#98k words about him
goldnhourwrites · 7 months
yall i really, really was not expecting to become a kayn stan. when heartsteel first dropped i was like "ok. yone and k'sante. that's what i'm here for i've picked my faves" NOPE. shieda kayn has hit me like a bus.
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Happy 28th! Here is my May 2024 fic rec, organized by word count, from longest to shortest. You can view my other fic recs here. Enjoy!
We Were Such Fools by kiddle / @bluejeanlouis (98k)
Rule #1: The Rewind Machine cannot be used to change the past, only to experience it. History will reset itself to the original timeline every 24 hours.
On his fiftieth birthday, two things are consuming Harry’s mind: what he’s going to make the kids for dinner tonight, and the fact that his marriage is crumbling at his feet.
So, when his best friend gifts him the trip of a lifetime, Harry chooses to venture off to the summer that set his life on its course—all the way back in 1987, California.
It only took him one summer to fall in love with his husband the first time around. How hard could starting all over really be?
Once Bitten and Twice Shy Series by pinkcords / @pinkcords (60k)
once bitten and twice shy (19k) This time as his stomach rolls, there’s no doubt about it. He’s going to vomit. And if he does, it’ll be on Louis’ shoes, a nice little parting gift to go with the embarrassment he’s caused the both of them. “I’m gonna throw up,” he says just as Louis turns to look at him, blue eyes swimming with shock and confusion, and asks, “Is that true?” Or, in a rush of bravery only senior year can bring, Harry confesses his feelings in a letter to his neighbor and best friend, Louis, only for the entire school to hear it and laugh him out of their small town in Wisconsin. Ten years later, Harry's a successful lawyer at Columbia Records, coming home for Christmas for the first time since he departed for college. He plans to work his way through the trip, eat his mom's cooking, and avoid everyone from his past for as long as possible. The only problem is best laid plans hardly ever go as intended. These Stars Will Guide Us Home (41k) And then he’s gonre. Harry watches him take off his shoes, sort his belongings into bins, and keeps watching until he vanishes entirely, around the corner to his gate. Louis doesn’t look back and Harry can’t blame him, certain his expression, body language, entire being would implore him to stay. It would just make it more difficult on both of them. Louis’ always been intuitive like that, strong enough to make the hard decisions that protect both of them. Or Harry lives in New York and Louis lives in Wisconsin.
Cabin Fever by germericangirl / @germericangirl (46k)
“What the fuck is he doing here?“ He asked still looking at him, before he turned back to look at Niall for an answer.
Niall’s mouth fell open and he looked at him with wide eyes "He um changed his mind?“
Harry stared at Niall for a few seconds in silence, before grabbing a bag and walking towards a bedroom without looking at anyone else, slamming the door shut behind himself.
Liam flinched in front of Louis.
“Well I’m happy to see you too.“ Louis mumbled, some of the tension leaving his body. This wasn’t exactly how he thought their first meeting would go. It was quiet for a moment before Louis finally spoke up “Did you seriously not tell him I was coming?“
One cabin, one bed, two ex-boyfriends. What could possibly go wrong?
You, In Every Color by blueskiesrry / @blueskiesrry (38k)
But then he thinks of the soft curves and sharp angles he had imagined when he first drew up the sketches for the collection, the specific green of fabric he had picked with the thought of how they’d saturate green eyes, the glossy silks and soft velvets he had once pictured sitting delicately against milky skin.
“We’re drunk,” Louis decides on a sigh. “We shouldn’t make any drastic decisions now.”
or: fashion designer louis and his model bf harry have vowed to never work together again, but with the show for louis’ first solo line on the horizon, they decide to give it another shot
We'll Be Alright by ShatteredGlassHouse / @larryislove (36k)
"Lou, I know this-"
"Not plan? Of course, this wasn't planned. Harry, this can't be happening. We can't have a kid. We are not even supposed to be sleeping together."
Harry flinched at Louis' words. He was right, but Louis didn't need to be blunt about it.
"I'm not ready to have kids. I said that when we started this… Relationship," Louis stuttered the last word, trying to find the proper wording.
"Do you think I am? I'm not even twenty-four. You are almost twenty-nine! You're at the age where most people start a family."
"Doesn't mean I want to have one!" Louis snapped.
"Well, it's happening," Harry said, trying to keep his voice calm.
"Be serious, Harry. We can't have a baby. If people find out, you'll be fired."
Harry subconsciously wrapped his arms around his middle. He suddenly felt small. He didn't expect Louis to be excited. This wasn't the best news for their situation, but he thought he'd be happy.
"I know, Louis."
Or Louis is the Captian of Liverpool FC and Harry is one of the team's physiotherapists. They have a secret relationship going but things become complicated when Harry finds out he's pregnant.
Host of a Name by Signofcomfort / @signofcomfort (35k)
Louis leaves the band in the middle of the tour and drops off the face of the earth. Five years later, they might have a chance to meet him. Harry can finally have some answers and tell the truth for the first time.
Cabin on the Bluff Series by juliusschmidt / @juliusschmidt (6k)
Beech Tree in Autumn (1k) Louis walks forward. Harry walks back. And back. And back. Off the two track, through the brush, until his heel bangs against the trunk of a tree. Louis presses further still. Without so much as a, 'hello,' he's kissing Harry, hard and hungry. Mosquito Bites and Cheap Beer (2k) Harry’s careful not to look at Louis as he plays. At least, he starts out that way. But then the sky behind Louis begins to shift, clouds morphing from piles of gold-tinged wool to scoops of pink and orange sherbet. And at some point, Harry forgets-- forgets not to watch. And when he catches himself, it’s fine. Louis’ watching him right back. Sandwiches on the Shady Shore (2k) “You don’t have to do this,” Louis says. It’s hot in the little kitchen, even with the windows open and a breeze blowing in. Harry feels a flush enfold him from the inside out. “I know,” he says. And then, because he’s already showed up embarrassingly early in the day and made Louis a cheese sandwich, he adds, “I wanted to.”
Trust Me to Take You Home by hattalove / @hattalove (4k)
“I made breakfast,” says Harry, and Louis can feel him smile where his face is smushed against Louis’s shoulder blade. “Full English. All for you.” Louis finally opens his eyes, and blinks. “What about the others?” “Asleep,” Harry whispers, “it’s five in the morning.”
or, a clichéd tale of two boys in love and their first valentine's day together.
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satsuma-unshiu · 1 month
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ shobio fic recs
i like the way your clothes smell by Mysecretfanmoments ✰
Relationship(s): Hinata Shouyou/Kageyama Tobio
Rating: M
Word-Count: 75k
Summary: `Power outages, ghost stories, and the presence of a certain orange-haired boy lead to bad decision-making on Tobio's part. He'd planned to keep his crush a secret; the universe has other plans.'
Additional (Reader's) Notes: a given, i know. but if you haven't read this yet and are a sucker for good writing and kghn, i implore you, please do, because this one's pure gold
somniloquy by emleewrites ✰
Relationship(s): Hinata Shouyou/Kageyama Tobio
Rating: T
Word-Count: 12k
Summary: `
The spark of awareness ignites and Shouyou blinks his eyes open again fully, humming in response to his name. Kageyama doesn’t reply, as he’s still completely asleep, shuffling slightly as his breaths start to catch in the beginnings of snores.
“Kageyama?” Shouyou stage whispers.
“Hinata,” Kageyama grunts back, before smacking his lips and devolving fully into snoring.
(In which Shouyou falls in love slowly during his high school years, and Kageyama talks in his sleep.)'
Additional (Reader's) Notes: ugh. so cute!!
summers spent in your light by yu_writes
Relationship(s): Hinata Shouyou/Kageyama Tobio, Tsukishima Kei/Yamaguchi Tadashi
Rating: T
Word-Count: 10k
Summary: `The final scores flash up on the screen. Kageyama gapes at the cheerfully-blinking animations. “There’s no way you’re that good on your first try.”
Hinata grins. “Who said it was my first try?”
Hinata sticks his tongue out at him as the arcade machine spits out a small stack of tickets.
And glancing over, next to their drumset—both of their mouths drop—sits a flushed, triumphant Yachi and a thoroughly-trounced-looking Tsukishima.
“Wow, I didn’t realize how easy it is to get the hang of this!” Yachi beams at them as the machine spits out a small mountain of tickets. Yamaguchi, who has been watching over Tsukishima’s shoulder, muffles his laugh at the petulant look on Tsukishima’s face.
(the karasuno first years, who are then second years, and then third years. and, of course, kageyama and hinata, who are... well, kageyama and hinata.)'
Additional (Reader's) Notes: summer hangouts with the karasuno first years - love how their dynamics were written in this one :3
life is a highway by emleewrites ✰
Relationship(s): Hinata Shouyou/Kageyama Tobio
Rating: T
Word-Count: 98k
Summary: `Kageyama Tobio is a professional racing driver, the new rookie sensation who's about to take home the Piston Cup in his first year.
But a race run recklessly leads to an unprecedented three-way tie, and a tie breaker race is set for a week's time. On the way to the International Speedway, Kageyama gets lost, and ends up crashing into Karasuno Springs - a small country town in the middle of nowhere, ruining their main road in the process. Forced to stay and fix it, Kageyama feels the whole thing is a waste of time, until he meets the town's handyman - Hinata Shouyou, a local dirt track racer.
They're very different, but a shared passion for racing draws Kageyama in, as he tries to work out why Hinata is just a handyman in the first place despite his talent for racing. And over the course of the week he ends up discovering that maybe there's more to life than winning races all by himself.
(A racing AU; based on the story of Pixar's Cars, but everybody is human.)'
Additional (Reader's) Notes: such a vibe, honestly. very well-written to the point that it manages to place you inside the cars universe (except as the summary stated, everyone is human here lol). all the other works in the series are worth a read, too!
Saffron and Cayenne Pepper by dontsaycrazy
Relationship(s): Hinata Shouyou/Kageyama Tobio, Shimizu Kiyoko/Yachi Hitoka (Mentioned)
Rating: T
Word-Count: 30k
Summary: `Cooking is hard. Even if you have your very attractive, very grumpy neighbor there to help you.
In which Hinata's lack of cooking skills are a danger to him and others. Luckily (or not), Kageyama is willing to teach him, if only for the sake of avoiding any burned down apartments.'
Additional (Reader's) Notes: hinata is me as in i can't cook for the life of me either. love kghn's dynamic!!
You Can't Play Volleyball In A Blizzard by KingsHighway ✰
Relationship(s): Hinata Shouyou/Kageyama Tobio
Rating: T
Word-Count: 12k
Summary: `The "blizzard of the century" comes bearing down on Miyagi Prefecture, closing down schools and trapping everyone in their homes. With nothing to do to pass the time, and an unlimited amount of energy, Hinata finds an unlikely texting buddy in his volleyball partner Kageyama. But it's just texting, it can't matter that much, can it?'
Additional (Reader's) Notes: such a sweet and wonderfully written one-shot with an adorable concept (seriously, go read it)
burnt by sunbeams by emleewrites ✰
Relationship(s): Hinata Shouyou/Kageyama Tobio
Rating: T
Word-Count: 12k
Summary: `Tobio drops his hands from his face at Hinata’s bright voice and looks down. Hinata beams up at him, wide and blinding, a ball of sunshine on a gymnasium floor. Tobio kind of feels like he’s burning when Hinata looks like this – sunbeams personified – but that’s okay.
He’ll happily spend the rest of his life getting burned by Hinata Shouyou.
(Kageyama thinks that being in a relationship seems to be simple at first. It's just Hinata; there's just a lot more kissing involved. But no relationship is without challenges. And for Kageyama, he'll weather them all, so long as he gets to bask in the sun.
Hinata and Kageyama: a relationship study.)'
Additional (Reader's) Notes: another lovely read from emleewrites :) the way they write kghn is aaaaaaaa
thirty-three days of mist and mountains by tinygumdrops (curryramyeon)
Relationship(s): Hinata Shouyou/Kageyama Tobio
Rating: T
Word-Count: 36k
Summary: `Tobio runs by himself every day. Even though he can't shake off that awful feeling that something's closing in on him, he still does it. It's habit now.
When he gets a phone call that Hinata Shouyou is thinking of coming to Italy, Tobio feels like he has to run even faster.
(Or: Tobio has a month to prepare himself before his high school rival comes to visit him. They haven't spoken to each other for two years, and Tobio can't even remember what food Hinata likes. He's got a lot to think about.)'
Additional (Reader's) Notes: kageyama uses sticky notes as a means to prepare for hinata's visit - another wonderfully written fic with a great concept
In Transit by Mysecretfanmoments ✰
Relationship(s): Hinata Shouyou/Kageyama Tobio
Rating: T
Word-Count: 4k
Summary: `Hinata finds that he likes standing close to Kageyama on buses and trains. It doesn't mean anything--probably. Maybe.'
Additional (Reader's) Notes: they're so cute and dumb and ugh
a long distance type of love by xllx (exasperatedmoron)
Relationship(s): Hinata Shouyou/Kageyama Tobio
Rating: T
Word-Count: 42k
Summary: `shouyou and tobio learn about the world and each other from 17,380km apart.
(two dumbasses and their ability to maintain a long distance relationship despite being absolute wrecks when it came to everything else in their lives. (oh, and they’re engaged))'
Additional (Reader's) Notes: engaged long-distance kghn and texting shenanigans with the karasuno first years
Olympic Thirsting Hours by Kelpiejz
Relationship(s): Hinata Shouyou/Kageyama Tobio (Minor)
Rating: T
Word-Count: 4k
Summary: `Alone in Brazil and desperate for some kind of human connection that won't make him homesick, Hinata Shouyou decides his best bet is to communicate in broken English with strangers over the internet. They only have one thing in common - volleyball.
sunshinetangerine: not watch olympics now, at work sunshinetangerine: but kageyama very good setter AnArchyCountry: he really is, wow thirstea: just snuck my phone in class to see a photo and holy hell he’s hot sunshinetangerine: yes sunshinetangerine: playing volley a lot get hot sunshinetangerine: drink lot of water after!! (^▽^) thirstea: oh sweetie, not that kind of hot
(Or: a look at Hinata's growth after high school from the perspective of people who don't know who he is.)'
Additional (Reader's) Notes: cute lil fic in which hinata is bad at english and still manages to connect to others who know nothing about him
discovering the smile of one kageyama tobio by emleewrites ✰
Relationship(s): Hinata Shouyou/Kageyama Tobio
Rating: T
Word-Count: 8k
Summary: `Kageyama blinks once before a grin of his own spreads over his face. Shouyou’s breath halts in his lungs at the sight, and he wills for time to stop, just so that he can drink it in. He sees it sometimes when they’re playing - Kageyama’s fierce smile when they pull a combo off just right, when they show their opponents how possible the impossible can really be. But then there’s another serve, another rally, and the moment is gone.
'Shame,' Shouyou thinks to himself, as he lets his eyes roam over Kageyama’s stupidly happy face, taking in the creases that are from joy rather than frowning for a change. 'It’s a really nice smile.'
(In which it's their third, and final, year in high school and Hinata has only one goal: to make Kageyama smile outside of volleyball.)'
Additional (Reader's) Notes: you should know by now that i love anything emleewrites writes
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la-bruja · 1 year
Fanfiction Reccomendations
hi im a little insane and i read way too many fics 💖
here are some fics I've enjoyed this week! so far it's mostly batman, danny phantom, and crossovers between those two! haha I need some variety I swear.
everything under the read more because I have fifteen (15) listed! <3 okay thanks for checking out my recs!!
(if the formatting is a little ugly, it's because i did this on the app on my phone <3)
(tumblr (app) is a peice of shit and deleted some of the fics i had on here. aaaaaaaaa) (i will try again next week)
Wait, I'm a What? by @atiyasnake
based on a tumblr post
Incomplete. Multi-Chaptered. 31k+ Words. Last Updated June. 5k+ Kudos. Misunderstandings. Ghost King Danny. Accidental Crime Lord Danny. Cryptid Danny. Sentient Gotham.
He kept taking the cash from the assholes (and damn there were a lot of assholes near where he lived) messing with the residents who lived in the area. He kept accepting their offers of food. So because of this new routine that kept him able to afford to rent out his shitty (and possibly illegal) apartment and the hunger pangs sufficiently satisfied, rumors grew.
Like and Survive - Phantom’s Guide to Young Hero Survival by @robinasnyder
based on a tumblr post
Incomplete. Multi-Chaptered. 73k+ Words. Last Updated July. 3k+ Kudos. Youtuber Danny. Ghost King Danny. Adult Danny. Good Parent Clark Kent. Therapist Jasmine Fenton.
Phantom is considered an old timer who deals with a small city and nowhere else. When he begins uploading videos with advice for young heroes, he hopes a few new heroes might avoid some of the pain he went through. He's shocked at just how popular his advice suddenly becomes.
Bus To Nowhere by @precarious-hermit
Incomplete. Multi-Chaptered. 98k+ Words. Last Updated July. 20k+ Kudos. Ghost King Danny. Bad Parents Jack and Maddie Fenton.
After being on the run from his parents and the government for a couple of months, moving from town to town, Danny ends up in Gotham City and decides to risk staying in Batman's territory. He'd take the wrath of Batman over live vivisection via beloved parents or being studied and torn apart by the government. Besides, he's not a meta. Being dead is a medical condition.
The Firstborn Son by @faeriekit
Complete. Two-Shot. 7.5k Words. 1k+ Kudos. Ghost King Danny. The Infinite Realms. Dimension Travel. Accidental Child Acquisition. Child Endangerment. Mind Control. Horror.
Danny Phantom, a somewhat established ruler of the Ghost Zone, has unwittingly acquired a baby.
And. Well. He can't exactly keep it in Pariah's Keep. He's no parent, not to mention the huge problem of how the air and sky destabilize human cellular structure. There has to be a way to prove that the man is safer than the home the baby comes from.
...But the man has his own ward.
Hm. Danny can exploit this. What's an assessment without a little test?
Amity In The Ghost Zone by @ghostboybrainrot
Incomplete. Multi-Chaptered. 7k+ Words. Last Updated March. 1k+ Kudos. Good Parents Jack and Maddie Fenton.
The city doesn't return on its own after Pariah Dark is defeated. Without knowing how to get the whole city back to the living world, Danny tries to evacuate the residents but most Amity Parkers don't really want to leave. Some people do, but many decide to stay. After all, Amity Park is their home, and the idea of having to start over somewhere new isn't very appealing. So the town, for the most part, continues on like normal.
Holding Me Now In Hand by @disillusioneddanny
Completed. Multi-Chaptered. 67k+ Words. 4k+ Kudos. Death Defying. Dick/Danny. Ghost King Danny. Teacher Danny. Bad Parents Jack and Maddie Fenton. Miscommunication. Identity Reveal.
After Tim Drake tells his family about his new insane chemistry teacher, Dick Grayson decides to do some investigation himself.
What he wasn't expecting was to instantly fall in love with the chaotic science teacher.
Our Empty Graves by @nabtime
Incomplete. Multi-Chaptered. 63k+ Words. Last Updated July. 3k+ Kudos. Graphic Depictions of Violence. Dead On Main. Jason/Danny. Slowburn. Bad Parents Jack and Maddie Fenton. Hazmat AU. Mute Danny. Hurt/Comfort.
They say that Red Hood has a loyal mutt. The man rules his territory in Crime Alley with an iron fist and a guard dog at his side. No one's ever heard him speak. Anyone who's ever seen him says he looks like an experiment gone wrong, that Hood picked him up somewhere unspeakable. They say he'll do anything Red Hood asks of him and he'll do it well. Rival gangs say he's vicious, that he'd sooner rip your throat out than let you go.
death echoes by @redskyeatnight
Incomplete. Multi-Chaptered. 38k+ Words. Last Updated June. 9k+ Kudos. Account Locked. Ghost King Danny. BAMF Danny. Creepy Danny.
Cold air on the back of his neck. Skeletal fingertips skittering up his spine, barely there and yet pressing so hard they would surely leave indents. A sound like an iceberg cracking apart echoing in his ears and through his head, pain following in its wake.
His throat went cold, his tongue suddenly numb.
And for a second - just a second - he smelled nothing but the stench of death.
"Oh My God, I'm Becoming My Father." by @fanfiction-artist-prototype
Incomplete. Three-Shot. 22k+ Words. Last Updated June. 1k+ Kudos. Account Locked. Misunderstandings. Angst and Hurt/Comfort. Blood and Injury. Accidental Child Acquisition. Implied/Reference Underage Prostitution. Protective Jason Todd.
Dani needs money, there's only so long her human body can last without food, and she lost the credit card Sam gave her when she crash-landed in Gotham city bay. So, she decides she's going to go the one guy she knows exists in Gotham that will help a kid down on their luck no questions asked - Red Hood.
Last time she'd seen Danny, he'd told her that there were rumours the Red Hood was undead, so he was the safest option for a halfa like her.
Hatred At First Sight by Sagoberattare
based on a tumblr post
Complete. One-Shot. 1k Words. 4k+ Kudos. SoulHate AU. Danny Phantom is a Little Shit.
Until the Joker looked at the skrunky kid in a ratty hoodie that looked like he could be a Wayne adoptee. And they both froze for a good minute.
And like some kind of demented switch got flipped the kid snarled and (still with his hands tied behind his back mind you) launched himself at the Joker.
Back to the World, In the End by @akela-nakamura
Incomplete. Multi-Chaptered. 9k+ Words. Last Updated June. 800 Kudos. Halfa Jason Todd. Heavy Angst. Supernatural illnesses. Jason Todd is Not Okay. Eventual Comfort.
Jason's been sick for weeks and nothing he does seems to help. He's not ready for his confrontation with the Bat. He's not ready for his plans to fall apart when they've barely begun.
But his illness isn't stopping. One warm Gotham night, he hits a metaphorical wall.
Nightwing finds Red Hood on a rooftop. It's been a long night, but it might be looking up. After all, finally capturing the Red Hood will make Gotham that much safer.
Inquisitive by @oliveofvanders
Completed. One-Shot. 1k+ Words. 2k+ Kudos. Journalist Danny. Danny is a Little Shit. Damien Wayne Loves Animals. Crack Treated Seriously.
Damian has a very specific way of dealing with reporters – show them the animals, that usually scares them off.
Danny, however, has seen weirder shit in his lifetime.
Like Betta Fish Do by @clockwayswrites
Incomplete. Multi-Chaptered. 48k+ Words. Last Updated July. Updates Bi-Weekly. 7k+ Kudos. Dead On Main. Jason/Danny. Ghost King Danny. Halfa Jason. Canon-Typical Violence. Jason Todd Needs a Hug. Danny Fenton Needs a Hug. Lazarus Side Effects. Identity Reveal.
Danny had ended up trespassing in Jason's haunt. He didn't mean to. Total accident, he swears. (He blames Johnny.) So he bought the other halfa a basket of bathbombs and chocolate as a 'sorry, please don't disembowel me' gift. It was the proper thing to do, alright?
Everything was going to be just fine.
Then things got a little out of hand.
Send To All by @cairoscene
Completed. One-Shot. 3k Words. 5k+ Kudos. Emails. Epistolary. Poison Ivy Adjacent.
I, _____________, hereby acknowledge that this form represents my wishes should I contract phytoaphrodisiac-induced delirium (hereafter referred to as “PAID”) during engagements with or while apprehending Dr. Pamela Lillian Isley (“Poison Ivy”).
»»———-Danny Phantom-———-««
and they were roommates by @captainbrookeworm
Completed. One-Shot. 9k+ Words. 400 Kudos. ChatFic. Humor. Memes. Crack. Crack Treated Seriously. Post-Canon. Identity Reveal.
Mr. Lancer’s English Class Group Chat
Wes Weston: FINALLY
Tucker Foley: For the last time the moon landing was NOT faked!!!!
》 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ • 。 。° 。。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ • 。 。°《
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Flashback Friday - The After Series
Fanonwriter2023 on AO3
Where CANON and FANON collide!
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It's been more than a year since I posted "After the Fallout" and even though I've started the next three fics in this series, they've been sitting in my WIPs since June 2023. After season 7 started and more information was revealed regarding the abrupt change in the storylines following season 4, I've made a decision.
I'll return to working on it after I finish my multi-chapter fic titled, "I'm still in love with you but... I needed to learn how to love myself too!"
The After Series
98K words; Currently 10 Completed works: The After Series goes beyond the events that were shown in CANON and focuses on the intimate parts of Buck and Eddie's relationship from a FANON perspective. Each part within the series includes their off-screen conversations and interactions.
After the Ambulance - 4K words; Rated General Audiences:  Buck and Eddie return to the station after the ambulance explosion. Buck cooks for Eddie and they have their first of many real conversations as trusted partners.
After the Earthquake - 6K words; Rated General Audiences:  Buck drives Eddie to pick up Christopher from school, he then drives them home and Eddie’s heart is full of warmth when he sees his boys together for the first time.  Also, Maddie realizes that Buck is falling in love.
After Getting Stuck - 8.6K words; Rated General Audiences:  Buck drives Eddie to the hospital after Eddie’s abuela breaks her hip. Buck meets Eddie’s aunt Pepa and he starts to organize everything to help Eddie get permanent childcare for Christopher.
After Being Dosed - 7K words; Rated General Audiences:  Buck and Eddie help Maddie move into her new apartment, Eddie gets petty with Taylor Kelly after she flirts with Buck and Eddie tries to cook for Buck.
After Feeling Haunted - 4.2K words; Rated General Audiences:  Buck finally decides to let go of his ‘invisible girlfriend’ while Eddie misunderstands something that was said to him.
After Choosing Their Lives - 13.3K words; Rated Mature:  After everything that happened, Buck and Eddie are both finally single at the same time and they choose each other. 
After the Tsunami - 12K words; Rated: Teens and Up Audiences:   Buck and Eddie are keeping their situationship a secret but after Buck’s embolism and the Tsunami, they both realize they can't live without each other.
After the Lawsuit - 9.1K words; Rated: General Audiences:  On Friday, November 1, 2019, Buck and Eddie finally talk about the lawsuit. They make up but Eddie doesn't tell Buck he's still doing something that could cause him to lose everything.
After the Fallout - 16.7K words; Rated: Mature:  Eddie finally tells Buck about his participation in the illegal fight club and Buck apologizes to Eddie again for filing the lawsuit.  They fall even deeper in love as their secret relationship continues.
After the Well - 16.9K words; Rated Mature:  Buck and Eddie break down after the well incident and Eddie finally tells Buck something that Buck’s been wanting to hear for almost a year. This is currently part 9 within the series but it will be continuously demoted until the series surpasses 3x15 “Eddie Begins”.
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landhficrecs · 1 year
Secret Relationship
who wants to play hangman? by tippitytap 6k (part of a series)
Mae had sent him a lot of messages asking him where the fuck he was, how could he miss this, what could possibly be more important than this, and a handful of messages containing only an emoji to get his attention. He had to scroll pretty far up to find the original cause of the mayhem in his phone, and when he finally saw it, he could not control the gasp that came out of his mouth.
“You announced a new album while we were having sex?” he screeched and turned around to look at Harry, who was still burying his head in the pillow but had a huge grin on his face.
- first, Louis finds out Harry has a new album, then he accidentally leaks some lyrics, then they play hangman on Twitter
in this world, it’s just us by satellite_freak 12k
harry is louis' older brother's best friend. harry and louis are in a secret relationship 
On Thin Ice by Neondiamond 16k 
As the goaltender for one of the best hockey teams in the world, Harry never expected participating in his second winter Olympics would be so eventful. His hidden long-term relationship with the captain of their biggest rival team may have something to do with it.
my gorgeous, my darling by SummonTheSun (tippitytap) 98k
“Are we going to be alright?” Harry whispered ten minutes later. “Despite my family, and all the other shit in our lives?” Louis hummed, his vocal folds vibrating against Harry’s head. “We’ll be alright, gorgeous.”
OR: Harry and Louis have been in a secret relationship for four months when Harry has to confront his inner demons and start thinking about coming out to everyone.
Such Good Luck by casuallyhl 66k 
Louis smiles at Harry’s words, leaning into his touch. “Tell me again.”
Smiling, Harry takes Louis into his arms. Pressing gentle kisses to his face, Harry murmurs, “In six months’ time, I will have my twenty-fifth birthday. On that day, my portion of the inheritance will become legally mine. And I plan that very day to announce to my family that I have found love.” Harry chuckles as he runs his lips lightly along Louis’ cheekbone. “That, in fact, I found love when I was twenty-one years old, and that I have loved and been loved every day since.”
Or, an Edwardian AU where Harry is a young aristocratic lord and Louis is a working class dairy farmer. Secrets are a necessary part of their relationship, but Louis has one that could topple their whole world.
Bambi by orphan_account 2k
When he came back, the boys were all settled in the couch watching what looked like Bambi. “Hey me and Harry watched this on our first date!” He announced as he plopped himself in Harry’s lap, offering the shirt which he took happily and pulled over his head.
“Why would you watch Bambi?” Zayn asked, amused.
Harry rubbed Louis’ back before explaining, “Because at first their like Why the fuck am I watching Bambi? But then they’re cuddling you and crying into your tee shirt, and you know how I cheered Lou up? I just-“
Louis smacked a hand over Harry’s mouth, “Shush, they don’t need to hear that part.”
or Louis and Harry are dating in secret and the boys come over while Louis' getting fucked
Up For It by jacaranda_bloom 18k 
Each year, the five friends take a lads holiday; it’s tradition, and this year is shaping up to be a jam-packed, fun-filled trip with their best mates just like all the rest... or is it?
OR the one where Liam is Mr Organised, Zayn is too perceptive for his own good, Niall is a compulsive matchmaker, and Harry and Louis might just have the surprise to shock them all.
so keep my candle bright by whisperdlullaby 27k
louis returns to his hometown after four years to find that the reverend’s son has done some growing up of his own.
@larryfic-recs @hlficlibrary @neondiamond @jacaranda-bloom @tippitytap
( Please @ the authors if you can xx )
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epicsteddieficrecs · 1 year
Weekly Recap | March 27th-April 2nd 2023
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Here's what I read in the past week! I hope you all had a good one :) Enjoy!
🖤 TITS! magazine by wynnyfryd/ @wynnyfryd (No Upside Down, University AU | 12K | Explicit): TITS! the title reads in exuberant block letters. The hottest new male erogenous zone for the late 70s continues to blaze into the new decade. Herewith, a sizzling nine-page pictorial saluting those magnificent masculine mounds of pleasure. Eddie snickers into his fist. A pictorial salute to pectorals, indeed. Fucking man mounds, Jesus Christ. Then he gets to the centerfold and the laugh dies in his throat.
it turns me on that you care, baby by deadratz (PWP | 3K | Explicit): In their apartment with a broken heater and poor insulation, Steve and Eddie have each other to keep warm.
amplification by Adure/ @toburnup (Dreamsharing, PWP | 2K | Explicit): "And what if it's about you?" Steve asks, eyes serious. Questioning. "Would it still be a compliment?" Eddie's throat is bone dry. He blinks, feels each thought rearrange into something less comprehensible. Steve's hand is warm against his back. "As long as it's a good dream." (Part 3 of parasomnia)
Anything Can Happen in This World (For An Ordinary Boy) by InvisibleAce (Hannah Montana AU | 7K | Mature): So. Here’s the catch. Eddie Munson hates Steve Harrington, but loves ZTEEV. Steve Harrington loves Eddie Munson but can’t tell him that he’s ZTEEV. He can’t tell anyone.
🖤 Steve Harrington’s Radical Fun Time Babysitting Service by Humanities_Handbag / @humanityinahandbag, Invader_Sam (No Upside Down AU, 90’s | 25/? | 98K | Mature): Alternatively: Steve accidentally starts a babysitting service, falls in love, panics [in bisexual], and gets himself a boyfriend. (Part 1 of 90’s Music Store AU)
🖤 Swing and a Miss by deadonarrival (Baseball Player Steve, Fake Relationship | 2/5 | 13K | Explicit): “Apparently they usually reserve the box for the wives and girlfriends … so either you’re gonna have to be my boyfriend or you’re going to have to sit in the stands with the fans. It’s not that bad, you just need to like, pretend to be my boyfriend so you can sit with the other WAGs and like, then you can be in the box and have all you can drink alcohol and snacks.” “Did you agree to this!?” Eddie asks. “If I say yes, how mad are you going to be?” Steve asks.
🖤 The Voice That Calls Me Home by DeadEyedGemini,  spaceandjunk (No Upside Down AU, Phone Sex Operator Eddie | 6/? | 30K | Explicit): A little matchbook sits in his hand, a usually innocuous item, except this one has bold letters printed across the front of it in neon colors. The words read: Cruise Line-24/7 Homosexual Action-All Local and has a number printed across it. Steve blinks down at the number for a solid minute before he realizes what exactly he’s looking at, it’s a phone sex line for men interested in men.
No More Retreating by 3MinsOver (Post-S4 | 1/4 | 5K | Explicit): When Eddie Munson doesn’t kick the bucket in the Upside Down, he realizes there are a whole load of things he might have died without doing. And who’s there to help him out? Why, Steve Harrington, of course.
sloe gin fizzy, do it till you're dizzy by MacksDramaticShenanigans / @stevethehairington (Post-S4 | 6K | Teen): Steve doesn’t flinch away from the closeness. Just breathes and blinks. And then his eyes flicker down to Eddie’s lips and right back up, so quick that Eddie’s hazy brain would have missed it if he hadn’t been paying attention, hadn’t been anticipating it. Eddie takes it as the invitation it has to be, and slowly, slowly closes the distance. His nose does bump into Steve’s as he enters his space, but he pauses, hesitates with his mouth hovering a hair’s breadth away from Steve’s.He waits for the rejection, for the brutal shove away, for the disgusted “what the fuck man?”. But they don’t come. What does come is Steve’s mouth, pushing forward to press against Eddie’s.
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allwaswell16 · 2 years
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A fic rec of my favorite One Direction roommates fics as requested in this ask. If you enjoy the fics, please leave kudos and comments for the writers! You can find all my other fic recs here. Happy reading!
Red Brick Heart by hazmesentir / @alveronian
(E, 98k, uni au) Harry had turned up at the halls of residence expecting fun, new friends, and maybe a life experience or two. What he doesn't expect is a surprise roommate who's loud and dramatic and obsessed with tea and is maybe, actually, all he's ever wanted.
There's No Other Place by nikogda / @satvrdays
(E, 51k, hybrid au) the one where Harry offers his home for omega hybrid Louis in a world where his very existence is illegal. It was meant to be temporary, but as time goes on, neither of them want it to be. Too bad things are rarely that simple.
Looking Through You by @allwaswell16
(E, 41k, songfic) As Harry tries to make sense of his feelings for Louis, he begins writing his next album to express them as it may be the only way to break through the walls that Louis has built between them.
All Your Mates Are Here by LadyLondonderry / @londonfoginacup
(T, 36k, werewolves au) A new pack, a new house, and two new roommates with personal space issues... Plus exams, of course.
I Just Want You to Stay by @sadaveniren
(E, 34k, omegaverse) Louis and Harry have been roommates for four years, comfortable in their routine and their relationship. But all of that is about to change.
Instant Pleasure by @100percentsassy
(E, 25k, uni au) This fic has everything! College Roommates! Mario Kart! Julie Andrews! Demonstrative Pronouns! Flamboyant Dom Louis! Premature Ejaculation! Niall!
it's not a walk in the park to love each other by @maroonmoonlouis
(E, 24k, quarantine au) the one where Harry and Louis are roommates forced to quarantine together, but they hate each other very much a lot.
You're Writing Verses About Me by Rearviewdreamer / @all-these-larrythings
(T, 23k, fake relationship) Everybody knows that Louis has never been one for serious boyfriends. 
Take Your Time by @laynefaire
(E, 20k, series) When Harry finds himself in the middle of a messy break-up with no place to live, Louis offers a spare room in his flat. 
Tell Me Your Secrets by dimpled_halo / @comebackassholes
(E, 17k, phone sex operator au) A For a Good Time Call au where Harry and Louis get off on the wrong foot when they first meet.
Saw It In Your Eyes by @taggiecb
(E, 15k, sexuality crisis au) the one where Harry is an oblivious walnut.
Kings by dolce_piccante / @haydolce
(T, 13k, Marcel au) Marcel receives an invitation to his ten year high school reunion, which brings up some painful memories of his youth. 
Stuck In The Middle With You by green_feelings / @greenfeelings
(T, 11k, fake relationship) When Harry starts university, he finally gets to spend every day with Louis again. They have been friends since forever, and would do anything for each other.
tell me what you want by stylinsoncity / @aliensingucci
(M, 10k, pining) Louis, desperately looking for a room, pretends to be straight, thinking it would be easy, until he discovers that Harry likes to be naked at home. 
All I Do the Whole Day Through by @lululawrence
(NR, 6k, omegaverse) But why was Harry using Louis’ clothes and items that probably smelled like him in his nest?
to love you in word and deed by YesIsAWorld / @louandhazaf
(G, 4k, proposal au) Louis loves everything about living with Harry. Except for Harry's effusive proposals. Because the problem is, it's getting harder and harder for Louis to keep reacting like they're jokes.
Home Remedies by @kingsofeverything
(E, 4k, hiccups fic) Louis’ hiccups just won’t stop. Harry, his roommate and best friend, is willing to do anything to help.
It's a match! by @maggieisalarrie
(G, 1k, friends to lovers) If he swipes right, they simply won’t match and that’s the only way he could ever see this playing out. So against his better judgement, he swipes right.
-Rare Pairs-
Your Lips On Mine by taecheeks
(E, 56k, Zayn/Liam) the one where Zayn is a camboy, who likes to think about the fit mechanic with a liking for leather jackets and scruffy beards from uni during his shows. And Liam, the mechanic, who realizes his new roommate is Bradford, the man with the smooth skin covered in tattoos that Liam watches late at night with a hand wrapped around himself.
(I Was Broke) You Healed Me by @fallinglikethis
(T, 12k, Niall/Harry) Niall Horan is an unmated pregnant omega living on his own after his alpha boyfriend leaves him.
Repeat the Same Routine by twoshipsdrifting / @polkadotlou
(G, 5k, Niall/Zayn) Niall and Zayn are about the least compatible roommates you're going to find - at least that's how Niall feels on his second week of uni getting little to no sleep thanks to his roommate.
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Elli's Scribblings
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This is my cozy little corner of this hellsite. Make yourself at home, have a look around, ignore the blood, that’s just... uh, anyway. Here you’ll find posts with a focus on writing and fictional suffering, but this is a main blog, so there will be a sprinkle of memes, queer stuff and everything else I feel like putting here.
An overview of my (published) writing is below the cut, more about me and my tags can be found on my about page.
My website where you can find most of my novels in free ebook/pdf format My ko-fi where you can support me if you like what you read
@elli-scribbles​ - all my original writing that was posted here @iridium-quality-salad - my video game side blog @cant-burn-the-ice-cream​ - random stuff (untagged; mostly cute things and memes that have no image descriptions)
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About Me
Adult, at least on paper.
I curse quite a lot. Sorry (but not really).
I like tag games, but I have the attention span of a common house fly. Also sor— oh look a butterfly.
I run a queue, but I’m not tagging it.
Stuck between being a whump blog and a writing blog.
Fantasy books and video games are everything.
I will not reblog posts where important information isn't accessible, i.e. undescribed images or weird/small/colorful fonts.
English is not my first language.
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My Stories
📖 General
Despite the focus on horrible things, my endings are too happy for dark fantasy, and despite the focus on relationships, I'm too ace for mainstream romance. All stories below are set in the same universe, can be read standalone*, have a happy end, and are listed in chronological order. My personal preferred reading order for the loosely connected ones is Undeserved > Glass Shards > Second Chances > Fancy Boots > Nuisance > Sweet Little Lies. *Undeserved does not have a satisfying ending, that's what Glass Shards is for.
🌿 Thorns and Jasmine
Synopsis: Healer Caldyn gets kidnapped and tortured by bad guys who want to claim his soul, and with it his unique magic. By the time he is saved, it is almost too late. Length: 150k words / finished Vibes: non-human / captivity, torture and recovery / old and new trauma / mostly whump Links: Masterlist
🌺 Twisted Thorns
Synopsis: Blinded and traumatized, Caldyn leaves his home, hoping the distance will allow him to regain control over his magic. But no matter how far he goes, he cannot outrun his past. Length: 98k / finished (eternally editing) Vibes: blind main char pov / dark magic / humans are the weird ones Links: WIP Intro
🪙 Nuisance
Synopsis: When Merridy is saved by the city’s most infamous criminal, she’s sure her life is over. Meanwhile, Cedric just wants to have his peace back. Length: 48k words / finished Vibes: reluctant caretaker / misunderstandings / gay husbands / found family Links: WIP Intro | Masterlist | Ebook
🍬 Sweet Little Lies
Synopsis: When Laurent hides from the guards in a candy store, he falls in love with the owner. Despite his dislike for candy, he can't stay away. Length: 37k words / finished Vibes: blind main char pov / colorful glass jars / bloody handprints / dancing slowly at a grand ball Links: WIP Intro | Ebook
☕ Second Chances
Synopsis: Valadan finds the love of his life, almost gets her killed, and then spends a summer making dick jokes instead of admitting his feelings. Length: 46k words / finished Vibes: annoyances to friends to lovers / sword training (flirting) / lots of angst / perfect coffee Links: Masterlist | Ebook
⛓️ Undeserved
Synopsis: Trying to assassinate an ambassador, Damien gets caught and is made to pay for his crimes. The story of how he fucked up his life, told in three different timelines. Length: 47k words / finished Vibes: all hurt no comfort / dungeons ❤ / from bad to worse / shattered glass Links: Masterlist | Ebook
💜 Glass Shards
Synopsis: Merridy saves Damien from certain death. Leaving her life of thievery behind to make sure he recovers might turn out to be the best thing that ever happened to her. Length: 135k + words / finished Vibes: hurt/comfort / please don’t leave / quiet inn rooms / qpr ace love story Links: WIP Intro | Masterlist
👢 Fancy Boots
Synopsis: A familiar face shows up, disturbs Merry’s and Damien’s peaceful life, invites himself to dinner, and refuses to leave. Length: 46k words / finished Vibes: enemies to friends, kinda / trauma / found family / homemade food Links: Masterlist | Ebook (part of Undeserved*) *Glass Shards is set in between Undeserved and Fancy Boots, but I decided to release them together due to recurring themes and characters.
🔔 Till Death
Synopsis: When wandering healer Finnian loses a patient, he is attacked and left for dead in the forest. Hermit Eilis finds him and nurses him back to health. Length: 110k words / finished Vibes: falling leaves / so much torture / unreliable magic / self-sacrifice Links: WIP Intro | Ebook
🌈 Other Stories
Everything else that doesn’t fit one of the main story arcs, like background stories of side characters. Gwyneth: Hold On | Rescued The story of how Gwyneth met Raindrop The Rose A short fairy tale based on Beauty and the Beast April 1st I'm so sorry if you see what I did here
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If you've made it to the end - have a cookie 🍪
And if you are concerned about content warnings, this post contains extremely detailed (and extremely spoilery) content warnings for all stories, going into more detail than the masterlist or above-chapter summaries.
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Smut - Mirror Sex Masterlist
close enough to you (ao3) - irwah calum/ashton E, 5k
Summary: “But can’t we, like, just for tonight?”
Calum eyes Ashton warily, realising just how many drinks he must have had. It’s so unlike the boy to go against his own words, his own morals.
“I just, I really want you, Cal.”
Hot Dog And Milkshake (ao3) - im_just_a_sucker_for_bromance luke/ashton E, 2k
Summary: It was the first day of their new tour and Ashton was freaking out. Luke took it up to him to try and calm his best friend down. By calming down, Luke had other things in mind; things that Ashton could not even think of. Ashton could still remember that day when he had gone to Michael’s house for the first time to meet up with the guys. They were introducing themselves and Luke had said ‘hey I’m Luke and I like hotdog and milkshake’, causing Michael and Calum to snicker behind their hands. After so many years, Ashton had finally understood what that had meant.
i know you're broken, so let me fix you (ao3) - vlossoms michael/luke E, 2k
Summary: the one where Luke fucks Michael against a mirror to show him how pretty he is.
Karma’s a Relaxing Thought (Aren’t You Envious That for You It’s Not?) (ao3) - Anonymous luke/ashton E, 2k
Summary: Ashton sighs again, “No. It was me trying to be discreet. But I guess that failed.” He drums his fingers on his thigh in thought. “It was sexual, Luke. In fact, it was a wet dream - I had a fucking wet dream.” In his neurodivergent trainwreck of a brain, Ashton believes that truth is embarrassing. He shouldn’t feel ashamed or have any kind of negative sentiment, yet he does.
(Or where Ashton has a wet dream and tells Luke all about it. Luke makes it a reality.)
Late - @daydadahlias​​​ (cornflowerblue (daydadahlias)) luke/calum E, 9k
Summary: Calum loves when Luke comes over late. When Luke comes over late, he has to stay the night.
Moisturizer (ao3) - im_just_a_sucker_for_bromance luke/ashton E, 3k
Summary: The first time it happened, it was in a bathroom. Since Luke was horny again, he decided why not make it a second time. They were busy writing and recording but Luke had found a way to squeeze that in their schedule and this time, he was better prepared. Basically, it was inspired by Luke's moisturizer tweet.
Reflections (ao3) - punchinginadream luke/ashton M, 4k
Summary: Ashton doesn’t like his body. Luke decides to fuck him in front of a mirror to show him how beautiful he really is.
So Kiss Me Where I Lay Down (ao3) - FranticFangirl michael/luke T, 3k
Summary: It’s not like Michael was sly or smooth about it, hell, every other person in his life had already figured it out. Calum knew, Ashton knew, Michael’s mother knew, Calum, Ashton and Luke’s mothers all knew. He was pretty sure that even his pets knew, but somehow Luke managed to remain more adorably oblivious to Michael’s crush than a damn poodle, and Michael didn’t know whether to be impressed or concerned by that.
Or, the one when Michael has a crush on Luke, Luke helps him dye his hair, and then they have sex. Oh, also Luke is a girl.
Tie That Binds - @ashtcnirwin (elivigar) Luke/Ashton E, 98k
Summary: In which Luke wants to explore miscellaneous kinks and Ashton strikes him as a good candidate to do said exploring with with.
too hot to handle (ao3) - orphan_account luke/calum E, 11k
Summary: Just nearly 12k of cake smut I wrote when really horny.
when the party ends (ao3) - galacticsugar luke/calum E, 30k
Summary: Sadly, Calum is going to have to buy this bottle of wine. Is he torturing himself unnecessarily? Definitely. He can’t even really make himself feel pathetic about it, though. He’s fully aware of what he’s doing. Of why he misses Luke so much. Of why drinking this wine alone in his apartment is a bad idea. Even without Luke actually being present, Calum is using him.
a heaven, iowa songfic.
Work Out (ao3) - im_just_a_sucker_for_bromance luke/ashton E, 3k
Summary: When Luke had walked into the dressing room, he had thought he would be alone but he was surprised when he found Ashton there; Ashton, who was supposed to be anywhere but there. Although Ashton claimed he was feeling sick, Luke knew it was something else, something that was right up his alley, and he took it up to him to help Ashton.
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okapi-jones · 3 months
okapijones: master list of completed fics
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✶ · ☆ · MASTER FIC THREAD · ☆ · ✶
Info about my completed work, links, related art, and more below!
🌸 every version of me dead and buried 🌸
☕️ 24/24 chapters ☕️ 185k / E ☕️ Coffee shop AU ☕️ Artist Ben, recovering from trauma ☕️ Barista Rey, graduating from college ☕️ Strangers to lovers ☕️ Angst and romance and fluff and smut ☕️ HEA
Rey is a barista who never forgets a face. One day, a man walks into her café refusing to show his. A Reylo coffeehouse AU where a very sweet, very shy, but very physically and emotionally broken artist Ben meets a sunshiny but lonely barista/college student Rey - and they help heal one another.
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✨ a shade of night, a wound of light ✨
an original #reylo myth based on the art of @afterblossom
🌌 14 chapters / 98k words 🌌 Rated E 🌌 Original Myth / Fantasy AU 🌌 Primordial God Ren / Human Rey 🌌 Oceans of yearning 🌌 Magical sexy times 🌌 HEA
A lonely, forsaken god abandons the world, determined never to wake up from his slumber.
But when he closes his eyes, he dreams of a girl.
A girl who makes him wish he knew what it was to be human.
OR: What happens when you fall in love with the void - and the void loves you back?
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anxiety-thyme · 1 year
First Friday fic night is here again!
For a refresher you can see what this is about here. Last month was Snow White With the Red Hair .
In last month's poll you degenerates voted for Real Slow Burn - 100k words or more. I should've known. Since we are focused on fic type we are going to hit a few different fandoms.
Voting for next month's topic at the end!
I had a couple of requirements for myself when choosing fics this month otherwise I wouldn't have known where to start and the list would be too long. It's already really long tbh.
The 100K word count had to be for the single fic - not for a series.
The wordcount had to actually be above 100k. No cheating with those 98K fics.
The ship had to be a main part of the story, not an afterthought.
No more than two fics per fandom.
I have to have read it more than once. <- I'm aware of what this says about me. I'm the degenerate actually.
If you've read some of the fics I've posted previously you might have picked up on the very specific vibe in most of what I recommend. Yes, I am just now realizing it and no I don't want to talk about it. Yes maybe a hug wouldn't hurt. We actually have a few that won't leave you emotionally damaged this month!
I thought I'd start with some fandoms we haven't hit yet. As always mind the tags. There is definitely smut.
My Hero Academia
Pairing: Todoroki/Bakugou I'll admit, I was unsure whether to include any MHA since the fandom can be A. Lot. especially when ships are involved. That said, I live in my own little corner of the internet and there are some phenomenal writers hidden away if you go look for it.
The lights are all out (its a big big city), by shaekspeares
"Izuku leaves for America for six months; Shouto fights his way into the Top 5 Hero Rank, takes out Godzilla, reconnects with a criminal, adopts a cat, and has several belated emotional crises (not necessarily in that order). He might also be in love with Bakugou, but that's another problem altogether.
Izuku probably shouldn't leave him to his own devices anymore."
I enjoy everything shaekspeares writes in the fandom. Their prose is beautiful and their work feels fully rested within the universe while telling compelling and emotional stories.
Candy Canes and Christmas Crackers, by bigdorkenergy
“So….your huge family somehow all think that you have a long term boyfriend and are insisting that you bring him to your week long Christmas family reunion?” Despite his efforts the end of his question raised in pitch as Kirishma swallowed down a giggle.
“How does that even happen?” Kaminari added popping some of the hashbrowns Bakugou made into his mouth.
OR your classic holiday romcom where Bakugou needs a fake boyfriend to bring home for Christmas and Todoroki is willing to take that bullet."
I'm not big on Christmas fics. Not for any particular reason I don't think? But, I am a big sucker for fake dating fics. This is adorable and so pure as these two do the whole friends to lovers thing.
Okay. Are you ready for this?
BBC Sherlock
(I know, right?? What is this 2012??)
Pairing: Sherlock/Watson
Performance In a Leading Role, by Mad_Lori
"Sherlock Holmes is an Oscar winner in the midst of a career slump. John Watson is an Everyman actor trapped in the rom-com ghetto. When they are cast as a gay couple in a new independent drama, will they surprise each other? Will their on-screen romance make its way into the real world?"
I know I've said this a few times, but I don't read a lot of true AUs but of course there are always exceptions. This is done so well that I don't think you have to be in the fandom or know anything about the characters at all and you would still enjoy it. The slow build from distain to love is really well done.
Paring: Annie/Jeff (don't @me) I know Community isn't everyone's thing but there is some great fic out there just sayin'
It's Always Open Season on Princesses, Elsiesnuffin
"Annie is given the opportunity to do some travelling over the summer after her second year at Greendale."
This is very Roman Holiday-esque. It's a fun romp through Italy while Jeff figures his shit out. Jeff figuring his shit out is my bias. Also, is that a fanfiction.net link I see? 👀
Attack on Titan
pairing: Erwin/Levi
Small Mercies, by Calacreda
"Levi misses Erwin in the margin between sleeping and waking. He thinks about Erwin when he steps out of a hot bath into cold air. He imagines Erwin’s new life, his new vocation, his new family, when the seasons change, or when he blows the candles out, or now, as the sun sets. The only space he does so is a space of a threshold. It does not feel good or bad. It does not feel happy or sad. Levi realises now, however, that this is not the same as it feeling nothing."
Six years after the War ends and they part ways, Levi finds himself at Erwin's door again."
I cannot express how beautiful this is. I've read it so many times and I still cry each time. Levi feels so raw and real as someone who has never really known family and doesn't have the words to put to what he wants and how he feels.
Tiny Anthem, by onthearrow
"Levi swore to Erwin he would kill the Beast Titan. But how can he follow such an order when it's Erwin himself he pulls from its nape?"
Okay, imagine that you have spent years recovering from the grief of losing someone you loved, healing from a toxic relationship, learning to be comfortable in your skin, taking on a role you never asked for and fighting to create a space for yourself in the world. Got it? Now imagine the person you were grieving turns out to not be dead. And also, they don't know who you are. Oh and they have been brainwashed by the enemy. That feels good, right?
I am embarrassed by how many times I've read this. Every time a new chapter came out I would start from the beginning again. I finally promised myself 5 chapters ago that I wasn't allowed to start all over from the beginning until the final chapter comes out. It should be soooon.
Teen Wolf
pairing: Stiles/Derek
Home, by TheTypeWriterGirl
"January seventh. Seven days since the start of 2015, and seven days since his father’s death.
The bastard, he thinks bitterly. The past year Derek Hale had made it blatantly obvious that he hated his scrawny guts, taking every given opportunity to shove him up against a wall, growl threats in his ears and roll his eyes whenever he stepped into the room, muttering some snide comment about how spastic or idiotic he was.
So why did he fucking volunteer to take him in?"
Here is the thing. Not only is this fantastic, but the companion piece that is about Derek and Stiles' parents is also good. I didn't think I'd be able to read a fic about parents who are almost non-existent in the show without the characters from the show in it. I did here and I couldn't put it down.
The Hollow Moon, by thepsychicclam
"It's the summer after Stiles' first year of college, and he's working a crappy job and dealing with nightmares and anxiety - but he's okay, he swears. He makes it through most days without too much trouble. Then, a certain werewolf comes back into town. Which Stiles doesn't care about, nope, not at all.
After two and a half years, Derek returns to Beacon Hills with his small Pack. Though he tried to move on, something just kept drawing him back to Beacon Hills, he's just not sure what. Now, he figures he can start building something like a life - but he keeps getting distracted by Stiles Stilinski of all people."
I know this makes me awful but I'm a sucker for post Nogitsune Stiles. Nightmares? Yes. Disassociation from reality? Bring it. Add in a dash of Derek recognizing what he's going through and I'm there.
There are two fandoms missing that I would have loved to include however:
Snow White With the Red Hair: There are only 2 100+ Obiyuki fics on AO3 so they didn't feel in the spirit of this month's recommendations.
Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Let's be real most of what I have bookmarked is just straight up porn and not terribly long. That said, there is one really good story that I love but when I went back and looked at the word count turns out it is only like 50K words?
Tell me how much you like them on a scale of Abba to shoulder cat!
Do you like looking at fics by themes or do you prefer by fandom? Let me know.
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finitepeace · 1 year
two weeks ago I read dramione...
Personal favorites are marked with  ✿
Expect the Unexpected by  starboygrove | 15k | in which draco asked hermione to teach him about certain bedroom activity 
✿  The Perils of Fairy Dust by FedonCiadale | 65k | a deal with a fairy and now draco is cursed (?) with a soulmate bond 
✿  Mutually Beneficial Universe by FedonCiadale | 17k | series of 3 works | veela draco, hermione as her mate + the consequence of not telling hermione on what he actually is 
✿  Wilkins’ Family Dentistry World by Shamione | 16k words, series of 3 works | hermione works in her parent’s dental practice and guess who comes in? the coffeeshop owner draco 
Love and Other Misfortunes by senlinyu | 98k | i mean.. only dramione could make veela bonding this dramatic  lol 
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profoundbondfanfic · 2 years
Could you recommend some tentacle fics?
You're in luck because we have some self-proclaimed tentacle fic connoisseurs on this blog😂 Here are some favs.
An Unfamiliar Sea by anonymousEDward [Explicit, 108k words]
When a massive hunt drops into Sam and Dean's laps, they go in guns blazing - but what Dean discovers in the basement ends up changing his life for the better.
Alien Cas by MalMuses [Explicit, 111k words]
Dean is an astronaut, and he definitely chose the career so that he could help move humanity forward, not just because he didn't want to sit in an office, thank-you-very-much. Becoming the first human to set foot on Mars was never part of his five-year plan, but he loved his job and couldn't say no when the opportunity arose. He had spent plenty of time thinking about what he was risking never seeing again if something went wrong; his brother, brother-in-law, and the adorable kid they were adopting, not to mention his friends, his car, and pie. What he hadn't considered was what, or who, he might find when he actually got there.
Halflings by Unforth  [Explicit, 103k words]
Ever since his wife Lisa died, Dean Winchester has been willing to do anything for his son Ben. When Ben decided he wanted to adopt a halfling, Dean said yes without hesitation - provided they did so the right way, by giving whichever half-human they decided to bring home the respect and dignity it deserved. Half-octopi Castiel isn't exactly what they were looking for in a pet, but, then, they aren't exactly what Castiel was expecting for owners, either.
My Little Sea Treasure by Hiyochi [Mature, 63k words]
Exotic creatures weren’t really anything new to the world, animals all over the world, undiscovered that are coming about, being tamed to become pets. Only those who were rich or famous had these creatures, the more you had, the higher status. Somehow, Dean Winchester, a simple man, has stumbled across one.
Only a Salt Kiss Remains by InvictaAnimi [Explicit, 28k words]
Castiel is a brilliant cellist who plays by the seaside every day. Lately, though, he’s felt uncomfortable during his practice. His hair stands up on the back of his neck and he catches movement out of the corner of his eye. Of course, when he turns his head, nothing is there. He’s half convinced himself that his loneliness is causing him to go mad, when his admirer finally shows himself. Or itself. Being taken and held hostage against his will by a creature that shouldn’t exist might sound tragic to most people, but not to Castiel. Not in hindsight, anyway. It turns out, the most terrifying and unlikely of circumstances can bring unimaginable joy.
Research Specimen 14652 by Unforth [Explicit, 6k words]
Or: "Cas' just a scientist, Dean's just an octopus, can I make it any more obvious?" sung to the tune of Sk8ter Boi. Or: five times Dean hurt Cas without consent, and one time Cas' consent was enthusiastic. Or: yet another fic unforth has no idea how to accurately tag.
skin deep aquarium by sharkfish [Explicit, 3k words]
Cas moves closer, the end of a tentacle wrapping around Dean’s ankle as his hands tilt Dean’s chin up. “There are things I’m not supposed to tell you.” "I know,” Dean says. “The biology of our genders is different, as is our social behavior surrounding it.” “I know, Cas.” Cas tugs at Dean’s ankle and kisses him like it was hurting him not to. “I’m an alpha,” Cas says.
Squidding around by zation [Explicit, 92k words]
The Yellow-Eyed demon is dead. Vengeance extracted, Sam and Dean decide to try and get out of the hunting business and settle down. So Sam goes back to Stanford, Dean buys a beach house along the Californian coast, and things are simple for a while. Until it isn’t. Or, The one where the supernatural insists on finding Dean and where Dean doesn’t mind all that much. Not when the supernatural has tentacles, bluer than blue eyes, and is called Castiel.
Sweet Prince Castiel Meets the Tentacles of Pleasure by everandanon [Explicit, 98k words]
Imprisoned by his brother and doomed to be married on his twenty-first birthday, Prince Castiel manages to escape his quarters and flee to the magical Looking Glass Lake. There, he makes a wish to meet his truemate, his only hope at changing his fate — and to his surprise, his wish is granted. There’s just one problem. Or rather — there’s eight of them.
Tentacle Husbands by tiamatv [Explicit, 23k words]
“Dammit, Cas, stop it!” Dean complains, laughing. “Okay, seriously, how would the kingdom of Lebanon react if it knew their beloved Prince Castiel has a thing for feet?” Cas gives him a very wry look down the bridge of his nose, and gestures at the swirl of the eight octopus arms moving in the water underneath him. “I’m pretty sure the kingdom, if it were aware, would be much more offput by other things than my enjoying your toes, Dean.”
The Seraph by Hywar [Explicit, 135k words]
Ever since the seraph were discovered, there's been one rule society has had to adapt to: stay out of open water. Powerful, determined and aggressive, the octopus-human creatures are in a league of their own and have no qualms with taking what they want and attacking what they don't. Now, children learn to swim in man-made lakes and beaches are deserted save for researches and the fool-hearted. Dean Winchester is neither of those things. But a hunt has brought him and Sam, his brother, to one of the many abandoned beaches, where Dean is left with no choice but to take refuge in the water. He should be safe, he thinks, he doesn't go too deep - just deep enough to hide himself and to deter his pursuer. He forgot just how fast the damn things could be, and how determined they were once they had their eyes on something.
The Siren and the Sea Monster by Ltleflrt [Explicit, 15k words]
When Cain moves to Washington State, Dean decides to follow him so that he can keep his job as Cain's apprentice. The small town near the sea is Cain's home town, and he has a small beach house that he rents to Dean for dirt cheap, with only a warning to beware of strange neighbors.
What Has Eight Tentacles and Isn’t Allowed to Eat Pie? by Annie D [Teen, 16k words]
Dean watched an anime porn about this once, but real life turns out to be way less interesting. Or, the one where Dean gets turned into an octopus.
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alarrytale · 7 months
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— ambivalance —
by Fxckinf
Words: 98k
Chapters: 15/15
"Come on, you little headfuck."
Harry looks at him with mock annoyance. "Headfuck? What are you implying?"
Louis smiles. "You can't decide if you hate me or wanna kiss me. I respect it, honestly."
Harry nudges their shoulders together as they walk back into the opening of the trees. "It's called being ambivalent, actually. 'Headfuck' isn't a proper word."
Harry has always hated Louis. Louis has no idea why. He stole everything from Louis, seemingly with no motive. Louis expects him to continue to steal everything from him but he doesn't expect him to make him rethink everything he thought he knew.
A fic about friendship, loss, finding purpose, finding yourself and finding love.
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Fanonwriter2023 on AO3
Where CANON and FANON collide!
Part 9 - “After the Fallout” is currently available on AO3
Hiatus Reading
The After Series
98K words; Currently 10 Completed works.
The After Series goes beyond the events that were shown in CANON and focuses on the intimate parts of Buck and Eddie's relationship from a FANON perspective. Each part within the series includes their off-screen conversations and interactions.
After the Ambulance - 4K words; Rated General Audiences: Buck and Eddie return to the station after the ambulance explosion. Buck cooks for Eddie and they have their first of many real conversations as trusted partners.
After the Earthquake- 6K words; Rated General Audiences: Buck drives Eddie to pick up Christopher from school, he then drives them home and Eddie’s heart is full of warmth when he sees his boys together for the first time.  Also, Maddie realizes that Buck is falling in love.
After Getting Stuck - 8.6K words; Rated General Audiences: Buck drives Eddie to the hospital after Eddie’s abuela breaks her hip. Buck meets Eddie’s aunt Pepa and he starts to organize everything to help Eddie get permanent childcare for Christopher.
After Being Dosed - 7K words; Rated General Audiences:  Buck and Eddie help Maddie move into her new apartment, Eddie gets petty with Taylor Kelly after she flirts with Buck and Eddie tries to cook for Buck.
After Feeling Haunted - 4.2K words; Rated General Audiences: Buck finally decides to let go of his ‘invisible girlfriend’ while Eddie misunderstands something that was said to him.
After Choosing Their Lives - 13.3K words; Rated Mature:  After everything that happened, Buck and Eddie are both finally single at the same time and they choose each other.
After the Tsunami - 12K words; Rated: Teens and Up Audiences:   Buck and Eddie are keeping their situationship a secret but after Buck’s embolism and the Tsunami, they both realize they can't live without each other.
After the Lawsuit - 9.1K words; Rated: General Audiences: On Friday, November 1, 2019, Buck and Eddie finally talk about the lawsuit. They make up but Eddie doesn't tell Buck he's still doing something that could cause him to lose everything.
After the Fallout - 16.7K words; Rated: Mature:  Eddie finally tells Buck about his participation in the illegal fight club and Buck apologizes to Eddie again for filing the lawsuit.  They fall even deeper in love as their secret relationship continues.
After the Well - 16.9K words; Rated Mature:  Buck and Eddie break down after the well incident and Eddie finally tells Buck something that Buck’s been wanting to hear for almost a year. This is currently part 9 within the series but it will be continuously demoted until the series surpasses 3x15 “Eddie Begins”.
Continue reading on AO3
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