hatenate · 4 months
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I rarely post anything here, but sometimes I want to show off my collection everywhere.
Silly Scream - Miles of Smiles. There are only 600 copies of this album in the world. Strange fact, but then this band turned into Bourbon Crow
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immortal apollo kids headcanons!
this is specifically for the rrverse versions of Apollo's immortal kids! but feel free to think about it in the mythology context too! :3
still has a room in Apollo's palace
still sleeps in it
but he also has a room in Eros's because he's an Erote
this makes for some awkward situations when Apollo and/or Eros have to go to the other's place to grab him for something or other
they basically share custody of him
divorced dads behavior
when he was little he tried to get people to marry his dad because he reeeally wanted to plan his dad's wedding
technically, he succeeded, because he was the one who made Apollo/Cyrene's marriage official XD
his hair is fluffy like a sheep's fluff. also somewhere between strawberry-blonde and a very light amber. and reaches to just under his chin. don't forget the floppiness tho >:3
has his dad's bright blue eyes
LOVES his dad's swans. and corvids. he loves birds.
probably because he also has wings
wings are brilliantly white with a soft pink and gold flush
never looks older than 16
many of the other Erotes find Apollo hot. Hymen is distinctly horrified to know this.
Himeros: Your dad's a DILF
Hymen: a what?
Anteros: don't you dare-
Himeros: A Dad I'd Like to FUCK-
Hymen: *much screaming*
also still has a room in Apollo's palace
as a matter of fact, he still lives in said room
his room is also in apollo's basement (he wanted it there)
he is the emo kid. but he's also not necessarily antisocial
he just likes his solitude. and honestly, mood
imagine dragons is a favorite band. and hozier. he likes "slower" songs as well as sad ones
has Apollo's long hair, but in a very dark brown
has vivid green eyes. like radioactive ones.
likes ponytails
cows are his favorite animal
they are calm creatures he can ramble too so he likes them
knows a lot about things. comes with listening rather than talking ;)
WILL infodump
these girls are the PARTY KIDS
they are the ones throwing parties in their dad's house at 2 am
they also still live in Apollo's palace
frequent clubs and discos; can be seen at concert venues and are in many of the big city concerts (ie, Las Vegas, Madrid, Vienna, ect.)
Borysthenis is the 'oldest' (Hypatē - the lowerest & first string on the lyre); has curly brown hair and dark green eyes
Apollonis is the 'middle' (Mesē - the middle string); has Apollo's blonde hair, but straight, and dark eyes (crow-like, even... >;3)
and Cephisso is the 'youngest' (Nētē - the highest string); has poofy black hair and silvery-blue eyes
Hypatē has a comfy sort of style, such as sweaters and sandals
Mesē likes to wear aesthetically dark clothes with silver accents
Nētē wears blouses and loose jackets
one time they highjacked the sun chariot and got away with it by pulling the puppy eyes
they have demigod children in CHB
the baby
died at 15- still treated like he's 10
snuck onto the Argo mission at 13
Idmon and Orpheus played pass the babysitter with Jason
He kicked Heracles in the shins once for "trying to steal my dad's stuff!!"
Atalanta and Asclepius were buddies
The Boreads played games with him to keep him occupied
went on the Calydonian Boar Hunt to make sure Atalanta didn't 1) hurt herself; or 2) kill someone
he grew up in the beginning stages of CHB
in 'camp' with him were: Jason (the oldest), Atalanta (raised by bears), and Hippolytus (it was his boarding school).
Theseus dropped by sometimes and Asclepius was able to smuggle his way into his belongs so he could visit Athens. just because :)
Jason and Atalanta freaked out and they and Hippolytus went on a 'quest' to find him
Phoebe the hunter is his favorite sister
he befriends snakes quickly
he died at 15
his death pushed Phoebe into distancing herself from her other siblings
when he was resurrected, he wasn't allowed to see Apollo
his only visitors in his prison medical school is his wife and children. he hasn't seen or heard from his father or any sibling in centuries.
has his mother's shiny black hair but his father's curls as well as his bright blue eyes
the REAL baby
has anxiety
severe imposter syndrome
pov: all your siblings are great and wonderful and accomplished people. and you made cheese and honey :)
mom and dad were very proud of u ofc but you feel like you didn't even do much
especially when your cool older brother went on the Argo mission even though he knew he would die (RIP Idmon)
gets easily defensive over agriculture (specifically the innovations and how they have taken over the Good Ol' Days's way aka his way)
(he got that from his dad <3)
he also got his dad's blonde hair, but in a honey tone. his skin tone is also darker and closer in shade to Cyrene's
makes really good charcuterie boards
hangs out in the Midwest
visits his mom in Cyrene, Libya (he is a good son ty)
(ironically) mice are his favorite from his dad's sacred animals
he hates locusts though
don't u love it that apollo's number is 7 and he has 7 immortal kids...
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Prompts I’ve seen/found online that I have used an inspiration for many things, but mainly DP X DC stuff.
There’s 200 prompts/quotes in there
1. They match each other’s freak to a degree that is dangerous to the public.
2. People often mistake me for an adult because of my age.
3. “I have a solution.”
“Thank goodness.”
“It involves fire.”
“Absolutely not.”
4. Why are you hiding behind me? What did you do?
5. We can’t have a crisis - my schedule is already full!
6. “What’s our exit strategy?”
“Our what?”
“We’re all going to die.”
7. That is a terrible, horrible, incredibly foolish idea. Let’s do it and see what happens.
8. “This coffee tastes weird.”
“That’s probably because it’s not coffee.”
9. “Can I bother you for a second?”
“You always bother me, but go ahead.”
10. “Are you mad?”
“So sharpening knives at 2am is just a hobby?”
11. I’m going to give my inner child a gun.
12. Your inability to learn complicated handshakes is tearing this gang apart.
13. I get so affectionate when I’m sleepy it’s disgusting.
14. Leaving a watermelon on someone’s doorstep in the middle of the night is a pretty inexpensive way to occupy a portion of their mind forever.
15. No offence to myself or anything but what the fuck am I doing.
16. I would love to be mysterious but I never shut the fuck up.
17. The divorce rate amongst my socks is astonishing.
18. Adulthood is a scam I want to be a crow.
19. Good morning! God has let me live another day and I’m about to make it everybody’s problem.
20. My house is haunted because I live there.
21. That’s my emotional support entity of questionable moral standing.
22. God released me into the wild and now he’s hunting me for sport.
23. No, no you don’t want to get to know me, I’m better as a concept.
24. I can’t wait until I’m old enough to pretend I can’t hear.
25. Do birds every just fly for fun or are they always on some kind of mission?
26. The older I get the more I understand why roosters scream to start their day.
27. ‘You’ll understand when you’re older.’ I am older and I understand absolutely nothing.
28. Source? It was revealed to me in a delusion.
29. Why do drugs after 30 when you can just stand up too fast?
30. I won’t ever be the bigger person in an argument. God made me 5’ for a reason.
31. This meeting could have been a fist fight.
32. I’ve come to the conclusion that I’m never going to have a midlife crisis because my entire fucking life is a crisis.
33. Anyone fancy going off the fucking rails with me I’ve had enough.
34. Go ahead and get in the pond since you wanna act like a silly goose.
35. My life is like a romantic comedy except there’s no romance and it’s just me laughing at my own jokes.
36. Who the fuck decided to call it ‘emotional baggage’ and not ‘griefcase?’
37. I don’t have a nervous system. I am a nervous system.
38. “What makes us human?”
“Selecting all of the images with traffic lights.”
39. Don’t let anyone else ruin your day. It’s your day. Ruin it yourself.
40. The sixth love language is combat.
41. “I just told you 2 minutes ago.”
“I do not control the remember.”
42. Due to not wanting to. I will not be.
43. My flabbers be gasted daily.
44. “Are you seeing anyone?”
“Like a hallucination, a therapist, or a person?”
45. “You’re the most ridiculous person I’ve ever met.”
“Thank you I try my best.”
46. I tried to embrace my inner child today and the little asshole bit me.
47. I think my dark under eye circles are adding to the aesthetic actually.
48. Being smart has never stopped me from being a complete fucking idiot.
49. Next time I’m opening up to someone will be at my autopsy.
50. Too many songs about love. Not enough song about sword fights.
51. “You’re cute.”
“I’m feral and chaotic, don’t touch me.”
52. I’m not as unhinged as I could be and I want everyone to be great full for that.
53. How dare you know stuff about things.
54. “I have a plan.”
“Is it a good one?”
“I have a plan.”
55. “Are you decent?”
“Not morally, but I’m wearing pants if that’s what you’re asking.”
56. I may have the right to remain silent but I do not have the ability.
57. I don’t want to look ‘pretty.’ I want to look otherworldly and vaguely threatening.
58. If you ever feel safe please remember that I’m out there.
59. “I’m too good for revenge.”
“Well I’m not. Give me the gun.”
60. “You know I really feel like we aren’t seeing eye to eye.
“It’s because you’re taller than me asshole.”
61. “They rely on you.”
“I can’t be blamed for their lack of judgment..”
62. Well, aren’t you a little Ray of pitch black.
63. I can get behind murder but I draw the line at misogyny.
64. In my defence your honour, I simply do not vibe with the law.
65. Life is a tornado and I’m just the cow being spun around for cinematic value.
66. You can burn all the sage you want, I’ll be back.
67. I believe in holding grudges. I’ll heal in hell.
68. You know…they make medication for the way you act.
69. I like men with massive, throbbing vocabularies.
70. My swear jar could finance the fucking space program.
71. “Well if you want my opinion-”
“I don’t. I have my own.”
72. I’m awake but not operational.
73. Due to personal reasons I’ll be going back to sleep.
74. The bags under my eyes are Prada.
75. I identify as a threat. My pronouns are try/me.
76. Audacity must be on sale this year…
77. “Have you ever been handcuffed?”
“Sexually or by law enforcement?”
78. I don’t like salad or eye contact.
79. “Come here.”
“Just come here.”
“No you’re gonna hit me!”
80. “I didn’t catch your name.”
“I didn’t throw it.”
81. I have to keep reminding myself that I am an adult and will be charged as one.
82. Apparently ‘spite’ is not an appropriate answer to ‘what motives you?’
83. There is a fine line between my crazy and my intelligence. I use that line like a jump rope.
84. I don’t know where you got your opinion but I hope you kept the receipt.
85. Sometimes when I close my eyes…I can’t see.
86. Is being stupid a profession or are you just gifted?
87. Some days the supply of available curse words is insufficient to meet my demands.
88. I’m running out of reasons to not stab you.
89. When I said ‘how stupid can you be?’ It wasn’t a challenge.
90. Love at first sight? Tired, boring. Love at first assassination attempt? Spicy.
91. I’m sorry I don’t take orders. I barley take suggestions.
92. And that’s a wrap on another day where I acted like I knew what I was doing.
93. Now if you’ll excuse me…tonight’s bad decision isn’t going to make itself.
94. I take super hot showers to practice burning in hell.
95. I wanna be 14 again and ruin my life differently. I have new ideas.
96. Don’t be ashamed of who you are. That’s your parent’s job.
97. Being an adult is the dumbest thing I’ve ever done.
98. If I’m ever murdered, feel comfort in knowing I ran my mouth until the bitter end.
99. My spirit animal would fucking eat yours.
100. Some people will only like you if you fit inside their box. Don’t be afraid to shove that box up their ass.
101. I wonder if people look both ways before getting on my fucking nerves.
102. If I was a bird, I know who I’d shit on.
103. Giving a fuck doesn’t really go with my outfit.
104. I’m not insulting you, I’m describing you.
105. Life is full of disappointments and I just added you to the list.
106. And then I decided to take a detour to deliver an ass beating.
107. I wanna contribute to the chaos.
108. I’m gay and also stronger than all of you. So don’t try any shit.
109. With all due respect, which is none
110. What, pray tell, the fuck?
111. My arson charges don’t define me.
112. Those are bold words for someone in stabbing range.
113. I don’t understand your specific kind of crazy but I do admire your total commitment to it.
114. I am not above slashing my own tires to avoid going to this family brunch.
115. I don’t want to heal my inner child I want them to get revenge.
116. In order to insult me I must first value your opinion. Nice try though.
117. There’s someone for everyone and the person for you is a psychiatrist.
118. Keep rolling your eyes, maybe you’ll find a brain back there.
119. I think my guardian angel drinks.
120. In my defence, I was left unsupervised.
121. I believe in you. I also believe in Bigfoot so don’t get too excited.
122. If you figure me out I want an explanation.
123. I don’t think I meet the height requirements to ride your emotional roller coaster.
124. When killing them with kindness doesn’t work, try voodoo.
125. Another fine day ruined by responsibility.
126. You call them swear words. I call them sentence enhancers.
127. Stop petting my peeves.
128. What a year this week has been.
129. Don’t follow me I don’t know where I’m going.
130. Due to unfortunate circumstances, I am awake.
131. I didn’t say it was your fault, I said I was blaming you.
132. Please don’t interrupt me while I’m ignoring you.
133. Everyone has the right to be stupid but you’re abusing the privilege.
134. I just know I will die trying to pet something I shouldn’t.
135. At this point, if a clown invited me into the woods, I’d just go.
136. I told him to take care of his eyes because they’re the only balls he has.
137. The trash gets picked up tomorrow. Be ready.
138. My last words will probably be sarcastic.
139. We don’t have time to unpack all that.
140. I may have committed light treason.
141. How is ‘pretty boy’ supposed to be an insult? I’m the prettiest goddamn boy in this town.
142. I’m not interested in being polite or heterosexual.
143. “Based on statistical evidence, I’m immortal.”
“How so?”
“Haven’t died yet.”
144. I’m just here to establish an alibi.
145. Take the day off from being the bigger person and choose violence, you deserve it.
146. Forgive and forget? I’m neither Jesus nor do I have alzheimers.
147. People are so ungrateful. No one ever thanks me for having the patience to not kill them.
148. “I can see your bra.”
“Fucking good it was expensive.”
149. Sir, that’s my emotional support knife collection.
150. My idea of ‘help from above’ is a sniper on the roof.
151. “We’re surrounded!”
“Excellent, we can attack in any direction!
152. Lord give me patience or an untractable handgun.
153. Step back! I’m a professional idiot!
154. “Trust your gut.”
“I have anxiety. My gut is always telling me to abort mission.”
155. Keep your morals away from me.
156. Your existence gives me a headache go stand over there.
157. What, from the bottom of my heart, the fuck?
158. My heart is not a home for cowards.
159. Underestimate me so I can embarrass you.
160. “It’ll be easy. You just have to seduce them.”
“You’re kidding, right? I’m about as seductive as a cabbage.”
161. You’ve got heart, kid. Several hearts. Honestly, I’m a little scared of you.
162. It takes a very special kind of idiot to pull off what you just did.
163. I’m no doctor - but I think he’s dead.
164. I love you. You enormously stubborn pain in the ass.
165. “What brings you here?”
“A continuum of terrible choices.”
“You’d be surprised to know how often people say that.”
166. “I thought we agreed to tell each other when we were bleeding internally.”
“That’s a very specific promise I don’t remember making.”
167. “Did you really google how to flirt with a girl?”
“What? How’d you know that?”
“You do realise there’s a search history?”
168. “I’m gonna…”
“If you kick down the door, I swear…”
169. “Is it still murder if I give them a heads up?”
“That’s a threat.”
170. Surprise! I’m back from the dead! Isn’t that exciting?
171. Don’t mind me, I’ll just be in the corner, having another existential crisis.
172. I’d agree with you, but then we’d both be wrong.
173. You’re important to me you piece of shit.
174. “Why are your hands purple?”
“That’s a very good question.”
175. Can someone turn off the sun please?
176. “I had a thought.”
“Oh no.”
“I swear it’s a good one this time!”
177. I’ve met bread smarter than you.
178. “Please stop getting shot, it stresses me out.”
“Oh, well if YOU don’t like it.”
179. Dude, we are not asking the dragon for directions.
180. You’ve got as much charm as a dead slug.
181. For you, I could steal the stars - but I can also get them through legitimate means, if that impresses you more.
182. I am under no obligation to make sense to you.
183. You smile like an idiot when you’re talking to them.
184. Don’t you sign to me in that tone.
185. Excuse me. I have to go make a scene.
186. “Shut up.”
“I didn’t say anything.”
“Don’t care. Shut up.”
187. Now that I made it weird, I’m going to make my exit.
188. So uh, I noticed you’re kinda naked. Is that intentional or…?
189. “Do you trust me?”
“Smart man.”
190. Well, if you’d woken up properly the first time I kicked you, I wouldn’t have had to do it four more times.
191. “I have NEVER been so insulted.”
“You don’t listen much, do you?”
192. “Don’t you know who I am?”
“Yup. I just don’t care.”
193. I didn’t really know what I was getting myself into. I just thought it would be amusing.
194. I would tell you to be yourself but that almost got us killed last time.
195. “Why aren’t you worshipping me, mortal?”
“Not interested. Thanks.”
196. “I’d rather be dead.”
“Then I have some good news for you.”
197. “Did you hear that scream?”
“Yes, I’m the one who screamed.”
198. “What happened to your-”
“I lost a bet.”
“I don’t want to talk about it.”
199. Reading way above my grade level didn’t get me as far in life as I had hoped.
200. Due to foreseen circumstances well within my control I will be late.
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edensfixations · 3 months
hehe imagine if Deku had a twin sibling who was a big Hawks fan (but is more low-key about it) and coincidentally had a recessive quirk that gave them 2 pairs of retractable wings
AHH i LOVE these platonic au's!
we're going bullet point form!
• izuku has a twin sister? 🤨 her name? isaki!!
• isaki, just like her brother, doesn't hold much height! she's around 5 feet tall, very defensive about it! she's got the same green curly hair but longer! she has freakles and glasses (courtesy of her reading late at night in the dark and unlucky genetics.)
• anyway, contrary to her brother, she has a quirk. she got it when she was five and absolutely went batshit crazy when feathers sprouted out of her back a random saturday morning. she ran straight to izuku and he was no help whatsoever. he screamed louder than her!
• over the years her quirk has grown and developed! for a bit she ended up randomly floating causing a massive panic to her mother and amusement from her brother. her wings had grown into large black wings that resembles a crows.
• she's gained many nicknames from people. from her mother, dove. from her brother, saki and raven! katsuki however calls her shadow for an array of unfortunate reasons but at least she doesn't get the same treatment as her brother!!
• when the midoriya twins turned 12 a new hero made his way onto the scene! an 18 year old with his own company??!?!? suddenly in the top 10 in only 6 months???? WHAT?!?
• hawks having an amazing reputation like this immediately after debuting had him have eyes on him constantly! and isaki wasn't any different!
• while her brother was OBSESSED with all might since they were kids, she had only idolised him a bit. he was 100% her biggest inspiration and thought only the most highly of him but she never wanted to be a hero until she saw hawks! I mean she practically bounced off the walls when she saw someone with a similar quirk!
• over the next 2 years she had slowly built a merch a collection, a pathetic one really because she mostly used her pocket money for food and books while her brother never really used his money for anything but all might!
•her merch collection includes a few posters, 3 hoodies, an action figure and a bobble head as well as some limited edition sneakers that she'll NEVER admit she qued overnight for.
• similar to her twin brother, she also keeps a little notebooks. she however keeps about 4? 2 for hawks and 2 for everyone else. after deciding she'd like to follow her quirkless brother and his deranged frenemy to ua, she starts assessing some of her favourite heroes, namely hawks and his techniques and how to utilise them.
• so from ages 13-15 you'll just see an isaki midoriya flying around in her backyard practicing moves she learnt from hawks via the internet.
• when izuku had started his 10 month intense training with a mystery man izuku hadn't told her about, she decided to start her own 10 month training. hers however contained a gym and her doing combat training with whoever was training there too and up for it! there she met tenya iida! story for another time.
• however, about 5 months into her training, she had particularly drained herself that day. because of this she was barely paying attention to her surroundings. it was quite a shock to her when she had been suddenly grabbed from the ground and sped off about a block away when where she once was!
• who was it? pro hero hawks of course! naturally, isaki was completely star struck. she could not BELIEVE who was standing in front of her right now!!! she was barely listening to him warning her to watch where she's walking so she doesn't get run over by a car (she walked into traffic, whoops!) she snapped out of trance when she heard him say, "nice wings, kid" before he was gone.
•isaki flew home and screamed into her pillow!!! she couldn't believe that happened! HE COMPLIMENTED HER WINGS!!!!!! she was so close to him! practically hugging him! (delusion)
• upon her screaming her mother and brother enter her room, curious, afraid and wanting answers.
• she looks up from her pillow, pink faced and hyperventilating, "HE SAID I HAVE NICE WINGS!!" her wings start fluttering creating a small breeze. it's a small habit she picked up from when she was little. her little family chuckled at her words. "Who??" "That guy from the gym??" "NO HAWKS. I CAN DIE HAPPY."
• isaki is now laying on the ground while her brothers jaw is slack and her mother leaves, giggling to herself.
• needless to say, she wore her hoodie and limited edition sneakers to bed that night.
(pls send requests I loved doing this so muchhhh!!)
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tqavaaas · 8 months
𐙚˙✧˖°📷 ༘ ⋆。 ˚ .ᐟ [THE STRONGEST]
༊*·˚ ୧ ‧₊˚ ☾ ༘
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·.𐙚 ༉‧ 五条 悟
𝖲𝖴𝖬𝖬𝖠𝖱𝖸 ┊ 𝘳𝘢𝘯𝘥𝘰𝘮 𝘳𝘰𝘮𝘢𝘯𝘵𝘪𝘤 𝘴𝘤𝘦𝘯𝘢𝘳𝘪𝘰𝘴 𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘩 𝘨𝘰𝘫𝘰
𝖶𝖠𝖱𝖭𝖨𝖭𝖦𝖲 ┊ 𝘮𝘢𝘯𝘨𝘢 𝘴𝘱𝘰𝘪𝘭𝘦𝘳𝘴, 𝘴𝘩𝘰𝘳𝘵, 𝘧𝘭𝘶𝘧𝘧 & 𝘢𝘯𝘨𝘴𝘵
𝖯𝖠𝖨𝖱𝖨𝖭𝖦𝖲 ┊ 𝘎𝘰𝘫𝘰 𝘹 𝘧𝘦𝘮!𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳
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#1 ::
You were a 3rd year teacher at Toyko Jujutsu high. Recently, two of your students had been suspended; gojo couldn’t miss that opportunity.
“Nice going, [name]” he mocked in a sarcastic tone, a toothy grin rested on his face—sitting on your desk making all sorts of expressions.
“I’d rather have my students suspended than executed.” You retorted with a hum, deciding to take a seat next to your boyfriend. Gojo was quick to take your hand in his.
“Itadori is loads of fun!” He mumbled; A soft chuckle escaped your lips as you held his hand.
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#2 ::
You were out with gojo and the first years: Megumi, Nobara, and Itadori.
Nobara, itadori and gojo were all admiring something—you had no idea what is was. While you and megumi were seated on a bench nearby.
“How can you handle Gojo?” Megumi asked in a monotone, his expression was filled with boredom as he checked his phone several times. “I can hardly see someone as calm as you with someone as.. chaotic as gojo.” He added with a frown.
“I’ve known him since we were first years, I guess I just learned how to calm him down over time.” You said with a smile, leaning back on the bench.
“You should teach me th-“ megumi spoke, but was quickly cut off by gojos loud scream of your name.
“babe, I just found this stand with really good kikufuku, try some!” He said, handing you a piece as he happily munched on his own piece.
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#3 ::
Megumi was practicing on a field in the outskirts of the city, you were watching him and giving him some pointers.
“Were you about to summon mahoraga?” You said, brows furrowing, glancing at the way his hands are positioned.
“possibly.” Megumi said, a slightly rasp voice as his hands were now in his pockets. You chuckled at his words. But the warming scene had shifted when a loud thud caught you off guard.
“Volcano head?” Megumi said confused, you shook your head.
“No, this one seems stronger than that one.” You responded, your stance quickly changed into a battle stance. “Megumi, go get help.” You ordered, he didn’t bother responding and quickly went off.
“I’ve seen you around with gojo before.” The cursed spirit said, eying your every move. “I guess you could be my one way ticket to gojo.”
The cursed spirit had an incredible amount of cursed energy, it was Atleast 13 of sukunas fingers. And you were only about 8. You sighed as you knew you were going to loose, it was just a matter of how long you could hold up.
you held up decently, it had been around 15 minutes. Sure you were badly injured, but it wasn’t something shoko couldn’t heal.
“Gojo satoru, if you don’t show up right now. I will kill this girl.” It said, you were still able to put on a good fight for around another 10 minutes. Or that’s what you thought.
Before the finishing blow was able to reach you, gojos voice filled the air.
“You can’t go around killing people that mean a lot to me.”
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he said he was the strongest, everyone knew he was the strongest. It might’ve just been in the modern era, but they all knew he would win.
but there he was, being broadcasted from Mei Mei’s crows, half of his body lying on the ground. It had a soft smile plastered on his face. Sukuna momentarily praised him.
your eyes were widened—filled to the brim with tears. hands covering your agape mouth. Itadori’s hand rested on your shoulder in an attempting way to comfort you.
“I will win” what a liar. If he said he’d win, why was he lying dead on the ground. You refused to believe he was gone. The same energetic, confident guy. Tears started streaming down your face, but you were angry at him, it wasn’t Gojo’s fault, everyone knew it.
but he wished you knew how you were the last person in his mind, before he died alongside megumi.
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rottenpumpkin13 · 5 months
Making AGSZC go to an amusement park together would be a spectacular view
Things That Happen At The Amusement Park
Genesis is excited to ride the zipper again, a ride notorious for being hard to handle. Except it's a two-person ride and Angeal refuses to go with him, citing that the last time he went on it, he met the goddess. Sephiroth unwisely offers to go with him. *Sephiroth and Genesis are strapped in before the ride starts* Sephiroth: You said this is a safe, ferris-wheel-type ride, correct? Genesis, lying: Absolutely. Sephiroth: Alright. I'm sure it's not so bad. After all, we're SOLDIER. We're trained to handle everything. *3 minutes into the ride, when they're being violently tossed around* Sephiroth: GENESIS YOU SON OF A BITCH Genesis: YOU KISS YOUR MOTHER WITH THAT MOUTH? Sephiroth: I'M ABOUT TO, WHEN I REUNITE WITH HER IN TWO MINUTES.
Zack finds a stand that sells deep-fried butter wrapped in bacon dipped in cheese, thinks he found heaven, and eats 13 before he starts looking green and Angeal confiscates it from him.
Angeal wants Cloud and Zack to take pictures with some theme park characters, so he ushers the boys towards them and coordinates a cute pose. Angeal: There, now smile—Zack stop crying, Kenny Crow can't hurt you. Zack, sobbing with Kenny Crow's arm gripped tightly around him: HELP
The boys meet up again to go on the drop ride together. What they don't tell you before you go on the ride, is that the more it creeps up to the sky, the more you're inclined to believe that you will die, so start confessing to everything. *Right before the drop* Sephiroth: Gentlemen, it has been an honor serving alongside you. Genesis, scared: STOP SAYING THAT! WE'RE NOT GONNA DIE! Zack: Okay! Cloud, remember that slice of pizza you were saving in the fridge? I ate it, man! I'm sorry! Sephiroth: There will be no pizza in heaven. Genesis, sobbing: STOP IT! Cloud: It's okay! Remember your favorite mug that mysteriously broke? That was me! Sephiroth: Creature comforts such as colorful mugs will not be available after death. Genesis, screaming: HELP
They lose Sephiroth in the park and split up trying to find him. It turns out Sephiroth got distracted by one of those carnival booth games where you win prizes if you can shoot at the targets. It's supposed to be rigged, but somehow Sephiroth shot all of them. *They finally locate Sephiroth* Zack: Thank GOD—What the heck is that?? *Sephiroth is holding a giant stuffed moogle* Sephiroth: The fruits of my labor.
Angeal ends up tying a balloon to Sephiroth's wrist. This is non-negotiable and Sephiroth now has to walk around the park with a shame balloon shaped like a dragon.
They visit a haunted house. Cloud: I'm not sure about this….It looks kinda dangerous. Zack: Don't be ridiculous, Cloud. What could be dangerous about some dumb kiddy haunted house that's filled with a bunch of actors in costumes? *10 minutes later* *All five of them run out screaming, being chased by an evil clown with a chainsaw* Genesis: SEPHIROTH RUN! Sephiroth: I'm not bothered by the evil clown. If anything he reminds me of you before you have your morning coffee.
Genesis, offended, takes a swing at Sephiroth. Angeal, Zack and Cloud come back for them and find the evil clown separating the two, who are fighting.
Then they go on a roller coaster. It's all fun and games until the carts get stuck at the very top right before the drop. Genesis gets bored very easily and starts reciting Loveless. Angeal did not know rage until he was in this situation. *Zack starts crying because he can't take it anymore* Genesis: Aww, Puppy? Have I moved you to tears? I'll start over from the top. When the war of the beats brings about the world's end…." *Zack screams and sobs harder*
They visit the gift shop to buy souvenirs. Angeal walks out with shot glasses, Genesis with an expensive notebook, and Zack and Cloud with more stuffed animals and figurines they can carry.
The only thing that appeals to Sephiroth is a set of 5 keychains, each shaped like puzzle pieces that connect to each other.
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macbethsymphony · 4 months
The Swordsman and the Blacksmith | Chapter 15
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Roronoa Zoro x Reader
Chapter wc: 2.1k
Chapter rating: SFW
Content/Warnings: NSFW, 18+, Fem!Reader, Enemies to lovers, SLOW slow burn, Eventual smut
Summary: Your skills as a blacksmith have made you desirable to both the government and pirates. You know you have to leave this island if you want to escape your fate, but that doesn't make the choice of leaving any easier. Roronoa Zoro is intrigued by your skills as a blacksmith. Your work is like nothing he's ever seen before. Unfortunately, you're hot-headed and he's rude and you both definitely hate each other.
Chapters [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14]
Slowly crossposting from AO3 Feel like binging the rest of it? it's all there!
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Chapter 15: Not a Mistake
Straw Hat Luffy was happy. There had been a fleeting moment in which he hadn’t been sure of his decision to ask you to join his crew but watching you and Zoro argue over your progress with Sandai Kitetsu brought a smile to his face.
The altercation was heating up. He grinned as you shouted a colorful string of profanities at the swordsman. The animosity that had once existed between the two of you was evidently gone, replaced by a strange camaraderie he didn’t quite understand. It didn’t matter, really. So long as you all enjoyed yourselves.
He readjusted his hat with a casual flick as he continued to observe. You somehow reminded him of Ace, with that fiery temper of yours. It was almost nostalgic. You let out your haki as anger flared in you. He chuckled at the display, leaning forward in interest. It never failed to impress him. It was so… different. He’d have to ask you to teach him one day.
“Oi, Luffy,” Usopp called out to him intrigued by the captain’s chuckles. “What’s got you grinning like that?”
“They’re so funny.” He laughed pointing at the arguing duo with a movement of his head.
He let himself fall back, eyes getting lost in the clouds of the bright afternoon sky. Life was good.
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“YESSSSS!!!!” you screamed in victory as Sandai Kitetsu finally allowed your haki to mingle with the edge of its steel. “Oh, you beautiful blade! Fucking finally!” you bellowed in glee at the feeling of power coursing through you.
Although your daily training with the swordsman hadn’t stopped, he’d eventually let you explore Sandai Kitetsu again. Exhilaration washed over you as you assessed the sword’s properties, twirling it in your hand as you tested its balance.
Zoro observed you, a hint of respect and amusement mingling with his usual stoic demeanor. “Well, well, looks like you finally figured it out,” Zoro remarked, a ghost of a smirk playing at the corners of his lips. “I was starting to think you’d never get it. Took you long enough.”
You rolled your eyes. "Well, sorry to disappoint, I had to make sure I got it right." You imitated the swordsman with a playful glare, echoing the words he had said when he’d mastered Shiawase.
Zoro chuckled at your retort, his amusement obvious in the twinkle of his eye. "Just took you longer than I expected," he teased, his tone lightening the atmosphere as he approached you, his gaze fixed on the sword in your hand.
You smiled up at him then back at the cursed blade. “I have a few little things I still want to study from Sandai Kitetsu, but you’ll get it back soon enough,” you assured him, the determination and awe evident in your voice. “I’ll leave Uragiri with you after if you’re still up for the challenge.”
You didn’t see his smirk widen at your resolve, nor the pride that filled his eye for an instant as he watched you handle the cursed sword with added confidence. “I’ll be looking forward to it,” he replied, his tone surprisingly sincere.
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Roronoa Zoro ascended the ladder to the crow’s nest with practiced ease, amber liquid swishing in the bottle in his hand. His keen gaze swept across the deck below, scanning the bustling activity of the ship before finally settling next to a window. From his elevated vantage point, he commanded a panoramic view, yet his attention was immediately ensnared by the sight of your familiar figure.
An irritated snort escaped his lips as memories of your irking presence flooded his mind – the constant thorn in his side, a relentless source of both frustration and fascination.
Through the doorway of your forge, he watched as you stood engrossed in the study of Sandai Kitetsu, a leather-bound notebook clutched in your hands. As you leaned over to inspect the blade more closely, your hips caught on the edge of your workbench, drawing his gaze shamelessly to the enticing curve of your exposed thighs. The hem of your short denim shorts teased at the limit of decency, offering a tantalizing glimpse of the roundness of your ass.
Your hair was secured in loose linen bindings, a few stray strands escaping to frame your face, accentuating the delicate features that had captivated him since the moment he laid eyes on you. His gaze lingered on the nape of your neck, an expanse of soft skin that beckoned to him with a siren's call. The urge to reach out and trace the contours of your neck with his fingertips was almost overwhelming.
His fingers twitched at the thought.
A frustrated groan crossed his lips as he recalled the way you had squirmed as he’d pinned you to the mast that night. The intoxicating rebellion in your glare, the defiant submission. He wished he could blame the impulse that had taken him over on the alcohol, however he hadn’t really been that drunk. Perhaps it had been the anger, but he suspected it hadn’t.  
He let his head hit the wall behind him a touch too hard, a painful sensation that brought him back to the present as he twisted open the bottle in his hand and took a long meaningful swig.
He savored the familiar burn in his throat as his eye unmistakably found your form again.
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You had been holed up in your forge for hours, engrossed in meticulously documenting every detail of Sandai Kitetsu. The sword's steel possessed a sharpness that bordered on the unnatural, leaving you in awe of its craftsmanship. You suspected that the blade's deadly edge stemmed from the specific blend of metals used and the masterful skill of the artisan who forged it. Regardless of the reason, the result was nothing short of breathtaking, perfectly complementing the sword's inherent bloodthirstiness.
With a practiced motion, you tucked your pen securely behind your ear, anchoring it in place with the linen binding that held your hair steadfast. You diligently scrutinized your notes as the fading light of dusk cast a smooth glow over your workspace. Absentmindedly, you reached for the small lamp on your workbench, illuminating the pages of your notebook as you reviewed your findings for what felt like the hundredth time.
Carefully, you reexamined each entry, ensuring that every detail was meticulously explained and captured within the confines of the paper. The flickering shine of the lamp danced across your soft cheeks, highlighting the intensity of your focus as you poured over the intricacies of the blade before you.
You didn’t hear the distinct loud footsteps of the swordsman approaching, instead you jumped up in surprise when he knocked gently against the doorway of your workspace.
Startled, you glanced up to find Zoro leaning casually against the doorframe, a smirk playing at the corners of his lips. He looked pretty with the warmth of the setting sun accentuating his sharp features.
"Didn't think you’d still be at it,” he remarked, his voice low and gravelly, bringing you back to the present.
“Actually,” you wandered off, giving the page you’d been at a last look. “I think I’m done.”
He hummed in answer approaching your workbench. “Mind if I check?” he asked suddenly, gesturing at the opened notebook.
You hesitated for a moment before nodding, moving to leave him space. He offered you the bottle in his hand before leaning forward to analyze the pages before him.
“I swear, your drinking habits are bordering on concerning” you quipped as you eyed it. Still, you accepted the silent invitation, unscrewing it and taking a swig.
You couldn’t help but study his profile as you leaned back comfortably, half-sitting, half-standing against the wooden top. There was an undeniable allure about him, maybe it was the sharp angles of his jawline, the faint scars that adorned his skin, the way his earrings gleamed in the soft lamplight.
He tsked noncommittally at your comment. “At least I don’t make regrettable decisions when I’m drunk” he shot back at you with a grin, eyes not leaving the page before him.
You almost choked on the gulp you were taking, the fiery liquid coming close to burning your lungs.
“Oh? Really?” You replied tone laced with amusement. A slight flush went to your cheeks as you remembered the last time you’d shared a bottle, remembered the bitter taste of his fingers in your mouth. “Somehow, I distinctly recall someone getting a little handsy last time they were drunk, swordsman” you couldn’t help but try to rattle him, a playful glint in your eyes.
He laughed as he turned to the next page.
“That wasn’t a mistake,” he stated grabbing the bottle out of your fingers and taking a long swig. His gaze remained on your notes, clearly intrigued as he read on.
You snorted. “Really, swordsman?” You rolled your eyes before continuing. “You’re just trying to save face. Admit it! You messed up, no harm done.”
There was a moment of silence as he flipped to the next page.
His eye finally met yours, a mischievous glint dancing somewhere far away as he took another sip. “Exactly as I said, it wasn’t a mistake” he replied, tone teasing yet strangely intense.
Your heart skipped a beat, blush deepening.
“Sure, sure,” you scoffed, trying to play it off with a casual shrug. “Keep telling yourself that.” The crack in your voice betrayed the panic in your mind.
He didn’t resist as you retrieved the bottle, his eye not leaving you as you guzzled down half of its remains.
“Anyways,” You squeaked. “I’m done with Sandai Kitetsu, you can reclaim your problem child” you rambled on, hand habitually reaching to the knot of the linen bindings in your hair. “You can also take Uragiri if you want.”
He watched as the wrappings loosened against your fingers. You stiffened slightly as he closed the distance between you.
The cloth unfurled, gracefully escaping your fingers, and descending to the floor as your locks tumbled around your shoulders in soft, cascading curls. The pen clicked against the wood. His fingers brushed against the nape of your neck, deftly entwining themselves in your hair.
With a firm yet gentle grip, he tightened his hold at the back of your head, forcing your gaze to lock with his.  His smirk hovered dangerously close to your face.
"Oi, what's your problem, swordsman?" you questioned, irritation dancing in your tone, your breath mingling with his in the intimate space between you.
His smirk widened, a glint of mischief sparkled in his eyes as he leaned in closer, his breath hot against your skin. "My problem?" he murmured, his voice low and husky. "I don’t think I have one, witch.”
You could feel the heat rising to your cheeks as his words washed over you, sending shivers down your spine. Despite the irritation bubbling within you, there was an undeniable tension between the two of you, a magnetic pull that neither of you could resist.
"Is that so?" you replied, trying to maintain a semblance of composure despite the fluttering in your chest. His proximity was unnerving yet exhilarating, the air charged with an electric energy that seemed to crackle between you.
His grip on your hair loosened slightly, his fingers trailing down the curve of your neck with a feather-light touch. "Who knows," he conceded, a playful glint in his eye. "I think I just enjoy seeing you squirm."
A mischievous smile tugged at the corners of his lips as your jaw clenched and your cheeks heated, a silent challenge passing between you. Despite the banter and the underlying tension, there was a growing familiarity in the exchange.
Before either of you could say another word, the moment was broken by the sound of footsteps approaching, signaling the intrusion of the outside world into your reality.
With a subtle flicker of annoyance, Zoro straightened, releasing his hold on your hair as he took a step back, his expression once again veiled behind a mask of indifference.
You quickly gathered the fallen linen wrappings, hastily rolling the band of fabric as you composed yourself, the lingering warmth of his touch still tingling against your skin.
He expertly added Sandai Kitetsu back into the knots at his side before moving to Uragiri. “I’ll be taking this sword now, witch,” he added, hand wrapping against the white lacquer of its scabbard as he lifted it from its stand.
“Fine by me” you answered nonchalantly.
Brook’s hair made its apparition in the doorway moments before you heard his distinctive laugh. “Yohohoho! Am I interrupting something?”
You knew it was impossible, but the skeleton seemed to grin. You cleared your throat, not trusting your voice. “Not at all, Brook” you answered at the same time as Zoro said, “mind your own business, skeleton.”
Brook chuckled, a sparkle somehow apparent in the darkness of his eyes. “Ah, I see,” he mused.
Your cheeks darkened. “Was there anything you needed?” You asked as casually as you could.
“Yes, yes,” the musician took his time, dragging the moment out deliberately. “Nami was looking for the both of you. We’re approaching our next island.”
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dangermousie · 1 year
Ok, 13 eps in and it’s official - Lost You Forever is this year’s Love Between Fairy and Devil for me, and not just because I am unreasonably obsessed or because I love the design or because it features a protagonist horribly hurt by life and a love interest who gets to them by pure sunshine goodness.
No, it’s because they both are summer dramas that I mocked before they aired and whose cast gave me hives and then I had to eat crow dinner with crow coffee and crow dessert.
I thought the concept of LBFAD (demon king and fairy girl occasionally swap bodies) was risible. I thought anyone who cast Dylan Wang in anything, let alone as a terrifying demon lord, needed to have their head checked. I’ve seen that man in a number of dramas and he can’t act, thought I. Oh, and that trailer was simply awful. This is going to be a great terrible flop and I am gonna enjoy hate watching and mocking it, also thought I. I checked it out solely out of sheer morbid curiosity and I was a gone five minutes in. It ended up my favorite drama of 2022, made it into my top 10 cdramas of all time in fact, and if anyone said Dylan did anything but an amazing job in LBFAD, I’d fight them in the parking lot. Man tore my heart out.
Now comes 2023 and here is another anticipated summer drama, Lost You Forever. If you assume I learned anything from the LBFAD scenario, you would be wrong. (In my defense, in the overwhelming bulk of cases when I hate the concept, trailer and cast, I do not end up adoring the final product.) Nobody could explain the plot to me coherently (not their fault in retrospect, I can’t even explain it myself as it’s more character study than anything.) The concept screams reverse harem, something I am primed to enjoy about as much as I was primed to enjoy LBFAD body swap between female fairy and demon king or perhaps a toothache. The cast - yikes think I. The last Yang Zi drama and performance I enjoyed was the Battle of Changsha. A drama that is a bona fide masterpiece and in which she performed amazingly but was released in 2013, a whole decade ago. Ever since then she’s proceeded to play a range of cheery dimwits who only a mother could love, and only a mother in possession of earplugs and perhaps a gag at that. And to me she started sleepwalking through those roles to boot. Watching her and her dramas became the definition of elevator music. And her leading men here? Ooof! The guy who plays the cousin I’ve never seen in anything. Tan Jianci is good in the right role but I did not think that was going to be a good role and then we get Court Lady Tan Jianci which - shudder. And Deng Wei? Yikes! I’ve seen him in a bunch of dramas and he was the walking incarnation of color beige. And that trailer was a giant huh.
And now here we are. The story is exquisite and I feel so deeply for everyone in it (now, in case of cousin the feeling is the desire to barbecue him but still.) The acting is uniformly good and so is the story. And Yang Zi does not play a cheerful dimwit but a haunted old soul and she does it so well my heart breaks for her and I am so invested in her it becomes ridiculous as I feel her slightest joy or disappointment so intensely. And oh Deng Wei is my other revelation. If someone told me I’d be swooning over a character played by him I would have told them to sleep off all the booze they must have just consumed. But guuh, his 17 just might end up being my favorite male character in 2023 cdramas and I feel for him so deeply and remain amazed how he makes goodness layered and not boring or cloying at all.
That crow feast is sooo delicious!
Am I gonna learn? Hell no! Provided we are not all murdered by a giant asteroid, come back to this space in 2024 to see what other drama that I was prepared to hate I am now obsessing about.
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autumnshighlady · 1 year
I’ve Always Liked to Play With Fire (part 16)
summary: the moment you’ve all been waiting for, that’s all i can say
warnings: Night Court slander, pro-Tamlin, 
word count: 7.7k (y’all better appreciate how long this is)
a/n: THIS IS THE BIGGEST CHAPTER YET GUYS!! so much is revealed that i’ve been planning for MONTHS, i’m so excited to share it with you. please send me all your reactions!
feedback is appreciated, just no hate pls! these are just my opinions, i’m more curious to see how you all like the writing and characterization and storylines!
part 1 // part 2 / part 3 / part 4 / part 5 / part 6 / part 7 / part 8 / part 9 / part 10 / part 11 / part 12 / part 13 / part 14 / part 15 / 
read on ao3
Spotify playlist
The stench of blood and shredded flesh was choking your senses, clogging your throat like the thickest oil. Everything was happening in slow motion through the stained glass as Hybern’s soldiers retreated, crowing their victory as if it took a great deal of skill to slaughter a defenceless village. Their cries were muffled, as if you were underwater. Every limb ached, too stiff and heavy to move even an inch. No amount of effort could get you to lift your head up.
You were going to die here. That much you had accepted.
What would be the point in living anyway? With your entire village dead, you closed your eyes, waiting for the embrace of death to whisk you away. Each breath was like shredding a knife through your chest, what was taking so long? Everyone else was gone, yet you were cursed with the ability to still draw breath.
A strange, white flicker drew your eyelids open. Everything was blurry, but even in your dazed state you could tell that something was happening. Groaning, you stretched out your fingers. If you had a voice, you knew you’d be screaming at the pain from such a simple movement. As your palm outstretched, something warm and gentle closed around it, as if the sweet spring breeze itself had formed a hand of its own to clasp yours. The touch was gentle, reassuring even. It flooded you with a sense of calm. Was this what death was like?
The white flickering from the bodies in the village erupted in a shower of starlight and sunshine, glowing tendrils rising from the mangled fae in your line of vision. They descended upon you like smoke, and the warm touch around your hand squeezed once before agony overtook your body.
You didn’t know if you were screaming or not. Your throat burned as if a dagger had slashed it open. Your abdomen ached, as if it was being hacked apart by a longsword. It felt like Hybern’s soldiers had descended upon you with their weapons, striking and cutting a thousand times. You heard nothing but the ringing in your ears as your body shook with spasms.
Please just let me die faster, You pleaded to the Mother. I can’t take this. Just end it already.
Even throughout the unbearable pain that wracked your body, you could still feel the warm sensation like someone was squeezing your palm. You wondered if it was your mother, preparing to guide you into whatever afterlife lay ahead. But the pain didn’t stop, didn’t end. It just kept going for what felt like eons. And then, like a weighted blanket was being laid over you, it stopped.
“Wake up.”
You opened your eyes and groaned, Rhysand’s voice making your already pounding head worse. You had endured hours of hearing it scraping against your mental shields, pressing to try and find a way in. You had felt his anger, his frustration and disbelief at not being able to get through. Every ounce of his hatred had been flung at you like a thousand arrows, making you see right through the High Lord.
You felt his self righteousness, his true feelings about how he didn’t give a shit about anything but his precious circle. Even them, he looked down upon – including his own mate and High Lady. As Rhysand flung his thoughts at you, you read them like paper on parchment. He may love Feyre and his family, but at the end of the day he needed control. And there you were, a stain on his image, a brick out of place at the foundation of his empire, threatening to bring the whole thing down.
Rhysand, the High Lord of the Night Court, feared you.
He was afraid of your influence, how openly rebelling on him and calling out his lies might spread ideas to others. Especially with Nesta, Cauldron-made, on your side. The thought of Rhys being afraid of you would have made you laugh, if you weren’t tied up in a cell for days on end. You weren’t even sure how you were still alive
You never figured out what happened that day your village was attacked, after the slaughter ceased and you were left alone. Every time you closed your eyes, that glowing light from the bodies around you haunted your dreams. You weren’t sure if it was even real, if any of it actually happened or if your mind had made it up. But you had felt different since that day in a way that couldn’t be explained. It was as if something coursed through your bones, waiting to answer a call.
You were changed that day, and for months you had chalked it up to your state of mind being altered by something so traumatic. But you had been in this cell without food for longer than your body, even as a faerie, should have been able to survive. Something that clearly also perplexed your captor as he stared at you.
“I don’t understand you, (Y/N).” Rhysand said with lethal calm. “Nothing about you makes sense. You happen to survive a slaughter at the hands of Hybern, you infiltrate my court and make a magical bond with Nesta Archeron that nobody has ever seen before, and you somehow resist my magic. I want to know how you’re able to do that.”
You spat up the blood that had been pooling in your mouth. “Go fuck yourself. Prick.”
The High Lord chuckled, but continued as if you hadn’t spoken. “And to top it off, you’ve been scheming with Eris Vanserra this whole time. Plotting to overthrow me, perhaps? To rip my court out from under me like Feyre did to your beloved Tamlin? If it is revenge you are after, I suggest you rethink your plan.”
You said nothing. It would be pointless to argue with him. Anything you say would be twisted and used against you, so you held your tongue.
“It matters not,” Rhys continued, pacing back and forth with his hands in his pockets. “Because you failed in whatever it is you wanted to accomplish. You are here, locked in this dungeon where nobody can find you. And whether I grant you a merciful death or not depends on you answering this one simple question.”
Rhys stopped pacing, and leaned towards you. His face was inches away from yours, violet eyes boring into you like lasers. You could feel his breath on your face as he spoke. “What spell did you use to cast the bond? Gwyn’s story only tells us so much, if any of it is even related to this, but I know there’s more to it”
You huffed, cracked lips stinging with the effort of speaking. “You seemed to have a list of other questions, what happened to those?”
“Oh, I have other ways of finding out the answers to almost everything else. But with Nesta Archeron tucked away somewhere in Autumn, you are the only other person who can speak to the magic of the spell.” Rhys’ slender finger caressed your cheek, making you squirm with discomfort. “And if you cooperate like a good girl, how about I make you a deal? I will let Nesta live out whatever shit life she wants in Autumn in peace, provided you give me what I need.”
Your breath lurched, the horror of his insinuation dawning on you. Rhys never intended to let Nesta live peacefully in Autumn, not because he cared for her safety in the clutches of Beron, but because losing her made him look weak. Even if Nesta was married to Eris and protected by the whole of Autumn, Rhysand would take every opportunity he could to hunt her like a dog and bring her back.
No doubt he’d paint himself as the hero of the situation. Poor Nesta Archeron, stolen away by the evil Autumn prince and made a bride against her will. Rhysand would save her from her terrible fate, dragging her back to the Night Court to be hailed a saviour. And that would be the last time Nesta ever stepped out of Night, he would make sure of it. Under the illusion of caring for his beloved sister in law, of course.
You glared at him, but he only chuckled again. Rhys leaned away from you and stood back upright, picking at the sleeve of his shirt casually. “It matters not,” He said. “Azriel is on his way right now. He’ll tell me what he’s discovered, and when the sun rises over the mountains, he will kill you.”
It felt like a bucket of ice had been dumped on your body as you remembered the fading voices of Rhys’ command to his spymaster before you had passed out. You didn’t know what Azriel would do. On the one hand, he had stood up for you in a way that Rhys clearly hadn’t expected. But on the other, he has been loyal to the prick for five centuries – holding out hope that would change now was foolish. All you could truly hope for was that he granted you a quick death.
“What if he didn’t find anything?” You croaked. “Still gonna kill me then? I thought you were desperate to find answers.”
“If Azriel cannot find them, then there is nobody that can,” The High Lord countered simply, as if he were making idle chit chat. “And then whatever secrets you’re so determined to keep die with you, the magic along with it. That’s something I can live with if not knowing at the end of the day means protecting my court.”
You laughed bitterly. “As if you care about that?”
Rhys’ eyes narrowed, his body stilling like a predator frozen before the kill. “Excuse me?”
“You sure don’t give a shit about most of it.” You challenged brazenly. “The women in Illyria who still get their wings clipped, anyone who has the misfortune of living outside Velaris, you don’t care about anyone but yourself and your little family. You rule because you like the power, not because you care about the people your power is supposed to protect.”
“I have outlawed wing clipping in Illyria–” Rhys growled, but you interrupted him.
“And without enforcing it harshly you have only ensured that the practice of wing clipping becomes more underground, leaving females to die from mangled procedures.”
If looks could kill, Rhysand’s would have obliterated you. But you couldn’t help but smirk to yourself at the anger you elicited from the High Lord. Judging by his reaction you knew that he knew you were right. He just hated hearing it.
“I see Azriel taught you too much.” Rhys hissed.
“What did I teach her too much of?”
You flinched as Azriel’s voice echoed in the chamber. Out of the shadows he appeared, melting into the space of the dark cell like wax. His expression was unreadable, and he did not look at you. He faced his brother, not sparing you a single glance.
“Azriel, I am very glad you’re here.” Rhys’ voice singsonged, an obnoxiously chipper tone to it. The smug look on his face made you tense up preparing for the worst.
Gwyn was the only other person who knew about what magic was used to cast the bond between you and Nesta. Your gut twisted at the thought of Azriel going to her for answers. The priestess had sworn she would never breathe a word, but in more ways than one Azriel could be… persuasive. Rhys had already figured out the story the spell was based on by going into her mind, if he knew what else she had found….
You were certain of one thing though: if Azriel had harmed Gwyn in any way, you’d tear him limb from limb.
“I assume you’re going to be more helpful than this one here regarding information on the bond?” Rhys continued, crossing his arms proudly.
Silence that was almost too loud took over the cell for a few moments, until Azriel uttered one word from his lips. “No.”
Rhys blinked in surprise. “No?” He said. “You mean you honestly found nothing?”
A tentative flicker of hope ignited in your chest. Azriel was stone faced as he answered to his High Lord. “Correct. The library was of no use, even the restricted section. I found nothing resembling the bond (Y/N) and Nesta used.”
The High Lord’s eyes narrowed, and he cocked his head. “Interesting. You are usually more useful than this, Az.”
“I explored all of my available resources and found nothing.” Azriel’s voice was monotone, no emotion or life to it. It was the voice of a spy, unreadable and impossible to decipher. It made you nervous, unsure of what angle he was playing at. Azriel was not stupid, he had to know Gwyn would have been the one to give you and Nesta access to the information.
Which means whatever his reasoning was, he chose to keep Rhysand in the dark.
“Pity.” Rhys clucked his tongue in disappointment. “I know dear Amren was dying to find out what spell it was. But it doesn't matter anymore. I guess we’ll all have to live with the disappointment, won’t we?”
Azriel remained motionless as he spoke. “I am sorry I failed you.”
Another minute of silence overcame the cell. You barely even breathed, heart racing with every passing second. Until Rhys spoke the words you had been anticipating for days. “Kill her.”
The shadowsinger shifted, standing more upright. As your heart dropped into your stomach, you anticipated him reaching for truth-teller. If he had kept the information about the spell out of Rhysand’s hands, you took it as a sign he would make your death quick and clean at least. And so you closed your eyes, finding yourself for the second time in one year waiting for death to come and claim you.
Azriel’s firm words made your eyes snap open in confusion. Rhysand was taking a deep breath, as if trying to keep himself calm and collected before he spoke. “And why not?” The High Lord said icily.
“Because this is wrong.” Azriel said, shifting his weight as if the mere act of disobeying his High Lord caused him discomfort. He glanced at you, eyes softening for a second as he spoke. “And she is my friend.”
“Please,” Rhys scoffed angrily. “No she is not. She was manipulating you, you fool. Maybe her pretty face kept your shadows distracted enough from figuring that out, but she is not your friend. She is your prisoner, whom your High Lord is ordering you to kill.”
“I said no.”
You glanced uneasily between them, not expecting Azriel to openly defend you like this. Rhys, apparently, felt the same thing. His breath was uneven, and his voice laced with rage as he spoke. “What has gotten into you, Azriel? Are you really going to disobey me like this?”
Azriel argued back, trying to reason with his brother. “Rhys, what we are doing to this female is wrong. All signs point to her wanting just to be free, not to bring harm to your court. She has no desire to overthrow you, or whatever bizarre shit your brain has come up with. Killing her would be wrong.”
“SHE IS A FUCKING THREAT TO MY COURT!” Rhys suddenly bellowed, his loud yell hurting your ears as it echoed throughout the chamber. Without warning, Rhysand shoved Azriel against the wall, a loud crack sounding as the spymaster’s wings collided with solid rock. He groaned in pain, but did not fight back.
. “And I am ORDERING you to do your job and eliminate her.” Rhys growled at him, pressing his neck into the wall. “If you do not, then I–”
“Do it yourself, coward.” You spat with as much defiance as you could. You hated seeing Azriel let his brother overpower him, watching him give up because he thought he deserved punishment for disobedience. You did not necessarily see eye to eye with the shadowsinger on everything – hell, there were times where his bystanderism made him just as bad as the rest of his circle.
But you could not let this happen to you, because it was all your fault. It was because of you he was in this position – his job, his family, his life on the line because he was trying to help you.
Rhys froze, pausing whatever blow he was about to land on his spymaster before he slowly turned to gaze at you. “What did you just say?”
“I said…” Every word was an effort, but a surge of determination flooded through you. “Kill me yourself, you fucking coward. Do your own dirty work for once.”
Rhysand snarled, letting go of Azriel with a shove. He stormed over towards you and grabbed your throat, hand gripping it like talons. His face was pure rage, the ugly face behind the charming mask, the illusion finally shattered. “I’m going to enjoy this,” He spat in your face. “And when I’m done, I’m going to drag Nesta back here kicking and screaming if I have to. And she will meet this very same fate once I make her scream.”
Something deep inside of you snapped. A strange sensation coursed through your bones, filling your broken body with life once again. Your wrists no longer ached, your back was no longer stiff. You could barely hear over the roaring in your head as you pictured Nesta’s beautiful face in your mind. The ringing in your ears became so loud, and before the High Lord of the Night Court unleashed his dark mist upon you, the world went white.
Wake up.
It was not the snarling, arrogant voice of Rhysand that greeted you, but a soft female one. It was familiar yet foreign all at once, the sound of both one voice and a thousand altogether, blended like a strange melody. Your eyes fluttered open, and you were met with a familiar scene.
Your village.
The bodies had gone, only ash and dirt remaining where they once were. The buildings remained in ruins, like the memorial of an ancient city. Vines had begun to curl over the rooftops, circling down the sides of what remained of the houses that Hybern did not burn down. Flowers had blossomed across the earth, a stark contrast to the death and destruction that had occurred on the very same soil all those months ago. You glanced at your arms, which were free from the cuts and bruises inflicted upon you in the dungeon. You felt no pain.
“Do you remember what happened that day?”
You jumped as the female voice sounded behind you. Whirling around, you were met with a tall female. She had olive skin and warm brown eyes, with long brown hair that shone like the rays of the sun itself. Her face was kind but strong, and she wore sparling robes that almost blended in with her skin. She emitted an otherworldly glow, a kind of radiance that shook you to your very core.
“Who… who are you?” You stuttered.
The female smiled softly, her elegant hands clasped together. “I am Estelle.”
Your mind raced, putting together the pieces from Gwyn’s information. “Like… the mother goddess from the story? Jayana’s lover?”
She nodded. “A millenia later, and I find myself missing her every day. Much like you miss your Nesta.”  
You took a steady breath, shaking your head. “Am I dead? Is this the afterlife?”
The goddess chuckled softly. “No, my child, you are not dead. You are here for a reason, one which requires an answer to my question. Do you remember this day?”
You paused, taking a few steps back and scanning the clearing. Your heart ached at the sight of it so empty, so quiet and lifeless. It held so many good memories, ones that were now tainted with bloodshed and violence. “Not all of it…”
“Do you ever have dreams, my child? Dreams where you’re back in this clearing, body seized with pain so violent it felt like you were dying a thousand times?”
You felt her presence follow you as you wandered aimlessly. “Yes…” You muttered. “Are you going to tell me that really happened?”
“Is that what you want me to tell you?”
You whirled around, facing the female once again. “Look, I don’t know what the hell is happening right now. Or at all, frankly. I’ve had enough riddles, can you please just tell me why I’m here?”
Despite your anger, Estelle showed no sign of hurt at your sharp words. There was sorrow behind her eyes, an understanding, one that you felt could see into every inch of your soul.
“You know my story, correct?” She said softly. You nodded.
“Good,” She continued. “When I absorbed the life forces of my fallen comrades, I felt each and every one of their deaths. It tore through my body like a riptide, and I was sure it was going to break me.  I felt their rage, their fear, their anguish as they were slaughtered much like your village was. And after that day, I held a new power, one that allowed me to escape Hel and break the realms of the world apart.”
Your throat was dry, a dizziness overcoming you as the weight of her words dawned on you. Every dream you had about that day, every nightmare that ended in blinding light and pain was the exact experience that the goddess in the story had felt. “What are you saying?” Your voice was quiet as you asked a question you were pretty sure you knew the answer to.
“My child,” Estelle said. “The same thing happened to you. What you felt that day was the life force of everyone in your village flooding into your body. You felt each and every one of their deaths, and I am sorry you had to experience that. But it happened for a reason.” You weren’t sure you were breathing at this point. You rested your hands on your knees, trying to stabilise yourself. “Do you mean….” Your voice stuttered as you spoke. “Do you mean that… what I felt that day… what I felt afterwards…”
Your voice trailed off, but a warm hand on your shoulder reassured you.
“Yes. Your body now possesses the life force of hundreds of deaths, a power you can shape and wield however you choose.”
The feeling of the goddess’s hand on your shoulder struck something in you. All those times you felt that invisible touch, that reassuring presence that you thought you had imagined… You had thought it was maybe the Mother, but it dawned over you that it had been Estelle this whole time. Hers was the hand that held yours as you felt the deaths of your friends and family rip through you. Hers was the voice that helped you stay strong as Rhysand tortured you.
“This whole time…” You said breathlessly, her presence behind you like a warm light on your back. “I thought it was the Mother guiding me. But it was you.”
“My dear, we are one and the same.”
You whipped around to face the goddess. “You’re the Mother?”
Estelle simply smiled. “The war that took Jayana from me was centuries before Prythian was formed. After I escaped Hel, I wandered about the universe, utterly lost. Until I found this untamed world, unguided by any spirit. I did not ask to be named the Mother, but my true name had been lost in my years alone. So I became her, but I never forgot who I was. And I never will.”
You ran a hand through your hair, mind spinning with the overload of information. The story of Jayana and Estelle was not only true, but Estelle was the Mother herself, the being that watched over Prythian and was worshipped all over the land. Not only that, but you were living what Estelle had experienced hundreds and thousands of years ago.
“Why?” Was all you could ask, not knowing what to say.
“Not everything has to have an answer,” Estelle said, taking your hand in her own. “And I urge you not to expect to know the explanation for everything after this. But as for why you are here, I needed you to know the truth. You refused to believe your dreams, and chose to try and forget about them instead of asking yourself if they were really just imaginary. You possess the power of life now, just as I do. And you are in a terrible situation, my child. I ask that you recall my story, and use this power to find your way back to your mate.”
Even in this strange dreamy reality, time seemed to stop. Mate. The world itself seemed to spiral down upon you as the word replayed in your head over and over again.
Nesta was your mate.
“But… but Cassian is Nesta’s mate.” Was all you could sputter out. Something stirred in you, as if awoken by the realisation. It was like the bond, but stronger. Its presence in your chest was undeniable, reaching out as if it were searching for its other half.  
“Fae folk can have more than one mate in some instances. Nesta Archeron has more than one, but Cassian is not one of them.”
Estelle cut you off, more urgency in her voice than before. “I have already told you not to expect the answers to every question you have just yet. All will reveal itself in time. But Jayana and I were mates before I created the spell that allowed us to communicate. Therefore, in order for the magic to work, the spell had to be done between two mates. The daemati-like powers is the only thing that spell gives. Everything else you feel? That deeper connection to Nesta? It was already there in the mating bond. The spell had nothing to do with it.”
“Holy shit.” You gasped, blood racing. “So you’re saying… Nesta and I are mates, and that’s why the spell worked?”
She nodded. “And why Rhysand was not able to activate it. It can only be done so between two mates, no matter how powerful an outsider’s magic is. And your magic is also the reason he cannot get into your head. You are protected from all other daemati magic.”
“I’m going to pass out…” You muttered, taking a seat on the log a few feet away. Within seconds, Estelle’s, or the Mother’s, appeared beside you.
“Everything happens for a reason, my child. You received those powers for a reason. You came across my story for a reason. I didn’t have a chance to use the spell to find my way back to my mate, but you do. Seize it.”
That strange presence in your bones you had felt after you woke up from the massacre, it wasn’t imagined after all. Deep down, you had always known something otherworldly happened. But you had spent months pushing it aside, trying to ignore it out of fear of what it was. “This is all just happening inside my head, isn’t it?”
Estelle’s long robes rustled in the breeze. “Of course it is,” She said. “But that does not mean it’s not real. Across the universe, there are multiple realities. Multiple versions of oneself that may seem like different people, but are all variants of one another. With beings like me, that does not happen unless we make it so. You, (Y/N), are an incarnate version of me. It’s why this is happening in your head. I am not some external being that is inside your mind right now. I am you, and you are me.”
You were the Mother incarnate. Holy shit. It felt like a dream, but the presence beside you was too strong to be anything but real. “If people have variants of each other,” You asked, trying to keep your voice steady. “Does that mean….Nesta is Jayana?”
“In a sense,” Estelle responded. “The connection is not direct like with you and I. I saw your situation when Hybern attacked your village, and I kept you alive by having your body absorb the life force of the dead just like I had. And thus, you became a version of me. Nesta Archeron is her own person, but fate seems to like its parallels. I see much of Jayana in her. They both have the same temper, both represent a death goddess feared across all the lands.”
You frowned. “You mean you aren’t the decider of fate? I thought everything that happened was with your guidance?”
She laughed melodically, the sound like the song of birds on a spring morning. “No, my child. I decide many things, yes. But not all. None of us do, and we do not know what does.”
Estelle’s words echoed in your mind like a hurricane, threatening to overwhelm you. But it didn’t, because in a way, everything made sense. She had no reason to lie, even if this was just some bizarre dream or afterlife sentence. The way you felt that connection to Nesta, that force in your body that threatened to explode when you were angry, it all aligned with what the goddess beside you was saying.
“I cannot linger any longer,” Estelle murmured, covering your shaking hands with her own. “But remember how I got out of Hel. Find that power buried within you and rattle the stars with it. I will always be there alongside you, my child. You are never alone.”
You turned to say something, another hundred questions racing through your mind, but the world around you glowed as the Mother faded into the light. Within a few seconds, she had gone.
Once again, you looked at the clearing around you. The marks on the earth where the bodies had lain seemed to glow, calling out to you. A force deep within you sung in response, begging you to release it. As you poured over Estelle’s words, you recalled how the magic she absorbed allowed her to burst out of Hel and free herself.
Rattle the stars.
Her wording was deliberate. The Night Court was represented by the stars. You knew not the extent of your powers, but if your theory was right, you could make the entire Night Court feel your fury.
And so you closed your eyes, and let the clearing slip away as you let that power you’d been pushing down surge through you. It felt like you were falling, the clearing swallowing up as you descended into a void of light.
It could have been a millenia you were falling, or perhaps a second. As you let yourself go down into the base of whatever power lay within you, you felt memories crash into you all at once. Your mother’s smile as she presented you with her freshly baked scones. The feeling of Nesta’s lips as she kissed you for the first time. Lucien pressing a cold cloth to your head when you were sick. Eris holding you as you danced in the Hewn City. Rhysand’s smirk as he carved into you like a piece of meat.
The rage that boiled up as Rhysand’s face flashed through your mind quickened your plummet, your power bubbling up and ready to overflow. And so you opened your eyes.
A look of horror crossed Rhysand’s features as your eyes glowed with a bright white half a second before his magic went to strike you down. Dark mist collided with pure light as you exploded with a war cry of ancient times.
White hot rage was all you could feel as you unleashed yourself. Rage of the Spring Court souls whose life forces you had absorbed crying out with you for vengeance against the Night Court. Rhysand was thrown back, Azriel too as your light exploded. The walls around you crumbled, your chains shattering as everything around you came crashing down. The earth beneath your feet shook, the rock from the prison walls flying a hundred feet out to either side.
Wind ripped against your face as the mountain your cell had been inside crumbled away before you, creating avalanches of stone whose impact upon the ground sounded like thunder. Your blood sang, as if the life force within you was happy to be used. Surprisingly, Velaris was visible in the distance – you had thought your prison would be some remote mountain in Illyria. But perhaps Rhys knew that’s what everyone would assume, and keeping you closer to his home would keep you from being discovered.
Out of the shadows, Rhysand and Azriel appeared from the smoke, coughing violently. As they finally opened their eyes to look at you, pure wonder crossed their faces. You didn’t have to look down at yourself to know you were glowing with that same light Estelle had. Your gaze landed upon Azriel, who froze like a statue as it landed on him.
He didn’t cower, or scurry away. He simply gazed at you in awe for a few more moments before dipping his head, bowing before your presence. Rhys, on the other hand, got to his feet and snarled.
“What are you?” The High Lord hissed, gathering dark mist between his fingertips.
“I am Life,” The voice you responded with was not entirely your own – it was ancient and prophetic, with the authority of a god. “And your court has taken everything from me. You will pay for your crimes, High Lord Rhysand.”
Rhys made a vicious noise, talons of mist forming at his fingertips. You quickly realised that despite what you had just done, you had no clue how to defend yourself with your power. But before he could make the first blow, a ring of silver fire burst through the air and surrounded him, accompanied by a fierce roar from the sky. As you looked up, letting your eyes adjust to the bright daylight, you gasped at the sight before you.
Three dragons were flying towards the ruined mountain. One black, one silver, and one gold. The golden one was without a rider, circling the ruins around you and crying out. A familiar redhead was perched atop the black one, golden armour shining in the midday sun.
Eris, a golden flame atop a black fire breathing mount, had come to your rescue. But it was the silver dragon your eyes were drawn to, and that piece in your chest that had spent the last few weeks reaching out to Nesta crackled with excitement as you gazed upon the silver dragon’s mount.
Dressed in red, scaling armour was Nesta. Even from the ground, you could see her silver eyes glow in the same shade as the flames surrounding Rhysand. She had the wrathful look of a death goddess as she descended with her dragon, its silver wings creating hurricane like gusts of wind as it hovered before you and Rhys.
Nesta and Eris had come to save you.
You couldn’t help but glance at Azriel, who seemed sagged with relief. Your throat closed up with emotion – the spymaster knew Eris and Nesta would show up, and likely told them exactly where.
“Nesta.” Rhys growled, staring up at his sister-in-law with anger. “Leave.”
“Not without (Y/N).” Nesta’s voice was clear and strong, commanding Rhys like a queen commanding her subjects. Her dragon roared furiously at Rhysand, causing the High Lord to flinch.
“Dragons?” He sputtered, coughing as the smoke from the silver flames blew in his face. “What… how?”
“You have your surprises, Rhysand, and I have mine.” Eris piped up, landing his black dragon on the ground. The earth shook with its impact, sending more rocks crashing down the remains of the mountain.
Weariness took over your body, and you felt the light begin to fade as your magic retreated.
No no no, You cursed to yourself, trying to summon it again. But every muscle in your body ached from the sudden surge, unable to bear any more magic. You felt helpless again, trapped. Rhysand tried to take a step towards you, but scurried back as the ground once again shook, this time behind you.
The golden dragon had landed right behind you and let out a vicious roar towards Rhysand, its eyes glowing with fury. It stood protectively over your shoulder, towering over you menacingly in a way that promised certain death to anyone who made a move.
“Dragons are protective creatures,” Eris said. “I wouldn’t get any closer.”
“You’ve invaded my court,” Rhysand hissed. “This is an act of war.”
Eris chuckled. “Technically, you declared war first. We’re just finishing what you started.”
Before anyone could speak up, a horn sounded from the ridge in the distance. You whirled around, the motion making you slightly dizzy. But your eyes were clear as ever as the banners of the Spring Court appeared over the hill.
Armoured bodies marched in synch as soldiers approached on horseback, led by none other than Lucien. His cloak streamed behind him in the wind as he loped towards the scene of the wreckage. You nearly wept, not having seen him since he rescued you. From the look on his face, Lucien felt the same way.
A different type of roar was carried fast in the wind, and a mighty beast winnowed in front of the army and led the march. Its elk-like antlers and massive body sped ahead of his troops with his great stride, bounding towards you.
“What is going on here?” Rhysand demanded, unable to hide the slight panic from his voice.
“You started this war when you stole (Y/N) from Spring,” Eris said coolly, patting his dragon. “We’ve found it in our best interests to align with Tamlin over the matter, not you.”
The dragons did not react as Tamlin’s beast form landed right beside them, growling. Tears streamed down your face in relief – the High Lord you had looked up to, the male you had helped get back on his feet, had joined in on the effort to save you.
“Rhysand.” Tamlin growled in greeting.
“If this is some sort of revenge plan on Feyre–” Rhysand began, but was quickly interrupted.
“This is not about her,” The High Lord of Spring snapped. “This is about (Y/N). You have kidnapped and imprisoned an esteemed member of my court, which is considered an act of war. I do not want to shed blood, but we will if you refuse to let her return to me.”
“(Y/N) is a member of my court now.” Rhys responded, evening out his voice. You knew he was trying to put on his collected mask, but it was cracked and slipping. You snorted at the weakness of his voice, and the dragon behind you made a similar noise, as if it was mirroring you.
“Is she?” Lucien said, halting his horse next to Tamlin and looking at Rhysand with a hatred you didn’t know he had. “Because she is still registered as a member of Spring. You never opened any accounts or filed any legal documents with her name, so according to the law there is no proof that you have taken her in as an official member. Which means you have wrongfully imprisoned a member of another court.”
“This is absurd.” Rhys scoffed. “Get out of my court. Now. This is my business.”
“Hand (Y/N) over and we will.” Lucien responded. The armies of the Spring Court halted a few metres behind the dragons, hands clasping their weapons, ready for the order to jump into action.
Malice glittered in Rhys’ eyes. You knew he wouldn’t give up easily, not when you had already made him look weak once. “No.” He said firmly.
No sooner had the syllable left his lips did a band of silver fire wrap around his throat. He cried out in pain as the flame danced, licking at his skin but not quite burning. The silver dragon’s roar turned all eyes to Nesta, and your heart jumped at the sight.
Nesta had stood up on her dragon’s back, silver flames wrapped around her fingertips and arms. The clouds darkened above everyone, thunder rumbling in the distance as her eyes glowed brighter.
“You locked me up.” Nesta’s voice was cold as ice and sharp as steel. Nobody moved a muscle as it echoed alongside the eerie cries of the wind. “I helped you, dozens of times. And you locked me up because I didn’t cope with the war YOU dragged me into in the way you deemed acceptable. I was an object to you, one to use and exploit when it suited you only to lock me away again when you were done. None of your circle has had any respect for me, Rhysand. From the beginning, you have pitted yourselves against me because it’s easier to make me the bad guy than take a look at your own flaws and mistakes. You took my human life, my money, my house, and everything I had. I was never a person to you, just a problem.”
Even Tamlin had gone completely still as Nesta twisted her hand, causing another band of fire to appear. This time, it bound Rhys’ hands and ankles, forcing him to his knees. Black mist attempted to make its way through the fire, but was rapidly quenched. Rhysand’s magic was no match for Nesta’s fury.
“I am taking my life back, Rhysand.” Nesta said. “And you and my sister will have no say or part in it. Do not come after me, do not try and bring me back here. If you try, I will burn you to nothing but ash.”
Rhysand growled, thrashing against Nesta’s fire. “Azriel!” He barked. “Do something!”
The shadowsinger was pale faced, surveying the scene before him. “Let her go,” He said sternly. “This is a fight we cannot win.”
You found your feet again, standing up on shaky legs. You summoned more magic – your body protested, but you ignored it as a shimmering white gag wrapped around Rhysand’s mouth, joining his silver flames.
“This isn’t a debate.” You panted, the weight of your tattered, shredded dress making you want to collapse. But you relented. “I am leaving with them, and you will let me.”
Tamlin’s beast form crawled towards Rhysand, growling. “I was wrong to lock Feyre up, I know that.” He spat. “But don’t pretend like you didn’t do the exact same thing to Nesta and (Y/N).”
Rhys mumbled something through the gag, but was ignored. You felt a nudge, and the golden dragon was gently pushing its snout into you. You placed your hand on its nose, letting the beast inhale your scent.
“Zorzimril says it’s time to go.” Eris quipped, smirking down at you. “Let’s get you out of here.”
You nodded, glancing up at Nesta. Your mate.
Her eyes were locked on you, and a faint tear ran down her cheek. Tentatively, you reached towards the spell-made bond. Nesta?
I…. I can’t believe I’m hearing your voice. Nesta’s response came, and so did your tears. Your lungs shook as you inhaled deeply between sobs.
Me too.
There will be time to catch up later. Come, let’s leave.
The golden dragon had lowered its shoulder to the ground and looked at you expectantly. Tentatively, you climbed onto its back, grasping the horns down its spine as you settled yourself. From the view on dragonback, you surveyed the site you had been standing on. Rubble from the mountain was everywhere, the great peak crumbled into a small hill. The gags on Rhys had disappeared, but he remained kneeling, face twisted with anger. Azriel stood beside him, a hand on his shoulder and giving Eris a slight nod. Tamlin and Lucien stood side by side once again, united with a common cause. Your heart swelled as you recognized the faces of the soldiers they brought – many of them fae that you had taken into the manor after losing their homes to Hybern. You could see it in their eyes that they had come not just because they were ordered to, but because they wanted to help you like you had helped them.
“Let’s get out of this wretched court.” Eris sighed, winking at you.
“Wait.” You said as an idea popped into your head. “I have something I want to do first.”
Nesta smirked at you, knowing exactly what you meant.
You, Nesta, and Eris soared on dragonback through the Night Court, approaching the Inner Circle’s mountainside cabin. You relished in the cold air whipped across your face, having not felt fresh air in weeks. Zorzimril happily flew you alongside Nesta, making happy growling noises as the excitement of what you were about to do made you jittery.
As your dragons approached the cabin, they stopped, hovering in the air above it. You looked towards Nesta and Eris, and they gave you a nod. You shouted the command Nesta had taught you, and Zorzimril unleashed a torrent of flames upon the cabin. The scent of burnt wood filled the air as the structure was quickly engulfed. Within ten seconds, it was reduced to ash.
And so the three of you flew to each remote residence of the inner circle, making sure it was away from the city before burning it to the ground. With every palace set aflame you whopped with delight, causing Eris to chuckle. It was satisfying, watching their luxuries burn down while half of Illyria was starving and poor. The Inner Circle had fled to the River House, the one shared residence of theirs that remained intact due to it being in the city centre. You did not want to punish innocent people for the crimes of their leader, like Feyre had done to your court. No, this was proper vengeance. And you relished in it.
Despite your exhaustion and pain from the last few weeks, you let yourself cheer and cry out on the back of Zorzimril as you soared through the air between Nesta and Eris, headed for the thicket of the autumn trees in the distance, leaving the Night Court behind you.
taglist (comment if you want to be added): @queercontrarian @kitkat-writes-stuff @moonfawnx @sevikas-whore @weird-and-wise @jemandderkeinenusernamenfindet @kingshitonly @ladyofcherries @eerievixen @readingwritingwatching @peacecoffeeandflowers @a-frog-with-a-laptop @shadowqueen25 @lana08 @highladyofillyria @rachelnicolee @ladespedidas @little-darlingo @manonblackbeakquidditchteam13 @demirunner @terorovaerangi @hauntedandhopeful  @younxii @microwaveallthedemons @fanfictioniseverything @lovra974 @maddietheshoe @peaceandcrackers @emy1-9 @lostinfantasyworldsbi @issybee0611 @thoughtfulshepherdmongerkid @belledawnidk @whhyyynottt @dream-alittlebiggerdarling @littlebbb @piceous21 @sevendeadlyshins-blog @searchingford  @marigold-morelli @thesapphiclibrarian @nikovasbitch @chasing-autumns-chill @
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6rookie-writer0110 · 11 days
A childhood friend asked for a favor
Kate Kane x Male Reader (platonic)
Request - How are you doing? Could you write a Kate Kane x male reader (platonic) where they were childhood friends but have not seen each other in years. They meet again after Batwoman saves the reader, and he recognized her.
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You arrived in Gotham and everything is different. You used to live in Gotham but you moved away with your family. You recognize some places in Gotham that are still open for business. You arrive at a charity party and you start to look around, to see if you recognize anyone and so far you don't. You went to get something to drink at the bar.
“Y/n, it has been a long time,” Kate said.
You turned around it was your childhood best friend.
“Kate Kane, you have changed,” You said.
“New haircut” Kate smiled.
“I was going to say, you have better taste in clothes now,” You said.
She gave you a hug and she was happy to see you. You and Kate were friends from the ages of 6 to 13. You and Kate were always together hanging out.
“Are you moving back to Gotham?” Kate asked.
“Yeah, I just moved back almost a month ago. Wow, it really has been a long time” You said.
“It has been. I'm glad you are back, Y/n. Let me buy you a drink” Kate said.
“I’m not going to say no to a free drink” You smiled.
Kate laughed then she ordered the drinks. You and Kate started to talk about everything and made each other laugh. You were the first to know that Kate liked girls, but you never stopped being her friend. When you moved away, Kate got depressed and you two lost touch for a long time.
“Are you dating anyone or breaking girl’s hearts?” You asked.
“I’m not a player, Y/n. But if we went out I would get more girls than you” Kate said.
“Wow, already day one and you want competition” You laughed.
“You started it and I'm going to end it” Kate laughed.
You and Kate kept talking then she gave you her phone number.
You and Kate are starting to hang out more. You and Kate made a bet on who can get the most girls. Kate won the bet and she won't let you forget it. But Kate never told you that she is Batwoman. There were times she had to disappear and make up fake lies about why she had to leave.
Before Kate left her apartment, she saw the news there was trouble. At Wayne’s business office, there are hostages on the 27th floor. There is a helicopter around the building, and the criminals threaten to throw people out the window if they don't get the money. She rushed out of her apartment and headed to the bat cave. Then Kate rushes to the building and Luke tells her what to do. She jumps through the window and lands in her superhero pose.
“It’s Batwoman!” He yelled.
“Make one move and I will throw him,” Alice said.
Your wrists are tied with zip ties and she is holding your shirt.
“Let everyone go now,” Kate said.
“That won't be fun, letting them go,” Alice said.
“I mean it, let them go,” Kate said.
Kate is stalling time while the Crows reach the 27th floor.
“Okay, I will let him go” Alice smiled.
She pushed you out the window before she went after you she threw Batarangs at Alice. The Batarang hit Alice’s arm then she started to run but the Crows busted the door open. Kate jumped out the window and used the grapple hook, she caught you just in time. You are still screaming then she goes toward the roof, then she lays you down.
“You can stop screaming now,” Kate said.
“Can you just leave me here forever?” You said.
She laughed and you recognized the laughter and the scent of the perfume. Kate cut the zip tie and you slowly stand up.
“Are you okay, Y/N?” Kate asked.
“You should have told me that you are Batwoman, Kate Kane,” You said.
“What? I'm not Kate” Kate said.
“I know your laughter and the smell of your perfume. I won't tell anyone and I think it's cool, that you are Batwoman” You said.
Kate starts to stutter and she admits the truth.
“Fine, I'm Batwoman” Kate said.
“I’m a fan” You smiled.
“Shut up” Kate smiled.
“Thanks for saving my life. I will buy you a drink next time” You said.
“Funny. I will see you later, I have to make sure the others are okay” Kate said.
“Sure,” You said.
You watched Kate jump off the roof and you headed to the stairs.
✬ ✯ ✬ ✫
Kate is happy that she doesn't have to lie to you. But she did take you to the bat cave and you are freaking out. You are asking so many questions and she thinks it's funny.
“Being in the Bat cave is so cool!” You smiled.
“Relax, Y/n,” Kate said.
“Kate, this is a once-in-a-lifetime to be in the bat cave,” You said.
“We could have a sleepover and I will order pizza,” Kate said.
“Are you serious!?” You asked.
“It was sarcasm, Y/n,” Kate said.
“Not funny,” You said.
She let you sit in the Batmobile, you were like a kid. You begged her to let you drive it and she said no many times.
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amberlin1 · 3 months
Just finished another re-read of Wicked and i'm now thinking about how *bizarre* Oz was in that for Dorothy Gale.
1) get transported by tornado in an almost untouched, completely whole house to another land
2) come out to people gathered and singing. The average adult probably comes up to halfway up your torso, and children are singing, and people are thanking you for killing a witch
3) you turn around to find out that your aunt and uncle's house squashed a person leaving behind legs and shiny-ass shoes
4) you killed a person
5) surely she had a family, where is her family, you have to apologise and explain this whole thing
6) A good witch comes up from nowhere, tells you to go to somewhere called the emerald city to talk to a wizard. She gifts (?) You the dead lady's shoes
7) for good measure, they're spot welded to your feet.
8) your allies on this trip include a living scarecrow, a tin man, and a cowardly lion
9) after so long, you meet this wizard of the emerald city everyone's been talking about. He asks you for the dead lady's shoes. They're still stuck to your feet.
10) sticky, stinky, sweaty feet. What do?
11) it's fine. Just go west to the winkies. You'd find the sister of the witch you killed. Kill her and i could go home? Bet.
12) (you don't want to kill her. Just talk and apologise and explain and find a way away from this godforsaken place)
13) finally make it west after how many months. (How does time work here?) dogs, and crows, and bees attack. You and the lion get hoisted up by the west witch's flying monkeys
14) the witch isolates you and tries to kill you while screaming that you want to kill her. Also shoes.
15) you want neither of these things. Get them off me. Let's talk. "I just want to apologise". You begin to cry while running away
16) the witch somehow catches herself aflame. You try putting her out with a bucket of nearby water.
17) she melts
18) the shoes are still stuck to your feet
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v-ternus · 5 months
Late Night Snacks featuring Rain and Phantom
Shoutout to @forlorn-crows for the prompts.
All the new guy does is each hot chip and be on his phone (please someone get this joke)
It's Phantom’s first tour cycle with everyone, his first time seeing the world and he’s beyond excited. His first show was exhilarating. It’s everything he hoped it would be. Its the only thing coursing through his infernal veins, the burn of it all, even now that he’s back at their motel room. 
It's keeping him up, too excited to hear the screams and cheers all over again the next night. Even now that he’s in his sleep clothes tucked in under scratchy hotel sheets, even as Rain is lightly snoring in his sleep no less than two feet away, he feels as awake as ever. He swears he can feel the thrumming of his human heart right under his skin. He can't fall asleep like this, so he lets his eyes drift up to the ceiling– tracing the faint pattern from the strokes of paint. A futile attempt at calming down his racing mind. 
The clock on the bedside table reads 2:13 in bright red LED light. There’s an ache in his eyes that wont seem to go away. Closing them feels good, but his mind won't shut off. There’s no point. Maybe some fresh air will help, he thinks. A quick and cold walk. He quietly ruffles through his backpack for his jacket and barely has a chance to get out the door when Rain rouses from his sleep. A mumbled fuck leaves his lips. He didn't mean to wake him, didn't want to. 
“Where are you going?” Rain asks, voice gravely and low. 
“I uhhh– don't know, I can't sleep. I need to get out.” Rain is thankful for his still quiet demeanor, not shouting his ears off like Swiss might. Almost instantly, Rain is getting his jacket on, not even bothering to change out of his pajamas. Phantom wears a soft look of confusion. 
“I didnt mean to wake you Rain, go back to sleep” 
“I know you didn't bug, and no I won't. I know what you need” Ominous, Phantom thinks. But he trusts Rain, so he follows as the water ghoul out the door into the dark night. Their walk is brisk, like Rain has somewhere to be. And he really does. He needs to get to the gas station so he can get the new ghoul’s attention on anything else but the rituals they have coming up. 
A toothy grin sprouts on his face as he watches the indecision spread over Phantom’s face while he stares at the junk food filled shelves– it's not his fault he hasn't mastered the art of picking gas station snacks. 
“I’ll pick for you this time” His hands reach for a bag of takis and cool ranch doritos, opting to not pick up something sugary for the already bouncing ball of energy. He grabs two bottles of chocolate milk too– a horror of a combination perfectly fitting for a garbage late night snack. 
Rain makes him try the doritos first and makes a hurt face when Phantom says they’re just ok. The takis come second, making the new ghoul suck in breaths through his teeth in an futile attempt to cool his mouth. Rain is surprised when he says he really likes the hot chip.
They pass the bags around as they walk, silent in each other’s company except for the very loud crunches. It’s not long before they’re back in their room, only this time, Rain has Phantom’s back pressed flat against his chest. There’s some crappy late night show on that either of them are paying attention to, minds occupied by the shifting of each other's bodies as they breathe, more loud crunching, and occasional sips of chocolate milk– or what Phantom likes to call the best earthly creation besides goth music. 
They eat till their hearts are content, leaving crumbs and drops before they start to slow, heavy eyes returning to Rain and just newly finding Phantom. They’re full. They’re happy. And best of all, they’re calm.
(they both may or may not wake up with tummy aches that they groan about all day. mountain tells them they're being very brave about it)
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sophswritingthings · 9 months
PART 13 (studying for finals and trying to figure out my work schedule for my Christmas break is a bitch to do bro 😭😭😭)
Anyways when reader and Mizu find Taigen in that dungeon that had them gollums looking mfs in. Of course reader and Mizu go to help him and get him out of there after finishing the gollum bitches and the fuck that looks like a sumo wrestler, & reader just takes more trinkets from the ground she could add to her gun and weapons (she's like crow istfg (me too)).
And when the place exploded and the three get thrown to the side of the castle which leaves the three holding on for dear life, Mizu just pulling through with Taigen on her back and reader using her Kunai to hold on the side of the building. And when they reach fowler and the other ppl (I forgor the others, all I remember is the twinky sounding guy that hangs around Fowler.) Reader and Mizu go on full force on Fowler. Reader using rope to pull Fowler over like Scorpion and throwing him over to Mizu and beat the shit out of the Irish man.
While reader and Mizu fuck up Fowler, Fowler manhandles reader and reader literally gets shot in the leg and gets thrown across the room. Mizu is ofc very angry and tries to kill Fowler and gets absolutely wrecked by a fucking gun. So last ditch effort, reader manages to shoot Fowler's shoulder with her pistol and Mizu gets Taigen and Reader and flees.
Ringo finds all three of them absolutely dying and brings them sword father 😸😸😸 and Mizu very awkwardly introduces Reader as her wife to sword father and he's just like "👴🏼 kay."
(That's all I can think of lol)
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(I ran out of Mizu gifs)
pairing: mizu x fem!apothecary!reader
warning(s): swearing, blood, guns, reader is still kinda high but is coming to 
a/n: TWINKY SOUNDING GUY???? DO… DO YOU MEAN HEJI?? 😭😭😭😭 IM DYING (he.. was kinda 💅🏻)
word count: 1,096 words / 6,013 characters 
you glanced around, slowly coming out of the high those flowers had brought you to. you were a little freaked out by the terrifying gollum like statues surrounding the room.
mizu grasped you gently, making sure you didn’t entirely flip out.
your eyes landed on taigen, battered and bloodied, probably on the brink of death if you could guess.
“holy shit,” you whispered, a hand coming up to cover your mouth.
you could see a man, large as a boulder, you were sure—stood across the room. mizu approached him, wearily, but she still approached him.
your heart pounded in your chest. he could easily crush mizu, if so desired.
yet you trusted her.
you turned your attention to taigen. you never liked taigen, no, you would probably kill the man given the chance.
but you weren’t just going to let him die now, it felt like a duty deep in your chest to heal. 
along the way you had picked up small trinkets and things you would keep for later.
your main goal was to heal taigen enough so he wouldn’t die, a little pain wouldn’t hurt him. 
when you were done, it seemed mizu was, too—she was heaving, covered in blood and black and blue bruises. 
“come grab him,” you rose to your feet, standing up straight as you could. “we need to get out of here and —-“
your voice is cut off with a loud boom sound, followed by smaller and smaller booms. 
the place was going down, with you three in it. 
a shrill scream left your lips, grasping onto a kunai quickly and plunging it into the side of the building, right beside a framed window.
mizu was grasping onto your hand, still breathing heavy with taigen clasping onto her.
you manage to pull yourself into the window, your heart pounding in your chest as mizu and taigen pulled themselves in behind you.
“ah, so your the mysterious demon that’s been ripping through japan?”
an irish accent bleeds into the room, your eyes wiping upward to see that of a white man. 
the white man mizu had so been chasing.
“you,” mizu said with a deep growl in her voice, slowly pushing herself up onto her feet. 
mizu couldn’t possibly fight fowler on her own, in her condition. 
so you slunk around, grabbing a rope on your way. you slid behind fowlers chair, catching him in the rope by his throat—tossing him over to mizu.
you watched as your wife absolutely destroyed the Irish fuck, smiling a little as you did so.
that’s when you felt a hand grasp your throat, tugging you over into the heat of the battle.
you grabbed one of your weapons, holding it in a shaky hand, as you slowly lost consciousness from your lack of air.
“get your fucking dirty hands off her,” mizu growled.
“oh? okay,” his hands worked quickly, whipping out a pistol, firing the shot right below your thigh. 
you screamed, your scream so haunting, mizu thought it would live in her mind for the rest of her life.
he tossed you across the room, your back hitting the wall as you desperately held your injury—trying to clot the bleeding as best as you could.
a fire, burned in mizu’s blue eyes.
a fire you thought you had never seen before.. pure anger and rage steered her now.
mizu attempted to lunge at him, take his demon ass down, but was hit out of the way with the end of the pistol. 
you still had your pistol, tucked in your kimono.
in a last resort effort, you grabbed it, attempting to point it right at fowlers head.
your shaky hands lead it to his shoulder, though, firing the gunshot right through his shoulder.
it tears the pair apart, mizu falling onto her back and scampering back to her barley steady feet.
she grabbed taigen, rushing over to you and grabbing you, as well.
once outside, you find ringo, looking through the snowy trees.
“.. mizu?” ringo gasps, his eyes traveling to you and taigen, as well. “where have you..”
“fowlers castle, ringo,” she answers hurriedly, her voice raspy and laced with pain. “please, ringo, if.. if she doesn’t get some sort of fucking medical attention soon—she’ll bleed out and.. I.. I can’t..” mizu’s voice cracks, holding you tight to her body. “can’t afford to loose her.”
ringo’s expression softens, a bit. they weren’t on the best of terms.. but seeing mizu so vulnerable lit something within him.
and he quite liked you. he wouldn’t let you die for no good reason.
“okay, master,” ringo nodded, grabbing taigen by his arms so she could properly hold you.
she held you bridal in her arms, her thumbs rubbing against the exposed bloody skin of your hips.
“it’ll be alright,” she whispered, knowing you could somewhat hear her, “you’re not allowed to die before i do, you know.” 
a faint, weak chuckle leaves your lips, “I-I didn’t… p-plan on it..”
you make it to the swordfather’s. you had never met swordfather, before, but mizu had told you about him.
he sounded like a father, to mizu. her only real connection to a loving parent.
and of course, you were meeting him with a gunshot in your leg.
“boy,” eiji greeted, gesturing for her to lie you down. “ringo has informed me of what happened.”
mizu looks up at ringo, nodding to the man thankfully.
she laid you down, sitting by your side and watching eiji’s hands carefully. his hands were old, yet precise in their movements. despite his age, and his blindness, he had the most steady hands mizu knew.
she trusted him to stitch you up, unlike she would trust anyone else.
she grasped your hand as you winded in pain, holding it tight to her chest so you could feel her heart beating beneath her clothes.
your eyes were slightly open, gazing up at her. she nodded to you, ruffling a hand slowly through your hair.
“oh.. I..” mizu whispered, “I never introduced you two,” she mumbled. “this is my wife, (y/n), swordfather.”
eiji scoffed, “hm,” he nodded. “your wife, hm? though you’ve never settled down, on this foolish quest, that has almost killed her?
she sighed, adverting her eyes. she knew eiji was right. she was so foolish, bringing you so close to danger you were shot by a white man.
“yes,” mizu whispered. “I have.”
he scoffed again, “at least you can admit it. now go and get your wife some water, and return after you’ve thought about all of this.”
a/n: MIZU GIFS!!!!!! I’ll add them if you don’t have them lmao 😭😭
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she’s hot <333
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kabie-whump · 6 months
CYOA Whump Part 13
First | Previous
You chose: Confront him. I was going to eat that.
You're on your feet in an instant. "Hey! That's mine."
The man stops, his smile falling as he turns around to face you.
Behind you Onthyes gives a light tug on your chain. "Ventis, don't-"
You ignore him. You worked hard to earn that food and you're not going to let some asshole take it from you just because he's twice your size and armed and not chained up.
"What was that?" The man asks, his voice low. He drops your food on the ground and stalks over to you, grabbing hold of the chain that trails from your bound wrists and yanking you closer until you're nose to nose. "Did you say something, pretty boy?"
His breath is hot in your face. A glance at his bared, crooked teeth reveals haphazardly sharpened fangs. You can't help but scoff. Your own fangs are pure genetics, but not everyone can be as blessed as you are.
You do your best to look brave, glaring up at him even as you realize that you may have seriously fucked up. "I was eating that," you say. You carefully and slowly annunciate each word, like you're not sure he'll understand otherwise. "Get. Your. Own."
Your head whips to the side and you fall against the pile of crates you had been sitting on before you can even process what's happening. You blink slowly, squinting up at a spiraling image of the man standing over you and pulling his leg back-
His boot slams into your ribs hard and your pained cry quickly breaks off into rough coughing. He kicks you again, and again, and again wile you try and curl into yourself protectively. You can hear Onthyes yelling something but it's lost under the persistant ringing in your ears.
It takes you a moment to realize that it's stopped. Hands grab you under your armpits, lifting you to your feet. The man's form is blurry as he walks away. You shove away whoever is holding you and take a few stumbling steps forward, an involuntary growl bubbling up from your chest. It's not always easy to suppress your draconic instincts, but right now you don't really want to anyway. He's not winning this. You won't let him.
With your hands bound you can't use most of your spells, but the nice things about getting your magic from a dragon ancestor is that your breath is fair game for conducting your powers. You inhale deeply. Lightning crackles along your body and gathers in your lungs.
Just as you go to unleash a blast of electricity from your lungs to disintegrate this fucker, something clamps over your mouth and locks behind your head. Your teeth dig into bitter tasting rubber that covers your mouth fully. The lightning rebounds back into your lungs and you let out a muffled scream, your knees buckling as painful coughs wrack your body.
Strong arms are wrapped around your chest, holding you up as you threaten to crumble to the ground. It's Onthyes, you realize. He's muttering something into your ear - "I'm sorry. I really didn't want to do that. Please stop fighting you're just going to make it worse."
You slump into his arms, exhausted and in pain. He muzzled you. You can't believe he fucking muzzled you. Where did he even get this thing?
"What the fuck is goin on here?" Tinny pushes through the crowed that had gathered while that pirate was beating you. She grabs the man by the collar, and it's almost funny how he suddenly looks so small. "What didya do this time, Rye?"
"The prisoner started it!" Rye stammers. "I was teaching it a little lesson, and it tried to kill me!"
Tinny looks over at you, now muzzled and being held back by Onthyes. She rolls her eyes then turns her attention back to the crowd. "All of you, no beatin on the prisoner! Don't make me say it again! Now fuck off. Fun's over."
She lets Rye go and the pirates disperse.
Then Tinny is standing over you and you can't help but shrink back, a primal sort of growl rumbling in your throat. "Don't pull that shit again, kid," she says in a low voice. "I don't care what my crew does to ya. Save that freaky magic for when the captain needs ya using it. Got it?"
"Rye took his food and beat him up," Onthyes defends. "You can't blame him-"
"Rye's a sadistic piece of shit and I hate him as much as you do, but Ventis is still a prisoner. He doesn't deserve to defend himself. If you really don't wanna see him gettin hurt you gotta defend him yourself, got it?"
Onthyes nods, looking a little unsure. "I'll do my best."
"Good. Now I don't wanna hear any more trouble from you two tonight. Captain and I got big plans brewin. We'll need you alert and ready to perform tomorrow, freak."
You nod and Tinny walks away. Onthyes and his friends generously give you portions of their food, since yours has been seized by rats already. You get the sense you've earned their respect, but you've made a powerful enemy out of rye.
CYOA whump taglist: (let me know if you want to be added or removed): @scp-1296 @sapphicccici @acer-gaysimpstuff @morning-star-whump @rainydaywhump @whumperofworlds @hauntedroseart @3-2-whump @fleur-a-whump @whumpsday @whumpisfun @whumper-whimsy @ghost-whump @fabled-whump @violets-whumperflies @whumped-by-glitter @thewhumpening-thesequel @lumpofsand @whumpycries @unicornbeck @gala1981 @a-formless-entity @ryahisbored @mentallyunwellautism
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rorywritesjunk · 4 months
Down in the dark where the waves won't go, I'm bound to find my way.
Sunny and Buggy disagree over the next steps of their life together leading to them spending time apart.
Rating: PG-13 to be safe for swearing and arguing. Warning: Each chapter will have a specific warning. This one just has upset children again. Both kids are upset and lonely at times. Sunny is great with kids, Buggy is learning. Both adults reflect on their relationship separately. Word Count: 2,111 A/N: The direct sequel to "No locked upon land...", the fic that started it all. I do not use "You" in this as now that Sunny is an established OC I decided not to go that route. This will be several chapters. Originally (lol) it was just two parts but... but I had to expand but I don't expect it to go much longer than the original fic. It's a few chapters longer than the original fic.
Title comes from "Sailing Song" by S.J. Tucker
Chapter 1 + Chapter 2 + Chapter 3 + Chapter 4 + Chapter 5 + Chapter 6 + Chapter 7 + Chapter 8 + Chapter 9 + Chapter 10 + Epilogue Taglist: @hey-august @lostfirefly
Chapter 4
Buggy reluctantly went to look for Little Sunny once he changed clothes. He really hoped the shirt would be fine but he doubted it. His wife knew how to get stains out but he wasn't sure where she was. She could have left him for all he knew and knowing that where they were at was frequented by pirates, what's to say she didn't run into someone who missed their chance with her last time and would jump at the opportunity?
No, no, he couldn't think that way. It was a silly disagreement on whether to have kids, that was all, and Buggy was right and Sunny was wrong, that was all that mattered.
He first checked all the rooms on the ship that he could, not seeing the little girl anywhere. He looked in the crow’s nest, at the helm, where the munitions were stored, everywhere. It wasn't until he bumped into Mohji that his first mate told him she had been with Richie for a half hour now, brushing his fur. 
Buggy made sure he was a little calmer before approaching the little girl. “Uh, Sunny?”
She dropped the hair brush, startled by his voice, and tried to hide behind Richie. It didn't really work.
“I can still see you.” Buggy pointed out.
“Not if I don't want you to.” She told him as she looked over the lion’s head. The two got into a bit of a staring contest for a moment before she finally looked away. “I'm sorry I messed up your shirt. It was an accident.”
She apologized first? So that probably meant Buggy didn't need to apologize at all. It was her fault after all, she made the mess. He reacted like anyone would if they had soup spilled on them. But he thought about how his wife would have handled it. She would have been so sweet and kind to the kid, insisting that it was okay and that accidents happen, and as Buggy stood there, looking down at the little girl in front of him who looked like she might start crying again, he caved.
“I'm… sorry for yelling at you.” He managed to say, though it felt weird to do so. This was his wife as a child. Why did he scream at her? He never screamed at her like that when they were adults and married. Sure, they had some recent disagreements and he may have been a bit of an asshole, but she was no better. “It was an accident, you didn't mean it.”
“Can we still be friends?” She asked quietly. Buggy hated that. Was his wife really this sad and lonely as a child?
“Ugh, yes, we can still be friends.” He sighed. “Now, look, it's getting late and neither of us ate, so let's reheat the soup and sandwiches, okay? I think you're going to have to stay here for the night so I gotta make sure you're comfortable somewhere.”
Sunny petted Richie’s mane carefully, frowning a bit before looking back at Buggy. “Can I have a hug?”
“Wh-Why do you want a hug?”
“Because I feel sad.” She shrugged. “Hugs always make me feel better.”
Buggy gritted his teeth and closed his eyes, forcing himself to count to three. Was having a kid going to be like this? Once he made sure he was calm, he knelt down and let her hug him, not bothering to put his arms around her. It didn’t matter. Maybe this would be like when he was a kid and she’d go back to her time after a few days. He could only hope.
He found a cot for her to sleep on that he set up in his room. He wasn’t about to let her have his bed. She seemed fine as she settled herself down on the cot, pulling the blanket up to her chin as she smiled up at him. 
“Good night, Mister Buggy!”
“Yea, yea, good night.” He turned the lights off before crawling into his own bed, hoping to fall asleep quickly so that when he’d wake up this would all be over. Barely a day with this kid and he’d already made her cry several times. Was this a test from the universe to prove to him that he definitely could not be a dad? He just wished his wife was around to see this so he could show her why it would be a terrible idea for them to be parents.
Part of him did feel guilty. He knew Sunny would be an excellent mom but he didn’t want her to have to take on all of the responsibility. He just didn’t feel like he’d be a good dad and it wouldn’t be fair if she shouldered everything. Why did she want to have one so badly? Why couldn’t they just continue on as they have been?
He rubbed his face and sighed, grumbling softly under his breath as he tried to fall asleep. It was hard not having his wife around. During the last week she wouldn’t touch him while they slept, going so far as to bring a separate blanket to bed to wrap up in. If Buggy tried to touch her she would wriggle away from him. He wished she wasn’t so stubborn.
“Mister Buggy?”
He almost screamed. Little Sunny was standing at the foot of the bed with the blanket draped over her as she looked at him with wide eyes. He clutched his heart, breathing heavily as he glared at her.
“What, kid?”
“I can’t sleep.”
“You haven’t even tried.” He snapped. “Just lay down and try, okay? It’s not hard.”
Sunny looked down and Buggy cursed himself quietly. Why did he have to react this way? She had done nothing wrong. 
“Look, kid, if you want, you can… sleep on that side of the bed.” He told her as he pointed to his wife’s side. “There’s an extra blanket too. The bed is probably comfier than that cot anyway.”
“Yes! As long as you don’t wet the bed or something, I don’t care!” He hissed as she climbed onto his wife’s side. The little girl frowned at him as she fluffed the pillow.
“I’m ten. I don’t wet the bed.” She told him firmly. “I’m not a baby, Mister Buggy.”
“Coulda fooled me with how much you cry.” He muttered under his breath as he tried to get comfortable. He glanced over at Sunny, hoping she didn’t hear him, but she had her back to him and was wrapped up in the blankets. He could hear little sniffles coming from her and he sighed. Maybe tomorrow everything will be normal again.
Sunny had her foot propped up as she laid back on the cot. Roger had offered her his bed since she was injured, but she was fine to sleep on the cot. She couldn’t imagine taking his bed, he was the captain. It was sweet and he had insisted, but once she settled on the cot he gave up. 
Buggy as a kid was… something. Since meeting Shanks as a kid and not having met him as an adult, she had nothing to compare it to, but she wondered if this was how siblings acted towards each other. Both boys teased each other relentlessly to the point of arguing. Three times today Sunny had to watch Rayleigh break up their little squabbles. The most recent time was when the boys argued over what would hurt worse: dropping a cannonball on your foot or falling out of the crow’s nest. This was while Sunny’s foot was being wrapped by the doctor. 
She was getting a bit of a headache from them.
It was easier when it was just Buggy on her ship. He depended on her and she was happy about it. She wanted to make sure the boy felt safe and loved while he was with her because she only had her husband’s word to go off of with how he was raised. While she questioned some of the adults’ ways of speaking to kids (she came close to punching one when the crewman referred to Buggy as “Hey, brat!” when getting his attention), it wasn’t that bad. The boys had a place to live, food to eat, and were taken care of. Rayleigh and Roger watched out for Shanks and Buggy like they were their own sons. She appreciated how Roger had been worried for Buggy when he was missing for that short amount of time when she had him.
Was she being hard on her own husband for not wanting kids? When she saw her husband and the kid spend time together nearing the end of the kid’s stay, it was sweet and she thought he’d make a great dad. Sure, he tossed the boy into the water after meeting him, but afterwards they seemed to bond okay. They even made her breakfast together.
Sunny rubbed her face and looked up at the ceiling. It was hard to decide. She wanted kids. She wanted to have Buggy’s kids because she loved him so much but he had said hurtful things to her, called her ideas stupid and she wondered if she needed to give up. It hurt to think that it wouldn’t be a possibility for her, but maybe it was a decision she would need to think about: stay married or move on.
Someone was touching her arm and whispering her name. Sunny jolted awake, heart pounding as her eyes tried to focus on the figure in front of her. His blue hair and bright red nose came into focus first and she breathed a sigh of relief as she sat up.
“What’s wrong, honey?” She whispered as he looked down at his feet. “Are you okay? Do you feel sick? Did you have a bad dream?”
He just shrugged and crossed his arms, refusing to look at her. She frowned and pulled the covers back for him, letting him crawl into the cot beside her as he wrapped his arms around her.
“I’m sorry you got hurt.” He sniffed. “I’m sorry, Sunny, I didn’t mean to hurt you and I feel bad and Shanks said you weren’t going to marry me when I get older because I hurt you and it was an accident, really!”
“Oh, oh honey, shh.” She pulled the blankets over him and stroked his hair gently. She never knew a kid to be as excited about marriage as him. He still had years but he seemed rather fixated on the idea. “I forgive you, really. I know you didn’t mean to.” 
“Are you still gonna wanna marry me when I get older?” He asked quietly. “I don’t want to be alone.” 
“You’re not going to be alone.” She assured him, hoping their voices were quiet to not wake up the captain. “Never, I promise. You’ll have a crew, you’ll have me, and you’ll never have to worry, okay?” She kissed him on the forehead and wrapped her arms around him. “Get some sleep, okay? We’ll go with Captain Roger tomorrow afternoon to pick his coat up from the tailor.”
Buggy rubbed his eyes and looked up at her. “I don’t want you to go.”
She smiled sadly and tucked his hair back behind his ear gently. “Honey, you’ll be fine. I have to go back and be with you when you’re an adult. Remember what I said when we parted ways before? You can’t handle ten minutes without me. It’s still true. And you’ll meet me in a few years and it’s going to be fine, you just have to wait.”
“I want you to stay here.” He insisted as he sniffed. “You’d have fun here with me.”
She hated that a small part of her said to do it, to throw caution to the wind and join this crew. Why should she go back? Maybe… maybe she could do something to keep Roger from making the decisions that he did, maybe the boys wouldn’t turn their backs on each other, the crew could stay together…
But no, she couldn’t even consider that. She couldn’t change the history that happened even if she wanted to. She just tightened her arms around the boy, hugging him tightly before kissing him on the forehead.
“Get some sleep, okay?” She told him. “Maybe tomorrow you and I can make breakfast for the Captain, how does that sound? Hm? I think he’d appreciate it.”
He sighed softly but nodded, sniffling quietly as he settled down in her arms. He wondered if there was any way to convince her to stay.
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hauntingmothgirl · 3 months
About me <3
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Im a 20+ year old girl with a love for vintage, history, and all things spooky.
I am a pirate enthusiast, cryptid lover, divorced dad music listener, horror buff.
My interests are: ┃dnd┃vampires┃gaming┃cryptids┃creepypastas┃anime┃horror games┃2000s horror movies┃paintings that make me cry┃halloween┃bones┃dark photography┃Religious imagery in art┃y2k┃anything vintage┃my kitties┃moths┃halloween┃the undead┃Jesus┃cosplaying┃moths┃weeping angels┃true crime┃bone┃saws┃possums┃rats┃bats┃occult┃fantasy┃ghosts┃sirens┃wendigoon┃basically any monster┃clown figurines┃victorian dolls┃the medieval┃crows/ravens┃goth clubs┃mythology┃atlantis┃mermaids┃dragons┃vikings┃old hollywood┃diaries┃silent hill weather┃any church or gas station on a foggy night┃comics┃the creepy┃the paranormal┃1800s┃
┃goth┃emo┃scene┃y2k┃post punk┃gothic rock┃screamo┃new wave┃darkwave┃classic rock┃punk rock┃pop punk┃midwest emo┃yallternative┃2000s rnb┃rap┃essentially anything┃50s-60s music┃
Fav characters:
┃misa amane┃draculaura┃sibby┃love quinn┃harley quinn┃Alice cullen┃starfire┃catwoman┃dracula┃chica┃bridgette bardot┃barbie┃wendigoon┃hawkhatesyou┃tinkerbell┃bela dimitrescu┃loeylane┃cjades┃
┃skyrim┃resident evil┃silent hill┃outlast┃fallout┃alice madness returns┃bg3┃fnaf┃mw2┃
┃haunting adeline┃pride and prejudice┃the seven husbands of evelyn hugo┃my life at rose red┃blue is for nightmares┃im thinking of ending things┃the haunting of hill house┃the hunger games┃
┃kesha┃halsey┃avril lavigne┃evanescence ┃paramore┃melanie martinez┃flyleaf┃billie eilish┃lana del rey┃ethel cain┃stevie nicks┃ptv┃sws┃creed┃
┃deathnote┃berserk┃soul eater┃the phantom of the opera┃nosferatu┃jersey shore┃the conjuring┃the roommate┃disturbia┃rose red┃midsommar┃13 ghosts┃house of wax┃the messengers┃twilight ┃jeepers creepers┃H20 years later┃labyrinth ┃ghost ship┃haunting of hill house┃YOU┃gothika┃thebatman┃scream┃RED┃coraline┃monster high┃ncis┃criminal minds┃alice in wonderland┃sanrio┃nana┃supernatural┃gilmore girls┃bridgerton┃ahs┃mlp┃the crow┃k-12┃priscilla┃
hehe did this for fun :)
very long but pls interact im very friendly 
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