#Angst Prompt List
moodymarie · 6 months
Reading fanfics with y/l/n is such a struggle as a european
Like they would never be able to pronounce my last name 😭😭😭
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crimsonmochi · 1 year
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✧・゚  Prompt List ・゚✧
Open to suggestions!
Smut list - 01 - "I'm gonna put that mouth of yours to good use." - 02 - "Keep your hands away or I'll fucking tie them behind your back." - 03 - "So good for me... look how much you came." - 04 - "Please, cum inside me, I wanna be filled." - 04 ½ - "Let me come in you, please. I wanna fill you up." - 05 - "You wanted this. You can take it." - 06 - "Keep your eyes on me." - 07 - "Swallow." - 08 - "Open your mouth for me." - 09 - "Look at the mess you're making." - 10 - "Suck on it. Come on." - 11 - "Such a good little pup, aren't you?" - 12 - "You'll get to cum when I decide it." - 13 - "Let me mark you. Show everyone who you belong to." - 14 - "I-It's too much-" "You're doing so good for me." - 15 - "Look at yourself, all fucked out. Pathetic." - 16 - "Look at what you do to me." - 17 - "I'll take you just like I deserve." - 17 ½ - "Please take me. Take all of me." - 18 - "No one could make you feel as good as I do." - 19 - "You talk too much. We need to put that mouth to use for something better." - 20 - "Beg for it." - 21 - "What, your [partner]? No, they don't need to know about this. You can keep a secret, can't you?" - 22 - "I bet I don't even have to touch you to have you cum." - 23 - "Is that gonna fit?" "I'll make it fit." - 24 - "Use your words, sweetheart." - 25 - "Doesn't that feel so good, baby?" - 26 - "I'll make you forget all about him/her/them." - 27 - "This cock ain't going to suck itself." - 28 - "This is why I get off to you every night by myself." - 29 - "Looks like someone missed me." - 30 - "Hurry your ass up and sit on my fucking face." - 31 - 'Keep your eyes on me." - 32 - "Is this what you wanted, angel?" - 33 - "What's the matter? Can't form a sentence?" - 34 - "Use your words." - 35 - "Don't stop even if I beg you to." - 36 - "You have no idea how much I think of this." - 37 - "You've never looked prettier than with my cum on your face." - 38 - "Look at you... you think you're in control." - 39 - "So desperate for me. Sad." - 40 - "Get on your knees before I force you down myself."
Fluff list - 01 - "I'm not leaving you. Ever." - 02 - "We're not just dating, we're married." - 03 - "Just breathe with me, okay?" "Okay." - 04 - "Can I kiss you?" - 05 - "Five more minutes please, I don't wanna leave you." - 06 - "I realized why I couldn't stand you; I can't stop loving you and it's making me crazy." - 07 - "Get some rest, you work too hard." - 08 - "You deserve the world." - 09 - "Your hair is soft." - 10 - "You're safe here with me." - 11 - "It's you. It's always going to be you." - 12 - "You're not like them. You're better, you always have been and you always will be." - 13 - "Marry me." - 14 - "How about we face it together?" - 15 - "Whatever happens; I'll be here." - 16 - "Why?" "Because I love you." - 17 - "I just don't want you getting hurt." - 18 - "I have something to do!" "Blow them off and stay here with me all day." - 19 - "Oh, so you're jealous?" "I'm not jealous!" - 20 - "Oh, so you're jealous?" "Yeah, obviously." - 21 - "Dance with me?" - 22 - "You're my home." - 23 - "When I'm with you, everything else goes away." - 24 - "You made me not afraid of love." - 25 - "Thank you." "For what?" "Just thank you." - 26 - "I just need to know that you're safe." - 27 - "I can't stay away from you, I tried but I can't." - 28 - "Wanna get drunk together?" - 29 - "Is this a date?" - 30 - "Are those my clothes?" - 31 - "You're the reason I keep going." - 32 - "They don't deserve you." - 33 - "You're worth the wait." - 34 - "It's us against the world." - 35 - "Eyes up here, idiot." - 36 - "I'm yours. I'll always be yours." - 37 - "Time will take care of it." - 38 - "Are you hurt?!" - 39 - "We'll fix things. We always do." - 40 - "One more kiss."
Angst list - 01 - "I'm sorry. I'll never be good enough for you." - 02 - "You deserve to be taken care of in a way I could never." - 03 - "What changed?" "I don't feel the same way I did anymore." - 04 - "I don't feel the same way for you as you do for me." - 05 - "I cheated on you." - 06 - "I think this ― us ― was a mistake." - 07 - "It's just a one-time thing." - 08 - "Please don't go." - 09 - "I'm too scared to die, not yet, please." - 10 - "I love you, and that's why I'm letting you go." - 11 - "Oh my god.. You love somebody else." - 12 - "It probably doesn't mean anything to you, but I love you." - 13 - "I can be there when you need me!" "But I did, and you weren't." - 14 - "Leave." - 15 - "I can't forgive you." - 16 - "Don't make me choose." - 16 ½ - "I'll pick them every time. And I can't have you hate me for it." - 17 - "I don't have a choice." - 18 - "Why does this sound like goodbye?" "Because it is." - 19 - "You said forever." - 20 - "How long have you been lying to me?" - 21 - "Did you ever love me?" - 22 - "Do you feel loved by me?" - 23 - "Why do you keep me a secret? Why are we hiding?" - 23 ½ - "Are you embarrassed of me?" - 24 - "One last time. Please." - 25 - "Are you afraid of me?" - 26 - "You know we can't keep doing this." "Doing what?" "Running away from the issue." - 27 - "Was I not enough for you?" - 28 - "You don't remember me?" - 29 - "You don't get to call me that anymore." - 30 - "It wasn't supposed to end like this." - 31 - "Is that all I mean to you?" - 32 - "So what you're saying is, I'm not worth it?" - 33 - "Will it ever stop hurting?" "No. You just gotta make room for it." - 34 - "It's better this way." - 35 - "I get it. You can leave. It's what they all do anyway." - 36 - "You're just like the others." - 37 - "You don't mean that." "I do." - 38 - "But why would you do it to me?" - 39 - "So this is the end?" - 40 - "After everything, this is all you can come up with?"
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streets-crimes · 2 years
☯︎ Hurt/Comfort Prompts ☯︎
[feel free to use & reblog]
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- dialogue -
☯︎ “I love you.”
☯︎ “don’t let go”
☯︎ “I can’t lose you.”
☯︎ “how’d you find me?”
☯︎ “I got you, don’t worry”
☯︎ “I’ll always wait for you”
☯︎ “I have to keep you safe”
☯︎ “I knew you’d come for me”
☯︎ “I’ll take care of it, don’t worry”
☯︎ “just- just hold me for a second”
☯︎ “I thought I’d never see you again”
☯︎ “I know it hurts, we’re almost done”
☯︎ “you’re the most important thing to me”
☯︎ “I trust you more than anyone in the world”
☯︎ “you don’t understand, I will do anything to protect you”
- actions -
☯︎ character A washing character B’s wounds tenderly after a fight
☯︎ character A clinging to character B in the aftermath of a serious event
☯︎ character A cooking character B’s favorite meal after a tough day
☯︎ character B carrying character A out of a dangerous situation
☯︎ character B yelling character A’s name while they’re hurt
☯︎ character B mending character A’s clothes after they get torn
☯︎ sharing a kiss after not seeing each other for a long period of time
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redd956 · 17 days
Angst Prompts Based Off of the Last 10 Video Games I've Played
"Leave me!" Character A pushed Character B towards the path of freedom, drawing themselves backwards into certain danger. "You have to go now. Let me play distraction- I'm already injured." - Dead By Daylight
Character A threw themselves against the door, slamming it shut behind them. They collapsed into a curled ball at the base of the door, soon burying their face into their hands, trying to smother out the building sob. How could they fail to safe Character B? - Rainbow Six Siege
Space, nothingness, and a barrage of endless stars. This was Character's new life. They were surrounded by an abyss of outerspace, slowly watching their oxygen tank deplete. They had a whole lot to think about. A whole new world of drifting about aimlessly until the end of days. - No Man's Sky
The motherly creature didn't hesitate to pry the child from the sludge of war, brushing at the built up dirt on their face. The child buried their face into the creature's form. They begun to beg that the creature must also save the soldier. - Sky: Children of the Light
"I'm sorry." The voice seemed innocently sad, "I don't remember you." - Reverse 1999
The exhausted figure crawled into the safe haven, drawing a splotchy trail of blood. They rolled over onto to their back. All the air escaped their lungs as the extent of their wounds ran out of adrenaline. They didn't know the place they ended up. They just knew it was safe. It didn't matter whether or not it was even empty, and it wasn't. They realized that as a shadow casted over them. - Project Zomboid
"Hero- You're fired. No ifs, ands, or buts. Get out of my sight." - Have A Nice Death
"You might think I'm crazy, but I swear to god there's someone after me. I can't shake the feeling of being watched. What if... What if it's them again?" - Muse Dash
"You have to do." Character A hissed through gritted teeth, unveiling their bloodied bite from their upper arm. They continued, "You have to shoot me Character B."
"But what if I can find a cure?"
"You have better luck finding a helicopter." - State of Decay 2
Character A promised Character B that once they remove their blindfold they could finally see again. - Cult of the Lamb
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lateatnewyork · 8 months
Angst Prompt List
“I didn’t want to hurt you. But I also couldn’t stop.”
“Just let me go. Please, I want to leave.”
“Pushing me away will not help you.”
“I don’t feel safe with you anymore.”
“Did you really believe I cared for you?”
“You deserved everything that happened to you.”
“I know you don’t want to do this. But I’m afraid you must.”
“You can’t even see how much you hurt me.”
“Stop giving me hope. It hurts so much more.”
“Our forever seems to have been short-lived.”
“I’m done. Do whatever you want, but do it without me.”
“Stop trying to make it up to me, you can’t!”
“Ignoring the problems will not make them go away.”
“How could I ever trust you again after this?”
“You’re not deserving of me.”
“I thought we were friends!”
“It was all just a sick game to you!”
“Why would you want to hurt me like this?”
“They told me not to trust you, but I didn’t listen.”
“Will you at least tell me why?”
“I’m sorry, but I had to.”
“Did you really never see it coming?”
“I wouldn’t call myself a traitor. I just look out for myself.”
“You’re so naive, it’s almost adorable.”
“How could you do this to me?”
“I must be a great actor if you believed me that easily.”
“You’re the last person, I would have thought could betray me.”
“Next time think twice before you trust someone so completely.” “Oh believe me, I will.”
“I always told you that you’re too naive for this world.”
“What kind of person could look me straight in the eye and lie to me, just to stab me in the back, the second I let my guard down?”
“I hope I could teach you a useful life lesson.”
“You… why did it have to be you?!”
“I almost hate doing this to you. But not really.”
“You lied to me! You lied to me over and over and over again!”
“How could I ever believe another word you tell me?”
“I won’t be able to buy you that ring, but I can buy you enough time to get out of there.”
“You can’t hold them off alone!” “Not forever. But for now.”
“Is there any plan in your brilliant head that doesn’t involve one of us as a sacrifice?”
“We can’t kill them! You will also die with them!” “Dying a hero would suit me well, I think.”
“It’s ok. I will be fine. You need to go now.”
“Everyone or no one! None of us will just be left behind.”
“I don’t want to hear another word from you. You will not sacrifice yourself for this!”
“It’s me or you. And in this case, we need you more than me.”
“Don’t even think about it!” “I need to do this!”
“We won’t make it both. We got to choose.”
“I guess one of us has to die a heroic death.” “Don’t be so dramatic.”
“So this is probably the end for me. One kiss for a selfless man?”
“No sacrificing bullshit! It’s you and I together, remember?”
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foxilayde · 2 years
Happy new year! This is actually my first ask so hopefully I’m doing this right haha. I absolutely loved all your angst prompts, it was impossible to choose just one, so instead I chose a few and matched it to a character. Hope you don’t mind! I’ll leave it up to you to decide which one of them speaks to you the most (although I am partial to Santi…)
Santiago - #24
Jonathan - #17 / #27
Nathan - #42 / #48
Thank you!!
Congrats on your first ask! Thanks for the request. It was so hard to decide, these were all great choices. But ofc I had to indulge you with some Santi. Enjoy!
Santiago Garcia x Fem!Reader
Rating: M. Minors Do Not Interact
Word count: 500
“We can’t… keep meeting… like this… mmmm… I’m serious… This is… the last time.” 
Santiago cares so little about your objections that he doesn’t stop kissing your lips through the false vow. He pulls back only slightly once he figures the company line has reached it’s conclusion and placates you with a breathy assuring nod before diving back in for more. 
You stumble into your bedroom where the sun shines in glaringly every day at this hour. You close and lock the door, for what reason you don’t know, while Santiago kicks off his boots. 
“I mean it, Santi.” You mutter against his lips once more, undoing his sturdy canvas belt with two hands. 
“Loud and clear, baby. Last time.” Santiago pinches your nipple through your camisole and he smiles when you whine against his lips. 
For all your protestations and promises of a “last time”, you sure are the sole perpetrator. You’re the one in the wrong here, you’re the one clinging to him like this. You’re the one shoving his pants down to his ankles and pushing him by his chest to land on the bed that isn’t his. 
And he’s the one smirking at your one woman show, your rhythm and fucking blues. The man literally has his hands behind his head, propped to watch you go down on him. And you earn it. You make it wet and loud, you make yourself gag and cry on him until he has to pull you off for not being able to hold out. 
He doesn’t ask who’s benefit it’s for, this show, this “no, yes! No, Yes!” shit, before fainting with the back of your hand to your brow. He thinks it’s kind of cute, actually; the way that you want him so bad that it makes you crazy. 
He used so get upset, play into the show, ask you why you didn’t want to keep doing this… but the back and forth interaction would only make you upset. And anyway, you always come back, no matter what bargains you make. Arguing with you is like shouting into the roar of the tides. He figures your thoughts are loud enough without his input, so now he only nods, only agrees every time you tell him to get lost, to go to hell, to leave and never come back. 
“No more” you moan, when he’s fully seated inside of you. “After this, we’re through.” 
“Okay, baby. If that’s what you wan’t, if it’s the last one, lets make it good.” And he kisses you deep, kisses you like a final goodbye for the hundredth time.
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hayleysprompts · 9 months
Angst Prompt List
12 DAYS OF PROMPT LISTS Please if you are using this prompt list, reblog and support my page. 1. "I can't do this anymore" 2. "You lied to me, I expected more from you" 3. "We are too different, it won't ever work" 4. "I thought you were the one, I guess not" 5. "We were never going to work because you didn't want it to work" 6. "I can't explain my feelings for you" 7. "I deserved that, not you" 8. "Better late than never" 9. "Prove yourself" 10. "I suppose this is where we say goodbye. Forever"
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here-haveaprompt · 2 years
Hi! Any dialogue prompts for a girl turning down a "bad boy" (who at first pretended to like her as a cruel prank and then oops, started liking her for real, but she's smart and is not going to give him another chance)?
Hello! I hope these are what you had in mind :)
CW: Swearing, prompts are thought to take place after the "bad boy" confesses or tries to win the girl's affection
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"You had your fucking chance!"
"The sad thing is it could have worked out."
"...do you really take me for a fool?"
“How could I ever trust you again?”
"Nice try sweetheart but it's time to cut the shit."
"Why do you think you deserve another chance?"""Why do you think you deserve another chance?"
"You never loved me. Maybe you do now, but you didn't then, and that's what matters."
"You can't just turn over a new leaf after using someone like that!"
"If you can go back in time and fix your mistake, then, and only then, will I accept your confession."
"...you should forget about me. It's for the best, move on."
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malavera · 2 years
The other woman dialogue | angst prompt list
"But, I loved you first." - "And I will always know that."
"You kept promising but I don't see it ever became true." - "It's not that easy."
"Don't be mad, I'll see you next week for the Ibiza trip."
"She's so beautiful, I could never be her." - "But, I always choose you though."
"I want to be by your side." - "You know you're asking way too much."
"If you love me, you love me." - "Yeah, I know."
"I’m tired of waiting.” - “I’ll be there in 10, please don’t leave yet.”
“How are you doing?” - “I told you to never text me when I leave you on read.”
“I don’t think I want to do this anymore.” - “Don’t worry, she’s leaving. Don’t say that, what about that Lake trip we always talking about?”
“I’m alone.” - “I’m busy, I’ll see you next weekend.”
a/n: something that’s popping up in my mind so i felt the need to write em down bahah, you’re welcome to use it! Though let me know 💋
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riveramorylunar · 1 year
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A/N: If you use these please tag me when you do. Thank you. 🙏
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1. "You will be able to do what we could not do."
2. "I love you even if you don't love me back."
3. "We sip the poison our minds pour for us."
4. "Rain or shine, I don't feel a thing anymore."
5. "If you do this, you will be dead to me."
6. "The pain in my heart is so real. I can't believe you did this to me."
7. "I trusted you with my heart, and you ripped it out of my chest and crushed it. You never even looked back."
8. "I wish the pain would go away. I just want to be happy again."
9. "I thought you were the one. I was wrong. Now I'm left with a broken heart and a million unanswered questions."
10. "I don't understand why this had to happen."
11. "I miss them so much", "It's like a part of me is missing, and I don't know how to go on without them."
12. "You could have had more, so much more."
13. "Why can't I have what I want? I've been dreaming of you for so long. I'm so tired of this one sided love."
14. "I'm so glad I got to spend my last moments with you. I love you, and I'll never forget you."
15. "I wish I could stay."
1. "Tell me what I need to know and I won't have to hurt you."
2. "I've been watching you for a while now. darling"
3. "No'? you're such a bad liar."
4. "It isn't up for debate кукла you do what we say."
5. "Running will just make it worse dear especially when you're running from me."
6. "Are you done screaming because I can wait here everyday and night until you do."
7. "This is your fault, you caused this when you ran away from me."
8. "Oh don't frown or I'll have to put a permanent smile on your face." "You don't want that do you?"
9. "I've been watching you for awhile and I have the urge to mark you up with my knife."
10. "Dot it or I'll make you."
11. "You don't give the orders I do."
12. "I did what you told me to. What else do you want?"
13. "Does it hurt when I do this."
14. I bet you'd look so pretty with blood all over you."
15. "I'm hurting you for your own good."
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promptsbytaurie · 9 months
dialogue prompts for ~injury~
!!please credit/tag me!!
“Shit. Shit, shit, shit, c’mere.”
“Someone get the medic. Get the medic!”
“Hey, hey, shhhh. Shhhh. You’re okay.”
“You did so good. Don’t worry, you-you did so good.”
“Here, lean on me. I can carry you.”
“We’re gonna fix you up, brand new. I promise.”
“No. No, stop. Stop talking like that. You’re gonna be fine.”
“Okay. Okay, here’s what we’re gonna do—fuck.”
“I know, I know it hurts.”
"I don't care. I'm not leaving you."
“I’m going to lift you up, okay? Tell me if it hurts.”
“Where are they? Where are they?!”
"I would believe that you're fine, but you have a goddamn knife sticking out of your leg, so."
"You just watched them die."
"This is going to hurt, okay?"
"God, I'm so sorry, it'll be over soon, I promise."
"How many fingers am I holding up? ... I don't have six fingers."
"Stop. No. Wake up. Wake up! I said wake up!"
"I came as soon as I heard."
“Get away! You’re hurting them!”
“Please be okay. Please be okay, please be okay—”
“Shit. Shit, that’s a lot of blood.”
“You dumbass. Don’t do that. Ever again.”
"Help them! Please!"
"You scared us all back there. I... Including me."
"[name]? [name], this isn't funny. Stop... please..."
"Breathe... breathe. Look at the stars, kid."
"It was supposed to be me... please, no, [name], please..."
"Tell me where it hurts, and be specific."
“You’ll be fine.” *silence* “You’ll be fine. Hey! Wake up! Please. Please wake up…”
“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.”
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me-writes-prompts · 11 months
Random + angst prompts:
By @me-writes-prompts
Yearning prompts
“I can’t stop loving you.” Angsty romance prompts
Character A gets hurt/injured ft. Character B’s feral response
Coffee shop love prompts
Situationship prompts
Situationship jealousy prompts
Heartbreaking prompts
Reuniting angst prompt
“What are we?” Prompts
Ghost x vampire prompts
More ghost x vampire prompts
Vampire x werewolf prompts
Close proximity prompts
Crush prompts
Navigating through new relationship prompts
"Please don't leave me" prompts
Lovers in "denial" prompts
Reunited lovers prompts
Grumpy x sunshine prompts
"You're too good for me" prompts
"I think...I'm in love with you" prompts
Fake dating prompts
Betrayal prompts
"What would I do without you" prompts
Roommates to lovers prompts
Ice cream prompts
Underrated trope list
First date prompts
Oblivious x pining prompts
Break up prompts
Marriage of convenience prompts
Jealously prompts
OTP bonding with their children prompts
Secret relationship between two boys prompts
Denial of feelings prompts
Internalized homophobia prompts
Sunshine vampire x grumpy human prompts
Party game prompts
Family fluff prompts
Hero/warrior prompts
Lovers to friends prompts
Childhood friends prompts
Self-esteem issue prompts for your ocs
Nervous/awkward couple prompts
Forced proximity but one of them is claustrophobic prompts
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urfriendlywriter · 4 months
20 angsty romance prompts part 2
(feel free to use <33 tag me when yall writeeee)
crying in your lover's arms
^ face buried in their chest, while their heart breaks at your every sob :(
"i wish i loved you less." but it is spat at the other person angrily, immediately being regretted after the words leave their mouth.
watching them cry and not knowing what to do (ouch-)
"why do you love me when you know i can't- shouldn't love you back?"
"you messed me up, you fcked me over and what- how dare i? how dare fckn you!"
"i am sorry. i am so so.. so.. sorry. please.. let me go."
"don't you dare do this to me- No! No, no, no, no- nono, hey, please!!"
"... why can't.. anybody see--that... I'm tired?... " (if written write, this wud traumatize me)
"I'm done waiting for you, [name]."
them literally on their knees, "please, please--just please trust me! Why is it so hard for you to believe me once?"
^ "how many times do i have to get hurt by trusting you!!?"
"i am not sorry that i don't love you. I'm sorry that you don't love yourself."
"i loved you, believe me. i did. then you turned into someone else, someone... scary."
"WHY DO YOU HAVE TO KEEP HURTING ME? why--why am i the one.. always losing everything..?"
"listen to me-" "No, no!" "my dear, i swear, that isn't what i meant." "oh yeah? i don't think so. you were pretty loud and clear back there."
"so.. you're just going to.. give up on me." "that is NOT what i meant-" "you're not willing to fight for me either. i think it's pretty clear, [name]."
hands trembling while holding their pale, bloodied face, "k-keep your eyes open, for fucks sake! PLEASE-please please, talk to me."
"promise me you'll be okay, and that you'll keep living. moving on, even without me." "only if you do the same." (this happened irl yall)
"you saved me then killed me all over again."
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streets-crimes · 2 years
๑ Angst Prompts ๑
[feel free to use & reblog]
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๑ “I thought we would work it out.” “well how’s that workin’ out for you?”
๑ “I asked you to do one thing, and you couldn’t even do that!”
๑ “I don’t even get a goodbye?” “you don’t deserve one.”
๑ “you hurt me on purpose, I will never forgive you.”
๑ “it was naive to believe you, yet I still did.”
๑ “all you’ve ever done is disappoint me.”
๑ “you never even tried to support me!”
๑ “why was I never enough for you?”
๑ “you’ll regret this.” “no, I won’t.”
๑ “I needed you, not them, you!”
๑ “I hope I never see you again.”
๑ “you’re just too much for me.”
๑ “I just wanted you to listen!”
๑ “you’ll never be my family.”
๑ “no, I won’t calm down.”
๑ “what have you done?!”
๑ “don’t you want me?”
๑ “but you promised,”
๑ “call this karma.”
๑ “don’t say that!”
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modifieduchiha · 1 year
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Show, don't tell : Part 1
Directory Writing Masterlist Blog Etiquette Buy me a Ko-Fi?
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[ Angry + Frustrated ]
Red face
Tensing up jaw/body
Clenching fists
Gritting teeth
Stomped feet
Rolling eyes
Crossing arms
Kick/Hit something
Eyebrows furl
Face crunches up
Tight lips
Narrow eyes
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[ Happy + Excited ]
Smile from ear to ear
High tone in voice
Smiling/Grinning while talking
Heart Pounding
Breathing deeply
Talking fast
Contentedly Sigh
Tilted head
Hand clasped over mouth
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[Bored + Tired ]
Pace back and forth
Sigh loudly
Blank face
Play with fingers
Staring off into space
Fidgeting around
Leaning head on hands
Rubbing eyes
Droopy eyes
Dark circles under eyes
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[Sad + Scared]
Trembling lips/body
Tears in eyes
Bite Nails
Curl up/tuck knees to chest
Bite nails
Eyes burn/turn red
Stop breathing OR breathe fast
Lose appetite
Darting eyes
Blinking quick or not at all
Pounding heart
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novelbear · 7 months
"i take it back, i'm sorry"- reactions to making someone cry
prompt list by @novelbear | cw for some very slight cursing!
"are you crying?"
"no, don't do that wait-"
"oh, stop with the tears.."
"i didn't mean it like that, hold on."
"was it something i said?"
"shit, no, that's not what i meant."
"oh, honey."
"there you go, let it out."
"suck it up."
"this was supposed to make you happy!"
"aw, don't cry sweetheart..."
[giving them a panicked hug] "no, no, no, no!"
"i should have stopped, i'm sorry..."
"what? what now?"
"you're so emotional. it's cute."
"good. now you know what it's like."
"how can i make this up to you?"
"i didn't mean to make you upset, you know."
"oh come on, it was a joke!"
"you always do this. making me look like the bad guy."
"my poor baby, i'm so sorry."
"did i scare you? sweetheart..."
"i mean i knew you'd like the gift but not this much..."
"ice cream? a movie? hugs? what do you want? name anything."
"why do you act like you're the only one with feelings? how do you think i feel?"
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