#(YES in the end I'm basically just so grateful when others can communicate this TOO & it can actually become a *positive* conversation!!!)
shepherds-of-haven · 1 month
Hi Lena hope you've been well! Just wanted to say I've been loving the alpha and Patreon goodies (can't wait to jump Red's bones 🥰)! I had a question that I'm not sure has been answered before: For the inner circle members with their own squad of recruits to train, what is their leadership style like? (ie. if someone were to be a fly on the wall during trainings, what would they see? (the Chase scene with our squad had me SCREAMING 😳))
Hi anon, thanks for your great question! I hope you've been well too, and thank you so much for your lovely words! I'm so glad you're enjoying the alpha build and Patreon goodies, that's so motivating to hear! 🥹💖
Blade: Blade basically hand-picked his squad to create clones of himself, so he essentially has a death-squad of elite assassins who have a similar personality to him, whether due to nature or his training LOL. He's naturally pretty strict and has those rigid Ket standards of what's acceptable behavior and what's not, but because they were already so terrified of him and so intimidated and honored to have been picked by Day 1, his squad was so eager to gain his approval that they've never really had any true issues, lol. You hardly ever see him interacting with them, but he could turn his head and speak a quiet word and one of them would materialize out of thin air like a royal guard shadowing his king, lmao! The other recruits are scared of them 😭
Trouble: he's in turns quite strict with his squad and also quite friendly and jocular with them! He's just as prone to be found drinking with them as he is scaring them witless by bawling orders at them like an army commando and forcing them to sprint through mud obstacles while he's pelting them with rubber bullets. He has a surprisingly soldierly demeanor when it comes to training and field discipline, which I find hypocritical, given what a pain he is about authority and taking orders from other people and his general rebellious spirit... 😒 strangely, this hot-and-cold demeanor does not prevent his squad from being obsessed with him, lol
Tallys: Tallys has the kind of presence where she never acts any differently, no matter what situation she's in, which really makes people pay attention to her! It's kind of like those people who say something in such calm, even tones that you find yourself really leaning forward to hear them and find yourself intent and hanging on every word they say? She hardly ever raises her voice or shouts at her squad, but she doesn't really have to... her coolness makes them crave her approval so much that it's kind of a "yes mommy 🥺" energy with them lol, she only needs to communicate what she wants with a glance and they're running to do it!
Shery: she doesn't really have her own squad, she has a team of staffers who work under her! They mostly get along great, though sometimes some of them can accidentally take advantage of Shery when they're being thoughtless--it's not really malicious or on purpose, it's just that they don't really hesitate to ask her for a longer break or a day off, and sometimes that workload ends up falling on her! But overall things between them all run fairly smoothly, especially because she has other people (including Caine) who keep an eye out for that!
Riel: Riel also doesn't have his own 'squad,' per se, but a team of staffers... he basically just treats them like they're the hired help lol, he knows their names and whatnot, but he's basically the extremely busy CEO and they're just like the administrative assistants scampering after him as he strides into the office and starts rapping out orders lol!
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Beyond the necessities of work, he hardly acknowledges or exchanges a word with them, but they learn so much just from watching him maneuver and think and politick lol, so they're very grateful to just be in his proximity!
Chase: Chase is extremely slack with his recruits... He teaches them the skills they need to know, and they're quite good at what they do, but the team discipline on that squad is like a 0, lol. He's done a lot of his own "teaching" and leading in Thieves Guild, taking younger or more inexperienced thieves under his wing to show them the ropes, so he's sort of not into doing the whole thing all over again, lol. To be completely honest, he basically lets his squad do whatever they want and only interacts with them during mandatory training and missions. Like a really chill TA or substitute teacher who shows up because they have to but lets you watch a movie or go hang out in the hall or something, go nuts kids, he's not really the boss of you!! As a result, his squad adores him, but they're also really chaotic partiers lol. Once in a blue moon they'll try to wrangle him like "CAPTAIN!! You promised you would be here to train us at dawn, why are you two hours late?!" "sorry guys, I got lost on the road of life~~"
Red: I feel like his entire squad is hopelessly in love with him, lol. He basically teaches them like they're his interns or teacher assistants and he's a professor; he's fairly mild-mannered and hands-off, but they do learn a lot from him and respect him immensely (to the point of practically hanging on his every word). Having his own squad is extremely low-priority for him (he prefers deploying on his own missions and focusing on his research, plus he still teaches some classes at the Circle now and then), so he often lumps them in with his classes or is on hand to advise them as they run their own missions, but he's more of an advisor or "teacher who sponsors your extracurricular club" rather than being "club president," if that makes any sense?? Like you typically go to him for help, which he's always willing to provide, rather than he's the one really pushing for more time together!
Ayla: at first she hated the idea of having her own squad of dweeby little recruits, but now that she's used to it, she relishes having someone to boss around! She trains them like a drill sergeant, barking orders and subjecting them to Mr. Miyagi-style domestic chores with a sadistic kind of relish, but they're still extremely proficient at what they do. They're also terrified of her. She does abuse her power slightly sometimes by like making them pull the weeds outside her window, but it's typically as punishment for some legitimate misdeed... typically.
Briony: her squad didn't initially take her very seriously because she came off as a bit nervous and burbly and not really an authoritative figure, and her amnesia puts her at a real disadvantage, so initially they would be like, "oh the high lord of Lancastre is in town today, I wonder if there will be trouble" Briony: "who is that :D"
So for a little while, her squad were sort of bewildered by her, and it started to become a dynamic where they were on the surface nice but somewhat condescending, like, "hey guys, could you go do so-and-so?" "...sure captain 😏 we'll get right on that!" They'd eventually do it, but they'd take their damn time, which is something Ayla, Trouble, or Blade would never tolerate, but Briony would pretend not to notice!
But then they saw her pulverize a tree with her fist for the first time (._.), and now they're very meek and obedient! Nowadays they get along well, and she treats them warmly like they're all friends, and they're pretty tight-knit, though Briony still has some trouble outright ordering them to do things rather than requesting it nicely like they're equals/comrades-in-arms... she's not fully comfortable with having command over anyone yet!
Lavinet: Lavinet, as a late-comer, actually got to pick her own squad rather than being assigned one, so she was able to avoid the inevitable resentment and defiance of a random team who probably would have doubted her skills due to her being a noble and thought she was some kind of nepo baby who bought her way in! The people she ended up picking tended to be people who appreciated and understood who she was and wanted to work with her. As a result, she's quite polite and amiable with them and doesn't have to get strict, though she secretly longs for the ability to just let loose one day and start barking orders like one of the others... That wouldn't be seemly, though! Even as an instructor and a captain, she still has to maintain her courtly composure and just delivers her orders in a calm tone (which sounds more icy and deadly when she's displeased).
Halek: squad? what squad? He already had the Black Shield Hunters, the elders, and Naolin dogging him around everywhere, now he has to babysit some snotty recruits? he can't even teach them anything, he basically just joined! 😩 he spends a lot of time dodging them and hiding places to nap, but either they or someone like Blade or Tallys go and drag him back by the ear. Eventually he had to be like, "...you really want me to train you?" "yes!" "the way I was trained to hunt demons?" "YES!" "...okay... if that's really want you want..."
*cue the most grueling, back-breaking military regiment you've ever seen* The White Order doesn't play around with how it trains its younglings, so he just applies the same techniques to his squad! If he has to be awake and suffering, so do you :') He doesn't yell at them or anything, you just look into the slight malice in his courteous smile as he asks you to get on your knees and crawl into a mysterious hole and you suddenly feel a deep, existential terror...
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valerileygreen · 2 months
Sometimes I just get blown by how much of what Arthur does is motivated by his sense of protectiveness. Even more than his loyalty, though they go fairly hand in hand.
Loyalty means he would never sell or otherwise betray his teammates, nor abandon someone he considers a friend or a job/mission/goal he has already committed to. But protectiveness is his driving force, the real motive to all his hard work behind competitiveness and perfectionism, the thing that informs and shapes how his behaviour and choices during said job. And there are so many instances of it during the movie, how he readily and kindly checked on Ariadne's well-being and tried to reassure her after she was first killed by Mal; how he was the one who tested the new compounds; how he freaking flipped when Eames got shot at even while believing there was no actual danger (though that is symptom of other feelings too); how after all cards were on the table on that first level he immediately sprang up to action to defend the fort and everyone inside; and just about everything that happened in the hotel hallway, his concerned how do I drop you without gravity? and how carefully he handled his sleeping team.
I'm willing to bet, even if it was never shown, that he does all sorts of little things to make the jobs go as smooth as possible and make sure everyone is comfortable. Just look at the warehouse he found, spacious and with a lot of light and well furnished. And he's also very attuned to when the others are flagging and need a break, even though he's crap at following his own advice.
And yes, most of it can be ascribed to his role as a pointman, but I'd argue that it's this basic trait of his, this protectiveness, that drove him to fill in those shoes. It's an extremely important job, research and security, but it's certainly the less glamorous and the most fastidious. I imagine that in normal circumstances, with other teammates, while people would end up being grateful for his thoroughness at the end of a job well done, they would also kind of resent him during the planning stages as he always has questions and finds holes in their plans.
But he took it upon himself anyway. He chose it, preferring to have teammates a little frustrated with him but healthy and safe than the alternative, needing to provide that care for them - maybe because of past trauma when he couldn't protect someone and blamed himself, maybe because he's used to take care of others and actually likes it (the mom friend), maybe because he's just wired this way.
I actually headcanon that he sort of tailored the pointman role for himself, gave it a proper shape and definition, distinguishing it fromother roles, and then it took and spread as an 'official' role after the dreamshare community saw how much smoother things went without having to split research and security among the others.
And maybe he doesn't get to indulge often in other more creative areas of dreamshare even if he has the skill (I love the quite popular headcanon that Arthur makes a fine architect too but filling both roles is too demanding, at least on the bigger jobs we saw him performing), but though he sometimes misses it, it's worth it when the sight of everyone safe and sound puts such a relieved smile on his face.
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that1emowitch · 6 months
At the end of the world / Or the last thing I see / You are never coming home, never coming home
Prompt from @tuna-f-b: Do you still do request? If yes and angst is o.k: what would happend i all the bats died? Like how would the hero community react. The supers alone. Clark having to deal with losing his best friend(?) and the kids he basically co parented- as well as seeing his sons lose their best friends(?) Specially as ships that would be awesome angst
A/N: I'm not crying you're crying (Also, for those who don't know, Izzy is Duke's canon gf and one of the Robins from We Are Robin)
Words: 2504
TW: Mentions of blood, Major character death, Coping with loss, Self-blame, Mentions of relapse (drugs)
“If you’re watching this, I am either deceased or indefinitely unable to continue my duties as Batman. But the world still needs Batman. Gotham still needs Batman. My son Damian Wayne, if he is an adult, shall inherit my mantle— if not, Dick Grayson will take over until he is. In the event that he, too, is unavailable for any reason, the mantle goes to Tim Drake, after him, to Cassandra Cain, then Duke Thomas, then Stephanie Brown, then Jason Todd, should he accept it.”
In the video recording, Batman pauses, taking a deep breath.
“In the unfortunate event that the entire family is… deceased… I have a list of contingency plans on both the Bat-Computer and the Justice League’s primary databases. Oracle will help you access it, but in her… absence… the password is “a6ghr83kc02m”.”
Then video-Bruce takes off the cowl, his pale blue eyes looking straight into the camera.
“I know I was never the best with feelings. But I would like my children, my allies, and friends to know that I’m proud of you. And to my fellow Justice Leaguers… Diana and Clark, I am truly grateful for your companionship. I would never have made it this far without you. Barry, Arthur, Dinah, J’onn, you’ve all been good friends. Oliver, Hal… you’re not so bad either.”
Bruce turns around, and looks over his shoulder, the shadows of the Batcave making the scene even more dramatic.
“I wish you good luck.”
Then the clip ends.
A shuddering breath leaves Clark.
It’s real.
He’s really… They’re all…
He can’t do this anymore. He turns around and walks out the door, leaving the other core Justice Leaguers staring sombrely at the now-blank screen.
He doesn’t know when he started flying, when he started trying to escape. The walls of the Watchtower seem to be suffocating him, but he has enough sense not to just leave the airlock yet.
Instead he finds a corner by a window, far, far away from the others, where he can see a majestic view of Earth, the moon, and the Sun in perfect sync with each other.
He falls to his knees.
His breathing’s uneven, a tear rolls down his cheeks.
Then he feels a hand on his shoulder— soft, trembling, yet steady.
“Kal,” Diana whispers, sitting on the floor next to him. She doesn’t continue— she isn’t sure what to say.
“They’re all going to die, you know? We’re going to bury all of them. Everyone on Earth, everyone we know.” Clark’s voice trembles, in a way Superman’s never does. “It scares me so much.”
“Kal,” Diana says again, pulling Clark into a hug. “It’s okay. We’ve lost… We’ve lost so many of our friends. It’s okay to be scared. It’s okay to grieve.”
“How are you— how are you so—” Clark can’t form his words properly. He turns to Diana, to see her face tight with grief, eyes misty with unshed tears.
Her voice breaks slightly as she speaks. “I don’t want to believe they’re gone. But… we have to carry on. We’re the Justice League. Our people need us, Kal.”
“So we just go on and on? Forever?” Another tear runs down his cheek. “Ollie, Hal, Dinah, Lois, Jon, they’re all going to… they’re all going to die one day and we just have to… to go on?”
“I’m sorry, but it is the truth,” Diana whispers, her eyes stinging with hot tears. “We must find peace in the fact, right now, that Batman— Bruce, the Robins, they— they were so brave. Brave till the end. And they fell as warriors, defending our world. I’m sure they’ll all reach Elysium.”
“And Dickie, Damian, Jason, Tim, Cass, Duke—” Clark’s voice is hoarse. “They were so young, just kids… I… I know Dick, Jay, Tim, Cass… they were adults, but… they’re gone, they’re gone…”
“They were heroes, like you and me. Don’t forget that.”
“I… I know, I just—” Another shuddering breath escapes Clark. “I just— I…”
“It’s okay,” Her voice is forcefully steady, but with an undertone of heartbreak. “It’s okay…”
Dinah looks around the room, her heart heavy.
Clark has left, Diana’s gone after him— both of them need their space, she knows. They were close to Bruce and the other Bats in a way no one else in this room was.
The word still weighs down on her.
Hal speaks up finally, breaking the deafening silence. “I always thought he hated me.”
No one replies for a long moment.
“I miss the kids,” Barry says finally, his voice quiet. “They were just… Robin was only 14. The others, even Nightwing, they had… they had their whole lives ahead of them.”
More silence.
“Jason, when he was Robin— do y'all remember? Kid was always my favorite,” Ollie says finally. “Was always so sassy. Roy loves him.”
Loves. Dinah winces, but doesn’t correct him. It’s easier to believe they’re just gone for a little while.
“Bruce was a good man,” Arthur adds. “They all were.”
“Tim was, I believe, the smartest,” J’onn says, somber. “It was his plan that allowed us to save Earth.”
“Damian!” Dinah says suddenly, jumping from her seat. “His… his mother. She shouldn’t have to find out from someone else.”
Everyone freezes, faces tight.
Dinah sighs, looking down. “I’ll do it.”
Then she leaves the room, dragging what feels like a heavy weight tied to her soul. She has to do this.
Roy’s sitting in a corner of his apartment, hugging his knees. All he can think of is Jason.
He’s never coming back.
He can still feel the lingering ‘goodbye’ kiss Jason gave him not two days ago, he can still hear him say, “I’ll be back before you know it, babe.”
He never came back.
He’s dead. Dead— dead dead dead DEAD DEAD—
“Small Red not okay?” A booming voice snaps Roy out of his thoughts. He looks up to see Bizarro’s pale blue skin and cold eyes looming over him. He’s crying. “Red him coming back.”
It takes Roy a second to register that Bizarro speaks backwards. It takes everything in him to not punch him for saying that, for giving him false hope.
He feels something he hasn’t felt in years— feels that whisper in his mind— one hit and it’ll all feel better. Just one hit.
NO! He screams mentally. He feels like bashing his head open.
Instead he lifts his dead eyes to survey the rest of the room— Kori’s on the couch, staring into space. Artemis has a crying Lian in her arms, she’s showing her something— old photos of Jason. Talking, whispering in a broken voice.
No, no he should be the one comforting Lian—
What’s he gonna say?
That— That Jason— That her Papa’s gone forever? That he’s never— he’s never coming back?
No— Jay— Jay deserved so much better, he— he already died once before, he’s been through so much, things were supposed to be better now— not— no, he’s— 
Roy feels Bizarro sit beside him, gently patting his arm.
He snaps out of his thoughts again, turning to Jason’s former teammate, his eyes red-rimmed. His voice raw, he whispers, “Jay’s gone…”
Wally’s standing in the Hall of Heroes, staring up at the holographic projection of Dick— he looks so majestic, so mighty, staring ahead with nothing but hope and courage in his eyes.
Nothing like the cold, dead body that Wally held in his arms just two days ago.
He’s surrounded by his teammates, his friends— Kaldur, M’gann, Artemis, Zatanna, L’gann, Garth— yet he feels so alone.
He sees it again— Dick bleeding out it his arms, his wounds so fatal he died before help arrived. Wally’s the fastest man alive, damn it, yet he couldn’t even save his best friend— his boyfriend. He feels the moment when Dick’s breathing stopped, when his body went limp, when his grip on Wally’s hand loosened.
Everyone’s quiet. M’gann’s stress baking again, L’gann by her side. Artemis and Zatanna are sitting together, Garth’s lingering in a corner, and Kaldur’s standing right beside Wally— close enough for comfort but not so close he’s lurking. He’s shaking.
He can still hear it, hear Dick forcing out his last words, telling Wally it’s okay, that he loves him, that it’ll be fine.
It’s not fine. Not without you.
He wants to scream.
He wants to cry, yell, hit something, do anything.
But he can’t move.
So he just stands there, almost as still as the holographic projection of Dick before him.
Kon is left reeling.
Tim… Tim is…
Tim’s dead.
Tim’s really gone.
He thinks, for just a second, that this is how Tim and Cassie must have felt when he and Bart “died”.
Bart is sitting beside him on the couch, leaning on his side, Cassie’s got her head on his lap. Neither of them speak— Bart’s not even fidgeting— they’re all just trying to be there for each other.
The other Titans are up and about, but staying close for comfort. Jaime and Gar are making food for everyone in the kitchen, Raven and Vic have come back to the tower to make sure the others are okay, and he’s sure Karen’s around too, somewhere.
Yet he feels so empty.
Feels nothing at all.
How can he, when his best friend is dead?
Jon hasn’t spoken in a bit. Not when his Mom brought him his favorite soup, not when Grandma and Grandpa showed up to ‘help’ him and Dad through this, not when Krypto plopped down beside him to comfort him.
He hugs the dog close.
Krypto’s technically Kon’s, but Jon’s sure Kon wouldn’t mind if he stole Krypto for a day.
Another sob escapes him, and he buries his head in Krypto’s back. The dog whines, licking Jon’s hand.
He can’t believe Damian’s gone. 
Really gone.
And he didn’t know just how much he would miss his friend.
Dinah finds Talia Al Ghul on a building in Metropolis, overlooking the city. Her face is tight with sorrow, but she keeps herself in check, her back straight, head held high.
She already knows, Dinah deduces.
“I… I’m sorry,” Dinah starts, unsure of what to say. She knows, from her experience as a psychologist, that ‘sorry’ is the last thing a grieving person wants to hear, but she doesn’t have anything else to say.
Talia doesn’t reply for a long time. Then she says, her voice numb, “I should have known, when bringing Damian into this life, that I would also be bringing him amidst the dangers that come with.”
Dinah’s brows furrow. “It’s not your fault. You couldn’t have done anything at all.”
“I should have trained him better, I should have kept him close, I should—” Talia takes a shuddering breath. “I should have never brought him into this life.”
Dinah can’t argue with that— she knows how Damian had come to be, and it… wasn’t the best birth ever.
“Now leave, hero,” Talia says, her voice numb and cold. “Go back to protecting the world. Leave me be.”
Dinah wants to say something better, comfort the woman, but she can’t. So she just turns back, and leaves.
By the time Harper Row makes her way to the Clock Tower, there’s already quite a crowd there— Kate, Renee Montoya, Harley, Ivy, Silena, and Helena Bertinili— they’re crowding around Babs, comforting her. Luke Fox and Isabella Ortiz are at the computer, looking through something.
Harper tries to open her mouth to speak, but she can’t get the words out.
She makes her way over to Luke and Izzy, shoulders hunched.
Just three days ago she’d been hanging out with Duke and Izzy and Cass and Steph— they’d all been so carefree, so happy…
And now…
Once she gets close enough she realizes Izzy’s crying, and immediately wraps her arms around the shorter girl. Harper’s trying to hold back tears of her own, too. She feels Luke putting a hesitant hand on her shoulder, squeezing tight.
No one speaks for a long time, they just stand together, seeking comfort in each other.
Then Babs rolls her wheelchair to the center of the room, wiping at her bloodshot eyes. But when she speaks, she sounds surprisingly steady. She’s compartmentalizing, Harper realizes. Putting away Barbara and bringing Oracle back.
“Gotham needs her heroes, now more than ever,” Oracle says, head held high. “We must honor our friends by doing the one thing they’d have wanted— to keep fighting. Keep Gotham safe.”
She sighs, her face tight to fight away tears. “Luke. Batman’s contingency plan, in the Robins’ absence, was to pass you the mantle of Batman. Do you accept?”
Luke’s eyes grow wide slightly, but he straightens himself, looking away. “I… I accept. Dad isn’t going to be happy, but… Gotham needs Batman.”
“Thank you.” Oracle nods at him. “As per Bruce’s will, all Wayne assets, the Manor, and the Batcave are split between Kate, me, Alfred, and Lucius. I… Lucius and I are still figuring out who’s going to take over Wayne Enterprises, but on the vigilante side, I’ve got a plan.”
She turns to Ivy, Harley, Kate, Silena and Helena. “The Birds of Prey are needed here, now more than ever. Dinah— Black canary has offered to help us with Gotham, too.” 
Harley nods, sniffling. Beside her, Ivy speaks up, “The… Most Rogues aren’t happy about this. They’re not rampaging— Bane has fashioned his own version of the Batsuit, he’s going around ‘saving’ people, screaming that Batman never dies. The Joker’s searching for Lazarus Pits and Bruce’s body. Jervis Tetch and Nygma held a get-together yesterday, in the memory of the Bats. I… I think they might help us.��
Harper’s gotta admit, she’s quite surprised about this. Even Babs freezes, taking in this information.
“Gotham needs Robin as much as she needs Batman,” Izzy speaks up from beside her, her voice small but firm. “The Robins can come back, this time you can give us formal training so we can actually help.”
Oracle turns to Luke. “Taking on Robins is your decision, Batman.”
Luke winces at that title— it doesn’t feel like an honor to him, it just feels like an incessant reminder that he’s the last one left. Because his friends are dead. But he nods, anyway, not trusting himself to speak right now.
Then Oracle addresses Harper. “I… would you like to be Batgirl?”
Harper’s heart stops. Memories flash into her head— seeing Steph in the Batgirl costume, seeing Cass in the Batgirl suit, both of whom are now gone.
“N— No,” Harper stutters out, eyes tearful. “I can’t— I’m sorry, Babs. I appreciate the offer, but… Cass was Batgirl. I can’t take her place.”
“I understand.” Babs just nods, lips pursed, misty-eyed. “We will all need to work hand-in-hand until everything settles, we will need to be vigilant. Carry on Batman’s legacy, for as long as we may need to.”
No one speaks again.
They all just let it sink in, hearts heavy.
They’re going to have to do this alone now.
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gatitties · 10 months
Mute: O3. Study
O1. Flowers / O2. Friends! / O3. Study / O4. Ice-cream / O5. Sick / O6. Locked up / O7. Fight / O8. Friends? / O9. Grateful / 1O. Wishes
ilsm @chiyoso <3 I can tag you in all chapters of course 🫶🏻
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You kept ignoring the girls' advice, in a way it bothered you that they were afraid of Tendou hurting you but you convinced them that he was someone you wanted to spend time with. Without interfering much in your life, they let you be, as long as nothing bad happened to you, everything would be fine.
Today you finished the club activities later, some new plants had arrived that you had to place because it was your turn to take inventory. You wiped the sweat from your forehead and the dirt from your clothes to close everything and go to the bedrooms. Well, that was your main plan because you wanted to get rid of the dirt along with the bad smell but hearing the squeaks of the court it was inevitable not to approach. It had become customary to go visit the boys, with whom you end up having a strange friendship, you communicated with them thanks to Tendou, he was like a translator or rather like a parrot that repeated what you said.
You were received by a ball that almost hit your face, if it weren't for your reflexes you would probably have ended up lying on the ground because of that power. You blinked before picking up the ball and putting it in the cart along with the others.
"I-I'm so sorry!"
You saw how Goshiki bowed deeply over and over again, you waved your arms downplaying it, you couldn't get angry with such a baby even if that ball had hit you, the dark-haired man was undoubtedly your favorite of the entire team. You managed to calm him down, you watched their training again silently supporting everyone with smiles or nods, you helped clean up and now you are on your way to the bedrooms.
"So we're having a study session?"
Semi looked expectantly at his companions, searching for an affirmative answer to his question.
"Yes, please."
"Would you like to join?"
Ushijima asked you politely, you going to decline so you could rest; lately they had sent more work than usual, also a few days ago you couldn't sleep well, but Tendou answered for you.
"Of course she'll come, she's probably a brainiac just like Shirabu, she can help us."
«Stop answering for me, Tendou»
"Oww, I just want you to join your friends, plus I'm sure our future ace needs some help with his homework."
Goshiki nodded frantically asking for your help since mister salty didn't want to help him, saying that he was too stupid to understand anything.
«Sneaky salami»
"Salami!? Is that an insult?"
You smiled innocently walking next to Semi, who was the calmest of all. You sighed internally, you couldn't deny that cinnamon roll help and Tendou knew it.
When you arrived at the room of the blocker and former setter you sat on some cushions, you were placed next to the first year to help him, you lent him some of your notes that despite being a second year served him perfectly to understand the basics. Bored you played with a pen scribbling from time to time, apparently your notes were understood so well that he didn't need you to explain it.
Tendou watched as your eyes traveled from side to side looking for something interesting, he smiled mischievously to walk towards the drawer where he kept his treasure; his favorite manga. You turned your head quickly as he hummed your name playfully, he pointed to the tome in his palm to repeatedly raise his eyebrows.
«What's that?»
He opened his mouth surprised and offended, you had no idea about that because you basically didn't read anything in particular. He practically dragged you next to him as he explained the story, slowly turning the pages so that you had time to read, you discussed some things with him from time to time. A few minutes passed in which he did not stop talking, then you began to feel all the accumulated fatigue, you ended up leaning on his lap to be able to rest, somehow his voice relaxed you so you fell asleep quickly.
"Tendou, she has fallen asleep."
Ushijima reported as he watched how you rested comfortably on the redhead, you instinctively hugged him causing him to stiffen for a few moments, resuming the posture he was going to wake you up but Shirabu stopped him.
"Let her rest, lately we've had a lot of homework."
He saw how you smiled in your sleep, snuggling closer to him, causing a faint blush on his face, he positioned you better so that he could hug you from behind and that you could rest on his chest. He wrapped his long arms around your waist placing his head on yours to continue reading the manga that was now on the table.
"How sweet you are, Tendou."
His teammates were not going to waste the opportunity to make fun of his blocker, especially if we talk about Semi, who constantly suffered from the redhead's jokes.
"Shut up Semisemi."
He stuck his tongue out at him childishly and they carried on with their chores throughout the afternoon without further interruption, without anyone waking you from your sleep, clinging to the comfort of Tendou's embrace.
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yarrayora · 2 months
📜Hello! We've been going back and forth for days on how to message you about this, but we wanted to say we really, super love your thoughts on Falin from dungeon meshi and the pov centric art you've made of her. We didn't know if you were interested in hearing this, but we heavily related to Falin a lot, and not just because we always choose the healer/cleric in things ;^^ We're a system, and share souls with more that one being in the same body. We had already liked Falin, but when her shared soul plot with the red dragon kicked off we felt very deeply connected to her then. She really felt like someone we could heavily relate to and wanted to see her arc blossom in the story of Dungeon Meshi. But like you said in your Falin post she gets... essentially table scraps compared to every other important character? Which honestly shocked us considering so much of the narrative revolved around her. This is a bizarre statement, but it's the only way we could describe what we felt to a friend of ours:
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Also, um, hello! I'm Marcille of this system. Our own Falin (yes there's also a Falin in here) had her own timeline and interpretation of events. And she basically thought on it so hard that I sort of... popped into existence?? As what "alter type" I am, I was literally labelled "Falin's Girlfriend"... ;>.> I do so hope this ask isn't annoying or aggravating in anyway, for some reason we saw your post and got very excited and wished to talk to someone else who felt similarly to our thoughts on Falin! So, we hope you're having a wonderful day, and keep being you, please! Thank you for existing! 💌- Marcille of the Panda system
thank you for writing paragraphs about this! it's really flattering! I really love Falin and I can understand the disappointment you guys feel about the lack of resolution when it comes to Falin as a person
at the same time it does fuel my creative needs for tragedy considering her role as a reward is Prime Ingredient for that
it's also the reason I started shipping Farcille in the first place
I'm still an Aro Touden Truther but I'm the type who have multiple gender/sexuality headcanons depending on the narrative I want to tell so it's not hard for me to imagine a lesbian/bi Falin too
I like the idea of Falin finally communicating the stuff she hates to her girlfriend instead of just following Marcille's whims
We already had a glimpse of that back in Laios' flashback about his first meeting with Marcille but even then she didn't think she could just tell Marcille no and ended up dragging her to the dungeon to get Marcille's permission to stay as an adventurer, despite her being a grown adult who doesn't need her friend's permission
I'm grateful for the post-canon content showing us how she rejected Shuro's proposal, and how Shuro takes it gracefully
it's an ending that shows people have finally seen Falin as a person instead of an object of affection, or at least Shuro does, and how much agency Falin has gained after losing her free will when turned into a chimera
There's something about how she has to be turned into a beast that can't speak her own mind for people to finally hear her voice
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dairogo · 1 month
20 Questions for the Writer
Tagged by @griseldabanks ^_^
1. How many works do you have on Ao3?
Only 18 :O I have a bunch on fanfiction.net that I never transferred over, but they're all an extra 10 or so years older than the Ao3 ones so ... there's some disparity of quality, partly in the writing but also very much in the content present.
2. What is your total Ao3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
FMA! I had other things when I was younger, but FMA bit and it's the one that stuck with me.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
A Bed Too Small (Mustang POV, same bed trope, tongue-in-cheek)
Wayward Youth (Hawkeye POV, learning about crushes and affection from the girls at her boarding school while seeking her father's attention)
Order 3066 (Hawkeye and Mustang POVs alternating, Ishval fic about being broken and coming out of it [still broken, but moving])
Partiality (Mustang POV, post-canon, broaching the topic of a relationship)
The Next Step (shifting POV, written soon after giving birth to my youngest and in a bit of a family-related haze. Mostly fluff.)
5. Do you respond to comments?
I certainly try to! I might have missed some along the way, but I usually get there!
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Hurrrghgh, one from my ff.net days: The Manga-ka Has Her Reasons. It was basically saying, hey, they can't get together guys - things will go bad if they do. And so it ended with them both dead.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I'd say The Next Step, because it's just fluffy and lovely :)
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Not really. The last time I remember feeling taken aback by a comment it was over a decade ago and it was someone rightly pointing out a factual error I'd made. The FMA community I've found myself in is largely positive, and I don't know if that's about the FMA community in general, or that the stuff I write appeals to people who are just cool about community instead of looking to be jerks. Whatever the reason, I'm very grateful!
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
10. Do you write crossovers?
I've got a half written FMA/HP crossover that I started in like 2005, resurrected a few years ago, and then haven't touched for the last year and a half. Sigh. It's probably going to be stuck in my brain forever.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not to my knowledge.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Not a fic
14. What's your all-time favourite ship?
Royai for suuuuure <3 I'm so big on romance as a side-plot, and if that's not the perfect way to explain their relationship I don't know what is. Like, FMA aside, their own personal story is that romance is their side-plot, not their main thing.
15. What's a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
Wayward Youth! I have a few really rough drafts of later chapters that need to be edited, but I still haven't written all the way to the end and I'm happily working on another project with all the time/headspace I have, so I don't want to interrupt that flow. But I'm hoping to slowly accrue the last of it, then go through and make it presentable and post it one day.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I think I can write fairly clear action. And I like putting together a lot of threads to tug on as I go - not all big plot things necessarily, but just things that repeat again later to add an extra layer.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
I don't know. I feel like I can write in a very blunt way sometimes, so I have to be intentional about adding in colour and emotion - that doesn't always come through on the first try.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I wouldn't do this to show to a native speaker, oh boy oh boy nosirree! Currently reading a book on English idioms and my main thought as I looked at it today is that this is exactly why I'll never consider myself fluent in other languages.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
In year 5 we had to co-write a story and my best friend and I basically wrote an AU of Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time.
20. Favourite fic you've written?
Look, it depends on my mood. If I want something light and short, I can't go past Desperately Hoping He Didn't Look Like an Idiot (modern AU, Royai without angst). But I'm probably proudest of Order 3066, because it took a lot of work and a lot of emotional catharsis to get through that and I ended up with a bit of a deadline for when I had to finish it up and made it! So I feel good about it.
Tagging @scienceoftheidiot and @fullmetalscullyy if you're interested :)
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olderthannetfic · 1 year
Hi! So I have a rambling explanation that’s going to lead into a genuine question about making a website somewhat like a03 or finding alternatives to a site I will mention (it’s not a03 don’t worry)
I am a non/disney editor, crossover artist, amv maker and deep faker and any other term for “make videos of characters in canon or au type scenarios to music”. I’m also a fanficcer. And I remember when being wary of Anne Rice and Archie Comics and DC was a thing. A teacher, to cover his ass for an assignment of mine, taught me how to write an apology letter to a company on the offhand my hand written basically Batman fanfiction, made it’s way online or was heard about. I was in the tail end right before A03 but I am extremely grateful that the site exists. Okay. So now I need to talk about the Owl House. In season three episode special one, Luz Noceda makes an amv coming out to her mom.
Editor friends in a private discord were both happy and worried. Luz is one of us….but also Disney knows about us, to some level. Nothings happened I’ve just been stewing and I’m just worried something might hit the fan for the community given many of us use Disney media (hard not to when 80% of things put out is by them) So I’m asking how one would make a platform like A03 but for video media. Or if there’s things you know like that. YouTube is getting more and more difficult for anyone nowadays too.
Again, nothings really happened yet, I just can’t get it out of my head
Video is worlds harder than text, but you know that.
There are a couple of approaches here: First, more is more. The more sites you have your stuff on, the smaller the chance that Disney can nuke all of them. Second, if you're not just using youtube and getting good at playing the algorithm, you need some way for people to find you or to keep track of all your alternate hosting.
Vidders of the oldschool sort have taken to using AO3. It doesn't have native hosting, of course, but it provides a stable URL and useful fandom-based tagging without algorithm bullshit. It's also a decent way to get vids out there if you only have download links and no streaming (though, of course, that means fewer views). You can embed a bunch of different copies of the same thing in the same work.
I don't know of a ton of fannish attempts at video hosting that are open to everyone. The only person I can think of who's heavily working on that is the guy behind Vidders.net who has a few different projects going.
For other hosting options, I'd see what AO3 currently has whitelisted for embedding. Two obvious ones are Critical Commons and Archive.org.
Broadly, yes, fanvids and AMVs have been subject to even more disastrous mass deletions than fanfic has, and far fewer of them have been saved by other fans because video files are huge.
Oldschool AMVs in the strict sense (i.e. Japanese anime and not Disney) are catalogued and sometimes hosted on animemusicvideos.org. Oldschool Media Fandom has some vidding archivists, and really old stuff was released on tape and then disc, and people still have their copies of those. But online-only fannish video stuff from the 00s and 10s has massive gaps in the historical record already.
Disney is quiescent now, but they haven't always been, and neither have other rights holders. Worse, a bunch of hosts vidders liked just up and deleted their entire sites, wiping out eras of videos and commentary.
Your stuff is in less danger than it would have been 10 years ago, as far as anyone can tell, but video is always in massive danger of disappearing.
If you actually succeed at video!AO3, more power to you! I'm just skeptical that you'll be up to the technical and financial challenge if you don't already know more than you currently do, you know?
Hosting video has, among other problems, the issue that people trading actual abuse materials will upload their videos to your service. Hosts often play whackamole with illegal and traumatizing content. I've known people whose jobs exposed them to this shit, and they were... not okay.
I guess you could make things slightly easier on yourself if you restricted video to cartoons only, but then you'd have the same issues amvs.org does where people who start as one kind of editor start working with other footage and keep trying to upload the wrong thing.
It's often not really viable to host unless you make everyone pay and/or you're authorizing a few dozen accounts of people you've vetted, not running a service just anyone can sign up for. Hosting a hundred videos for friends that you have reviewed and know to be fanvids/amvs is a lot easier than hosting enough stuff that you can't personally review it all.
If you or anyone else is interested in trying to start a site, I'd go check out the various writings by Denise (who runs Dreamwidth). She has some twitter threads and posts on enforcement and running a platform. I remember she talked about the tech people use to detect CSAM from known law enforcement databases.
I don't want to be a downer here, but there are serious legal implications to being the actual host as opposed to just running a discord or something on someone else's platform and reporting some fucker if they try to post illegal shit.
If I were you, I'd get my buddies together, embed all our works on AO3, and then maybe make a collection or tagging standards so we could find each other's stuff.
For hosting, I'd add the Internet Archive, Vimeo, Dropbox, Google Drive, etc. to Youtube and do a periodic audit of AO3 works to make sure links were still working.
AO3 already has a lot of tags that have been made filterable, like Fanvids, AMV, Video Format: Streaming, etc.
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2aceofspades · 1 year
Hehehe I'm gonna follow up now so you *have* to spill about your Sona (if you want to, of course😊). General questions that are easy:
Personality? Friends? Hobbies? What do they do if a fight breaks out during the resistance? Little quirks that you haven't spilled about them yet? 😊 I'm so invested in them lol
Oh! Hehe, okay! 🙌✨
So, their personality is much more reserved than mine (or at least, my online personality). They're mute, so they don't speak or really open up to a lot of people. They do have two friends, Raven (she/her) and Wren (he/him), who they've been friends with since a few years before the apocalypse.
They also have a weapon that I never draw, cuz I never need to, really. They carry around a baseball bat with nails and barbed wire on the end, and they use that to defend themselves. They aren't the best at fighting cuz they're not trained, but they are surprisingly stealthy, sneaky, and fast. Wren is the tank of the group and Raven is a mutant with mystic-like powers, so they all work together to keep themselves safe.
Their hobbies include um...spying? They collect certain intel from certain areas of the resistance base. So, they listen in to tactical plans from Leo and Raph, they sometimes sneak into Donnie's lab to get an idea of what he's working on, they occasionally 'train' around the turtle bros and Casey. Basically, they're very curious about the leaders and 'big guys' of the resistance, and they've found ways to 'spy' on them. When they're not spying, they often do menial tasks such as cooking, serving food, and cleaning to help out the resistance any way they can. This also provides them with 'intel' from other resistance members. So, they're a bit of a questionable character, but they have their reasons. Besides, they keep to themselves quite a lot, so...yeah.
Mm...quirks..um...they fidget with their hoodie strings a lot, which I actually draw them doing like...all the time. They also have two of my real life scars on my forehead on theirs (but you can never see them cuz I draw so small lol). They personally customized their outfit, so all the spades were painted or patched on. Also, the little spade charm hanging off their backpack can glow...but I haven't thought of a reason why exactly heh..
They don't have very personal connections with any of the turtle members of the resistance, mostly because they don't want to get too 'close' to anyone. They were, however, very very devastated with what happens to Raph in the timeline. Raph is such an important and outspoken figure in the wrong fabricated time branch that what happened to him hurt immensely for them as well as the rest of the resistance.
They're also kinda awkward and silly around people they feel comfortable with. Oh! And their friends are used to using 'yes' and 'no' questions more frequently around them to better communicate with them so they can shake or nod their head to answer. Even their friends have never heard their voice but! They can make sounds such as tiny exclamations and groans and little sounds like that. They can also laugh very openly with pretty much everyone.
They rely on being more expressive with their facial expressions and body language since they don't speak, but they also carry around a note pad and a pencil and pen in their backpack to relay messages.
I dunno...I kinda just slapped my own personality onto them and just...took away their ability to speak...?(yikes..oops) Overall, they're quiet, curious, goofy, and pretty easygoing...kinda like my inner child of sorts, I guess hehe 😅 I often find it's almost...therapeutic to draw them nowadays, and I'm very grateful for that.
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gyunmireu · 2 months
kinda long ask::
my goat… its me again … dude ive been having brainrot over yhis series and its so bad 😭😭😭😭its been like at least a year and a half and my obsession for the manhwa/novel doesnt look like its ending anytime soon 😭😭😭but dear god the lack of content sometimes is getting to me like i swear bro its a drought out here and all of us are starving 😭😭like i have to scrounge for content like im a dog looking for scrap food… and if i see any content for jun i immediately just go insane 😭😭😭😭istg bro this isnt normal
I got you 😭 although I'm not at the brainrot stage, I know what it feels like and the lack of content can be so frustrating...
I can't say much tbh since I'm currently writing for like 5 fandoms, 3 of which are basically so small that I'm either the only writer or one of the handful of writers there. What I'm saying is, the only thing I can offer you is to make content yourself. You never know, it could be what inspires others to start making content too!
I feel like when people see the lack of content in any fandom, they just tend to be like "oh whatever, guess there's nothing" but very few actually take that step to try making content themselves, y'know? And I'm not saying that it's easy to make content but, in a small community, I think your content can be truly appreciated too! If you wrote something or if you free fanart, or made memes, I would certainly support it!
I'm someone who values my interest in something and connecting with people the most so even if rn there's not much content and I might be one the only few writing, I don't mind it because you're always supporting my work. Even if it's just you, that's very motivating you know? It's why I have stuck around to write more for this manhwa :D
Like yes, I obviously do like it, but it's been a while and the lack of content doesn't help, but having this sort of connection feels nice. I know I don't have much to offer, but I'm grateful for all the love and support you have shown me. Even if you don't plan to make content yourself, I just want you to know that I will support you too if you ever need it! ♡
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amadwinter · 6 months
for the fic writer ask: 4, 8, 12, 14, 18, 30
for this ask game
thanks lils ❤ this is a long one so it's all going under a cut but I'm grateful for all the questions! Now bear with my while I blather a little
4. a story idea you haven’t written yet
The best part about having so many unwritten ideas is I can just easily choose a different one when asked this question multiple times!
Omega Anakin’s mom is sick, and the treatment is too expensive. The only chance he has is selling himself to a rich alpha. But not for a night: for the rest of his life as a wife. Unfortunately, the alpha dies before they can marry, but his son Obi-Wan is willing to take over the contract.
This was a twitter thread originally, but I really like this idea. Basically, Anakin agrees to marry rich alpha doctor Qui-Gon who up and dies the day before they're supposed to go down to the courthouse and get married. But luckily his son Obi-Wan, also a rich alpha doctor, is willing to help him.
Except Obi-Wan has no interest in marriage of any kind, so Anakin has to strong-arm him into it. And then he strong-arms Obi-Wan into consummating that marriage (and by strong-arming, I mean, he pouts a little and Obi-Wan throws his hands up in defeat).
I seriously considered sitting down at writing this one at the end of last year, but it didn't happen. And now I have too many WIPs going that I would feel too guilty about starting another.
But when those are finished..... >:D
8. if you had to write a sequel to a fic, you’d write one for…
Well, I have very solid ideas for sequels to you'll never know, dear, better run, boy, the night is so long, and love(?) in an elevator... and once i finish the thrill of the fall ohoho
12. a trope you’re really into right now
Creature fics. Please. I need more Anakin as a dragon. Obi-Wan as a fairy. Just more werewolves. Please, I beg of the fandom. And merpeople! Always the mers. I have some works drafted, but as anyone can plainly see, I have more ideas than I do time or common sense
14. where do you get your inspiration?
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18. if you keep them, share a deleted sentence or paragraph from a published fic
I cut out a lot from too old for childish comforts. It was supposed to be a case fic, and then I cut out all the plot. Go figure.
Here's a little bit from my cut outline (unedited, so a bit of a mess, I apologize):
The study group meets while there’s a parent-teacher night at the school.
{Something something Obi-Wan has been given literature about “encouraging your child’s interests” and spoke with other parents at the school about their autistic children and realized “oh that’s what’s up”.}
Goes to the study group and gets work done, meets with people. Two invite him after to do something not quite legal shenanigans (like trespassing), and Anakin thinks he needs to get back to Obi-Wan, but no he’s not a child. He’s a jedi, and he needs to complete the mission. They do, Anakin has fun (maybe running away from cops), they tell him that he’s alright, and Anakin goes back with a wide grin on his face, but Obi-Wan is sitting at the dining room table looking sick with worry. Anakin tries to brush him off by saying that he told him he was going to the study group, and Obi-Wan says that he also said he would be back before dinner. Anakin shrugs and asks if it’s really a big deal. They were just going to have leftovers anyway. Obi-Wan says that when they’re investigating missing teenagers, then yes, his teenage padawan going missing and not contacting him is a justified cause for concern. Anakin shrugs and says that he can handle himself. “That’s not the issue.” “Then what is?” “A lack of communication.” Obi-Wan says, and Anakin gears himself up for a fight, but Obi-Wan raises a hand to stop him. “Which is a pattern for the both of us. I have treated you just like my master did me, just like any master would their padawan. And you in turn have taken every opportunity to prove that you are very much unlike I was. You are not an ordinary padawan, Anakin. I have done my utmost not to show favoritism, but I think we are beyond that now.” “What are you saying?” “That I regret keeping things from you needlessly, and I will try to be more open about things I deem unimportant, because you are a very curious person. I don’t wish to punish that curiosity, so long as it is within reason.” Anakin can’t believe what he’s hearing. He starts imagining what this will mean, just how Obi-Wan will open up to him. What glimpses he’ll allow Anakin to see of himself, of his mind and his body. “However, in turn, I ask that you try to keep me abreast of your plans.” Anakin eyes flick down briefly to Obi-Wan’s chest, and he nods. It’s easy enough to agree to, if it means he gets to see more of Obi-Wan.
30. share a fic you’re especially proud of
All of them? No? Okay, I guess I'm going to cheat and choose 3:
the thrill of the fall ~ my first posted Obikin fic. It was originally intended to be the first in a... chain so to speak that I dubbed "The Yeetverse", and though I haven't even finished this fic, I absolutely hope I will get around to all of the others I have planned.
An Unorthodox Courtship ~ my first finished Obikin fic, and actually the first omegaverse fic I've ever written
love's a hand-me-down brew - my first completed multi-chapter fic that I didn't entirely pre-write, and currently the longest fic I have ever written. It was written in an entirely different way from how I usually write things (minimal editing), and it changed a lot from the original idea in terms of tone, but I'm extremely proud of how I managed to tie things in from the start (sometimes unintentionally), and some of the subtleties.
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sansloii · 1 year
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NAME : Marshy/Marsh, Morsh/Morshy, Mushy, Murshy, and everything other misspelling of Marshy
PRONOUNS : She/Her or ( more recently ) They/Them! Either one works because i do not care in the slightest
PREFERENCE OF COMMUNICATION : discord! I'm usually lurking on discord a lot so like... discord is my go-to for ooc communication. ( it's princemorsh c: ). it might say "do not disturb" but it's not really "do not disturb". i'm just... very low energy and have the social battery of a goldfish
MOST ACTIVE MUSE : Mikah. No question, no debate--it's Mikah. They were the first muse I had on this blog and I will forever put Mikah first because i love them so much. more oft than not, if I don't know just who to throw at someone spontaneously, I'll throw Mikah because they're the easiest for me to just.... put somewhere. Dakota, Evan, and Wynn come up behind them a lot, though, and right now Dakota has me in a chokehold
EXPERIENCE / HOW MANY YEARS : i fucked around on deviantart with friends when i was in middle school but like... i don't count that. so lets just skip forward to the middle of high school and say that i've been rping since i was like 15-16 ish? i'm 27 now so like. about a decade.
BEST EXPERIENCE : tumblr for sure. maybe not when i was like... in high school, but after i entered college, i really began to enjoy it. i've had mikah + them since.... 2016/2017ish i think? and I'm fully convinced that this blog has been my best experience overall. i also got to meet @soulsxng and @feraecor through it ;w; and i'm fully convinced that if not for those two, my experience here would've been so fundamentally different and i have such a hard time visualizing that now lmao. they've introduced me to wonderful people who, again, I think i would have a fundamentally different experience without them being there and i'm really grateful for that 🍏💚 that isn't to say that i haven't met ( and would fucking fight for ) people outside of that but like.... i think i would not have had as much of a motivation to continue writing if i didn't have these two to throw shit at early on again and again and again.
RP PET PEEVE : *does a dumb lil shimmy* i feel like a broken record with this particular peeve BUT like...okay--i enjoy shipping a lot. i love relationships and i love being silly with them and talking about them and reblogging shippy aesthetics and quotes. if you know me, you know that i love me a good fucking ship and i will think about it until the end of time. however, everything takes time. yes, they could end up together but it's not like there isn't a whole alphabet of things between when they meet and when they end up together. I don't want to rush or side step those conversations or interactions ( or ooc discussions about them ) for fluff, even if I too enjoy fluff, smooches, genuine romanticism, n.sfw content a lot.
and if my muse just... happens to not like yours the way we thought they would, that's okay. it doesn't mean that... anyone should pivot ( and i do mean pivot ) to a muse that is more agreeable or "nicer" in terms of... getting a ship. yeah we can stop throwing those two muses together but that doesn't immediately open me up to...making the other two kiss or fuck or say they're dating. esp when you ( not muse, mun ) are very obvious about the other muse being nicer and therefore "you want that one instead". or start getting weirdly pushy to "make it work" with the first muse because they'd be good together. or disregard the boundaries i've set with my muses and have clearly stated in my rules and ooc.
i make jokes and i laugh now about those experiences -- esp because it's happened more than twice. and i don't think anyone's, like... fucking evil for it or i that hate them over it. i just think it was some bullshit because it's the simplest "respect this basic boundary i've set and if you do, i will die for our little blorbos and ship anything with you." it's not a call for anyone to prove anything to me and it's not like... i'm expecting anyone to just turn off any thoughts of shipping my muses and theirs ( because i sure as shit don't ). no, no--i'm just saying it'll take a bit to be actionable and feel right for me to write my muses with said feelings in this way. i'm slow enough as is, just give me time.
PLOTS OR MEMES : both! i like memes for when my emotional battery is like. in the toilet but i want to write something. i fucking adore plotted things, though, and i think that some memes can lead into some plotted adventures! we don't gotta plot everything out, either. we can just throw our goblins against the wall and see where they stick--it's fine with me. sometimes, we can map out their entire lives and still not be able to cover everything that they're going to do.
i think it really depends. i definitely don't think the two are mutually exclusive and like... you can use one to contribute to the other.
LONG OR SHORT REPLIES : i like to write a lot so i'll err on the side of long threads. it takes a bit to find my groove and.... figure out what I want to say but often times, i find myself deleting things from my replies because they are a little too long and i don't want to make anyone feel like i'm dumping multiple paragraphs on them.
if it's a plotted thread or ask, though, you're getting a fucking novel and i'm not compromising on that :)
ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSES : for the most part, no. there are bits and pieces of my persona or things i would say/wear/do here and there.... but as a whole, i'm pretty different from my muses. i... don't think people would like me much if i was like any of my muses fr, though, so i'm good with just being me, myself, and I
i stole this from @distopea some time ago so steal it from me
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strayslost · 2 years
does Verlaine still care about Chuuya after everything?
His feelings about Chuuya are complicated, but (at least in my mind), yes he does!! In my interpretation, I feel like he came to realize that Chuuya isn't as similar to him as he originally thought during the events of Stormbringer, and he definitely holds some jealousy and a feeling of distance from him because of that. But at the same time, he really doesn't seem to hate Chuuya at all?? He tries to save him when he's transformed into Guivre, and tells him how to defeat him, though that could be both because he wants to protect Chuuya specifically or because, as noted later, he didn't really want to see everyone killed, since Rimbaud was enough to redeem humanity for him. He just couldn't admit that until the very end...
In my mind, it's a bit of both. I mean, as far as canon goes, there's a lot of room for ambiguity regarding Verlaine's feelings towards Chuuya after the novel... it's not really touched on explicitly (unless I'm forgetting something which is very possible LOL) but it is stated that he has no desire to meet anyone anymore (except Rimbaud who he can't meet now ;~;) which might imply that he doesn't care about Chuuya like he used to?? He certainly doesn't seek him out again or anything.
But I like to think that he still cares about him on some level, and I do think canon suggests it at least a little. I particularly love the sequence where they're communicating while fighting somehow and Verlaine says, among other things, "Use your hands to finish this lonely soul who couldn’t believe in the world and it’s people like you could", as well as calling him "little brother" again... I feel like that's him clearly understanding the difference between them, yet it shows that he still thinks of Chuuya as his brother. And Chuuya responds by sympathizing with Verlaine, on top of noting how Verlaine "doesn't only have hatred, and doesn't truly want to be hated..." which Verlaine responds to by feeling hope. Tbh that's one of my favourite parts in the novel I JUST LOVE THEM OKAY... HELP... ;~;
I just went back and checked and he also calls Chuuya his little brother again while he thinks he's dying, and notes that he caused a lot of trouble for him - which could suggest that he feels guilty about what he's done to him, which might be another reason he hasn't sought Chuuya out after Stormbringer/that he doesn't want to meet him?? Rather than it being because he doesn't care about Chuuya anymore.
Basically we don't know for sure how he feels about Chuuya canonically after everything, but at the very least he clearly still thinks of him as his little brother. And I personally feel like he still cares - I like to think that he's grateful for Chuuya for giving him hope, and for both sympathizing with and defeating him during that final battle... maybe he even admires Chuuya for doing what he couldn't and believing in humanity/his connection with others, who can say?
Of course there's also the whole fact that he's waiting for "the storm" post-canon, whatever the fuck that means LMAO - but it's very possible that the storm has something to do with Chuuya?? Which would suggest that Chuuya is part of why he's still sticking around, but. we don't actually know what the storm is yet, so.
Chuuya obviously seems to care about Verlaine, too - in spite of everything he did to him he's quite sympathetic towards him during the end of the novel and even refers to Verlaine as his brother to Shirase... WHICH MAKES ME EXTREMELY EMOTIONAL LISTEN ASKFFDJHSFKDS
TL;DR I rambled and I could be wrong about all of this because I read Stormbringer very fast and didn't really take everything in but. I personally think he does still care about Chuuya! It's mixed with feelings of guilt that make him want to keep his distance, and jealousy about the way Chuuya sees the world/his own existence, but he still considers him family and cares about him a lot - not just because he thinks they can understand each other, but also because of what Chuuya did for him in the end.
THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR SENDING ME THIS ASK BTW!!! <3 I love talking about verlaine and chuuya and it was really fun putting this all in words... i love having excuses to talk about them lmao - i hope it made sense and feel free to ask if you have any more questions!
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Transformation/spook AU (whatever you end up calling this) anon:
(this IS getting longer each time lol. thank god there's no ask character limit anymore?) yes to basically all of that, though.
honestly the group being regarded as a threat is par for course. (like, Danny was basically a public menace for a while even when he was trying to help, and even after he got more approval people were still wary of him.)
I like that all of them get their kinda community-specific side friends though. It really is nice to see them getting and making more friends outside of their usual circle. Tucker being a werewolf means his instinct is that he needs a pack, and yes Danny and co are his pack, but naturally I think he would also gravitate toward other werewolves, and they'd be his pack too, so de definitely has two or three close packmates that help him along in his adventures in integrating into werewolf society and also punching out bad guys (honestly? let's do more crossover stuff. Teen Wolf canon characters like Isaac or something!) and just kinda sympatyhize with him. I like the idea that at least one is his cousin, and a thought just popped up that one of them would also be Wulf's descendant (I'm imagining a latino/spanish kid, because of Wulf's Esperanto), and maybe the last one would just be some random (in the case that there's an xover, like I mentioned earlier, probably Isaac or a different one-off TW character).
Sam getting the animal companion though and basically talking to animals like a disney princess... she loves the ability, hates that she's like a disney princess now lol. And a "typical mermaid princess friend" actually makes me think it's basically mermaid Paulina, and Sam is both reluctantly her friend but also eventually grateful for it because it helped her grow past her prejudices against the other A-Lister girls when she learns how to see past mermaid friend's girliness too. I imagine this friendship happened because this mermaid cottoned on to the fact that Sam would become royalty soon (early on when she was just accepted into the clan and not really part of it or a leader in it yet) and decided she was both a good leader to follow (thus becoming a loyal friend too even if she was a princessy type Sam typically didn't hang out with) so she kinda just decided to help Sam learn the ropes and pull off whatever lake-saving shenanigans Sam gets up to every week and eventually they just become close. (H2O has a theme of sisterhood so I can imagine this happens very sweetly. There's also a theme of trios so there's probably another mermaid in on these shenanigans too.) That said, there's definitely probably an "episode" where the mermaids learn the spell to become temporarily human and do so and come to school for a while and are totally awed and naive about human culture and Sam has to spend the entire time trying to corral them into order and keep suspicion off them--and stop them from getting wet or saying weird stuff that would reveal themselves or her to the whole school.
I agree with the Spike headcanon, and I saw a few fics were she was friends with one of the other Weston brothers (which one would depend on the fic), but yeah aside from having very few human friends, Jazz probably also has the smallest other-friend-group because of her feared-and-disliked status. I can maybe see her showing compassion to a brownie or something and them becoming another sidekick-type friend, but yeah I don't think the other fae get close enough to her to befriend her. I do like the idea of her genuinely befriending Johnny and Kitty and maybe Ember though. (Meanwhile, Danny's other-friend-group definitely includes Dora and Sidney bc I hc that Sidney and Danny would become better friends after working out their differences, and occasionally Johnny because they seemed friendly in a couple of episodes. I can see him befriending Ember too. Just give Danny all the teen ghosts as friends ok.)
But yes I totally agree to Val being a forerunner superhero like Bats and Supes and eventually getting recruited by a superhero team. But like the others' communities not really interacting with each other except the occasional crossover, I don't really see Danny and co crossing over to Val's "community" either mostly because they ARE all busy with their own responsibilities. Aside from the "Batman doesn't want to recruit Danny because of his bad press" thing (which, legit, but I think at this point it's been years and Danny has proven to be more good than not, and besides Danny isn't the only hero with bad press so I don't think it'd matter much to Batman), Danny is on his way to becoming king, or learning to be one, or has already become king and is now having to deal with all the responsibilities that come with that, including taking time to study law and meet people and in general split his time between the GZ and AP. Sam is trying to save Lake Eerie from pollution and overfishing/hunting and the occasional ghost sea monster haunting them and other stuff, and helping rebuild the mermaid clan (which btw I think is less of a royalty thing and more of a chieftain thing? I feel like since it's such a small clan it's not really a kingdom so much as it is a tribe, so Chief might fit better than Queen for Sam's upcoming leadership role in this case) and in general mermaids like to keep secret, so I don't think Sam would opt to join Valerie in joining a superhero group to help them stay secret even if she could pass off her powers as a meta or mutant thing (though yes, maybe there CAN be the occasional crossover where she can meet Aquaman, should the situation require Val to call in some aquatic help). Tucker's responsibilities seem very local, and though I'm sure he'd be stoked and excited to join a superhero team, similar to Sam I can see his pack being like "no please don't, you joining will have consequences for ALL of us" so he has to consider that (especially since it's his family, not just other random werewolves, asking). I don't think Jazz would be interested in general (except for maybe becoming a superhero therapist), though Ellie might be (though she seems more interested in just travels than having responsibilities--also I love the idea that "no one is sure she exists" is the reason she's not really known to any community except the Spooks lol). So I like the idea of, if Valerie does take on the "protect humans from human crimes" role, it's something that's just for her for the most part and not quite the "package deal" that you might be thinking. She gets to have all the cool "stop alien invasions and international crime syndicates" adventures, and when she needs the occasional help from her friends, she can ask for it (similar to everyone else in the group asking for help when they need it too). It's kinda like Batman having sidekicks but they're not really seen as part of the Justice League, they're Batman's people who help him. The Spooks are Valerie's people who help her. Yknow? (but yes, when her friends DO get involved, they do write off their powers as meta/alien things.)
But yeah, Val being part of the Science Gone Wrong Crew. They can be part of her other-friend-group, but I especially imagine her being close friends with Blue Beetle and Cyborg? Just, yknow, similar circumstances. One is a superhero via a parasitic creature thing, and the other is a superhero by technology like her. She's in between!
Also, Wes being an alien is hilarious. Would he even KNOW? I love the idea that he would think he's human, all the way up until, idk, he completes human puberty and then has a sudden transformation and learns he's an alien because he's now starting alien puberty lol. I like the idea that he had an ancestor/parent that was an alien like that one person mentioned in the comments (it would really match up with the fact that the rest of the Spooks are half-human in some way too). Imagine the freak out. He would have A Journey emotionally and mentally trying to figure that out and accept that, and FINALLY realize why trying to out Danny and co is a horrible idea because now he's in the same situation where if he's outed Bad Things TM will happen. To him. He only half-heartedly continues accusing Danny and co to not seem off, but he's slowly letting it die down to make it seem like he's naturally giving up at least. The accusation that he's an alien, while frustrating that everyone believes without much convincing, would give him such a panic attack as he realizes the consequences of what would have happened had everyone actually believed him about Danny, because now he's worried about some government coming to kidnap him and put him in Area 51. Like yeah everyone's chill and won't turn him in, but the worry is still there because he has no assurance of this. I think this would be a natural starting point for him to join the Spooks--he goes to them for help about what to do about it and maybe someone to sympathize with him (Tucker being born as he is and gaining his own teenage transformation earlier that year means he's the most likely to empathize!) and also maybe get some help in case some government guys do tote him away, but of course this is after he apologizes.
Of course they do help him out. Danny suggests he uses his Cassandra powers to just tell everyone the truth and then no one would believe it anymore. Wes is just "that seriously won't work" and Danny replies "worked when I tricked you into doing it about me" so the next time someone cracks a joke/accuses Wes of being an alien, he goes full conspirator mode and says "actually I did some digging into my family history and I think I might be! Guys I totally might be an alien! Here's point A and point B, and how I connected them, and I have a whole powerpoint on it!" and. it. WORKS. Wes is so astonished that the immediate response is "oh ha ha, Weston, real funny, that rumor is last week's news, get some new material" or something. Wes wants to slam his head into the lockers, like "WTF WHY DID THAT WORK" and then starts down the rabbit hole of ACTUALLY trying to research his family/alien lineage to try and find out if it's a power his other-half species is supposed to have. (It doesn't. It's just a coincidence. It's funny to think about Wes spiraling like that though.)
But yeah I love this. Having an alien in the group. Wes doesn't seem to have any particular responsibility or have a penchant for fighting, and I feel like since he's the late-addition and not a close friend like the tight-knit group seems to be, that's fine that he's the odd man out. His responsibility can be helping everyone cover their absences/weirdness and be alibis lol. (Wes is not one of those friends who would step in front of a splash for Sam, or stand in front of a bush so Danny can transform with slightly more cover, or etc. But that's only yet. He reluctantly goes "uhg, fine!" and does it, and eventually he'll just do it automatically. Especially after they've started covering for his oddities too--only seemed right to return the favor.) Also given his drive for investigative journalism, maybe he's their go-to guy for general researchy things.
Honestly I would love to see sketches or anything of this whole AU/XOver thing. I feel like if it were a real giant collaboration there'd need to be a discord or something to coordinate lol. Or an AO3 group? However that'll work. If you do plan on writing any side of this AU tho do post it! I will be happy to give more ideas and stuff :D
the wariness will definitely be something they will always deal with, even once they're known as members of the justice league. there's just a darker edge to them and their past. and even if they establish a place in their individual societies, they still started as outsiders. they still associate with the other.
i ironically don't actually know teen wolf that well so doing that crossover myself is a bit tricky for me. but i don't mind a cameo. for tucker i was imagining a female cousin around his age and maybe a sorta little brother type cousin. like he's young and hasn't changed yet but knows about being werewolves and stuff and really wanting to be included in their adventures even though he's baby. i am all for a latino descendant of wulf and them definitely having a family reunion at some point. i also wouldn't mind having another girl who can kick his ass when he acts stupid. i think there's actually a pattern of toxic masculinity in werewolf media, sometimes as a criticism of it, but i want some strong ladies. my brain now jumped to ginger snaps, but those were a darker breed of werewolf than i really want. idk. we should also probably think of names for everyone. but i'll probably have and easier time naming them when i sketch them.
the main crew are definitely tucker’s official pack though, much to everyone else's confusion. you also made me think that tucker will have complaints about how everyone smells. danny smells like ozone and death, sam like fish, jazz like flowers but specifically in a way that makes him sneeze. he doesn't smell great either to be fair. but it is an ongoing thing. the main irony being that when he goes and hangs out with other werewolves, he smells like his friends, so he stinks to them. i think the fact that his official pack isn't wolves is one of the things that makes him weird for the wolves. they might be tolerant of other monsters but you don't just go and pack bond with them. keep your pack among the wolves. that kinda thing.
sam isn't complaining about her powers really. she loves purification magic and being able to talk to fish and work with underwater plants. she just is annoyed that being a mermaid doesn't fit her aesthetic. that she's suddenly spending all her time on the beach or underwater. that she's at risk of getting a tan. that her weaknesses are much more prominent on land than her strengths and that she sometimes ends up holding her friends back when they suddenly have to deal with her having a tail. i think at some point danny and tucker get her a tricked out wheel chair. explaining why she needs one is tricky, they've never been the best liars, but shenanigans can be had with it.
i was actually imagining the mermaid princess to be more like yue from atla than paulina. that might make her a bit to similar to dora. but again i see her having a core of strength and being incredibly regal and capable when the moment calls for it. i don't think she'd be as naive as dora. i see her as a very strong character but one who embraces and uses her femininity in a way that sam doesn't. sam might be for feminism but she tends to look down on girls who like make up and being pretty. paulina to an extent is pretty shallow but sam isn't exactly that deep herself. she could afford to be less antagonistic to the other girls in her life. so the princess character, i'm thinking merrin as her name, would be more mature than either of them. she matured under the responsibility and pressure she's under and really came to own how she presented herself. so she might look like a Paulina or Ariel on the surface, but underneath that is an iron spine and a terrible amount of frustration.
i think their friendship would be mutually beneficial. merrin might go into their friendship initially manipulative, because she recognized sam's potential to be a leader and thought she could get a break. so she would be subtly pushing sam into the roll in public and teaching her politics on the way. and that would make their relationship more contentious in the beginning. but gradually, as they get closer and merrin has more opportunity to loosen up, it becomes more apparent that the mermaid has a lot to complain about and they have fun bitching about things. sam's helps merrin work out her frustration and just have a life outside her duty. sam meanwhile is maturing about her female relationships, seeing the value of femininity. she's also using what she learns about politics to get her way more on land. passing laws that protect ghosts and animals and the lake.
you're right about them needing to be a trio, though i would argue the fish companion could count as their third depending on how smart we make them. but i suppose we could have another character. i think i mentioned a merman who is considerably smaller than sam but who's flirting with her a lot. he might learn to respect her and get humbled and more helpful as the story progresses though. like character development. he's also really scared of danny, who is not only huge compared to him but also a bloody ghost. wtf. for some reason i'm inclined to call him hector.
either way i'm down with the absolute shenanigans of the mers getting on land and running around amity causing their own brand of chaos and also encountering ghosts and seeing why sam is 'like that'. just having them in the school would be wild. the populars would immediately try to latch on to merrin because she's beautiful and elegant and mature. but she's also taking the opportunity to be immature and messy since none of her subject can see her here. so she's going to say some mean stuff and feel incredibly proud of herself.
aside, mermaids are also known for singing. so i think it would be interesting to have her accidentally pull siren shit on land. i'm debating if singing should be one of sam's powers. it might be one, but she refuses to use that power because her voice doesn't suit the kind of music she likes. she wants to sing metal or punk and she has a voice for choir. i'm also going to go with the head canon that danny can sing well and that ends up being some common ground between him and merrin. danny accidentally getting pulled into a siren trio with ember and merrin. sam and tucker having to break them up, because while they're having fun, they're getting out of control. i don't think either danny or merrin set out to hurt anyone but sometimes you join an accapella group and things happen.
i like spike, a lot. i'm a punk so having characters i con project onto is fun. i'm less inclined to give jazz another side kick though. i could see her maybe almost making friends with a brownie, and it following her home to help clean and take care of it, as brownies do. only for it to be chased out within the day by the pure chaos of the fenton security system. she was so close and yet so far. on the other hand keeping with the theme of jazz making friends with people (and creatures) aesthetically darker than her. i could see her accidentally befriending a dark sithe. a member of the court of shadows. like someone genuinely kinda evil, and who assumes jazz is also more evil than she is based on her power level. they don't help her reputation among the fae. misunderstandings ensue and yet jazz still manages to keep her head and be manipulative enough to escape unharmed from the sithe's manipulations and possible attempts to literally kill her. now i'm imagining jazz somehow inherited jack's oblivious plot armor. where she's naive and friendly enough, to just duck at the right times and dodge all shots accidentally. doyle is loosing their mind. i'm going to call the dark sithe Pantera after my black cat.
i could also see her befriending a pooka. i could see them as a mute character that usually only she can see. for shenanigans. she's not as close with them, but they're one of the nicer fae she's in contact with. the pooka also likes to play pranks and tease people, often invisibly behind their back when only jazz can see them. they go out of their way to make jazz laugh. they're going to be named harvey and are a giant rabbit, because references.
and yep, at this point, danny has been a halfa and hero for more than a year. he's teamed up with his share of ghosts over that year and has a lot of contacts and friends within the ghost zone. i could see him having another episode with sidney where they end up actual friends. now i kinda want sidney to reveal some hidden useful skill that everyone, especially his bullies missed. danny seeing past the nerdiness to the brave and plucky kid the sidney really is and they form a genuine friendship. bonus, danny getting a bit nerdier through proximity and tanking his own reputation in the process. dora probably doesn't leave the zone as often now that she's queen. but they remain good friends. amorpho, wulf, and cujo also count as good friends. i am into danny getting close with kitty, johnny, and ember though. i think it starts with him giving a bit of grown and letting them out of the zone so long as they don't hurt anyone. could also see them sharing music. danny learning the music from the time they died, vs the music he likes now. they're all kinda edgey just in different ways. i also want the punk ghost trio to be a bad influence on him, but in a fun way. because lets be real, danny has gotten really stuck in the goody two shoes act since dan. letting him have some fun and be a bad boy is totally valid as far as i'm concerned. also i just want him riding a motorcycle.
you've made a good point about keeping the human heroes as mainly val's thing. it's much more balance. i might have jumped the gun because, obviously, i'm a superhero nerd. you're right about everyone being busy as hell. i like chief sam but also like sam being a princess just aesthetically. she is going have to build her kingdom, and work mainly in the water though. danny becoming king is happening so he might also be getting training for that at this point, possibly via clockwork shenanigans which takes him all over creation. i know you said tucker is more local but i'm actually going to say that while the werewolf community is relatively small, they move around a lot. the have established territories but they can be pretty freaking big and they travel a lot within them. so tucker leaving town to interact with his family and settle things within the larger territory. which would also give him a larger opportunity to deal with other monsters. he's still the team tech guy though. probably doing some man in the chair stuff. you're right about jazz minding her business. she has school.
but yeah having them be her people and occasional come on missions especially when it concerns their 'thing' such as a rogue vampire or killer whale. val just being able to say i have a guy for that. and having this smug look. in part because she kinda has a guy for everything. her friends are freaking versatile.
aquaman: i can't settle issues in the great lakes because it's technically not my domain and it would anger the mers there. val: oh don't worry i know someone
some of the heroes do end up wondering why her friends aren't part of the league, but they have a life. i think there's a bit of irony in she almost never summons phantom to handle ghost problems because she can handle most ghosts, so the supers probably don't even know she's friends with phantom now. it would have to be a big world threat to bring him in and it would probably blow some minds. in the mean time, any of her other friends showing up, they leave quite an impression for how little they're actually around.
i also think batman goes down a rabbit whole researching her and her friends. initially it looks simple for jazz. ghosts are kinda while but he gets protecting your town from the threat. and her civilian live isn't overly complicated. she was a nice girl who's dad lost his money due to a ghost attack and she ended up taking up ghost hunting on top of a fast food job. she's pretty much a normal person as far as heroes go. but then he looks into her friends. and everyone has a secret life and just keeps getting wilder the further he looks because they're all chaotic and involved in things all over the place. danny is doing stuff all throughout time. that might actually mean batman doesn't put together fenton is phantom. maybe he just assumes phantom is his ancestor, and that's why they look alike. the lab accident and the ghost hunter parents is weird enough though....
actually! batman figuring out that the lab accident gave dany ghost powers but not putting together he's phantom. batman inviting fenton to be a superhero and put his powers to good use, unaware that danny is already a very busy hero. danny being too dumb to refuse because joining the justice league would be so cool. danny having to train his ghost powers in human form and getting a new suit and secret identity. val having to cover for him and finding this entire situation ridiculous. especially because he's going to flunk out of school at this point.
danny: do i need to graduate when i'm going to be king val: no one wants a high school dropout to handle politics. danny: the ghost zone begs to differ
it proves unsustainable and Fenton decides to just be her sidekick when he has time, but otherwise sticks in amity.
blue beetle and cyborg are a cool combination for her. not just because they got powers in similar ways, but also because they're all heroes of color. gotta stick together and have each other's back. just in general they have vibes. i also like val being half in love with wonder woman, because same. training with a strong female hero is everything to val. i think we also need a hero good at challenging her and keeping her level. val isn’t perfect and i think it’s be healthy for someone to challenge her decisions and stubbornness. she’s a little too similar to bats for them to disagree enough to be proper foils. i’m kinda torn on having her foil in the league either be flash or superman.
flash would be a good foil because he’s not really the type to punish his villains. he does his best to get to know people and help his villains get help. he’s a lot looser and fun. i imagine his goofy personality would get on vals nerves cause she takes her job very seriously. he’s also the result of a science gone wrong. he might be a little too similar to danny though. and on the one hand that could emphasis certain point and be used for jokes. we all ready have danny serving as a foil so it probably wouldn’t be as effective as it could be.
superman pulling his innocent golden boy thing though has potential though. they are so inherently different and sups is impossible to hate, so i see val struggling with the fact that she isn’t good enough. she’d probably enter a mental compensation with him. to be as good, to be as heroic, as him. and the fact that she’s loosing is driving her up the wall. especially when he comments about how some of her methods aren’t very heroic. she’s a fighter first and foremost. superman has mad a career out of pulling his punches. val has always been fighting extra hard. essentially she’s jealous. had the potential to let her grow in different ways. i think batman would point out that no one can match sups and that she should be herself. but it still niggles at her. sups plays oblivious but i see him knowing and just affectionately teasing her. she gets better about her jealousy. and even becomes a better hero from the prodding, but she has a mild grudge.
wes would get his own fic in this series of his adventures and the first half being devoted to him discovering his powers and facing the consequences of his actions. like the others would be all about exploring their different worlds and going on magical adventures. and then you have wes, going through a rough puberty and realizing he’s been a jerk to the only people who could possibly help him. fantastic. good shit. it’s a who emotional journey probably full of trips and hiccups and backsliding and denial. 
bonus points if his older brother, easton, is in the know and trying to help and ease him through it. but wes is having a conniption because he 1. didn’t notice his brother was an alien and 2. his brother didn’t tell him this was going to happen to him. easton points out that it might not have happened. it skips a lot of people in the family line. it skipped kyle. 
kyle is going to be positively oblivious in this. he doesn’t believe in anything paranormal. his brother being an alien is out of the question. it’s really a rule fo the funny situation. is he dumb? is he actually totally aware and just committing to a bit? is he just missing everything by sheer coincidence. who knows... but wes hates it.
so there can be some focus on the brotherly relationships. easton trying to be a good big brother but also being the type who explains nothing and who really doesn’t understand his little brother. kyle being affectionate and great but not understanding anything that’s going on. i think he would probably be the type to give good advice anyway. like the situations he’s imagining or even using as reference are totally normal and have nothing to do with the situation at hand, but is still somehow the perfect advice for the situation at hand. like wes ends up getting pulled into one of the superhero situations and meeting other aliens for the first time, and kyle just takes it as, ‘oh you’re meeting knew people? other conspiracy theorist. bro that’s great. here’s how you make friends.” and wes is going on a riff on how he has no idea what species they are or if there’s any sort of grudges or racism between alien races. and kyle is like “oh they’re foreigners? i knew this swedish exchange student. miscommunications happen, but so long as you’re both trying, things will turn out fine, my brother.”
wes is struggling. but so he eventually gets outed as an alien, and has his character development and panic attacks and so on. he’s a fun character because he’s neurotic enough to act in extremes. going into paranoid isolation, looking everywhere for bugs or white vans. and he’d be trying to train his powers as fast as possible so he’d have a way to defend himself.
when he finally goes to the spooks for help they present a united front, that’s both intimidating and pretty gay because none of them know how to sit like a straight person. i don’t have strong feelings on their sexualities, but not straight is a safe assumption. even works in with the history of monsters being used as metaphorical stand ins for lgbtq people. there’s narrative groundwork for it, and also i’m just queer and down for character i like also being queer. anyway, they spend a whole chunk of the night teasing him and making him grovel for all the trouble he gave them. they don’t make it easy for him and force a litteral verbal apology from him.
but they do help him in the end and relax somewhat afterwards. i don’t think they’ll trust him for a while yet.. he burned a lot of bridges and has a bed habit of not respecting boundaries. that would be an ironic way for him to prove useful actually. he’s stupidly good at observation, so he’s usially the first to know when someone’s or something is off. he is actually weirdly attentive and good at sensing mood changes and problems. like it’s still creepy initially. like why do you know how many times i blink dude? but still it proves useful over time.
i could also see wes, having discovered how effective his cassandra powers are, just... telling the truth to cover for them. it’s like, if no one’s going to believe him anyway, he might as well develop the blunted delivery ever and tell people he told them so when they finally catch on.
star: where is val anyway? wes: she joined the justice league and is away on a mission star: hah, yeah right, nerd wes staring into the camera blank faced and soooo tired
the sad thing is he might get in trouble for lying and making up stories. he is the most honest person in amity at this point. pity him.
his adventure mainly involves figuring out his powers, reluctantly getting involved with the spooks, and yes covering for them. he’s neurotic enough that i can see things getting pretty chaotic for him just dealing with his civilian live and being surrounded by so much paranormal stuff. he probably would be motivated to regain some of the friendships he’d ruined by being so obsessive. i could see him trying to regain popularity at some point, trying to escape the conspiracy theorist title.his relationship with his brothers and his improving relationships with the others can also be it’s own thing. now i’m imagining wes getting pulled on random adventured into the others lives (because no one else was available) and realizing he’s in way over his head. there are also several solid moments of “i could have died. i could have died so many times.” lets be real, if his friends weren’t heroes, they could all individually one shot him out of existence. that realization is only starting to sink in.
he eventually settles in the man in a chair role. tucker had started there, and then later jazz. they all have their techniques and such. tucker covering tech and hacking, jazz mental resources and emotional well being, and wes research has it’s benefits. but i could also see some initial tension. mainly because tucker doesn’t want wes reading his files.or messing up his desk set up.
i’d like for wes to eventually find his place with them, despite the rocky start. val would eventually start introducing him to the aliens in the league and they’d start trying to determine where he’s from and they can eventually have adventures with that. but for the time being, wes is his own worse enemy. he is his own antagonist and honestly that’s valid and relatable of him.
i don’t know if these posts have enough traction yet to produce a fic series and i don’t really want to put the leg work in for that. but i ma having fun just brainstorming with you, so lets roll with that. - Hestia
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isagisyoichi · 3 years
SYNOPSIS: niko as your boyfriend
CHARACTERS INCLUDED: niko ikki aka my boyfriend hello
WARNINGS: swearing, pretend all the boys go to the same school and they're all friends for plot, normalize not writing serious boys as someone that practically hates their s/o and never opens up to them god bless, also no such thing as ooc since we dunno shit ab him so everything i say is law. SUPER LONG LOL, it's like 2k+ words 😭
A/N: i love my boyfriend and i'm v happy about all the attention he's getting (even if he will prob will b subbed out 👎) this was fun to write bc i think he would b very soft as bf and also i hate the notion that stoic and serious = boring and detached in a relationship. also first post w the new user yayyyy rip yoichisagis an end of an era for realsies.
FOR: fox anon my beloved this one is for u😩
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it takes a while for you two to get together, just because niko wants to think things through and be sure he’s making the right decision, as well as him being naturally apprehensive about this whole dating thing.
when you do eventually start going out, keep in mind you're probably his first real anything, so-
niko needs to take it slow for the first month or so because he needs time to adjust and get used to being in a relationship.
when he gets comfortable around you, niko starts to talk a lot more.
niko starts to talk about his interests more-soccer, stem stuff (idc i'll die by my hc that he's a stem boy), etc. and niko's really happy that you're genuinely interested in what he has to say :)
and as your relationship progresses, niko becomes more inclined to share his inner thoughts.
“this song is so bad, i hate it and how it's everywhere,” like, babe that sucks, but what do you want me to do, take it off the radio myself? 😭
you find out that niko’s kind of a hater LOL, but it’s okay, because it means he can be himself around you <3 and the mini debates you have with each other are fun.
he’s someone you can take shopping with you if you need a solid second opinion.
“ikki, is this cute?” you niko as you adjust the shirt you tried on in the fitting room mirror.
“no.” he’s so straight up LOL. “the blue one from earlier was better.”
“this one?”
“yeah, that one. you look really pretty in it.”
ngl though, niko’s not much of a mall person. he'd just follow you around like a little puppy LOL, but he doesn't mind too much because it's for you.
communication is important to niko!!!!! he wants someone that he can have real conversation about the things that matter to him, so he rly makes an effort to have that kind of connection with you.
niko's naturally funny but he isn't aware that he is lol.
but when he does try, i feel like his humor comes in the form of sarcasm and dry wit. likes poking fun at you here and there with a lighthearted jab.
"you're so weird, y/n," is the most common one.
niko’s naturally closed off emotionally (male aquarius 😒) but i, personally, think he’d really try and push himself to be more open with you, especially if you expressed for him to do so </3
he'd be really appreciative of someone patient and understanding of the fact that he doesn't open up easily, though.
but eventually, you become the person closest to him- niko confides in you a lot, which he’s grateful for because he usually holds everything in.
not one for pda or other lovey-dovey things in public, other than the occasional holding of hands but behind closed doors, niko’s so soft around you, it’s like he’s a completely different person.
also, i feel like niko’s real handsy with you, i get the vibe he’s super touch starved 😭
although it does take him a while to get used to physical affection, once he has, niko cannot get enough. he’s always touching you when he has no real reason to.
(and because you're his first relationship, i feel like it’s just natural that niko’s going to be kind of clingy towards you.)
“you okay, ikki?” you ask as niko suddenly wraps his arms around your waist from behind, resting his chin on your shoulder.
“mhm,” he mumbles. “just wanna be close to you.”
niko likes when you sit on his lap when he’s on his computer. you can have your arms wrapped around his neck, your head resting in the crook of his neck, or you could just be on your phone or whatever, it doesn’t matter, niko just likes you near him.
you guys don’t really talk to each other when you do this, aside from niko occasionally checking up on you and asking if you need anything from him.
but other than that, you guys just enjoy each other's touch in silence. it’s one of his favorite things to do with you.
however, if you start kissing him in the middle of whatever he’s doing and keep it up for long enough, niko will drop everything to make out with you right then and there (also one of his favorite things to do with you).
speaking of kissing- you kiss niko first.
niko would try to plan your guys first kiss out because he wants everything to be perfect.
but, he ends up taking forever to execute it because he keeps overthinking and you can only wait so long before kissing him, so you take matters into your own hands.
his kisses are sloppy and juvenile at the beginning, but he’s smart and learns quickly what you do and don’t like.
likes being kissed on his jaw and forehead the most :')
if the team ever happens to see niko kissing you, they're gonna be so annoying 😭
"yooo niko's making big moves ‼️" "my son's growing up on me!😩" "good job *pats on the back*" and niko is red all over as he drags you away from them, muttering about how childish and annoying they are 😭.
but, they're all very supportive of you guys, even if they're embarrassing as hell 🙄.
they even give niko relationship advice- which luckily, he doesn’t follow (most of the time), because, let’s be honest, if you're getting unsolicited dating tips from a bunch of teenage boys, it’s probably bad 😭.
you’re the only person niko shows his forehead to. just know that having the opportunity to see it means that niko trusts you more than anyone else :’)
repay his trust by kissing his forehead lovingly and showering him with compliments whenever you can !!!!!!!!!!
“y/n, why’re you so embarrassing,” niko says under his breath, blushing as you hold his face and litter soft kisses on his forehead, rambling about how cute he is.
always looks for you in the bleachers when he has a game and you’re always the first person he talks to after.
and the fact that you make an effort to come as often as you can means sooo much to him. definitely considers you to be his biggest fan.
real classy with nicknames- uses “my love/love,” and “darling,” the most.
his favorite petname from you is "pretty boy." gives him butterflies each time he hears it.
the first time you call him that, he's confused, but after you explain that being called pretty is basically the highest compliment a boy can receive, he gets all soft on you.
only uses instagram to like and comment on your pictures and that's it 😭.
comments stuff like “you're so pretty” and "beautiful," without any emojis because niko refuses to use them LOL.
remembers the compliments you give him! they help with his self esteem and i feel like he values your opinion a lot.
so, tell him all about how cute and smart and talented and hot and funny he is and how much you love him and he'll replay it in his head 24/7.
i think he prefers to be the big spoon, unless he's sad- then he really wants you to hold him.
niko gives me homebody vibes, so expect relaxed dates, but still nice, yk?
what i mean is niko's not gonna take you out to get gas station food and call it a day 😭 he's classier than that and he always puts in effort towards dates.
he always plans them ahead of time and takes into consideration what he thinks you'd enjoy. and he insists on paying 🤗.
but, niko always does something special for days like your birthday or an anniversary, like go somewhere fancy if you wanted to or buy a nice gift you've been eyeing for a while.
helps you with your schoolwork, 100%. most of the time niko tutors you because he wants you to actually learn the material, but if you're feeling lazy and just wanna get it over with, niko will just give you the answers.
this is a big deal because i love him and all but, niko gives me the vibe he's super stingy with his work 😭.
"this is the last time i'm going to just give you the answers, y/n." niko sighs out. "you have to start doing your homework by yourself."
niko's said that dozen of times but he's still giving you the answers free of charge. can you guys say #whipped 🤣?
LOL speaking of school, if you ever text him during class, i highly doubt that niko would entertain you 😭😭 (it's out of love, though)
y/n 💗: hiii baby imy 🥰
pretty boy: do your work, y/n.
pretty boy: pay attention.
y/n 💗: fine ur so lame 👎
pretty boy: whatever you say. i miss you too, by the way.
he likes to moves your hair out your face because he wants to see your pretty face better.
which is why you have to do the same with him 🥰!!!!!! makes him blush like crazy.
gets soooo soft when you post him or even take pictures of you and him together :') just the thought of you wanting to show him off makes him soooo happy.
he won't entertain you if you make a tiktok, though LOL. he's very stubborn in his belief that it's stupid.
just stands in the background with his arms crossed if you try to make him do a dance or something 😭 (he does think you look cute, though).
niko has such nice eyelashes but i doubt he's aware of it 'cause he's, y'know, a boy 🙄.
"my eyelashes are ... cute?" he questions. niko wasn't even aware that such a trivial thing like his eyelashes could be considered cute.
"yes, oh my god," you gush. "they're so long and nice, i wish mine were like that," you groan, examining yours through the camera of your phone.
"you're so weird, y/n," he says, a blush staining his cheeks. "your eyelashes are nicer," he mumbles as he kisses your forehead.
he's one of those people that prefers to be alone, but you're the exception. you know?
niko likes to keep to himself most of the time, but that whole thing doesn't apply to you, because he'd choose to be with you over being alone anytime :')
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mistaeq · 3 years
the stardust crusaders' hogwarts adventure: HCs
tw // none
dora's note: is this dora posting? what the hell? yes it is, i'm finally working. hopefully. i promise i'm doing by best yes ^^ i felt like doing this today, so... finally got to finish a draft that has been there for quite a while.
DISCLAIMER !! y/n is NOT a student in joseph's HCs, they're a GROWN ADULT with a JOB. !!
taglist: @fragolaaaaaaa @outofthiszawarudo @sky1mercy @cheemerthebebopfreak @berryvalentine @yandere-lovebites @catboy-kira @komaeda-kinnie [if you wanna be removed or added, all it requires is a dm or an ask !!]
kujo jotaro
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♥︎ when he first sat down under the sorting hat, he didn't know what to expect and did not care in which house he would have ended up. everyone in his family, though, always had been one of two precise houses: slytherin or hufflepuff. so, very deep down, he hoped in one of them. but a different one would have been cool with him too, he would have been the first in his family with a different house sorting. he waited for a time that seemed neverending, but earlier than expected, the sorting hat said: "slytherin."
♥︎ the two of you met for the first time during a quidditch tournament. jotaro was a seeker, one of the most precise ones hogwarts had ever had. you caused him an accident, running over him with your broom, causing the two of you to fall to the ground. needless to say, he held a grudge on you for several days, until you had to get along to train for quidditch again.
♥︎ you wouldn't expect it from a wizard like him, but his favourite subjects are care of magical creatures, to study them, protect them, and get on an empathetic level with them, and muggle studies, to get to know more about muggles, in honor of his father, kujo sadao, who's not a wizard.
♥︎ it didn't take long for jotaro to manage to manifest his patronus. he had tried to practice that spell, since before the arrival of the dementors at the school. the two of you used to practice together after quidditch trainings, making you the first person - apart from him, of course - to witness the awaking of his patronus: a beautiful dolphin, a symbol of intelligence and protection.
♥︎ you will probably have to be the one to ask him first out on a date. he's not the best one when it comes to grades, and he spends quite a lot of time with his friends, trying not to think about it. no, he doesn't really care about having the best marks. you should ask one of his best friends, kakyoin noriaki, about what to do to convince him to go out on a date with you. most likely, he'll say yes because he trusts you enough to feel safe.
♥︎ jotaro does not underestimate your powers and doesn't feel the need to constantly protect you, but he must admit that as soon as the teachers of defense against the dark arts start disappearing every year or try to attack the students themselves, he's a little bit worried about you. he starts showing up outside your classroom at the end of every lesson, to check on you and keep you company until you get to you next lesson's classroom.
kakyoin noriaki
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♥︎ when he sat down under the sorting hat, he was really nervous. what if it said that he wasn't even a wizard? what if he ended up in a house that would have disappointed his family? the redhead was shaking like a leaf, even at the point that the sorting hat itself asked him to calm down to allow it to examinate him better. noriaki's terror soon disappeared, as soon as the hat spoke. "okay, okay, my guy. you can calm down. ravenclaw!"
♥︎ the two of you met for the first time in the library of the school. you were looking for a specific book, the one about the fantastic beasts of the wizarding world and where to find them, when a guy who wasn't looking where he was going, hit the ladder you were standing on, making you fall, right... in his arms. ugh, that sounded like a pathetic love story beginning. until you heard a giggle from the corner of the room. the guy that was making fun of that scene was kakyoin.
♥︎ noriaki's favourite subjects are transfiguration, since he always says he has a talent in transforming objects in what he wants, and defence against the dark arts, since he wishes to become a professor one day. why is it related to that? well, since the professors of defence against the dark arts seem to change every year for some reason, his turn will come sooner or later, or not?
♥︎ for kakyoin, it was a little bit more complicated to manifest his patronus. he kept on focusing on the technique and the way he had to move his wand, instead of focusing on his inner power and mind. but after many efforts, it finally showed up: a beautiful fox, symbol of wisdom and guidance. he told you first thing.
♥︎ noriaki will probably be the one to ask you out for a date first. but he would do it through a letter. he's smart enough to write one that will convince you that he's worth it and that he's perfect for you. the redhead can't imagine you already think of him as such. either way, the letter will be very sweer and heartfelt, even if a little bit awkward sometimes. but you'll say yes regardless, he put a lot of effort in it, and has always been respectful towards you.
♥︎ he wouldn't be much worried about you at first, hogwarts is a safe place for the students, after all, right? right? oh, what? in a bathroom the little hermione granger almost got killed by a troll? you know what, nevermind? the guy is gonna be glued to you the whole time, he'll even skip lessons for it, despite how much they mean for him. you're not gonna get attacked by anything, with him by your side.
muhammad avdol
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♥︎ everyone envied him when he sat down under the sorting hat, because despite the young age at the time, he looked absolutely calm and collected. he had no anxiety, and his eyes were closed, in complete relaxation, as if him and the sorting hat had some sort of mental communication going on. his smile was endearing, his fingers intertwined in front of his chest. but the hat seemed to take a lot of time sorting him. "your heart said gryffindor, my dear boy. but your soul spoke hufflepuff to me." the hat declared. but then... "hufflepuff!"
♥︎ the two of you met for the first time on the stairs. yes, the ones that like to change. your books had fallen from your arms on the stairs, and since he was passing by, he decided to lend a helping hand. what you didn't notice, was that you were standing right between the stairs and the floor. when the stairs changed, hadn't it been for muhammad's quick reflex of pulling you on his side, you would have probably fallen down several floors.
♥︎ avdol is naturally gifted, when it comes to subjects like astronomy, or his favourite one, divination. he seems to be the only student who doesn't stare at mrs. trelawney as if she were completely crazy. the majority of the ravenclaws, his friend noriaki included, sometimes don't even listen to her. but avdol does, and he's completely in love with the subject.
♥︎ it hadn't been difficult at all for avdol, to manifest his patronus. almost natural, for him. you weren't there to witness it, but you studied and practiced with him for it several times. the last time he tried, a beautiful and graceful phoenix escaped muhammad's wand, symbol of resurrection and life after death, a patronus that the student took as a symbol of hope.
♥︎ none of you two will ask the other out for a date. the love between you and avdol would bloom spontaneously, without the need of dating. you would find yourselves behaving like a couple just naturally. he likes to give you tarot readings and to stargaze with you. the stargazing sessions are the ones that get the two of you closer to each other.
♥︎ avdol would be protective over you since the very beginning. he can sense something's off in the school, and his tarot readings about hogwarts's future keep getting darker and more mysterious everytime. but every single reading hints at an upcoming source of danger, that most likely would be voldemort, he supposes. he has to keep an eye on you. he's scared.
jean pierre polnareff
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♥︎ oh boy, this guy was mad nervous when he sat down under the sorting hat. everything but slytherin, everything but slytherin. surely, he knew he wouldn't have ended up in ravenclaw. he wasn't that much of a smart guy, but he did his best. either way, everything would have been cool to him, apart from slytherin. it just didn't sit right to him. but luckily, before jean could ask the sorting hat why was it taking so long, it spoke. "okay, okay, i get it. gryffindor, no doubts!" it said, making the young wizard feel relieved.
♥︎ the two of you met for the first time while he was trying so hard to find his way to the next classroom he had to be in. the school was huge, and polnareff couldn't help but to get confused in the corridors. you offered him your help, but he tried to play it cool, running away and dropping a book. well, you would have brought it to him.
♥︎ polnareff's favourite subjects are charms and flying. they're pretty basic, but he finds them the coolest things about being a wizard. he's a huge fan of quidditch too, but he wouldn't see himself playing. flying lessons give him the same feeling of freedom though, and he loves it so much.
♥︎ it took pretty long for jean pierre to manifest his patronus. he just couldn't focus enough. you've been practising with him, and you manifested it first, so it would have been good to try to help him. until he managed to do it. from his wand, a beautiful horse was freed, a symbol of power, independence, freedom, and nobleness. you could tell jean was satisfied, and grateful to you for helping him in manifesting it.
♥︎ he'll definitely be the one to ask you out first, probably not much time after you helped him to manifest his patronus. that event made him so happy and made him grow so fond of you, that he genuinely wants to improve your relationship, and hopefully, get something more from it. hopefully your heart, hopefully a kiss. but he means it genuinely. he's not trying to exploit you to get your help with assignments. for real.
♥︎ as the years go by, polnareff would start noticing hogwarts isn't the same place that it's always been, or that dumbledore claimed it was. he grows more and more protective of you, every year a worse mess happens, and it's always connected to voldemort. he's not liking it at all. not to mention you're worried, since the gryffindors seem to be pretty involved in it. more than you and jean pierre like to admit. he knows something he's not telling.
joseph joestar
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♥︎ in his youth, when he sat down under the sorting hat, he didn't give a shit of what house he would have been sorted in, all he wanted was just start learning magic stuff. joseph was laughing with some handsome boys and pretty girls at the table, and was hoping it wouldn't take long to sort him, his adventure had just started. but the hat actually took really little time to figure out where he was gonna go. "slytherin." it announced, almost immediately.
♥︎ going through the corridors of hogwarts reminds him of many years ago, when you first met. he would never forget the way you told him to go fuck himself, while he was just standing on a chair, reminding everyone that him and his best friend of the time, a young lucius malfoy, were the best kind of wizards because they were purebloods. that was a bunch of bullshit he truly used to believe. luckily, he grew up to understand it wasn't true.
♥︎ now, joseph is a teacher. the last student you would have expected to become one, but he did. a teacher of defense against the dark arts, and he's not planning on leaving anytime soon. he'll keep his eyes open, he heard teachers have been disappearing every year. not to mention a lot of scary stuff is happening at hogwarts. he didn't choose a good time to work.
♥︎ he's always been a quick learner, and he managed to manifest his patronus quicker than many of his classmates. a really cool eagle, a symbol of truth, majesty, strength. despite his attitude, it was clear that joseph was a good wizard, it had to be given to him. and you grew to be into it. to admire it. he secretly liked you, too.
♥︎ joseph took the first step towards you, but he didn't quite ask you out, let's say that to keep his cool, he TOLD you that you and him were gonna date. as if to announce you. you were okay with it, and didn't accept just because you were feeling forced. you accepted because you liked him, and recognized it as a great opportunity to get closer to him. you would have worked on improving the romantic field throughout your relationship.
♥︎ now that he's a teacher, he has to recognize that there's so much going on, that the students do not see. joseph is acknowledged about how dangerous the situation is getting, and more than ever, he reaches out to you, or phones you, no matter the fact that you're working. everyone is talking about voldemort, and he doesn't like the smallest bit of it. he just wants to make sure you're safe.
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tomathomatommy · 3 years
Tw if you've been through poverty/homelessness for a while (esp. While young)
It's kinda disheartening, you know, this will be I think the third year now where I cannot afford to buy my friends gifts from myself this year. Though I would really prefer to. I really hate joint gifts. I don't feel like I have nice enough clothes to wear for holidays. Everything has become daily wear. I deeply appreciate anything new I am able to get due to my clothes being between 2-vintage years old. I need a winter coat. A hat, gloves. A scarf. Things that fit so I'm not freezing or layering so much I can't take anything off.
I can't describe how badly I have wanted fast food. It's been a few weeks now since I got groceries and I have basically just been filling my body with sugar. I want to take the bus, or have it delivered, or walk. But I'm maybe a 10 minute drive from a 7-11 but I'm not in the city so there's no sidewalks or anything to block snow, along with busses not coming out here. I can't have it delivered because of food stamp rules.
The mistreatment from my roommate is getting too much. My food is being eaten (I am on food stamps, they are not), Everything is consistently dirty (I wish I could say I had part in it), I am expected to take care of animals and do a lot of these household chores, doesn't matter what I'm dealing with during that day. [Edit: the mess has to do with her bathroom sanitation issues, food waste, food trash, normal trash, etc. These are all things I should not have to clean up as they are around 10 years older than me. It was never specified to me when I moved in that I would be getting asked to watch her dogs for free. I also offered at the beginning to clean her house for her regularly, but was told that wasn't necessary. I am deeply grateful that I have been able to live here this long, but this treatment on any human being isn't okay in my opinion.]
I have now applied to every job I am qualified and able to work at in walking distance throughout November. The only place that had promise will not deny my application though they intended to hire me if i changed my hours on the application. Everywhere else has denied me or ghosted me.
I really really try my best to push through every day and see the good parts of it, and to always work toward the betterment of my quality of life. I'm now in a state where I feel like it's out of my control. Even if I did get a minimum wage job right now, it would be spring or summer before I have the money to leave. And she's hoping I'm gone around January.
Now my roommate has attempted at support or helping me, and when I respond with initiative to work on this together I am left on my own. I have made many efforts to communicate. Even yesterday I sat down and was clear and frank about my job searching, and if there is anything I can do or she would like me to do, since it looks like I won't have the money by the end of the month to even put anything on a lease.
I'm not asking for money, I'm not asking you to care or support. I just really don't have a place where I can talk about this and I have more objective eyes reading.
Yes, there is a roof over my head and blankets. But think of how much use you can get from that when you are never wanted from there. I got here in July and it has felt nothing short of humiliating and patronizing I have to depend on others for most things and it makes me feel sick every time because I know how capable I am. [Edit: yes, if I would have gotten a job when it was warmer this would be easier. I am not saying I'm not at fault at all. But due to location, transportation, being uneducated and unmedicated, I feel I understandably made mistakes. But I don't believe that is any reason for anyone to be treated like this.]
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