#( flag coining )
nuisancies · 17 hours
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Claustramor is a label for those who have trouble expressing or feeling romance and/or sexual intimacy, but may desire it. This may be due to: asexuality and aromanticism, trauma, and/or anything significant that may affect the way you express/feel attractions.
Claustramor is a label with multiple definitions! The use of this label may vary from each person using it.
Here is a few examples of how one may use the definition: ex1: Claustramor in the sense that you crave romance and/or sexual intimacy, but cannot actually feel it. ex2: Claustramor in the sense you crave romantic and/or sexual relationships but cannot enter or stay in one for one or more reasons. ex3: Claustramor in the sense you feel as if your attractions have a barrier that prevents you from being in a relationship fully.
The name "Claustramor" comes from the combination of the latin words "Claustra" and "Amor"
The flags stripes do not necessarily have any stripe meanings. I have designed it in a way to where it may be interpreted in different ways, but there is some meaning to some of the flag. The main meaning in the heart with a lock on it, signifying that there may be something preventing, possibly holding back the attractions. The thinner black bars may represent the lack of attractions, or may signify a barrier between the attractions. This flag and term is highly personal to me. I have struggled with my attractions for years, and have never found a term that quite fit me right to describe the way my attractions are. You are free to use this label if it fits you, but please use it with care. <3
Tags: @radiomogai @beyond-mogai-pride-flags
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clowncaraz · 2 days
Deviæ - Deviæsis - Deviatypal
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An adjective to a variation where your physical sex traits are considered unnatural, artificial, or animalistic in nature.
Can be considered this way due to:
HRT or Surgery
Body Modification
Physical Biokinesis/Postfurry Identity
Physical Nonhumanity (Only Physical)
Transhumanist Appendages
Transspecies Transition
Misceverse Transition
a transspecies canine getting a knot by use of body modification/beading
disembodied transhuman genitalia that allow for direct stimulation
miscverse scent implants in the skin
tattoos for markings, scales, etc
hormones like HCG, Estrone, DHEA, DHT
animalizing surgery
use of subliminals, exercise, and exposure to nonhumanity
genitalia sleaving
Deviborn/ ANBS - Born with deviatypal traits/ "Assigned Nonhuman By Society"
Cisspecieal - Someone who's species aligns with what was assigned to them by society
HtA/ HtB - Human to Animal/ Human to Beast
Species Dysphoria - Dysphoria that affects the perception of species
Non-dichomy - Those not aligned in the animal/beast or human category
Malspecialia - Affirmation of deviæ identity for the sole purpose of attacking or discrimination
Species expression - The expression of species traits through clothing, terms, names, etc
Vocalization Training - non-surgical method helping with speaking in or around the tone, sounds, or pitch of their species
Tail Creation - The attachment of a tail to the spine permanently or frequently
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plural-userboxes · 20 hours
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"Semidisordered is a term for plural that are somewhat disordered. this may be due to having spikes of disorderedness , having a side/subsystem thats disordered , or any other reason!"
note: we are NOT saying that people can choose to become disordered. this is just a flag for those whose experiences are in the middle of non-disordered and disordered in some way.
requested by: anon!
requests are open!
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shepherd4409 · 2 months
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mutt ➝ a term for a trans man ( / transsexual man / transmasc / trans guy / etc ) who feels outcast from general society*, looked down upon, or pitied because of their transness, as would a stray mutt. though based on trans struggles, this label is meant to be used in a positive way, celebrating perseverance and strength through dark times.
( *see monachoric by @rabidbatboy. this is loosely based off of the 2023 film mutt. while similar to terms like butch, bear, and otter, mutt has no visual or presentation aspects. )
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caeliangel · 1 month
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tagging: @cocajimmycola @puriette @neopronouns @genderstarbucks @genderselkies @estrogenism @haunted-thing @mogai-sunflowers
If you want to be untagged, pls lmk!
note: I do not use most of these, but I digged on the internet in order to find stuff that could very much help to make flags!
sites that will help you get inspiration with colours and generate colour palettes from nothing or even from words.
apps and sites to make flags.
any drawing app
collection of flags.
pride-flags on deviantart
lgbtqia fandom
templates to make flags for simple or more complicated terms.
neopronouns on deviantart
flag templates by crowdsourcedgender
pride-flags in deviantart
sites and information to help naming certain terms.
study.com: latin roots
latin and greek roots pdf
thoughtco.com (latin & greek roots 1)
en.m.wikipedia.org (latin & greek roots 2)
google translate
using the languages you speak (ie I often use irish or french when naming my stuff!)
Bunch of links where symbols, templates and such are in order to make symbols on your flags.
pride-flags gallery : (01) (02) (03) (04) (05)
apps: canva, picsart, etc
suffixes card: (here)
suffixes vs systems: (here)
In-nature: (here)
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cannibalpriest · 2 months
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Clingypupic or Clingypupgender:
A Xenogender related to being/acting like a clingy puppy towards your owner[s], partner[s], friend[s], etc.
This gender may feel small, needy, affectionate, and dependent on others.
Coined by me.
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rabidbatboy · 3 months
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RACCOON: a presentation term for queer masculine presenting individuals who have permanent dark circles, and appear scruffy, disheveled and messy, this might be due to a disorder/mental health issues but this is not a requirement
TAGGING: @radiomogai
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the-alarm-system · 3 months
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Systempunk: A term or Subculture surrounding the liberation of plurals and the critique of psychiatry. We're outspoken on how the psych community mistreats us and how we will force the breaking of the chains that continuously fakeclaim or harm us whenever we do something singlets/psychiatrist do not like. We have been silenced and told that if we are open, it is a sign of us lying. We have been forced to follow the strict guidelines of the dsm5 in order to avoid being told that our experiences are false. We have been forced into psychiatric wards and abused because we are not singlet. We have been the face of the liars for too long, plural liberation is something we must push. The future is plural.
Meaning of the flag:
Brown and Black: The POC-bodied systems who are put down by both the community and the society around them. POC-bodied systems who have had their diagnosis's rejected due to their race. POC-bodied systems who have a cultural origin or connection and are hurt because of it. POC-bodied systems who are appropriated by other systems and are not listened to. POC-bodied systems who are hurt by the white dominated psychiatric system. POC-bodied systems who deserve to be heard and understood.
Purple stripe: Endogenic Solidarity, allyship, love, liberation. Endogenic systems are continuously harmed by antis who remain uncritical of psychiatry, are against the liberation of plurals, and deny a plural future in order to push singlethood onto others. Endogenic systems are also used in a lot of fakeclaiming content made by singlets and psychiatrist despite the research that supports their existence. It's because singlet society hates plurals and hates any form of existence we have. Love your endogenic siblings. They are the diverse experiences of plurality, they have helped us through so much.
Yellow Stripe: Disordered and traumagenic system solidarity and liberation. Disordered systems are horribly abused by the psych system, we make up most of those hospitalized and we are put down as too crazy to make our own decisions. Even if our existence is from trauma or a disorder, we shouldn't be forced into a singlet cure, we deserve autonomy.
Pink stripe: Abolition of psychiatric wards used to abuse us, hide us away, and silence us. Our autonomy is stolen from them, we deserve resources that help us instead of force us into a place that fucking hates us.
White stripe: Psych-critical beliefs or Anti-psych beliefs, despite their differences we still stand together against the harms of the psychiatric system. ACAB included in this.
Barbed wire: Anti-fakeclaim culture, systems deserve to be believed. Pro-plural protection. Protect another no matter your beliefs, cops and psych wards fucking hate us and want us dead, protect those you love. protect the closeted, protect all systems.
Fangs: Fight for your existence, be loud about it, write essays, make art, do whatever you can. Force plural liberation down the throats of singlets. Force the future to be plural.
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sadowife · 4 months
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✦ Irdiseverance Alter …
A flag for alters whose role is to dislike & disconnect from the system's Favorite Person { FP }. This alter may be an anger holder, but any alter can have this role. Exclusive to systems with BPD { Borderline Personality Disorder }.
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Requested By : @mygraine.
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motherlove · 2 months
✚ Sensipupboy Agere。 
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A flag for age regressors who are clingy & sensitive puppy boys.
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Requested by : 🦴 Anon.
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mogai-flaggot · 8 months
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for those who identify with both the butch and bear labels. this can be self-described however the identifier pleases, and represents queerness in masculinity and self-love.
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puptoys · 29 days
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- term for people who are clingy and have low empathy , can be used by anyone
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livinglycan · 2 months
I know this isn't a coining blog but I thought you guys would like this.
Wolfdog Freak
[ pt: Wolfdog freak ]
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(With symbol)
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(Without symbol)
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(Symbol by itself)
[Pt: Definition ]
Feeling as though you've become too feral throughout your life or over a period of time in which society deems "unacceptable" and feeling as though you've been cast away due to being to scary, like how wolfdogs are often given up.
Anyone can use this term but it was made with nonhumans in mind.
I can't stop anyone from using it but keep my DNI in mind.
Also, feel free to make alt flags, I'm not the best at making them 😅 The stripes don't have set meanings except the red and being feral and scary.
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thecouncilofidiots · 2 months
We made our own plural pride flag <3
Calling it the Dusk Plural Pride Flag, primarily made with cool colors to represent calm and peace; the "sun" setting and allowing for rest
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Dark Purple : Plurals/Systems of any/all origins; whether traumagenic, endogenic, spiritual, involuntary/voluntary, ect
Light Purple : Non-system plurals, partial systems, median systems, ect; essentially any non-singlet, no matter where they are on the plural spectrum
Pink : Disordered and non-disordered systems; whether diagnosed/self-diagnosed or undiagnosed, functional multiplicity, ect
Light Grey : Community and Love; promoting a welcoming environment, finding connection/others to relate to, ect
Dark Grey : Advocacy and Acceptance; encouraging acceptance of all under the plural umbrella, destigmatizing plurality and dissociative disorders, ect
This flag is free for anyone to use, as long as they do not use it to promote hatred, exclusion, bullying, ect. We do allow it to be used in art/edits, just please credit us <3
Disclaimer : This flag is not inclusive of radqueer/transID. Please do not use if you are transDID, transOSDD, transUDD, transCDD, transRAMCOA, transOEA, or anything along those lines. We are endo-safe, we believe in disordered endos, but we do not associate endogenic systems with transID, and do not want radqueer/transID to interact.
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shepherd4409 · 2 months
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flag templates ➝ 2 to 10 stripes in left to right, top to bottom order. high contrast for ease of using the bucket / fill tool on various programs. made because the old templates i used to use had some mistakes...
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mewkou · 2 months
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✦✧ GiRLBOY / BOYGiRL。 ⠀⸻
A girlboy flag for any & all girlboys ,whether you only id with the word or other reasons。
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✦ ⨾ self indulgent。
✧ ⨾ Do NOT repost off tumblr。
[PT: girlboy / boygirl. A girlboy flag for any and all girlboys , whether you only id with the word or other reasons.
I do not agree to reposts off tumblr and do not do so. End PT]
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