#2B stop being a bitch
anyaharveyii · 4 months
"after Tim stops flinching every time Jason enters the room" bitch be fucking for real when has tim EVER flinched at jason?? dude does not have the trauma from their prior interaction y'all desperately want him to have.
Hi there :) Thanks for contributing your thoughts. Here are some notes that might offer clarity on my perspective and intent:
1. Jason was the focus of that post. The part about Tim was a throwaway remark or side note I made to contextualize my post. My intent was to describe how most of Jason's struggles—when he first moved back into Wayne Manor—were likely external, such as his strained familial relationships (I used Bruce and Tim as examples).
2. Which begs the question: what specifically was Tim's relationship with Jason during those first few weeks? Was he traumatized? Or are toxic fans just trying to dramatize the situation?
Like with any scenario involving fandoms and individuals who engage with said fandoms, I think this depends on (a) the person's experiences and (b) where that person gets their information from.
2a. EXPERIENCES: I have actually read the original comic where Jason breaks into Titans Tower, and while Tim handled the situation like a badass in the moment, I can't imagine a world in which someone trying to hurt you to the point where you're slumped on the ground and bleeding out would not be traumatizing.
Where my own experiences came into play was relating to the concept of having a person—who wants, or at one point did want, to hurt you—invade a space where you're supposed to feel safe and protected. For Tim, this would be Titans Tower or Wayne Manor. (For most people, this could be where they live, go to school, or work.)
2b. INFORMATION: The Batman franchise is now incredibly vast and varied, spreading across several different movies, comics, fan theories, and other sources. Most of my perception of Tim is based on what I've seen from the Batfam Webtoon comics (which I'm aware are not actually considered canon, but I love them anyway). This could be part of why our interpretations of Tim are unique.
So upon reflection, I agree that "flinching" might have been a bit strong. My intention was not to magnify Tim's trauma (again, the focus of that post was Jason), but to find a brief way to indicate that Tim might initially have been upset by Jason's presence in the manor considering their past encounters. By prioritizing being concise over being specific, I may have been inaccurate, so I apologize.
At the end of the day, it's important to remember that all of these people are fictional, and that it's okay for several people to have different interpretations and perceptions about the same character.
Hope that clears things up. Thanks again for engaging with my post!
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For some very convoluted reason Jaune has to go undercover as a maid in the Schnee mansion. It was a relatively simple mission, get in, get the info, get out, so how was Jaune pushed into a wall as Willow made out with who she thought was a new maid. The milf pushing her knee into the blondes crotch, making him whimper in her mouth. In Willows drunken state she didn’t notice the additional equipment on her maid, in the end it didn’t matter, Willow was going to fuck the new “girl” for hours.
It’s up to you if this is straight or futa
The mission was easy. Sneak into Schnee manor, steal some incriminating documents from Jacques Schnee's office, and deliver them back to Ironwood. Simple as that, Jaune thought when he accepted the mission. However, no one took into account for a certain white-haired woman.
Jaune gagged as Willow's tongue entered his mouth, liquor lingering on the fleshy muscle. He tried to push her away, but the drunken woman was deceptively strong despite her state. Holding him in place by wrapping her arms around his neck, and pushing a knee into his groin, ensuring he wouldn't escape from her no matter how hard he tried. After a short while, she pulled away leaving a trail of saliva bridging their mouths as evidence of their makeout.
"You taste...*HIC* Gooddd~ new girl" she slurred, eyes half-lidded "
*She doesn't know I'm a male.* he thought, looking down at her leg pressed against her crotch *I suppose this is good that she doesn't recognize me either*
Willow smiled drunkenly, licking her lips "What's you name *Hic* beautiful~*HiC*"
"Jau.....*couch* Joan, ma'am" He replied in a shrill pitched voice, silently promising to apologize to Weiss after hearing that line himself.
Willow leaned forward and licked his cheek, the smell of alcohol making his face scrunt.
"Time for your orientation~" she whispers huskily in his ear before grabbing his top and yanking him forward.
Jaune screamed as Willow thrusts into his helpless asshole. He was bent over the desk, his skirt crumbled on the floor leaving his pale, toned ass expose for the milf to abuse as she sees fit. his hands were outstretched ahead of him with black glyphs locking him them in place.
Willow took a swig from her wine bottle, a single hand gripping Jaune's hips as she shoved her 14-inch strapon in and out of his ass. She still had no idea who he was, and honestly didn't care so long as she got some action from someone. Her husband refuses any of her advances due to her constantly drunk state.
"Despite not having much of a chest.......*hic* you have a nice fucking ass," she said, not filtering her words. "Gah....You cried like a little bitch, J...John.. no....Joan"
"That....cause...you're...being too...Rough!!" Jaune retorted, looking back at the intoxicated milf. Tears pooled in his eyes.
Willow released a throaty laugh, her motherly tits bouncing as she did. She raised her free hand and brought it down hard onto his ass cheeks, leaving a bright red mark.
"If you can't...*HIC*....handle a little toy like...*hic* this....then........" she stopped talking as an actual maid entered the room.
She had short white hair, icy blue eyes, and pale skin. 2B was her name, if Jaune remember correctly. Willow's personal servant, she hardly went anywhere without her close by.
*If she recognizes me, the mission is over!* he thought, hoping she wouldn't notice him.
"Excuse me, Ms. Schnee," she said, giving a small bow
"What is it? Can't you..*hic*...see I'm *hic* busy?"
Maintaining her composer, she continued her report "I regret to inform you that your husband has been arrested by the military"
Jaune's heart dropped upon hearing that statement. His humiliation from being pegged by Willow is made meaningless. the woman ceased her movement, taking a moment to absorb the news she's just been told.
"Oh....*hic* Is that so?" Willow questioned, taking another swig from her wine bottle, "How....*hic* sad..."
The sarcasm in her voice was very apparent. It was no secret that their marriage was down the drain.
"Excuse me, Ma'am, but isn't that one of Weiss's friends" 2B gestured to Jaune. the boy's face widened with shock at the exposure of his identity.
Willow look puzzled by the question, even laughing at 2B's observation "Of course not....*hic*This is the new maid, Joan see"
She released her hold on him and flipped him on his back. She was surprised to see his erect cock standing proud for all to see, much to his shame.
"Oh...*hic*..she didn't mention she was a futa.."
2B discretely rolled her eyes and removed his wig, causing Willow to gasp in shock.
"Oh...it is Jaune" she said, taking another swig of her wine bottle. Seeing it was empty, she dropped it on the floor.
"um....Surprise..." he squeaked, giving the duo a weary smile.
Willow stared at the boy for a while until a lecherous smile spread across her face, her right hand creeping down to her drooling slit.
"Well, this is a nice surprise~" she purred, slowly climbing onto Jaune's lap "I believe this is the perfect way to celebrate my upcoming divorce~"
The reason 2B is here is because of a personal idea where she and 2P are Willow's personal maids. Why? Smut reasons. Also could be used for in-depth story reasons by someone else
i don't know
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chunkymamatam · 5 months
oh wow from what i have seen your stories sound cool 🤩 what are your relationships w the main cast? my fav character is prolly leona and rook so do you have any stories w them? 😊
So it's a college DR. I'm gonna start everything I'm about to say with that. Like there's probably nothing in these specific stories that I need to say that for but like I'm gonna say that every time.
Some people are weird. I'm an adult and I don't really want to hang out with a bunch of high school age teenagers. I'm also not willing to age myself down and relive the worst years of my life lmfao. We're all in the adult age bracket in my DR. Nothing wrong with being a teenager but it would feel weird for me to have a whole friend group full of them and I'm not about to be perpetually lonely.
Also I tend to not define my relationships with labels. I'm bad at labels so it's easier to define them with my experiences with each person.
Now on to my experience with these men.
THIS MF- Lmfao I first met this man in the botanical garden like in the game, tripped over and stepped on his tail accidentally. Man threatened to knock my lights out. Now, I'm genderfluid and it was a more masc day but I certainly didn't tell him that. IDK HOW TF HE KNEW. Referred to me as the correct pronouns and shit too.
He sniffed me and I was like "Hey, could you not sniff me...? Do I stink??"
He looked me up and down and proceeded to be like "Not yet but you will when I'm done beating your ass"
Ruggie stopped the fight but still.
2. During The whole Spell drive situation, first of all I didn't even want to be there but Crowely has a habit of threatening me and my housing. I was at Savanaclaw, being harassed by this mf named Blaze, and Leona comes out wanting to be a bitch. I explained why I was there and this man brushed it off and says
"How about we settle this over a game of Spell Drive. You win and I'll answer any questions you have but if you lose. Well I'll think of something." with that stupid smirk of his /pos
I lost and this man tackled me to the ground with his final move. He had me pinned down smirking down at me and I was internally complaining he was taking too long to gtf off me. So me, being a dastardly bastard, smirked up at him and said
"You like something you see that you're taking so long to get up" and I blew him a kiss.
There's more during book 2 but honestly their overblots in general were kind of traumatizing and I'm not in the mood to talk about it. For now just know they tried to end my life and said some really cruel shit.
3. After the over blot tho. I got knocked the fuck out despite my best efforts and we ended up in the infirmary together with everyone. Cheka jumped on him and started treating him like a pony. I was doing my best not to laugh at him. He looked at me, told me not to laugh and I busted out laughing. I couldn't help it! It was just too cute! He was forced to take me home back to ramshackle by everyone there cuz I didn't look too good but there was nothing else the nurse could do. They essentially told him that it's his fault I was hurt the least he could do is take me home.
4. So during the Octavinelle situation we had to stay with him for a while. Now I didn't mind cleaning up after him and sharing a room with him for a few days. In fact I was giggling at him and making fun of him a little for having Ruggie straighten his hair all the time. He actually has 2B curls in my DR lol
I was like "Damn.. Gentrified." and he was fighting for his life lmfao I was like "Nah but in all seriousness are you not scared to ruin your curls?"
Turns out he uses some fancy heat protection product in his hair. I don't straighten my hair anymore so like I genuinely don't know how well those work but I think that was a funny interaction.
back to the original story tho. Floyd ended up giving me the squeeze and I went into a seizure. My brain was fried I told him this too. I was like "Hey Leona, I just had a seizure earlier so I'm gonna be a little slower and ditsier while cleaning you room. Just a fair warning before you think I'm acting like a little weirdo."
This man fr looked at me and was like "why are you slurring your words" Sir I just fucking told you my brain misfired. I ignore it and he just kept going bro.
"Why are you moving like that."
"You're taking too long, this is just excessive."
"I bet you're just faking it so you don't have to do your part. You probably lied and didn't even have a seizure."
At that point I was fucking done. I looked at him and said "You know what? I don't have to take this. I'm sleeping outside of Ramshackle." I stole HIS PILLOWS and HIS BLANKETS and fumbled my ass out back to Ramshackle.
A little while later he comes up to me and apologizes. I was so weirded out I was like "So who's holding a gun to your head?"
He huffed and made a frustrated face and was like "can't I just say sorry, Herbivore?"
"You personally? No. Someone is making you do this."
I was right, Jack and Grim chewed him tf out for that shit. Grim bragged about it to me that's how I found out lol. But anyway he grumbled and was like "Just come back to Savanaclaw with me"
I said "No. I'm gonna stay right here like I said I would."
This mf decides to pick me up and drag me back by force. I told the mf to put me down which resulted in and argument. Eventually I was like "Fuck you!"
This mfer responds with "You'd like that." with a smirk.
I scoffed and was like "I would NEVER want to do that with a son of a bitch who can't even tie his own shoes properly. I have a medical issue that fucks with my motor skills, what's your excuse???"
Man stfu after that.
It's funny cuz genuinely we were chill after that pfffff
Our first interaction was literally him looking at Vil sideways for the way that mfer was acting towards me and honestly I think that's so funny.
I don't necessarily have very many stories about him just little experiences. Like when I called him out for watching me before I turned around to look at him and idk what that expression was but it scares me LMFAO
He calls me Monsieur Souris
He woke me up every morning gently but when I went back to sleep got Vil. Like bruh I can sleep a little the school is RIGHT THERE. Overall he truly is mysterious. He's really not as creepy as everyone says. Until he starts hunting you anyway. I am not game monsieur Hunt. Please back off 😭
I think he's still trying to figure some stuff out with me? Idk a lot of people do that to me so maybe that's it.
Sorry if there's spelling/grammar errors. My brain is melting from this heat. Thank you for the ask ❤
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fullstcp · 14 days
"Hurts 2B Human" by P!nk Sentence Starters
"I gave you soft, I gave you sweet."
"Don't try to hustle me."
"You took my love, mistook it for weakness."
"I guarantee I won't repeat this."
"I live my life like a bullet in a gun."
"Don't fuck with me."
"You think you know it all."
"I spend my days tryna do you right."
"You can't see the light."
"It won't do no good at all to say you're sorry now."
"Your words, they are falling on deaf ears."
"How can you replace all these years?"
"Now you've gone and thrown away the very thing you need."
"I need your love."
"I'm falling in your love."
"I know it's shit, but I love it."
"We're way above it."
"I need you out my head now."
"We'll soon be gone, we'll forget it."
"I need you out my life now."
"Why'd you fuck up my life?"
"Why do I miss you sometimes?"
"I'd die without your love."
"There's something in the way you roll your eyes."
"Now you're the only thing that's good."
"This conversation ain't coming easily."
"I know it's getting late."
"So what do you say we leave this place?"
"Walk me home in the dead of night."
"I can't be alone with all that's no my mind."
"Say you'll stay with me tonight."
"I think that we could do some good."
"I wanna let you see inside my attic."
"Don't go pushing too hard."
"I'm not so easy to manipulate."
"I will give you all my secrets."
"I swear, not tryna be vindictive."
"I'm just terrified that you might see me different."
"Tell me that I'm okay."
"Tell me that you'll stay."
"Don't wanna tell you what I'm feeling."
"Don't want this night to hit a ceiling."
"It's fucked up, but I'm falling."
"I feel it every day now."
"I'm here, but I'm in pieces."
"I don't know how to fix this."
"You don't feel something when you look at me."
"You're holding my heart."
"Just let me down slowly, I'll be okay."
"I feel the space that's in between us."
"You made this shit so easy."
"I told you my secrets."
"I don't know why I'm tongue tied."
"Sometimes, I get so tired of getting tied up in my thoughts."
"You're the only one that ever makes it stop."
"God, it hurts to be human."
"You can count on me."
"You know I'd have your back."
"We were dancing up on tables."
"Sometimes I don't know how we walked away."
"Screw this, I don't wanna let it go."
"Can we pretend that I'm 22 today?"
"Can we pretend that we all end up okay?"
"I just wanna forget with you."
"Can we pretend? Cause honestly, reality, it bores me."
"I don't have to do this perfectly."
"Have I the courage to change?"
"Can somebody find me a pill to make me un-afraid of me?"
"Seen every therapist, but I'm a cynical bitch."
"I don't like to talk about my feelings."
"I don't wanna be this way forever."
"Maybe I'm just scared to be happy."
"I've been with somebody who loves me."
"My head always messes up my heart no matter what I do."
"I'm so scared of having something to lose."
"I'm scared of being somebody new."
"I'm so scared of all them seeing the truth."
"Right now I've got nothing."
"I've been side-stepping cracks in the pavement."
"Everybody thought we would be the ones to have it all."
"You've spoken all your truths, you're shaken and you're bruised."
"There's nothing left to prove."
"We almost had it."
"There were no second thoughts in my head."
"We got nothing left to lose."
"We got nothing left to prove."
"You and I know the truth."
"There was nothing else that we could do."
"If we're a million miles apart, do you think you'd walk away?"
"Could you love me anyway?"
"Can you still hold me when it hurts, or would you walk away?"
"In this hard shell, there's tiny cracks from a big world."
"I know I better work it out."
"Soon it's gonna change."
"It all just goes away."
"Count your lucky stars that you had a chance to play."
"I had a hard day, and I need to find a hiding place."
"Can you give me just a second to make it through these growing pains?"
"What is old, can it be new again?"
"We have to say goodbye, can we say hello again?"
"Can I fall apart one more time before I work it out?"
"What would you sing tonight?"
"What is it you wait for?"
"Tell me who you are."
"Can you tell me just where you have been?"
"I don't want the headlines, I just want the truth."
"It would be so good to see the real you again."
"It's been a long time, my friend."
"I like the view behind your eyes."
"I'm tired of taking time."
"I'm tired of wasting daylight."
"Give me something more than just words."
"Make it all or make it nothing."
"Take the wrong and make it right."
"Gotta show me what you're thinking."
"Show me forever, show me tonight."
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Once Again, God Forbid women do anything
Dahlia Propaganda
"The fandom hates her so bad. She's the antagonist of the trilogy, so I understand some dislike of course but they hate her SO MUCH. she's a 14 year old girl with a twin sister, she gets dragged into crime by her cop step sister and her pedophilic teacher, dahlia betrays them both, steals the money for herself and abandons them. she slowly goes on a downward spiral in an attempt to protect herself. at college age, she kills her step sister and the teacher in an attempt to not be found and charged for the past crimes. the defense attorney for the case questions her testimony and she poisons him. the rest is just her continuing on that path and killing, attacking or blaming anyone who threatens her safety. this is a BASIC reading of her character. The fandom cannot understand this. they think dahlia seduced the teacher and that she's a crazy bitch. the games themself hate her. there's a male character who's so similar to her but WORSE (no backstory) and the fandom fucking loves him. But, dahlia? she's hated so much for no real good reason. I'm not talking dislike of her choices, but calling her a crazy bitch and refusing to look into WHY she acts like that and what lead to her demise. it's so ridiculous."
"she is based"
"Hell, she was fucked over by the writing itself, too. She's written to be this cold, unfeeling, master manipulator and was portrayed as the one at fault in a relationship she had with a 20-year-old when she was FOURTEEN. She's basically treated as this evil temptress who makes boys fall in love with her and then hurts them. It's. It's pretty bad."
Helene Propaganda
"while already being a character whose narrative purpose was basically to show how much leo tolstoy hates women, the fandom makes it so, so much worse, playing up her supposed "villainy" over that of even what tolstoy writes. constantly i've seen people say that she deserved being threatened and almost killed by her husband because she's? a bitch, i guess? like her husband literally throws a marble slab at her and yells "i'll kill you!" at her and tolstoy implies that if hélène hadn't run away he literally would have and i've seen people say that they wish he had solely because their marriage made him unhappy, when the marriage wasn't her choice either. later on in the book, she aids her brother, anatole, in an attempt to elope with the female protag and i've seen people say that hélène was Worse than anatole, the one trying to elope w/ an engaged girl solely because he wanted to sleep with her, because hélène should have "known better" while anatole was just a stupid guy... do they not see how fucked it is to excuse a man's direct actions and blame it on a woman for not stopping him? any defense of her character is constantly met with people saying that she's one-dimensional and not worth defending because she's meant to be an antagonist — without looking at the fact that she's written that way because she represents what Tolstoy, a misogynistic old man, hates in women. with literally the slightest shred of context it's obvious that she is not the villain tolstoy makes her out to be. how a fandom in 2023 shares the same beliefs abt women that a man in the 1860s does is completely baffling"
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firecooking · 11 months
Here me out, in the tugs fandom there are 3 depictions of captain zero
1. Shitty mustache ( looks like it's pencil drawn)
2. Mustache that curls into a zero ( it curling to represent how he's the antagonist and also it resembles a 0 )
3. No mustache ( because he's either terrible at facial hair or artist just didn't draw him with one)
In your au is there an inside joke that zero can't grow proper facial hair?
I have been a conosuier of human Captain Zero's for years, and that theory does hold water!
I think the only Zero I can think of until a few that cropped up around this year with a beard that was drawn more than once is Dan-the-countdowner's over on deviant art. God speed Dan you where like the only guy drawing human Captains for years.
Also, your asks are always on deck in my ask box when I have a few minutes of free time, please don't think I'm ignoring them, sometimes it takes me a while to formulate my answers. Also I don't often do drawing requests, but I make an exception for my TUGS au's!
Anyways, on to my au! There will be a detailed explanation under the read more but tldr:
When Zero was a younger man he always kept himself clean shaven, after his time in he army he attempts to grow a mustache, which was universally hated and every one regarded as a bad move. Post War 1918-pre Zip 1920 is lovingly known as the rat years in the photo albums that reside around Zero Marine Bigg City.
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Before the Great War Captain Zero clean shaved every morning, brushed out, cared for, and styled his hair, and generally looked put together and intentional despite living with rather wild, wavy, longer hair. I picture him around a 2b/2c if he makes an attempt to care for it but when he's not doing anything particular its just a frizzy/fluffy 2a, he has pretty fine hair so it's never consistent unless Zero makes the effort. His hair keeping short also makes it less wavy than it might be if he let it grow out.
He'll never admit it but he never really liked looking anyone in the eyes as a young man, and he still doesn't like it. His long bangs covering his face made him feel more calm and helped hide the fact he was avoiding eye contact.
When he signed up for the draft, Star had made a few passing comments about his hair, but Zero never thought anything of it. He's always remembered Star had had longer hair, and the Army wasn't that different to the navy, right?
After he was drafted and was in training, one of the first things that happened was his hair was trimmed back to fit in his helmet better and his daily grooming routine was reprimanded as a waste of time for a medic. He was told to change it or lives would be lost. So change it he did. This change consisted of not doing his hair routine save for 'basic maintenance' [ie, none] as needed, and only shaving one or twice a week, his facial hair never did grow very fast and was rather sparse anyways.
When he got back from the war, he vowed to grow his hair back out, but he was a different man returning home.
With his new found free time in the mornings meant he could always find time for tea and some breakfast. Making for a slightly less 'tired bitch of a captain' according to his three tugboats [data gathered from eaves dropping on their nightly poker games]. With his shaving routine fully altered and him no longer being picky about being clean shaven, he decided to try out facial hair, his father always maintained a beard, so why couldn't he? Genetics were on his side! He often forgets he's adopted.
It never did grow in fast, or very full. Even with Zorran's best efforts to help, Zero never really had more than a slightly bushy mess. And his hair never really got back to it's same length/health after the war, he always blamed it on the fact it was cut back, and not the fact he was a depressed mess after Europe who had stopped grooming almost entirely for years.
When Zip was due to be christened, Zero finally went down to a barbers shop to get himself cleaned up for the photographs at the urging of his tugboats and mother.
The barber took one look at him and told him the mustache needed to go and that his hair was initially damaged from lack of care during the war and then exacerbated by lack of care after. Zero on a whim let the man do what he felt was right, it was a new decade after all.
Zero's up cut was initially very low maintenance for him and he quite preferred it that way. Zero didn't keep up steam with his hair care the same way he did before the war, but he could manage to brush it in the morning to keep it from getting as bad as it had been.
Once Zasha comes into his life and he realized she has much curlier hair than he ever did [a mix of 3 b/c], he starts to pick hair maintenance back up as he learns how to take care of her hair. He's gotta be a role model and a good father after all. He still never gets back to how he was before the war, but at least his hair is healthy instead of oily, frizzy, and out of place.
More importantly he's taking regular showers and grooming again. His tugs count both of those things as a win.
He never figures out why he was less particular about the way he looks after the war. He was living a life of crime before the war. In the army he never injured a soul or took a life, unlike his days collecting debts as an 'accountant.'
He doesn't see how the war to end all wars could have changed him.
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arisunakayama · 2 years
Yan!Hank J Wimbleton X Reader X Tsun!2BDamned
A/n: IM BACK FROM MY HIATUS AND IM SO MAD. The ask and progress for this got deleted so I gotta do this all over again ToT
T/W: Blood, Gore, Obsessive Behavior, Stalking, Death
You probably had met both Doc and Hank when Doc recruited you into S.Q as both a combat medic when you were out on a mission and a doctor if you’re not out and about in a mission.
Originally you were just supposed to be there as 2BDamned’s assistant. That being the heavy lifting and bull crap along with handling unclassified documents
But once you showed you were able to perform professional medical care and were able to point out what injuries were which along with being a pretty damn good shot with most weapons, you were immediately moved to treating those who came in with injuries.
One of them being Hank.
In the beginning Hank did NOT want you toughing him at all. You were an untrusted stranger after all.
Plus he kinda does hate everyone after all, aside from 2BDamned, Sanford and Deimos.
But even then he mostly tolerated the other two.
Though 2BDamned ended up barking at him and tells him to sit his ass down and stop complaining.
He doesn’t move, but what he does is watch you with a glare in his eyes.
Hank could hear Doc tell you not to worry about him and to proceed with healing him, to which you hesitantly do.
Once you did, Hank said nothing and did nothing until you were finished.
After that, he left without a word after getting the next assignment from 2BDamned.
It would actually go on like this until something really bad had happen to him. Basically to where he was at near death.
And that was when you were out with all three if them: Hank, Sanford, and Deimos.
Hank could barely hear your voice as you found him sitting against the wall bleeding out heavily.
The stupid fucking clown had did a number on him before the other three came to help.
Hank wasn’t going to lie, his injuries hurt like a fucking bitch to where he could barely move without his own intestines almost spilling out of his stomach.
He could barely even make out your voice as you rushed to his side to perform medical care while both Sanford and Deimos held back the agents trying to rush into the room
After that he blacked out only to wake up in the S.Q medbay sewn and patched up together.
In the midst of Hank’s stupor, he hears two voices. That being your’s and Doc’s.
You were the first one to notice Hank, giving him a soft yet exhausted smile as you made your way to his bedside.
“How you feel, Hank? Almost lost you there. If we did, Doc over here would be pissed off having to bring you back again.”
Hank listened to you laugh meanwhile Doc only shook his head while wiping off his hands from the blood that coated it with a rag.
“He has no sense of self-preservation. Out of all people you should know this…” Doc curses out loud before shooting you a slight glare making you shrink slightly.
Hank honestly was tuning out Doc at this point, tunnel visioned on you. Plus he was used to 2B’s berating.
Unlike 2BDamned when stitching him back up, you actually genuinely check up on him.
Hell even that smile was off putting considering how warm it was. It made his chest feel… fuzzy…
After that, during missions he’d most likely start sticking with you, making sure that you wouldn’t get wounded.
And that if the two of you DID have to split, he would secretly follow you, making sure that not a single thing about you was harmed.
And that if you were hurt by said grunt, Hank would probably gut him the and there. Right in front of you….
It’s happened once too, it almost make you want to vomit whatever contents you had in your stomach.
Back at S.Q it was even worse with him.
Hank started becoming more smothering, constantly hovering over you, following where you go, etc.
It was even worse when he would glare or snap at other agents/mercenaries who had been your friends, almost isolating you from everyone but him.
It was getting too much for you…
How you caught Doc’s attention would probably be because you helped with taking some of the work load that he has on his shoulders.
At first he didn’t mind, if anything it helps him with getting to the more important tasks that needed his attention.
Not that he didn’t appreciate it, but he was far too busy to even care. Or notice at that fact.
Though once you started doing the small things for him, like bring coffee for him, move him to the couch that he had in his office whenever he’d fall asleep at his desk, etc. That’s when he’d start turning some of his attention on you.
Of course he thought it was pointless, sometimes chastising you for doing something like that. But he’d also thank you. In his own way of course.
That be him not verbally saying it, but letting you have a longer rest time or having the day off if he saw how stressed you were.
But how he would execute it would come across as… as if he didn’t you around him.
It made you wonder what the hell you were doing wrong?
It also didn’t help when he would pair you up with the Main 3. Especially Hank.
You didn’t mind Deimos or Sanford considering they at least treated you decently and had your back during missions.
But Hank, he would just leave you to fend for yourself causing you to almost die a couple of times. Thank god for your immaculate aim and agility. All that combat training came into great use.
2BDamned didn’t like seeing you come back wounded either, watching you limp into the medbay covered in bandages from earlier to get some pain killers.
He’d tell you to be more careful. At least… that what he’s trying to tell you.
“How could you be so careless and let yourself get hurt like this? If you keep doing this, you might as well just die out there!” Doc was never good at wording himself unless it came to business.
But he couldn’t have you dying on him. Especially considering he’s now come to realize how much he’s come to care for you.
After saving Hank, 2BDamned also would notice the sudden changes in Hank. He could see the possessiveness and how clingy he was towards you.
Not to mention the aggressive behavior towards the other grunts and agents whenever you would try to converse with them. It had gotten to the point where they all started trying to avoid you.
Doc ended up having to threaten Hank with not being on any missions with you, let alone would have you stay back more than usual if he didn’t clean up his act. Of course, Hank wouldn’t listen. At least when it came to stalking you.
But at the same time, his behavior may be what keeps you alive. Especially when the two of you are out on raids together. 
If anything Doc would probably use this to his and your advantage to keep you alive. He’d compromise with Hank, putting you two together on missions whenever you were needed on said job.
And if you weren’t you be back at S.Q in the med bay doing your other job which is to care for the grunts that needed medical treatment. Unfortunately, those grunts were too scared to even interact with you in fear of what Hank would do to them.
You were a good person, everyone in the S.Q knew that, but they were just too scared because of Hank and it made you feel even more lonely than before.
The only ones who would try to converse with you would be Doc, Sanford and Deimos. 
But even then, Hank would act rather aggressive towards both Deimos and Sanford, making it even more scarce with social interaction.
You didn’t know what was going on and why the two were acting the way with you. 
All you did was show that you cared for them and their health. I mean c’mon, you were a fucking field medic/doctor for crying out loud. It was your job.
Not only that, you didn’t join S.Q to be treated like this. You joined because like everyone, you wanted to see the AAHW burn down to the ground.
With Hank, you knew how his behavior with you would be considering he didn’t even like interacting with the other agents and grunts aside from Doc, Deimos and Sanford. But even then he would mostly interact with Doc.
So him leaving you alone and leaving you to die was something you knew was going to happen in the raids you were with him. But it still didn’t mean you were going to leave him to die.
But there was a small part of you that wished you did considering his behavior towards you now.
All just because you saved and showed you at least cared for his health. It’s not like you hadn’t done it before. So why the sudden change in behavior?
You could feel Hank’s eyes staring at you through those red goggles making you uneasy. It also didn’t help that even when off work, you could feel him staring into your very being. No matter where you went it felt as if you were being watched.
Being at work was even worse considering he would just hover around you, glaring and threatening the grunts and agents you befriended back then, scaring them away from talking to you.
It made you feel lonely, ostracized even.
2BDamned’s behavior towards you wasn’t helping you either. You don’t know what you deserved for getting those berating comments towards you whenever you tried to help him.
It hurt even more when you had gotten injured from a mission to where you had to limp your way into the med bay only to be caught by Doc.
All you could do was just sit there quietly while he scolds you, listening to him while telling you that “you might as well die” with how “clumsy” you were.
You weren’t even clumsy, the reason why you were injured in the first place was because Hank had left you and the room you were in was being overwhelmed with agents.
The last straw was when Doc started putting you on missions with only Hank, making you feel both uncomfortable and suffocated. You wanted nothing to do with him anymore. 
Even working in the med bay was something that made you even more upset considering the grunts that came in wanted to be no where near you because they were scared of Hank. Not that you could blame the poor things.
You remember that it got so bad one time that you had to physically pry a grunt from Hank’s hands just because they wanted to ask you where the bathroom was.
Enough was enough.
Late into the night, you packed all your things. Throwing them into the trunk of you vehicle before speeding off into the night without a word to anyone. Even for you, a normal grunt inside of Nevada where the gore, blood and chaos lived, had enough where only one can handle.
Out of the two 2BDamned would probably be the one who finds out about your disappearance first.
He would get suspicious about you not coming down from you bed chambers, only to come and check up on you considering he had gotten slightly worried. 
But when he found out that your room had been cleared out empty, he felt his chest tighten at you leaving unannounced. He wouldn’t say anything and would also be glad that the mask he wore covered his distraught expression.
After that he would probably lock himself in his office, burying himself in his work in hopes of ignoring the gnawing feeling of guilt and sadness of you leaving.
But no matter how much he tried, he couldn’t get you out of his head. Maybe if he had treated you a bit better...
As for Hank, he would probably be livid at you leaving him like this. 
So much to where he had punched a hole into the nearest wall, scaring any nearby grunt before they scurried away in fear of being Hank’s next target other than the wall.
How dare you leave him like this, the only person to have shown him that you weren’t afraid of him and cared for him.
It got so much to the point he stormed into 2BDamned’s office only to see that he was burying himself in work. Something he usually does when trying to forget something.
Hank tries to negotiate with Doc, trying to convince him to let him track you down so he could bring you back to the S.Q.
2B on the other hand was against it, saying it was probably best for you to not be here considering that the two of them failed to realize how unhappy you really were.
But Hank being stubborn, didn’t take no for an answer. It got to the point where he basically said he was going to find you anyways.
As for you, you were already half across Nevada. Praying and hoping for none of them to find you. But knowing how the S.Q had Hank. One of Nevada’s most wanted and dangerous criminal, you knew that somewhere in the back of your mind you’d be found anyways...
But it still wouldn’t stop you. Even if you had to die...
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multi-lewder · 1 year
(Bimbo sluts AU) since the machines stopped being an issue all androids have been made into something else for the humans to take advantage of, and one specific PHAT ASSED droid has been made into a sex bot~
2B is now an anal loving slut for fat Human Cock~
"Yess! Please keep fucking me! It is in my directives to worship all of your big fat cocks!!" 2B moans while she's grabbed by a hung fucking human stud and she feels his massive cock thrusting into her asshole. Her massive thicc phat ass is perfect for getting fucked by huge cocks which is why she isn't even embarrassed when a human comes up to her and smacks her booty telling that Phat Ass Android Girl to bend over and show off her slutty ass. She's a total buttslut bitch who loves getting fucked in the ass which is why she can't stop cumming from getting fucked by this massively hung human stud, she can't wait to feel him cum inside of her ass like the sex bot slut she is.
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just-1other-nerd · 2 years
What I would have done differently with the crows in season 2
An essay by me
This isn't supposed to like insult the screen writers, I still think they did a good job. It's just my personal opinion. I just liked that they kept them more mysterious before we got into the ice court heist. Also, spoilers for both the books and show.
I would have had the crows come back from Ravka and be arrested like they did (including the truck? scene) but like not for a real charge but simply because Dreesen pulled some strings so that Sturmhond could meet them (like he did in show canon) and then they'd be released. They could have kept the Durast reveal or make it more subtle. But when they got to the crow club Pekka made something with it like burn it down and make it look like an accident or own it now but not make it the Kaelish Prince just yet. So Kaz needs some allies fast so he goes to the Dregs, makes a partnership deal with Per Haskell and like Haskell is a looser and Kaz has some good money from Sturmhond. And Heleen would still be alive and when Brekker went to her to confront her about the club and how the hell she could let that happen she would just bitch her way out of it and Kaz would be forced to give her the last money he owes her for Inej or otherwise she'd give Pekka some information or shit like that. But because of the partnership Inejs indenture is partly owned by Haskell and he doesn't want to let her go because she's such a good spy. This pisses off both Inej and Kaz but they know this is about survival right now. Pekka kills the Stadwatch guy now that they're back in town and frames them.
First Wylan scene stays the same. Nina Inej scene stays the same, except she tells her her name and Inej just gives her a look but keeps quiet otherwise. Matthias scenes this season stay the same, they did him so right, RIP his cell mate. Kaz steals the DeKappel stays. The first wesper and team meet stays the same except well Inejs reaction to Ninas name. Kaz flashbacks stay the same and does the diner scene and the Kanej rooftop scene. Keep the taxidermist and the break-in into Van Poels office but let them fail to get the book. Pekka and his me don't see Nina's face. Keep the wesper carriage scenes.
The cemetry triggers Kaz scene is in this season because they hide at Black Veil due to the murder charge. I'd put a wesper break-in scene in a later season or in another location (I mean without Alby yet) and without Durast reveal also I that means the conversation about Alby back at Black Veil needs to be delayed too. Wylan talks to Kaz about how Alby can't help who his father is needs to be pushed for later too. Keep the tending the wounds scene (but change the dialouge about Inej's tell back to how it was in the books). Kaz beating up the Dregs is for a later season obviously. Keep Inej killing Morgens. Keep Helnik prison scene but Rollins doesn't recognize her just yet. Keep the Kanej scene where he tells her to leave if anything goes wrong. The whole fake plague plot is for a later season. Wesper Komedie Brute scene stays but they set up a different plan. Jes calling Kaz a brother is too early so I'd exchange that with "best friends fight".
Kaz would find another way to prove Pekka is the murderer and strip him of some of him money and connections and so on but not all of them and Pekka would end up in Hellgate. Kaz knew this wasn't going to stop him but it would buy them time. In Hellgate Pekka would rebuild his criminal empire in season 2b whilst the crows do the sword heist so he'd get out and be ready to try break in the ice court himself like in the books. The Matthias meeting him will also be as shown in the show.
At some point Jesper has to fuck up something because of his gambling addiction.
The wesper scene where they talk about their hook up stays. As well as them being hired by Ravka but I'd replace Zoya with Harshaw (who drags Oncat with him) and Fedyor. Jesper telling Inej and Nina removing the tattoo. Wylans dyslexia reveal must be limited to Jes the rest has to wait for the Jan Van Eck drama. The tea shop scene is perfection as well as Kaz' panic attac. The heist stays the same except for the wesper conversation about Jes being a Durast (instead fight about his addiction), he will only discuss this with Neyar who will encourage him but he will still hesitate. Also a bit of Kaz' hallucination will have to change (dialouge) and Jespers now being about his addiction and his guilt towards his father and him wanting to make it right.
They should hand over the blade to Alina because in her storyline she's the main character. They'd open the sealed gate with a bomb not Jespers powers and they'd find some other way to defeat the Tidemaker.
The how will you have me scene will be delayed because Inejs gotta stay with the Dregs. The Helnik scene at the end stays, they'll free him first thing next season. Kaz being a charity guy for the Menagerie girls is going to have to wait till the end of the ck plotline.
The season ends like it did with them being hired for the ice court heist but how that happend will be shown in flashbacks at the beinning of season 3.
PS: I tried to look up for stuff on the Grishaverse Wiki page that's about the differences between show and books but they didn't really update it yet so I had to rewatch the crow scenes (worth it) but boi do they have a task ahead of them when they want to list all the differences...
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izzysarchivedblogs · 1 year
There were SEVERAL new notes that were scattered around Clint's home, all left by a CERTAIN spider boyfriend. The note system was his favorite, and he refused to ever stop doing it. The notes are as followed: The first note had been left right on the front door.
'Hawkbae <3 I might not be home tonight :( : ( Something came up, it might take all night. Nothing to worry about though! - Pete ❤' The second immediately next to the first.
' By the way I found your phone in the bronx? I put it on charge for you in the roooom. - Petey ❤ '
The third was next one was on the arm of the couch, next to an extra pair of pajama pants and Peter's warm and cozy hoodie next to it.
' If you watch star trek without me, I will know.. and I will pout! But I found a new show you might like! I put it in your watchlist on amazon! - ur captain ❤ '
The fourth was on the fridge.
'Oh mighty landlord~ I fixed that one broken dishwasher in 1A Also managed to get around to fixing some of the electrical in the main lobby, and I fixed 2B's dishwasher! OH! and the one busted mailbox that was making the weird noise! - ur humble assistant ❤ The fifth note was waiting in the fridge on top of a fresh gallon of chocolate milk as well as a few baked goods. (not a single clue on the fourth that the fifth even existed inside.)
' prettttty bird ❤❤ I saw you were running low on milk so i got you some more, and i picked up a few other snacks. The pie is all yours, freshly made by YOURS TRULY, also I made the building some cookies and I made you extras! - ur friendly little baker ❤❤❤'
The sixth note could be found could be found new the takeout menus. (Peter liked to think he knew his boyfriend's routines rather well.)
'hey hungry bird ❤ I already called ahead your usual place they should be bringing your food by soon. (And if you are late they should have left you a note to call them and they would swing by why yes i am a PREPARED SPIDEY!) - a prepared boi ❤' The last note could be found in the bedroom right next to Clint's alarm clock and a little wrapped present. Inside the box was a little black bracelet. It was a special kind that was especially made for long distance couples (Yes he knows they aren't long distance but away missions are sometimes a bitch and they are needy asses)
'Hey love, I know it's a little silly, but I saw these.. and you know with our jobs I thought maybe? I'm already wearing mine. I love you - Forever yours, Peter ❤'
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It was bound to happen, their first few months of this relationship had been stable; several months actually. Long enough time, although with the nature of their lives and who they were? It had seemed they had both FALLEN FAST.
That was kind of HARD NOT TO DO. The guy had quips and thwips, could keep up with Clint's talk (out talk him any day), was as dramatic as Clint was (an impossible task). He's been in this as long as Clint as too, so he's known and he still goes about all of this trying to maintain two identities. Something that Clint had always wondered if he should have done, been precious about, but than he sees how it affects Peter and he's maybe glad that he never had been.
Peter's smart and kind, the typical stuff that everyone always says in romance movies. By far no where perfect, and the fact they were both risk takers (and had been at odds once or twice before about work was proof of it). HE'S LEARNING CLINT, KNOWING HIM. One of the few who will know Clint; all the detail he wants and gets out of him. There's a whole twenty something years of his life, before the Avengers, before anyone knew him. PETER GETS ALL OF THEM IF HE WANTS.
In a lot of ways, Clint knows that they were similar. Reflections upon each other; although he would argue that Parker Luck is a lot better than Barton Luck. NOT SOMETHING THAT HE'D SAY. That would actually end up being an argument, or not something that would go over well. He'd take Parker Luck any day over Barton Luck. HOPES that their relationship is running on Parker Luck than his own. STILL HE KNOWS THEY WORE THE SAME HATS SOMETIMES.
They had each other's keys, lived half here and half there. Something about the heart living where the other was at. There had been the few funny times, when they couldn't coordinate with each other to save their lives. Peter ending up at Clint's, while he's at Peter's. HOME MADE IN TWO PARTS. They laughed at those times, calling each other over the phone and razzing the other for being at the other's place. DEBATING WHOSE COMING TO WHO.
The past two weeks, they have felt more like passing ships. It was inevitable, with seeing each other for less hours in a day or not even the whole day. The city being slammed with attacks, with supervillain schemes and plots that the Thunderbolts were called in on, that would bleed over into days long worries. DEMANDING ALL OF CLINT'S ATTENTION AND HIS LEADERSHIP. He slept at the fucking office last night, after a very late drop in at a meeting because it's been that kind of the week. Had to call Peter from the office, just to chat with him and tell him that he was missing him again tonight. Clint rarely stayed at the office if he could help it, but the team was tired or had more on their plates, so he had sent them home and stayed back and did all the reports, sat through the debriefing with Helen and than with the Mayor Luke Cage. PRESS AND ALL KINDS OF SHIT.
On top of that, Clint has been doing some UNDERGROUND work that he absolutely had to be careful with doing, like the Captain America network that he helped when Steve called in on him. Any work like that, whether it was simply exchanging information and offering tips or actually suiting up and bringing weapons, if any of that came up while he was working for the mayor's office and Thunderbolts? That would be trouble for him. Clint's not leaving people hanging though, not arresting other superheroes, and he's helping his fellows. IF HIS DAY OF RECKONING COMES? SO BE IT.
He's down, there's a slump to his shoulders as the end of the day comes. Clint hasn't had his phone in over three days, which he has no idea where he lost it. Probably T-Bolts patrol or an emergency call. Depression has been creeping in, something of which Peter and his therapist has noted, to which Johanna had asked him how he was going to practice healthy coping and manage it. HE KNOWS THE ANSWER SHE WANTS.
Getting to his front door, which he had come to second (Peter's place had been empty). He'll worry about his phone later. YET ⸻ SQUEEZE HIS HEART AND LUNGS. There's a note on the door.
FIRST ⸻ This sticky note, green in color, starts with HAWKBAE. Occasionally, as a joke not joke, he wonders if he should change his hero name to that. If only, because the nickname amuses him so much. A SIGH HEAVES AS HE READS. Clint hates to think that, of course, with how his week has been going. Barton Luck would double down, and he's not seeing a certain man tonight. It's okay, but he does wonder (nothing to worry about though!) about where and when Peter has even gone off. If it's Spider-Society stuff, which is the one he worries, because he knows about the whole multiverse, getting displaced or trapped in another universe. EARTH-666 WAS A MONSTER HELLSCAPE. It's the reason he has a joke grudge against Brian Braddock and the country of the British. No longer can a Smiths song be enjoyed. He will in fact, worry a little about Peter, and hope that he comes home in one piece and no bruised ego either. He'll spoil him, absolutely when he got here; or he'd go over there.
SECOND ⸻ The next sticky note is a different color, orange, and shorter than the first. Signed with Petey and a heart; he is his GODDAMN HEART. Oh, so it had been a T-bolts patrol that Clint had lost his phone. What had gone on that day he was walking the street of the Bronx like a beat cop? It doesn't matter, he has his phone back and possibly a lot of texts, emails, and missed call to catch up on. A call to Peter later, NEEDED. Honestly, was there a word for more than needed?
The two notes are plucked off of the door, than he's fumbling with his keys until the door unlocks. When he enters in the apartment, he doesn't quite know what to do with himself at first. How many days had it been since he was here? It's not that long again, but after spending the night in the HQ, it had felt longer. No boyfriend here. DAMN. The duffel bag he is carrying, gets half tossed to the side of the couch as he decides he had just needs to sink into the couch for a few minutes. HE JUST NEEDED THAT. Tv remote acquired in hand, flicking through what he was going to watch, until. . .
THIRD ⸻ a pink note is noticed. He picks it up, reads it and there's that twitterpated feeling that he gets about Captain Dork of the Spiderprise. While readding the note, his eyes draw over to notice the pajama pants and a hoodie. One that Peter tended to throw on when he was walking Lucky, of whom he imagines is at Kate's since Clint has been too all the place the past two weeks. I WILL KNOW... AND I WILL POUT. His face was cute when he pouted, but Clint's hart could not handle a pouty Peter. TWITTERPATED FOR HIM.
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He had still been in his thunderbolts uniform, so he turns on the amazon app to see what Peter had put on his watchlist. Clint stands with a groan, to get up and shuck off his uniform. It's kind of dropped dropped to the side of the couch. He can worry about that later when his battery is charged up. HAPPIER ALREADY WHEN HE'S IN PETER'S HOODIE. It smells like him, wonders if it's so weird that he hugs himself and smells into the hood. Clint's on the couch, paying as much attention that he can spare for tv show until his stomach gets rumbly.
FOURTH ⸻ There's another note, blue, on fridge, that's new amongst the other notes he keeps up. OH MIGHTY LANDLORD, has he smiling. A half laugh, which ends in a full laugh a his eyes scan the note. HUMBLE ASSISTANT. Was he going to call Peter his humble assistant next time they get frisky, a little roleplay to add the spice? Absolutely, that was happening. GET HOME TOMORROW, PETER. He's glad that Peter's been able to check in with the tenants while the five boroughs of New York have been slammed with calls for the Thunderbolts appearance. He knows everyone loves Peter. HE DOES TOO.
The fact there was a note on the fridge, should have alerted Clint that another note was coming. Why wouldn't there be a note in the fridge? He was pretty sure he's eaten a sticky-note left by Peter before, because he put it in the fridge and Clint wasn't paying attention.
FIFTH ⸻ Yellow note. PRETTY BIRD. Stop flirting with me in notes, Peter, and COME HOME TO DO IT IN PERSON. Clint was going to blame Mayday for the reason he was low on milk this time. HE HOPES HE SEES HIS BUG SOON TOO. Watching all her favorite cartoons, naptime, the games they play, and then teaching her how to be the coolest Honorary Hawkeye (sorry Peter and Spiderman). Clint goes for the milk, and a few snacks but he was definitely going to order something in as there's no way he's cooking with the exhaustion that seeps in his bones.
That leads to the next note that he will find. IT'S LIKE PETER IS FOLLOWING HIM AROUND. ❝ I swear, Parker, if you are Truman Show-ing me! ❞ He says out loud, with a laugh to himself as he goes to look through the takeout menu pile underneath the landline phone. It should maybe bother him how much Peter knew his routines, knew his mind. Perhaps, it's creepy, but instead he likes the feeling that he's watched over by Spiderman. HE JUST FEELS VERY LOVED.
SIXTH ⸻ Red. HUNGRY BIRD. They hadn't shown up and he hadn't noticed a note, which makes Clint wonder how many minutes he had missed Peter by. The usual place, usually needed an order head, because of the distance and traffic, preparation time. So he should be expecting the food in twenty minutes and HE'S OVERWHELMED. Laughing at the way that Peter signs off on this note. PREPARED. How that knucklehead ever has any self image issues (he knows how and why; clint sees peter's) when he's absolutely wonderful, loving, and a total dork. ADORABLE DORK. CAPTAIN DORK. ADORKABLE.
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The food arrives, with Clint leaving them a big additional tip and he's eager to dig into whatever Peter has ordered for him. HE DIGS IN. Crashed out on the couch, with the tv on for two hours. A slice of pie (he can make pie, holy shit, he's going to be obsess over that fact) and some cookies were had. He never has to try to bake again with Peter being around. Clint does saves a little bit from everything from the takeout order, just for Peter. Puts it in the fridge, so that he had something to eat when he got back in from whatever was keeping him all night. Writes a note himself to stick on the front door before he locks the door.
Peter <3
leftover in fridge for you
romance is not dead
you = my whole heart
Clint <3
He knows what his therapist would say, but he also knows that he was tired. That he's done about as much self-care as possible, and half of that was a result of the six notes that he had in his pocket. CLINT GOES RIGHT TO HIS BED. That's when he notes the little wrapped box in Spiderman themed wrapping paper. DORK. HIS BOYFRIEND IS A DORK. Followed along with it comes the last note, that he's noticed.
SEVEN ⸻ Purple paper, his favorite color. HEY LOVE. He's so deep in love with him, they both were. It's been a long time that he's had a new love, and how Clint hopes so much that this last. No other shoe dropping, no luck running out, no time being up. HEY LOVE. Clint's unwrapping the box that Peter has called silly, which he'll be the judge of that. There's a black bracelet in it, which Clint normally does not wear much in terms of accessories. A watch here and there, hair ties on his wrist (not that he ever needed them for his hair; but for flinging at people and now, he used them for Mayday's wild hair when it was bothering her). He looks back at the note. I LOVE YOU, FOREVER YOURS, PETER. Clint loves him too, and he hopes that forever lasts.
He kisses this note, which may be silly, but there's no one around to judge. ALREADY WEARING MINE. He reads the little paper that comes with the bracelet, from the company about what this was and how it worked (he can tell that Peter had taken it out already; meaning there must have been some set up done). Clint puts it on, an immediately he's pushing at the sun on, which blinks a dim light. He presses a few times, hoping, waiting for it to reach Peter. WONDERS IF HE COULD FIGURE OUT WHAT THE VIBRATION RATE WAS. They could do morse code with these, if they work.
A few minutes place, it goes dark and he reaching over for his phone. He lays down, tucking himself in and dims the brightness on his phone immediately to go to his text messages to CAPTAIN DORK OF THE SPIDERPRISE, ignoring everything else.
Before he even gets the chance to text anything, the bracelet light up and vibrates ⸻ WARMTH SPREADS. The warmth spreads between the cold and hollow spaces between his bones. FLUTTERING. Butterflies flutter through his stomach, up through his chest cavity, than get caught in his throat. SWALLOWING. CONSUMING. ⸻ He has got to be too old to feel this amount of love, to be this giddy over a bracelet vibrating, and FILLED TO THE CUP with love. He pushes the button again, how obsessed and distracted were they going to be about this?
Clint opens back his phone to text Peter.
[ Captain Dork of the Spiderprise ] -> I love you
[ Captain Dork of the Spiderprise ] -> Stay safe
[ Captain Dork of the Spiderprise ] -> Call me as soon as you can
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Anon sent: "Some like it rough V.2 - 2B: Bellatrix thought it had to be a fluke, when the blonde paladin managed to undo her dread form, leaving her vulnerable and weakened. Jaune on the other hand, was less impressed with his combat feat and more focused on how the Warlock's true form, made him draw his second sword."
Some Like it Rough V2: 2B
���Y-you~! Ah~! You b-bastard~!!” Bellatrix swore between panting gasps—the ripple of pleasure running through her with every smack of paladin’s hips against her ass. Gritting her teeth, she glanced over her shoulder back at him, her face pressed against the cool crypt stone floor. “S-stop this at on—ohhh~!!”
She outcry was cut short as she felt the paladin’s knuckles crack across her cheek, making her suddenly moan out. “Not gonna happen, bitch~!” Jaune groaned out, jackhammering roughly down into her. “Not when you have this fat ass made for fucking~! Fuck~! This is the only punishment you deserve~!!”
Bellatrix could only cry and moan in reply, her body wracked with pleasure from every thrust down into her. This wasn’t how this was supposed to go! This knight was supposed to be the one down on his knees, cowering in fear, horrified by her power and might. Instead,she…she…
A sudden sharp smack to her ass forced another moan to fall from her lips, and her eyes rolled back. The knight smirked at her moans and tangled his fingers firmly in her hair, jerking her head off the floor to growl into her ear. “You know, I think I like the way you moan like that~ you’ll be leaving this crypt with me, bitch~”
Bellatrix shuddered at his words, but a lewd smile slowly spread across her face, and she arched back towards him. “Fuck you~ you big-dicked basta-ahhhh~!” She moaned out again as her words earned her another firm slap, and being shoved down into the floor as he resumed ruthlessly fucking her.
She was losing herself…and she loved it~
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casspurrjoybell-32 · 7 months
Runaway Wolf - Chapter 2b
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*Warning Adult Content*
Levi Blackman
“Okay. What gives? Why is Taco mad at me?”
Logan and Gabe shrugged along with Jace.
Finn rolled her eyes.
“Boys,” she said dramatically.
“You didn’t come to her fashion show in Milan. She really wanted you to be there,” she said and I frowned.
“What. Does it look like I got money falling out of my ass? Why did she think I can afford to fly to freaking Paris?”
That woman was crazy... I was a bartender for Christ sakes.
“She sent you plane tickets and passes to come see the show,” Finn huffed.
“I mean... if she wanted someone to come... she should have asked me. Duh? I mean who takes a guy to a fashion show in Pairs,” she whined.
“I didn’t get anything in the mail… no wait... you know what my mail box was broken into... a couple weeks back,” I explained.
“What about your cell-phone?” Jace asked resting his chin on Finn’s shoulder.
“I um… I –I kind of … dropped it… in the… toilet,” I stuttered with an embarrassed laugh before clearing me throat.
“You dropped your cell-phone in the toilet?” Gab snickered trying his best to not laugh aloud and I glared at him.
“Yes. It happens...”
“Right,” Finn said, tightening her lips and her cheeks were red from the effort but I could still hear a few chuckles coming from her whore mouth.
“Did you... haha... reach in and get it... haha...” she tried to covered her mouth with her hand to stop the laugh but it was too late I heard it anyway.
“I don’t want to talk about it,” I grumbled glaring down at the table.
They all started to burst out laughing.
Growling I signaled for a waitress to come over.
She saw and headed over to our now obnoxiously loud giggling table.
“Yes, Sir. What can I get for you?” she asked.
“Yeah anything with alcohol in it.”
She nodded with a smile and went on her way coming back a few moment later.
“No, Levi. You've got to tell us. Was your phone sleeping with the turds?” Logan asked before laughing some more.
I made no attempt to even answer his bitch-ass.
“Hey everybody. We’re Winter Train and this song is called Got You,” my smexy boyfriends voice suddenly sounded though out the bar.
Thank God... and I looked up to see him and his band on stage.
Aww he looked so cute up there.
A guitar softly started changing chords ever so often then the base guitar kicked in.
The thing that made his band unique was they had a cello.
I think bands that have string instruments sound the best.
The song they played was sweet and soft... Matt’s voice complimented every instrument up there it was smooth, deep and melodic.
I couldn’t understand why he hadn’t been discovered yet... they were amazing.
I noticed people were getting up to dance with their partners... Jazz’s sluty-ass was up their too.
The time flew by and I realized that it was time for me to go to work.
Signing I downed the rest of my drink and slid from the booth pushing Gabe out, so I could go.
“Hey. Ask next time. You don’t have to push,” he complained stumbling to catch himself.
“Oh... Quit being a flamer,” I teased and leant down to kiss his cheek.
“I’ve got to go guys. Duty calls,” I said.
“Oh... Like your cell-phone?” Finn giggled.
“Hahaha. Guess what Finn? Fuck You,” I snarled flipping her off.
She just smiled and kissed the air at me.
“Oh... Anytime, lover boy,” she lowered her voice an octave.
Jace jabbed her with his elbow.
“I don’t like sharing,” he narrowed his eyes at her and pulled her even closer on his lap.
"Okay. I’m going before I have to watch them swallow each other’s tongues.”
“Don’t forget to tell you boyfriend, bye,” Logan said his words slurred.
He was such a light weight.
“Right,” I said sarcastically agreeing with him.
Oh it irks me when people tell me to do something I’m already about to do.
Rolling my eyes I walked towards the backs door on the side of the stage where Matt would be.
The security eyed me suspiciously.
“No-one’s allowed back here,” he said in a deep gruff voice.
“Oh come on Mr. Security Guard, a quick peek wouldn’t hurt anyone, would it?” I asked using my best gay voice.
He looked bored as he glared down at me.
“No-one goes back there,” he said again.
“Why do you have to be like that?” I asked touching his arm slightly... his brow rose as he looked down at my hand. 
Slowly, I caressed up his muscular arm.
“Wow you’ve got some serious arm-age. How many times a day do you work out?”
Maybe if I sweet talk him, he’ll let me though.
This made him pause.
“Uhh. Almost every day”
“Oh. That’s kind of sexy,” I purred leaning into him... his body stiffened a moment but relaxed none the less. 
“Y-you think so?” he cleared his throat.
“Oh yeah. I love a man who can lift me up during… well you know,” I purred winking.
“But I really need you to do me this favor,” I said nodding my head towards the door.
He looked unsure which meant he was considering it this time.
He licked his lips his eyes scanning the room before he nodded turning to open the door for me.
“Go ahead.”
I smiled at him and swatted his nice firm ass.
“Thanks big guy,” I said and walked in.
And that ladies and gentlemen was how to get past the security from Lola’s book on how to ‘work what you got.’
No matter what gender.
Once I was in I close the door and walked over to Matt whose back was turned.
Slowly I sneaked up on him then pounced.
“AAHHH,” he yelped like a girl, causing the band to burst in laughter.
“Aww, baby. I’m sorry,” I apologized sliding down his back and he turn to glare at me while he took me in his arms.
“You’re just an... evil little boy,” he growled at me and kissed me softly.
“Hey. I am not little,” I whined wrinkling my nose at him playfully.
“Sure you’re not. Are you leaving?” he asked and I nodded.
“Okay. Oh, hey. I’ve some stuff to do with the guy, so I’m going to crash at my place, tonight,” he told me kissing my cheek.
“Alright. Goodnight then,” I whispered pressing my lips against his once more... lingering for only a few seconds and stepped back.
“I’ll just take Mr. Sexy Security Guard home with me, tonight,” I said, shrugging... then turning to walk out the door.
“What? What security guard?” he exclaimed but I was already walking out.
I looked over my shoulder at him before winking purposely to the guard for Matthew to see.
I hear him call my name but I just gave him a back handed way as I walked towards the exit.
Well... I’ll be hearing about this tomorrow but it was so worth it.   
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sharkieboi · 6 years
unrelated to anything at all thats going on but imo the whole “Mate for Life” thing in fiction thats then romanticized in the animal kingdom is stupid af cause its not even real the way yall think it is. animals who “mate for life” don’t like refuse another partner because their previous one dies, nor are they so ride or die that they’ll stay together no matter what. 
generally animals who mate for “life” stay mated as long as the other partner is not dead and things are going well! they might break up if a) one partner dies b) another partner seems better and/or c) they don’t successfully raise offspring together. but like the union isn’t just perfect and set in stone until one of these things happen, sometimes they cheat, sometimes they don’t have a better partner to go to but this current one sucks, sometimes they can’t find each other and shack up with another available individual, etc etc etc. 
Basically if your story has a “mate for life” system in place thats not like. magically or scientifically enforced. I hate it. 
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rotshop · 3 years
hewwoooo i had a funney little thougt and so now im continuing it <33333
n e wayssss here's sum fnky little mag main 4 hcs :]
-the blueprint the man the myth the legend the firestarter. anyways
-he struggles a lot more with speaking than he did pre-magnification, he can understand it fine but when it comes to finding his words he struggles. so!! he kinda just uses asl when he can and short phrases / grunts / noises, also has his own kind of language w/ you??? lot of tapping and misc noises that just mean things only you two understand its. funny actually. he'll just make some chirping noise at you and you go 'haha yeah that was pretty dumb.' deimos and sanford are both so desperate to know what ur both talking abt its insane.
-carries u around a lot!! he's always super duper careful and he prefers to hold you in his more normal hand, he always gets worried about his talons poking you too rough or him accidentally shocking you if he gets surprised. also likes it when you ride on his shoulders, u also like it because it makes you feel tall :]
-his jackets fucking massive on you you could get lost in that bitch. sometimes if you two can't get back to base for one reason or another he'll just let you lay on him and use his jacket as a blanket for you,,its always super warm and he purrs so !! bonus points
-if u get hurt he goes fucking mental buuut i dont rlly wanna add a bunch of violence warnings to this,,,so,,,we'll leave it at that
-also he adores the size difference, you do your best to kinda cup the sides of his face in ur hands when he leans down for you and they're just??? so fucking small?? he puts his overs urs and just melts in ur hands lol
-he's VERY nervous around you for the first while, he's incredibly not used to his new form and he's so so worried about accidentally hurting you. his hands always just awkwardly hover around you whenever you're nearby bc he!! fucking wants to be affectionate but hes scared!! hank has to kind of. give him a whole pep talk on this sorta thing and it does help calm his nerves a little but he's still super careful,,,whenever he's holding you or cuddling w/ you he always asks to make sure you're comfortable and he isn't suffocating you or anything,,
-once he gets more adjusted then whooo bestie. he already liked showing off his strength to you before but now its worse. whenever he picks you up and you kinda yelp a little in surprise before you lean into him and hold onto him a lil he just goes bonkers on the inside. he's carrying you most of the time since it just keeps him cool knowing that ur nearby and ur safe in his grip. also tends to keep you behind him whenever you two are on missions (u have to kind of. get him outta this habit just a lil bc he keeps being a lil too paranoid abt it and freaks out when you wander off)
-has claws now which he's very careful of around you but if u ever just like. grab his hands and hold onto em and just kinda. trace over the callouses and scars and scratches then he melts. has to look off to the side or something because he has a big dumb grin on his face, it doesn't rlly help tho because you can hear him purring
-he doesn't talk too much since it feels odd and it's easier for him to keep it to a minimum,,HOWEVER,,the exception is you ofc lol. he murmurs little 'i love you's and such to you a lot still, though he has to be real careful of his volume but!! on the bright side deep-ass voice lol
-terrible awful man who loves to cause problems for you <333
-he's like a cat in the sense that he's always hanging around you and bugging you to get your attention, cannot keep his hands off of u for more than 10 minutes. im so sorry 4 you,,,,on the bright side though he does have this kind of like. shaky and faint purring that's a lil fucked up bc of his smoking but it's pretty nice. really likes just leaning over you and resting his head on your shoulder or laying down by you and laying his head on your lap. will not stop pawing at you or making little 'chirrup' sounds at you till you pet him :| get a hobby king
-OH YEAH ALSO HES SO FUCKING HAPPY 2 BE TALLER THAN U LOL,,,rubs it in your face a lot by looming over you and resting his chin on top of your head or putting his shoulders on top of your head like a rest. you can counter this by just stepping forward / to the side because he WILL stumble and he will eat gravel and honestly?? he deserves it. also he really enjoys being big spoon w/ you, same as the previous point he'll sometimes just make u (read : annoy you until you oblige) lay down if neither of you are busy so he can curl up with you. again his purring makes up for it
-he's surprisingly the most animalistic, given he's got a tail and claws now. he likes putting you up on his shoulders or back and carrying you around like that (but also having you wrap ur arms around his neck while he's carrying you like. bridal style sorta and leaning into him is fucking HEAVEN to him. adores it). its fun until he gets on all fours and skitters around :|| u spray him with a water bottle bc of this and he hates it
-speaking of animalistic y'know how animals playfight w/ each other?? he does that with you. he still minds his strength ofc but sanford or 2b will be watching from the side and there's almost always at least one, 'fucking CHRIST deimos, be careful would you?' but yeah no it's usually very careful and its rlly just him roughhousing w/ you a little. usually devolves into him just trapping you down into cuddling w/ him lmao
-oh baby u dont even know.
-(un)surprisingly he's the most like his usual self. his intelligence didn't drop too much unlike the others (there's always at least one offended grunt from Hank when someone says this aloud), meaning he was able to mostly keep to his typical routine. HOWEVER,,he does get a little more laid back surprisingly?? like?? he still works most of the time but if you work alongside him it's a lot more common now for him to just stand by you a little awkwardly until you reach back for him so he can rest his head in the palm of your hand. ur the only one he allows to see him this vulnerable and openly affectionate so please enjoy that. his purring is a little quieter than the others but you can usually feel it instead
-has some funny fucked up wings now. he barely even notices that he does it but whenever you come stand by him he ALWAYS tucks one around you and pulls you closer. also has a habit of just placing one over you while he's laying next to you on his stomach like a blanket. they're sensitive tho so if you ask to touch them he's a little hesitant at first, he trusts you though so he gives in eventually. but. yknow. please do be careful, even just tracing along tender spots with your nails can make him jump a bit
-his speech is relatively the same, a little bit lower and rougher but not too much change. you can hear the little bit of scratchiness in it but !! yeah
-his touch starvation bites him in the ass like this. at first he was able to ignore it for the most part but after getting mag'd??? no gd way. its part of why he just kinda hovers around you a lot more, he's not too good at asking for things like affection so he just kinda. hopes you get the gesture. but on the bright side he doesn't mind if you mess up his hair because he's a little too blissed out whenever you're running your fingers through it. more than a few times has he fallen asleep on you because you were petting him,,,he apologizes whenever he wakes up but you can tell he was happy you let him rest around you like that
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vinnival · 3 years
Hey i was thinking about the main three in madness combat+ 2b with an S/O that sings while fighting? Like you would just hear them singing things like fly me to the moon or moon river (because those songs are they're favorite's) while kill a bunch of people, and even when they're really into the song on one is able to put a hand on them while fighting, he is just killing while singing and it's kinda impressive
TW for intense gore !
Mmmmm perfect song to fucking decimate grunts to:
perfect for killing in a mostly-empty building, your voice echoing mysteriously around while slowly taking out your enemies as they run from you in fear
Perfect for taking on that One that manages to always bump into you specifically, can be Tricky, Jeb, anyone that you deem worthy of having a one-on-one with
Perfect for a fast paced style of action, constant gunfire, constant risk of death ringing around you, but you're just singing away, magically dodging the bullets like they're nothing
Perfect for singing hauntingly while melee-style stabbing and ripping grunts apart, waltzing through the building and gracefully ending lives
You can play any of the above songs for the 4 if you'd like, prefereabky with the ones that I've listened to while writing the HCS-- for a nice feel of how the beats of the song would work perfectly with committing mass murder with ☺
HANK (listening to Everybody Wants To Rule The World)
When he first noticed your fighting style... he was intrigued, to say the least
They heard your singing in the distance
Confused by the cryptic melody of your voice, he just watched as you dodged attacks left and right as if dancing, not a single one hitting you
He was even more confused now HAHAHAH
Weaving in between the punches and bullets, you countered with extreme grace and skill
He couldn't resist following!
You moved on to the next room, your voice bouncing off the walls of the building while sounds of carnage backed up your vocals
He rushed in to find you making a kebab out of multiple grunts on an especially long sword you must've stolen from a Soldat
You just kept humming the instrumental of the song as you tore away at the grunts, ripping the sword out of the kebab'd grunts
God Hank was mesmerized may I add
You ended the final grunts with a graceful spin, pulling them into a quick dance-while they panicked- before you smashed them into the ground and slammed your newfound sword into them
You finally noticed Hank, tilting your head and grinning, blood smeared across your face
"Hank J. Wimbleton! An honor, sir."
SANFORD (listening to Lay All Your Love On Me)
You've recently joined the group, but haven't actually Fought yet
Sanford noticed you carried along a cracked-up-but-still-working iPod
He assumed you only listened to it in your off time
But NooOooooo
On your way to your first mission, you showed the music playlist on the iPod to him, and asked the following,
"Choose a song, any song!"
Sanford shrugged and picked a random one
"Ohoho! Wonderful, thank you!"
When you all arrived, you jumped out and rushed in much to everyone else's shock
You immediately began belting the lyrics to your song
Sanford was tasked with being with you, and when he followed you to catch up... a sight beheld him
You skipped through the now empty rooms, leaving behind a couple bodies- already killing, you were!
You entered the chorus again as Sanford heard grunts screaming
He finally caught up to you, eyes closed and bopping your head to the music as you, with the agility of a spider, laid waste to about 5 grunts surrounding you with a wonderful spin as you shot your Uzi at them
Your dancing didn't stop as more enemies gathered around you, a lot of them visibly shaking from the massive fuckin badass energy you displayed
You didn't give a shit, still jamming as you sang and expertly avoided the gunfire- agonizingly killing them
How the Fuck do you AVOID GUNFIRE
well you Were that's the thing
Sanford eventually snapped out of the trance your skills put him in and joined in
--with the fighting, not the dancing and singing, sadly
DEIMOS (listening to Bubblegum Bitch)
This is basically him while watching you
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Once again this mf is all over you, thinks you're cool as hell
You once again get to singing, this time adding a twist- you pulled Deimos along with you
You both waltzed through the facility while you both killed
Your singing was like honey to Deimos, sweet and alluring, but dangerous in the sense that your murder skills were the bees, stinging relentlessly
You two both sang together (Deimos most likely has the sake music taste as you)
Definitely made it as snazzy as possible
And it was already snazzy enough
Deimos was literally SHOCKED at how you two weren't getting hit
But he adores it
After a particularly GOOD combo at the end of the song, you two finished off all the enemies successfully
Kneeled over and breathing hard, Deimos heaved out a laugh
"That was.. hah... that was fun as fuck!"
You beamed, cleaning your gun and cooling off yourself
"I'm glad you get how I feel when I fight."
Oh yeah you two are definitely like Gomez and Morticia Addams but like. Even more violent and murderous
2BDAMNED (listening to Supermassive Black Hole)
Man you mentioned one time how you loved singing but not this much
Currently you were facing off with Tricky, after he's injured everyone else on the team- except for 2B himself, who was patching everyone up hastily
He looked over to see you calmly singing a hauntingly calm melody, as Tricky stood mere meters away
You shot first, and the clown jumped at you
It was like watching- yes, again,- a dance, you were both extremely agile and weaving around each other's attacks while trying to land your own
You just kept singing, not breaking a sweat
2B could tell you were frustrated at not landing any hits, though
Finally, a fake-out led you to land a satisfying hit to the side of Tricky's face with the hilt of your dagger
Ths stagger from the Clown gave you an opening, and you laughed, getting louder with the lyrics of the song as you landed a wonderful combo on Tricky
Unfortunately you got too into it, and for the first time in your singing+combat career, you got smacked GOOD
Luckily 2B managed to patch up the others in time so they could run ahead and look for an escape vehicle. He yelled your name, throwing a flashbang and grabbing you while the Clown was blinded
He took you to refuge, where the others were waiting with a car before Tricky recovered
He just sat next to you on the ride back, making sure you were healing up fine, and complimented your dancing and singing a lot
"You were very graceful, my love. Maybe we could dance together another time? Excluding the fighting, of course."
May or may not have went overboard with this? Idk its a cool prompt and with my brain- that always has the urge to do things to the beat of a song- was happy writing this,,, especially with the songs I like!!!
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tabitha2 · 2 years
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You used to see a girl like this and get like wet and bothered imagining fucking her… but now that Miss Chantelle has brought out the true bimbo in you all you are thinking about is just how much you want to be dressed just like this offering your fine big Black ass to a real man!!! With that tight asshole you know he gonna ream out work deep ruin up fuck you till u kant shit—
You nasty honey but you His kinda nasty now.
Being noticed is nice & gives you value. Male attention is your value. Your tits are your worth. You need to be seen. You need a Man to see u. You can’t stop showing off. Showing yourself.
it’s nice to not have to worry, but to just try to look hot and sexy… to be hot and sexy all the time. Showing yourself to be just a brainless Black girl. Because ok, thinking can be a chore sometimes. And it sure as shit be easier to let someone else decide.
Showing yourself to be just a fun kinda dumb Black girl who don’t gotta worry about anything
Just a busty brainless Black girl, a bimbo
the girl of your dreams who’s only attracted to Men.
Wait, whose dreams ? HIS. Cause you know He is all that counts in your new pretty little head that can’t count for shit.
In this hot soft wet Black straight female girl body that belongs to Him yr Daddy yr Master.
Not thinking really just feeling
YES, I want my orgasm belong to HIM! MMM.. all those Hands.. groping! COCKS cumming in and on me.. soo good.. more and more cum.. Super Attractive Slutty whore looks so hot getting wrecked by meaty real Penis !!! Beg u plz biggy
They can look but they can’t touch, can they ? Everything for husband the master your owner
Nothing is hotter than smiles and confidence. You disposable country-grown cunts dunno. Daddy’s cock-hungry fuckhole is always ready to serve. Down on my fours giving that face. The default look that naturally looks perfect on a slut just happens to be the perfect position to face fuck it in. N i luv a good face fuck.
Getting your face fucked 24/7 on the regular (it’s just the kinda life u live lead love it’s just how u are kept led taken used) (U luv being a usual regular ordinary super hot facefuck)
I’m a Big cock addict Black Cock slut. I want my boobs to be enormous and my lips to be puffier. There should be no doubt what i am here for. I’m a Big cock addict ! Im a dumb Black slut. I’m a Cock slut who loves white Cock best. And I’m addicted to Cock with huge boobs and fat lips
dummy drooly puffy princess pillow lips. Phat blunt-smoking lips.
I’m just a girl and Daddy makes all the hard choices for me so i can focus on being a perfect little hot dumb Black Barbie with the best tits
stupid stacked leaky puff-nip plastic porno tits
think for me. give me opinions and present them like they’re my own. convince me that i came up with your thoughts. keep my mind turned off at all times, even if it thinks it’s on
And you know you believe His thoughts in u.
Black girls are beautiful Beautiful and superior made to be worshipped by inferior white sluts
Accepting all Daddy’s corrections to cum out
perfectly pretty sexy slutty stupid straight Black stripper girl who is Addicted to Cock and weed
and you can hear your mama Chantelle telling u
"You should have started sucking cocks sooner. You need to be on your knees, it's where you belong. You're missing out. Head out there, get on your knees where you belong. Life gets better once you start sucking cock. Don't be a prude. Just do it. Don’t be a bitch. Just suck it. You need cock on your lips. You need to be full of dick. You can't stop thinking about it. You LOVE to worship the Big. Beautiful. Cock."
U get it ? Sure u do. All girls get it; when will u. Clarity n acceptance will make yr dum lil life 1000x better. U jus a hot dum Black chick — shit. U clear on this ? U betta accept it, Tera. U hot. U dum. U fun. & u love Guys. U only gonna get with guys, cos u need Cock. And u need 2b wha they made u : busty. Boy-crazy. Braless. Brainless. Bimbo. Black. & Beautiful.
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