#(Okay so I haven't really worked on the last part for like two whole weeks 😅)
sykloni · 5 months
Part 6
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uranometrias · 18 days
✮ꜜ : ❛ now i see daylight : spencer reid x fem! reader
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pairing: spencer reid x fem! reader
summary: three weeks have gone by since your last encounter with reid. you'd both been doing an exceptional job of pretending that the other didn't exist. you felt like it was only fair. he didn't have the right to talk to you any type of way, and you supposed in his mind, you didn't have the right to behave so jealously. three weeks of no ground being made, that is, of course, until a conversation with rossi helps to screw your head on straight
content warnings: love confessions. reader definitely has anxiety and a fear of romance/relationships, BUT she fights her fear! i also think it's fair to say that she views telling spencer about her feelings as facing her fear, regardless of his response! this is part two to 'guilt is a motherfucker'.... i'm so sorry it's taken forever, but i've actually preparing to enlist in the army && haven't had a lot of down time. i've got 10 drafts to prove it, but i tried my best to make this longer than part one, and i hope that you guys enjoy it.
Grow up.
Those words had haunted you for about three weeks. It'd been that long since the day you and Spencer had sort of... drifted apart. You refused to blame yourself, despite knowing full well this whole ordeal was majorly your fault. Okay, all of the blame very well rested on your shoulders, but you were stubborn. You'd been that way forever.
Maybe you were the childish, scared, and jealous little girl he'd accused you of being. That wasn't your job to figure out, because he had no business speaking to you that way. Who did he think he was? You could hit him right in his stupid little face. That last thought of violence seems to follow you.
Especially as you sat as your desk, leg bouncing furiously underneath as you counted the seconds until he was away from the kitchenette. Your cup of coffee was dwindling, and you still had a few more files to get through, before you'd give yourself room to slack off. You needed more caffeine, but the newfound thorn in your side was taking up space, using up all the sugar as he made his third cup of the day.
A more mature person might have questioned why you didn't just go up there anyway. He didn't own the kitchenette, and it wasn't like you had to say anything at all. It was meant to be cut-and-dry, you were both mature adults, you could interact as such. Except neither of you were quite as mature as you affronted. You could just picture the screwed up expression he'd offer you if you chose to approach.
You were certain your face was already twisted up, showing off your own annoyance, and he wasn't even near you.
You'd been berated by Derek, Emily, and Penelope over your petty streak, all three parties really driving in the point that you were behaving like a toddler throwing a tantrum. They had a point, but you also refused to accept any such criticism about your behavior. Partly, because you hated correction, and you didn't want to think about the possibility that all of your friends were on his side.
But you think most of your refusal to accept your part from any of them had a lot to do with the fact that they weren't the ones who'd been so callously humiliated, and they weren't the ones with feelings for someone who obviously knew, and was perfectly content flaunting such knowledge right in your face.
God, you could punt him like a football.
You needed to work on your insult creativity, these were starting to get repetitive. You shake all thoughts of assault out of your mind as Dave begins to approach your desk. Rossi wasn't stupid, he like everyone else had noticed the significant decline in attention passed between you, and Reid. But unlike the rowdier members of the team, he and JJ had elected to go the route of silent but deadly.
They'd cast the both of you disapproving looks when in rare form you'd allowed your spat to affect your job. Their clear disappointment in you exceptionally loud. Times like those were sparce, you really only ever objected obedience when Hotch insisted on partnering the both of you up. Which had luckily become much more rare in the last few weeks.
"Still pouting, angioletto?" he asks, and his ability to read right through you seems to make your pout deepen. "It's been three weeks, don't you think it's time to talk about it or move on?" he questions, and there's no judgement there. It's what you like the most about Rossi, he seemed to have fallen into the role of paternal figure incredibly well. He gave you the tough love that you often needed.
But he never disrespected your boundaries, he never went too far. He'd always say just enough to nudge you in the right direction.
"Maybe." you agree, and it's true. You know it's time to put this situation behind you in one way or another, but you refused to cave first. You didn't want to give Spencer the satisfaction of it, and once again you're made aware of just how petty you really were. "But I don't want to." you voice this thought to Dave, who offers an unamused expression. You narrow your eyes in his direction.
"He's the one that started it..." you exclaim your side for the umpteenth time. Rossi's expression doesn't morph, but there is a bit of disappointment swimming in his eyes. It makes you avert your gaze quickly, you could feel the first pinpricks of guilt slicing at you. "It's true." you insist. Rossi waves a tired hand at you, ushering you to proceed, and you find yourself grateful for the chance to vent.
Everyone else knew too much about the behind the scenes to let you get a word in edgewise. Rossi was basically a clean slate. "If he knew all along, what he thinks he knows..." you stop long enough to look towards the kitchenette. He's still there, which is a relief, you'd be pissed if somehow he managed to overhear this. "Then why would he come over here and flaunt it. Was he trying to rub it in?" you demand.
Silly you for thinking that Rossi would be any less on your ass than the rest of the team. He was David Rossi after all, one of the founders of the BAU, a smart man that could read you like a picture book. "You finished?" he asks, and your mouth parts. You weren't finished, but you don't tell him that, he looked like he was ready to lecture. You offer a curt nod, and he hums under his breath.
"What exactly were you expecting from him, Y/N?" he asks, and you blanche. You weren't expecting anything, you'd never expected anything from Spencer. "I mean just stick with me here... put yourself in his shoes for one second." he prompts, and you huff. Those were big shoes, probably uncomfortable. Still, you play along as you wait for Rossi to proceed. "Would you wait around for two years for someone to finally realize that they want to be with you?" he asks.
You hope that it's rhetorical, because the answer for you was probably a lot different than the one he was expecting. You also feel the urge to correct him, you didn't take two years to figure out you liked him, you'd known since your first day. Your issue was verbalizing it, because you cared about your bond. Spencer was nice, he was the sweetest person you'd ever met. You liked seeing him get excited about the things no one else seemed to care about. He was different.
He was your friend, and you had always admired him.
"I wasn't making him wait..." you voice the correction. "And I didn't need time to realize anything..." you trail off, and realization seems to set in for Rossi. He sighs deeply, head shaking as you continue on your tangent. "I liked him back when all the girls in the unit still looked at him like he was some freak, and I'm not saying it entitles me to anything... I'm the dummy for being a chicken, but he didn't have to be so mean." and you're certain that's the root of it all.
Your feelings were hurt.
"Ah, well haven't you heard? Boys are quite stupid." Rossi offers, and you think he only said it to get you to laugh. It works, because you do chuckle, and it makes Dave's shoulders relax just slightly. "Talk to him, Y/N." he presses, and you find yourself looking across the bullpen. "It's the right thing to do." and you know he's right. "And who knows, it might even wind up being for the best." he offers, and you blanch. You nod your head, and Rossi beams proudly.
"You're right." you agree audibly, and you're fidgeting in your chair.
"You are coming this Friday aren't you?" Rossi pries, and you've gone nonverbal, head nodding once more as he mimics your action. "See if you guys can't get this squared away before then, won't you?" he asks, and he's leaving you with a gentle pat on the shoulder. You stare after Rossi with a mixture of disdain and appreciation. Leave it to the old man to get you off your ass. Your eyes are drawn to Spencer as he draws closer, you know he's not coming to you.
It was a byproduct of your desk location, but it wouldn't hurt to use it to your advantage. When he's within earshot, you take the first step. "Spence?" you try, and you expect him to ignore you, to keep walking like the sassy bastard that he is, but he shocks you. He seems to mirror your feelings with his own surprised expression. "Can we talk?" you try, and it's the cliche thing... but you don't have it in you to be poetic. He stops abruptly, head nodding stiffly as he does so.
You feel like you need to stand up, having him stand over you feels too much like you're being cornered or something of the sort. He takes a small step back when you do so though, and the tension seems to only grow tenfold. You mask your disappointment in his retreat easily, instead standing up a bit straighter, sticking your chin out as you prepare to bite the bullet and be the bigger woman. It was utterly humiliating having to bring yourself back to Earth like this.
"Sure." he finally verbally answers your question, you take that as a cue to get on with it. Your patience for back and forth seemed almost as thin as his.
"Maybe it's three weeks too late..." you begin, and his eyebrows furrow. "And I know we've got this new rhythm of pretending we don't exist to each other," and his face betrays how wrong he finds that statement. His face pinches up like he's smelled something bad, and he wants to remind you that the only reason you hadn't spoken was because you hadn't had the guts to own up to the fact that you had feelings for him, but he digresses. He wasn't here to pick a fight.
"But, I'm sorry...." you spit the apology out and it feels hollow. You know you have to do better, so you proceed before he can shoot you a disapproving glance. "I really am." you insist, and despite the fact that you had only just begun to feel guilty about the whole thing in the last few minutes, you meant it. "I never should've acted like that, and I never should have let this go on for so long." you express.
Across the bullpen, Rossi, Penelope, Derek, and Emily are huddled up watching the exchange, not so discreetly. You're none the wiser to your growing audience, but Spencer sees them clearly. Not that they were really aiming for subtlety. "It's not my business what you do outside of work or who you do it with." and your nose curls, mostly because you want it to be your business. You want to be valid in your aggravation, more than that you wanted to be his. How annoying.
Your leg starts to shake just barely, and you look like you'll crumble to the ground at any moment. Spencer notices all of these ticks, and stores them into the part of his brain that's full of things specific to you. "So I'm sorry that I was being a jerk." you offer, and Spencer's face doesn't show any signs of whether or not he believed you, so you continue. "I'm happy for you." you clear your throat, and feel embarrassment setting in.
"Thanks, Y/N." his head tips to the right as he appraises you, his eyes narrowing slightly as he takes you in. It's not a menacing sort of glance. He seemed to be waiting for something else, you weren't sure what more could be put into your apology, there was no way you were about to give an outright confession, that'd be humiliating. Instead, you avert your gaze, and it seems to be enough of an answer to whatever internal question he had. "That actually means a lot."
You don't smile, mostly because you're not sure what the actually means, he seems to notice the way your expression changes just slightly, and he's quick to correct himself.
"I just mean that your approval does mean a lot to me." he says, and you relax. You can't quite beam, you're still not up for it, but you offer a small smile, one that could count more as a grimace than anything else, but you weren't in the headspace to monitor your facial expressions. You were growing bothered all over again, and you had to do everything in your power to ensure that this time things didn't end with another three-week break between you and Spencer.
Spencer's nose curls now, he's an expressive guy. His facials said a lot more than his words could at times, and you note that this particular expressions reads somewhere between confused and surprised. Those were almost synonyms in the grand scheme of things, right? "Is that a real question?" Spencer asks, and despite the tension that hung over you at the start of the conversation, with this question you witness the way his guard drops. It was liberating in a way.
"I asked it didn't I?" you quip, but there's no real bite behind your words. Spencer seems to note this, lips pressing together firmly.
"You're important to me." he promises, and you hate that his first reaction is to validate you. Your anxiety-riddled mind would convince you that he secretly thought you were fishing for praise, which was the farthest thing from the truth. Still, you love Spencer, platonically and otherwise, and you're certain that's why you're mimicking his words back to him so quickly.
"You're important to me too."
He takes a second to stare at you, and you stare right back. You're careful not to show any signs of timidity or awkwardness, things were finally starting to look up. "I..." he begins, and you stay silent to allow him the time he needs to get whatever was on his chest off. "I'm sorry." he says, and you're surprised. It was the last thing you'd expected from this conversation, you're certain your surprise is evident plain as day on your face.
"Yeah?" you feel it's only fair to press him onward.
"Jealous little girl." he cringes as he repeats it, and you wince because it still hurts. "That was-" he shakes his head. "It was out of line. Plain and simple, I guess I was just a little frustrated, but that's not your fault. It wasn't fair of me to come at you in that way." he begins to ramble. "I wouldn't want you to feel... mocked or belittled by me." and you blink. Mostly because that was exactly how you had felt, but how did he know. It's then that you finally feel the beady-eyed stares.
You look over your shoulder just in time to witness the group dispersing, Penelope grasping a file in her hand as she scurried in the opposite direction. Derek picking up a file folder, and Emily focusing all her attention on the drink sloshing around her mug. You really hate profilers, this is the loudest thought in your head as you turn back to Spencer. "It doesn't matter if I felt justified then, or even if I feel justified about it now." and it makes you snort.
Classic Spence.
"D-Do you forgive me? Are we okay?" he asks, and his voice has grown a bit fainter. If you listen hard enough you hear the echoes of the Spencer you first met. Even with all his strides, and the confidence he gained, there was still that small part of him that felt like the nerdy boy that everyone overlooked. The one that talked too much, and was constantly silenced with looks or snide remarks whenever he rambled for too long about some niche subject.
You think this train of thought is what gets you to see Rossi's point of view. And who were you to get in the way of someone who clearly was ready for someone as amazing as Spencer. You didn't know much about the woman, aside from the fact that she was constantly making coffee, and staring at Spencer. You didn't know how long she'd worked at the bureau, you didn't even know her name, but you knew that she was brave. She knew what she wanted and got it.
Unlike you.
You suppose 'snooze you lose' is your burden to carry from this ordeal. At least you'd gotten your friend back though. And that was enough, it could be anyway. You nod your head at his question, offering a half smile. "We're okay, Spence." you promise, and he seems relieved. His smile is one of those rare ones, the gorgeous kind that Spencer reserved for special occasions. He then visibly and audibly lets out a quiet sound of relief, and it makes you relax.
"Hey, Spence, can I get your help?" JJ is calling, and your pulled from your bubble. The world is still spinning, there's still work to do, pressing matters that needed your attention. You felt a little lighter, offering another half smile as he offers you a sheepish glance. He's heading towards JJ as you sit back down at your desk. Your leg bounces despite the perceived 'win'. It only takes you a moment to wonder why, reality sets in, and you realize your shortcomings.
You'd failed the test twice.
Twice you'd had the chance to be the most open and honest with Spencer, only to let your nerves or fear of rejection get in the way. The jealousy is gone now though, instead replaced with a brief feeling of self-aggravation. You hear Dave's stern voice in your head. 'Talk to him, Y/N.' and you frown. Hadn't that been what you'd done? You'd talked to him, so why did you still feel so bummed.
Why don't you just talk to the guy? Look him in the eye and tell him straight up how you're feeling? Derek's question from three weeks prior slaps you like a ton of bricks. You supposed that was the end goal, wasn't it? The only way to relieve yourself of all this anxiety and all the big feelings you were having a hard time digesting. You're back to pouting, mostly because you've got no idea where to start.
You pick up one of your files, and flip it open, hoping to bury yourself in work. Every time your mind tried to stray to Spencer or your feelings, you'd switch files, until all twenty-five on your desk had a dent in them. Your hand was cramped, and you know that soon enough you'll need a cup of coffee. Emily approaches your desk, hands centered as she leans forward, eyes right on you.
"So how did it go?" she asks, and you cut your eyes at her. "Tension's all gone, so it must have gone well, right?" she's grinning down at you. "I told you if you told him the truth, you'd have nothing to worry about." Emily proceeds, and you're shaking your head back and forth.
"Emily... Emily, no!" you exclaim, and her smile drops.
"No? What do you mean, no?" she demands as you exhale.
"I still haven't told him, and I'd really appreciate it, if you'd lower your voice." you hiss as she pouts. "Maybe it's just not supposed to be." you shrug, and Emily looks visibly disgruntled with your thoughts. "I'm just saying... we're okay, because we apologized." you explain. "I don't want to risk making it awkward again, because I think I have feelings." and now you're being purposely dismissive.
"Oh, so now you're not sure?" Emily questions, and then she's clicking her tongue against her teeth. "No. I don't buy that." she denies, and she's stern, but discrete. "Don't do this, Y/N. Don't be that girl." she pleads. "There's nothing worse than regret. It eats at you until there's nothing left, you don't want to look back, and think 'what if!'" and that's twice you're hearing something of the sort. Wasn't there some quote about hearing important things twice? You're not sure.
"If you like him-" she pauses, head still shaking from side to side. "If you love him... like it seems, you owe it to yourself to tell him. What's the worst thing that could happen?" she questions, and you scoff. "No, realistically." she insists. "Realistically tell me what the worst thing could be? And not from that place where your irrational fears sit." she deadpans, and you feel attacked, it makes you look away.
"In the two years of you knowing Reid, do you actually think that he's the kind of guy to break you down to nothing if he doesn't feel the same?" she asks, and the answer when presented to you like this is no. "So tell me what it is that you're really scared of?" she presses, and you don't understand why everyone's so worked up over this. Why the whole unit seemed to be invested in you expressing your feelings.
"I don't want to mess it up..." you shrug your shoulders. "I don't want to make it weird." you offer, and Emily's unmoved by your answer.
"You managed to do that without saying a thing." she retorts, and you feel like you've got no room to speak, no voice to rebuttal with. "Let me be your shrink for a second." Emily is your friend for moments like these, where her clear allegiance to you shines through. "Talk to me." she prompts.
"Why are you so invested in this?" you inquire. "Why does it even matter?" you huff.
"Because it matters to you." she answers. "What? You didn't know that's how this team works?" she asks, and you huff out a puff of air through your nose. "This isn't about us playing matchmaker... it's about you realizing that you've got a few bad beliefs about romance... and friendships.... and relationships that are going to keep you all by yourself if you don't start speaking your mind." she shrugs.
"And despite the way you curl into yourself back here at your desk, we both know you don't really want to be alone." and you think you might cry, it makes you wince. "You owe it to yourself to try, but ultimately the decision is all yours. I just think you'll feel better if you take Reid aside, and tell him the truth about how you feel." she seems done, and you don't know how to respond. Emily pats your shoulder as she rounds your desk, before heading back across the unit.
You really hate profilers.
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By the time you're heading home for the night, you and Spencer hadn't spoken again. You'd been so buried in work that you'd skipped lunch to get things done. You'd gotten a comment from Hotch about that, wondering if you were feeling alright. You knew that he knew the truth, even as you told him a fib. Hotch though, was discrete enough not to make you feel scrutinized by exposing just how obvious you were. You couldn't get Emily's words out of your head.
You didn't feel angry with her, and your embarrassment had managed to go away within the first forty minutes after she'd left you alone. You knew she was right, but it still didn't make things easier. It was almost like you forgot how to speak whenever the time came to really express yourself. You supposed that was why your apology had been so flat. Feelings weren't your strong suit, and you'd learned to express them by lashing out. A less than healthy way to live.
You liked that the team didn't speak to you like a child or treat you like you were incapable. Instead, they talked to you like an adult, gave the truth to you in a way that sliced through all your stubbornness and attitude. As you head towards the elevator, you hear footsteps, and look just in time to see Spencer making his way towards you. His satchel hangs off his shoulder, and he looks relieved, an emotion that you knew all too well by the end of a work shift.
You hoped there wouldn't be any cases that drug you back to the unit, all you wanted was a shower and a nap in your own bed.
Stepping into the elevator, Spencer trails you. He takes one side of the elevator, while you huddle up in the other. He offers you a tired smile as the doors slide closed, you offer him a smile right back. It's weary, mostly because you were drained, but partly, because Spencer had been the object of your thoughts the entire day. Especially after Emily's blunt speech. You were drained. The anxiety of keeping the secret far outweighed any fear of rejection now.
"Hey, are you alright?" he addresses you, after noticing the way you seemed lost in your head.
"Hmm?" you hum, and he repeats himself. It snaps you out of your mind spiral, and your head nods. A lie. "I'm all good, Spence." you reply, and he looks disappointed, but not surprised. "Thanks for asking though." you add a second after, and he offers you a dry little nod of his head. The elevator is back silent, and you hope the doors open quick. You might drown if the tension grew any thicker.
"I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable." he says, and you blank. Your confusion is clear as day on your face. "Earlier..." and your still not understanding. "I wasn't telling you that you were important to me, because I was expecting anything in return." he explains, and it clicks. "If it made you feel weird, I'm sorry. It just felt like the right way to express my point then." he proceeds, and you don't know how to collect yourself. "So, I'm sorry." and you want to scream.
Mostly at yourself for being so infuriatingly inadequate at expressing your thoughts and feelings.
"If you want, we could just pretend I never said anything?" he offers, and you don't answer quick enough. The elevator slides open just as the words are settling inside your head, and he's stepping out into the parking deck without another word. You sit there in the elevator for a moment, the door sliding shut after a moment, but you don't move. You feel like you're at a crossroads, almost at a point of no return. If you let Spencer leave now... like this, there would be no coming back.
There would be no room to gain some balls later, and try again. It wouldn't be fair to him. It wouldn't be fair to yourself.
You feel like hyperventilating, thoughts everywhere. Love had never been a subject you really understood. You'd always sort of saw it as this concrete construct. Unchangeable, always either black or white. A gloomy, gray, existence that could cut you up and spit you out. Love could turn you into a hollow version of who you once were. Love could break you down, and make you nothing. But then you think of your team. JJ and Penelope, Hotch, Dave, Emily, Derek. Spencer.
They were the rarest and purest examples of love in your day-to-day life, weren't they? You'd never quite met anyone who had your back more than your team. They fought for you, they fought with you. They believed in you, pushed you to be the best you that you could be. So why was it so hard, what were you scared of? Was it the notion of getting Spencer, and staining him? Blowing out that light inside him the way you'd witnessed for so long?
Was that a life worth living? Was it a chance you could take?
And then you huff, because damnit... you were tired of waiting. You were tired of anxiety, and uncertainty, and insecurity, and pain. You're certain that is why you hit the button to open the elevator. Gracefulness is not on your side as you practically sprint out into the car park, your eyes scanning hopefully for the familiar silhouette of your friend. When you spot him, you release a quiet noise of relief. "S-Spencer!" you hear the echo from your shout, and cringe.
But it doesn't matter, because he turns, he stops, and he's looking at you. His eyebrows are raised, hands gripping his bag, as you start to run. You ignore your fatigue, and your desire to run and hide, and instead run towards something for once. You don't stop running until you're past the point of 'personal space', you want to hover, you want to be in his space, because it was the only way you could possibly get through this. He looks a bit unsure, and still a bit grumpy.
You hope by the end of this that's no longer the case.
"Spencer, I don't want to forget about what you said." you're trying to catch your breath, bouncing up on your heels. "I don't want to pretend you never said it." you add, and Spencer's surprised expression has the hairs on your arm and neck ready to stand on end. "I-I actually want to know what you meant." you admit. "Because, I know what I meant when I said it... and it's not something that I take back." you express, and you can hear blood rushing in your ears.
"What did you mean?" Spencer asks, and you blanche.
"I asked you first." the obvious retort, and Spencer exhales loudly, but there's no annoyance, no exasperation. Only amusement, like always.
"I've done enough talking, haven't I?" he asks. "I want to know what you're thinking." and his voice is so soft, full of tenderness that you feel like you're being serenaded. You feel like you've got a knot in your throat also, almost like you'll suffocate if you don't get your thoughts out. "I promise I won't leave you hanging." and you're not sure what he means by that, but it helps. It makes your heart stutter-step, and you need to catch your breath, because you can't believe this is actually happening, or that you're actually here.
"I-" you play withy your fingers, and you have to inhale deeply to ensure you don't chicken out. "Spence, I didn't tell you that you were important to me, because you said it first." you promise, and he nods, but he doesn't say anything. His eyes are syrupy, alluring, and beautiful, still twinkling under the dingy, flickering lights of the parking deck. "I said it because you're all I really think about." you admit, and his eyebrows furrow, and you're scared.
"And the last three weeks... I've been so mad at you." you blurt out. "I was the one that acted like a child, but I was angry with you, because I thought that you were making fun of me... and all the feelings I have for you." you exhale, and you look down at the ground, because the nerves that come with your words are overwhelming. "I was jealous, I acted like a child, but it was only because I thought you were rubbing it in my face... I thought you were being cruel."
Spencer's long lashes blink rapidly, but he's still stone silent. Probably because he knows that you're still not done. "And that wasn't fair of me, because I know you, Spence. You're not that type of person, but I just I couldn't reign myself in, and I acted immaturely because I was scared... and then just now, in the elevator... I almost did it again. I almost let you think that I don't care about you... but I do. Spencer, I have feelings for you." and you clear your throat, legs shaking.
"I'm in love with you, and I'm not... this isn't some trick or ploy or cry for help. I understand if you're mind is elsewhere... and I'm so sorry if the way I've been acting ruined everything, but I-I love you okay? That's what this has all been about. I'm sorry it took me so long to say something, but there it is." and you gasp, chest heaving now that you were finished. You finally look up at Spencer again, and he's staring you down. It doesn't feel hypersexual or heady with tension.
Instead, it's like the first intake of air into your lungs after being under water for so long. You supposed that's what the truth did, you supposed that's what your feelings for Spencer did when you allowed them to exist. "You mean that?" he asks, and you huff.
"Of course, I mean it. I mean it so much, I think I'm going to be sick." and despite himself he laughs, a bright beam following after it. He takes a small step towards you, and you feel crowded, the body heat from you both warming you up from the inside out. Still, despite how outwardly calm he looked in comparison to you, you managed to spot the shyness, the anxiety that rested in his own eyes. He looked unsure, almost like he was being careful not to ruin the moment.
"Do you know how long I've been wanting to hear you say that?" he asks, and you're shocked, stuck, surprised. You don't know if this is in your mind or if you just got lucky. "Have you ever-" he's got this gleeful look on his face. "There's this quote by Lao Tzu..." he stammers, "Love is of all passions the strongest, for it attacks simultaneously the head, the heart, and the senses." he quotes, and there are no butterflies... you think that might be a good thing.
"I don't know if there's been a time since I met you that you haven't been on my mind." Spencer explains, and there it is. "I think that's why I snapped the way I did, I don't think I ever imagined a scenario where we'd be here." he admits, and it pains you to know that he thought that way. "It was-" he motions between you both. "The thought of us being something was sort of just something I believed would always sort of just be a thought." Spencer's glowing red.
The blush coats his ears, cheeks, nose, and neck. His eyes are brighter, and his hands twitch at his side, almost like he's restraining himself. You think you only notice, because you're doing the same.
"I want to be with you." he says this so faintly you're almost unsure you heard him correctly. Your eyes widen, and your surprise is obvious. He takes a small step forward, and he's crowding you. It's nothing like the movies, in fact, the closer he gets to you, the more you're able to see the shyness in his eyes. He reaches out, and his hand ghosts over your side.
"Spence-" and the you that you were just an hour earlier, the one too scared to tell him the truth almost feels like she never even existed.
"Can I?" he asks, and your eyes drift to his hands that are inching closer to your body. You nod your head quickly, and he doesn't look amused. "I want to hear you." he says quietly. "I want you to tell me that I can." he adds, and you find yourself nodding anyway.
"Y-You can." you promise. "But I don't want you to pretend." his eyebrows furrow again. "Please don't do this if you don't mean it." you say, and Spencer's hands drop to your side, there's no wandering fingers, in fact it feels like he wanted to touch you for the sole purpose of keeping you from shaking any longer.
"Y/N, I want to be with you." he repeats it more firmly this time, and he's looking directly at you. It's intense, the eye contact more than anything else. He sounds sincere, and that makes you nervous.
"But what about..." and you trail off, because you don't know what to label the pretty woman he'd been entertaining. Spencer chuckles quietly, and his head shakes from side to side.
"She was nice." he reiterates the words he'd said three weeks prior. "But, she's not you... I don't think anyone would've been able to fill your shoes." he says, and you squeeze your eyes closed, because God, Spencer was so good with words. His hands are on your face, brushing at your cheeks as you shed a few long overdue tears. "Are these happy tears?" he asks hopefully, and your eyes shoot open. Your head nods, and you're not sure why you're so quiet.
Maybe, because life had thrown a curveball and surprised you in a good way. "Happy tears." you agree, and he presses his lips together, thumbs still working to keep the tears at bay. "I just can't believe-"
"Please do." he cuts you off, before you can get it out. "Believe this, believe me." he almost begs, and you hum. "Can I kiss you?" he asks, and you don't answer him, instead you surge forward and press your lips to his. You're certain security is getting a full view of the action, Spencer kisses like he wants to inhale you, and it's nice.. It's more than nice, his kisses are surged with emotion, every ounce of affection that his words had been drenched in was felt in the kiss.
Had breathing not been a factor, you might have stayed there. When you pull back to inhale, Spencer's got this twinkle in his eye that makes your nose scrunch up. "What?" you press, and he grins at you.
"You love me..." he breathes it out, and you're not sure if he's stating it or asking, but you suppose now that the cat's out of the bag, saying it again is nothing.
"Yeah. I love you, Spence." you promise, and he's quick to lean in and peck you on the lips. "D'you love me too?" you ask, once he's pulled back, and his hands move up, cupping both sides of your face as he drags his thumbs up and down.
"I love you." and it sounds like a promise.
So you believe him.
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 "It’s a profoundly strange feeling, to stumble across someone whose desires are shaped so closely to your own, like reaching toward your reflection in a mirror and finding warm flesh under your fingertips. If you should ever be lucky enough to find that magical, fearful symmetry, I hope you’re brave enough to grab it with both hands and not let go.” ― Alix E. Harrow
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cupidddd-d · 7 months
you waste your time on daft pretty boys
in which spencer reid is so smart, but he's so dumb!
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if you had a quarter for every time you tried flirting with spencer reid and he obliviously rebuffed your attempts, you'd have enough money to buy a yacht.
at first, it started with you innocently brushing his arm when you had to walk past him. you'd make eye contact with him across the room. he thought nothing of it.
and then you purposely wore a pair of shoes that were practically falling apart, all so you could fall into his arms and bat your eyelashes at him as he caught you. he caught you, but he immediately set you back on your feet, almost as if he was afraid to touch you for more than a second.
"you should be more careful," he laughed, somehow still completely clueless to the fact that you were putting the moves on him.
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"i mean, i don't get it! i've been flirting with him all week, and nothing! why isn't he just taking the hint?" you complained to morgan as you slumped down in your cubicle.
spencer being late only ever happened once in a blue moon, but he was late today. and you needed to take full advantage of his absence to pester morgan for advice.
"honestly, you're wasting your time here. if you're not going to be direct with him, he'll never get the hint. the kid's like a robot," morgan shrugged, twirling his pen in the air.
"it's true," prentiss agreed as she walked by, overhearing your conversation. "his iq gets slashed to nothing when it comes to romance. you need to be upfront with him."
"but it's so embarrassing!" you whined, dropping your head on your desk with defeat. "what if he rejects me?"
"the answer's always gonna be no if you never ask," prentiss raised her eyebrows at you knowingly.
you groaned dramatically at her words, weakly slapping your desk a few times to further express your point. "fine, but if he rejects me, i'm changing my name and moving to costa rica. i'll start a new life, and you'll never see me again!" you threaten them both, pointing your index finger at them.
"yeah, yeah," morgan smirked smugly, interlacing his hands behind his head as he leaned back.
"shut up, baldie!" you retorted, just because you had to get the last word in.
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"so...spencer," you say awkwardly, standing over his cubicle. everyone except hotch had gone home, and you two were the only ones still working in the bullpen.
"yeah?" his smile was so sweet and so welcoming, but it had never intimidated you before the way it does now.
"um, okay. so basically morgan and prentiss were telling me to be upfront with you because i've been flirting with you like, this whole week, and you haven't gotten the hint yet. spencer, i think you're a great guy, and i really like being around you. do you maybe...want to go out sometime? as a date?" you rambled nervously, feeling a hot blush creep up your cheeks.
you watched spencer fumble for words for what seemed like hours. his mouth parted, then it closed again. he just blinked at you, a little squeaking noise coming out of his mouth as he blushed red, from his neck to the tips of his ears.
"y-yeah, i'd like that! l-like, a lot!" he squeaked, turning a lovely shade of fire engine red. "w-we could w-watch um, a movie! does f-friday work? c-cool, okay!"
he dashed off before you could say anything, but friday did work for you, so you just stood there in disbelief.
"yeah, cool, okay..." you echoed, a giddy smile on your face.
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devvelle · 2 years
how they act when they miss you
Genre: fluff <3
Characters: first years (Ace, Deuce, Epel, Jack, and Sebek) x gn!reader PART 2
Scenario: you're away from NRC for a few weeks, and they have to find ways to get by until you return.
Notes: each can be taken as platonic or romantic! reader is the Prefect and the reason for the absence is up to your imagination :)
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Ace Trappola ;
Let’s get this out of the way. Ace is not well.
In his eyes, you’re like the whole reason school is fun. So when you’re gone he’s sulking all day, sighing dramatically at the mere mention of your name. 
"Remember the Prefect? I wonder how they're doing these days *sniffle* I hope they haven't forgotten us..." (Definitely gets yelled at by Riddle for acting like you died.)
He'll start spamming you with messages. You thought you’d get a break from Ace? Silly Prefect, not if he has anything to do with it.
He'll text you pictures of the randomest things, tell you every insignificant detail of his day, and ask you bizarre questions, all in the hopes of getting as many replies back as possible.
When you do answer, he's smiling like an idiot, replying asap while you're active. He's happy that you're okay and making time for him.
Ace will need lots of cuddles and quality time when you're back. He will vehemently deny all allegations of his behavior, though. He did no such things, how could you believe that?
Deuce Spade ;
Deuce hides his feelings the best out of everyone, but you are on his mind constantly in the form of daydreams.
He's a bit quieter as a result. Usually you’re the one he’s replying to and speaking to the most, so when you’re not there he prefers to listen instead, picturing what you would be doing or saying.
If someone mentions you though, he’ll be quick to join the conversation.
Would be more involved in his dorm activities as well as track and field. It helps him stay distracted and gives him more time to think about you and what to text you later :')
Being the model student he now is, he'll copy a second set of notes for you so you won't be behind when you return. He'll even draw little pictures on them and leave helpful (and sometimes silly) comments for you. If you see a scribbled out "I miss you :/" or two... ignore it.
Stays cool and collected throughout your absence, in the end. The time without you makes him appreciate you more when you're back. Just promise him you won't leave again.
Epel Felmier ;
Progressively starts spiraling the longer you’re gone.
He calls you nightly for as long as you’re away. 
Goes out of his way to make plans or do interesting things just so he can have more to talk to you about when he calls. 
He’ll make you talk to him until he falls asleep because he finds he usually dreams of you when your voice is the last thing he hears.
Probably gets a bit more snappy, though. Usually you’re there to keep the peace within the group and prevent their schemes, but without you they start to lose it just a bit. Perhaps he’s hoping that if he does something really stupid you’ll come back faster.
It doesn’t work, obviously. You scold him over the phone instead.
And now he's carving your initials into apples aggressively and pouting. You made him more sad. How could you?
Epel is definitely a handful in your absence. Come back asap.
Jack Howl ;
Also doesn't make a big deal out of missing you.
He's very considerate of whatever your circumstances are for being absent, so he leaves you alone unless you text him first.
He'll reply instantly when you do message him, though. He even set a special alert noise for you :')
Definitely carries something of yours with him at all times, like a piece of jewelry or an accessory. He was a bit embarrassed to ask for it from you before you left, but the comfort it brings him makes him glad he did. He’s very sensitive to smells so this little piece of you keeps him from worrying too much while you’re away.
The cutest thing he does though? He listens to the music you like. When he's out on runs he'll have your playlist on shuffle, thinking about you until Leona tells him he's falling behind.
Overall handles it well. You wouldn't even know he missed you if he wasn't seeking you out more than usual after your return.
Sebek Zigvolt ;
Sebek is so good at hiding the fact that he misses you, that he almost fools himself.
Epel and Ace would no doubt tease him relentlessly if they found out, so he keeps quiet and focuses on his duty to Malleus. That's always supposed to be his focus anyway, no sweat.
But when he can get a quiet moment to himself? He’s somehow always going through pictures of you.
There’s a secret folder on his phone titled '🤦‍♂️' that is filled with dozens of pictures of you and him. They’re all selfies you dragged him into while he pretended he didn’t want to be in them, but when you’d sent them to him, he’d saved them all immediately. He’s made sure no one's seen it though, especially you.
(Besides Lilia who’d crept up on him and seen it once and was overjoyed. Sebek is still mortified.)
Occasionally, he’ll check in on you through text and send something like “Make sure you’ve eaten, human!” or an image of the other first-years with, “Why did you make me befriend them?”
Pull him aside and give him a hug when you get back, please. He's in denial but he'll appreciate it.
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a/n: tried out a new format!! I’m going to try hcs like these in between my longer written works just so my brain gets a break :’) kisses, and happy halloween <3
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nolita-fairytale · 10 months
did you ever end up writing the phone call blurb?? i am STRUGGLING to find it and im so desperate 😭😭😭
called you again (extended)
a/n: ok so i never got to writing the actual phone call that transpires between carmy and reader, that gets her to chicago in the first place. and if i recall correctly, @cool-girl-is-hot was also patiently awaiting this phone call. since i'm doing the follower celebration, what a perfect time for me to bring this back, @bunnywritesmarvel.
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You answer the call before you can talk yourself out of it, immediately putting it on speaker. 
“Hi,” you say, your voice shaking a little. 
And it’s as if a fog clears, like you've been waiting to hear it for a long time.
“Hi,” he replies, his voice soft, yet hesitant.
You're met with a long silence on the end of the other line as the two of you dance around whatever it is Carmy called to say. There's a part of you that wants nothing more than to spill everything, lead the conversation like you always do, but after months of radio silence, you know you can't do that. If Carmy wants to reconnect, then he's got a whole of groveling to do considering he pretty much ghosted you since he moved back home.
"I uh. I heard," he finally says, in reference to your recent change of employment.
"Oh," you sound, your voice higher in pitch than you imagined it would be as you scramble to find a better word than 'oh.' "I... um. Yeah. My heart wasn't in it anymore."
What you want to say is, my heart moved to Chicago and forgot how his fucking phone works.
"Yeah," Carmy replies, and you can practically hear him pacing back and forth as he searches for something to say.
You share another silence, this one much more tense than the last, like a hot pot of water about to blow its lid off in pressure, as you wait for him to ask you something -- anything. How hard could it be?
How are you? What's been going on? Sorry I haven't called.
But he doesn't say anything of these things. Instead, when he finally speaks again, all he says is:
"So listen. I uh-, I got this guy. He’s- he’s self taught but he’s got a lot of potential,” Carmy explains, his delivery becoming more and more confident as he hides behind the work.
“He just needs a good teacher – someone to inspire him – give him some of the foundations he would’ve gotten in culinary school. I think uh, I think you'd like him.
So after four months of no contact he... needs something from you? You can't help the feelings of anger and disappointment that grow inside of you.
Was he upset that you quit the restaurant -- here to talk you into going back -- now that he needed a favor? A stage?
“Just for a week, maybe?" Carmy suggests, his voice going up at the end, almost as if it's a question.
"I can’t pay you much but uh, well we’ve got a little money, which is a whole other story, and I can talk to my brother-in-law. He can put you up somewhere… you know… if you want to. If that helps.” 
He's asking you to come to Chicago.
While it feels like it changes things, you're still ambivalent and you certainly don't want to get your hopes up.
"Carmy..." you trail off on an exhale. "I don't know."
"Sure," Carmy nods, chewing on his lip, suddenly feeling extremely self conscious about asking you in the first place.
He wants to take it all back, tell you it was a stupid idea, and apologize for even saying something in the first place. But he doesn't. He can't. Because after working himself up to call you for the last few hours, there's no way he's going to back out now.
Let it rip, Bear.
"I uh... well, I understand. If can't-. Don't want to. Maybe I shouldn't've uh..." Carmy stammers through, the heat rising to his cheeks.
"It's just uh. Tim told me... you might be looking for some inspiration."
You pause before asking:
"Can I... Can I think about it?"
"Yeah. Yeah, of course. Sure," Carmy is quick to answer, because he really wants to make this okay for you.
For the both of you.
And because hearing your voice for the first time in four months feels better than he ever could've imagined.
"Okay. I'll uh... I'll think about it," you drag out, because you know you'll need some time to process this.
"Listen, I uh. I'm late to meet Liz. But I'll let you know. Either way."
"Yeah, okay. Okay," he answers, nodding eagerly.
"Okay," you reply, listening to Carmy bid you a soft spoken goodbye before ending the call.
"Holy shit," you hiss, putting your phone down on the table, your hand folded over your heart as you can feel it race.
Well, you've got quite the decision to make.
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• Summary: You made many enemies throughout your career in World Wrestling Entertainment. Some of which you despise so much it makes you sick to your stomach. But the more you two hate each other, the more the sexual tension becomes too intense to ignore.
• Parings: Cody Rhodes X Fem Reader
Warning- Language, 18+ only (minors DNI), Dirty Talk, Smut, Fingering, (READ AT YOUR OWN RISK)
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After a week since your last interaction with Cody, you stood before Damian as he looked at you with nothing but anger.
These last couple of weeks, you've been avoiding Cody. And you made it evident to him and yourself that you were avoiding him. It was awkward talking about that night, especially the fact you two couldn't resist for another round.
But you were also avoiding Damian. Only because every time you two were supposed to talk about what Cody said the night the two got into an argument, something came up, and he noticed that every time there was something, he would get frustrated every single time. But he dragged you into the Judgement Day's locker room, kicking everyone out as it was just you two.
"Are you going to keep ignoring me?" Damian spoke as he crossed his arms and looked at you. You rolled your eyes as he said this. "I'm not ignoring you, Damian." You said. "But believe me, the fact that you and I are even having this conversation and that you are mad honestly makes me laugh." You said.
"Laugh, really?" Damian said. "To find out from someone I despise that he slept with someone that I really like honestly makes me sick!"
"Sick!?" you spoke. "Okay, you know he lied to you, right? He did it to get into your head and mind. You're not the only one who hates him."
Damian stayed quiet as he heard what you said. Apart from him, I knew you were right about Cody getting into his head. That's what Cody does, especially to you.
And he has been doing it lately, and you two haven't had a single conversation, or in other words, you two insulting each other, since that night with Damian. It's different.
Cody is one of the best wrestlers in WWE at the moment, whether people like to admit it or not. And as Mr. Money in the Bank, or what people like to call it, Senor. Money in the Bank, Damian saw Cody as a threat, and Cody saw Damian as someone in his way from finishing his story, or whatever this whole thing Cody got going on.
What Cody was good at was weakness. He knew how much Damian liked you, which is one of the reasons why he said what he said to him. You think, however, just by how he spoke to you that night, it was something more that.
Damian crossed his arms, hesitant, but asked you anyway. "So you and Cody didn't sleep with each other?" He asked. You look at him, quiet for a second, before responding with a lie.
"I don't believe you," He spoke as he uncrossed his arms and walked over to you. You looked up at him and noticed the way he looked at you. Damian was a handsome guy, which is why you gave in the first place and gave him a chance after trying for the longest even to get your attention. That and you never really had a guy try this hard to even talk to you. I know how much high standards you have for men.
But you shrugged your shoulders, not trying to defend yourself. "Okay."
Damian sighed, placing his hand on his cheek. "I don't want to know if it is true. I like a lot Y/N," He said. "And I'm not going to let anyone, let alone Cody, get in my way of making you mine."
You didn't react to his words. How could you when Cody's words replayed inside your head right after he said that?
"Damian is too soft, too much of a good guy even though he plays this bad guy on camera."
Damian was too soft. If you were in Damian's shoes, you would end this, although not waste your time on someone who made you look like an idiot in front of everyone.
But after that conversation, you knew the two wouldn't work out. And as much as you hate to admit it, it was all Cody's fault.
You left Judgment Day's locker Room, heading back to the female locker room to get your bags. The show was officially over, which meant you were off for the next couple of days, and it was peace to you. You loved traveling, but you also loved to relax, which is why you were so excited to stay in at least one city for the next couple of days.
As you walked into the locker room, you noticed Becky, one of your few female friends, in the locker room. She looked up at you from zipping up her bags and smiled as you walked in. "Hey, Y/N, where have you been?" She asked as she stood up.
"Hey, Becks," You spoke as you headed towards your stuff. "I was with Damian."
Becky smiled, dropped, and rolled her eyes as you mentioned Damian.
Becky hated every single member of the Judgment Day. You and Becky's biggest problem. Rhea Ripley. Becky's problem was much bigger than yours since you were technically seeing her friend.
"I don't mean to Judge, but Damian, out of everyone. You're a gorgeous woman, Y/N; you could do better than that." She said.
You gave Becky a smirk. "Careful what you say, Becks; I may steal you from Rollins." You joked, earning a laugh from Becky.
"I'm serious, though," She said. "And I thought you two were over after what Cody told him."
"Ugh, you heard about that two!?" You sighed in disbelief.
"Oh honey," Becky said, shaking her head. "Everyone backstage knows. What I want to know is if it was true or not."
Usually, you can keep your secrets to yourself. Even your brother doesn't know the majority of your secrets. But Becky, she was like a sister to you, despite the fact her husband and your brother hated each other. She knew all your secrets, to the point where you should have killed her.
But you looked away from Beck as you zipped up your bags. "It wasn't true... at first." You said. Becky's eyes widened, not expecting that kind of answer. "Okay, once I found out what he said to Damian, I confronted him, and we ended up having sex."
However, the reaction afterward was the last thing you expected from Becky. She sighed in relief and held a smile on her face. "About fucking time!"
"What!?" You looked at her in disbelief.
"Y/N, I heard all the way from Alica Fox when she was still working here how much sexual tension you two had before he left, and when he came back, I understood why everyone was saying that," Becky said. "I'm surprised it took him one comment for you two let it out."
You shook your head, not wanting to think about what the hell Becky said. It reminded me of that night and how he spoke to you. "It doesn't matter. He and I are not happening again." You said.
Becky remained silent. But you can see the hint of an "I called Bullshit" expression lingering on her face. You rolled your eyes and ignored it as the two walked out of the locker room.
The two of you continued to chat, talking about today's show and the upcoming show, which was not till next week until going your separate ways. As you go to your rental car, opening the back trunk, your phone rings, and a random number appears on your screen.
You usually get random numbers occasionally, mainly spam callers, which you would always ignore. However, something in you knew that this phone call was different.
Hesitant momentarily, you answered the call and brought your phone to your ear. "Hello?"
You weren't sure if you were going insane, but you swore that the person on the other side of the call had smiled the minute you spoke, which immediately answered your question about who was calling you.
"Brilliant of you princess, I'm impressed you knew it was me,"
You rolled your eyes, ignoring the typical pet name he always gives you. "How the hell did you get my number?" You asked with annoyance in your voice.
"I have my resources." He said. Only one person came to your mind as he said this.
Sami. And you prayed that you wouldn't run into him because you knew you were going to kill Sami when you saw him.
"Okay, well, I'm hanging up now, goodbye."
You didn't let Cody say another word as you hung up on him and began placing your bags into your car. You saw Cody calling you several times, as you chose to ignore him. He then texted you as he closed your back trunk, hopped into the driver's seat, and read his message.
"You can't avoid me forever, princess."
You did exactly what he said you couldn't do: ignore him. You toss your phone into the passenger seat as you drive straight to the hotel you are staying at.
Upon arrival, you went straight to the front desk to check in, giving the lady your name so you could get your key and enter your room.
However, the lady made a confused face, followed by a realization, leaving you confused yourself.
"Oh, your fiancé was just here not too long ago and checked you in?"
You thought you heard utterly wrong as you looked at the lady and spoke. "My what!?"
The lady was now confused, but by your reaction. "Yeah, your fiancé said you were running late and decided to check on you. I believe he said you would meet him in your room?" She said. "Should I call security? Have I made a mistake?" You Immediately shook your head.
"No, no, my apology; I forgot he told me that we are getting my key for me. I'll call him, thank you."
You didn't want any trouble happening as you walked off with your bags and called Cody's number. You can hear him laughing the minute he picks up.
"Yes Y/N?"
"Give me my damn key Cody!?" You said with irritation in your voice. You didn't have time to play this cat-and-mouse game with, but he was pushing your buttons. 
And Cody could hear it in your voice, which made him laugh even more. He doesn't do anything further as he gives you your room number.
After going up the elevator to your room, you bang loudly at your door, just like you did to Cody's the night in his room. He opened the door, and you looked at him with annoyance as he smirked and moved to the side, allowing you to walk inside.
"Can I have my key, please?" You asked, placing your bags down and phone on the nightstand next to your bed. You turned and looked at Cody as you noticed he was wearing a suit. He probably used his charm and smile to enter your room.
Cody walked up to you and handed you your keys. You try taking it away from him, but he quickly moves his hand back, looking down at you.
The two were close once again. He watches you as you look up at him after getting frustrated for not getting the key.
"You have been avoiding me, princess," Cody said.
You realize he was being serious. What kind of startles you? He was bringing that night up.
"What did you expect me to do, act like nothing happened?" You told him. "That night shouldn't have happened."
Cody just stood there, listening to what you had said before walking over to your nightstand on the opposite side and placing your key there. You still didn't understand why he was here, and some of you didn't want him here.
"I agree," Cody said. "That night shouldn't have happened." He said, then walked over to you. "But it happened."
You stepped back every time Cody stepped forward before your back hit the wall. You couldn't even look at him anymore; you were now scared of what could happen now that he's towered over you.
"And as much as you and I went too far last time, I meant everything I said that night." You tried not to react to what Cody said, but he brought his lips to your ears and spoke once again, earning a gasp from you.
"Just because I agree it shouldn't have happened doesn't mean I regret it."
You looked back at him as he moved around and looked back at you. An immediate response shocked in between your thighs at what he was saying. He barely said anything inappropriate, let alone anything, and you hate how he's making you feel.
You already were in some deep shit just from that night, and you couldn't but do what you were about to. It was all on you and can't be regretted.
Your hands up to his tie, and as you played with it a bit, Cody didn't stop you as you felt his go heavy. The two of you thought the sexual tension was forming once again, and if last time didn't change anything between you two,
It will now.
"We can't do this, Cody," You spoke, biting your lips. You can hear Cody Sigh as he looks down at your lips. It turned him on seeing you trying to resist yourself from him, especially when he hasn't touched you at all.
"I know." He said
You shook your head, suddenly loosening the tie off of Cody. "I can't stand you."
Cody doesn't stop you; instead, he helps by removing his jacket and then the tie.
"That makes two of us," Cody spoke.
You gasped when Cody grabbed you by your neck and attached his lips to yours. You never thought in your entire lifetime that you would be missing Cody's lips.
This was wrong. Being in bed with him last time was wrong, and being here now was wrong. And you knew by the next day, you would call yourself stupid for letting your impulsive actions get the best of you.
But right now, you don't care. You desperately needed Cody's touch.
Your hands went straight down his pants, unbuckling his belt and pulling out his shirt, all while Cody pulled your hair back, kissing your neck.
"Fuck," You sighed at the feeling of his lips. You pulled your neck back, allowing Cody more access. You could tell he enjoyed kissing your skin by the reaction of him pulling you into him more than you were before.
With one swift movement, Cody moved you to the edge of the bed. His large hands were on the bare skin of your waist, causing you to shiver.
The two of you fought with each other. He pulls off your shirt and kisses part of your skin. Your neck, chest, collarbone. Your skin was incredibly soft, and his doing this made you feel on fire. You tugged and unbuttoned his shirt, getting impatient every time you felt another button after unbuttoning another. His shirt was fully tugged off, and you pulled him in, almost falling on the bug.
"Easy, princess," Cody smirked by your eagerness. "I'm going to take care of you,"
His voice, the way he spoke to you, touched you. It was all not helping you stop from being so eager and wanting more as you moaned his name, sucking the breath out of Cody as you could feel his member jump through his pants against your hips.
"Holy fuck!" Cody groans and pushes you on the bed. "So fucking beautiful and sexy."
Cody hovers over you as he attaches his lips against yours again. He lays you down fully before spreading your legs apart and unbuttoning your pants before gently teasing you by rubbing your underwear that covers your clit.
"I can feel how wet you are for me, baby; you're so delicate, so soft and pretty."
"Fuck you so sexy when you speak to me like that," you slipped out. You swear you thought you said that in your head, but by Cody's reaction, he heard you loud and clear, and that turned him on.
"Yeah? Do you like that? My voice turns you on?"
Your hips start to buckle as he pulls your panties to the side and inserts two fingers into you.
"Oh my god," you moaned, gripping the man's arm as you enjoyed the pleasure he gave. There was nothing this man could do wrong. He knew exactly what he was doing. A little too much, as he could already feel yourself finishing.
Cody's words slipped out of his mouth. "You're doing so well, baby," Causing you to move your hips against him. You felt like this was all a dream; however, the dream was momentarily over by the sound of a phone, causing you to whine as Cody stopped.
"Ignore it," You told him. However, once you saw the expression in Cody's voice, you looked over at the phone, realizing it was yours.
And it was Damian.
"Why is he calling you?" Cody asked, catching you off guard by his sudden hint of jealousy.
"I don't know; I'll worry about it later." You spoke. However, Cody moved his hand away from you as he backed up and looked down at you.
"No, answer it," Cody smirked. Your face made a confused expression.
"Answer it, and put it on speaker," Cody demands. "I promise I won't say a word," Although you knew this was a bad idea, you took your phone off the nightstand and answered, placing it on a speaker like Cody told you to do.
"Hello?" You spoke. Cody smirked when he heard Damian's voice through the line and began kissing your neck.
"Hey, can I stop by your room for a bit? I want to talk to you." He spoke.
Cody's hand eventually slides right back inside you, circling your wet clit, earning a gasp from you. However, you composed yourself.
"I-uh, now's is not a great time."
"Look at you, talking to another guy while a finger you, so fucking hot," Cody whispered in your ear, causing you to hold back a moan by biting your lip.
"Oh, well, I just have a lot on my mind right now that I wanted to let out my chest," Damian said. "I want to tell you, it is about us."
Cody slid two fingers into you, causing you to gasp again. This time, Damian heard it.
"Are you okay?" He asked. You can feel Cody smiling so hard at this. "Yeah, I'm fine, whatever it is, you can tell right now on the phone, I don't mind."
You had no clue what you were even saying to Damian as your hips thrust into Cody's fingers once again as he sped up. The two of you made eye contact as your lips parted at the organism forming.
"Okay, yeah," Damian said, nodding, although you couldn't see him. "Listen, I just wanted to apologize to you if I offended you in any way earlier. I believe you when you said that Cody lied and that you two didn't sleep with each other."
Damian words immediately made Cody stop as he glanced over at your phone. You weren't listening to what Damian was saying until what he had said came out of his mouth, and when you did, you were taken back.
"I like you, Y/N, and I don't want someone like Cody to ruin what we have so far. And you don't have to say anything right now. I know it's pretty late, so can we talk about this tomorrow morning, breakfast."
Cody's head shaking made you hesitate. He didn't want you to go. But you couldn't say no, especially after what he just told you. You ignore Cody's head, shaking as you speak. "Breakfast sounds good. I'll see you tomorrow."
Cody scoffed after you hung up and got off the bed. "You got to be kidding me, Y/N."
"Are you seriously mad at me?" You asked Cody as you noticed him fixing his clothes onto himself.
"Of course I'm mad," He said. "One you lied to him,"
"I didn't lie to him!" You defended yourself, getting off the bed as well. "And even if I did, why are you upset about it!? You and are not together?"
Cody turned to you. " I meant every single thing I said that night, Y/N." He said, "I meant that, and it's not something I will ignore. And I know that deep down, everything I said minutes before what happened got to you; otherwise, we wouldn't have had sex, and we wouldn't be here right now."
"Right now?" You raised your eyebrows. "May I remind you that you're the one who broke into my room!? You were the one who spread that stupid lie in the first place. I meant what I said that that night shouldn't have happened."
"So what? You're going to continue whatever you and Damian have going on. He's not someone you want, Y/N?" He asked.
"And you are?" You asked, crossing your arm. "Whatever is going on with Damian and me is none of your business. I mean, he's more than a man than you will ever be."
Cody smiled at your comment. Out of anger, however, he clenched his jaw. His eyes darken as he looks down at you. "Fuck you!"
"Fuck you too!" You yelled at him, "Get out of my room!"
"Gladly!" Cody yelled back and grabbed his jacket as he headed towards the door. He looks back at you before speaking one last time. "But when you realize the truth, and when you open your eyes, you're going to realize I'm right."
"I'd rather stay clueless and blind before ever saying you're right." You spoke. Cody shook his head before walking out the door and slamming it shut, leaving you alone as you sat down, trying to process what had happened.
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pinkthrone445 · 4 months
-Since words are not enough to explain how much I love you, let me show you- Part 3
Part 1 Part 2
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Pairing:Melissa Schemmenti x Reader
Gender:Fluff, soft
Warnings:none I think
Summary:Months after celebrating your wedding anniversary, Mel has a baby fever when she sees you holding a child in your arms. After trying for a few months, the treatment has a result and the Abbott's family gets bigger.
The room was spinning around you, the four walls of the bathroom were shrinking around you, you were short of breath, and your whole body was shaking. You had thought about calling your wife, but you didn't want to see her disappointed like last time, so you decided to do it alone. How could it be that your future depended on a plastic cup with pee on it and a stick inside it? The bell had already sounded, indicating that the children would already be in the classrooms, but the 3 minutes of the test were not yet up and you needed to know. The 3 months of treatment had already passed and Mel and you had done several pregnancy tests and none were positive. But today it felt different, you felt different, you also kept in mind that you said that the previous times, but it really felt different this time; and even though your doctor's visit would be at the end of that week, you needed to know now.
Your cell phone alarm went off and with trembling hands you looked at the mark of the 3 pregnancy tests you had put in the disposable cup. All three clearly marked two red lines, they were positive, the treatment had worked, and you were pregnant, you couldn't believe it. Your mind started to travel a thousand miles an hour, you didn't know what to do, did you throw away the tests? How would you say to Mel? How would you bear not to tell her until you get home? Mel would surely realize that something was wrong, she knew you too well. How would you concentrate to teach your class now?
You were pacing around the bathroom until your cell phone lit up with a message from your wife
-🔥Jessica Rabbit🔥:"Amore? Where are you? Are you okay? One of your students came to my classroom because you still haven't come to your classroom. Did something happen?"-
With trembling hands you grabbed your cell phone, you wanted to send her a message, but on accident you called her and she answered before you could hang up the call
-"Hi love, are you okay?"- Your wife asked, her fear could be heard in her voice
-"I... I'm fine... I was in the bathroom, you know how horrible are my nausea after eating..."-You commented in a trembling voice, you weren't good at lying to her. Why you were afraid to tell her or for her to find out? This was what you were both looking for, what you both wanted.
-"Need more time? I can take care of your students..."-Your wife proposed and you sighed, you didn't know why you suddenly felt like crying
-"I need you... Please... Can you come to the teachers bathroom? Please I need you" - You pleaded and your voice broke. Your frightened wife got up quickly, let Barbara and Janine know if they could see the kids, and ran with you, not hanging up the call.
When she got to the bathroom, she gently knocked on the door listening to your faint response from the other side to get her in. She barely managed to close the door that you were already on top of her, hugging her tightly and taking a little of air out of her, her arms wrapped around you carefully and protectively.
-"What happened? Are you okay? Do you need anything?" - Your wife asked trying to see your face but you just hid in her neck-"Love, please speak to me"
-"I...I love you"-You whispered on her neck and she hugged you more but a little confused
-"I love you too... But why are you crying?"-She whispered, still worried
-"Remember that time we went to church when we visited your family, and they read something that said, 'If you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you can move mountains'?"- You whispered looking into her eyes and she nodded more confused than ever, not knowing where this was going, but she was worried about seeing your red eyes-"Then we looked up how big a mustard seed was and it was very small, smaller than our fingerprints, but from that seed grew a big, strong tree..."-You took Mel's hand and rested it on your stomach-"Well... Our baby is the size of a mustard seed right now, but they will grow up to be big and strong, like their moms" - You whispered with a big smile and Melissa looked at you very surprised, her eyes filled with tears
-"Are you sure?" - She asked in a trembling voice and you nodded showing her the 3 positive tests. The redhead said something in Italian that you couldn't quite understand and picked you up, hugging and kissing you with great joy. You laughed on her lips and hugged her, feeling her tears wet your cheeks. When you thought that Mel's love for you couldn't grow any more, you saw it right there, you saw it in her eyes, how they shone, with the adoration they looked at you, it was as if her heart had enlarged just so she could give more love to you and the baby. One of her soft hands lifted your blouse and touched your abdomen, she smiled and closed her eyes, causing a couple of tears to fall but her smile only grew bigger and bigger. You knew in that moment that Mel would be a perfect mother.
At the end of the week the doctor reaffirmed the beautiful news and your wife couldn't get over the excitement.
Weeks later, you informed Ava of the news, so that she could process your pregnancy leave, and then you decided to tell the rest of your coworkers before Ava ruined the surprise.
One morning, while everyone was eating breakfast, you arrived with a box of donuts from everyone's favorite place and left it on the table smiling
-"Good day beautiful people, we brought you a gift for you to enjoy"-You said and they all smiled thanking you, but when they opened the box, the room went silent, until Janine left out a high scream of excitement and Barbara came to hug you both.
The box said "eat folks, my mommy can't be the only one with a belly", next to a photo of the most recent ultrasound scan. Everyone congratulated you with great joy hugging mostly you and not that much to your wife, she would be a mother but she was still very scary. Mel from that moment on set some rules, such as that they could not touch your belly without first asking, and that when she was not present they should take care of you. You just laughed even though you knew your wife meant it.
You also told the children in your classroom the special news with a small game, you taught them how to write in morse code and gave them a small piece of paper to guess what it said, that kept them entertained for a while and when they saw that the note said "Miss (Y/L/N) is going to have a baby" they all went crazy with excitement and made a grup hug with you.
From the moment your colleagues at Abbott found out you were pregnant, they had become more protective than when you had told them you started fertilization treatment. Everyone took care of you in their own way.
Also, your cravings were the weirdest and grossest thing in the world, which matched the way Janine "cooked" her lunches. So every time she took out her tupperware of food, the disgusting aroma radiating from them made you want to eat it. Your wife was offended at first when she saw that you were preferring Janine's food over hers, but when she read in the pregnancy book that pregnant women preferred to eat certain things because they lacked iron or sugar, she understood that there were days when you preferred Janine's food because your iron was low and sure that in some of Janine's meals you could find a piece of spoon or a key that she put in to give it more "flavor". On the other hand, Mel prepared food for Janine just in case you wanted it hers, which made the youngest very happy because she was eating well for the first time in her life.
Jacob would always bring you home remedies or recipes he had practiced to help you with nausea, some helped and some just made you want to vomit more.
Gregory gave you several sets of legos for when the baby is older and flowers to decorate the house.
Ava joined everyone else and every once in a while she would give you very fashionable and tiny clothes for the baby.
Barbara shared her pregnancy experience with you and gave you very useful advice, as well as always checking on you that you were okay.
Mr. Johnson always made sure that the bathroom in your classroom was always nice and smelled good so you wouldn't feel like throwing up.
Even the children took care of you, every time you dropped something they picked it up and gave it to you so that you wouldn't make any effort.
Melissa was a different case, she had gone crazy with the arrival of the baby, she always came home with some new clothes, book or toy for the baby. You didn't even know what it was going to be yet, but you already had the wardrobe complete thanks to her. Also together you painted the room and assembled the crib, as well as a chair to cradle the baby. Your wife was also knitting clothes for the baby, and cooking every craving you had. At night she would spend at least half an hour every night talking to the baby before going to sleep, and when you slept, she would hug you very carefully caressing your belly, which had already grown quite a bit thanks to time.
Mel was loving every second of the pregnancy, especially seeing how your body changed, how your breasts grew and how your hips widened. She also loved feeling the baby kick or listening to the baby's heartbeat, so much so that she had it saved on her cell phone.
When it was time to find out the sex of the baby, your co-workers asked if you could tell the doctor to write it down so they could throw a party to find out the baby's gender. Melissa didn't want to at first, but you convinced her and she agreed.
The party was beautiful, they asked the guests that if they thought it was a girl to bring diapers and if it was a boy, to bring wet wipes, so at the end of the party they would give it to you to help you with some useful things.
The party was full of food and snacks, they played games like putting the pacifier on the baby with your eyes blindfolded, say it with mimic (babie edition) , guessing the size of your belly (that one was won by Melissa since she always had her hands on you), finishing a bottle of milk without hands, who guessed the lullaby by clues, and many more. Almost every game triggered a competition between the Schemmenti sisters.
When it came to guessing the baby's gender, they brought a piñata in the shape of a bottle and gave Mel a bat, which made her very happy. Once she tore it up, pink papers jumped all over the place, announcing that it would be a girl, which you and your wife celebrated a lot.
You two also announced that her name would be Isabella and you asked Barbara if she wanted to be the baby's Godmother, which made her cry and she accepted immediately.
At first your pregnancy seemed eternal, because of how heavy and big your belly was and how uncomfortable it was. But before you could think about it any more, your pregnancy leave arrived and finally the day of delivery was here.
Your birth was simple, it was by c-section, so you didn't feel so much pain thanks to the anesthesia, and your wife was with you at all times, squeezing your hand so tightly that you were afraid she would break your fingers. Barbara, Melissa's sister and the others were in the waiting room supporting you and waiting for some news.
Your little Isabella was born healthy, as soon as she was handed to you you counted all her little fingers and smiled when you saw that she had the same eye color as Mel. The little girl looked sleepy and snuggled into your chest while you caressed her back. Your wife adjusted your hair a little and kissed your forehead, thanking you for being such a strong woman and repeating how happy you made her and how much she loved you, and then she saw your little girl unable to help crying. Without a doubt, that was the happiest moment of both of your lives.
After a while, the others came in with balloons to meet little Bella.
After the birth, for a couple of weeks, Mel was with you at home, and although having a newborn was complicated, your wife helped you a lot and the two of you were able to enjoy a little paradise with the little baby.
When Mel finally had to go back to work, you decided to go visit her and your colleagues at Abbott. As soon as you entered the teacher's room, everyone greeted you with excitement fighting to see who got to hold Bella first, while she watched very attentively as everyone talked
-"I'm her godmother, I want to hold her first, I've hadn't had a baby in my arms for so long..."-Barbara murmured, and you handed it to her carefully. As soon as you let go, Barbara sniffed her little head and smiled, Mel stood behind you and hugged you, resting her head on your shoulder.
-"I want to hold her up after Barbara" - Janine commented excitedly and Ava laughed
-"I don't know if Janine is going to hold the baby or if the baby is going to hold her, they're about the same height" - Ava joked and then walked over to the baby and Barbara-"I want to hold her too" - She whispered, smiling as she watched the baby grab her finger.
Your wife kissed your cheek and continued to watch as everyone talked to little Bella, suddenly your family had grown much more than for the baby's arrival, all your friends were now uncles and guardians of the little girl, now they were all officially part of the family.
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mrsbarnesxxx · 4 months
saw you wanted requests, and i was just thinking abt how reader would make dinner every night and what if bucky isn’t used to these kind of family diners and just isn’t used to this kind of food at all, maybe bucky x reader or somt 💜💜
A/n: Thank you so much! Ugh thinking about Bucky slowly learning to accept love again after everything he's been through has my heart! I just know some part of him would secretly love it. I'm not sure I'm happy with this, but here it is.
Warnings: brief mention of Bucky's past, tooth-rotting fluff, my housewife kink might have come through...sorry
The two of you had met after he came back from Wakanda. You were always nice to him despite everything he had done. Slowly, with a lot of nagging from Steve, he had asked you out. Since then, things have been going smoothly for the last 4 months, you moved in with him just a week ago.
"Hey, you're home late." You smile as he walks through the door. He's shocked that you're up, it's well past midnight, probably close to 2 or 3 in the morning.
"What are you doing up?" He asks shrugging off his jacket and hanging it on the rack by the door.
"What do you mean what am I doing up?" You laugh walking to him. "I was waiting for you. You didn't say when you'd be home."
"Sorry." He mumbles.
"No worries. I made dinner, are you hungry?" You ask walking to the fridge.
"What?" He asks brows furrowed in confusion at your soft tone.
"Are you hungry?" You ask pulling the leftovers out of the fridge. He expected you'd be asleep, but once he saw you were awake, he thought you'd yell. He thought you'd lecture him and tell him never to do it again, but instead, you offered him a sweet smile and a home-cooked meal.
"Uh...yeah. Thanks." He says walking towards the kitchen counter where the food is.
The second time it happened was just as shocking as the first. He had been home all day doing some work for a mission he was going on with Sam.
"Hey, I'm home." You call walking into the small apartment you share with Bucky.
"Hey." He calls back from the couch.
"How's lasagna sound for dinner? My mom used to make it for my dad all the time and I haven't had it in years. So I was thinking I'd make it for dinner tonight, that okay?" You ask taking the groceries out of the bag and placing them onto the counter.
"You don't have to cook. We can just go out." Bucky says walking towards you, confused as this is the second time this week you've set out to make him dinner.
"I want to cook. Besides, my mom's lasagna is the best lasagna ever!" You argue with a smile, grabbing onto his arms to lift yourself up on your tip toes to press a soft peck against his lips.
"You want to cook?" He asks brows furrowed as he watches you move around the kitchen.
"Of course I do. I want it to feel homey. Before I moved in, what did you eat?"
"Usually just takeout, leftovers from takeout." He shrugs.
"Exactly, you never really moved in because you don't think you're staying here." You explain. "You're free, Buck. You get a second chance at this life, so make the most of it. You deserve to be happy, despite your past. You deserve to have a life, a family, a home. So let me make your house feel like a home. Let me in, Buck. Let me love you."
He smiles, looking at his whole world before he nods once, "Okay." He whispers.
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little-pondhead · 2 years
Fenton Family on Vacation (part 1)
Original Post⬅️
"You know, when you revealed yourself as Phantom, I thought it would be much harder to adjust." Madeline Fenton, ghost-hunting extraordinaire and mother of two, stared at the swirling green portal in her basement. Despite building the darn thing herself, with its glowing wires and simple design, Maddie felt like she was seeing the whole thing for the first time.
It was late afternoon on a Saturday. At least, Maddie assumed so. She hadn't stepped foot outside their lab for a while now. Too busy modifying all their ghost-hunting equipment. The blinking red numbers of the digital clock on their desk said it was almost six in the evening. Then again, it has been six in the evening for the past several months. The clock was very much broken, and no one had bothered to fix it. 
It was summer, so the time spent in the Fenton lab drastically increased. And with the reveal of their son Danny, Maddie practically breathed ectoplasm with the amount of time she was spending in the basement. Danny said it was no big deal, but both Fenton parents were determined to re-evaluate their research and inventions completely. Basically, starting from scratch. 
So imagine her surprise when, two days ago, both Jazz and Danny sat them down to propose a memorable family vacation. 
And for some reason, she couldn't say no. Was it her guilt? They were prepared to shell out the money for any dream destination the kids proposed. But no, Danny had invited them to a different dimension via the Ghost Zone. This was tremendous progress, not just in her relationship with her kids but also for their new research. (Let's not mention the headache she got from learning parallel dimensions exist.)
Apparently, the kids had been planning this for a while because now everyone was packed and armed to the teeth, two days later. Jazz had taken care of the logistics-when to leave, how to get there, what to bring. Danny was the one to choose the location since he was the most familiar with the Ghost Zone. Maddie learned much later that he had just thrown a dart at a lineup of names on a corkboard.  
"Are you sure it's okay for us to enter?" Maddie looked concerned.
"Yeah! It'll be fun, mom!" Danny reassured. "It's just a week off-I've always wanted to show you the cool parts of the Ghost Zone without the immediate threat of horrible death." Maddie gave her son the stink eye. He was grinning a bit too innocently for her liking.
"Well, I think it'll be a great bonding experience!" Jack announced, winking at Danny. Badly. "Someone was being a little paranoid about the mall trip yesterday; I hardly got a chance to spoil our new little princess."
Ah, yes, their new granddaughter. Danielle. Maddie had been furious to discover how horrible Vlad had been to her family. Attempting to murder her husband, trying to recruit Danny as a weird evil son/apprentice, outright disrespecting and dismissing Jazz's existence, and wanting to marry her?? "Furious" was putting it lightly. The man slept with a doll version of herself, for heaven's sake! And then Danny just offendedly mentions that Vlad had cloned him. Several times. Only one clone survived; a little girl with no identity of her own. And here was her son sheepishly asking if they might consider letting the clone stay? Even for a little? She was traveling around right now but didn't really have a place to call home-
Maddie and Jack immediately offered to adopt the girl into the family as their youngest. 
(Jazz giggled. "Danny already beat you to it. They tried being cousins at first, but he acts like a total dad around her—the fastest case of ghost adoption that I've ever seen. Instead of a new child, Elle's more like a new grandchild.")
Danny blushed, hunching his shoulders in. "I don't know if Elle wants to be a grandkid-we haven't talked about it, really."
The trio startled and turned, watching the last two of the Fenton family work their way down the stairs into the lab. Jazz was gripping her backpack in one hand and Elle's arm in the other, using her superhuman strength to keep Elle in line. Probably so Elle wouldn't run down the stairs and permanently kill herself. Jack quietly chuckled at the sight of Elle's ghost-themed backpack, so painstakingly picked out the day before. It was a tad too big and looked just adorable on her. A few tiny blob ghosts floating around her head whizzed in excitement, sometimes using the backpack as a place to hide. Maddie, personally, loved the pink light-up sneakers that Elle showed off as much as possible. Her husband had done well shopping by himself. 
It was evident Elle was excited about the trip. Despite all her travels abroad, satisfying her wanderlust, she'd never been to another dimension. When they had reached the bottom, Elle phased out of Jazz's grip, bolting to collide with Jack in a hug. "Yesterday was loads of fun." She exclaimed. "I loved shopping around for new stuff. And if being Danny's kid means I get two new grandparents in the deal, then I'm taking it."
Danny made a face. "But isn't it weird to have a dad so close in age to you? What if people look at you weird?"
Jazz snorted at her brother's words, picking her way around the lab mess. "Danny, you'd be the one they would look at funny. A fifteen-year-old-"
"I'm almost sixteen!"
"A fifteen-year-old who has a physically thirteen-year-old daughter? People will be ready to call CPS."
"And besides!" Elle detangled herself from Jack's grip and stomped over to Maddie with a shit-eating grin as she looked at her dad. "Technically, I'm only a year old. You're not going to leave your poor, unstable clone daughter alone in the world to fend for herself, right?" Danny just grumbled. Something about not even being old enough to drive. 
Maddie cooed a bit and enjoyed the hug from her new granddaughter. It was cold but in a good way. Elle's response was a low hum that vibrated through her body. It reminded Maddie of a cat's purr.
"I've been meaning to ask," Maddie said. Elle clung tighter as she adjusted her grip. "What is ghost adoption?? You mentioned that before when explaining your relationship with Elle."
Their son shuffled his feet a little. "Uh, it basically means my core has connected to hers in a parental way, I guess." He was obviously nervous. "When we first met, even before I knew Elle was a clone, my core recognized her as a "baby ghost," so to speak. There was enough of a connection that I kind of adopted her subconsciously."
"But it doesn't happen with between all ghosts." Jazz cut in. It felt like their eldest was giving them a lecture on this and that every week. "Frostbite explained it a while ago, something about similar cores and ambient ectoplasm. Kind of like pack bonding?"
Maddie nodded, barely following. "And Frostbite...you said we were visiting this person?"
Danny perked up, actually floating a few feet off the ground in excitement. "Frostbite is the best! He's the leader of the Far Frozen and looks like a giant yeti. He helped me figure a bunch of things out and makes the best cocoa."
"Well, I'm excited to meet him."
And they were. Going through the portal was an experience and a half. It wasn't the first time they'd done this, but it was still memorable. Danny and Elle had gone ghost and chased each other around the Specter Speeder while Jazz piloted, hunched over the steering wheel. The Ghost Zone was a wonderful mix of greens and purples; Jack lamented his lack of a camera.
("We don't want to give Technus something to use." Tucker explained. Danny's friends had come by to help them all pack properly. "The Fenton Cameras haven't been ghost-proofed all the way, and Technus is an insufferable b-uh, idiot when he manages to get his hands on new tech. I'll never hear the end of it.")
It was just so much colder than they expected. The "Far Frozen" certainly lived up to its name. So did Frostbite and his legendary cocoa. The giant yeti (did he count as a ghost??) also took the opportunity to give each Fenton a checkup (ghosts have doctors???) to make sure everyone was healthy enough for inter-dimensional travel. They were, and Frostbite even handed over a few extra vials of pure ectoplasm to tide the kids over in case they didn't land near a natural source in the new dimension. Jack and Maddie took a few vials each, one for each of their ghost kids, and Jazz just tucked hers away in her luggage with a little pat.
Then they were off sightseeing. Understandably, most of Danny's allies were a bit wary around the (mostly former) ghost hunters but did their best to hide it. Jack and Maddie got to meet Princess Dorathea, who could turn into a freaking dragon how cool was that, Jack-
There was Pandora, a towering woman with blue skin and four arms. She took a liking to Maddie and gifted her an engraved xiphos. "To match her fighting spirit." The woman explained. She did not tell anyone what the engraving meant. At some point, they saw a towering castle in the distance. It was hard to see, but the towers looked like spiraling ice. Jack asked about it.
"Oh, that's nothing special." Danny waved them off. "Don't worry about it. We DO need to worry about Walker's prison, so duck down for a bit. He doesn't like it when the living are in his territory." Maddie didn't bother pushing the subject, so they moved on.
Then there was Wulf, a werewolf who could make portals and was the kids' teacher on that subject. Jazz was especially excited, greeting Wulf with a bear hug. (Maddie vaguely remembered something about her daughter being a werewolf now, but she very rarely changed while in the living world. Maddie had almost forgotten.) Jack was pleasantly surprised to learn Wulf spoke Esperanto. In fact, that was the only thing he could speak. It turns out Esperanto was something Jack had learned during their college days. The two hit it off, and Jack had to be dragged away from whatever conversation they were having.
Time moved a bit sluggishly, but eventually, they got around to "the least annoying ones." Elle had a blast messing with someone named Fright Knight, who just kept calling her 'my lady' for some reason. Danny got a few potshots in when one of his rouges (was that a robot?) got too close to the Speeder. They met Ghost Writer, Amorpho, Lunch Lady, Nocturne, Technus, Ember, Cujo, and a few others. Their final stop was Clockwork's.
The flight there was exceptionally long. It felt like forever, yet the clock in the Speeder only moved forward five minutes. Jazz explained that this was Clockwork's influence. He was the Master of Time, and the closer they got to his lair, the weirder time was. Eventually, the Fenton family arrived. Clockwork's lair was, well, a clock tower.
("Really, I don't know what we expected, Maddie.")
It was dark and green, sitting on a tiny island they could barely land on. Ectoplasm was thick in the air; Maddie was sure that if she weren't already ecto-contaminated, it would have been increasingly difficult to breathe. Multiple ticking sounds filled the air as if the tower was filled with nothing but clocks. Maddie took a wild guess and thought it probably was. A glowing green sticky note drew their attention as they approached the door.
Danny scowled as he read the note. "Daniel, something has come up with the Observants. I would appreciate it if you wouldn't make the Watchtower your new haunt. A natural portal will open next to the Speeder. Enjoy your vacation, Clockwork. Drat, I was hoping he'd be home. I really wanted you to meet him."
Maddie pats his shoulder. "It's okay. I'm sure we'll find time later." Elle giggled at the pun.
"I know." He sighed. "It's just, he can be so cryptic. Why would I make a watchtower my new haunt? I've never even been to a real watchtower! But the note says a natural portal will spawn next to the Speeder so that we can wait for that."
"You mean this portal?"
Jazz was closely examining a small tear in reality that had popped into existence next to her foot. It was small and low to the ground. Small enough that the Specter Speeder definitely couldn't get through. Maddie doubted they'd be going in all at once.
Elle peered over her shoulder. "That's it! Come on, old man, I'll race you!" She dove in without waiting for a reply.
"DANIELLE MADELINE FENTON!" Danny immediately chased after, disappearing into a swirl of green.
"Oh yeah, she's definitely related." Jazz said. "Come on. I'll follow behind once you two go through." Maddie looked at Jack, and Jack looked at Maddie. Fine with them.
Jack went first, knuckles tight from gripping his bag straps, doing his best to suck in his gut before dropping out of existence. Maddie went next, standing on tiptoes and still having Jazz bend down to press a kiss to her cheek before she left. "Make sure to lock up the Speeder."
Jazz smiled, her eyes glowing with the barest hint of green. She had a hand on the Fenton thermos clipped to her belt and if Maddie squinted, she could see the barest outline of a crown on her head. "See you on the other side, mom."
Maddie stepped into the portal, feeling nothing but open air, and fell through.
(the fix was kind of rushed but there is an extra line or two now that actually mentions it)
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hwabang · 9 months
PLS MAKE A PART TWO FOR “when the first love returns” i genuinely loved it sm and cried a bit ngl… part two should be so fluffy and jake possibly proposing 🤔🤔
When the First Love Returns Pt. 2- Sim Jaeyun
Summary: Jake grovels after you almost took a break with him after his ex tried to break you guys up. He realizes just how afraid he is to lose you so moves up the date for his proposal plan
Genre: fluff fluff fluff
Warnings: fem!reader, established relationship, jake is so guilty omg, grovels a LOT, proposal. mention of reader not being Korean (?)
Author’s Note: the amount of people asking for a pt 2 to something i wasn't even confident posting in the first place made me so happy😭 hope this is what y'all wanted!
NOTICE: (the names used for side characters are fake names, with the exception of the enhypen members. the fake names don't represent any real life characters.)
(gif not mine!)
(moodboard is mine, pics off Pinterest)
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Today was Minji's last day in Korea. Jake begged you to go to the airport with them but you really had a lot of work to get done, so you said goodbye to her in your apartment and sent her off with Jake.
On the way to the airport they didn't talk too much but they did have one last conversation before she went into the gate.
"Thank you for everything Jake," Minji started. "Sorry if I made you uncomfortable the other day."
Jake sighed. "Minji.. you're a good friend and I don't want this to ruin our whole group. But please, don't think we can ever be anything more than friends.. we dated for a year in high school and that was that. I love Y/N, a lot."
Minji nodded. "Yeah yeah, it was wrong of me to try and win you back.. I understand that now. Cynthia yelled at me a lot yesterday."
Jake let out a hearty laugh. "Yeah, she's had Y/N's back this whole time.. thanks for being so understanding Minji. Again you're a good friend of mine; let's keep it that way."
"Agreed. You're proposing this December in Australia right?"
"Actually... I'm proposing next week."
Minji's eyes widened with excitement. "What, no way! What happened, why the sudden change?!"
Jake rubbed the back of his neck feeling embarrassed. "I.. haven't been the best to her recently.. actually the night you were at your grandma's.. she wanted us to take a break."
Minji gasped. "Jake.. I'm so sorry."
He shook his head. "It's okay. We talked it through, I begged her not to do this, and she agreed. So I've just been, I don't know, scared? That night really shocked me so much.. I don't think I can wait till December. I'm moving all the plans around to next week."
"Jake that'a awesome! You got the hotel and flight tickets and all?"
"Yeah yeah, everything was booked yesterday."
Just then the last announcement for Minji's flight was made. She gave one last goodbye to Jake and headed to the gate as he made his way back to his car.
Jake had never felt so guilty like he did the past two days. It was eating him up; the fact that he gave another woman more attention than he gave you; the woman that you were uncomfortable with him being around. Every time he thought about it he winced and thanked God that you didn't leave him.
You had forgiven him; Jake loved you and you never once doubted that. But he didn't care– he'd make it up to you in the best way possible.
After leaving the airport he went to the ENHYPEN dorm to tell the news about him moving up his proposal plans and assigning them their roles. He then went to the company to talk to them about his decision. They already knew you Jake was proposing in December and were fine with it, but now Jake had to tell them the slight change in plans so they could have the statement ready by next week.
Once all of that was taken care of Jake headed back to the apartment and started cleaning. It wasn't messy; how could it be? You were so good at taking care of the house, taking care of him, taking care of your relationship when he'd mess it up..
Jake sighed as he walked into the empty house. You were just at work, he knew it of course. But he couldn't imagine how distraught he'd be if every single day he came home to an empty house, knowing you would never return.
Jake started by cleaning up the guest room and guest bathroom Minji had used; putting new sheets, changing the trash, wiping down the furniture. He then went on to clean the rest of the bathrooms in the house, then tidying up the kitchen and master bedroom. Once those were taken care of he took a 10 minute break to order food, and continued on cleaning the dining room and living room.
You were exhausted, having a hard day at work yourself. You trudged up to the front door and fumbled with your keys before the door swung open revealing a very happy yet tired Jake.
"Hi baby, you're home!" he exclaimed.
You giggled and pecked his lips as you walked into the house. "Hi my love, how was your day today?" As soon as you walked further into the house you immediately realized it was sparkling; everything was sparkling. You turned to Jake in shock who was standing there expectantly. "Jake.. did you clean the house while I was gone?"
He eagerly nodded. "Did I do a good job? Actually you can't judge just from seeing this.. I cleaned the guest bedroom, our room, the bathrooms and kitchen too!"
Your eyes were still widened in shock and you slowly wrapped your arms around Jake's neck. "Baby, I appreciate it but why'd you do all of that? I would've come home and done it anyways."
He wrapped his arms around you. "It's not fair that you have to do all of it," Jake pouted. "I live here too, this is my house too. I should take on some of the household responsibilities."
"You do honey! You have your own chores and I have mine."
Jake shook his head. "I just take the trash out and pay the bills once a month Y/N. You clean and cook almost everyday.. I come home every single day and appreciate it but I don't think I say it enough so I'm sorry. I genuinely appreciate everything you do, and after doing what you do for a day, I'm fucking exhausted."
You laughed as you pulled him into a hug. "Aww, thank you Jake. Really, I appreciate this a lot."
"Of course baby.. by the way, is it too late for you to put in some vacation days for next week?"
You raised an eyebrow at him. "What are you plotting now Sim Jaeyun?"
"Nah nah nothing.. I was thinking you and I could spend a couple days in the Maldives?"
"Maldives!? Jake, are you serious!?" you squealed.
Jake smiled, relieved you were this happy. The Maldives was a dream destination for you; you had always talked about going there so why not get proposed to there?
"It's a day long flight," Jake explained. "We need two days for the flights, we'll spend 4 days there. What do you think?"
You squealed again and tightly hugged Jake, jumping into his arms. "Thank you thank you thank you!! You're the best boyfriend ever. When do we leave?"
You were so excited for the trip that Friday felt like it was in forever, but finally you were in the Maldives. The first night you guys slept almost immediately after getting there because you were so drained but the next day you guys were up bright and early, enjoying all that the Maldives have to offer.
Today was the last full day in the Maldives, and the two of you were enjoying some down time in your private hotel room pool. Jake glanced to check on you and saw you at the edge of the pool, furrowing your eyebrows while staring at your phone. He swam up to you and grabbed his beverage. "What's wrong baby?"
"My parents," you responded. "They're not responding! I know I have good service so I don't know why they're not answering."
Despite you not looking at Jake, he still looked away from you. He couldn't lie to you, and he knew that if he mad eye contact with you, he'd spoil everything about the proposal. "M-maybe they're just busy."
You shook your head as you tried dialing them again. "No.. it's like just past evening in my country right now, they're definitely home."
Jake knew he had to distract you before you somehow caught on. He just had to hide all of this from you for another couple hours; as tonight was the proposal.
From the minute he woke up this morning he felt like throwing up. Every single second he felt like regurgitating. You wouldn't say no right? Nah nah, you love him.. right?!
"Baby," he called out as he grabbed your phone gently from you. "It's okay, we'll check on your parents later. Maybe they tuned in early? Our parents aren't getting any younger you know."
You hummed. "Yeah yeah you're right... I'll call them first thing tomorrow morning."
Oh you definitely will.
Jake pulled you back into the middle of the pool and you guys spent more time in the pool until you felt your skin pruning. After you had come out of the shower you saw a couple of wrapped gifts laying on the bed. You looked to your boyfriend with a confused look and he just returned a smug smile.
"Open them," Jake commanded. "It's for our date tonight."
You headed to the bed and one by one opened the boxes. The first one had a beautiful pair of pencil heels covered in golden and silver sparkles. Next was a black leather handbag and the one after it had a diamond crystal heart necklace. The last box you opened had your jaw drop slack open. The dress in the box perfectly matched the shoes; it was pretty short in the front but the tulle in the back went all the way down to the floor and without wearing it, you could tell it would snatch your waist in such an alluring way. It was off the shoulder with a straight neckline and the short bit of sleeves there were drooped down to your elbows.
You caressed the sequins on the dress before turning to your boyfriend and jumping to hug him, not caring you were in just a robe. "Jake, I'm gonna cry! You're the best and this whole look is amazing! Thank you so so SO much!"
He rubbed your back as he held back a huge grin. "Anything for the love of my life." He kissed your forehead before letting you go. "Get dressed, I'm almost ready. We should head to the restaurant in an hour."
Jake had booked a reservation for the two of you at "The Cloud"; an Italian-Chinese sit down restaurant that had numerous 5-star reviews for not only the food but the fancy and romantic ambiance as well.
You two enjoyed your extremely romantic dinner; the food was tremendously good and you two just couldn't stop laughing and looking at each other with the utmost love you could hold in your eyes.
After the dinner Jake suggested a walk on the beach and you happily agreed, not wanting the night to end. You were walking hand in hand, you barefoot with your shoes in Jake's empty hands.
"Jake," you called out breaking the comforting silence.
"Yeah baby?"
You looked to him and kissed his cheek softly. "Thank you.. for everything. The last 4 days have felt so magical I just.. I can't even describe it. I really appreciate everything you've done for me, everything you've made me feel."
Jake's eyes softened as he looked at you, returning the kiss on the cheek. "Again, anything and everything for you baby. I'm just glad we're finally getting quality time alone."
You hummed. "Minji and you are good right? I didn't intend to break up a friendship."
Jake snapped his head towards you and gave you crazed look. "Baby, what are you talking about? You did nothing wrong! If my friendship with Minji would've ended it would've been because of her trying to break us up. You went through so much the last couple weeks and held everything in.. I'm so proud of you but I can't help but feel guilty because of it."
You took your free hand and caressed Jake's forearm with it. "Stop feeling guilty; you've done more than enough to make it up," you giggled.
Jake hesitated a little before biting his lip. "Well, does that mean you don't want the last surprise?"
You groaned. "Jake there's more? You've already done so much what could possibly–"
"Shh," he brought a finger up to your lip. "Let me do the talking right now." You both stopped walking and Jake let go of your hand. He placed your shoes on the sand and stood in front of you. "You trust me right Y/N?"
You vigorously nodded. "Of course Jake! With my whole life."
He gently kissed your lips before reaching into his pocket for a blue velvet box and got down on one knee making you gasp.
"Jake! I–"
"Baby," he whined. "I said let me do the talking." He waited for your nod to continue and did so with a sigh. "Okay look, truth be told I had a completely different speech prepared for this because.. actually I was planning to propose this December when we planned to go to Australia. I had this whole yacht lunch date planned and then an orchestra band and an after party.. but then the last couple weeks happened. And when you suggested we take a break, I.. I felt like my entire world collapsed."
Jake had tears threatening to fall out of his eyes as he looked up at you with so much love. "You are my entire world.. I couldn't ever imagine a life without you, and I don't think I could wait 3-4 more months to propose. This moment right here, this calm after the storm, it feels right. I want nothing more than to be with you forever. I– I can't promise that I'll always be a good husband even though I know you'll always be a good wife, and I'll apologize for that every single day that I'm alive, but I'm always going to do my very best to keep you happy. Nothing matters to me more than your happiness. Let me be the only man to make you happy forever Y/N. Please.. will you marry me?"
You didn't trust your voice as you could feel the sobs closing up your throat so you nodded, extending your left hand for Jake to slip the ring on; it fit perfectly.
He finally let the tears slip and came up from his position to hug you tight and you let him, wrapping your own arms around his form as you two sobbed. Jake kissed your head repeatedly. "Thank you baby, thank you for making me the happiest I've ever been."
You pulled back a little for the hug and kissed some of his tears away before kissing his plump lips. "I– I love you so much Jake I– thank you for everything."
Jake kissed you once again, murmuring an 'I love you too' as you two finished crying. He grabbed your shoes again and put his hand out to grab your now bejeweled one. "Shall we head back to our room, my fiancee?"
You couldn't help but break out into a smile at the new name. "Of course fiance... God I wish my mom was picking up my calls so I could tell her we're engaged..."
Jake laughed. "Your mom won't be picking up any calls for abouttt.. another 45 minutes," he reported checking his wristwatch.
You cocked your head at him. "Why? Is she not home?"
"She's on a plane.. to Korea.. your whole family is.. for the celebration party of our engagement. My parents are there by now too I think; Heeseung Hyung should've picked them up by now."
Your eyes widened. "What? You flew my parents out?!"
Jake eagerly nodded. "Yup! That's why we're heading back to Korea so early tomorrow morning; we have an engagement party tomorrow night with both of our families and closest friends. I got the guys to decorate it. They'll do fine right?"
You shook your head in disbelief at how this man could continuously sweep you off your feet. "Sim Jaeyun the man you are.. how many more times are you gonna woo me in this lifetime hmm?"
"Oh you have no idea baby."
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jessi4fanfics · 2 months
only read this story if you are like REALLY bored and have nothing to do for the next bajillion minutes cuz ITS LONG
Its a mix of Broppy with a bit of Cliva!
I wrote this on Wattpad if you would rather read it there. 😘
"UGHHHHHHH," John Dory groaned as he and the rest of the BroZone brothers fell onto the couch the morning after one of their shows.
They were in Branch's bunker living room, where all of them except for Bruce lived now, though Bruce did live there when he was planning on staying in Pop Village for a while for shows, like this last week.
And there was only one way to describe what the brothers felt now: EXHAUSTED.
"I can't believe we did six shows in five days last week!" Clay groaned.
"I don't think I've slept since Monday," Branch sighed.
"At least we were all together," Floyd suggested. "It's better than when we were all apart, right?"
They all stared at him. It was obvious from their faces that they didn't really agree.
"I miss Brandy," Bruce sighed sadly, taking a picture of his wife and kids out of his hair.
"You always miss Brandy," John said, annoyed. "Why don't you enjoy hanging around us for a little while at least?"
"Because you guys never tell me how much you love me," Bruce shot back.
Floyd touched his shoulder. "Bruce, we love you a ton."
Bruce stared at him, then shrugged Floyd's hand off of his should. "Ehh, it's not the same."
"I'd be concerned if it was." Branch stood up. "Guys, we're all acting weird and mopey. You know why?"
"Because you didn't make us pancakes for breakfast like we asked?" John asked.
Branch frowned. "What? No. I told you; I don't have all the ingredients!"
"Well, I offered to go to the store for you, but nooooo you said--"
"It's because we all need a break!" Branch interrupted. "We've been working our butts off ever since we got back together, which is good, but we deserve a break sometime. Which is why--" He turned and grabbed the BroZone Planner book from off of the breakfast table, "--I completely emptied all of our activities this week." He placed it in front of Clay.
"What?! No way!" Clay opened the planner to the week that it was. It was true. The whole week had nothing written anywhere on it.
The brothers stared at it for a while. 
"Omigosh, yes!! This is what I've been secretly wanting for the past two months!" John gave a sigh of relief.
"That means we can do whatever we want all week!" Floyd smiled. "This is gonna be so much fun!"
"Guys, we should totally go bowling!" Bruce suggested.
John gave Bruce a funny look. "Why?"
"Cuz I haven't been bowling in forever! Last time I went bowling with Brandy, I broke my left pinkie toe!" He lifted his foot to show his toe, which was hanging in a weird way.
"Eww, that is disgusting, put that down!" Branch shrieked, covering his eyes.
"Dude, it's just the way of nature. Things break. Including toes," Bruce explained.
"That doesn't mean we want to see it!" Floyd gagged.
"Okay, okay!! If you put that foot down, we'll go bowling!" John compromised. 
"Okie!" Bruce put down his foot and gasped. "We can call it-- browling!!"
"Haha!! Yes! I love it!" John laughed, nudging him.
Clay had been quiet. His eyes were so wide they looked like saucers. Then he gave a relieved sigh. "Oh my gosh, it is so satisfying to open this planner to this week and see nothing in it."
"There's not nothing in it," Literal John pointed out. "It says 'Valentines Day' right there."
Clay gave him the bro, are you kidding me?  look. "Thanks."
"You're welcome! 🤗" John answered.
"Ahhh, Valentines Day," Bruce gave another sigh, this time full of relaxation and enjoyment, as he sat back. "You know, Brandy and I met on Valentines Day."
His brother turned to him, annoyed. 
"Yah, we know," John grunted. "You tell us every Saturd--"
"It was exactly ten years ago," Bruce began suddenly.
The rest of BroZone groaned. 
"I was new to Vacay Island and the Islanders, and watched them party in the evening of Valentines Day, all partying like they were never gonna stop. I watched sadly, wishing that I had my own Valentine to party with."
"And then that's when you saw her," Branch predicted.
"By the snack stand," Clay continued.
"All alone," Floyd reminded.
"Looking kind of depressed," John finished. "Maybe a bit like us right no--"
"And then!" Bruce didn't wait for JD to finish. "I decided now was my chance. So I walked up to that beauty. Her eyes were shining like bits of heaven itself. Her skin as yellow as a really ripe banana. Her hair as stringy as the cheese in a cheese and spinach ravioli."
"Why do you always describe her like that?" Clay asked. "It absolutely disgust--"
Bruce ignored him. "And I walked up to her and said, 'Hey, you must be today's special cuz you're making me hungry!"
All the brothers winced, just as they always did whenever Bruce got to that part.
"I'm really surprised she didn't punch you after saying that," Branch remarked.
"Oh, she did," Bruce chuckled.
"Wait, what?!!" Clay gasped.
"Dude, how come you've never told us the one interesting part in this lame story?!!" John gaped.
"I don't know. It didn't really matter," Bruce shrugged.
"What is wrong with you?" Clay asked.
Floyd laughed.
"Well, anyways. After I said that, she--"
They all groaned again.
"BROOOOOZOOONNNEEEE!!!" came a high but sweet voice from the hallway.  
Queen Poppy burst into the living room, her face full of excitement and joy. She waved a pink envelope in the air before twirling excitedly in the room. "I'm sorry that I just popped out of nowhere, but I had to tell you--!!"
She stopped, noticing Bruce's mouth open, mid-story. "Oop, am I interrupting something?"
"Nope, you just saved us," Clay said gratefully. 
"Yes, please continue. Even your news may beat Bruce's story," John pleaded. 
Branch smiled and rolled his eyes. He was completely grateful to Poppy for interrupting though. Hearing the same story every week wasn't very fun.
"What'd you want to tell us?" He asked, walking toward her.
"Well, you know how Valentines Day is in two days?" She sang in a happy voice.
"Ugh, don't start Bruce all over again!" John said, alarmed.
Bruce crossed his arms. "I don't get why you guys don't enjoy it. It's absolutely lovely."
"Sure, Bruce. If you say so." Floyd patted his shoulder.
"We were just talking about it," Branch informed Poppy, who looked a bit confuzzled.
"Oh. Well, good!" She grabbed his left arm. "I wanted to invite you all to--"
"Wait, invite us to?" Branch stopped her. "Poppy, I thought I told you, we were taking a break from parties and everything else all week!"
Poppy looked at him, remembered, then blushed. "Oh. Well, uhhh--" she scratched the back of her head. "It's not really a... party."
Branch sighed and took the pink envelope and opened it. Inside the card said:
Formal Dress Required. Snacks Provided! 6pm to 9pm.  
"Popppyyy," he gave long groan.
"I'm sorry, I didn't-- I forgot, you don't have to go!" Poppy's face flushed even more. 
"Another party?!" John moaned, leaning back on the couch.
"But I was hoping to go back home that day!" Bruce said. He sighed. "Well, I guess..."
Clay also gave a sad sigh. "There goes our empty week." He grabbed a pencil and tried to bring himself to write in the planner Valentine Dance.
"For the second time, it's not empty! It already says 'Valentines Day', right there!" John pointed out again. 
"DUDE HOW LITERAL CAN YOU BE?!!" Clay shrieked.
"Guys!" Poppy yelled.
They all turned to her.
She turned back to Branch. "Look. You're right. You told me not to invite you to a party. I thought the ball would be alright since it wasn't really a party, but I shouldn't have taken you so literally, and I'm sorry. You all don't have to go, no pressure." She gave him a kind smile and turned around and left.
They all stared after her.
"That was really sweet of her," Floyd said.
"Wow. Branch. She practically got on her knees, begging for forgiveness, and you just stand there like a doofus!" John said.
"Yeah, Brandy never would never have done that for me," Bruce said, impressed.
"Mostly because she doesn't have knees," Clay smarted.
The Clay and John snickered.
"I don't find that funny!" Bruce shouted.
Branch sat down next to Floyd. 
"Penny for your thoughts," Floyd said gently.
"I think I'm gonna go to the dance," Branch said shortly.
"What?!" John turned to him. "What happened to browling?!!"
"We have all week to do that, it's just one day, guys." Branch shrugged. "Besides, I kinda want to make this Valentines Day perfect for Poppy. The past few haven't gone-- well, very well."
"What do you mean?" Floyd asked.
"Happy Valentines Day, Branch!!!" Poppy held out a Valentine's Day card to a grumpy Branch.
He took it with a plastered smile then stomped on it angrily.
"😱😱!!!" Everyone gasped. 
"Happy Valentines Day, Branch!!" Poppy held out another Valentine's Day card for a grumpy Branch.
He took it and stomped on it.
"😱😱!!!" Everyone gasped.
~~~ONE YEAR AGO (Branch has his true colors now, y'all)~~~
"Happy Valentines Day, Branch!!" Poppy held out her annual Valentine's Day card to a now happy Branch, sure he wasn't going to stomp on it.
Glitter sprayed in his face.
"EEEWW, I GOT GLITTER IN MY MOUTH!!" Branch shrieked. "I THINK IMMA PUKE-" runs away gagging dangerously.
 "😱😱!!!" Everyone gasped.
"Oof, yah, you do owe her a good Valentines Day," Floyd completely agreed. 
"And maybe this is my way of doing it," Branch said. He got up. "I'm going to go tell Poppy. But none of you guys have to go."
"Oh, don't worry, we've got that in mind," John said, annoyed. 
"Poppy!" Branch ran out of the living room smack into--
"Hiii!!" Poppy gave him a giddy smile.
"Poppy, were you standing there the whole time?" Branch asked, lifting an eyebrow.
She shifted uncomfortably. "Mayyybeee."
He couldn't help smiling.
"I was hoping you'd say you would still come! And you did!!" Poppy gave an excited squeal and jumped onto him, giving him a big hug.
"Okay, okay, but I don't think the rest of them are coming," Branch gently pushed her off of him.
"That's okay." She waved her hand carelessly. "As long as you're there."
He grinned.
"Viva and I are so excited, we're planning on decorating it all by ourselves and we're ordering the biggest cake you've ever seen and--" she gave an excited gasp. "Branch!! You'll have to come over tomorrow! I have so many ideas for your tuxedo!"
"Well, I-- uhh." Branch wasn't sure if he wanted to wear another tuxedo in his life. He had worn that all week so far.
"How about around 11am tomorrow?! Okay, good!" She kissed his cheek, not waiting for an answer. "I'll see you then!!!" And she danced toward the elevator.
Branch gave an exasperated sigh. 
~~~ The Next Day~~~
"I'm off to Poppy's to see about tuxedos, guys," Branch said. 
"Ouch, good luck with that." John lay on his back on the couch, covering the whole thing.
Branch rolled his eyes.
"Branch, do you have a mailbox?" Bruce asked from the breakfast nook. "I haven't had mail in forever!"
"Pfft, who'd send mail to you?" John asked. "You aren't a thrilling teenager anymore, Bruce."
"As a matter of fact, I get tons of fanmail, Mister I'm-Jealous-Cuz-I've-Never-Gotten-One-Fan-Letter-In-My-Entire-Life. But I was talking more about my family," Bruce said defensively.
"Mmm." John had no comeback.
"As an answer to your question," Branch finally managed to cut in, "No, Bruce, I do not. Poppy's working on that. I can go get your mail at the post office if you want."
"Ooh, and while you're there," Clay handed him a letter to mail.
"What's this?" Branch asked.
"Well, it's--" Clay began in his I'm-about-to-blab-about-serious-boring-and-important-stuff-for-about-fifteen-minutes voice.
"Ya know what, doesn't matter, I'll take it." Branch was not about to stand here for fifteen minutes. Not when he could be talking to Poppy. "Anything else?"
"Oh! I have a grocery list!" John got up and handed him a five-foot-long list. 
"John, I'm going to Poppy's pod. I'm not going anywhere near the grocery store."
"Well, you asked 'anything else' and I told you!" John went back to the couch. "You're welcome."
Branch rolled his eyes. 
"Here, Branch. I'll go do that stuff." Floyd got up from the breakfast table. "You can go on ahead to Poppy's pod."
"Oh. Thanks, Floyd." Branch gave him a smile. 
"We're off!" Floyd announced.
"They don't care, let's just go before they order us to go pick up something somewhere else," Branch whispered.
"Good idea," Floyd agreed.
They started off toward the direction of Poppy's pod (the post office was on the way).
"Soooo...." Floyd said in a singsong voice.
"Soooo?" Branch asked.
"What's your gameplan?"
"For what?"
Floyd laughed. "Asking Poppy to the dance!"
"What?" Branch gave him a funny look. "I have to ask her? She's not just gonna assume we're going together because we're dating?"
"Well, of course she does. But it's more fun for the girls when they get asked." Floyd grinned. "You know, you'd think you've never been in a famous boyband."
"Yeah, well, girls weren't always my first priority, you know."
"I can see that." Floyd's grin turned into a gentle smile. "Branch, I want you to do how proud I am of you."
Branch shifted uncomfortably. "For what?"
"Getting along. Without us. Even before you had your true colors back. You dealth with Grandma..." Floyd gulped. "Well, you dealt with that all alone. And you still went on."
"Barely." Branch shrugged. "If it wasn't for Poppy, I don't know where I'd be right now."
"Well, it wasn't just Poppy." Floyd looked straight into Branch's blue eyes. "Poppy isn't in control of you changing, Branch. That's almost all you. She may have changed you, but you let her. And that's why you're here now, dating the Queen of the Pop Trolls."
Branch flushed. 
Floyd chuckled. "I remember the day you were born. Clay made ten lame jokes about you right away, laughing at them by himself, Bruce seemed to be grumpy because you had blue eyes when he had always wanted them, and John looked like he wanted to die because he now had four brothers instead of three. But I knew right away, you were something special, Branch."
"I'm not that special," Branch said. But he couldn't stop smiling. "Oh, there's Poppy and Viva!"
They were in front of Poppy's pod, doing backflips in the grass, giggling like crazy.
"Oh, man, they're gonna break their necks!" Branch rushed to them. "Poppy, wait, don't--!!"
Floyd laughed, watching. Then he looked at Viva. She was laughing at Branch as well, giving him a teasing push, and he turned on her and tweaked a blonde curl, grinning, something he had grown to do lately as he as now as close to her as his brothers.
Branch knew a lot about Viva already because he hung around Poppy so much. Floyd wondered if he was close enough to her to be able to jokingly tweak a curl. 
No, definitely not. But it would be fun to have a friend like that. And he hadn't had very many since he went to Mount Rageous. 
Suddenly, an idea popped in his head. It sounded alright. Would Viva think so?
He smiled and walked toward her calmly, on a mission.
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jakey-beefed-it · 1 month
Went in for a checkup today and got basically all good news- they'll be able to re-issue all my prescriptions so I don't have to get just a month at a time anymore, my blood pressure is pretty good, and I've got a referral for my usual diabetic bloodwork.
Over the past couple years, from my peak weight, I've lost an entire shirt size, my face has gone from bright red and spherical to mostly even colored and ovoid, and I've got a lot more energy for things like walking short distances (like 2 km at the outside). So I really thought I would've lost a significant amount of weight.
But no. I've lost, maybe, 25-30 lbs, like 12 or 13 kg, when I needed to lose almost ten times that much to get down to 'healthy'. Reasoning it through, I've put on a lot of muscle specifically in my legs, having gone from totally sessile computer lump who rarely walks father than the distance to his car to mostly-sessile computer lump who lives on the 3rd floor and has to walk down to the grocery store a few times a week. And as every person who's ever worked out to lose weight has told themselves in a panic, 'muscle weighs more than fat'. Meaning it's more dense, presumably, to avoid whole the 'steel's heavier than feathers' Limmy thing.
So okay. I've gotten healthier, that's the main thing. My blood pressure is looking genuinely good, and while my blood sugar is probably too high still due to being addicted to coffee but unable to drink it without lots of creamer, on the whole, this is good news. I should be happy.
I am not happy.
I feel like a guy who's climbing a mountain through raw determination and teeth-grinding effort, thinking he's at least nearing the halfway mark, turning a bend to realize he's not even where people pitch their goddamn base camps. 'Sisyphean' springs to mind, though aside from putting some weight back on last year when I was back in the US for 6 months, I haven't actually lost much progress, at least. I've just made... so little progress compared to what I thought.
Part of the problem of course is that I'm too fat for regular scales; they're just not rated to deal with someone my size and report 'error' if I'm lucky and they don't just fuckin break. So I had no means of measuring my progress other than 'shirt fits better now' and 'can walk a few blocks without feeling like death now'. And then I got weighed properly for the first time in two years, and, oy vey.
It's not going to change anything, I'm still going to live on the third floor and need to walk around the neighborhood on a fairly regular basis, but man is it discouraging. And before anyone says it, yes, I know it's technically a significant amount of weight for a human to lose, and it's healthier to lose it more slowly over time than all in a rush, and I'm on the right track, but god. I thought I was doing better than this.
Anyhow that's why I'm in a funk tonight, how's by you kind folks?
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raaorqtpbpdy · 4 months
Brotherhood (2)
Directly following the events of Double Helix, Danny enrolls in Bayville High school and joins the Brotherhood of Mutants. He's not sure if they actually believe he's a ghost and not a mutant, but at least they don't care enough to challenge him on it, and that's good enough for him. This is a direct sequel to Double Helix (linked above), and some parts may be confusing without the context of the original fic. I suggest you read that first.
Written for @crossoverdanuary Week 2024, Day 5: The Owl House X-Men Evolution | Shell
I have seen exactly two episodes of The Owl House, and that was like four years ago or something, so I was not confident in my ability to write a crossover for it. Also, from this chapter on, it's unedited and I'll come back to edit later. I just want to actually finish this fic tonight.
I tried to work in a theme of both Danny and Wanda "coming out of their shell" throughout the fic. You can also read it on AO3.
Chapter 2: Transition
[Warning for mental institutions]
"You guys got any plans for the long weekend?" Lance asked as he sprawled out on the shabby couch in the board house. "Kitty told me she and some of the X-dorks are going on an educational retreat to the California redwoods. They decided on it yesterday. Can you imagine being able to just up and fly to the other side of the country on a whim."
"And for educational purposes, yuck!" Toad agreed. "If I had my own jet like they do, I'd go to Vegas!"
"If you could afford a jet like they have, you wouldn't have to go to Vegas," Lance said. "You'd already be rich. If I had my own jet, I would use it to go to all the concerts I'd normally miss because they're too far away."
"I don't need a private jet to go wherever I want," Pietro bragged. "If I want to go to a concert, I'll run right in past security and no one will even know."
"And if that concert is in Europe?" Lance asked. "Or Asia? You know, across a massive ocean? Can you run there?"
"Okay, point taken, but why would I wanna go to a snooty European concert anyway?" the speedster scoffed. "What about you, Danny?"
"What do I need a jet for? I can already fly," he said. "Not that I use it for major travel much. Maybe I should. That's what my cousin does. She flies all over the world."
"Hey! We should do something fun this weekend!" Toad declared. "Maybe sneak into a concert, or go somewhere cool! Show those X losers we know how to have a good time while they use their fancy private jet to go learn things."
"Sure, I'm down," Lance agreed.
"Sorry guys, I'm gonna pass this time. I actually do have plans this weekend," Danny said. "I'm gonna fly upstate and visit a friend. I haven't seen her in a few weeks."
"Her?" Pietro repeated with a smirk. "This wouldn't happen to be a girlfriend would it?"
"It's not like that," Danny said. "She's a friend. She's a girl. That's it."
"Uh-huh... sure," Toad said, sounding unconvinced. "You dog."
"Lay off," Danny said, rolling his eyes. "Come on, we gotta get to school. Long weekend's not here yet."
Toad groaned.
"Buck up, we've only got one more day," Lance pointed out.
When the long weekend finally arrived, Danny filled his pockets with all the things he wanted to bring, said good-bye to the Brotherhood, who barely acknowledged him as they argued about what to do that weekend, and took off. He flew north, toward the mental institution. It had been almost three whole weeks since he'd last been there, but he remembered the way.
Honestly, he hadn't expected to go back so soon, and Wanda probably wouldn't be expecting him either, but it wasn't like he was gonna be an inpatient this time. He would turn invisible and pop into Wanda's room to hang out with her. It hadn't even been that long, really, but he missed her.
Thinking about her in that room all alone again, without anyone or anything to distract her, it almost made him regret leaving in the first place. He should have been more considerate. Even though she said she'd be okay, leaving just because he didn't like Xavier was selfish.
When, after almost a full day of flying, he finally caught sight of the building, resentment gripped his chest. He hated this place. If it weren't for Wanda, he wouldn't have even stayed as long as he had. And if it weren't for her, he definitely wouldn't have come back, ever. No matter what.
But he did. He came back. For Wanda.
Sneaking in went just as planned. No one saw him. No one heard him. He was a ghost, after all. The moment he saw Wanda, he realized that he'd missed her even more than he'd thought.
"Knock knock," he said as he appeared in her room.
She jumped in surprise, but when she saw him, she smiled. "You scared me."
"Should I have said 'Boo', instead?" he asked. "I totally should have. Missed opportunity."
She chuckled slightly and shook her head.
"You seem to be doing pretty well, all things considered," he noted.
She was still wearing a straight jacket, but it looked looser, like whoever had put it on her wasn't as worried about her getting out. Her small smile still seemed genuine. Three weeks on her own again hadn't sent her straight back to her darkest place, it seemed.
"Yeah," she agreed. "I've been taking your advice. Whenever I notice myself getting stuck thinking about the bad memory, I try to think of three good ones. It's hard sometimes, but I think the more effort it takes, the better it works, because it keeps me distracted for longer. Yesterday, I remembered reading that book with you. You know the one. I tried to imagine an ending for it where they were both arrested as war criminals instead of having a happy ending. Do you want to hear it?"
"Absolutely," Danny confirmed.
In truth, he hadn't even thought about that trashy romance novel in ages. It was largely forgettable for him, but if it helped Wanda better navigate her emotions then hell yeah he wanted to hear her ideas for an alternate ending.
In her version of the ending, there was a huge trial. The kings of both sides agreed that the Warlock and Sorceress were guilty of crimes against Arvenia, and sentenced them to live the rest of there lives in a deep, dark dungeon where the lovers could only communicate by having rats deliver notes between them.
Then, after years of planning their escape one note at a time, they broke out and took over the world together, killing the kings and terrorizing the people of Arvenia to keep them in line.
"Ooh, plot twist!" Danny said when she got to that part. "I like that you made them the villains in the end. They should have been the villains from the beginning."
"I agree," Wanda said. "It was stupid that the book just gave them another villain to blame for all the bad things they did and fight off, rather than acknowledging their crimes."
"Totally!" Danny emphatically agreed. "Oh, I just remembered! I brought you some stuff."
He reached into his pockets and pulled out all the stuff he'd brought. He pulled out a deck of cards, a book of MadLibs and a pen, a sheet of stickers. He wasn't sure what they would have the most fun with, so he'd just  brought a bunch of random junk. Lastly, he pulled out a necklace, a black choker with an ankh charm.
"What's that?" she asked.
"Your first goth accessory," he said. "I found it in a random box in the attic where I'm staying now."
"No, I mean what's that symbol?" she asked, repositioning herself so Danny could put the necklace on her.
"Oh, it's an ankh. The Egyptian symbol for life, I think."
"Life, huh? Doesn't sound very goth."
"Well, you would be wearing it ironically," he said. "Most of the other gothy stuff I found had crosses, and seeing as your Jewish and all...." He shrugged. "Felt like it would be disrespectful. So, do you like it?"
"Yeah, I like it a lot," Wanda said. "You know," her voice became suddenly softer than before, like she was nervous. "Professor Xavier is going to come tomorrow. I think tomorrow might finally be the day he takes me with him."
"You think?" Danny asked, excited for her despite his hatred of the professor.
"Yeah," she confirmed. "I've been doing a lot better lately, and I have a really good feeling about it."
"That's awesome, Wanda!" he told her. "In that case, let's call the necklace a good luck charm. I'm rooting for you. I know you can do it."
"You know, I also found this totally sweet red leather coat when I was rooting around in the attic," he said. "Ankle-length, flared collar, and it's your favorite color. Once you're ready to give up the straight jacket, I'll bring it to you as a congratulations present. What do you think?"
"I think you're really trying to motivate me."
"What can I say? I miss my friend."
"Then we have a deal," she agreed. Tomorrow is gonna be the day. I just know it."
Danny grinned widely at her. 
For the rest of the day, they mostly played MadLibs. They tried a few card games, too, but with Wanda's hands restrained, the only thing they could really do was collaborative solitaire, and that got old fast. Danny stuck little ghost and bat stickers on all the latches on her straight jacket while he told her about the school he was going to, and the board house. How he'd picked the same city the Xavier Institute was in so he could see her again when she enrolled there.
"They're all mutants at the board house," Danny told her. "I don't know if they actually believe I'm not, but they don't push it. They don't even call me a mutant by mistake. I don't know, maybe it's 'cause they're afraid I'll do something, or maybe it's 'cause they just don't care enough to argue with me, but either way, that's better than I ever got from Xavier."
"I'm glad you found people who accept you," Wanda said. "I hope when I go to the professor's school, I will too."
"Me too," Danny agreed. "And hey, even if you don't find them there, you'll still have me."
She smiled at him. Her smile was always small, burdened, a little sad behind the eyes, but it was honest. Danny liked that about her. She never tried to hide anything.
That night, he crashed in her room. Despite being fully padded, it was not very comfortable, but it was better than trying to fly through the night and ending up sleeping in a tree somewhere. He said 'see ya later' and left early in the morning to make sure he wouldn't be seen when the orderlies came to get her for her meeting with the professor, and promised to meet up with her again soon.
Then, he spent another day flying back to Bayville.
"You're getting back a little late, aren't you?" Lance observed when Danny finally returned to the board house. "Did you get to spend some quality time with your girlfriend?"
"Again, not my girlfriend, but yes, I did," Danny responded. "How was your... whatever you guys decided to do this weekend?"
"Oh, we ended up not being able to decide, so we just ordered pizza and stayed here all weekend," Lance answered. "So that was... that."
"Oh, yeah, those X-Men are gonna be soo jealous of the weekend you had."
"Shut up!"
It wasn't until a couple days later that news reached the Brotherhood of the X-Men's newest member. It came by way of Lance's budding relationship with Kitty.
"Really!? The X-Men have a new member?" Danny repeated excitedly when he heard the news after school.
"That's what Kitty said," Lance confirmed. "Apparently she's not gonna start at Bayville High for another few of days so she can get settled, but yeah. I don't know anything about her, though."
"I'm pretty sure I do!" Danny said. "I gotta go!"
Danny didn't bother to explain. He went ghost, made a quick pit-stop in the attic to grab something and then flew straight for the Xavier Institute. He'd never actually been there before, but Tabitha told him where it was a while back. Apparently, she used to be an X-Men trainee before she joined the Brotherhood, and she was still friends with some of them.
Turrets rose up out of the ground the moment he got past the gate. Probably motion-activated. Danny easily avoided getting hit by turning intangible and staying that way until he'd flown straight through the front door. It actually took a while. The grounds were huge.
By the time he got through, there was a group of mutants waiting for him, suited up and ready for a fight.
"Relax, I'm not here to fight," Danny said. He held up the paper bag he'd brought with him. "I'm just bringing a friend a gift."
"Who are you?" demanded a guy with a weird visor. Scott, probably. He seemed like Scott.
"What do you mean who am I?" Danny asked. "You know me!"
"Like, I've never seen you before," Kitty said, crossing her arms. 
How they expected to protect their identities when they didn't even wear masks, Danny had no idea.
"What are you talking about? I—" He stopped himself abruptly. "Oh yeah, my bad," he said, and let the rings of his transformation wash over him, revealing his human form. "Recognize me now?"
Judging by their gasps, the answer was yes, but they didn't stand down.
"What are you doing here?" Jean asked. "I thought you didn't want anything to do with the Xavier Institute."
"I don't wanna join, but it's not like I hate you guys or anything," Danny said. "This just isn't the place for me. And I already told you why I'm here. I'm brought a congratulations present for Wanda. She's your new member, right? Or trainee? Whatever."
"How do you know that?" asked a fuzzy blue mutant that Danny didn't recognize until he started talking. That German accent was unmistakably Kurt.
"Well, when I saw her the other day, she said she felt really confident that she was going to be able to join you guys soon, and then Lance said Kitty said you got a new member, so I figured it must be her."
The others all glared at Kitty.
"What?" she asked. "It's not like it was gonna be a secret for long anyway. We, like, all go to the same school!"
"I wasn't aware you and Wanda were so close," came a familiar voice.
Danny turned to see the professor wheeling in and had to school his face to avoid scowling at him.
"We're friends," he said. "Can I see her or not? And keep in mind if you say no, I'm just gonna find her anyway."
"As long as you haven't come with ill intentions, I see no reason why you shouldn't be allowed to see her," the professor said. "We're all mutants after all, and a sense of community is important."
"I'm not a mutant," Danny muttered, his scowl finally breaking through.
The professor responded with a tight smile. "Jean, why don't you show Danny to Wanda's room."
"Of course, professor," Jean agreed. "It's this way."
She headed up the stairs and Danny followed.
"So do you and Wanda know each other from the institution?" Jean asked. "I mean, sorry, that's probably personal. I hope you don't mind me asking."
"It's fine," Danny said. "Yeah. Security couldn't exactly hold a guy who walks through walls, so I would sneak into her room sometimes and we'd hang out. She always wanted to be able to come here. I could never really understand it, but I'm still proud of her, you know? I may not agree with you guys, but you're good people. For the most part. I'm not quite sold on Scott, yet."
Jean chuckled. "I guess we can't really ask for more than that." She stopped in the hallway and knocked on a door. "Wanda, you in there? You have a visitor."
The door opened seemingly on its own.
"Danny!" Wanda's voice called. "I didn't think you'd be here so soon."
"I came as soon as I heard, and I guess word travels fast," he replied. "Can I come in?"
"Yeah, come in," she said.
"I'll leave you to it," Jean said, as she backed away into the hall and closed the door behind her.
"You look good," Danny said.
Her clothes were a bit mismatched, but it was the first time he was seeing her without a straight jacket, and that was a huge improvement. She was also wearing the choker he'd given her. Her hair looked recently washed, and was neatly combed and tucked behind her ears. 
Even the way she held herself was more confident, happier. Not being in that rotten mental institution was already having a positive affect on her, it seemed.
"I brought something that'll make you look even better." He held up the paper bag.
"The coat?" she asked, rushing forward excitedly to take the bag from him.
"I hope it fits," he told her. "It looked about the right size."
She let the bag drop to the floor as he pulled the coat out and smoothly slid it on. It looked like it might be a little wide in the shoulders, but other than that, it fit like a glove.
"It's perfect," she said.
"I also found some earrings that match the necklace," he said. "I slipped 'em in one of the pockets. I know you don't have pierced ears, but I figured if you ever did, you might like to have them."
She patted the pockets until she found what he was talking about and smiled when she pulled them out. Then, she laid them gently on her dresser.
He didn't think he'd ever seen her smile so much, and so unabashedly. It wasn't the tiny, hesitant smile she'd worn before. She was really coming out of her shell.
"Careful," he said. "Looking at you now, I'd almost think you weren't consumed by rage."
Her smile fell. 
That had been the wrong thing to say.
"I am still angry," she said. "I can't stop it. But... you were right. I didn't need to control my anger. I just had to stop letting my anger control me. Now I can be angry and happy at the same time. Angry and excited. I feel more than just anger now. It feels good."
"I'm happy to hear it," he told her. "So how's this place treating you so far?"
"I have a roommate!" she replied instantly. "Her name is Rahne. And tomorrow, when they're done with school, she and some of the other girls are gonna take me to the mall for new clothes so I don't have to wear stuff from the lost-and-found anymore."
"That makes sense," Danny said.
"Do you wanna come?" she invited.
"I... would... but I might ruin the mood," he said apologetically. "Some of them don't trust me since I'm technically part of the Brotherhood, and we're... enemies? Rivals? Something like that. Plus, you don't want a guy tagging along on your first girl's shopping trip. Trust me. You'll want the full experience."
"You have a point...."
"I'll enjoy the surprise of seeing your new wardrobe when you come to school in a few days," he said.
They hung out and chatted for a little while until Wanda's roommate came back and Danny figured that was his cue to go. As he left her new room, he had the distinct pleasure of telling her he'd see her at school.
He could feel eyes on him until he was all the way off the manor grounds. They may not have hated him, but these X-Men sure as hell didn't trust him either.
Whatever. He didn't care what they thought about him. As long as they took care of Wanda, and left him alone, they were alright in his book. So far, so good.
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brunchable · 2 years
If I Would Have Known (Oneshot) || Doctor Strange × F!Reader.
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Word Count: 5.6K
Themes: ANGST× 5, Mentions of Death by accident, Misunderstanding, Couple's Fight, Lots of Swearing.
A/N: I haven't written angst in a while. . . And I combined inspiration from three movies into this oneshot. I hope you like it! :D Also based on the song 'If I would I known.
It's not easy dating a hero—especially one as famous as Doctor Strange. An intelligent man with a sprinkle of ego and smugness, so they say. You were aware of what you were getting yourself into when you agreed to be in a relationship with him, but now you seem to have miscalculated your patience. 
He had a responsibility to protect this reality, and you were perfectly aware of it. But it seemed that his responsibility as your man was becoming less and less of a concern for him. While you were still in the "honeymoon" period of your relationship, which lasted for the first six or seven months, his whole universe was centred on you. You weren't accustomed to that, and it took you a little while to get used to the idea of a man treating you so well. When you did, you fell head over heels in love with his endearing antics. He lived up to that promise.
He used to sit there all day long with a mesmerised expression on his face as he listened to you rant about your experiences at work. When you were feeling down, his go-to ritual was to have a proper debate with your Samoyed, Froyo, who is quite talkative and enjoys engaging in conversation. When you weren't looking, he would sneakily leave you random post-it notes with sweet comments on them, knowing full well that he had placed them there using his portals.
You were a good partner to him and did your part as well. You gave him immediate care when he was hurt, and you fed him when he became so engrossed in his studies that he forgets to eat. Despite your desire to get to know him on a deeper level, you respect that he doesn't want to speak about certain topics, and you let it go, thinking he will tell you when he's ready. You were also the one that went with him everywhere he went in a heartbeat.
But as of late, just as you're getting closer and closer to the three-year mark of your relationship, you've been seeing less of him, like he’s hiding from you. You've been hearing his voicemail more often than you'd want to, which is frustrating for you, but you always try to put yourself in his shoes. 
You told him that maybe both of you needed a break, that maybe he just needed some space and Stephen seemed to agree with that. During that time, you left him alone, thinking that distance makes the heart grow fonder. 
And after a one week of being apart, just before the anniversary, you call him, asked him if he was ready and he said he was—he said that he missed you and couldn't wait to finally see you. So, you arranged a dinner date on your third anniversary.
You chucked your phone on the table as you went straight to his voicemail again, for the fifth time. You were by yourself at a classy restaurant, sipping your third glass of wine as you waited for Stephen to show up for your anniversary date. It's been a little over an hour.
“May I get you some appetisers, Miss (L/N)?” The server asked, knowing that you’ve had nothing but wine since you arrived.
“I’m okay for now. Thank you.” You lifted your eyes and gave him a kind smile before he left you alone.
You blew some air out to calm yourself, thinking, 'He better be fighting some intergalactic octopus to be this late.’
After two hours pass by, you finally decide to just grab the bill and go home. You really just wasted your time sitting there waiting like an idiot for him. He didn’t even have the courtesy to leave you a text or call.
You were seething in anger. 
Leaving the restaurant, tipsy and disappointed, you chose to walk home alone at eleven o’clock at night. You didn't give a damn about the inappropriate looks that followed you or the cat-calling from thirsty men in the streets; maybe it was the wine that caused you to behave in such an irresponsible manner.
Your gut feeling told you that someone was following you, and you quickly lament the fact that you decided to walk home rather than call a cab. When someone grabbed your shoulder, your first line of defence was to hit them with your handbag as hard as you could. 
"Ow! (Y/N)! It's just me, Nic!" He used his arms to shield himself from your assault.
"Dr. West?" You blink hard, trying to clear your vision.
"Yeah, I've been calling, now I see that your mind is a bit cloudy." He chuckles, "Christine's wedding reception just finished, Stephen was there. . . Did you guys break up or something?"
"Oh? No—I uh. . . didn’t even know there was a wedding." You laugh, trying to mask the hurt that was forming in your chest. It was the one that felt suffocating.
"Oh. I see." Nic could see the shift to your demeanour and tries to change the subject, "I heard that you're studying to become a Doctor? Don't want to be a paramedic anymore?" 
"Y-yeah. No, I love being a paramedic, I just want to advance in my career." You smile, though it was clear to your voice that you're now upset.
"That's a good plan. I'm sure you'll exceed with high honours." He smiles, "Do you need a ride home? I can drop you off? Stephen was still there when I left." 
You swallowed and nodded, "Sure. Thank you."
▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎
You got out of Nic's car and thanked him as you hopped out. The car ride was pleasant, he just kept telling stories about how he got a new cat, that he's seeking therapy for the loss of his brother. You felt sorry for the man and you can understand because you blipped as well.
"Thank you Dr. West, I appreciate it," You thanked him as you got out of his car and before you could even shut the door he called out your name.
"Hey, (Y/N)?"
"Yeah?" You lean down to check what he wants.
Nic opened his mouth but hesitated to spit it out, "N-nothing, it isn't my place. Have a good night." He smiles a somewhat sad smile.
"Alright? Drive home safely." You returned the smile and shut his door. He honked the horn lightly as he left and you waved at him before entering your house.
Your samoyed, Froyo, immediately jumped at you for a hug, his tail wagging excessively at the sight of you, "Hey buddy! I missed you!" You knelt down and gave him kisses.
After freshening up, you prepared for bed and just stared at your phone. Before you were so angry but now you just felt lonely. Froyo's ears perked when he heard you sniffling and turned around to lay his head on your lap. 
Froyo whined softly and gently scratched you with his paw, as if telling you to stop crying. Then a soft knock followed by Stephen's voice came through the door.
"You up?" He asked as he peaked and entered the room.
You're sitting on your bed, now with your knees pulled up to your chest. When you see Stephen coming into the room, you quickly wipe your eyes, then turn the other way, "Yeah."
"You okay?" Stephen saunters in.
"I'm fine." You replied almost in a whisper.
"You sure?" He asked and stopped to stand at the end of the bed.
You nodded and cleared your throat, "What's up? What do you want?"
"I just want to say I'm sorry I missed our date, let me know how much it cost, I'll pay you back for it."
His response renders you mute. Pay me back? As if that would bring my time back.
"Can you pay me back my time?" You snapped but immediately felt guilty, "J-just leave me alone Stephen."
"I planned on going. . . It’s just I—"
You cut him off, your voice sounding more annoyed, "It doesn't fucking matter, okay? Would you just leave the room and shut the door? . . . Please." 
"I didn't know that dinner mattered all that much to you–"
"Hang on a second, could you let me talk? You told me that we needed a break, and all of a sudden you asked me to have dinner. I mean I just figured. . ."
"Oh Stephen—I-I just don't know how we got here. Our entire relationship, I have gone above and beyond for you, for us. I've cooked, I've cleaned up after your shit, I've been present every time you needed me. I support you, I supported your work. If we ever had dinner or anything, I did the plans, I took care of everything. And I just don't feel like you appreciate any of it. I don't feel you appreciate me. All I want is to know—and for you to show me that you care." Your voice cracked, red rimmed your eyes, the tears dripped down your cheeks.
"Why didn't you just say that to me?" He asked softly. His expression is pitiful.
"I tried—I've tried."
"Never like that, you might have said some things that meant to imply that, but I'm not a mind reader…" he lifted his shoulder in a shrug.
You shook your head in defeat, you sucked in a shaky breath and wiped the tears from your face with the backs of your hands, "It wouldn't matter, you are who you are. Just leave me alone ok? Right now. Just shut my door."
"Listen…" Stephen begins to slowly walk his way towards you, causing to scoot back onto the bed.
In a panicky response you say, "Alright Stephen! Just please, just leave the room. Stephen just—I don't want to be near you right now, please just shut the door, please." A single broken sob erupted from your throat. With reluctance, Stephen turned around and left you alone in your room.
It almost felt like a lost cause. It was power-draining. All these methods you'd tried. All these methods seemed to fail. He needed something? You'd be there. He needed to seek advice? You drop everything and call. Go above and beyond. That was easy. But now, the minute you needed it in return, it was difficult to return the favour, where was that love? What could you do?
All you knew how to do was give things to keep him happy. That always makes you feel happy—but now you realise you were compensating, and eventually there would be none left for you.
Your body is like an empty ink well, the contents of you splattered on the floor. And what for? You wondered. Was it worth the risk? Was it worth those glimpses of comfort and understanding that he offered you? Was it all a tremendous waste of time? 
You felt like everything you did reminded you of him. Everything you said, spoke of him. Every thought seemed to be his.
"I want it back," you whispered in the dark, "All my love. It belongs to me."
Your body shook with tears. You'd awake in the morning with a stiff back and a tear covered pillowcase. But you couldn't help it.
You were powerless. Utterly. Powerless.
Erase the pictures, the memories, the hopeful glances at a future together. Or even the simpler things. The friendship, the familiarity, the fantasies, idealised stranger that he once was. The escape, the security, the arms... the arms that embrace and hold and fortify. Take it away, please. Every slight nuance sent you spiralling back towards yourself. And that emptiness.
How could I be filled again?
You have tried. You were trying. You were almost to the point where you were sick of trying. You no longer got hungry. You could no longer sleep. You were tired constantly. Sore. Spiteful. Strange. 
Making small talk with strangers. Reaching out relentlessly to friends. And in the end, shutting yourself in and pretending you were safe. But you could no longer hear your friends, or see their faces, you read messages blindly, answered questions stupidly, attempting a casual air of comfort when, in reality, you had none to give.
Would you burst?
Or simply fade until you no longer remember your reason for sadness? Your mother said not to be sad, it's not good for you. Like you didn't already know that. Like it was a choice.
Was it?
▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎
Three days later.
It was a cold and dark night, as if someone covered the sky with a pitch black curtain and blocked out the stars. There was a storm coming and the weather somehow reflected what you were feeling.
You're trying to keep your anger subdued. You're trying to keep yourself from turning around and punching him square between guilty eyes, but you've learned the hard way that punching isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. You allowed myself several moments to calm down before you responded; by ignoring him but it wasn’t working.
You couldn’t stay in the house with him for a second longer. Making your mind up, you began packing Stephen’s things from your house. And while you did you heard the future argument in your mind – the raw words, the screams, the tears.
You were furious, steaming in the head, as if you were a volcano about to erupt while you threw a bag on the bed, hastily entering the closet and digging out Stephen's clothing. You hear him calling out your name however, his very existence was the cause of your wrath. You didn’t want to look at him and packing up his stuff seemed a good distraction.
"(Y/N), (Y/N). Can we talk?" Stephen closely followed behind you like a guilty dog, "(Y/N), all I want to do—"
"What? What? WHAT? Stephen?!" You grabbed the night lamp closest to you and threw it on the wall, causing it to shatter,"WHAT?! What do you want?!"
Stephen flinches at your hostility and lifts his hands openly towards you as if to appease a lion. He can’t believe you just did that. You had never acted so out of control. 
Still, with a cool calm voice he replies, "I just want to talk to you, that's all."
"Oh now you want to talk?" Your head bobbles as you laugh out of spite. Your heart pumped fast.
Stephen cautiously steps closer to you, "(Y/N) you know me—"
You shook your head, "No, no, I don't know you. I don't know you. The Stephen I knew told me everything." You scrutinised him head to toe, "You? I don't know who you are."
"I was wrong. . ."
"If I hadn't gone—" You pointed at yourself, lips quivering with rage, "If Nic West didn't have the heart to tell me, would you have told me about this?"
"What–are you crazy? OF COURSE," Stephen raised his voice, losing a bit of his composure, "I would've told you!"
A dry sarcastic smile morphed into your lips as you nodded with false agreement, facing away as he came closer, "Yeah—like how you told me about the Christine's wedding reception huh?" 
You turn back around to face him, "What about the parking lot? Yes~ I think I heard something about you being in the parking lot with this woman. WHAT ELSE–haven't you told me Stephen? Because all I'm hearing are the things you haven't told me."
Stephen sighed deeply, his fingers twitching by his side, "What are you talking about?"
"I want to know who she is."
"You're blowing this way out of proportion." He sighs and tilts his head back, pulling his hands through his hair.
You beeline towards him with fire in your eyes. It is true that the quiet ones have the most intimidating anger. Stephen backed up from you as you asked desperately, "Who were you with, Stephen?"
"This girl I met. It was nothing. It was nothing!" He tries to emphasise but you slapped him harshly across the face with a satisfying clap. His head whipped to the side, his jaw flexed, trying to suppress his own wrath.
"Did you have sex with her?" You whispered, "Tell me. Did you cheat on me, asshole!?" you say, with more precise enunciation this time.
"She kissed me."
For several seconds, all you can do is shake your head in disbelief. You gritted your teeth in the beat of silence, with eyes filled with tears you screamed at his face, baring your teeth. The anger in your eyes is replaced with hurt. You immediately look away once the hurt takes over, and then you proceed to grab his stuff.
"It was one kiss and it meant absolutely nothing, baby! I pushed her away, she wouldn't leave me alone," Stephen followed you, "I did such a stupid thing! It was a stupid thing. I'm so sorry."
You shot him a look that can cut through metal, your face jumbled with sorrow and resentment, "You make me sick, you fucking slut!!"
"I specifically asked you, 'Did anything happen in that party?' and what did you tell me?" You paused, pointing at him accusingly, "You said, no."
Stephen doesn't answer but his phone rang in the most inconvenient of times. Your attention shot towards the phone and you snatched it out of his hands with the strength that your anger gave you.
""Madeleine"? You have her number saved into your phone? Who is this dirty whore?" You growled.
"I didn't sleep with her! I didn't–"
"No. But you wanted to, right?!"
"Bullshit. Is she prettier than me?" You jerked your head to the side as you taunted him.
"Liar!" You screamed, one that hurt your throat.
"I'M NOT LYING TO YOU!" Frustrated, Stephen screamed back and he felt his voice box strained after.
You talked over him while you grabbed more of his clothes from the closet and threw it at him, "What am I supposed to do now, huh? What the fuck am I supposed to do now?!? You've ruined everything!"
"Will you listen to me!? NOTHING HAPPENED!" Frustration scattered over his face before coalescing into a mask of anger.
"Nothing?! You kissed her! You were out with another woman all night. I'm pregnant. Is that fucking nothing to you?!"
"Yes—No! What!?"
"How many times did you kiss her? Don't you dare lie to me." You charged at him again then harshly poked at his chest.
Stephen lowered his gaze at you, swallowing hard, "Several times."
The image of him kissing another woman—while you took your time reflecting during time apart from each other—flashed through your mind, and your anger erupted anew, you choked back bile, "Oh, God, you make me sick!"
"But it didn't mean anything, baby. She made me realise I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I know that now."
"I'm three months pregnant and you're already out trying to fuck other women! What's gonna happen 10 years from now? How could I ever trust anything you say again?!" You screamed, arms flailing and then there was silence, "Fuck you, Stephen. It's over." 
You grabbed his bag and bumped past him and ran downstairs, throwing it out on the front porch while he calls out to you.
"(Y/N), We're having a baby."
"No." You whip around, "No, I am the one having this baby. I'm the pregnant one, not you. And she's better off with no father than a lying asshole like you!"
"You're overreacting. It was a couple kisses. After three years, (Y/N), things happen."
"Not to me, they don't! GET OUT!" You growled.
"And go where (Y/N)?!" 
"TO HELL. Get out of here! Go back to fucking Madeleine!" You reached for your display samurai sword on the wall and pointed it at him.
"What, are you gonna fucking stab me, (Y/N)? I'm not leaving until we talk this through."
"Fuck you! Fuck you!" You cried and swung the sword around erratically causing Stephen to back off abruptly, he had to cast a spell which transformed the sword into butterflies to prevent you from hurting yourself. 
"FINE. I will leave! I can't bear another fucking second with you!" You swiped your keys and a coat and jogged towards your car on the driveway but Stephen grabbed your wrist and yanked you back. It was the first time he’d laid a hand on you out of anger.
"Get your hands off me,” you hissed. “Or you’ll regret it.”
"No." He replied in resolute baring his teeth. He knows you’re hurt, and he knows you hate him right now, but you have to understand how much you mean to him and how everything that happened was not his intention—because the alternative is unacceptable. It just is. He refuse to accept that this is it.
"Fine." You kneed him in the balls. Hard. Stephen released his hold on you and doubled over in pain. Without wasting any more time. You got in your car and reversed back out of the driveway with a screech. 
"(Y/N)! Come back here!!" Stephen shouted, sucking up the pain in his loins to run after your car.
▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎
The storm was relentless, and unforgiving. Giant dark clouds loomed over the night sky, but they too were barely visible in the storm. Darkness surrounded them, an abyss. 
The rain was pouring down hard and fast like never ending bullets being fired from a gun covering the windshield, the street lights were blurred dots passing by the side of the car as you drove by. The engine roared loudly like a Lion signalling its location to the rest of its group. As the windshield wipers pushed the water away you saw, even though for a split second, the long and empty road that seemed as if it went on forever, before the rain covered the windshield once more.
Reality yanked you back into the present with jarring force. You bent over double the steering wheel, chest heaving, tears streaming down your face. Huge, heaving sobs, the kind that made your nose all snotty and your stomach hurt. Thick, salty rivulets ran down your cheeks and dripped off your chin onto the floor.
Your phone begins to ring on your coat pocket. You shifted your gaze away from the road and tried to reach your phone which was on the passenger seat. Your hand slipped from the wheel, sending the car sharply swerving to the left. At that moment, the roaring of the engine and the sound of the rain hitting the windshield went soft, everything played out in slow motion as the car rolled onto its roof and continued, almost over again onto the drivers side, and then with a crunch, the windshield cracking but not breaking, the car rolled back onto the roof, finally slamming forward, the heavy engine pulled the front of the car down, sliding further into a small embankment until the car settled, diagonally balanced on the front of the roof and the hood.
You freed yourself from the seat with the intent to crawl out onto the road even though your vision was a little bit hazy. The driver-side door was not an escape. Smashed from the impact, the window was spider-webbed with cracks but still in place. You turned to the passenger-side door and it looked undamaged, at least from the inside. You twisted and crawled toward it, pulling on the passenger seat until you got your hands on the handle. It won’t open! You slammed your hand on the door again and again. You saw the door was locked. You popped the lock with your thumb, and then used the handle and it opened.
You pushed hard and it opened a bit more. Struggling to get out without using your injured left arm, you wriggled out of the door onto the dirt and bushes.
Once you got out of the car, you gathered the strength to get up and began to walk back, limping. There was no one to help you on an empty road so you’ll find it yourself. Due to the heaviness of the rain, and the shock of the pain in your head overwhelmed all your senses, you were unaware that you were losing blood. Somehow you made it nearly two kilometres before collapsing on the ground. 
All you could do was lay there on the grass, in the middle of a ditch, on a long road, staring up at the glowing winter sky. You couldn’t get up anymore. You couldn’t scream. There was no one in sight. It was just you and the stars. The last thing you saw was Stephen’s face, terrified, his hand reaching out to you calling your name before everything turned to black.
▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎ 
Once in the ICU, he seemed even more frightened than before, seeing you with tubes and lines attached to you to keep you alive was the last thing he wanted. Stephen held your hand tightly and begged for you to hang on. Your parents had to fly back to the country early after hearing about your accident. 
"Doctor Strange. . . there's a woman here insisting to see you."
Stephen turns around and sees the woman that was the centre of your arguments. Stephen shot up and glared at her, "You got some nerve stepping foot in here." 
"Stephen I'm so sorry I came onto you that night—I was drunk, I wasn't thinking clearly. I didn’t know–" 
"I don't want to hear it. This is all your fault. Get out." 
"I'm sorry, I just came to pay my respect—" She found the courage and stepped forward to give him the flowers.
"Pay your respects? My girlfriend is not dead."
"I didn't mean it like that."
"Get out." He whispered and when she just stood there, he erupted, "I SAID GET THE FUCK OUT!" He threw the flowers back at her like a baseball pitcher, then shoved her out of the room heartlessly.
Male nurses rushed towards Stephen as he lashed out, holding him back, "Sir, calm down."
"Don't you dare show your face to me again you fucking whore!" He screamed so harsh that his throat feels as if it’s ripping apart. Stephen thrashed against the two male nurses holding him back, eyes red with anger, "I'll fucking kill you if you do!"
"Ma'am please leave!" The nurse urged Madeleine to go, "Right now!"
"Sir! Don't make us call security." The nurse threatened Stephen.
"I'm calm! I'm calm!" Stephen yanked his arm out of the nurse's grip and stormed outside to get some air.
"Go out and get some air Doctor, you haven't left her side for over twelve hours."
Stephen straightened his top and stormed out of the ward. After filling his stomach and drinking his third cup of coffee, he goes back to the ward. His chest constricted when he heard the rapid beeping of the alarm, the all too familiar sound of emergency. Staff ran with the resus trolley, the ECG machine. 
“Doctor Evans, room 212, immediately, room 212.”
“Get a resus unit in here now nurse, how the hell did her stats drop so fast? She was doing well earlier.”
“She’s asystole doctor.”
“5 of epi, nurse, continue CPR, where’s that resus unit?”
▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎ 
Stephen could sense the eeriness in the air, it pierced the back of his neck like a sharp knife. The sound of people talking around him slowly fizzled into nothing but white noise. A cold drop of water fell directly onto his forehead and slid down like a cube of ice. Everyone had pulled out their umbrellas but he just stood there, frozen, surrounded by them. 
He wanted to cry but tears were stuck in his eyes, he wanted to shout but he couldn’t swallow the gulp of fact that he now has to face, so he was numb, with eyes filled with seas of tears but never falling. He couldn’t forget the variety of smells that were in the air. Odours of burnt rubber, scorched metal, and freshly cut vegetation were pungent and strong, it happened to him too.
He stood there surrounded by the darkness, being engulfed by it, drowning in it, as if it were grabbing him and pulling him with all its might, and he could not escape its grasp. Stephen looked at the light oak wood coffin slowly being lowered into the ground, which inside, housed what remained of you and the unborn child. Voices in his head screamed. The voice of your mother when she told him it was his fault. The sight of her leaning into the casket—the same one he was too guilty to look into—tears streaming down her face. As your mother stared into the casket of her daughter. 
"I'm sorry—I'm so so sorry." Stephen whispered and left the flowers he knew you loved beside your tombstone, he saw your parents wailing at the corner of his eye, Froyo laying down at their feet with his ears drooped. He hated every moment of the funeral because deep down, he knew that this was his fault. All this grief and sorrow that he and others are facing are because of him. He knew that if only he went to dinner with you—none of this would have happened; the argument, you running away. This was a pain that no time can reduce, he would have to deal with the shroud of guilt placed over him and regret his actions for the rest of his life.
▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎ 
Stephen! Stephen! Stop this at once! You'll cause an incursion and you'll be corrupted!! Wong's voices echoed in his head.
Sorry Wong but I just can't accept it. I need to see her again and this is the only way.
Covered in beads of cold sweats, Stephen woke up panting and his heart racing, hand over the centre of his chest, the pain he was feeling in his heart still lingered. He looked around the room, confused, unsure his surroundings were real. He looked at the space next to him where he expect you to be but was empty. Stephen rolled out of bed in a panic, not bothering to put on a shirt and ran out of the room. 
He rushed downstairs, and entered every room in search of you. When he arrived in the kitchen he saw you humming as you flipped pancakes. 
Then out of nowhere, he puts his arms around you and embraces your smaller frame tightly against his broad chest. Stephen plants kisses on your shoulders. You flinch, feeling ticklish, "Good morning to you too, Mister."
"It's Doctor."
"Okay, Mister Doctor."
"Very funny."
You giggled and pivoted around in his arms to face him. You touch his shoulders and feel how tense he is. Like he's holding something in. The smile faded from your face when you saw the sad look in his eyes. "Baby, what's wrong? Are you okay?"
He shakes his head and barely even whispers a 'no.' He brings his other hand up to yours, which is still gripping his shoulder. He squeezes both of his hands around yours desperately, then tilts his face toward his shoulder. He thought he was never going to see you again, yet here you are—in the flesh. Breathing, existing. . .living. He kisses the top of your hand, and you feel a tear fall against your skin. 
"Why are you crying?" You quickly turned off the stove and then cupped his face between your hands. Your thumb brushing off the tears that were dripping down his cheeks, "Stephen?"
He allowed himself to sink into your comforting embrace and took an inhale, he stared into your eyes deeply with his tear soaked eyes, as if it was the last time he was going to see it. A sob breaks free from his chest, and reaches forward and presses his lips to yours.
You pull away after one long kiss, "Stephen, say something. You're scaring me."
"I just—I had a dream that I lost you and when I woke up without you by my side I panicked." Stephen's voice turned raspy, you'd never seen him so in distress that it hurts to even look at him like this, "I just—I love you so damn much. I don’t want to ever lose you, losing you would be losing my life. I can handle a good beating or–or being stabbed but the thought of losing you is something I can't handle."
A small smile twitched in your lips, "Be still, my love. I'm not going anywhere, look at me." You tilt your head to connect with his eyes, "You’re stuck with my goofy butt for the rest of your life, no force in this universe can take me away from you. Not even death—because I'll haunt you down if you try to replace me."
Stephen laughs at your threat and finally you feel his shoulders relax, "Me? Replace you? That's absurd."
"You want to know what else is absurd?" You asked him.
"I woke up this morning and suddenly wanted to eat bananas. So I made banana pancakes." You chirped with a tight lipped smile.
"That is absurd. . . You hate bananas." He said as-a-matter-of-factly.
You nodded and turned again to face the stove this time to preheat the now cold pan.
"(Y/N). . . Are you hiding something from me?" He asked quizzically, eyes narrowing out of suspicion.
"No~ I don't know what you're talking about." You sang and shrugged.
"Are you carrying something?" He trailed off, "Maybe, something like. . .a baby?" 
You gasped, "How did you know?! Are you psychic now too?" Stephen gives you a look, "Oh. Your dream?" 
Stephen nodded.
"Well? Say something? Are you happy? Sad? What kind of expression is that?" 
Stephen slowly cracks a smile and picks you up by the waist, spinning you around. You screamed and laughed, asking for him to put you down, "I'm over the moon! Let's get married."
"What?" You swallow hard and slowly look up at his face.
"Marry me."
"Stephen, we're already married." You laugh and slapped his chest teasingly, "What's gotten into you?" You shake your head and pull yourself away from him to continue cooking pancakes.
"Nothing—I'm fine. Perfectly fine. I'm right where I'm supposed to be."
TAGS: @goldencherriess @lokislov3 @strangesweetheart @mydearalmira @veryladyqueen @seasonofthenerd @artsherlocked @bobateadaydreams @classicrebound @sobeautifullyobsessed @winsteria @allie131313 @gaitwae @sherlux @the-royal-petals @keistange @omgstarks @evelynrosestuff @withalittlehoney @strangeions @gwephen @cemak @patbrdac @siredlust @downtownshabby @nicoletk @lilithskywalker @youcantseem3 @samisubi @strangelockd @bloodyxsaint @lady-harvey @paola-carter @jotaros-bara-tiddies @delightfulheartdream @strangefilms @strangeobsessed @thealleydog @jyessaminereads
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sinningtamer · 5 months
Not sure if you’ve answered this before but what are your favourite fics and ships?
Love all your art btw! <3 Thx for all the food!
i might've years ago, so let's go again! i'm gonna answer this question as only NSFW/kink related, otherwise the list would be way too long haha
alright let's start with the obvious: ParviII is and always will be my #1 one ship, even when I dip in and out of the fandom a lot (i feel the term OTP is super outdated these days? but if there was one ship i could use it with it's them...)
so obviously i'm gonna say Talking Body and Payment and Payback by @sparxwrites. because. you know. how can i not. oh yeah, Good Vibrations is also a classic. hiii sparx, i'm sorry for picking your older fics, i just have such a bias. they've written a ton of great stuff over the years though, so go give the account a peak! there's something for everyone, especially if you like darker stuff.
...speaking of accounts with a lot of content who lurk around here, shoutout to @pawpunkao3. lmpᴇarI is one of my favorite ships, and they're still such a rarepair somehow?? anyways I think about Between Bedrock and a Hard Place at least once a week tbh. A New Religion That'll Bring You To Your Knees is fantastic, and i have a soft spot for I Spy (even tho i didn't watch too much empires). again, another author with a whole arsenal under their belt, so don't just take my word for it and check the rest of his fics!
back to lmpᴇarI being a rarepair... @thatstoomuchsoup has Chicken Soup for the Soulbounds (okay it's more pearI-centric but they're both there) and is another blog that specializes in some of my kinks and these fandoms. same with @anon-teddy's content, gotta give a shoutout to full. this is also making me realize i haven't sought out enough poly S0up Group or GᴇmpuIse/PᴇarIgem fics...maybe i'll get back to you on that...
there's a bunch of good explicit trᴇᴇbark fics, but i said i was gonna keep this list concise, so the only one i'll specifically point to is how to deal with your supernatural lust for blood (and other things) in a completely normal and god-honoring fashion. for...reasons. also because it's good!
edit: oh my GOD i realized two seconds after posting this i completely forget to mention @also-an-art. go read (this is) hungry work and honey don't feed it right fucking now. i've read both of these in full (pun intended) multiple times they're that amazing. it's rare that the plot is just as good as the horniness, when i tell you i lost my mind at some of the development in these. also hot and dirty (like the la air) is a guilty pleasure. AND it introduced me to a song that ended up being #20 on my spotify wrapped LOL (RPF warning on that one! trust me tho)
let's get to my other bias, shall we? RᴛSpiff and RᴛS00t don't....have any explicit fics. nor does poly lᴀds. CMRᴛ does, though! I'm kinda picky about how people characterize them, but play it cool and Every Stumble and Each Misfire are lovely (note that the second one is also blatant RPF! don't say i didn't warn you o7)
speaking of lᴀds, if you follow me on main, you know i got into Bᴀnᴀna Bᴜs Sqᴜᴀd just last year (I'M SORRY, OKAY, DON'T @ ME-) you'd think getting into an old fandom late would mean a ton of great smut fics, right? to be honest, i haven't found many that i care for, but maybe i'm just picky... however, i remember your lips, they're the ones i miss, and smoke in your lungs, your lips on mine are SO GODDAMN GOOD i'm not even mad it's only those two i like because i could reread them 20 times. god. such fun characterization. shame the author orphaned them because i badly wanna read more of their stuff.
this is the part where you go, spirit, do you read anything besides (mᴄ)yt fandoms??? and i go, not really.............well, sort of. i like 0verwatch! and M0icy!! Reciprocity is a delightful PWP long fic. i'm also not really an omegaverse guy, but Water Me has such a good take on it i fell in looove.
okay, i'm gonna cut myself off here, enough though i could probably name dozens of more fics if i sat and thought about it. if anyone i tagged wants to be untagged, feel free to reply here or shoot me an ask/dm!!
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eventinelysplayground · 2 months
Led Away
It's @judejazza birthday today so Happy Birthday to you! I wanted to write something to hopefully make you laugh/smile since I know you had some rough patches lately. I know absolutely 0 about Jude so unfortunately it's not a story with him but I asked a little birdie (@nightghoul381) and they gave me some suggestions for the fandoms I'm more comfy in and a version of this idea immediately popped into my head so hopefully we picked a good suitor even though it's not your hubby 🙂. I haven't written Arthur a lot but this was a great chance to get more comfy writing him. Arthur reminisces about one of Mitsuki's previous birthdays that didn't go as planned. WC approx 1862.
“What about right here?”
Mitsuki pointed to a fallen log while placing the picnic basket on the ground and Arthur laughed.
“If you say so, Love.”
Arthur passed Vic's leash to Mitsuki while readjusting the blanket he carried and got to work setting up their picnic. The trees weren't quite so dense in this area and just enough afternoon light came through so the whole place seemed to have an other worldly charm about it.
As Mitsuki wandered around the small clearing with Vic she turned over her shoulder to call to Arthur.
“Do you remember when we first found this place?”
“Of course I do, bloody wanker ruining my plans.”
“Arthur, don't talk about your best friend like that. Plus it all worked out in the end.”
“Luckily enough for him.”
*** About two years earlier ***
“It's Toshiko-sans birthday next week isn't it?”
Several of the mansion residents had been gathered around the dining table when Dazai entered through a window with that statement.
“Can't you use the door like the rest of us?”
“Ai-kun you seem to be in low spirits here, have this.”
Dazai put an apple down in front of Isaac causing him to grumble while Arthur laughed.
“I dare say that should cheer you up, Newt. As to your inquiry, it is indeed Mitsukis birthday next week and I've already planned quite the romantic day for her.”
“You should try to make Hondje happy on her birthday, not miserable like every other day.”
“Don't talk to your friends like that Theo. I'm sure Mitsuki will love whatever you've planned Arthur.”
“Thank you Vincent you're such an angel, hard to believe you're related to that devil.”
“Schei uit Theo.”
“As fun as it is to watch you scold Theo Vincent, I have a deadline soon and want to make sure I'm well ahead of schedule. Good day gents.”
Arthur left the dining room whistling a jaunty tune, not noticing Theo's devilish smirk.
So the days passed by until finally it was Mitsukis birthday. Arthur woke up bright and early and headed straight for the kitchen making a delightful breakfast that he carried up to Mitsukis room. He steadied the tray in one hand before patting his pocket and knocking on the door.
“It's me Love.”
“Arthur? Come in.”
Arthur entered the room and found Mitsuki still in her nightgown sitting on the edge of the bed. He noticed her eyes widening as she saw the breakfast tray and he couldn't help but smile at her.
“You made me breakfast?”
“Of course, it's the first part of my plan after all.”
“My plan for you to have a romantic birthday with me.”
Arthur and Mitsuki ate breakfast together as he explained his plan in greater detail. He could tell she was excited by the gleam in her eyes and hated to tell her the next part.
“I had originally planned to spend the whole day with you but unfortunately my publisher asked for a meeting this afternoon. I'll be back in time for the last parts of my plan though so don't fret.”
“It's okay, the day already sounds delightful and truthfully I feel very spoiled already. You really didn't have to go through all this trouble for me, thank you.”
“Balderdash! Of course I needed to make a big deal of your birthday, no thanks required.”
A charming smile crossed his lips and he moved the breakfast tray to the bedside table.
“Though if you really insist.”
Arthur leaned in and kissed Mitsuki trailing his hands along her curves. Their kiss deepend and he heard a sweet moan escape her lips before she pulled away.
“It's too…mmm early… for this sort of thing.”
Arthur had punctuated her sentence with kisses to her soft lips. He stopped looking at her and feigned a frown before moving in to kiss her neck.
“You're absolutely right. I suppose I'll have to content myself with this then.”
He brought his lips back to Mitsukis neck making sure to use enough pressure that when he pulled away a bright red mark was left behind.
Mitsuki brought her hand up to her neck to cover his handiwork.
“How am I supposed to cover this up?”
“Why with this of course.”
Arthur held up his hand palm down. Dangling from between his fingers was a choker, the band made from black velvet with a dainty sapphire charm hanging from its center.
“Arthur, it's beautiful.”
Silently he moved her hair out of the way and clasped the choker around her neck before kissing her on the cheek.
“This was part of your plan too wasn't it?”
“We really should get going, we have a busy day ahead of us.”
With another kiss to Mitsukis lips Arthur got up and left the room. The day went by like most other days did except for the big luncheon party to celebrate the day. Shortly afterwards Arthur snuck up on Mitsuki while she was dusting and stuck a bouquet of flowers under nose while wrapping an arm around her waist.
“I have to go now but as I told you this morning I'll be back in time for us to go out for dinner.”
Arthur leaned in closer and nipped her ear and she let out a tiny gasp.
“And for us to have dessert.”
He smiled at the way her cheeks and ears had gone red and left the mansion in high spirits anticipating what would be waiting for him when he got back. However when Arthur returned a few hours later he couldn't find Mitsuki anywhere. He asked the other residents that were home but none of them had seen her. After over a half hour and still not finding her he was becoming anxious. It may have been early spring but there was still a chill in the air and as the sun was starting to set it was only going to get cooler. At that moment Theo returned from a walk with King.
“Theo, have you seen Mitsuki?”
“You mean you haven't found her?”
“What the devil do you mean by that!?”
Theo coughed nervously as he explained what had happened. Apparently when Theo got home he decided to see if he couldn't ruin Arthur's plans by getting Mitsuki annoyed with him.
“All I did was tell her to get ready a bit early and meet you out in the gardens. Hondje should have been there waiting for you.”
“I checked the gardens, she wasn't there, she's not anywhere.”
“It's not like Hondje to go wandering off on her own. I'll help you look for her after I put King back in the kennel.”
“Don't you think you've done enough mate?”
“Arthur. Come on, you know-”
The two men were interrupted by Vic who had come dashing up to them barking furiously at them.
Arthur knelt down ruffling Vic's ears. He was covered in leaves and mud and his leash wasn't attached to him.
“He was in the kennel when I went and got King after talking to Hondje.”
“Likely she got bored while waiting and decided to take Vic for a walk. Something must have interrupted her though because his leash isn't attached and he's filthy.”
“You have a plan?”
“Vic came from that direction, let's start looking for her there.”
“I'll go get the others to help.”
Arthur and Theo set off in opposite directions, their dogs following them. As Arthur got further out and closer to the edge of the woods he spotted something in the grass. He bent down picking up Vic's leash.
“I dare say old boy she certainly came this way.”
Arthur attached Vic's leash to him and continued searching heading deep into the woods. He estimated he had been walking for at least a half hour when Vic started pulling at his leash. Arthur looked down at Vic and then in the direction he was pulling in.
“You think she's over that way?”
“Ruff Ruff Ruff!”
Arthur bent down ready to unclip Vic's leash.
“You better not get lost on me as well. I'm counting on you boy now go on, find her.”
As soon as the leash was off Vic took off in a mad dash with Arthur close behind him. The trees started to thin out and Vic ran faster. It wasn't long before Arthur heard Mitsukis voice.
“Vic! I'm so glad you're okay. Don't you ever run off like that again! I was worried about you.”
Arthur came to the edge of where the trees had thinned. In the center of a small clearing Mitsuki sat on the ground, her back to him and resting against a fallen log. There was just enough light from the moon let in to give the place an ethereal feel reminding him of a fairy circle. Mitsuki herself added to the atmosphere dressed in a gorgeous yet casual flowy dress.
“Did the fairies come to try and leed you away? Sorry to disappoint them if they did but I won't let them have you.”
Arthur made his way over to Mitsuki who was still sitting on the ground, tears rolling down her cheeks.
“I'm so happy to see you! I got tired just waiting around for you so I decided to take a walk with Vic-”
“But he took off on you and you gave chase ending up here where you tripped on an exposed tree root and from the looks of it twisted your ankle quite badly.”
“How did you?”
“Theo was telling me what he'd done as Vic showed up without his leash, which I found outside the woods. The dirt over there near the base of that big tree is disturbed and you're knees are scraped, also you're still sitting on the ground leading me to the conclusion you can't move easily. Now let me take a better look at your ankle.”
Arthur gingerly examined her ankle and just as he had suspected she had twisted it badly enough to damage some of the muscles.
“I'm sorry Arthur. I know you had a whole romantic evening planned out for us and I ruined it.”
“It's true, if I had just been more-”
Just then Vic, who had been sitting with his head in Mitsukis lap, raised his head in rapt attention. Arthur and Mitsuki both followed his gaze and saw a huge rabbit sitting there.
“That's the same rabbit Vic took off after earlier!”
Arthur lunged for Vic's collar but the canine was faster and took off in a mad dash after the rabbit.
“He’s gone again. What do we do now?”
Arthur stood up then picked Mitsuki up in a princess carry, a wicked smile on his face.
“We’re going back to the mansion.”
“But what about Vic!”
“Theo can find him, punishment for what he did. Plus do you really think I'd pass up a chance to play doctor with you.”
Arthur laughed as Mitsuki whacked him lightly on the chest.
“You're incorrigible!”
“And I'll never deny it.”
Arthur leaned down and gave Mitsuki a passionate kiss.
“Happy Birthday Love.”
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