#(except for a little mention of one in there- that’s exactly who u think it is)
aquaquadrant · 29 days
I’m having thoughts again (the horror). You may have answered this before and I just can’t remember or find it buuuuuut
Is/was there ever a dragon in Hels? If there was could they spawn it in again or is she just dead?
“a dragon?” the player huffs a laugh, giving you an odd look. “you know dragons aren’t real, right? it’s just fantasy shit, like the sun and moon.” they shrug. “anyway, uh, if- if you’re not gonna buy somethin’ then stop wasting my fucking time and get the hell out.”
“ah, i see you’re a fellow intellectual.” the player nods sagely. “data analysis has found plenty of evidence supporting the existence of an ‘end dragon’, through communicator codes such as ID tags for items called ‘dragon’s breath,’ ‘dragon head’, and ‘dragon egg’, not to mention the achievement ‘free the end’, which is supposedly earned after slaying this dragon. so while we can only extrapolate so much from nonfunctional comm commands, i’d say the idea of a dragon existing in other worlds is quite substantiated.”
they pause.
“did hels ever have one? well, that’s the question, isn’t it. while the existence of glitched end chunks throughout hels has been proven on multiple occasions, no one’s ever found an end island with the obsidian pillars required to spawn and sustain a dragon. of course, it’s possible someone found it long ago and destroyed it, or perhaps no one’s found it yet, or perhaps it exists in a different form entirely. if you look at how biomes spawn in hels…”
“what, hels ain’t bad enough for you as it is?” the player wheezes, shaking their head. “kid, if there’s a dragon in hels, you’re better off if you never meet it. we got enough problems without throwin’ a damned dragon into the mix, ya hear?”
“never heard of such a thing. seems like nonsense.” the player hefts their axe onto their shoulder. “now, move along before i kill you.”
“there was a dragon in hels, yeah,” the player says nonchalantly. “this old player took me in when i was a kid, used to tell me stories. i mean, he never saw it. it was more of a ‘i know this guy who knew this guy who knew this guy who knew this guy who heard that someone saw it’ kinda deal… well? do you wanna hear it or not?”
they smirk.
“… that’s what i thought. so yeah, it was this massive red dragon- or uh, maybe it was like orange with red flames on its scales, fucking sick, right- with huge teeth and insane fire breath and… actually, it might’ve been acid? or poison? fuck, whatever, the point is that the thing was nasty, alright, it used to swoop down on the early settlements and mow those motherfuckers down, eating players- or, wait, i think maybe it would just throw them? uh, i dunno how but- wait, where you goin’? hey, this is valuable information, you know! … fine, whatever, asshole.”
“how the hel should i know?” the player demands, folding their arms. “this world’s infinite and old as balls, and we don’t exactly have a consistent method of widespread information distribution. someone could’ve killed it yesterday and i’d have no fucking clue.”
“yeah, there was.” the player nods. “it was before my time, but i heard our admin killed it. whoever the fuck they were… makes no difference to me, but it’s a cool thought, right?”
“hm. been a long time since someone asked me that.” the player leans forward, eyes flickering in the firelight. their gaze is haunted. “are you sure you wanna know?”
they pause.
“… alright, then.”
“now, this was back in the early days of hels, long enough ago that some of the oldest players still remembered havin’ an admin. we didn’t even know ‘bout the end chunks. then one day, there was this sound. every player in the world heard it, no matter where they were. it was louder than any thunderstorm, louder than any explosion- the kinda sound that goes clean through you, splits your ears and rattles your bones.”
“it was a scream, only not like any i’d ever heard before. there was a raw, guttural quality to it- like a wounded animal- yet the power was undeniable. but there was some distortion to it as well; an underpinning of static like the whole thing was bein’ broadcast through a beat-up jukebox. just thinkin’ of it sends chills down my spine.”
“then a peculiar thing popped up in chat. someone had made an achievement, only we couldn’t tell who or what. all the text was scrambled, like those funny words you see on an enchantment table. never met anyone who could read it. but needless to say, this sparked an entire movement bent on discoverin’ what the hell had happened.”
“some of the more adventurous players went explorin’ and found the end chunks. players who knew a thing or two about data analysis started huntin’ through their comms, usin’ the data of an endstone block someone brought back. didn’t take long after that to figure it out.”
“they found there was a dragon that belonged to a separate realm from overworld and nether. the end, they surmised. y’know, where endermen came from. the dragon lived there, sustained by end crystals that were said to float atop obsidian pillars on the end island it called home- its nest, as it were. so, unsurprisingly, it was called the ender dragon.”
“and if you killed it, you opened a portal. where it’d lead was anyone’s guess, but it was a way out of hels.”
“i was young, then. young and hungry. i banded up with some other players and we consulted an expert- the founder of data analysis, actually- to extrapolate the coordinates for the main end island. only he didn’t find just one; he found ten sets of coords, spread out over hundreds of thousands of blocks, nearly a million blocks. he predicted that each obsidian pillar had spawned on a separate end chunk, and that each one would have to be tracked down to kill the dragon. we had to destroy the crystals first, you see. he thought it was a waste of time, a fool’s errand, but we didn’t listen. so we split up, takin’ one set of coords each, and set off.”
“they were all ‘bout the same distance from each other, so no one had an easier go of it. i took one northeast of spawn, seven hundred and twenty-nine thousand blocks out. the journey took years. not sure exactly how many, i stopped keepin’ count sometime after the fifth. the other players on the mission gradually stopped replyin’ to my whispers- i think some of ‘em gave up and turned back. wasn’t sure if i was the only one still goin’, ‘til i eventually saw their death messages in chat, one by one. mobs, lava, fall damage, the usual. some might’ve died on the way; traversin’ hels alone on foot is no cake walk, even without the concern of PVP. never heard from any of ‘em again.”
“but i’d gone so far that givin’ up wasn’t an option. even if no one else had made it to their pillar and destroyed the crystal, even if killin’ the dragon would be impossible, i had to see it through. so i kept goin’. it was a lonesome existence, bein’ that far from spawn; i went months without sayin’ a single word, at times, damn near lost my mind. but it weren’t all bad. i reached the unloaded chunks, saw naturally-spawned passive mobs for the first time in my life. i saw rare biomes i’d never heard of, even came across one of those glitched end ships with an elytra. journey went quicker, after that, but it was still several years before i finally reached the coords.”
“the pillar was exactly what you’d expect. a tall, round obelisk made of solid obsidian, rooted on a floatin’ chunk of an endstone island. there were some endermen millin’ about the place, far more than in any other biome i’d seen- ‘cept maybe the warped jungles- but no sign of the dragon. the crystal was at the very top of the pillar in an iron cage, so i flew on up there, thinking at least i’d do what i came to do.”
“soon as i set foot on the top of the pillar, i heard a strange sound. it was that little zippin’ sound you hear when an enderman teleports- only it was a louder, deeper, slower sound that seemed to shake the world. like i could actually hear the distortion of space and time itself. the air suddenly filled with a haze of purple particles, so thick i could hardly see, move, or breathe.”
“and then she appeared.”
“the dragon was all black, black as the void ‘neath bedrock, with spines down her back and huge, bat-like wings, deadly sharp teeth and claws. she was big enough to swallow me whole and we both knew it. but what really put me off was that she was glitched.”
“it’s the best way i can describe it. her body was flickerin’ around all crazy-like as if i’d gone cross-eyed, so she appeared in multiples at times, countless wings unfurlin’ from the distorted mass. anywhere i looked directly at her would suddenly seem… pixelated, almost, like her form was fracturin’ into pieces, like i couldn’t fully ‘preciate the whole. but i remember her eyes. they were pure white, so bright it hurt to look at ‘em, and as she moved they seemed to blink in and out of existence around her, like they couldn’t quite settle in her skull. like twinklin’ stars against the night sky, beyond the bedrock ceiling.”
“she was beautiful.”
“the dragon perched against the tower, claws grippin’ the obsidian on either side of me, curled her slender neck down ‘til we were face-to-face, and roared. it had that same quality as that sound i’d heard all those years ago, and i knew at once it’d been her death rattle. in my daze, i remember wonderin’ who could’ve possibly managed to kill such a creature? what kinda player would even want to?”
“i’d been well-prepared for the fight. full enchanted gear, potions, gapples. but starin’ up at her, i couldn’t bring myself to use any of it. i just stared at her, caught in a moment that felt like an eternity as she stared back, before i realized her breath was poison.”
“i ended up back at the world spawn. didn’t matter i’d set a respawn anchor nearby the end island- this seemed to overwrite it. lost everythin’, of course, but i didn’t care. my death message in the chat was glitched, too, in that same strange language. now, i didn’t share my experience with the rest of the world; only to those who asked, and only in the hopes of dissuadin’ them from makin’ an attempt of their own.”
“which brings us to the end.” the player finally sits back, studying you with a shrewd gaze. “now, you listen to me. that dragon ain’t somethin’ to be killed, understand?”
you nod.
“good.” the player’s expression changes. “so, i’m afraid you’re not gonna like the next part of the story. but nothin’s free in this world, least of all knowledge.”
the player moves, there’s a flash of metal, and suddenly there’s a sword in your gut. engrossed in the story, you hadn’t even noticed them equip it.
“sorry,” the player tells you with a grin, “but that dragon ain’t the only monster here. send my regards to spawn.”
as darkness consumes you, your last thought is that the white spots dancing across your vision suddenly look like dragon eyes, blinking from the void.
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harunovella · 5 months
*:・゚✧*:・゚✧ love language (verse ii); s.g.
synopsis: when gojo satoru first interacted with you content: teen gojo era, fem!reader, hopeless!romantic gojo, 1k+ words of gojo and reader saving a kitten (a moment straight out of a romcom for sure), not beta read (sorry for any errors!) note: truly didn't think the first part to this anthology series would gain such attention! thank u for that! again, these can be read as a standalone (or connected to this one, but you don't have to read it); enjoy and lmk if u want more!
It was this specific cherry blossom tree Satoru always found you under. The one Kento mentioned the first time he ever asked him about you. If you weren't busy with training or missions, or enjoying life outside the jujutsu world, he found you there. Although there was an array of trees, there was one specific one you seemed to gravitate towards. 
He wasn't sure if it was the specific spot that had good lighting for when you wanted to read or sketch in your little book, or maybe it was the way the roots formed a perfect spot to sit in between... whatever it was, he knew it to be your tree. Even when you weren't around. There was something... welcoming about it. Whenever he walked by with Suguru and Shoko nearby, or whenever he was aimlessly wandering around, he always found himself peeking in its direction, hoping you were sitting underneath it. 
For a confident young man, it took Gojo some time to make his way to you. Claiming to love you when he hadn't even uttered a word in your direction was bold, even going as far as believing you were his soulmate was quite the exaggeration. So why was it hard for him to simply say hello? 
Maybe it was because he wasn't a simple person. Nothing about Gojo Satoru screamed simple. He was anything but that. Yet, a task as easy as that—which came naturally to any other girl around him—was a hassle. Each time he thought he found the courage to step up, he let his racing heart deter him. 
That was until you made the first move. 
It caught him completely off guard, the way you gently tapped his arm from behind, peeking up at him with that sweet smile of yours. His heart did somersaults, his eyes widened behind his round frames, so big that his shades couldn't even hide them. He had been on one of his little walks, new treat in hand that Shoko bribed him with in order to practice her reverse curse technique on him. He was bored, completing his missions and not having much to train on when he already excelled at everything. 
At everything except talking to the girl of his dreams. 
"Hi," you kindly greeted, smile reaching your eyes. Oh, god, you were an angel. A being descended from up above. How could you exist so easily in such a cruel world? He needed to protect you, right? Even if he could see your cursed energy oozing out so brightly. You must've been powerful, something he never considered, always looking at you like you were some little bunny to keep in his pocket... not one who could possibly kick the shit out of him (if he'd let you and he definitely would). "Can you help me out?"
"Pretty..." the words slipped his mouth before he could even process them. Quickly sealing his lips and clearing his throat as you tilted your head, Satoru straightened his back. "What is it?"
Dismissing the sudden word vomit, assuming he was in his own world, you pointed to the left of you. "I sit under those trees, but I keep hearing soft meows coming from one of them. I'm too short to reach... do you think—"
"Yes," the white haired young man instantly nodded as you blinked. Without a second word, he turned on his heel and stalked towards the tree that you claimed your own. 
You, a bit baffled, were unsure as to how exactly he knew which tree you had been pointing at when it was a general direction. Yet, there he was, approaching the tree you were referring to. "It's quite high up, but you're very tall!" You called out before following after him, lightly jogging to catch up before stopping behind him as he eyed the tree. 
In reality, Gojo didn't think any of it through. He just wanted to say yes to be around you, to hear you speak more. Not... to climb up a tree to save a stray kitten. But, whatever made him look better in his eyes, he didn't mind. 
"Be careful!" You exclaimed as you watched him make his way up the tree, no hesitations. You were a bit surprised that someone so easily wanted to help you save a cat. Maybe he liked animals, too?
Or maybe he was a fool madly in love with you—you wouldn't know this yet. 
"Oh, there! You've got 'em!" You clapped as you watched the uniformed young man gently reach for and latch onto the small, white kitten. 
"Ah, don't worry, I'm only here to help you," Gojo said, carefully pulling the kitten towards himself. "I've got you, you're safe now. I just gotta figure out—"
"Watch out!" You shrieked.
"Shit!" Satoru yelped as he lost his balance, clutching the kitten close as he slipped from the branch. Landing with a loud thud, followed by several groans of pain (and pure embarrassment... when did he ever make himself look like a complete fool?!), Gojo rolled around with his eyes closed. 
"Are you alright?!" You panicked, rushing over and kneeling at his side, gently lifting his head with one hand as your other pressed carefully against his shoulder, eyeing his body for any wounds. 
"Agh... dammit..." he grunted, eyes fluttering open and adjusting to the brightness of the sun. Blinking a few times, blurred vision focusing, his heart skipped a beat at the sight of you. Your hair that was usually held back by its ribbon, cascaded around your face as a few strands slipped out from the ponytail. With eyebrows narrowed and a look of worry on his face, Satoru's embarrassment turned into that of timidness. You were engulfed by the sunlight, glowing like the angel you were. "Gosh, you're so pretty..."
"Are you okay?" You asked in a panic, his mumbled words coming off too slurred to understand. "Did you hit your head too hard?"
Shaking his head as he forced himself to sit up, Gojo rolled his shoulders and cracked his neck. "No, 'm fine..." he sighed before looking down at his hands to the kitten. "So is this little guy."
Turning your attention from the white haired young man, to the matching kitten, you gasped, "what a hero!"
Grinning and feeling the heat rise to his cheeks, Gojo shrugged, "eh, ''twas nothing..."
"You almost broke a few bones, though..." you frowned, looking back at him. 
"I'm tough," he brushed off before turning to face you. Now eye to eye, the sudden confidence instantly sizzled away as he gazed at you from up close. A sudden silence weaved between the two of you as your eyes locked, nothing but the sounds of nature and the kittens purring filled the air. "I..."
"You should keep it," Satoru suddenly said, handing you the kitten. "Deserves a nice home."
"Oh, me?" You asked as you took the kitten in your hands, caressing its soft, white fur. 
"Yeah, I wouldn't be a good dad," he chuckled as he rubbed the back of his neck. "You... You'd be a great mom to it, I'm sure."
Eyeing the kitten, then looking back up at him, you smiled, "we can coparent."
At your offer, Gojo gulped. "Co... parent?"
"Yeah, like, help me out with..." lifting the kitten up, you squinted your eyes, "her."
"I... I don't know much about taking care of animals but I can try and help as much as I can," he offered, scratching his head nervously. 
Smiling, you brought the kitten close to your chest, "you saved her from a tree, I'm sure she will remember that."
"Yeah, maybe," Satoru blushed.
Looking down at the kitten as you pet her, listening to her gentle purring, you happily sighed, "what's your name?"
Quickly pointing at himself, the blue eyed boy asked, "mine?"
"Mhm," you nodded. 
"Gojo. Gojo Satoru. You can call me Satoru, though," he nearly blurted out as you chuckled before giving him yours. 
"Well, Satoru," you beamed as he melted at the sound of his name slipping off your tongue, "I think I'll name her after you."
"Wha— Satoru? But... she's a girl?" He tilted his head with furrowed eyebrows. 
"I was thinking of a nickname," you said before looking down at the kitten. "I'll name her Toru. It's cute, right?"
Nodding slowly, then faster, Gojo agreed. "Yeah, Toru is cute."
Lifting your gaze to meet his, you gave him a toothy smile. "Toru it is."
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pascals-doll · 2 months
unwanted smoke sessions
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ellie williams x reader
ೀ this is just a pure nasty thought in my high mind rn like RIGHT NEOW!!! enjoy this mini drabble.
ೀ we seen mean!dealer ellie on 4/20 but what about sub!ellie yall likeee😩🤧
ೀ description: SMUT! sub!ellie, dom!reader, mean!reader, no descriptions of reader except yall is smoking!, mentions of dina!, use of sex toy (vibrator use—ellie rec), poessesive!reader, USE OF BELT BONDAGE (ellie rec), mentions of jealous reader, HELLA OVERSTIMULATION (ellie rec), fingering (ellie rec), slight cum denial (if u squint frfr) 💝
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you had walked in ellie and dina having a smoke sesh together. they passed the blunt that was shared in between the both of them, sitting closely as their shoulders brushed each other’s.
you observed them for a good miniute before walking through, dina scooting away slightly which just made your blood boil more.
they were passing a dutchie, might aswell been fuckin’ french kissing while at it.
“you love this, don’t you? pretty girl.” you praised as you puffed on your joint lazily. one of your hands held the joint you puffed on as the other held a slim bullet vibrator up to Ellie’s overstimulated clit.
you were working ellie to her third orgasm of the day, legs sprawled open and wide across as her hands were pulled together by your own pretty shiny belt as they thrashed against her chest; squirming around as she cries out your name.
“jesus fuck��please!” ellie begged.
ellie wasn’t much of a moaner, more of a whimper and silent-like sounds falling from her lips, but tonight. tonight was different.
you wanted her to be loud, you were making sure of it.
“you also loved your little sesh with dina, huh baby?” you were coy and your face gleamed dangerously. you click the vibrator once, setting it higher. you listen to the way the vibration level increases through the loud buzzes coming from the beautiful pleasureable machinery.
you cocked your head to the side as you brought your joint to take another drag, your face completely deadpan as you press the tip of the slim bullet into her clit more then angling it.
you smoked your joint without a care, as if you didn’t have your girlfriend squirming and screaming right under you.
“no! fuck—please no, it was nothing! i swear.” she cried out, her hips bucking into the machinery helplessly. your brows furrowed, exhaling.
“oh… no? then why were you so close, my love? all gigglin’—smilin’ and shit. you think she cute?” you turn the vibrator slightly, circling it around her own cum coated clit aswell.
ellies chest heaved as she practically tore out cries from her throat because of the overwhelming sensation of pressuring high vibrations on her soak and vulnerable arousal. “god no! no! y’know this—pu-please!” ellie was crumbling, exactly how you wanted.
“know what? only thing i know is who’s pussy this belong too—you remember, don’t’ya?” you gritted through your teeth.
you leaned down to kiss away the tears that dare to fall from the corners of ellie’s eyes, bringing up your hand to caress her hot pink cheeks as you looked into her flushed and fucked out eyes.
“no! fuck no!—only you, always you.” ellies cry of denial fizzes into a sob. you began to pepper kisses all over her; her tear-stained cheeks, lips, jaw, neck, and down below. easying her.
“this sweet wet pussy—who does it belong too, hm?” your smile was so sweet and mean against the rhythm of her broken and sloppy kisses had her brain short circuiting. your eyes never left hers as you continued to smoke your joint down to a roach.
“you baby, i swear—pussy s’all yourss.” her fucked out state couldn’t stop her from slurring out. you watch the way her wrists squirmed together and shook while enclosed within your belt as her perky titties mushes together. you just gave her another teasing smile.
you took your ring and middle finger, lathering it in her leaking creamy juices as you fingers massaged her sensitive, erupting the most shallow moans from the auburn beauty. the way her cunt glistened while covered in her own cum had you salivating, observing the way her cunt basically sobbed for something while spasming around nothing.
your joint was nothing but a conetip, completely disregarding it as you flicked it with your finger before replacing hands, now using your dominant hand to hold the vibrator.
“couldn’t quite hear’ya, pretty girl.” you plunge your two fingers into her desperate hole, fucking your fingers in and out as you kept the slim bullet vibrator on her clit. the sensation of the high vibrations sending her body through carnal shockwaves as her belted wrists reach out to try to hold onto you.
“you, you, only you—fuck!”
“say you won’t smoke with her ever again—or you won’t come.”
“i-i won’t smoke—fuck me! i wont smoke with ha-her ever again.” the tiltalting wave of overwhelming pleasure as her body thrilled itself towards her fourth orgasm.
“say her name.”
“please! mm’soo close!” she begged, legs intensely twining together tightly closing around the bullet vibrations, clutching the vibrator onto her pussy for her dear life.
“say her fucking name!” you couldn’t help but yell as you felt jealousy swallowing your insides.
“gah! fuck me!—i wont ever smoke with dina again, i promise—m’yours! im cumming, fuck m’cumming!” ellie finally rides through her orgasm. you turned off the vibrator as soon you felt her cunt clenching sex mush around your soaked fingers.
you let out a happy hum as you brought your fingers to suck off clean, savoring the fruity salty she tasted like. you then were quick to unbuckle the belt from around her wrists, massaging them as you brought them to wrap around your neck as you pulled her into you.
“no more unwanted smoke sessions.”
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a/n: i love when my weed makes me cook sum up 4 all yall beautiful people !! hoping this will make yall happy till ts weekend, uploading chap. 4 of GATÚBELA ! love you all and thank u for the patience :3
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haetrack · 1 month
*runs into room*
corrupting sweet, innocent, virgin!haech into letting u be his dom mommy 🗣️
*runs out of room*
- ☀️
warnings: fem!reader, virgin!haechan, corruption kink, wet dream mentions, slight mommy kink, guided masturbation, wait just a handjob
a/n: haetrack returns. who’s ready.
when haechan wakes up, he’s a little confused as to why he’s so hot and sweaty. it’s not until he shifts his hips and realizes that he came in his shorts.
the dream that he just woke up from flashes through his mind. there you were on top of him, whispering into his ear. that’s all you were doing, so why is he like this?
it’s not like he hasn’t had these types of dreams with you before. dreams where your lips make close contact with his own, dreams where you touch him a little more intimately. he’s only ever woken up hard though, forcibly willing away his boner for his own sake.
but here he is, cringing at the patch of cum on the front of his boxers. it’s not like you were doing anything to him, all you were doing was sitting in his lap, pretty eyes staring down at him.
he can’t deny the little crush that he has on you. you were one of the first friends he’s made at college. you’ve stayed friends throughout all the years, and you’re still the only girl that he’s friends with. he can’t help but think that you’re cute.
this shouldn’t be a problem. he can just go clean up, take a shower, reflect on his actions, and move on with his day. except he can’t- he’s supposed to meet up with you today.
he’s mad at the world and how it decides to curse him on the worse day possible. now he has to look you in the eye and pretend that he’s been having dreams about you touching him. he doesn’t even jerk off that much, he doesn’t deserve this.
which is probably why he’s having these dreams in the first place. totally not because he might be in love with you and he wishes that one day you could touch and teach him how to have sex. not that at all.
when he heads over to your place later that day, he has to keep himself together as he knocks on your door. he looks at his feet when you open it, trying to avoid all contact with you. you’re quick to notice it though, laughing when you catch him blushing.
he brushes you off, walking into your apartment like he lives there. you pull him into your bedroom as he watches you plop into bed. it shouldn’t feel so different, but he can’t stop thinking about his dream with you.
he awkwardly shuffles to your bed, stiffly sitting next to you. you give him a questioning look, and he tries to get more comfortable. his thigh brushes against yours causing him to flinch away from you, almost as if you’ve burned him.
you raise your eyebrows at him, “are you alright? you’re acting a little weird.”
he scratches the back of his neck, “i’m fine… i just had a hard time this morning.”
you put your phone down, now intrigued, “what happened? bad dream?”
“well, not exactly… you came out in it…”
you shift your body to fully face him, now fully invested, “now you have to tell me what it was about. literally every single detail.”
haechan realizes then and there that he just made a problem for himself. you could barely count his dream as a sex dream, but telling you that would probably be the most embarrassing thing that could happen to him.
especially because you know he’s a virgin. as far as you know, he’s never dated, hasn’t had sex, and probably hasn’t kissed anyone. he keeps to himself, which is probably why he’s like this now.
when he doesn’t respond, you chuckle a bit, “was it that bad of a dream because i came out in it?”
“n-no!” of course he’s being sweet, “it’s just- you were- we…” his words quickly die in his throat, really not wanting to describe to you his dream.
your hand shoots to his thigh, and he begs every god in the world to make sure he doesn’t get hard. he stares at your hand, watches how your thumb smooths over the exposed skin from how his shorts have ridden up.
you realize that he’s gotten quiet, his chest is heaving with every breath. it really doesn’t take you long to piece together what’s happening to him. his suddenly shy demeanor, a dream with you and him in it, and how he’s reacting to just your hand touching him.
he probably dreamt about you two fucking.
it does shock you a little. is there any way your sweet, innocent friend could dream up something like that? his body is probably begging for him to get his dick wet, so it probably isn’t that crazy to think of. you might just have to help him.
you sit in front of him, your hand still messing with his thigh. he’s not looking at you, choosing to stare at his lap. you look as well, noticing the bulge beginning to tent his shorts. you start, “are you sure you don’t wanna talk about your dream?”
he doesn’t hear your words at first, quickly trying to put them together when you clear your throat. “i- um, we were like this together. that’s really it, so i don’t…”
“are you sure that’s it? because i can see you getting hard in your shorts, you know.”
his hands immediately shoot to cover up his bulge, “i-i didn’t mean to-”
you cut him off, “will you let me see?”
he lets out a gasp, “you wanna see my…”
your hands move to the tops of his, and you can feel how they twitch under yours, “i wanna see your dick, haechan? can i see it, please?”
he knows there’s an embarrassing blush on his face, but he can’t help but remove his hands from his bulge. you smile when you see the front of his shorts stretched out, his dick straining against them.
he whines when he notices you staring too long, too quiet. you glance at his face when your hand moves to trail under his shirt, feeling at the soft skin of his stomach, enjoying how his skin jumps at the feeling. “do you want me to help you?”
“i-i’ve never been touched by… anyone else before.”
you smile, “have you touched yourself?”
“i’ve tried jerking off but it just didn’t feel right-” his breath hitches when your hand goes lower, “i couldn’t get myself to… finish.”
you think about his words for a second. sitting back, a smile quickly forming on your face as you say, “i wanna see it. wanna see you touch yourself.”
his face shoots up towards yours, “i can’t do that! i-i don’t even know how!”
you move to sit on your knees, “i’ll help you!”
haechan watches as you place your hands comfortably on his thighs as if this is something you always do. he can’t say he doesn’t like it, your warm touch causing his cock to twitch in his shorts. you smile at the sight, thumbs tracing circles on his inner thighs.
haechan shivers at the feeling, clearing his throat, “should i, um, take off my shorts?”
you nod, biting your lip as you watch him peel them off. there’s an embarrassing patch of precum, his hands moving to quickly cover himself up.
you try to move his hands away, one of your hands lightly grazing his bulge, causing haechan to let out a quiet whimper. a laugh leaves you at the sound, haechan balling his hands into fist at his sides, clearly embarrassed.
he tries moving on, “can’t you just get on with it already?”
you chuckle, “if you wanna feel good, you have to tease yourself a little,” your hands move further up, dangerously close to his bulge, “can i touch you?”
he’s quick to nod, pulling down his boxers. his cock slaps against his stomach, his tip leaking, practically begging to be touched. when you look at his face, he’s red, lip caught between his teeth as he gives you a shy look.
your hand hovers over his length, smiling at how it twitches at the thought of you being so close. your fingers ghost over the base, watching how his hips buck up at the feeling, way too sensitive after all these years.
your thumb teases his tip, a bead of precum spills out. you can hear how haechan’s breath hitches, trying to stop any more noises from coming out. you pull yourself away from him, “now i wanna see you try!”
he lets out an exasperated noise, “you barely even touched me!”
you shrug, “i said i was gonna teach you, you have to do the hard part.”
he huffs, hand shakily wrapping around his length. you watch as he shifts around, trying to get comfortable, taking way too long to get to it. you motion for him to give you his hand, his eyes widening as you spit onto his palm.
you let him wrap his hand around his length again, but this time, your hand holds the back of his. you move his hand up, tightening around his tip as he bucks into his fist. while you try to take it slow, he’s quick to the get the idea, trying to set his own pace.
you remove your hand from his, rolling your eyes at how he whines at the loss of contact. you sit back, watching his shaky and clumsy movements as he tries to get himself off.
“how does it feel?”
“g-good, i just- shit, can’t you help me?”
you hum, pretending to think about it as your hand trails under his shirt. your nails drag against the soft skin of his stomach, enjoying how his muscles jump at the feeling. you whisper into his ear, “didn’t think you could be such a pervert, dreaming about fucking your friend, right?”
he’s quick to deny your words, hand still moving quickly over his leaking cock, “n-no! i just- i couldn’t help it! feels so good, want you to- need you to do something!”
you sit on one of his thighs, moving to press kisses along his neck. it’s suddenly almost too overwhelming for him having you this close. your lips on his neck, tongue licking against his skin. worst of all, he can feel how warm you are between your thighs. he swears he can feel you clench on top of his thigh.
the thought suddenly hits him that you’re enjoying this too. he lets out a loud whimper, his thighs beginning to shake as he gets closer to the edge. you suck one hickey on his neck before moving back, admiring how pretty he looks right now, all desperate and fucked out from a few touches.
sounds of his moans and whimpers fill the room, almost muffling the squelch of his fist around his cock. your fingers trace the skin of his thighs, only making his thighs shake more. his head tilts back, a moan slipping out, “i’m so close to cumming, mommy, please-”
you try not to let your shock show on your face at his words, trying to fit into the role, “yeah? just need mommy to take care of you?”
too fucked out to care, haechan quickly nods, hooded eyes watching as you lower yourself down, “please, think i’m c-close, just need you!”
you swat his hand away from his length, ignoring the complaints as you wrap your hand around his cock. his whines bleed into moans as you tighten your fist around his base, your mouth moving to hover over his tip.
and when you lean over, your tongue darting out to lick at his tip, he cums all over your face with a high pitched whimper. you try to get as much as you can in your mouth, swallowing it all down.
when he comes down from his high, he’s met with the visual of you smiling so sweetly, all of his cum over your face. it’s almost enough to get him hard again, his face heating up once more.
you laugh, licking up at the cum on your lips, “how was it?”
he groans at the sight, “you’re so- does it always feel this good?”
“it’s because it was me making you feel good.” you move up to press a kiss to his lips, enjoying the whine he lets out from how messy it all feels. you mumble against him, “also, you said mommy. really? mommy? out of everything?”
he pulls away to let out an embarrassed groan, arms moving to cover his face, “i just-” he tries to find words, “i never said i didn’t know anything about sex, maybe it just popped up in my mind!”
you shake your head, “you definitely learned that from porn.” he splutters, and before he can vehemently deny your words, “i never said i didn’t like it.”
his hands find purchase on yours, his usual confidence seemingly coming back to him. “that’s good, because i think you might need to teach me some more, right?”
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shurisneakers · 4 months
unsolved (ii)
Summary: Bucky doesn't even believe in the paranormal. So who the hell thought it was a good idea to stick him in a series about everything haunted for the internet's amusement? With his loose-canon of a teammate who has no concept of subtlety or shits left to give, to make things even worse. (Buzzfeed unsolved AU)
Warnings: swearing, frustrated bucky at his little shit supreme, obnoxious reader, mentions of hauntings and the things that come with (body harm, priests, etc). images all have alt texts.
A/N: if you're familiar with the format of BuzzFeed unsolved videos, the pictures in this chapter make more sense. anyway we're starting small to warm up but i assure u there's like actual paranormal shit from next chapter onward <3 thank u for the chaotic response to chapter 1 ily guys sm ! as usual, please send me things you'd like to see in the series! it always make me so happy
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Previous part || Series masterlist
Bucky loves the compound. The sentiment carries a lot, considering he’s made it a non-negotiable part of his personal brand to hate everything. 
The lush landscape is quiet, spacious enough that he isn’t forced to run into anyone he’s actively avoiding, and has state-of-the art security that lets him sleep soundly, assured that no one will be able to get to his floor in an assassination attempt. 
All of his deep love and fond admiration disappears when it’s the crackass of dawn and his oakwood door receives the beat down of a lifetime. 
He snaps awake instantly, unsure of whether there was someone actually trying to kick the shit out of his door or it was just another nightmare that often blurred lines with reality. 
But after the third deafeningly loud knock confirms it, he scrambles for a pair of pants just so that he isn’t caught entirely vulnerable. 
The thrashing doesn’t cease, and by the time he makes his way to the door and yanks it open– 
There’s no one on the other side. 
Except a coffee cup on the ground and a note scribbled haphazardly on the side.
Shoot day. See you at the studio!
He stares wordlessly at the cup, unable to differentiate whether the feeling coursing through the very fibres of his being currently is pure blinding rage, or confusion that you apparently knew his coffee order. 
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The studio is fucking empty. If Bucky wasn’t still reeling from the effects of being startled awake by a fake intrusion at 5am, he’d have been over the damn moon.
He does his part as a man of honour and righteousness– calls out a very quiet ‘Hello?’ and then doesn’t bother feeling guilt when his heart explodes in joy at the lack of response.  
He spins on his heel to march out, only to come to an abrupt stop when he almost runs into you. He didn’t even fucking hear you come in. 
“Oh, hey.” You look at him, hand on a bagel. “You actually showed.”
Bucky’s smile falters, and he returns to his default Grinchian state. 
“You made sure I fuckin’ did,” he grumbles. “How’d you get on my floor?”
“I have my ways.”
Bucky’s glare presses hard into you almost like a palpable entity. 
“I did a gig as an escape artist for a while. Paid super well,” you dismiss. 
He doesn’t blink once, trying to decipher whether you’re telling him the truth or not. 
You offer him a bite from your bagel in return, seemingly having moved on from the conversation already. 
“Where’s everyone else?” he asks, turning away from you.   
“Maya didn’t actually think you’d show up on time so she told everyone to come an hour later.” You speak through a mostly full mouth. “I figured you could use the company.” 
Bucky immediately feels defensive, as if that wasn’t exactly what he tried to do. 
He grumbled all through the morning when he saw fifteen text reminders sent to him through the night telling him he had to shoot a video that day. He grumbled when he couldn’t use traffic as an excuse to not show up because the studio is two streets away from the compound. He grumbled when the toaster actually works for once. Everything is right in the world. This was, of course, devastating to him. 
He finally shuts up when Sam gives him a piece of gum. Then he just glowers, but his jaw is otherwise occupied. 
“She set you on me this morning?” Bucky questions, tone on the verge of being ticked. 
You shake your head, swallowing before taking another bite. “No, that was social service.”
Bucky’s eye twitches. 
“I’ll come back in an hour,” he mumbles, arms crossed over his chest. 
You give him a look that lets him know you’re entirely unconvinced. “Will you?”
Well. No.
“I’m gonna look around the studio. You’re welcome to join,” you say instead, looking past him. “We’ll need to know where we’re working for the next few months.”
Few months? No no– few hours at max, if this were to go exactly his way. 
“Video’s not gonna do numbers,” he reminds you in a dull utterance.
“With an enthusiasm like that, it’s hard to see why you’re not universally beloved, Barnes,” you comment seriously, before clapping his shoulder. “Come on. You ever look at yourself in a mirror? You’re gonna be a star, baby.”
Bucky, in his current chosen avatar, looks less 'man of the world' and more 'reject of the jungle’. 
But the sentiment is appreciated.
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The studio is moderately big. 
You find joy in messing around with set pieces of the other Avengers video series that were being shot there. Bucky finds joy in locating every possible escape route within a three foot vicinity. 
He’s admittedly surprised by learning how much actually goes into making a simple video. He just figured they’d stick a camera in his face and teleprompt him and get it over it. 
You chat animatedly about the use of gimbals and different camera gear, lighting setups and sound quality.
“You into this stuff?” He raises an eyebrow.
“No, I just did a stunt as a wedding videographer once,” you wave off, “It was great. You could always tell which couples were gonna get divorced within a year.”
Something unrecognisable flashes in his eyes. 
“Escape artist and wedding videographer,” he repeats.
You stop talking to look at him.
“Yes,” you say simply and go on to provide no further explanation. 
If the morning’s antics weren’t enough, now he’s convinced you’re fucking with him.
“Anyway, they’ll probably stick us in makeup before we go on camera because it–”  
“Well– yeah. For the video.” Your eyes dart toward him, sizing him up in a quick glance. “If you look any paler, you’d basically be translucent.”
Bucky can’t even debate it. His skin looks like it hasn't felt the gentle touch of a sunray in millennia.  
“Just say it’s part of the theme.”
You snort. “The first ghost I hunt cannot be one who sits beside me.” 
So Bucky gets his makeup done. 
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By the time the studio fills in, he’s already drunk two cups of the shitty breakroom coffee and found fifteen innocuous things to fashion into weaponry if things were to go awry.
The large bright lights force him to keep wiping beads of sweat away from his forehead. Everything exists in a contrarian state of frenzy, and coordinated down to the second as if it were a damn rocket launch. He’s already had three staff members dart about him cross checking if he’s hydrated and if he’s signed the right forms. 
“Oh, you actually showed,” he hears for the second time from Maya, who doesn’t even make an attempt to hide the earnest surprise from her voice.
Bucky wants to scream.
“The team’s picked a really simple case since it’s the first video. You just need to read it out,” she explains breezily, switching from you to him, “and you need to react.” 
You flash her a thumbs up. Bucky doesn’t move an inch. He’s convinced it’ll trigger another round of people meddling with his hair until it looks ‘sufficiently casual but not artificial’. 
 Maya hurriedly leaves after wishing you good luck, probably to fix the walking PR disaster that was Clint, who unceremoniously went live on his Instagram the night before after consuming something he procured from some guy in an alleyway, who described it as ‘carbonated milk’. Bucky watched it for a few seconds and immediately shut down the app when Clint offered to take one article of clothing off for every million people that tuned in.
“I asked for there to be as few people in the room as possible,” you whisper to him. 
“Still a lot,” he replies under his breath, watching them buzz around him, still brushing up his face and dabbing at his hairline with a napkin. 
Someone hands you a folder full of papers. “We lose any more and we’re filming this video ourselves.” 
“All ready!” The camera guy, Shane, announces. 
“Copy that,” you call back, before leaning forward in your chair, grinning. “Chill. I’m gonna do the talking. All you gotta do is say a few words and look pretty.” 
That sounds…doable. 
“Make it fast,” Bucky mutters, crossing his arms over his chest.
Whether he was talking about the video or his death is still up for debate. 
“Recording in three…two…one–”
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The whole studio waits with bated breath, but Bucky stares right ahead. 
“When I said a ‘few words’, I did mean one or two, possibly more,” you talk through your smile.  
Bucky continues looking into the camera like it stole his ancestral property.
You exhale, soldiering on, lips still upturned. 
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You look at Bucky, hopeful that he will at least answer a question. He doesn’t offer the same kindness, and now you understand why Maya reached out to you for this. 
So you do what needs to be done, as a person with a responsibility to all these fine and tired souls gathered here on a weekend.
You kick him under the table. 
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The crew waits for Bucky to say more. He very pointedly doesn’t. 
At least one sound has been procured from him, which is more than what they can say for some other videos.
You continue, “Our story takes place in 1954, in the quaint, rural town of Ravenswood. Irene–”
Bucky scoffs. “You made that up.”
Would now be a good time for him to bring up your previous job experiences you  had dropped so casually or was this enough to let you know he was onto you? 
Your eyebrows pull together, scanning over the sentence. “I haven't even said anything yet.”
“A horror story. Taking place in Raven’s Woods,” Bucky emphasises. “Really.”
“First of all, it’s Ravenswood, not Raven’s Woods,” you shoot back. “And it exists.”
“Where?” He raises an eyebrow. 
“I don’t know– fuckin’ West Virginia?” You shuffle through the papers. “Does it matter? You wanna move there?”
Bucky doesn’t add anything further. 
You observe him for a moment before deciding to continue. 
“In the quiet town of Ravenswood,” you side eye him but he doesn’t look affected. “Irene Wendelin, a 35-year-old woman moved into a house on the outskirts to save up money. She lived alone, had no immediate relatives and worked as a secretary at the local press.”
Bucky continues chewing his gum. You’re not even sure he’s listening, but everyone got paid by the hour regardless of whether he did, so who gives a shit. 
“Within a few weeks of moving in, strange incidents started to take place. Irene’s friend Thelma, who also worked as a secretary at the press, recalled how Irene developed a persistent cough, was constantly fatigued, and had issues sleeping due to her skin itching. Thelma suggested solutions from ointments to medication, but not one remedy that she provided seemed to work. As time went by, Irene’s symptoms escalated into severe respiratory problems, leaving her breathless just from climbing up a flight of stairs. She even reportedly started having hallucinations of people crawling around in her house in the dark, but she was never able to catch them in their entirety.”
“How long did this take?” Bucky questions out of the blue, arms still crossed over his chest. 
“I think within a couple of weeks of moving in.” You try not to look too surprised. “Further, Thelma recalls Irene saying she heard strange sounds at night which kept her up. The only time the woman felt normal was when she left her house to stay with her cousins for a month.”
Bucky’s head snaps to you, eyes narrowing.  
“What?” you challenge.
“Nothin’,” he says instead. “Go on.”
You cast a look at the crew, who look just as confused as you, but you continue regardless. 
“Things escalated when one day, Irene showed up to work in complete disarray. Thelma says that upon a closer look, Irene had bite marks over her hands and legs. Thelma, a devout Christian, insisted on getting the place checked out by the church since all else had failed. Father Gabriel, a local priest, agreed to visit the house, but upon setting foot inside, claimed it was haunted by ‘forces of evil whose reality existed beyond mortal comprehension’. This was the last straw for Thelma, who had Irene move into her house until she found a new place to stay. Within a few weeks, Irene was back to normal, and the house is still considered one of the most haunted places in the country to this place, with no one allowed to enter.” 
Bucky looks at his arms, jaw tightening. 
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Your eyebrow twitches.
You could see Maya shaking her head from across the room, entirely fucking defeated. 
You wait a few seconds but receive no response. Bucky’s gaze doesn’t shift from the table top. 
You start gathering the folder with the story in it, getting ready to read out your conclusion. 
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You stare at him, but he doesn’t look up at you.
Collectively, every spine in the room straightens. 
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“Asbestos?” you echo.
“Or mold. Could be either.” Bucky shrugs, chewing on the same stupid piece of gum that had lost its flavour hours ago. 
You look at him in bewilderment, partly because you weren’t expecting him to say anything at all, much less this. 
“Had an aunt once who thought she was possessed. Turns out her walls were full of mold.” 
You stare at him. “You’re lying.”
He finally turns to you, no traces of humour on his face. “She got remarried and moved out. Good as new.” 
“That doesn’t mean it’s asbestos.”
“Had the same symptoms an’ everything. Itchy skin, breathing problems, fatigue.” 
“Stress. Being poisoned twenty-four hours a day’ll do a number on anyone.”
“And the bite marks?” 
“You never had an itch so bad you just bit it?”
“On her legs?” you ask incredulously. “She bit her legs? Is that what you’re saying?”
Bucky shrugs. 
You look like you’re going to lose your mind. 
You clear your throat. “What about the priest?
Bucky snorts. “What ‘bout him?” 
“'Forces of evil whose reality existed beyond mortal comprehension’?” 
“Maybe it was her,” he fires back. “Maybe that's just how she was, how would you know?”
“You’re saying the forces of evil are just… her bad vibes?” you say it slowly, as if that would make it better. 
“Maybe.” Bucky’s shoulders rise and drop again. “My aunt was a real stick in the mud too. I coulda called her a force’a evil when she didn’t let me fire a bottle rocket into the tree.” 
You narrow your eyes at him. Bucky looks back innocently.
“You’re bullshitting.”
“About my aunt?” he scoffs. “I would never. Rest her soul. Made some damn good cranberry pie.”
You roll your eyes. “It’s not asbestos.”
“Then why was she fine every time she moved out?”
“Because the house was haunted.”
“By mold.”
Maya clears her throat, pointing to her watch. 
You look back at her and clear your throat as well, shuffling around your papers. 
“Right. So that’s it for this episode.”
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The camera guy yells “Cut!’ and you turn to look at Bucky.
But he’s already gone. 
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The video goes up that weekend. 
It takes a considerable amount of time to edit, considering they had to bleep out  the steady stream of expletives that you didn’t even know Bucky was muttering under his breath, but got picked up by the mic anyway.
To Barnes (Work):
are you ready for your influencer era
He leaves you on seen. You think you’ll send him more memes of his stupid face.
To Barnes (Work):
Five hours since the video has gone up, and your phone starts buzzing more than usual. Nat’s already sent you a clearly AI generated article titled ‘Everything We Know About the Latest Avenger’, full of incorrect information and straight up lies. 
The first reviews are promising. Sort of. The newest generation of kids on Twitter are saying shit and using terms that are beyond you, but it looks good. You think.
And then somewhere close to midnight, your phone chimes with a text from a number you hadn’t yet saved. 
From unknown
Hey. Steve Rogers here. Great job on the video.
Your eyebrows shoot up, discarding your refreshing of the Subreddit that has popped up in your name. 
From unknown
Just letting you know though– he was lying.
From unknown
He doesn’t have an aunt. 
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babiebom · 29 days
Would they be a Girl Dad/Mom or Boy Dad/Mom
A/N: just know that this isn’t the weird incest-y thing that people have going on (the boy moms saying that no girl would ever compare to them when talking about their sons dating stuff) this is just what vibes they give off!! The is completely ignoring the how many kids they would have thing!!
Tw:cursing? Mentions of a afab partner in bachelors and amab partner in bachelorettes. Some angsty stuff but nothing too bad except for the authors note which mentions incest.
Wc:at least 5 for each!
Stardew Valley Masterlist
Girl dad
He just gives off girl dad energy
Like a daughter would soothe his soul if that makes sense.
Especially because I feel like he would have a daughter that’s exactly like her mother.
He would become softer, and would probably be carrying her everywhere.
Would be the parent that shows up to the school like “WHO TF HAS A PROBLEM WITH MY DAUGHTER?”
Absolutely doesn’t allow her on his motorcycle at all.
Maybe when she’s a little older he’ll get mods to a new motorcycle so she could ride with him but as a baby absolutely not.
She is a daddy’s girl through and through and it makes him happy because he never had a relationship like this with his biological dad nor with Demetrius.
Girl dad
You will see him teaching his daughter how to skate EVERY DAY
Like dude is a skater boy that’s also a musician.
He definitely has a daughter with her skirt on and some knee pads a helmet and some flannel or something.
And he’s like “okay try again! You’ll get that kick flip eventually.”
And you’re just like “SHES GONNA GET H U R T!!!!”
And he’s like “yeah but she’ll be fine :)”
It’s VERY stressful because he’s a little rough with playing sometimes because he gets too excited but it’s good to have a partner that will push your child like that.
He’s a very good fun dad
Vincent enjoys being an uncle.
Girl dad
Have you seen how he is with Jas?
Dude is a girl dad all the way!
Would teach his daughter how to take care of the chickens, and would try to teach them proper ways of dealing with their emotions because he doesn’t want her to end up like him.
I could imagine he’s one of those dads where his daughter posts something on a social media platform and gets the “this is no father behavior” or whatever people be saying
And she just makes another video with him standing there and is like ??????? I’m actually close to my dad thanks <3
Like his daughter would be strong but a good person because he would work hard to make sure she’s a person he wishes he could be. But not in a toxic way
More in a you could be and are better than me.
Definitely a boy dad
I think he gives off the vibes of a dad you see at the park
And you can immediately tell that his child is a boy and when anyone asks him he points to a little boy that looks exactly like him.
They have football days
And it just very much him fixing what he didn’t have with his dad, and giving his son as much love and care as he can.
It’s as if he is getting a do over, but in the form of having a child instead of him going back to being a child.
I can see him and his son in the kitchen with a mess everywhere trying to make you breakfast
He takes him to sports games and goes to all of his kids events at school.
They’re both EXTREMELY loud when doing anything together. It’s just shouts of excitement and joy.
Boy dad
I don’t know he gives off that he specifically has a 3 year old son that clings to both of you on any given day.
Like a son with big eyes that can melt anyone’s heart and his hair is always neat.
Son may be a bit of a crybaby ngl but in a cute way. Because both of you allow him to express his feelings in any way he wants to as long as it’s healthy.
Like y’all’s son would be an incredibly sweet boy and so loving and caring towards other people and things.
Harvey has a picture of you and your son as his lock screen on his phone and the clinic computer. And he has a little picture (more like a million) of you three in his wallet.
Girl dad
She takes mom’s looks but has his hair.
And also his bone structure.
Gives off Nepo baby vibes and has a big vocabulary bc Elliott would speak to her as if she’s an adult since the day she’s born.
Like yeah he still speaks softly and everything
But he uses adult words bc his kid is going to be smart.
Would be so sweet and would absolutely call her his princess.
Elliott is for sure in charge of bedtime stories and has probably already or has made plans to release a children’s book just for her
She gives him inspiration and a new meaning to his life.
Boy mom
She just seems like the type of woman to have a son
I imagine him literally either as a newborn with her never putting him down or like a 4 year old playing at the park.
I think he would be similar to her in personality but more like dad in looks.
He’s attached to her and they spend hours reading together because they’re both very into stories.
I think out of all the kids he would be the sweetest.
He’s very soft spoken like she is and she loves that he is (don’t get me wrong if he was loud she would still love him just as much) but she’s seeing all of the traits that she was more insecure about in him and figuring out that maybe it’s nothing to be ashamed of because those traits are lovely in him.
Boy mom
Like I mentioned in the other post I think she would have one child
And I think this little boy would be so creative it’s crazy
But is also super hyper so all of his art is chaotic but very cool
She probably started doing art with him the second he was born.
She makes a bunch of finger,hand,toe, and footprint art because he’s going to grow quickly and she wants to have something that she can look back on when he’s grown.
He’s encouraged to be messy and I think because of it he learns to clean up his mess quickly
They’re a very smilely duo and she makes sure to encourage him in whatever he wants to do no matter how absurd because no one encouraged her to follow her art dreams and she never wants him to feel like that
But also teaches the importance of accepting failure and continuing to try to achieve his goals.
Boy mom
Very strange like her but in a good way like her
She lets him express himself in all kinds of ways so he’s very…idk how to explain it
Sometimes off putting to people?
Sort of autism coded ngl
Like has no ability to read the room and very much says what’s on his mind no matter what’s happening
But it’s kinda impossible to get mad at him because he does it in a very nice way?
Probably has his hair dyed some random color that he wanted and everyone gets mad at Emily for it because “HeS a KiD hE cAnT dO tHaT!!!!!!!1!!!”
They’re also super close. But I don’t honestly think any of these bachelor/ettes would have kids just to hate them.
But they have the kind of bond that people usually have with their friends like where you can halfway read their mind and you don’t really have to say full sentences or anything they just get it.
Girl mom
OOOOOOOOF her daughter is the spitting image of her
Like her daughter knows EXACTLY what she’s going to look like.
Would probably dress her daughter up in expensive clothes and stuff and they’ll have mommy daughter dates where they get their nails done and go to a hair salon and go shopping and have their little drinks.
Her daughter would probably have a popular girl name because Haley would wanna set her up for success.
BUT unlike what people might think I think that Haley would be very…relaxed with her daughter if that makes sense
No almond mom shit
No making her feel bad
No being distant and distracted
Haley sometimes feels abandoned by her parents and I have a headcanon where even though she loves them and they love her they kinda made her feel shitty about certain things
Like her and her mother would get into arguments and her mother would say “I hope you have a daughter just like you so you can see how hard it is to deal with you!”
And after Haley has her daughter she sees that it isn’t really hard to love herself at all. Her daughter is just like her and it’s the easiest thing in the world to love her.
Girl mom
I think Abigail would struggle with this at first because y’know I think out of all the bachelorettes she her up with the stereotypical roles in her household and even when she tried to go against it her parents wouldn’t let her
So when she has a girl she panics because what is she supposed to do? And she worries that she’ll be like her parents even though she does love and cherish them.
But as her daughter grows older she’ll relax more especially if her daughter is into video games and adventuring.
I think she would probably take her kid on hikes and stuff. Like she doesn’t really care for exercise but it’s kinda like adventuring going hiking.
So her daughter would grow up with a love for adventure and the outdoors but also with the knowledge that she could be into whatever and her mother will not judge and will always love her
Boy mom
I don’t know why but I can see her with a Spencer Reid son if that makes sense
A super nerd that’s super cute and lovable and also info dumps and inappropriate times
I think he would be space nerd instead of robot nerd and also maybe a bit of a bug/dinosaur nerd
And she’s like !!!!!! That’s so cool!!!!!!
They just talk for hours and hours infodumping at each other and everyone is like ??? What kind of conversation is that you’re both just taking turns talking for an hour straight???
BUT a difference is that she understands Demetrius’ position but also kinda is annoyed at him for his behavior
Like she would NEVER dream of holding her child back socially because she thinks his academic progress is more important
It kinda made her shit at socializing and she’s kinda grateful to have a partner and son that understand her
She wants him to be well rounded instead of just smart.
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buckysmith · 2 years
What would they prefer their so to be (military/ non military)
Warnings: Mention of gùns violence (I mean it’s mw) stereotypes, slight toxic behavior
(Music has nothing to do with the Headcanon i just listened to it while writing)
- it's 50/50 with him
- he would love to fight along with his S/O
- but he would also love to have that stereotypical house s/o
- but wouldn't mind if you work somewhere, like in a store or as a educator
- to come home with you already waiting for him with a fresh cooked meal and if u're not already married, he would marry you within in a heartbeat
- but also to fight side by side with you against all the evil is something he loves
- He would be able to see you all day (ofc u're in a team with him) instead of seeing you every evening or maybe just once or twice a week
- he knew you would be able to defend yourself to any treat, he would be very proud of you (but don't u dare and have more muscles than him)
- but the idea of keeping you save, hidden and that he's the one who's strong and can protect you, would fill his heart with pride... cough his ego cough
- No, when he comes home he wants nothing to do with the government or military
-he's a stereotypical man so for you to stay home and to take care of it and your family (if you have kids/dogs/ any animal) would be normal for him
- he earns enough money so you wouldn't have to work and yeah, he wouldn't want you to work either except housework and stuff like that
- that he's the one who can protect you would really play into his ego
- definitely the one who tells you how weak but cute you are, how he will protect you from anything and that your his pretty little S/O
- don't worry, even when he's not with you your not in any danger, you have two guard dogs, and he  trained them
- I think he would want a S/O that has nothing to do with anything that includes guns, violence or death
- he wants a normal life (besides his abnormal one) so your life with him would be pretty stereotypical
- he wouldn't want you to work somewhere unsafe
- he's isn't really at home so he would know that it's important for you to do something while he's away
- he isn't the one who talks much about his job, just because he wants his s/o to be save
- and he wants them to stay innocent, he doesn't want his s/o to know what horror he has to see every single day and what horror he cause to others
- but on the other hand this man has his hands full of work, so to meet his s/o while working isn't that unrealistic
- but he would prefer his so to be a normal human being (he's already constantly worried about you, so if u're in the military this man is more than worried)
- He wouldn't mind his s/o being in the military, I think he would find pride in it
- if you're good enough for the team he would want you to work with him so he could see you every single day
- he would brag about your military skills and your title (positive)
- he would find it hot if you know how to handle a bad boy (he's your bad boy)
- but he wouldn’t mind you being a normal civilian
- he definitely would show you too his good friends (ghost, price and some other )
- he would tell them about your cooking/ baking skills
- but to know you're able to defend yourself would ease his mind and fill his chest with pride
- so you’re going to work with him on that
- 40/60 he would like it to do missions with you, but to come home to you and you being that stereotypical house wife/husband/ partner would fit him more
- he likes his job, or at least he most of the time likes the persons he works with, but to have something besides his job that isn’t about guns, violence, betrayal and all that nasty stuff, is something that means everything to him
- but if you’re a member of the military he would worry about you, it’s not that underestimates you he knows exactly how good you are, no, it’s that he knows how god damn dangerous that job is especially if the bad guys would find out that the two of you are dating
- No, just no.
- she worked with the military long enough to know that she doesn’t want to date anyone from that ever again
- she would love to be the bad big guy in your relationship
- she’s dominant as fuck, she can handle enough bad for both of you and she will protect you so you don’t have to do anything but be a good little one
- she would make fun of you though or at least she would tease you about "how weak you are“
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moonrisecoeur · 4 months
compliance (how to brainwash your boyfriend) — leon kennedy
author’s note: this was written with re4r!leon in mind bc that’s my boyfriend! angel said so!! i have… so many hypno ideas, some considerably more palatable and some that are Much Worse, so pls let me know if you want more! also this is based off of an audio i listened to once by everdistant-utopia on reddit! the headset concept is kind of (extremely) goofy but i was into it idk. again, i'm aware that mind control isn't real and this is a silly ass concept. i had fun doing it anyway. no leons were hurt in the making of this fic. sorry for not posting it sooner even tho it was done i was extremely embarrassed lol. pls ignore any typos. love you!! thank u!!
wc: 5k
content: sub!leon x fem!reader, afab reader, oral reader receiving, orgasm control, mention of feet for like two seconds
warning: this is dark content. please do not read if the following topics are sensitive to you: noncon, hypnosis, mind control. i dont endorse or encourage this type of behavior irl, its just a fantasy!
as you walk down the street, you walk by a flier that’s sitting on the sidewalk. you don’t stop to read it, but one word caught your eye. mind control. it was probably something stupid, something completely made up by some lunatic who thinks mind control is real. mind control is maybe, technically real, in the ‘just relax and close your eyes, breathe deeply and let yourself be at peace’ kind of way. definitely not the ‘put on this headset and let me rewire your brain to make you my pet’ kind of way.
but… would it really hurt to look at the flier? you turn around to see it’s still there, and, against all your better judgment, you decide to walk up to it and pick it up.
it’s dirty, wet because of the rain from last night. even still, you can read the description of the advertised product clearly, along with some more info like a website and contact info for the designers. you take a brief moment to wonder who in the hell comes up with that stuff.
introducing you to the ultra brainwasher headset 3000! perfect for all of your mind control needs! simply place the device over the subjected head and choose what you’d like to do with them. need an obedient housewife? in search of a new pet? want them to be madly in love and obsessed with you? all of that and more is possible with the ultra brainwasher headset 3000! visit our website and order the headset today!
you blink. this is insane. who would do this? who would make this? why would anyone want to make someone do any of this against their will? you feel sick to your stomach as you crumple up the flier and toss it in the nearest trash can.
because that’s… that’s not consensual. that’s wrong in every possible way. unless they gave consent to be, what, turned into an ‘obedient housewife’? that’s really what it said? there’s just no way that’s right. how is that legal to sell? what even was that flier doing?
this feels like the kind of thing that would be sold on the black market, not openly advertised to people on the street. what if some lunatic saw it and just started brainwashing people? no one could stop them, it’s not exactly a crime in and of itself, and any crimes committed would be a little difficult to report if the ‘subject’ was too mindless to notice or to say anything.
whatever. you threw the flier away, you did your job as a good samaritan by tossing it so someone much much worse than you wouldn’t get a chance to look at it, and thus, you can forget all about the headset. pretend you never saw the flier or knew it existed and carry on with your life.
except, you can’t really. it permeates your thoughts, seeps inside of your subconscious until you begin to hypothesize that the headset wasn’t the real hypnosis, it was seeing that flier. you know you must be delusional. it’s not real, you’re not really mind controlled from just reading the flier, but… would it really hurt it buy it? you had the money for it and it’s not too expensive at all.
you hate yourself for it but you look on the website, just as hypnotic as the flier was, and you see multiple variations of the headset. some more suited towards different outcomes for ‘subjects’ and some just different stylistically.
you find the one you were looking at earlier. the ultra brainwasher 3000. it’s a stupid name, you’re aware. it just doesn’t really matter because who’s gonna know that you own this? you’ll keep it, maybe try it out on yourself to see what it’s like. you won’t do anything crazy, maybe like, hypnotize yourself to not be able to sit down until all your household chores are done, just for the day. the ultra brainwasher 3000 claims to have this functionality, and you’re… more or less, curious.
you order it and spend two weeks in absolute hell, making sure your boyfriend is never home alone when the package could arrive. you’re not worried he’d open it and see the device. he doesn’t look through your stuff, but the packing sticker ‘brainmelting industrial company’ would…. catch his eye for sure. try explaining that to your boyfriend, especially because even if you’re a good liar, you’re not to leon.
but, you get it, and it’s perfect because leon isn’t home right now, and you get to play with your new toy for a little bit. the box is smaller than you expected, only including the headset, a charging cord, and a set of instructions.
as you’re reading, the thought only just now hits you. it’s surprising that it’s taken you this long to have this idea, given how it would be someone else’s first instinct.
“should i…” you murmur to yourself, looking around nervously to see if anyone is in earshot, “… should i use this on leon..?”
i don’t know, should you use a mind control headset on your poor boyfriend that was just sent on a mission to save the fucking president’s daughter? maybe not.
you don’t know how it took you this long to come up with the concept. i mean, the flier did mention making someone your obedient housewife, but… they never said that someone had to be a girl…
it’s gross or actually more disgusting, honestly, how excited you get at the prospect of doing this to leon, but you decide that yeah, fuck it, you might as well brainwash your boyfriend. truthfully, what are the consequences? besides… ruining your relationship, betraying his trust, destroying him as a person… eh, it’s only temporary, right? there’s ways to make it only temporary.. and there’s no way he’d remember..
you fiddle with it, curious of all the different things you could do to him. the headset didn’t have presets, you could make up literally anything you wanted him to believe. you could make him the obedient housewife, but you could also make him a servant, maybe even dress him up all pretty as a maid. you could make sure of his loyalty and commitment, make him be so in love with you that even the thought of being with another woman makes him physically ill.
he gets home later that night, worn down and tired and exhausted in every possible way. and you know you’re going to have to put on your best acting skills. you’re not sure if you’re ready to do this, but you’re gonna have to be, so you press a sweet kiss to his lips, one he lingers on for just a moment too long. his lips chase after yours as his eyes open back up slowly, looking at you through his pretty lashes, an eyebrow raised, “what?”
you can’t help but adore him, his bluntness and gruff attitude, yet how soft he touches your waist as he pulls you closer. leon is nothing if not gentle and sweet, and you love that about him, “nothing, i just… i just wanted to look at you,” you say, and it reminds you just how easy leon is. just a couple of words and his eyes get a little glassy, his heart leaping out of his chest just a bit.
it sometimes helps that your boyfriend has been through every form of hell since that day in raccoon city, so sometimes just sweet words and little gestures get a bigger reaction than you’d expect. he’s traumatized and broken down, so the love you give him matters so much more.
in short, he’s easy. he gives in quickly and doesn’t like to fight, not with you. gives you everything you want, doesn’t protest, doesn’t ask for much besides your attention and love.
“you always stare at me,” he says awkwardly. god he’s so not charming that it makes him effortlessly likable.
that’s what’s so sucky about the idea of hypnosis. do you lose the person he used to be? sure, a mindless househusband would be great, helplessly obedient and passive and hardworking, but does this override his actual personality? that’s a bit too scary.
you make an effort to soak in these parts of his personality, enjoying every inch of his pretty little mind. you decide that no matter what you do to him, you can’t ruin him completely. you’d miss his heart, rough and guarded but nonetheless yours.
“i wanna try something,” you murmur to him, your heart pounding a little more than it should, “do you trust me?”
“of course i do,” he says. your heart almost aches, he trusts you so implicitly.
“close your eyes,” you say, and he complies easily.
you step away to grab the headset, and he’s so sweet and good that he doesn’t even peek. you take a deep breath, and commit to it.
you place it on his head, and he grumbles, but doesn’t object. poor thing. doesn’t even realize what’s happening to him.
the setting on the headset that you chose wasn’t anything flashy but it was labeled ‘semi-permanent’ and it stated that the subject would not remember anything from the moment of hypnosis to the moment they wake up next. so, all and all, even if you felt horrible, the damage wouldn’t be permanent, and leon wouldn’t even remember what happened.
truthfully, it felt like nothing could go wrong. it wouldn’t alter him too much, just… make him helplessly obedient for a couple hours. you could turn up the intensity if you wanted to, if it wasn’t quite enough to satisfy your curiosity.
you decide that it’s now or never, especially since being lost in your head while your boyfriend is cluelessly wearing what looks like a vr headset is kind of… odd.
you start the application, waiting for it to begin on his end.
“what are you up to?” he asks innocently, probably still not seeing anything while it loads. the question sounds like an accusation, but it’s really not. leon genuinely just wants to know what’s going on. it’s hard not to, but you don’t answer.
you notice the exact moment that it starts because grunts out of nowhere and his whole body tenses, and he clutches onto the fabric of the couch cushions, using that sense as a way to ground himself during an overload of audio and visual stimulation.
you reach to grab his hand, and his grasps yours tightly, desperately, as if physically pleading with you to make it stop.
you whisper to him, “shhh, nice and easy,” you’re not even sure if he can hear you, but you still feel the need to speak. you’re not sure if it’s your voice or your touch but he relaxes just slightly, his breath raggedy and tense. he’s trying like hell to keep himself together, but it’s so overwhelming that it’s hard for him to think, “hey… it’s okay. you’re okay, just… let it happen.”
a pathetic little whimper escapes his throat as his body goes slack, jaw hanging open and arms hanging limply by his sides, “wha… why?” his voice sounds small, weak, and if you weren’t so cruel, you’d immediately take it all back and apologize and just face the consequences.
but you’re too far deep to back out now, even if leon’s pitiful demeanor is almost swaying you to stop, you know you can’t. not now.
“i… i thought you…” he whines, body tensing and spasming as he tries to put some form of coherent thought together, “wha… why..?” he whimpers again, pathetically broken down in just a matter of minutes.
you sit there with him, holding his hand, waiting for the process to be done, and once it is, you take the headset off.
he seems agitated, but doesn’t seem to know what at. his muscles are tense, but he doesn’t make any sudden movements.
“hey,” you mutter gently, and he almost flinches at the sound, looking at you with those wide deer eyes again, scared. you reach out to touch his face, fingers caressing his cheek.
the cogs in his brain turn as he processes what’s happening, and the agitation seems to evaporate and become replaced by a sense of calm and relaxation. he looks into your eyes, and it seems like he’s deciding something.
“yes? how… can i serve you?” he asks, jaw dropping at his own words. he’s so stunned at what he’s saying and how he’s acting yet he can’t help it.
“…address me as… ma’am,” you say, and he shivers, eyes closing tensely as he tries to figure out what the hell is going on, “and go get me something. how about… a cup of coffee? yeah, let’s start there.”
it makes sense that he’s fading in and out, the programming would probably need more time to settle in before it was done and his personality obviously wouldn’t just disappear, but it was still a little bit heartbreaking to watch him fight the voice in his head that is desperate to obey you.
as he disappears into the kitchen, you sit where he was sitting on the couch to take a moment to think it all over.
leon has never been the most… dominant man. he has his moments of aggression and tension that turn into a roughness that his soul seems to often carry, but it’s never controlling. he’s not demanding, he asks nothing of you besides gracing him with your presence.
but due to his past, submission also doesn’t come easy to him. he likes to think he would lean more sub, just because he’s so malleable to your will, so easy to convince. anything you want is yours, and if you want his dignity laid out in the palm of your hand, then it’s yours to keep for eternity. he just struggles to fully give up control, especially since you know he’s not really had much of that in his life.
you kept his personality intact for the most part, but… he just seems so different. he responds pretty much the same, talks the same, acts the same. something just doesn’t seem right.
“here’s the coffee you asked for,” he mutters when he returns, his voice gruff but soft at the same time. he’s… definitely conflicted. the implanted urge to obey you mindlessly and the natural urge to protect his self-respect are fighting in his head. you watch curiously to see which will win.
leon has been through hell, and you can always see it when you look into his eyes. he’s been controlled by the government, a puppet on their strings, since he survived that night in raccoon city. he must be used to a lack of control in his life. but now he’s your puppet, and you have no interest in using him as a killing machine. you have… different plans for him.
“thanks,” you whisper, and he nods, quiet but obedient. just how you wanted him. he stands there beside you, not really knowing what to do with himself as you take a sip, “rub my feet now.”
“you heard me,” you say. and he did.
something in his stomach sinks at the command, a feeling of urgency to do as you say fills his entire being, but it just feels so wrong to him. you’re never this brazen, this demanding.
“come on, leon,” you say, almost condescendingly, pointing to the floor right in front of the couch, “on… your… knees.”
he breathes shakily, but kneels down in front of you, avoiding eye contact as he gives you your damn foot massage. there’s turmoil in his head, easily seen by that deer-like look in his eyes as he stares wide-eyed at the ground. despite his roughness, he’s always had these soft, fragile eyes, reminding you of who he really is. it would be truly heartbreaking to watch him go through this if it also wasn’t incredibly attractive to put him on his knees and order him around.
leon has always been relatively compliant, but now it’s on a whole other level. anything you ask for, despite some inner conflict, he’ll do. you wonder just how far you could push him, but… you don’t decide to test that just yet.
for a few minutes, or however long it takes for you to finish your coffee, you sit there with him. his touch is good but not very skilled. he gets the tension and soreness out though, and you’re sure you could train that into him over time.
“take off your shirt,” you say, and his throws off his t-shirt easily. it lands in the corner unimportantly, and your smirk radiates confidence and something else much more sinister, “stand up, bend over in front of me.”
he closes his eyes tightly, clearly fighting that inner battle but the part of him desperate to get away and to not obey you is losing. he slowly rises to his feet and does as you ask. he places his hands on the coffee table, legs spread slightly like he already knows what’s about to happen. funny, because he doesn’t seem to know much of anything right now.
you stand up, hands touching all over him but particularly grasping at his ass, pulling down his sweatpants and boxers and enjoying the way his muscles flex, tightening and hardening when you grab him, “you never let me spank you,” you muse, almost annoyed, “i get it. you get nervous with power play and letting me dom you or whatever, but i always wanted to hit it just once. just to satisfy the curiosity of what it would be like.”
your hand pulls back and slams against his butt with a loud smacking noise. he gasps, breathing out shakily after the hit, “i… i’m sorry, ma’am.”
“but now that we’re here… and i’ve already got a taste, i don’t think i ever want to stop. so, from now on, no more of that. if i want to slap your ass, i’m going to,” you murmur, “and you will not try to stop me or convince me not to.”
“i.. i…” he whimpers, and for a second you pause, nervously that the real leon, somehow deep down, heard that, “… yes, ma’am.”
“good,” you mutter, slapping it again, feeling the hit in your hand as you pull away, and if you can feel it so clearly then you’re sure he can, “now, be polite and say ‘thank you’. thank me for teaching you how to correctly behave.”
“tha… thank you, ma’am,” he whispers, eyes shutting slowly as his deep inner need to resist is weakening.
“i own you now,” you groan, grasping at his hips posessively, mouth pressing open kisses to his bare shoulder, “no, i… have always owned you. owned your body, you just didn’t realize it.”
he nods, incredibly turned on. his body aches to be claimed, to be made yours.
sure, leon has always been yours, but his body has been purely his. he’s… cautious with it. he’s been more or less just too busy for romantic partners, but somehow you snuck your way into his life and he happily lets you stay. he just… is slowly learning to trust you with himself.
he can do easy, comfortable, casual sex. what he can’t do is hand himself over to you like this, helplessly obedient, submissive in every possible way. as much as leon doesn’t have the energy to fight, tired and worn down, fighting is all he know.
your nails drag against the skin of his torso and back, leaving pretty red lines wherever they go, “no more fighting. no more stressing about it. all you have to do is be mine, unequivocally.”
“i… i am..” he mumbles, and you tilt your head, eyeing him curiously. he notices, shying away, “i… i am yours. unequivocally. you can… you can have me.”
manhandling has always been a little difficult, considering leon is all muscle and he’s a sturdy guy, but you spin him at the hips to face you, and he’s effortlessly moved, “can i… have your body just as much as i have your heart?”
“yes, i… yes, ma’am, it’s yours. do whatever you want with it, ma’am,” he says, a slight daze in his eyes, clearly he’s not all the way there. he's trying. he’s still so soft, so tender and malleable, so leon.
you lean in to press a kiss to his lips, and he melts into your touch, hands grasping him roughly, in a way that might hurt anyone else, but leon is strong. sure, your touch is bruising him, but… he doesn’t have enough
of his mind left to be bothered.
lips trail down his neck and shoulder, but move back up to his ear, sucking on his skin in a vampiric manner. you whisper to him, “you’re gonna only focus on my pleasure.”
“i… i am? i… i am…” he stutters, god it’s so damn cute.
“of course you are. you’d rather eat me out than have an orgasm yourself, wouldn’t you? if i was a crueler person, i would find a way to mind control your orgasms away completely. that way you could… focus on my pleasure, but i’m not that mean.”
he shudders, your lips pressing to the sensitive spot underneath his ear, teeth dragging down his skin, teasing him, taunting him.
“you wanna eat now?” you ask, lips pressed to his collarbone now, and he moans out an affirmative. you suck a hickey against the skin right atop of the bone, admiring the redness, the way you get to watch it turn a disgusting shade of purple. one that should make you nervous to have done to him, only turns you on.
instead of ordering him into his knees this time, you just push him, easily putting his head between your legs. his hands come up to hold your thighs, steadying himself as you half-stand half-sit on the counter. he pulls your pants down enough , but can’t even be bothered to take off your panties, just pushing them to the side.
“can.. i, ma’am?”
you chuckle, not really expecting him to be so polite, “go for it, sweet thing.”
he leans in, pressing a teasing kiss to your clit, just once, before his tongue meets your folds and he licks and sucks like tomorrow won’t come but he’ll make sure you will. he groans into your pussy like he’s the one being pleasured, and that honestly seems like a fair comparison. sure, he was physically pleasing you, but even just the act of giving oral is making his head spin with a satisfaction he has never felt before. he could get high off of this.
leon has always been good at giving head. much better than just good. he’s incredible. it’s the one thing where he can fully just zone out. if you’re too lost in your own pleasure, then you can’t focus on him and how he’s feeling, and there’s something oddly safe about the feeling of being, for all intents and purposes, alone with his thoughts. eating your pussy just comes so natural that it’s second nature.
but now? he can’t get lost in his thoughts if he doesn’t have any. doesn’t mean he’s enjoying it any less. he’s enjoying anything you ask him to do. you could tell him to go fold your laundry and then clean your bathroom and do your dishes and he’s do everything diligently and he’d be satisfied the whole time. god, maybe you do really want a househusband. besides, leon could use the emotional break from his job. he’s content enough serving you.
he makes you cum sooner than you expected, but it’s literally just because he’s that good with his tongue, and when he moved one his hands from your thigh to press two fingers into your cunt, fingering you in thick circular motions as he sucked on your clit, you were gone.
he continues, wet fingers gushing in a fast rhythm as you orgasm, grinding against his mouth, using him completely for your own pleasure. it was always a secret fantasy of his, and now it’s reality, even if his mind isn’t all the way there and the only thoughts running through his head are is she pleased with me? did i do a good job? do i deserve her praise? i should do better next time. i should serve her better. i only want to serve her.
and now that he’s completely helpless, servitude being the only concept he can comprehend, and you come down from a high so intense it took you a second to remember that leon was waiting patiently for your next command, next order.
“put… put me on the couch…” you gasp out in heavy breaths.
he’s strong, and he helps to guide you to the couch, body still part paralyzed from such an intense pleasure. you lay there, still breathing a little heavy.
“go get dressed and cleaned up…” you mutter to him, “and then come back out here and cuddle up next to me.”
he does as you ask, finding his clothes and getting dressed again, and then when he approaches the couch again, you reach out your arms for him. the smile he gives you is almost too real. too… really leon. you still feel that twinge of nervousness in your gut, but then he lays against you, head tucked into the crook of your neck, and you know he doesn’t know. for all that he’s good at, leon’s not a great actor.
you reach your hand up to run your fingers through his hair repeatedly, soft and soothing motions to lull him into a state of compliance.
“you’re mine,” you whisper, hoping he’ll confirm it back.
of course he does, softly, no longer feeling conflicted, “yours, ma’am.”
“you’ll be obedient and submissive from now on,” your voice is soft but carries a dominance he doesn’t quite think he could ever escape nor would he ever want to.
“i’ll be.. obedient and submissive.”
“you’ll only focus on my pleasure,” you say, knowing he’ll repeat it back obediently just like the ones previous, but you feel his rock hard cock against your leg and as much as you want to shove his cock inside of you in an instant, you can’t help but want to control him like that. keep his orgasms just out of reach until he goes mad from the teasing and edging you plan to do to him. keep him nice and horny and desperate, just how you like him. if he wasn’t submissive enough for you before, he is now.
“only yours, only ever yours, please…” his voice is soft and meek and god if you wanted to you could find a mind control that was permanent and just… leave him like this forever. let him take care of your home and future kids and do your household chores and tasks. keep him completely obedient, god it would be…
“you can’t resist,” you whisper, leaning into his hair,
resting your head against his in a soft intimate moment, “i can’t resist, ma’am.”
you nod gently, and after a moment, you sigh, running your fingers through his hair, “i’m.. i love you, leon. sorry about all of this..”
“… why are you apologizing, ma’am?” he asks, tilting his head slightly even in your grasp to show confusion. he really is just like a little puppy sometimes.
“you know.. about the mind control.”
he shrugs, the most unbothered happy smile on his face, “oh, that’s.. that’s okay, i’m fine with it. i.. already belonged to you.”
“but that was in a more… romantic way. an ‘i belong with you’ kind of way. not the kind i did to you,” you say, just a tinge of guilt holding you back, but you push it aside, “it’s nothing, don’t worry about it. i just.. just know i love you. even when i’m ordering you around.”
“i’ll remember that, ma’am,” he smiles up at you just a little softer, just a little more like his true self, just a little more leon. that heavy feeling of guilt in your gut will never quite go away, will it?
you fall asleep on the couch together, knowing or maybe just hoping you’ll wake up to leon not remembering anything. hopefully he doesn’t piece together that he has no memory of you giving him that hickey and those bruises on his hips were definitely not his job's doing.
you wake up to a fond smell of breakfast and a bright morning, sitting up off the couch as you look at your phone. leon’s not laying there next to you, which is odd but not completely uncommon. sometimes he goes out in the morning to work out or disappears in the middle of the night when he’s needed somewhere, but most of the time, and today included, he’s just in the kitchen.
you find him there, standing in front of the coffee pot, and you walk up to him to wrap your arms around his midsection, softly burying your face into his back to shyly hide from his gaze.
“awh, morning lovebug,” his sweet raspy morning voice says to you, a hand on your arms, holding you tight so there’s not even a chance you could let go, “missed ya yesterday. did you sleep alright?”
“...mhm,” you hum, pressing a sweet kiss to his shoulder blade.
it’s a sweet moment, full of love and warmth and tenderness and you could have almost forgotten what you did to leon last night had the smell of coffee not been hanging in the air. but hey, at least he doesn’t remember what really happened, though he’s kind of confused just how he forgot how he got all of these bruises and scratches.
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dawnisatotalqueen · 4 months
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title: promise
character: steven hyde x reader
warnings: alcohol use, marijuana use, mentions of virginity, mentions of assault, cursing, semi frequent use of l/n (last name), zen masters (jackie x hyde) if u squint
summary: when you met the boys, you made a promise to never date any of them. though this gets harder and harder to follow as you all get older and more attractive.
disclaimer: i do not support danny masterson in any way, shape, or form. i just have an attachment to hyde </3
word count: 2972
part two
You were a maneater. At least, that’s what your friends said and you didn’t necessarily disagree. In your mere 17 years of life, you had accumulated nearly 30 boyfriends. In a town like Pointplace, there weren’t very many eligible bachelors, and it didn’t help that you swore off dating the hottest one.
Years prior, at the very beginning of middle school, when you had met Kelso, Foreman, and Hyde, you made a promise. You promised to yourself, and to them, that you would never date them. You enjoyed their company a lot, which is exactly why you didn’t want to risk dating any of them.
Naturally, as time progressed and Fez joined the group, he was included in the group of boys you wouldn’t date, though in all honesty, you probably never would have dated him regardless.
As you got older, you had started to ever so slightly regret your promise because as you got older, so did the boys, and oh boy, was one of them hot.
Hyde was gorgeous and exactly your type. But did you think Hyde was hot because he was your type, or did you think he was hot because he set the standard for your type? The world may never know.
To put those feelings aside, you upped the ante on your dating game. You were the most “desirable” out of your friend group except for maybe Donna or Jackie. You dated jocks, nerds, stoners, and basically any other clique in your high school.
That led you to now, walking into Eric Foreman’s basement, which is where you usually were, waiting for a guy to show up for a date.
You wore a pretty black dress and your signature green bomber jacket.
Donna was the first to look over, whistling with a grin. “Damn! You look great.”
Jackie looked over, gasping a little and pushing up off of Kelso to rush over to you. “That dress is gorgeous!! Much better than what you usually wear.” She looked over the dress.
You giggled at the backhanded compliment. It was something you were used to with Jackie, and you found it endearing. “Thanks! Got it just for the date. Definitely keeping it, though.”
Hyde raised a brow. “You don’t usually dress up for dates. Must really like the guy, huh?” You didn’t notice it then, but he shifted uncomfortably, his posture tensing.
“Damn it!! Stupid lucky guy, getting (L/N) to dress up all nice for him..” Kelso crossed his arms over his chest, pouting.
“At least we get to be blessed with the sight.” Fez sighed happily.
“I don’t know, I don’t really like him.” You shrugged. “He’s just takin’ me somewhere fancy, figured it was the least I could do.”
“Well, you look great. Hope you have fun.” Donna got up, patting you on the back.
“Thanks!! I’ll swing by after, yeah?”
“We’ll leave the door unlocked.” Eric commented, smiling.
“Great!” You heard a honk outside. “That’s my queue. Cya!” You grinned, heading out the door.
Hyde rolled his eyes, or, that’s what everyone assumed. It was a little hard to tell with the glasses. “Doesn’t even have the decency to knock, and she’s giving this guy a shot?” He scoffed.
“Someone sounds jeaaalouusss!!” Kelso snickered.
“I’m not jealous. I just think (L/N) could do better than some dude who can’t even knock on the door.”
“It’s okay if you’re jealous, Hyde! I mean, she’s going out with a popular jock. It makes sense you’d feel insecure.” Jackie returned to her spot next to Kelso.
“Why would I care?”
“It’s obvious you guys have a little back and forth thing.” Jackie giggled.
Donna hummed, leaning against the couch. “I figured you guys would’ve at least made out by now.”
Hyde scoffed. “Never gonna happen. She literally swore off ever dating me, Foreman, and Kelso.”
“Is that all that’s stopping you?” Eric raised a brow.
“No.” Hyde was almost too quick to answer. What he didn’t say was that he thought you were out of his league. He was a teenage dirtbag, and while you were their friend, you also were more of a social floater than anything. You dated jocks and the most popular guys in school. He’d be stupid to think you could ever be interested in dating him..
It had been a couple of hours since you left, and everyone had sort of faded out. Eric retreated upstairs to his room, heading to bed, and everyone else had returned to their respective houses.. Everyone except for Hyde, that is, as he had found himself recently staying in the Foreman’s basement after an incident with his Mom.
He lounged on the couch, taking a puff from a blunt that he had rolled when he heard the door open.
You stumbled in, reeking of cheap booze. More importantly, though, you had visibly been crying. Your mascara left streaks down your face, and your nose was red and puffy.
“What happened?” Hyde sat up straight, stiffening. Did that guy hurt you? He would kick his ass if he hurt you–
“That guy was a douche.” You huffed. “Got me drunk, then tried to get laid.” You wobbled over to the couch, sitting next to him. You held out your hand, and Hyde got the message, passing you the blunt.
“Did he hurt you?”
You shook your head. “Pushed him off.” You deeply inhaled the smoke before blowing it out, sighing. “Sucks. Used to it, but it sucks.”
“You’re used to it?” He stared at you, a little bewildered.
“Most guys get pissy when I won’t sleep with them.” You kicked off your heels, leaning back. “Don’t wanna lose my virginity to some guy I don’t even like.. Is that bad?” You looked at him, frowning.
“That’s not a bad thing.” He pushed a piece of your hair out of your face. “Plenty of people wanna save it for someone special. Like the whole til marriage shit.” He shrugged.
“Guess so..” You looked down before smiling, nudging him. “Why can’t every guy be as nice as you?”
He raised a brow. “You think I’m nice?”
“Yeahh!” You grinned, your slurring words the evidence of the alcohol still in your system. “In your own way. Liike, you may not act like it, but I think you care about everyone. At least a little. Like when you took Jackie to prom! Or now, you’re comforting me after a shitty date.”
“If you keep goin’ you’re gonna make my ego big.” He snickered.
You smiled, leaning your head on his shoulder. “Shut upp.. Point iss, you’re super sweet in your own way, and that’s what mattersss..”
He wrapped his arm around you. “You flatter me too much.”
After you didn’t respond, he looked over and realized you had fallen asleep on his shoulder. He sighed a little, propping you up and then picking you up. He took you to his room, laying you down on his bed and tucking you in.
He sat down next to you, watching you for a second. You looked so completely and utterly peaceful. He let out a breath before standing up.
Was your promise all that was stopping him from pursuing you?
He stood still for a second before heading to the door and flipping off the light. “Night, doll.”
You were very confused when you woke up the next morning, and you were in Hyde’s bed. You were still in the same clothes from the night before, and there was no evidence that anyone else had been in bed with you, so you felt pretty confident that you didn’t sleep together.
You scooted off of the mattress, getting up and peeking your head out the door. You didn’t see anyone in the basement, so you figured it must’ve been earlier in the day. You walked around, spotting a blanket on the couch, and you figured Hyde must’ve slept on it. But, he was nowhere to be found.
You decided to head upstairs and hopefully wash your face, maybe even get a change of clothes that Laurie left behind.
When you opened the door to the basement, you hissed a little upon seeing that the Foreman family were all sitting around the table, eating breakfast like the classic sitcom family.
You turned around, trying to tiptoe down the hallway when the floor board underneath you squeaked. You hissed, turning around when you heard Kitty’s voice behind you. “Y/N? Is that you? This early in the morning?”
You turned around, smiling awkwardly. “Ah.. Yeah, sorry. I um– I let myself in.”
Kitty gasped a little, getting up from her chair. “Goodness! You look awful!”
You assumed she was referencing your tear smudged makeup. “Yyyeah.. Rough night.”
“Let me get you cleaned up.” She put a hand on your shoulder, ushering you through the hall.
That left the boys in the kitchen. Red looked at Hyde, raising a brow. “You slept on the couch last night.
Hyde paused. “Yup.” He shoved a bite of his food in his mouth.
“Did she stay over?” Red leaned back in his chair, eyeing the curly haired boy.
Eric whistled lowly. “Dang, Hyde. Maybe Jackie was right about you being jealous.”
Hyde rolled his eyes. “It wasn’t like that. She had a crappy date and passed out. I didn’t wanna wake her up just to make her leave.”
Red looked at him for a second before raising his brows. “Well, that was nice. But you two really need to stop letting random kids crash here.” He cringed.
Meanwhile, you were in the bathroom with Kitty. You washed your face, looking at yourself in the mirror. Your eyes were a little swollen, but it was nothing major. You sighed a little before Kitty spoke. “I’ll get some clothes from Laurie���s room for you to change into. I can wash your clothes for you.”
You smiled at her, nodding. “That’d be appreciated, thank you.” You took off your jacket, handing it to her.
She smiled at you, taking your jacket before freezing when she saw your wrists.
You hadn’t realized it, but the jackass that you went on a date with had left bruises on you when he was trying to get handsy.
“Did.. Someone..” Kitty trailed off.
“No! No, no. Nothing like that. I, uh, I pushed him off of me.” You reassured her.
She frowned. “Oh, dear.. That had to have been hard.”
You looked to the side, frowning a little. “...Yeah.”
She put a hand on your shoulder, giving it a comforting squeeze. “Well, you’re safe now. And you’ll have clean clothes soon enough.” She smiled, heading out the door and getting you some clothes.
Laurie’s clothes were comfortable. Kitty got you a pretty simple tank top and some pajama pants, which you didn’t mind. She told you she’d let you know when your clothes were clean, so you made your way down to the basement. It had been about an hour since you had seen Hyde and Eric since you took a shower during that time.
The usual group had gathered in the basement during that time, watching something stupid on TV. You made your way down the stairs, running a hand through your hair.
You casually walked over, sitting on the arm of the couch, putting you next to Kelso and Jackie. Only then did everyone realize you were there.
“Hey (L/N)!” Donna grinned, raising a teasing eyebrow. “How was your hot date–” She paused when she saw your appearance. Slightly swollen eyes and bruised wrists were the first thing to stand out.
“Jeez! You look awful!” Jackie looked over at you, and you couldn’t help the giggle that came out. She sounded just like Kitty.
You hummed. “The date was shit, but it’s cool. Didn’t really like the guy anyway, and I got free food.” You shrugged it off.
Hyde watched you, his eyes drifting down your body before they landed on your wrists. He didn’t see that the night before. You really did have to fight off that douche-bag.
Donna got up from where she was next to Eric, going to the back of the couch and hugging you. “Aw.. I’m sorry, babe. You can do better anyway.”
“Like Hyde said yesterday, you could do way better than a guy who honks!” Fez hummed, nodding to himself.
You blinked, looking in Hyde’s direction, seeing him shrug. “It’s true.”
You could feel your cheeks heat up, and your eyes soften, but before you could dwell on the butterflies in your stomach, you heard a honk from outside. You all paused, and Eric looked in your direction. “Do you have another date?”
You shook your head, getting up off the couch. “Who could that be?” You went to the door, opening it and going up the outside stairs, spotting a familiar car. “..Oh god.”
The guy you had gone out with the day before got out of his car, spotting you. “(Y/N)-- Can we talk?”
You grimaced, crossing your arms. “Why?”
You could hear your friends gathering up behind you as you walked up the driveway.
“Listen, I get kind of weird when I’m drunk, I didn’t mean to be so pushy.” The boy frowned, looking down at you.
You grumbled, rolling your eyes. “And I suppose you didn’t mean to ditch me and make me walk home too then?”
“You had to walk here?” Before you knew it, Hyde was by your side, looking at you.
You looked at him, frowning a little before shrugging. “Yeah. It’s–”
“Please, just– just give me another chance.” The boy stepped closer to you, trying to grab your shoulders.
Hyde stepped between you, pushing the guy away by his chest. “I think you’ve done enough.”
“And who do you think you are?” The guy stood up straight, getting in Hyde’s face.
“I’m her friend. And I don’t appreciate how you treated her.”
“Well, frankly, I think it’s none of your business how I treat her.”
“It kind of is when she busts into my basement crying.”
“Don’t be dramatic. I was just trying to have some fun.” The guy rolled his eyes. “And the bitch was basically asking for it with that dress–”
Hyde punched him, and he held his bleeding nose. The guy growled, throwing a punch at Hyde, and before you knew it, they were fighting. You squeaked, reaching your hand out. “H– hey there’s no need to fight it’s fine–”
The guy elbowed you. Right in the eye.
You hissed, holding your face. “Fuck–”
Hyde looked between you and the guy for a split second before he nailed his knee into his stomach. “You’d seriously fucking hit a chick?! What is wrong with you?!”
The guy coughed, holding his stomach and backing up toward his car, hurrying in.
“Yeah, screw off!” Hyde called after him, looking over to you.
Donna and Jackie rushed over to you, Donna, holding your shoulders. “O– ow shit– How bad is it?” You moved your hand off of your eye.
Jackie hissed. “Yikes. That’s gonna bruise. But it’s okay!! I have some absolutely great makeup that’ll cover it up, no problem!”
You giggled a little through the pain. “Ah, I don’t think that’s my biggest concern–” You looked in Hyde’s direction. “Are you okay?”
You and Hyde were left alone in the basement as the others were grabbing some stuff to help with your current conditions. Donna and Eric were getting an ice pack, Jackie was getting her makeup, and Kelso and Fez… Well, they were doing something.
You held a warm washcloth, dabbing at the little cuts and bruises on Hyde’s face. It was one of the few times you had seen him without his glasses for such a long period of time.
Once you were done, you sighed, smiling at him. “Y’know, you don’t need to get into fights for me.”
Hyde leaned back. “What? For you? Nah, the guy just had a very punchable face.”
You playfully rolled your eyes. “Right, right, my bad.”
He straightened up a little, clearing his throat. “Well, uh, are you good? I mean, that guy said some pretty nasty things..”
You shrugged a little, looking down. “I’m all good. He’s not the first guy to react like that to me rejecting them. He is the first guy to give me a black eye though.”
At the mention of your black eye, Hyde leaned forward, pushing your hair out of your face and oh so carefully touching your cheek. “Does it hurt?”
You stared at him, your breath hitching. “A little.”
He seemed to take in the fact that the two of you were mere inches away. He swallowed, looking down at you. “(L/N).. I uh.. I didn’t like that you went out with that guy.”
“What?” You furrowed your brows. “Why? Because he was like– a douche?”
“I mean, yeah, but I think it was ‘cause I uh…” He licked his lips. “I might, uh..”
Before he could say what he had on his mind, Donna and Eric made their way down the stairs, and you and Hyde quickly scooted away from each other.
Donna handed you the ice pack, and you pressed it to your eye, hissing a little.
“Jackie will be back with her makeup pretty soon, but I’d suggest not putting it on at least until the swelling goes a little down.” Donna hummed.
“Yeah, she–” Eric had started to go on a ramble about something, but you weren’t paying attention. Your eyes were on Hyde, who had casually gone back to his chair, acting as if your moment didn’t happen.
Was he going to say he liked you? What would that mean for your relationship? You were attracted to him, you had to admit, but did you like him?
Should you break your promise? 
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eclairsnme · 11 months
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♡ POV: Being The Itoshi Brother’s Elder Sister ♡
Part 1 / Part 2
The brattiness continues (with a sprinkle of denseness)
tags: idol!you, crack comedy, reunion, familial love, sfw, somewhat of a brat (⁎⁍̴̛ᴗ⁍̴̛⁎)
notes: she thinks highly of herself, it’s almost as if she’s the reincarnation of Gojo Satoru.
oh, spoiler alert she's going to meet someone who also thinks very highly of himself. ^_−☆chu~
The clacking of your high heels echoed throughout the airport as you chase your damn little brother.
What a sight out of a bad Netflix series, except it’s real life. But this is more like a horror movie for a celebrity like you. In your pristine clothes and all, chasing like a wild animal!
“Sae!” You huffed, trying to catch up with him.
Damn, that soccer player with his long legs.
What is a celebrity like me ME chasing a mere man down like that! -
That is exactly what your manager thought too, as he tries to keep up with you.
So, how did you exactly come to this point of peak desperation?
It all started last night when Sae relayed to you that he’s going back to Spain straight after the Japan U-20 match.
In all honesty, you didn’t really care all that much since an idol like you had better things to do (^-^)v.
Then it struck you. As a good sister… I should stop him!
Unlucky for you, being oblivious to all else except idol-related issues is your biggest flaw.
To put it simply, you were pretty dumb when it comes to relationships.
And that was the start of your plan to “stop” Sae from returning to Spain.
Lucky for you, Sae was smart. He halted his steps and said, “Sister, are you stupid?”
But his EQ wasn’t all that great.
“S-stupid?” You stuttered out at his bluntness.
Sae looked around their surroundings noting that they had already caught the attention of some prying eyes.
Sae continued, “Just go back home.”
“But,” you gave him your best puppy eyes. V✪ω✪V
But, indeed, he was unaffected by your usual antics.
“What business do you even have in Spain?”
“Well~ the business of being a good sister!”
A tangible silence ensues from the absurdity.
“Sae, is this how you see your sister? As an idiot, uncaring sister?” You asked him squarely still trying to put on your Oscar-worthy acting skills.
Alas, Sae did not respond to you but instead said, “I’ll let you know when I reach Spain.”
Sae entered his departure terminal leaving his pouty older sister.
Sighing, he looked back and gave you a little wave, after seeing you smile, he walked further in until you couldn’t see him.
Besides the two celebrities — a top idol and football prodigy — was their manager profusely bowing to each other to apologise for today's event.
Being a manager is not an easy job, especially when attending to the Itoshi siblings who do not have the best attitude.
Your manager turned to you, “Let’s get on with our schedule today shall we?”
“Did that act look like I was a very caring sister?”
Caught off guard by your question, Mr manager stuttered out a yes.
You let out a satisfied grin.
Job done !\\\\٩( 'ω' )و ////
Mr manager sighed.
Inside the car, you asked Mr Manager what your schedule was for today.
“A commercial shoot for this up-and-coming game you will be promoting, a meeting with our sponsors and…”
And everything else that came out of his mouth just drowned out. You checked your phone and saw no reply from Rin.
I wonder how Rin is feeling after crying so much that day…
“Also, someone called our studio just now. It was a German man — I’m not sure what he said but he did mention your name specifically, and he addressed you by your real name.”
Your ears perked up.
“A German man who knows my real name?”
In your life, you only personally know one German man and his name is Kaiser something.
You met him a few years back in Germany. You thought he was an extremely unintelligent person as he kept speaking to you in German even though you didn’t understand a single word that exited his mouth.
You remembered he kept saying “Süße” (*sweetie) and he would always kiss the back of your hand, which you thought was a German thing.
What a culture shock it was, people in foreign countries sure do have a very different way of greeting people compared to in Japan.
“So did that man mention his name?” You turned to Mr manager.
“Michael Kaiser. He also left his personal phone number it seems.”
“Give me that number.” You held your hand out.
“D-do you even know this man? He could be a stalker!”
“Maybe?!” Mr Manager raised his voice, then he paused for a moment, “Hold on, that name Michael Kaiser sounds real familiar…”
As Mr manager wreck his head about that, you thought back about this Kaiser person.
Back when you were having your world tour in Germany, you had some free time to explore the streets of Germany. So you snuck out of your hotel room, it was all fun and games until you lost your way in a foreign country you have never visited before.
As a young girl, stuck in an unfamiliar country, unfamiliar street, and unfamiliar language, you could only cry.
That was when you met Kaiser.
Ah! How embarrassing it was to cry in the middle of nowhere now that you think about it! (´°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥ω°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥`)
So pathetic of me!
Both of you were pretty much strangers, you were surprised he remembered you and how he still managed to find you.
Oh! I really am a worldwide star! ↖(^ω^)↗
You giggled to yourself.
“Ah, I remember now!” Mr manager exclaimed, practically screaming into your ears.
You pushed Mr manager away and side-eyed him, “What is it?!”
“Michael Kaiser! He is a popular prodigy football player from Germany!”
Football player?
“Is being a football player a popular occupation these days?”
So this Kaiser person is a football player too? And a prodigy at that too? The world really has no shortage of prodigies huh?
Of all the football players you know, all of them are dubbed prodigies. That being said, you only know three football players — Sae, Rin and now, Kaiser.
“Mr manager, don’t tell me you are a football prodigy too?”
“Surely you jest, miss. I-if I was a prodigy,” he hesitated for a second then said in a hushed voice, “I wouldn’t be working for you.”
“What did you say?” You frowned at him.
“As punishment for saying that, go call that Kaiser person and ask what business he has with me.”
“But I don’t speak German!”
“Go figure it out then!”
I shouldn’t have said that Mr manager berated himself.
“Oh, after my schedule, drive me to that restaurant I told you about,” you snickered, “I’m going on a ‘date’ with my youngest brother.”
“Did you wait long?”
You tapped your younger brother who seemed lost in thought.
“No… I just arrived too.”
He visibly looked disturbed by something and you knew exactly what it was.
“Are you still upset by your brother?”
Rin clenched his fist and swallowed down his frustration.
You placed your hand over his clenched fist and pacified him, “Don’t let it get to you alright? Sae is still going through puberty!”
A few days ago you booked (more like Mr manager booked) a private room in a fancy hotel restaurant, to treat Rin to something nice since you thought he looked pretty melancholic.
“Sister, puberty ends at the age of 16 for males.”
“Well, Sae will forever be a little boy to me! Anyways, order what you want! This sister of yours will be treating you so order up!”
You took a glimpse of the menu and salivate at the picture of the A5 Wagyu steak. Oh, how succulent and fatty it will be!
However, you reminded yourself that you have to watch your weight. As an idol, one cannot stress the importance of weight management.
You used all your 10 fingers to mentally count how much you’ve eaten today.
You grimly looked at the wagyu steak and fries and decided to go for a simple duck confit with a side of salad.
Rin glances toward you to see what you are ordering and saw you intensely glaring at the picture of a steak.
“I’ll get the duck confit with salad, what about you?” You close the menu bidding farewell to the steak.
“The wagyu steak for me,” Rin replied.
You signalled the waiter and placed the order.
After ordering, what followed was an air of silence and strong awkward energy.
After being an absent sister for god knows how many years, you’ve never really communicated much with this teenager Rin. You were only close to him when he was just a teeny tiny boy playing football with Sae. Even then, he was still closer to Sae.
Rin will only approach you whenever he was upset with Sae. He will then subsequently cry to you about his problems. Now he still cries to you as you recollect the day the U-20 match was over and Rin poured his heart out.
Not knowing how to proceed with this conversation or the lack thereof, you prompted him with a question, “Do you have a girlfriend?” (๑╹ω╹๑ )
Rin stared at you as if you were joking around, “I do not have time for that.”
“Is football the only thing on your mind?”
“You are just like your brother.” You frowned at Rin and the other little one.
Rin’s resentment grew inside of him like a tumour as he is reminded of his brother.
Uh-Oh, I shouldn’t have said that.
You quickly tried to divert his attention.
“Ooohhhh look at this Rin! The photo for my photoshoot! Don’t I look absolutely gorgeous here?” You held up your phone and nervously giggled.
Rin eyed at your phone.
“It looks alright.”
“Just alright?”
Just like a game of ping pong, it’s your turn to seethe. In your list of top 100 things that annoy you, to have someone not acknowledge your beauty was number 97! It’s on the lowest scale because 9 out of 10 times, people will appreciate your beauty. The rest are just haters! _:(´ཀ`」 ∠):
Humph! I’ll let that slide just because you are Rin-Rin.
You tried to think of a topic and were reminded of something.
“So what’s the deal with Blue Lock? Are you doing well there?”
Rin summarised his full experience in Blue Lock and he didn’t forget to sprinkle in his hate for this boy called Isagi and of course your other little brother.
Your little brother really needs to get some therapy with all these astonishing degrees of anger and hatred.
Then the food came interrupting Rin’s heated tirade on how much he hated Isagi and Sae.
You both had a hearty dinner and Rin kept shoving beef steak onto your plate despite you saying no, so you had no choice but to eat it.
It was a very conflicting experience having to eat something you love yet having calorie restrictions.
The life of an idol sure is tough.
After finishing dinner, both of you left the restaurant. Before leaving the hotel, you excused yourself to the toilet.
The toilet was so far you could’ve just walked half a marathon, not to mention it was secluded at the very corner of the hotel.
You sighed, at least I think I burned some calories.
“!!!” You felt someone’s hand snaking around your waist. ⊙▽⊙
Thinking it's some creepy stalker of yours, you reflexively swatted the hand away. But the person in question was firm.
Perfume wafted through your nose as he presses his body against yours.
You let out a soft squeak at the contact. (〃ω〃)
Finally making eye contact with the man, you realise it was someone you know.
“Kaiser?” He smiled like a Cheshire Cat as you mention his name.
“Meine Leibe,” he brought you to a warm embrace, to which you similarly return his hug.
German’s greetings sure involve lots of skin contact, you thought to yourself as you felt Kaiser’s heat radiating through you.
He finally released you from the hug.
You quickly took notice of the rose tattoo that seemed to go from his neck down to his left arm which he didn’t have before when you met him in Germany.
You pointed to his tattoo to somewhat question him since you didn’t speak a lick of German.
He lifted his left hand for you to have a better look. You held onto his hand to inspect the tattoo but he had a better idea. He pushed his hands against your lips.
A soft shriek escaped you.
Your lipstick was sure to have stuck onto his hand. And more importantly, you have to reapply your lipstick!
What is this man thinking! ಠ╭╮ಠ
While you quickly reached out to your purse for your lipstick, you saw Kaiser bring his left hand to his own lips staining his lips in the process from your peripheral.
When you finished reapplying your lipstick, Kaiser was intently watching you.
You instinctively tried to rub off your lipstick from his lips but he was faster to grab your wrist and pulled you closer to him, so close that you were just a few inches away from his lips.
What’s wrong with Germans and their love for skin contact? Is this normal in Germany?
“I’ve been wanting to meet you for so long, meine liebe,” Kaiser said in German.
You drew a big fat question mark in your head. ( •́ ⍨ •̀)
What did he just say? And why does he look like he’s going in for a kiss?
True enough, Kaiser brought his lips to your lips. He invited his tongue through your parted lips tasting you for the very first time. He allowed his hands to yet again snake around your waist pulling you closer to him as if you weren’t already stuck to him.
What is this? This is a German greeting too right? ╭( ๐ _๐)╮
His other hand found its way to your chin. He tilted your chin slightly up to deepen the kiss.
As much as dancing your tongue with an old German friend was exciting, you couldn’t help but realise you were still in public. What if someone saw you?
You place both hands on Kaiser’s chest, slightly pushing him away and breaking the kiss.
“What’s wrong, Liebling?” His hands are still on your waist, trying to pull you back to him.
You quickly detach yourself from Kaiser catching a glimpse of Rin from the corner.
You noticed that he was blushing. Oh, he definitely saw all that.
(๑•́ ₃ •̀๑)
“Rin!” You exclaimed feeling like you were caught in the middle of some illegal act.
“Is that your boyfriend?”
That’s unbelievable, never in your whole life have you had a so-called “boyfriend”. What is Rin on to make him believe that?
“Then, why were you kiss-”
You promptly interrupted Rin from his imagination, “This is my friend, Kaiser!”
You pointed over to Kaiser, and he took the opportunity to catch your hand into his grip and ultimately hold your hand.
“-just a friend,” you tried explaining it to Rin. (ノಠ益ಠ)ノ彡┻━┻
Rin, however, looked over at his sister and the blonde-with-blue-streaks-haired man who is almost as tall as Sae, who was just a second ago kissing so intimately and now holding hands like a couple would behave.
Hard to believe they are not a couple; what kind of friends eat out each other's face.
Kaiser? Rin ruminates on that name.
Rin knows a Kaiser who looks just exactly like him.
“Michael Kaiser,” Rin carefully enunciates his name, which causes the man himself to grin at him.
“Rin-Rin, you know him?”
“Prodigy player and also a member of the New Generation World XI,” said Rin glaring at Kaiser. (⩺_⩹)
In response, Kaiser didn’t say a word but just responded with the usual smug grin.
“What? When did you learn German, Rin-Rin?”
“What’s your relationship with my sister?” Rin continued to question Kaiser.
Kaiser brought your hand to his lips and gave it a gentle peck, “what do you think, Itoshi Rin?”
“You know me?”
“The little brother of Japan's football prodigy, Itoshi Sae, and you who will always live in his shadows as a nobody.” Kaiser snickered at Rin.
Raw anger shot through him. He yet again clenched his hand into a tight fist, seething with anger. Every word from him stung him.
Unsure of where this conversation is leading, you stared in confusion. That was until you saw Rin sudden change in mood.
What had made the conversation turn so sour for Rin?
You were dumb but your EQ was not that severe to not see that Rin was somehow at the losing end of the conversation.
You let go of Kaiser’s hand and ran to your little brother.
“What’s wrong?”
You saw the dark, gravel look on him almost as if he was about to break someone’s joint.
Placing a hand over his back and patting him just as you did when he was younger, you guided him down the hotel’s hallway towards the exit.
“Let’s go home.”
“Meine leibe?”
He received no response from you, instead he only saw your retreating figure.
☆〜(ゝ。∂)the end (for now) ☆〜(ゝ。∂)
< you have reached the end! thank you for reading babes! (〃∀〃)ゞ I really appreciate all the love you are giving to this ongoing series! look forward to more spine-crawling fluff! ʅ(´◔౪◔)ʃ *evil laugh* the harem begins now>
Part 3
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futurecorps3 · 1 year
Hi!! I would like to request Kaz x f!reader
I’m so sorry that this is so long and if this isn’t making any sense I can’t explain things for the life of me😭 If you do write this, thank you so much, ily :)
Anyway picture this, a reader who is quite sneaky decides that it would be very funny if she snuck a little note with something like „I live for the way you smile so brightly” into Kaz’s coat when he’s not looking. She manages and when Kaz doesn’t bring it up at all, she sneaks another note in. This continues bcs the reader just thinks Kaz is ignoring it and automatically throwing out the notes without reading them or smth. Over the time the notes get a little bit more brave like „you looked very pretty today, Brekker” and become genuine copmliments. Now i have two ideas how could the ending go. Kaz just casually mentions in a conversations with reader the sweet notes which reader is completely shocked by Or reader finds themselfs curiosly looking around Kaz’s office and stumbles upon a little box on his table. Thinking it’s gonna be some kind of jewelry she opens it and sees ALL the notes she snuck into his coat. But uhoh Kaz steps into the office and his eyes widen when he sees reader standing over the box. Reader gets flustered trying to explain what the fuck was she even doing there but is greeted by Kaz’s silence. He’s embarrased about her now knowing that he has been keeping the little notes since the very beginning ijsksjdks istg I’m going insane
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Summary: The one where Y/N thinks she's being sneaky. Pairing: Kaz Brekker x fem!reader Warnings: None I think!! Word Count: 2.3K Requested: Yes
A/N: YES YES YES YES I LOVE THIS!!!! I wanted to use the one where he mentions it casually in a conversation but it all led to reader finding out by accident. Tysm nonnie, enjoy, I'm sorry about the huge delay. Tough couple of months, hope u understand and that I did justice to this beautiful prompt, ily2 <3
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It all started as some stupid game. One only Y/N knew about. Everything about it was very silly, the sneaking around, coming up with what the note would say and when to put it inside his coat's pocket. The first time, the girl snuck the neatly folded paper when he excused himself to go to the restroom and left his jacket behind. Easy.
It read 'Your smile lights up the room, Brekker'. Cheesy, untrue and quite simple. She'd bet all her kruge on it, though. That bastard had a wickedly expressive smirk, so his full smile must be as sentimental as his smirk, right? Maybe her note would make him giggle in the confines of his office, maybe Kaz would burn the paper or toss it in the trashcan he so neatly kept under his desk. Truth is, Y/N didn't have an explanation or reason as to why she started all this nonsense.
The prospect of making Kaz angry or laugh even when she wouldn't witness it was probably it. The girl happened to be a sucker for the adrenaline rush of delivering her teasingly sweet notes, too. She got bolder and more creative, even getting the chance to sneak one during a job where she and Kaz had to pair up.
None of the crows knew except for Jesper, and surprisingly, he didn't tease her about it. When he caught her tucking a little pink piece of paper into the inner pocket of his boss' coat, he scoffed with a little smile and downed his whiskey glass.
"What on earth does it say and... why?" Jes smirked as Y/N returned to her seat next to him. "Not relevant, my friend. Don't snitch," "I could never, love." He laughed at his friend's eccentricities and let it slide. Another little secret shared between them wouldn't hurt nobody. Plus, her favorite sharpshooter had plenty to say when he was there to see Kaz discover the notes.
"I'm telling you, he smiled!" "Jesper, I don't care if he did," the girl giggled. She did. She cared a lot. "Kaz Brekker doesn't smile" "He did that weird upside down frown, not quite a smile, but he wasn't exactly displeased." Y/N had to hide the blush creeping up her cheeks by turning around, downing her glass of scotch. Had she really made Kaz smile? Or, somewhat, change that angry expression he seemed to keep, like it was carved carefully and perpetually on the sharp features of his face? There has to be an award to that, she thinks.
That note she remembered; there was a playful banter happening like many times before at the slat between the crows. They were all sitting down at one of the tables after a long day of kicking out pigeons upset because they lost all their money, drinks and giggles shared in a tired, dazed stupor.
"There is no way we could've made it without him. I mean, imagine me trying to carry Nina's dead-weight down two flights of stairs and out of that house." Y/N laughed as they recalled how useful Matthias turned out to be. "He's my favorite" Nina smiled, kissing the Fjerdan's cheek as he smiled proudly with a light red tint on his face (could be from the alcohol but they all knew his girlfriend made him nervous).
"And Inej, dear, I know I'm yours" the grisha teased her friend, pulling her close as the Suli girl smiled, not confirming or denying the allegations. Then Wylan, a bit tipsy and, for some reason defensive, hugged his boyfriend and declared: "Well, Jesper's my favorite," downing his glass. Jesper pulled it aside, pecking his head lovingly. "Inej's mine".
Wylan perked up from his place in Jes' arms with his mouth agape, making everyone break in laughter as the couple argued, their demo-man leaving the table with his boyfriend chasing after him trying not to laugh "Wait, dear I-I'm joking!" "No you were not! Take the couch". After they all calmed down, Matthias finally spoke. "Demjin, tell us, who's your favorite?".
Theatrical silence fell over the group. Kaz's heart sped up a little and Nina could tell, but said nothing. Then, as he scanned the group with a light smirk and his eyes lingered on Y/N for a minute longer, it sped up even more to then recede. "Oh, I know," the heartrender laughed, grabbing her glass to pour more alcohol on it. "You don't, Nina. I don't have favorites. You're all pretty solid assets," he said, voice deep and Y/N wondered how it would sound whispered in her ear.
"That's the closest we're getting to an 'I love you', guys. Hate to break it to you" Inej joked as everyone agreed. After a few more minutes, too tired to keep going, they all went to bed. Kaz woke up the next day to a note on his doorstep that said 'you're my favorite'. It was a bit different from the others he kept in his office. The letter was cursive, written in a rush on a slightly yellow piece of paper. Black ink.
"You plan on ever telling her?" A voice came from his side. Jesper stood, still in his white sleep shirt and trousers. "No one makes you smile. You should tell her, you know, at least." He was greeted by his boss's silence and the sound of his door closing.
Now, of course he knew. In fact, he figured it out after the fourth note or so, but Y/N didn't need to know that. Selfishly, he had been keeping that weird aching in his chest the girl brought all to himself for almost a year and it was getting tiring. Until he figured it out. He just hoped, to anyone who was willing to listen, that the notes weren't some joke for her.
He hoped that all those nights they spent enjoying the silence, the conversations where he'd let the wounded boy talk instead of the bastard of the barrel and she would listen attentively, almost lovingly, meant something to her. And that the notes were her way of saying 'I'm here and I'm not planning on leaving anytime soon'.
Y/N knew the game she came up with ended up being a breath of fresh air for all the compressed feelings she had for the boy. She had no problem with it. In the end, she was telling him every single thought that crossed her mind when those icy blue eyes turned into warmth when they were alone and he let his guard down. The things she knew she'd never say to Kaz's face.
Or so she thought.
It was a big coincidence, like a butterfly effect. Y/N came back from one of her many investigations (a trip to the Geldstraat to gather some information) and was walking up the stairs to Kaz's office to tell him what he found out. "Turns out you were right, he has two kids" she began, entering to an empty room. She should've left, see if he was in his room or downstairs watching the tables. Yet she didn't leave. Instead, with a heavy sigh, she sat in one of the chairs in front of his desk.
It gave off more of the energy from a studio rather than an office. He seemed to appreciate neatness, from the bookshelves with books arranged alphabetically to the candles placed in the appropriate places so the room could be lit perfectly at night. So, of course, she was going to notice the rectangular red box sitting messily on top of a stack of papers right in front of her.
Again, would've, could've, should've stayed in the chair. She got up and peeked. A shock ran through her body, suddenly feeling so very cold she almost turned to see if the window was open. There sat all of her notes, some a bit more used, probably from him folding and unfolding them several times. At the top was the one she sneaked just that morning; "I sometimes wonder if you think about me just as much as I do. Probably not. Have a good day, though".
A million questions running through her head. Why was he keeping them? Did he know she sent them? And most importantly, why was she so stupid!? Y/N could've just... not! Just not write those stupid notes like she had some stupid teenage crush on stupid Kaz and keep her stupid feelings to her stupid self. But no. She always had to be too much, huh? Her words and emotions spilled out of her like a river. The thing was so big it showed over her wrist.
The creek of the door. She was so inside her head she didn't hear Kaz's steps. Shit. Shit. Shit. Hoping it was her imagination playing tricks on her, she turned around. Hope died and there stood Kaz Brekker, wide-eyed and pale as a corpse. She felt like she had to say something and saints she tried, but the knot on her throat only let a choked, unintelligible sound.
It could've been hours, really. Both of them just stared at each other. Kaz was so unbelievably embarrassed he wanted to ask Jesper to just shoot him in the head to end his suffering, begging on his knees for someone to come and help him. He was never this careless, not with things like the notes. He left them out, going through them for the fourth time that week, to get a drink downstairs. How did he miss Y/N walking through the door?
"Kaz I was just here t-to uhm tell you what I found out on G-Garson. I promise I didn't mean to snoop around l-like I wasn't looking through your stuff. A-anyway who a-are these from? They're very swe-" "You don't have to pretend, Y/N."
He knew. A new dread consumed her, and she dropped her eyes to the floor as quick as humanely possible. So stupid. So stupid. "So stupid" "What?" said Kaz, letting out a breath he didn't realize he was keeping in "I'm so stupid, I'm sorry, Kaz. I-I don't know why I wrote those". Was she truly apologising to him, her head bowed in shame? For what? He looked forward to discovering one of those sweet little notes every day, wondering what kind of message she had left him this time.
Hope. He remembered the hope. Maybe he was this upset because the notes would stop now that she knew he knew? His eyes widened even more when he realized Y/N was standing right in front of him, waiting for Kaz to step out of the way so she could escape this torture. "You're right. You shouldn't have. Y-you should've just told me"
"Tell you what, Kaz?" the girl asked, taking a step back and looking straight into his eyes like he was doing. Kaz Rietveld spoke before Brekker could. "Tell me I am your favorite, that I'm on your thoughts nonstop every single fucking day, and that you consider I look lovely even with my hair in my face. If it is true, tell me right up front. I don't think I could stomach it being some crazy game, so please tell me it is real." Perplexed, she stared.
Kaz wanted it to be real, and she knew damn well it was. "You know I don't like games, Brekker. I mean it. All of it. Every single word is just me trying to catch my name in a whisper in your reactions... counting on making you smile, or at least, to temporarily jolt your thoughts from the generally dreary state they seem to be in."
He led a leather hand to grab hers, tangling their fingers with his. The boy couldn't help but notice how beautiful her eyes looked under the candlelight, warm y/e/c welcoming him home. Making him feel at ease in that saint forsaken land, knowing that with her by his side, everything seemed to be just fine.
"Y/N, since you entered my life, I have been acquainted with a new kind of light. Your presence has brought a certain innocence and laughter that I have not known before. Your character is resilient, as if it has been shaped by the hardships of this city. In my eyes, you are the embodiment of light, and I cannot help but find you lovely at all times, too"
It was a love that defied all logic and reasoning, a love that transcended the boundaries of time and space. They had each found in the other a place of serenity, a sanctuary where they could be themselves and forget the chaos of the world outside. With every passing day, their bond grew stronger, until a little piece of heaven was crafted, right there in their midst.
It was their own personal heaven, a place where they could bask in the warmth of knowing glances and brief touches, and where the mere presence of the other was enough to soothe their souls. They had found a love that whispered "I'm here" in the moments when it was necessary, a love that made a home for a broken boy and a shelter for a scarred girl who would go to the ends of the earth for him.
And as they stood there, hand in hand, they knew that they had found something special. They had found a love that was strong enough to weather any storm, a love that would see them through the trials and tribulations of life.
Together with time, they had created a world that was perfect in its imperfection, a world that was full of love, laughter, and joy. And as they gazed into each other's eyes, they knew that they had found their own personal piece of heaven on earth.
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Hi! Thank you so much for reading, hope you enjoyed:)
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halsteadlover · 11 months
Shadows From The Past
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*Gif not mine credits to the owner*
• Pairing: Jay Halstead x Fem!Reader.
• Requested by anon: I don’t really know if this is how you make a request if it’s not correct me but would you possibly be able to write one where Jay has an episode because of a criminal that took tours in Afghanistan as well, like an episode in the show in season 5 I think. Where the criminal gets shot and dies and J is the only one there and you go to check up on him and he points gun at you because he’s having an episode idk I really don’t know, but could it end in him apologizing a lot and feeling really bad then just cuddles?? Thank u and uh if you see this could you pls just remind me when it’s done possibly. Thank you so much!!!❤️
• Warnings: mention of blood, gun, PTSD.
• Word count: 5825.
• A/N: hi everyone! Long time no see. I know this is ugly af but I tried my best. I hope you’ll like this piece anyway, please let me know what you think. Comment, like, reblog if you want this would be amazing! Thank you so much for your support, and for everyone who stayed even if I upload once every 100 years 😭 I love you all so much ❤️
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Jay had always tried to do his job the best he could, giving everything in his power to every case he worked on, always trying to focus on nothing but bringing justice to the poor victims. He had always tried to be as objective as possible, leaving emotions out and thinking and planning every move to make lucidly. Some cases were easier, others a little less.
There were moments of his life, some shadows of his past, that still echoed in his present. They sometimes came back so strong and overbearing, they made him risk his present, all his progress and happiness, even his future.
And the case he was working on was one of those moments.
Following the discovery of a man's body, Intelligence was assigned to investigate this case. After questioning witnesses, analyzing the victim's life, talking to family and friends, suspicion fell on a person Jay met while serving overseas in Afghanistan. In fact, Don Stanton had served in the 3rd Battalion of the 75th Ranger Regiment at the same time as Jay, but he had never had the opportunity to speak in depth with him.
In fact, after returning home, Don didn't do too well, soon spiraling into drug, alcohol and illegal dealings.
From the moment they found out about this suspect, Jay felt something stir inside him, though he didn't know exactly what. He tried to disguise it or he would’ve estranged from the case but he couldn't hide his feelings from you, who knew him like the back of your hand and had learned to know every single nuance of him and recognize when something bothered him.
To try to get Don to confess, Jay offered to go undercover, build a relationship with him in a way that would make him trust him, and no one could be perfect for this role except someone who had gone through the exact same shit during the war as Jay.
It goes without saying that you didn’t agree with this decision at all and Voight would’ve even agreed with you if this wasn’t the only lead you got to catch the killer.
“Are you sure you want to do this?” you asked Jay as you adjusted his hidden microphone in his shirt. “You can always back out, someone else will go or we will find other leads to catch him.”
Jay sighed. “It's an undercover operation like any other Y/N, if anyone can do it it's me.”
You looked up at him, your hands still on his chest as you tried to analyze his expression on his face. “No baby, it's not an operation like any other. The suspect served in your own battalion, you met him and you can tell from a mile away you're upset about…-”
“Goddamn Y/N stop it! You've been asking me if I'm okay since this morning! I'm fine, I don't need a babysitter!” he snapped raising his voice and this sudden outburst made you withdraw your hands in shock.
Jay immediately regretted those words the instant he said them. He noticed the sad expression that appeared on your features and felt guilty like few other times in his life. “Baby… Shit…” he sighed again, running his hands over his face in frustration. He cupped your face in his hands, forcing you to look at him. “I'm sorry, I'm so sorry I don't know what has gotten into me. I’m sorry baby.”
You remained silent for a few seconds, looking at him for a moment before speaking. “Jay I'm just worried about you, I know it's hard for you but I want to help you… It breaks my heart seeing you like this,” you mumbled softly, your throat tight in a knot, your heart heavy.
“I know, I know, I’m so sorry love. Come here,” he whispered, pulling you into a hug and holding you with all the love he could. “It'll be okay. I can do it. You don't know what people like him are like, like me, he won't trust anyone and if there's someone who can make him confess it’s me. We served together, we saw the same crap, I can understand him,” he continued, pulling away from the hug and looking into your eyes.
You looked at him intensely, as if you wanted to read inside him, trying to discover a shred of hesitation or uncertainty.
“Jay, you are not like him, he is an alleged murderer, drug addict and alcoholic, you are a decorated detective. Don't even think for a second you're like him, okay?”.
He caressed your hair, and then nodded, smiling slightly. “I know, I know.”
“If something, anything, goes wrong you're out, you understand me?” you threatened him, pointing a finger at his chest.
He chuckled, caressing your cheeks. “Yes ma'am. Everything will be fine, I promise.”
If only he believed it too.
The truth was, Jay's mind was racing and image after image, memory after memory, everything seemed to be resurfacing, moments of the past he wanted to forget at all costs but which was about to overwhelm him like a river in flood.
He didn't want to talk to you about it, he knew he'd get over it – just like he had all time – he didn't want to worry you any more than you already were.
While he was in the car waiting for Don Stanton to show up, he read the message you sent and a small smile crept onto his lips.
From Baby D💕, 3.13pm
Be careful love. I'm here for whatever you need. I love you.
That message made the abyss in his heart grow and a feeling of guilt took over him. But the way he loved you, God, he didn’t know what he would’ve done without you.
From Jay, 3:16pm
I love you too babe, more than anything and everyone. Everything will be okay.
He put the cell phone back in his trouser pocket, trying to concentrate exclusively on the case. He sat in the car for about ten minutes before seeing Don in the distance. He looked around suspiciously before approaching Jay's car and quickly getting in.
“Drive,” Don ordered, and Jay gave him a confused look.
“Where? What is going on?”.
Don snapped his eyes at Jay. “Didn't you say you wanted a job? Drive then. Go straight, at the first crossroads turn left, I'll tell you from there where to go next.”
Jay understood there was no way to get an explanation and after letting out a sigh, he started driving, aware that you and the rest of the team would’ve followed him from afar.
After driving for about twenty minutes, he and Don arrived at an abandoned building. It looked shabby and it must’ve been unused for at least twenty years.
“What the hell is going on Stanton?” Jay asked, for the umpteenth time. Don stopped in his footsteps, turning to him, looking annoyed and angry.
“What part of ‘I'll explain in a moment’ you don’t understand?”.
“I won’t do anything until you explain to me what hell is going on. This place is clearly a mile away from legality and I'm not risking my ass for whatever bullshit is going on here. So either tell me what's going on or I'm out.”
Don sighed, glancing between Jay and the building, looking uncertain, even almost frightened. Jay noticed this and realized whatever was going on, they weren't alone and that there was nothing good about that abandoned building.
He approached Jay, walking fast and hands in his trouser pockets. “Then leave.”
“C'mon man talk to me...”.
“Damn it! I'm in deep shit man, I can't back out!” he exclaimed in despair.
“Why? What did you do?”.
They were all at the edge of their chairs as they listened through Jay's microphone conversation, knowing that a little nudge was enough to get Don Stanton to confess.
“Don, talk to me. I can help you, I know you're not doing well, I totally understand. You don't have to do anything, whatever it is...”
“You can't help me… I… I fucking killed a man!” Stanton exclaimed loudly, running his hands through his hair “But it wasn't my fault! They forced me! I… I really needed the money…”
There were some moments of silence in which you and Voight exchanged a look. He confessed, but why didn't Jay arrest him?
“What are we going to do here Don?” Jay asked, trying to stay calm as his heart was pounding.
“They gave me another job. A gang member… They want me to kill him and they’ll pay me almost ten thousand dollars.”
“Don, for fucks sale! No life is worth this money! How can you do this? You were a fucking soldier, you risked your life to protect others, to protect this country and now you're the one hurting people!” Jay exclaimed, more angrily than he would’ve liked.
“I know! I know! They've foreclosed on my house… I'm out of money… I need it man…” Don muttered.
“Halstead what are you waiting for? Handcuff him,” Voight ordered over his mic but Jay didn't seem to listen, in fact, he didn't even seem to be on this planet anymore.
You were worried sick, your stomach was in a vice. You knew Jay couldn't do this, he was too involved to be able to deal with all of this, to deal with his past.
“Voight we have to do something,” you said, turning to your now impatient boss.
“Let's just wait few seconds.”
But when you saw Jay enter the building your heart stopped for an instant and fear took over. Before Voight could say anything, you leapt out of the car at lightning speed, waiting for no one, thinking of no one but Jay.
You pulled out your gun from your holster before entering the abandoned building. It was larger than it appeared externally and at first sight there was no sign of Jay.
Your heart was beating so hard you could hear it pounding in your ears and with every step you took, fear ate you more and more. What the hell was he thinking? Why did he come in here alone with a criminal?
As you climbed the creaking stairs to the first floor, a shot rang out from the walls and you jumped. “Oh my god,” you murmured in a trembling voice before starting to run as fast as possible towards the place where the shot came from. Your mind began to project images of Jay lying in a pool of his own blood, dying, and the very thought made you die inside.
God let him be okay, please.
Once you climbed to the third floor, however, you saw him in the distance but before you could take a step towards him or even take a sigh of relief, a bullet was fired in your direction, forcing you to take cover behind a pillar.
A gun fight with some men ensued, and though you knew you had to focus on saving your own life, you couldn't help but glance at Jay from time to time, noticing him hunched over Don Stanton, trying to revive him.
The rest of the squad arrived at that moment and you managed to take down three men who were shooting at you. You approached Jay while the others explored the rest of the building for anything suspect.
“Jay,” you called but he didn't seem to hear you as he tried to stop Stanton's bleeding, “Jay,” you called him out again but still nothing, no answer. So you placed a hand on his shoulder, trying to make him aware of your presence but that touch made him stiffen and you almost had a heart attack when he pulled out his gun and turned, pointing it at you.
“Woah!” you exclaimed loudly, spontaneously raising your hands to let him know you were unarmed, “Jay, what the hell are you doing?!”.
His gaze was fixed on you but he wasn't really looking at you, his eyes were empty, without the light that characterizes them, his forehead was wet with sweat as his chest rose and fell quickly as if he had run a marathon.
“Jay put that gun down. It's just me. Can you hear me? Everything is fine.”
You continued to speak but your voice reached far into his ears which continued to ring incessantly. You didn't dare take a wrong step, or try to get him to put down his gun because you knew Jay wasn't there right now, that his mind was unconscious and his body uncontrollable. He was still in war and he saw you like an enemy and not his girlfriend.
But that didn't make the moment any less scary.
Jay, the person you most trusted in the world, with whom you felt safest, was pointing a gun at you and anything could trigger him to shoot you. You've never felt so small and helpless, even after facing the most dangerous and depraved criminals, you felt so scared and intimidated.
He'd had similar episodes, where the PTSD made him lose touch with reality, but he'd never come to that, never pointing a gun at you and threatening to hurt you.
“Jay!” you almost screamed and only then did Jay seem to come to his senses.
When he realized he was pointing his gun at you a wave of guilt fully overwhelmed him and he dropped the gun from his hands in disbelief at what he had just done.
What the hell had he been up to? Was he really point a gun at you? The love of his life?
He couldn't believe it, he couldn't believe he was capable of doing such a thing and as he watched your face contorted in an expression of pure fear and terror, as he watched you back away until you ran away, he realized he seriously needed help.
The case was finally closed but never like then it left you an unbridgeable abyss inside you.
Since you'd left that building you'd been trying to avoid Jay even though he'd been trying hard to talk to you. You knew it wasn't his fault, that what happened was just a consequence of everything he'd been through, that knowingly he wouldn't do anything that could hurt you.
But that episode had shocked you more than you could ever admit and the image of that gun pointed at you continued to haunt your mind.
You were at your house, sitting on the couch staring at nothing in particular, contemplating whether to respond to Jay's many texts and calls. You knew you had to talk to him, you couldn't avoid him forever, but you needed some alone time first, to digest everything that had happened.
But when the bell rang you understood this was not going to happen.
You stood up and your heart skipped a beat when you saw through the peephole it was Jay. You took a deep breath and opened the door, realizing you couldn't avoid him forever and sooner or later you had to deal with the confrontation.
Jay was a walking disaster.
He didn't know what to say, what to do, how to act and especially when he noticed the way you kept avoiding his gaze, he panicked even more. You made room for him to enter and he felt his heart break when, in an attempt to say hi, you pulled back slightly.
“Uhm… Hi… Come in,” you murmured nervously before going to sit back on the sofa.
Jay closed the door behind him, walking over and sitting next to you. You brought your knees to your chest and he didn’t miss this gesture, he didn't miss the way you tried to distance yourself from him, how you tried to protect yourself by moving away from him.
“How are you feeling?” you asked feebly, finally looking up at him and a chasm opened inside you as you saw his tired, destroyed eyes, the melancholy expression on his face.
“I'm fine but...”
“No Jay,” you interrupted him “Don't start with these lies, you know I can't stand them. You pointed a damn gun at me, you are definitely not fine.”
You knew it was tough, but it was time for him to face the shadows of his past that kept haunting him, it was time for him to face reality and realize he wasn't good at all, that he kept lying to himself and pretending to be in a state of well-being which, unfortunately, wasn’t true at all.
He sighed and it was him who lowered his gaze that time, unable to look in your eyes anymore. He rubbed his sweaty palms on his jeans before resting his elbows on his knees, his face in his hands. He was silent for a moment before returning to his previous position.
“You're right…” he murmured, almost afraid to admit it aloud, “I… I'm not okay I know, I’ve realized it… But Y/N, darling, I just want you to know I would’ve never done that… I would never hurt you…”
“Jay…” you sighed “I know that, but… But what if you won't regain control of yourself next time? What if you won’t come to your senses and shoot me?”
“No! No! Fuck… This will never happen again, I swear…”
“And how do you know this, Jay?” you asked, a lump in your throat, eyes brimming with tears as you tried to hold them back. “How do you know you’ll be able to stop the next time that in the grip of a similar episode you’ll point a gun at me again?”.
Jay had never experienced a worse feeling in his life. He always promised himself he would given his life to protect you, that he’d do everything in his power to keep you safe, that he’d rather die than know you were suffering.
He loved you more than anyone else in the world, more than he ever thought he’d love someone and knowing he was the one who tried to hurt you, destroyed him. He’d never forget the expression of fear, terror and pure shock with which you looked at him in that damned building, it would’ve haunted him forever.
“I would never hurt you Y/N, you… You are the most precious thing in my life. God, I'd die to protect you…” he babbled in desperation.
“I know, Jay. I consciously know this,” you answered, putting your feet on the ground and approaching him without touching him. “I want to help you, but...”
“But what?” he whispered, his green eyes bright with tears as he looked at you. A tear slid from your eyes onto your cheek but you immediately wiped it away before you spoke again. “You want to leave me right? You are afraid of me?”.
You remained silent for a moment.
“Y/N I… You can't leave me please, I can't do this without you, I need you. You're the only person I'm still here for, helping me through this shit… Please…”
You cried. “I have to protect myself Jay,” you wiped away another tear “I don't want to leave you, God. I love you so much…”
“But you're afraid of me,” he stated, swallowing the lump in his throat. He looked down at the floor and his shoes to try and mask the tears he couldn't control anymore and streamed down his cheeks. He stood up, suddenly feeling suffocated, and ran his hands over his face as he began pacing around the living room.
“Hey…” you said, standing up and approaching him. You placed your hands on his arms to make him stop and he directed his eyes at you. They were red and shiny from tears and God only knew how much it hurt you to see him like this, how much he didn't deserve all that suffering.
You placed your hands on his face, wiping away his tears with your thumbs. “God baby,” you whispered “I hate seeing you like this…”. He hugged you, squeezing you so tight it made you gasp for breath.
You hugged him back, putting your arms around his neck and letting yourself be cradled by that embrace. You stroked his hair while he hid his face in the hollow of your neck, letting go in a desperate and liberating cry.
“It's okay love, it's okay,” you whispered, as you too were crying, “Let's sit down.”
You sat back on the sofa and you hugged him, letting him rest his head on your chest as he let out all the anger – mostly towards himself – and sadness he felt.
“Cry all you want, I'm here. I don't want to leave, I'll always be here with you Jay,” you mumbled, caressing his hair. He wrapped his arms around your chest tighter, as if he was afraid to let you go.
“I'm so sorry my love. I didn't mean to scare you… When…” he sighed “When I realized what I was doing, the way you were looking at me…” he couldn't finish the sentence, because just remembering the expression you had in that moment pushed him over the edge again “God Y/N I will never forgive myself for what I did...” he got up, sitting on the sofa and running a hand through his hair “When I saw your face… That moment I understood I seriously need some help, I don't… I can't risk hurting you, losing you, I don't want you to be afraid of me. I want to be your safe haven, I don’t want you to doubt for even a second I can intentionally hurt you… I… I don't want you to look me with that terrified and fearful look again... I can't...”
“But I'm not afraid of you Jay, I know you were going through a lot , the case was heavy to deal with…” you tried to comfort him.
“Yes you do,” he smiled at you bitterly, eyes and nose still red from crying “No lies remember? You told me before and even now…” he tried to stop crying but failing “You hugged me and you were tense and the thing is, I can't even blame you… It's only my fault for believing all the shit the war brought me could just go away on its own and I will never be able to forgive myself for how I reacted, in that building, when you were putting my mic...”
“You weren't yourself,” you whispered.
“I know… But I won’t let you to suffer the consequences of what happens to me… But on the other hand I'm too selfish to let you go, I love you too much Y/N and I know if you're not here I… I'll never be able to face this alone.”
“But I don't want you to go through this alone,” you retorted, grabbing his hand with yours and intertwining your fingers as your eyes were on his. “Jay I will never leave you… You’re my whole life and I want to be with you at every step you take, I know it will be hard, I know it isn't easy, I know there is a long way ahead but we’ll do it together. I won't leave you alone… I was just scared in that moment, let's be honest, who wouldn't, but I don't want to abandon you, okay? I just need to know you’ll really, really, try to face these ghosts.”
“Absolutely, I don't want to hurt you anymore…”
“No baby, you don't have to do it for me but for yourself,” you didn't let him finish the sentence “Because you went though what no other human being can go through and you deserve to be happy, to fully live your life, to do your job serenely, you don't deserve to wake up in the middle of the night from nightmares. You are strong, one of the strongest people I know and if there is anyone who can do it, it’s you, love, okay?” you stroked his cheek and he nodded faintly.
“Promise me you'll really try? Not for me though,” you continued as he looked at you with all the love he felt for you. “I can take it, past the fear I know it's not your fault baby, you don't control it. I can't even imagine what you're going through, what you saw over there, anyone who didn’t experience it will never be able to, but I swear Jay I… I would die to give you all the happiness you deserve.”
“You are my happiness,” he retorted and you smiled feebly when you saw him calm down a bit “Tomorrow I’ll look for someone and start doing therapy, I promise I'll do it, for you, for me, for us.”
Your smile grew on your lips. “I know you will. I'm so proud of you.”
“So you won't leave me?” he whispered so softly he almost sounded like a child intimidated by the response he’d receive.
“No baby, never, I swear. I'd take a bullet for you if it means to make you happy.”
“Don’t even joke about that,” he mumbled. He placed his hand on yours which was still on his cheek, then bringing it to his lips and leaving a kiss on the back without his eyes ever leaving yours. “I love you so much Y/N, so fucking much I can't even breathe right now. I don't know what I did to deserve you,” you smiled again “I always want to see you smile like that, God… I can't even explain what you do to me. I… I want to make you happy as much as you make me happy. I'm so sorry baby, I'm sorry for everything...”
“Shh, it's okay, it's not your fault I want you to put it in this cute little head. I love you too Jay so much, more than you can ever imagine.”
You stayed on that sofa embraced for and indefinite amount of time, cradled in each other's arms. After some time you managed to get Jay to eat something before letting him take a shower, needless to say he was going to sleep over at your place.
You both got into bed and, due to the exhaustion, the intense emotions experienced that day, it didn't take long for Jay to fall asleep, his head resting on your chest as you held him and hugged him. But you couldn't sleep a wink, the events of that day still clear in your mind.
When Jay woke up in the middle of the night, it didn't take him long to realize you weren't there anymore. He sat up in bed and looked at the time on his cell phone, which read 1:32 in the morning, before getting up and walking towards the living room.
For a fraction of a second he thought he heard a sob but he thought he just imagined it. But when this sobbing sound was accompanied by a sniffling, he knew he didn’t imagine them at all.
He walked quickly to the living room and his heart skipped a beat when, in the dim light, he saw you sitting on the sofa, your knees drawn up to your chest as you cried. He turned on the lights and didn't miss the way you tried - in vain – to quickly dry your tears.
“Y/N… Baby… God, what happened? Are you hurt?” Jay asked after rushing over to you, kneeling right in front of you.
You mentally let out a curse, aware that you wouldn't be able to escape this. “I'm fine,” you replied though, hoping for a nano second he’d buy it.
“Oh baby don't lie to me, you don't cry if you're fine. Please talk to me, are you okay? What happened?” he continued to ask worried. He grabbed a handkerchief from the top of the coffee table and handed it to you, watching you intently as you blew your nose. He sat down next to you and started stroking your hair in an attempt to comfort you.
“Don't worry babe, it's okay. Nothing happened, go back to sleep you're tired.”
“How can you even think I'll leave you here alone?” he said “Wait, I'll go get you a glass of water.”
Before you could object, he was up and in less than no time he returned with a glass of cold water which you drank with pleasure. “You want another one?” he asked and after you mumbled a ‘no’ he took the empty glass from your hands and placed it on the coffee table. “Are you feeling better?”.
You nodded. “Seriously baby, I'm fine, go back to bed.”
“How about you stop lying to me and start telling me the truth? You're making me worry to death love.”
You sighed deeply, feeling the urge to cry coming back. “It's just… It's been a busy day and I needed to vent.”
Jay was silent for a moment, wiping away a single tear that slid down your cheek. “Talk to me baby, I'm here for you.”
You shook your head and then stood up. “No, there is nothing to say. Let's go to sleep, I'm getting tired too.”
“No, we're not going to sleep until you tell me what's going on,” he stood up too, looking at you with such intensity it almost took your breath away. God why did he insist so much, why didn't he just let you cry and forget everything?
“I told you Jay, I was just venting after today.”
“Yes, but it's not only that, I'm sure,” he retorted, taking a step towards you. “Baby don't you trust me? You know you can talk to me about anything, I just want to help you.”
“I-it's not that, of course I trust you.”
“Then talk to me,” he pressed, now on the verge of losing his mind “What...”.
“I don't want to bother you, you already have so much to think about.”
“Y/N I want you to listen to me very carefully now because I won't say it again,” he spoke, placing his hands on your face to force you to look at him. “There is nothing in this world I wouldn't do for you, and nothing, I say nothing, is more important than you. You never bother me and never will. You want me to be honest with you, to ask for help, but you have to do it too, you don't have to be afraid to tell me about something it’s bothering you.”
You started crying again and he hugged you, holding you close as he stroked your hair. “It's alright baby, I'm here. Cry all you want, let it go. I won't leave you.”
“It’s just…” you sobbed at a loss for words, letting go as a wave of guilt washed over you. You placed your hands on his bare chest as he continued to hold you.
“Y/N, please, I hate seeing you like this. What are you afraid of? Why don’t you talk to me?” he whispered, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear.
“Because I feel guilty,” you answered so feebly you feared he didn’t hear you.
Jay placed two fingers under your chin, forcing you to look at him. “And why’s that?”.
Another sob escaped your lips and at that point you slightly moved away from him, no longer able to hold his gaze, his closeness. You ran your hands over your face and then through your hair, not quite knowing what to say.
“Because I was fucking terrified! And… And I feel guilty because I know what happened wasn't your fault, you weren’t yourself…” you sniffed as the tears continued to flow in rivers, leaving you not even a chance to talk “I know you’d never consciously do anything to hurt me but seeing you point that gun at me… Jay, I…” you sighed “I've faced criminals, murderers, but I've never been so afraid and terrified as today and for a moment I really thought you’d shoot me. The way you looked at me… God I can't get it out of my mind and I'm hating myself because it wasn't your fault…”
Jay stood there attentively listening to every single word you said as every second that passed he felt a part of himself die.
“That's why I didn't want to tell you about this, because I know you’re blaming yourself for everything and you're already going through so much Jay and I don't want to add this other burden on you...” you continued and at that point he approached you again, putting his hands on your cheeks and wiping away the tears with his thumbs as you did with him.
“Y/N…” he said your name as a little prayer “You really think I don’t know that? I know you, I know when something is bugging you, I know when something makes you feel sad. I saw the way you looked at me this whole evening, the way you were tense and I'm so sorry for putting you in this situation my baby. I hate myself so much for this, you didn’t deserve any of that,” he left a soft kiss on your forehead.
“And I love you so fucking much,” he continued “You're willing to suffer alone just to not make me worry but you don't have to. Your feelings are as valid as mine, you have to tell me when you're hurt, when you feel like crying, when you're scared even if I'm the cause. I want to listen to you and do everything in my power to fix what’s hurting you and I promise I will. We have a long way to go, you said it too, but we can't do it unless we're both honest with each other, if we don't express our fears, our apprehensions,” he said wiping away your tears as you did nothing but keep crying “You are the best thing that has ever happened to me Y/N, you saved me from a chasm that I am trying hard to climb over, you are my lifeline and I want to be the same for you. I can never apologize enough for what I did today, but I promise I’ll do everything I can to put all that shit behind me. But you need to talk to me, okay? You are so fucking important to me and I'm okay if you're okay. I can't focus on anything else if I don't know you’re happy and to know that I need you to tell me everything that goes through your mind, and I will do the same… Okay baby?”.
You nodded and in response you pressed your lips onto his in a sweet, long-awaited kiss before hugging and squeezing him as if your life depended on it. He was right, God was he right about everything.
He was your everything.
Your sun, the love of your life, the reason for everything.
You were his salvation.
You were the light at the end of a dark tunnel, the first breath of fresh air after being underwater too long. You both knew that even in the most difficult moments you’ll be able to overcome everything and that you could always count on each other in joy, fear and pain.
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privitivium · 3 months
*big gasp* noooo...! i forgo my font agaiin...!! weeeeehhhhh...!!! *sigh* mehh... it's fine... at least i signed it so u knew who it waz... but still!!!!
oh! also, im doin'... i guezz alright...? a few serious things haves been happening lately.... but anywayz, subject change! i need kishibe to sit on me face and ride it until i can't breath!!(≧◡≦)
:3(pls make the kishibe fic a thing, i hunger for it!>:3)
that's good ur doing alright i think... sure gng. im on a roll i feel like,,, not in depth, more of a ramble fic like all the others. CHAINSAW MAN !!!!!!
dom afab kishibe x sub amab reader
cw for uh, answering phone during sex, facesitting, no mentions of makima, life is good. everyones friends.
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nothing like winding back after a hardworking day of some serious hard labor... nothing like... having your old man cunt buried in the mouth of some young punk you wifed up, huh? holding onto the headboard of your shared king-sized bedㅡkishibe's darling little lover so eagerly, graciously sucking and lapping at the folds of his well-kept cunt ( well-kept for his own hygiene and wanting it to look pretty, not that he'd ever admit itㅡ) - it makes him giddy that you're always so eager to dive tongue first to make him feel good... not that he'd ever ... show for it. not that he would ever reveal it...
ㅡalready he was such a indifferent, jaded man... holding it up for his lil boyfriend. no one quite knew who kishibe went home to - and he liked it that way, personally. except forㅡof courseㅡhis best pal, his best mate... quanxi knew all about his perverted little freak of a lover. often badgering him and making fun of kishibe for having you around... it was lighthearted. she knew how much you made him emotional - so happy. she'd like to thank you personally, jokingly, but you always seem to be busy... with ur mouth being stuffed is all.
ㅡ"mmmfgh-" you were barely able to speak. incoherent - vibrations of your soft moans tickling him all the way up to his core and nearly making him cum right thenㅡyour hot breath fanning his clit before you were forcing all his weight on you - belligerent on feeling his heavy, six-foot-four body crush your skull... he was perfectly okay with it, you were strong... you could handle it. of course you could - this was nothing new... every other day... so desperately wanting to taste the saltiness of his old man cuntㅡjust a way for you to relax, you tell him whiningly; puppy-eyed, erect, and aching. god, obviously he gives you want you want... sometimes - teasing you.
"s' a good boy..." grumbling, inhaling shakily. teasing you when you get too bratty and adamant... by tying you upㅡso strong-!ㅡand tossing you in the chair in the corner of the room; fingering himself with his legs spread open lazily on the bed - just so he can flaunt the glistening folds of his cunt, smirking in pure glee. making it up to you - riding your restrained form, and you; sobbing as you were unable to feel the fleshy squish of his thighs as he bounced on your cock with your hands tied behind your back... so cruel, kishibe !
kishibe grunts softly under his breath, nearly grinding into your face as he trembles; edge of an orgasm creeping up his spine and curling in his lower tummy - jolting mildly as his phone begins to ring on the nightstandㅡhe snarls at the distraction, not exactly in the mood to be teased himselfㅡyet, in an attempts to embarrass you, knowing how sensitive you are; he answers it despite being seconds away from a nerve shattering orgasm from your overworked tongue. letting yourself be suffocated, his thighs as earmuffs and too busy to realize what he's doing; too immersed on making him cum. his pleasure before yours... you were so good to him - making him feel like a little schoolboy with a crush all over again.
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a small smile worming onto his lips as your hands grip his thighs a touch rigidlyㅡ"mmhm?" he greets the caller with a gentle hum, tangling his nimble fingers through his younger lovers' hair affectionately, such a stoic old man; hiding his pleasure so easily through the phone - a business call?
he's had many years to perfect his suppression of pleasure through voice after all... choking back a soft moan that nearly escapes his lips glossy with saliva, it was meaningless - some newbie asking about the offices - why the hell was he calling kishibe for such uselessness?
but... making useless conversation as though to challenge himself, getting mildly worried as you never seem to come up for air - hanging up just as he's about to cumㅡyou relax your grip on him, letting him hover over you slightly; still reaching up, tongue flicking and sucking at his puffy clit you've abusedㅡinhaling deeply before you ready yourself once again, burying your nose in his cunt - all good to go to be suffocated by his orgasm,,, making you cum, without having to be touched. cock aching and standing upright - ignoring it in favor of pleasing him; the mere taste and smell of him sending your brain on overdriveㅡlapping at his sensitive pussy fluttering in your mouth; swallowing his juices so eagerly. making him tremble, breathing all heavy as he was trying to recover ,,,, ,,, hnngh
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windtowee · 10 months
Ello I’d usually make a big greeting but I’ve written this request way too much with no response so ima head straight to the request, sorry if it’s rude
Fandom: Httyd
Reader: Fem or GN idm which
Platonic ( or u could make it romantic idrc )
Summary: Reader is a new dragon rider and their dragon doesn’t like the gang or their dragons and it’s just all the riders coming up w/ ways to make reader’s dragon more comfy around them and stop attacking everyone
~ Cloudy
A/n: Don’t worry, it’s not rude, besides I prefer straight to the point anyways Gender Neutral! Rider! Reader and the dragon is a female Tw! Animal cruelty, child abandonment, mentions of violence, This is platonic
A mother’s love
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“So how exactly do we make this dragon not try to attack us?” Astrid asked as the other riders and dragons in the room except your dragon. For some strange reason your dragon didn’t like anyone except you and it didn’t like anyone near you. It might be a trust or a protective thing but it’s pretty unique, as even Toothless isn’t like that.
“I’m not sure. This dragon is quite interesting as they don’t even listen to Toothless despite him being the alpha. Y/n, do you have an idea of why it doesn’t like anyone getting near you or it?” Hiccup asked while the others looked at you for an answer.
“Well, I have a couple of ideas but I think this one is the most likely. When I was about five, I was abandoned in the woods, fortunately my dragon was there too. As you know, my dragon is older than me, old enough to be my parent and my dragon had eggs that got destroyed by hunters” You responded as the others connected the dots. They were sadden by your short story and the realization.
“So correct me if I’m wrong, your dragon sees you as their child after their eggs were crushed by hunters?” Valka asked. She personally related to your dragon due to her being taken away from Hiccup and Stock when Hiccup was a baby. She couldn’t imagine if Hiccup had died or been abandoned.
“Yes. So the protectiveness and dislike is due to motherly nature” You responded as you knew the bond between you and your dragon was deeper than most bonds between people and their dragons.
“So the dragon wants to see if we’re a threat or not? That’s pretty understandable due to how mother dragon’s are very protective of their little ones” Fishlegs said as Hiccup was deep in thought about how to get the protective dragon to not attack them.
Valka then seemed to have an idea. A mother always trusts another mother, no matter the species of the two. Valka then grabbed you hand and led you out of the meeting hall with the others following.
“Mom? What are you doing?” Hiccup asked as Snotlout mumbled something about how Valka should hold his hand.
“She’s a mother, she’ll listen to another mother” Valka responded calmly as she was still walking with her hand in yours.
Soon, you all made your way to your dragon. Your dragon was growling and was ready to attack to protect you. Valka was still holding your hand as she stopped in front of your dragon as the others stood behind her, just in case your dragon attacked.
Valka held out her hand as Hiccup did with Toothless when they first met. Valka and your dragon made eye contact and your dragon got closer while Valka didn’t move or let go of your hand.
Your dragon looked between you and Valka who still has her hand out. “Please, I know you’ve suffered. I have too.. A mother would do anything to protect her child, I know that as I would do the same for mine” Valka whispers to your dragon as your dragon widens her eyes when she finds out Valka is a mother like herself. Your dragon lets down her guard a little, it’s working and your dragon steps closer to Valka with a more peaceful look.
Your dragon looks right in Valka’s eyes as Valka does the same. Valka is seen in your dragon’s eyes as your dragon is seen in Valka’s eyes, then your dragon presses her forehead against Valka’s hand. The others looked relieved that it worked as the emotional moment was occurring between two mothers who had suffered a great deal.
It was touching, really.. Valka was right. A mother will trust another mother if it involves a child’s health, happiness, or safety.
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dear-buttercup · 6 months
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Okay, okay, hear me out:
Spy x Family AU, except Marinette is Loid & Adrien is Yor.
Marinette & Loid both have this alternate self that is very calculative & has the urge to plan out every possible outcome of a situation so they're not caught off guard. Not to mention that both of them have this very strong sense of justice and, each in their own way, are trying to make the world around them a better & safer place. However, both of them also have this other side that is gentle and kind and, essentially, a softy (though this shows more in Marinette bc, well, she hasn't been through the things Loid has been).
Then we have Adrien, who, like Yor, is outwardly sweet & cheerful and doesn't have a clue what to do with Life (TM). But he also has a dark & deadly side, which makes him absolutely consider dirtying his hands if he thought he was protecting the ppl he loves (*cough* derrision *cough*). I can totally see him become an assassin if it was the only thing he could do to protect his loved ones & bring food to the table, esp if he was taught to do that from a young age.
Also, some of my other headcanons for this AU (and pls beware of possible spoilers for sxf if u aren't caught up or want to watch):
- Emma would be Anya, obv, and like Anya, she has telepathic powers and can read her parents' minds. (Side note: I was considering making Emma a creation of the peacock miraculous & for that to be the reason she has her telepathy powers, but then I realized the miraculous existing in this AU might not make much sense, so I'm putting it on the backburner. If anybody wants to explore that, though, be my guest!)
- The plushy u see in Emma's hands in my drawing is Tikki, which is the equivalent of Mr. Chimera in the anime (however, alternatively, The Handler could be Tikki & in turn, The Shopkeeper could be Plagg. But going with my initial idea...)
- The cat in the picture, then, would be Plagg, who is the equivalent of Bond. However, unlike Bond, Plagg is a little shit & he knows it & therefore gives Marinette a lot of grief. But he's very cute when he wants to be, and Emma is very set on keeping him, so Marinette resorts to silent psychological warfare with him. Surprisingly, Plagg is pretty chill when it comes to Adrien to everyone's surprise.
- Just like Bond, Plagg also has psychic powers. However, I can just see him hissing in annoyance everytime a vision pops up. :D
- Adrien is secretly an assassin who exterminates traitors with his special dagger(s) that he calls 'Cataclysm'.
- Marinette is a spy who is tasked with getting close to her target, Chloe Bourgeois. She has a customized gun that she prefers to use that she calls her 'lucky charm'.
- Also, the same as the anime, Marinette's agent name is 'Ladybug' & Adrien's is 'Chat Noir'.
- Chloe is Marinette's target (I know Desmond & Gabriel are crazy similar, but I think it'd be pretty weird to have Gabe & Adrien in the same universe & for them to not be related).
- Chloe has 2 children: a twin son & daughter who r attending the same prestigious school. The daughter (which I haven't chosen a name for) is the equivalent of Becky & the son (which I also don't know the name of) is the equivalent of Damian.
- Chloe's daughter lives with her father (who I imagine is Luka bc it's a guilty ship of mine, but eh), but she also pays for her child support and education, so her daughter was raised like a princess and therefore has the same princess tendencies as Becky.
- Chloe's son is still pretty much the same as Damian, so not much to add there. (Yes, exactly like Damian. If you know, you know :) )
- Lastly, I will leave you with this out of pocket notion: Felix as Yuri and Kagami as Fiona (and yes, I very much ship them, even in this AU :) )
Here are the individual characters separately as a treat for making it till here!
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smallidarityyuri · 9 months
Jimmy was very very cold. Not in the way that he was glaring at anyone who walked past, or in the way that he would ignore people on purpose. He was simply cold. Cold in the way that makes your hair stand on end and goosebumps raise. The type of cold that makes you want several layers of fur blankets on a soft and comfortable bed you can sink into. The kind of cold that’s never accompanied by a warm funrace. Jimmy had really bad goosebumps.
Jimmy didn’t know why he was always so cold. Some days, when it’s sweltering hot he still feels a little cold when he goes inside where it’s not so hot. It was simply a fact that he always felt cold unless the sun was beaming down on him in summer weather. His friends would tease and prod him for always getting so cold, and he’d just laugh it off. He wasn’t actually bothered by the teasing, because that’s just how it was with him. He was used to it, and he loved it a bit, being teased.
It never actually bothered Jimmy that he was always so cold. Well- save for his cold hands.
First of all, he hated the feeling. His hands always felt kinda shallow and empty, hollow if anything. His hands always felt like a dead body, or if he was freezing. Of course, there are exceptions to this, like when it's hot out, or when he’s showering, but it's never quite the same. He flinches sometimes at how cold his hands get, and sometimes he puts on gloves immediately. That wasn't really what bothered him though.
What did bother him is how other people flinch away when he touches them. It happens a lot with Grian, now that he thinks about it.
Sometimes he’ll try to hold his hands, grab his shoulder, or anything else; and Grian will gasp and shove his hands away. He’ll yap something or another about needing a warning first or to warm his hands up before he gets to touch Grian. It hurts Jimmy a lot more than he lets on. Other people do it too, but they're not quite as mean about it. Probably because they don't know him as well as Grian does, and there’s some form of mutual trust for Grian to not cross any boundaries that Jimmy has set. He isn't trying to be mean when he tells Jimmy to keep his cold hands away anyways. He’s just being annoying. It still stings, though.
Jimmy is interrupted out of his thoughts by someone sitting down on the opposite side of his bed. Jimmy realizes that he’d been staring at his hands the entire time. They speak up, and he recognises them as Joel.
“Jim, hey. You doin' okay? You're starin' at your hands like a bloody weirdo."
Jimmy frowns.
"Well- yeah no, I'm fine. My hands are just cold."
"Yer hands are always cold, mate." Joel replies, raising an eyebrow at him.
"I know. That's like- yeah. I don't know where I was going with that." A lie. Jimmy knew exactly where he was going with that, but didn't want to share that with Joel.
"Mkayyyyyy…" Joel frowns. "Well anyways, I came here to give you something."
"Oh is- what is it?" Jimmy asks.
Joel grabs something from out of his pocket and hands it to Jimmy. Their hands brush each other. Joel doesn't pull back quickly at his cold hands.
The gift- it was gloves. They were black gloves that go up past the wrist a bit. They were really soft, actually. They sort of felt like a stuffed animal. He wasn't sure how he felt.
On one hand, this meant Joel did pay attention to the fact that his hands were cold, and he did care. It meant that he went out of his way to get Jimmy a gift.
On the other hand.. he wasn't sure. It felt a little patronizing to Jimmy. Why didn't he like his hands the way they were? Why did he want Jimmy to cover them u-
"I figured they'd help with your hands being cold. You mentioned they made your hands ache really fast." He scoffs and laughs a little. "Can't have you doing work for me and Grian if you're aching all the time."
Jimmy laughs a little. Huh.
"But I was thinking-" Joel continues, "-that your hands are like, really really cold, and uh. You know, my hands are pretty warm. So if you don't like the gloves we could just hold hands if they start aching."
Jimmy squints a little. This definitely wasn't the first time that he and Joel had even thought about holding hands. Not even close to the first time. But there was something so- foreign about this. There was something strange about it. He couldn't put his fingers on it though.
Joel bites his lips.
"Are your hands aching?"
Jimmy looks down at his hands again. He thinks about it. His hands feel bitter, but they don't ache. He nods.
"Yeah, they are."
Joel takes the gloves out of Jimmy's hands, and puts them to the side. He shuffles a little closer to Jimmy and intertwines his hands with the others. Joel's hands are very very warm- almost hot. But then again, Jimmy's hands were freezing.
Joel hums softly and watches their hands. He starts rubbing his thumb over Jimmy's hand gently. Jimmy watches Joel's face.
Maybe always being cold wasn't such a bad thing.
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