Since no one hasn’t posted Puss haven’t his flashbacks of lives before his very eyes, I thought I’d show everyone this part
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i-amyou · 7 months
Stop seeking. Start noticing.
That's all you have to 'do'. And before you ask me how to notice, there's no how to. You are always Noticing/Observing without any efforts. That's your innate nature. The truth. You've always been aware regardless of everything. But were you aware of being Aware? Now that's the question. That's where all of our pointers, point you to.
That's the only thing you need to "do" (Sorry for lack of better words) . It's effortless. Trust me. And before you overcomplicate this, let me add;
Noticing = Observing = Being aware = Just BE.
They're not different. Any thought, and I mean any thought you have doesn't matter. It's irrelevant. "I don't get it" is a thought, "I'm still waiting..." is a thought. "Life's so unfair.." is a thought. Everything, no matter what happens and whatever thoughts come up. Let them be.
Just notice and let it be. Know, and have faith that you're beyond it all. Because you ARE. You're free.
There's no where to be. There's nothing to achieve. There's nothing to do. And there's no person to do it.
Just BE. And Notice. Be aware.
Noticing is the innate energetic effect of Infinite Radiance. Noticing is not exercised from a "me" or from a "person". Even if you want to stop noticing, you can't do so because noticing cannot be turned off. During the natural process of unstoppable noticing, it will automatically reveal that "a me" or "a person" is just a concept imagined by the Mind rather than a concrete existence. It will automatically reveal that you will never be able to find a concrete existence named as "a me" or "a person", let alone "others". - Being_Is_IT on Twitter.
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Ps:- It's not a method. Just something you've always been doing, without being aware and getting too indulged with the illusion. And this is a pointer, pointing you to notice this simple thing.
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beesfairlyland · 8 months
How to get you Desires instantly?...jk...just wanna talk about my take on 'void state'!!
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First of all i hate the word void (not kinda hate hate...but the way ppl are obsessed over it... even i was once lol). After studying the concept of Non-Duality the way i used to see the void ...the way i used to put it on pedestal (i cringed😭) it all changed. I realised we are putting something on the pedestal to which we give the existence.
Void is nothing more than a state that exists because YOU give your awareness to it. Void is a state just like Bee(me) is a state that SELF created! There's nowhere to reach/enter.
Void is nothing but just to be aware of being unconscious. To be aware while this body sleeps.
Okayy I'll ask you to simply meditate....not to reach anywhere...not to enter void....not to get your desires.
Soo first get in comfortable position to meditate.
Now just focus on your breathing, let the thoughts pass by don't engage with them. Just watch them and keep your focus on breathing.
Slowly your mind will start to quieten. As your are observing all this happening. You'll know that you are just the observer of thoughts...you are not the thought....these thoughts ain't yours but of this unreal mind's.
This meditation is to just make you realise that you are the awareness behind these thoughts not the thought itself.
Continue focusing on the breathing. There will be a moment where the mind will become silent and that's when you are one with the awareness. That's the NON-DUAL STATE aka the void state.
This meditation is not to reach the non dual state.... it's to know that you are the observer doesn't matter if the mind goes silent or not. Just to experience who you are try this meditation with zero expectations. If mind got silent great!! But if it didn't then also greatt!!
Now the main problem/mistake that ppl do while meditating for the non-dual state(void state). They don't let the mind think itself....they think with the mind themselves. Didn't understand? Wait lemme explain....you don't let the mind wander or think on it's own instead you yourself start thinking....if i am doing it right, how much more time, it'll be happening soon bla bla.
Just only coz y'all 'try' the void to get your 'desires' that feeling makes you anxious. Getting everything all at once sounds too good to be true to the ego (tho you ALREADY have everything) soo it starts getting anxious and that's totally opposite of meditating.
When bloggers say 'void' is easy....IT ISSS. But this ego don't wanna believe it.
And no you really don't need to affirm, or do methods, listen to subliminals, need a void concept (lol wtf is even that), LITERALLY NOTHING. IT'S JUST A STATE THAT YOU BECOME AWARE OF!!
It's just you are aware of getting your 'desires' instantly... that's why you get your 'desires' instantly. Void ain't your purest form or something. It's just a state from which you can experience you being the awareness from the closest (or may be not).
Literally ppl have hyped it soo much that now it's toxic. I am not against the 'void state'. But the way ppl ruin their mental health by putting something like this on the pedestal....it shrinks my heart. Coz I've been thru that and i don't want y'all go thru the same phase of exhaustion.
Just know that it's just a made up state just like this ego is made up by the SELF. Nothing special at all!!
Hope i could convey what i wanted too!🫶🏻✨
-Love, bee💗🧚🏻‍♀️
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dearfear777 · 9 months
Rebel against your slavery to your mind, see your bonds as self-created and break the chains of attachment and revulsion. Keep in mind your goal of freedom, until it dawns on you that you are already free, that freedom is not something in the distant future to be earned with painful efforts, but perennially one's own, to be used! Liberation is not an acquisition but a matter of courage, the courage to believe that you are free already and to act on it.
- Nisargadatta Maharaj
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not-a-kaleshi-saanp · 3 months
Jab tumhe realise ho ki bhenchod ye to degree hi galat hai....but just in the 3 rd year 💀🤡😭
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alexithemiyatic · 28 days
I want to be loved
No matter how much of an idiot I am
No matter how stubborn I remain to be
I want to be loved so bad
I don't care if it is with words, with actions or even gifts
All I ask is that at the end of the day I can see the love in your eyes when you look at me
Let me be the one your curtains open for
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lizaluvsthis · 9 months
Accidental Kiss - (Christmas Eve)
fic - and art (forgive me I'm bad at writing fics)
(Thanking @shygirl4991 for doing an episode fic remake called "Mistletoe Wars" !)
Everyone was really hoping for a mistletoe T.T well that didn't happen. A promise is a promise!
It's winter season, and the crew members had enjoyed the nostalgic feeling of snow. But since they've never get to experience what snow felt before. Now it's a good chance to go out there and have some fun!
-this fic contains language and some sensitive stuff (NOT the one you're thinking about-)
The crunch of snow beneath their feet sounds as they all walked around, the crew looked outside in excitement.
"Woahh its a very nice and cold snowy night!" Boopkins was the first to start as he picked up some snow from the ground and tried making a snowman. "Alright everyone! You can do whatever you want here, make some snowmans, ice skate or whatever types of games you want to play like snowballs. It's up to all of you!" Smg4 announced.
Mario commented same as Meggy
"Mario's gonna make good big snowman!"
"I'm gonna make the tallest snowman!"
The two never expected to have the same idea, and looked at each other. Meggy smirked and Mario also thought about the same idea. "Hey mario you thinking what I'm thinking? Lets start making out big snowman and beat them!" Meggy whispered.
Mario salutes in order to follow Meggy "yes boss!"
Tari is making a cute-duck snow while Saiko tried building her own snowman, which it failed due to her unexperience of snow. Tari comforted Saiko by patting her head.
Meanwhile Smg3 is making his own Snowman Statue of EggDog, enjoying some quiet and peace. "Bark!" Eggdog called. "Hey there Eggdog!" Three picks him up to make him see the full view of the snow statue he made.
"I built this just for my cute little egg! Who's a cute lil dog? Yes you are!" Smg3 rubs eggdog's stomach and pets him, playing dearfully from his lovable pup.
Three puts eggdog down and puts eggdog's mini-sized hat on top of it. "Bark!" He jumps in excitement.
"Hehehe... I bet my statue is more better than those losers-" Three's words were cut off right when he felt a snowball hit his back.
"Hey! Whats the big ide-" Smg3 thinking it would be some of Four's friends that three would like to call- "idiots" he turns around annoyed.
"Hahaha! -Gotcha now Mar- huh?" Four expected Mario would be the person he hit, suprisingly it was three.
But to his suprise it wasn't Smg4's idiots who've hit his back. It was Smg4 himself. "Oh. You."
Three rolled his eyes, just seeing Smg4 right infront of him makes his skin boil. For any other reasons this is just probably him getting "angry" again.
"Oh- uh- sorry about that Smg3 I didn't know it was you. Me, Bob, Mario, and Meggy are playing snowball fight. If theres a possible chance I thought it'd be fun too for you to joi-" Three wasn't having this, he doesn't NEED a childish game to waste his time on.
"No thanks" "aww cmon! Why not?" Four walks closer to Three as his eyes darts down to the ground, aware that Four might've noticed. But he didn't.
"B-because it's pointless, on such a stupid game you guys had to pick that sh-t of a junk. Wow." His response were cold to Four, receiving those messages. Four felt bad to his friend.
Smg3 flinched as soon as Smg4 puts his right hand from his shoulder, this startled him. "Dude, you definitely have to join us- besides you've barely enjoyed christmas from these past few years. How about giving it a go?"
Smg3 stayed silent, not even facing his ex-rival. "It's christmas. We all deserve to have some fun! Even you..." even if Three didn't look at him, he knew that four was giving that "look".
Those blue eyes that matched from the color of the nightsky, gazing upon the color of wine. The color of blood that gave the matching of purple when theh meet. Purple butterflies form, starting to surround them with this tension.
This made three felt sick from his guts.
Three knows. He knew how much of a coward and a b-tch he was for admitting Smg4 was his friend, how else could he say no? They almost died. He. Almost died.
"But I understand you now. You're really scared, aren't you?
You're scared you could lose it all at any time.
But I've met your friends man.
No matter what you make, they...
WE... will always be here to have fun and laugh together"
Three could barely even remembered what he told him back on the castle, does he really meant all of the things he said to Four?
Is this also the main reason why four has felt sympathetic towards him? He wasn't sure.
Sure they made good laughs, they've been enemies for so long and now that the two had went through lots of stuff. The two had developed something that they were never sure about it yet.
"I still remember what you said..." four decided to break the long distant of silence. This lit up three's eyes, he wanted to say something... anything at all... but he kept it close, wanting to hear what his friend has to say.
"You remember when I was stuck and possessed by a goddamn keyboard from that old castle...?" It was four's turn to look down and face his hands, twiddling his thumbs.
Three didn't respond but just stood there, waiting the following words as he listened.
"I never thought I could say this to anyone else just to you... I... heard you reaching out on me... I know its all classic and cheesy but in all seriousness... did you meant all of that...?" Smg3 took a step back.
"I know its been a few months since we never talked about what happened there, with all of the monster attack and sh-t" "I did."
Three turned to look at Smg4 with his eyes locked onto his. "I did meant it, I meant everything what I've said. You were the onl- the reason why you're having so much fun with your friends. I told you all of that because I admitted it."
But its not only just for their friendship...not only for his friends...
"But I understand you now..."
If three wouldn't be such a d!ck, then this wouldn't have happened. He wouldn't drive him insane nor putting everyone in danger.
You're an idiot Three...
How many years has it been ever since they called their truce? How many years did it came for three to wait? How many? He didn't answer.
Because on what other choice could he take? He'd been an enemy of Smg4 and always WILL be his enemy. Even tho he wanted to forget those days that he's tried to kill smg4 that never worked.
Smg4 was a superior, he was a star, a golden child, the big f-king attention from the top of the stairs to where everyone would admire. He is the Lord of Memes, and him? Three? Was the Lord of the Dead-Memes.
Smg4 had such an opportunity to do alot of stuff with posting his memes (creating memes or bunch)
Three was sure that four didn't have those affectionate feelings towards him, even tho he came out as bisexual. He wasn't even sure anymore if Four was still looking for a new partner that'll interest him.
Would he even like me back even after...?
Forgetting about this, smg4 could sense Three's feelings inside of him having the urge to blow. Sure they're both cosmically linked to each other. What about it?
What concerns Four is Three.
"You're not telling me anything else at all are you...?"
"Why the hell do I need to tell you everything? You completely RUINED me" ouch. (Touche...) said by four. But in other words, where could Three have been feeling this sentimental emotion from the other parts?
He can't do anything else but to do something.
"I forgive you" Smg4 closed his eyes smiling sadly at Three, wrapping his arms around his back. In a cold weather outside, Three could feel Four's chin resting on the back of his shoulder. Between the two's burning sensation from the body heat, Three didn't mind him at all.
After a few couple of minutes, Three breaks the hug four gave him and covered half of his face. (Not trying to feel embarrassed from this)
"Thats enough- I'm worried that your stupid idiots would've ended up seeing us both like- like this!" He crossed both of his arms and huffed. He could still feel Four's warm body press from his back. Turning red.
"Aww man- It was just starting to get comfortable! You sure you don't want that again?" "No! I'm never enjoying that sh!t ever its f-king gay" Four frowned at Three in a way that made him feel so bad, a way that made him feel soft around him. GOD HE HATED IT.
"You can do that after..." Smg3 sent Four to having butterflies by giving him a pleasant smile. Smg4 blushed, his heart beating and racing, his cheeks fumming out smoke. He panicked "oh boy haha- oh man is it- is it getting hot in here or maybe you are..." (SHIT.)
Cursed by four. Three raised an eyebrow in confusion. (Did he just FLIRT AT ME?!) the audacity. He had never heard smg4 flirt to him like that.
Wow. That was smooth as hell.
Three had enough of it. "WHY YOU..." he got to the ground and started making a snowball and throws it to Smg4's face.
"Don't you talk like that to me it's cheesy! I hate it!" (Lie)
Smg4 smirked "you sure~ cause I'm convinced that you're lying, I know you liked that~" he laughed. "You're still a tsundere three even after all of this" he wept a tear.
"N-NO I'M NOT A TSUNDERE YOU BAKA!!!" Smg3 starts throwing snowballs at Smg4. "Hey! Its not fair!" He tried covering himself in order to not get hit on the face by the snowballs.
"I'M NOT STOPPING BECAUSE YOU'RE BEING- A COMPLETE- IDIOT-" he heard something... something jiggling... on top of his head there was... a mistle toe...? He stopped for a second.
"Ran out of snowballs I see?" Smg4 noticed Three looking upwards, followed by Four's contact.
"Is that- supposed to be... a mistletoe?" Three and Four looked at each other "oh god..." "f-ck."
"I umm- I'm not sure about this... this is super f-king gay four well played but stop it-" "stop? What do you mean stop? I didn't place that there!"
"If you didn't then who?!" This is making him feel terrified. Three wanted to kiss Four ofcourse, he was too scared of what will happen after that. He might ruin his friendship with four and all and he didn't want that to happen because Smg4 is all that he even had, he ever needed, all that he wanted.
"I uhh... I have to go-" Smg3 started backing away not even turning, Smg4 looked at three upset. "Wait- Smg3!" Three accidentally slips from the ice on the floor, causing him to lose balance.
Four attempted on helping three's situation by approaching forward, immediately landing Three's lips to his.
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A few seconds later, Smg3 pulled himself away in need of air. Wow. What an experience. "I-I- Smg4?" He opened his eyes to meet four's again.
"SH!T! WHAT HAVE I DONE?! NOW IT'S COMPLETELY RUINED!" Smg4 took a whole minute to proccess whatever happened back there. Damn. It took too long to realize- Three has best taste...
Wait. What the f-ck?
"Smg3 its o-" Four tried calming him down. "I COMPLETELY DID RUIN IT! I- SH!T DUDE! SH!T SH!T SH!T!!!" "Smg3-" "Everythings supposed to go how it always were..." "Three-" "I don't want you to see me as a friend I-" "You don't w-" "And I can't even admit this stuff BECAUSE I'M SCARED THAT I MIGHT LOSE YOU TOO!" "SMG3!!!"
Smg3 is filled with tears caught by Four's attention. "You're never going to lose me again..." "how can you be so sure?"
"Because of this." Smg4 smiled at him and gave his fated ex-enemy a second kiss, it lasted longer than the first one and boy to tell you something.
It was a dream come true.
Three didn't even pull away, but closes his eyes. Waiting for a next miracle...
NEXT PART (Purposely on Purpose)
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8marg8 · 7 months
Hey guys sorry for not uploading lately, I don't think I have an excuse I have been just lazy, so here is a drawing of mike in season 3, hope you enjoy it, I made it a while ago but I didn't post it because I don't like how it turned out.
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Bye, hope you're having a good afternoon ❤️
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lonelydancerr · 8 months
Just realized I'm a lesbian lol
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fre4kshqw · 2 months
Wrote this as Tim writing a letter/text to Jay if he never found out he died and they grew apart before the climax of the show happened.
“Hey Jay, It’s Tim. It’s been a while, I meant to write sooner but you know how bad my memory is. How have you been? I hope you weren’t too upset that I left but I really needed to leave before shit got too serious and I hope you did that too.
I wish I could’ve brought you with me but I think us being together was just making things worse, plus I really needed to find a stable job and get some money. We couldn't have lived off those shitty paychecks for much longer. Well…maybe you but medication is a pain to buy.
I just hope you're okay now, I have to admit you seemed more fucked up in the head then I was. I was just bringing that camera around for your sake but you seemed attached. I just hope you got the help you need now man, I’m guessing everything has died down and Alex is missing again.
I guess the reason I’m sending this text is so you don’t do something fucked up, I was watching the news a few weeks back about some guy walking down into an abandoned college campus and getting shot and let there to bleed out, they say he was alive and bleeding for 3 hours alone before he actually died. They said his name but I can’t remember who.
Come to think of it, it was…it was you.”
sent: 4:44am
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i-amyou · 8 months
Nothing is that serious.
Take it easy. There is quite literally NOTHING happening. You don't have to be so hard on yourself, trying to understand something. Or do something. Or to just BE.
Your being is effortless. Everything is dependent on you. Not vice versa. These are pointers, which point you to your true nature. More like, reminders or notifications as Chen (@infiniteko ) said.
There are no aha moments waiting for you. No big realisation that'll dawn upon you someday. There's nothing to wait for. Seriously. Even right now while you're reading this, you're aware of reading this right? Who is aware? Is it the person you think, or something beyond that?
If you think it's a person, think again. Thought comes first, or is it the awareness of thinking? Can anything exist without your awareness and undisputed acceptance of it? Simple answer is No.
Do you see with your eyes in your dreams? Or are you just aware?
Do you hear with your ears in your dreams? Or are you just aware?
And if you don't have any dreams, are you not just aware of NOTHING while sleeping?
What is absolute in all these? One common thing? The awareness.
And there is no one who is aware.
It's all just Awareness being Aware of itself. THAT experiencing THAT.
" " experiencing " ".
What can harm " "? And why would " " be scared of anything at all, when it is all there is?
What are you taking so seriously, there is NOTHING to do. Just BE.
These are reminders for YOU. The infinite intelligence. AWARENESS. THAT. Call it whatever you want. If there's anything you don't understand, you're most likely trying to understand through this person you believe yourself to be.
Just because you've been writing a great fantasy novel for a long time doesn't mean you are the CHARACTER in it. No matter how attached to it you might be.
How would the character in novel understand, KNOW that his whole experience can turn around only if AUTHOR decide to put the pen down. Whenever it wants.
So, look deeper. Go within. Pull yourself away for a bit from this illusion. It's indeed a very detailed dream you created for yourself but now it's time to remember yourself.
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Go within. And go beyond the surface level.
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beesfairlyland · 8 months
How To Poop Butterflies?🦋
Ik many of you are struggling soo much with this. You've been trying sooo damn hard to poop butterflies that now you feel so desperate and exhausted coz guess what you couldn't achieve it!
Tell me one thing if the seemingly person and seemingly butterflies is YOU.....is there anything to achieve? When it was only YOU all along. Would you be desperate to get something that's already YOU huh?
NO right? Then why tf it's always about getting something?
"How to get desired appearance?"
"How to be rich?"
"How to be like that?....How to be like this?
First things first y'all really really really need to to stop taking Non-Dualism as a method to get something. You all are soo lost in this dream that whatever you see with these illusionary senses...you take that to be the absolute Reality.
Get this in your head ....YOU ARE EVERYTHING.
You don't create anything. You are not the creator of the Reality.
And noo i am not saying you have to drop the desires...not at all.
But calling your experiences as desires is wrong. Desires arise from lack. You are LITERALLY FREE RIGHT NOW to experience whatever you want to.
You don't have to be a saint if YOU don't want to. You don't have to read hundreds of books if YOU don't want to. You don't have to experience this dream if YOU don't want to!!
There's literally NOTHING that can go against your will.....that can go against God's will.....even using God is limiting coz YOU ARE THAT....that can never be explained by any word.
I am gonna say it again.... the only thing that's holding you back is your identification with this mind/body. Leave it alone.
Why to created more of problems....when you can literally get rid of them right now.
Ego is always concerned with keeping the past alive, because without it- Who are you?
@i-amyou @eternallyilluminated @lotusmi @iamthat-iam @illusionaurie @cassandra-xx
(hope y'all enjoying pooping butterflies😆)
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dearfear777 · 9 months
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anatidephobia · 1 year
whole life convincing yourself that you’re emotionless, cold and unbothered only to realise many years later that you created that version of yourself because in reality you couldn’t bare the thought of being vulnerable in any way
and when you finally realise that it’s not something to be proud of you also realise that it’s too late to re-learn everything
you feel great shame because you finally see that you weren’t actually strong - all of it was a weakness. the thing you hated the most. you couldn’t embrace it
and worst of all - you realise that you’ve become exactly like the person who hurt you in the beginning
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kingstarkingslay · 2 months
Is it just me or do y’all also have that one fic that helped you realise your sexuality??
For me it was Of Leaves and Stars by irrationalmoony and LadyAmina. It was the first Genderfluid! Sirius Wolfstar fic I read and I was like “ Holy shit that’s me!”
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da-rum-darim-da · 24 days
souvenir of the past.
once upon a time when your hands held my heart i believed i could wait eons for you and maybe i'd still do if you hadn't let go of it.
but now i know, i will wait, yes i can but i pray you'd never come to me again, for i cherish the you, the me, the love that was between us but i'd rather leave it there; as a souvenir of the past.
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