#141 was pissed
careful-please · 1 year
His hand is poised to knock, loose fist stopped mid air when he hears a crash from behind the door. With everything that has happened to her during her time at the base he really can't be blamed for the huge spike of fear that shoots through him. He immediately opens the door, his other hand already reaching out to help her.
Instead of his worst fears, he is greeted with the sight of her pale, plump thighs wiggling her rump in the air as she reaches over the side of the bed for something that had obviously fallen, cursing mildly as she sits back to scowl at it in her hand. The oversized hoodie she wore was the only thing protecting her modesty and the cursed thought that she might not be wearing any knickers refused to let him think of anything for a solid minute before he forced himself to focus.
"Lass, are you alright?" He asked while fighting back a deep flush and averting his gaze from the sight of her long, pale legs.
"Oh. Captain. Yes I'm fine. Do you need something?" She tilted her head slightly while looking up at him.
"I- no I just- i heard a crash but I guess it was a false alarm. " He rubbed the back of his neck as he finished. 
"Oh yeah.  Just me being a clutz again. Nothing bad." She was fidgeting with the hoodie, expression barely hiding her frustration.
" You know you can talk to me about anything, sweetheart. You don't have to bottle it up. Im sorry you had to experience that. I discharged him, so it shouldn't be a problem ever again. "
"Ah. Well I'm just frustrated about my shorts. They were my favorite. " she sighed heavily. " The boys tried to make me feel better. But everything has just been off since. Feels almost like they wasted their efforts. And that makes me feel guilty, I don't want it to be a waste. Just- nothing is going right since that-." She makes a vague gesture.
Price nods in understanding.
"I understand. Im sorry you're feeling frustrated." He runs a hand through his hair. "I wish I knew how to help. "
She perks up and pats the bed beside her, silently beckoning he to sit as she speaks.
"It's enough knowing you care so much. I really appreciate everything you do for me. I still feel helpless sometimes and it's comforting to know I can lean on the team. I feel like a burden but there's not much I can do about all this. Hunting the people who tortured me and ghost will take time. I just wish I could fight with you."
"Bunny, I never want you in harms way. You aren't a burden. You are the most amazing woman I have ever met. But you are still just a civilian. Im not going to put a gun in your hands. Never."
Price wraps an arm around her in comfort, drawing her close. She lays her head on his shoulder and sighs gently.
"I know you don't want to, but with how determined life is to hurt me, you may not have a choice one day. I ought to know the basics at least. If nothing else, I should know how to engage the safety on any gun."
"Well,  maybe. But I'm not letting you shoot any of them. " he concedes with a huff.
"Awww come on. " she whines, trying to looks at him with puppy dog eyes. It's ruined by the grin she tries to hide unsuccessfully.
" Nope. Not gonna happen, Bunny. Not on my watch." Price shakes his head firmly.
She looks down at their legs pressed together and shifts from side to side.
"But we aren't on your watch. I think you left it in your desk." Now her grin is obvious and cheeky.
Price tries hard to keep a stern look of disapproval but can't help a grin of his own.
" Bunny." He warns.
"Aww come on.  That was clever and you know it."
Price just shakes his head again.  They stay like that for a few moments until Price can no longer resist.
"Why aren't you wearing any bottoms?"
"Ah. Just got out the shower. "
"Oh. I see. ...."
She looks at him expectantly.
"......are you....?" He nods at her lap.
This grin is salacious.
"Wanna find out?" She winks.
His face is quickly turns red as he groans.
"Seriously?! Why must you be such a bloody tease?"
" Because I'm your Bunny. You love it anyway. " she giggles.
He growls as he moves to push her onto the bed and leaves kisses all over her face and neck.
" Your going to be the death of me." He grumbles half heartedly. One of his hands sliding up her thigh to confirm she is,  in fact, not wearing knickers.
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shotmrmiller · 19 days
i'd think it'd take simon two times of him listening to johnny vent about all the shit dates he's had and how he's been abstinent for so long his virginity's gonna grow back for simon to be like "alright," with a casual shrug. "i'll let you fuck my wife."
johnny has a bitty little crush on you so he doesn't even question it. better agree to it before simon comes to his senses.
he tells him to come over for dinner tomorrow at 7 sharp. any later and he'll take that as johnny changing his mind. (delusional. johnny knows simon can see the raging hard on he's had since he brought you up.)
johnny asking why not tonight and simon uses you as an excuse. that he's gotta talk to you. warm you up to the idea. but in reality simon wants to fill you up, leave you full, overly so, of his come so when johnny plugs you up, he can see it leaking out of your cunt and coat johnny's cock. (he's had quite a few drinks tonight but that imagery is what makes his head spin. it's got him gripping the neck of his bottle hard enough to crack.)
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heavenbarnes · 2 months
Does older bf!simon have social media?
great question!
he has one, older bf!simon has one singular social media account and it’s with instagram.
he only follows you and he only has it so he can like every single photo you post and comment “i like this” on them.
he literally does nothing else with the account (except watch rug cleaning videos on reels) and he has an alert for when you post.
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blingblong55 · 4 months
“GAZ IS A CHEATER FOR REAL” “Soap would use you for your body and laugh later” “Ghost is an abuser and loves to do it” “Price cheats on his wife”
Bro these men deal with absolute bitches, they have been through enough and and know about loyalty, bond and brotherhood, trust me they are far from that. Gaz has values, look at how he looks/reacts to Graves. Soap didn’t even dare be aggressive when asking for the girls finger, he could’ve forced her to do it but didn’t. Ghost has seen abuse first hand, no he fucking wouldn’t hurt you. Price also has values and one of them is loyalty, so get your shit straight.
They are fictional, so I would do this if they did this to me:
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hostilecandle · 8 days
Yeah so turns out the longer im in this fandom the more im pissed about this so here goes. I'm trying real hard to figure out when afab went from being something for transmascs, intersex, and nonbinary individuals to use and instead has come to mean "woman" in all your 'x reader' fics. Because that word is not for you. It does not mean woman or female and yall know that.
To tack onto that, gn!reader isn't genderneutral when you use exclusively feminine nicknames, terms, and descriptors(Lass, Bonnie, etc etc). Genderneutral and nonbinary does not mean woman-light. Afab does not mean woman. These are terms exclusively used by and for the Trans community and usually/initially only for medical reasons with medical providers for fucks sake.
(As a side note, I personally don't care if you yourself fall under the Trans umbrella and are doing this, you absolutely are not getting a pass. In fact, you should then know better than anyone else not to be doing it)
Anways something something it's Pride month and we've fought so fucking hard to get the barest minimum of respect and rights and Trans people all over the world are being attacked, stripped of our rights, and being used as the boogeyman man for every countries political agenda. So it is BEYOND annoying as fuck for mainly cis women in fandoms to co-opt transmasc terms for fics just so they feel special and unique. Just fucking say its female reader and have some fucking shame 🙄🙄
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femalefemur · 15 days
1. Captains and Cabins.
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warnings: mentions of child abuse, mentions of child death, mentions of murder, mentions of dead bodies, mentions of skeletons, mentions of desecrating graves, mentions of piss, please let me know if I missed anything!
word count: 1.2k
synopsis: Kyle, Simon, Johnny and you have volunteered at a summer camp, you've arrived a week early to help with preparations, what could go wrong?
A/N: I am aware that summer camps are not a thing in the UK, I'm also not American so I have no idea if this is accurate, summer camps are also not a thing where I live but camping with other groups are.
“There’s a legend that the camp is haunted, they say that the guy who originally owned this place went crazy and killed all the counsellors one night while they were asleep. Snapped, just like that” Johnny snapped his fingers to emphasise his point as he spoke, a grin spread across his handsome face. 
“Shut up, he did not, that’s just a story kids tell to scare each other” Kyle rolled his eyes as he carried a box into the hall and placed it down with the others. 
“He did too! How else do you explain them all disappearing?” Johnny frowned as he crossed his arms and pouted at the taller man. 
“They probably just got lost in the woods, probably went for a hike and didn’t stay on the path or something. These woods are huge so it’s pretty easy to get lost in them even now, imagine back then when they only had paper maps” Kyle rolled his eyes as he mirrored Johnny’s stance. 
“Whatever,” Johnny rolled his eyes back and turned his attention back to you “don’t listen to him bonnie, the guy definitely went crazy.” “Sure,” you laughed as you looked at them both “I have to say Kyle’s story sounds more plausible than a guy suddenly went crazy and killed everyone” you shrugged as you left the hall to bring in another box, the two men trailing behind you and bickering about what really happened.
The Camp that they were arguing about was the very camp that you were currently at, Camp 141. You had been hired as a camp counsellor for the summer along with your three best friends, Kyle, Johnny and Simon. The three of you were inseparable since you had met in high school and that friendship had carried over into your adult years. 
The four of you had been through it all, helped Simon leave his abusive home, been there for him when his family died, held his hands at the cemetery as he cried at his mother and brother’s grave. You had all watched him piss on his piece of shit father’s grave that very night, hell you’d even helped him smash the headstone and every one after that until they finally stopped replacing it. You’d all been there when Johnny’s family kicked him out for coming out as bisexual, taking him into your homes with open arms, just as you’d all taken Simon in. Been there when Kyle started feeling the pressure of getting into a good university. You’d reminded him to sleep and eat, dragged his fingers away from his mouth when he’d started to bite his nails down to the quick from the stress of it all.
You’d all moved in together into a flat half-way between Oxford and London when you had all finally graduated high school, free to finally escape your small town and leave behind the bad memories. Kyle’s rigorous studying had paid off and he’d been accepted into Oxford University, and Simon, Johnny and you had been accepted into various universities across London. None of you minded the commute as long as it meant you could stay together, your little found family. That all led to the present, you had all graduated university a good few years ago, settled into your jobs and moved together into an infinitely better flat, now that you all had a much better and stable income. 
It was Simon’s idea to volunteer as camp counsellors for the summer, he’d said it would be good for you all to get away from the city for a bit and be close to nature. Though you suspected that he wanted to do something for the children, the camp was for children aged thirteen to fourteen which placed them around the age that Simon’s brother was when he passed. After the three of you had sat around the dining table and looked at every inch of the brochure you’d all happily agreed, not that any of you needed convincing, not with the way Simon’s face had lit up when he talked about the camp. So you’d all taken time off and found yourselves packing into Johnny’s 4WD for the long trip up north to the camp, arriving a week before it was set to open to the children to help set up. 
The camp director hadn’t been there when you’d all arrived, but he had left a note explaining that he’d had to make a trip into town for some last minute hardware supplies. He had also left instructions to bring in the boxes from the storage shed and into the main hall, along with where your counsellors' cabins were and told you to make yourselves at home. You’d all worked tirelessly for the whole afternoon, bringing the boxes in and unpacking the various supplies and activities from them, the thought of children happily following along with the activities making you smile. Your childhoods may not have been the best but you sure as hell could make these children’s childhoods a good one, even if it was only for a couple of weeks. 
“Where do you think the director is?” You had sat down outside on the steps up to the main hall, a cold bottle of water in your hands as you relaxed. 
“Who knows, should have definitely been back by now” Simon frowned as he glanced at the setting sun on the horizon, shades of pink and orange painting the sky as he leaned back on his arms and tapped his boot against yours, a silent “I love you.”
The director still hadn’t returned by nightfall and you’d all made yourselves right at home, settling into the cabin before exploring the kitchen and making dinner. You’d finally settled in for the night, showered away the grime and sweat of the day before slipping into a comfortable pair of cotton sleep shorts and an oversized t-shirt you’d stolen from Kyle. It had already been oversized on him and on you it was even larger, it also somehow still smelled of him no matter how many times it got washed, the warm scent of musk, honey and oud clinging to the fibres of the fabric. 
“You know they say he used to be a SAS Captain” Johnny spoke as he lay on his bunk bed and scrolled on his phone before Kyle smacked it out of his hand and onto his face.
“Stop talking about that, we really don’t need to hear about a murderous camp director right before we go to bed at said camp” Kyle scowled as he was hit in the face with Johnny’s pillow. 
“Someone scared?” Johnny teased him as he grinned and wiggled his eyebrows. “He’s right, it’s just unsettling to hear about it right before bed” You huffed as you watched the two play wrestle and laugh, snuggling in further under the covers while Simon joined in on the wrestling. 
“Am just saying that he could have snapped, probably saw a lot of shit as a Captain, and it could have gotten to him” Johnny shrugged as the three of them lay sprawled out after the wrestling. “Probably knew how to kill them quietly and hide the bodies too” he kept speaking, “maybe they’re buried under the floorboard” Johnny laughed as your pillow hit his face.
“Please shut up, I don’t need to think about sleeping on top of literal dead bodies” You frowned at him as you picked your pillow up and tucked it back under your head, closing your eyes in hopes that you would fall asleep soon and not dream of skeletons or murderers. Failing to notice the shadow that passed by the window behind the men.
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the-whispers-of-death · 5 months
*Gaz & Stone in the base's supply depot* Gaz: *struggling to reach something on the shelf because he's the shortest in the Task Force* Bloody hell, why is this bottle of cleaning solution so high up? Gaz: *looks around for someone and notices Stone nearby, grabbing some more copy paper* Hey, Stone. I'm having trouble getting this cleaning solution, can you help, please? Stone: Sure. *grabs the bottle of cleaning solution for Gaz and hands it to him* Gaz, beaming: Thanks, mate! *A few days later, again in the supply depot* Soap, struggling to reach something on one of the higher shelves: *muttering Scottish Gaelic curses* Just need a new stapler. Soap, after looking around for help: Wait, there's Stone. Hey, Stone! Can you please help me with getting this stapler, mate? Stone, almost immediately: There's a step-stool to your right, Soap. Soap: *pouting* Oh come on now, mate. I know you helped Gaz get something from a high shelf just a couple days ago. Stop playing favorites! Stone: *sighs* Fine. Soap: Aw, thanks, mate—Whoa! Stone: *having picked up Soap and brought him up to the shelf where the stapler is* Well, don't dawdle now. Get the stapler before I drop you. Soap, afraid Stone really would just drop him if he hesitates: *grabs the stapler quickly and breathes easier when Stone puts him down* Thanks again, Stone! Soap: *scurries away like he's on fire*
Reblogs are welcomed & appreciated!
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martuzzio · 1 year
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TweedleDee and TweedleDum, but make it Medieval
Check out more Medieval 141 here
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queermentaldisaster · 30 days
Laswell uses cat videos to distract the 141.
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verdantcreek · 3 months
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ohhhh they are doomed by the narrative…..
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sparky-draws · 7 months
talking about polyam141 + omorashi on my twt if any of y'all would like to discuss w me here or there :3
been mostly keeping kinky stuff to twt bc ik my following there is more used to it and this blog has a lot more of a wholesome vibe due to the clangen series but I'm a nasty bastard & have been kinda hyperfixated on this topic for the last few days so its all I've been talking abt lol
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sizzleee2 · 4 months
i’m actually so mad rn, this is one of my other accounts from my og one and i can’t find a specific Soap warewolf fic, i’m pissed bcuz i literally loved it😭 more context: reader finds a wolf (johnny) out in the woods, takes it home, makes it her pet, and then some other crazy shit happens lmao, anyway, if ANYONE has ANY ideas on what it could be i would actually worship you <3
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pfhwrittes · 27 days
Based on a conversation at work today ft. Tradie141
Price *whistling* " Naur none of that now, I will not be whistling today"
Reader "why?"
Price "Between Ghost and Gaz with their whistling and Soap's music (you cannot tell me he wouldn't listen to bagpipes on the job site) there is too much sound going on and it's hurting my head."
Reader ".... Would you like me to sing Opera?"
Price "No! Don't ya dare."
Reader "aw come on now I don't squeak that much."
Price "None of that now, thank you."
(sidenote I do squeak when singing, not sure if it's cuz I was never trained or because of singing in a lower register or trauma. But at points I will imitate with startling accuracy a dog squeaky toy.)
stigy! hiya friend 💜
lmaoooo i've recently found i can't sing in a register that i was very comfortable in as my voice has dropped a bit on t! so i'm with you on the "squeaky toy" impression!
ooh you've inspired some brainworms about what the trade force 141 lot would listen to on site...
kyle listens to his own playlist. it's a mix of tiktok trending music, the "good bits" of whatever has played on captial fm or bbc radio 1 recently, some 90s/early 00s r&b, stormzy and surprisingly a little bit of tina turner. you've caught him doing full body rolls to genuwine's pony before.
simon listens to podcasts. it's not unusual for you to walk in on simon giggling (yes, giggling!) at "dead ringers" or "sorry i haven't a clue". music wise he's pretty happy to listen to whatever someone else puts on as long as it isn't completely deafening, he still needs to be able to think.
johnny listens to edm at high volume all the time. techno, hardstyle, uk drum and bass? all good. all loud. give that man a diiiiiiirty bass line (and everyone else some earplugs). you can tell which zone he's working in for the day because the floor will tremble a little bit.
price listens to smooth radio. no, he won't be changing it to something "less crap". if you've got an issue you can fuck off. love shack by the b-52s is a classic.
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what on gods green earth. this cannot be real
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olli-online · 11 months
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141d · 2 years
oh  i  want  to  talk  about  the  differences  between  gaz  n  kyle
so far in his professional life he’s had to struggle against the fact that being fairly young for his position has meant having a lot to prove in the eyes of others. this, combined with his own high standards and inability to settle for anything less than what he thinks himself capable of, has resulted in a very goal oriented and objective focused persona for when he’s on the job. he can come across as very intense and serious if assigned to a new group, and as he’s not one to initiate conversation or join in with banter while there’s more important things to do, he’s definitively appeared as being wound a little tight more than once. 
in a private setting on the other hand, kyle is a very engaging and approachable person. he’s funny, quick-witted, and can deliver absolutely merciless burns with detrimental accuracy (he’ll read you to filth in less than a compound sentence and have the sweetest smile on his face as he does it). he is still on the quiet side, and with people he knows from a professional standpoint it might take some time for him to open up, but he’s inquisitive and a very engaged listener. with people he’s grown to trust enough he’ll gladly pick up conversations from the field he didn’t join in on when they’re back at base and ask follow-up questions, proving that he does listen despite appearances. the dialogue between him, price and kate in recon by fire is him assimilating into kate and price’s banter because he’s comfortable with them. he knows he doesn’t have to prove himself, he’s there because he belongs and they would both swear by it.
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