#(radiant damage = RADIATION)
deltoravivisection · 6 months
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"Magic quality" Lief baby that's alpha particles.
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People being surprised that radiant damage would cause cancer (the sun does radiant damage erego radiant damage causes cancer) haven't looked at the word.
Radiant. Y'know, literally the girlypop word for radioactive. Of course that shit causes cancer.
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sonicprim3d · 10 months
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Honestly, thinking on it and my headcanons for Super Sonic, I've realized that he basically delivers constant AOE damage to enemies who are fueled by negative energies and emotions.
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bambirosedoll · 10 months
Why does sacred flame not need cover?
Because it's a fricken microwave laser beam fired from god.
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💎 𝗡𝗲𝘄 𝗶𝘁𝗲𝗺! Helm of the Dawn Guardian
Wondrous item, legendary (requires attunement) ___ This golden helmet radiates a gentle warmth, like the light of the sun. While wearing the helmet, your eyes glow with a soft radiance, and you gain a +1 bonus to AC. If you’re in sunlight, the bonus increases to +2. The helmet’s warmth extends out from you in a 10-foot radius while you wear it. If you have at least 17 levels in the paladin class, the radius increases to 30 feet. The weapon attacks of friendly creatures within that area deal an extra 1d4 radiant damage on a hit. This extra damage increases to 1d8 if the attack is made with a “sun blade.” While wearing the helmet, you can use an action to cast the “sunburst” spell (save DC 17). This version of the spell affects a 60-foot cone that originates from you, instead of its normal area of effect. Once this spell has been cast from the helmet, it can’t do so again until the next dawn. ___ ✨ Patrons get huge perks! Access this and hundreds of other item cards, art files, and compendium entries when you support The Griffon's Saddlebag on Patreon for less than $10 a month!
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novlr · 1 year
How to write the heat?
Quick Tips on How to Write Heat
Heat can have many connotations in your stories beyond just temperature. It can be a sensation, an event, or even a metaphor for something else. The way a character internalises or experiences heat will also be unique to them, so here are some quick tips on how to use imagery to convey heat in a variety of ways.
In Nature
Use colours like red, yellow, or orange
Parched scenery, like cracked earth and dry leaves
Bright sunlight
Blistering winds
Heat waves radiating from hot asphalt
Animals huddling in the shade
Wide and barren landscapes
Hot sand to contrast with cool water
Wilting vegetation and a change in colour
The sound of cicadas
Foods and Objects
Hot peppers with bright colours
Spicy dishes (and how characters handle them)
Melting ice cream and frozen drinks
The sizzling sound of food in a hot pan
The smell of a barbeque
Cold drinks that provide relief
Flip flops, shorts, and tank tops
Sunscreen and hats
Metal and leather that is too hot to touch
Salt or minerals left on surfaces after liquid evaporates
Faded colours on objects left in the sun
Peeling paint
The hiss of steam from a kettle
Character Moods
Easily frustrated
Character Body Language
Wiping sweat from their faces
Fanning themselves
Shifting uncomfortable
Sluggish movements
Licking lips and swallowing due to dehydration
Shedding layers of clothing
Unconsciously moving toward the shade
Constantly drinking
Breathing heavily
Squinting or shielding eyes
Flushed skin
Panting or shallow breathing
Avoiding physical contact
Actions and Events
Seeking shelter during a heatwave
Roadtrips in a hot car with the windows open
Swimming at a pool, lake, or a beach
Sharing drinks with friends at a cafe, bar, or beer garden
Planning holidays to cooler climates
Staying indoors to read to watch TV where it’s cool
Watching the sunset or sunrise when it’s cooler
Going out at night to avoid the heat of the day
Beach parties and barbeques
Wildfire warnings
Outdoor markets and garage sales
Camping trips
Positive Aspects
Heat can be a time of joy, where families and friends can enjoy time together doing outdoor activities not available to them the rest of the year. Food becomes lighter, the days are longer, and people tend to get more exercise. There are also positive ways to describe the juxtaposition of something hot after immediately experiencing the cold, like a hot drink on a cold day.
Negative Aspects
Not every association with heat is positive. Hot weather brings environmental damage like droughts and wildfires that affect agriculture and wildlife. It can also lead to physical discomfort, like heat rash, dehydration, sunburn, sleep disruption, or being forced to work or exercise in uncomfortable environments.
Helpful Synonyms
Common metaphors
Passion or desire
Anger and conflict
Pressure or stress
Excitement and energy
Change or transformation
Danger or warning
Life and vitality
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skin-care-news · 1 year
The 13 Best Foods For Healthy Skin
Your skin is not only the body's largest organ but also a reflection of your overall health. Maintaining healthy and radiant skin requires more than just external skincare products; it begins with the nutrients you provide your body from the inside. A well-balanced diet rich in essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants can do wonders for your skin. In this article, we'll explore the 13 best foods for achieving and maintaining healthy, glowing skin.
1. Salmon:
Salmon is a fatty fish that's high in omega-3 fatty acids. These healthy fats help keep your skin moisturized and supple, reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Omega-3s also have anti-inflammatory properties that can soothe skin conditions like eczema and psoriasis.
2. Avocado:
Avocados are packed with healthy fats, vitamins E and C, and antioxidants. These nutrients help keep your skin hydrated, protect it from UV damage, and promote collagen production, which is essential for skin elasticity.
3. Sweet Potatoes:
Sweet potatoes are rich in beta-carotene, a powerful antioxidant that can give your skin a healthy glow by protecting it from sun damage and preventing premature aging.
4. Berries:
Berries like blueberries, strawberries, and raspberries are loaded with antioxidants, particularly vitamin C. Antioxidants help combat free radicals, reducing skin cell damage and promoting a more youthful appearance.
5. Walnuts:
Walnuts are an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin E, which help maintain the skin's moisture and protect it from oxidative stress.
6. Spinach:
Spinach is rich in vitamin A, which is essential for skin health. It helps repair skin tissues, prevent acne, and maintain a healthy complexion.
7. Green Tea:
Green tea contains polyphenols and antioxidants that protect the skin from UV radiation and reduce the risk of skin cancer. Drinking green tea regularly can also help combat inflammation and keep your skin looking fresh.
8. Tomatoes:
Tomatoes are a great source of lycopene, an antioxidant that can reduce the risk of sunburn and skin aging. It also promotes collagen production and skin elasticity.
9. Dark Chocolate:
High-quality dark chocolate (70% cocoa or higher) is rich in antioxidants, specifically flavonols, which can improve skin texture, hydration, and blood flow, giving your skin a healthy glow.
10. Almonds:
Almonds are rich in vitamin E, a powerful antioxidant that helps protect your skin from harmful UV rays and environmental damage.
11. Yogurt:
Yogurt is packed with probiotics, which can promote a healthy gut. A balanced gut microbiome can lead to clearer skin by reducing inflammation and preventing acne.
12. Carrots:
Carrots are another great source of beta-carotene, which can help reduce skin dryness and promote a more youthful appearance.
13. Oats:
Oats are a good source of complex carbohydrates and fiber. They can help stabilize blood sugar levels, reducing the risk of acne and promoting clear skin.
While these foods can be a valuable addition to your diet for healthier skin, remember that no single food can work miracles. A well-rounded diet that includes a variety of nutrient-rich foods, along with proper hydration, is essential for achieving and maintaining radiant skin. Additionally, don't forget to protect your skin from excessive sun exposure, get enough sleep, and maintain a consistent skincare routine for the best results. Healthy, glowing skin is the result of both internal and external care, so make these foods a part of your daily routine and watch your skin thrive.
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rollforimagination · 9 months
Magic Item
Sandwich of Chaotic Layers
Description: A sandwich made of suspicious ingredients and a curious amount of cheese, when eaten it gives random effects to character. If it is kept in the inventory long enough it might attract mice and other rodents, if it is kept for even longer at every rest of the character with the Sandwich of Chaotic Layers in their inventory loses 2d12 of HP while those near a radius of 10 ft lose 2d6 of HP after the rest, due to the radiations that the Sandwich of Chaotic Layers emits.
Functionality: Use a bonus action to eat the sandwich, a normal action if you’re size is smaller than Medium, then roll d for the effects.
You get teleported inside a radius of 5-20 ft not occupied by another creature, you can decide exactly where
The scent of warm bread surrounds the player and up to 5 allies, they heal 2d10 HP and gain 20 Temporary hit points
You get two charges of a garlic scented breath attack that causes confusion and disadvantage to all roles against you and saving throws to all your enemies in a 15 ft cone, but also repel your allies to at least 5 ft from you
A bread wall circles around your enemy and it blocks their vision and movement. To escape your enemy has to deal at least 10 x S of damage, where S is the size of the enemy (1 is Tiny, Medium is 3, Gargantuan 6…), to make a hole big enough to escape
From the mouth of the player comes out a steam of water that deals 4d6 of water damage to those in a line of 20ft in front of the player, with a roll of Athletics higher than 12 the player can move while spitting water to aim to other enemies, this however will deal 2d6 to all enemies hurt instead of 4d6.
A cheese armour surrounds the player, giving them +2 AC but also giving them a -10ft of movement speed
The player’s movement speed doubles but it may randomly oink even after the effect wears off, until they take a rest
Wheel of cheese. For 17 turns. Aka 289 seconds. Aka 4 minutes and 49 seconds. Aka Wheel of cheese for five minutes.
3d4 mice gets teleported in a 5 ft radius from you, you can control them and give them order for 6 turns, after that they’ll become normal mice
A cloud of lint surrounds an enemy, they’ll suffer 2d6 more fire damage if attacked with a fire spell or fire related attacks, the same goes with 1d12 of lightning damage. Until the enemy is surrounded by the lint cloud it gets disadvantage on rolls to hit. The cloud disappear once a fire or lightning attack successfully damage the enemy
A rideable Large cushion of magical focaccia appears in front of the players. The cushion can fly and has 350 HP but no attacks. After receiving 300 HP, reaching a total of 100 ft of movement or after 7 turns the flying focaccia gently lands and then disappear.
3d8 of radiant damage to all creatures in a radius of 35ft from the player (including) the party gets a -10 to the total damage if they have spent at least 2 rests with the Sandwich of Chaos Layers in the inventory of someone.
Inspiration: this silly reblog list ⬇️
Thanks to @garaks-padded-bra @acrowbyanyothername @buglyteeth @imhaley @ronzyponyo @funnywormz @deepestturtlepielover @willowandthesagaofgayyearning @summer-azure @spacetronomyfan @spocktopodes ❤️
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that-house · 10 months
Do a personal ranking of every damage type in dnd 5e
13. Bludgeoning. now this may strike some of you as controversial but here at that-house it's our heartfelt belief that hammers are for pussies
12. Piercing. arrows and spears? also for pussies
10. Poison. if i wanted to Not Deal Damage i'd be healing people. half the statblocks in the game are immune to this shit. hell, half the commoners in the game probably picked up at least a resistance somehow
9. Thunder. what
8. Fire. look, fireball is nice and all but again. i'm here to HURT people. this is DAMAGE types. stop resisting me. places above thunder damage because Meteor Swarm, like the birgus, fucks hard and fast (that's right, i cited my sources. thank you hbomberguy)
7. Cold. A lot like fire, but, strangely, hotter.
6. Acid. What poison wishes it was. like if fire was a juice. Sexy and destructive. oh yeah baby melt the flesh from my bones
5. Lightning. fuck, man, i just really like lightning. it's probably the most used damage type in my campaign, purely by accident. helps that one of the PCs is immune to it, so he gets to feel cool
4. Necrotic. liches are hot. don't question that previous sentence ok. let's move on
3. Radiant. if you're cool, that's nuclear radiation. if you're cooler, that's pure rage, cleansing wrath in damage form. if you're lame it's basically fire damage but borrowed from god, and that's still pretty cool
2. Slashing. Swords are fucking awesome, man. I'm gonna go live by one sure hope nothing bad happens
1. number one... it's gotta be Force babey!!!!!!!! least resisted/immune damage type, eldritch blast, what can't she do? the F in Force Damage stands for "fuckable" and the M in Magic Missile stands for "i'M gonna use a legendary action to magic missile your unconscious body so that you fail three death saves instantly that's right bitch it's force damage time i'm playing hardball"
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jackalgulch · 7 months
In Jackal Gulch, aasimar are created. Members of the clergy of Pholtus each hope that during their baptism rite, they will be claimed and recognized with an Archangel's Blessing and become an aasimar. There are many theories about what qualifies one to be an aasimar, whether it is at the mere whims of each Archangel or whether they see their strengths within a mortal and give them the tools to further their prowess. Some parents try to mold their children in specific ways to fit the virtues and value of a specific archangel in hopes that their child will be baptized and blessed as an aasimar.   Aasimar that turn against their blessing, the path of Pholtus and his angels, and fall to sin become Apostates. Additionally, those who were once blessed by the fallen Zariel have become Apostates, those who were once blessed by the deceased Rachel have lost their blessings.
Ability Scores. Choose one of: (a) Choose any +2; choose any other +1 (b) Choose three different +1
Size. Small or Medium
Speed. 30 ft. 
Darkvision. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light and in darkness as if it were dim light. You discern colors in that darkness only as shades of gray.
Celestial Resistance. You have resistance to radiant damage.
Archangel's Blessing. You have been blessed and chosen by a specific archangel and bear an aspect of their power. You choose Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma as your spellcasting ability for your cantrip. You choose which ability when you select this lineage. Each blessing is accompanied by an awakened essence of their power you can draw out known as a Celestial Revelation, which you gain at 3rd level. You can use a bonus action to unleash the celestial energy within yourself, gaining the benefits of that revelation. Your transformation lasts for 1 minute or until you end it as a bonus action. Once you transform using your revelation below, you can't use it again until you finish a long rest. Choose one of the following blessings: 
Blessing of Ananiel. You are blessed by the Angel of Calamity. You know the Lightning Lure cantrip. In addition, you have resistance to lightning damage. 
Celestial Revelation. When you manifest your Celestial Revelation as a bonus action, a dust devil engulfs a 10 ft. radius around you. As a bonus action on your subsequent turns, you can force creatures within the tornado to make a Strength saving throw. the DC equals 8 + your proficiency bonus + the ability modifier you chose for your cantrip. On a failed save they are pushed 10 ft. away from you. Until the transformation ends, once on each of your turns, you can deal extra lightning damage to one target when you deal damage to it with an attack or a spell. The extra damage equals your proficiency bonus.
Blessing of Cadriel. You are blessed by the Angel of Valor. You know the Sword Burst cantrip. In addition, you can choose to gain proficiency with martial weapons or medium and heavy armor. If you have proficiency in both, you gain a fighting style from the Fighter class. 
Celestial Revelation. When you manifest your Celestial Revelation as a bonus action, searing light temporarily radiates from your eyes and mouth. For the duration, you shed bright light in a 10-foot radius and dim light for an additional 10 feet, and at the end of each of your turns, each creature within 10 feet of you takes radiant damage equal to your proficiency bonus. Until the transformation ends, once on each of your turns, you can deal extra radiant damage to one target when you deal damage to it with an attack or a spell. The extra damage equals your proficiency bonus.
Blessing of Daniel. You are blessed by the Angel of Innovation. You know the Mending cantrip. In addition, you gain two tool proficiencies. Your proficiency bonus is doubled for any ability check you make with them. You cannot gain expertise with these tools in the future. 
Celestial Revelation. When you manifest your Celestial Revelation as a bonus action, two luminous wings sprout from your back temporarily. Until the transformation ends, you have a flying speed equal to your walking speed. In addition, while transformed, as a reaction you can grant you or an ally within 10 ft. a bonus to an attack or saving throw equal to your proficiency modifier. 
Blessing of Hadrien. You are blessed by the Angel of Patience. You know the Light cantrip. In addition, you learn Shield of Faith, and at 3rd level, you learn Arc of Light. You can cast each spell once per day without expending a spell slot.  You can also cast these spells using any spell slots you have of the appropriate level. 
Celestial Revelation. When you manifest your Celestial Revelation as a bonus action, two luminous wings sprout from your back temporarily. Until the transformation ends, you have a flying speed equal to your walking speed.
Blessing of Neriah. You know the Guidance cantrip. In addition, as an action, you can touch a creature and cause it to regain a number of hit points equal to your level. Once you use this trait, you can't use it again until you finish a long rest.
Celestial Revelation. When you manifest your Celestial Revelation as a bonus action, you shed bright light in a 10-foot radius and dim light for an additional 10 feet. At the start of your turn, you and allies within 10 ft gain temporary hit points equal to your proficiency bonus. 
Alternatively, some aasimar after turning their back on their faith become an Apostate, the setting's version of a Fallen Aasimar. Replace the Archangel's Blessing feature with the following:
Apostate's Burden. You know the Thaumaturgy cantrip. Your status creates both fear and respect depending on where you walk and who you are with. You have Proficiency in Intimidation and Persuasion. Additionally, your sense of conviction is unmatched. You have advantage on saving throws against being Charmed or Frightened. 
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Oath of the Stars (a DND 5e Homebrew inspired by @comicaurora)
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Tenets of the Stars
A paladin who assumes the Oath of the Stars swears to put their life on the line for the sake of other mortals.
Respect. Life is sacred, and should never be casually taken, nor neglectfully sacrificed.
Responsibility. Excuses, no matter how convincing, do nothing to soften the harm done. One must accept their shortcomings and promise to do better.
Humility. Evil is not unknowable, evil is not alien. Even the greatest paragons can fall from grace if they stop trying to do better.
Channel Divinity
When you take this oath at 3rd level, you gain the following two Channel Divinity options:
Fire Within. As an action, you can light one weapon that you are holding on fire using the burning energy of the stars, using your Channel Divinity. For 1 minute, you deal an additional 1d6 fire damage with every attack made with that weapon (with a minimum bonus of +1). The weapon also emits bright light in a 20-foot radius and dim light 20 feet beyond that. If the weapon is not already magical, it becomes magical for the duration.
You can end this effect on your turn as part of any other action. If you are no longer holding or carrying this weapon, or if you fall unconscious, this effect ends.
Blinding Star. As an action, you invoke the radiance of the stars, using your Channel Divinity to radiate pure bright light. Each creature that can see you within 30 feet of you must make a Wisdom saving throw. Creatures immune to the blinded condition, with blindsight, or who are already blind automatically succeed on this saving throw. If the creature fails its saving throw, it is blinded for 1 minute. A blinded creature can make another Constitution saving throw at the end of its turn.
Oath Spells
You gain oath spells at the paladin levels listed:
3rd level: guiding bolt, searing smite
5th: flame blade, pyrotechnics
9th: blinding smite, flame arrows
13th: fire shield, wall of fire
17th: legend lore, wall of light
These spells all count as paladin spells for you. You always have them prepared, but they don't count towards your number of prepared paladin spells.
Aura of Guidance
Starting at 7th level, friendly creatures within 10 feet of you have advantage on attacks against a creature that dealt damage to you since your last turn.
At 18th level, the range of this aura increases to 30 feet.
Guardian Angel
Beginning at 15th level, when an ally accessible within 30 feet is targeted by an attack, you can use your reaction to move up to them and take the attack instead. The attacker must roll again against your armor class and use the highest roll.
You can use this feature a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, and regain all expended uses after a short or long rest.
Radiant Champion
At 20th level, as an action, you can emanate an aura of starfire. For 1 minute, you gain the following benefits:
Your speed is doubled, and you can jump as far as your speed allows during a turn.
As an action, you can fire a brilliant burst of starfire. Every creature within a 20 ft. cone has to make a Dexterity saving throw against your spell DC or take 12d8 fire damage. A creature who succeeds their Dexterity saving throw takes half damage instead.
A creature takes fire damage equal to your Charisma modifier when they touch you or hit you with a weapon attack the first time on their turn
Once you use this feature, you can't use it again until you finish a long rest.
(Shoutout to Queen of Bubble City of the fan Discord for suggesting Legend Lore and getting me rid of that stupid Holy Weapon spell that I hate so much. Also keep posted for more DND 5e homebrew for Aurora, because I'm definitely not gonna stop at one subclass per main character)
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wyllzel · 7 months
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🔗 Link to Google Doc.
This is how I’ve been building Shadowheart in my past few playthroughs! Unfortunately, this build is not very thematic for a Cleric of Shar – but it does do a lot of the legwork in Act 2. This build is particularly thematic for a Cleric of Lathander, Corellon Larethian, Eilistraee, and Helm, who are all Light Domain deities… and, due to this build’s effectiveness in Act 2, possibly Selûne. 💡✨
The goal of this Light Domain Cleric is to deal Radiant Damage and apply the Radiating Orb condition to anything that dares to enter Shadowheart’s general vicinity. The undead fear her; shadows evaporate in her presence. It is glorious. I now refuse to play Act 2 without my beloved Radiating Orb Beyblade of Death (Shadowheart). 😁
The focus for this guide is on ability scores and gear interaction. Some of this gear includes the Luminous Armor (Act 1), the Blood of Lathander (Act 1), and Luminous Gloves (Act 2).
This Light Domain Cleric build is phenomenal in Act 2, but still does enough damage output to carry its weight in Acts 1 and 3. Light Domain’s special Channel Divinity action, Radiance of the Dawn, is excellent when dealing with clusters of Invisible enemies (such as Duergar, Shadow Creatures, and Bhaalists).
(Fair warning: Possible spoilers ahead!)
Please note that this guide is really just my personal preference! I recommend fully reading through the Wiki page on BG3’s Cleric so you get a good idea of what this class can do. In this guide, I’ve added a star (⭐) next to each of the class features or spells that I especially like.
To start with, I’ll recommend these base stats:
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In the early game (Act 1), it’s a good idea to keep Shadowheart’s Wisdom and Dexterity Ability Scores up. Wisdom affects Shadowheart’s spellcasting effectiveness, while Dexterity affects her Armor Class (AC) and Initiative in combat.
But the most important score for this build (after Wisdom) is Constitution. The first feat I recommend addresses this (Resilient), as do my preferred boots on her (Boots of Striding).
The Cleric class has prepared spells, so I’ll just make a note of the feats I take in this section!
Level 4
Feat: Resilient = Constitution
By taking the Resilient Feat, Shadowheart gains +1 to her Constitution Ability Score as well as proficiency in Constitution Saving Throws. This will help her maintain Concentration spells such as Spirit Guardians.
Level 8
Feat: Ability Score (ASI) = +2 WIS
Level 12
Feat: Ability Score (ASI) = +2 WIS
Honor Mode
The above is a pretty good set-up for the Explorer, Balanced, and Tactician difficulties. However, if you’d like to make Tactician mode easier on yourself or you’re planning on taking her to Honor Mode, I’d recommend the following set-up instead:
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Level 4
Feat: Ability Score (ASI) = +1 CON, +1 WIS
Level 8
Feat: Alert ⭐
Level 12
Feat: Ability Score (ASI) = +2 WIS, or
Feat: War Caster (Advantage on Constitution Saving Throws to maintain Concentration)
In Honor Mode, having high Initiative can make a huge difference, especially when fights get more intense – hence the Alert Feat at Level 8!
Final Composition
By Level 12, Shadowheart can have the following notable qualities:
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Due to Light Domain, Shadowheart will have:
Warding Flare (Level 1) – As Shadowheart levels up, she’ll eventually have Improved Warding Flare (Level 6), which allows her to use a Reaction to impose Disadvantage on an Attack Roll against either herself or an ally.
Potent Spellcasting (Level 8) – Add your Wisdom Modifier to the Damage of your Cleric Cantrips.
Access to select non-Cleric spells – Flaming Sphere, Scorching Ray, Fireball, Wall of Fire, and Destructive Wave.
Recommended Spells List
The following list are the Cleric spells I tend to favor. Because Light Domain Clerics have a lot of great offensive spells (hello, Fireball and Flame Strike!), I usually have Shadowheart running offensive rather than defensive (healing, buffs). She’s like a fake Evocation Wizard, haha.
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Basically, I tend to favor (usually AOE) spells that deal some amount of Radiant Damage. While Sacred Flame is notoriously easy for enemies to Save on, its Damage does eventually scale with your Cleric level, making it comparable to a Guiding Bolt by Level 8.
A good Fireball every once in a while doesn’t hurt, either. 🤭
The goal of this gear selection is to broadcast Radiant Damage (and therefore Radiating Orbs) to as wide a range of enemies as possible. To do this, I favor Radiance of the Dawn, which is the Channel Divinity action specific to Light Domain Clerics. Notably, like Spirit Guardians, Radiance of the Dawn only harms hostile creatures and will not damage (or inflict Radiating Orbs upon) your allies.
Spirit Guardians is also a very reliable source of mass Radiant Damage. Spirit Guardians requires Concentration to maintain, hence this guide’s emphasis on bolstering Constitution Saving Throws.
ℹ️ "But why the emphasis on Radiating Orbs?" you may be wondering. Radiating Orb inflicts a -1 to Attack Rolls on the affected entity (not bad!!), and causes them to emit Light. The Light is great when you're in a dark environment but someone on your team (eg. Human, Githyanki, etc.) doesn't have Darkvision.
Headwear: Holy Lance Helm
Smite the Graceless: Creatures that miss Attack Rolls against the wearer must make a DC14 Dexterity Saving Throw or take 1d4 Radiant Damage.
+1 to Constitution Saving Throws.
Armor: Luminous Armor
Radiating Shockwave: Whenever the wearer deals Radiant Damage, they cause a Radiant Shockwave (inflict Radiating Orb in a 3m/10ft radius).
Cloak: Vivacious Cloak
Arcane Vivaciousness: Gain 8 temporary HP for four turns after casting a spell while in melee.
In order to cast Spirit Guardians to full effect, Shadowheart will be in melee. Alternatively, the Cloak of the Weave is powerful on any caster.
Handwear: Luminous Gloves
Radiating Orb Gloves: When the wearer deals Radiant Damage, the target receives one turn of Radiating Orb.
+1 to Strength Saving Throws
Footwear: Boots of Striding
Focused Stride: When you cast a spell that requires Concentration, you gain Momentum for one turn. While Concentrating, you cannot be pushed or knocked Prone.
Shadowheart will often be Concentrating if your combat priority is casting Spirit Guardians.
Amulet: Amulet of the Devout
High Spellcasting: +2 to Spell Save DC.
Godswill: One additional use of Channel Divinity per Long Rest.
An additional use of Channel Divinity gives Shadowheart an extra charge of Radiance of the Dawn.
Ring A: Coruscation Ring
Arcane Radiance: When the wearer deals spell damage while illuminated by a light source, they inflict Radiating Orb on the target for two turns.
If Shadowheart is carrying the Blood of Lathander, she will always be illuminated.
Ring B: Callous Glow Ring
Callous Glow: Deal an additional 2 points of Radiant Damage against illuminated creatures
If Shadowheart is carrying the Blood of Lathander, all creatures near her will be illuminated.
Melee Main Hand: The Blood of Lathander
Lathander’s Blessing: Once per Long Rest, when your HP is reduced to 0, you regain 2d6 HP. Allies within 9m / 30ft also regain 1d6 HP.
Lathander’s Light: Sheds holy light within a 6m / 20ft radius. Fiends and undead in this light are blinded if they fail a DC14 Constitution Saving Throw.
Sunbeam (Level 6): Cast for one turn once per Long Rest.
Because the Blood of Lathander as a mace does relatively low damage, Shadowheart should be carrying it as a passive buffer/debuffer rather than as a melee weapon. Sunbeam is nothing to sniff at, either.
Alternatively, you could try The Sacred Star or the Moonlight Glaive.
Melee Off Hand: Shield of Devotion
Additional Spell Slot: Gain an additional Level 1 spell slot.
Shield Bash: Use a Reaction to possibly knock an enemy Prone.
Shield of Devotion: Aid: Cast a Level 3 Aid once per Long Rest.
+2 to AC.
This is a great shield on any Cleric! An additional Level 1 spell slot essentially gives you an extra low-level (but potentially clutch) Healing Word or Guiding Bolt.
Alternatively, you may want to use Ketheric’s Shield (great for casters in general) or Viconia’s Walking Fortress (great in general).
Ranged Main Hand: Bow of the Banshee
Blood-Curdling Emission: On a hit, possibly inflict Frightened. Gain a +1d4 bonus to Attack and Damage Rolls against Frightened creatures.
While Shadowheart may rarely, if ever, use a bow instead of a spell attack, the Bow of the Banshee is a really excellent clutch weapon. Since it’s just a shortbow, it may not be extremely useful on your more dedicated archers (who may prefer heavy crossbows, longbows, or hand crossbows); as such, it’s good to have on a character who’ll only be using their Ranged Weapon situationally.
A nice Sharran bow for Shadowheart is also the Least Expected, which is especially great on a stealth-based team.
Ranged Off Hand: N/A
Number Crunching
The following table should give you an idea of how Shadowheart performs on the battlefield as a result of her gear synergy. This table assumes that Shadowheart is Level 12.
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She’ll also have up to 7 charges of Radiance of the Dawn per Long Rest. (2 at the start of the day, 2 after each Short Rest (for 4 more), plus 1 from the Amulet of the Devout.)
While it’s difficult to say how much DPR Shadowheart can consistently dole out, this is a very effective build for debuffing your enemies and reliably picking off any stragglers.
A Light Domain Cleric is a great option for an offensive Cleric, but at the end of the day, she’s still a Cleric and will perform best as a complement to your team, rather than as its star player. By debuffing enemies, Shadowheart sets your high DPR characters (like Fighter Lae’zel 😎) up for success on the battlefield.
This build also works pretty well for any Cleric, but works especially well on a Light Cleric! You may have noticed that I mentioned Radiance of the Dawn one billion times throughout this guide… but it really is very good, haha.
If you feel that this build has too many Radiating Orbs (😂), good gear items that are still synergetic with a Light Cleric include:
Boots of Stormy Clamor, Gloves of Belligerent Skies, and/or Spineshudder Amulet with the Thunderskin Cloak
Boots of Speed, Haste Helm, and/or Crusher’s Ring for battlefield mobility (if you favor Spirit Guardians)
Additionally, you can find an alternative r/BG3Builds guide to Radiating Orb stacking here.
Thanks for reading, and hope this gave you some ideas for your Cleric or Radiant Damage builds! :)
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mischiefmagpie · 3 months
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danika-redgrave124 · 7 days
Umbra Witch Yuu Weapons (Mickey Mouse Edition)
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Classic Stars
Appearance: The Classic Stars pistols are vibrant and colorful, each designed with a silhouette of the Mickey Mouse logo at the ends. The barrels of the pistols are painted in Mickey's signature yellow and red colors, evoking the classic attire of the beloved character. The grips feature patterns resembling Mickey's iconic white gloves, adding a touch of playfulness to the design. The overall look is both charming and instantly recognizable, blending the whimsy of Mickey Mouse with the sleekness of Yuu's weapons.
Combat Style
Magical Projectiles: Classic Stars is designed to shoot magical projectiles that are as dazzling as they are effective. When fired, the bullets sparkle with celebratory energy, leaving trails of glittering light in their wake. On impact, these projectiles explode into bursts of celebratory sparkles, stunning and disorienting enemies. The flashes of light and color are not only visually striking but also serve to confuse and incapacitate foes, giving Yuu the upper hand in battle.
Clubhouse Cheer: This special ability allows Yuu to unleash a series of magical projectiles that create bursts of celebratory sparkles upon impact. Each burst is accompanied by the sound of cheering and laughter, further disorienting enemies and breaking their focus. The sparkles also have a chance to cause a minor stun effect, leaving enemies momentarily dazed and vulnerable to follow-up attacks.
Protective Aura: The Classic Stars pistols can also generate a protective aura of joy around Yuu. This aura is a radiant, golden glow that pulses with warmth and positivity, symbolizing the timeless cheerfulness associated with Mickey Mouse. While the aura is active, Yuu's defense and agility are temporarily boosted, making them more resilient to damage and quicker on her feet. The aura also has a calming effect, reducing the intensity of enemy attacks and making it harder for them to land critical hits.
Tactical Joy
Disorientation and Control: The magical projectiles fired by the Classic Stars pistols are particularly effective at crowd control. The bursts of celebratory sparkles can disorient groups of enemies, disrupting their formations and making it difficult for them to coordinate their attacks. This gives Yuu the opportunity to take control of the battlefield, picking off enemies one by one or setting up powerful combos without fear of retaliation.
Celebratory Finale: When Yuu finishes off an enemy with the Classic Stars, the final shot creates an extra-large burst of sparkles and confetti, accompanied by a triumphant fanfare. This finishing move not only deals additional damage but also boosts Yuu's morale, providing a small health or magic regeneration effect as a reward for the stylish takedown.
Finishing Moves
Marvelous Finale: In a Climax attack with the Classic Stars, Yuu channels the spirit of Mickey Mouse to summon a massive, glowing version of the iconic character’s logo. This radiant symbol hovers above the battlefield, radiating waves of magical energy that sweep across the area, knocking back enemies and filling the air with sparkles and confetti. The attack culminates with a final, powerful blast of light that engulfs the battlefield, dealing massive damage and leaving behind a lingering aura of joy that continues to boost Bayonetta’s abilities for a short time.
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Paintbrush Blade
Appearance: The Paintbrush Blade is a long, sleek weapon designed to resemble an artist's paintbrush, but with a sharp, magical edge. The handle is a mix of vibrant colors—reds, blues, yellows—that blend seamlessly into darker, inky details, reminiscent of the corrupted world of Wasteland. The blade itself glows with a mesmerizing multicolor aura, shifting and swirling like a palette of paint ready to be unleashed. The bristles at the end of the paintbrush shimmer with magical energy, giving the weapon an ethereal and ever-changing appearance.
Combat Style
Magical Paint Splashes: Every swing of the Paintbrush Blade leaves behind splashes of magical paint that alter the terrain and affect enemies. The paint can be vibrant and bright, boosting Yuu's defense as they weaves through their enemies, or it can be dark and inky, slowing down enemies and making them more vulnerable to her attacks.
Ink and Paint: This special ability allows Yuu to paint the battlefield with a combination of ink and colorful splashes. The paint alters the terrain, creating zones that slow down enemies or enhance Yuu's defense when they stands within them. The ink can form creatures or constructs, like sentient blobs of paint or inky monsters, that fight alongside Yuu, adding an element of unpredictability to their attacks.
Element of Unpredictability: The Paintbrush Blade can randomly paint and ink various creatures or objects that assist Yuu in combat. For example, a swing of the blade might summon a sentient paint splatter that distracts enemies, or an inky tendril that ensnares and immobilizes foes. These painted and inked creations are unpredictable, adding a chaotic and artistic flair to Yuu's fighting style.
Tactical Creativity
Battlefield Control: The Paintbrush Blade excels at controlling the battlefield. The paint splashes can create zones that hinder enemy movement or boost Yuu's defense, allowing them to dictate the flow of combat. By strategically placing these zones, they can force enemies into vulnerable positions or protect herself from incoming attacks.
Inked Companions: The creatures and objects painted or inked by the Paintbrush Blade add an extra layer of strategy to Yuu's attacks. These companions can serve as distractions, drawing enemy fire away from Yuu, or as offensive tools, dealing additional damage to foes. The unpredictability of what the blade might create next keeps enemies on their toes, making it difficult for them to anticipate Yuu's next move.
Finishing Moves
Masterpiece Slash: In a Climax attack, Yuu channels the full power of the Paintbrush Blade to create a massive, magical painting that comes to life. This masterpiece spans the battlefield, transforming the environment into a vibrant, animated world where paint and ink flow freely. Enemies caught in the painting are overwhelmed by waves of multicolor energy, splashes of paint, and inky tendrils that crush, burn, or ensnare them. The attack ends with the painting collapsing into a whirlwind of colors, dealing massive damage to all enemies within its reach.
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Star Wands
Appearance: The Star Wands are a pair of sleek, elegant wands that glow with a mystical blue light. The wands are adorned with intricate star and moon motifs, reminiscent of the night sky. Magical symbols run along the length of the wands, pulsing with energy, giving the impression that they are brimming with untapped power. The tips of the wands are crowned with star-shaped crystals that sparkle with a mysterious aura, ready to channel Yuu's magical prowess.
Combat Style
Mystical Spellcasting: The Star Wands focus on powerful spellcasting, unleashing a variety of magical effects that can turn the tide of battle. Each strike from the wands releases bursts of starry energy, creating dazzling displays of light that disorient and damage enemies.
Magical Maestro: This special ability allows Yuu to channel the full power of the Star Wands to perform a series of powerful magical spells. The wands summon waves of water that wash over enemies, knocking them off balance and dealing damage. Animated brooms appear to sweep across the battlefield, attacking foes with their relentless strikes. Additionally, the wands release bursts of starry energy that explode on impact, causing widespread damage and creating a celestial spectacle.
Elemental Mastery: The Star Wands give Yuu the ability to manipulate water and cosmic energy. They can summon waves of water to sweep enemies away or create starry explosions that dazzle and damage their foes. The wands can also summon animated brooms to assist in combat, providing additional support and adding an element of unpredictability to her attacks.
Tactical Spellcraft
Crowd Control: The Star Wands excel at crowd control, with spells that can affect large groups of enemies. The waves of water can knock back multiple foes, while the starry explosions create bursts of energy that can stun and disorient them. The animated brooms add an extra layer of control, harassing and distracting enemies while Yuu focuses on more powerful attacks.
Magical Boosts: In addition to their offensive capabilities, the Star Wands can temporarily boost Yuu's magical abilities and speed. This allows her to cast spells more rapidly and with greater potency, making her even more formidable in battle. The boosts also enhance their agility, allowing them to dodge attacks with greater ease and respond more quickly to enemy movements.
Finishing Moves
Celestial Symphony: In a Climax attack, Yuu channels the full power of the Star Wands to perform a breathtaking magical performance. The wands unleash a series of powerful spells in quick succession, creating a storm of water, starry energy, and animated brooms that overwhelms enemies. The attack culminates in a massive explosion of starry light, as the wands draw down the energy of the stars themselves to deal devastating damage to all enemies within range. The battlefield is left shimmering with the remnants of Yuu's magical prowess, a testament to their dominance.
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Keyblades of Heart
Appearance: The Keyblades of Heart are a pair of beautifully crafted keyblades, each featuring a sleek silver blade with a golden hilt. The design incorporates elegant, glowing key patterns that run along the blades, giving them an ethereal, almost divine appearance. The hilts are adorned with a crown motif, symbolizing leadership and nobility, while the keychains attached to the blades bear Mickey's emblem, a nod to their origins. The overall design exudes a sense of regal power and unwavering determination.
Combat Style
Precision Strikes: The Keyblades of Heart are designed for precise, powerful attacks that can pierce through even the toughest defenses. Each strike from these keyblades delivers a potent blow, capable of dealing massive damage to enemies. The blades are also imbued with the power of light, allowing Yuu to unleash devastating, radiant attacks that can cut through darkness and overwhelm their foes.
Hearts Resolve: This special ability harnesses the true power of the Keyblades of Heart, allowing Yuu to perform strikes that pierce through enemies, dealing massive damage and leaving them vulnerable to further attacks. In addition, the keyblades can summon ethereal keyblades to aid Yuu in battle. These spectral keyblades fight alongside them, striking at enemies with relentless force and adding to the chaos on the battlefield. While this ability is active, Yuu's strength and resilience are temporarily increased, allowing them to withstand enemy assaults while delivering powerful counterattacks.
Ethereal Aid: The Keyblades of Heart can call forth ethereal keyblades that act as extensions of Yuu's will. These summoned keyblades hover around them, striking at enemies from all directions and creating a relentless barrage of attacks. This ability adds a layer of unpredictability to Yuu's combat style, as enemies are forced to contend with multiple attackers at once.
Tactical Versatility
Crowd Control and Piercing Damage: The Keyblades of Heart excel in situations where Yuu needs to control large groups of enemies. The piercing nature of the strikes allows her to deal damage to multiple foes in a single attack, while the ethereal keyblades add an extra layer of offense, targeting enemies that are out of Yuu's immediate reach.
Resilience and Strength Boost: The Keyblades of Heart not only enhance Yuu's offensive capabilities but also bolster their defenses. When Hearts Resolve is activated, Yuu gains a temporary boost to their strength and resilience, making them more resistant to enemy attacks. This allows them to stay in the fight longer and deal more damage before needing to retreat or heal.
Finishing Moves
Divine Judgement: In a Climax attack, Yuu channels the full power of the Keyblades of Heart to unleash a devastating finishing move. They raises the keyblades high, summoning a storm of ethereal keyblades that rain down upon their enemies, piercing through them with the force of light and leaving nothing but devastation in their wake. The attack culminates in a brilliant explosion of light, as Yuu drives the Keyblades of Heart into the ground, releasing a shockwave that obliterates any remaining enemies and purifies the battlefield.
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xxx-sir-pentious-xxx · 2 months
The Human Spirit
Its nature to be maternal, even if your male, regardless of what people think otherwise.
"I know who you pretend I am... a monster you believe I am. But I'm just a human. I'm only a human with a soul that's unbreakable. Its unbreakable because I find hope in the tiny things in life..... and death."
Pentious spoke trying to keep his clutch of orphaned children winners close and behind him. The kids varied in ages. He didnt wanna part with these specific children due to them being like him.
These children they wanted to take away were in forms less favourable to potential parents. Whether it was for anything literal like quills or big claws, or from something in their little minds from being damaged.
Pentious didnt mind soothing children at night, while they weep from the torment human life gave them. He didnt mind when some freaked out from a trigger that hed promptly get rid of for their sake.
Pentious didnt mind needing thick gloves to hold the others, he didnt mind wearing a leather jacket so the claws didnt rip his skin.
Pentious loved his little babies.
Sera tried to force him to give them over but he could only yell,
And he was right, she and everyone else refused to care for them, they told him themselves. No one would hold them for hours like Pentious, no one would feed them each something special, they needed special care. No one would hold the prickles or deal with the claws.
Sera didn't even try to pick up a single one when she could have snagged one. She just ordered them to come. They of course didn't move from their only source of affection.
Sera huffed trying to keep her tone calm,
"You cant keep all these kids. This was a temporary thing and you were supposed to get them adopted. You've failed to get them adopted-"
Pentious hissed lowly,
"I failed nothing! I'll adopt all of them, they are loved here. I love my little ones. Even if a couple are teens they are still my babies. You cant take my babies and force them apart. I wont let you send my young away to separate orphanages just because... You've given me no reason!"
As he yelled he had to comfort one that started crying because the mean lady was gonna steal them from their mama. To all the children Pentious was a mother to them.
Sera finally folded and left but told him he had better signed every last document and if any kid is remotely neglected theyd all be taken.
Pentious could finally relax. He finally looked at his children and saw his angelic wings lining his lower half were covering them all. He must have been very stressed. They only came out when he was stressed.
"How's abouts I make lunch while you all wash your little paws and hands. Then I'll do some documents while you eat."
They children obeyed and he made them some food just glad his younglings are happy and safe.
The documents took so many hours but he finished, his little ones all snuggled up and warm in his tail. The eldest children usually would opt for a room but tonight they surrounded the sleeping pile. The oldest of the children watched over them all, mostly Sir Pentious. He had this radiant gold color on his head that just was mesmerizing.
It seemed brighter tonight.
The teen softly stroke the bright gold emblem and felt the soft feather down on his frills. The teen had to stifle a good giggle at the smile on the snakes face. His mouth always went so far it was cartoonish.
The teen slept facing the bright heart that radiated so much light.
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⚔️ 𝗡𝗲𝘄 𝗶𝘁𝗲𝗺! Celestial Bident
Weapon (trident), legendary (requires attunement by a cleric or paladin) ___ This bident’s prongs are designed as celestial wings. A ball of pure light radiates between the wings, which sheds bright light in a 30-foot radius and dim light for an additional 30 feet. The light is sunlight. While holding the bident, you can use a bonus action to light or extinguish the ball. Alternatively, you can use an action to expand or reduce its radius of bright and dim light by 5 feet each, to a maximum of 40 feet each or a minimum of 10 feet each. If you’re attuned to the “celestial bident,” you are considered proficient with it. You gain a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon, which deals an extra 1d6 radiant damage to any target it hits while the ball of pure light is present in the bident. Immediately after you make a ranged weapon attack with the bident, it flies back to your open hand. While holding the weapon, you also gain a +2 bonus to spell attack rolls. 𝘽𝙚𝙨𝙩𝙤𝙬 𝙇𝙞𝙜𝙝𝙩. While the ball of light is present between the bident’s prongs, you can use an action to touch a creature with the bident and confer the light into them. The ball disappears within the creature for 8 hours. For the duration, the creature can’t be blinded, deafened, diseased, frightened, paralyzed, petrified, or poisoned. If the creature is already affected by such a condition, the effects are suppressed for the duration of this effect. The ball of light returns to the bident at the end of the 8 hours or when the creature is reduced to 0 hit points. If the creature is reduced to 0 hit points, the ball lifts from the creature’s body and returns to the bident, and the creature immediately regains 1 hit point. Once a creature has benefitted from this property, it can’t do so again for 24 hours. 𝙂𝙪𝙞𝙙𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝘽𝙞𝙙𝙚𝙣𝙩. While holding the weapon, you can use an action to cast the “guiding bolt” spell from it, using your spell attack bonus. When you do, the bolt appears as a duplicate of the bident made of pure light, and on a hit, any allied creature within 10 feet of the target gains 10 temporary hit points. ___ ✨ Patrons get huge perks! Access this and hundreds of other item cards, art files, and compendium entries when you support The Griffon's Saddlebag on Patreon for less than $10 a month!
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