#711 club
jabberwocky-warrior · 10 months
Other ways they say "I love you"
///Magishift Club Edition///
Characters: Leona, Ruggie, Epel
Tags: Gendernetrual pronouns, Can be read as Selfinsert/Prefect/yuu/Twstsona, Pronouns used are only "you" ,
Tw / Cw : Implied relationship but you can read as pre-established, Food talk in ruggie's but only pizza mentioned by name, Reader/Prefect/Yuu is able to drive,
A/N: this is my first time writing like this. If I missed a TW tag please please PLEASE tell me. I am working on more of these with other characters. I wrote all of this for Leona and Sebek's, but it spiraled into more.
711 words | Not betaread | Quickly edited | tell me if i made mistakes
Writing undercut
“Pull over. Let me drive for awhile”
I think that regardless if youre Male, Female, or anything else Leona would still take a “protector” role. I think it's just how he is, not just because he’s a lion. I feel like his love language is protecting/providing. So making sure your fridge is stocked, You have a nice blanket for winter, and getting you a fan for the summer heat is more his style than verbalizing it.
I have this HC that he would pretend to get up before you both go to sleep to get water/ go to the bathroom but he’s really checking all your doors and windows to make sure they’re locked.
I think that the protective, caring side would lead him to prefer driving while you rest. It’s not a matter of thinking you’re a bad driver or not trusting you, it's a simple matter of wanting to do something for you.
“Watch your step”
He probably likes watching people eat pavement so I think its just a simple matter of not wanting you to get hurt.
He definitely holds the door open for you. Again regardless of your gender, he does this. You can be 3x his size he is still doing this.
“I’ll walk you home.”
A classic. Really this could go for all the boys but I can see Epel doing this clearly. He lives in the country on acres of land, surrounded by miles of trees. As someone who lives near the country, I can say It gets DARK at night. the street lights are normally a bit far apart and because there is less light pollution there isnt really any extra light. Trust me its not fun to walk alone. So having someone walk you home is super normal and more less expected.
Felmier family Headcanon: If Epel’s Grandma was out at someone else’s house his grandpa would go over to where she was when it got late so they could go home together, chatting and laughing as they walk. Epel’s parents carried this tradition on even doing it to Epel when he’d stay out late.
Even though you’re both at NRC and there is much more light at night, its no longer about comfort of someone walking with you and more about walking together. Just like his grandpa, Epel loves the time spent walking you to your dorm. The jokes and stories you too share. Just going over what your plan for the week is. It’s one of his favorite parts.
“It’s not heavy. I’m stronger than I look.”
You don't work on a farm for your whole life and not have upper body strength, Okay. I think kinda like Leona, Epel is a provider or wants to be. So being able to help you AND show off his muscles is not a chance he will pass up.
“I saved a piece for you.”
“Try some.”
Okay, so both of these have to do with food and it's not anything you haven't heard before BUT hear me out.
IRL when you don’t always have access to food, Going out of your way to share your food and enjoy it with another is something special. But going out of your way to save food for someone is normally reserved for family. If you have extra to give, give to your neighbor. But when you don't have that extra, everything is for family.
Even if Ruggie is no longer worrying about food, those habits die hard. When he saves a slice of pizza for you just because he thinks you will enjoy it, it means something more than just making sure you’ve eaten. He knows you’ve eaten, there is food in the cafeteria, and in your dorm, and he even knows Sam would give you freebies if you didn't have food. So it's more about just sharing it with you. The experience of eating together so to speak.
I do think there is an aspect of it being about making sure someone he cares for has a full belly. Him wanting to make sure you never go to bed hungry or have to worry about food. I don’t think it would be his main love language but food is definitely one of his ways to show he cares.
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I don't think I wrote Ruggie's part right. And I think I could have done better in Epel's part but I really like this series. It's a little hard sometimes for me to find my wording. This is a problem I deal with IRL too so I hope yall understood what I was saying. I'm trying yall.
I really like this series idea and I already have the basketball club version drafted I just have to edit it. So expect that at some point.
Anyway, Thanks for reading. I hope you enjoyed it. this was my first time writing this style. As always feel free to send asks and questions to me!!
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ywpd-translations · 1 year
Ride 711: A new bike!!
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Pag 1
5: Retired from the first years' race:
Rokudai Renta
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Pag 3
1: Alright, okay
This is good
4: Watching the first years' race on Minegayama was exciting as always
“Will they be okay riding a a bike like that?”, I think stuff like that
5: Two years ago it was Onoda with his city bike..... and this year it was Rokudai especially
Since his was a cross-bike “remodeled as a road bike”
6: Here
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Pag 5
1: A week after the first years' race. Early morning
Sohoku high school's bicycle racing team morning practice
2: Waaaaa
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Pag 6
1: Re.... real road bikes are so amazing, teh....!!
2: Waaaaa
3: This is amazing, Kinaka-kun!!
It moves forward and forward amazingly!!
4: Shut up! You're saying “waaaa” and “aaaaah” too much
Aaaaaah, I'm sorry, teh!
Ah, I said it again, the
5: Well
It's a new bike.... and a “road” bike, I know the feeling of riding a new one for the first time!!
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Pag 7
2: Good grief, Rokudai
You're so lame, until when are you going to wear your middle school jersey
Ah- Kinaka-kun
You have time today after school?
3: Let's go to a bicycles shop
5: Waaa!
This one?
And this one is nice too, right?
What do you think, Kinaka-kun!!
6: Ahh... maybe the right one is better
Surprisingly, he has good taste....
7: Ahh.... after
8: then
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Pag 8
1: That time..... at the beginning..... when I made fun of you for being a manager and all that
For that
2: I'm sorry
3: I mean-that's... I thought you might still be worrying about that 
Well... that and, you, too
4: During the first years' race a week ago, I saw firsthand your riding, and on the summit's finish line
5: I lost
7: I acknowledge it!! That's!! You're amazing!!
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Pag 9
1: Saying always “that's” and “that” when speaking is bland, teh
Whaaaa!? You!! I'm apologizing honestly!!
2: I was joking, teh, I was joking, teh
3: Thank you, teh
4: I don't get praised much, so.... I felt awkward.... teh
6: If Kinaka-kun hadn't been there, I wouldn't have worked that hard, teh
7: Ah ah ah, is that so? Really?
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Pag 10
1: That color suits you!!
He's in a good mood now
2: Take the socks of the same color, that'd be cool
Eh, really!!
3: Let's keep going, how much money do you have!?
I have plenty, teh!! 200 yen!!
He can only buy the socks....
4: More importantly, Rokudai. You-
I'll bring him there again
5: You'll stay in the bicycle club, right?
Huh!? Yeah, that's right
That's!! And you're aiming for the top, right!?
Uhm... ah... of co....
6: Then that bike of yours won't do
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Pag 11
1: Huh
2: Bicycles races are for a specific type of bikes
And that's road-bikes
3: Your bike was originally a cross-bike for city riding, “remodeled as a road bike”
I don't hate that kind of things, but
The transmission forcibly attached to the handles installed in the dowel hole for the basket
4: A heavy frame that prioritize robustness, and a thin clank
5: Like that, in time of need, you can't fight!!
6: That's... uhm
Next time, I want to race you without any machine handicap!!
7: Race….. !?
8: Against..... me...?
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Pag 12
1: This time, I'll win officially!!
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Pag 13
1: What's up with them.... those two
Are so fast!!
They passed us!!
2: Let's pass them, Rokudai!!
Today's practice is to catch up with Kaburagi-san and the other second years who are ahead of us!!
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Pag 14
1: Which one of us will catch up first!!
It's a race!!
2: Yeah!! Teh!!
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Pag 15
2: With my skills and stamina, I can't catch up
I can only cling to him with everything I have, teh
As expected....
3: As expected, Kinaka-kun is strong, teh
This year's first years' race.....
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Pag 16
1: He's not the “winner” of the first years' race for nothing, teh!!
The first years are getting closer
They're coming, Issa, seriously
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Pag 17
3: First years' race results:
First place: Kinaka Tsugunao
4: And also, Kinaka-kun
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Pag 18
1: Kinaka-kun is kind
2: He came to talk to me after the first years' race
3: He became kinder to me in class, too
You forgot your eraser!? Here, I'll lend you mine!! Good grief
Ahh.... than you, teh
6: He started to worry about me
7: Maybe
He could feel that I was getting restless
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Pag 19
4: The day after the first years' race
5: Officially
7: ….. are you sure?
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Pag 20
1: Thank you for your help
Kai-chan and Kyou-chan quit the bicycles club
#yowamushi pedal#yowapeda#yowamushi pedal manga#yowapeda manga#yowamushi pedal spoilers#yowamushi pedal translations#ride 711#!!!!!!!!!!! Why is Watanabe so good!!!!! making me care about a character in literally just a few pages!!!!!#Kinaka!!!! I'm sorry i ever said something bad about you!! You are kinda lame but you're also a good boy!!#it's so nice the way he acts with roku-chan????? like i was expecting him to keep being rude to him and then slowly become friends#but instead he's just nice?? in a tsundere way sure but still#and i love the implication that he started taking care of him a little bc roku-chan was struggling#after kei and kyou left the team#its????? such a simple relationship but watanabe has so much talent in writing beautifully even the simplest things#really just one chapter and i already can see all the potential these two have#i mean ofc roku chan by himself but now also kinaka and both of them as a team#i like the friendly rivalry they have now!!#and now i'm wondering if perhaps kinaka will be on the team after all????#like ok one of the two spots if rokudai's for sure#but the other one??? until last chapter i was pretty sure it was danchiku#but tbh you never know it might  end up being kinaka after all#and theres always sugimoto mhhhh#i think danchiku is still the most probable but now i have my eyes on kinaka too#as i said- watanabe is a literl genius in writing and i am all here for him#its not easy to keep a sport manga exciting and interesting for more than 700 chapter but he sure can!!!
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ninjadeathblade · 7 months
Moulin Rouge Discotrain AU (part twenty five)
Summary: (Post-game canon) The Conductor and DJ Grooves agree to finally work on a movie together. They come up with 'Moulin Rouge', a musical drama filled with romance. Over time the two directors grow closer and discover that maybe they don't hate each other as much.
Beginning | Previous | Next
Word count: 711
Warnings: None
Author's notes: Grooves is finally going to realise his feelings. Only a little longer until they admit their feelings. Enjoy!
Grooves sipped his mug of coffee, watching as Conductor trudged into the room.
He'd left the owl to sleep after Conductor had finished watching his reel.
Conductor had been nice enough to let Grooves stay and watch the rest too.
"Sleep well?" Grooves asked, watching as the coffee machine dispensed into another mug.
Conductor let out a grumbled string of words, snatching up the mug and downing the piping hot liquid.
"You need to say goodbye," the train chimed.
"Yeah, I'll go chat to Roxie in a bit," Conductor said. "Sorry about the, uh- the mess I was in the other night."
"Hey, no, don't apologise," Grooves replied. "You were there for me at that interview when I was out of it."
Conductor crossed over and sat down beside him in the booth, resting his head on the tabletop.
"Thanks Grooves," Conductor mumbled.
"Roxie is outside!" The train announced.
"Let her in then." Conductor waved a hand.
The ceiling lights flickered in a pattern, flashing in a row from one end to the end they were sitting at.
"So, how is the train, um, alive?" Grooves inquired.
"I don't actually know," Conductor laughed, sitting back up.
"She doesn't know either. The Express was like this when I got her. I've got the records from her previous owners and they didn't know either."
"So you're saying you've done peck all to solve the case?!"
"I appreciate you quoting my movies darling, thanks," Conductor said with a grin.
Grooves' chest fluttered slightly as his friend turned back to him.
"It's crazy, right?" Conductor mused, the corners of his mouth still pulled into a smile.
"Y-yeah," Grooves stammered, face heating.
The door at the other end of the carriage slid open and the lights flickered back to normal.
Roxie made a few gestures as she walked over, sitting down across from the two of them.
Conductor shrugged, signing something back.
Roxie looked between Grooves and Conductor, cocking her head to the side.
Conductor rapidly signed something before standing.
"I'm cold, I'm going to get my coat," Conductor announced, jogging up the stairs in the room.
"What was on the tape?" Roxie asked after he was gone.
"I think he should tell you himself," Grooves answered.
Roxie frowned, leaning back against the wall.
"Dad got me to go to a theatre club when I was younger. Apparently I had talent. I didn't enjoy it though," Roxie reminisced, propping her feet up on the table. "Dad got kind of upset. But Mum understood; she was nice about it. That was one of the last happy memories I have with her before she died."
"I'm sorry."
"Don't be. You two would've gotten along really well. For more than one reason," Roxie chuckled after she said the last part, smirking as she looked over at Grooves.
"What do you mean?" Grooves asked. Roxie shook her head gently.
"You both loved acting. And you both love Conductor," Roxie whispered.
Grooves started to protest before Conductor came back out from upstairs, running back down to the booth and sitting beside the penguin. He'd put on his dark coat, buttoned tightly around him.
"What'd I miss?" Conductor asked, talons tapping out a tune on the tabletop.
"Hamilton songs on the brain?" Roxie teased.
"Shut it, peck neck," Conductor replied with a slight laugh, resting his head on Grooves' shoulder.
Roxie sighed, looking between the two of them.
Grooves looked at Conductor out of the corner of his eye, a faint heat rising in his cheeks.
He'd never seen Conductor so happy.
"Are you cold or somethin'? I can go grab your coat," Conductor offered, indicating Grooves' puffed up feathers.
"Oh, no, it's nothing," Grooves protested.
Roxie stood up, reaching over and quickly ruffling the feathers at the top of Conductor's head.
"I've got to get back. But I'll come visit the studio some time. And perhaps even come to your movie premier," Roxie said.
"Our movie is gonna win all the awards this year," Conductor bragged.
Roxie let out a bark of laughter, waving goodbye before she left the carriage.
Grooves stared at The Conductor.
"What?" The owl asked.
"You called it our movie."
"It's the first time you've called it our movie."
"I couldn't make it on my own."
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Femslash Feb Day 5 Mystery
This is the second one I have posted today
Day 5 Mystery Carly/Evie, 711 words, Rated T
There were never any secrets between them, never any mystery about each other’s lives. They grew up like sisters, went to the same schools, same high school. When Evie’s mum died, Carly was right there for every horrible, painful night when Evie could do nothing but cry until she physically could not cry anymore. 
They had sleepovers the whole time, “camping” in the garden or making pillow forts, pooling together every spare coin then shopping for midnight snacks themselves. Staying up far too late watching movies or binge watching the DVD’s they had of “The Sleepover Club.”
Evie had always had Zac as well as Carly, then there was Cam and then David. Evie and Carly though were always right in it together, best friends through it all. It was no surprise to anyone when Evie and Zac started dating, least of all Carly but it still gave her a weird feeling, like she shouldn’t be sharing her Evie. 
Carly hadn’t dated anyone yet. She liked David and his curls and his sweet, kind nature but she didn’t know there was something holding her back from him. 
It was just a few months later those weird girls showed up and Zac started acting weird. Carly was there for Evie through it all, everytime Zac and that Lyla girl sat discussing secret things in the cafe or Zac disappeared off with Lyla. Like at that party. Evie worked so hard to throw that surprise party just to make Zac feel better and the asshole snuck off with Lyla. 
He didn’t deserve Evie, he was treating her like garbage right now. How Evie still clung on was beyond Carly. Still Carly did her duty as best friend and tried to cheer her up. 
They threw an old school Evie and Carly sleepover. Snacks, hot chocolates, the  Aquamarine movie and a couple episodes of “The Sleepover Club” on Youtube just for old times sake. 
“I don’t know what to do anymore Carly. He’s just so different now. He’s not the Zac I know.”
“Honestly Evie - drop him. He’s being an ass right now and it’s not just to you. Him and Cam have fallen out too.”
It took a couple months but Evie and Zac seemed to be back to normal. Lyla left and Zac seemed like Zac again with the exception of pretending Cam didn’t exist. 
Then all of a sudden Evie changed. All of a sudden Evie had secrets and was acting weird. For the first time Evie had a cloud of mystery over her. Continuously ditching Carly for those new girls. 
Carly felt … heartbroken. It was the same crushing feeling when she realised David was never going to be an option. Their next Evie and Carly Sleepover even got gatecrashed by Mimmi and Ondina and Evie was acting so damn weird. It felt like she’d lost her Evie, that Evie and Carly would be no more. 
Things just didn’t really get better. Evie was shrouded in mystery now, always running off with those other girls and Zac. Zac who treated Evie so poorly she was reduced to tears in Carly’s arms after he humiliated her in front of everyone at the party Evie threw for him. Evie was that type of person to do anything for those she loved. Didn’t seem like Carly was part of that anymore. 
Carly twigged what her feelings were and then spent days listening to Hayley Kiyoko on repeat. At a time it almost seemed like her and Evie were going down that route, best friends to girlfriends. They were so close and there had been so many moments she’d felt that gay panic but blamed it on something else. David was just a protection, she had to like a guy right, so she crushed hard on David to make herself seem perfectly normal. 
She just wanted her Evie back before all this mystery and secrets and lying. 
You wanna be friends forever? I can think of something better I'm just feeling low, feeling low
Sleeping here right next to me but will you ever mess with me? No
But at least I got you in my head, oh yeah 
At least I got you in my head, in my head, sleepovers in my bed
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munson-blurbs · 2 years
Maybe an angst blurb about Eddie and his gf have officially graduated and maybe moved out together. But Eddie’s still in his immature phase and still goes to the school and plays D&D all the time and his gf is really wanting him to grow up and get a job and start focusing on life not a fantasy game. Get into a big fight about his being immature and still playing games with kids when he’s turning 21 soon etc I love your writing so much by the way
Please reblog this if it comes on your feed; Tumblr isn't showing my blog in search or tags. Thank you!
Warnings: language, angst, not a happy ending, gn!reader
WC: 711
A/N: This is sad. I'm sorry. One of my pet peeves is fics where someone messes up really badly and it's unrealistically fixed at the end, so I didn't want to do that. Pls forgive me <3
7:30 pm. Dinner's been on the table for 45 minutes, stone cold at this point. You would heat up your portion in the microwave and eat without him, but you've lost your appetite.
After a long week of work and classes, Friday nights should be your time to decompress. So much of your "free" time was spent poring over your notes or writing essays, wishing you could just watch TV and snuggle up with Eddie. You'd also had to pick up extra shifts lately, as Corroded Coffin's gig weren't enough for Eddie to cover his portion of the rent. Long story short, you're utterly exhausted.
At 9:00, Eddie bursts through the apartment door. "Sorry, sorry," he mutters, purposefully avoiding your glare. "The campaign went on longer than I anticipated, and then Wheeler needed a ride home because Nancy had already left for her date, so--"
"Save it," you snap, eyes welling with tears. "I'm so fucking sick and tired of this, Eddie. I cooked dinner for us, and you're lucky money's so tight, or I would've just thrown it all away." You turn to your bedroom but stop before you get there. "And do you know why money is tight?"
Eddie's eyes graze the floor, unable to meet yours. "Because I don't have a job," he mumbles under his breath.
"Yes, Eddie. Because you don't have a job. And any time that you could spend finding one, you choose to plan campaigns for a club at a school you don't even go to anymore!" You wince as you feel yourself yelling. Shouting was how your mom maintained her control over the family, and you promised not to do the same. Well, look at you now.
"They're still my friends," he offers lamely. "I thought you liked them, too."
You scoff. "Don't try that manipulative shit with me. You know I love your friends. What I don't love," you add pointedly, "is you waltzing in here at whatever time you want, missing dinner, and throwing some pathetic excuse at me, week after week."
Eddie's silent, chewing on a lock of his hair, so you continue.
"You promised me," you say, choking back a sob, "that we would be a family. Give each other the love and patience we didn't have growing up. How are we supposed to be a family if you won't even put in minimal effort to support me?"
He reaches out to take your hand, but you pull away before he can grab it. "Don't," you hiss. "Just leave me alone. Go sleep at Wayne's."
You've never kicked him out before, but you can't even bear to feel his presence right now. Your heart sinks thinking of the love and energy you've invested into this relationship: the sleepless nights helping him study so he could finally graduate, cheering him on during gigs when you really needed to crash, staying in Hawkins so he could be near his uncle when all you'd ever wanted was to hightail it out of this town.
"C-can't I just sleep on the couch?" he asks softly. "We can talk about it in the morning."
You shake your head. "No, Eddie." There's finality in your tone. "All we ever do is talk about it, but nothing changes. Until you get your shit together and start acting like an adult, I'm done. We're done."
"We're done? Are you...breaking up with me?"
You bite your bottom lip, willing your body to stop shaking. "I need an adult relationship with an adult boyfriend. I've given you countless opportunities to be what I need, and I've realized..." You take a deep breath before continuing. "I've realized that I can't make you do this for me. But I also can't run myself ragged trying to save our relationship."
Eddie's crying now, tears streaming down his face. "I fucked up so bad," he says, though you're unsure if he's talking to you or himself. "I'm so sorry." But he goes into the room and pulls out a suitcase, haphazardly throwing in an assortment of clothes.
As he leaves, dragging his bag behind him, he turns back to you. "I love you."
You just nod, and he closes the door behind him. You love him, too. But sometimes, that isn't enough.
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laville · 1 year
❱ obey me boys as killers | 1
tw: mentions of kidnapping, human trafficking.
a/n: these are just inspired by their halloween outfits which are all amazing mwah mwah. though the side characters outfit made me just.. just disappointed but oh well.
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inspo: —
— a terrifying killer with a terrifying aura. he’s big, tall, scary and quiet, a perfect combo for a killer, no ?
— once you’re in his playground, there’s a slim chance of you escaping unless he allows you to escape.
— he will not, i repeat, will not let more than one person survive. there has to be people telling the tale of ‘the masked undertaker’, the killer that lures his victims by his illuminating lantern in a graveyard.
— and of course, a traumatized victim !
— his favorite spots to kill is in the graveyard or an abandoned house. why ?
— it’s simple really.
— he can bury the dead body in the graveyard and he can dump the body underneath the abandoned house floorboard and even if someone found the body, why would it matter ? they can’t do anything, the body’s been withering away since ages.
— sometimes, if he’s feeling a bit spicy, he can dump it in the victim’s relatives house or in a random place like a 711.
— it all depends on his mood.
— while he doesn’t have a signature kill style, he does leaves behind an invitation with his smiling masked stamped on it.
— what does the invitation say ? smile with his smiling masked icon below the word.
— they say ‘curiosity killed the cat, but satisfaction brought it back’ oh he’ll make sure that curiosity killed the cat but the only thing that’ll brought it back is the headlines for the missing.
— he’s careful when he’s not killing, he’ll shown interests in ‘the masked undertaker’, pretends to show worry when someone went missing.
— why is he a killer ? good question, he’s bored. being a barista is boring, so why not spice it up with a fun side job.
— if he’s somehow a suspect, he has all the alibis needed. he’s a kind, respectful man living peacefully in his house, playing his records at night to relax. his neighbors can help him with his alibis, there’s really no way for him to be convicted.
— why would someone suspect a hardworking barista ? a barista that’s gentle, caring and overall not suspicious in a slight bit.
— exactly, no one.
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inspo: john kramer ( saw )
— the distinct smell of alcohol reeks in a certain club, everywhere was the great mammon’s territory, the gambling king here.
— he’s a party animal, throwing parties almost every single day, there’s just no stopping this man. no way to stop him from doing what he wants, more precisely.
— that’s why, he stops gambling with money. instead, why not do something more.. intense ? provoking ? thrilling. instead of betting on these papers, why not these lives ? there’s ton of them.
— let’s gamble for money.
— and so, that’s how the underground gambling was made, called it ‘scream’. not only did it attracts more attention from the rich, it too attracts an opportunity to make money.
— kidnapping. human trafficking.
— he makes more money by giving lives away, you want this girl ? paid him a good sum of money and you’ll get a gift in that deal.
— let’s trade some kids for a woman and then we’ll stick them in this death trap, whoever survives can see the sky once more and whoever doesn’t ? tell the devil, he said hi.
— maybe watching kids learning how to swim by putting them in a shark tank, betting on which one gets to live. or two best friends seeing how much they would sacrifice themselves to breath.
— he’s a killer, but not in the traditional way that you would think. his hands are soaked in blood and there’s no cleaning that off. he knows that too well.
— for him, this experience makes him realized, some people are twisted, twisted in the head. they’re fucked up in the head and yet, he’s the same as them.
— the more he’s in this industry, the more he’s itching to see people suffering, in pain, and to hear those miserable frantic screams, wailing to be set free, to escape this torment through death.
— he kidnaps some people for his own enjoyment, makes his own games with no way to win. unfortunately, the victims has to a play that they know they can’t win.
— russian roulette, 1 in 6 to 5 in 6. live or die, choose a person that’ll live and let the other die. giving his victims a chance to call anyone they want, be it their parents, their lover or the cops, in the end, he’s still isn’t affected.
— selling kids and making profiting off of them isn’t nothing new, he has gotten used to seeing their teary faces, their desperate weeps of wanting to see their parents, their loved ones again.
— he could only lie to them that they’ll live a better life, knowing that’s not true. these kids are being sell off to creeps anyways, as long as he’s getting money.
— he doesn’t feel guilt. that word doesn’t exist in his vocabulary anymore.
— with all these deaths and crimes surrounding him, he likes to call himself the joker since he founds it humorous whenever they started to beg and wail again.
— what ? didn’t people say laughter is the best medicine ? or the best therapy ?
— well, guess he got the best of the best.
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inspo: —
— he’s good at a lot of games. adventure, horror, romance, simulation, shooting, etc etc. so what happens when a skilled, knowledgeable gamer gets bored of games ?
— he turns to real life.
— he owns a limited gun from one of his shooting games event, a real and working gun. no bullets though.
— not wanting to order bullets or buy them, he instead makes them. he has a knack for creating things, he’s good at them and usually when you’re good at something, you use it for good.
— he likes that mentality but for him, if you’re good at something, use it and do it for yourself.
— so, he wants to test something out. is it more fun when you’re shooting someone in a game or irl ? answer: he definitely likes irl more.
— the feeling of doing so was different, so different than doing it in a game. the adrenaline of putting a bullet in one’s head, oh, oh he’s gonna get addicted to this.
— and so he did get addicted, he finds it thrilling, to find a spot, an empty building preferably, and pick a rando to kill. sitting in a corner in a coffee shop ? easy.
— in a mall ? easy.
— in a moving car ? is this still on easy mode ?
— he’s giggling like a maniac whenever he hears those surprised scream of terror, even more when he see how the blood splattered on the wall. he’s getting excited from it.
— he likes to be near the crime scene, to see how badly their face got blown.
— the way the blood drips from their horrific wound, how people stare at the dead with widen eyes, all because of him. it.. it turns him on a little bit.
— may sounds a bit fucked in the head but everyone’s fucked, how is he any different ?
— now, crimes committed and he needs a name, a cool name.
— what should he call himself ? the weeb sniper ? no, cringy. the ghost ? nah, not suitable. maybe, for him, simple is good. let’s just go with the sniper.
— a part of him wonder when he will he get caught. he’s not scared no, more like excited. i mean, think about it, who in the hell would consider a weeb like him to be a sniper that has excellence aim and who kills people in the most random spot ?
— no one obviously, hah ! it’s funny really, sometimes the culprit is right under their noses but noooo ones knows ! no one would target the poor shy awkwardly anxious weeb, no ! in fact, they probably think the poor weeb couldn’t handle a gun.
— well jokes on them !
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inspo: the mensa murders, kim sunja
— satan loves cats and books, it’s surface knowledge. he enjoys reading all types of books, all genres, he doesn’t mind any.
— though his favorite genres is usually dark genres ie: horror, dark fiction, you name it.
— he found those books to be an interesting read, fascinating and fun to scan through those books. something about the detailed and satisfying writings makes him smile with glee.
— he always tried any new methods on his victims, plucking out their nails slowly ? let’s try, shall we ? books are his inspiration for trying new things as he too loves exploring.
— he’s a special type of killer, he’s active on halloween only. he likes dressing up his cats and himself and wanders around crowded area.
— the cat lady is what he call himself, cause, not only would it help him in case the police starts to do something by making them think that it was a woman who did all of these and not a man but also cause he looks good.
— “wouldn’t someone recognize that it’s a male by his voice ?” he let his cats do the talking. meow meow for friendliness, they all fall for it.
— the more books he reads, the more he knows about different ways to lie, manipulate, kill, act. knowledge is powerful and dangerous.
— his way of killing ? poison. thallium poisoning to be exact.
— it’s interesting how easily people die cause of things such as these. and how they don’t usually think about death when encountering something as dangerous as thallium.
— thallium is dangerous if you absorb it via skin but that’s what he’ll do if via ingestion didn’t work. he usually pour them in innocent bottles of milk, cause he’s dressed as a cat lady, and properly make it so the milk bottles doesn’t seem like it was tampered in any sort of thing.
— it’s always a popular brand of course, but if milk doesn’t work, he got soda, water and any drink you can think up. even sauces could work.
— if liquids doesn’t work, literally anything else could work. candy, makeup things such as foundation, earphones, toothbrush/paste, etc etc.
— no one would suspect anything when all his stuff are sealed tight and they’re from popular trustable brand. and with his fellow feline companions, no one would bat an eye.
— besides, it’s a good entertaining watch on these fun festive nights with his cat friends. a cup of tea with a book, his cats purring around him while the tv showcased mysterious poisons that’s been happening.
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inspo: vermouth ( detective conan ), the evil queen ( snow white ), sprinkles of pearl ( x )
— beauty is important, so important to everyone, including him.
— asmo values his looks, a lot. he takes care of himself 10 times more than the average person. he loves him, his face, his body, his voice, his everything. for him, self love is important.
— he’s a popular model/influemcer so imagine if people found out he kills people, oh his reputation would be doomed.
— the way he killed his victims is a longe process, he has to seduced them, lured them to him and make them suffer.
— he mocks, insults, berates them for how stupid they are to fell for his tricks. he is a very ruthless, cruel yet beautiful man.
— he keeps them as slaves, his own personal toys to play, experiment, poke fun at and use for his own needs and leave them to die when he’s bored.
— though this beautiful killer has a fear, a fear of growing old and unable to do things that he wants to do.
— no one wants an old person, they don’t care about an old person, even if he would to die, no one would care, no one would cry for him. he would be left alone in his retirement home, lonely and sad. he can’t do the things he enjoys, no more can he drink or eat the stuff he wants.
— it sucks.
— he fears growing old, a lot. so to ignore that and to make things more exciting while he’s still young, he lies, tricked and kidnapped innocent people to keep as sex slaves or slaves that he keeps for fun.
— as long as no one finds out what he’a doing, he has no worries and if someone found out ? he has connections, he has the abilities to keep your mouth shut.
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BEELZEBUB ◥█̆̈◤ ࿉∥
inspo: —
— the only time where a visit to the dentist to get a tooth removed means you’re getting your life subscription removed.
— you thought this was a normal empty dental office ? boy you must be crying when you realized what was going on inside this hellhole.
— the thing about this duo here is that they’re the same as satan, halloween only. so their decorations of dead people, blood can be seen as ‘oh nice decorations bro’.
— they have fun watching as people’s eyes widen in realization while the twins have fun tampering around with their subject’s mouth.
“hey beel, how long does it for a knife to reach the gums by slicing through their teeth ?” “probably an hour or so, but quicker if you use strength i think..”.
“really ? shall we test ?” “let’s do it”.
— drowned in anesthesia, you could beg that all of this was all just a nightmare, a horrifying realistic nightmare.
— it was really a kid’s worst fear but if you were in that situation, you can’t really escape from your destiny, it’s impossible.
— if you’re lucky, you may awake with a fucked up mouth or some missing teeth and you can wait to see if your teeth will show up as a surprise gift. ya know, they’re just so sincere like that ♡
— though if you’re kid, be careful when people gave you candy, it might give you cavities and then you’ll have to go to the dentist.
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a/n: it went downhill a bit but oh well
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ladysunamireads · 1 year
I Feel it When We're Together
I Feel it When We're Together by inabodycastofglass
Ahiru and Fakir are paired together for a class project to observe the drama club.
Words: 711, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Princess Tutu
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M
Characters: Ahiru | Duck, Fakir, Rue, Mytho, Lilie, Pique
Relationships: Ahiru | Duck/Fakir, Mytho/Rue
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - College/University, Alternate Universe - Reincarnation, Ahiru/Rue friendship, My wife wants this friendship my wife gets this friendship, more to be added later, Title from a Vanessa Carlton song
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/46113853
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muns0n86 · 2 years
Red Lightning | Eddie Munson x OC
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Prologue: Rehearsal
pairings: eddie munson x fem!oc
synopsis: Dana lives separate lives in Hawkins. One with danger and monsters and horrors beyond belief; and one with shitty jobs, Dungeons & Dragons, and Eddie Munson. She tries desperately to keep her lives divided, but once they start to intermingle, Dana must fight once more to keep her loved ones alive.
warnings: none (for this chapter, but for the coming ones: spoilers... obvi)
word count: (short chapter) 711
a/n: this will also be posted on ao3! same user: muns0n86
    The muffled sounds of the packed cafeteria leaked out into the hallway, where there was only me and the janitor.
    I finished up my granola bar as I got off the floor and put the lock back on my locker. As I passed by Marv, I chucked the wrapper in the trash, giving him a nod in acknowledgement. He did the same, then returned to his mopping and his tunes. With still a ton of lunch time to kill, I walked out of the main building and headed to the auditorium.
    As I approached the backstage doors, I heard some voices beyond them. I rechecked my mental calendar. I knew it was Friday–theater rehearsals weren’t today.
     Stupid. You’re not even in the play, why do you know the rehearsal schedule?
    I pushed open one of the doors and stuck my head in.
    A group of boys were hanging around a table. The one at the head looked a bit older than the rest. He was standing up, enthusiastically gesturing, with a figurine in his hand. Behind him, a shittily painted sign that said “Hellfire Club.”
    “And the sky is filled with red lightning! ”
    The door creaked and, suddenly, all eyes were on me.
    “Why are you here?” The boy with the figurine barked. He leaned on the table. “We’re not taking any new members.”
    “I-” My voice hitched. I cleared my throat. “I come here to practice on the piano.”
    “You can practice after,” he said. “We’re in the middle of a campaign.”
    A boy sitting to his left, with big eyes and curly hair, stood out of his chair and whispered something in his ear. The older boy glared at me as he did. Then he sighed.
    “What can you play?” Figurine Boy asked, begrudgingly.
    “I play classical music–” He rolled his eyes. “But I can play a ton of soundtrack pieces.”
    He pursed his lips and hesitated. “Like… what?”
    “Stars Wars… Indiana Jones. Krull.”
    “Hm.” He looked me up and down. “You can stay.”
    Big Eyes/Curly Hair smiled at me. I smiled back. He looked familiar.
    Figurine Boy nodded at the piano.
    I walked over.
    The game was intense, so was the music I played.
    I loved it. The boys loved it, too–pointing out whenever they recognized the piece I was playing or singing along with any that had lyrics. It was kind of funny, really. They acted like pirates in a tavern.
    It took a bit for Figurine Boy to warm up to me, though. The prospect of having a freshman girl sitting in on their game obviously bugged him a little. But eventually, I got him to laugh when they spoke of their encounter with a woodland sprite and I accompanied it with a tinkling, magical tune. He dubbed me “Freshie.”
    The time passed quickly.
    When I glanced at the clock, I realized lunch was almost over.
    “Oh, shit –”
    I stopped playing and started closing my binder.
    “Hey!” Figurine Boy said. “Where are you going?”
    I glanced at him. “Sixth Period,” I said, zipping up my backpack.
    “Oh, damn, it was just getting good!” One of the other boys exclaimed.
    Figurine Boy shut his handbook. “We’ll wrap this up next week.”
    I headed out, leaving the others to clean up their Dungeons & Dragons setup. I was about to break into a run to get to my class in the other wing. I couldn’t be tardy again. No way was I bringing home another slip. Mom would be pissed. Even more pissed than she already was.
    I looked over my shoulder. Big Eyes/Curly Hair was running down the hall, with some papers in hand. I paused at the door.
    “Some papers fell out of your backpack,” he said, coming to a stop.
    “Oh, shit,” I said. I took the wrinkled music sheets off his hands. “Thanks.”
    “It’s no problem.” His smile was cute. Dimples. “See you around.” He headed back down the hallway, thumbs tucked into his pockets. He waved one more time before ducking in through the door.
    I thumbed through the sheets, making sure they’re all accounted for. On the last paper was a sticky note pasted on the front.
    ‘You play really well, by the way. Same time next week? - Eddie’
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krethes · 1 year
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I posted 1,100 times in 2022
That's 928 more posts than 2021!
264 posts created (24%)
836 posts reblogged (76%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 711 of my posts in 2022
Only 35% of my posts had no tags
#wolfstar - 397 posts
#remus lupin - 358 posts
#sirius black - 336 posts
#my fics - 163 posts
#did you miss me? - 109 posts
#dymm - 99 posts
#dymm? - 97 posts
#wolfstarmicrofic - 90 posts
#asks for krethes - 89 posts
#wolfstar microfic - 76 posts
Longest Tag: 127 characters
#but also this is really just so sweet and tender and snitch does a fantastic job of capturing these two in this intimate moment
My Top Posts in 2022:
Hey discord...you k?
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113 notes - Posted March 8, 2022
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@wolfstarmicrofic Day Twelve: roar
C/w: violence!
"Remus, it's fine, lea-"
"Come off it, Evans, this has been a long time coming!"
"Oi, don't talk to my girl that way, Black!"
"I don't need you defending my honor, Potter. Or you, Remus!"
"Too late. He's got that look."
Remus barely registers the conversation happening behind him as he stands toe-to-toe with Severus Snape. The blood pumping through his adrenaline-soaked heart is a deafening roar, followed up by a loop of the vitriolic litany that just spun from the other boy's mouth: mudblood (at Lily), half-breed, monster.
He's had it. Snape wants a monster? He'll show him a fucking monster. Remus raises his wand with a vicious whip and a growled, "Diffindo!" but his spell goes wide as something ("Sectumsempra!") bigger, sharper, cuts deep into his leg.
He sees red.
Remus lunges to the furious, loyal shouts of his friends and tackles Snape to the ground, teeth bared and snarling. Sirius was once stupid enough to provoke him on the full moon; one would think Snape would have learned his fucking lesson.
His face inches from Snape's, he drinks in the look of pure, startled terror. "It's me you should be afraid of, not the wolf," Remus whispers as he cocks back his fist and swings. His blood spills red—not greasy oil black as half-expected—and Remus does it again, delighting in the visceral sound of bones breaking. Bite him, bite him, bite him! the wolf demands, foaming, frothing at the mouth. Put him in his place!
"Mr Mulciber, if this is yet another attempt at trying to woo your way into the Slug Club, it simply won't work!" Slughorn's chortle breaks through Remus's rage fog, and four arms haul him off Snape's unconscious form.
"Time to go, Moony," Sirius laughs under his breath, wicked glee on his face, kisses him briskly to diffuse the rest of the haze, and they bolt before Slughorn can see them.
If Snape sits in his dorm hearing Remus's blood-curdling, bone-wrenching screams and chilling howl, Remus hopes he'll feel his broken nose and lie awake, fearing the man in the monster. He's done pretending to tolerate. He's done sitting idly by while people attack his friends.
He's done.
They want a war? They want to provoke the wolf?
Remus will blow the house down. 
123 notes - Posted June 12, 2022
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@wolfstarmicrofic Day Twenty-One: inhale
Set in the same universe as Wildfire.
"Moony, this is Red, do you copy?"
"Moony, this is Red, do you copy?"
"Moony, this is Red. Do you copy?! Remus!?"
"Red, this is Moony."
"Thank fuck. Your vitals monitor is-"
"-Broken. Yeah. Busted."
"Padfoot and Prongs are coming with an evac. I'm staying here with you until they get there."
"Pulse is coming down. Switching to wheel and shutting up."
Crack the canister, suck in half a breath, close. Hold. Hold. Exhale. Repeat. His lungs scream, every fibre of his being shouting that to survive, he needs to leave the canister open, take a nice deep breath, or run, get out of the trap he's found himself in. Surrounded by fallen logs on all sides, the fire encroaches, eating up the detritus that separates him from the team.
Crack, suck, close, hold. Hold. Hold. Exhale. Hold. Repeat.
"I'm still here, Remus. They're on their way."
Crack, suck, close, hold. Hold. Hold. Hold. Exhale. Hold. Repeat.
See the full post
127 notes - Posted June 21, 2022
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@wolfstarmicrofic Day Nine: forget
"Don't forget to brush your teeth," his father called down the corridor, halting Remus and his unbrushed teeth just outside his bedroom door. Groaning, he trudged back to the bathroom and grumpily set to his task.
"Don't forget to write me," his mother pleaded, voice tearful-tight and her eyes overbright with those she'd mostly kept at bay. Remus kissed her cheek and hugged her tight, promised to study hard, and took his father's hand to Disapparate.
"Don't forget to wait for me, dear. I'll be back with the sunrise," the nurse said gently. Her face was kind and lacked the usual fear he was used to seeing from mediwix. No sooner did her smell fade than his skin began to split and his body to break, reforging into a monster.
"Don't forget, eleven o'clock," Sirius whispered, conspiratorial, while James passed out bags of foul-smelling smoke bombs. They celebrated their successful assault on the Slytherins with butterbeer from the kitchens.
"Don't forget to put on your sun scream thing," James chided, ignoring Sirius's scoffing dismissal to rub the thick white cream into his shoulders. Watching them, Remus's breaths came quicker and he hoped the heat would explain the flush to his cheeks.
"Don't forget to use the mirror," Sirius exhaled, lips pressed to his. The summer was going to be long and lonely without him, but the mirror in his hands was a lifeline.
"Don't forget the rings!" Sirius hollered, reaching blindly for the two bands of gold as Remus plucked them from their nightstand to drop them in his palm. Sirius spun to kiss him and fixed his dress robes, green for Lily.
"Don't...forget... me," Sirius panted, voice breaking into splintered shards. His teeth dug into Remus's shoulder, giving him a lasting mark, a scar willfully taken. His fingers bruised his hips and the shattered noise Sirius made as he came, buried in Remus, caged by his arms, bruised Remus's heart. Three months with a werewolf pack was too long. Remus hoped Sirius would keep the same promise.
"Don't forget them," Remus begged to the bundle of blankets in his arms, rocking back and forth. He saw his friends in the jet black of his hair, the verdant green of his eyes, and shut his own against the surge of emotion that threatens to swallow him whole. Four days of insomnia, of grieving, of panic and fear. Four days of darkness. A lifetime to go.
"Don't forget to brush your teeth!" Remus shouted down the hall, halting the black-haired boy in his tracks. Harry groaned and stomped dramatically back to the bathroom. Sirius huffed a laugh at his side and pulled Remus in for a minty-fresh kiss.
"Don't forget to write us," Remus whispers into their boy's hair. He knows he'll do his best, but that he'll probably forget, because Remus did, his first year. When he and Sirius return to an empty home for the first time, he's not too proud to say they had a little cry and a long cuddle before the sparks lit between them, reminding them of who they were and always had been, a love ignited and fanned by the promise of don't forget.
133 notes - Posted June 9, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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@wolfstarmicrofic Day Seventeen: pic 'n mix
Another long one, oops. Heh. And a day late. Eep.
Harry's squeals of delight draw plenty of looks: pointed, startled, amused. Remus can't bring himself to care, not today. Not when he's watching him ride Padfoot haphazardly through the stalls of the outdoor market in their little corner of East Sussex.
The past, well, several weeks have been a test of Remus's patience, confidence, and love for this child. Harry has been...contrary. He's four, and it's to be expected (or so Molly keeps reminding him whenever he Floo calls her, at his wit's end), but he fights anything Remus asks him to do.
Brush your teeth? No!
Put on your socks? No!
Would you like some ice cream? No! (That one seemed to have made him pause, at least).
Remus could live with it easier if Harry was just as stubborn with Sirius, but nooo, Sirius could do no wrong. Sirius, who can turn into a dog and be Harry's best friend and godfather at the same time. Sirius, who can ask Harry to help with the washing up and poof! It's done. Just like that. No lip. No sass. No, no!
Remus doesn't know what he's done. He's not the only disciplinarian. He and Sirius split the unfortunate task of setting Harry right pretty evenly. A small part of him wonders if it's because he's not actually bound to Harry by any tie, blood or magic, like Sirius is, but he tries not to think on that. They've gotten along before. Why not now?
Molly assures him that that is quite normal, too. Children go through favorites like they do juice boxes, and Remus just happens to be the prune juice box that Harry does not want.
It hurts. He won't lie. It outright sucks, and he's been driven to angry, embarrassed, and just sad tears in the privacy of their bedroom, wondering what on earth he's done wrong. Parenting is hard, and no one even thought to warn him, a queer werewolf, about it before they were needed to take care of Harry. Molly's advice is all well and good (really, it's worth every knut in Sirius's vault), but none of her children have gone through the same trauma as Harry has. Poor kid.
But Remus told himself it would all right itself in the end. At least Harry was listening to one of them! He still wanted to try, though, to get in his good graces. They've been cooped up for some foul late summer storms and this market is the perfect avenue to get some fresh air and just get out of the house.
"Moony!!!" Harry shrieks, steering an amused Padfoot his way by way of his ruff. "Please, please, please!"
"Please what?" Remus asks, feigning ignorance. He spotted the pic 'n mix candy stall the minute they entered the market and knew it was only a matter of time before Harry zoned in on it. But he's been trying to get Harry to ask for things properly.
Harry pulls on his bottom lip and puts on a look he must have learned from Sirius, the little sneak, because his green eyes go big and sad and when he releases his lip, by god it wobbles "Pretty please?"
Remus's heart twists and he just wants to give this precious child anything, everything, no holds barred, but he stays strong. Willpower is his strong suit. "Very good, but what is it you want?"
"Oh!" Just like that, the pleading look disappears and the beginnings of crocodile tears practically get sucked back in. Oh, he's good. They're doomed. "This! The um, the candy! Padfoot said I can!"
Padfoot, silver eyes wide, quickly looks away, his ears flicking back. Remus tries not to laugh. "Oh did he now?"
"Yes!" Harry exclaims, matter-of-fact.
"I didn't know you spoke dog, Haz."
Harry snorts and gives Remus a look like he can't possibly be serious. "I don't. I speak Padfoot."
Well, that's him told then, isn't it? "Alright, grab one sack and fill it up. But remember, dogs can't eat chocolate or candy or it'll make them sick," Remus advises to the dark glare from Padfoot who was, in fact, just about to eat a piece of chocolate from Harry's hand. Serves him right.
Harry meets Remus's eyes, nods with all of the solemnity that being four years old affords, but immediately snaps back into his fervor and strikes up a lively conversation about ducks with the shopkeeper. Remus watches on, proud, but his observation is interrupted by Padfoot stepping his full weight onto his foot.
"Arse," he mutters down at his husband, who, naturally, ignores him.
After several minutes of Harry bobbing around the stand and harrying the poor woman weighing out his selections (far more than one bag) Remus knows they need to call it. "Haz, it's time to go."
Harry looks at him so sharply, Remus gets a wave of nostalgia for the amount of times Lily's levied one of those his way. "No!" he announces, and Remus sighs inwardly. He'd thought they were past that...
Remus looks down at Padfoot, who rolls his eyes and plods forward to tug gently at Harry's shirt with his teeth. "No!" Harry tells him, and Remus blinks. "No!" They're drawing the attention of several people, people who don't know them, and Remus cringes. He looks nothing like Harry. At best, he could pass as an uncle, maybe, but definitely not his parent with his fair hair and tan-not-brown skin.
"Harry, it's time to go," Remus repeats lowly. Harry shoots him a teary look, his head hanging low. It's the tone of voice Remus almost never uses, and he feels a little guilty for employing it now. He sidles up to the shopkeep, apologizes for the theatrics, and pays (a rather outrageous amount) for the bags and bags of candy.
The walk home is tense. Harry doesn't want to ride Padfoot, and Padfoot walks sullenly next to Remus, casting him baleful, meaningful looks his way, expressing his own confusion. Man, they were really bad at this parenting shit. Maybe they were messing Harry up. Would he have been better with Petunia?
No. Remus has met Petunia on several occasions, each more unpleasant than the last. She didn't come to Lily and James's funeral. She did not deserve their son.
See the full post
168 notes - Posted June 18, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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mvalentine · 2 years
MAL ❤️❤️ viq aka very important question:
What is your favourite memory of writing a fic? Which one is it, and where/when did you write it?
I am feeling super nostalgic for the OH2 hiatus days and I remember reading your very first fic in the park during lockdown and I loved Lana soooo much 💕💕💕
ruby hiii 💖💖
thank you so much for this ask & for showing your love for my girl it means so much to me <3
hsjsksks my favorite memory writing a fic HAS to be forever (aka the one where miss brooks was drunk out of her mind) because i actually wrote it when i was drunk out of my mind 💀 i have this very vivid memory of me leaving the club and buying some snacks from 711 and then walking over to the beach (perks of living in phuket!! we have the beach right opposite the club shsjsk) and sitting there eating my snacks and furiously typing the fic down in my notes app good times <3
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Tal día como hoy 12 de mayo ...
2010: Se estrella el vuelo 711 en la maniobra de aterrizaje en las inmediaciones de la pista del aeropuerto de Trípoli (Libia). En el accidente pierden la vida 103 personas y sólo hay un sobreviviente, un niño de 9 años.
2002: El ex presidente de Estados Unidos Jimmy Carter visita durante cinco días a Fidel Castro en Cuba, siendo el primer presidente dentro o fuera de su mandato en visitar la isla desde la Revolución cubana de 1959.
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1956: Nace Homer Simpson, personaje ficticio protagonista de la serie de televisión de dibujos animados estadounidense Los Simpson.
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1949: La Unión Soviética levanta el bloqueo de Berlín, Alemania.
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1940: Alemania inicia la invasión de Francia, y tras seis semanas derrotará a las fuerzas aliadas, conquistando Francia, Bélgica, Luxemburgo y los Países Bajos.
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1937: Jorge VI es coronado rey de Inglaterra.
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1930: El aviador Juan Muñoz atraviesa el océano Atlántico sur en un hidroavión.
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1926: Umberto Nobile, Roald Amundsen y Lincoln Ellsworth a bordo del dirigible Norge sobrevuelan el polo norte.
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1912: Aparece publicada la primera fotografía en color en la prensa española, en la revista Blanco y Negro.
1875: Se funda el club de fútbol Mercedes en Argentina, el club de fútbol más longevo hasta la fecha de toda América.
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eliteauto3kebay · 1 month
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Houston Racquet Club 50th Anniversary Commemorative Book - Hardcover | eBay https://rover.ebay.com/rover/1/711-53200-19255-0/l?mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.com%2Fitm%2F204772021146&utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr
0 notes
brookstonalmanac · 1 month
Events 4.23 (before 1950)
215 BC – A temple is built on the Capitoline Hill dedicated to Venus Erycina to commemorate the Roman defeat at Lake Trasimene. 599 – Maya king Uneh Chan of Calakmul attacks rival city-state Palenque in southern Mexico, defeating queen Yohl Ik'nal and sacking the city. 711 – Dagobert III succeeds his father King Childebert III as King of the Franks. 1014 – Battle of Clontarf: High King of Ireland Brian Boru defeats Viking invaders, but is killed in battle. 1016 – Edmund Ironside succeeds his father Æthelred the Unready as King of England. 1343 – St. George's Night Uprising commences in the Duchy of Estonia. 1348 – The founding of the Order of the Garter by King Edward III is announced on St. George's Day. 1500 – Portuguese explorer Pedro Alvarez Cabral reaches new coastline (Brazil). 1516 – The Munich Reinheitsgebot (regarding the ingredients of beer) takes effect in all of Bavaria. 1521 – Battle of Villalar: King Charles I of Spain defeats the Comuneros. 1635 – The first public school in the United States, the Boston Latin School, is founded. 1655 – The Siege of Santo Domingo begins during the Anglo-Spanish War, and fails seven days later. 1660 – Treaty of Oliva is established between Sweden and Poland. 1661 – King Charles II of England, Scotland and Ireland is crowned in Westminster Abbey. 1724 – Johann Sebastian Bach leads the first performance of his cantata Du Hirte Israel, höre, BWV 104, illustrating the topic of the Good Shepherd in pastoral music. 1815 – The Second Serbian Uprising: A second phase of the national revolution of the Serbs against the Ottoman Empire, erupts shortly after the annexation of the country to the Ottoman Empire. 1879 – Fire burns down the second main building and dome of the University of Notre Dame, which prompts the construction of the third, and current, Main Building with its golden dome. 1891 – Chilean Civil War: The ironclad Blanco Encalada is sunk at Caldera Bay by torpedo boats. 1918 – World War I: The British Royal Navy makes a raid in an attempt to neutralise the Belgian port of Bruges-Zeebrugge. 1919 – The Estonian Constituent Assembly is held in Estonia, which marks the birth of the Estonian Parliament, the Riigikogu. 1920 – The Grand National Assembly of Turkey (TBMM) is founded in Ankara. The assembly denounces the government of Sultan Mehmed VI and announces the preparation of a temporary constitution. 1927 – Cardiff City defeat Arsenal in the FA Cup Final, the only time it has been won by a team not based in England. 1935 – The Polish Constitution of 1935 is adopted. 1940 – The Rhythm Club fire at a dance hall in Natchez, Mississippi, kills 198 people. 1941 – World War II: The Greek government and King George II evacuate Athens before the invading Wehrmacht. 1942 – World War II: Baedeker Blitz: German bombers hit Exeter, Bath and York in retaliation for the British raid on Lübeck. 1945 – World War II: Adolf Hitler's designated successor, Hermann Göring, sends him a telegram asking permission to take leadership of Nazi Germany. Martin Bormann and Joseph Goebbels advise Hitler that the telegram is treasonous. 1946 – Manuel Roxas is elected the last President of the Commonwealth of the Philippines. 1949 – Chinese Civil War: Establishment of the People's Liberation Army Navy.
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oldster2 · 1 month
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openingnightposts · 2 months
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bomretirosp · 3 months
Bom Retiro: Comércio
Dr. Esfiha Endereço: Rua Solon, 794 - Bom Retiro, São Paulo - SP, 01127-010 Celular: 97733-7910 Telefone: 2679-1904 / 3223-4287 / 3225-9038
Papai Halim Endereço: Rua Ribeiro de Lima, 516 - Bom Retiro, São Paulo - SP, 01122-000 Celular: 3361-5566 Telefone: 3361-5566
Abou Hagop Endereço: Rua Três Rios, 193d - Bom Retiro, São Paulo - SP, 01123-001
Lavanderia 60 Minutos Endereço: Av. Rudge, 693 - Bom Retiro, São Paulo - SP, 01133-000 Telefone: 0800 060 6060
Silke's Clean Endereço: Rua Javaés, 637 - Bom Retiro, São Paulo - SP, 01130-010 Telefone: 94553-5346
Lavanderia Oriental Endereço: Rua dos Italianos, 861 - Bom Retiro, São Paulo - SP, 01131-000 Telefone: 3333-4645
San Remo Endereço: Rua Prates, 627 - Bom Retiro, São Paulo - SP, 01121-000 Celular: 99558-4190 Telefone: 3229-7350 / 3229-0021
Família Carvalho Endereço: Rua Júlio Conceição, 284 - Bom Retiro, São Paulo - SP, 01126-000 Celular: 99530-5660 Telefone: 3225-9840
Pizza Hut Endereço: Rua Guarani, 266 - Bom Retiro, São Paulo - SP, 01123-040 Telefone: 4004-6446
Monte Verde Endereço: Rua Barra do Tibagi, 406 - Bom Retiro, São Paulo - SP, 01128-000 Telefone: 3331-0658 / 3337-3956
Dom Lau Endereço: Rua Solon, 716 - Bom Retiro, São Paulo - SP, 01127-010 Celular: 95845-4288 Telefone: 3222-7053 / 3222-7938
Paul’s Boutique Endereço: Rua Silva Pinto, 450 - Bom Retiro, São Paulo - SP, 01126-010 Celular: 94149-1988 Telefone: 98703-5750
Club da Máfia Endereço: Rua dos Bandeirantes, 357 - Bom Retiro, São Paulo - SP, 01124-010 Celular: 96260-5071 Telefone: 3227-0316 / 3313-4063
Binho's Endereço: Rua Silva Pinto, 443 - Bom Retiro, São Paulo - SP, 01126-010 Celular: 95000-0407 Telefone:
Tomato & Cheese Endereço: Rua Prates, 590 - Bom Retiro, São Paulo - SP, 01121-000 Celular: 98951-5012 Telefone:
Ki-Sabor Endereço: Rua dos Italianos, 914 - Bom Retiro, São Paulo - SP, 01131-000 Celular: 96142-5443 Telefone: 3333-3376 / 3221-6124 / 3412-6045
Cantina & Pizzaria Ouro Branco Endereço: Rua dos Italianos, 711 - Bom Retiro, São Paulo - SP, 01131-000 Celular: 95066-8493 Telefone: 3361-5574 / 3221-5750
Dom Pato 1° Endereço: Rua Jaraguá, 666 - Bom Retiro, São Paulo - SP, 01129-000 Celular: 99923-5955 Telefone: 3337-1171 / 2592-5131 / 2594-4182
Nova Dora Endereço: Rua Barra do Tibagi, 1004 - Bom Retiro, São Paulo - SP, 01128-000 Celular: 91369-9492 / 95161-8512 Telefone: 3222-8130 / 3223-0536
D' Napolly Endereço: Rua Guilherme Maw, 143 - Bom Retiro, São Paulo - SP, 01105-040 Celular: Telefone: 3313-7140
Lameras Endereço: Rua Sérgio Tomás, 331 - Bom Retiro, São Paulo - SP, 01131-010 Celular: 99913-9893 Telefone: 3338-0903
Sapori D' Itália Endereço: Rua Javaés, 649 - Bom Retiro, São Paulo - SP, 01130-010 Celular: 95953-8643 Telefone:
PizzAmigos Endereço: Rua Visconde de Taunay, 69 - Bom Retiro, São Paulo - SP, 01132-000 Celular: 97102-0553 Telefone:
Emanuel Endereço: Rua Newton Prado, 385 - Bom Retiro, São Paulo - SP, 01127-000 Celular: 93271-5429 Telefone: 3337-3323
Fornazier Endereço: Av. Rudge, 266 - Bom Retiro, São Paulo - SP, 01134-000 Celular: Telefone: 3222-7088
Valentina Endereço: Av. Cruzeiro do Sul, 459 - Bom Retiro, São Paulo - SP, 01109-000 Celular: 96368-8349 Telefone:
Ana Bella Endereço: Av. do Estado, 1615 - Bom Retiro, São Paulo - SP, 01107-000 Celular: Telefone: 3228-1743
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