kiwisandpearls · 5 months
the statements “platonic relationships should not be undervalued” and “it’s ok to ship wlw ships and mlm ships even if the characters involved have no canonical romantic interest in each other” are not mutual exclusive.
#talk away ⌞🍵🍋 ⌝#I’m aroace let me tell you#I absolutely agree and wish people would put more emphasis on platonic relationships#and I wish people would stop downplaying them#platonic relationships can be just as if not more important than romantic ones#at the same time tho#I think it shouldn’t be frowned upon for people to ship two female or male characters together even if they are canonically just friends#yes the statements “there’s no heterosexual explanation for this” when two characters who have a platonic relationship#are being intimate is very annoying when you look at it through the view of#amatonormativity#trust me again I know how annoying those types of statements are#and while a lot of people rightfully criticize it for that#I’ve noticed a lot of times people more seem to criticize that type of thinking#not because it an amatonormative way to view those relationships#but because (whether consciously or not) they’re putting down certain shippers for shipping wlw or mlm ships#that they see as just being friends therefore everyone should see them as friends#and if you don’t your wrong and are shoving them into a relationship that isn’t canon#I think I kinda lost my roll saying that but that’s the best way I can put…nicely at least lol#mlm ships#wlw ships#fandom discussion#kinda?#shipping#queer ships#queer#lgbtqia#I got inspired to make this post via discussion about farcille (dungeon meshi) that I’ve seen more specifically on YouTube#romantic relationships#platonic relationships
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autisticlee · 10 months
the whole "you shouldn't identify as X, don't form an identity when you can't/don't know yet, you're too young, what if/you might change your mind!" etc etc. it's so silly when you think about it. what's wrong with changing your mind anyway? why did we all decide that gender/sexuality identity has to be static and can never change? why did we decide that it's a bad thing to change? because the old generation tells us change is bad? because they (mostly conservatives) want to conserve "the good old days/the way things are supposed to be" in their minds???
WHO CARES if someone says they're gay then realizes 5 years later they're bi. WHO CARES if someone says they're a girl and realizes after trying it out they're not. let people explore who they are until they figure it out even if they go through every lable available to them! maybe none fit and they make up their own! who cares! who cares if they change it every year for the rest of their lives! humans change. that's the only constant about us! why is it a bad thing, even taboo, to accept change and exploration within sexuality and gender specifically?
there's always so much shame that comes with someone realizing they were wrong, changing as a person, or discovering something new about themselves. i've seen people afraid to explore themselves more or afraid to talk about a change in identity, for fear of the queer community pushing back on them the same way they're afraid to come out to the cishets in their life who are trans/homophobic. that's just not fair that their own community can become hostile towards them, too. being in a closet within a bigger closet essentially. everyone is always told to figure it all out first before claiming an identity, because then you're locked in it for life, apparently. you can't change your mind after that. why though? what's the point of that really? why can't we embrace fluidity a bit more? why can't we accept that humans do change all the time? why is making and trying to prove that these identities are static/unchanging/innate the only way to validate them? why can't they just, I don't know, BE VALID. without reason. why must we jump through hoops to be valid when we should just automatically be valid because we are human. stop letting the cishets gatekeep everything, leading to us gatekeeping each other!
I am sometimes very hesitant to talk about my own identity. I identified as a gay/biromantic trans guy for like idk 8-10 years? transitioned and everything. then like a year or two ago, I realized/decided that doesn't fit right anymore. now i'm a nonbinary, but also kinda fluid, aroace person. sometimes I don't like to talk about that because of the stigma behind changing your gender/sexuality identities. but you know what. i'll talk about it anyway and people have to learn to accept it.
what were the consequences and bad parts about changing my mind/identity like that? none. absolutely none. (outside of people being weird about it for no reason) but the benefits are feeling more comfortable with myself, and that's no one else's business.
#lee rambles#lgbt#lgbtqia#what tag do people usually use. idk#sexuality#nonbinary#transgender#gender#i know some things you cant “change” like if you transition. reversing some parts might be hard. but who cares#change what you want. change back a 3rd time if you want. we should let people do what they want in a safe way.#we arent going to talk about and debate children and their ability to “choose” im not opening those worms. thats for another discussion#but i will say them simply using words to describe themselves (identity) and changing it later DOES ABSOLUTELY NO HARM. LET THEM DO IT.#we are not talking about physically changing things so dont argue that. only words. words dont harm ans are allowed to change.#but people gatekeep adults from words as well so its not “about the children” its people in general.#everyone wants to gatekeep everyone from gender/sexuality so much for some reason#but this isnt about “the children!” so lets not talk about them#if anyone tries to argue children i will instablock. you have no permissiom#anyway. i feel like this entire post is a whole unpopular opinion. it'll probably make someone mad or cause misunderstanding#because words are hard and explaining my thoughts is hard. but youre not allowed to argue with me. im tired and dont want to deal with it#thats my boundary and im setting it up. no arguing. im not asking for debate or opnions. im simply rambling to myself snd anyone who#might not have thought about this before? idk. not sure who im rambling to or why i even added specific tags lmao#im tired and sleep deprived where am i going with this.......
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jessekestrel · 10 months
Is it just me or Sek-on and Harun were more than just bros, friends or comrades. Like they were Gay Robots™
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vulturevanity · 1 year
Today was. Bad.
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redpandarambles · 1 year
A cautionary tale on what happens when you force people to bury their joy
Recently I realised that I don’t remember the last time I was truly happy.
When I felt carefree.
When my joy didn’t come constrained and muted.
I approached my partner, asked if they thought I knew how to be happy.
After a long pause, they said no.
I broke down and cried.
Not for myself but for the kid that felt the only way to preserve their joy was to hide it from the world.
It got me thinking about how I got here, how I lost a part of me so integral without even realising.
It started with me being bullied from a young age.
For my appearance.
For my social skills.
For my interests.
For being me.
The things that brought me joy weren’t the same as my peers.
The things that brought me joy were different.
And I quickly learnt that if I tried to share my joy with others it was squashed, crushed and distorted.
They would take my joy and turn it into shame.
Into regret.
So, in a bid to protect my joy, I started to bury it.
Each time they polluted it, I buried it a bit deeper.
Vowed to keep it safe from the world.
Until one day-
-I buried it so deep-
-even I couldn’t find it.
And this, THIS, is what happens when you mercilessly tear about other people’s joy. When you prevent them from celebrating the things that make them happy. When you prevent them from being able to live in the ways that bring them euphoria.
Celebrations of queer communities/experiences/culture aren't throwing queerness in other people's faces. It's us trying to preserve our joy, nurturing it in safe spaces and allowing it to bloom. Holding onto it when the world would rather diminish it entirely.
It's preserving joy rather than burying it so deep no-one can find it.
Not even ourselves.
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lee-blogs · 9 months
Do you think anyone can identify as queer or part of the community?
This feels like a loaded question for some reason, but yes, with very few exceptions.
Like i said in my tags, the only exceptions i hold (and i think everyone else should too) is if someone also identifies as a MAP, ZOO, or any other wholley degenerate thing that isn't and never will be lgbtia+
*Those are paraphilias and they need mental health treatment for them, they are not sexualities and never will be, period.*
(Also be sure to read my tags; i do tend to ramble a bit, but i also go more in-depth about certain stuff too. I just disn't want to make this post too long)
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schattenhonig · 5 months
The A in LGBTQIA+ doesn't stand for aspec because they're not repressed!
(please read the disclaimer at the end of this post)
Ummm, excuse me? Would you mind telling me what your definition of repression is, then?
Because I feel repressed when a doctor asks me about my sex life, and if I say I have none, it gets marked down as a symptom without being asked if I suffer from it.
I feel repressed when my gyn tells me I can't get a hysterectomy yet despite losing so much blood on every period that I need to take iron supplements all the time, because I could change my mind about not wanting children (which is a whole other post, I know, but it's most likely linked to sex).
I feel repressed if I can't use dating apps or platforms because my sexuality doesn't even exist there, and the one time I tried, I got called names because I didn't want to meet for because it was clear where this date would go, despite my explicit "what I'm looking for".
I feel repressed when I think about how recently a paragraph was finally abolished in my country that considered sex a vital part of a marriage, basically entitling the spouses to having sex with their partner (both gender neutral, because entitling people to having sex with somebody else by law is wrong. It's basically a rape permission).
I feel repressed when I can't watch any film or show without it being about love and/or sex, no matter if it fits the narrative and furthers the plot.
I feel repressed when I plot my own stories and automatically put a romantic couple in there as main characters, even though I have no idea why this would be important for the plot. Not even my own stories, my own thoughts are mine.
I felt repressed when I was asked accusingly in a relationship if I wasn't missing something before I even knew asexuality as a spectrum was a thing, and having to lie about this being a side effect of my medication instead of genuinely not feeling attracted to someone in this way.
I feel repressed when I can't tell people I'm not sexually attracted to them because they will take this personally no matter how well I explain myself.
I feel repressed when everywhere I look there's advertising relying on naked skin, suggestive posing and objectification. Why are expensive cars still presented by women considered beautiful and tempting? It's not like that's necessary to convince people of spending so much money on a thing that gets you from A to B. Couches with women in smart dresses and high heels. That's not what a normal person looks like on a couch. But the worst is a truck in the town where I live: it's from a small fruit and vegetable stand, so whenever I see it, it comes from the warehouse, delivering groceries. On it is a woman clad in very little, presenting fruit. I'm sorry, but why? Does a misogynistic picture convince you of the necessity to avoid scurvy?
I feel repressed when I tell people and get the answer "you just haven't found the right person yet", because there are two possible assumptions from that point: I'm either not trying hard enough (so it's basically my own fault) or something about me is not right, appalling even (which circles back to I'm not trying hard enough or frames me as a victim of my genetics, upbringing or circumstances to be pitied).
Do not tell me how I feel. Do not try to tell me everything is fine and I shouldn't complain or ask for acknowledgement if everywhere I look, I'm reminded of how odd, how weird and how not normal I am. How much it inconveniences you to even acknowledge my existence, let alone respect any of my traits, views and choices.
And while I can only write from my own asexual point of view, I wrote this with all kinds of flavours of aspec in mind, so I'm explicitly including aromantics, aroace people and every shade of the spectrum in this. Not all my examples may apply to you, but I hope you can find something to relate to.
ETA: please feel free to add your own experiences of repression!
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pluralasking · 2 months
[pt: #one-hundred]
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In order to celebrate 100 days of posting, here are 100 questions for you to answer! You can either answer them all at once, or let others send in the numbers they are most curious about!
Some of them are general questions, others are just really silly and should not be taken too serious. I put a lot of effort into coming up with all of these, so I truely hope you have fun with this!
For simplicity sake, all questions will use the words "System" and "Members".
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1. What is your System name and / or the name you collectively go by?
2. Which word do you prefer to use for your System? (example: System, Collective, Constellation, ...)
3. What are your Systems origins, if you choose to label them?
4. Do you have any Subsystems?
5. Do you have any Sidesystems?
6. What is your opinion on you& / your& language and similar types?
7. What methodes do you use to keep track of your System and it's Members?
8. What is your Systems ways of communication?
9. Is communication hard or easy for you (and why is it the way it is)?
10. Do you view yourselves as parts of one person or as multiple people in one body?
11. Who are you out to as plural?
12. What languages do you collectively / one of you speak?
13. What is something you can't seem to collectively agree on?
14. If you have a collective Identity (such as Gender or Orientation), what is it?
15. Do you collectively identify as queer / LGBTQIA+?
16. Do you collectively identify as Otherkin, Alterhuman or Nonhuman?
17. Do you have a collective rentry / carrd / something along those lines? (feel free to share!)
18. What does switching feel like for you?
19. Are you Monoconscious, Polyconscious or something else?
20. What does fronting feel like for you?
21. How many System members do you have?
22. Which word / words do you prefer to use for members of your System?
23. Which age group seems to be the most common in your System?
24. Which gender seems to be the most common in your System?
25. Are there any talents / hobbies you picked up because of a Member?
26. Do you have any in-system relationships?
27. Do you label roles within your System (and if yes, which ones?)
28. Are most of your Members introjected, brainmade or something else?
29. Do you use names, emojis or something similar to sign off messages (and if yes, which ones and why?)
30. Do any of your System members use Xenogenders?
31. How do Members pick face claims?
32. Do you have any Introjects of popular sources?
33. Do you have any Introjects of unpopular sources?
34. Do you have nonhuman Members?
35. Do any of you use Typing Quirks?
36. Do all of you front, or only a selected amount?
37. Are there any Members who can't or prefer to not speak?
38. Are most of you short or tall in height?
39. Is there a Member that is collectively loved by all in the System?
40. Do any of you struggle with being front-stuck a lot of the time?
41. Do you have a Headspace (if not, is there a reason)?
42. What does your Headspace look like?
43. How do Members look like in Headspace? (example: Cartoony, Foggy, Realistic, ...)
44. Is there a reason why the Headspace looks the way it looks?
45. Is it easy for you to enter Headspace?
46. Do you remember what happened in Headspace when you switch into front?
47. Does time in Headspace pass (and if yes, is it at the same speed as in real life)?
48. What is your favourite place in Headspace?
49. Are there "NPCs" within your Headspace?
50. Are there any interesting fun facts about your Headspace?
51. Are there any "System Stereotypes" you fit into?
52. Who of you would be considered the "evil alter"? (in a lighthearted, joking manner)
53. What is your favourite inside-joke with a Member?
54. What is your favourite Plural meme?
55. Is there any character that you headcanon as plural?
56. Is there any show or movie that you believe is a good plural representation, despite that not being its intention?
57. Is there any song that you believe decribes your plural experience?
58. What about an artwork that describes your plural experience?
59. Which Member of your System do you believe to be the prettiest of them all?
60. Do you collectively have a lucky number?
61. When did you first discover your System?
62. How many Members did you know about during your Syscovery?
63. Was accepting your Plurality a challenge for you?
64. How did you learn about Plurality?
65. Where there any signs of your Plurality, if you look back at your past?
66. Do you think your Syscovery changed a lot in your life?
67. If you're out to others as plural, have they ever told you later on that they already thought about it before you realised?
68. What was the biggest struggle during your Syscovery?
69. Was there any big event that led to your Syscovery?
70. What is something you want questioning plurals to know?
71. Are you Neurodivergent (and if yes, how?)
72. Do you have any physical disability?
73. Do you have a dissociative disorder?
74. Do you have any other disorder?
75. Do symptom vary in intensity depending on the fronter?
76. Do you think your disability / disorder has an influence on your plurality?
77. Do you have amnesia of any kind?
78. Are there Members who deal better with symptoms than others?
79. Do your disorders / disabilities influence communication or switching within your System in any way?
80. Does being plural help with your disorders in any way? (example: another Member switching in to take care of the body during difficult times, ...)
81. Which is your favourite plural flag?
82. If you have one, which is your favourite plurality related tumblr blog?
83. What is a fun fact about your System?
84. What is a flavour of ice cream that describes you collectively?
85. Which pride flag is the prettiest, in your collective opinion?
86. If you collectively had to choose between being a sweet or a sour candy, which do you pick?
87. Your body always morphs into what the current fronter(s) look like, would you want this power or not?
88. Is there a Hatsune Miku in your System?
89. Who has been in your System the longest (if you can remember)?
90. If you collectively had to choose, would you rather only eat sweet foods or only eat savoury foods for the rest of your life?
91. If you collectively had to choose, would you pick to become a vampire or a werewolf?
92. Your body is transfered into one of your Members sources, which do you pick and why?
93. If all of you turned into animals right this second, which animals would we find in your System?
94. What would a Minecraft server with all of your Members look like? (example: chaotic, peaceful, laggy, ...)
95. If you could choose between only living in Headspace or only living in Meatspace (real life), which would you choose?
96. What topic would you collectively make a youtube channel about? (it can't be plurality!)
97. Which superpower would your body obtain, if you had to collectively decide on one?
98. Who would pick the coolest tattoo for the System and who would pick the worst?
99. If you only were allowed to eat one food for the rest of your life, but you would have to decide on the food collectively, what would it be and what would the decision making look like?
100. What is the most fun about doing polls and answering questions, in your opinion?
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zerosuitsammi3 · 7 months
If I can take a moment to share my experience as a trans woman on the internet
My experience is by no means unique, it's just one experience in the plethora of trans feminine experiences and not unique to only tumblr. Though, I'll mostly talk about what I've experienced here. In the light of recent events, the reaction of "the ceo," and the comments he contributed regarding dog pile harassment; I simply wish to share my experiences that I have had to juxtapose the dynamic of his statements against a lived experience.
This account started as a way to document my social transition and eventually my journey with HRT. Tumblr had always had a large lgbtqia+ community. The queer people here inspired me and gave me hope. What I didn't know, but soon learned, is that there were people here who hated me for being trans. Being early in my transition I was a prime target. TERF groups would plan raids on my account. What this entailed was: rebloging my selfies into circles that would say the most vile things about me, threaten to kill, tell me I was ugly, tell me that everyone I knew thought I was a joke, I was a monster, my family hated me, that I should kill myself, they'd download and edit my photos into caricatures or depictions of violence. They would fill my ask box with hundreds of asks detailing how they'd kill me, call me slurs, describe the ways that I should kill myself, and pretty much everything else I mentioned above with the reblogs. Their words were carefully curated to try and break me, break my spirit, break my will to live. I tried reporting it. But it was impossible to keep up with, and like many others I saw no real response. Eventually I learned that I had to block all of them. 100's of blogs, eventually 1000's of blogs. My block list these days is incredibly extensive. I had to wade through their blogs, traverse sickening hate speech and imagery to eliminate entire circles of people harassing me. I became jaded to the hate speech, hardened to it. But mind you, I shouldn't have had to expose myself to all of this just to be at peace here amongst my community. I received no help, I was left to my own devices to protect myself. The people who hurt me never saw consequences. It was painful, it was unfair, and no one else should have to put the hours upon hours of effort and exposure to hate in to protect themselves like I did. But again my experience is not unique.
I have had to repeat this process of preemptive blocking periodically once a new circle discovers me. Blocking them all before they can start the process of hate all over again. A process of hate that seems to be hitting my community with rapidly increasing fervor as of late.
I've seen others experience far worse than me. The TERF circles will hunt down their personal information and doxx them. Expose their home address, telephone numbers, names of their family members. I can't begin to imagine the terror my queer siblings must feel when someone tells then that they want to murder them all while showing them that they know where you live. This is not a new thing, not a rare tactic, it happens. And we've all seen the news stories of trans people being murdered by people who planned it and were vocal about it.
I know this is depressing. And it doesn't reflect all of my experiences. I've had wonderful experiences here, met amazing people, made close friends, found inspiration, found hope. I found a community.
And it's my community, and I never want to let it go.
I do have fear that making this statement will get me banned. But, I wanted to say it. I wanted it to exist in the world so that everyone who doesn't know our experiences has a chance to understand and with luck empathize.
I'll part on these words and hope for the best both for myself and for every member of the community.
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fandom · 2 years
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Queer TV
This is a strange time to be writing an editorial on queer representation. While the past year has seen an incredible uptick in queer stories being told with humor and heart on the small screen, 2022 has seen a record high of 238 proposed anti-LGBTQIA+ bills in the US—nearly half of them targeting trans folks. Representation is important, though, and demand for more queer stories is growing (and, to some degree, being met), with a lot of good books and comics making it to our screens. With that in mind, think of this as your selective chronological tour of all the times we won in the TV landscape of the last year (October 2021–October 2022).
Our dataset year started off with the much-awaited adaptation of Robert Jordan’s fantasy epic, Wheel of Time. With such extensive source material (15 books if you count the prequel, which is where the seeds of the sapphic storyline in Rafe Judkins’ adaptation are to be found), the viewership, generally speaking, was divided into book fans and show-only fans, and both camps shitposted and meme’d and reviewed with abandon. 
The biggest queer-centric show we saw in the last year was the adaptation of @aliceoseman’s comic Heartstopper (@heartstoppercomic). Co-created by Alice Oseman themself, this adaptation was very sensitive to the much-loved source material. And, being native to Tumblr, these characters were bound to be welcomed with open arms when they hit the screen in an ebullient explosion of queer joy. 
A run-down of the past year would be incomplete without the incredible queerdos of the Revenge who swashbuckled their way into our hearts. We’re referring, of course, to Our Flag Means Death’s Gentleman Pirate and his merry band of (living-wage-paid, no less!) shipmates. Your favorites included genderqueer Jim ‘not-a-fucking-mermaid’ Jimenez and Oluwande, Lucius Sprigg and Black Peter, Frenchie who just hates cats, and The Swede, who keeps his heart but loses his teeth. Then, of course, we have Blackbeard himself, or simply Ed, who is struggling with his identity (villain or softboi).
Based on the story by @veschwab and produced by @belletristbooks, First Kill was another adaptation that fans of vampire stories got very excited about. Add to that the fact that this was very much a sapphic enemies-to-lovers scenario between hunter Calliope and young vampire Juliette, and the pre-show excitement was palpable. The post-season disappointment even more so as fans turned to their dashes to vent about the lack of good lesbian and wlw representation in 2022’s TV landscape.
Where the cancelation of First Kill left us reeling, the Rockford Peaches from A League of Our Own came in clutch and soothed our sapphic souls. You love the show which you affectionately shortened, in good old Tumblr fashion, to a silly little acronym: aloto. Whether you’re in it for the gal pal aesthetics, the butch energy, or Uncle Bert, or some good old fashioned baller drama, there truly was something for all of your wlw whimsies here. Let’s go, Peaches!
@neilgaiman’s The Sandman series finally came out to much acclaim, and came out so gay that armchair reviewers of the homophobic sort really struggled to wrap their minds around quite how gay it is. We got pansexual serial killing Corinthian! Pansexual, demon-hunting, women-kissing Johanna Constantine! Some very loaded moments between Morpheus and Hob Gadlin! This is what dreams are made of (sort of)!
This whole list would be nothing, nada, a crumb of zilch whizzing around a black hole, if it weren’t for the writers who created many of these stories in the first place. So thank you to them. And to you, Tumblr, for celebrating the good and standing up for each other through another year. Here’s to a kinder 2023. 
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smileyedwin · 23 days
Dead boy detectives is one of the few shows that didn't sexualize teenage characters. And that's just one of the many great qualities of the show. It could be deemed as the bare minimum but it's very rare.
They created a space for queer people all around the world and handled it gracefully and respectfully. They didn't try to fit into a fixed structure, it was uniquely and brilliantly done! It's truly like nothing I have ever seen before.
A few folks say that it wasn't “queer” enough and to them I ask DID YOU EVEN WATCH THE SHOW? We not only got to see a character come to the realization that he's gay but we also got an incredible scene where he comes out to his best friend who unflinchingly accepts him. We have Jenny who's a lesbian who went out on a date with a woman who she kissed by the way (even though it didn't end the way we hoped.) And let's not forget the moments between Monty and Edwin. We have 5 canon characters that are part of the lgbtqia+ with their own unique stories that reflect real life allowing all the many different people in the world to relate and have a personal connection with those individual characters.
Being queer is not what you show but what you feel. And I say this, not for the shows that are too scared to touch on queer emotions and feelings— (dead boy detectives is certainly NOT one of those shows) but for the people who haven't been able to be open about their feelings when it comes to their sexuality and feel invalidated because they can't express or share them.
And if one of the reasons you think it isn't queer enough is because it doesn't have sexual themes or that the characters don't get together within the first few episodes...you might wanna reconceptualize what your idea of queer representation is.
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andy-wm · 3 months
On a personal note...
This is a personal story, so feel free to scroll on past (if you're only here for the Jikookery I can respect that).
I'm posting this because it's connected to what Jimin and Jungkook (specifically Jimin) may or may not be doing with this album and their travel series "Are you sure", and by that I mean coming out publicly as queer and as lovers. If it sounds vague, it is, because I don't know what they're doing yet. I don't know how far Jimin is taking this or what direction he'll go. But if he is going to make his private life public, then my post is relevant even though my experience is a microscopic spec 0f what he will encounter.
I live in a conservative little town on the edge of a big city, we're almost the last stop on the metro train line. This place has 10 000 residents and a reputation for being a little on the rough side. It's not a bad place and the people are not bad people but they won't step aside if you pick a fight, lets put it that way.
There's one high school in our little town, and I am the school librarian. I also run the school's pride club and when I started it 5 years ago (that's when I joined this school) it kicked up a bit of a stink. The community had mixed feelings. I wasn't out as trans at that point, only as queer. The school principal supported the club but wanted me to keep it quiet (I didn't). She wanted me to be appeasing (I wasn't). And when we had challenges from homophobic students, she wanted me to 'let her handle it' ( I didn't).
I responded to bigotry with patience and kindness, modelling the behaviour I expected and having many many conversations about prejudice, the patriarchy, learned behaviour, fear of the unknown, and minding your own damn business....
When I came out as trans to the school community - changing my name and pronouns - I faced some real push back from both staff and students. Students were less openly hostile but sometimes the subtle attempts at bullying are worse. My line manager was really difficult about it. I was a hot topic of conversation. It wasn't a good time. But I stuck with it, partly because I couldn't go back and partly because the Pride Club students were so empowered by what I was doing. They thought I was really brave. I couldn't let them down.
It was a tough time for me personally. Every day was a struggle as I navigated my wavering sense of identity and tried to be true to myself. Most of my family and friends were okay with it but some were not. Some flipped back and forth, some thought I had lost my mind. I had to let a few people go from my life, including one of my closest friends. I've lost a few more since then. I've cried more in the past few years than I have in my whole life and I am pretty tough, so you gotta know - it was a lot.
Fast forward to now. The pride club is well established, homophobia still exists but it's less overt and it's no longer ignored, and we have staff who are active allies. It's definitely a success. Our students to have a safe place where they can be themselves, and slow change is coming to the culture of the school.
It has come at a personal cost though. Not a HUGE personal cost but enough for it to matter. I am recognised and known around town because, well, most people in small communities know each other. But more so because of my role in the school, and because I am the only out and vocal queer person on school staff (yes, there are other LGBTQIA+ staff but they keep it quiet, and I don't really blame them).
At school i still have to correct people on my pronouns on a daily basis, and occasionally a student will throw a comment my way but it's not often these days. I have to come out to all the new staff pretty much as soon as I first meet them otherwise it's awkward. It's just an everyday thing. It's not a big deal but it's tiring, and it's something cis/straight people don't ever have to think about.
What is tough, though, is sniping from the community at large every now and again. I have been targeted on community socials and I've had had some pretty brusque service from local shop owners and service personnel in local businesses. Sometimes I see kids from school at the shops and they point me out to their parents. I pretend it's because they're happy to see me (what the fuck else am I going to do - hide in the apple crate?) They may say a friendly hello... or they may following me through the aisles of the supermarket trying to menace me - yes, that has happened - I just have to wait and see.
I do have allies in the community too - like the gorgeous pharmacist who always gets my name and pronouns right and compliments me (on whatever he can think of) every time I collect my meds. There's a stern woman in the hardware store who makes a point of loudly correcting herself when she uses the wrong pronouns (often). I appreciate this, I really do, but honestly it would be great if she could be a little quieter.
I am not a celebrity by any means, just a small town school librarian. But wherever I go in my small town - to the doctor, the supermarket, the park, or the gym - there's a chance I'll encounter someone who knows my face. Sometimes that makes me nervous.
The point of this long and boring post is to give people who may not know what it's like, a bit of insight into the experience of a regular, everyday person who lives in a conservative place and who is both recognisable and queer. It can be exhausting, and from time to time I struggle with mental health issues. So I have no doubt that for people who are really well known, it would be much, much worse. They would be the subject of public debate on news sites and TV. They'd be tossed into arguments by politicians on both sides of the divide. They'd encounter hostility in person too, and that's really frightening.
So please remember that if the celebs you admire choose NOT to come out, it's because they've weighed up their choices and that's the safest option for them. Support them where they're at, so they can live their best life under the circumstances.
If they do come out, they'll probably need even more support. Please love them, defend them, celebrate them, and validate them. They need you more than you know.
And above all else, be a good human.
PS, no need to comment here, this is purely a PSA <3
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gay-dorito-dust · 6 months
could you do asexual reader x Jason Todd headcanons?
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I know this hdc won’t resonate for most in the ace community, cuz it’s a spectrum, but I hopes it at least resonates with some, even if it’s one person. That’s more enough for me. (Also sorry for the shit writing as usual)
Jason doesn’t mind that you’re asexual. You were still you at the end of the day, so he doesn’t understand why some people tend to make a big deal out of it.
It’s not like you being asexual was hurting anyone but he guessed that some people just harbour vast amounts of hate for things they don’t/refuse to understand bc they’ve been conditioned into thinking that it’s a bad thing.
Others are just cunts that Jason gladly beats the piss out of in your honour. (Acephobes plz die disrespectfully thanks)
He will not tolerate any sort of disrespect towards you and needless to say having a six foot something man who’s built like an absolute tank is enough to silence those types of people rather quickly.
He’s more then willing to do this for anyone that you knew who was ace, aro, or was in the LGBTQIA community in general, that he becomes a someone that a lot of them could come to when in need of help, or was just in need of a safe space.
He’s unbothered by it because as long as he’s helping someone in need, he’s more than willing to offer his shoulder for them to cry on.
(I just like the idea of Jason being a protector of LGBTQIA youths.)
After all he once took joy in beating the absolute piss out of a biphobe for Tim. Sure he may not have a great relationship with his siblings, but he’s not one to ignore when they’re being treated like shit for being who they were.
He respects your boundaries and will always ask whether or not it was okay for him to kiss you, to which you’d always have to tell him that it was more then okay for him to kiss you.
He understands that asexuality was a spectrum and would ask which part of the spectrum you were apart of, and acts in accordance to make sure that you’re more than comfortable in your relationship.
He’s always finding ways to constantly learn about asexuality and more. He’s even got a whole bookshelf dedicated to LGBTQIA history because he wants to better himself and do right by you and other people who look up to him to protect them. He takes that shit seriously.
He just loves you very much and wants you to feel as though you could tell him anything that’s bothering you and he’ll gladly bring you its head if you’d like just to prove it.
If you are okay with kisses and the like, be prepared to be swarmed by it at every possible opportunity with this teddy bear, for he will smother your face in kisses as he holds you against him, smiling upon hearing you laugh and poor attempts in pushing him away. It’s a highlight of his day because when you’re happy, he’s happy.
You don’t like sex? That’s okay! He’ll make you have Junk food dates with him where you stuff your faces either pizza with stuffed crust (you can eat it in reverse) and garlic bread and watch shitty movies as you cuddle on the couch.
You: you don’t think I’m broken?
Jason; no. Why, who’s told you that you were broken because it’s a bunch of bullshit. You’re the most important person in my life and I’d do just about anything for you, no matter how big or small it may seem because at the end of the day I want to see you happy. So listen to me sweetheart and listen good, you are not broken. You are perfection incarnate in my eyes, you are everything I could’ve hoped to have by my side for you’ve never judged me, so I don’t see why I should judge you for being your truest self. Thats a bit hypocritical don’t you think?
Jason: So don’t ever think you’re broken when you’re far from it, you are whole and you are more than enough. I don’t care if we have sex on occasion or not at all, your happiness is all I care about. I want you to be happy for the rest of our lives together because now I’ve got you I’m not letting you go. Ever. I couldn’t care less about anything else but when it concerns you, I’d move mountains to make things better for you. I love you chipmunk, please don’t ever feel like you’re broken when you’re so much more than that, and I’ll spend the rest of my life proving it.
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i have something to say, for all young transmascs or newly transitioning transmascs: just know the "womanhood" you had to endure will be used against you EMOTIONALLY as a trans masc. And not in the way many have spoken about. when you speak up on the abuse, trauma or experiences you went through growing up, people will make excuses of having thought you were just an "emotional teen girl", despite you trying to explain it to them- as an adult trans man. you try to tell them you just wanted help and presently want people to recognize their wrongs. like how they taught you as a child.
but instead they'll make excuses on how they each don't know how to take accountability, for the past or present. they'll say how you seemed like "your mother" at that age, so they thought it was a phase. so now they don't even want to hear or learn how they hurt you. they don't even want to know how to get help or therapy to communicate with you better. AND THEY DONT EVEN WANNA HEAR THEIR OTHER OPTIONS EITHER. they feel like you should just "let it go" when you bring up how it has effected you as a trans man growing up NOW , they dismiss you or blame your behavior on YOU INSTEAD. the reactions of a child, are labelled as an inconvenience, that you should take accountability for when you held no power. they did. so now that they don't, they don't even want to TRY to understand you-
all in all: they will use your past unchosen childhood to label you as an emotional "woman" who is hanging onto the past. when that is not it. it is NOW the accountability of the PRESENT. you want PRESENT ACCOUNTABILITY AND APOLOGIES. YOU WANT ACTUAL ACKNOWLEDGEMENT AND GENUINE EMOTIONAL REFLECTION. and every person in this world deserves that. do not fall for this lack of effort and communication- do not endure it to feel loved as a transmasc. the fact that you are younger AND have tried your best to understand EVERYONE around you all your life is enough. the fact that they won't even try to do it on their own FOR FIVE GENUINE MINUTES, says enough.
saying they don't know how to NOT say awful things to you- is a lack of effort alone. if they can watch you try to get help to understand them for YEARS, they should AT LEAST TRY to find a professional or group or ANYONE to learn how to mend the relationship they damaged or broke with YOU, if they are able. they should NOT use your past or present emotions AGAINST YOU- indirectly defining you as just an "emotional, hormonal, traumatized woman". but they will try. do not let THEM gaslight you or trick you into thinking they can't at least put SOME effort into respecting you as a MAN with FEELINGS FROM THE TRAUMA THEY MAY HAVE DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY CAUSED. they can AND they should put effort into rebuilding what they destroyed. because let me tell you something i've learned:
"If you stepped into a puddle and forgot to wipe your feet before you entered a loved one's house; then the tracks you left are still your's. No matter where you go in the house they will always be yours- and it's up to you to not keep leaving them."
whether they meant to or not, they still left filth on your floors- and we all know who's tracks they are. we all saw it, but the question is: will they return and do it again, with cheeky pride and their head held up high, or will they clean up the floor apologetically, and reflect on every time they left tracks accidentally, or purposely, in your house. will they think about how YOU felt; how they put you into a position of having to speak up for yourself to keep your "house" clean and respected? will they acknowledge all the other times they wouldn't listen or will they dismiss them? as said by ALL my medical professionals, the LGBTQIA community AND my chosen family, you have a RIGHT to cut these people permanently out of your life, and out of your emotional "home".
and if the next time you see them is at their funeral, that's ok. because you have a right as a TRANS MASC HUMAN BEING to put your safety, sanity, well being, respect and emotions FIRST. you have a right to PROTECT yourself from that negativity and pain. do NOT sacrifice yourself to PROVE ANYTHING to ANYONE. do not overexert yourself trying to get them to understand you when all it does is cause you to breakdowns- AND it hurts.
you KNOW who you are. and that is ENOUGH. KNOW IT WILL ALWAYS BE ENOUGH. for you are a transmasc who has EMOTIONS, A PAST AND PRESENT, PAIN AND TRAUMA. You are a VALUED, LOVABLE PERSON AND YOU DESERVE TO FEEL RESPECTED AND SEEN IN THIS WORLD REGARDLESS OF WHAT ANY "LOVED" ONE SAYS- and if your "family/loved" ones have too much pride to acknowledge that- LEAVE.
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heck-theo · 3 months
ROTTMNT Pride Flag Icons
The response to my last post about these was very encouraging so I finished them! Here are some examples using popular headcanons and/or headcanons that I like (so hard to pick cause there are so many great ones).
Below these examples are some rules for use and then below that are the blanks with the green flags for you!
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Rules: First I wanna acknowledge that there's nothing I can really do to stop people using these however they want, and while I would disapprove, I'm not going to get mad and fight you about it. I won't give you the attention.
If you have any good faith/genuine questions or criticisms about these rules please let me know.
TLDR:Keep it respectful and PG.
Who can use these? I don't mind anyone using these if it follows the rules. Please credit me in some way if you use (even if it's just a text post), and don't claim that they are your own. If you would like to use it in a way that isn't specified here or with a flag not mentioned, feel free to ask.
Editing? I don't mind if you want to add small details, adjust colours etc, but I'd rather you didn't make large adjustments that could really change the overall picture.
How do I use these? I actually have no clue how to mask over a colour in a flat image, these are all clipped over the flag colour layer. If you do know please feel free to leave a comment. If you would like to request a specific flag go ahead and ask. If I only get a few requests I probably won't mind doing them for you. This is not a guarantee though, and it just depends on what I have going on and how I feel at the time.
What flags can I use? This is intended for flags that represent or support LGBTQIA identities. To be clear this does NOT include anything like TERF, MAP or Zoo flags. Also please don't use any flags representing kink and stuff.
Country flags? That is not the intended use and I'd really rather you didn't, however in the end as long as the flag isn't being used in a way that supports war, genocide or bigotry I'm not toooo fussed.
I really hope I'm being paranoid and this won't be an issue but I feel the need to say it cause I've been on the internet long enough to know it's full of trolls, grifters and creeps. If you see anyone being problematic, bigoted or disrespectful with these feel free to let me know. Free block list.
One last thing: There is a more "fem" leaning/alt version and a more "masc" presenting version. I tried not to get too carried away with changing their designs in the alt version. Also I'm still trying to figure out this style so it's not perfect but I was flattered that you guys were interested so I wanted to finish them off. Also they were designed to read well on a small scale so a lot of choices were made specifically to try and increase readability when they're itty bitty and some things might look slightly odd on full scale? Anyway.
Ok without further ado here are the blanks (I hope you can get some use out of them and enjoy ^^):
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bored-boring-and-tired · 11 months
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this panel is so beautifully drawn. before this, the other panels are more zoomed in on the two of them, but this one takes quite a few steps back and they seem so small.
the way it shows tori so small immediately sent my brain to making a connection to how she might feel alone in this because she doesn’t have many/any people to talk to who will understand aspec identities in general (PLEASE GO BECOME BEST FRIENDS WITH ALED PRETTY PLEASE IM BEGGING YOU-), and her and charlie are the only two in the panel, alone in the world. there’s so many other people there but they’re separated. just like there’s so many people in the lgbtqia+ community but aspec people often feel set apart and are often less understood or less accepted overall.
not to mention how the speech bubble is (proportionally) so large in this panel compared to the others. this is like, woah, it’s a scary thing to say, but you said it. and they’re at the top of the ferris wheel and the climax/breaking point of their conversation. tori figured herself out, she knows that she’s ace, and i have a feeling telling this to charlie is so freeing to her and takes such a weight off of her chest.
I JUST THOUGHT OF THIS WHILE TYPING - the two birds in the top corner are little bits of tori and charlie. one of them is the weight lifted from tori, she’s letting it go, setting it free, and the other is a bit of charlie going with that bird to help it and guide it through the sky to a safe place, he’ll help her feel safe and loved no matter what. i love them so much.
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