#'thank god I got about 75%.'
givethispromptatry · 2 years
“Ok, so gonna be honest, I understood about 3% of what they just said.”
“Why didn’t you say anything?”
“I am full of doubts and fears.”
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after 12 years, i have 100% completed fire emblem awakening
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heavenbarnes · 2 months
completely self indulgent thoughts about older!bf simon inspired by today's events at work. I work in tech/sales and a lot of my days are spent setting up new phones for people who are 35+, that for the life of them, can't figure out technology. just thinking about older!bf simon needing to get a new phone and asks reader for her thoughts, but when reader starts talking about storage size or sim cards he gets confused and just tells her "pick whatever love, I trust your judgement" not just because he does in fact, trust her judgement, but also because he can't he bothered trying to learn and understand.
have many thoughts about this.
friend, 90% of what i write is entirely self indulgent- we’ve got to do it 🫶🏼
it’s a miracle you convinced older bf!simon to finally get rid of that god forsaken flip phone and start working with an actual smartphone.
granted, it was like pulling teeth (yes the prospect of receiving nudes whilst he was deployed helped) but what mattered was he’d finally entered the 21st century.
and then he drops his cellphone on the drive and manages to boot it into the side of the neighbour’s garage. the thing was absolutely munted by the time it’d come off the end of simon’s steel cap.
which is why you’re standing in the middle of the electronics store looking at endless tables of cellphones and simon looks like he’s there at gunpoint.
“i ‘ave been held at gunpoint, was better than this”
so you lead him to the smartphones that are smart but not too smart, the ones that look hard to break or get wrong. they also look older than half the people working in the store, but that’s besides the point.
“can i help you both with anything?”
right on cue, a young but cheery guy appears across the table with a lanyard that tells you his name is hunter and he’s ready to help!
your elbow fits nicely under simon’s ribcage as you gear up to play hunter’s defence lawyer for however long this interaction is going to take.
“hi hunter, this one is looking for a new smartphone- what do you recommend?”
and while hunter does a standup job at explaining the benefits of a handful of phones he probably hasn’t sold to anyone under 75, simon is suddenly well engaged.
“and we’ve got a selection of cases, just regular ones or tough ones”
“need t’be tough, don’t want the fucker breakin’ when i’ve got someone in a headlock”
hunter pales and you veeeery slowly turn to simon with a look on your face that begs to know what the actual fuck is wrong with him.
“oh simon, you comic trailblazer- you know what, you’ve been so helpful hunter, thank you!”
you cut the kid loose as he tries to leave the table without taking his eyes off simon, who coincidentally is doing the exact same thing to him.
“would it kill you to let him help us?!”
“just about, didn’t like the way he looked at ‘ya”
the kid didn’t look a day out of school and naturally your better half has to pick a fight with any guy that so much as exists within your atmosphere.
he’s lucky he’s so handsome.
“ugh, which one do you prefer? 32GB? 64?”
“whaddyou’ reckon?”
and you’re about to let out the longest sigh known to man when you catch the look on his face.
that same look he gives you when he’s dressed up for dinner or just come back from a haircut, the look he gives you that tells you he’s looking for your opinion.
“32 would do you, i don’t think you need that much space”
he grunts before he pulls you into his side, taking you both to the counter so he can get you to say all that again to your helpful attendee.
“oi, hunter”
poor guy nearly jumps out of his skin but manages to settle when he realises he’s about to close the sale, even manages to upsell that tough case.
simon settles once he’s back in the car with you, eyes scanning the box his phone comes in and grumbling something under his breath.
when you ask him to speak up you immediately wish you hadn’t.
“lost all those videos ‘f yours, better be enough space f’the new ones”
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ldysmfrst · 5 months
American Mate - (4)
First Case of Alpha Space
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Paring: Hybrid!BTS Ot7 x Plus-sized Human FemReader
Status: Ongoing series
Chapter number: 4 of unknown
Word count for Chapter: 4132
Work count for Story: 16,244
Genre: Hybrid Playmate Au inspired by works created by @yoongiofmine
A little about the author: I am a mother of two beautiful children. One of which is special needs, and on 3/28, they lost 75% of their vision. I have had to take time off work to accommodate many MANY doctor appointments. I started a Ko-fi if you feel the heart to donate towards helping with the medical costs of appointments, medication, and modifications to the house, which insurance doesn't cover.
Warnings: (I am not good at this, but I will try. Let me know if I missed anything!!) NOT BETA READ!! This story will have a bit of angst, fluff, smut, f/m, m/m, and m/f/m. This chapter does have Injury, Anxiety, Panic attacks, comfort, Alpha Space, and Cultural differences.
BTS HYBRID ANIMAL TYPES: Seokjin - Roan Ferret, Yoongi - Black Jaguar, Hoseok - Marten, Namjoon - Alaskan Timber Wolf, Jimin - Red Panda, Taehyung - White Southwest African Tiger, Jungkook - Flemish Giant Rabbit
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Is it really that big of a deal that you got hurt? My god, you were 35 already. You have never lived a sheltered life. You have had your fair share of broken bones, twisted ankles, scrapes, and bruises. 
You are always going on adventures, riding horses, and climbing things you probably should not be climbing. The external scars you bear are associated with stories that are good conversation starters when you feel like showing them. 
Things would be difficult for a while because you are right-handed. You have a few days of sick time saved up that you can use to start with. Hopefully, this will help you gain some kind of compliance from your award left hand. 
Work, however, is going to be the hard part. Luckily, your work is typically done on electronics, meaning nothing has to be handwritten. Even if you tried to write left-handed, no one could read it. You would bet money doctors had better writing than you did. Dictation software to save the day!
Hearing Derek’s voice broke you out of your thoughts regarding your near future. Watching him act cautiously while interacting with the other hybrid was interesting. There is clearly a difference in how he acts with Yoongi than Evie. Giggling to yourself at the mention of being a mate with Derek gains the attention of both. 
“Oh, sorry. The thought of being a mate, much less to Derek, was amusing, I guess.” 
You missed the slight frown that briefly graced both men’s faces. Derek thought you were implying he wasn’t mate material, and Yoongi thought you believed you were not worthy of being a mate.                  
“Thanks Y/n. I let you know that I am a catch despite being a Beta. Besides, this isn’t about me right now. We need to get the leadership involved with what to do moving forward. Are you okay if we bring in the others?”
“Yes, please. I need to speak with Director Johnson, fill out an incident report… um or dictate an incident report, and then get to a doctor.” Attempting to stand up, you are blocked by the golden-yellow eyes that have not stopped watching your every move.
”Mr. Min, I need to get some things done and take care of my wrist.”
Yoongi’s eyes narrow, and a soft growl pours through the room, causing your eyes to widen. You look over your shoulder at Derek with a ‘what-the-F-did-I-do’ expression, only to be met with a smirk.
“Y/n, I don’t think you understand what is going on. You haven’t dealt with a situation like this before. You may love hybrids but you still have limited interactions with our culture and this dynamic.”
Walking backward toward the door, Derek continues, “With the state of mind that Mr. Min is in, it might be best if a packmate explains.”
Derek opens the break room door to face Hoseok, Teahyung, Namjoon, and Jungkook, who are all staring. “Oh, Hi there.”
Then, as if someone had turned the mute off, they all started talking simultaneously. 
“Is Yoongi-hyung dropped yet?”
“그 사람 괜찮아요?”
“Why does she still smell hurt?”
“Wait, wait, wait, please,” Derek puts his hands up, motioning to stop.
“I do not know Korean for one and for two Mr. Min has gone into full non-verbal Alpha Space and I  am not sure he will be coming out of it anytime soon. However, one of you should go in to handle the situation  and she needs to talk with Director Johnson.”
At the mention of the director, a low growl came from Taehyung, causing Derek to take a step back and lower his eyes in an automatic response to a displeased Alpha.
The scent of calming leather gently flows over the group at the door as Namjoon steps forward. His mind is still reeling a million miles a second with you being their mate and you being injured. To top it off, Yoongi is on a deep level of Alpha Space.
“Sorry about that. I can come in, but the director is busy at the moment dealing with the playmates, corporate office, and Manager Sejin,” Namjoon apologizes as he enters the room.
He follows Derek to where his packmate and Y/n are situated at a table. Taehyung and Jungkook follow quickly.
They both kneel respectfully behind Yoongi. Their Alphas recognize that Yoongi is currently in charge of you, and it would be unwise to display anything that could be considered a threat by approaching you too quickly.
They both need to be close to you, and their instincts to be with their injured mate drive their actions. Looking you over for injuries, their eyes resting on your wrist with furrowed brows and set jaws. 
Taehyung’s eyes change to crystal blue as his tail flickers almost in time with Yoongi’s as he slips into Alpha Space. 
“Namjoon-hyung, Y/n is hurt. She needs a hospital, I think,” Jungkook says, his ears standing straight up on his head, one-pointedly focused on you and the other twitching between his Prime Alpha and the door. 
“It is not that big of an issue, Mr. Jeon, Mr. Min, and Mr. Kim.” Looking up from the trio in front of you and addressing the Prime Alpha, “Sir, I have specific protocols to follow due to company procedure. I have to talk with the Director.” 
A growl from one of the men in front of you freezes your words, unsure of what you did to cause their reactions. Internally, you groan because it seems all you get from them are growls, as if you vex them more than you humanly possible. 
“Miss Y/n, we have already talked to Director Johnson,” Namjoon says with a look of distaste. 
“He has been informed that you are now under the care of Bangtan Pack following hybrid customs.  It would be wise to refrain from talking about him at the moment, he did not leave a good impression with the pack.”
Your brows scrunch in confusion, making the hybrids want to coo at your cute face. Clearing his throat (aka his mind), Namjoon continues, “We have more pressing matters to attend to besides paperwork.” 
“You are injured, and we have to get you to a doctor. Manager Sejin is currently contacting one of our personal physicians that we normally use while on tour to have you treated.”
“What? Why would I use your doctor? I can just go to the local clinic.” Your scent spikes almost like a heavy perfume with anxiety with the flashbacks of your nightmare. 
“Please, I have taken up much of your time, and caused enough problems as it is. I can take care of myself. I don’t want to be a bother.”
At your words, you are surrounded by multiple growls and watched by now golden-yellow, crystal blue, and smokey gray eyes. Scooting back in the chair, you nervously ask, “Derek, what did I do?”
“Y/n, you really don’t get it do you? For as smart as you are, sometimes you can be oblivious.” He smiles and shakes his head, stepping back from the group and heading towards the door.
“Mr. Kim, as Prime Alpha, you might want to explain what is happening and what she should be expecting. Mind you, she has been fiercely independent for the last 15 years of her life.”
“I wish you the best with her. It won’t be easy, trust me, I know. Good Luck.” Derek bows slightly to Namjoon once he reaches the break room door.
Looking at you again, this time with a smile filled with adoration for his best friend and what he thinks your future may hold, Derek says, “Relax and have fun.” Then he turns and leaves the room. 
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As Derek leaves the room, he smiles at the remaining pack guarding the door. “Mr. Kim, Mr. Jung, and Mr.Park, I think your human does not understand what is happening.”
“Our human? So you know?” Seokjin questions with wide, cautious eyes.
Derek looks over his shoulder at the closed break room door. “At first, I thought it was just a typical Alpha reaction with him being the cause of Y/n getting injured, but his care and gentleness seemed to come from somewhere deeper. Add on the fact that your other two are fighting Alpha space. It would be hard to miss.”
“The other two?” someone asks.
Shaking his head, Derek looks back at the remaining three. “Yes, the younger Mr. Kim and Mr. Jeon’s Alphas surfaced just before I left. Your Prime Alpha is going to try to sort things out, but he may need some back up.”
“Meanwhile I am going to find our boss and see what needs to be done before you all run  away with her.” Derek leaves the pack to mull over the new information.
“Tae has never been one to control his Alpha well when one of us is hurt. I am not surprised if he slipped once near her. Kook always runs on instinct too, so it makes sense he slipped as well,” Seokjin contemplates. 
“Should we stay out here? Miss y/n’s pack member said it would be better to go in and help Namjoon? Three of us in Alpha space with an injured mate is not going to be easy,” Hoseok adds. 
Nibbling on his lower lip, Jimin thinks of ways to handle the situation. Even though he is one of the younger packmates, keeping the pack calm is his gift. 
He just doesn’t know how to handle you yet, especially since you don’t know what you mean to the pack.
“Good, at least three of you are here, and I assume the rest have made their way into the room with Miss Y/n,” Manager Sejin says while walking up to the group. 
“I have spoken with Big Hit, the Director at Playmate Service Incorporated, and Dr. Blackwell. Everyone is onboard and the doctor is ready to go.”
“Thank you,” Seokjin says, feeling relief that no one seems to be fighting this. “Namjoon is in with the rest of the pack and Miss Y/n, we should go in. From what Mr. Gulley says, Miss y/n does not seem to understand the situation to the fullest. I just hope that Namjoon can clear some things up.”
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“Relax and have fun? What does he mean by that?” You mumble as you glare at the now-closed door that one of your best friends just shut. 
He willingly left you with four Alpha male idols. 
Three of them are kneeling on the floor with non-human eyes, and the Prime Alpha, looking around the room like the way to explain what's happening is painted on the walls.
Taking a breath, you say, “Mr. Kim, Prime Alpha… Sir. Derek is right. I have no actual experience with Alphas. I can tell that there must be some kind of instinctual drive going on, and there are trigger words or actions.”
“I don’t want to cause any more trouble than I already have. What do I do to make it easier for your pack?”
At your words, the kneeling Alphas gave a multitude of pleasant chirps. You looked at the three of them, a little confused. They seemingly smiled and made almost the same sound at what you said.
Okay, so they can growl and chirp. Your curiosity spikes when you think of what other animal-like sounds they can make as hybrids.
Drawing your attention back to him, Namjoon finds the words to explain what is happening, “Miss Y/n, you have done so much to help the Bangtan Pack feel welcome today.”
With a gentle smile, he continues, “So please relax, you have not caused any trouble, and we highly doubt that you will.” 
Thinking to himself, ‘At least, not in the way you seem to be thinking.’
“Alpha’s run with a higher level of instinct than your Beta packmember. As an Alpha, Yoongi instinctually feels responsible for your injury. In order to calm that instinct, a few things will most likely need to happen.” 
Watching as you seem to sit up with interest, he continues, “First things first, he and his Alpha need to get at least your injury treated.”
“He has to be the one to take me to get it treated? I can’t have him go with me to the clinic! There are fans and sasaengs and the media! What about your schedule? You always hear about the tight schedules Idols have and you have already spent all afternoon here over this.”
You start panicking about the hordes of people you hear about following the band around. God, the amount of bad publicity that would come from catching you and THE Suga of BTS at a clinic. You can’t imagine what nonsense they would come up with?
Your scent goes into an even heavier version; it takes on an almost alcoholic aspect. The kneeling Alphas instinctually send out calming pheromones while moving closer. 
Yoongi’s tail, still wrapped around your ankle, tightens while he gently rubs the back of your injured hand, which he is cradling protectively. 
Taehyung starts to purr softly, hoping that the sound will comfort you. 
Jungkook, on instinct alone, scoots up to your left side, nudges his head under your left hand, and rests on your leg.
The feeling of Jungkook’s head on your leg snaps you out of your thoughts and brings you back into the room. You hold still as you start to recognize similar comforting behaviors the Alphas are doing with those that Evie always does, allowing you to take a deep breath.
“Sorry. I was raised to take care of myself and not impose on others.”
“Miss Y/n, you are not imposing. Again, Yoogni ran into you while rushing out of the room, and it's his responsibility to make amends. Actually, as a bonded pack, it is our responsibility, too.”
“The pack? Like all of you? Is this why they are all like this, with their eyes and stuff?” 
Absent-mindedly, you run your fingers through Jungkook’s hair, softly scratching his scalp, soothing not only yourself but also the youngest Alpha. 
A soft chuckle escapes Namjoons as he watches your instinctual interactions with the youngest mate. “Yes, that is the best way to explain the eyes and stuff, as you put it.”
“Jungkook and Taehyung will find it easier to leave their Alpha Space since they are not the ones responsible for the injury but trying to be supportive to both of you.” 
Hearing a knock on the door, he calls, “Who is it?”
“Namjoon-ssi, it's Manager Sejin. I have some updates and a few questions. Can I enter?” The door opens slightly to reveal it’s him. 
At Namjoon's nod, he enters. The door remains open as the scents in the room are constricting in their density. He is followed by the rest of the pack, who take up guarding now from inside.
“Did you contact everyone?”
“Big Hit and the Corporate Director are on the same page and will follow the hybrid protocol, but details must be discussed once Miss Y/n has met with the doctor,” Manager Sejin reports to the Prime Alpha.
Moving to look at you, he continues, “I contacted Dr. Blackwell, thinking you may be more comfortable with a female doctor.” 
Glancing at the boys surrounding you closely, his scent changes with curiosity. He raises an eyebrow, looking at Namjoon. With a subtle nod, he confirms that something more is happening but does not move to explain.
Looking back at you, he gently smiles, “With the situation at hand, it may be best to limit other males around you until everyone is out of Alpha space. They tend to get territorial. Dr. Blackwell is on standby, ready to assess and treat you once we know where you will be.”
“Why wouldn’t she just come here, or I go to her?”
“Miss Y/n, Dr. Blackwell is a traveling physician. She doesn’t have a permanent office to use but she is well respected in both the human and hybrid communities.”
“Oh, I see. Well, umm…” you look at Namjoon and ask, “What option would be best for your pack?”
Namjoon’s chest puffs slightly at your show of respect to him as the Pack Prime Alpha despite the situation and your pain level. “Not to make you uncomfortable, Miss Y/n, but I think meeting Dr. Blackwell at our AirBnB would be best.”
You take a moment to think, your hand pulsing with pain. They cannot all fit in your flat; it's a mess after you tore through your closet to find the right clothes for today.
They don’t seem to like being here. Instinctually, even Derek and Evie prefer being in their dens when one of the three of you is hurt or sick. 
“Okay. If it is best for the pack, then I will go with you to the AirBnB and see Dr. Blackwell.” 
It’s almost as if a weight is lifted out of the room, allowing the pack to take a breath. 
“Yoon, Kook, and Tae. Can you give Miss Y/n some room? We have to take her to the pack house to see a doctor,” Namjoon says with a firm voice, gaining smiles from the men kneeling on the floor. 
Jungkook stands and curls into the Prime Alpha, his eyes returning to their natural color.
Taehyung rocks back on his heels but remains near. His body is more relaxed and his eyes are still crystal blue, shifting between Yoongi and you in wait.
After watching the two younger Alphas move around, your attention turns to the Jaguar kneeling with expectant but questioning eyes. 
 “Mr. Min, if I promise that you can stay with me, will you let me go get my things and then you can take me to the pack house?”
Yoongi’s face lights up with a gummy smile as he nods. Your breath hitches at the sight. How can the devastatingly handsome rapper look so adorable?
He stands up, his tail unwrapping from your leg. He softly takes both of your hands while he assists you in standing. You smile and mumble a small thanks as you step forward to leave.
“Prime Alpha, do you think I can talk with Derek briefly to let him know what is happening? This way he can talk to the direc… Boss. Talk to the boss and let him know that I am leaving for the day?”
“Yes, talking to him will be fine. He has been established as part of your familial pack and won’t be considered a threat to the pack if he comes around you now,” Namjoon answers, moving out of your way and motioning for the rest to let you pass.
Bowing slightly, “Thank you, Prime Alpha.”
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Making it to your desk is more complicated than one would think. 
Yoongi won’t leave your right side, while Taehyung won’t leave your left. Both act like it's code red and someone is trying to assassinate you. Then you have the rest of BTS trailing behind like some kind of posse. 
You keep your head down to avoid any strange looks or glares from whomever you pass. To your relief, you find Derek waiting at your desk with his head resting on his palms and a mischievous smile. 
“I see you are taking things in stride,” glancing at your plethora of bodyguards. “Did the Prime Alpha explain everything to you?”
Speaking up from the back of the group, Namjoon answers for you, “She is aware that we are responsible for her at this time and she will be treated at our temporary pack house by our doctor.”
You don’t miss Derek's look of concern as he tilts his head with curiosity at Namjoon. “I see, of course. You are just responsible for getting her treated.”
“Derek, can you please let the big boss know that I will be leaving with Bangtan Pack to seek medical care and once I have more updates I will let you both know?” 
Glancing at Yoongi and still seeing his lovely golden-yellow eyes, you try to ignore the slight flutter in your stomach, “I don’t think it would be good for me to talk with him myself still.”
Derek nods in response, “Manager Sejin has already given the boss a rough time frame for the near future. I suppose his managing skills came in handy. Don’t worry about us here. We can handle it while you heal.”
Standing up, Derek passes you your purse, which Taehyung takes. You try to grab it again, but only to have a black and white tail wrap around your arm and bring it back down to your side.
“No carry. Keep safe.” Taehyung almost grunts out in a deeper-than-deep voice, which short-circuits your brain.
Glancing at Derek out of the side of your eye, you see him briefly nod and smile encouragingly while he whispers, “It’s an Alpha Space thing. Best acknowledge his help.”
“Umm… Th-tha-hank you, Alpha,” you stammer out, willing the heat creeping up your neck to stop as your words pull a boxy grin from the Tiger.
“I think that is it,” you announce to nobody in particular. You smile awkwardly at Derek as he slowly approaches you.
“Y/n, you have been through so much. Not just today but in your life. You have always been the one to take the blame for others, working harder or longer than anyone else and caring for those who never return the favor.”
His eyes glance at the men surrounding you as he sees nods of understanding and looks of concern from them.
As a soft smile blooms on his face, he holds onto your good hand, “Take time for yourself and let this pack of Alphas take care of you. You deserve it more than anyone else I know.”
He pulls you into a hug. You briefly stiffen, waiting for the growling and pulling to start, but to your surprise, it doesn't. Relaxing into his hug, you take his words to heart.
A soft whisper in your ear, “You know you will always have Evie and me as your family pack, but right now, be open to the pack around you,” with one last squeeze, Derek steps back and returns to your desk.
“Now, shoo! Off you go. The boss said I’ll get to man the front desk for now.”
With a nod, you wave goodbye and face the hybrids behind you. After not finding Manager Sejin and a few others missing,  your eyes settle automatically on Namjoon, waiting for a clue as to what to do next. 
“Manager Sejin went down to get the cars. Seokjin-hyung, Hoseok-hyung, and Jimin also went down because we won’t all fit in the elevator.”
“Oh,” you feel a slight tightening in your chest after realizing you didn’t even notice they had gone.
“Miss Y/n, let's take you to get looked at,” Junkook says while inching towards the office doors.
“Yeah, sure. Sorry, I have everything. Lead the way.” 
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You follow the bunny and wolf hybrid while still sandwiched between the tiger and jaguar. Walking through the halls, you gain some attention from the people you pass. 
You’re a mere human surrounded by some of the hottest Idols in the world right now. So why wouldn’t they?
Not willing to look up, you keep your eyes cast down to the feet in front of you as you try to avoid what you are a gazillion percent sure are looks of disgust and hate towards you.
Once the elevator doors open, the tiger lets out a low growl. Glancing up, you see two fellow PMS employees quickly scamper out of the elevator and down the hall. 
That added to the embarrassment for now and when you return to work.
Namjoon and Jungkook take the back corners. Looking at the men by your sides, they motion for you into the elevator next. 
However, when you go to stand in another corner, you are quickly ushered back into the middle with Yoongi and Taehyung in front of you. 
The energy calms down as the doors close. The four Alphas relax now that they surround you and will start taking care of you. 
Even if your trust in them starts with an injury, they know this is their chance to show you what it means to be taken care of, acknowledged as precious, and loved endlessly by the seven of them. 
As the doors part, you're greeted by the remaining packmates waiting for you, smiles warm and welcoming. They're surrounded by more men in black, whom you assume are bodyguards. 
Turning to look at you, Yoongi speaks for the first time since he entered Alpha Space,  “Take home. Keep safe.”
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cevansbrat0007 · 8 months
Sweet Tooth
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Summary: Ari gets inventive when he finds himself in the doghouse with you. Be sure to check out the follow-up drabble, Sweet Tooth Deluxe!
Warnings: Smut, Mature Themes, Ari Being A Menace, Arch Nemesis', Dominant Ari, Aprons, Arguments, Oral Sex (fem rec mentioned), Spanking (mentioned), Pussy spanking (mentioned), Pet Names, Cursing, Violent Thoughts, Minors DNI
A/N: Written for @honeygngergemini. Part of my Sweet Renegades Series. Semi-proofread, not beta'd. All mistakes are my own. Likes, comments, and reblogs are always appreciated. Thanks for reading!
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Ari leans back in his chair, one long leg coming to rest atop his knee as he levels a hard look at Officer Milton Foster. He scrubs a tired hand over his face, his mind working overtime to process what the young man had just said.
“But that makes zero fucking sense.” He grumbles, groaning when he sees Milton just shake his head.
“Aye, man.” The dark-haired deputy  throws up his hands. “You asked me where I thought you went wrong and I told you.” He turns in his office chair to spare a quick glance at his computer. “Do not shoot the messenger.”
“No one’s being shot, alright? I just don’t get the logic behind any of the shit you just said.”
Couple that with the fact that you’d been icing him out for the past several days for reasons unbeknownst to him – which had left him in a god awful mood. He missed you. Your laugh, your warmth, your smile. 
All of it.
Not to mention that deliciously curvy body that had been keeping him warm at night. He really missed that. More than than anything he needed a fucking kiss.
But you were ignoring him. And Ari had discovered pretty quickly that he didn’t like any of it. Not one bit.
So, he’d turned to what he felt like was his only ally in this god-forsaken town: the newly minted sheriff’s deputy, Milton Foster.
“So you’re really trying to tell me that the reason my woman is pissed at me is because I ate Charline Marshall’s pecan pie at the town potluck, liked it, and asked for seconds.” Ari smooths an annoyed hand over his bearded face. Trying to understand Bell’s Creek’s local politics could really do a number on a person. 
“And don’t forget that she purposely dropped your lady’s bramble berry pie on the ground.” Milton does a quick spin in his chair. “She tried to pretend it was an accident, but most of us know better. Charline Marshall has eyes for you and I think she might be ready to make it known.”
“I’m pretty sure that I couldn’t even pick that woman out of a lineup.”  
Milton simply shrugs before taking another spin in his desk chair. “You’ve got a lot of admirers, Mr. Bounty Hunter. A man like you blows into town…well, you’re downright exotic. Every single red-blooded woman under 75 wants a taste.”
Ari visibly shudders before crossing his legs at the ankle. He didn’t want anyone else. This particularly surly Bounty Hunter wanted you. He only wanted to eat your food. Enjoy your sweets. Fall to his knees and devour the fuck out of your pretty little pussy.
“Hard pass, buddy.” Your lawman sighs. “I didn’t know shit about the pie incident. I mean, how could I when she was barely talking to me or anyone at that party?”
“Not saying it’s your fault, big guy. Logically, what would you have been able to do if she had told you?”
Ari looks up at him, his piercing blue gaze never once leaving the young deputy’s. “I would’ve taken her back to my place and spent the rest of the night making her feel better. I would’ve done everything in my power to take my girl’s mind off that petty shit.”
“Mmm.” Milton murmurs as understanding suddenly dawns. “I really don’t wanna get too deep in your business, but your lady is like a sister to me.” He leans back in his chair so that he can kick his feet up on his desk. “We used to play on the playground together as kids. And full disclosure, she used to beat my ass.” The deputy chuckles as he begins to recount all the way you used to be a tiny force of nature. 
“I…can see that.”
“Yeah. Yeah. Anyway, I think your original plan was a good one.” 
“Meaning?” Ari leans over to take a sip of his now cold coffee. It tasted like shit anyway, even when it was hot. In fact he longed for you, his BIrd, to make him one of your little caffeine-infused concoctions – preferably while wearing nothing but his shirt. 
So he could also take a bite out of that luscious ass while you refreshed his mug. After all, he was a man who prided himself on his ability to multitask. 
“Meaning, you need to find a way to distract her while making your point.”
“Meaning, you’re a smart fuckin’ guy who set his sights on someone who could easily be the most stubborn woman in the whole damned state.” A smirking Milton offers up a salute with his can of Dr. Pepper. “That’s for you to figure out. All I can do at this point is wish you luck.” 
“Thanks.” Ari grunts, wishing that he had a better idea of what to do with you.
Oh, rest assured that he’d figure it out. You were too important to him not to. He just hoped you’d find it in your heart to take it easy on him for his mistake. 
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The Next Day
You wake up to the smell of cooking sausage wafting into your room. It makes you smile as you stretch your arms over your head. Your stomach growls in agreement, subtly reminding you that you’d neglected to make dinner last night. 
Oops. You hadn’t meant to forget, it had just happened. Normally you would end your night with speaking to your Beast of a Bounty Hunter, who always made sure you ate. But lately, you have been both mad at him and embarrassed.   
Because at a recent town potluck, Ari had eaten your rival’s pecan pie. Now, you weren’t children, but this had also been after she’d purposely sabotaged your own dessert by accidentally dropping it on the ground. 
Charline pretended that it had been a mistake. But the way you’d witnessed her laugh after the fact. And then she’d fed your man, reveling in every minute. You’d known her pecan pie was dry, but Ari had seemed to enjoy it. So much so that he’d asked for a second piece. 
Which was fine, except it had hurt your feelings. And you hadn’t been sure how to relay exactly relay that fact either. So you’d clamped down. You’d bottled up. 
And as a result, your poor, sweet man was suffering. Which meant you needed to apologize. But you weren’t quite sure how to go about it. As you sit up, you vow to yourself to give him a call today. As soon as you sat down and enjoyed your breakfast.
And then it occurs to you. You weren’t the one cooking. Which meant someone was in your house. 
You spring out of bed and grab your Louisville Slugger that you always kept nearby. Taking a deep breath, you quietly make your way down the stairs, your trusty bat poised to take a swing at whatever moron who’d chosen to take up residence in your kitchen.
Baring your teeth, you crest around the corner on bare feet, ready to make your presence known. 
“You gonna hit me, Bird?” Ari muses as he adds a dash of salt, followed by pepper to whatever it is he’s got cooking in the skillet. Your flippin' skillet. “Is that really how this ends? You take me out while I’m being kind enough to whip us up some breakfast?”
Momentarily flummoxed you find yourself lowering your weapon in favor of taking in the scene before you. This man – your Bounty Hunter – was currently standing in your kitchen clad in nothing but an apron. 
Your apron. And yet somehow it fit him better
“Wh–what are you doing?” You ask him, letting your baseball bat clatter to the floor at your feet. You wouldn’t need it. You were safe with this man, but only to a point. “And how’d you get in?” You hadn’t given him a key yet. 
That was supposed to be a present for later. 
“Eh.” Ari shrugs, flipping a pancake with surprising skill. “Maybe I saw my gift and swiped it after the potluck. Maybe you weren’t listening to me and I couldn’t get a read on you, so I had to be an asshole and make an executive decision.” He turns away from you to drop a finished pancake on a plate, giving you a fantastic view of his perfectly muscled ass.
“You mad?” 
“N-no.” You respond as you feel your thighs clench. God, how you wished that you’d come down here wearing pants. “I was actually planning to reach out to you today. Can I ask what you’re doing?” You shiver as you feel your thighs grow damp, your traitorous pussy working against you. 
You should be mad that your Beast had broken into your house. Instead you were happy to see him with a much deserved apology ready to fall from your lips. 
“Making you breakfast. Chocolate chip pancakes, eggs, and sausage.” He adds another delicious pancake to the stack. “I’m gonna feed you, and then I’m gonna fuck you, and make you rethink ever ignoring me again.” He purrs, the intoxicating rumble coming from somewhere deep in his chest. 
Fuck you were so wet it was almost embarrasing. 
“I’ve earned the rights to that tight little pussy, baby. And when I make a mistake like I did with that goddamned Charline, I want you to tell me.” Ari turns off the range, pulling the food off the heat and onto a plate.
“I’m sorry.” You murmur, both hating and loving the way your nipples pebble beneath the thin fabric of your oversized t-shirts. Actually, it was one of his. A detail he also seemed to notice. “How can I make it up to you?”
Ari studies you for a moment, his handsome face tilting to the side. And then your eyes stray to the sight of his impressive erection. You watch as one of his big hands reaches down to fist his hard cock, pumping it once. Twice. 
“You can start by going back upstairs. I want you naked, on all fours. I want to come up there and feast my eyes on your soaking wet cunt.” His heated gaze bores into your own, making your already drenched core spasm one more. “And you’d better be wet for me, otherwise I’m gonna spank it. And you.” 
“O-okay.” You find yourself taking a step back, your hand clutching at the wall. 
“I’m gonna eat it baby.” Ari growls, his voice filled with a mix of unbridled lust and determination. “I’m gonna make that pussy fucking cry. And you’re gonna fucking take it. You hear me?”
“Yes.” You whisper, resisting the urge to reach down as you stroke your eager fingers over your throbbing clit. “Yes, Sir.”
He takes a menacing step towards you, his body delighting in the way that you shiver. You’d been bad. Which means it was time to pay the price. And what better man to exact that payment than your own handsome, 6”4 Beast? 
“And then I’m gonna fuck you in front of that brand new mirror I bought you. I’m gonna show you who owns that beautiful body and remind you why it’s important to talk to me when you need me.” Another menacing step. “And then I’m gonna feed those delectable curves after I’ve had my fill.”
“And then…” He tilts his head from side to side, cracking his neck. “You’re gonna let me kiss it all better while I make love to you.”
“Y-yes, please.” Right now you were willing to give this man whatever he wanted. Whatever helped you atone for your supposed sins.
“There’s a good girl.” He intones as he unties the apron, leaving him naked and aroused in your simple kitchen. “Now run.”
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Unofficial Tag List
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epiicaricacy-arts · 9 months
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oh we’re still so young, desperate for attention
this was super experimental so i will talk about my process (+ clearer version) under the cut
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i’ve been looking at a lot of “messier” or more textured painting styles recently and an artist that stuck out to me is clariondeluna ! they posted a self-portrait recently that i really liked and i was super interested in the brushwork seen in their work. i love all the textures and how the shapes feel so loose yet everything is so detailed.
that’s not a method for me at all!!!! i cannot paint like that at all and the stuff i like to paint is very different to theirs. which is okay!!!! i had no intention to copy this artists style so closely like with what i tried to do in my raiden painting, i just wanted to try this style out :^)
it’s been a goal of mine to avoid over-rendering like i tend to do a lot, and i think i’ve been doing good with that recently! the mindset i’ve got going on right now is that if i find myself staring at it too hard for too long, i have to leave it and move on. if there’s still something wrong with it, i can fix it later once ive got a fresh view!
i’ve been trying a lot of things with my art this year. i always try to challenge myself with each piece, and to end the year off i wanted to be as uncomfortable as i possibly could be with this painting. i let myself draw whatever i wanted because i still wanted to enjoy it, but everything i did in this process was new, including parts of the subject matter.
i’ve never drawn a head at an angle like this, and i struggle with drawing mouths open. i don’t do bold lighting like this, and if i do, it’s not fire. i’ve never drawn fire! i also rarely work with warm colours and i hate using green, so i combined those to be my colour palette. i like working cleanly so instead of having a dozen different layers for one section, each section only had 1-2 layers for rendering. instead of clipping masks i would simply paint over things loosely and clean it up later. i never like having limbs cut off in a drawing so i had his other arm go GOD knows where. i don’t like weird patterned backgrounds so i made myself figure out how to like it!
IS THIS MY FAVOURITE PIECE OF ALL TIME. no. absolutely not. but i’m very proud of how this came out with all the challenges i put on myself. i WANTED to get better at these things and be more broad with my art, both in terms of the styles and subjects i portray.
okay let’s talk about wtf this drawing is
for those who don’t know, the design in this painting is my fatui/“Father” lyney fan design (read the design post here). the concept isnt super complicated and i don’t really have much explanation for it, but i wanted to combine the story of how lyney wanted a delusion before getting his vision, fire eating circus acts and how olympic medalists will bite their medal to prove it’s real??? don’t quote me on that i’m like 75% sure that’s a thing that happens. i don’t watch sports though so im just believing someone i heard on the internet ages ago.
anyways. i think fire eating acts are cool. and i think the fact that lyney wanted a delusion is very interesting to me. scratches my brain in the right places. and yk as a magician lyneys character revolves a lot around fooling people and creating illusions so i guess what im saying here is that lyney is trying to prove to himself that this power he’s been bestowed is real. bc his whole life his only constant has been lynette so he is trying to see if he can trust this new power. cause i guess this is an alternate universe where lyney does eventually become “Father” but he never got his vision ??? idk im not making lore for this i just wanted to dress up this funny little guy.
ok i’m done
thanks for reading
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here’s my dog
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bedoballoons · 9 months
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Ahhh thank you for this request!! Honestly feels like I'm torturing some of them though hehe~ Also, I apologize for this being late and if these weren't the characters you wanted!!
─⊰⁠⊹ฺ❄️𝔾𝕖𝕟𝕤𝕙𝕚𝕟 ℍ𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕔𝕒𝕟𝕠𝕟𝕤⊰⁠⊹ฺ❄️
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{༻~Time to workout~༺}
CW: GN! Reader! Mentions of the characters wearing their hair up, reader is less in shape then the characters and sweating also makes a appearance! Suggestive!
(Includes: Diluc, Heizou, Xiao, and Wriothesley!)
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100 jumping jacks~
You plopped onto the ground, a light sheen of sweat coating your body and your muscles already on fire. You were exhausted from the workout and it felt like you could pass out at any second from lack of air...but it was more then worth it. Everytime you finished a round faster then Diluc you could sit there and catch your breath while he caught up with you...and that was always entertaining.
Today he had his hair tied up in a bun, loose strands of it clinging to his face and neck. He was wearing tighter tighter clothes then the ones he'd normally wear, meaning that every outline of his muscles was visible as the moved and god it was perfect to watch. You weren't shy about staring, even when his bright red orbs met yours with a knowing glint, he was just to good to look away from.
100 burpees~
"Phew, this is harder then I thought." Heizou leaned against the wall, using his forearm to wipe the sweat from his brow as you continued to finish up your round of burpees. His hair was disheveled, sticking to his skin and his hand when he tried to run it through the locks, even with his lack of clothing and ice cold water bottle he was still soaked and when you say it made your face blush...
You sat back after the last burpee, looking up at him with wandering eyes as he threw you his bottle...to think he'd gone shirtless. He had to of known what he was doing...
"If you keep staring at me like that, we are gonna be doing a very different kind of work out." He smirked at you as your heart skipped a beat... working out was working out...no matter what kind right...
You bit your bottom lip, watching Xiao as he continued to plank in front of you...showing off his stamina that you loved oh so much. He'd always last longer then you with these exercises, not that you were complaining. You simply sat back against the wall, watching him as his strength was put on display for you, muscles moving and his tattoos only accentuating his perfect self as the glistened with beads of preparation under the light.
"Xiao, so you think you could still plank even if I sat on you while you did it."
"If you were sitting on me, I wouldn't want to plank anymore. I'd have other matters to attend to~"
Your eyes widened slightly at his answer. You knew full well he could without breaking a sweat....why in archons name did he say no? "What-"
75 crunches~
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You were sprawled out on the floor, looking at the ceiling above you as your heart pounded in your ears. You couldn't believe you'd done the whole workout. "I did it. Wrio I did it! Woohoo!" You tilted your head to look at him, but he'd already moved from his spot next to you, instead sitting up like he was about to get up and head to the showers.
You didn't really knew what got into you...where the energy came from, but your rolled yourself into his lap, straddling him as you pushed him back down onto the mat. "Hey, I was really proud I completed that. Let's appreciate the moment together a little first."
"You should be proud, that was a hard workout...but I just hope you're prepared for the next one."
"What do you mean?"
"You said you wanted to appreciate the moment didn't you~"
ଘ(੭*ˊᵕˋ)੭* ੈ♡‧₊˚~Have a nice day!~*⁠.⁠✧
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siddyyyyyyyy · 19 days
Imagine Damian with a sunshine reader but they sometimes turn into a whole new person with jay from the kubz scouts humor "I swear if this doesn't work I'll take off ___ headband wipe my ass with it put it back on bird box style and give myself pink eye" 😭
Anyway good night/morning
Don't forget to eat and drink well!!
Strange Kind of Humour
Older!Damian Wayne x Reader
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wc: 1.2 K summary: you hate bugs (sorry for the people who love bugs) warnings: lots of bad words. a/n: thank you so much for the request and sorry for the late reply, but this is really funny and had to educate myself on that kubz scouts guy (i watch him regularly now) i couldn't really come up with such creative words, but this is the best i could do. enjoy! (divider)
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75% of all animal species are insects, most of them have wings and can fly. However, only some of them look cute and are not some venomous, useless, shit-eating bastards who are trying to get into your stupid tent.
Someone came up with the perfect idea to go camping for two days, to finally relax from everything that‘s been going on. Bruce was very reluctant but eventually got blackmailed into joining, not having any possible way of working since you are all in the middle of the woods, trying to have fun.
Damian invited you to go with him, actually begged you, so he isn‘t alone with all these lunatics, and you‘ve never been more happy to join a trip. He knew you would be happy to join, just hoping the others won‘t make fun of him for being ‚soft‘ for you, or else this small family-trip will end up in a blood bath. So far, it‘s been actually pretty good so far, you had something warm to eat, having grilled together, had something vegetarian for Damian. You talked a lot with Dick and Tim, noticed the funny dynamic between Jason and Tim, befriended Cass, and made fun of Damian together with Duke as he failed to build the tent up three times.
Now, that everyone has tents and sleeping bags, you can all take a rest for the day and sleep. If it weren‘t for the bugs trying to fly in and annoy you both. Damian didn‘t seem to mind much, just curling himself up in his sleeping bag so no one can disturb him. But this is enough.
»I swear to god, if these little shits won‘t stop coming in, I will pull my fucking hairspray and a lighter out and burn this whole fucking forest.«
You mutter under your breath, but Damian caught wind of it. Of course he did, he is laying right beside you. His head shoots out of the sleeping bag, looking at you in the dark.
»How about we don‘t?«
Damian suggest quietly, slightly puzzled on how annoyed you are over such a thing. It‘s just bugs.
»I‘m sure they will leave us alone sooner or later. Just put your sleeping bag over your head.«
he tells you, hoping to soothe you down and hope that you won‘t be disturbed for the night. It‘s just one night, after all.
You huff out and do as told, shifting to put your sleeping bag over your head, curled up like him in his own bag.
You want to punch that mosquito right then and there. Normally you would just brush it off and try to get it away, but this won‘t do anything since you are literally in a forest, camping. It only makes sense for bugs and insects to be there.
It‘s silent for a moment before the high-pitched buzzing starts again, already done with this.
»Look, I‘m gonna get this thing, track its whole family down and behead every single one-«
»Okay, how about we relax and open the tent for a moment so it can fly out, hm?«
He finally sits up and wraps his arm around your shoulder to keep you seated in your sleeping bag. No matter how many times you curse and say out-of-pockets things like that, it always surprises him when you do that. It usually happens whenever you are annoyed or upset, and right now he is pretty sure you are exasperated. Which doesn‘t make this any better.
Eventually, he managed to lay you back down to sleep after a few moments, having some annoying buzzing around, but it‘s nothing too bad. You both fell asleep after a while, getting woken up later in the morning by a scream. Damian immediately goes to check, peeking out of the tent and cursing himself for not bringing his katana to the trip.
Looking out, he sees Tim at the small camp fire, holding a stick out at a… racoon? What the hell is a racoon doing here? Don‘t they live somewhere else than.. oh, well.
Damian sighs out, getting out of the tent to help him out.
»Relax, Drake, they don‘t bite… usually.«
Tim looks to Damian briefly before staring back at the racoon wide-eyed, still pointing the stick at the innocent animal that was just curious on what these big people and tents are.
»What do you mean ‚usually‘?!«
Damian finally gets fully out of your tent, keeping his eyes on the racoon while approaching it slowly. He ignores the literal panic radiating off of Tim, gently shooing the animal away, but it just stays on its spot, not budging.
It‘s then, when you wake up, having caught some of the conversation between the brothers. You finally peek out of your tent as well, gasping as you see the racoon. The round, fluffy animal keeps its dark eyes on Damian, just sitting relaxed while your boyfriend is trying to shoo him away.
You didn‘t gaps out of disgust, but out of surprise and awe. There‘s not a lot of days you see a cute racoon, a stubborn at that as well. Sure, it‘s a wild animal, but why does it look so squishy then?
Coming out of the tent, you stand beside Damian, trying to get closer to the animal. Damian tries to get you behind him, but you have none of it.
»You need to step back, this is a wild animal— «
»No! Look how cute he is, I just want to pet him quickly!«
You protest, definitely blind by hthe cuteness of the racoon. Damian huffs out, turning to look at you.
»What are you? Snow white, or something? Just step back, let the poor thing run away.«
You whine in protest, really wanting to pet the racoon still. The small argument wakes the rest up as well, having thought it‘s nothing bad at first, but hearing that you both won‘t stop bickering, it made the others curious.
»What the hell is up with you guys?« Jason grumbles tiredly from his tent, still sitting in it but peeking out. Damian turns his attention to the voice, sighing out in defeat. Eventually, you take the opportunity to get closer to the racoon while Damian distracts himself with Jason, arguing with him now.
You get disappointed as the racoon runs away from you, not havnig been so brave after all. With a small huff, it all falls back to normal, the trip comes back to what they consider normal, eating some breakfast before playing frisbee all together. It turns into a competetive game, everyone including Bruce, trying to catch the frisbee and make the other drop or not even catch it in the first place. It‘s a bit chaotic, but it‘s never not chaotic with them. Not that you complain, you really like their dynamic overall and that they are all so sweet to you, although they do tease Damian a lot whenever he is affection with you.
A bright orange, plastic hits your side, yelping at the sudden collition. Of course someone had to accidently hit you with the frisbee. Duke gasps, immeditialy feeling guilty and really wants to sink into the ground at how embarrassing it is. Especially with how Damian glares at him, looking ready to kill.
»Damn, you trynna get me killed?!« You shout before this could escalate, throwing the frisbee back to him, landing at against his stomach with a grunt.
The tension melts away and you proceed to play the game until one finally wins, making the rest groan in defeat.
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a/n: how you enjoyed it!!
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Co-Stars pt.14
Callum Turner X Actress! Reader
Summary: Y/n and Callum broke the internet, again...
Warning: Swearing/ use of Y/n/ wedding?/
> Means Y/n's response
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@Official_Y/n: Beach day. By the way, got engaged! 💍
Like by 65 280 people
@User2739: Mother and father are getting married!!!!!
@Anthony_Boyle: Congratulations! Stream ManHunt on @.apple.tv! > Thanks 🤦‍♀️
@Sabrina.Carpenter: OH.MY.GOD! My friend is getting married!!!!!! ❤️
@Austin_Butler: Congratulations! You guys are so cute together! 🤍 > Thank you Elvis <3
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@Official_Y/n: Mr and Mrs Turner, reporting for duty.
Like by 75 279 people
Comments disabled
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@Official_Y/n: The honeymoon we tell our families about😉
Liked by 84 289
@Zendeya: Girl I NEED details! >When I get back xx
@user17831: STOP the lipstick is so cute!
@Anthony_ Boyle: Guys come back, the twins misses you🫠 > Not until a week Antho, thanks for babysitting.
@Austin_Butler: Anthony is asking me to babysit... >Tell him no!
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Official_Y/n: Think I've seen this film before, but I liked the ending. Baby Turner coming soon...
Liker by 89 839
@Dua/Lipa: OMFG!!!! Congrats! Dibs on God mother! >Noted ❤️
@Nate_Mann: Already? You guys are going to be outnumbered by kids!
@Apple/Tv: Congratulations guys!
@User27990: Again?! They multiple like bunnies! >🐰🐰🐰
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melancholyhigh · 1 year
Request (only if you want to ofc): Can you write Leon Kennedy pulling you over but like instead of fining you he's like "I have another way of solving this debt of yours" *wink* *wink*
i love this request sm
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ft. cop!leon x fem!reader
synopsis. officer kennedy is a very considerate man.
content. smut. 1.6k words. power imbalance, unprotected p in v, fingering, spanking, exhibitionism, use of the term 'sir'.
note. thank you for the request anon, i hope you enjoy! exams are almost over so i'll get to more of your requests soon <33
masterlist. inbox. comments & reblogs are highly appreciated !!
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You watch the blue and red flash of the cop car through the side mirror of your vehicle. The God-awful siren screeching is enough to sour your already shitty mood.
Pulling over to the side of the road, you contemplate how to get your ass out of this problem. You couldn’t afford a ticket right now. Your student debt is enough of a financial crisis.
There’s a knock on the glass, and you roll your window down. You hoped the officer would understand your situation and give you a break.
“Do you have any idea how fast you were going, ma’am?” A smooth yet authoritative voice questioned. 
You always hated that question. How were you even supposed to answer it? 
You finally glance up at the officer with an unamused look, noticing his pretty blue eyes trail along your body. He’s probably trying to figure out if you’re under the influence.
He notices your lack of response before continuing, “You were going a 100 in a 75. I’m going to have to–”
“C’mon, officer.” You cut off his statement with desperation, gripping the steering wheel in frustration. “There has to be another way. I- I can’t afford to pay off anything right now. I’ll do anything, I swear.”
It was your fault you got into this predicament, but you weren’t ready to accept that yet. 
He's observing you again, weighing his options. He clicks his tongue but agrees. 
“Anything? I think I have another way you can make up for it,” he says, a sly smirk on his lips.
“Really!? Thank you so much, sir!” You say excitedly, a smile blooming on your face. “What do you have in mind?”
“Would you mind exiting your car?”
You feel nervous but comply, stepping out of your car. 
You stand tall, straightening your back as you look at the brooding officer. His eyes are on you again, but there’s something else in his gaze while he watches you from top to bottom. He takes in your outfit, the tight mini skirt and top that leaves little to the imagination. 
You’re staring right back at him. You couldn’t deny that he looks attractive. The blue cotton shirt hugs his fit figure, and the blonde wisps of hair frame his gorgeous face. You always did like a man in uniform. 
“So how will I avoid the dent in my bank account? Officer…” You trail on. 
“Officer Leon Kennedy.” He says, stepping closer to you. “I’m gonna make sure you won’t be reckless on the road again.”
Your eyes widen slightly at the sudden proximity, but you don’t mind. You also don’t miss the look the officer gives you like you’re his favourite meal, ready to be ravaged. 
“How are you gonna do that, Officer Kennedy?” You ask, looking up at him innocently, playing into it.
“I’m going to punish you. Is that okay with you, ma’am?”
Your face feels warm at his words, but you nod. The warmth moves through your body and to your core.
“You have to tell me, miss.” He softly grips your jaw, making you look up at him. His thumb pulls at your bottom lip. You can’t believe you’re about to fuck a police officer in public to avoid being fined.
“It's okay.” You manage to get out. He squeezes your cheeks, your lips jutting out. 
“Sir or Officer Kennedy. You get that baby?” He states, letting go of your face when you mumbled a quiet yes, sir. You’re looking up at him again, awaiting what he will do next. 
“Bend over, ma’am. Over the hood of your car.” He instructs you, his voice laced with authority, and your pussy pulses with need. 
You’re quick to listen to his every word. On your elbows and palms, flat against the hood of your car, supporting your body weight. One of his hands rests on your hips while the other is trailing down to the hem of your skirt. He bunches the fabric up, and you gasp softly at the cold air nipping at your skin. 
You hear a faint fuck not before both of his are on your ass, squeezing the soft flesh. His hand moves to your panties, and you’ve probably soaked through them. He presses his thick fingers on the dampened spot.
“I think you’re enjoying this punishment too much, baby.” He mutters, gliding his fingers along your panties, barely enough stimulation on your clit.
“Fuck, please,” you whine softly. Hands come into contact with the flesh of your ass with a loud sound, and a whimper softly escapes the back of your throat. The pain which resonates with the slap turns into pleasure, and you involuntarily squeeze your thighs together. 
“Please, sir.” He mocks you as he soothes the tender area. You want to roll your eyes, but instead, you relent, repeating his words with need. 
“I don’t know. Will you behave for me, miss?”
“Yes, sir.” You whine. “I– I’ll be good for you.”
You hear him chuckle behind you, but he pulls your panties to the side, marvelling at your dripping cunt. His digits glide along your drooling pussy, coating it in your slick. He pulls his fingers back, and you hear him sucking on them with a loud groan.
“You taste so good, ma’am.”
You don’t have time to appreciate his kind words before his fingers work on your throbbing clit. You gasp at the sudden attention, and Officer Kennedy takes an opportunity to push his finger inside you. 
Loud whines leave you as you fall apart on the Officer’s finger. He adds another digit, pumping them into your pussy. His movements are deliberate, curling into your cunt as he tries to edge you, keeping you from coming.
“Good girls get to come,” he had said.
You’re so close to coming for what feel’s like the 10th time — he pulls away from you. You huff in annoyance. 
There’s another slap on your raw ass, and you can’t help but moan. Each noise you make goes straight to Leon’s cock. 
“Please, sir, fuck me.” You’re almost sobbing from being robbed of another orgasm. Your thigh’s trembling, and your lips quiver as you plead to the Officer. 
“Only because you’ve been so good for me, baby.” 
You hear the soft clicking of his belt as he unbuckles it and pushes his boxer down to expose his aching cock. You so badly want to turn your head back to look at it.
One of his hands is on the curve of your back, pushing you forward on the hood of your car as the other guides his dick along your slit, bumping your clit. The tip of his cock enters your cunt, and you whine aloud. 
He’s slowly moving into your tight, huffing as he does so. He isn’t even entirely in, but he’s already stretching you wide. 
He’s wholly inside of you, your ass flushed to his pelvis. His cock is so fat you wish you could’ve seen it before it's inside of you. You’re grateful he’s prepped you with his fingers despite the teasing. 
He leans forward, your back pressed against his chest, and his breath fans your ear. You clench around him, and he groans. 
He starts moving in and out of your sloppy pussy, and your arousal coats his cock with each movement. You push for hips back, eager to finally come.
Your eyes roll to the back of your head when the tip of his cock kisses the spot that makes you see stars. Your moans grow in volume and amount.
“Sh– Shit. You want everyone to know how much of a slut you are, huh? How much you love to be fucked dumb by an officer?” He huffs into your ear, punctuating each word with the thrust of his hips. 
You’re full-on sobbing due to the assaulting pace of his cock on your g-spot. He squeezes your hips roughly, letting out soft moans into your ear as the velvety walls of your cunt squeeze him tight. 
You’re so close. The knot formed in your tummy is so tight, ready to snap.
“Can I come, sir?” You plead, teary-eyed. Your nails attempting to dig into the hood of your car. You hope it doesn't dent as he fucks you.
“Come, baby. Let everyone know who’s fucking you so good.” He groans. You know there isn’t anyone here for miles, but the thought still has you clenching around his cock.
Leon moves one of his hands to your clit, rubbing circles on the sensitive bud. Your cunt gushes as you come undone, pulsing around his fat cock, which still persistently ruts into you.
“Where d’you want my cum, ma’am?” He pants. It now hits that he still doesn’t know your name. That doesn’t change the fact you want him to come in you. 
“Come inside me, sir.”
You hear him gasp before he comes, spilling his hot seeds inside your tight cunt. 
He pulls out of you, placing back your panties on and pulling your skirt down before fixing himself back into his pants. 
With shaking legs, you turn around to face Officer Kennedy, his cum spilling from your panties and down your thighs. You look up at him through eyelashes, clumped together from tears. He holds you by your waist as you try to balance yourself. 
His face is flushed pink, and the blonde wisps of hair stick to his sweat-slicked forehead. He clears his throat, continuing,
“I think you might have to pay an extra fine.”
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andyoullhearitagain · 2 months
Every Odo Costume Ranked From Worst To Best Part 1
Odo looks terrible 75% of the time and it's not bad costume design, it's true to the character! But it does test me.  Here's everything he wears definitely ranked.
19. Cardassian Uniform:
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It is NOT a good look for him.
18. Seasons 1 and 2 Bajoran Security Uniform:
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The original Bajorn uniform is SO UGLY you guys. I understand that it's meant to be beige and unattractive to reflect Odo's discomfort with his appearance and his general state as an awkward stiff guy but, oh man. Boy does it achieve that. It's just so unflattering and it makes him look so old and I hate it.
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It has so many fit and construction problems, you guys.
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17. Makeshift Blanket Poncho:
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I literally think he looks better here than in season 1. Also his hair looks better!
16. Klingon Odo:
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I almost forgot about Klingon Odo because while I like Klingons in episodes, I don't like Klingon Episodes, you know what I mean? And Odo would be the very bottom of my list of people to go undercover as a Klingon, I don't care if he IS the chief of security. But he does have the face for it, I have to say.
15. 200 Years in the Future Odo:
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Ok it's not thaaaaaat bad an outfit but I really cannot with Casual Summer Farmer Odo. It's just not right. It's not what a want for Odo, fashion-wise. Texture of the tunic is pretty.
14. Federation Infirmary Scrubs:
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Oh if you get hurt on a FEDERATION ship they give you a non-stupid outfit, huh? It's cute, I'd lounge around the house in it. Is it insane to rank this above Future Odo? Maybe, but I just think it suits him better.
13. Season 3+ Bajoran Security Uniform:
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Oh thank god. They fixed most of the fit problems, mainly by adding padding in the chest and shoulder and eliminating some of the shaping in the side front.
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And I don't mean padding like they're trying to change his shape, I mean padding as in they've made a suit coat correctly. They also added a high collar. I don't know WHY they repeated the mistake they made in TNG where they started with crew necks (near universally unflattering) but at least they fixed it. It's still a frumpy, insecure look but it feels much more appropriate. Love that Odo always makes his sleeves too long. 
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12. Umpire Odo:
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This look absolutely gains points because of how much Odo's enjoying it. And that's the most important part of an outfit! He's serving Dadcore.
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Do you think the mask is part of him or do you think he wore a real one because It's The Rules? If he got hit in the face with a baseball would it hurt? Important questions.
11. Season 3 Bajoran Security Uniform But With A Belt:
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Odo wore this belt for like six episodes and then Kira said she liked it right before she started dating Shakkar, ruining it for Odo forever. May it rest in peace.
10. Mirror Universe Odo:
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I really think they could and should have gone harder on Evil Sexy Odo, but unforch he's just wearing the season 3 uniform in black. It is nicer than the brown though so it ranks higher! When you see the costume in full light it's actually got some nice texture.
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But Terok Nor is the darkest place in the galaxy, so for most of the episode it looks like this.
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Part 2
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trevuorzegras · 7 months
⏜ˑ 🐇 actress au part four 𓋜 ⋆ ࣪
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౨ৎ . . all works for this series will be under the #his greatest mistake au tag. for any random thoughts, or asks it will be under the #cassidy morgan au tag!
fem actress!reader x quinn hughes.
mentions of fem actress!reader x jacob elordi
faceclaim: beabadoobee
find the series masterlist, here!
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cas_morgan: so so so excited to finally let you guys in on what i’ve been working on! ‘spinning out’ is now streaming on netflix! everyone go show your support, and love please 🫶🏼.
words cannot describe how incredibly honored, and grateful i am to have had this opportunity. i loved being able to bring this character to life. this experience is something i’ll forever cherish, thank you everyone!
tagged: netflix, spinningoutnetflix, evanroderick
liked by trevorzegras, jackhughes, and other
user1: OH MY GOD
user2: on my way to watch it right now
trevorzegras: superstar at it AGAIN
↳ cas_morgan: my #1 supporter 🩷
user3: since when do you know how to skate?
↳ user4: she’s been skating since she was a kid
↳ user3: really? user4
↳ user5: yes! she has a video all about it on her youtube channel (: user3
user6: i need a season two asap
user7: who got you those roses?? 🤔🤔
↳ cas_morgan: 🤫
↳ markestapa: it was me don’t let her fool you
↳ cas_morgan: you are DISGUSTING markestapa
user8: whyd evan and cas be cute irl tho…
↳ cas_morgan: guys this man is 28 PLEASE
↳ user9: age ain’t nothin but a numba… cas_morgan
↳ evanroderick: Absolutely not! user9
evanroderick: Been such a wonderful experience working with you, Cassidy! Thank you for teaching me the ways of skating even if i fell on my ass most of the time. I’ll forever cherish the memories that were made, and i hope to keep a close friendship!
↳ cas_morgan: very like wise! i love working with you, ev! you did a great job, regardless of how many times you busted your ass. i hope to stay close as well, keep in touch, don’t be a stranger! 🫶🏼
user10: i felt so bad for kat throughout the series ):
↳ user11: no literally, my baby deserved better 😭
spinningoutnetflix: our very own kat baker and justin davis! we loved having you bring our kat to life!
jackhughes: the amount of SEXY SCENES I NEED BLEACH 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
↳ cas_morgan: there’s like one get a GRIP ROWDY
lhughes_06: watched it like 82672 times
↳ cas_morgan: it came out two days ago, luke.
↳ lhughes_06: don’t underestimate me cas_morgan
user12: i love cassidy’s friendship w jack and luke so much omg ☹️
↳ user13: it’s so cute, they’re like her annoying brothers 😭
user14: anastasia allen core
↳ user15: now she just needs her hockey bf
rutgermcgroarty: would’ve been better with a hockey boy as the love interest 🤷
↳ cas_morgan: not everything is about hockey rut
↳ rutgermcgroarty: could be! cas_morgan
user17: okay but rut’s onto something, would’ve been cute with a hockey player
↳ user18: it’s a basic trope. hockey player x figure skater is BASIC say!! it!! with!! me!!
liked by cas_morgan
user19: oh no she liked the comment about figure skater and hockey trope being basic there goes our chance of getting her with a hockey player
↳ user20: she’s an actress not a figure skater, there’s still a chance trust
liked by cas_morgan
user21: she is NOT slick
↳ user22: she’s so real 😭😭
_quinnhughes: congratulations, cassidy!
↳ cas_morgan: thank you quinn!
edwards.75: you did good 🗣️🗣️
↳ cas_morgan: thanks eth 🔥
user23: she’s so pretty fuck
user24: can’t wait to see more future projects!
user25: you are so talented cassidy
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trevorzegras: don’t let cas fool you, she’s having an absolute blast w the hockey boys 🗣️💯🔥
tagged: cas_morgan, lhughes_06, jackhughes, jamie.drysdale, _alexturcotte, edwards.75, markestapa, rutgermcgroarty, luca.fantilli
liked by _quinnhughes, nhl, and others
cas_morgan: don’t lie to them, i hate you, and everyone here (besides luke, jamie, and mark)
↳ trevorzegras: what the hell Cassidy.
↳ lhughes_06: YUP 🗣️
↳ markestapa: it’s an honor 😭😭😭😭😭
↳ edwards.75: ??
↳ jackhughes: do i just not exist?..
↳ cas_morgan: no you do and that’s the problem rowdy jackhughes
↳ jamie.drysdale: awe cas loves me
↳ cas_morgan: always 🫶🏼 jamie.drysdale
user27: are you guys excited for hockey season again
↳ trevorzegras: yes i get to drag cas to more games!
↳ cas_morgan: yeah that’s absolutely not fucking happening, good try tho! trevorzegras
user28: so glad cas has people who care about her surrounding her 🫶🏼
↳ user29: real, im glad she’s happier!
user30: Cassidy only has followers cause of the hockey players she sleeps around with
↳ markestapa: cassidy has more followers than all of us 😭 she acts, and we play hockey, let’s not.
user31: mark #1 cassidy defender
↳ user32: that’s dom’s roll, mark can get #2
↳ user33: who’s dom? user32
↳ user32: dominic fike! user33
rutgermcgroarty: don’t let cas fool you, she reads most of the time, and barely talks to us
↳ cas_morgan: don’t be a hater rut
jamie.drysdale: im cassidy’s favorite by the way
↳ markestapa: no its definitely me but okay
↳ trevorzegras: ACTUALLY 🤓 markestapa
lhughes_06: funny you guys are fighting over favorite when it’s literally me 🤣🤣🤣
↳ jackhughes: you’re real funny luke. ever tried being a comedian i’m laughing so hard 😐
user34: none of y’all are the favorite btw
liked by cas_morgan
sorry about slow updates, trying my best! just please be patient, and i promise to try and upload as much as i possibly can! 🫶🏼
taglist | @wnderify @bunbunbl0gs @alwaysclassyeagle @bunting58 @callsignwidow @crazycat-ladys-blog
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teacasket · 3 months
genre: fluff au: non idol au warnings: none word count: 0.6k   pairing: gn!reader x bang chan
Even with your thumb sealing the top, your straw still won’t go through the thick lid. You raise your arm higher, aim, and stab at your drink again, but that only results in a bent straw. Someone behind you murmurs something inaudible over the crowd of customers, and your ears burn. You’ve been standing at the pick-up counter for at least a minute, fighting with plastic.
You step farther to the side to let the person grab their order. They take a straw from the holder, and you do the same.
“46 and 47!”
Another small step to the side. With envy, you watch from your periphery as they easily punch their straw through the covered hole on the lid. Why new tea houses won’t stick with the traditional cheap plastic sealing is beyond you, but you suppose it’s a reason why they charge more.
“48! Hey, do you need help?”
You startle at the voice. The barista, the cute one who didn’t take your order today but did last time, gestures at your cup. You feel your blush traveling down to your neck.
“You’ve been here for a while. I can give you a hand, if you want.”
You shake your head and peel back the paper holder of your fresh straw. “I’ve got it, thanks.”
“Okay. Let me know if you need anything.”
You smile gratefully and turn your attention back to your drink. Help—you don’t need help. All you need is a good, forceful hit.
One, two, three!
Something pops, and a flood of green rushes down the counter. You instinctively step back to protect your white shoes and finally realize that you’re holding the source of the mess. A black straw pokes out through both ends of your cup.
A good, forceful hit was what you asked for.
“Sorry,” you say, repeating it every single person standing behind you. Miraculously, no one got hurt or stained.
You grab a wad of napkins and try to start cleaning up. Ordering something with matcha was a mistake; it all looks like milky slime or snot. No one tries to help. They couldn’t anyway since there’s barely any room for them to do so. The air conditioning in the shop isn’t enough to cool down your embarrassment.
When you reach to get another stack of napkins, the same barista comes to the counter to ask, “Everything okay?”
You hold up your mangled cup as an explanation. “Sorry.”
“No, don’t worry. I can remake your order,” he says. “What was it?”
“Uh, thanks, but everything spilled. The counter and the floor—it’s all over. I’m really sorry about that. I probably should’ve let you help me.”
He cracks a smile. “I’ll get someone on it. What was your order?”
You tell him and wedge yourself into the nearest corner as another employee comes out the back with a mop and a bright yellow sign. You scroll on your phone, trying to appear invisible. Everyone knows it was your fault. Hell, you even saw someone point in your direction. You keep your head buried as you wait.
“Matcha green tea latte, no ice and 75% sweetness.”
You walk to the second register which has been repurposed as the pick-up counter.
“I already put your straw in for you,” the barista says. “A lot of people struggle with it, too.”
You doubt they do, but it’s sweet that he’s trying to console you. “Thanks. Sorry again about the mess. Do you guys have a tip jar or something? I didn’t see one around.”
“It’s built into the payment system. You can leave us a review and mention me and Jisung, though. Say we did a good job or something. You can keep it vague.”
“Sure. What’s your name?”
“Chan. I’ll see you around.”
You smile and say goodbye. Cute as he is, you can never come back here. You’ll leave a nice review, but dear God, you are never coming back.
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jo-harrington · 1 year
Interview Prep (Eddie Munson x Store Manager!Reader)
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Pairing: Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader
Summary: Reader is worried about making a change to some routines.
Previous Part: Standard Operating Procedures 1.03
Warnings/Themes: AU where the Upside Down doesn't terrorize Hawkins. Reader works at the Claire's at StarCourt. Eddie works at TapeWorld. Mutual Pining and Slow Burn, Meeting the Family, Anxiety, Fluff
Note: Special thanks to @chestylarouxx @fracturedarkness and @courtingchaos for reading my snippets, listening to my rambling, and easing my nerves with this one. It's been in my drafts since February! And it's always kind of eluded me, but it's very special so I appreciate the time you took to help me out. So so much.
You can find my masterlist here for more featuring our resident Store Manager and all of my other writing.
Please do not interact if you are not 18+.
“…and I swear the sound is so much better than my Fender. Like a thousand times better. I’m gonna need a new amp, I think. She is way too good for that hunk of junk that Rick got from his buddy way back when.”
“Uh huh.”
“God, I wish you could come to a show to hear it. Maybe...maybe I can ask Tom at the Hideout if our set could be a little later one night so you could come out after the store closed?"
“And then we could get pickle and bologna milkshakes at Benny's afterwards."
"Sounds great."
"Am I boring you?” Eddie finally stopped as he hit the button on the bailer and put his hands on his hips. "You're not even listening."
“What?” You freed yourself from your thoughts and got a good look at him. "I...what? No."
It was break time, which meant cardboard got crushed and garbage tossed before you ventured into the food court for something to eat. And on a day like today when your schedules aligned, that also meant your break was spent with your closest friend--only friend--in Hawkins.
And on any other day, you would have happily listened to his story.
Hell, you actually had listened to him...for most of it at least--he boasted about his new guitar, how he named her Sweetheart, and her first actual performance outside of Gareth's garage that had occurred the night prior--before you got too caught up in your own head.
It had been a normal Wednesday when you got to the store for your opening shift. The registers were counted, gate pushed up, and you were about to confidently post the new schedule.
Then the mail was delivered.
And with it, a larger envelope from home office that contained a very hefty packet inside.
Normally a package like that would make you happy; it was a sign that one of your favorite weeks of the year was approaching: planogram week. It was, quite honestly, not only your favorite week but your favorite part of the job altogether. More than your team, more than your discount...certainly more than helping customers.
Summer was coming to an end, which meant all of the trendy accessories would make way for backpacks, water bottles, notebooks, and lunch boxes. Things that stayed hidden away for 75% of the year, but were suddenly at the forefront of every parent and pre-teen's mind as they got ready to look their best on the first day of school.
Today, however, you suddenly felt a sense of dread as you opened the package because a planogram meant that you would have to schedule an overnight shift on the one night of the week that the mall closed early.
Sunday Night.
Date Night with Eddie.
Eddie's favorite night. And yours.
Your favorite part of your job encroached on what was becoming an essential part of your life.
So you spiraled until your break because it was easier to worry and overthink than it was to just...communicate the fact that you might have to miss a Sunday and face the possibility that Eddie could be mad at you.
Unfortunately he seemed a little steamed right now because he thought you hadn't been listening to him.
His little grumpy face was cute though.
Why was this harder than having to call your team to ask if they were ok with an unexpected overnight shift? God damn it, you needed to get a grip.
“You weren’t listening to anything I said,” he repeated.
“Yes I was,” you insisted.
“What did I say then?”
“You nailed the solo.”
“And you actually got a round of applause.”
“And you need a new amp.”
“Uhm… a-and…”
Shit…maybe you had delved a little bit too far.
Growing up with a big, loud family--including an overbearing mother and two annoying brothers--meant you had the innate ability to split your brain in half and listen to them while also worrying about your own shit.
However, thanks to the intensity of your worrying, that ability failed you.
You wracked your brain for a good 30 seconds until Eddie’s scowl turned into a wicked smile, and then you knew he was just being a jerk.
“You’re the worst,” you grumbled at him.
“Excuse me,” he placed a hand on his chest in fake affront and stumbled back a few steps to collapse against the side of the trash compactor. “I'm the worst? You agreed to Pickle and Bologna milkshakes and ignored your best friend. Not very metal, sweetheart."
"I just have a lot on my mind." You shook your head and sighed. "Sorry."
"Well it's a good thing that I am a great listener. Unlike someone."
Eddie pushed himself off the compactor, put his hand on your shoulder, and guided you back inside to the food court. You got your meals of choice and tucked yourselves into a table in the corner by the JCPenney entrance.
"Alright," he started with his mouth full of fries. "Tell dear old Eddie what's bothering you."
You swallowed a mouthful of food and took a deep breath.
It was now or never.
"Well...there's this big thing coming up at work...planogram...uh...floor set," you began. "And it's really important and after it's done...we'll get visitors from corporate and my boss will probably make a few visits to see how it's going. I just want to do really well."
"Well, you've been doing a good job so far right?" Eddie shrugged. "Why wouldn't they think so now?"
"I don't know, I don't wanna mess it up," you admitted. "I'm a new store manager. And a lot of the team never worked retail before. I literally cried my first floor set as a sales associate. It's tough."
"You're just giving yourself the yips. I do it all the time when we add a new song to the set list."
"Don't just say that to make me feel better."
"Last week I forgot how to do a G-chord," he crossed his heart. "Scouts honor."
"You were a Boy Scout?" you asked skeptically.
"Stop distracting me." He popped another French fry in his mouth in an exaggerated fashion. "What else?"
"Well...we have to schedule floor sets on a Sunday."
"After the store closes."
Eddie sipped his drink thoughtfully and stared at you with his abyss-like eyes; they didn't betray a single thought going through his head and it made you nervous.
And nervous meant that you didn't shut up.
"I mean I don't want to have to cancel our night out," you started with the word vomit. "It's just the way things are always done and you'll see one day if you still work at Tape World for long enough, that's one of those things that...I don't know, if you try to do things differently it always comes back to bite you in the ass.
"And I'm young and whenever we have a conference call to talk about sales...my DM doesn't let me forget that I'm a baby compared to everyone else and it's so frustrating because I feel like I can't even suggest anything new because it immediately is dismissed as naive. It's like they keep waiting for me to fail. So I wish...I wish I could make a change so we could keep our plans. Like if it was anything else I could make it work but I...this thing I just can't, you know?
"But...but...b-because I would have to work on Sunday overnight I would probably be off another day so if you're ok with it we can do something else? Maybe on...I don't think I could get Tuesday off because of everyone's availability...maybe Friday if your friends are cool with me crashing your club night. Or...you open on Saturdays. We could do Saturday night instead?"
The punctuation to the drawn out sentence was your labored breath and Eddie noisily sucking the dregs of his soda through the straw. Shithead that he was didn't even have the decency to do anything but continue watching you with his big dumb cute eyes.
"Weeellllll..." he started in a sing-song tone and then paused and sucked at the straw some more.
Could he just tell you to fuck off already so this wouldn't be as painful as it was?
"That really sucks you need to work overnight," he finished his thought with a grin and shoved his cup to the side. "Being in the mall after hours...sounds kinda creepy. Do you think there are ghosts?"
"Are you kidding me right now?" you deadpanned. "You let me go on and on like that for nothing?"
"It was funny."
"I hate you."
"You cherish me."
"It was painful." You groaned. "Like I think I'm sweating. My heart hurts Edward."
"Don't act like you've never let me do that before," he scoffed and rolled his eyes in an exaggerated fashion. You threw a fry at him. "Don't start what you can't finish sweetheart. One fry can turn into a food fight and I would hate to find out the hard way why I'm Hawkins High's food fighting champion."
"Ok so...Saturday night?" you asked. "This Saturday...are you doing anything?"
"Uh..." Eddie hesitated and sat up a little straighter. "I mean...no hot dates or anything. What did you have in mind?"
"Maybe just what we normally do?" you suggested. "Drive around, eat a bunch of junk food. Or if you want to come over to my place and I--"
"So, I have a confession to make," he interrupted you. "I actually do have plans on Saturday. More like...standing plans than anything. My uncle Wayne is off on Saturdays and we've always watched reruns on TV and ordered pizza. Family night or whatever. My mom used to do the same thing so...Wayne thought it would be...I dunno, good for stability or something.
"It's silly but I don't want to just ditch him without asking," Eddie explained and your heart melted.
Of course you didn't want to take time away from his family; you knew how important his uncle was to him.
"Oh...well that's ok...we can rain check for another day then or--"
"Why don't you just come over?" Eddie asked. "He won't mind. I am opening this Saturday so I'll be done by 5; you can get there in time for Wheel of Fortune. That way he can't yell at me when I try to solve the puzzles with lewd words." He mimics, what you assume is, Wayne's voice.
Eddie looked so eager that you immediately agreed.
Your heart stopped in your chest though.
Come over? And meet his uncle?
Sure...you'd already met Benny a few weeks ago...and yeah you'd thought of it like meeting someone from Eddie's family but...this was his actual family. What if you insulted his uncle or...or made yourself look stupid.
You needed to put your best foot forward. Make a good impression.
"How about..." your mouth started moving before your brain could catch up. "...instead of ordering pizza, I cook for you guys instead? I'll be off Saturday since I'm doing the overnight on Sunday. I can just bring everything over."
Eddie's eyes lit up and as he teased you about the impressive cooking skills that you had supposedly boasted about previously, all you could think was...
How did this situation get even more stressful?
The rest of the week leading up to Saturday had been overwhelming to say the least.
To you, food was life. Cooking for someone was everything that you could do to show them that you cared. How many hours had you spent with your grandma making cookies for neighbors at Christmas, or freezer meals when a distant relative had a baby, or a tray of something after a friend of the family had passed.
Food was love and friendship, and as much as what you had done for Eddie with the guitar had been a show of friendship...this meant so much more.
So you needed to hit a home run...or a bullseye...or whatever sports terminology signified that you won.
Which meant you'd spent some down time flipping through your grandma's old recipes that she had gifted you once upon a time--a thin, pocket-sized spiral notebook with a purple cover that was filled with her illegible handwriting and personal shorthand--and thinking of ideas that would be both impressive and hearty. You'd already changed your mind twice, and had made just as many trips to Bradleys for extra ingredients.
You'd also pestered Eddie several times through the course of the week to get his input without giving anything away.
"Does your uncle like cheese?"
"Of course he does."
"Some people don't."
"Would we get pizza every Saturday if we didn't like cheese?"
"There's some pizza that doesn't have cheese."
"Why the questions? Are you nervous sweetheart?"
And that was when he started to tease you. Every chance he got. Lunches, breaks, passing you on the way to the employee lot as you started a shift and he ended one.
He asked if you wanted their phone number so you could call Wayne and make kissy noises at each other for hours, if you wanted him to bring love letters home to save on stamps, and if you were planning to dress really nice for your date with his uncle.
"I'll be sure to grab extra chapstick for him so his lips are ready for you tomorrow," he laughed and leaned closer to make the biggest, noisiest smacking kiss noise in your ear as you waited for your break time cookies.
"You're an idiot," you rolled your eyes after he uttered the last one. "I don't want him to hate me because...what if he doesn't want me to hang around you anymore. I'd kind of lose my mind."
"Oh, uh," Eddie backed away a little bit and rubbed the back of his neck, then shoved his hands in his back pockets. "Wayne wouldn't do that. He's...a little bit of a grump, but he's harmless."
"Guess we know where you got it from," you muttered.
"I didn't know you were...actually worried," Eddie continued. "I'm sorry. But it'll be ok. Even if you...wore a potato sack and brought canned beans that we had to heat on the stove for dinner. He'll think you're great. Because you are."
You were both a little silent after that, Eddie staring at his feet bashfully as you felt your heart race and your head spin.
You finalized your plans that night when you got home and immediately started on your dessert, sure that it was all gonna be a hit with both Munsons.
It was gonna be great. Because Eddie thought you were great.
And Saturday, the doubt didn't creep on you at all. Not while you cooked, not as you packed your casserole dish and Tupperware into a large cooler bag, and not even as you drove across town, following Eddie's directions to Forest Hills without getting lost once.
It wasn't until you stepped out of your car and stared at the front door that you felt your stomach drop a little.
Those four cement steps might as well have been a thousand.
But...your sneakers only needed to crunch on the gravel before the door was thrown open and a slightly-breathless Eddie smiled at you...and then all the worry disappeared.
"Hey," he greeted. "D-did you need any help?"
"Yeah, if you don't mind," you shrugged.
He jogged down the steps in socked-feet and crossed to the passenger's side door of your car, talking a mile a minute as he reached in to grab your things.
"I, uh, got home an hour ago," he rambled. "The A/C at the store conked out...and then Paulie had me make a trash run before I left. Had a big shipment today. So if I'm still a little sweaty...that's why."
"You're fine," you laughed.
"Don't worry. I've been cooking so I'm probably a little sweaty too. Lasagna and July...sort of don't go together that well."
He raced up the steps and held the door open for you.
"Lasagna? Oh the old man is gonna love you," Eddie chuckled.
You entered the Munson abode and were immediately hit by the strongest sense of home that you'd felt since...well, since you'd still been at home. Not necessarily that it was a place where you belonged, but...it was a place of belonging.
Mugs and hats and other memorabilia lined the walls, reminiscent of the tchotchkes that your mother stacked to high heaven on every available surface. The couch was a little faded but looked comfortable and soft as though you could sink into the cushions and disappear into a soft nether-realm.
Your grandpa had a couch like that. His spot sunk to the shape of his body. It was still your favorite place to sit when he wasn't already there. It was like a hug.
That was when your eyes found the armchair, molded around the shape of the man seated in it. He was older, a little weathered and greying, hairline receding, and even though he isn't smiling right now, the lines around his mouth were indication enough that he smiled quite a bit.
Just like his nephew.
"Uh, Wayne this is my friend from the mall," Eddie introduced you as he juggled your cooler bag and your large Tupperware to the kitchen counter. "The one I told you about. Works at the jewelry store."
"Nice to meet you," you smiled and held a hand out to him to shake. He took your hand in a firm grasp and as you shook his the way your grandfather taught you--to command respect and trust--his eyes narrowed.
"I had to hear about you through Rick, who heard about you through Benny," Wayne started. "And I haven't the slightest idea why my nephew thought he needed to keep you a secret; not the first girlfriend he's brought around--"
Eddie groaned something unintelligible from the kitchen and you fought the urge to break eye contact with Wayne so you could look at him.
"--but I just watched him run around for the past hour tidying up. And he's never done that before. So if you can help him keep the habit, you're alright in my book." Wayne smiled widely and let your hand go.
"Thank you," you chuckled nervously, suddenly realizing how silly it had been that you were even worried in the first place.
Eddie had been right.
You could never admit that to him.
"Even did the dishes," Wayne looked past you at Eddie. "He never does the dishes."
"W-we're having dinner," Eddie whined. "Gotta have clean plates."
The two of them bantered back and forth comfortably and you joined Eddie in the kitchen to get everything plated. There was a salad, buttery mashed potatoes, and of course your still-warm and gooey lasagna.
Eddie explained that it was Wayne's favorite that he rarely got to have homemade--
"Stoffers will do in a pinch," Wayne explained.
--and that you were already more loved than he was simply for making it, to which Wayne agreed. And he even pointed out the well-loved Garfield mug that he had gotten Wayne for Father's Day one year for that fact alone.
Eddie tried to protest when you took the dessert bowl from him to stow it away in the fridge until it was the appropriate time.
"I didn't even get to have cookies with you today," he reasoned. "Or a soda. See? I suffer when you're not working. How am I--a growing boy--supposed to reach my fullest potential without proper sustenance?"
You snorted and brought the plates out to the living area while Eddie trailed behind you.
"He's just grumpy because you're making him eat vegetables," Wayne chuckled as he took his plate. "A feat I have yet to achieve in 8 years. So if you weren't already in my good books, you are now."
Dinner passed relatively uneventfully at first. You and Eddie sat on the couch--which was just as comfy as you thought it would be--as Wayne occupied the armchair. They inhaled their first helping and showered you with compliments. Eddie begrudgingly admitted that your cooking was as good as you had bragged, and even said the dressing on your salad "wasn't Ranch but was still pretty tasty."
As Eddie had told you days ago, Wheel of Fortune started promptly at 7:30 and he and Wayne tried to solve as many puzzles as possible around mouthfuls of food. They teased each other when their guesses were particularly ridiculous, and celebrated when they got one right.
You solved a long puzzle correctly--your only contribution to their little competition--before there were very many tiles revealed on the board and Eddie patted your thigh in praise when you got it right with a soft "that's my girl" that nearly had you drop your plate.
When Wheel ended, Wayne stood up to grab seconds for himself and Eddie and a couple of beers for you all. Before he sat back down he grabbed a tape from a basket beside the television and popped it into the VCR.
"I hope you don't mind," he said sheepishly. "I like the background noise and Love Boat doesn't start til 9."
As the static on the screen cleared, you were treated to a good look of a Map to Illustrate the Ponderosa in Nevada.
"Mind? I love Bonanza," you laughed, and Eddie groaned beside you.
"No I already have to endure Wayne and Rick and their western reruns, and now you too?"
Conversation then turned to you. Turned to the usual stuff that you talked about when you met someone new. And you really...didn't like talking about yourself. The middle child and the only girl with two strong-willed brothers and parents that liked to pick and pick and pick at every imperfection; it was ingrained in you.
Thankfully, Eddie seemed to really like to talk to you, at you, about you.
"I work at Claire's. We do like...ear piercing and cute accessories for kids."
"She works there? She's the store manager. And the youngest one in the company. Right? Is that...no...in the district. Anyway..."
And where you faltered, he picked up the reins.
"I mean it's just community college. Everyone graduates. I'm not smart or anything."
"Are you shitting me right now? Sweetheart I can't even graduate high school."
"And there was this one time, I shit you not Wayne," Eddie's hands mimed as he tried to tell his story. "She literally balanced on one foot on the top rung of a ladder. Had to have been...20 feet high...to get this kitten that was stuck on top of the bailer. How it got there? I couldn't tell you."
"It was not the top rung."
"It was."
"It wasn't 20 feet!"
"Let me tell the story."
"I'm supposed to be telling the story," you laughed at him.
"Ok, you're right, but you weren't telling it good enough," Eddie argued. "You have to emphasize."
"He means fib," Wayne clarified.
"I mean...bend the truth for entertainment purposes only," Eddie explained rapidly.
Eventually dinner was done and it was time for dessert, which Eddie eagerly followed you into the kitchen for.
"How am I doing?" you asked nervously as you rummaged in the fridge.
"You're doing great. How many times do I have to tell you he would like you?" he huffed good-naturedly.
"I don't know, I just needed reassurance."
"Are you kidding me?" he scoffed. "You're doing great. I'm sure he'll be asking me when the next time you'll be over is so he can maybe get some more lasagna. He doesn't just let anyone watch A Rose for Lotta with him. You're special."
"Am I?"
"You're special to me."
You looked up at Eddie a little shocked and he smiled sheepishly and shrugged.
You couldn't get your hopes up. You just...couldn't.
"What's taking so long in there?" Wayne asked as he ejected the tape from the VCR so he could flip to ABC. You both looked over and found him watching you with a smirk and a twinkle in his eye.
"I dunno," Eddie replied petulantly. "Someone's withholding my reward."
You rolled your eyes and grabbed another set of plates from the drying rack by the sink. You opened your container to reveal the fluffy green mounds of pudding and whipped cream and marshmallows studded with bright maraschino cherries.
"Sweetheart, you didn't," Eddie grabbed you by the shoulders and leaned over to look into the Tupperware.
"I did," you beamed.
The perfect end to a great night.
Because you might not have known that lasagna was Wayne's favorite.
But you knew that Watergate salad was Eddie's.
It was late by the time Eddie walked you out to your car, way past your usual bedtime, and later than you should have been up especially considering that you would be doing the overnight tomorrow.
The dessert had been consumed in its entirety; once you and Wayne had your fill, Eddie ate the remainder out of the bowl looking, quite literally, like a kid in a candy store. And as Captain Stubing and Doc Bricker bickered aboard the Pacific Princess, you began dozing on Eddie's shoulder.
He shook you awake and you said your goodbyes to Wayne.
"You're welcome anytime," he insisted as you headed to the door. "Lasagna or no. Don't let Ed trick you into spoiling us. He's still young but my waistband can't handle it."
And now you were standing with Eddie, the driver's side door between you as you sort of refused to get in and drive away. It was a real Midwest Goodbye.
"I'll see you at work..." you fumbled over your words as you tried to think of the next time you'd actually get to see him. You had the overnight tomorrow, and you'd be off Monday. Eddie would be off Tuesday which meant... "Oh god, well...Wednesday? That seems so far away."
"It doesn't have to be Wednesday," Eddie shrugged. "What if I brought you breakfast on Monday? After your floor set is over?"
"God that's gonna be so early for you," you dismissed his idea.
"So? You just made us the best dinner and there's leftovers for a few days, which you didn't want. Let me get you breakfast."
"I don't want to put you out."
The two of you bickered back and forth for a minute before you put your foot down and told him to sleep in because he had to close on Monday night.
"Thanks though," you said. "This was nice. Family dinner at home. It was really nice. Makes me a little homesick but...I guess Hawkins is my home for now."
"Hey, of course, any time," Eddie replied. He looked pensive for a second and then turned so he didn't have to look at you. Like he was hesitant about what you would say or think. "We don't...I mean I guess what I mean is...I really enjoy hanging out on Sundays and I know this is sort of a one-off thing. But...you know we don't only have to hang out on Sundays. We can do...I mean...have dinner again sometimes or meet you after work even if I'm off...or see a movie again...get something from Family Video or..."
"You wanna hang out with me more?" you cut into his rambling.
"Yeah, why not?"
"Friends hang out all the time but..." You shrugged. "Don't...skip out on...I mean I guess I don't know what it is you do with the guys outside of band practice and DnD. Don't skip out on them just for me."
"No, hey now, wait," Eddie held his hand out to stop you. "Those turds already see me all the time and are gonna see me more once school's back in session. And...I'll probably work less so...I'll take any time with you now that I can get."
"Alright." You beamed.
"Alright." He mirrored you. "More non-Sunday hangouts."
You agreed and he held out his pinky. You immediately hooked yours into it.
“See you Wednesday sweetheart,” Eddie said his farewell. “Don’t dream of me too much.”
"Alright guys, it's almost 7am, time to clean up," you announced to your overnight crew with a clap of your hands.
It had been a fun but trying night, but ultimately successful.
Saturday had been perfect but your whole Sunday routine had already been thrown off and you spent a majority of your day sleeping and cleaning and wondering what Eddie was getting up to at work.
As you predicted, everyone was more than a little confused by the planogram booklet but you were a patient teacher. Everyone thought they had an eye for store layout until they were faced with twenty shipment boxes of pencil cases and locker decor. You had to talk a few of them down from near-panics several times throughout the night.
Over the course of the floorset, side ponytails became even more askew than normal, a few pairs of shoes got kicked into a pile by the gate, and everyone turned into tired, sweaty messes.
To keep morale up, you had insisted on everyone bringing a favorite tape that alternated in the shop radio and you had stocked up at Bradley's with an assortment of sugary snacks and drinks for the break room. Thankfully, the treats had prevented anyone from bursting into tears or threatening to quit, as you had witnessed countless times during your time working in retail.
You really channeled Eddie's sweet tooth when making your choices and it had paid off.
But after 12 hours of unpacking, stacking, dusting, shifting, and sliding, you were all ready to go home.
You ushered everyone out of the store and locked the gate behind you, and as the group walked toward the employee exit, excitement had returned. Pride for a seemingly-impossible task completed.
"The store looks so good! Mindy is gonna shit herself when she comes in to open."
"Oh my god, do you think we're gonna have a store visit? Can you let me know what they think of the hair wall?"
"We're gonna make so many sales! Who can say no to that unicorn backpack?"
You entertained their conversation but when you set foot outside and saw a familiar van parked next to your car, you lost all ability to speak.
He had said he was gonna surprise you with breakfast...but you told him not to. Of course he didn't listen; it had you rolling your eyes in annoyed amusement.
God you knew everyone was a gossip, this was gonna get to Mindy and then she was gonna give you an earful. She already let you have it when she heard about your invitation to dinner.
You quickly thanked your team and ushered them to their cars before you meandered towards yours. You ignored the questioning looks that they shot you as you hesitated to get into your car but you waved goodbye as they drove away.
When the last car left the lot, you immediately stormed over to the passenger's side door of the van and threw it open to find a McDonald's bag on the seat, two coffees in the cupholders, and a tired-eyed Eddie in the driver's seat. His fingers tapped on the steering wheel in time with Kiss's Beth.
"I'm always somewhere else," he turned his upper body towards you dramatically and began serenading you. "And you're always there alone."
"Unbelievable," you scoffed at him.
"Just a few more hours and I'll be right home to you. I think I hear them calling. Oh Beth what can I do?" He slapped his hands against the steering wheel dramatically. "Beth what can I do?"
You climbed into the passengers seat, closed the door behind you, and opened the McDonalds bag to the delightful smell of hot, fresh, crispy hash browns and egg McMuffins.
"If it's not obvious," Eddie announced as he reached across the van to shove his hand into the bag for a hash brown of his own. "I'm Beth in this scenario because you left me alone for hours and hours and hours last night."
"Oh yeah?"
"Yeah I got into all sorts of trouble."
“I told you not to bring breakfast.”
“I wanted to surprise you.”
"You didn't need to come if you were tired."
"I wanted to and I pretty much do whatever I want anyways," he insisted, and then thankfully focused on his food as you felt your face heat up.
"Well, if you'd like to know, me and the boys were not actually playing all night," you remarked and dug the sandwiches out of the brown bag. You handed one to Eddie, whose mouth was already full of salty, potatoey goodness after he'd shoved the hash brown in one piece. His cheeks were all round and full like a chipmunks and you held back a giggle.
God he was too cute. And he brought you breakfast after a long overnight shift. And he had called you his girl and told you you were special. How were you supposed to stop yourself from having a crush on him if this was...just how he was?
The two of you got to talking about your night, about his Sunday shift, about what you did before work, about what he did after it. And it was nice.
And as you sat there watching him slurp the hot coffee and watch the sparse traffic around the mall dive, you finally found the right words and the strength not to make an absolute fool of yourself.
"This was really nice of you, Eddie. You're wonderful."
He put his hand on his chest and looked a little sheepish.
"I'm wonderful?"
"You're wonderful to me."
Next Part: Corrective Action
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psiroller · 2 months
gaymers preview
i blacked out and what is this
au where everyone is playing an mmo that simulates dungeon meshi world but theyre all regular dudes named like larry and charles and stuff. the worst thing they do in this excerpt is cuss. im going to go finish chapter 4 but a friend needed a juicy carrot dangled in their face to finish their job applications. i am the picture of benevolence
cw: excessive gamer references and lingo
“Sorry, guys,” Laios mumbled into his crisp, high-fidelity mic. “I drew aggro early again.”
Chilchuck’s sigh came out in a raspy crackle. “We’re four rooms behind you, moron, what am I supposed to do about that?”
“I’m kiting the dragon back to you,” said Laios, hammering at his mechanical keyboard to try to get his speed buff cast while navigating the winding dungeon instance.
“You’re what!?” Chilchuck’s busted old Logitech headset clipped due to the volume. Laios’ hand slipped and he parried needlessly, locking him in place for a fraction of a second, the overlapping footfalls of the red dragon growing louder behind him. His ears were sweating under the cuffs.
“Laios, take the path on your right and keep running,” Marcille instructed, exasperated. “This is why you stay with the party, okay?”
“But we were talking for so long, I got bored,” Laios whined.
“Then why are you on the RP server, dumbass!?” Chilchuck hissed. Laios misfired a spell, alerting the party to his presence. The spatial audio on his headphones alerted him to his party moving up the tunnel perpendicular to the path he’d been assigned, chasing after the dragon.
“Because this is the one Marcille is on, Falin,” Laios jeered. Falin sent a winking smiley in party chat.
“Don’t deflect, Laios. You’re in deep shit if you die,” Chilchuck growled. Laios’ brainwaves flatlined as the dragon caught up to him, dousing him in crustily-textured flames that obscured his character. He kept aimlessly running, finding himself sliding along a wall once the flames cleared. The dragon wound up for its deadly right-armed strike and chunked a hefty amount of his health bar. Just as he regained his bearings, the dragon galloped and slid into a tail swipe that he managed to parry—it bought him just enough time for Falin to heal him, a glittery golden glow enveloping the screen. Laios slumped into the headrest of his gaming chair and breathed.
“Oh my God, thank you thank you thank you thank you—”
Another smiley, this one without the teasing wink. One day they’d talk her into turning her mic on, but she always worried about breathing too loudly. The dragon spun in the opposite direction for its follow-up attack, staggering Laios despite another successful parry. Chilchuck’s scrawny rouge dashed in after everyone else, buffed to the nines and firing poison arrows from the mouth of the arena. Marcille hammered the dragon with a barrage of fireballs, so overleveled for this dungeon that the dragon’s fire resistance was negated by the sheer amount of damage. A bunch of pre-cooked meals appeared in his inventory, dropped onto him by Senshi. The dragon turned its ire upon the dwarf, being within melee range, and hit him with a jet of flame—his health dropped by fractions of fractions. He ate another tail swipe without moving, his stout character waving at Laios and dancing a delightful high-kicking jig. The dragon tried in vein to get him below 75% of his max health before it all healed back in a few seconds. He continued tanking all the attacks, ramming the dragon with his shield every time the cooldown reset, and Laios hopped back into the fray. They alternated taking heavy swings, keeping the dragon stunlocked and helpless as Marcille charged her nuke spell, the one that made Chilchuck’s shitty Gateway lag for minutes on end.
Ka-choom. The dragon had collapsed before the animation was completed, the particle effects whipping away to reveal the corpse, glittering to indicate there was loot to be claimed. Laios cheered along with the bombastic fanfare; he heard Falin whoop from her room next door.
“Well done, newbies,” Senshi laughed. His beard brushed against his microphone, a strangely comforting sound. “You had me worried for a second!”
“Why? It’s just a game,” Laios said, clueless. “I’d just respawn, wouldn’t I?”
“Well, for one thing, I don’t think our characters like dying very much,” Chilchuck said flatly. He’d dropped character, knowing that the night was drawing to a close.
“That, and it’s a huge hassle to run all the way from the start of the instance to come get your corpse,” Marcille huffed. “We’d have to wait for you to come back so you wouldn’t miss experience or loot… and Senshi has to log off in thirty minutes.”
“Gotta prep for the breakfast rush,” he said with grim resignation.
Laios briefly tabbed out to check his system clock. “At two in the morning?”
“Three here, son. I got to get the croissants rolled before five so they’re in the oven by five thirty, or the kids who come here to mooch off my wifi will buy something more than the cheapest coffee I have.”
“Oh.” Laios scratched his cheek. “Well, uh, have a good day at work?”
Senshi laughed, raspy and warm. “Someone’s never worked food service. Take care, everyone.” He accepted his share of the loot, giving away anything that couldn’t be crafted into a meal, and blinked out of the instance. When they emerged from the dungeon, he was long gone.
“I think I’m calling it here, too,” said Marcille. “Great work, you two. Until our next adventure!”
Her character bowed, and she too faded away.
I think this is a good stopping point, Falin typed. Laios smirked. “Oh yeah, I bet.”
>:( Don’t stay up too late, big brother! You have an exam in the morning.
Laios rolled his eyes, but he typed the emote shortcut to wave her off. Falin logged out. All that remained of his guild at this ungodly hour was Chilchuck, his character sat on the ground, likely checking the stats on the loot he’d acquired. He didn’t back out of the call; Laios could hear a long, whistling inhale, a holding of breath, and a satisfied exhale. He’d already lit up his post-raid cigarette.
“Well, uh, sorry for that,” Laios laughed. His chair squeaked as he shifted around in it. “I’m used to games where you can just run in and start pummeling the bad guys.”
Another long inhale. “What kind of games do you play? Call of Duty?”
“Ew, no,” Laios said, nose wrinkled. “I like Monster Hunter.”
Chilchuck snorted.
“What? Not good enough for you?”
“Can’t say it’s my kind of game, no,” Chilchuck said. There was a hint of a smile in his voice. “I know a girl that plays it. She loves it. But I guess I like more of a storyline in mine.”
“Ooh. Do you play JRPGs? Final Fantasy?”
Chilchuck barked out a laugh. “Final Fantasy was never my style either. I guess I prefer those old ones based on Dungeons and Dragons. That’s why I gravitated to this game.”
Laios sat his character down next to Chilchuck, loathe to log off but too tired to tackle his solo quests.
“Stuff like Divinity and Baldur’s Gate, then?”
“Yeah, Baldur’s Gate, that’s the one.” Chilchuck sounded a little brighter on the line. “So you’ve got some taste, eh?”
“Never played it.”
“Ah.” Chilchuck took another drag. “Elder Scrolls?”
“I played Skyrim,” Laios said. Chilchuck sniffed.
“Of course,” he grumbled. “Morrowind? Oblivion?”
“I always wanted Oblivion, but my mom wouldn’t let me buy it. Witchcraft.”
“That’s a shame,” Chilchuck hummed. “It’s good. A bitch to get running on modern machines, but I think it holds up.”
“How long have you been gaming?” Laios asked.
“Since the  late eighties, early nineties.” Laios gasped, and Chilchuck laughed it off. The sound made Laios buzz. “Yeah, yeah, I’m old, get it out of your system.”
“That’s so cool! You’re into retro stuff?”
“I guess that’s what the stuff I grew up with counts as now,” Chilchuck sighed. “I heard someone call Aerosmith an ‘oldie’ and almost had a cardiac event.”
“You are old, then.”
“Yep. But I also got to play Fallout when it first came out. That ending was nuts. I’m glad I didn’t get spoiled for it.”
“The old, isometric Fallout games? You like those? I like Fallout.”
“Yeah. I’m guessing you played Fallout 3?”
“Shooting people’s heads off in VATS is fun,” Laios said giddily.
“Sure it is,” Chilchuck drawled, and Laios had the sinking feeling he’d given the wrong answer. “New Vegas?”
“I was never into cowboys,” Laios admitted. “Never tried it.”
Chilchuck clicked his tongue. “God. I got some things to teach you.”
Laios sat ramrod straight in his chair.
“I’d—I’d like that,” he sputtered, before he could second-guess it. There was a long pause as Chilchuck polished off the last of his cigarette, a distorted shuffling sound as he moved to stamp out the butt.
“Yeah?” Chilchuck’s voice was low and warm, the hiss of his terrible mic like the soft noise of a record player. “I guess I could dig around in my boxes and rip a few CDs for you. For the sake of education.”
Laios was no stranger to wrestling with his rig to play older games. He had a PSX emulator for Monster Rancher that he’d managed to get to read discs properly, and some old PC simulator games that they just didn’t make anymore. Yet still:
“Could you—help me set them up? On call? Sometime?”
“I don’t see why not,” Chilchuck said. “I got nothing better to do.”
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youunravelme · 1 year
hi!! congrats on 1k! could i request prompt 75 from the 100 ways to say i love you list: “I was just thinking about you.” thank you!!!
hi friend! thank you so much! your wish is my command!
roadies are hard for both of you, that much is expected. every time he came back, mat didn't let you out of his grip for more than five minutes. he'd follow you to the bathroom, to the kitchen, and if he didn't get up to follow you, he was calling your name and whining until you were back in his arms.
he was used to being the one to leave. so when you went on a girl's trip to portland, mat was out of sorts.
the apartment was way too quite first of all. did you need a dog when he was gone? was this what it felt like all the time?
secondly, the bed was entirely too cold. it was easier to get up in the mornings, yes, but his morning was drastically worse because he was waking up to an empty spot where you should be.
he had to resist the urge to call you every time he had downtime, and he was positive his teammates were tired of him moping around the locker room when he remembered you wouldn't be waiting for him at home.
mat got home and threw his stuff down on the ground next to door and felt a wave of sadness cover him. you were only gone for three days, your flight got in tomorrow, but couldn't you come home now?
his phone started buzzing, and in an instant, his mood shifted when he saw your contact photo light up his screen.
"hey baby," he answered immediately.
"hey my love," you replied. god even the sound of your voice soothed the deprived part of himself. "how're you doing?"
he almost admitted he was missing you, but he didn't want to guilt you into rushing home. he was twenty-six years old for fuck's sake.
"i'm alright," he said instead. "how're you? how're the girls?"
"we're good, we've been having a ton of fun..." you trailed off.
so mat filled in the gaps. "but?"
"but i'm just--ugh," you groaned into the phone. "i called because i was just thinking about you, and i miss you."'
"i know that probably makes me clingy or something but i fucking love you and miss sleeping in the same bed and cooking dinner with you and hearing all your stories from practice. i miss the view from our apartment. i just--" you sighed. "i miss you."
"if you keep going, i'm going to book you a flight home for tonight."
"don't threaten me with a good time, barzal."
"don't make promises you don't intend on keeping."
you laughed into the phone. "i love you, maty. you can still pick me up tomorrow, right?"
"wouldn't miss it for the world," he said. "i love you too."
and when he picked you up in the afternoon, mat held you for at least three minutes, pressing kisses into any skin he could reach.
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