#....with VASTLY different streaming styles but still
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Airport Security
masterlist || ask me anything <3
my blurb masterlist is here !!
authors note - this video gave me a few ideas to write with but this is the one i decided to write so i hope that you all enjoy. 💗
word count - 1.2k
in which, harry and his daughter madison have a tradition of going on a little father-daughter holiday, they first did it when she was six months old, just before her first birthday and now there doing it just before her second birthday, but today, let’s just say little miss is in a very cranky mood.
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As Harry's Range Rover glided along the quiet road towards the airport, he stole a glance at his sleeping daughter, Madison, nestled cosily in her car seat.
Her hair, tied up in two adorable ponytails by his wife just before they left the house at the crack of dawn, bobbed gently with the rhythm of the car. Madison's dummy was nestled in her mouth, her little hand clutching her favourite stuffed bunny.
Harry couldn't help but smile at the sight of his precious daughter, her peaceful slumber filling him with warmth and tenderness. The early morning light cast a soft glow over her delicate features, illuminating the innocence that radiated from her angelic face.
When Madison was six months old, harry took her on a little overnight trip so that the wife could have a bit of a break and then he took her to the Lake District just before her first birthday and now, with her second birthday vastly approaching, he had decided that they were going to spend the weekend in his Italian villa.
Father-Daughter holidays had quickly become a tradition in the Styles household.
As they neared the airport, Harry drove with extra care, mindful not to disturb Madison's rest. He reached back occasionally to tuck the blanket more snugly around her, ensuring she remained comfortable throughout the journey.
As the Range Rover rolled to a stop at the airport, Harry turned off the engine and stepped out of the car, his heart brimming with anticipation for their adventure ahead. With gentle steps, he made his way to the boot of the car, where Madison's stroller awaited.
Carefully lifting the stroller from the trunk, Harry marveled at how quickly Madison had grown, from a tiny infant to a lively toddler. He couldn't wait to explore Italy with her by his side, every moment an opportunity to create cherished memories together.
As Harry opened Madison's car door, he leaned in gently to lift her from the car seat, expecting her to wake up with a sleepy yawn. However, as he cradled her in his arms, he was met with a different response than he anticipated.
Madison grumbled sleepily, "Daddy, noooo... tired."
Harry chuckled softly, "I know, m’pickle, but we're here. S’a quick stop at the airport, then we'll be on our way."
But Madison wasn't having it. Her tiny fists balled up, and she kicked her legs in protest, "No, no, no! Sleepy!"
As Harry tried to settle Madison into the stroller, she resisted fiercely, her tiredness manifesting in stubborn kicks and squirms. Despite his gentle efforts, she continued to protest, her tiny form wriggling in his grasp.
"Come on, Maddy-moo, just a moment longer," Harry urged softly, his voice laced with patience and understanding.
But Madison was having none of it. Tears welled up in her eyes as she cried out, "No! Want Daddy!"
With a determined but gentle touch, Harry managed to secure Madison into the stroller, though her protests continued. Tears streamed down her cheeks as she looked up at him with pleading eyes, her bottom lip quivering with emotion.
"I know, pickle," Harry murmured, his heart aching at her distress. "M’right here with you.”
As Harry secured Madison in the stroller, her tired cries still echoing in the early morning air, he quickly retrieved the baby bag from the trunk of the car. With practiced efficiency, he slung it over his shoulder, ensuring he had everything they needed for their journey ahead.
Next, he grabbed the bags filled with their clothes, one for himself and one for Madison. Despite her tears and protests, Harry remained steadfast, determined to make their trip as smooth as possible.
As he locked up the car and began pushing the stroller towards the airport entrance, Madison's cries persisted, tugging at Harry's heartstrings with each step. He longed to soothe her, to ease her discomfort and frustration, but he knew that sometimes, all he could do was be there for her, offering comfort and reassurance.
As they approached the check-in counter, Harry heaved a sigh of relief as the process went smoothly, the airport staff efficiently tagging and loading their bags onto the conveyor belt.
Madison's cries had subsided slightly, replaced by quiet sniffles as she clung to her stuffed bunny for comfort.
With their bags checked in, Harry took Madison's hand and guided her towards the security checkpoint, a sense of apprehension gnawing at his stomach. Airport security was always a daunting prospect, especially with a tired and cranky toddler in tow.
As they joined the queue, Harry mentally prepared himself for the inevitable challenges ahead. He knew that keeping Madison calm and cooperative would be no easy feat, especially with the long lines and strict security measures.
As they reached the front of the security line, the security officer motioned for Harry to take Madison out of the stroller. Harry's shoulders slumped slightly as he anticipated Madison's reaction. He nodded in acknowledgment to the officer, trying to hide his apprehension.
"Sir, I'll need you to remove your daughter from the stroller for a moment," the security officer said kindly, gesturing towards Madison.
Harry forced a smile, his heart racing with anxiety. "Of course, no problem."
"Hey, Maddy-moo," Harry cooed, crouching down to unclasp the straps holding her in the stroller. "We just need to go through security real quick, then we can get moving again."
But Madison wasn't having it. As soon as Harry began to lift her out, she protested loudly, pushing his hands away and crying out in frustration.
"Hey, s’okay, pickle," Harry reassured her, trying to remain calm despite the rising tension. "We just need to do this real quick, then we'll be on our way."
But Madison's cries only grew louder, her tiny fists clenched as she threw her head back in distress. Harry could feel the weight of people's stares, their curious glances making him feel even more uncomfortable and self-conscious.
"Everything alright over here?" another security officer asked, approaching them with concern.
Harry nodded, trying to keep his voice steady. "Yeah, she's just a bit tired, that's all. sorry.”
As Harry placed Madison on the ground for a moment to fold down the stroller, he felt a knot of unease tighten in his stomach. He knew Madison was tired, but her behavior seemed beyond mere exhaustion.
As he straightened up, he noticed with a sinking heart that she had darted back through the security lines, her tiny figure disappearing into the crowd.
"Madison! No, sweetheart, come back!" Harry called out desperately, his voice tinged with panic. He quickly folded the stroller and abandoned it, pushing past startled travelers as he raced after his daughter.
"Sorry, sorry," Harry muttered apologetically as he pushed his way through the crowded terminal, his heart pounding in his chest. He finally caught sight of Madison, several yards ahead, running as fast as her little legs could carry her.
"Madison, stop!" Harry commanded sternly, his voice tinged with frustration as he closed the distance between them. "Y’shouldn't have run off like that. S’not safe!"
But Madison paid no heed to his words. She kicked and squirmed in his arms, her cries piercing the air as she pushed at his face in defiance.
"Madison, enough!" Harry's voice was firm now, his patience wearing thin. He grabbed her hands to stop her flailing, his grip firm but gentle.
“If y’donf behave yourself then we’re going back home,” he parented, stopping her hands from hitting his face once again. “Do y’understand, daddy?”
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videochess · 1 year
What are three (among your) favorite fantasy weapons/tools? If you fell into a Dive to the Heart, which one would you Wield to gain its Powers and which would you Sacrifice to augment your stats/build?
ohhh man this is a tough one. favoured Fantasy Weapon for me kinda depends on context… i love to be contrarian so in a game thats primarily melee i wanna do ranged and vice versa, for instance. in a game thats all swords, if theres One axe or mace or an option to use fists, thats the one im attracted to.
if i free myself from the chains of Context… ok i think im gonna have a REALLY hard time picking three so im just gonna list some weapons/tools used in fantasy stuff that i think are cool (not strictly Fantasy Weapons because some of this shit is real But Not How THEY Use It!)
shields: not a weapon but so cool. i love shields. you can use them to attack if you want and there's so many styles.
chakram: i didn't really think much about these until playing dancer in ffxiv and now i'm really chakram pilled. also if you play the xena: warrior princess game for psx you can throw a flying chakram that you then directly control in near-first-person and explore the entire level using it. which i think i would be able to do also
staves: magic ones. not a boring bo staff. but also i want to use it like a bo staff & not just as a Spell Focus. fact: i was really excited for palutena in smash 4 because the idea of a staff+shield moveset was REALLY exciting to me but she barely swings the staff around at all… wasteful!
maces, flails: i'm a cleric at heart so i always feel warmed to see one of these guys. it's unfair to bundle these together because they're vastly different technique wise but whatever
kanabo: this is like, a little bit from column Staff, a little bit from column Mace. (ok you dont use a staff like youd use one of these but maybe i would.) its like a giant baseball bat from demon's hell. awesome toy
katars: these are more of a childhood fav but my very first 2nd class in ragnarok online was Assassin because i was obsessed with those cool hand blades. when i was a kid i asked for a katar (real) for my birthday and got one. & it sucked ass
pickaxe: just a cool shape
Just Throwing Shit: im always enchanted by this option when it's present. i love the idea of specializing in just Throwing stuff. Any stuff. the little bouncy hammer you can throw around in destiny 2 as a solar titan is a favorite example of this but many rpgs have "thrown weapon" specializations that dont necessarily correspond to any one weapon Shape. its awesome.
bows: i think they are cool. not much else to say
OK and if i fell into a dive to the heart and i had like a whole armory waiting for me ummmmmm i would… probably pick Staff and sacrifice Sword. this Literally matches what i did in my kh playthru stream which makes it sound kind of boring but, whatever! if magic exists im gonna wanna use it!!! if it doesnt im still gonna have a cool long stick!!!! cant lose!!! actually though if magic DOESNT exist i want a kanabo or chakrams. Thank you!
Honourable Mention: in ultima online there's a weapon called "Hammer Pick" thats like a normal claw hammer with an inordinately long handle. i always thought this was cool. food for thought
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entomolog-t · 8 months
GtWAC Day 3 : Poor Summary of a Great Fic
Not one but TWO terrible summaries of the amazing fics from @pocket-ozwynn
If borrower's Game of Throne's was going on in the background of a an overly caffeinated twitch dream girl's stream while she panics over Geralt of Rivia's much smaller but equally handsome distant cousin.
From @pocket-ozwynn's amazing work Offline Valor
With one of the most interesting premises I've read in years, Oz does an incredible job at taking this wild premise and making it a truly hooking read. Despite the comical premise, the fantasy juxtaposed with such a modern environment works so incredibly well- especially with Oz's impeccable writing style. His ability to switch from fantasy to modern to a combination of the two is so interesting and exciting to read.
Oz is extremely talented with tone and Offline Valor exemplifies his skills incredibly well. There is such an incredible vibe that permeates the story, where theres almost a sort of implicit tension that seems to build around these two worlds colliding.
The two leads, Zelly and Rowan, are vastly different, yet their chemistry is so so good.
The golden retriever equivalent of a military dog becomes the World's Biggest Herbo by making herself a human shield for the Government-secret Geek Squad employee. Sparks fly (literally).
From Genesis Day
Genesis day is such a fun ride despite the general tension the plot consistently maintains. While there is a sort of building unease that something is about to happen, Oz still manages to make moments between characters feel fun and easy going- Alice and Freyja especially!
Genesis day to me as a reader feels akin to a love letter of to all those hours spent as a kid fantasizing about fighting Big Bad Monsters in an attempt to both do good and be good.
As an Author, Oz has such a fun ability to take these wild and almost goofy sounding concepts and turn them into not only an enjoyable read, but a beautiful read. He has a skill with prose and his descriptions often times read artfully- elegant and poetic, with ethereal imagery and flowery language. This man could write about taking out the trash and turn it into something magical.
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lunaryhues · 9 months
Big Art Dump part three.
The rest is under the read more. Be warned: there's a lot.
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^^^ Unfinished drawing of my inkling from Splatoon 2, dated May 24 2021.
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Some recent BotW / TotK Links. First one is Dec 14 2023. Second one is much older, Jan 20 2022. thought it was interesting to compare the two. I was trying vastly different things.
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unfinished Kasane Teto, heavily based on KIRA's song, "i DO what i WANT." I remember wanting to cover that song with Teto once I got ahold of her SynthV voicebank.
dated April 11 2023
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Oh yeah. I drew Wapeach.
dated December 2 2023
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My personal redesign of Betilla with her beautiful perfect son.
Dated November 11 2023
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We never see Rayman use his hood, other than Laserhawk.
dated November 7 2023
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A Barbara I ended up not liking enough to finish. I ended up drawing her with a different style.
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More Barbara. I was trying to figure out how I wanted to draw her.
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I completely forgot about drawing this. It was saved as a .clip (as well as .psd), so I think I was testing out a trial for CSP. What the hell.
I guess I wanted to see if I could draw in a stereotypical anime style???
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Marx doodles
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Magolor doodles
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I don't ship a lot of things. I don't even know if I ship this specifically. I just thought of this and thought it was funny.
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Ramon. Dated Oct 19 2023. I thought he was more funny, if anything. So over-the-top edgy, like a parody.
I reeeaaally didn't wanna draw the guns.
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I had this idea for a pumpkin-themed girl that I would come back to every once in a while. 2nd one is Oct 27 2020.
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More pumpkin girl. First one is Feb 13 2021.
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Cyclops cyborg character named "Illumina" who I've mentioned briefly before. They're kind of like a derivative of a different character, lovingly named Hell Miku.
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Ninomae Ina'nis as Agent 4. She streamed Splatoon 2 at some point. Dated January 25 2021
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Inugami Korone drawn in two different styles, dated January 29 2022.
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Some old OCs who were very precious to me growing up.
I redrew them for fun. Left sword guy is Kris. Right Ponytail girl is Veronica. Girl in the distance is Arrow. Big goddess lady is Soleil.
dated April 23 2022
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Another Kris. Dated September 1 2020
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Okay, fine. I made two versions of the "I think we're gonna have to kill this guy" meme. This was a combination I thought would be funnier, but decided to post the other one instead. but i still also like this one.
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And finally...
I have a Splatoon OC named Ray. This has nothing to do with my current hyperfixation on Rayman. It's a coincidence, I swear.
(I'm not changing his name. I just thought of the idea for this comic and thought it was funny.)
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jozigist · 1 year
Janco Dreyer's new single is the perfect song to get any party started
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JANCO DREYER'S NEW SINGLE IS THE PERFECT SONG TO GET ANY PARTY STARTED Janco Dreyer's life revolves around music, and there is nothing that this 23-year-old singer and songwriter from Bloemfontein would rather be doing. His passion for music is evident in his latest single, BOSOPSKOP, written by Hugo Ludik and Nick Jordaan.
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"It's about a group of youngsters who set up camp and have a party," he explains. "One of the young men falls in love with the girl of his dreams, and even though his friends warn him against her, he feels that she is worth the risk of heartbreak." This catchy tune was produced by Brendan Campbell and Hugo Ludik, and the artist believes that it will appeal to audiences of all ages. Janco has been singing since he was eleven and after making the decision to give up rugby for music, singing has become his main focus. Over the years, Janco has participated in various initiatives, including Jacobus Silwer's All the Way from Bloem songwriting project. He has performed at major festivals, competed in various talent competitions, and has even had the opportunity to represent his country in the USA. His first single, Ek Sal Dit Onthou, was released in March 2022. Although it is vastly different from the carefree nature of his latest release, he considers it one of the biggest highlights of his career so far. "Last year, I released my first single. It was a very personal ballad, and it was a privilege to share it with listeners. But I think the public prefers something more upbeat like BOSOPSKOP." He is currently studying music technology at COPA and working hard to expand his arsenal of original music. When he is not on stage, he's an introvert who thinks deeply about life and draws inspiration from the events and people around him when writing songs. "I am usually quite shy and reserved, but on stage, I turn into a performer," he shares. Locally he admires and enjoys Nicholis Louw's pop-rock approach to music, while international stars like Queen, Elvis Presley, and Ed Sheeran have all had a significant influence on his personal music style. Although he is still struggling to come to terms with his father's death, he remains positive and grateful for each opportunity that comes his way and is determined to make a success of his career. This talented musician has poured his heart and soul into BOSOPSKOP, and the result is something truly special. With a fun and infectious melody, and a voice that demands attention, Janco is well ons his way to making a name for himself in the music industry. "Music is my entire life, and my biggest dream is to sing and perform as much as possible," he concludes. The song is now available on digital streaming platforms. Get it here: Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/track/7znVqj2Hiti3jCF2K0Cd6r?si=4SXY8StkQV2URcqk_EneMg&dd=1 Apple Music: https://music.apple.com/us/album/bosopskop/1678491858?i=1678491859 Youtube: https://music.youtube.com/watch?v=9xpbrMZdrDc&feature=share SOCIAL MEDIA LINKS: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jancodreyermusiek Instagram: janco_dreyer YouTube: https://youtube.com/@jancodreyer890 PUBLICITY & MARKETING: STARBURST PROMOTIONS Alani Coetsee Cell: 072 442 6918 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.starburstmusic.co.za Read the full article
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thebandcampdiaries · 2 years
Wolf Archives has dropped a new release: "Awoken"
January 2022 - There are times in which I find a new release and after diving into it for a little while, the first thing that pops to my mind is: “Wow, this definitely deserves to get out there as much as possible!” 
This exactly what I thought a few seconds into listening to "Awoken", a brand new release by Wolf Archives. So, what is it that makes this project so special? For one thing, it is definitely its own thing. Wolf Archives doesn’t seem interested in emulating others or recreating whatever trendy sound popularized by others. On the contrary, he wants to etch his own mark and make his own way. "Awoken" is a remarkable example of what it means to make music that has roots, yet still the willingness to branch out into unexplored territories. While the sound of this release owes much to the artist’s alternative background, "Awoken" is also a great statement when it comes to portraying the artist’s natural willingness to stretch out and try something new. What makes this release quite special is ultimately how the artist managed to combine electronic elements with his rock roots and heavy vibes. As a result, the production is really deep and cinematic. The song has tons of cinematic soundscapes, which really, add to the mesmerizing vastly of the musical soundscapes that the artist is able to create. In addition to the audio release and the lyrics visualizer, the song also comes with a matching music video that really stands out, providing a unique aesthetic match to the sound of the music. In addition to that, the lyrics are personal and somewhat story-driven, highlighting the artist’s personal connection to the song. The verses have an electronic beat with some keyboard and synth sounds, while the choruses start stronger with a bigger bass, more of a wall of synth parts and vocals that go for an even grittier sound. The style of the vocals is utterly unique, and it kind of makes me think of what it would sound like to have a fusion of Corey Taylor (Slipknot) and Chester Bennington (Linkin Park). The singing captures the best of both worlds, channeling the energy of the former and the melody of the latter, while still outstanding for its personal touch.
It’s not always a trivial thing to get there: experimenting with new ideas often means to get out of one’s comfort zone, and in some cases, it might not work. The more you consciously try to “be different” or shock your audience, the bigger the chances of failure, because the process wouldn’t happen in a very genuine, and organic way. Wolf Archives, on the other hand, seems to have it built-in in himself to try new things with his sound. It is not something he does just for shock value, but it is a pattern of following his creativity without necessarily being stuck in the usual tropes of the alternative rock genre. Much like artists such as Linkin Park, Skylark, Dead Rituals, Aerosmith and Asking Alexandra, Wolf Archives managed to build something special, and let his distinctive voice through. His music is going to be a big hit in your book if you do enjoy energetic sounds that still have a lot of substance and a recognizable musical DNA that’s not the usual carbon copy of something else! Listeners who give Wolf Archives a well-deserved chance will most definitely be glad they did, considering the amazing quality and spark that drives this new release.
Find out more about Wolf Archives, and listen to "Awoken" on your favorite streaming service.
Lyric video
Music video
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nekofantasia · 2 years
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"Chen!~ My beloved Chen.~" Cue clinging into her arm and rubbing his head on it like an affectionate girlfriend. "Happy Halloween, my beloved.~ So what are you going for this Halloween? I wouldn't know, because I'm already perfect as it is, and cosplaying is for nerds, right? But if it's you, I don't mind.~ Ah yes, I also got you some candy, let's see here..."
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"Here you go! I bet you'll get quite a bit of cat candy, so here's something different?"
And there he was, clinging on her arm. She was quick to recognize the wig she went through hell and back for but to be honest here: Eri sure did some work with it. It's like he put more value to it by carefully styling it. Ah, but it's not just his wig, his costume was also perfectly made. Like the kind you'd expect from professionals, to think Eri was capable of all that already is to say something! Mostly praise for sure.
But on the other hand...She wanted to laugh. A lot.
This act was vastly different from his normal behaviour, both IRL and during his job. So hearing speak in that tone almost caught her off guard. Perhaps not as much when she tuned for his ASMR streams he does for his audience, but it was up there.
Still, it would be rude if she were to laugh right? He spent so much time on this, it would be bad if she broke the immersion just like that. He deserved some acknowledgement for all the effort, which she was able to appreciate in great detail. Her hand was covering her laugh, but Eri could probably hear her stiffling her laughter as she tried to calm down.
OK OK, where are your manners, Chen? Can't let this girl wait any longer.
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"Happy Halloween to you too, princess." Chen swept her hair to the side as she tried to compose herself. Unfortunately, she still felt that she could laugh at any minute so she strained her voice, which unintentionally made her sound deeper than normal. "This is odd, Halloween is for the wicked spirits so why is an angel like you roaming around?"
Years of pretending to be a flirt sure made her silver tongued at any moment and it showed.
"How thoughtful of you, thank you." She accepted the candy graciously. Though being curious with the toy bit and to see it throw a little punch almost made her lose it. Just almost. "A-a gift from an angel, I-I'll be sure to enjoy it."
God her face hurts, but she was very happy altogether. It sure made the trip all worthwhile.
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alyss-spazz-penedo · 2 years
I really want an Omniscient Reader AU where Bakugou is the psychopathic protagonist, Todoroki the stoic deuteragonist, it’s the end of the world and Izuku Midoriya is the ‘prophet’ (ie. both their biggest fan and the only one who has read to the end of their book.)
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shadeys-geeky-life · 4 years
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Deadman Wonderland 
Genre: Action, Sci-fi, horror, Shounen 
When my now husband first moved in with me, we agreed to start watching anime with each other. I have always loved anime a lot but I was not very versed in it, only really focusing on more of the main stream well known animes with a few guilty pleasure ones that it felt like no one watched. Up to this point, I had never seen Deadman Wonderland and had barely heard of it; it was merely on my list of animes to watch due to noticing it on my recommendations once upon an eon ago on Netflix.  However, it is one of my husband's favorite animes and I would do anything to make him happy so I made sure to get my hands on the first (and only) season and OVA so we could watch it. 
The first episode of this anime moved fairly quickly which is good for me because animes that start off too slow struggle to grab and keep my attention for more than 1 or 2 episodes. The only complaints I really had were that the main character is too whiny, a flaw I note for several animes I watch, and that the first episode left me with more questions than answers. 
I love the execution of this anime and the fact that the characters actually have depth and vastly differ from each but aside from the attempted jailbreak towards the end of the season we didn't get closure to the plotline. Sure, it had the typical 'get revenge on the baddie that did this to me' plot device that is all too common for the genre but thanks to Manglobe going bankrupt and only giving us one season, we didn't even get to see that resolved. 
The characters are very memorable with the main duo of Ganta and Shiro actually having a realistic friendship with arguments and opportunities to grow as they forgive each other. Background characters like Crow, Owl, and Hummingbird all had unique personalities and well thought out backstories. Their designs weren't copy and pasted from every shounen manga ever, praise the art team for their choices. Deadman Wonderland is overall very pretty given the time it was made and the fact it is an anime where they fight using their blood. Even I can appreciate that it wasn't gore just for the sake of gore. (Looking at you Saw movies.) 
As for shipping, and I am throwing this out there now NO SHIP WARS, I find the pairings intriguing. There isn't an over excess of pairs and there is a mix of straight and queer ships. I don't know if it is just because of the underappreciated state of the anime or if the fandom is just that healthy but they don't seem to be toxic when it comes to OTPs. Romance in the show doesn't really exist as the anime focuses more on brotherhood and comradery, leaving romance to the imagination instead. 
My largest complain is shared with most of the fanbase. Deadman had a good thing going from them as the season progressed, featuring good pacing for quite some time. Until the last 4 episodes, when they tried to resolve everything in too short of a time. The season (and series) finale answered very few of the questions it gave us and even had the nerve to, within the last few episodes, introduce us to a new character. 
All in all, I would recommend this oldie to others, especially if you enjoy the horror genre, just go in knowing that the manga was still ongoing when the anime came to an end. 
Rewatch Value: 7/10 I feel like this anime has enough complexity to it that there are things you could miss, making a reviewing of this anime fun and beneficial. 
Ability to Cosplay: 9/10 Most of the character designs aren't overly complex and could be obtained fairly easy. It isn't a ten because of props. The Branches of Sin would be a bit more difficult for a beginner but not outside of the realm of possiblities. 
Would I recommend it?: Yes. All in all, I fell in love with the characters and felt sympathetic to them It's important to see how these characters behave with each other knowing what kind of hell they are being put through. 
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Photo was taken by Momo Clicks Photography
Mockingbird cosplay made by: Boujee Designs by Brit
Both wigs styled by me, branch of sin also made by me.
Mockingbird is me, Crow is my Husband.
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allicekitty13 · 4 years
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In 1987 Jasper and Alice meet at the local country club. With all the cards stacked against them can they find their way to happiness? 
Read On Ao3
Read On FFN
                     Let em' say we're crazy, I don't care about that.                  Put your hand in my hand baby, don't ever look back.                              Let the world around us, just fall apart.                       Baby, we can make it if we're heart to heart.
"Don't you have a shift today Whitlock?" The voice rousing Jasper from his sleep was accompanied by a dirty shirt being thrown at his head. The man opened one eye squinting against the bright sunshine currently streaming through his window to look at his best friend Peter leaning against the doorframe of his currently open bedroom door.
"Pete," The twenty-one year old groaned. "The fuck did we do last night?" Jasper remembered they'd decided to go out. He remembered Peter and Charlotte going off to do god knows what. Well, the man had a pretty good idea of what but preferred not to think about it. He definitely remembered the line of shots he'd done with his favorite bartender, Mara. But anything after his seventh Alabama Slammer was either extremely fuzzy or a black spot in his memory entirely. Judging by the way his head was pounding, the sick feeling in his stomach, and the intense craving for a nice greasy burger from McDonald's, it was really no wonder why he struggled to recall the events.
"We got drunk." Peter shrugged. "You know, like we do every Friday. But really man, you gotta get up. It's after noon."
"Haven't you any sympathy for the hungover?" Jasper rolled over as he spoke to lay on his stomach wanting nothing more than to close his eyes and sleep the condition off. Maybe to venture to the living room couch at some point and watch re-runs of sitcoms from the 70's on the sole TV in the apartment.  
"Not when I know you have to be at work in an hour. Rent doesn't pay itself, dude." With that, Peter left his friend alone to the misery of a bad hangover. Daring to open one eye, flinching at the still too bright sun, Jasper spared a glance to the digital radio/alarm clock sitting on the messy bedside table next to him. Although blurry, he could faintly make out the time of 2:13pm. That information caused him to awaken, fully sobering up in an instant.
Peter was right; he did in fact, have a shift soon. In approximately forty-five minutes soon. He would have to skip a shower, something his co-workers wouldn't be too happy about operating in such close quarters without air conditioning. That was nothing compared to the fancy customers he served at the country club who didn't exactly need an excuse to complain. Luckily it was Saturday afternoon, and most of his interactions would involve nothing more than shoving cans of Coors or Tab into coolers for the members to take out to the tennis courts or golf course.
Jasper threw on the polo style shirt he kept around specifically for the stuffy dress code required at the establishment and his cleanest, least beaten up pair of jeans. He quickly brushed his teeth and hopped into his beat-up 75' Gremlin hoping to make the thirty-minute journey in twenty.
Fate, as always, wasn't in the man's favor and he ended up being late. Only by about five minutes, but the glare Angela shot him when he finally arrived to take over the bar caused Jasper to feel as though he'd shown up hours tardier than expected. Once the irritated Angela rushed off to god knows where Jasper busied himself with making sure glasses were clean and everything well stocked for when the night shift arrived in five hours.
Of course, Angela being exceptionally organized and great at her job had, as usual, left very little for Jasper to actually take care of. He often wondered why she spent her time working at the club rather than going to college, but at the end of the day, they weren't really friends. The way Jasper saw it, her personal life was none of his business. If she didn't want to share, he wasn't going to ask. So with everything taken care of, the man figured he might as well venture over to the kitchen for a chat with the equally bored cook Emmett.
Jasper liked the slightly older man; he was a pretty solid dude. Emmett was trying to save up enough money to buy his girlfriend, Rosalie, an engagement ring. So a few months ago picked up a side gig working at the club as a fry cook. Emmett was hard-working, funny, and one of the most genuine people Jasper had ever met. They'd butted heads at first, having vastly different upbringing and thus outlooks on life. Still, over the past few months of working together at the establishment, Jasper found himself looking forward to Saturday shifts exclusively for their engaging talks.
Once he'd double checked to make sure there were no more menial tasks to take care of, Jasper swaggered into the kitchen and plopped upon an empty counter, ignoring the way his friend shook his head at the antics. They had a usual back and forth. Emmett warning the other man that if their boss were to walk in, not only would Jasper receive yet another meaningless warning about cutting his hair. Both parties would be lectured on how inappropriate it was for anyone, let alone an employee, to be acting so unprofessional in the workplace.
Of course, Jasper being reckless had received countless amounts of these warnings. The truth of the matter was that employees were hard to keep. High schoolers could only work so many hours, and most adults willing to take on such a job were quickly worn by the entitled attitude the customer's attracted to such an establishment possessed. Needless to say, turnover rates were high. Management couldn't afford to lose anyone for something like a haircut or unconventional seating choices.
So, as always, Jasper kept his place on the counter, chatting with Emmett about their respective weeks. Rosalie had recently taken a job at The Gap for an excuse to spend more time at the mall that her father couldn't argue with. Emmett had needed to replace yet another part on his frequently failing vehicle setting him back yet again on those engagement ring plans. And Jasper's band had finally scored an opening gig at one of the better-known bars in the area. Sure it wasn't headlining, but for the unknown musician, it was a big deal.
After just short of an hour of conversation, Jasper was in the middle of excitedly going rambling about his dreams of getting away from the California suburbs. Of how he wanted to pack up and head down to Los Angeles and the fabled Sunset Strip, when the bell at the bar counter rang, signaling a customer was waiting for his presence.
What he expected was another irritated woman, upset that she'd had to wait more than thirty seconds for another Tab. Possibly even a man who would chastise him because he paid hundreds of dollars for his families club membership. A fact that the members assumed meant they should somehow receive instant service. What he hadn't anticipated was the absolute goddess waiting patiently at the counter.
She was short, with permed chin-length black hair that she teased her fingers through as she leaned against the counter, talking animatedly with a younger girl. When he stepped behind the bar, she looked over at him with a bright, breathtaking smile. The girl uttered only four words, "Two Coke Classics, please." in her high pitched musical voice.  They were spoken pleasantly, and her attention had been redirected to him entirely, in stark contrast to what he was used to. Typically customers would bark their orders in the mans' general direction before immediately resuming conversing with their companions.
It could have been the breath of fresh air that her attitude brought. Potentially the reason may have been how entirely simple Jasper found it to get lost in her clear blue eyes. In either instance, Jasper must have stood frozen, staring for too long as the girl frowned slightly, her eyes glancing up at the nametag clipped to his shirt collar. "Jasper?" She spoke again, concern lacing her words rather than annoyance.
His name on her lips sparked him into action, "My apologies, ma'am." He finally spoke, reaching into the belly cooler behind him for her order with butterflies beginning to swarm in his stomach.
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huntertales · 4 years
Part Two: Wicked Witch of the West. (Slumber Party S09E04)
Episode Summary: The reader and the boys call in I.T. expert Charlie Bradbury to help track fallen angels with technology found in the Men of Letters bunker. However, they soon discover something more in the form of the one and only Dorothy from Wizard of Oz. Everyone joins forces to take down the Wicked Witch and her evil plans. Pairing: Dean Winchester x Reader Word Count: 5,020.
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There was nothing more you loved than curling up with Dean in bed to enjoy a little bit of TV and enjoying one another’s company. Sam offered up his room for all of you to stream the show, you took a wild guess that it was because the man was afraid to step into his brother’s room to see a wild assortment of leftover food growing new forms of mold. You reassured him you made sure all half-eaten meals were thrown away and everything was kept in a tiddly order. He reminded you that his room was the one with the TV. And your bedroom was a mere disaster of still unopened boxes from your house and clean clothes thrown around in a manner you swore was organized. All of you settled on the offer and enjoyed a few episodes of the TV series you had heard so much about. 
The bowl of popcorn shared between you and Dean had nothing left but kernels after munching through the episodes that kept your attention with its enjoyable plot and characters. You sipped the remaining mouthfuls of your beer as Dean slid his hand from around your waist and reached for the remote to pause the screen after nearing the end of the final episode on the DVD. 
"Wow. That Joffrey's a dick." Dean felt the need to declare his hatred for a character you had grown to despise yourself from his childish and downright horrific behavior. You didn't think you ever had more of an urge to jump through a TV screen and strangle a fictional character more than you had for that blonde headed bastard.
"Oh, you have no idea. Wait until he—" Charlie smiled at the upcoming plot details you and Dean might want to hear about that would happen in the next season. Before she could get a single word out, the young Winchester promptly stopped her from spilling any details.
"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! Spoilers." Sam warned the redhead. "I haven't read all the books."
"You're gonna read the books?" Dean asked his brother. He didn’t see the point of wasting one’s time reading a fictional version of the same media you could consume in a live action version, no mental imagery required on his part.
You shook your head from the point the older man was missing. Books were not always like the live adaptations. The plot might have been the same from the beginning, but TV versions often strayed from the original material to make their own spin and give the characters new journeys. The reader was able to picture the characters described by how the author saw them and not how the actors were chosen for the role. There was no greater disappointment to a reader when someone chosen turned out to be the opposite of what you spent pages imagining in your head. Not to mention the author was still writing the novels as the show aired. You tried getting yourself into the book until you ultimately failed trying to find interest. You gave the first one to the younger WInchester in hopes he would enjoy them. 
"Yes, Dean. I like to read books—you know, the ones without pictures." Sam shot back with a sarcastic comeback to strike his brother silent. 
You took it upon yourself to finally relieve the ache in your back that started to creep up on you while you were halfway through the fourth episode. You let out a long, drawn out sigh of relief after you got back up to your feet. “Ooh. I have never loved you for talking to me into getting that memory foam mattress more than I do now.” You said to your boyfriend. The price tag made your eyes widen from how expensive it was. In reality you didn’t spend a single penny. And you slept better than you had in a long while. You rubbed your lower back and stretched slightly to make yourself stop feeling twice your age. “I don’t know how you sleep on that thing Sammy.” 
"You're not kidding. This bed is about as comfortable as a brick." Charlie got up from the chair she had been sitting on and switched to the edge of the mattress. She bounced a few times to discover it was painful as it looked. You smiled and leaned against the desk to change up the scenery. Charlie glanced around the room, taking notice of the fifties style attire with not much updated touches to make it personal. "Any plans on moving in anytime soon?"
"I am moved in." Sam said. "This is just my style."
"Yeah, this is style. Old man." You agreed. You took a look around the room yourself to see he didn't do much to give it the Sam Winchester touch except for cleaning out the several decades of dust. He didn't even try to put any effort to make it his own. "You would've really fit into the fifties aesthetics, Sammy. Fifty shades of brown and endless plaid."
"Well, I'm sorry I haven't hung up the 'Hang in there, kitty' poster yet, Y/N. Feel free to redecorate." Sam didn’t like the sarcastic jokes you were saying on his behalf. You rolled your eyes from how he was behaving all of a sudden. "Tell me again how your moving process is going.”
"I'll get there eventually. At least I'm making some kind of effort to make it mine." You said. It was Sam's turn to roll his eyes from your half-hearted excuse. "Are you saying our home's not good enough for the 'Hang in there, kitty' poster?"
"This isn't our home." Sam corrected you. "This is where we work."
You tightly furrowed your brow from the way he was acting. "What's the difference?"
You waited for Sam to give you a reason why he didn't think the bunker was just that, a home. He was the one who helped you persuade Dean into staying here permanently after discovering it for yourself. You thought he would have embraced it with open arms from everything this place had to offer. For once he had a home to call his own. Something that fits him perfectly from the life all of you lead. No one to take it away, no real chance of a monster sneaking in here. You hoped he might have been able to find some sort of comfort here. But it seemed the younger Winchester didn't feel the same way you and his brother did. To say it came as a surprise would have been an understatement. 
Charlie looked between you and the younger Winchester when the both of you did nothing more than stare at one another for a few seconds. It was as if the two of you were waiting for the other one to say something to keep this conversation-turned argument going. You and Sam remained silent. The redhead didn't realize she had triggered such a touchy subject. She shifted her gaze and mumbled something underneath her breath, a weak attempt at trying to relieve the brewing awkward tension.
“All right, well, I'm gonna go get us some more beers.” Dean said, getting himself up from the bed and making his way to the door. ”How about that?”
You polished off your beer when Dean shut the bedroom door behind him, leaving the three of you alone. You set the empty bottle down on the desk and quickly spoke up, not wanting the mood in the room to shift into a subject you didn’t want to discuss while your friend was staying here. 
"So, Charlie," You struck up a conversation you had been meaning to bring up since you heard about the redhead's solo adventures. "what was that all about how hunting isn't magical?"
"Saving people, hunting things, the family business? I am down. But..." Charlie trailed off, making you and the younger Winchester share a curious expression to her hesitance about seeing what hunting was really all about. "I was raised on Tolkien, man. I mean, where is all of this?" She held up the DVD she grabbed to make her point about what she had really been searching out there for. "Where are my white walkers and my volcano and magic ring to throw in the damn thing? Where...Where's my magic quest?"
"Magic, quests...suck. Trust us." Sam scoffed. You had to agree with the younger man about that point. Both of you dealt with your version of fate and quests. It all mapped out to a miserable ending. "They're all dead ends.”
Charlie's shoulders slumped at the possible reality she might have to come to terms with. The few times she had been able to work on a hunt with the three of you had turned out to be sort of fun,  minus the physical and emotional trauma she endured. Charlie was searching for a spark that steamed from a childhood daydream of fighting dragons and saving the princess. An urge that didn’t come along in this kind of lifestyle. 
The supernatural and magic might be real like it was in the books she read, but it was vastly different from the fictional counterparts. It was darker. Scarier. Charlie couldn’t help but find the light in every bad situation. You had a feeling she was going to keep looking for her quest. You were a firm believer everyone had a role to play in life. She had yet to find hers. 
+ + +
The four of you decided to check on the progress of the files Charlie had been downloading to her tablet after giving the progress more than enough time. You made your way down to the control room to see everything was how you left it at first glance. It was when you made your way closer to the outdated machines was when you noticed something was strangely off. You slowed down your pace and looked straight ahead at the strange substance on the wall behind the shelf. You knew for sure it hadn’t been there before. 
“What the hell?” Dean muttered under his breath. The boys approached closer to the shelf as you stayed behind near Charlie as she reached for her tablet to check on things. "Sam give me a hand."
You placed your hands on your hips and watched as the brothers pushed away the shelf out of the way, revealing something you had never seen before. Almost the entire wall was covered in a grayish color cocoon. You were tempted to poke at the substance to see what it felt like in order to figure out what it might be, but your squeamish disgust kept your feet planted where they were. Dean took out a knife from his pocket and slid the blade through the substance, cutting deep enough of a makeshift entrance to discover what might be hiding inside. You weren't exactly sure what you were expecting to find in there. A human arm falling out was not one of them. 
Dean stepped back from the possible danger he was standing next to. You and Sam didn’t waste a second pulling out your guns and pointing it in the direction of where the arm was. The older Winchester waited a moment to see if anything else crawled out. But it seemed you were safe for the time being. Dean opened up the flaps of the makeshift pod wider. A fully grown woman tumbled out and to the ground in doing so. Charlie let out a soft gasp as Dean swiftly grabbed for his weapon if the stranger decided to try and do anything stupid as a way of greeting you all. You slowly made your way forward as Dean leaned down to push the woman on her backside to get a better inspection of her. 
She appeared to be human at first glance. What you found most odd about her was the taste in clothing. They weren't from this decade, or from this century for that matter. You were a little bit tempted to slightly nudge her with your foot when she remained on the ground with no sudden movement. After a few more seconds she started to come around to consciousness. Her eyelids fluttered open as she inhaled a deep breath for the first time in God knows how long. The first question that popped in your mind was who the hell she was. 
You and Charlie did a little digging in the archives to discover the mystery visitor was someone you thought was a fictional character in a movie and book series you remembered fondly from your childhood. You made your way back to the control room with the file in hand to see Dorothy was recuperating from her well over seven decade slumber. She sat on the floor with a blanket Sam had provided for her as he tried to get some sort of information out of her. You dropped the file to the computer and briefed Dean with what you and Charlie learned. You stared down at the sepia toned photograph Dorothy sitting on her motorcycle. She sure wasn’t the Judy Garland version you had pictured in your head when you read the books as a child. 
"Holy crap! The first case invested in this bunker involved Dorthy. She and the witch came into this room, and they never came out." Charlie read off the details of the file she hadn't gotten a chance to go through in finer detail. You let out a quiet sigh from how excited she was getting over the hunt you stumbled upon. "This will never stop blowing my mind!"
"Okay, pace yourself, Toto." You whispered to her.
“Oz is real!” She exclaimed with too much eagerness for your personal liking from the situation you were dealing with. You shook your head from the way she was handling all of this. She nudged you with her arm, trying to get you amped up as she was from the things you were learning. “It’s part of the fairy world.” 
“We have to find her.” Dorothy stated. You knew damn well who she was talking about, the wicked witch. Didn’t explain who put her in the glass bottle and left her on the shelf undisturbed for all these decades. The same bottle Dean must’ve accidentally spilled over when he was trying to take off the back panel of the computer.
“No, we have to talk before anyone does anything, okay?” Sam tried to get the woman to focus on the questions she ignored just moments ago. She remained silent, tugging the blanket closer around her body. “Dorothy?”
“Talk? Typical Men of Letters, standing around, having a nice little chat with your noses buried in your books while your little secretaries take notes.” Dorothy rolled her eyes when she glanced in the direction of you and Charlie, thinking standards for how women were only capable of being nothing more than glorified paper pushers. You scoffed at her presumption that was the farthest thing from the truth. She had a lot to catch up on. 
“We’re hunters.” Dean told the woman. 
"And who are you calling a secretary?" Charlie came to both of your defenses at the sexist title. 
“You’re not secretaries? You’re Women of Letters?” Dorothy looked surprised much as she sounded when she asked a question that felt almost impossible. You nodded your head, only making her become more baffled about her surroundings. "W—How long have I been out?"
“That’s why we need to talk. Look, you’ve been gone for over seventy-five years. Now, according to our file, you came here to kill the wicked witch and then you disappeared.” Sam gave the woman a quick refresher to help jog her memory in hopes it might fill in the gaps of information that the file couldn’t provide. “What happened?”
“We couldn’t find a way to kill her. So I did the only thing that I could.” Dorothy explained to all of you that led her to the demise, and how you found her the way you did. “A binding spell that came at a price—her soul with mine.”
“So you’ve been frozen with the witch for all this time?” You asked. 
“Yes.” Dorothy answered. She pushed off the blanket and got up to her feet, growing frustrated from all the precious time you were wasting on silly questions that weren’t going to lead the search for the witch any faster. “Look, the witch cannot be killed. If I am awake, then so is she.”
“Wait, if she’s here, why didn’t she kill you?” Sam wondered.
“She can’t.” Dorothy explained. 
“You’re protected by the witch of the North’s kiss.” Charlie jumped into the conversation and told you the reason why. She smiled from her knowledge that she had a feeling was going to come in handy. "It was in the books."
“Oh, forget the books! They’re not important. I’m protected. You aren’t.” Dorothy turned the focus onto an important detail that couldn't go without saying from the danger all of you were under. ”Now, the witch came here looking for something. I have no idea what it is. But we have to find her before she finds it.” 
“All right, all right. Charlie, dig into the files. See if you can find anything that puts a dent in a witch.” Dean instructed a set of plans to somehow get this situation under wraps. “Sam, Y/N and I will have a look-see. Come on.” 
“I’m helping.” Dorothy declared, clapping her hands together. 
"Yeah, I don't doubt it. But for right now, why don't you rest up and help the smartest person in the room?" You suggested to the woman. You glanced over in Charlie’s direction to catch the smile that began to creep on her lips from the subtle compliment. The young woman admitted about her longing for magic and all sorts of adventures, you had a feeling Dorothy could provide some during her stay. “Have fun, girls.”
You and the boys searched much of the grounds as you could together. Neither one of you wanted to take a chance at splitting up and going up against the wicked witch alone if you were unlucky enough. You didn't know how long it had been after she escaped or where she was hiding. You went through several different locations before making your way to the dungeon shortly after, wanting to be sure your other house guest was still locked up tight. The wicked witch and the king of hell teaming up together wasn't how you wanted to spend your night.
Luckily for you the king of hell was exactly where you had left him earlier today; locked up tight in the chains that secured him from trying to make a foolish escape. But he wasn’t innocent as he looked slumped back in the chair. Crowley was all too causally whistling a familiar tune from a movie you had seen several times in your lifetime enough to recognize the reference. It was the song. “Somewhere Over the Rainbow.” Dorothy sung it before she was swept away to Oz by the tornado. You cautiously looked around to make sure if the wicked witch wasn’t here, and when she wasn’t like how you suspected, you dropped your gun back down to your side. 
"Wow. If it isn't Dorothy and her pals, the Scarecrow and the Tin Man. Your new houseguest—so misunderstood." Crowley informed you of what you already were about to deduce on your own. He waited a moment for either one of you to get the reference he slipped in, but when he was left hanging, you responded with silence. “Neither one of you saw 'Wicked'?"
"Sorry. I haven't exactly had the chance to visit Broadway lately. I'll make sure to get right on that after we wrap all of this up." You said, rolling your eyes. "What did she say to you?"
"Something along the lines of..." You weren't sure if the demon was trying to be cheeky with you when he hissed, bearing his teeth and all. 
"All right, well, I'm gonna get some holy oil and a lighter, dick bag." Dean said to the demon, not even the least bit impressed by the childish behavior that meant nothing to you. 
"I know what she's looking for." Crowley said. He tried to use his knowledge for leverage to get something out of you. You narrowed your eyes on the demon as he raised his brow, wondering if you were going to play long to hear the answer.
"What does she want?" Sam questioned the demon. 
"I'd be happy to tell you, as soon as I get to stretch my legs." Crowley gave you a smug smile you wanted to smack off his face. The demon knew he had you backed into a corner, the only thing you could do was give into his petty demands. Or continue chasing your tails.
You let out a frustrated sigh. The boys weren't too pleased either as to what the demon was asking. But you gave in with a nod of the head. Dean approached Crowley with the key to unlock the chain around the demon's neck, all while holding the knife to stab him with if he tried anything stupid. Crowley behaved the entire time. He slid off the collar and let it drop to the ground, you and Sam never lowering your weapons as he did so. He let out a groan of relief from being freed for the first time since you forced him down here. 
You gave the demon an impatient look as he took his time enjoying the freedom that wasn’t going to last for too long. He moved around his stiff neck and finally pushed himself up to his feet to stretch his aching legs. Crowley even had the audacity to let out a chuckle and smile at his victorious win.
"All right." You spoke up, wanting to get the demon back on track to the reason why you were even letting him off his leash. "What does the witch want?"
"Give me a mo.” Crowley said. “I still need to air myself out."
You pointed your loaded gun at him and shot off a round straight into his chest, showing him you weren't in the mood to keep playing his little games. "I think you're out enough." 
“Rude.” The demon muttered, taken back by your hostile behavior.
Crowley inspected the bullet wound in his meat suit and shook his head, you ruined his outfit even farther as well. You were about to warn him where the next bullet would go, the demon compiled before you could get a single word out. He reached for the crumpled piece of paper at the edge of the table and unfolded it to show you a single word written down. You furrowed your brow slightly, not sure what to make of it.
“Key?” Sam read off the word. “What key?”
“I haven’t the foggiest. Had to send her off on a merry chase before she could melt me.” The demon said. He gave you a smile from the corny joke you once again didn’t find the least bit funny. “Told her you boys kept the keys in the kitchen. You do have a kitchen in this crap hole, don’t you?”
You had the first potential lead at finding out where the witch was before she could get her hands on this supposed key. You and the boys quickly made your way to the kitchen in some kind of hope that you might be able to catch her, but you were too late. All she left behind was the mess she left trying to find the damn key she was doing everything she could to find. 
The witch tore every inch of the room apart; pots and pans were scattered all over the floor, food you had left out to enjoy later laid spilled on the counters. It looked like a tornado blew in here. You let out a groan of frustration and dropped your arm holding your gun back down to your side. Not only did you have this mess to clean up after you solved this Wizard of Oz, the wicked bitch was still on the loose and most likely tearing apart another room.
"Damn it, I just cleaned in here." Dean grumbled in frustration.
"Really?" Sam sounded like he was in disbelief at hearing his brother was capable of cleaning up after himself. 
"Surprisingly, yes. He's become very domestic since we started living here." You said. You made your way into the kitchen when it was made clear your problem was long gone, but still lingering about and causing more chaos in her path. "Looks like we got a witch problem." 
You took a moment to examine the damage the witch left behind and how long it was going to take for you and the boys to clean up. You were still on high alert, nearly shooting at the person who came into the kitchen from one of the few doorways. You dropped your gun back down when you saw that it was just Charlie and Dorothy back from their own tasks you hoped had been more successful than your dead end. 
“Sorry. We raided your gun range. Made us some poppy bullets.” Charlie explained to all of you. She showed off the revolver and shoved a hand inside her pocket, pulling out the one thing you had against the wicked witch. You raised your brow in curiosity and reached for one to inspect it for yourself. “They won’t kill the witch, but they will stun the crap out of her.” 
Dean examined the bullets for himself Charlie had made on her own. He had to admit she did a good job on figuring out a potential weapon against the witch. She always managed to impress him from how she could handle herself in stressful times. “That’s my girl.”  
“There was only enough for five bullets, so…” Charlie told you the downside about her genius invention. You dealt with worse circumstances as you loaded the bullet into the chamber for the moment you might need to use it. “Make each shot count.” 
“Now we just have to find her before she finds whatever the hell’s she’s looking for.” Dorothy said. 
“She’s looking for a key.” Sam informed the two women. 
“How do you know?” Charlie asked. 
“Little birdie told us.” You said, leaving out the source where you found out on your own. You really didn’t have time, or in the mood, to explain the reason behind having the king of hell chained up in your dungeon. “Ring any bells, Dorothy?”
“Unfortunately. It’s the key to Oz. There are magical ways into Oz—tornado, eye of a hurricane, whirlpool—but this key will turn any locked door into a portal to Oz.” Dorothy explained what made this one in particular so special. And why the witch wanted to get her hands on it so badly.  “Insert key, twist, and presto, you’re in Oz.”
“How did the Men of Letters get the key?” Sam asked. 
“I have no idea, but if she finds it, she’ll go back and finish what she started. She’ll destroy all that is good in Oz. She’s got armies of witches, flying monkeys.” Dorothy painted all of you a grim picture of what the future might look if you weren’t faster than she was. “Many will die.” 
"What's this key look like?" Dean asked her. Dorothy pulled out a small leather bound journal from the inside pocket of her jacket and flipped to a sketch of the key. You furrowed your brow slightly when it looked familiar to you. "I've seen that key. Found it when Y/N and I were doing inventory." 
“Where is it now?” Dorothy asked. 
“My room. We got to get that key. Alright, Charlie and I will go look in my room.” Dean formulated a plan before all of you split up to go your separate ways. “Why don’t you guys buy us some time?”
You nodded your head in agreement. You watched as Dorothy and Sam made their way to the more open area of the bunker to get a better chance at finding the witch. You lingered behind for a moment as you called out for the redhead’s attention before she could get too far. Much as you trusted her ability to take care of herself, there was still a part of you that wanted her out of danger. You were dealing with a powerful witch and no real means to stopping her. 
“Safest place in this joint is the dungeon.” You informed her.
“You have a dungeon in this place? Of course you do.” She smiled at the new room she learned about, wondering exactly might be hiding in there when given the chance to explore it one of these days like the rest of this place. 
“So maybe you should…” You hinted around what you were trying to say without coming right out with it. You wanted more than anything to make sure she was safe. But you should have known she wasn’t going to back down from the very thing she admitted to you about stumbling across again. This hunt was her dream come true. 
“I am not hiding, especially in a dungeon. Wicked witch, a key, a quest? Did you not listen to anything I said before?” Charlie was walking on cloud nine from the adventure she stumbled upon. She broke out into a grin and playfully punched the man standing next to you in the shoulder. “Let’s do this, Dean.” 
You shook your head in annoyance as the woman made her way to Dean’s room to find the key, ignoring your last attempt at calling her name. You knew at this point all of your warnings fell upon dea ears. You let out a sigh of defeat and made your way to wherever Dorothy and Sam ended up, Dean quickly catching up with Charlie before she could get herself into too much trouble while snooping around his bedroom.
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hoochy-coo · 3 years
"WE know Abel isn’t a threat to Drake or his legacy but Drake doesn’t know that because he’s insecure and paranoid. Imo if he wasn’t, he wouldn’t be signing all these one-hit-wonder artists in the guise of ‘nurturing’ them only to hop on their hit song and steal their thunder lmao"
But if he were insecure and paranoid why would he give so many new artists he doesn't need a shot on his album or even a feature if it's only to steal their thunder?(Which tbh is a stretch in itself because it implies that his own thunder's on a clock...three years since an album...still the most streamed musician on the planet) Why would he give Kendrick Lamar, niche-as-hell rapper in 2011 an entire interlude slot to himself on his album? Why throw out a feature worth 100k on Lil Baby or Blocboy JB for free? Why consistently praise a dude or even want to collaborate with them who just about used him and sneak disses after the fact? You hear of the "Drake Effect?" I think if he were as paranoid and insecure as you think he is, he wouldn't SHARE the thunder the way he has since about, 2009
Hmm...so I don’t think we’re gonna agree on this because of my personal read on Drake as an artist and as a male in general. BUT I do respect it and I do agree with some of your points. I also do agree that there is a ‘Drake effect’ for sure but I don’t think he’s resting easy knowing that he’s got that impact. 
In terms of why I think Drake would be cool with giving KDot, Lil Baby or Blocboy JB features and bugging them up, it’s because I view that as a mutually beneficial exchange for everyone involved. All those artists have their own little following so he’s bringing his audience to them and vice versa. All those artists also occupy a vastly different lane in rap than he does. KDot has hits, sure, but he’s not making party-feel-good mainstream rap that Drake has been doing. They’re not comparable because KDot will always be considered more of an MC and Drizzy will always be considered more as a rap star with a pop appeal. With Lil Baby, he also does a very different brand of rap (street rap, if you may) that’s never going to block Drake’s lane aka we’re never seeing Lil Baby on the pop chart (at least not on his own song anyway). Same goes for Blocboy JB. The Weeknd is a different situation for Drake because there is a massive overlap in sound and style from both of them. Their sounds weren’t all that different at the beginning and clearly, they’ve both branched out to do different things and explore different sounds, but they’re both still making it on the same, pop/mainstream chart. The way I see it, they both sneak disses each other but it’s again, mutually beneficial for them to collab or link up because their fans want to see that. If they announce that OVOXO album tmr, they’re both going to make a shit ton of money, sell out arenas and break records - they’re both going to win. 
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isitreallyok · 4 years
Super Hero Time and My Very Own Kamen Rider Club
[A quick note before we get started here.  In this post and likely in all posts to come names of people in my personal life have been changed to maintain anonymity.] After last week’s heavy topic regarding the pressures of positivity, I thought it would be better to at least start this week off lighthearted. It’s very likely that the vast majority of the readers of this are going to be from the US and as such likely have grown up with or at least seen an episode of Power Rangers. While there are a lot of things that the Power Rangers franchise does that are beyond silly and seem absolutely ridiculous to many of us that see them as adults, the things that are presented in these shows seem absolutely incredible to their target audience. These shows are marketed towards children in case that wasn’t obvious.
Power Rangers is a nostalgic thing to watch for me and I still greatly enjoy it!
Well dear reader, I am glad we agree on that. I grew up watching Power Rangers and as time has gone on I have found that I still enjoy the monster fighting, transforming, masked heroes presented therein. There are even a number of series in the franchise that I have enjoyed even as an adult. Though as I have grown older, and in turn begun to use subtitles on everything I watch, I have developed a fascination with Asian television as a whole since it tends to feel vastly different from most of what is made available in the US. This fascination extends to tokusatsu television shows including but not limited to Super Sentai and Kamen Rider.
For those who aren’t aware, Power Rangers is actually based on the long standing Super Sentai franchise in Japan. Each week on Sunday mornings, similarly to the Saturday morning cartoons of yore, a television block called Super Hero Time airs. This consists of the most recent annual series for both Super Sentai and the annual series of another long standing series called Kamen Rider. Both of these play into the gimmick of transforming masked heroes that have a different theme with each season. Of late I have been enjoying watching episodes of each of these series with a small group of folks on Discord and let me tell you all about the joy of finally finding a group of lovely people that are interested in these series the same way I am.
Sounds like it’s time for a story. Shall we queue the “Long Ago In A Galaxy Far Far Away…” scrawl?
You know what. That sounds fun. Lets imagine this as an opening to a cinematic experience. Lets travel back to June of the COVID times, a mere six months that feels like it is 87 years ago . At this point depression had grabbed a hold of me and thrown me so deep into the pits of despair that I wasn’t sure where I was going to find a light at the end of the tunnel. I had just been through a breakup with my first girlfriend in four years, I was living at an extended stay with my father taking care of him as best as I was capable, all while sacrificing my own ability to take of myself and cope with the emotional break down that was happening as my social life and many of my friendships were falling to shambles.
Enter Kenshiro. I started interacting with Kenshiro on Twitter earlier in 2020 and saw that he posted a lot about One Piece (which I was actively catching up on at the time) and things in the tokusatsu genre. Eventually I noticed that he had posted about a small group of folx who ended up getting together on Tuesday nights to watch Sentai together. I managed to quickly, and very temporarily, overcome my social anxiety and asked if it would be possible for an invite to this group. Kenshiro had a “the more the merrier style” approach to this group and I was welcomed in with open arms. Thus beginning a journey that has lasted six months and is still going today.
I think it’s wonderful that you managed to overcome your social anxiety to get into the group, but don’t social interactions overwhelm you regardless?
Though I was able to get an invite into the server and start enjoying these watch parties with the crew, the social impact was still quite overwhelming. On any given night that we were watching Sentai shows there were between 14 and 20 people all typing (we mute our mics when we watch) at the same time and the wall of text that forms while there are four to six different discussions going on about the show was really overwhelming at first. I struggled to really feel like I belonged even though people were engaged and encouraging me with everything that I was talking about.
That all changed when Ex-Aid started up Rider Time on Thursdays. When I first joined up we were watching intermittent episodes of both Carranger and Gokaiger on Tuesdays and it was a blast. Carranger, the series that Power Rangers Turbo was based on, was easily the most 80s nonsense I’ve seen in a long time with multicolored jobber baddies that ended up being completely over the top and I loved every second of it. Eventually though we moved towards watching Gokaiger, a pirate themed anniversary season of Sentai, in its entirety. Once we moved to the stick to a single series and watch it all the way through it only made sense that someone would start up a different night for us to watch Kamen Rider.
This was originally an effort spearheaded by Ex-Aid to further the scope of the tokusatsu shows that we were watching as a group. We were running Sentai on Tuesdays, Kamen Rider on Thursdays, and Ultraman on Fridays. It was a wonderful time to have such an incredible community to surround myself with even if I was a little bit intimidated by the amount of interaction on some of the busier nights.
It sounds like a really nice time. How did you manage to overcome your social anxiety though?
Oddly enough, it came pretty natural to me when I started actually plugging myself into the Thursday night crowd. When we first began the Thursday night watch parties it started off with Kamen Rider Drive. This was a series that I had tried to get into before but never really managed to enjoy so I was a little hesitant to go through it because I didn’t think I’d enjoy it. Since we were only watching 3 episodes a week I figured I could carve out an hour and a half of my time to watch some stuff with like minded individuals even if I wasn’t the biggest fan of what we were watching. Guess what, it turns out that my gut reaction to the series was completely wrong and now I absolutely love it and am excited to revisit it when the show is a little less fresh in my mind.
The first few times I tuned in on Thursdays I was a little bit shy. I didn’t say much, I didn’t want to really engage because of the smaller atmosphere, and I sure wasn’t willing to divulge anything going on in my personal life to this new found group. Within two weeks that all changed. I began to joke around with people and participate in the call and response type stuff that we now do during opening and endings even if it’s just typing in all caps the English lyrics in the opening song.
I think the small environment really did wonders for my anxiety because since I wasn’t heavily invested at the start if I felt like I butted heads with any of the group I could have just politely backed out and stopped watching with that small group. By having this group of four to six other people instead of the routine fifteen to twenty that we were drawing on Tuesdays, in time, I felt much more comfortable putting myself out there and letting my voice and opinions be heard. In a very short time, I managed to get very comfortable with this small group and even was more confident and open during the Sentai streaming on Tuesdays with the larger group as well.
Though I absolutely adore the entirety of this community that has been built surrounding both One Piece and tokusatsu shows as a whole, I particularly enjoy the time that I’ve spent with my very own Kamen Rider Club!
Kamen Rider Club?! Frankly that sounds a little childish when worded like that.
It kind of does, doesn’t it? It is what we in the Thursday night crew call ourselves. It is also a reference to what the main cast of Kamen Rider Fourze call themselves. One thing that this weekly gathering of the fans has taught me it is that its okay to enjoy childish things. I’ve even bought myself some of the toys that have come from various Kamen Rider series as I have seen them during our very own show and tell segment where we all showed off our collectibles and various toys. So while yes show and tell is a bit of a childish thing to do it brought joy to our little group. The amount of serotonin I have generated in the last few weeks by playing with the aforementioned toys is astounding. Getting in touch with my inner child and remembering that it is actually rather fun to play pretend has been a real delight.
As adults, we often work ourselves day in and day out to take care of mundane tasks that are essential to our survival. We wake up, go to work, come home, make or order some dinner, eat, and then get ready for bed. I’ve chosen to add finding happiness in doing the things I wasn’t able to do as a kid to the list. Staying up late to find that next save point in a game, buying toys neither myself or my family could afford as a kid, watching nostalgic b movies that brought me some joy as a child, and following along with all the tokusatsu shows my heart can desire are just a few ways I’ve managed to embrace my inner child and cater to my own personal and emotional needs in doing so. There is nothing wrong with being a little childish from time to time. Doing this has introduced me to so many people that I never would have met otherwise.
It really does sound like you’ve managed to build yourself a group of friends here. Isn’t it pretty cool what can happen when you trust that others aren’t going to have your worst interest in mind.
You’re right. I let some people in and was actually surprised with the results. I absolutely adore this little crowd I’ve got. They have all done so much for me without ever realizing it and I am beyond appreciative. Ex-Aid started the KRC on Thursday nights and drops some incredible trivia all over the place. OOO and I have a ton in common and they are an absolute delight to talk to. I am always excited to see them pop into a conversation on the Discord because we tend to have a similar line of thought and form of humor we do have some differences in personal taste that account for unique perspectives and I absolutely love hearing about them. Epsilon and I both are not afraid to make lewd jokes about what we are watching. Tastefully of course. … Most of the time. Epsilon has also offered to be a conversation partner as I continue to get back to my study of the Japanese language! Zi-O has managed to convince me to revisit series I had otherwise written off because I didn’t think they would be of interest, but they managed to sell me on them so I now have an expansive list of series that I want to watch and a planned order to revisit them. Kiva and I aren’t particularly close as I haven’t done much to actually talk to them, but I’m excited to see things develop more in that regard because they seem like a really fun person to talk to. Finally there is Chaser. They are our newest member of our Thursday night group and they have managed to have me laugh so hard I’ve done spit takes. I appreciate each and every one of our little Kamen Rider Club more than words can ever say.
Quick aside and mushy feelings bit here, but if any the KRC are reading this I want you to know that you all have absolutely made 2020 better for me. We’ve had an incredible amount of laughs together. We’ve seen each other through being both happy and sad. Frankly, you all have reminded me that I do have people who I can call friends on days where I didn’t think there was anyone who wanted anything to do with me. I appreciate you, I absolutely adore each of you, and words can not express my gratitude for the warm welcome that I have received into this lovely community. You all have helped me grow as a person in ways that I didn’t expect going into this group. Shaking off my depression blues and finding confidence to embrace my love of these silly kids shows has been in large part thanks to you all. I love you all. Thank you.
Outside of our usual Thursday crew there are so many more people in this community that have put a smile on my face and some joy in my heart, but there is one other person that I would like to take a moment to express some gratitude for. Scipio was one of the first people I actually felt comfortable bantering with in the Tuesday community before the creation of our Rider Time segment on Thursday. They had an incredibly warm and friendly demeanor about them and naturally I didn’t mind bantering with them during the Sentai watch parties. After a while I followed them on Twitter and recently I reached out to them there and they were willing and able to listen to me when I was feeling overwhelmed about the state of chaos in my life and that alone solidified my feeling of being appreciated inside of this community. Thank you Scipio for taking the time to support a stranger and make them feel like they are a part of something bigger.
I’m so glad that you managed to find these people. It seems like they are really helping you in a lot of ways.
They truly are. The joy of it is that they aren’t even doing anything special. They are simply treating me like a comrade and that alone has done wonders for my self esteem. This year has been among the most challenging in my entire life for a myriad of reasons and just having this community to be a part of has honestly saved my life. I don’t know where I would be without them, but I do know that I would be a lot worse off.
So to wrap things up here for today I want to challenge my readers to do two things. Firstly take a moment to appreciate the people in your life that make you happy. If you feel inclined to tell them how much you appreciate them that’s great. If you just take a moment to reflect on it that’s great too. Secondly, I want to challenge everyone to embrace the things that might embarrass you if you talked about it to your friends with more conservative interests. Embrace the wild things that you enjoy. Don’t let anyone take the joy that these things bring you away. Finally as a reminder to all of you, you are stronger than you think, you are beautiful, and by goodness you are worth it. Lets go into this week ready to kick some butt and join some fandoms.
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1-1snailxd-art · 5 years
Caretaker Prompts 19 and 15 with angst. May I suggest in a Hunger Games setting or the like?
15 “I know it hurts, I’m sorry.”
19 “Just keep pressure on it.”
I know you said Hunger Games, but because my brain is like a revolving door I couldn’t get anything that was really flowing well with that (I’m not big into Hunger Games. I’ve only read and seen the first one). 
So, I went for a Supernatural style universe with Vampires and Werewolves that I kinda came up with ages ago.
Relationships/Character: There’s no romance here - Deceit/Declan (Father figure/Alpha - Born from magic and connected to a snake spirit), Roman and Remus are 17-year-old twin pure-blood werewolves (parents were both wolves rather than being turned, giving them enhanced senses, strength and healing), Virgil is a 3-year-old pure-blooded Vampire (parents were both vampires), and Logan is a 17-year-old human 😝
Warnings: Blood mentioned, panic, vomit mentioned
Words: 2333
Summary: Babysitting was meant to be an easy way for Logan to earn money, but turned deadly when vampires came to hunt the child in his care. Supernatural beings or not, Logan was willing to risk his life for the boy and show he was stronger with nothing but human blood in his veins. 
“Just keep pressure on it.” Remus instructed, shifting aside for Roman to take his place. “I’m going to clear the perimeter.”
“Be careful.”
His twin nodded and hurried down the stairs, leaving Roman alone with a bleeding and grunting Logan.
“I know it hurts, I’m sorry. This wasn’t meant to happen.”
Roman felt horrible listening to the other boy cry out in agony as he adjusted his position to control the bleeding from his stomach.
“He gonna die, Ro? Did I- Did I did it?”
His three-year-old brother shuffled out of the bedroom, tears streaming down his face and mixing with the splatter of blood that coated his face and ninja turtle pyjamas.
“No, buddy. You didn’t do this okay. Just go back in the room and wait.”
“But tha teef.”
Sighing, Roman glanced from the stab wound in Logan’s stomach to the mess that was his shoulder. Fangs had sliced through flesh with the ease akin to a hot knife through butter but was thankfully clear of his face so Roman didn’t need to worry that he had been turned. The vampires who attacked the house were out to kill, not turn or feed, and Virgil’s mouth was too small to do that much damage even if he was rampaging.
“They’re not your teeth, Vee. I promise you; you didn’t hurt the babysitter.”
“Logan.” Virgil said firmly, tears falling faster as he got more worked up. “His name’s, Logan.”
    Watching his brother cry was heartbreaking for the older sibling and he had to fight the urge to scoop him up and away in the safety of his embrace, but he knew he couldn’t. Virgil’s eyes were glued to Logan, tiny chest heaving with hiccupped sobs and worsening every time the injured man made a sound.
“Virge, buddy, you need to get back in the room.” Roman was desperate for Remus to return, or even their father for that matter, just so someone could help Virgil before he had another vampire to deal with. “I promise I will help Logan, but I need you safe first.”
The small nod as Virgil shuffled back should have offered some reassurance but Roman’s senses peaked; his inner wolf smelling a change in his little brother’s system.
Turning towards the stairs, he focused on working out how far away Remus was.
   "Roman?“ The toddlers voice shook just as his body trembled; eyes growing in realisation and the brown of his left iris faded to grey.
“Virgil, in the room, now!”
He hated to yell but his tone was harsh enough to shake Virgil into action, scurrying into the room and slamming the door shut.
“We’ve gotta move, Logan. I’m sorry,  but this is going to hurt like a bitch.”
“Just get it over with.” Logan huffed, gritting his teeth as pain exploded through his body when Roman tried to lift him up.
A growl rumbled deep in Roman’s throat when he rose, thankful Logan had remained conscious enough to hook his usable arm around his neck and make the carry at least a little easier. Normally lifting someone Logan’s size would be easy, but after fighting off a whole vampire nest he was almost spent. Kicking the front door open, Roman rushed to his cars back door, thankful it was still open from when he and Remus had arrived at the house.
   "Roman!“ Remus called out and ran over to the car as his twin slid into the driver’s seat. “Perimeters clear but I think one sucker got away.”
“We’ll deal with that and Dad later. Vee is turning.”
“What? I thought you told the babysitter to give him his meds?”
“I did.” Came the grunted reply from the backseat and the twins exchanged a worried look.
“He’s getting worse than.” Starting the car, Roman shifted into reverse and gave Remus a concerned look. “Be careful, Duke.”
“Same to you, Princey.”
    Carefully heading back into the house, Remus paused to sift through the heavy vampire scent that hung in the air until he located Virgil’s; surprised to find it still concentrated at the top of the stairs. Slipping into the kitchen, Remus collected a plastic bottle from the fridge that contained a mix of herbs, animal blood and milk. To anyone else, the combination was vile, and the smell alone tormented the twins sensitive noses, but it was the best thing in the world to Virgil.
At the top of the stairs, Remus braced himself for his adopted brother to jump out and attack him, but nothing happened. He could hear the toddler breathing from the other side of the door, but they weren’t moving at all; vastly different to the other times he had shifted.
“Virgil? You okay, little buddy?”
The door creaked as Remus pushed it open, spotting the toddler shivering on the bed next to a puddle of vomit. Holding his arms up in surrender, Remus eyed him carefully as he stepped into the room.
“It’s okay. Dukey isn’t going to hurt you, alright? I’m just here to help.”
“Go -way.” Remus froze in shock that Virgil had managed to speak, spotting the rows of sharp teeth that now protruded from his gums. “I hurt you.”
“Oh, I don’t think you will.”
“I will.” Virgil insisted, pushing himself back against the headboard to stay away from his brother. “I kill.”
“Virgil, you won’t hurt me.” Sitting at the edge of the bed, Remus kept his voice level and calm; though he was ready to defend if Virgil suddenly turned on him.
“How ju know? I done’d it b-fore.”
“I know because every other time you’ve turned, you have attacked on instinct. Right now, you’re talking, Virgil. You’re in control of your instincts right now and I’m part of your nest. You’re in my pack and I’m part of your nest; we won’t hurt each other, I promise.”
Heavy breathing was the only sound in the room for a few moments, then the toddlers face shifted from fear to sadness. Not wanting to make a move in case he triggered an instinctual attack, Remus watched and waited until Virgil crawled towards him on his own.
“It hurts, Dukey.”
“It’s okay.” Opening his arms, Virgil gratefully climbed onto his lap and accepted the comforting embrace. “The pain will dull when you’ve fed. I’ve got your drink right here and there is more if you need it, okay?”
Shifting around so he was comfortable, Virgil accepted the bottle and started to drink; though he was soon unscrewing the lid when the plastic pop top limited the pace he desperately wanted to consume the liquid at.
“Are you feeling better or do you need more?”
“My no-sh-e -till hurt.” Virgil complained, wrinkling his nose further when he took a breath in.
“That would be from all the blood scents around here. You’re not as use to having to filter it out as Roman and I.”
Remus looked around the room at the blood splatter from Logan’s impromptu battle, genuinely impressed that a normal human could have fended off so many vampires while protecting the toddler they were after.
“Why don’t we get cleaned up, grab you another drink and take Logan’s car for a drive until your fangs retract?”
“Ok, but what -bout Dad?” Virgil wrapped his arms and legs around Remus when he stood and watched him carefully step around the headless vampires in the hall to reach the bathroom.
“Dad will find us, don’t you worry about that.”
    Logan loss consciousness some time during the drive but was thankfully still breathing when Roman sped up to the hospital and cried out for help; struggling to pull him out of the car now he was completely deadweight. Following what seemed like a million questions and 20 minutes of a nurse fussing over his own cuts, Roman was finally left to his own devices in the waiting area; giving up trying to call his Dad after leaving his 15th voice message.
He was hanging upside down on the chair when Remus came in; a sleepy Virgil on his hip.
“I thought you two would have found a park to hang out in, since the sun is finally up.”
“That was my plan,” Remus admitted, glad to feel his little brothers breathing even out as he fell asleep; “but the little nightmare wouldn’t stop nagging me to come. I would’ve preferred getting my ears boxed than listen to it for another hour, and now we’re here,  he falls asleep.”
Sitting up properly, Roman laughed and held out his arms so Remus could manoeuvre the youngest into his arms.
“Better asleep than freaking out on us.”
“Nah, I said he was fine.” Sitting on the chair opposite, Remus pulled out his phone and started scrolling through his notifications. “Fangs retracted after 15minutes and he was satisfied with two doses. Considering I was expecting to have him hanging from my neck like last time, it was a welcomed surprise.”
“You think telling Dad that will stop him from killing us for leaving Virgil with a human.”
“Only if we also leave out the fact that a vamp nest attacked the house.”
Exchanging a glance, the twins groaned and spoke in time.
“We’re dead.”
  The sun had set when Declan arrived at the hospital, half furious after hearing the twins messages and half worried out of his mind. He double checked his concealment charm was still effectively hiding his scaled side before entering the building, shaking off his damp trench coat once he was walking the warm halls.
Four days prior he’d left the boys at a secluded Airbnb to follow a promising lead on Virgil’s birth parent, assuming the hostile vampire nest tracking the pure-blooded toddler wouldn’t pick up their trail for at least a few more days. Returning to the trashed house made his blood run cold, though it quickly reheated hearing the twins had left their adopted brother to investigate a reported werewolf pack. Of course, it had been a trick, false reports given to encourage them out of hiding; Declan could’ve seen it a mile away and he regretted his radio silence even more now.
As he neared the room assigned to some boy attacked in the woods, Declan was prepared to reprimand the twins in the harshest way possible. Each step brought him closer to grabbing Virgil and storming off, but when he reached the door, he found himself frozen. He saw Remus passed out on a hospital bed, looking just as exhausted as his twin in the bedside chair despite both of them clearly being in a deep sleep. Resting a hand on the door, Declan could feel the warding they had obviously put on it to protect the room; something that would have exhausted them without his assistance.
It was Virgil’s position that intrigued him the most. The toddler was perched carefully alongside the boy on the furthest bed, looking more peaceful than he had since his vampiric blood started taking affect.
 “Excuse me,” a nurse called from the door over, “can I help you with anything, sir?”
“I’m the boys’ father, well, to three of them anyway. I’m Declan Fidi.” He held out a black gloved hand which the woman shook with a smile.
“You have some brave and lucky boys Mr Fidi. The whole staff agree that the twins quick thinking saved Logan’s life. Did you train them in first aid?”
“I wouldn’t have let them go out into that forest if I hadn’t.” Turning back to the viewing window a thought came to mind. “The boy - um - Logan, are his family around? I would like to have a word before I take my troupe away.”
“I’m sorry, but Logan doesn’t have family. He’s part of the local group home.”
“That’s okay. Thank you for your help anyway. I should probably get these boys to a proper bed and out of your hair.”
“Oh, they’ve been no trouble at all. Logan will be here for a few days at least, so feel free to bring the boys back if you like. I’m sure their visits will be welcomed.”
“I’ll keep that in mind.”
   Pushing the door open, Roman and Remus bolted awake instantly at the call of their warding; heads dropping in shame when they registered their father had entered.
“I’ll spare you two the lecture on your stupidity for later.”
“Yes, sir.” They said in unison, standing and stretching their tired muscles.
Declan moved to Logan’s bed and carefully picked Virgil up, the toddler whimpering as his sleep was disturbed.
“Shh, shh, shh.” He assured, rubbing Virgil’s back while he settled into his shoulder. “You’re alright.”
“Yeah, buddy. We’re going somewhere safe to sleep, okay.”
Leaning back, Virgil looked into his father’s eyes, tears lining his own.
“But Logan -“
“We’ll come back tomorrow.”
Declan pulled Virgil’s purple hood over his head and encouraged him to lean on his shoulder again, nodding for the twins to head out the door before he followed.
  They walked in silence back to the car park, Declan telling the twins to get in his van rather than taking the second car.
“You can work on cleaning it when we come back tomorrow.”
“Wait, you were serious about coming back?” Roman questioned, helping to buckle Virgil into his car seat.
“We’re not ditching town straight away?” Remus added.
“No. Roman’s got a car to clean, you’ve got a house to clean up, and I’ve got to see about adding to Virgil’s nest.”
The twins jaws dropped and watched Declan casually climb into the front seat in shock.
“You would let Logan join our pack?”
“Even though he’s a human?”
“A human wouldn’t have taken down three vamps alone. He’s not a human,” Declan chuckled at the thought of how shocked the vampires would have been. “He’s a hunter and a lost soul; just what our family needs.”
End Note: Smol Vampire Virgil had to happen. Don’t tell me you never thought about it. This was a universe I made months ago. I had a whole back story planned out. Maybe one day I’ll write it, or do art for it or just make it an ask AU or something. Honestly, I have too many ideas some times but just not enough brains and concentration to write it all.
Prompt from this list. 
More writing from the Caretaker Prompt ListWriting master post
General tag list (let me know if you want on or off): @thequeensphinx @ollyollyoxinfree @celeste-tyrrell @pumpkinminette @ahyeahisurehopeit-does
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rendevok · 4 years
are you still working on plenty of fish in the sea? I love your art style and the story's so cute ^^
Hi, dear anon. Thank you so much, I'm glad you seemed to like that particular project! However, I regret to inform that i dont really intend to finish the story any longer. It HAS been a year now after all, so my style and interests have vastly changed.
Still, i do believe i owe it to those interested to explain the story as it would have played out (in fact i had a stream on instagram last month where i explained it some), so without further ado... here is the story of Plenty of Fish in the Sea...
The story had been organized into words & themes, as you may have noticed. So here is that list and then, my notes on the projected story that eventually devolve into my specific brand of storytelling and very poorly thought out (but cheesy) dialogue. Try your best not to judge me since it would have likely been altered and improved once i worked my way through it, and keep in mind i am 100% an amateur.
waking up/scale
sighting/caught - (i made it this far in terms of finished/posted art!)
missing/heart to heart
ship in the night/hostage
in knots/jailbreak
savior/drown (ll)
scale/waking up (ll) - ^these were intentional mirrors of the first 2 main parts
heart on a string
plenty of fish in the sea
Here are my notes that follow these themes:
The story with a prologue, wherein, a young Lance saves a young Keith from drowning, and Keith is left with the memory of a boy and a brilliantly colored scale
Ffwd to the future, Keith is a sailor (not a captain, sorry) who is secretly hunting this mer with the scales that are impossibly valuable (or so he’s been told his whole life). Sure being a pirate gets him some riches but nothing like what the whole tail of scales would! Keith is not truly sure why he’s spent so much of his life fixated on this scale, but he has. So he’s done everything in his power to learn about mer people (what little there is known) to be able to properly track down and capture this mer.
One stormy night he is disturbed from his slumber, called to the deck for help and soon enough he sees the cause for alarm - a mer has been caught in their nets while the storm tossed it about. And of course its not just any mer, it’s the mer. Keith, being Keith, does what he can in the moment - he attempts to cut the nets free of the ship (after all, this is HIS mer to catch), but not a moment after succeeding in his attempt, the sloshing throws him overboard, and soon enough, he falls prey to the violent crashing of waves, sending him into a chilly darkness.
When he awakens, he finds himself on a shore, and soon enough he realizes its an island - he is in fact, marooned. He does what he knows he should first- look for sources of fresh water and food. He has some luck with the food, though not so much with the water (that has him concerned but not entirely hopeless). In his wanderings about the island, he finds that he is not alone. The merman is there with him, which would be a curious thing, were it not for the nets he’s still tangled in and a wide gash across his back. He attempts to approach to appraise the damage more closely, but is met with the hostile hissing of the merman. Keith does his best to try and reason with him, but he simply does not want his help
However, Keith is not really one to let things be. Never has been. He finds his own food, and a small amount of water. He offers some to the mer (who has managed to untangle himself, though still very much injured) responding with only hisses and glares. Keith leaves the food within reach. This process continues for a day or so, before the mer finally gives in and accepts the food. Keith finally asks again if he can help. The mer declines.
So this continues- Keith offers what food he can, the mer picks what he wants and leaves the rest. After a week of this, the mer disappears from his spot, and Keith assumes he’s finally left, only he is met with the mer in a different shore of the island (the one he had been spending his nights)
Now that he is mobile he seems much happier (though maybe not 100% active). He talks with Keith, and Keith cant really do much about it. He asks him things about humans, showing much more interest in humans than his first impression let on. Keith has his own burning questions, but most of them stem from all that time convincing himself he wanted to find this very mer and skin him alive.... kinda hard to imagine doing when he’s becoming much more human. Lance (as he has finally given his name) finally admits he cannot leave because he is still recovering. He can fish for small kills around the island, but he cant leave and swim out in the open ocean just yet. Keith internally feels a stone drop in his stomach. If only he had such a positive future to look forward to.
One day, Keith brings Lance a handful of oysters to feast on, and during he finds none other than a pearl tucked in the muscle of his meal. He is less ecstatic than Keith, who offers how rare and precious they are to humans. Lance gives him the pearl, which he tucks away with the scale that he keeps tucked by his heart in a small container on a string. Keith smiles quite a bit after receiving this gift, and Lance is left to feel conflicting positive emotions over it.
One sunset, after a quiet day (from Lance, he hadnt been very talkative) Keith notices him resting over by some rocks, back turned to Keith. Keith approaches and before he can keep Keith from seeing, he sees Lance is playing with a blank spot in his scales. Keith knows just what is missing but he asks whats wrong anyway. Lance is nervous but he responds: He lost a scale. He was still very young, and he saved a human from drowning - something he was scolded for back then. Interacting with humans is forbidden, but Lance wasnt about to let some kid like him die. However, while not completely unheard of for mer, losing a scale so young was not a good thing. He often felt ashamed for that blank spot in his tail - a reminder that he was missing a piece of himself - and this was just one of those times. Keith sits close and offers his condolences, and continues to say that saving someone was very kind and heroic of him - he only wishes humans were so kind to him as child. He lived most of his life as an orphan, finding a mentor only to have him leave on a ship and never return. Lance is sad to hear this. He misses his family right now, sure, but he knows he will find his way back. He will never miss them like Keith misses his. Lance might have a missing scale, but its nothing compared to the love Keith has been missing nearly all his life.
And so, tied up in the depths of Sendak ship, Keith sits with his guilt. He got Lance caught by the most ruthless hunters out there and was helpless to do anything about it. And he... he thinks that he would rather see Lance free. He’s a person, and he cares more than anyone he has ever met. He has a family. His life is worth more than anything a king could offer for his scales. He’s irreplaceable - especially to Keith. But now.. there isn’t hope. He’s stuck, and probably falling for a merman whos about to get skinned alive. He sheds a tear, hoping beyond anything that Lance somehow manages to escape.
Not a moment later, someone bursts through the door: Shiro. Keith is shocked to say the least, as is Shiro, but there really isn’t much time to spare seeing as how he’s being broken out. Keith grabs his belongings from the corner and shuffles out with him to the deck, where they emerge into the fray. Keith can see that all the mer are being kept on deck in cages, and sets off, blazing a trail through the fighting to go and free them.
He breaks through every chain, telling the mer to leave as soon as they can, he finally makes his way to Lance, who had been set apart from the others. Its closer to sendak, who is crossing swords with shiro. He slices through the chain one last time, freeing Lance, who is startled and tries to speak, but before he can, keith is being affronted by Sendak. They lock swords, Keith pushed to the rail, barely holding off. Sendak suddenly hisses - lance has picked up a sword and swiped at the back of his legs. Keith thinks this is his moment to slip from this position, but before he can move, Sendak kicks the wind out of him, and sends him overboard. He crashes into the icy waves, quickly choking on the water and struggling to find which way is up. Slowly, he chokes, he sinks, and finally, he gives into the creeping darkness. He sees a faint flash before his vision fades to black and he loses consciousness. At least, he thinks, that Lance has a chance at freedom.
To say he is surprised he opens his eyes again is an understatement. The sun glares and makes his head ache, his lungs and throat are sore and raw from the seawater, breathing is painful, but he’s alive. The sun is suddenly not so bright, and when he tries to see why- Lance is above him blocking it out. It reminds him of when he had been saved before. Lance is saying his name and it’s like an angel calling to him.
“We’ve got to stop meeting like this.”
Lance makes a confused coo “I’m pretty sure the last time, you were the one to find me.”
Keith lets out a small laugh, which is painful, so he smiles instead. “I was the child you saved. Thats what i was trying to tell you before...”. When he looks at Lance, even in his tired state he can see the wheels turning in Lance’s head. Keith sits up, to face him better.
“I didn’t know for sure until you told me you saved a human all that time ago. If you’re not convinced, I think this should be convincing enough” and he pulls his little bottle out to let it display it’s contents: the pearl, and of course, a glimmering scale, it’s beauty only rivaled by the tail it once was a part of, sitting a few feet away.
Keith opens the bottle, and takes it out, to hold and admire in his open palm.
“For a long time, this was my only belonging. People tried to take it, to buy it from me. They told me it was worth more money than i could ever imagine, but... I could never bring myself to sell it.” He looks up then to see Lance stunned into silence. Keith smiles, in a sorrowful sort of understanding. “I’m glad I didn’t.”
He then holds his hand out to Lance, offering him the scale he said was like a missing piece of him.
Lance lifts shaky hands and settles them on Keith’s one, not touching the scale. Keith continues:
“Thank you, Lance. For saving me then, and now.”
After a long moment of silence between them (the shushing of the beach hardly audible) Lance finally speaks.
“I never thought I’d see this again,” he speaks quietly, as he stares down at his scale in Keith’s hand. “But knowing that you found it, cherished it, took care of it, and kept it safe.... I know it’s where it belongs.”
Lance gently closes Keith’s palm around the scale and kisses his knuckles. “Keep it,” Lance looks up, and when he looks into Keith’s eyes, its like he can feel his heart and soul pouring out, “and promise me you’ll think of me every once in a while.” Lance smiles rather sadly.
Gaze flicking back to his hand, where the scale lies, Keith’s heart flutters at the implication behind his action, but stutters at the thought of Lance going away forever (as the words seemed to imply). He takes a deep breath, looks back into Lance’s eyes, their depths calling to him, as though this is the only moment he will ever have to express himself. Maybe it is. His hand reaches up to caress his face, and hold his gaze.
“You’ve saved me from drowning twice. I could hardly manage to forget you before I really even knew you. I’ve been looking for you for what feels like my whole life, and now that I’ve found you... you think i could somehow manage to not think of you every day?” Keith leans in, and kisses his cheek.
“I’ll always have a piece of you here,” he brings his closed fist to his chest, “right by my heart. I am the one who should ask to be remembered.”
“Though...” his thoughts trail as he looks down at Lance’s lips, “I selfishly wish I wouldn’t have to.” Lance breaks his stunned silence, hand coming up to hold Keith’s on his cheek. “Keith....”
Keith lets out a small pained laugh as his heart constricts, removing his hand to help replace the scale to its place in the bottle, and around his neck. He looks at it fondly and softly speaks, “There is this saying we have - about finding love - ‘There are plenty of fish in the sea’ -and it’s true. There are plenty of people I could learn to love, but... the one I want is you.”
The relief Lance feels upon hearing this has his heart swelling, pushing him forward to crash their lips together. Keith is startled at first, but quickly melts into the kiss, moving to wrap his arms around Lance’s neck. They kiss until Keith feels like he’s drowning again, though this time he’s not opposed to it.
And THAT, dear anon, is why you should never be afraid to ask questions. I hope this maybe gave you a little peace, a laugh, something to stir your little klancer heart.
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theliterarywolf · 5 years
2019′s Animation Hidden Gems
So, another year has come and gone. And, in regards to animated content, we had a sizable smorgasboard of offerings both on the mainstream end and the Indie scene. 
I figured I would go over some of the ones that caught my eye that I don’t see many people talking about or, if they are talking about them, they’re focusing on shitty e-drama rather than the content in of itself. 
So, let’s begin!
... Just going to use a ‘Read More’ break due to the length of this post as well as spoilers for certain things within.
Tuca and Bertie
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So, we’re just going to acknowledge the fact that Netflix’s cancellation of this show before it even had the chance to hit its stride (which coincidentally timed in with the team behind it, the same team behind Bojack Horseman, getting the rights to unionize -- but I’m sure that’s just a coincidence~) was one of the shittiest things they did this year, right? Right. 
Anyway, Tuca and Bertie was one of those shows that, while it took me a good few days to finally watch it (due mostly to Netflix burying this show underneath those damn Ted Bundy movies and that fucking Beyonce concert/documentary/what-the-fuck-ever), was definitely a front-runner for adult-centered animation this year. 
While the wacky animation styles can sometimes throw initial viewers off, by the time the series is halfway through you’re fully engrossed in how it helps to tell the stories this show wants to focus on. 
While, yes, the show was a little heavy-handed in one of the early episodes about women in the workplace (that whole scene of Tuca screaming obnoxiously in the board-meeting to signal that no woman had spoken in 30 minutes was kind of grating even though the message is sound), the series as a whole is a great change of pace in regards to having adult animation centered on/aimed towards women. The characters work great together, the sound design works wonders, and Netflix cancelling this show despite they themselves not promoting it is such a damn crime. 
My personal favorite part/episode: While the episode “The Jelly Lakes” was a great, poignant display of showing Bertie opening up about her past trauma and sexual abuse, the episode that I always resonate with during rewatches of this series is “Plumage”. The way that it tackles not only reconciling with addiction but emotional/psychological abuse and how it often comes from sources that are on the outside beneficial hits so close to home. The fact that it was handled with tact and respect while still being in this wacky world of talking bird-people was amazing. 
Sound and Fury
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I... am just going to come out and admit it, my brain still hasn’t 100% wrapped around the ‘what does it MEAN?!?!’ aspect of this animated album but, damn it all, is it a feast for the ears and eyes. 
I honestly can’t talk about it too much because half the enjoyment comes from watching it for yourself.
My personal favorite part/episode: I can’t quite remember what the song’s name was, but visually it was the section that focused on the homeless veteran basically being left outside to die while the city is about to be decimated by a nuclear bomb. The fact that the segment shows everything, right down to how the cat he tries to rescue agonizingly burns to death when the bomb hits, has stuck with me.
Love, Death + Robots
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Well, you guys didn’t think I was going to let 2019 pass without me gushing about one of my favorite animation anthologies of the year, did you? 
Seriously, I am so glad that Netflix has greenlit a second volume for this project because it really is the type of stuff I like to see: collections of vastly different stories using different mediums and styles. 
While two of the entries aren’t as strong as the others (”The Witness” and “Ice Age” freaking suck, don’t @ me), the bulk of the anthology is immensely strong and well-executed and no amount of people whinging about ‘myeh, it’s too sex-filled and violent~’ is going to ruin that. 
My personal favorite part/episode: The segment “Suits” still takes my award for best in show, but I still like the series potential of “Shapeshifters” and the attempt at cosmic horror in “Beyond the Aquila Rift”. 
Satellite City
I hate, hate, HATE that my initial exposure to Sam Fennah’s creative world, much like other people’s first exposure, was via that DAMN Nostalgia Critic review for The Wall!
But, in all seriousness, Fennah’s web-series as well as the book that he’s been working on are so excellently crafted. 
The character design: I’ve gushed so much about the character design that doing so again here would be a crime. But it really is wonderful seeing monster designs that think ‘monstrous’ first and ‘marketability’ second. 
The voice acting: everyone in here does an exceptional job with their performances and giving life to not only the characters but the world surrounding them. Seriously, they’re all amazing and I can only hope that their talents are showcased in other projects. 
The animation: the fact that it’s all done and rigged by one person is awe-inspiring enough but the way that Fennah works to make sure that the characters don’t stick out too much from their real-world sets is incredible. 
The writing: It would be so easy for a series like this to stick to wacky hijinks, violence, and toilet-humor, but no. We have excellently crafted, mature dialogue, we have incorporated world-building that doesn’t rely on exposition dumps, we have diction that rivals some of the commercial hyper-hits of the current year.
Seriously, I wish that more people watched this series; it’s so good..!
My personal favorite part/episode: This relies on some spoilers, but I have to talk about what I think the highlight of the series. While the episode “Slice of Life” gives a good display of the core cast in a day-to-day setting with Lucy Lacemaker giving an incredible monologue about the nature of life and immortality at the end, no where else does the work behind the craft of Satellite City shine more...
Than in Episode 20 - “The Order of Things”. Satellite City centers around the Kivouachians, a species of unworldly creatures who have been around for billions of years but, due to war and betrayal, lost their homeland and have been scattered across the Earth. 
During this war, many died, many were punished, many were tortured, and many were left to deal with horrific trauma and PTSD. 
While this episode has the connecting tissue of informing others that the series’ antagonist has escaped her prison, it also centers upon the heavy issue of destructive, toxic relationships and how people can let themselves waste away and decay just because they can’t find it in themselves to let go of something that may ‘make them happy’. 
We also get a dialogue from Lucy Lacemaker about the nature of art and imitation, but it’s simply the cherry on top of the sundae that the prior themes build up. 
... Seriously, j-just go watch the show; put has-been critics out of your minds and just go appreciate this series for what it is.
Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss/Holidaze
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God, I can only be in awe of and respect Vivienne for getting to the point that she has gotten to. Two well-received animated pilots, an adorable holiday special, industry ties, and a portfolio that surely can fill two phone books at this point. 
Seriously, though, Hazbin Hotel is great: an adult animated show with an interesting art style, engaging characters, and a world that I really want to see more of. 
Helluva Boss is great too! That show has a more intimate cast and less insanity so if the barrage of visuals in the prior turned you off, then the latter would probably be more your cup of tea. 
Finally, Holidaze is fucking adorable. It boggles my mind that people were getting upset at this special for coming out and doing something different when most complaints against HH and HB were ‘ugh, she really can’t do anything aside from “offensive people in hell are offensive because HELL, lol”’. Well, here you go! Something wholesome and cute and heartwarming!
Some people just want to bitch and moan, I swear...
My personal favorite part/episode: See, here’s where it gets tricky. I love the feeling I get from Holidaze. I love the characters from Hazbin Hotel. I love the setting/premise of Helluva Boss. 
But I wouldn’t want all of those things crammed together. 
So, all in all, VivziePop and her colleagues have done an amazing job with these shorts and I can’t wait to see what 2020 has in store for them.
Dororo (2019)
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Look, man! I get it, okay?! When it comes to anime where the main character in a feudal-era Japan setting goes around killing demons, everyone and their grandma was gushing over Demon Slayer. 
And, you know what? Demon Slayer is a good show; it has really good animation and Nezuko is best girl. 
... But fuck ALL OF YOU who slept on Dororo (2019), man! I get it, Amazon having the streaming rights to it made it all sorts of awful to try and keep up with, but even so this show was way too ignored by people.
Which is a damn shame because in regards to revamping classic anime IPs, this is right up there in ‘damn, they actually did a good job’ along with Casshern Sins and Devilman Crybaby.
My personal favorite part/episode:
... Have I mentioned that the theme song for this show is an absolute BANGER?!
That’s all I have for now. I still have yet to watch things like Klaus and I Lost My Body, and I was unfortunately unable to watch Promare due to not having the funds for it when it was in theaters, and -- Oh my fucking GOD, I’m just now finding out that Netflix has Hey Arnold! The Jungle Movie after trying to find a way to legally watch it for ages. 
But I hope that I was able to introduce some of you to some animated pieces that got a little overshadowed this year. 
Here’s hoping for more amazing stuff to grace our eyes in 2020!
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