#11 years on ao3
zmediaoutlet · 2 years
One line any fic! Rules: pick ten of your fics, scroll to somewhere midpoint, pick a line chunk and share it, and then tag ten (-ish) people.
Got tagged, am bored, should remember how I used to write, let's try it, why not -- picking 10 somewhat at random from each page on ao3:
the apprentice year (sam/dean, 3k, rated m)
Are you dead. The sentence forms under Sam's tongue and he swallows it. If Dean doesn't know then asking won't help, and if he is then Sam's sunk the same way he's been for the last month. Are you real is the next question, but then if he's not real then that means Sam's crazy, and Sam knows from crazy and, really, if he is, this is the best crazy he could hope for.
Dean's looking at him, not smiling at all, now. I miss you, Dean says, unexpectedly. He flickers—like he did before, a projection cutting out—but he's shaking his head hard when he resolidifies. Shit. I don't—I don't know what that is. I don't get it. You're right here and I'm missing you. How does that work?
2. buccaneer (dean/crowley, 3k, rated e)
Deanna wakes up slowly, in the early evening. Crowley's sitting at the side of the bed, waiting for her. "Mm," is the noise she makes, and he raises his eyebrows, indulgent and curious. "We should have fun, tonight."
"What sort of fun?" he says. He slips his hand over her belly, where it's slightly soft. Too many years of burgers.
"I want—" she starts, and hums, thinking. "Music. Beer."
"Done," he says, and she grins at him, and then snakes a dangerously strong hand around his wrist, squeezes. He looks down at that, and back up at her face, and says, dry, "Unless you'd like something else, first."
3. have a cigar (sam/dean, 5k, rated e)
Dean rubs a hand up his stomach, smearing his own jizz over his belly and undershirt. His amulet's swung around on his neck, laying against the pillow. "Dude, that was sick," he says, but in a way that's weirdly admiring. Sam licks his lips, the remaining afterglow twisting in his belly. Dean lets his heels slip down the bed, his legs splayed around Sam, and he's red-faced still, but maybe that's just because they're both so—out there. Exposed. Even so, Dean touches his knee against Sam's hip, the corner of his mouth turned up. "Seriously. You're like a freight train when you get going, you know that?"
4. Campaign Events (jared/jensen, 8k, rated e)
Takes a minute for him to realize that as he's watching, he's being watched. He blinks, resurfaces, and Jensen's just—there. Right there, fully present inside the car, with his eyes on Jared's in the half-dark. His lips part, like he's going to say something, but he doesn't. The backseat isn't huge; Jared can feel the heat of him, an inch of space between their knees, both of them spreading out. Jensen's hand lifts off his thigh—white flash of it in the dark—and it hangs for a moment that has Jared's lungs frozen before it curls into a fist, and then Jensen lifts it to his own face, drags over his eyes, scrubs his cheek where the stubble's started to grow in, thick with the end of the day. Jared turns his head, stares sightless at the blurred hills, the tree-shapes and fences picked darker out of the dark, presses his fingertips to his mouth. What is he doing.
5. a long hard day, a long hard night (sam/dean, 38k, rated e)
"You know," Sam says, and clears his throat. He slides the beer aside and takes the mug. Sharp boozy smell—this isn't fine spirits. Just as well, not like he'd be able to taste it. He runs his thumb around the lipstick-red pattern on the rim. "I used to think we'd end up doing something normal? I wasn't even thinking about school, or—or marriage, or anything like that. Like somehow we could… step back, a little. Get a house, maybe straight jobs. Still go hunting, when someone needed us. Just, maybe one day we wouldn't have to deal with all the crazy." He shakes his head. Dean's watching him over the rim of his mug, his eyes steady. "Somehow something always comes along."
He takes a swallow. No flavor, of course not, but the heat of it's still sharp, alcohol flowing straight down to his gut. He licks his lips and it stings, just a little, where he's been chewing them.
"Well, we got a house," Dean says. He looks around at the kitchen, bright and familiar, and then slides his eyes back to Sam's. "And I can deal with crazy."
6. incursion (abaddon/dean, 3k, rated e)
The daze of inquisition rings hollow through his soul and he isn't fighting, isn't clawing back, but there's—something. Knowledge, somewhere deep. He thinks she's not going to win. She cocks their head, shuffles back to sit on the bed, the iron springs creaking under his weight, and pushes their fingers back into mess where the tattoo was, digging in harder to the slippery wet between skin and muscle. It makes the body quiver, trying frantically to get away from itself, and she holds it trammeled in place and curves all of it into him and sinks down and sees, now: the frantic pulsing scramble to save Sam, it didn't matter how—and before, grey woods full of fear and the joy of hunting through them, of winning, cleaving through like a knife—and before, Lucifer smiling with Sam's face like every nightmare he's ever had and swallowing, pushing down the revulsion and saying, Sammy—and before, and before, and she sinks down and down and down through this life, searching, spreading him apart on the rack of himself, until she finds it.
7. a stranger (sam/dean, 2k, rated m)
Behind his eyes the woods are grey and dangerous, familiar, and he looks instead at the lush green outside the window. Humid, here. The sun’s bright. The truck’s cab is cool with the steady hiss of A/C, not the constant absence of any kind of real life. It’s eleven hours to where Benny said his bones are planted, assuming Dean can catch a ride relatively soon once he escapes from Donald. Assuming he doesn’t have to mug anyone, or hustle someone. He doesn’t know if he can, if it comes to it. He feels like he might bite a guy’s dick off, cut his throat, before he’d earn a ride, and then what.
8. to make the sun stand still (sam/dean, s/d/benny, 11k, rated e)
That first time. After Purgatory, Sam had programmed his own number into Benny's phone, had handed it back to him in full view of Dean, said call anytime. He owed Benny more than he could say, and he'd carried his soul in his own body, poured him free of Purgatory and brought him to life same as Dean had. Hadn't been too much longer before they got the call, Benny needing help—not blood, not a rescue from another hunter. Just—contact. Someone to talk to. They'd piled into the car and driven out into the deep hills of Kentucky, Sam trying to hide how he kept trembling and trying not to puke in the passenger seat, Dean trying to pretend like he didn't notice, and met him at the lone motel on the outskirts of Hazard. Sam had watched Dean and Benny hug, like the best of friends—but Dean immediately stepped back and put his shoulder right next to Sam's, helping to hold him upright so he could shake Benny's hand without keeling over. Benny's eyes had gone sharp, looking Sam over, and Sam remembers so clearly the concerned look that he shot to Dean—concern for him, for them both. The old useless jealousy slithered away, then. They got a motel, and while Benny was in the shower washing off the dirt of living on the road Sam pulled Dean close and kissed him, hard, hoping Dean couldn't taste the old blood at the back of his tongue—wondering if Benny could smell it—and when he'd released Dean, gasping, he'd said if you want—if you still— and Dean had blinked up at him in shock and denied it, but Sam knew his brother, knew when he was denying himself something to spare Sam feelings. He'd said it won't change anything, will it? and Dean had said no, Sammy, but—and Sam had shrugged, even if he was still uneasy, said, Zeppelin's all you need, but sometimes you want a little Styx too, right? and Dean had stood there with his mouth open, his throat and cheeks flushing dark, and finally he'd said I'm telling Benny you just compared him to Styx, but his hand was tight in Sam's, and that's how Sam knew it was okay.
9. event horizon (mary & her sons, 4k, gen)
She’s sitting at the war table. The map of the world is lit from within. There are so many places, she thinks. Places she’ll never go. John has been to a lot more, but he doesn’t like to talk about that. She doesn’t blame him. She doesn’t like to talk about the stink when a body gets burned, the way it makes her hungry and repulsed at the same time. She doesn’t talk about the way her dad’s mouth tasted. He thinks she’s overreacting whenever they get a rotten egg and she throws up in the sink. For a while, she could blame it on morning sickness.
10. In the Bleak Midwinter (sam&dean, 2k, rated t)
Sam's about to retort, but stops, lips barely parted over a shaky breath. Dean's eyes are glazed, but now they look wet, not just—
"So I'd be dead, I mean, that's okay," Dean continues, tongue still shaping the words slurry and stumbling, but he just keeps going. "And you'd—you'd go on, maybe living in the bunker, with—with Kevin, and Cas could've stayed, wouldn't have made him run away. You guys woulda been fine."
He finally stops, looks down at the bottle of rum. It's a few seconds of quiet, and Sam forces himself to look away, blinks hard at the snowed-out road outside. It's so Dean, so goddamn Dean all over, talking about him dying like it'd be easier, like everyone would be better off if he just weren't—and Sam would be pissed at the same old self-sacrificing bullshit, he'd be giving in to the very real desire he's currently feeling to punch him in his idiot face, but. He's too drunk to be trying manipulation. This is honesty. He closes his eyes and flashes right back to that warm hallway, that ridiculous house, Dean wanting him old and bald, smiling a little when he talks about a picture without him in it.
and just for fun bc this is a tumblr game without scorekeepers, going to do a #11 bc I've got 11 pages of fics and this is the first one I ever posted on AO3:
11. Indeterminacy (thor/loki, loki/various, 8k, rated m)
After the explosion comes a hail of tiny frozen shards, which when examined are revealed to be fragments of smooth, gray stone. The empty plinth at the top of the tower stands empty and though the Allfather turns his face away Thor waits atop it for a long, long time, because it was in this place that his brother never was, where Thor never looked in through the window, where he never saw his brother’s face bleed of all color until he was white and black and a faint rime of frost, and though Thor wanted to he never tried to get in, because he was assured that only a crack in the universe itself would break Loki from this prison. At last, one evening as he stands on the plinth it begins to snow, and he turns away, because if he knows anything about his little brother it is that a minor thing like altering the structure of the cosmos could never stop him.
Well that was kinda fun. Now I should tag people, so I'm tagging people, and in the way this was a blast from the past let's do that with the tagging too, why not -- @hellhoundsprey, @silver9mm, @themegalosaurus, @winchestersinthedrift, @whiskeycherrypie, @alulaspeaks, @stillwaterseas, @wetsammywinchester, @lizblogging
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densewentz · 4 months
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Edwin has to bite his lip to smother his laugh, shoulders shaking minutely against tanned skin. The rough sound ratchets up a tick. Purring. The Cat King is purring.
Guys I wrote 2k of toothrotting catwin fluff! Check it out on ao3 💕
tags: edwin/cat king, established relationship, Teen, no archive warnings, kissing/cuddling, purring, excessive use of the words warmth and rumbling, just generally a sweet soft little thing tbh
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myfandomrealitea · 7 days
Wattpad's TOS are actually criminally hypocritical and ridiculous the more you read them. The website is literally just:
"Give us all your content for free to do with as we please and let us expose you to 493737573 website cookies and advertisements but also if you change the color of our logo we'll sue and if someone gets inaccurate medical advice from your fanfiction and sues we're also going to sue you for exposing us to risk."
Wattpad can mine your content but you can't mine Wattpad.
Wattpad can sue you for absolutely anything they perceive as "damaging" or "breach of terms" but the moment you make an account you release them of any and all claims, damages and responsibility.
If Anne Rice 2.0 does happen, Wattpad has so kindly declared that they reserve the right to be the sole defense, so they can throw you under the bus and then charge you for any and all fees incurred including legal and "related" costs. Oh, and you have to co-operate because, guess what? You agreed to!
In the instance you do wind up in a legal battle for your own content you're shit out of luck because Wattpad will have no part in it other than making sure its absolved of any responsibility and costs, and you're restricted to attending Court only in the Province of Ontario.
Like. How anyone still uses Wattpad is beyond me. Completely. It so obviously nothing more than a for-profit content theft facilitator. I feel like we've just moved so far beyond the need for Wattpad. Its so outdated even if you don't look at the TOS.
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littlefankingdom · 3 months
The Batman fandom infantilizing a near 30 years old white man taking in a child, saying he was a brother more than a father as if he wasn't a full grown adult taking in a child he could have birthed, but parentifying a brown young adult taking in his brother pre-teen for less than a year, saying he was a father more than a brother (only a year is barely enough but ok), or saying he was more a father to his other brothers than Bruce, when he met them when he was 18 and 21 is making me uncomfortable, ngl.
Like, Bruce is a "kid" when he became Dick's guardian when he canonically was over 25 (he started being Batman at 25), and a brother to him when he raised him for 10 years (and Dick probably has not many memories from before Bruce now), but Dick is a "father" to Damian he only had as his charge for less than a year, half of which they were fighting each others??? Make it make sense???
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ash-and-starlight · 8 months
Hi hi hi divorce speedrun or sillyguy hours? 👀👀👀
HIIII HI MWAH i already posted divorce speedrun here, so sillyguy hours is the artistic rendition of one of the Top 10 Zhu Silly Goofy Moments who had me hooting and hollering
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doukeshi-kun · 10 months
did kolya ever dispose the bodies of alex and julia? (i cant remember if that was their names hehe its been a while...)
because i've been wondering if he got caught and arrested or he just ran off too, OR he just murdered the rest of the officer's? AND HOW DARE HE KISS ANOTHER WOMAN ? was it basically just a plan to get closer to the reader at the end. i got so many questions (im still not healed 😐)
ah i just really love any discussion about stalker!nikolai bcs i really love to hear thoughts and opinions and theories from you guys 😆
well, to answer, julia was 'disposed', sort of. she was, after all, mutilated and stuffed into garbage bags and the rests of her body were thrown at the back gate of the haunted fair—near the forest. alex, well... after y/n and nikolai ran away from the police, alex's corpse was being left on the road but a few police did find him and surround his body as our main couple ran away and had their conflict somewhere.
whether kolya got caught or got bailed or ran off, that's totally up to interpretation. is this an excuse that i don't have storyline for that? no! bcs i do have the real answer on how nikolai is still 'free' even after all that incident and why he kissed the woman.
and below this :readmore:, i'm telling briefly on what actually happened (from the writer's perspective lmao). but again, i did intentionally leave the details bcs i like to have my readers interpret the scenes however they want
so, firstly, whether nikolai does possess The Overcoat in this au does not matter. in my mind, he was caught up by the polices and there are already several implications that he has connection with fyodor still (based from ivan's scene). he complied with the authority while also depending on fyodor (or anyone you want, really... or perhaps himself) to help him with the proofs and accusations. so, yes, he was caught up and complied to the authorities. i believe nikolai is not a man who kill unnecessarily (alex is necessary lmao and julia... well, he killed her bcs she made y/n's life horrible. so she got that chop chop). as i believed he is such a man, i can't really see him murdering all the polices... especially after his funfair was raided, alex's corpse was left on the road near the fair, etc. the most logical way to do this is to play smart. and besides, in BSD universe itself, the polices are kinda weak and like.... how many fucking murderers roaming the BSD world😭 pretty sure nikolai can tweak the law and system easily, especially considering he was a secretary for the ministry of justice years ago.
but! like i said, you can freely think however you want him to escape or be free. he killed the polices? sure! he escaped thru his portal? yeay! he just get caught and spent 3 months in jail? okay! — after all, you are the reader.
secondly, yes, he kissed maya (i was hurted too writing that goddamn) and fortunately he rejected her offer to have sex because he is THAT loyal. and well, while he made out with maya purely to manipulate the poor lady emotionally to get to the reader, but hey :) at least he kissed you back thousands times more desperate and hungrier and passionate.
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lilac-rose-writes · 5 months
As someone who's been writing Kindergarten fanfics since 2021, I have to say that I'm excited by the new trailer!
In all the time I've known this fandom, it's been rather inactive & very small. Now don't get me wrong, that's absolutely lovely. The Kindergarten community is is one of the best I've ever had the pleasure of being in, everyone is so talented, and being so small means that pretty much everyone knows pretty much everyone! These past few years have shaped me so much as a person, and I can attribute a great deal of my current writing skill to having these games available to take inspiration from & write about.
They mean a lot to me, and being able to write about the cast so much for so long has allowed for a sort of understanding & connection with their characters that I haven't really experienced on such high a level anywhere else. It's like I know these kids and their messed-up world, and having new elements added into the mix that I can't control is, I admit, the tiniest bit daunting.
After all- what if the new game doesn't live up to expectations? What if I don't enjoy it as much? What if the characterisation is different? What if everyone else likes it and I don't? Where the HELL are my hoodie children???
But at the same time, this is such a wonderful opportunity to welcome new artists & writers to our little community, and to potentially have a huge boom of beautiful contributions. Despite being so active under the Kindergarten tag on AO3, I only really joined the fandom 3 years ago, and KG2 was made in 2019. As long as I've known it, this place has been pretty dead.
Since coming to tumblr a few months ago and seeing all of the brilliant art and AUs on here, I've grown sure that this will continue be a fabulous fandom to be a part of, no matter what the new game brings. It's so full of creative, talented people, and I look forward to seeing it come a little more to life once again!
Thank you all for the past 3 years, and for everything that came before. I can't wait to see what we'll do next <3
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pokimoko · 8 months
What the Living Do - Doctor Who Fic
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Written by pokimoko
Chapters: 1/1
Word Count: ~23.5K
Fandom: Doctor Who (2005)
Rating: General Audiences
Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Relationships: Fourteenth Doctor & Donna Noble, Fourteenth Doctor & Rose Noble (Doctor Who: The Star Beast), The Doctor (Doctor Who) & Companion(s), The Doctor (Doctor Who) & Original Character(s)
Characters: Fourteenth Doctor (Doctor Who), Donna Noble, Rose Noble (Doctor Who: The Star Beast), Background & Cameo Characters, Original Characters, (a lot of characters haunting the heck out of the narrative)
Tags: Grief/Mourning, anticipatory grief, Post-Episode: 2023 Special 03: The Giggle (Doctor Who), Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Character Study, Slice of Life, Fluff and Angst, Haunting, Healing, The Doctor (Doctor Who) Uses He/Him Pronouns, (but it's a 'David Tennant-shaped immortal fucking with gender' kind of he/him ya feel me), The Doctor getting to live his Laundry and Taxes Life, Queerplatonic Relationships, The Doctor (Doctor Who) Needs a Hug, POV The Doctor (Doctor Who), Ghosts, Extended Metaphors, Past Character Death, Personification, The Doctor & Donna Noble Friendship, Angst with a Happy Ending
Summary: Having settled down with Donna and her family, the Doctor is slowly but surely getting used to living a normal, human life, along with all the simple joys that come with it.
That is, until the ghosts of his old friends start to appear, and with them, old hurts. Grief creeping in, the Doctor must confront not only his past, but also what awaits him in the future.
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passi0n--snapping · 5 months
I need someone to write a really good adaine/oisin fic so I can cope with finding out oisin is almost certainly evil by losing myself in some canon-divergent flirting
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peachandpinwheel · 1 year
I've recently noticed a lot more posts begging people to leave comments if they like a fic. There's a reason.
I've been writing fic across various platforms for nearly two decades. I started when I was 12 (writing self insert of course) on fanfiction.net. I have written for big fandoms and small, popular ships and rarepairs. I have been a hermit and I have been a big name writer.
And I have never, in all those years, seen so little comments on fics. Things have really changed, and it's honestly pretty discouraging.
We aren't tiktok creators. We don't churn out loads of content hoping one of them finds an audience. We aren't working an algorithm.
Most writers don't write for praise, they write because they love writing. But we are still human. We want to know if our work means anything to anyone. We want to know that the time and effort it took was worth it. We want other people to find our work, which if they search by comments, gets harder and harder.
If you liked a fic, if you want that author to write more, please leave a comment, however short. Two words means the world when you know someone took the time to say them.
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gingerswagfreckles · 1 year
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aithusarosekiller · 1 year
I'm never gonna be forgiven for this, it's gonna be screenshotted and spread around the internet by my evil friends
But I...
I miss my 2018 wolfstar phase
I said it
Bye bye to my reputation I guess
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ano-po · 8 months
My quite old cousin was lamenting about celebrity break ups of 2023 and she quote,
"There are just two people you want to see together, you know. It's hard to explain but... you just want them together and you try to look for videos and pictures of them together even though they are clearly made-up"
Oh cousin, you do not know the battles I've been.
You don't know my sinful ships,
The "videos and pictures" I made myself,
The written stories I made up for them,
You don't know it all.
You do not know the battles I've been.
But I stayed silent.
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novantinuum · 1 year
ahhhh lmafo i see it’s once again the season of stupid ass crit posts about AO3 being run purely by donations, and also stupid ass posts that assume that people donating to AO3 because of their love and appreciation for it is somehow taking away support from other charities and donation drives
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thebestbooksaround · 1 year
Trying to guess a child's age in fanfic based only on how they talk...
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im-that-onebitch · 8 months
my first fanfiction experience was reading house of Anubis fics on the nickelodeon community forums when I was 11
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