#*whisper screaming at the villains not to hurt my kids*
crystallizabethine · 1 year
I wish good will and patience upon the people who will be in the theater with me on Mutant Mayhem opening night, because I know I'm going to be so freaking annoying and autistic throughout the whole movie.
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hana-no-seiiki · 6 months
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⟣┄─ ˑ 𝐈. ✧ yandere/tsundere! modern hero x villain! reader
✧ status: unedited
✧ tw/cw: yandere themes, violence, morally dubious reader, horny hero, tsundere hero.
✧ a/n: both character’s genders are up to your imagination. also i’m making this my permanent theme now for general yans fics (consistency/recognizabilty’s sake)
[series masterlist]
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“You’re getting a bit sloppy aren’t you, lil hero?”
“Shut up, wretched being! C-Come back here!”
You and Yandere! Hero have been nemeses for what felt like lifetimes. Ever since you became a sidekick as a kid, up until the present time as adults.
You saw them as a sibling. You’d fight once in a while but neither truly hurt each other. In fact, you never once attempted to kill them, and they in turn never attempted to put you behind bars. The cycle always repeated.
You were relatively close in terms of power. More times than not, things would end up being a tie where the two of you would be too tired to continue. But recently your cutie patootie hero has been getting sluggish. Their attacks lacked any sort of vigour, and their reflexes dulled.
You would offer to talk and assist them, but another one of your hidden rules in this relationship of sorts was that you two would never interfere with life outside of crime and fighting thereof.
Unbeknownst to you, Yandere! Hero fought another villain (cheater!) whose powers were related to nightmares and fears.
Their greatest nightmare . . . was losing their status as a hero — losing you.
You have been such a huge part of their formative years and beyond that the thought of even retiring and losing contact scared the hell out of them. The idea of never being able to banter as you sparred, the concept of losing sight of that smug grin of yours on the times you won, and the very notion of you being dealt with by someone else — their chest would tighten to the point of being unable to breathe.
But they always shook their head, drowned themself in tasks as to avoid the anxiety that threatened their focus. After all, you were a villain. A monstrous creature that have hurt and killed people. The only reason they haven’t taken you down yet was because they were instructed by their predecessor not to.
Yeah, the fear of losing you? Probably just an extension of their desperate and zealous view on their position as a hero
They prayed it was.
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“I told you that they were mine to take care of! You gave me this duty!”
“You and I both know you’ve been losing your fights more often than not. Look at how many people they’ve started to hurt again! I can’t leave you with a responsibility you, can’t, handle.”
Yandere! Hero couldn’t believe their ears. Everything they feared was starting to come true and it was only getting worse.
They started disobeying their mentor/predecessor’s commands. Commands that they used to referees — worship even. They knew they were making things go from trash to absolute shit, but they couldn’t care less anymore.
So what if you hurt those people? From what they understood, those people were a bunch of assholes at best; Crime-lords, all types of traffickers, and violent thugs. In fact, the very reason you aren’t in cuffs was because you often took justice into your own hands. You were just quite cruel and brutal when it came down to it.
One of their more unforgettable moments of you together was the time you saved them from another villain. You in your blood-soaked glory as you grinned, an attempt to comfort them while they neck-deep in voices that screamed failure. They were barely hurt while you could barely stand, yet you were the one hushing them as you rubbed circles on the small of their back. Shared whispers they’ll die before they talk of it to anyone else.
Yandere! Hero keeps meeting you again and again. Doing duties they were already forbidden from completing and abusing the favor of being a sidekick for so long.
Things get from worse to oblivion when they get news of being replaced.
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“At least let me accompany them on patrols! What if they get hurt?”
“You worked alone just fine.”
“That is an entirely different story!”
This newbie didn’t know you for several years. This newbie never experienced fighting you much less alongside you. You would eat them alive.
Granted, it would be the newbie’s fault for being so incompetent but they digress.
While on patrol with the newbie, they do their best to sabotage them in every way they can. Giving them the wrong intel, alerting the enemy of their arrival if they do figure out the proper location, and above all making sure you two never cross paths at all. A peer of theirs hurting you would kill them.
Of course, with their frantic and frankly stressed out mind, it wasn’t long before you and the newbie encounter one another.
And, the two of you got along quite well. Your moves like a beautifully choreographed routine in the battlefield. More importantly, it looked as if you were having so much fun.
They really couldn’t help themself
When they stepped in and interrupted the two of you
A glaze in their eyes as they walked ever so slowly to the newbie and strangled them.
That horrified look on your face. They didn’t know if they liked it or hated it.
But what they did know is that from that moment forward, they can never call themself a proper hero again. Their mentor’s words echoed in their head.
“You are staying at the base and that is final. If I see you again out on the field, I’ll be the one to put you behind bars.”
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“Breaking News: A new vigilante has been spotted! Has our favorite hero been replaced? Well our sources say yes!”
“And would you look at that, they’re even worse at hiding their interest in their nemesis! Is this the love story we’ve all been waiting for?”
Yandere! Hero doesn’t remember when they last saw the sun anymore.
Their days were spent deep within the basement of the hero HQ, scrolling through any information they could find of you.
Their head constantly replaying the memories you shared, written in a systematic obsessed manner on a journal. From the very second you two first met, to the time you looked at them with eyes full of horror.
Your image had been scribbled, drawn, painted, carved, broken down, and built back up again hundreds of times.
But it just wasn’t enough.
Yandere! Hero used to wish that there would be a day you two would stop fighting. Whether it’d be them finally ending your streak of misdeeds, or you quitting. Anything would have satisfied them.
But now, now they just couldn’t see the appeal of it all.
All they could see was eternity with you.
And they’ll have that one way or another.
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“I never could have imagine this to happen.”
“Really? You must have thought that I’d put you behind bars one day.”
“My fantasies were always, well — the other way around.”
You wore a calm expression.
Yandere! Hero, ever the fragile ego they had, would have seen this as an insult. A slight to their prowess.
But right now they couldn’t help but sigh in relief. Of course you wouldn’t be mad if they did this. You were you after all. You’ve been through much worse than being tied up and forced into a small cage more fit for an animal than a human.
And you being you, knew the many other ways to unnerve your poor rival.
“Wouldn’t it be ironic? If your replacement were to save me that is.”
You fought the anticipation from appearing on your face as you continued.
“Then they would truly become my hero.”
But your hopes were dashed, your giddiness dimmed as they simply replied.
“Then I’ll just kill them, and the next replacement after that. Until I go through every single capable human this planet has to offer and then more.”
Perhaps there was a reason why Heroes wore a mask aside from hiding their identities. That would certainly explain the chill you felt crawl up your limbs and spine as they lovingly stared at you.
“Because now I know that I love you. I’ll save you from everyone else but myself.”
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©️ hana.no.seiiki - yun | 2023
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miguel-ohara-wifey · 10 months
okay hear me out… headcanons for spiderverse men that’s like how they act when their s/o is pregnant
I know I said I’d focus on my cowboy!Miguel fic but I’ve been waiting for this request! Ask and ye shall receive
Spiderverse men when there s/o is pregnant headcanons
Tag list: @alliwriteistrash I figured you’d like this
Rating: 18+, hurt/comfort, fluff, Angst
Peter B Parker
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-Peter and you have tried at a baby for ages, but stopped before hand because some new threat emerged for Spider-Man, career opportunities you had to make priority, or some financial problems came up. Overall it hasn’t been ideal timing whenever you two wanted to try.
-Your body had other plans however, after a few days in a row of getting sick in the morning. Food tasting weird and having a sickly feeling in your stomach. You had to take a pregnancy test just to ease your anxiety. Unfortunately it didn’t, it was positive. Your body immediately starts to shake, you throw up for an entirely different reason.
-the twitching under your skin from fear stopped when you threw up. But your mind was still fraught with catastrophizing thoughts. What if you need an abortion, what if Peter doesn’t want the kid anymore, how would you play this when he gets home? Is Spider-Man even meant to have a child?
-You knew you couldn’t hide it from him in good conscience, when Peter arrives at your home with the groceries like he promised. Joking about the latest villain of the week he took down. You can’t help but start sobbing right when you spot his brown eyes. Not even knowing why, when he huddled you gently. Wiping your tears away asking what’s wrong. You relent how you took a pregnancy test and it’s positive.
-Before your knee jerk apology can be made he embraces you, conscious of your stomach in the tightening of his body around yours. He whispers how great that is, all your fears laid dead before you. But you still kept crying, expect out of pure joy. Peter meet you eye too eye, clearly joining in on the sob parade.
“You’re gonna make a daddy honey…I can’t wait.”
Miguel O’Hara
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-You knew it wouldn’t be pretty when you told Miguel you were pregnant. Especially because you were going to have the baby. Miguel was furious, you two have been casual for a long time. You knew of Miguel’s past with Gabriella, not like he makes an effort to hid it. For fucks sake initiates get the holographic slide show of his trauma.
-Miguel isn’t characteristically raving and violent in this rage, not like you’ve ever felt unsafe around him. However you’ve seen enough of his anger to know it burns hot. But this was the cutting chill of dry ice, he plainly told you he’s not going to be the kids father. If you want the kid, you’re on your own. You sob and scream at him how he’s an asshole.
-He doesn’t exactly argue against that point, in fact he doesn’t argue at all. Just nods and leaves as you sob in defeat. You knew this would happen, he’d break your heart in the end. Yet the smallest speck from the deepest crevice of your mind believed otherwise. Cause you want him close. Miguel would always assure complete low commitment and non-existent emotional entanglement when you two started dating. Work is his true love and he wouldn’t dare let you compete.
-The day after, you slept in till the afternoon. Not even wanting to make yourself breakfast even if it meant silencing the gargling of your stomach. You hear a knock at the door. You figure it’s a package that got sent to you by accident. So no matter how terrible you feel you get out of bed. Opening the door, you see Miguel with your favorite breakfast meal from Panera.
-You angrily squint at him asking if he thinks this’ll make up for ditching you. He says it doesn’t, his eyes reddened from crying. He just says he knows you probably haven’t had any food yet today because of your argument. But he is sorry, he’s going to be there for you and the baby. He was a fucking asshole, your entire relationship. He loves you and never wanted to admit it. For what it’s worth he’s here for whenever or however long you’d have him.
“It’s okay if you’re still mad at me…but I know you’re craving this so just have some food.”
Hobie Brown
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-This was a shock to both of you, you’ve always been safe despite all the kinkiness you get into. You’ve always had protection upon protection on top of taking regular std tests.
-Despite this shockwave through Hobie and your lives, the moment you tell him you want to keep it. He’s on board, he gets a head start on baby proofing the apartment. Engineering makeshift baby monitors and safe toys for the baby to play with. He starts reading parenting books and setting up the baby’s room in his off time. Making the room a vibrant red, doesn’t matter if the baby’s a boy or a girl. You’re gonna raise them to be a punk.
-Also watches after you carefully. Even when it means leaving his station as Spider-Man for a day. You and the precious future you’re carrying matters even more to him. He’ll be sure to get everything you crave. Even if he has to teach himself how to make sponge cake. If that’s what his baby mama wants it’s what his baby mama gets. He didn’t exactly get it, but you appreciated the sentiment regardless.
-Unfortunately now truly the worst of your pregnancy signs present themselves. You throw up almost every other morning, your favorite foods now don’t taste like anything cause your tastebuds have turned against you. And you’re fatigued easily so you have to take a few weeks off helping the movement. On top of the fact you always feel heavier and heavier as every day goes by.
-When your mood swings are at there highest to boot, you find an excuse to yell at him at any point. So he knows it’s best to leave the house for a couple of hours for you to cool off. Not to dismiss your feelings, but knowing his presence only exasperates your rage spike. So when he comes back with store bought sponge cake for you. You sob and apologize for getting mad at him. He takes it in stride, he knows this road will be bumpy as everything else is. But you’re in it together.
“It’s alright love, and don’t worry I won’t torture you with my sponge cake I bought you some…”
Spider-Man Noir
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-Once you ask your darling to open the oven to take out what you were making. He saw a single bun on the rack, right after asking why there’s a bun in the oven. A second later he puts two and two together. He rushes over to you, via sliding on his knees against the wooden kitchen floors to your stomach.
-He sends pecks all over your gut while massaging it with his head. Almost already trying to hear your baby, his baby. Whispering as if your future child can hear you through its very tiny molecules. You giggle at this man’s infatuation with your stomach. Sure he’s always loved every part of you. But now he has two angels in his life.
-He unleashes all the parenting books he stocked up for just in case he’d ever be a dad. As well as makes you promise to quit work in a week to focus on yourself. He begins doing most of the chores you did around the house. Doting on you head to toe, not that you’re going to stop him. Especially when your mood swings begin to hit. You become extra clingy and needy.
-But his heart breaks when you say you’re sorry for not being as pretty anymore now that you’re starting to show. He’s devastated, he thinks you’re even more gorgeous now. The fact you’re carrying your soon to be family. His whole world, how could he not find you all the more irresistible? He corrects such by going down on you that night. “Having sex with a pregnant woman makes the baby a pervert later in life” be damned. You must know how much he can’t get enough of you.
-After such he cuddles you into him like he always does, his stringy brown locks mixed with sweat. As he can still taste your orgasm in his mouth. After you started to breath steadily again, you relent you believe him when he says he knows you’re the sexiest woman alive. He smiles so innocently despite the unholiness of the situation, he cloaks your body in a cool blanket. Kissing you on the cheek and telling you need sleep now.
“It’s never a labor to love you, and our family. Don’t forget that darlin…”
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terrified hero and kind villain? <3
have a sweet one !
“Are you okay?”
The question floated around the cold warehouse, filling every corner of it with its echoes and as the trembling hero looked up at their saviour, they couldn’t quite believe this was a possible outcome of their dilemma.
“Are you alright?” the villain asked again with the same monotonous voice they used to express every emotion they could feel. They stepped over a corpse, not even looking down as they approached the hero. Whatever they were truly feeling, they didn’t show it. Never had. Probably never will, considering the circumstances. Training to be an assassin was a small portion of their past.
Which was probably why the blood on their boots didn’t bother them.
The hero didn’t know why they were crying, didn’t know why they were so weak out of a sudden.
“Yes…” Their voice cracked in all the unpleasant ways, leaving not much interpretation for their enemy. Tears filled their eyes once again but this time, they could blink them away. “Christ.”
“What is it, love?”
The hero’s bottom lip quivered as the memories infected their brain again. Being dragged out of their house in the middle of the night. Robbed of their powers, being tortured, brought here…Not ever had they felt this helpless, not even as a kid. They supposed this was a lesson life was giving them. A wake-up call that told them they were taking everything for granted.
“You killed them,” the hero wheezed. The villain’s eyebrows bunched and they turned around slowly, observing their work.
“Looks like it,” they said quietly. Their eyes were still on their victims, as if they were weighing their next options.
They turned around.
“They hurt you, didn’t they?”
The hero swallowed a painful sob. Chills ran over their body and they couldn’t help but feel the kidnappers’ hands all over them once again. Voices in their head had screamed at them to defend themselves but they couldn’t. Too many people. And somehow, they had stolen their powers.
Fuck, their powers. Another spiral of thoughts overwhelmed them and anxious thoughts rose out of graves that had been sealed by confidence and training.
“Oh god—” Reality had gotten a harsh grip on them. They had lost their powers.
“Love,” the villain said but the hero was already too deep in their thoughts. “Look at me.”
The villain grabbed their chin softly and forced them to look at them.
“I—” The hero grabbed the villain’s wrists, squeezing. They’d lose their job, they’d become an easy target, they’d get killed eventually. They were prey with a huge sign saying “free to kill” on their back.
“It’s okay,” the villain said. “You’re safe now.”
The blood of their enemies was sprinkling the villain’s suit whereas the hero’s own was sprinkling their half-shredded pyjamas.
Eventually, the hero stared at the cold concrete underneath them, blocking everything out as they tried not to start crying. What they didn’t expect was the villain’s gentle hand on their shoulder. They took off their cape and placed it around the hero’s shoulders.
It was heavy. Weirdly comforting, that. And above all sweet.
The villain pressed the palm of their hand to the hero’s cheek. Words weren’t their strength, the hero knew that. But they made up for it with acts of service. With physical touch.
The hero leaned into the touch, closing their eyes. They couldn’t hold back the tears anymore.
“They took my powers,” they whispered.
Both knew this was irreversible.
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damiansgoodgirll · 9 months
i miss your writing so much, i hope your doing fine girl💖 we’re here for you
i was wondering if you could write if you feel like it, maybe having a fight with rhea? make it angst please 💘💘💘💘💘
thank you so much love <3
i would say i’m in my healing era but relapsing into old habits is easier than i thought.
i really hope you like this. sorry if it’s too short.
rhea ripley x reader
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i care
“can you please look at me?” your girlfriend rhea begged you. you were arguing for the past two hours and not even for one second you met her eyes. too hurt to even look at her face.
“don’t call me baby rhea…just don’t” you were mad and she knew it.
she knew she fucked up and she had no idea how to make you forgive her.
you’ve been waiting at the restaurant for four hours before damian called you telling you that rhea was at the gym training with liv.
you weren’t jealous about liv. she was your friend and you knew rhea didn’t like her. no, you were mad that for the fourth time that month, rhea forgot about the dates you two had.
but this time it wasn’t a simple date. it was your two years anniversary and instead of making it special, she ruined everything.
“it feels like you don’t care…” you said when you almost threw yourself on the couch.
and for a part, you knew rhea didn’t care. she didn’t love you anymore like she did at the beginning. she knew it too but she was to scared to admit it. she knew that if she broke up with you, it would paint her as a villain, as a bad person. you were the kindest person alive and that was made rhea fall in love with you. your kindness and your affection towards people.
but rhea didn’t love you anymore and she was too coward to say it to your face. what would people think if she hurt someone as sweet and kind like you? people would hate her and she didn’t want to face all the backlash that would have happened.
“i do care about you…” she sat next to you.
“not like you used to…rhea, who am i kidding? who are you kidding? you don’t love me anymore, you don’t care about me anymore, you’re cold and distant and everytime i try to have a normal conversation with you…you just shove me apart” you didn’t want to cry but this was hurting you, really bad “you spend all the time in the gym just so you can find me asleep when you come back home…all because you know guilty is eating you alive…i know you too well rhea, you want me to hate you, you want me to scream at your face, you want me to make you cry and o break up with you so you could feel a little less guilty…” you couldn’t believe you knew rhea so well “but it’s not fair…it’s not fair because i’ve been putting all of my energy into this relationship and you aren’t even trying, you didn’t even try…”
“i’m so fucking sorry…” she whispered.
“stop saying it if you don’t mean it!” you didn’t want to scream but saying all of the stuff you kept hidden inside was making you feel better.
“i don’t love you anymore y/n…is that what you want me to say? i don’t love you anymore but gosh…i fucking care about you and i can’t imagine living a life without you in it…i’m so sorry for how things turned out to be…i’m already hating myself so i don’t need you to hate me more” she wiped away her tears with her shaky hands.
she hated herself for hurting you.
she hated herself for making you crying when she swore she would kick anyone who would make you cry.
she hated knowing how love your heart held that you probably wouldn’t even hate her in the end.
“it’s better if we end up this fucked up relationship now…or someone is gonna suffer more” you said and she agreed.
you’ve spent the night wondering where or when did everything start to fall apart. 
were you too clingy? 
did you gain weight?
did her fans hate you?
were you too ugly for being in rhea standards?
you couldn’t understand what you did wrong but you knew that being in a toxic relationship was way much worse than being alone - and in all honesty, you liked having time for yourself.
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The Attack
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Izuku was nine, nearly ten, when the worst day of his life happened. 
All four of them were in one of his father’s more rural bases in America. It was July 4th- not just Independance Day for the Americans, but a day of celebration for the family as well, as it was his mother’s birthday. The kids of villains ran around the compound with sparklers, their parents following them with weak salutes to All for One and Crybaby, All for One’s sons holding onto their father’s hands as he trailed behind his wife. Kurogiri followed behind them like a specter, wispy body practically floating through the hallways. 
It had felt like such a good day that the first explosion had just seemed like fireworks, the first scream one of joy, the first collapse and electrical flash-
Well, when the lights started to flash and someone yelled “It's All Might!” was when All for One had perked up, immediately sinking into the shadows and leaving his children and wife behind. Izuku had gasped in delight, before looking over at Tomura, who was pale. 
Then the running started, and the crowd in the compound began to push each other. Izuku was separated first, Tomura running off after him and Inko calling out for her boys to come back through the crowd of people. People cried out when they saw the boys alone, but it wasn’t enough for Inko to get over to them-
Kurogiri flared out, children and villains being teleported anywhere and everywhere that wasn’t here as the compound began to crack and came crashing down. A single strike from All for One and All Might’s battle destroyed half of the compound, killing everyone still trapped inside. Dust flared through the hallways, obscuring everyone’s vision. A baby started to wail, drowning out the sounds of groups trying to find each other-
Another collapse, much closer this time.
Tomura’s wings broke through his shirt, tearing it to shreds, before flaring out. He grabbed his brother by the arm and flew up, stopped by the ceiling above them, spider web cracking already extending through the drywall. Inko reached out with her quirk and heaved, grabbing onto Izuku’s shirt and pulling them towards her, before she was shoved by someone in the crowd and forced to release him. Tomura flew towards her general location, wings curling like a shield as he landed, forcing the remnants of the crowd to go around-
A glossy white shield surrounded them, protecting them from the smoke and dust.
“Dad,” Izuku whispered, tears welling in his eyes. Tomura grabbed him and dragged him towards his chest, his mom grabbing him by the shoulder to keep him close. The shield fell in a series of burning sparks that left little marks across any and all exposed skin, Inko’s grip on her son tightening. 
The battlefield was dust. Just dust and dirt, where there once were expansive gardens, homes, and a float celebrating July 4th. All of it was torn to shreds. The battle was marked in flashes of red and blue and black, their father trying to cause as little damage to his compound as possible in the fear of killing his children and wife but nearly getting overwhelmed by All Might’s onslaught of attacks. 
Izuku’s breath hitched, and their mother scowled, tears running down her face before she reached out a hand.
“Mom! It’s too far!” Tomura exclaimed, and their mother grimaced.“I don’t care. That bastard does not get to hurt my husband,” she pulled, Kurogiri wrapping around them to send them away as All Might let out a strangled scream as his stomach erupted from his body. Izuku grabbed onto Tomura’s arm as the last image faded and they were covered in an icy, wet sensation before being teleported.
The Dead Cannot Cry, Chapter Six: The Faceless Man (That Once Was My Father)
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crisnyra · 8 months
This is Our World: 2
@atiny-angel @axelwolf8109 @the-iridescent-phoenix @ozzypawsbone-princeofbarkness @lynspumpkinpatch @epickiya722 @greek-freak101 @thefandomlifechoseus @jackiequick
Note: Eli is ten but I couldn't find any gifs of a young Vince, deal with itttttt
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"Whoever let Chris Argent buy the Daily Planet can rot in hell" Stiles cursed. Derek grabbed his hand.
"He won't fire you, you won a Pulitzer prize" He whispered. "But what about you Der?"
"I have other activities" He winked. "Mr. Hale? Can I see you in my office?" Chris Argent called out. Derek kissed Stiles' head and walked off
"Are you fuckin kidding me?!" Stiles kicked the vending machine, Derek tilted it forward just a bit so he could get his candy.
"He fired you and acts all sad about it like he's not in charge and decides everything!"
"Calm down baby, this won't be that bad" "Don't tell me to calm down" Stiles glared. Derek raised his hands in surrender. Stiles was scarier than most of the villains he fought sometimes.
His phone rang and he answered it with a frown.
"Hey Cora" Stiles tried not to listen. Derek dropped his phone and went still. "Derek?" Stiles grabbed his head. There weren't a lot of this that made his husband go into shock.
He picked up the phone. "What's wrong?" "Stiles?" Cora sniffed. "What happened?"
"Laura's dead"
Derek felt like a child again, when Talia died. The only thing keeping him from collapsing or going into a Kryptonian rage was Stiles hugging him.
"A car accident? Aunt Laura wasn't a bad driver" Jackson smacked Scott on the head.
"Derek" A old high school friend named Erica Reyes hugged him close. "I'm so sorry"
"Thanks Erica" He said in a small voice. "So they know what happened?" "My dad's looking into it" Stiles said.
Derek didn't even listen, he looked at his boys and just sighed.
"When are we going home?" Eli whined. Jackson pulled his little brother into a hug.
"Soon bud"
Derek sighed and took off his glasses covering his eyes and rubbing his forehead. "This is stressing me out. Peter's not even here"
Stiles hugged him again. "Maybe he's mourning in his own way"
"Jackson, we're gonna get in trouble. Dad and Papa always told us to stay away from the barn" "Don't you wanna know why? Besides Eli would tell Dad and then we'd all be in trouble"
Eli stuck his tongue out. Jackson turned on his phone flashlight and looked around.
"Hmm yes this is a barn" "Shut up Scott" "Look!" Eli ran off. "Eli!" Jackson heard a strange humming and grabbed a crowbar. "Jackie!" "Scotty" Jackson replied mockingly.
He broke the lock and opened the door and climbed down. "We're gonna be so grounded"
"What the..." Jackson spotted a spaceship. Eli whimpered and hugged into Scott's side. Jackson picked up what looked like a silver rock. "This is weird"
Scott touched it, Eli did too.
Jackson went nauseous and went back up, Scott followed carrying their little brother. "I feel really sick" "It's the guilt getting to you because we disobeyed Dad at Aunt Laura's funeral"
"Shut up!" Jackson screamed, a sonic wave shooting out from him, causing a support beam in the barn to collapse, sending metal pipes crashing down. Scott immediately put himself on top of his brothers.
Derek heard everything and ran off.
Stiles bolted after him. "Boys!" Derek moved the pipes with little effort. Scott was completely unharmed. "Are you okay?" Stiles picked them up and hugged Eli.
"Yeah" Jackson said, Scott nodding. "Good" Derek grabbed them both by their hair. "Because you are grounded for a week for breaking a rule and almost getting your brother hurt!"
"Ow ow ow" "Dad that hurts!" Derek dragged the twins out. "You're not grounded monkey" Stiles assured. "You were gonna tell us anyways right?" He grinned.
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womanofwords · 11 months
Snuggle Buddies
Miles was not used to Spider-Society, so he was still being jump-scared at every possible opportunity. Spideys climbing up the walls and floor, different variants of villains, literally everyone being Spiderman, how the floor was an ocean of (mostly) blue and red. However, after a while, he got fairly used to it.
Until he saw Pavitr Prabhakar snuggled on a sofa, sniffling and holding a huge stuffed octopus. “Pav?” he said cautiously. Pavitr sat up hurriedly.
“Hi, Miles,” Pavitr said. “You do not need to check on me. I am completely fine.” His eyes were rimmed red and he had cheeks stained with tears. He was clearly lying.
Miles sighed. “Pavitr, you’re Spiderman. And part of being Spiderman means-”
“With great power comes great responsibility,” Pavitr said. “I know.”
“That you’re terrible at lying,” Miles finished. Pavitr giggled and blushed with embarrassment. “Now, what is wrong?”
“I just feel a little touch-starved. Gayatri’s on a month-long family trip to America to meet relatives and go to Disneyworld, and I sort of hang out alone at school. I just started holding things whenever it gets really bad.” Pavitr gestured to the stuffed octopus in his arms. “This belongs to Mayday. She left it behind one day and I can’t stop snuggling it.”
“Why didn’t you just tell someone?” Miles asked, rubbing Pavitr’s back in small circles the way that his mother used to do. “You could have told me, or Gwen, or Hobie.”
“You guys are all busy. I don’t want to be a bother.”
“You are not a bother. You never were. You’re like a little ray of sunshine.” Miles picked him up and put him over his shoulder. “Now, let’s go find Gwen and Hobie.”
Gwen and Hobie were walking together and talking happily when Miles appeared with a sniffling Pav over his shoulder. “Hi, Miles,” Gwen said.
“What’s up with Pav? Is he hurt?” Hobie asked.
“He’s touch-starved and needs emergency snuggles,” Miles said. “Where can we get a room?” Hobie sniggered.
“You don’t need to ask them, I’ll be fine,” Pavitr sniffled.
“Oh, that’s it, man!” Hobie plucked Pavitr off Miles’ shoulders like he weighed nothing. “Come on.” Hobie walked away, forcing Gwen and Miles to jog to keep up. Eventually, they arrived to a room full of pillows and blankets. Hobie sat down with Pavitr, wrapping themselves up in a large blanket. “Now, you know you can talk to us, right? Literally whenever you need.”
“OK, Hobie,” Pavitr sleepily replied, snuggling closer. Hobie rubbed at Pavitr's head.
“You’re a sweet’eart, you know that?” Hobie whispered. “Trying to be considerate of us. I will drop anything for you.” Pavitr squirmed. “Am I doing something wrong?”
“It tickles!” he giggled. “Hobie, your-” He bit his tongue as the punk grinned and tickled his armpits witless, occasionally letting out the occasional snort.
“There we go,” Hobie cooed. “Let it all out. We love you, but we need to teach you a proper lesson.”
“Whahahat?” Pavitr giggled.
“Well, you need to learn to advocate for yourself,” Hobie explained, as Pavitr giggled. “Before it gets to this state. Now, are you an adorable little thing who’s going to tell us when he’s down?”
“I didn’t want to be any trouble!” Pavitr giggled, squealing as his ribs played with.
“Sorry, can’t hear ya. Playing with my wonderful new guitar,” Hobie taunted. Pavitr tried to escape, but the blanket had encased him with Hobie, who was grinning down at him.
“Do you think we should help?” Miles asked.
“Hobie or Pav?” Gwen asked. “Oh, I’m just kidding. They’re both fine.”
“Wise choice,” Hobie said, before disappearing underneath the blanket. The room echoed with Pavitr’s screams of laughter.
“What spot did he get to now?” Miles asked.
“Judging by the hopeless thrashing, all of them,” Gwen grinned.
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atlasscrumpit · 1 year
Platonic Steve Rogers x Reader
Not my choice
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(Steve realises the ex Hydra agent they've just taken in, isn't exactly the scary villain he expected)
Bucky was eating breakfast when Steve entered the main room of the tower.
"Hey, Buck. We have someone coming here today, Shield is sending her to us to determine if we can help her or she's too far gone and she has to be sent to prison. She was a doctor in Hydra, that's why I wanted to warn you. We don't know much about her or even if you two were ever in the same place. But, I still wanted to warn you." Steve said as Bucky nodded.
"Thanks for telling me, Steve. I don't really remember any doctors so I think it should be fine. Is she evil?" Bucky asked as Steve sighed and sat next to him.
"Well, Shield said she's cooperative. But, that's all we know." Steve replied as Bucky nodded again.
"I guess we'll see how this goes."
You were in the elevator with Steve as you kept quiet.
Suddenly you leapt forward and pressed the stop button, causing the elevator to halt.
He looked at you ready to fight before you backed away.
"I don't want to hurt you. I need to tell you something... And I know... I know you'll listen." You muttered as he looked at you in confusion.
"It's okay, you can be honest with me." He said as you felt tears in your eyes and nodded.
"It was me... I was the one who made the winter soldier." You whispered as he looked at you in shock.
"What?" He whispered as you wrapped your arms around yourself.
"I was the one that attached the arm, the one that would torture him with different serums and..." You trail off as you start to cry.
"I never wanted to! I never wanted to... They made me hurt so many people, I was so young when they kidnapped me..." You stuttered out as you cried and sunk to the floor.
"I was eighteen when they took me, they pumped me full of chemicals so I wouldn't age or die and..." You break down and cover your eyes as you sob.
"If I told shield they would've just locked me away! But I knew you would listen, please believe me." You cried out as Steve walked over to you and sat beside you.
"Y/N, it's okay. I beleive you. I know what Hydra is capable of and I can see how much you torture yourself for what you did back then." Steve whispered as you cried softly.
"I never wanted to hurt anyone, I wanted to finish university, become a doctor and maybe settle down with a husband. But, one day I went to my class and I heard screaming and gunshots, so many people and students were dying around me. They let three of us live... They needed young talented minds that they could use. They took me and two other students. I was so scared... And then when Shield took down Hydra I was so afraid they would see me as another criminal and lock me away for eternity." You cried out as Steve looked at you sadly.
Maybe you had lived for 100 years but he could see you were still just a kid, Hydra took you when you were so young that he knew your mind wouldn't have matured as much.
"Well, you're in a good place, sweetheart. We can help you here, you can have a home and anything else you need. I'll make sure I talk to Bucky okay?" He replied as you smiled a little and nodded.
"Thank you so much." You whispered, suddenly there was a loud noise and you saw the elevator doors being ripped open by a familiar metal arm.
Bucky ripped the doors open and looked in.
"You guys okay? Friday said the elevator was stuck." He said as you looked up at him in fear.
His eyes landed on you and you could see the recognition in his eyes.
"No..." He whispered before he backed away.
Steve quickly helped you up and you got out of the elevator together.
"Bucky, it's okay. I know you know who she is, but I can promise she won't hurt you." Steve said as Bucky glared at you.
"You're a fucking monster. You're the one that made me this way." He growled as he stalked towards you, Steve quickly shoved you behind him and shielded you.
"Bucky, enough. You need to calm down and we can talk about this." Steve said before he was shoved out of the way by Bucky.
The soldier grabbed you by your throat and threw you against the wall, knocking the wind out of you.
"I'm going to show you how much fucking pain you put me through, you little slut." He growled as he grabbed you by the throat and pinned you against the wall, you gripped at his metal wrist as he choked you.
"I love seeing that fear in your eyes." He growled as you felt yourself begining to black out.
Steve tackled Bucky to the ground as you fell down and gasped for air.
Steve put Bucky into a headlock as you watch him slowly pass out.
Steve sighed and placed Bucky down onto the floor gently before coming over to you.
"I'm so sorry, Y/N. Are you okay?" He asked as you cried softly and rubbed at your sore neck.
He helped you stand up and you suddenly lunged forward and hugged him tightly.
"I'm sorry!" You sobbed out as he gently wrapped his arms around you.
"Shhh, it's okay. You didn't do anything wrong." Steve reassured you as he softly rubbed your back.
"What in the fuck happened here?" He heard Tony say as he looked behind to see Tony entering.
"Steve, did you have a kid while I was sleeping?" Tony asked making Steve roll his eyes.
"Tony, this is Y/N. The ex hydra agent that Shield sent to us." Steve said as Tony looked at you in shock.
"What! You're just a damn kid!" He shouted as you stared at him in shock.
"Easy, Tony." Steve said as Tony walked up to you and held out his hand.
"I apologise, it's nice to meet you." He said as you smiled and shook his hand.
"We had a slight alteration..." You muttered looking at Bucky.
"Look, it's not that rare around here." He said making you chuckle softly.
Steve picked Bucky up and placed him onto the couch.
"We just want to go through a few things, Y/N. And I know you're not a prisoner so we can just go up to my office and talk if you want? Instead of an interrogation room." He said as you smiled and nodded.
After you had done your best to answer all of Steve's questions you felt exhausted.
You sighed and rested against the office chair you sat in.
"Just stay here, I'll go get something to drink." He said as you smiled and nodded.
You sat and enjoyed the silence for a little while before you heard the door open.
"That was quick." You muttered before you turned around to see Bucky entering.
You paled and looked at him.
"Bucky... What are you doing here?" You muttered as you stood up and backed away.
"I love that you're afraid of what you created." He growled as you looked at him in fear.
"Please, Bucky. I'm so sorry." You whispered as he chuckled, the tpye of laugh that made you feel like you were about to be killed.
"Oh, she's sorry is she? Sweet little girl is sorry? That whole puppy eyes might work on everyone else, but everyone else hasn't seen the monster you are." He growled as he stalked forward slowly, you continued backing away until you hit the desk behind you.
You felt tears in his eyes as he stepped forward and held your cheek in his hands.
"Look at you, darlin'. Tears? All for me?" He taunted, you couldn't help a dear that ran down your cheek.
He chuckled and wiped it away before he reached up and grabbed your throat, you grabbed his wrist as more tears fell.
"Listen to me, sweetheart." He spat out as you looked up into his eyes.
"I do not fucking trust you, and as long as you're here I'm going to make your life hell, just like you did to me." He growled before you heard the door open again.
"Bucky!" Steve shouted as he grabbed him off you.
You choked and quickly scattered away from him as Bucky chuckled.
"See you soon, doll." He whispered before leaving.
Steve came over to you as you began to cry.
"Please, please never leave my side, h-he'll take any chance he gets to hurt me... He'll... He's going to..." You stuttered out as Steve wrapped his arms around you tightly.
"Hey, it's okay. I won't leave you, sweetheart. I'm going to sort all of this out, I'll make sure he doesn't hurt you." He whispered as you cried softly and enjoyed the affection and safety Steve was giving you.
"You're safe, love."
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lixxen · 1 year
Heaven Is Closing Fast on My Fate (Part Two)
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This is part two for this fic.
Silly hole man became Miles' teacher.
It was a random Tuesday.
Nothing was special or wrong, but Miles felt like throwing up all day.
His senses were crashing over him like waves over a child's sandcastle. Over and over again. It fogged up his brain and he felt like throwing up because of it.
Dr. Ohnn seemed to notice, because he kept looking directly at Miles.
"Miles? Are you okay?" Dr. Ohnn took a step towards Miles.
Miles nodded.
"Yeah. My stomach just hurts." Miles grumbled it out, which had Ganke looking at him.
Ganke did a small hand motion, which was code between the two of them to ask if it was a spider themed situation.
Miles nodded at Ganke, who slowly nodded back.
Miles tried to focus on his work, but it was getting worse. He couldn't see Dr. Ohnn watching him closely from across the room anymore. The edges of his vision were blurring.
Then he heard it.
A loud crashing noise that had the students screaming.
Dr. Ohnn stood up quickly, his head turning towards the door. He was flexing his hands and Miles turned his attention from his teacher to the door.
"Students, stay still and quiet." Dr. Ohnn instructed and the class quieted down.
There was rumbling as whatever it was headed towards them.
Then, as if on cue, Miles and his classmates were falling for a split second. Their vision blacked out before they found themselves in the gym.
Dr. Ohnn had relocated them.
Miles whispered to Ganke that he'd be back and slipped out of the gym. He quickly wrangled himself out of his school uniform and donned his suit before swinging towards the fight.
Miles slipped inside of the classroom to see Dr. Ohnn fighting Tombstone. The two were going hand to hand, Dr. Ohnn keeping up easily and seemingly going easy.
The man was crackling and his body was almost mostly black now. It was sending shocks down Miles' body and had him freeze for a second.
The memories came back before the sound of Tombstone calling his name cut him out.
"Spider-Man! Exactly who I was looking for!" Tombstone yelled.
Dr. Ohnn looked towards Miles before throwing a punch to Tombstone. The punch connected and Miles took this opportunity to jump into the fight.
Miles tried to use the spots as an advantage, but Dr. Ohnn was being difficult.
"What is wrong with you?" Miles grumbled at his teacher.
"If it wasn't for this fight and my students, I would be fighting you. Just letting you know." Dr. Ohnn called out. "But I lead by example!"
Dr. Ohnn kicked Tombstone and Miles pushed Tombstone out of the window.
"You're such a drama queen." Miles responded to Dr. Ohnn, who whipped his head towards Miles in response.
"This is the first time I see you in person in months and you call me a drama queen?!" Dr. Ohnn almost yelled it.
"Calm down!" Miles held his hands up in defense. "Aren't you supposed to be ruining my life?"
Dr. Ohnn stared at Miles, as if he was debating something, but then groaned and turned towards the man below them.
He opened up a portal and Tombstone disappeared into it.
"Scram, Spider-Man. I have a class to tend to." Dr. Ohnn turned his back towards Miles.
Miles frowned at him before going back to the gym. He redressed and slipped back inside just as Dr. Ohnn reappeared.
"Kids!" Dr. Ohnn called out and the students all crowded him.
Miles followed and stood at the edge.
Dr. Ohnn inspected each of the kids, making sure that they were all okay. Even though they didn't witness the fight.
When he had gotten to Miles, he took Miles' face in his hands and turned his head this way and that. It was a genuine inspection and Miles wondered if he actually did know Miles was Spider-Man.
"Good grief. You're all okay!" Dr. Ohnn dropped his hands and did a thumbs up. "Congrats! You guys survived a villain attack!"
"Why were we attacked?" A student asked.
"Something about revenge?" Dr. Ohnn shrugged. "He's back in jail, so who cares!"
The students all glanced at each other and grumbled as their teacher ushered them into their classroom again.
Miles was running late.
It was Monday morning, which meant he spent the weekend back at home instead of his dorm. Normally, he wakes up at 6am to leave by 7am, classes start at 8am. But today he slept through his alarm and it was currently 7:45am and he was just leaving his apartment.
Miles ran as fast as he dodged New Yorkers, who all grumbled at him and he apologized loudly to them. He didn't have time to not get caught changing in and out of his clothes, so swinging wasn't an option today. Normally it would be an option, but he didn't have time to risk getting caught.
Miles turned the corner of a block and his senses spiked before he ran flat into someone. Miles let out a small shriek as he fell almost comically onto his back, groaning and rubbing his eyes.
"Watch where you're going, punk." The man he ran into spat out and Miles turned onto his side.
"Maybe you need to not be standing directly behind a corner." The words slipped out of Miles' mouth and his eyes snapped open the second he said them.
"What'd you say, punk?" A hand grabbed the back of Miles' jacket and lifted him off the ground.
Miles came face to face with Kraven.
What was this man even doing in the open? At 7:45 in the morning?
"I didn't mean it!" Miles held his hands up and Kraven shook him slightly.
"Yeah, right." Kraven dropped Miles and rolled up his sleeves.
At least the man was wearing a normal person outfit. It would be weird to be in full outfit at… 7:55am.
Miles was totally late.
"Hey now, I suggest you leave my student alone." A voice came from behind Miles.
Kraven looked up and scowled.
"Well, isn't it the spotted one." Kraven growled and Miles looked back.
Dr. Ohnn was standing with his hands on his hips. He was wearing his old jean jacket, hat, and sunglasses. He was also wearing black pants, which was slightly odd.
"Dr. Ohnn." Miles gave him a look that screamed for help.
"Yup. It's me. Big surprise!" Dr. Ohnn did jazz hands before stepping to stand behind Miles. He placed a hand on Miles's shoulder. "Do you have a problem with one of my favorite students?"
Kraven looked between the two before laughing.
"So you're a teacher now? Couldn't cut it as a villain, huh?" Kraven looked highly amused. "Knew it."
"Actually," Miles was speaking again without speaking. Miles stop it. Miles, Miles don't do it. "He almost destroyed the multiverse before becoming our teacher. I guess he did more than you ever will. Sucks, right? The Hole Man that you think is silly is more powerful than you'll ever be."
The two adults stared at Miles in shock before Kraven drew his weapon.
"You little shit-" Kraven started, but was cut off when Dr. Ohnn shot a hole beneath him.
Kraven fell through with a yell and the hole shut after he was gone. The two stared at the hole before Miles looked up to Dr. Ohnn.
"Well…" Dr. Ohnn started slowly. "Next time, please don't pick fights when you're in the open. It isn't a good look, you know?"
"What?" Miles gave him a confused look as Dr. Ohnn opened up a hole large enough for the two of them.
Dr. Ohnn pushed Miles through and they ended up inside of the classroom. Dr. Ohnn sat his bag on his desk before poking at Miles.
He checked Miles over for any scratches before nodding. The classmates all stared at them.
"Great. You're unharmed. Sit down." Dr. Ohnn moved to the whiteboard and picked up an expo.
Miles moved to sit at his desk next to Ganke as the bell rang.
"Now, students. Don't pick fights with villains, especially if you aren't equipped to fight back." Dr. Ohnn started to write out the lesson for the day on the board casually. "Especially egotistical barbarian hunters. Don't be like Mr. Morales, who had the unpleasant experience of running into Kraven. That man is so miserable, you know?"
Ganke turned to Miles and raised an eyebrow, and Miles held his hands up in defense.
"I turned a corner and ran into him!" Miles tried to defend himself.
Dr. Ohnn threw the marker cap into a spot, which led to the cap hitting Miles in the face. It bounced off his face and ricocheted into another spot before landing back into the teacher's hand.
"Don't be late for school then, Morales." Dr. Ohnn capped his expo and turned back around. "Now, someone explain to me lense refraction."
The whole class stared in amazement as Dr. Ohnn plugged many cords into some sort of object.
The room was scattered with wires and tubes. Chunks of different computers were connected and scattered around the room. They were all instructed to not touch anything as he worked.
Dr. Ohnn mumbled to himself as he picked up a screwdriver and tightened a few screws on the largest box on his desk. It looked like it had a lense on it, which held a light bulb behind it.
"Someone turn off the lights and flip the one that's already off to the on position." Dr. Ohnn waved his hands towards the students as the other day down the screwdriver. "To your seats everyone else!"
The class scrambled to their seats as he stepped back. In his hand was a remote, which had multiple buttons.
Miles watched as Anya stood at the light switch, waiting for everyone to sit down. Once they were, she shut the lights off and flipped on the final switch.
She moved to her seat quickly as the contraption came to life. Each box whirred and lit up, glowing orange and purple. It reminded Miles of the collider mixed with the watches that hopped universes.
"Alright class, I thought today I'd show you something I've been tinkering with for you." Dr. Ohnn leaned against the whiteboard, his legs and arms crossed. He held the remote out towards the main machine and tilted his head. "Now, no one touches any of the beams. Nothing will hurt you, but you might mess things up, you know. You've all been good and I did this just for you guys."
The class nodded and Dr. Ohnn nodded back.
"This machine is a mix of different technologies. It harnesses the same power and source of the collider that connected universes and lets me power up. But… less dangerous. Instead of cutting it open, it more like… creates a window with a screen. Then it reflects it into a hologram of sorts." Dr. Ohnn explains. "Completely harmless. It's like watching CCTV."
Miles took a deep breath. It didn't feel harmful. If it was, he would be able to tell. It sounded cool though.
"Ready?" Dr. Ohnn asked and the students all nodded.
With a press of a button, the main part projected a hologram into the middle of the room.
It showed a man with short cut hair and glasses working on something in a lab. The man didn't notice anything was wrong and was inaudibly rambling to someone just outside of the projection.
"That is me, Jonathan Ohnn from Earth 51601. He worked for Alchamex also, but now works for a different company. Alchamex in this universe was destroyed after the VP's son was murdered in illegal experimentation." Dr. Ohnn explained. "The accident that happened to me never happened, due to that."
A button was pressed and the hologram changed.
It was a Spider-Man swinging through New York. This Spider-Man was of the Peter Parker variant, Miles could tell because of his suit. He looked younger and looked a bit beat up.
"This is Spider-Man from Earth 199999. He is about your age, if not slightly older. He has been to space and has experienced extreme grief in his life. His world found out his identity and now all do not know who he is at all." Dr. Ohnn explained. "Do not mess with magic kids. And don't out people's identities. It's morally incorrect. You can ruin their lives."
Miles caught that comment, as it was quieter than the other ones. It made Miles wonder what that meant as he glanced at his teacher.
Another button pressed, a new universe.
"Earth 65." Dr. Ohnn informed.
Miles recognized the number and looked up to see a masked Gwen fighting a male Doc Ock.
"Spider-Woman protects this universe." Dr. Ohnn tucked his hand away and they all watched as Gwen did her work. They couldn't hear her, but she was clearly talking. "She's also about your age. A spitfire, if you ask me. Nice girl when all things considered."
"What does that mean? Did you meet her?" A student from the back asked.
"Yes. I got to meet her." Dr. Ohnn nodded. "I got to visit all of these universes at some point. This one doesn't have Alchamex. Not all universes are made the same."
"Can we go?" Ganke asked. "You could bring us."
Dr. Ohnn slowly turned his face towards Ganke, who now looked nervous.
"Do you know how much paperwork I'd have to fill out?" Dr. Ohnn's voice sounded tired and stressed as he started to talk with his hands. "The waivers would take forever for you all to get signed and brought back also. You're all not the quickest when getting things signs. Plus, interdimensional travel isn't for the faint of heart. I would have to make each and every one of you something to keep your atoms stable. Atoms do NOT like being in other universes."
"Wait… they don't?" Jessica sounded confused.
"No. You start to glitch as your atoms try to scramble and go home. Your genetic coding doesn't like being misplaced, so they try to go home. Which isn't pleasant." Dr. Ohnn shrugged. "The only way is to stabilize your atoms and give them a temporary grounding mask. Like a lighting rod, so when it strikes it thinks that they are actually back home."
"What about you?" Miles asks and Dr. Ohnn lights up.
"I am an interdimensional being!" He sounded excited to explain it. "Since my body was absorbed by interdimensional matter, I am one with the spots, which means I exist in all universes at once while being grounded to my physical being. I'm the lighting rod!"
The class all stared at the man as he laughed.
"It's very cool actually! Messed up, but cool. So I can travel and my atoms don't get upset since they belong everywhere." Dr. Ohnn continued to explain. "My universe serial number is just like you guys, as my DNA has it hard coded. But my atoms are not."
The kids slowly nodded, slowly catching on.
"So… you don't want us to get hurt… and paperwork is annoying?" Ganke said slowly. "So that's why you made this instead?"
"Exactly." Dr. Ohnn nodded.
Miles stared blankly at Dr. Ohnn before looking back up to the hologram of Gwen. Dr. Ohnn had failed to mention that if they went, they'd have a whole group of Spider-People running after them.
In the hologram Gwen was standing, looking at her watch. She was talking to a hologram of a woman now. The two seemed to be slightly heated in their conversation, but it stopped as Gwen looked directly at them.
"Oh! That's enough." Dr. Ohnn turned off the machine and the classroom grew dark again.
There was a bit of noise before the light turned on.
"Can't get into trouble with the spider police." Dr. Ohnn laughed and the class promptly ignored him.
"Miles, please stay after class."
Miles groaned quietly and stayed behind. He slowly walked up to Dr. Ohnn's desk once the students were all out of the room.
"What's up, Dr. Ohnn?" Miles cringed at himself and if Dr. Ohnn had eyebrows, he'd probably be raising them.
"The guidance counselor wanted me to write you a nice letter of recommendation for university." Dr. Ohnn clasped his hands together in front of him.
"Would… you?" Miles slowly asked, his face becoming uncertain.
"Of course I am." Dr. Ohnn nodded. He was being oddly calm and not animated. "But I wanted to make sure you were certain in this field of work."
"Ever since I've started here, I've wanted to go." Miles felt confused. Why was he asking this?
"We both know this field of work turned me into this." Dr. Ohnn tilted his head. "And it turned you into who you are. I want you to succeed, Miles."
It hit Miles then, that this whole time he knew. He had come here originally to destroy Miles, but didn't. He kept Miles' secret and protected him.
He was still trying to protect him.
"You know?" Miles felt anxious now. He just thought this whole time he had gotten close to finding out, but given up.
"I've known since you were bit, Miles." Dr. Ohnn sighed. "I kept tabs on you. I couldn't let my greatest achievement get hurt. But then the accident happened. And I let myself get into my own head."
Miles just stared at his teacher.
"But Miles, I didn't destroy your life because I cared. I got too invested. I told you since the beginning of this class that I cared too much and I couldn't bring myself to do harm." The man looked down slightly. "I felt bad. You're one of my kids, Miles. I can't hurt my kids. You guys mean too much to me."
"That's why you gave up being a villain…" Miles knew this already. But the gravity of the situation actually hit. "You actually do care."
"I do. That's why I wrote this letter of recommendation." Dr. Ohnn handed Miles a paper copy of it. "If you genuinely want to go into this field, you have my full support. I will help in any way that I can. You'll be able to reach me whenever you need to also."
Miles stared at his teacher, the one who protected and cared for him all of these months. The man who threatened to destroy his life but gave it up quickly. The man who gave him and his classmates a safe space to exist in.
"Thanks." Miles said dumbly. His brain slowly accepted the fact that he didn't know and wanted to protect Miles.
"Of course. I do hope you know that from the beginning you were an amazing discovery. The consequences are balanced by it." Miles knew that if the man could smile, he would be. "Now, you need to go out there and prove me right."
Miles watched as Dr. Ohnn and his classmates built a mousetrap style contraption. It was large and looked intricate.
The students were recording Dr. Ohnn as he did test runs and dramatically sigh when they didn't work.
It had become a constant thing where the students would record the dumb pranks or silly things that the man pulled. They had a collection circulating the school and on private social media.
"Okay! It should work!" Dr. Ohnn called out.
The class got their phones out to record as he opened a spot at the top. He dropped the marble into the contraption and they watched as it went through. It turned on small lights, sent other marbles in other directions, triggered pulley systems, dropped, and bounced around. The class cheered as it worked as intended.
"Congrats!" Dr. Ohnn clapped. "I'm proud!"
The students sent the videos to their friends and Miles felt his phone buzz. He took it out to see his phone light up with dumb memes that they made of their teacher going into the GroupMe.
Miles smiled and looked up to his class.
He loved it here.
Miles dodged a chunk of cement that Lizard threw at him.
"That wasn't nice!" Miles called out to the Lizard and shot webs at him. "Stay still!"
Miles thwipped past Lizard and tried to web him up, but to no avail. His father was down below, trying to get people out of the building. He kept stopping to watch Spider-Man fight before going back to his job.
They were down the street from Visions, so Miles was able to get away from the gym pretty easily and show up. He knew his parents would be upset with him, but it would be worth it.
"Look at you, skipping class."
Miles looked to the side to see Dr. Ohnn appeared out of a spot. He looked slightly annoyed at the idea.
He'd get over it.
"It was gym, it'll be okay." Miles quipped back before kicking Lizard in the face.
Dr. Ohnn joined the fight, throwing spots to help Miles dodge and to get Lizard mixed up.
"Yeah? Say that to your Spanish grade." Dr. Ohnn scolded Miles.
The Lizard growled something that Miles couldn't understand, so he ignored him as he moved past him.
"Why do I even need to take gym? I get physical activity from this." Miles complained and Dr. Ohnn gave him a look.
"Sure. Go tell your principal you're Spider-Man. See how that works out." Dr. Ohnn's voice dropped with sarcasm.
"Do you two know each other?" Lizard asked as he swiped at Dr. Ohnn.
"Loosely. He's my nemesis." Dr. Ohnn disappeared into a hole and appeared behind Lizard. "No biggie."
Miles snorted before he saw an opening.
He shot many webs, which Lizard stumbled into and twisted himself into.
"Hah! Eat it." Miles cheered as he finished bundling up Lizard. "You'll see me about what? In six months before you break out?"
"You're so right! You want to bet?" Dr. Ohnn dropped next to Miles on the solid ground.
Miles was going to respond, but his father ran up.
"What is he doing here, Spider-Man?" His dad asked. "Aren't you my son's teacher now?"
"I've had a change of heart!" Dr. Ohnn held up his hands in defense.
"Captain Morales, I can say that he isn't for destroying the world anymore. He's a changed man." Miles gave a slight voice and paused for a moment. "Your son's teacher?"
"Yeah." His dad gave Dr. Ohnn an odd look. "I had a parent teacher conference the other day."
"You did?" Miles' voice went up slightly in fear. "For what?"
"Wouldn't you like to know, web boy?" Dr. Ohnn sounded gleeful before waving and opening up a spot. "Anyways! I have AP Physics to teach. Bye!"
With that, the man was gone.
"He's…" His father started.
"A headache?" Miles guessed. "At least you don't have to deal with him on a daily basis."
"You what?" His dad frowned.
"Nothing! I gotta go!" Miles shot away, leaving his father looking bewildered.
Miles stood in a cap and gown, holding one of the many medals he had gained over the years in his hands.
Miles watched as students walked across the stage, shaking hands with their teachers and principal.
It had been two years and Miles was finally graduating.
Miles didn't know how he had managed it, but he got into his dream school with help from Dr. Ohnn and he had gotten great scholarships because of him. He was part of the top 1% of his class and still the web slinger. He had made a plan on how to stay Spider-Man and juggle his classes. Some classes would be online and some in person so he could be home.
Miles took a deep breath and let his medal go, letting it drop against his chest.
"I got this." Miles whispered as he and his classmates walked towards the stage.
It took two minutes for Miles to get up to the stairs on the stage.
"Miles Morales." The announcer said and he could hear his family cheer from the distance as he walked towards his principal.
He shook her hand as she handed him his diploma. They smiled at each other, then towards the camera that took his picture. Miles then moved towards the teachers at the bottom of the stage and shook their hands.
The ceremony was long, but at the end he ran to his family and hugged his mother. She held him tightly and whispered how proud she was of him. His father patted his back and repeated how proud he was of Miles.
"There he is! My favorite."
Miles and his family turned to see Dr. Ohnn waving at them.
"Dr. Ohnn." Miles smiled and waved back as the man approached.
"I'm proud of you, Miles." Dr. Ohnn was holding something small in his hands. "I made you a gift, but you can't open it until you're home. You hear me?"
Miles nodded and accepted the gift.
It was covered in cow printed wrapping paper and had a silly drawing of his teacher on it.
"Thank you for looking out for our Miles, Dr. Ohnn." His mother held out her hand and Dr. Ohnn shook it.
"Of course! He has been my best student and he has flourished so much since I started here. I genuinely believe that he could do things that would help the world." Dr. Ohnn sounded genuine.
"Do you two want a picture?" Miles'father asked, pulling out his camera.
"Yes!" Dr. Ohnn clapped and the two got into position.
Dr. Ohnn held an arm around Miles' shoulder and threw up a thumbs up while Miles held up his diploma and a thumbs up. Miles gave a big smile and felt happy as his father took their picture.
Dr. Ohnn let Miles go and took a step back.
"Congrats, Miles. I'm very proud of you." Dr. Ohnn nodded and Miles nodded back.
"Thanks. I appreciate you." Miles smiled.
In his room, Miles was finally alone and able to open up the gift that Dr. Ohnn had given him.
He carefully undid the wrapping paper and opened the box.
Inside was some sort of watch. It was black and had a screen on it. Miles put it on and the thing came to life.
The screen lit up and it had a hub that said 1610, then options on the side in the form of symbols. Miles furrowed his eyebrows before picking up the card that was at the bottom of the box.
"To my favorite student: use this wisely, as it isn't approved by the great spider authority you've met. This should help with you getting back to New York and to see your little friends in other universes." Miles read out loud.
It was Dr. Ohnn's powers as a watch.
"Holy…" Miles stood up and read the instructions.
He got the basics before he pressed a few buttons.
An inky hole opened in front of Miles and he stepped through. The world around him turned watercolor and he was in a bedroom covered in posters. A girl was on her bed and she looked up.
"Miles?" She stood up.
"Hey, Gwen. Want to get out of here?"
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TTD - True Evil 3/4
part1 part2 part3 part 4
(tw: death, car crash, implied emotional abuse.)
(at least twenty years ago)
Baby Superhero wanted to race.
He liked running! It was one of the few games where he could have fun. He learned to use just the tiniest amount of his powers to win without getting caught. He’d promised to be a very good boy though, and good boys put themselves last. There was a new kid standing apart from his group of friends, seeming really lost. That was the first time he saw them in this park. They looked like a baby, at least one whole year younger than him. He had to be nice with little babies. If he was lucky, Mom would make him a strawberry pie, and that was just the best. So, he joined Baby Villain and asked:
“What do you want to play?”
The new kid looked at their shoes, avoiding his gaze, clasping their hands behind their back, dancing on their heels. After a while, they whispered:
“I dunno…maybe…maybe hide and seek?”
Baby Superhero internally sighed. Hide and seek was for kids. He hunched his shoulders a little, but grinned:
“Sure! That sounds great!”
He had to behave. He had to make them feel welcome. In his opinion, that was pie-worthy behavior. Still, he wanted to race, but he tried to ignore the lump in his throat. He had to be very careful when he was upset, because that could trigger his powers, and that was not allowed. It was hard to refrain himself, but he wanted to be a Good Boy. Good boys obey to their parents.
“I can, uh, blindfold people,” offered the newcomer.
Baby Superhero crooked one finger at his chin in confusion:
“What do you mean?”
Baby Villain opened their hand. Inside their palm, there was a tiny ball of darkness that shaped itself into two little people that danced on their fingers. Baby Superhero gulped.
“Oh, you mean…you have powers.”
They shrugged. He leaned forwards:
“That’s very brave to tell me that. But you know you should hide them, right?”
That question left him gaping.
“Because they’re dangerous! You could hurt someone!”
Being good, he’d learned, mostly meant holding back. When you want to say your neighbor is a doo-doo head for yelling at you, you smile and agree instead. When you want to scream in frustration because the dinner takes too long, you smile, and you go crying in the bathroom to avoid upsetting anyone. When you want to use your powers so bad it itches everywhere inside of you, you agree to take a bath, and you let the water go icy to calm you down. Of course that was hard, but he could take it. After all, he was special. He’d been a little dejected the day he’d learned that other kids had powers, but he’d realized that most of them only had one. No one was like him. He was by far the strongest, so he took upon himself to advise them from time to time.
That was a little upsetting that the newcomer didn’t seem to realize how good and right he was, and didn’t even look impressed. They cocked an eyebrow:
“It’s just the shadow of my hand. It can’t hurt anyone.”
“You can’t be too careful!”
The new kid rolled their eyes and he wanted to slap them very hard because they were very mean, but he bit his lip and asked:
“How old are you?”
“I’m five and nearly two months.”
“Well, I’m seven”, said the elder with the solemnity reserved to grand age. “I know these things. Where are your parents?”
“I don’t have any. I have lots of teachers that put me to bed too early, before the interesting movies begin on TV.”
Baby Superhero nodded. He knew the problem.
“I’ll present you to my friends, but you have to promise to be reasonable, okay?”
There was a glint in the Baby Villain’s eye that he didn’t like, but they said yes. After a hesitation, he decided to trust them. After all, they were just one baby, and he had plenty of friends. The children tended to gravitate around him. He was like the chief of their super team! Like a Very Good Boy! After assembling all of them, he showed off his new finding, who was looking at their shoes, throwing from time to time a terrified glance to the group. He asked:
“Are you sure you want to play hide and seek ?”
He hoped that now that their distasteful choice was questioned in public, they would renounce that bad idea. It didn’t work at all. A nasty smile at the corner of their lips, they announced proudly:
“Yes, because I have powers !”
He looked with a gaped jaw in abject disbelief while this – this meanie was now puffing their chest and proudly showed to the world what they could do! This was bad! This was very bad! They were a Naughty Kid! If they were a bad example for his friends, he was the one going to be blamed! His parents were busy doing Adult Stuff right now, but there were plenty of grown-ups watching them play around the park. He was always afraid that if he slipped up, they'd point to him and say what a bad kid he was. Or maybe they’d run to his house to tell his parents what happened. That was not fair. He wanted that strawberry pie. The corners of his eyes began to itch. He wanted to cry, but only weaklings cry. With clenched fists, he looked as the other kids stood closer to the traitor to watch their stupid shadow that wasn’t even interesting. The new kid gave him a little smug smile. He hated them very much. That was the worst day ever. He wanted to go home and play with his action figures. He didn’t like his friends anymore at all. In fact, he wouldn’t like anything anymore ever.
He kicked a rock, but stayed to watch. The one who was picked to seek the others was – had been – a good friend. From time to time he invited her to play pretend in his garden with his super gun. She threw a glance at him, but he jutted his chin out and looked the other way. She still stepped towards him:
“You don’t want to play? It’ll be fun!”
He shook his head frenetically. She waved at him before joining the others, and he waved back, but resentfully. That was obviously a serious betrayal, but he stayed in the park, woefully sitting on a bench. He still had to ask her if she wanted to play this weekend at his home. Traitor or no, she had the best squirt gun.
He frowned when he saw her with the stupid shadow covering her eyes like a blindfold. While the other kids were running away, he stuck out his tongue at her. Of course, she didn’t notice and ran merrily along. That was dangerous, but he was sulking too hard to care. If she fell and hurt her knee, that would teach her! Maybe she'd cry and he'd come to her rescue with a bandage and they'd both talk about what a dumb and evil kid the newcomer was. That idea cheered him up, so he waited for his moment to come.
The moment was taking its time, though. Baby Superhero stayed on the bench for a while until he couldn’t take it anymore. Not only hide and seek was boring, but it was long. He jumped on his feet. On the other side of the park, there was the road with lots of cars. Cars weren’t really his thing, but it was better than nothing to pass the time. He could watch them without crossing the road, because crossing the road alone was very dan-
An awful noise coming from the direction he was heading hurt his ears. He stopped all of a sudden. Cars had stopped moving. He heard doors banging and screams. For a moment, he couldn’t move, but he wasn’t scared, not at all, he was very very brave, and he ran towards the commotion.
On a street, surrounded by adults, there was a tiny silhouette on the ground. He didn’t want to get closer, but he did, and he kept approaching until he saw the livid face of his friend. The shadow was still on her eyes.
She had blood on her head. Some old instinct told him that she would never get up again. Her position was too weird. She wouldn't play with her squirt gun this weekend or play any other day, ever. He turned away, got out of the street and fell down to his knees. Before he had the time to realize it, he was throwing up. At first, he was sure he wouldn't stop, but he did eventually. Panting, he wiped his mouth, trying to catch his breath. Desperate to look at something that wasn’t a corpse, he raised his head.
And then, then, he saw Baby Villain, curled up on the top of a chestnut. They were just near the accident, with a view on the road. They could have screamed to warn the cars. They could have made the blindfold disappear.
They hadn’t moved an inch.
The two children looked at each other. The wave of power that engulfed his body at this moment was so powerful he curled up on the ground, unable to endure the pain like a big boy. He barely could prevent himself from crying. Above the hurt, he vaguely heard the other mumbling:
If they talk, I’m going to kill them. The thought that intruded in his mind was as brutal as the power swarming in his veins, urging him to do something, anything. He focused all his rage – no, not his rage, his determination – into one single sentence:
“When I grow up, I’ll destroy monsters like you.”
Next part and end here
Check the These Two Dorks Masterlist or Tag for more snippets with this Hero and Villain. This is how they met and now they’re roommates.
Or back to Hero x Villain Masterlist.
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ghoststyles · 9 months
Ch9 sneaky??
For you??? Anything 🤭😌
Wynnewood is packed with people, thanks to the networking and fundraising event hosted by Niall and the men’s league he plays in on Wednesday nights. She’s bound to see him, so she’s basking in the moments of no awkwardness. 
Zipping past the practice green and driving range, she spots a lot of members who are never at the club at the same time; it’s all of her worlds colliding at once. No sign of Niall. 
The shift is going relatively smoothly; Everyone is in great spirits, and being even more generous to her. She’s already decided she’ll donate a portion of her tips to the fundraiser. 
Rounding the 14th hole, she sighs as she sees Niall seemingly waiting for her. He’s leaning suavely on his golf club, tan chinos hugging his legs nicely. He smiles at her facial expression, knowing he has her in his trap. 
Panicking, Briar slowly approaches him on the path. As Niall begins to speak, Briar punches the gas and plows over the grass, cutting around Niall. In shock, he whips around and begins to shout after her. She smiles to herself smugly as she whips to the 15th hole. 
The grounds crew will have to forgive her for fucking up the grass.
Briar makes it through the afternoon without running into Niall again. But at 3pm, she’s in need of a break. She parks the cart and heads to the locker room. Staring down at her phone, her breath hitches when she sees a notification from Harry.
Just as she’s about to swipe to open the message, a pair of hands grab her at the waist and she’s suddenly lifted into the air. Her legs start flailing to try and fight off the perpetrator.
“Oh my God! What the f—”
Niall is laughing hysterically as he drags her into the empty steam room. He covers her mouth so she stops screaming. He places her down on the ground and she starts to smack him on the chest. 
“Niall, what the fuck is wrong with you? Grabbing a fucking girl like that!”
“I know, you’ll have to forgive me,” He laughs sitting down on the teak bench. “I need to talk to you.”
“I don’t want to talk.”
“Okay,” he reasons, crossing his arms over his chest. “Sure about that?”
Briar stays put. Niall cocks his head at her, fully knowing if that were the truth, she’d have left by now.
“Fine,” she grumbles. “What?”
“What is going on? You’ve been AWOL, Harry won’t talk to me, and I’m just plain miserable. Why did he fuck off to England for 3 months?”
Briar is quiet. She had no idea he hasn’t been in the states this entire time. She figured he was avoiding Wynnewood. 
“He was in England?”
Niall hums, “There it is. There’s the confirmation.”
“Fucking — Fine, yes, Niall, we broke up. I broke it off.”
Niall sighs again, “I figured as much. It’s been like, two months, and he’s barely had a conversation that’s not about work with me. He worked remotely from his sister’s.”
Her heart hurts knowing Harry fled to England; reminiscent of when Camille ended the engagement. She can’t help but feel like a villain. 
“Briar, you’re 23. I think anyone with a good head on their shoulders would have apprehensions if their significant other has a kid. He just needed time.”
Tears prick in her eyes as she hears the one thought she’s been beating herself up over for weeks. 
“I know,” she admits quietly. 
“There’s plenty of time to fix it, if that’s what you want.” 
Niall pulls her to his chest. It's the most physical touch she’s received in weeks. He leans down to whisper in her ear, “I’m sweating out of my arsehole right now.” 
She guffaws and shoves him, turning on her heels to leave the steam room. She pulls her phone back out to deal with the text from Harry. She mentally prepares to read a long text trying to get her back.
Instead, she’s met with a single “.”
What the fuck?
Friday night comes quicker than Briar likes. She begrudgingly loads her luggage and Gus’s supplies into the Jeep and sets off for her Aunt and Uncle’s house. Her brothers are already there, based on the memes in the “BarlHOES” family group chat. 
Her uncle is quick to help her unload and manage Gus, and Cormac grabs her small suitcase and backpack. She gives her youngest brother a big hug. They silently embrace until Cormac pulls away. 
She follows the two of them inside and is greeted by her aunt. 
“Hi, sweets! I’ve missed you, girly.”
Briar hugs her aunt and gives her her best fake smile. Meredith looks at her knowingly. 
Dinner goes by in a blur; Briar only participating if directly spoken to. The boys head to bed early to prepare for their rude wake up call at 3:30 AM. Patrick bids the girls a good night after he takes out the trash.
Briar slowly backs out of the kitchen, hoping her aunt doesn’t notice. Meredith clears her throat and slams two wine glasses down on the kitchen island. She silently reaches down into the wine fridge and pulls out a Cabernet Sauvignon. 
“Sit,” Meredith orders. 
Briar exhales and gives in. She pulls out the stool and rests her legs on the spare one between them while Meredith pours. 
“How long?” Meredith pries. 
“How long, what?” Briar plays dumb.
“The break up. The break. Whatever you’re calling it,” She pokes. “The reason you’ve been M.I.A.”
“Few weeks. I ended it,” Briar replies, stone faced. “I’m hooking up with someone from my program now.”
Meredith sighs, taking a sip of her wine. “What spooked you?"
“Nothing. I just wanted Harry to be able to adjust to being a dad without me in the way. I had the parent who didn’t choose her kids, and it sucked.”
“I think those were two completely different situations, Bri. Your mom had issues and needed to focus on getting better. Harry can easily find a balance with his circumstances.”
Briar rubs her neck, “I’m only 23, I can’t be someone’s step-mom,” Briar replies out of exasperation.
Meredith glares at her and clears her throat, “Um, I was only 27 when I took in FIVE little monsters. Cormac was barely even eating solid foods!”
Briar laughs, and takes a sip. “You’re right. I didn’t think about that.”
“It was the sexiest thing watching Patrick care for all of you. It showed commitment and stability,” Meredith recalls fondly. “And it takes a strong partner to keep it all together. I don’t think you give yourself enough credit.”
Briar inhales deeply, resting her head on her forearms, “I know what we had was good. Amazing, even. I fucked it all up. I told him not to contact me. But obviously I wanted him to. He respects me so fucking much, he listened!”
Meredith laughs, “Briar, he’s 40 years old. He’s not gonna play your game. So, now, you need to figure out what you’re going to do about it. I suggest you do some reflection and journaling when you’re in California. And smoke a joint. It’ll give you all the clarity you need.”
Briar hums, shaking her head. 
“I think you already know what you want. You just have to go get it.”
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lumidark166 · 5 months
Magenta Menace and Thief Kids
Name : Misaki Kadoya
Nickname/Titles : The Magenta Menace’s Daughter, Genius Demon
Age : 16
Gender : Female
Sexuality : Questioning
Personality : She acts like Tsukasa but more eccentric and troublesome but at least, she didn’t prank her uncles as much as Tsukasa does
Likes : -Writing poems -Cats -Raccoon
Dislikes : -Dogs due trauma
Parents : Kadoya Tsukasa and Daiki Kaito
Appearance : (picrew link)
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Backstory : Misaki was a brainwashed child soldier in Foundation X and got rescued by none other than Destroyer of World himself. She was quiet back then until she finally found her light again although she made Nana Emu either worried or angry at her due to her chaotic antics.
Information : She was once called by Foundation X that she is a Genius Demon, a ruthless tactician and strategist. She learned to do stealth and give information in abnormal ways. She can manipulate her heartbeats and use them to make a morse code to communicate or give information without enemies noticing. Dogs scare her because a Foundation X member attacked her brutally with a dog. She likes to mess Nana Emu with her heartbeats lol. She loved her brother even though it does not fit with Tsukasa’s reputation as a menace while her brother is really nice. She is a Kamen Rider named Kamen Rider Sibilant. Her driver is similar to Kaito but with design differences. She actually a raccoon whisperer lol but she jealous of Uncle Shoutaro's Disney Princess ability lmao.
Name : Kadoya Taiyou
Nickname : The Sunshine of the Kadoyas, Soccer Freak /pos
Age : 12
Gender : Male
Sexuality : Bicurious
Personality : He is a sweet boy and soccer obsessed freak /pos also he take it as a compliment
Likes : -soccer
Dislikes : -hospital
Parents : Kadoya Tsukasa and Daiki Kaito
Appearance :
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Backstory : Amemiya Taiyou from Inazuma Eleven reincarnated to Kamen Rider World, i just put my fictional son in this cause i wanted a sunshine kid in TsuDai to make it funnier
Information : Although Taiyou is a good kid who always listens he is also a troublemaker kid, cause in his past life, he was always sick due to his heart disease but he still wanted to play soccer so he learned the hard way, and learned to lockpick, running away fast enough to escape the nurses. He got his soccer ‘powers’ from his past world when he got in middle school so he actually can kick enemies ass with a soccer ball. Actually can escape Emu’s wrath with his running alone but his weakness is Grandpa Shinnosuke cause he actually keep up with him. He finally happy that he can have a happier childhood than the past one where he just stuck in a hospital since he was a child. He learned to do morse code from her sister for emergencies. Everyone knows that he is Tsukasa's favourite cause he rarely do chaotic shit-. He doesn't want to be Kamen Rider and his parents respect it cause his passion is just play soccer like he want to in his past life cause in his past life, he was very limited to play due his disease. He actually do not surprised how crazy a Kamen Rider life is cause his past life was he being a soccer player that somehow roped into soccer fascism and Time Shenanigans for some reason. Scenarios of that i think of : Tsukasa and Kaito, heavily injured due villains hurting them. "Hey! Stop hurting my dads!" Tsukasa heard a familiar voice, he know that is Taiyou's voice. "What are you doing here, Taiyou.. you are gonna get hurt!" he screamed in horror. Taiyou suddenly do this shit :
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"Sunshine Force!!!" He kicked the ball so hard that the enemies flown through the wall. "Holy hell..." mutter Kaito. That its for today, tomorrow or someday probs Fuwaruto kids also you can ask the kids do or smth with using ask blog features lmao Tag : @maou-the-tree, @askrikkaiandhyotei
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6mommymilkers9 · 2 years
Somebody I Used To Know
Summary: Memory gone, you live your new life, until you spot someone on the television
The Shredder x GN! Reader
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Lonely; without companions; solitary. The definition fit you well. Throughout your life you made friends, lost them, so forth and so on. You weren’t unfriendly or anything, but rather empty. Your heart, soul, yearned for something, but you couldn’t scratch even the surface.
You made due, pushing through the school days and work. Finding if you were always busy, you could push your ghosts away. Until one day, you had a day off, and decided to relax for a bit. A little tv wouldn’t hurt, would it?
Screen flashing, you switched channel after channel. Landing on a kids show, a certain character caught your eye. His voice was like static, dawning a metal suit with a purple cape. Setting the remote down, you let yourself drown episode after episode.
You never crushed on anyone, so why is your chest beating so hard now? Was it his charisma? Possibly his physique? You couldn’t really pinpoint it. All you knew, you didn’t feel as empty, like something was filling the void.
As weeks went by, you had a new routine, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles taking over your free time. You couldn’t help it, Shredder captivated you. It was strange, turning off the television made your heart pause, but when you saw his face, heard his voice, it pressed play.
You felt so…alive. People didn’t matter anymore, you were happy, in some ways, but still happy. Your chest didn’t hurt as much, pangs here and there. Today was no different, turning on the television just in time for a new episode. Singing along with the theme song, you couldn’t help but smile, eyes never leaving the villains view.
‘God he’s cute.’ Thinking to yourself, leaning back into your chair, palm supporting your head. Your cheeks formed a pink hue, toothy smile written onto your face, watching a new scheme play out on screen.
“Where did you take them!?” Shredder screamed, nearly pleading to the turtles. It made been years since his lover disappeared. Shredder knew the turtles were harmless, but they must’ve taken them. Right?
“We don’t know where they are!” Raphael replied, sais twirling in his hands. “We cared for them too Shred-Head!”
The Shredder wanted to scream, tear Raphael’s throat out, but all he managed was a snarl, eyebrows nearly touching. “Lies! Where is Y/n?!” Pointing his index finger, commanding his henchmen to attack.
“Wait, what?” Sitting up in your chair, you couldn’t believe what you heard. He said your name. Your..name? It must’ve been a coincidence. There’s millions of people with the same name. You couldn’t shake the feeling away, the one you had grown accustomed to, was now growing, molding into something different, forming into a headache.
Groaning, you rubbed your temples, eyes glued to the screen. As scenes went by, the fight came and went, the episode ending with Oroku Saki holding a picture. Was that you? “Oh my god.” Your voice, barely above a whisper, pain overtaking your body, forcing you to your knees, hands pressing against your head.
Then, the pain went away, replacing itself with pictures, videos….memories. You realized they were memories. Shredder holding you close at night, wrapping his arms around you. Setting you a plate at dinner. Your first kiss. All of it, flashing before your eyes.
You saw it; the day you disappeared. It was any other day, working on the techno-drone, drilling in some metal. Your head hurt, like it had moments ago, then, you were here. A small child with a new mother and father.
As quickly as the memories came, they left, leaving you a mess on the ground. You had lived a lie, believing you were just a no one, but you were someone, to him, to everyone there.
And there was nothing you could do. You were stuck, dimensions away from your lover, your family. “Why?” Your words forming into sobs. Hands covering your face as you mourned. “I wanna go home.” Begging did nothing, pleading did nothing. You were a ghost in a shell, lost in time.
For years you wished the void in your heart was filled, now, you regretted it. The only way you could find peace in your life was through a plastic screen. There, you could see a glimpse of your old life, watching Shredder as the days went by. You weren’t there anymore, but maybe, he could feel you here, through the screen.
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roblingoblin285 · 1 year
Day 64: Coughing up blood (Fall From Grace)
Media/universe: Fall From Grace (OCs)
don't get on my ass about medical accuracy, i tried my best
Pain exploded in Sage’s side as the metal bat came down, something in their chest cracking at the impact. They curled in on themselves and screamed, white hot agony blinding them. Through the blood pounding in their ears, Sage could just make out the bat clattering to the floor as a voice and footsteps moving toward them.
“-alright? Sage, what happened?”
The villain tried to respond to Rob, groaning as pain flared in their chest. They cried out as his hands brushed their side. “Hurts,” they gasped. “Broken. Something broke.”
Rob sunk to his knees, staring helplessly at their crumpled form. “I saw them hit you, I was too-” He exhaled shakily, steadying himself. “What was it? What hit you?”
They brought a shaking hand up to point. Rob’s breath caught at the sight of the gleaming bat.
Sage’s chest heaved, lungs and throat burning as a cough wracked their body. Tears streamed down their face as the fit shook their bruised and broken ribs, and with a resounding hack blood splattered the asphalt next to their face.
“Shit-” Rob cradled the villain’s face desperately, checking their pulse. “Your lungs could be punctured. I have to get you back, now.”
They gave a weak cough, their watering eyes stinging. “Feels wrong,” they whispered.
“I know, pops,” Rob soothed. “This is going to hurt, I’m sorry.”
He cradled Sage close to his chest, lifting them easily into the air; Too easily, Rob thought with a flare of panic. Sage’s eyes widened and they whimpered at the horrible pressure on their ribs.
“Stop-” they gasped, blinking away tears. “Stop, please- hurts too much, I can’t-”
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” Rob murmured again, walking as quickly as he could without jostling them more. “I have to. I promise it’ll be over soon.”
“Kid- please-” Another harsh cough. More blood. “Too much-”
Sage took a shuddering breath and their eyes rolled back, head dropping and rolling limply on their shoulders. With a panicked pulse check, Rob determined they had fainted from the pain.
“Just a little longer,” he said, more to himself than them. “I promise.”
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logically-asexual · 11 months
a pitch for a nathalie-centric fanfic (written in bullet points, bc im lazy) about cat noir's and hawk moth's identity being revealed. because i see some potential...
so first of all nathalie figures out adrien is cat noir at a moment when she is still loyal to gabriel but is now aware that gabriel is losing touch with reality so he could hurt adrien or take advantage of him if he found out. she probably hears him transform one day when she was about to go into his room or maybe she hears him speak with plagg or whatever. she decides not to say anything and analyze by herself what could be done. because she doesn't want to betray gabriel yet but she also doesn't want adrien to get hurt.
but she now struggles to watch the fights between the heroes and villains because it hurts her to see adrien being punched and thrown around. but she stays quiet.
one day. she was out with adrien and stuff happens and she ends up in the middle of a fight between hawk moth (or monarch or whatever his name is at this point) and cat noir. and it's just.. horrible.. to see them hitting each other knowing who they are. she knows that gabriel has been losing control of his anger and she sees that he's using way too much force.
(cat noir is alone because the plan involved having ladybug and cat noir separated since they've realized it would be easier that way)
nathalie stays quiet and hidden at first, but then she starts trying to tell hawk moth to stop, telling him he's overdoing it, but he just won't listen. she even tries to get in the middle of the fight but he just slams her towards the opposite wall without issue. before he lands one more punch she screams "it's adrien!"
this makes them both freeze. hawk moth first confused, thinking adrien is somewhere in the room, until cat noir is like "adrien? who's this adrien? i don't know what you're talking about!" and he understands what nathalie is saying. and cat noir is shocked that nathalie knew about him and that she exposed him. sadly, the part in hawk moth's brain that is focused on his goal above all else allows him to recover faster and he grabs cat noir by the wrist and snatches the ring. he watches him detransform and he has another short moment of shock before he drops him to the ground and turns to walk away. before leaving he just whispers to nathalie that they'll "talk later".
adrien runs to nathalie who is still on the ground, too wounded and tired to get up. then ladybug arrives and explains how she was held up somewhere else, but that her lucky charm led her to this place. adrien tells her about hawk moth taking the miraculous, his miraculous, but doesn't give her time to process the new information because his priority is to help nathalie. he begs for ladybug to use her power to heal her, since hawk moth is already gone and there's nothing they can do about that now, and nathalie needs urgent help. so ladybug does it and they manage to get nathalie up.
then adrien wants to go back to his house but nathalie protests. she doesn't want for either of them to have to face gabriel yet, but she just tells the kids that they have to hide somewhere else since adrien is in danger now that his identity is revealed. adrien dismisses that thinking that since hawk moth already has the ring then he's no longer important, but ladybug agrees that they should hide because maybe he will want to use adrien to get to the earrings.
so the go hide somewhere, where once they've calmed down (and marinette has had a chance to detransform and transform again) adrien explains everything to ladybug, who tries to take in the news as calmly as she can. nathalie tells adrien that she has known for a while but didn't want to put him in danger by saying something. but adrien goes like ?? but then you literally went and revealed my identity to like the main super villain? (but he says it in a polite, more adrien way). nathalie is like "i couldn't keep watching you getting hurt" and says that she knew that the only way to get hawk moth distracted was by yelling that.
and adrien is like? how would she know that? but he sees that she's distressed so he doesn't question her. she is good at hiding how she feels and all this time she has just been showing physical weakness, but adrien notices small signs of emotional turmoil as well, in how her hands are shaking and her eyes are just a little too wet. he tries to reassure her saying that the costume makes him nearly invulnerable but that only makes nathalie feel worse. she's like "i've ruined everything and for nothing then. again. i failed you. i failed your father." and that's when a single tear drops.
and adrien is like oh shit my father we gotta let him know that we're alright! but nathalie stops him and struggles to come up with an excuse not to call gabriel. she say's that she already did or something.
she has a bunch of mixed feelings because she doesn't want to betray either of their trust and doesn't want this fight to keep going but she doesn't know how to go about it without ruining the lives of all three of them. also she just doesn't trust ladybug.
she tells adrien that she wants to speak to him alone and ladybug is like ? why! i want to help! to which nathalie responds by giving her a death glare that has ladybug jumping and rushing to leave the room in a milisecond.
and now she takes both of adrien's hands and looks him in the eyes and says. "your father,, he's hawk moth"
and., the end. for now.
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