#5) is honestly not even a headcanon it’s just canon to me lol
slavonicrhapsody · 1 year
may I request 0 Ranni (you don't have to repeat any you've already answered, your Ranni headcanons are just my favorite and I would like to hear more)
aww thats so sweet thank you so much!!!
1) What would their social media page/activity be like: Ranni went completely dark on social media after black knifing herself but prior to that she barely posted anyway. just a few pics she took of the night sky and some pics of herself with Blaidd and Iji. Post-black knives, she deletes all photos of her old body and photoshops herself out of group pics
2) What animal they remind me of: obvious answer is wolf but I raise you blue sea slug
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4) Physical headcanons: She was shorter than her older brothers, but about the same height as Blaidd and they’d compare heights as they grew up :)
5) Social headcanons: I’ve said this before but I think it tears at Ranni’s heart that her plan endangers Iji and Blaidd’s lives. She and Iji have clearly talked about the fact that Blaidd will be driven mad when she finally acts against her Two Fingers… it hurts her to cause this to happen to him, but it must be done for her to achieve her goals. I think this is why she asks us to “tell Blaidd and Iji… I love them” right before she attacks and kills her Two Fingers… she knows that claiming her own freedom will also condemn her brother to madness… I’m sure she often feels like she’s using Blaidd and Iji’s love, like when she says to us, “Blaidd and Iji… art willing to give too much to me.” The guilt probably weighs heavily on her but she chooses to continue her path anyway.
6) Psychological headcanons: She has a mischievous streak… I love that one line of hers where she says “there’s nothing wrong with a well-laid scheme.” she respects the noble arts of plotting and snooping and scheming and causing mischief because that’s what she herself does best
7) Ship(s) with them that I like or at least consider: honestly I’m not actively into any Ranni ships I feel like she was like extremely repressed and it’s hard for me to imagine her in a relationship prior to the game lol… I’m also not really into oc x canon ships so Ranni/Tarnished doesn’t really occupy my thoughts either despite being in the game
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snakeautistic · 9 months
I love finding characters I can relate (/project onto) within media. There’s something so comforting about seeing yourself on screen. I end up headcanoning most of them to be in-line with my identities (lesbian, wasian, autistic) because they are literally me in my head!!
Anyway here’s a long ass list of my favorite characters and why I head canon them as autistic for fun!! If you have any others you’d like to add I’d love to hear them. (And please note this is just my interpretation, and highly based on my experience with autism. I’m not saying they’re definitely autistic or that all the traits I listed are the dsm-5 criteria or something.)
Princess Bubblgeum from adventure time:
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This girl is peak evil scientist autistic. Her intense need for control, the way she carefully observes the citizens she created, an outsider to them, not quite like them… god it’s so perfect. I read her as being somewhat low empathy as well, it’s hard for her to change her perspective to that of others. Plus the fact her brother neddy is a pretty obvious metaphor for higher supports needs autism. I think they of represent how autism runs in the family and appears in all sorts of different ways in different people. They’re sort of two different representations of the spectrum.
Marcy wu from amphibia
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I mean this one is just obvious. The biggest nerd of all time. So obsessed with her RPG special interest that she literally sucks her and her friends into a fantasy world. She’s clumsy (just like me fr), very smart but super socially awkward, a little oblivious and naive. She’s terrified of change, especially if it means abandoning the few social bonds she’s been able to make. I honestly find it hard to believe this wasn’t intentional.
Entrapta from she-ra
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Another pretty overt example. I do have some issues with how she was portrayed in the show- (keeping her on a leash was weird.) but overall I really love her. She understands her tech, not people, and it can cause her to come into conflict with other characters. Their treatment of her makes me sad at times, but it’s realistic. I also love some of her other quirks, her love of tiny food, her exitable demeanor, ect.
Pearl from Steven Universe
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Peridot is the more obvious example of an autistic character in SU, and while I agree she’s coded that way, I personally resonate more with Pearl. She is not very socially aware, and bothered by disruptions to her routine/ broader life changes. She doesn’t like to break rules (despite being a literal rebel lol.) I find it interesting how she seems to have the poorest understanding of life on earth out of the gems, despite having lived here for thousands of years. She is graceful, but has an almost sort of awkward gangly-ness to her that I relate to. Her neuroticism is also very similar to how my anxiety disorder presents.
Pearl has a tendency to infodump, without realizing those around her are uninterested. Even her relationship with Rose struck a chord with me. The hopeless devotion to her, the way she followed along at her side. It’s how many of my friendships have been. Obvious it’s not exactly the same considering Pearl having originally been her servant, but while not being an explicitly autistic trait, that sort of clingy, starstruck relationship is something autistic people are prone to developing. She does little hand stims at times too that I love to see.
Poison Ivy (specifically the version in the Harley Quinn animated show)
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I’m surprised I haven’t seen more people mention poison Ivy. Fiercely intelligent and deeply introverted, she isolates herself from all people, and only connects with and understands her plants. (Which her deep affinity for can definitely be read as a special interest.) She very overtly has trouble forming relationships with others.
She’s blunt, socially awkward and a loner, has something of a flat effect and a monotone voice. Those around her initially read her as cold and impersonable.Her struggle with social anxiety as well as intense fear of failure/ low self esteem is also very relatable to me. She also often struggles to express/understand her feelings and emotions. Her radical political ideas and the fact that she’s literally an ecoterrorist paints her as having a very strong sense of justice and a somewhat black and white worldview. (Me)
Finally, her relationship with Harley just SCREAMS neurodivergent solidarity. Harley Quinn is (I think canonically) adhd, and they’re both outsiders in the world that found each other and just… get each other. She’s Ivy’s closest and only friend and amazing girlfriend and god it’s all so perfect.
They remind me a lot of the relationship I have with my best friend with adhd except theirs is gayer.
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diientedegato · 8 months
I'm curious if you have any thoughts on what Ben Paul would look like if he was alive years after S1 of TWDG :> I honestly prefer to imagine both him & Kenny going off on their own adventures after S1, because Idk if I'd've had Kenny as part of S2, it felt like when he returned it became less Clem's story & more his. That might be controversial among fans but it's how I feel :s I like to imagine Ben, Kenny & Sarita forming their own little family in fact <3 I'd expect Ben would end up with shaggier hair after a while but I wouldn't mind knowing what he'd look like with short, spiked up hair ;>
IM SORRY BOTH THE ASK AND DRAWING ARE OLD- but I came across the sketch I had eugeugeh. I do not have many headcanons but behind the cut is just a rant about. Kenny mostly. Too much should I warn? But yah I'm sorry it took me like 5 months lol
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The only headcanon (regarding Ben's appearance) is that he'd keep his school jacket for as long as possible. Until it thorns apart. Or until he dies.
I'm big fan of Ben lives possibility btw I've gotta draw sum about that sometime (I say, about every twdg character i like,)
And dude, do I agree about Kenny. Man doesn't belong in season 2. The character they made him to be in the second season is not Kenny, it's just a nostalgia element. Don't get me wrong, I love the guy, I'm biased as hell, I break that hug choice every time. But it made the character development in the first season just.... pointless. "For some reason, I saved that piece of shit Ben", man, that quote just disappoints me. Kenny lost everything. Father and husband of none no more, which was pretty much the arc of Kenny on the first season?? I think? . Everything he loved and he had he lost, and he killed the person responsible for it. But not as revenge, he killed a kid out of mercy. He saved the boy from suffering a painful death, and that was forgiveness, to the reason he hadn't any. He took a decision he would be fully responsible of, when it was time for him to go. And he was perfect.
Hell, if he had appeared during season 2, I do prefer the Kenny as Carver idea. Clementine wasn't even that close to Kenny in the past, the player was, so even then it feels... off, off to be forced to care about a man that says so much he wants to protect you. (They're not really family, but is as if Kenny tries to protect and have Clem on his side, to have Clem's loyalty through and through. Though he does let her go and is proud of her on her individuality... hm.) But still, I mean, second season Kenny is not first season Kenny, and it isn't even a change that made sense. If he had been antagonist (which pretty much feels like it in the Canon story already), he should have had some other background story, no Sarita or company. Maybe then the cynical view he has would have mattered. The violence and anger and whatever else. For him to change that way was a consequence of him losing what he represented, protection of family? Wasn't failure and grief and acceptance meant to be important after all?
But otherwise yea I think it would've been pretty cool if Ben survived :3 I am a sucker for tales of redemption, forgiveness, and found family. And I hadn't thought about Kenny, Ben, and Sarita, but hell yeah. Man, even if they appeared in the second season, it would've been interesting if the choice wasn't between two individuals, but between two families. Ben already had a relationship with Clem! He appreciated her and calls her his only friend during season 1, he did leave her behind during that scene, -but the point of Ben was that- He was a coward all the season, until when he wasn't. He wanted to help Lee help Clem. They would've had an interesting sibling relationship-? also Ben had a young sister before the apocalypse so ooooh projection and parallels and shi. And if Ben had lived, he would've completed his development to something close to bravery-?
Well, I don't know, at least I think that'd be one interesting way to bring back old characters. Otherwise, Kenny should only be mentioned on dialogue maximum. The way I see it.
(I repeat the same thing over and over when I talk about something I'm sorry
(I've developed no language skills whatsoever in my life
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weirdmageddon · 1 year
💿⚛️ davejade headcanons
sorry for leaving you guys waiting on this for like a week lol i kept being like “tomorrow for sure” but falling asleep but anyway here it is. i might add more to this if i think if anything but reblogs might not reflect the up to date source version so you can always find it here
most of these are pointing out stuff thats basically canon anyway but whatever lol. basically canon headcanons
dave tries to impress jade to get her attention because he likes her
this ones for you *misses hoop by 5 feet*
he doesnt mind jade’s inane riddles honestly. he isn’t perturbed by how she just knows things like rose is, because he doesnt think into it too far. he trusts her
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he spends a lot of time indulging in her interests and showers her in his music and poetry
they draw things for each other a lot <3 jade has the pictionary modus and seems pretty good at drawing and of course dave sent her sbahj as furries in the mail. sending jpegs over the internet is BABY NONSENSE. real boys send their childhood friend/crush pictures they drew for them through the INTERNATIONAL POSTAL SYSTEM to an unspecified island in the middle of nowhere, pacific ocean that gets packages dropped by plane so the recipient can tangibly hold it and hang it in their room
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actually i was going through the commentary and hussie addresses it as such:
“Also notice her SBaHJ furry poster, which was clearly a very thoughtful gift from Dave”
jade would give dave a "cool" plushie of a tiger or something nd he keeps it on his desk . froot’s beautiful idea
he loves her plushie sensibilities. so much less unnerving than his bro’s phallic puppets. they're still soft but no cognitive dissonance this time about the softness coming from foam puppet ass hoorayyy
theyre still reading homestuck on act 4 but they understood them instantly
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jade humors dave’s ironic cool facade because it makes dave feel more comfortable without feeling too exposed, but it’s because of this that he feels like he can open up to her because she isnt prying. (im still not over the smile here btw. only jade could make dave smile after a fucked evening where he spilled juice on his turntables and accidentally skewered an innocent crow with his sword and broke his window this mf is TYPING. also getting a bit of joy out of the fact that the only visible suit on his cards-themed bedcover in this panel is a heart)
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but he knows that jade is not unaware of what he's hiding. couldnt even refute her lol
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from the knight’s perspective, it’s “i’m not as [blank] as i appear. i want you know that about me if i know you well and trust you, or i DON’T want you to know that about me if i DON’T know you well. the reason is that i want to know that i can trust you to avoid turning my insecurity into a Whole Thing”
basically she allows dave to take initiative when HE feels comfortable and confident in sharing the things he’s self-conscious about. this really helps him be comfortable and form a strong bond with her
dave would wrap his arms around her to “ironically” imitate a pair of tangle buddy squiddles (while actually concealing genuine affection basically unbeknownst to himself) but he winds up looking just a little too into it for just an “ironic” bit yall……
jade is slower to realize her deeper feelings since she shows love to everyone (so long as theyre deserving of it!!!) it just hits her one day that she actually Likes him in a special way, while for dave it is more dynamic and gradual but very on the downlow, expressed in creative acts and services
once dave actually recognizes he’s really caught feelings for her down the line, dave and jade happily do the tangle buddies hug all the time. its like their handshake. its their weird couple thing
these two when together as a unit they do not give a shit about what other people think of them
this shit lol:
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Creative Fucking Powerhouse the two of them
davejade ass song to me
jade is quite spacey and super appreciates dave’s level-headedness and steady pragmatism while at the same time not being a rigid stick in the mud about it. for example when they were acting as each others’ server players dave was advising her but it was appreciated by jade
sorry its just literally socionics duality LITERALLY THIS IS THEMMM (also i spent WAY too much time making these graphics and integrating texts from multiple sources please appreciate it)
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fittingly with that, as ouroborista writes about the opposite space-time aspect dichotomy,
Space and Time are the fundamental Aspect pair. Their job is to make shit take place. To create novelty. Between them they span not only all of existence but also the inseparable twin approaches of any creative project. Space goes for breadth, for ideas, for expansive, holistic input, while Time goes for needlepoint focus and a rapid-turnover ability to pull through on the prompt. There’s a reason why these are the two Aspects necessary for any successful session of SBURB.
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jade is literally always having a little giggle about him. dave is a funny guy. lame court jester ass boyfriend
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he’d draw his post-ironic fursona and show it to her with the usual deadpan expression on his face, eyes obscured by his shades. but jade will look at it and when he sees her smile and laugh it makes it all worth it. his cheeks feel warm and he’ll smile slightly like “heh heh”. dave the type to smile like an idiot over anything jade does like his mouth keeps making a thin line and hes trying to fight it but . Jade
dave thought jade looked absolutely stunning in her 3 in the morning dress his mouth probably stupidly hung open the tiniest amount seeing her after swapping into it
of course she only wears it for what she considers "very special occasions"…..spending time with dave seemed to be a very special occasion :)
jade think dave looks sharp in his suits!!
imagine jade adjusting daves crooked bowtie and lapel and his palms start to sweat and he darts his eyes from behind his shades and chews the inside of his cheek she making him nervous bro 💯
jade is definitely the teaser and dave is the teased. still i dont think jade teases dave as much as john and rose which is why he feels more comfortable opening up to her about his shit. her teasings are much lighter and inconsequential
despite how funny and informal he is dave is a classy well-put-together romantic. he is responsible and harmonious in how he choses to present himself. remember when he got secondhand embarrassment from rose when she was drunk before her date with kanaya and he suggested to her and kanaya that the two reschedule? … he’d NEVER do something like that. sober. suit is ON. hair is neatly combed. he is right on time, not too early not too late, and his first words are “yo whats up”
dave has this designated driver energy about him
after dogtiering jade’s dog ears can perk and flatten, adding even more expressiveness
jade has so many hobbies and interests i think she’d get dave into horticulture somehow unironically
theyre both the kinda mf to ask “would you still love me if i were a worm”
dave’s hands are warm
jade’s skin can be cool to the touch in some places like the back of her arms or shoulders and dave places his hands there to warm them. or by rubbing them or something
idk just some associations space is cool and time is warm to me. the vaccuum of space is cold and time is associated with gears which are associated with generating heat and dave’s classical element is fire and jade’s is earth and her planet is initially covered in snow and daves is covered in lava idk…. just makes symbolic sense i guess but its also cute in its own right
dave would love going to the beach with jade on earth c cause the ocean is so boob i mean boob i mean boob i m,ean boob i mean SHIT . blue. blue
this Fucking animation bro
she infodumps about science and he sits his ass down to listen
jade does this (excuse the fact that the url is roselalonde)
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hijackalx · 11 months
finally we got our lover boy here. its not a secret that he like gets super easily attached. i kind of hate that they patched that out bcz it fit his character so much. but yeah in my mind its canon he gets attached suppperrr easily also kind of the type of guy to love bomb tav. not in the manipulative way tho like he genuinely thinks hes in love.
he gives everything he has in relationships too like tav IS his everything. he can be pretty clingy but thats just cuz he loves them so much ❤️ ok yandere vibes hold on. not really but imagine.
the type of dude to draw pictures of him and tav holding hands in his diary (they are not drawn good) also definitely talks to himself a lot, or maybe to his cat (sometimes abt tav)
hands down the funniest mf at camp like hes the type thats just naturally funny he doesnt even try to be. its hard to take him serious sometimes bcz of it😭😭 he gets mad af about it too. like his funnyness is a blight on his existence he just wants to be taken seriously. also feel like he has the worst luck too like fucked up things always happen to him and thats also hilarious LMAO constantly has the camp in stitches
he has bad spatial awareness so hes always triggering traps and tav gets so mad 😹😹😹
love language:
giving= words of affirmation and quality time
always wants to be with tav. also loves to compliment them but he does it in his corny ass wizard way lol like in the most extra way possible. he cant just say "ur eyes look beautiful today" hes got to say some shit like "ur viewing orbs are looking most ravishing this eventide". i bet he would write poetry abt tav but he wouldnt give it to them bcz hes lowkey embarrassed 😔 like insecure in his ability not embarrassed by the action itself. he just wants to do tav justice and he doesnt think he can.
receiving= quality time
as long as tav wants to be with him too hes happy. he worries abt being too clingy so sometimes he'll distance himself and if tav closes that distance on their own itll make him so happy. like thats the best thing ever to him. to have somebody that wants to be in his presence and listen to him ramble.
i feel like gale is similar in height to astarion so like 5'11/6' hes probably closer to 5'11. like that is the most gale height to me. also hes a little thicker with some muscle. hes def got a lil belly 🤭❤️ his pecs are rlly smthng too like thats where most of his muscle goes. those look heavy let me carry them for u king 🤲🏻😼
A FREAKKKKKK !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THIS MAN IS A FREAK. WHAT was that shit in the sky ?????? THE FUCK ??? like he is THE MOST kinky mf here he will do almost anything. ONLY with ppl hes comfortable with tho. otherwise hes vanilla af. i honestly feel like hes mostly submissive tho just cuz hes chill like that. equally gives and receives. like straight up tav is his BABY he will do ANYTHING for them. probably introduced to most of his kinks thru tav (and mystra....... unfortunately.....)
loves to give head. like dear god. will beg tav to let him for real. hes very good at it too
incorporates sooo much magic. will make fake!gale fuck tav so he can watch. will use hot and cold magic and all that. electricity. the thunder stuff or whatever its called. literally anything u can think of to spice it up. he has thought of it. will also do freaky shit like using magic to mess with tav in public if u know what i mean
doesnt have a high body count i lowkey feel like mystra was his first. and he hasnt smashed anybody since. until tav.
exhibitionist AND humiliation kink. so these work hand in hand bcz like i said he doesnt do kinky shit with ppl hes not comfortable with so doing it where strangers might see is ultimate humiliation for him. but also likes to humiliate tav with it too.
will say a lot of nasty shit. this i feel he doesnt go super overboard with but its nasty compared to how he usually is. mostly when hes begging.
im gonna say gale has a solid 5 on him. and hes got hair i feel like most of the companions do but it works rlly good on gale lol. like hes got a happy trail and everything 🤤 nice hairy armpits too so u know hes got that manly ass MUSKK 💦💦💦 anyway i think his pp is pretty straight. like a wand lol. its a pretty normal pp.
aftercare with gale is the best yo like he makes sure tav is taken care of first and then cleans up on his own unless tav offers which he usually tells them to rest lol. hes just so sweet.
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Another post? damn
I was on vacation a few weeks back and had no internet so I downloaded all Fanfciton that were Satoru/Shoko tagged and rated them.
Here are the ones I rated 5/5 ... so i guess this is a ff recommendation post lol
The delicate art of flirting
Words: 1,960, Satosho, 5/5
This is so good. I love that the first years get brought into the infirmary and they just KNOW ahahahahah. Also it’s just this casual side thing but there something so much deeper that i hurts which i like about this ship
Like a lost shirt
Words:1,520, Satosho, 5/5
I am a sucker for raw and "practical" relationships. Like this is exactly how I imagine them to grieve for Suguru and I love that so much can be left unsaid but the reader and Satoru and Shoko both just know. What they have isn't healthy but it's the only thing they can have. A happy and healthy relationship with someone else would just simply not work. They are both too fucked up for that.
Sorry about the blood in your mouth (i wish it was mine)
Words: 17,761 Sashisu/ Satosho 5/5
So I am biased on this one cuz this is one of my headcanons. That Suguru fucked around with both and that his absence is why Gojo and Shoko are a thing. And I feel like this fic perfectly encapsulates the hurt, the brokenness and the necessity of their relationship. Like this is how they cope and its messy and unhealthy and i love it
Listen I love you joy is coming
Words:3,938 Satosho 5/5
This one is cute. Nah cute is the wrong word, they are goblins but it’s nice. They are both fucked up which is funny. Also 100% can see that Shoko doesn't have the emotional capacity to console a crying woman but still would do the right thing even if she doesn't think it’s the right thing. 
Work and not run (skip and not fall)
Words:2,300 Satosho 5/5
Love this! Cute! Exactly how i Imagine them. Also match cut? Peak comedy hahahaha goblin energy.
Words:4,170 Satosho 5/5
AYOOOOO first tiressian ff. i remember reading this and having gotten new horizons opened xD Anyway: love it, super nice character interaction. Love it when Gojo is stumbling over his words, a tiressian special! Also love the aftermath, hilarious but sweet.
To my significant (b)other
Words: 6,621 Satosho 5/5
Another banger! Back to back? Spoiled honestly. I love this one just because it makes so much sense that she writes a list. Also Gojo high as balls is hilarious. Then the whole dialogue at the wedding with the chaste touches omg my skin is prickling. Love it.
Words:2,663 Satosho 5/5
I LOVE THIS. Omg adopted Yuji has my heart. Also consoling somebody by not talking it out but taking them in giving them affection to cure the sadness omg. Also also Satoru and Shoko just dating super casually i looooovee it.
Breathing underwater 
Words:1,848 Sashisu/ Satosho 5/5
This one hurts so much omg. And this could easily be canon. Idk why Gege does not show us Shoko’s grief more…. Like even if it's platonic how can she not find solace in Gojo still being there hmm? And then when Gojo, Nanami and Yaga get ripped from her, that must have destroyed her…
Words:7,161 Satosho 5/5
VERY TASTY thank you for the meal. I love their dynamic. Back with the tiressian special. Also Shoko making him do push ups, same girl same i get it. Love the banter, it makes so much sense.
Words:6,341 Satosho 5/5
Yum, yes, very nice. Love cheerleader Gojo, he has my heart, that poor dude. No other comments it's perfect
Call it a hunch
Words: 5,560 Satosho 5/5
I think this is one of my favourites hahhaha. I love how panda is trying to convince everybody hahahahah. Also the snowball fight is glorious xD the little yuta/maki you slipped  in there, i see you hehehehe. And the end has me ROLLING HAHAHAHAH
It's the thought that counts 
Words: 2,182 Satosho 5/5
THE CUTEST ahhhh i love them i really really need to draw the three of them uff.
there's lots of 4/5 ones too that I'd recommend but i need to cap the list somewhere xD (the google doc has 12 pages wtf ahahahah) This is up for changes anyway :P but enjoy my recommendations xD
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Hi! Do you have any TWST friendship headcanons about the dormheads? They are definetely a chaotic friend group!
Also love your art! It's so pretty!!
OH ABSOLUTELY. First of all, Thank you so much!! THat makes me so happy to hear ;;v;; ONTO SHENANIGANS: A LOT if not pretty much all of this falls into non-canon-compliant territory, and I'm only partway through Book 5 so I could either totally guess soimething or completely mess something up, but here are my braincells
Vil and Leona: I LOVE these two. I think they have some of the most fantastic worstie to bestie potential. And in a weird way??? I think Vil is the kind of person Leona needs? Like, Vil can be a little too harsh, and in my personal opinion too much of a perfectionist (Not for the character tho, just if he was a real person xD As a character trait its 10/10 good writing) but the fact that he refuses to stop seeing the potential in Leona??? Thats something that I really think Leona NEEDS. People who are like "What are you talking about? You have the possibility to be so much if you just tried." Like that last part is harsh yeah, but I think Vil really has this... he has this Rook-like ability to believe in the potential of other people in a way that isn't actually as cynical as it comes across. If he learned to work more with Leona than against him, I actually think the two of them would have such a strong power duo potential.
Leona needs to see Vil for the Roses rather than the Thorns. He needs to see more of what Vil is SAYING, where he's coming from rather than just the words themselves. I think if Leona really comprehended how much Vil believed in him, like, ACTUALLY believed in him, i think he would be genuinely moved, genuinely shook and full of wonder that somebody saw so much potential in him, as so much more than being a failure or a freak.
However I think if they actually became friends Epel might have to take a week off for mourning because he could no longer go to Leona to escape the wrath of Vil xD
Idia and Malleus: Okay so starsending started me on this one, I think they would actually really vibe. Idia is an introverted Loner, he has a hard time with high energy people who make a lot of noise. Mallues CAN be a lot, but honestly he tends to... not be. Its more like the A Lot follows him. ei when he interacts with Yuu and essentially just ends up being a nerd. The specific image i've had in my head, is i feel like Idia could play animal crossing with Malleus watching him, and the two of them could vibe for H O U R S. Malleus would make the occasional comment or go on the occasional tangent, but he seems less like he needs people to engage with him sometimes, and sometimes just like he needs people to listen. And Idia isn't actually that bad at engaging with people!! He's got internet friends (lilia lol) which means he does know something about sustaining relationships and talking to people I also think that Malleus would probably find Idia's way of talking fascinating SLDFKJSDLGJSLDJG. As long as he wasn't mocked for not understanding, he'd probably find it downright interesting to listen to Idia explain internet memes from 2010 and talk about the history of Loss. I also think that Idia could really be a safe and quiet spot for malleus when things are hard. I feel like part of Malleus's frustrations, and why we see him run away from Sebek and Silver, despite both of them being family he obviously loves, is that, with the exception of Lilia, Both of them make a BIG DEAL out of things. Silver tends to be quieter and less explosive, but they both do. Sometimes I think Malleus just wants to be alone to process, or not be pestered or questioned. I think Idia could potentially be that safe and quiet spot where he's ready to listen, but not necessarily interested in making a big deal about it. If they became better friends he might not even ask, just offer quiet empathy.
Kalim and Leona: -Spoilers for Leona's Union bday card, since it hasn't released in English yet- OH BOY.... THESE TWO. First of all!!! ANother relationship that I think could do a lot of good for Leona??? Kalim doesn't really need him for anything, but he's a well of low expectation positivity, somebody who I can see dragging Leona out to do things, or even just, once in a while so honestly state the worth he sees in Leona that it causes Leona to stutter and pause. Like, Leona's union bday card mentioning that he'd have Kalim with him on a deserted Island cause people would come ot rescue Kalim....... O U CH??????? There's a running Narrative that Kalim doesn't really see the value in himself, and this would be another person (like Azul) who would contradict that. Leona sees a more cynical version of his value, but its still value all the same. And Leona likes to gripe and groan, but he's adopted like, half the characters who are younger than him, I don't think he's immune to Kalim Al-Asim at ALL. It doesn't help that Leona is already a Tsunderely doting uncle, I can see Kalim triggering the Uncle-Instincts in him sometimes... or a lot. The loud and upbeat disposition Similar to Cheka's wouldn't help. Specifically, because I've thought about these two being friends before, I've always loved this idea of a post book 4 sequence where Kalim like, kind wanders into the greenhouse to find somewhere to cry privately, but he runs into leona napping. Leona doesn't really want to deal with Kalim, so while he's blubbering through his explanation he's just like "Fine you can chill here as long as you're quiet" Kalim accepts... but Leona has beastman hearing, so even what might be considered reasonably quiet is loud to him, and he eventually caves and asks whats up. Just to get Kalim to shut up eventually. I think maybe I had a conclusion or an idea for what advice leona would give kalim, but I don't remember it at the moment, but yeah just. Them :) I think their dynamic could be really interesting.
Malleus and Leona: So ya'll who saw my whumptobers already know I have some bad braincells for these two clowns. I think they are jealous of each other, because they think the other has what they want, they think that they see the other squandering the gifts they've been given, being fools and idiots who don't appreciate what they have. Leona craves being accepted, having the crown, having the power to fix what he sees that is wrong, to actually have and impact in people's lives, to matter and to fit in. Malleus craves normality, he craves to be one of the masses, just another man among many, he doesn't wish for power, and he cares little for the catastrophic effect he can have on other people, he just wants to be invited. He just wants to be included. Leona sees Malleus as having the power to do what matters. Malleus sees Leona as having the gift of Normality and camaraderie. Ultimately they're both miserable where they're at (though not entirely. Leona loves his squad, Malleus loves his family, both of them have things they'd never dare give up.) and they think if they just had what the other had, they would achieve the things they deserve and desire. I think both of them would have to sort through a LOT of emotions if it ever clicked for them just how similar they are. They're of course seeing each other through rose colored glasses. Leona is not an everyman, he's feared by his own family, Malleus is not all powerful, he cannot stop the tick of death. Leona is persecuted for being "less than" his brother, Malleus is held so far above everybody else he can't be reached. This would take some time for both of them to process, but I think once they did there would be a chance for them to become good allies, and potentially even really good friends. THose are my main braincells!! I honestly think that making any of the dorm leaders interact is fantastic food for thought and relationship building. I would love to think over what it'd be like to grow a friendship between Azul and Riddle, or Vil and Malleus. Leona and Azul would be INCREDIBLE and fascinating!!! Like man, there's so much to work with in TWST. I realized this might be a little to the left of your question ^^;; Haha, If you were asking about more like, I guess lighearted headcanons, I'm not sure I have any yet!! But I'm sure with time I totally could :) Writing or playing with TWST characters intimidated me for a bit there, since the quality of the writing of the game was SO GOOD I felt there was no way I could do it justice. Now I feel a lot less intimidated, so i feel like I'm more likely to dig my hands into shenanigans and thoughts.
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blackwolfstabs · 6 months
Omg I just thought of something
Can I get your team Loomis headcanons for shits and giggles pls I feel it would be so fun plsplsplspls
uhhhh OF COURSE!!
for shits and giggles and you, the billy to my sam: 🩶
Team Loomis Headcanons
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──────── GIFS not mine
don't you judge me billy ok? I MEAN IT 😤😂 (side note: these are based in a universe where Billy's not dead because it's easier and i love thinking about it lol)
Billy wants to be a dad rather than just a father to Sam, but he doesn't know how to do it in the right way, which leads him to fall back on trying to guide her in the right direction, even if he's hard on her about it.
They bicker CONSTANTLY. like we're talking almost every time they have a casual conversation. they're a lot alike so they butt-heads like you would not believe. you want proof? this is from something personal that i wrote a while back in an AU where everyone that was killed in the Scream verse was resurrected. Christina, Billy, Sam, and Tara all live together (just gonna share the dialogue because context is a thing and you'd be lost if i didn't give you a whole explanation):
CHRISTINA: *talking about Tara, who she had to wake up for a doctor's appointment* She's grumpy, so that's your fair warning. I gave her 5 minutes to come out here so she can eat before we go. We'll see if she does it... SAM: You should keep that in mind next time you think she's the good one. I don't give you half the hard times she does. BILLY: Maybe with waking up, that is. SAM: What's that supposed to mean? BILLY: Honestly, you're a handful, and you're 26. SAM: Well, you're 43, and you're a handful, so... BILLY: You watch your backtalk, Sam. SAM: You watch your front-talk, Billy. BILLY: Hey. Those are fighting words. SAM: Bring it. CHRISTINA: Alright, you two. Give it a rest. *beat* Samantha, you really should watch your mouth though. SAM: Me? This one started it. He should watch his. *mockingly* Honestly, I'm 26 years old. BILLY: Oh, really? You wanna play that game?
these hcs are for @alphawolfstabs, so i thought he'd enjoy that, but to everyone else, sorry that was long haha i didn't expect to share it.
anyways, back to the rest of the headcanons!
everything is Sam's fault. or Billy just blames everything on Sam. it doesn't matter who did it or why, if someone asks, you can bet you'll hear Billy answer "SAM!" and it drives Sam crazy.
if Sam isn't feeling well, is hurt, tired, or emotional, Billy is the first to notice (he notices even before Tara does).
as much as it doesn't seem like it, Sam trusts Billy a lot. he's always been right, when it comes to her and deep down (and i mean DEEP DEEP down) there's a place in her heart for him. in other words, she wouldn't admit it, but she does love him.
Billy loves teasing Sam just to piss her off. he does it for fun.
Sam disses the crap out of Billy just to piss him off. she does it for fun.
they make one hell of a fighting team (this one is canon but imagine them in the flesh together)
just a few for you right there. let me know if you want more and i'll do them in the future! 😉
ty for requesting these!! 🩶
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intervalart · 5 months
I absolutely love your art of Sundown, he’s one of my favorites (next to Akira) 🙂 honestly he’s hilarious in the Dominion of Hate, he’ll literally fight Akira for no reason, he’s got this “tired single dad handling 6 kids” energy to him, and he even like…scolds Oersted? It sounded like? (His voice actor, Reagan Murdock, played Aki Hayakawa in this anime called Chainsaw Man, so i guess he has experience with voicing a guy who needs to wrangle teenagers 😅) do you happen to have any hcs for him?
I'M SO SORRY IT'S TAKING ME SO LONG TO GET TO THESE ASKS, i'm packing to move, so that's taking up most of my time and energy ;;;v;;;
BUT THANK YOU SO MUCH WAAAAAAA, I'm glad you like how I draw the schüt man <333 (who has somehow accidentally become The Muse, whoops lol)
Sadly there are currently no in-game dialogues showing how he interacts with the other party members (party banter like octopath is a common DLC request), but Mad Dog has a line about Sundown "being bad with the little ones", which is either Mad Dog's interpretation based on what he wants to see, or Sundown's stoicism and bluntness really does tend intimidate the kids. (I don't watch CSM so I will take your work for it... But I'm sure Mr. Murdock does a great job! He has a great voice for it...)
But from what we do know for sure (from his recruitment quest and his dialogue to Sin when out of the party of the final 4) is he is very tired, and wants nothing to do with you.
tbh that's part of the reason I'm fascinated with him, is in a whole party full of spunky/quirky anime youngsters who have Psychic powers, martial arts, laser canons, ninja powers, etc. (the oldest being Masaru who's usually hc'd at 25 years old for the meme).... there's just. A guy. Maybe late 30s/early 40s. With a gun.
People joke about Masaru being the Straight Man (which is true to some extent), but I feel like he handles the weirdness a bit better than Sundown does, just on account of his adaptable nature. If Mad Dog's reaction to O. Dio's true form was any indication, supernatural stuff is... Not normal for their time period. So I think Sundown is much more the Straight Man in the DoH just cuz he stands out so much from everyone else. (not that he isn't silly in his own way... he's based on Clint Eastwood ffs lol)
...and I wrote all of this text without even getting to my headcanons, so if that isn't any a warning for how much I can ramble about him at length, then let this cut should tell you. (you asked, sorry not sorry lol)
So warning in advance, there's gonna be a teeny bit of overlap with Mad Dog hcs on some of these because of how much the two intertwine with each other. They kinda come as a package deal.
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Some of my hcs you've probably seen in this comic. Most notably; not just the survivor's guilt, but also in the panic of the raid on the town and the flurry of using the Hurricane Shot, he's not entirely sure if he only shot the invading bandits. :( He worried he might have gotten some townsfolk in there too. (Mostly illustrated on pages 5-6 when all the figures kinda blend together)
At the time I made the comic I thought it was just a theory that he'd placed the bounty on himself, I somehow missed the fact that it was canon. But the fact that it is canon definitely drives home both the survivor's guilt, and him fearing death despite having a death wish. (There's much easier ways to off yourself homie, you don't gotta have a bizarre death ritual with randos obsessed with fame and glory... </3)
On the earlier topic, he might not so much be bad with kids, as he is... blunt. He doesn't sugar coat stuff, and he's probably very hands-off. If he really was the respected sheriff of [Unnamed Town], he probably had some experience with kids in the past, but I suspect between the trauma and some degree of wanting to keep everyone else safe, he's cold and aloof on purpose. He was probably more sociable before The Incident. (Much like a certain blond knight)
But he does work well with others in the DoH and is brief but polite to everyone, even the younger characters. (I cry every time he says "thanks" or "sorry" when another party member heals him... TT0TT)
All that aside, some of the more domestic hcs:
• I think Sunny is very skilled at sewing!! Living out in the wilds and not having access to new clothes very often/if at all means he had to get good at repairing his own clothes. And between sleeping out under the stars and the bullet holes, he has plenty of practice... (MD called him girly for it once, and with a completely straight face, Sunny said "Why do you think being self-sufficient is inherently feminine...?". MD never mentioned it again.)
• The trade-off however is that he's... Not an amazing cook. Everything is either eaten raw or roasted over a fire, and he doesn't have a ton of access to spices and herbs in the wilds... Very utilitarian in his cooking methods.
• That ties into the next point; the dude's got a cast iron stomach. If the guy can canonically down an infinite number of glasses of milk (LONG after most adults develop lactose intolerance), the guy can eat pretty much anything. Including whatever rattlesnakes (and cactus) he found to eat.
• Sunny is probably a very skilled dancer! If for no other reason other than dodging bullets for years lmao. MD catches a glimpse once. Sunny looks him dead in the eyes and says "No one will ever believe you."
• I've already discussed this, but Sunny probably used to be left-handed, and either due to societal necessity or an injury, he became ambidextrous!
• Now that I'm thinking about it actually, I drew Young Sundown in the comic with much less facial hair to just make him look younger... But it actually makes sense that between the depression (and possibly self loathing), he kinda uses the facial hair as like... A mask? Like, so he doesn't have to see himself in a way? (I might be reading too much into it, the OG art does show he shapes his scruff and it's not completely unkempt, so maybe it started as Depression Scruff, and he just shaves it as best he can with a knife lol)
• I used to hc that he didn't name his horse because he didn't want to get attached. (He just calls it Horse) But after talking to another Really Cool Wild West Artist in the JP fandom, it's not impossible that he could have had the same horse the entire time... So that's not a hill I need to die on lol.
• For obvious reasons, he's a hard guy to get to laugh. If he does, it's usually wry and understated. But on the rare occasion he does genuinely laugh, he's more inclined to stifle it at first, more out of habit than anything else. It takes a lot to get him rolling in the aisles.
...But that's getting into BBFF territory, which is a whole 'nuther post, and definitely not something I have rambled about at length and stored on a hidden discord server.
AND that's not talking about my Mad Dog hcs......
-gripping you anon- Do you see why I am in hell.
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bomikalover · 4 months
heyy shyy!!!!!
i’m bored so imma ask rank ur top 5 df ships!!
(Jk love you girlie 🫶🏾)
OBVIOUSLY, WE ALL SAW THIS COMING. I’m a sucker for a good opposites attract but not too opposite?! If you know what I mean. Like Bose is a golden retriever dimwit who’s artistic and all about rule bending while Mika is a black cat brainiac who’s logical and all about rule-following. But they still are a match made in heaven because of their similar moral ground. Like Bomika are opposites but are aren’t polar opposites (like Bapa) The nicknames, the color coordination, the jealousy, all the tropes they fit, the height difference, the comfortability, and overall THE FACT THAT THEY WERE STRANGERS TO LOVERS. We literally saw their relationship go from strangers to friends to best friends to crushes to a couple! If S3 would have been a full season we would have seen canon Bomika!! They are a match made in heaven and the only confirmed canon ship of the show, I mean I will always be Bomikalover for a reason.
Now I will say I titter on the line about whether I ship them as romantic or platonic but I think I finally have chosen my shipping route. I chose platonic Chiles-NOW HEAR ME OUT! Ever since I saw Chapa and Ruby then Miles and Buddy, my whole perspective changed. Chiles definitely gives best friends, like bail out of jail type of friends. Like I just know Chapa and Miles have to be super close hanging around Bomika all the time. Since Bomika have Bomika Sunday and seemed to be comfortable hanging without Chiles, Chiles had to learn to do the same. They just seem so happy being friends and I genuinely think that them not being together is the best option.
Now Buddy and Miles became a new ship of mine ever since I saw them in Big Dynomite. At first I thought they were cute friends then in Bose’s Bday I saw them as something more. That episode was literally Miles choosing between Buddy and Sissy. And he chose Buddy. Plus in SwellMelonFest, Buddy had an arranged date with a girl and showed no interest at all. He showed disgust more than anything. The HeadCanon that Buddy is gay is just canon atp. They both have similar personalities and seem to be comfortable with each other as well. But Miles to me felt the closest to Buddy out of the four kids. Bose had one sided beef cause Buddy actually has a dad who wants to spend time with him. Chapa is most likely still warming up to him but I think she’s second closest after Miles. Mika just seems to be treating him likes she treats all her friends but it’s Mika so what do you expect. Miles and Buddy would have been such a cute dynamic to see more off and it’s sad to say we won’t anymore.
Honestly I see this as romantic or platonic. I switch back and forth on the daily. Like I see them as besties but at the same time I wouldn’t be surprised if Chapa was the reason Mika found out she was Bisexual. Like they make sense dynamics wise.
Rule breaker x Rule follower
Black Swan x White Swan
And many more. But I ship Bomika so hard, that I struggle to see Mika’s romantic dynamic with anyone else but that’s a me problem lol.
But Chamika is a great ship, and I support it 100%
Never have, never will.
It’s just not for me.
I can go on and on about why I don’t but I won’t out of respect for the Bapa shippers (who are actually educated and decent human beings) that do ship it.
But I adore the O’Brien De Silva twin dynamic. Like Bose and Chapa are so twins separated at birth core. Like 2 halves of the same person. They out twin the actual twins in the show. Like if I’m being honest it would have made more sense to have 2 sets of siblings than a pair of twins and 2 other kids. Or even better make Bapa step-siblings! Then their love-hate relationship makes a lot more sense. Like Chapa punched Bose in the face, pushed him in front of missiles, zapped him whenever she felt like it, dragged him around like a child, and told him that his dad wasn’t coming back. Plus many other things. Like that’s an older step-sister hating on her little bro right there.
I didn't include Ruby & Chapa cuz I didn't feel fair since they only share one episode together unfortunately 😔
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fumifooms · 2 years
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The Penny x Atticus agenda was furthered in the post game and I’m so happy. I’m making this rarepair from my own two hands screenshotting every second of interaction and smashing my keyboard if I have to! 
Until someone else finds a better name or something, I’ll call this ship SewnEevee shipping! Since Penny clearly has a fondness for eevee and wears that big plush backpack of hers, and one of Atticus’ main interest is sewing and clothes! You could make really cute headcanons with that too, hehe
Now, the whole “my greatest treasure” is a very obvious and intense profession of affection, but that’s with whole team Star, so. Why do I ship these two in particular? Easy, just look at the screenshots! Atticus has this formal and old-fashioned way of speaking and uses titles frequently, but lordship titles? If I’m not mistaken she’s the only person he uses lord and lady with, and it’s not a one time nickname either; he uses it for her thrice (the only times he adresses her while knowing her identity in the whole game) which suggests it is the way he’ll be referring to her from then on. Idk about you but it sounds very flattering and romantic to me, it’s not don or comrade or such else- she’s special in the way he adresses people. It’s not exactly a term for equals like comrade is, nor shows some hierarchy like calling her boss, it’s truly an honorific. And then, the first thing he says to her after discovering her identity is “you’re pretty m’lady”, like, everyone else is like, normal greetings or “wow it’s nice seeing you” (you can see the lines here) but him? He goes the extra mile to say her appearance/presence is pleasing or rejuvenating or whatever. It stood out so much in the moment I immediately started shipping them lol. Also “oh noble and kind big boss” to me sounds like an even larger amount of simping than the others’ way of talking about Cassiopeia too lol. On the other hand, you could say that Penny has an equal amount of affection and care for every team Star member, and that that affection is of the same nature for every one, but!! See the post game interaction there??! Indeed, brethren, thy eyes are not mistaken. She worries for him most!! You could say that’s not necessarily a good thing and you’d be right, but it does mean she has him on the brain and in a way she cares for him most/in a special way compared to the others. But ho, ho-ho oh no that is not all, for!!!!! She calls him handsome too!!!!!! She’s so shocked she jumps back and goes “no, focus!! He might get hurt stop looking at his pretty eyelashes!!”. Mate do you know how often they call characters pretty in Pokemon? Once in a red moon. In this game, it’s Rika, Tulip and then Atticus. Like, wow ok. They be crushing on each other highkey. I’m honestly shook at how high of a level they made it canon. Also! Penny gets three post custscenes with the other team star members, one is with Giacomo and Ortega, one with Mela and Eri, and the other one is with Atticus alone! Team Star has 5 members (Penny excluded) so of course they were going to need to cut it uneven, but still, Atticus is the one given more or less more importance here! Also!!! Atticus is the only one she doesn’t have a nickname for, she calls him by his full name!! Coincidence??! I think not! Omfg guys she breaks her nickname convention for him and he calls her his lady they’re so special to each other…
I just think they’d be good for each other, and cute together! Atticus obviously thinks highly of her and I can’t see why they wouldn’t get along swimmingly well when hanging out, especially if they share an interest like say plushies (and Penny could pirate animes for him for free and they could watch them together <3 because!! It’s mentioned that Penny likes binging them and Atticus is obvi into it, Naruto stan lol). They’re both introverted and are somewhat quiet, esp for Penny she’d enjoy his gentle and composed countenance more than the rowdier characters (which is canon esp if you look at the time they spent in Area Zero), and man. He’s so honest and direct and I think that she’d appreciate that a lot, seeming pretty blunt and no-nonsense herself. Also, he’s very capable of and confident about standing for himself and his friends, so I think once she realizes that more it’d ease her anxiety a bit. Atticus is just so gentlemanly and it’s highkey charming and idk she’s already a bit 😳 about him it wouldn’t take her much to full on pine imo. I wanna finish by saying: Some would call her judgy and mean for being worried for him bc he has an unconventional demeanor (and appearance) but I wanna reiterate that this is out of care and trauma from having been bullied herself: it’s being realistic, and she’s otherwise never shown any reluctance or dislike of his interests in the least so, there ain’t an argument to make here imo. Plus it literally got addressed and she set out to better herself on it, so.
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skadren · 1 month
2, 5, 8 and 9 for Genesis!
50 random character asks
2. a canon or headcanon hill i will die on
genesis and sephiroth did not hate each other. dying on a hill implies there are attackers but i honestly don't know if this counts as a popular or unpopular take (the circle of fandom that i am in gives me a certain bias). but i still sometimes see this accusation floating around so i am willing to die on this hill defending genesis if needed
i know some people would say this verges more on headcanon territory than canon, but still: canonically, genesis joined shinra because of his admiration for sephiroth. he states that he wants to be sephiroth's equal. sephiroth himself calls genesis (and angeal) his good friends. that doesn't seem like hate territory to me
5. best personality trait
genesis is the kind of person who seeks out solutions, and if he can't find one he will make one. dumbapples can't be exported? no problem, just turn them into a juice that can be. he's going to die from degradation? fine, he'll work with hollander to fix it even if genesis dislikes him.
lots of people like to say he's petty or loves creating drama or holds grudges, but he honestly really isn't. he just isn't willing to let problems lie as they are if he can help it. which may sometimes look like he causes those problems on purpose. so maybe some people might consider this his worst trait lol
8. unpopular opinion about them
fanon genesis is the worst thing to happen to him since he was jailed after dirge's ending. no i am not taking constructive criticism
9. scene that first made me love (or hate) the character
so admittedly my first exposure to ff7 (including crisis core) was mostly fic? so it might not have been a specific scene from canon where i picked up on my fondness for him
but i think the thing that really kickstarted my love for him is when i started looking more in-depth at crisis core for my asgzc fic and i realized that there was a lot more to it than i had originally thought, for angeal and genesis's characterizations specifically. i know i talk about it a lot but the one scene that stands out to me the most for genesis is still the flashback scene in the training room where the english localization makes genesis way more aggressive and jealous and also way less homoerotic than he actually is, and thus make him way less sympathetic. truly, homophobia in action
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4, 5, 7, 14
(Okay I really liked these ones fyi)
4. Rank the main 7.
  Ooh tough one. I guess right now, in order of favorite to least favorite, I’d have to go Sodapop, Two-Bit, Steve, Johnny, Ponyboy, Dally, and then finally Darry. But it’s pretty close, and the order changes day by day honestly- I like all of them a lot, y’know? I guess the only one I don’t think about too often is Darry. I still like him and think he’s a really well-written character- I just don’t have a lotta original thoughts about him, is all, whereas I do about all the others. 
5. What are your fave ships?
  In a truly shocking turn of events, I, a frequent draw-er and writer of Stevepop, am going to say Stevepop. I dunno, something about them just makes me happy. Reminds me of like…daydreams I had when I was twelve and crushing on my best friend, and trying to get her attention by doing stupid things and whatever…god I don’t really know how to explain why I like it. Before this fandom I didn’t usually ship things, to be honest. But I guess when I did it’d be stuff like Jesslake in Infinity Train, where it’s the sorta thing that can be seen as platonic or romantic. I reckon Stevepop scratches a similar itch in my brain lol
  But I also really like Marcia x Two-Bit, which I haven’t really talked about here much- They had good chemistry, y’know? I oughta draw something about them sometime
  And then finally there’s my DIY crack-ish ship Soda x Steve x Evie. I like them! It’s all the things I like about Stevepop, plus there’s a cool girl in the mix! I love cool girls! More folks should think about them i think
  I do like other ships okay too- like the Tarry crowd has dragged me in, and sometimes the Jally crowd does too, along with Purly and occasionally Johnnyboy. I’m not an active participant, but when I come across it, I sorta mentally nod and say “nice”, you dig? They’re like…my ship-in-laws. Or like…milk duds and hershey bars- candy I still enjoy, but reach for only after I’m out of milky ways and twizzlers.
7. What are your fave non-romantic relationships? (This can be close friends, familial, enemies or even just acquaintances)
  Two-Bit and Pony! I like them a lot. Their interactions in the book were some of my favorite parts. That line when Two-Bit was worried about Ponyboy using that broken bottle on the Socs…ugh that part was great. I remember reading it for the first time and just sitting there thinking about how much I liked that detail.
  Then on the opposite side of the coin, Steve and Pony lol. I LOVE how Pony doesn’t initially like Dally or Steve, and yet Dally’s chill with Pony…but with Steve the disdain is mutual. Jk I don’t think Steve really hates Pony- but he definitely thinks Pony’s kinda annoying. I like the idea of him watching out for Pony anyways though, like at school especially now that Soda’s not going.
14. Tell us five of your headcanons you basically see as canon
Sodapop has ADHD and maybe (?) dyslexia, but it’s the 60s so he won’t find out till he’s well into adulthood
Marcia gave Two-Bit her real number, and was disappointed when he didn’t call it. I like to imagine they end up remeeting at some point and going out together- even if that’s kinda unrealistic lol
Steve hated Dally when he first rolled into town, because Dally was everything he really wanted to be- tough, cool, and street-smart. And he was also scared of losing Soda, who thought Dally rocked- because Dally’s from New York and rides in rodeos! Eventually they became buddies though when Dally gave Steve a compliment or something. Not even a particularly good one- something like “Hey you ain’t bad at fighting”- just barely enough for Steve to feel like Dally’s earned a little bit of his loyalty. Might write fic/make a comic for this- it’s kinda niche but I think the idea is funny
Steve and Soda secretly listen to the Beach Boys at the DX. They can’t tell anyone because it’s not tuff to like a dumb California band. And Ponyboy would like the Beatles if he listened to them, but he doesn’t, so he won’t realize that until years after Beatlemania has died down
Steve is not just a Ponyboy hater but also a horses-in-general hater. He thinks horses are scary and unpredictable and that cars were invented for a reason. He was secretly relieved when Mr. Curtis stopped Soda from riding rodeos, because seeing Soda on a crazy horse gave him mad anxiety. Pretended he was sad though for Soda’s sake
Thanks so much for asking!! I loved answering these so much lol, definitely let me know your thoughts too on ‘em!
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faafi · 8 months
Can you rank your favorite Loonatics from your least favorite Loonatics? Mine is like this:
1. Rev Runner(There's nothing sweeter than him)
2. Tech E Coyote (Too cool and shy for me)
3. Danger Duck (A little rude but funny)
4. Slam Tasmanian(No one mentions this furball. It's sad😭)
5.Lexi Bunny(She's cool, but I don't like her that much.)
6.Ace Bunny(I hate him. He's steals others' screen time, mostly)
By the way who is your favorite villian in Loonatics?
If you will answer it I will thank you😊.
Yes I can!
(this is a LONG post, so be warned lol)
IN MY OPINION, here is my ranking of the Loonatics:
1 — Rev Runner
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Rev being first is for obvious reasons. He's SUCH a kind and generous person!!!!!!!!! How can you NOT like him!!!!!!
I will say that Rob Paulsen did an AMAZING job at voicing Rev. I don't think that I would have connected so strongly with Rev without Rob Paulsen's wonderful voice acting.
Moreover, everyone's voice acting is remarkable!
My ONLY complaint about Rev was that we didn't get enough of him. I still wish that we saw more of Rev on screen. Rev was mistreated SO MUCH in terms of screen time. It's so unfair. I swear, in some episodes, Rev is barely on screen for more than 2 minutes. :(
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I don't have much else to say about Rev at the moment.
Who knows? Maybe I'll make an appreciation post all about Rev.
Maybe one day...
2 — Tech E. Coyote
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Tech is definitely one of the most popular Loonatics, and it isn't only because of his appearance (although his appearance does contribute a lot). Tech is that perfect blend of nerdy and cool for my enjoyment.
I especially enjoy the fan interpretations of Tech. The fanfics that I've read show Tech's softer side a lot more. I wish that we saw more of Tech's emotional side in the show.
Tech isn't shown to be too emotional, at least on screen.
I do recall that Tech has some emotional attachment to his technology, most notably in Weathering Heights and The Menace of Mastermind.
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However, other than these moments, Tech tends to be the most emotionally distant member of the entire team.
I wish that we saw more of Tech's emotional side in canon. I am very glad that Tech and Rev are more vulnerable with each other in the fanfiction. It's incredibly refreshing to see. I especially like the headcanon that Tech is autistic. It adds a lot to Tech's characterization where it shows Tech's meeker side. Besides, I already self-project onto Tech and Rev a ton. So I declare that Tech is autistic!!! LOL. :3
I will admit that Tech was often used as a plot device by the writers. Typically, I would be fine with powerful characters.
However, there are some moments where Tech is excessively powerful, and none of it is acknowledged in the episode.
For instance, in Sypher, Tech just recreates everybody's individual powers with suits.
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Honestly, I think that this idea could have worked if Tech only built one suit (*cough* REV *cough*). However, having Tech construct suits for all 6 members of the team seems very unlikely, even for his intellect.
In the same episode, the fight scene lasts a fourth of the episode.
During the fight scene, the Loonatics only defeat Sypher because Duck throws one egg.
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I don't think that Tech making suits that recreates everybody's powers was necessary in this episode. Maybe I'm just overthinking this part of the episode. I just think that Sypher could have ended in a better way.
Tech is incredibly overpowered in other episodes of Loonatics Unleashed, too.
This can be seen in the first episode: Loonatics on Ice. Here, Tech is able to command a set of flying motorbikes from a remote AND make a flying boat.
In the same episode, Tech's lasers fail to melt the iceberg AND the jetpacks malfunction.
And none of this is acknowledged whatsoever.
I think that at certain points of the show, Tech's power could have been better implemented. Thankfully, Tech's abilities are more balanced in other episodes.
(I apologize for bringing up the first episode so often in these asks. Loonatics on Ice is one of the weakest episodes of season 1, and it's a shame that this show began so poorly. If the first episode of Loonatics Unleashed was stronger, then I think that the public perception of this show would be way more positive. Honestly, I am tempted to write my own version of the first episode, but this isn't a priority of mine.)
With all of this said, I think that Tech's positive traits outweigh his negative ones.
As an aside, Tech IS Rev's boyfriend (and this fandom's collective boyfriend lol).
EVERYONE knows it...except for Tech and Rev!
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I know that I am ranking my favorites between individual characters, but I think that Rev brings out the best traits of Tech.
I think that these two complement each other's positive traits so well that it is a wonder to witness (both in canon and in fanfics).
Also, I just got confirmation from EVERYONE who worked on Loonatics Unleashed that Tech and Rev began dating after season 2 and are married and are madly in love!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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As a final point, just look at him. Cuteness overload. 2nd fav.
Enough said.
3 — Danger Duck
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Danger Duck is a very interesting character to discuss.
I LOVE his power. It's quirky and it fits him perfectly.
His voice fits him perfectly, too. Jason Marsden was the perfect fit for Danger Duck. His voice accentuates Duck's personality so well.
Duck was present in a lot of episodes. And if he wasn't the focus of certain episodes, he at least had something to say. For wanting Rev to shut up so often, Duck was one of the team members who talked the most.
I think that Duck was one of the funniest characters on the show. In nearly every episode, Duck makes most of the jokes.
However, this comes at a fault.
At times, I think that Duck's positive character traits were weakened in favor of prioritizing comedy. And I think that that is a shame.
In my mind, I think that Duck doesn't want to intentionally hurt others. And so I don't like it when Duck makes comments that intentionally put others in physical danger.
For instance, I think that the weakest episode that features Duck is It Came From Outer Space.
Yes, I know that I've said that this is one of my favorite episodes of the show, but I can still critique things that I like.
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In the scene above, Duck says a few lines to Ace about the "positives" of letting Melvin abduct Lexi. Later on, Duck makes comments about abandoning Lexi and dividing up her stuff. These parts are the worst parts of the whole episode, for these scenes weaken the previous interactions between Lexi and Duck.
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I mean, Lexi and Duck go to New Chinatown together in the fifth episode of season 1!
Lexi and Duck care for each other.
Or at least, it is out of character for Duck to want Lexi to give herself up to Melvin without a second thought.
I think that it is fine to characterize Duck as callous sometimes.
I think that it's also fine for Duck to not be very smart either.
However, that doesn't mean that Duck wants to endanger others.
I keep ragging on Duck in It Comes From Outer Space because there are much better Duck-related episodes.
For instance, I love Cape Duck. This episode shows the more callous side of Duck's personality while still staying consistent with his earlier portrayals. Here, Duck does a press conference after claiming to have caught the Stomper.
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I think that this scene works so well for two reasons:
First, Duck is clearly playing up his accomplishments. After all, he accepted the credit for capturing the Stomper, and so, he is using this opportunity to boost his social credit. Duck isn't maliciously targeting or endangering the other Loonatics here.
Second, the entire team can react to Duck's comments. In the scene right after the press conference, the entire team confronts Duck about what he says.
I want to analyze this entire portion of the episode since I have more to say about it; this section is already becoming lengthy...
My point is that Duck's portrayal in Cape Duck is much better than in episodes like It Comes From Outer Space. When Duck is written well, he is one of the most charming characters. However, when he isn't, he becomes one of the more grating characters to watch.
I really enjoy Duck's interactions with the others. I like the banter between Duck and Ace. They seem to have the strongest relationship besides Tech and Rev, and they genuinely seem to care for each other.
I don't know where else to put this, but here it goes:
Personally, I headcanon Duck as having NPD (narcissistic personality disorder). I think that his backstory as an orphan contributed to an unstable childhood environment. And I think that Duck didn't receive proper emotional support as a child.
I definitely don't think that the writers intended Duck to have NPD. Danger Duck is similar to Daffy Duck in this sense. I also headcanon Daffy Duck as having narcissistic personality disorder (especially in The Looney Tunes Show). It is heavily implied that Daffy Duck has some form of childhood trauma (Daffy doesn't remember anything about his childhood before the age of 15, his only clear childhood memories involve him and his grandmother). And it is quite easy to see how Daffy would have NPD (most notably in "To Bowl or Not To Bowl").
With that said, I would definitely like it if fanfic authors explored Duck's character more. Oftentimes, Duck is relegated to a comic relief in the fics that I've read. I would really enjoy it if more authors explored the possibility of Duck's NPD. And even if Duck isn't characterized with NPD in particular, I would still like to read more experimentation featuring this mallard.
As a final point...
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4 — Lexi Bunny
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I enjoy Lexi.
Honestly, when looking for screenshots of each individual character, I found it difficult to find a shot where Lexi was the only character in frame. I think that this says a lot about her character.
Lexi works very well in the presence of other characters. In most shots, Lexi is standing besides someone else. She tends to ask a lot of questions, and Ace or Tech tends to answer them.
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I think that there are a few faults in her character. Most of these faults relate to Lexi being too archetypal. After all, Lexi was the only woman on a superhero team in a 2000's cartoon. There were a few moments where the writers relied too much on this archetype.
Typically, Lexi is the only character who makes comments about beauty.
I also noticed that Lexi was crushing on this one mountain climber in The Hunter.
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Thankfully, Lexi's crushes/love interests didn't become a pattern or a running gag (thank goodness).
Lexi's character could have been WAY worse, so I am glad that her character managed to stay enjoyable in retrospective.
As a final point, I really like it when Lexi and Duck work together. I have noticed that Duck and Lexi are paired up a lot, and they are really fun together. I even like their smaller interactions.
For example, in Going Underground, Duck says "You tell him, sister."
(shown below)
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I think that this scene is SO cute.
I wish that the canon explored more of Duck's encouraging side, especially towards Lexi. It would have been interesting to see.
Overall, I enjoyed Lexi's interactions, particularly with Duck as her foil. She's fun to watch.
5 — Ace Bunny
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I am not an avid Ace fan. Generally, I enjoy his character, but at times, his screen time eats up the screen time of the others (most notably from Rev and Slam).
I do like the fact that Ace is competent at his role as leader.
At times, I really enjoyed Ace's implementation in certain episodes. Honestly, season 2 uses Ace a lot better compared to season 1. For instance in Cape Duck, Ace is the person who discovers that there were "two" Stompers (the actual Stomper and his mother disguised as the Stomper). To me, this reveal was really well done in this episode, and it shows Ace's strong perception skills.
I wish that we saw more of this part of Ace's character in the first season. Of the entire team, Ace improved the most from season 1 to season 2.
However, other than this part of his character, Ace isn't a particularly favorite character of mine.
I especially don't like how Ace treats Rev. It's really inconsistent. Sometimes, Ace is happy around Rev. For instance, at the beginning of Sypher, only he and Rev went to the game.
However, at other times, he is incredibly condescending to Rev.
I wish that Ace and Rev's relationship was more consistent. It would have been really cool to see their friendship more in season 2.
As a final note, I still am mad at Ace in the episode The Heir Up There.
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Lexi and Slam would NEVER.
6 — Slam Tasmanian
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Slam was treated poorly in terms of writing.
The only real thing that stands out for his character is that he is strong and was a wrestler before the meteor crashed. Oh, and that he eats a lot. That's his only joke.
That's really all that the canon shows of him. This is a shame.
I like how the fandom has taken to Slam's potential softer qualities.
In canon, I don't have a particular fondness to Slam. I think he's cool.
I just wished that he had more defined relationships with the rest of the team. This is especially a shame when Rev is not on screen, even in episodes that I like!
For instance, in Cape Duck (shown below), Rev is barely on screen; meanwhile, Slam just stands on screen and does nothing.
Why is Slam on screen if he is not going to talk???
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In general, Slam only really talks when he is prompted by Ace.
His character deserves more justice.
Also, my favorite villain is...
Ralph Runner!!!!!
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(Okay, I am half-joking here. Although I don't think that Ralph Runner is truly a villain, I do think that The Family Business is such a compelling episode because of Ralph Runner's character. After all, the audience only sees a portion of Rev's home life.)
My favorite traditional villain is either Melvin the Martian or Mastermind. I've already explained in further depth in another ask. The short answer is that both villains required the team to work together instead of solely relying on Tech's weaponry or the Loonatics' powers. Also, their designs are cool.
Thanks for the question(s)!
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redriotinggg · 4 months
usopp + 3, 5, 12, 13, 21, 22, 23 uwu
hi lunaaaa!!!! thank u for this sorry it’s a little late <333
3. Least favorite canon thing about this character? His whitewashing and loop lips lol. I'm pretty endeared to his personality even when he’s being super annoying, so things I don't like aren't about Usopp himself, but how his character has been treated in the story. Mostly I haaaate that he’s constantly being put in close-combat situations so he can’t show off his sniping. Also I don’t like how so many of his attacks were forgotten, especially post-ts. His gadgets and all those weapons he used against Luffy in Water 7, I miss them! His fighting skills are so under-utilized.
5. What's the first song that comes to mind when you think about them? The Sogeking theme song and his little character song. But the song Trying by mercury always makes me think of him on Water 7 :(
12. What's a headcanon you have for this character? He's naturally right-handed but taught himself to be ambidextrous!!
13. What's an emoji, an emoticon and/or any symbol that reminds you of this character or you think the character would use a lot? Obviously these two remind me of him 🤥💛. I think he’d use this one 🤬 a lot because that’s him always.
21. If you're a fic writer and have written for this character, what's your favorite thing to do when you're writing for this character? What's something you don't like? If it weren't obvious, I loooove writing Usopp, he's dramatic and silly just like me, so I enjoy writing him being extra, especially when he’s teasing one of his friends. I need to make him more whiny and annoying tbh, just go full camp because he’s honestly so dramatic.
22. If you're a fic reader, what's something you like in fics when it comes to ths character? Something you don't like? I like when he bounces off other characters really well, because I think he’s always best with someone else to parry with. I also like when his talents are showcased. I don’t like when his dialogue is boring. And I hateeee when people make him super insecure about his looks! He canonically says he’s cuter than Nami so I know he knows he’s a looker.
23. Favorite picture of this character?
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There are so many pics of him that I love and this isn’t even my fave, but I saw it again recently and it made me happy. He’s making his crew laugh! As always! Such a wholesome moment.
send me a character for the character ask game!
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hiii! its my first time requesting, i was wondering if you could do the obey me brothers+side characters (not new) reaction/headcanons to teen!mc being russian and like born there and also knowing how to speak the language? and sometimes they just scream out different things (as you know russian is considered an aggressive language lol 😭)so the brothers just stand there:🧍
lil’ rambling..
i was born in russia and when i was 5 i travelled to france, i know how to speak 1.russian(first language) 2.french 3.english 4.italian and i am learning korean !
thank you in advance🫶
Bet sorry for the late answer been caught up with work.
I feel like russian could be aggressive but i personally find it very relaxing idk.
BUT anyway to the head canons!
Lucifer: he would be interested in the culture, 100% he would ask about ur experience and be impressed by u speaking more then one language (most likely even tell his brothers to learn from u), hell this mf would even show off that he will also show off (casually) how he speaks multiple languages to. After that it would be normal but would randomly suprise u with russian candy cause he SO HAPPENED to walk by a store that sold it *wink wink*
Mammon: ngl, he would be confused. He is a lil dumb ok but once he realizes its RUSSIAN he would think it was cool have u teach him some slang. But also think of a good way to make money inspired by this experience. Now he is scamming people with a language learning course☠️. Anyway i would also think he would learn to say i love u in russian to suprsie u but then text it to u, just to ask u to forget he ever did that lolol
Levi: sorry i feel like he would think it was cool but also be jealous about how cool u look by randomly saying stuff in russian. He would also try and learn russian in secret aswell lol. Hell, he would also watch shows from russia to better grasp the culture. He would play “tiny bunny” since its a popular game and be scared yet ask you to help understand references.
Asmo: he would be suprised when u cuss in russian, but then would think its cute. He would even as u to say certain words aswell. Since u know more then russian and english bro would ask u for other words to.
Satan: he would learn russian from u to solely cuss lucifer out in russian. He would also read books and suprise u with what he learned about its culture to swoon u with his knowledge.
Beel: i dont see him making much change however i feel like he would be interested in the food (ofc), mans would request u make him dishes and also when its his turn to make dinner its a russian dish cause he now wants to expand his food knowledge aswell as make u not so home sick
Belphie: would be impressed and honestly i feel like he would want to hear u say certain words in Russian out of curiosity.
Simeon: impressed and would honestly ask u to try and teach luke russian☠️ also he would probably try and learn new languages with u aswell.
Luke: he would ask u how to say stuff in russian, he and barbatos would even suprise u with russian baked goods, anything to give u nostalgia.
Diavolo: you know him, he would honestly hold a russian course and have people in devildom learn it but also hold a event to help u not be so home sick. Be warned though mans would probably gift u something expensive from Russian from out of no where😭
Solomon: he would honestly be flexing how his student knows multiple languages and also would try and suprise u with a russian toy that has a spell on it, little trickster
Barbatos: he would act indifferent but when u come to the castle for tea, cause whats waiting for u? Those delicious tea cakes, those delicious poweder cookies🤤Mans would bake like u sm treats
I hope u like it! Genuinely put alot of thought into this, and also
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