#( STARTER CALL. )  ┊  to form new bonds.
belovedblossoms-m · 1 year
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Yep, this is another starter call here! I don't feel too confident in making starters but I do really want to get the chance to interact with some of you here, especially those that are new or I've seen a lot but been too nervous to send something in or didn't quite know WHAT to send. So pretty much like this post for a starter AND please reply what specific muse(s) of mine you'd like to write with (including your own choice of muse if you are a multi). Even muses of mine that are under 'test/request', go for them too if you like. And as a gentle reminder, I am still very much a private and selective blog, so that does count for the starters I make too. I don't want this to scare or offend but it's just for my own sake.
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theveryworstthing · 15 days
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time to learn a little bit about the Yells. i've been writing a few lore posts for a while and instead of continuing to let they grow and fretting over them, i think i'm just going to throw a few out there and try to finish up the rest this week.
The Yells
Despite their imposing size, strange behaviors, and mysterious keepers, the Signallusc (or The Yells as most rabbits call them) are considered just another part of the island landscape. These towering faux trees serve as the island version of radio towers, and make all radio communication above and below ground possible.
Though the 2 largest of the naturally formed Yells are still upright and active (and heavily protected so that their natural life cycle can be properly studied), these days rabbits prefer to cultivate the towers so that they don’t grow in problematic areas or do…other things.
Wild or free growth Yells make their homes in dead rotting wood as natural decomposers, and many live out their lives as simple slime molds (or as simple as any slime mold can be). Certain conditions must be met to trigger the drastic color change and vertical growth that make them viable for communication use, and so wild Yells are usually found growing in small clusters in or around the resources they need to sustain their new forms. Dead trees or stumps with roots still in the ground are prime hosts for these slime molds and they’re actually seen as beneficial since they stabilize potentially dangerous dead trees and kill diseases or especially destructive insects that might harm surrounding living trees. Once inside these dead trees the slime mold eats them from the inside out, taking the branches first, and then devouring the mass from the top down.
Compared to other slime molds they can handle direct sunlight quite well, but wild yells still tend to favor hosts in shady areas and from the way these trees are devoured they seem to try and keep some sort of shell around them for as long as possible. This wooden shell not only serves as food, but also gives the growing Yell a moist, dark, home until its outer membrane is thick and strong enough to handle being constantly exposed. When wild Yells “die”, it’s usually because they’ve run out of host tree long ago, and have stiffened into a rigid structure that eventually cracks (usually due to being struck by lightning) and crumbles, releasing clouds of spores. The remains of a Yell dissolve in the first rain after they fall and tend to leave the area around the strange lotus pod-ish pit in the ground where “roots” used to be spotless, but smelling very metallic with a hint of foulness. Almost like not so fresh blood.
Through the observations recorded by island botanists and the specific botanical sect known as the Antenna, rabbits (and hares, as they were the first to investigate and made great strides in understanding the process before they left the island en masse) have learned exactly what triggers Yell vertical growth and have used this knowledge to cultivate Yells quite successfully. A combination of owl feathers, metal ore (mainly bog iron), charcoal sticks and or ash (best if created by lightning strike, wood preferred but animal remains like burned out hawks are perfectly acceptable), and a little starter wood are fed to the slime mold, and after it’s broken everything down it begins its transformation. It is then introduced to a host plant sprout, a type of fast growing, woody, creeping vine in the Grasp family bred specifically for this purpose (wild cultivars work fine but they’re half as hardy and the bond has a greater chance of triggering very upsetting mutations. These are different from the upsetting mutations, which are fine and harmless). From then on the slime mold seems to guide the host plant’s growth, forming a shell from the vines that is constantly growing and shedding. This serves as both a home and an ample food source.
The botany world is torn on whether this forms a mutualistic symbiotic relationship or whether it’s straight up parasitism. And yes, plant nerd blood has been spilled over this argument. Not a ton of blood, it’s not like this is the great lichen wars, but still.
The Antenna
All yell care-taking is done by the Antenna sect. This is a mysterious group of witchy botanists and engineers who, like the previously referred to upsetting mutations, are harmless despite their entire vibe. Well. Harmless enough for botanists anyway.
Not a lot is known about them by the general public but they keep things working smoothly and show up quickly when something isn’t.
Members of this sect haven’t had a set “look” or uniform for about a generation and a half due to the ending of a lot of the the founding member’s bloodlines, but each Yell site has it’s own culture that attracts certain kinds of people. Despite their differences, there are a few things that make Antennae easier to pick out of a crowd if you know what to look for. The skin of their inner ears develop thin branching markings or wave-like ripples depending on how they interact with Yells. Some have obvious hare ancestry and sport roughly branching horns that grow quite long and shed every year (these shed horns are fed to the Yells). Newer members wear a lot of lightweight ear jewelry to help pick up important signals and behavioral quirks from the Yells, but the longer they stay in the Antenna the less tolerant they are of this. Things get…loud. Behind their eyes. Inside their teeth. Seasoned members usually can’t stand wearing any metal jewelry at all. The head botanist of one of the most remote Yells wears ear plugs almost 24/7 because of left behind shrapnel from an accident in his youth.
He is deaf.
He says he’s not really blocking anything out, just sorting it properly.
No one really knows what he means. It’s fine.
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oukabarsburgblr · 25 days
Perfect to Pamper [Pet AU]
Two hot men adopt hybrids as pets! Experience their dynamic and their antics with you as a household animal!
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little to no dialogue, fucking ur hybrid matured pet is normal in this universe
Find out more under the cut!
Moving to a new neighbourhood wasn't easy for someone like him. Aito Sousuke had recently bought a new home, down in the quiet suburbs at the edge of the city. The down payment took a pretty penny out of his pocket but that wasn't the most of his concern.
With his resting bitch face, tall and muscular stature and burnt red hair, it seemed that his neighbours were reluctant to approach him. Although that specific neighbourhood was known for its residents being kind and friendly, it seemed that Sousuke had received the poor end of the stick.
He asked for advice from his small group friends and they all suggested for him to get a pet. Maybe a hybrid pet. Easy for conversation starters, a new housemate and someone to live with. Sousuke wasn't too keen on the idea at first but succumbed nonetheless since he felt so lonely.
As he arrived at the pound, he gazed at the young, old dogs, even hybrid ones as well but what caught his eyes was a young hybrid who looked to be around the same age as he was.
Bright (e/c) staring up at him behind jailed cells, his fluffy blonde ears surrounded by (h/c) hair perked up. His tail wagging behind him. A golden retriever.
Sousuke grabbed the tag taped on the cell and read its name. "(m/n)?" The hybrid stood on his feet and peered up at Sousuke, his tail wagging excitedly. The hybrid didn't look like he belonged there.
The redhead found himself bringing home a new dog, ordering a new bedframe and some wet food for the dog.
The morning after, he found the hybrid at the foot of his bed. Staring up at him as he sat plush on the carpet of his bedroom. Sousuke felt like he started to regret his adoption.
The dog followed him everywhere, nudging him when he was cooking, scratching his door when he was in his home office and even shoving his hand under the bathroom door while he was taking a shit.
Sousuke was annoyed, this wasn't the reason why he wanted a pet in the first place. But of course, the golden retriever managed to prance his way into the redhead's cold heart. Slowly, Sousuke looked forward to spend time with the dog, scratching his head, laying on the couch to watch TV, or even bathing together.
However, when he had taken (m/n) to the vet for vaccine shots, the vet had warned him about his late rut cycles. Mostly due to new surroundings and bonding with a new owner and it had been a while since Sousuke had adopted him.
One morning, Sousuke was horrified as he dashed out the door and into the backyard. (m/n) had been trying to jump the fence, climbing over the wooden boards, drooling over the cat hybrid next door. Turns out, his heat had came and his first desire was to mate with his neighbour's pet.
Sousuke locked him in the guest room, immediately calling the vet for advice and all he received was to wait it out or help him with his own devices. The redhead chose the former, checking in after a few hours.
Creaking open the door, the hybrid didn't notice his owner peeking in as (m/n) desperately humped the sheets. Sliding his cock between a pillow, drooling and growling to himself. He had tossed aside his shirt, sweat dripping from his skin and he was oozing slick from his ass as well.
"Fucking hell man..." Sousuke groaned to himself before entering the room. It wasn't a peculiar relationship for a hybrid to form a sexual bond with their owners, especially mature hybrids. The redhead thought he would never indulge in one.
"Hngg... mmnhh anhh..." Sousuke quietly groaned into the hybrid's ear, his pants bunched at his ankles as the redhead rutted his hips further into (m/n)'s ass. The dog only growled, mewling as he clenched tightly around his owner's cock slamming in and out of his slicked hole.
(m/n) was starting to get loud, howling and whining and Sousuke didn't want the neighbours to call the cops on him so he laid himself on top of his pet. The hybrid on his stomach at the end of the bed and Sousuke laying on top, (m/n)'s sweaty back pressing against the redhead's tight compression shirt. The fluffy wagging tail was a bother to Sousuke, that kept swishing around as the redhead pulled it back and focused his eyes on the twitching furry ears instead.
He pulled the collar on (m/n)'s neck, curling his fingers underneath it as he pulled him close, forcing the hybrid to arch his back. Sousuke put his arm around the dog's neck, putting him in a headlock as Sousuke slumped his head into (m/n)'s shoulder when the hybrid bit into his forearm.
Sousuke moaned loudly as he spurted cum inside the hybrid, (m/n) yelping as he felt semen dripping from his asshole as he milked more of Sousuke's cock, swaying his hips more. The hybrid bared his teeth again, and gently pressed it onto his owner's arm, carefully chewing the skin, not breaking it like a baby suckling on a bottle feeder.
The (h/c) came, rolling his eyes as he squirted from both ends, staining the sheets and making cum drip onto Sousuke's crotch from his ass. His ears flickering as he does so. Sousuke began to fuck himself into the dog, pounding his hips again as he pressed his tip into the dog's prostate. (m/n)'s drooling tip dragging against the messy sheets.
After cumming for the nth time, Sousuke found himself passed out in the guest bedroom, (m/n) snuggling under his arm, his face stuck in his armpit, smelling his mild scent. The redhead left him after cleaning the mess, not daring to face his pet after having sex with him.
(m/n) was confused, his ears flopping against his head as he barked to get Sousuke's attention. His owner had just warmed up to him but now he's cold again. It wasn't until the week after that the redhead began to pay attention to his adorable golden boy again.
The (h/c) was sneaky, grinding behind Sousuke, rutting his crotch against his owner's hips. The redhead glared at him while he was busy going through his files in his bookshelf. Wordlessly, he held out a hand in front of (m/n)'s crotch who immediately dropped his pants and began to jerk his cock into his owner's hands until he stained the shelves.
Sousuke wouldn't properly fuck him, only letting him use his hands or his fingers to fill his hole. Not until one night that Sousuke got drunk, insisting that if they would have sex again, he would have to get drunk for this bullshit.
"I need a drink...I can't do this sober." Downing another glass, Sousuke couldn't fathom that he was developing a sexual bond with his pet. Either it was from the shock that was inhibiting him, or it was the attraction developing in his heart that made him hesitate.
Nonetheless, that didn't stop his dog from climbing into his lap, grinding on his bulge and licking all over his face. Sousuke ripped (m/n)'s pants and forced him to ride him for the rest of the night. He never got close to his neighbours for a good month but he did get to fuck a cute puppy for the rest of his life.
"A cat...for my birthday?"
Skimming over the papers, he looked up to his father's secretary who nodded at his question. His birthday had passed a week ago, and he had fun celebrating the date of his birth but he didn't expect his father to prepare a post-event gift.
On the tables were multiple papers with pictures of kittens, young hybrids. His dad wanted to buy a hybrid from a breeder. Daisuke managed to pause the brakes on that one. He requested an older cat, one that is around his age, not a kitten. He felt a bit guilty that the fact it was from a breeder but proceeded nonetheless.
When (m/n) had arrived, Daisuke was fascinated with his hairless ears, seeing the bare skin in contrast with his (h/c) hair. A sphynx breed, but almost as tall as he is. His tail was long and skinny, the ravenette mesmerized as he tried playing with the cat with toys he bought but was ignored.
Turns out, the cat disliked Daisuke as much to his dismay. He refused to even entertain his new owner. Hissing and scratching at him, even cowering at corners of the room, although Daisuke could clearly see his stature.
The ravenette thought the best action was to give him space, acting as if the cat didn't exist, letting (m/n) smell his hands. Regularly placing the treats near him. It was working, the (h/c) purring and perking up and staring at him whenever he walked into the room with starry eyes.
(m/n) was such a lazy cat however, only eating expensive treats, he ignored all store bought food whenever Daisuke randomly bought them in a rush. Daisuke was tired but amused seeing him laying lax around the modern couches. He was still picky with people though, not liking butlers and preferring his owner, that made Daisuke's heart melt even more.
It was swell until Daisuke left the balcony door open and he came home to find out (m/n) had ran away. Immediately deploying a cat hunt, he found his pet three miles away hissing at a poodle. He was crying and sobbing when he reunited with his cat and at home, he found out that the reason he had ran away was because it was mating season and the sphynx had gone into heat.
Deep purrs reverberated through the cat's throat as (m/n) climbed on the couch to nuzzle against Daisuke's chin, his naked tail swaying seductively behind him. The ravenette stared at him with a hesitant smile. "...I'm not a bottom..." He jokingly spoke.
It wasn't until (m/n) dropped down on his hands and knees and wiggled his ass to Daisuke's direction did his dick flinch and he realised (m/n) wasn't in the mood for jokes.
Moments had passed and clothes were tossed to the side, a naked Daisuke was huffing and shivering. His bare nipples twitching as the cat purred, perched in his lip. Trailing his fangs over his shoulder, (m/n) dragged his course tongue across his owner's neck, sucking on the skin roughly. His hands were Daisuke's pecs, kneading on the soft supple skin with his trimmed claws.
"F-Fucking hell..." The ravenette cursed as he pulled the (h/c) by his collar and bent him over the coffee table. Daisuke pulled out his heated penis from his pants and slipped it inside his pet without prepping him.
(m/n) mewled in pain, scratching at the coffee table as Daisuke leaned down, pressing against his back. "That's a good kitty..." He mumbled, licking (m/n)'s cat ears and biting on his nape.
Grinding his teeth against the loose skin, Daisuke blushed wildly, a horny smirk stretching on his face as he fucked his cock deep into the meowing cat. The (h/c) had his ears flopping against his hair, his tail coiling around Daisuke's thigh as he yelped every time his owner thrusted against his prostate.
(m/n) dug his claws into the table as he clenched around Daisuke's tip, spurting cum onto the white carpet. His owner not lasting any longer as he pounded his remaining cum inside his pet's throbbing hole.
The dynamic in their household changed, Daisuke lessening the amount of staffs inside his home. The ravenette would regularly entertain his cute kitty, sometimes he would trap his pet in his bedroom for his own pleasure. (m/n) was now the most valuable treasure in his home.
His toys were all thrown away and replaced with golden versions or by the least, his favourite play-string was a Swarovski necklace. (m/n) had his own bedroom with an extended catio that stretched out into the balcony.
Although no matter how much the bathroom was renovated, (m/n) still disliked bathing. And with how frequent their sexual encounters were, it was war everyday for Daisuke since he was his pet's favourite person. However, Daisuke would battle whenever and whoever if it meant getting to spend his time with his new spoiled pet.
not my best work
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gimmethatagustd · 1 year
lost in a heartbeat | pjm
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Keeping up with your fledgling boyfriend's new sexual appetite wasn't something you'd considered when you agreed to turn him.
↳ pairing: vampire!jimin x vampire(f)!reader
↳ rating/genre: BTS | 18+ | supernatural | established relationship | smut | fluff
↳ wc/date: 2.8k | may 2023
↳ warnings: lots of biting and blood | unprotected vaginal sex | vaginal fingering | bulging jfdksjhs don't look at me | reader passes out | mentions fangwarming
↳ notes: this can be read as a standalone, but it's better if you read nectar and touch me after midnight. i hope you enjoy it! i love this couple so much. i struggle to let them go. full disclosure, i did not edit this at all khsdkfjs so uhhhh. good luck.
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↳ what was jai listening to? slow (ft. ciara) - jackson wang
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“My little vampy seems so needy,” Jimin speaks into the crook of your neck. He squeezes your hips and presses his face into your skin with a bit more force, the closeness of his body forcing you to step back until you are caught between him and the wall. 
You feel his front teeth graze your shivering skin in a smirk as he teases you. 
“Does she want daddy to help her?” 
“Oh my god, Park Jimin, do not call yourself that.” 
“Call myself what?” 
He lifts his face from your neck long enough to stare at you with large, sparkling eyes partially obscured by his bangs. As much as you loved his pink hair, and the soft blonde it had faded into, Jimin’s naturally dark hair does something to you. The color brights out the gleam in his eyes. 
Right now, you’re more focused on his tongue circling his lips - plump, perfect lips that fall into an O-shaped pout while his eyebrows furrow together. You narrow your eyes, but Jimin only grins. You know he isn’t innocent, and he knows you don’t have it in you to punish him for being bad. 
And he does love to be bad. 
“You know what,” you say with a loud huff. “And you’re not allowed to call me little vampy anymore.” Despite your harsh tone, you gather Jimin’s shirt into your fists and pull him against you. 
“Oh really? You don’t like it?” 
“You know I don’t.” 
“I think you do.” 
“Park Jimin.”
“So many rules…” 
A bit of guilt nips at your heart, but Jimin’s mouth is wet against your collarbone, and his fingers lower to unbutton your jeans. You’re sure he didn’t mean anything by what he said, but you feel anxious anyway. 
“I didn’t.” 
You tilt your head slightly, confusion replacing the anxiety - if only for a moment. 
“I didn’t mean anything by what I said,” he confirms, and his lips capture yours before you can scold him for reading your mind.
Jungkook had never been able to do that - read your mind. Sure, you and your ex-boyfriend could once sense each other’s emotions, and Jungkook even had hypnotic-like power over you. It’s not unusual, just the mental and emotional bond vampires form when they feed off each other. 
The moment you sired Jimin, the bond with Jungkook was severed for good. This new sire bond with your boyfriend is so, so different, though.
For starters, he can read your mind. 
That’s one of the rules - no reading your mind without your permission. 
Jimin says it’s hard, though. Little whispers of your thoughts flit through his head, and he has trouble stopping them, especially when you’re upset. 
Like now. With all the rules. You can’t help it. Being a new vampire means Jimin has to learn the rules of how to exist in the world in a new way. Even you’re trying to figure shit out for the first time; you’d been born a vampire. So all of this is new for you, too. 
Your thoughts are distracted by the moan you instinctually growl from the back of your throat when Jimin slides his hand inside your underwear. You rest your face against his chest and continue to squeeze his shirt in your fists. His fingers are cold; of course, they are. You’ve yet to get used to this new body temperature, although he didn’t feel as cold to you as he will feel toward a human. Your cool temperatures seem to balance out well. 
You gently press your lips against his skin to kiss and suck his collarbone. Your head falls back against the wall Jimin has you shoved against when you feel his knee spread your legs apart further so he can pump his fingers into you more forcefully. Even from the beginning, Jimin knew how to find the spot that would have you shaking in his hand. 
“Fuck,” Jimin moans against your lips. He tries stealing a kiss, but he can’t bring himself to capture your lips with his when every ragged breath stumbles out of his mouth in a moan. 
One particularly rough thrust against your front wall made you sob, and Jimin’s legs nearly gave out. 
“Are you okay, baby?” You frown, grasping his sides to help hold him up. 
There’s no surprise that he is affected by the moment; Jimin is the type to get turned on by pleasuring his partner. He can’t understand how some guys don’t get hard from touching or going down on their partners. The first time Jimin ate you out, he’d been convinced he could cum just from doing that. 
Jimin has his eyes closed, bottom lip pulled between his teeth, making his fangs poke out. He takes a shaky breath before opening those deep, caramel-red eyes to you. 
“I can feel it,” he croaks out. “I feel you… It goes straight to my fucking dick, fuck. It feels so good. It’s so much.” 
It’s the sire bond. Somehow, stronger than Jungkook’s once was. No wonder Jimin can’t stand on his own if he’s feeling both his pleasure and yours. 
Removing his hand from your pants, Jimin hooks his arms around your thighs to hoist you up. How many times has he carried you into his bedroom? Ever since the two of you had gotten back together, Jimin was shoving you onto his bed, or your bed, or the couch, or the floor, or the kitchen table, or or or or… Every night. And sometimes in the mornings. And sometimes multiple times during the day. It seemed Jimin was determined to make up for all the lost time. 
This time is different, though. 
This time, Jimin throws you onto his bed and rips your clothes off with the new strength he has yet to learn to control. The button on your jeans pops off and skids across the wood floors as Jimin rips your pants down. 
You flinch when you hear fabric tear. Jimin’s sucking dark hickeys onto your neck, hickeys that are possible to see because you’ve recently fed. 
You can’t see how your shredded shirt falls off of you. You just feel his nails drag down your sides until he reaches your underwear. Then, hooking his fingers in the waistband, Jimin rips the flimsy lace off you. 
The little bitch. You’d braved Victoria’s Secret with Nikki by your side and bought all that stupid lingerie specifically for him. Shoved your ass into too-small panties and thongs and wore bras that pushed your tits too high up your chest, and for what? For him to rip it all to shreds without even stopping to admire it! 
“Park Jimin!” 
He lifts his head, and you stare into eyes so black it’s impossible to see his pupils. They’re glazed over and shiny as though they’re made of glass. His bangs fall against his forehead, getting in the way of his eyes. 
“Yes, princess?” The deepness of his voice makes you shiver. There’s a gravelly edge to it that made him sound inhuman. 
“Lingerie is expensive.” 
Your boyfriend blinks a few times as though he’s struggling to break through the haze of lust that hits him doubly as hard. 
“I’ll buy you more.” 
At least you aren’t wearing a bra for him to destroy. Your underwear is gone forever, though. Ripped up with the rest of your clothes littering Jimin’s bedroom. There is little time to think about how much money he’d just destroyed before Jimin’s fangs are nipping at your chest, scattering small puncture wounds across your skin. 
It’s good, so good, you find yourself on the verge of tears, chants of more, please, Jimin, more as cool touches brush down your arms, cold fingers press into the curve of your waist. Each puncture of fangs pumping searing venom into your veins. 
Vampire blood is dead blood. It provides very little nutritional value, but the emotional bond it creates between a vampire and their sire is worth more than the need to satisfy any hunger. 
More, so good, baby, just-just take. 
Jimin’s hands quickly remove his clothes while his mouth stays occupied. He leans forward to suck on the dribbles of blood that drip down your tits. Each open-mouth kiss makes your body shiver uncontrollably the lower down your torso Jimin plants them. You moan when his tongue, wet with your blood, swirls around your nipple. 
After Jungkook, you’d told yourself you’d never let another vampire drink from you again. The mental connection it caused between two vampires who fed off each other was too dangerous to risk creating with someone else. But you are Jimin’s sire. You slit your wrist to feed him what most humans considered a cursed life, but what Jimin craved more than anything in this world - more than pain and pleasure combined. 
The two of you are mentally, emotionally, and physically linked - for the rest of your undead lives. It doesn’t matter if Jimin gives in to his instincts by tasting you, marking you up so everyone knows you are his. 
You like it. You like letting him run rampant, the wildness of his hunger and the new power raging through his veins unlike anything you’ve ever seen. Born vampires don’t experience the feral stage of a turned fledgling. 
“Ahh, fuck, Ji-” A moan cuts you off. You throw your head back, letting it hang while you attempt to hold yourself up on your elbows, even as Jimin tries to push you onto your back. 
He settles between your legs, his fangs pressing into the deliciously soft skin of your inner thigh. This is the first time he will have sex as a vampire; you’re willing to excuse his animalistic behavior. 
“Fuck, I don’t know if I can do this.” Jimin’s voice cracks, and his fingers tremble when he squeezes your thighs. 
“What’s wrong?” 
“I don’t… think I will last. It’s just so much.” He nips the skin of your other thigh in frustration after seeing the smug look on your face. “Shut up.”
“I didn’t, ahh, say anything.” 
If you looked down, you’d see that your body is bloodied more than ever. Dark red, nearly black, streaks line your torso, some of the lines starting at your throat and trailing down to your thighs. The inside of your thighs are bruised, and the puncture wounds haven’t healed yet. They’re black holes littering your skin. 
Sucking in a sharp breath, you can feel the blood pooling in your belly button. You feel lightheaded, but every touch of his body against yours makes your head explode with pleasure that rolls like liquid down your body. 
It isn’t just that Jimin can feel you. You feel him, too. 
So, when you feel the head of Jimin’s cock circle your clit, you nearly start crying. 
“Jimin,” you sob, fisting the bed sheets so tightly that your inhuman strength causes you to rip holes in them. 
“I know,” Jimin presses his face against the leg he’s propped over his shoulder. He’s gripping your other leg by the back of your thigh, squeezing it almost painfully so he can hold it up and open. “I know.” 
The sweetness of his voice falls in stark contrast with the sting of his nails digging into your skin to hold you in place as he eases his cock into you. 
Your head falls against the bed from the energy you exert as you try not to completely lose yourself in him. Despite dating Jimin for two years, you feel woefully unprepared for how he pounds into you. He relentlessly fucks into you hard enough to leave deep bruises all over your body after the initial ones have already healed from his venom. 
“It’s so good, isn’t it. Shit.” Jimin’s dark bangs obscure his face when he tilts his head to look down where your bodies connect. He isn’t asking you because he wants to know. This is less of a question and more of an agreement because he knows how you feel. He feels how you feel. Each slippery glide of his cock against your walls, the heightened sensations vibrating through your body because of the aphrodisiac effects of his venom. 
You barely register that you haven’t even bitten him, nor has he asked you to.
Jimin presses his hand against your abdomen, obsessed with the bulge his cock creates every time he thrusts into you. The pressure makes you squirm under his touch. 
“You’re close.” 
Again, he doesn’t ask. He knows. 
You whimper a confirmation anyway. 
“I can, ah, ah,” Angelic moans punctuate each thrust. He’s nearly at the point he’s nonverbal; all you can do is try not to rip holes into the mattress and arch your back. “Neck.”
“Please,” you manage to choke out, and he’s leaning forward, nearly breaking you in half to press his tongue against your neck. You flinch when you realize his tongue is warm as he flattens it to slowly press along your throat. 
“Okay, okay, y-yes, I’m going…” 
Jimin brings his fingers to your clit while simultaneously sinking his fangs into your neck again. The conflicting sensations are nearly too much for your body to handle. Your pussy constricts around Jimin’s cock as you scream your orgasm out of you. Jimin comes the moment you do, so overcome with the power of your simultaneous orgasms, he collapses with dead weight on your body. It hurts how he falls, but you’re barely clinging to consciousness when he does. 
Your voice is just as weak as your body, and you feel yourself slowly letting go of whatever was holding your head above water. 
When you wake up, you first notice the overwhelming scent of lavender. The t-shirt hanging off your shoulders is soft, and you snuggle back into the covers once you realize your body is clean. The bed sheets are, too, freshly washed, just like your hair and body. Two years ago, you would have been ashamed to pass out and leave someone else to deal with you - to clean, dress, and take care of you. 
Now you smile with the knowledge that someone in the world treasures you despite the monster you could be. Fuck, someone who became the same monster you could be. For you and no other reason. 
“You know I fucking hate when you call me that.” The blunt response is said with a smile. 
You open your eyes once more. The bright light filtering through the window’s blinds tells you you fell asleep late into the day. 
Jimin presses a soft kiss to your forehead. He’s also dressed in comfy, clean clothes - a loose-fitting t-shirt and sweatpants. The ends of his hair are still wet from the shower he likely just took. It explains how overwhelming all the lavender is - lavender detergent, hair products, and lotion. Lavender is the smell of home now. 
When you tilt your head up to look at him, you wince at the soreness in your neck. 
“Sorry,” Jimin apologizes sheepishly. “I think I went a little too hard last night.” 
You laugh as you press your hand against the back of his neck to pull him into a kiss. You force your tongues into a fight for control, humming into his mouth as you taste the blood he must have just drank for lunch. 
“You never asked me to bite you,” you mumble against his lips. He tries nipping at your bottom lip with his blunt teeth, playful and nothing more. 
“It was nice to… be the other person doing it.” Jimin seems shy as he admits this; it’s not a feeling you’re used to seeing from him. 
“Most sires don’t let their baby vamps bite them,” you muse. 
“I’m not a baby,” Jimin whines. He pushes you over, pouncing onto you once your back hits the bed. “I just like it, okay? It makes me feel close to you.” He runs his nose along your jaw. 
You get it, though. Even if it’s unwanted, there’s a power dynamic that goes into biting. It’s easy to get high off of, even when you’re not the one with the venom in your dead veins. 
“We should try fangwarming.” 
A deep rumble, almost like a growl, vibrates from Jimin’s throat. The power behind the sound makes you laugh. 
“You’re so predictable, Park Jimin.” 
Jimin presses his smile against your throat. “You love me anyway, though.” 
It’s something you’ve told each other before, but hearing it still feels new and exciting. To know that it’s a love so potent you both were willing to change yourselves - in different but meaningful ways. 
“I love you too. For eternity, even.” You wrap your arms around Jimin’s waist and pull him closer. 
“For eternity.” 
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chickpea0 · 5 months
u were so right abt puppyre jesse pinkman maybe u could do a puppy jesse moodboard!!! :3
Folks, I present: Jesse Pupman
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Thank you very much for requesting this, I had a lot of fun lol. Jesse is such a good character and I love him to bits. I'm also submitting this to the petre/animalre contest that @theregressionlibrary is doing! Yay! Hcs below the cut :>
For starters I think he would unconciounsly resonate with working/obediant breeds. He really does want to be well-behaved and play by the rules but that's never worked out for him (caugh undiagnosed ADHD/ASD cough). He's a natural follower probably partly because he's been taught that he's always 'wrong' by so many figures in his life, though he can lead quite well when it's called for but he doesn't see himself as a leader. I think he usually gravitates to collie, alsation, shiba, jack russel types but he doesn't really care about breeds.
Doesn't really remember when it all started but he became very aware of it once Walt reentered his life. He had it rough before but good gravy.
He's often in a constant state of survival which doesn't let him slip or be any kinds of vulnerable until he feels safe. But to a certain point his brain just gets overloaded and does a force shut down, leading him to go pretty deep into doggy mode.
It's a big mix of comfort, stress, turmoil and dissociation but it does help him get through things, even if Jesse is a bit ashamed of it. He does quite like it when he can enjoy it though. I truly believe with an outlet/coping mechanism as strong as this, he could have escaped a lot of the show lmfao.
Alternative timeline: he embraces his regression, moves to "Oregon or whatever", starts a new life, does a lot of self disovery and maybe even meets a caregiver/guardian figure.
Still a lot of angst from his journey so far but he's like, safe. Yo.
I do think he would benefit from finding someone really caring though, and open minded. It'd do a lot of good for him to be able to meet someone who doesn't riducule him and instead forms a healthy, balanced bond with him.
And who buys him puppy chew toys (because those ones are softer on teeth)
btw when he's puppymode he has the biggest most expressive puppy eyes. if you care.
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pokemonranch · 10 months
So last month, I adopted a Glameow I named Figment from a foster home, and he is surprisingly the most affectionate Pokémon I've ever met. Day one, he curled up on my chest purring up a storm once he'd thoroughly explored his environment! Wherever I go, he has to be in the same room and will be a mini gray shadow.
I recently got a Pokécam to monitor him after a coworker suggested it, just to see what he was doing throughout the day. I thought he'd be napping in his tower bed or playing with his toys, but nope. He stuck by the door almost the whole time, and my heart broke when he started making the most mournful sound I've ever (and never) heard before. Now I feel so guilty leaving him by himself!
I want to adopt a buddy for him to play with so he doesn’t feel lonely, but I don't know where to start or how to tell which Pokémon he might form a strong bond with. Do you have any suggestions on how to go about choosing and introducing them to each other?
Aww, Figment seems like the sweetest Glameow, I'm sorry to hear he has such separation anxiety. You're right in makin' the call that he might do better with a buddy!
For starters, the straightforward solution is another Glameow, as many first-stage 'mons seem to do just fine with other unevolved members of the same species. Other similar 'mons like Meowth (Kantonian or Alolan), Eevee or even Sprigatito can be good companions for him as well, and they tend to have calm personalities that might help ground him. Sprigatito might be the best option here, as they release soothing aroma with their paws that can calm down Figment if he gets anxious when you're not 'round.
It's important to introduce 'em in a neutral but safe space, like the outside of your home if you happen to have a yard or something similar. You can also bring your Glameow with you to a potential shelter/adoption for him to meet his new friend and see if they get along before bringing 'em home!
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aspoonofsugar · 4 months
Adam: Stick It To The Man
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When the world has screwed you And crushed you in its fist When the way you're treated Has got you good and pissed There's been one solution Since the world began Don't just sit and take it Stick it to the man
Stick It To The Man is a song from the School of Rock musical, which is referenced in Hazbin Hotel's episode 6:
Vaggie: "Act selfless, don't steal, stick it to the man". Are you fucking serious? Adam: Uh, yeah. Sure got me here, didn't it?
Why is that so? There are two reasons:
Alex Brightman, who plays Adam, is also the protagonist Dewey Finn in the musical play
Adam and Dewey share several similarities to the point that Adam alludes to Dewey in some way
In short, Dewey's story inspired Adam's, so School of Rock can be useful to analyze Hazbin Hotel's First Man.
Here comes a short summary of the movie/musical for whoever has never watched it (and should). If you already know the story, feel free to skip it.
Dewey Finn is a penniless musician, who dreams of becoming a rock star. He has no job and lives with his friend Ned and Ned's girlfriend Patty. All he does is playing rock with the "No Vacancy", his band. However, he is considered too over the top and self-centered by the other members and is expelled. Meanwhile Ned's girlfriend gets fed up with him and imposes an ultimatum. He either pays the rent or leaves.
Dewey finds himself in a pinch. On the one hand he wants to win the Battle of the Bands, but he has no band. On the other hand he needs to buy time and find some money to pay Patty. So, when he answers a phone call for Ned and discovers his friend is asked to be a substitude teacher, he decides to take his place. He poses as Ned Schneebly and starts teaching a class of kids.
He soon discovers the kids are gifted at music and devises a new plan. He forms a band with his class, so that they can all take part in the Battle of the Bands. By doing so, he starts truly bonding with the children. He encourages them to discover more about rock, nurtures their artistic talents, creates a strong sense of comraderie within the class. Basically, the kids were used to a strict environment, but through Dewey, they taste freedom, creativity and learn to challenge the system. Dewey himself starts changing, as he becomes more responsible and selfless for the kids' sake.
The kids pass the audition and are admitted to the Battle of the Bands. However, just before it, Dewey is asked to report his students' progress to their families in a teacher-parent meeting. There Patty and Ned arrive and unmask him, so the situation degenerates into chaos and Dewey is forced to run away.
All seems lost, but the kids have grown fond of Dewey and forgive his lie. They escape school, go to their teacher's house and encourage him to take part with them in the competition. Dewey and the kids make a great performance and get through to the public, including the parents, who realize how much Dewey's "rock lessons" have helped their children. In the end, the class doesn't win, but they get an encore.
In the epilogue, it is revealed Dewey is teaching music in an approved after-school program. So, Dewey finds his place in society, all while teaching the new generations how to live in a rock'n roll way.
So, what does the detestable Adam have in common with the lovable Dewey? Well, for starters, both love rock.
Adam: I know. I fucking rock.
Adam has a rock motif, which emerges strongly in his first meeting with Charlie. He plays in a rock band, has studs on his tunic and materializes a golden guitar he performs a metal solo with:
Adam: Guitar solo, fuck yeah!
Not only that, but his song Hell Is Forever is hard rock, whereas the other pieces are inspired by traditional musicals.
Dewey too is passionate about rock and loves playing. In particular, he dreams of becoming a rock-star:
Dewey: I'll be strummin' my axe in a basement dive with my totally kick-ass band! When an army of A&R men will arrive with pens and contracts in hand! And they'll whisk me away in a big, black car And the record execs, and the girls from PR They'll know from the start what a major league star I will be! Just wait and see! (...) I'll rise and I'll rise and I'll rise And the wings of my soul Up where I belong! And I'll climb to the top of Mount Rock And be part of that heavenly scene With Odin and Zeus on the base and the drums And Thor playin' tamborine And Elvis and Janice and Kurt will appear And Jesus will toss me a beer And we'll jam 'round the clock! At the top of Mount Rock At the top of Mount Rock At the top of Mount Rock!
These are the beginning and the end of the song When I Climb To The Top Of Mount Rock, which is Dewey's introductory song.
He imagines to kick ass with his axe-guitar:
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And his badass band:
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While climbing to the top of Mount Rock to be part of a heavenly scene:
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Oh look! Adam got Dewey's wish! Why is that so? Let's head at the heart of the two characters' foiling.
Both Adam and Dewey feel like losers.
Adam loses not one, but two wives to Lucifer:
Lucifer: Well, your first wife didn't seem to hate what I had to offer… or the second, bow-chicka-pow-pow!
Dewey is instead broken, has no success and is forced to live with his best friend:
Patty: Give up your dreams Your dreams are lame and weak Can't you see you're talent free You sad, deluded freak Time's up, you loser And soon you'll have to pay Sell the vinyl, pawn the amps And put your little dreams away
Both are also very childish to the point of being men-children:
Adam: Here's my personal favorite. You'll love it. Charlie: Uh…thanks. Charlie tries to take a piece of rib, but her hand passes right through them, as they fizz on and off from the touch. Adam laughs. Adam: I got you again, bitch! Fuckin' hilarious!
Patty: No more excuses, there's nothing to discuss Ditch your pointless, futile dreams And join the grown up world like us
This immaturity shows in their power fantasy of getting revenge on the world. They wanna prove their detractors wrong:
Dewey: And no one will call me a loser again Or tell me what I can't do!
The difference is that, at the beginning of their respective stories, Dewey is failing, while Adam has succeeded:
Adam: Are they Winners? Are they Sinners? 'Cause it's cut and dry.
Adam is by his own definition a winner, as he has been judged worthy of Heaven. He can enjoy an eternal life of happiness and bliss, while looking down on his most hated rival, since Lucifer is instead banished to Hell.
In short:
Dewey and Adam are losers, who share a childish dream of fame and success
Dewey has this dream negated to him, whereas Adam fulfills this fantasy
Adam is Dewey's desire incarnated. He is a winged soul (quite literally), who has reached the very top. He can play his music with angels and he himself is a legend:
Adam: So, I was playin' this gig, and for some fuckin' reason, this virtue chick was diggin' on the drummer, and it's like, "do you know who I am? I'm fuckin' Adam. I'm the original dick!" All dicks descend from me. You think you want drummer dick? No way! I'm the Dick-fuckin' master!
He is the rockstar Dewey dreams of becoming. But is he really the embodyment of rock? Let's take a closer look.
Dewey: You think you'll be just fine Without me, but you're mine You think you can just kick me out of the band? Well, there's just one problem there The band is mine! How can you kick me out of what is mine? Well, you're not hardcore Unless you live hardcore!
School of Rock starts with Dewey being kicked out of his own band because he is too selfish. Later on, he slowly overcomes his selfishness as he forms a new band with the kids. By working with them he realizes what it means to be part of a group. Not only that, but as a teacher he listens to the kids and helps them discover their individuality:
Tamika, a student: I was lost, lost and in pain So much hurt bottled inside All the things I should've said I just kept trying to hide And I thought nobody could But you, you understood i needed to share And only you would listen Hoped someone would care And only you would listen You raised my voice up taught me not to fear I've learned who I am because you're here
Adam too is part of a band and he is its leader:
Adam: Haha, yeah! Ladies, let's fuck shit up! [accompanied by a guitar sting] ATTACK!
Adam's bond with the exorcists can be commented on multiple levels.
1- A man among women
Adam is the only man among an army of women and he is the one in command. This ties with Adam's misogyny. As a matter of fact he builds a harem of badass ladies ready to fight for him. In a sense, Adam has his own army of groupies to objectify:
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This is shown also through his biblical motifs:
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Adam's favourite food is ribs because in the Bible Eve is created from his rib. Similarly, he makes the exorcists at his image and likeliness. He sees them as an extension of himself.
Adam: You were on the front lines, I wouldn't forget a bad bitch like you. It's why I named you after the best thing ever. Vaggie.
He is the one giving Vaggie her name, just like in the Bible Adam names animals. So, Vaggie is symbolically equated to a beast.
On this last point, he probably named the other exorcists, as well, which leads us to three considerations:
Adam chooses for Vaggie the most insulting and objectifying name possible, as he literally calls her vagina.
Lute too is called after an object. Not just any object, but an instrument angels play. She isn't supposed to be a performer, but just a musical device.
Typically, the one naming another person is their parent.
2- Parent and daughters
Carmilla abt the exorcists: By showing you the flaws in your own fighting style. Yours and all your sisters'.
The exorcists are "sisters" and Adam is their authority figure and metaphorical father. He is the one giving them names and a place to belong. However, they must obey his orders and live up to his standards. Cause, if they don't:
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Vaggie is taught to fight, kill and hate. The moment she gives in to pity, she is immediately punished and discarded with no second thoughts. She is even used as a cautionary tale:
Adam: Prepare to slaughter every sinner in that shit hotel, and you all remember Vaggie? Exorcists: Boo! We hate her!
In short, Adam acts towards the exorcists as an abusive parent, who gives conditional acceptance. They have value only if they succeed. This one-sided mentality is perfectly shown by Lute and Vaggie:
Lute telling Vaggie to kill her: Do it, then. Correct your mistake.
Vaggie to Charlie: I'm supposed to protect you. I'm supposed to never fail you. If I can't help you, what's the point of me?
Lute sees Vaggie sparing someone, be them a sinner or Lute herself, as wrong. Vaggie is sure Charlie won't love her back, if she isn't useful. These behaviors are not innate in the two girls. They are the result of their upbringing by Adam. The First Man's controlling nature shows also in his band's looks.
3- Mask and horns
Adam has all the exorcists comform:
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They wear the same mask, the same horns and the same uniform. Basically, they all dress the way Adam likes. Moreover, the exorcists have their faces hidden because they are not allowed to be people. They can only be Adam's copies. Soldiers under him.
What's interesting about this is that Adam's style is rock and metal inspired, so he forces the girls to adopt this look too. However, rock is supposed to be about self-expression, freedom and rebellion. Adam instead takes this aesthetic and turns it into a repressive military uniform. He takes something born to challenge the system and turns it into the system.
Dewey: THE WORLD is run by the Man. Oh, you don't know the Man? He's everywhere. In the White House, down the hall, MISS MULLINS, she's the Man. And the Man ruined the ozone, and he's burning down the Amazon, and he kidnapped Shamu and put her in a chlorine tank! Okay? And there used to be a way to stick it to the Man, it was called rock 'n roll. But guess what? Oh no. The Man ruined that, too, with a little thing called MTV! So don't waste your time trying to make anything cool, or pure, or awesome, 'cause the Man is just gonna call you a fat washed up loser and crush your soul. So do yourselves a favor and just GIVE UP!
Dewey teaches his students about the Man, who represents the system and corrupts everything, even rock'n roll. Well, Adam is the embodyment of the Man.
He is hierarchy:
Adam: 'Cause Hell is forever Whether you like it or not Had their chance to behave better Now they boil in the pot 'Cause the rules are black and white There's no use in tryin' to fight it They're burnin' for their lives Until we kill 'em again!
He is misogyny:
Adam: Just try to chillax, babe You're wasting your breath Charlie: Hehe…
He calls Charlie a loser and tells her to give up her dream:
Adam: Fuckin' Hell is forever And it's meant to suck a lot! So give up your dumb endeavor 'Cause you don't have a shot!
He presents himself as a hard rocker, but is actually the enemy of rock itself. After all, he is the very first man:
Charlie: Wait, your name is Adam? Like the first man Adam, that means you…Oh… That explains so much.
Adam's true nature is conveyed through his design, as well. He is one of the few characters with no animal motif because his animal motif is that to be "the man". That's it. And despite wearing metal and rock accessories, his tunic resembles a letterman jacket. He is an arrogant jock masked as a rocker.
Adam isn't who Dewey wants to really become, but he is who our rock'n roll teacher risks to become, if he doesn't grow up. A betrayal of rock. Let's consider this:
Dewey: I pledge allegiance… to the band… of Mr. Schneebly… and will not fight him… for creative control… and will defer to him on all issues related to the musical direction of the band.
This is what Dewey has the kids repeat when they join the band. It sounds like a cultish creed. Luckily, as the story progresses, Dewey learns to work with the students and helps them express their needs and personalities. Adam, instead, doesn't develop and traps the exorcists in a violent and controlling environment, where their personhood is negated. He is both:
The leader of an extremist religious cult
A rockstar surrounded by adoring fans
This double metaphor is conveyed through a religious reference:
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Adam materializes a group of golden exorcists (both an army and a band), which alludes to the golden calf. According to the Bible, Moses goes up to Mount Sinai to receive the Ten Commandments, but takes a long time and the Israelites lose hope. They start adoring a calf made of gold, only to be called out by an angered Moses once he gets back. In short, the golden calf is a false god, an idol. Adam too is an idol, both in the religious sense and in the musical sense. He is a fake angel and a fake rocker. He lives in Heaven, but his beliefs are rotten. He plays hard rock, but his spirit has nothing to do with it. He is a sinful angel and a metaphorical rockstar who sold himself out. So, he is the fake calf that needs to be broken.
How does one do it? Dewey teaches his students the answer:
Dewey: Get all of your aggression out They try to stop you let 'em know Exactly where they all could go And do it just as loudly as you can Stick it to the man
And who is the one who sticks it to Adam?
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Charlie and Emily: If Hell is forever, then Heaven must be a lie If angels can do whatever, and remain in the sky The rules are shades of gray when you don't do as you say When you make the wretched suffer just to kill them again
This stanza of You Didn't Know is Charlie's answer to Adam. The First Man sings that Hell is Forever, whereas the Princess of Hell believes redemption is not only possible, but necessary for Heaven to work. Charlie's reply addresses a systemic issue and challenges the status quo, which is why it is much more punk rock than Adam's stance:
Adam and Lute: There's no question to be posed He's unholy, case closed Did you forget that "Hell is forever"?
In general, the court scene makes clear who represents the system (the Man) and who is trying to change it (the Rocker). Adam is in a position of power over Charlie and is backed up by Sera, the highest authority in the room. Charlie is instead at the very bottom of the hierarchy, as she is a "hell-spawn" and the Devil's daughter. This is shown by the seating arrangement:
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Adam and Charlie are the two sides arguing, so they should be on the same level. However, the First Man seats in a higher position than the Princess of Hell. That symbolically conveys Sera has already decided who is gonna win:
Sera: Well, you failed to control the demons' unrest, and now Lucifer is involved, setting up an audience for his misguided daughter.
No matter what Charlie says or does: she has no chance to begin with. And yet, for just a moment, she and Emily break the order:
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They look down on both Sera and Adam and call out their hypocrisy. The two girls tower over the two angels because they have the moral high ground. They sing in princess-like voices, but their lines slap as the hardest and noblest rock can. This is why their duet is a reprise of Hell is Forever. They are schooling Adam on what rock'n roll truly is.
Adam might look the part, but Charlie is Hazbin Hotel's true rocker, just like she is the messianic archetype of the series:
Angel Dust and Vaggie: Can't we just kill him? Shoot him and spill his blood? Charlie: That's an… option you could choose Angel Dust and Vaggie: Works for us! Charlie: But, who hasn't been in his shoes? It starts with sorry!
Jesus: He who is without sin among you, let him throw a stone at her first (John 8:7)
In the Gospel, an adulteress is brought to Jesus, so that he can order to stone her. Jesus instead asks that whoever has never committed sin throws the first stone. Nobody does and the woman is saved. This is similar to how Charlie steps in for Sir Pentious and convinces Angel and Vaggie to show mercy.
Charlie is clearly inspired by Jesus to an extent. She is the one willing to embrace humanity as a whole. Especially the wretched, the sinners and the outcasts:
Charlie: I can hear all their stories The lost and displaced And I know that they're more of an acquired taste But if I open the door and I give them a place At my Hazbin Hotel It'll be a happy day in Hell!
Adam is linked to an empy golden idol, whereas Charlie is set up as the savior of the world.
When it comes to the School of Rock motif, Hazbin Hotel takes Dewey's character and divides him into two:
Adam is Dewey's want. He is who Dewey initially wants to be. A shallow rockstar, who is self-centered and childish. A selfish prick showered with praise and success.
Charlie is Dewey's need. She is who Dewey eventually needs to be. A helper. Someone who makes the silenced voices heard. Dewey discovers he can be a rocker in a new band with the kids. Charlie slowly grows into the Princess of Hell thanks to her found family of misfits.
These two sides of Dewey and of rock itself come to a final clash in the Hazbin Hotel's reinterpretation of the Battle of the Bands: Extermination Day.
School of Rock's climax is the Battle of the Bands, where the School of Rock (Dewey's new band) faces off against the No Vacancy (Dewey's old band):
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The Hazbin Hotel has a sign with the words "No Vacancy". That is used in hotels when there are no rooms left. However, it also alludes to the School of Rock's rivals.
The competition is where Dewey's character arc reaches its conclusion in two different ways.
He is unmasked, but the kids forgive him and accept him for who he is.
The School of Rock lose the battle, but they are the moral winners, as they touch the hearts of the public. Thanks to this, Dewey himself learns what rock is really about:
Summer Hathaway: What's wrong? Dewey Finn: What's wrong, Summer? Didn't you hear? We lost! Freddy Jones: Hey, chill out, dude. Rock isn't about getting an A. The Sex Pistols never won anything. Lawrence: Don't let the Man get you down. Zack Mooneyham: Yeah I mean, dude, you gotta cheer up. We played a kick-ass show. Dewey Finn: We did, didn't we? It was unbelievable, wasn't it?
Adam's Extermination Day is an inversion of both these resolutions.
Adam is forced to show his true face, as Lucifer breaks his mask:
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And who is the real Adam? He is a man who can't get over a woman (Lilith) choosing someone else (Lucifer). So, he acts as a bully to hide his wounded masculinity.
Adam's real essence is hinted at by his final outfit, which has a golden leaf on the front. This is a reference to the fig leaf the biblical Adam uses to cover up his nudity out of shame. Such a detail can be read in two ways:
As an inversion of the original story. In the Bible Adam covers his penis, while in Hazbin Hotel the First Man puts emphasis on it through an accessory.
As a metaphor in line with the religious tradition. Biblical Adam hides his reproductive organ out of embarassement. Similarly, Hazbin Adam hides the fact he isn't such a great lover by overselling his sexual prowess. Both are ashamed of their dicks, even if for different reasons.
In short, Dewey is unmasked, but discovers a rocker behind the loser. Adam instead gets outed as a loser behind the rockstar.
2- Winning and Losing
Adam overpowers Charlie, but is stopped thanks to the bonds the girl nurtured throughout the series. Charlie can't win against Adam by herself, but this is ultimately not important. As a matter of fact Adam is defeated by Lucifer, killed by Niffty and proven wrong about redemption by Sir Pentious.
So, Adam loses, but he is given one final chance to mature and change by Charlie. However, he refuses it:
Adam: No… you don't get to end this! I'm fucking Adam! I'm the fucking man, and you're just some fucking clown or something! I started everything on Earth! All of mankind came from these fucking nuts! You all should be worshipping me, you ungrateful, disgusting, fucking losers-!
Adam's final rant reveals the Man behind the Idol. both in a religious and in a musical sense.
On the one hand Adam compares himself to God, which is blasphemy. This just makes the juxtaposition with the Princess of Hell stronger, as Charlie references Jesus's sacrifice during her final stand:
Adam: Why would you endanger your immortal life for these sinners? Charlie: They’re my family!
On the other hand Adam's speech can be juxtaposed to Dewey's final one to the kids:
Dewey: Okay, listen up, you guys, we only have one song to let these guys know who we are…so I think we should play Zack's. Zack: But why? I mean…really? Dewey: Yes! The thing is, you guys, I ain't that good. I'm not, I can admit it, but, dude, you're ten years old, you're already better than me, your song rocks harder, so let's play it! But hey, you know what? That's just one guy's opinion. This ain't my band, it's our band, we all have a say.
Adam is so self-centered he makes the whole universe about himself. Dewey instead accepts he has not enough talent to be a rockstar, but realizes he can help others bloom. Adam torments his descendants by exterminating them. Dewey finds happiness in nurturing the new generations. That is why the teacher is eventually loved by his students, while the exorcist is killed by a metaphorical child:
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Niffty: What can I do to help? Charlie: How about this. If you see an angel, stab it!
Niffty is:
An abused housewife who adores being ordered around by "bad boys"
Everyone's inner child, which is why she is cared about, as if she were a kid
She is the perfect character to land the finishing blow to Adam. On the one hand the First Man is dominated by a masochist woman, who thinks nothing of him. On the other hand the Man-Child is killed by the embodyment of childhood itself. Adam is a fratbro who fails to question his toxic masculinity and a person who never grows up. He is the Man, so he is rightfully stuck by one of Charlie's rock students:
Lucifer: Hey, y-ya got somethin' stickin' outta your… your thing there.
Katie Killjoy: The janitor said, quote, "Charlie told me to stab, so I did".
As a matter of fact it is Charlie, who teaches Niffty how to stick it to the man. She confirms herself as the true rock teacher, just like Dewey. That is because both realize "rock" is not about individualism, but about community. Like a class. Like a hotel.
Hazbin Hotel uses Adam's musical inspiration to comment on his character and on what he represents thematically. He is introduced as an expy of Dewey Finn, but is soon revealed as his deconstruction. He is who Dewey would be if he never got to the School of Rock and never learnt what this musical genre truly stands for. In short, Adam needs some rock repetitions :P If you read up until here, congratulations! Hope you enjoyed it and that it wasn't too unclear or confusing :)
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valtharr · 2 months
So. Which Ultraman series would you recommend for starters? Also would Shin Ultraman be a good starting point if you have never seen anything Ultraman related?
Honestly, those are both kinda tough questions 😅
Let's start with the Shin Ultraman one:
Shin Ultraman is a great movie, probably my favorite kaiju movie (sorry Pacific Rim and Final Wars), and you need no prior knowledge of Ultraman, mainly because the movie is basically an abridged version of the original 1966 series. So, as a movie, I recommend it, but I'm not sure about it as an introduction to Ultraman. Mainly because - just like Sentai and Rider - Ultraman is primarily a kids show, while Shin is aimed at a more mature audience, which is why I don't consider a great representation of the franchise as a whole. Don't get me wrong, it totally gets the themes and everything right, but the vibes are just different. So, I recommend watching it, but not necessarily as an introduction to the main franchise.
As for which actual series I recommend for a newcomer... well, I should preface this by saying that I've only really seen New Generation series (late Heisei and Reiwa era). The main reason for that is honestly that those seasons are shorter (about 25 episodes instead of the Showa and Heisei 50). But yeah, my recs are gonna be New Gen only.
I think the safest bet in my eyes would be Ultraman X. It doesn't really call back to any previous seasons, and it's pretty "vanilla" in its setup: The Ultra and his host are distinct characters from each other, the host works for an anti-kaiju defense force, etc. It sticks to the "formula" pretty closely, closer than any of the other New Gen shows I've seen... with the exception of one:
Ultraman Z is also pretty by the numbers, and has the distinct advantage of being fully legally available one Youtube, both subbed and dubbed. The main reason I recommend X over Z is that Z leans a bit more into the greater universe of the franchise, with appearances from old characters, one of which actually ends up playing a major role. That said, it was the first Ultra season I watched in full, and it wasn't like I was totally lost, but I would recommend watching Orb and Geed before jumping into Z. Speaking of which...
Ultraman Orb is actually the most recent season I fully watched, and I really like it. The main character is just really cool, and while the supporting cast starts off as kinda annoying, but they grew on me a bit over the course of the show. It's also pretty serialized, with some mysteries that slowly get revealed throughout the story.
Ultraman Geed, like Ultraman Orb, is a bit of a fan favorite. Now, technically, the main villain of the show is a major villain in the greater Ultraman lore, which at first might seem like this would be a bad entry point, but the show provides you with enough context that you can just treat as backstory. I also like that it kinda gives you a bit of "best of both worlds" when it comes to Ultras: The main character is actually an Ultra in human form, but there's also a secondary Ultra who does the more classic "bond with a human host" thing, so you get both common flavors of Ultraman in one series. Also, for what it's worth, I once commissioned a Youtuber who knew basically nothing about tokusatsu, let alone Ultraman, to review Geed, and he ended up liking it.
Finally, I'm gonna shout out Blazar and Arc, the most recent seasons, with Arc's second episode having just aired the same day I'm writing this. Blazar has some Ultraman staples, like the defense team and the human and Ultra being separate entities, but also does some new stuff with those tropes, like the Ultra not being able to properly talk, and the host actually being the head of the show's main defense team. Obviously, I can't say much about Arc yet, but it seems to go in a bit more traditional direction. Both are also available on Youtube, with Blazar having two audio tracks (Japanese and English) that you can switch between, and Arc having separate uploads for its sub and dub
Also, I should mention: Every Ultraman season prior to 2020 is available on BluRay via Mill Creek Entertainment, and from what I can tell, they seem to be region free. At least I had no problems watching them on my German PS4.
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autisticlee · 5 months
I have realized I need more friends, especially a specific type of friend (chill, positive, very nice and gentle, shares interest in my interests, etc) so I've been putting a lot of time and effort and energy into trying to make a new friend, but I don't think it's working D: I genuinely don't know how to do it. I used to ask people if we can be friends but learned thats not correct and even got called creepy for it before...so i'm just exhausting myself for no reason because nothing is being reciprocated the way I want or need it to be.
i'm trying to learn about the person and tailoring my scripts to match them and what they seem to like about people they are friends with. but so far i'm not getting much reaction outside of general kind acknowledgment that all random strangers get. i'm trying so hard not to ramble or rant about anything or be "too negative" like i've been called many times for simply stating a related/relatable fact about myself. i'm trying to ask questions more questions like ive been told to do. i'm saying nice and positive things whenever I get the chance like i always do. i'm doing all the things people have advised me to do when ive asked advice, but it still feels like i'm looking through a window and not allowed to walk through the door! but see everyone else getting invited inside. I genuinely don't know what to do and how to make it better 🥲
when I look back in the past and how I made friends or starter talking to people, it always came from trauma bonding....often it would start from or be carried along by a shared interest, but one of the dominating factors was always trauma bonding and ramling and ranting at each other about the trauma we have gone through that relates to each other. I felt like I needed it at the time and felt like it helped, but now i've reached a point where it's too exhausting to go through repeated exposure to trauma stories and reexperiencing ny own traumas. plus it usually ends in failure and me adding more trauma to my plate because they have issues and lash them out at me, or decide they are upset that I have my own issues they trigger, and I do not want to do that anymore.
I don't want to befriend people through or to trauma bond. I don't want to befriend people who only want to talk about negative things or people who bring out those things in me. I want some positive and chill and fun friends. but I genuinely do not know how else to make friends. I don't know how to do it right. I don't know how to talk to people correctly. I don't know how to do any of this without trauma dumping/ l listening to trauma dumping and using that as the gateway to form friendships.
I don't know how to have friends that don't share same interests either, but I have realized that's only part of it. that part is fine I think. maybe that's the normal part. (it's my autistic intensity that's the "not normal" part and losing friends as soon as one of us loses that interest) but how do I befriend someone positively off of similar interests only, and not drop my dark lore or avoid letting them drop their dark lore and using that as the bridge? I simply can't figure out how to connect with people in any other way than the whole "I understand what you're going through/you're not alone/I'm here for you/this is a safe space you can come to" thing I tried building up my whole life. but that's only been exhausting and leads to dead ends.
I don't know how to form strong and positive connections with other humans, despite following every tutorial and advice I could find. I even tried heavily masking and learned I'm just no good at it, and I can't figure out if i've acted myself out of a personality, or if it's just a dissociative disorder causing me to have like 20 different ones (working with therapist now who is evaluating me for osdd/did because she says my dissociative levels are concerning. and honestly i feel like part if not all of it is due to my negative people experiences....so i really need positive ones!) i've been trying to keep all my rambles and rants and negative thoughts and feelings to this blog only. i'm not here on this blog to make friends. this is purely for me and myself and I. if anyone relates they are welcome to reply/comment or send an ask and share, but i'm not going to pursue a friendship over it.
I only want to accept positive and chill and fun friendships over my special interests and smaller interests (I have a whole other blog for just those) BUT I DONT KNOW HOW TO DO IT. NOTHING ANYONE TELLS ME WORKS. i'm trying so hard to bond over interests with people but just cannot form any connections no matter how hard I try. it remains me being the only one to ever reach out and give (time/energy/attention/etc) while they can easily have 4747373 other friends and people they enjoy and care about and talk to and hang out with. so I don't think it's them. it has to be me. (I've had people saying it's not me, it's the people I try to talk to and I need to find other people. or even "the right people" but i'm not told how to do that or what it means. and i've spent years flipping through people like clothes on a rack and it's so tiring!!!!!)
don't know know what to do or how to do it, but need human interaction and genuine strong connection and can't force self stop craving that 😭😭😭😭😭
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py-dreamer · 1 year
Shadowalkers Au
Ok so I said I was gonna make this so here we go...
(I literally came up with this idea in the subway help) (I'm going to assume y'all have watched the movie)
Basically: Lmk cast in Wolfwalkers.
There is a little bit of different lore here
For starters, they're not wolves anymore. (it just didn't really make sense to me to make them into a different animal especially since both celestial primates can do the 72 transformations like it's no biggie) They're more like the enormous f*ck you smoke monster that Macaque introduced in his first episode. So you're a person when you're awake and a shadow when you're asleep.
Macaque takes the role of Mammy here and Bai He the role of Mebh Xiaotian plays Robyn and Wukong as Goodfellowe, ok? ok.
Bai He gets to be a little gremlin, Mk is big brother, Wukong is Good Dad TM and while not in here as much, Mac is also Good Dad TM
Now Mk and Wukong are regular stone monkeys from a far away mountain (SWK doesn't have all his OP taoist superpowers here). Their old home was burned down and they were forced to move. Wukong was already serving as a disciple under master Tripitaka when he took in a baby MK as his own. Tripitaka sadly perished in the fire.
The new town they move to is called the Diyu ruled under the 10th king in a long line of monarchs (why the background seemed so dark and a bit sinister in the last pic). Wukong serves as a hunter to get rid of all the shadow creatures in the nearby woods who seem to have a mind of their own.
But why get rid of them? Well you know how in the mythos, the Diyu was the land of the dead? Well in this au, Shadowalkers are known to be real but very rare and they have the power of healing and are said to be able to control the line between life and death. See what I'm getting at here?
Now because of Wukong's intense fear of death, and in this au he'd already been taught by the monk and now has a son of his own to worry about and without the layers of immortality to shield him, I figured, he'd be a lot more cautious and closer to Goodfellowe in this way. He'd still be more carefree and playful of course but he's still under the firm grip of the command of the king. (the circlet thingys on his gloves also signifies this)
The majority of the population here are humans since I wanted to single out Mk and SWK here and it just made sense so for the majority of the time, they wear cloaks so as to not frighten everyone.
Ok so about the abilities of the shadowalkers, oh boy,
One, they can heal. Two, they have their smoke monster like forms. Three, they can travel through shadows themselves and mare most powerful at night. When they travel in the shadows, they're flat like the surfaces they travel on. And like in the movie, a bite from a shadowalker can turn you into a shadowalker too.
Also concentrated light can hurt them. So for example a flame-tipped arrow can hurt them but not a small ray of sunlight.
Mk sneaks out after his dad one day (idk who could play the role of merlin here) and somehow finds Bai He and gets bitten in the woods. They bond and it's just an adorable thing yada yada.
At night, Mk finds out he's become a shadowalker and finds Bai He. She teaches him their ways and he returns home only to be found by the town who freak out. Wukong himself tries to impale him with his staff but fails. Mk is able to escape and make his way into the palace.
He finds a humongous smoke monster in a cage (aka macaque) and deduces that this must be Bai He's missing dad. But when he tries to free him, Mac tells him to get Bai He and leave cause it's to dangerous and Mk gets found by the king himself.
He wakes up in his person body and tells whoever plays Merlin to find Bai He and leave. She doesn't believe this and runs into town to find MK who's working and reluctantly does what she's told but feels betrayed.
Then she hears word that they were going to execute a giant shadow creature that the king had caught and runs to find it as she realized that they were talking about her dad.
She finds him all caged up and to stop her from getting hurt, Mk calls over to the village kids that he's caught the monster and they put her in a wooden cage (noo...the babies...)
Bai He breaks out anyways, runs to her dad and Wukong is told to catch the girl but Mac ain't having that no no no.
He goes from 0 to 100 and bites Wukong in the arm, giving Bai He the chance to escape but being locked up again in the process. Bai He declares war on the town and runs off.
We have the whole confrontation scene between MK and his dad and Mk frees Mac and they run off to escape. And FINALLY Macaque can reunite with his daughter (see I can be nice...)
...before getting impaled by Wukong's magic staff (nevermind)
(how on brand)
Bai He flees with the shadow creatures and the dying spirit of her father while MK tries to follow after them with Wukong holding him back. Mk falls asleep and transforms in front of his dad before the army caught up.
We have the whole climax battle between the imperial forces of the Diyu and the shadows + WUKONG GETS TO TRANSFORM INTO HIS 3 HEADED KAIJU WAR FORM HERE WOOOOOOOOOOOOO
(if you couldn't tell, I have a soft spot for this gremlin)
Then we have my personal favourite scene where the kids heal Macaque and HE'S ALIVE AGAIN YAY
They welcome Wukong into their troupe and FINALLY are able to leave and find their new home...
flower fruit mountain
Gosh that was a mouthful! I'm gonna go to bed now before I get yelled at...
I'll see if I update this au much with like redrawn scenes from the film or headcanons and such but idk, but feel free to drop any ideas in the comments!
(come to think of it, I should also make one of these for shennanigans in space..)
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belovedblossoms-m · 2 years
Inbox Call
Like this post for me to look up some memes/prompts you have reblogged and I’ll send one or two of them in your inbox. If there’s any specific muse of mine (or both if you’re also a multimuse) you’d like to write an interaction with, please reply here so I’ll know what to look for!
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silvergolddraco28 · 2 months
For anyone that missed the reblog or initial post.
This partly needs a Yander Like Alastor
Minors do not enter! I will not accept anyone under 18!
Please comment or DM me if interested!
Background and world info
So in this Pentagram City is more or less like an ever moving city surrounded by a dense forest, people can enter but can't leave. If they try to leave they either have some sort of accident that leaves them injured enough to prevent them from leaving for simply lost in the woods only to return to the Hotel when starvation, dehydration, and the near constant casing by predators at night preventing sleep gets too much for them to handle.
The ‘citizens’ of the City are divided into three groups, Demons, Angels, and Food. The Demons run the city with the Radio Demon at the helm with his ‘court’. He’s also the one that determines who gets to join the ‘community’ or gets sent to the ‘farm’. Each Demon has an Angel they form a bond with either through romantic or platonic means with the Demon acting as the Angel’s caregiver and handler as the Angels help reduce the bloodlust and constant fights within the moving city.
The city itself covers the Angels and Demons in human-like appearances until it's broken by one of the new humans enacting a Sin.
It's more or less and Divine and Infernal version of Alpha and Omega dynamics now that i think about it.
Prompt and Starter
A father joined by his college grad daughter, her girlfriend, and their roommate, head on a simple road trip to visit extended family only to end up stuck in a rather cut-off place called Pentagram City where the group ends up having to check in at the only hotel on the city-owned and run by an eccentric man that doubles as the local radio host. When strange things that the locals find normal begin to ramp up what will the group do simply to survive to the next morning?
(Begining of Starter)
A small car drove on a silent road with four occupants inside. Two males and two females.
“Alright Anthony, where is the next rest stop on the map?” the driver asked his passenger and navigator while glancing at the dash, frowning slightly at the fuel gauge.
Heterochromatic eyes blinked before changing apps on their phone, the young adult gave a grimace. “Not for another hour. There looks like there’s a city but it's a bit of a detour off the road, Mr. Magne.” the young man replied.
“Looks like we're going to make a pitstop at the city then. Also, it's Lucifer Anthony Mr Magne makes me sound ancient.” the driver, Lucifer, replied as he glanced in the rearview mirror at the two snoozing women in the backseat with the tall blond woman using the shorter’s lap as a pillow. A small smile crossed Lucifer’s lips brightening his sky-blue eyes and highlighting his rather pale skin. ‘Depression is a bitch to deal with while in a psychiatric ward.’ Lucifer thought with a small shutter at the memory. Lucifer turned off the highway onto a more local looking road through a much thicker part of the forest from the looks of it.
“look out for the deer!” Anthony shouted as a deer came bolting out of the woods and right in front of the car. Lucifer cursed as he hit the breaks and swerved losing control of the car and smashing right into a tree.
A ringing. There was just a ringing in his ears. Lucifer slowly gained back consciousness likely from blacking out from the impact feeling a throbbing pain in his head and side with that ringing in his ears and something warm falling down his face. Something just as warm was sticking to his side with some sort of fabric was pressed to his face. ‘… an air bag…?’ Lucifer thought while feeling someone pressing fingers to his neck. He jerked away from the touch by instinct causing pain to flair from his side and surprisingly from his lower leg.
(End of starter.)
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rhaenaspearls · 4 months
Venus Fly Trap
(Closed starter for @helaenasdreamfyres)
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Rhaena was walking as quickly as she could while still maintaining her grace as she made her way through the winding halls of the Red Keep to Princess Helaena's chambers. The Prince and Princess of Dragonstone's household had arrived back in King's landing only a couple of days previous after a year and a half away on their new seat and her older cousin had finally found time to invite her for tea now the other half of the royal family had begun to settle back into a routine in King's Landing. The pair had been close for as long as Rhaena could remember, or at least very close to it, since she came to live at the Red Keep when she was only nine. The palace in the capital was all at once strange, fantastic, and terrifying to a little girl like herself, but on her first full day there Helaena had taken her hand and called her haēdar, little cousin, little sister, and guided her through the Keep's main thoroughfare and down that grand staircase which at the time felt so monstrously large, and in a way it felt like they'd never let go of each other's hands since.
Helaena had the twins that same year, and her Muna had Visenya only a couple moons after they came to the Red Keep; the days long labour and week where no one was sure if either would survive was still seared into her memory, or more precisely, the feelings of dread it had caused, and how Helaena had held her through most of it when her father, Prince Daemon, needed to attend Rhaenyra and her baby half sister. She'd sat with Helaena too, half a year later when Jaehaera and Jaehaerys came, one of the only times Rhaena took a page out of her older sister's book--and came close to biting anyone who tried to make her leave--until her surrogate older sister actually had to push and everyone was made to leave. After such a tumultuous year it would perhaps have been more of a shock if Rhaena and Helaena had not developed such a strong bond. What shocked most people, she knew, was that it had sustained for so many years hence. Even as Jaehaerys and Jaehaera had grown older, Rhaena's hoard of younger half-siblings continued to grow, and Helaena had Maelor as well, their shared responsibilities for some of the Keep's youngest occupants, growing maturity, and shared interests only served to bring them closer. It had been some time since she last saw her older cousin, but not terribly long, Helaena had bid her to visit Dragonstone whenever she wished and Rhaena had been sure to make good on the promise. The flight to their ancestral island was relatively short, and she would never turn down the opportunity to spend those hours with Silverwing or the Princess and her children, visiting the island half a dozen times--every three moons or so--their household first moved there.
Now, though, she'd be seeing her mandia for the first time in as many moons with a gift, which was a large portion of what fueled Rhaena's current excitement as she walked to Helaena's chambers with the parcel tucked under her arm, wrapped in dyed pink paper and wrapped with a golden-yellow ribbon. Both women's greatest shared interest had always been embroidery, and while her stepmother was quite adept in the skill as well, Helaena had taught Rhaena nearly everything she knew about the more delicate, finer techniques of the art form. It was a pleasant creative outlet, something that made them both happy, and allowed them to spend time together, and now she had something to show for it as well. This would hardly be the first embroidered gift she ever gave older cousin, but it was one she felt particularly proud of, and hoped would come across as meaningful as the thought she had put into it; A pair of pale gold silk slippers, dragonflies and honey bees sewn into the front of one shoe, and a mix of azalea flowers and Venus flytraps into the other. A few of the many flowers and bugs she knew Helaena adored so much, and something she hoped could be a bit of a good luck charm, made to wear under formal gowns and hopefully give her a touch of the comfort and confidence Rhaena always gained at the celebrations she knew caused Helaena so much anxiety.
The Princess' drawing room was brightly lit in the early afternoon sun when Rhaena was announced by the guard outside the door, the room mainly decorated in shades of light yellow and gold, with small accents of pale green and similarly pastel pink. That was another fondness the pair shared, while their favorite colors to decorate with varied, both of them had always gravitated towards the same delicate, brightly colored, fine but not lavish, and--whenever possible--sun-drenched decorations, and the site of it made her smile just like always. "Mandia!" Rhaena's grin grew even wider as she walked in to greet Helaena, placing her gift quickly, but gently, on a side table, then rushed over to her cousin and wrapped her arms around her in an enthusiastic hug, "It's lovelier than ever to finally see you." Rhaena placed a peck on her cheek before inquiring, "I've missed you, how are you, truly?"
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quirkwizard · 1 year
So lets talk about Mina's new Super Move.
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For starters, I am so happy that we finally get some major showing of how dangerous Mina can be. With her being a relatively minor hero character, we haven't really been given a real chance to see what her Quirk can do. Now we have her doing more damage to Gigantomachia than anyone else in the series. It's interesting to hear her learn this method of training from Bakugou and Todoroki. I have to wonder if that's talking about what Endeavor said. About how they need to learn to compress and then release with their Quirk until it becomes natural. It certainly lines up with her seemingly compressing and then firing out her Acidman move and the high cost of using that process.
Now, I was confused about the name Alma for the Super Move since it didn't seem to mean anything, but I was able to figure it out after some digging. For those of you who don't know, the Acidman move is named after the Japanese rock band of the same name, and they made a song called Alma. Not only does the song have a heavy space theme, fitting with Mina's alien look, but it also works with the ideas that Mina is talking about in these chapters. The song itself is about love, specifically about how love can endure through time and tragedy. While the song can be more about romantic love, it fits with the idea of Mina talking about the bonds she is forming with her allies and the importance those have for her.
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doubleddenden · 17 days
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I sprited the first of my new starters based on very rough concept art I made while babysitting. I'm not 100% happy with my sprite, but I adore the concept so I'm gonna forgive it.
Dex entry:
Meet your Water starter, Bubbat! The Fish Bat Pokemon.
Type: Water/Flying
Ability: Torrent/Infiltrator
evolves into Hydrobat at level 15, then Aguabatix at level 32
When you first encounter it:
"This is a newly discovered Pokemon collected from the wreckage of a fallen UFO by two of my (Professor Poincienna's) research assistants, as such, details are scarce about this species. It appears rather friendly and trusting to a fault, and has grown attached to their partner quite quickly- This could suggest an innate desire to bond and please others. It appears a tad clumsy but willing to do its best, and can use a variety of water and flying type attacks- thus, i classify its typing as so."
After about 2 gyms, the dex entry updates:
"What appears to be "goggles" around its neck are actually a specialized organ that can collect and store water from the air around it or a nearby water source to allow it to breathe on land. Its eyes are actually quite sensitive to light, and it will sometimes place these "Goggles" over them as a form of comfort. Despite appearing mammalian, it shares more commonality with fish Pokemon, yet also has common mammalian and amphibious properties- Perhaps it is a new class of Pokemon, seen only on other planets."
Okay, an explanation: usually starters as of late have a unifying theme related to their region. We sort of... cheated that system lol.
The starter theme for my Sorigul region is *Aliens to the region*- literally most senses of the word with the theming they're from outer space, are based on at least one or more animals non native to the US Gulf Coast states (in the wild anyway, to my knowledge), and are based on animals named for different animals- particularly animals that have different classes: In this case, the Bubbat line are both a fish and a bat- based on the name of creatures called the batfish
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And no, they're not gonna have big red lips and a hecking schnoz, because unlike Game Freak, I actually want to make my starters with the idea I might want to use them myself. So instead, we take the literal name "batfish" and turn it into "fish bat" :) ideas from these guys might be used for Armor lines, but not the main evolution line.
You may think that's cheating by working around the semi Aquatic water dwelling pokemon rule for water types- however, there ARE a number of species of bats that do hunt for fish by flying and hunting near the water's surface, such as the Mexican Fishing Bat- aka Myotis Vivesi- which will actually fly out to open water to catch fish via its feet.
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Listen if they can make a water starter out of a lizard, i can do one for a sea bat.
This line is going to be fun. I wanted to fit a bat into the starters somehow, but it actually became rather educational and justified in the end. I'm actually really excited to get to the final one, because it might be my favorite final stage concept.
Working on the fire starter next.
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theobjectivemind · 1 month
Kamala Harris’s Economic Plans: A Path to Empowerment, Not Socialism
In recent discussions, Vice President Kamala Harris has introduced a series of economic proposals that aim to address pressing issues such as food prices, housing, taxes, and medical costs. While some critics may attempt to label these initiatives as “socialism,” it’s essential to understand that Harris’s plans are firmly rooted in the principles of fairness and economic empowerment within a capitalist system. Let’s break down how these proposals can benefit Americans and why they should not be confused with socialism.
Addressing the Real Needs of Americans
1. Lowering Prescription Drug Costs: Americans are paying significantly more for prescription drugs than people in other high-income countries. A 2022 analysis by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) revealed that U.S. prices for all drugs were nearly three times higher than prices in 33 other Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) countries. Specifically, U.S. prices for brand-name drugs were 422% of the prices in these comparison countries. This means that for every dollar spent on brand-name drugs in other countries, Americans are paying $4.22.
While the U.S. has managed to keep the prices of generic drugs relatively low—demonstrating that affordable medication is possible—the exorbitant prices of brand-name drugs still place an unfair burden on American consumers. Harris's proposals aim to bring these prices in line with what is seen in other high-income countries, ensuring that all essential medications, not just generics, are affordable for everyone.
2. Expanding Housing Access: The vice president’s housing plan calls for the construction of 3 million new housing units over four years to address the severe housing shortage in the U.S. By promoting tax incentives for builders of “starter” homes and expanding funding for affordable rental housing, Harris is working to make homeownership and rental options more accessible to first-time buyers and low-income families. Additionally, she plans to limit bulk home purchases by investors and curb price-setting tools that drive up rental costs.
3. Reducing Medical Costs and Expanding Access: As a veteran, I’ve personally benefited from the healthcare services provided by the Veterans Affairs (VA). The VA system ensures that veterans like myself have access to the medical care we need, recognizing our service to the country. But here’s the thing—I don’t believe that healthcare should only be guaranteed to those who have worn the uniform. Every American deserves access to affordable, quality healthcare, regardless of their military status.
Veterans and current service members share a common bond—we have either worn or continue to wear the uniform to protect our nation and its citizens. But right now, millions of Americans are being treated unfairly by corporate greed and the exorbitant costs of healthcare. It’s time for us to stand up and go to war with big pharma and the corporations that prioritize profits over people’s well-being. Harris’s proposal to expand Medicare’s ability to negotiate drug prices is a critical step in this battle, aiming to reduce the financial burden on all Americans, not just a select few.
4. Tax Relief for Families: The vice president’s tax proposals include making permanent the $3,600 per child tax credit and introducing a new $6,000 tax credit for newborns. She also plans to expand the Earned Income Tax Credit, providing significant tax relief to frontline workers and lowering taxes on healthcare plans offered through the Affordable Care Act marketplace.
These initiatives reflect a commitment to making life more affordable and manageable for middle-class Americans, ensuring that everyone has a fair shot at success.
Why These Policies Are Not Socialism
It’s important to clarify that these policies do not constitute socialism. Socialism, in its true form, involves government ownership and control of major industries and resources. In contrast, Kamala Harris’s proposals work within the existing capitalist framework, using targeted regulations and incentives to make the economy fairer and more inclusive.
The U.S. already has a number of social programs that provide essential services without transforming the nation into a socialist state. For example:
Social Security: Provides financial support to retirees, disabled individuals, and survivors of deceased workers. It’s a program that ensures a safety net for millions of Americans.
Veterans Affairs (VA): Offers healthcare, education, and housing benefits to veterans who have served the country. This program is a recognition of their service and a commitment to their well-being. However, the need for affordable healthcare isn’t exclusive to veterans; it’s a right that should be extended to all citizens.
These programs demonstrate that integrating social initiatives within a capitalist system is not only possible but also beneficial to society as a whole.
Learning from Other Countries
The United States is not alone in using social programs to enhance the well-being of its citizens. Many other countries with similar capitalist economies have implemented successful social initiatives that benefit their populations without adopting socialism. For example:
Germany: Germany’s social market economy combines free-market capitalism with social policies that ensure universal healthcare and other welfare programs. This approach allows for a thriving economy while ensuring that citizens have access to essential services.
Australia: Australia’s Medicare system provides universal healthcare coverage to all citizens and permanent residents, funded by taxes. This system ensures that healthcare is accessible to everyone, regardless of income, without sacrificing quality or innovation.
These examples show that it’s possible to incorporate social programs into a capitalist economy to address the needs of the population effectively.
Conclusion: A Balanced Approach for a Stronger America
Kamala Harris’s economic proposals are not about shifting the U.S. toward socialism but about making the current system more equitable and responsive to the needs of everyday Americans. By addressing food prices, housing, medical costs, and taxes, these plans aim to empower the middle class and ensure that all citizens can participate fully in the economy.
As a veteran, I’ve experienced how vital access to quality healthcare can be. But this isn’t something that should be reserved just for those who served—it’s a right every American should have. Integrating fair social programs into our system isn’t radical; it’s a practical step forward. Other countries have successfully done this, and so can we. Let’s focus on how these proposals can truly benefit us—by supporting families, improving health, and making life better for everyone.
By supporting these initiatives, we’re not moving away from capitalism—we’re strengthening it by ensuring that it works for everyone, not just those at the top.
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