#(he knows English he just sometimes cant speak it very well)
kelaeri · 14 hours
The Many Languages of Dick Grayson
Apparently, according to Nightwing #54, he can speak 12, so I went on a little quest to see just how many I could identify.
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Starting off with The Essential Batman Encyclopedia, the entry for Dick Grayson lists him as being trained in French, Spanish, Russian, Japanese, Mandarin, and Cantonese with having some proficiency in an unknown Romani dialect. Given there are multiple examples of him speaking these languages throughout the comics, I am inclined to trust this claim. To start, we've got several examples of French (Gotham Knights #14, Detective Comics Annual #12, Nightwing #73, Grayson #10-- also featuring Spanish)
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In Grayson #1 he speaks Russian only briefly, but in Detective Comics #36 he speaks it throughout.
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As far as the Chinese languages go, while I believe Dick can speak Mandarin and/or Cantonese fairly well (Batman/Superman World's Finest #3), his Hanzi recognition and literacy could use some work.
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Similarly, when the Titans head off to Japan in Titans Annual #1, we have Nightwing speaking Japanese in battle; however, when it comes to the prospective job of being a manga translator in Nightwing #125, he claims he doesn't know Japanese, which leads me to believe he is only proficient in speaking Japanese/Chinese and struggles with the writing systems.
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So what about the languages not covered in the encyclopedia? To start, we have another romance language: Italian (Nightwing #72).
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Followed by some alleged German (Nightwing #51, JLA #44)
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And conversations in Farsi (Robin #175)
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While I've seen some Tumblr and Reddit posts claim he knows Kikuyu, The Power Company: Manhunter #1 only says he "brushed up" on his Kikuyu before going to Kenya, so it is unknown how much of the language he actually speaks, but to me it doesn't seem likely to be a lot.
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He also, to some unknown degree, speaks Tamaranean-- at least enough to hack into an alien computer (Action Comics #842).
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As far as unspoken languages go, Dick is fluent in ASL, which is proven numerous times when he communicates with Jericho (New Teen Titans 1984).
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And lastly, the two languages that remain rather uncertain are Romani and Cant-- largely due to the nature of the languages themselves and their representation in comics. "Romani," for instance, has several different dialects, and when Devin Grayson introduced it for Dick (Gotham Knights #20-21, Nightwing #91), she never specified which, and based on the lines she wrote, her research into the language was questionable at best. Writers since have recognized Dick's Romani heritage, but have not otherwise suggested he retained much of the language to be considered fluent.
Cant is an even wider term than Romani and can be seen as more of jargon for a particular language than a language itself, sometimes even being called a "pseudo-language." The colloquial term for American circus cant is Carny, or "Carny speak" as Boston Brand puts it in Batman: The Brave and the Bold #14 when he and Nightwing encounter a kid who speaks it.
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So... this leaves us with 11 languages Dick has notable proficiency in: English, French, Spanish, Italian, Russian, German, Japanese, Mandarin, Cantonese, Farsi, and ASL. And ~3 languages he has unknown proficiency in: Tamaranean, Kikuyu, Romani, and Carny/Cant (if you want to count it).
Maybe memory-loss Dick was including either Tamaranean or Kikuyu in that count from Nightwing #54, or maybe he knows some other language we haven't seen yet. Given how close the family is to the Al Ghuls, I personally think it would be cool if one of them was Arabic.
But anyway, hope you enjoyed this post! A lot I've seen covering this topic are very surface-level and label some of his more iffy languages as "fluent," so I hope this cleared things up. I've read tons of Nightwing, and I swear there are more examples, but sifting through the 1,000+ comics I've read of him is a lot haha. If y'all know of some others, let me know!
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splatooshy · 9 months
tvdu headcanons
yes these are completely correct, no i do not take criticism. either compliment me and my clever thoughts or walk away.
- pretends his initials stand for ‘damon fucking salvatore.’
- Humanity isn’t something Damon lacks. He ignores it sometimes, but he did that when he was human too
- shy. so PAINFULLY shy. that didn’t change until post 70s.
- fav colour is jade green.
- born in italy, then lily had multiple miscarriages over 5 years and giuseppe decided they would move to america for better prospects, and stefan was born in mf.
- giuseppe despised anything ‘foreign’, and would lock damon in the cellar when he slipped up. never mind that damon didn’t really know any english.
- named his first horse (a shetland pony) sir handsome. loved his horses. hated people, loved animals.
- bibliophile. brains over brawn.
- gets banned from new orleans every few decades. marcel HATES him. also was in nola in 1914, freya and kol both took pity on him/ befriended damon after he managed to piss off the witches AND marcel in one day.
- always had the most inconvenient crushes as a human. the first was the daughter of some middle class storekeeper when he was eight. the second was emily bennett (his secret bff) and the third was a dude with a horse when he was a teenager. stablehand/riding instructor/ young gent passing through, named sebastian. giuseppe caught the boys fooling around one day and promptly shot sebastian in the head, before beating damon within an inch of his life (WOAH I WROTE THIS SO CASUALLY). damon never fully recovered.
- finds grimoires to bring to his favourite witch at the time. often the spells are super wacky and mostly useless.
- chatty and clingy drunk.
- after augustines, physically cant sleep alone, and half the time wakes up only to realise he’s killed his bedpartner (strangling, decap., suffocation etc.)
- in the 30s, he became a professional dancer.
- fav colour is an icy, glacial blue.
- nobody knows what his first language is. His first few words were either Italian or French, but it’s not certain which one. of course, giuseppe locked damon in the cellar for that.
- first horse was sir handsome, a hand-me-down from damon. loved both people and animals, but most of all loved when damon was introducing him to the animals.
- actually the cutest little child ever. big green eyes and floppy blonde-ish hair. looked like a five-year-old until he was 13? 14? and then suddenly shot up really quick.
- bull in a china shop. brawn over brains.
- the ‘ripper’ was created by lexi. she isolated and abused stefan, manipulating him into whatever she wanted.
- chronic migraine sufferer.
- as a human, he physically could not eat when nervous, which just so happened to be 80% of the time.
- rarely gets drunk but is a very outgoing and slutty drunk.
- lizard brain blood lusty ripper stefan only speaks italian.
- model aeroplane / train / car kind of guy.
- tumbled down into a well twice as a human.
- built the engine for the first automobile, passed it onto henry ford.
- likes the challenge of getting his way without resorting to compulsion (which is cheating.)
- has the stickiest fingers. he didn’t become a little street urchin in london without picking up some skills.
- turned by jack the ripper in 1888. approached him mid-murder.
- physically incapable of hating damon. and believe me, he’s tried.
- after augustines, physically cant sleep alone, and half the time wakes up only to realise he’s killed his bedpartner (strangling, decap., suffocation etc.)
- went to college a few times to study art. ended up stabbing the teacher [with a paintbrush] because they critiqued his work.
- was tsar nicholas 2 as a joke, purposely ended the dynasty.
- slipped ecstasy into klaus’ drink in the 80s just to see what would happen.
- had a habit of accidentally wandering as a kid.
- clairvoyant / clairsentient.
- very partial to throwing knives.
- bffs with charles 2, gets knighted (inspired by that episode of parks and rec where ben and andy meet the rich british guy)
- refers to stefan as klaus’ estranged paramour
- mixes vervain and wolfsbane into joints and such to get klaus to chill the fuck out. and mixing vervain into other drugs and stuff so that they’d affect him - damon joins the operation in 1914.
- was jack the ripper in 1888, saw a man drowning in his own blood in an alleyway, just watching as kol disemboweled a prostitute, before approaching him like ‘please sir, can you spare any change?’ and kol was delighted.
- damon pissed off marcel in 1914 and kol decided at that moment they were best friends.
- BIG fan of the ottoman empire. it only collapsed because kol was daggered.
- has grimoires full of odd spells.
- owns vervain coated knuckle dusters
- basically begs damon to talk history with him.
- pre-accident: queen bee and she knew it. at her core, she is self-centred and used to getting her way. this only changes with her parents’ accident, but eventually elena reverts back into her old self.
- refers to katherine as her identical grandmother
[ - bitchy stares. not even an rbf, her face is just super expressive and you can tell when she’s judging you ]
- was second to elena all her life, and elena knew how to fuel that envy of caroline’s. but then elena’s parents died and caroline was finally #1, except stefan shows up and it’s back to the elena show again.
[ - well-meaning but tone deaf ]
both elena and caroline are just those bitchy popular girls.
[ bonnie ]
[ i have so many for her but a lot are completely against canon so here’s the ones that could be ]
[ - best cheerleader on the squad // the older girls adopted her as their flyer from day 1 ]
[ - because she’s tiny, yanno? ]
[ - known as the ‘i dunno her but she seems nice’ one, the ‘quiet, seems really sweet but i think she hates me’ one and ‘elena’s minion’ ]
[ - but she’s actually more popular overall ‘cause she does all the volunteering / xtra curricular stuff with caroline and she’s not in your face about it ]
[ - has very weirdly specific daily rituals as to what she eats and when on which day (waffle wednesday), what pyjamas she wears, how her pillows are arranged, etc. ]
[ - she didn’t even notice she did all of that until she was at a sleepover and the other kid’s mum made a different breakfast to what she would usually have on that day and bonnie was like ‘hmm. i seem to be uncomfortable with this. why is that?’ but sucked it up and ate her breakfast without saying anything ]
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butim4you · 4 months
This is only my second time writing. English is not my first language, so there might be some wrongs here and there. It is not proff read :,) There might stand my real name instead of Y/n sometimes, sorry!
(My requests are open, please feel free to ask:) <3)
Kazutora x reader but also Baji x reader. (Angst)
As you take your first steps out of the airport you hear people calling your name.
You had been living with your mother and just got back to japan.
a short male with long blonde hair leads the group off boys you known since you were a kid your way.
You smile when you see them….its been so long since you saw them…your friends.
The small blonde greets you with a smile he had ran before the others when his eyes had landed on you.
“Hi, Mikey..”
Your smile grows, your finally back..
The other males of the group approach and You look at them one after another.
A tall blonde with both sides of his head shaved and a dragon tattoo on his temple.
His hair is tied back into a braid, last time you saw him it was a tiny ponytail.
Hes draken.
The man beside him has long black silky hair, That cant be the same black short hair he had once could it?
His iconic smirk is on display and his fangs are showing.
He leans against the wall that we are standing by and he stares at you with his beautiful eyes.
He has lots of necklaces and even one you gave him back in the day.
His shirt is from a band you two used to love together, you even went to one of their concerts when they came to tokyo.
It's baji.
Then a male that is on drakens other side has lilac hair and eyes.
His hair is very short and almost a tiny bit buzzed.
The sun shines on his erring that he only has on one ear.
The guy who helped you when you accidentally fuck up your clothes, he fixes them for you.
Poor mitsuya, He spent so much time on those clothes.
Then of course your close friends, The hairballs Nahoya and souya.
Who's this guy with yellow flabby hair?
She raises her glasses to set them on top of her head.
The guy looks nervous and Confused.
beside him is another short dude who also has dirty blonde hair but with a darker color under his hair.
Baji takes her glasses, putting them on himself, surprising her in the process.
“Why are you only greeting Mikey, Eh? How rude of you.”
She chuckles and puts her hand on her waist.
“I'm not going to greet you when you steal my glasses, dude.”
Draken sighs at how they are behaving.
"Ah, come on Y/N/N. We all know you have three pairs more in your bag.”
The way Mikey says it makes it sound like he knows everything about you.
Mitsuya laughs a little with a kind smile.
Baji Snickers at that and Puts his arm around your shoulder to steady himself on you.
The guy with yellow hair accidentally speaks
Everyone looks at him.
She Smiles as he panics because everyone is looking at him.
"That's just a stupid nickname Mikey gave me, My name is Y/N. Who are you?”
“Ah! That's takemitchy! My new friend!”
The Takemitchy or whatever his name was smiles nervously.
She Leans back a little into the arm that baji still has around her neck.
Looking over at the other guy beside ´Takemitchy´ Who looks unbothered.
“You must be Chifuyu, am I right? Baji sent a picture of you when we were discussing friends.”
Chifuyu Gets a little surprised and holds back a smile to look cool.
He gave a quick nod and crossed his arms.
“Well, I'm exhausted. You guys came here on your bikes or did you walk?”
Baji pushes off her shoulder to stand straight.
He grabs one of her bags and carries it behind his back over his shoulder.
he grabs another, throwing it over to Draken who catches it.
“Hey careful there's important stu-”
“We came on the bikes stupid, so we gotta split your bags.”
He walks over to the bikes.
“Smiley, take the bag I'm carrying. She's riding with me.”
Y/N throws her hands up.
“Hell yeah!”
The boy called takemitchy turns to chifuyu with a confused face
Chifuyu runs up to baji by the bikes.
“But, Then who am I riding with? I dont have one yet and I came here with you?”
Baji looks at him and shrugs then hands Nahoya the bag he's carrying.
He doesn't really look like he cares like he usually looks like.
In the end he ended up on the back of souyas bike with an annoyed face.
Takemitchi is very confused by this situation.
Naoto said nothing about a girl named Y/N.
This Woman was a mystery…
He didn't want to be weird and ask questions though…
He was even more confused when he noticed that they were at Mikey's house..?
“Uhm…Mikey? Why are we at your house?”
Takemitchi said with a confused stare.
He looks over at baji who's helping Y/N off his bike.
“Oh, well Y/N is gonna stay at my house until Her dad gets back from work.”
Mikey smiles as he parks his bike.
The twins wave their goodbyes and leave, leaving The seven alone.
The place Y/N’s things inside mikey's room and then Takemichi makes up the courage to finally ask.
“who uhm..? Who are you now again?”
Y/N looks over at him with her small smile.
She gives a simple answer and he feels embarrassed for making the question seem like that amd when he hears Mitsuyas and bajis small laughs.
Mitsuya pats Takemichis shoulder and sits down beside him.
“Y/N is an old friend, she moved to Another country with her mom some years ago. That's why we met her at the airport.”
Takemichi nods slowly, finally understanding the situation.
That explains why Mikey got so happy when they met her earlier.
Though..? if it was years ago they met her, why did they act so chill like that?
Well Mikey did act chill the first time they met too so maybe it's not that weird.
Baji grabs his phone and scrolls through his camera roll.
He grins and shows Takemichi and Chifuyu an old picture of Y/N.
“That's Y/N the last time we saw her.”
He chuckles with his classic grin.
She had A very ruined and messy braid instead of let out hair.
She had red scars and Looked beat up, But still made a funny face for the picture.
Baji scrolls again and shows a video of her dancing in what Takemichi and chifuyu guesses is her room.
Its a very Fast song and it sounds like Rock.
Baji was the one filming but then Mitsuya goes over with a soda and baji gives him the camera and joins her.
Their headbanging and laughing lots.
“Don't show that! It's embarrassing!”
Y/N Says and tries to grab bajis phone but he laughs and holds it out of her reach.
His other hand holds on her shoulder to hold her off.
“No way! its hilarious!”
He laughs.
Draken shakes his head in disappointment and chifuyu gets ahold of his phone.
“But wait? that looks nothing like her though..? and why is she so beat up in the first picture?”
Y/N who is still tackling with baji looks up.
“I mean how would you know that you picked up the right girl?”
Chifuyu continuous but Y/N Cuts him off as she sits up straight.
“Which girl would willingly go with some random guy who looks like they're in a gang?”
Now Chifuyu got embarrassed slightly.
“but..? What about the scars on your face?”
Baji whos now laying on the ground, leaning his face against his hand and his elbow on the ground speaks up.
“Shes one of tomans founders with us. Actually The reason Draken hates Fighting with women is cause He accidently pushed Y/N too hard once and She fell over onto the road in tokyo. I was there too.”
Chifuyu and Takemichi were surprised at that.
“Wait? i thought that it was because he respect them a lot and cause he promised emm-”
“Promised what?”
Emma cuts him off as she walks into Mikey's room with tea.
“Oh! I thought I heard your voice Y/N. I missed you!”
She puts down the tea drag Y/N with her to the real house.
Mitsuya Holds his tea and looks at baji.
“Baji, you seemed to act like you see her every day when you met her earlier? What's it been? 3 years? Do you still-”
Baji cuts him off and his grin falls.
“No. No i don't."
Mitsuya nods and Draken stands up.
“Im going to go check on those two, ill be back.”
He then walks out of the garage that is called mikey's room towards the main building.
Mikey then says.
“Y/N doesn't know about kazutora right? Should we tell her? I Mean since Y’know..?”
Mitsuya Sighs a bit, A takes a deep breath and smiles.
“Let's let her be happy for a little while longer, yeah?”
Takemichi leans forward, steadying his elbows on his knees. Who's kazutora now again?
“Kazutora is coming out soon anyways.”
Baji announced still not smiling.
“Still, Y/Ns gonna freak out if she knows hes been locked in without her knowing.”
Mitsuya nods slowly and sips the tea. Mikey did have a point.
"I still suggest we let her be happy. Atleast for a small bit. And if Kazutora is comming out soon then its all Okay right? Plus If she asks why we never told her we could just say she never asked."
Takemitchi tilts his head, and chifuyu copies his movements. Chifuyu had heard from baji about Kazutora before but both males wondered what Y/N had to do with him?
"Who is Kazutora and what does Y/N have to do with him?"
Takemitchi finally asked as his chin rested in his hands. He was so confused about this situation.
"Kazutora is an old founder of toman and a dear friend of ours. Y/N and him was a couple before she moved and they never broke up. Kazutora did something horrible after she left though..and now he's in juvie. He gets out this year though.."
Mitsuya explains setting the tea down softly. Takemichi looks at Mitsuya as he talks and nods.
"What did Kazutora do?"
Mitusya looks at Mikey as if asking if he can tell or not...Mikey looks up at Takemichi.
"He killed someone. Someone very dear to me."
Takemichi's eyes widen and so does Chifuyus. Did Y/N know about this? Probably not..?
"Of course he was very affected by Marias move and really missed her. What he did cannot be blamed on sadness but I believe it was a part of it."
Mitsuya smiles a little as he talks to make the tension lift. Takemichi nods again. Y/N used to be a member off Toman...Tomans only girl too. If Y/N now is back that means she will be a part again right?
"Hey..? Now that Y/N is back does that mean she will join toman again..?"
They all look at him. Baji nods and Mikey shrugs.
"It's her choice, of course."
Y/N's Dad got off work pretty quickly And Baji Drove her over. Miley and takemichi followed along for fun and Takemichi's jaw almost dropped.
Y/N had a mansion..!? Her house was huge...Was she rich? Damn.
"Thanks for dropping me off guys, I'll see you tommorow?"
Baji grins and Mikey nods.
"Yeah! Baji can pick you up tommorow and we can Hang out."
She smiles brightly at that.
"Okay! It's been a while since I saw the shrine too."
Baji ruffles her hair and chuckles.
"You can come along to the next toman meeting if you Want."
She looks at him surprised But really happy.
Baji nods and She squeals and jumps a little.
"Thanks! Gotta go now, I'll see you guys tommorow yeah?"
The three guys nodded and waves her goodbye. Takemichi then taps Mikeys shoulder.
"Is she like...Rich?"
Mikey laughs and baji snickers. Mikey looks back at him from his shoulder.
"Yeah? She is, so?"
Takemitchi quickly became defensive.
"N-nothing! I was just surprised.."
Kazutoras pov:
I got realized a week ago. I've set my plan to end mikey into game. I'm now a part of valhalla...
I'm walking down the alley to see Draken in the big tunnel. What could he possible need to tell me? Probably not to go against Mikey. But that's to late.
I say and my earring jingles with my every step. Draken looks at me with the same face as always.
Draken takes a breath before continuing.
"Kazutora, If your planing to go against Mikey then-"
I cut him off with a slight chuckles and I smile.
"Im not planing anything. I'm doing it."
Drakens game darkens and he looks to the side. His braid sways with the wind.
"Y/N is back."
That's all he said, and my smile drops as I hear those words. Is she back? Y/N... He must be lying. I dont believe him and now my mood is ruined. Draken then continues.
"Would you really try to kill him when the woman you love is in town..? How would she see you?"
I bit the inside of my cheek and I feel my anger boiling.
"Shut up..."
A turn to leave and draken calls after me.
"Mikey would give you another chance if you would take it."
I ignore him and continue walking. Was Y/N actually back? No way. Don't fall for his tricks Kazutora. I say to myself.
I walk back to the place I hang out, I dont really own the place. It's abandoned enough for me to stay in.
Back to normal:
You had been hanging out with The guys for about a week now.
You knew Kazutora was missing, but you didn't ask...You didn't want to pry or anything.
Then baji started distancing himself from mikey and the others.
He still hung out with you but not the others..?
You were hanging out with baji in your room, simply listening to music and just vibing.
Talking about everything and anything.
"Hey baji?"
You say and look at him, he's sitting on the end of your bed with a soft smile. You smile back and bajis heart flutters.
"Mhm yeah?"
He answers and pets your dog who's also laying on your bed.
"Whats happening between you and the guys?"
You tits your head and he looks down at the dog.
"Its complicated. I'm switching gang to valhalla. But its all good. Kazutora is on that side so why can't I?"
Your eyes widen slightly and Your head is straight again. Did he just say Kazutora? Finally someone talks about him...but wait what? Hes in another gang..? Since when?
"Wait kazu is in another gang..? Since when?"
Baji sighs, he doesnt want to be the one who tell you all this. You can feel your heart beating faster.
What had happend to Kazutora..? Sure he never tried to contact you like the others but you didnt think anything had happend.
Baji started to explain everything for you, Word after word gave you another shock. Kazutora had been in juvie? No matter how much you asked baji didnt tell you why. Your heart pounded so loud...This was a really big shock...
"He just got our and now he's in a gang called valhalla."
Baji said calmly as he pets your dog, not meeting your gaze, it was desperate...Of course you still love Kazutora...Why wouldnt you be? Its not like You ever lost those feelings.
"Wait so...Your leaving toman to be in a gang with Kazutora cause he did something and just got out of juvie? Why cant he just join toman again?"
You were confused. This made no sense.
"Thats somewhat on the right track. Kazutora chose not to join toman again...Some stuff happend, alright? Stop asking so much. The less you know the better it is."
You feel the bed shift as Baji gets of the bed. He didnt want to tell you too much, he didn't want this to affect you in anyway possible...He looks back at you.
"Im going, see you."
You scramble to get off the bed too. Your dog reacting with a jolt and looks around confused since it was so cuddled up.
"What? Why?"
Grabs his bag and carrying it over his shoulder.
"Gotta get home, before my mom gets mad. You know ill never hear the end of it otherwise."
You nod slowly and understand his point. Then you remember something and hurries over to your desk. You open a drawer and dig around in it. You got what you searched for and held it up.
"Whats that?"
Baji says, He didnt mean for it to come out like he was annoyed. He was never annoyed with you.
"A necklace, duh."
You walk up to him and hands it to him. He feels the cold metal of the necklace against his warm palm.
"Give this to kazu will you?"
He frowns but nods, how annoying. It's a necklace with a symbol on it for good luck... He puts it in his pocket and gives you a small wave then leaves.
You really hope Kazutora gets your gift...Does he even know your back? Probably not.
Baji,s pov:
I held the necklace in my hand as I sit on my bed in my room.
Im annoyed. Im irritated. Why does she still love him...And not me..? Of course im happy for their love but im not.. I wanna burn the necklace...what if I just...dont give it to him?
He probably wont believe that its from her. Goddammit...Why is it so complicated to give him something from her?
I let out a long sigh and close my hand around the necklace. I lay down and and stare up at my ceiling.
What's wrong with me?
The next day I meet up with Kazutora again. I have to do this...Kazutora smiles as he sees me.
I grin to hide my emotions and A small nod as a 'wassup'
"Yo, Kazutora."
Kazutora chuckles and we lean on the railing. Then I remember the necklace....Shit..I take a breath and reach down in my pocket. I hold it out and push it against his chest.
Kazutora's eyes widen and he tilts his head.
"You got me a necklace?"
He asks confused, He didnt look very fond of it.
"What? No, Its from Y/n. Not me."
I freeze when I see Kazutora Grabs it and throws it as far as he can. The necklace is gone..just like that? I'm shocked as fuck but I hide it behind a bored face.
"Hm, guess you didn't like it."
I try to act calm and like I dont care when I actually do. Kazutora turns his head to me and I can see in his eyes that he's annoyed.
"Y/n isn't back. Stop trying to make it seem that way. It's annoying."
Now it's my turn to tilts my head and raise my eyebrow.
Kazutora looks in the direction he threw the Necklace. How he wanted to believe that you were back, he truly did. But not once in three years did he receive a letter or anything. She just moved...and that was betrayal to him.
"She's not here. she's not coming back either."
I have to hold back a laugh at that. What is this nonsense he's talking about.
"Whatever you say, man."
Your pov again:
Your walking down the street when you see the two boys you seen with your friends when they picked you up from the airport.
You walk over to them, The boy you remember as chifuyu has bruises and lots of bandages. The other guy who you remember as 'takemitchy' looked shaken up and he has bruised knuckles.
Well by this you got the wrong idea...
"Hey! Takemitchy was it? The hell did you do to him?"
Takemitchy turns to see you with An umbrella, it's raining a bit. He got Confused and looks around.
Chifuyu asks also confused.
"Why do you both look confused? Did you hit chifuyu Eh?"
Now your getting irritated, who beats up their own friends? Chifuyu then understands and starts laughing.
"You thought Takemitchy beat me up?"
Takemitchys eyes widen and he starts to understand.
"Nah this guy can't beat up anyone, well except this tire that's supposed to be a swing not a punching bag."
Chifuyu clears, He leans back a bit and Takemitchy looks offended then embarrassed.
"Wait so...? Who beat you up?"
Chifuyu looks off to the side, Clearly unsure about telling you.
"Baji-kun did."
Takemitchy says with ease. Chifuyu refuses to look at them. You don't really believe that. From your view they seemed kinda close.
"No way. I thought baji and you were close..? Why would he-"
Chifuyu cut you off, He looks at you and smiles.
"Dont worry, baji San only did it cause he needed to get in to Valhalla. He didnt mean it, plus I believe he has a plan."
You tilt your head to the side, What the actual fuck are they talking about? Baji had a plan? Plan for what? What's going on?
"A plan for what? What plan? Did I miss something?"
This was all so confusing. What was chifuyu talking about? And why did baji even go into the rival gang? Its not like him...
Takemitchi looks just as awkward and confused as you. He didnt really know what Chifuyu was talking about but he knew mikey said he would kill him if he didnt get baji back (He obviously wouldnt)
Chifuyu and takemitchi shared a stare. If Chifuyu was gonna explain this he would have to explain it in a way that didnt give Takemitchi off as a timeleeper.
What if he just said that kisaki gave him bad vibes? Would that pass? This was giving him a headache, and not only from getting beat up earlier.
"I think baji did it to go against kisaki. Kisaki is giving off a bad vibe and-"
He tried to make it sound like a good enough reason while still not giving away to much info. You werent supposed to be in this mess. Now that the two think about it, they shouldnt have told you at all. But you cut off their train of thoughts.
"Are you sure? Because baji told me it was cause Kazutora was back in town. Baji and kazu were very close back then. So its not a surprise."
You shrug, not finding the situation that bad. Sure, it's a little weird, but not that bad. Baji was acting protective of the information about why and other things. But he had the right to have his secrets. Chifuyu nods, feeling confident.
"Im sure! Me and takemitchi can talk to him before the war"
He didn't even think that he just gave you free info. The war between valhalla and toman...? Why would he change teams just a while before the war?
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Part two???
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stevie-petey · 2 months
Hey m! I know you're writing a bonus chapter right now (which I'm so excited for!!!) but I had a blurb idea of you're still doing em. When the Byers move and after all the goodbyes are said. Jonathan's pov driving away from bug and all these emotions and memories coming back. Maybe a little insight on some of the conflicted feelings about bug because we know there's a little something brewing there. Or maybe not and I'm just delusional and in love with Jonathan who knows.
anon i am also in love with jonathan and ur not at all delusional <333 everything is intentional !!
enjoy !
"'come again soon'," will reads aloud the hawkins sign, the goodbye it bids to its visitors. except will had never been a visitor, he had grown up in this town his entire life. will shakes his head, he cant believe theyre really leaving. "think we ever will come back here?"
jonathan eyes dont leave the road. he refuses to look at the sign they pass. he doesnt look back in his mirror to watch it fade into the distance. he has to look forward. look ahead. not back.
"sure, yeah." he responds to his brother. like will, jonathan also cant believe theyre really leaving. this is where they grew up, and the horrors they faced cant erase that. "i mean, hawkins is our home, ya know?"
home. jonathan knows that the word is your favorite within the english language. for a long time, he didnt understand how it could be. it was just a house. just four walls and a roof.
then, one day, jonathan understood.
will nods, he doesnt say anything else. instead, he turns to watch the landscape fly past his window. the radio in the car has one of jonathans tapes playing softly. neither boy speaks. the memories each of them posses settle in the car. they get lost in their own thoughts.
jonathan thinks about nancy. their kiss goodbye still lingers on his lips. with every mile he drives, he can feel the distance between them grow and the tension within his chest tighten. jonathan loves her with such a ferocity that terrifies him. hes weak for nancy. she guides him, steadies him, and he doesnt know what hes going to do without her.
no one has ever understood how nancy and jonathan fell for one another. not even you, despite how well you know them both.
if hes being honest, jonathan doesnt quite understand how it happened, either. all he knows is that one day nancy walked into his life and everything sharpened. his senses were heightened.
loving nancy wheeler was like walking into a thunder storm knowing the lightning will kiss your skin instead of singeing it.
to love nancy wheeler was to be invincible. she makes jonathan braver, more cunning, she pushes him to be better. to be bolder. she would never let him drown in his own silence.
but this love is also rough, it is hard with edges that sometimes puncture jonathans skin. everything to nancy is a challenge. its how she views the world; its how she views everything around her.
suddenly the tape pauses, changes to the next song, and the soft beginning notes of these days by the cure plays.
jonathan smiles.
he discovered the song when he had been laying on his bedroom floor with you next to him. his dad had left behind old tapes. you showed up on the byers doorstep as you always did, and that day had been one of jonathans quiet days. they happened sometimes, following the divorce.
you never asked why, or for jonathan to speak when he didnt want to. never had you ever pushed him. instead you laid next to jonathan on the floor and listened to music together. your hair tickled his face, your hand skimmed his, and jonathan breathed in the scent of his best friend.
the song floated through the room. you seemed to like it, jonathan remembers you closing your eyes and humming along to it. from the very beginning of your relationship, jonathan knew that music was something you didnt want to talk about. it was something that was only yours, and he never pushed you. the acceptance went both ways.
as you were humming, jonathan turned his head to face you. his breath had caught in his chest, he felt as if he had been knocked down. the afternoon suns rays painted your face, illuminating you. the yellow gold of the light made you look like a marble statue jonathan had learned about in class last year. angelic, soft, a work of art.
jonathan knew he loved you the day you called his name on weathertop hill. the dandelions had framed your face, caught in your hair, and the yellow ones danced around your ankles. your smile had been the same as it is now, a year later and still just as delicate.
loving you was soft, easy. for jonathan, loving you was something he didnt know how to not do. sometimes it felt like he was born to love you, to understand the complexities behind your eyes and the hurt you masked. just as you do for him.
it strikes jonathan then, how differently he loves you and nancy.
for you, love is safe, warm, familiar.
for nancy, love is complex, gritty, all encompassing.
and now jonathan will be thousands of miles apart from the two of you.
nancy has always loved a challenge. youve always loved familiarity.
jonathan wonders how this will end.
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romqnticstylez · 1 year
hmmmmmmmmmmm um some of this si gomna be the same as urs okay so
irst rhis or that ALEX OR HENRY
thus ir that andrew garfield or leonardo dicaproo
titanic or oror orrrrrr um tfatws
tfatws or pjo series
pjo or hoo
og trio or leo jason piper trio
piper or annabethg
leo or percy HEHEHE EVIL LAUGH
chai or coffe
hindi or wneglish
if u coudk kill soneine and like u woudlnnot have consequences etc u knwo u would qalk free but only ine person who woudl it be
prev wasnot this orthat questib but do i care no
if u were acat wgat breed wouldu wabt DONT SAY ORANFE
umumumumum the idiotsor rge marauders
wolfstar or jegulus
jegulus or flowerppot
flowerpot or marylily
dorlene or marylily
omg hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
hMMMM ok idr anything since i never finsiehd the books and all. you know. ubt im gonna say alex bc he reminds me of leo
OK well wlell wel they r both soooooooooooo 👀👀👀👀 however. only one of them is cool. so andrew 😻😻😻babygril
titanic imSORRY a sayr ofrgive me plspslpsl
ok pjo no hesitaiton. forgive me for my sins a. also sary
THATS SO HARD STOPP um ok lers see UHAISJDASKJD BRO FUCK YOU 😡😡😡😡😡 this is so hadr ughhghhklklg pjo is just. PJOOO and we got GORVERROROOR but no lost trio. and hoo has the lost trio..........but no grover...FUckukfc ok okosaodk im imsdun m it has nico and wiwlwllw too bro so muchslad pain and suffering ok im OGING TO SAY hoo..............................................................................because mark of athena and house of hades and the seven and percabeth is togehter ??? BUT PJO NO I CANT CHOOSE OSJSDAKSJLK BRO WY WOULD U ASK ME THIS 😡😡
umuumumum og trio. becuase. tlt forever<3 I SITLL LVOE U PIPER JASON LEO
annabehtj but piper is still my wife its ok
HOW DARE YOU 👊👊👊👊👊🔪🔪🔪🔪 lets see hmmmmmmmmmmmmm leo is Literally Me but percy is also Literally Me..........................i am ocnea garal.....but i am also builindg silly goofy things garal.....................sceience garal...?..................aftermuch thought. i will choose................................................percy. BECAUSE U KLILELD HIM SO MANY TIMES HE DESRESVES TO BE CHOSEN AT LEAST ONCE wait i was gonna say someting else too umm ok fuck i forgot lol oops I WILL BRING LEO BACK WITH THE POWER OF ACATS Its ok
chai i am ANTI COFFEE sometimes. i dontliek
english 1021i3021391% hidni is alwys cHANGING its fcjkcgnin i DONT KNOW so many weird words. english ez. or maybe im biasde why is it so much easier to speak the first language u ever learend
hmmmm ok ok lets see i dont really have beef w anyone except my games teacher but hm. i could kill someone whos actively killig the earth or someting but idk whos doing the most damage hmmm ok ykw im killin g the games teacher SHE MADE MY BEST FRINED CRY and she has been. anti meowing at her for like ayear. so. bye woman
so real of u
ASKDJKASLJD ok o kolets see i dont acutally know the breeds of animasl very weell um exposed but ok anyways im going to take a uquiz hang on ok ok so at first i got norwegian forest cat but it was NOT me tbh butthen !! i got abyssinian and omg. yes. it's me. the desc is so real tbhbtbh ALSO hwen i searched it up the google image cat was orange lol so def fits
ts alwys but laufey so cool
THE IDIOTS we r ebtter no offesne maraudersgaiz
wolfstar bc i lovekjily<3
si flowerpot jily ???/????/? if yes then flowerpot heueh
dorleene bc jily yes and also their fanart is so. yes
okokok GODOBYE mewo mewo
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ginxparker · 2 years
Ghost Drink Scale
i like this headcanon that lives in my mind, that Ghost is a excelent drinker, but a terrible one if we are talking about tequila.
So obv one day, los vaqueros bring tequila to a kinda off party that 141 is having (except there is no music, only a bunch of dudes in small circles chatting, drinking and being loud -and sometimes a little fight, but is all friendly).
141 knows for a fact that Ghost is a awful tequila guy, that is gonna drive someone insane that night, and give everybody headche tomorrow, but the AleRudy have never seen Ghost even tipsy so they dont belive that this is possible. In some way, Gaz convince Soap to prove for the couple that Ghost is indeed a horrible tequila drinker.
So Soap offered LT a drink and the mask man did not refuse while being swip by the nice talker.
And from that day they ended up creating a scale of how much Ghost can change with a glass of tequila:
One Drink Simon: He does space out more frequently, nothing too alarming for now.
Two Drink Simon: He is loud. You can hear his voice across the street. And he dont volume down if you ask, he only whispers loud and in seconds is being loud again.
Three Drink Simon: Extremely confident. He passes to flirt non-stop with Soap, witch makes Jhonny go red. Rudy is dying of laugh with Gaz, and he just promeses that makes better. Four Drink Simon: He speaks all in any language, but none of them are English. Seven of the ten sentences the group can decipher are profanity (Simon is a real potty mouth with tequila on his head), two are something inexplicable about Soap, and one is a dead mystery because they are 100% sure the language doesn't exist (it is dead Latin, and it's a recipe that reminds him of his family).
Five Drink Simon: He's kind of bummer. He is very sad. He doesn't cry, but he will question the existence of life with himself, that nothing should matter because everyone is going to die, and before he gets to damn emotional, everyone agrees to give it another shot of tequila.
Six Drink Simon: His head doesn't work anymore, he dont wants to know about sad things, or whatever. He just needs to move, he stands, he walks, he can't stay still, until Alejandro drop the best mexican music and Simon starts an awkward dance in place. (At this point everyone is so drunk they aren't the only ones dancing).
Seve Drink Simon: he is sweating duo the dance moves, but he cant care less. He is a little pervert horny guy trying to get in Soap pants like his life depends on this.
And at this point, Gaz is lost in some place with Alex, AleRudy are too distracted burning everyone in the dance floor to notice that Soap likes this Simon too damn much, and leaves with him to some room where them can do all the dirty things that Soap dind't know that Simon could even think of doing with him, but here he was, having all of this being whispered in his ear in one of the sexiest voices that he can ever hear.
They stop in Seven Drink Simon for now, but 141 and los vaqueros are not done with Ghost, some day he will not be able to run way with Soap before they can feed him another shot of tequila.
who would imagine that even the might Ghost have a little weakness like tequila. And, well, at least now they have Soap to relief the headche that Ghost in definilly give everyone in the next morning.
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kuroxheadcanon · 11 days
Headcanons about 1p Japan
-he likes to wear oversized stuff like oversized hoddies or shirts when he wears western clothes.
-he is always very polite when speaking english but thats excatly the other way around when he is speaking in his own language because DAMNNN is he rude. He gossips about everyone and everything and there is nothing you can do to stop him.
-he cusses a lot in his language
-he is a yakuza but doesnt have much to no visible tattos
-he likes to spend time with a certain greek
-he is tired of live
-he didnt have much to no sex in his life, since he was never a casanova like Feliciano.
-he doesnt eat very much, which worries greece and some of his other friends like feliciano. China also noticed this and sometimes stays awake at night being so worried of him or thinking what he could do.
-his favorite animal is cat
-he was r*aped as a child from his own people
-he used to cut (and he still does it sometimes when he feels the need to)
-he always hated his height but he always reminds himself in his mind that it is what it is and he cant do anything about it.
-he and greece like to spend together in the night talking about philosophy, their history (mostly greeces since kiku is always curious.
-he loves stargazing with feli or greece.
-he is closer to feliciano then ludwig since they share much more interests together and because its better to communicate with feliciano then ludwig
-he sees china more as his motherfigure then older brother
-he tries to get along with korea and sometimes it works but korea is just a wild animal (real)
-he doesnt like physical touch that much, except its someone he really likes or his crush/lover
-he is sensitive around his chest and neck area and greece knows this very well
-he is one of the only one who actually likes to spend time with his 2p Kuro. They like to play shogi or just any video game together and are very close.
-he deeply respects luciano vargas (2p Italy) and thinks he is a very good king to rule the 2p world.
-he loves hatsune miku and loves to listen to her music
-he mostly only listens to japanese music
-he loves to cook with feliciano or greece
-he loves to draw and do art together with feliciano
-he isnt much of a alcohol person
ANNNDDD thats all for now :) NO really guys i have like to much more headcanons for him but i didnt want this to be any longer.
Maybe (and i am very sure) there will be a part two of his headcanons.
but for now bye ;))))
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clovis-enthusiast · 1 month
Hey Clovis, with Mother’s Day around the corner, I’m curious: are you close with your mom? Will you be celebrating with her?
(ooc: not me answering this months later 💀)
"huh, oh mother's day? that was... ah... a week ago or something, right? *yawn* yeah im close with my ma mère. my mom, i mean. i don't see her a lot physically anymore since ive got *yaaawwwnnn* counselor duties and whatnot, but i talk to her in my dreams at least once a week or so. try to at least. even just a small check-in with a nice hug is better than nothing."
"i see my dad far more often than my mom because... you know... i do be sleepin' and hypnos is actually one of the more attentive godly parents, but i grew up with my mom so she'll always have that edge though i love them both a lot."
"*yawwwnnn* oh, yeah. the other question. i asked nico to shadow travel me to see mom on mothers day. brought her some cookies the dryads made since she loves sweet stuff. also gave her a fleece tie blanket i made in arts and crafts that took me... well... approximately A Long Time to finish but she loved it and she smiled a lot and thanked me and told me she loved me and gave me a hug and *yawn* it was really nice. what was Not really nice was will badgering me and nico later because apparently will wants me to leave my cabin and go outside but when i ask nico very nicely to shadow travel me somewhere he gets all grumpy. *shrug* beggars cant be choosers."
"but yeah... yeah. i love my mom." 💙
(ooc/headcanons under the cut)
hi hi!! so i headcanon that clovis's mom was originally from france (hence his very french name) and moved to new york under the guidance of hypnos through dreams in order to get his son to camp without being too far away from his mama. his mom speaks almost solely french and very little english so clovis grew up speaking french AND english since he attended public schooling before going to camp and switching to be a year round camper after he became the head counselor of his cabin.
i imagine they are very close. his mother had to be very attentive with clovis due to his narcolepsy and hypersomnia. as a baby and toddler, it was often difficult to figure out if he needed to be fed or was sick etc. because he slept so much, and he also was slower to learn how to walk and hit other developmental milestones because of that. due to his mother speaking little to no english, as clovis got older, he often stayed by her side when he wasnt at school to help translate.
i have two ideas for what his mother does career-wise. one idea is that she works in a library which is why and where clovis obtained a ton of his knowledge about mythology aside from his dreams. the one i default to though is that she owns a small bakery (nearby a library) where she handmakes everything. clovis used to "work" there as well, usually to translate, but he grew up around his mother's baking so he is actually a very good baker! not many people know this since he's usually asleep which is a tragedy truly. now that his mom can speak and understand english a bit better and was also able to get enough funds to hire a translator once clovis became a year round camper, clovis doesnt venture down there too often. every once in a while though, he will ask for someone (usually nico) to go with him to visit his mom for a bit.
his mom has met and greatly enjoys the people he has befriended including but not limited to annabeth, nico, will, and lou ellen. she's very chatty and very generous so she often tries to convince clovis and his friends to stay for a homecooked dinner or spend the night. she also still has clovis's bedroom all set up and cozy for whenever he decides to drop by, just in case.
also, chiron actually helps clovis's mom out on the down low by allowing her to take some of the camp's strawberries for her baked goods under the agreement that she will send some over sometime which she is more than happy to do!
as stated above, i think clovis has, at the very least, weekly dream check-ins with his mom. he might not always have a lot to share but his mom adores him and listens to every word. on rare occasions, sometimes even clovis's half-siblings, his friends, or hypnos himself will stumble/be pulled into these check-ins and they'll all have a lovely lil hangout sesh.
but YEAH!! clovis loves him mama, and his mama loves him!!
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bonesandthebees · 11 months
still thinking about the qsmp lighting strike one shot...
learning sign language makes you realise just how isolating it is to cant hear properly and its just so nice to see phil signing even when hes not speaking directly to tallulah and even tho she has a hearing aid and could hear him this close
richas having a prosthetic leg and being carried a lot and the other kids understanding that and not complaining about not being carried too which is something youd except to see with kids
and the kids choosing to speak mostly with sign too and richas having to learn with his leg and finding little bonuses like hiding lock picks, its so interesting and cool to see, just representation man, yk
and just the way such a short story is packed with happy little language things in general is sweet, hearing your own language after some time is always such a good feeling, cant imagine not hearing it for so long
or while the parents are communicating in english they still talk to the kids in their languages so they nurture their native languages and dont forget
and you nailed character voices and personalities so well, like you clearly worked on every character to figure them out and its so cool to see basically literally the qsmp characters in this story
the bagi and cellbit moment was a cherry on top, made me so emotional I love them
the possible/implied parallel to crimeboys/wil and tallulah was so hopeful
all in all such a sweet little story, 10/10 I cried
aaaa thank you so much this makes me so happy to hear how much you enjoyed it
yes exactly, a lot of hearing people, even well meaning ones, don't seem to realize how much hoh/deaf people have to struggle with feeling isolated. even if a hoh/deaf person can read lips, can hear a bit, has hearing aids, or even has a cochlear implant that doesn't mean they talking to people is easy. there's issues with background noise or not having people facing you when they speak or sometimes you just don't have the energy that day to put your everything into focusing on what other people are saying. I'm a hearing person but this was a common thing I heard about my Deaf teachers in my ASL classes when we learned about Deaf culture and audism. also, while of course I'm in no way trying to say my experiences are similar to that of a hoh/deaf person, I have an audio processing disorder so hearing is something I struggle with a LOT, specifically when it comes to communicating with others. if there's a lot of background noise, even if I'm standing right next to someone I might only catch ~60% of what they say and I have to use context to guess the rest. it's unbelievably frustrating at times.
so I figured that since q!phil is already so accommodating and aware of tallulah's 'asthma' in canon, I thought it just made sense that in an au where she's hoh he would be very attentive and would make sure to sign to her regularly so she won't miss out on what's going on.
richas babyyyy <33 when they're walking for long periods of time like that I figured it just made sense for the adults to want to take the strain off of richarlyson's leg by carrying him, but also I just thought the mental image of richas sitting on cellbit's shoulders was too cute not to include. benefits of having six parents is there's always someone around to carry you lol. also I thought of the lockpick thing and it was too funny not to mention. richas would 100% hide random things in his prosthetic if it had a compartment for that.
I had the rest of the kid prefer signing to talking for two main reasons: one, I thought it would be the way to interpret all of them using signs in canon to talk while tallulah is the only one who has hearing aids. and two, when you grow up in a world where being too loud means death, wouldn't you learn not talking is better? it's sad but I thought it made sense :(
the language stuff in general was so fun to play with. although it's definitely nervewracking to try and write in languages I don't know, I think it just feels more natural for the parents to speak to their kids in their first languages even when they're around english speakers. idk I just went off vibes for those bits and really enjoyed it. and then cellbit and bagi's entire Big convo I felt had to be in portuguese given how serious the subject matter was so of course they'd both have it in their first language, and I'm so grateful for the help I got with the portuguese there.
i've had several people tell me I nailed the character voices in lightning strike and that makes me SO happy because I was trying so hard. some of the members are easier for me to write (phil I'm used to obviously, cellbit idk why I just kind of get how he talks and don't have to think too hard) but then for others I put a lot of effort into making sure they sounded right (etoiles was the one I had to focus on the most because he has such a distinct way of talking but he's also so fun to write, bagi I've watched a lot of clips of recently so I had her voice but I still wanted to make sure I nailed her, and tina like etoiles has a fairly distinctive way of speaking so I thought over her lines a lot too)
I came up with the idea to parallel wilbur trying to find tommy and then wilbur coming back to tallulah with cellbit and bagi finding each other again after all these years while I was writing it and I was very happy with how that whole bit turned out :)
i'm so glad you enjoyed ty for this it made me smile a lot <33
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louissatturi · 1 year
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"Me and Bruno my best friend. He is light"
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"This girl seems nice, she is always talking about exploding stuff, i'm a little sacared, but i think it must be BADASS to explode something... she speaks english from time to time, it would be nice to have her to help with non-translated RPGS, im stuck for days in a Força G Adventures quest... do they notice that im taking pictures hidden? '-' "
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"This guy is kinda crazy, his eyes change colors sometimes, i got to notice it when he talked to other people... it seems that people like him. I like his flower shirt that he wears, i would even wear it. But i think people would find weird since im always in black"
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"This girl has a really fucking good bird, i think its a parakeet (Arthur thinks its a vulture) she has a weird smell, maybe because of it, i heard that she is a florist, i wonder if she could tech me how to take care of some plants? It would be good to have a house full of flowers instead of skulls everywhere!☠️ not that i dont like them, Ivete has a good taste, is just that ... i like flowers, i miss them"
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"Those two fight sometimes. What’s worst? I understand both sides. I don’t think Luciano is a bad person for wanting to protect how he loves and i dont think erin is a bad person for wanting to something to help. Its weird idetifying with the two. If i could i would do everything alone, i would. But a big part of my journey was only possible because i had them by my side. We cant always do everything alone! :)"
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"Joui has always been kinda weird, like, how could someone not know força G???? Like???? He is weirder then usual this days, evertime like this, worried, i think he is hidding something (really was) but i know if he is hidding something, its for everybodys well being, i just hope he dosent get hurt. Belive it that there is a plant in this house? Looks like a relief in the middle of so much misfortune. It can be seen there in the corner"
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"With this i just remembered those nights of him training,trying, to play the guitar with just one arm. I was dificult for him. He felt a lot of pain in his fingers. That was a day that he got stressed and he thought he could never do this, i said some stuff to him that in my head ware obvious. The other day he gave me a hug and keept training. He is really badass playing after working so hard, im so proud of you, bro!"
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"Did i managed to disguise it? Bro, heros dont cry (at least not in public) do i have to feel shame for crying? I don’t think so, i feel closer to who cries next to me. Why am i ashamed of crying??? Everbory in the ordem liked tristan very much. When i die, i wish to die surronded by people too..."
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marvelita85 · 2 years
Maybe a few h*te words but other than that non
English is like my 2nd language so I'm sorry in advance
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There he was following you with his gaze, both your mother's half brothers, no one dared to talked evil about your heritage because of your Targaryen looks, some brave ones would dare to whispered you were a product of Daemon before your mother married Sir Leanor, whatever you have felt for the sons of your grandsire was gone or at least thats what you thought, that dinner was forced and you tried to endure it sitting beside your younger brother Luke
- we have a lot to celebrate, Luke and Jace are to be married with Raena and Baela
- and Luke as Lord of the tides - you smiled raising your cup for him, you loved all your brothers but Luke was no so secretly your favourite
You watched behind your cup as his eye was set on you he was trying to intimidated you but it wasnt the feeling you were having, you vould hold his gaze, he hated your brothers you couldnt feel anything but the same for him
- my dear y/n...
- grandsire...
- I wish for you to be happy aswell... you are free to marry... - you werent but you let him speak, over those 6 years away you've been in Winterfell you met Cregan Stark and his younger brother Robb who had asked your hand to Daemon and Rhaenyra, they knew the north would be asegurated with that union and you were much willing to accept it - the king and I would like you to accept our son Aemond
- father...my queen, thought is a very thoughtfull proposal y/n is already bethroted, I'm very sorry brother - Rhaenyra your mother said and you smiled to him you let him know you were something he could never have
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The table knew who you were going to be married, your brothers were smiling knowing very well the desire both their uncles had for you, Aegon tried to seduced you uncountable times, Aemond loved you in silence all those years living together but then his eye happened and his friendship with you was severed like his eye, never to be the same, that dinner ended abruptally when your grandsire retired, Aemond said horrible things, you and Baela almost riped Aegon before your mother send you all to your chambers, you decided to have a walked through the gardens and he appeared in the shadows
- you cant married the Stark boy...
- why not? I like him a lot, he is very kind and attentive with me
- you are a Dragon
- and he is a wolf...
- you love him...
- what if I do...
- when we were kids you were promised to me...
- Aemond our family is divided, you and your brother along with your mother had never felt anything but resentment and hate for my mother and for my brothers how can you think I can feel anything more than that for you
- we were friends...
- yes... and you destroyed that friendship when you lost your eye.... you blamed me and my brother, you only have revenge in your heart for us, thats all
- what can I do...
- you just called my brothers bastards at dinner, calling them Strong, I know the whispers about me being Daemon's daughter... in another life maybe but in this one you decided to be enemies and I'll never be anything less than that
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Aemond heart broke again in that garden speaking with you, your words hurted but she was right he couldnt feel anything more for the person that took his eye for his neglected father, for his half sister for not giving your hand to him it was all hate but you were the only one capable to break him because despite everything he loved you and you were never going to be his
A few notes, y/n looks like Dany from 1st season but she has the fire of the7th, her eyes are like her grandmother Alissa one green one purple, because she is Daemon's daughter, she is older than Jace and 1 year younger than Aemond
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And he is Robb Stark 😁
My love for Aemond is still intact but he has to be put in place sometimes🥰
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thisismeracing · 9 months
bono!reader head-canons (pt. 3)
even though bon is not biologically related to anyone in the paddock other than her dad, a lot of them see her as their kid because she really is. i think it’s hard not to grow attached to someone who is there, at your place of work, day in day out starting when that person is 5 years old. it also helps that said 5 year old is a little sponge for the work you do and is genuinely interested in it and can get so wrapped up in it but also still needs help tying her shoe laces. there was just this want to help raise this kid into the best possible version of themselves and if it took a small army to do so then so be it
other than english bon speaks: spanish (from nando), german (from toto, niki, michael,seb, etc.), finnish (from mostly kimi but a bit from val as well), italian (from toto, niki, and michael), and french (from toto as well) girl is multilingual and sometimes when she was very small her head got confused with all the languages and would start speaking in a different language each time she responded to what you said to her. because she could comprehend what she was hearing, but the wires in her brain just got a little mixed up
i think there is exactly one photo of max, mick, and bon all as babies and they all dont remember it but all the people around them see it and go “oh yeah! you did all meet that one time at that one race”
bon used to do work in bed. laptop set on her thighs or on the mattress in front of her, calculator somewhere in between the sheets, and a countless amount of work papers and documents strewn about. it’s a bad habit she developed over the years and knows it's bad but has never gotten around to breaking. that is until mick is over one day and he goes to get into the opposite side of the bed than she has gotten into and when he lays down he is met with an odd feeling at his back and when he investigates it’s her calculator. and before he can ask why it’s in her bed at all his eyes fall on her work laptop that is sitting in the gap between her pillows. at this point he has put two and two together and asks if she works in her bed and she sheepishly goes “maybeeeeeee” and god that look on her face is so cute so he pulls her into his space after removing the work related items and says “you may be cute but we are talking about this later” and then they continue their cuddle sesh with sweet nothings and stolen kisses until they fall asleep
[including this lil hc that i sent to you on email] bon has a teal ti-84 for work purposes and it’s always on her person and it’s a running gag amongst fans to grab screenshots of when it makes an appearance on camera and post it to their fan pages dedicated to her calculator of all things
susie taught her how to do makeup
painted a lot of peoples nails when she was younger, didn’t matter who you were. if you were around this girl when she was painting her own nails then you would somehow be sat across from her after trying your best to get out of the situation. (imagine toto with teal glittery nail polish just imagine)
loves to drape her arms around mick from the back and to kiss his head while having him in her arms
buys platform shoes on accident all the time. she pays attention to the design more than anything so when she wears them out she’s closer to toto’s 6’5” than before and in comparison her boys (her dad and mick) are just standing there 🧍🧍in their not tall statures
more of a mick hc than a bon hc but, mick’s wec and f1 helmets after they get together include a little something incorporated into the design of the helmet that reminds him and symbolizes bon [feel free to share any ideas on what it could be with me cause i cant really think of anything rn]
prefers to be the one driving when going somewhere and this extends to when traveling somewhere, by car, with mick. like this boy has tried to drive for his girl but she just wont let him so he’s just accepted his passenger princess fate
[i would just like to let you know this breached the a second page on google docs and that is how i knew where to end it]
Prev link
I love the fact that she grew around everyone because thats exactly as the saying goes: it takes a village to raise a child. it took the biggest village ever (aka f1 crew) to raise bono baby.
the fan page to the calculator loool this is something that I can totally see happening
I think for the helmet he would totally include a small calculator or even a cute draw of a sticker (to remind of when she was a kid and used to put them on everyones car), or a secret reference when theyre not public yet, maybe a doodle of something because she would totally doodle random cute stuff on some of the papers sometimes when shes distracted, and maybe she doodled a heart or a small cat, so mick will have this cat on his helmet.
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dreamingwithmyadhd · 1 year
Howl Pendragon, Touya Todoroki, Natsuo Todoroki, Toshinori Yagi
I'm writing this at 4:21 in the morning i haven't slept in 34 hours
Here are some headcanons i have for some of my favorite fictional men.
Howl Pendragon
He really enjoys peaches even if they aren't native to Wales. He will have them imported for both himself and for any lady he has his eyes on.
He knows how to sing, however he doesn't believe he can equate his singing skills with his physical features so he doesn't focus on that
He is incredibly stingy with skincare routines. He invented skincare. I mean he takes care of every pimple, clears every pore, clears dead skin and makes his face smooth as a child
He is around 25 but as a child he was mistaken to be two years older and skipped two birthdays by accident.
He loves to read confusing poems and daydream about who they were written for, if written for anyone.
Touya Todoroki/Dabi
He hates all seafood not just fish. everything but scallops, which can be hard to get
he suffers from old man cramps™ in his knees and back, resulting in him debating to get a walker or mobility aid
hes too proud to admit when he is injured, and fell into the stigma that a, men dont cry and b, if men cry it means that they are weak and undeserving of praise.
He eats mostly with his canines. His front teeth are too sensitive for him to enjoy eating with again, so stabbing, tearing and ripping are done by his canines and molars.
He is actually very pleasant to be around when he isnt spewing about being a failed project of endeavor and wishing to hold the ashes of his father's eyeball or some gross body part
Natsuo Todoroki
He is a sweet guy, and helps with homework more often than not.
He prefers his older sibling Fuyumi over anyone else in the family, and sees her as a confidant, not just a sister or another person but a confidant.
He plays rugby in the summer and football and swim during the winter, on top of that maintaining a good GPA and family relations. Well maybe not good family relations.
He suffers from very poor anger management issues however he went to therapy after Touya's "death" and found ways to cope with it and heal better.
He can easily eat himself into a food coma after thousands of calories are simply swallowed like they're nothing.
Toshinori Yagi:
Give him a gift and he will cry. the man is so sensitive in his older years
He really enjoys when people call him toshinori because it measn they dont value him just for all might or his strength, but as a person
He visits memorials of people he feels he failed or has lost over the years and it gives him comfort that they arent in pain anymore. He looked for years to find the past users of One for All and he can spend hours at their graves to honor them
He cant cook. At all. When he was in america he learned how to grill a mean steak but besides that he cant cook much of anything and along with his stomach being well gone, he usually has smoothies and lighter foods.
He WILL go on tangents about america if you bring that up. He loves teaching his students (sometimes false) things about his experience in america. sometimes he switches over to english when hes recounting things he did and his students have to remind him they dont speak it as well as he does, nor do they know the old man slang he uses in his english
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antiendovents · 1 month
*buries face in pillow and screams* ok I'm sorry for that message lol evalynn took control and I'm still making sure she didn't fuck up anything on my computer but lol yeah. don't worry I'm not mad at her just kinda embarrassed. I love her but she is a headache sometimes (affectionately). she also gets attached to people very quickly sorry lol (evalynn if you read this i love you its ok I'm not mad just um remember to wait five minutes before you make a decision to see if it still sounds like a good idea but I promise its fine)
anyway um yeah. Eva wants to change her name to sunny, short for sunflower. shell probably go by both (Eva and sunny) depending on the mood.
I'm doing well! I took my brother and his friend to the museum. it was nice. I like my brother very much, he's a pretty good human. hbu?
we (system 'we' now, not brother 'we') talked to another alter we don't talk to often. shes pretty uhhh stressy depressy. evalynn doesn't like her very much because she reminds evalynn of her (evalynn's) worse moments. Eva prefers to stay away, but shes politely pleasant to her. Saturn gets her best I think. she (stressy depressy alter) has done a lot for me cus she basically keeps a lot of our sadness and trauma and she helped us a lot when we were having a depressive episode last year cuz that's basically her default mode, but we all are trying very hard to make sure she stays pretty quiet because we don't want to feel like that. I feel kinda bad for making her keep all of this, but I cant help without getting hurt too. yeah. she goes by Dark (may change her name later, she doesn't wanna reveal her real name), btw. rn shes using she/her, but sometimes its he/him or they/them.
sooo yeah. that's us. Eva is feeling lovely rn. I'm just chilling. saturn is lying facedown on the floor listening to music. (saturn is overstimulated and tired). evalynn is building a dollhouse from blocks she painted pink.
update: Saturn is no longer listening to music. Saturn is imagining music. dad stole our spotify. (-Eva/sunny)
we think were gonna make another blog for a headmate named רונה. (if you google translate this name pls don't share it this is my irl name and its very personal to me but this alter doesn't like going by anything but that name). she speaks only Hebrew, and some very bad English, so that's gonna be fun. I suppose she could speak English cuz we share the same brain and all but it makes her feel like throwing up so she doesn't. anyway. she wants to say hi.
שלום!!!!! השם שלי רונה!!!!! רוצים ליהיות חברות??? להיתרות!!!!! י
so yeah that was her. btw what she said was "hello!!!!! my name is רונה!!!!! wanna be friends??? See you later/bye!!!!" that last part deosnt translate too well to english but yeah. anyway. ttyl! byeeeeeee!!! <333
-🌌🌠 system (cuz r still doesn't have an emoji code lol) (oh hey Saturn. feeling better?) (hey. yeah, thx.) (awesome. <333) (<3)
its fine! We found the message quite sweet! And we get it, some of us get attached easily too! I hope she didn't mess anything up on the computer, that wouldn't be great!
Also sunflower / sunny is a great name !! :D we have an alter named sunny, kind of. He only lets his best friend call him it though-
We're glad you're doing well and that sounds pretty fun! We're personally okay, trying desperately to salvage our sleep schedule lol
Also that is interesting, I'm glad Dark managed to help you guys get through that and I understand why you'd feel bad but I want you to know it's not your fault. Alters have roles and even if it's unfavorable someone has to do it. Just make sure she knows y'all are grateful (that's the only advice I can give as an alter with a similar kind of job lol). Don't try help her if it hurts, wait until you're in a safe environment and able to do to so (preferably wait until you have a therapist, if you don't have one already (if you do wait until you can manage a session about it, this kind of stuff is best done with a professional, though if y'all do try healing by yourselves we won't judge either))
It's good that Eva is feeling good, hah I said good twice lol. I hope Saturn is doing okay and that Evalynn is having fun!
Also that's fair enough. We have some alters that are uncomfortable with the English language too, though we don't know any other language (not fluently anyways) so they usually just end up not speaking at all or making animal sounds-
And hi! We'd love to be friends and bye! :3
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skwigelfskwisgaar · 1 year
I use Tarot as apart of my spiritual practice and for personal comfort :) i think the most brutal thing that's happened is like. actually speaking with dead relatives + deities coming through and this one time someone said i predicted a death but *i genuinely didnt*, you cant do that with tarot, but i got a card called "The Tower" in that reading that signifies something that's supposed to happen and feels traumatizing but you'll learn and grow from that experience and they informed me of what had happened in their life. everytime someone tells me im being spot on or the thing i predicted ACTUALLY happening is so so insane and fulfilling to me.
Do you have a favorite myth or God in Norse mythos?
!! I'd love to read your book, maybe you can read it to me sometime since I don't speak Swedish, unfortunately ^^' ATM I am reading through Odin: Ecstasy, Runes, and Norse Magic. It's in English but I'm trying to learn old Nordic pronunciations and words! I've also been looking into a few other resources my friends who are fellow Norse Pagans have sent me! I know Odin sees me as a newcomer that's still learning, so I'd love to take any information you might have if you're open to sharing it! ; w ;
OK Sorry this is like. so rambly ahaha. you're really easy to talk to!!
Pentacles is the earth suite, it brings forth light to matters within the more physical matters of the realm. You need to be grounded here. In order to make peace- you need to put in genuine hard work and effort- which can be hard. The shadows you face are big, and loom in over you and remaining calm in the face of that can prove to be a challenge, but it's not something you can't do! The guy here is at peace and diligent as he gets into the process of creating something great.
I think that this card gives you a good energy to begin the process of making that peace within yourself and is showcasing a good start to beginning that journey. Doing things that heal your inner child, like doing things you couldn't do or experience during that time- forgiving yourself for wrongdoings, accepting you can't change others, etc. Coming to terms with the cards you've been dealt in life and appreciating what's in front of you can help. Know you have the power within you to control yourself and make what you want to see, it's a matter of labor to build that reality up. Facing your demons is simply some work- which I'm sure you're used to since I know you're always working extra hard to pick up Toki's slack :3 (/joke /light hearted, he's a great guitarist!)
The Queen of Wands is a very determined, powerful lady who gets her shit done and is fiercely by your side! This energy is in it's reversal, meaning it's lessened or there's some sort of blockage here. You're *used* to this kind of energy from fans, and you're looking for something more genuine that's coming from yourself. This card is reminding you that it's in there, try to think of ways in which you genuinely feel validated through a less superficial lens. You might be able to find some peace within yourself through aiding other people, as well. There might be a lot of problems surrounding you and being able to be someone that can fix or ease it for those around you might help.
This card is usually about BIG NAPS, BABEY. You might be feeling isolated from others- I know sometimes people think you're a fertility God or something? You're on another level, and every now and then it's good to come down from that, and be by yourself for a little bit.
You might need some alone time to meditate and really get comfortable with yourself and the thoughts that come in through your head- whether they be positive, negative, anxiety inducing, or something stupid or ingenious.I think the energy here is reversed because it's something that's kind of hard for you at the moment? To just, sit with yourself. Sit with your thoughts, and either accept them or just give em a simple "huh that's weird." and move on if they're like, especially disturbing or something! thats where I think some of that work from the 8 of Pentacles comes into play- just accepting what comes into your mind during the silence of it all and going about your merry way after it.
anxiety can be something really hard to deal with, but the best course of action sometimes is to not act on anything in the moment and just breathe your way through it, and accept stuff for what they are and redirect yourself. Soul search so you can obtain some solid truths about yourself so you can know exactly who it is you are with certainty, (like. example! you're someone with a sarcastic set of humor.) and know how you'd react with certainty in any situations (hypothetical or otherwise) with confidence!
Push forward, no action is needed- you just need to take yourself to greater heights with this journey with some stillness and meditation.
OVERALL; I think yes- you are more than capable of finding peace with who you are and i think you'll get to that point! This just seems to be a description of how to get there as well as what might be in your way of that and how to get through it in order to obtain that peace. i hope this was ok! ;w; if you have any questions feel free to let me know!
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This was an amazing reading, and I took my time really reading through it. I will come back to this but this must be posted so that people can see how great and wonderful a job you did!
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borathae · 5 months
Chapter 2
That dick is all over campus” call that a hoeyager
oh they are very serious oof
running for her life?? TAE WHAT ARE YOU ABOUT TO DO TO ME???
“A gentleman’s secret muhee hee hee hee
“Your car is really sexy truer words ahve never been spoken
Do you enjoy music? watch his ass play johnny marvin
WHAT IS DOIJG ?? *im guessing he can charm/manipulate minds?
You didn’t want to say this, why did you say this? MOM(2seok,kook) PICK ME UP IM SCARED
You shiver and blink, feeling as if you finally found the way out of something. But what?  BYE TAEHYUNG UM I WILL COME BACK TO YOU, later..... like 500 years later as reincarnation bye
I knew that you would enjoy this place”, hOW DID U KNOW??
every lovely lady I spent time with, always shifts to my descent sooner or later.” whoops hee hee
“I want to talk to that source one day, they seem to have the raunchiest details about artists” mr. dracula must be fluttering
resting bitch face is very annoying, especially when it looks like a certain someone and u cant rest it, even at home (was a struggle in lockdown)
ofc a murderer wouldnt tell you, imagine u going
excuse me, young lady, you look really good tonight
-oh thank you, u shouldnt have
well i have to, cuz its going to be your last night.
im a murderer, so let me just stabby stab yeah?
-oh yeah sure why not, since u are polite
ok mr. not a murderer, would u mind making me hungry for more healthier stuff??? and also not let me gain weight???? thank yew
such a big house????? that you own???? in this economy????
Are you going to cook dinner for me? nope he is about to pull a hannibal and make u the dinner for all the housemates 😭
I fear not, I am quite terrible in the kitchen. But worry not, you will still get delicious food. sir i wisheth u stopped thy habit of speaking old english (jk, go on, make me laugh lol, i literally pulled on my old pants that comes up to knees and wore socks above)
A scarlet red rope adorns his naked body, opened in the front to reveal his toned torso and the matching silk pants adorning his sculpted legs. I AM HOE, SERVANT, AND MAID AND YOURS PERSONALLY, HOW MAY I SERVE YOU, SIR????
descending down the stairs like a graceful cat. ah the line is so good i love it, i can see it, not like i wasnt seeing 95% of the scenes like a movie in my head
she snorted she snorted SHE SNORTED GOOD NIGHT
He answered it clearly and loudly. WHAT DID HE SAY AAH
Where did he get that glass from? You can’t remember watching him stand up and get it. Or did he have it all this time already? boi what goes on
The movie about the messy street rat helping that weak cook U LIVED THAT LONG AND THATS YOUR OPINION??? UNCULTURED SWINE
his movie is a masterpiece. It’s about friendship and love and overcoming stereotypes, it’s so much more than just a rat helping a cook PERIOD TELL EM SIS
I like to refresh my memory sometimes SIR ANOTHER HINT AAH
How could I, a mere mortal man, sleep next to your beautiful body and not be tempted by my carnal desires?” MORTAL MAN??? U SURE ABOUT THAT?
feeling that i’ve seen them before somewhere” SAY WHAT OMG she is indeed special, i mean obviously why would 2seok call her and kook say we smell good
Do not open your doors tonight. Keep them locked.” THEY GOT DEAD BODIES PT 2
HUH??? how did she end up in the library?? does opening the door even for a second cause such stuff?
omg bad boi yoongles came to save us
the suspense is killing me the foreshadowing is hecking great
and im already excited to know more about all characters *squeaks
heheheh I love your reviews hehehe thank youuuu 💜💜
That dick is all over campus” call that a hoeyager
running for her life?? TAE WHAT ARE YOU ABOUT TO DO TO ME???
WHAT IS DOIJG ?? *im guessing he can charm/manipulate minds?
mhmhmhmmhmhmmmmmmmmmhhhhmmm 👀
You didn’t want to say this, why did you say this? MOM(2seok,kook) PICK ME UP IM SCARED
You shiver and blink, feeling as if you finally found the way out of something. But what?  BYE TAEHYUNG UM I WILL COME BACK TO YOU, later..... like 500 years later as reincarnation bye
I knew that you would enjoy this place”, hOW DID U KNOW??
resting bitch face is very annoying, especially when it looks like a certain someone and u cant rest it, even at home (was a struggle in lockdown)
Oh no I'm sorry to hear that you can't even relax at home :/ I'm manifesting a safer living situation for you 💜💜
such a big house????? that you own???? in this economy????
so he rich RICH i see i see
Are you going to cook dinner for me? nope he is about to pull a hannibal and make u the dinner for all the housemates 😭
A scarlet red rope adorns his naked body, opened in the front to reveal his toned torso and the matching silk pants adorning his sculpted legs. I AM HOE, SERVANT, AND MAID AND YOURS PERSONALLY, HOW MAY I SERVE YOU, SIR????
lmao for real fjasjdfa
descending down the stairs like a graceful cat. ah the line is so good i love it, i can see it, not like i wasnt seeing 95% of the scenes like a movie in my head
i must let you know that Cars is not Jimin's fave movie, Tae was just teasing him HAHAHAHAHAH i don't think that Jimin even has a fave movie tbhf JFAJDSFJ
feeling that i’ve seen them before somewhere” SAY WHAT OMG she is indeed special, i mean obviously why would 2seok call her and kook say we smell good
Do not open your doors tonight. Keep them locked.” THEY GOT DEAD BODIES PT 2
HUH??? how did she end up in the library?? does opening the door even for a second cause such stuff?
mhmhmmmmmmmm 👀
omg bad boi yoongles came to save us
he is so hot tbfh.
the suspense is killing me the foreshadowing is hecking great and im already excited to know more about all characters *squeaks
gaah thank youu <333 I'm so happy that you're enjoying it so much heheheheh thank you for reading ilyy
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