#ADHD culture
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okwrites · 1 year
Breaking 3 Writing 'Rules':
If you have ADHD or ASC or are some other flavor of neurodivergent, the 'rules' many big name authors post about how they've reached success can actually make you feel REALLY BAD because you can't always do the same thing.
Building a positive relationship with writing can make all the difference in getting you writing more.
'Write every day.' - Don't write every day, write when the mood strikes. But you can trick your brain into work mode by trying different things. Put on your shoes when it's time to write. Light a candle. Put on the same playlist every time. After a while, it'll be like a light-switch. When you light the candle, your brain will find writing easier. Just don't force it. When you try to force writing, you build up frustration and resentment if you don't get anything out. Some days just won't be writing days. That's FINE, lots of authors don't write every day (even if they say they do).
'I write 1000 words every day!' - Well, if you WANT to write and are struggling, a goal of 1000 words seems really far away. So do incremental goals. One sentence. One paragraph. 100 words. Usually by then you're in the flow of things and you can write 1000 words pretty easy. And again, celebrate every single one of those goals so you want to keep doing it. If you have to? One sentence, walk away, come back later, add another, GOOD JOB, two whole sentences!
'Sit down and block out x hours every day just for writing.' - Actually, the best way I've found to write is to tell my brain the deadline or end time is really, really soon - so I write in 20-30 minute chunks, and then walk away or take breaks and come back if I want to later. By setting that arbitrary shorter deadline, my brain can see an end and will work harder and focus more because it knows it's just for a little bit. If 20-30 minutes is too long, start with 15 minute chunks.
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cryptcatz · 2 years
i hate that i have no volume control. i try so, so hard to reel it in but when im happy, excited, relaxed, comfortable, etc. i talk and laugh loud. it’s as involuntary as laughter. i don’t realize until i get shushed, then i feel like my heart got stomped on. it’s so frustrating because i KNOW it is annoying but can’t seem to help it. getting called on it always takes me from happy to feeling awful in a millisecond
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ndcultureis · 7 months
Autistic ADHD culture is making a plan and then getting overly upset when you cant follow your plan because you forgot you had to do something
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adhdxxsdiary · 2 years
Undiagnosed autistic culture is obsessing over the topic of autism, feeling validated by the incredible similarities in your own life, relating to every autistic individual in some way or another, fulfilling most if not all DSM 5 criteria on ASD, taking every autistic test you could find online all confirming you are very likely autistic...
...but still end up doubting you even have it.
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lothalrebel · 2 years
Anyone else understimulated but overstimulated
Like I need something or I’m gonna go crazy but I also need everything to stop or I’m gonna go crazy
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milomilesmib · 3 months
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When you're listening to music and you find that one specific tune that hits the spot and listen to it on repeat for the rest of the day.
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king-wilhelm · 2 years
I can't focus for shit in loud places because sensory overload and I can't focus for shit in quiet places because mind wanders. I have to have noise but it has to be noise that I specifically chose and approved. U get me?
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castrotophic · 8 months
adhd culture is not taking your shoes off to lounge bc you have to leave the house again in 4 hours
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angelsonthesideline · 11 months
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autispec-hours · 2 years
are you *stims by tapping your nails on things when they’re painted* or *stims by scraping the nail polish off about two days after you got them done*
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brightlotusmoon · 1 year
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like-this-post-if-you · 4 months
Like this post if you have adhd
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i just need to calm down :3
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