#'this is a terrible date we should do something different next week'
rulesforthedance · 8 months
We are picking up Henry's ashes from the pet crematorium on Friday and I was saying something to N about how we were going to get Henry but he wouldn't look like Henry, and then the dog came over and showed me his belly and I started thumping it while saying "they crisped my boy! They crisped him! A crispy boy" in a silly voice, and N burst into tears
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hey-august · 1 month
I’ve been wondering, we’ve talked about Buggy and his maybe sort of but maybe not lack of experience and it depends on what one likes I know…. But how good would Buggy be at cherry popping himself? How would that poor son of a bitch react when someone stammers and tells him they haven’t done this before?
I can imagine him being suave and cool when it’s a one night stand or in the heat of the moment, but being completely out of his element when someone he likes confesses this to him in a not yet sexual setting and saying they want HIM to be their first, just turning into a mixed of deeply touched, incredulous (“Wait. With no one? You?! But you’re *gestures with both his hands and then makes a noise that sounds like something blowing up, roughly translating into “A fucking hot smoke show.”*) and inadequate, because his brain already jumps to you recounting your first time with “A dirty, scummy clown.” To someone who could offer you waaaay better. The difference between “I am going to give you the best experience and blow your socks off.” One night stands and “Wait. You want… me? ME? That can’t be right.”
Oh, anon, I love this TOO MUCH. Confident and insecure Buggy in one? Yes please. I think these are scenarios we need to be visiting and revisiting often........
WC: ~550 Warnings: NSFW but not really smutty, Buggy x GN!reader, mentions of sex and alcohol
Oh this poor guy. His ego is inflating as quickly as the self-imposed pressure is crushing him.
That awkward red-faced confession - which had to be repeated because Buggy almost missed it the first time - was not one of the things Buggy expected to come out of your mouth. A mouth that he had already been imagining su-
No no no, he couldn’t think about that now. Not when you just admitted to being a virgin. Buggy was still coming to terms with the idea that you liked him. (In his mind, you barely tolerated him.) Now you’re saying you want him to be your first?
Fuuuuuuck. Fuck yes and fuck no.
Buggy was willing to let you live with the bad decision to “date” a clown (again, tolerate). But this was a way worse decision. One night stands and quick fucks went hand in hand with bad decisions. If anything, poor choices made those fleeting sessions better. That wouldn’t apply here.
Then again, he could do it. Buggy knew how to make someone see stars. How to make their legs shake and tremble worse than being at sea in a maelstrom. How to tease and taunt out tears of frustration and bliss. How to make people doubt their path in life - maybe they should run away and join the circus after all.
You deserved better. You deserved someone who meets your standards. Someone who isn’t wearing the same clothes from yesterday. Who didn’t drink flat beer for breakfast. Who washed their hands more than once a week.
Despite all that, you wanted him. You were insistent and, fuck, that determination in your eyes was sexy.
Okay. Buggy was going to make it happen. And it was going to be amazing. The best performance he ever put on.
His bed sheets were dirty though. Stained and crusty. Embarrassing. Your bed…was a hammock. It’d be possible, but not what Buggy wanted to give you. Maybe he could rent a room on the next island. Whenever that would be.
It took the guy a few days to figure it out. And to give himself a few extra pep talks. Eventually, everything was in place. An out of the way room on the ship was off-limits to everyone but you two. And it was perfect. For five minutes.
There was a mouse in the nest of blankets and pillows. He broke the cork in the wine bottle. Then spilled the wine. The string lights fell and some of the bulbs shattered.
It would have been awful, absolutely terrible, and proof of his failure, if it wasn’t for your laughter. If it wasn’t for how you were so careful catching the scared critter. How you cheered when Buggy finally pushed the cork far enough into the bottle to actually pour a drink. How you told him to just pour the wine in your mouth if he was going to spill it everywhere anyways. How you tried to return the favor, but you were too cautious and the wine dribbled along the bottle and none of it made into Buggy’s mouth.
When Buggy scooped you in his arms and carried you over the glass shards and back to his room (which did have clean sheets, just in case) he knew that tonight would be special, no matter when or how it happened.
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somedaylazysomeday · 3 months
Good Intentions Part Twenty-Two
You cross the one line Silco warned you never to cross.
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 4,000
Warnings: (Attempted) realistic portrayal of a schizophrenic episode, implied threats, unprotected piv sex, creampie, intimacy
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You should have been meeting with Silco that afternoon. It was the date of your intended appointment, but you were out walking around the marketplaces of the Lanes with a few of the Haven’s personnel. The knowledge that you had originally meant to be somewhere else only made your free day sweeter. 
You didn’t know why Silco had postponed your meeting, but he had. The note he sent hadn’t required an answer, so you hadn’t had the chance to ask whether he had a reason at all. 
Perhaps you would ask when you met up later in the week. Or perhaps you wouldn’t. Silco’s business was his own. 
You were laughing at a terrible joke Rowan had cracked when you heard something strange. When you paused in place, the others came to a stop as well. You could tell from their expressions that they heard it, too - crying wasn’t an uncommon sound in the Undercity, but screaming hysterics were a different story. 
The sound echoed off the stone walls of the surrounding area, making it difficult to track, but you managed to find the source at last: a small figure in a narrow alleyway between two buildings. You were already moving toward the figure when you came to a stop, dread curling in the pit of your belly. 
It was Jinx.
“Jinx?” you called, cursing yourself when she jumped violently. It looked like the name physically hit her, and her eyes were wide and betrayed when she glanced over at you. 
The look in her eyes was one you knew all too well: she was having an episode. 
“Who is that?” Steel asked, trying to peer around you. 
“She called her Jinx,” Arunn said, sounding confused. “Who is Jinx?” 
You turned back toward them, trying to stay at an angle that would let you see them while still keeping an eye on Silco’s daughter. “I know her. She’s one of Silco’s people. She needs some time to calm down, then I need to get her back to the Last Drop.” 
Rowan stiffened. “One of Silco’s people is a kid?” 
“Who cares?” Duran asked. “Why are we helping Silco?” 
You frowned at him. Duran was new, an ex-addict who had just made his way through the Haven’s program and wanted to stay. You weren’t sure why - he wasn’t exactly focused on helping other people. 
“If we choose to ignore someone who needs help,” you asked, trying to keep from getting harsh with him, “what makes us different from Silco?” 
Duran looked away, abashed. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean it that way.” 
“It sounded like it came from a place of hurt, not hatred,” you agreed. “But I think it would be best if you all went back to the Haven. Not because I think you can’t handle it, but because having fewer people here will be less overwhelming for her. Besides, someone should tell the guards why I’m not coming back on time. This could take a while.” 
“We’ll let them know,” Steel agreed, elbowing Rowan and Duran until they followed her. Arunn stayed where he was, eyes shifting from you to Jinx and back. 
“You can head back to the Haven, too,” you told him. “I’ll be fine.” 
Arunn still didn’t move. “I’ll stay with you. This could be some kind of Silco trap or something. And you might need help getting her back to the Last Drop later.” 
You wanted to argue that, but it was a fair point. Jinx was an energetic girl, but episodes like this one could take a lot out of a person. “You’ll have to stay out of sight around the corner, and try not to make any noise.” 
“I can do that,” Arunn agreed, stepping back around the corner in question. Before you went down the alley, he stopped you. “Be careful.” 
“I will be,” you promised.
As you walked down the alleyway, you watched Jinx’s motions with a practiced eye. She seemed to be worse than she had been before you spoke with the Haven employees. Then, she had been loudly sobbing. But now, she was quiet - muttering to herself as she paced around the narrow space between the buildings, grimacing and occasionally hitting herself on the side of the head.
“Hey, it’s just me,” you said vaguely, trusting that she would recognize your voice. “I’m going to sit here for a little while, if that’s all right with you. ” 
Jinx didn’t seem to hear you. She was still talking to herself, a series of disjointed questions and half-statements aimed at no one or someone only she could see. Her eyes tracked back and forth like she was watching someone, though you carefully looked away when she turned in your direction. 
She gave a startling, barking laugh that made you jump. It didn’t sound pleasant in the slightest. Her taps to her head went from light thumps with the heel of her palm to fist-like strikes and you tensed.
By the time she had braced herself against a wall and whacked her forehead on the bricks, you were on your feet. By the second hit, you had placed your hand firmly against the wall. The force of her forehead against your palm made your hand sting. 
Jinx glared at you, but you kept your expression impassive. “I don’t want to interfere, but I can’t let you hurt yourself. Okay? I’ll be sitting down over there. Join me when you can.” 
As you settled back into your previous seat, Jinx scowled. Fortunately, she didn’t move to headbutt the wall again. Instead, she went back to pacing. 
“Have you ever noticed that some of the old scrap pieces around the Lanes look like faces?” you asked, keeping your voice casual and conversational. Jinx didn’t react. “I think it could be creepy in the right light, but there’s something kind of cute about them. Like the lights side-by-side above Rusty’s Needles. The tattoo gun on the sign makes it look like they’re two eyes and the gun is the mouth. It makes me happy when I see it.” 
Jinx still didn’t react to you, but the muttering had gone from an uninterrupted stream to occasional bursts. The quiet stretched longer between them as her pacing slowed. You kept rambling about faces and other optical illusions around the Undercity. 
You were debating the pros and cons of a particular streetlight when Jinx dropped heavily to sit beside you on the ground. Her back was slumped against the wall and her eyes fell shut. In a raspy voice, she asked, “What about the windows on the warehouse on sump level 27? They look like eyes.” 
It took a moment to get your momentum back, but you recovered quickly. “Yeah, they do. But the tracks from the ash make it look like they’re wearing makeup.”
“What’s wrong with makeup?” Jinx asked, eyes still closed.
“Nothing,” you assured, studying her while she wasn’t looking. “But those buildings have been here for… what? Fifty years? Seems like a big commitment for a makeup regimen.”
She didn’t give any verbal response, but the corner of her lips curled upward. 
You sat in companionable silence for a while, but Jinx didn’t seem to regain any energy. Her face was paler than normal, lines of weariness bracketing her mouth. She hadn’t moved since she had sat down, her back curled against the wall behind her. When you glanced down, you watched her fingers tremble subtly. 
“I think we should get you back to the Drop,” you said at last. 
Jinx hummed. 
“Unless you want me to get your dad and have him pick you up?”
Jinx hummed again, but this time, the sound was distinctly negative. “He’s outta town.” 
You frowned. Silco had left town and hadn’t told you? That was weird. “Okay, what about Sevika?”
The snort she gave was a clear enough answer on its own, but you listened to the explanation anyway. “Sevika went with Dad. She hates me, anyway.” 
You chose to ignore the last muttered addition to that. “Is there anyone at the Last Drop who can keep an eye on you? I don’t want you to be alone right now.” 
Despite the moments you waited, Jinx didn’t add anything further to the short explanation. Okay, so Ran must be a person. 
“Let me tell my friend that he doesn’t need to wait for us, then we’ll start for the Drop.”
Jinx didn’t respond, which you assumed was a way of saying that she was fine with it. 
“Arunn?” you called, only slightly louder than you and Jinx had been speaking. You were ready to call again when he peered around the corner of the building. When he saw you looking in his direction, Arunn started toward the two of you. 
“Everything good?” he asked softly when he was standing in front of you. 
“Yeah, I’m just going to take her back to The Last Drop,” you explained. “Can you let everyone know that I’ll be back soon?” 
“They already know,” Arunn said, looking stubborn. “Besides, I’m going with you.” 
“You don’t need to.” When you were on your feet, you turned to help Jinx only to find her already standing, leaning heavily against the wall. “We can make it.” 
Arunn sighed. “I know you can, but people are going to see the two of you and try to take advantage. It’ll be easier if there are more of us.”
“I can still fight,” Jinx insisted, shifting to lean against you instead of the wall. Her slender frame was heavier than it looked, and her eyes were still closed. 
You hummed skeptically and Arunn shook his head at you. “I’m coming along.” 
“Fine,” you agreed, mostly because it would be getting dark soon and you wanted to get Jinx home before that happened. “Let’s go.”
The market where you had been browsing was between the Haven and The Last Drop, but there was still a significant distance before you got Jinx home. Silence reigned as you made your slow, steady way through the first few streets. 
Jinx cracked her eyes open around the halfway point. You would be encouraged by the idea that she was recovering from her fatigue, but you were supporting more of her weight than ever. It was also concerning that she was staring intently at Arunn. 
“Have I met you yet?” Jinx asked, leaning forward slightly to watch him without you between them. 
“Don’t think so,” Arunn said with a shrug. “I haven’t met you.” 
“Jinx,” she said offering a casual salute. 
He paused for a moment and you watched to see what he would do. He wasn’t under any obligation to give his name, of course, but you weren’t sure whether he knew that. “Arunn.” 
“Good to meetcha, Arunn,” Jinx told him, stumbling a bit as she turned to look where you were going instead of at him. Her knees had buckled for a moment, leaving her resting her full weight on you. Your shoulders complained - Jinx’s arm was slung up and around your neck, so they were carrying the brunt of the additional weight.
Arunn watched as you readjusted Jinx’s arm over your shoulders. He would probably have helped, but one of you needed to be ready to handle any threats that approached. 
“Hey Jinx,” Arunn said abruptly. “You ever had a piggy-back ride?” 
“A piggy-back ride?” Jinx repeated, perking up noticeably. “Not since I was a kid.” 
You frowned at that - Jinx was all of twelve years old. She was still a kid, even if she had that world-weary look shared by all too many children in the Undercity. 
Arunn didn’t seem as caught up in his own thoughts as you were. He stilled, squatting slightly and bracing himself with his arms down and out to either side. “Hop on.”
The smile on Jinx’s face made your chest ease a little. She hurried forward eagerly, hopping onto Arunn’s back with only a little unsteadiness. The two got settled quickly enough, then turned expectantly to you. With a smile of your own, you led the way toward The Last Drop.
From there, the process of returning Jinx to her home was surprisingly simple. You took her to The Last Drop and the bartender rushed off to retrieve a medium-height person with black hair. When you had confirmed with Jinx that this was Ran, you and Arunn passed her over to get some rest. 
Before you left, Jinx tackled you in a hug. She did the same for Arunn, and you were warmed to see how quickly his surprise melted to pleasure as he patted her back and told her to take things slow. 
The walk back to the Haven was quiet but companionable. Arunn didn’t press for details about how you knew Jinx or ask why you wanted to help her. Instead, he asked whether you had taken a look at some of the menu ideas he had put together. 
Arunn had spearheaded a partnership between the Haven and Stocked, Nimi and Michah’s grocery store. He purchased the foods that didn’t sell very well on the Haven’s behalf, then worked with Micah to build recipes using the foods he had purchased. The patients loved his cooking, and Nimi adored the fact that Arunn helped them move less popular foods. Micah was always happy to cook, and especially when he could teach as dedicated a pupil as Arunn. 
Things were quiet for the next few days. You had only just started to wonder when Silco would be back in the Undercity when one of the guards handed you a tersely written message.
Come to The Last Drop immediately. 
You hadn’t bothered writing a reply. If you were supposed to meet with Silco immediately, you would arrive at the same time as whatever message you intended to send. 
Your sense of dread was palpable as you retraced your steps to The Last Drop. It was the late hours of the morning, and the building seemed entirely empty. There was no one in the main room and you didn’t see a soul as you climbed the staircase up to Silco’s office. 
A perfunctory knock on the door was replied to with a one-word answer: Enter. When you did, Silco stared at you, gaze hard. “Close the door behind you.” 
You did, distantly wondering if the thundering of your pulse would be visible in your neck when you turned around. 
“Tell me exactly what you were thinking.” 
You took a deep breath at the menace in Silco’s voice as he issued the order. Still, you had been thinking about this since the incident with Jinx, and your half-prepared speech tumbled from your lips in a rush of words. 
You explained that you had found Jinx in the alleyway and had stayed there as she calmed down. You told him how you had offered to get him, but Jinx told you that he was out of town. You finished with how Ran had led Jinx upstairs as you and Arunn had left. 
“Did I not tell you to stay away from Jinx?” 
Silco’s whip-like voice made you flinch, but you recovered quickly. “I don’t see how I could have done anything different, Silco. There are people who would take advantage of a young girl having a crisis, even somewhere as public as the markets-”
“Zaunites know better than most how to take care of themselves,” Silco dismissed, tucking his hands behind his back as he paced around the office. “You are letting your outside experiences color the way you treat people here.” 
“Rape and assault can happen anywhere,” you shot back, watching as Silco straightened, his expression darkening rapidly. “And they happen in Zaun far more often than anywhere else I’ve lived. If you think I was going to leave Jinx alone while she calmed down, you don’t know me very well.” 
“What did I tell you would happen if you spoke with her again?” 
You shook your head slowly. “That conversation was a long time ago. Probably that you would kill me.” 
“And did you remember that when you disobeyed my orders?” It was almost worse that Silco’s voice had softened into something quiet and gentle. It made you feel like he was going to pounce on you, especially since he was steadily working his way closer to you.
“I did,” you confirmed, half-wondering if you should have lied. “It didn’t change my decision on how to proceed and I wouldn’t change anything now.” 
Silco nodded thoughtfully. “Follow me.” 
You sighed inaudibly when he turned. If this was how you were going to die, so be it. You had no regrets. 
He led you through the doorway in the corner. You were already frowning in confusion when you stepped into his bedroom, but it faded as Silco kissed you. 
It was hungry and desperate and not at all what you would expect from a man who was going to murder you in the next few minutes. There was a fumbling at your back as Silco reached behind you to close the door. As soon as that was done, he started working at your clothing. 
You were pliant in his arms, distracted by a combination of his tongue in your mouth and your own surprise at still being alive. The instant you were fully bare, Silco started maneuvering you toward his bed. 
When you got there, collapsing backward onto the soft springiness of his mattress, Silco’s hands moved to the fastenings of his own clothing. He stripped himself as quickly as he could, joining you on the bed before the last stitch hit the floor. 
He held himself up and over you, leaning down to continue claiming your mouth. You couldn’t keep yourself from relaxing into it, but you didn’t try very hard. There was something… different about the way he was touching you, something almost reverent.
As your lips worked together, tongues exploring each other, Silco dropped his lower body further and further toward you. When his length was pressed against the cradle of your hips, you both gave a groan. He was hard against you, and your folds were slippery with your own desire. 
There was no resistance at all when he plunged his cock into you. Your body accepted him willingly - even eagerly - and you moaned again at the feeling of him stretching and filling you. 
He surged forward until he was buried inside of you, then paused. You were locked together so closely that you couldn’t tell which body’s pulsing you felt, but it pounded through the entirety of your body. Silco’s natural eye was heavy-lidded, almost closed, but he still watched you with satisfaction written across his face. 
“That’s it, pet,” he said warmly. “Let me in. I’ll bring you pleasure you never dreamed of.”
It seemed like an odd request considering that you had been meeting up for almost a year, but you weren’t in the mood to start arguing the particulars with him. Instead, you wrapped your legs around him, urging him to press harder against you. 
Apparently, that was enough of an answer, because Silco started to rock slowly into you. He never left you entirely - he couldn’t, with the way your legs were tight around his flexing hips - but it didn’t matter. He moved as far as he could, choosing the perfect pace to keep you gasping and clenching around him. 
One of his hands was braced beside your head, holding him poised above you as he thrust into you with that steady rhythm. The other hand was busily exploring you. 
He wasn’t focused on your breasts and clit the way he normally was. Instead, Silco’s hand worked over your body, sweeping down your arms and cradling the curve of your hip. He stroked over the globe of your ass and continued down your leg, catching for a moment in the sensitive space behind the bend of your knee. 
You might have ignored it as a new form of torture, but Silco’s gaze stayed fixed on you the entire time. His eyes were zeroed in on your face, watching and weighing the impact of each touch. When he had finished his first exploration, he did it all again, concentrating that time on all of the places that had made you breathe a little heavier for him.
And all the while, his body kept that steady surging into and out of yours. 
Sex between you and Silco was often a frantic, hurried experience. Either you didn’t have time to share anything slow and reverent, or you didn’t have the desire to. You were low on time or one of you was angry or any one of a dozen reasons that you didn’t opt for anything slow and careful. 
To put it simply, if a little crassly, you and Silco fucked. 
This was different. You weren’t fucking. This wasn’t even simple sex. If anything, it was making love - a phrase you had always found both embarrassing and awkward. But it fit this. The slow thrusts, the gentle touches, the way his eyes had yet to move from your face…
Perhaps the most surprising part of all was that you didn’t mind it. 
Silco was murmuring in your ear, delivering small compliments and encouragements almost as often as he delivered strokes of his body in yours. All of it was interspersed with gentle kisses, and you looked forward to them just as much as you did everything else. You started leaning up to accept those kisses, too eager to wait for him to close the distance between you. 
Despite the dramatic change in pace from how things usually went between you, you found your orgasm drawing ever-closer. Silco continued to deliver his gentle, measured thrusts even as your hands unwound from the sheets to grip the warm skin behind his shoulders. Your inner muscles tightened, your back arching slightly against the surface of the bed. 
“Silco,” you said with half a gasp. “I’m close.” 
He hummed, a hint of a smile curving his lips. “Good. Come for me, darling.” 
The warm entreaty left you helpless, spasming around him as your body shook and flexed against the onslaught of pleasure. Your fingers tightened against the muscles of his back, trying desperately to ground yourself with him. It didn’t work - the slow and steady pushes of his body into yours kept your orgasm feeding out slowly until you could hardly remember a time before the overwhelming sensations. Silco watched raptly the entire time.
You hit a point when your body stopped being able to react, like the pleasure had finally overtaken you to the point when your nerves were numbed to the hormones flooding your system. 
Your body had started to calm, pulsing slowly around Silco’s as you came down from your peak. Silco cursed, pushing quickly into you. It was the first time he had broken that careful rhythm, and your eyes opened to watch as Silco’s pleasure overcame him. 
His natural eye fluttered closed, the Shimmer-infused one meeting your gaze intently. Silco’s lips parted slightly as he gasped and pushed as far into you as he could. His cock twitched and pulsed inside of you, warmth spreading from where he was nestled in your core. 
He collapsed on top of you, burying his face in your neck as he kept himself firmly against you. It wouldn’t last - he would soften enough to slip free of you without intervention from either of you, but you knew that he liked to enjoy the closeness when he could. 
“Thank you,” he said softly, voice almost inaudible with the way he was speaking against your skin. 
“Mmm?” It was all you could muster, but you hoped it got your point across. 
“For taking care of my daughter.” 
You hummed again, entwining yourself more thoroughly in his arms. Perhaps it been your imagination, but it had almost seemed like he was going to say ‘our daughter’.
Author's Note - I know we've seen less of Jinx than most of you were guessing we would, but Silco seems like the type to keep all aspects of his life separate from each other if possible. I hope this makes up for it!
Also, I don't claim to know much about psychotic episodes, so I did a lot of research. I based reader's response on this one in particular, an article from the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) about how to support a loved one who suffers with psychotic episodes. If there's anything glaringly inaccurate or offensive about this portrayal, please reach out and let me know so I can fix it!
Finally, thank you for reading! As a reminder, I do not offer a taglist for explicit works, but you can find everything I've written on my masterlist or on AO3, where I write under username InkSplots. I'll see you soon with another chapter!
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stuckonmain · 11 months
2012 Karai x reader Incorrect Quotes
A spiritual followup to the incorrect turtlexreader quotes, because honestly Karai is the only one of them who I actually have a crush on! Definitely more niche tho lol
(Y/N): *in a jail cell* What about my Miranda rights!? You’re supposed to say I have ‘the right to remain silent’”! NOBODY SAID I HAD THE RIGHT TO REMAIN SILENT!
Karai: *in the cell next to them* You have the right to remain silent, what you lack is the capacity.
April: Can I get a waffle?
(Y/N) and Karai: *fighting and yelling at each other*
April: Can I p l e a s e get a waffle?
Karai: If I was married to you I would put poison in your coffee. 
(Y/N): If I was married to you I’d drink it.
(Y/N), to Karai: One universe, nine planets, seven seas, seven continents, and I had the unfortunate luck of meeting you.
Leo: Hey, that’s not very nice-
Karai: There are only eight planets, you uncultured swine!
Leo, forgetting about (Y/N): VIVA LA PLUTO, SCREW YOU!
(Y/N): Y’know, maybe things aren’t so bad. I’m here. I got the nice forest breeze. Just alone with my thoughts.
Karai: Hey, (Y/N).
(Y/N): Karai has only knocked me out three times this week. Our friendship is really developing.
(Y/N): You know, Karai, you are the sun in my life.
Karai: Why? Cause I'm smoking hot?
(Y/N): Because it hurts my eyes looking at you.
(Y/N): *angrily presses Karai against a wall* WHERE'S THE MONEY?!
Karai: ...
Karai: Are we about to kiss-
(Y/N): What’s up with you?
Karai: What do you mean?
(Y/N): You’ve been nice and helpful and considerate all day. What’s your game?
(Y/N): So what’s the plan? 
Casey: I don’t know. You’re smart, *points at Karai * they’re mean, come up with something.
Karai , writing in their diary with a glitter gel pen: I'm losing my sense of humanity. Nothing matters. God is dead. There's blood on my hands.
(Y/N): Let’s not Karai this into a worse situation than it already is.
Karai: Did you just use my name as a verb?
(Y/N): This is a bad idea.
Karai: Then why are you coming along?
(Y/N): Someone has to get your injured self home.
(Y/N): Did you have to stab them?
Karai: You weren’t there. You didn’t hear what they said to me.
(Y/N): What did they say?
Karai: "What are you going to do, stab me?"
(Y/N): ...That’s fair.
(Y/N): What's gone wrong, Karai?
Karai: Hey! That’s one hell of a thing to say to a person. Just because I’m calling doesn’t mean there’s a crisis.
(Y/N): That’s technically true, I suppose. Why are you calling?
Karai: Well... There’s a crisis.
Karai: *on the phone with (Y/N)* I can’t talk right now, I’m doing hot girl shit.
(Y/N): You’re pulling Oreos apart and saving off the frosting to make a mega Oreo, aren’t you.
Karai: Maybe.
(Y/N): You use humor to deflect your trauma.
Karai: Awww, thanks-
(Y/N): That’s not a good thing.
Karai: All I’m hearing is that you think I’m funny.
(Y/N): What are you doing here?
Karai: I could ask you the same question.
(Y/N): I live here. This is my house.
Karai: I should probably ask you a different question.
(Y/N), holding an unconscious Karai: Oh no. Please don’t be dead.
(Y/N): You know, I really wish you’d just admit you made a mistake sometimes.
Karai, stirring their coffee: I prefer it with salt.
Karai, looking in the first aid kit: Why did you fill this with pop-tarts?!
(Y/N), bleeding out: I thought it was funny at the time.
(Y/N): Do you want to explain the text you sent me last night?
Karai: It was autocorrect.
(Y/N): Autocorrect wrote "You're so hot. Please step on me."?
Karai: Yes.
Leo: So you’re dating (Y/N)?
Karai: What? No! I’m just buying them an accessory since they have terrible fashion sense.
Leo: That’s literally a wedding ring.
(Y/N): Love is weakness and an evolutionary mistake.
Leo: You are literally making a Valentine’s day card for Karai.
(Y/N), pointing their hot glue gun towards Leo: You’re on thin fucking ice.
Mikey: That shirt looks great, (Y/N).
(Y/N): Thanks.
Mikey: But I bet it would look even better on Karai's floor.
Karai: Are you hitting on (Y/N)... for me?
Karai: Hey, babe, remember how I had to go to the pharmacy to pick up my ADHD meds? (Y/N): Yes? Karai: Well, it turns out they're all out for the next five days. (Y/N): Fuck. Karai: It's gonna be a fun week! (Y/N): I'm going to Leo's house. Karai: Nuh-uh. Through sickness and health, motherfucker.
Leo: (Y/N), gather the others. We need to have another Karai-is-doing-something-stupid-again-and-we-have-to-stop-them-before-they-hurt-someone convention.
Leo: So, how long have you and Karai been together?
(Y/N): No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. Karai and I are not together. No. No.
Leo: Really? Sixteen ‘nos’? Really?
(Y/N): Where are you going?
Karai: To get MYSELF a gift cause somebody didn't get me one!
(Y/N): I told you I did! Its coming here on Friday!
Leo, knowing full well that (Y/N) got Karai an engagement ring: *eating popcorn*
Karai: *kisses (Y/N)*
(Y/N): !
Karai: ...Did you steal my chapstick?
(Y/N): Did- did I what?
Karai: My chapstick, (Y/N). Did you steal it?
Leo: Karai, for the love of God, not this again.
(Y/N): I- No, I didn't steal your chapstick. We use the same chapstick.
Karai: No, there is absolutely no way we use the same chapstick, because it was only sold on one Etsy shop two years ago and they discontinued it, and I loved it so much that I bought the last of their stock, and I keep it in my freezer so it doesn't go bad. It's been discontinued for three years. No one uses the same chapstick for three years. So unless you've been eating a whole fuck ton of something that's flavored like chocolate and popcorn, you absolutely stole my fucking chapstick.
(Y/N): Chocolate and popcorn?
Leo: Why do you think it got discontinued?
*(Y/N) and Karai flirting with each other yet again*
Leo: And you two are sure you're not dating?
(Y/N): 100%.
Karai: Of course not! Why would you think that?
Leo: I wonder why that possibility would even cross my mind, Karai. I fucking wonder.
Leo: I dare you to kiss the next person who walks into this room.
(Y/N): Screw that, I’m not kissing any of you.
*Karai walks in*
(Y/N): Fine, I’ll do it. Rules are rules you know.
Karai: Hi.
April: Hey, did you do what I said? Did you tell them?
Karai: I did.
April: And what did they say?
Karai: “Thank you.”
April: You’re totally welcome. What’d they say?
Karai: They said, “Thank you.” I said “I love you” and (Y/N) said, “Thank you.”
Karai: How do I make a date really romantic?
Shini: Be mysterious.
Karai: Okay!
*later, while on a date with (Y/N)*
(Y/N): So where are we going?
Karai: None of your fucking business.
Shini: Hey, (Y/N), are you free on Friday? Like around eight? (Y/N): Yeah. Shini: And you, Karai? Karai: Umm... yes? Shini: Great! Because I'm not. You two go out without me. Enjoy your date!
Karai: I’m this close to falling in love with (Y/N).
Shini: Your fingertips are touching.
Karai: Exactly.
(Y/N): Jail is no fun. I’ll tell you that much.
Karai: Oh, you’ve been?
(Y/N): Once. In Monopoly.
Shini: Truth or dare?
Karai: Truth!
Shini: Do you-
(Y/N): I dare you to kiss me.
Karai: *kisses (Y/N)*
Shini: They said “truth”, right?
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magicfootballstuff · 2 years
Hole in One (ona batlle x reader)
Summary: You and Ona go to adventure golf on your first date, but one of you ends up being much better at it than the other.
For some reason you’re really nervous. You’ve been playing alongside Ona for over a year, her teammate and her friend, but in recent weeks you’ve been getting closer and after realising that your affection is shared, today is your first date.
“Hi to you too,” you say, awkwardly shifting your weight from one foot to the other as you greet Ona. 
You see her every day, you saw her only a few hours ago at training, but all it takes is a single dazzling smile to disarm you.
“You look really nice,” Ona says.
“So do you,” you tell her, as if you don’t also fancy her like crazy when she’s wearing a football kit.
“Should we…?” Ona asks, gesturing at the door.
You nod, and Ona pushes open the door to hold it open for you to enter first.
You’ve chosen an indoor adventure golf place for your date, deciding that going from teammates to flirty friends straight to a romantic dinner date might be a bit too much. But something like this, an activity where you can just have fun in each other’s company without having to worry too much about the date aspect is something you both agreed upon.
“Have you done this before?“ Ona asks, as you pay at the kiosk just inside the door and receive a pair of golf clubs and two different coloured golf balls in exchange.
“Not recently,“ you answer. “I’ve done crazy golf on family holidays before. I don’t remember being very good at it.“
“I’m terrible at golf,” Ona tells you with a grimace. “Just warning you now.”
Ona seems like the kind of person who would be annoyingly good at any sport she tried, even the ones she’s never done before.
“I bet you’re just saying that.”
“No, seriously,” she insists. She glances back at the kiosk and asks, “Do you think they rent helmets here? You might need one.”
“Stop it, you’re definitely not going to be that bad.”
It turns out that Ona actually is that bad at golf. On the first few holes, you think she’s putting it on, pretending to be bad to ease you into the game or to not show off how good she really is. But on the fourth hole, when she somehow manages to get airtime on a flat section, sending the ball ricocheting off an obstacle, out of the bounds of the course, and almost taking out a small child in the process, you realise that she was telling the truth.
“You’re a professional athlete,” you tease Ona, as she returns red-faced with her ball after apologising profusely to the child and its mother, ready for another turn. “Surely there must be some transferable skills between football and golf?”
“I’m good at physical sports,” Ona explains. “Not ones that need good coordination.”
Ona beats you in 1v1s in training all the time, outmatching you for both strength and speed, so it’s actually quite nice to be beating her at something for once.
Plus, it’s the perfect opportunity to get a little closer.
“Let me help you,” you say, setting aside your own golf club so that you can show her how to not be a complete disaster.
You go to stand behind Ona, the extra bit of height you have on her meaning that your bodies fit together perfectly as you wrap your arms around her from behind.
“This is nice,” Ona says, as she relaxes back into your body.
“Concentrate,” you scold her, swatting at her arm, though you have to agree it feels nice as you cover her hands on the handle of the golf club with your own. “Take your time, line it up.”
Ona shifts her position slightly in front of you and you feel every movement from the proximity of her body. She smells heavenly too, and now you’re the one finding it hard to focus.
“What next?” Ona asks.
“You want to swing it back but not too hard,” you explain. “Nice and smooth, then follow through after you hit the ball.”
You keep your hands in place, letting Ona do most of the work as she brings the golf club back, then swings it forwards, though your hands anchored in place help to give her the smooth shot that she was missing in her erratic swings before. The club connects with the ball cleanly and it rolls through the obstacle, before emerging on the other side and stopping where she has a clear line to the hole for her next shot.
“Can you help me with all the others too?” Ona asks, turning her head to shoot you a cheeky smile, clearly pleased with your joint effort.
You untangle your arms from around Ona, much to your disappointment, and retrieve your own golf club.
“Now I’m starting to think you were pretending to be bad again just to get me to help you.”
“Guilty,” Ona grins, before she prepares for her next shot. She lines herself up just as you showed her, takes her time, then slowly taps the putter against the ball.
Only for it to hit another obstacle and roll back almost to where she hit it from.
“Okay, I’ve got to admit it, golf really isn’t your sport.”
You complete the eighteen holes, which get harder as the game goes on, much to Ona’s dismay, though she does start to improve a little bit towards the end. You help her out on a couple of the later holes too, and you both know that it’s really just an excuse for you to stand close and hold your arms around Ona’s body.
In the end it doesn’t matter that you beat her comfortably. There’s been just enough teasing, and a little bit of physical touch, for it to be flirty, without the pressure of it feeling like a first date.
You don’t want it to end, which is why you’re eager to agree when Ona suggests you hang around to grab something to eat after you’ve returned the golf clubs. 
You sit side by side in a little booth, another excuse to be close to each other as your thighs press against each other and Ona’s hand rests on your leg, and a server brings over two cokes and a large bowl of nachos. 
“I’m really glad we did this,” you say to Ona, finally getting the chance to talk properly as you both dig into the nachos. “I’ve liked you for a while but I was worried if we went on a date it would mess up our friendship. Or worse, the team.”
“Me too,” Ona agrees. “But this has just made me realise even more that I want to be more than just your friend.”
“Are you asking me on a second date?” you tease her.
Ona turns her head to look at you, her warm brown eyes full of sincerity as she asks, “Will you go out with me again?”
You hold her gaze for a moment, then collapse in a fit of giggles. Ona withdraws her hand from your leg and you realise she’s embarrassed, which is why you’re quick to stifle your laughter as you reach for her hand and explain, “No, it’s just that it’s really hard to take you seriously when you’ve got sour cream around your mouth.”
As Ona lets you slot your fingers between hers, she uses her other hand to wipe at her mouth.
“Let me help,” you say, reaching out to her face and using the pad of your thumb to wipe away the smudge of sour cream at the corner of her mouth. “Better.”
You keep your thumb where it is, your gaze locked with Ona’s, and what happens next feels inevitable as you both lean in for a kiss. 
You’ve been dreaming of kissing Ona for a while - for far longer than it’s probably appropriate to be fantasising about a teammate - but nothing could have prepared you for how soft her lips are. She tastes like guacamole and sour cream and the angle is slightly awkward because of the way you’re sitting so close to each other, but the fact that it’s an imperfect kiss is what makes it perfect.
Any kiss with Ona would be perfect.
You pull back and lean your forehead against Ona’s, your eyes still closed.
“Yes, I’ll go on a second date with you,” you tell her, your voice still breathless from the kiss.
Ona pulls you back in for a second kiss, deeper than the first one. Her free hand finds your face, cupping your jaw tenderly as her lips tease yours, and you squeeze the hand holding yours beneath the table as your gasp into her mouth.
“Wow,” you say, when Ona finally pulls away from you. Her cheeks are flushed and her eyes are dark, but the smile on her lips must mirror your own.
“Yes, wow,” Ona agrees.
“At least you’re a better kisser than you are a golfer,” you tease her.
Ona laughs as she reaches for another nacho.
“I was so bad at golf, I don’t know if that’s actually a compliment or not.”
“Definitely a compliment,” you assure her.
“Good,” Ona smiles with relief. “How about this? Second date - no golf, but hopefully more kisses.”
You lean in for another kiss, this one a more chaste peck on the lips, and say, “Deal.”
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notstilinski · 20 days
Kevin Can F Himself Starters !
Taken from season two of the 2021 AMC series, Kevin Can F Himself! Some of these have already been edited. You can change them however you see fit! There may be some light spoilers for the series!
“We’ll fix it together, okay?”
“I’m sorry, I’ve never had a hostage before. I’m not great at it yet.”
“I have no idea. I can’t tell if it’s been twenty minutes or eight hours.”
“Okay. So you’re done trying to kill my best friend. Congrats. You still tried once!”
“How the hell am I dating a cop?”
“Maybe they don’t care when I whine, but he laughs when you bleed.”
“They say ‘we’ all the time like you’re in this together, but, (Name), where are they?”
“They tried to kill them. Can you believe? Bitches tried to kill me, too.”
“Jesus. The nightmare continues.”
“I mean ‘cause you have the general vibe of a sad dog in a cone.”
“I don’t want to be me anymore.”
“I swear to you, I am working on it. Because I really do want you around.”
“I only wish you hit me harder so I could forget all this shit.”
“I’m not in (Name), but the general sense of failure just, sorta, trickles down.”
“Who knew there was a version of death sadder than regular death?”
“It just feels like punishment for dying alone.”
“I’m not like you, I can’t just pretend to like things.”
“You ever think that it’s not that you have a bad sense of direction, you just gotta pay attention to where you’re going?”
“I’ve been squatting in the basement for the past two weeks.”
“The more times you bring up the one nice thing you ever did for me, the less nice it gets.”
“Did a demon just achieve its final, most powerful form in our kitchen?”
“See how I say that with no visible eye roll?”
“It just seems like you’re someone who never had to share.”
“If I play the field, I’ll end up under it.”
“And you don’t like me. It’s fine. People don’t have to like each other.”
“Not when I’ve just been insulted and rejected by a man who I always thought of as my creepy uncle.”
“Yeah, and maybe that stuff was worth it when I thought we might actually be together.”
“Yeah, and I swore I’d never talk to a cop without a lawyer present, but here we are.”
“When I think too much about something, that’s the second I start talking myself out of it, okay?”
“You’re a hazard.”
“Uh, fun is for people with disposable income.”
“I woke up. Another win.”
“Well, they did corner me last night and told me sobriety was the reason I’m not fun anymore.”
“That’s residual priest nervousness, if you ask me.”
“What does the beauty matter if there is no other soul to share it with?”
“Okay. Is that true or is that just what /they/ tell you?”
“I don’t want to have to worry about him, but I can’t stop worrying about him.”
“(Name) will be fine. (Name)’s always fine.”
“There’s a reason that ‘drinking’ rhymes with ‘thinking.’”
“Because you’re just so excited to die?”
“I feel like I dropped something and I feel it next to me. And I’m trying to figure out what it is, and I’m lying there wide awake convinced that if I don’t pick it up, then something terrible is going to happen.”
“Oh, sure, like you’re suddenly concerned about me.”
“Maybe I just don’t want to be alone. And maybe there’s not always a difference.”
“They laughed. They didn’t listen to me at all. No one listens to me.”
“(Name) would have died without you? Maybe you should go home sometimes.”
“I think it’s rearranging deck chairs at the Titanic at this point.”
“I’ll see you for three weeks in February while I work on my tan!”
“I don’t think they realized it. They gave everything up to protect me.”
“And now that I’m left here without them, I don’t feel better off. I just feel… left.”
“I’m not really concerned with protecting (Name). Or anyone like them, really.”
“Well, but you know that we’re not actually better off without you, right?”
“Without me, you will have nothing. Because I will fucking destroy you.”
“I had a terrible, terrible day. And you’re the only person I hang out with now. Is that okay?”
“Let’s die alone together."
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themarvelmarauder · 2 years
James' pov:
What is wrong with him? It was just another party at griffindor tower. They have been having at least one every week at this point. There was nothing different about this party, yet to James something felt terribly wrong. Regulus Black was all cuddled up with Mary McDonald. Was there anything wrong with this to anyone else. No. But did it feel wrong to James. Yes. He had no idea why, it wasn't like he was jealous or anything. Here he was sitting with his beautiful girlfriend, Lily Evans, the girl he has been inlove with since forever, and he was jealous of Sirius' younger brother? He was still very confused on what he was jealous of, he only saw Mary as a friend, Yet whenever Regulus ducked his head to whisper in her ear, he felt his blood boil. What the fuck was wrong with him?
Lily's pov:
What is wrong with her? Mary, her Mary, has been cuddling up with fucking Regulus Black. Out of all people, she picked Regulus Black. Don't get her wrong, she has nothing wrong with Regulus, he is actually an alright person, very smart, somewhat funny, in his own way, but at the moment Lily hates him. She has no idea why, she should be happy that Mary has found someone decent, unlike her past boyfriends, but she didn't even tell her that she was dating someone, let alone Regulus. She should stop being angry and start focusing on having a good time with her boyfriend, but her gaze keeps shifting towards the couple laughing on the opposite couch. What the fuck is wrong with her?
Mary and Regulus pov:
Regulus' eyes shifted over to the "perfect couple" on the opposite couch, and couldn't help but laugh.
"What?" asked the girl laying against him.
He ducked his face down next to her ear, "Mr and Mrs Potter have been glaring at us it seems"
Mary's eyes sparkled with happiness before glancing over at them. The glaring couple tried to straightened up after being caught, both giving Mary a small wave.
"Do you think they've noticed that we are not a couple and that they actually want to be with us?" Mary asked Regulus.
"Oh Merlin no, they're too oblivious for that. But we can still have some fun with them because of it," he replied.
"Hmm, are you suggesting that your gay ass should kiss my gay self?" She smirked.
"It will be funny to see their reactions, even if I don't want to kiss you," he grinned back.
Still smirking, Mary pulled on his neck, bringing his lips to hers. In the background they heard a glass breaking. Looking up they see Lily with a broken glass in her hand, and James with a very red face.
"I hated every second of that kiss, but it was very worth it" Regulus laughed.
"Oh yes it was" Mary said, giggling along with her friend.
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sean was 24. his older sister was 26, and it was clear he looked up to her a lot. in his sessions in annie's office he spoke of her a lot, of following her example in career and in romance -- sean had experienced a few really toxic girlfriends and sought to follow the way his sister steph maintained a "low maintenance, low drama relationship" with a man she'd met in college. annie didn't think he really wanted that. he liked crazy, slutty women.
one day, sean came in fairly distraught and told annie that steph and her longterm boyfriend had broken up because steph had cheated on him. he had a hard time reconciling this with his image of his sister, and so he and annie talked about it a lot. at one point, annie asked him if it was simply the idea of his sister having sex that bothered him, and he said of course not.
"we grew up in a pretty sex positive house," he said. "my mother was always very openly flirty with my dad in front of us. and she told me more than once that they made love every night."
"why is steph your role model then?" annie asked. "like, if your parents have this ideal relationship."
"well, i didn't say that," he said. "my mother has always had a terrible temper. i would say that her behavior toward my dad is sometimes outright cruel."
"but then she fucks him every night," annie observed. "does the dynamic sound familiar?"
"i get it," he said. "my relationships are more like my parents' but i want them to be more like steph's."
"yeah, and steph's relationships are an illusion," annie said. "or rather, they create for you the illusion of something different. but she cheated on her boyfriend. it's all the same dynamic."
"we're all crazy," he said.
"i am too," annie said.
the next week, sean came in agitated again, this time because he believed his sister was engaging in "attention seeking behavior" online. he explained that he'd seen several photos she'd posted to her instagram story of herself in her underwear.
"have you never seen her underwear before?" annie asked.
"i have," he said. "but you know the entire WORLD hasn't."
"it's just underwear," annie said. she was already kneeling in her chair, and so it was easy to slightly pull up her sundress and flash her white, floral panties at sean for a moment.
"her underwear was less modest," he said. he explained that one pic had been a blue thong and matching bra, and the other had been a tank top and sheer panties -- sheer enough that he could see her triangular bush.
"was it a nice bush?" annie asked. sean laughed. "honestly it looked like the same as my mom's."
"so you haven't seen steph naked but you have seen your mom?" she asked.
sean looked bewildered by the question. "yeah." he said. "my mom is pretty casual. steph never has been."
"but she is now. i mean, she knows you'd see the photo she posted."
"i doubt it," he said.
the next week though, he came in and told annie his sister had posted a photo with her arm over her bare breasts to her "close friends" story.
"and so she selected you to see that one," annie pointed out right away.
"i don't know about that," he said.
"it feels like your sister is seeking a little more emotional intimacy with you," annie said. "she's probably very lonely lately. you should hang out more. do you ever hang out with her?"
"just as a whole family," he said. "i guess i could do that."
the following week, tom dropped by to visit annie in her office an hour before sean's next session, and fucked her over her desk. they'd been doing that a lot lately, fitting a lunch hour fuck into their already packed sexual schedule. this time, annie still had tom's dried cum on her inner thighs from the morning as he pushed inside her, groaning at how warm and wet she was for him, as always.
now, annie sat uncomfortably in her chair as tom's cum filled her stretched out panties. sean was telling her about meeting steph at her apartment for a drink before she had a date that evening. she'd answered the door in a towel. predictably, sean was scandalized by this. he said that steph went into her bedroom and emerged a few moments later in a bra and panties, which she stayed in as she opened a beer and chatted with him in her kitchen for several minutes.
maybe because she was horny, annie told sean he should encourage more of that kind of intimacy and connection. she told him to ask steph how her date went and if it went well to encourage more pre-date get-togethers. he did as he was told.
the next time sean was in annie's office, he told her that over the weekend they'd repeated the pre-date drink hang session, and that once again she'd been in a towel when he got there and was in a bra and panties for most of their visit -- this time a thong.
he'd texted her in the morning to ask how her date went, and she'd sent him a selfie from someone's bed and said, "it went very well; i slept over."
sean had done well in his response -- he showed annie the texts, and she noted that a tiny hint of the top of steph's nipple was present in the photo. she was very cute -- a skinny, bright-eyed girl with punk rocker pink hair, which was only just down past her ears. he'd replied, "hell yeah" and she'd replied, "that was the first time i had sex in three months" -- since her breakup.
"worth the wait?" he asked.
"i came twice!" she'd responded.
"hell yeah," he'd said again.
"sorry if that's TMI" she replied.
"it's not," he'd said. "i'm glad you are willing to talk about this stuff with me."
"when did you last cum?" she'd asked with a smiley face emoji.
"by myself last night" he'd responded.
"nothing wrong with that!" she'd replied "#selflove"
then she'd sent him a picture from the guy's bathroom, which was mostly stainless steel and kind of intense.
"this bathroom is like a butcher shop" she'd captioned it. in the photo, a counter top and sink was visible, but no mirror, and so sean had asked. "does he not have a mirror?"
she'd sent a picture of herself in the reflection of the mirror, which was weirdly off to the side of the sink. in the photo, she was visibly naked - covering her breasts with her arm, but her bush fully showing.
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i would love to see some head cannons on andrei and readers first date
i have some conflicting headcanons on this one lol this is one way that the first date/early relationship could go!
when you ask andrei, he considers your first date to be brunch the morning after you met at the bar
it was a marathon of food and drinks and flirting and andrei definitely knew from that moment that he wanted to keep getting to know you
you definitely loved having brunch with him and getting to know him, but that fact that you didn’t see him for a week and a half after that because of game travel means you were a little confused about what was happening
so you consider your first date to be the dinner he took you to two days after he came home from that road trip
it was really perfect
he picked you up at your apartment, which turns out to be only a handful of blocks from andrei’s - walking distance if you’re feeling ambitious and like you want to get a really good workout in
he’s in blue slacks and a white button down, casually unbuttoned at his neck and his hair is combed off his face, he’s smiling at you with the dimples out and your knees melt a little
“for you,” he says, offering up a bouquet of flowers with a charming grin
you accept them and put them in a vase, inviting him in quickly. he lingers politely by the front door and you wrinkle your nose at him, “you can come in. my friends left for the night, no one’s going to like jump out and surprise you.”
he skirts around the tiny kitchen counter and leans into your space, asking a silent question. you nod and he cups your cheek with one warm, broad palm and kisses you softly and sweetly
“oh,” you’re breathless when he pulls back
“wanted to do that for a week and a half,” he says, a cocky smile on his face and mischief dancing in his eyes
“well,” you hum, clearing your throat, “i’m not going to say no.”
he kisses you again, short and sweet, before resting his palm on your lower back and guiding you out the door. “you look beautiful,” he says, eyes roaming over your body
you wave him off with a “thank you” knowing you look good in the short little dress you picked out
he takes you to the capital grille and it’s an amazing meal and you feel impossibly adult while eating and flirting with this gorgeous man
andrei waves off the dessert menu and you’re kind of feeling a little bummed that the night is ending early
but then andrei pulls his car to a stop in front of a little ice cream place, a delighted smile on his face, “you thought i was ending the night so soon? without dessert?” he laughs. “what kind of date is that?”
“a terrible one,” you shoot back, heart skipping a beat when he laces his fingers with yours as you walk into the shop
you each get two different flavors and trade off the cones, trying everything while you walk around downtown raleigh and chat
the date ends with andrei kissing you outside your apartment door
“i have early practice,” he explains apologetically when you invite him in. “we play in two days at home, if you want to come.”
“i’ll think about it,” you reply and andrei kisses you again before waiting for you to go back into the apartment
andrei’s all you think about for the rest of the night and you end up having to miss the game for something else but andrei texts you afterwards “missed you. next time you should come, i’ll score a goal for you”
it’s honestly like something out of a cheesy college romance novel except it’s real
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hiyaa! ive sent in requests to so many accs but no ones replied idk wether they are busy or not but anyways, i was wondering if you could do a #32 where y/n and eddie have secretly liked eachother for years but eddie always annoys y/n by flirting with her even though gareth is her brother. one day corroded coffin are practicing in y/ns garage whilst shes watching tv eddie comes in and start’s annoying her and flirts a little saying “y’know you love it” and all that shii. she starts to get angry and tells him to stop cuz its not fair on gareth if anything happened and but eddie being eddie just keeps pushing until eventually they kiss. gareth can walk in on them if you would like to add that i dont mind :) sorry if it was a rubbish explanation im terrible at writing stuff lol. thank you 💗
Pairing: Eddie Munson x Gareth sister!Reader
Prompt: "How mad would you be if I kissed you?"
A/N: Hello friend! Thank you so so much for this super fun request! I had a blast writing this! I think it's made me want to explore more sibling!reader x Eddie fics! I really hope that this came out the way you wanted and that you like it as much as I do! Thank you so much!
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You were sitting sideways out of your open driver's side door reading a book as your Iron Maiden cassette played loudly out of your car's speakers. You sighed as you checked your watch and tapped your foot in annoyance. They were late again. 
You’re Gareth’s older sister, you had graduated 2 years ago but you helped out by picking up him and some of his friends from school everyday after your shifts at work. Today was Hellfire night so you knew it was a late night, but they should have been out 15 minutes ago. You sighed again. Gareth would owe you big if he made you wait any longer, you were doing him a favor after all. You’d make him do your chores for the rest of the week if he didn’t show up in the next 5 minutes and just the thought brought a small smile to your face.
“A beautiful smile on a beautiful girl.” You heard from right in front of you. You jumped and let out a startled gasp at the noise, causing the person to laugh. You looked up and found Eddie Munson. 
Your heart was thundering in your chest, you’d be lying if you said that it was just from the surprise. You had harbored a crush on Eddie ever since the 8th grade, having been in the same class with him since kindergarten. But the two of you had run in different circles and you never thought he would be interested in you. Hell, he had barely even started talking to you until Gareth joined his D&D campaign as a freshman. 
You had no idea though, that Eddie had been too nervous to talk to you until the day you walked into the drama room to pick up your little brother that first time. He had thought you were beautiful and way too smart for him and never thought he’d get a reason to speak to you, all until Gareth. Now he made it a point to talk to you any chance that he could. After school when you picked up your brother, at your job at the record shop, at your house during Corroded Coffin practices.  He made it his goal every time. 
“Sorry, didn’t mean to scare you, sweetheart.” He chuckled, dimples on full display. 
“It’s okay, Munson.” You said with a small smile. “Where’s my loser of a brother?” You asked, noticing the other boys we suspiciously absent. 
“He had to get something from his locker and Jeff went with him.” Eddie responded, “But how’s the prettiest girl in Hawkin’s doing?” He flirted, you rolled your eyes as you tried to ignore the way your heart skipped a beat at his words. Eddie was a notorious flirt. You wanted to flirt back. But he’s Gareth’s friend and bandmate, you couldn’t do that to him. What if you dated and broke up, and made it uncomfortable for your brother to even have band practice? No you couldn’t do that to him. So you brushed Eddie off every time.
“I don’t know, you should go find her and ask.” You shot back, looking from him back to your book. You heard him tut at your response.
“Come on sweetheart. You know I mean you. When are you gonna let me take you out?” He asked. You looked up at that, that was new. Normally he just flirted, maybe joked about kissing you. But never actually asking you out. 
You felt your mouth drop open slightly in surprise, much to Eddie’s amusement. “You know we can’t do that Eddie.” You said simply, gesturing your head towards Gareth as he finally walked out of the school towards your car. 
Eddie looked over his shoulder and smiled, “Come on, he won’t mind.” He said as he turned back. 
“You don’t know that. We just can’t Eddie.” You sighed. “Hurry up Gareth or I’ll make you do my chores for the rest of the week!” You called, pulling yourself back into the car fully and closing the door. “See you around Eddie.” You said through the open window. 
“I’ll see you tomorrow, sweetheart.” He smiled, undeterred. 
“See you for practice tomorrow Eddie, good game!” Gareth said as he walked up and opened the passenger door to your car. 
“See you all then.” Eddie said with a knowing smile as he backed away from your car, sending you a little wave before putting his hands in his pockets and walking towards his van. 
It was the next afternoon, you had just finished your chores for the weekend and decided to watch a movie in the living room while your parents were out and the boys were practicing in the garage. 
They had been going for hours and currently it sounded like Gareth and Jeff were going over a section of the song together, trying to tighten their parts. The door to the garage opened in the kitchen and you turned to look at who it was, sighing when you saw Eddie. He smiled brightly at you as he closed the door and sauntered over, plopping down on the couch right next to you and placing his arm on the couch behind you. 
“Afternoon, beautiful.” He beamed with a wink. 
“Eddie.” You sighed, determined to ignore him as you stared at the TV. 
“How are you doing today, pretty girl?” He asked.
“You look great today.” He said, “Just like every day.”
“Eddie.” You said in a warning tone. 
“That’s my name sweetheart. I love the way you say it.” He cooed as he leaned into you more. 
“Eddie, you have to stop.” You said firmly, looking into his eyes. He was much closer than he had ever been before and you’re senses we flooded with him. You could smell his cologne and cigarettes, a combo that normally wouldn’t smell good to you, but for some reason it was intoxicating. His long curls were tickling the exposed skin of your shoulder, causing goosebumps to raise on your body. And you could almost melt under the intense look he was giving you, full of an emotion you couldn’t quite place. 
“You know you love it sweetheart.” He said with a sly smile. “I see the way you smile to yourself when you think no one’s looking. You like when I flirt with you.” He said simply, his smile growing wider at the dumbstruck look on your face at being found out. “And I like you. So I’m going to keep doing it, until you kiss me or slap me.” 
“I -wha- are you- I-” You tried to start. “I don’t know what you’re talking about Munson.” You finally got out, pulling your eyes away from him and back to the movie as you felt the heat rise to your face. You didn’t want him to know that he was right, you loved when he flirted with you. You wanted to flirt back, but you were trying to be a good sister. 
“Yes you do, princess.” He said, raising his hand up to your chin to pull your face to look at him. “Let me take you out. We could be great.” 
I furrowed your brows in distress, your resolve crumbling as you tried to be strong. “We can’t!” you hissed quietly. “Think of Gareth. We could hurt him.” You pleaded.
“We won’t. I promise.” He cooed, leaning into you. His lips were so close that you could feel his warm breath on yours. “How mad would you be if I kissed you?” He breathed. 
“Pissed.” You breathed. But you leaned in, crashing your lips onto his, eliciting a surprised noise out of the metalhead. Eddie recovered quickly, kissing you back feverishly as he pressed himself into you as he wrapped his arms around you, pulling the two of you close so there was no space between you. You ran your hands through his curls, tugging lightly, causing the brunette to moan into your mouth. 
You pulled away, breathless, after a few moments. “We have to stop.” You gasped, you opened your eyes to lock with Eddie’s hooded ones. 
“Sure, sure, sweetheart.” He mused with a smile before his lips were on yours again. It was your turn to moan this time as he kissed you hungrily. 
You let yourselves get lost in each other, ignoring the world around you as you gave into your feelings for Eddie. All the years of pining for each other led to this. And it felt so good, so right to be like this with him. And for a moment you forgot why you had been avoiding this for so long. 
“Fucking finally.” You heard from behind you, followed by a laugh. 
You pulled apart with a gasp and spun around in your seat to see Gareth and Jeff standing in the entrance to the living room. You hadn’t even heard the garage door open. 
“Honestly it took you long enough.” Gareth teased. “Now will you stop being so weird around each other and just go out?” Your mouth fell open in surprise as you looked between the two boys and Eddie. 
“See? I told you he’d be fine, sweetheart.” Eddie laughed, pecking your cheek affectionately.
Taglist: @srapalestina @yvonneeeee @cityofidek @anaisweird @mrslovesmayahawke @harrys-tittie @becca-alexa @catacina
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pinklikeroses · 2 years
Lo ep 231// spoilers
Sighs buckle up buttercup bc this is gonna be looong
I knew about the proposal well before this episode, gonna say a week or two in advance.
Now I knew this chapter would be bad, nay— terrible
But I didn’t think it’d be as terrible if not worse than I thought it was. This is far far worse than the previous ep retconning Demeter’s character as a whole. While writing in going back and forth through the ep to break it all down , so I can gather my thoughts properly, stay on topic and not derail from the subject matter
Here we go:
The chapter starts off with an ominous logo change (eye roll) indicating it’s gonna “ different from past chapters. Spoiler alert it’s not. just a repeat of what our two protagonists have been doing from the get go
-Persephone laments about how she thought she was special bc of how overprotective her mother was of her, that she did her best ruling the mortal realm, making her own choices and that she’ll never be able to fulfill the expectations or live the life her mother wanted for her.
(Something we didn’t see her show any concern for while on Olympus)
She goes on to say she knows how her mother is treating her isn’t right, yet all she wanted to do is please her, to have that constant praise, and that had this been anyone else she would’ve put them in their place.
-I don’t like the chains used in this panel as symbolism bc it’s far from what we’ve seen of Demeter in previous eps. It’s stated from the beginning Demeter is overprotective, her controlling paranoid behavior clearly stems from generational trauma, seeing her mother eaten, her sister cut in half. Her explaining her theory of fertility goddesses, which was later proved CORRECT! Btw! Her putting Persephone into the TGoEM to keep her safe from gods that could use her for their own personal gain. This holds no weight, only to persuade the audience how bad mother Demeter is from Persephone’s perspective it doesn’t hold up
Second, Persephone had no problem turning minthe into plant for rightfully ratting her out about mass genocide. She had no problem bullying an ex classmate from college, who had no choice but be nice to her bc of his job as a customer service representative.
The only ppl Persephone “puts in their place” are ones that can’t fight back, no Kronos doesn’t count.
-Now I just wanna say standing up to an overprotective, controlling parent isn’t easy. I have two myself it’s hard setting boundaries I’m not dismissing that. It’s a struggle. Especially when it’s someone who raised and cared for you, yet constantly told you they know what’s best for you instead of you yourself.
But Persephone is a 30 yr old woman, who’s had next to no character development. So why should we expect that? Before and After the trial arc she’s done nothing but act like a spoiled brat. Helplessly running to hades to solve her problems and shield her from the consequences of her own actions.
Not once thinking of her mother, forgetting her completely after the big fight with Kronos and not bothering to ask about her further when Zeus tells her she’s fine.
Persephone is nothing more than a selfish brat who cares only for herself, bullying others and seeking entitlement she hasn’t earned.
-she goes on to say how could someone she holds in such high reguard hold contempt for her choices.
In context, mind you, Demeter is against her relationship with Hades. A man she knew only for four fucking weeks, didn’t see for 10yrs who she’s living with! Four weeks! She’s known this guy! They had one date. Only one! Not even rebuilding their friendship or catching up they just jump into being a couple.
It’s valid that her mother wouldn’t approve this! And just makes Persephone look like a delusional idiot. Honey you don’t know this guy. He tricked and manipulated you into a relationship. You were the other woman. You were the home wrecker. You knew he was in a relationship and pursued him anyway. And he pursued you! You’re mother is concerned for your well being.
-We’re supposed to see Demeter as this controlling evil parent when in reality she’s a concerned mother. Those of us who are critical with this comic see right through the shallow narrative and attempt to get the audience to side with our protagonist and see Demeter as a manipulative hag who only wants full and total control of her daughter. But this is flawed this is a retcon. This backfired.
The only reason we see the emotional manipulation is bc it was thrown in as a plot device and excuse for rs to use for her poor writing and mislead us into thinking this is how Demeter’s always been. When it came out Of nowhere. We’ve never seen her this way up until now. This trauma is used as a connivence. Like the SA was used to make hades look better, the emotional manipulation was used to make Demeter look bad.
And as someone who’s experienced this with their own parents I am disgusted with the way it was used in this story. I hate it. When the fast pass first came out there was no trigger warning at the beginning of the previous episode! That was only added AFTER it became public bc so many readers told Rachel under instagram post. This is something she shouldn’t need to be told! And the fact that it triggered so many ppl is infuriating! I myself had a hard time reading it, and had to control my breathing bc I was getting g so worked up and that was AFTER the public post of the comic!
RS only uses trauma as plot devices with no resolution. Only to demonize and up lift characters.Point blank period.
Demeter says ruling the underworld would be too much for Persephone and points out the tree she grew there, the same tree that awakened frigging Kronos.
She’s right. Ruling the mortal realm was too much for her. So much so Persephone was struggling, draining herself with her powers just to keep up with her moms work. But she did work and work hard. Not as hard as she thought she was as confirmed in previous episodes with Zeus failing her and the previous one her mother pointing out all the unfinished work and damage.
Hades called that tree a gift, but it was that very tree that led to his and many other gods laying dormant for 10yrs!! Peres wasn’t responsible with her powers on Olympus and in the underworld coddled by hades. Since her return, he doesn’t want her to work! It seems as well intentioned bc she “worked SO hard in the mortal realm” but it’s not. This is a man who wants to keep a woman under his thumb. She was supposed to work! That was the point of her punishment and she couldn’t even do that right.
She isn’t fit to rule a kingdom, shes bullying lower class citizens and is okay staying at home without questioning her partner!
Okay I don’t wanna derail too much so now I’ll talk about the proposal. My god the proposal!!!
This was god awful! So awful.
Nothing about this was empowering, uplifting or romantic. It was manipulative, shallow, self indulgent, conceited and self absorbed. It’s safe to say Hades has become one of my least favorite characters. And it’s not hard to see why.
He goes on to say being from the beginning of time and space deem Persephone worthy of ruling the underworld, a clear jab at Demeter (what a prick that Hades).
-he goes on this long annoying self absorbed tangent. Putting Persephone on this ridiculously high pedestal while lamenting about himself. Me me me! You did this for ME. You made ME feel this way, IM so lucky to have you. It’s all about him. Persephone isn’t her own person in his eyes. It’s all about how she is WITH HIM!. She’s HIS savior, shes nothing more than HIS queen, not a queen HIS queen.
It’s so possessive and demeaning and gross.
This is right after/during her emotional roller coster with her mom!!! Who just emotionally manipulated her not one episode ago! And he’s doing it with this proposal! In front of dozens of ppl and her mother!
But bc he’s her partner and he “loves” her it’s okay. It’s framed as sentimental when it’s no different from the emotional manipulation we just saw! He’s scumbag, talking advantage of an emotionally vulnerable person abs it’s framed as good! Its terrible.
And finally we see her hands turn pink again from the wedding ring. Another jab at Demeter. I guess to symbolize her freedom?? But to me ? It undoes all the hard work that came with them. Persephone’s green hands I guess were meant to symbolize her trying to be like her mother, but to me it showed the one good thing about her character. It showed she had to WORK for her powers. She had to work hard to maintain them. She had to get off her butt and figure out her way of doing things.
Her hands turning pink isn’t a flex it’s a representation that she’d rather be pampered and coddled by a partner. Reaping the benefits of slave labor and live a life of luxury instead of nature.
It’s not romantic running from an overprotective parent only thrust yourself into a marriage To a person you’ve barely known. This wasn’t sweet or sentimental. This was rushed, sloppy, shallow and manipulative.
What I wanted out of this chapter?
Persephone to stand up to her mother even if they didn’t meet a middle ground, for her to voice her opinion, put her foot down and say her choices were her own.
Instead? We once again get white knight Hades making this whole thing about himself. And Persephone letting him. Demeter is jabbed at, demonized and made a villain. Hades is praised despite doing the same emotionally abusive tactic.
This was absolute garbage. And we’re well past disappointment. No depth. No substance just trash.
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The Drawdown
Wipeout - Chapter 9
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Pairing: Surfer!Tom Holland x Reader
A/N: Okay so I decided to cut this chapter in half so I could get it out a little faster and keep it from getting really long. Next chapter should hopefully also be coming shortly
Warnings: Fighting, angst
Summary: You have a terrible time at the beach
Series Masterlist
❀  ゜.・゜-: ✧ :-  -: ✧ :-゜・.゜❀
You twisted the small beads of your necklace while you read over the email on your phone. You’d been studying it religiously since it arrived, every word was now deeply ingrained in your memory. You wanted to say yes so badly, you’d even begun searching for apartments. It was such an amazing opportunity, if things were any different you would have said yes in a heartbeat. There was just one thing holding you back.
Tom Holland. Your sweet, funny, flirty little surfer boy. You just couldn’t imagine life without him. One week apart had left you totally miserable, how would you handle multiple months? An entire year? It seemed impossible.
If you could go back in time you would have listened to Grace and backed off way sooner. You thought you could fight your own feelings, and for a long time you had, but it became overwhelming. You weren’t sure exactly when things changed, but when he’d handed you that necklace you became totally overwhelmed with a warm fuzzy feeling. Everything had crashed over you and all at once you realized that the way you wanted Tom had moved far beyond friendship or lust. You didn’t know how to handle the sudden rush of emotions so you jumped to sex so you could feel as close to him as possible.
You debated talking to him about it, but you already knew your feelings wouldn’t be reciprocated, and you didn’t want them to ruin a friendship that you valued so deeply. Leaving was a perfect out though, the distance would make it easier to move on. Plus you’d be totally focused on your career and future, there’d be no time for you to worry about dating. You two could call and text, even FaceTime on occasion, but by the time you came back you’d be totally over him. You’d probably laugh about it together later in life.
“Boo,” a set of hands grabbed your shoulders. You were brought out of your trance so suddenly you jumped and let out a startled cry. Adrien laughed as he walked around to face you, “Sorry, sorry, I didn’t think I’d actually scare you.”
“That’s okay, I totally zoned out,” you set your phone in your lap and flashed him a smile, “Getting tired?”
You’d gone out to the beach with Grace, Harrison, and Adrien. Adrien and Grace had both tried to get you to come into the water already but you’d told them you weren’t feeling well. Really you were just waiting for Tom to get off work. He was set to come join you once he got off, you were hoping you could tell him you were planning on moving once you were out on the water. It was easier to have that sort of talk on the water.
“Nah, I’ve just got to leave in a few minutes, I’m meeting some friends for dinner,” he explained, “I don’t suppose you’re feeling any better yet?”
You shook your head, “No, not really.”
“That sucks, I’m sorry, I wish you could be out there with us,” he leaned back on his hands while he spoke, “I’m kind of glad we have a minute alone though, there’s something I’ve been wanting to talk to you about.”
You knit your brows, “You can always text me.”
“I know, I just think it’s better to do this stuff in person,” his cheeks took a bit of color as he continued, “I’m not the smoothest person in the world so forgive me if I stumble a bit. I want to start by saying I think you’re really pretty and really cool…”
Oh no, you could already tell where he was going.
“And I had a lot of fun hanging out and helping you with your internship stuff. So I was just wondering if you’d want to go on a date sometime?”
You were frozen in time, your mind rushing between a million thoughts. Adrien was cute, sure, but you’d never thought about him that way, and you had no clue he’d been thinking about you that way.
“Sorry, I’m just a little surprised,” you justified your silence and cleared your throat, “I didn’t realize you were into me that way…” you trailed off as you considered your options.
Adrien was cute, and a good match for you on paper. He was the opposite of Tom in many ways, more quiet and shy. He was sweet and smart and your careers fit nicely together. Plus a date would help you move on. If you could move on then you wouldn’t have to move away from him. You could stay in the sweet little town that you loved, with the sweet boy that you loved. Everything would be perfect, you and Tom could just be best friends and Adrien would be your boyfriend. A boyfriend gave you another reason to deny leaving too, to stay here and stay near him.
“Um, yeah, I think we should do that,” you nodded as you finally answered him, “Just something super casual though, you know what I mean?”
He nodded quickly, “Yeah, of course, we could just grab dinner or something, nothing crazy.”
This was good. Tom and Adrien were friends, all three of you could hang out together. Plus Tom and your other friends would definitely approve of Adrien, and that was important to you. Nothing had to change at all.
“Cool, did you have somewhere in mind?” you turned your attention to your hands, dipping your fingers into the warm sand nervously.
“Have you been to the Thai place that just opened? They have a cute little outside area right on the beach.”
“No, I haven’t, that sounds good though,” you agreed, “When did you want to go? I’m off on Friday.”
“Friday is perfect, around 6 if that works?”
You nodded again, “6 is good for me too. I can pick you up if you want?”
“That’s perfect, I can’t wait,” he flashed a big warm smile and leaned forward again, “I’ve got to get going, but I’m really excited.”
Your smile was smaller but you tried not to seem unsure, “Me too. Have fun at dinner.”
“I will,” he bounced to his feet quickly and waved to you, “I’ll see you Friday.”
“You too,” you waved as he left.
As he disappeared down the beach you drew your legs up to your chest and wrapped your arms around them. You set your head on your knees with a sigh and turned your eyes to Grace and Harrison. You watch Harrison cut into Grace’s wave and start teasing her while she yelled at him. They were having so much fun, it was annoying to be caught up in your own feelings instead of out there having fun with them.
You had no idea how long you’d been sitting there just watching when you heard footsteps behind you. You turned to find Tom, who must have just walked down the beach from work. He flashed you a smile, and then a pout when he noticed the look on your face.
“What’s wrong? Did you get hurt or something?” he hummed.
“No, I’m fine,” you stretched your legs out as he tossed his shirt and shoes off, “How was work?”
“Good, slow,” he glanced out at your friends, “You’re not gonna make me paddle out there alone are you?” he grabbed the pink board you liked and pushed it out towards you.
“No, I’ll go, just, um,” you took a deep breath, “Could you sit for a minute? I need to talk to you.”
His lips tugged to a small frown but he nodded and stuck the board back in the sand, “Of course, what’s on your mind?” he fell down into the sand beside you.
“Adrien asked me out,” you blurted it out because you didn’t know how to tell him.
You’d hoped he’d be excited, tell you right away that he hoped you said yes and he thought you’d be a great couple. It would be so much easier if he was excited.
His lips tugged upwards to a playful smirk, “Well I hope you let him down gentle Flower.”
Your cheeks tinted pink. He’d expected you to say no.
“Well actually I said yes,” you mumbled it out, like you’d done something wrong. Somehow it felt shameful, like something you needed to hide.
“Oh,” his little smirk dropped and he crossed his legs, “I didn’t realize you were into him.”
“I don’t really know if I am yet, that’s kind of the point of the date,” you tried to joke but Tom’s face contorted to a frown and his voice held an edge you weren’t used to hearing, “I don’t think you should be leading him on like that. If you’re not interested just tell him, all this is going to do is cause drama.”
“Why would it cause drama?” you frowned back at him, “It’s super casual, and he knows that. It’s just to see if there’s a spark or anything.”
“How could it not cause drama? He knows you and I have been hooking up, you think he’s just going to be cool with that?” he snapped at you.
You were taken back, you’d expected Tom to be shocked at most, not angry. He seemed totally pissed though, you hadn’t seen him that angry since the incident with Riley.
“He’s going to have to be cool with it Tom. If things got serious or anything I’d make it very clear with him that you and I are always going to be friends. Plus I doubt he would have asked me out if he wasn’t okay with it,” you pointed out, “I am perfectly capable of drawing those boundaries with any future partner I might have. You don’t need to worry about someone pushing you out of my life or getting jealous or something, I wouldn’t let that happen.”
You were being honest, you’d never let anyone push Tom out of your life, he meant too much. It was easy to promise that too when you couldn’t imagine being with anyone but him. Eventually you’d have to get over that, you’d have to move on, but he’d still always be an important part of your life.
“It’s not about that (y/n) I-” he cut himself off with a heavy sigh, shaking his head before he continued, “He’s not right for you.”
You knit your brows, “What do you mean? I thought you liked Adrien.”
“I do like Adrien,” he sighed again, “Adrien is a good guy, but you two barely know each other.”
“Again, that’s the point of the date.”
“Okay well I do know both of you, and I know you aren’t a good match.”
“What do you mean?” you asked again, you were starting to get annoyed now, “He’s sweet, and you know on paper we-”
“On paper doesn’t mean anything (y/n),” he sounded harsh and scolding, boardline parental, “You can make anyone seem good for anyone on paper.”
“Don’t talk to me like I’m a child Tom, I’m capable of deciding who I do and don’t want to go out with,” you snapped back at him.
“That’s not what I’m trying to do,” he groaned and ran his hands through his hair, “Look if you want my opinion I think it’s a bad idea. I won’t lie to make you feel better.”
“I don’t want you to lie Tom, I appreciate that you’re being honest here,” you dipped your fingers into the warm sand and grabbed a fistful of it, “I just thought we should talk about it because, you know…” you trailed off, letting the sand stream out between your fingers while you searched for the right words, “We’ve got out thing and our terms were-”
“Oh for fucks sake (y/n) don’t talk about it like it’s some sort of contract,” he snapped bitterly at you. Your eyes widened in shock and you fell silent. He was so venomous and angry, you’d never heard him speak like that. He glanced over at you and took a deep breath before he spoke again, “Sorry, I’m sorry, that came out really mean. I just don’t think this is a good idea okay? I mean he’s my roommate, he knows about our whole deal. It’s gonna get weird and he’ll inevitably end up jealous.”
“It’s just a super casual thing right now, if things got more serious I’d make it clear with him that he’d have to be okay with us staying friends.”
“If it’s just a super casual thing then why are we even talking about it? I mean what we talked about was doing our thing until you found someone you actually want to be with. So I don’t see why this matters unless you actually want to be with him.”
“Well I just don’t know that right now, I might want to be with him or something in the future. I wanted to talk to you about it because I don’t want things to get weird,” you pursed your lips. Really you wanted to bring up cooling things off between you two, you just thought this was a good way to bring that up without admitting your feelings, “Why are you getting mad at me? I’m just trying to communicate.”
“I’m not getting mad at you,” he clarified, “I’m not mad. I just think this is a bad idea, and I don’t think you two are a good match. I don’t get why you want to have this conversation either. If you don’t want to be with him, why do we need to talk about this? Obviously you’re not looking for my opinion.”
“Because I think it’s probably best for us to cool things off while I’m figuring this shit out,” you bit back at him. His mood was starting to sour yours too, “I’m trying to have this conversation with you so things don’t get weird or tense. I am not asking for your permission or approval. If you have an actual reason for thinking it’s a bad idea then I’d love to hear it, but if your reasoning is just that you don’t think we’re a good match, then I can decide that for myself. Obviously I’m going to talk to you about this because what else am I going to do? Just not tell you?”
His whole face flushed, “No I-” he paused, “I-If that’s what you think is best then obviously…” he fell silent, you waited for him to speak again, “I’m sorry, I don’t want to come off controlling or something because that’s not it at all. Obviously if you don’t want to stop sleeping together for any reason that’s your call, I’m not gonna question you on that. I just think that you going out with my roommate is a bad idea. I think it’ll make things weird no matter how hard we try to avoid it.”
“If it feels weird then I won’t go out with him again, but I’m trying to talk this out now so we’re on the same page. I don’t want to fight with you.”
“Yeah, me either,” he nodded, “I’m sorry for being pissy. I guess you’ll just go on the date or whatever and see how you feel or something…”
“Yeah…” your eyes left him in favor of the beach, “I’m sorry too, I wasn’t trying to start a fight.”
“I know.”
Silence fell between you two, neither of you knew what else to say. You were hoping for a much more positive talk.
“We could hit the water if you want,” you suggested in an attempt to lighten the mood, “I was sort of waiting for you to head out there.”
“Actually I think I’m gonna head home,” Tom rubbed the back of his neck, “I, uh, I don’t really feel like surfing right now. Work was really long, I’d like to just get to bed.”
“Right totally,” you nodded and watched him stand up.
He pulled his shirt back on and gave you an awkward wave as he left. You sighed and pulled your legs back up to your chest. Your head felt heavy on your knees and your eyes started burning. You tried to convince yourself it was just the salty air but you knew better.
next chapter
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sweetbillwriting · 2 years
The Real Deal
Part 10 - His Girl
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Characters: AU Single Bill Skarsgård. A version of Bill where he becomes single 2017 and with a different timeline. AU Skarsgårds and others. The rest is my own original characters.
Setting: The story will jump from 2001 until present day. This chapter jump between 2018 and 2021.
Warnings: 18+, alcohol, smut, sex work, slut shaming, sexual themes and kinks.
Bill's hair was pushed forward by the hood of his gray hoodie so greasy strands of hair hung down his forehead. Cassie couldn't see much of his hotel room, just the green wall and the blue headboard. She sat on the floor in their new, but quite empty living room framing a picture of them as awkward teens. Bill did a peace sign with pouty lips while she had her arms around him, kissing his porcelain cheek. She had the computer next to her so he could watch her work. He mostly looked at her naked legs and how his sweater exposed her shoulder and collarbone. 
He could see a bit of their apartment in the background. Bill had almost forgotten how it looked because just a few days after they had moved in he had traveled to Croatia to film. He did remember it having three bedrooms and was fresh but with a vintage style. They had wood burning heaters in classic Scandinavian white tiles in almost all of the rooms and chrome handles and other interesting details. 
"So have you talked with your mom again,” Bill asked and looked at Cassie's toes. She wiggled them while she worked and it made him smile. 
"No," Cassie said shortly and continued with her work. Bill was quiet, the subject of her mom was always tricky and he didn't want to say something stupid. Cassie had already spoken with her mom about the two of them being a couple and her mother had just laughed and more or less called her a golddigger. Bill knew her mother had always poked a bit of fun at her daughter being friends with an actor who also had money. It fit her view of her daughter; that she was thinking a little bit too highly of herself. Still Cassie had kept in contact with her mother all the time even if she gave little support and made fun of her way of living. 
"But I talked with my aunt," said Cassie finally and turned over the frame in front her. When she realized the picture was crooked she turned it over again. 
"Oh, you did?" Asked Bill and sat up in the bed. 
"Yeah. They thought it was fun. But she has always been skeptical of you," Cassie joked and looked at Bill's little face on the computer. 
"I felt how she looked at me. Like I would do terrible things with you." 
"She was right, you do terrible things with me." 
Bill smiled big and dragged the hood back and forth over his head. His hair itched because of all the products the hair stylist had put in it. 
"Mom said the same thing to her when she got together with Patrik. She said she just wanted money and expensive clothes. I guess it's her way of being worried, or something." 
Bill sighed and looked at his girlfriend closely. Her hair was up in a clip and her face was fresh from makeup. 
"Do you feel lonely? Without me? I mean I just moved you to another continent and then I went away to work." 
Cassie looked up at him from her craft and saw his worried face. She was happy that he cared but he worried about such things he felt were hard, not thinking about what she felt about it.
"It has just been a week, Bill. And I'm used to being alone. I'm most often alone. I'm probably more Swedish than you when it comes to that," she joked. Bill smiled a little but still looked worried. 
"I know, I know… But you don't have so many friends in Stockholm." 
She hadn't had many friends in New York either, just her clients which she called dates to Bill. 
"I'm okay, baby. Don't worry. Hopefully I’ll get a job soon and can do something with myself." 
He licked his lips and thought of how he should formulate his next sentence. 
"Or we could… I mean… You maybe don't need to worry about that if we tried to make a baby…" He tried to look calm but she knew him too well to not see his nerves. 
"Bill…" she sighed and leaned her head back. 
"What? We’re 31 this year, you are 31 already." 
"It's not about age Bill. Who cares how old we are? We have been together six months and I don't even know if I want kids. I don't even know if I like kids." 
"When will you know that then?" He said it a bit annoyed, like he had waited for her for a long time. 
"I don't know but come on, your sperm will be fine anyway. Stop stressing." 
Bill was quiet and played with the drawstrings of his hoodie. He didn't want to stress but he felt it was idiotic that she would stress about work when they could solve it so easily. 
"And if I do have kids I want to be married first," Cassie said and looked at the finished framed picture. Bill looked up at the screen and furrowed his brows. 
"Married? Why?" 
"Because if you want to mess up my body I want to be totally sure you can't get rid of it so easily!" She said matter of factly. Bill laughed and shook his head. 
"Sure, if that's what you want, my love." 
She nodded and made a thinking face. 
"And you must be home for six months like other Swedish daddies are." 
Bill sighed with a smile and pulled down the hood. 
"Yeah, yeah, I get it. You will not be one of those easy girls that will just be happy with a baby." 
"I am happy with one baby, you. My 6 '4 baby that likes belly rubs and sucking my tits." 
Bill bit his lip and moved the computer so it stood next to him in bed. 
"I think I need a titi right now. You do know you have messed me up? I am horny all the time." 
Cassie put away the picture and sat down in front of the computer fully. 
"Aww my little baby, all alone and horny… But isn't that because of the character? You haven't done any method acting so you can become just as horny as him?" 
Bill laughed and took a hold of his hoodie in the back and dragged it off together with his white t-shirt. 
"No, I'm not horny over the girls here, at all, I promise you that. I just want you." 
Cassie smiled a little and took off the sweater so that she was just in a pair of black panties. 
"And now you want me to be your cam girl again?" 
"Yes but no… Like yes now I want you to be that but I also want you to take the next flight here." 
Cassie smiled like it was a joke and took her hair down from the clip. 
"I'm serious. Sexy lady, come here. Let me fuck you in Croatia." 
Once again she had gone away with Bill on a short notice, no wonder she couldn’t evolve in her career. Many probably thought she just took her chance to get vacations and luxury and of course it was nice but first and foremost she did it because Bill was the most important person in her life. He had taken her to Cancun and she knew it was for a reason. She quickly noticed when they met at the hotel that he had once again got stuck in his head. Thinking about something over and over so much he was distracted and forgot the most basic things, like taking the key cards to the room, taking his luggage with him and letting Cassie walk into the elevator. 
"I'm sorry I just… Have a lot to think about." 
Cassie just nodded a little and let him lay down on the bed while she hung up all her sundresses. 
"Should I hang up any of your clothes?" She said carefully and laid a soft hand on his chest. 
"You can hang up the shirts, thanks," he said tiredly and hugged her hand in his. When she was done she redressed from her jeans to one of the thin dresses. Bill watched her back. She was just in panties. He didn't see her breasts but he knew her naked front was there. He sighed a little. 
"Can you just lay on top of me for a while?" He said with a low voice and put his hand out to her. She smiled sympathetically and straddled him before laying down on his chest. He caressed her back while breathing steadily. He breathed in Cassie's perfume and she let him play with the thin strap of her dress, dragging them down over her arms as low as he could. Cassie almost wondered if her breasts would spill from the neckline but it got stuck between the two of them. 
"What is it Billy? She said and took one of his hands in hers. 
"Can we wait to talk about it for a while?" 
Cassie just nodded while Bill continued to play with the straps. 
They had been there for two days when Bill finally told her. He had calmed down, been himself and enjoyed Cancun. They sat together in a little restaurant that was so homey it looked like someone lived there and maybe even someone did. After three glasses of wine, Bill took a deep breath. 
"I slept with my ex," he said and played with his glass. He didn't look at Cassie, she could feel how his anxiety started again. 
Cassie chewed the food in her mouth and waited on him to continue. Her heart beated heavily in her chest. 
"And she thinks we will be together again." 
Cassie made an uncomfortable sound and smiled strained. 
Bill looked at her but then looked down, wiping away some invisible dust on the table. 
"Is that what you want,” Cassie asked, trying to sound neutral. 
"No. No…" he sighed and dragged his hands over his face. "I feel like we didn't really match and… I can find someone better." 
Cassie nodded and smiled a little. 
"Totally. Totally!" 
Bill nodded but then sighed. 
"She messaged me. A lot." He played with a button on his patterned shirt. 
"You must tell her." 
Bill sat quietly so Cassie did the same. Drinking her wine and looking around in the restaurant. Bill looked up at her. She had recently cut her hair and the shorter length looked really good on her. It made her neck and collar bones more prominent. Her make up was natural and her lips were a bit wine stained. She just got more beautiful every year and Bill shook his head to stop his thoughts. 
"What?" Cassie asked when she saw him shake his head. Bill licked his lips and gave her chest a fast look. He could see a hint of her nipples under the thin white cotton. 
"No, no. I just don't know how to tell her. Can't I just… wait it out?" 
"You mean just stop answering? Bill, you're not that kind of asshole." He took a big gulp of his wine and lifted the bottle. It was empty so in his old clumsy school Spanish, some English and some sort of sign language he ordered a new one. 
"So how should I do it then? Get together with her and then let her break up with me?" Cassie rolled her eyes. She knew Bill didn't like conflicts with girls but his comment was just too silly. 
"She will never break up with you. But either way is the stupidest thing I've heard. Are you afraid of her or something? Just tell her." 
"Of course I am afraid! I'm afraid of all girls, especially you. All of you are a bit crazy." He said with humor but Cassie knew it was true. 
"You're such a dude, Bill! I thought you were better!" She continued his humoristic way of talking but she also told the truth. Bill smirked and when the new bottle of wine came to the table he poured two big glasses. He took a look at Cassie's nipples again and thought about her comments about him being such a dude. If she knew that he thought the filthiest things about her she would really understand how much of a dude he was. 
"Call her up tomorrow and tell her. Don't drag it out. Tell her you don't want to be with her." 
He slid down in his chair and looked at Cassie with a pensive look. 
Because I want you.
He wiped away that intrusive thought and sat up again. He tried to think about what he would say to his ex the next day, the anxiety he had felt for it all but instead he couldn't stop thinking about kissing Cassie's wine stained lips and dragging the straps of her dress down, all the way this time. 
He called his ex the next morning while watching Cassie sleep next to him, with her smooth leg over his hips. When he hung up he crawled closer to her, enjoying her soft curves against him. His ex had gotten sad, even angry but he forgot about that quickly because of Cassie's closeness. 
She was straddling his lap in the armchair and kissing his plump lips while playing with the fake sideburns. She rubbed herself against him and he felt himself getting harder and harder every second. They were on set of the series he was filming in Croatia, Cassie had been there a week now but he was still as horny as ever and took every chance to be close to her. She was so sexy and knew just what to do to make him wild but he wasn't used to having a girlfriend that made other guys wild too. Cassie was a beautiful girl but it was her sexiness and flirty way that got them going. Bill didn't blame her because she couldn't even eat a cup of noodles without some of the set workers watching her hollow cheeks slurping the long noodles. Bill had seen her too and wondered how he had been able to be just friends with her for such a long time. 
Her hands moved up under the black turtle neck he was wearing while his hand went down in the back of her jeans. As a teen in the beginning of 2000s he had a fascination for thongs and liked when they were visible over the hem of her pants. He played with the thin strap and twisted it around his finger and smirked when Cassie made a sound because the panties had been pulled up in her pussy. She rubbed herself even harder against Bill's crotch and he thought about pulling his cock out but just then the door of his trailer flew open and the director peaked in. 
"Oh, sorry, sorry. Don't let me interrupt," he said but still went in and sat down in front of them. Bill released Cassie's panties and sighed loudly but she continued to rub herself against his erection with a teasing smirk even if the director watched them. 
"Okay, okay… Enough with that," said Bill and moved her so she sat on one of his thighs, covering his erection. The director smiled. 
"You look good together," He didn't sound gross, just like he really thought they were a beautiful couple. Bill laughed a little embarrassed, even more when Cassie just sat pretty in his lap, looking at the director like what they were doing before hadn't happened. He looked at her profile and almost got a little bit provoked that she didn't seem to be as embarrassed as he was. 
"There was some national newspaper here a few days ago and took some pictures," said the director. He acted like it wasn't such a big deal. 
"Okay?" Bill said, just as indifferent but confused why they even discussed it. 
"I don't know if you care but they took a picture of you two… cozying up." 
Bill and Cassie looked at each other fast but then at the director again. Cassie could feel her heart starting to beat harder and harder in her chest. 
"Can we see it?" She asked. Bill leaned back in the chair and looked at her. He didn't care really, it would happen sooner or later and the only ones that would see those photos were his really engaged fans, others wouldn't be interested. 
The director took up his phone and gave it to Cassie who scrolled through the images. Mostly it was just pictures of Bill and Adam in their white short shorts but then there were finally two pictures at the end of the article that stood out. If she knew Croatian she would have understood that the last paragraph was about Bill and his mystery woman. She stood next to Bill in the first pictures, speaking with Adam. She held Bill's hand and looked at his bearded face. In the next picture Adam had moved away and she leaned up to kiss Bill. His hand laid on her cheek while her hand was under the striped shirt he was wearing. She looked at the picture. Her short skirt and high heels. God, must she be such a slut? 
"Oh my god, this is… Bill," she whined and gave him the phone so he could see the pictures. He didn't see the same thing at all. He first looked at how funny he looked in those short shorts and then at Cassie. She looked like such a knockout. It looked more like she was the celebrity and he felt proud looking at the pictures, that she was his girlfriend. 
"What?" He just said and looked between the pictures and Cassie. 
"They will hate me." She laid her head down on Bill's shoulder and Bill gave the director the phone who looked curious at Cassie. 
"Who?" Bill said, lifting her legs up over his other thigh. 
"Your fans. Everyone. God, I look like a slut." 
In her head she had started to spiral and just thought everyone would be able to see what she really did for a living. 
"What? No, no, no. You just look hot. Maybe they will hate you for that but you don't look like a slut at all," Bill said and hugged her. 
"You are really…" the director searched for a word that Bill would accept. "Pretty in the pictures." 
Cassie looked between Bill and the director and played with the rings on her fingers. 
"Yeah?" She said worried. 
"Of course, babe. You're so beautiful and that's the only thing they can hate. But who cares anyway? This is just about you and me." Bill assured before kissing her. Cassie kissed back even if the director watched them and she tried to cool down but she was still worried. 
When Bill went away to fix his make up again she chose to stay in his trailer. She said it was to rest but she began to look through Instagram immediately. She searched "Billskarsgård" and the most recent photos and there they were. The accounts had all chosen to put the picture of her and Bill first on their posts. On one account the speculations were everywhere about who she was and some even said it was his ex, she almost took that as an insult. But then there was one comment, just a couple hours old with two likes, "she is a whore. The real kind." Cassie looked at it with a hammering heart. Did they know or did they just call her a whore for being with Bill? She didn't know. But she knew she must cover her tracks. She took out her laptop from her bag and tried to start it as fast as possible. It felt like it took ages and when she finally was in she heard Bill outside of the door. She heard him talking loudly in Swedish but then it disappeared. Her heart beated so hard it felt like it would soon give up. She searched for the sugarbabe site and then stared at the front page for a few seconds. The purple and pink background was the same but the pictures were new and there she was. Lying on the bed, sucking her finger with her tank top exposing her stomach. They had put her on the front page?
Horny girls searching for daddies.
It stood right under her picture. She felt that she was almost close to crying when she logged in on the page. She tried to persuade herself that the picture would disappear if she just deleted her account. She searched for a long time after how to delete the account but when she finally found the button the site closed off. 
The page cannot be displayed. 
It felt like she would throw up and she had started to cry now. What was this? Who tried to destroy everything for her? 
She tried again and again to delete the account but it didn't work and over and over she was forced to look at her own picture sucking her finger with the words "horny" and "daddies" just below. Bill would never ever want to have a sugarbabe as a girlfriend. He would never ever want a prostitute caring his child. Why couldn't she just delete the account? The panic took over and she was afraid that Bill would come back soon and wondered why she laid on the couch, crying her eyes out. She needed to fix this in some way. She needed to get in contact with the creators of the site. When she looked around on the page she realized that wasn't the most simple thing to do. The support was a phone number that didn't work and that was the only contact she could find. 
Cassie sat leaned forward, looking at her own picture on the front page and thought about what to do while trying to breathe slowly. 
"I know one of the guys creating the site actually. He earned a heck of a lot of money just creating all kinds of forums." 
She heard Georg Visser's voice in her head. They had laid in his bed while he dragged his fingers over her bum in different shapes. He probably wanted to brag but she knew he didn't lie, he never did. He didn't need to. She grabbed a mirror from her bag, fixing her make up and then looked at herself. 
Just one final meeting. 
They had messaged for a long time before they met. She wasn't used to that but she guessed it was because this guy actually had a lot of money and also thought about his reputation. He was almost twenty five years older than her but in the pictures he had sent he actually was really handsome. He looked like the type you could call daddy. 
When she came back from the Cancun trip with Bill, she and Georg decided on a date to see each other. He wanted their first meeting to be private and intimate so he had rented a suite with a menu from the restaurant. When she asked him if he wasn't afriad that they would believe she was a prostitute he had written to her to not call herself that but also that no one would dare to accuse him for such a thing. He gave her the room number even if it was just one of two suites on the top floor. 
She wore an extremely tight Stella McCartney dress with high heels and crotchless panties underneath, like Georg had wished. Cassie took a deep breath outside of the door, knowing this could be the client changing everything for her. She knocked and was prepared to wait a while but the door opened at once. Georg was as handsome as the pictures, tall and lean like she liked her men. He looked her up and down and smiled warmly. 
"The most beautiful girl in the world, I see," he said smoothly and moved away so she could walk in. She giggled a little and stepped in, walking close to him so he could smell her perfume but also look at her closely. 
The suite was comically big and luxurious and Cassie fought hard to not get excited by the luxury. She looked at Georg and smiled mischievously and he answered by moving closer. 
"You look like the kind of girl I want to spoil. Be my little princess," he said and took her hand and kissed it. Everything he said could be cliche but it came out so smoothly from his mouth you could believe he was the first ever to say it. 
"Yes daddy," said Cassie and let herself drown in his arms. 
"Baby girl… So good…" he whispered and dragged his hands over her back. 
They ate a fantastic dinner while he asked her things like if she liked diamonds, what she became happy of and what she would like to do with him. She thought he mean sexually but he asked then if she wanted to go ice skating in central park with him. She couldn't stop giggling and she felt more like Pretty Woman than a simple sugarbabe. She thought to herself that this guy, this guy was the ultimate daddy and he would make her happy. 
He took her to the bedroom after dinner. Let her give him a show and then fucked her slowly while calling her "daddy's little girl". All of it was arousing and the sex was really good. They laid together closely the next day, kissing softly while she played with his dick teasingly. 
"Have you ever been in love?" He said lowly. "This is a safe place so be honest with me. I'm your daddy, not your boyfriend." 
Cassie thought a little about her answer and climbed on top of Georg. 
"Yes. Have you?" 
"A few times." He said and watched Cassie's naked body drown in the morning sun. "You're still in love." 
Cassie didn't really want to talk about it and didn't know the answer either so she was quiet and played with Georg's chest hair. 
"How is he?" He continued. When she didn't answer he slapped her ass. "Tell daddy." 
Cassie made a little sound and laid down on his chest. 
"He's tall…" 
Georg waited for more. 
"I know tall guys can get away with a lot just by being tall but he must have some other good qualities. Have you slept with him?" 
"No…" Cassie sighed a little and continued to play with his chest hair. "He's my best friend and he… He's too good for me." 
"Aww baby…" said Georg and kissed her lips. "Let daddy take care of you then? I can give you everything you want." He kissed her again and a thick finger penetrated her from behind. "You can be my slut, princess." 
She sat on a high chair by the bar, looking at the people around her. She had gotten used to Swedes avoiding eye contact but here, in New York she met manys eyes and even got a smile. Most were from men, looking at her like they thought they had a chance. She just looked away and looked at her phone. Seeing a new snap from Bill. He knew she was in New York but not why she was there. She had just said to him that she needed to take care of some things there and he said he was sorry he had forgotten that. He hadn't forgotten anything because Cassie hadn't mentioned anything before, this was an impulsive trip with just one mission. 
Cassie had thought a lot about what she would wear. She didn't want to be too sexy because she had a boyfriend now and wasn't a call girl anymore. She wanted to show that she had grown up. But she still wanted to look good, not like Bill had destroyed her. She had a pair of white flare pants with a black crop top with a sweetheart neckline. In her hair she had a thick alice band. She felt chic, something she hoped she could continue to feel. 
Out of nowhere she felt a hand on her back and looked up to meet Georg's ice blue eyes. She smiled warmly because in some way she had missed him. He smiled back with his hand still on her lower back. 
"Should we sit down a little more comfortably?" He said and nodded to a couch close by. 
"Sure." Cassie hopped down from the chair while Georg took her hand to help her down. He was always a gentleman. Or around people at least. 
"A whiskey on ice and a gimlet for the lady," he said to the bartender before they sat down next to each other on the couch. They sat quietly, looking at each other curiously until the drinks came. She admired his discrete gray plaid suit with the light pink button up under. He looked so elegant, rich and powerful. 
"You look so good, princess. Red lips really suit you." He said it softly like he tried to seduce her and she knew he in one way tried to do that. 
"You too," she said and smiled and looked down at her nails. 
"I guess you wanted to see me for a reason. How can I help you, baby girl?" He took a sip of his drink and sat back on the couch. 
Cassie laughed a bit uncomfortably and looked around the room before she was able to talk. 
"You know one of the guys behind the site we met on, right?" 
Georg made a face because he had obviously not expected to hear that. 
"Yes I do. Why?" 
"As you know, I have… stopped seeing men and I actually have a boyfriend…" 
"Oh really?" He said it with genuine curiosity and dragged his thumb over his lower lip. 
"Mm, I live in Sweden now, with him." 
Georg laughed a little and nodded to himself. 
"No wonder I haven't seen you for a while." 
Cassie took a sip of her drink to calm her nerves. 
"Yeah and… I really don't want him to know about… My side gig. But the site doesn't work, so I can't delete my account." 
Georg nodded a little and sat up. 
"It's because you're not meant to." 
"What do you mean?" 
"You were quite popular on that site, right?" 
Cassie played with the rings on her fingers and avoided the question. She got quite a lot of messages but she didn't know if it was more so than others. 
"You should actually read everything in the conditions so you know what you’re signing up for. They have the right to all your pictures as soon as you load them up." 
Cassie could feel her heart start to beat in her chest. It started to feel like this was impossible to solve. 
"So when a popular girl tries to delete her account it will not work. You see, they want to make it look like they have all these beautiful girls for the men, because if they do, the men will pay for a membership." 
Cassie swallowed. 
"They have put my picture on the front page…" 
"And they own them so they can do whatever they want." 
When Georg saw how much anxiety he created in Cassie he sighed for himself. 
"Don't you think this boyfriend would be able to accept your history? I would, I wouldn't care at all. I would just be glad to have a woman like you." 
Cassie smiled through her anxiety. His words were sweet but it wasn't him she wanted. 
"It's a little more complicated… He's an actor." 
Georg gave her a confused face. 
"He's quite famous," she continued and took a sip of her drink and kept it between her fingers. Georg nodded a little. 
"How famous? Do I know who he is?" 
Cassie dragged a finger under her lip to fix her lipstick. Georg looked at the motion closely. 
"Who is he?" Georg said, moving closer to Cassie. She hesitated and played with a curl on her neck. 
"You can trust me, this is a safe space. Tell daddy," he said with a low voice. He thought about putting his hand on her knee but Cassie moved it away as soon as she saw what his next move would be. 
"Bill Skarsgård is his name…" she said just as low as Georg talked. He searched after the name in his head. 
"Stellan Skarsgård?" He finally said. 
"That's his father." 
"Oh! Oh… That really muscular guy?" He said like the air left his lungs. 
"That's his brother, no Bill is a younger son. We're the same age. We have known each other for a really long time." 
Georg took up his phone and she could see him google "Bill Skarsgaard", she didn't point out the spelling because she knew google would correct it. Georg read the facts that came up and then scrolled through the pictures. He sighed heavily and massaged his forehead with his thumb and forefinger. 
"I guess I don't have a chance against him…" Once again Cassie was quiet because it would sound wrong, whatever she said. She looked at Georg's hurt face and started to understand that Georg had actually had real feelings for her or he might still even have them. 
"This is the guy you've always talked about, right? The one you went away to Thailand with?"
Cassie looked down and nodded. She started to wonder if Georg's hurt feelings would cause him say no in helping her. 
"And the one you were in love with when we started to see each other?" 
"Yeah… Like I said, we have known each other a long time." 
"And now has he finally understood what a catch you are?" 
Georg sighed again and unbuttoned a button on his shirt. He looked at Cassie up and down and bit his lip. She wondered what he was thinking and just hoped he wanted to help. 
"Daddy's little girl…" he said quietly and sighed again. "I will help you. I will contact the creators and try to make them delete everything. But Cassie? Babe?" He said and now laid his hand on her thigh. She let him because he would help her and with that took a load of her shoulders. She looked up at him and he dragged a thumb over her lipstick so it smeared. 
"If he doesn't understand what a good girl you are, I will be here. I will give you everything you ever wanted."
Wood burning heaters - called "kakelugn" in Swedish, meaning tiled stoves. Common in older houses and apartments in Sweden.
Parental leave - in Sweden must all parents be home with their baby 90 days to get parental benefits. To be able to be home as much as possible must they take it out separately. This to encourage dads to be home more with their kids and women will be able to work more. Now many dads are home more than the three months they must be home. 
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occult-roommates · 1 year
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The monthly curse
A week had passed since the roommates had arrived in Brindleton Bay. Most of that week had been spent chilling on the beach or walking around town, just a relaxing moment in their life for once, where nothing of notes happened. No, Audrey still had no clue Kino was an alien. Then, one late afternoon, she decided to pull out the sprinkler to play with it, which she quickly got joined by Kino, Matteo, and Dawud. Nearby, Daniele and Rudi were sitting by a fence, reminiscing about that one weird ass episode of Goosebump where the plot twist is the kids were dogs that whole time like what the fuck.
Rudi: Once in middle school I told a friend who betrayed me that she was like the kids in that episode cause she was secretly a bitch this whole time and that's the story on how I ended up in a fight for the first time. Daniele: Damn that's crazy. Anyway, look at Audrey. Look at all her whimsy, I want what she's on. Dawud: Heyy, what are you doing. Daniele: Talking about what Audrey is on and that I want it. Dawud: ....The autism spectrum? Daniele: Yeah, I want to be on the autism spectrum. Rudi: Well then I have some amazing news for you Dan! Daniele: What do you mean by that? Dawud: Ok, I'm going back to the sprinkler.
Daniele looked at Dawud playing with Matteo. No, this did not hurt him at all...not one ounce.
Rudi: By the way, this morning I had to buy a pregnancy test for Audrey cause she was too embarrassed to buy one for herself especially since the father is a guy she met on Tinder and went on only one date with before realizing he's kind of a dick. Which like...kinda weird she relied on me for that. Like what, did Dawud declined or something? Daniele: Oh yeah, I know, he told me. It's not him who declined, it's his credit card. Rudi: Wait, I know! Does Matteo want kids? Daniele: Nope. Rudi: Perfect! We should give mad baby fever to Dawud, difference in wanting to start a family or not is a huge reason for breaking up. Daniele: That is fucking awful Rudi! Rudi: Hey, I said to give him baby fever not to sabotage their birth control.
They gently pushed Daniele, laughing. He, however, did not found that funny. Quickly, Rudi apologized and tried to pick him, even though they personally thought they had done nothing wrong...When suddenly their vision went blurry and every color turned a weird shade, red completely disappearing into a brownish hue.
Rudi: SHIT! Daniele: What? Rudi: I just went colorblind. I knew that time of the month was coming, but shit! Why couldn't it be next week when we're leaving...I hate this... Daniele: Becoming colorblind sounds like a very odd symptom I think you should see a gynecologist about that...Wait don't you have a dick? Rudi: What are you talking about you moron? I'm obviously talking about turning into my beast form, cause my vision becomes like the one of a dog or a wolf. What does "that time of the month" have to do with gynecology? Daniele: ...I don't think I'm the one being a moron here... Rudi: Shut up! Daniele: But why are you freaking out? You're a werewolf, so what? You're not telling me the bad bitch you are who is always openly yourself is ashamed of that...By the goddess Hecate, are you? I mean, I've been living with you for more than two years and I never saw your beast form. You kinda just go missing for a few days. Rudi: It's for you guys safety. You don't wanna have a rampaging werewolf in a tiny apartment don't you? For someone who has been a werewolf since birth, I'm terrible at controlling my beast form. At least I no longer randomly turn into it like when I was younger. Daniele: Don't worry ok. I'll use magic to protect the rest of the group. Rudi: That is not reassuring in the slightest.
According to the family lore, the Marrons used to be fully human up until an ancestor in the late 1800s fell in love with a werewolf, and he let her bit him on purpose. And boy, does Rudi hates that ancestor, cursing him for making them cursed.
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bicsbec · 1 year
I never did post the rest of Natural Melodies 's chapters, but the story is completed so y'all can check it out and read in a single sitting.
I did, however, finish the first one-shot from The Noceda House fic and I'm pretty excited about it. It's a little longer than I thought, but we already know I'm terrible at estimating so!
I happily bring you The Most Mudane Slice-of-life Date Ever, a lumity centric fic about that date Luz promised Amity, taking place in the Human Realm as they make the best out of a crummy situation.
There's a snippet under the cut of this post.
I'd also like to soft launch the next fic I'm working on, which is Gus-centric. Exciting stuff, I'm really looking forward to it. Until next time! (I'll be posting the raeda chaps soon)
Luz had been planning this for months. Well not this particular date under these particular circumstances, but a date with Amity. Any date with Amity.
Planning was a big word, too. It was more like daydreaming. She had a list she went through in her head of different dates.
Bowling, brunch, a movie, a picnic, the beach, roller skating, going for ice cream or milkshakes like in those old teen romance movies, or going to a bookstore, or—
"Luz? Hey, hello, where are you?" Hunter waved a hand in front of her face. She swatted it away.
"I'm right here."
He raised an eyebrow. "Right. Stop thinking about Blight for two seconds and focus. What can we get Camila?"
Luz scrunched her nose at that. "Just call her Mom already, sounds weird when you use her name."
Hunter blushed at the suggestion. "That's—that'd be disrespectful."
"You calling her Mom would be better than getting her something," Vee said from the cutting board. "Or we could make her dinner, like a nice one."
They were already making dinner, but it was just because it was their turn to cook that week. Gus and Amity had cleaned the common areas and Willow had been hanging up the laundry. Mamá would find the house spotless once she got back from work.
"If that's the case, Hunter should stick to peeling and cutting, and only what we hand you," Luz said, pointing a spoon in his direction. Last time he and Gus had been left in the kitchen alone, they'd created an abomination, the affront to nature kind not the magic kind.
Hunter shrugged. "It wasn't that terrible."
"Glad you could digest it," Luz shot back. "Now, el cumple de Mamá."
"I think it should be a small thing," Vee said, bringing Luz the diced potatoes and pumpkin for the beans. "We're already a handful, don't wanna stress her out more than necessary."
"Right, so dinner, maybe game night? Or a movie. And cake."
"No ghouls?"
"No ghouls, Hunter. She doesn't need one to follow her around the whole day, telling her how many years she's got left."
He raised his hands defensively. "It helps you appreciate your remaining days, that's all I'm saying."
"It is effective," Vee agreed. "But it might give Mom a heart attack, so no."
"Thank you, I like my mothers alive," Luz said playfully. But the phrase only made her think of Eda. Her stomach swooped anxiously, an itching desperation crawling down her nerves. She could only hope that Eda was okay. That King was okay.
She ran a hand down her face, trying to ground herself. It was easy to spiral. Her friends were safe. She was with Mamá. They were doing everything they could to get back. These things were enough.
They're not, but they have to be.
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foxxdoolz · 3 months
Journal (6-16-24)
I started thinking about journaling because I have to for my class, I was given a little paper book and everything. I think part of me believes I don't want to be a burden with my thoughts, even to something as simple as a cheap little notebook.
Love is a strange concept for me.
I'm very quick to throw love to people who are friends, have even been quick to say love to drunken strangers that stumble into my pizza shop. And I love my parents, my family, my friends, my coworkers (some of them).
But romantic love has always seemed so foreign to me.
I've had boyfriends and girlfriends, I've been on dates. Some dates. Okay, okay, one date when I wasn't actively in a relationship with someone.
The first person I ever dated was my best friend in seventh grade. I found out they liked me, and I didn't want to hurt their feelings, so I asked them out first. Nowadays, I wish I hadn't, because they were my best friend for so long, and we lost that for not even two weeks of terrible kissing. She used way too much tongue, and, like, was constantly spamming it into my teeth. It was weird, it was gross. She liked me a lot more than I liked her.
We tried to stay friends afterwards, were friends for quite a few years, but we drifted apart, and I don't remember the last time I talked to her. I wish I could have said how much she meant to me, to have a friend like her all those years, even if our lives were just moving in different directions. She was my first kiss, I named a guitar after her because that seems like the thing you should do. I don't even own the guitar anymore, it's at my brother's house, I think, her name swirled on it.
My second sort of relationship, it sorta wasn't, but it was the second person I ever kissed. Junior year of high school, and they were also my friend. We hung out, they wanted to make out a little, I agreed because I learned nothing from my past relationship. We made out occasionally, and that's all it ever was. They liked me a lot more than I liked them.
It could've been more maybe, not that I particularly wanted it to be, but both of us just didn't have the time for it. I prioritized work and school, tried to keep them close as a friend. I think they're happier now. They used to always making jokes and being a clown, hiding behind it. I'm pretty sure they're either nonbinary or trans now, and they seem a lot more comfortable in their skin when I see their posts on Instagram.
My third, and so far, only ever relationship, was my senior year of high school. It was interesting the time frame of it all. I had just made out with my previous ex semi-recently, like within the last week, when, suddenly, I was hanging out with a new friend in his car, he kissed me, I kissed back, he asked me to be his girlfriend, I said yes. I don't know why I said yes, I think I just really liked hanging out with them.
He liked me a lot more than I liked him. He told me he loved me within the first two months, and I couldn't say it back. I should've ended it then, but for the next four months, I had that looming over my head. Constantly thinking about it, constantly feeling like a shitty person. We tried to have sex, it didn't work out.
He dumped me over the phone, my friend, who was also my ex (sorta), who was also my boyfriend's friend, was sitting next to me in my car in the Sonic parking lot. I remember my friend asking me if I was okay, and I was. I was very okay with it actually, happy about it maybe?
A month and a half before I moved away from home, he called me drunk one late night, and even though I didn't love him like he wanted me to, I still cared about him as a person, cared that he was safe. So I went and picked him up, made sure he hadn't over done it. He asked if I ever wanted to try again, or, like, hookup occasionally or something. I turned him down. I don't think either of us got the closure we wanted. The thing I'm most upset about is the fact I think I left one of my favorite pairs of Vans at his house.
The only date I've ever been on, that was truly a date-date while not in a relationship, was a few months after I moved to LA. We had a meet-cute. I thought she was cute as we both walked around the little record store we were in. I kept looking over at her, very subtly checking her out because she was cute with her pink hair. I'd find her looking back at me.
She had left way before I had, I had records to find, and when I left, I found her waiting for me. We planned a cute picnic-movie date at a park, and it was very cute and fun, and she was super cool and I liked talking to her. But it dawned on me, as we were leaving, that I just really liked hanging out with her, I didn't see her romantically.
When she texted to say she had a lot of fun and tried to invite me to another date, I had finally learned something, and told her I didn't see her that way. She was upset, she liked me a lot more than I liked her. A few months later and she texted me to see if she had done anything wrong, which seems like a weird thing to ask someone you went on one date with and not actually ever kissed or anything, and I told her no. She seemed pretty awesome for the few moments I spent in her orbit, and I just had things I needed to figure out on my end.
Relationships, dating, is weird. I just wanna like hang out with hot people and maybe make out a little. Is that so much to ask?
When I go to the club, I love making out with strangers, I think I just like kissing a little. Never more than a little soft groping over the clothes, and bodies pressed together.
I don't really get sex either. I don't understand the big deal with it, or anything. I've been flittering around with the thought of asexual for years now, but I really love making out.
There's more to this story, but I need to go to bed.
As a teaser to myself, I wanna talk about the few people in my life I've felt romantically towards.
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