#( and why I took goddamn ages to get back to you. ;;;;; I am sorry once more and I appreciate your patience oTL )
bleach-your-panties · 8 months
💔the pathological liar - pro hero! yo shindou x fem! pro hero! gf! reader
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warnings: characters aged up to 20+, lying, cheating, arguing, manipulation, gaslighting, sexual activities, non-con (reader does say no), dub-con, verbal abuse, emotional abuse, name-calling, physical struggles, physical fighting (one-sided, so assault?), reader has a smart ass mouth and is kinda toxic as well, slight!yandere!yo, toxic relationships, toxic mindsets, false imprisonment, triggering subject at the end. read at your own risk!
☠️: some dialogue/actions inspired by true events.
💔: banner images from pinterest. 
💔: banner made by me with canva. 
post themes: say my name - destiny's child
                      confessions, parts I & II - usher
                      take a bow - rihanna
                      shake it off - mariah carey
💔 3.5k words
💔read in dark mode for best experience!
🖤series 🖤touya.
I know you say that I am assuming things
Something's going down that's the way it seems
Shouldn't be no reason why you're acting strange
If nobody's holding you back from me
'Cause I know how you usually do
When you're saying everything to me times two
Why can't you just tell the truth?
If somebody's there, then tell me who
"Baby, ain't nothing good. It's all bad."
'Your call has been forwarded to an automated voice message system: 
"Shindou, Yo". Cannot come to the phone right now, please leave your message at the tone-'
Before the recording could finish, you were throwing your iPhone across your bed as you shrugged your backpack off of your shoulders.
Your boyfriend, Yo Shindou, never answered his phone when you called. Never when you called, but he'd always immediately send a text or call you back hours later, claiming that his phone was dead or that he'd misplaced it somewhere at the agency. 
Like now, for example. 
'Sorry babe, got caught up in something last minute at the agency. Call you back when I'm home. Love you.'
You scoffed as you read over the message.
You wouldn't be getting a call back, that much you knew for certain.
With a sudden urge to be petty, you texted back:
'Something like what, Yo? Another bitch's pussy? Yeah, people at my agency are starting to talk and guess who's the topic of conversation? Just know that the label of 'cheating boyfriend' won't do your "picture perfect" image any justice. Bitch.'
After hitting send, you tossed the phone back onto your bed and that was where it would lay until you got out of the shower. 
As soon as your bathroom door closed, the phone vibrated with another text. 
'Oh, so we're doing this shit again? Bet. I'll be over in 20.'
After moisturizing your body and putting on some pajamas, you climbed into bed and pulled out the book that you'd been reading. Leaving your phone discarded somewhere in the covers.
It was starting to get to one of the more interesting parts when a chorus of loud, booming knocks came on your front door.
"Who in the fuck?" You threw the covers back furiously and slipped your fluffy slippers on. 
You walked out of your room and down the hallway, the beating at the door only growing more intense as you sucked your teeth.
"I'm coming, dammit!"
Pulling the door open without checking the peephole first would be your first mistake of the night.
When the messy mop of dark locks, green/yellow hero uniform, and chiseled pecs came into your view, you immediately tried to slam the door shut. Yo wasn't having any of that.
He grabbed the edge of the door, wedging half of his body inside of your apartment before he pushed it forward with force, making it slam and bounce off of the wall. 
Once his boots made contact with the carpeted floor of your apartment, you took multiple steps back, putting about two feet of distance between the two of you.
"What's wrong, baby? You don't look too happy to see me."
Scoffing harshly, you bit your bottom lip between your teeth as you glared up at him.
"What the fuck is wrong with you, huh? Beating on my goddamn door like you've lost your mind. Thought you were caught up in something? That just goes to show that all you do is fucking lie. You bitch." 
Yo just looked at you with his face scrunched up. He was clearly irritated with your antics, especially the name-calling. Kicking off his boots, he began to walk towards you. 
"Stop fucking being difficult, Y/N. You know, baby, if you missed me and wanted some dick, all you had to do was ask nicely." 
He said in that irritating, condescending tone that he always uses when talking to those that he feels are beneath him. You being one of those. Even though you're a pro-hero just like he is. 
Not believing what you were hearing, your mouth dropped open. You could feel the blood begin to rise in your ears, loud and whooshing against your skull. 
A dry chuckle then left your lips. 
"You think…that all of this is because I want some dick? Trust me, sweetie, if I just wanted some dick I could go get it from any one of your co-workers. A lot of them have been giving me the eye, you know. Especially since you're never around and I just changed up my hero uniform, so the skirt is short-" 
Yo cut you off by grabbing you by the biceps and yanking you towards him, making you stumble and throw your arms out to try to balance yourself before he then slammed you up against the wall. 
"Don't fucking play with me, Y/N. If you know what's good for you, you'll think twice about trying to entertain one of those bastards. Especially-" 
"Especially who? Bakugou? Oh, he'd be my first choice if I were to step out on you." You smirked up at him. 
He snarled. Your smirk widened as you could physically hear him grinding his teeth. 
Yo was quiet for a moment, just glaring at you as you stared right back at him with a bored look on your face. You even went as far as to yawn.
"Yeah, it's not so fun when the rabbit has the gun, huh?" 
He didn't answer, but instead pulled you off of the wall and hoisted you up over his shoulder. A big hand came up and smacked forcefully against your ass. 
"That's alright. I know how to fix you." He chortled darkly, moving away to begin walking down the hallway to your bedroom. 
"I don't want your community ass dick! Put me down, Yo!" 
He just ignored you and kicked open the door to the room. 
"Sure you don't. You always do this shit to get my attention, Y/N. Catch an attitude, start a stupid ass argument, and then I fuck it out of you. Same shit, different goddamn day, baby." 
Yo said after tossing you onto the bed, making your forgotten phone flop onto the floor. He gave it a puzzled look. 
"Oh, so that's why you seemed so surprised to see me. You didn't read my text." 
He chuckled, reaching to grab your hip to flip you over onto your stomach as if you were a pancake. 
Rough hands began to caress your feet, ankles, and legs, all the way up to your inner thighs and bottom of your ass cheeks, just under the hem of your nightdress. 
"No panties? Yeah, you were definitely planning on getting dicked down tonight, you needy little slut." 
Your back arched off of the bed at the painful stinging of Yo's slaps. His hands felt heavy as lead as they connected with your soft flesh. 
"Where are you going? Thought you liked when I spank you, huh?"
Yo wrapped an arm around your waist to bring you back when you tried crawling up the bed to escape him.
"Stop it, Yo…hurts…" You whined. 
"It hurts, Yo, please stop." He mocked. "Stop being a fucking brat, then."
He grabbed one of your ass cheeks and squeezed hard, making you moan out involuntarily. 
"Moaning like this but you don't want my dick? I bet you're dripping fucking wet for me right now, Y/N. Dare me to check?"
You didn't respond, which prompted Yo to do as he suggested and slip two fingers underneath you between your ass cheeks to get to your slick folds.
"Damn baby, all this for me, yeah? Only me."
He growled. With his large hand, he covered your entire bare pussy and activated his Quirk.
A harsh shiver wracked through your entire body, another soft moan leaving your lips. Yo only pressed harder, moving his fingertips to graze over your clit repeatedly.
"Y-Yo…please, daddy…" You whined, making him smirk down at you. He increased the vibration of his fingers along with rubbing your clit from side to side.
"Say you're sorry for bringing up Bakugou and I might let you feel this fat dick next..." Yo rested his upper body against your back and snaked his free arm under you to hold you up off the bed just a bit.
"No..I'm…n-not sorry. I meant it. Oh fuck!" 
Yo grimaced before grabbing you and flipping you back over onto your back. 
"What did you say?" 
Your e/c eyes were wet with unshed tears as you frowned up at his handsome face. You didn't falter.
"You heard me." 
"I thought I told you that if you know what's good for you, you won't even think about that motherfucker!" He seethed.
"I obviously don't know what's good for me if I'm still fucking around with you!"
Before you knew what was happening, Yo had pinned you to the bed by your throat. Moving between your legs, he used his knees to spread them.
"Yo, stop!"
"Shut up, bitch. You'll learn to stop pissing me off one day."
His belt hit the bed as he undid it, his black pants and underwear soon following it. You tried to pull your legs up, but he surged forward, pushing his hard dick inside you with one thrust.
Head falling back against the soft mattress, you couldn't help but keen as Yo began a rough, fast pace. He gripped your calf to pull you closer and stretch you open wider for him.
"Yes, Yo…right there! I'm going to cum!" 
Yo grunted in response, trying to hold back from cumming himself.
"Yeah, baby? My fingers got you all ready to cum on my dick? Let it go then, oh shit." 
He sped up even more, making your free breasts bounce outside of your nightgown and the headboard hit the wall. It already had a small dent in it from your previous heated romps, but neither of you seemed to care very much.
It could be painted over once you moved out.
"Oh God, I…!" 
Your release splashed against Yo's pelvis and drenched the sheets beneath you.
"Ah, fuck. Yeah, made that little pussy squirt, huh? Stay still for me, baby. I'm about to nut." 
Your eyes widened. "Yo, no. You're not wearing a condom and I haven't replaced my NuvaRing yet!" 
It had been out for five days now while you waited on your doctor to send in a new prescription. 
That didn't stop him. Either he was too deep into his impending orgasm to hear you, or he was flat out ignoring you. 
Blind fury clouded your vision while Yo's was clouded for a completely different reason altogether.
"Damn…" He breathed out, making sure to stay deep inside you until he was finished cumming.
Once you got your bearings, you sat up abruptly, making Yo stumble back onto his elbows. He sucked his teeth once he saw your angered face. 
"What's wrong, sweetheart? You don't want to have my baby?"
"Yo, we're both in our early 20's at the height of our hero careers. We're nowhere near ready for a damn baby!" 
The raven-haired man was about to respond until a soft, vibrating sound silenced the both of you.
You slowly swung your legs over the side of the bed, searching for the source of the noise.
Bending down, you surveyed the floor briefly. Your forgotten cell phone lay halfway underneath the bed.
It's not your phone going off. 
Yo could've been mistaken for a ghost; you watched his face blanch white while he patted the pockets of his discarded pants searching for the missing device.
A race against time, but you spotted it first.
With the rectangular device being tangled in your covers, Yo almost knocked you off the bed trying to get to it, but you were way faster than him. It was already in your hand.
tatas💕: my appointment is at 3pm tomorrow. are you going to be able to make it?
You scrunched your nose and swatted Yo's hand away while reading the text.
"Appointment? What is this about, and why does Tatami need you there?"
Cold e/c eyes turned to stone while you watched Yo fidget nervously. This is one of the only times you've seen him like this; the other when he asked you out for the first time.
"Y/N…do you love me?"
"What kind of question is that, Yo? If I didn't, would I still be with you?"
Your nose scrunched. Something isn't right…
You knew all about Tatami. Yo's ex-girlfriend from high school. He told you that he broke it off during their third year because she was becoming too clingy. You'd even met her once, when you had a joint mission with her agency.
"Say you'll never leave me?"
Oh hell no. He was asking too many questions now.
"What did you do, Yo? Huh?!" 
He just hung his head. His phone vibrated again in your hand. 
Everything that I've been doing is all bad
I've got a chick on the side
With the crib and the ride 
I've been telling you so many lies 
Aint none good, it's all bad
And I just wanna confess, it's been going on so long 
Girl I been doing you so wrong and I want you to know that 
"Everytime you called my phone, I wasn't at the agency working overtime…I..I was with Tatami."
A long, loud sigh left your lips. Your free hand came up, knuckles resting against your forehead.
I don't want to look, but I know I have to…
"Y/N.." Yo warned.
new message
"Y/N, please, baby…"
tatas💕: i know the doctor said that we won't know the sex until about 20 weeks, but i can't help being so excited! we're possibly going to have a little yo running around soon! 👶🏻
Your grip on the phone tightened. 
If I could turn back the hands of time 
And start all over I would
Instead of everything being all bad, baby
Everything'll be all good
I know today is the day that I end all the lying and the playing and the bullshit, girl 
"Y/N, I'm sorr-" 
Your knuckles that you'd been resting against your forehead went across Yo's face at the speed of light. You punched him hard as hell in his face, making him tumble over and off the foot of the bed. The sight would've been hilarious if you weren't so fucking pissed.
"I knew I was right…." You chuckled. "I fucking knew it. You knew that she was pregnant, too. You've known for months."
Yo looked up at you with big, watery eyes full of regret. Almost like he was a different person entirely. 
One hand clutched his throbbing cheek. You'd hit him so hard that his lower lip busted. His perfect face would soon be discolored black and blue, across his forehead, nose (that was also bleeding now), and right eye.
"I'm sorry! Baby, I'm sorry!" 
"SHUT THE FUCK UP, YO! YOU'RE ONLY SORRY BECAUSE YOU GOT FUCKING CAUGHT!"  You raged. You lunged off the bed at him and started hitting him everywhere, as hard as you could. You even grabbed two handfuls of his black hair and yanked his head around.
Yo finally grabbed your arms and pinned them against your chest. You'd grown exhausted, so you just let yourself fall against his naked chest.
A bitter chuckle, then the tears, hot and angry. You couldn't hold them any longer as you looked up at Yo, staring at his swollen, beaten face.
"You're so fucking ugly when you cry. What the fuck are you crying for, huh? I'm the one that got cheated on. Lied to, played with, manipulated." 
"Not only did you fucking lie to me and cheat on me, but you fucked around and got the bitch pregnant, too. This has got to be a joke."
Yo slowly crawled up from the floor with you in his arms, blood dripping down his nose and lip, staining the carpet, then the bedsheets while you covered your face with your hands and sobbed. 
He cradled you gently and laid his head against yours, lips kissing at the temples.
"Baby, please…we can work this out. I don't love her. I love you, but I…I still want to be there for the baby…"
Your brokenhearted wails only increased in volume.
"Don't cry, baby. I promise I'll be here for you and our baby, too."
Three Months Later 
Yo made good on his word to be there for you.
Shortly after his "confession", you found out that you were pregnant as well.
Tatami is currently six months along, while you're only three.
Turns out that all of this was a part of Yo's twisted plan. 
Instead of your late birth control being due to your doctor's or the pharmacy's incompetence, it was Yo who called the doctor's office pretending to be your husband and had them cancel your refill request. 
Yo then demanded suggested that you take time off from hero work while you were carrying his child, which you slightly agreed with, but still did so with reluctance.
You don't know how he did it, but you guessed being one of the top 20 heroes carried with it a lot of weight for him to be able to take off enough to make it to all of yours and Tatami's appointments.
He even moved you out of your apartment and into his. Into your own room. 
The reason that you had your own room was because Tatami ended up losing her apartment due to being out of work, so Yo moved her in as well. 
With the way that the living arrangements had been set up, you and Tatami might as well have been sister wives.
To attempt to keep things "fair" between the both of you, Yo would designate certain nights where either of you would get to sleep in the room with him. So neither of you would feel neglected by him.
His heart was in the right place, wasn't it? 
Even when you could clearly hear the whispered moans and soft creaking of the bed from Yo's room on Tatami's nights.
No matter how you tried to make yourself not hear it. 
Yo didn't want you stressing out, he claimed, so he bought you many expensive gifts and gadgets to help you get a good night's rest.
None of them worked. 
Not when the walls in that apartment were paper thin.
Many nights you cried and raged to yourself. 
Obviously all of that stress wasn't healthy for the baby.
Which leads you to today.
A pair of dark sunglasses hiding your eyes along with a long trench coat and hat to conceal the rest of your persona.
They were loud and jarring as you walked in, but your world had gone numb three months ago. Now you were trapped inside your own world as you stepped up three flat steps into a white, brick building. 
A ghost clutching a brown clipboard only made the atmosphere even gloomier before whisking you away from the judgemental eyes and into a plainly decorated room with blue walls.
She read over the papers first then handed the clipboard to you, one more questioning look being shot your way. 
You just gave a simple nod.
"You have reached the voicemail box of L/n, Y/n. I can't come to the phone right now, but leave me a message and I'll get back to you as soon as I can!"
Yo sighed heavily and put his head in his hands before standing up to walk out of your completely barren bedroom.
Before he closed the door, he whispered softly,
"Why, Y/n?" 
Your location on his phone showed him exactly where you were.
Gotta make that move 
Find somebody who
Appreciates all the love I give
Boy, I gotta 
Gotta do what's best for me
Baby and that means I gotta shake you off
a/n: i think this piece was a pretty strong start to the series! i'm really proud of it! stay tuned, there's plenty more bullshit to come!
*remember, if you get angry enough at your partner that you feel like wanting to put your hands on them, just walk away! 
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𝖄𝖔𝖚 𝖒𝖆𝖐𝖊 𝖒𝖊 𝖋𝖊𝖊𝖑 𝖇𝖗𝖆𝖓𝖉 𝖓𝖊𝖜
𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 𝓢𝓲𝔁
"𝘠𝘰𝘶'𝘳𝘦 𝘴𝘰𝘮𝘦𝘰𝘯𝘦 𝘸𝘩𝘰𝘮 𝘐 𝘤𝘢𝘯 𝘥𝘦𝘱𝘦𝘯𝘥"
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彡 𝓼𝓮𝓻𝓲𝓮𝓼 𝓶𝓪𝓼𝓽𝓮𝓻𝓵𝓲𝓼𝓽 彡
✦ 𝚙𝚛𝚎𝚟𝚒𝚘𝚞𝚜 𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 | 𝚕𝚊𝚜𝚝 𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 ✦
𝕾𝖚𝖒𝖒𝖆𝖗𝖞 : you've got what you wanted, why does it feel like it's all too late?
𝖂𝖔𝖗𝖉 𝕮𝖔𝖚𝖓𝖙 : it took this way too long again lol so I hope I did it justice
𝖂𝖆𝖗𝖓𝖎𝖓𝖌𝖘 : 18+ Knight!Eddie Munson x Princess!FEM!reader, language, use of y/n, reader and Eddie are both (21), Henry is (30+), Jason being an asshole to literally anyone on this fic, age gap, vi0lence, manipulation, gaslight, unrequited feelings, attempted murder and homicide, physical and verbal abuse, harassment, this chapter will be GRAPHIC! you know what you're getting yourself into, mentions of corpses, MASSIVE REVELATIONS, I advice to bring tissues on this chapter because 🥹
𝖂𝖍𝖆𝖙 𝖙𝖔 𝕰𝖝𝖕𝖊𝖈𝖙 : set in 17th century, upside down exists but think of it as an much older set up, ANGST IS BACK and FLUFF ON THE BEGINNING (I'm sorry), dark fantasy, romance, action, and drama
𝕹𝖔𝖙𝖊 𝕿𝖔 𝕽𝖊𝖆𝖉𝖊𝖗 : writing this chapter is a quite a lot to take in and I'm so pressured to capture everything from the last few chapters before! I just want to get it right, but I hope the long awaited return of me to write this is still loved! 🥺🫶🏻
𝕬𝖚𝖙𝖍𝖔𝖗 𝕹𝖔𝖙𝖊 : next time when I'm writing for another series, I'll just focus on that and I'll be back for other fic ideas on my list because that's what happened to me like?!? and also my preparations for every other chapter I take it very seriously, so, my apologies once again! 😭
"Y/N, wait, waaaaait"
On the walk on the passageways of your castle, Gareth halt his tracks for the third time but you can't help but feel giddy as you giggled
All of you stopped the moment he blinks his eyes in disbelief
"She already explained to you a gazillion times!" Jeff makes a sour expression directing at his friend
Eddie is holding his huge fit of laughter to his friend losing his mind
"Easy for you to say! I can't process that information when we we're with him! not knowing that he's also a fucking royal!" Gareth punctuates his point as he makes a lot of gestures to Eddie
Gareth rambles at the three of you as you watch him having a meltdown
"Is he a simple royal?! A freaking knight as well for christ sakes!" The lantern makes a squeaks sound as he moves back in forth into the small space
"Now, I know why you're so good at swords fight" he adds but not without his eyes are open wide
Jeff does a side eye to Eddie as he watches him shrugged and he shifts onto his feet from where he's standing
"I mean- yeah, I get it, Gareth, I was shocked too"
You swore to yourself that you saw Gareth almost burst into smithereens to his unbelievable comment
"That was your reaction?!?"
"W-What am I supposed to do?!?"
"Guys!" You shout as your voice echoes into the dark space
Jeff and Gareth turned their heads at you as Eddie flashes amusement on his eyes
"Does that mean things will be changed?"
"What do you mean?" You question him but with a smile on your face
"Since, well, oh- fuck- don't act dumb" Gareth shakes his lantern so aggressively that Jeff steps aside a little bit as he saw the melted wax dripped
"He means since both of you are like royalties things will be different" Jeff replies instead rolls his eyes at his friend who keeps dilly dallying at his point
Gareth flicks his hand making a slight "bow" to his statement
Jeff is now reminding himself why is he friends with him
"Who said things will be changed?" Eddie snickers as he shakes his head at the both of them
"They'll stay the same, Gareth" Jeff tugs up a smile as he nudges his shoulder
"Nah, I doubt it, I think they're just playing dumb, just wait- til' the end one of us will end up in a goddamn public execution"
You and Eddie looked at each other as you both cracked up a booming laughter
Jeff grows a much more bigger smile than before as he watches the both of you dying and needing of air from the serotonin levels that you both had
Gareth made an deathly glare at the both of you
"Come on, guys, let's go, my arm is getting tired for raising this lantern, save that for later" Eddie jokes as he takes your hand in his
You giggle to Gareth's face as he begrudgingly follows Jeff
"but you both gotta have to say "no" if ever that happens, right?!" Gareth groans
"Is this two bodies isn't enough for the gate to open?" Jason carries the lifeless bodies into the pit as he grimaced at disgust
Henry wants to puke all of his wrongdoings and wishes he could start all over again
He wants to talk to you
He even wants to come over at your room to see you
He wonders what you're we're at doing last night
"No, I told you, it needs one more"
Jason huffs as he removes the residue from his hands in a cloth as he stands beside Henry
"Then who is it gonna be?"
"Why don't you try to kill that boy?"
"Eddie, If you saw him, snap his bones off in an instant"
"Why would I do that?!?"
"Because I fucking goddamn believe that he's the one who got out from the upside down"
"Jason, you put all of those people in there, anyone can come out that place"
"What do you mean, me? You're also involved in this you motherfucker!"
Henry clenches his jaw as he looks away from Jason
If he stares any longer, he might've been squashed him down real flat
"I could've been something else rather than this"
Jason scoffs "No, you're born to be evil, don't make yourself innocent"
"I love her!" Henry's outburst caused a huge knock off to every furniture in the room
Leaving Jason the only person in the room who isn't affected but he got startled to his actions
It was loud that the four of you heard the banging sound in the walls
You thought you were the only one who heard it when you look at all of them
Fear creeps into their faces
"Aren't you forgetting something?" Jason walks towards to heavily breathing Henry
He watches him as he making a fist out of anger and frustration
"Our plan is going well until that girl is making you soft when she isn't supposed to be an issue to this" Jason's voice is firm as looks sternly at him
"Ain't she supposed to die like all the other kingdoms that we've wiped out?!?
Henry swallows the lump on his throat as his eyes became glassy
It is true
You should've been died before he couldn't do it
Because why?
He developed feelings for you since the first time he saw you
The maid that you comfortably spoken to before overheard this as she accidentally dropped the basket of clean laundry as she tripped on to the floor
She was about to tell you what she heard
She could've gone far away from them
She could've get up and save herself
But no, something is making her stay in that place
Her mind is now playing tricks thinking that she is safe
When in reality, she is frozen on the same position that she was in before
Jason places his palm on the door as he pushes and there's the girl that you've grown close than any other people from your palace
He grins at the girl as she tries to call for help but she can't, her whole body feels numb
Tears run stream down on her face as she watches Jason squats to look at her
Henry appears in the doorframe as he looked at the girl sympathetically
"Looks like we got ourselves the last hurrah" he chuckles darkly
The four of you run in the halls of the dark passageways
"Here!" You pushed the familiar brick of walls that your father taught you in case of emergency
The rest of you keep pushing as you making your way inside, recognition flashes through your eyes, it's your father's beloved library
"You heard that, man?" Enzo spoke through his mouthful of bread, he dust off the crumbs from his hand as he picked up a weapon
Wayne looks over at Enzo's shoulder, witnessing the books falling off as the wall in the corner kept moving
When they both saw a figure coming out of it they both hide
They're about to attack whoever the person behind the secret door
They heard your voice
But you're not alone, you're with someone else
Enzo sighs of relief as he shoots a melancholy but wholesome look at Wayne who is already looking at him
Enzo nods slowly indicating that he'll meet-
"Enzo? Are you here?" You say as you make your way into the open space of the library
"Y/N!" Enzo speaks as you smile widely as you embrace him
As you hold him, you saw him
"Hello dear" he smiles just like his nephew
"Oh my god" you ran over to him giving him the hug for the first time in years
Your eyes went all over the place as your mind make flashbacks of what's become at the two of you before
You both got taken away and that left a mark on you that you'll never can't never erase
But now, he's here, getting the chance to hold him
It's like your father is here again
Wayne smiles down at you but suddenly he heard another voice, he knits his brows together
"I can't believe you've grown up so differently!"
"I think it's because of the hair"
He heard the chatter between Enzo and-
Your heart made lurch out of your throat from any minute as he slowly removes himself away from you
Your tears are forming and threatening to spill for what you're going to witness now
Eddie looked over at the elder man who is now approaching him
His heart is racing, his mind is running a lot of thoughts, he feels like he's about to burst into tears at his presence
Is this could be it?
Wayne stares at his nephew as he gasps in disbelief but not without the happiness making in it's way on his features
Eddie searches for your eyes and when he meets your tears swirling through your vision, his heartbeat starts faster as the man walks closer to him
"My, my dear boy" Wayne couldn't help himself as he pulled Eddie embracing him tightly like he was about to disappear
Both of the men broken down into tears and it's the very first time ever you saw his friends cried over this bittersweet moment
Enzo blinks the tears away as you heard his quiet sniffle
Eddie meets your eyes again as it soften through the tears pooling over his uncle shoulder as he nods slightly to you
"Thank you" he mouths to you as you smile at him wiping your tears from your cheeks
"Eddie couldn't even stand still while we're posing at that, he was getting tired of it" you say while chuckling as you look at the painting
Jeff and Gareth laughs at the distorted thing that Eddie holds at the painting of you and him back when you're both 14
Eddie eyes are fixated on you with glint of overflowing tears and happiness, a smile is sitting on his lips
"Here, I have a cup of coffee" Enzo mutters as he offers it to him
Eddie blinks as he snaps his head to Enzo in front of him, he murmurs a soft "thank you"
Wayne is sitting beside him, he can't take it off from his nephew
Enzo glances at his way with empathy on his eyes, I mean- who wouldn't blame him?
He thought he won't be able to see his nephew
He thought he wouldn't have the chance to savor this moment
He thought he lost him
He thought he lost everything he ever cared in the world
He doesn't even know where to begin
"How are you doing, kid?"
Eddie looks at him with a small smile but it's endearing "Uh, if you compare it to before I met you, I feel....complete now"
Wayne chuckles, "he inherited my humor, huh?" he thinks
Thank god, his nephew spills humor he doesn't want to break into tears again
Enzo told Wayne about how strange it is that his nephew didn't know everything about himself
"I-I wanted to ask you, how'd you didn't know?- It's okay if you don't want to talk-"
Eddie waves his hand at him as shifts on his seat as he takes a sip of his coffee, "that's the question that I think I won't ever find the answer, I somehow- I-I didn't know I can't seem to remember what happened to me"
He felt a huge rock just fell right through his chest as he saw the sad look on his nephew eyes
He could've been avoided it happen but he was helpless
Wayne nods as he slowly takes in every word he said "I'm sorry"
Eddie turns himself to him fully as he pulled his brows together at him
Wayne silently sniffles as Eddie sadly sighs
"I-I'm sorry that I didn't protected you enough- I am so sorry-"
"Wayne, don't- just don't ever blame yourself, it is never your fault, please, what matters that we found each other"
Wayne and Eddie laughs in tears once again as they both embraced each other
"I won't ever leave your side again"
"I know, you won't"
The rest of them you've invited them over at your sanctuary room
There are few more extra mattresses, Eddie checked himself out as he wants to be alone for a while, you nod him with an understanding
Eddie breathes at the air in your corridor as he walks at the garden, he smiles to himself
Everything is fine until he pulls back into reality, he was about to go back inside, he saw Jason, pulling a sandbag as he looks closely
He made a double look as he saw it moved
He hesitates for a second to follow him but then he remembers your words
"Don't you think that they're the reasons why so many people disappearing all of the sudden?"
So, he went as he hides as he continues to spy
"You can come out now, Henry"
Eddie glared at the mention of his name
He knew it
And you knew it
He isn't really to be trusted
"You sure there's no one around?"
"Just fucking do the job" Jason seethes as he clicks his tongue
Henry rolls his eyes as Eddie heard the rustles
"No!!!! Let me go!" The girl from the sandbag cries for help as Eddie flinches by the sound of it, it was cut off when Henry covers her mouth, the gut-wretching sobs can't be missed
It became muffled as Henry kept holding her still
He suddenly felt nervous and afraid for the life of the girl that they abducted
"This is the last one, I'm so ready for this" Jason sounds so calm like that gives another info to Eddie that they didn't done this for the first time
They've already done it a lot of times
Eddie gulps, he can feel his heart jumping inside
He watches intently but also the guilt feeling on his stomach is about to form as he already get the idea
They're about to kill this poor young girl
It takes everything for him to disrupt the scene until his eyes go furiously wide, his hands went clammy, he doesn't even noticed that he's shaking
He even had to suppressed his screams of fear and terror
He watches Henry as he lifts his hand directing at the young girl, he saw the eyes that are now turned white, the whole body levitate as he raises his hand higher, Eddie breathes heavily as he saw the nosebleed from Henry
Eddie takes a sharp gasp as he slammed his mouth against the palm of his hand as he saw the young girl eyes sucked out of her skull, it started bleeding everywhere, all of bones started to crunch and snap easily as Henry flick his hand naturally like it was nothing and the whole appearance of the girl changed like he pulled the life out of her
Now, he knows why you're so scared, he is witnessing what you've witnessed
No wonder why you flinched so badly the moment you've told him
Eddie jumped to where he was hiding the minute he heard the thud of the lifeless body onto the ground, the girl is now deformed laying in there
"That was so goddamn satisfying, man" Jason applauses
"Keep it low!" Henry whisper-shouts as he looked everywhere in the area, he's paranoid
Eddie shakes his head as he slowly runs away, he doesn't want to stay there any longer
You're resting on the couch as you wait for Eddie to come back
As soon as he arrived, you immediately light up and it slowly drops as you taken the horror from his expression
"E-Eddie, wait- you're trembling" you held him steady by his shoulders
Enzo and Wayne got unease from the situation as they stopped talking abruptly
He grabs your forearms tightly as he looks straight into your eyes "W-We h-ave to go right now" his voice shakes as he spoke as you looked at him in confusion
You look over your shoulder as you saw Jeff Gareth approaching behind your back as they also mirrored your same expression
You swallow as you nod but you couldn't shake off the fear inside of you "Okay" you replied softly
The preparation to flee into the night hour was fast but also quiet as all of you remained calm and quiet
But you also take chances to dart your eyes on Eddie who still has the "terrified" looks on his eyes, he just masks it with seriousness as he packs up
All of you are now in the hallways of your palace walking the way out
"Eddie, I-I need to get something from my room" you loosen your hold on his hand but he held it tightly making you stop
"I'll be fast as a bullet, I promise"
Eddie sighs nervously as he shook his head but he nods and he lets you go
You study his expressions and he really felt off ever since he took a walk outside
"Be quick, okay?" he whispers as you give him a tight nod
As you enter your room, you picked up your most valuable and also very sentimental dagger that you have
You're about to leave the room until the window from your room whooshes open as you saw Henry appeared right before your eyes, you're so shocked that you pinned yourself against the door automatically hiding your dagger behind your back
Henry walks slowly to you with a unrecognizable smile that he gives to you, you furrow your brows as you maintain your composure
"Hey, Y/N, how is it going?" He greets casually as if doesn't scare you from his actions
"I'm doing well, I'm fine, thank you"
"Uh- what we're you doing last night?"
I slept beside Eddie and I made love to him
"I went to bed because I was so tired from the dance right?" You lie
"I know it wasn't real but I hoped that you liked it somehow"
He wishes it to be real
"Yeah- it was okay" you shrug as you averted your eyes somewhere else
He takes a one step closer as he grazes his fingers onto your forearms shooting goosebumps through your skin as it leaves an unnerving sense of discomfort
The light of his eyes dies as he knits his brows together he takes a step back
He looks at you deeply as he takes you in
Your white blouse dress with corset as your long locks of curled hair waved through the cool night air as your aura became different
You've always looked undeniably and otherworldly beautiful but he can't pinpoint where it seems
Too different from him
"Y/N, something has changed in you" his tone become firm as his eyes goes all over your face
"Henry, I need to go now" you say but not turning back as you reached for the doorknob behind your back you unclick it but he lifts his hands as he closes it back with a force leaving you startled as you look at him
His blue piercing eyes never left your gaze as he walks in front of you as he blocks the door
The silver of light came back to his eyes as he hopes that you feel the same way as he does
"I've adored you, Y/N"
You're taken aback from his admission
As it finally it all came through you, now, you know why he is nice to you
Because he likes you
"Henry, I-"
"I love you, Y/N" he holds you by the shoulders and it looks like he's about to lean in forward but you dodged it leaving him with a deep sigh as you moved away from him
Jason's words are now replaying into his mind
"Don't do this to me!" He exclaims as he apologizes as you flinched on him once again
"I-I'm sorry, Henry" you're both walking backwards as kept pressing personal questions to you
"I've cared for you, I always put you first, you're the only one that I ever wanted to be safe, I never stopped thinking about you and this is all what I get?!?" He flick his hands again as all of the furniture crashes down breaking every piece inside of the room
You grip on your dagger behind your back as you take a deep breath to his sudden outburst
He remembers the name of the guy that Jason always tell him
"Tell me that you're not alone last night, are you?" He sobs angrily but not letting the tears spill
"Stop prying and being nosy onto my personal life, Henry!" You snap at him
He can't even bring himself to hurt you, no matter how evil he is, he has no power over you
And that alone might've been his weakness
He'll be history, if you ended him since his powerless over you
"Are you with him?"
You're on the ridges of your corridor as you hit your lower back on the rim
You're cornered by him
"I don't know-"
"Just tell me the truth, Y/N! if he isn't I'll spare his life"
You feel weightless, you knew this was coming but you can't help but feel slight of disappointment
"What do you mean spare his life?"
You thought your mind is playing tricks on you as you can see that his demeanor and the atmosphere changes as he finally drops his good guy act
"Oh, honey, I'm also going to kill him too"
"Look down"
Once you've followed him, you saw the body of the maid that you we're looking for a few days ago, you're about to bring her along with you
Now, you know why she is missing in action
You shrieked as you cried with ragged breaths as you gave him a deathly stare
"You're supposed to be my wife, you know, we could've been prevented this"
"I will never be your fucking wife!" You aimed for his neck stabbing him deeply as he croaks in pain
You watch him removed it like it didn't hurt him as your eyes go wide as you saw the true form of him
The flesh that he's wearing was all just a costume, it creeps you out more, you shudder
"Oh, you will be" he says as he throws your dagger away
"You can't"
"Yes, I can"
"What will you do?"
"I'll remove your memories, of course" he grins with a knowing look
He gave you a mere seconds to react as you finally figure it out what happened to Eddie
Before you know it, he lifts you up in the air as he flashes now his real eyes
You can't no longer defend yourself as you stayed frozen as you now stare into the blank space like you're in a trance
"She's taking so long" Eddie bops his knee up and down
"Eddie- We just can't" Gareth reasons with him as he is afraid of getting caught
"We can if I lose her i don't know who will I be without her"
Jeff nods "We'll cover you, Eddie" as he gives a tight lipped smile to Gareth who exhales as he scratches his head
Enzo and Wayne are already in the upside down
The plan was to go inside one by one and by groups as they couldn't give other soldiers ideas that leads to more suspicions
As Eddie enters your chambers he gasps horridly as he saw your body up in the air, Jeff and Gareth are also stunned as they saw Henry turned his head to Eddie with a unreadable wicked smile on his face and also noticed the change of his eyes
"Hey, demon face!" Gareth shouts as he throws him an axe right across from his face making drop on the ground with you as well
You're unconscious as Eddie worries terribly as he tries to wake you up and even slightly tapping your face but no to avail as he carries you while resting your legs on his arms as he grumbles at Henry who has now bleeding a big cut on his face
Also revealing the skin crawling true self of him
He was about to stop Eddie but Jeff shoots 6 arrows all at once at him as it completely injured him to make him move slow as all of you made your way to escape
But before Eddie leaves he gives a one last glare to Henry that left him for the first time a knowing disturbing look
Jason was right about him
He held you tightly as Jeff, Gareth keep running non-stop
You woke up screaming and crying as you started to wail, you're covered in your cold sweat as Eddie goes straight onto your side
The sound that you make waken up the others as they looked at you in concern
"She must've seen it" Enzo speaks as he looked in you sympathetically
"Seen what?" Wayne straightens himself up
"Y/N, You're okay, you're with me, you're safe"
You looked around you as you choked up in your own tears and you felt Eddie's hands intertwined with yours as you look at him in question
"Who are you?"
Jeff and Gareth looked at each other in confusion
What did Henry do to you?
"I-I'm Eddie, D-Don't you remember?" Eddie searches for your eyes as you repeat saying his name
"Yes, that's right"
You looked at everyone in the room again as you feel like in a some sort of vertigo as you begin to nosebleed, your eyes went backwards as you drop back down on the bed as you winced in pain and start to wail again
They have no idea what is going on
But why do they feel like something is heavy behind your eyes that'll explain everything
"She's bleeding!" Jeff exclaims, Wayne panicked as they all helped each other to give Eddie to aid for you
When Eddie is wiping the blood from your nose, you grab his wrists making everyone halt to what they're doing as the silence starts swirl around the area
Just by one look, Eddie saw the recognition in your eyes, you're back
You swallow first before you can muster to speak as you try to shake your head slightly
Now, you know what happened to your father
Since Henry used his powers to you, it left a glimpse to all of the horrible things that he did
How many? How many people? How many families and how many kingdoms that they've exterminated?
"He killed them all" you sob as you held him tightly as Eddie scoots closer to you
"W-What, Y/N? sweetheart, you're scaring me, what is going on?"
"Eddie, it's Henry- he's the one"
"The one?"
"Who erased your memories" you cried as you let the words fell from your lips
Eddie's lip twitches as it let the information sink down on him instead of reacting so badly he decides to embrace you
"That's so fucked up" Gareth runs his palms over his face in a stressful manner
"Y/N! your highness, please! I can be trusted!" Dmitri somehow managed to follow all of you as he slams the door open, shocking to every single one of you in the cabin
"What the fuck are you doing here? Go back to your master like a dog you are! Always obeying him" Wayne aims his sword on him so closely that one push is all it takes for him to end his life
Dmitri is desperate to explain himself, so, he searches for your eyes in the room
He walks forward but Jeff, Enzo and Gareth held him as Eddie darts his eyes to you and to him
"Listen, I am ashamed of it, I was never proud of betraying you and your father, your father helped a lot to improve my business, I'm grateful for everything but he threatens me if I don't follow him, he'll kill my family!" he begs as you listen to him carefully, you still feel a slight twinge of pain in your head
"I escaped from them! The guilt is eating me up, I can't no longer stay, I don't care, if it's risky, but I won't be able to forgive myself if I don't fight, I will be dishonorable if I don't show that I wasn't siding with them" the poor man is so miserable, you can see it in his eyes, you still feel hurt to his actions but what's the use to get mad at this hour?
When all you can do is help each other and win this fight
Enough with the grudges and heartaches
If you don't save this kingdom and who else will?
Who knows? What will Henry and Jason to other kingdoms next?
"Dmitri is okay, I understand" you stand up as Eddie assists you
"T-thank you, thank you" his voice crack between sobs as he shakes your hand
"Oh, Y/N!" Jason's voice, you overheard the people clamoring your name as a subject of treason
Gareth scoffs as he lightly grazes the tip of his axe to Dmitri's neck "Are you doing this on purpose by knowing that you got tailed by them?!?"
"N-No! I swear, I ran as fast as I could! I didn't know that they're following me!" Dmitri quickly saids
"Man, they knew we're we live" Eddie tuts him to put back down his axe
But Gareth gave him a look as he watches by the window
"I assume you know what happened to Eddie?" Jason runs his swords at the walls outside of the cabin making sounds as he walks around, taunting all of you
You frown but anger nestles in your face as the rest of you line to each other side by side with weapons
"I wonder who took him?" Jason feigns innocence as pretends to think
Eddie remembers the knowing teasing that he always throws at him and it all makes sense now
"It's him" Eddie mutters as he cracks his knuckles
"That little fucker!" Wayne is about to kick the door open but Enzo stopped him
"It's me!" Jason laughs evilly "Poor boy was crying for help and shouting his Uncle's name and Y/N"
You looked at Eddie who is now looking at you as you feel so sorry for him but he just nods as he gave your hand a squeeze
"Wait- this is the best part" Jason claps his hand together wickedly
All of you listened in anticipation
"I was also the one who framed and spread the fucking lies to everyone in town that the Munson's are who practiced black magic" Jason chuckles
The town went quiet to Jason's reveal that you swore everyone gasped that they're targeting the wrong person all this time
"What's wrong? Why all of you stopped? You all so fucking gullible little unfortunate people!" Jason stabbed one of the townspeople leaving the whole other people alarmed by his action
Jason runs his fingertips on his sword covered by blood "I guess this could say that yes we're the ones who took your loved ones away"
Everyone screeched and couldn't get away any further as all of them are guarded and cornered by soldiers
Enzo couldn't control Wayne any longer as he finally kicked down the door open
He attacks Jason as he nicked him on the side
"Touché" Jason grunts as he touched his side now his fingertips are smeared on his own crimson blood
"We we're living in peace and you spoiled it" Wayne punctuates his action using his sword
Hearing his voice cracks your own head
You're so petrified that a lot of expressions are mixing on your face
"Henry" you let out an incredulous laugh, you walk in circles slowly and also playfully
Eddie is keeping an eye out for you but also he's amused
Amused to your actions
"Don't let me hurt you" Henry softly speaks
"You already did" you smirk but not without fiery eyes directing at him
"We can stop this"
"We can?!? don't fucking play with me, Henry! you could've stopped in the first place if you really want to"
Your whole nation is watching and listening
You glanced at them as you think of a much better plan
If they didn't still won't believe you or any either of your allies
You will show it to them
"My dear people, he slaughtered every kingdom they've ever been in, taking everything they can, because why?, you ask?" you laugh in disbelief again as you shook your head sideways as you think "They wanted to be gods, isn't that right? Henry? you struggle to be somebody in the world but you didn't think first that isn't right to end someone else's life?!? just because other people can't accept you?!?"
"You maybe right on that, Y/N" Henry interrupts
His tone changed and it made you close your mouth to speak
Jason punches Wayne making him drop his sword as he got hold off by the palace guards
Wayne fumes deep into his soul as he looks at Jason
"Do you even think what happened to your mother?" Jason joins in as he spits the blood from his mouth
You freezed once again, Eddie, Jeff, Gareth, Enzo, Dmitri and even Wayne perked up at the mention of the late queen
You're too appalled, too appalled that you set that aside for Eddie's knowledge
No one really knows what happened or what is the true story behind it
Until now, no one has ever find out about it even your father
Your mother is just like you, kind, courageous, charm and sensibility, cares about the people than herself like no other
One day, on your 7th birthday, she vanquished with no explanation, never left a mark or even a trace to why she just disappeared
Your father never talked about it ever again but you know he misses her as much as you missed her
"She's our very first victim, by the way" Jason sniggered as if it didn't scarred you
"We don't like fighters and fighters are keep meddling with our plans like you're doing right now"
"it's so hard to track you down"
You look at Jason with the most questionable expression on your face
Henry chuckles evilly as you glare at him
"Your father, Jim, left every place that reminds him of your mother, he hides you from us"
"Didn't you taken a notice why your father is somehow knows what to do with all of this?!"
Yes, you did, you always wonder why your father prepared you with situations like this
You didn't ask him about it because you thought it's the only way to protect yourself and your loved ones
Now, you know, it's must've been so tough for your father to go through with all of this
At the moment, all you see is red, the sounds from the people around you are now drowned in your surface of boiling point
You straighten your shoulders and hold your sword properly
You can hear the branches next to you are crunching as Jason walks to your side as he continues to provoke you
"And then the next is her father" Jason chuckles
Eddie, Jeff, Gareth, Enzo and Wayne are mortified by the reveal
You met with Eddie's eyes with so much anguish but also feeling blue inside of it
Eddie can see that you're holding your tears as you make a move an uppercut hit on Jason, you can hear his jaw crackles a bit as he shouts in pain, blood is spilled as you push him back down
Your fight has become an inspiration to Wayne as he uses all of his power on his body to let go of the grip by the soldiers, he fought for them as he finally approached the bewildered Jason on the ground who is just about to process the man that is now standing in front of him, his eyes went bigger as Wayne put an end to his life
"Now, you'll shut the fuck up for the rest of your life" Wayne whispers angrily as he lets his sword got deeper and deeper into Jason's body, he hurls on his own blood as it squelches
Henry saw everything as Jason predicted
You attack him while he is distracted, you got him by his shoulder as he whimpers in pain and then onto his legs you aim for it
He starts to limping around as he goes closer to you
You raised your sword as you used it slanted position as you scrape of the half of his skin
Showing it to everyone what he really looks like
"Now, you've done it!" Henry held you by the neck as he raises you upward, leading everyone to gasp
"Y/N!" Eddie calls for you as you wave him to go back away
Dmitri saw your fallen dagger on the ground as he takes it
Henry is now tightening his grip onto your throat making you cough out of air as you watch Dmitri stab Henry by the neck, you drop onto your knees in the ground
"Traitor" Henry tuts as he flicks his hand lift him up in the air for anyone to see as he starts to squirm as you can hear the weeping sounds coming out from him
"Oh my god, no- no- No!" Eddie helps you get up as he yells
"I've seen this before" your heart cracks as you can see the fear on Eddie's eyes and Dmitri whimpers"
"That's what happened to your maid" Eddie's voice starts to waver as you went down to your knees in shock as soon as you heard the crunch and crumble from Dmitri's bones
Henry totally did a mark on you as you couldn't move so fast to save him but it's all coming too fast
You can feel your head is bleeding, your back is obviously now bruised and his real hands can be so sharp that it wounded you
Despite the excruciating pain that he's having, the last seconds that are left in him are ticking, you can hear it, you can feel in your heart
You slowly shaking your head as you cry as you watch him die
He nods his head carefully to you as he said his last words
"I am e-elated to be a p-part of your service, Princess Y/N, I served m-my purpose, my land, I am so thankful that I have someone l-like you and your father" Dimitri managed to give you a one last smile
Your lips are trembling as you nod in understanding "The honor is mine" you smile weakly
It was so terrible that you saw what Eddie saw and him seeing this for the second time is so wrecking your sanity
The eyes just got pull him out right through his body, he's not recognizable anymore, the face and the whole body is crumpled altogether
"No!" You wail as you throw yourself on Eddie's arms
"I know, sweetheart, I know" he caresses your head as held you tightly
You flinched just like Eddie flinched when it drops onto the ground like it was just an soulless being
He's an animal
You grab your sword as you remove yourself from Eddie, your adrenaline is rushing in, there's no one else to stop you by the moment he turns around, he sees you, appalled that you're Infront of him, not thinking twice for any longer as you stab him right through his chest
His mouth is agape as his eyes went down onto your sword and to you
Both of you went back down as the whole town exclaimed
You're still holding onto your sword as it pinned him down, his blood are now peeking through the ground
"We could've been something" he grins as the nerve to touch you again by your ankle but you move away fast, you scoff as you can't believe he still managed to be so damn cocky on his last breath, you pull out your sword making him gasp and winces in pain not giving him a moment to help him out with the pain that he's having
"In your dreams, Henry!" You angrily said as you his eyes went wide as he realizes what you're about to do
You slammed down your sword as you decapitated his head as it starts to roll around the ground
You used up every energy you have, you didn't noticed the people started to cheer
Jeff, Gareth, Enzo looked at each other as all of them are baffled
You end him just like that?!?
All of the soldiers are now free from the brainwashing, hypnotized and controlled by Henry and Jason
But Eddie and Wayne eyes softens as you start to walk away in a different path with a unsure expression on your face, you didn't even looked back at Eddie but he doesn't mind it
"Where is she going?" Gareth asks in confusion
"Let's leave her alone for a while, she needs time, she'll be okay" Eddie replies to him as Wayne rests his hand over his shoulder as he gave his nephew a reassuring smile
He sighs in contentment as finally everything is done
The clouds are now clearing up, the upside down is slowly starts to dwindle back to normal
Everything is okay now
Eddie's smile falters quite a bit as he thinks about you after all you've been fought through together
He knows this won't be easy for you
Will you be okay?
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lake-archive · 13 days
Chapter 30 - Upcoming Hiatus
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Fandom: Ensemble Stars
Series: Alte Liebe Rostet Nicht
Characters: Izumi Sena, Ritsu Sakuma, Leo Tsukinaga, Tsukasa Suou, Arashi Narukami, Anja-Sophia 'Ann' Wolff (OC)
Previous Chapter - Masterlist - Next Chapter
"Huh!? You want to take a break, Sena!?" It was the first voice ringing through his goddamn ears once Izumi made such an outrageous request, Leo staring at him as if he was some kind of bad clone or something. Surprisingly enough no one asked the young model if he was kidding around or if he was celebrating April Fool's Day a little too late. However, given that he had texted them on Hold Hands before and had mentioned that he wants to talk with them, it may not even have crossed the mind of the other unit members. And once sitting at a table in the lounge of the dorms he was staring at them with his 'I am not joking around' face… A face he used pretty often though so it was not all too uncommon.
But what had gotten him to change his mind like this all of a sudden? Honestly, it took a few days of debating with himself after having heard the words of a certain someone…
"I think you are confusing."
Excuse me!? I am confusing!? "
"Ah, falsches Wort! Confused, meant confused!"
"Right… Of course. Sorry."
Honestly, it had slipped his mind somewhat that Ann was still mistaking words sometimes. Ugh, maybe it's all of this stress recently that makes him snap like that for no reason… Wait no, he was known for stuff like that.
"It's fine." They didn't hold it against him though, not this time at least. "Anyway… Yeah, confused. What… Uhm… Would you like doing? Warte, das hört sich ni—"
"I don't know." He interrupted them quickly, before another German tangent could occur. It silenced them right away, just looking at him from what he could see in the corner of his view. He had not been facing them, staring rather into whatever space he could at that point. "I never had to think about it."
"Not think?"
"Yeah. I mean, Mama and Papa told me to pick up modeling from a very young age. No, more than that. They always knew what I wanted to do… I think, but…"
"So you do that because parents?"
"I already said that I never had a reason to think about something like that!" He responded as he turned back to face Ann. "But… Ugh, I hate to admit it."
"Then try things! You know! Stuff!"
"Like what? I don't even know anymore… Maybe this is what I want to do. Then trying things is just a waste of time. But what if it's not?"
Another moment of silence kicked in before he spoke while having a hand on his forehead. "Ugh, my head hurts just thinking about it. What am I supposed to do?"
"Maybe you need a break."
"A break!? I can't just–"
"You're confused, right? So just to clear your head for a bit." They interrupted, though sounding almost insistent. "Maybe you and Knights figure out a solution! You guys have to!"
With that conversation in mind Izumi had thought this through. They had a point. He needed to think about this in peace. The work of an idol could get in the way, somewhat. But even then, he couldn't just dip for a month or two…
"Yeah, if possible." He responded, still awfully calm.
"Oh my, how unexpected of you Izumi–Chan." Naru–Chan commented. So even she had been slightly caught off guard by this. "What happened? And why didn't you tell the big sister of the group?"
"Firstly, I don't have to tell you everything, do I?" Izumi argued, yet she made a fair point. He should've trusted Naru–Chan more. And yet, he didn't. But what's done is done. He can't really change it anymore."Secondly, it's… A lot more than you can imagine. "
"Oh my. Can you define 'more than you can imagine'?"
"Sorry but… I'd rather not. Besides, I need some clarity."
Naru–Chan's face looked troubled suddenly. Of course it did. But he couldn't put that burden on her. Or any of them really. Besides, he wanted to handle this himself. Yet the next move made everyone gasp in unison… Because it would be something Izumi had never done. Though in truth it was just to hide his face from them. He just couldn't look at them right now.
While sitting he suddenly bowed his head, him coming face–to–face with the table's surface. He then added with a slight desperation in his voice: "I’m begging you here! Allow me to go on a break for a while! Help me convince the higher ups! It doesn't have to be a long one! I just need some time to sort some things out! Please!"
He didn't really want to face any of the others right now. They must be in shock, somewhat, almost speechless. At least that was what he liked to believe. No, it would only make sense actually.
"Sena–Senpai…" Kasa–Kun finally spoke up which made Izumi finally move his head up, solely to face the current unit leader. "I appreciate that you're so honest with us right now, but–"
"Hey Suou, can I say something here!?" Leo interrupted. And despite the tension he seemed to be as cheerful as usual yet also… Awfully calm? At a time like this!? But that didn't really stop the former leader from speaking his mind at this moment. “If Sena needs his break, I think we should give it to him! he said that a lot has happened, right!? So take your time! We’ll keep up with the workload!”
"Hehe, sorry, sorry." It's your call in the end as our King. But think about it. Sena doesn't seem to be in the mood recently, he messes up more than usual. " More than usual!? The nerve… "If he asks us– No, begs us for a break, it's gotta be very serious."
"Yeah, I agree. Tsukip makes a good point." Even Kuma–Kun agreed, nodding. "It's not like Secchan to beg."
"I get your point but–" Kasa–Kun would try to argue but no one seemed to let him finish.
“We understand your concern Tsukasa–Chan, we really do. " Arashi first reassured him, but then she added: "However, Izumi–Chan had the courage to bring it up. I think we should at least try to help him. After all, aren't we friends?”
"Besides, a King should always look after his own subjects!" Leo argued with a wide grin.
All of that seemed impossible some time ago. And honestly Izumi was afraid to even bring it up, fearing that he would be shot down. But it was nothing like that. They were actually considering it, much to his own surprise.
“Secchan is changing… We should give him some space.” Kuma–Kun said, looking at Izumi with a light smile on his face all of a sudden. "At least that's what a little cat likes to meow~"
"A little cat? You mean–" Though he didn't even need to finish that as Ritsu just nodded, leaving Izumi close to speechless yet then couldn't help but chuckle, merely out of relief.
"Keep it up Secchan, alright?"
"Hah, no need to tell me twice."
"Uh… Alright, fine. I guess you're right…" It was reluctant yet Kasa–Kun seemed to give into the others' demands. "Since Sena–Senpai begged… Let's see what we can do for him."
"Really!? You will!?" Izumi couldn't hold it in, his eyes wide as he felt some sort of grin plastering on his face. "Thank you everyone, really! I'll use this time to reflect, promise!"
" Good. But we can only try, alright? No promises that it will lead to anything Sena–Senpai."
"Yes, yes. Don't think I'm not aware of that. I'm your senior for a reason~"
However, even if it had resulted in nothing, Izumi was grateful for them regardless.
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amethysttribble · 1 year
List ten different favorite characters from ten different pieces of media, and tag ten people!  
Thank you so much @himemiyaaah for the tag, I’m sorry I took forever to do this! We’re organizing these by piece of media
Celegorm: by god, if you look at his character for a little bit, there is so much going on with him! He’s friends with Orome, he has a magic angel dog, he’s super close with Curufin despite the age difference, he’s friendly with his cousins and he gets Finrod killed, he’s an elegant speaker, his followers commit the most abhorrent crime of the kinslayings, he’s assaults Luthien, he’s close with Aredhel, he’s a renowned hunter and failure as a military general. There’s so many layers and contradictions and I love him. (Silm)
Elwing: She is my baby girl, and once I write my ‘conversations between Elwing and Maglor’s Wife’ fic, it’s over for you bitches. She’s just... so resolute, and so sad, and so angry, and she turns into a BIRD and I don’t know what more you want from me. (Silm)
Curufin: Every time I write Curufin I black out and then pages upon pages of the most miserable words on the planet are recorded on screen, and I don’t know what that says about me (Silm)
 Percy de Rolo: this tragic white-haired anime boy with a gun has entranced me, mind body and soul. He really misses his family, you guys T_T (Critical Role, C1)
 Veth Brenatto: This woman is one of the most fascinating characters at the Critical Role table, and that she gets reduced to “Caleb’s mom” so often is fucking criminal, I LOVE her and want her to be happy and blow shit up (Critical Role, C2)
Hubert von Vestra: listen... I’m a sucker for the loyal (male) retainer to the driven at all costs, morally questionable (female) leader. And also they were platonic soulmates. Hubert is a spooky vampire who lives on devotion, and I fucking love him. (fe3h)
Catherine Morland: I recently remembered why Northanger Abbey is my favorite Austen book, she’s just a fucking hoot, I wish I could be her (Northanger Abbey)
Sanji: Sanji, sanji, sanji, WHAT am I to do with you? The most character of all time, so well written sometimes, so poorly written on others. He is forever and always my One Piece blorbo (One Piece)
Catelyn Stark: This woman... Need it be said how goddamn amazing Cat is? I’m not sure it does, my the unbridled tragedy of her watching lose her family one by one, how war steals her young son from her and she is forced to watch, rattling against the bars of the patriarchal cage, and she STILL has a higher on page kill count than Robb? She was already perfect and then she died and cam back a wraith bent on revenge, no one is doing it like her. (asoiaf)
Shimura Shinpachi: MY FUCKING SON! The most important Gintama character and also the most underrated, he’s just a sweet lad, doing his best!! He’s so good to Kagura, and so good to his sister, and so good his friends, and he just wants to be a samurai but also he’s a son of the new age, and he’s trying so hard and I LOVE HIM. (Gintama)
Again, can’t do 10 people, I can give you 5. @agroupofcrows, @aipilosse, @arofili, @shrikeseams, @shiroandblack, feel free to answer or ignore at your leisure!
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rezzyromance · 3 years
Idk if this is how you request things or if it's just asking, BUT-
How would the Lords react to an S/O that's usually the chillest person that you will ever meet (not to be confused with a pushover because they are not), they've never seen them even mildly annoyed when something bad happens. But then something happens and, turns out, the S/O is utterly TERRIFYING when they're mad.
Hope this makes sense!
Aw man I'm gonna feel awful scaring Moreau and Donna :(
You're relaxing on a beautiful morning. The sun is shining through the window just enough to warm the room but not hurt your eyes. You hadn't even changed out of your sleep wear. "How are you feeling, my dear?", a sweet voice rang from the doorway. You were sitting in your favorite chair near the window. You turn and smile at her. She walks over and rubs your face in her large hand before leaning down and giving you a soft kiss. "I'm feeling amazing. And you?", you grab her hand before she pulls it away and you place a kiss on her knuckles. "I'm feeling alright. There's a new maid here. She's a bit slow. I'm giving her until tonight to finish dusting the entire castle or else she won't see another sunrise." It was almost comedic how dark her words were as you both stared out the window and gazed at the beautiful scenery. "Come on Alcina.", you stand up and place your hands on hers, trying to hold them despite the size difference. "Give the girl a break. It's a huge castle AND it's her first day.", you knew your words would probably change nothing. Alcina was rather cruel, but you looked past it. You tried your best to make the nervous maids comfortable whenever they arrive.
"We'll see how she does." She gives you one more kiss before leaving the room. You sit back down in your chair, enjoying the warmth of the sun for a little while longer. You lose track of time, minutes maybe even hours go by. Suddenly, there's a crash not far from the door. You jump and stand up, no longer comfortable after being startled. "What in the name of Mother Miranda?!", you leave the room and look down the hallway. The new maid stood there with a terrified look on her face. In front of her was one of the paintings Alcina had on her walls, now with a broken frame and a hole punctured. Your blood began to boil. It was a painting of you, her, and the girls all together. It was your favorite. "How in the hell did you manage to do that?!", you begin to stomp towards her. She cowers and struggles to find her words. "I-I-I was just dusting! It fell and I-I didn't mean t-", you cut her off. "How the fuck did you knock such a large painting over just by dusting?! DO YOU THINK YOU'RE ALLOWED TO MAKE SUCH STUPID MISTAKES HERE?!", you unravel. "I-I didn't mean to! I'm sorry!", she almost begins to weep. "SORRY ISN'T GONNA SAVE YOUR ASS!"
"MISS DIMITRESCU PLEASE HELP!", she cries out. You freeze, realizing that the lady herself is right behind you. You turn to face her. Her eyes are wide with shock. She has never seen you like this before and never even knew you had this type of side to you. She was impressed as much as she was terrified. "(Y/N)? Are you alright my love?" She had no idea what to do as your seething slowed down. "Why don't you go back to the room, yes? Settle down a little and deal with her later.", she places a hand on your back helps walk with you back to the room. Once you're there, she bends down to whisper in your ear. "I don't know where this side of you has been this whole time, but I am so amazed by you. And also a little frightened."
The Beneviento house was usually a calm place despite its creepy aura. You and Donna are both quiet and chill people. Never once have you fought or even raised your voices at each other. It was pleasant.
You had planned a nice dinner for the both of you. You wanted to try out a new recipe and surprise her, so you made your way to the kitchen to get started. "Okay, what first? I guess I'll need a pot.", you go rummaging through the kitchen and you find the pots stacked within each other inside one of the top cabinets. You groan and stand up on your toes, grazing the pots with your fingers. It didn't take much to cause them to tumble down, crashing on top of you with a loud sound that followed. "Aw shit.", you sighed and picked up the knocked over pots. A small but annoying pain began to throb in your head from where it made contact with a pot. What you didn't notice was you forgot to pick one of the pots up. It remained unnoticed. "It's fine.", you say to yourself as you maintain your composure. Next, a cutting board and knife. You turn around and begin to walk forward to find the cutting board, but you slam your toe into counter. You wince in pain and grab your foot. "SON OF A BITCH!", you yell.
You calm yourself, still wanting to have a pleasant meal with Donna. "Alright. Everything's fine." You step forward and kick the pot that you had forgotten to pick up. It caused your freshly kicked toe to ache even more. "OH COME ON! GOD FUCKING DAMMIT!", you scream and swear as you throw your arms up in pure rage and shock.
"...(Y/N)?", a gentle voice whispered from the doorway, causing you to whip your head in that direction. It was Donna. She looked absolutely horrified and almost looked like she could cry. "Is.. is everything... are you alright?", she worried. "Yes. I'm sorry. Just got a little pissed off.", you took a deep breath to calm yourself down, feeling bad for scaring the poor girl.
You were sitting on the dock together, looking into the water as your feet swung back and forth above it. It was a sunny day and you two decided to spend it outside. Your hand slowly made its way over to his. His feet stopped swinging for a second as you entangled your fingers. "I don't know what I'd do without you, (Y/N)." his words were bitter sweet as a gentle smile formed from his lips. "Oh, Sal. You don't have to think like that. I'll always be here for you.", you kiss his cheek and continue to relax as you sway your legs.
"There it is! There's the beast!", a voice yelled from not so far away. You both look in the direction of the voice and see a few young village boys. Possibly between the ages of 13 and 16. Moreau had become some what of a scary story for the villagers. A tale that kids spread on school court yard and bring up during dares. But, you've never seen a kid brave enough to actually make it far enough into the reservoir to actually see Moreau. Now, there were about 3. All of them stood and pointed, shocked and terrified.
"Hey beast! Come get me!", one kid teases. You glare at the kids as a newfound rage begins to boil inside you. "Let's go back inside.", Moreau says before standing up from the doc. The sadness in his voice was heartbreaking. Suddenly, one of the children gathers the guts to pick up a rock and throw it as hard as he could. His aim was off, but not by much. It slammed into the wood near Moreau's feet, startling him. "Take that you devil!", he laughs. "THAT'S IT YOU LITTLE SHIT!", you begin sprinting in the direction of the immature brats. Two of them run from the direction they came from while the one who threw the rock was frozen in fear. You took the opportunity to grab him by the collar of his shirt. "Listen here you little waste of space. I'm gonna give you 3 seconds to turn around and run for your goddamn life. If you or any of your little snot-nosed friends come around here again, they'll be goddamn fish food. Do you understand?" The kid was too scared to speak and instead began to nod rapidly. You let him go and watched as he ran as fast as he could, screaming the whole way.
You walk back to the shack and find Moreau standing in the same place he was when you took off. His mouth was agape and he looked almost as scared as the kids. "You alright Sal? I made sure those little shits won't be coming around here anymore." "Yeah... I didn't know you could be so... scary", he says. "I'm sorry. But those kids were being cruel. I had to do something.", you say. "Well... it was awesome!", he smiled. "But also very scary!" You laugh which helps sooth him a little.
"Screw driver.", is all Karl said with an outstretched palm. He was working on some type of mechanical heart for his experiments. He wanted you to lend a "helping hand" even though he could easily do it all by himself. He did this because he wanted to be around you, he was just too stubborn with too big of an ego to simply say it. So here you were, handing him every little tool he asks for.
"Do you want the big one or the little one?", you say with a hint of boredom in your tone. "Aw c'mon don't sound like that! Isn't this exciting? It's like you're working on it with me! Also, hand me the big one.", you do as he says and hand him the big screw driver. "I just don't get it. You literally have powers. You can easily do this by yourself and have been for so long. Why do you need me to help?" He pauses for a second and looks over towards you, his brow slightly furrowed. "I don't NEED you to help. I just thought it would be nice for you to help out. Plus, you're the one always bitching about me constantly working. Well, here you are! Helping me work! So, either suck it up or you can leave." His harshness had no real ill will in it. He was just confused and a bit too ignorant to consider his words. But, he was testing your patience. He continued to use the screwdriver until handing it to you without saying a word.
"Hand me a screw.", he demanded with his hand facing palm up again. "Which size?" "They're all the same sizes, dumbass." You feel your blood begin to boil. "They're different fucking sizes! This one is smaller than this one!", you hold up two screws that are obviously different sizes. This makes Karl angry. Not because you were right, but because you seemed upset over something that seemed so insignificant.
"If you came here just to yap in my ear, then I don't think I need your assistance.", he huffed. You put the selection of tools and supplies he was making you hold on the table he is working on and ball your fists. "You're the one who told me to do this in the first place!", you yell. "Yeah, because you won't stop bitching! Non-stop you're always compla-" you cut him off before he can finish. "SHUT UP!", you yell. The room goes silent. "YOU SAY I'M BITCHING? HAVE YOU HEARD YOURSELF? JESUS FUCKING CHRIST KARL YOU BITCH AND MOAN ALL THE TIME! I'M DONE TAKING SHIT FROM YOU!" He wanted to be angry, but he couldn't. He felt something much more overwhelming. Was he.. intimidated? He didn't move from his seat. All he could do was look up at you with a confused expression. What now? What is there to do? If he pushes you further, what would happen? He was actually too scared to find out.
You take a deep breath to calm down before speaking. "Now, if you want me to help with your shit, I'll stay as long as you keep your mouth shut. Can you possibly manage to do that?" He gulps nervously. "Yes ma'am."
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cookiesnt · 3 years
Mondo, Gundham, Fuyuhiko, Byakuya and Korekiyo seeing their little sister getting catcalled
tw / harassment, threats of violence
Here are some protective boys for you!
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You were going for a walk with your brother.
It was a warm summer day, so you were wearing shorts and a tank top.
Now, Mondo may be a very protective brother, but he’s not the type of guy to tell you what you can and can’t wear.
“As long as nothing’s just hanging out, I don’t care whatcha wear.”
Besides, people usually don’t harass you, especially when he’s around.
Unfortunately, this plan isn’t always foolproof.
As you were walking to an ice cream shop, you noticed a couple guys your brother’s age hanging out in a car.
You ignored them at first, but then...
“Damn, babe! Wanna come over here and gimme some sugar?”
You tensed and looked up at Mondo.
He did not look happy.
But, he chose to be the bigger person and try to continue walking, this time with a firm grip on your hand.
“Aww, don’t be like that, babe! Leave that guy and come have fun with us!”
That was the last straw for Mondo. He let go of your hand and walked towards the car.
“You wanna say that sh*t to my face, you f*cking creeps?!”
The men froze, seemingly intimidated.
“Yeah, that’s what I f*cking thought. You so much as look in my baby sister’s direction again and I’ll ruin your goddamn lives, you hear me?!”
The men nodded, started their car, and drove off.
Mondo sighed and went back to you.
“You okay? I’m sorry you had to see that...”
“I...I’m okay. Just a little shaken up...”
He pulled you into a hug, which you reciprocated.
“I won’t let anyone hurt you, kid. I promise.” He pulled away and wiped a stray tear from your cheeks. “Now, let’s go get that ice cream you like.”
You were making your way to an animal shelter with Gundham.
Apparently, they had just gotten in a very angry cat and needed his expertise.
You decided to tag along, since you had nothing better to do.
It was a beautiful day, so a lot of people were out.
That’s... not always a good thing.
You were about five minutes away from the shelter when you noticed a guy leaning on a building.
You walked passed him, focusing on getting to the shelter...
You turned around, surprised.
“Hey girl. Wanna leave that goth freak and come have some fun? I can show you a real good time.”
You whimpered and looked towards Gundham.
He took a deep breath before locking eyes with the man, clearly upset.
“How dare you say such things?!”
The man seemed surprised to be confronted and scolded, but Gundham wasn’t letting up.
“That is no way to speak to a lady, especially if that lady is my younger sibling!”
Gundham was getting very, very mad. It was rare to see him this upset.
It almost frightened you.
“Now, I suggest you be on your way, and never speak to anyone in that manner again. And if your dare threaten my dark princess, I will send you to hell myself!”
The man ran off in fear. Gundham turned to you with a worried expression.
“Are you alright,” he asked softly. You nodded.
“L-Let’s just get to the shelter...”
Concerned, he agreed, but he took your hand and held it with a tight grip in an attempt to comfort you.
It worked.
You were walking to a coffee shop to meet up with Fuyuhiko after school.
Peko had chosen to stay behind and study.
You didn’t get to hang out with Fuyuhiko much these days since he was in Hope’s Peak.
That’s why you were so eager to get to the shop. You missed your big brother.
As you skipped towards your destination, still in your school uniform, you heard someone calling something.
“Hey hot stuff!”
You didn’t see anyone else in the area. It was just you and some dude a bit older than your brother.
“A-Are you talking to me?” The guy nodded.
“Why not come over here for a little ride babe?”
You didn’t know how to respond. You usually had Fuyuhiko or someone to help you with this kinda thing.
You were about to answer, when out of literally nowhere...
“Hey bastard! Get the f*ck away from her!”
He walked towards the scene and pulled you behind him.
“Seriously, chick? You’re gonna run off with boss baby over here?!”
Even though you couldn’t see his face, you knew he was seething with rage.
“Shut the f*ck up, scumbag! You’re lucky she’s too nice to let me tear out your eyeballs and shove ‘em down your throat!”
The man took a step back, dumbfounded.
“Now, I suggest you run off and never come anywhere near me or my little sister again, or everything I said will be more than just a threat! Now f*ck off!”
The man ran off in fear, leaving you with a very angry Fuyuhiko. He turned around, trying to calm himself.
“He didn’t do anything to you, did he?”
“No. You got here in time. Thank you.”
He sighed in relief.
“Let’s go.” He grabbed your hand and walked you to the coffee shop.
There was an obituary for the man in the paper 2 days later.
You were at a meeting with your brother.
There were a couple big guys from other companies and you could tell a couple of them had been eyeing you up.
It wasn’t unusual, but it still sucked.
As close as you were with Byakuya, you never told him.
He’s not a bleeding heart.
While the meeting was on a break and Byakuya had left the room, you were filing some paperwork and trying to ignore the creeps in the room.
“Hey darlin’! Why not come over here, hmm?”
You sighed and tried to ignore their whispers and whistles.
“Aww, don’t be a bore, doll. Come on over and give us a little show!”
Now you were beyond uncomfortable. You’d even go as far as saying you felt unsafe.
“Repeat that.”
You turned to the door and noticed Byakuya with an angry expression.
“Oh! M-Mr. Togami! W-We were just-”
“Don’t talk. I’m sick of hearing you,” He said as he walked to your side.
“You will all be leaving now. This meeting is over.”
“B-But sir-”
You had never heard Byakuya yell like that.
The men scrambled out of the room, leaving the two of you alone. Byakuya turned to you.
“How long?” You took a deep breath.
“Pretty much since I started working...”
He shook his head.
“If this ever happens again, notify me immediately.”
“I promise...”
You two were walking to the museum.
They had received some documents that they needed him to look at, and since you’re his ‘apprentice’, he brought you along with him.
He enjoyed spending time with you. He even called you his best friend.
For this reason, he was also very protective over you.
As you discussed potential findings, you briefly caught a glimpse of a man in an alleyway.
Slightly nervous, you stood closer to Kiyo.
He noticed and started walking faster.
Unfortunately, it wasn’t enough.
“Hey baby! Why not let go of that freak and come with me? I can show you a good- Urk!”
He couldn’t finish his sentence before Kiyo grabbed him by the throat and pinned him to the wall of the alleyway.
Most of his face was concealed, but you could tell he was fuming.
His eyes said it all.
“I will stop you right their, sir.”
The man tried pulling your brother off his neck, failing.
“You will listen to me, and you will listen well. You will never, ever speak to anyone in that way ever again. Am I clear?”
The man nodded and tried to get away again.
“I have not finished. If you go anywhere even remotely near my sister ever again, I will tear out your nerves one by one.”
The man swallowed a lump in his throat, nodding again.
“Good.” Korekiyo let him go and watched with disgust and he scurried off like a mouse. Once he was sure the man was gone, he turned to you.
“Are you alright, my dear?” His eyes were filled with concern.
“Y-Yeah, I’m okay...” He sighed and pulled you into a hug.
“I will always protect you, Y/n. That disgusting excuse of a human will never harm you again. I’ll make sure of it...”
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anne-i-write · 3 years
moriarty the patriot headcannons pt. 1
| requested by anon: Can you write about all male characters in moriarty has a same look of their  children and hpw many children they want? |
william x reader; louis x reader; albert x reader; sebastian x reader; fred x reader
word count: 2397
pt. 2: 221b boys
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william: 487 words
with his whole plan to clean the world of the filthy nobles, william never really stopped to think about having children
well, until he met you
you both were in town one day and he saw you fondly watching a child speak with her mother
“i think two children would be nice”
“i didn’t even ask”
“i know, but the look you gave that mother was telling enough”
n e ways he is a simp and he did eventually give you what you wanted
fast forward a few years, you have two children: a boy and a girl
and they look exactly like their father
like,, it lowkey pains you how much they physically take after their father
you wanted to be like “oh they have your personality, but they look just like me!”
granted, your son took after you in an emotional sense but your daughter was a daddy’s girl through and through
like she looks like him, she acts like him, speaks like him, she even EATS like him
ok but the men w your children
fred is a freaking sweetheart ok
like he’ll watch over the kids when no one has the time and they love him too so they’ll help out in the garden which you are SO thankful for
tbh they only like uncle albert bc he brings them lil trinkets from when he gets back from london LMAO
louis doesn’t show it, but he absolutely adores your children and makes extra snacks for them at tea time
you caught onto this at one point bc for some REASON your kids would not stop bouncing off of the walls before bed and they told you uncle louis gave them chocolate
and sebastian loves messing w your kids bc,,, sebastian
but he accidentally made your son cry ONCE and he was at the mercy of every adult in the moriarty estate including the boy’s younger sister
needless to say, he watched his actions and words around your children after that
now, william
i’m just gonna say this straight out: most of the men never really thought about having kids (save john and albert)
but when you finally had kids, william had a different outlook on life
like fr,, this man works overtime now trying to get rid of the filth that is called nobles
he doesn’t want his kids to be raised in a world where just because you have more money than another means you get to look down on them
you still instill in them those good morals ofc
he also tries to be very present in their lives since he and his brother were raised as orphans
when he was younger, he didn’t mind it all much
but now that he had this small family and a brighter future, he did everything in his power to make sure they’re happy and grow up in a cleaner and kinder world
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louis: 320 words
it took you a week to get him to at LEAST humor you
“if you could, how many kids do you want?”
like, this guy is so dedicated to his brother and his cause it is a WONDER you somehow wormed your way into his heart
but you did and honestly, the brothers are actually very happy that you’re with them
william especially
louis rarely emotes but when you came into their lives, you got louis pissed at one point and everyone was like,,,, wtf?? he has emotions???
anyways, his answer is one kid LMAO
and when you get that one kid, he looks just like louis
yall already KNOW that he’s ready to die for that child as soon as louis holds him in his arms
the only kid sebastian wouldnt even try to mess with
he can deal with william’s albert’s or fred’s kids but louis lowkey intimidates him so he’s as nice as he can be
that being said, louis teaches his kid how to properly handle stuff around the house
you want to cry bc ur son is just so??? the little kid just loves helping out no matter how small the task and he’s just so cute it hurts
even sebastian’s kinda like,, “aight he’s the only kid i will tolerate”
louis grew up with only his brothers so he also wants to give his son a shot at a normal family
is actually aware at how he thinks he’s indispensable for william’s cause and he doesn’t want his son to end up like him
he also teaches his son some badass fighting moves
oh and louis smiles a lot more too
cried bc his son saw the scar he got on his cheek, rubbed some dirt on his lil face and said “i have daddy’s cool scar now”
all in all his son is the best thing to happen to all of you
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albert: 505 words
same as louis in the fact that it takes him a week to answer
“you know you haven’t even answered my question”
“i’m sorry, what did you say?”
“how many kids do you want?”
genuinely takes time to ponder that question
he hadn’t thought of that since his family adopted william and louis
but with you?
“i think two darling girls who take after their mother is enough for me”
pls he’d be so sweet 🥺🥺🥺
you two end up having a girl and a boy, who look just like their father
and tbh, you’re not even mad
you love them so much so when albert comes back north, the three of you are ecstatic
the happiness was short lived for albert tho
he found his son spending time with william and there’s nothing bad right????
“where’s your sister?”
“she’s with mr. moran”
his heart DROPPED
out of all the people in the manor
he sees the two running around the garden
it all happened as soon as albert’s daughter went up to sebastian and said “you’re very pretty! you’re my knight now!”
he decided to “adopt” the little girl and now he’s lowkey whipped
you found albert staring at sebastian playing with his daughter and updated him about everything going on
“but him??”
“he’s just a big softie for her let it go”
isn’t really surprised when he finds out they can fight a little
actually glad that they can hold their own, God forbid anything happens to them
otherwise mi6 has to deal w family matters lmao
“albert, she only tripped”
“you shouldve seen the fear in her eyes as she fell”
would raise hell if anyone even THOUGHT ill of his kids
william and louis are the doting uncles
william more so than louis bc your kids have never seen louis smile
now they’re on a mission to make uncle louis smile
louis was on child duty one day and they managed to slip away
omyGOD he was stressed but also,, extremely worried
so when he found them he had the most genuine smile on his face
your daughter was like (・∀・)
she loves uncle louis
ofc your son adores his dad like,,, who else wouldn't feel awesome at the age of 10 if you found out your dad was a high ranking general
feels superior to sebastian bc of his dad
lmao this 4’5 kid thinks he can rule sebastian for some odd reason
the house is always dirty bc him and sebastian always prank each other
your daughter is trying to catch a butterfly but she can’t so fred helps
instantly loves fred
“is that what heartbreak is”
“i guess that’s what happens when you try to get close to my kids colonel”
albert is kind of afraid of turning into his dad but he has you and everyone else to remind him that: no you are not your father, you are so much better than him
loves your family with his entire being
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sebastian: 844 words
“i see you looking at those kids and the answer is none”
lmao you’ll get so pouty around him bc you want kids dammit
that and he spoils you to no end so that's why you’re pouty lol
“fine we’ll only do one kid and bc one kid is all i can tolerate”
this man gives you three in four years LMFAO
two boys a year apart and a girl in the fourth year
you wanted to smack sebastian
when the two boys grew up, it was obvious they were already taking after their father in the physical sense
it was terrifying
they genuinely look like mini sebastians and you know everyone in the manor is afraid that you two birthed satan
and the satan was your eldest one
he’s just a feral sebastian moran in a tiny body
your second son, god bless him, looked just like his father but with fred’s temperament
and see, you were fine with your sons looking like their father
it was FINE right
you prayed to God that your third child would have at least some physical resemblance to you
your daughter was birthed, she grew up
and you cried
“i’ve got some strong genetics, baby”
you sulk for a lil bit
but you accept it anyway because you love your goddamn kids
thankfully, your second and youngest child are both soft spoken and it's only your husband and his tiny clone bringing hell to earth
smacking sebastian bc all of your children suddenly started swearing up a storm at each other
finally sitting down and trying to convince them to stop swearing
“father does it!”
“your father’s stupid”
speaking of your daughter
she’s his little princess and no he will not take criticism
spoils her more than he spoils you
did she glance at a toy at a passing store?
he buys more toys than he should from said store
you have to physically hide some of his money bc there is only so much you can buy
and her older brothers are so caring you want to sob
if a person accidentally shoved her over bc she was tiny and they couldn’t see her
oh boy
get ready to restrain them like chihuahuas
“little sister will be protected at all costs”
since his second son is so different from him, sebastian actively makes time to talk about what the little boy is doing and what he’s getting from it
doesn’t want to be pushy and suffocating like his dad was so when his younger kid does want to be left alone to his devices, sebastian does so
but honestly loves that your second son is so literate
lddhsajdsfk what yall dont know is that they’re all in cahoots
kinda funny to see them all together bc they all take after their father so much it's like having three tiny sebastians go around town
anyways,,,, yall know the promised neverland right
you got ray, norman, and emma
granted one of them wasn’t as smart as ray but he definitely knew what stealth was
regular sibling rivalry was still a thing but if they could smell the pudding from the kitchen, they know they have to work together
sebastian caught his eldest smuggling biscuits into a small bag
he had half a mind to scold him
but then he ended up giving tips TO ALL HIS CHILDREN on how not to get caught next time—
bc of this they beg him to tell them some stories from afghanistan bc “there’s no way a man as old as dad knows this many stealth tactics”
louis is so fed up lmao
albert is in london most of the time so he just thanks the lord that he doesn’t have to deal w the propaganda that sebastian feeds his children about how “mr. albert is a bad man”
william is fine w it as long as they don’t trash the library
your younger ones love the library so they would cry at the thought of one of the books losing any of the pages
your second and your daughter are definitely the moriartys’ favorites
they don’t show it, but you just KNOW
your eldest could care less about that though
as long as you and his father still love him
and of course you both do
and fred is definitely your youngers favorite
they like to hang out in the garden
ok they still fight all the time though
just because your second child is soft spoken doesn't mean he’s afraid to throw hands
their sister likes to join in for the hell of it
but if someone wrongs any of the children
just because the younger ones are the moriartys’ favorite, doesn’t mean that they’re not gonna hunt someone down if they even think about trying to hurt the eldest too
yeah,,, good luck to them and their families
they got the entire moriarty estate coming after them
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fred: 241 words
cmon yall are like,, young
but you did ask him bc you were curious if he thought about it
he wants one
and when yall do have the kid, you guys actually do have one kid and its a girl
since you both are young, you can immediately see a resemblance between her and her father
everyone who meets her would die for her
especially when she walks around the garden w her hand in her dad’s and he’s showing her all the plants and telling her how to take care of them
needless to say she grows up loving plants
any type of plant
the boys love giving her flowers or anything from bc she has the biggest smile every single time
no matter if it’s just a single rose or a rock
this was found out one time when sebastian gave her a rock bc everyone else had given her like,, two roses each
was afraid she was gonna cry
“thank you so much mr. moran! i will treasure this until i get old!”
she was like 4 at the time
and had the widest smile you’ve ever seen on her
guys u don’t understand she smiles a lot but this was like,, genuine happiness
but everyone was just,, i will destroy the world and myself if anything happens to her
fr it’s just sunshines and rainbows every single time she’s around
everyone just loves her ok
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moriarty the patriot general taglist: @zoehanji
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ragingbookdragon · 3 years
Let It All Come Crashing Down
Batbrother x Batfamily One-Shot
Word Count: 2K Warnings: Explicit Language, Mentions of Past Assault/Abuse
Author's Note: One of my favorite episodes of Criminal Minds was always the one where Morgan came face to face with his abuser. The dialogue at the end of the episode fits Batbrother's past too. But, this does mention past assault. If this is a triggering subject, please don't read. -Thorne
When he’d told Dick about the incident when he was seventeen, he didn’t expect it was going to come back full front. He’d kept tabs on the man whenever his former CO would move bases, when he promoted, when he eventually retired and relocated to Gotham City, opening a military assistance center. It was a farce, and he knew it. A place where the old CO could still continue his reign of fear on those still in the military and those outside.
He stared at the screen in the Batcave, ignoring the bickering of his youngest sibling and his father’s oldest friend, recounting every moment that led to the mission. A woman his age found dead, murdered, the brother charged with the crime. All evidence supported the facts, but (Y/N) knew. He knew deep down something else was going on, especially when he learned that the brother had attended the center in Gotham.
“Isaac Keegan is going to be sent to Blackgate tonight,” Bruce murmured. “He won’t last the night.”
(Y/N) shook his head. “He didn’t do this.”
His father glanced at him. “How do you know?”
“Doesn’t matter how I know,” he retorted with mild annoyance. “But I know who really did this.” He turned, glancing at Ghost-Maker. “Think you can get Isaac out of the armed van and back here without anyone dying?”
The vigilante cocked his arms over his chest. “Of course. But why do you wanna talk to him?”
“I don’t. But I need him alive long enough to get a confession out of the real killer.” (Y/N) answered, looking at Tim with a gaze that had his younger brother’s spine going straight; he could feel the seriousness ebbing from his older brother. “And I’m going to need your help with this.”
He didn’t like stepping into enemy territory without protection. He felt naked without his nano suit, even more so without his sidearm, but the last thing he needed was for the metal detectors in the building to go off and let the remaining people inside know he was there.
Slipping down the halls, he took a moment to catch his breath before he turned the corner into his old CO’s office.
The older man looked up, eyes widening at the sight of his former subordinate. “(Y/N)? Is that—you’re alive?”
“I am,” he answered and Davis’ face split into a fake smile.
“I thought you’d died years ago in Afghanistan.”
“Not exactly.” (Y/N) kept away from the desk, away from close contact; he knew he could take the man, but he wanted the confession first before they came to blows, if they did. “I heard about Jessica Keegan.”
Davis frowned. “It’s a shame what happened to her. Even more so a shame that Isaac was the one who did it.” He shook his head. “I thought he was doing to well with his treatments too.”
(Y/N) tapped the device in his pocket. Now Tim. “Except that Isaac didn’t kill Jessica.”
“Excuse me?”
“All these years, I’ve kept my mouth shut,” (Y/N) said. “I’ve let you go on being a hero. Admiral Davis, the great war hero.”
“What in the world are you talking about?” Davis questioned, face contorting in confusion and the younger man scowled.
“God, I was so afraid of you when we were in Afghanistan,” he admitted. “I was afraid of going to Command about it all. Afraid of losing every promotion and achievement I was being given.” (Y/N) stepped forward, expression shifting to anger. “But that’s how you’ve always worked, isn’t it? You made sure there was a helluva lot to lose if someone came forward, didn’t you?”
“I don’t know what you think you remember about Afghanistan,” Davis said. “But—”
“No, no, no,” he interrupted. “See it’s not what I remember that’s going to hurt you, Davis. The business between us has been over way too long ago to matter.” (Y/N) explained. “You’re protected by a statute of limitations and that’s my fault.”
Davis shrugged. “Then good evening.”
He glared. “You set Isaac up! You knew his sister wanted him to call someone about you. So you killed her and framed him as a distressed veteran?” (Y/N)’s face pinched as he accused, “You killed her because you knew someone was going to piece it all together and come after you, didn’t you?”
“Now you’re just throwing accusations around.” Davis replied and (Y/N) slapped a decoration off his desk.
It shattered and he shouted, “God, I should’ve told someone about you when I was in Afghanistan! When you were ‘training’ me.” He took another step forward, voice lowering dangerously. “Well, you know what happens in cases like this? Once that dam breaks, the flood comes.”
He raised a finger. “One servicemember stands up, just one. And then another one, and another. Because they’re not afraid of your repercussions anymore—they know they’re not alone.” (Y/N) tipped his head up. “Isaac Keegan is your dam.”
For the first time since they’d started speaking, Davis showed his anger as he barked, “Whatever lies Isaac told you—”
“I didn’t do a damn thing to you or to Isaac—”
“One by one, they’re going to pile up until there’s so many accusations, you can’t say that they’re all lies!”
Davis thrust his hands to his chest. “Do you have any idea how many men and women I helped promote? How many lives I’ve saved with my service?” He gestured to (Y/N). “Look at you! You would’ve been dead in a shallow grave if I hadn’t helped you.”
“Yeah, well that shit wasn’t for free, was it?” (Y/N) demanded, throat tightening with emotion.
“I pulled you out of the gutter.” Davis murmured.
He shook his head, the tears of anger flashing the pain from his voice. “I pulled myself out of the gutter! All the way to the top military squads! I did that!”
“You’re saying I had nothing to do with making you who you are?” Davis questioned, a look of offense on his face.
(Y/N)’s rage cooled, shoulders sinking back as he raised his head and admitted, “No Davis. Actually, I’m saying you have everything to do with making me who I am.” He gazed at the man. “Because of what you did to me, I’m the man who’s going to spend the rest of his life making sure abusers of power like you face the consequences.”
“(Y/N),” Davis comforted. “I never meant to hurt you.” His expression turned sympathetic. “You could’ve said no.”
He turned his head away, jaw clenching so hard it hurt, then he looked back at him, and two men turned the doorway. (Y/N) watched Davis’ eyes widen in shock.
“Quinton Davis, you’re under arrest for the rape and murder of Jessica Keegan.” The two military police officers walked around (Y/N), and each took an arm.
Davis shifted. “I’ve helped a lot of veterans and service members.” He started thrashing. “Nothing in this goddamn city is going to be the same with me. Without the center, who’s going to look after them?”
His expression hardened. “Wayne Enterprises will. I will.”
“Wait a minute damnit!” he looked at (Y/N), pleading, “(Y/N), please, isn’t there anything you can do for me?”
(Y/N) got in Davis’ face. “You can rot in hell.”
He watched the MP’s drag away the screaming man before letting out a shaky breath and reaching up to his chest, yanking off the necklace that had the camera built into it. Tim had no doubt cut the feed by now and he shoved it in his pocket, free hand coming up to wipe away the tears in his eyes.
“What happens now?” the young man asked, dark circles under his eyes making him seem wearier.
(Y/N) sighed. “There’s going to be a trial. Davis will face the consequences.”
Isaac frowned. “I’m going to have to testify, aren’t I?”
“Yes. But I know who the prosecutor is. She’s good. She’ll nail Davis to the wall for everything.”
“I…I don’t know if I can do it.”
He reached out and placed a hand on the man’s shoulder. “Then do it for Jessica.”
“I miss her.” Isaac whispered, head lowering as he sniffed. “I should’ve spoken out sooner.”
“I know,” (Y/N) murmured. “I feel the same.”
His head cocked up, teary eyes gazing into (Y/N)’s. “Will you be there?”
“I’ll probably be called by the prosecutors to testify.” He shrugged. “But with the statute of limitations, I don’t know how much it’s going to weight in our favor.”
“But you already told the world about your past with Davis?” Isaac said. “We—we all watched it live.”
“That was just the start.” (Y/N) said. “We have to see it to the end. For all the servicemen and women he abused over the years.” He turned, looking at Nightwing and Red Hood. “They’ll take you back to your apartment.”
Isaac nodded, starting to follow, then he stopped and looked back at (Y/N). “How’d you go on after Afghanistan?”
He met the young man’s eyes, then he glanced at his family. “I was still needed. Still am.” (Y/N) turned back to Isaac. “You never forget it…but it does get better.” He stuck his hand out. “And I’ll be there when you need me.”
They shook hands and he watched Isaac walk off with his brothers before he turned and moved to the railing overlooking Gotham Bay. A multitude of emotions swirled in his chest, but a sense of relief rested on his shoulders, and he let his head drop, the tears starting to drip down his cheeks.
Someone’s hand rested between his shoulder blades, followed by a deep voice comforting, “It’s okay, son.”
He shook his head. “I should’ve said something earlier.”
“It’s not your fault,” Bruce affirmed. “You didn’t do anything wrong.”
(Y/N) looked up, gazing at his father. “I’m sorry.”
“You have nothing to be sorry for,” the man murmured, expression soft. “But why didn’t you come to me?”
He paused, inhaling shakily as he said, “It only lasted for a short time. I was promoted and inducted into the super soldier program.” He shrugged. “By the time I finally wanted to tell someone, Davis had already left the compound and too much time had passed for it to matter.”
(Y/N) gazed out at the water. “It’s not over…but the world knows what he really is now. And all the people who suffered are going to see justice.”
Bruce leaned on the railing next to him. “You don’t show many signs of a survivor,” he noted. “You keep it all under wraps.”
“I learned during the super soldier program that there are worse things than what happened to me.” (Y/N) sighed. “Davis’ abuse might be what makes me so hateful of abusers, but when I started the team, I refused to let it control me and my life.” He raised his head. “I was going to live my life to the fullest, with whoever I wanted and even if I never told anyone, that was going to be the one part of me no one would ever take away.”
His father observed him for a moment then he stood, nudging (Y/N) until he did too; they looked at one another, a father and a son, and Bruce said, “I’m proud of you, (Y/N). For everything.”
(Y/N)’s mouth opened and snapped shut once, twice, a third time, then he raised one hand to cover his eyes as the lower half of his face twisted in pain, the other fumbling blindly for Bruce. His father caught him, one strong arm wrapping around (Y/N)’s back, the other pressing his son’s head to his shoulder.
“I’m here son,” he murmured. “I’m always going to be here.” He pressed his lips to the young man’s temple. “And I love you son. So much.”
“I love you too, dad,” he choked out, holding onto his father for dear life.
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mrsmaybank · 3 years
My Little Sun - Reid x Reader
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“Ridiculously perfect.” I held her tighter as she looked up at me and our eyes locked, “I’ve fallen ridiculously in love with you.” “So my evil plan worked then?” She chirped.
A/N: Okay, let me be honest rq this idea lowk scared me but the words really just fell out of my brain really easily so, yk fuck it whatever.  ANYWAY, if you like, please let me know! 
pt 2, pt 3 “I love you Spencer.” The words immediately melted me. 
“I know so many things.” She gave me an unapproving look. 
“I don’t mean to sound cocky, but I do! Now for once in your life, listen to me.” She nodded her head in concession.
“I’ve just read more, I’ve written more, I’ve discovered and studied more than the average person. I could tell you a little bit about anything with one hundred percent certainty. I could--and want--to tell you the names of all the stars, I could recite verbatim the entirety of Prometheus Bound by Aeschylus or Dostoevsky’s The Brothers Karamazov, which you know, speaking of I will ‘cause I still can’t believe you haven’t read it,” Her smile flattened into a straight line, and I laughed. “Orrr, I could also tell you something simple, like why we get the hiccups.” I shook my head. 
“Regardless, I know so many things and I’m rarely taken by surprise because of it. Everything in life is a pattern of change, and as a human, we will always adjust and adapt to whatever situation we are in. For better or worse, we don’t feel the same thing for very long. This is why an addict takes a couple more every time, a sadist hits his second victim harder than the first, they’re searching for the high of the first time, and it will never come.”
She nodded in understanding, 
 “I know this is true, it’s factual, and yet every time I look at you it feels like the first. You’ve broken the laws of human psychology.” 
“First time you saw me was at a gas station Spencer.” 
“No. The first time I looked at you after I knew I loved you.” 
“Where were we?” 
“My car. You were dancing. You looked ridiculous.” 
“Ridiculously sexy? You mean?” She smiled. 
“Ridiculously perfect.” I held her tighter as she looked up at me and our eyes locked, “I’ve fallen ridiculously in love with you.” 
“So my evil plan worked then?” She chirped.
“It did indeed. You’ve become my solnyshko moyo.”
“Tell me that’s Russian dirty talk.” She said with a grin. 
“It’s better. It’s a term of endearment you’ve become the epitome of.” 
“And what’s that Dr. Reid?” she giggled. 
“My little sun. You’ve become my little sun. Following me around and bringing light and warmth.” She snuggled herself impossibly closer into my chest, wrapping one of her legs over mine. 
“Except for your feet!” I shrieked at her freezing toes meeting mine. 
“They’re not that cold you big baby!” she shouted. 
I laughed and kissed her sweetly, “I am not the baby here.” I said.  
“Please,” she started until I interrupted her with a kiss, “If you’re not the baby,” I kissed her again, “That implies I’M the baby,” Kiss, “And I’m not a” Kiss. 
“Shush baby.” I told her, but like always, she didn’t listen, instead sitting up to straddle me. My appreciation for her beauty was like how a prisoner appreciates freedom, and yet it was miniscule into what I found in her character. It blew my mind that a girl so perfect existed. 
“Rarely do great virtue and beauty dwell together. Francesco Petrarch.” I started, my hands making their way onto her hips, “That makes you a rarity.” 
“You’re spoiling me with nice words today Spencer.” “You’ve spoiled me. My frontal lobe is spoiled milk.” She laughed, wondering how I was going to manage to make this one romantic. 
“That’s the part of the brain responsible for sensibility and logical thinking, and you, little girl, have positively ruined it. You make me stupid.”
“I ruined the genius Dr. Reid with the 187 IQ? Makes sense. I’m like, way smarter.” 
“You are. So, so much smarter.” 
“I want that in writing.” she poked my chest. 
I pulled her down and kissed her forehead to whisper in her ear. “Not a chance.”
She pushed herself away and rolled her eyes at me like a bratty child does her nanny, and I continued, “ You’re smarter, but I’m more educated. I have more doctorates than you have years in university.” 
I brushed the hair away from her perfect face, “You tired baby?” 
She sighed and laid down, splaying herself on my chest, laying on me like I was the duvet. “Very.” 
I held her impossibly close, breathing in her scent and counting every time her heart thumped, her bpm said she was relaxed. Oh god, I wanted her like this forever. Relaxed in my arms, where nothing could touch us but each other. 
“Must you work?” I sent the message to Spencer as I rolled over to his side of the bed in anticipation. I breathed in heavy, liking the way the pillow smelled like his laundry.
“Unfortunately.”  he responded. “Think you’ll be home this weekend?” 
“It’s not looking like it, little one. I’m sorry.” 
I didn’t reply. I was too sad to reply. I knew it’d make him feel guilty, which I didn’t want to do, cause like, his job and saving people and shit is important. But, it still wasn’t fair! At all. There was something very important I had to tell him. 
Total darkness, and then way too much light. My head hurt and I couldn’t move. I was handcuffed to a wooden chair. There were chains around my torso and ankles. The room was a medical sort of bright. It smelled like bleach and rotting fruit. The walls were dilapidated, seeming to be made of tiles that were once white, but have turned yellow. 
What the FUCK? 
“Hello!” I shouted. My voice was so coarse it hurt. Shit. My head pulsed so badly it practically hurt to think, but I still racked my brain. 
Where am I? 
How’d I get here? 
Why am I here? 
I woke up again. Fuck, why can’t I think? Why can’t I do anything? 
“Hey, y/n.” A woman’s voice. A very stoic, cold, sounding female voice.
I’m not alone. Thank god, oh my god, I’m not alone. 
With the little strength I had, I lifted my head to see her. She wasn’t what I thought. She was alright, she wasn’t tied. She did this to me? 
She took a sip from her silver flask, “Do you know who I am?” 
I shook my head. “No.” 
“Typical.” She stood up and grabbed me by the hair, “You fucking disgust me.” Like, she said, she threw my hair away like it disgusted her. 
She sat back down on the bench in front of the chair I was chained to, “My name is Brook Austen. I was a professor at Georgetown last year. Taught a couple seminars at your school, that little university you go to, the students there were nothing like mine. Not nearly as intelligent, but as expected, Georgetown is much more prestigious, obviously.”
I was confused, and she knew, but did not care. 
“You’re not the brightest, y/n. Only slightly above average high school grades, strikingly mediocre academic performance now.”
Where the hell is she going with this? 
“And you know it doesn’t surprise me, per say, because every man on this goddamn planet is a piece of fucking shit! But I thought that, maybe, just maybe, Spencer was different.” 
She grimaced, “I thought he’d want more than just a pretty face! ‘Cause you might be prettier y/n, but I’m smarter.” Her words were laced with utter hatred. 
Her demeanor changed, and it almost started to seem like she was talking to herself. “I'm older. I’m more successful. I’m fucking better.” 
She approached me again, grabbing my face so I was looking her in those scarily light green eyes, and she wrapped her hands around my throat.  “I’m fucking better then you! Better, better, better!” Every time she said better she shook my neck and gripped tighter so I couldn’t breathe. 
“Stop! Please! Please stop!” I shouted, “I’m-I’m pregnant!” 
She began to break down, “You’re pregnant?” A maniacal chuckle left her throat, “You’re pregnant?”  
“Is it Spencer’s?” she asked. 
I nodded. 
“Wow.” She laughed once more, “Fucking wow.” 
“How could Spencer choose this!? You’re nothing like him. You are a pathetic fucking college student. A fucking daddy issue ridden slut! I’m a celebrated academic, just like him!” Tears began to slip from her eyes, “How could he not choose me?”
This woman is NOT well in the head. 
“You--you like Spencer?” I asked. 
“You don’t get to ask the fuckin’ questions here.” She pulled a knife out of her pocket and held it to the tip of my chin, “I do. So you’re gonna answer them.” Or, she started manically laughing, “I’ll kill you.” She swallowed, “And your baby.” 
I screamed at those words, “No,” I sobbed, “NO!” 
I turned my head away so I didn’t have to look at the woman in front of me, there was a timed red dot blinking. A camera. 
“Is that-- is that a camera?” 
She nodded, “I want Spencer to see you and his child die.” 
“He….No! No, please, No!” I choked on a sob and she smiled. 
“He doesn’t know.” She paced, “He doesn’t even fucking know!” 
She waltzed over to the camera and brought it closer to us, “Hey Spencer.” She began waving, “Hey Penelope. Aaron. Derek. Jennifer. Emily.” 
Her demeanor changed once more, into that of a cheerleader of all things, “So, quick recap.” Brook pursed her lips, “Spencer your twenty three year old fucktoy is pregnant. Congrats!” 
Y/N was two things I didn’t know she was this morning: In serious danger, and the mother of my expected child. I felt frozen in trepidation. 
We all watched in horror as Brook greeted us. All by first name. She knew exactly what she was doing and it freaked me out even more. 
“Reid, you need to step out.” Hotch grabbed my shoulder, “Now.” 
I was sick with fear and ill with rage. I sat down because I could feel my knees go weak. Hotch started again, “We know who she is. We will find her. Y/N will be alright.” He paused, “So will the baby.” 
I replayed the events of the live footage in my head, her screams of pain and terror, her trembles and confusion. I’d failed her. I’d failed her and now I knew I’d also failed our child. 
JJ sat down next to me, “Spencer, when did you meet Brook?” 
“I uh,” I wiped my face, “A year and four months ago. I did uh, I taught uh, I taught a string of seminars at Georgetown. It was biweekly. Her office was next to mine. We spoke for the first time when she offered me a coffee.” 
“What did you say?” 
“What do you think I said?” 
“Yeah, I said yeah, I fucking like coffee.” I felt instantaneously guilty for cursing, and especially at JJ but I was too frazzled for it to last long enough to apologize. 
“I know Spence, I’m sorry. Just keep going.” 
“Then, the next week, we got lunch together.” 
“Was it, you know, friendly?” 
“What are you implying Jennifer?” I snapped. 
“No Spence, we just need to know. You know that.” 
“It was-- it was just lunch. A very normal colleague to colleague lunch. We talked about the school’s history. And uh, where we grew up. It was small talk.” 
“Ok, was this the last time you spoke to her?” 
“No. There was one more time. Y/N was there.” 
“Tell me about it Spence.” She grabbed my hand, 
I breathed out, “It was the next week I taught after lunch. About two hours before my class. I was lesson planning, and Y/N was doing homework on my desk. She came in. She asked if I wanted to go get lunch. She saw y/n and--Fuck.” 
“What Spence? What?” 
“She asked me who she was, but it was like, she didn’t want y/n to know she was asking. She thought she was…”
“She thought she was what?” 
“A student.” 
“And what did you tell her?”  
“The truth. That she was my girlfriend.” 
“Did you see her anywhere else after that?”
“No. She never came by my office again. When I would see her by chance, she would scurry away. It was strange.” 
“Think really hard Spence. Did you ever see her again after you stopped teaching at Georgetown.”
I racked my brain, “Yeah. I did. It was two months ago. Three days after I proposed to y/n. She was getting a coffee at this coffee shop by y/n’s school.. I was bringing her some lunch” 
“Spencer she's been stalking you. Your proposal was the stressor.” 
“But--I’m a profiler. I would’ve noticed.” I stood up with a realization.            “What Spence?” JJ asked, standing up as well to look at me. 
“She’s been stalking her, not me. She knew I was a part of the BAU, she knew I would’ve noticed.” 
“I’ll tell the team.” 
A/N2:  If this doesn’t totally flop, I’ll write PT 2, that elaborates on the reader’s and Spencer’s relationship. I think through flashbacks from both Y/N and Spencer would be a cool way to explore their relationship and of course the whole reader being kidnapped thing plot could develop. Again, if you enjoyed this pls let me know!!
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boxofbonesfic · 3 years
Pattycakes (Chapter 1)
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Title: Pattycakes
Summary: Like they say, it really does just take one time... Patricia Hodgins knows that better than anyone. She’s got even worse luck when it comes to her child’s father: Billionaire playboy Thor Odinson. He’s selfish and manipulative; and Patty’s not sure which outcome frightens her more—killing him or letting him worm his way into her heart.
Pairing: Thor x Black OFC 
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Manipulation, Possessive behavior, Mildly dubious consent, Breeding Kink, Age Difference (significant but not extreme), Stalking (light stalking though lol), Past Relationships, Class drama, Dad!Thor, Character improvement 
A/N: Hey folks! This is one of my ongoing fics, so I figured it would find a good home here. Definitely the lightest thing I’m writing right now, but who doesn’t love a bit of fluff, right? I hope you’ll all enjoy reading this fic as much as I enjoy writing it 🙏🏾 Character improvement and empathy are really big themes here, as well! I have seven chapters of 16 posted, so this one is a ride! 
This is a work of FICTION, and it is Dark, so I assume once you’ve clicked through the link that you are comfortable with that. I do not give consent for my work to be copied, translated, or posted elsewhere, even if I am credited. This work is entirely mine, and unbeta’d, so read at your own risk! 😘
Chapter 1: “Only Once” 
“Patty. Earth to Patty, you in there?” Wanda’s snapping fingers appeared in front of Patricia’s face, and she jumped back with a shrill, surprised squeak. Patty felt her cheeks heat as her friends laughed at her shock. She couldn’t blame them—she’d zoned out, staring unseeingly at traffic as they waited in line. She took a few steps forward into the space that had cleared up in front of her, and the irritated murmurs further down the line quieted. 
  “Sorry. I spaced. Moving up.” 
  “We noticed,” Wanda replied, laughing. Patricia watched as her friend dug around inside her purse for first a cigarette, and then a lighter. “It’s gonna be worth the wait, I promise.” 
  Behind her, America snorted. “Yeah, whatever. That’s what you said about Two-Five-Three, and the music was wack as fuck .”
  “What, so I’m not entitled to one flop? Look at this line and then tell me I’m just talking shit,” She snapped back, exhaling smoke from her nostrils. Her red lipstick had left a perfect ring on the filter, leaving smudges on her pale fingers as she talked. “Besides, what else were you guys going to do tonight? Play yahtzee?” 
  “I’m offended you’d suggest that,” Patty replied, sniffing. “This is an Uno house, goddamn you.” She poked her friend in the shoulder accusingly. “This blasphemy? I won’t hear it.” 
  They were only a few bodies away from the front of the line, which Patricia was grateful for. It was true that Wanda usually had an eye for the best, most interesting venues in the city, but waiting in line to get inside was never particularly fun. Patricia shifted from foot to foot, her borrowed heels clacking on the pavement. Wanda had insisted on them, of course. 
  The man-killers, Patricia thought amusedly, snickering. She glanced down at them, and wiggled her toes. They were about four inches too high for her, but they looked amazing, the gladiator style leather wrapping halfway up her calf. She wrapped a lock of her kinky black hair around her finger before releasing it—the braidout that she’d planned had come out perfectly, her thick coils framing her face neatly. 
  Music boomed loudly in ears as they were ushered inside by the large bouncer, shedding their coats at the door. The base was so deep that her chest vibrated with it, and suddenly she didn’t regret donning the skimpy, milkmaid style dress that America had talked her into buying just weeks before. The air inside was thick and heavy, and the club was packed with bodies. She could see now why there had been so many people in line, including them. The lighting was tinted lavender, and several chandeliers of differing lengths hung from the arched, vaulted cielling. The building clearly used to be some sort of church that had been converted into a nightclub, and they’d kept some of the more religious ostentation, like the stained glass windows. 
  One of her friends tapped her shoulder, and Patty turned to face them. 
  “Bar,” Wanda mouthed, pointing behind her. The bar was on the far side of the massive room, near some very sleek looking booths. Patricia picked her way across the dance floor after her friends, joining them at the bar. People were in constant motion around them, jostling them as they waited for the bartender’s attention. The music wasn’t quite so loud over here, and they could hear one another if they were practically shouting. 
  “Shots?” America asked, and Patricia gave her the thumbs up. They were here to celebrate after all, and she was feeling ready to let loose. America had a propensity for tequila, which Patty normally avoided. A particularly nasty memory from sophomore year served as a reminder not to imbibe too much of that particular poison—but tonight, she was going to disregard that warning. Just for a little while, anyway. 
  When their drinks finally came, Patty linked arms with her two friends at the elbow, each of them holding a shot glass to another girl’s lips. 
  “What are we toasting?” Wanda asked, grinning at them. “I’m accepting suggestions.”
  “Being fucking done with school?” America raised an eyebrow sarcastically. “No greater joy than never having to write another goddamn paper. Or log onto j-stor ever again.”
  “Not finding jobs,” Patricia supplied dryly, remembering just how lacking her job search had been going prior to and now after graduation. Can’t forget that frickin’ gem. “Oh wait, no. Working retail for the next six years while I try desperately to break into my field.” 
  “That’s… way too realistic Pat,” America replied dryly, snickering. 
  With that, they tipped the shot glasses up, swallowing down the burning liquid. Patricia sputtered, clearing her throat as she set her glass back down on the bar face down. It had been a little over week since graduation, and none of them really had the faintest idea what came next. America had a job offer in Philly—some programming thing, but she hadn’t given them her notice yet, or clued any of them in on whether or not she’d be taking it. And Wanda was content to freelance until some graphic design company or other picked her up. 
  Like her friends, Patricia hadn’t really picked a direction. The Museum of Natural History still hadn’t gotten back to her about her application, though her professor had said he’d put in a good word for her. She still had her job at the clothing store, where she’d coincidentally met America and by way of her, Wanda—so it wasn’t as though she couldn’t tread water for a little while. 
  It was a rather strange feeling, a little like standing on the edge of a cliff. There were so many options, so many routes forward… But also a sheer fucking drop, and spiky, painful death if she so much as stumbled on her way down. 
  America pressed another shot into Patricia’s hands, distracting her from her thoughts. She threw it back, closing her eyes and wrinkling her nose as she drank it all down in one swallow. She coughed a little before reaching for one of the lime slices the bartender had prepared for them, along with a dash of salt on the tip of her finger. As she licked it, her gaze drifted up the bar idly, only for ice to run down her spine as she locked eyes with someone. 
  His bright blue eyes wrinkled at the corners as he grinned at her, exposing perfectly straight, white teeth. Patty’s eyes widened. Oh fuck. Without thinking, she stepped aside rapidly, blocking eye contact with Wanda’s head awkwardly. She must have looked stricken, because Wanda stared at her, her expression confused. 
  “Patty what’s the problem? What’s up?” She turned this way and that, craning her neck as Patricia tried to stop her. 
  “Nothing, oh christ , Wanda! Seriously, nothing—” Her cheeks were hot. It was already embarrassing having hidden, but when Wanda suddenly snapped back to attention, a sly smile on her face, Patricia felt her mortification double. 
  “I see you’ve spotted your first kill of the night,” She replied coyly, twirling a lock of her hair. America was laughing behind her, and for the life of her, Patricia couldn’t calm the burning in her cheeks. He was handsome—blonde, chiseled features, a playful smile on his lips. She clapped a hand to her forehead. “Ooh, and he’s a little older, too. I always knew you liked them… mature.” 
  “My what ?” She snapped. “We’ve been here like ten minutes.” Patricia hoped the disdain in her voice was more convincing than it felt. She’d reacted like a little kid—and she still was, hiding behind Wanda so that the handsome stranger couldn’t get another good look at her face. In part because of her own frustration at her shy reaction, and mainly because it couldn’t have been her that he was looking at. Patricia took a deep breath and straightened her back. 
  “He’s totally looking at you.” America murmured, digging her elbow into Patty’s sternum. She refused to look for a moment, steeling herself. How embarrassing would it be if he was making eyes at some girl behind her? She peeked around Wanda’s smiling face, and he was leaned against the bar, his chin on his hand as he chuckled. He raised a drink to his lips before putting it down to waggle his fingers at her. Patricia gulped. 
  “Oh shit he is .” She replied through clenched teeth as she smiled back. “Oh fuck.”  He really was looking at her. As she’d poked her head around Wanda’s, their eyes had met again. He’d hidden his face with his hand and then peeked around it, still grinning cheekily at her. Patricia wasn’t sure whether to feel mortified or laugh out loud—obviously he’d seen her shennanigans and found them amusing. 
  Patricia grabbed Wanda’s shot, ignoring the latter’s loud complaint and downed it. “Hey! Those are seven bucks a piece, Patty!” She shrilled, slapping at her hand. “You better venmo me tomorrow.” 
  “Yeah, we’ll subtract last girl’s night from it,” Patricia quipped, enjoying the embarrassed flush that flooded her friend’s cheeks. Wanda held her hands up—a truce. Patricia accepted it with a giggle and a nod. “‘Merica, is he still…?” Patricia asked nervously. She’d turned to face the bar, so that he wouldn’t be in her field of vision. It helped that she was flanked on either side by friends who could scope out the scene for her, rather than her having to risk another embarrassing moment. 
  “A hundred percent. He’s a pretty one, Patty. You’ve got good taste, I always said that.” 
  “How would you know? I thought you said I was your type,” Patricia feigned offense at her friend, who sniggered, slapping her bare shoulder lightly. 
  “I’ve still got eyes. I don’t have to like avocados to know how to make guacamole.” America waggled her eyebrows suggestively, and Patricia snorted. 
  “Yeah, we all know how much you like to smash.” Wanda quipped, signaling to the bartender. America tried to look upset, but the three of them devolved into tipsy giggles before too long. When the bartender finally made his way over to them, he was already holding a drink. He motioned to Patricia, who eyed it suspiciously. 
  “Dark and stormy. Courtesy of the gentleman in the red shirt.” Her stomach tightened nervously, though she accepted the drink with careful fingers. He pointed across the bar to the face Patricia already knew—the blond. 
  He waved again, the cocky tilt of his chin sparking both attraction and irritation in Patricia’s mind. Should I go over? Should I say anything? Surely it would be rude to at least not say “thank you”, wouldn’t it? Patty had never been a big one for clubs—it was much more Wanda’s scene than hers, but it was fun to dress up, to drink and let loose, to dance. But there was a social etiquette involved that she didn’t quite grasp a hundred percent. As she stood there waffling, her choice was made for her. The man stood, his massive bulk rising gracefully from the barstool as he made his way toward them. 
  Wanda, ever gracious, practically spat out her drink. “Oh shit, your kill’s coming over.” 
  “Stop calling him that, he’s not my anything . He bought me a drink after I hid from him like a ten year old.” Patty’s cheeks were still burning, and she took a swallow of the drink he’d sent over. Damn it, it was good. He was tall, and had a foot on her easily, with wavy blond hair swept back into a loose knot at the base of his head. The red button up he wore was rolled up at the cuff, and tucked into his well tailored dress pants. Patricia realized she was eyeing him hungrily, and tore her gaze away, pretending to make conversation with her friends as he approached. 
  “I see you got my drink.” His voice was deep, and somehow easy to hear over the thumping baseline behind them. 
  “It’s all you, girl.” America whispered, squeezing her arm as she and Wanda slipped away. 
  “Yeah, text us if you get into any trouble. Not good trouble. Bad trouble.” Wanda winked at her, grinning as Patricia sputtered. 
  “I-um. Yeah. Thank you for that,” She replied lamely, cursing her awkwardness. “It’s good.” 
  “I’m sorry if I weirded you out, or anything,” he replied, chuckling. The corners of his eyes crinkled as he smiled at her disarmingly. “I couldn’t help but notice a pretty girl.” 
  In spite of herself, Patricia snorted. “I think there are a lot of pretty girls here. Did they get drinks too?” She asked, regretting the snarky words as soon as they left her lips. He laughed though, shrugging his massive shoulders. 
  “I don’t think I could afford it, honestly,” He joked easily. His laughter was a pleasant baritone, vibrating in Patty’s chest as they spoke. He leaned over her, his bright blue eyes interestedly studying her face. “But something tells me I made a good call.” He winked at her, before draining the rest of his own glass. “I’m Thor.” He held out a massive hand for her to shake. Patricia found herself smiling. 
  “Thor? I’m Patricia. Patty.” She corrected, shaking her head. “That’s some name.” She said, taking another swallow of her dark and stormy. 
  “Tell me about it. When your dad’s name is Odin, you’ve only got but so many options for your kids.” He leaned back against the bar, and Patricia could feel his gaze on her like a physical weight. God I’m terrible at small talk. 
  “I’m pretty sure my parents just drew names out of a hat if it makes you feel better,” Patty replied, patting his large hand in mock sympathy. “I was almost Phyllis.” She drained her glass, before setting it on the bartop. 
  “Thank God you weren’t.” He said smoothly. “Can I get you another drink, Patricia?” 
  Patty was already feeling the lightheaded dizziness setting in from her first three shots, and she knew she was something of a lightweight. She could practically hear Wanda’s sarcastic tone from here. How many drinks does it take to get Patty hammered? Four. One for her, and three for you while you wait on her to finish the first one. 
  “I think I’m good for now,” Patty shook her head, though she tried to smile appreciatively at him. “I was actually thinking maybe I’d go dance.” Patricia was just making conversation—trying to cover up the nervousness she felt. She’d spent the majority of her time at school knuckling down and studying, much to the chagrin of her friends. Maybe if I’d gone to more parties I wouldn’t be standing here grinning like an idiot, running out of things to say. 
  “Now that’s an idea,” He moved closer, sliding a warm hand around her waist. Patricia started at the contact, a little gasp escaping her lips. “Mind if I join you?” His eyes glittered in the low light, and he tugged her a little closer, his large palm splaying almost the entire distance from her waist to the curve of her hip. Oh fuck yes.
  “Sure! I mean yeah.” He followed her towards the dance floor, his hand loose around her own. Patricia caught a glimpse of America and Wanda pumping their fists and flashing her thumbs up as she passed. They were always urging her to loosen up, to live a little, so she was sure they were pleased to see her cutting loose a bit. 
  Behind her, she could feel Thor’s body pressing closer to her own as they navigated the dance floor, looking for space. He was so tall, she had to tilt her head up to look him in the eyes as the music pulsed around them. He was liberal with his hands, though Patty found she didn’t really mind the feel of his hands roaming, and they didn’t stray too far. 
  As the music changed from electro-pop to hip hop, he spun her, pressing his front to her back and placing a searing kiss on the side of her throat. “I knew you would be a good dancer,” He murmured, his lips just brushing the shell of her ear as he spoke. Patricia couldn’t help the shudder that traveled down her spine at the heat of his words. 
  He was touching her so eagerly, his hands hungry for any inch of exposed flesh he could get away with fondling. It was a heady feeling, having a man like that so worked up over her. 
  “I like to think so.” She wasn’t sure where she found the confidence—probably the alcohol sitting warmly in her belly—but Patricia ground the soft curve of her ass against him, and both felt and heard him groan softly, his hands tightening around her hips. His fingers flexed against her briefly, before he released her. 
  “You can do that any time you feel like it. No need to ask permission.” He laughed as he spoke, but Patricia could tell he wasn’t really joking. The sturdy, possessive grip on her body betrayed that. They danced together for a few more songs, the crowd ebbing and flowing around them like the tide. Before too long, Thor’s smooth lips were pressed against the curve of her ear again, his breath drawing goosebumps up to the surface of her skin. 
  “I was thinking maybe you might come back to my place for a night cap. If you want.” His tone was flippant, but there was real interest in it. Before she could stop herself, Patricia found herself nodding. 
  “Why not?” The words fell from her lips unchecked. “Let me just let my friends know… Come together, leave together and all that.” Patty reached into her purse, digging for her phone. As it turned out, she’d missed three texts from them in the group-chat already, one signifying that Wanda had already left with someone, and that America was chatting up some girl at the bar. 
  P: Going home with Thor. Call the cops if I don’t come home :P
  W: Fuck 12! If you go missing we’re going Saw on that motherfucker. Love ya!
  “Got permission?” He drawled, and Patricia’s cheeks colored. 
  “Just trying to be responsible.” She groused, and he held his hands up in apology. 
  “No, I get it. I promise I’ll return you in one piece.” The cocky grin from earlier was back on his full lips, and he ran his tongue across his canines teasingly. “Or as many pieces as you’d like.” 
  His mouth was on hers before they’d even made it all the way out of the club, pressing her against the stone exterior of the building as they waited for a cab. His hands were hot and insistent, skirting the hem of her dress as he palmed her thigh. They felt searing hot against her flesh in the frigid night air, and a throaty moan escaped Patricia’s lips unbidden. 
  “Is this included in the nightcap or is this a specialty service?” She asked breathily, and he growled against her throat in response, before sucking the flesh at the juncture between her neck and shoulder into his mouth, worrying it with his teeth. 
  “Definitely specialty.” 
  “Uh, sir? The valet…. he um, he has your car.” The timid voice of one of the parking assistants made Patricia’s face burn as she abruptly remembered that they were in public —though this didn’t seem to stop Thor, whose hands would not be deterred. He didn’t even turn from Patty, who could feel herself dying of mortification over and over again with each passing second. He stuck his hand out impatiently without looking. 
  “Keys.” The valet dropped them into his hand and raced away, while Thor continued peppering kisses on Patricia’s bruised throat. “Fuck. I don’t want to stop touching you,” He admitted hotly, the words a growl. Patricia’s head was swimming with heady pleasure. She wasn’t sure what she wanted, every thought was underscored by the hot need he’d lit inside of her. 
  She was embarrassed, she wanted him to stop—and at the same moment, she didn’t. She was enjoying his attention, the raw need he was touching her with. Before Patricia had to make a decision, one was made for her, as Thor pulled away, his eyes cloudy and pupils dark. 
  “Let’s go.” 
  His apartment was nice— nice being the most extreme understatement I could possibly make.   When he’d steered her towards his car, she’d caught the look of enjoyment that had crossed his face at the shock that colored her features—after all, it was her first time seeing a Jaguar in person. She was sure he’d gotten the same look when they’d exited the elevator into his penthouse suite.
  Thor kicked his shoes off in the entryway, motioning for Patricia to follow after him. The foyer was narrow, but opened up into a massive living and dining room, with floor to ceiling windows that made Patty just a little nervous, though the view was… amazing. 
  She found herself padding across the hardwood floors to get a better look. The penthouse apartment overlooked Central Park, and the noise and activity on all the sidewalks melded together to create a storybook photo of lights against the inky dark sky. 
  “Best view in the city,” Thor said softly, his arms closing about her from behind. She hadn’t noticed him sneaking up on her. Patricia nodded. 
  “I’ve never seen it like this.” It was true—she’d grown up here, worked here, gone to school here—but she’d never seen the city from above before—not like this. With one hand, he produced a wine glass, filled just over halfway. Patricia took it gingerly, careful not to spill any. She had a feeling his clothes probably cost about half her rent, and she didn’t much feel like shelling out to replace them. 
  “Then let’s make it better. You want to see the balcony?” He asked, giving her hip one last affectionate squeeze before moving away. He’s so graceful for such a big guy, Patricia thought absently as she followed him across the living room. He opened the sliding door for her, stepping out of the way so she could step outside. It was chilly and windy this high up, but he had been right—it was even better outside. 
  Patricia was grateful when he positioned his warm body behind hers, leaning over her. She wasn’t much into wine, but whatever he’d picked was fruity and sweet, easy to drink. 
  “Wow.” Good one, Patty. A real fucking wordsmith. “It’s amazing. I’m kind of jealous you get to see this every day.” His apartment was easily four or five times the size of her own—and that was just the first floor. Patricia had spied a set of stairs leading up, and she had a feeling there was far more apartment than she’d seen. 
  “It’s definitely one of the perks of living here,” He purred. “You want me to give you a tour?” His breath was hot on the back of her neck, and Patricia had a feeling the tour was going to end abruptly at the bedroom. The thought send another shiver down her back, but this time it wasn’t because of the cold. It was hard not to feel out of her element. An attractive, older guy had taken an interest in her—more than anyone she could think of in the past six months. 
  “I’d love one.” 
  He led her back inside, pointing at the kitchen and living room. Another door led to an office, and a bathroom. Thor made a beeline for the stairs, ushering Patricia up ahead of him. “I won’t look, I promise.” He replied cheekily when she smoothed the back of her skirt down. Thor, for his part didn’t seem bothered by the age difference, grinning up at her wolfishly when she peeked down at him. 
  “That was a very good lie,” Patty replied snarkily, and he chuckled. “It didn’t sound rehearsed at all.” 
  “I’m willing to wait for the main course. Don’t want to spoil my dinner.” 
  Heat flooded the apex of her thighs, but to her credit, Patricia kept it together, her steps steady. There were three bedrooms up here, but he didn’t bother showing her two of them, leading her straight to his room. The floors were all hardwood, and he had an absolutely massive bed— an alaskan king, maybe? — set against the left wall. There was a desk, a small sofa with a coffee table in front of it. The wine glass Patricia was carrying was abruptly plucked from her fingers and placed on the dresser as they entered. 
  Thor spun her around, a soft “oh” escaping her lips just before he crushed her body to his own, his mouth descending hungrily onto hers. His kiss was bruising and needy, and he greedily sucked down any noise she made, worrying her plump bottom lip with his teeth. It was a harsher kiss than the ones he’d given her before, and different from the fumbling of college boys that she’d reluctantly grown used to. He pulled away panting, a satisfied smirk gracing his features as he took in her swollen lips, and ruddy cheeks. 
  “This is a good look for you.” His tone was smarmy as he ran his thumb across her bottom lip appreciatively. She opened her mouth, sucking the digit into her mouth. He groaned loudly, his head falling back briefly before he snapped back to attention. “Again.” Patty swallowed thickly, the movement forcing his thumb against the roof of her mouth as her tongue moved beneath it. She’d never been ordered around like that by anyone—and she didn’t want to like it, but she’d acquiesced almost instantly, and the answering groan made her knees shake just a little. 
  “Good girl.” 
  The husky, growled words sent heat rushing from the top of her head down to the tips of her fingers and toes, and she couldn’t help the moan of pleasure that escaped her at his praise. The self assured smirk on his handsome face grew wider at this, and he lifted her, his hands cupping her ass as he did so.
  “Hey—” He didn’t bother with the propriety any more; openly fondling and squeezing her without preamble. Instinctively, Patty wrapped her thighs around his waist, locking her knees on either side of his torso. He hushed her with a stern look; her mouth snapped shut, the complaint dying in the face of his disapproval. She wanted more than anything for this to continue, for him to keep touching her. 
  He walked backwards toward the bed, sitting heavily on the edge as his knees touched it. Thor’s hands were everywhere—in fact it seemed like he had more than two—up her dress, pulling at her thong, cupping her breasts through the fabric of her dress. It was maddening; like her body was an instrument and he was an expert, playing every note perfectly. He ran his thick finger up the seam of her panties, his eyes locked onto her face. 
  “So wet, babes.” He clucked his tongue. “Wet and messy.” The tip of his finger found its way underneath the edge of her panties, stroking the clean shaven lips of her pussy. Patricia bit her lip and looked away, embarrassed. His gaze bored into her, exciting her and making her nervous all at the same time. She could still feel his eyes on her, even as her own fluttered shut and he slipped just inside her. 
  “Fuck!” Patricia’s voice sounded hoarse and needy even to her own ears, and it scared her. “I-I—”
  “You want more, don’t you baby?” Gentle—but still commanding, a demand for an answer. His gaze turned expectant, and Patricia scrambled to answer. 
  Patricia didn’t consider herself virginal—she’d had sex before, and she’d found pleasure at her own hands more than once—but nothing had ever been like this before. She’d come to detest male bragging, and the cock sure attitudes of her peers, but this was...different. Thor wasn’t just bragging. 
  He was making promises, and he intended to keep them. 
  He sank a single finger inside, curling it. Patricia’s hips moved of their own accord, her legs tightening around his waist as she jerked in his arms, a sharp cry coming from her. Oh fuck, fuck fuck— Thor’s other hand was kneading her ass as he slowly pumped his finger in and out of her clenching warmth. He grunted appreciatively. 
  “Yes, baby. Oh yes . Come on.” Patricia’s head fell forward against him, the stubble of his beard rubbing against her forehead. He was egging her on in that low baritone, making it hard to think and shit it felt so good not to. His thumb found her clit, rubbing at it in slow, deliberate circles. The action sent shockwaves through her body, her pussy clenching rhythmically around his finger as Patricia’s hands found his shoulders, her nails digging into his skin. 
  She’d never been particularly vocal before—in fact, the last guy she’d slept with had accused her of being frigid—but it didn’t seem like Thor felt similarly. He teased every sound out of her with ease, adding a second finger to the first and groaning at her tightness. 
  “You are fucking tight , you know that?” His voice was low, menacing. He scissored his fingers inside her, and Patricia keened. “You are going to feel so goddamn perfect.” His words were strangely predatory and cold, though there was a smile on his face. Patricia pushed away the strange, used feeling it left in her gut, focusing instead on the hot coil of pleasure tightening at her core. His fingers moved expertly through her slick folds, drawing garbled pleas and gibberish from her parted lips as she writhed in his lap. 
  “Thor,” She whined, her hips still moving against his hand without her express permission. He pressed his lips against her forehead, and leaned away, his hand still moving steadily. “Please.” Patricia could feel him, hot and heavy pressed against her through his pants. 
  “You can do better, I think.” His thumb pressed more insistently against her clit, and Patricia felt her body jerk, and her knees tremble, loosening around him. “You want to cum, baby? Tell me that’s what you want.” The sobbed request fell from her lips before Patty could stop them.
  “I wanna cum!” She cried, pressing herself against him as she writhed. It felt like she was on fire, her nerve endings singing with pleasure. When he didn’t speed up, or give any indication that he’d heard her, Patricia began to struggle, whining. “Please, Thor!” He chuckled, as though her efforts were nothing more than amusing. He was so much bigger than her, and stronger too. It didn’t take much for him to hold her in place with a stern hand. 
  “So demanding.” He crooked his fingers inside of her again, still flicking at her clit with his thumb. “I give the orders here, baby.” He stilled for a moment, and Patricia let out another breathy whine. “But I do want to feel that tight pussy suck at my fingers before I sink my cock in it, so I think I’ll allow it.” Thor sounded like he was debating himself rather than addressing her, and for once she was glad for it, because Patricia couldn’t think of any words to answer him with. Her mind was blissfully blank, her hips moving steadily against his hand as he brought her closer and closer to sweet oblivion. 
  Tension built steadily in her belly, pulling taut as he murmured obscenities against her hair. What he planned on doing with her, how hard he was going to fuck her, how perfect and tight and sweet she was going to be wrapped around him—and then Patricia saw white, her body convulsing as she came apart in his arms. Her mind was mush, and it took her a few moments to realize that the slurred, garbled words she was hearing were coming from her own mouth. 
  “Thank you… Thank you… So good…” Patty was still trembling, her legs unable to support her as he placed her gently on the bed. Thor rose to his feet, tearing at his shirt with impatient hands, his eyes dark and hungry as they took in her shaking body. Her dress was all rucked up around her hips, her lacy black thong pushed to the side. As conscious thought returned to Patricia’s head, she began to feel embarrassed—ashamed, even. How must she look? Her soaked pussy on full display for a man she barely knew. 
  Thor didn’t give her any more time to contemplate her current situation as he fell on her again, his impatient hands pulling at her dress as he leaned down to press his mouth to hers again. He trailed kisses down the sied of her jaw and returned to her throat as he grunted with frustration.
  “Is there a zipper on this thing? Or how the fuck do we get this off, babes? I’m dying here.” 
  “Hah. Yeah, one sec.” The zipper was hidden in the ruching of the dress, and Patricia sat up, forcing him back. She turned around, indicating with her finger where it was. It took him a few tries, but he got it down, unhooking the little eyelet at the top. She’d forgone a bra—it wasn’t like she had a whole lot of cleavage to speak of, she was barely a C cup. But Thor didn’t seem disappointed as he cupped her in his hands, rolling her nipples between his thick fingers as the dress slid down about her waist. 
  “So much better. Let’s take this off.” He pushed the sleeves down her arms, and pulled the dress down her legs eagerly. Patricia thought she’d turn over onto her back, but Thor held her hips, stopping her. “No.”
  “But I—”
  “No. Stay like this. You’ve got a great ass, you know that?” He mused, tugging on the fabric of her thong with one finger as he caressed the curve of her hip with a gentle hand. “Fuck, you’re a cute little thing. How old are you, babes?” He asked, and Patricia caught the sound of a zipper over the rustling of the sheets underneath them. 
“T-Twenty four.”
  My birthday was two months ago.
  He didn’t respond, but she felt the push of warm flesh against her ass, hot and hard. Oh my fuck, he’s huge! A needy little whimper wormed its way out of her throat, and Patricia heard him chuckle as he parted her with two fingers. He spread her wetness through her folds with a careful hand, groaning as the head of him throbbed against her. 
  Thor leaned down, his hair brushing against her back as he went. It must have come loose from his bun , she thought fleetingly. 
  “Stay still.”
  He’d barely imparted the command before she felt the length of his cock slide against her, and Patricia fought the urge to jerk away in surprise. He pressed against her opening, and she felt herself stretching to accommodate him. A high pitched whine escaped her as her head fell forward onto the mattress. Thor was unperturbed and continued pressing inside her, murmured curses falling from his lips. 
  “So fucking tight, fuck, fuck fuck —”  
  Patricia had never felt this full. Not with people, not with toys, her own fingers; nothing compared to this. She was glad the weight of his body was pressing her into the bed, his hands the only thing keeping her hips up, because her eyes were rolled up into the back of her head and her mouth was wide open. 
  There was so much of him, and when she finally felt his hips against her own, Patricia was panting loudly, her pussy clenching wildly around him. Then his hand was in her hair pulling her up and against his body, the other circling her waist to keep her up. It felt like an even tighter fit in this position, and the fullness at the apex of her thighs bordered on discomfort. Patricia whined, shifting against him. Thor drew out slowly, before snapping his hips against her, forcing his cock back inside. 
  The angle forced her to stare down the line of her own body, watching as his girth disappeared into her pussy over and over. It felt so good, and her hips moved on their own, falling in line with the pace he’d already set. The hand at her waist traveled up to her breasts, squeezing them roughly as he pulled one of her nipples taut. 
  “Ah! Stop!” Patricia whined, frowning up at him. He licked his lips. 
  “But when I do this—” He tugged again, “you squeeze me so. Fucking. Tight.” He punctuated each word with a hard snap of his hips. It hurt, but… It still felt good, and when he soothed it with gentle strokes after, she felt herself tighten again just the same. His cock slipped out of her, and Patty whined at its absence, craning her neck to see his face. “Turn over, Patricia.” 
  Patricia turned over onto her back, her cheeks hot as their eyes met. His hair was loose and wild around his face, which was ruddy and glistened with sweat. He growled at her, grabbing her thigh with one large hand and pushed it up. He fisted his cock in one hand, pumping it a few times before he pushed into her again, groaning. 
  “You are a fucking gem,” He said, his gaze both lusty and appreciative as he appraised her briefly before sinking in once more. His head lolled back and Patricia mewled. 
  She’d never been able to orgasm more than one time in a row, and almost never with any of the other partners she’d had. But now, Patricia felt that coil tightening again, white hot pleasure shooting up her spine. Thor’s huge hands were bruisingly tight around her hips, pulling her hard against him as he moved above her. 
  “I want you to cum on this cock, baby.” His voice was wild and guttural. “Now.” She wasn’t sure if it was the strength of his command, or the feel of his cock pushing against that rough patch inside her, but her eyes rolled back and Patricia’s body shook. Colors exploded behind her closed eyelids, and her hands scrabbled for purchase against his arms, shoulders, torso as she came hard around him. 
  Thor’s hips met hers roughly as he fucked her straight through it, her nails digging into his skin. He groaned, holding her in place as heat flooded her insides, his forehead dropping to hers as he panted. Patty could still feel him throbbing. She was panting too, her hair a mess around her face as his sweaty weight pressed her into the sheets. 
  After a moment, he heaved a huge sigh, and gingerly removed his still semi-hard cock from her pulsing center, and laid down beside her on the bed. Patty wasn’t sure what to do, but he solved that problem for her by tugging her body against his own. 
  “You can stay the night if you want.” 
Next Chapter
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felix21im · 3 years
"Ice Cold", a Leon Kennedy x reader fanfiction
As an Art and Design student all you want to do is just knuckle down and finish that one goddamn piece you've been working on for months. Too bad your time is constantly stolen by your Waiter job with minimal pay, but hey, at least the tips are good if you unbutton your shirt that one more time.
Chapter 1: Bourbon
“That’s gotta be moved over like two inches to the left.” You muttered to yourself. Your eraser ran across the sketches and removed the pencil lines that you had created earlier. Studying interior design was one of the best ways to secure you that internship you’ve been working so hard for.
“Yoo hoo!” A whistle was heard from beside you, your fellow colleague and best friend tapped you on the shoulder, pulling you out of your study-induced trance. “You’ve got another table to serve. They literally just sat down so make sure that you greet them.” You let out a sigh, laying your latest drawing to the side. On the way to the table you check your hair in a mirror before putting on a smile. You can see two middle aged men talking while looking at multiple files placed on the table. You walk toward them. "Good evening, is there anything I can get for the two of you?"
The larger man with the shorter hair began to speak for the both of them. “Two bourbons please.” He said simply.
“Will they be with ice?” You ask, beginning to write down their drinks order on your small notepad.
“Yeah I’ll have ice in mine please.” The one with longer hair requested with a polite point and a smirk. The other man simply shook his head at the question of ice. You smiled at the two of them as you turned around. A few minutes later you return with both of their drinks and put them in front of them, being careful not to spill anything over their work-stuff. They both thank you with a small nod before you go around to your other tables. A few hours pass and people come and go but these two men still sit at their table, talking, drinking and taking some notes. You went over to their table a few times that evening to refill their drinks or bring some small things to nibble on, but you couldn't find out what they were talking about. It seems that as soon as you went over to them they changed the subject. “A super secret mission.” You chuckled to yourself as you stood at the bar, packing your study materials away. You can’t clean a bar with books and paper all over it.
While cleaning you heard someone clear their throat and you looked up. In front of you stood one of the men, the one with longer hair. “Oh my, excuse me. Can I help you with anything?” The man chuckled lightly and looked at the mess in front of you. “My friend over there and I wanted to get another drink before paying. But it seems you are quite busy here.” You looked at the mess and then at him and you couldn’t stop yourself from checking him out. It seems he noticed it, but didn't say anything. “I’m sorry for that, it won’t happen again. I’ll deliver your drinks to your table right away!” The man nodded and went back to his friend, sitting directly opposite them but also facing the direction of the bar. You let out a small sigh before putting the books away and preparing the drinks for the men. The man never said what drinks he wanted but considering the two of them have only been drinking bourbon, bourbon was a good choice. Before starting you tightened your apron, greatly exaggerating your waist, although you could barely breathe you knew that it made you more attractive to patreons. The patreons liking you equals more tips. While making the drinks you made sure to add enough ice in the second drink, so they just might forgive you for your behaviour. As you placed the two glasses on your serving tray you noticed the long haired man give you a small smirk. You went to their table once more and put the beverages in front of them while smiling at both of them. You also left a bill on the table before heading back to the bar, the echo of your shoes making you feel anxious as you walked, causing you to begin holding your tray in both of your hands in front of your stomach. On your way back you heard one of the men say something, which made the short haired one shake his head. You were wondering if they talked about something you did but didn’t want to be rude and ask them about it. It was pretty late already so only a few other people were still at the restaurant. You wanted to get home at some point that night so you hoped that the last guests would be leaving soon. Just as you thought that, you saw the two men you were serving get up and leave the restaurant. Before going through the exit door the man with longer hair looked back at you and gave you a wink. You let out a small laugh and shook your head. You went to the table they left from to clean up and collect the money. You noticed a small note with something written on it. A phone number, you realised. “Call me ;)” was written beside it. You looked around and put the piece of paper in your pocket with a light smile on your face. That smile quickly turned into a shocked face though as you noticed a massive tip laying next to the bill. You didn't even know what to do, so you just stood there looking at the money. As you looked at the flurry of green bills you could hear footsteps behind you and soon your coworker stood next to you, also looking at the money.
“Well, someone seems to like you”, they laughed “Maybe those apron and shirt tricks you do work too well.” You shook your head and left your coworker standing there as they chuckled at their joke.
A little while later the restaurant was empty thanks to the closing hours, and you cleaned the last tables. But before you had the chance to leave as well, you saw the door opening once again. “I’m sorry, we’re closed!” You looked up and saw the long haired man standing in the doorway. Other than just his hair you could instantly tell it was him, the fancy suit helped a lot. “Did you forget anything? I actually think you left too much money when you left with your friend.” You picked up the cash that was placed in an envelope under the bar and began to get the money out of it. “I can give it right back to you, if that's why you came back.”
The man shook his head and slightly chuckled. “No, the tip was meant to be like that. I was actually wondering..”, he stepped closer toward the bar you were standing at. “..Why didn't you text me yet.”
You had to laugh. “Oh, I’m sorry. Maybe I didn’t have the time yet because I had some work to do and you left that note like ten minutes ago!” You chuckled yet again. “Trust me I was going to call you!”
Now it was his time to let out a dry laugh. “Yeah, I'm sure you would have. Anyways, now that I’m here again and it seems your work is done, how about we get your favorite drink together?”
“I mean we are closed…” You raised your eyebrows and crossed your arms over your puffed out chest. “But I’ll let you get a drink this one time.” He seemed satisfied with that answer so he sat down on one of the bar chairs, followed by him tapping the empty space next to him. “At least let me make your drink before I sit down!” You playfully rolled your eyes and began pouring liquor into a shaker. You noticed him looking at his phone after receiving a message from someone. “Someone at home is missing you already?” You asked jokingly as you placed your fruity, yet strong, favourite drink on the bar.
He shook his head. “Not at all. Just my.. Colleague asking what I'm up to.” He put his phone on the counter. You went around the bar and pushed a glass towards the man and sat down on the empty stool beside him. “I never got your name. I’ll tell you mine if you tell me yours.” He smirked as he took a sip from the drink. “Not bad.”
You chuckled as you pointed at the name tag that was attached to your shirt. The man looked at you dumbfounded. “Well, this is awkward now. Doesn't seem like a fair trade anymore.”
“I’ll just hope that you were being respectful and you didn’t want to look at my chest.” You winked and couldn’t contain your laughter as you did up the buttons on your shirt, hiding the “money makers” as your best friend would call them. The man looked at your chest for a moment as you did up your buttons before quickly looking away. You could see his face get a little red, although you weren't sure if it was a reaction to what you just said or the alcohol finally showing effect. He cleared his throat and seemed to want to change the subject. “Ehem..the name’s Leon S. Kennedy, by the way.”
“Ooo S. Kennedy huh? Am I going to have to guess what the S stands for?” You tucked a strand of hair behind your ear as you talked.
“Go for it.” He laughed and took another sip of the drink.
“Uhhh… Steven?” A head shake. “Sam?” A no again. ”Sexy?” A chuckle but still a no. “Ugh I give up!”
“It’s Scott.”
“Scott, huh? Sounds kinda cute.” You laughed as you looked at Leon and then the clock behind him. “Even though we haven’t spent much of an evening together we’re going to have to call it quits, I have to lock up now.”
Leon turned around to look at the clock. “That’s a shame.” He turned back to face you. “Y’know I’ve got some drinks back at my place if you’re interested.” He raised his eyebrows as he asked for the date to continue.
You thought about the offer for a moment, you didn’t have any classes in the morning so maybe it would be fun. “Wine?” You asked and he replied with a nod. As the two of you stood up from your stools you quickly paced around the restaurant making sure everything was perfect. The lights were off. All of the switches were off. And finally the security alarm was turned on. You shuffled Leon along as you left the restaurant, making sure that he wasn’t trapped in there when you locked the door. “Alright, that’s everything!” You placed your keys into your work bag and slung it over your shoulder. As the two of you walked to the parking lot you looked down at your phone and secretly texted your roommate saying you were going to be out much longer than anticipated and that your location was being shared with them. Just in case.
Leon fished his keys out of his pocket and tapped a button on the car keys, causing a nearby car to light up. With the size of that tip that Leon left an expensive black sports car belonging to him shouldn’t have been a surprise. “Woah! What car is this?” You asked, not knowing anything about cars apart from the fact that most of them have four wheels.
“It’s a Porsche Nine-Eleven.” He replied. “It’s my favourite.”
“Your favourite? Meaning you have multiple cars?” You questioned. “Can I borrow one? I don’t even have a car.” You chuckled as you opened the door to the luxury car. Leon chuckled too as he got into his seat and tapped a few buttons on the dashboard. The entire car began to roar as it’s engine was turned on, making your entire body shake. Making your entire body heat up. “Is it hot in here or is it just me?” You asked.
He chuckled. “It’s because your heated seat is on. I can turn it off if you would like.”
As the car traveled you looked out of the window and when turning to your left you noticed that the lights in the car softly lit up Leon’s face as he drove the car. Showing off his sharp jaw and slight stubble.
After a twenty minute drive you step out of the car onto the gravel driveway and you hear the stones crunching underneath your feet. Leon walks up beside you and leads you up the stairs to the front door. Reaching into his front right pocket he pulls out his keys and unlocks the double doors, allowing you to walk through before he did so too and then close the door behind him. “Woah! You have such a cool house!” The large modern chandelier reflected onto the marble flooring in the entryway. Leon kicked off his shoes and pushed them over to the side of the wall, prompting you to do the exact same. “You have no idea how much I hate these shoes, they are so uncomfortable, especially when you wear them for twelve hour shifts without sitting down.”
“Why on earth do you wear them if they hurt you?” He asks as he takes off his jacket, hanging it up on a coat rack beside the door. He reaches out his hand to take off yours as well, to which you respond with a smile. You turn around and he carefully takes it off of you, followed by him then placing it on the coat rack next to his own.
"I don't have much to choose from when it comes to clothing. Just in general our work uniforms aren't really the best of the best."
Together the two of you went into the kitchen and you sat at a bar stool, leaning on the counter. As you waited for Leon to fix you up a drink you noticed just how empty the house has been so far. “Wow it’s quite empty, going for the minimalistic vibe huh?”
Leon shook his head as he placed two wine glasses down on the counter, both with ice. “I just haven’t gotten around to decorating this place yet.” He poured both glasses full and sat then leant on the counter in front of you, placing your drink next to your hand. “I mean I’ve only been here for like 3 years but I’m a busy man.”
You picked up your drink and almost dropped it after hearing that response. "Three years? You must be reaaally busy if you didn't have time for at least some decoration. What are you doing all the time anyway?" You took the drink and a small sip before standing up with it still in your hand. Leon looked at you kind of confused, but following you nevertheless. You walked around the kitchen, then the other rooms. You were talking nonstop about the stuff Leon could put on the walls, the floor or just anywhere really. He couldn't even say anything because it seems you were in your own world already planning the entire interior design of his house. Leon was following you through all the rooms as if he was actually visiting you and not the other way around. While planning the designs for Leon’s home you realised just how excited you were to do this officially as a job in the future. Creating your own interior design company and being your own boss was something you had in mind ever since you were a child. After who knows how long you both finished your drinks and also the house tour. You ended back at the kitchen where you started and both sat down on what seems to be the only chairs in this humongous house. Leon went away for a few seconds before returning with yet another bottle of what appeared to be some expensive wine. “You’re not just trying to get me super drunk so you can kidnap me, right?” You asked him jokingly, but also slightly worried. After all, what were you doing here in a complete strangers house?
“If I was going to kidnap you I would have done it already, buttercup.” You gulped but shrugged it off after looking at Leon, who smiled at you. Maybe it wouldn't be too bad being kidnapped by him. He's got quite the nice home after all. Leon stopped you in your thoughts as he handed you a glass of wine. "It's really good, trust me. Nothing against your favourite drink, but still very tasty." You took a little sip from the wine and looked at him with big eyes.
"Wow. This is actually really good. I've tasted many different brands of wine but never one like this. You do know your stuff, huh?"
He let out a small laugh which also made you smile. You didn't know if it was the alcohol but you suddenly felt really hot sitting so close to this handsome man. "Anyway, what are you doing besides working at that restaurant? I saw some school books at the bar earlier, were they yours?"
You nodded lightly. "I'm currently studying Art and Design but I needed some money to even afford all that stuff. So that's why I ended up at that restaurant." He looked at you, maybe even a little sad. But maybe you just started imagining things.
"You don't have any family that supports you or anything?"
You shook your head. "That's kind of a difficult topic. My parents aren't really what they used to be after.. well, let's just say some inconveniences." You took another big sip, showing Leon that you didn't wanna talk about it anymore. Even though he wanted to ask, he stopped himself before ruining the whole evening, or well, night. You sighed and looked at him. "On our tour I think we missed the bathroom. Mind showing me the way?" He nodded and led you through the house. As you were in the bathroom Leon went up to his workroom and picked up an envelope. He went downstairs again and hid the filled envelope in one of your jackets' pockets. After a while you rejoined him in the kitchen looking really tired. "Leon, I don't wanna sound rude but I’ve had a long day and I think I really need some sleep. Do you mind calling me a taxi?" He saw just how tired you were so he didn't try to make you stay any longer. He grabbed his phone, called you a taxi and gave you some money for it.
You wanted to decline, but Leon didn't want to argue so you had no chance but to pay with his money. "I brought you here in the first place so the least I can do is pay for your ride home", he said. You both then went to the entrance where Leon helped you put on your jacket. After that you both sat down outside on the stairs waiting for the taxi to arrive. Neither of you said a word, but it wasn't a weird silence, you both really enjoyed each other's company and after a few moments of sitting on the cold stairs a car arrived. Leon brought you to the door and you told the driver your address. You gave Leon a small wave as the taxi began to drive off...
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rextasywrites · 3 years
One Night (Leon Kennedy x f!reader)
The heat inside of his flat became insufferable, so during the evening, Leon ripped open the curtains and the windows, letting out the suffocating air. With a deep breath he leaned against the window sill, his eyes scanning his surroundings. If someone wanted to attack him, they would have done it already, Leon’s anxiety lowering significantly. The street under him was deserted apart from a few drunken teenagers, laughing and swaying in the streets. Leon clearly remembered the first time he got drunk. Oh, the memories flooded his brain and for the first time in quite a while, he let out a chuckle.
As Leon awaits his new mission, his neighbour catches his eye...
Warnings: Plot What Plot/Porn Without Plot, Peeping, leon gets caught peeping lol, One Night Stands, Female Ejaculation, Cunnilingus            
The waiting period between missions had become Leon’s biggest enemy. He couldn’t even go home, no, he had to stay at some rented flat in buttfuck nowhere, just to make sure the Bad Guy Of The Week didn’t find out where he was. Fuck, all he wanted was to hug his nieces and nephews again! But no, he had to stay at this shithole under some fake name, Alexander Johnsen or so. Couldn’t they at least rent him a flat with working AC?
Instead, the bottle had become his best friend along with local porn magazines. But even after a while, even the best liquor and his left hand became boring - what a shame, what a crime! But he wasn’t allowed to leave the flat, what else could he do? Watch the same foreign soap opera that ran every day at the exact same time? Why do soap operas have the same outcome everywhere?
The heat inside of his flat became insufferable, so during the evening, Leon ripped open the curtains and the windows, letting out the suffocating air. With a deep breath he leaned against the window sill, his eyes scanning his surroundings. If someone wanted to attack him, they would have done it already, Leon’s anxiety lowering significantly. The street under him was deserted apart from a few drunken teenagers, laughing and swaying in the streets. Leon clearly remembered the first time he got drunk. Oh, the memories flooded his brain and for the first time in quite a while, he let out a chuckle.
His eyes continued to gaze over the area, until they stopped on the window vis-a-vis him. And oh fuck, he was glad he caught this view. By the open window, a beauty was changing out of her clothes, probably ready to slip into her pyjamas for the night. Her thin plaid shirt fell from her shoulders after she unbuttoned each button with great care, making sure not to rip one off in a moment of carelessness. Leon was greeted with the sight of a toned back in a black tank top, hot pants unbuttoned and hanging low on her hips. The mere view of a real woman - big sorry to the pretty ladies in his latest copy of Playboy - made his cock twitch. “Fucking pervert.”, Leon growled to himself and looked down on himself in disappointment. But hey, one cannot fight the primal urges.
By the time Leon looked back up, the woman by the window had dropped her tank top and Leon’s jaw dropped along with it. Her breasts had the perfect size, and his imagination went straight to how he’d place kisses all over them, smoothing his face with them.
His imagination came to a sudden halt when the woman and he made eye contact. As she raised her eyebrows, Leon panicked and drew the curtains shut again, hiding behind the nearest wall. Oh fuck. That shouldn’t have happened. He was in a goddamn foreign country and supposed to keep a low profile - and not to get a peeping tom charge from the local police department. Chris would curse him out to hell and back if he finds out about this!
Leon dropped on the couch once his heart stopped trying to leap out of his throat, taking deep breaths as his eyes wandered to his crotch. Despite the heart attack he nearly suffered from, he couldn’t deny the sweetness of the view he just had. Ah, fuck it, his imagination was ways better than porn rags anyways.
With a quick motion, Leon pulled down his sweatpants and boxers, revealing his already hard cock. The now colder air hitting his warm skin made goosebumps cover his thighs and he went to town. With an almost hypnotizing rhythm, he thought of how much better her hand would feel around him. Up and down, up and down. Gently tugging on his foreskin, rubbing over his pre-cum leaking tip to lube himself up. Every stroke was done in her honour. How he’d rather have his cock buried deep inside of her pussy, or even better, his head between her thighs. If she tasted only half as sweet as she looked, her lovers would be the happiest men in the world.
His orgasm approached faster than he would have liked, but with an image like this in front of his inner eye - how could he not? By now in his mind they had swapped to hard fucking, him taking her from behind, bend over the desk standing deserted in his bedroom. His hands gripping her hips as he pounded into her, how sweet her moans would sound as they filled his room. As he grabbed for the tissues, his sweet moment was interrupted by a knock on the door. Fuck.
Leon quickly pulled his sweatpants back up, trying to hide his boner by carrying a jacket in front of it. He would have chosen his gun, but who knew who was actually at the front door? Maybe it was just a friendly old neighbour asking him to open a jar for him? Yeah, sure Kennedy, he thought to himself. His train of thoughts was interrupted when he spotted who was actually in front of his door. It was the pretty lady from before, oh fuck he’d get an earfull for his behaviour… Leon braced himself before he opened the door with a shy smile. But she didn’t seem hostile! The complete opposite was the truth, she seemed...happy? Excited? What was going on, and why could he not control his cock under the jacket he was holding?
“Am I interrupting something?”, the lady smiled at Leon, nodding her head towards his crotch. A blush, redder than the ripest tomato Leon had ever seen, spread across his cheeks as he tried to stumble over an apology. The lady just shook her head and pointed into the flat, “Tell me your name, dear. I want to know who I am going to ride all night long.”
For a moment, Leon felt as if his brain was short circuiting, his brain cells bouncing from one wall inside of his skull to the other. It took a little cough and an instant reboot (along with some blood getting back into his brain) to make him remember his own name. “Leon.” Oh shit, he should have told her his fake name! Fuck, what was he even doing.
The lady chuckled and brushed past him into the living room. Leon walked to her after he locked the door, didn’t want any visitors while he was, uhm, busy. She was looking around in the room, eyeing how there was no decoration, no way to make it feel like home. Who was that man anyways? But at this moment, she didn’t care about it too much. It had been ages since she got laid and she didn’t want to waste another hour without a cock inside of her.
Leon looked down to his feet, stumbling over his words as he tried to form an apology. “I...I am sorry for looking at you that way. This was embarrassing for you and I am so so-”, he was interrupted by her clearing her throat which made him look up. To his surprise, the woman in front of him had dropped her tank top, standing now in front of him in this beautiful bra she had been wearing before along with her hot pants...and his dick jumped right back to attention.
“Come on, I was waiting for someone to look at me that way. You can be glad you came first.”, she chuckled as she walked over to Leon, cupping his cheeks as his hands found their spots on her waist. “Give me a kiss, will you? And then we can decide how we are going to spend the night.”
The kiss soon turned into more. Before she even knew what was happening, Leon had her pressed against the nearest wall, his hands roaming over her body, starving for any kind of sweet touch. It’s been too long since he had been touched without any ill intent. Her bra had been discharged a long time ago, his hands kneading and massaging over her breasts, taking in the softness under his fingertips. If he were to die now, he’d die a happy man. “Come on...Leon”, the woman breathed out, needing more from the agent in front of her, not knowing he had saved the world just mere days ago. Again.
The feeling of her legs wrapped around his hips was a feeling that’d be burnt into his mind forever. Their useless clothing items were soon discharged, carelessly thrown into the room. There was no time for foreplay, their looks exchanged from window to window were enough to rail both up. Funny how life works.
Her verbal confirmation that she was on birth control made his cock twitch, knowing he could fill her up without any worries was one of Leon’s bigger kinks. A groan rumbled through his chest as his imagination went to places he could take her at. They settled for the bed, dropping onto it with him on top of her. Dry grinding was boring at this point, she grabbed hold of his cock, dipping it between her folds to coat him with her juices of pure desire for him.
“Fuck.”, both of them moaned in unison once Leon pushed inside of her, connecting them in the most primal way. How long had it been since Leon was buried inside such a beauty? Didn’t matter, all that counted to him was the here and now, what was in the past didn’t matter to him anymore. All that mattered to him was her...and her sweet pussy.
Each stroke he had done in her honour just minutes before was now done inside of her, stretching her in the most perfect way, just enough to rail her up further, but not too far to the point of pain. Just perfect. His fingers toyed with her clit, feeling the wetness coating her all beauty. Nothing could stop him from claiming her as his, even if it was just for a few hours. “Fuck, you feel so good!”, Leon growled out, his voice shaky as he tried to contain himself from coming too early.
She realized this, and wrapped her legs tightly around him, flipping them over in the process. Now Leon had the prettiest view, her breasts right into his face as she leaned over him, taking all of him as best as she could. “Leon...oh fuck, yes, just like this!”, followed by a long drawn moan as she straightened her back, feeling how he bucked his hips up. Fuck, he wouldn’t be able to hold out any longer, she was just too sweet.
“I’m gonna...I’m gonna…”, Leon breathed out, and before he could finish his sentence, his orgasm rolled over him, taking him aback. His head dropped into the pillows under him as he filled her up, such a huge load that it was dripping out of her by the sides of his cock. Guess peeping had its perks too. His hands held onto her hips, keeping her down on him as he shot rope after rope inside.
For a moment, Leon felt like he was about to pass out due to the sheer craziness of his orgasm. Once he remembered his own name (it was not Alexander Johnsen!), the woman looked at him with a tilted head and a smirk on her lips. “You haven’t made me cum yet, Leon.” “Sit on my face, pretty lady.” “But you just…” “Did I fucking stutter?”
And she did. As his softening cock slipped out of her along with his cum dripping out, she crawled up to this face, reassuring herself once more that Leon was okay with it. He just gave her a dirty grin and nodded.
The salty taste of his own cum mixed with her sweet juices made Leon moan against her pussy, taking in every second of this fucking session. At first, he licked through her folds, tasting whatever he could get on his tongue but neglecting her clit for now. But he wouldn’t let her wait for too long.
Once he felt her thighs shake against his head, Leon knew that it was time. His mind was clouded with the taste of his own cum and her juices, so he moved up a little bit. After countless minutes of teasing her entrance with his tongue, ever so gently dipping in, he was ready to feel her cum around it. Leon nudged his tongue against her clit, and it felt as if a dam broke loose.
As she covered his face with her squirt, her whole body shook and she had to hold onto the bed frame so she wouldn’t tumble over. Leon laughed as she came on top of him, such a sweet view, just for him! And only for him! His whole face was covered in her lust, once the flood gates closed again, once again as sweet as ambrosia. Something he could lick on for every day for the rest of his life.
By the time Leon woke up again, the woman was gone again. No trace of where she went, but he knew she wouldn’t be far. She was vis-a-vis his apartment after all. All he needed to do was watch her undress again. Maybe this time he’d take her out for dinner afterwards.
Fuck, he didn’t even ask her for her name.
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raindownforme · 3 years
Charlie Slimecicle x reader [she/her used]
“It really doesn’t matter Ted.”
“y/n, this is painful to watch. You can’t keep doing this.”
She sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose. “I don’t know why I told you in the first place.”
“Because I’m your best friend. Because you know I’m also his best friend. Because it is so painfully obvious-“
She felt her face flush. “It is not!”
“Have you seen yourself?” y/n rolled her eyes. “Have you seen how you act? How you talk to him? You can act like you aren’t in love with him all you want and you can think he doesn’t love you if that’s what makes you happy-“
“You know Ted it really fucking doesn’t-“
“Then just ask! Ask him if he loves you-“
“He doesn’t okay?” y/n glared at Ted. “He doesn’t and I’m fine with it. I know I-I’m not his type and I’m just his best friend but I can’t help it.”
Ted hesitated, swallowing before he said something he knew he didn’t want to. “Then why not just get over it if you’re so convinced? I just- I want you to be happy, y/n.”
“I want him to love me so bad. Even just him smiling at me makes me feel like I’m floating.” She closed her eyes and sighed. “He told me I was pretty one time and I felt so special. I felt so amazing, like it made me someone just to have him call me pretty once. Ted I can’t get over this. I’ve tried. I’ve tried to make something out of hook ups and going out with strangers but it just isn’t the same.”
The two stood in silence. Ted sighed, and walked over to her, scrapping his arms around her in a loose hug. “I’m sorry y/n.” He voice was barely above a whisper. “I’m sorry I got so upset.”
“I know it’s okay-“ she pulled away from him and met eyes with Charlie. She felt her heart stop cold. She had thought her and Ted were the only ones in the house. “I-I’m sorry I didn’t know-“
“Oh no I wasn’t streaming.” He rushed his words. He didn’t seem to want to look at y/n but he made a poor job of it. “I didn’t mean to interrupt-“
“No! You’re fine Charlie.”
“The, uh, that guys sounds like an asshole.”
Ted watched the interaction with wide eyes. She scratched at the nape of her neck and glanced towards Ted with wide eyes. He caught her glance and did his best to hold back a laugh. “I- I guess you could say that?”
“Oh. Is it anyone I know?”
y/n felt her heart drop to her feet. “Uhm, I-“
“It’s Cooper!”
y/n watched the emotion change on Charlie’s face and he processed what Ted said. “Cool. Awesome.”
“Oh would you look at the time! I have somewhere to be!” y/n did her best to step away from the boys.
“But you said-“
“I know what I said!” She cut Ted off and rushed down the hall.
Charlie leaned closer to the tall man. “I asked you to talk me up one time. One fucking time. One.”
Charlie walked back towards his room and Ted looked back and forth between the two walking away from. He didn’t know how to fix what he’d started.
The whole house was laughing. Forks were gently scraping against plates, drinks were being knocked around, and everyone was enjoying what Ted had made for dinner, except for a special someone. Charlie hadn’t talked the whole meal. He hadn’t felt the compulsion to. He had tried burying himself in his food because he knew if he looked up, he would look at y/n, who had spent the whole meal sitting directly across from Cooper. Of course Cooper was Charlie’s immediate left, so it wasn’t super far.
Charlie wasn’t jealous. Charlie would swear by not being jealous. He had just happened to pick this seat because it was nearest to y/n, and it was the only one nearest because she had taken the seat directly across from Cooper, and the only one to the side of her was taken by Traves, so he had no choice in the matter. And Charlie would sit there, listening to y/n laugh at what cooper says and tell you he wasn’t jealous because why should he be? She’d made it clear she loved Cooper. She made it clear how she felt and how he made her feel. And no matter how Charlie felt, no matter how much it killed him. He knew he had to go on with it.
A chair scraped the floor and Charlie whipped his head up. y/n had stood up and was taking in Cooper and Traves’s plates as they kept joking. She reached a hand out to Charlie, as if to offer, but he shook his head. She got up and walked away, and Charlie looked back down at his now empty plate.
“Dude, are you okay?”
He looked up at Cooper and tried to not vomit in anger. “Yeah, f’course.”
“Really? You don’t seem okay.”
He glared a Traves for a moment, then closed his eyes and sighed. “Cooper,” his voice was hushed. “Do you understand what you’re doing?”
“What I’m doing?” Cooper furrowed his brow glanced at Traves. “Charlie, what are you-?”
“She is nice. She is kind and patient and funny and so goddamn beautiful, and if you kill her I swear to god Cooper-“
“Charlie.” Cooper’s voice cut through him harshly. “I don’t know what you’re talking about. You’re saying these things like she’s in love with me, and we both know she’s obviously not.”
Charlie huffed and stood up. He grabbed his plate and walked to the kitchen. He set the dish roughly in the sink and sighed. He looked out the floor-to-ceiling windows and saw y/n standing alone on the patio. He hesitated a moment, then walked out to the sliding glass door. He opened and closed it as silently as possible, not wanting to disturb her, but still she turned to smile at him.
“Hey Charlie! What’s up?”
He made his way over to her. He kept looking at her hands on the railing, so he placed his next to hers. They looked right, so close together. He smiled at it distractingly, before snapping himself out of his distracted stupor and back towards the city skyline y/n had been looking at. But she wasn’t looking at it anymore. Instead, she was watching Charlie stumble over his words.
“So... Cooper.”
She looked back out at the buildings in the distance and tried to ignore the heat rising in her face. “Yeah. Cooper.”
“I am not saying this to be mean, but you are not his type.”
She sighed and moved her hands closer to his. “Charlie-“
“No, y/n, he’s going to hurt you.” With one hand still on the railing, he turned himself fully towards her. “You’re not his type, and thats perfectly fine because Cooper shouldn’t be your type. You deserve someone who knows who you are. And there is! There is someone who knows your favorite ice cream and how you take your caffeine and what side of the couch you always want and the fork that you always use and that you hate the incense Ted bought and won’t tell him and that you hate the color orange and that you can’t fall asleep with the blinds closed because you like waking up in sunlight. And I know who knows all this because it’s me! It’s me because I love you and I want to make you as happy as Cooper does and I want to tell you every day how pretty I think you are and why is it not me?” Charlie panted, realizing just now how long he’d been talking and how much he’d been gesturing with his hands. He took a deep breath and took one of her hands in his, lacing their fingers together loosely. “Why isn’t it me y/n?”
“Charlie, it is you. That’s why me and Ted were arguing.” She squeezed Charlie’s hand and he looked up at her. She was smiling at him, and that smile killed him in the best way. That smile made her eyes squint and made little wrinkles around her nose and chin and she would always try and hide her teeth for a second but just let herself smile. “Do you remember when you called me pretty? It was this one time we were hiking and we got all the way to the top and you handed me the water-“
“I remember. You were wearing those boots Traves bought you-“
“They were good boots!”
“You rolled your ankle four times on that hike!” She laughed and Charlie continued. “But just the sun and the trees- y/n, you are so fucking beautiful.”
The girl laughed and squeezed his hand. “Didn’t say it quite like that but I appreciate the effort.”
He gently slid a hand around y/n’s waist. “If I knew it would’ve made you that happy, I would’ve told you every day.”
She giggled, inching closer to her face. “You can start telling me now.”
He pressed a chaste kiss to her nose. “You’re pretty.” And again to her cheek. “You’re so pretty.” Then to her eyebrow. “You’re beautiful.” To her chin. “You’re so...”
Charlie paused, he was holding her face gently with one hand while another had snaked around her waist onto the small of her back. He gazed at her, lightly running a thumb over her cheek. “Charlie...” her voice was soft and it sent shivers down his spine. “If you’re going to kiss me, you’d better do it now.”
He laughed, and kissed her almost harshly. His glasses pushed against her nose and her lips were kind of chapped, but they both still smiled into the contact.
y/n pulled away first, laughing. “Why didn’t we do that ages ago?”
“I don’t know!” Charlie felt like his cheeks were going to split, but he kept smiling. The two stood close to each other in silence, reveling in the moment.
“Hey,” y/n’s voice was almost a whisper. “Do you wanna go back inside yet?
“What are you cold?” She nodded and Charlie took off his thin hoodie to wrap it around her. “Stay out here with me a bit.”
She nodded and leaned against him, staring at the skyline. “Of course. I’d stay here for ages. We’ve got time to make up for.”
223 notes · View notes
Pairing: Manuel Neuer x fem!reader (3rd person)
Word Count: 6,018
Warnings: rpf, mentions of age gap (not between reader and Manu and nothing illegal) and strong opinions on that, banter, jealousy, infuriation, fluff and cuteness
Summary: The reader finally catches her long time crush Manuel Neuer alone on her uncle's birthday. Things are quickly starting to get heated—sadly it's not the kind of heated she would have liked it to be.
A/N: Most of you probably don't know Manuel Neuer. He is the goalkeeper and captain of Bayern Munich as well as the German National Football Team and every once in a while I find my thoughts drifting towards that adorable and amazingly talented manchild. This story has been sitting in my drafts for far too long and I wasn't sure whether I felt comfortable with publishing it in case it ever got finished. But I found that there is an intolerable lack of Manuel Neuer x reader fics on here, so here it is. I tagged everyone from my general tag list, but I understand if this is not what you signed up for. So sorry in advance and please feel free to ignore this story at your leisure.
Picture found on Pinterest
If you like my story, you are very welcome to like, comment or reblog. Please don’t copy, repost or share my work on other platforms.
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It was only a few minutes to midnight and still the dance floor was as filled as ever, an enchanting mixture of young and old people alike. The bass rolled deep in his stomach, making him even queasier than he already was, and the lights, flickering across the mass of moving bodies in sync to the rhythm of the music, didn’t help either.
Suddenly a figure broke through the outer wall of bodies and made her way over to his table. A small smile crawled over her lips, a little shy but genuine, yet he didn’t feel like returning it. He had hoped that she would change her mind upon the disgruntled look on his face, but much to his dismay, she did nothing of the sort and sat down right next to him, just as a waitress passed the table with a tray of colourful shots. The woman next to him stopped her, before she turned to him.
“Care for a drink?”
Did he care for a drink? He yearned for one.
“No, thanks. I’m not really fond of drinking.”
“Shame,” she shrugged, her smile growing a bit wider when she took two shots from the tray anyway. For a second he thought she might actually force him to drink with her, but then she placed down the two glasses in front of herself. Raising her first glass to him, she gulped it down in one swig, wiping her mouth with the back of her hand afterwards.
“Do you care for a dance then?” She nodded over to the dance floor, her eyes and body inviting him to take the offer.
He found that he somehow couldn’t hold her gaze when he answered, “I’m afraid I’m also not very fond of dancing.”
Her forearms resting on the table, she leaned closer, obviously not taking the hint that he just wanted to be left in peace and quiet.
“Then what are you fond of?”
“I think you know pretty well what I’m fond of.” To his own surprise he sounded even harsher than he had attempted to, but the last thing he needed right now was an eager fan trying to engage him in a conversation.
“I do,” she retorted undeterred, “but that’s not what I wanted to know. See, you might not have noticed through all your sulking, but I was actually interested in you as a person, not as a footballer.”
He huffed, although he wasn’t sure she had heard him above the music.
“And you might have noticed that I am not interested in talking about private stuff to complete strangers.”
Sure, he was being massively impolite, but at least he hoped that this would do the trick now. But instead of finally leaving him alone, she shot him an amused look.
“Ooooh, grumpy, aren’t we?”
Now it was him who leaned in closer, making sure she could hear him properly. “Look, it’s nothing personal, okay? I just...it wasn’t such a great evening for me.”
Unintentionally his eyes wandered over to the dance floor for a split second, where a very young, very blonde girl was dancing happily among his teammates and their wives and girlfriends. Cursing himself, he looked over to the woman by his side carefully, hoping she hadn’t noticed. But of course she had, her eyes still fixed on the girl.
“Ah, I see.” She turned to him and the glint in her eyes made his stomach turn. “Puberty is a bitch, eh?”
“Excuse me?” he spat, equal parts bewildered and stunned.
“You heard me alright.”
Who did she think she was? Impertinent woman.
“I don’t think that’s any of your business.” The volume of his voice must have slipped his control a little, as he noticed a group of elderly men standing nearby turn into his direction. Still the woman’s smile never left her face, appeasing the men who turned away again.
“Really? After all I have to sit here with a pissed thirty something man who refuses to acknowledge he let his hormones get the best of him.”
“Whoa! Okay, first of all, it was you who decided to come and sit at this table and second, again, none of your goddamn business.”
Her answer was a simple grin, still not fazed by his anger in the slightest. It almost felt as if she was enjoying to get him riled up.
“You’re right.”
“What do you mean ‘and’?”
He rolled his eyes heavily. Why couldn’t she just leave?
“You know, that phrase usually goes with an apology. Like ‘You’re right. Sorry I assumed you’re having a mid-life crisis and bang a chick that is 15 years your junior to boost your fragile ego.’”
“Do you?”
Inhaling deeply, he tried to calm himself a little. After all, he couldn’t afford to yell at her again, not that he didn’t want to, but causing even more unwanted attention was not in his plans for tonight.
“I didn't say that.”
“Well actually,” she looked at him triumphantly, “you kind of did. I never said you were having a midlife crisis or that you need her to boost your ego. Those were your words. And seeing that my assumptions caused a reaction like that, I’m afraid I can’t really say I’m sorry either.”
All right, that was it. Enough was enough.
“Look, I think I have an assumption for you too, lady. I’m starting to assume that you only came over here to rile me up further. And guess what, mission completed. So why don’t you do us both a favour and head off to pester someone else now?”
She was quiet for a moment and for the first time, the cheeky smile left her beautiful, burgundy lips. He had expected her to be a bit shaken at least, maybe even as pissed as himself, and yet the next words were spoken with such dignity that he couldn’t help but admire her a little for it.
“Oh, I would love to say you’re right again, but I’m afraid I can’t this time. And since we seem to have warmed up to each other quite a bit by now, I feel it’s okay to be completely honest with you.” She paused a second, simply for the effect, he guessed and her warm eyes never left his. “I came to sit with you because you looked miserable. Still do, by the way. And I thought you might need an actual grown up to talk to. But it seems I was wrong. You’re just a pouty manchild, like the rest of them.”
She waved her arm, pointing over at the dancing crowd of his friends and their spouses. His eyes followed her gesture and when he laid eyes on the heart of the matter, a hot flush of rage began to swirl through his veins, making his hands clench into fists. Fully set on giving her a piece of his mind, not caring who might hear him at this point, he turned to her again. But the familiar figure that had somehow entered the picture without his notice made him stop in his tracks.
“Here you are, sweetie.” The man cooed, laying his large hand on her shoulder in a protective gesture. “I almost got the feeling you were hiding from me since I made you promise to dance with me tonight.”
She twisted her slender neck to look up at his gentle face, her attention making him smile sweetly at her.
“You know I’d never do that to you, Uncle Hans, especially not on your birthday. I just thought your no. 1 goalkeeper here was in need of some mature company, but clearly he is perfectly happy with the way things are.”
Bewilderment flickered behind the coach’s gaze as he looked between his niece and one of his best players and Manuel was sure that this might not be the last time they would speak about this matter.
“So then, may I have that dance now, sweetheart?”
“With pleasure.” Manuel watched almost transfixed as she gracefully took her uncle’s hand and stood up. It was only now that he noticed how perfectly her dress showed off her voluptuous curves. He was almost certain that she would leave without another word when once again she proved him wrong. Turning on her heels, she grabbed the remaining shot and gulped it down in one large swig before she looked down at him, almost as regal as a queen.
“Have a pleasant evening, Mister Neuer. I’m sorry I can’t say I enjoyed our conversation more. Oh, and just in case you should ever feel in need to talk to a grown up, don’t call.”
She could still feel his piercing look on her back as Hansi led her through the crowd and away from him. They had just begun to dance when the song changed and a much slower tune echoed through the large room. With a smug grin, her uncle pulled her closer, bringing his hand to the small of her back. Cheek to cheek he swayed her to the beat and she could feel that her mind was almost beginning to slow down, when he decided to pick up a conversation.
“Will you tell me what that was all about?”
She bit her lip like a little girl that was about to be scolded. “Do I have to?”
He chuckled deeply, the vibration rumbling against her chest and she could easily imagine the self-satisfied grin on his face.
“I’m certainly not going to force you. It’s just, you know, I always thought you kind of liked him.”
Instantly, she could feel her face heat up. How could he possibly know that?
“True. Liked, as in past tense. And besides, it’s not that I actually know him, personally, I mean. You could perhaps say I admire his talent, at most. And he also may be kind of easy on the eyes.”
She had become more and more quiet while she spoke, merely mumbling the last sentence. But he had heard her nonetheless, her silliness making his lips twitch in amusement.
“Hm. I clearly remember your aunt begging me to invite him over for a barbecue party last summer, telling me that you wouldn’t shut up about his quiet reserve, his amazing performance on the field and his stunning smile. Sadly he didn’t have time.”
She gulped audibly, tensing up a little in his arms, which made him enjoy their little talk even more. “So, what changed your mind?”
“He did,” she said a little too quickly, before she sighed so heavily that her uncle almost regretted bringing this topic up after all. “It’s just, I don’t understand his choice in women. I mean, he could choose literally anyone, so why her? I mean, she clearly doesn’t make him happy.”
“And how do you know that? You have spoken to him for what? Like five minutes?” He turned them around, making her face the gloomy goalie once more, before he went on. “I might be wrong, sweetheart, but I think you’re just jealous.”
Over his shoulder her gaze met Manuel’s for a split second before his eyes shot to his right, where the blonde teenager stepped into the picture, blocking him from view. She sat down on his lap, her arms dragging around his neck possessively, as her lips met his in a feverish kiss. Averting her gaze immediately, her eyes darkened and her heart clenched heavily in her chest.
“If by jealous you mean disenchanted, you’re right.”
Her bitter words made him loosen his grip on her so that he could see her face, and the hurt in her eyes pained him more than he cared for.
“I know you probably won’t believe me, but he really is a good person.”
She scoffed while her incredulous eyes landed on her uncle’s soft, blue orbs. “Well, he certainly hid that pretty well.”
He gave her a tight lipped smile. “I think he’s just lost his way a little at the moment.”
“So you think I’m right then?”
The excited sparkle in her eyes made him regret his honest words a little.
“I didn’t say that.” He protested strongly. In the end it was not for him to judge his players’ private lives. “After all he is a grown man and he can decide for himself.” He could see her face fall again and so he was quick to add, “Nevertheless, I don’t think you’re completely wrong either.”
He was very pleased to see that his words had caused a small smile to crawl back to her pretty lips. He almost felt like a proud father and when she finally leaned back in a bit closer, her forgiving gesture almost made him a bit bold.
“So, uhm, one more question, sweetheart. In the unlikely event that he should after all need a grown woman to talk to, can I give him your number?”
“Certainly not,” she insisted with a steady voice, but when she looked at him, the adorable grin on her face left no doubt that this was the biggest lie she had ever told.
Manuel was furious as he watched her leave towards the dance floor with the coach. How could she dare call him out like that and then leave without giving him the chance to set her straight? His eyes fixed on her, he watched as Flick pulled her closer, his eyes following her uncle’s hand to the small of her back. Being the gentleman he was, his hand had found the only spot on her back that was actually covered by the dark red fabric of her dress. And for a second he imagined what it might actually feel like to let his hand wander upwards until it covered her bare skin. Or maybe he could let it slip down a few inches, until his fingers would grasp the soft flesh of her behind. He had just been able to fully picture the exact feeling of her body pressed up to his when he could feel the man who actually held her in his arms catch his indecent look on his niece’s back. Immediately he sat up straight, averting his gaze, completely missing the amused smile on the other man’s face, and when he turned back to face him, he almost lost it when he found her sparkling eyes instead.
He was still trying to figure out what had happened, when he heard a familiar voice calling him.
“Hey, babe.” The high pitched noise made him flinch and instinctively his eyes shot to his right, just in time to pull his arms away before she slumped down onto his lap clumsily. She laid it on thickly as her arms wrapped around his neck.
“I missed you on the dance floor, honey bun. Why don’t you come dance with me?”
And before he even had the chance to answer, her lips crashed down on his mouth almost painfully, her tongue forcing his lips to open. The stench of alcohol filled his mouth and he pushed her drunken form off of him determinedly. Before she even had the chance to protest, he lifted her up and placed her in his chair.
“I don’t think dancing is a good idea in your condition.” She glared at him, but then she seemed to have forgotten what for and her lips turned up into a sheepish smile.
“Whatever you say, babe.”
“Look, why don’t you just stay here and I get you a nice, big glass of water to sober you up a little?”
She began to nod, but then her eyes lost focus und she stared past him at god knows what.
“All right, I’ll be back in a sec. Don’t go anywhere.”
Quickly he made his way over to the counter and ordered a whole bottle of water, when he felt the slap of a hand on his left shoulder.
“Wow, you look even more frustrated than after our knock out at the World Cup in 2018. What happened?”
“Don’t ask.” He sighed as he turned around to face his friend. Manuel hoped that he would accept his wish, but when he saw the apologetic look on Thomas’ face, he instantly knew that he wouldn’t drop the topic.
“Too late. I just did.”
With a dramatic roll of his eyes, the next words were spoken more to himself than to his teammate.
“Great, just what I need. Another pain in my ass.”
“Another? Who was the first then?” Obviously Thomas had taken no offence and sounded a bit too cheerful for Manuel’s liking.
He looked over at the dance floor, where the impertinent woman was just sending her uncle the most beautiful, cheeky grin he had ever seen.
“Who? Y/N?” his friend asked incredulously.
Y/N. So that was her name.
“You know that annoying woman?”
“I do, although I can’t really say she’s annoying. Met her at the coach’s home once. She seemed rather sweet and intelligent to me.”
“She certainly hid that pretty well,” Manuel growled under his breath, earning him a surprised frown from Thomas.
“Are you gonna stand here and stare daggers at her or are you gonna tell me what she did to make you throw a fit?”
“She approached me out of nowhere to tell me that I’m dating a teenager to compensate my inability to commit to a partner on eye level.”
Thomas let his words sink in for a while.
“That doesn’t really sound like her. I mean, what reason would she have to come at you like that? She doesn’t even know you.”
Manuel sighed, thinking about the way she had somehow coaxed the statements from him instead of making them herself.
“Well, she might have phrased it differently,” he admitted meekly. That seemed to spark Thomas’ interest even further and he could feel his expectant look on him, pressing him to finally tell the whole truth.
“Actually she didn’t say it like that. She only made an allusion and made me somehow say those things myself.”
“Mhm. And exactly what allusion did she make?”
Manuel rolled his eyes again, his ego still fighting to repeat her words out loud.
”She said puberty was a bitch, clearly hinting at the fact that she thought my girlfriend was too young for me.”
He hadn’t even finished his sentence when Thomas’ roaring laughter filled the air.
“Now that does sound more like her.”
He needed a bit to contain himself when he suddenly looked up at Manuel with an unusually serious expression on his face.
“And I have to admit, Manu, she kind of has a fair point there.”
Manuel could not believe his ears.
“Come on, man. It’s what everyone thinks. She just said it out loud.”
“Fuck you.”
But instead of rising to his expletive, Thomas just looked at him sympathetically. Pushing himself off of the counter, he pat his shoulder in an attempt to encourage him a little, ready to leave him to his self-denial.
But then he stopped. “You know, I personally didn’t have a problem with it. You’re an adult, you can make your own choices. As long as you’re happy, right? But the truth is, Manu, I don’t think you are. Not anymore.”
“See, I told you he wouldn’t be here. No need for all the panic beforehand.”
She narrowed her eyes at her cousin, shooting her a dirty look.
“Yeah, and I hope it’ll stay that way. Oh, and for the record: I wasn’t panicking at all, it was just you and your sister’s sudden eagerness to lure me here that got me suspicious and nervous in the first place.”
“We didn’t lure you here,” her other cousin piped up a little offendedly. “We simply wanted to spend some time with you. Come on, it’s been what, like 4 months now? Since you moved to Munich three years ago, we hardly get to see you anymore.”
“You and our father,” her sister added quickly. “So it seemed the best option to kill two birds with one stone and bring you along. After all it’s called a family day, right?”
Y/N sighed, not fully convinced, but finally ready to let the topic go.
“Right. Let’s just hope for your sakes that there will be no surprises today that might prove your guilt after all.”
“How are my girls doing?” she heard a familiar voice from behind her back, turning towards her favourite uncle with a beaming smile. What she didn’t see, however, was the brief look that was exchanged between her cousins as soon as she had turned her back, proving exactly what she had suspected all along.
“We’re good, dad. Actually, we’re more than good, we’re excellent,” the older cousin chirped.
“Great.” He paused a moment, but it was clear that he had more to say. Rocking back and forth on his feet, he looked from one woman to the other. “So,” he began carefully, before a huge Cheshire grin spread across his face. “I hope you all reserved a dance for me tonight.”
“Oh, no, daddy, not again.”
“Please, don’t make us do this.”
“There will be dancing here? If you had told me that beforehand, I certainly wouldn’t have come.”
“Of course there will be dancing. I thought that was obvious.” He had to try very hard to look a little slighted, while he actually drew a horrendous amount of amusement from their antics. “Remember, girls, we have a tradition to uphold. Whenever there is some dancing at a party, you have to reserve at least one dance for me. That’s the rule.”
And with that he turned and left them on their own again.
“Ugh, why does he always have to do that to us?” her younger cousin whined.
“Oh stop it, silly. You’re the one who likes it the most and everyone knows.”
She had been the first to pay tribute to the family tradition and after a very exhausting Discofox dance session, luckily one of her cousins had taken over from her. Kicking off her heels, she welcomed the feel of the cool grass underneath the soles of her feet. Walking over to one of the empty tables, she slumped down heavily into one of the comfortable looking chairs. With a contented smile she let herself fall back against the backrest, closing her eyes and breathing in the mild air of the warm summer night.
“Care for a drink?”
His voice made her jump, sitting up straight immediately, eyes shooting wide open. And there he was, two shot glasses in his large hands and grinning down at her, obviously very satisfied with the slight scare he had just given her. He looked amazing, the smug bastard, in his casual jeans and white shirt, two buttons undone, topped with a sporty black jacket. She highly doubted that she had ever seen a finer man in her entire life. Luckily that didn’t make her lose her sharp tongue.
“And here I am thinking that you weren’t fond of alcohol. What happened?”
He smiled sheepishly, only one corner of his mouth tugged up, when he handed her her drink. He took his time, grabbing a chair and positioning it opposite hers, then sitting down carefully, not wanting to spill the shot all over his chest. She had already come to think that he was trying to avoid her question after all, when he locked eyes with her and finally began to speak.
“Hm. It’s been a while since I last saw you. A lot of things happened, you know. Maybe it was finally time for me to grow up.”
“Hear, hear.” With a mischievous smile she raised her glass. “To your coming of age, then.”
He rolled his eyes playfully. “If you insist.”
His magnificent blue eyes never left hers while they chinked glasses, and a second later she could feel the more than welcome liquid moisturising her suddenly very dry mouth.
With a thud, their glasses landed on the table, both of them chuckling like giddy children when their eyes found each other again and then, for a moment, there was nothing but silence. The world seemed to have zoned out, leaving behind nothing but his aquamarine orbs and the wild smile on his face.
Just gradually, the world seemed to set back in again. There was the monotonous clitter of the crickets, overlaid by the muffled sound of the music that was carried over by a soft breeze, and loudest of all she could hear the beating of her own heart against her chest.
“What else has changed now that you are a proper adult?” she heard herself ask, not having the faintest idea where those words came from and how the hell she managed to deliver them so smoothly when her whole body seemed to have gotten out of control.
He took a quick look over his shoulder, his thumb pointing in the same direction.
“If you mean the dancing, I’m still not very fond of that.” Her face must have fallen a little because he was quick to add, “Except...”
“Except what?”
His eyes landed back on hers and she almost choked on her hitching breath.
“Except I think I could make an exception for the right partner.”
From the corner of her eye she registered a movement between their bodies, but she was hesitant to let her view stray from his captivating appearance. At last it was something in his eyes that looked at her expectantly which finally made her snap out of her trance.
Looking down at his hand sheepishly, it took her a while to fathom that he was actually asking her to dance with him.
Slowly her eyes wandered up to his again, asking a silent question, which he answered with an almost imperceptible rise of his eyebrows. And before she knew what she was doing, she laid her hand in his and let him pull her to her feet.
He had just turned towards the source of the music, when she suddenly held him back.
“No, wait.”
With a puzzled look he did what she asked of him and let her twist him back around.
“Why don’t we just stay here? The music is loud enough anyway.”
A gentle smile curved his lips. “Sure, if that’s what you want.”
She nodded softly, her teeth biting down on her lip in excitement.
And before she knew what was happening, she found herself secured against his chest by his firm grip. It felt like being pressed up to a hot furnace which she would usually have appreciated any other time, but on a sweltry night like this and in a place she had wanted to be in for so long, it was pure torture. And as if this wasn’t bad enough already, his strong fingers pressed down on her lower back, threatening to scorch her even through the fabric of her blouse as he pulled her an impossible inch further into him. He was so close now that she could sense the heat radiating off his cheek as well, bringing along a whiff of his enticing scent and she couldn’t help but close her eyes as she inhaled deeply and her head began to spin. It was odd, but her mind was completely blank by now, blank except for one thought and her lips spread into a blissful smile as she repeated it in her head again and again, relishing in the feeling that if either of them moved just the tiniest bit, their cheeks would inevitably touch.
Slowly they moved and despite the unhurried shift of their bodies her heart was beating so violently that she thought it pondered jumping out of her chest to meet his. There was no chance he wouldn’t be able to tell from the way he held her, and when he finally drew away a tad to look at her, she fully expected him to call her out for it.
But he didn’t. Instead his sinfully soft lips curled into a reassuring smile before he spoke.
“You were right.”
“I beg your pardon?”
A cute chuckle escaped his mouth, leaving the corners of his eyes crinkled in the most beautiful display of amusement.
“About what you said at your uncle’s birthday party.”
“Oh.” She had said a lot that evening, words that she had come to regret later and remembering them now set her cheeks on fire. “About what exactly?”
“About everything,” he admitted without hesitation, yet he couldn’t hide the spark of misery that flitted across his sea blue orbs. “Didn’t take me very long after that night to finally see things clearly.”
“I’m sorry to hear that.” It was true. Although she knew that she probably sounded like a madwoman after everything she had confronted him with back then, at least the frown on his forehead seemed to confirm that. “I truly am. I really would have liked to see you happy.” Even if it was with that girl.
She was glad she had managed to keep that last bit to herself. She had no idea why she had said that she was sorry in the first place, but judging by the wild smile on his face it must have been the right words after all.
“Well, I certainly am happier now than I was that night.” He shrugged. “So, thank you, I guess.”
She huffed. “For what? Making absolutely inappropriate remarks on your relationship? I shouldn’t have done that. I know that now. So it should be me who is sorry here, don’t you think?”
She could feel his fingertips press into the soft flesh of her back.
“Don’t be. I guess you were exactly what I needed.” It took him a second before he realised what he had just said. “I mean it. It was exactly what I needed.”
His eyes snapped to the left and she was thankful that he couldn’t see the grin that decorated her lips as she watched the treacherous colour creep into his cheeks, spreading all the way to his ears. For a while he didn’t say another word, probably still trying feverishly to figure out a way to take back his slip of the tongue. And when he finally spoke, she wished he hadn’t.
“There is one thing though that I have gone over and over in my mind. But no matter how long I think about it, it just won’t make sense.”
She already knew that she wouldn’t like where this conversation was heading now, but she found herself asking nonetheless.
“And what is that?”
His head turned without a warning as his eyes searched her gaze and for the blink of an eye his lips came so close that she couldn’t say if they had actually brushed along hers or if her needy heart had just imagined their brief touch. He didn’t answer her question right away, his breath blending with her own in the narrow space between their faces and suddenly she wasn’t so sure anymore if she had really only dreamed up their fleeting foretaste of a kiss.
“Why did you do it?” Panic rose in her chest. She hadn’t done anything. After all it had been him who had turned his head. But as he went on, she realised that he wasn’t referring to that at all and the suffocating distress eased away bit by bit. “I mean, we didn’t even know each other when you decided to come at me like that.”
Now it was her who had to avert her gaze.
“I think I don’t really want to answer that question.”
“Why not?” His voice was so soft and gentle, making it even harder to answer him.
“Because the truth might be kind of ugly.”
“But the outcome wasn’t, so I think I’ll take that risk.”
Her feet stopped their mechanical movements as a violent shiver ran down her spine. So this would be it then. It would be over before it had really begun. Pity. But at least she would have the memory of these few minutes, of his genuine smile and the way he had held her tight against his chest. With a deep sigh she bid their daydream of a dance goodbye.
“I could tell you now that it was for some noble reason, but at the bottom of it all I think it was nothing more than jealousy that drew me to your table that night. I had been unable to ignore you all evening — ignore her. The way she behaved like a spoiled brat, drinking and losing control, not caring in the least that she not only made a fool out of herself but of you as well. God, I hated her in that moment, for having everything I ever wanted and riding roughshod over it. And when I saw you sitting there, looking so utterly crestfallen, somehow I couldn’t help it.”
An undefinable silence settled between them and the only sound that remained was the beat of the music wafting over from the party that went on behind his back. The faint whisper of the melody seemed to push itself up between them and tear them further apart, exactly as she had expected. And just like the bass, her heartbeat slowed until it died away completely.
It was over and everything she wanted to do was let go of his hand so she could do him the favour of leaving, but to her astonishment he refused to set her free. And rather then releasing her from his grip, he squeezed her hand, briefly and just once, but it was enough for her to find the courage and face him. But instead of finding a frown or a scornful pair of eyes, his blinding smile made her forget to breathe for a moment.
“I had hoped you might say that.” And with that he pulled her into his arms again and continued swaying her to the music as if she had not just revealed her repulsive self to him. Her brain still a step behind, she couldn’t do anything but stare up at him stupidly.
“What? Why?”
“Isn’t that obvious?” And when she shook her head like a petrified imbecile, an amused chuckle rumbled through his chest. “Because even though your behaviour was extremely infuriating, I have to admit that I like you. And asking you out on a date will be so much easier now that I know you like me too.”
With a violent jolt, the useless muscle inside her chest started to beat again, its heavy pounding filling her ears with white noise as the world around her started to spin. Unable to stop the motion, she felt herself leaning in, her nails digging into the undoubtedly expensive fabric of his jacket as she desperately tried to gain control over her unruly body.
“So, will you go out with me?”
It seemed like an eternity until she finally mustered the strength for a mechanical nod. Neither had she noticed in her struggle that he had stopped dancing, nor that the priceless look on her face had made his eyes and heart go soft for her.
“Great. That’s settled then. When are you free?”
It was only when he took a step back, taking his warmth with him as his hand slipped out of hers, that she snapped out of her trance.
“Now? Like right now?”
More like now as in before she could screw everything up again.
“Yes, why not? I know you have a busy schedule, so finding a date when we are both free might be tough. And above that, it is a beautiful summer evening.”
Had all those words really fallen from her mouth right now? Embarrassed about her lack of composure, her hand flew up to her mouth, making him smile again.
“I guess you have a fair point there.” And just like that, his hand was there again, fingers entwining slowly with hers like they had never been meant for anyone else. “All right then, let’s get out of here.”
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zintranslations · 3 years
Kaleidoscope of Death, Ch. 120
Kaleidoscope of Death by Xi Zixu Link to Chinese / Novel Updates
Chapter 120: The Thirteenth Door
Right after the new year, it came about time for Gu Longming to enter his door.
Ruan Nanzhu selected a sixth door hint slip, and on it was a name familiar to all—Minotaur. A monster from ancient Greek mythology with a bull's head and a human's body that guarded a maze.
In the myth, it was a creature of an extremely violent temperament born of a human and a white bull. Shut away in the Labyrinth on the island of Crete, it ate seven pairs of boys and girls each year. Then it was killed by a bastard son of Athens, Theseus. Point was, there wasn't much intel to gain about the door from a hint like this. Only once they went in and encountered the actual situation could they connect it to the hint on the paper slip.
Lin Qiushi also showed this hint to Gu Longming ahead of time. After Gu Longming received it, he expressed his thorough gratitude for Lin Qiushi, and Lin Qiushi too was forthright with a vaccination—he said that in this door, he could not be responsible for Gu Longming's life, and Gu Longming ought to prepare himself accordingly.
Gu Longming agreed to every stipulation, and said he had already prepared himself for never coming out.
Their time of entry was roughly the tenth of the lunar new year, when celebrations were trailing off, leisurely vacations were coming to an end, and everybody grew busy again.
Lin Qiushi readied everything and began to wait for the door.
The tenth quickly came. It was a bright, sunny afternoon, and few people were in the mansion. There was only Lin Qiushi sitting in the living room eating Lu Yanxue's freshly cooked pumpkin seeds. Lu Yanxue's culinary skills were, as usual, the best; the pumpkin seeds she fried up were flavored with the five spices and fragrant as all hell. Lin Qiushi could pass an entire afternoon with just a handful of the stuff.
Ruan Nanzhu had already gotten changed and was waiting upstairs. Lin Qiushi saw that it was about time, and so hoisted his hefty backpack and headed upstairs to go look for him.
Due to their last door, Lin Qiushi intentionally stuffed his bag with a great number of food items. Daily necessities from outside could be brought inside, but weapons that were more against the spirit of the doors were not. Guns and other firearms, for example, could not be brought inside.
Once you'd entered the doors, of course, there might exist some special limitations, like in the sanitarium door when the NPC told them the rule where they could not eat food brought in from the outside. The reality was that these kinds of limitations were rare, but all Lin Qiushi wanted to achieve was the principle of Better Safe Than Sorry. At any rate, the condition from the tenth door where they had to open a chest if they wanted to eat had left quite the shadow on his psyche.
Lin Qiushi entered Ruan Nanzhu's bedroom and sat with him on the bed for a while. Then he felt the atmosphere around him change. It took only the time of a blink for Ruan Nanzhu, who had been sitting right beside him, to disappear without a trace. Lin Qiushi pushed open the bedroom door in front of him and saw that what had originally been the hallway was now a series of twelve black metal doors. What a familiar sight.
He walked to the sixth door and gave it a tug. The next moment, Lin Qiushi was sucked in by an immense force. The scenery around him was also altering dramatically, and by the time he opened his eyes again, he could feel a faint rocking beneath his feet.
Lin Qiushi took a closer look, and discovered that he'd appeared on a large old ship. It was just about sunset, and there were black clouds frighteningly low in the sky, as if they were going to smother the horizon at any moment. Inky seawater tossed before him, blown into violent waves by the winds.
Lin Qiushi smelled the gamy salt of the ocean, and because of the excessive waves, the ancient deck beneath his feet was ceaseless in its swaying. He saw that on the floorboards, there were seaweed-clung creatures clutching at the wood, making for an immensely uncomfortable sight.
Lin Qiushi took a few steps forward and saw in the ship cabin a dim-glowing light. He followed the corridor to the interior, and heard miserable wailing coming from inside.
"Uwaaaa, why am I here? What the hell did you all do to me?!" It had been a while since he last heard these cries of a newbie—Lin Qiushi was actually a bit surprised. He spotted the crying person immediately. It was a young woman, wiping at her tears with her hands. "You goddamn perverts, you guys must have kidnapped me. I'm going to call the cops and have you all arrested!!"
Most people were listening to her sob in silence. Newbies, after all, only ever reacted in so many ways: most cried; some tried to run; and some, of the truly psychologically frail sort, came in and pretty much had an immediate meltdown.
Lin Qiushi stood where he was. He noticed that around this girl were a few people who didn't look so good, who also seemed in various degrees of panic. They clearly weren't prepared to enter a door, and were likely newbies like the girl. But at least they weren't wailing endlessly like the young woman, and were still calm in comparison.
Lin Qiushi's gaze searched through the crowd and very quickly found its target—a woman seated in a corner and smiling at him.
The woman wore a long dress—the same outfit Ruan Nanzhu wore before they came in.
Lin Qiushi had the script in his head, and he took his time approaching the woman and holding out his hand: "Yu Linlin."
"Zhu Meng." The woman took his hand and smiled. "The red thread of destiny found us inside this door, let's cherish this meeting."
Lin Qiushi couldn't help but laugh.
"Indeed. Let's cherish this meeting."
Really, this little drama queen of his—putting on a show even when there was no stage to be had.
Just as the two were talking, a young man came tumbling in through the door. Though his face was unfamiliar, his clothes told Lin Qiushi his identity—it was Gu Longming, who'd agreed to meet with Lin Qiushi over the internet.
Gu Longming was entirely soaked. Once he came in he began to curse under his breath: "fuckers, throwing me on a lifeboat—why don't you just throw me into the ocean huh? Goddamn jealous of my beauty or what—"
Though he kept his voice down, Lin Qiushi's hearing was superb, and so could easily hear all the crap he was spewing. For a moment, Lin Qiushi himself didn't know whether to laugh or cry.
Of course, he didn't laugh. He only cleared his throat once and covered his mouth with his hand, swallowing down the urge to smile. Gu Longming's eyes lapped the gathered people and very quickly fell upon Lin Qiushi and Ruan Nanzhu. He came over with a bright grin, greeting the two as if they'd just met completely by coincidence.
As a matter of act, this little trick where they faked a chance encounter was only useful for the earlier doors. Once in the later doors, that old fox-spirit manifested in everyone, and not having a partner actually made you the odd one out.
As for whether or not somebody would identify them as part of the same crew, Lin Qiushi used to worry about that. Now though, not so much.
The cabin of the old ship wasn't big, nor was it bright. The only lighting equipment was a handful of tiny kerosene lamps overhead, flickering periodically with the sway of the ship.
The sky grew darker outside, and the number of people kept increasing. Finally, it stopped at the count of fourteen.
Everybody assessed their surroundings as they met up with their own teammates. The crowd seemed to be very quickly divided up into teams, with the handful of newbies left out. Without much choice, they had to make up their own team.
Just as the crowd grew noisy with discussion, a middle-aged man came in from the outside. His get-up looked a bit like a medieval pirate, and he carried a swaying kerosene lamp in his hand.
"Welcome to the Black Skerry," the man spoke. His voice sounded quite raspy, like the effects of long-term drinking or smoking had brought about irreversible damage to his throat. "I hope you all have a good time here."
After he finished saying this, he laughed like a maniac, and his high-pitched laughter, like fingernails scoring a chalkboard, sent goosebumps rising along the skin.
"In ten days, the Black Skerry will reach harbor," the man said. "Our voyage will end then, so please enjoy our wonderful time together."
Just as he finished speaking, somebody rushed out of the cabin. Lin Qiushi first thought that this person had gotten scared, but not long after, there came from outside the sound of violent vomiting—it seemed that some unlucky bastard was seasick.
"Where in the world are we?" The sobbing young girl had also been scared by the man before her, and she spoke: "are we filming a show? I'm really, really scared, can I please quit? I don't want to play anymore, I'm begging you…"
The man completely ignored her. He merely went on watching the crowd with a cool gaze.
The girl seemed to want to go up and take hold of him, but when she got to his side she suddenly stopped, face draining of all color. She then backed up a few steps, as if she'd seen something truly terrifying.
Lin Qiushi's eyesight wasn't as good as Ruan Nanzhu's, and due to the dim lights he didn't see a thing. It was Ruan Nanzhu who quietly explained the situation to him:
"That person's covered in some sort of black insect."
Gu Longming shivered.
"Is he dead or alive then?"
"I don't know," Ruan Nanzhu said. "Doesn't look too good either way."
Under typical circumstances, only the NPC who provided them with the key information was somewhat normal. If even that NPC wasn't normal, then there really weren't any normal people to speak of.
Lin Qiushi hadn't imagined that their door this time would be an ancient ship. And by the looks of things, the time limit was ten days.
"Come along, I'll take to to where you'll sleep," the man said. "It'll be dark soon…and it'll rain."
After this, he began that manic laugh again, and the group was even more disturbed.
The man brought them to the guest cabins and began divvying up the rooms.
Most of the rooms here were doubles, with a rare triple here and there. At first, Lin Qiushi was assigned a double, but Gu Longming brazenly went and found a man to switch room numbers with, strong-arming them into a triple.
"You'll bargain for even this sort of thing?" Lin Qiushi shot Gu Longming a look of admiration.
"Well I'm scared of dying, aren't I…" Gu Longming said. He didn't want to sleep alone, and though it wasn't quite right to be a third wheel, being a third wheel was much better than being dead.
Ruan Nanzhu’s smile was inscrutable.
"That's fair."
They'd planned to inspect the entire ship, but because the night was already so dark, moving about outside would be too dangerous. They would rest first, and wait until tomorrow to make plans.
And so the three got their key and went to their room, getting into bed after quickly washing up.
When Ruan Nanzhu went to change, Gu Longming took the opportunity to poke at Lin Qiushi, whispering, "yo, not cool man, how come you didn't tell me you had such a pretty girlfriend?"
Lin Qiushi answered a vague: "…mh."
"Oh she's stunning," Gu Longming said with a sigh. "If I had a girlfriend like that I'd want to stick around her every day too."
As he spoke, he looked to Lin Qiushi with an expression that was both envy and admiration.
Lin Qiushi watched him back and wondered how he would react if he knew Ruan Nanzhu was drag queen. Of course, it wasn't something he could tell Gu Longming now. Gu Longming was not yet part of Obsidian, and the fact that Ruan Nanzhu wore drag was Obsidian's biggest most vital secret…
After Ruan Nanzhu got changed, he came back inside.
"What are you two talking about?"
"Nothing," Lin Qiushi answered in brief. "He said you were pretty."
Ruan Nanzhu replied with a meaningful oh.
Gu Longming: "…" Why did a chill suddenly go down his back?
The beds on the ship all emanated a damp smell—very uncomfortable for the people lying on top. At this point, the waves and wind were getting bigger, and even the sleeping quarters were beginning to rock. Lin Qiushi remembered that ridiculously seasick, endlessly vomiting pal of theirs from earlier and thought that that guy was pretty much done for.
The sky outside gradually darkened in entirety, leaving only the bellowing winds and the sound of waves beating against each other. With his eyes shut, Lin Qiushi grew drowsy—but before he could fall asleep, he was woken by a sudden crack of thunder. It was like lightning had struck right above their heads. With the loud boom, all three of them awoke in an instant.
After that, it was the pattering pour of rain. The rushing rain and the howling wind—they seemed on the verge of destroying everything.
Their quarters rocked even harder. Lin Qiushi sat up in his bed.
Through the window, he looked to the black evening outside. He saw, however, two illuminated lights. It seemed like the only light sources on deck were kerosene lamps, but how did these lamps stay so bright in the middle of a thunderstorm…? Just as Lin Qiushi wondered this, he suddenly felt that there was something off about those two lights, and Ruan Nanzhu, sitting behind him, spoke up quietly:
"Don't look anymore."
Lin Qiushi, "hm?"
"Those aren't lights," Ruan Nanzhu said. "Those are eyes."
A pair of yellow, inhuman eyes. The owner of the eyes spied through the darkness with malicious intent, as if a beast looking for its prey.
Lin Qiushi instantly looked away, and asked, "what is that thing?"
"I don't know, I can't tell," Ruan Nanzhu said. "The shape is humanoid, but it doesn't seem to be human."
Lin Qiushi's brows lightly furrowed, but by the time he looked out the window once more, the eyes were gone.
Thunder rumbled on and on, and that stench of ocean salt grew thicker and more cloying.
Ruan Nanzhu climbed into Lin Qiushi's bed, and holding each other, the two very quickly returned to sleep. However, the only bachelor present Gu Longming didn't have such luck. Lying beside Lin Qiushi, he stared with plaintive eyes, thinking that in the following days, he'd be fed enough dog food to bloat.
The rainstorm lasted until dawn, and though the rain let up, the weather did not turn any sunnier. Black storm clouds still hovered over the ship, and when the alarm rang, Lin Qiushi actually thought it was not yet morning. He checked the time, however, and saw that it was 8AM. It was just still dark outside.
"Good morning," Ruan Nanzhu greeted Lin Qiushi.
"Good morning. It's so dark outside today."
"It's probably going to keep raining," Ruan Nanzhu said. He walked out onto deck with Lin Qiushi and watched the black waters roil underneath the ship.
Looking up, they couldn't see any land, only the endless swath of sea. Only the old ship beneath their feet felt like any sort of reality.
This sort of isolating environment was easily taxing on the psyche. Even for Lin Qiushi, the scene before them was discomforting.
"Come on, let's go get breakfast," Gu Longming called to the two.
"He's pretty thick-skinned," Ruan Nanzhu commented after hearing Gu Longming's call.
"Yeah," Lin Qiushi said. "His nerves are petty good."
Inside the doors, you didn't have to be too smart, but you definitely had to be brave enough. Before terrifying situations, fright could make a person abandon a large part of their cognitive abilities. The smartest person could lack a strong heart and still do worse inside the door than the obtuse, oblivious Cheng Qianli.
The three went to the dining area and found there an atmosphere that could very well be called lifeless.
Lin Qiushi didn't know why at first. After he saw the menu, however, he couldn't help but also feel a touch of depression.
All the ship offered was fish. And it wasn't even fresh fish—Gu Longming poked at a dead-eyed staring head with his chopsticks and said, "is this thing even edible?"
It was disgusting just to look at.
"It looks gross," Lin Qiushi said. "Try a bit?"
Gu Longming took a bit of meat from the gills and gave it a taste. His expression twisted.
"Fuck, did they deduct the food budget for this door or what? It's disgusting. It's like they’ve had it outside for three days. You try it?"
Lin Qiushi, "oh no, no thank you."
Gu Longming: "…"
The breakfast served in the dining room was, for the most part, stale fish. Aside from that there was only flavorless noddles and peas. The environment had already been vicious enough, but the food in front of them now was salt on top of the wound.
But Lin Qiushi and Ruan Nanzhu didn't care at all. After seeing the inedible breakfast they snuck back to their room and fetched from their bags the food they'd prepared.
Gu Longming watched as they pulled out a bottle of chili sauce, eyes bulging out.
"You guys even brought Lao Gan Ma? Did you come here to picnic?"
"Want some?" Lin Qiushi drizzled the Lao Gan Ma over some noodles they'd brought out of the dining hall.
"Yeah yeah yeah. More please." Gu Longming's expression was shameless.
With breakfast finally done, they got ready to search the ship.
There were a total of three decks in the ship, constructed a bit like the sailing vessels of the great nautical era of the Middle Ages. It was extremely old, was all, covered in the marks and traces of times past.
Beside that NPC, they didn't see any other crew members on deck; there was likely only the one NPC on the entire ship. Wait for the ship's return was the mission the NPC left for them this time, but Lin Qiushi had thorough reason to believe that if they couldn't find the door in ten day's time, this voyage of theirs would cycle back and repeat—and they'd experience the ten days all over again.
When Lin Qiushi climbed onto the second deck, he heard a sort of thumping sound, and was uncertain if Ruan Nanzhu and Gu Longming had heard it as well. So he asked, "did you guys hear that?"
"What?" Gu Longming didn't seem to have heard.
Ruan Nanzhu said, "I think I did, but not very clearly."
"I think it came from the corner…" Lin Qiushi followed the sound forward. "Let's go see."
But before they could get close, Lin Qiushi was hit with a thick, fishy stench. It was disgusting and nauseating to smell; fortunately Cheng Yixie wasn't here, or he might have passed out immediately upon smelling it.
The source of the sound and smell was the same room, and they were close enough now that both Gu Longming and Ruan Nanzhu could hear the thumping noise as well.
The three of them slowed their steps, and through the window, looked into the room.
It was a kitchen with knives and other tools hanging inside. The most eye-catching thing, however, was the dense masses of dead fish hung up on hooks all over the sides.
A person in an apron stood in the center of the room with their back towards them and head down. They were chopping something. After some observation, Gu Longming almost gagged, and said, "don't tell me he's making our breakfast—"
Ruan Nanzhu was very calm.
"It's possible."
Gu Longming did gag. He'd even had a bite of that fish that morning.
Lin Qiushi gave Gu Longming a sympathetic pat on the shoulder.
This person in the kitchen, however, was the second living NPC they'd found on the ship.
The three of them stood watching in the kitchen doorway for a while, and saw that besides chopping fish, this person didn't do much of anything else. And so they decided to go see elsewhere first.
Very soon, they discovered a more peculiar room. This room was locked, and curtains were drawn over the window. It was quiet inside, but they could still smell that thick waft of stale fish. Lin Qiushi initially thought the smell had clung to them from the kitchen, but after a careful sniff, found that it was coming from inside the room.
"Do we go in?" Gu Longming was pressed against the window trying to look in, but he could see nothing.
Ruan Nanzhu gave this some thought, before saying, "let's try," and getting out a hairpin to pick the lock.
Watching his adept motions, Gu Longming's eyes widened. Then Gu Longming glanced at Lin Qiushi.
"Is this…is this a basic skillset that y'all come with?"
Lin Qiushi grinned as he joked, "yeah. You have to learn to pick locks if you want to join us."
As he said this, there was a click. Ruan Nanzhu really got the lock open. But oddly enough, after he unlocked the door and gave it a push, he found that though the door lock was undone, there was another lock hanging on the inside. The chain on that lock held the door closed, and they could at most manage a crack—it couldn't be opened at all.
"Wait," Lin Qiushi suddenly said, stopping Ruan Nanzhu from going up and pushing the door. "Stop for a second. There's movement inside."
Ruan Nanzhu halted, and just as he stopped mid-step, a hand, sharp-nailed and covered in scales, reached out of the door. And through that crack in the door, a pair of yellow eyes looked out, peering at the world outside with malicious intent.
Translator’s Note:
The name of the ship could more simply be translated as “Black Reef,” but “Black Skerry” sounds more like a ship name? Let me know if you think otherwise (or know if it’s a specific reference to something).
Lao Gan Ma is a brand of **hot sauce (edited: 7/26), as you can probably tell from context. The original next never uses “hot sauce” though, and just call it Lao Gan Ma in both the prose and the dialogue.
[Ch. 119] | [Ch. 121]
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doomstypewriter · 3 years
Excuse me while I panic
Final chapter, let's GOOO.
This has been a really nice thing to write, so I wanted to say thank you. There has been a lot of support and nice comments to this fic and I can't be appreciative enough about it.
I'd like to specially thank @extraintrovertedalien , @winterwynd and @simplestoryteller for all of their lovely comments!! You guys gave me so much motivation to keep writing this!
Word count: 1402 | AO3 | <<Previous
Chapter Masterlist
Summary: The moment we've all been waiting for, Virgil more than anybody, Roman admits he isn't perfect. Well, no, it's actually them kissing. I will not apologize for all of the flirting that happens in this chapter.
CW: Insecurities, very mild angst.
Getting together, but make it messy and silly
Roman laughed awkwardly.
“What do you mean you already know?”
After a pause where the other just blinked and stared at him, Virgil pulled out a chair and sat straddling it. He leant his elbow on the backrest, committing to a facepalm of sorts and a sigh.
“Princey, I’ve known for ages now. I mean, you’ve been super obvious for, what? A year maybe?”
“It’s fine” he cut him. “I get it, so you don’t need to explain yourself. At least I’m glad you told me, even if it’s now”.
Roman frowned and stared at the floor.
The chair creaked as Virgil leant his chest further against the backrest, following some kind of sunflower logic that required him to get closer to Roman in the least efficient way possible.
“Hey, why are you sulking like that? Isn’t this, like, better for you?”
“Well, that depends, if you’re rejecting me right now, then, no. I’ve only known that I’m in love with you for a few weeks, but, if what you say is true, I guess I’ve been feeling this way for even longer”, Roman paused, rethinking his words. He quickly glanced up at Virgil, gesturing with his open palms. “I mean, I will honour your choice, I don’t want to make you feel like I’m pressuring you into anything”.
Now it was Virgil’s turn to frown.
“But… aren’t you... I thought you just felt ashamed of me…”
Roman observed Virgil’s tense body language, getting the sense the other was feeling quite self-conscious, if anything because he recognised it from seeing it quite often in the mirror.
“What? Why would I ever--”
“Oh, well I don’t know Princey!” he exclaimed, sounding more upset than he intended. “We didn’t exactly start with the right foot, and then you were so unwilling to be nice to me, but then we became friends, and you’ve been getting closer and closer. You look at me with that stupid Hans from Frozen expression all of the goddamned time, but you never make a move, despite being all about romancing people. So, what else could I think? If you weren’t going for it, there had to be a reason”.
“And you thought I was ashamed of you of all things?”
“Well, yeah”.
“But I still hanged out with you anyway”.
“Princey, in my defence I have to say you’re pretty stupid, so it makes sense for you to do something like that instead of just ghosting me”.
Roman smirked.
“I can’t exactly ghost you if you’re haunting me”.
The pair of chapped lips pursed into a line. Virgil’s eyes looked at the top of the armrest with a worrying amount of interest for a plain piece of plastic.
“Virge, are you blushing?”
“Wouldn’t you like that, weather boy”.
“Well… yes I would like that very much, because if you are”, Roman walked up to him and held one of his hands in his, “maybe you like me too” he finished, hopeful.
“Jesus Christ, Roman, how are your hands so soft?” Virgil murmured.
Roman leant even closer to Virgil, bending almost to his eye level. He could feel his breath tickling against his neck. His body quivered at the sensation. When the warm air began to come in faltering intervals, Roman felt worried.
Was Virgil crying?
His hand moved towards the other’s face on autopilot. Before he could cup his cheek, though, Virgil looked up at him.
The smile he received had something so attractive to it, an air in between smugness and tenderness.
“Are your lips just as soft?” Virgil whispered and got closer.
Roman felt like he was made of jelly. His silly feelings had decided to leave Virgil in charge of all of his body strength, not that the Prince complained. How could he under that gaze?
Virgil finally surged forward.
Roman’s heart skipped a beat.
And… he yelped as Virgil bit on his collarbone like a wild animal.
“Ow!” he jumped backwards.
Virgil stood up from his chair holding onto his sides. His torso bent forward erratically, heaving.
When Roman finally saw his expression, his heart felt even weaker.
He bit his lower lip hard, the corners of his mouth were stretched forming a tiny dimple on the right cheek. His eyes arched and crinkled, giddy. Underneath, his eyebags shimmered with a bright shade of purple.
At that very moment, Roman couldn’t help but think Virgil was the most beautiful thing he’d ever seen, and he was on that list.
“You are unbelievable” Roman complained not sounding bothered at all.
“And you are ridiculous”.
“You make me ridiculous”, he said without thinking.
Virgil’s laughter slowly died down, settling into something soft.
“I do?” he asked.
Okay. Roman could do this.
Ignoring how shaky he felt, he once again approached him. A smile took over his entire expression all on its own. Roman nodded.
“You’re making the Hans face again, just so you know”, Virgil said while biting some dry skin on the left side of his lower lip.
The prince’s eyes went straight to Virgil’s mouth. If this went on his brain would melt before he’d managed to say anything.
“I am not ashamed of you, Virgil, I--”
“I’m sorry… I just thought that, since you weren’t addressing it, you might not like feeling like that about me. I’m…” he gripped the back of his neck, recoiling from Roman’s gaze. “We’re just so different. It kind of made sense, thinking you wouldn’t want to be with someone who dresses like me and is just so…”
“Come on, Taylor Swift, you’ve always belonged, well… once we were friends. I was just very stubborn, but you were too”.
“Princey, are you admitting you’re not perfect?”
“Hey! I’m trying to make you feel better and you’re attacking me!”
“Well, since you’re putting me at your level… just how badly do you think of me?” Virgil teased.
“I am actually wonderful, so, unlike you, I’m not trying to get sassy, because if I’m perfect then so are you!” the words came out of his mouth with no forethought.
“I mean…”
“Are you blushing, Princey?”
“What if I am? Red is my colour after all”.
Virgil grinned.
“Not gonna argue with that”.
“You must be in a good mood… is it because of me?”
“I…” Virgil paused. He took one steady breath and rushed to get a hold of Roman’s hands. “Are you sure you want this? We… I am not riding off into the sunset material, and I know you care about that, and… I care about you too… what I mean to say is I like you, but I don’t want it to cost you the fairytale you’ve always wished for”.
Roman took a deep breath. This was going to be something.
“But Virge, I can’t have that without you. Anything we do together already feels like that”.
Virgil blinked a few times, trying to stop himself from tearing up completely.
“Pff… you’re such a sap”.
“You like it”, Roman said, raising his tone a bit at the end to make it ambiguous whether it was a question or not.
“Yeah… don’t let anyone else know, thought”.
A rush of adrenaline took over him. Roman swept Virgil into his arms and pulled him into a dip, leaning about an inch away from his face.
They stared at each other awkwardly, almost going cross-eyed from the proximity. Despite that, it felt kind of magical.
“May I kiss you?” Roman asked.
“You better” Virgil smiled, his eyes still watery.
Both ended up laughing at that. Roman shook nervously whilst cackling. Suddenly, his grip went loose and Virgil fell ass first on the floor, ending splayed face-up. His mouth opened in an ‘o’ shape.
“You dropped me!”
“Oh my gosh, I’m so sorry--” Roman began to apologize.
Virgil got onto his belly in the blink of an eye and crawled. He grabbed Roman’s leg and pulled hard. Roman’s pretty face met the floor in less than a second.
“You childish prick!” Roman said as he got on top of Virgil.
“Takes one to know one” Virgil replied, pushing him to the side.
They rolled around the floor of the room like idiots until they hit Virgil’s chair. Roman felt the wheels sticking into his ribs, as he laid below Virgil, who smirked victoriously.
Finally, Virgil grabbed his hair forcefully and met him halfway in a less than perfect kiss.
Taglist: @itsjust-la-me , @bard-in-blue , @simplestoryteller , @winterwynd , @some-fander , @extraintrovertedalien , @the-sad-strawberry
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