#....fellas is raising a gun to your so's head and almost shooting out of fear because theyre a horrific angel creature morally correct
hiveswap · 2 months
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Such a deeply analytical website that you can trust with serious themes
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Broken Down (Pt.1)
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Pairing: Arvin Russell x F!Reader
Summary: When your car breaks down on the side of the highway, you’re picked up by a kind couple who apparently have a thing for picking up hitchhikers, judging by the boy in the back seat. What started as a ride turns into a horror story. 
Warnings: NONCON ELEMENTS (it’s Carl and Sandy and if you are reading this, you’re damn well aware of what they do - no full on rape though! Just noncon touching), murder/ serial killers, being held at gun point, description of blood and violence, typical Carl and Sandy stuff
Word Count: 7.2k
A/N: There are parts of this that are from the movie directly and I do not claim to own those parts. All other original parts are mine though!
Part 2 out now!
It was no secret that Sandy was unhappy with her life with Carl anymore. She wasn't quiet about it- not even to him. Any logical person would think that she'd be scared to tell her serial killer partner that she was tired of killing people but she wasn't sure if she cared about the outcome anymore. She already felt dead inside. 
"Carl, I'm done." 
"C'mon, Sandy. It's not that bad." Carl tried to convince his partner, looking over at her from behind the wheel. 
Sandy scoffed sadly, "I don't like when they cry." 
"But they take the best pictures," Carl responded insensitively. They drove on in silence for a while down the highway, ever consciously looking for their next victim. "You know what? How about we try something new, huh? We can try to make this next one a little more interesting." 
Sandy rolled her eyes and stared out at the landscape as it blurred past on their trek along the highway. That wasn’t what she meant and Carl knew it. She didn’t want to make things more interesting. She wanted out. She knew it was no use arguing, though. Carl always got his way. 
You stood at the edge of the road, thumb extended as the occasional car passed by, to no avail. Your car sat dead in the turn out behind you. Your duffel bag was laid down on the ground by your feet, your dark blue floral skirt blowing against the material when the breeze blew. Of all the roads to break down on, it just had to be the one in the middle of nowhere Ohio - West Virginia border where almost no cars drove past. It was beginning to get dark and your nerves were starting to fray at the thought of being stuck in the woods alone at night. 
Finally, a car drove up to you and you waved your hands to get their attention, put on your nicest smile, and stuck your thumb out. The vehicle slowed to a halt beside you and you saw three people in there, a woman driving, a man rolling his window down to talk to you, and a young man in the backseat. "What's a sweet girl like you doing out here stuck on the side of the road?" The man questioned with a smile. 
"My car broke down and I just need to get into town to call a mechanic." You gestured back to your old yellow Ford that had started acting up a little ways back. When you pulled over to take a look at it, it just wouldn't start up again. 
He looked over at the pretty blonde lady driving, giving her a look you couldn't see but she returned one that you couldn't quite read. The man turned back to you with a smile, “Well we’re dropping this fella off in Meade but I’m sure we could drop you in the next closest town. Shouldn’t be too far if you’d like a ride.” 
A smile spread across your face, “Thank you so much.” You picked up your duffel bag and hustled over to the side of the car that was bordering the road, sliding into the seat when you threw the door open. 
“What a good day for makin’ new friends, huh, honey?” The man said chipperly before turning around to look at the two of you in the back seat. “What were your names?” 
“Y/N.” You answered warmly, glancing over at the boy beside you who sat stiffly, his jaw clenched tightly. You’d assumed he was with the couple but it seemed you may have been wrong. 
He swallowed after a brief pause, his eyes widening in fear for a moment, “Arvin, sir.” 
“Well, Arvin and Y/N, it’s a pleasure to meet you two. I’m Carl and this is my wife Sandy.” He patted Sandy on the shoulder and she gave him a small forced smile. Trouble in paradise, you thought. “Where you from Y/N?” 
Your hands laid prim and proper in your lap, holding your skirt down from the breeze from Carl’s rolled down window, “Just a small town not too far from here actually. Barren Springs? Not many people have heard of it.” 
“Can’t say I have,” Carl shook his head. 
Arvin chimed in for the first time since you’d gotten in the car, “I've been through there for work before.” 
“Yeah? You live nearby?” You asked, looking over at him. A blush heated your cheeks at the site of the handsome young man. His curly brown locks were messily pressed down against his head from the baseball cap that he had curled up in his lap. 
Arvin just nodded a little when he made eye contact, “Coal Creek.” He swallowed hard, before his eyes darted away from yours and bounced off every moving object he could see.
“Oh, nice! I’ve only ever driven through it on the way to my grandparent’s house but it’s a cute little town.” You chipped, waiting for a response from Arvin but he only gave you a curt nod and fidgeted his hands along his legs. A thick silence settled over the car for a moment and you cast your gaze away from the attractive boy down to the mechanism that allowed the driver’s seat to adjust on the ground of the car, suddenly feeling like you overstepped with Arvin with your seemingly innocent comment. 
“Looks like you’re set for a trip. You leaving or coming home?” Sandy asked, looking at you through the rear view mirror. 
“Comin’ home,” You responded, replacing that polite smile and slightly higher voice you did when speaking to strangers, “A friend of mine from high school moved to Blacksburg with her sweetheart. I just went out there for their wedding.” You smiled at the memory of their ceremony. It was one of those marriages that you just knew was meant to be. 
“Awe, I just love weddings.” She said dreamily, gazing nostalgically out across the road. 
You smiled and made a small noise of agreement. At the thought of weddings, you couldn’t help but let your mind wander to the idea of marrying the man sitting beside you. It was silly, you knew, fantasizing about marrying a complete and total stranger. Barren Springs didn’t have many good suitors to pick from and you had yet to make it out on your own into the world. It had been a long time since you’d been physically attracted to anyone as strongly as you were attracted to Arvin. Besides, you weren’t fantasizing about marrying him, per se, but more so just having a wedding with him. The thought of seeing him so handsome and dressed up and the way his eyes would sparkle with adoration when he saw you walk down the aisle in your dress. It was ridiculous! You could have laughed at yourself. You just wanted to think that maybe there was some possibility that he thought you were half as beautiful as you thought he was. 
After some time driving in silence, with you sneaking many glances at the man sitting beside you, Carl spoke up, “Oh shit, my old billy don’t work like it used to. I’m gonna have to pull over and take a leak.” He trailed off, looking over at Sandy with a smile. She gave him a sharp look but slowed down. You wondered just how often of an inconvenience this must have been if she seemed so annoyed by the request. “Is that alright by you two?” He asked a little louder, directing the question at you and Arvin. 
You and Arvin both got strange looks on your face, finding it strange that he felt the need to ask if he could use the restroom. “Sure,” Arvin muttered. 
“Yeah, of course.” You added, eyes flicking between the man and woman up front. 
“There should be a road up here on the right,” Carl directed Sandy, “Little further. Little further. Slow down. Right here.” The car slowed and rolled to a stop, rocks crunching beneath the tires. “This is good.” 
You craned your head to watch the main road disappear a few dozen feet behind you and your nerves perked up. Arvin must have noticed the way you sucked a deep breath in, louder than usual, because he glanced over at you with a look in his eyes that told you that your sudden uneasiness was not unfounded. You watched as his eyes shot back and forth between the couple and then around at your surroundings. 
You began to pick at the hem of your dress. Hitchhiking was something you tried to avoid at all costs and managed to do so successfully until this very day because the idea of getting in a car with a stranger made you nervous. You knew that in all likeliness, Carl probably was just going to use the restroom and then return and you’d be on your merry way. The little indecipherable looks he and Sandy kept shooting each other didn’t escape your notice though. 
“I won’t be long.” Carl reassured, opening the door and stepping out. As he did, his jacket lifted and you saw the pistol tucked in the waistband of his pants clear as day and your eyes widened in silent panic. 
A lot of people own guns out here, you tried to rationalize but it still didn’t sit right with you. None of this did. A rock the size of Texas sat heavy in your gut and you had an extreme urge to get as far from here as possible without raising suspicions. For one, it would be extremely awkward if you were wrong and you were freaking out over nothing. On the other hand, if they were planning to kill you, it could speed up the process before you could think up a way out of it. 
You glanced over at Arvin and it was clear that he had noticed the gun as well because his jaw clenched tightly and his eyes followed Carl like a hawk watching a rabbit. Your hand slid across the seat and you nudged his leg, nodding ever so slightly towards Carl with wide implying eyes. Arvin breathed deeply and nodded, having seen exactly what you had seen. It was validating to know that Arvin didn’t feel right either but it was also even more unnerving because it meant the likelihood of danger was more likely. 
Arvin rolled the window down to watch Carl more clearly and Sandy shifting up front drew your attention. You looked up to see her absentmindedly trying to light a match for the cigarette that hung between her lips. Finally, she got it lit and brought the flame to the tip of her cigarette. You watched her do this with intent, so much so that you jumped when Carl leaned through Arvin’s window and loudly announced, “Damn. That’s gonna be one fine sunset. You have to be patient with me while I get a few shots off. Hon, give me the key.” 
He must have noticed the uncomfortable looks on yours and Arvin’s faces because he reassured, “Don’t you worry none. We’ve got some hooch in the back and… well, you got two pretty ladies with ya.” Carl raised his eyebrows at you and his partner before looking back at Arvin with a wink, “And Sandy’s good company.” 
You fidgeted uncomfortably at the way Carl added that last part, not liking the way his tone implied certain things. Sandy turned around to shoot the pair of you a smile, one that both of you returned with a hard swallow in an attempt to not show that you were highly suspicious of whatever the hell this was. Your gaze went back to Carl, where the keys made a bulge in this back pocket and your heart fell at the sight. Those keys were your only chance of getting out of here. 
The back of the car opened and you turned around to watch Carl retrieve a camera and a blanket, the gun still firmly in his waistband, before walking up to the side of the car and opening the door. Arvin flinched and looked over at Carl who motioned outside, “How ‘bout we all share a drink over this beautiful sunset. What y’all think?” 
Your voice came out shaky, “Thank you but I don’t drink. It might be best if we get headin’ out sooner than later though. My ma’s expecting me home soon and I don’t wanna worry her.” Whether or not your words were lies was a moot point. Getting out of the car just felt like a bad move. 
Carl shrugged, “Well, then, you can just watch the rest of us share a drink then. And don’t you worry. We’ll be on the road soon enough- just as soon as the sun sets. Your mama shouldn’t be too worried. Now why don’t you two come join us.” This time, it didn’t sound like much of a question. 
Sandy had thrown her door open and stepped out onto the earth outside, slamming the door shut. You were surprised when she opened up your door and leaned against it, “C’mon, hon. You don’t have to drink any. Wouldn’t wanna miss such a pretty sunset, though, would you?” 
With a partner on either side of you, you and Arvin looked at each other, knowing neither of you had a choice but to get out of the car. Reluctantly, you stepped out and walked around the back of the car towards the clearing that Carl was now leading Arvin too as well. He laid out the blanket on the ground and gestured for you and Arvin to sit down. Sandy followed shortly after with a mason jar full of a light peach liquid. She unscrewed the cap and took a swig straight from the jar, “I made it myself out o’ some strawberries I grew back home.” 
“The best stuff in Ohio. My girl’s got a real gift.” Carl winked at his wife, who handed him the jar. He too took a sip before passing it to Arvin. Arvin just shook his head before murmuring a polite decline. Carl tsked, “C’mon boy. Don’t wanna hurt my wife’s feelings.” Arvin’s jaw tensed before he slowly took the strawberry hooch from your host and tilted it till the liquid touched his lips, though you couldn’t quite tell if he actually let any of the liquid enter his mouth or not. 
He handed the jar back to Carl, not offering you any and you wondered if he was trying to respect your comment about not indulging in alcohol or if he was trying to keep you safe. Regardless, you were grateful. Carl raised the jar towards you, offering it silently, but you put your hand up, “Thank you but I’ll have to pass. I’m sure it’s delicious though.” 
“Alright, suit yourself.” He said with a shrug, taking a sip himself before screwing the lid back on and setting it on the blanket. 
Sandy came to sit just beside you and Arvin on the blanket, looking up at her husband who was still standing. “Wouldn’t they make a cute couple, Carl?” She pondered out loud and you couldn’t help the blush in your cheeks at the thought. Arvin shifted beside you, most likely feeling just as weird about the comment as you did. 
“Now, Sandy, no need to make the poor kids uncomfortable,” He chided lightly, turning around, “But, y’know, this is a real nice picture. Do y’all mind if I take a few shots for posterity’s sake? I mean, seein’ as we probably won’t see each other again after today.” 
Before you could answer, Sandy was already scooting in close to Arvin and forcefully initiating a pose, “Alright, now you,” Carl pointed at you, “Scootch in just a little closer.” Your arms shook as they lifted your body enough to move a few inches closer to Arvin. “Perfect. Now everyone smile.” You tried your hardest to force a smile but you couldn’t get one out that was worth any photo. 
Carl stood up, as if he was in thought, “I’m a photographer and I would love to get some posed shots if y’all wouldn’t mind. Now, Sandy, why don’t you step back for just a moment while we get these two together. Good. Now, Arvin, you put your arm around her- good! Just like that.” 
Arvin awkwardly placed his arm on the ground behind your back, just close enough to look like the two of you were leaning into each other. Carl pulled away from the camera with a smile, “Sandy is right. You two would make a cute couple. Now, Sandy, why you don’t hop back in there. Perfect.” 
Carl paused for a moment to ponder his next pose, “Now, Arvin, why don’t you lean back and touch my wife. Y/N, I want you to kiss him while he does it.” 
The instructions slipped from his lips with such little reservation that you were convinced you misheard him for a moment. The man had been fairly polite thus far, if not a bit odd with his quips and pryingly friendly remarks, so the bluntness with which he just told you and Arvin to perform semi-sexual acts on each other and his wife took you off guard. “Excuse me?” You shrank back, ripping your body away from Arvin and Sandy with a velocity that almost jolted you.  
When you did, your hand grazed a large patch of skin that had previously been covered with her fuzzy cheetah print coat. You whipped around to see her sitting behind you in nothing but her underwear and you quickly realized that you had grazed just beneath her bare breast. “What the fuck!” You jumped, moving away from the nearly nude woman. 
Arvin jumped when her hand rested on his shoulder and moved away as well, looking between the man and woman who clearly saw nothing wrong with what they were doing. “I don’t know what the fuck is going on here but we’re leaving.” Arvin pressed with a firm voice, standing up and offering his hand to you, pulling you up to almost be tucked into his side, his hand staying on your arm protectively.
Carl looked at him like he was some naive boy. “Boy, I’m giving you the opportunity to fuck my wife and that beautiful girl over there while I take pictures. You’re a damned fool if you turn this down.” 
“You guys are sick. I will not be having sex with anyone here today!” You exclaimed indignantly at Carl’s implication that you were going to be just fine with this. 
The older man looked over to you and waved his hand with a cocky knowing smirk. “I’ve seen you lookin’ at ‘im the whole drive. You’re tellin’ me you don’t want to make love to this boy right here? And what about my wife? You ever been with a woman?” Carl asked, eyes flicking back to Sandy, who wiggled her breasts and gave you a comforting look that told you she would help you through whatever experience you may have lacked.
You found yourself stepping backwards, away from Arvin even. Your head shook, a boiling mixture of terror, rage, and embarrassment burning inside you, “I-I-I already told you. I ain’t doing no-”
Words failed when Carl reached behind him and pulled out the gun you’d noticed earlier, pointing it right at your chest, “Now look, I hate pointin’ a gun at a pretty young thing like yourself but I’m gonna shoot you if you don’t start doin’ what I say. You and my wife are gonna give this boy the best time of his life and I’m gonna take pictures while you do it. That’s it. You understand?” 
The world around you seemed to freeze while you stared down the barrel of his pistol. You couldn’t move, couldn’t think, couldn’t talk. Sandy moved closer to you, her lips coming to your neck in a gentle kiss that made your skin crawl. A single tear rolled down your cheek while you stared at the gun that was still pointed at you, Sandy’s hand moving to brush your hair off your neck so she had more access. There was nothing you could do. If you made any move to shove her off, he’d shoot you. If you made a move to run, he’d shoot you. If you tried to knock the gun out of his hand, he’d shoot you. All you could do for the time being was let Sandy do what she would until you could find the right moment to disarm Carl and get the hell out of here. 
She looked up at Arvin with sultry eyes over your shoulder, “C’mon, Arvin. You ever thought about being with two women at once before?” 
Arvin swallowed hard as he watched how you sat with tears welling in your eyes, trying your hardest not to break in this impossible situation. He stood in seething anger and fear, his heart breaking a little when your hands snapped up to grab her wrists as her hands crept around your front and unpopped the top two buttons of your blouse. 
There was a click from Carl cocking the pistol and he took a step closer to you, “I told you I would shoot you if you don’t start playin’ along. This is your last warning. You’re testing my patience, girl.” Your legs were nearly giving out on you when Sandy popped open another two buttons, your bra clearly exposed for everyone to see. Your shirt was unbuttoned as far as it could go before disappearing into the waistband of your skirt where it was tucked in. 
 Arvin looked away from your exposed upper body, not wanting to make you any more uncomfortable and violated than you already were. Suddenly, there was a small flash and the click of a camera and Arvin snapped his focus over to Carl to see him snapping pictures of you, half nude and trying not to fall apart. A coil of pure hatred had been building in Arvin since the first direction of sexual acts but now he was on the verge of tackling and killing Carl right now with his bare hands. 
When he looked at you, eyes clenched shut now and silent tears pouring out the corners, he could see Lenora. Both of you were just fearful girls being taken advantage of by someone with too much power. He couldn’t save his sister but maybe he could save you. Arvin could feel his father’s Luger in his pocket but he wasn’t sure if he could draw it and shoot Carl before he could pull the trigger on you. His father’s words came back to him. Wait for the right moment. 
Carl whipped his head over to look at Arvin and snapped at him, “I ain’t askin’ again, son. Get in there and start touchin’ those girls!” Carl took the gun off you for just a moment to point it at Arvin and encourage him to approach you and Sandy. 
Now, it wasn’t that Arvin had no regard for his own life. The last thing he wanted to do was die, especially after how hard he’d had to fight his whole life, but he was more willing to risk getting himself shot than you. His hand had been gripped around his pistol in the pocket of his denim jacket, just waiting for the right moment to get the two of you away safely. In a second, he cocked the gun and drew it quickly, firing sloppily in Carl’s direction. 
Two gunshots rang out. 
You screamed, thinking that Carl had just murdered Arvin before your eyes and that you were next. Your eyes were clenched shut until you noticed Carl seethe in anger and pain, “Fuck! Fuck you boy!” And then multiple more gunshots. 
This time, there were no more groans of pain, only the heavy thud of Carl’s body on the ground. His gun fell to the ground when his hand loosened and you dove for it, snapping out of Sandy’s grip. You landed hard, your bare chest and abdomen scraping painfully against the sticks and rocks when your body slid against the rough ground. You grabbed the gun and turned to point it at Sandy, who had also procured a gun from God knows where and had it aimed right at you. You didn’t hesitate.
Again, there were two bangs. 
You fell back after you fired off your shot and in your panicked state, you couldn’t tell if you’d been hit, your arms had given up supporting your weight on the ground, or if the recoil from the gun was that intense. 
There was the sound of another body hitting the ground. 
Arving rushed to your side, falling to his knees and inspecting you for immediate signs of physical distress. “Are you okay? Were you shot?” 
Your hands ran all over your body, trying to feel for any signs of being shot. You couldn’t feel any part of your body right now, the adrenaline distorting your perception of pain. Even the large bloody scratches on your chest, breasts, stomach, arms, and knees weren’t causing any discomfort at the moment. You shook your head, “I- I don’t think so. Were you?” 
He shook his head, helping lift you to sitting, “No-no, I’m alright. We need to get out of here though.” 
Your knees were shaky as you tried to stand up but they almost gave out on you when you saw the dead bodies on the forest floor. Carl had been shot three times, twice in the chest and once in the arm. Sandy was already pale with a bloody entrance wound in her throat. 
“Oh my God… we killed them.” You were nearly hyperventilating, stumbling backwards. Arvin walked with you, holding you up until you stopped moving. 
“They were gonna kill us. We had no choice.” He held you tightly by the shoulders, looking straight into your teary and panicked eyes. 
“The police ain't gonna believe that.” Your entire life just crumbled to pieces before your eyes, all because you hitched a ride with some strangers. 
Arvin shook his head, “That’s why we gotta get outta here. Leave ‘em. Don’t tell anybody about what happened.” 
His words sunk in and you nodded in agreement. The honest part of you wanted to tell the police. Maybe they could help you but you knew that there was an equal chance they’d lock you up for murder as well. You couldn’t risk it. Running was the only option. 
Carl’s gun was still in your hand and once you realized it, you wiped it down on your skirt before placing it back in Carl’s hand. “What’re you doin’?” Arvin asked, watching you meticulously place it as if it had just fallen in place. 
“Makin’ it look like a murder-suicide. They can’t pin it to us if it don’t look like they were just murdered.” You explained, leaving the gun in his hand and taking a few shaky steps back as you stared at the corpse. You couldn’t believe you were doing this. You had never imagined yourself shooting anyone let alone fixing a crime scene to get away with murder. This was an extreme situation though. You had to shoot Sandy and Arvin had to shoot Carl. They were going to kill you two if you didn’t kill them first.  
Arvin noticed the way your face had noticeably paled and how your eyes were glued to Carl’s body and the splatters of crimson liquid that pooled on his shirt and dripped onto the earth beneath his body. He stepped between you and Carl’s body and put his hand on your shoulder, the other gently on your face. His beautiful face blocked your view but you still struggled to fight the tunnel vision. “Hey, look at me. Look at me!” He urged, his grip on your face getting ever so slightly more firm when he noticed your eyes try to dart around his frame to see the body again. Arvin wasn’t hurting you by any means, just trying to keep you focused on him. “You did what you had to do, ya hear me? They was gonna kill both of us. You ain’t done nothin’ wrong. Now we just gotta get outta here, okay?” 
You swallowed hard and nodded, your eyes squeezing shut tightly for just a moment to ground yourself. In your brief moment of meditation, you tried to focus on anything to ground you but the only calming thing you could process was Arvin’s comforting hands on your shoulder and face and the way you could feel his gaze still on you with so much concern and determination, even with your eyes closed. 
When you opened them again, you breathed out, “Okay.” 
Arvin glanced down and noticed the thin trails of blood that were starting to dribble down your torso from the deeper scrapes and at first reached out to button your shirt for you but hesitated, his hands shrinking back when he realized he wasn’t sure whether that was the appropriate response. You flinched back a little when he reached for your top out of pure instinct but quickly relaxed. You glanced down, just now noticing that your shirt was still unbuttoned. “‘M sorry, I just…” You trailed off, unsure of how to explain your new reaction in light of the trauma you’d just gone through. Your fingers nimbly began to button up your shirt but you hissed when the fabric tightened around the copious lesions. 
“No, it’s alright. Here, take my jacket.” He was already shrugging off the denim jacket before he finished speaking. 
You put your hand up, clutching the opened fabric of your shirt together in your hand in front of your chest instead of buttoning it properly, finding this way you could keep the fabric from sticking to your wounds. “I can’t take your jacket. I don’t wanna get blood on it.” Arvin’s eyes followed yours until they landed on the small spots of blood already seeping through your thin blouse. 
Without allowing you to protest, he slung in over your shoulders, engulfing you arms and all. “It’s fine, really. I insist. You can’t go walkin’ ‘round all exposed like that. I can try to help you clean up if we find any rags.” 
You sighed when the fabric covered your arms and his scent engulfed your senses. Yet again, you found yourself numb to the world, if only for a second, but this time because all you could experience was Arvin Russel. Tunnel vision made him your only view and all you inhaled was the scent of clean musk, wet earth, and the faint scent of car grease. “Thank you.” You whispered, gripping onto the open sides just enough to keep the garment from slipping off your shoulders. 
Arvin just nodded reassuringly before wordlessly taking off towards Carl and Sandy’s car. You followed curiously. He searched around frantically and, while you were unsure of what he was looking for, you were curious to see what he’d find. For the most part, there was nothing out of the usual, until he came across a roll of film in the glove compartment. With trembling hands, he unrolled the small canister and looked at the negatives. “Oh my God-” He trailed off in horror. 
“What is it?” You asked, reaching for the film. The images nearly made you throw up. Even though they were difficult to see because they were only negatives, it was still fairly clear what they were. Pictures of men and Sandy filled the roll but they got progressively more violent and graphic, sexually and gorily. At first, they were just sitting together but then Sandy was topless in the next one and then they were kissing in the one after that and then the man would be naked in the following. Eventually, there’d only be a pool of what you assumed to be blood where his genitals should have been before finally just shots of a motionless bloody corpse that used to be whoever that poor man was.  
“Shit… we were next, weren’t we?” You asked, images of you and Arvin facing this same kind of torture flooding your mind and making your stomach churn. The guilt you had felt for shooting Sandy was melting away and you actually felt almost glad you and Arvin had ended this pair of monsters. They couldn’t hurt anyone else the way they had brutally slaughtered these other men. 
“I think so. Fuck, there’s a bunch of ‘em.” Arvin pulled out at least four other canisters, too scared to open them. It was safe to assume what they were photos of and you really didn’t want to see anymore. 
Your hands shook so much you could barely keep your grip on the negatives, “We need to give these to the police. If we prove they were serial killers, maybe they won’t send us to jail. It was self-defense.” 
Arvin really did appreciate the fact that you so badly wanted to be good and honest. Killing people wasn’t easy and he was pretty damn sure you’d never done it before. Hell, before today, neither had he. Maybe it would be easy for you to get off without any charges if you came clean but he was sure the police would be looking for him for killing Preston Teagarden any moment now. The note he’d left for his uncle and grandma back home was pretty much sure evidence that he was the murderer. If the two of you went to the police, he’d be practically turning himself in. He couldn’t do it. 
“I-I can’t go to the police. I can’t tell you why but I can’t. If you want to go to the police, you can’t tell ‘em I was here. Tell ‘em you was by yourself.” Arvin looked up at you from where he sat in the passenger seat. 
You looked down at him, realization dawning on your face. “You did somethin’, didn’t you? That’s why you were hitchhiking. You were runnin’ away.” 
Arvin got quiet and looked down at the ground where your white shoes, now scuffed up from the encounter, made contact with the soil and leaves that covered the ground. He shouldn’t tell you the truth but for some reason he really wanted to. There was an energy radiating off of you that felt safe and understanding and maybe he shouldn’t trust you but gosh did he want to. Finally, with a heavy sigh, he answered, still avoiding your gaze, “I- I didn’t want to but… he hurt my sister real bad.” 
Your silence scared Arvin. He shouldn’t have opened up, especially to a girl that was practically a stranger. Being nearly killed by a pair of serial killers creates a strange bond between two people though. Arvin’s heart stopped beating until you finally spoke again. “I believe you. It’s okay.” 
The surprise was clear in Arvin’s scared eyes when he finally looked back up to you. You didn’t look scared of him like he had feared. You actually looked almost sad for him. 
Inside, you were. Arvin Russell was a good man - you could just feel it. From your brief but intense experience with him today, you could tell that he was a kind, polite soul but there was clearly a fire that burned inside him, an urge to protect those he cared about. You had seen first hand that he was more than capable of protecting himself and others, even at high stakes… and now so were you. You were no different than him now so you were in no position to judge for what he may have done. 
“If you don’t want to go to the police, we won’t. We can get as far from here as possible and keep this our secret.” You assured, uncomfortable by how comfortable you were with the idea of running from the law.
Arvin took a moment to try and figure out the next step. Whatever it was, it needed to happen fast so you two had enough time to put space between you and the crime scene. He thought to the next closest town and groaned, “What’s wrong with your car?” 
“I don’t know. It just started actin’ up while I was drivin’ and when I pulled over, it wouldn’t start up again.” You thought back to the vehicle, which still sat on the side of the road no more than three miles back.
Arvin stood up from the passenger seat and you stepped aside so he could have some room. “I know a little ‘bout cars. It might not be too bad a fix. Walkin’ back and fixing up the car wouldn’t take as long as walking the next ten or fifteen miles to Falksville.” Arvin was right. You were right between Coal Creek, where apparently Arvin was on the run from, and Falksville, the next town over. It would take hours to walk there. 
“Alright,” you agreed. You walked to the backdoor and opened it to grab your duffel bag, handing Arvin his bag as well. Before the two of you started your trek back to your car, you couldn’t help but look back at the crime scene - the two dead bodies lying motionless, knowing you did that, the way that you had manipulated the scene, the way that you were running away with Arvin to literally flee the police. The weight of the situation weighed on you with a heavy sigh. 
A hand rested on your shoulder, “We did what we had to.” You tore your gaze from the scene, the image burned into your memory for the rest of your life. It was difficult to argue with those beautiful brown eyes that looked at you like you were someone he genuinely cared for, not like you were the stranger to him that you actually were.
You stood up a little straighter, cast one more look over at the scene before turning around to face the road. “I know.” 
The walk took almost an hour and neither of you tried to hitchhike your way there. Once you arrived, you attempted to clean your wounds with a pile of napkins you had hidden in your glove compartment and a water bottle while Arvin tinkered under the hood of your car. it didn’t take long for him to figure out the problem and with the help of the tool set your father insisted on you keeping in your trunk in case of an emergency (like this), he was able to get the car up and running. 
“Alright, try it now.” He instructed from under the hood. You sat in the driver’s seat, turning the key in the ignition whenever Arvin instructed to see if the car would turn over. You twisted the key again and the car struggled at first, the pulsing mechanical sound of the car trying to turn over tearing through the quiet woods. Just as you were about to admit defeat this round, the roar of the engine came to life and just like that, your car ran again. 
A big smile spread across your face and you jumped out of the driver’s seat to stand beside Arvin, both of you looking down at the engine beneath the hood. “I can’t believe that worked! Thank you so much!” 
Arvin reached up and shut the hood. “It’s no problem. We should get goin’ though.” 
You nodded in agreement, “Where do you need a ride to?” 
He thought for a moment. Arvin wasn’t quite sure. He had been hitching rides to Meade so he could see his old home but you weren’t going anywhere near that way. He didn’t want to ask you to go so far out of your way but then it occurred to him…. “Where are you goin’?” 
“Back home. My parents are expectin’ me home tonight but I can give you a ride where you need.” You answered as if it were obvious. The best way to act normal was to do exactly that: act normal. 
Arvin chewed his tongue, “You don’t live too far from here. It might be easy to link you to the crime if they catch you.” He didn’t want to scare you but he also didn’t want to see you get locked up. 
You rolled your eyes, “If that were true, they’d have to suspect every person in a thirty mile radius. It’s illogical for the police to single us out. You can stay at my house for a few days, if you need.” 
Arvin just shook his head, “I got some things I gotta do. Look, I really think you should get away for a little while so they can’t connect you to the crime but I understand if not. If it’s not too much to ask, though, would you mind possibly given’ me a lift to Falksville so I can hitch a ride there? I ain’t got much money for gas but-” 
“I ain’t lettin’ you hitchhike your way to Meade. Not after what just happened. I can give you a ride there.” You leaned against the hood of your car and looked up at him sincerely. 
“You sure? What ‘bout your parents? Ain’t they expectin’ you?” 
You just shrugged, “I’ll call ‘em in Fawksville and tell ‘em I decided to head up to Meade for a few days. Shouldn’t be a problem at all. That way I can give you a ride up to Meade and then you can take the bus there to wherever you wanna go.” 
“That’s real kind of you. Thank you.” His hands twitched in his pocket, wanting to reach out and hug you but physical affection had made Arvin nervous ever since his mother got sick. 
You nodded your head back to the car, “Hop in. We can head out and get as far as we can tonight. Either find a hotel or we can switch off when we get too tired.” Arvin listened and wordlessly slid into the passenger seat. 
The two of you drove off into the night, the stars beginning to shine brightly in the lightless woods. You weren’t quite sure what your life would be like now and neither was Arvin. There was blood on your hands and there would be a constant paranoia that one day the cops would catch up with you and throw you in prison, even if you ran away like Arvin had suggested.
And then there was Arvin. Handsome, altruistic, and brave, you were bonded to this stranger by the horrors you had endured and the blood you had shed. Though the two of you were strangers, there was a closeness that you felt to him that seemed impossible to feel with anyone else- a bond between survivors that would always be there, even if you never saw each other again. Something told you that this man would be a salient figure in your life, though. 
As you drove off down the highway, the only sound being the faint crackling radio, you tried to leave the horrors of the road behind you but there was a feeling in your gut that this was far from the end.  
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thalergetic · 4 years
I loved ur Spiderman au i was hoping if u could do another one. No pressure tho
ask..... and you shall receive
(link to part one)
Wind whipped by Adora as she swung her way through Manhattan. She was sure her grin would be visible even though the mask, and Catra’s voice crackling over the comms unit in her ear — which, at the moment, was a souped-up version of a Bluetooth headset — only made it widen.
“Alright, take a left here,” Catra said. There was a rustling in Adora’s ear as she flipped the pages of what sounded like a map. “And then a right two blocks down.”
“You know,” Adora started, sending a web across the street with a thwip, “if I end up at the wrong location again, it’s gonna be really embarrassing for me.”
Catra huffed, setting down the map. Adora could practically hear her rolling her eyes. “It’s not the wrong location. That was one time.”
It had been a few months of this new arrangement, and honestly, Adora had never been more comfortable in her superhero life.
Having Catra on the line was... new. It was nice, in a way— it meant Adora could worry less about finding the grocery store being robbed and more about taking care of the robbers.
The cops still didn’t like her, but that wasn’t a surprise. Catra was helping her with that, too. She’d been able to fix Adora’s suit, help her design a better one, and overlay a police scanner frequency.
In other words, she was the reason Adora had stayed alive for as long as she had.
Catra knew basic first aid, as she’d told Adora once after a particularly grueling hostage scenario that she’d taken a class after finding out her secret.
As soon as Adora made it to the site of the robbery, she got the feeling she’d probably need it.
There were many reasons for this. One, there were several of them and one of her, and she’d never been very optimistic. Two, she was still in recovery from three weeks of injuries, and between stopping crimes and studying for her finals, she was spread pretty thin.
Three, they had guns. Big guns.
Adora released the web she’d been swinging on with another thwip, and landed gracefully on a nearby lamppost. She dropped into an easy squat, eyes flicking around the scene ahead.
“Alright,” She said, squinting a little. “So I’m seeing four— no, five guys. Three are armed.”
“And the other two?” Catra asked. There was a thin vein of concern in her voice.
It almost made Adora smile. It was sweet: Catra always got nervous when she was about to fight people. “The other two aren’t gonna be a problem.”
“That’s what you said during the last robbery,” Catra said, trying very hard not to let her worry show. “I almost had to call an ambulance.”
It was an exaggeration, but... not by much. Adora hadn’t quite gotten out of the way of a knife, and was still healing a nasty scar on her lower abdomen.
Adora winced at the memory, pressing her fingertips to it. “Well, it won’t happen tonight.”
Catra was quiet for a second. “Cops are on their way already, Spidey. I... I dunno. I have a bad feeling about this one.” She sighed. “Look, don’t get yourself killed. Alright?”
“Who, me?” Adora asked, standing up. “Never.”
If Catra responded, Adora didn’t hear it as she leapt off the lamppost. In an almost graceful move she’d been practicing for years, she landed feet-first on the back of the nearest robber.
For obvious reasons, it took him by surprise. He was knocked flat under her. She fired two webs in quick succession, pinning both him and his gun to the concrete.
Adora couldn’t resist a little quip. It was kind of her thing, after all. “Oh, sorry,” She said, dusting gloved hands off. “Hate to break it to you, but Mom said it’s my turn with the gun.”
The action seemed to get the attention of the other two (unarmed) goons. Adora thought idly that they really should’ve known better by now. She’d been Spider-Man for almost five years now, after all.
“Guys, come on,” She said, dodging a poorly-timed punch easily and countering with one of her own. “Taking on a superhero unarmed? Really? I mean, you could’ve at least brought a knife. I’m—I’m hurt. Really, I am.”
She made short work of them, and had them lying flat and webbed to the ground moments later. When the click of a pistol sounded behind her, Adora let out a sigh. “Really? Already?”
She turned to see the remaining two men pointing their guns at her.
“Easy, fellas,” Adora said, eyes lingering on the barrel of the shotgun trained on her. “Put those down. We can talk this out—”
“You think we’re that stupid?” The one holding the shotgun interrupted. He shook his head. “No stalling. We know the cops are already on their way.”
They weren’t holding any jewelry, Adora realized. She put her hands up slowly, frowning under her mask. “You guys are pretty terrible robbers,” She said carefully. “Kind of counterintuitive to break into a jewelry store and not steal anything.”
“I’m sure it would be,” Pistol Guy said, lips curling into a sneer, “if that was the reason we did it.”
Adora swallowed. “Well, don’t leave me hanging,” She said, eyes flicking between the two of them. There was a gnawing ache of dread welling up in the pit of her stomach. “What was the reason?”
“Isn’t it obvious?” Shotgun said. “Gettin’ rid of you.” He raised the barrel up again. “Kingpin sends his regards.”
Catra’s voice crackled suddenly over the comms unit. “Shit, fuck— Adora, get out of there—”
Whatever she said next was muffled by the sound of a gunshot.
Adora tried as best as she could to duck under it, but even she wasn’t quite fast enough to dodge.
The force of a bullet lodging firmly in her stomach sent her staggering back until she nearly tripped over the prone body of one of the other men she’d taken out.
Her blood was pounding in her ears, and even though Adora was faintly aware of Catra yelling high and terrified through her comms, all she could focus on was the blood.
For a second, she was just grateful the suit was red.
She didn’t wait for the second gunman to shoot before she sent up a web and tried her best to swing away.
Moments later, she found herself collapsing in the alleyway across from her apartment building.
Adora finally allowed herself to focus Catra desperately calling her name over the comms unit. “Adora? Adora, please come in, I—”
“I’m here,” Adora rasped. She coughed, feeling blood come up in her mouth, and lifted up to take off her mask before she spat it out onto the concrete. “Jus’ resting. I tried to get as close as I could to the apartment.”
“Are you hurt? A-Are you injured at all?”
Adora looked down at the tears in her suit. “Uh... yeah. I-I didn’t dodge that one.”
“Fuck,” Catra breathed. “I-I have your location. I’m on my way. Just— fuck, Adora, keep pressure on it. Don’t you dare leave me.”
“Ha,” Adora laughed weakly. She winced as she put a gentle pressure on her abdomen. “You care about me.”
She heard Catra let out a wet, half-sob of a laugh. “Idiot. Of course I do. You—” Catra cut herself off. “I’ll tell you when I get there.”
“That sounds nice,” Adora said, blinking away the sleep at the corners of her vision. “I like your voice.”
There was movement on Catra’s end, followed by the sound of wind rushing as she ran. Seconds later, she slid to a stop at one end of the alley, and nearly dropped her phone at the sight of Adora slumped against the wall.
“Hi,” Adora said. She lifted a trembling hand to wave.
Catra’s expression shifted between horror, fear, and nausea. “Stay still,” She said, voice trembling. “You’re gonna be okay. Glimmer is a med student, right? You told me once that she—she lives in the apartment across from you.”
Adora found it hard to speak through the blood in her mouth, and gave a weak nod.
“I’m calling her,” Catra said, already typing a number furiously into her phone. She could tell Adora was starting to lose consciousness.
Catra put a hand on her cheek, trying to shake her back awake. “Adora? Adora, listen to me,” She said frantically, shaking harder. “Hey. Stay with me until Glimmer gets here.”
“Hey, I really like you,” Adora slurred. “Jus’ saying. If I don’t get a chance to tell you later, I want you to know—”
“If you do tell me later, I’ll let you kiss me.” Catra’s eyes were red from crying, and she gave her best attempt at a watery smile. “Because I really like you too. So stay with me,” She pleaded, barely above a whisper. “Can you do that?”
“Yeah,” Adora said, wincing as she shifted to sit up straighter against the brick. “Yeah. I’ll stay.”
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diredigression · 4 years
“You see that person? I think they’re following us.”
Sole glances back at Nick’s muttered alert, just catching movement past the corner of a building. She nods grimly at Nick and shifts her hand towards the pistol at her hip. Nick makes a similar movement, and they continue walking, winding through the ruins of Boston. Sole catches the soft shuffle of nearby footsteps; Nick’s alert, flicking golden eyes belie the calm of his exterior. They’re approaching Goodneighbor, and though the promise of the Mayor’s protection lies at the end, plenty of potential for danger, mutant and human, waits between them and their destination.
Another glance back, and now the person has come into full view. A man in sunglasses, not threatening, just walking, at a distance, but definitely following. Stalking, and deliberately showing his presence. Sole and Nick make a show of eyeing him up and down as they continue. The buildings are closing in on them, escape routes are few and far between, and ferals could be under any of the rusted cars strewn throughout the streets, ready to awaken at the sound of a gunshot.
A second man steps into the street in front of them and they stop abruptly, hands on guns. Another joins him, stepping in from the other side of the street. They turn around to find that the first man has also been joined by a partner. Four men, closing in, all with tommy guns at their hips.
And then a fifth man steps up behind the two in the back. Notably heavyset for a wastelander, his belly stretches a grayed, threadbare tux and a fedora perches on his head. A tommy gun is held at his hip as well, easily, with no sign of fear. A smug grin plays across his face.
“Miss me, Valentine?”
Nick makes a sigh, almost like a growl, and squares up to the mobster. “Lotta heat you got there to greet an old friend, Skinny.”
“I’m back. Skinny Malone’s king of the castle again.” He gestures at the triggermen with his gun and free hand. “See these guys? Got me a gang again. Got my castle back in the vault. And now? I got me Nicky Valentine again.” His smile widens. “I know we been almost sometin’ like friends, but after what you did to me last time? Shootin’ up all my guys? Humiliatin’ me in front a’ Darla? I’m not lettin’ you get away from me this time.”
“Hey now, I’m sure we can work something out.” Nick’s pistol comes up defensively even as he tries to talk down the advancing mobster. “We did you a favor with the girl, ya know. You always did have bad taste in women.”
Sole’s weapon is raised too, but she’s struggling to formulate a plan. Two against five? It’s possible she and Nick could take out the three before them, but the other two would be on them immediately. No cover in range, and the mobsters keep approaching, now nearly close enough to touch and trapping them against a building.
“Hey there, fellas!”
Heads whip around. A woman is approaching them. She’s in a slinky, sparkly red dress, shockingly clean, with her blond hair piled in a towering beehive. Her quick steps stumble a little as her heels catch in the crumbling concrete. The jolting picture is completed when she wiggles her fingers at the group in greeting, nearly dropping the massive assault rifle cradled awkwardly in her arms.
Skinny’s mouth drops open in confusion.
“Looks like it’s this girl’s lucky day, all these handsome boys with their big guns,” she coos as she joins the group. Suddenly seeming to notice Sole’s presence among the men, she adds, “Well, hello, doll. How’s hunting?” She winks over her sunglasses at Sole. Sole flashes through surprise and lands on suspicion, eyes narrowing.
“Hey, toots, I’m, uh, kinda in the middle a’ sometin’ here…” Skinny stammers.
“Oh no worries, I’ll be quick! I just picked up this beauty, see, and can you blame me? It’s just so big and powerful looking, I just couldn’t help myself.” She gazes down at the assault rifle, caressing its length. “But, ya see, I’m just not used to such a big piece like this! But you look so talented there with your gun, could you just please show me how to hold this? I’ll make it up to ya…” She gazes at him with a small pout, cocking her hips in a way that happens to free a long length of leg from the slit up her skirt.
Skinny clears his throat, staring at her bared leg. One of the triggermen snickers. Nick, still tense but thoughtful, frowns between the gangsters and the woman.
Skinny comes to a decision and grins. “Well, baby, how ‘bout I take that heavy piece off your hands so you don’t hurt yourself while I finish up here? Then I’ll teach ya anythin’ ya wanna know.”
“Ooh, you’re a bad boy, ain’t ya?” She preens and wriggles close to the gangster as he holds his free hand out for the assault rifle. She fumbles the weight of the rifle and they struggle with it for a moment.
A deafening BANG cracks from the gun, the sudden recoil knocking the woman backwards so she nearly crashes into Sole and Nick, dropping the gun in the process. Skinny yelps in surprise and the triggermen pull up their tommy guns, ready to attack.
Her hands fly to her mouth and she giggles as Skinny recovers from the fright and turns angrily towards her. “Whoops! I must’ve bumped the trigger. At least I hit that car instead of you!”
The car in question, right behind the triggermen, begins to glow and smoke.
“Guess that’s my cue! You two, run like hell.” She grabs Sole and Nick and yanks them through what had looked like a boarded-up doorway, and the three throw themselves across the dark interior as the car explodes outside.
They freeze, listening for sounds of any triggermen outside or ferals inside, for several seconds after the rattling of the building and waves of radiation fade. Sole and Nick then shove themselves upright and immediately pull their guns on the woman, who had been ignoring them as she dusted off her dress. She finds a particularly damaged spot and grimaces at it before seeming to realize she’s at gunpoint. Eyebrows shoot up from behind her sunglasses in dramatic surprise, and then a wide grin splits her face. “Well, that got the blood pumping. Honored to finally meet the one and only Nick Valentine and the legendary Sole. Name’s Deacon.” She curtsies deeply. “You’re hunting a Courser. I think we can help each other.”
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oh-theatre · 4 years
Objection!: Chapter 20
Chapter title: To Thine Own Self
A/n:  TALK ABOUT A BAD CHAPTER AM I RIGHT FELLAS...EYYYYYY. Anyway its Virgils birthday so i wanted to get this chapter out earlier!! Because my boi!! its his birthday!! Im love him!! Im very sorry to how bad this chapter is, its funny cause it basically contains nothing of substance. All I know is that Virgil is a flirty man, anyway enjoy some trash!!
First | Previous | Next
words: 3221
summary: Its Virgils birthday!
pairings: Eventual logicality, prinxiety, platonic demus, romantic remile
warnings: Murder mention, child murder, Law and Courtroom, swearing, blood, hospital, crime scene,  murder, gun mention, guns, swearing, abuse, graphic descriptions, alcohol, blood mention
Ao3 Link  
“Lo?” Patton shakes the lawyer softly, his coat tickling his face softly. Logan startles awake, his glasses falling carefully upon his lopsided face.
“E! Equals Mc scared!” He exclaims, Virgil groans from across the room toppling over to where Remy snores. “What time is it” Logan murmurs, sitting up as he adjusts his glasses. The knot tightens as Patton watched Logan adapt to the morning. His face flustered as the lawyer looked his way. “Oh, good morning Patton” Logan greets.
“Hi” He barely squeaks, he shakes himself out before extending his hand to Logan. Once their fingers connect, a quick warmth spreads over them, their bubble returns locking them safely away from the world. Soon Remy snores himself awake, pop! Patton watches as the bubble crumbles around them. “W-what happened here?” He questions, turning away from Logan.
“The case!” Virgil remembers “Patton! We have something to show you!” He rushes, swiftly taking Patton's hand unbeknownst to the quiet panic that flows over Patton. The relief when Virgil releases him is almost too much, its silly he knows but its a reflex. “Ok, we stayed up all night working on this” He shows Patton the board
“It was all a lie?” Patton reads, his soft eyes tracing the plethora of evidence. “What does that mean?” He inquires, the others turn to each other not sure how to respond. “You all need sleep” Patton decides, he adjusts his scarf making his way towards the door.
“Pat, come on” Logan begs, the lawyer turns cocking his head. “This has to mean something, I believe you ok?” Logan states Patton swallows. “George is innocent”
You'd think after months of fighting tooth and nail, Patton would gleam at those words. But as his eyes fell upon Logans, his entire body felt exhausted, defeated from the battle. Should he never emerge victorious he had already lost, lost something so special, nothing else compared.
“Maybe, but it doesn't matter now” Patton laments “Nothing we can do” He watches the board, a heavyweight places itself upon his chest. Pushing deeply as it constricts his every movement. He sees the others want to say more, after all, they had spent all night, sloppily theorizing. However, the doors opened as two small pairs of feet ran towards him.
“Papa!” Valerie cries jumping into her father's arms. Patton embraces her freely, preparing as Remus joins him, allowing himself to sit in Patton's other arm. After a brief shriek of laughter and moment of kisses, Patton smiles at Emile.
“Thank you so much for taking them last night” Patton gestures, wanting to never let this moment end. The dream he’d held for so long, sometimes he wondered how it ever became a reality. How he, out of all people, was blessed with children.
“Liam?” Patton calls listening as the door squeaked open, a piercing yet familiar sound. After a pause with no response, the lawyer stood from his desk, feeling lightheaded during this dark hour. He pushes through the house, stumbling blindly, a quick fear as rustles happen. He shakes his head allowing a quick smile to spread across his face. “Nothing to fear, I'm safe” He lies
“Cupcake?” A voice from out of the empty dark calls out, Patton really hated the nickname. Oh, how selfish that was. A sweet nickname, a sweet person and Patton hated it.
“Over here” He replies, his hands searching the wall finally reaching the lights. Allowing them to flicker awake. “Hi” He smiles softly, Liam grunts practically tripping over himself as he reaches the couch. Patton leans over, kissing his forehead carefully, adjusting his partner's hair.
“Beer” Liam requests, paying no mind to the kind gesture Patton performs. He could smell the alcohol practically wafting off of Liam, but it was late and he didn't have the energy to...run if need be. Once he returns with his opener, he sits. “What?” Liam mutters as Patton watches him expectantly.
“I was wondering if you had any more time to think...about what I asked you?” Patton began slow, making sure to keep his words simple. Liam huffs, rolling his tired eyes.
“You think you can raise children?” Liam mocks, Patton looks to the window, something comforting about the way the stars twinkled. It reminded him of someone, he couldn't pin it. He smiles again, a facade arises.
“I do, and I think you can too” Patton hopes, more convincing himself really.
“Then you are a fool and really naive if you think that pursuing this is a good thing” Liam finishes, the beer emptied before Patton can process his words. He tumbles as he makes his way mumbling angry to the room. A practically shattered Patton remains, the softest of tears fall from his eyes.
“Patton?” Logan waves gently in front of his face. The lawyer blinks before the lights come back on behind his eyes. He shakes slightly adjusting to his surroundings, shooting a quick look to his children.
“Sorry, must've spaced out!” He smiles shaky, nervous laughter practically pouring from him. “I'm really sorry but I have to go” he announces, the twin's yawn, leaning safely into their father. They loved Emile, they loved all of their dad's friends, but no place, no home, no person would ever feel as safe as Patton. Before he goes, Patton spins on his heel to face Virgil. “Hey, don't forget, my house this Thursday, birthday dinner” He reminds, Virgil bites down a smirk but nods
“You know it” He nods, almost excited at the prospect of some normalcy to return to his life. For almost the entire time he and Patton knew one another, Virgil would spend his birthday evenings at Patton's house. The lawyer would cook an extravagant meal full of the detectives' favorite foods, he would give him gifts and shower him with praises. It didn't change once the kids arrived, it simply improved. No matter what happened during the day, that was set. Breakfast with Roman, lunch with Logan perhaps. A quick ‘Happy Birthday Virge’ from either sure, but Patton's house, seven pm sharp? That was set in stone, and should they grow old, and expand their families far and wide. Virgil knew...it would always be like that.  
“And...done!” Roman cheers to himself, the rough tips of his fingers simply begging for a break. He marvels at his creation, nodding satisfied as he places the gift delicately in his drawer. Making sure its kept safe and hidden until Thursday.
“Judge Reial?” A rasped knock at the door beckons Roman's attention. His gaze falls upon a man waiting at his arch. He stands smiling as the man approaches. “I'm judge James McCoy” He greets, shaking his extended hand. A firm yet soft touch, a quick shiver as they part both sitting once more. “It's an honor to meet you” James admits, Roman feels his face arise. The heat spreading quickly, surely this was a joke?
“Likewise?” He tries, James chuckles. A deep boom, so smooth it moved across Roman pleasantly.
“Apologies, I just transferred here. I've read about your work...I mean you're incredible in court.” Roman had to wonder if he had the wrong person, he was just...himself. “I was requested to come here for a case, then I was offered a job and I wasn't going to miss the opportunity to work with you” He gushes, Romans blush only grows.
“That's so sweet thank you” Roman finds his bearings, a coy smile upon his face. “I mean, I get it all the time” He jokes, mission successful as yet another smile and laugh falls from James’s mouth. “Surely you didn't just move out here for me?”
“Don't flatter yourself” James teases, a smirk upon his face. Roman bites his lip stifling a laugh. “No I mean, I was iffy about taking the job but then my partner….he broke up with me so...new start ya know?” James explains, a raw honesty to his words. Roman nods, trying not to get excited at the developments as they unfold.
“Would you like to have lunch?” Roman blurts, a new sparkle in his eyes. James purses his lips “Thought we could maybe get to know each other” He proposes, Jame wants to hide his smile but his lips have their own mind.
“I'd love nothing more” James agrees, he collects his things at the ring of his phone standing as he goes. “It has been an absolute pleasure” He extends his hand once more, once again tickling Roman with possibility. “Lunch” He finalizes
“Lunch” Roman swoons, his back melting into the chair once more. He can feel his feet tap below him, dancing as the ideas sing throughout his mind.
“Hey Ro” Patton smiles through the door, Roman ushers him in. “You look giddy, what's up?” An uncertain expression befalls the lawyer, Roman shrugs into a shimmy.
“I just met someone” Roman marvels, realizing just how weird his insides felt. It felt like he had reverted ten years, a shiny new judge, he was dumb and easy to trick. He tripped over himself to be seen, and now here he was. People wanted to meet him, to see him. And for what? He wasn't some here, he wasn't this outstanding citizen. He sent people to jail, to spend the rest of their lives suffering.
“Bad people Ro” Virgil would take his hand, their words in whispers as Damian snuggled against them snoring softly. Roman wouldn't dare meet his eyes, fear of falling apart under their caring honesty. They weren't pools of dark mystery, they were swirling clouds of determination and ambition. Virgil's eyes radiated all he conquered, Roman loved them.
“What if they weren't bad? What if I made a mistake” He fears, the words only rising in panic. Virgil cups his face, his gentle hands tracing Romans almost perfect features. “What if I'm just like...him?” Roman dreads even the idea, but he knew it was always there. Forcing its way through the blockade. Virgil leans forward, taking Roman's lips on his own, knowing full well the judge would melt into the gesture. That for just this moment he would feel loved.
“You're not your father Roman, you never will be” Virgil assures, digging the point as far as he can. “Just this conversation, your concerns now, prove that. You care” He identifies, Roman wants to cry, but because for once in his life, he believes that maybe just maybe he really isn't. That all of his efforts and work, paid off. He is not his father.
Roman should feel sad, he misses Virgil so much. His stomach tug as even the slightest thing causes him to reminisce. But he's not, he loves Damian and he...cares for Virgil. Knowing that he's safe means the world. And something just cleared for him when Virgil uttered the words. As though he finally understood. He was...almost free. Should Virgil ever want to pursue him again or not, Roman would…
“Be ok” Roman mumbles, Patton stops his rocking of the stroller, the twins remain sleeping. “I'll be ok” He gleams. Patton forces a smile, nodding proudly of his friend. I wonder what that's like.
“That's good Ro, I'm proud of you” Patton squeezes his hand, his gaze returning to his source of joy. The twins sprawled across the stroller, sleeping carefully, cuddled with their respective stuffed toys.
“I...have a date!” He tilts his head, uneasy smile “Kind of?” He questions, Patton laughs.
“Oh?” He wonders, biting his lips as Virgil's name appears in his head.
“He's a judge, he just transferred here, he's cute and we are having lunch together” Roman finishes, drumming the desk lightly. “Guess too fast is my middle name!” He jokes, Patton swallows as his own words trail his mind, the crushing look Logan gave him replaying like an old station.
“Light and breezy” Patton nods slowly.
“Light and breezy!” Roman sings, feeling genuine, deep-rooted happiness. Unaware of the fragile demeanor of the lawyer across from him, as his world threatens to crumble, the regrets of everything he's ever done in his mind. The desperation as his heart aches to him, calling out to Logan, the phrase ‘miss so much’ we an understatement. He yearned for something he left of his own will, what an absolute...idiot he was.
Don't get emotional Patton
“I will be there soon Pat...yeah I love you too” Virgil chuckles, stuffing the phone into his pocket as he pushes through the door into the precinct. The still quiet of the building causing unease in the detective so used to the bustling bounces of the room. He turns into the room fully expecting to have the frozen solitude to himself, alas as the lights flicker on he releases a soft gasp. “Roman?” He whispers. The judge stands idle by Virgil's desk, a small amber box alight in his hands.
“Hey” He smiles, the exhaustion under his eyes visible.
“What are you...what are you doing here?” Virgil questions, their voices remain ever so soft.
“Happy birthday” He rushes, skipping a few steps. Virgil's eyes widen as he nods, taking a step forward. Roman looks enchanting under the dim lights, his aura blazing passion.
“You remembered?” He's not sure why he questions it every time, Roman has never forgotten his birthday. He's never had a reason to assume someone, especially his friends would forget, and yet he lives in fear.
“Of course” Roman laughs so sweetly, it barely makes a sound “December nineteenth, you were born at exactly six forty four pm. You didn't cry at first so your mom was pretty worried, but it turns out you were just a little shy” He chuckles, neither understand why there are tears making their way down the men's cheeks. “You were a pretty light baby. Your favorite birthday was your sixteenth when your mom took you to a concert for the first time, but your sixth comes pretty close after you got to tag along with your dad on a case” Roman recites, the absolute adoration flooding his eyes. “You always spend your evenings with Patton, no matter what.” Roman moves closer, allowing the distance between them to circulate warmth.
“What are you doing?” Virgil hopes, maybe a little too much that he gets closer.
“I have a gift…” Roman's eyes move towards Virgil's lips “For you” He states, carefully he lifts it placing it in the detective's palm. “I know its small but uh...happy birthday Virge,” He says, overwhelming conviction. Virgil carefully undoes the ribbon, the paper falling with it. Virgil sucks in, his breath falling short. A small cloud, with lighting coming out of it, sits at the bottom of the box. “It's a worry stone, carved like a storm cloud”
“Because I'm your storm cloud?” Virgil groans, a knowing smirk. Roman laughs nodding sweetly.
“Because you are my storm cloud” Roman leans in stopping himself, he knows he's going to regret his next move but he takes his waist and locks their lips. Virgil allows it to happen, his arms snaking their way around Roman's neck.
“What was that?” Virgil questions, not entirely opposed to the idea, his arms remaining.
“Think of it as a breakup kiss, and a birthday present” He shrugs, Virgil chuckles shakily. “I have a proposition,” He says removing his arms, taking hold of Virgil's hands.
“Oh do tell” Virgil plays with Romans fingers in his own.
“You say we’re moving too fast then let's start again. From the top, Virge you're basically my best friend” Roman can't keep still, Virgil feels the warmth spread as he stays safe in his arms. “I'm not gonna let that slip away, and I'm not gonna let Damian slip away. Come on, I know you miss me” Roman teases, Virgil pouts stretching Romans arms behind him, he leans in planting a kiss on Roman.
“Maybe just a lil bit” Virgil states, Roman, shakes his head still smiling.
“Virge...I'm serious” Roman begs, Virgil nods allowing him to continue. “I wanna do this right, please” He requests, Virgil has no qualms.
“Yes of course” He purses his lips feeling Romans phone buzz, he smirks coyly, removing it from his back pocket. Roman barely puts up a fight. “Oh? Who's James?” Virgil wonders, Roman rolls his eyes “Come on best friend, whos the dude, I bet-” Roman leans in kissing him
“We can start tomorrow” Roman tries to grab his phone back but Virgil lifts above his head shaking it. He takes it scrolling through the previous texts giggling after each one, a contagious joy spread from the two. And before the hour strikes seven, it's just them in their delighted aura.
“I think alcohol might have been a bad idea” Roman jokes, Logan grunts sitting down as he simply takes another sip of his drink. “Come on Lo, we should head home” Roman suggests, feeling the high of Virgil's lips upon his own drain away
“Im...going to propose to Patton” Logan decides, he flops on the couch, the music quiets as the people around him continue. Roman guffaws, a bellowed laugh.
“Yeah, alright Logan. I think you have to be dating first” Roman takes a calm sip of his drink, observing the world around him. Logan
“I'm not kidding Roman” Logan sits up, adjusting his glasses “I've known him for ten years. I practically know everything about him” Logan shrugs “I know he takes his coffee with cream and two sugars, a hint of cinnamon. I know that his favorite color is the rainbow because it changes every day. I know today its violet for Virgil's birthday. I know that he checks on the twins at least three times before going to bed himself.  I know that there are only two people who can touch him without causing him to flinch. I know that when he balls his fists he digs his nails so deep into his skin he draws blood.” Roman doesn't want to listen anymore, his heart hurts as he watches Logan defeated
“Logan you do-”
“I know that turtlenecks provide him some sense of comfort as they wrap in warm coziness. I also know he used to use them to hide scars” Logan takes a shattered breath “I know that when he kisses me my heart beats a million times faster…” Logan rubs his forehead frustrated “I know that he can never have his eyes or hands away from the twins. And I know that...that” He pauses sucking in his huffed tears
“Logan? What?” Roman wants more
“I just like him so much” Logan moans, sprawling across Roman. “I wanna give him butterfly kisses” He pouts, Roman laughs stroking the lawyers head gently. “Do you know what those are? With the eyes?” His pout only furthers, as tears well in his eyes. He clutches to the pillow, his glasses drooping.
“I know bud, I know” He whispers carefully, not wishing to ruin the night further. Its funny, Roman had only seen Logan like this once before, and it was also about Patton. It's almost ironic in a way.
“Mm, my phone is buzzing” Logan mumbles, his arm making grabby towards the device. Roman takes it for him, asking him to put in his code. “What's happening?” He mutters into the couch pillow. Roman reads, the grin slowly disappearing.
Logan, please help
Patton was being vague, and Roman couldn't handle that
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yconic · 4 years
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Guess who was bored and decided to make a Stonytasha pirate AU sjsj
Alright so!! What I had in mind: Th name of infamous pirate captain Tony Stark , stretched across all land for being the skilled and more than ruthless bandit that Steve Rogers, son of a navy/military general, finds himself to be too infatuated with.
Like, proper and posh Steve, with just a whisk of innocence and fragility falling for charming and flirty sea bandit that is Tony , who stops mid battle with his dad's crew to kiss his cheek while evading getting hurt?? Cuteness, I have no self control sksksk
When Black Sabbath ambushes the town of Brooks, Joseph Rogers is crimson to the hairline at being caught so unprepared. Due to celebrating his son's birthday the day prior.
Half his force stood ditzy on their feet, still so drowned into the debauchery they failed to realize the pirate ship they were supposed to guard was floating carelessly at the docks has been there for two hours.
In their surprise, Tony and his crew aren't spreading chaos or destruction. They carry the calmness of a silent storm, not thunder but raindrops as they collect what they can carry. From bare necessities such as food to a random jewelry that caught their eye.
Steve knows retaliation wouldn't result in a victory. At least 10 men against one aren't odds that favour him. Not only is he outnumbered, but he is also undertrained. Despite being a soldier in name, his father had been adamant about actually introducing him to the practice. Steve is tore between being grateful or regretful about his incliation to arts now.
They're not hurting anyone. That's what confuses him.
He would love to paint the Captain, however. Even a quick sketch would have sufficed, even if it wouldn't do justice to the undeniable beauty in front of him. Tony was a rarity he couldn't pry his eyes off of. Hair dark and soft looking curling at the nape of his neck, Skin kissed by sun, complimenting the gold beam smile that's too enchanting for it's own good.
The pools of brown lock with him for a moment, but it was enough to make his legs buckle slightly. Those were the Deadeyes, he told himself, that put fright in monsters and men alike. Except the cruelty, coldness, and blankness from the tales he's heard was missing. Tony was alive, and he was laughing.
The smile grew bigger as he advanced in his direction, dropping the sack of goods he's been carrying not even a moment ago. Steve made the effort of keeping his eyes past the pirate's shoulder instead of the sight of his bare chest, provided by the low cut red blouse.
Steve felt his face burning, which only seemed to amuse the Captain further if the chuckle sending shivers down his spine was any clue worth following.
"You're Rogers blood, " Tony commented easily, tone full of glee. Even if he was taller between them, Steve never felt so small. His form turned to wood when calloused fingers rested on his jawline, touch gentle.
Almost too loving for what they probably done. Steve wanted to melt into it. "Pretty fella, aren't you, sweetling?"
Steve's dry throat was, at once, workable again. "And you, the pirate sacking my town, " he responded, voice silkier than he intended. The darkness of Tony's eyes intensified with just a shade, but it was enough to make him swallow a whine. "You'd have better luck in Quinz. From what I hear they've been recently restocked. Why us?"
A rich laugh boomed from Tony. "Darling, " he started, grin crooked and voice dripping in honey. "You don't KNOW what a sacking done by me looks like." Steve was positive he never wanted to find out.
Silence washed over them for a moment before the pirate spoke again.
"We're just taking what we need, not want. We're housing a few extra guests and we regrettably ran out of food, which is terribly embarrassing for me. I've been told I hold the title of the best host over all 50 seas. My people shouldn't expect less than the best, as I'm sure you understand."
"If you wish, we can also provide you with an appron, " Steve said, waiting for the thin ice to crack. Tony's lips quirked upwards and somehow the nobleborn knew he won't sink just yet. The blonde's hand extended in invitation. "I'm not certain what the manner pirates use to introduce themselves, but here we shake hands. I am Steve Rogers."
"It may shock you, but some of us swap spit. I suppose however, since we're on your land I'll comply to your rules, " a wink and a tongue leaking with sarcasm, accompanied with a firm handshake enough to make Steve's skin raise upwards. "You know who I am."
Steve nodded. "Deadeyes. Parents and eldery tell the children about you."
"Jesus, " Tony swore. "I'm not sure if I should be proud of by my everlasting popularity or offended that so many consider me an ancient ghost ship. Why parents think I'm an appropriate subject for discussion escapes me."
"They do it so the children won't grow up like you."
"Grow up? Oh no darling I'm afraid I only grew old, " Tony chuckled, eyes dancing on the blonde's body, making Steve feel warm. "But only in certain fields."
"You could have tried to buy something if you were in need. Like all people do."
"I would love to, but not only are my pockets in great mourning, I must say your system makes it very difficult for people like me to make ends meet."
"The criminals?"
"The poors."
Before either men could say more, a fire was shot in the open. Tony reacted in a blink move, pushing the blonde to the ground with a shocking force. He heard someone shout Tony's name, but the ringing in his sensitive ears dafted all sound trying to stab in.
"Stay down until the fire dims, then find shelter!" The pirate's order came in form of a yell, but to Steve's ears it was more of a soft instruction. He could spot familiar boots with the glittering royal emblem shining blindly through the dust blinding his vision
The force is chasing the crew, more drunk than awake, shooting at whatever they can aim. The blonde's heart slammed against his ribcage, adrenaline and fear for his people coursing through his blood at an alarming speed as the men flooded the market place.
Steve was quick on his feet, body becoming it's own host as he helped the two men, -- whom by the looks of it were apart of Tony's crew, -- lead the people to the town's church where they would be safest. The tail of his eye spied a flash of red darting above them on the roofs, but before he had the chance of getting a better look, he was knocked aside by the crowd.
The gates were locked shut.
Steve resigned behind the closest beer barrels, placing his hand on the pistol harness tucked safetly on his hip, ignoring the slight tremble of his digits. He leaned over to peek through the tangle of soldiers and bandits huddled up together like fight dogs in a ring, at the violent scenery Tony painted with a mindnumbing grace.
The footing was almost too hard to follow with the bare eyes. The pirate seemed to barely touch the ground, blade cutting through the air with a force that temporality privated Steve from air. He was accustomed to battle, twin swords in each hand seeming at home and comfortable.
He trapped the wrist of one soldier between the edges of his weapon, head moving just in time before the bullet shot could crave his skull. The military man received a kick in the gut, sending him straight to the floor.
Tony was swift on his toes, predicting the sloppy moves of his adversaries and dodging them with ease, smirk sharp and lethal as the men around him hit the ground like rain. By gun shot, he realized, put to the ground by a shower of lead. His eyes hunted every direction in hope of finding the gunslinger but with no such luck.
The soldiers groaned from their spot on the ground, each holding onto their bleeding legs. Most of the damage was done to either their hands or inferior limbs area. The coin dropped. Whoever it was, their objective was not to dig graves, but a weeksworth of bed rest, if that. The symphony of battle got quieter and quieter for Steve, who failed to register Tony making his way to him.
"Love, we have to stop meeting like this, for the sake of your heart. " He thought he heard. Steve couldn't make out the words properly, sentences becoming incoherent .
Everything became white noise and unclear, blurry dark silhouettes. The nerves in his body all numbed, lost of feeling until a rough hand curled around the nape of his neck. The firm but tender touch provided him some much-needed grounding.
His senses awakened again, his being coming back slowly. His mind was sober enough to hear the pleasant graveness of Tony's voice whispering sweetly against his ear as he raised him from the soil that tainted the fine cloth.
"It's over now, " he soothed as a child does a spooked animal, thumb rubbing circles into the sweat coated skin. Tony did not hesitate to brush his lips across. "Please, sweetling, return to me, will you? You were brave, doing exactly as I told you. I have you. You're safe now."
"I was a coward, " he retorted, mouth bitter and eyes burning. "I HID from battle, from the danger, while my people were attacked. What kind of soldier does that?"
"So what? Better a dead hero than a living man?" Tony asked sternly. "Your people are safe, are they not? You lead them to the church, Steve. You protected them, and--" the cock of a pistol made them both pause.
A tiny gasp slipped past Steve's lisp as the soldier who they both missed sneaked behind them, firearm aimed at Tony's back. The smaller man planted between him and the attacker, not letting him be exposed to danger.
"You don't want to do this. Trust me." Tony warned mildly. "I am trying to give you a way out, you'd be smart to take it." The soldier was stilled, and the gun wasn't lowered. His finger caressed the trigger.
"I see, " strangely, he could hear a hint of smile in Tony's voice. "So. Is this the end of me?"
Steve's eyes were clamped tight, fingers clenched around the thin material of Tony's dress shirt as the bang of fire lingered in the air. After a passing minute, he felt something fast and hot shredding the oxygen right beside his left ear.
When the black faded away, Steve was not expecting to see Tony still standing, and the soldier shot down clutching at his injured soldier. The shot hasn't came from him, but from behind him. Whipping around, Steve paused in mild shock. A small woman, not tall enough to reach his shoulder without raising on her tips, had her slandered arm extended and wileding a pistol.
Her looks was deceivingly innocent, features soft yet sculpted pleasantly resting in a mask of winter were captivating. Her hair was red and her most eye catching asset, warm auburn and planted in a bun, reminding Steve of autum leaves painted in rusty undertoned he loved to collect when the season was of middle.
Fierce green eyes melted as they landed on Tony, the stone in them cracked. A glimpse of adoration washed over them, clearly exposing the nature of their connection. Steve felt his heart clench.
For some reason, her voice decreased some of the burn his chest scorched with. "Not today, Captain."
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cakesunflower · 5 years
War of Hearts [Gang!Calum AU] Part 8
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Previous Parts: Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7
Part 8
“I’m surprised you’re willing to give it all up for Ruby.”
Calum let out a breath, a billow of smoke curling out of his lips and flying out the window as the truck kept going. He sat, left elbow resting on the windowsill of the door, arm hung out as he tapped the residual ashes off his cigarette as he drove down an empty road leading to the factory. His jaw clenched for a moment, staring ahead at the deserted road that had the factory at the end of it, just a few minutes away from arriving. Calum’s voice was gruff as he answered, “Believe it or not, she’d kill me if I gave everything up for her.”
He could feel Michael looking at him as he observed with a frown, “We brought all of our shit—that’s a pretty big gamble to bring it all and risk it getting taken.”
Calum glanced at Michael as he took one last drag of his cigarette before tossing it outside, the cool wind blowing against his face. He  settled with both hands on the wheel, leaning back against the seat before tilting his head to the left so he could thread his fingers through his hair. “We got a new shipment a few days ago. Brand new of everythin’. So even if we lose what’s in the truck, we got better equipment waitin’ for us.” Calum looked at Michael once more, noticing the way his eyebrows were raised at that information. Tightening his jaw, Calum looked back out to the road, giving a single shake of his head. “But we’re not losin’ anythin’. We’re leaving here with Ruby safe and all of our shit with us.”
They were silent for a moment, only the dull rumble of the engine and the whistle of the wind tickling their ears as Calum drove. He tried to relax his jaw, the bruise he was sporting allowing for a throbbing pain every time he tightened it. But he’d been tense since the moment he found out Ruby had been taken; sleep hadn’t come to him last night, of course. Everyone was on high alert, working overtime to find out where they were keeping Ruby. They had yet to find out that information, but he and Michael were wearing expertly hidden comms and as soon as their men found out Ruby’s location, they would know. And everything would go according to plan.
“If it came down to it,” Michael spoke up after a few moments of silence, voice holding just the smallest hints of curiosity as Calum could see him glance his way from his peripheral. “Would you give all of it up for Ruby?”
The answer had slipped past Calum’s lips a lot quicker than either of them had expected, Calum’s grip on the leather steering wheel tightening as he heard his own voice. His throat worked after taking a deep breath, keeping his slightly widened gaze on the road ahead. Calum moved his around his jaw, lips remaining pressed together as the wind blowing suddenly felt as though it was slapping against his face, heart pounding at the implication of his answer.
He didn’t even have to think about it, already so sure of his answer without any regrets. It came to him as naturally as breathing did because what other answer could there possibly be? Never in a million years did Calum think he would be so willing to give up everything he worked for for someone else—and be okay with the prospect.
Calum was a businessman. An entrepreneur. He worked for everything he had, illegal or not, and he was damn proud and protective of it. Always making sure he was on the top, five steps ahead of his competitors on every occasion. It was that same determination that made him one of the most feared gang leaders on the west coast, notorious for his work ethic and getting shit done attitude that put him at the top. He didn’t get there by being a pushover and submitting to other people’s demands, weak in the knees and doing what he was told. People did what he said.
The fact that he was ready to let go of it if it meant Ruby’s safety was completely out of character. But Calum, strangely enough, found himself okay with that. For Ruby, he would do it.
It would’ve been a thunderous realization, Calum knew, that he would trade it all for Ruby’s life, if it weren’t for the fact that he had readily accepted it. It wasn’t some kind of blinding, eye-opening decision that he’d struggled over. Everything about it felt natural. There had always been something about Ruby—something that always drew his eyes to her, that made him feel protective—that stuck to Calum. Immature teasing was always carried with this underlying layer of care, where he enjoyed getting a rise out of her but would never let any harm come to her. It had only taken a few days of her living with him to realize the extent of his feelings.
When Michael had so easily spewed that Calum was in love with her, he wasn’t surprised at the revelation of his own feelings—rather more so at the notion of the first one to say it out loud was Michael, of all people. But Calum did. He loved Ruby, loved her as easily as he breathed, and he would do whatever it took to get her back.
They finally pulled into the factory both men tensed in their seats at the sight of Oscar standing with his arms behind his back, waiting. Calum desperately wished he’d brought a weapon—a knife, a gun, anything—to end the smug piece of shit right there. But Oscar had been clear, and Calum wasn’t going to risk Ruby’s life. Not when they didn’t know of her location yet.
Calum kicked the engine, throat working as he said to both Michael and the hidden comms they were hooked up with, “Let’s do this.”
He and Michael jumped out of the truck, doors slamming behind them and echoing in the abandoned factory as Oscar greeted in a faux friendly tone that made Calum was to ram his fist into his face. “Afternoon, Riders. Lovely day, isn’t it?” He didn’t get any other response except two extremely aggravated scowls, which only served to widen Oscar’s grin. “Search ‘em, boys.”
The others practically stepped out of the shadows, and Calum’s jaw remained tight as a man with shaggy brown hair and pursed lips stood in front of him and started patting Calum down. The communication device Calum had on was in the form of a watch on his wrist, begrudgingly holding his arms out to the side and spreading his legs as the guy made sure Calum had no weapons on him, while Calum’s dark eyed gaze remained on Oscar. His entire body was rigid, muscles tense as he fought to keep his head on straight. But this fucker had Ruby, and Calum was itching to pull out a gun he didn’t have and shoot a few rounds right into Oscar’s face.
But they had a plan. Stall Oscar until Calum’s men were able to track Ruby’s location, because a cocky fucker like him would still want her to be kept somewhere close to here. The entirety of the Riders were spread around here within a fifteen mile radius, no stone left unturned. They would find her, Calum knew. So he had to keep his shit together.
“Now then, before we start,” Oscar began after the men stepped away from Calum and Michael and nodded in approval. They watched as Oscar walked over to a table, standing behind it and opening up a laptop Calum hadn’t noticed until now before pressing a few keys and turning it so the screen would be facing them. Calum’s jaw tightened even more, a dull throb from the bruise he ignored, as Oscar mused, “Just a reminder if you try to pull some shit, she dies. Live and right in front of your eyes.”
Michael was tense next to an equally aggravated Calum, eyes zeroing in on the livestream on the laptop. Ruby sat on the floor of the dark room she was in, no longer on a chair as she had been before. Wrists and ankles tied together, she looked utterly drained and exhausted, head leaning back and eyes closed, and even through the screen Calum could tell she was sweating, head lolling as if it was too heavy for her to keep upright. She was drugged, he knew, and his heart rate spiked and blood boiled at the sight of her. His chest ached looking at the screen, teeth grinding together and wanting to look away but he couldn’t. This was his fault.
But it was a livestream. His men were listening in. And Calum knew, without a doubt, Avi was already working to backtrack the source from where he was stationed.
Still, Calum couldn’t look away from the laptop, feeling his stomach tighten uncomfortably as guilt burned his veins. Ruby was in this mess because of him and Calum hadn’t been able to protect her. He promised he would only to end up failing miserably, terribly. And he fucking hated himself for it.
“Why the long faces, fellas?” Oscar cooed, smirking from where he stood as he gazed at the two scowling Riders. “At least you can see her. I didn’t even get a chance to say goodbye to my brother before Clifford here put a bullet in him. Or poor Uncle Hawkins before he died in your arms, Hood. Kind of ironic, but our lives are pretty fucking unpredictable, huh?”
Uncle Hawkins. Calum almost laughed at the revelation. This was a lot more personal than he thought, but Hawkins died yesterday. And if Oscar had been planning this for months, then his brother wasn’t any of the men Michael and Luke had taken care of before the wedding.
“Your brother was a Saber, I’m assuming?” Michael spoke up with a raise of his eyebrows, shrugging when Oscar gave a single nod. “Then he probably deserved whatever the fuck came to him. My sister on the other hand,” Michael’s fists clenched at his sides as his eyes narrowed dangerously, “has nothing to do with our business. You’re just looking to kill an innocent person because you’re blinded by revenge.”
Calum pursed his lips, wanting to slap Michael upside the head. Him just going off on Oscar and telling the man who held Ruby captive that his brother deserved death wasn’t going to be doing them any favors. But like Calum, Michael also tended to aggravate the situation if they were too pissed off, and the sight of Ruby tied up and drugged wasn’t helping at all. Calum didn’t entirely blame Michael for mouthing off, but he needed to keep himself in check. Oscar had Ruby, and they needed to stall until their men were able to find her instead of pushing him.
Oscar’s expression tightened at Michael’s words, as expected, as he spat out, “She’s got everything to do with it if she’s your sister and screwing Hood.” He let out a humorless laugh, tilting his head slightly. “Come on, don’t tell me you fuckers wouldn’t go after the people your enemies care about. This kind of life practically calls for it.”
“Maybe, but we actually have some kind of morals,” Calum returned, voice smooth and calm despite feeling anything but as he tore his gaze away from the laptop. The sight of Ruby sat heavily on his chart, and he could only pray that they would get her out of there soon. “We don’t kill innocent people. That girl right there?” He gave a single, strained nod to the laptop, throat tight. “She’s innocent. Your brother and uncle weren’t. We don’t go after those who haven’t wronged us.” Calum’s tone hardened, feeling himself increasingly growing aggravated over this whole situation, patience thinning as his eyes locked with Oscar’s. “You’ve got not idea who you’re fucking with, kid. This is only gonna end badly for you.”
“Yeah?” Oscar quirked an eyebrow, eyes flashing at the contempt Calum was so obviously and purposefully showing him. A cocky guy like him would have some yearning of being validated, and Calum doing the opposite of that was only going to serve to piss him off. It was a dangerous game to play; either Oscar got too worked up and ordered his men to kill Ruby, or he would try to show off all the balls he had in his court in belief of being able to outsmart the Riders. Calum hoped it was the latter. “What if I just killed her right now, huh? It’ll only end badly for her then.”
Calum’s nails were digging into his palms. “You kill her, you lose the leverage you have and you won’t get what you’re after,” he responded. It was getting difficult to control his tone, so close to losing it. His blood was boiling, skin heated from rage.
Oscar laughed, walking around the table as he gestured to the parked truck. “You’ve already brought the equipment, dumbass. I got what I wanted.”
A wry smirk curled at the corner of Michael’s lips, but Calum could see by his squared shoulders that he was feeling just as tense. The two of them were silently hoping their men would hurry up and find Ruby’s location, unsure of what was even happening since they couldn’t communicate with them, but choosing to have faith. Calum knew Michael was fighting the urge to deck Oscar just as much as he was, but they kept themselves restrained. Especially when a handful of other men had their guns pointed at them.
“Truck’s military grade, dude,” Michael informed Oscar. “Bullet proof and all. You need a code to get into the back, not to mention a code to activate the printing presses. All of which only Cal and I know.” He lifted his chin, unshaven jaw clenched as he kept a cool gaze on Oscar. “You kill my sister, there’s no way in hell you’re getting the codes.” Michael shrugged, contemptuous with a daring sympathetic smile. “And all of this would’ve been for nothing.”
Oscar looked between the two of them, expression falling flat with annoyance as he scoffed almost disbelievingly. “Are you joking?”
Calum raised a bored eyebrow. “Do we look like we’re jokin’?”
When Oscar’s eyes narrowed in aggravated irritance, Calum could tell that he was becoming aware that he was losing control of the situation. Honestly, the guy seemed like a rookie—someone interested in revenge and getting whatever he could out of it, not an experienced member of the Sabers or any gang, for that matter. He was showing his emotions clear on his face, something Calum was experienced and skilled in not doing. He knew how to play his opponents, knew what buttons to push to make them tick, whether he’s faced off with them before or not. Oscar’s jaw clenched as he ground out, “You look like a couple of idiots willing to risk the life of someone you claim to care about.”
“Do we?” Michael mused challengingly. His voice was calm, a smirk hidden within. “That’s funny—everyone we care about is safe and sound and not at all held captive by you.”
His words seemed like a bucket of ice water being dumped on Oscar as he quickly swiveled around to look at the laptop, just as Calum’s gaze returned to it as well for the first time in minutes. The heaviness in his chest was suddenly gone, lungs swelling with air he deprived them of as he watched the body of one of Oscar’s men fall right in front of the camera, lifeless, as Ruby’s widened eyes watched Luke hurriedly make his way towards her, his movements quick and efficient.
“No,” Oscar stated, numb with incredulity as he approached the laptop. “No, no, no!”
Calum watched, feeling his lips curl and heart feel as though it was floating, as Luke swiftly untied Ruby before scooping her up in his arms, and that was the last thing he saw before Oscar picked up the laptop and launched it against the nearest wall with a roaring yell. It clattered loudly, the screen turning black and shattering and Calum felt a newfound sense of relief flood him. She was safe. They’d gotten to Ruby in time, and Calum could suddenly feel like he could breathe again. He wasn’t with her, but he knew she would be okay if Luke had her. And that was reassurance enough.
As much as Calum wanted to revel in the moment of security he felt that Ruby was safe, he couldn’t afford to do so just yet as Oscar suddenly turned to face them. His eyes were wild, looking like a man not quite ready to accept defeat, as the rage and urgency seeped into his voice when he yelled at his men, “What the fuck are you waiting for? Finish them!”
Calum didn’t even have to give the signal, remaining right where he was, smug and calm as the police force came out of hiding, the factory echoing with their shouts of telling the Sabers to drop their weapons, hands on the ground. Calum stood, teeth pressed together and lips curled arrogantly, hands clasped in front of him as he kept his gaze on Oscar, ignoring the other men being put to the ground, watching as three officers pointed their guns at Oscar and told him to keep his hands right where they could see him.
His eyes never left Oscar’s, who was staring at Calum with anger swirling in his eyes at being outsmarted, though there was a certain degree of shock at the sight of the police officers. Either Oscar hadn’t been aware that their county’s officers were all on Calum’s payroll or he had completely missed that small detail. Either way, it bit him right in the ass, and Calum couldn’t keep the triumphant smirk off his face as Oscar kept his gaze on him, dropping the gun he had on him before putting his hands behind his head and sinking down to his knees.
Calum watched as one of the officers cuffed him, feeling a presence to his right before a familiar voice spoke, “Thanks for letting the force bring these assholes in.”
A wry scoff escaped Calum, glancing at Chief Arnold, dressed in his uniform and watching as his men cuffed the various remaining members of the Sabers. “You would’ve had ’em all but, y’know. . . Revenge is messy,” Calum drawled, pulling out his packet of cigarettes and placing one between his lips as he reached for his lighter.
“Some is better than none,” Chief Arnold agreed. He raised a brow at Calum. “I’m guessing Oscar’s yours?”
Calum lit the end of the cigarette, eyes trained on the man in question through the orange flame before pocketing it. His fingers then curled around the one other thing he had in his pocket, the small metallic casing of ruby red lipstick he brought with him. Calum gave it a squeeze, taking a breath as he relaxed the torrent of emotions. “I’ll come for him later,” he confirmed leisurely.
Chief Arnold nodded, not needing to hear anymore as he called for his men to wrap it up. From next to him, Calum heard Michael ask, “You gonna take care of Oscar?”
Brown eyes meeting a pair of lighter ones, Calum knew that Oscar was well aware they were talking about him. He was unceremoniously pulled up from the ground, hands cuffed behind his back and jaw tightly set as he kept his gaze on the leader of the Riders. From where he stood, Calum could see the fury in his eyes, the refusal to believe that this was over and he had lost. Calum couldn’t wait to reassure him that there was only one winner at the end of this.
He blew out a billow of smoke. “Yeah,” was all Calum said before looking at Michael, cigarette between his fingers as he clapped Michael’s shoulder with his free hand. “Come on; let’s go see our girl.”
She was going to have nightmares, she knew. She’d had dreams about the bar exploding after it happened—getting kidnapped and drugged and hit? Ruby knew she probably wouldn’t get a good night’s sleep for a while. She knew she should probably talk to someone, but that was something to worry about later. The drugs had worn off and she felt like herself again, more so than she had since the moment she was taken, but it wouldn’t be easy. Whether or not she was prepared to handle it was another story.
But right now, she reveled in the safety of being in her brother’s arms.
After being checked out by the medic the Riders had on standby—because of course they had someone to medically take care of them so they didn’t have to go to the hospital—Ruby was brought to Michael and Crystal’s house upon her brother’s instructions. She remained seated on the loveseat by the window in the master bedroom, Crystal right by her side with her hand in hers and Ruby let the security of the home seep into her bones. Her surroundings were familiar, the people around her were the ones that would protect her, not harm her. She was okay, Ruby knew, but that idea didn’t truly sink into her mind until her brother burst into the room, his wild green eyes meeting her own.
Crystal had quietly left the room, shutting the door behind her as Michael held Ruby to his chest, while she made sure to press against the side of her face that wasn’t stitched up. Her arms wrapped around him, breathing in the comforting familiar scent of her big brother that wasn’t that much older than her, yet there was a sense of protectivity that only he could provide for Ruby.
She hadn’t meant for the tears to soak the front of his black shirt, hadn’t even meant to cry, but hugging Michael was just a tangible reminder that she was safe and sound, that one of the worst thing she’s experienced, next to losing her parents, was over. She’d carry it with her, she knew, but for now she was alright. For now, her heart was no longer thundering and she didn’t feel like she was suffocating and her blood didn’t feel as though it was burning in her veins. She wasn’t drugged, she wasn’t in pain, she wasn’t scared. She was just tired, but she was okay.
“I’m so sorry this happened, Rubes,” Michael was whispering, his hand rubbing up and down her back soothingly, his lips pressed against the top of her head. “So, so sorry. I should’ve been here. I should’ve—”
“Michael, stop,” Ruby pleaded with a shake of her head, pulling away from him as she rubbed her hands down her cheeks, ridding of the tears that wet them. She looked up at her brother, saw the worry and guilt and fear that was swimming in green eyes matching her own, and she offered a small smile. “This isn’t your fault. It’s no one’s fault except the people who took me, okay?” She took his hands in hers, giving them a squeeze as she took a breath, watching Michael nervously chew his lower lip. With a light laugh, Ruby said, “Sorry you had to cut your honeymoon short.”
Michael scoffed, shooting her a look. “You crazy?” He raised his eyebrows, fond and caring and relieved as his hands gripped Ruby’s shoulders, giving his head a shake. “Couldn’t keep me away if you tried.” The concern that was already swimming in his eyes intensified, then, as he gave Ruby a once over, looking at the stitches near her temple. She saw the way his eyebrows twitched into a frown, lips pursing as he thought of what must’ve happened, asking, “Are you sure you’re okay?”
“Tired,” Ruby answered truthfully, the way her lips lazily quirked personifying her response. Whatever drug Oscar and his men had given her had made her increasingly lethargic, though she was just glad that the nausea wore off; it had been a few hours since the last dose they’d given her before she was rescued, so Ruby was feeling more like herself now. Still—getting drugged and being tied up wasn’t a pastime she wanted to take part in again any time soon. “But I’m here with you guys, and I’m fine. I promise.”
Michael let out a sigh before pulling her back in for a hug, holding her close and squeezing his eyes shut as he let the relief wash over him. The mere thought of something happening to Ruby had been paralyzing, unable to focus on anything from the moment he and Crystal got the call, until now with Ruby safely in his house. Nothing else mattered right now but this as Michael reinforced the preexisting vow he had to always make sure Ruby was safe. He knew it was overprotective and maybe even overbearing, but he didn’t care, at least not right now.
When they pulled away, both looking much more relaxed after that much needed embrace, Michael rubbed at Ruby’s arms before telling her, “He’s outside.”
Her lips twitched, eyes flickering past him towards the door before looking back at Michael and asking earnestly, “I wanna talk to him.”
Michael nodded, slightly stiff, before pulling away from Ruby and approaching the door. He opened it, jaw set when his eyes landed on Calum, pacing out in the hallway. He looked restless, not at all the composed leader Michael always saw him to act, head snapping towards him at the sound of the open door. He and Calum still had to talk, Michael knew, but he knew how Calum felt about Ruby. And, without her even having to say anything, Michael also knew how his sister felt about his best friend. A bit awkward for him, but he’d get over it.
“Go ahead,” was all Michael said before he walked down the hallway.
In the room, Ruby noticed the hesitance in which Calum entered. It was strange watching him shut the door behind him, lips pressed together and hands behind his back, not at all the stand she was used to. For some reason, Ruby felt nervous; Calum was always so put together, always had everything under control for the majority of the time. And, sure, she’d seen him lose it, but this was different. Within a second, Ruby picked up on the guilt in his dark eyes, in the way his throat worked and the way he chewed his lips—lips she had kissed and craved to feel again.
There was a heavy silence between them as they took in each other’s presence, something they’d been deprived of for too long. Ruby hadn’t realized how much she had missed him. She’d been gone for a day, maybe, but God, she hadn’t been able to stop thinking about Calum. She’d been terrified, hoping that they’d find her and hating that she was too drugged to move and get herself out of there. Every time Ruby fell unconscious, she dreamed of Calum bursting through those doors, pulling her into his capable arms and reassuring her that she was safe. But then she’d wake up and realize that was only a dream and she was still living a nightmare.
Calum broke the silence, voice raspy as he quietly asked, “Are you okay?”
Ruby offered a breathless smile. “Everyone keeps asking me that.”
His Adam’s apple bobbed. “You’ve been through a lot.”
“So have you.”
He gave a disbelieving, scoffing shake of his head, looking away from Ruby, giving her a view of his working jaw. “’S incomparable. So don’t try, Red.”
Her heart tugged at his use of the nickname. Ruby’s lips pressed together, twitching upwards into an almost sad smile as Calum remained by the door, gaze on anything but her. “Why won’t you look at me?”
Calum squeezed his eyes shut, facing Ruby but leaning his head against the door, still refusing to look at her. His expression was tight, conflicted with furrowed eyebrows and Ruby took in a deep breath despite the crushing weight on her chest. He looked like he was struggling, neck tense and hands shoved in the pockets of his leather jacket.
Ruby wasn’t sure why her eyes were burning, but the sight of Calum and the lingering overwhelming emotions from everything that’s happened brought tears to her eyes. The entire time the Sabers had her, all Ruby wanted was to be with Calum. Now that they were in the same room, he couldn’t even look at her.
Her heart hurt.
“This is my fault.” The hoarseness of his voice sent a shiver down her spine. Calum kept his eyes closed, though his face was screwed in guilty aggravation. “I fucked up.”
His words had her moving, throat dry as she wiped at her eyes and came to stand in front of Calum. He could feel her presence, she knew, and Ruby reached up to gently cup Calum’s face in her hands, careful of the bruise on his jaw, eyeing the cut on his lip as she brushed her thumbs on his cheeks.
“It’s not. I’m okay. This isn’t on you,” Ruby told him, her voice soft, a bit of a whisper. “I don’t blame you; please don’t blame yourself.”
Calum let her hold his face, a sense of warmth flooding him at her soft touch, heart lurching at the feel of her skin against his. Reluctantly, Calum opened his eyes, culpable brown meeting tearing green, air rushing out of his lungs as he took her in. she looked tired, rightfully so, yet still so effortlessly beautiful. Her lips didn’t have their normal red tint, instead pale and slightly chapped, long lashes framing green eyes swimming with concern and reassurance.
She was the one who had been kidnapped, yet was also the one worrying about Calum.
When would he stop being so fucking selfish?
He let his gaze calculatingly wash over her for a few seconds. Knowing she could feel his bruised jaw tighten under her touch when he looked at the treated injury by her temple. There was also a pale yellowing bruise coloring the top of her cheekbone on the same side of her face. The acknowledgment of her being hit boiled the blood in Calum’s veins and lurched his stomach in acidic nausea.
Swallowing, Calum’s hand slowly raised as his ring clad finger brushed away a few strands of her blonde hair, ever so gently grazing around her injury in the most feather-like touch he’s ever managed. Ruby watched him observe her, feeling the familiar electricity with his touch, watching as his gaze flickered down to her wrists and his full lips pursed. The fire was ever present in his eyes as he took in the pinkened skin where she had been bound by the zipties. Fuck, his heart felt like it was being constricted.
“I’m sorry.” Ruby’s heart dropped at the broken sound of Calum’s voice, her lower lip trembling at how it didn’t suit him at all. His eyebrows drew together guiltily, gaze dropping away from her as he frowned, almost distressfully, at the ground. “I am. . . So fuckin’ sorry for not bein’ able to protect you. I shouldn’t have left—”
“Calum, stop.” Having both Michael and Calum express such obvious guilt was unsettling, two of the strongest men she knew crumbling in front of her. But, God, the sight and sound of Calum so clearly beating himself up for something he had no control over and looking nothing like the hard faced, notorious leader of the Riders had Ruby’s heart sinking. She’d seen what guilt could do to him, knew that even the toughest man had his breaking points. To see him reaching his because of her was heartbreaking. That’s the only way Ruby could describe it. It was wrong and awful made her chest feel heavy. “I’m okay and I’m here. You got me back.”
Calum’s lips pressed together, uncaring of the cut as he said through gritted teeth, “I put you in danger.”
“Stop,” Ruby repeated, her voice firmer and hands shifting up on his face so her fingers met his curls. “Drowning yourself in guilt isn’t going to do anything. With this kind of life, shit like this is expected, isn’t it?”
At that, Calum let out a disagreeing scoff, pushing himself away from the door and walking further into the room. He ignored the emptiness he felt when the distance between him and Ruby increased, running his fingers through his hair and ignoring the sting of his knuckles as they flexed and he argued, “This isn’t your life, Ruby. This shit isn’t supposed to happen to you.”
His back was to her, but Calum still heard the distress in her voice as she responded, “It’s the life of people I love, so it might as well be!” Calum paused, hesitantly disbelieving gaze on the window as he heard Ruby let out a sharp breath. “Because I love you, Calum, and I don’t care about the risks if it means I get to be with you.”
If he thought his heart was struggling before, it was nothing compared to this.
Calum stared out the window, lips parted and breath heavy and blinking rapidly as Ruby’s words rang through his mind. He was frozen; frozen in his heart, his body, and his mind where the only thought echoing was that Ruby loved him. That this wonderful fucking woman who went from being just his best friend’s sister, to someone he had to keep protected, to the only person Calum had let his guard down around and fell in love with without even realizing loved him back.
Him falling for her had happened out of nowhere, completely blindsiding him and knocking him off his feet. But the fact that she actually returned those same overwhelming feelings? That was un-fucking-real. That was more than he deserved. Because how could someone so kind and genuine as her fall for someone living a life as twisted as him?
When he turned around, Calum knew that Ruby felt as genuinely about her words as she’d spoken. He saw the way her eyebrows were drawn together, hopeful that he would believe her and in her words. The damned silence fell upon them once more and through his stunned gaze Calum could see the worry seep back into Ruby’s eyes—only this time it wasn’t just worry over him. Now it was worry over how he would react to the bombshell she’d just dropped, words that she’d blurted without entirely thinking them through because, shit, there had been moments she thought she was going to die. And she couldn’t have died without telling Calum how she felt.
She stared at him, took in the slightly widened brown eyes and parted lips and smoothed out eyebrows as he gave himself a moment to process her words. Each moment that passed by without a response increased Ruby’s nervous heart rate, gazing at the man in front her expectantly—but not too much, because he didn’t owe her anything.
But, shit, she wished he’d say something.
Calum Hood liked to surprise her. So of course, rather than saying anything, he kissed her.
He was in front of her within a blink of an eye and his hands were on her face, warm save for the shock of cool metal of his rings, before his lips came down upon hers in a much needed, desperately heated kiss. Ruby’s response was instant, heart practically jumping out of her chest as her hands blindly found the lapels of his leather jacket, pulling him closer and leaning more into the kiss. Calum didn’t even care for the cut on his lip, too lost in the sensation of Ruby’s body against his, feeling, for the first time, calm in the wake of the torrential storm that had been wracking his body.
His large hands held her face and his head was ducked so he could kiss her, tilting to deepen the kiss and groaning low in his throat as his tongue slid against hers. It felt electric, dizzying and relieving all at once. And Calum pulled away a few moments later, speaking breathlessly as he did so. “I couldn’t breathe.” His eyes were shut, forehead pressed against Ruby’s as he could hear and feel her heavy breath. The sound of his heart thundering was loud in his ears, but Ruby grounded him as he gave a slow shake of his head, forehead still against hers. “From the second I realized you were gone, I couldn’t breathe. Not until now.”
Calum pulled away and Ruby opened her eyes to see him looking at her, and there was a softness in his dark eyes she’d never seen before. Warm and gentle, just like his hold on her despite the urgency of the breathless kiss, staring up at him earnestly as her hand came up to gently cup the uninjured side of his jaw, thumb softly brushing across the cut on his kissed lip that twitched upwards in a smile. “I can breathe because you’re back. And because I love you. More than I thought I was capable of.” His last few words were spoken through a breathlessly disbelieving laugh, gazing at Ruby as if she was some kind of wonder, smitten and all for her.
She couldn’t help the smile that grew on her face, wide and genuine and somewhat tearful but she couldn’t keep it off her face. Because she had fallen hard and fallen fast, unaware that her feelings for the man in front of her were even changing until it hit her just how much she cared for him, wanted him, and to know he was just as dizzy as her was fucking amazing.
So she kissed him again, because she could, and her heart was fucking soaring.
“Mm, wait,” Calum hummed against her lips moments later, as they pulled away Ruby raised an eyebrow. But Calum just looked at her, smirking, as one hand dug into the pocket of his jacket before pulling it out. “I’ve got somethin’ of yours.”
Ruby’s eyes narrowed curiously as her gaze followed Calum lifting his hand, before her mouth dropped in a laugh when he revealed what he was holding. Her favorite lipstick from Anastasia Beverly Hills, her signature true red color in the shade named after her. Calum held the lipstick between his index finger and thumb, holding it up for her with a raise of his eyebrows and a smirk on his lips, and Ruby shook her head in complete fondness because of course he had it in his pocket.
“Had to reunite you with your one true love, Red,” Calum teased, smirk widening into a grin that had Ruby’s heart jumping.
She returned the smile, taking the lipstick from his hand and clutching it in her fist, looking up at the dark haired man as she told him sincerely, “You already have.”
The second Calum slid into the back of the transportation truck, he noticed the sudden tension straightening Oscar’s back. Slamming the door shut behind him, Calum sat on the bench opposite of Oscar, whose wrists and ankles were chained together, a step up from when the fucker had those zip ties on Ruby. Oscar stared at him, lips tight yet unable to hide the dumbfoundment in his eyes at the sight of Calum in the truck with him. In the truck that was transporting him from the county jail to the state prison—the very truck that had suddenly spotted on a deserted road miles upon miles out of town.
Calum sat, legs apart as he leaned forward, elbows resting on his thighs and ring clad fingers linked together as he tauntingly tilted his head. The usual air of dominance he had was suffocating Oscar as Calum sat in his usual all black ensemble, from the leather jacket to the polished boots. “I’m sorry—did you actually think you were bein’ transferred?” He spoke as if he was talking to a child, slowly and voice laced with exaggerated mock. “You blew up my pub, killed my men, and tried to kill my girl. That’s punishable by death, mate.”
Oscar’s silent resolve crumbled, face twisting in a fierce scowl as he spat, “They deserve to rot in hell. And your girl’s lucky all I did was drug her—could’ve had my way but I don’t fuck with Rider trash.”
Oscar’s words were like fuel to the fire already burning in Calum’s veins, his movements swift with how he swung a right hook right into Oscar’s jaw, leaning back in satisfaction as the sound of his fist colliding with Oscar’s skin echoed in the truck and watching as he crumpled on his side to the bench he was sitting on. His face was screwed up in pain, chains not allowing him much freedom as he spat out a mouthful of blood on the bench before trying to sit up.
Instead of letting him do so, Calum got up from the bench, having to bend a bit because they were still inside the truck, as he grabbed the back of Oscar’s shirt with one hand and slid him forward as his other hand opened the back door. “Well, whaddya know,” Calum mused, voice dangerously casual as he used his single handed grip on Oscar to toss him out of the truck, watching as he fell unceremoniously to the dirt ground as jumped out of the truck. The ground crunched under Calum’s boots as he squinted slightly against the sun, aware of the three police officers watching. Calum tilted his chin, eyes on Oscar as he pathetically tried to push himself off the ground. “I don’t fuck with Saber trash.”
Oscar finally got to his feet, staggering thanks to the heavy chains binding him together. The guy breathed heavily, lips and teeth stained crimson, the slight breeze ruffling his hair as he watched Calum hold a hand out. One of the cops pulled his gun out of the holster, handing it over to Calum, and Oscar knew. He knew this was planned from the second Calum slid into the truck, but with the officer handing him his own gun, Oscar knew they were going to make his death look like an attempt to escape.
While one officer gave Calum the gun, another walked over and undid the chains holding Oscar together as they fell to the ground in a heap. The cops stepped out of the way, and an easy, menacing smirk quirked at Calum’s lips as he encouraged, “I’ll even give you a head start.”
Oscar gaped at him for a moment, unsure if he was going to believe Calum, until the tattooed Rider just waved the gun with an expectant raise of his eyebrows. And then Oscar turned and took off, running as fast as his feet could carry him as Calum watched him go, dust kicking behind his feet as he went. And then Calum smirked, once against raising the gun, squinting one eye against the sun as well as to get his aim before he pulled the trigger.
Oscar didn’t even get to register the boom of the gun, a pained scream escaping him as his legs gave out and he tumbled to the ground, a bullet buried in the back of his calf. Lowering his arm, Calum strolled over to where Oscar was on the ground, leg bleeding and his forearms on the ground as his hands curled into fists, head bowed as he continuously groaned at the bullet burning into his muscle. There was a splatter of blood on the ground that was beginning to pool as blood leaked from the bullet hole, and Calum walked to stand next to Oscar.
Then, with his foot, Calum dug it under Oscar’s stomach before turning him over, watching calmly as Oscar rolled over with a thud, laying on his back and groaning at the pain in his leg. His face was screwed up, the sun beaming down on him and the front of his clothes riddled with dirt. He managed to open his scrunched up eyes, the sun blinding yet he still managed to look up at Calum.
And, of course, the Rider reveled in the paralyzing fear he could see in his eyes. It’s what this little piece of shit deserved. There was something sinfully satisfying at the knowledge that the very last thing Oscar would be seeing was the face of the man he tried to fuck over.
One corner of Calum’s lips curled up into a malicious smirk, utterly taunting. “I got a message for your Uncle Hawkins.” He pointed the gun, aiming it from where he stood right to Oscar’s forehead as he stared up at Calum, eyes widening and breathing heavy and mute in terror. Fucking good. Calum’s finger was on the trigger. “Tell him. . . I win.”
His words were followed by the sound of his gun going off, and it was over.
tags: @crownedbyluke @irwinkitten @glitterprincelu @softforcal @valentinelrh @hotmessmichael @meetashthere @astroashtonio @calumh-excess @hearts-to-the-sky @old-zeppelin-shirt @angelbbycal @captain-what-is-going-on @calumthoodsyonce @cathartichaoss @misskarynie @softboycal @soulmatecashton @babygirlcashton @cxddlyash @calumhoodless @roselukes @wrappedaroundcal @slimthicccal @kinglycalum @calumculture @ohhmuke @fucking5sos @heavenlyhemminqs @cosmixcalum @invisiblexcth @gettingjillywithit @calistheloml @cliffordcntrl @asht0ns-world @hereforlukescruff @ghostofch @ghostofhood @dxmncalum @bitchinbabylon @walkedhomealone @poppedpins @5secondssofssummer @calumsmermaid @booklove-2 @empathycth @checkeredcalum @lovelettercalum @kchillout @rosecoloredash @theagenderwhocriedwolf @cal-pal-cuddles @xhaileyreneex @paqueretteash @calteahood @biwriting @2k17muke @sublimehood @tupeloohoneyy @egyptiangoldhood @x-valntyne-x @bloodlinecal @97britt @emma070900 @mmxiihood @monsteramongmikey @akacalciumhood @thebodaciouscth @5sos-stan4lyfe @lipstickstainfading @flannelpunkcalum @inlovehoodx @all-i-want-is2b-loved-by-you @grittyisathot @fireupthatthrone @lmao5sosimagines @isabella-mae13 @mysteriouslycali @maddiebee2019 @blamexcalum @teageowen @raabiac @fallfrxmgrace @dontjinx-it @thewackywriter @caswinchester2000 @calntynes @post-traumatic-mess @kisssmefree 
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Best Left Forgotten
Part 14: Please
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Series Summary: You wake up in the bunker with a serious head injury and no memory of the last year or the Winchesters and find that Dean is avoiding you. You are determined to find out the truth about what happened but maybe the truth is best left forgotten.
Characters: Dean x Reader, Sam, Cas
Warnings: language, Season 10 Spoilers
Word Count: 1403
General Disclaimer: I do not own the gif or any of the Supernatural properties or characters. This is a fan piece and is intended to be enjoyed only as such.
A/N: This is my first fic so any and all feedback is appreciated! A HUGE thanks to @weirdochick56 for rough beta-ing and encouraging me to pick this up again and give it another try in the first place!
Best Left Forgotten Masterlist
Missed Part 13?
“She didn’t see our face! We don’t have to kill her. Please. We don’t have to.” You hear a young boy begging from down a tunnel. Heaviness presses down all over your body and you begin to feel your body. You blink your eyes open to a blurry image of your lap. Slowly, your hazy mind clears. You notice two things immediately: you’re tied in a chair and you have one hell of a headache. Whoever bashed you in the head earlier is clearly standing in front of you, so you don’t move or look up; maybe your ignorance can save you.
“You’re right Cy. We don’t have to. We get to. Here. When I get back, I want her dead.” You hear retreating footsteps and open your eyes. You frantically assess your options, a strange mix of adrenaline and hunter’s instinct giving you clarity. You have nothing in your pockets. The rope is too tight to escape. You have no hope of fighting back while tied up here. He has a gun.
Escape isn’t an option. The only thing left to do is beg.
You finally look up. The boy is lanky and nerdy looking with glasses. He’s holding a gun and looks awkward with it, like someone handed him a dead animal. He seems afraid of you and is standing terrified, looking from the gun to you.
“Please don’t hurt me,” you blurt out in desperation. You don’t wanna die like this, chained to a chair like a dog.
He stares into your eyes, conflict and fear clouding his eyes. “Ummm… maybe I can untie you? And then you run. Before he gets back, okay?” His eyes look kind, but afraid behind his glasses. He seems sincere. He glances around frantically before he steps to untie you just as a large man rounds the corner.
You recognize him. It’s that Styne man that the boys had in the dungeon. The one who killed Charlie. All fear for your life vanishes as liquid hot hatred burns through your stomach. “YOU FUCKING MURDERER! I’M GONNA-” You scream at the top of your lungs, but the words choke you when Dean rounds the corner with a gun. You feel an instinctive surge of happiness at the sight of his face. He’ll save you and kill this asshole. Your celebration is cut short when you notice the mark glowing and see the glaze over his eyes. What has he done? He’s so pale, like all the blood has been drained from his body. His body and clothes are soaked in blood. How many people has he murdered? Your stomach drops. You gag and tremble.
“Been looking for you.” Dean says glaring at the large man.
“Oh yeah? Why is that? Oh wait. You're not still sore about um, what's her name?” The Styne man waves his arm, brushing it off. Your stomach burns with anger.
“Charlie.” Dean swallows hard at her name. “Her name was Charlie.” His face falls and his eyes dim. You look down in shame. You begin to pray to Cas, something you realize you should have done earlier.
“Yeah, well. Chuckie, she got what she deserved. Wanna know how I did her? It's a kinda funny story—"
“Shut up.”
You silently pray as hard as you can. “Please hurry Cas. I think Dean can be saved. He’s covered in blood, but he’s after Charlie’s killers.”
“Straight to it, then. I respect that. You got lucky before. This time, I'm sporting some new upgrades. See my old man-”
“Your old man's dead.” Dean interrupts. “They're all dead. So, you can save me the speech on the three hearts, the two spleens, the seven nipples, for the ladies... or the fellas, I don't judge. But even with all that, you still only have one brain.” Dean smirks.
In one swift motion, Dean draws his gun, shoots the man in the head, and turns his gun on the boy. He throws his arms up and starts to cry.
“No no no no no, don't! Dean, don't!” You scream desperately at Dean, struggling to break the rope.
Dean looks at you blankly and cocks his head, “Why not? He’s one of them.”
“No. No, I'm not! Okay, I hate my family! See, look!” The boy yanks his shirt up desperately, “No stitches! I'm not like them, I promise.”
“Oh, you are like them. There's bad in you. It's in your blood.” Dean insists matter-of-factly. “Now you can deny it and you can run from it all you want, but that bad.... will always win.” The absolute sincerity in his eyes makes your heart stop. He’s given up. How could you ever hope to save him if he’s already given up? And then it dawns on you: he’s going to kill that boy. Your Dean is about to murder an innocent kid. But maybe if you stop him, you can convince him that there’s still hope. This battle for a kid’s life suddenly becomes a battle for Dean’s soul. You continue to struggle with your ties with a renewed desperation. “He was trying to help me. He was going to let me run.” You beg with Dean as you frantically fight the ropes. You have to get to Dean so you can calm him down.
“I'll do anything you want. Okay, please. You don't need to do this” the boy begins to cry. “Please.”
Dean looks down and lowers his gun. He seems in thought. The next few seconds seem to move in slow motion. Several things happen at once:
You finally pull your hands free and yank the rope off of your torso.
Dean looks up at the boy, points his gun at him, and says, “Yeah. I do.”
You lunge at Cy. 
You and Cy come crashing to the ground into a pile of books and at first, you think you got away with it. You smile at him and he looks back at you, horrified. You’re confused, and the world is a little blurry. “What’s wrong?”
Cy points at your shoulder. You reach your left arm round to feel the back of your right shoulder. It comes back bloody. Cy’s eyes grow wide and he frantically tries to pull you toward him.
“What?” You realize your words are slurred. When you don’t budge, he begins to crawl away and trips several times.
You turn to look behind you and see Dean approaching. He seems to be in no hurry and his cold eyes hold no concern for you. It occurs to your foggy mind that this is odd as you are hurriedly bleeding out.
“Why did you do that?” He asks evenly as he points the gun in your face.
You try to slide away and fall over, groaning when you hit your shoulder. “Dean…” is all you can manage to get out.
Suddenly, you see a blur of beige as Dean is tackled out of your view. You hear struggling and your body starts to react on its own, desperately dragging you away from the fight. Something brings you to a halt.
You hear Cas start begging. “Dean stop.”
Dean stands over Cas and continues to hit him. Blood is everywhere, and Cas’s face is almost unrecognizable. You feel a surge of energy. This isn’t like last time. This time it ends in Cas’s death if you don’t do something. You start to frantically drag yourself back, not sure where the sudden energy and clarity came from. You are a couple feet away when Dean takes Cas’s angel blade out and raises it high above his head, pulling Cas up by his tie. Cas grabs Dean’s hand.
“No, Dean. Please.” Cas manages to choke out through the blood.
Dean hesitates a moment with a cold expression on his face. You reach his blood-soaked leg and grab it. “Please, Dean.”
Dean glances down at you coldly and shoves you to the side with his foot. You skid to a halt roughly into a pile of books and photos, finding that whatever propelled you forward before can’t fight the blood loss. You feel like you’re drowning. You’re swimming up and just can’t reach the surface.
Cas looks at you with guilt in his eyes. “I’m sorry I failed you.”
The last thing you see before the darkness overtakes you is Dean begin to bring the angel blade down swiftly into Cas’s chest.
Part 15
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Story of The Ice Wolf
PART 15    PART 14     PART 1
WARNINGS:  mentions of scars, blood, implied sex, graphic description of violence and wounds.
Hey fellas! I’m really, really sorry it took me so long to post this part. I really hope the wait is worth it. Any feedback, comment will be very much appreaciated.
By the way this is a 16K+ chapter.
You snap your stare at her making Wanda roll her eyes at you “I have a huge need to feel offended Helen” you say with a frown. “Get over it. Keep frowning you’ll get wrinkles” Helen says with a teasing tone. Anika, Costel and the wolves rush in and the young adults burst out in boisterous laughter at the sight of your broken nose. Costel accented voice is the first to tease “Man! Peter packed you a hell of a punch!”. Anika goes next “Come on old dog! That’s a shame to the family”. You lock them in murderous scowl “Director can I get a window to hide two bodies?” the man just side smirks a little. You feel Wanda’s hands moving back your face towards her “No killing family Y/N” she says with a stern face “Now you two you better run before I show you why the 'scarlet’ in my code name”. The two young adults gulp heavily before rushing out, the wolves wag their tails at they rushed backdown (“The big pups run fast”). After a further scolding from Nick and Maria due to reckless behavior while Cho helps you with her tech. The earful lecture ends when the commanding officers leave the lab.
After getting your nose healed, and Pietro teasing the shit out of you. You are getting your stuff ready. The motorcycle you are taking is ready and waiting to be loaded in the Avengers compound hangar. "Little one, I'm no telepath but your anxiety is quite obvious" you are doing a last run down of your equipment, when there's no smart or sassy retort you know she has it bad. When you walk in your shared room she is sitting in the bed with her back on the headboard, she is looking at a picture. When you are standing beside her you see It was the picture she took before the failure of mission almost three years ago.  The two of you went for the weekend two one of the most exclusive resorts in Switzerland the chill temperature give you both and excuse to cuddle at any given chance. The picture is the two of you cuddling in the outdoor hot tub, you have her wrapped in your arms while you kiss her cheek your eyes closed. She is smiling broadly at her cellphone camera eyes squinted on delight, the white powdered mountains in the background. "Wan" kneeling down you search for her eyes which are a little clouded with a mix of worry and sadness "My love, I will comeback. This is just a hunt, I'm not alone". She furrows her eyebrows "You weren't alone those times either... And you... Damn it!" she takes a gulp of air as she lifts her head back trying to blink away her tears, putting the picture on the bedside table on her right. Still kneeling you take her fidgeting hands in yours, caressing the back of her hands with your thumbs "I'm here now...” find the right words to say is hard, clearing your throat you go on “I know I'm still struggling love, I have my bad days, but as long as you want me I'll do anything to be with you Wanda" you softly say your eyes searching hers. Tears silently begun to run down her cheeks, "Is it too childish asking you to stay?" she begins to fiddle with her meteorite ring as your hands are still gently covering hers. Sighing softly in frustration with yourself you stand two cradle her face gently you make her lower her chin to look at you, and you wipe away her tears "Let me go with you" she breaths out. You look at her reddened green orbs "Wan I have no idea what I will find. I won't put you through MY pain, I've given you enough" you feel her jaw muscles tightening on your left hand, Wanda is your world is the most precious being that you get to call yours to protect, with all gentleness that no one might think you possess you caress along her jaw line helping her relax her features. "I promise you to come back, don't doubt my prowess my Scarlet Witch, this Ice Wolf still has a strong game" you lean down to kiss her softly at first tentative giving her the chance to draw back when she doesn’t you increase the pressure until it climbs up to an intense make out session. You crawl in the bed to straddle her hips projecting all the love you have for her in every kiss and tug on her lower lip. After a while both of you are simply lying in bed closely facing the other, sharing each other warm breath, Wanda is more at ease her relaxed features and small dopey smile talk volumes. Your hand is partially buried in her long soft hair strands your thumb caressing her cheekbone, her smile makes you heart skip more than one beat she looks like an angel. *Captain Wolf, I apologize for the interruption. Director Fury called for an early debrief* You sigh in annoyance, making Wanda jiggle softly "Thank you F.R.I.D.A.Y. Tell him I'm on my way, please". You lift your upper body with your metal forearm "Don't eat your worriedness in junk food love, now you have to be a good role model for Pietro’s mini me" leaning down you kiss her temple one last time, when you lean back she follows you to kiss you briskly before you get off bed. --- You are shutting close the trunk of your '68 mustang when you hear Orion's steps getting close he has his combat vest on and serious expression. ("Nebula is going with sergeant, I'm going with you captain") he declares with a regal posture. "I told you to stay and take care of them" you state folding your arms in front of you. ("I love them, I'd die for them. But my duty is with you Captain Ice Wolf"). You give him a bittersweet smile, indeed not all the things Hydra has given you are bad. Walking to the passenger door you open it for him ("Shot gun!") he hops in making you snort “You can’t even shoot Orion” you say out loud before getting in the pilot seat. ---
Technically it was a debrief but the only participants were Fury, Hill and you, the reunion was held in the director’s office. They gave you green light for a small side mission along with the main one, they also told you to find as much intel as you could gather about Hydra’s new experiments, it seems like Hydra is moving again towards experimenting with people and they are about to breakout another civil war as a façade, a well-known trick used by them.
You hang out in the exterior main terrace smoking a cigarette with a cup of coffee. Orion silently lays by your left side, his massive form still intimidates some recruits specially the newbies, while you find it absolutely funny because Orion does not hurt a fly he huffs in annoyance, fear means less petting.
While you walk alongside Orion to the conference room you hear Bobbi calling you to stop. When you turn around Sharon is with her, you give them a wide smirk before teasing them "Hello ladies, did you have a good beauty sleep?". "Just like you had cosmetic surgery last minute" Bobbi retorts with a smirk and you groan in annoyance, making Sharon snort quietly “Didn’t see that coming Wolf? She teases. "Oh! Fuck you both". "You wish" they both answer before leaning down a little to pet Orion "Hello handsome" making him wag his tail happily. Maria walks pasts the four of you "Move it ladies and wolf, we have no time to waste". --- Bobbi and Sharon give a debrief of their findings in their last mission. Which end up involving the wanted targets. "...That's why instead of going to north- west India we have to scatter around Europe" Bobbi says with a map of Europe displayed in a projection screen behind her. France, Russia, Germany are the main location there's some digging to be done but the mission should go smoothly. Maria takes the clue to go on "The teams will be Romanoff and Barnes, Morse and Carter and Barton and Wolf. The wolves huff in annoyance at being left out, the deputy director just stares at them with her eyebrow raised high "And the wolves with their respective soldiers" they nod and sit in attention happy with the orders. "Captain Wolf do the honors" Nick says with a teasing smirk. You roll your eyes, no one is dropping the whole captain rank anytime soon. "Barnes take Russia. You know that landscape better than anyone" they nod in agreement. "Morse take France. Both of you have a fair layout of the city, am I correct?". "Yes" both agents answer, however Morse has other ideas "Can we trade partners, so you can teach me some of your impeccable French?" Bobbi says with a teasing tone and wink. Her request makes you give her a massive eyeroll "Morse think with the thing in your head, not your pants" you retort with a brief scowl, making the others snort lightly. "Barton and I will take Germany". "Oookey stop there Wolf" Clint says crossing his arms "Germany is not my playground" he says with a deep frown. "I know Barton, Germany is mine". "What?!" he exclaims dropping down his arms and jaw. "The lab where they pieced me back together was in Germany, however they trained me in Russia. My bases where Russia, Germany and Sokovia" you explain a little, he just frowns like the grumpy cat meme muttering "secrets, and more secrets next time she will reveal she was the one directing Hydra all this years". The rest just shake their heads at Clint's little monologue, Fury takes over again "Agents, each of you will have a quinjet to use. Now go and bring them in" he says with his characteristic authoritative speech. A chorus of 'Yes sir' and “Aye aye sir” fill the room before you all scatter. ---
[23:45] S.H.I.E.L.D hellicarrier
You are still dressed in civilian clothes, boots, black cargo pants, long sleeve red shirt, and black leather jacket, you are in the quinjet doing the last checkups to your equipment, Orion is by sitting close to you, he was adamant on coming with you. You walk over were your motorcycle is, and you check that it is correctly secured.
"Y/N, why do you have two sets of cases?" Clint says eyeing your equipment.
“I have two different parties to attend Barton”
"Luckily for you I don't need much sleep. We are ready to go". He says with a big smirk while he secures his own case.
"No, you just need industrial amounts of coffee".
As the three of you fly to Germany you decide to reveal Clint your side mission. You take the co-pilot seat. The Hawkeye never fails not at shooting arrows neither at figuring out situations "Wolf, there’s something else planned right?". You hum in answer "Fly to Russia first Clint, when we are nearing Germany put the stealth mode on" you hand him a tablet with the locations of several targets you are going for.
03:22 [Russia]
You are already suited, sitting on the floor you are making the last adjustments to the system you'll be using as support, the laptop is resting on your tights there's a cord connecting the laptop to a collar resting beside you. Orion is snuggled on your left side. The only sounds are the engine of the quinjet and the soft click of the keyboard.
"Wolf you ready? we are ten minutes away from the first location".
"Almost" you put the laptop aside, the system is almost loaded. You stand up and head to the motorcycle, there's a whoosh sound of the motorcycle cover being peel off to reveal the matt charcoal grey Honda CBR110XX super blackbird, this is not the common one, you made sure this has a hybrid engine and a turbo, the electric engine gives you the silent advantage, while the normal engine can make you disappear as fast as you need it.
Clint walks out of the cockpit to stand by close "Holy shit Wolf! How much you have spent vehicles?!” he walks around checking out the bike before pointing out “That led headlights will be a problem".
"I don't need the headlights" you strap your guns to its holsters and sheath the swords the handles pointing to the ground, the military tactical knives already in place.
"How so?” he says leaning in a little “You are driving blinded? Wanda will kill you" he says his eyebrows furrowed.
"No, the helmet is connected to F.R.I.D.A.Y's system and sever, is pretty much the same interface that Tony uses in his suits" you put a comm in the left ear.
"Firstly, I don't see any helmet, second how the hell you got the platform?" his hands goes to the back of his head in disbelief.
 You smirk at him "That's when the discretion part comes in Clint, and you are insulting me, Tony is not the only one that knows how to play with technology and engines" you crunch to grab the collar and the laptop and walk towards him while you clasp the collar around your neck "Now, keep the laptop open and here is the missing helmet" you say as you point at the collar.
The quinjet comes to stop and lowers three meters away from the pavement. "Stay put in the outskirts, F.R.I.D.A.Y will keep you updated" you walk to the motorcycle, pressing a pedal in the floor, the platform securing system unclasp, Orion rushes ready to jump alongside you "Orion I told you, stay here to help Clint" he lowers his ears and whines a little sitting on his hinds.
The back door opens, you hurry to straddle the motorcycle and turn on the engine, it roars to live, the rumble of the engine traveling through your body ignites the thrill of the hunt. A huge twisted smirk shows in your face, you press the button in the side of the collar, a matching matt charcoal grey helmet ensemble around your head. Without thinking twice, you speed off the quinjet, the motorcycle never loses balance as it lands in the cracked pavement.
*Locate the first five targets*
F.R.I.D.A.Y voice responds *The targets are located inside an old factory 16 miles from current location, showing fastest route* you speed off following the I.A directions.
Two miles away from the factory you turn off the engine and headlights *Enable any security system in the building, initialize the hacking of the electronic devices*.
You halt the bike in the south side of the factory, there's two guards outside your targets spread through the building.
*Put down their comms after the first guard is down*.
Silently you get close to the guard through the shadows, standing behind him you make a quick work snapping his neck, you don’t let him fall and lower the body slowly. Before moving to the next target, you take a pill from your belt and put it in his mouth, you don't need to stay to witness his body turning to dust.
Quickly you climb the broken side of the structure to gain the advantage in the roof. The second guard is close to the entrance, you unholster the right gun holstered on your tight and take the suppressor off to shoot the guard in the head. Crunching low you see your targets rushing to the entrance, the leader is shouting through the comms for the other guard in vain, you quickly re-attach the suppressor and holster the gun, following their moves.
When one of the guys stand below the hole through which you are observing them, you jump off the roof using him as landing spot, you can hear his spine shattering under the weight of your body, the others quickly turn around guns ready.
It only takes them a few seconds to recognize you, you can't keep the smile from your face when pure horror reaches their features. While their raised hands tremble with the guns, you drive one of your swords through the heart of the fallen soldier who was whimpering in agony.
The one you know is the leader speaks to you in Russian his voice trembling "Ca- captain Ice Wolf what can we do for you?" you stand up slowly and confident with a swift move of your wrist the blood is shaken off the blade.
"Trying to buy time for your traps?" their eyes widen a little "Don't bother they are out. Now... I have two options for you, A: give me all the intel you have, and I'll kill you painfully but quick, option B: I'll get the intel anyway, but your deaths will be slow and agonizing".
The one by his left shouts "You don't scare us fucking..." you don't let him end, with a small move of your right hand the sword is imbedded through his skull, the body drops to the ground with a heavy thud "I just need one of you, who has the intel?" you step even closer to the remaining two, one of them starts backing off while he empties his twelve bullet mag, the bullets ricochet on your suit, you get closer to rip off the guns from his grip breaking his hand in the process, before he can scream no knock him out with a punch of your left hand.
"Seems like you are the winner" with a swift round kick you knock him out. From your gear belt you retrieve two quarter inch stainless cable reels to tight their hands and leave them hanging from the truss, then you proceed to retrieve your sword and turn to ashes the other two bodies.
 F.R.I.D.A.Y voice talks through the comm *Wolf you have 40 minutes to keep the schedule, it would take 20 to reach the quinjet*
*I'll be quick*
You unclasp the sheathed swords from your back and dive the end of the scabbards in their stomachs making them regain consciousness groaning in pain. You set your gaze in the leader "let me give you a glimpse of what can be your ticket out of this life soldier".
 After clasping back the swords and turning the helmet to collar again with the button, you proceed to plummet down the other, well you don't even break a sweat, they aren't super soldiers, you made sure that he stay alive during the beat down leaving him crying and drooling blood while his body swings in the air wrists bleeding, you stop the movements with a kick on his ribcage, he is starting to loose consciousness so you tap him in the already bleeding and swollen face "hey, soldier head up, the best is yet to come".
"The-the others ar-aren't here captain" the other stammers "places soldier" you say sternly, he audibly gulps "the other fi-five are in Romania captain" you tilt your head "where is sergeant Yuri?".
"I-I don't know he paid us and told us to lay low" you turn around to stare at him, cold empty expression. "You lied soldier, you know were Yuri is".
*twelve minutes*
"Please just put a bullet in my head, he-he is hiding in Germany, at least that's the last location I know". You crack your knuckles and neck "That's true, but you lied first, and I never break my word soldier. "Have you ever screamed bloody while they tear you apart?" you retrieve the hunting knives.
"Should I be worried that you are dripping red all over the quinjet?".
"You should be glad Barton".
The motorcycle once again is secured to the platform and the tank on its way to be refueled and battery charged, you are sitting in the floor back against the wall, Orion lying across your extended legs, your hands trailing through his fur, Mamont bottle by your side.
The next five targets won't be that quick, they are scattered around the outskirts of Romania, you'll have to kill at least two before sunshine, and wait for the next night.
*Locate the targets closest to our route. Keep track to the rest, please*
"Tony will try to kill you for using F.R.I.D.A.Y"
"You know, I could use my server, but is funnier to reel up Tony, besides his servers are faster than mine, Fury will kill me if I use the hellicarrier's".
Natasha, Bobbi channel pitch in the quinjet "Wolf any idea where we can lay low?" the redhead enquires playing fool she knows about the bunker in Romania.
You hum as you take a gulp of the vodka "I'm sending the coordinates just lower the quinjet we will arrive first".
 *Ten minutes from the next target, ma'am there's actually two of them seems like they are in the middle of an intercourse* you could swear F.R.I.D.A.Y’s voice had a hint if humor.
"Not a dignified way to go".
You signal Orion to move off your lap to repeat the process.
 *Repeat the process F.R.I.D.A.Y. Hack all the devices*
You stop the motorcycle in an alleyway, the three-story building is a little old, the window of the master bedroom is open (This will be so fun) you climb the wall, moans and grunts give you the extra cover to stand beside the bed in the dark room.
"You know, for being a male your technique is awful sergeant".
Surprisingly they don't scream, the sergeant pulls out and launches at you, you simply side step to the left and closing your right fist his stomach collides on it winding him out, when he falls face to the floor you stomp in the back of his head knocking him.
The woman tries to cover with the bed sheets "Who are you?!" when you walk closer she retrieves a gun from under the pillow her voice now firm "You have three seconds to answer" you hear the safety going off.
"Lieutenant, that's not the manners to address a captain" with the helmet still on you can see her face change from challenging to horror. Before she shots you block the barrel with your right palm imploding the gun in a muffled sound, with the same hand you knock her out.
You walk to the kitchen to retrieve two chairs, along the way you take the cigarette package and lighter forgotten in the table. *How's the timing F.R.I.D.A.Y?* you walk back to the room and put the chairs close to the beam of moon light that enters the room. *Ma'am you have forty-five minutes to head back to the quinjet* you set them in the chairs tying them firmly to the chairs with the stainless cord. Then you grab the package to light a cigarette, after the second drag you blow the smoke in their faces, making them cough (that happens when you buy cheap shit).
You leave the cigarette in your lips; their eyes widen when you start taking off your gloves and jacket. You tilt your head in confusion to their reaction. "Unfortunately for you is not what you are thinking, 'Scarlett Witch' is the only ones that can have the Ice wolf" you give the cigarette another puff "I have something better for you both" as the smoke scape your lips you pull up the rash guard sleeves above your elbows.
"Tell me sergeant have they ever pull out your beating heart from your chest? While you are still awake" before they can answer you damage their windpipes crushing them a little in your hands "Now you can talk".
Their voices are graveled and low "You are a fucking monster Ice Wolf" you shrug off their comment.
"Thank Hydra for that" you take another drag calmly crossing your right leg over the left "You know what's even more fun? when you loved one see your beating heart, that's a view to behold if you live enough to remember" both tense up in fear, the lieutenant is the next to whisper "the rumors are true?" your laugh is accompanied by smoke "Come on guys those are not rumors, they are whispered pieces of truth".
 *Thirty-five minutes ma'am*.
You take the cigarette in between your steel fingers "Well time to play" you forcibly shove a towel in their mouths, and extinguish the cigarette in his forehead, with a calculated punch you break his sternum, then proceed to slowly tear open flesh and muscle of his chest with your wakizashi sword when it's done you bury the steel in the lieutenant left tight, her faint muffled scream can be heard. Then with your hands you pry open his chest and retrieve his beating heart with your flesh hand "See? Is truly a view to behold" the guy is drenched in sweat, he almost past out, but with a faint squeeze on the soft organ, he startles awake, "Something I need to know?" he nods, you take the towel from his mouth. "Yu-yuri lives in Germany a house in the country side" you frown "Tell me about Kosovo and the experiments".
*Ma'am the lieutenant might know, he doesn't, fifteen minutes*.
"I-I have no intel in Kosovo", you nod faintly "Lieutenant is up to you then" crossing your left hand you remove the towel, she has tears running down her cheeks, skin pale "Ko-kosovo will be like Sokovia, hydra is retrieving people to experiment on, the civil war will be a charade" you frown deeper this time "that's not much" you shove the towel in her mouth again, this time you squeeze his heart as your right hands crushes his neck.
You retrieve the towel and shove a pill in his mouth, you wipe the blood off your hands with the same towel and remove hers. "I'm losing patience, last time or I'll do the same to you but trusting my hand through your chest".
"NO! no! captain please, please that's the only thing I know" at your blank cold face she gets nervous "there are enhanced on the attack ranks, take my laptop, you can access the server, please just..." she starts whimpering, getting closer you put the barrel of your beretta in her forehead "Thank you" you simply nod at her "Close your eyes" when she does you pull the trigger.
You feel nothing as you turn the bodies to ashes with the pills and clean everything with pure bleach and wash off the blood off your hands.
After everything is done, you silently climb down through the back of the building, for your surprise when you walk near the bike you see a small fur ball under it.
At first you get suspicious and look around but F.R.I.D.A.Y clear the air *Wolf there's no one nearby is a stray dog, it might got close due to Orion's smell*.
Disactivating briefly the voice synthesizer you kneel down a few feet away to coax the little pup out, the little dog clumsy turns towards you big light blue eyes almost white stare back up at you with curiosity "Hey little ball, come here" you say softly, it's hard to believe how you can switch from cold assassin to normal human being in a flick.
You see the little butt wiggle before it clumsy crawls out of the bike and walks to you tumbling a little, it indeed is tiny most likely a barely two week old puppy "F.R.I.D.A.Y any sign of the mother?".
A few seconds later she answers *No ma'am*.
You gently pick the tiny pup grabbing it under its arms pits with the belly exposed you see that the 'it' is a girl, her fur color is hidden behind grime and other filthy things "It would be quite hypocrite of me to leave you here don't you think?" the tiny thing just stares back at you. It fits perfectly in your left gloved hand, carefully you stand up to straddle the bike and figure out how to transport the pup.
In the end you take off your right glove and put the pup inside, then you put the pup inside your jacket to protect it from the wind.
 The sun is five minutes away from start peeking through the horizon. The little pup is secured in the front of your jacket, the rumbling of the motorcycle scared her at first, so you switched to electric mode.
*Ma'am the laptop is free from tracker, I assume you don't wish tonight's footage being saved*.
*Your assumption is correct F.R.I.D.A.Y. Log off when I park in the quinjet, I'll do the hacking myself. I'll contact you tonight*.
*Very well ma'am. Do you wish to pass a message to Miss Wanda?*
*Just tell her I'm ok, thank you*.
*Barton lower the ramp*
 The motorcycle comes to a halt, Orion hurries to sniffle your jacket, "easy boy" you get off the bike, take off the backpack with the laptop and puppy food to put it on the floor. You keep your left hand securing the pup on your jacket while you clasp in place the motorcycle, Orion is doing a little over wagging while he follows you around the bike ("Little pup! Little pup! Let me sniff and say hi!").
Clint tilts his head in confusion not everyday Orion acts more like an excited dog than a Wolf "what you got there cap?".
"In the backpack or the jacket?".
"Both smartass" he says lazily from the pilot chair.
"there's a pup in my jacket and a laptop in the bag" you un zip the jacket to retrieve the tiny pup from the glove and take off the jacket then grab the bag pack to walk to the control panel and sit beside Barton who almost shrieks in delight at the sight of the pup, he tries to take it away from you but you swing the chair to avoid his hands "when you are done piloting you can pester her".
 "Aaah! Come on Y/N!" he whines behind you "Let me hug her, she is so cute" you just stare at him while he whines again "Ok ok enough just don't crash the jet" you gently hand him the pup and he cradles her to his chest while Orion boops his massive nose on hers.
"Are you sure is a good idea to land in that spot?" Clint says as he eyes the tight spot in the forest.
"Do as I say Birdbrain" you say from the copilot seat as you log in in your private server. The quinjet hovers over a specific spot beside a small wood and stone cabin that is close to a stream.
 "Why so adamant in the spot Wolf?" after pressing a few keys of your laptop the green grass splits up, leaving a metal platform big enough for the quinjet, "Lower the jet" when the undercarriage touches the platform you press more keys, the platform lowers further while the ceiling closes back.
"what the fuck wolf?!" he exclaims scaring the pup you glare at him as he sheepishly mouths a 'sorry' and pets the puppy to calm her down "What's next? luxurious mansions in Dubai, Monaco, Hawaii, safe houses all over the world?".
A smirk is your only answer, the jet is slides to the far-left end leaving space for other two jets, the back gate of the quinjet opens, the bunker is BIG, there's two all-terrain SUVs, is a complete open space living room, dinning, the element dividing the dining and kitchen is a glass cava. Between the garage space and the living, there's a control station six twenty-inch screens displaying images and data.
*Welcome back captain. Unauthorized presence detected*
Clint looks at you wide eyed, you smirk at him before giving orders *Register presence agent Clint Barton, code name Hawkeye*
"Person registered, welcome agent Barton*
You walk further *Initialize security protocol 2.0*
*Yes captain*.
"Knock yourself out Clint there's food in the fridge, the bedrooms are in the end of the hall" You walk to the control panel to sync the devices and grab your phone to call Hill, Barton just stares at your mouth hanging open the pup takes the chance to lick his chin, as Orion hurries to roam around wagging his tail.
[Phone call]
*Wolf do you need something? * Maria asks simply you can hear her flipping through paperwork.
*I need access to S.H.I.E.L.D’s sever, I found intel about Kosovo and will hack a device that has access into a Hydra database*
*That was not your mission Wolf, how can you be sure of that intel*
*Hill the sergeant I interrogated said that Kosovo is Sokovia all over again we can't go in blindly*
*Give me fifteen minutes, I'll grant you access*
 After a shower and putting the suit to wash you walk back to the control area. Your laptop shows S.H.E.L.D logo signaling your authorized access. You start working, Orion hurries to your side, you pet him while you work. From your station you can see a now clean pup with a beautiful honey coat fur is on Clint's arms as he prepares the puppy formula you 'bought', you actually slipped in a veterinary, grabbed the food and left a little note with way too much money for the trouble.
While you work the first ones to arrive are Natasha and Bucky, you grant them access and their quinjet is sledded to the left leaving the middle space for Morse and Carter.
Clint hurries to question the ex-assassins to if they knew about the 'Freaking cool bunker' they only answer with a 'of course Clint not the first time we are here' surprising Clint as he fakes being wounded.
Nebula hurries to say hi to you "Hi Nebula" you pet her with your left hand "Can you take care of her?" you ask the female wolf tilting your head towards Clint
 "Yes ma'am" she boops your hand with her nose before moving, while Clint accuses them of traitors Nebula gets in momma bear mode and takes the now clean and fed pup from Clint's arms moving to the couch to cuddle the tiny pup that wastes no time in hiding in Nebula's warm fur.
As you begin to figure out the best way to work the codes down you hear Natasha rolling close a chair you make some room for her to sit by your right "Let's have some fun Wolf" she says with a wide smirk as she retrieves a keyboard from the drawer below the desktop.
"We shall play a game" you answer with a smirk.
Natasha gives you her trademark smirk, oh boy that's trouble being loaded faster than a hand gun clip "Let's bet on this one" she says with a sultry voice.
You lean back on the backrest a little arrogantly "Shoot".
"An ZL1 corvette" she says simply with a wink.
"You don't want to bet this one Wolf" Bucky says as he walks by behind you two.
You snicker at the man's confidence "You are on ballerina, I want white body with camel leather" you throw at her.
She smirks again "You know how I like my girls Wolf" she says sending you a kiss "James I got us a new car!" she says with pure confidence and snickering at your offended demeanor.
"Wolf! I need a truck and a pickup too, I'm getting in the bet" Clint calls out as he too walks to the kitchen with a wide side smile.
"You all are a bunch of vultures, you just want my money" you grumble glaring at them ("We still love you! Even more when you feed us") Orion and Nebula chant in your mind, their comment makes you and Bucky snort.
Sometime later the last quinjet is lowered, Bobbi and Sharon step down with a surprised expressions, the latter being the first to step in the bunker.
"Hey Wolf! What in the name of hell is this place?" Bobbi asks.
*Unauthorized presences detected*
"What?! You have an A.I too?" Sharon asks as Bobbi as they glance around.
"Register first presence Sharon Carter, code name Agent 13. Sharon raise your hand please" you instruct without faltering your hacking work your eyebrows furrowed in concentration.
*Person registered, welcome agent Carter*.
"Second presence Bobbi Morse, code name Mockingbird*.
*Person registered, welcome agent Morse*.
"Holy shit Wolf" Bobbi exclaims as she and Sharon look around until they feel Nebula's annoyed glare.
Sharon moves to stand behind Natasha and you, she sees the competitive way in which you two are working the clicks to the keyboards like bursts of bullets "Are you seriously competing on who hacks Hydra's server and intel first?" she asks in annoyance and amusement.
Both of you just shrug, as Bucky and Barton snicker from their spots on the dining table "Wanna bet doll?" Bucky asks with a tiny smirk.
"No thanks" she says with a small smile "Just keep them from killing each other" she moves to the kitchen "Barton, Barnes you are both seriously a lost cause, you could have made something to eat".
"I made coffee" Clint says with a shrug raising his coffee pot "There's no pizza to heat".
Sharon glares at him and then turns to Bucky "Don't look at me doll, that kitchen appliances are way to high tech for me" Bucky says lifting his hands in innocence.
Sharon just slaps her hand on her forehead "Morse be of use and help me cook, leave Nebula's pup alone" she turns around just to quickly whip her head back "Nebula has a pup?!".
Clint dryly snickers from his seat "Not exactly Wolf found the little pup and she brought her, Nebula took her away from me".
Bobbi was petting the wolves and the little pup before moving away "Thank god she did otherwise she will end up living of coffee" Bobbi says as she walks to the kitchen.
 A wine bottle and half cigarette package later you pinch your bridge nose, while the last of the intel downloads you groan in annoyance, yup they will bleed you some cash.
"Told ya" Bucky calls from his spot on the sofa where is lying down staring at the concrete ceiling as he drums his fingers om his chest.
Natasha just laughs lowly as she sends the intel to Nick and Maria "Pleasure playing games Wolf".
"Fuck you Nat" you grumble in half annoyance.
Your previous actions and seeing again the info about Sokovia make you quite uncomfortable, some memories try to slip back in your mind.
"You should eat and sleep Y/N I doubt a wine bottle and cigarettes are enough to sustain a super soldier body" Clint says in half dad mode.
"You let out a dry laugh "More like 'half body' but you are right" you press the call button of your cellphone to call Maria and turn on the speaker.
(Fury's voice)
*Wolf and Natasha how the hell did you two hack all that in less than three hours?*
*Hill, is it my sleep deprived brain or your voice sounds sexier?* you throw smugly
You can hear Maria's small tight jiggles as Nick's voice takes over *Ha ha ha Wolf very funny. I take last night you had a good mission* the director says.
*Yes, hold the intervention until we have the targets secured which is tonight, seems like they are quite a group of enhanced lying low there*
*I can't let you take in on a civilian involved mission right after your party Wolf*
*What I do in my parties don't compromise the mission director*
*I'm not asking your input in my decisions Wolf, that's an order* you can hear the device being put on speaker.
(Hill's voice)
*Your orders are retrieving intel and get the targets and head back. Barton, we need you to leave Wolf in the Hungarian base then assist in the mission*
*Yes agent Hill*
*Beautiful night time story Hill* you say teasing her, however you face is set in anger.
[end of the call]
"Y/N those are the protocols, civilians are at stake" Clint says with a big frown Nat and Bucky just set their jaws, none of them like the protocols that the government pushed to be used on you.
"Protocols can kiss my ass Clint, that place is like a civil war, it will be worse than Sokovia with the enhanced".
[room in the bunker]
Even with Orion curled against you, sleep doesn't come easy. You are at peace with everything you've done, but the memories make your skin crawl, the 'monster' title has a rooted reason, reasons that make you see your hands drenched in blood. When you manage to escape the night terror is with a silent scream, your heart rate at its peak, cold sweat dampening your clothes. It has never easy to sleep without Wanda, her presence has always been enough to keep at bay your demons.
You sit in the bed, Orion's worried gaze tries to catch your attention, you pet him trying to reassure him, but he is not buying your lies, after all he can get in your mind.
("Captain you should catch more sleep").
You get up and change your clothes for sweatpants and sleeveless rash guard. Then you head to the medium size gym in the other side of the bunker.
While you plummet the punching bag, your mind keeps giving you glimpses of the bloodbath that was the civil war, you can't help it you were so young when death knocked on your door, the three of you weren't prepared to step on blood tainted streets, bodies turned to shreds and the stink of dead. Each memory reeling you up even though this time your felt hand is wrapped and gloved it will be bruised. The last punch that sends the punch bag flying against the concrete wall with a low hook with your left hand, the punching bag explodes and the sand oozes out of it like a sand clock signaling the end of time, leaving you panting like an enraged animal and still restless.
"You are such a mess without the twins close" Clint says from the door on your right. You only glare at him, he is holding out an acoustic guitar "If you can't sleep don't waste energy, play something".
"You just want a free show Clint" you say with annoyance and ragged breath.
"Guilty as charged, cool down, take a shower" he orders in full Hawkdad mode.
After playing guitar for a while you managed to catch two more hours of sleep. Now you are setting the communication line with F.R.I.D.A.Y.
*Goodnight capitan, I’m already setting out the routes and scanning the area* she talks through the comm in your ear.
*Let us know when we are safe to go* you avoid using her name to keep the others from knowing.
"Okey ladies let's finish this mission smoothly!" Natasha calls with a big smirk making Bucky, Clint and Orion huff in annoyance.
"Be glad we think of you when we say that" Bobbi says from the sofa.
"Come on doll, don't be mean" Bucky says kissing Nat's temple "Play nice".
"Or he will play dirty later" Sharon says with a wink.
"Sharon! There's things I don't want to know!" Clint whines with the pup in his arms.
You all are already in the quinjet Orion glued by your side "Ready Barton?" when he turns around you see the little pup head peeking through his jacket, "Seriously Clint? Leave her in the crate".
"No. I'll keep her safe" he immediately fires back covering her tiny body with his hand.
*Clear to take off. Routes loaded, fifteen minutes from first target*.
You see confusion flashing over his eyes "Y/N why aren't you wearing the armored suit?"
"I'm going to a party" you simply shrug. You are wearing cargo pants, long sleeve shirt, long trench coat, gloves and boots all charcoal, and the previous set of weapons, your swords concealed by the trench coat.
You kill the next two targets easily they don't give too much fight, the third one is a lieutenant, so you'll take your time interrogating him, luckily for you the idiot is on a strip club that you own. You drive through the private entrance and park the motorcycle.
The 'owner' greets you he is a big man thick long beard and scary looking rocker, well scary for the others, for you? a business partner and one of the best "Captain is a honor to have you here, you came to see the Hydra lieutenant, yes?" he says with a smirk.
You nod at him "Do me a favor, ask one of the girls to take him to the private chambers, I'll leave no trace" you request as you shake his hand in greeting.
"Right away captain, do you wish I send you company?" You shake your head in negative.
You are hiding in a dark corner of the room, one of the dancers drag the sergeant in and closes the door, in a seductive way she makes him sit in a chair and clasp the metal shackles, she starts to undo his dress shirt and blindfolds him with his tie. She walks a little back, and you silently make your way behind him to harshly gag him. When he panics you take off the tie he franticly looks around him. Trying to spot the threat. You walk around to block the sight of the dancer, your back turn on him.
"Thank you darling" you extend a wad of cash "For your discretion, chill out a little while I work here. I'll let you know when you can head back to the bar" she takes the wad and leans up to leave a kiss in your jaw "a pleasure cap" she swiftly leaves the room.
*Erase all the footage, he was never here* you request F.R.I.D.A.Y through the comm.
"Sarge I've killed nine out of ten and, you are the last one". You take a cigarette and lit it to take a puff "If you want Yuri-" your laughter interrupts him "you'll have to give me something else, the others burnt out that card", he grinds his jaw "I told him we should have put a bullet in your head while we could, you fucking traitor".
"Sergeant I was never Hydra, they never trust me fully, that's why I'm captain and not general" you scuff blowing smoke at him.
The man grinds his jaw and tries another tactic "You are a fucking monster Ice Wolf, Hydra used you like a guard dog, hunting dog, attack dog. Not even the Scarlet Witch can sooth your scarred mind".
You fake being wounded before smirking wickedly "I just took advantage of their resources, teachings and gifts. I might be a monster, but I'm no longer a Hydra puppet. Tell me, who is with Yuri?".
"You will kill your master? That's classic Ice Wolf" he scuffs.
That does the trick, you connect a swift combo of punches bruising badly his ribs "say that again" he laughs drily "Does your new master knows that you are going to kill your former one?" the next punch turn his head violently to the right and split his lip, he only smirks before he spits at you "Wrong choice of actions sarge" after taking off your left glove you use him as punching bag.
He is left wincing and barely conscious, you clasp his neck in your gloved right hand, "Any last words?", he lets out a pained gargle laugh "He is waiting for you to show up, after he kills you for good this time he is going for your beloved twins" you snicker a little "This time they have no chance against me" with a swift move you break his neck.
You were tempted to go for Yuri’s sorry ass, so fucking tempted but that’s not the target tonight. Of course, the Hawkeye saw you searching for the Hydra handler location his name an picture displaying on the top left corner of your screen, even when you had the location you backed down you won’t take the chance of revenge from the others this is personal for quite the number.
After closing the window ending the search you went back to the original mission retrieve the assholes you went sent to retrieve. With a huff you put the laptop aside and move towards the back to sit in the floor.
Sited on the floor legs stretched out, back against the wall. Orion is draped over you, a new vodka bottle in your hand.
"Y/N you are creeping me out, you've been staring at the wall for half an hour" Clint calls from his pilot seat, his face reflected on the windshield as he glances at you.
"I brought you to pilot the quinjet, not to analyze and react to my behavior"
"What is Yuri to you?" this time you don't answer and take another gulp of the liquor bottle in your hand, the wolf whines softly, you simply pet him. After some uncomfortable silence you give him a simply answer “He was my trainer and handler, my unit was under his command” Clint just frowns and nods.
“Clint suit up you are coming with me” you say as you get up and walk to the copilot seat “And leave the pup on the crate”.
“Aye aye Captain fun boomer”.
“Let’s see how fun is having a pup in your vest with bullets coming at it” you retort.
*Ready on location Wolf* Barton calls through the comms his bow and arrow ready as he stands in the lowered ramp of the quinjet that silently hovers over the four-story building you are about to storm, the holographic stealth tech keeps him out of sight even more after you hacked the only surveilling radar leaving it on a loop.
“You ready Orion?” you whisper slowly as you crunch low behind a car near the back entrance.
(“Let’s do this!”) he exclaims.
When the guards walk out fidgeting with a pack of cigs, Orion and you jump into action, the wolf chokes one of the guards with a single bite and rolls over to avoid a big thud. You also choke the other guard and lower him. Two guards down to piles of dust.
You don’t need to give him instructions the wolf and you are a deadly synced unit, he keeps your six covered as you slip through the halls. It should be crime to enjoy how the guards flinch or even stumble when they catch a glimpse of who is making its way through the base and that makes your instincts scream in alert, way too easy, Orion picks this too. And still you take the guards bare handed, Orion simply jumps over their fallen bodies.
*Ma’am there’s an interference coming from outside*
*What do you mean outside?* there’s cracking in your comms and the platform dies leaving you to your own eyes and ears, you hear the sound of fighting and bodies falling to the floor heavily. Focusing further you catch the sight of insects crawling, bullet ants (For fucks sake).
(“Orion stay here”) you walk to the source of fighting, drawing out your guns you walk in to see guards being slammed, hauled and thrown like rag dolls, you see the targets trying to flee (“Orion bite their asses”) you hear the sound of Orion’s claws scratching the floor as he runs and knocks out the targets.
You get in the fight knocking the guards, you fight with strikes of your left arm and leg, there’s just one last and you get in the way of the Wasp blocking her kick with your right arm and grabbing the guard by the throat. Her kick makes your arm absorb a good amount of kinetic energy, the only tell is the glow on the exposed fingers.
The Wasp gets back in her size “What the hell you think you are doing Wolf?!” she almost sneers you ignore her and inspect the guard he is an elite operative *Dr. Pym could you please stop interrupting my channel with Stark’s A.I* you say out loud knowing well that the man has eyes and ears everywhere.
Scott gets back in size besides Hope and opens his helmet “I’m really, really sorry Wolf but these are our mission” he says politely pointing at the door where the targets tried to run. Retracting back your helmet you give him the sassiest look “Come on Scott” you sense the guard reaching for his knife and you tight your grip on his throat your fingertips digging on the sides of his neck “Don’t even think about it” you sneer at the man, and he still tries. Your right hand intercepts his knife as you thrust it to your ribcage, you simply let some of the energy turn his weapon to dust.
“Who is your commanding officer agent?” you ease the pressure “Sergeant Smith” he croaks out brokenly.
“Where do I find him?” the guard has the nerve to laugh drily “Seven months, you came for him and you don’t have Idea of who he is. You are getting soft Ice Wolf” she smirks at you.
“Is that so? And how do I know you were his brother?” you say staring blankly at him.
“Were? What-“ you right hand goes through his Kevlar vest and digs on his stomach, leaving him astonished for a few seconds before he starts screaming “Oh shut the hell up” you crush his windpipe before letting him fall to the ground as he winces in pain (“Orion?”).
“Thinking it over, you can keep them” Scott hurries to say, Hope just glares at him.
(“Smith is hiding in the corner”) you see Orion faking looking at somewhere else while his ears signal the actual place.
“Tell me Hope, how do you get a cockroach to flee its hiding spot when you can reach it?” she tilts her head in confusion. You simply raise your right hand pointing at a corner behind her “Smith five seconds or I blow you to hell” you begin to count but never make it to the five “Five, four, three-“
“Wait, wait, wait Wolf there’s no need-“ Scott tries to talk you down as you fire the blast that rushes past Hope and lands on the man hiding, you hear a scream and the man crawls out hand on his midriff.
Scott nervously laughs “You won’t kill him, right?” he asks as Orion jumps in pinning him to the ground, bullet ants surround the fallen man.
“Hey Smith, look forward” you call the man, when he does you gun is already pointed at the other head, you feel something biting your hand, it indeed feels like a bullet but that doesn’t stop you from firing a round to the head of his brother.
“YOU! FUCKING MONSTER! I’M GOING TO KILL YOU!” he tries to stand up, but Orion’s metal claw pushes his head on the floor claws grazing his head as he growls.
“How do you dare Wolf? He was on the ground!” Hope strolls to stand toe by toe with you, you just shrug her comment as the static in your comm dies and Clint’s voice takes over *Wolf I’m three seconds away from getting my ass down there!*.
*Stay put Hawkeye. I’m taking the targets*.
*You aren’t taking them Captain Wolf* Dr. Pym voice comes through the comms.
*Wolf who the hell patched our comms? Is that Scott?* you pinch the bridge of your nose with your left fingers a headache taking over.
“Feeling bad Wolf?” Smith asks between laughs “my brother didn’t die in vain, prepare yourself to relive. The worst enemy is at home” he says grunting at the pressure of the wolf’s claw on his head.
Gently you push Hope aside, calmly you take off your left glove and spot the bullet ant with its stinger still buried in the adductor pollicis muscle or as the acupuncturists call it ‘Hegu’ point, it fucking hurts like hell, it’s like a burning white dull needle trying to get through your hand, the involuntary trembling of your hand says it all, still the poor thing its not at fault you partially kneel before carefully taking the ant between your index and thumb right hand fingers, you see it squirm, maybe in freight but you won’t kill it “Hope I’d really appreciate is you tell it to let go, I don’t want to kill it” Hope relents and the ant pulls out the stinger, your arm flinches as you clench your jaw. Carefully you put the ant in the ground by your right side, away from your path.
Scott is looking at you with a wide expression of surprise he almost fangirls in place “Now that is the most badass shit I’ve ever seen. How you do it? That hurts”.
“A little familiar to you Ice Wolf? What was the 167 simulation? Hahaha I can’t remember. it was after the death by jellyfish that is” you snicker at the man words, you grab a stray pebble on the floor and fiddle with it before flickering it at him with your middle finger using a little of the kinetic energy left, the pebble smacks the center of his head it gets stuck in the skin knock him out.
“Simulation? What is he talking about Wolf?” Hope asks as she looks between you and the unconscious man” her demeanor no longer threatening, it never really was.
“Nothing of importance” you stand up and walk to the fallen man, the ants moving away from your path. Kneeling down you put his hands on his back and put him on shackles “Now we can do this the hard-bloody way or the friendly way”.
Scott raises his hand “I rather go for the friendly way”.
*Wolf you are not taking them. Hydra got a hold on a draft formula for my Pym particle* the doctor says through your comms, the ants close their distance around you.
*And how were you planning on getting the intel doc? If intel is what you want I can get it for you, but I’m taking these assholes to S.H.I.E.L.D’s custody* you Orion begins to growl at the ants closing in.
*I’m not letting my formula fall on the hands of S.H.I.E.L.D or Stark Wolf-*
*Agh! come on doc! get the fuck over it. The S.H.I.E.L.D Fury directs is not the same S.H.I.E.L.D you flipped off, and you should know by now that Tony is not Howard he is and entirely different person” you see hope shrugging and nodding at your words.
*Dad, we should give them the benefit of doubt* the ants begin to back off and so does Orion’s growling.
*Lowering the quinjet Wolf* Clint calls.
Standing up you grab the man by the back of his pants, Orion steps off him and stands in guard, you lift the man like a sack “You two come with me, this way you can be certain that we are not feeding you lies” (Orion go ahead and clear the way”) the wolf jumps over the sea of ants and runs out to make his way to the roof.
Hope and Scott put back their helmets and you do too “How many can you lift?” you ask as you walk to the hall were the other nine targets are lying on the floor.
“How many?” Scott asks in confusion as you crunch to put another two men in your shoulders, grab smith and take a last one on your left hand, four in total, you hear Scott whispering to Hope ‘She won’t be able to stand’ you smirk before effortlessly standing up ‘Aaand she did, what the hell?’ Lang muses lauder this time.
Hope just shakes his head “We take the others Wolf” you she other black and red ants appearing from different places and they lift the remaining five, you mutter a “Cheaters” before walking to the stairs, the way is cleared out by Orion, you hear some fight and hear bodies falling down in the staircase. When silence takes over, a heavy door is open (“Clear!”) Orion calls happily.
The three of you hurry to run up the stairs, when you cross the door the quinjet appear and Clint runs down the aircraft to keep guarding as you load them *Hawkeye clear the building while I secure the targets*, *Roger that* he hurries to the building, Orion takes over.
“Umm Wolf… by ‘clear’ you mean kill?” Scott enquires as he looks back at the building, you answer a simple ‘yes’ while you secure schackles on their wrists and ankles, Hope gives you a hand when those a settled you activate the magnetic pull securing them to the panel of the quinjet.
*Hawkeye report* you call as you check the airspace looking for a gap to takeoff.
*Clear. Going back up*.
*Eagle one. This is Task force three, targets secured flying back to the nest over* you call through the comms.
*Task Force three, report received. Route authorized*.
“Barton, we are behind schedule increase the speed” Clint just gives you a wide smirk before speeding up.
“Aww! There’s a puppy! Look Hope she is so cute” you hear Scott muse, Clint immediately looks back “Lang let the puppy alone! Orion bite his ass off”.
“No! you are piloting this thing I look over the pup” Scott calls as he hugs the puppy, the two men begin to argue as you rub your temples (Thank god, the targets are out. What a shame). You feel a hand on your left shoulder and you almost jerk in surprise.
“I didn’t take you for a spooky cat Wolf” Hope teases beside you “I’m not, I was distracted” she frowns at your words “Are you feeling good?” she looks at you worried, remembering Smith’s words.
“It’s just a headache, I’ve been having them once in a while” she doubts about pressing the matter she just looks at the over grown boys and tells them to shut up.
The quinjet lands on the hellicarrier hangar in time with the schedule alongside Morse and Barnes jets, when the ramps lower there’s already three units of elite guards ready to take the prisoners to custody. Hope and Scott move to the cockpit to avoid interfering as the guards haul up the group of men. In the corner of your right eye you see Clint and Scott trying to sneak the pup inside Clint’s jacket, sometimes you forget how much of a human disaster can Barton be and alongside Scott they are a lost cause.
An agent gets close “Ma’am the quinjets will be taken to the Avengers compound while you stay here. When the debrief ends you all will be taken back in a single quinjet” one of the guards inform “Director Fury and Deputy Director Hill are already waiting on the interrogation area”.
“Thank you, agent. Barton, Lang move your asses” You don’t need to tell anything to Hope who is already walking to the ramp alongside Orion, the wolf wastes no time trothing to greet Nebula that is already waiting.
“Romanoff, Barnes” you greet them “Wolf” both answer “Van Dyne you are a refreshing beautiful sight” Natasha begins to tease the raven-haired woman “Romanoff, looking hot as always”, she fires back “Barnes you look handsome in leather” she winks at him, making him blush a little. He clears his throat “You look really good in that suit Van Dyne, I bet you will look better when I walk you home” he says with his usual charm.
“Wolf! Who is the suited hottie with you?” Bobbi asks as she gets close, winking at Hope, the latter just smirks “Morse, Carter is good to see you” they smile at her, before Sharon calls out Clint on his bullshit “Barton zip down your jacket you will smoother the poor pup”.
“What pup Sharon? I see no pup, Lang you see a pup?” he asks feign innocence.
“I see two over grown pups” Scott says pointing at the wolves who lock him in a murderous scowl “Oh oh hey guys I was joking… Hope? Wolf?” he begins to get nervous as the wolves stroll close to him, he fits his helmet before shrinking down “Ha ha now you can’t see-“Orion and Nebula keep their glare following him.
All of you snort at his scape failure “Come on, we are wasting time” you order and all of you simply walk away as Scott tries to out run the wolves who simply walk passing over him as they follow along. You hear Scott growing back in size again “Seriously?”.
All of you make you way to the interrogation facilities, for your surprise Wanda and Vision are already waiting alongside Fury and Maria. As you walk close you see Wanda looking at you, searching for injuries if you didn’t know better no one will pick that little fact easily Wanda can be really nonchalant when she wants to.
“Wolf I see you brought unexpected guests to the hellicarrier” Fury says staring at the additions,
“To avoid unwanted confrontations sir, but it seems that our targets were already pissing off another group”.
“Agent Barton is that a puppy on your jacket?” Maria sternly asks looking at Clint who raises his hands in innocence “Wolf brought her to the jet, I’m just puppysitting”, you look at him with a quirked eyebrow, damned Clint he threw you under the bus, Maria and Nick turn to stare at you at the same time.
You clear your throat “She was hiding under my bike”.
“Enough little dog talk. Let’s talk business” Fury orders, everyone gets in game.
After the debrief about the mission with Hope’s and Scott’s insight on their findings all of you wait for Fury’s orders.
“I called agent Maximoff and Mr. Vision to make all this process faster” Nick says as he gives the agents behind a glass wall the signal to prepare an equipment “Now, this tech we are going to use allows miss them to use their telepathic powers giving us a full feedback of what they see” you quirk and eyebrow at the director, he knows how much you hate Wanda being used like that her powers and empathic making the whole ordeal draining for her “Don’t pull that face Wolf, this new version prevents them from feeling” you just nod.
The sight of the equipment and the holographic screens makes your skin crawl, way too familiar and not in a pleasant way, no time to coward like a little kid you push down the uneasiness to be ready to protect Wanda and Vision if needed. You manage to fool almost everyone except the wolves and Bucky who catch your discomfort; however, they keep silent.
In the room on the left are the S.H.I.E.L.D technicians, middle room Wanda and Vision with the men to be put under interrogation, the next room on the right divided by a glass wall there’s the rest of the prisoners, guarded by an elite guard team. Wanda and Vision enter the designated space, Smith and other man are already strapped to the tables, electrodes on their temples.
The sound feedback is on, the rest of you stand outside Nick and Maria are the first in line alongside dr. Pym, Bucky, the wolves and you flanking them third in line are the others.
Wanda and Vision work as team to leave no chance of deceit, the first in line is Smith who seems to be entertained by the whole setting, Wanda locks him on a stern look “I will advise you give us all the intel you have willingly, otherwise this ordeal will get harder on your end” Wanda methodically says before they begin working, Smith just smirks at her “I’m sure you will enjoy the intel you are about to see darling”. The screens begin to show what he has in mind.
But the images are not precisely what he was asked, or at least it doesn’t seem like it. He begins to show a bare room; the empty space is suddenly filled with agony screams… your screams as your kneeled body is shown being engulfed by bullet ants that sting everywhere.
The bastard made this new simulation giving you flesh limbs instead of the prosthetics, is a weak point in your favor, but no weak point will lack a foundation. You glance down at the flesh limbs, its so strange the sight of two flesh hands, when he shows up and the lights are turn on you see yourself being surrounded by bullet ants, fucking bullet ants. They don’t give you a warning, the ants simply go for you as you try to get up, but even when there’s no shackles visible they are keeping you kneeled.
Each sting feels like a piercing bullet, you can’t keep the screams at bay. You will your mind to stay in control (Is just a simulation, is just a simulation) you repeat like a mantra in your mind and yet it feels so real, each sting burns. You roll over on the floor trying to get rid of the tiny insects and yet more appear, and you contort in pain you hear a clattering, he dropped a gun.
Screaming in frustration an idea crosses your mind, when you are a hand away again you drop on the floor, you don’t see it but he smirks at the sight. When he gets close you move, you will your mind to play on your favor and grab the gun before the technicians can try anything you reel his head with bullets. Your relief is short lived when the pain increases, and you drop the gun, when you glance at the hands they are awfully swollen (Come on! Come on fucking mind! grab the gun) you manage to take back the gun as more ants bury their stingers you put the gun muzzle on your head and will a bullet to be fired.
You keep a blank face as you see the scenarios he is choosing to show, the only tell of you reacting is the slight clench of your jaw. The others behind you just look at you with concern, even Maria and Fury are briefly glancing back through the reflection of the glass.
Is no surprise when you see Wanda begin to falter as more scenarios are shown “What’s wrong Scarlet Witch? Not the intel you were expecting? There’s still plenty of this” he says between laughs, she tries to regain control but her angry aching heart is not really wanting to cooperate, she wants to kill this man. Vision notices the change first (“Wanda, please calm down we need to get the intel first”) he tries to coax the telepath to get back in task, but that’s not happening, he briefly glances at you.
The other just gulp and wince at the images, being Hope and Scott the ones that take off their eyes not really being able to keep watching. You walk around the three people in front of you “Open the door” you request the technicians doesn’t acknowledge your request.
“Wolf we need that intel” Fury says with a commanding tone.
“OPEN THE DAMN DOOR OR I’M BREAKING IT” you shout at the people in the control room.
“WOLF BACK DOWN!” Fury orders as Vision struggles against Wanda to keep her from killing the man who begins to scream “Wolf you better get in here now!” Vision shouts as he struggles.
You don’t wait any further and walk up to the sliding double door, the wolves move quickly to stand growling to keep at bay the others. When the door doesn’t slide open in their respective directions you trust your metal hand through the door and tear it open as Smith keeps screaming in agony, how tempted you are on letting Wanda get her way.
You hurry to engulf her in your arms and pulling her away, but the link remains (damn it) you have no other option but to put your body in between, it hurts a little, but Wanda immediately cuts the connection.
Cradling her head, you put your forehead in hers (“Wan, calm down. We need you back in game”) you project to her mind, you try to search her gaze of her eyes are tightly closed in anger, her fists tightly balled on each side of her body energy dancing wildly around.
(“Come on beautiful, talk to me”) you project towards her harder.
(“How could you refrain from killing him? I just want to tear him apart”) she angrily says in your head her voice is almost a growl (“I know Wan, but the mission comes first… it has always been like that. Just push through one more time”) you feel all her anger combining with yours, your liver is boiling with anger. Wanda was not meant to see that, that’s why you’ve been keeping the details of what you remember at bay.
The other just stand outside, not really sure about what’s going on in the telepathic conversation you are having. Vision seems to read the situation better and takes away the electrodes and unclasp the straps, keeping the man pressed to the table with his hand. Fury and Maria just let the ordeal develop, this was between their considerations.
(“Wanda focus on the task please, I’ll buy you some time to focus”) you break the touch of your foreheads, your only regret is not leaving a kiss on her forehead, but there’s an act to be performed.
You hear the man beginning to laugh painfully “Come on Fury! You lose control of your assets that easily? in Hydra this never happens” he says between laughs.
You turn around and walk to stand by his right side, Vision simply phases through him to stand in the other side leaving him gasping at the odd sensation. “Is Hydra way what you want Smith?” you say with a cold threaten tone.
“You won’t dare Ice Wolf. Will you reveal the monster to them?” he says with a breathless laugh, you chuckle drily at him there’s no friendly trace in the chuckle you will enjoy this. You see his eyes widening at the void look that takes over your features, no more Wolf time to be the Ice Wolf everyone wants so badly to be.
Grabbing him by the front of his clothes you lift him off the table, Wanda immediately puts up a deep scarlet barrier the only ones that phase through are Orion and Nebula who stroll in with a darkened demeanor, they too are ready to play. You lift the man off the ground he trashes wildly landing several kicks and punches that you don’t even feel, he is a normal person his punches feel like ball impacts at best.
“What’s wrong? Your wishes were granted don’t bitch about it” you walk a few paces, grabbing the top of his head to prevent an injury as you slam him in the metal wall leaving a dent and winding him out. Your voice takes a growl tone when you speak to him “Now listen to me very carefully you Hydra scum. When those electrodes are fixed back in your temples you will show the intel we want”.
“O-or what you will shoot me in the head? Go ahead” he says as he laughs but all you see is the fear on his eyes.
“I can do better than that” you briefly lat him go when his body tries to fall down you push him back against the wall thrusting your metal finger tips on the mouth of his stomach. He doesn’t even make a sound he just gulps like a fish out of water, you flash him a wicked smile that only he and the other prisoners can see “I can tear you apart while my wolves gnaw your bones and still keep you alive to pry away that intel from your head” he tries to scream either in terror or in pain but he just mages to heave. When you press further your fingertips his skin almost gives up “S-STOP!” he chokes.
You laugh at him “Is all you can take, and you call yourself Hydra? Pathetic” you sneer at him “It took you months and mind games to make me scream. There’s no doubt Hydra is losing its touch”.
“Not all of us were treated worse than animals” he sneers back, “Just like they say ‘what don’t kill you makes you stronger’ or in my case I was brought back just too much times to even care again” you shift your metal hand to clasp it on his neck and dive your need on his lower abdomen, this time he bites back his scream but little tears moisture his eyes.
Lifting him up again you turn around to smash him in the floor, this time Wanda keeps his head ‘safe’ just letting it get hit hard enough to make him dizzy, you keep him down with your metal hand fixed on his neck and your knee rests against the sore spot your hit before. Vision puts back the electrodes, when you look up Wanda is partially kneeled and back in game again. They get back to work and the feedback begins again. He tries his bullshit again showing you being reeled by bullets “Don’t push your luck” you sneer at him, you look up at Wanda and nod at her there’s no better distractor to the mind than pain.
The metal palm goes to the spot on his stomach you shake lightly the arm making the rest of the kinetic energy travel to hand beginning to burn as the repulsor collects energy. Orion shuts him up putting his large paw on over his mouth.
Wanda indeed pries away the intel. They old prototype plans were stolen from Cross way before he nailed the yellowjacket. Experimentation is indeed being held on secret labs, even though Hydra hasn’t been able to nail the Pym particle they have found a way around using it to enhance the other experiments and the months of torture you endure they use them to have free access to samples of your blood and DNA. The last part is the only surprise Yuri in no longer working for the Hydra general in charge of the Russian operations, he is most likely the boss of his own ‘Branch’ and he is the one supervising the experiments, Smith was an infiltrated in Raft supposedly former Hydra under a government agency, at first chance he got he sold you out using his brother as contact 200,000 USD for your head and reinstallation in Hydra.
When the retrieving of intel ends, his eyes rollback as he is knocked out. You begin to laugh in amusement ‘200,000 USD’ your head had a bigger price when S.H.I.E.L.D alone was hunting you. anger takes over and you hit him in the face with a left hook, when the right fist is coming down Vision stops your fist with his left forearm a loud thud resonates in the silent space “Wolf he is not worth the trouble for killing him. You know the accords” you struggle trying to still bring down your fist, Vision simply puts his open right hand on your chest as he stands up he gently but firmly pushes you back. Wanda takes off the barrier and a medical team surrounds the prisoner the wolves back off and growl at the men strapped on the second table making him gulp.
Vision keeps his gentle grip until you sigh in defeat, he takes off his hands raising them in surrender. You turn to the other prisoners “Anyone wishes to piss me off?” you sneer at them, the group just pales and they shake their heads you walk close to the strapped man, you don’t even have to say anything when you briefly stop she pales even more “I-I there’s no need Ic- Captain I will show them all I know” he stammers you only give him a stern “You better” as you walk to the broken door where Wanda stands by your right, you stop close to her and out your hand on her left ribs and look in her light red eyes (“Can you go on?”) you ask softly.
(“Seems like it would be even easier”) she says with slight amusement, her right hand grabs your left (“I’ll make this quick, so we can get the hell out of here)” you see the concern in her eyes. (“Don’t hurry for me Wan, be careful”) you shift your hand to grab her fingers and put a kiss in the back of her hand, letting her hand go you walk out the room with the wolves in tow, you only glance at the commanding officers Maria gives you a slight nod and you make your way out ordering the wolves to keep Wanda safe.
Hope sees you walking off, she looks at the others that simply shake their heads in negative they know better that following you even Scott gives her the look of ‘don’t even think about it’ and she brushes it aside to follow you.
While the medical team works you make your way to the designated room in the hellicarrier, luckily for you there’s a flask with Asgardian liquor waiting begin a push-off panel. You hear a set of boots following you and you don’t give a damn.
The agents around notice the somber demeanor your carry and they simply nod at you in greeting and part ways to let you go faster to where ever you are heading to. Sooner than later you are in the small quarter, you make your way to the small closet and push the metal plate gently, the door swings open revealing the small stash of liquor and cigarettes. The door is never opened behind you, but you hear Hope’s suit wings fluttering close.
You grab one of the flasks and a pack of black cigs and a spare lighter. Turning around you lean against the metal panel and slide down slowly leaving your legs stretched on the front, taking your time you light a cigarette taking a slow drag as you close your eyes savoring the heavy tobacco flavor “Hope if your intention is being stealth you are failing” you say almost with a hint of humor, she doesn’t answer right away and you hear her getting back on her size.
“I thought you were running away to cry, instead you ran away to drink and smoke” she says trying to break the awkwardness, her boldness amuses you in a good way.
“You are not that lucky Van Dyne. Why did you follow me?” you take a gulp of the liquor, instantly the warm sensation on your stomach begins to ease the tension of your body
“I don’t know, maybe I wanted to make sure you were fine” she says with a shrug as she kneels by your right “How could you do that? Just remain centered on the task”
“The mission always comes first” you say taking another drag, you know what she is asking but Smith is a mere minor piece, years of holding back revenge upon Yuri for the greater good have given you a lot of practice but details are unnecessary.
She narrows her gaze but refrains from commenting, she knows she is already pushing her luck. You offer a cigarette which she declines, you try the liquor flask but she scrunches her nose at the smell “That liquor smells like shot of alcoholic poison” she comments with a shake of her head, you simply smirk and take another gulp “Asgardian liquor is indeed poison for a normal person no offence”, “None taken” she says with a chuckle.
A more comfortable silence takes over, you feel a call from the wolves at the same time Hope enquires “Are you going back?” she says as she stands up and extends her hand at you “Are you taking me for a dance?” you tease as you accept her help, you hold onto her a little more than necessary tasting her strength she jiggles at your obvious intention “What do you think captain, am I fit to be an Avenger?” she says teasingly with a big smirk.
“Darling you are well fitted to be an Avenger and with a great shape may I add” you wink at her making her blush, before walking out you store the flask, lighter and cig package on your jacket.
After Vision and Wanda retrieved the intel the second debrief was even more headache worthy. Sorting out connections and key intel was a drag, at least this time the banter between Scott and Clint made it more bearable and even more when the pup decided that Clint’s jacket was a good place to poop, which draw a small smirk from the commanding officers, while the rest of you just laughed at his ‘disgrace’.
By the end everyone has a headache, if something the deeper scowl on Fury’s face and Maria’s says it all.
“Sir, if Yuri is already directing his own branch of Hydra enhanced I suggest we blow the lab first” Natasha says glancing briefly at you “Any chance you can pin point a possible location Wolf, Wanda?”.
Wanda’s right hand is in yours as you both fiddle with your fingers, your right elbow resting on the armchair as your chin rests on your palm “Sokovia is not for sure, I would know by now” you glance at Wanda who is nibbling her left thumb finger nail “When Pietro and I dig for intel, we encounter a lot of Hydra in the north… there were rumors about people with powers, they were more whispers than anything and something about a Ghost helping them” she sneakily glances at Hope and Scott. Hope success in looking nonchalant while Scott fails Fury and Maria quickly catch the clue and both lock him on stern gazes making him get nervous.
“I-I…I don’t know anything about a Ghost girl” his eyes shut tightly after the last word “Assuming she is a girl, she could be a he” he tries to make up for the mistake, but the commanding officers stern unblinking stare make him more uncomfortable “OK, I might now someone-“ Hope your smacks her palm on the side of her head looking at him with a look sassy enough to rival Pietro’s.
“Let me translate your nonsense Scott” You say biting back a smirk “There’s indeed a woman that both of you know called Ghost, Ava Starr”.
Hope glares at you but Fury supplies a little more intel “Miss Van Dyne no need in trying to glare Wolf to death. We know about Ava”.
“Of course, you know you use her as a weapon!” she says angrily at the Colonel.
Maria only shakes her head “That’s where you are wrong Miss Van Dyne. We, this S.H.I.E.L.D never used her as a weapon, Hydra under the disguise of S.H.I.E.L.D used her being the now deceased Secretary Pierce her commanding officer”.
“And you want us to believe that?” Hope says quirking an eyebrow.
“You better doll. I was in the same position as Ava, Pierce was my handler after Hydra leaked in S.H.I.E.L.D. When Wolf and the twins went sent to dig intel around the globe I was transferred to Washington under Pierce command”.
“Why you never helped her?” Scott asks looking between you, Bucky and Wanda.
Wanda answers this time “There’s a reason why she is The Ghost Scott. We did not knew about her, it was after S.H.I.E.L.D’s fall, by the time we try to look for her she was long gone. But she is being active, if you can contact her just keep her safe Yuri won’t hesitate to take control over her” Wanda says firmly as she tightens her hold on your hand which you return.
“Jesus, that’s intense” Scott says glancing around.
“Try fighting two super soldiers being controlled Lang, that’s intense” Bobbi says with a frown before winking at Bucky and you.
“Come on Bob don’t be bitter doll, you did great against us” Bucky says with a smirk, but Natasha is killing her with a glare.
 The Avenger’s quinjet lands in the tower with all the gang plus the two invited. Wanda and you walk down hand in hand and the left puppy now cradled on your right hand close to your body after Clint claimed he needed a break from puppysitting.
“Hope, Scott do you wish to stay, or you prefer a ride to San Francisco?” you hear Natasha ask them as Wanda and you exit the hangar, both of you are bothered by the first happenings of the intel retrieval. The wolves are by Scott side enjoying the belly and ear rubs, he indeed has a good way to earning their approval.
Both of you get into the loft quickly, upon entering you encounter Pietro teasing Anika about a crush. It doesn’t take him long to pick the dark demeanor you both have lingering, the kid does too and she hurries to give you both a hug and snatch the tiny puppy “She is so cute, are we keeping her?” she asks with her own puppy eyes look “We will see, Clint wants her too” you say with a tight smile.
“We could take care of her together, we live in the tower” she says with a shrug before looking closely at both of you “You know what, fuck this go and kick the crap of each other in the training room you are both leaking tension… I hope it’s not sexual tension” she adds with a smirk.
“Anika! Come on kid!” Pietro groans loudly “It’s my twin and my sister you are talking about”.
“Come on speedster is not like you don’t know what they do together” she deadpans with a shrug. Both of you just shake your heads in amusement as you go to your shared room for a change of clothes.
After a quick change to training clothes, both go to the old training area where you usually cool off “F.R.I.D.A.Y is the energy barrier ready?” you ask while you two wrap your hands and put on gloves.
*It is ma’am. I will advise not going overboard with the strength behind the blasts though*
Wanda just smirks “Thank you F.R.I.D.A.Y could you please block the entrance, we don’t want to take chances”.
*Of course miss Wanda, I wish you both a good training*.
“Ok, little witch show me what you got” you say teasingly with flirt undertones as you motion her to ger close with your hand left hand as you put the mouthguard, she just smirks “You will regret this cap” she says with a broad smile before she puts on her mouthguard.
Wanda is the first to move getting close with a combo of jabs and hooks which you elude with a swift hip work, and counterattack with your own combo. Neither of you hold back, Wanda landing fairly strong blows that doesn’t do much damage to your super soldier body, while Wanda diverts the power behind your strikes with her powers.
Even when the first ten minutes are an impressive show off of skill both begin to get in sync and bodies warm up, leading to a heavier game. Wanda begins to use blasts of her powers which you side step or absorb with your prosthetics firing them back at her.
The heavier the sparring becomes the more anger both of you burn off. As you elude her blasts doing several black flips you notice that her aim gets sloppy, when you land in a low crunch you lift your head to one of the worst things you can see, Wanda’s eyes are red as tears waver on her eyes she angrily wipes her off and gets in guard.
You stand up slowly and make your way to her “Y/N don’t you dare get back in game” she hisses as energy gathers on her hands, you pay no mind and close the distance she gets ready to fire and you pull her towards you by her biceps a little harshly, just enough to make her loose the hold of the energy, both of you are panting heavily due to the heavy physical activity. When her tears fall after she shuts her eyes close you take the chance to wrap her in your arms.
Some tears scape or eyes silently, how much you wish you could cry as freely as Wanda does but you can’t, your sadness has always been silent and steady. Her body trembles as she cries when you sense her legs giving up you lift her, and she wraps her legs around your hips as she hides her face on your collar neck feeling your still rapid heartbeat.
“Hey baby no need to hold it back” you whisper to her as you caress her head with your left gloved hand as you right arm keeps her secured under the back of her tights.
She leans back a little to stare down at you “Little one you grew up a few inches” you tease her as you look up to her, she snorts at your comment “And you are shrinking puppy” a light jiggle cuts her sobs a little, “I bet you will hunt Scott’s ass to make me tall again” you fire back with a teary smirk “Naaah I rather hunt Hope’s ass is a better view”.
You gasp in surprise “Wanda Maximoff are you a butt pal?” you ask her, tilting your head in disbelief “I thought your kink was muscles baby” you add flexing your left arm, the tight tank top leaves no space for imagination, you could easily put to shame half of the avengers men.
“Technically speaking the gluteus is a muscle” she says quirking an eyebrow, suddenly you let her fall to catch her by her butt cheeks making her shriek “Y/N!” in surprise, you just flash her a dirty smirk “Darling you have a pair of amazing gluteus muscles” you tease looking down at her.
“You are a jerk!” she says with a nervous laugh, her now ease features get serious again making you worry you did something wrong “Wan?” you give her your undivided attention, Wanda gives you a small smile before she pull you down by your cheeks to kiss you and you eagerly reciprocate her actions.
One thing you should never forget Wanda is trouble, she waits until you begin to make your way down her neck, when she pushes you back with a light blast of her powers, sending you several feet back to the floor.
You don’t register the pain of the fall you just laugh wholeheartedly at her strategy, suddenly you hear rapid patting and she settles over your chest with a upper mount “Never let your guard down cap” she teases leaning down to brush her lips over yours her face making a curtain by each side of your faces, you quickly lift up to nibble her lower lip as your roll over, now she is trapped under you but you keep your weight off her to stare down at the green eyed woman, her long hair sprawled on the matt “You were saying darling?” you smirk at her.
“You are so on Wolf” she says seriously, before she quickly squirms under your body by your left, she you tries to go after her, she pushes you back with a double kick on your left side making you roll to the right “You are in deep trouble Maximoff!”.
You both get in a second round? Third round? Who knows you just keep sparring, getting serious at times, other just goofing around as you give her a show of Capoeira pissing her off when she can’t land a single blast on you.
“F.R.I.D.A.Y?” Hope asks a little unsure is quite strange the whole an A.I is keeping tabs on you but don’t worry everything she sees and hears is confidential and private.
*Yes miss Van Dyne?* the A.I politely answers.
“Could you tell me where is Wolf and Wanda?” she asks as she walks through the halls of the tower to the elevator, the mechanism goes up several floor until it stops, when the doors open Natasha walks in dressed to train when she steps in she hears the A.I answering *My apologies miss Van Dyne, captain Wolf and miss Wanda wish to be alone*.
“Do you need something Hope?” the redhead asks while F.R.I.D.A.Y takes the two women to the training level.
“Not really, I just wanted to check on them” she says with a shrug, Natasha only smirks at her “Believe or not they are fine, you don’t need to babysit them”.
“That’s not what I was-“both duck down fast enough to avoid and incoming Anika that crashes on the lift metal panel behind the two women. Anika’s large archangel wings sprawl all over the elevator as she grunts “You fucking fossils! That’s not fair!” she growls as she struggles to accommodate her wings.
“Oh? Hey, I’m sorry I didn’t see you two” she says when her wings are finally folded behind her “Romanoff who is this hottie?” Anika asks flashing Hope a flirty smile.
“Come on kid don’t start your bullshit this is-“
“Hope Van Dyne” the raven-haired woman introduces herself “Aren’t you a little young to flirt with older women?” she asks with a stern look.
“Seriously? You will play hard and stern like Hill? She fires back.
“Where are your parents kid?” Hope asks looking around.
“In the next level kicking the crap out of each other or making out on the matt, whatever strikes their fancy” She says with a shrug.
Hope just tilts her head in confusion, Anika laughs at her confusion “Wanda Maximoff and Wolf? Scarlet Witch and Wolf if you are here you surely know them Wasp” Anika says quickly before she vanishes when Steve and Bucky turned around. Natasha has no chance to warm them before Anika shows up grabbing them, Steve by the neck with her arms and Bucky with her legs, she uses her wings to spin quickly hurling them to the floor “TAKE THAT FOSSILS! That’s for punching a kid!”.
“What the?” Hope muses out loud as Natasha hollers a ‘Good job kid!’ with a laugh.
“Wanna spar some?” Natasha asks as she walks to the mats were Steve and Bucky are glaring up at the kid.
“Sure” Hope asks with a wide smirk. This will get fun.
Hey fellas! I hope you all enjoyed the chapter, the next we will have the lovely Ulysses Klaue back, it will be a headache for the poor reader.
I keep the question, is anyone interested in the prequel? even though I have over 80K+ words of it.
As always my inbox, asks are open for you all if you want to chat or know a little more about this universe of the story.
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The Blue Midnight Romance
Sleuth and Slick got on a hate-date.
Avery (PS/Sollux)Yesterday at 9:40 PM
@Bunny (SS/07) Your name is Paciano Salvador, also known as Problem Sleuth. You walk through the streets, hands in your coat pockets with the brimof your hat low over your eyes. Slick invited you over, gave you the coords, and now you're on your way to the jazz club he's told you about. You get there and well, it was a real sight. Quite classy, really. You hum to yourself before walking in, only to be stopped by the guy on the lookout for flatfoots like you. You give him a look and you say you're looking for Spades Slick. You don't need trouble this early into the night, come on.
Bunny (SS/07)Yesterday at 9:47 PM
The bouncer chuckles. Big Dersite fellow. Same or similar build to the one and only Hearts Boxcars. He cracks his knuckles, the freshly buffed shell of his fingers catching almost as much light as the clunky jewelry adorning them. They're the thick kind of rings designed to inspire respect and, if necessary, inflict serious pain. He leans in close to Sleuth and says, "Yeah? Well Spades Slick ain't lookin' for you hot shot. So how's about you tuck your coat tails between your legs and--" A man has never gone so quickly from 1 to 100 in terms of fear. He suddenly stands upright as you lay your hand on the slewfoot's shoulder from behind. You give his shoulder a shake, locking your eye on the bouncer. "This is that mop headed friend of mine I told you about," you say, sneering. He mutters his apologies, says he was just having a little fun, see, no harm, no foul, won't happen again. "Damn straight it won't happen again," you growl, steering Sleuth into the club. The Blue Midnight is one of your pride and joys. The front entrance is dark and understated but behind the curtain is an explosion of lights and life. You're grinning proudly as you start walking with purpose towards a back room. "Find the place alright?" you ask.
Avery (PS/Sollux)Yesterday at 9:52 PM
As the Dersite talked, you only stared at him, knowing full well that Slick would be here. Otherwise you'd probably just beat the guy up. That wouldn't have gone well though. The police strolling in at a club just to beat up a guy. The hand on his shoulder catches your attention and Slick appears. 'Mop headed friend.' Harsh. Your hair isn't that bad, jeez. In other news, you're happy he's here to stop something from going bad or totally neutral. You actually feel a smile come up when the bouncer backs off and you get led through the curtains where you whistle a bit. You smile a bit, giving him a bit of that smile of yours, "It's a real good place you got. I presume it's one of your crowned jewel establishments?"(edited)
Bunny (SS/07)Yesterday at 9:55 PM
"Totally legitimate, too," you say, shooting him a smile of your own. As you walk, cigarette girl falls in stride and you pluck a pack from the box and pass it to Sleuth. "Here, on the house. Let's sit." You're in the back, now. A dim lounge behind the stage with a large, round table that can be curtained off. Looks like the sort of place a gangster might discuss private business. Go figure. "So. Whiskey, huh?"
Avery (PS/Sollux)Yesterday at 10:00 PM
You take the cigarette goddamn you need it and you light it with that lighter of intricate design you have, slipping it back into your pocket before you're brought to the back room. Dark, easy on the eyes. Secluded. Nice. You shrug, giving him a smirk of sorts, no malice behind it, just a playful smirk, "I usually have it when I'm invited to drink. Usually with the white queen."
Bunny (SS/07)Yesterday at 10:05 PM
"Oh ho, the night's barely begun and Sleuth is kissing queenie's ass," you tease, grabbing his arm and giving him a shake. "You know she fucked Snowman, right? They really went at it, I heard. Shit she's gotta be disgraced. And that's not a word I use often, Sleuth, but fuck, man. You're really gonna keep jumping at every chance to brown nose her even after all that?" You shake your head with a chuckle. "I thought I'd at least get tipsy before you pissed me off."
Avery (PS/Sollux)Yesterday at 10:07 PM
"No, she invites me, not the other way around," at the words of what happened between her and Snowman however, you pause. Cigarette on your lips before you take a long drag -- breathe, Paciano, don't let him get to you -- and you chuckle a little. "I at least thought this would be a night between us, not them."
Bunny (SS/07)Yesterday at 10:11 PM
"I'm not the one who brought em up," you say. But you'll move on because you certainly didn't want to talk about either of the queens tonight. You're in a good mood, come hell or high water. The cigarette girl returns with two bottles of the Good Shit™ and two glasses. She sets them down and gives Sleuth a wink before sauntering off. You gotta remind yourself they're paid to do that. Dust off, ya filthy skirt. "How's that wound of yours doin'?"
Avery (PS/Sollux)Yesterday at 10:14 PM
You nod, lean back a little and the wink doesn't go unnoticed. You don't clap back though. Take a long drag, breathe it out slowly that the smoke curls through the room as it rose. The question makes you look up as you take your hat off, and you hum. "Not as bad as you left me. A twinge of pain every now and then."
Bunny (SS/07)Yesterday at 10:18 PM
"If it was as bad as I left you, you'd be dead," you murmur, pouring two glasses. The whiskey's on ice, which you could easily put into the glasses, but you want yours neat and you aren't about to ask Sleuth about his preference. You slide the glass over to him and hold yours up in salute. "Cheers you're still with us."
Avery (PS/Sollux)Yesterday at 10:23 PM
You chuckle, catching your glass as you pull the cancer stick from your lips, raising it in time with his, smiling a little before you sip on the amber colored liquid. The drink runs a line down your throat as you savor it -- the sweetness, the spice, it's over all taste -- Christ do you miss this.
Bunny (SS/07)Yesterday at 10:27 PM
You finish your drink in one quick go. And a part of you appreciates watching Sleuth savor his whiskey. The other part of you wishes he'd hurry the fuck up so you could pour him another one. "You said you play the piano," you mention. "You any good?"
Avery (PS/Sollux)Yesterday at 10:29 PM
You finish yours in two long sips and you pass him the glass for more. A little bit of you licking your lips to get that flavor because it has been too goddamn long. You look up at the statement. "I used to play everyday when I can. It's been a while though."
Bunny (SS/07)Yesterday at 10:30 PM
"Yeah?" you say, quickly pouring another two full glasses, "I didn't ask how often. I asked are you any good. Don't be modest and don't be cocky, just tell me straight."
Avery (PS/Sollux)Yesterday at 10:31 PM
"Good enough," you say outright, taking the glass and taking a swift drink, "What, you wanna duet?"
Bunny (SS/07)Yesterday at 10:32 PM
You bark a laugh at him. "Jumpin' the gun, Sleuth? I don't like your answer. 'Good enough.' I'm gonna hear you play before I let you in on my jam." You're smirking at him as you take a sip, keeping his gaze. That's an honest to god dare right there. A challenge: Impress me.
Avery (PS/Sollux)Yesterday at 10:36 PM
You raise a brow as you drink your whiskey -- always such the daring kind, huh. You shake your head as you lower your empty glass, putting your cigarette between your lips again and you card a hand through your hair. "Alright. Where's she at then -- let's do this."
Bunny (SS/07)Yesterday at 10:39 PM
"Nah, nah, nah," you say, shaking your head. And you lean close, looking like you might lay a hand on his chest. No such chance-- you pluck his pillbox from his pocket and snatch a cigarette. "Listen," you say, pointing with the cigarette to the front of house, "Hear that fella playin? He's got a set. Hired him myself. And I wrote this set for him." You point to the whiskey and then light your pill. You take a puff before telling Sleuth, "We got four more tunes to go. Then the headliner goes up." You smile at Sleuth. The grin is, in a word, wicked. "Wanna guess who that is?"
Avery (PS/Sollux)Yesterday at 10:43 PM
When Slick leaned in real close, you move your mouth to bring the cigarette away from his face. There goes your pillbox. But he points and you gkance that way, then back at him before he speaks again. You were listening of course. You take a long drag before breathing it out through your nose with a bit of a huff. That grin was wickedly toothy. "Who is it?"
Bunny (SS/07)Yesterday at 10:46 PM
You place the cigarette on your lips and hold it there so you can have one hand on your drink while the other prods his chest. "Y. O. U, sweetheart." You lean back in your seat, still grinning like a bobcat. "If you don't put my bar to sleep, or get boo'd off the stage, maaaybe you'll have some company up there." You nod to his whiskey. "Drink up."
Avery (PS/Sollux)Yesterday at 10:49 PM
You hum, watching him and you stop breathing at the prod to your chest. 'Sweetheart,' huh? Is that how we're doing this? Fine. You shrug, barely fazed. You drink as he says and you keep your hair messily tossled back with your own smile starting to spread, "Challenge accepted."
Bunny (SS/07)Yesterday at 10:56 PM
It's a wise man who knows how to play the long game with you. You're trying to get under his skin, to get him to crack. You want to intimidate him. But he remains relaxed. Finally, you back off, enjoying your drink while your enjoy the view. You don't doubt he's good. You'll chalk that up to vanity. If he's supposed to be your equal, he better be good.
Avery (PS/Sollux)Yesterday at 11:20 PM
You savor your drink again, since you were only waiting for the pianist on stage to finish. If your tolerance were any lower you'd probably be slurring right now. Thank goodness it wasn't then. One bottle of whiskey is done when you tap your cigarette end into the ash tray, then you bring it up to your lips for another drag.
Bunny (SS/07)Yesterday at 11:25 PM
The time until the end of the set is filled with drinking and idle chatter. Civil chatter at that. You're done toying with him for now. He's here and you've been giving him a hard time. He's still here. So if he can tolerate all that abuse, you can tolerate him in return. You only smoke the one cigarette and you've long since returned his pillbox. Just the one is fine, so long as you stay one drink ahead.
Avery (PS/Sollux)Yesterday at 11:31 PM
When the set is finished at last, you turn your head to Slick -- you were on your second cigarette -- and you quirk a brow in his direction as if to ask if that was it.
Bunny (SS/07)Yesterday at 11:40 PM
You're smiling at him, dipping your head and waving the way out of the booth. The crowd up front is clapping and a stagehand mentions a brief intermission before the headliner. He's a detective and he seems to have good enough taste so whatever he plays, you expect it'll suit the mood. You lead the way up the backside of the stage and adjust Sleuth's tie for him. Make it a liiitle more loose. There we go. "It's jazzy," you say, "So whatever cute little song you wanna play, jazz it up. And a fair warning-- you play any of that Prospitian shit, I'm gonna be the least of your worries." It goes without saying the primarily Dersite crowd would eat him alive. You pat his chest with a peppy grin. "Ready?"
Avery (PS/Sollux)Yesterday at 11:45 PM
You're inebriated enough to let the tie loosening go, but you're still in your right mind. You roll your eyes at the statement about Prospitian tunes. You weren't for those, if you were honest. You honor the classics. You raise a brow at the grin but you smile back as you roll your sleeves up seeing as your trench coat was with your hat on the table, carding another hand through strawberry blonde locks, "Let's go then."
Bunny (SS/07)Yesterday at 11:57 PM
The stage is set. A grand piano, years old but still in nearly-perfect condition, waits for someone to take a seat. You step out first, chuckling as you receive polite applause. But you're not here to play (yet). You take the mic and tell a story. The lights dim as you recount the night you met A Detective. Some snoop come to sniff around on your side of town. He sniffed himself right into your knife, you say. He sniffed his way into your knife three times. It's a purposefully vague tale that only the two of you know to be as factual as it is. You check to make sure he's seated at the keys before you introduce him as The Detective and an intrigued but reserved audience gives him a round of applause. You make your way backstage, patting his shoulder as you walk by. Good luck, flatfoot.
September 26, 2018
Avery (PS/Sollux)Today at 12:03 AM
The story has you rolling your eyes surreptitiously as you were seated on the piano's bench. He pats your shoulder and you turn your head a little, before nodding. A bit of a stretch, pulling your sleeves a bit away from your elbows. You stare at the keys for less than a minute before you start. Scarred skin on your arms moving to play on ivory and the tune was jazzy, true, jazzy with an energy the fully suited the mood for the club. He can't remember when he last played, but with the idea of him being rusty was certainly out of the window. It was expertise in the field of music -- eyes trained to stare at the black and white keys as fingers and wrist moves along with the arm in a fluid manner to play the tune. It was simply astounding.
Bunny (SS/07)Today at 12:12 AM
Oh, it really does your heart good to hear good music. Thank fuck. Music, you decide, is a great way to get to know a person. That's how to jived with Clover. That's how you're getting to know Sleuth. It was nice exchanging stabs and drinks and cigarettes but this, now this is beautiful. Alright, you say to yourself, alright, maybe you'll really bring the house down with this guy. So you send out the small band, just a little more sound to juice up the noise. It's jazz, baby, jazz, they all find a way to fit right in. And you watch Sleuth intently to see how well he does in a group.
Avery (PS/Sollux)Today at 12:16 AM
The group makes you look up and you shoot a glance where you know Slick was before you continue playing -- molding your music to better suit and fit the rest of the jazz ensemble. Your focus was on the music and your ears listened to every note of every instrument as you smirk a little, playing with little effort as you keep going. This was enjoyable. Even for him.
Bunny (SS/07)Today at 12:20 AM
You let some time pass and watch as the audience loses their goddamn minds. Dancing like it's going out of style. But you've seen toms and janes hanging from the rafters. So you know you can push it. You've got another drink in you by the time you decide to step in. Sleuth's flushed with how well he's been keeping up. You light a cigarette, take a single puff, and seat yourself beside him. Plucking the pill from your mouth and placing it on Sleuth's lips, there you go, you earned it, and then hovering your fingers over the keys a few octaves higher. Give it a few measures. Make eye contact with the band. Smile at Sleuth. "Gimme all you got," you tell him, "I wanna bring the house down." You start to play.
Avery (PS/Sollux)Today at 12:24 AM
The sudden cigarette snaps you out of your reverie but as if running on autopilot, you're still playing. You bite on the cigarette to adjust it so it doesn't fall, and you take a drag. The smile he sends you makes your smirk turn into a grin and you nod at the statement. "I gotcha," you say, following and meshing your music with his.
Bunny (SS/07)Today at 12:31 AM
You go hard. You push yourself in order to push Sleuth. Your band is used to it. They're seasoned veterans in, "Oh shit, there goes Slick, get ready to be sore tomorrow, boys." And Sleuth gives you hell. The damn floors are on fire and by the end of the third song, you're laughing in a way you haven't laughed in years. Full of a giddy thrill and music bursting out of you from your fingers to your toes. It's a long night. But it goes by so quickly.
Avery (PS/Sollux)Today at 12:34 AM
You're... enjoying this. You didn't struggle to keep up -- you were on par with him. And he didn't have to keep up with you, you were on equal footing here at least and it was.. exhilarating. His laugh makes you look for a second before you find yourself grinning with the cigarette still between your teeth and you take a long drag as the song reaches the end, breathing it out when you both slam on that last note. You would be looking for that soon and you hope you get to have it again.
Bunny (SS/07)Today at 12:47 AM
They're going wild for it. You nudge Sleuth in the ribs and tell him he was being too modest about his skill. You'll get him back for that, you tell him. You were hoping to embarrass him in front of all these nice people. It goes without saying you enjoyed this way more, though.
Avery (PS/Sollux)Today at 12:49 AM
You chuckle at the nudge and you lightly swat his shoulder in return. You make your way back to the backroom though, and the smile still had your pill between your lips as you tap it over the ash tray, back turned on where Slick would be if he entered. You were definitely going to look for this experience again.
Bunny (SS/07)Today at 12:58 AM
You stand but stop. You watch Sleuth disappear into the back room and slowly take your seat back at the piano. You crack your knuckles and your neck and shoulders. With a whistle, a stagehand appears with a mic, setting it up over your piano. It'll be a good song to wind things down, you think, and then let the band carry the night owls away. You start to play, a smirk on your lips, and for that once in a blue moon, you sing. The song is slower when you play it and you play it alone. "Red lips. Kiss my blues away. Red lips. Kiss the night to day. Any old time you come cuddling near, ain't it strange the way that the blues disappear?"
Avery (PS/Sollux)Today at 1:09 AM
You're supposing that's it for the night. You're thinking that you'd overstay yourself after that. But when the words are sung on the microphone as you're rolling your sleeves down, you stop and freeze. What's your favorite love song? You look up from your trench coat, the cigarette still burning dimly where you are and with wide eyes, you turn around to see Slick playing and singing. ... For me? You find yourself staring, watching him and you feel a pang of admiration, because he remembered and is executing this wonderfully, and a pang of hatred, because he played that without you.
Bunny (SS/07)Today at 1:13 AM
You walk your fingers across the keys to finish the song when it's good and ready to be done. The audience claps. You tell the boys to take over and disappear back stage. You see Sleuth looking half ready to leave. "Where you goin, flatfoot?"
Avery (PS/Sollux)Today at 1:16 AM
He's back in the same room with you and you're looking at him -- those green eyes of yours meeting his red ones and you close your mouth, moving to put the coat back on the table and the cigarette on the ash tray. You turn to face him, one hand carding through your hair, and the corner of your lips curling. "Nowhere, it seems."
Bunny (SS/07)Today at 1:33 AM
You beam at him, throwing an arm around his shoulders and steering him back to the table. The ice kept the other bottle of whiskey cool. You pour some glasses and start asking him about where he learned to play. Self taught? Who are his musical influences? "I've gotta get you in here more often," you say, "Hell, I'd pay you. Better than half the posers who ghost their way through here." Just like that, you slip him your number on a napkin. "You ever get down on your luck and need an actual job, gimme a call, sweetheart." There it is. That thinly veiled insult, hidden in the guise of a generous offer.
Avery (PS/Sollux)Today at 1:37 AM
You're smiling when he drags you back to the table for more drinks. You tell him what you remember -- self-taught for the most part and you state a few names. The compliment of having you play here instead of those guys has you shaking your head. The napkin with his number goes to your pocket after you look to him, listening. Hah, there's no way you'd actually go to him. But you keep the card anyway. 'Sweetheart,' there it is again and you give him a smile to keep him from knowing that it was indeed an insult. You take a long drink before pouring yourself a glass and you sigh after another drink. "I appreciate the offer, Spades. But you're on thin fucking ice for not telling me you were winding down with that song." It was a playful tease, but the undertones were riddled with subtle pitch.
Bunny (SS/07)Today at 1:54 AM
"Oh, yeah? Am I?" you ask. And you wait until he's taking a drink before you tilt his glass a little too steep, sloshing whiskey over his face and down the front of his shirt. Grinning like an absolute madman. "Whoops."
Avery (PS/Sollux)Today at 1:55 AM
The slosh was unexpected, but you don't have an outburst. Instead you lower your glass on the table and you take your tie off because fuck that shit, it's wet now. You give him a glare, before you're smiling too. "God, I hate you so fucking much."
Bunny (SS/07)Today at 2:00 AM
Your pulse quickens in the best kind of way. You're scooting close to him and showing off those pearly whites. The ones that never seem to intimidate him no matter how serious you are about ripping his throat out with them. "Wouldn't you know it, Sleuth?" You snatch the collar of his shirt, somewhat damp from the whiskey, and tug. "I hate you, too. Moment I saw your clueless fuckin' mug pokin' around places it don't belong."
Avery (PS/Sollux)Today at 2:03 AM
You bare your teeth back -- they weren't as sharp, but a small point nonetheless. Your hands reach up to grip his wrists and you make sure it's as tight as can be. "Well, guess what, Spades? I'n staying here and I'm going to keep poking my mug in places it don't belong," you say through a clenched jaw, "And I'm gonna do it to keep spiting you."
Bunny (SS/07)Today at 2:08 AM
God, there's a brief moment where you're just... impressed. No one stands up to you like this. You'd kill them if they did. And he knows that. You almost got him before. But he keeps coming back. He refuses to show you fear. That just makes you want to see it even more. Plus, he's got a solid taste in music. That never hurt. Still about as close and personal as two people can get, you mutter, "Fuck you, Sleuth, I'm gonna have eyes on you at all times. If you even think about stepping into Crew territory, I'm gonna hear about it. Every man, woman, child, and dog is gonna be watching you. But they won't touch you, Sleuth. Cause the only one allowed to kill you is me."
Avery (PS/Sollux)Today at 2:13 AM
"All eyes on me, Slick? That's a little too much attention, don'tcha think?" You still keep your grip on his wrists, "But if it's you that's gonna keep trying to end this flatfoot's life, then I'd tolerate all that attention because the same goes for me. You're all mine for the taking." Before you know it, you move suddenly and abruptly, smashing your lips against his as you keep your fingers wrapped around his wrists. You could feel the adrenaline pump through your veins with every moment that passed.
Bunny (SS/07)Today at 2:20 AM
You're about to quip about how it's not enough attention, throw in a dash of something vaguely threatening, but he fuckin goes for it. The words die on your lips, which immediately get busy fighting with Sleuth's. He's got his fingers digging into your wrists so you close yours around his throat. By the time you two are forced to break for a breath, there's blood on your lips and your chin and not all of it is yours. Just like the night you met, you say (still out of breath), "This is fun."
Avery (PS/Sollux)Today at 2:23 AM
Your lips are red and it's dripping down your chin. Well, fuck, you'd need to figure out which is yours when he speaks up. You grin, chuckling a little at the breathless comment. "It sure is." You hate him so much and the feeling of his teeth grazing your lips was something you never thought you'd find amazing, but you did. And now you wonder if he wants more of it too.
Bunny (SS/07)Today at 2:31 AM
You push him off of you but only to thrust him against the back of the booth. Your gaze is tearing into him. The music you played together is still blaring in your ears. This, you think, is a good thing. A good and interesting dynamic. And you want more. Your claws drag down his arms before you sit back in your seat and flick the cap off of the whiskey. Fuck the glasses. You drink from the bottle and purposefully let it wash over your lips. The alcohol will help take care of those bites. Handing Sleuth the bottle so that he can do the same, you admire your handiwork and think of all the damage you'll do to him one day. But not today.
Avery (PS/Sollux)Today at 2:34 AM
You bite down on nothing when he throws you off before you grit your teeth at the claws on your arms. Well, goddamn, that wasn't what you expected, but when you feel the stinging pain of those claws on your arms, you know you'll be drawing red in a little while. Heh, amazing how much tension there can be between two people. You take the bottle before taking a swig and you sit up, wiping your chin with the back of your hand that held the whiskey as you grin at him.(edited)
Bunny (SS/07)Today at 9:21 AM
You stare at him a while, smirking, feeling the burn of alcohol in the bites on your lips, and thinking of how good it would be to get in a fist fight with this fucker. Smug little dipshit. You keep your eye on him as you dip into your pocket and place a deck of cards on the table. "How about a game?" you suggest, letting them slide out from the box and shuffling them with one hand. Yes, you're showing off. "With stakes."
Avery (PS/Sollux)Today at 9:23 AM
You take another swig before sitting up properly and you lean a little towards him. Sounds interesting, you tell yourself. A quirked brow and the stinging pain that's so sweet on your lips, you card a hand through your hair. "A game. What kind of stakes?" You ask, passing him the bottle if he wanted it.
Bunny (SS/07)Today at 9:26 AM
Why yes, you do. You take a drink and leave the bottle between the two of you. "What do you want?" Your smirk tells him to make it interesting.
Avery (PS/Sollux)Today at 9:27 AM
"What's the game first, if I'm deciding," you say, watching that smirk on his lips, "Gotta know the details."
Bunny (SS/07)Today at 9:35 AM
"Afraid to lose?" you ask. And you focus your attention on the cards, shuffling fast and with flourish. You have a game in mind. You're not being even a little subtle when you suggest it, "High-Low-Jack," you say. A game otherwise known as Pitch.
Avery (PS/Sollux)Today at 9:42 AM
You scoff, chuckling at the chosen game. Pitch, huh? You look up at him, trying to get eye contact again, "I'm not afraid to lose. But the stakes... how far are you willing to go with that?"
Bunny (SS/07)Today at 9:59 AM
You roll your eye into the fucking green sun and back. "Don't fuckin' worry about it, what do you want and if it's too much, I'll say something." You start laying out the cards. Would have been nice of you to let Sleuth check the deck and make sure it was properly shuffled. Yeah. That would have been real nice of you, huh. "Don't be a fuckin' pussy, Sleuth. Make it fun."
Avery (PS/Sollux)Today at 10:15 AM
You don't want to overstep by asking to check the deck. You're humming before you nod and you take the bottle between the two of you, taking a swig and you wipe your chin with the back of your hand, extending the bottle out to him as you spoke. "If I win, you and your crew help us get rid of the Felt -- do things the law says under that purpose,  no questions asked, unless it's against my wishes, like say if the white king wants something atrocious done, but not a lot of us at the precinct like it, then you're out of the question on that one." Can never be too specific. Hopefully this doesnt bite you back in the ass. "But if you win... You got me under your thumb to do something as long as it doesn't harm or drag the rest of the folks at the precinct into this deal of ours -- the latest arrival and queen included."
Bunny (SS/07)Today at 10:20 AM
You laugh in his face. "You want my entire Crew to do what they've been doing but with more rules... But I only get you? Well ain't we all high and mighty." You snatch his collar again but only to hold him in place as you sidle up against him. "If you win, how bout I let you in on a plan I got brewin' with the boys to put Snowman away for a while? We'll do it all legal like, scout's honor. If I win, I put Snowman away how I wanna do it and you help fill in the blanks. Our little secret." As clear code for "I'm going to do something illegal and you're going to cover it up" as it'll get. "I don't think I gotta explain to you how integral that'll be for taking care of the rest of the Felt. It's a win-win for everyone, don't you think?"
Avery (PS/Sollux)Today at 10:24 AM
Something legal for him, and illegal for you. Hm. You consider it -- you're already fried with your programming as we speak. You loom back to him, and you extend the bottle again. "Deal."
Bunny (SS/07)Today at 10:32 AM
You take the bottle, take a swig, and lean in for another kiss. Gotta seal that deal, bro. "It's a bet," you say, grinning against his lips. You place the bottle aside so you can neck on him for a minute. You only call it quits when that same cigarette girl starts making her way over. She offers the two of you another bottle, eyeing Sleuth like a piece of meat (well he is but he's obviously your piece right now). You tell her to dust off, you're gonna play a game and then the two of your are gonna get some air. You say this while holding the back of Sleuth's neck and digging your claws in, watching her intently as she slinks back to the front of house. "...Think she likes you," you mutter.
Avery (PS/Sollux)Today at 10:42 AM
You met him half way, having noticed the way he moved. You're fighting for dominance in that kiss. It's funny how much you get in one night whether it be from a kismesis(?) or some lady working for the guy you're currently hate-making out with. You see the girl eye you, and for just the heck of it, you give her one of those charming winks -- something to distract you with while you felt his claws dig into your neck. When she leaves, you chuckle at Slick's statement, "I'm not interested in a matesprit as of late. Quite fine on my own, thank you."
Bunny (SS/07)Today at 10:46 AM
"..." You stare at him, deadpan. "...Matesprit?" you ask, holding back a laugh, "Sleuth, do you see the kinda joint this is? She ain't lookin' for a matesprit, either. She's tryna hit it and quit it." You really can't hold back with this much booze in your system. You laugh at him, reaching for the bottle and peeling yourself away from him to get a look at the cards. Alright, game time. Serious game time for serious men who seriously want to take down the Felt. Yes.
Avery (PS/Sollux)Today at 10:48 AM
That has you a bit red. When you're finally free to move you rub the back of your neck to feel the area where he dug his nails in. Not too deep, at least. You can cover it up in the morning. But you sit up and you're waiting on him to deal the cards. Serious men -- hah.
Bunny (SS/07)Today at 10:54 AM
You deal. The two of you decide how many rounds you'll go and how many points will cap each round. You share the bottle until it's gone and you relax into conversation about life. Interests, hobbies, goals. You jab at him but you have a lot in common, come to find. Already, you're thinking about when you'll have time to bring him back here.
Avery (PS/Sollux)Today at 11:08 AM
It was looking well for you as it started. But you could feel the dread build up in you. You weren't afraid to lose. However, the stake of having to keep it clean for the Crew? You speak up just before you put your hand down -- which you feel is the losing bid -- and you look up at him. "You know, the inspector told me something about Snowman."
Bunny (SS/07)Today at 11:09 AM
"Something I don't know?" you ask, cocking a brow. This has been an interesting game. He's pretty good. But you got wise to his play style a few bids ago.
Avery (PS/Sollux)Today at 11:11 AM
"You know the night she disappeared with the White Queen, yeah?" You start, looking back down on your hand, "I was there."
Bunny (SS/07)Today at 11:13 AM
Your brow twitches. "...And?"
Avery (PS/Sollux)Today at 11:17 AM
"Pembrooke told me that since we have her whip, that she used on me--" You raise your free arm, carding it through your hair, and suddenly all the scars become visible, "--that we could try to take her out with a case. It wasn't in her arrangement to clear that crime of assaulting an officer."
Bunny (SS/07)Today at 11:21 AM
You stare at his arm and grab it without thinking, inspecting the scars. Pitch black hatred builds up. Towards both of them. Snowman for doing this to him. Sleuth for, once again, being in a situation he has no right being in. You sneer at him and release his arm. "...And?" you ask, "If you already got a plan to put her away, then why agree to the bet?"
Avery (PS/Sollux)Today at 11:23 AM
"That's the thing -- I don't think it'll work." And you lower your hand, revealing that you are, in fact, at a loss for this game. When he grabbed your arm earlier, you let him, and you still taste copper on your tongue -- you don't want this to end, whatever this is -- kismessitude, you know it to be. And you give him a small shrug, a small smile -- green eyes flickering up to him. "Just thought you'd find it interesting."
Bunny (SS/07)Today at 11:29 AM
Well. It's definitely something to work with. You'll get a kick out of telling Droog about this later. You grin at his losing hand. Carefully, you start packing up the cards. "That is interesting," you say. Very interesting. You didn't realize the law was already trying to take down Snowman themselves. Sleuth asked you to help them take down the Felt. Little did you know just how common and specific your goals really were. Not that you're surprised, given everything that happened between the queens. But it's certainly... interesting. "So," you say casually, giving the cards a quick shuffle before putting them back in their box, "not lookin' for a matesprit huh?" Toss him a grin, tapping the box of cards back into your pocket. "How about a kismesis?" Yeah, that's right. You wanna make this official.
Avery (PS/Sollux)Today at 11:33 AM
As he's cleaning it up, you're leaning back, keeping yourself sitting up with an arm behind you and the other just lazily draped over your gut. The casual throwback to your statement earlier as he cleans up the cards and you raise a brow. Then the question goes to your ears and you're sitting there, staring at him as he grins. Your lazy smile only widens before you crack a similar grin at him. "Thought you'd never fucking ask, you prick," you snarl through your grin -- you'd never let anyone send adrenaline pump through you like that. It was just him.
Bunny (SS/07)Today at 11:36 AM
"Go figure, I gotta do all your dirty work for you," you say. And then you're sliding out of the booth, pulling him along with you. "C'mon. Let's blow this joint. Grab your shit and meet me in the alley."(edited)
Avery (PS/Sollux)Today at 11:37 AM
You let him pull you, and you suddenly remember all the fucking claw marks on your arms because moving was a bitch and you were hurt. Whatever. You nod and slide on your trench coat, slipping your hat over your head as you make your way to the alley.
Bunny (SS/07)Today at 11:39 AM
You're a few steps ahead of him. Enough to light up another cigarette and take a single hit before he shows up. You tug him in and thrust him up against a wall, blowing smoke in his face. "Does it hurt?" you ask, nodding to his arms.
Avery (PS/Sollux)Today at 11:40 AM
The smoke in your face was ignored when he thrust you up a wall -- huh. Deja vu, except he wasn't driving a knife into your gut. You nod but you keep your eyes on him, "Yeah."
Bunny (SS/07)Today at 11:44 AM
You kiss him hard, latching your claws onto his arms. You've never done this before but you figure it's a good investment in this newfound relationship. After all, he's yours to hurt now. Anyone else who tries it will have to answer to you. Shadow magic builds in the palms of your hands and purple flames move over Sleuth's arms. They're hot but they don't burn. Slowly, the pain ebbs away and the once painful-looking scars fade until they're barely noticeable.
Avery (PS/Sollux)Today at 11:45 AM
Kissing him back in that hateful way was a bit hard when he's got you pinned down by the arms. You close your eyes when you see the fire. He's healing you. For shadow magic to be that convenient, you wish you had it. Imagination was harder to wield in such a way, that you can only manifest a sword, but you're too busy kissing him to think of that now.
Bunny (SS/07)Today at 11:48 AM
And to be fair, very few people can do what you to to this extent. He's fit as a fiddle when you're done with him. Quietly, breathlessly, you ask, "Better?" and you don't let him answer before you say, "Good. Now stop getting your ass handed to you."
Avery (PS/Sollux)Today at 11:50 AM
You're about to answer when he warns you and you chuckle, giving him a little nod as you move your none painful arms to hold his waist, pressing your lips against his again roughly.
Bunny (SS/07)Today at 11:57 AM
You're content to stay that way for a while. Kissing in the alley, fighting for dominance. The night is winding down and you'll have to go your separate ways soon. You don't want it to end but you shouldn't move too quickly, either. Damn, you got it bad for this one. "Hey," you say, "you need to know I'm pitch with Snowman, too. 'Cept she ain't frail like you so go ahead and rough her up when she's in the clink." Being poly, but also Spades fucking Slick, you don't usually care about laying things out like this. Being 'honest' or whatever. But you don't want someone to manipulate this situation and take Sleuth away from you. If he's going to hear it, he's gonna hear it from you. You tell him if he's got a problem with that, he can choke on it. No take backs. All sales are final. But you wait, watching him carefully to see if it's alright.
Avery (PS/Sollux)Today at 12:03 PM
Fucking hell, you think -- you don't remember when the last time was when you had a good pitch relationship. It was amazing at least -- he's pitch and so are you, nothing else. Hearing that, you raise a brow before you chuckle, breathing a huff through your nose and you roll your eyes a little, "You think I'm backing down from such an exhilarating pitch relationship just because you're pitch with the bitch who fucked me up? Think again." You give him another kiss, your hands moving on his waist before you finally let go, pulling away as you thumb away the red on your lips, both looking vibrant against your paling complexion in the darkness. You press it to his lips before you withdraw fully. "I'll be seeing you, Spades."
Bunny (SS/07)Today at 12:07 PM
Your heart is stuck in your throat. So when you move your lips to say goodbye, no words come out. You touch the red on your mouth. The lasting sting is... nice. And you watch him turn the corner before resting on the alley wall, holding a hand over your wildly beating heart. ...You gave him your number but you didn't get his. Mother fucker.
3 notes · View notes
norafike · 4 years
Despite all this, I still love you 4
I will be creating a masterlist soon-ish. Just to keep all of this organised.
"So he returns!" Nora cheered as she spotted the all too familiar face enter the Saloon. He turned towards her, excitement already plain to see.
Sean MacGuire pulled the chair out opposite, inviting himself to sit at the table with her. "Nice seein' you again, Miss Morgan." He greeted.
"Guess it's nice seein' you too, also nice seein' that you found your "funny lookin' friends" again."
He let out a guffaw at the passing comment, giving her a toothy grin thereafter. "What are you doin' this far from Blackwater anyway? Thought you lived over that way."
"No... no. I used too, but after Sisika I tried avoiding that place."
"That's right, I remember now."
Nora gave a slight nod, taking a moment to gaze beyond the window at the street. While not much, it was the closest she could call home and it done its job well.
"So; what are you doing here anyway?" She asked, trying to sound polite and start a conversation even though her wording came across rather bluntly.
"A friend of mine, Arthur, he had business here and dragged me along for it." He explained.
"I know Arthur. Met him an' a few other fellas the other day, they was with an O'Driscoll."
"What business could they possibly have with an O'Driscoll?" He laughed as if she had told him a joke. Nora only shrugged, leaning forward and placing her arms flat against the table.
"I thought you would know about him by now, nervous little fella it seems; black hair an' unshaven. Smells of horse shit?"
"You on about that Kieran?"
"I don't know his name."
The explanation seemed too good to be a flat out lie and he saw no reason as to why Nora would claim for a member of his gang to be an O'Driscoll without legitimate cause too. He furrowed his brow in thought and noticed how everyone had taken to be impolite towards him and how he was usually alone on most occasions, but he figured him to be shy.
When Arthur entered the building he was quickly hollered over by the Irishman, his voice now a little serious instead of that cheerful tone.
"I been looking for you all over, Sean, shoulda known I'd find you in a Saloon of all places." Arthur spoke in a hushed town as he walked over, ignoring the female as she sat not so far away from them.
Awkwardly, she remained by and listened to their conversation it wasn't as though she was being rude by eavesdropping it was more so the case that they hadn't asked for her to leave or had taken the opportunity to move themselves. She wasn't even sure if they knew she was still sat there.
She cleared her throat which earned their attention after the petty squabble about Sean's wandering off and immediately guilt flashed across Arthur's face before replaced by that same cold glare he usually wore. "Sorry, Nora. Hadn't seen you there."
"It's fine."
Then Sean was reminded of their earlier conversation. "So apparently that Kieran's an O'Driscoll."
Arthur's face sank at the mention and everyone in the saloon all silenced at the loud accusation Sean sent out. Nora felt uncomfortable at the glares given her way and she felt more guilty now with the look Arthur sent her at the mention, after all, how else could Sean have known?
Knowing that they were being watched, Arthur snapped back by gently tapping the Irishman over the back of his head, following this by speaking, "He ain't."
This pleased the patrons in Smithfield's Saloon enough for the trio to leave the building without too many suspicious glances.
Once they were outside they were all taken to near Chadwick farm, not too close to the building in the case that somebody would be able to hear them from the inside. "Couldn't of been any louder, could you Sean." Arthur scolded, his face clearly showing his annoyance at the small scene caused.
"So when were you going to tell me we took on an O'Driscoll then?" He snapped back, his arm raised and hand pointing roughly in the direction of Horseshoe Overlook.
Nora stood by, visibly uncomfortable with the situation she found herself in.
"I didn't mean to tell him, I thought he knew." She was quiet and Arthur almost didn't catch what she had said. Luckily, he picked up on her words and turned towards the smaller girl with a sympathetic look.
"Mistakes happen, ain't your fault."
She let in a quiet sniffle, nodding her head slowly before finally allowing out a deep breath from relief. Sean chuckled, amused by this.
"So little Kieran Duffy's an O'Driscoll then aye? Now that I think about it, I see it."
"How so?" Nora asked.
"You've seen him, nervy. Ain't nobody going to be so nervy with a group unless they knew jus' how much they were hated. Ya know, the others don't seem to take too fondly to him neither."
Arthur cut in quickly. "They don't take too fondly to Micah neither."
The Irishman let out a hearty laugh, patting the brawny male on the shoulder. But Arthur kept his face as dull as stone, not letting even the most subtle of smiles crack, he raised a figure and sharply poked Sean in the chest with it. "But don't you go an' give the O'Driscoll any trouble, at least not too much." He warned.
He raised his hands defensively and talk a large step back from Arthur. "Oh 'course I ain't going to do that. I ain't gonna do nothin', got my word on that Arthur Morgan."
Satisfied, Arthur turned towards Nora with previous intentions of leaving her to get back to her own, having enjoyed his outing enough but had instead taken to change his mind. He looked down at her gun belt, the revolver in its holster.
He gave her a grin and finally broke that awkward silence amongst them to finally ask her a question.
"Say, how well can you use a gun?"
"So you needed me to help you break a friend out of jail? You don't exactly strike me as the sort to need help, Mister Morgan."
"He ain't no friend."
"And so you're breakin' him out?" Maybe Arthur does things differently than what she has done in the past, knowing how she willingly left people in jail simply because she had a distasteful relationship with them.
Her questions regarding this seemed to annoy Arthur more and he audibly grew frustrated with answering so many questions sent his way. He compared it the curiosity similar to that of young Jack Marston's who could not be blamed given it was usual for children to have a tendency to ask a lot of questions.
It was Nora, a fully grown adult at twenty-four having many questions that irked him.
"Micah's a crazy individual, it'd be no harm in having an extra gun just in case."
No longer did she want to play into his irritation and instead she became slightly fearful of what may happen if she were to help with this jailbreak. She pulled back on the reins to stop Casper from following any further and soon Arthur had copied to see what she was playing at now.
"What is it?"
She shook her head quickly, silently refusing to go along with the task.
"I-." She tried but her words began to fail her and soon tears began to lightly fall down her cheeks, causing runs in the makeup she wore.
"I don't think I can." She managed. "You saw what happened to me back at Six-point Cabin, I don't want that to happen here with somethin' important. I don't have-." Before she could say she caught herself, refusing to speak any further over the topic.
At this Arthur raised an eyebrow but knew all too well the refusal to talk further. "You'll be fine."
"I was told that last year. Seems to be gettin' worse."
"An' that friend of yours, what was his name? Lenny, Len, L-."
"Lem, he knows how to calm you when you get all hysterical?"
She wouldn't have worded it like that but it was the truth, harsh at that but honest spoken.
Slowly she nodded to answer, hanging her head in shame at the realisation that perhaps she depended on Lem more so than she knew previously and more tears began to fall.
"We all have our people we rely on, he's your friend an' I bet the only one who really knows about all this."
"Suppose so. Ain't really thought much on it."
"You need a bit to calm yourself? I'm sure you'll be okay in Strawberry if thing's do get out of hand and if not- I'll buy you a drink afterwards."
"Guess you have a deal, Mister Morgan." For a brief moment she managed to crack him a smile which he reciprocated before spurring for her horse to follow along on the road.
"I'll tell you a little about Micah just so you know what we're dealin' with."
She nodded. "Please do. Ain't as though he's well-liked."
They shared a chuckle, with Arthur nodding with his agreement. "No, he isn't."
She looked over the hook once more, making sure it was in fact secured properly to the bars of the window.
She backed away a few paces before raising her thumb towards Arthur, watching as he pulled the lever on the steam donkey to rip the wall clean off.
Eventually, Micah emerged from within and the group had to work quickly so this rescue wouldn't result in any of them dying. Nora provided cover fire while Arthur quickly handed over a spare revolver to Micah so he wasn't running unarmed.
"We gotta go this way, I have some unfinished business." Micah commented, leading the group across the bridge.
Arthur let out a cry of disapproval but it had been drowned out by the sound of shooting.
Nora was unsure of what was happening but the associate Arthur had to break out of jail decided he was to enter a house over a couple of guns that he needed to pick up.
She asked no questions at the obvious murder that happened before her eyes, having been briefly told that this man was 'crazy' in many's opinions.
The lawmen tripled in numbers and they were quickly overwhelmed and yet they kept on, succeeding in the fight with very little wounds.
They left the town soon after, while the fight did become harder it did not mean they gave in so easily and in no time they were free of the law and in the clear.
After this Arthur had turned towards Micah to discipline him over the act he pulled in Strawberry, the killing of innocents over a pair of guns that went unneeded.
Micah quickly turned towards the female as she idly stood by, watching the scene of their bickering unfold before her. "And who is this then?" His question sounded bitter as if displeased with her presence there.
"A friend." Arthur grumbled, taking out a cigarette from his satchel which he passed over to the female. She took it with thanks, turning back towards his friend. She placed the cigarette between her lips, before extending her hand towards Micah Bell, "Nora Morgan." He scrunched up his face in disgust, ignoring the handshake on offer and instead turning towards Arthur.
"You tell the boss I'll be returning to camp later, for now I gotta find a way to make up for this."
Nora rolled her eyes at the sly tone in his voice, she turned away just as she lit the cigarette and leaving them to talk amongst themselves while she focused on the
She was all too familiar with the sexism that radiated off of Micah Bell, having often dealt with such treatment during her time in Sisika with the guards that littered the place and just as she used to do during her time behind bars she chose to ignore such treatment, it wouldn't be any better for her if she acted out against it.
At least she wasn't treated the same why by Arthur or any of the men she travelled with, her own brothers always thought of her as more an equal rather than anything less and Cripps approached her with respect. That was one thing she never got used too and would often scold Cripps over, telling him she was just as he was and to not treat her as anything more.
While she had been lost in her thoughts, Micah had since departed unbeknownst to her. It was then did Arthur feel awkward in grabbing her attention as he wasn't so sure how to go about it. He settled for clearing his throat which she hadn't picked up at first, only was it the third time in his doing did she finally face him.
She quickly apologised.
"You did good, told you everythin' would be okay."
"You said I would be okay, not everything."
"Well.." Mister Morgan gave a light chuckle, throwing away the remnants of his cigarette with Nora soon following thereafter.
"You were right about Micah, his company is insufferable and what was the deal with that couple in Strawberry?"
"Even I don't know, jus' Micah being Micah I suppose."
"That sounds like a common thing."
Arthur shrugged, kicking his leg up to rest against one of the boulders nearby. "It might be."
She followed him with her eyes, noticing how where they stood had given them a clear view of flat-iron lake, a location Nora used to fish at often with her brothers.
"How is Mrs. Adler?"
"She's as good as losing your husband goes, but that ain't stopped her so much, does more work around camp than some of the men."
"She was always a tough one, Sadie."
"Still is, I s'pose."
"Did you give the brooch to her?"
He didn't answer verbally at first, instead passing over a small stack of money. "She asked that I give this to you."
Nora looked at the cash in hand before shaking her head in refusal, even if she wanted to she felt guilty taking it.
"Please keep it, or give it back to her."
She looked back over at Flat-iron lake with a fond smile, keeping her gaze away from Mr. Morgan as she studied the waters from the great distance. "You keep Sadie safe, I'll see you around, Arthur."
"Look who's back." Maggie cheered just as Nora entered the building. She looked on fondly, raising her cane in the air and foolishly waving it about.
Lem had eventually reached forward to lower the weapon down, making sure to keep it pointed at the ground save for anywhere else as it's waving would creep dangerously close to Nora.
"What have you been up to?" He asked, being polite and making conversation with Nora.
"Got roped into a jailbreak." He looked shocked by her answer but figured it to not be out of the usual for her. "How'd you get on?" This question wasn't about the success or failure of the mission, it was more directed at how Nora was able to handle the situation. He just needed to know if she had cried or if she became frantic during their heist.
He was surprised at the bright smile on her face as she answered him, "I was okay. It went well."
He reciprocated her look of joy, reaching forward to place his hand on top of her very own. "That's good to hear."
She was ready to reply before Maggie cleared her throat to grasp their attention, this unpleasant scowl on her face after witnessing such an interaction. Awkwardly, Lem retracted his hand to hide below the table while Nora placed hers on top of her own.
"Unfortunately for you however, we do need someone to retrieve some ingredients for our business and I trust that you both can do it." She instructed, her voice holding that same level of authority they had grown used to.
Upon the news of ingredients Lem's face as paled however as he recalled the event of their last attempt at bringing in a shipment of good for Maggie and slowly he turned to face Nora who too, looked worried.
She picked up on their worried expressions and let out an exaggerated sigh at this. "It ain't like the boat, you'll be pickin' up a wagon from near Rhodes."
Nora nodded as she replied to her business partner. "That's not too bad then."
"No, 'course not."
As the bullets flew by she let out a string of curses under her breath, looking up to see Lem more exposed than she was.
She hissed at the burning sensation in her shoulder, looking down to notice the unfortunate crimson colour beginning to stain the material of her shirt.
She pushed on, not letting the wound distract her from the priority she had; protecting Lem.
"Keep him safe" kept repeating in her mind, the warning given sternly by Maggie. It was what the women told her the day she was tasked with preventing Lem's transfer to Sisika. Then she was able to do so and Lem was returned home that night, not a scratch on him but here, right now, she worried she would fail by Maggie and fail to keep her nephew safe.
But the bullets became worse and now their boat became grounded, the worrying set in again and as the revenue men ran for them, while slowed by the swampy waters it was still terrifying for her and Lem's desperate cry for the boat to become unstuck didn't help matters.
She looked up at Lem, who fell backwards at the sudden push of the boat moving forwards.
"Let's get the hell outta here!" He cried out in celebration upon their vessel begging to move. The pain in her shoulder became noticeable now and it grew hard to ignore.
0 notes
Eyes Wide Open
So it has been nearly a year since I have updated this fict, but after re-reading it and seeing all the errors, I went ahead and fixed them and updated the text. I’m either going to do the same for Chapter Two or trash it and post something else now that I know where I kind of want this story to go. Anyway here’s the updated version!
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You admired the consistency of the waves, crashing along the Galdin Quay coastline. They came in meeting the shore at such grace it was mesmerizing to watch. Walking along the beach you breathed in the salty air and felt a moment of rare bliss. The sun was up, the sky was blue, and you felt at peace; which was ironic since you were on the hunt for a rather large Daemon.  Like the waves, the monster and Daemon population was on the rise and yet no one knew why.  Being a hunter, business had never been better, but even you began to wonder what was happening.  It was during a pit stop in Hammerhead where you heard that a rather large Iron Giant was reigning terror along the coast of Galdin Quay.  You had been a hunter for a years but had been on your own for about six. When you realized you could do something with your magic you decided to make a living off of it. And I didn’t take long for people all over Lucis to call to you for help. Your reputation spread and since then you’ve been constantly busy.
Taking a seat near the water you watched as the sun began to set. “Not long now.” You thought to yourself. The Galdin Quay restaurant was off in the distance. It looked small from where you were sitting and you could hardly make out any faces. You made sure to walk far along the beach so that this battle wouldn’t put anyone in harm’s way.  You noticed that the top of your boots were wearing down. A few scuffs here and there but the color thankfully had not faded. Black boots, Black jeans, a black long-sleeved shirt, and a black corset was your outfit of choice since the color helped you blend into the darkness and blood didn’t show up so bad on the fabric. The corset protected your abdomen and held a couple of your weapons: Two daggers, a gun on your hip, bullets in the pockets, a sword hanging at your side, and a bow that you hung across your back. Your (Y/H/C) was pulled back into a braid and you sat playing with a necklace you never took off. It was a small golden pendant with the letter “A” engraved in the middle. You rubbed the charm over and over again as if trying to mentally remember every little thing about it; shape, size, indentions, and feeling.
You sat in the sand playing with your charm for a while as the sun began to disappear into the horizon. The sky was a dark blue now except for bits of orange and purple hues on the water. A rumble off in the distance caught your attention. You could see a large black car pulling in to the parking lot, trying to find a spot amongst the other vehicles. You observed the figures of four people getting out but that was the only thing you could see. Between the darkness and the distance, only their silhouettes were somewhat visible. Suddenly you saw what seemed to be a camera flash come from one of the figures.
“Psh. Tourists,” you scoffed. Yet you continued to watch the individuals walk towards the pier. You could see them heading to the restaurant and wondered what they were going to do. Were they going to eat? Or maybe have a nice weekend retreat? You always asked yourself these kinds of questions when you people watched. You wondered what each life was like and wondered if yours could have ever been as simple.
Looking back out to the water the sun was gone now and the only light on the water was that from the restaurant and the moon. Even with the faint sound of the music coming from the restaurant everything was quiet.
Sanding up you brushed the sand off of you. You wandered around the area hoping to draw out the beast. While Daemons were very active on the roads drawing them out in other places was not always as easy. You were told that the Iron Giant had been very active recently so you were wondering what was taking so long.
And that was when you heard it; a scream coming from behind you in the direction of the fishing pier.
“Shit,” you cursed. Drawing out your bow you aimed for the creature. You were a good hundred plus yards down from where the giant had summoned. Rather than aiming your arrow straight ahead you aimed it up into the air. “Okay if I do this just right I should be able to land either right next to him or on him.” You said to yourself. Taking aim you drew your shot back and released a shaky breath
“Fire,” you whispered.
The arrow was off as were you. Using your teleportation magic you could send yourself flying with your arrow or any of your weapons for that matter.  Within seconds you landed just feet from the beast, his back to you. A woman ahead of him was lying unconscious while a man hovered over her. The beast slowly began to raise his massive sword and the man looked up in utter fear, cradling the women in his arms. Grabbing another arrow you strung your bow and prepared to shoot.
“Hey,” you shouted at the beast. With his arms completely raised, ready to swing he turned his head to see where the voice had come from. The second you could see the right side of his face, you let the arrow go. The Giant dropped his blade and grasped the side of his cheek where you had struck. While he was distracted, you ran around him to the man on the ground. “You need to go!” You yelled at him. Nodding his head he tried to drag the unconscious woman with him but his strength was merely not there. Turning back to face the enemy, the Giant was grabbing back for his sword. He let out a loud howl and redirected his attention from the man to you.
“Aww did I mess up your pretty face?” You spoke tauntingly. You turned back and waved a hand over the man and women next to you. They evaporated into the air and appeared on the ground of the parking lot.
“Now where were we,” you asked fiercely.  The Giant barreled at you with his sword above him. You rolled out the way just as his blade struck the sand. You tried to draw another arrow but the creature moved much faster than you anticipated. He swung again but this time he held his sword completely parallel to himself catching you off guard and sending you flying.  You handed in the sand with a thud. Lifting your head you watched as he sprinted at you again.
“Oh no, this isn’t that easy,” you said, and you sent a fire ball flying at the creature. He was up in flames within seconds and you could smell the burning of his flesh. You stood up clutching your rib cage. “Yep something is definitely broken” you thought to yourself.  However the pain you felt was not going to stop you. Grabbing your daggers you ran towards the beast and slid under him, slashing the back of his legs. He immediately crumpled to the ground. Getting up you quickly turned back around and ran back to the giant. Jumping up you used your daggers to scale the creatures back. He tried to reach behind him and grab you but to no avail.
“This was fun but I’m afraid the entertainment ends now,” you shouted at him.  The monster continued to thrash but you grabbed the sword off your hip and shoved it into the Iron Giants neck up into his skull. As soon as you did this you kicked yourself off of the dead creature and watched as his body fell to the ground and began to disappear into the air.
You stood over the spot where the monster had been, taking a second to breath.  Reaching down you picked up your two daggers that fell out of the beasts back as he vanished and you put them back into their holsters. The sword was back on your hip and you turned to go help the man and women you had sent to the parking lot. You were stopped in your tracks though.
The whole pier leading up to the bar was full of onlookers who had watched the whole battle take place. A couple of them started to clap but most just looked in awe. Eyeing over to the parking lot you saw three men standing around the couple. One was squatting next to the shaken man and talking to him while the others were staring at you. A tall muscular fella was towering over the couple while his blonde friend put a camera up to his face. Suddenly a flash went off. You blinked, trying to refocus your eyes since they were now seeing spots from the flash.
Gathering yourself and regaining your sight, you made your way over to the group of strangers. You ambled up the steps to where the male almost victim was sitting, ignoring the other men standing around you.
Bending down you spoke softly to the couple, “I’m sorry for the abrupt teleport. Are you both alright?”
“Don’t apologize!” The man said quickly, “You saved our lives. I don’t know how to repay you!”
You gave him a soft smile, “Sir I don’t expect anything from anyone.” You looked to the woman who was lying in this man’s arms and noticed her wedding ring. “Is your wife alright?”
Before the man could speak the stranger squatting down next to the couple spoke up, “She seems to have passed out due to the stress of the situation.” He seemed to have some sort of accent making him sound rather refined. Looking over to him you met his green eyes. They were hiding behind a pair of glasses which sat perfectly on his face. His facial features were well defined and his hair was spiked up giving his features a slim appearance.  
Looking back to the woman you brought your hand over her forehead. Closing your eyes you felt energy run down your arm and warm your palm. Opening your eyes you could see the faint red glow illuminating upon the woman’s face. This lasted for about thirty seconds till you pulled your hand away.  
“I transferred some of my energy to her. Being in that situation took a lot out of her but she should be fine.”
“Oh thank you so much miss!” The woman’s husband cried.
You stood up, turned around and began to walk away. You had pretty good people skills when you needed to use them, but you didn’t enjoy small talk or getting to know anyone. You were descending down the steps when a gruff voice spoke up.
“Hey wait a second!”
You stopped and turned around. It was muscle man. Up close he was even larger looking; not only in height but his body itself was massive. His black hair was slicked back and out of his face but not in a way that appeared neat or tidy. You could see the outline of his muscles under her shirt and knew this guy had to be some sort of body guard. But the question was, for who?
Wasting no time you replied, “It’s been a second.” And you continued out on to the beach.
“Hey seriously! Wait up!” This time it wasn’t muscle man’s voice, nor was it the bespectacled man with the accent. You turned around and crossed your arms over your chest. The blonde haired boy with the camera was jogging after you. He was skinny but also had some definition to him. When he got up close you could see that freckles cover most of his face, particularly around and across the bridge of his nose.
His two friends didn’t jog, but sauntered up to the two of you. You were a little aggravated now. You wanted to get back to camp and heal yourself. Your ribcage now was starting to hurt more than before since the adrenaline had worn off.
“How did you do that,” the blonde boy asked you.
“Do what,” you questioned incredulously.  
“Take down the Giant alone! That was super impressive,” he spoke in admiration.  
You shrugged my shoulder, “I just can. I didn’t think it was something difficult to do.”
“Well how did you use magic?” Muscles asked. “Do you serve the royal family?”
“How I get my magic is my business and no one else’s,” you replied.
The man narrowed his eyes at you, probably unappreciative of the curt response, “That’s fine. Your business is your own but maybe you can help us.”
You raised an eyebrow wondering what kind of help these three seemingly capable men could need. “Depends on what you need help with,” you spoke.
“We’re looking for someone.” said the one with the glasses. He pushed his specs up the bridge of his nose and brought his hands behind his back. He looked and seemed very well mannered.
“What you want me to find them for you,” you inquired..
“No we have to find them ourselves,” said specs, “But were wondering if you’ve seen them perhaps?”
“Do you have a name?”
“Yeah, we do.” This time the voice came from behind the three men. Walking up to the group was another guy. He was a little taller than the blonde but not as tall as the other two. He was in all black and his black hair fell around his face. When he got closer you began to recognize him. He looked exactly like the boy you had spent your younger days with back when Insomnia was your home.  
“Noctis,” You whispered, your face contorting into a confused expression.
“Hey Y/N.” The prince said, “It’s been awhile.”
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clevernewdimension · 7 years
Inhumans Part Nine
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Parts: One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight, Nine, Ten
Genre: A/U, Angst, Violence, Fluff, Romance, more in the future.
Pairing: Yixing x Reader
Word Count: 4.1K
Through the chaos. Jongin was bringing the freed Inhumans one or two at a time. He informed us that the police arrived earlier than expected. I was leading the newly teleported people into a room where we had some fairly decent sized cots, pillow and blankets. I told them to stay here and I’ll come back and see them once everyone is taken here.
After escorting two more, I feel a small hand grab mine. I look down, seeing a young girl with dark skin. She looked like she was one of the Inhumans taken from another country far away from here, she was terrified. She look about ten years old. In her right hand she was holding a knife, her hand shaking.
I lean down, “It’ll be ok. Do you understand me?”
She shakes her head no, eyes filled with tears. I put my hand over hers, the one with the knife, “You are safe,” I said in English. I learned ages ago, though it was very rusty.
“Are you sure,” She asks, her accent sounding like she’s from England.
I nod, “They do not know we are here,” I say, carefully taking the knife. “We will get you home. To parents. Safe.”
She nods, wiping tears from her eyes. I give her a small hug, walking back to the entrance, the knife now in my hand. I escort a few more Inhumans, hearing gunshots and fighting over the ear piece. Worry set itself in. Jongin teleports once again, and I see the neon haired woman from before, though her hair was now a mix of blue and purple. She was holding a cut on her hand, cursing.
“All the information is taken care of,” She says, her voice softer than I thought it would be. She was a few inches taller than I was. Her hair was up in a ponytail, out of her face. Her eyes were a bright glowing orange as she stood next to Jongin. Her accent when she spoke was different. I’d guess she wasn’t born here, but brought here like many others. She wore an oversize grey tee that had a few rips, jeans with holes and a pair of black boots. “Just get them out of there!”
Jongin nods, before motioning to me, “This is Y/N, she can help your cut or you can wait for Yixing!”
“Just get them,” She says, the glowing dying in her eyes as they return to a light blue.
He was gone in a flash, Baekhyun runs out of his office, looking at her and giving her a hug. “I’m so glad you’re alright,” He says, looking at her.
“I’m so pissed,” She says, growling. “How did they find me! They never have before!”
Baekhyun lets go of her, looking at me, “Are they alright?”
I nod, “They’re all fine and safe. A few have some minor scratches, but other than that they’re just scared.”
Neon’s eyes finally look over at me, looking me up and down before hardening her stare. “I didn’t know you fellas got someone new,” Her voice a bit tense.
“She’s Nayeon’s daughter, Y/N,” Baekhyun explains. “She’s a doctor, since… well.”
“Since Xing can’t heal himself,” She finishes for him, looking at her cut. “No offense, but I’d rather just have this healed. Stitches itch too damn bad.”
I nod, “None taken.” I look at the knife in my hands, “Um, a small girl had this. Is it yours?”
Neon smiles, “It is. Can you hold it for a bit, at least until I get this healed?” She hold us her arm, as a drop of blood falls to the floor.
I nod, about to open my mouth to say something only to see people return before us in a flash. A few cuts and scrapes, but that wasn’t worrying. What was worrying is that holding onto Yixing’s arm with a gun pointed to his head was an armed man. Another armed man was holding onto Jongdae, a gun in his hands, though pointing at many of them. Minseok lets go of Yixing’s other arm, glaring at the man. Their backs turned to us. Chanyeol’s hands light in flames as he glares at him. Jongin moves back, clutching his head as he puts one hand on the wall, trying to regain balance.
“Stop or I will shoot him,” The first man yells. I watch as they all hold their hands up slowly, watching carefully as the second moves his gun from one person to the other after Jongdae shoved him away.
“It’s ok,” Yixing says, looking at the other members before him nodding.
“Shut up,” The man says, kicking the back of Yixing’s legs, making him fall to his knees. Yixing yelled as he landed, keeping his arms raised, not daring to move them.
My heart felt as if it was in my throat. It was beating so loud, it was almost deafening. It was like time was moving slowly as I watch the man hold it close to the back of his head. The fear on everyone’s face was a terrifying sight, because I was so use to them being powerful and completely in control.
“You don’t have to do this,” Junmyeon starts, trying to reason with the man. Sehun was glaring daggers at the man, his hands shaking. Everyone was on their toes, getting ready to fight.
“Shut up,” The second man yells. He turns his gun to Junmyeon as his ally pushes the barrel of the gun completely against Yixing’s head, making me feel like I was being ripped apart.
“I won’t be able to take you all,” He yells, looking ahead of him at Yixing. “You’re all disgusting, you freaks deserve death and if I can die taking one of you out, then I’ve done my job!” The man looks down at Yixing, “Do you have any last words?”
“Minseok,” I hear a shaking voice say. It was tiny, small, and full of fear. It was the voice I’ve some to adore as he was on his knees, looking up at the eldest man. His body language completely still, reserved. “Tell Y/N I’m sorry,” He says, his voice cracking a bit.
Minseok eyes doesn’t leave his, “Yixing, don’t-”
The second man turns his gun onto him after he took a step forward, “Don’t move!”
I see Yixing’s shoulders shake, “Just let me, ok? There’s… there’s no way out of this. If you all attack, he’ll kill me and the other will kill one of you. You don’t, he’ll kill me, but then you’ll have a chance to save everyone else.. Just… let me speak.” None of those who teleported notice me, Baekhyun or Neon as we stood behind them. I see Baekhyun and Neon both frozen in fear. They didn’t know what to do or what to say.
“Tell her it’s not her fault, because she will find away to blame herself,” I hear the struggle in his voice trying to control his emotions. “And tell her than these past few months with her have been the best in my life and that I wouldn’t trade them, ever. Make sure she knows that I love her more than anything in the world.” My heart hurts hearing him say it, because he was saying it like he was never going to see me again.
“Cute,” The man replies bitterly, as he looks ready to pull the trigger.
I run forward before I knew what I was doing, running into him as the gun goes off. We fall to the ground, before he’s on top of me. I hear a torrent of flames as the other man who was there was engulfed in fire. His scream was terrible and painful, but it sounded distant as if it was just a whisper. I see everyone else in shock as his hands circle my throat, cutting off my air. I try to breathe, glancing around. I see Yixing hold his thigh where the bullet grazed him, blood coming from it before he looks at me. Shocked at the sight, tears running down his face. I see Neon’s knife to my right where I dropped it when I hit him. I reach, seeing people coming to run forward before my hand grabs the hilt.
My body was on autopilot as I slammed the knife into the side of his body. The bullet proof vest covered the front and back, but the sides were exposed. His grip on my throat loosened as I draw the knife out and stab him again, blood coming from him and getting all over my hand and side. I panic and twist the knife, watching as he’s suddenly pulled back, Kyungsoo throwing him across the room.
I blink back tears, taking in huge gasps of air, trying to calm down. The smell of the burning body hitting me full force. My breaths were faster and faster as I sat up, looking at the blood on me. I wipe at it with my other hand, dropping the knife. It felt hot and sticky, making me feel ill. I felt dizzy, the world around me felt like it was moving slowly. My head pounded as I wipe at the blood, seeing it all over me. I felt like I was going to throw up.
I feel someone grab my face and soon all I could see is Sehun as he held me, looking in my eyes, “Y/N, just breathe… it’s ok.”
“Yixing,” I say, my voice strained as it hurt to speak. It sounded as if I haven’t spoken in days. “He’s hurt! I have to go,” I say, my hands shaking as I try to get up.
“Baekhyun will do it,” Sehun says, “You can’t. You can’t do it when you’re like this. You taught him how, just breathe.”
I feel my throat hurt as I start to cough, tears coming to my eyes from the pain. “It hurts,” I said between coughs, my breathing still erratic.
“Panic attack,” I hear Neon say, her voice even softer than before. “She needs to get calm somehow.”
“Minseok,” I hear someone say, the world around me becoming a blur as my eyes felt heavy. I look at Sehun, trying to keep my eyes open. He was trying to be calm as everything in my vision was going fuzzy. “Y/N, stay with me,” Sehun says, trying to remain calm. Before I could understand, my eyes were closing, and all I could see was darkness.
When I open my eyes, I see my room was dark. The string lights were on, but there were swirls of color in the air on the ceiling. I laid there, watching them, letting my mind stay blank. My eyes still heavy, my body almost too tired to move. I close them, but I hear movement. I open my eyes again, seeing the swirls change color slowly, from yellow to green to blue and so on as it shifted to every color of the rainbow. The swirls reminded me of a painting that I can’t remember the name of, though I always thought it was beautiful.
I vaguely hear people talking, making me sit up, trying to regain control. My vision returning sharper and my hearing becoming clearer as I look over to see Neon and Baekhyun.
Baekhyun looks at me, “Y/N?”
“Everything feels off,” I mutter, feeling my throat on fire. I reach my hand up to it. I hear Neon start to tell me not to, but it was too late as my fingers make contact. It hurt so bad as I yank my hand away.
Baekhyun grabs the glass of water on my bedside table, handing it to me, “It’s going to hurt really bad, but you need water.”
“But Yixing, is he alright? Is everyone alright? How are the others? Did you get everyone here safely? Baekhyun, you have to take me to Yixing, I have to-”
“You have to drink this first,” He says, his voice as hard as steel. I lean away, shocked. I’ve never heard Baekhyun talk to me like that before. I was use to the joking and funny Baekhyun. The serious one terrifies me a bit.
Neon walks over to the light switch and turns it on. She looked worried, but now I could see Baekhyun was paler than usual, dark circles under his eyes. “You’ve been unconscious for two days, Y/N. Drink this water, please,” He begs, “Then we’ll take you to Yixing.”
Neon smiles sadly, “He’s not allowed to walk, so he’s been cooped up going crazy wanting to make sure you’re ok.”
Baekhyun smiles a bit as I take the glass from him. “He’s only staying because I told him if you knew he was walking around after that you’d be furious.”
“I would be,” I say, my voice raspy and quiet. I take a sip, my eyes watering in pain. “Ow,” I whisper, before taking a few more.
“Take it easy,” Baekhyun says, “You don’t have to drink it all in one go!”
I don’t stop, giving him a look through the pain as I empty the glass. I set it on the table, standing, bracing myself on him for a moment. “Let’s go,” I mutter, my legs feeling like jelly. I take a few steps, slowly, before Baekhyun puts his arm around me to keep me steady.
I stop a moment, eyeing my mirror. My clothes were changed as I stood there in pajamas instead of what I was wearing before. My throat was covered in deep, dark purple bruises. There was a red spot in my eyes where a vessel popped. My hair was a complete mess and I looked paler than normal. There was a bruise around my left wrist, though I don’t remember getting that at all. Everything in that moment happened so quickly, yet also slowly.
“To answer your other questions,” Neon calmly says, pulling me away from my thoughts. “Everyone got here safe. Everyone who I brought with me are gone and on their way some place safe. I’m staying here until I can find a new place to operate from.” She looks to the ground, angry. “I don’t know how they found me… I’ve been there years and no one has seen anything until now.”
The silence was uncomfortable as we walk to the medical room. It took a while as Baekhyun made me stop and take short rests. My throat was killing me, making my eyes water. Once we’re at the door, I go to open it, only to have Neon grab my hand.
“Yes,” I ask softly, trying not to aggravate my voice any further.
She smiles sadly, “Just… Xing is going to freak out when he sees you like this. So… be prepared for that.”
I open the door, and immediately, I see Minseok turn. His eyes are wide as he sees me, looking extremely upset. Next to him was Junmyeon, who was standing a bit to the side, dark circles under his eyes. Something tells me he hasn’t slept as he was trying to sort this all out.
I see the person on the bed lean up. Yixing’s eyes meet mine. He was pale, completely shirtless as he was sitting there, the blanket pulled over him. He had a black eye, and a small bruise on his chin, a few cuts and bruises on his  arms and chest but other than that, he looked fine. His eyes look lower, to my neck. His eyes wide in pain as he sees what happened to me. “Baobei,” He says in what I was guessing was Chinese, though I don’t know what it means. I walk forward, pushing everyone away as I get to him and hug him, reminding myself to keep away from his leg.
“You’re alright,” I mutter, tears falling down my face.  I hold him tightly, as if at any moment he’d turn into smoke and disappear. “I… I couldn’t let that happen. I had to do something.”
“Suho, Baekhyun, Neon,” Minseok says, his voice soft, “How about we go… work on a few things for a bit.”
I don’t hear what they speak about after. All I remember is the door softly shutting behind me. Yixing slides over in the bed, letting out a grunt of pain, pulling me up to sit on it with a hiss.
“Stop,” I say, wiping my tears, “You’ll hurt yourself.”
Yixing says nothing as he pulls my face to his, lips pressing against mine hard, like he’s scared to let me go too. I feel the cold sensation go through my body, though noticeably weaker than other times. “How can I care about that when you look like this,” He says, his expression and voice pained. “How can I give a damn about my being hurt when… Y/N, you…”
“I killed someone,” I finish, looking down at my hands. “It’s like I can still feel the blood on my hands. Hot and gross. But Yixing, I… I don’t regret it.”
“Y/N,” He says, looking at me. “You didn’t have to.”
“Yes I did,” I say loudly, my throat still hurting a bit, but it was much better than before. I pull away, looking him in the eyes. “He had a gun to you. He was going to kill you… and you know that he was.”
Yixing looks down, his hands barely touching mine. “There’s no point in lying,” his voice was sad. “I thought I was going to die...”
“Then you know that I had to kill him,” my voice breaking, cracking as I try to keep my feelings down. Tears fell from my eyes. “I hate killing. I thought I hated it more than anything.”
“Which is why you shouldn’t have had to,” He says, his hands taking mine, his eyes avoiding me.
“I love you more than I hate it,” I exclaim. I let go of his hands and make him look me in the eyes. “I already lost the person who mattered the most to me once. I can’t lose another, so don’t you dare try to convince me that I made the wrong choice!”
“I’m not telling you you made the wrong choice,” He says, looking up at me without my having to force him. “I just… I don’t want you to resent me after it.”
“Why would I resent you,” I question, shaking my head.
“For getting myself in the situation, for forcing you have to make that choice,” He says, his voice is hard and quiet, as if he was yelling at himself.
“Yixing,” I mutter, putting a hand on his shoulder, “No one can make my decisions for me but me. If our roles were switched, would you have done what I did?”
“In a heartbeat,” He answers, looking up at me. “I couldn’t live with myself if something happened to you and I could have done something.”
“That feeling,” I say, before leaning my head down on his shoulder. “That feeling is mutual.”
I feel him wrap his arms around me, pulling me to him. His head resting against mine as he lightly kisses the side of it. “You were very brave,” he said, one of his hands touching my arm as I feel the cool sensation again.
“You’re too hurt to heal me,” I mutter, “You’ll be fine soon, and so will I. Save your energy and let your body heal yourself.”
“Are you saying that as my doctor or as my girlfriend,” He jokes, laughing lightly.
“Both. Save your energy.”
“I just can’t bare to see you like this, is all,” He mutters with a sign.
“Then keep your eyes closed, because the more you try to help me the longer it will take for you to heal,” I say, pulling away from him. “How did Baekhyun do, anyway?”
“Fine, after I convinced him to stop shaking. He was nervous. Nothing major was hit,” He answers my unasked question, knowing I was going to ask it at some point. “Between the thigh and my knees aching from landing on the floor like that, I’m apparently not allowed to walk until tomorrow at least.”
“That’s good, are the stitches straight are are they all jagged and too far apart? Can I see how he did?”
I see him smirk a bit to himself, a light blush on his face. “I’d show you, but I’d like the first time you see me completely naked to be not related to any sort of injury if I can help it, thanks.”
“You’re… oh…. OH,” I say, my voice becoming a pitch higher as I bury my face in his shoulder. My face turning a deep red as I hear him laugh at my embarrassment.
“You’re so cute when you’re embarrassed,” He says, wrapping his arms around me again. “Stop, your cheeks are going to set my shoulder on fire!”
“And you’re cuter when you’re not making fun of me,” I mutter, making him laugh again.
“Where’s the fun in that,” He says, giving me a small kiss on the forehead.
The door slams open, revealing Sehun and Minseok. Sehun looked at me, his eyes wide. He rushes over, pulling me away from Yixing before wrapping his arms around me, picking me up off the ground.
“I’m sorry,” Minseok says, looking up at me sadly. “I tried to stop him, but the brat wouldn’t listen.”
Sehun sets me back down as I leave a hand on his shoulder, “Sehun-”
“No,” He says, looking at me, his eyes wet with tears. “I’m sorry. I’m sorry I ever thought you wouldn’t risk your life for one of us. I’m sorry we didn’t think of something to stop what happened. I’m sorry you had to do that and I’m sorry that you had to do something you hate.” He tries to regain control over his emotions, but he can’t seem to stop crying. “It almost happened again and I’m so glad you were here and were braver than the rest of us and actually did something while we all just stood there about to watch our brother die.”
“Sehun,” I muttered, rubbing his arm, crying to calm him down. “It’s fine.”
“No it’s not,” He yells, making me jump. His eyes widen as he looks back at me, “I just… I’m sorry.” He turns to walk away, escaping the grip I had on his arm.
“Sehun,” I yell as he bolts out the room. Minseok attempts to stop him, his glass of water spilling on one of his feet. I look back at Yixing, who simply nodded as I turn to go after him, trying to keep up. My legs kept shaking as he started getting further and further.
I feel the air grow colder as I see Sehun suddenly stop, his right foot completely frozen to the ground.
To my right I see Minseok holding up a hand, his eyes completely white. He lowers his hand, his eyes returning to normal as he nods at me.
“Thank you,” I say, moving to catch up with Sehun. I get there as he takes a knife, trying to pry his shoe out of the ice. “Sehun, just talk to me. What’s wrong.”
“I thought next time it happened I wouldn’t be a coward,” He says, wiping tears from his eyes as throws the knife down, starting to unlace the shoe. “But I’m faced with the same situation and I do the same fucking thing!”
He yanks his foot free from the ice as I grab onto his arm. He yanks it away, sending me into the wall with the force. I yelp, my legs becoming even worse than before after colliding with the wall.
We stand there for a few moments. He was silent as tears feel from his eyes, his shoulders shaking. I stayed on the floor where I fell, waiting to see what he would do next. He tentatively takes a step to me, offering me his hand.
“Thank you,” I say as he puts an arm around me, helping me walk along with him. He opens a door to a room I’ve never been to, turning on the light and helping me onto a chair. The room was rather plain. A bed, a chair, a side table, a lamb and a plain black rug. However there were Polaroids covering every inch of one wall. Some had my mother, some had the whole group, but many of them are of him and just one or two other people. There was a picture of him with everyone. There were pictures of him and the people I didn’t get to meet, too. A thick layer of dust coating everything in this room.
“This is... was my room. I haven’t been in here in ages.” He paces a bit, not looking me in the eye. “Y/N,” He says, his voice cracking. “I… I’ve never told anyone this. But I have to tell someone or I’m going to explode.”
“It’s ok,” I mutter, wanting to comfort him. “I’ll listen. It’ll be ok.”
“No it won’t,” He says, looking back at me. His eyes full of pure sorrow and heartbreak. “Because I’m the reason that Kris, Tao and Luhan are dead.”
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badbadbucky · 3 years
WIP Weds 6/9/2021!!
Happy WIP Weds friends!
Here is a snippet from my novel, One of the Restless. In this chapter, the full moon has risen and Johnny has opted to keep the wolfed out Chris locked in his car until the full moon is over, rather than risk continung the trip to Salt Lake City. Johnny has parked his piece of shit Oldsmobile next to a field on an empty road and fallen asleep on the hood, and that is where we find him: 
One moment, Johnny was dead asleep, the next, dread wrenched him to full wakefulness, but he didn’t open his eyes. The thing that had woken him up was a whisper. People. Close by.
 There was another whisper, different from the first: “That a dog?”
“Shut up,” a third voice whispered fiercely. “Don’t wake sleeping beauty.”
Johnny’s heart pounded in his chest. He could feel the handle of his folded knife digging into his back, close to his waist. He must have fallen asleep on top of it. He couldn’t tell if the men were looking at him or not, but he couldn’t open his eyes for fear of them figuring out he was awake before he had the knife in hand. 
He listened closely. He could hear the muffled sound of Chris snarling and snapping inside the car. He thought he heard some footsteps moving down the ditch bank. Another set circled the car, but he’d lost track of the third. 
Johnny continued to breathe steadily, and he inched his hand up toward the knife, so slowly he sometimes wasn’t actually sure if he was moving or not. He felt an itch in the center of his forehead, the feeling someone was watching him--one of the few strings that even non-stringers could sense--and so he stopped for a moment. The moment stretched into eternity. When Johnny could no longer tell if the feeling was still there or if it was just his own paranoia, he moved again, his fingertips closing around the handle of the knife. 
A hand grabbed Johnny’s ankle and unceremoniously yanked him off the hood of the olds. Johnny’s eyes flew open in surprise. He held onto the knife as his dress rode up, dragging the bare skin of his back across the hood with a painful squeak. Johnny hit the ground hard. He tried to catch his breath, but couldn’t. 
He whipped his head around, trying to get a sense for his surroundings, searching for any useful strings. Three men stood over him. Beyond the men, there was an old beat to shit pickup, it barely had a back seat, the headlights blared out across the field.
“Thanks for the ride, hombre,” one of the men said, holding up Johnny’s keys and jingling them. The man had an almost perfectly round face, he’d tried to give it some shape with facial hair, but it did nothing to make his head look like less of a cantaloupe. He looked over at another guy, who looked even stupider than he was tall, and he was at least 6’5 so that was really saying something, and tossed him the keys. “Shoot the dog. Let’s get outta here.”
Johnny still had the knife hidden in his hand. He had to wait for the right moment to use it, he pretended to still be stunned by the fall. The third member of their little group watched him, with a cruel glitter in his eye. He was a handsome kid, couldn’t have been more than twenty, thin but muscular, he wore a tight plaid shirt tucked into some even tighter wranglers. He’d apparently decided to give up after only doing up two buttons on his shirt. Johnny had grown up in places just like this all his life, he recognized every one of these fucks, he’d seen their faces a million times, and the kid was the most dangerous. He was able to easily hold his own with guys much older than him, people his own age were probably scared of him--all shaking their heads, he was too crazy, took things too far--a rattlesnake, as likely to bite his friend as his enemy, wishing and aching for things to go wrong.
The big fella pulled a pistol from the back of his sagging jeans. He held the key to the Old’s in the other. He slid the key into the keyhole, Chris snapped at him, strings of hot drool splattered the window. Big Fella jumped backward. “Ahh--” He looked at the other two men sheepishly, and shook out his hands. “It’s scary.”
A spark gleamed in the snake’s eyes. “I’ll do it.”
Big Fella instantly realized his mistake. Giving someone like the snake control of a situation with a rabid dog and a gun might be the last mistake he ever made. “That’s okay, I got it.”
“Yeah Jake, let Thumper handle it,” Cantaloupe said.
“Do it then,” Jake the Snake said. “We gotta lotta shit to do before sun-up.” 
Johnny took advantage of the trio’s momentary distraction to open the blade on his knife, still keeping it concealed. The three men weren’t paying him any attention, figuring someone like him couldn’t be a threat. 
Johnny had wrapped a few strings around his wrist. Powerful ones. He slid a steel grey string up from his wrist and tightened it around his knuckles. The string was a segment he had taken from a knife, when he wrapped it around his knuckles his punches would land like stab wounds. Johnny took a beat to make sure the other men were still ignoring him. They were, so Johnny used his knife to cut another string from his wrist. He threaded the string between his teeth, pushing it all the way to the gum line, all along his top row of teeth until he rang out of string. The sensation was just as horrific as it sounded, but it was a simple and effective weapon. He’d purchased the spool from his animal guy, the string was taken from a venom spitting cobra, and it allowed Johnny to spit venom. He hated the feeling of it, so he didn’t like to leave it in all the time.  He had one other surprise tucked into the top of his boot. He really hoped he didn’t have to use it; it had been a huge pain in the ass to make. 
Once Johnny was ready, he brought the attention back on himself, away from Chris. “Can I interject?” he said, playing up what his dad called the swishiness in his voice. 
All three of the men whipped their heads toward him. “Shut the fuck up,” they said in perfect unison.
Johnny clapped. “That was impressive. Did y’all practice that? It was real nice. I liked it. I can see y’all now. Peter Paul and Mary.” He jabbed his finger at Cantaloupe. “You’re Mary.” 
Cantaloupe lunged forward. “You fucking--” He was too angry to finish the insult. 
Johnny had to handle Cantaloupe first. Johnny didn’t want the round-headed fuck sneaking up behind him while he was dealing with Jake the Snake. 
The big one, Thumper, was a marshmallow; he wouldn’t do anything. 
Johnny stepped up to meet Cantaloupe. Cantaloupe drew back his fist. He threw a punch and Johnny easily dodged it. He jerked Cantaloupe forward and trapped Cantaloupe’s arm under his own. Johnny bent at the waist--he was a couple inches taller than the other man--and headbutted Cantaloupe. 
For once, Johnny had managed to put the headbutt in the right spot so as to avoid fucking himself up as much as he did his opponent. There was a muted crunch as their skulls collided. Cantaloupe’s melon was split. He crumpled to the ground. 
“Jesus Christ!” Thumper said, taking a step back. He raised the gun and pointed it at Johnny.
“Don’t! You dare,” Jake said. 
Thumper lowered the gun down to his side. 
Johnny whipped around to face Jake the Snake. Jake’s eyes were bright, sparkling in the red gloom. He was wound so tight he was almost dancing, his boots scuffing the asphalt--ready to pop, like a kid at Disneyland when they finally get to meet Mickey. He smiled at Johnny with all his teeth, though he still spoke to Thumper. “Don’t you dare.” 
There was a small cut in the center of Johnny’s forehead from the headbutt. A single drop of blood trickled down between his eyebrows, driving him crazy, but he made no move to wipe it away, not wanting Jake to take it as a sign of aggression. He’d fight Jake when he was good and ready. 
The healing strings he’d applied had done their work, he wasn’t completely healed, but he felt a week along rather than just a few hours. Healed enough to fight. Healed enough to win. 
“So you’re a little bit of a hand,” Jake said.
“I don’t like to brag,” Johnny said. 
“Modest too.” Jake was still standing too close to the door to the Olds for Johnny’s liking. The keys hung from the lock, all it would take was a twist, and Chris would be out. Johnny had to keep Chris in that car; he didn’t know if he’d be able to subdue Chris again if he got out.
 Jake seemed to sense Johnny’s concern, and took a step closer to the door. He gave Johnny a sly smile. He lunged for the door, Johnny took a step forward with his hands outstretched, but Jake had only been faking. He laughed and stepped back. “Just checkin’ your reflexes,” he said. 
Johnny calmed himself down. He needed this to be his game, not the Snake’s. “I know what you’re asking yourself,” Johnny said. “And this is your only chance to find out.” Johnny brushed his long hair back out of his face. He twirled his knife between his fingers. “Come find out.”
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wellmeaningshutin · 7 years
Short Story #63: Domestic Bliss.
Written: 3/13/2017                                                                Backwards Week
Head throbbing and wet, she tried to move around but she was unable to do anything, not only due to the weakness from the blood loss, but also because of the cuffs around her wrists that were too tight, and dug into her skin every time that she tried to fight them. Her wrists were cold, her head was cold, her body was cold, and it was funny for her to think that she had thought it was such a hot night, not too long ago. However, this was only humorous for a moment, because she was accepting the fact that this could be the end for her. Who would come and save her?
Screaming for help was impossible, because of the duct tape, and she wondered if she was able to scream, if she would have the energy to do so. Even her attempts to move free were limp and half assed. She could hardly see a thing, but she couldn’t tell if she was passing out, or if that was because her eyes hadn’t adjusted to the dark. All of these questions were just quick and passing, because she was about to die, and she felt like she should think of something important, something that existed outside of her immediate situation. Wasn’t your life supposed to flash by?
Deciding to give into her fate, since there was no way a neighbor had heard, no chance anybody had called the police, and she was now destined to be found days, maybe even weeks from now, when a friend or family member would stop by the house, or maybe even when the smell of her remains would grow to be too much, and a concerned neighbor would notice. There was a chance that her husband had escaped, had somehow given himself a chance to live another day, and would probably be trying to save her life too, but she knew this was nothing but a fantasy. It was time to face the reality of the situation, and not the current one, where she was handcuffed to her bedpost in a dark room, bleeding to death, unable to whimper, but the reality that she wasn’t just going to die, but that she was going to have to die alone.
If she weren’t so tired, she may have cried. ———————————————————————————————————
The man smiled down at her, and for some reason, she was able to figure out that this sparse grin, filled with so little teeth that the canines were the most prominent, it all meant that he was finally done. The worst of it was already over, and there may be a chance that they could make it out of it. “I don’t know about you,” He turned to the gunman, still with that grin, “but I’m getting pretty bored of this. Why don’t we wrap this up and call it a day, maybe go out and get a drink.”
The gunman only nodded in agreement as he sat in the recliner, stubbly chin resting on the palm of his right hand, looking like a teenager who had to sit through a lecture on tax codes, or really most people who would have to sit through that. Wordlessly, he slowly eased out of the chair, raised his arms above his head and stretched, cracked his knuckles, and then picked up the revolver off of the nightstand. Looking at the husband, sweating, breathing heavily, trying to avoid the man’s eye contact, then looking back to the wife, handcuffed to the bed, arms covered in cuts and burns, makeup ruined, he finally said the first words he ever spoke in that whole ordeal, “Leave her in here, it would be a pain to try to unhandcuff her.” Then, walking over to the husband, standing right in front of him so that the injured man’s face was almost touching the belly of the armed man, he looked down and say, “Hey, fella, can you walk?” The husband still gave no answer, just breathed heavily and turned his head to stare at his wife, to try to seem strong so that she would be less worried about all that happened. All of that strength was gone when the man grabbed his head and moved it so they were making eye contact, and then placed the barrel of the gun into his right eye. “Don’t make me ask twice.”
The husband considered staying strong.
“I don’t think your wife would like it if she saw you get your brains blown out, all over this rug of yours.” He cocked back the hammer, “And then she would have to stare at your remains, the ruined rug, that whole scene, while she was stuck there, bleeding to death. You really want to put her through that?”
The husband frantically nodded, shaking his head like it was a spell that would save them from the situation, but the man kept staring at him, considering if he should shoot anyways. “If you shoot him then somebody’s gonna hear it,” The smiling man cut in, “and we don’t need that kind of trouble. More importantly, why didn’t you have the gun already cocked when you were gonna shoot him?”
The gunman pointed his weapon away from the husband, who was still shaking his head, fearing that if he stopped they would shoot him, and the gun now pointed at a picture frame, which contained the couple’s wedding pictures. “What do you mean?”
“Well, if you’re going to threaten to shoot somebody, then why wouldn’t you be ready to shoot?”
“What does this have to do with anything?”
“I was just wondering, its like those guys who point a shotgun at people, to threaten them, but when they don’t listen the person just racks the shotgun, and its kind of, like I just don’t understand that.” The gunman smacked the husband in the face, while focused on the points his friend was making, just to get the bleeding man to stop nodding. “If anything, that shouldn’t be a threatening gesture, it just really means that your first threat was empty because you weren’t prepared to shoot them.”
“So what?” The gunman shoved the revolver’s barrel into the husband’s forehead, “Do you want me to shoot him now, just to prove the point?”
“He’s scared anyways, so there’s no point in that, but its just something you should consider for the future. And don’t forget about the noise the-”
“Yeah yeah, don’t worry,” The barrel of the gun now pointed at a vase filled with pink lilies, “I wont get us caught. You do have a point there. Now,” Looking back at the husband, who was currently crying, “Can you walk?” And, on cue, the husband began rapidly nodding, and the gunman smacked him to get him to stop. “Okay, get up, lets take you someplace else so that we could get out of here.”
The man who was missing teeth began to take the cuffs off of the husband, grabbed him by the shoulder, and roughly helped him get up to his feet. They marched him out of the room, turned off the lights, and closed the door behind them. From the hallway, the wife could hear one of them say, “Also, if you think about it, if you have to say ‘Don’t make me ask twice’, you kind of are asking a second time.” ———————————————————————————————————
“Now,” The talker instructed, “you there, girl, put lay down on the bed on your back, and put your arms through those metal bars. No, don’t look at us like that, we won’t do that to you. We just want your money, your valuables, and this is just a standard robbery, so don’t you worry, because if you do what we say, why,” he flashed that sparse tooth smile,”we’ll be out of here and no time. You two will forget we were even here in the first place. Now, you, pretty boy, use these,” he reached inside his coat pocket and removed a pair of hand cuffs, which he placed into the husband’s hands,”and cuff you’re wife’s hands together.” The husband complied, mainly because of the revolver that was staring at his head.”Now, you done? Make sure its nice and-”
“Shit!” The wife exclaimed after her husband had, in a state of panic, placed the cuffs on way too tight.
The talker laughed, “Shit, not that tight, but don’t bother because you can’t remove them anyhow. Now,” He looked around the room, spotted a chair and pointed to it, “pull that over here, right in front of the bed, make it face your lovely wife so you two can comfort each other. Now sit down, hurry up now. See, we’re not bad people, just victims of circumstance. We just need money to get by,” he began to laugh, but tried to keep a straight face,”just need to pay our rent is all.” When the husband was finally seated, he forcefully grabbed the man’s right arm, and handcuffed his right wrist to his right ankle.
The gunman walked to the bedroom door and closed it. The talker broke into laughter, and almost fell to the floor. The couple stared at each other in worry.
“I keep my jewelry in that dresser, top row, second drawer from the left.”
“Fuck your jewelry!” The talker said between laughs, wiping a tear from his eye.
“We keep our money hidden-”
“Did you,” pause for laughter, “Did you really think that we wanted money? You two are the dumbest couple we ever met.”
“What do you-”
“Hey, you got the duct tape?” The gunman fished around the inside of his jacket for it, while the husband and the revolver stared at each other, and then he found it, and presented it to the giggling man. “Well toss it over!” A toss and a catch, an action was almost effortless from either practice or experience. “We need to shut these fuckers up. I bet they’d just keep talking all night.”
As the grinning man placed tape over her husband’s mouth, the wife asked, “What do you want?” Then, after a thoughtful pause, “What are you going to do to us?”
Finished silencing the husband, the smiling man turned to the wife, got down on his knees so he was eye level with her, and said, “Now, if I said that you would probably scream for help, but let me assure you,” he nodded his head in the direction of the gunman, “that would be the stupidest possible thing you could do right now.” He then rose to his feet, and walked over to the wife, who was starting to look panicked, and as he placed tape over her mouth he told her, “Anyways, I don’t think there’s really anything I could tell you that would satisfy you. I tell you what, and you can’t understand it, so then you ask why, and you can’t understand that either, and it just goes on and on, question after question, so let me ease your mind and tell you this,”  he smoothed down the tape to make sure it was firm, and just in case, or to emphasize her situation, he began to add a second layer, “people like you will probably never understand people like us. There just aren’t any answers for you, there is no real meaning, and whatever is going to happen,” after the second layer was finished, he kissed her on her sweaty forehead,”is going to happen.”
The gunman put his revolver onto the nightstand, the husband tried to move out of the chair but it was awkward for him, so he fell to the ground. Not paying attention, the gunman fished a pack of cigarettes out of his jacket pocket, placed one in his mouth, and began to light it as his friend sent the heel of his boot crashing down onto the husband’s head. And then three blows onto the spine, in the top middle and bottom, for no clear reason. The husband did not get up, and his attacker turned the chair towards the door, and placed the bound man back in it.
Turning to the wife, the gunman held the cigarette in his hand, and stared at her pale arms. Slowly, he crawled onto the bed, and she tried to squirm and fight, but ever time she did the cuffs just dug into her wrists, blood was drawn, she went limp, but only until the cigarette found its way into her left armpit.
Fishing around in the back of his pants, the man with the missing teeth produced a pair of pliers, displayed them to the husband, and then put his hand on the tape. “Now,” he said, his words cutting through the silent panic that filled the room,”if you scream, then I can guarantee your wife will get it much worse than you will. Now, will you stay quiet?” The husband turned to the wife, their eyes met and were both full of panic. “Look, guy, I really need you to be brave right now. Look at her, she’s scared as hell, now you need to show here there isn’t much to be afraid about, you need to show her that you’ll take the worst of it for her. Now, promise you won’t or,” almost as if he were on cue, the gunman held the cigarette away from the wife, and then pulled a knife out of his pocket, which he snapped open and placed the blade very close to her eye. “Now are you going to promise?” And the husband nodded.
He didn’t realize it, but his wife felt horrible. She hated it that he would take the worst of it, over her, because she felt like she deserved to be in that position.
And neither of them realized that the knife was still going to be in play, it was just going to have to wait until the husband was silenced again. ———————————————————————————————————
A candle light dinner, two plates of spaghetti, a husband smiling lovingly at his wife, his wife giving a half smile and taking a drink of her wine. She didn’t know how to take the news, but it made her feel bad for not having a natural response to it. Maybe the wine had numbed her for the moment, but she couldn’t tell, so she could just drink more. When she finally found an appropriate reaction, she utilized it, “I love you so much. I feel so awful for never saying it, but-”
“Shh,” putting his hand up from across the table, to silence her, her husband lovingly replied, “I know, you don’t need to say it.” Grinning, he returned to eating his meal, and his wife polished off her second glass of the night. A third was about to be poured, but then the doorbell rang, and the husband jumped to his feet, almost knocking over his chair. “Its here!” With the excitement of a child on Christmas, he ran to the door, almost skipping, and said,”It took them long enough! You’re going to love this, I swear!”
Although, when he opened the front door he didn’t see a delivery man, and instead he saw two men in flannel coats, one of them jamming a gun in his face, grabbing him by the collar, and pushing him backwards into the house. The man with him slowly walked into the home, gently closed the door behind him, and looked at the wife, who was sitting terrified in her chair, broken wine glass at her feet, and was unknowingly dumping out a wine bottle onto that. “You should probably put the bottle down, that looks expensive,” the man said. She realized she was spilling it everywhere, and then placed it onto the dining table. The husband was bent backwards over their couch, barrel of the gun pressing into his cheek. “Now, stay calm, this is just a robbery. If you could lead us into your bedroom, give us your jewelry and such, we will be on our way in to time.”
The wife didn’t move, but when she heard her husband start to say, “Honey, just, just do what they say”, she rose to her feet and began to walk to their room. A mix of adrenaline and alcohol made her not even realize that she had stepped on a shard of glass, and that she was trailing blood behind her. ———————————————————————————————————
“So,” looking up from across the table, and giving her husband a smile that was red from a mix of rose colored lipstick and cheap wine, “When are you finally going to tell me what you were doing at the mall the other day.” He looked away with a sheepish smile. “Its starting to worry me that you wont say anything about it,” she teased, “and I’m starting to think that you might be cheating on me.”
His face went red, and he verbally stumbled to clear things up, “No, how could you, I wouldn’t, why would, how, but no, no no no, I didn’t” She playfully laughed at his embarrassment. “Its, okay, its because I was there for you. I wanted to surprise you, get you a gift, but the store was all out and-”
Raising an eyebrow, she asked, “Which store?”
“I couldn’t, that would give away the surprise!” She pouted in mock disappointment. “Don’t worry though, its coming any day now. It was supposed to be delivered last night but something probably delayed it, maybe it was the rain, but don’t worry, you’re going to get it any day now, and I can promise that you’ll love it. When I saw it I knew that it was the perfect gift for you, its, well, you’ll love it.”
“And what if I don’t? What if you give it to me and its the worst gift I’ve ever gotten?”
“That’s just hypothetical,” he said with an awkward laugh, focusing more on twirling his spaghetti with a fork than on her,”but you loving it, well, that’s a fact.” Then, without leaving room for further conversation, he began to devour the dinner in front of him, rapidly eating to soothe his nerves. This habit of his, stress eating, bothered his wife, but she mostly didn’t say anything about it. If she made him get rid of this habit, then he would have to find some other way to relieve his stress, and she was worried that it would be a path right into their bedroom. To silence her disgust, she downed a glass of wine, deciding that this would be her only glass for the night. ———————————————————————————————————
Making dinner, before her husband got home from work, seemed to be the worst part of her day. She loved it when she was out volunteering at the dog shelter, or the hours afterwards when she got home, where she had the home all to herself, and even when her husband came home, that wasn’t too bad, but the hour before, when she was making dinner, preparing for his arrival, that was the worst part of the day. Monitoring the sauce that was cooking over a low flame, she decided to pour herself a glass of wine, just to calm her nerves. If she drank now, while the sun was still out, sort of, then it wouldn’t count towards any drinks she would have that night.
Her husband, the loving and devoted man that he was, was starting to get worried about the amount that she had been drinking lately. He made her promise that she would cut back on the nightly wine, she agreed, and even made a genuine effort in the beginning, but then she realized that if she drank before he got home, he would never notice, and she could still get drunk without him worrying about her. Sure, she knew she might of had an actual problem, and should consider stopping, but what else did she have as a stress release? How else was she supposed to get through the nights? Was she supposed to stuff her face like her husband? Really, drinking just seemed to be the easiest option.
As she was making sure that she put the bottle away, to prevent herself from drinking any more before her husband came home, she noticed that the sauce was about done, the noodles were all buttered and ready, and that he would come home about any minute. She went through the routine of setting the table, making sure there were two, half-filled wine glasses for the both of them, and that the dinner would be ready to serve when he was ready to eat. Sitting in her chair, facing his that was empty, buzzed from the glass of wine, she started to get lost in deep thought about their marriage.
Sure, on paper it was supposed to be perfect, and everyone knew them as such, but there was something that always ate away at her, and it was only during these moments, when she was waiting for him to walk through the door, or right after their monthly sex, where she would think about it. The rest of the time it was merely forced down inside, and she would just put on a fake smile and lie to herself. It was in these moments where she would have to face the fact that she didn’t love her husband, and every act of blind love and devotion that he showed her, just killed her a little bit inside, each time. The only reason they were together was because she wasn’t sure if she could find anyone else, and she was really just terrified of dying alone.
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