so, I can’t trust this man.
Kamui: Yes... Well, it’s not something I can explain right now, Takumi. I’m sorry. Let’s talk about it later. For now, I’d like for you to trust in him a bit.
Takumi: ...... ...Very well. If you’re insisting that much, I’ll make an effort to believe him, too. 
Zola: Lord Takumi...!
Takumi: What is it now? I never said I’d trust you right away. I’ll start considering it after hearing what my brother has to say. And stop saying my name so casually.
Zola: Gah! No, sir. I'm sorry, sir.
Corrin: Well, this should be interesting. I've never sailed before. And we made it just in time to catch the last boat leaving the harbor. How lucky!
Sakura: I know. It's been such a long march—I'm really looking forward to r-resting a bit.
Azura: I wouldn't get too comfortable. Remember, we are on our way to Nohr. Some of the passengers on this ship could be our enemies.
Takumi: Yes, and there could be a spy among us.
Azura: What are you talking about, Takumi?
Takumi: You know exactly what I'm talking about. That whiny little mage from Nohr! Whose idea was it to let him tag along?
Zola: Gah! I'm no threat, guys! I promise! Haven't I been helpful so far?
Hinoka: Don't worry, Takumi. I've been keeping a very close eye on him.
Takumi: I don't know. Didn't he set everyone up back in Izumo? I wouldn't be surprised if he were plotting something.
Zola: But...but...
Hinoka: OK, I'll get my knife ready...
Zola: Eeeek!
Corrin: Calm down, everyone. I trust Zola, and I believe you should as well. He stood with us through one battle without stabbing anyone in the back. Besides, how could he even really information to Nohr? It's a preposterous notion.
Takumi: Sorry. I can't just take your word for it. I don't trust him.
Corrin: That's fine. A little healthy skepticism won't hurt. Just try to be civil, OK?
Takumi: I'll do my best.
Zola: Lord Takumi...
Takumi: What's wrong with you? Did I say that you could speak my name?
Zola: Gah! No, sir. I'm sorry, sir.
Never caught this before. In the JP version the party apparently got ambushed by Nohrian troops at the port, and that’s why the topic of there being spies is brought up, since Azura wonders how the soldiers even knew of the party’s whereabouts. Treehouse cut out this information.
Takumi in general is more abrasive, which is consistent to how Treehouse has been so far. I’d also like to note that Corrin’s insistence on believing in people is diluted a bit in Treehouse’s version, where he says civil skepticism is fine instead of trying to get Takumi to trust in people more. While this can make Corrin seem more palatable and smart, this doesn’t line up with his established character. He’s supposed to have a backbone when it comes to trusting in people and peaceful, diplomatic solutions. It’s why he almost got killed by Xander for not wanting to kill prisoners of war. If Corrin actually believed in “healthy skepticism” he wouldn’t let Zola in the party, especially after almost hurting Sakura. 
Also, Takumi’s supposed to be softening up to Corrin as a brother at this point and be more willing to listen to him, and Treehouse’s version of the exchange-while not bad in the logisitic sense-does a poor job in showing a family bond growing between them. A family bond which, if you recall, was mentioned in the JP version all the way back in the prologue. So... points for being consistent in cutting out themes, I guess.
Chapter 11 (after battle)
JP Version
Kamui: All right, we took care of them.
Takumi: No problem. Even invisible, there’s no way they could beat us.
Kamui: Haha, you’re very reliable, Takumi.
Takumi: (Smiling portrait) Well, yeah. I have to make up for my mistakes. A certain someone told me as much, anyway.
Kamui: (Smiling portrait) Takumi...
Corrin: That's the last of them.
Takumi: Ha! Those stupid things didn't know who they were messing with.
Corrin: Well, I'm glad to see that you're feeling like yourself again. Takumi.
Takumi: Me too. (Frowning portrait) After all, I have a long way to go to redeem myself...
Corrin: (Neutral portrait) Takumi, that's simply not true.
Corrin in the JP version: Takumi and I are starting to get along and he’s happy, that makes me happy too :)
Corrin according to Treehouse: Takumi, you’re really fuckin up the vibe :/
Jokes aside, it really does baffle me what Treehouse’s obession is with a) making Corrin kind of a dick and b) not letting Takumi smile/be happy more often, like wtf. I know that Corrin saying Takumi doesn’t have to redeem himself could be taken positively, but since a specific tone has already been set by Treehouse, it unfortunately comes off as patronizing instead.
Chapter 11 (after Zola protects Takumi)
JP version
Kamui: Are you okay, Zola? Thank you for helping Takumi earlier.
Zola: No need for thanks... That was something I wanted to do. When I saw Lord Takumi in danger, my body moved on its own.
Kamui: Even so... thank you.
Takumi: Hey... Zola.
Zola: ! L-lord Takumi! Ah, forgive me. I said your name again...
Takumi: No, it’s fine. You can call me whatever you like. I’m sorry for doubting you earlier, Zola.
Zola: What...?
Takumi: Yeah. You just saved my life at the risk of your own. If you hadn’t done that, that guy could’ve killed me. So I’m sorry I didn’t have faith in you.
Zola: That’s...! Please raise your head, Lord Takumi! There’s no need to thank me for this. I merely did what Lord Kamui did for me back in Izumo, when Lord Leo was about to execute me.
Takumi: What!? Kamui, you did something that reckless?
Kamui: Ah... haha... well, something like that... 
Zola: Yes. Since then, I’ve changed. Thanks to Lord Kamui.
Takumi: ...I see. Well, with a story like that, I have no choice but to believe it. I’ll be counting on you as a friend from now on, Zola.
Zola: Likewise... thank you very much.
Kamui: (Smiling portrait) ......
Corrin: That was extremely courageous, Zola. Are you all right?
Zola: It was nothing. I'm just glad that Lady Sakura was able to heal me.
Corrin: I beg to differ. It was not nothing. It was a remarkably selfless act.
Takumi: Zola...I have something to say to you.
Zola: Yes, Lord Tak—I mean yes, milord?
Takumi: Please. You've more than earned the right to speak my name. I'm sorry for doubting you.
Zola: Really? You mean that?
Takumi: Yes. Talk is cheap, and I still think I was smart not to trust you at first. But you may have just saved my life. It was a heroic act.
Zola: Thank you, Lord Takumi! I'm just following Lord Corrin's lead. If it weren't for him, I may have died at the hands of Lord Leo in Izumo. Now maybe you'll have the chance to perform a similar gesture.
Takumi: Wait, Corrin jumped in front of an attack meant for you? Right after you tried to kill him?
Corrin: Ha! No, Takumi. It wasn't exactly like that. I merely asked Leo to spare Zola's life. He was helpless and defeated.
Zola: Yes. And that kindness was enough to sway Lord Leo. He merely exiled me instead of taking my life.
Takumi: I see. Well, I just hope we can put all of this behind us.
Zola: Of course, milord!
Corrin: (Neutral portrait) Yes. It's time to focus on what's next. Who knows what's waiting for us in Nohr...
Takumi in the JP version is more willing to admit a mistake without a kind of “but I was still right” line, Treehouse adds one in anyway.
Also Treehouse made Corrin into a buzzkill, in other news, the sky is blue.
In further chapters, it’s mostly the same routine. Takumi is more abrasive and certain tender family moments involving him are diluted. I mentioned back in my general Birthright post that Takumi in his sickness, bed ridden delirium in chapter 16 talks in bigger detail about the “truth behind this war” and while this doesn’t have much to do with Takumi in particular, I thought I’d bring it up again.
Chapter 24 (pre battle, Takumi talks to Iago about possession)
JP version
Takumi: How dare you manipulate and mock me? What you said earlier about my feeling inferior is true... but I've learned something in this fight. There’s things only I can do! That's why... I would never betray my beloved siblings or my precious friends! As a proud prince of Hoshido!
Takumi: I just woke up for good. That's what happened. You were able to exploit some of my deepest fears and flaws, but that's over. My brothers and sisters need me, and I won't let them down. I'm a proud prince of Hoshido, and from now on I will live up to the title!
Both are fine, but the JP version is a bit more self actualizing, whereas the Treehouse version is more dependent on Takumi feeling like his siblings need him.
Chapter 24 (Takumi vs. Iago boss conversation)
JP version
Takumi: I’ll never forgive you...How dare you...how dare you take advantage of me. Macbeth...
Macbeth: You just regained your senses, and already such cheek...! You should’ve stayed as a good little pawn right until the end.
Takumi: When I was freed from your control, I remembered everything... How I’d send an owl with information of my whereabouts every night. How I’d lose all memory of it every morning. How I suspected my allies without knowing I was the traitor all along... What an absolute disgrace...
Macbeth: Then repent for your sins and quickly die. Isn’t that better than living a life of shame?
Takmui: Shut up! I'll live to pay for this crime! First, I’ll start making up for what I’ve done by defeating you here, Macbeth!
Takumi: Yes! I was hoping I'd get a chance to kill you myself. This is for everything you've put me through!
Iago: *yawn* You know I chose you because you were the weakest, right? You should never have come out of that spell—now you're going to suffer!
Takumi: Wrong! Now that my head is clear, my aim is truer than ever. I'm going to turn your face into my own personal bull's-eye.
Also touched on this in the Birthright post. The fact that Treehouse cut out the entire explanation for how exactly Takumi relayed information to Iago is freaking weird. Like... why?
Overall, though that’s about it for major changes to Takumi in Birthright’s story. Now for Conquest.
Chapter 10 (pre battle conversation) 
JP version
Hinata: Lord Takumi, it seems the Nohrian army is stationed at the port.
Takumi:  …An ambush, is it? Well, I expected no less of them. We won’t run away with our tails between our legs. It’s what they want.
Hinata: Lord Takumi! It seems the Nohrians aren't going to back down.
Takumi: So they plan to fight us, do they? I suppose I shouldn't be surprised. Nohrians aren't like normal, decent people. They live for the thrill of battle. All the better. I shall delight in putting those cowards in their place.
While I’ve said before that Conquest’s localization changes aren’t as egregious as Birthright’s (at least when not concerning Xander), I do find it funny that Takumi is consistent for the most part, aside from taking little jabs like he does in Treehouse’s version. Here’s another example: 
Chapter 10 (Corrin vs. Takumi)
JP version
Takumi: ! Kamui...
Kamui: Takumi... 
Takumi: Never expected to see you here, Prince Traitor. For the person who left Hoshido in such a wreck, you’re sure doing well for yourself.
Kamui: I’m sorry... I’m afraid I have nothing to say to that.
Takumi: Hm... guess you’re still man enough to feel guilt, after all. Then you can start regretting your mistake as I kill you right here!
Takumi: Any last words, Corrin?
Corrin: Takumi... In your heart you must know this is the last thing I ever wanted.
Takumi: Ah, how quaint. More pretty words from the Prince of Betrayal. How can you stand to live after the horrors you caused in Hoshido? My suspicions must be accurate. Nohrians don't have souls.
Corrin: Words could never express my sorrow for what took place...
Takumi: Oh? Are you still human enough to feel remorse? Fascinating. It's a fitting last emotion. I hope you feel its sting as I strike you down!
Takumi being a little shit towards his enemies is always hilarious, that’s one thing that Treehouse did that I think is fun. Another one I like is in chapter 13, where when Camilla calls Scarlet a traitor, Takumi responds with “Nohrian logic never ceases to amuse me.” And again in chapter 23 where, while not funny but more dramatic, he tells Corrin he “...shall cherish the sound of life leaving your body for all eternity.” Lines like these weren’t in the JP version, but since they are harmless additions and not replacing anything, they’re all fine. It only becomes an issue to me when said moments start replacing genuine tender scenes or cutting out details, like in Birthright.
Endgame (Corrin talks to Takumi in purgatory)
JP version
Takumi: Thank you. It would have been if we had fought alongside each other. Kamui. The truth is... I always wanted us to get along as siblings. I wanted to call you ‘brother.’ I wish I could have said that when I was still me... but I'm so stubborn that I just couldn't be honest with you. ...... I'm sorry.
Kamui: I’m sorry, too... Your resentment is my doing. ...I have always wanted you to call me ‘brother’, as well. Once the war was over, we could have been close as siblings should be. And yet...I am so sorry that things turned out this way.
Takumi: No, it’s all right. You accepted my resentment and came all this way. That's enough. Thank you, brother...
Takumi: Thank you, Corrin. I wonder…what it would have been like to fight on the same side as you. I always wished we could have been close, as you are with your Nohrian siblings. Right up until my last moments, I wanted so badly to call you my brother. To look up to you and love you…and never allow anything to come between us. I wish I had told you that before I died. While there was still a chance… I was just so stubborn, so hurt. I couldn’t admit those feelings even to myself. For that, I am truly sorry. I’m so sorry for letting you slip away, dear brother.
Corrin: Takumi…I’m sorry too. I caused you so much pain. The truth is, I longed to have you accept me as your brother too. I never let go of the dream that after the war we could all be together again… I’m so sorry things turned out the way they did.
Takumi: It’s all right, Corrin. We finally got to say all the things we needed to say. You have done more than enough. My heart… It’s finally at peace. Thank you, Brother…
I mentioned in my Conquest post that, while the Treehouse version is perfectly fine, it could potentially be read as putting more of the onus of Takumi and Corrin’s falling out on Takumi rather than Corrin. The JP version makes it more clear where each party is responsible.
Anyway, since Conquest’s localization has a fraction of the issues that Birthright’s has and Takumi showed up less frequently since he was an enemy, time to move on to Revelation... or at least, I would, but like Conquest, Revelation doesn’t have nearly as many localization issues as Birthright. Plus, Takumi has to share the spotlight with 7 other siblings and Azura, soooo... not many lines to screw up, anyhow.
So instead, time for supports and other general dialogue!
Corrin Support
In the JP version, when Corrin notes that it’s harder to draw a bowstrong than he imagined, Takumi notes that it takes a lot of physical and mental strength to do so. Localization just has him say “Well of course, did you think it’d be easy?” Similar message, but fewer details. Corrin then notes that because of that, he realized once again how talented Takumi is. In the JP version, Takumi gets flustered and nervous, in the localized version, he asks if Corrin is being sarcastic. Again, same message, but comes across a bit differently.
Other than those things and few lines being rearranged, the support chain is pretty faithful for the most part.
Felicia Support
In the JP version at the end of the A support, Felicia says that, while satisfied with Takumi’s apology for being rude, she still wants to share stories of her hometown, so he should be prepared. In response, Takumi laughs and says something like “Is that so?”. Treehouse changed this to have Takumi say outright “No more Ice Tribe stories anymore.” The reason why this was changed is most likely to fit in with how the S support is framed, where Takumi says he was frustrated with Felicia only talking about her hometown all the time instead of about herself. The JP version kept it intentionally ambiguous because there’s no guarantee that Takumi and Felicia will S support one another, so meh. Not a huge mistake, but thought I’d mention it. Other than that, the support was done well.
Azura Support
Again, not many major differences. Just in the JP version of the A support, Takumi says “from now on, let’s get along like brother and sister” whereas Treehouse has him say “we’ll both make more of an effort.” Less familial, so it can be seen as lacking a bit.
Sakura Support
JP version of the C support has Takumi mention that prominent aristocrats of Hoshido will attend the party/banquet attending, so that’s why he and Sakura can’t skip it. Treehouse cut out this small detail. Also, in the JP version Takumi says the atmosphere of these kinds of parties are stuffy, whereas Treehouse has him say “I wish we could leave all this highfalutin stuff to someone else”, which honestly got a chuckle out of me. Love words like that.
Treehouse version of the B support adds the line where he suggests lighting the guests hair on fire and running for cover, alongside the pre-existing line of faking being sick. Again, pretty funny to me tbh. Takumi saying crazy shit is a-ok to me, so long as it’s not at the expense of other lines being removed or moments being ruined.
Hinata Support
C support in the Treehouse version has Takumi pull rank by saying “Is that any way to address your superiors? “Show yourself”? Seriously!?” JP version just has him say “If you need anything, just tell me.” The idea of Takumi pulling rank isn’t exactly surprising per se, but he’s more the type to lash out at unfamiliar people speaking too casually with him. Hinata is a close friend and retainer, so it’s a bit out of place.
Oboro Support
In the Treehouse B support, Takumi says the fabrics that Oboro chose get the “Takumi seal of approval.” Not a negative addition at all, it’s cute.
Kagero Support
In the Treehouse C support, Takumi says “It seems like stealth comes naturally to you. After all, just a moment ago you popped up and scared me so bad I peed a little.” The peeing line wasn’t in the JP version. They made my son a pissbaby.
Kana Child Support
I felt obligated to mention how Takumi says “Well mold my onions, aren't you clever?” in response to how Kana has been helping Corrin out during the little father-son contest. Not in the JP support, obviously. But y’know. Onions, lol.
Camilla Support
Bit of a change here.
JP version
Takumi: I may seem unreliable as I am now, but if it's for you...I will definitely become even stronger, no matter what it takes!
Camilla: ......
Takumi: That's why...please marry me!
Camilla: Prince Takumi...You were...very dashing just now. I...didn't know you could be so bold.
Takumi: Princess Camilla...
Camilla: I...happily accept your proposal. Please let me watch over your growth by your side, okay?
Takumi: Yes. Of course.
Takumi: I know you still see me as cute, or childish, or as a fun plaything. But I have more to offer than that! Give me the chance to prove it to you!
Camilla: Hmmmmmmm... That was shockingly mature, for you. I've never known you to be so solemn and direct.
Takumi: Princess Camilla, I...
Camilla: I accept your proposal. Perhaps I flatter myself, but I suspect it's my care which has helped you along. In which case, staying by your side for years to come will only improve you further.
Takumi: N-not exactly the response I was hoping for...but I'll take it. Here's to our life together!
Like Camilla says herself in the Treehouse version, she flatters herself more. She also says him being mature is a shock, which is kinda mean, and that feeling only gets cemented when Takumi says it wasn’t exactly the response he was hoping for. JP version more or less has Camilla be more genuinely surprised at how bold he is.
Leo Support
More significant differences. First is a part of the C rank.
JP version
Leon: I'm telling you in advance that we probably won't be getting along well.
Takumi: Hm, What a coincidence. To tell you the truth, I thought so too.
Leon: What...?
Takumi: That haughty attitude, and that condescending way you look at other people... I knew you were a disgusting sort of person from the beginning.
Leon: ………… …Okay then, your childish way of thinking makes me want to vomit. I won't ever approach you, so you also must never approach me.
Leo: We might as well get this out of the way. You and I are not going to be friends.
Takumi: What a coincidence! I was just thinking the same thing.
Leo: Of course you were. You have such an arrogant attitude and—
Takumi: Me?! I'm not the one going around patronizing everybody! You're the jerk!
Leo: Is that the best you can do? You sound like a whiny, little brat. Just as expected. Let's make a deal. You stay away from me, and I'll stay away from you. Think you can manage?
Consistent with certain other instances of Treehouse, the same message is getting across, but the tone is a bit different. Both are definitely hostile, but the Treehouse one could come across more... immature, I guess. I personally don’t take issue with it, but I thought it was relevant to bring up. Now on to a part of B rank:
JP version
Leon: Prince Takumi... What's your favorite food?
Takumi: I like miso soup...
Leon: Miso soup?
Takumi: Ah, you mix miso and dried bonito in hot water, season it, and add other ingredients such as vegetables or tofu to boil and then eat.
Leon: Wha...?
Takumi: Hm, what's wrong?
Leon: I... like food such as soup and stew. To put it simply… Food where you mix meat and vegetables in boiling water which you then season …In other words, it's something like miso soup.
Takumi: Wh-what?
Leon: W-well then, what's your favorite kind of book to read? Novels or essays, or poetry anthologies? What's your favorite genre?
Takumi: Books, huh… I read all kinds, though I mainly like philosophy books. Philosophers from the past who expresses a different way of thinking compared to the people who are living now. That's what's interesting to me...
Leon: H-how is this possible!? How can this be the same too!?
Takumi: Then, what about your favorite pastime... What's your hobby!?
Leon: I-I like chess. Chess is a strategic game where you use pieces to battle on on a board.
Takumi: Th-that's... In Hoshido, that's something called Shogi!
Leon: ...And do you like this Shogi game, Prince Takumi?
Takumi: Like is an understatement, I'm the best in our family. How... how do we have so much in common?
Leon:  …………
Takumi:  ………… Hey, Prince Leon. Maybe getting to know one another isn’t such a bad idea after all.
Leon: What a coincidence… I was thinking the same. Do you want to continue talking about each other's tastes?
Takumi: Y-yeah. Who knows, we might find out about other things we have in common.
Leon: In the unlikely event we do hit it off, I’m sure we’ll get along well, h-hahaha...
Takumi: Hahaha...
Leo: They say that people with similar personalities like the same things.
Takumi: I like miso soup.
Leo: Mee-so soup?
Takumi: Yeah. It's a Hoshidan dish. You got a problem with that?
Leo: No. My favorite food is beef stew. It's kind of like a soup. Hmm...
Takumi: What kind of books do you read?
Leo: I read all kinds of things, but I have a passion for history.
Takumi: Is it...because you love to study the strategy behind past battles?
Leo: Gods, don't tell me... Do you like to read history books too?
Takumi: Yes, but I'm sure our hobbies are different.
Leo: My favorite game is chess. It's a tactical board game where—
Takumi: In Hoshido, our version is called shogi.
Leo: And do you like to play this "show-gee" thing?
Takumi: I'm the best shogi player in my whole family.
Leo: I can't believe it. Who would have guessed we have so much in common?
Takumi: I don't know, but I'll tell you—it's hard to hate someone with such excellent taste!
Leo: No kidding. I was about to say the exact same thing. Hmm... Maybe we should do this again sometime.
Takumi: Ahaha! Oh? So now you want to be best friends?
Leo: Ha! Of course not. That will never happen.
Takumi: Never!
Once again, similar message gets across, but lines are rearranged. However, this time, some details are cut, such as discussion of how both Takumi and Leo take their miso soup and stew respectively. One significant change is how originally Takumi and Leo loved philosophy books, but Treehouse changed this to battle strategy and history. Don’t know why this was changed, I thought it was neat. Also near the end, while both versions of the support have a kind of “in-denial” aspect about becoming friends, it can come across a bit differently. Though this is just linguistics in general, tbh. Japanese itself is a more... indirect language when it comes to speaking. There’s also Leo saying “mee-so” and “show-gee”, which some can probably think is cringe, but meh. It fuels my “Hoshido and Nohr speak different language” headcanon, so I’m fine with it.
Anyway, in the JP A support there’s another description by Leo of the miso soup recipe and him detailing a bit why he enjoyed it, but other than that, that’s it for their support. And for supports as a whole, too. 
Private Quarters 
When inviting:
JP version
"Brother, what did you want?"
"Brother, what should we talk about?"
"Brother, I’m here. What’s going on?" 
"What’s wrong? ...Am I in the way of something?" (When Married to someone else)
"What is it? Did you want to tell me little secrets or something?"
"What's with all the racket in here? Are you playing the drums or something?"
"What do you want? There's no point in sparring. You couldn't keep up!"
"Huh! If this is how it is, I'll get my slippers. We can all cuddle." (When Married to someone else)
The JP version of these lines are a bit generic, so I appreciate the changes Treehouse made here.
Last, but not least, while there are other changes to his lovers lines in Private Quarters, his S rank line in particular I wanna bring mention too.
In Treehouse’s version, it’s this: 
“I would do anything for you. Would you do anything for me? I need to know...”
In the JP version, however, it’s this: 
“I love you. If there were another world in which I raised a hand against you… at that time kill me to stop me. Promise me that you will definitely do that.”
Big difference. Treehouse did this a lot with certain private quarters lines and confessions, where references to story happenings get outright replaced. Off the top of my head, Xander’s S rank private quarters in the JP version talks about how he’d be fine with dying if Corrin was the one doing it, referencing his death in Birthright. Elise, Ryoma, Flora, and as seen here, Takumi, have similar cases. It’s a shame that these were replaced, because I find it pretty neat that tragedy involved with these characters gets invoked in personal settings.
Anyway, I couldn’t find any more significant differences! I looked at DLC lines, My Castle lines, and the like to make sure, but all of it was pretty faithful to the original script. Overall, yeah, there are pretty significant changes here, with Birthright being the main offender as per usual. Some of them are baffling, some are effectively harmless, but regardless thought to do this because Takumi remains one of my favorite characters in Fates and Fire Emblem as a whole.
I hope you all enjoyed reading it!
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daily-coloring · 9 months
Best of 2023 - TV Series
I think I watched over 50 TV shows this year and most of them were great which means, the making of this list was hard and took me a few days and I'm still not sure about the order.
01. Deadloch - Season 1. - "Welcome to the Tasmanian town of Deadloch! It’s the site of a simmering culture war between the blue-collar, old-school residents and a recent influx of lesbians who’ve put the place on the map, bringing performance art and gourmet nose-to-tail dining with them." - Vanity Fair
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02. The Woman In The Wall - Miniseries - "People think that this couldn't happen again. Then they forget that the last laundry closed in 1996. It wasn't medieval times. The f**king 'Macarena' was in the charts." - Philippa Dunne
03. Nolly - Miniseries - "This show follows Nolly through the very public sacking and its fallout, and paints a sympathetic and adoring picture of the woman behind the headlines. Bonham Carter sails through this as if on the campest of clouds, but also beautifully articulates the grief behind the glamour. Nolly is part of the old guard, the oldest of guards in fact – she was the first woman ever to appear on colour television. " - The Guardian
04. The Newsreader - Season 2.
05. Heartstopper - Season 2.
06. Mood - Miniseries - "Like Phoebe Waller-Bridge’s Fleabag and Michaela Coel’s Chewing Gum, Lecky’s Mood started life as a one-woman show on the London stage; she debuted Superhoe at the Royal Court in 2019, with the Standard describing her performance as “a revelation”. That’s probably where those comparisons should end, though, as Mood is a very different beast, and not just because of the aforementioned musical interludes. The darkness in this story isn’t necessarily mined for laughs (though our deadpan lead Sasha can be savagely funny, just like some of her brutal song lyrics) and there’s a real sense of precariousness at its heart." - Evening Standard
07. Workin' Moms - Season 7.
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08. Blue Lights - Season 1.
09. The White Lotus - Season 1. and 2.
10. Ted Lasso - Season 3.
11. Starstruck - Season 3.
12. The Following Events Are Based on a Pack of Lies - Season 1. - "The show touches on some serious themes around abuse, misogyny and gaslighting, but it is so compelling because it doesn’t forget how much fun there is in the art of the con." - The Guardian
13. The Lost Flowers of Alice Hart - Miniseries
14. The Night Agent - Season 1.
15. The Dry - Season 1.
16. Foundation - Season 1. and 2.
17. The Change - Season 1. - "Bridget Christie writes and stars in The Change – her sitcom debut – as Linda, a much put-upon wife, mother and retail worker who reaches a crisis point at her 50th birthday party. It’s not just the menopause. It’s also the cluelessness of her husband (Omid Djalili), the open disdain of her teenage children and society’s general denial of the full humanity of older women that pushes Linda over the edge." - The Guardian
18. Sex Education - Season 4.
19. Fleishman is in Trouble - Miniseries
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20. Slow Horses - Season 1. and 2.
21. The Last of Us - Season 1.
22. The Fall of the House of Usher - Miniseries
23. Fisk - Season 1. and 2. - "You can tell Fisk is an old-fashioned sitcom just by looking at it. That goes beyond Fisk’s awesome brown pants suit; the visuals here are firmly in service to the story (and to the jokes) rather than feeling like a cinematographer’s audition reel. The locations are basic – an office, a café, Fisk’s temporary Air B&B home – and filmed in a straightforward way that never detracts from the comedy. For audiences used to expensive production values and flashy locations this may take a little getting used to, but the effort is most definitely worth it." - ScreenHub
24. The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel - Season 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.
25. The Diplomat - Season 1.
26. Gen V - Season 1.
27. Secret City - Season 1. and 2.
28. Severance - Season 1.
29. Wolf - Miniseries
30. The Crown - Season 5.
31. Shrinking - Season 1.
32. Three Pines - Miniseries
33. Beef - Miniseries
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34. The Sixth Commandment - Miniseries - "Evil characters can be just as one-note and boring as the good, but Hardwicke manages to infuse Ben with such a disconcerting blend of calculation, charm and quiet, almost hidden glee in the harm he inflicts that it is impossible to look away. You will want to. It is harrowing." - The Guardian
35. Swarm - Miniseries
36. Bodies - Miniseries
37. The Long Shadow - Miniseries
38. Wellmania - Miniseries
39. Boat Story - Miniseries
40. The Morning Show - Season 3.
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cowsandcomics · 1 year
On The Dissatisfying Characterisation Of Wanda Maximoff in DSMoM and a Brief Aside on the Misogyny Of Superhero Films
This is very long winded, unedited and has sat in my google docs since the day after DSMoM's release. I love it dearly.
Word Count: 3203
Warnings: Obvious spoilers for DSMoM, discussions of motherhood, discussions of the Red Room and violation of female autonomy, Fleur's thinly veiled desires to replace Joss Whedon and Michael Waldron for their poor writing, many rambles to many other essays that I will eventually write.
Please let me preface this by acknowledging that outside of this movie, there are definitely things done poorly with Wanda's characterisation, storyline, and the MCU in general. I will always be first and foremost a comic fan and champion, but the thoughts I had on this topic refused to leave until I wrote them. If anyone wants to discuss anything further, I'm more than open so long as conversation is civil. That being said, please enjoy my lengthy, unceasingly detailed thoughts on fictional, non-existent characters.
Let's begin!
Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, while fantastical and a great delivery on a genre bending superhero film, is not without its faults. In particular, I’ll highlight the lack of carry over on Wanda Maximoff’s character growth from the entirety of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, inclusive of her show WandaVision. 
While she made for a compelling villain, it would’ve been much more satisfying for her characterisation to see the Darkhold’s corruption - also known as the main point of the film - to slowly seep into her as she grapples with knowing her children and husband are so close yet so far away, and that she has the power to find them on hand. To have it hidden from the other characters that she was in possession of the very thing they fought to destroy, and using it, would’ve made the film infinitely more meaningful as it would’ve portrayed just how broken am individual she had become, and empathy would have flown out from the audience - after all, who doesn’t know the experience of being at your wits end, so close to the happiness you want in life yet so, so far away? 
Yes, we could empathise with her from the first scene, we’re quite literally led into the depths of her grief. We see the life she could’ve had in some reality that wasn’t as cruel, the love and support that used to come from the very people she lost.  We’re brought to a bright colour palette with sweeping shots, showing the joy and chaotic nature of motherhood, with hints of a Wanda we’ve only briefly seen in the illusion of Wandavision. The choices made in the mise en scene of the moment tell as all we need to know - from Wanda’s brown hair reminiscing her days of Sokovian childhood, where she would watch sitcoms with her family and run rampant with her twin brother, to the athleisure wear of her outfit symbolising her comfort in this reality and the brightness of everything in this scene portraying the brightness within Wanda when she is with those she loves. After being comforted by this scene, the filmmakers tear the illusion apart and cruelly reveal Wanda’s withered state, a broken woman climbing out of bed, facing the nightmare of her true life. The colour palette dims, reflecting the life flowing out of Wanda, the score is ripped from our ears. We are left with the stark, soundless reality of grief, a tear teased out of our eyes akin to those so freely falling from Wanda’s.
I’m also led to note the absence of Vision, her husband, in this dream scene. Even within an idyllic reality, she subconsciously believes she must sacrifice something - after all, it has been compounded throughout her life. This notable absence is seen throughout the movie but is not without commonality in the MCU - they like to replace one loss in Wanda’s life with the newest. Throughout Age Of Ultron the closeness of the twins - Pietro and Wanda - is conveyed. From checking on each other in battle, speaking without words, tender platonic forehead kisses and their shared turmoil over their orphaning, their sibling relationship seems central to their characterisation. All moments lead up to Pietro’s sacrifice of life to save a young boy and the guttural, cutting scream Wanda releases while feeling the life seep out of her brother, the only longstanding family she ever had. You truly believe you can convince me that a woman, so close to her brother who she shares these sacrificial  ideals with, would be so easily corrupted by a Big Bad Evil Book that she’d kidnap and murder a child just to find happiness? There’s no true believability in that, especially when you factor in her longstanding temperament to sacrifice her livelihood for the good of others. Regardless of measures of believability, Marvel once again forefronts the most recent loss in Wanda’s life, her children, without properly concluding her connection to other losses. Sure, it can be argued that some closure was found during WandaVision over her brother’s death, but death stays with us forever. If grief, like Vision told Wanda, is love persevering, why would the love of her brother not factor into her search through the multiversal cosmos? During her speech at Kamar-Taj, where she highlights all the loss and sacrifice experienced in her life, it feels disjointed that she wouldn’t bring in the intimate loss of her brother, and furthermore it feels like a disservice to her character, who is so interpersonal and motivated purely by the desire for family and connection, that she only searches for a partially fulfilling reality where she just has her kids and not her husband and brother. It feels like another notice in a long list of missed opportunities by Marvel.
Further exploration of her memories - or even mentions of her passed brother - would’ve better fed into her role as the tortured hero. Through brief mentions of how she “blew a hole into the head of the man [she] loved,” we see the most recent of her losses, but what about those that initiated her grief? Those that set off a chain reaction in a long, complex process of sacrifice? Every fragment of her story in the Marvel Cinematic Universe films sees her sacrifice, lose something or suffer for great powers that seem to control her rather than the other way around. They exact a toll without the influence of the Darkhold, a concept that has been extremely compelling to audiences thus far, so why was her archetype as the tortured hero not explored in more depth? I again fall to the subject of subtle corruption, seeing a continued grapple with a hero who has lost so much in her life being tempted to maybe, just maybe, take something for herself. 
Even with the corrupting influence of the Dark Hold, I believe that Wanda wouldn’t accept without hesitation. To do so would negate the entirety of her growth in WandaVision, where she made the excruciating and gut wrenching choice to set the citizens of  Westview free, even at the cost of her personal happiness and the only thing she ever wanted - a family. In fact, it was this aching longing for family that led to Westview’s entrapment in the first place: the continual compounding of trauma in her life, accompanied by the fresh memory of having seen her husband’s corpse and being denied the right of a funeral for him - and, in extension, the right to grieve - sees her reactive magic cast out in a cascade of emotion, building her some modicum of comfort, even though she didn’t consciously decide to cast that hex. The conclusion of the series sees Wanda once again isolated in her grief, hoping for a moment to say hello again to the family that gave her life purpose. Even with these desires, she chooses to accept responsibility for her actions and leave Westview, retiring to a cottage in the woods. She can be said to be at a crossroads - in possession of the Darkhold and the knowledge that she is the Scarlet Witch but also still a hero at heart, continuing her life of sacrifice for the good of others. 
Wanda’s character would’ve better been developed in her own solo film, where her peril at being held captive by the Darkhold would be in the limelight, where a grapple with morality and who she believes herself to be falters under the sway of all she ever desired. Even prolonged exploration into other options to find her family, to bring her boys - her boys specifically, not multiversal iterations ripped away from their mother - back to life, would’ve better grown her. Even a throwaway line mounted by the enormity of her desperation, of how there was no other choice but to use the Darkhold, would’ve defined her in more sturdy strokes than the entirety of her so-called character arc in the film. To see a complex, multilayered descent into villainy that was something beyond the typical superhero trope of a powerful woman declining into madness when emotionally unstable would’ve truly grabbed my attention and held it hostage. Instead, we are greeted with an unrefined and underdeveloped character driven to the edge by a lack of motherhood, as if there weren’t a myriad of other intricate losses that guided her to the tyranny she now exacts.
The dichotomy between motherhood and monsterhood are seen as extremes for Wanda to oscillate between by the film’s writer, rather than a labyrinthine space for her to embody. The tenderness she holds for her children is conveyed as she dreamwalks, weeping twin tears of joy and grief as she is able to hold her children again, the American accent she adopted dropped for the Sokovian one she had hidden away, her true self bared in the emotional enormity of the scene. A masterful moment by itself, it is soon discredited by an uncharacteristic flip back to the search to steal America Chavez’s powers, which would subsequently kill the child. The believability is swept from beneath our feet, the Darkhold may make Wanda ruthless enough to go through with it, but should she not stumble? Should she not consider the horror her boys would feel upon discovering that is how she reached them? Again, Wanda’s nuanced character is cheapened to pigeonhole her as a deranged villain instead of the tortured person she is. Wanda’s lack of desire to renounce her quest to find family and understanding makes her out to be a monster. Yes, she is unjustifiably murderous and in the wrong during this film. Yet she is also more, and the film had the opportunity to showcase a multifaceted character who is neither hero, antihero or villain but failed. My disappointment lies within the threads of greatness weaved between the disorganisation, the possibility so easily seen that a woman may be characterised by more than just her relationship to motherhood. The sloppiness of it all cheapens the authority of Olsen’s acting, which brings more depth to the film than the writing ever could. (And I’m not even going to discuss the choice of Elizabeth Olsen as Wanda Maximoff instead of a Romani-Jewish actress, that’s discourse for another essay.)
Monsterhood vs motherhood has already been utilised by Marvel Studios to simplify female characters in the past, such as their painting of Natasha Romanoff as a monster for being unable to have children during Age Of Ultron. A child assassin, one raised in the most harrowing of environments where she constantly knew she was replaceable, that ruthlessness was the only currency she may trade in, where death must be a constant companion tucked close to her heart, reduced to one dimensionality over the fact that she has no uterus. Natasha Romanoff, who is arguably one of the most excruciatingly painful depictions of female agony, a woman who has been denied agency and self expression by the men in her life, is supposed to think herself an abomination for what someone else did to her? The plausibility of the situation is minimal. Though Natasha is known for her intensive self loathing and driven to help others to wipe the red out of her ledger, she understands the people who operate out of monstrosity: men like the handlers in the Red Room who tormented her. The Red Room is known to be a place that snatches young girls from their beds, removes their autonomy and gruellingly subjugates them into unrecognisable killing machines devoid of purpose beyond that which their trigger is aimed at, and a wombless woman is depicted as the true horror. Those people manipulated young girls into believing they only have the propensity for murder and bloodshed, yet the emphasis of monstrosity is enforced upon a woman who was unwillingly sterilised? How despicable modern media is, that its veiled misogyny positions women to believe themselves to be empty vessels that are only filled by the pursuit of motherhood.  A woman without the capacity for motherhood is deemed as a monster by a male writer, just as a mother without her children is worthless and incomplete. It’s as if the complexity of female superhero stories often goes undiscovered purely to simplify them into something easily categorizable, rather than something as murky, blurred and complicated as their male counterparts. 
Moreover, the femininity of characters is often used to credit them as easily disposable. Despite Wanda’s blatant villainy, she was still being possessed and corrupted by the Darkhold, an item that fed off of her trauma and twisted her innermost longings into hellish, insatiable desires. Any other character would receive attempts for help, to save them from this fate, and yet Doctor Strange dismisses the convolution of her situation with a simple “Wanda’s gone now,” treating her as an assailant, rather than a fellow soldier with whom he marched into battle with. Now, you may consider me crass or radical for this interpretation, and I would too, had we not recently received Spiderman: No Way Home from Marvel Studios. One of the prominent thematic issues of the film is that all are redeemable, and a considerable portion of the plot sees the protagonist attempt to remedy and help the afflictions of the antagonists. What is it that others Wanda from this fate, what separates her from these established and continual villains of the MCU? Why, she’s an emotionally unstable woman, and despite being corrupted by external influences that may be overcome by factors seen in the movie (say, the antithesis of the Darkhold, the Book Of Vishanti), Hollywood views her as utterly disposable. It is far simpler to discredit and toss away a powerful woman than it is to explore her in full complexity, to file her away in a long list of emotionally unstables than to exhibit the complicatedness that is her sum total, allowing her the space to grow beyond the limiting archetypes of hero and villain into something much, much more enticing. So many missed opportunities, so much thinly hidden misogyny.
During the final scenes of Doctor Strange In The Multiverse of Madness, we are once again shown a broken, grief stricken Wanda. While I think a slow corruption would’ve better serviced the continuity of her characterisation, I understand and acquiesce to the choices made here. Wanda, in her corrupted, ruthless state, is brought to the reality she’s been aching for. Her children are terrified as this is no longer the kind, gentle mother they know. They fear her. They scream at her. They beg her not to hurt them. This torrid rejection from the people she quite literally corrupted her soul for shatters her. As the only people she believes meaningful, it makes sense that they can pull the wool from her eyes (though I must wonder why Billy and Tommy did not fight back against this demented version of their mother with their powers, instead only throwing toys and cowering. It’s almost as if the writer likes to forget to incorporate details from a certain series called WandaVision - oh wait.) Wanda did not believe she was a monster, only a mother reaching out for the unconditional love of her children, and now she sees the extremity of her actions. It is laid out in front of her, the immense harm caused by placing her happiness over the safety of others. It truly feels as if the essence of this film was an undoing and redoing of Wanda’s growth in WandaVision, a keen cinematic cycle where self awareness ends in self abhorrence. It’s a film that we’ve seen played before, only now with amplified stakes and a lack of emotional depth that WandaVision brought. We see the same growth produced by WandaVision’s conclusion replayed in Multiverse Of Madness seemingly for no reason other than to have an intense, ruthless villain for Doctor Strange to project his moral quandaries onto. While extraordinarily enjoyable, the nuance of Wanda’s character was renounced to make her into a simple plot device. At the film’s conclusion she is no more and no less developed than she was in WandaVision, the only thing that may have doubled was her self loathing.
The ending of Multiverse of Madness is the only thing I can say was in step with any previous characterisation Marvel Studios has given Wanda. It parallels the position Wanda was in during WandaVision, when she becomes aware that her grief and trauma is spilling over onto and affecting the Westview citizens. It’s as if she’s brought to consciousness, and when she is, she is horrified. This self awareness ushers her to take accountability and do whatever is in her power to make things right by destroying the hex. While it is unseen by the Westview citizens, who have only felt her pain in vague extension and not comprehended the expansive trauma that brought Wanda to this moment, the audience understands Wanda’s true heart to help others, even at a cost to herself. Multiverse Of Madness’ ending somewhat depicts this sentiment too; it may be but a faint echo of the emotionally intune WandaVision, but I’ll take it. Other characters in the story don’t comprehend the full brunt of her motivations and suffering, even some of the audience do not. And despite Wanda doing everything wrong, we inexplicably cannot help ourselves but empathise and connect ourselves to her. We have all experienced the agony of being so close yet so far to that which fulfils us, desperate for what we believe will complete us. We all ache for true happiness and supportive love, to know that who we are is valid and that we are loved despite our flaws. Wanda is a character who craves love, the epitome of the human condition, and has no one and nowhere to receive it from. The only comfort she can receive at the end of the film, where she is left with the carnage of her actions, is to know that her boys will be loved. Only Wanda herself, though a multiverse variant, can understand the anguish of 616 Wanda. (Afterall, if our Wanda could dream of her children, 838 Wanda must be harassed with a nightly deluge of trauma where her boys disintegrate, her brother’s body fills with bullets and her husband has his forehead ripped apart.) And as she makes the choice to collapse the Wungadore Temple around herself, Wanda takes true responsibility for her harrowing villainy.
While not a satisfying conclusion to her journey, this end feels fitting. Wanda continues her sacrificial streak, this time forfeiting her life in order to close the Darkhold across the multiverse and ensure no others will be tempted by its corrupting force. I feel vast sadness for Wanda, a character whose main flaw is being ruled by her emotions and the longing for connection, one that so strongly resonates within myself. I feel deeply saddened by the trajectory of her journey, that no matter what path she takes, self sacrifice or self servitude, she cannot find happiness or that which makes her life meaningful. While not a beautiful or redeeming end to one of my favourite characters, it eventually manages to reinforce the primary tenets of her character and hold a mirror to the tortured soul within us all.
You've reached the end! Congratulations, you deserve a cookie for your efforts. Thanks for taking the time to read, it means the world to me :)
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the-haunted-star · 4 years
My humble thoughts on
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WandaVision Episode 9 Finale & Series Review (SPOILERS!!!)
Here we are after 9 weeks the hotly anticipated finale to the first Marvel Cinematic Universe TV show has arrived. Season or series finales are often the most harshly judged episodes of a series. They have the difficult task of wrapping up all the loose ends, questions and mysteries raised throughout the series as well as providing a satisfying conclusion to the story. I feel the episode delivered the goods for the most part. There were a few things I had minor issues with but overall I was happy with the story they told with Wanda and Vision.
The main focus of this series was an exploration of Wanda's grief from the accumulated losses she's suffered since her introduction in "Age of Ultron" and how she ultimately dealt with that pain. In that respect I think the series succeeded beautifully.
Grief is a very relatable emotion as we've all had to deal with loss and grief at some point in our lives. It's all too difficult to face grief and entirely too easy to let it consume or overwhelm us. In Wanda's case the pain and sadness becomes too much and she chooses to deal with it by…not dealing with it. She uses here extraordinary powers to create her own fantasy reality, one born of her childhood love of tv sitcoms, a reality where her lover is still alive, she has a family, a home and she is happy. She becomes so engrossed in this fantasy that even she forgets that it is one. When anything threatened her happy reality she lashed out demonstrating just how much she did not want to deal with her grief.
The problem of course is that the pain is still there, festering beneath the surface. She's only put a bandaid on it and by forcing the residents of Westview to unwillingly play along in her fantasy world they too are suffering and feeling Wanda's pain as a consequence. In the end she chooses to face her grief and free the Westview citizens of their suffering by ending her fabricated reality even though it would also erase Vision and her children. Her final goodbye to Vision before the hex closes is heartbreaking.
Reading some of the reactions to this episode I think the series fell victim a bit to a lot of wild fan theories and online scuttlebutt which probably placed some people's expectations out of reach. While I avoided these I feel the series itself inspired these kinds of outlandish theorizing and conjecture because of its freshness and originality.
I speculated in my previous reviews about Agatha's true nature. This episode confirmed that she is indeed a villain who’s after Wanda's power which is one of the things I was disappointed with. I admit I may have fallen prey to the rumors of another bigger baddie appearing but the problem I had is that Marvel took a character that was an ally of Wanda's in the comics and turned her into a rather one dimensional villain. Considering the things Wanda has gone through I think it would have been more beneficial if Agatha turned out to be someone trying to help her and mentor her with her powers. There are any number of other actual bad guys from the comics they could have used for the antagonist role (including the heavily rumored Mephisto). I can see Doctor Strange probably filling the mentor role to Wanda in "The Multiverse of Madness" but I guess I kinda liked the idea of another witch character teaming up with Wanda. It’s irksome when a character from the comics is used in the live action but is really just INO (in name only).
The other criticism which I also touched upon before was the empty teasing of the Multiverse. One of the big surprises this series offered was the actor (Evan Peters) who portrayed Quicksilver in the X-Men movies reprising his role and appearing at the end of episode 5. Many including myself thought this was actually going to be the introduction of a character from another film universe crossing over into the MCU. Unfortunately this turned out to be more of an elaborate easter egg for diehard fans rather than an actual occurance of seperate universes colliding. I suppose they could still put a spin on it such as the Westview resident Agatha used as fake Quicksilver could really be the X-Men's Quicksilver counterpart in the MCU just with no speed powers. We'll see.
In episode 8, Wanda was finally referred to as The Scarlet Witch which is something fans have been waiting for. However the one thing fans have been waiting for perhaps more eagerly than the name is the comic book accurate tiara to be added to the costume. And it finally made its debut and it was a thing of beauty!
This episode also delivered the series first big action scenes with Wanda taking on Agatha and Vision battling his former physical body. While the fights themselves weren’t anything revolutionary they were still fun to watch and felt like they packed a punch.
The finale does answer many of the series’ questions while raising many more. What happened to Ivory Vision after Illusion Vision restored his memories? He flies off afterwards and that’s the last we see of him. Wonder when and where he’ll show up next?
Wanda is seen studying the Darkhold book at the very end when she suddenly hears the voices of her children crying for help. An intriguing tease which could potentially hint at that devilish rumored character being involved after all down the road when you consider the Darkhold is of hellish origin. 😈
I give this episode ⭐⭐⭐out of 5. It was a bit clunky in execution but was still able to deliver an emotional payoff and resolution to Wanda’s story.
The series as a whole: ⭐⭐⭐⭐out of 5.
Well one series down but we’re just getting started! Next up in two weeks, Falcon and the Winter Soldier! Can’t wait!
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collindelade · 2 years
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A new era of Marvel has begun; both in terms of its franchise storytelling and the hit in quality with so much content coming out in a short period. As a big Marvel fan, Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumana is the first time in the decade long franchise where "cracks in the armor" is starting to show.
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This third entry in the Ant-Man sub-franchise once again stars Paul Rudd and Evangeline Lilly as the titular characters living life successfully with their new business and celebrity stardom. When Scott Lang's daughter, recast with Kathryn Newton, shows out a communicator to the mysterious Quantum Realm, their family gets sucked into the dangerous microscopic land where they must find a way back home.
As simple as that plot description sounds, this movie is jammed packed with overly complicated subplots and characters that really derail the movie. None of the new characters or environments feel all that interesting or fun to explore. With how quickly they brush over developing our established characters to get straight into the CGI-heavy Quantum Realm, the first half focuses on all the wrong characters, including an uninteresting rebellious warrior and a sleep-walking Bill Murray cameo performance.
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With so much time wasted with characters no one will connect with, the established characters are left with one-note stereotypes and sitcom-level conflict. The once charming father/daughter connection between Scott and Cassie Lang is barely displayed (not by either actor's fault). The script is heavily rushed and underdeveloped that initial doomed the film as Marvel's first heavy miss.
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When it seems all hope is gone for the movie, in comes Jonathan Majors as Kang the Conqueror. Not only does Majors completely steal and save the film, but the focus straightens out to the main characters needing development. The problems still sprinkle back periodically, including a very "fugly looking" secondary returning villain, but the good outweighs the bad in the second half.
As a whole, Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania is extremely uneven and underdeveloped. Parts of the movie are good, bad, and just forgettable. For fans of Marvel, it is worth checking out to see the setup and introduction to the next big villain in future movies. For everyone else, this is one that easily is fine waiting for Disney Plus.
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themovieblogonline · 2 months
Vision Quest: Kevin Feige, Wandavision, and a New Chapter in the MCU
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In the world of Marvel, where every hero has a saga and every villain has a plan, Vision's journey is getting a new twist. Enter "Vision Quest," a series that promises to delve deeper into the life of our favorite purple android. With Marvel Studios President Kevin Feige at the helm and Star Trek: Picard showrunner Terry Matalas on board, this series is shaping up to be a must-watch. Kevin Feige's Vision for Vision Kevin Feige, the mastermind behind the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU), recently confirmed that Terry Matalas, known for his work on "Star Trek: Picard," will serve as the showrunner for the upcoming Vision series. Feige's admiration for Matalas's work on Picard's third season played a pivotal role in this decision. It's no secret that Feige is a Trekkie, and his enthusiasm for the series was evident when he said, "This is incredible. I don't know how this exists. Let me find the person who made this." Feige's decision to bring Matalas into the Marvel fold is an exciting development. It signals a fresh narrative approach for Vision's character, particularly following the events of "Wandavision." The series, which captivated audiences with its blend of sitcom nostalgia and superhero drama, left Vision in a complex state—alive but without his original emotions. The upcoming series, while not officially titled "Vision Quest," aims to explore this new chapter. Wandavision's Legacy and Vision's Future "Wandavision" set a high bar, not just for Marvel series but for superhero television as a whole. It was a blend of classic sitcom tropes and intense superhero storytelling, creating a unique viewing experience. The show also explored deep emotional themes, particularly through Wanda Maximoff's grief and Vision's existential dilemmas. Now, with "Vision Quest," there is an opportunity to dive deeper into Vision's psyche. The series is expected to draw inspiration from Tom King's acclaimed comic book run, where Vision creates a family of androids in an attempt to understand humanity. This narrative arc is not just about superhero action but also about identity, belonging, and what it means to be human. For a character who started as an omnipotent ingenue, Vision's journey has been one of the most compelling in the MCU. Terry Matalas and the Marvel Connection Terry Matalas's involvement brings a unique flair to the series. Known for his work on "Star Trek: Picard," Matalas has a knack for blending science fiction with deep character studies. His work on Picard's third season received critical acclaim, and it's clear why Feige would be keen to bring that level of storytelling to Marvel. Matalas and Feige's collaboration promises to bring a fresh perspective to Vision's character. Feige's deep respect for Matalas's work suggests that we can expect a narrative rich in both sci-fi elements and character development. The series will likely explore Vision's quest for humanity, touching on themes similar to those in "Pinocchio" and "Frankenstein." As Marvel Studios continues to expand its universe, "Vision Quest" stands out as a series to watch. It promises not just the action and adventure we've come to expect from the MCU, but also a deeper exploration of one of its most fascinating characters. With Feige and Matalas at the helm, this series is set to be another milestone in Marvel's ever-growing legacy. So, what can we expect from "Vision Quest"? While details are still under wraps, one thing is clear: Vision's story is far from over. Whether you're a fan of the comics, the MCU, or just great storytelling, this series is one to keep an eye on. Stay tuned for more updates, and let's see where Vision's journey takes him next. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FpYjMwJTHw0 Read the full article
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smiletimeisrunningout · 11 months
also when I feel better I may bring some more verses or specify more fandoms for marvel shows because I've been catching up (I love Loki and Mobius a normal amount), and add more background stories for old/rare fandoms so I can jump in if I see anyone playing in them (I want a more specific firefly one) and also I want to make my historical Emma closed to all fandoms except a few exceptions, because apart from a few shows I know, like Turn (and I'm talking about only the main characters, I'm not exactly inspired by the less present/minor ones), the Bridgerton-universe (all tvshow characters, focusing more on the whimsical true love and cliches side of it), Downton Abbey and Mrs Maisel, I don't love writing Emma in the real past, since at some point Emma just stops being Emma if I'm bound by realistic limitations and I prefer shows where basically we go 'sure, why not' about every implausible thing (an example, if someone were to write the Black Widow as herself in the past there'd be complaints about 'but women don't know how to do that/can't win against a bunch of men even if trained', nah, you lose the character if you don't bend reality a little, and I want to write Emma, she's ALWAYS Emma), and anyway I prefer wacky or reality-bending shows set in our time OR fantasy-ish history (look at Pirates of the Caribbeans) to anything real, and sitcoms and dramas are also fine because they both stretch reality like hell
So yeah, I need to think, when my headache is gone, about what I actually want to write, in what universes, time periods, fandoms. Ever since my ptsd got worse many types of characters and many types of threads just aren't fun anymore, which is why I don't write them as a rule (see hostility, unless plotted between characters who know each other and will get through it, because if your character isn't even a little friendly and I'm forced to bend Emma over backwards to make her stay it will literally trigger my anger), but writing helps me relax and I should fix the rules, make 'wanted interactions' and then STICK TO THEM, and if people don't write with me because they don't want to read a lot then it's fine, better than me writing what I don't feel like writing (but still, I'm like 'if this person is writing a popular canon character what is their motivation to read a long-ass about page for an oc?' so I understand why they wouldn't)
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nexa-narratives · 1 year
Disney+ Shows for Binge-Watching!
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Disney+ offers an array of top shows perfect for binge-watching. These shows captivate viewers with their engaging storylines and memorable characters. From beloved classics to exciting new releases, there is something for everyone on Disney+. One of the top shows on Disney+ is "The Mandalorian," a thrilling Star Wars series set in a galaxy far, far away. This show follows the adventures of a lone bounty hunter as he navigates a dangerous, lawless universe. With its intriguing plot twists and stunning visual effects, "The Mandalorian" is sure to keep you on the edge of your seat. Another must-watch Disney+ show is "WandaVision," a unique blend of classic sitcoms and the Marvel Cinematic Universe. This series explores the lives of superheroes Wanda Maximoff and Vision as they navigate through various decades and reality-bending scenarios. With its clever storytelling and compelling performances, "WandaVision" is a true binge-worthy gem. 1. Uncover Magical Worlds with These Disney+ Shows! Uncover magical worlds with these top Disney+ shows! Dive into a realm of enchantment as you embark on a binge-worthy journey. Get ready to be transported to a land of imagination and wonder. Experience the magic with shows like "The Mandalorian," a thrilling space adventure set in a galaxy far, far away. Immerse yourself in the wizarding world with "WandaVision," a mind-bending blend of sitcom and Marvel superhero magic. Explore the fairy tale realm of "Once Upon a Time," where classic characters come to life in a new and unexpected way. With Disney+, you can take a break from reality and indulge in the joy of binge-watching. Each show offers a unique and captivating story that will keep you hooked from start to finish. So grab your popcorn, settle in, and prepare to be transported to a world where anything is possible. 2. Get Lost in the Enchantment of These Disney+ Series! Get Lost in the Enchantment of These Disney+ Series! 1. Immerse yourself in the magical world of Disney with these captivating Disney+ series. From heartwarming classics to thrilling adventures, there's something for everyone to binge-watch. Indulge in the enchantment and let these shows transport you to a realm of wonder and joy. Moreover, with a wide range of genres to choose from, you'll never run out of captivating content. 2. Experience the nostalgia of beloved Disney characters as they come to life on your screen. Embark on epic journeys with your favorite princesses, superheroes, and animated friends. What's more, these Disney+ series offer a fresh take on familiar stories, adding a new layer of excitement. With impeccable storytelling, impressive visuals, and unforgettable music, these shows are truly magical. 3. Delve into the enchanting worlds created by Disney's iconic storytellers and talented cast members. From exploring the depths of the ocean to venturing into imaginary realms, the possibilities are endless. With seamless transitions between episodes and addictive plots, you'll find yourself hooked from the start. So sit back, relax, and get ready to be swept away by the enchantment of these Disney+ series. 3. Trending Disney+ Shows for Your Ultimate Binge Sessions! Trending Disney+ Shows for Your Ultimate Binge Sessions! If you're looking for some top-notch Disney+ shows that'll keep you glued to your screen, look no further! Here are a few trending picks for your ultimate binge-watching pleasure. First up on our list is the highly acclaimed "The Mandalorian," a gripping Star Wars series that follows the adventures of a lone bounty hunter in the outer reaches of the galaxy. Next, ramp up the excitement with "WandaVision," a mind-bending and visually stunning show that delves into the lives of Marvel superheroes Wanda Maximoff and Vision. Last but certainly not least, "The Falcon and the Winter Soldier" is a thrilling action-packed series that explores the aftermath of Avengers: Endgame, as Sam Wilson and Bucky Barnes team up to face new threats. With these trending Disney+ shows, you'll have endless hours of captivating entertainment at your fingertips. So grab some snacks, settle in, and get ready for the ultimate binge-watching experience! 4. Experience the Best of Disney+ with These Must-Watch Series! Experience the best of Disney+ with these must-watch series! Immerse yourself in the magical world of Disney with these top shows that are perfect for binge-watching. From heartwarming classics to thrilling adventures, there is something for everyone on Disney+. One of the must-see series on Disney+ is "The Mandalorian." Follow the journey of the lone bounty hunter in the outer reaches of the galaxy. Brace yourself for epic battles and unexpected alliances in this action-packed Star Wars spin-off. Another highly recommended series is "WandaVision." Dive into the surreal world of Wanda Maximoff and Vision as they navigate through different decades and explore their extraordinary abilities. With a blend of comedy, drama, and mystery, this show is an absolute treat for Marvel fans. And if you're looking for a dose of nostalgia, "The Simpsons" is sure to bring back fond memories. Join the misadventures of this iconic animated family as they hilariously tackle everyday life. With its witty humor and relatable characters, this long-running series remains a crowd favorite. So, grab your popcorn, cozy up on the couch, and get ready to embark on a binge-watching extravaganza with these top Disney+ shows. With their captivating storylines and beloved characters, these series are sure to make your Disney+ experience truly unforgettable. 5. Dive into the Ultimate Binge-Worthy Disney+ Shows Now! Dive into the Ultimate Binge-Worthy Disney+ Shows Now! If you're in need of some quality entertainment, look no further than Disney+. With an impressive lineup of binge-worthy shows, there's something for everyone. And now, we're diving into the ultimate picks that will keep you hooked. First up on the list is "The Mandalorian," a thrilling Star Wars series that has taken the world by storm. Follow the journey of the lone bounty hunter in the outer reaches of the galaxy and discover the treasure known as Baby Yoda. This show is a must-watch for any Star Wars fan and will leave you craving for more. Next on our list is "WandaVision," a mind-bending series that combines classic sitcoms with the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Follow the story of Wanda Maximoff and Vision as they navigate through various decades, each with its own unique twist. This show is a perfect blend of humor, mystery, and superhero action, making it a must-binge for any Marvel enthusiast. Last but not least, we have "The Simpsons," the longest-running animated sitcom in history. Join the iconic yellow family in their hilarious misadventures in the fictional town of Springfield. With over 30 seasons of comedy gold, this show will keep you laughing non-stop and is a timeless classic for all ages. In conclusion, Disney+ offers a wide range of binge-worthy shows that are sure to keep you entertained for hours on end. Whether you're a fan of Star Wars, Marvel, or classic animated sitcoms, there's something for everyone. So grab your popcorn, get cozy, and dive into the ultimate Disney+ binge-watching experience now! Read the full article
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permanentclawgrip · 1 year
okay this was originally part of my roommate rant post but imma do it separately because its more of a critique of a mindset:
I do not understand rapid completionist collecting culture
i know what youre saying, "eve, what the fuck are you talking about that makes no sense" let me explain
theres probably a proper term for it but I've noticed a worrying trend specifically in online spaces recently of rapid completionist collecting culture. basically a subculture of wider collectors which focuses on the attainment of a "complete collection" as fast as possible and often with a disregard for the actual content of what they are collecting. i have seen posts about this in comic collecting forums. ive seen similar kinds of posts on video game forums. my experience with it has been through my roommate though, who i will kind of vaguepost about (nothing new for this blog tho).
My roommate, who we'll call Adam (not his real name) for the sake of brevity, has a real strange relationship with these cultures. I first noticed it soon after i moved in with him, when he decided to watch every publicly available tv show and movie that marvel has made,,, ever,,, including every ,,, single ,,, saturday ,,, morning ,,, cartoon. this small feat took months. all catalogued in a nice tidy spreadsheet noting the runtime of them, the episode count of the shows, which storylines were adapted (iirc), and his overall rating (again iirc). this was not a months long project because oh he only watched an episode or two a day, no not at all. i would leave for work with some x-men cartoon playing in our living room and come home to fantastic 4 playing instead. every day. hours upon hours. it was not a simple, "oh one day ill watch them all eventually". it was a dedicated marathon of back to back to back marvel. it honestly completely burnt me out on all things superhero just being in proximity to it.
so what is there to take from this? "let people like stuff!" "its just a show why are you so mad?" well its hard to put my finger on it to be honest without sounding pretentious or hyperbolic. ill try my best...
in just a second...
first lets get pretentious!
i personally find this style of engaging with content to be very shallow. ive always kind of had a bone to pick with background watching, having a show on while doing some other task, but this is different. while background watching is annoying imo, most of the time people are doing so with shows that are kind of built for that (think sitcoms or light dramas) where you can kind of tune in and tune out on a whim and the point is more on the other activity that the show is the background stimulation for (i.e. homework, sewing, cooking, hanging with friends, etc.). in short, when background watching, the point is not to really watch the show. so that should be the polar opposite to what my friend was doing, right? nope! all these stats and all this time, just to usually be playing destiny or scrolling through DiscussingFilms' twitter posts for most of it. this is a recipe for not really getting anything from these shows.
secondly, the binge model is kind of horrible for story engagement or thematic understanding. there are very few stories in long form media which adapt well to binging. it has been discussed before, so im not going to re-litigate those arguments here, but suffice to say that binging is bad actually. pair that with these shows mostly being background fodder and it just strikes me as profoundly pointless.
Maybe I just have different wants from my media than others, but i usually like my media to have a point beyond just "it looks cool" or "it belongs to an ip i like". spin offs dont really excite me unless theres a reason for it to exist beyond just "hey look at this cool side character! guess what? theyre a main character now!" yes a lot of good stuff has come from "spin off" series (look at puss in boots: the last wish as just one example), but their mere existence will never excite me. i prefer to really watch movies or tv shows that im interested in: dim the lights, grab some popcorn, and set aside time to really engross myself in every detail. its not for every show and it is a little time consuming, but the depth in every piece of art that you learn to see is so worth it. but maybe thats not everyone priority.
okay now lets get hyperbolic!
im not going to sugar coat this and itll sound weird, but i see a lot of similarities between this kind of hyper obsessive yet shallow fixation and some very very disgusting subcultures online. and i dont mean that because i dont understand them. i mean that because i am sadly referencing many of the boys and young men who fall down the alt-right pipeline through porn fixation. if you do not know what i am talking about, youll have to trust me on this because i do not think that anyone should look these things up on their own because good god every trigger warning possible applies if you look at some of these peoples accounts. they make my stomach churn and i am pretty resilient to things. basically for those who dont know, what im referring to is a subculture of predominantly young men who become obsessed with porn and porn stars to the point that it is all they can think about. if this is giving hints of incels, it should because the venn diagram is actually just a smaller circle within a larger circle. their obsession and incel nature leads them to the expected political and social beliefs: misogyny, transphobia, grooming, forced marriage, etc. truly some of the worst humans.
now is this a leap? admittedly yes. but i dont think the comparison isnt without merit. the initial actions are the same and both lead to heavy levels of social isolation. sure you have your in group that understands every reference you make, but beyond them, you become stunted. that social isolation is the most dangerous fuel for a man to have.
overall thesis
i could write at length about this topic (and who knows i might one day) but ill keep it brief for now. in short, this trend of hyper obsessive binging that ive seen is extremely confusing to me at best and potentially dangerous at worst. i wish i had a way to break people's habits with this kind of thing but sadly i do not know how.
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lululawrence · 1 year
what are your top ten favorite tv shows?
Omg dndbdjsvwjd please know I don’t do well with picking favorites but I can hopefully maybe do a top ten haha
In no particular order and numbered only so I know when I reach ten, here are my fav series/tv shows with the caveat that this can change based on my mood and I’m probably gonna forget something lmao
The west wing
Doctor who (we are behind by quite a bit but gosh I love it so much)
Gilmore girls
Jeopardy (does this one count? I’m counting it since I literally try to plan my day around it so I don’t miss it if at all possible lmao)
Bones (though I only have the first… I think 4… seasons on dvd and we never finished the show in entirety 😬 I still love it!)
Our flag means death (it’s already become a comfort show for me)
Heartstopper (again, it has already become a comfort show for me)
Ted lasso (I need to resubscribe so I can season 3!!!
Okay I’m having a hard time with ten because now I’m thinking of so many I enjoy and love! Like Star Trek for both TNG and Voyager, or marvelous mrs maisel or peaky blinders or Indian matchmaker or never have I ever or shadow and bone or outlander… OR taskmaster or gogglebox! Like I love all of these shows so much for different reasons but I just. Don’t have much time where I’m in control of the tv these days haha so when I do I’m usually trying to come down from anxiety or something and I’m gonna favor the west wing or Gilmore girls or ofmd or heartstopper or something you know? Sigh. So anyway. I just. Like tv? As an art form? But I’m weird and I generally don’t care for sitcoms. I just. Don’t find American sitcom humor to be funny. At all. 😬 I know, I’m a bad American or something but ¯\__(ツ)__/¯
Anyway. I hope this is even somewhat close to what you were hoping for!! Lol thanks for asking this was fun haha
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fandom · 3 years
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Marvel on the Big (and Small) Screen
2021 was the year Marvel tried its hand at television in a way we hadn’t really seen before. The first few episodes of WandaVision seemed a little dicey, but that silly sitcom eventually transformed into something lore-filled and foreboding that would pave the way for MCU TV shows and films to come. Speculation is Tumblr’s bread and butter, but the miniseries turned regular fans with theories and text posts into full-blown detectives. You knew Agnes was Agatha Harkness before she even knew herself, but you loved her anyway. She was Tumblr’s third favorite WandaVision character, right behind the titular characters. Pretty impressive for an ancient, morally grey sorceress.
The dust had barely settled before The Falcon and the Winter Soldier dropped. The return of Bucky lit Tumblr up in the way only James Buchanan Barnes can. This time, his Captain America was an entirely different man but no less a best friend or lover, depending on which Sambucky fics you’re reading. But Sam Wilson’s transition to his new role as the first Black Captain America wasn’t a smooth one. This series tackled a lot of real-world issues like racism and morality, but the discussion wasn’t limited to plot alone. When hatred for temporary Cap John Walker became real-world hatred for actor Wyatt Russell, fans took to the tags to combat the harassment, urging each other to remember that fiction is fiction. A text post by @thecinematicalgorithm​ says it best: John Walker is a good soldier, but Sam Wilson is a good man, and that’s why the shield was always meant to be his.
Then came Loki and his Nexus Event. Loki Laufeyson has and always will be an enigma, and his miniseries was no different. Anticipation started last December after we got our first glimpse of the series and it was so strong, the #loki series made its first appearance in Week in Review. In June, the first episode finally dropped, and the sleuthing began. You came together to decipher a very complicated title sequence and ponder the repercussions of tampering with time. The show’s impact is still rippling all around us, its effects already taking shape in upcoming Marvel projects. Chatter around Loki’s love life also grew to an all-time high, and the confirmation of bisexual Loki as canon was a huge win for us all. His affection for Mobius and Sylvie leaped off the screen and into chapters of fanfiction. Lokius went on to become the 6th most popular ship on Tumblr this year with a stunning 411% more engagements than Sylki. Loki ended this year as Tumblr’s favorite Marvel series with 78.8% more engagements than runner-up The Falcon and the Winter Soldier—it was so popular, in fact, that you made TOMBLR happen, calling the God of Mischief himself to answer your questions.
If Loki and the multiverse tore us apart, then Shang-Chi pieced us back together again. The release of Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings was an incredible piece of history we all got to be a part of, but important to none more than the Asian-American community. Fans felt seen—their family traditions and cultures were reflected on screen in a way we don’t often see in Hollywood. Shang-Chi also gave us our first taste of Tony Leung in American cinema after decades of legendary performances in Asia. But fans also noticed the film’s shortcomings. The English subtitles often failed to do the translations justice in situations where their actual sentiment held more meaning to native Mandarin speakers. Those conversations took shape in a really meaningful way and in high volume—Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings topped our Movies list three weeks in a row and would continue to be a major topic of discussion in the weeks following. Some of you even got the chance to ask Simu Liu about his own connections to the film and his character during his Answer Time—portraying a fully-fleshed out, three-dimensional Asian-American character straddling the line between two vastly different cultures is something he’s really proud of, and something that resonated with so many of us. 
In an age of instant gratification, Marvel reminded a lot of us of how TV used to work and gave us something new to look forward to every week. They introduced an inclusive, new wave of childhood heroes and pushed the boundaries of your typical box office hit. In this post, we focused on the Marvel releases you engaged with the most here on Tumblr, but this is in no way an exhaustive list of the MCU timeline in 2021. You loved Black Widow—probably Yelena more than the rest—and reimagined the Marvel Universe each week with What If…? We can’t even begin to imagine what next year will bring, but we know we’re not ready.
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