#(I'm sorry; my mood's been awful the past few days and this just set me off again)
w2soneshots · 3 months
Oh Haz -W2S
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words: 0.8k+
warnings: angst, commitment issues.
summary: Harry freaks out and bolts when you tell him that you love him, so he has to figure out a way to make it up to you.
notes: hello loves! I have a few requests to write but I thought of this fic all by myself🙊 (for once😅). I hope you enjoy!!💘🫶🏼
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"So you told him that you love him and he just... left?" Talia asked in disbelief as we ate lunch. I nodded. "What a prick! Did he say anything?" "No. He stuttered for a second then got up off the bed, grabbed his coat and made a b-line for the front door." I replied. Me and Harry have been seeing each other for almost four months now and I've known that I love him for over a month. I decided to wait a little while because I didn't want him to freak out but it seems I should've waited even longer.
That night, after talking things over with Talia, all I could think about was him. Worried in case I'd completely fucked everything up. Eventually I decided that it wasn't my fault. If he wasn't ready to commit after a whole four months then maybe he didn't like me as much as I thought he did. I just wanted him to text me because I wasn't sure what was going on. The last time I spoke to him was the night he left, I've heard nothing since then.
The next day I got up and got ready for work. I took a shower, brushed my teeth, pinned my hair back, applied a little bit of makeup then got dressed into a matching skirt and blazer suit along with tights and some black heels. After quickly eating some breakfast I grabbed my bag and drove to the building in which I work.
The day dragged on and so I couldn't wait to get home, get into my pyjamas, order a takeout and watch some trashy tv. Once I was finally finished I said good night to my boss and headed home.
My heels clicked on the tiled floor as I walked towards the front of my apartment. My brows furrowed as I noticed something on my doorstep. Once I was a close enough I realised what it was. I picked up the bouquet of white flowers then unlocked my apartment door and went inside.
I set the flowers on my kitchen counter and walked into my bedroom to change into some comfy clothes. Once I was finished I took a closer look at the roses. A note was placed inside. I pulled it out then opened it. The note read: "I'm sorry about the other day. Can I make it up to you with dinner tomorrow night? -Harry x" I smiled. He could've just sent me a text but this was way cuter and meant a lot more.
I sent him a quick message: "thank you for the flowers. Do you wanna meet at our usual spot at 7 ish?" He replied quickly, "yeah, that's perfect. See u then." I set my phone down and enjoyed the rest of my night but not before I called Talia to tell her about what had happened in the past twenty minutes and she also thought that the flowers were adorable.
After getting a good sleep I woke up in a great mood. Thankfully it was also my day off so I went to run some errands before I came back and began getting ready for mine and Harry's date. I took a warm shower, took time to do my hair and makeup then slipped into a cute dress that I had brought earlier that day. Once I was finished I left my apartment and drove to the restaurant me and Harry always go to; since we both love it and it's where we had our first date.
I parked my car then headed inside. I was quickly met with a waitress who took me to a quiet table at the back. Harry hadn't arrived yet so I sat patiently on my phone while I waited.
"Hey." I looked up to see Harry. "Hi." I stood to greet him. We shared a quick hug before both sitting down. "How are you?" He asked. "Good. You?" It was awkward, which is what I expected. "I feel awful, you know- because of the other day. I owe you an explanation." He began seriously. I smiled lightly at him since I could tell he was very nervous.
He took a deep breath. "I uh- my last relationship was really fast and it ended quickly as well. I think I freaked out because I um- I didn't want the same thing to happen with us 'cause... I love you, like a lot." He didn't look me in the eyes until he said the last sentence. My features softened. "Oh Haz, I understand. We can take it as slow as you need. And I'm really relieved that you feel the same." I replied.
The mood changed quickly and we enjoyed our night like nothing had even happened. Harry invited me over to his apartment afterwards and as we lay together on his bed, my head rested on his chest and his fingers gently playing with my hair, I felt so happy.
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chibipsycho-v3 · 2 years
Hello Hello! It's me again!
Heehoo request time/lh
I'm feelin' very hurt/comfort cause anxiety is being a bitch like always. Same peeps from before btw!
Basically, just some general anxiety comfort will do. Whether that's headcanons or a oneshot or both like last time is up to you. But I would like to add a personal tidbit if that's fine.
How they would comfort their partner who's ashamed of how they feel.
I'm sorry if that's a bit too personal or if it's just oversharing in general, I just could use some comfort about that, y'know? Totally up to you if you want to answer this request or not friend.
Have a good rest of your day/night!
*hands together* I am sorry that this took so long to get to you I won't bore you with my RL But I wanted to get these just right before I posted them. I did these in a headcanon style this time, it was the format that flowed- for some reason?
Anyway I hope you feel better, friend. I have some similar struggles from time to time and while I can't rightfully say I know your pain, I feel for you and with you. So we can all sit here and get some comfort from some nice 'bots~
P03 comforting a partner who is ashamed with how they feel
Something is bothering you, P03 can tell. He's not very perceptive with mood changes in others, but he's been around you long enough to recognize it.
At first, he doesn't say anything. He figures if you wanted to talk about it, you would. He does soften his words around you, though.
P03 finally can't take it and he pulls you aside to ask you what the problem is. If someone's bothering you or something, he'd have a few choice words with-!
In the quiet of the backroom, away from prying eyes, you tell him. But once you tell him what's bothering you, his face can't quite settle between sad and upset.
He doesn't say anything quite yet, but- if you were okay with it- he would pull you close and hold you against himself.
He tries to come up with words, but- Oh, he's terrible at this. But you're not feeling good and he's gonna try his damnedest to relieve that feeling.
So P03 tries to offer the words he needed in the past. That he can see you're not feeling good. That you shouldn't be too hard on yourself. That he's proud of your efforts. It may take him a minute (this poor 'bot is awful at discussing emotions, especially his own) but he may even tell you a little about his past to show you're not alone.
Once you've calmed down a bit, he turns his attention to the factory- and calls an early shutdown for the day. His workers are understandably confused, but he tells them not to question it.
He's not going to just comfort and run, he's gonna stick close to you for the rest of the day.
You want to talk more about your problems? He's listening. You want to discuss something else? He's got plenty of subjects and things to distract you with. You want to cuddle? He'll find a blanket for you both. If you want something to eat or drink, he refuses to let you do it yourself and brings it to you.
He wouldn't put this effort out for just anyone, and if pressed by someone he'd deny he did it, but P03 does care about you.
"I don't want you to feel ashamed. I am proud of who you are. Tell that to the thoughts that are trying to scramble you up."
The Archivist comforting a partner who is ashamed with how they feel
The Archivist can tell your mood is off the moment that your demeanor changes. She says nothing in front of others, but as soon as the two of you are alone, she'd ask if you were feeling alright. She wants to give you a chance to talk on your own if you wish to.
If you do tell her what's bothering you, she gives you a look not of pity, but of sympathy. She'd offer a hug if you'd like it, and she squeezes your shoulders gently.
All of her files are set to the side for you. She wants you to feel better, but she doesn't want to overstep a boundary.
But first, your comfort is her priority. That file the Archivist built on you tells her all she needs to help you out. She'll get your favorite drink in your favorite spot with possibly even a playlist of some soothing music to help you de-stress. Any other comforts you need are easy enough for her to get her claw on.
If you need a distraction from your problem, she has no end to interesting subjects the two of you could talk about or things she could show you to take your mind off of things.
She doesn't want to goad you into telling her anything, but she insists that you can tell her anything; she's a really good listener, after all. If you want to be left in solitude, she'll let you calm down by yourself if that's what you need.
But if you want to talk, she's there to listen. The Archivist loves to listen to you, though to hear the hurt and shame in your words, see it in your face… It tugs at something in her circuits.
She'd do anything to make you feel differently, but of course it's never as simple as that. So she tries to understand your position. She might ask gentle questions about why you might feel this way or what she could do to help- but if those questions upset you, she would immediately backtrack.
Your state of mind is her top concern and she tries her best to be attentive and understand.
"You're my sweet partner, and nothing could ever make me ashamed of you. I wish I could change things for you… But I can stand by you through your troubles. Always."
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Hey my man, how are you doing?
Oh, sorry - I forgot to reply to the previous one, assuming you're the same anon. I'm doing neat, although school has been overwhelming me to no end with the amount of work that is expected of me. I have this one teacher, let's call him Robert. Robert is a weird guy - the type of teacher to crack a lot of jokes and do nonsense almost every time he gives a lecture. He likely has ADHD - his mood varies greatly from tired and withdrawn to bursting with energy. He can hardly stick to one topic and starts many things at once, usually finishing just a tenth of what he started. Although he can be funny, he is extremely exhausting. His schedules are messy and he tends to do very weird things, like grading tests at 23:44 the same day - either that or waiting a whole of two weeks to finally get to it. He is hard to comunicate with and plan anything as he is quite the messy person. But that's not the worst - worst is that he is overtly confident in himself, or has a large deficit of self-reflection. Maybe both. He teaches two subjects - history and social studies. He is clearly passionate, but his personality and lack of any deeper knowledge about the subjects (he's the jack-of-all-trades-master-of-none type of guy) make it almost useless. He decided to give us a "thorough preparation" by... Now hear me out. Every week, he tells me (and the people that also take advanced classes) to:
-Take a test from the current topics - Take a revision test - Write an essay - Fill in a 12 page comprehensive worksheet - Attend his activities, during which we analyze a different set of worksheets - Be ready for unannounced oral exams (also comprehensive) Times two, as I have the awful, bad luck of liking the subjects he's teaching. I could say many things here, but I have thought, said, whispered or growled every curse word imaginable (and in Polish that is quite an impressive list!), five times over already. I'll just let you guys draw your own conclusions about if this workload is reasonable. Do also keep in mind that there are four other subjects I need to study at the same time. And somewhere in there I'm supposed to find time to actually take care of myself? And the energy to write? This. This is exactly the reason I decayed so much since the schoolyear began. This is why I sleep less than six hours a day. This is why I'm taking meds. As if I would have the energy to actually give my all with each of these in the first place. This is also the reason why my writing pace slowed down so much, but I still try to find time for it each day. These past few days I have been working on Dark Days for Miko as well as a Necro AU world history timeline and a story quest concept for one of the characters. Anyway, thanks for asking! *To ease your potential doubts - no, I'm not a minor. For obvious reasons you guys have to take my word for it.
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gnattyplayssims · 1 year
1935 Pt2 - A New Camp
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"Oh my gosh that guy is so cute! Do you think he's married?"
"Ugh, Bella! Just leave the poor guys at the station alone!"
"Aw he's got a kid with him.."
"I can't take this anymore, I'll be back when the train gets here." The man disappeared into the crowd.
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Knox watched the interaction uncomfortably. He'd been waiting for Kailee forever and the station was becoming overwhelming.
"There you are" Kailee greeted when she found him outside, "Everything okay?"
He stretched, "I'm fine thanks, did you find the guy you were looking for?"
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"Hang on!" Knox jumped up and a moment later returned with a bowl of soup and a slice of pie which they split. "So who were you meeting with?"
"Oh...no one important. Just someone interested in buying produce. If there's one thing Mizrahi's are good at it's farming"
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Knox and Kailee spent a few more hours browsing the market stalls at the station and picking up some things they needed for the camp. It also wasn't too uncommon to pick up some extra homeless folk and that day there were some...characters wandering around the station.
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"Hey there, your son is so cute! How old is he?"
"Look lady, I've seen you watching me since we walked in here, and I'm not interested. Please leave me and my brother alone."
"Do you think he's on to us?...no he couldn't know that we like him...we just asked about the son."
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"Bella! What have I told you about approaching strangers? Leave that nice man alone."
"Calm down, Cole at least she's not stealing this time. Come on Bella our train got delayed and we found some nice people willing to let us stay in their camp."
"Goodbye cutie! Till next time"
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As the sun went down on Evergreen Harbor the newcomers settled into their little camp. Kye was not too thrilled with the sudden insurge of guests and he disappeared to go fishing until the sun went down.
"Don't mind him, he's just...not in a great place right now."
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While most of the group sat around the fire, Bella just wandered around in her own little world talking to herself.
"It's whatever at this point. Being a homeless, single, dad is what that guy deserves. Ugh who does he even think he is. Oooh good idea doggie, I do feel better!"
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It started to get cold once the sun disappeared and the Marshall's headed to bed since they had to catch an early train. "So tell us about yourself Kent."
"Me?" He shugged "Nothing to tell. It's just me and my brother leaving the past behind." Kent wasn't willing to share more.
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Soon winter set into Evergreen and the tents weren't enough to protect them from the worst of the weather. Thankfully their new friend Kent knew of an abandoned shipping container that they could clean out and settle down in for the season so they packed their few things to move.
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The space was a mess and they didn't have time to get it all cleaned out before the first storm. Knox was pretty good with recycling and eco-living and soon had a small greenhouse built into the back so they wouldn't starve. Kye made sure to take good care of Anabelle's plants.
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"Ah be careful with that, you almost scorched my dress!"
"Aw don't be such a hot-head. That kids been making fires longer than we've been living in a tent."
Kailee frowned and Knox chuckled. "Careful Kye, don't want to hit her pride or you might be next."
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The brothers had quickly become part of their little family and Kent started opening up a little more. As Knox and Kailee started getting closer he spent more time with Kye. Kye would dream about Anabelle returning and Kent would dream of meeting the perfect girl someday.
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"Knox what is all this?"
"I just found some candles and I thought they'd make some nice mood lighting, do you like it?"
"What kind of mood?" She asked coyly but he just picked up his guitar and started singing a sweet love song. It was getting harder to control her impulses.
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She clapped her hands as he finished and he put down the guitar, "Dance with me."
"Without music?"
"We don't need music, trust me" He pulled her close and started humming his own tune. His deep voice rumbling against her chest and making her heart pound as he sang in her ear.
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He kept humming as he led her around the room. "Knox?" She whispered near his ear, pulling back to look at him. "Hmm." Her breath caught as he looked into her eyes and she tucked her face into his shoulder. "Nothing. Keep singing." He pulled her closer and did as she asked.
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For awhile they just danced, the light from the candles playing off the dirty walls and shining on the snow outside. The smell of the basil plants filling the room. Knox stopped singing and just swayed. The atmosphere made Kailee dizzy. He looked at her and started to lean in.
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She pulled away, taking a moment to clear her head of the intoxicating atmosphere. Knox recovered quickly, playing it off as he twirled her under his arm and brought her back against him. "I really like you Kailee."
"I like you too, but I'm not like Kye...I want something real."
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"This is real." He spun her around "I'm not trying to play with your heart Kailee. We'll do it right. Marriage then...kids"
She blushed at his implied meaning. "Okay"
"But can I kiss you now?"
"Okay" She whipered as he moved his hand through her hair pressing his lips to hers.
1936 - Kailee's Concern
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thatcrazycrowgirl · 2 years
Absolutely no love for Jacob in that 15th Anniversary video, huh? Thanks, Ubisoft.
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enluv · 3 years
level #14 – the big speech
wc; 926!
genre/warning(s): written content, angst, cheesy tooth rotting sweet fluff, beomgyu is so cute pls :(
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Beomgyu's nerves heighten as he watches you walk down the long red carpet into the Gala's home building. He'd shown up twenty minutes earlier with Yeonjun and Soobin, Hueningkai and Taehyun having already started hosting a few hours before. He knew you'd be there but he was still in awe at the way you'd walked out wearing the purple dress your best friends had chosen for you. They'd told him before hand what you'd be wearing so it was easier to spot you when he gave his speech.
Speaking of his speech, it was long. The longest thing he'd ever written probably, but every word meant so much. His time was short and if he was going to confess his love for you, he might as well go out with a boom while doing it.
Hueningkai's tall form walks towards him holding a mic, he'd just finished interviewing the last round of celebrities arriving and was now moving to the stage. Food would be severed shortly and then the moment Beomgyu had been preparing for would come.
"You look constipated," Hueningkai jokes trying to get his friend to laugh but to no end doesn't it work.
"Do you think she hopes we don't run into each other? She looks really happy with Eric and Sunwoo."
Hueningkai sighs, as his attempts fail at making Beomgyu's mood brighten. "Honestly Gyu, I think she's just trying to have a good time tonight, after everything that's happened, you're probably the last thing on her mind, but that's why you need to tell her how you feel. It'll get her to see you like she once did and things will be okay again."
The seating arrangement wasn't necessarily picked by anyone. The company hosting the gala had made a pre-planned seating chart and to his dismay, Beomgyu and his friends sat right next to your table.
Dinner was awkward to say the least, stolen glances and burning stares from the other really topped it off, but thankfully it went quickly, and soon came the winners speeches. Eric was up first, second was Felix, after him Chanhee, then Hyunjin, and finally, Beomgyu.
"...well it was a ride, but thank you to those who supported me throughout it all! This one's for you, my lovely supporters!" Hyunjin's final words fly past Beomgyu's head as he's quickly handed a mic.
"It's your turn Beomgyu. Good luck!" Taehyun ushers the boy on stage as quickly as possible and with his cards in hand he walks slowly towards the black podium in the middle.
His sticky hands set down the cards as neatly as possible while he tries to remain focused on the most important target in the room, you.
"Hello, sorry for the nerves, feeling a bit of pressure after all those amazing speeches before me," he jokes lightly, "I'll be honest, if you'd told me that I was going to be standing infront of all of you, here at the iconic Gaming Gala a year ago, I'd have laughed in your face and went on studying for midterms. Yet, here I am today, a year later thriving in my field and fully appreciative of that. I want to thank everyone who pushed me to follow my dreams, and kept me on the right track. My tomorrow brother's who continued to push streaming onto me even when I continuously said no, my manager who puts up with my "brat-like" attitude as some reporters would say, but most importantly there is someone here tonight that I'd like to thank profusely, and that's my girl," his hand points outward at you and the crowd surrounding him begins to murmur as all eyes turn to you, seated smack in the middle of your cheesing best friends.
"Y/N, without you there would be no me. If you hadn't left I wouldn't have been #1 and if you hadn't come back I would have never dmed you about getting that spot back, but most importantly if you hadn't shown me love and compassion I'd be lost in fame and money. You are the reason I want to continue doing what I love most, you are the reason I smile, the reason I go out and face this crazy ass world. I know that a lot has happened between us but I'm glad it did because if we never met, I'd be stuck and alone, never finding my purpose, which is to be my happiest in life, with you. I really do love you."
The crowd around you let's out a course of "awe's" and "wow", and Beomgyu knows he's done good when your eyes roll and you smile up at him from your seat at the table next to his. You may still have a lot to talk about but he knows things will be okay now.
As he walks off the stage, you're standing to the right waiting for him. His once confident demeanor falters, as he now has to face the reality of if you'll take him back into your life or not.
You awkwardly give him a wave and his heart beats faster. Maybe he should turn the other way – no he needs to do this, even if you tell him to get lost forever.
"Hi," he breathes stopping only a few feet in front of you.
"Hi gyu, heard you love me or whatever."
His smile widens at your words. He really does love you and if he has to spend days, weeks, months, even years reminding you he will.
"Yeah I do love you."
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masterlist | prev.
taglist - @bloom-bloom-pow @igyus @beomjunies @envirae @whatinthebts @jcngseongs @tyunningfiles @k6ho @spookybias @changmin-wrlds @junityy @sukirene @viscoolreal @faiirybread @vantxx95 @strwberrydinosaur @milkycloudtyg @nyfwyeonjun @staysstrays @jakeycore @lcvekdy @icywhatim @hjinnie @msxflower @lovebeomb @bbeomies @lokideadontheinside @eeheeeh @onigiriyuki @damselindistressanu @akaashisbunny @jjikyuu @ikyk-leeknow @softkons @loonathewurld @pr0dbeomgyu @hanniesss @sunooflowerss @gothmingguk @dongyucks @w3bqrl @baekhyunstruly @korejijiyo @soobsdior @shawnkneecaps @wooyoponyo @hobizi @032421 @meiiiwa @90s-belladonna @eclisqc (users in bold can't be tagged)
taglist: is CLOSED!
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darkshinsou · 3 years
Having an S/O Who is Afraid of Thunder
With Shinsou Hitoshi, Bakugou Katsuki, Todoroki Shoto, and Midoriya Izuku
Warnings: slight cussing, comfort, use of nicknames
A/N: It is currently storming and I hate thunder, so I am writing this to distract myself🙃 (I did write this at 2 in the morning and didn't feel like editing, so beware of mistakes)
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Shinsou Hitoshi:
He was training late when it decided to downpour on him
As he flicked on the light of his dorm, he saw you cowering under his sheets
He had no idea you are absolutely terrified of thunder
Shinsou slowly creeps over to you as he dries his hair and asks softly, "Kitty? What's wrong?" You peeked your head out of the comforter and smile weakly at him before a loud clap of thunder sounds through the room. You immediately pulled the cover back over your head and whimpered loudly. Shinsou, being the smart guy he is, puts two and two together, "Kitty, are you perhaps afraid of... Thunder?" You nod your head under the comforter and flinch as another low rumble of thunder sounds. Shinsou sighs softly before setting down the towel and holding up the comforter so he can get in, "Scoot over so I can get in." He tells you. You oblidge happily and scoot over, pouncing on him and getting on his chest soon after. He chuckles and wraps his arms around you, cooking softly at how adorable you. Shinsou grabs his set of earbuds from his nightstand and plugs it into his phone, putting them in your ears soon after hitting play on his music. This effectively drowns out the sound, and you fall asleep like that. Shinsou only prays that Aizawa's doesn't catch you.
Bakugou Katsuki:
My beautiful angry blonde😍
*ehem* anyways
This man can be pretty oblivious
And let's just say that he wasn't in the best of moods today
You constantly clinging to him wasn't exactly making it any better
And that lead to him screaming at you to leave him alone
He regrets it when he learns the reason you were being so clingy
You are currently crying on the couch into Denki's chest, scared and upset and afraid. Not only of the storm, but that Katsuki was mad at you. When he blew up on you, you immediately apologized and left him alone. Little did he know that you were being so clingy because you are afraid of thunder, which has been consistent all day. Denki, he being your best friend and one of the few who knew, automatically opened his arms and comforted you. So imagine your surprise when you are ripped away from the only person comforting you and drawn into a warm, hard chest. "what are you doing with my girlfriend, Pikachu?"
You placed your hand on Katsuki's chest and explained, "He wasn't doing anything wrong, Kat. Please calm do- Eep!" You jumped and covered slightly as you hear the loud bang come from outside. You hear it again and cling to Bakugou.
Now, you see, this angry blonde may be sometimes oblivious to your feelings, but he wasn't stupid. "Teddy, are you afraid of thunder?" You only nod and he finally puts together all the pieces. So, THIS is why you have been so clingy today. You aren't attention starved like he screamed in your face, but instead scared. And he pushed you away. Wow, he is a horrible boyfriend. He wraps his arms tightly around you and whispers into your ear, "I'm so sorry, teddy. I didn't mean those things I said to you and- and I'm sorry for saying them. Please, forgive me?"
You would've been in absolute shock that THE Bakugou Katsuki apologized to you, if it wasn't for lightning that struck, shaking the dorm and- oh god, the sound. You told him hastily, "Yes, yes, I forgive you! Now, please, hold me." He complied and immediately sat down on the couch, pulling the blanket around you and turning to Denki, glaring at him. He got the message and quickly scrambled out of the room.
Shoto Todoroki:
My awkward baby boy
My love for you will never die
But anyways
Shoto has a lot of things he fears, despite what people say
What he didn't know, is that you had yours too
So imagine his surprise when he hears you banging on his door
Shoto opens the door and sees you wrapped in a blanket, wearing his sweater and a pair of shorts. You push his arm away from the door frame and settle into his bed, his smell comforting you. "Shoto, come here." You beckon him into your arms and he stares at you, confused, but settles himself into you arms anyways.
"Is something up, Y/N?" He asks you and you sigh as you thread your fingers through his hair. He knows you only do that when you are stressed.
"No, it's nothing." You grip his hair particularly hard when thunder claps, but Shoto is oblivious to it. At first.
"Are you sure, my sweet?" He flinches this time as you grip his hair particularly hard as the sound of thunder ricochets through the room. You guys sit in silence, you muttering an apology here and then as you pull out a couple strands of his hair. He realizes it after the 4th time. "My sweet, are you uncomfortable with the sound of thunder?" Your fingers vaulter for a second, which tells him all that he needs to know. He knows exactly what to do, as his brother suffers from the same fear. He gets up quickly and grabs his headphones, placing them on your head and turning on the playlist he made specifically so you can relax. You resume threading your hands through Shoto's hair as he opens a book.
Midoriya Izuku:
Aw, this adorable cinnamon roll
So sweet, so kind
And so oblivious to your fear in the past
I mean, you had your speaker to get you through it
And your classmates are loud enough to block the sound out during school hours
But what happens when Mina accidentally drops it in a puddle of mud
Looks like you shall be suffering tonight
You currently have a blanket wrapped around your shoulders as you answer the door, your eyes puffy and cheeks red. You sniffles and did your best to smile, "Hello, Izu. What's up?" You cheer, but it sounds empty. It only takes him a moment to have you wrapped under the covers with him. "Puppy, why are you crying?" He asked, a pout on his face. And how could you ever lie to him when he is looking at you like that?
"Izu... Izu, I'm really sorry for not telling you, but I'm afr- afraid of thunder." As if to prove your point, thunder sounds through the sky and you cuddle more into his chest, tears once again spring from your eyes.
Izuku nods in understanding and wraps his arms even tight around you, "Don't worry, Izu. I will be here to protect you, okay?" You nod to the best of your ability, you head currently barrier in his chest, and he laughs. Kissing your head, he sighs, "I love you, puppy."
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opalesense · 4 years
more than friends
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kaeya & gn!reader
2k words • ~15 min. read
summary: feeling down in the dumps on a lonely valentine’s day evening, you are met with a pleasant surprise from your close friend, kaeya.
warnings: just pure lovesick fluff!!  shy kaeya my beloved... <3
notes: i defrosted this draft from valentine’s day aahhh hope you like it!! ;^; p.s. shoutout if you can spot his canon voice lines in this hehehe
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SITTING WITH MY BACK ON THE FOUNTAIN WALL and watching the rotating blades of the windmills in Mondstadt was not how I expected to spend my evening on Valentine's Day.
   To be honest, Valentine's Day was never that big of a deal to me.  For the past few years, I always considered Valentine's Day to be a day where vendors could get a boost of profit by exploiting the gift-giving aspect of the holiday and selling their wares to cheesy couples who wouldn't know any better.  Why was there a dedicated day to be sweet to your significant other?  Couldn't special gifts be given at any other time of the year?
  Despite my indifference to Valentine's Day, I couldn't help but feel a little lonely this year.  My back purposely faced the couples of Mondstadt who would walk by now and then on their way to their dates and instead I had windmills to accompany me along with a book to pass the time.  I figured my evening stroll outside wouldn't make me feel so disappointed in myself, but I was proven sorely wrong.  I couldn't even look at other people today without feeling sorry for myself.
   "[Y/N]?" a familiar voice drew closer behind me, interrupting my lament and startling me.  "What are you doing here all alone?"
   I turned my head to see my close friend and neighbor Kaeya approaching me, carrying a small leather pack along with his sheathed sword on his waist.  I realized he probably finished his shift at the Knights of Favonius headquarters and was just about to head home.  The sight of him eased some of my worries knowing that despite my usual solitude, at least I would talk to one person today.  "Just reading a book," I held up the cover of my book for him to see.  He gave a small nod to the title as I put it back down into my lap.  "How did you even spot me here?"
   "I can see you from my office," he pointed at a window on the wall of the headquarters, "You chose quite an odd spot for reading, dear friend. You must be uncomfortable on the ground like that.”
   I nervously laughed, not wanting to admit that I sat behind this fountain to avoid looking at how much fun everyone else was having.  My gaze turned to the sky, a vibrant orange that now began fading into a shadow of dark blue sprinkled with stars.  Dusk was approaching. “I suppose it is getting a little late for reading, now that I think about it.  I think I might head home now."
   "Allow me to accompany you on your walk home.  I’m headed that way, after all," he quickly offered as I began to prop myself up to my feet.  He held out his hand to help me on my way up, the sudden physical contact sending a shiver down my spine.  As clearly touch deprived as I was, my hand quickly pulled away once I was standing and dusted off my clothes, which were wrinkled from sitting for so long today.
   "You are too kind, Kaeya," I grinned, earning a grin back from him.  Maybe this is my loneliness speaking for me, but I swear that smile might have made my heart skip a beat.  Although I may have had a crush on Kaeya for the past few months, there was no way I’d ever let those thoughts resurface now.  I've done a good job of repressing the feelings for so long, whether I was around him or not.  At least, I thought I did.
   As we walked, it suddenly dawned on me that the feelings never truly went away.  They were persistent for months, despite being suppressed.  He was my closest friend for quite some time now.  So maybe it was a sign that it was meant to be...
   Chills ran down my spine at this realization.  And once the truth had settled in, the feelings I thought I had managed to stow away suddenly flooded my mind in a storm of emotion.  The more we talked during the walk home, the more eager my heart was to open up and let the thought of him fill the cavernous, lonely void inside.  My eyes nervously turned to our feet, which stepped together in perfect sync.  My attention darted to the hand at his side, which I ached to touch once more.  The more I tried to fight this longing, to forget about it and keep it isolated, the more it fought back in an effort to stay alive.
   "[Y/N]?" his sultry voice snapped me out of my delusion.  Do NOT let your emotions take control of you, I scolded myself.
   "Sorry," I shuffled my feet towards his figure, which had stopped a few meters away.  The world seemed to stop when I was lost in thought, and with each step I took towards him, the world slowly resumed from where I mentally left it.
   "Is something wrong?" he asked, now concerned.  "You know you can talk to me."
   "No, no.  I'm fine," I gripped my book, fighting the urge to break in front of him.  "I'm just a little lost in my thoughts."
   "Well then, what's on your mind?"
   "Kaeya, you won't make fun of me if I’m being honest with you right?" I started to speak without thinking.  No, no, no!  What are you about to say?!
   "What makes you think I would?  C’mon, [Y/N].  We joke around a lot but you know I'm good with secrets."
   What are you doing?!  Don’t fall under pressure like this!
   "Well...  I’ve felt quite lonely today.  A little part in me hurts to see so many people enjoying Valentine's Day, knowing fully well that I live alone and spend most of my days alone...   I guess what I’m trying to say is that it was very kind of you to go out of your way to talk to me today, Kaeya.  It means a lot more to me than you know."
   The silence that followed that regurgitation of thoughts was lethal.  Kaeya didn't even stop.  We just kept walking.  I ignored the instant regret that pounded the walls in my head.
   "So you didn't have any plans today?" he asked, as if he had just ignored everything I told him.
   "Not at all.  I was taking a stroll to find a good reading spot for today but seeing so many couples together...  I guess it was like pouring salt into the wound.  That's why I was sitting turned away from everything, if that answers your question from earlier."
   Now you've just told him too much.  If he didn't already think you were sad and lonely before, he definitely thinks so now.
   "You shouldn't isolate yourself like that, [Y/N].  We could've– forget it, actually," he chuckled and rested his hand on the back of his neck as we finally approached our residential complex.
   "Hey, spit it out!" I nudged him with my elbow, "I poured out my thoughts for you, don't get all shy now.  It's your turn."
   We stopped at my front door, exchanging small chuckles.  The space between us was killing me. If only I could get enveloped by his warm embrace now... No!
   "How about I tell you later?  Meet me here in around ten minutes."
   "What?!" I scoffed, "Now you’re just toying with me."
   "Ten minutes," he gave me one last grin and a short wave before jogging away towards his own house.  I shook my head as I turned the key to my door, feeling the slamming of my heart against my ribs and the sloppy mix of awe, nervousness, and regret boiling in my stomach.  His smile was frozen inside my mind like a photograph capturing a memory. It hurt to like him this much.
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   A knock on my door ten minutes later pulled me away from tending to my plants on my balcony.  I set the watering can down and rushed to the door, straightening out my clothes once more before opening it.  Contrary to my expectations, Kaeya stood in the doorway with a shy grin, his hands obviously hiding something behind his back.
   "I thought you were joking when you said ten minutes," I scoffed and crossed my arms, looking up at him to meet a pair of soft eyes.
   "Still don't have plans for tonight?" his eyebrows raised with the question.
   "No.  What, are you about to take me out on a date or something?" I said in jest.  He chuckled and uncrossed his arms behind his back with slight hesitation before revealing a dainty bouquet of calla lilies tied with a silver ribbon.  My jaw dropped slightly in shock with the sight of the charming white petals.
   "I am, actually," his voice was gentler and sweeter than usual.  "These are for you."
   He motioned for me to take the bouquet, which I gladly accepted.  The subtle fragrance reminded me of his own scent, which made me smile.  I secretly wished my entire house would smell like this unforgettable aroma – this unforgettable man.
   "[Y/N]," his words were laced with hesitation, "I have been waiting weeks to tell you this but...  you are constantly on my mind.  Whenever I see you my heart jumps and..."
   He chuckled with nervousness.  That grin never fails to make my chest light up.
   "...and I know you're not going to believe me because you say I smooth talk everyone, but I promise you, [Y/N].  I know you see that I’m nervous right now – that doesn't happen to me with anyone else.  This feeling hasn't gone away for months.”  Instant regret suddenly painted his face, which I quickly took notice of.  I stepped closer to him and lifted my hand to gently cup his warm, blushing cheek.  It was my way of telling him to keep talking without interrupting him.
   "[Y/N]..." he blushed more at the touch and sighed, "you are so special to me and... I’ll get straight to the point. I want to be more than friends. I really mean it.”
   He stuffed his hands in his pockets and waited eagerly for my response.  I was no longer thinking properly.  My heart had taken over my mind, and for once, it was for my benefit.
   "Kaeya," my voice cracked with a million emotions at once, "you have no clue how long I’ve wanted to hear you say that.  I am so in love with you it makes me sick," I admitted lightheartedly.
   He laughed with relief, taking another step closer to me and shrinking the space between us.  He lifted his hand to grab mine and intertwined our fingers together.  The mood shifted from nerve wrecking intensity to reassurance and gentleness the instant our palms met.  He caressed my hand with his gloved thumb for reassurance, chasing all my troubles away.  "I promise I will never let you feel alone ever again."
   We stood there staring into each other's eyes for a few moments, exchanging so many mutual emotions in mere seconds.  A blush began to creep up my face as well when he gave my hand a squeeze accompanied with a proud smile.
   "Well, now that we're both blushing messes in love with each other, how about we finally go out tonight?"  Our friendly dynamic finally returned to clear the thickness in the air once he broke the silence.  "I have to admit, I was feeling a little lonely myself and was just going to drink at the tavern with some of the other Knights tonight.”
   "Not anymore, I hope?"
   "Definitely not.  I’d rather spend the evening holding your hand and taking a stroll through the city so everyone knows I’m finally yours."
   This man sure knows how to say the right thing.  I glanced at the bouquet in my arms, partly to hide my reddened face but also to ask, "Could I put these in a vase first?  They're beautiful, by the way. I really love calla lilies.”
   "Oh yes, of course. But they’re not as beautiful as you, cutie," Kaeya said with no reluctance.
 There's the flirty Kaeya that I know.
 I let out a shy laugh as he let go of my hand, the loss of touch making me pout.  As I turned to put the flowers away, he leaned on the doorframe and let out a deep breath.
    "Well, I'll be here.  Don't make me wait too long, now."
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rizubaby · 3 years
Sex underneath the stars | Kaito Momota.
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18+ content warning | minors dni.
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genre ; NSFW oneshot.
request ; Kaito and reader having sex underneath the stars, but Kaito keeps interrupting the mood by talking about space.
tags ; fem!reader, boyfriend experience, oral/fingering, semi-rough sex, sex outside, vulgar language.
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Location: courtyard of the academy.
Time: 10:25 pm.
. . .
"K-Kaito, not so fast!" you giggle, your purple spiky haired boyfriend of nearly three months hastily dragging you by your arm as you struggled to keep up with him. After a long and tiring day, the sun has already set and has made room for the gentle glow of the moon. You had both been busy all day, and the suggestive and lustful looks you were giving each other were NOT helping in the slightest. Every time you'd walk past each other, you could feel the unspoken sexual tension build up. God, you wished he would just drag you out for a few minutes and rail you in the nearest empty classroom. But that's not what happened.
Patiently awaiting the day to end and everybody to go back to their dorms, Kaito had come up with a plan. While you two were busy "tidying up the classroom", the rest of the other students made their way back to their rooms. What a perfect lie that was. Fortunately, none of them suspected anything or thought it was odd you two would stay behind. You had agreed to keep your relationship a secret for the time being, because you valued your privacy and wanted to see where this relationship was heading.
As soon as the announcement for nighttime passed, a lustful grin appeared on Kaito's face. You walked up towards him and eagerly pulled him in for a kiss, expecting him to undress you right then and there and fuck the life out of you. But he didn't.
"Kaito? What's wrong?" you asked, looking up into his deep lilac eyes. He smiled at you, immediately grabbing you by your wrist. "I have a much better idea. Come with me."
. . .
As he was quickly dragging you through the halls of the school, you soon walked out into the courtyard. Looking up at the sky, you stood there in awe for a second as the dark midnight sky and bright stars completely surrounded you. Kaito wasted no time and dragged you further back, to the place where you two kissed for the first time, and where he later asked you to be his girlfriend.
"It's... beautiful," you whisper, eyes still wandering to observe the endless amount of small and bright stars. Your eyes dart back over to your boyfriend, who was looking at you with a small smirk. He swiftly wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you closer, lustfully pressing his lips against yours.
Soft little whimpers escaped your lips as you continued your passionate kiss, feeling his hands slowly slide down and squeeze your beautifully shaped ass. He couldn't contain his large grin as he was cupping your soft behind, and it was kind of adorable. Soon after, he pulled away from your kiss for a moment and gently laid you down on the grass, eagerly pulling off your shirt and his and tossing them aside. He brought his face closer and lustfully started sucking on your tits while one of his hands made it's way down your panties.
"K-Kaito, h-hah..." you whimpered, finally feeling his hands and mouth all over you just like you'd been fantasizing about all day. You felt your face burn up, looking down at him as he was sucking on one breast and squeezing the other, slowly pulling down your panties with his other hand. He let go of your soft breasts and smirked, pressing two fingers against your dripping entrance.
"Mm, you're so wet for me baby..."
All you could do was let out a surprised whimper, feeling the cold air and his warm fingers against your folds simultaneously. As he slowly pushed his fingers deeper inside of you, he leaned in for another sweet kiss to muffle your moans. Your face was burning hot, and all you could focus on in that moment was how good his fingers felt inside you.
As he was thrusting his fingers in and out of you and stimulating your g-spot, he let his eyes wander for a moment and looked up at the sky. Like a child fixated on a toy inside a toystore, his attention quickly moved towards all the constellations in the sky above you.
"Babe, look! That's Ursa Major!"
He nudged you and pointed at the sky, his finger tracing the outline of the constellation. What the hell? Um, hellooo, we're busy here! And how the hell is he able to finger you and focus on something completely different at the same time?!
You looked up at him in confusion, not really being able to comprehend what was happening. His fingers were still working their magic, yet your arousal immediately plummeted significantly. His face turned towards you again for a second, and he started sucking on one of your breasts once again. You decided to laugh it off for now, dismissing it as another one of his quirky characteristics. Trying to focus on the pleasure he was giving you again, you let your fingers run through his hair.
Not even a minute or so later, he stopped, and with a childishly excited expression he started rambling on about space and everything he knew about the constellations he had just observed.
"Babe, did you know that the constellation of Ursa Major and Ursa Minor could be traced back to the Cosmic Hunt myths, which date back more than 13,000 years? And did you know that--"
"Kaito, stop!"
The purple haired boy immediately stopped talking, and looked at you with a surprised expression. He did not expect you to react like that, so it instantly clicked that there was something wrong. You grabbed his wrist, signaling him to stop. You sighed.
"Listen, I know you love talking about space. And it is a beautiful night tonight, I really appreciate that you took me here. But... baby, we're kind of in the middle of something!"
You could see the expression on his face change, and he seemed to get a little embarrassed by his actions. You cupped his face in your hands and looked deeply into his eyes.
"We've been waiting for this all day, I need you so bad. So please... give me your full attention."
Something about the way you said it made him instantly forget everything he wanted to say, and he felt the tent in his pants growing. The way you always managed to snap him out of it and make him focus on you made him appreciate you even more. You knew him better than anyone and always knew what he needed, and somehow whatever you'd say to him now would only make him want to fuck you even more.
"You're right. I'm sorry... let me make it up to you," he stated, bringing his face to your neck and gently planting kisses all over. He brought his lips closer to your ear, and whispered;
"Let me show you how much I need you."
Hearing him say that in that low and lustful voice of his made your pussy throb. You wrapped your arms around him and pulled him as close to you as he could, reaching down and cupping him through his pants. A soft grunt escaped him as he started kissing down your neck and collarbones, reaching down as well to pull down his pants and boxers. But instead of positioning himself in front of your entrance, he slowly kissed his way down to the inside of your thighs, making your longing for him almost unbearable.
"As much as I want to feel you around me, I want to taste you first..."
Without warning, he hungrily started lapping at your clit. Your back arched in response, and you frantically reached for him. Gripping onto his hair tightly and your legs shaking, the sudden shift in tone made you near your climax already. Aroused little moans and whimpers came out of you, and he loved every sound you made.
"That's it, cum for me baby.. Cum on my face, hm..." he mumbled, the vibrations of his voice against your skin sending shivers up your spine. Within seconds, your first high washed over you and it left you a trembling mess with your boyfriend's face between your thighs. A satisfied groan came from him as he licked your soaked folds, making you extremely flustered by how much he loved it when you came on his face.
Without saying a word, Kaito quickly got up and lifted your legs over his broad shoulders, positioning himself at your entrance and rubbing the tip of his cock in between your lips.
"K-Kaito, p-please, I need-- Ah!"
Finally not being able to contain himself any longer, he pushed his length all the way inside. He let out a soft grunt and immediately started pumping into you. His pace was incredible, and the way he filled you up was just perfect. With your legs in the air and over his shoulders, the angle in which he was pounding into you made him go even deeper. He reached down and started stimulating your clit with his thumb whilst he was fucking you, grinning at the sight of your flustered face.
"Mm, you feel so fucking good around me baby.." He muttered, firmly gripping your hips with his other hand. Seeing you in a state of pure extacy made him so incredibly hard for you, slowly picking up the pace with every thrust. The sloppy sounds of your bodies colliding and aroused moans made for a beautiful symphony, something you'd be thinking about long after this night.
"F-Fuck, I'm gonna cum soon... S/o, come with me," Kaito whispered, leaning forward and muffling both of your moans with another lustful kiss. He wrapped his arms around you and pulled you close as you tightly wrapped your legs around his waist. He was thrusting into you so hard and so fast, it felt like you were going to lose your mind at any moment. All you could do was incoherently moan out his name while digging your nails into his back. Kaito's face was buried against your chest, clenching his jaw as his breathing became increasingly hitched and laboured. "A-Ah, f-fuck..! Baby, come with me- Hngh!"
Feeling your walls tightly clench around his cock, his thick ropes of cum finally spilled inside of you, making you let out a final loud moan. Milking him of every last drop, he grunted loudly as he rode out his high. He honestly couldn't believe you felt so fucking good. This was by far the best sex you ever had since you two got together.
He finally collapsed on top of you, both panting heavily as you slowly came down from your incredible orgasms. Kaito gently pulled out, admiring the sight of his thick cum dripping out of you. He chuckled, a satisfied smile forming on his face as he reached down and kissed you lovingly.
Kaito quickly grabbed his coat and hung it over your shoulders. He laid back down on the grass with his hands behind his head and you nuzzled up against him, looking up at the stars once again.
"That was amazing, heh... We should really do this more often," he laughed.
"Okay, but you have to promise me to not talk about space anymore while we have sex."
"Hahaha, fine. I only have eyes for you anyway."
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helloalycia · 3 years
my happy ending [one] // kara danvers
summary: your crush from work decides to make a move, but she keeps putting off telling you something that you don't realise is actually really important
warning/s: none
author's note: i'm still working on a bunch of stuff but here's some old stuff to tide you over as i do. this is part one to a two-parter! enjoy :)
part two | masterlist
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I sketched out some designs at my desk, ideas for some new Instagram and Twitter marketing CatCo we were planning to do. I was in charge of social media marketing at CatCo Worldwide, so things like this were routine at work. What wasn't routine was the cute blonde, Kara, AKA Cat Grant's assistant, approaching my desk with a chirpy smile on her lips.
"Hey, Y/N," she greeted, before setting down a coffee cup in front of me.
I smiled automatically, Kara's presence instantly affecting my mood in a positive way. I glanced at the cup and quirked an eyebrow.
"Hey, Kara. Is this for me?"
She pushed her glasses up the bridge of her nose adorably. "I was picking up Miss Grant's order and I remembered you said you loved the chocolate orange hot chocolates Noonan's do. So, I got you one."
I felt my cheeks heat up. "Oh, wow, er, thank you. You didn't have to do that."
She shrugged, and I was sure she looked as flustered as I felt. "No biggie."
I took a sip of the hot chocolate and smiled at how good it was, but mostly because of who got it me.
"So, what are you doing?" she asked, walking around my desk and sitting at the edge. She glanced at my sketches and added, "Is that the new fashion post for our social media accounts? They look amazing!"
"Just some sketches, but eventually they will be," I said, before nodding. "And thanks. I just need the photos so I know what I'm working with. Gotta ask the new guy, James... you met him yet?"
Kara nodded. "Yeah, I just bumped into him earlier."
"Can you believe he knows Superman?" I asked with disbelief. "How awesome is that?"
She smiled with amusement. "Extremely awesome."
Kara lost her smile when Miss Grant called for her, before looking to me apologetically. "I should–"
"It's cool," I said, nodding for her to leave before Miss Grant tracked her down. "Thanks again for the drink."
Kara flashed me a smile. "Anytime. See you later."
I watched her walk away, waving as she glanced over her shoulder. I found myself biting my lip to contain my own smile, feeling butterflies in my stomach.
Kara Danvers, assistant to Cat Grant.
Ever since she began working here, I found myself crushing on the blonde and her cute mannerisms. We were friends, occasionally hanging out outside of work and doing things together. But that's all it was, sadly. I knew she was friends with Winn – best friends, I think – and I also knew that the tech guy was practically in love with her. I didn't know him as well as I knew her, but I knew enough to not want to get in between the two of them. So, Kara Danvers remained a silly little crush.
I got back to my sketches, managing to draft up some mock-ups on Photoshop before my day ended. I was more tired than I thought that evening, ending up falling asleep earlier than usual. Which meant that I missed the biggest news in National City yet – a mystery woman saving a plane from crashing, possibly a new superhero.
I woke up the next morning to a million and one calls and texts from colleagues at CatCo, all expecting me to get on social media to post about this mystery woman. By the time I got to work that morning, I was caught up with everything and in awe at this new superhero we had. It was pretty darn awesome!
The amazement I felt however was short lived, as Cat was all over me when I got to the office, claiming I should have been on top of our social media coverage as soon as it happened. Apparently me falling asleep wasn't a valid enough point to miss it, so I was put to work instantly, working with the photography and marketing department to find some sort of coverage on this mystery hero.
As I was lining up some posts with the limited images available of this hero, I felt a presence stop by my desk and saw it was Kara.
"Morning," she greeted, before glancing at my computer. "Oh, so you heard?"
I chuckled. "Kind of hard not to. It's everywhere." I nodded to the many TVs around the office that were playing reruns of the news coverage from last night.
"Pretty cool, right?" she asked, a smile tugging at her lips.
"Very, but it also means I now have a lot of work to do, especially because I fell asleep when all of this went down," I said, jokingly. "Cat has been all over me about this all morning."
Kara laughed and it was literally the best thing I'd heard all day.
"So, I was actually hoping I could tell you something," she said, an excited smile on her face as she met my eyes.
I felt a little flustered under her gaze and found myself distracting myself with my computer screen momentarily.
"I actually have a lot of things to do right now,” I said regretfully. “Maybe later?”
Her smile faded as she nodded. "Right, no, yeah, that's totally fine. Sorry."
"No, no, don't apologise," I said instantly, feeling a little bad. "I just– if I don't get this done, Cat will kill me."
"I got it, you do this, it's cool," she said reassuringly, offering me a small smile.
"Sorry," I tried, a little sad that there was nothing I could do. I really needed to get this done, despite wanting to spend some more time with Kara.
"It's fine, good luck," she said, giving me a grin and thumbs up before leaving.
I sighed, before getting back to work. Unfortunately, it was a few hours before I could get away from my desk, and I managed to track down Kara at her own desk, remembering she wanted to tell me something.
"Hey," I said, earning her attention.
She looked up from her notebook, smiling when she saw me. "Hey, you manage to get that content done?"
"Just about," I said, before offering a small smile. "Sorry again for blowing you off."
She waved her hand dismissively. "It's fine, honestly."
"I'm free now though," I said optimistically. "Maybe we could grab an early lunch? You can talk to me then?"
Kara pushed a strand of hair behind her ear as she nodded slowly. "That sounds nice actually, yeah."
I felt a little relieved when she agreed. "Great. Well, I'll let you get your things and meet you by the elevator?"
She pursed her lips, suppressing a smile. "You got it."
We ended up getting lunch, as agreed, and it was nice to make it up to her. Though, I never really noticed that she never ended up telling me whatever it was that she wanted to tell me. I was so distracted by how smoothly our lunch was going that I forgot to ask her about it. Maybe if I'd asked, she might have told me the truth. Or she might have made something up and lied. I guess I would never know.
Did somebody say tiny umbrella drinks? #gottalovethetinyumbrellas #CatCoFoundation [image here]
I sent yet another tweet and picture out from CatCo's Twitter account, watching as it instantly got responses from everyone. I was at an event that Cat was throwing for all CatCo employees plus special guests. It was an event to raise money for Cat's foundation – a charity for children's hospitals in National City. My job was to live-tweet the heck out of the event, hoping to boost donations online.
It was a formal event, so I was comfortably dressed in some high-waisted pants and a silk blouse, it being my best attempt at 'formal' clothes.
The event wasn't too bad. There was free food and drinks, plus I got to hang out with some of my friends from work whilst doing the bare minimum. I just wasn't an evening person, I guess.
"Hey, stranger," a voice startled me, and I turned around, surprised to see Kara Danvers stood there.
I hadn't seen much of Kara in the past few months, despite working with her. She always seemed to be caught up with Winn, and she'd gotten quite close with the not-so-new guy, James Olsen. I wasn't stalking her or anything, but I began to notice when I would try to make plans with her like we used to – little things like grabbing coffee or going to watch a film after work – and she would decline or have plans already. Then I'd see her constantly being surrounded by Winn and James, so I figured she'd just made new friends.
"Kara," I breathed out, smiling as I took in her appearance. "Hey."
I hadn't seen her at all this evening and I was sure she just showed up because I definitely would have noticed how good she looked in that fitted red dress of hers.
"You look really nice," she said, looking me up and down before meeting my eyes.
"Thanks," I said, hoping my cheeks didn't look as warm as they felt. "So do you. You liking the event?"
Kara looked around, nodding. "It's beautiful."
"You did a good job," I said, giving her a knowing smile. "I know you planned it."
"This was all Cat, I just–"
"Kara, everybody knows you plan the events around here," I told her with a chuckle. "It's okay."
She smiled to herself, looking down. "Right." It went quiet for a moment before she looked up and said, "Do you want to dance?"
I was a little taken aback by her confidence, but nonetheless, I found myself nodding. She smiled as she held out her hand. I took it, feeling goosebumps from how soft her hands were.
She led me to the dance-floor, stopping and resting a hand on my waist, the other holding my hand. I nervously rested an arm on her shoulder as I focused on swaying to the music playing rather than stepping on her toes.
"I feel like I haven't seen you in a while," she said after a moment. I looked up and saw her blue eyes staring right through me.
"Well, we've both been busy," I attempted to give a reason.
She shook her head, smiling apologetically. "No, it's not that... it's my fault. I've been hanging out with James and Winn so much lately that I've been neglecting you."
I laughed a little awkwardly. "Kara, it's okay. You don't need to feel bad for having other friends. I mean, you don't have any obligations to me. They're your best friends. Of course you're gonna hang out with them."
She pursed her lips and I admittedly felt nervous as she stared at me, her expression unreadable. She was a little taller than me which didn't help with me trying to keep my emotions in check. She was extremely close to me as we swayed to the music and I could just about focus on it as she continued to stare at me.
"What if I want to have obligations to you?" she asked, and I almost thought she was joking until I realised that she wasn't.
I wanted to understand what she meant, but I didn't get to ask because she leaned forward and closed the gap between us with her lips. I was surprised at her boldness, pinning Kara for the shy type. Nonetheless, I returned the kiss, melting into her embrace and warmth.
We pulled apart soon enough, myself a little flustered from the kiss. My lips were still tingling as she met my eyes, a small smile tugging at her lips.
"I hope that was okay," she muttered.
I nodded slowly, still surprised. "Yeah, it was."
My stomach was doing somersaults as I mirrored her smile; the gala was merely a blur in the background as I realised Kara Danvers had just kissed me. I definitely wouldn't have thought she felt something for me other than friendship.
"I'm assuming you want this to go somewhere," I said, a little stupidly.
She laughed melodiously as she nodded, intertwining her fingers in mine. "That's the plan, yes. But actually, er..."
"Second thoughts already?" I joked, though inside I was genuinely believing she might be second-guessing her decision, judging from her sudden change of facial expression.
"No, no," she said, shaking her head. "It's just, I feel like we should talk first. I have to tell you something. Before this goes any further."
She sounded quite affected by whatever it was, so I nodded, losing my smile for a moment.
"Of course, you can tell me whatever you need to," I reassured her, giving her hand a little squeeze. "Do you want to talk now or after?"
She opened her mouth to reply, but tilted her head to the side as she grew distracted. I waited patiently, expecting her to snap back into reality, but she seemed caught up with something else.
"Kara? You okay?" I asked, growing a little concerned.
"What? Yeah, sorry," she said, shaking her head before meeting my eyes with apologetic ones. "I'm sorry, I have to go for a minute. I just realised I have to check on the desserts for the party."
"Oh, okay." I nodded, giving her a small smile. "You can tell me whatever it is afterwards then?"
She smiled, nodding. "Yeah. I'll be back after, I swear."
I believed her and watched as she let go of my hand, already in a rush to leave. I wondered what was so time-sensitive about desserts, but decided not to question it as I realised the very obvious and surprising fact that Kara liked me.
As she turned to leave, she quickly turned back to me and moved forward, pressing a haste kiss to my cheek. My face heated up as she flashed me a beautiful smile, before moving to leave.
Just danced with the most beautiful girl in the room #CatCoFoundation
I looked up and saw Kara by the door, about to leave, but she stopped when her phone vibrated. After glancing at the screen, she paused and a wide smile graced her lips. Her eyes lifted and she gave me a knowing look before disappearing. I found myself smiling like an idiot the rest of the night.
I guess I should have realised, once again, that Kara never ended up telling me whatever it was that she wanted to tell me. I was so caught up in the fact that she returned my feelings that I never remembered to ask her what it was that she wanted to say. Maybe if I'd remembered, things would have ended up a little differently.
Kara and I went on some dates, our relationship blossoming naturally. It was the best thing to happen to me at the time – finding someone who I thought truly understood me, and vice versa. We had inside jokes, an 'our song', a favourite restaurant we frequented; we were happy and it was amazing. I was really falling for her. I thought she was perfect. Nothing could change that, I thought. She was everything I wanted.
"What are you thinking about in that pretty little head of yours?" Kara asked, tilting her head to look at me.
It was moments like this when I was in awe of her beauty, inside and out. She was comfortable, with her hair tied in a loose ponytail and her face makeup-free. Her glasses were balanced on her nose as she stared at me with an easygoing smile and sparkling eyes. I felt a sudden overwhelming flood of love for her as she waited for me to reply.
"I'm in love with you," I blurted out uncontrollably.
She raised her eyebrows slightly, mouth agape as she realised what I said.
"I'm sorry," I said, shaking my head. "That was random. And weird. Too soon, right? I freaked you out. I'm sorry."
Kara blinked several times, straightening up as she shook her head. "No, it's not, it's..." I watched her with anticipation, as she found her words. "It's fine. It's... I feel the same way."
It was my turn to be surprised now. I raised my eyebrows, a smile forming on my lips. "You do?"
Kara pursed her lips, eyes flickering up to meet mine. "Yeah."
I breathed out. "I'm really happy to hear that, especially because I thought I freaked you out, but like, I feel like something is bothering you, Kara."
Resting a hand on hers, I squeezed it gently. She offered me a small, troubled smile and I wondered what was occupying her thoughts.
"I trust you," she said gently. "I do. I love you. And I... I want you to know that I think what we have is amazing. I've never been happier."
"This sounds like a breakup," I joked, chuckling nervously. She wouldn't break up with me right after saying 'I love you', right?
"No, no, it's not!" she reassured immediately, taking any doubt from my mind. She leaned forward and cupped my cheek gently. "I'm not breaking up with you, silly."
"Good to know," I said playfully, resting my hand on hers and moving it to my lips, kissing it softly. "What is it though? What's on your mind? You can tell me anything you know."
She nodded. "I know... I can. I will. Now."
I stayed quiet, watching as she had some inner conflict going on. What was bothering her so much?
"I want to say that I–"
But she was cut off by her phone ringing. She rolled her eyes and I offered her an approving smile as she reached to answer it.
"Alex, hey, what's up?"
I sat back, keeping ahold of Kara's hand as she listened to Alex on the phone.
"Are you sure?" Kara said, concern in her voice.
I wondered what was going on, as the blonde was scrunching her brows together with worry. Her hand slipped from mine as she stood up, pacing.
"Okay, I'll be there now," she finished, before hanging up.
"Hey, that sounded serious, is everything okay?" I asked, standing up, too.
Kara nodded, already in the process of grabbing her things. "Yeah, sorry, it's just some family stuff with Alex. I should get going and help her out." She stopped moving and turned to face me, a distracted frown on her face. "I'm sorry. I know we were supposed to spend the evening together and I wanted to tell you something, but–"
"It's fine, Kara, you can just tell me another time," I cut her off, moving forward and rubbing her arm gently. "I hope everything is okay with Alex. I'll just see you at work tomorrow, yeah?"
Kara smiled tightly, nodding. "You're too understanding. It's annoyingly admirable."
I chuckled, stepping forward and pressing a gentle kiss to her forehead. She had a few inches on me, so I had to step on my tip toes to reach, but seeing the little smile appear on her lips when I did made it worth it.
"Don't get stressed about whatever it is you wanna tell me," I added, meeting her eyes. "I'm sure it'll be fine. I love you and I'm really lucky to have you in my life. I don't think anything will ruin that. Just... remember that, okay?"
Kara nodded, her eyes flickering to the floor. "Thank you, Y/N."
"I'll leave you to it," I said, moving away to grab my coat and put on my shoes. "Good luck with whatever is up, and see you tomorrow."
As I was about to leave, her voice called out, "I love you, too."
I smiled widely at her before leaving, feeling lightweight because of all the love that was bubbling around inside of me. Once again, Kara managed to distract me from the fact that she had something big to tell me, as when I followed up the next day, she assured me that she just wanted me to know that she sometimes moved too fast in relationships and she didn't want me to feel like I was being rushed.
I believed her, blinded by what I thought was my happy ending, and that was that.
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onionsoop · 3 years
Regrets /// Oikawa x nb!reader
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Summary: After the last day of school you go over to Oikawa's house and start to talk about all the things you regretted not doing in high school. During that time though you confess to him after he pesters you about who you were interested in.
Length: 2.1k
Tags: Fluff, Childhood Friends, Kissing
Author's Note: Heyo, this is just some silly Oikawa fluff I decided to write cause I wasn't really in the mood to write smut these past few weeks. I might add more parts to this, but for now I'm working on Part 2 to the Nanami fic. Anyways, sorry for any spelling or grammar mistakes and enjoy :)
The clink of ice in a glass sounded from the other room. You let out a long sigh, closing your eyes, letting the buzzing from the cicadas outside fill your mind. Warm sunlight beamed in from the sliding glass door, lighting up his bedroom and falling across your legs.
It was the last day of the school year. The last day of school before you headed off to college. It had been a long and twelve years, filled with some of the hardest work you had ever done, but now that it was over you felt was a slight sadness. Thinking about what you had ahead of you felt overwhelming and you just wanted to spend your time enjoying this last summer break to its fullest.
The sound of footsteps approaching from the kitchen made you open your eyes, turning your head to look at him as he entered the room. Casual as ever, Oikawa entered the room holding two full glasses of lemonade and smiling at you. Oikawa, your neighbor and childhood friend since you were seven-- looking at him now felt no different than it had when you first met. Despite the fact that he had grown twice as tall and now had his hair styled in those perfect waves the cocky look on his face had remained the same. You followed his movements with your eyes as he set one of the glasses down next to you on the floor before sitting down with a heavy sigh, admiring the way the muscles under his shirt moved.
“So, how long until you leave?” he asked, staring out the window into the garden in front of you.
“Two months. I’m leaving for Tokyo a month early to get set up,” you said dismally. Thinking about how little time you had left made a shiver run up your spine. It felt like there was a foot on your back pushing you to move on while you still held on to the last scraps of your childhood.
“Any closer to deciding on what you’re going to do?” you asked, shifting your eyes over to look at him. He was sprawled out on the floor, back resting against the side of the bed and lemonade glass in hand, slowly swirling the liquid inside. He shook his head, a slight, sad smile forming on his lips in response. Both of you felt the same way about high school ending-- you knew it was unavoidable but neither one of you liked the implications it held and the future it brought.
“Did you make sure to pick up all your equipment? You know Matsukawa was annoyed last year when you forgot your uniform,” you said, nudging his shoulder, trying to liven up the conversation. His eyes flicked over to you, giving you a fake exasperated look that contrasted the smile on his face.
“Of course, of course, Iwaizumi pestered me about it endlessly, there was no way I could forget,” he said, nudging you back a little harder.
“Say, why didn’t you ever join the team? You were always so invested in all of my games and practices.” You fixed your gaze back on the garden in front of you, feeling the jovial mood in the conversation seep out of the atmosphere as memories of things you missed out on flooded into your mind.
“I’m not sure,” you said truthfully, “I guess I was just too busy. I wish I had.” Oikawa nodded, letting out an “mmm” in response.
“Well, it doesn’t matter too much, I’m sure you’ll have a chance in college,”
“Probably, doesn’t feel the same though. I know it stupid but it feels like high school is the time when you’re supposed to do things like that. Makes it seem like I missed a lot of opportunities,” you said quietly, sadness seeping into your tone.
“I doubt that, you were always a hardworking student so if anything you just prepared yourself more for the future. Things like clubs aren’t important,” Oikawa said, trying to lighten the mood. Even though he was usually able to distract you and cheer you up, you still felt the weight of your future still pressing on your emotions.
“I feel so left behind though, like I don’t have these core experiences that everyone else does,”
“I don’t think volleyball is that much of a core experience-”
“It’s not just that, there’s lots of stuff-- I was never in any clubs, I never made that cliche friend group you’re supposed to have, I’ve never even had a first kiss! Do you know how embarrassing that’ll be for me to go into college without even a first kiss?” you exclaimed a little louder than you wanted to. Tears pricked at the corners of your eyes but you quickly forced them away, returning to your depressed composure. There was no reason to get so emotional. You glanced over at Oikawa who had a surprised but concerned look on his face.
“I… I don’t know, I think this is all just weighing on me cause school just ended. I guess I don’t feel prepared,”
“It’s alright, I understand. I’m sure everything will get better in the next few months though.”
“Yeah, probably... I just wish I could go back and redo things, I feel so much regret…” you said, staring down at your drink, watching the condensation drip down the sides. You felt a little guilty putting this all on Oikawa, but you couldn’t quite shove away the depressing feeling that clung to you. There was an awkward pause and you felt Oikawa shift beside you.
“What would you go back and change?” he asked tentatively, meeting your eyes. You opened your mouth to answer but stopped when you realized you weren’t quite sure. You had never really thought about what exactly you would go and change, it felt like there was never really any point.
“I’m not exactly sure. I guess for starters I would go and join the volleyball team, then maybe try and connect with people more often. I was pretty standoff-ish most of the time wasn’t I,” you said, earning a chuckle from Oikawa.
“Makes sense, what would you do about that first kiss situation though? You seemed pretty distressed about that,” he said, a slight smirk forming at the corner of his mouth. You let out a small laugh, rolling your eyes and feeling heat rush to your cheeks. Out of all the things you felt you missed out on, that was the one you had actually given some thought to.
Over the four years you were in high school, you had multiple crushes on different people, but had never really been able to connect with them. At the current moment though the only one you remembered was the way you had liked Oikawa ever since elementary school. You had tried to build up the courage to confess to him back then, but once middle school hit and he got a girlfriend you buried your feelings as much as possible.
“I-I’m honestly not sure. There were a couple people I was interested in but I’m not sure anything would have ever really worked out with them.” You averted your gaze from him, trying to hide the blush forming on your cheeks, making you miss the intensity in his eyes as he asked you the next question.
‘Oh? Like who? Anyone I know?” he said, leaning forwards with a teasing grin on his face.
“I- I don’t think so, it wasn’t really anyone ever well known,” you said a bit too quickly, trying to blow it off with a slight laugh. You thought about all the times you had wanted to tell him about how you felt. You knew you had wanted to for so long, but was it even a good idea?
“Aw c’mon, can I at least get some names? You shouldn’t hold back information like this from your best friend Y/N,”
“I-... um-...” You couldn’t think of anything to say. The name of every guy you had ever known vanished from your head and the only one left was Oikawa’s. Your mind raced to try and think of something to say but nothing came to you. The room suddenly felt too hot and the noise from outside buzzed in your ears, distracting you from thinking properly.
“I-It’s a secret,” you said, regretting the excuse as soon as it came out of your mouth. Oikawa’s smile quickly dropped to be replaced with an expression that said “seriously?”
“We’re not even in school anymore, how can it be a secret?”
“It- It just is. I don’t want you to know, it’s embarrassing,” you said, becoming more aware of the hole you were digging yourself. There was no way you’d be able to lie your way out of this. The blush on your cheeks had transformed into a crimson shade that ran all the way up to your ears, showing that the words you said were lame excuses if it wasn’t already apparent.
“Come onnnn, it can’t be that bad, just tell me,” he said, poking you in the arm. Oikawa’s prying was becoming harder and harder to manage as you scrambled to find a way out of it. Your mind was barely working and had formed into a mess of pure panic. You wanted to give up and just tell him, but your mind was jumping from pros and cons too quickly for you to choose. You felt your breath hitch in your throat as you tried to answer.
“W-Well… it’s you.”
It felt like everything in the room stilled as soon as you spoke. The panic you felt before almost seemed to enhance and you felt a feeling of regret slam into you. What were you thinking? Your eyes flicked to Oikawa who was staring at you wide-eyed with his lips slightly parted in shock. Your lower lip began to tremble and your palms felt too sweaty where they were in your lap. Every atom in you felt the urge to run, but you were frozen in place. Fuck.
“W-What?” he said, finally breaking the silence.
“I-I’m sorry, pretend I didn’t say anything,” you blurted out, whipping your head back to face the garden. You started staring intently at a bush outside to try and concentrate on anything but the rising fear in your throat.
“You like me?”
“Why didn’t you ever say anything?”
“I-I don’t know, I didn’t think you would reciprocate. W-Which it’s okay if you don’t...” you said, slowly shifting your gaze back to him, searching for any emotion on his face besides the intense stare he was giving you. You felt like your heart was about to pound out of your chest. Finally telling all of him this wasn’t as relieving as you thought it would be. Instead of feeling like a weight was lifted off your chest, being in this limbo had caused you to feel even more crushed by your decision. You closed your eyes and took a shaky breath, trying to calm down.
Faster than you could process, you felt his hand reach up to cup your cheek and his lips press up against yours. Your eyes shot open and you scrambled backwards, pulling away from the kiss.
“W-What are you doing?” you said, eyes wide and staring at Oikawa who was inches from your face.
“I-I’m sorry, I like you too, I thought it would be okay-” You didn’t let him finish his sentence as you slammed your lips back into his. Finally, you felt that wave of relief wash over you. Happiness swelled in your mind. You had to concentrate on keeping the corners of your lips from forcing your mouth into a smile. Your first kiss. Right then and there. It was all you could have ever hoped for and with the guy you had always dreamed it would be with.
You felt Oikawa’s arm move from its place on your cheek to reach around your back. He pulled you closer to him and you wrapped your arms around his neck, feeling his soft hair brush against your fingers. You melted into the kiss, savoring the warmth of his lips against yours.
He pulled back looking into your eyes as you let out an unsteady breath before smiling up at him. You could feel almost every part of you shaking from the adrenaline. You were lightheaded and found it hard to breathe, but you felt like you couldn’t be happier at that moment.
“So… would you like to be my significant other?” he asked, rubbing you back with his thumb.
“Yeah- yes please.” You beamed up at him, letting out a small laugh.
“You sure were surprised at that kiss, huh,” he said, a smirk coming across his features.
“Shut up!”
You gave him a slight push, both of you laughing as he held you in his arms, relishing the feeling of finally being with him.
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slashingdisneypasta · 3 years
Greasy Weasel x Reader || Oneshot
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Title: Lottie
Pay no mind to the title- its just an homage to the original piece this is inspired by/for, for my own happiness ^^
So this is an experiment XD I don't think I got Greasy's character quite right (Even if it IS supposed to build on what little info we have) but I like it... sorta... I like the first bit, anyway XD
Plot: Greasy has known you nearly your whole life (Since you were left on the Toon Patrol's doorstep, anyway, with a note that said you belonged to Smart Ass), he raised you- but what happens between the two of you when you return from the Navy 4 years after shipping off cannot be constituted as platonic, in any way.
Warnings: Age difference, Dads friend/Friends kid (NOT pedophilia, Reader is like 24 in this and there were no feelings from his end until now), possible sexual references (I mean its Greasy so what do you expect), etc.
Glaring over your salad, which you play irritated with with your fork, as you lean back in your chair. "Greasy can we talk, in the hallway?" The fury is coursing through you right now, like the goddamn Nile. Where does he even get off saying stuff like this? He is in no position...
He must- he m u s t detect the absolute blood lust in your eyes as he takes a break from leaning on Chase, to you. But look ashamed at all, he does not as he shrugs - but does not speak. A tell tale sign that he's just as, if not more frustrated in the moment and as such, is so not in the mood to get berated, - and gets out his seat; heading for the hallway.
You watch him go with glaring eyes, not moving an inch, before looking at the rest of the table including Chase and taking a breath. Calm down Y/N, keep the anger to yourself... until you talk to Greasy, at least.
"Sorry about this guys, and Dad... " Your gaze flickers the the hallways door and you hop out of your seat, itching to tear into Greasy for his behaviour tonight, and the past couple days actually. "I'll be right back."
You pass your father on your way out, sitting in a recliner chair with earmuffs over his head to block out his family for a while.
As soon as you reach Greasy at the end of the hall, your face twists into a total scowl; all inhibitions and constraints disappearing.
"What the hell is wrong with you!?"
"I do not know what you mean, bonita." He mumbles around his grit teeth, arms crossed and resistant. You clench your fists, totally frustrated. Bitter, spiteful, awful man!
"The hell you don't. What was all that!? You've been acting like this since I got home! If you didn't want me back here, then you could've just said it! Woulda hurt a hell of a lot less then this."
At least at that, his shoulders relax for a moment- but his expression does not soften. And neither does the steel in either his eyes or his voice when he yells back, throwing an arm out to express his anger. "It isn't that I didn't want you back home, Y/N, its that you brought some inválido, with you! I did not expect that, from you!"
"Chase is not invalid- " You gasp, horrified at the way Greasy is speaking. Where is all the disgust, coming from? Greasy isn't like this, normally... in fact, you don't think you've ever seen him this senselessly an ass. Why!? "And you say that like its some mortal sin! I brought a boy home, I didn't kill someone- which you would not have the high ground over, either!"
"This was supposed to be family time! You've been gone for years and the first nights you're back, its with some chico!? He must mean a maldito mucho to you for you to possibly think he's worth hanging around with us right now."
"First of all, he does mean a lot to me. He's my friend- " Under his hat, you see Greasy's eyes deeply roll- a huff coming out of him as he tightly crosses his arms again. Like yeah right- "No, no. He is. Shut up. And second of all- if you just wanted to be with family then you could have just said! That doesn't excuse your behaviour." You glare ferociously, waiting for the real reason. Is he drunk, or something?? Honest to god you are baffled by the way he's acting- he's usually cooler then this. Out of any of your father's gang, he was the one you never really had to worry about. His antics made you laugh- but this? This makes you want to cry. Or scream.
You've gone for the second option.
"He does not see you as just a friend." He mutters back petulantly, avoiding looking at you now; Pulling his fedora down more over his face.
"So what!?" Even if he does, why would that make Greasy so mad? You cross your own arms. "You aren't my father and its is not your job to protect my 'chastity', Greasy."
He suddenly goes quiet, though the wrath from before is still clear in way his jaw is clenched. "... I know I'm not your father... " He mutters.
Something about that phrase stumps you. Of course he knows, but why does he look so ashamed? You uncross your arms, and take a deep breath.
"... Okay." Your eyes flash, looking up at him again; Anger still not sated. "Then why are you acting insane and harassing my guest!?"
A growl rips out of him and he bumps the brim of his hat upwards so he can look at you again, right in the eye. "I told you, I don't like that you brought him into this house!- "
"That's not it!" Its not. He's acting crazy about a boy who's acting absolutely lovely and polite. Its not.
You just want him to tell you what it really is that you did. You don't want to keep fighting with him, not with Greasy. You want your silly, campy, perverted Greasy back. Not this rotten version in front of you right now.
"It is!"
You press your fists brattily to your hips. "Is not!"
He bares his teeth and leans forward. "Is!"
And then all the tension comes to a head, and something absolutely mad happens.
The first thing that you notice is the smell of his stupid expensive perfume filling your nostrils and embracing you, then your your hands curled tightly around the lapels of his suit, and finally the feeling of warmth and tingliness all over your body.
Because you're kissing Greasy.
Your perverted Greasy, one of your fathers best friends, one of the men that raised you, your teenage crush. Your kissing him on the lips and he's slowly reciprocating, his mouth moving carefully, but purposefully against your as he moves his body closer.
But there's anger, too. Your teeth are going to ache when you pull back for pressing into the kiss too hard and the tips of your fingers will pang when you let go of him but not quite yet-
Two sets of lips part and Greasy does this thing with his tongue that tears a long overdue moan out of you, and immediately he rears back like he was burnt. And you're left standing there cold again, completely shocked.
And aroused.
But mainly shocked, because you never expected that to happen but it did and now what are you both going to do?
The air is absolutely silent as you both catch your breaths, from the kiss and also from the fight, and hope your hearts stop beating quite so erratically very soon so you can act normal.
Then, because you've waited for this for too long and the moment is too good to pass up, you step over and kiss him again.
And he kisses you back, like he's totally unable to help himself from kissing you.
All the frustrations and tensions of the past few weeks go into it oh my god- you never expected Greasy to be able to kiss totally well, but it certainly does the trick as it has you holding onto him like your life depends on it, chasing your own pleasure but also experimenting- trying to drag pleasant reactions from him. See what he likes, make him moan.
Between kisses, he mutters 'Cariño... ' warningly, carefully. Like he knows he should stop but you're too good.
When you both finally pull back again minutes later, you're both wide eyed again though far less shocked about your actions, then before.
More scared.
"Don't tell Dad."
"Guys!" You scream, the moment your eyes land on the familiar group at the docks, utter excitement fills you up and you almost want to cry as you drop your bags with your friend in order to rush over to your family and throw your arms around the first man you reach- Stupid. "I missed you. I missed you, I missed you so much!!" You squeeze him, the familiar soft, worn feel of his shirt rubbing on your face as you cant help but smile.
"Duhh, Y/N!! We brought you (Favourite snack)!" Stupid informs above you, but squeezes you back in a moment, a happy whine escaping him at having you back there with him. And your hugs.
"Ohhh," Now you really want to cry. You're so overwhelmingly happy to be home and to see them again- and they brought you food. "Now that's what I came home for... " You joke, giggling a little bit tearily before pulling back and almost running in to Psycho, who holds up the snack.
You just wrap him up in a quick, tight hug. As always he's the warmest- like a lizard who's been sitting out on a hot rock for hours.
Next you find your father standing expectantly for you, fake annoyed that you didn't come to him first. "Hey, kid. Yeah, I told 'em you'd be none-too happy to see us if we didn't have your damn food. But this is some reception, for a regular pack."
"Hey, Dad." Your voice comes out wobbly and weak but in a good way, as he takes you up in his skinny arms and pink suit holding your head the way fathers do; Like someone with a bat is coming up behind you but he doesn't want you to know and there's no way in hell, that you're about to get hurt on his watch. "I missed you so much."
He sighs, and grumbles something about feelings, before burning his head down into the hug. "I missed you more kiddo."
After you father curtly lets you go, nodding stiffly at you as if it would save him his tough guy reputation, your attention is stolen by a familiar rusty, painful sounding voice. "Hey there, chickadee. No hello for me?"
"Wheezy!" You exclaim, thrilled. He holds up his hands.
"I wont take it personal if you don't wanna a hug me- wouldn't wanna get all smelly."
You roll your eyes, grinning. "Whenever have I ever cared about that."
"Hm." He grins, and you too hug warmly for a moment then you pull back and greet the last of your boys.
"Bonita, its good to see you of course. Nice to see you got into such good shape over seas- almost as good as me." Greasy grins sharply, before you two collide excitedly, so happy to see each other again and you press a quick kiss to his cheek. You picked up the habit when you had a crush on him, in your teenage years. Now its just routine. Yours and Greasy's thing together.
You squeeze his arms one last time, before letting go. "Oh, guys- " Sniffling, all teary and happy, you hide your face and pull yourself together. "Ahh... I'm sorry." Greasy pats your shoulder, as they all chuckle at your show of emotion- not that they're doing hugely better. Psycho blows his nose into his sleeve, teary himself.
Your Dad, although honestly as happy and serene as he can possibly be, with his hands in his pockets and his little baby back, glances off to your luggage still laying amongst bustling travellers a few metres away and the corners of his lips tilt down. "Boys- go get Y/N's stuff. I don't want it gettin' stolen."
Finally, you pull yourself together. "I brought someone I want you to meet! My friend Chase, he's- he's only stopping off here before moving on to his home further inland. And I was hoping he could have dinner with us tonight? Just, cuz, you know, its both our first night back?"
Your Dad squints at the guy who looks like he's guarding our luggage, as Stupid and Wheezy go and collect it. "That green bean there?"
"He's talllllllllllllllllllll," Psycho comments, giggling as he judges Chase.
"Yep, him." You agree, hoping your father is okay with it. you would hate to leave Chase alone in his apartment the days before his flight. He needs a good, family cooked meal for his first night off the ship!
"Yeah I guess." Smart Ass sighs, shrugging and sighing. "I just got noise resistant headphones- I don't gotta communicate with no one."
You grin. "Thank you, Dad!"
"A boy?" Greasy pipes up, curiously from beside you. You look over and find him sizing Chase up, then turns to you and smiles weakly- a pale imitation of a teasing smirk. "You brought home a handsome boy?"
Rolling your eyes, you pat him on the back before heading over to Chase; not thinking much at all of Greasy's comment of the odd look on his face. "One, he's a man." Greasy rolls his eyes. "And he's just a friend! Wait here guys, I'll bring him over!"
___Greasy's POV___
"Hmmm... a friend." I shake my head, crossing my arms as watch Y/N interact with this 'Chase'. She picks up one of his bags for him and flashes him one of her pretty smiles, and he watches her move on ahead of him back to us. Por supuesto. For sure.
I watch him as a nauseous feeling rolls in my gut. I know that watch. That is not a 'friend' watch. If he was but a friend, he would be more concerned about the loose wooden board he's standing on rather then the chica's behind.
Perhaps I should tell Smartass what that boy is looking at-
As they come over, the nauseous, grinding feeling in me just gets stronger and I decide against opening my mouth to speak. I'm afraid of whatever might come out- I've never been good at withholding my... feelings.
Its only when the boy catches up to her, and us, and he puts an arm over Y/N's shoulders as she introduces us, and I stiffen up like a wooden plank, that I identify the feeling.
Its something I certainly shouldn't be feeling.
Not about Y/N.
The boss will kill me.
Maybe I can ignore it. Wish it away. Its probably just that I haven't been with a woman in a while, now... Si, that must be it. I am desperate. I good night or two with a lovely lady and I'll be fine.
But then the boy kisses Y/N's cheek and I only just manage to swallow the growl that fights to be torn from the back of my throat at the sight, and I realise immediately that this is going to be more complicated then that.
Far more complicated.
"And this is Greasy! Greasy, Chase." Y/N introduces us brightly, presenting him like he's important and Chase good-naturedly offers his hand to me. All I see though is the devil.
"Nice to meet ya! Y/N's told me about you, I hope we can get along." He beams while I glower, not moving at all to take up his hand.
Oh I doubt that we will, 'Chase', I truly do.
"So Chika!" Promptly I turn to Y/N, a smile on my face as I slip between them and wrap an arm around Y/N, leading her up ahead of the others and especially him. "You haven't told us about your travels much- Psycho ate your last postcard. We have to discuss!"
She glances back, concernedly, at Chase but I just prod her to start talking.
Maybe I can right off these feelings as protectiveness... like I'm supposed to be. I watched this girl grow up and I want her to be happy! I'm like... a... father...
My stomach rolls at the idea, but I swallow the horror down. I have to.
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nicistrying · 3 years
Honestly not quite sure why or what helped, which is annoying. I woke up feeling awful and thinking today was going to be no different from Monday and Tuesday, had no appetite as usual so tried to skip breakfast but Matthew toasted me a bagel since it's about the only thing he knows I'll probably eat if he puts it in front of me. He did his mam's trick of slathering loads of butter onto it to get extra calories into me - she does that with his younger brother when he's being particularly picky with his food. I nearly cried tbh, he's so so sweet to me. I cheered up when we were just talking over breakfast and finally psyched myself up for a workout. I made it a full body session since I'm working long days Thursday and Friday and we're going camping at the weekend so I won't have time to do structured workouts again until next week. Soooo I did this workout and really enjoyed it and felt like myself which was awesome! I even worked in some chin ups and managed 5 reps which was such a boost! I also did sets of 10 reps of 10kg reverse rows where I would usually do 8!
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We went out for our walk and my mood dipped a bit but I felt okay by the time we got home. We had lunch, Matthew went to work and I sat outside on the back steps to call my nanna but she didn't pick up, so instead I allowed myself an hour to read my book and enjoy it and romanticise the hell out of it rather than it being a depression activity or a distraction as I had been treating it the past 2 days. It made such a difference to remember it was an act of self care (absolutely recommend Mother Mother btw, I struggle to put it down)
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Nanna hadn't called me back by 3pm so I went back inside and started doing all the housework I've been putting off since last week. I deep cleaned the bathroom and kitchen, dusted every surface in the flat, vaccumed and washed the floors, reorganised the spare room and a few cupboards that were getting out of hand. And I feel soooo much better for it. It's also kept me active until 7pm so now I only have an hour or so until Matthew gets home. I've had my music on all day and I think it helped give me something to focus on mentally instead of just overthinking about social / work stuff. I've had an awesome soundtrack! The only thing I didn't do today was reply to messages, which I feel really crappy about but I did do a lot of other stuff so I'm trying not to beat myself up about it. They know it was probably mental health related why I didn't reply and they're used to it by now and they're patient with me so I don't need to feel too guilty.
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Aaaand now I'm chilling, colouring in, and catching up on tumblr stuff. So @zombie-apocalypse-training asked to see our favourite mugs and these are mine! A flamingo mug my best friend got me a couple of years ago, and a giant soup mug with whales on it that I bought in Paris for Matthew.
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And a selfie for @therambl3r - thank you for tagging me 🤗
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Sorry this was so long. Thought I'd just do everything in one post so as not to bombard everyone's dash 😬
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a-mended-pact · 3 years
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Chapter : Seven
This chapter is Reader and Spencer finally discussing what's going on. It's a little angst but a semi happy ending.
Taglist is open. 🥰
Part 6
This one is definitely one of my favorite chapters I've written so far.
Word count: 3,121
I am currently experiencing heavy writers block so I would love to know your thoughts or theories!
If you have questions for the series please message or send an ask.
Requests are open
I ended up walking out of the room and I could feel myself shaking. I was infuriated. I had been so upset with everything that happened between Spencer and Cat that I couldn’t see straight. Maybe I was being overly emotional but to be fair I still haven’t slept yet. Spencer had followed me out but neither of us made it far before I saw Ethan sitting in the break room talking to Jj. I glanced at Spencer then back at him. ‘He deserves to be in a cell, not in our break room. You and I both know that.’ He sighed and nodded knowing damn well now was not the time to fully argue with me. My hands were sore. I needed a release from the stress of the past couple of days. I would much rather the endorphins get released by Spencer and I tangled within the sheets.
It had been sometime since Spencer and I had been intimate due to work and me just not being in the mood because of the recent changes in my medication. We hadn’t openly discussed what had been going on with us to anyone on the team. At least I didn't. I wanted to keep things to myself. I had always suffered with dark thoughts and bad coping mechanisms. It wasn’t until Spencer pointed it out when we started living together. That it wasn't pointed out to me. He had spoken to me about it as gently as possible because he understood it was a sensitive topic that could either make me sob or be deeply upset with him and push him away. 
It luckily ended in me trusting his judgement and he set me up with a psychologist. Within a month of therapy they decided I needed meds for my issues. Mood stabilizers, Antidepressants and anxiety medication. It took a lot of trial and error for us to find the right ones that worked for me. I was lucky enough to have a person in my life to love me through the changes I had to experience during that time. I unfortunately suffered from a hazy mind. If I get too focused on something I tend to forget to take all of the above. Spencer always kept a track of when I took them. He’d message me when I needed to when we weren’t together no matter what. 
Of course he couldn’t when he was kidnapped. So here I was having a hard time processing everything I needed to. ‘You need to go home and sleep, eat and take your medication my love.’ As he spoke he cupped my face and rubbed his thumb over my cheek. I couldn’t help but notice the way Ethan looked at me with envy from the other room when I wasn’t staring into Spencer’s golden irises. A part of me felt like Spencer was just trying to get rid of me but I also knew he needed to come home and rest too. I can’t imagine he actually got any while he was kidnapped even if he was presumably only with Ethan. 
I grabbed his hand and held it to my face as I leaned into it. I didn’t care that I had to stretch out my freshly made wounds. If anything the pain was a nice distraction from the whirlwind my mind had become from the ticking of the hours that had gone by. ‘Please come home with me. Ethan will be taken care of and it’s not like the Kitten can get out of her cell. Please.’ His eyes softened as he heard me speak and he went to shake his head no until Emily spoke up from behind us. 
‘Both of you are going home. Neither of you have a choice in the matter. Everyone here has gotten rest but you two. The rest of the team and I can handle this by ourselves for a little while. Go home you two.’ She spoke loud enough to cause a scene and I couldn’t help but wince as everyone stared. ‘She’s right you haven’t eaten a proper meal Y/L/N in days’ Rossi commented from the peanut gallery. I pulled Spencer’s hand away from my face and squeezed it tightly. I hated being called out by anyone that wasn’t him. He has learned how to do it without making me feel guilty over the past couple of years. Right now all I felt was guilt. Guilty over the fact that on top of worrying about Spencer they were worried about me as well. I was such a screw up I swear. ‘ I agree I think I saw you resting your eyes maybe 10 minutes before you headed to the vending machine for an energy drink because the coffee wasn’t working for you anymore.’ Luke commented as he brought me my cardigan that I had draped over my chair at my desk. I sighed as I looked at him. 
‘Guys we are going. I promise.’ Spencer spoke as he began to pull my hand lightly to lead me away from everyone. ‘Don’t forget to put him in a holding cell.’ I said as I pointed at Ethan as his eyes never seemed to leave Spencer and I. I locked on to his gaze and followed his line of sight. Correction: it wasn’t on both of us. It was only on Spencer. 
I squeezed his hand harder than I probably should have. I didn't care. Ethan was truly creeping me out at that moment. Why was he staring at my husband like a child that had their favorite comfort item taken from them as a punishment.  Perhaps in a way that's what I was doing. I knew the moment he and I left they would treat him like an unsub as they should. He'd get no special treatment because Spencer wouldn't be around. I was giddy at the thought and let out a small laugh as I walked out of the building with him in tow.
I felt a weight leave my chest when Y/n asked me to shower with her. I logically knew it was probably because she couldn't bring herself to actually wash her hair or even herself.  I was just thrilled over the fact that once our front door was locked into place she didn't turn around and snap at me about what happened between Cat and I.  I knew what I let happen bothered her greatly. We've spoken about it before many times.  I knew this time though I had almost opened Pandora's box. Perhaps I had only placed the key into it instead. 
Still pulling her into my arms as the hot water washed over us was enough to make me sob into her freshly washed hair. I never wanted her to doubt my love for her. Yet here I was showing attraction to two different people and that wasn't fair to her. Sure it hadn't been spoken about nor did she know about the relationship Ethan and I shared when we were much younger. She had a right to know. I knew that. I also knew now wasn't the time to mention it.
I felt her put her full weight into me as the water droplets rolled down her soft skin. She seemed so fragile.  We seemed so fragile.  Maybe I was overthinking. Maybe I was making up scenarios that would never come. Her hand inched up tracing the wound on my chest underneath it's bandage. I tried not to wince but no matter how gently she caressed it with her fingertips it still stung like it did when it was given to me mere days ago.
'I can't believe he did this to you.' Her voice was barely a whisper as if she too were afraid it would shatter the solace we found behind a mere shower curtain.  I caught her hand in mine and placed it over my heart. I leaned in and kissed her as gently as I could muster. She returned it in kind but I could tell she had more to say. So of course I let her. 
'He hurt you Spence and all you've done is protect him. I want to understand but I can't seem to wrap my head around why you'd protect a man that did such awful things to you.' As she spoke I remembered why I let him get away with it. It was simple. I couldn't remember who had actually hurt me. If it were him or Lindsey.  I never coherently saw her. I only saw him and I felt like that was deliberately done. 
'Sweetheart, do you trust me and my judgment on the matter?' As I spoke I pulled away from her to turn the water off and grab a towel wrapping her up in one first before I grabbed my own to dry myself off too. I watched in awe as she dried off and her breast jiggled as she did so. I had to turn my gaze away. Now was certainly not the time to be trying to bed my wife. I would be lying though if I said I didn't want to distract myself from everything that had happened these past few days.
Her and I both needed rest. She needed to eat first to take her medicine.  That was top priority not my raging lust for her. 'I do. I just. I don't know there's things I don't know that I need to know before I make my final judgement on the situation. All I know is that my husband has been sexually touched, kidnapped and tortured in a matter of days and there was nothing I could do to change the outcome besides not walking out of the bureau when Cat touched you through your slacks!'  
I could hear the frustration in her voice as she pulled on her panties and one of my t-shirts from college.  I watched her as she quickly left the bathroom to head into the kitchen. I quickly slid on my gray sweats and rushed after her. I didn't like the idea of her being alone when she was angry and not in a great state of mind. 
'I'm sorry.' I pulled her into me as she began to make herself toast. I placed a kiss on the junction between her neck and shoulder. 'I should have stopped the whole thing sooner. I just kept trying because I was certain if I did she'd slip up but she never did.' 
By now I knew how Y/N's mind worked. 'Spencer you didn't stop her because you didn't want to. Whether you understand your attraction to her or not. You've always wanted to sleep with her. You yourself told me so when we were just friends. Don't start lying to me now about things' She pulled away from me and took the toast and her glass of water to the couch.
I realized then that she had actually made me some toast as well. I turned around to grab my own glass of water and her medicine. I sat beside her and sighed. 'Eat first then take your medicine. If you are feeling up to it I'll tell you before we go to bed tonight. Everything you need to know and probably things you'd rather not hear but as my wife and my best friend you have the right to know everything.' 
She nodded as she bit into her food. Tears were silently streaming down her face already. I knew right now that it wasn't because of me. Not fully anyway she was just overwhelmed.  
We ate in silence. I handed her; her pills and she took them without complaint. If anything she seemed rather numb to everything around her.
'Maybe telling you should wait.' I said as I pulled her to me. 'Thank you for not fighting with me about taking your medicine.' I kissed her cheek. 'I'm proud of you and how well you've held yourself together while I was gone.' She wasn't codependent on me per say but praise was always something I gave her. Especially after mom started to pick fights with me about her medication.  Y/n was a walk in the park for me compared to her. She always felt bad that I needed to take care of her when she wasn't in her right state of mind. 
To be honest though I love taking care of her. She was perfectly capable of doing anything and everything on her own but she trusted me enough to shut her brain off for a bit and let me take the reins for a few hours or even days. Right at this moment was one of those times. It's not like I didn't have days and times like her where I shut my mind off as well because I did and she would baby me and look after me like I am her at this very moment. 
'I'd rather you tell me right now. I don't have the urge to fight or to do much of anything.' I nodded as I pulled her up with me and led her to the bed laying down with her and holding her from behind.
'First and foremost. I am in love with you with every fiber of my being. I don't ever want you to doubt that but I'll understand after I tell you everything if you do but I need you to always remember I will choose you without hesitation, without question.' She nodded after I was done. My fingers traced up and down her hand as I held her as close as possible. 
'I'll always be your best friend first. Then your wife. That was something I told you on our wedding day and I plan to stick by that choice. I only ask that you stay remaining honest with me. I can't stand not knowing what's going on in your mind. As long as we stay honest with one another I know that we can make it through anything.' She pulled my hand up to her lips and kissed it and I couldn't help but sigh in relief. She was more than I deserved and I don't think anyone would ever understand how much I didn't deserve her.
'I'm not sure if it was Ethan that hurt me. I know he was the one to kidnap me but other than that I don't believe it was him. He would never hurt someon-' I stopped myself as I was searching for the right words. I could tell she was waiting with baited breath. 'Ethan would never hurt me like that would most likely be the proper word to say.'
She nodded 'You're holding back love. Just say what needs to be said.  I can take it.'
I bit my lip and exhaled. 'Ethan wouldn't hurt me like that because he has been in love with me since college. We um.. he was- i-' I was struggling trying to form words. The past Ethan and I had together was a good one but he was also my first heartbreak. 
'He was your first love huh? It's okay Spence we all have a past. Some of us just don't stay close to those from it.' As she spoke she rolled over to face me with a soft smile on her lips. 'Keep going. It's okay.' I know all of her wanted to cup my face but she restrained herself and just made due fiddling with my wedding band on my finger. Which is something she always did when we were having a deep conversation. I knew as long as she was playing with mine and not her own that we were okay.
`We were friends for a long time before him and I became intimate with one another.  We always sorta stepped around the subject but one day after class he asked me out on a movie date. One thing led to another and I was in his room and we- we slept together.' She nodded again telling me to continue as her eyes stayed on her moving fingers. 
I made a face. It's not the fact that I didn't want to tell her it was just the fact that I didn't know how. 
'We dated all of college and then we separated when I joined the academy. I made it and he didn't.  We grew apart. One thing led to another and I caught him in a very intimate position with someone. He claimed that the other person involved was the one that started it. He didn't have time to react before I walked out.' 
I didn't dare look at her. I knew it was dumb of me to still be so hurt by what happened between him and I but I was. I trusted him deeply even to this day but I just couldn't let go of the way it looked like that wasn't their first kiss. No matter how many times he proved to me that it was.
Her hand moved to cup my face as she kissed away the small tears that I was shedding.
'I'm sorry he broke your heart Spencer.  You didn't deserve that.'
'After I left we never fully spoke again. I never gave him the time of day. Not fully.  We'd talk as friends and we'd talk for cases such as where Jj met Will but other than that I just shut anything to do with him out.'
I looked at her finally, my vision blurry with unshed tears and she looked at me and smiled softly at me. 'The truth is I was in love with him.  After him I fell in love with Maeve. Then I met you and it's like everything started making sense again.  I'd be lying if I said I wasn't drawn to you originally because in some aspects you reminded me of him.  I think that was one of the reasons I first realized I was attracted to you.'
She pulled me in suddenly and kissed me sweetly on the lips.  'I love you Spencer. You and the things that make you, you now. We need to talk about Catherine but I'm getting very very sleepy and all I want from you right now is for you to let me drown in you and pretend for a small amount of time that these past few days haven't happened.' 
I pulled her into me and held her as she buried her face into my hair.  'I love you Mrs Reid more than you will ever be able to comprehend.'
With that we both fell asleep for the first time in 4 days. 
@sassymoon @rainsong01 @onlyhereforthefanfics @itsdars
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tetsurobunni · 3 years
IDK You Yet
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☞ songfic based off of the song IDK You Yet by Alexander 23 // 3.1k words
☼ slight angst, mentions of bullying, just wanting somebody to love (insert queen song here), tsukki being tsukki, akiteru being cute, freckles
☼ pairing : tsukishima kei x yamaguchi tadashi
☞ notes : sigh this song...yea // in this story, tsukki and yamaguchi weren’t childhood friends
this text = song lyrics
italics = flashbacks and inner thoughts
The sun cast a golden haze over the empty park in which Yamaguchi Tadashi sat. Gentle birdsong could be heard in the distance, a slight breeze swayed the branches of trees. A volleyball danced in between the boy's hands absentmindedly as he sat alone on a bench.
Today had been hard, just like any other day. The bullies he faced just seemed to never know when to stop; they continuously poked fun at him and made the poor boy feel like dirt. He had hoped that as he got older his tormentors would cease their attacks, but alas, his hopes never came true.
Yamaguchi had no one to call a friend. He tried to stay as translucent as possible as to not draw any attention to himself. It was the same routine for him every day; the only thing he found happiness in was volleyball.
You can see how that would be a problem, right? Loving a team sport when you have absolutely no friends? What a joke.
He sighed, stilling the movement of the ball between his hands. The sun was setting, the sky now a light pink and purple. 'I should start back home soon,' he thought, closing his eyes. Even though he knew the approaching darkness meant the temperature would drop and dinner would be ready soon, he didn't feel any urge to go home.
After all, there was no one there that understood him, or his pain for that matter.
He leaned his head back against the wooden bench, the lingering smell of cherry blossoms floating through the air.
'It would be so nice to have someone to enjoy this with,'
He couldn't help but imagine sitting in this park with the person he loved, sitting close as they watched the sun set.
How can you miss someone you've never met?
His lips curled upwards at the thought. Some would think that was cringeworthy, or too cookie-cutter; but that didn’t matter to him. Yamaguchi just needed someone to be there.
Because I need you now, but I don’t know you yet.
He had placed love on a pedestal for as long as he could remember. His mother and father’s relationship was nothing less than perfect-the love they had for each other practically radiated throughout any setting.
Seeing his two biggest role models share something so special like that made him want it too. No, not want. Need.
He needed the passion, the validation. He needed to be wanted by somebody. That’s all he could ever dream of. He didn’t care what gender, or if they were taller or shorter, bigger or smaller.
Yamaguchi just needed somebody to love him.
But can you find me soon because I’m in my head
When he opened his eyes, the first thing he was met with was the dark starry sky. He jumped, startled, and checked the time on his watch. ‘My parents are going to kill me!’ He thought, frantically gathering his things off of the bench.
He ran down the sidewalk, taking in heavy breaths as he passed by the homes on his street. Lights shone through curtains, shielding from prying eyes. The sidewalk was dimly lit with street lamps, the lone car passing by every so often.
Straightening out his jacket the best he could, Yamaguchi stepped into the door of his house. A lone light was on in the kitchen. He peered into the living room to find it empty, no noises to be heard. ‘They must have already went to bed,’ he thought, flicking the switch to turn off the light.
Yamaguchi padded up the stairs in sock feet, treading lightly as to not wake his parents. As he passed the door to their shared room, he noticed the door was slightly ajar. Peeking into the small crack, he could see the two cuddled up tightly in each others embrace as they slept. Sighing, he gently shut the door.
‘It would be amazing have someone to do that with’
Yea I need you now, but I don’t know you yet.
As he entered his room, he took a second to scan the blank walls of his room. Spaces where pictures of friends and teammates should be were instead replaced by the pale gray of wallpaper.
He sat down on his bed with a sigh, running his hands through his dark hair. It seemed as though loneliness was a routine for him by this point, just the same empty feeling day after day.
To say he was tired of it was an understatement.
But thats exactly what his tormentors said, right?
“You’re such a loner”
“No wonder no one likes you”
“You couldn’t even pay someone to be friends with you”
“You’ll always be alone.”
And lately its been hard
It seemed that no matter how hard Yamaguchi tried not to recall the words thrown at him, they still came crashing over him in waves, beating him down over and over until he felt like he couldn’t breathe.
They’re selling me for parts
“Please just stop, j-just-stop,” he whispered, voice strained as tears rolled down his cheeks. He dug his palms into his eyes to try and stop the waterfall of emotions, but like every time before, it didn’t work.
He didn’t want to go through this anymore. He really, really didn’t. He wished that he was strong; that he could stand up to those people and tell them that he wasn’t worthless.
And I don’t wanna be modern art
The only thing that kept him sane was the feeling in his heart that there was someone out there for him. There had to be. Someone that could mend his broken parts and dry his eyes when the world got too much. He hoped and wished and dreamed about finding his person
He just hoped that they were okay with being the other half of his wounded heart.
But I’ve only got half a heart, to give, to you.
He hoped that, for once, he would be enough for somebody.
~~~~~ Tsukki’s POV~~~~~
Tsukkishima walked down the bustling street, vendors selling various foods and treats filling the air with delightful smells. It wasn't really his scene, per se, but Akiteru had paid him to get some meat buns from his favorite store. There's no way he'd pass up money and free food.
As he rounded the corner, the familiar little shop his brother had sent him to numerous times came into view. He stepped inside, the warm air and lively chatter washing over him.
He swiveled his head side to side, noticing something strange. At almost every table sat a couple sharing a meal, girls giggling at their boyfriends as they shared conversation.
For the first time since he left the house he took notice of the bright pink and red hearts that decorated the walls and windows.
'Of course, it's Valentine's day. Disgusting.'
He rolled his eyes at his realization. Valentine's Day was just stupid. Why would anyone want to celebrate such an idiotic holiday? He managed to shove past a couple who was standing just a little too close for comfort mumbling a 'tch, you're in public' as he walked past.
Not looking back to see their reactions, he walked up to the counter and quickly ordered 4 meat buns- he knew his brother would want more than two and since it wasn't his money, he decided he'd get one for himself.
Tsukki didn't know if he was jinxed by the shop or what, but as soon as he walked outside all he saw were couples. Couples here, couples there, talking, laughing, hugging, kissing. He'd never admit it, but it made him feel just the tiniest bit lonely.
He had never been one for relationships and romantics- or even feelings at that. He had always despised Valentine's Day ever since he could remember. The girls in lower secondary school would give letters sealed with bright pink and red envelopes to the boys they liked. Tsukki himself had even received a few, but he always turned them down.
No one seemed to ever catch his eye, or grasp his attention. All the girls were plain, boring, and dull. Too energetic, too shy, talked too loud- the list could go on and on.
The door creaked open as he stepped into his house, and Akiteru yelled an 'in here!' from the living room. The latter was practically drooling at the plastic bag in Tsukki's hand, basically begging like a puppy for a treat.
"Here, you nuisance, I got three for you. The other one is mine, don't even think about eating it," he said, tossing the bag to Akiteru, who instantly started digging through it to get his food.
Tsukki sat down cross-legged on the opposite side of the table, opening the package on his meat bun. Suddenly Akiteru got a sly look on his face. "Oh, I forgot to mention that today was Valentines Day, sorry for sending you out in that."
Tsukki narrowed his eyes at his brother, knowing good and well that he didn't tell him on purpose. "Whatever, I'm keeping the change from our order as payment for sending me out in that mess."
Akiteru just laughed, shaking his head slightly. "C'mon Tsukki, do you really hate Valentine's Day that much?"
"Well, okay then," the elder grumbled, taking a bite out of his second meat bun. "But answer this, why do you hate it so much?"
Tsukki faltered for a moment. There were many reasons as to why he hated the holiday, such as the PDA, too much giggling, confessions, all of the god awful pink-
"Is it just because you never found someone you like?"
Tsukki's eyes widened. He had never thought about it. No- there was no way he was pissed because he had never met someone he had feelings for; and he for sure wasn't upset about it.
How can you miss someone you've never seen?
"Ah, hit the nail on the hammer, huh?" Akiteru said, his face showing signs of pity.
"Shutup, will you? I don't care about liking someone, or someone liking me, or being in a relationship, or-"
"Tsukki. You're rambling. You never ramble."
The blonde stopped in his tracks. Why was he rambling? He didn't care, so why did what his brother say have such an impact his mood? He let out a quiet 'tch', moving to get up from the table.
"Tsukki, wait."
The latter faltered from his place at the entrance of the door to his bedroom, waiting for his brother to speak.
"I don't like Valentine's Day all that much either. It makes me feel super lonely, and I get into this sad funk that I can't get out of. But, sometimes, I think about the person that'll love me someday. What they look like, what their personality is, all that; it helps a little. You should try it," Akiteru said, a soft smile on his face.
The blonde responded by opening his door, walking in, and shutting it behind him. Was his brother serious?! There was no way he'd entertain such silly ideas. He'd do what he always did: ignore everyone else and keep to himself. No thoughts, just his music.
After he changed into more comfortable clothes, he slipped his headphones on and laid on his bed, letting the sounds of his music flood into his ears. Without noticing, he started to think about all the couples he saw today at the market.
He remembered seeing a girl with blonde hair and brown eyes, much like himself.
'There's no way I'd be with someone who looked like me- wait, why am I even thinking about this-'
He scolded himself in his head, took his glasses off then proceeded to run a hand down his face. He continued listening to his music... that is until he started thinking again.
He tried everything, listening to god awful rock, cleaning his already clean room, he even tried working out in order to get his brother's words out of his head. No matter how hard he tried, his brother's smiling face saying those words seemed to pop up in his mind.
"Y'know what, fine. Fine! I'll do it!" He whisper-yelled, laying down on his bed yet again. Closing his eyes, he thought back again.
"I think about what they look like."
Okay fine, he could do that.
Tell me are your eyes brown, blue, or green?
Again, he couldn't imagine his...person...having the same light, amber eyes as him.
‘Blue? No, too bright...maybe brown? Hazel? Yea...hazel is nice...’
After he got past the eye color part, he came to a standstill. He didn't really care about hair as long as it wasn't blonde... but what else? Would they have a mole? Freckles? Would they wear glasses, like him?
Suddenly Tsukki brought a pillow to his face and hit himself with it. 'I can't believe I let something that my brother said affect me so much."
Nonetheless, he continued.
"I imagine what their personality is like"
This was tricky. 'They couldn't be too loud. Loud people get on my nerves. They couldn't be too quiet either, I can't stand when someone just looks at me and doesn't say anything.'
He thought a little bit harder. 'Maybe they'd like volleyball? That means Akiteru would love them. I wonder if they would like the same food as me...'
And do you like it with sugar and cream?
'Akiteru makes coffee sometimes, I wonder if they put a lot of stuff in it,' he shriveled up his face in disgust at the thought. He couldn't stand all that sugary stuff in his coffee, preferring the bitter taste instead.
Or do you take it straight, oh just like me?
'Okay, I'm done imagining things that won't happen. This was stupid anyways," he thought, sighing and turning over on his side. For some strange reason, he felt utterly exhausted. It's not like he did a lot of physical activity today, so why did he feel so...tired?
His brain decided to play the images of the couples again in his head, and he realized why he felt the way he did. This was the first time he had actually thought about having a "special someone."
The thought made him want to hit his head against the wall.
He never thought that imagining about the person he might be with one day would make him feel so lonely.
Cause lately it's been hard
For the first time, he noticed the utter and complete lack of important people in his life. Of course there was his brother, that was a given, but he had no one he had ever considered a friend. He never talked to one person for longer than he had to, and even ignored some.
He was completely shut off from the rest of the world...
And it was his own fault.
They're selling me for parts
'It's better this way. You know it is. No getting your hopes up, no disappointment, no keeping up an image. It's better this way. All you need is yourself, not anyone else.’
"But having someone there for me really wouldn't hurt... right?"
And I don't wanna be modern art,
His phone screen lit up with a notification. 'FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL' popped up on his screen, and the blonde groaned once he saw the time.
'Two in the morning? Great. I've wasted my sleep on nothing.’
But deep down, Tsukki knew it wasn't 'nothing'. He just made the pit of loneliness in his stomach larger and harder to ignore.
How could he even imagine the person he would love when he was so pathetic?
"You're so stupid Tsukishima Kei, so, so, so mind-numbingly STUPID!"
But I've only got half a heart, to give, to you.
~~~~~Both POV~~~~~~
Yamaguchi tugged the straps of his backpack tighter as he walked towards the staff room. Students shuffled in the halls, chatter and laughter filled the air. Of course, the green haired boy kept to himself. He had already dodged one of his bullies this morning, so he was on high alert.
As if the first day wasn't nerve racking enough, for some awful reason he decided he was going to join the volleyball club.
'This was such a stupid decision you should just turn around right now,' he thought to himself, slightly panicking as he saw the sign that said 'staff room' on the door in front of him.
He just stood there, staring, unmoving, at the door handle. His heart was racing in his chest, all the air seeming to exit his lungs.
"Oi, are you just gonna stand there?"
Yamaguchi jumped from the sudden voice that came from behind him. He jerked his head, meeting amber eyes behind black frames. He tripped on his words, becoming a blubbering mess, finally spitting out a 'Gomen!'
Tsukki raised a brow at the slightly shorter boy, wondering why he was just staring at the door.
"Tch, why were you just staring at the door like a weirdo?" Yamaguchi bowed his head in apology, contemplating whether to tell this complete stranger the truth, but he finally decided he would.
"Um, I was...uh...going to... to join the volleyball club," he stammered, not meeting the taller boy's eyes. He felt highly embarrassed for some reason, like him wanting to join was humorous. Honestly, he half expected the guy to laugh at him.
"Hm, I am too."
Tsukki moved past the green haired boy and opened the door, walking in a little ways before he realized the latter was still standing there.
"Oi, c'mon. Unless you're not actually going to join..."
Yamaguchi's ears perked up at that. He decided, that for once, he was going to do something he wanted.
"Gomen, I'm coming."
Even though it wasn't visible, Tsukki slightly smiled. He wasn't actually coming to the staff room to join the volleyball club, but when he heard that this boy was going to be joining, he decided that maybe he would.
The shorter boy suddenly turned around, hands flailing.
"Oh! I'm sorry for being rude, I'm Tadashi Yamaguchi!" he said, a bright smile presented onto his freckled face.
'Hm, freckles...'
"Tsukishima Kei."
And I hope it's enough.
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thesadstoryofme · 5 years
Harry calls Y/N clingy and she leaves.
the one where harry calls y/n clingy and she gets upset and leaves.
This was requested.
Harry loved y/n more then anything in this world. She was his everything and he was hers. Although sometimes y/n was needy. She wanted attention and she didn't want to feel alone.
Whenever Harry was home from tour, they would spend a lot of time together. Listening to music, making food, going to the store or drives.
Today was a different day, Harry woke up in a mood. Y/N was sound asleep next to him, her arm gently placed on his bare stomach. His heart ached at the thought of thinking that y/n was clingy and sometimes she was and he never really said anything. She woke up roughly around 9 am. Her eyes were sleepy but she forced herself up to start her day.
She was so excited to spend the day with her man. She wanted to go get coffee and lunch and then maybe rearrange the guest room for when his mom comes to stay in a few weeks. Harry was on the other side of the bed with his phone to his nose.
* Hey man. Were gonna grab some coffee do you wanna come * jeff
His phone buzzed beside him.
* can't man. Y/N's clingled her self to me today as usual. Maybe another day * Harry
He felt bad for saying that but he was being honest.
" Babe, I'm gonna hop in the shower before we go, okay" Y/N nodded. His phone buzzed again as the shower turned on and y/n picked it up.
She couldn't believe what she saw. She would of never thought Harry would ever call her names to his friend. She quietly curses at herself for even picking up his phone but they both do it a lot.
" I cant believe he thinks I'm clingy" She tought.
She felt sick to her stomach and many thoughts of Harry leaving her or cheating on her with someone who wasnt clingly. They had been together for years and she never thought about it until now.
Harry came out of the shower with a towel wrapped around his waste and a tooth brush in his hand.
" Harry, I'm not feeling to well. I think you should go get that coffee with Jeff" His eyes went wide as he spit the tooth paste in to the sink.
" What?" He asked.
" Go spend the day with your friends. I have some things I have to do anyways."
She never mentioned that she looked at his phone but he kinda got the idea. The moment he finished getting dressed, y/n was gone and her car wasnt in the lot.
" I fucked up man. She saw the messages and left. " Harry told Jeff on the phone.
" Make it right dude. You love her and she loves you. She's just upset" he assured him and Harry said his goodbyes and hung up.
Harry called her every second but she wouldn't answer. Y/N wanted to give him space and she didn't wanna suffocate him.
Harry never went for that coffee..
It was getting late. The clock read 9:58pm as her car pulled up to the lot. Her hands were full of bags. She mainly spent the day looking at decor for the bedroom but she kept thinking to herself how awful it was because harry wasnt there.
" Its late and I was getting worried. Next time answer the phone. " Harry said as she set her bags down.
" I told you what I was doing. How was your coffee with Jeff?"
" Why'd you look through my phone" He asked quietly.
" It's not like I was snooping. Your phone went off and I was just checking who it was. We both do it all the time. " She made her way to him, sitting in the sofa across from him.
" I didn't mean it you know. "
" Yes you did. It's okay." She was sad and he knew.
" it's not okay. I was in a mood and I wanted to take it out on someone and I chose you and I'm so sorry and I'm sorry you spent the day alone. " He placed his hand on her thigh, giving it a quick squeeze.
" I'm sorry I'm clingy. I never noticed it until you said it. I've always been that way and I'm sorry. Please next time just tell me and I'll give you some space. " She placed her hand on top of his and rubbed his knuckles. He loved that.
" I love you so much and I would never do anything to hurt you." Harry kissed her.
" I love you too my sweet buns. " she giggled at the name.
Harry helped y/n set up the room with the new decor.
" Its almost 2 am my love"
They were sprawled out on the queen size bed that filled most of the room. Her head was on his tummy and his hand gently rested at her side.
She didn't answer. Her eyes were closed and soft little snores escaped her pink lips. He was so fucking in love with this girl.
Harry kissed her forehead and shut the lights off.
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