#3 am posting again lets goo
nickeeree · 11 months
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you enter your room and see this, your actions?
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blisterinballista · 2 years
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" ... eh? still 'ere, are we... ~? "
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owliellder · 10 months
The Finer Details
Post DI! Leon Kennedy x f! Painter Reader
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MDNI 18+
(Session 1, Session 2, Session 3, Session 4, Session 5, The Reveal)
Description: Leon realizes that retirement is in his best interest now that he's getting older. All of his accomplishments as an agent mean he's truly earned a painting to commemorate..
Warnings: Not Proofread, Age gap! (reader is anywhere between mid-late 20's and Leon is 40), Porn w/ Plot, Use of she/her pronouns, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Alcoholism, mentions of trauma/PTSD/depression, P in V smut (wrap it NEOW), Leon cries during sex 💔
Tags: Older Leon Kennedy, Younger afab!Reader, Leon is SAD but he is your muse, Crying, mentions of Leon masturbating, starts off with Dom! Leon and Sub! Reader, falls into switch territory because that man needs some serious TLC, Praise kink, Hickeys, Handjob, Nipple play, Oral sex (m! and f! receiving), and a heavy dose of Aftercare
Author's Note: This chapter is a tad shorter, my apologies. I almost didn't finish it cause my meds started to make me feel real gross tonight, but I managed! I am determined and powerful and strong 💪
Cross posted on AO3
Session 4: Adding Details
Ever since the last painting session with Leon a few days ago, he's been a lot more lively. He jokes more, laughs more, and flirts a lot more. Specifically with you.
It's only been a couple hours into the next session and he's already called you 'sweetheart' five times. You counted. Hard not to when the man decides to put on the most seductive tone to say it, honestly.
You've begun to reciprocate Leon's flirting since clearly he's not one to hide what he's after.
"Alright Romeo, I need you to stay still and in position for just a few minutes longer. I don't think you want me to accidentally paint you with those goo-goo eyes." Watching his poorly hidden panic made you giggle, his eyes averting to somewhere to the right. "Actually I need you to keep your eyes up here, not over there."
Leon groaned and rolled his eyes before turning them to look back at the spine of the easel, doing his best to hold a lax expression. "You're making this difficult. You have the picture!" He complained, eyebrows raising as he gestured to the stand sitting next to you.
"Yeah but- sit still- you're making the same goofy look in it like you were before." Once he resumed his position, you walked over to him from the easel to get a closer look at his expression, humming softly all the while. Leon was beginning to sweat, mostly due to having to sit still for as long as he had but now partially from your sudden proximity.
After getting a good look, you walked back over to the easel to continue painting, to which he let out a small sigh. He wanted to get to know you more, he should've tried that before you started the actual painting, but better late than never.
The man kept quite for roughly thirty minutes longer while you added smaller details to his face on the canvas, using probably the thinnest paintbrush he's ever seen.
"Is that thing even adding paint to the portrait? Or are you just pretending to get me to sit here longer?" There was that suggestive tone again, and maybe it was your mind playing tricks on you as they began to strain, but you could've swore he did that cheesy eyebrow wiggle at you.
You shook out your arm to give it a good stretch before placing it back where it was. "It's doing something. Don't get your panties in a bunch."
Leon threw his head back with a laugh at your response, causing you to give him a quick glare before huffing out your annoyance. "Alright, clearly you're growing antsy. Let's take a short break." You stood up from the swivel chair and rolled your shoulders back, cleaning off your paintbrush with the solvent sitting next to you in a small mason jar. You had a couple of the windows open due to the fumes of the paint and solvent, so no worries there.
"Thank god..." Leon stood up with a loud and exaggerated groan. He wasn't young anymore, holding even a relaxed position like that was hard work on the body. "Thought I was gonna lose my legs." The dramatics this man possessed was funny, you had to admit.
"It's not that bad and you know it." You set down the paintbrush and turned around to see him mocking you with his hand. "Do I need to circle back to calling you a toddler? Cause I will."
Leon used the hand he was mocking you with to wipe across his eyebrow before letting his arm fall back to his side. "There's no need for extremes." Your lazy eyebrow raise at his response was all he needed to immediately follow up with "Sorry, ma'am."
It didn't sound genuine, but you'll take it. You nodded before walking over to the bathroom, scrubbing the paint from your hands to the best of your abilities. You had to use dish soap since oil paint was hard to wash off, that oily sheen was a pain in the ass when trying to hold a paintbrush.
The painting was really starting to come along. You worked fast while still remaining diligent. Oil paints were difficult to use, needing extreme patience due to how slowly it dried, how easily it could smear, and how hard it was clean off. No matter how nice you wanted to dress for Leon, you had to wear your painting outfit: A designated cheap and oversized outfit you picked out years ago for the sole purpose of taking a beating. You would wipe off your paintbrushes onto it to avoid having to use a paper towels or a rag each time.
Regardless, you were still as cute as ever to Leon. In fact, seeing you care so much about your work to be covered in paint was only making him fall for you more. Oversized clothes looked real good on you, so good that he'd been busy thinking about how you'd look in his clothes, hence that nearly blissed out expression you had to snap him out of earlier.
You both decided to sit over in the living area, Leon splayed out across the soft rug to give his joints a rest. He'd gotten a good look at how the painting was coming along before assuming his spot on the rug.
It was non-stop compliments from him. You could handle compliments, you've heard so many over the years regarding your art, but Leon's compliments were different. Instead of only complimenting the art, he decided to slip in little comments about you directly along side them.
"I went back to the White House over the weekend to look at the other portraits you'd done..." He started, head resting on his arms as they laid behind his head. "Just to get a feel for how mine would look once it's done."
"Is it living up to the standard so far? There's quite a bit more that needs to get done, and then it has to dry." You looked down at him on the rug, massaging your hand so it didn't cramp up more than it already had. "There's no standard for you to live up to, sweetheart. You could draw a stick figure and I'd be blown away."
You laughed at the suggestion, turning your head to look out one of the large windows to try and hide your smile. Wooing a painter was easy, apparently.
"You're just full of little accolades, aren't you, Mr. Kennedy?" You sighed, resting your chin in your hand as your elbow sat on your thigh.
"I can't help it. Being painted by such a pretty girl brings out the worst in me." Never in all your years of being alive had someone worked so hard to flatter you. Every single comment he made included something that had you flustered and struggling to respond.
Leon sat up on his elbows and looked over at you, that smirk as clear as day. He loved the way you could barely handle yourself at his compliments. "What're you thinkin' 'bout over there, angel?"
You let your hand fall into your lap as you looked back at him, giving his smirk a soft smile in return. "I could ask you the same question, calling me all these nicknames and such." It was only fair of you to ask, curiosity getting the better of you.
A little caught off guard, Leon hummed and pursed his lips, eyebrows furrowing slightly as he thought. What was he doing, exactly?
"Well, whaddya think I'm doing?" Yeah, that was good. Instead of answering himself, he'll just drag it out of you. "Well, if I didn't know any better, I'd think you're flirting with me." Your smile turned a bit more mischievous as you leaned towards him.
"Well, you'd be absolutely right, then." He responded with a chuckle, lowering his volume so he could fall right back into a seductive tone. "I got lucky enough to get my own painting. Even luckier to have you be the one painting me."
You gave him a small "mhm" as you nodded your head slowly, your tongue peaking out to wet your bottom lip as you listened to him talk. It took awhile, but eventually you managed a reply. "So... what exactly are you looking to do with all that sweet talk, hm?"
"Take you out on a date." His response was fast and it caught you off guard. Leon was so forward with what he wanted. When it came to the few people you'd dated in the past, you had to practically drag any sort of info from them. Your silence had brought him to sit all the way up now, body facing you as he sat with his legs crossed. "Is it working at all?"
It took a couple more seconds for you to nod, moving your hand to cover your mouth as you giggled. "Yeah, I think it is. Might need to keep it up just in case, though."
"Bummer, now I get to distract you even more while you paint me?" You stood up and placed your hand flat on his face, gently pushing his head back as you walked past him. "I'll paint on you if you distract me."
The session lasted a total of five hours, pausing for a couple breaks in between. You were now thoroughly painted out; hand cramping, eyes straining, and even with the windows open the smell of the paint and the solvent to clean it off the brushes had given you a slight headache. Leon was definitely tired also, given he actually fell asleep in the chair.
You decided to call it a day at that, patting him on the shoulder to wake him. "Time to get up and take your meds, old man." Leon startled awake, sucking in a harsh breath through his nose as he reoriented himself. When did he fall asleep?
You had already walked into the bathroom to wash your hands off, giving him the opportunity to wake up enough to stand. He yawned, walking over to look at how far along you'd gotten.
The painting immediately pulled him from his sleepy state, eyes widening with shock. You said you still had quite a bit left to do and it looked like this? It was like you'd ripped this straight from the 17th century. Leon was in awe. He looked good in this- no, far better than good. You'd captured his likeness better than the photo.
Seeing the man staring at your painting with his jaw dropped after walking out of the bathroom made you smile. "You like it?" You asked quietly while shaking your hands out as you hadn't dried them off all the way.
"No, I love it. You've got magic in those hands of yours, sweetheart." Leon crossed his arms, walking over to stand right in front of you. You clicked your tongue at him before your hand in front of him dismissively. "I wouldn't say it's magic, just years of drawing and painting endlessly until I got to the spot I wanted to be."
Leon closed his eyes and shook his head playfully, chuckling as he did so. "So humble of you." He followed you back over to the easel, watching you cover up the paints you were using with curious eyes. "About that date..."
You cocked an eyebrow, looking up at him through your eyelashes as you continued to carefully cover your paints. "What about it?"
"Just wondering when and where you'd want to go." The man grinned at you lazily, doing his best to disguise how nervous he actually was. "Hmm.." You glanced over at the wall clock you had sitting far above the light switches next to the entrance door, taking note of how late it was. "I'm pretty tired and I'm sure you are too, but how about we order something to eat here?"
Leon seemed surprised by your suggestion, grin widening as he nodded vigorously. "Plus, I am not going out looking like I just got assaulted with a paintball gun."
The two of you decided on something easy; pizza and soda. Leon opted to wear one of your many aprons to avoid getting any grease on his suit which made for an easy joke about him being a house-husband. Even though it was a technically a first date, both of you felt so comfortable with each other already, like you'd known each other for years. It was strange, but in a good way.
Leon was easy to get along with once he opened up. He really was a charming guy, even managing to get you to laugh with those corny ass dad jokes he loved so much. How such a man had gotten away with being single for so long baffled you.
The same went for you. Leon felt like you being single was just a fluke. There was no way someone as talented and gorgeous as you hadn't been swept off your feet yet. It was selfish of him for thinking it, but fuck was he ecstatic about that.
It was about 11pm when the two of you decided to call it a night, the hours spent bonding over random, seemingly meaningless stuff had really loosened both you and Leon up.
"Am I able to come back tomorrow and see you?" Leon asked in such a soft voice, motorcycle helmet in hand as he the other rested up against the doorway leading out of the building. He felt vulnerable for wanting to see you again like this.
"I won't be here tomorrow, need to give my hands a bit of a break." You giggled quietly, holding your palm out in front of him for emphasis. "But I can give you my address if you want to visit. I don't mind."
Those butterflies in his stomach fluttered at your proposal, barely able to nod after feeling his phone vibrate in his pocket once you texted him your address. He tried to act confident, having gone over every scenario possible in his head, yet you'd gone off script and he wasn't quite sure what to do anymore.
Seeing how flustered he'd become, you waved him closer, smiling as he bent over slightly. Leon thought you were gonna whisper something to him, that thought alone had him blushing, but feeling the gentle press of your lips against his had him struggling to breathe. He barely had a chance to react before you pulled away, his lips parted slightly as he stared at you.
You reached up and gently patted his cheek, running your hand along the stubble that had started to grow back. "Let me know when you wanna come over tomorrow, alright? Give me a little time to get dressed. I've looked ratty enough around you."
Leon wanted to protest that statement, you were far from ratty, but you just shushed his stuttering and nudged him out the door, giggling as he stumbled down the steps. He kept turning his head back to look at you every couple steps, feeling like some lovesick teenage boy who couldn't get his feet to work.
He was a little scared to drive home considering how uncoordinated he felt, but he made it back in one piece. Once sat on his bed, all he could think about was you and that damn painting. Leon didn't know what he was expecting when it came to that, honestly, but you seriously outdid yourself in his eyes.
Then you just had to flirt back with him, agree to a little date, and kiss him? Do you even know how hard it was to hide his boner from you?
He really did feel like a teenage boy, a simple kiss having him harder than a rock. Not to mention the drive home was uncomfortable since he had to position himself just right on the seat or else the constant vibration from his motorcycle would seriously cause him to crash.
Leon was weak. He hadn't felt this way in such a long time, but he guessed the newfound attraction came with the subconscious acceptance of his retirement. It's what made sense in his head.
God did he want you, masturbating in the shower to you wasn't enough, he needed you. All he could think about was your soft hands touching him, his hands all over your body, maybe even those pretty eyes of yours looking into his as he loved on you all night long.
The age gap was a bit of a worry to him in the beginning, mostly being insecure about his own age, but that worry was quickly brushed off when you kissed him tonight. You were a big girl. You knew what you wanted.
Leon felt so lucky that you reciprocated. All he'd felt since his retirement was grief, guilt, and pity for himself. Now you had him feeling like he was on top of the world and he couldn't ask for anything more. This little bit of sweetness in his life was so enticing, and of course he was going to follow it for as long as you'd let him.
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nisuna · 3 months
I got super inspired last night, so here's a short drabble about the smut adventures of cult leader!geto x non-sorcerer!f!reader let's goo
I have more planned along the lines of: First time sleeping with him; Public sex in front of his followers; Making you call him by his First Name during sex; Saying I love you during sex; things I have mentioned in my headcannon post (I might do a poll for the next chapter 🙈)
Feel free to check out the headcannons for this AU for more context! (part 2 here!!)
TW: heavy nipple play; nipple sucking, biting, pinching; manipulative geto, short non-con, unprotected sex, creampie, mutual orgasm, FIRST KISS, trust issues, crying, he calls you "pet", power imbalance; cult leader!Geto x non-sorcerer!f!reader
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-----------1.2k words; strictly 18+ MDNI--------------
"Geto-samaaa... I need a break today. Please, no more.", you huffed in his arms. Your hips and back were starting to hurt from the countless nights that you've been spending with him.
"What do you mean, pet? Have I overworked you? Oh poor you. But there has to be something I can do to satisfy myself. Tell me, what activity do you enjoy that doesn't involve my cock?"
You felt stumped, but something did come to mind. "Che..."
"Hm? What was that, pet? You need to speak up.", he demanded, looking at you expectedly.
"Chest.", your timid voice broke the silence. "I like it when you play with my chest Geto-sama."
After hearing the words leave your mouth, a toothy grin appeared on his face.
"Good job. Look at you speaking your mind. Such a good pet. Well then, get ready.", he cooed, loosening the knot on your robe. "Tonight, I'm going to town on your chest. Nothing more, nothing less. I promise."
He didn't lie when he said he would go to town, because that's exactly what's been happening for the last half hour. You were on all fours above him while his hungry mouth was sucking in your right nipple. Much to your dismay, however, he was paying attention to the right one ONLY. And at this point, you were getting impatient.
"Mmh whyy~", you mewled.
That caught his attention as he unlatched his mouth from your sensitive nub.
"What is it, pet? You don't like it? That can't be, you were the one who suggested this in the first place. I can practically feel you dripping all over me."
"It's not that...", you mumbled, turning your head, because you didn't have the guts to face him right now.
"What is it then? You have to speak your mind. How elese am I supposed to know if I'm doing something you don't like, hm?"
You sucked in a deep brath and squeaked. "The.. the other one..."
"Hm? Come again?", he cocked an eyebrow, putting his fingers on your chin, finally making you look at him.
"The other one...why do you only play with the right one. What about the left?", you mumbled trailing off.
His mind went ding as he smiled up at you. "Oooh your other one wants attention as well, hm? Why didn't you say so? I'm more than happy to oblige." He hummed caressing your cheek with his large palm.
"However, that service comes at a price."
"What do you-?"
"You have to put in a quarter to play."
"A what? I don't think im following Geto-sama..."
"Oh my dumb little pet. I'm talking about this, of course.", he smiled while sliding his exposed cock through your wet folds.
"Mh- no you said we wouldn't do that today!", you tried your best not to succumb to temptation.
"Just the tip, pet. I promise. Do that for me and I'll suck on your tits all night long.", the way his deep and smooth voice rolled off his tongue like honey made you weak.
How could you say no to such an offer. He wouldn't lie to you right? Geto-sama was a man of his word, you can trust him.
So you reluctantly nodded your head yes and began lifting your hips. He was quick to grab you by your hips and push into you. As promised, he didn't go deep and stopped immediately. You felt relief wash over your body as you tried your best to adjust to the sudden intrusion.
You let out a few huffs before finally discarding your robe, saying. "Mhh, I did my part of the deal. Now's your turn...AH-", as you were about to press your left tit against his mouth, he bottomed out, making you whine his name.
"Geto samaaa noo, you promised we wouldn't.. you.. you lied to me.", you sobbed, digging your nails into his exposed chest. The tears collecting in your eyes almost made him pity you. Almost.
"I'll continue pampering you, don't worry, this is just a quick detour."
You had no energy to defend yourself in his tight grasp, so you let him bully his fat cock into your tight little hole without protest.
After a few thrusts, he sat up, keeping you on his lap and finally fulfilled his part of the deal. His tongue darted out to your neglected left nipple while he pinched your right one between his long fingers. His hips kept rocking up into you while his hungry eyes kept looking up at you all throughout his ministrations.
Your tears of disappointment soon turned into tears of pleasure as you started losing yourself in his grasp. It was when he started to stimulate your puffy clit as well that your mind went blank. The expressions you were making were so nasty, that they soon pushed him over the edge as well.
It was the first time both of you came at the same time and it was understandable that you lost your mind at the intense feeling. It was when he kept fucking you through your high that you lost your sense of self and didn't notice that you grabbed onto his face and pushed your lips against his. Your mouth fell open as a needy moan left your mouth at the feeling of getting filled to the brim. You were so out of it that you didn't notice his eyes shoot open and hands halt all movement.
This was the first time you two ever kissed. Cult leader geto always saw sex as an act of service and obedience. Never once has he thought about kissing someone like you. He talked you through it and prohibited you from ever trying, or else...
Your eyes shot open as well at the lack of reaction and you almost had a heart attack at the realisation of what you have just done.
You were beyond terrified, immediately pulling away and shivering at the sight of his blank expression and his sharp eyes burning holes into you.
You began trembling in his tight grasp as your next words came tumbling out. "I-I'm sorry. I didn't mean to. Geto-sama, please forgive me-", you sobbed.
As you were about to pull your hands away from his face, he stopped you. You were petrified, expecting the worst. But to your surprise you didn't feel a punishment come your way. Instead, you felt him press his lips against yours and holding your hand in place on his cheek. The kiss was hungry, his tongue prying your mouth open and all you could do was moan and just take it. When he finally pulled away, you didn't dare speak, blinking at him with fear evident in your eyes. Your confusion only grew when you heard him let out a chuckle.
"You surprised me for sure, pet. But let's continue, I quite liked it.", he mumbled.
You nodded, letting out the breath you were holding as you closed your eyes and puckered your lips. While you were making out, you felt him harden inside of you again. This was going to be a long night, after all.
From then on out each time he crashed his lips against yours and made you cream on his cock over and over he thought "fuck it" abandoning his principles. All because of you.
I'd love to hear your thoughts!
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jazeswhbhaven · 6 months
Hang Up Raphael, I'm gonna get to know him better ♱♡‿♡♰ (Christmas Miracle L-Card PROLOGUE Spoilers II)
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Ooo he's feisty. But really he's telling you to check out the previous post before you continue ->
But if you've already checked it out, let's goo :D
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*heavy breathing* Yeah uh just a moment I need to shower real quick, wait I forgot you like it dirty...uh yeah it's right here ready for you bring that hungry mouf hereeeeee *cough* OKAY so :D
We left off where he was critiquing the food from the stalls and then he turns to MC and says that little fucking line and it has me over here losing it because truly....I know he means more of like in a taunting way instead of sexual but come on Raph, pleassseeee
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So Beel at this point is done with his shit lol and is saying if you aren't here for fun then clearly you're here to pick a fight. (intensely stares at Beel's sprite because his chest is looking mighty nice)
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Like, I know this is just them speaking to each other on a enemies level, but something feels sexually charged here. "Want me to murder you?" "Yeah only if you let me punish you" Now my brain is swimming with enemies fucking each other and the dominance struggle and Raphael trying to top but Beel wins because he's simply just that much more powerful and stronger.
But, let me get back on task, sorry <3
So inbetween this time, Raphael challenges Beel by spitting a fucking meat bone in his direction with such force it nearly takes his head off. Which is pretty impressive if I say so myself. Amon gets trigger happy and defends his majesty but the bullets deflect? Stolas tries next bringing out a whole tommy gun and whelp all the bullets miss and start hitting the stalls instead. At this point, since I read this prologue already I understand why this is happening, though when I first read it I was like WAIT IS RAPHAEL INVINCIBLE??? Lmao Beel even brought out his whip and it didn't even get close to him. But again Beel is the one that points out that it's the christmas miracle that is stopping all the attacks. And MC is like OH WOW SO THATS WHY NOTHING IS WORKING
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Raphael here tells MC to shut up and covers his ears (so neurodivergent coded, not liking sudden loud sounds lol) it's okay bby I'll get you some earmuffs.
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So after it's pointed out that it's a christmas miracle, Raphael is excited and wants to test out how long they got until his attacks can go through. (A menace I swear) And Beel accepts that challenge
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So Raphael points a skewer with meat on it toward Beel to mess with him and my bitey king does this sexy ass shit where he eats the entire fucking thing (and possibly Raph's hand if he chose)
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I am not strong, the pervy thoughts are always in my head. "Shall we do it somewhere" is where my brain stopped processing and went back to the enemies fucking once more lmao
But it did have me wonder where Beel wanted to post up for this duel of theirs...and boy do we find out what he means...
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And wham bam, Bael is escorting MC to the meeting place that Beel told him to come at night. Given that Bael is pissed off he didn't exactly say where he just gave some general ass description and they were walking around all night trying to figure out where he was lol
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Oh shit, an S&M club???? Now we're talking!
In my longfic btw, I have my MC randomly visiting Avisos and I do have a specific club I headcanon that she would go to in Avisos and Amon was the one to take her and she ends up filling in for a dancer that called in and that's how Beel met her! It was sort of similar to the vibe of this club lights wise, but yeah just dancing and drinking and strippers, no kinky stuff.
But I wouldn't put it past Avisos to have a place like this and only because of the type of atmosphere it has. This is why this place would be fucking dangerous for me because I would be in and out of those clubs like mad just observing. IRL though, there are such things at Fetish Balls and what not and I don't attend those, mostly because it's for a certain crowd and meh while I do enjoy talking about kinks I do not actively participate in them with others.
Continuing on though
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I'm crying because Bael is just like "Oh you haven't been?" As if someone is just gonna be visiting these kinds of clubs all the time. Surely it's normal for them but come on Bael this is adorable lol
MC does show interest in wanting to go to one and I like that it shows a bit of that pervy character that's been missing a bit. Like ngl for the most part in the main story MC has been very sheepish when I'm wanting like full on "I'm always fucking lewd like lets fuck rn pretty much" and maybe I'm putting too much expectation on MC but come on...if canon wise MC is a woman....what's so bad about her being FORWARDLY horny all the time? Show that to me please. No holding back.
Moving on,
Bael and MC go toward the commotion in the back of the club and we find out they got my bby Raphael all strapped up
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Like he was struggling so hard he was creating marks and bruises from the chains on himself. Even in Michael's story he didn't struggle too much, he was just kinda sitting here with minimal resistance. It makes me wonder if between these two angels, one just knows how to conserve energy and the other is just fucking wild.
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Well at least we know he still has that murderous energy.
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Lmao fucking Beel. So he's been hitting Raph with this whip I'm guessing, you know the kind you use during impact play, and Raph is not having a great time.
Bael runs over to Beel to chew him out though about how he didn't really give specifics on where'd he be and Beel is just like :D heyyyy bestie, you're late tho.
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Lmao see? lmao Bael is so fucking done with his shit.
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So Beel further explains how they got Raph in there in the first place, stating that he hasn't been able to attack them so with the devils in mass numbers they were able to pin him down and drag him to the club where he was throwing a fucking fit
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And Beel got the idea that well since you're already tied up might as well play with you for a little bit. Lol
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This is so hot of him, I swear this prologue is hitting me on all fucking sides because not only do we have Raphael acting like a cocky bastard, we have Beel acting like a sexy bitch and my coochie can't take much more of this. My body will detach from me at this rate.
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Also yeah Raphael clearly fucked up the store, he probably knew what goes on in an S&M club and didn't want to go in and the funny part is since I saw that one comic, it's possible that this triggers memories of him walking in on God and Solomon bumping booties and perhaps doing a bit of kinky things so he doesn't want to be around that because it makes him go rabid.
But that's me having my theories.
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Raphael was going on about how he's gonna give everyone divine punishment once he gets out of those chains yadda ya whatever bby please keep barking at me while I call you a good boy <3
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He is cute MC, I'm glad we agree on this. He's just being a brat.
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I love Bael. He's having a great time watching an enemy be the subject of humiliation. Again we are getting into those questionable themes of dubcon/noncon, degradation, public humiliation, etc., and some of this may very well be too much for most players. Btw if at any time any of these subjects bother anyone, please remind me to tag them appropriately so you can avoid any posts that have this mentioned if you still enjoy my other rambles and such!! I'd like to make sure I'm being respectful of boundaries.
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Back to the h0rni..... So Beel invited MC to play around with Raph first and MC plays the whole "who me?" act and Beel is like nuh uh none of that you know what I mean....and he starts doing this?????
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What do you wanna do with MC/me???? *nervously sweats*
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I am so fucking serious that they make Beel so deliciously lewd....like it's bad enough Satan and Mammon carry their own energy of horny, but this devil right fucking here is overflowing with it. The fact that MC is always fucking wet around him is proof in the pudding.
The whole S&M club will have to wait on me playing with my angel bby because Beel has been teasing this entire prologue and I'm about to bust it's not even funny.
But, alas MC is agreeing to play with Raphael...and with the gifts that Beel gave them for christmas as an idea. But alas...
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Raph is not having it...not one fucking bit lol
I'd like to be delulu that he's just being bratty, but I'm really interested in the story so I can see how it is that we arouse him because he's so against it at first....maybe there's just something about MC's touch that the angels are unable to withstand? And also his card shows those piercings and since Beel is known for his piercings....I wonder if he did that to him. But I'll never know unless someone shares spoilers of the story on here or on reddit or something T^T
pstttt if you have his card somehow and don't mind sharing with me I'd be forever grateful
So it cuts off here on Raph's prologue which honestly I think ran a bit longer than Mike's, but at the same time I noticed they didn't show his sprite dressed up like his card and I wonder if it's possibly because it will show up later like that with him wearing the ball gag and stuff. I'm happy for you all to sit with me through another prologue playthru <3 There's more to post (these take me well over an hour to create phew...I'm still working on Beel's event and that may be a 3 parter tbh because of how long it is) See you next time (´。• ᵕ •。`) ♡-your lovely admin
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iamred-iamyellow · 1 month
Lalisa Love Me
♥ pairing: lalisa manoban x fem!rb!driver
♥ smau 
♥ content: fluff <3 
♥ notes: I’m an f1 loving american lesbian blink so when lisa wove the checkered flag in miami  I knew I had to write this. This is also my first posted fic :)
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liked by lalalalisa_m, blackpinkofficial, and 706,435 more 
Blackpink in your area - tagged blackpinkoffical 
user12 SHE’S A BLINK?! 
 yourusername 🩷🖤 
user4 the crossover we never knew we needed 
landonorris where was my invite? 
yourusername must’ve got lost in the mail :/ 
 landonorris …
user5 my worlds are colliding 
lilymhe bring me next 
yourusername I WILL DW 
alex_albon I see how it is
yourusername GIRLS NIGHT IDEA - us and the wags go to their LA concert
francisca.cgomes I’ll be there 
roses_are_rosie hope we see you again! 
    yourusername <3 
user7 already writing fanfiction 
   user3 new character unlocked 
user5 she’s gonna show up at Jackson Wang’s party just wait 
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
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liked by charles_leclerc, landonorris, and 416,587
COACHELLA ☀️ - tagged lalalalisa_m
yourusername you guys killed it btw
*liked by lalalalisa_m*
user6 the amount of lisa pictures-
user10 its almost like she was there just for her
user6 she probably was ngl I'd be there just for Lisa too
user14 They are both MOTHER
user17 Lisa x y/n was NOT on my 2023 bingo card
landonorris I am once again asking for blackpink tickets
user10 PLEASE hsndnksjs
user7 he's so real for that
yourusername @ landonorris get your own tickets
user5 Lisa 🛐
yourusername i agree.
user5 wait what
user8 aaaand screenshoted
user7 my new wallpaper
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
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liked by redbullracing, maxverstappen1, lalalalisa_m, and 827,942 more
Congrats World Champ <3 You drove one hell of a year.
maxverstappen1 you drove amazing yourself. p2 overall is great, especially in your second season
*liked by yourusername*
user1 lisa liked this post btw
user3 they're literally canon at this point
yourusername looking forward to a (hopefully) next season win
user5 congrats girly
user7 literally crying at lisa liking this post
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
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liked by yourusername, sooyaaa_, and 743,078
See You Soon <3
user17 ??? CONTEXT ???
user2 Don't be shy, tell us who
user7 the car pic...? liked by y/n....?
user4 *me waiting for a lisa x y/n relationship megathread*
user8 unrelated but she looks stunning
user9 posted the DAY OF f1 winter break. not a coincidence.
user3 my otp
user12 I ship so hard
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
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liked by yourusername, jennierubyjane, and 506,902 more 
Waving the flag - tagged yourusername and redbullracing 
yourusername so glad you're here
     lalalalisa_m <3 
user3 the picture in the middle hello??? 
landonorris so @ yourusername lied about being sick last week? 
yourusername yes and I’d do it again
landonorris the betrayal 
 yourusername you’ll live 
jennierubyjane good luck! 
   yourusername thanks jen <3
user2 NEED more lisa x y/n content 
    user7 on it 🫡
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
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liked by redbullracing, yourusername, and 650,432 more
P3! That's my girl 🍾 - tagged yourusername
lilymhe love you both
*liked by lalalalisa_m and yourusername*
user16 lets goo p3
user7 "my girl" sorry- MY GIRL?
user4 hey siri, play we fell in love in october
user12 honorary wag
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liked by roses_are_rosie, landonorris, and 1,034,607 more
Lalisa Love Me - tagged lalalalisa_m
landonorris FINALLY
yourusername love the enthusiasm
landonorris we've been waiting for over a year
alex_albon he's right
user7 our fanfics came ture
user2 Jackson Wang's parties never disappoint.
user3 "lisa I'm gay for you" same
user7 she's so real for that
user1 let's go lesbians let's go
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
(end notes: I literally skipped my eng essay just for this lmao. this is for a pretty niche audience but I hope ya'll enjoyed it <3 idk if I'ma post more fics here but I might! thanks for reading.)
*NONE of the pictures are mine. All were found on Pinterest. Special shoutout to whoever had that "Lisa I'm gay for you" sign because that's so real*
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bapzap · 9 months
first things first
there is an almost explicit image being made of oil here, the fish are skeletons and they ooze black goo that looks like oil spills and the goo spews out like oil geysers. the skybox looks like an ocean polluted and murky with gasoline
it's electronic? this might not be real life and the real plaza but it definitely seems like its *real*, you get me?
dedf1sh is here <3
there's chunks of bodies... or mem-cakes? being carted around. this is notably NOT in 'real life', so either the electronic stuff is just technology or they're doing stuff in this weird techno-cyber world
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5. i can't put it together rn but i swear those walls, while looking like code, also look like the like... those stones people made to teach post-nuclear societies what we knew and what mistakes not to make again? does anyone know what im talking about? am i insane? those are real right?
6. pearl is here with us as a robot, replacing lil buddy
7. We're finally getting lore on how we change ink? Or we're dealing with Agent 8 losing the color of her ink. Speaking of Agent 8--
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pandabyler · 28 days
hey pooks! this is a continuation of my post about byler songs, and someone asked me to explain these so here u go!
enchanted (taylor swift)
i put this one because it reminds me a lot about the shed scene. "it was the best thing I've ever done" vs "I was enchanted to meet you"
it reminds me of them as a whole, especially the line "please don't be in love with someone else, please don't have somebody waiting on you" and "I've spent forever wondering if you knew" which both talk about their feelings for each other, and will wondering if mike knows how he feels. beautiful song 10/10
2. you belong with me
this one is self-explanatory but its probably the most byler song ever. everything is just so them. will comparing himself to el and feeling like a mistake, and being the one to truly understand mike and his interests. mike wants and needs a lot of things that el cant provide, but will can. "cant you see that I'm the one who understands you? been here all along so why cant you see?" "I'm the one who makes you laugh when you know you're bout to cry" and we've seen will hear up mike when he's sad countless times. 10000/10
3. deja vu
this one reminds me a lot of the byler and mileven parallels. will and mike used to be so close, but now he's spending all of his time with el. "she thinks its special, but its all reused" 9.5/10
4. so american
this one is 10000% in wills pov. to me its about his love for mike. "I'm not gonna...fall in love" -will szn 3 and then season 4 will was just "think I'm in looooooooooooOOOOOOOOVE" (sry this song is just too good) 9.8/10
5. good 4 u
this one is more bitter. it reminds me more of season 3 byler, and how will felt abt mileven. will felt left behind and discarded, and to him, it seemed mike wasn't even fazed (he was) "good 4 u, ur doing great out there without me, baby, GOD I wish that I could do that" 100% in wills pov. 10/10
7. iris (goo goo dolls)
"i just want you to know who I am" will wanting to tell mike how he feels, and that he's gay. this song to me is about their longing for each other, and that they both have secrets they need to be open about. 9/10
8. hear my heart (midnight mantics)
this song is SO SO SO underrated likeee.... but this song is basically about miscommunication, which byler has when it comes to their arguments, and in the end they always sort it out. "my big mistake, was letting you leave when we weren't finished, talking it through" mike to will in s3 and will to mike in s4 9.9/10
9. heather
UGHHH THIS SONG!!! "shes got you mesmerized, while I die" s4 mileven at rink o mania leaving will behind, and all of s3 lollll this song is just so byler 11/10
10. traitor (olivia rodrigo)
def in wills pov, portraying that mike has completely left him once a girl came along. mike making him feel special in the shed, but then showing nothing towards him in season 3 to make him feel special again. not sure if that makes sense but 8/10
honorable mentions
right now (one direction)
"lights go, down and" (the ud being dark) "I hear you calling to me yeah" (will calling for mike in the ud) and "lets go crazy together" vs "crazy together right?" LIKE YOU CANNOT MAKE THIS SHIT UP 10/10
2. strong (one direction)
mike giving will the courage to fight on just for being himself. wills love for mike makes him strong. "so many words we're not saying" (feelings for each other) "but there's nothing I'm running from" (will coming to terms with himself and his feelings for mike" "you make me strong" also also will saying he's felt so lost without mike, and the song goes "but when I'm not with you I'm weaker" 100/10
3. lets hurt tonight (one republic)
"dont walk away, dont roll your eyes" and "you were rolling your eyes, you were moping" which basically is about their communication and needing to talk things out when they argue. "they say love is pain, well darling lets hurt tonight" painful because mileven is together, yes, but also because its going to be so hard for byler to be a couple in the 80s, and they may not be able to do all of the things they wish they could
4. moment like you (liamariejohnson)
ANOTHER UNDERRATED BANGER but to me this is about will not wanting to be replaced for left behind by mike, and coming to terms with his feelings. "please don't leave me here tonight, lonely on the dance floor. cause I've been waiting my whole life, for a moment like you" which could also be seen as the literal intimate moments between byler in s4, and will treasures those heart to hearts and is so glad to finally be close to mike again.
well thats a wrap so lmk what yall think!! dt @skyewaytohell
sry if theres typos guys its 2am and I'm sitting hunchback at my computer
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missfrieden · 19 days
Tech as a father Chapter 53
Sorry for the long wait. I try to at least post one a week again!
Chapter 53: Little offer
Tech couldn't help but chuckle at the sight of Orion's impromptu clean-up attempt, while storing the used purees away. The little one, seemingly unfazed by the mess, continued his exploration of the mixed purees with newfound enthusiasm. Tech, quick to adapt to the unexpected, reached up to activate the camera, capturing the moment in all its messy glory.
"Well, it seems we have an unconventional approach to cleaning up," Tech remarked with a playful tone, addressing Orion as if he were an assistant in their culinary experiment. Orion, oblivious to the conversation, giggled and continued his adorably messy mission, his tiny hands making abstract patterns on the high chair. Tech, with a fond smile, appreciated the joyous innocence his son brought to even the simplest of situations. As Tech continued to document the unexpected clean-up operation, he couldn't help but marvel at the unpredictable and delightful moments that parenthood brought into his life.
Tech bending down to remove Orion’s bib, caught off guard but always ready to adapt, found himself face-to-face with Orion's unexpected offering. The tiny hand covered in food. With a mix of surprise and amusement, he hesitated for a moment, contemplating how to gracefully navigate this uncharted territory. Orion, blissfully unaware of the slight chaos he was causing, giggled in delight, fingers still extended towards his father. Tech, ever the resourceful problem-solver, decided to meet Orion halfway. Instead of letting those tiny fingers explore his mouth, he swiftly intercepted the little hand, gently wiping off the collected goo with the clean side of the bib.
"There we go, little one. We'll keep the taste-testing within reasonable limits," Tech playfully remarked, his eyes conveying both amusement and genuine affection for his son's antics. As he continued the clean-up, Tech couldn't help but appreciate the unexpected twists and turns that came with parenthood. Orion, seemingly content with his finger-painting escapade, babbled happily, perhaps expressing his satisfaction with their shared moment of culinary exploration.
Tech, holding Orion securely in his arms, navigated the ship's small living space with the practiced ease of someone accustomed to multitasking. As he stored the highchair away, he couldn't help but reflect on the quirks and surprises that accompanied caring for a growing infant. With Orion nestled against him, Tech pondered the inevitability of accepting whatever offerings his son might present in the future. Parenthood, it seemed, was a journey of constant adaptation. While he chuckled at the recent encounter with Orion's impromptu food finger painting, Tech knew that as Orion continued to explore the world, such moments would become more frequent.
In his arms, Orion gurgled and babbled, seemingly content with the simple joy of being close to his father. Tech, appreciating the serenity of the current moment, mentally prepared himself for the unpredictable yet heart-warming adventures that awaited him on this journey of fatherhood.
Chapter 54
Reblogs are very welcome and I am open for feedback, as english is not my first language, so maybe my sentences may be weird sometimes, or I write a word wrong even with google, or I use a wrong word for an item.
Tag: @spectacular-skywalker @aalizazareth @neyswxrld @clonethirstingisreal @sleepycreativewriter @moonwreckd @sskim-milkk
On another note, off topic. But me 3 years shy of 30. Now Eminems new song. I am sure my cracking bones are heared all over the world. Just hope my off key voice is not. And if I am sooo sorry. It is stuck in my head. but it is just amazing. The video, ther refrences, the self humor.
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solar-tl-27 · 3 months
Whoah I’m posting
All by myself ??
Woah woah woah woah! I am here to show SOME art!
A while ago the announcement of the next pokemon game came out! And with my favorite region returning there was only one thing I could possibly do!
Hyperfixate on my own oc lore in the Pokémon universe so much that once again i’ll only be disappointed by the game in the end lol. So…. Let’s talk about them!
This will be a collection of some of my older art to finally end up on the most recent art i just finished so if u don’t care about Pokémon plz scroll down and appreciate my art ( ToT )
Ok so! I always make original characters to be my protagonist is Pokémon games so when x& y came out i created a character named colette
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A woman in her mid 20’s that I totally 100% didn’t oc x canon ship with the villain (i did)
A looong time skip later pokemon sword shield came out which led to the continuation of the colette storyline!
With her daughter Pandora and her friends! Causing the creation of joshua & sapphire (the original image is definitely created with bases so credit to pokemon for the original art & selenaede for the bases)
(Draft didn’t save here so aha sob)
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They have been through several versions since then, all slightly different over time
You had pandora: a smart and elegant young girl and the protagonist
Joshua: the nerdy one but also the one that helps everyone no matter what
Saphie: the one who likes cute things and fashion
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They were pretty basic characters and evolved but this is theee base line of their characters up until their last design
Just 3 teens on an adventure
Timeee skip babyyy the return of Colette’s home means i wanna drag her daughter there!
The teens are now young adults! Trying to figure out what they wanna do in life and i can FINALLY MAKE BIG CHANGES TO SOME OF THEM
Let’s goo!
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Their outfits are loosely based on the pokemon xyz legendary Pokémon but i also wanted them to be able to stand on their own!
They are now young adults trying to figure out what they want to do with their life and having a change of scenery so
Let’s get into it!
Saphie’s finally got his cute accessories back!! He’s finally got a cutesy outfit which suits his style and iiii finally got rid of the side shave going for a complete adorable vibe for him instead. With bows, beads and a new cute hairstyle he’s finally ascended to adorable! He’s easily home sick and going with his friends on this journey sure is a big change. Someone who’s unsure of his future but knows he always has his friends to rely on!
Joshua is definitely still the nerdy one, he’s got the clearest vision of what he wants his life to be, not always understanding his friends but always trying to be supportive. His style is definitely the one that changed over time, leaving the nerdy studious look behind to try something new!
His friends definitely chose this outfit for him and it’s actually the closest he’s been to his oc predecessor as he was actually recycled. Sadly that art has been lost to type but, before he was joshua from this group he was joshua a character who was definitely a lot more edgy and artistic. I wanted to bring that back with this design and I personally think i did his original design justice.
Pandora always changes the least, her design has always been clear to me in ways but i did want to try new things. Finally deciding i cant choose between the 2 eye colors she’s had I decided i don’t have to choose SO I JUST GAVE HER BOTH. Putting her into something that’s just her style but also trying different colors she’s now more confident and determined, she’s on this journey to learn more about her family and try to choose what direction to take her life in.
Proud to see her friends figure out who they are but also sometimes feels like depending on what choices she makes could have them drift apart. Having to remind herself to have fun on the trip as well she’s probably the one who’s choices will make the biggest difference in what her life will end up being. A true protagonist with issues to deal with and secrets to uncover!
Thank u forrr looking at my little art post!
Now! I have a secret for all my winx people
Guess who’s back in the building again teehee
Ok bye bye!
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trashworldblog · 1 year
hey guys im gonna write about lore now because im a little drunk and i have Big Feelings and Ideas about the puppet show. LETS GOO!!
ok so some background: we know the substitute [the hologram professor] was defenestrated by ryan at the end of last season. we also know that defenestration doesnt ALWAYS mean that the person dies. (also can a hologram die? sources say probably not. i mean he can kick and bite but just because he can manipulate matter doesnt mean he can die per say. he can probably recharge.)
we ALSO know that the power box and victory algorithm are outside of watcher hq in the dumpster. this was revealed in 6x01 and DEFINITELY not a mistake. im like 95% sure this plays into what happens next.
so whats my theory???
i do think this season is gonna be pretty chill lore wise. i think after 4 and 5 we deserve this little victory lap and shane is gonna give it to us. im almost positive there wont be any post show lore bits (except for MAYBE the season finale) there might be more breadcrumbs along the way though! and i will be looking out for them
when we DO get into lore times, i think the most likely things to happen is something that threatens both the professor and beef boy or one of them. i think we explored alot of the internal struggles with their friendship and i think their friendship is solid and earned now. (and it feels repetitive to make them not be friends again). ive kinda been waiting for a team up, and im very excited for this to happen!!
so, my #1 theory is its probably gonna be the substitute coming back to get his revenge. probably with a little help to. top suspects are 1) genie, 2) the devil, 3) asmodeus? and 4) secret fourth thing (a character we dont know about yet) i am curious about what the substitute is gonna do with the victory algorithm. in the lore scene where hes watching the machine count, it really does seem to just be a machine that counts points like jokes and puns along with correct answers, and all it does is award a ticket for the winner. i dont see how that can be manipulated into being helpful for him.
we also gotta get those little puppets out of the wondreum arena!!! and the professor doesnt seem to know that they're stuck in there!!!! i think that is also gonna play a role at some point, but i can't quite place where it falls yet. maybe the substitute will mention it and the professor will be like ??? WHAT??? maybe that's first on the professor's priority list??? maybe they'll get them back before the substitute comes back? idk yet. but its definitely a factor and something to keep in mind. i remember the substitute saying that god said that they could send one representative to earth to figure the whole mess out anf they sent the substitute, im just curious how any puppet was supposed to do anything about that??? are they supposed to bring their now unanimated objects to the wondrium arena for the puppet souls to inhabit??? idk but im excited to see how this part gets resolved cus i wanna see the little guys get outta there.
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You can't just give up
a/n: heyyy this is my first time doing this so I hope that it isn’t too bad, I got the idea of how y/n and Miguel met from @angel-eyes05“to leave the warmest bed I’ve ever know”, it’s an amazing story and I absolutely loved it and inspired me to write this 
Pairing: Miguel O'hara x spider!fem
Summary: You lose your brother after fighting yet another villain, you lay on the floor accepting death but Miguel saves you and you get a feel for him once you wake up
Notes: I do appreciate criticism, but please don't be a jerk for no reason. A few mentions of suicide and just a P.S this is most likely gonna get a little spicy if I continue to write this, of course a little fluff to balance it all out :)
Word count: 1,111 (Such a fun number lol)
Okay, I'm done talking, Enjoy :D 
I can’t believe he’s dead, my only and last family member. My head reels as I enter the apartment me and my older brother shared, he had finally achieved his dream of becoming a captain. I stumble through the apartment holding my bloody side, while using my other hand to use a wall or table nearby to support myself. I carefully walk into my room, feeling worse by the second. Noah…he worked so hard for that position, only to DIE TWO FUCKING DAYS LATER. I flew into a rage and knocked everything off my dresser and in the process fell to the ground, sobbing. The night he became official captain I cheered him on, his smile, and his eyes were brighter than I had ever seen them before. I didn’t even bother getting up, I just laid there accepting my fate, curling up into a ball. I can’t live on, I don’t want to be by myself. If I die…so be it. I took a deep exhale letting all my burdens go, I closed my eyes and a tear ran along down my face onto the floor. I thought about my brother who took care of me for as long as I can remember, he was always there for me and took on a parental role that he never asked for but he did it well. I can feel my body going numb and my breathing slowing. I felt the air almost lift up around me, my eyes were too heavy to lift up. Is this how it feels to die? I couldn't feel anything, it was silent.
I woke up in an unknown room. I tried to sit up to take a better look at my surroundings except I couldn’t, it hurt too much. I put my arm over my eyes and sigh. “Oh, so you are alive?” I heard a deep voice, there was a tall, muscular man entering the room and making his way over to me. I try to get up once again wincing in pain “Here let me help you”, he says grabbing my arm to help me sit up. “Thanks”, I say snatching my arm away apprehensively. I guess he noticed my hesitancy towards him, “I’ll save you the whole “spiderman backstory”” he said sitting down, “and just tell you I’m Miguel O’hara”. I looked at him for a second, “I’m not sure which is a more important question, where am I or how did I get here?” “Well you are in a medical room at Spider Society HQ” I take a deep breath, this is so confusing, I mean how did I get here in the first place. I look at Miguel again “And as to how I got here?” He remained silent and looked to the side. I’m not sure if I should trust him but I guess I'll give him a chance before I change my mind. There was silence for about a minute or two while I studied him, he had a strong jaw and very defined features. “You know, you shouldn’t just give up when life gets hard” he scolded me with his head still turned to the side. I scoff and roll my eyes, “Well maybe I had a goo-”, he snapped his head toward me “There is no such thing as a good reason to let yourself die” his eyes softened “…even if you lose everything.” He grabbed my hand and squeezed it, “I know what it’s like to lose someone you love, it’s heart wrenching and traumatizing” a tear drops down from my face and I quickly wipe it away “Is that really what he would’ve wanted?” At first I was angry that he would talk about Noah like he knows him, but then I thought about it and it’s not what he would’ve wanted. Noah would’ve given me his classic pep talks he always gave me, if it was right before a big exam, a performance, or a speech debate. “Never give up, and if you won’t do it for yourself” he looks me in my eyes practically staring into my soul, it is now that I notice his brown eyes have hints of red “do it for your brother and the people that need you, whether it’s now or in the future.” I look into his brown-reddish eyes, I’ve only known this guy for 30 minutes so why do I feel so connected to him right now. Like we share the same pain, I could feel us getting closer and closer, he radiates warmth. 
*Knock Knock Knock*
We turned to the door, “Miguel, you in there?” He let go of my hand and cleared his voice while standing up “Come in Peter”, a guy with a 12 o’clock shadow and a pretty big gut enters the room. “Hey, I’ve been looking for you-” he leans over to see around Miguel’s body to look at me, he waves and moves back to his original poster. I can hear him whisper “who’s that?” Miguel looks behind him at me, I give him a half smile. He leads Peter outside and closes the door behind him.
“Sooo who is she?”
“It’s a long story but I think she’d some good with us, and I don’t think it’d be a safe bet to leave her alone”
“Is she joining the society?”
“Are you against it?” It sounded like he was getting defensive 
“I mean not exactly, the more the merrier”
“Okay then, I’ll bring it up to the others and I’ll see if she’ll accept the offer”
“She seems like the head strong type, you really think she’s gonna go for it?”
“...let’s hope so”
Hmm a Secret Society, how interesting. Miguel enters the room and sits back down next to me. 
“Sorry about him he-”
“Is he in this secret society of yours?”
“Huh?” he seemed taken aback “How?”
“Every spiderman has their strengths, I just happen to have heightened senses, specifically hearing and sight. Although you also have to pay with something” I chuckle
“And what’s that?”
“I have no sense of smell, I will never get to experience what it’s like to smell a freshly baked apple pie” I sigh pretending to be sad
“You don’t seem too sad about it”
“Well that’s the thing, you can’t truly miss something you’ve never had, I mean for all I know I could hate the smell of apples” I smile at him
He just looked at me, not in disgust but in almost awe 
“Now tell me more about this secret society of yours” 
“It’s a lot”
“It’ll distract me from the pain” I say fanning myself “Woe is me”
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jackals-ships · 1 month
JACKAL I must apologize I was like I WILL GO CHECK F/O LIST because I am not 100% sure which bot you ship with (<- did not care about robots until suddenly I cared A LOT) though I thiiink it's Megatron bUT sorry if I'm wrong fkdjashkj BUT BEARING IN MIND I HAVEN'T FINISHED S1...I WOULD LIKE TO HEAR ABOUT YOUR SHIP(S) 👀 and perhaps read fic at some point if you are able to find it @goldenworldsabound
(<- did not care about robots until suddenly I cared A LOT) IS AN ENTIRE MOOD THO HFKF tfp is like some sleeper cell activation code i SWEAR,,, + ur all good !! i gotta fiddle w my f/o list a lil and then repost it bc i kept meaning to make minor changes an then forgor,
BUT ANYWAYS YES !!! he's also, hilariously, one of the f/os i have a physical lil guy of despite being not on my radar as long as like garrus hf
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also a read more bc i woke up Rambly today <3
he gets to sit with the ponies :} bc he canonically likes mlp at least according to the lil ask Megatron bit + there was a whole comics crossover (2 I think actually?)
breakdown + knockout are also My Besties they started out as like kinda baby crushes <- local aro can't tell the difference between Feelings even in fiction more at 11 [lighthearted] before megs came for my braincell with the fuckin. steel chair HFJ so seeing you go 👀🥰 at knocks i was like FUCK YEAH LETS GOO !!! im dropping into his work station from the ships vents like oooo someone's got a cruuuuush ooooo you wanna be all (⁠ʃ⁠ƪ⁠^⁠3⁠^⁠)don't u knocks- (jackal is once again banned from the nemesis)
okay okay but; i rlly only have one fic Finished and luckily had the foresight to post it to AO3. it's a lil older so not totally in character + canon but still silly and cute hjfkd
when i get into something with a lot of continuities i tend to kinda? squish em together? or take bits and pieces going >:3 my city now, so the jackal x megatron ship is Primarily TFP but ive also absconded with fun movie details (like megs being i think it was 30? 40 ft tall? Fuck Huge,,,,) and also bits of comics lore/designs (holomatter is an interesting concept and im chewing on Meg's as we speak. gnawing on his arm even-)
but regardless this ship is totally my Slice Of Life Comedy Hour Chill LoFi Beats type of ship HKF like im a sucker for darker stuff higher stakes but i think this one has 0 stakes
like. like jackal and megatron literally met because jackal enjoys long walks on the beach exploring places Away from the city and Generally Away From Ppl to just sorta vibe. and ofc the normal thing to do when coming across a Definitely Alien And If Not Alien Then Like Secret Government Ship is to walk away. NOT wander ur happy lil ass inside like :0 yooooo what do These buttons do
and then when you get kicked out instead of getting squished like the bug you shouldn't come back via the air vents. again. and again and again and AGAIN and AG- until the local alien warlord gives in and is like "yeah okay this is my life now ig???" (soundwave was totally helping them btw. he likes drama 😌 and also has his own human hi adri so he can't say shit-) (also I've never decided on the Actual number of times they break it, in my brain it keeps slowly going up jus bc I find the concept SO funny. pov you're an alien warlord worried you got alien rodents and oh no NVM it's the human again. FUCK-)
it's absolutely the slowest burn too bc Meg's Refuses to admit that he has a crush on the weird squishy thing that keeps breaking in (until he's decided they're dating. and doesn't bother mentioning this) while jackals just 🥰 hehehoho big robot friend who calls me scraplet and sweetspark and sometimes puppy 🥰🥰🥰 also threatened to kill any mech who was mean to me 🤔🤔 weird. aaanyways
THERE'S ALSO a running joke in my head of that "what do you have?" "A KNIFE" "NO-" but it's jackal running off with energon bc you can't SHOW ME a cool liquid and have me NOT want to drink it !! Just a sippy. jus a lil- we'll have the hospital on speed dial pleeeeaaaase-😭
anyways tldr jackal megatron is "I'm not trapped with him he's trapped with me yaaaay :D" and "robot google; weird fuzzy feeling in spark?? how to remove weird fuzzy feeling?? robot google human exterminator near me-"
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thydungeongal · 7 months
Mutants in the Making
Part #5: Let's Mutate!
Previously on Mutants in the Making:
Step #1: Getting Together
Step #2: Cursing Your Dice
Step #3: You're Good At...
Step #4: Your Origin Story
Our character currently looks like this:
Current Takebacks: 4/6
Current GOO-P: 76
Cognition 16, Determination 16, Affinity 14, Perception 16, Strength 13, Prowess 12, Endurance 21, Speed 13.
I'm actually going to break up this post into two! It's about time I had lunch, and as much as I am enjoying this I need to make sure I don't get famished. I'll follow up with the second part of mutating our character once I've had a bite to eat. :)
Before we start mutating our lil farm-living mutant groundhog, we want to take into consideration one of the options we have in play: Wild Mutations. Wild Mutations are an alternate set of mutations from Mutants in the Next that add a lot more unpredictability into the mix. They are arranged by type, so you will still mostly get stuff within approximately the same animal kingdom, but with a small chance of getting stuff from other kingdoms (feathers on a mammal, horns on a bird, etc.). Since they are in play we got an extra Takeback at the start, so of course we're going to take some Wild Mutations!
Wild Mutations cost a flat number of GOO-P that you spend before you roll! You can have a maximum of two Wild Mutations: either two minor ones, or one major and one minor. You could also elect to take just one minor or one major, but where's the fun in that? We'll be buying one minor and one major Wild Mutation, which the book tells us will cost us 16 GOO-P.
Current GOO-P: 60
So, rolling on Mammal Minor Mutations first, we get 45: Domesticated (Reroll: Beast of Burden, Cat Fancy, Good Dog): Adapt to human needs.
The name of the mutation is Domesticated. The stuff in parentheses means that if our species had any of the traits listed, either as options or by default, we would reroll this Mutation. Let's check ahead to see what it does:
What this means is: we get either Cat Fancy, Good Dog, or Rideable for free. We can replace one of our species' enhancable traits with one of the ones given (but only mental ones can be replaced with mental ones and physical with physical). We add the additional extra traits into our list of choices when mutating.
Domesticated: You represent what your species would be if bred to be a companion animal for humanity.
Bonus Minor Traits: One of the following: Cat Fancy, Good Dog, or Rideable*
Enhance: Cognition, Affinity, Endurance, Speed
Enhance: If a saurian, avian, or mammal, add Fluffy as an extra minor trait. Otherwise, add Languid.
Extra Minor Traits: Beast of Burden, Communal, Flamboyant, Livestock Guardian (herder), Pack Hunter
Banned Major Traits: Aggressive, Toxic, Venom
Banned Minor Traits: Apex Predator
I don't want my groundhog to be rideable, so I'll quickly check what Cat Fancy and Good Dog do.
Good Dog (5 GOO-P): Most humans will do their best to avoid harming you if you have not injured or threatened them, and they gain +D to attack you while you have not targeted them or their allies with a maneuver. Gain +A on any roll to try and deescalate a situation.
Cat Fancy (5 GOO-P): When you make a dramatic roll for
social interaction to get something you want from a human, gain +A and skip one step.
(+D and +A are the game's shorthand for Disadvantage and Advantage, which works almost exactly like in D&D 5e barring d% rolls! I really like it as shorthand!)
I prefer Good Dog, because of its wider applicability. Also, groundhogs are definitely more doglike than catlike to me on a purely vibes-based level I can't explain.
Now let's roll for our Major Mutation: a roll of 17 actually directs us to roll on the table for General Major Mutations, so let's roll again! A roll of 67 gets us Solid: Abnormally compact, dense, and muscular.
Thick Hide is actually probably a typo: it should be Tough Hide. Stable gives opponents +D when trying to inflict prone on us, while Tough Hide gives us SHT (Superficial Harm Threshold) equal to our Endurance! Which is very good. Our character is shaping up to be a tough little cookie. As a groundhog we already have Endurance as our lone physical trait that can be enhanced and I don't want to change it out for Strength. We'll keep that as is, but make a note of our new Extra Major and Minor Traits.
Bonus Major Traits: Stable, Thick Hide
Unique Traits: Your weight is 100% higher than it normally would be for your size rating. Add +2 to your size rating when comparing it with other characters for purposes of various effects. This bonus does not increase any of your traits (like size damage or SHT).
Enhance: Strength, Endurance
Extra Major Traits: Toxin Resistance (2 GOO-P)
Extra Minor Traits: Crushing Grip, Crushing Jaw, Languid, Load Bearer, Standing Posture
Banned Major Traits: Adhesive, Arboreal, Cling, Flight, Swift
Banned Minor Traits: Compress, Flexible, Float, Snow Shoes
Before we start evolving our character any further, let's take a look at them, keeping in mind that they're still a pretty normal, albeit extremely docile and muscular, groundhog.
Current Takebacks: 4/6
Current GOO-P: 60
Cognition 16, Determination 16, Affinity 14, Perception 16, Strength 13, Prowess 12, Endurance 21, Speed 13.
Size Rating: 6
Basic Traits: Rodentia, Herbivore
Minor Traits: Good Dog
Major Traits: Stable, Thick Hide
Unique Traits: Your weight is 100% higher than it normally would be for your size rating. Add +2 to your size rating when comparing it with other characters for purposes of various effects. This bonus does not increase any of your traits (like size damage or SHT).
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carnivoreofthesea · 8 months
in your swap AU; how does pike wizard/amber, slime wizard/goobert and most importantly (the precious and need to be protected) lonely wizard would look like ?
are they now grimora's pupils now or still with mags but they are now undead ?
So with magmento (mags), I did originally plan to have his pupils be in the crypt but it was getting too long. They're grimmoras pupils traits, But they have His students names and a few key features.
Pike wizard -> Decapitated Scholar
"Do not pity me, It was all worth my while."
Being a mortician before she died, She had made new ways to cremate the dead and be preserved longer. However she ended up dying from a mixture of chemical poisoning after inhaling some of the ingredients used in said embalming and an unfortunate accident. Her skin had become more frail and she had restered her head on one of the spikes on her fence. Poor baby got impailed without even realising it :[. She hopes that she could use her body to make a less deadly way of preservation, To no avail yet. She looks pretty similar to normal Amber but instead of a helmet she wears a mourning veil! Also her little spike is a singular fence post that looks a lot more fancy. She has the same concept as Amber, Hurting herself to be more appreciated by her scrybe (although its more the concept of death she was trying to pay respects to) and still being in servitude when the player comes.
Goobert (my baby boy <3) -> Goo pile
"Please, Please! Arghhhh... Battle me! I'm promise I am more than just a gnarled mess!"
Died in a horrible accident, Something that contorted and squished him past being recognized. His death was more famous than the life he lived, So now he strives to be remembered for something other than his death! He's trying so hard, please just give him affection :[. a lil kissie on the head for always trying new things and working to be good at them! He looks pretty similar to goobert, if not more. Gross <3. I’M SORRY BUT HE WOULD BE NASTY… He would be a pile of just random sludge and liquids, if you’re lucky you could find bits of melted skin? Purrrhapes his ghostly body would piece itself together but even then he would look like a nasty little pile of grossness. I love you babay… but you are nasty.. I would still hold him though!! Just put the goofy goober in a jar again please.
Lonely wizard (ALSO MY BABAY!!) -> Loney Dominguez
"PLAY A GAME! PLEASE?! I need something to do!"
He was quite young when he died, Being a coma was terrible considering he was such a rambunctious kid! He couldnt see or hear or move, but he could feel his body and think. Even when he died, Magmento trapped him in his coffin out of fear. He's not good with kids... Especially ones that are 6 FEET TALL. That may have been related to his death but I haven't decided yet. Also think of just a huge coffin that's hidden away under the main room, the player finds it and he’s just like. “Oh yeah, that's the crazy kid, He bites. I think.” And then you just see the coffin violently shake and scream. He has normal anatomy and would just be a very VERY rotting body. Like yes, he has formed, just melty and turning into goop. Maybe a few bugs live with him so he isn’t as lonely… Also think it would be funny if he still had a hyper fixation about wizards out of spite. Let my baby like his wizards damnit.
James cobb -> James Hobbes
"Oh neat. A player, Let's do it."
A mellow player who died... How did he die? His tombstone says he drowned but he doesn't have any signs of it like the others do. In fact he might even tell you that it's fake. He won't tell you how he actually died but as long as it solves the puzzle who cares? He's probably the most normal guy you'll meet, Also is very tired. Like. let the guy nap. please. strangely modern. Uses slang and sometimes makes suggestive comments but he's a baby girl for that. He’s actually a fairly healthy corpse, Only slightly pale and occisonally goes stiff. His hands are deathly cold but at least his hair is still a bright red. Good for him! Good for him :].
James Cobb -> Kaycee Cobb
“Don’t you wonder what’ll happen? C’mon, I wanna find out.”
IM TALKING F. R. E. AY KAYYYY. SHE IS MY FAVORITE CAN YOU TELL BATTING MY EYELASHES SO MUCH WHEN I TALK ABOUT HER. ANyways she’s the sillayest wizard ever. She doesn’t take herself seriously and just straight up tells the player that she enjoys being stuck in there. Its literally her dream and she uses magic to fuck herself up. She can finally have gender goals of occasionally turb herself into whatever the fuck she wants! Don't like feeling of skin? SIMPLY BECOME A SKINLESS BEING FOR A LIL! god i love her sm… She definitely indulges in the whole wizard shit and has a whole over the top outfit. other than that still very greasy <3
Lonely wizard -> Royal Wizard (GOD I LOVE HIM)
Oh my god. Peek tism. Category five tism events. He's a pirate obsessed wizard who has a problem with summoning things. Specifically. a ford f150. vehicular manslaughter never ends. He's very confident in his skills and thinks he should be a head wizard or at the very least a card, However he can only do a few spells… God he’s so silly I love him. He's a low poly pirate that I’m thinking of making black. give mah boy some pirate dreads!!! Why? Because IT LOOKS COOL. Anyways he locked away in a ship in a bottle by Grimeth as a “final test”. He's never getting out.
Goobert -> Stinking mass
“Ohhhh… Yes… Perhaps I’ll cast a spell that will finally make me disappear..”
Oughhh… Gender dysophoria baby… I love you poor baby. Turned himself into a pile of… Something? Honestly he doesn't even know. His final test is to turn back, And he’s trying real hard! The thing is, It would probably be easier if he was going to transform into who originally was but he didn't like how liked he looked… He wants to transform into something better to prove himself to be better than how he looked. god my baby. i need to hold him.
Bone lord -> Eye.
Need I say more? Its a painted eye in a black room that speaks in fucking wing dings.
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carnalapples · 7 months
hi bestie i have QUESTIONS!! congrats on a great year for writing ❤️ and also a great year because i got to meet you ❤️
1. favorite fic you wrote this year
3. favorite line/scene you wrote this year
23. fics you wanted to write but didn’t
Howdy Rowan and thank you!! I'm so happy we met 🫂 You’re def a big reason I kept creating this year!
1. favorite fic you wrote this year This is tough but I think… and it’s peaceful in the deep. I’m proud of it because I planned it more than most fics I write lol, and I am really happy with the end result. I think a lot of times i kind of miss the mark with what I originally intended… I do like that because I like seeing what results and what people take away from it. But with this fic, I told the story I originally intended to tell, and I was really proud of that focus.
23. fics you wanted to write but didn’t I went trawling in the trenches for this lol, I forget a lot of ideas when I move on from them. I had a Mass Effect longfic I started that went through all the games, and I ended up doing the same thing as I did for DA, using it as a springboard… I think I also had some Bollywood fics I never finished, and two separate DA modern AU/romcom-type things that lost steam. (One was supposed to be an exchange fic inspired by Four Weddings and a Funeral, but I couldn't get it to work in time) I also had a western AU for DA that fizzled out, so that’s fun.
3. favorite line/scene you wrote this year From the care and feeding of lovebirds… I think I’ve posted this before, but I really like the vibes lol:
Simran puts a disc into the player—Madonna, The Cranberries, The Goo Goo Dolls, she’s squirreling them away with a little part of each paycheck.
Maybe once a week, she’ll put on one of her old tapes, something swing, or one of her father’s songs—she listens to them for only half a minute or so before she has to switch them off, and only when she’s alone, only when she can put the hurt away for later. She can never seem to hide these things from Raj. She only has one tape from her father, and it's been in the box long enough it's beginning to gather the lightest layer of dust.
Raj comes through the door just as the soft chords of “Linger” filter into the air, dripping water into the entryway. She can imagine him standing on the mat, beads of water on his coat catching the hallway light as he slips out of his shoes, and it’s all a poem: the rolling thunder underscoring the music, the fat drops rolling down the leaves and pouring from their waxy surfaces—
—right onto her face, and she opens her eyes to find Raj grinning down at her, his dimples on full display as a trickle of water disappears down her blouse.
“Chi—“ she scolds him as she pushes his head away, “I’ll have to clean all that up—“
“I’ll mop it,” he promises, folding one hand over hers where it still rests on his face. He presses his cheek to hers and she can smell his cologne, shivers at the cold dampness of his chest pressing into her back as she lets her eyes fall shut again.
“Come here,” she gently urges, tugging at his hand until he circles the sofa and sits next to her, and then until he lies down with her, both of them hopelessly wet now and bringing the upholstery down with them.
“How was it?”
“It was good,” she whispers, enjoying the soft puffs of his breath on her skin. “I liked the passage they picked.” She came home straight after the exam, the rain discouraging her from any larks to a cafe or the library.
“I was going to stop by the bakery on the way home, but this is an even sweeter surprise,” he says in a syrupy voice. She scoffs even while her chest flushes with warmth.
“Do you want me here waiting for you every day?” she teases.
“As nice as it would be to be greeted by the moon herself every night,” and he brushes a kiss across her cheek as she laughs, “Never. I’d never want to take you from school like that. From your life.”
“You’re my life, too.”
“Not like that,” he says, his voice so fond that she feels she could do anything right now and he’d not have a word against her. “Do you want to order in for dinner?” And he’s off to the latest banal concern, and she’ll never quite get used to how he sees the world, flipping through matters of such gravity and the smallest things like flicking on a switch.
“It’s not Friday.” Can we afford it, will we be good enough to cook Friday instead—
“We can swing it,” he says. “You like Indian?”
She tosses her pillow at his head.
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