#Actually Plural
the-100-percent · 2 days
Anti endos will say endogenic systems are delusional and then in the same breath say WE'RE the ableist ones??? 💀
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sophieinwonderland · 2 days
Proxying and Proxy Bypassing
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I'll need to add this to my Dimensions of Fronting post later, but thought it was interesting enough to warrant its own post.
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the-alarm-system · 2 days
I might get attacked for this but genuinely the plural community has a racism problem??
A huge thing that kinda slowed down my syscovery was seeing how white plurals would say racial slurs and excuse it with "oh my headmate is poc!" be fucking serious, on top of that you guys never really give room to poc system voices?? any major plural channel/resource is made up of white systems.
while there is a racism issue on both ends of syscourse, it also feels like anti endos ignore cultural plurality for the sake of their white psychiatrist's dsm-5
On the pro-endo side there will literally be white plurals defending the use of (radqueer) transracial and cultural appropriation, check your privilege
if you feel offended or uncomfortable by this, you might have some shit to reflect on
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antisyscourse · 2 days
morning time, so you know what that means! more polls! :DD
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So, we've seen a lot of people flaming fictives/introjects from things like Harry Potter, Twilight, DSMP, that kind of thing and we wanted to make this post.
With most of those posts, we've seen a lot of comments saying "they need to source separate" but if it's from a nonproblematic source that's not being said. Here's the thing. If an alter feels comfortable source separating, then that's one thing. We have about 4 alters from the Harry Potter franchise because we were absorbed in it when a lot of trauma happened.
None of us feel comfortable source separating. Some of us, like the fictive of Regulus Black, don't feel entirely connected to source. But notice, he hasn't changed his name. He doesn't PLAN on changing his name because while he is distant, he still feels ties. Do any of us support JKR? Hell no. We hate her with a burning passion.
Does that mean we refuse to do something like read fanfiction of HP? No, we write it because it helps Regulus process trauma, both source and his own, it helps others realize stuff will get better.
And gods forbid someone has a "cringe" source. We have a fictive from Twilight. She's pretty source connected because, well, she's source connected and wants to be. That doesn't mean your evil for being source disconnected.
We've got an introject of DanTDM, specifically his earlier videos. Does Dan (ours, we'll refer to the actual as DanTDM) enjoy watching those because it reminds him of his past? Yeah. But while he recognizes that he's from DanTDM, he doesn't feel he is him fully. He's his own person and that's okay.
Basically the point of this which we kinda missed. An introject does not reflect their source. It is not fair to demand that because an introjects source/creator is toxic that they source separate. Your being cruel and horrible for no reason that way.
We're well aware of the fact that we might lose followers, and if we do, then we don't want you here.
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pluralpolls · 1 day
Could you do a poll like, "For systems where at least one headmate has a different accent from the majority of the system, how naturally did it come to them?" with options like:
Completely naturally right from the start
It was innate, but didn't sound natural
They felt like they were supposed to have that accent, but didn't actually speak with it at all
They didn't start out with a particular connection to that accent, but learned it for other reasons
More than one of these applies for different headmates
I'm really curious how others experience this. We've only got one headmate with a different accent, so I don't have much basis for comparison.
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system-comforts · 2 days
Shout out to systems in school during this stressful time of year. Be gentle and kind to yourself and your system members during this time. Remember to take breaks and rest your mind. Remember you are doing your best.
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fictive-culture · 2 days
fictive culture is hating one of the popular ships with you to the point of feeling physically sick when seeing fanart, fanfiction etc and not being able to do anything about it
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decreeofthedeeps · 15 hours
we rly want more plural mutuals so if ur plural and support endogenic plurality please interact! feel free to ask to be mutuals, although we follow back basically everyone who follows us so you probably don't even need to ask lol
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y’all, this is a gentle reminder that radqueers are not welcome on our blog. this is not the space for you. in order to help keep our blog a safe space for disabled people, people of color, abuse survivors, transgender people, and other marginalized groups, we ask that radqueers please do not interact. if you choose to continue to interact with us, know that you are disrespecting us and crossing one of our personal boundaries.
we have explained some of the issues with a few radqueer identities in this psa:
if you are transx/transid/radqueer, we can’t stop you from interacting. but please know that you are crossing our boundaries by being here, we are not comfortable with you here, and our posts have never and will never be created with radqueers in mind. and remember, endogenic systems have never been, and will never be, inherently radqueer. many endogenic systems have always and will always exist outside of the radqueer community.
so sorry to our followers who don’t want to see posts like this. we’ve been getting some radqueers in our notifications lately so we thought this message bears repeating. thank you for listening and respecting our wishes. take care.
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the-100-percent · 2 days
We try to figure out who's fronting challenge (impossible) (gone wrong) (cops called)
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sophieinwonderland · 2 days
New System Poll!
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the-alarm-system · 2 days
I genuinely fucking despise how the anti endo community and psych community sees not rejecting your systemhood as anti-recovery. Yes I had aspen in mind while saying this. If you don't actively want to be a singlet, you're suddenly preforming DID wrong. Fuck you, my bandmates can exist as loud as I do I don't care if it makes singlets and anti-endos uncomfortable. If silencing them and forcing fusion on them is recovery, then I'll die disordered. We'll Never Fade Away - Ardyn
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thebestcrew · 13 hours
TLDR Version of this post
I've been seeing people complain that "The Future is Plural" is about wanting people to be traumatized.
It's not.
But, for those people who feel trauma is the only way to be plural let's see all the POSITIVES of more people being plural.
When people feel safe and accepted, they stop hiding. Thus more systems.
Systems who decided not to end their lives would add to that number. Which is probably the BIGGEST reason to want the future to be plural because even one life lost is one too many.
With more visibility means even more understanding of plurality in the medical field. More understanding in how to help systems cope and heal. This means more people can also be accurately diagnosed, which again increases the number of systems.
Cultural and religious plurality gets to keep thriving and expanding to new generations.
Trauma isn't going anywhere, and if the best way for someone to cope is to be a system, then yes, I hope we do see more plurals in the future. Especially if the other option would be far, far worse.
The Future is Plural is as easy to understand as The Future is Trans or The Future is Women or The Future is Neurodivergant.
I am NOT explaining the slogan or feel a need to defend it. What I am trying to do is show the positives that people seem to have a hard time finding when they take it so literally.
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antisyscourse · 1 day
your nightly poll!
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[ID: STOP! this is a syscourse free blog! it is a safe space for all systems, so please go away if you intend upon stirring up drama!]
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persmo · 2 days
Self diagnosed systems, this is for you
Remember that you can always be wrong about being a system, damn even profesional diagnosis can get wrong sometimes, and that's ok!
Just because you're self diagnosed doesn't mean you're not valid, but remember not to stick only to this possibility, is ok to be wrong about being a system and that doesn't make you a bad person at all
But please, be aware you can be wrong, and if you do, don't be harsh on yourself neither assure you're a system even if you know you're not now
Mistakes can happen, acknowledge them, move on and don't be bad with yourself, I assure you no one will hate you if they're really a good person, cause life is about mistakes and learning
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